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Western European Materials

as Sources and Sinks of CO,
A Materials Flow Analysis Perspective
Dolf J. Gielen
Unit Policy studies
ECN Netherlands Energy Research Foundntion
Petten, The Nerherlands

carbon dioxide
cement Materials use is an important factor influencing carbon di-
forest products oxide (COJ emissions because significant amounts of car-
materials flow analysis
bon dioxide are released during the productionof materials
from natural resources, and because products and wastes
can function as important sinks for CO,.This article ana-
lyzes the impact of Western European materials use on
CO, emissions.The material flows for steel,cement, petm-
chemicals, and wood products are analyzed in more detail.
The analysis shows that particular characteristics of the
materials system must be considered in the development of
emission reduction strategies. It is important to select a
relatively closed system for policymaking,as in Western Eu-
rope, in order to prevent unwanted transboundary effects.
The materials stored in the form of products, and the net
exports of materials, products, and waste limit the poten-
tial of a recycling stratw. Carbon storage in products and
waste disposal sites is significant both for synthetic and
natural organic materials,but is not accounted for in natu-
Address correspondenceto:
Dolf J. Gielen ral organic materials in current emissions statistics.Accord-
Unit Policy Studies inglythe emissions accounting practices should be modified
Nether'ands Rexarch to reflect the storage of such materials.
1755 ZG Petten
The Netherlands

0Copyright 1998 by the Massachusetts

Institute of Technology and Yale University

Volume 2. Number 2

journal of fndustriol Ecology 43


Introduction tution in certain applications (HFCs). Carbon

dioxide emissions mostly result from the com-
The countries that signed the United Na- bustion of fossil fuels. Their reduction is much
tions Framework Convention on Climate more complicated because of their sheer magni-
Change (UN FCCC) agreed to reduce their tude, the lack of affordable substitutes, and the
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to levels that diverse types and number of emissions sources.
will not harm the environment. Six categories of As a consequence, emissions reduction strategies
GHG emissions are considered under the UN for CO, deserve special attention.
FCCC agreement signed in Kyoto, Japan, in De- The industrial production of materials is a ma-
cember 1997 (UN FCCC 1997a), of which car- jor source of CO, emissions (see below). These in-
bon dioxide (CO,) is the most important: dustrial emissions must also be reduced in order to
achieve a significant emissions reduction overall.
carbon dioxide (CO,),
A number of strategies have been proposed
methane (CH,),
(Watson et al. 1996). However, industrial strate-
nitrous oxide (N,O),
gies such as fuel switching or electrification are
perfluorocarbons (PFCs),
considered to be costly, while increased energy ef-
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and
ficiency in materials production gives only limited
relief. Another strategy, which has received less
The countries of the European Union (EU) attention, is the increase of the efficiency of mate-
agreed to an 8% reduction in their total emis- rials use (or, in economic terms, increasing mate-
sions of GHGs in the period 2008-2012, com- rials productivity). If materials consumption
pared with the emissions in the reference year. decreases as a result of increased materials effi-
The Western European GHG emissions in the ciency, the materials production will also decrease.
reference year for the Kyoto agreement are listed The emissions are approximately proportional to
in table 1. The table shows that CO, constitutes the production, so they will also decrease. Such a
80% of the total GHG emissions. strategy can simultaneously enhance the
As a consequence of its large contribution to sustainability of the economy, while also resulting
GHG emissions, CO, reduction is a central goal in cost-effective emissions reduction. In certain
in many Western European countries. Other cases, it may actually increase profits and competi-
GHG emissions can be reduced by end-of-pipe tiveness because of cost reductions (Ayres and
air pollution controls (industrial N,O or CH, Ayres 1996).
from disposal sites), by improved process control The development of an effective and eco-
(PFCs in aluminium production), and by substi- nomically and ecologically viable materials effi-

Table I Western European greenhouse gas emissions

Category Reference Emission
year [MtCO, equiu. pal' Fraction [%I Main sources

CO, 1990 3,388 80 Fossil energy use, cement production

CH, 1990 520 12 Agriculture, disposal sites, coal mining
NP 1990 296 7 Agriculture, chemical industry
PFC 1995 11 0 Aluminium smelters
HFC 1995 26 1 Foams, cooling equipment, chemical
SF6 1995 18 0 High voltage electric switches
Total 4.259 100

Source: UN FCCC (1997b).

'Mt CO, equiv. pa = Megatons CO, equivalents per year, based on a time horizon (ITH)of 100 years for the global
warming potential. 1 Megaton =lo6 Megagrams = 106 metric tons=1.102 106 short tons.

