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Kabuliwala Notes For STD 10english Literature STD10 PDF

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REF: 1

In the seventeenth chapter of my novel, Pratap Singh was jumping off the high balcony
of the jailhouse at this time, with Kanchanmala, into the river below in the dark of
Stopping her game abruptly, Mini ran to the window which overlooked the
Main road, and began calling out at the top of her voice, ‘Kabuliwala, O Kabuliwala!’

1. Who is Mini? Briefly state some of her characteristics?

The narrator’s five-year old daughter Mini is a chatty girl and likes to talk all day
long. It took her about a year after being born to acquire the talent for language, and
since then she has not wasted a single wakeful moment of her life remaining silent.

2. The story begins with examples of Mini as a chatty girl? State three such
conversations with her father?
One morning as the narrator had just started writing the seventeenth chapter of his
novel, Mini walked into the room and began, ‘Dad, our sentry Ramdayal doesn’t even
know how to pronounce the word “crow.” He is so backward.’
Before he could begin to enlighten her on the differences between languages,
she launched into another topic. ‘See, Dad, Bhola was saying that when elephants lift
water with their trunks and spray it from the sky, it rains. Dear, oh dear! Bhola can
speak such nonsense. He can rant day and night, without making any sense!’
Without waiting for her father’s opinion on it, she asked him out of the blue, ‘Dad,
who is Mum to you?’ Sister-in-law, he thought to himself, but to avoid the
complicated question he asked Mini to go and play with Bhola.

3. What can we conclude about her father’s profession from the above reference?
We can conclude that Mini’s father is a novelist.

4. How did Mini pass her time while her father was preoccupied with his work?
Mini flopped beside the writing table, close to her father’s feet, and began to play a
game of knick-knack with her hands and knees, rapidly chanting a nursery rhyme.

5. Stopping her game abruptly, Mini ran to the window which overlooked the
main road. What was her reaction on looking out of the window?
Mini began calling out at the top of her voice, ‘Kabuliwala, O Kabuliwala!’ when she
saw this Afghan vendor passing through the street slowly.

6. What was his name? Describe him.
The Kabuliwala’s name was Rahamat. He was a tall, shabbily clothed Afghan street
vendor, with a turban on his head, a bag over his shoulder and a few boxes of dry
grapes in his hands.

7. How did this person greet Mini’s father? Where did Mini disappear? Why?
The moment the Kabuliwala, at hearing Mini’s call, turned around with a
smile and approached the house, he stepped into the compound and stood at the door
with a smile and an Islamic salute. Mini dashed inside and could not be found
anywhere. She had this childish fear that if someone looked through the bag of this
Afghan man, several living children like herself would be found in there.

8. What conversation did the narrator and the vendor make?

Soon the narrator was involved in a rambling conversation with the vendor
on various topics including Abdur Rahman, the Emir of Afghanistan, and the
Frontier Policy of the Russians and the British.

9. What did the vendor ask for before leaving the house?
The Kabuliwala asked the narrator where his little girl had gone.

10. Describe Mini’s first encounter with this man?

To break Mini’s unfounded fear, her father called her from inside the house. She came
and stood nervously, pressing against his body, and looking suspiciously at the
Kabuliwala and his bag. The Kabuliwala took out some raisins and apricots from
inside the bag and gave it to Mini, but she refused to take them and remained pressed
against her father’s knees with a redoubled suspicion. That was how their first
meeting ended.

REF: 11

On returning home, I found that a full-scale row had broken out over the coin.
Holding the white, round, shining piece of metal in her hand, Mini’s mother
asked her in a rebuking tone, ‘Where did you get the coin?’
Mini replied, ‘The Kabuliwala gave it to me.’
Her mother chided, ‘Why did you take it from him?’
Mini answered sobbingly, ‘I didn’t ask for it. He gave it on his own.’
I stepped in to rescue Mini and took her out for a walk.
I learnt that this was not her second meeting with the Kabuliwala. He had been
visiting Mini almost daily, and by offering her pistachio nuts he had already won a
large part of the girl’s childish heart.

1. What did Mini’s father see and notice as he was leaving the house for work?
Mini’s father saw his tiny daughter sitting on the bench next to the door and speaking
non-stop with the Kabuliwala, who was parked next to her feet and listening to her
with a grin and interjecting now and then in broken Bengali to give his opinion. In her
short five-year life, Mini had never found a more intent listener before other than her

He also noticed that Mini had lots of nuts and raisins tied up at the loose end of her
small sari. Upon discovering this, Mini’s father took out a half-a-rupee coin and gave
it to him. The Kabuliwala took the money without any hesitation and put it in his bag.

