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Basic Quantities in Illumination

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Basic Quantities in Illumination 1

Flux and Irradiance

In examining terminology for illumination, it is useful to

separate the spatial considerations from the spectral
concerns. In many cases, the spatial and spectral issues
are independent and can be separated without losing any
generality. In other cases, the spatial and spectral issues
cannot be separated physically, but it is useful to separate
them conceptually. The commonly used spatial quantities
are flux, irradiance, intensity, and radiance.

Flux, Φ, is the optical power or rate of flow of radiant


Irradiance, E, is the flux per unit area striking a surface.

Occasionally, the flux per unit area leaving a surface,
called exitance, M, is important. However, the geometry
is the same as for irradiance, so it will not be treated
separately here. Furthermore, when exitance is used, it is
often the flux leaving a nonphysical surface such as the
exit port of an integrating sphere or the real image in an
imaging system, where it is identical to the irradiance
onto the surface.

The irradiance quantity itself says absolutely nothing

about the directionality of the flux. For example, if the
three cases in the figure below all have the same flux per
unit area striking the surface, then they all have the
same irradiance. Because of this ambiguity, specifications
for illumination systems often qualify the irradiance
quantity with an added description of the desired
directional properties.

normal oblique diffuse

collimated collimated illumination
illumination illumination
2 Illumination

Solid Angle

The definition of intensity involves the concept of a solid

angle. A solid angle is a 3D angular volume that is
defined analogously to the definition of a plane angle in
two dimensions.

A plane angle, θ, made up of the lines from two points

meeting at a vertex, is defined by the arc length of a circle
subtended by the lines and by the radius of that circle, as
shown below. The dimensionless unit of plane angle is the
radian, with 2π radians in a full circle.

B l

θ θ θ =l/r
r (radians)
2π radians in
a full circle

A solid angle, ω, made up of all the lines from a closed

curve meeting at a vertex, is defined by the surface area
of a sphere subtended by the lines and by the radius of
that sphere, as shown below. The dimensionless unit of
solid angle is the steradian, with 4π steradians in a full

Closed curve area, a,

surface of

r ω=a/r2 (steradians)

ω 4π steradians in
a full sphere
Basic Quantities in Illumination 3

Intensity, Radiance, and Projected Solid Angle

Intensity, I, is the flux per unit solid angle. It is the

amount of flux from a point source contained in a small
angular volume. A source can be considered a point source
for this application if the irradiance falls off as the
inverse square of the distance from the source.
Intensity, for a given source, can vary with direction.

The term “intensity” is used in many disciplines, some

even closely related to optics, to mean things other
than flux per unit solid angle. Use caution and rely on
context to determine the meaning of the word in a
particular situation.

Radiance, L, applies to extended sources and surfaces. It

is the flux per unit solid angle per unit projected area of
the source or surface. The projected area is the projection
of the area onto a surface normal to the direction of view
and is equal to the actual area times the cosine of the
angle between the surface normal and the direction of
view. Radiance can vary with position on a surface, and
like intensity, it can vary with direction. A source or
surface with constant radiance in all directions is called
Lambertian. A Lambertian source or surface has
intensity that varies with the cosine of the angle with the
surface normal.

In many cases, the angle of view changes over the extent

of the receiver. These cases require an alternate definition
of radiance: radiance is the flux per unit area per unit
projected solid angle. (In fact, this is the more general
definition and covers the simpler case where the entire
surface of the extended source is at essentially the same
angle as the direction of view.)
4 Illumination

Solid Angle and Projected Solid Angle

The relationship between solid angle and projected solid

angle can be confusing. Projected solid angle has meaning
primarily for a small Lambertian source, which has
intensity that varies as the cosine of the angle with the
surface normal. The projected solid angle, Ω, is the
solid angle, ω, weighted by the cosine of the angle with
the surface normal.

Ω = ω cos ϕ

When the solid angle is large enough so that the angle

with the surface normal is not the same over the entire
solid angle, the total projected solid angle must be
computed by integrating the incremental projected solid
angles. See the reference by Bartell for a more detailed

For some special cases, the integration results in simple

expressions, such as for a large circular cone that is
normal to a surface and subtends a half angle, θ.

Ω = π sin2 θ

A hemisphere has 2π steradians (solid angle) but π

projected steradians (projected solid angle).
Basic Quantities in Illumination 5

Spectroradiometric and Radiometric Quantities

In the spectral dimension of illumination, the most

general view looks at the spectral density—the amount of
radiation per unit wavelength interval. In terms of the
four spatial quantities already considered, the spectral
quantities are spectral flux, Φλ; spectral irradiance,
Eλ; spectral intensity, Iλ; and spectral radiance, Lλ.
These quantities, usually written with a subscript to
indicate that they are integrable, must be integrated to
determine the amount of radiation in a particular spectral
band. For example, the total radiant flux, Φ (in units of
watts), in the band between wavelength λ1 and
wavelength λ2 is
Φ ( λ1, λ2) = ∫Φ
λ ( λ ) ⋅ dλ.

Similar expressions can be written for the total

irradiance, E (watts/m2); total radiant intensity, I
(watts/ sr); and total radiance, L (watts/m2·sr).

