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Construction Site Security Final 24 Aug 2018

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The document discusses assessing security risks, developing a security plan, and implementing mitigation measures tailored to the specific risks of each construction site.

The document discusses threats such as theft of equipment, tools, fuel and materials from the site as well as arson, vandalism and trespassing.

The document mentions that developing a site security plan involves initially assessing security risks, devising mitigation measures based on the risk assessment, and periodically reviewing and revising the plan as the project progresses.




A Contractor’s loss prevention guide



Providing and maintaining appropriate levels of site CONSULTATION WITH LOCAL ADMINISTRATION
security benefits both the owner and contractors, as it will Security risks vary according to the construction type and
protect the site, reduce the potential for theft and restrict site location and can originate not only from the external
entry to only authorized personnel. population but also from the project’s own workforce. The
It is understood that security requirements can vary following are security assessment suggestions; however,
significantly from one project to another. For example, recognize that each site will be unique, requiring specific
different security provisions will be required for a single and thoughtful consideration and planning.
inner city high-rise building compared to an infrastructure Initial site security assessment is carried out by the owner
project, perhaps stretching many kilometers (miles) in rural or construction site management and should consider the
areas. Additionally, security will be influenced by the local, following major factors:
legal, social and geographical exposures of the location. • Project location: Exposures arising from neighboring
The purpose of this document is to provide a general properties and specific to urban or rural locations.
introduction and benchmark for the requirement of • Project type: Nature of the project (i.e. vertical or
construction site security. It contains advice including best horizontal project) and value of equipment and
materials utilized.
practice examples, assessment tools and checklists which
• Location Specific Exposures: Does the site location
may be used by the owner and contractors to assess
influence exposure to arson or intrusion? Socio-
security needs and provide mitigation strategies globally
economic profile of locality, including crime rate and
across all their construction sites. nature of crimes.
• Project Public Support: Is the project a benefit or an
inconvenience to the surrounding public in the area?
Does the project enjoy public support or is it perceived
as a detriment and a likely target for vandalism, theft
or trespass?





Better economic Deteriorating Recent event in

and social social, economic the vicinity or
condition conditions or socio-economic
Source: Shutterstock crime level unrest

AGCS_Insurance 1

This assessment should be periodically reviewed and MAIN STEPS TO DEVELOP A SITE SECURITY
revised to reflect changes such as, security risks, project PLAN
boundaries, progress of work, construction methodology / • Carry out the security assessment of the project
sequence, logistics plan, etc. and consider the utilization of a third party security
company if the expertise is not available “in house”.
The risk assessment process should be dynamic and • Based on assessment, set the requirements for site
encompass changes to internal and external conditions security.
common throughout all phases of the project. • Design the security system with consideration given
to the inclusion of the following components, as
warranted by the conditions:
–– Video
Once the risk level and Impact to the construction site is Identify the locations where risks are concentrated
assessed, mitigation measures can be devised. The next and determine the camera types and quantity
sections detail various threats and mitigation measures required.
highlighted in the following topics: –– Audio
• Security related threats to construction sites Alarms and provide verbal warning to intruders
• Main steps to develop a site security plan –– Lighting
• Practical suggestions for addressing the overall security Motion actuated lighting (white and infrared light)
risks –– Physical barriers
• Various site mitigation methods for typical threat or Delay the intruder’s site access using multiple
loss source types fences and making the access indirect for places of
• Cyber security considerations for the construction site intruder interest.
• Emerging technologies and security requirements –– Response Mechanisms
Devise an effective means to deter, delay and deal
SECURITY RELATED THREATS TO with the risks as soon as detected / identified /
CONSTRUCTION SITES realized, such as, sirens, alarms, high beam lights,
• Theft of equipment and/or tools physical security on site to address as per local laws.
• Theft of fuel If the residual risks are still too high, hire guards to
• Theft of materials from the site or off-site project carry out security duties.
storage areas • Periodic review of the security plan as the site changes
• Vandalism (necessary to identify gaps in the security plan).
• Arson • Consider independent or third party security audits,
especially for sensitive facilities.
• Breaches of security into existing buildings or partially
• Robbery of or attacks on construction workers OVERALL SECURITY RISKS
• Reconnaissance of development to discover details of • Before the project commences create a site specific
the in-process or completed project / building security plan based on the assessment of the security
• Trespassers: both accidental and intentional risks. Record and document this plan and have a
• Cyber-attack or disabling closed circuit television written security policy.
(CCTV) security systems • Liaise with local law enforcement agencies to
• Protesters (either related to the site activity or simply for assess the risks as envisaged by local municipal
publicity) administration. If available, obtain advice from your
own company’s experts.
• Assign supervisory security responsibilities within
the site/project management team, and encourage
security awareness among all workers. Contact the
local police and fire departments before starting a
project to establish coordinated efforts. Establish
contact with management of neighboring properties,
and encourage them to report suspicious activities.
• Maintain a Security Risk register and periodically
review the security plan and update registers as
Source: Shutterstock
needed. 2

