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Exstrophy of Bladder

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INDEX contents Page number

1 Introduction 2

2 Learning objectives 3
3 Time plan 4

4 Patient profile 5

5 History of the patient 6

6 Physical examination 9

7 Anatomy and physiology urinary tract 15

8 Disease condition 17

9 Pathophysiology 17
10 Clinical manifestations 18

11 Assessment and diagnostic findings 19

12 Medical management 20

13 Drug file 21

14 Surgical management 22
15 Nursing management 23

16 Nursing diagnosis 25
17 Nursing process 26

18 Health education 31

19 Conclusion 33

20 Bibliography 34

I have selected baby of ………with exstrophy of bladder for my nursing care


Exstrophy of bladder is a congenital malformation occurring in a rare condition.

Exstrophy of bladder is also a rare condition and it is also termed as „ectopia

vesicle‟ in which there is malposition or displacement of urinary bladder from

its normal position in the pelvis. It usually associated with numbers of

congenital anomalies, related to urogenital tract, musculoskeletal system and

sometimes of gastrointestinal system. Male children are more commonly

affected than female children.

Reconstructive surgery should be done by school age to provide long term

healthcare, social and leisure needs.



The student will be able to

1. Define exstrophy of bladder

2. Describe etiologic factors associated with exstrophy of bladder

3. Identify the clinical manifestations of exstrophy of bladder.

4. Identify the diagnostic evaluations of exstrophy of bladder.

5. Explain the management of the baby with exstrophy of bladder.

6. Identify the problems occurs associated with exstrophy of bladder.

7. Explain the home care of child with exstrophy of bladder.

8. Use the nursing process as a frame work for care of the baby with exstrophy

of bladder.


Date Time Activities performed

7.30 am to  Greeted the staff and family members

10.30am  Self introduction to the staff and family members
 Established the rapport
 History collected about the child
 Comprehensive assessment performed
7.30 am to  Greeted the staff and mother
10.30am  Provided comfortable bed and position
 Assessed the child‟s diagnostic evaluations
 Provided tepid sponging
 Administered the medications
7.30 am to  Greeted the staff and family members
10.30am  Provided comfortable bed and position to child
 Administered the medications
 Health education was given regarding fluid intake to
 Provided psychological support
7.30 am to  Greeted the staff and mother
10.30am  Provided comfortable bed and position to child
 Administered the medications
 Health education was given regarding prevention of
 Psychological support was given to the family
members and child
7.30 am to  Greeted the staff and family members
10.30am  Provided comfortable bed and position
 Administered the medications
 Health education was given regarding prevention of
disease and proper follow up care
 Thanked the child and mother as well as the staff


Name of the child : B/O

Chronological age : 3/365 days

Sex : male

Developmental age : new born

Religion : Muslim

Ward : NICU

Unit : IInd

IP number :

Permanent address :

Date of admission :

Diagnosis : exstrophy of bladder

Informant : mother, father, case sheet, doctors

Reason for hospitalisation

Child was received from labour ward with the complaints of non closure of
abdominal muscles and passing urine from that opening.

Present medical history

Baby has been admitted in the NICU with the complaints of difficulty in
passing urine, fever and refusal of feeds.

Past medical history

Not applicable
Family history
No history of consanguineous marriage, no family history of communicable

55years 50years

20years 25years 24 years

3/365 days

Key notes



- Sick child

Socioeconomic history
Type of the family : joint family
Bread winner : father
Occupation : working in a company
Family income : Rs.3000/ month
Care giver of the child : mother
Housing condition : own home
Method of sewage disposal : closed system
Water sources : well water and corporation
Animal in the house : no pet animals
No Intake of alcohol, smoking and drug abuse by parents and tolerance in the
Birth history
a. Antenatal history
Booked : Vellore GH hospital
Immunized : TT given
Obstetrical history : G1, p1, L1, A0 obstetrical history Normal.
Medications : no history of medication other than FST, calcium.
Consanguinity : no
H/O Infections : no h/o infections like TORCH, STD, and AIDS
Rh incompatibility : not present.
b. Intranatal history
Period of gestation : 40 weeks
Mode and place of delivery : Normal delivery Vellore GH
Birth weight of the child : 2.2kg
First cry after birth time : cried soon after birth

