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California Residential Lease Agreement

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State of California

This Lease Agreement (hereinafter "Lease") is entered into and made effective as of the date set forth at the
end of this document by and be between the Lessor, ___________________________________ (hereinafter
referred to as "Landlord"), and the following Lessee: __________________________________ (hereinafter
referred to as "Tenant"). Landlord and Tenant may be collectively referred to as the "Parties."

In consideration of the obligations and covenants contained herein and other good and valuable
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties do contract and agree
as follows:

Landlord hereby leases unto Tenant, and Tenant hereby rents from Landlord, certain real property and
improvements located at: ____________________________________________________________________
(hereinafter referred to as "Property"). The Property is located in the following county: __________________.
The Parties hereby contract with each other to lease the Property based on the terms and conditions contained

This Lease shall commence on the date of ________ and shall continue until its natural termination under this
part on the date of ________ at 11:59 PM. After the date of termination, this Lease shall automatically renew
and shall continue for the same term amount until Landlord or Tenant undertake cancellation of this Lease in
writing. At the expiration of this Lease, Tenant shall be responsible for providing a forwarding address to
Landlord to receive any funds owed or other notices.

Upon execution of this Lease, Tenant shall provide the following amount to Landlord, to be held as a security
deposit for the reasonable cleaning or repair of damages to the Property upon the expiration or termination of
this lease or in case of default by Tenant: $________ (________ dollars). The security deposit shall not exceed
two times the monthly rent for unfurnished apartments or three times the monthly rent for furnished

The security deposit will be held at the following financial institution: ________________________________

Tenant hereby agrees to be liable to Landlord at the expiration or termination of this Lease for all damages to
the Property, except ordinary wear and tear. Landlord may hold the security deposit in a non-interest-bearing
account. In such case, no interest is due to Tenant and Tenant may not use the security deposit to cover Rent.
Landlord may otherwise elect to hold security deposit in an interest-bearing account and allow Tenant to
receive certain interest funds, if applicable. Tenant shall still not be permitted to use the security deposit to
cover any Rent. In case of sale or assignation of the Lease by Landlord, Tenant's security deposit shall be
transferred to the new owner or assignee and Landlord shall be released from liability to Tenant for return of
the security deposit. Deductions from the security deposit may be made for the following reasons (this list
constitutes examples only and is not intended to be exhaustive): unpaid rent or utilities, late fees, cleaning, key
replacement, removing abandoned property, and/or attorneys' fees for proceedings against Tenant. Landlord
shall have 21 (twenty-one) days in which to return the security deposit and/or an itemized list of deductions, if

If Landlord requires deductions which exceed the security deposit, Tenant agrees to pay Landlord any overage
amount within ten days after receiving a written demand from Landlord. Landlord will first apply the security
deposit to any non-rent obligations, such as damages, utilities, or late fees, and will then apply the security
deposit to any unpaid rent.

Tenant hereby agrees to pay Landlord the following amount per month as rent ("Rent") during the course of
this Lease term: $________ (________ dollars). Rent shall be due each month on the first day of the month.
Rent shall be considered advance payment for that month. The first full Rent payment under this Lease shall
be due on the following date: ________. No holidays, special events or weekends shall excuse Tenant's
obligation to pay timely Rent. Landlord shall not be permitted to raise the Rent throughout the duration of this

A. DELINQUENT RENT & GRACE PERIOD: Tenant agrees that if Rent is not paid by the first day
of the month, Landlord can apply a late charge of the following, as allowed under applicable law:
$________ (________ dollars).

B. RETURNED CHECK: For any returned or bounced checks, Landlord may charge Tenant the cost of
the returned check fee, as well as an additional reasonable fee, together with Rent late fees, as

C. PRORATED RENT: Tenant may be required to pay prorated Rent from the beginning of this Lease
to the first full month. If Tenant must pay prorated Rent, Tenant shall pay any prorated amount due,
together with the security deposit, at the execution of this Lease.