• Ask employees and subcontractors to take personal

responsibility for a secure site and engage them to
immediately report any incidents of theft or vandalism.
• If appropriate, use a licensed and bonded security
guard service to patrol the site both during and outside
of working hours. It is suggested that guard rounds are
digitally recorded to ensure they are actually being
performed. Provide guards with an effective means of
communication with local law enforcement agencies
and project management 24 / 7.
Source: Shutterstock • Periodically review the security plan with special
attention to boundary changes and high risk areas as
Solar Powered CCTV –especially useful where supplied power is
the project progress. Be aware of how changes to the
unavailable Source: AGCS
project scope affect security.
• Secure the site perimeter with appropriate fencing (as • Consider installing a video monitoring system with
per risk assessment) as a first line of defense. Maintain advanced video analytics capability designed to detect
a clear zone adjacent to fencing wherever practicable. and alert in the event of intrusion, vandalism, theft, fire
Note that this clear zone may also benefit as a fire and even water leak detection.
break. • Consider layered security to mitigate any gaps in the
• Illuminate the job site perimeter fence, high value security system.
storage areas, building entrances and the site offices to
Review the above steps vigorously before and during
effectively deter trespass, theft and vandalism.
extended suspension or slowdown of work due to
• Identify key assets and property onsite and then
holidays, weekends or planned and non-planned events
produce an inventory to track them regularly. Consider
for high value items possible use of asset tagging and (i.e. accidents investigations or natural catastrophe
tracking systems. events, etc.)
• If appropriate, consider offsite storage and transit
locations for mitigation against theft and vandalism.
• Where practical, secure all available high value
materials and secure / immobilize vehicles and
equipment. Consider installing hidden ignition disable
switches to prevent theft.
• Control site access by establishing the minimum
practical number of access points and monitor those
entry points.
• Restrict site entry only to authorized personnel
• Provide guards at all entry points (personnel and
Source: Shutterstock
• Consider limiting onsite vehicle access. Provide parking
areas off site for employees and visitors. 3

This information can be used to define the scope of site security team / company
Site Risks Risk Mitigation
Theft Perimeter fencing suitable to project security risk
Suitable anti-climb barrier walls or fencing, barbed wire fence, electrified, armed guards, etc. Check local laws for
Illumination of fenced boundary
CCTV / Night vision cameras
Note that monitored CCTV cameras are always preferred to actively deter theft vs. passive CCTV systems which only
record it happening.
The use of a central station monitored video surveillance Source:
system is a best practice. The placement of such
security cameras will vary depending upon jobsite conditions and size, but should cover the entire jobsite perimeter
and select interior locations of the building. The surveillance system should be monitored by a listed or approved
central station alarm monitoring service. The central station service should be instructed to call local police and
management upon any intrusion or suspected intrusion.
The use of a central station monitored security system which employs motion detection, sound detection, and/or
other technologies is also a best practice.
Plans and specifications for any surveillance/alarm system may be forwarded to Allianz Risk Consultants for review
prior to installation.
Intruder detection system – Infrared motion detection and local alarm/ remote alarm
Security guards / patrolling / guard posts / security control / guard dogs (if applicable) / access control system