2. Why was Mini chided by her mother? What unfounded fears did she share with
Mini’s father about Rahamat? Why does the father have no such fears?
3. Mini’s mother saw a coin in Mini’s hand and rebuked her. Mini replied that the
Kabuliwala gave it to her. Her mother kept chiding her and soon Mini’s father stepped
in to rescue Mini and took her out for a walk.
Mini’s mother is naturally a timid person. Whenever she hears a slight noise from the
street, she thinks all the tipplers of the world are rushing together towards their house.
After living for so many years in this world (though not many), she has still not been
able to temper her fear that the world is full of all kinds of horrors: thieves, robbers,
drunkards, snakes, tigers, malaria, cockroaches and European soldiers.
She was not free of suspicion about the Kabuliwala, and nagged Mini’s father to keep
a watchful eye on him. Whenever he sought to make light of her suspicions, she asked
him a few pointed questions: ‘Are there no such instances of child abduction? Isn’t
slave-trade still in practice in Afghanistan? Is it altogether impossible for a giant
Afghan to kidnap a little child?’
He had to agree that those were not impossible, but were improbable. However,
not everyone has the same capacity for trust, so his wife remained suspicious of the
man. But he could not stop Rahamat from visiting the house either because he had
done nothing wrong.

4. When and how did Mini’s father learn about her meetings with the Kabuliwala?
Mini’s father stepped in to rescue Mini from her mother’s chiding. He took her out for
a walk and learnt that this was not her second meeting with the Kabuliwala. He had
been visiting Mini almost daily, and by offering her pistachio nuts he had already won
a large part of the girl’s childish heart .The two friends had a few stock phrases and
jokes which were repeated in their conversations.

5. What sort of conversations did Mini have with the Kabuliwala? What advise did
Rahamat give Mini? Why did she not fully understand what he meant?
The moment she saw Rahamat, Mini would ask with a hearty laugh, ‘Kabuliwala, O
Kabuliwala, what is in your sack?’
Adding an unnecessary nasal tone to the word, Rahamat would roar, ‘Hanti.’
The essence of the joke was that the man had an elephant in his sack. Not that
the joke was very witty, but it caused the two friends to double up in laughter, and the
sight of that innocent joy between a little girl and a grown man on autumn mornings
moved her father deeply.
Another routine exchange between the two was, whenever they met, Rahamat
would tell the girl in his characteristic thick accent, ‘Missy, you should never go to
the in-laws’.’
Bengali girls were commonly familiar with the term ‘in-laws’ practically since
birth. But being more modern, they chose not to load their daughter’s mind with
precocious thoughts at such a tender age. That was why Mini could never fully
understand Rahamat’s advice. But to keep quiet and not respond to a statement was
contrary to Mini’s nature. Therefore, turning the phrase into a question, she would
ask, ‘Will you go to your in-laws?’

Making a huge fist with his hand, Rahamat would pretend to punch at his
imaginary in-law and say, ‘I’ll wallop my in-law.’
Thinking of the plight of the unknown creature called father-in-law, Mini
would explode into laughter.

6. State some examples of Mini and the Kabuliwala enjoying each other’s company?.
Every year, in January or February, Rahamat would go back to his home country to
visit his family. A money-lender, he was unusually busy during this period collecting
dues from his clients before the trip. He had to rush from house to house to raise the
collectibles, and yet he found time to visit Mini. It appeared as if the two were
involved in a mischievous plot. The day he could not come in the morning, he came in
the evening. To see that huge Afghan sitting in the corner of the house in the dark of
evening in his baggy clothes and customary sack would create a sudden fear in the
narrator’s mind. But the moment he saw Mini rushing out of the house and greeting
her friend, ‘Kabuliwala, O Kabuliwala,’ and the chums of incompatible years
engaging in their familiar bantering and innocent laughter, his heart would fill with

REF: 111

I was going through the wedding accounts in my study, when suddenly

Rahamat walked into the room and stood before me with a salaam.
At first I couldn’t recognise him. He didn’t have that customary sack with him,
or the long hair and his burly look. Finally, I recognised him through his smile.
I asked him, ‘Hello, Rahamat, how long have you been back?’
‘I was released from jail last evening,’ he replied.

1. Why was Rahamat put in jail?

A dishonest man, one of the neighbours was indebted to Rahamat for a Rampuri
shawl and when the man denied his debt, an argument broke out between them. In the
heat of the argument Rahamat took out a knife and stabbed the man. He was charged
with grievous injury and sent to jail for several years.

2. Why was Mini’s father unable to recognise Rahamat?

At first the narrator could not recognise Rahamat. He did not have that customary
sack with him, or the long hair and his burly look. Finally, he recognised him through
his smile.

3. What question had Mini asked him as he was being escorted by two policemen? What
reply did she get?
Mini asked him straight off, ‘Will you be going to your in-laws’ house?’
‘That’s exactly where I am going,’ Rahamat replied with a laugh. When he noticed
that Mini did not find the answer quite amusing, he pointed to his hands and added in
his heavily accented, patchy Bengali, ‘I would have beaten up the in-law. But what
can I do, my hands are tied up.’