D. FORMS OF PAYMENT: Landlord agrees to accept the following forms of payment for the Rent:

E. DELIVERABLE: Payment may be sent or delivered to the address noted below or to any person or
institution denoted by Landlord, whether by mail, email or any other means. If payment shall be made
electronically, the address below shall be utilized as Tenant's contact point for Landlord: ___________

The email address for landlord is as follows: ____________________________________________________

The Property shall be used and occupied solely by the Tenant or Tenants on this Lease, exclusively as a
residential dwelling. No additional persons may reside on the Property without Landlord's prior written
consent. The Property shall not, at any time during the term of this Lease, be used for the purpose of carrying
on any trade, profession or business. The Property shall also not be used for any illegal purpose or acts. If
Tenant becomes aware of any illegal activities taking place on the Property, Tenant agrees to notify Landlord
as well as the appropriate authorities. Tenant will be responsible for any illegal acts or omissions of Tenant's
guests, invitees, and/or licensees whether or not Tenant was a party to or knew of the illegal acts taking place.
Certain types of illegal activities may be cause for Landlord to issue an unconditional notice of Lease
termination to Tenant. Smoking or other activities which may impair the health of other residents may not be
permitted in common areas.

Tenant hereby stipulates that Tenant has examined the Property prior to signing this Lease or has knowingly
waived such inspection. Tenant affirms that Tenant has not relied on any representations made by Landlord
regarding the condition of the Property. Tenant takes the Property as is, with no representations from Landlord
beyond those contained herein or required by applicable California law, including no express or implied
warranties. Tenant agrees not to damage the Property and to further be responsible for any damages sustained
to the Property as a result of any activity on the part of Tenant's invitees, licensees, and/or guests. Tenant
agrees that if any such damage occurs to the Property, Tenant is required to pay for the damages together with
the next month's Rent payment and if Tenant does not pay damages, Tenant will be subject to charges
identical to those for non-payment of Rent. At the end of the Lease term, Tenant agrees to return the Property
in the same condition as when Tenant took possession, with the exception of normal wear-and-tear.


Tenant shall not make any alterations, additions or improvements or do any type of construction to the
Property without first obtaining Landlord's written consent. Unless prior written agreement is reached between
Tenant and Landlord, any such alterations, additions, improvements or construction shall become part of the
Property and shall remain at the expiration of Tenant's Lease term. If Landlord approves of alterations,
additions, improvements or construction in writing and Tenant intends to use contractors to undertake such
work, the contractors must first be approved in writing by Landlord. Tenant must also place any funds to cover
the amount of any alterations, additions, improvements or construction in an escrow account approved by
Landlord before the commencement of the work. Landlord shall designate the times and manner of the work
being done, exclusively.


Tenant is not permitted to assign or sub-let this Lease without the prior written consent of Landlord. Tenant
may also not grant any license to use the Property or any part of the Property without the prior written consent
of the Landlord. If Landlord consents to any one assignment, sub-let or license, this shall not be deemed a
consent to any subsequent such request. Any assignment, sub-let or license without Landlord's prior written
approval shall be null and void and shall, if Landlord chooses, terminate this Lease.

Tenant shall not be permitted to take possession of the Property until the security deposit and first month's
Rent (or prorated amount required) is delivered to the Landlord in full and the Property is vacated by any prior
tenant, if applicable. If Landlord is unable to deliver possession of the Property to Tenant at the start of the
Lease term, through no fault of Landlord or due to any unforeseen circumstances, Landlord shall not be liable
for any damages but Tenant will not be liable for Rent until possession is given. If possession is given within

30 (thirty) days, Tenant hereby agrees to accept the Property and pay Rent from that date forward. If
possession cannot be delivered within 30 (thirty) days, then this Lease shall be terminated.


Tenant agrees not to keep any hazardous item on the Property, whether flammable or explosive or that might
be considered hazardous by any legitimate insurance company.