c. Post natal history

History of critical care : child is in NICU now
Prelacteal fluids : no
Time of initiation of breast feed : after one hour of birth
Feeding difficulties : no
Immunization schedule Age Name of the Dose Route Preventable Adverse
vaccine disease reactions
1 At birth BCG 0.05ml Intra Primary complex
Oral polio (zero) 2 drops oral Poliomyelitis


General appearance : dull


Vernix caseosa : present mildly

Lanugo : present

Oedema : NIL

Temperature : 1000F

Colour : pink colour

Texture : dry skin

Lesions : no


Shape : normal

Size : normal

Fontanelles : not closed

Anterior : normal

Posterior : normal

Cephal hematoma : nil

Caput succedaneum : nil

Hair : black in colour, distributed evenly.


Symmetry : symmetrical

Eyes : normal

Conjunctiva : normal

Sclera : normal

Discharges : absent

Eye lashes : present

Eye lids : present

Pupiliary reflexes : normal

Corneal reflexes : normal

Blink reflexes : present


Symmetry : symmetrical

Recoiled of ear : present

Pinna positions : normal

Hearing acuity : normal

Right ear : normal

Left ear : normal


Symmetry : symmetry

Patency : normal

Choanal atresia : normal


Lips : normal

Bilateral : normal

Palate : normal

Tongue : dry

Gums : normal


Rooting : present

Gag : present

Salivation : normal

Neck : normal length


Symmetry : symmetry

Nipples : developed

Movement, air entry : symmetry

Sound : bilateral

Breath : present, respiration rate is 38/minute

Heart rate` : 136/minute



Shape : normal

Size : normal

Palpation : no organomegally

Percussion : dull sounds heard

Auscultation : bowel sounds present



Genital organs : surgical procedure is done over the genital region

and POP cast is applied from the pelvic region to the
ankle of the legs for immobilisation


Back : absence of scoliosis, spina bifida, POP cast is applied

from the back to the ankle.


Patency : normal

Passed meconium : passed meconium 2 to 3 times per day

Nappy area : wet, soaked with meconium

Groin : POP cast

Passed urine : through urinary catheter


Upper : normal

Proportions of arms : normal

Proportions of fingers : normal

Erb‟s palsy : absent

Palmar creases : normal

Oedema : absent

Lower extremities

Proportions : normal

Club foot : absent

Femoral pulses : POP cast is present, not able to feel pulse



Rooting reflex : present

Sucking reflex : present

Swallowing reflex : present

Gagging reflex : present

Extrusion reflex : present

Blinking : present

Doll‟s eye : present

Palmar grasp : present

Plantar reflex : present

Dancing or stepping : present

Babinski reflex : present

Tonic neck reflex : present

Moro/ startle reflex : present

Anthropometric measurement
Weight : 2.2 kg
Height : 46 cm
Head circumferences : 35 cm
Chest circumference : 33 cm
Vital signs
Temperature : 1000+F
Heart rate : 136/minutes
Respiration : 38/minutes
Blood pressure :

Behavioural assessment
Breast feeding : expressed breast milk
Artificial feeding : I.V fluid, isolyte-P 80ml/kg /day
No of feeds : every 2nd hourly
Urine : passes urine through the eversion of posterior
Stools : passed meconium 2-3times/day
Type : semisolid and sticky
Sleep pattern : disturbed sleep
Thermal protection
Head and body covered : yes
Extremities covered : yes
Infection control
No of care giver : baby‟s mother and ward staff nurse
Hand washing
After bottom care : yes
Every feeding : yes
Each touch : yes
Kissing : no
Handling : minimal handling
B.C.G : given
O.P.V : given
Optional : nil


Urinary bladder

The urinary bladder is a distensible organ positioned behind the symphysis

pubis and anterior to the vagina and rectum. Its primary functions are to serve as

a reservoir for urine and to help eliminate the waste product. Normal adult urine

output is approximately 1500ml/ day. This varies with food and fluid intake.