44 journal of Industrial Ecology


ciency strategy requires more insight into the fectiveness of materials policies for GHG emis-
flows of materials in the economy and into the sions reduction will be analyzed. The research
relationship between material flows and CO, described in this article focuses on the current
emissions. This article provides a materials flow situation and does not discuss future develop-
analysis (MFA) for Western Europe from a CO, ments vis-tvis changes in product stock.
emissionsperspective. The analysis shows which For the purpose of this analysis, Western Eu-
materials are relevant and which stages in the rope encompasses all 15 countriesof the European
materials life cycle are relevant. The increasing Union as well as Norway, Iceland, and Switzer-
materials stock in products‘ is analyzed as well as land. The whole region is treated as one entity.
the relevance of net materials exports. These An analysis for separate countries may seem a
features of the materials system-the total pro- more appropriate approach for policymaking, but
duction, consumption, and waste handling of the international dimension of materials flows
materials-limit the potential of a recycling complicatessuch an analysis. A previous study for
strategy for GHG emissions reduction. The the Netherlands showed, for example, that a na-
analysis also shows that significant amounts of tional recycling strategy for paper and aluminum
carbon are stored in materials, products, and would result in CO, emissions reduction abroad
landfill sites, which are not properly accounted because of the reduction of the primary materials
for in current GHG emissions statistics. imports (Gielen and Romer 1996). On the other
The production of fossil energy carriers (i.e., hand, the Dutch petrochemical production struc-
fuels such as natural gas, crude oil, and coal) is not ture will hardly be affected by national recycling
discussed in this article. The CO, emissions in the strategies, because 75% of the petrochemical
production of these primary energy carriers con- products are exported and the plastic waste is thus
stitute less than 5% of the emissions during their handled outside the Netherlands. The waste plas-
final use (IEA 1994).Energy carriers are consid- tics are ultimately discarded abroad. The example
ered if they are used in the materials life cycle (in- indicates how international trade can complicate
cluding energy consumed in the transport of national materials policymaking. This article
goods, materials, and wastes). The final use of en- shows how Western Europe is a more closed sys-
ergy carriers outside the materials life cycle is ex- tem and, as a consequence, provides a less com-
cluded (e.g., residential heating and passenger plex model for analysis of regional materials
transportation). These processes are well docu- policies for CO, emissions reduction.
mented, and emissions reduction in relation to What determines the closed character of an
energy carriers has been extensively studied.* economy?An economy’s closed character is gen-
The analysis described in this article is a re- erally related to its spatial size. A number of rea-
sult of the MATTER project (MATerials Tech- sons can be given for this relation. Long-range
nologies for GHG Emissions Reduction), a materials transportation constitutes a significant
project within the framework of the Dutch Na- fraction of the production costs for bulk materi-
tional Research Programme on Global Air Pol- als (Gielen et al. 1996; Gielen and Dril 1997).
lution and Climate Change (Gielen and Kram These costs hamper international trade in bulk
1997). In a later stage of the MATTER project, materials. It is generally much more cost-effec-
improvement options for the material flows and tive to transport (solid and liquid) natural re-
processes in the economy will be analyzed. Both source~.~ Moreover, large economies generally
analyses will be combined in the integrated as- encompass more types of natural resources and
sessment of energy and materials strategies for industrial sectors, thus reducing the need for
emissions reduction. A similar analysis has been trade with other economies. Bulk materials-pro-
performed previously for the Netherlands ducing industries in small economies must sell
(Gielen 1995). The Western European assess- their products abroad in order to achieve a suffi-
ment will be based on a model for the whole en- ciently large production volume. This produc-
ergy and materials system “from cradle to grave.” tion volume must be large in order to achieve
It includes all GHG emissions. From this inte- economies of scale. For example, the Nether-
grated assessment, the potential and the cost-ef- lands is a small country with a large materials-

Gielen, Western European Materials and CO, 45


producing industry that sells its products mainly related to the consumption of organic carbon-
to the surrounding countries such as France, the containing resources (“hydrocarbons”). These
United Kingdom, and Germany, resulting in sig- compounds can be oxidized to CO,. The second
nificant materials exports. type is emissions related to the consumption of
The area of Western Europe is 3.58 million ki- inorganic resources (carbonates). They decom-
lometers2,100 times greater than the Netherlands. pose at high temperatures, thus releasing CO,.
To the west, the Atlantic Ocean constitutes a The main source of the second type is the pro-
natural trade barrier for many materials. To the duction of cement. The first type is more rel-
south, the Mediterranean and the scarcely popu- evant and is discussed in greater detail.
lated Sahara desert create effective trade barriers. Hydrocarbons can be divided into fossil fuels
In addition to the natural conditions, the Euro- and biomass. Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons that
pean Union has an important institutional role. have been stored underground for millions of
The EU decreases regulatory and customs trade years. Their conversion to CO, results in an in-
barriers between the countries within the region. crease in CO, concentration in the atmosphere.
As a consequence, it promotes trade within the Biomass consists of hydrocarbons produced by
EU. To the east, the iron curtain was an effective plants fixing CO, from the atmosphere. As a con-
international trade barrier. Because of the political sequence, their combustion results in zero net
change in Eastern Europe, the materials trade be- CO, emissions. The only exception to this rule is
tween Eastern Europe and Western Europe will sig the use of nonrenewable biomass. The use of
nificantly increase in the coming decades. At the tropical hardwoods is an example of biomass use
present time, however, its importance is still rather that results in net CO, emissions (IPCC 1995).
limited. An approximate sense of the degree to Hydrocarbons can be used as energy carriers
which materials flows stay within the region stud- and as feedstocks (see figure 1). The production
ied is provided by the case studies described below: of materials requires significant amounts of en-
a maximum of 20-25% of steel and wood and less ergy. Hydrocarbons used for energy purposes are
than 5% of cement and petrochemicals are im- directly converted into CO,. Feedstocks are in-
ported to or exported from Western Europe. corporated in the materials. Fossil fuels currently
This assessment of regional features that de- serve as feedstock for synthetic organic materials
termine the closed character of the Western Eu- such as plastics and solvents. Wood serves as
ropean economy is by no means complete. It feedstock for sawn timber and pulp. Organic
would require a full analysis of social, cultural, materials must be divided into two types, given
and historical dimensions that are not elabo- their different life-cycle characteristics. Certain
rated here.‘ This article only quantifies the “short life” carbon-containing materials, such as
closed character of the Western European mate- solvents, detergents, or urea fertilizer, are easily
rials system from the CO, emissions aspect. dissipated and subsequently converted into CO,.
First, the general relation between materials Not all carbon-containing materials, however,
and CO, emissions is discussed, followed by the are readily oxidized. “Long life” materials such as
quantification of the relationship between mate- plastics, elastomers, and wood can potentially
rials and CO, emissions in Western Europe. last for hundreds of years. The difference be-
From this analysis, the most important (groups tween short-life and long-life materials-not to
of) materials are identified. The MFA focuses on be confused with short- and long-lived products,
these materials. which are discussed below-is based on the cri-
terion of whether the materials can still be
traced in the waste stage. Within a time span of
The Relationship Between
100 years, plastics can be treated as if they are
the Materials Cycle and CO,
converted into CO, only if incinerated. As a
consequence, they can be accounted for in the
The materials life cycle is a major source and incineration stage. The major part of the sol-
sink of CO,. Two types of emissions can be iden- vents is lost during the use phase and cannot be
tified in the life cycle. The first type is emissions properly accounted for in the waste stage. As a

