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Libre Impress

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Aim:​ ​Demonstration on Impress, utilities, overview of toolbars, PPT orientation, slide
layouts, types of views.
i).Create a Presentation using the features: slide layouts, inserting text, formatting
text, bullets and numbering, auto shapes, hyperlinks, pictures, clip art, audio, video,
tables and charts​.
ii).Create​ ​a Presentation using the features: slide design, slide hiding, slide transition,
animation , rehearse timings and custom slideshow

6.1 Procedure:
Impress is the presentation (slide show) program included in LibreOffice. You can create
slides that contain many different elements, including text, bulleted and numbered lists,
tables, charts, and a wide range of graphic objects such as clipart, drawings and photographs.
Impress also includes a spelling checker, a thesaurus, text styles, and background styles.
This introduces the Impress user interface and describes how to create a simple slide
show using the Presentation Wizard. The other chapters in this guide explain all the
features available in Impress that can be used to create more sophisticated slide shows.
When you start Impress for the first time, the Presentation Wizard is shown. Here you can
choose from the following options:

• ​Empty presentation​, which gives you a blank document

• ​From template, ​which is a presentation designed with a template of your choice

• ​Open existing presentation

• Click ​Create ​to open the main Impress window.

The main Impress window has three parts: the ​Slides pane​, the ​Workspace,​ and the
Tasks pane.​ Additionally, several toolbars can be displayed or hidden during the
creation of a presentation.


Fig 1 ​Impress main window

You can close the ​Slides pane ​or the ​Tasks pane b​ y clicking the ​X ​in the upper right
corner of the pane or by choosing ​View > Slide Pane ​or ​View > Tasks Pane ​to deselect
the pane. To reopen a pane, choose ​View > Slide Pane ​or ​View > Tasks Pane ​again.
You can also maximize the Workspace area by clicking on the Hide/Show marker in the
middle of the vertical separator line .Using the Hide/Show marker hides, but does not close,
the Slides and Tasks panes. To restore the pane, click again on its Hide/Show marker.

6.2 Layouts
The layouts included in Impress are shown here. You can choose the one you want and use it
as it is, or you can modify it to meet your own requirements. However, it is not possible to
save custom layouts.

6.3 Workspace
The Workspace (normally in the center) has five tabs: ​Normal​, ​Outline​, ​Notes​, ​Handout​,
and ​Slide Sorter ​. These five tabs are called View buttons. The Workspace below the View
buttons changes depending on the chosen view.


6.4 Toolbars
Many toolbars can be used during slide creation; they can be displayed or hidden by going to
View > Toolbars ​on the main menu bar and selecting from the context menu.

6.4.1 Status bar

The status bar, located at the bottom of the Impress window, contains information that you
may find useful when working on a presentation. You can hide the Status Bar by going to
View ​on the main menu bar and deselecting ​Status Bar ​in the context menu.

Fig 2 Status bar

6.5 Workspace views

Each of the Workspace views is designed to ease the completion of certain tasks; it is
therefore useful to familiarize yourself with them to quickly accomplish those tasks​.

6.5.1 Normal view

Normal view i​ s the main view for creating individual slides. Use this view to format and
design slides and to add text, graphics, and animation effects. To place a slide in the
slide design area of the Normal view, either click the slide thumbnail in the Slides
pane or double-click it in the Navigator .

6.5.2 Outline view

Outline view contains all of the slides of the presentation in their numbered sequence. It
shows topic titles, bulleted lists, and numbered lists for each slide in outline format. Only
the text contained in the default text boxes in each slide is shown. If you have added text
boxes or graphic objects to the slides, then these objects are not displayed. Slide names are
not included.


Fig.3 Outline view

6.5.3 Notes view
Use the Notes view (Figure 8) to add notes to a slide. These notes are not seen when the
presentation is shown to an audience on an extra display monitor connected to your

1) Click the ​Notes ​tab in the Workspace.

2) Select the slide to which you want to add notes.

3) Click the slide in the Slide pane, or double-click the slide name in the Navigator.

4) In the text box below the slide, click on the words ​Click to add notes ​and begin typing.

You can resize the Notes text box using the resizing handles which appear when you click
on the edge of the box. You can also move the box by placing the pointer on the border,
then clicking and dragging. To make changes in the text style, press the ​F11 k​ ey to open
the Styles and Formatting dialog.


