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001 UMANDAP Alabang Country Club v. NLRC

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001 Alabang Country Club v. NLRC (UMANDAP) Whether the three respondents were illegally dismissed? NO.

14 February 2008 | Velasco, Jr., J. | Union Security Clause

Under the Labor Code, an employee may be validly terminated on the following
PETITIONER: ALABANG COUNTRY CLUB, INC. grounds: (1) just causes under Art. 282; (2) authorized causes under Art. 283; (3)
RESPONDENTS: NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION, termination due to disease under Art. 284; and (4) termination by the employee
CASTUERAS Another cause for termination is dismissal from employment due to the
enforcement of the union security clause in the CBA. Here, Art. II of the CBA
SUMMARY: Petitioner Alabang Country Club, Inc. (ACC) and respondent on Union security contains the provisions on the Union shop and maintenance
Alabang Country Club Independent Employees Union (Union), the EBA of of membership shop. There is union shop when all new regular employees are
ACC’s R&F employyes, entered into a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), required to join the union within a certain period as a condition for their
which provided for a Union shop and maintenance of membership shop. continued employment. There is maintenance of membership shop when
employees who are union members as of the effective date of the agreement, or
Subsequently, an election was held and a new set of officers was elected. Soon who thereafter become members, must maintain union membership as a
thereafter, the new officers conducted an audit of the Union funds. They condition for continued employment until they are promoted or transferred out
discovered some irregularly recorded entries, unaccounted expenses and of the bargaining unit or the agreement is terminated. Termination of
disbursements, and uncollected loans from the Union funds. The Union employment by virtue of a union security clause embodied in a CBA is
recognized and accepted in our jurisdiction.
notified respondents Pizarro, Braza, and Castueras of the audit results and
asked them to explain the discrepancies in writing. In terminating the employment of an employee by enforcing the union security
clause, the employer needs only to determine and prove that: (1) the union
Thereafter, in a meeting called by the Union, respondents Pizarro, Braza, and security clause is applicable; (2) the union is requesting for the enforcement of
Castueras explained their side. Despite their explanations, respondents Pizarro, the union security provision in the CBA; and (3) there is sufficient evidence to
Braza, and Castueras were expelled from the Union and were furnished support the union's decision to expel the employee from the union. These
individual letters of expulsion for malversation of Union funds. Attached to the requisites constitute just cause for terminating an employee based on the CBA's
letters were copies of the Panawagan ng mga Opisyales ng Unyon signed by 37 union security provision.
out of 63 Union members and officers, and a Board of Directors' Resolution7
expelling them from the Union. The language of Art. II of the CBA that the Union members must maintain
their membership in good standing as a condition sine qua non for their
The Union, invoking the Security Clause of the CBA, demanded that ACC continued employment with ACC is unequivocal. It is also clear that upon
demand by the Union and after due process, ACC shall terminate the
dismiss respondents Pizarro, Braza, and Castueras in view of their expulsion
employment of a regular rank-and-file employee who may be found liable for a
from the Union. ACC required the three respondents to show cause in writing number of offenses, one of which is malversation of Union funds.
within 48 hours from notice why they should not be dismissed.
The three respondents were expelled from and by the Union after due
After weighing the verbal and written explanations of the three respondents, investigation for acts of dishonesty and malversation of Union funds. In
ACC concluded that said respondents failed to refute the validity of their accordance with the CBA, the Union properly requested ACC to enforce the
expulsion from the Union. Thus, it was constrained to terminate the Union security provision in their CBA and terminate said respondents. Then, in
employment of said respondents. Said respondents later received their notices compliance with the Union's request, ACC reviewed the documents submitted
of termination from ACC. by the Union, requested said respondents to submit written explanations, and
thereafter afforded them reasonable opportunity to present their side. After it
had determined that there was sufficient evidence that said respondents unaccounted expenses and disbursements, and uncollected loans from
malversed Union funds, ACC dismissed them from their employment the Union funds. The Union notified respondents Pizarro, Braza, and
conformably with Sec. 4(f) of the CBA. Castueras of the audit results and asked them to explain the
discrepancies in writing.
Considering the foregoing circumstances, we are constrained to rule that there
is sufficient cause for the three respondents' termination from employment. 3. Thereafter, in a meeting called by the Union, respondents Pizarro,
Braza, and Castueras explained their side. Braza denied any wrongdoing
**in case sir asks, respondents were afforded due process: and instead asked that the investigation be addressed to Castueras, who
was the Union Treasurer at that time. With regard to his unpaid loans,
The CA and the three respondents err in relying on Malayang Samahan, as its Braza claimed he had been paying through monthly salary deductions
ruling has no application to this case. In Malayang Samahan, the union members and said the Union could continue to deduct from his salary until full
were expelled from the union and were immediately dismissed from the
company without any semblance of due process. Both the union and the payment of his loans, provided he would be reimbursed should the
company did not conduct administrative hearings to give the employees a result of the initial audit be proven wrong by a licensed auditor. With
chance to explain themselves. In the present case, ACC has substantially regard to the Union expenses which were without receipts, Braza
complied with due process. The three respondents were notified that their explained that these were legitimate expenses for which receipts were
dismissal was being requested by the Union, and their explanations were heard. not issued, e.g. transportation fares, food purchases from small eateries,
Then, ACC, through its President, conferred with said respondents during the and food and transportation allowances given to Union members with
last week of October 2001. The three respondents were dismissed only after
pending complaints with the Department of Labor and Employment,
ACC reviewed and considered the documents submitted by the Union vis-à-vis
the written explanations submitted by said respondents. Under these the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), and the fiscal's
circumstances, we find that ACC had afforded the three respondents a office. He explained that though there were no receipts for these
reasonable opportunity to be heard and defend themselves. expenses, these were supported by vouchers and itemized as expenses.