46 journal of Industrial Ecology


Figure I Carbon flow accounting

approach (armws indicate storage
and emissions) in relationto the

different stages in the materials life

cycle (vertical direction). Flows are
not proportional to the width of the

M A ? % W FiiODtlCTION

consequence, plastics are considered long-life If the materials stock in products increases by 1%
materials, while solvents are considered short- per year, the relevance of the materials storage
life materials (Gielen 1997a). Carbon is stored may seem small. However, the analysis of materi-
in organic long-life materials. The consumption als storage must consider the product life. If the
of these materials is much more significant than product life is 1 year, the annual waste release is
the incineration: the stock increases. These ma- 1% lower than the consumption. When the
terials are stored in the increasing product stock product life is 100 years, the waste release is 63%
as well as in waste disposal sites (see figure 1). lower than the consumption ( l-l.O1-'w). As a
The potential of a recycling strategy for CO, consequence, 37% of the materials are stored in
emissions reduction is limited by the availability products. If the stock increase exceeds 1% per
of waste materials. In any given period, the quan- year, the storage will increase accordingly. The
tity of wastes released does not necessarily equal actual product life depends on the application.
the amount of materials consumed because of in- For packaging, the average life is below 1 year.
creasing product stock. The product stock in For buildings, the average life is around 100 years.
Western Europe is gradually increasingas a result For other product groups, the life span is between
of lifestyle changes and increasing income levels. these two extremes. Because the products with a

Gielen, Western European Materials and CO, 47


long life span dominate the total materials con- waste disposal sites; biomass carbon storage in
sumption (see below), materials storage in prod- products and waste disposal sites is not consid-
ucts is significant. This effect is even more ered (IPCC 1995).This could result in a biased
pronounced for “new” materials such as plastics treatment of synthetic organic materials in the
or aluminium, which have only been in wide- GHG emissions accounting as illustrated later in
spread use for a few decades. Their consumption this article.
(and their stock in products) is increasing by 5-
10% per year. A plastic such as polyvinylchloride,
International Trade and Other
which is mainly used in the building and con-
Allocation Problems
struction sector, features a net storage of 44% of
the total consumption (APME 1995). Allocation problems can arise through inter-
The fate of organic materials in waste dis- national trade. If materials are imported, the
posal sites depends on the conditions in the emissions during materials production arise
landfill sites and on the type of material. Some abroad. Natural resources such as tropical timber
biodegradable materials are readily converted and most metal ores are imported because they
into CO, or into methane (landfill gas contains do not occur naturally in Western Europe. On
25-50% methane). Other synthetic organic ma- the other hand, materials, products, and waste
terials and certain natural organic materials do materials are exported from Western Europe.
not readily degrade, but remain fixed in the dis- Two approaches are possible for the system
posal site.5 Measurements for the Netherlands boundary. One is a “regional border” principle.
indicate that 40% of the disposed carbon re- All emissions within Western Europe are ac-
mains fixed in the disposal site (Oonk and Boom counted for, while emissions outside the region
1995). This fraction is mainly accounted for by are neglected. This approach, however, poses
the plastic materials. Wood is an example of a problems in relation to the emissions in the life
natural organic material that degrades slowly in cycle of materials. Significant emissions in mate-
disposal sites. Paper degrades more readily, but rials production may arise abroad, while recycling
still not completely. The decomposition of natu- benefits abroad may also be missed. If these ef-
ral organic materials depends on the content of fects are neglected, wrong conclusions can be
lignin and other persistent components. More- drawn with respect to the impact on global GHG
over, sufficient water must be present for decom- emissions, so for this reason, a different approach
position to take place (Thorneloe 1995). The is selected based on an “end use” principle. End
methane production stage in a disposal site can use is defined as “the total amount of material
last for 50 to 100 years. Plastics degrade by 1- consumed by Western European product manu-
5%, lignin does not degrade, cellulose and hemi- facturers plus the net import (imports minus ex-
cellulose degrade by 70% (Sundqvist 1995). ports) as semi-finished and finished products
Biomass contains 25-50% lignin. In the West- minus the process waste from product manufac-
ern European situation, approximately 75% of turers” (Duin 1997, ix). In other words, end use is
the municipal and solid waste (MSW) is dis- defined as materials used for products consumed
posed in landfills; the remainder is incinerated within Western Europe. The whole life cycle of
or recycled (APME 19931. materials related to the consumption of products
In addition to the emissions of methane (a and materials in Western Europe is included in
more potent greenhouse gas than CO,), this approach. This includes production outside
landfilling is not a viable strategy for GHG emis- Western Europe, but it may also include recycling
sions reduction because of other detrimental en- benefits outside Western Europe. With regard to
vironmental consequences. The only issue to be waste recycling, the recovery of waste materials
considered here is its relevance for the emissions for recycling has been considered as relevant
accounting balance. In the current GHG emis- mass flow for assessment of recycling benefits.
sions accounting practice, fossil fuel carbon stor- The following MFA analyses show if these
age in products and waste disposal sites is conventions really do influence the results for
considered as well as methane emissions from the Western European situation, compared to a

