Flow Scanner: Production Logging in Multiphase Horizontal Wells
Flow Scanner: Production Logging in Multiphase Horizontal Wells
Flow Scanner: Production Logging in Multiphase Horizontal Wells
Production logging
in multiphase
horizontal wells
Applications Multiphase fluid dynamics Flow regime in near-vertical well.
I Multiphase flow profiling In vertical wells and wells with devi-
in nonvertical wells ation less than 20°, oil and water are Velocity
I Identification of fluid and gas mixed across the entire wellbore, with
entries in multiphase well or oil, the lighter phase, increasing on the
liquid in gas wells upper side of the well. The velocity pro-
file is smooth, and the water holdup
I Detection of fluid recirculation
profile varies gradually across the pipe.
I Stand-alone, real-time, three- Averaged measurements across the Top Bottom
phase flow interpretation wellbore are adequate to determine the
velocity and holdup with this type of Holdup
Benefits flow structure.
I Unambiguous flow profiling Once deviation exceeds 20°, however,
in nonvertical wells regard- the center measurements of conven-
less of phase mixing or tional production logging tools are usu-
recirculation ally inadequate for multiphase flow 0
profiling. Top Bottom
I More accurate flow measure-
For wells with deviation between 20°
ments than possible with con- Water Oil
and 85°, some portions of the wellbore
ventional logging tools in highly
have monophasic flow, but the overall
deviated and horizontal wells
flow structure is complex. Water, the
I Three-phase flow rates com- Flow regime in deviated well.
heaviest phase, segregates to the bottom
puted in real time using dedi- of the pipe, and the mixing layer is on
cated algorithms the upper side of the hole with dispersed
bubbles of oil.
Features Water is frequently recirculated at low
I All sensor measurements flow rates, and the water velocity on the
simultaneous and at the lower side of the hole can be negative in
same depth some areas. At high flow rates, differen-
tial acceleration of phases caused by
I Combinable with PS Platform*
the shear forces between the different
and other cased hole logging Velocity Holdup
fluids can lead to instabilities in the 1
flow structure. This flow structure has
I Short length for running in large gradients in the velocity and
wells with high dogleg severity holdup profiles.
I Direct, localized measure- Oil and water flows in wells with 0
ments of phase velocities and deviations between 85° and 95° are pre- 0
Top Bottom Top Bottom
calculation of a multiphase dominantly stratified. Water flows at
velocity profile the bottom with oil on the top. Even Water Oil
I Full three-phase holdup for flow rates as high as 20,000 B/D in a
answer from the same depth 5-in. [127-mm] liner, there is little mixing.
At low flow rates, the flow has a strong Flow regime in near-horizontal well.
I Scanning sensors across the
dependence on well deviation.
vertical axis for more accurate
When gas is also present, depending
detection of phase interfaces
on the well deviation, as many as six
I Measurement of mixed and major flow regimes can be encountered.
segregated flow regimes For a constant flow rate, the holdup
I Independent measurement and velocity profile of each phase vary
of gas velocity in multiphase with the well deviation.
horizontal wells Biphasic experiments carried out in
Velocity Holdup
I Detection of heavy phase a controlled flow loop with equal flow 1
recirculation downhole rates for oil and water show the dra-
matic effects of borehole deviation
I Software optimization and
on flow behavior.
real-time display of data from
all 19 sensors 0
I Caliper and relative-bearing Top Bottom Top Bottom
measurements for continuous
Water Oil
sensor location
Flow loop experiment with equal flow rates for oil and water.