The volume of urine produced at night is less than of that formed during days

because of hormonal influences e.g. (ADH). This diurnal pattern of urination is

normal. Most people urinate 5 to 6 times the day and occasionally at night.

The triangular area formed by the two ureteral openings and the bladder neck at

the base of the bladder is termed as trigone of the bladder. It is affixed to the

pelvis by many ligaments and it does not change its shape during bladder filling

or emptying. The bladder muscle is composed of layers of interwined smooth

muscle fibres capable of considerable distension during bladder filling and

contraction during emptying. It is affixed to the abdominal wall by an umbilical

ligament, termed the uraculus. Consequently as the bladder fills, it rises toward

the umbilicus. The dome anterior and lateral aspects of the bladder expand and

contract when the bladder is empty, it appears as multiple folds within the


On the average 200-250ml of urine in the bladder causes moderate distension

and the urge to urine. When the quantity of urine reaches about 400-600 ml. the

person feels discomfort. Bladder capacity varies with the individual, usually

ranging from 600-1000ml. evacuation of urine is termed as urination or


The bladder has the same mucosal lining as that of the renal pelvis ureter and

bladder neck. This lining is called transitional cell epithelium or urothelium and

is unique to the urinary tract. Transitional epithelium is resistant to absorption

of urine. Therefore urinary system after they leave the kidneys. Microscopically

transitional cell epithelium is several cells. These deep stretch out in the bladder

to only a few cells deeps as it accommodates filling. As the bladder empties the

epithelium resumes its multicellular layer formation.





Exstrophy of bladder is a congenital malformation in which the lower portion of

the abdominal wall and the anterior wall of the bladder are missing. So that the
bladder is everted through the opening and may be found on the lower abdomen
with continuous passage of urine to the outside. It is also termed as “ectopia


Exstrophy of the bladder is the moist common major anomaly of the lower
urinary and genital tracts occurring in 1 in 30,000 live births.

It is found more frequently in males than in females and is not familial.


Exstrophy of the bladder results when an abnormally large local membrane

prevents mesodermal in growth and lower membrane ruptures, the anterior
abdominal wall, pubis, bladder and urethra fail to develop normally. The paired
original tissues of the pelvis or clitoris fail to fuse in the midline. The extent of
the exstrophy depends on the size of the local membrane and its development
stage at the time of rupture.

Complete exstrophy is an extensive anomaly. The lower urinary tract i.e. the
entire bladder to the external urethral meatus is exposed and may be without
ventral covering. The defect in the male infant may be accompanied by a short
undescended testis or an inguinal hernia the perineum is flatter and the anus is
in a more anterior position than normal. In the female infant the clitoris may be
cleft the labia widely separated and vagina is located anteriorly. In either sex the
rectus muscle below the umbilicus are separated and the pubi rami are not
joined. The femoral heads are externally rotated when the child begins to walk,
there is a waddling gait.



