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Radford Global Job Leveling

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Global Job Leveling at Radford: A Tailor-Made

Approach for Companies Driven by Innovation

By: Brooke Green, Associate Partner; Marie Brinkman, Associate Partner; Patrick Gutmann,
Director; Gaurav Dutt, Associate Director
Team: Compensation Consulting
Published: February 2015

As a company matures and expands its global footprint, the approach it takes for organizing its workforce
will have a lasting cultural and financial impact. Organizational structure and design affects every aspect
of a business, including talent mobility, compensation programs and even the speed of innovation. When
headcount grows, it quickly becomes incumbent upon companies to find effective ways to organize jobs
into job families where similar work is performed. A solid approach to job leveling translates into better
communication with employees, more clearly defined career paths, and salary structures with greater
market alignment, among many other benefits.

For example, the table below illustrates how job leveling systems can address a number of common
business concerns:

Business Concern Job Leveling Solutions Business Results

 Inconsistent approaches to  Create a salary structure  Better reflect local market

pay relative to the market, anchored to market data to pay levels and practices
impacting the ability to attract govern pay decisions across  Achieve internal and external
and retain key employees your business pay equity

 Inconsistent internal pay  Assign similar jobs to  Greater consistency in pay

opportunities for staff in consistent job grades, giving decisions and outcomes
similar roles with equivalent managers better guidance  Enhanced ability to meet
levels of responsibility on pay and promotions legal and regulatory codes

 Poor transparency regarding  Use job families to identity  Give employees a vision for
career progression, leading and illustrate available long-term career success
employees to question their career paths around the  Better identity top talent for
value within the organization organization to employees succession planning

Global Job Leveling at Radford: A Tailor-Made Approach for Companies Driven by Innovation
Compensation Consulting
© 2015 Aon Corporation. All rights reserved.
The business challenges outlined in the table above are certainly not unique to the technology and life
sciences sectors where a majority of Radford’s clients reside; however, these concerns are exacerbated
by high rates of growth and rapid demands to evolve business models and talent profiles to meet
changing market forces. For technology and life sciences companies, who live and die based on their
ability to innovate, these types of challenges are significant and make it all the more important to employ
effective job leveling systems.

In light of this dynamic, over the past several years, our team has observed a steady shift away from
highly regimented job leveling models at technology and life sciences companies, specifically point-value
based systems. In Europe for example, a recent survey by our consulting practice indicates that 20% of
responding companies revaluated or redesigned their job leveling architecture in the past year, and
another 30% of respondents are prioritizing updates in the year ahead.

Increasingly, human resources and talent leaders at technology and life sciences companies seek job
leveling tools that have enough built-in flexibility to handle cultural differences, local and regional
regulations, diverse business needs and changing talent requirements. At Radford, our global leveling
approach, which is integrated into the global architecture of our surveys, meets these requirements.

The Radford Approach

When we talk about job leveling at Radford, we’re describing a method of creating a structure that has
articulated career paths for various job families and which can support a global organization. However,
this system is underpinned by job architecture, which is a method of organizing jobs into job codes, job
titles and functional areas all before assigning a grade level. The chart below illustrates the relationship
between job leveling and job architecture— both of which are critical to creating a solid foundation for
career path mobility and highly effective salary structures.

Global Job Leveling at Radford: A Tailor-Made Approach for Companies Driven by Innovation
Compensation Consulting
© 2015 Aon Corporation. All rights reserved.
To take these models a step further, the following case study describes how we can translate the
sometimes abstract concepts of job architecture and job leveling into successful systems at large
multinational companies:

Case Study:
A leading technology company headquartered in Europe with a global footprint

Business Challenge
Our client was undergoing rapid growth and looking to scale its domestic business into more
international markets. Until this point, the client had different approaches to managing
compensation programs and job grading across its functional areas and business units. The
company needed to evaluate and compare its current leveling structures across the business
against each other; develop a single consistent approach to leveling jobs; assign grades across the
business; and develop a dual career ladder, as too much emphasis was being placed on
management hierarchy at the expense of the technical individual contributor career paths.

Our critical first step in addressing these issues was to use current and relevant benchmarking data
to begin assigning an overall job classification architecture to the various job titles at the company.
We also conducted detailed interviews with senior leaders to confirm our understanding of job
content, career progression criteria and global level differentiators. This allowed us to combine our
draft classification architecture based on market data with specific feedback on corporate goals and
culture. Next, we aligned all job roles in the proposed architecture into grade levels with salary
ranges attached for each geography and functional grouping.

Finally, we undertook an impact analysis to understand the cost implications of moving to a new
global system targeted at various levels of market competiveness (e.g., the impact of setting pay to
th th th
50 vs. 60 vs. 65 percentiles of the market). Once the new system was approved by HR and
business leaders, we put a robust communication process in place to train managers on using the
new system in addition to a messaging platform for announcing the new system to all employees.

Client Results
At the end of our engagement, the company had the following tools in place:

 Tailored job leveling matrices to outline level differentiation and progression for employees
across different functional groupings;

 A new salary structure that was deployed in different countries and linked to robust market
data from the Radford Global Technology Survey;

 Leadership buy-in via a transparent process and easy-to-understand methodology; and

 A governance process to review and update the structure on a regular basis in line with
changing business demands.

