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The Potential of Waste Tire and Waste Plastics Pyrolysis in Southern Savonia Region PDF

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LUT School of Energy Systems

Environmental Technology

Paavo Hirvonen



Examiners: Professor, D.Sc (Tech.) Mika Horttanainen

Professor, D.Sc (Tech.) Esa Vakkilainen

Supervisors: Michael Overell

D.Sc (Tech.) Jussi Heinimö

Lappeenranta University of Technology

LUT School of Energy Systems
Decree Program in Environmental Technology

Paavo Hirvonen

The potential of waste tire and waste plastics pyrolysis in Southern Savonia region

Master’s Thesis


94 pages, 23 tables, 15 figures

Examiners: Professor, D.Sc (Tech.) Mika Horttanainen

Professor, D.Sc (Tech.) Esa Vakkilainen

Keywords: Pyrolysis, waste tires, waste plastics, pyrolysis oil, carbon black, EN 590

The aim of this thesis was to find the raw material potential, end product marketability and
requirements and financial aspects for a new waste tires and plastics pyrolysis plant located
in the Southern Savonia region. The results can be limitedly applied also if the asset is built
somewhere else in Finland. This process is continuous and produces vendible end products
– a metal fraction, carbon black and pyrolysis oil which is refined into EN 590 compliant
diesel fuel. The research was conducted by viewing the existing pyrolysis applications and
their parameters, contacting the raw material suppliers and machinery vendors and
examining the related scientific researches.

Based on the research made, the annual raw material capacity was evaluated to be 15 800
tons – 15 000 tons are waste tires and 800 tons are waste plastics. Raw material suppliers
were examined based on the desired location for the asset. The EN 590 diesel is sold to be
used as a vehicle fuel. For the carbon black, the applications vary depending on its
characteristics from fuel use to plastics and rubber industry and activated carbon production.
The metal fraction isn’t attractive to the metal industry. All the end products have a market
advantage since they are derived from waste instead of virgin resources. The CAPEX for the
pyrolysis plant was evaluated to be around 10 000 000 € and for the OPEX 1 500 000 €
annually. The income from the end products was calculated to be 6 400 000 € annually.
Based on these, a payback period of 2,5 years was estimated for the investment which is
very attractive for a new business activity. According to this study, the potential and
feasibility of the studied waste pyrolysis process was found promising. However, the results
have a significant error compared with the reality due to different assumptions and missing
economic factors. For instance, the CAPEX and OPEX values don’t include all the elements
and the end product prices depend on their quality which can’t be predicted.

Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto

LUT School of Energy Systems
Ympäristötekniikan koulutusohjelma

Paavo Hirvonen

Jäterekaiden ja -muovin pyrolysointilaitoksen toimintaedellytykset Etelä-Savon




94 sivua, 23 taulukkoa, 15 kuvaa

Tarkastajat: Professori, TkT Mika Horttanainen

Professori, TkT Esa Vakkilainen

Hakusanat: Pyrolyysi, rengasjäte, muovijäte, pyrolyysiöljy, hiilimusta, EN 590

Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli esittää Etelä-Savon alueelle rakennutettavan

jäterenkaiden ja -muovin pyrolyysilaitoksen toimintaedellytyksiä. Näitä olivat raaka-
ainemäärät ja -toimittajat, lopputuotteiden ominaisuudet ja käyttökohteet sekä taloudelliset
näkökulmat. Tämän tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan soveltaa rajoitetusti myös, mikäli laitos
suunniteltaisiin muualle Suomeen. Pyrolyysiprosessi on jatkuvatoiminen ja tuottaa
lopputuotteina hiilimustaa, metalleja sekä pyrolyysiöljyä, joka jatkojalostetaan edelleen EN
590 diesel-polttoaineeksi. Tutkimus suoritettiin tarkastelemalla olemassa olevia laitoksia,
yhteydenotoilla raaka-aine- ja laitetoimittajiin sekä läpikäymällä aiheeseen liittyviä
tieteellisiä tutkimuksia.

Tutkimuksen mukaan laitoksen raaka-ainekapasiteetin arvioidaan olevan 15 800 tonnia

vuodessa – 15 000 tonnia on jäterenkaita ja 800 tonnia jätemuovia. Raaka-ainetoimittajia
tutkittiin laitoksen aiotun sijainnin mukaan. EN 590 polttoaine myydään
liikennepolttoaineeksi. Hiilimustan mahdollisia käyttökohteita ovat sen ominaisuuksista
riippuen esimerkiksi energiantuotanto, muovi- ja kumiteollisuus sekä aktiivihiilen valmistus.
Tuotettu metallijae ei ole metalliteollisuudelle houkutteleva raaka-aine. Kaikki lopputuotteet
ovat jätteistä valmistettuja, joten niillä on markkinaetu neitseellisistä raaka-aineista
valmistettuihin verrattuna. Laitoksen investointikustannuksiksi arvioitiin noin 10 000 000 €
ja käyttökustannuksiksi 1 500 000 € vuodessa. Lopputuotteista saatavan tulon arvioitiin
olevan 6 400 000 € vuodessa. Näiden perusteella investoinnin korolliseksi
takaisinmaksuajaksi laskettiin 2,5 vuotta, joka olisi taloudellisesti todella kannattava.
Tutkimuksen perusteella pyrolyysilaitoksen toteutusmahdollisuudet ja taloudellinen
kannattavuus todettiin lupaaviksi. Tulokset eivät tarjoa kuitenkaan tarkkaa arviota tehtyjen
oletusten ja joidenkin kustannustekijöiden puuttumisen takia. Esimerkiksi CAPEX- ja
OPEX-arviot eivät sisällä kaikkia tekijöitä ja lopputuotteiden hintoihin vaikutavat niiden
ominaisuudet, joita ei voida ennustaa etukäteen.

This Master’s Thesis was executed in collaboration with Lappeenranta University of

Technology, Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd and Mr. Michael Overell. The original idea
for the thesis came from Mr. Overell who deserves my appreciation and gratitude for the
opportunity to do this interesting research and helping me through this project.

I would also like to thank my professors Mika Horttanainen and Esa Vakkilainen and
supervisor Jussi Heinimö from Miksei Ltd for the comprehensive guidance throughout the
study. Thank you my family, partner Irina and everyone else who has been involved in my
life during these past 5 years in LUT.

It’s funny how every time you look back at things, they don’t seem as distant as you might
think. This refers to the expression “time flies” (… when you have fun?). Maybe you had
fun, maybe you didn’t. Nevertheless, the time has vanished somewhere and you can wash
your hands from the task that is now behind you. The years have rushed and here we are, 5
years later from coming to Skinnarila for the first time – with a finished Master’s Thesis and
about to be graduated. If someone says that studying in a University isn’t manageable, that
person is wrong. Whether it meets your interests or not is what determines your success.

Jyväskylä, 23.7.2017

Paavo Hirvonen


1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 11
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................ 11
1.2 Targets ........................................................................................................................ 12
1.3 Implementation .......................................................................................................... 12
AND RELATED LEGISLATION ...................................................................................... 13
2.1 Tire and plastic pyrolysis ........................................................................................... 13
2.1.1 Pyrolysis of waste tires ....................................................................................... 15

2.1.2 Pyrolysis of waste plastics .................................................................................. 19

2.2 The waste management of waste tires and plastics in Finland ................................... 20
2.2.1 Waste tires........................................................................................................... 21

2.2.2 Waste plastics ..................................................................................................... 22

2.3 Energy use of waste plastics and tires – Binding legislation ..................................... 25
2.3.1 International level legislation .............................................................................. 26

2.3.2 National level legislation .................................................................................... 29


PLASTICS ........................................................................................................................... 32
3.1 Waste plastics ............................................................................................................. 32
3.2 Waste tires .................................................................................................................. 36
3.3 International suppliers ................................................................................................ 37
3.4 Summary for the raw material capacity ..................................................................... 37
4 THE PYROLYSIS PROCESS UNDER STUDY ............................................................ 40
4.1 Preparation process .................................................................................................... 41
4.2 Pyrolysis process ........................................................................................................ 42
4.3 The production of EN 590 Diesel fuel ....................................................................... 45
4.4 Side products, wastes and rejects from pyrolysis process.......................................... 47
5.1 The requirements and marketability for EN 590 compliant diesel fuel ..................... 49
5.2 The requirements and marketability for the produced carbon black .......................... 52
5.3 The requirements and marketability for the produced metals .................................... 55


6.1 Mass balance for the pyrolysis process ...................................................................... 57
6.1.1 Pyrolysis oil production ...................................................................................... 58

6.1.2 EN 590 diesel fuel production ............................................................................ 59

6.1.3 Fuel gas production ............................................................................................. 60

6.1.4 Carbon black production ..................................................................................... 62

6.1.5 Metals production ............................................................................................... 63

6.1.6 Summary of the product yields from the pyrolysis process................................ 64

6.2 Electrical energy demand ........................................................................................... 64

6.3 Thermal energy demand ............................................................................................. 66
7 FINANCIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE PYROLYSIS PROCESS .................................. 68
7.1 Pyrolysis process machinery and labor costs ............................................................. 68
7.2 Raw material costs ..................................................................................................... 69
7.3 End product income ................................................................................................... 70
7.3.1 EN 590 diesel income ......................................................................................... 70

7.3.2 Carbon Black income.......................................................................................... 71

7.4 Electricity consumption costs .................................................................................... 72

7.5 Total calculated costs and income.............................................................................. 72
8 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................... 75
8.1 Summary .................................................................................................................... 75
8.2 Conclusions ................................................................................................................ 76
8.2.1 Raw materials ..................................................................................................... 76

8.2.2 End products ....................................................................................................... 77

8.2.3 Material and energy balances ............................................................................. 78

8.2.4 Financial aspects ................................................................................................. 79

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 82


Roman alphabet

a Year
As Arsenic
AV Average
C Carbon
C Consumption [m3/a]
C Cost [€/a]
CAPEX Capital expenditures
CB Carbon black
Cd Cadmium
CED Centre for Economic Development
CFB Circulating fluidized bed
CFPP Cold filter plugging point
CO Carbon monoxide
CO2 Carbon dioxide
Cr Chromium
Cu Copper
d Day
E Consumption [MWh/t]
E Electrical energy
E Energy content [MWh/t]
E Thermal energy
EU The European Union
FAME Fatty acid methyl ester
FSWA The Finnish Solid Waste Association
g Gram
h Hour
H Hydrogen
H2O Water
HCl Hydrochloric acid

HF Hydrogen fluoride
Hg Mercury
HHV Higher heating value [MJ/kg]
I Interest rate [%]
I Income [€/a]
I Investment costs [€]
J Joule
K Kelvin degree
m Capacity [t/a]
m Meter
m-% Mass-percent
Max Maximum
Min Minimum
MMT Methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl
Mn Manganese
MSW Municipal solid waste
n Payback period [a]
N Nitrogen
Ni Nickel
NOx Nitrogen oxides
O Other (plastics)
O Oxygen
OPEX Operation expenses
Pa Pascal
Pb Lead
PCDD/F Dioxins and furans
PE-HD Polyethylene, high-density
PE-LD Polyethylene, low-density
PET Polyethylene terephthalate
PM Particulate matter
PP Polypropylene
PS Polystyrene
PVC Polyvinyl chloride

s Second
S Annual income [€/a]
S Sulfur
SBR Styrene-butadiene rubber
SO2 Sulfur dioxide
SS Suspended solids
T Temperature [°C]
t Time [h]
t Ton
Tl Thallium
TOC Total organic carbon
USD American dollar
V Vanadium
V Volume [m3/a]
V-% Volume-percent
W Watt
w Share [%]
w Yield efficiency [%]
WEEE Waste electrical and electronic equipment
Y Yield [t/a]
Zn Zinc
ZnO Zinc oxide

Greek alphabet

ρ Density [kg/m3]
η Efficiency [%]
Σ Sum


CB Carbon black
D Diesel

diesel Diesel fuel

dieselE Diesel fuel consumption of generators
el Electrical energy
g Generator
gas Pyrolysis gas
metal Metal fraction from pyrolysis
oil Pyrolysis oil
oildiesel Oil to diesel conversion
pyro Pyrolysis
RM Raw material
S Specific
sel Specific electricity consumption
sth Specific thermal energy consumption
th Thermal energy
tires Tires


€ Euro


1.1 Background

The increasing need for efficient waste management has been an issue in global level already
for some time. This is a result for example, because of growing world population. Landfilling
has been the most popular method in the past but this trend has changed for instance inside
the EU (Zero Waste Europe. 2017). The target is to reduce the waste generation and recover
the produced waste fractions either as material or energy before landfilling (Law 646/2011,
8 §). In Finland, new legislation has been created to serve this waste hierarchy and prohibit
the landfilling of certain wastes (Law 331/2013, 14 §).

Along with the pressure against developing waste management, the demands against the
reduction of fossil fuel usage has emerged. Naturally, the use of fossil fuels contributes with
the climate change which has been under discussion for a long time (ScienceDaily. 2016.).
Fortunately, there’s a possibility that these two scenarios could benefit from each other – the
need for better waste management and the reduction of fossil fuel consumption. One way is
to convert some of the generated waste into fuel which reduces the need for virgin fossil
derived one. Manufacturing a useful product from waste is a more sustainable option
compared to landfilling the same fraction. This can be done by using a process called
pyrolysis. (Quek & Balasubramanian. 2013, 2.)

The concept of pyrolysis has existed for a long time and there are several different process
types and raw materials from which to choose. There has been some effort in making the
pyrolysis derived fuels commercialized but here in Finland, the outcome hasn’t been
remarkable yet (Suomalainen. 2016, 37). Therefore, certain aspects and feasibility of a new
pyrolysis process should be studied in advance carefully to enable the process
implementation later. Since the technologies for pyrolysis have evolved throughout the years
it has become more reasonable to utilize pyrolysis in for example, liquid fuel production
(Bridgwater & Peacocke. 2000, 1).

1.2 Targets

This Master’s Thesis researches the possibilities and requirements for a specific waste
pyrolysis plant in Southern Savonia region in Finland. The desired pyrolysis plant uses waste
tires and plastics as a raw material. These are selected because they are easily reclaimable
and common wastes on a global scale. There are several different types of pyrolysis
processes available but so-called fixed bed or “batch-type” is chosen for this purpose due to
its simplicity, operability and cost effectiveness. (Overell. 2017d.)

Three main aspects which are studied are raw materials, side products and end products. The
target is to identify the possible raw material suppliers and their potential capacity, show the
quality requirements for both side and end products and evaluate their marketability. Some
basic financial assessment is also done to evaluate the investment and operation costs of the
process. The pyrolysis concept under study may be commercialized in a new pyrolysis plant
if it is found feasible based on this and other related studies.

1.3 Implementation

Three main methods are used in this thesis to reach the set targets. Different types of
pyrolysis processes have been studied throughout the years and thus several scientific
researches can provide the necessary information concerning this thesis. These can provide
especially the information about the process conditions and product yields. Some existing
applications have been established in Finland and their environmental permits are used as a
source of knowledge about the pyrolysis process. In addition, several international pyrolysis
equipment manufactures exist and can reveal some of the needed information.