Fig 4 Notes view

6.5.4 Handout view

Handout view is for setting up the layout of your slide for a printed handout. Click the
Handout ​tab in the Workspace, then select ​Layouts ​in the Tasks pane . You can then
choose to print 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 9 slides per page.
Adding and Formatting Slides, Notes, and Handouts ​for more information.
Select from the main menu ​Insert > Page Number ​or ​Insert > Date and Time ​and the
Header and Footer ​dialog opens. Click on the ​Notes and Handouts ​tab and use this dialog
to select the elements you want to appear on each handout page and their contents.

Fig 5. Handout view


6​.5.5 Slide Sorter view

The Slide Sorter view contains all of the slide thumbnails. Use this view to work with a
group of slides or with only one slide.

Fig 6 Slide sorter view

Customizing Slide Sorter view

To change the number of slides per row:
1) Check ​View > Toolbars > Slide Sorter ​and ​Slide View ​to show or hide the slide sorter
And view toolbars.

2) Adjust the number of slides (up to a maximum of 15).


TASK - 1
● Creating a new presentation

When you start Impress, the Presentation Wizard appears.

1) Under ​Type​, choose one of the options:

• Empty presentation creates a blank presentation.

• From template uses a template design already created as the basis for a new
presentation. The wizard changes to show a list of available templates. Choose the
template you want.

• Open existing presentation continues work on a previously created presentation. The

wizard changes to show a list of existing presentations. Choose the one you want.

2) Click ​Next ​and the Presentation Wizard step 2 opens. It appears as shown in Figure 14 if
you selected Empty presentation at step 1. If you selected From template, an example slide is
shown in the Preview box.

3) Choose a design under ​Select a slide design​. The slide design section gives Presentation


Backgrounds with a list of choices for slide designs. If you want to use one of these other
than <Original>, click it to select it.

4) Select how the presentation will be used under ​Select an output medium​. Most often,
presentations are created for computer screen display, so you would select ​Screen​. You
can change the page format at any time.
5) Click Next and the Presentation Wizard step 3 opens
6) Select the desired slide transition from the Effect drop-down menu.

7) Select the desired speed for the transition between the different slides in the
presentation from the ​Speed ​drop-down menu. Medium is a good choice for now.

8) Select the presentation type – Default or Automatic.

a) Choosing Default displays the presentation as a full screen presentation with

the specified speed you selected from the Speed drop down list.

b) Choosing Automatic will allow you to set the duration the slide is displayed
and the duration of the pause between the end and restart of the presentation.

9) Click ​Create ​and your new presentation is created.


● Selecting a slide layout

In the Tasks pane, select the Layout drawer to display the available layouts . The Layouts
differ in the number of elements a slide will contain, from a blank slide to a slide with six
contents boxes and a title.
The first slide in a presentation is normally a title slide. The ​Title Slide ​(which also
contains a section for a subtitle) or ​Title Only ​are suitable layouts for the first slide,
while for most of the remaining slides you will probably use the ​Title, Contents

● selecting layout

Assuming that the ​Blank Slide ​layout was not selected:

1) Click on ​Click to add title ​and then type the title text. To adjust the formatting of the
title, modify the ​Title p​ resentation style; see ​Chapter 2 Using Slide Masters, Styles, and
Templates ​for instructions.

2) If you are using the ​Title Slide ​layout, click on ​Click to add text ​to add a subtitle. To
adjust the formatting of the subtitle, modify the Subt​itle ​presentation style.

● Changing layout


To select or change the layout:

1) Place the slide in the work area and select the desired layout from the layout drawer in the
Task Pane. Several layouts contain one or more content boxes. Each of these boxes can be
configured to contain one of the following elements: Text, Movie, Picture, Chart or Table.

2) Select the type of contents by clicking on the icon that is displayed in the middle of
the contents box .

3) If instead you intend to use the contents box for text, just click on the ​C​lick to add text
and type your text.

Fig.7. Changing layout

● Adding text
To add text to a slide that contains a text frame, click on Click to add text in the text
frame and then type your text. The Outline styles are automatically applied to the text as you
insert it. You can change the outline level of each paragraph as well as its position within the
text by using the arrow buttons on the Text Formatting toolbar

Adding text to all slides


Some of the supplied slide masters have text objects in the footer. You can add other text
objects to the master page for your slides to act as a header or a footer.

1) Go to ​View > Master > Slide Master ​from the main menu bar to open Master View.

2) On the Drawing toolbar, select the ​Text ​icon or press F2.

3) Click once in the master page and drag to draw a text object.

4) Type or paste your text into the text object or add fields as described below.

5) Click ​Close Master View ​on the Master View toolbar or go to ​View > Normal ​on the
main menu bar when you are finished.