Relative speed
flow rate 1,500
At 90° the velocities and holdups of the oil because of its higher fluid density. influence the flow profile. Logging prob-
oil and water are nearly equal. Because The water holdup now decreases while lems typically occur when conventional
oil is more viscous than water, it has a the oil holdup increases. tools run in deviated wells encounter
slightly lower velocity. The oil holdup is top-side bubbly flow, heavy phase recir-
slightly higher than the water holdup. Why conventional production logging tech- culation, or stratified layers traveling at
As soon as the borehole deviates nology is inadequate in nonvertical wells different speeds.
slightly from 90°, the oil and water flow Using production logging to accurately Flow loop studies have also revealed
at different velocities. At high flow rates determine the inflow of oil, gas, and the ineffectiveness of conventional log-
the dependence on borehole deviation water phases is fundamental to devel- ging tools in multiphase flows. Center
is smaller because the increasing shear oping optimum production strategies measurements made by such tools are
frictional forces against the wall and and designing remedial workovers. inadequate for describing complex flow
interface dominate. But in highly deviated wells conven- because the most important information
At deviation lower than 90° (uphill), tional production logging tools deliver is located along the vertical diameter of
water, the heavier phase, slows down, less-than-optimal results because they the wellbore. Conventional tools have
and oil velocity increases. The water were developed for vertical or near- sensors spread out over long distances
holdup increases while the oil holdup vertical wells. in the wellbore, making measurement
decreases. Any gas present would start Downhole flow regimes in deviated of complex flow regimes even more
to slug. boreholes can be complex and can difficult.
At well deviation above 90° (down- include stratification, misting, and recir-
hill), flow is still predominantly strati- culation. Segregation, small changes in
fied. The water flows much faster than well inclination, and the flow regime
The solution: Flow Scanner system The Flow Scanner tool uses a maneuverable arm to deploy sensors along the vertical axis of nonvertical
The Flow Scanner* horizontal and wells to obtain velocity and holdup measurements in mixed and segregated flow regimes.
deviated well production logging system
was developed especially for highly
deviated and horizontal to near-
horizontal wells.
On one side of the tool’s retract-
able arm are four miniature spinners
designed to measure the well fluid-
velocity profile. On the other side are
arrays of five electrical and five optical
probes for measuring localized water
and gas holdups, respectively. Addition-
ally, a fifth miniature spinner and a
sixth pair of electrical and optical
probes on the tool body measure flow
properties on the low side of the well.
All sensor measurements are made at
the same depth simultaneously.
The Flow Scanner system is run
eccentered, lying on the low side of the
well with its arm deployed across the
vertical diameter of the wellbore. The
arm is extended to a length equal to
the diameter of the production tubu-
lars, so it serves as a caliper, providing
the area measurements needed to
calculate flow rates.
The tool has a small outside diameter
(OD) of 111⁄16 in.[42.9 mm], and it can be
run in holes ranging from 27⁄8 in. to 9 in.
[73.0 to 228.6 mm] using coiled tubing,
wireline, or the MaxTRAC* well tractor
system. Its short 16-ft [4.9-m] length
makes it ideal for wells with high dog-
A conventional spinner measures flow in the center of the wellbore, regardless of the flow profile,
leg severity. When an even shorter tool- whereas the Flow Scanner spinners measure velocities at five different points across the vertical
string is desired, the 4-ft [1.2-m] axis of the wellbore. The average velocity measurement of the conventional spinner would not account
hydraulic section used for scanning for the negative velocity measured here by the bottom spinner of the Flow Scanner tool.
and closing the tool can be removed.
The system operates in temperatures
to 302°F [150°C] and at pressures to
15,000 psi [103,425 kPa].
The Flow Scanner system is com-
binable with the PS Platform system
and other cased hole logging tools.
The Flow Scanner system identified and quantified zonal oil and water production in this well in the Gulf of Suez after conventional
production logging had failed. A workover operation led to an 800% increase in oil production.
The Flow Scanner system demonstrated in this North Sea well that the effect of deviation on holdup
decreases as flow rates increase.
Vertical (m) Water Oil
1 : 4000 Perforation
m X000 X100 X200 X300 X400 X500 X600 X700 X800
water to 100 ft below the surface. –20 (°) 20 Total Holdup (m/s) –1,000 (B/D) 4,000 0 (B/D) 5,000 0 100 250 (°F) 275
06-PR-039 August 2006
*Mark of Schlumberger
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