Mapping the possible raw material suppliers is done by inspecting the waste management
systems related to waste plastics and tires in Finland. Based on this, some key operators
around the desired raw materials are contacted. Their raw material capacities and prices will
be researched to determine the overall potential capacity for the pyrolysis plant. Based on
this and the found parameters for the pyrolysis process, the product yields are estimated
which eventually enable the financial assessment of the asset.



In this section, the basic knowledge is presented concerning pyrolysis process and
pyrolyzing waste tires and plastics. Also, the related legislation is presented. Both chosen
raw materials, waste tires and plastics, are problematic to the environment since they are
non-biodegradable and can last up from decades to centuries before completely decaying in
landfills or nature (Martínez et. al. 2013, 3; Miandad et. al. 2016, 2).

2.1 Tire and plastic pyrolysis

Pyrolysis, in general, means heating organic or inorganic material in the absence of oxygen
which leads to a production of solid, liquid and a gaseous end product (Hariram &
Mohammed Ismail. 2014, 1). The possible raw materials for pyrolysis can be for example
different biomass products as well as organic wastes such as plastic and rubber based which
are studied in this thesis (Kaminsky & Sinn. 1980, 1; Mohan et. al. 2006, 1). The thermal
efficiency of the pyrolysis process can be up to 90 % when the liquid end products are used
as fuels. For the process, the typical temperature varies from 400 to 800 °C depending on
the raw material and desired end product distribution (Nkosi & Muzenda. 2014, 1).

When pyrolyzed, the process will produce hydrocarbon derivative syngas / product gas from
which a part condenses into liquids inside condensers and the other part remains gaseous
(Nkosi & Muzenda. 2014, 1). In this thesis, the term fuel gas refers to this non-condensable
part of syngas which is used to heat up the process. Below in figure 1 is shown a simple flow
chart of the pyrolysis process.






Figure 1. A simple flow chart of the pyrolysis process (Nkosi & Muzenda. 2014, 1).

The fact that pyrolysis occurs in oxygen-free conditions results in smaller amounts of CO2
and CO emissions from the process. This is an advantage compared to waste incineration
where these emissions are a problem. Pyrolysis process can also be considered as very
flexible process since the parameters and process conditions can be easily altered to produce
the desired end products. (Al-Salem et al. 2017, 18.)

Both chosen raw materials, waste tires and plastics, produce fuel gas and condensable gas
when pyrolyzed. Eventually in the desired pyrolysis process, the condensable gas fraction is
refined into EN 590 compliant diesel oil. Besides upgrading it into a diesel fuel, the pyrolysis
oil could be used for example in industrial energy production in furnaces and boilers (Nkosi
& Muzenda. 2014, 3). Automotive diesel fuels are regulated by the European standard EN
590, which states the requirements for the pyrolysis derived diesel fuel from the process
(SFS-EN 590 + AC. 2013). Furthermore, the process produces a metal fraction and a
compound of very pure elemental carbon called carbon black (Evans & Evans. 2006, 2;
ICBA. 2016).

To maintain the inert, oxygen-free atmosphere inside the pyrolysis process, the reactor can
be purged with nitrogen flow after the raw material is loaded inside it. This can also be done
during the pyrolysis to push the pyrolysis gases to the condensers and to prevent unwanted
chemical reactions from happening inside the high-temperature zone of the reactor. The heat

needed to pyrolyze the raw material is directed to the process by conduction through the
pyrolysis reactor wall. (Nkosi & Muzenda. 2014, 1.)

2.1.1 Pyrolysis of waste tires

Tires are made to endure rough conditions to expand their lifetime and endurance in different
vehicles. The mechanical abrasion and chemical wear caused by ozone must be minimized
in producing quality tires. Light and different bacterial effects need to be considered also in
the manufacturing process and tire properties. (Martínez et. al. 2013, 3.)

This non-biodegradable composition of tires complicates the environmentally safe disposal

of waste automotive tires. Pyrolyzing has been proven to be a very successful method in
treating the waste tires. (Hariram & Mohammed Ismail. 2014, 1.) The lifetime for waste tires
is estimated to be 80–100 years if landfilled according to Martínez et. al. (2013, 3). Below
in table 1 is shown the composition and elemental analysis of a waste tire.

Table 1. Composition of a tire and elemental analysis of scrap tires (Ko et. al. 2004, 3).
Composition and elemental analysis of scrap tires
(textiles and metals excluded)
Composition m-%
SBR (Styrene-butadiene rubber) 60–65
CB (Carbon black) 29–31
ZnO 1,9–3,3
S 1,1–2,1
Extender oil 2
Additives 0,7
Elemental analysis m-%
C 85
H 7,3
O 0,5
N 0,4
S 2,3
Ash 4,3

The pyrolysis process has several advantages in treating the waste tires since the produced
liquids can be used in transportation fuels as it stands or in a mixture with fossil derived
petroleum fuels. Liquids can also be utilized by chemical industries. Gaseous compounds
may serve as a fuel and the solid carbon black fraction has numerous applications such as
fuel use and activated carbon production. (Cunliffe & Williams. 1998, 2.) Below in table 2
is shown the SWOT-analysis for the waste tire pyrolysis. This SWOT-analysis can be
considered also in the case of plastic pyrolysis.

Table 2. SWOT-analysis for waste tire pyrolysis (Antoniou & Zabaniotou. 2015, 8).
SWOT-analysis for waste tire pyrolysis
Strengths Weaknesses
- Emission reduction, clean technology - Need for product regulations and standards
- High value products, self-sufficient process - Raw material capacity requirements
- Energy recovery, resource efficiency - The lack of interest
- Landfilling reduction, circular economy - Few commercial applications
Opportunities Threats
- Proof of concept - Aversion of stakeholders
- Funding possibilities - Insecure markets for waste based products
- Expertise and research level - The lack for emission limit values
- Influence for improved waste management - Uncertain economic environment
- New markets for recycling wastes

The proximate analysis for waste tires is presented below in table 3. These characteristics
influence the pyrolysis product yields and their shares in pyrolysis process. Volatile matter
content affects to the produced gaseous and liquid fractions. Solid residue amount
corresponds to the non-volatile matter content. (Martínez et. al. 2013, 4).

Table 3. Proximate analysis of a waste tire (Martínez et. al. 2013, 4).
Proximate analysis of a waste tire
Ash [m-%] Volatile matter [m-%] Fixed carbon [m-%] H2O [m-%]
~6 ~ 64 ~ 29 ~1

Together with the composition of tires, the produced amounts of pyrolysis oil, fuel gas and
carbon black are highly dependent on the process conditions from which the most important
is the temperature. It can be found out from the scientific articles that the higher the

temperatures, the more fuel gas and less pyrolysis oil will be produced. (Williams. 2013, 3.)
Vice versa, lower temperature equals higher pyrolysis oil yield and lower fuel gas yield.
These are also effected by the duration and intensity of the heating along with the maximum

The duration of the pyrolysis phase, residence time, affects also to the product distribution.
Together with this, also the intensity of the heating has an effect to the outcome. Slow
pyrolysis, which uses low temperatures and long residence times, results in higher solid
residue yield. Vice versa, rapid pyrolysis with high temperatures and short residence time
gives a high liquid yield. A flow of steam can be used to control the pyrolysis temperatures.
(Nkosi & Muzenda. 2014, 1).

Other significant parameter is the particle size for the fed raw material. The optimal
temperature for tire pyrolysis to obtain pyrolysis oil is evaluated to be around 475 °C
according to Islam et. al. (2010). Several scientific researches seem to have concluded the
same. Below in figures 2–4 are presented the dependencies of temperature, raw material
particle size and residence time for the product yields in tire pyrolysis.
Product yield →

Temperature →

Pyrolysis oil CB Fuel gas

Figure 2. Temperature dependency on product yield in tire pyrolysis (Nkosi & Muzenda. 2014, 2).

Product yield →

Raw material particle size →

Pyrolysis oil CB Fuel gas

Figure 3. Raw material particle size dependency on product yield in tire pyrolysis (Nkosi & Muzenda. 2014,
Product yield →

Residecnce time →

Pyrolysis oil CB Fuel gas

Figure 4. Residence time dependency on product yield in tire pyrolysis (Nkosi & Muzenda. 2014, 2).

Also, the use of different catalysts has an impact on both product yields and their quality.
Catalytic pyrolysis increases the pyrolysis gas yield due to increased break-down reactions
between molecules and leads to a slightly smaller oil fraction. On the other hand, the quality
of this oil fraction is improved. (Williams. 2013, 12.) This means a decreased need for further
upgrading the pyrolysis oil since the product can already have near equal characteristics
compared to automotive fuels (Al-Salem et. al. 2017, 14).

Using catalysts can also lower the needed temperature and residence time thus lowering the
costs of the process. This can be achieved since catalytic pyrolysis has been reported to give
equal product yields with lower heating need and residence time. Summarizing – using

catalyst can make pyrolysis process more efficient with increased product qualities and
reducing the energy demand for the process. (Miandad et. al. 2016, 4, 13.)

2.1.2 Pyrolysis of waste plastics

Waste plastics recycling has turned out to be a difficult task. The process may prove to be
expensive due to required separation phases and boundaries in water contamination.
Separation is demanded because of the different compounds, colors and transparency levels
in plastics. Transparent, un-dyed plastics have a better market value since they can be refined
into specific products without as much processing making them a more flexible raw material
for plastic industry. (Sharuddin et. al. 2016, 2.)

Since plastics are made from different petroleum products, it’s possible to convert them into
high-value energy products with pyrolysis. Material recovery isn’t capable to handle all the
waste plastics at least yet and pyrolyzing can fill some of this need by energy recovery of
the waste plastics. (Sharuddin et. al. 2016, 2.) Waste plastics may contain several different
plastic types. For example, in Finland they can be categorized into 7 different classes based
on their composition. These types and their characteristics are shown below in table 4.

Table 4. Plastic types and their characteristics in Finland (Sharuddin et. al. 2016, 3; The Finnish Plastics
Recycling Ltd. NDb).
Plastic types and their characteristics in Finland
Plastic type Abbreviation H2O content Volatile content Fixed carbon Ash content
Polyethylene PET ~ 0,5 ~ 90 ~ 10 ~0
Polyethylene, PE-HD ~0 ~ 99 ~ 0,02 ~1
Polyvinyl PVC ~ 0,75 ~ 94 ~ 5,5 ~0
Polyethylene, PE-LD ~ 0,3 ~ 99 ~0 ~ 0,2
Polypropylene PP ~ 0,15 ~ 96 ~1 ~ 2,5
Polystyrene PS ~ 0,25 ~ 99 ~ 0,15 ~0
Other (mixture) O ~ 0,1 ~ 98 ~1 ~ 0,5

These characteristics of individual plastic types affect the product yields from pyrolysis.
Especially, the volatile matter and ash content are important factors. Higher volatile content
supports the pyrolysis oil and fuel gas production while higher ash content decreases these
and favors a higher gaseous and carbon fraction yields. Fixed carbon affects to the carbon
black production yield together with the volatile content. (Sharuddin et. al. 2016, 2, 15.)

As we can determine from table 4 above, all the plastic types have high volatile content and
low ash content which confirms their suitability for pyrolysis process and high oil yield.
Fixed carbon content is significantly lower than with the waste tires (see table 3), thus
leading to much smaller carbon black yield with waste plastics.

The only type of plastic which is not wanted in the pyrolysis process is the PVC. This is
mainly because of the chlorine content in PVC which leads to corrosion problems and toxic
air pollutants such as dioxins and furans when heated in pyrolysis reactor (Alakangas &
VTT. 2000, 14, 15). Chlorine in PVC plastic reacts to hydrochloric acid (HCl) during
pyrolysis and may contaminate the oil fraction and decrease its quality. PVC is also highly
fire resistant because of the chlorine fraction. The oil yield from PVC is minimal compared
to other plastic types. (Sharuddin et. al. 2016, 6). These factors support the conclusion that
PVC is unsuitable for the pyrolysis process.

The same trend in process conditions and their effects to the product yields can be found
also in plastic pyrolysis that was discovered with waste tires. This applies also to the use of
different catalysts. For example, zeolites have been used as catalysts with both pyrolyzing
waste plastics and tires (Miandad et. al. 2016, 3; Williams. 2013, 12). The temperature
requirements for plastics pyrolysis follows the ones with tire pyrolysis since temperatures
over 500 °C are suggested for higher gaseous fraction yields and lower temperatures for
higher pyrolysis oil yield. This refers to all the plastic types. (Sharuddin et. al. 2016, 4, 16.)

2.2 The waste management of waste tires and plastics in Finland

Both waste tires and plastics have their own waste management routes in Finland. There are
however, several similarities between these. For instance, both have big national level

operators behind them which are responsible for arranging the waste management systems
stated by the waste law (646/2011) and producer’s responsibility.

If we look at the amounts, waste plastics have significantly bigger share in produced waste
than tires. Both waste fractions can be utilized as material or energy. With tires the material
recovery rates are much higher than with plastics. This can be explained by the fact that
plastics are often present together with other waste fractions in so called mixed waste.
Therefore, the separation and material recovery for pure plastics is harder to execute. This
mixed waste is nowadays often incinerated. If we look at waste tires, the waste is near pure
without other waste fractions and can be used as material more easily.

2.2.1 Waste tires

The waste tire generation in Finland has been above 50 000 tons annually during the last
couple of years from which practically everything is recycled by the Finnish Tyre Recycling
Ltd (Finnish Tyre Recycling Ltd. NDa). Finnish Tyre Recycling Ltd holds the responsibility
in waste management concerning waste tires like The Finnish Plastics Recycling Ltd does
with plastics (Finnish Tyre Recycling Ltd. NDb). Below in table 5 is shown the annual waste
tire amounts and their utilization in Finland between 2011–2016. More information
concerning the future trends for different waste tire uses was inquired from Finnish Tyre
Recycling Ltd but without any results.

Table 5. Waste tire amounts and utilization in Finland 2011–2016 (adapted from: Finnish Tyre Recycling Ltd.
Waste tire amounts and utilization in Finland 2011–2016
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Recieved [t/a] 49137 48343 50111 49805 55453 53534
Coating [%] 0,7 1,5 1,4 1,9 1,5 0,9
Material recovery [%] 93,0 71,4 75,4 68,2 62,3 51,6
Energy recovery [%] 3,6 11,4 15,4 18,4 18,2 15,9
Other recovery [%] 7,6 10,6 8,2 8,1 11,6 11,1
Export [%] 1,1 1,8 0,8 0,5 0,5 0,2
Total recovery [%] 105,9 96,8 101,1 97,0 94,2 84,5

The total recovery rates above 100 % may occur if the waste tires are stored and utilized in
a different year that they are produced. This raises the utilization potential over the annual

waste tire capacity. The Finnish Tyre Recycling Ltd has authorized Kuusakoski Oy as the
recycling operator which arranges the logistics of waste tires. This includes collecting and
distributing tires to further recovery processes. (Finnish Tyre Recycling Ltd. NDb.)

The majority from waste tires in Finland is used as whole, cut or granulated in road and
earthmoving operations and constructions. Granulated tires are also used in turfs’,
playgrounds’ and sports fields’ textures. Very fine tire rubber particles are used in asphalt
industry to reduce tire noise and add wear resistance. Small amount of waste tires is coated
after which the tires can be used again in vehicles. (Finnish Tyre Recycling Ltd. NDc.)