48 journal of Industrial Ecology


regional flow analysis based on the “regional ergy-intensive materials (i.e., materials requiring
border” principle. significant amounts of energy in production).
The figures represent an average with an uncer-
tainty in the 1 6 2 5 % range for most materials
Material Use, Product
(except wood, see below). This estimate of uncer-
Applications, and CO, Emissions
tainty is based on energy efficiency analysis for
An overview of the European end use of ma- materials production in a number of European
terials is shown in the second column of table 2. countries by Worrell and colleagues (1994) and
This table excludes net materials exports. Only on ranges for gross energy requirements7values
the most relevant materials contributing to CO, for materials from literature, for example, from
emissions are shown. Significant amounts of the Swiss Bureau of Environmental Chemistry
bulk materials such as sand, gravel, and earth are (Buro fur Umweltchemie 1996). The energy in-
not included because they are less relevant for tensity here is a relevant indicator for CO, emis-
CO, emissions. The CO, relevance is based on sions per ton of material because the selection of
an analysis of the production processes and the final energy carriers and the production technol-
related CO, emissions. ogy is generally the same within a certain materi-
Carbon dioxide emissions are closely related als-producing sector across different Western
to the energy consumption for materials produc- European countries.
tion. However, the emissions differ per type of The CO,emissions in the column “Primary”
energy carrier. The CO, emissions of fossil fuel is an overestimation of the actual emissions, be-
combustion are set by the carbon content of fos- cause significant amounts of material are re-
sil fuels (IPCC 1995).For electricity, a CO, emis- cycled and incinerated with energy recovery.
sions coefficient of 0.1 t/GJ6 (the Western The emissions for recycling are generally signifi-
European average for 1994)has been applied. For cantly lower than the emissions for primary pro-
heat, a CO, emissions coefficient of 0.07 t/GJ (a duction, because the energy requirements are
figure for a gas-based heating system) has been lower (see, e.g., Gielen 1995). The benefits of
used. The use of renewable energy (i.e., lignin for recycling are calculated on the basis of the emis-
pulp production and wood residues) is considered sions for primary materials production minus the
to emit no CO,. The emissions per ton of mate- emissions for recycling. The benefits of energy
rial are calculated by multiplying the final energy recovery are calculated on the basis of the emis-
inputs into the materials production processes sions for average electricity production multi-
and their specific CO, emissions. Process emis- plied with the electricity yield for waste
sions for decomposition of carbonaceous materi- combustion, assuming a 20% efficiency in elec-
als are added to the energy-related emissions. tricity production. The amount of recycled ma-
The emissions calculation procedure is discussed terial is based on analysis by Duin (1997). The
in Gielen (1997b). For all materials, the column amount of material where energy recovery is rel-
“Primary” shows the result of the multiplication evant is based on previous publications (Gielen
of end use and CO, emissions per ton of material, 1998) and research by the Association of Plas-
assuming production from virgin resources. The tics Manufacturers of Europe (APME 1996).
emissions coefficients for primary production are Both “CO, benefits’’ are aggregated in the col-
drawn on several sources (Gielen and Okken umn “Recovery.”
1994; Bur0 fur Umweltchemie 1996, Gielen Table 2 shows that a limited number of mate-
1997b, 1 9 9 7 ~ )The
. coefficients include the rials produce the major part of CO, emissions.
emissions in all processes from natural resource The total materials production would represent
extraction to the materials production. Some of a CO, emissions of 1,045 Mt if all materials
these emissions may occur abroad because the re- were made from virgin resources (the total for
sources are extracted abroad (e.g., copper ore), or the column “Primary”). This figure can be com-
because the materials are imported. Transporta- pared with the total Western European CO,
tion energy for resources has been considered in emissions of 3,300 Mt in 1995 (UN FCCC
these figures, but is generally less relevant for en- 1997b). However, considerable amounts of ma-

Gielen, Western European. Materials and CO, 49


Table 2 Materials end use in Western Europe,forecast for the year 2000, and its relevance for CO,
emissions in million metric tons per annum

Storage Storage in
Material End use Primary' Recovery2 in products' disposal sites

(Mt (Mt C0,pn) (Mt C0,p) (Mt C0,p) (Mt C0,pa)

Metals Aluminium 9 90 -3 1 0 0
Copper 4.5 34 -16 0 0
Lead 1.4 3 -1 0 0
Manganese 1.4 2 0 0 0
Iron and steel4 78 195 -45 0 0
Zinc 1.6 4 -1 0 0
Other metals' 2.6 13 -3 0 0
Synthetic Bitumen 16 55 0 48 0
organic Detergents6 4 12 0 0 0
Lubricants 2.9 12 -1 0 0
Solvents 4.6 18 -1 0 0
Polyethy lene 10.3 52 -5 4 -25
Polypropylene 7 .O 35 -3 -3 -13
Polyvinylchloride 5.1 20 -2 -6 -3
Polyethyleneterephthalate 3 .O 18 -2 -2 -5
Polystyrene 2.9 15 0 -3 -2
Other thermoplastics 2.8 17 -1 -4 -3
Thermosets 5.1 31 -1 -5 -5
Synthetic elastomers 2.2 13 -2 0 -2
Plasticizers 1.1 4 0 0 0
Carbon black 1.o 4 -1 0 0
Other synthetic organic7 5.0 25 0 -2 -10
Natural Sawn timber+plywood8 46.0 46 -7 -50 -1 0
organic Particle board 15.0 8 -2 -1 5 -3
Mechanical wood pulp 11.5 12 0 0 0
Chemical wood pulp 27.0 5 0 0 0
Paper 80.0 40 -29 -5 -5
Other natural organic' 15.0 20 0 -5 -5
Inorganic Ammonia 10.0 20 0 0 0
Chlorine 8.4 9 0 0 0
Sodium carbonate 6.0 5 0 0 0
Sodium chloride (solid) 15.4 5 0 0 0
Other inorganic" 100 10 0 0 0
Ceramic Bricks 66 8 0 0 0
Cement 175 126 0 0 0
Concrete 800 14 0 0 0
Glass 25 12 -2 0 0
Quicklime 22 23 0 0 0
Other ceramic" 50 10 0 0 0
Total 1,644.8 1,045 -156 -152 -9 1
Sources: Duin (1997), Gielen and Okken (1994), Gielen (1997b) and Metals (1996)
I Includes fossil carbon feedstocks.
* Includes recycling benefits and energy recovery froin post-consumer waste. Excludes energy recovery from process-
ing waste.
' Net storage in long-life products.