Photometry measures the response of the human eye to

light. Although not everyone has exactly the same
response, the standardized CIE 1924 luminous
efficiency function works very well for most people.
(The CIE is the International Commission on
Illumination.) This function, shown on the following page,
is designated V(λ). The values for this function, in 5-nm
increments, are given in the Appendix. Not coincidentally,
this function is identical to the CIE color matching
function, ȳ. The unit of luminous (photopic) flux is the
lumen. The luminous flux is found from the spectral flux
and the V(λ) function from the following relationship:

luminous flux = 683∫ Φ λ ( λ ) ⋅ V ( λ ) ⋅ dλ.

The factor of 683 in this equation comes directly from the

definition of the fundamental unit of luminous intensity,
the candela.
6 Illumination

Photometric Quantities

CIE 1924 Luminous Efficiency


Luminous Efficiency





350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
wavelength (nm)

Notes on notation:
• The photopic quantities of flux, irradiance,
intensity, and radiance are called luminous flux,
illuminance, luminous intensity, and
luminance, respectively.
• These quantities are sometimes notated with a
subscript “v” (for visual), as Φv, Ev, Iv, and Lv. But
often the subscript is omitted since the meaning is
usually clear from the context, and it could be
confused with the subscript notation often
reserved for integrable quantities.
• The designations Φ, E, I, and L are common but
not universally standard. Another set of symbols
sometimes used is P, H, J, and N, respectively, for
radiometric quantities; Pλ, H λ, J λ, and N λ for
spectral quantities; and F, E, I, and B for the
corresponding photometric quantities.
• Solid angle and projected solid angle are not
always distinguished by ω and Ω, respectively.
Basic Quantities in Illumination 7

Matrix of Basic Quantities

metric Spectral Photopic
Power Power/
wavelength Luminous flux
Flux interval
Watts (W) Watts/nm Lumens (lm)
Irradiance Spectral
Flux/ irradiance lm/m2
S or
P W/m2 W/m2·nm lux
A (Luminous)
T (Radiant) Spectral intensity
I Flux/ intensity intensity
A solid lm/sr
L angle or
W/sr W/sr·nm candela (cd)
Radiance Spectral Luminance
Flux/ lm/m2·sr
area· or
solid cd/m2
angle or
W/m2·sr W/m2·sr·nm nit
The table above shows the four spatial quantities and the
three spectral categories that are discussed in the
preceding pages. These create 12 distinct cells that cover
the vast majority of specifications for illumination
With two exceptions, both used mainly in the United
States, work in illumination is almost always done in SI
units. The two exceptions (both deprecated) are:
1 footcandle (lm/ft2) = 10.764 lux (lm/m2)
1 footlambert (candela/πft2) = 3.426 nit (candela/m2)
8 Illumination

Photopic and Scotopic Vision

The human visual system responds to light over a wide

dynamic range, in excess of 6 orders of magnitude. To
achieve this dynamic range, the mechanisms for high-
light-level vision and low-light-level vision are different.
The high-level region, called the photopic region, is
active at luminance levels above about 3 cd/m2. The low-
level region, called the scotopic region, is active below
approximately 0.01 cd/m2. The region between pure
photopic and pure scotopic is called the mesopic region,
where the visual response is a mixture of the two. The
photopic efficiency, usually designated V(λ), peaks at
555 nm, while the scotopic efficiency, usually
designated V′(λ), peaks at 507 nm.

Scotopic and Photopic

Luminous Efficiency

Luminous Efficiency

350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
wavelength (nm)

The values for photopic efficiency and scotopic efficiency,

both in 5-nm increments, are given in the Appendix.
Basic Quantities in Illumination 9

Luminous Efficacy

Luminous efficacy, quantified in lumens per watt, is a

measure of the ability of a light source to produce a visual
response from its power. In the photopic region, luminous
efficacy peaks at 683 lumens per watt at 555 nm. In fact,
the lumen is defined in terms of the power at 555 nm
(frequency of 540 × 1012 Hz). Specifically, the definition
(adopted in 1979) is in terms of the candela (lumen per

The candela is the luminous intensity, in a given

direction, of a source that emits monochromatic
radiation at a frequency of 540 × 1012 Hz and that has
a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 Watt per

Luminous Efficacy

Luminous Efficacy (lm/W)

350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
wavelength (nm)

It is usually clear from the context whether the power is

the radiated power (as in the discussion above) or, often
for lamps, the “wall-plug” power.
10 Illumination

Typical Values of Illumination Quantities

Irradiance and Illuminance

Direct sunlight 1000 W/m2 (250-
Direct sunlight 100,000 lux
Shade 10,000 lux
Overcast day 1,000 lux
Office space 300–600 lux
Full moon 0.2 lux
Quarter moon 0.01 lux
Moonless clear night 0.001 lux
Luminous Intensity
Automobile headlight 5,000–20,000 cd
Household flashlight 100–1,000 cd
100-W tungsten lightbulb 100 cd
LED traffic signal 250–700 cd
Single LED 1 mcd–25 cd
Radiance and Luminance
Sun 2 x 107 W/m2·sr
Sun 2 x 109 nit
Frosted lightbulb 100,000 nit
Fluorescent lamp 5,000 nit
Computer screen 100 nit

Wavelength Ranges for Illumination

UV-C* 250 to 280 nm
UV-B 280 to 315 nm
UV-A 315 to 400 nm
Visible ~360–400 to ~760–800 nm
Near-infrared (NIR)† 760 nm to 1.1 µm
* Actual definition of UV-C is 100 to 280 nm. However, the
range from 100 to 250 nm is not of interest for
illumination systems.
† Actual definition of NIR is to 1.4 µm. However, 1.1 µm is

the upper limit for silicon-based detectors.

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