Waste tires were used in landfill constructions but since landfilling has decreased, new
possible utilization ways are being researched. (Finnish Tyre Recycling Ltd. NDc.) This can
be seen from the table 5 above as descending trend in material recovery of waste tires. At
the same time, energy and other recovery options have gained a bigger share. Coating and
exporting amounts have decreased although their share from the total amount have always
been very marginal.

2.2.2 Waste plastics

In EU-level, the recovery rates for plastic wastes has been rising steadily while landfilling
rate has decreased at the same time. In 2014, material recovery share was 29,7 %, energy
recovery took 39,5 % and landfilling 30,8 % of the total amount of 25,8 million tons of
plastic waste generated in EU. (PlasticsEurope. 2016, 24.) The same trend has been
occurring also here in Finland although the material recovery rate hasn’t grown as steadily
as in EU-level (SVT. 2016c). This may have changed due to new legislation and could be
seen from the latest statistics when they arrive. The legislation issues are discussed further
in this thesis in section 2.3 Energy use of waste plastics and tires – Binding legislation. Below
in figure 5 is shown the recovery and landfilling shares of waste plastics in Finland between

100 %
Share from total utilization
80 %

60 %

40 %

20 %

2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014

Material recovery Energy recovery Landfilling

Figure 5. Waste plastics utilization in Finland between 2002–2014 (SVT. 2016c).

The total plastic waste amounts in Finland are expected to rise by 15–22 % until 2030
compared to 2012 amounts. (Eskelinen et. al. 2016, 17.) This will require more efficient
recovery methods either in material or energy point of view and may increase the potential
capacity for energy recovery methods such as pyrolysis. Considering plastic waste
production, MSW holds the majority (Eskelinen et. al. 2016, 12). Therefore, MSW can
provide the biggest raw material supply for the pyrolysis process under study. Below in
figure 6 is shown the annual MSW plastic waste generation in Finland (2015).

216 000



50000 41 800

Mixed waste plastics Source separated plastics

Figure 6. The annual MSW plastic waste generation in Finland (2015) (FSWA. ND; SVT. 2016b).

The share of plastics in MWS was estimated to be around 17 % (FSWA. ND). Using this
and the total MSW generation of 1 268 259 tons (in 2015), we can get the amount of 215 604
~ 216 000 tons seen above in figure 6 (SVT. 2016b). Both mixed waste and source separated
plastics presented above in figure 6 can be divided by their utilization method (Finland 2015)
according to figures 7 and 8.


23 %

77 %

Material recovery Energy recovery Landfilling

Figure 7. Mixed waste plastics use in Finland (2015) (SVT. 2016b).

0,4 %

11 %

88 %

Material recovery Energy recovery Landfilling

Figure 8. Source separated waste plastics use in Finland (2015) (SVT. 2016b).

Besides MSW, plastics are also present for example in construction, WEEE, vehicle and
agricultural wastes. From these, the construction sector produces the largest amount of

plastic wastes together while the rest have a more marginal role in the overall picture.
Concerning MSW plastic waste, different packages are the largest individual source
(Eskelinen et. al. 2016, 8, 12.)

MSW plastics recycling capability has improved during the last couple of years since the
new regulations have come into effect (see section 2.3). Plastics recycling has become
available for regular people thanks to Suomen Uusiomuovi Ltd (The Finnish Plastics
Recycling Ltd). The company is the producer organization responsible for arranging the
waste management system for plastic packages related to the producer responsibility
regulations. (The Finnish Plastics Recycling Ltd. NDa.)

Suomen Uusiomuovi Ltd itself doesn’t arrange the collection network or compete with other
plastic waste recycling systems organized by other companies. To ensure the needed waste
management network, the company has authorized the Finnish package recycling company
RINKI Ltd for collecting source separated waste packaging plastics. This includes industrial
plastic waste together with source separated MSW plastics. These plastics are treated in a
plastics recycling center in Fortum Ltd’s facility in Riihimäki to produce the raw material
for new plastic products instead of using virgin resources. (The Finnish Plastics Recycling
Ltd. NDa; RINKI Ltd. ND.) If the plastics received cannot be used as material, they will be
used in energy production (The Finnish Plastics Recycling Ltd. NDc).

The possibility for hiring a third party to take care of the functions required by the producer
responsibility, is allowed by the Waste Law (646/2011, 62 §). The plastic packaging waste
generation was 116 792 tons in 2014 from which approximately 25 % was recovered as
material and 44 % as energy (SVT. 2016a). These amounts are included in the total
generation of MSW plastics seen in figures 5 and 6.

2.3 Energy use of waste plastics and tires – Binding legislation

Environmental aspects need to be considered always when establishing new industrial

applications. These are highly guided by different legislation and other regulations which
are studied in this section.

The most important guidelines to follow are the EU waste incineration directive
(2000/76/EC), national waste incineration degree (151/2013) and environmental protection
law (527/2014). Also, the produced EN 590 diesel fuel must achieve the characteristics
stated by the standard SFS-EN 590 + AC (2013).

2.3.1 International level legislation

The European Parliament and the Council, Directive 2000/76/EC on the incineration of
waste, aims to reduce the environmental and health impacts derived from waste incineration.
Pyrolysis process is considered to be waste incineration and therefore obligated to follow the
regulations made by this directive. However, if the case is to establish an experimental plant
to research and develop the incineration process and the waste input is under 50 tons
annually, this directive isn’t applied. (2000/76/EC, 2–3. article.)

All operations within this directive requires a permit from the supervising authority which
can be granted only if the presented emission limit values are reached and measured
appropriately. Generated heat energy must be utilized as well as possible. Wastes left from
the incineration must be minimized in both quantity and harmfulness. These wastes are then
treated and recycled properly. (2000/76/EC, 4. article.)

The operators of these incineration plants (owners) must execute all necessary safety
measures to ensure minimal impacts on environment, odor and noise problems as well as
health issues. These plants must be equipped with automatic waste supply system which cuts
the feed if some emission limit value is breached during operation. Incineration process has
to be planned, executed and operated in such way, that all emissions can be minimized.
Exhaust fumes must be removed properly through chimney. If the exhaust fumes are treated
with wet systems, that use water, the waste water quality and processing has to be approved
by the competent authority. This could mean further purification for the waste water which
can take place either in-situ or off-situ. Feedstock and waste water storing must be arranged
properly to avoid emissions. This includes also possible contaminated urban runoffs from
the facility area which must be analyzed if necessary. (2000/76/EC, 6.–8. article.)

Waste incineration plants must be equipped with proper measurement systems which are
detailed and inspected by the competent authority. From combustion fumes, the following
compounds and emissions are continuously measured: NOx, CO, PM, TOC, HCl, HF, SO2,
O2 and H2O. Also, process temperature and exhaust fume pressure must be monitored all the
time. Heavy metals, dioxins and furans are measured twice a year excluding the first
operating year when measurements are done every 3 months. Combustion fume emissions
must be converted and standardized to a reference state where temperature is 273,15 K,
pressure is 101,3 kPa and O2 content is 11 %. All measurements must be recorded and stored
to ensure authorities’ supervising possibilities. (2000/76/EC, 11. article.)

If the waste water is formed and processed in-situ, the following requirements apply. From
waste water, pH, temperature and flow volume are defined for process monitoring and
measured after the purification processes when released to the natural water systems. If the
water processing happens off-situ in a purification plant, measurements are done at the point
where purified water leaves the facility. If the purification facility deals also with other waste
water flows, measurements must be done before the purification to determine the pollutant
content and then compared to the purified water flow. Suspended solids are monitored daily
from the water flow and dioxins and furans the same way as with the air pollutants. Heavy
metals and their compounds are measured at least monthly. (2000/76/EC, 11. article.)

In case of exceptional process circumstances, the operation must be restrained or suspended

until normal operation conditions are again reached. The competent authority sets the
boundaries in which the limit values for emissions may be exceeded due to unavoidable
technical standstill or malfunction. (2000/76/EC, 13. article.) Below in tables 6–8 are
presented the limit values for waste water and air pollution emissions.

Table 6. Waste water emission limit values in waste water incineration facility (2000/76/EC, 4. appendix).
Waste water emission limit values in waste water incineration facility
Compound Limit value [mg/dm3] Notice
SS < 30, 95 % or < 45, 100 % < 30 mg/dm3 95 % of the time or < 45 mg/ dm3
100 % of the time
Hg 0,03 + Hg-compounds as pure Hg
Cd 0,05 + Cd-compounds as pure Cd
Tl 0,05 + Tl-compounds as pure Tl
As 0,15 + As-compounds as pure As
Pb 0,2 + Pb-compounds as pure Pb
Cr 0,5 + Cr-compounds as pure Cr
Cu 0,5 + Cu-compounds as pure Cu
Ni 0,5 + Ni-compounds as pure Ni
Zn 1,5 + Zn-compounds as pure Zn
PCDD/F 0,3 As the sum of individual compounds
emphasized by their mass-% and toxicity factor

In tables 7–8, the limit values are presented in such way that a certain limit has to be reached
100 % of the time and the other 97 % of the time. These limit values are measured as averages
at a given time frame (e.g. 24 hours or 30 minutes). Also, NOx limit values depend on the
plant capacity. In the tables, “AV” stands for average value.

Table 7. Air pollutant limit values for waste incineration facilities (2000/76/EC, 5. appendix).
Air pollutant limit values for waste incineration facilities
Pollutant 24 h AV Notice 30 min AV Notice, time period requirements [% of the
[mg/dm3] [mg/dm3] time]
PM 10 30, 10 ≤ 30 mg/dm3 100 % & ≤ 10 mg/dm3 97 %
TOC 10 20, 10 ≤ 20 mg/dm3100 % & 10 mg/dm3 97 %
HCl 10 60, 10 ≤ 60 mg/dm3 100 % & ≤ 10 mg/dm3 97 %
HF 1 4, 2 ≤ 4 mg/dm3 100 % & ≤ 2 mg/dm3 97 %
SO2 50 200, 50 ≤ 200 mg/dm3 100 % & ≤ 50 mg/dm3 97 %
NOx 200 Capacity > 6 t/h 400, 200 New facilities and if capacity > 6 t/h
≤ 400 mg/dm3 100 % & ≤ 200 mg/dm3 97 %
NOx 400 Capacity ≤ 6 t/h

Table 8. Air pollutant limit values for waste incineration facilities (2000/76/EC, 5. appendix).
Air pollutant limit values for waste incineration facilities
Pollutant 0,5 h ≤ t ≤ 8 h 6 h ≤ t ≤ 8 h 24 h AV 10 min AV 30 min AV Notice
AV [mg/dm3] AV [mg/dm3] [mg/dm3] [mg/dm3] [mg/dm3]
Cd 0,05 + Cd-compounds as pure Cd
Tl 0,05 + Tl-compounds as pure Tl
Hg 0,05 + Hg-compounds as pure Hg
Sb 0,5 + Sb-compounds as pure Sb
As 0,5 + As-compounds as pure As
Pb 0,5 + Pb-compounds as pure Pb
Cr 0,5 + Cr-compounds as pure Cr
Co 0,5 + Co-compounds as pure Co
Cu 0,5 + Cu-compounds as pure Cu
Mn 0,5 + Mn-compounds as pure Mn
Ni 0,5 + Ni-compounds as pure Ni
V 0,5 + V-compounds as pure V
PCDD/F 0,0001 Σ of PCDD/F-compounds
emphasized by their mass-%
and toxicity factor
CO 50, 100 % 150, 95 % of 100, 100 % of
of the time the time the time

2.3.2 National level legislation

At national level, the most important laws and regulations related to the pyrolysis process
1) The Landfill Decree (331/2013)
2) The Packaging Waste Decree (518/2014)
3) The Waste Tire Decree (527/2013)
4) The Waste Law (646/2011)
5) The Environmental Protection Law (527/2014)
6) The Waste Incineration Decree (151/2013).

These regulations ensure that the principle of waste hierarchy is followed. The Landfill
Decree (331/2013) prohibits certain wastes from being landfilled. Waste must not be placed
in a landfill permanently if the waste is decayed or contains asbestos, heavy metals or
plastics. This law forbids also landfilling all kinds of tires. (Law 331/2013, 14, 25 §.)
Instead, all plastics and tires should be recovered either as material or energy.

Plastics belong to the producer responsibility sector together with tires and therefore the
waste management for these must be organized by the producers. Producer responsibility
means having a responsibility to take care of waste management and its costs. Waste
management includes for example collecting network with trucks and recycling units around
the country. The producer responsibility involves companies which manufacture or import
plastic or other way packaged products. When it comes to tires, also coating them and selling
vehicles or other devices with tires is involved in the producer responsibility together with
manufacturing and importing. Companies, which net revenue is under 1 million euros, are
excluded from the producer responsibility regulations. (Law 646/2011, 46, 49 §.)

Producers can create together so called producer organization which takes care of the
producer responsibility issues of the whole community. Additionally, these organizations
can acquire a third party to handle the waste management and recycling functions. This third
party must be tendered out to ensure fair competition. (Law 646/2011, 62, 66 §.)

The national recycling requirements for the raw materials (waste tires and plastics) are
controlled by The Packaging Waste Decree (518/2014) and Waste Tire Decree (527/2013).
From packaging plastics waste, at least 16 % must be recycled annually. The requirements
tighten in the beginning of 2020, when a minimum of 22 % from must be recycled annually.
This needs to reach 20 % increase compared to 2012 and involves the plastics within the
producer responsibility sector. (Law 518/2014, 7, 8 §.) The Waste Tire Decree requires
producer responsibility involved companies to ensure that at least 95 % of their tires are
annually recovered as material or energy. This became mandatory from the beginning of
2015. (Law 527/2013, 2, 10 §.)

Regarding waste incineration, Finland has its own Waste Incineration Decree (151/2013)
which is based on and follows the exact same instructions and regulations as the EU Waste
Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC). It also considers what’s regulated in the Waste Law
(646/2011) and the Environmental Protection Law (527/2014). The Finnish Waste
Incineration Decree doesn’t obligate pyrolysis plants if the following applies: combustion
fumes are purified in such way that the fumes aren’t considered as waste before they are
utilized (fuel gas, oil etc.) and can’t produce emissions that exceed the emissions caused by
burning natural gas. (Law 151/2013, 1 §.)

Since the pyrolysis plant under study will produce diesel oil and fuel gas from plastics and
waste tires, and uses them as fuel for the process, the emissions are going to exceed those
from burning natural gas. Pyrolysis is considered as waste incineration because it uses heat
treatment for wastes and generated compounds are then burned (pyrolysis gas, refined
pyrolysis oil) (Law 151/2013, 2 §.). This is stated for example in the announcement for
experimental operation for plastics pyrolysis by one of the Ostrobothnia’s recycling
company Pohjanmaan hyötyjätekuljetus Ltd (Regional State Administrative Agencies. 2015,

Environmental permit is required by the Environmental Protection Law (527/2014) for a

business activity, if the process has a chance to cause harm to the environment. This applies
also to waste incineration facilities (Law 527/2014. 27 §, 1. appendix.) The Waste
Incineration Decree’s (151/2013) classified also the pyrolysis process as a waste incineration
process. This means that the waste pyrolysis plant requires also an environmental permit.
However, as The EU Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC, 2. article) stated, a test
facility to research and improve the process is possible to establish without an environmental
permit. This can also be found from the Environmental Protection Law and Waste
Incineration Decree. Even though the Environmental permit isn’t obligated in such situation,
authorities must be informed at least 30 days before the process starts. (Law 527/2014. 31,
119 §; Law 151/2013, 1 §).