DOCTRINE: In terminating the employment of an employee by enforcing the 4. Pizarro, for his part, blamed Castueras for his unpaid and uncollected
union security clause, the employer needs only to determine and prove that: (1) loan and cash advances. He claimed his salaries were regularly deducted
the union security clause is applicable; (2) the union is requesting for the to pay his loan and he did not know why these remained unpaid in the
enforcement of the union security provision in the CBA; and (3) there is records. Nonetheless, he likewise agreed to continuous salary
sufficient evidence to support the union's decision to expel the employee from deductions until all his accountabilities were paid.
the union. These requisites constitute just cause for terminating an employee
based on the CBA's union security provision. 5. Castueras also denied any wrongdoing and claimed that the irregular
entries in the records were unintentional and were due to inadvertence
FACTS: because of his voluminous work load. He offered that his unpaid
1. Petitioner Alabang Country Club, Inc. (ACC) and respondent Alabang personal loan of PhP 27,500 also be deducted from his salary until the
Country Club Independent Employees Union (Union), the EBA of the
Club’s R&F employyes, entered into a Collective Bargaining Agreement loans were fully paid. Without admitting any fault on his part, Castueras
(CBA), which provided for a Union shop and maintenance of suggested that his salary be deducted until the unaccounted difference
membership shop. between the loans and the amount collected amounting to a total of
PhP 22,000 is paid.
2. Subsequently, an election was held and a new set of officers was
elected. Soon thereafter, the new officers conducted an audit of the 6. Despite their explanations, respondents Pizarro, Braza, and Castueras
Union funds. They discovered some irregularly recorded entries, were expelled from the Union, and, on October 16, 2001, were
furnished individual letters of expulsion for malversation of Union ISSUE/s:
funds. Attached to the letters were copies of the Panawagan ng mga 1. Whether the three respondents were illegally dismissed? NO
Opisyales ng Unyon signed by 37 out of 63 Union members and
RULING: WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Decision dated July 5,
officers, and a Board of Directors' Resolution7 expelling them from the 2005 of the CA and the Decision dated February 26, 2004 of the NLRC are
Union. hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Decision dated January 27, 2003 of
the Labor Arbiter in NLRC-NCR Case No. 30-01-00130-02 is hereby
7. In a letter, the Union, invoking the Security Clause of the CBA, REINSTATED.
demanded that the Club dismiss respondents Pizarro, Braza, and
Castueras in view of their expulsion from the Union. The Club required RATIO:
the three respondents to show cause in writing within 48 hours from Issue 1
1. Under the Labor Code, an employee may be validly terminated on the
notice why they should not be dismissed.
following grounds: (1) just causes under Art. 282; (2) authorized causes
8. After weighing the verbal and written explanations of the three under Art. 283; (3) termination due to disease under Art. 284; and (4)
respondents, the Club concluded that said respondents failed to refute termination by the employee or resignation under Art. 285.
the validity of their expulsion from the Union. Thus, it was constrained
2. Another cause for termination is dismissal from employment due to the
to terminate the employment of said respondents. Said respondents
enforcement of the union security clause in the CBA. Here, Art. II of
later received their notices of termination from the Club.
the CBA on Union security contains the provisions on the Union shop
9. Respondents Pizarro, Braza, and Castueras challenged their dismissal and maintenance of membership shop. There is union shop when all
from the Club in an illegal dismissal complaint with the NLRC. The new regular employees are required to join the union within a certain
Labor Arbiter ruled in favor of the Club, and found that there was period as a condition for their continued employment. There is
justifiable cause in terminating said respondents. He dismissed the maintenance of membership shop when employees who are union
complaint for lack of merit. members as of the effective date of the agreement, or who thereafter
become members, must maintain union membership as a condition for
10. On appeal, the NLRC ruled that there was no justifiable cause for the continued employment until they are promoted or transferred out of
termination of respondents Pizarro, Braza, and Castueras. According to the bargaining unit or the agreement is terminated. Termination of
the NLRC, said respondents' expulsion from the Union was illegal employment by virtue of a union security clause embodied in a CBA is
since the DOLE had not yet made any definitive ruling on their liability recognized and accepted in our jurisdiction.
regarding the administration of the Union's funds.
3. In terminating the employment of an employee by enforcing the union
11. The CA Upheld the NLRC Ruling that the Three Respondents were security clause, the employer needs only to determine and prove that:
Deprived Due Process. The appellate court rendered a decision denying (1) the union security clause is applicable; (2) the union is requesting for
the petition and upholding the Decision of the NLRC. The CA's the enforcement of the union security provision in the CBA; and (3)
Decision focused mainly on the Club's perceived failure to afford due there is sufficient evidence to support the union's decision to expel the
process to the three respondents. It found that said respondents were employee from the union. These requisites constitute just cause for
not given the opportunity to be heard in a separate hearing as required terminating an employee based on the CBA's union security provision.
by Sec. 2(b), Rule XXIII, Book V of the Omnibus Rules Implementing
the Labor Code. 4. The language of Art. II of the CBA that the Union members must
maintain their membership in good standing as a condition sine qua
non for their continued employment with the Club is unequivocal. It is Union, requested said respondents to submit written explanations, and
also clear that upon demand by the Union and after due process, the thereafter afforded them reasonable opportunity to present their side.
Club shall terminate the employment of a regular rank-and-file After it had determined that there was sufficient evidence that said
employee who may be found liable for a number of offenses, one of respondents malversed Union funds, the Club dismissed them from
which is malversation of Union funds. their employment conformably with Sec. 4(f) of the CBA.

