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The book combines monsters from the Iron Falcon core rulebook with monsters from the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, revising them for compatibility with Iron Falcon rules.

The table of contents lists sections on monster statistics, individual monster descriptions, dungeon encounters, wilderness encounters, and terrain-specific encounter tables.

Terrain types described include clear, desert, mountain, river, swamp, and wooded terrain.

Monster Guidebook

Chris Gonnerman
Iron Falcon – Monster Guidebook
Copyright © 2019 Chris Gonnerman. All Rights Reserved.
Distributed under the terms of the Open Game License version 1.0a.
See end of book for details.

1st Edition, Release 5

Cover Art …

Contributors: R. Kevin Smoot

Proofreading by James Lemon and Leonaru

Playtesters: Michael Brantner, Jason Brentlinger, and Chris Wolfmeyer

Table of Contents
Monster Statistics.........................................................................................................2
Beasts of Burden..........................................................................................................3
Monster Descriptions..................................................................................................5
Dungeon Encounters........................................................................................73
Wilderness Encounters......................................................................................76
Clear Terrain..............................................................................................................76
Desert Terrain.............................................................................................................77
Mountain Terrain.......................................................................................................77
River Terrain................................................................................................................78
Swamp Terrain...........................................................................................................78
Wooded Terrain........................................................................................................79
City Encounters.................................................................................................79
Open Game License........................................................................................80
Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Introduction

The Iron Falcon Rules for Classic Fantasy Role-Playing were written as a true retroclone; as such, the core
rulebook contains only those creatures that were available in the rules of the chosen era. But in the
course of creating adventures for Iron Falcon I found that the monster list is rather limiting; not only are
many old school monsters missing, but some of those we do have, presented in their original form, are
weaker or just less interesting than those that appeared just a handful of years later.
I didn't have to look far for a solution. This book, the Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook, combines the
original core rulebook creatures with the full list of monsters found in the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game.
The new monsters have naturally been revised for compatibility with the Iron Falcon rules. Some of the
existing monsters from the original Iron Falcon rulebook have been revised as well, but every effort has
been made to maintain the true style and flavor of the original monsters.
You are invited to judge my results for yourself. Read on!

Introduction Iron Falcon Core Rules

Monster Statistics
Armor Class: The creature's armor class for combat situations, such as encounters in a dungeon (the
purposes. Some monsters are only hit by certain default type), in the wilderness, or in their lair.
attacks; those hit only by silver or magical weapons
% in Lair: The chance the monster or monsters will
will be marked (s) after the armor class number,
be found in their lair.
while those hit only by magical weapons will be
marked (m) after the number. Other types of Treasure: The general type of treasure found in the
special defenses may be noted in this space, or monster's lair. The letter codes given refer to the
may appear only in the monster's descriptive text. table in the Treasure section of the Iron Falcon
Core Rules.
Hit Dice: The number of eight-sided (d8) hit dice to
be rolled for the monster's hit points. A bonus or Morale: Any adjustments to the monster's morale
penalty given after the number is added to or rolls. This may say "normal" for monsters with no
subtracted from the total; note that a penalty may adjustments, or "never checks" for those monsters
not reduce a monster below 1 hit point. An asterisk which fight until they cannot fight any longer.
following a monster's hit dice indicates that a Otherwise, this statistic will usually be presented as
"special XP" bonus should be added to the XP a plus or minus adjustment, i.e. +1, +2, etc.
value of the monster; multiple asterisks indicate Note that the Core Rules prescribes that
multiple special XP bonuses. "unintelligent" monsters such as animals always fight
No. Attacks: The number and kind of attacks the until death; this book invites the referee to consider
monster may make in a single combat round. that even animals will try to avoid death.

Damage: The damage dice to be rolled for each XP: In this book, the experience point values for
of the monster's attacks. Alternately, the effect each monster are listed with its other statistics.
may be listed here if it does not involve hit point These numbers are correct for average monsters;
damage; for instance, the energy draining powers unusual monsters, such as leader types or
of certain undead or the ability of the basilisk to mutations, must still be looked up by the referee.
turn a victim to stone. There are a few monsters in this book which have
Move: The monster's movement rate per turn. more than 21 Hit Dice (the upper limit of the
Multiple figures may be given if the monster is able Experience Points Awards Table in the core
to move in more than one medium; for instance, a rulebook). XP for such monsters has been
pegasus has both a running and a flying rate. calculated by dividing their Hit Dice roughly in half,
looking up the XP value of that figure, and then
Alignment: The typical alignment of monsters of
doubling it. For example, the Sperm Whale has 36*
the given type.
Hit Dice; half of 36 is 18, and a monster with 18* Hit
No. Appearing: The number of the given type of Dice is worth 2,075+1,625 = 3,700 XP. Thus, a Sperm
monster to be found in a group. Usually given as a Whale is worth 7,400 XP.
die roll. Multiple options may be listed for different