It’s important to remember that job leveling systems are helpful for many types of companies— from
publicly-traded multinationals like the example above, to small, private, local companies seeking a flexible
foundation upon which to grow. Embedding a common language for job leveling and career mapping into
the culture of a company at an early age can have long lasting dividends.

Global Job Leveling at Radford: A Tailor-Made Approach for Companies Driven by Innovation
Compensation Consulting
© 2015 Aon Corporation. All rights reserved.
Finally, it’s imperative that any approach to job leveling include enough elasticity in the system so that it
can be tailored to meet the demands of different companies and different markets. In the next section of
this paper, we describe how Radford’s approach can be customized for companies operating in Asia,
Europe and the United States.

Companies with operations in Asia often prefer to include what we call “tweener grades” into their job
leveling model. These grades are intermediate steps within a global career level that have their own
specific base salary or fixed compensation ranges. This allows for more frequent performance reviews
and pay adjustments. This type of approach is sometimes used in China and India, where the jump in pay
from one official job level to the next is steep, and the promotional velocity for lower-level employees is
typically expected to be rapid.

The chart below illustrates how tweener grades can be developed specifically for Asia within the context
of a larger global leveling system. (In this case, we show data for a Software Engineer Systems position
in India using Radford Global Technology Survey data published in October 2014.)

Global Job Leveling at Radford: A Tailor-Made Approach for Companies Driven by Innovation
Compensation Consulting
© 2015 Aon Corporation. All rights reserved.
In the chart above, Global Grade 5 is subdivided into two tweener grades, 5a and 5b, in order to
accommodate more frequent performance assessments. The overall fixed compensation range for Global
Grade 5 remains the same, at 560,000 INR to 1,040,000 INR; however, additional pay ranges now exist
within this span. In this example, we used the midpoint of Global Grade 5, typically the market median, as
the maximum pay level for Grade 5a. The maximum pay level for Grade 5b is the same as the maximum
pay level for Global Grade 5.

In Asia, it is also important to evaluate pay levels for support functions very carefully to separate technical
positions from administrative roles and skilled production jobs whose requirements and pay levels may
vary considerably. While administrative, technical and production roles can still be aligned into consistent
global job levels, each of these support functions should have their own market-based pay ranges to
reflect their specific values in the local market.

We also need to be aware of key markets where management talent may be paid a premium over what
we typically view as comparable individual contributor positions in a dual career ladder global structure.
Where this is a factor, separate market-based pay ranges can be created for management and individual
contributor positions that still remain in the same global grade for purposes of internal pay equity and
global consistency.

Analytical forms of job evaluation, such as the point-factor approach, continue to dominate the landscape
in many European countries due to the current regulatory environment, which requires pay equity
compliance in collective labor agreements. However, European companies as a whole are starting to
become less concerned with minute levels of precision in favor of approaches that facilitate more dynamic
organizations that have the capacity to adapt pay and talent practices to more readily meet market

Still, driving this type of change has hurdles, and HR leaders need to be aware of the many steps that
might be involved in migrating to a global leveling model. Some European countries, such as Germany
and Austria, have a strongly regulated labor force. For example, in Germany there is a strong influence
from employee representatives (often in the form of “Works Councils”) enforced by the
“Mitbestimmungesetz,” which requires that half the seats of the supervisory board represent the
workforce. If a company wants to implement a new grading or leveling scheme, the Works Council must
approve the changes and be involved in the process. While the representative body doesn’t have legal
authority over determining the size of salaries, it does have a voice in the overarching scheme that
underpins compensation decisions.

In general, we find that companies in Germany (and other similarly regulated markets) are attracted to the
Radford approach because it is rational, transparent and equitable, while still differentiating for high
performers. This should provide a solid foundation for negotiations with your Works Council. The key is to
start the process in a transparent manner and to have a strong business case for why a global leveling
model will support long-term growth and innovation everywhere that your company operates.

Insights from recent client engagements suggest a shift in thinking is underway among both management
and employee leaders. As the results from Aon Hewitt’s 2014Trends in Global Engagement show, career
development is at the top of employee engagement goals for both employees and companies. This
means that job leveling approaches quickly need to evolve beyond simply serving as defensible
frameworks for pay equity. They need to also serve as backbones for career path development,
international mobility and incentive plan design.

Global Job Leveling at Radford: A Tailor-Made Approach for Companies Driven by Innovation
Compensation Consulting
© 2015 Aon Corporation. All rights reserved.
United States
At technology and life sciences companies in the US, dual career ladders—where managers and
individual contributors progress up the ranks in similar organizational levels—is now an organizational
norm. Employees who have technical or scientific skills are no longer required, or even encouraged, to
pursue management roles in an attempt to further their careers if that’s not their desired career path or
they lack managerial skills. Companies have recognized the value of keeping experts focused on what
they do best—the work itself.