1 Absence of anterior wall bladder Present

2 Bright red posterior bladder wall Present


3 Constant urinary trebling through the Present


4 Skin excoriation Present

5 Infection and ulceration of bladder Present


6 Ambiguous genitalia Present

7 Wadding unsteady gait

8 Urinary tract infection Present

9 Growth failure Present

10 Fever Present

11 Refusal of feeds Present



1. This condition is diagnosed on inspection at birth

2. Cystoscopic examination.

3. X-ray abdomen and pelvis.

4. USG abdomen and pelvis.

5. IVP

6. Urodynamic testing.

7. Urogram.


Name of the Normal value Patient’s value Remark

Hemoglobin 9-12gm 11.6gms Normal

Bleeding 2-7 minutes 2 minutes Normal

Clotting time 5-8 minutes 4 minutes Normal

Total count 6000-11,000 10,400 cells/mm3 Normal

Differential P-58% P-62% Normal
count L-40% L-22%
E-2% E-4%`
Blood urea 20-40mg/dl 22mgs/dl Normal

Blood sugar 60-90mgl/dl 64mg/dl Normal

Serum 0.8-1.2mg/dl 0.3mg/dl Normal

Urine Albumin-nil Nil Normal
analysis Sugar-nil Nil Normal
Deposits-nil 3-4 pus cell Elevated
Blood group „B‟ positive



Medical management includes the following.

1. Monitoring the vital signs

2. Prevention of urinary tract infections and maintaining proper urinary

eliminations and also the bowel eliminations.

3. Care of urinary catheter is very essential to prevent the urinary tract


4. Proper administration of antibiotics and other drugs.

5. Maintaining intake and output chart.

6. Maintaining thermal regulation of new born is very much essential.

7. Following proper aseptic precautions while doing procedures.


Name of the drug Dose Route & Action Side effects Nurse’s
frequency responsibilities
Inj. Cefatoxime 200mg IV & bd It is a Cephalosporin acts Nausea, Check for
sodium by Inhibiting cell wall Vomiting anaphylaxis
synthesis and assembly of Liver and renal
cell components leading to toxicity
bacterial death
Inj. Gentamycin 20mg IV & bd Short term treatment of Vestibular Obtain audio
gram negative bacterial dysfunction, metric assessment
infections including, e.coli chronic use leads with higher
to renal toxicity dosage, note for
any vestibular
Syp.paracetamol 20mg Oral &tds Reduces fever by an effect Chronic use may Document
on hypothalamus leads to lead to toxicity presence of fever,
sweating and pain and location,
vasodilatation LFT to be done in
case of long term


1. Exstrophy of bladder can be managed by surgical closure of the bladder

within 48 hours.

2. Urinary diversion may be needed in some cases before reconstructive


3. Complete correction of the malformation can be done in stages by

recommendation of the defect.

4. Orthopaedic surgery may be needed in some cases with associated

musculoskeletal problems. These interventions should be done by school



Supportive nursing care is important before and after reconstructive surgery to

prevent complications.

Preoperative nursing care

1. Special attention should be given for protection of bladder area from

infections and trauma.

2. Avoiding irritating cloth and linen over the exposed bladder.

3. Positioning the baby on back or side.

4. Humidifying the exposed bladder by covering with sterile petrolatum gauze.

5. Maintaining aseptic precautions and general hygiene measures along with

other routine care.

6. Preparation of parents for reconstructive surgery.

Post operative nursing care.

1. Close monitoring of the child‟s condition.

2. Monitoring vital signs.

3. Monitoring features of infections.

4. Monitoring intake and output.

5. Care of the urinary catheter, its position, drainage and leakage.

6. The abdominal dressing must be kept clean and dry.

7. Should teach the parents about general care of their baby and care of urinary

8. Should make the parents involved in the care of the baby during
hospitalisation, before getting discharge.

9. Necessary information and demonstration should be given to the parents

regarding home based care, follow up and neat probable data of operative


1. Acute pain related to surgical procedure

2. Risk for infections related to invasive procedures.

3. Impaired urinary elimination related to dysfunctional urinary system.

4. Hyperthermia related to urinary tract infections.

5. Imbalanced nutrition less than body requirement related to refusal of feeds.

6. Fear and anxiety of parents related to baby‟s body image disturbances.

7. Knowledge deficit of the parents regarding the baby‟s defect and body


8. Interrupted family process related to long time hospitalisation.

9. Ineffective family coping regarding car of the baby.

10.Impaired skin integrity related to bladder mucosal excoriation.