Warning signs installed – indicating that CCTV and guards used

Vehicle movement radar / global positioning system (GPS) vehicle tracking

Worker tag in and out gates / biometric / face recognition – if allowed by local laws
Programmed drones for site monitoring at random intervals – particularly useful for large areas – such as pipeline
/ road / railway infrastructure projects
Worker screening / background check as allowed by local laws
Locking and securing of all portable and particularly small size high value items
Labor / workforce tracker & monitoring
Time lapse photography (also useful for progress monitoring)
Programmed computerized cameras to video record certain areas at the time of movement or incident only.
Equipment tagging – appropriate for specific item and resources
Vandalism Adequate clearance maintained near site perimeter fence/boundary
and arson Entrance barriers and gates, including, where appropriate, high strength bollards to prevent unauthorized vehicle
site entry
Prohibition of storage of flammable & combustible materials near the project perimeter/boundary walls or fences
Warning signs to discourage vandalism and arson (such as, No Trespassing – violators will be prosecuted to the full
extent of the law.)
Wireless fire detection systems
IR and other types of motion sensors with remote CCTV monitoring & warning
Security by design
For example, avoid windows with ordinary glass panes. Consider using noncombustible, unbreakable / tougher
material for cladding, such as poly-carbonate sheets or wired glass as an alternative to plain glass.
Disable / Lock Mobile Construction Equipment
Ensure equipment is not easily started and operated by unauthorized personnel or trespassers. 4

Site Risks Risk Mitigation

Visitor Maintain a visitor register and ensure the safe departure of visitors
Control Issue temporary passes to document and track the entry of temporary workers and visitors
Provide appropriate briefing for visitors as per site security procedures and requirements
Escort and track visitors (provide tracker devices to them if they are unescorted)
Deploy informative signage for the correct guidance of unescorted visitors
Provide physical means for exclusion of visitors from active work areas.
Water Guard duties should include visual monitoring for a water release.
Leak An emergency after hours call list should be provided to on-site security personnel indicating who to contact 24 / 7 in
the event of a water release. Security personal should be trained in water shutoff procedures in the event of a leak to
minimize damage.
Fire Guard duties should include knowing how to respond in the event of a fire and who to contact (fire department,
project manager, etc.).
Guards should know the location of fire extinguishers and be trained how to respond in the event of an incipient
stage fire, including emergency notification of local authorities. Security personnel should be equipped with suitable
communication devices (radio, wireless telephone, etc.)
Very cold If freezing conditions are forecasted and heating is interrupted or the exterior of a building is opened for access or
weather repair work, guards should be aware of the risk of pipe freezing and rupture and know who to notify to avoid or
mitigate a potential loss.


With the increasing reliance being placed on the role of widespread use of USB and CD drives for laptops and
Information Technology (IT) systems in all phases of office computers. File uploads from USB’s, portable
construction, it is a vital that this digital information is drives and FTP sites should be automatically scanned
adequately protected from malicious damage or theft by for malicious code / malware.
unauthorized persons. • All data systems should be protected by reliable and
• Make use of privileged account security and limit updated antivirus software.
access on a need basis for each device connected to • Sensitive project sites, where a data breach is critical,
the network. are advised to assess the robustness of security and IT
• All data should be encrypted; especially media taken systems through periodic external PEN (Penetration)
offsite. If data is stolen but encrypted the hackers won’t testing conducted by third parties to identify potential
be able to use the data. weaknesses.
• All Internet Protocol (IP) CCTV cameras are susceptible EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND SECURITY
to hacking since they are connected to the internet and REQUIREMENTS
no longer simply part of a hard wired, isolated system.
New technologies are being continually developed and
Preferably, IP and night vision cameras should operate
independently (air gapped) from rest of the project’s are becoming more economical for use where it was not
IT system. Also, the security company should ensure feasible some years ago. Construction management
that software security patches associated with the IP should be aware that although these new tools are useful
cameras are deployed promptly. and beneficial, sometimes they can be used for negative
• Air gapping (islanding) should be implemented to intentions and the risks posed by some technologies are
prevent hackers from infiltrating and accessing all changing rapidly.
company data and specifically all computers installed Because of the complexity of emerging technologies and
on the project site. The simplistic approach would security, owners and contractors may want to consider
be to disable access to personal email accounts, hiring a professional turnkey security solutions provider to
social media and giving “read only access” to project
assess the project’s evolving security needs and provide a
information, drawings, and specifications.
holistic solution. Many companies provide security
• Install firewalls and establish a two level password
solutions specifically for construction.
access system to enable project team members to
securely access project information. Some of the emerging technologies to be considered when
• Limit the use of unnecessary data transfer and disable developing a security program are discussed in the
following section of this document. 5