50 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Table 2 (continued)

‘Carbon storage in the form of high carbon steel and carbon in sheet steel is negligible.
Includes nickel, chromium, tin, titanium, and zirconium.
Consists of 25% surfactants and other organic compounds; the remainder are zeolites, sodium perborate, phosphates,
Solvents, resins, others.
Includes CO,emissions from nonrenewable wood production.
Cotton,hides and skins, wool, peat, cellulosic fibers, natural rubber, and fiberbogrd.
lo Salt brine, ornamental stone, gypsum, sulfur, potash, phosphor, and kaolin.
II Other clay products, sand-limestone.

terials are recycled or incinerated with energy are equivalent to 130 Mt of CO,. The bulk of
recovery. The combined benefit of recycling and these emissions arises from the degradation of
energy recovery is an emissions reduction of 156 kitchen waste and paper. Current policy plans in
Mt (the total for the column “Recovery”). Western Europe are focusing on increased recov-
Table 2 also reveals the importance of carbon ery of landfill gas and incineration of organic
storage in products and disposal sites. Consider- waste. Recovery percentages of up to 89% are
able amounts of both natural and synthetic or- technologically feasible for controlled landfills
ganic materials are stored in long-life products (Oonk 1994). With regard to N,O, 100 Mt of
such as buildings. For many materials, the con- CO,equivalent in GHGs are emitted in the pro-
sumption has been increasing for decades. duction of nitric acid, caprolactam, and adipic
Coupled to a product life of decades, the quantity acid. These emissions can be reduced through
of waste material lags behind the current materi- catalytic conversion of the N,O in the off-gases.
als production. As a consequence, the materials Perfluorocarbon emissions are related to the so-
stock in products is increasing. The net carbon called anode effect in aluminium production
storage in products is estimated to be 152 Mt of from alumina (Tabereaux 1994). Emissions for
CO, per year. Moreover, considerable amounts of new smelters with so-called point feeders are one
carbon are stored in disposal sites: 91 Mt of CO, order of magnitude lower than the emissions for
equivalent per year. The total storage effect is existing smelters without this equipment. Total
larger than the combined effect of recycling and emissions in Western Europe are approximately
energy recovery. The storage data for synthetic 11 Mt according to official statistics (see table
and natural organic materials are elaborated in 1). Finally, HFCs are rapidly being introduced
the MFA analyses provided later in this article. for foams and cooling equipment as a substitute
Together, recovery and storage reduce the CO, for CFCs and hydrochlorofluorocarbons
impact of materials from 1,045 to 646 Mt per year (HCFCs), which are banned because of their
(1,045-156-152-91, see table 2). If the method ozone depletion impact. If it is assumed that half
according to IPCC (Intergovernment Panel on of the total quantity of HFCs is used for foams,
Climate Change) guidelines is applied (storage the result is an estimate of 13 Mt of CO, equiva-
for synthetic organic materials, 145 Mt; and ne- lents. Hydrofluorocarbons are the only group of
glect storage for natural organic materials,98 Mt), non-CO, GHG where a significant increase in
the total emissions amounts to 744 Mt of CO,. emissions can be expected during the next ten
In addition to CO,, the other GHG emis- years.
sions related to materials can also be quantified Addition of the non-CO, GHG emissions at-
(see table 1). In 1990 the CH, emissions from tributable to materials results in an estimate
landfill sites amounted to 6.1 Mt (UN FCCC equivalent to 254 Mt of CO,. It is assumed that
1997b). The global warming potential of CH, is emissions abroad do not significantly add to the
21 (time horizon 100 years), so these emissions emissions related to European end use. These

Gielen. Western European Materials and CO, 5I


emissions pose less of a policy problem because The relative importance of materials can be
they can be cost-effectively managed by end-of- seen in table 2. Aggregated groups of materials
pipe technology (CH,, N,O), improvements in such as plastics or wood products show an in-
process technology (PFCs), and substance chain creased relevance compared to individual mate-
management (HFCs). A 50-75% reduction of rials. In order to provide more insight into the
these emissions in the next 10-15 years is esti- complexity of the material flows,the most rel-
mated to be feasible. evant (groups of) materials contributing to CO,
The materials consumption can also be sub- emissions are discussed in more detail:
divided into one of the nine product groups in
iron and steel,
which the material is used as shown in figure 2.
These product groups are characterized accord-
petrochemical products, and
ing to the product use and the product charac-
wood products.
teristics such as product life. The consumer
products group is divided into durables and non- The relevance of imports and exports, materi-
durables and are consumed by households. The als storage, carbon storage for petrochemical
difference is accounted for in the product life: products and wood products, and waste handling
more than five years for durables (mainly fur- are discussed in more detail using MFA. The re-
nishings), less than five years for nondurables lationship between materials production, con-
(papers, etc.). The group “auxiliary materials” sumption, and the amounts of waste is analyzed.
includes alloying elements, metal coatings, fer- The closed character of Western Europe is ana-
tilizers, and inorganic intermediates in the lyzed for these important groups of materials. To-
chemical industry. gether, they account for 74% of the CO,
The CO, emissions in figure 2 include pro- emissions in table 2 (excluding carbon storage).
duction and recycling (total 899 Mt CO,). Car- This analysis provides more insight into the po-
bon storage (253 Mt CO,) and energy recovery tential to “close the materials cycle”8and into the
(10 Mt CO,) have not been considered. The fig- relative importance of strategies to be applied to
ure shows that the preponderance of the materi- different stages of the materials life cycle.
als is used for buildings and infrastructure
(together 43%). This group is followed by pack-
aging materials (15%). The third group consists Iron and Steel
of auxiliary materials ( 1 1%). If the carbon stor-
age is taken into account, the relevance of the The materials balance for the Western Euro-
group buildings and infrastructure is halved be- pean iron and steel industry in 1992 is illustrated
cause of the increasing product stock. in figure 3. The analysis shows that significant

Figure 2 CO, emissions for CARS, VANS TRUCKS
materials production allocated to 0 CONSUMER DURABLES
product gr0ups.Westet-n Europe CONSUMER NON-DURABLE
forecast for the year 2000.Excludes
carbon storage and incineration
(total 899 Mt CO,). Source: Duin
( 1997).