Assessment Diagnosis Goal Plan Of Action Implementation Rationale Evaluation

Subjective Acute Pain to relieve the pain Assess the child‟s Pain level is assessed To know the The child‟s pain
data: the related to pain level by the face scale base line data level is reduced.
mother surgical about of the It is evidenced
verbalizes procedure patients by the face scale.
that the child
was crying. Assess the vital signs Temperature-98.40F To know the
Objective Pulse- vital signs
data: the 108beats/minute
child‟s facial Respiration-36/min
expressions Provide Security of Mother was allowed To improve the
altered facial the mother to stay inside and to feelings of
& also attend the baby baby
crying frequently
Administer Diclofenac to reduce the
medication as per administered as pain
doctor‟s order suppositories as per
Reassess the pain The pain level of the To know the
level child was reassessed child‟s

Assessment Nursing diagnosis Plan of action Implementation Rationale Evaluation

Subjective data: Diagnosis: Risk for Assess the vital Vital signs are monitored To know the base Maintained
Mother says that the infection related to signs and recorded. line data body
newborn is warm to invasive procedure. Temperature: 100.40F temperature in
touch Goal: to prevent Pulse: 136/minute Normal way
Objective data: infection Respiration: 38/minute
The child looks febrile Teach hand Educated the mother To avoid infection
washing and about hand washing and
hygiene hygiene of the body
Provide clean and Provided clean and To minimize the
comfortable comfortable environment chance of infection
environment as well as comfortable
Change the Soaked dressing was To minimize the
surgical wound changed and cleaned with infection level
dressing antimicrobial solutions
Provide urinary Catheter care was To minimize the
catheter care provided by cleaning the chance of infection
surrounding area of the
catheter with
antimicrobial solutions

Assessment Nursing diagnosis Plan of action Implementation Rationale Evaluation

Subjective data: Diagnosis: Assess the vital Vital signs are monitored To know the base Maintained
Mother says that the hyperthermia related to signs and recorded. line data body
newborn is warm to urinary tract infection Temperature: 100.40F temperature at
touch Goal: to reduce the Pulse: 136/minute 98.40F
Objective data: fever Respiration: 38/minute
The child looks febrile Remove excess Excess clothing and To reduce the
clothing bedding removed and left temperature
the baby with minimal
Provide tepid Tepid sponging given To reduce the
sponging with cold water temperature.
Provide well Switched on the fans and To reduce the
ventilation provided spacious temperature
Assess the vital Vital signs are monitored To know the effect
signs and recorded. of my interventions
Temperature: 98.40F
Pulse: 136/minute
Respiration: 38/minute

Assessment Nursing diagnosis Plan of action Implementation Rationale Evaluation

Subjective data: Diagnosis: impaired Assess the vital Vital signs are monitored To know the base Baby‟s urine
Mother says that the urinary elimination signs and recorded. line data output is
baby passes less related to dysfunctional Temperature: 98.40F increased as
amount of urine. urinary system. Pulse: 136/minute evidenced by
Objective data: Goal: to improve the Respiration: 38/minute output 30ml
There was only 20ml urinary elimination Assess urine Urine output is assessed To know the base
of urine in the urine output from the urine bag. line data
bag. Output is 20ml.
Check for Urinary catheter checked Dislodgement may
dislodgement of for position, kicking and obstruct the flow
urinary catheter. dislodgement of the urine
Maintain intake Intake and output chart To know the renal
and output chart maintained. function of the
Reassess the vital Vital signs are To ensure that the
signs monitored and recorded. baby is normal our
Temperature: 98.40F interventions.
Pulse: 136/minute
Respiration: 38/minute