If the business activity can have a significant negative effect to the environment, the Centre
for Economic Development (CED) asses the possible need for an environmental impact
assessment procedure. This is decided when the CED has received the application for the
environmental permit. The survey of environmental impacts and an evaluation from
competent authority must be delivered CED before the decision making of environmental
permit. Detailed information about the environmental permit application and its content can
be found from decree 713/2014 (Law 713/2014. 3–7 §).



The possible raw material suppliers for the pyrolysis plant, their potential capacity and the
price for the raw materials is researched in this section. This is done by contacting the
possible suppliers to inquire this information. Most of these companies operate in or near
the Southern Savonia region where the pyrolysis plant could be established. A few operators
work also at a national level around Finland. To extend the coverage of this study for other
locations in Finland would require a new survey of the raw material issues since they effect
also the product yields and therefore financial aspects.

The dominant and therefore the most important raw material for the pyrolysis process is the
waste tires. Based on the researched raw material capacities, the total capacity for the
pyrolysis plant can be determined. This is required for example when sizing the process
equipment. Besides waste tires and plastics, also other hydrocarbon based raw materials such
as rubber hoses, belts, clothing etc. may be suitable for the process but this is excluded in
this thesis and requires further studying.

3.1 Waste plastics

Waste plastics are a problematic feedstock to acquire since it is highly regulated to be

recycled or re-used instead of energy recovery options. This applies especially for packaging
plastic waste and other source separated plastics by the Finnish Plastics Recycling Ltd. The
company is obligated to direct the source separated packaging waste plastics flow to
recycling companies. This is done to ensure the recycling target of 16 % stated by the
packaging waste decree. (Soini. 2017.)

That means The Finnish Plastics Recycling Ltd can’t provide plastic packages as a raw
material for the pyrolysis process to follow the waste hierarchy and recycling regulations.
Source separated waste plastic packages and other MWS plastics from households and
companies (collected by RINKI Ltd.) are handed out for recycling companies. The most

significant recycling company at the moment is Fortum Waste Solutions Ltd (previously
Ekokem Ltd). (Soini. 2017.)

Fortum Waste Solutions Ltd channels a very little part of their reject plastics to energy
production and is minimizing this constantly. The company is developing new refining
processes which allows the processing also for the most difficult plastic fractions.
(Andersson. 2017.) So, when considering the possible raw material suppliers, Fortum Waste
Solutions Ltd can be excluded.

While direct packaging plastics and source separated plastic waste may be an issue
concerning the raw materials, there’s a possibility to obtain plastics otherwise. Mixed MSW
contains plastics that are not separately collected and this amount is mostly used in energy
production together with other mixed MSW fractions. The problem is the separation of
different energy waste fractions from this mixed MSW. Magnetic metals can be separated
simply by magnets but for example plastics, cardboard and paper are much harder and
therefore utilized in energy production together (mixed waste).

If the plastics are separated from this mixed MSW, it could provide a new raw material
source for other applications such as the plastic pyrolysis. This possibility is left for the
future until plastic waste management evolves. It could mean however, that also these
plastics would be channeled to material recovery instead of energy production. Nevertheless,
the potential exists.

One possible raw material supplier in the future could be Riikinvoima Ltd’s waste
incineration plant which is located in Varkaus. Riikinvoima Ltd is owned by companies
some of which operate waste management in Southern Savonia region (Riikinvoima Ltd.
NDa). The company uses CFB boiler instead of the more common grate firing technology
in waste incineration. In the future, plastics can be separated from the incoming waste flow
together with other preparations (Hirvonen. 2017). Riikinvoima Ltd’s power plant capacity
is 145 000 tons annually (Riikinvoima Ltd. NDb). If we use this amount and the MSW
plastic content of 17 % which was estimated earlier (see section 2.2.1), we can see that the
power plant incinerates around 25 000 tons of waste plastics annually together with other

MSW fractions (FSWA. ND). Obviously, it is a very raw estimation but this possibility and
potential should be recognized when mapping the raw material capacity.

Metsäsairila Ltd operates in Mikkeli region and is the municipal waste management
company in the Southern Savonia. The company separates some plastics from construction
and household wastes in their waste handling center which means currently around 10 tons
worth of plastic waste after approximately 6 months of collecting. However, this waste can
still contain some of the plastic types that are not wanted in the pyrolysis (PVC) and this
means further processing and separation. (Hirvonen. 2017a.) Yet, this could provide a small
but feasible source of raw material since it’s located near the pyrolysis plant. This amount is
estimated to be around 20 t/a based on the 6 months’ accumulation of 10 tons.

Metsäsairila Ltd is considering to melt these plastics to increase the energy density of the
plastic waste. Currently, the feedstock is estimated to cost around 60 €/t but after the melting
it could rise to 150 €/t due to increased energy density. Impure plastic waste could be
received free for the pyrolysis or even get paid to handle it. Metsäsairila Ltd could for
instance separate some unwanted fractions from the incoming energy waste leaving a
feedstock which plastic content is high but there’s still some other wastes included. Handling
this feedstock could bring an additional income of 20–30 €/t to the pyrolysis plant. The
amounts aren’t very exact and the estimations are between 500–1 500 tons annually from
which about 50 % is plastics. (Hirvonen. 2017b.) This means about 250–750 t/a worth of
plastic waste. Naturally, this feedstock requires some further separation and refining before
it can be used in the pyrolysis process.

Waste plastics are also produced by the agriculture and peat production. Vapo Ltd is
responsible for major part of the peat production in Finland and used around 1 000 tons of
plastics in 2011. All the waste plastics are either recycled or used in energy production.
(Vapo Ltd. 2011.) Several Vapo Ltd’s peat production areas are also located in the Southern
Savonia region and could provide some raw material potential for the plastics pyrolysis. Also
individual peat production entrepreneurs can be a source of waste plastics.

Vapo Ltd uses around 26 tons of plastics annually in Mikkeli region and an equivalent
amount is transported away from peat productions areas annually. Right now, the majority

of these waste plastics is used in Stora Enso Ltd’s facility in Varkaus. These plastics contain
some peat with them since they aren’t purified in any way before transporting. They can also
be in very large pieces and may need some size reduction before processing. The price for
this feedstock is estimated to be around 20–40 €/t when delivered straightly to the customer.
(Hanhinen. 2017.) The regional capacity isn’t that big but it’s worth investigating.

In Finland, agriculture and peat production together generate approximately 12 000 tons of
waste plastics annually (Fortum Ltd. ND). We just determined that the share from peat
production is around 1 000 tons which means that agriculture produces over 10 000 tons of
waste plastics annually. The Southern Savonia’s share was inquired from Fortum Waste
Solutions Ltd but without results. The Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest
Owners has made a contract with Fortum Waste Solutions Ltd in collecting the agriculture’s
plastic waste (MTK. 2012).

Other company that does the same collecting, is the Pohjanmaan muovikierrätys Oy which
even pays the farmers for the material if it’s properly sorted and the amount is over 5 tons.
(Pohjanmaan muovikierrätys Oy. ND.) However, Pohjanmaan muovikierrätys Oy isn’t
channeling their plastics (several thousand tons annually) to energy recovery (Järvinen.
2017). The agriculture could play a significant role in plastic supply but if it’s already been
utilized by other plastic requiring companies, it can be hard to get a decent share to pyrolysis

Waste plastics from agriculture contain traces of formic acid (used in AIV fodder) which
causes corrosion. It should be ensured that this doesn’t damage any materials in the desired
pyrolysis process. This can be prevented for example by washing the raw materials but then
the water flows must be monitored to prevent pollution caused by dissolved compounds.
When considering corrosion, also PVC plastics are prohibited from pyrolysis as concluded
earlier in section 2.1.2.

Based on the research made, the most promising waste plastics suppliers could be
Metsäsairila Ltd and Vapo Ltd. Other waste management companies should be also
contacted if they operate within a reasonable distance from the pyrolysis plant and could
provide a steady supply of waste plastics. Since the waste plastics are highly prioritized to

be recovered as material, the rejects and non-recoverable fractions from these processes can
provide a solution. There’s also potential when the separation of waste plastics from mixed
waste improves and if all these flows aren’t channeled to material recovery.

3.2 Waste tires

Kuusakoski Ltd operates in cooperation with the Finnish Tyre Recycling Ltd and holds the
logistics of waste tires. It is assumed by Kuusakoski Ltd that approximately 10 000 tons of
waste tires could be annually utilized in the pyrolysis process under study. This amount can
go up by additional 5 000 tons depending on the situation. The price for waste tires is
estimated to be 10–20 €/t delivered to the plant if the tires are unprocessed. (Söderström.
2017a.) The origins for these estimations weren’t specified any further.

If the tires are grinded to 300 mm diameter particles, the price is going to be a bit higher or
about the same (+0–5 €/t). This grinded tire waste is more efficient to transport since the
volume and weight losses are smaller than with whole tires. It is recommended that whole
tires are transported only locally and grinded tires from further away. The prices are always
dependent on the situation (volumes etc.) and cannot be precisely stated before further
negotiations. (Söderström. 2017a.) It can be safely assumed that the final price for the
supplied tires ends up somewhere between the minimum and maximum values.

Tire waste metals are accepted currently also by Kuusakoski Ltd so if they are supplying the
raw material, they can also transport the separated metals from the pyrolysis plant. The prices
for these metals follow the market prices directly and are changing constantly. (Söderström.

Energy recovery from waste tires is currently utilized mostly by the energy intense cement
industry. However, the option for converting waste tires into fuel oil using pyrolysis is a
growing point of interest. The profitability of pyrolysis has been an issue and therefore these
plants are still mostly under development. (Finnish Tyre Recycling Ltd. NDd). For example,
Peatec Ltd’s pyrolysis plant in Valkeakoski received waste tires from Kuusakoski Ltd
(Regional State Administrative Agencies. 2012, 2).

3.3 International suppliers

Finland’s closest neighbours such as Estonia and Russia could also provide a suitable raw
material flow. This requires, however, more permits and arrangements than domestic raw
material acquisition. For instance, over 1 000 000 tons of waste tires are annually produced
in Russia alone (International Power Ecology Company. 2016). This is roughly 20 times the
volume that is produced in Finland (see section 2.2.2). Estonia produces 10 000–12 000 tons
of waste tires (Kuurme. 2017.).

Estonia has used roughly 5000 tons of waste tires annually on its own energy production and
sent 30 % to Lithuania for cement factories. A company called Hansa Biodiesel tested the
concept of tire pyrolysis in years 2010–2013 but has ended the tests since. Estonia shale oil
industry has been developing a new way to produce oil from waste tires mixed with oil shale.
When these pilot tests come to a closure and if they seem feasible to implement further, the
company will require some 100 000 tons of waste tires per year. This equals roughly 10
times the amount Estonia is producing by themselves. Estonia’s tire recycling company
MTÜ Eesti Rehviliit can supply waste tires also to Finland (Kuurme. 2017.) However, the
specific amounts weren’t received from the MTÜ Eesti Rehviliit.

The Estonia oil shale industry -case could mean that all the waste tire capacity from Estonia
is channeled to satisfy the raw material need for this project. The potential concerning
international suppliers must be researched more since the lack of information found and
received from contacts was little and didn’t provide the necessary information. These facts
mean that as raw material suppliers, Russia and Estonia aren’t considered any further in this

3.4 Summary for the raw material capacity

A flow chart considering the possible raw material suppliers is presented below in figure 9.








Figure 9. Flow chart of the possible raw material suppliers.

Below in table 9 is summarized the possible waste plastics suppliers, their estimated
capacities and prices.

Table 9. Summarization of the raw material potential based on the research made.
RAW MATERIAL CAPACIY – Red values can’t be verified and are excluded from the final amount
Raw material Supplier Capacity [t/a] Price [€/t] Costs/incomes [€/a]

TIRES Verified min max min max min max

Kuusakoski Ltd 10 000 15 000 -10 -25 -100 000 -375 000
(need further research)
Russia 1 000 000
Estonia 12 000
Metsäsairila Ltd
- Partly separated 250 750 +20 +30 +5 000 +22 500
- Separated / 20 -60 -150 -1 200 -3 000
melted plastics
(need further research)
Vapo Ltd
- Mikkeli region 26 -20 -40 -520 -1 040
- National level 1 000
Riikinvoima Ltd 25 000
Agriculture (Finland) > 10 000
∑ 10 250 15 796 -96 720 -353 540

In the case of Metsäsairila Ltd’s plastic supply, the price is either positive or negative. This
is because melted plastics or fully separated plastics add costs if they are received for the
pyrolysis and partly separated plastics can add incomes since they are paid by Metsäsairila
Ltd for the receiver. Later in this thesis, the total annual capacity for the pyrolysis plant is
assumed to be 15 800 tons based on the table 9 above from which 15 000 tons are waste tires
and 800 tons are waste plastics. The economic aspects presented in table 9 are discussed
further in section 7.


In this section, the most important characteristics, parameters and unit processes for the
intended pyrolysis process are shown. As mentioned earlier in section 1.2, the chosen
pyrolysis process is so-called “batch-type”. Other possible processes exist also but this type
is selected due to its simplicity, operability and cost effectiveness (Overell. 2017d). Because
the waste tires are the primary raw material for the pyrolysis plant under study (see section
3.4), the process outcome is eventually determined based on tire pyrolysis and the effect of
plastics characteristics and their effect is assumed to be negligible.

The batch-type (fixed-bed) process means loading a specific amount of raw materials into
the process and allow these to react before cleaning the process and loading it again
(Williams. 2013, 2). This means that the raw material feed to a single pyrolysis reactor isn’t
continuous. The process can however be modified to operate continuously by adding several
reactors to the plant which allow one part to be in pyrolysis, one in loading and one in
purification stage. This is discussed further in this section.

Below in figure 10 is shown a directional flow chart for the intended pyrolysis process. The
focus of this thesis was to examine the raw materials and end products and therefore closer
inspection of for example, preparation processes and waste and reject flows, is excluded.
















Figure 10. Possible flow chart for the pyrolysis process.

4.1 Preparation process

After acquiring the raw materials, they are transported to the pyrolysis plant, then stored and
prepared for the process. Raw material flow chart was presented earlier in section 3.4. Below
in figure 11 is shown the possible flow chart for the preparation process before pyrolysis.



- Metal separation - Metal separation
- Other separation - Other separation
- Size reduction - Size reduction
- Storaging before pyrolysis - Storaging before pyrolysis
- Waste formation / handling - Waste formation / handling


Figure 11. Preparation flow chart – only the necessary procedures will be done when the raw material quality
is confirmed.

Waste tires are also available as grinded granules from Kuusakoski Ltd as mentioned in
section 3.2. In this case, size reduction wouldn’t be necessary at the pyrolysis plant site
before the process. If the refined raw material is brought up straightly to the plant and not
processed in-situ, all the material is utilizable and there’s no need for preparation which
reduces the rejects and losses in raw materials. Raw materials should be stored more than
they are used in pyrolysis process to ensure maximum plant utilization rate also in cases of
raw material supply problems.