Tenant shall be responsible for arranging and paying for the utilities that Landlord will not manage. Tenant
shall also be responsible for having such utilities disconnected when Tenant delivers the Property back to
Landlord at the termination or expiration of this lease. Landlord shall be responsible for arranging and paying
for the following utilities: ___________________________________________________________________


Tenant agrees that if there is any delay in maintenance or repairs for reasons beyond Landlord's control, this
shall have no effect on Tenant's obligations under this lease.


Tenant hereby acknowledges and agrees to the following obligations:

A. Comply with all obligations imposed upon tenants by applicable provisions of building, housing, and
health codes;

B. Keep that part of the Property which he or she occupies and uses clean and sanitary;

C. Remove from the Tenant's dwelling unit all garbage in a clean and sanitary manner;

D. Keep all plumbing fixtures in the dwelling unit or used by the Tenant clean and sanitary and in repair;

E. Use and operate in a reasonable manner all electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating, air-
conditioning and other facilities and appliances, including elevators;

F. Not destroy, deface, damage, impair, or remove any part of the Property or property therein belonging
to the Landlord nor permit any person to do so;

G. Conduct himself or herself, and require other persons on the Property with his or her consent to
conduct themselves, in a manner that does not unreasonably disturb the Tenant's neighbors or
constitute a breach of the peace.

Tenant agrees that any violation of this section shall be considered a breach of this Lease.


Landlord's obligations regarding the Property are as follows:
A. To comply with any and all applicable building, housing and/or health codes; or

B. Where there are no applicable building, housing, or health codes, to maintain the roofs, windows,
doors, floors, steps, porches, exterior walls, foundations, and all other structural components in good
repair and capable of resisting normal forces and loads and the plumbing in reasonable working

C. To manage the extermination of rats, mice, roaches, ants, wood-destroying organisms, and bedbugs.
When vacation of the Property is required for such extermination, the Landlord will not be liable for
damages but shall abate the rent.

D. To ensure adequate and safe locks and keys;

E. To maintain the clean and safe condition of common areas;

F. To manage garbage removal and outside receptacles therefor;

G. To ensure functioning facilities for heat during winter, running water, and hot water.


Landlord is not liable to Tenant or any of Tenant's invitees, licensees, and/or guests for any damages not
proximately caused by Landlord and Landlord will not compensate Tenant or any other person for damages
proximately caused by any other source, including acts of God and nature. Tenant is therefore strongly
encouraged to purchase insurance to protect Tenant, Tenant's personal property and any person on the
Property for Tenant.


Under the terms of this Lease, access to the Property by Landlord may be undertaken as follows:

A. The Tenant shall not unreasonably withhold consent to the Landlord to enter the dwelling unit from
time to time in order to inspect the Property; make necessary or agreed repairs, decorations, alterations,
or improvements; supply agreed services; or exhibit the dwelling unit to prospective or actual
purchasers, mortgagees, tenants, workers, or contractors. Landlord shall give Tenant at least 24
(twenty-four) hours' notice before such entry.

B. Landlord may enter the dwelling unit at any time for the protection or preservation of the Property.
Landlord may enter the dwelling unit upon reasonable notice to the Tenant and at a reasonable time for
the purpose of repair of the Property. 'Reasonable notice' for the purpose of repair is notice given at
least 24 hours prior to the entry, and reasonable time for the purpose of repair shall be between the
hours of 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Landlord may enter the dwelling unit when necessary for the further
purposes set forth above under any of the following circumstances:

a. With the consent of the Tenant

b. In case of emergency

c. When the Tenant unreasonably withholds consent

C. The Landlord shall not abuse the right of access nor use it to harass the Tenant.


If Tenant or any of Tenant's invitees, licensees or guests violate any of the terms of this Lease, Tenant shall be
considered in breach of this Lease. Breaches may include, but are not limited to, failure to pay Rent, engaging
in any unlawful activity, damaging or otherwise destroying Property or any common areas therein, or violation
of any part or sub-part of this Lease. For any breach of this Lease, including failure to pay timely rent,
Landlord shall provide a written notice to Tenant outlining the details of the Lease violation along with a
stipulation that Tenant shall have 3 (three) days to either cure or vacate, depending on the severity of the

If Tenant breaches the terms of this Lease by failing to pay timely Rent, Landlord may send a notice of
termination to Tenant demanding payment of the full Rent or surrender of the Property within 7 (seven) days.
If Tenant continues in failure to pay and does not surrender for 7 (seven) days, excluding weekends and legal
holidays, the Landlord may terminate the Lease and file for eviction.

