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People v. Banihit

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[G.R. No. 132045. August 25, 2000.

] accused appellant’s right against self incrimination and

directed the Warden to cause the examination of accused.
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. ROBERTO
BANIHIT alias "BOBBY," accused-appellant.
The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee. ISSUE: Whether or not the constitutional right of an accused
Public Attorney's Office for accused-appellant. against self incrimination will be violated by subjecting him
to medical examination.
FACTS: Accused Banihit was charged, tried and convicted of
the crime of rape, for raping his 9 year old niece. He was HELD: NO.
sentenced to death and ordered to indemnify the victim.
While it is true that the constitutional right of an accused
On September 7, 1997, at around 6 o’clock in the evening, against self incrimination proscribes the use of physical or
Lucita Banihit, Glaiza’s mother, was in her house doing the moral compulsion to extort communications from the
laundry. Accused Banihit arrived looking for Napoleon, accused and not the inclusion of his body in evidence when it
accused’s older brother. Lucita told him that Napoleon was may be material. PURELY MECHANICAL acts are NOT
not home. included in the prohibition as the accused does not thereby
speak his guilt, hence the assistance and guiding hand of
Accused appellant and Glaiza rode a motorcycle and went to counsel IS NOT required.
a grassy lot and there Accused raped Glaiza. Glaiza did not
tell her mother what happened. The next evening, Glaiza felt The essence of the right against self incrimination IS
pain in her vagina. Lucita grilled her daughter to tell her TESTIMONIAL COMPULSION, that is the giving of evidence
what happened, and Glaiza said she was raped by her uncle. against himself through testimonial act. Hence, it has been
The following week Glaiza was examined and findings stated held that an accused MAY BE compelled to submit to
that her hymen has laceration and Glaiza was found positive physical examination and to have a substance taken from his
for gonorrhea. body for medical determination as to whether he was
suffering from gonorrhea which was contracted by his
An information was filed against the accused after he victim.
pleaded not guilty, the trial of the case ensued.

At the hearing the prosecution moved the accused appellant

be medically examined to determine whether he was
likewise inflicted with the venereal disease. The trial court
ruled that ruled that the examination would NOT violate

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