4.2 Pyrolysis process

The pyrolysis process will be running with its own power. To achieve this, the generated
non-condensable fuel gas and some of the finished diesel oil is used to produce the necessary
energy for the process. The process will consist of six individual reactors where waste
plastics and tires are simultaneously treated. These reactors are loaded at first, then heated
and finally cooled down and cleaned before the next cycle. Two out of six reactors will be
heated at any given time while the rest are either at loading or cleaning stage. The aim is for
example, a 24-hour cycle where each step takes 8 hours. Below in table 10, this schedule is
clarified. This allows the plant to run continuously when the schedule is planned and
executed properly.

Table 10. Pyrolysis process reactor schedule.

0–8 hours 8–16 hours 16–24 hours
Reactors 1–2 Pyrolysis Cleaning Loading
Reactors 3–4 Cleaning Loading Pyrolysis
Reactors 5–6 Loading Pyrolysis Cleaning

During the pyrolysis phase, the reactors can be purged from syngas with nitrogen flow as
mentioned earlier (see section 2.1). This helps also to maintain the oxygen-free atmosphere
inside the reactors which is vital for the safe operation of the process. If oxygen is allowed
to enter the reactors while they are operating at high temperatures, the raw materials will
ignite which causes danger and damages the equipment.

After the pyrolysis phase, the reactors are allowed to cool down and then opened to obtain
the carbon black left from the process. The generated hydrocarbon vapor produced by the
six pyrolysis reactors will be condensed with two condense towers. Each tower will be
designed to handle two reactors’ output vapor. Pyrolysis reactors’ output can be channeled
to either one of the condense towers and therefore improve the flexibility of the process.

From the condense towers, non-condensable fuel gas will be lead back to the heating reactor
to provide the required thermal energy for the process. Each unit is identical with each other
and can handle a mixture of both plastics and tires as raw material. Below in figure 12 is
shown the possible flow chart for the pyrolysis process.









Figure 12. Pyrolysis process flow chart.

The higher heating value (HHV) for the tire pyrolysis derived pyrolysis oil is between 41–
44 MJ/kg. This pyrolysis oil consists mainly from different paraffins, olefins and aromatic
compounds. (Islam et. al. 2013, 2.) The lower heating value (LHV) is said to be around 42
MJ/kg and water content ~ 120 mg/kg by Baškoviĉ et. al. (2017, 3).

For the plastics pyrolysis, the HHV of pyrolysis oil depends on the plastic type. Pyrolysis
oil derived from PS plastics seem to have the highest HHV of 43 MJ/kg and from PET
plastics the lowest HHV of 28,2 MJ/kg. PVC would have the lowest HHV but since PVC
isn’t used in pyrolysis, its characteristics aren’t considered. (Sharuddin et. al. 2016, 14.) LHV
for plastic pyrolysis oil is said to be ~ 38 MJ/kg and for the water content, the value is 1190
mg/kg according to Kalargaris et. al. (2017, 3). The water content is significantly higher
compared to tire pyrolysis oil but since plastic capacity for the plant under study is very
small, their effects for the product qualities are also less significant.

After a couple of hours of heating, the pyrolysis gas replaces the need for diesel fuel in
heating reactor to provide the required heat for the process. (Islam et. al. 2013, 2, 5.) This is
discussed more in section 6.2. Since waste tires are the dominant raw material, plastics
characteristics should not affect the product properties that significantly and thus these
values can be said to equal the HHV for crude oil (Alakangas & VTT. 2000, 11).

The HHV for the fuel gas derived from tire pyrolysis is estimated to be around 37 MJ/m3
which is enough to provide the necessary energy for the pyrolysis process to operate
continuously. This fuel gas consists mainly of methane, butadiene, ethane and some other
hydrocarbon derived gases. (Islam et. al. 2013, 2.) The value equals the HHV for natural gas
(Alakangas & VTT. 2000, 11).

4.3 The production of EN 590 Diesel fuel

According to Martínez et. al. (2013, 9) the most critical properties of tire pyrolysis oil
compared to EN 590 diesel fuel are for instance, density, sulfur and water content and cetane
index. Ayanoglu & Yumrutaş (2016, 3) studied the mechanisms in refining waste tire
pyrolysis oil into EN 590 compliant diesel fuel. They combined the raw material with 10 %
of calcium oxide (CaO) before pyrolyzing it to decrease the sulfur content in pyrolysis oil.
After the pyrolysis, the oil was put into a separate reactor and heated up to 150 °C and the
first (light fuel) fraction was collected. The remaining pyrolysis oil was then distilled at 450
°C and the distillate (heavy fuel) was collected. This represented around 70 % of the total
pyrolysis oil weight. (Ayanoĝlu & Yumrutaş, 2016, 8, 9).

After this, the heavy fuel fraction was distilled again and eventually, a fuel fraction very
similar to the EN 590 diesel was produced. As a result, it was concluded that the distilled,
diesel like fuel is suitable for diesel engines without any issues in the performance (Ayanoĝlu
& Yumrutaş, 2016, 9). The sulfur amount can be decreased to an acceptable level with CaO
(Aydin & İlkılıç 2012, 6). Below in table 11 are shown the characteristics for the diesel like
fuel produced by this distillation method. The full requirement list for the EN 590 diesel fuel
is presented later in section 5.1.

Table 11. Tire pyrolysis based diesel comparison with EN 590 compliant diesel fuel (Ayanoglu & Yumrutaş.
2016, 11; SFS-EN 590 + AC. 2013, 17).
Tire pyrolysis based diesel fuel vs. EN 590 diesel fuel
Characteristic Tire pyrolysis diesel fuel EN 590 diesel fuel
Viscosity [mm2/s] 3,1 2–4,5
H2O content [mg/kg] 23 < 200
HHV [MJ/kg] 43,2 42,7
Flash point [°C] 130 > 55
Density [kg/m3] 825 820–845
Distillate recovery at 250 °C [%] 50 < 65
Distillate recovery at 350 °C [%] 95 min. 85
Temperature at 95 % distillate 360 max. 360
recovery [°C]

As we can see from the table, tire pyrolysis derived diesel fuel meets the presented
requirements for the EN 590 diesel fuel. A process called fractional distillation can be used
to produce the EN 590 diesel fuel from the pyrolysis oil. This process is based on the
condensation of different fuel fractions by their boiling points. Simplifying, a tall column is
placed and heated pyrolysis oil directed to its bottom. While the fuel vaporizes and cools
down going up the column, different fuel fractions are condensed from different heights
according to the temperatures. Light fuel fractions (low boiling point) are collected from the
cooler top section and heavier (high boiling point) from the higher temperature bottom part.
(Tyre Pyrolysis Plant. 2016.)

This could mean, that if the pyrolysis oil produces significant amount of other fuels besides
diesel, it could be reasonable to refine also those fractions for commercial purposes. This is
however, left aside and only the diesel fraction is observed due to the plans of the subscriber
for this thesis.

Viewing the existing applications for the pyrolysis oil refining, the process can include for
example, distillation and condensing reactors, cooling systems and vacuum units, de-
dusting, filtering and other purification systems. Catalytic reactions are used for these
purification processes. (Henan Doing Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. 2015a) The refining

process requires however, more research since the more detailed parameters weren’t

The produced EN 590 compliant diesel fuel is used as a startup fuel for the process until
enough fuel gas is produced by the pyrolysis process. After this the fuel gas provides all the
necessary thermal energy to continuous operating. Below in figure 13 is shown the possible
flow chart for the pyrolysis oil refining and EN 590 diesel.



- Fractional distillation
- Catalytic purification...




Figure 13. Pyrolysis oil and refined EN 590 diesel.

There could be a possibility to use the raw pyrolysis oil in burners to provide the heat.
However, since raw pyrolysis oil’s higher impurity content compared to refined diesel, and
the relatively small need for the liquefied fuel in heat production, the refined diesel is the
better option. This improves for example the lifetime of the burners and lowers the emissions
compared to the use of raw pyrolysis oil.

4.4 Side products, wastes and rejects from pyrolysis process

Together with the EN 590 compliant diesel fuel, carbon black and metals are produced as a
utilizable end products. Their potential applications and requirements are presented further
in this study. The process can produce also some wastes which need to be treated properly

in order to meet the regulations. For instance, the runoff waters from the raw material storing
(if formed) need to be controlled. This can be prevented by keeping the raw materials inside
a building or other storage.

In case of an accident at the pyrolysis plant, oil products can be released from the process.
Therefore, the facility must be built over a fluid impermeable floor to prevent any soil
contamination from the leakages. Also, the facility’s plinth can be created high enough to
make the building like a pool which captures any leaks from causing further harm. This was
done for example in Pohjanmaan hyötyjätekuljetus Ltd’s plastic pyrolysis plant (Regional
State Administrative Agencies. 2015, 3).

Wastes from the combustion fumes purification equipment must be moved to a facility which
has the permission to handle these types of wastes. These purification leftovers can be for
instance lime sludge which forms in sulfur removal. (Regional State Administrative
Agencies. 2015, 4, 11.) The combustion fume limit values for different pollutants are
presented earlier in this thesis (see section 2.3.1). Below in figure 14 are shown the possible
side product, reject and waste flows of the process.






Figure 14. Side product, reject and waste flows of the process.



In this section, the marketability and requirements for the pyrolysis process’ end products
are presented and evaluated. The economic feasibility of the pyrolysis process is highly
dependent on the upgrading potential of the end products (Antoniou & Zabaniotou. 2015,
1). The examined end products are the EN 590 compliant diesel fuel, carbon black and

5.1 The requirements and marketability for EN 590 compliant diesel fuel

The most important end product for the pyrolysis process is high quality diesel fuel which
can be sold to different customers. The target is to achieve compliance with standard SFS
EN 590 which states the requirements for the diesel fuel. The standard also dictates the
needed standards which must be considered when determining the quality indicators of the
fuel. Fuel analyzing will be done by an external consult.

Below in tables 12 and 13 are shown the required characteristics for the produced EN 590
compliant diesel fuel. Some tests and properties need to inspect in certain conditions and
aspects which are mentioned in the notice-column.

Table 12. SFS-EN 590 general requirements for diesel fuel (SFS-EN 590 + AC. 2013, 17).
General requirements for EN 590 compliant diesel fuel
Indicator Unit Limit values Notice
Min Max

Cetane number 51
Cetane index 46
Density kg/m3 820 845 At 15 °C
PAH compounds m-% 8
Manganese content mg/dm3 2
Sulfur content mg/kg 10
Flash point °C > 55
Carbon residue m-% 0,3 From 10 % distillation residue
Water content mg/kg 200
Ash content m-% 0,01
Total contamination mg/kg 24
Copper strip corrosion Rating Class 1 3 h at 50 °C
FAME content V-% 7
Oxidation stability g/m3 25
h* 20* *if FAME content > 2 V-%
Lubricity μm 460 Wsd 1,4 at 60 °C (Corrected wear
scar diameter)
Viscosity mm2/s 2 4,5 At 40 °C
V-% at 250 °C < 65 Recovery rate
V-% at 350 °C 85 Recovery rate
95 V-% recovered at °C 360

In Finland, the type of a diesel fuel follows the cycle of seasons. Temperature differences
can be immense between summer and winter time. In these varying conditions, diesel fuel
behaves differently and this must be compensated with seasonal diesel fuels. For example,
there are so called winter and summer quality diesel fuels which are sold at a different time
of the year. Table 13 below shows the temperature and climate related diesel fuel
characteristic differences which apply to these seasonal types of diesel fuels.

Table 13. SFS-EN 590 climate related requirements for diesel fuel (SFS-EN 590 + AC. 2013, 19).
Climate related requirements for EN 590 compliant diesel fuel
Indicator Unit Limit values Notice
Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E Class F
CFPP °C max 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20

Class 0 Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4

Cloud point °C max -10 -16 -22 -28 -34
CFPP °C max -20 -26 -32 -38 -44
Density At 15 °C
Min kg/m3 800 800 800 800 800
Max 845 845 840 840 840
Viscosity At 40 °C
Min mm /s 1500 1500 1500 1400 1200
Max 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
Cetane number min 51 51 51 51 51 In EU
Cetane index min 46 46 46 43 43
Recovery max. V-% 10 10 10 10 10 At 180 °C
Recovery min. 95 95 95 95 95 At 340 °C

It is allowed to use additives such as MMT (Methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl)

to enhance the performance quality of the diesel fuel. The amount of MMT used correlates
with the manganese content of the fuel and must be calculated correctly to achieve the quality
demands (see table 12). Additives, that improve the exhaust cleaning device functions and
drivability of the vehicle, are recommended if they don’t have any recognized, harmful side
effects. In addition, other technical applications that have the same effect, can be utilized.
Also, different pigments and marking additives are allowed. (SFS-EN 590 + AC. 2013, 10,

For the produced EN 590 compliant diesel oil, the most obvious application is the use as a
vehicle fuel. Practically all the trucks, public and other transport, farming vehicles and
marine vessels use diesel engines. Naturally also normal household vehicles can use diesel
motors. Some of the diesel fuel is used to enable the continuous pyrolysis process and burned
inside the heating reactor. It will also be used in diesel generators to provide the necessary
electricity for the process.

Besides EN 590 diesel fuel, the pyrolysis oil can be used as a blend with regular diesel fuel
in automotive engines. This mixture can contain around 20 % of tire pyrolysis oil. Stationary
and marine diesel engines can use the tire pyrolysis oil as it stands. (Frigo et. al. 2014, 9.) If
the refined diesel doesn’t meet the regulations with the EN 590 diesel fuel, the pyrolysis oil
may be sold as it stands but with a significantly lower price and limited markets.

5.2 The requirements and marketability for the produced carbon black

Carbon black is one of the most produced industrial chemicals in the world. Around 90 %
of the manufactured carbon black is used in different rubber applications, pigment industry
use takes approximately 9 % and the last 1 % goes to a vast variety of other applications.
(ICBA. 2016.) These other applications can be for instance plastic, paper and ceramic
production. The main use of rubber industry utilizes carbon black to strengthen rubber and
improve its resistance against tear, abrasion, flexing and fatigue. Carbon black also increases
processing characteristics and tensile strength of both natural and synthetic elastomers.
(IARC. 2010, 20.)

Two primary ways exists to produce carbon black – Thermal black and furnace black. The
furnace black is the most common and produces carbon black from heavy aromatic oils in a
sealed reactor which temperature and pressure are changed to atomize the raw material. A
hot gas stream is used to heat up and pyrolyze the raw material. The second method, thermal
black, uses natural gas as a raw material. There are a pair of reactors which alternate their
stages between heating up and producing carbon black. Natural gas is channeled to these
reactors where it breaks down into carbon black and hydrogen. (ICBA. 2016.)

The global markets for carbon black applications in rubber, paint/coating, plastics,
printing/toner and tire industries were estimated to be around 13,2 million tons worth 13,7
billion USD in 2015. This was expected to rise by 0,7 million tons worth 0,7 billion USD in
2016. From 2016 the annual growth rate is forecasted to be 5,6 %. This means, that by the
2022 the worldwide markets are estimated to reach 19,2 million tons and 20,4 billion USD.
(Industry Experts. 2016, 1.)