5. Below is the letter sent to respondents Pizarro, Braza, and Castueras, 10. Considering the foregoing circumstances, we are constrained to rule
informing them of their termination: that there is sufficient cause for the three respondents' termination
from employment.
6. On October 18, 2001, the Club received a letter from the Board of
Directors of the Alabang Country Club Independent Employees'
Union ("Union") demanding your dismissal from service by reason of
your alleged commission of act of dishonesty, specifically malversation
of union funds.

7. After a careful evaluation of the evidence on hand vis-à-vis a thorough

assessment of your defenses presented in your letter-explanation of
which you also expressed that you waived your right to be present
during the administrative investigation conducted by the Union's Board
of Directors, Management has reached the conclusion that there are
overwhelming reasons to consider that you have violated Section 4(f)
of the CBA, particularly on the grounds of malversation of union
funds. The Club has determined that you were sufficiently afforded due
process under the circumstances.

8. Inasmuch as the Club is duty-bound to comply with its obligation

under Section 4(f) of the CBA, it is unfortunate that Management is left
with no other recourse but to consider your termination from service
effective upon your receipt thereof. We wish to thank you for your
services during your employment with the Company. It would be more
prudent that we just move on independently if only to maintain
industrial peace in the workplace.

9. Gleaned from the above, the three respondents were expelled from and
by the Union after due investigation for acts of dishonesty and
malversation of Union funds. In accordance with the CBA, the Union
properly requested the Club to enforce the Union security provision in
their CBA and terminate said respondents. Then, in compliance with
the Union's request, the Club reviewed the documents submitted by the

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