● Formatting text

Formatting text may require some intervention in three areas:

• Character attributes (for example font color)

• Paragraph attributes (for example alignment)

• List attributes (for example type of bullet)

Selecting text

Text must be selected before it can be formatted. Any formatting changes will apply
only to the selected text.
• To format ​all t​ he text in a text box, click once on the text, then click once on the border
of the text box to display the selection handles. Now any formatting changes will apply
to all the text in the text box.

Modifying a presentation style

To modify a presentation style, follow these steps:

1) Open the Styles and Formatting dialog (Figure 44) by pressing ​F11 ​or selecting
Format > Styles and Formatting ​on the menu bar.

2) Make sure the ​Presentation Styles ​icon is selected.

3) Right-click on the style to be modified and select ​Modify ​from the context menu. The

tabbed pages available in this dialog for modifying a presentation style .


Fig.8 style and formatting

Fig 9. outline

Updating a style from a selection

To update a style from a portion of text that you have just modified or would like to use:

1) Select an item in a text box that has the format you want to adopt as a style.

2) In the Styles and Formatting dialog, select the style you want to update and then

click the ​Update Style ​icon .

Applying a presentation style

To apply a presentation style, move the paragraph to the appropriate outline level as
described in “Creating bulleted and numbered lists” .This is different from Writer, where
you select the desired style from the Styles and Formatting window.

Formatting characters

To view the character formatting options, select ​Format ​> ​Character ​on the main menu

bar or click the ​Character ​icon on the Text Formatting toolbar and the Character


dialog opens. If Text Formatting toolbar is not visible, choose ​View > Toolbars > Text
Formatting. ​Note that character styles do not exist in Impress.

Fig:.10 formatting characters

● Creating bulleted and numbered lists

The procedure to create a bulleted or numbered list varies depending on the type of text box
used, although the tools to manage the list and customize the appearance are the same. In
AutoLayout text boxes created automatically by Impress, the outline styles available are, by
default, bulleted lists. For normal text boxes an additional step is required to create a
bulleted list.

​Changing list appearance

You can fully customize the appearance of a list, change the bullet type or numbering for the
entire list or for a single entry. All the changes can be made using the Bullets and
Numbering dialog , which is accessed by selecting ​Format > Bullets and Numbering ​on

the main menu bar or by clicking on the ​Bullets and Numbering ​icon on the Text
Formatting toolbar.


Fig:11 Bullets and numbering

Selecting entries
To change the appearance of an entire list:

1) Select the entire list by highlighting all the text in the text box or click on the border of
the text box so that the selection handles are displayed.

2) Select ​Format > Bullets and Numbering ​on the main menu bar or click on the

Bullets and Numbering ​icon on the Text Formatting toolbar to open the
Bullets and Numbering dialog. This dialog contains five pages: Bullets,
Numbering type, Graphics, Position, and Customize.

3) If a bulleted list is required, select the bullet style from the default styles available on the
Bullets page.

4) If a numbered list is needed, select a numbering style from the default numbering
styles on the Numbering type page.

5) If a graphics style is needed, select a graphic style from the default styles available on the
Graphics page.
6) Click ​OK ​to save your changes and close the dialog


Position page
Use the ​Position ​page to adjust the indentation and spacing of the bullet point and its text.

Fig:12 positioning the Bullets and numbering

Customize page
Use the Customize page to alter the style of outline levels. The options available on this page
depend on the type of marker selected for the list. Using the Customize page, you can create
complex structured layouts, for example a nested list with numbering followed by bullets.

Fig.13. Customizing the Bullets and Numbering


● Auto shapes:
● Goto Insert menu and select shapes
● Now select the shape i.e., basic , Line, or Symbol
● Now draw the shape .

● Hyperlinks
To insert a hyperlink, or customize the appearance of a hyperlink
1) Select ​Insert > Hyperlinks ​on the main menu bar to open the Hyperlink dialog .

2) On the left hand side, select one of the four types of hyperlinks. The top right part of
the dialog changes according to the selection of hyperlink type.

3) Create your hyperlink using the dialog, then click ​Apply ​to insert into your slide.

4) Click ​Close ​to close the dialog.

● Pictures: ​This describes several ways to insert a picture from an external source into the
presentation. Once the picture has been inserted, it can be formatted extensively.
● Goto Insert menu select Media
● Select the type i.e Gallery, Photo album ,Scan , animated Image.
● And then select the image and press Enter.