Finding the applications for the produced carbon black requires knowing the characteristics
of the carbon black. The most important characteristics for the carbon black is the specific
surface area and structure. Tires can contain several different types of carbon blacks. (Roy
et. al. 1998, 6.) As said, the demand for carbon black is expected to rise which means that
the production capacity must increase with it. Even though the main product from the desired
pyrolysis process is the diesel fuel, carbon black output can play a significant role together
with it.

From rubber applications, the major of the carbon black is used in tire industry, inner tubes
and retread rubber. Other uses in car industry are different elastomer applications such as
hoses, belts and cables. Rubber industry utilizes carbon black to strengthen rubber and
improve its resistance against tear, abrasion, flexing and fatigue. Apart from car industry,
carbon black is used in elastomers like conveyor belts, hoses, gloves and footwear. (IARC.
2010, 20.) These are not as high quality demanding as for example, vehicle tires, and
pyrolytic carbon black could be a source in manufacturing these commodities (Rodriguez et.
al. 2001, 13).

However, raw carbon black derived from pyrolysis isn’t suitable for rubber industry due to
its heavy concentration of inorganic impurities. The reason for this is the use of different
additives in rubber industry which remain in the carbon black after the pyrolysis. This
correlates straightly with the ash content of the carbon black. The properties of pyrolytic
carbon black can, however, be easily and affordably improved closer to the commercial
carbon blacks used in rubber industry. This is done for instance, by using
acidification/basification processes or demineralization reagents. (Martinez et. al. 2013, 1,
3, 5.)

The biggest non-elastomer application for carbon black is plastics. It is used for instance to
stabilize UV light and control electrical conductivity of plastics. Printing inks uses carbon
black depending on the desired properties for the ink such as gloss and viscosity. Concerning
other coloring applications, also all kinds of paints and coatings use carbon black for
pigmentation and tinting. Paper industry uses carbon black for example in carbon papers,
leatherboards and photograph albums. Other less significant applications are for instance
photocopy toners, dry-cell batteries and magnetic tapes. (IARC. 2010, 20–21.)

The use of coal and other fossil fuels are under pressure to decrease in the near future and
carbon black can provide a way to help this adaptation. For example, the energy intense
cement industry can utilize carbon black to substitute coal and therefore reduce the amount
of used fossil coal and bring additional savings in fuel costs. (Sarawut &
Wongwuttanasatian. 2013, 1.)

Carbon black derived from pyrolysis can achieve a lower heating value of 30,5 MJ/kg which
is significantly bigger than coal’s 25 MJ/kg (Alakangas & VTT. 2000, 10; CalRecovery, Inc.
1995, 56). Carbon black can for example, be refined into pellets which are easy to store and
use as a fuel in energy production (Regional State Administrative Agencies. 2012, 15;
Sharuddin et. al. 2016, 16). This advocates the possibility of using carbon black as a fuel.

One interesting method to utilize pyrolytic carbon black is in manufacturing activated

carbon. This can be problematic since the pyrolysis process produces carbon particles with
much smaller surface area than activated carbon has. (CalRecovery, Inc. 1995, 91). To
produce activated carbon with the pyrolysis, the temperatures need to be higher than in
producing oil and carbon black.

However, it is possible to activate the received carbon black with its own process with high
temperatures and oxidation with CO2 or steam. This enlarges the specific surface area of the
carbon and enables its use as activated carbon. (Teng et. al. 1995, 1–2; Wójtowicz, M. &
Serio, M. 1996, 2.) Also, the use of water or steam during pyrolysis to control for example,
the temperature, results in a larger surface area for the produced carbon black (Nkosi &
Muzenda. 2014, 1).

If we look at the specific surface area of tire pyrolysis derived carbon black, the values may
vary from 41–135 m2/g (Kaminsky & Mennerich. 2001, 5; Teng et. al. 1995, 8). The required
specific surface area for activated carbon is between 500–1500 m2/g (Hayacarb (PVT) Ltd.
2017.). This concludes the fact that the tire pyrolysis derived carbon black must be processed
further to enable its use as carbon black.

The activated carbon derived from pyrolytic carbon black can achieve high absorption
potential for heavy metals and Cu2+. It can also reduce the organic compounds from water
based solutions. This can lead to a promising activated carbon applications such as metal
scrubbers and aqueous contaminant reduction. (Helleur et. al. 2001, 12.)

In asphalt industry, carbon black can be utilized to increase the softening temperature of
asphalt. This makes asphalt more applicable to different structures since its improved
performance and durability in higher temperatures. With a few percent share of carbon black
in asphalt, the softening temperature can be nearly doubled in the best scenario. (Wen &
Chung. 2004, 1.) Pyrolytic carbon black is a reasonable choice and competes with other
commercial carbon black products in asphalt modification (Fader et. al. 1997, 19).

Below in figure 15 is shown the possible applications for carbon black. Regardless from the
intended application for carbon black, it should be sampled and tested carefully after the
pyrolysis process is operational and make sure it meets the needed requirements. Before this,
the price for the carbon black is very hard to determine since it depends highly on its quality.
The huge variety of possible applications ensures that the carbon black can be utilized in one
way or the other.




Figure 15. Possible applications for the carbon black.

5.3 The requirements and marketability for the produced metals

As determined earlier in this thesis, Kuusakoski Ltd accepts metals from scrap tires and
could provide raw materials at the same time. Several other metal recycling companies exist

also and selling the metals left from the pyrolysis isn’t going to be a problem. It only comes
to the point how this is done in the most cost efficient way.

The problem with scrap tire metals is that it isn’t very attractive product in the eyes of metal
utilizing companies. Therefore, the price is currently zero for this metal fraction and
Kuusakoski Ltd doesn’t pay for it but is willing to receive this metal and deliver it to further
processing. Metal companies which accept scrap tire metals don’t get any additional value
for their products using this metal fraction. (Söderström. 2017b.)

The situation may differ if tire scrap metals are baled tightly after which there could be
expected some net revenue from these metals. In this case the estimated income is around
90 €/t (1.6.2017) when delivered for Kuusakoski Ltd (Söderström. 2017c). These prices are
changing quickly in the metal markets and nothing specific values can’t be verified. The best
choice is however, to assume the income from these metals to be zero so that it doesn’t
distort the calculations. (Söderström. 2017b.)



Based on Martínez et. al. (2013, 7) and their research, the energy recovery from the waste
tire pyrolysis is around 75–82 % if we compare the process with the heat produced with
waste tire incineration. The pyrolysis process needs both thermal and electrical energy to
operate. The first is obtained from the process itself in form of diesel fuel and fuel gas. This
means, that the plant is self-sufficient what comes to thermal energy requirement.

Electricity is produced in-situ with diesel generators and grid-use possibility is excluded due
to the plans of the subscriber for this thesis. Diesel generators need regular maintenance and
eventually they have to be renewed, which adds some costs to their use. They also require
some of the produced diesel fuel which lowers the income profits from diesel fuel sell.

As mentioned before, the pyrolysis process produces three main components – pyrolysis oil,
fuel gas and carbon black. In addition, there’s the metal fraction and the pyrolysis oil is
refined to EN 590 diesel. To examine the possible financial aspects of the process, first we
must determine the product yields and energy requirements. The product yields are chose
based on scientific researches and other references and add up to 100 %. The calculations
are based on estimations which leads to an error compared to the reality and has to be

6.1 Mass balance for the pyrolysis process

The optimal temperature for tire pyrolysis was determined earlier to be around 475 °C. In
this case, the temperature will be set a bit higher (530 °C) for increased fuel gas production
for process heating. (Overell. 2017c). The product yields are selected to match the desired
temperature of 530 °C if possible.

As determined earlier in section 3.4 (table 9), the annual raw material capacity for the
pyrolysis plant is assumed to be 15 800 tons. Based on this, the daily and annual capacities
for the 6 pyrolysis reactors can be calculated. This is presented below in table 14.

Table 14. Pyrolysis plant capacity.

Pyrolysis plant capacities
Capacity 1 pyrolysis reactor The whole plant (6 reactors)
t/a 2633,3 15 800
t/d 7,2 43,3

6.1.1 Pyrolysis oil production

Some of the existing pyrolysis plant parameters and other references for pyrolysis oil yield
are shown in table 15.

Table 15. Pyrolysis oil yield.

Company / Raw Pyrolysis oil yield T [°C] Reference
Author material [%/raw material]
Peatec Ltd Tires 40 - Regional State Administrative
Agencies. 2012. 3, 15.
No Waste Technology Tires 30 - No Waste Technology. ND.
Metso Ltd Tires 33 - Metso Ltd. 2017.
Ecomation Ltd Tires 26 max 600 The city of Turku. 2017, 2.
Huayin Group Tires 45 400–450 Huayin Group. 2013.
Wójtowicz, M. & Tires 38–55 - Wójtowicz & Serio. 1996, 2.
Serio, M.
Juma et. al. Tires 50–60 440–570 Juma et. al. 2006, 6.
Kaminsky & Tires 57–65 500–550 Kaminsky & Mennerich. 2000,
Mennerich 4.
Ucar et. al. Tires 47–57 550 Ucar et. al. 2005, 3.
Williams, Paul T. Tires 40–58 500 Williams. 2013, 3.
Islam et. al. Tires 45–49 525 Islam et. al. 2010, 4.
Teng et. al. Tires 65 500 Teng et. al. 1995, 4.
Pohjanmaan Plastics 80–85 400 Regional State Administrative
hyötyjätekuljetus Ltd Agencies. 2015, 3.
Pyrocrat Systems LLP Plastics 95 350–450 Pyrocrat Systems LLP. ND.

Pyrolysis process itself is assumed to have 95 % efficiency which means that 5 % from the
input raw material isn’t reacting to desired products (pyrolysis oil, fuel gas, carbon black).
From the table 15 above, pyrolysis oil yield efficiency is assumed to be 40 % of the raw
material amount. Since the waste tires are the dominant raw material, plastics pyrolysis oil
yield increase compared to tires is assumed to be negligible.

With the annual raw material capacity of 15 800 tons and other assumptions, we can calculate
the annual pyrolysis oil yield using equation 1.

𝑌𝑜𝑖𝑙 = 𝜂𝑝𝑦𝑟𝑜 ∗ 𝑤𝑜𝑖𝑙 ∗ 𝑚𝑅𝑀 (1)

Yoil = annual pyrolysis oil yield [t/a]
ηpyro = pyrolysis efficiency [%]
woil = pyrolysis oil yield from the raw material [%]
mRM = annual raw material capacity [t/a]

This gives us the pyrolysis oil yield of 6 004 t/a.

6.1.2 EN 590 diesel fuel production

Below in table 16 is shown the diesel yield from pyrolysis oil for some existing applications.

Table 16. Diesel yield from pyrolysis oil.

Company Raw material Diesel yield Reference
[%/pyrolysis oil]
Henan Doing Mechanical Equipment Tires and/or 95 Henan Doing Mechanical
Co., Ltd plastics Equipment Co., Ltd. 2015b.
Beston (Henan) Machinery Co., Ltd Tires and/or 90 Beston (Henan) Machinery
plastics Co., Ltd. 2016.
Kingtiger (Shanghai) Environmental Tires and/or 90 Kingtiger (Shanghai)
Technology Co., Ltd plastics Environmental Technology
Co., Ltd. 2017.

From the table 16 above, EN 590 diesel yield is assumed to be 90 % of the pyrolysis oil.
These values are much higher than the one presented by Ayanoĝlu & Yumrutaş (2016, 8)
but are still used in the calculations. With the annual pyrolysis oil yield of 6 004 t/a (see
section 5.2.1), we can calculate the annual EN 590 diesel yield using equation 2.

𝑌𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑙 = 𝜂𝑜𝑖𝑙→𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑙 ∗ 𝑌𝑜𝑖𝑙 (2)


Ydiesel = annual EN 590 diesel yield [t/a]
ηoil→diesel = pyrolysis oil distillation efficiency to EN 590 diesel [%]
Yoil = annual pyrolysis oil yield [t/a]

This gives us the amount of 5 404 t/a for EN 590 diesel yield.

Since diesel fuel price is estimated in [€/m3] in the financial section of this thesis (see section
7.3.1), we must convert the result to this unit. The density for EN 590 diesel fuel is
considered to be 0,82 t/m3 (SFS-EN 590 + AC. 2013, 17). With the density and annual EN
590 diesel fuel yield of 5 404 t/a, we can calculate the annual volume for produced EN 590
diesel fuel (equation 3).

𝑉𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑙 = 𝜌𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑙 (3)

Vdiesel = annual EN 590 diesel yield [dm3/a]
Ydiesel = annual EN 590 diesel yield [t/a]
ρdiesel = EN 590 diesel fuel density [t/m3]

Based on these calculations, we get the amount of 6 590 m3/a for EN 590 diesel fuel. Since
the pyrolysis process itself requires some of the produced diesel fuel, the amount available
for selling is a bit lower. This amount is estimated later in the thesis (see section 6.2).

6.1.3 Fuel gas production

Some examples of the existing pyrolysis plant parameters and other references for non-
condensable fuel gas yield are shown in table 17 below.

Table 17. Pyrolysis gas yield.

Company Raw Fuel gas yield T [°C] Reference
material [%/raw material]
No Waste Tires 15 - No Waste Technology. ND.
Technology GMBH
Huayin Group Tires 10 400–450 Huayin Group. 2013.
Wójtowicz, M. & Tires 10–30 - Wójtowicz, & Serio. 1996, 2.
Serio, M.
Juma et. al. Tires 3,2–11,9 440–570 Juma et. al. 2006, 6.
Kaminsky & Tires 3,5–9,2 500-550 Kaminsky & Mennerich. 2000, 4.
Ucar et. al. Tires 5–10 550 Ucar et. al. 2005, 3.
Williams, Paul T. Tires 5–12 500 Williams. 2013, 3.
Islam et. al. Tires 11–15 525 Islam et. al. 2010, 4.
Teng et. al. Tires 5,5 500 Teng et. al. 1995, 4.
Pohjanmaan Plastics 5–11 400 Regional State Administrative
hyötyjätekuljetus Agencies. 2015, 3.

The same pyrolysis efficiency of 95 % applies also to gas production. From the table 17
above, pyrolysis gas yield is assumed to be 10 % of the raw material amount. Fuel gas
production is seen to be roughly the same with both plastics and tires.

With the annual raw material capacity of 15 800 tons and other assumptions, we can
calculate the annual non-condensable fuel gas yield using equation 4.

𝑌𝑔𝑎𝑠 = 𝜂𝑝𝑦𝑟𝑜 ∗ 𝑤𝑔𝑎𝑠 ∗ 𝑚𝑅𝑀 (4)

Ygas = annual fuel gas yield [t/a]
ηpyro = pyrolysis efficiency [%]
wgas = fuel gas yield from the raw material [%]
mRM = annual raw material capacity [t/a]

This results in 1 501 t/a for the fuel gas yield from the pyrolysis process.

6.1.4 Carbon black production

Below in table 18 is shown some existing pyrolysis parameters and other references for
carbon black yield.

Table 18. Carbon black yield.