4. Why does Mini’s father show a change in attitude towards Rahamat? Why is he
reluctant to entertain him?

Mini’s father had never seen a homicide before, so his heart flinched at the sight of
the man. He wished Rahamat would leave the house immediately on this auspicious
day of his daughter’s marriage.
He said he was quite busy as there was a wedding in the house and it was not
possible to see anyone at that time. It was better if he left.
At that, Rahamat began to leave the house. He looked a little hurt by the statement
and stood stupefied for a time, gazing at the narrator with a fixed look. Then he
walked out of the room abruptly with a simple ‘bye.’

5. What request did Rahamat make just before leaving Mini’s house?
Rahamat began to leave the house, but as he reached the door, he turned back
in hesitation and asked in a faltering tone, ‘Can’t I see the girl for a moment?’
Perhaps he was convinced that Mini was still the same little girl and would
come out of the house running to greet him, ‘Kabuliwala, O Kabuliwala,’ as in the

6. What had Rahamat brought for Mini?

Remembering their past friendship, Rahamat had even brought a box of grapes and a
few raisins wrapped in a packet, which he must have borrowed from some Afghan
friend because his own customary sack was not there with him.

7. Relate in detail Rahamat’s confession about his own daughter? What realization
strikes Mini’s father on hearing his confession?

Rahaman told the narrator that he was a generous man and he would never forget his
kindness and refused payment for the fruits. Just as he had a daughter, Rahamat too
had one back home. It is remembering her face that he had brought these gifts for his
child. He did not come here for business. With that, he shoved his hand inside his
huge baggy shirt and brought out a grimy piece of paper from somewhere close to his
chest. Unfolding it very carefully, he laid the paper open on the table.
It had the impression of a very small hand on it; not a photograph, not a painting, but
the trace of a tiny hand created with burnt charcoal daubed on the palm. Every year
Rahamat came to peddle merchandise on the streets of Kolkata carrying that
memorabilia of his daughter in his pocket, as if the soft touch of that little hand kept
his huge, lonely heart fed with love and happiness. The narrator was filled with tears
at the sight of that piece of paper. It no longer mattered to him that Rahaman was an
ordinary fruit-peddler from Kabul and he himself belonged to an aristocratic Bengali
family. In a moment he realised that they were both just the same –Rahaman was a
father and so was he. The print of his mountain-dwelling daughter’s hand
reminded him of my own Mini. He sent word for her to come out to the study
immediately. Many of the women objected, but he paid no heed. In her bridal dress
and ceremonial makeup, Mini came out from the inner quarters and stood beside him

8. Why is the Kabuliwala confused on seeing Mini in bridal attire? What deeper
thoughts occupied his mind at this moment?
The Kabuliwala saw Mini and became confused; their good-natured humour
of old also did not work out. In the end, with a smile, he asked, ‘Girl, are you going to
the in-law’s house?’
Mini now understood what ‘in-law’ meant. So she couldn’t answer the way

she did in the past. Rather, hearing the question from Rahamat, her face became
purple in shame and she abruptly turned around and left. This brought back memories
of their first meeting and the narrator felt an ache in his heart.

9. Which two items did Mini’s father cut out from the éclat? Why? What parting advise
did he give Rahamat? What else did he say to him?
Mini’s father took out some money and gave it to Rahamat saying, ‘You go back to
your daughter in Afghanistan, Rahamat, and may the happiness of your union bring
blessings for my Mini too.’ He had to cut out one or two items from the éclat of the
festivities for gifting that money, the lighting decoration was not as gorgeous as he
had wanted it to be, and the band party had to be cancelled. This upset the women,
but buoyed by a benevolent spirit, his auspicious ceremony became more luminous.

10. What is the theme of this story?

The theme revolves around human relationships, between father and daughter, and
between the Kabuliwala and Mini. He showers Mini with fatherly affection. Mini’s
mother too shows parental love being protective over her daughter and voicing these
concerns to Mini’s father.
There is also the pain of separation. The Kabuliwala leaves his family back home in
Afghanistan, in order to travel distant lands to earn a living. This separation from his
own family, especially his little daughter who is about the same age of Mini fills the
void the Kabuliwala feels for his own daughter, as he sees in Mini the likeness of his
own daughter whom he has left behind and is now far away from him.
The feeling of solidarity is also portrayed. As a father who is about to be separated
from his daughter because of her wedding, Mini’s father understands the feelings of
the Kabuliwala, who is facing the pangs of separation from his own daughter.

11. What message do we get from this story?

Change in the law of nature. We must be ready to accept change in relationships with
the passage of time. In childhood one’s perceptions and expectations are different
from those in adulthood. Rahamat a Pathan and Mini a small five year old girl, come
together in a strong emotional bonding. Rahamat is arrested for stabbing a man and is
imprisoned. Years pass. Mini grows up and forgets her old childhood friend. Even her
relationship with her father becomes distant as she grows up. On her wedding day
Rahamat appears and is shocked to see the grown up Mini. Both find it difficult to
revive their past friendship. Rahamat is sadly reminded at this very moment of the
fact that his very own daughter too must have grown up, and he will have to revive his
friendship with her.


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