52 journal of Industrial Ecology



Figure 3 The materials balance for iron and steel,WestemEurope. 1992 Figures indicate material flows in million
metric tons per year: Some flows do not balance because of rounding.Source: Gielen and Dril ( I 997).

amounts of semifinished steel products, finished tively low, compared with other regions of the
steel products, waste products, and steel scrap world. The positive trade balance complicates
are exported (a total of 44 Mt vs. 80 Mt iron pro- the analysis of materials policies for this sector.
duction from ore). Two steel production pro- The increasing steel stock is also a notable fea-
cesses are used: the blast furnace-basic oxygen ture, bearing in mind that steel consumption in
furnace route (BF-BOF) and the electric arc fur- the last two decades has stabilized. It indicates
nace (EAF) process. The BF-BOF route uses that the product stock is not yet approaching a
iron ore and limited amounts of scrap, whereas steady state. In particular, the building and con-
the EAF only uses steel scrap. The iron ore for struction sector is a major materials sink. Ap-
the blast furnaces is mainly imported from Bra- proximately 75% of the steel input in the sector
zil and Australia, but the CO,emissions for ore is stored. This estimate is based on the increasing
mining and transportation are comparatively building floor area and a comparison of building
small. As a consequence, more than 95% of the and demolition data (see, e.g., Gielen [1997c]).
emissions for Western European end use arise The total storage in the increasing product stock
within Western Europe. is approximately 15 Mt per year. Five to ten Mt
The iron and steel subsystem is relatively of steel are lost in disposal sites (Gros 1992).
open as a result of the strong export position of Some iron and steel are also converted into rust.
the Western European iron and steel industry. Data are not available, but it is estimated that 5-
Total exports of steel products amount to 32 Mt 10 Mt are lost. The steel balance shows that re-
of iron and steel. This export represents 23% of coverable losses from the steel system constitute
the total crude steel production. The net export only a small fraction of the total steel consump-
of waste steel products and steel scrap represents tion. As a consequence of significant net exports
another 12 M t of steel (i.e., 15% of the total and storage, “closing the materials cycle” is not a
steel waste produced). As a result, the fraction of feasible strategy for the Western European iron
EAF steel production in Western Europe is rela- and steel industry.

Gielen, Western European Materials and CO, 53


Cement constitute the most complex subsystem of the

European materials system.
Cement is a material with a low price per ton
The petrochemical industry converts oil and
of product. The natural resource, limestone, is
natural gas into petrochemicals. Figure 4 shows
available in most countries; hence international
that the bulk of the petrochemical products is de-
cement trade is traditionally limited. Approxi-
rived from oil, while natural gas products are only
mately 10% of the Western European cement
of secondary importance. The bulk of the oil is im-
production is exported. This export is balanced
ported, but this step is of minor importance for
by an almost equivalent import from Eastern Eu-
CO, emissions. Both refinery products and
rope. The net import and export of cement since
steamcracking products are used as feedstock mate-
1990 represents less than 2% of the total produc-
rial for the petrochemical industry. Steamcracking
tion (Eurostat 1995, 5.14). Cement is mainly
is a key process in the petrochemical industry and
used in concrete and mortar. These products are
is used to convert a range of oil products into pet-
also characterized by a low price per ton. More-
rochemicals. The most important steamcracking
over, transportation of ready-mix concrete, the
products are ethylene, propylene, butylene, and
bulk of concrete production, is technically not
benzene. These intermediatesare converted into a
feasible over large distances. Western Europe
whole range of polymers, solvents, resins, fibers,
thus constitutes a closed system for cement. On
and other synthetic organic products. The bulk
the supply side, the situation is complicated by
monomers such as ethylene and propylene are gas-
the residuals, which are also used for cement pro-
eous compounds. Transportation of these gases is
duction. Granulated blast furnace slag, fly ash,
only cost-effective if pipelines are used. As a result,
volcanic ash (Pozzolan), and gypsum are added
there is no major trade with other regions
to Portland cement clinker to produce cement.
(Eurostat 1995,6.16). The same applies to the liq-
Only very limited CO, emissions are associated
uid petrochemicals such as aromatics, where trans-
with the use of these residuals. Estimates for the
portation would be feasible. For plastic granulates,
consumption of resources in 1993 are shown in
the production is also matched by the consump-
table 3. Cement consumption is completely ac-
tion. This is illustrated in table 4. Total production
counted for by the building and construction in-
exceeds consumption by just 3%.
dustry. The significant net storage of cement in
The material flows in the petrochemical in-
the increasing product stock is not relevant for
dustry are shown in figure 4. The base year for
the analysis because cement cannot be recycled.
the analysis is 1994, but some data have been
extrapolated for 1992 and 1993. The figure
Petrochemical Products shows only the most important material flows
and their ultimate application. Imports and ex-
Petrochemical products can be divided into a
ports are only shown where data were available.
number of groups. The most important groups
In order to provide a more aggregated overview,
on a mass basis are plastics, followed by solvents,
figure 5 shows the petrochemical balance but
fibers, resins, and detergents. Petrochemicals
excludes urea, lubricants, bitumen, petroleum
cokes, and fuel products. These products are
Table 3 Consumption of resources for cement generally not accounted for in petrochemical
production in Western Europe, I993 in million statistics. The materials group “other produc-
metric tons per annum tion” in figure 5 contains substances such as an-

(Mt pa) tifreeze and plasticizers.

For plastics and elastomers, there is a consid-
Portland clinker 150 erable discrepancy between the materials con-
Blast furnace slag 11
sumption and the release of waste materials as a
Fly ash 5
Pozzolan 8 result of the increasing materials stock in prod-
Gypsum 8 ucts. In the product group buildings and con-
structions alone, 4 Mt of plastics are stored per
Source: Gielen (1997b). year (APME 1995). The term “loss” in figure 5

54 journal of Industrial Ecology



(SEE flGURE 5)

.*.-m ...........................

.................................. EUnOYWS

......................... E W W E E l
...........................F, pumo8
Hm ........................... =*ms

............................................. OTHER

......................... SQVEm
........................ -8.-

......................... '.--.-R

........................ pusncg


................................................ OTHER
S a r n . r n R

........... OTHER



........................................... EUIFmYERIL

.......................................... ~VEM1IPLMICII.
.............................. .pusTIQI.

............................ OTHER
............................ RESINS
............................ Raw&**m

UEuLlE UE ....................................MaMs
1 ........................................... FB(TIUSER

Figure 4 Material flows in the petrochemical industry,Western Europe. estimated for 1994. Figures indicate material
flows in million metric tons per year:Arrows marked "exports" indicate exports less imports. Dashed and solid lines
have the same meaning and are used to improve readability of the diagram.Acrunyms are explained in the glossary.
Sources: Weissermel and Arpe ( 1994) Barnett and Bubley ( 1994). Gielen et al. ( I996),APME ( 1996). Kunststoffe
(I 993).TNO ( 1997). and European Chemical News ( I 997).