Company Raw CB yield T [°C] Reference
material [%/raw material]
Peatec Ltd Tires 34 - Regional State Administrative
Agencies. 2012. 3, 15
No Waste Tires 38 - No Waste Technology. ND.
Technology GMBH
Metso Ltd Tires 33 - Metso Ltd. 2017.
Ecomation Ltd Tires 30 400–450 The city of Turku. 2017, 2.
Huayin Group Tires 33–38 - Huayin Group. 2013.
Wójtowicz, M. & Tires 30,6–53,4 440–570 Wójtowicz & Serio. 1996, 2
Serio, M.
Juma et. al. Tires 30–34 500–550 Juma et. al. 2006, 6.
Kaminsky & Tires 35–44 550 Kaminsky & Mennerich. 2001, 4.
Ucar et. al. Tires 37–47 500 Ucar et. al. 2005, 3.
Williams, Paul T. Tires 30 500 Williams. 2013, 3.
Islam et. al. Tires 48–42 525 Islam et. al. 2010, 4.
Teng et. al. Plastics 5–10 400 Teng et. al. 1995, 4.

The same pyrolysis efficiency of 95 % is assumed to effect also the formation of carbon
black. From the table 18 above, carbon black yield efficiency is assumed to be 35 % of the
raw material amount.

With the annual raw material capacity of 15 800 t/a and other assumptions, we can calculate
the annual carbon black yield using equation 5.

𝑌𝐶𝐵 = 𝜂𝑝𝑦𝑟𝑜 ∗ 𝑤𝐶𝐵 ∗ 𝑚𝑅𝑀 (5)

YCB = annual carbon black yield [t/a]
ηpyro = pyrolysis efficiency [%]
wCB = carbon black yield from the raw material [%]
mRM = annual raw material capacity [t/a]

Which gives us a total of 5 254 t/a for carbon black yield.

6.1.5 Metals production

Metals are a major concern when processing waste tires. In Finland, the issue is even bigger
due to the use of studded tires during winter. Below in table 19 is shown the existing
pyrolysis plant parameters for metal yield.

Table 19. Metal yield.

Company Raw material Metals yield Reference
[%/raw material]
Peatec Ltd Tires 12 Regional State Administrative
Agencies. 2012. 3, 15
No Waste Technology Tires 17 No Waste Technology. ND.
Huayin Group Tires 15 Huayin Group. 2013.
Williams, Paul T. Tires 13 Williams. 2013, 3.
Islam et. al. Tires 10 Islam et. al. 2013

The previously estimated pyrolysis efficiency of 95 % is considered also in the case of tire
scrap metal production. From the table 19 above, tire scrap metal yield is assumed to be 15
% of the raw material amount.

With the annual raw material capacity of 15 800 tons and other assumptions, we can
calculate the annual tire scrap metal yield using equation 6.

𝑌𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝜂𝑝𝑦𝑟𝑜 ∗ 𝑤𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑙 ∗ 𝑚𝑅𝑀 (6)

Ymetal = the annual tire scrap metal yield [t/a]
ηpyro = pyrolysis efficiency [%]
wmetal = tire scrap metal yield from the raw material [%]
mRM = the annual raw material capacity [t/a]

This gives us the tire scrap metal yield of 2 252 t/a.


6.1.6 Summary of the product yields from the pyrolysis process

Below in table 20 is presented the previously determined parameters and amounts

concerning the product yields from the pyrolysis process. Considering the estimated
pyrolysis reactor efficiency of 95 % and 15 800 t/a plant capacity, it means that non-
recoverable fraction / reject is produced 790 t/a. The further use of this fraction for the
pyrolysis process or other recovery applications isn’t evaluated in this thesis.

Table 20. Product yields from the pyrolysis process.

Product yields from the pyrolysis process
Pyrolysis oil EN 590 diesel fuel Fuel gas Carbon black Metal
yield [%] 40 (from raw 90 (from pyrolysis 10 (from raw 35 (from raw 15 (from raw
materials) oil) materials) materials) materials)
yield [t/a] 6 004 5 404 1 501 5 254 2 252
yield [m /a] 6 590

6.2 Electrical energy demand

Electricity consumption can be assumed based on Ecomation Ltd’s pyrolysis plant in Turku.
This plant’s capacity is said to be 19 000 t/a and electricity consumption is assumed to be
2000 MWh/a (The city of Turku. 2017, 2–3). With these values and equation 7 we can
calculate the required specific electricity consumption per raw material ton.

𝐸𝑠 = 𝑚 𝑒𝑙 (7)

Esel = specific electricity consumption per ton of raw material [MWh/t]
Eel = annual electricity consumption [MWh/a]
mRM = annual raw material capacity [t/a]

This results in the specific electricity demand of 0,105 MWh per ton of raw materials for the
pyrolysis process. This value doesn’t include the refining process for the pyrolysis oil to
produce the EN 590 diesel fuel and is therefore too small. Cal Recovery, Inc. (1995, 46)
estimated this to be 0,0128–0,117 kWh/ton of raw materials so the range is broad. If we

calculate the average between these three values, we get a result of 0,078 MWh/t which is
used in further calculations.

The desired pyrolysis process is assumed to need five 100 kW diesel generators which are
synchronized to operate together when needed (Overell. 2017a.). The electricity is needed
for example, to operate the conveyors for raw materials and pumps and blowers for the
processes. With the presented electrical energy requirement of 0,078 MWh per ton of raw
material and some other initial values shown below in table 21, we can estimate the annual
diesel fuel use for the generators.

Table 21. Generator-use in electricity production for the pyrolysis plant.

Variable Unit Value Reference
Electricity requirement MWh/t 0,078
Plant capacity t/a 15 800
Electricity requirement MWh/a 1 232
Diesel energy content MWh/t 11,53 Alakangas & VTT. 2000, 11.

Diesel density t/m3 0,82 SFS-EN 590 + AC. 2013, 17

Generator efficiency % 45 Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation. 2014, 7.

Diesel consumption m3/a 290

Based on table 21 above, diesel fuel consumption for generators can be calculated using
equation 8.

𝐸𝑠𝑒𝑙 ∗𝑚𝑅𝑀 1 1
𝐶𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑙𝐸 = ∗𝜌 ∗𝜂 (8)
𝐸𝐷 𝐷 𝑔

CdieselE = diesel fuel consumption for generators [m3/a]
Esel = specific electricity consumption per ton of raw material [MWh/t]
mRM = pyrolysis plant annual capacity [t/a]
ED = energy content for diesel fuel [MWh/t]
ρD = diesel fuel density [t/m3]
ηg = diesel generator efficiency [%]

This gives us the value of 290 m3/a as seen above in table 21. The diesel generators produce
exhaust fumes as well as the heating reactor and can be treated together in the same air
pollution control device.

6.3 Thermal energy demand

Islam et. al. (2013, 5) concluded that the required time for the produced fuel gas to replace
diesel in heating, is about 3 hours. Pohjanmaan hyötyjätekuljetus Ltd’s plastic pyrolysis
plant is said to need the same 3 hours until enough gas is produced (Regional State
Administrative Agencies. 2015, 3). However, these example applications operate around
400–425 °C instead of the desired ~ 530 °C, which means that the required heating time with
diesel must be assumed to be a bit higher.

After the starting period, the process is sustaining the required pyrolysis temperature with
fuel gas only. This means that diesel fuel is required only if there’s some problems
maintaining the needed temperature or if the process is forced to shut down and start again.
Therefore, the effect of diesel fuel use in heating is negligible to the general view of the
needed energy demand.

Thermal energy requirement, like electrical energy, has also a large variation between 0,407–
0,662 MWh/ton of raw material. (Cal Recovery, Inc. 1995, 46). We can estimate the specific
thermal energy demand (fuel gas demand) by assuming the thermal energy need to be the
average from 0,407 and 0,662 MWh/ton of raw material presented above. This gives us the
specific thermal energy demand of 0,535 MWh/ton of raw material. With this and the annual
raw material capacity of 15 800 tons, we can get the annual thermal energy requirement by
using equation 9 below.

𝐸𝑡ℎ = 𝑚𝑅𝑀 ∗ 𝐸𝑠𝑡ℎ (9)

Eth = annual thermal energy consumption [MWh/a]
mRM = annual raw material capacity [t/a]

Esth = specific thermal energy consumption per ton of raw material [MWh/t]

Therefore, we get a total of 8 453 ~ 8 500 MWh/a for thermal energy demand. We calculated
earlier that the fuel gas production is 1 501 t/a and determined that the energy content equals
the one for natural gas. This amount 1 501 t/a of natural gas would produce over 20 000
MWh/a of energy which equals the value for produced fuel gas and is sufficient to provide
the necessary thermal energy for the pyrolysis process (Alakangas & VTT. 2000, 11).

It was stated that 2 pyrolysis reactors are at the pyrolysis stage at any given time under
normal operation (see section 4.2) and therefore, these two reactors produce their needed
heating fuel gas by themselves. If there’s an oversupply of fuel gas compared to the pyrolysis
process need, the heat can be used for instance, for building interiors or domestic hot water
supplies at the plant site.


In this part, a simple estimation of the financial aspects for the process is done. This covers
the investment / capital expenditures (CAPEX) in acquiring the components and machinery
for the pyrolysis and diesel refining processes. Operating expenses (OPEX) estimation
includes labor, raw material acquisition, end product income and energy requirements. The
OPEX estimations apply also to other locations in Finland besides the Southern Savonia.
Also, if the CAPEX content isn’t reliant on the location, it can be applied if the asset is built
somewhere else.

Thermal energy for the process is obtained from the produced diesel fuel and fuel gas and
therefore its economic effect is zero. Electricity costs are caused by the generator diesel
usage. All the calculations are based on estimations and this will lead to a significant error
compared to the reality. The easiest aspects to estimate are the electricity consumption costs,
raw material costs and income from the end products.

7.1 Pyrolysis process machinery and labor costs

For the CAPEX of the pyrolysis asset, the total costs have been estimated to be around
10 000 000 € by machinery and other vendors (Overell. 2017e). The content of this isn’t
specified any further which means that the extent of this CAPEX value can’t be evaluated.
It may include all the necessary or there can be something that isn’t considered.

The labor requirement estimations are based on the facts that 8 hour shifts are assumed and
the pyrolysis process in running continuously as described earlier. This means that 3x8 hour
shifts are done each day. Using a Finnish Paper Industry’s 24 hours and 7 days a week type
of schedule, we can see that 5 shifts are used to maintain this continuous operating in paper
industry. From these, 3 shifts are working each day while 2 are on their day offs. (Paperiliiton
Tainionkosken osasto 22. 2017.) This is applied also to the pyrolysis plant to estimate the
employee requirements. One shift to operate the pyrolysis process is estimated to need 4
employees (Overell. 2017f). Hence, for the pyrolysis process, 20 (5*4) employees are
needed. This is clarified below in table 22.

Table 22. Operating the pyrolysis process – employee requirements.

Working hours per shift [h] 8
Hours per day [h] 24
Shifts working per day 3
Shifts on day offs per day 2
Total number of shifts 5
Employees per shift 4
Total number of employees 20

In addition, some support staff, office workers etc. are needed so the total number of
employees at the plant is estimated to be 24. Each employee is estimated to have the same
salary of 3 000 €/month which comes down to approximately 4 100 €/month for the
employer due to employee pension, unemployment insurances, holiday expenses and other
related costs (Suomen Yrittäjät. ND). This adds up to a total of 1 180 800 ~ 1 200 000 € per
year for the labor costs. This doesn’t include the medical expenses which can occur due to
sick leaves and labor injuries.

7.2 Raw material costs

As determined earlier the annual raw material capacity for the pyrolysis plant is 15 800 tons
from which 15 000 t are waste tires and 800 t are waste plastics. The only verified waste tire
supplier, Kuusakoski Ltd, could provide this amount with the price of 10–25 €/t when
delivered to the plant (see section 3.2). With this value and the evaluated capacity of 15 000
t/a for waste tires, we can estimate the annual costs for waste tires using equation 10. This
capacity could increase in the future if also international suppliers are involved.

𝐶𝑡𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑠 = 𝑃𝑡𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑠 ∗ 𝑚𝑡𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑠 (10)

Ctires = cost of waste tires [€/a]
Ptires = price for waste tires [€/t]

mtires = annual capacity of waste tires [t/a]

Using the determined waste tire prices, we get the annual waste tire costs of 150 000–
375 000 €. Concerning waste plastics, the price is very hard to determine exactly. This is
because it was found that some of the plastics can generate additional incomes if treated with
pyrolysis, others are very pure and their costs are higher and some may require separation
processing which increases their costs (see section 3.1). Also, as said before, the waste tires
capacity and effect for the process is more significant. Therefore, it isn’t reasonable to
calculate any specific costs for waste plastics and they are excluded from the calculations.
Their economic influence needs further researching.

7.3 End product income

The financially considered end products are the EN 590 diesel fuel and carbon black. Metals
are excluded since it was found out that their markets, prices and requirements are unstable
and it isn’t reasonable add them to the incomes since it may distort the results (see section
5.3). There’s need for further researching concerning the metals production and its economic

Since the fossil fuel prices are expected to rise in the future, it gives the waste-recovered
carbon black and liquid fuels a significant price advantage. This economic point will apply
also with the recovered metals although they were left out from the income assessment in
this study. (No Waste Technology. ND.)

7.3.1 EN 590 diesel income

Refined diesel fuel price is estimated to be 345 €/m3. This was estimated based on the
American spot price in 5.6.2017 (EIA. 2017.) The annual EN 590 diesel yield of 6 590 m3/a
was calculated earlier in section 6.1.2. Diesel generators use 290 m3/a from this amount (see
section 6.2) which leaves us 6 300 m3/a for selling. Now we can evaluate the income from
the produced diesel fuel with equation 11 below.

𝐼 𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑙 = 𝑃𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑙 ∗ 𝑉𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑙 (11)


Idiesel = income from EN 590 diesel fuel [€/a]
Pdiesel = price for EN 590 diesel fuel [€/m3]
Vdiesel = annual production of EN 590 diesel fuel [m3/a]

This gives us 2 173 500 ~ 2 200 000 €/a for the EN 590 diesel fuel income.

7.3.2 Carbon Black income

The annual carbon black yield of 5 254 t/a was determined earlier in section 6.1.4. The price
for this pyrolytic carbon black is however difficult to determine exactly since its global
markets aren’t as stable as for example, in the case of petroleum products. Also, the price
depends on the quality of the carbon black which can’t be verified until the process has
started. Based on the found reference ( 2017c), the price for pyrolytic carbon
black is assumed to be 800 €/t. With this and equation 12, we can estimate the income for
the produced carbon black.

𝐼 𝐶𝐵 = 𝑃𝐶𝐵 ∗ 𝑉𝐶𝐵 (11)

ICB = income from carbon black [€/a]
PCB = price for carbon black [€/dm3]
VCB = annual production of carbon black [dm3/a]

Which gives us 4 203 200 ~ 4 200 000 €/a. Therefore, the carbon black may play a more
significant financial part in the pyrolysis than the produced EN 590 diesel fuel. However,
the estimation doesn’t consider the fact that the produced carbon black may not reach high
enough quality to match the estimated price and desired application. Lower quality may
require purification processes or a lower selling price both of which lowers the carbon
black’s economical effect. On the other hand, the carbon black may have high quality straight

from the process or through purification and therefore a price that exceeds the estimated 800
€/t and the purification costs.