Drones Audio addressable CCTV systems

The benefit drones offer for some construction projects are Video surveillance systems with active monitoring (often at
well known. However, they may also pose different threats an offsite monitoring facility) can be used with live audio
to civil engineering or construction projects. to warn the intruders that their activities are monitored
For example, drones have been and can be used to breach and authorities will respond if the intruder does not vacate
the site’s security and provide intruders with information the site.
facilitating later theft or collecting non-public project High Definition Cameras
information. Drones have the potential to distract the
High definition / high resolution cameras can be installed
equipment operators or interfere with critical lifting
which take time lapse photographs or continual video
operations, or may damage equipment if the drone
when a problem is detected at a site location and can be
impacts critical / sensitive equipment.
viewed remotely. Remote camera stations can also be
If uninvited drones are observed, mitigation efforts should Source:
used to AGCS
transmit the site videos to security centers on a
be taken to safeguard against any such possible threats, continuous basis, day or night.
including deterrents and contacting local law enforcement
to prevent such violations. Smart phone Apps
Motion detectors and alarms can be connected to mobile
Asset Tagging by Electronic and Chemical/synthetic
DNA systems devices to provide warning and facilitate a rapid response
if unusual activity occurs at the site.
Electronic tagging is used to track the assets / equipment
by scanning barcode labels attached to the assets or by
Allianz has prepared Installed Building Services and
using tags employing global positioning systems (GPS),
Equipment - A Contractor’s Loss Prevention Guide,
blue tooth low energy (BLE) or radio-frequency
which addresses installed equipment losses (with theft
identification (RFID) which broadcast their location.
being one loss mechanism) which result in a significant
Synthetic DNA has been used for tagging equipment and portion of builder’s risk claims and protection measures
thieves during a robbery. This DNA marking system utilizes which can be taken. Please request this guide from your
synthetic DNA which cannot be copied or analyzed by Allianz Risk Consultant.
unauthorized parties. Signage alerting to the use of the
system discourages theft and the DNA marker helps the
Builder’s risk insurance experience has shown that proper
local authorities to recognize and identify the stolen or
site security and planning are imperative to preventing
illegally acquired items recovered from the criminals.
theft, vandalism, arson, public safety, fire and leak
Microdots detection and proactive hazard identification.
Microdots are very tiny discs that are held in an adhesive It becomes evident when investigating many losses, that a
solution that resembles a nail varnish bottle. A small construction site security strategy and emphasis would
amount of the solution is applied with a brush to the have been a wise investment saving far more than it costs
surface of the equipment and the item is tagged. Each to implement.
microdot carries a unique code and database contact Losses attributable to the lack of - or inadequacy of -
telephone number that has been printed on them. These construction site security may take many forms, but in all
microdots can just about be seen by the naked eye, but the cases can result in delays in project completion, lost profits,
detail printed on them can only be viewed under a reputational damage, rework and even injury to the public.
microscope (hand held, pen sized, scopes with lights can Our construction experience indicates that appropriate
be supplied). The unique codes on the discs can then be construction site security, considering the points discussed
checked against a database to identify the owner. The in this document, is imperative to the prevention of
solution holding the microdots will also have a dye which is construction related losses.
visible under ultra violet light.
For more information contact:
Jay M. Siegel, P.E., CPCU
Sr. Team Leader, Engineering, Construction All Risks
Office Phone: +1.770.558.6844
Design: AGCS Graphic Design Centre

Copyright © 2018 Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE. All rights reserved.
This article provides general information and recommendations that may apply to many different situations. Any recommendations described in this article are not intended to be specific to your unique situation. Consult with your
specialists to determine how and whether the information in this article might guide you in developing specific plans or procedures. This article does not substitute for legal advice, which should come from your own counsel. Any 6
references to vendors or third-party websites are provided solely as a convenience to you and not as an endorsement by Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE of the vendors or the content of such third-party websites. Allianz Global
Corporate & Specialty SE is not responsible for the goods or services provided by vendors or the content of such third-party sites and does not make any representations regarding the goods or services provided by vendors, or the content
or accuracy of materials on such third-party websites. If you decide to use a vendor or access third-party websites, you do so at your own risk. Any descriptions of coverage are abbreviated and are subject to the terms, conditions and
exclusions of the actual policy, which forms the contract between the insured and the insurance company. Availability of coverages, credits and options may vary by state or region.

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