Radford’s global leveling approach recognizes this organizational reality by aligning job levels with both
the internal value companies place on individual contributor positions relative to managerial positions, as
well as the value the market places on each type of job. The system combines individual contributors and
managers into global grades where market pay suggests equivalence. Below is an example of how
different job families are graded and grouped into two tracks—one for management and one for individual

This type of dual career ladder was utilized during a recent client engagement for a US life sciences
company with limited plans to expand overseas. The company had a large number of employees with
PhDs and needed to ensure alignment between scientific, management and business career paths.
Radford consultants successfully implemented a job leveling system that helped employees understand
the different career opportunities available to them within their function and across the company. It also
helped alleviate the pressure for scientists to move into management roles as the only way to advance in
their careers. At the same time, the same model was employed by a rapidly growing private online
gaming company with multiple large offices in the US and a few smaller satellite offices in Asia and
Europe, demonstrating the flexibility of this model across different business types and different job types.

Global Job Leveling at Radford: A Tailor-Made Approach for Companies Driven by Innovation
Compensation Consulting
© 2015 Aon Corporation. All rights reserved.
An increasing number of companies in the US are also using global leveling systems as a way to
determine eligibility for all manner of compensation and benefits programs, not just for setting base salary
levels. Global levels can be used to determine a position’s bonus eligibility, bonus target and equity grant
guidelines. While regional differences in pay levels exist, the global leveling system enables a company to
be consistent in its determination of program eligibility by considering the internal equity of the positions in
a given grade and then letting market practices dictate actual compensation levels.

Around the world, more companies are turning to global job leveling systems as a replacement for their
legacy methods of grouping similar jobs across various regions and business units—whether they
currently use a points-value system, generic job descriptions or something else. Job leveling, when
designed correctly, greatly simplifies how global workforces are organized and managed by introducing a
common grading language across all employees and functions, while still differentiating for performance
and specific market realities. Importantly, most companies that turn to job leveling find the approach to be
more transparent, fairer and easier to communicate to employees. This infrastructure is also easier to
maintain as a company continues to grow its workforce and geographic reach.

Radford’s global sales, technology and life sciences surveys provide companies the basis for creating a
job architecture that provides a framework upon which job leveling systems are built. Further, our
consulting teams, with offices worldwide, understand the nuances of each market a company might
operate in and have the experience and knowledge necessary to customize approaches for the particular
location and circumstances of each client.

To learn more about Radford's executive compensation, broad-based compensation, compensation

governance, and sales force effectiveness consulting services, please visit:

Global Job Leveling at Radford: A Tailor-Made Approach for Companies Driven by Innovation
Compensation Consulting
© 2015 Aon Corporation. All rights reserved.
Contact Our Team
To start a conversation with a member of Radford’s compensation consulting team, please contact one of
our associates below:

Boston Office San Francisco Office San Jose Office

Ted Buyniski, Partner Linda Amuso, President Radford Brett Harsen, Partner
+1 (508) 628-1553 +1 (415) 486-7255 +1 (408) 321-2547

Ram Kumar, Director Brooke Green, Associate Partner

+1 (508) 628-1557 +1 (415) 486-6911 Southern Calif. Region
Ken Wechsler, Director
Ed Speidel, Partner Kyle Holm, Associate Partner +1 (760) 633-0057
+1 (508) 628-1552 +1 (415) 486-7717

Rob Surdel, Partner David Knopping, Partner

+1 (508) 628-1551 +1 (415) 486-7122

London Office Gaurav Dutt

Associate Director, EMEA
Robert Miller +44 20 7086 5092
Partner, Head of EMEA Region
+44 20 7086 5044 Brenda De Souza
Associate Director, EMEA
Guy Pritchard +44 20 7086 5094
Associate Partner, EMEA Consulting
+44 20 7086 5093
Frankfurt Office
Gina Wellmaker
Associate Partner, EMEA Survey Operations Patrick Gutmann
+44 (0)20 7086 5097 Director, DACH Region +49 69 29727 6244
Anton Marinovich
Director, EMEA Survey Sales Axel Schütte
+44 20 7086 5099 Associate Director, Germany Lead +49 69 29727 6248

Global Job Leveling at Radford: A Tailor-Made Approach for Companies Driven by Innovation
Compensation Consulting
© 2015 Aon Corporation. All rights reserved.
About Radford
Radford, an Aon Hewitt company, is the leading provider of compensation intelligence and consulting
services to the global technology and life sciences sectors. Our market-leading surveys, equity valuation
expertise and strategic consulting help Compensation Committees and human resources leaders address
their toughest challenge: attracting, engaging and retaining talent in innovation-based industries.

Radford offers clients a comprehensive suite of solutions, integrating unmatched global data capabilities
with high-powered analytics and deep consulting expertise to deliver market-leading guidance to more
than 2,600 organizations annually— from Fortune 100 companies to start-ups.

Headquartered in San Jose, CA, Radford has professionals in Bangalore, Beijing, Boston, Brussels,
Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London, Philadelphia, San Francisco, San Diego, Shanghai and Singapore. To
learn more, please visit

Global Job Leveling at Radford: A Tailor-Made Approach for Companies Driven by Innovation
Compensation Consulting
© 2015 Aon Corporation. All rights reserved.

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