Gielen. Western European Materials and CO, 55


Table 4 Production and consumption of plastics, storage and loss is calculated from the materials
Western Europe, I994 in million metric tons per consumption and waste release data and on the
annum basis of the dissipative use of certain materials.
Apparent Most of the petrochemical products are still
Material Production consumption Ratio used only once. The majority of the waste is dis-
P AC PIAC posed in landfills; some energy is recovered. As
a consequence of the disposal, considerable
(Mt pa) (Mt pa) f-I amounts of fossil carbon are stored in disposal
Polyethylene 9.74 9.74 1.oo sites (see table 2).
Polypropylene 5.47 4.88 1.12
PVC 5.24 5.36 0.98
Polystyrene 2.58 2.49 1.04 Wood Products
Total 23.03 22.47 1.03
Wood products can be divided into paper and
Source: TNO (1997). pulp, structural wood products, and wood for
energy applications. Wood is a special material
because the forest stock in Western Europe is
encompasses actual losses of material during use increasing, and as a consequence, there is an in-
(e.g., detergents that are carried away with the creased storage of carbon. The net storage of
wash water). It also includes net exports of prod- CO, in the increasing forest stock in Western
ucts, waste products, and waste materials. For Europe is around 220 Mt per year, based on
example, in the case of plastics, 0.2 Mt of waste United Nations Food and Agriculture Organiza-
plastics are exported to other regions. Net ex- tion data (UN ECE/FAO 1996). This type of
ports of product packaging may also be substan- stock increase does not occur for any other re-
tial, but no figures have been found. The total of source. It has not been accounted for in table 2.






0.5 I
.-a I



Figure 5 Petrochemical product balance,Western Europe, 1994. Figures indicate material flows in million metric tons
per year. Some flows do not balance because of rounding.SourcesWeissemel and Arpe (I 994). Barnett and Bubley
( I 994). Gielen et al. (I 996).TNO (I 997) Eumpean Chemical News (I997).APME (1996). Kunststoffe (I 993).
Hentefricke (1994). and Biggin ( 1994).

56 journal of Industrial Ecology


The depletion of forest resources abroad, in 1993. For paper, a net export exists. The paper
however, is a major source of CO, emissions. and pulp balance for 1992 is detailed in figure 6,
Twenty to twenty-five percent of the total global which shows that 26 Mt of paper are recycled.
CO, emissions is a result of tropical deforesta- Approximately 3 Mt of wastepaper are lost as
tion; one of the many contributing causes is log- household and sanitary papers through the sew-
ging for timber production. The production of age system. A net storage of approximately 5 Mt
timber results not only in direct stock depletion, is assumed in increasing product stocks such as
but it also opens the forest for successivefurther books and wallpaper. The remainder (30 Mt) is
exploitation and degradation. However, the ac- still disposed or incinerated. The ratio for MSW
tual CO, emissions that can be allocated to tim- handling can be applied to this waste: approxi-
ber production in these regions are very mately 25% is combusted, 75% is disposed in
uncertain. The allocation of emissions to differ- landfills. The aggregated wood balance for S t N C -
ent types of forest use, the definition of regions, tural products, pulp and paper making, and en-
and the timescale for the assessment determine ergy production is shown in figure 7 except for
the outcome. Estimates range from 1 to 10 tons paper and pulp where only the fiber content is
of CO, per ton of sawn timber, depending on the shown?
allocation principle and the system boundaries The net import of wood products for struc-
(IPCC 1995). The CO,emissions for wood pro- tural applications is 16 Mt per year, compared to
duction in table 2 result principally from tropi- a consumption of 82 Mt per year. For the total
cal wood production (roundwood, sawn timber, roundwood import, the fraction of net imports is
and panels in table 5 , 2 5 Mt CO,). below 10%.These figures show that Western
Total net trade of forest products accounted for Europe is almost self-sufficient in wood and
a net import of 42 Mt roundwood equivalent in wood products. However, the nonrenewable
1990 (UN ECE/FAO 1996). Net imports, how- character of certain categoriesof imported wood
ever, decreased significantly in more recent years. results in a much higher relevance of the imports
Most are imported as panels, sawn wood, and pulp. for CO, emissions. These imports require sepa-
The European wood impow are analyzed in table rate treatment in an emissions-reduction policy
5. (Note that the definition of Europe in this table framework for materials. As a consequence of
includes the Eastern European countries; their the significant emissions for the imported wood,
trade is, however, comparativelysmall.) the Western European wood system cannot be
The figures in table 5 show a significant net considered as a closed system.
import of pulp and sawn wood. Addition of the The balance of structural wood end use, 48
trade volumes results in a net import of 13.6 Mt Mt, is in the form of products and waste wood

Table 5 European trade in wood products with other regions, I993 in million metric tons per annum
Roundwwd Sawnurood Pa7WI.S Pulp
Region IMt pal I M t paJ IMt pal IMt Pal IMt pal
North America 0.6 2.0 1.1 4.5 2.2
Former Soviet Union 2.6 3.8 0.4 0.50 0.2
Tropics' 2.0 1.8 1.1 2.0 0.6

Total imports 5.2 7.6 2.6 7.0 3.0

Total exports 4.2 0.1 0.0 1.o 6.5
Net import 1.0 7.5 2.6 6.0 -3.5
Sowce: UN ECE/FAO (1996).
Nore: Assumes a density of 0.75 Jm.]
I Total for Latin America, Asia-Pacific region, Africa.

Gielen,Western European Materials and CO, 57









Figure 6 Paper and pulp balance
for Western Europe, 1992.Figures USE
indicate material flows in million
metric tons per year: Sources: CEPl 25
(I995) and Bystrijm and Lonnstedt 1
( 1995).

Figure 7 Wood balance for
Western Europe. Figures indicate
material flows in million metric tons
per year; paper and pulp figures
refer to the fiber content; 1992/
1993. Some flows do not balance
because of rounding. WIR = wood in
the rough (all wood removed from
forests and from trees outside the
forests). Dashed and solid lines have
the same meaning and are used to
improve readability of the diagram.
Sources: UN ECUFAO (I996). UN
FA0 ( 1995) Sikkema ( 1997).and
Rijpkema et al. ( 1997).