7.4 Electricity consumption costs

The five diesel generators which provide the needed electrical energy for the pyrolysis
process (see section 6.2), are appraised by machinery suppliers to cost around 20 000 USD
each. This comes down to 100 000 USD (~ 100 000 €) for the required 5 generators (Overell.
2017b). The generator CAPEX is assumed to include in the total CAPEX of 10 000 000 €
presented earlier. Considering the produced EN 590 diesel consumption for the generators,
it was estimated to be 290 m3/a (see section 6.2).

If the producer price for EN 590 diesel fuel is the earlier estimated 345 €/m3 (see section
7.3.1), it means that the annual income lost from generator diesel use is 100 005 ~ 100 000
€/a. Furthermore, and as said before, the need for maintenance and eventually replacement
with new units, is a factor with diesel generators and adds expenses to their use.

7.5 Total calculated costs and income

Below in table 23 is summarized the previously calculated costs and incomes based on the
estimations presented earlier.

Table 23. Determined costs and incomes.

Incomes Amount Price Income [€/a]
EN 590 diesel (generator 6 300 m3/a 345 €/m3 2 200 000
diesel use included)
Carbon black 5 254 t/a 800 €/t 4 200 000
Metals 1 501 t/a Excluded due to unstable Needs further research
markets and requirements
Σ Incomes 6 400 000
CAPEX Cost [€]
Process machinery etc. 10 000 000

Σ CAPEX 10 000 000

OPEX Amount Cost Cost [€/a]
Labor 24 4 100 €/month/employee 1 200 000 €
Waste tires 15 000 t/a 10–25 €/t 150 000–375 000
Waste plastics 800 t/a Excluded due to difficulties Needs further research
in estimating the price
Electricity – Generator 3
290 m /a 345 €/m3 100 000
diesel use
Thermal energy 8 500 MWh/a 0 (use of product gas) 0
Σ OPEX 1 450 000–1 675 000
Σ (Incomes - OPEX) 4 725 000–4 950 000

Based on these calculations, the estimated income from the pyrolysis process is somewhere
below 5 000 000 €/a. Using the values from table 23, we can also evaluate the payback period
for the investment. If we use 10 % as the interest rate, 10 000 000 € as investment cost and
4 800 000 € as annual income, we can calculate the payback period using equation 12 below.

(1+𝑖)𝑛 −1 𝐼
=𝑆 (12)

i = interest rate [%]
n = payback period [a]
I = investment costs [€]
S = annual income [€/a]

Solving the payback period n from the equation 12 results in the following (equation 13).

ln 𝐼
𝑛 = ln(1+𝑖) (13)

This gives us 2,45 ~ 2,5 years with the given figures which is very short and attractive in
establishing a new business. To determine the real net profit and accurate payback period,
all the possible variables should be considered. For example, the CAPEX isn’t divided by
its contents and some of the costs, such as buildings, construction, and plant site may be
excluded. The process machinery needs maintenance and eventually also replacements
which aren’t included in the calculations. Permit procedures and other bureaucracy also
increase the costs.

As mentioned earlier in the introduction, there have been some efforts in making the
pyrolysis process commercial also here in Finland but the results haven’t been remarkable
and some companies have ended their production after a while. Although the calculated
payback period is based on assumptions and inaccurate figures, it leaves a question that why
the pyrolysis process isn’t commercialized with greater success in Finland.

Several reasons may exist. Maybe it’s because of the tight regulations and heavy bureaucracy
which complicates building new entrepreneurship. Maybe the raw material supplies are too
uncertain or the climate targets makes this kind of waste utilization hard. Maybe the
backgrounds weren’t verified with enough care and unwanted surprises have occurred.
Nevertheless, during this research it has been noted that the global interests for pyrolysis and
its end products are strong. The process and its feasibility has been studied a lot and proven
to be a success.


8.1 Summary

Improved waste management has risen to play more significant role because of for example
increasing world population and therefore increasing waste generation. New legislation has
been created to serve this and the waste hierarchy for instance in Finland. This has also an
impact for one of the most important topic of our time – the global warming caused by human
activities. The dependency for fossil derived fuels need to be reduced and resource efficiency
improved. One way to achieve this is by converting some of the generated wastes into
different fuels and other commodities by a process called pyrolysis. With this method, both
waste management and fossil fuel usage can be directed to a better path.

The purpose of this study was to identify the possible raw material suppliers and their
capacity for a waste tire and plastics pyrolysis plant located in Southern Savonia region in
Finland. This location affects to the raw material suppliers which research was concentrated
on the Southern Savonia. The results can be limitedly used also if the asset is built
somewhere else in Finland. In this case, the raw material amounts and therefore end product
yields and related financial aspects change.

From the desired pyrolysis plant, 4 main fractions are produced: pyrolysis oil, carbon black,
pyrolysis gas and a metal fraction. Pyrolysis gas will be used filling the process’ need for
thermal energy. Pyrolysis oil will be refined into EN 590 compliant diesel fuel from which
some will be used to run the electricity providing generators for the process. The rest from
EN 590 diesel fuel, carbon black and metals are sold as end products from the plant.

The majority from the raw material capacity comes from waste tires. Therefore, some
research was done based on waste tire characteristics and waste plastics were assumed to
have no effect for the outcome. Targets of this thesis included also presenting the material
requirements, potential marketability and end-uses for these end products. The research was
conducted by examining the existing applications and finished scientific studies as well as
contacting the relevant companies to acquire information. All the calculations were made

based on numerous assumptions and they must not be considered accurate since there can
be a significant error compared to the reality.

8.2 Conclusions

8.2.1 Raw materials

Based on this study, it was found that the regulations concerning waste utilization are very
strict in Finland and EU especially what comes to waste incineration under which also
pyrolysis is regarded. This causes problems in acquiring waste plastics as raw material for
the pyrolysis since the majority seem to be directed into material recovery facilities based
on the research made. Furthermore, the discovered capacity for pyrolysis utilizable waste
plastics wasn’t significant. Waste tires are significantly easier to obtain and some
encouraging capacities were discovered.

The waste management for both raw materials is operated by a national level company to
ensure the fulfilling of producer’s responsibility regulations which concern both waste
plastics (packages) and waste tires. With waste tires, Kuusakoski Ltd holds this title and was
found to be the only source of waste tires for pyrolysis purposes. This could prove to be an
asset if there’s only one operative to negotiate with. With waste plastics, RINKI Ltd arranges
the waste management network but isn’t channeling their plastics to energy recovery.
Smaller operators such as Vapo Ltd and agriculture entrepreneurs exist also which could
provide waste plastics but the capacities may end up to be minor.

As waste management develops, new sources of waste plastics may come up. For now, the
most promising sources seem to be different waste management companies and reject flows
for example, from Fortum Waste Solution Ltd’s plastic refining facility. Waste tires can also
be obtained from other countries such as Estonia and Russia which may be within reasonable
distance from the intended location for the pyrolysis plant. Especially Russia generates
massive amounts of waste tires compared to Finland and the waste management there isn’t
as ambitious and efficient as in Finland. However, because of the lack of information, these
possibilities need further researching.

Based on the research made, it was estimated that an annual raw material capacity of 15 800
tons could be achievable from which 15 000 tons comes from waste tires and 800 tons from
waste plastics. This estimation consists of the information received from Kuusakoski Ltd
(waste tires), Metsäsairila Ltd (waste plastics) and Vapo Ltd (waste plastics). However, these
numbers may be highly variable and dependent on for example, economic situation, global
and national interests and the guiding legislation stated by the nation or the EU. Besides
waste plastics and tires, also other hydrocarbon based raw materials may be suitable for the
process and their use and availability need to be researched more.

8.2.2 End products

Concerning the outcome for the process and the end product characteristics, the process
parameters need to be carefully determined before operation. It was found that it is possible
to improve the process efficiency of the process with catalysts such as zeolites. This can
enhance the quality of the end products which leads to decreased need for refining and higher
selling prices. At the same time, the energy requirement is cut down which lowers the
operational costs. Thus, the use of the catalytic pyrolysis should be considered as a notable
choice instead of non-catalytic process. This however, needs to be further researched to
determine the right catalysts with the process parameters.

Refining processes for the pyrolysis oil to produce the desired EN 590 compliant diesel fuel
were hard to discover. A multi-stage distilling process was found to have been used where
the light fuel fraction and heavy fuel fraction were separated from the pyrolysis oil which
eventually lead to a fuel comparable to EN 590 compliant diesel. Thus, it’s possible to refine
the pyrolysis oil into the desired liquid fuel for instance using the fractional distillation
process. This however, needs further research concerning the parameters, yields, possible
additives etc. for the refining process. Several machinery suppliers for the refining process
were discovered and while their presentations were promising, those can’t be verified as
accurate ones.

For the produced carbon black, numerous different applications were found and therefore, it
was concluded that the effect from carbon black can be very significant for the economic
outcome and feasibility of the process. These included for example rubber and plastics

production. The potential applications depend naturally on the properties of the produced
pyrolytic carbon black which can be sampled after the pyrolysis plant has started operating.

Also, the demand for carbon black is expected to rise in the future which will lead to an
increasing production capacity requirement. The prices for carbon black are therefore
expected to rise and lead to a stable and profitable markets. Waste derived carbon black will
also have an advantage over the fossil fuel derived carbon black since there’s a need to
reduce the use of fossil fuels and improve the waste management. Waste derived products
which improve these concerns will meet the global interests and needs better and therefore
gain more popularity.

The metals produced can be recycled by the waste tire supplier, Kuusakoski Ltd. Waste tire
metals aren’t however very attractive material in the metal markets and therefore its effect
was assumed to be negligible for the overall outcome. It was suggested, that the metals
should be baled after the process and delivered straightly to the Kuusakoski Ltd if there’s a
wish to gain some profit from the metals. This could however be more simple if the metals
are given to Kuusakoski Ltd when they are delivering the raw material and reduce the costs
caused by handling the metals. The situation may change in the future since metal markets
are very unstable and the need for recycled metals may rise compared to virgin resource
derived ones.

8.2.3 Material and energy balances

Based on the existing applications and scientific researches, it was estimated that the
pyrolysis oil production could be around 40 %, pyrolysis (fuel) gas production 10 %, carbon
black production 35 % and metals production 15 % of the raw material capacity. From the
pyrolysis oil, it was estimated that 90 % will be refined to EN 590 diesel fuel. Also, for the
pyrolysis process, 95 % efficiency was assumed. According to these and the determined raw
material capacity of 15 800 tons annually, it was calculated that the annual end product
yields would be as follows:

1) Pyrolysis oil production, 6 004 t/a

2) EN 590 diesel fuel production, 5 404 t/a = 6 590 m3/a

3) Fuel gas production, 1 501 t/a

4) Carbon black production, 5 254 t/a
5) Metals production, 2 252 t/a

For the thermal and electrical energy demands, it was estimated that the thermal energy
demand for the process is 0,54 MWh and the electrical energy demand 0,078 MWh per raw
material ton. These values were calculated as averages from wide range for thermal and
electrical energy demand that was found from existing applications and studies.

The amount of produced fuel gas was calculated to be more than enough to provide the
necessary thermal energy for the process to run continuously. Electrical energy production
was chosen to be based diesel generator use and grid-use possibility was excluded from the
study. It was calculated that the generators will use 290 m3/a of the produced EN 590 diesel
fuel which lowers the fuel amount for selling. All the made calculations are based on
inaccurate assumptions and they must be considered mainly directional evaluations instead
of precise ones. They can provide some base for the future planning and give a general view
for the possibilities of the process.

8.2.4 Financial aspects

Waste derived products which reduce the need for fossil fuel use and improve the waste
management efficiency, will have a price advantage in the future compared to fossil or other
virgin resource derived, corresponding products. This applies to all the utilizable end
products from the pyrolysis process – the EN 590 diesel, carbon black and metals.

Concerning the raw materials, it was easy to determine the price range for the waste tires
since only one supplier was found and waste tires are uniform and a relatively “pure” raw
material which doesn’t contain any other wastes. Kuusakoski Ltd could provide the waste
tires for 10–25 €/t depending whether the tires are granulated or whole. Waste plastics on
the other hand are often mixed with other MSW fractions and it is difficult to find a pure
source of waste plastics. Therefore, the prices vary depending on the nature of the source for
waste plastics. For example, it was discovered that a very pure, melted, high energy-intensive
waste plastics can cost over 100 €/t and a waste mixture containing 50 % of plastics can

bring additional incomes for the pyrolysis plant by 20–30 €/t. This left too much uncertainty
for the waste plastics price evaluation and it thus it was left out from the financial part.

For the CAPEX estimations, based on different offers by machinery vendors and other
suppliers, the costs were estimated to be 10 000 000 €. The exact content isn’t specified and
therefore it can exclude some important factors such as buildings, plant site etc. Labor, raw
materials and electricity generation / consumption were included in the estimation of OPEX
which resulted around 1 500 000 €/a. Maintenance and machinery replacements are
examples of the issues that weren’t included in the OPEX estimations. Thermal energy
requirements were also excluded since the process is self-sufficient what comes to thermal

The incomes considered the selling of EN 590 compliant diesel fuel and carbon black. Metals
were excluded due to their unstable markets. It was assumed that the prices for EN 590 diesel
fuel and waste tire derived carbon black are 345 €/t and 800 €/t. Using the annual yields of
the end products, the annual incomes would be 2 200 000 € for the EN 590 diesel fuel and
4 800 000 € for the carbon black. This estimation reveals the profitability effect that the
carbon black can possibly have to the plant. The price however is highly dependent on the
characteristics of the carbon black which can’t be verified until the carbon black is sampled.

Based on these calculated costs and incomes, the overall profit would be around 5 000 000
€/a. This however, lacks many different OPEX-factors and is therefore providing only a
general idea of the profitability potential the pyrolysis asset has. A payback period of 2,5
years was also calculated for the asset which is very attractive for a new business activity.
It’s possible to research the costs in a more detailed way for example, by viewing the existing
applications and contacting the relevant companies and authorities. Any specific range
concerning the accuracy of these calculations can’t be presented since the used data and
assumptions aren’t comprehensive enough.

As presented, the prices and marketability for the pyrolysis end products are wide and
expected to improve since the need for recycled, more sustainable commodities are
becoming more popular. The shortage of oil and therefore fossil diesel may become a reality
and there are expectations for the growing demand for carbon black. The extent of this study

provides a general idea of the possible outcomes that the process could have but there’s still
the lack for absolute and accurate information in many aspects. This more precise data is
after all, a key element in establishing a new business to ensure its profitability.

Even though the calculations are based on assumptions and inaccurate values, they bring up
a question that why isn’t the pyrolysis applications more common also here in Finland.
Several companies have existed which were using the technology but the results have been
little. This doesn’t exclude the feasibility of the asset in Finland but encourages for a careful
background research to prevent economic difficulties.

The conclusions made in this thesis are supportive and advocate the further research of waste
tire and plastics pyrolysis. The concept can also be applied elsewhere since the raw material
supply, regulations and legislation and end product markets may vary significantly based on
the location. Considering the potential of the end products and the simplicity and operability
of the studied pyrolysis process, the feasibility of waste tire and plastics pyrolysis plant
seems promising. This is verified also by several other studies many of which have been
referenced also in this thesis.


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