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Beasts of Burden
Camel Donkey Horse, Light Horse, Medium
Armor Class 7 7 7 7
Hit Dice 2 2 2 2+1
No. Attacks 1 bite/1 hoof 1 bite 2 hooves 2 hooves/1 bite
Damage 1d2 bite/1d4 hoof 1d2 bite 1d4 hoof 1d6 hoof, 1d3 bite
Move 15" [ 12" ] 12" 24" 12" (Draft) or 18"
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
No. Appearing Wild 2d4 Wild 2d4 Wild 2d4 N/A
% in Lair None None None None
Morale Normal Normal -1 [ +1 ] -1 [ +1 ]
XP 30 30 30 30

Horse, Heavy Mule Pony

Armor Class 7 7 7
Hit Dice 3 2 1
No. Attacks 2 hooves/1 bite 1 kick or 1 bite 1 bite
Damage 1d8 hoof, 1d3 bite 1d4 kick or 1d2 bite 1d4 bite
Move 12" 12" 12"
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
No. Appearing N/A N/A N/A
% in Lair None None None
Morale +1 Normal -1
XP 50 30 15

For convenience, animals commonly used to carry Light Horses are the smaller breeds of working
loads and/or characters are listed here together. horses as well as wild horses. These animals are
Such creatures obviously have no treasure. usually ready for useful work by age two. A riding
Camels are known for their ability to travel long horse is not trained for battle, and must check
distances without food or water. The statistics
presented here are for the dromedary, or one-
humped camel, which thrives in warm deserts. A
dromedary stands about 7 feet tall at the shoulder,
with its hump rising 1 foot higher. The two-humped,
or Bactrian, camel is suited to cooler, rocky areas.
It is stockier, slower (speed given in brackets), and
tougher than the dromedary. A light load for a
camel is up to 4,000 coins; a heavy load, up to
8,000 coins.
Donkeys are long-eared, horselike creatures. They
are surefooted and sturdy, and can be taken into
dungeons or caverns. The statistics presented here
could also describe burros. A light load for a
donkey is up to 700 coins; a heavy load, up to 1,400

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

morale at -1 if any fighting is happening around it. Heavy Horses, also called destriers, are the largest
Riding horses may not attack while being ridden. A breeds of warhorses, bred for strength and trained
light load for a light horse is up to 2,000 coins; a for battle. These animals are usually ready for
heavy load, 4,500 coins. Movement is reduced by heavy work by age three. A light load for a destrier
half when the horse is loaded over 2,000 coins. A is up to 3,000 coins; a heavy load, up to 6,000 coins.
light horse can pull 5 times as much as it can carry. Movement is reduced by half when the horse is
loaded over 3,000 coins. A heavy horse can pull 5
Medium Horses are the larger breeds of working
times as much weight as it can carry.
horses. These animals are usually ready for heavy
work by age three. Draft horses are trained for Mules are sterile crossbreeds of donkeys and
work, primarily pulling loads, and must check horses. They can be taken into dungeons or
morale at -1 if any fighting is happening around it. caverns. A mule is similar to a riding horse, but
A light load for a medium horse is up to 2,500 coins; slightly stronger and more agile. A light load for a
a heavy load, up to 5,000 coins. Movement is mule is up to 3,000 coins; a heavy load, up to 6,000
reduced by half when the horse is loaded over coins.
2,500 coins. A medium horse can pull 5 times as
A Pony is a small horse, under 5 feet tall at the
much weight as it can carry.
shoulder. Ponies are otherwise similar to riding
A courser is a light or medium horse trained for war. horses and cannot fight while carrying a rider.
Such animals make morale checks at +1. Unlike Ponies can be trained for war, and the morale in
riding horses, coursers may attack while being parentheses above is for a war pony; this does not
ridden. allow them to fight while carrying a rider. A light
load for a pony is up to 2,750 coins; a heavy load,
up to 5,500 coins.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Monster Descriptions
Ant, Giant dice). Such creatures are often skittish and likely to
flee if provoked, but males are more aggressive in
Armor Class 3
the presence of females (the parenthesized morale
Hit Dice 4
applies in this case).
No. Attacks 1 bite
Damage 2d6 bite Ape, Carnivorous
Move 18"
Armor Class 6
Alignment Neutral
Hit Dice 4
No. Appearing 2d6, Wild 2d6, Lair 4d6
No. Attacks 2 claws
% in Lair
Damage 1d6 per claw
Treasure U or special
Move 12"
Morale Normal on first sighting;
Alignment Neutral
Never after engaged
XP 75 No. Appearing 1d6
% in Lair 30%
Giant ants are among the hardiest and most Treasure None
adaptable vermin. Soldiers and workers are about Morale Normal
5 to 6 feet long, while queens can grow to a length
XP 75
of 9 feet. Giant ants may be red or black; there is
no statistical difference between them. Though Carnivorous Apes are monstrous white-furred apes
relatively shy when first encountered, once combat similar in form to gorillas. They are vile and hateful
begins they will fight to the death. They are known monsters who live only to kill and eat, and their
to collect shiny things, and so will sometimes have favorite prey are humans and human-like
a small amount of treasure in their lair. creatures.
Giant ants may occasionally mine shiny metals An adult male carnivorous ape is 5-1/2 to 6 feet tall
such as gold or silver; one in three (1-2 on 1d6) and weighs 3,000 to 4,000 coins; adult females are
giant ant lairs will contain 1d100 x 1d100 gp value in slightly smaller, but due to their ferocity they use the
relatively pure nuggets. same statistics as the males.