58 journal of lndustriol Ecology


(see figure 7). Also for wood, considerable stor- the consumption. Trade, however, also extends
age can be expected because structural wood is to materials embodied in products, waste prod-
mainly applied in the building and construction ucts, and waste materials. These material flows
sector. However, a significant fraction of this are not well documented. Intercontinental
wood is thought to decay during use. Actual fig- trade is relevant for steel (significant exports)
ures are not available, although it has been as- and wood products (significant imports). For
sumed in these calculations that SO% is stored plastics and cement, net trade is negligible.
and 50% decays naturally. This is considered a Western Europe represents a more closed mate-
conservative estimate for the storage. A ton of rials system than smaller regional entities such
wood produces 1.8 tons of CO, when oxidized as the Netherlands. From a n analysis point of
through decay or incineration. This results in a view, t h e more closed character makes the
net carbon storage of 50 Mt per year in the in- analysis results less dependent on the selection
creasing product stock, with an uncertainty of the end use or regional system boundaries.
range of 25-75 Mt. This more closed system also provides a better
The MFA for wood is considered to be the forum for policymaking, because major
least accurate of the four (groups of) materials transboundary policy effects can be avoided.
that have been analyzed. The uncertainty of the The Western European materials system is far
material flows is in the range of 20%, based on the from balanced: that is, consumption is not equal
data on material flows from different sources. The to releases as waste in most periods. Significant
material flows for the other materials contain an amounts of materials are stored in long-life prod-
uncertainty in the range of 10%.The MFA accu- ucts. This storage can be explained by the in-
racy could be significantly improved by the bot- creasing product stock. This effect is significant
tom-up measurement of losses and storage. especially for long-life products such as buildings
Moreover, trade of products that include materi- and constructions.
als and waste products containing materials in- The storage of materials also results in con-
creases the uncertainties. If the uncertainty of the siderable carbon storage for both synthetic and
CO, emission coefficients is combined with the natural organic materials. In addition to storage
uncertainties for material flows, the actual CO, in products, carbon-containing materials are
emissions estimates have an accuracy of 20%, stored in disposal sites. The total storage effect
while the accuracy of the storage is 25-S0%. (243 Mt CO, per year) is more important than
the combined recycling and energy recovery ef-
fect (156 Mt CO, per year). Storage is currently
considered in the official CO, accounting ac-
In Western Europe a limited number of mate- cording to the international guidelines for syn-
rials are relevant for CO, emissions, of which thetic organic materials. Storage is not
the most important are iron and steel, cement, considered for natural organic materials even
plastics, and wood products. Total materials pro- though it is of similar importance (98 Mt CO,
duction accounts for 646-1,045 Mt of CO, emis- per year), as is the storage of synthetic organic
sions, depending on the definitions. These materials (145 Mt CO, per year). The emissions
figures represent 20-32% of the total Western accounting guidelines should be modified to ac-
European emissions. The bulk of the CO, emis- count for this storage. This is important because
sions for materials production can be allocated increased storage of natural organic materials in
to buildings and infrastructure, to packaging products provides a strategy to reduce emissions.
materials, and to auxiliary materials applications The current accounting practice favors syn-
such as fertilizers. thetic organic materials. The accounting of this
The materials balances for the most relevant storage, however, is complicated.
materials for Western Europe show that the net Other than its relevance for carbon storage,
imports and exports of materials with high CO, the significant net materials storage in products
emissions per ton represent less than 25% of is a limiting factor for a closed loop recycling

Gielen. Western European Materials and CO, 59


strategy. This limit is relevant for both organic factors that shape national competitiveness(1990).
and inorganic materials. The dynamics of the 5. Editor's note: For a discussion of carbon seques-
materials consumption, materials losses, the in- tration and conversion of carbon from paper to
tercontinental trade, and the already high recy- methane in landfills, see the special issue of the
Jouml of Indusmd Ecology (volume 1, number 3)
cling rates further limit the potential of the
on the industrial ecology of paper and wood.
recycling strategy. The MFA results for iron and
6. t = metric ton = 1 teragram (Tg). GJ = gigajoule
steel, for cement, for synthetic organic materials, = lo9joule.
and for wood show that the synthetic organic 7. GER is the sum of all energy in all upstream pro-
materials are the only group where recycling can cesses that is required to produce the material ex-
be significantly increased. pressed in primary energy units.
The analysis has not focused on strategies 8. Note that in this paper, closure of cycles can re-
that could be applied to increase the efficiency fer either to matters of t i d e and regional bound-
of materials use. The earlier calculations for the aries (i.e., the amount of materials that are
Netherlands suggested an important improve- exported or imported into the region) or to the
ment potential for biomass feedstocks and mate- degree to which materials are recycled. In this
case, the latter meaning is intended.
rials substitution (Gielen 1995). Preliminary
9. Nonfiber additives such as clays or sizing are ex-
assessments suggest there may be ample room to
improve the materials quality and to redesign
products for increased materials efficiency
(Gielen 1997d). Moreover, the potential for in- References
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PP polypropylene
PS polystyrene
ABS acrylonitrile butadiene styrene PVC polyvinylchloride
ACEEE American Council for a n En- p-xylene para-xylene
ergy-Efficient Economy RIVM National Institute of Public
APME Association of Plastics Manu- Health and the Environment
facturers in Europe SBR styrene butadiene rubber
BF blast furnace SF6 sulphurhexafluoride
BOF basic oxygen furnace TNO Netherlands Organization for
CEPI Confederation of European Applied Scientific Research
Paper Industries TPA terephthalic acid
CFCs chlorofluorocarbons UF-resins urea-formaldehyde resins .
C*, methane UN ECE United Nations Economic
carbon dioxide Commission for Europe
DMT dimethy lterephthalate UN FA0 United Nations Food and
EAF electric arc furnace Agriculture Organization
ECN Netherlands Energy Research UN FCCC United Nations Framework
Foundation Convention o n Climate
EU European Union Change
GER gross energy requirement VCM vinylchloride monomer
GHG greenhouse gas WIR wood in the rough

62 journal of Industrial Ecology

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