The delivery of any of the notices mentioned above may be done by mailing or hand-delivering a copy of the
notice to the Property.

Tenant may not terminate this Lease agreement prior to the date of termination denoted herein. If Tenant
vacates, abandons, or otherwise leaves the Property prior to the expiration of this Lease, Tenant is still
responsible for all Rent payments due until the natural termination of this Lease. Landlord may terminate this
Lease for any reason by giving Tenant 30 (thirty) days written notice. If Landlord terminates this Lease,
Tenant will not be responsible for any remaining Rent after the expiration of the 30 (thirty) day period.


If Tenant or any of Tenant's invitees, licensees, and/or guests are significantly injured or any of Tenant's
personal property is damaged on the Property or in any common area, Tenant shall provide written notice to
Landlord, to be delivered or sent to the address where Rent payments are sent, as soon as possible but in no
event later than 5 (five) days after the date of injury or damage. If Tenant does not provide such timely notice,
this shall be considered a breach of the Lease.


Landlord reserves the right to mortgage or otherwise place a lien on the Property and Tenant agrees to accept
the Property subject and subordinate to any such mortgage or lien. Tenant hereby grants power of attorney to
Landlord for the sole and limited purpose of executing and delivering any document required in the name of
Tenant for any such mortgage or lien.

If Tenant is absent from the Property for 7 (seven) or more days, during which time Tenant owes Rent or any
other monies, Tenant shall be considered to have abandoned the Property and be in breach of this Lease. This
definition of abandonment shall not impair the rights of Landlord under this Lease or other applicable law. In
case of abandonment, however, Landlord may immediately enter and re-take the Property as permitted under
applicable law and terminate this Lease, with no notice to Tenant. Landlord may also dispose of any of
Tenant's belongings in accordance with applicable California law.


If Tenant plans to leave the Property for 7 (seven) or more consecutive days or expects long, frequent or
customary absences, Tenant must notify the Landlord in writing. Tenant hereby agrees that any such absence,
whether a singular occurrence or customary, shall not obviate Tenant's obligation to pay timely Rent.


Prior to the natural expiration of this Lease, Tenant shall give Landlord 30 (thirty) days written notice of
Tenant's intention to surrender the Property at the end of the Lease term.


If Tenant does not provide timely written notice to Landlord of Tenant's intent to surrender or Tenant does not
vacate the Property at the end of the Lease term or otherwise remains in possession of the Property, a new
month-to-month tenancy will be created which will be subject to all the terms and conditions of this Lease.
Such month-to-month tenancy will remain valid until such time as Landlord and Tenant, in writing, extend or
renew the Lease for a specific term. If Tenant becomes a month-to-month Tenant, Tenant must give 30 (thirty)
days written notice to Landlord of Tenant's intent to surrender the Property. Landlord may terminate such a
month-to-month tenancy at any time by serving Tenant a written notice of termination or by other means
permitted by applicable California law. Tenant shall vacate the Property at Landlord's demand.


Tenant may not be permitted to have extended overnight guests or those that have de facto moved onto or into
the Property. Violation of this provision shall be considered breach of this Lease. Extended guests include
those whose stay lasts longer than the following: _________________________________________________


Tenant is not permitted to place the Property up for any short-term rental, including through online vacation
rental sites.

Landlord shall not be liable for any damage or injury to Tenant or Tenant's invitees, licensees or guests on or
in the Property and Tenant hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Landlord harmless from any and all
claims or assertions of every kind and nature.

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