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Too and Enough: This Problem Is Too Difficult For Me To Solve

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A.Complete these sentences using enough or too

1.You don’t have to go to the baker’s , we’ve got .......................... bread.

2.As he didn’t study hard ...................... before the exam , he failed.
3.I can’t carry this suitcase as it is ........................ heavy.
4.This question is easy ........................... you.
5.Let’s not go out today as the weather is ................ cold.
6.Since we didn’t walk quickly ....................... , we were late.
7.I don.....................’t want to travel in his car because he drives .................... fast.
8.She added .................... much salt to the soup by mistake.
9.Please don’t get up ........................ late.
10.If you listen to your teacher carefully ........................... , I’m sure you will succeed.
11.The question were ............................ difficult to answer.
12.There is .................... food for everybody.
13.These shoes are ......................... big for me
14.You don’t do ..................... exercise with new words that’s why you can’tremember them.
15.Those tomatoes are ripe ...................... for cooking.
16.We don’t have .................. time to catch the train.
17.Don’t light the stove.The room is warm .................... .
18.The patient has eaten ........................... much today.
19.When someone speaks ....................... quietly , I can’t hear them.
20.If we don’t boil milk long ....................... , microbes in it won’t be killed.
21.The intervals are ................ long.
22.This road is .................... narrow for heavy traffic.
23.They have decided to widen this road because ....................... many accidents have
occurred in recent months.
24.It is ................ expensive.I can’t afford it.
25.The baby seems healthy.I think his mother feeds him well ..................... .

B.Rewrite these sentences , using enough or too while doing so , make necessary changes.

1.I can’t solve this problem . it is very difficult.

This problem is too difficult for me to solve.
2.Reaching the tap is impossible for the child as it is very high.

3.You can answer this question easily I believe.

4.He speaks very quickly , so I have difficulty in understanding him.

5.My grandfather is very old , he can’t go for a walk with us.

6.Barış is now eighteen years old , he can get a drıvıng license.

7.She is very rich , she can buy even the most luxurious car if she wants.
8.The town is very far , he can’t go there on foot.

9.Let’s not rent this house , it is very small for us.

10.We didn’t swim in the pool because the water was not warm.

C. Rewrite these sentences , using opposites so that the meaning don’t change.

1.My study room isn’t big enough to study in.

My study room is too small to study in.
2.It is too hot to play football today.

3.This suitcase is not light enough for you to carry.

4.This car isn’t cheap enough for me to buy.

5.This table is too dirty to use.

6.These trousers are too small for me to wear.

7.The sea isn’t calm enough to swim in.

8.The boy is too short to reach the shelf.

9.This problem is too difficılt for me to solve.

10.The water is too cold to drink.

D. Complete each sentences using too or enough and an adjective or adverb in the box.

Example :
Annie can’t go to school today.She has got a temperature and isn’t well enough to get up.

warm dark well early quietly loud

1.We couldn’t see what was in the room because it was ..................... .
2.I couldn’t hear everything sbe said because she spoke ..................... .
3.They missed their plane because thay didn’t leave home ................... .
4.He told them the music was ................... so they turned it down.
5.We didn’t go to the beach yesterday because the weather wasn’t .................. .
E. Complete the sentences using too much , too many or enough.

Example :
We’ve been so busy today we didn’t even heva enough time for lunch.

1.I’d like to go the cinema ,but I haven2t got ................ money.

2.I can’t drink this soup.It’ got ............. salt in it.
3.Doctors say that ....................... sugar is bad for you.
4.We didn’t really enjoy the party : thre were far ................... people there.
5.We couldn’t make an omelette because we didn’t have ................ eggs.

F.Complete each sentences with too or enough.

1.I can’t work today.It’s too hot !

2.I’d like to buy those shoes , but they are ........................... expensive.
3.We need another ladder.This one isn’t long .................... .
4.I can’t do this exercise because it’s ....................... difficult.
5.Nobody bought my bike because it was .................... old.
6.We had to change rooms because our room wasn2t big ................. .
7.John didn’t win the race because his car wasn’t fast .................. .
8.Don’t play near the railway line.It’s ....................... dangerous.
9.Pam couldn’t reach the top shelf because she wasn’t tall ................... .
10.I’m sorry . but your work isn’t good ................... .

G.Complete the sentences.Use enough with one of these words :

big eat fruit loud old practise sugar time tired

1.’Is there enough sugar in your coffee ?’ ‘Yes,thank you.’

2.Can you hear the radio? Is it......................for you?
3.He can leave school if he wants-he’s.........................................
4.Did you answer all the questions in the exam?
5.This hause isn’t................................................for a large family.
6.Tina is very thin..she doesn’t.................................................. .
7.You don’t eat......................................................... .You shoult eat more-it’s good for you.
8.It’s late but I don’t want to go to bed now.I’m not......................................................... .
9.Lisa isn’t a very good tennis player because she doesn’t.................................................. .

H. Complete the sentences . Use enough wiht the words in brackets (......) .

1.We haven’t got enough money to buy a car. (money/buy)

2.This knife isn’t ................................... tomatoes. (sharp/cut)
3.The water wasn’t ............................... a bath. (warm/have)
4.Have we got ................................ sandwiches ? (bread/make)
5.We played well but not ............................. the game . (well/win)
6.I don’t have .............................. newspaper. (time/read)
I.Put in too / too many / too much / enough

1.You’re always at home.You don’t go out enough.

2.I don’t like the weather here.There’ too much rain.
3.I can’t wait for them.I haven’t got ....................... time.
4.There was nowhere to sit on the beach.There were .......................... people.
5.You’re always tired.I thınk you work .............................. hard.
6.’Did you have .......................... to eat ? ‘ ‘Yes , thank you.’
7.You drink ......................... coffee.It’s not good for you.
8.You don’t eat .......................... vegetables.You should eat more.
9.I don’t like the weather here.It’s ..................... cold.
10.Our team didn’t play well.We made .......................... mistakes.
11.’Would you like some milk in your tea ?’ ‘Yes ,but not ...................... .’

J.Complete the sentences.use too or enough wiht the words in brackets.

1.I couldn’t work.I was too tired. (tired)

2.Can you turn the radio up , please ?It isn’t loud enough. (loud)
3.I don’t want to walk home.It’s ................................................................ (far)
4.Don’t buy anything in that shop.It .......................................................... (expensive)
5.You can’t put all your things in this bag.It ............................................. (big)
6.I couldn’t do the exercise.It .................................................................... (difficult)
7.Your work needs to be better.It .............................................................. (good)
8.I can’t talk to you now.I ......................................................................... (busy)
9.I tought the film was boring.It ............................................................... (long)

K.Complete the sentences. Use (+ adjective) + too (do somethıng).

1.(I’m not going out / cold) It’s too cold to go out.
2.(I’m not going to bed / early) It’s ......................................... .
3.(they’re not getting married / young) They’re .................................. .
4.(nobody goes out at night / dangerous) It’s ........................................ .
5.(don’t phone Ann now / late) It’s ......................................... .
6.(I didn’t say anything / surprised) I was ...................................... .

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