Assessment Nursing diagnosis Plan of action Implementation Rationale Evaluation

Subjective data: Diagnosis: Assess the Baby‟s weight is 2.2kg To know the base Baby‟s urine
Mother says that baby imbalanced nutrition nutritional status line data output is
looks thinner than less than body by patterns of increased as
birth, refusal of feeds requirement related to weight loss or evidenced by
Objective data: refusal of feeds gain output 30ml
Recorded weight Goal: to improve the Assess the Assessed the feeding To know the base
2.2kg, refusal of feeds` nutritional status of the feeding tolerance tolerance by giving breast line data
baby of the baby milk and watched for
vomiting and indigestion
Record the type 3 episodes of meconium To know the
and frequency was passed output of baby
and amount of
Provide Child is on I.V fluids, To improve the
120kcal/kg/day inj.isolyte-P nutritional status of
the baby
Establish Sucking and swallowing To improve the
Sucking and reflex is present hunger
Monitor intake Intake and output of the To know the
and output baby was monitored progress of baby

Personal Hygiene

1. Advised to keep the bladder area very clean and to cover it with sterile
petrolatum gauze to prevent infection and ulceration.

2. Advised to change the diaper frequently for the baby‟s comfort and to
prevent the constant odor of urine.

3. Advised to immerse the baby in water at bath time to prevent contamination

of the ureters and bladder wall.

4. Advised to remove stool immediately to prevent contamination of the



1. Advised the mother to provide comfortable position while breast feeding.

2. Advised the mother to observe the baby for any abdominal distension.

3. Encouraged the mother for exclusive breast feeding for 6 months of age and
to start complementary feeds at the 6th month.

4. Advised the mother to feed both the hind milk and fore milk till the breast
gets emptied and then go for other breast.

5. Advised the mother to watch for urine and stool elimination.


1. Instructed the mother about the selection of toys which should be large in
size and not sharp, lead coated to avoid aspirating small objects and
ingesting substances.

2. Encouraged the mother to provide sound making toys and rattle for the baby
to create distraction.


1. Explained the mother about the immunization schedule.

2. Instructed about the importance of immunization and complication of not

giving immunization.

3. Discussed about the optional immunization and insisted to utilize if they are

Follow up care

1. Instructed about the necessary of continuous follow up care.

2. Instructed about the next probable data of operative interventions as per

doctor‟s advice.

3. Taught about the signs of complications and the necessary for medical aid.

4. Advised to continue the hygienic measures while caring the baby to prevent.

5. Instructed to attend the review O.P. the date and place of review follow up.


This care study helped me to learn more about the exstrophy of bladder. This

enabled me to provide a comprehensive nursing care to the neonate with

exstrophy of bladder.

I gained more knowledge regarding the exstrophy of bladder, its assessment,

management and complications.

In addition baby‟s mother and family members had shared their feelings,

anxiety and fear freely to me. It was very good experience for me to deal with

neonate of congenital anomaly of genitor urinary tract in detail and I hope that

this experience will be helpful for me in future to treat carefully all babies with

congenital anomalies.


1. Parul datta, “Pediatric Nursing” (2009), 2nd edition published by jay bee

brothers, New Delhi, page number: 314-316.

2. Wong‟s (2009), “Essential of Pediatric Nursing, 8th edition, published by

Mosby publisher, page number: 958-959

3. Lippincott, “Manual Nursing Practice” 9th edition, published by wolters

kluwer page no: 1279-1281.

4. Ross and Wilson, “Anatomy And Physiology”, 4th edition, published by

wolters kluwer page no: 339-341.

5. Achar‟s. “Text book of pediatrics”, 4th edition, Hyderabad, 2009,

universities press (India) private limited, page no: 645-646.

6. Chaurasia, “General anatomy” 4th edition, Delhi, 2010, SDR printers (P)

limited page number: 269-275.

7. Dorothy R.Marlow‟s, “Text book of pediatrics”, 6th edition, New Delhi,

1998, indira printers, page no: 506-507.

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