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BBA-303 Marketing Management-II: Unit - I Lectures:-8 Unit - II Lectures:-12

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BBA-303 Marketing Management- II

Objectives:- L-4 T-0 Credits -4

The objective of this paper is to identify the foundation terms and concepts that
common used in marketing. It also identifies the essential elements for effective
marketing practice. This course will give complete relationship between
marketing and
other management functions.
Unit- I lectures:-8
Marketing Planning, Marketing Oriented Strategic Planning.
Unit- II lectures:-12
Consumer behaivour: Factors influencing buying behaviour, buying
decision process,
Industrial buying behaviour.
Unit- III lectures:-12
Sales Management, Types of sales organization, Sales process.
Salesmanship, Sales
Policy, Recruitment and Managing Sales force.
Unit-IV lectures:-12
Sales quotas, Sales territories, Sales incentives and negotiation.
Note: Question 1 will be compulsory case study covering all units.
Text Books:
1. Kotler & Armstrong; Principles of Marketing Management, Prentice Hall
2. Gupta, S.L., Sales & Distributions Management, Excel Books, 2003.
3. Anderson; R. Professional Sales Management, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Prentice Hall Inc. 1992.
Reference Book:
1. Richard R. Still; Edward W. Cundiff, Norman A.P. Govoni, Prentice Hall of
India, 1999.
2. Monga, G.S. & Shaliv; Monthly Management, Deep & Deep Publications,

BBA 305: Production & Operation Management

To develop basic understanding of concepts, theories and techniques of
process and operation management.
Unit I lectures:-10
Introduction to Operation Management and Forecasting of
Demand : Why study
OM, Five P’s of Production, Types of Transformation : Forecasting,
Quantitative &
Qualitative Techniques in Forecasting
Unit II lectures:-10
Waiting Line & Inventory Management: Economics of Waiting
Line, Queuing
System, Four Waiting Line Models alongwith application: Inventory
management and
analysis, Inventory Models.
Unit III lectures:-12
Quality Management & Statistical Quality Control: TQM, Quality
Design Quality, Quality at Source, Zero Defects, Cost of Quality,
Improvement, Benchmarking, Poka –Yokes, Quality Awards;
Statistical Quality Control:
Acceptance Sampling, AQL & LTPD, P—Chart, X & R Chart.
Unit IV lectures:-12
Facility Location and Layout: Issue in Facility Location, Plant
Location Methods,
Factor Rating, Centre of Gravity Methods, Analytic Delphi Method,
Four Basic Lay Out
Formats, Assembly Line Balancing, splitting Tasks, Problems in
Facility Layout.
Text books:
1. N.J. Aquilano, R.B. Chase & F.R. Jacob: Operation Management for
Competitive Advantage, Tata Mac Graw –Hill, 9th Edition.
2. R.C. Manocha: Production & Operation Management (Latest Edition).
3. S.P. Gupta; Statistical Method, Sultan Chand, Latest Ed.
Reference Books:
1. E.S. Buffa; Modern Production Management, John Wiley Ed. 2002.
2. S.N. Charry; Production and Operation Management, Tata Mc
Graw-Hill, 2000.
3. Paneerselvam: Production and Operation Management, Prentice
Hall, 2003.
4. D.D. Sharma; Total Quality Management, Sultan Chand & Sons,

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