Fig:14. Pictures

● Fontwork (Clipart):
Use ​Fontwork t​ o obtain special text effects.
To start using ​Fontwork​:

1) Click on the ​Fontwork Gallery ​icon on the Drawing toolbar or on the Fontwork
toolbar to open the Fontwork Gallery dialog.

2) Select the preferred style from the Fontwork Gallery dialog and click ​OK​. The text
Fontwork i​ n the selected style appears on the slide. You can modify its shape and
properties after it has been placed on the slide.

3) Double-click the object to edit the Fontwork text. Type your own text to replace the word
Fontwork t​ hat appears over the object.

4) Press the ​Esc ​key or click outside the area with the selection handles to exit.


Fig.15. Fontwork gallery

● Inserting Audio or Video:

● Goto Insert Menu and select audio or video
● Now select the audio file or Video File and press Enter.


Fig:16: Insert movie and sound

● Tables and Charts

Creating a table

When working with tables, it is useful to know the number of rows and columns needed as
well as the appearance. The parameters can be adjusted later, but this is more laborious
than setting the correct table dimensions from the beginning.

Using Table Design

To insert a table using the Table Design section in the Tasks pane, proceed as
1) Select the slide which will contain the table and, if necessary, modify the slide
layout to create space for the table.
2) Select ​Table Design ​in the Tasks pane. If the Tasks pane is not visible, select
View > Task pane​.
3) Select one of the predefined styles, which only differ in the color scheme. It is
recommended that you select a color scheme similar to the one you want, but
you can change table colors later on.
4) Specify the number of columns and number of rows in the Insert Table dialog .
5) Click ​OK ​to close the dialog and your table appears in the center of your slide.


Fig17: Table design

Fig:18 Insert table

Creating a table directly

To create a table directly, proceed as follows:

1) Select ​Insert > Table ​on the main menu bar or click the ​Table ​icon on the
Standard toolbar to open the Insert Table dialog.

2) Specify the number of columns and rows.

3) Click ​OK ​to close the dialog and your table appears in the center of your slide.
4) Alternatively, click on the small triangle to the right of the ​Table ​icon to open a
graphic tool for inserting a table .
5) Drag the mouse cursor to the right and down in the grid until you have the required
number of columns and rows
6) Click the left mouse button to insert the table

Fig 19: Create table


● Charts:
A chart is a graphical interpretation of information that is contained in a spreadsheet.
To insert a chart using Impress tools:

1) Go to ​Insert > Slide ​on the main menu bar, or right-click on the Workspace and select
Slide > New Slide ​from the context menu, or right-click on the Slides pane and select
New Slide ​from the context menu to insert a new slide into your presentation​.

Fig 20: Inserting Charts

1) Select the ​Insert Chart ​icon on the new slide , or use ​Insert > Chart ​on the main

menu bar, or click the ​Chart ​icon on the Standard toolbar and a sample chart
is inserted into the slide containing sample data


Fig 21: Charts

Selecting chart type

1) Make sure that your chart is selected. The chart has a border and selection handles
when selected.

2) Click the ​Chart Type ​icon on the Formatting toolbar or go to ​Format ​> ​Chart Type
on the main menu bar, or right-click on the chart and select ​Chart Type ​from the context
menu to open Chart Type dialog

Fig6.22: chart type

Entering chart data:

1) Make sure that your chart is selected and you have selected your chart type.

2) Click on the ​Chart Data Table ​icon , or select ​View ​> ​Chart Data Table​, or


right-click on the chart and select ​Chart Data Table ​from the context menu to
open the Data Table dialog.

3) Type or paste information into the cells within the desired rows and columns to
enter data into the Data Table dialog. You can also use the icons in the top left
corner of the Data Table dialog to insert, delete or move data​.

Fig6.23: data table


Slide Design:
● Go to Slide menu and select master slide design


Fig6.24: slide design

● Now press Load and select the category and template you want press OK.

Fig 25. Load slide design

Slide Hiding:

● Select the Slide that you want to hide


● Goto Slide Menu and select Hide Slide

Slide Transition:

● Select the Slide You want to transit

● Goto Slide menu and press Slide Transition
● Select the Transition you want.


● Goto Format menu and select Custom Animation.

● Select the Slide Element then Click Add Effect.
● Now select the category and Effect you want.

Rehearse Timings:

● Goto Slideshow Menu

● Select Rehearse timings option

Custom Slideshow​:

● Goto Slideshow Menu

● Select Custom Slideshow Option
● Click New and then select the slides for custom slideshow
● Now click Start for custom slideshow.


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