Antelope Assassin Vine

Armor Class 7 Armor Class 5
Hit Dice 1 to 4 Hit Dice 6
No. Attacks 1 butt No. Attacks 1 + special
Damage 1d4 or 1d6 or 1d8 Damage 1d8 + special
Move 24" Move 2"
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing Wild 3d10 No. Appearing 1d4+1
% in Lair % in Lair 100%
Treasure None Treasure U
Morale -1 Morale Never checks
XP 15, 30, 50, or 75 XP 300

The statistics above represent common sorts of wild The assassin vine is a semi-mobile plant found in
herd animals, including deer (1 hit die), aurochs (2 temperate forests that collects its own grisly fertilizer
hit dice), elk or moose (3 hit dice) and bison (4 hit

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

by grabbing and crushing animals and depositing Basilisk

the carcasses near its roots.
Armor Class 4
Because it can lie very still indeed, an assassin vine Hit Dice 6+1*
surprises on a roll of 1-4 on 1d6. A successful hit No. Attacks 1 bite + gaze attack
inflicts 1d8 points of damage, and the victim Damage 1d10 + turn to stone
becomes entangled, suffering an additional 1d8 Move 6"
points of damage thereafter. A victim may Alignment Neutral
attempt to escape by rolling a saving throw vs.
No. Appearing 1d6
Death Ray with Strength bonus added; this is a full
% in Lair 40%
action, so the victim may not attempt this and also
Treasure F
perform an attack. The plant will continue to crush
Morale Normal
its victim until one or the other is dead or the victim
manages to escape. XP 525

An assassin vine can move about, albeit very A basilisk is a reptilian monster that petrifies living
slowly, but generally only does so to seek new creatures with its gaze. A basilisk usually has a dull
hunting grounds. They have no visual organs but brown body with a yellowish underbelly. An adult
can sense foes within 30 feet by sound and basilisk’s body is about 6 feet long (not including its
vibration. tail, which can reach an additional length of 5 to 7
feet) and weighs about 3,000 coins.
A mature plant consists of a main vine, about 20
feet long. Smaller vines up to 5 feet long branch The gaze or touch of a basilisk can turn a victim to
off from the main vine about every 6 inches. These stone; the basilisk's gaze may even turn the
small vines bear clusters of leaves, and in late creature itself to stone if it sees its reflection in a
summer they produce bunches of small fruits that mirror or other reflective surface.
resemble wild grapes. The fruit is tough and has a
hearty but bitter flavor. Assassin vine berries make a Bat and Bat, Giant
heady wine. Normal Giant
Armor Class 6 6
A subterranean version of the assassin vine grows
Hit Dice 1 Hit Point 2
near hot springs, volcanic vents, and other sources
of thermal energy. These plants have thin, wiry No. Attacks 1 special 1 bite
stems and gray leaves shot through with silver, Damage Confusion 1d4
brown, and white veins so that they resemble Move 3" Fly 12" 3" Fly 18"
mineral deposits. An assassin vine growing Alignment
underground usually generates enough offal to No. Appearing 1d100, 1d10,
support a thriving colony of mushrooms and other Wild 1d100, Wild 1d10,
fungi, which spring up around the plant and help Lair 1d100 Lair 1d10
conceal it. % in Lair Special Special
Treasure None None
Morale -1 Normal
XP 10 30

Bats are nocturnal flying mammals. The statistics

presented here describe small, insectivorous bats.
They have a natural sonar that allows them to
operate in total darkness; for game purposes, treat
this ability as Darkvision.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Bats of both types are 95% likely to be encountered Bear, Cave

in their lair in the daytime, but only 5% likely after
Armor Class 5
Hit Dice 7
A group of normal-sized bats has no effective No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite + hug
attack (at least in terms of doing damage) but can Damage 1d8/1d8/2d6 + 2d8 hug
confuse those in the area, flying around apparently Move 12"
randomly. For every ten bats in the area, one Alignment Neutral
creature can be confused; such a creature will
No. Appearing 1d2, Wild 1d2, Lair 1d2
suffer a penalty of -2 on all attack and saving throw
% in Lair 50%
rolls while the bats remain in the area.
Treasure None
A giant bat has a wingspan of 15 feet and weighs Morale +2
about 2,000 coins. They have the same sensory XP 500
abilities as normal-sized bats, but being much
larger, they are able to attack adventurers; many These monstrous bears are even larger than grizzly
are carnivorous, making such attacks likely. bears. They are ferocious killers, attacking almost
anything of equal or smaller size.
Bears attack by rending opponents with their Bear, Grizzly (or Brown)
claws, dragging them in and biting them. If a bear Armor Class 6
hits with a claw and the roll is a natural 19 or better, Hit Dice 5
it has hugged its opponent, doing additional No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite + hug
damage as given for each specific bear type. A Damage 1d4/1d4/1d8 + 2d8 hug
hug can only be employed against opponents of Move 12"
the bear's own size or smaller. All bears are very Alignment Neutral
tough to kill, and are able to move and attack for No. Appearing 1, Wild 1d4, Lair 1d4
one round after losing all hit points.
% in Lair 50%
Treasure None
Bear, Black
Morale +1
Armor Class 14
XP 200
Hit Dice 4
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite + hug These massive carnivores weigh more than 1,8000
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d6 + 2d6 hug coins and stand nearly 9 feet tall when they rear up
Move 40' on their hind legs. They are bad-tempered and
Alignment 1d4, Wild 1d4, Lair 1d4 territorial.
No. Appearing Fighter: 4
% in Lair 50%
Treasure None
Morale Normal
XP 75

The black bear is a forest-dwelling omnivore that

usually is not dangerous unless an interloper
threatens its cubs or food supply.
Black bears may actually be pure black, blond, or
cinnamon in color. They are rarely more than 5
feet long.

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Bear, Polar Beetle, Giant Bombardier

Armor Class 6 Armor Class 4
Hit Dice 6 Hit Dice 2*
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite + hug No. Attacks 1 bite + special
Damage 1d6/1d6/1d10 + 2d8 hug Damage 1d6 + special
Move 12" Move 12"
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing 1, Wild 1d2, Lair 1d2 No. Appearing 1d8, Wild 2d6, Lair 2d6
% in Lair 50% % in Lair 20%
Treasure None Treasure None
Morale +1 Morale Normal
XP 300 XP 40

These long, lean carnivores are slightly taller than Giant bombardier beetles have red head and
grizzly bears, and just as hostile. thorax sections and black abdomens. They are 3
to 4 feet long. In combat, a giant bombardier
Bee, Giant beetle bites opponents in front of it, and sprays a
Armor Class 7 cone of very hot and noxious gases from a nozzle in
Hit Dice 1d4hp* the rearmost tip of the abdomen. This toxic blast
No. Attacks 1 sting causes 2d6 points of damage to all within a cone
Damage 1d4 + poison 10' long and 10' wide at the far end (a save vs.
Move 3" Fly 15" Death Ray for half damage is allowed). A giant
Alignment Neutral bombardier beetle can use this spray attack up to
No. Appearing 1d6, Wild 1d6, Lair 5d6
five times per day, but no more often than once
per three rounds. Faced with opponents attacking
% in Lair
from just one direction, a giant bombardier beetle
Treasure Special
may choose to turn away and use the spray attack
Morale Normal
rather than biting.
XP 11
Giant bombardier beetles, like most beetles, have
Although many times larger, growing to a length of
more or less the same visual acuity in all directions,
about a foot, giant bees behave generally the same
and thus suffer no penalty to Armor Class when
as their smaller cousins. Giant bees are usually not
attacked from behind.
aggressive except when defending themselves or
their hive. Those stung by a giant bee must save vs.
Poison or die. A giant bee that successfully stings
another creature pulls away, leaving its stinger in the
creature. The bee then dies.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Beetle, Giant Fire directions, and thus suffer no penalty to Armor

Class when attacked from behind.
Armor Class 4
Hit Dice 1+2
Black Pudding
No. Attacks 1 bite
Armor Class 6
Damage 2d4
Hit Dice 10*
Move 12"
No. Attacks 1 pseudopod
Alignment Neutral
Damage 3d8
No. Appearing 1d8, Wild 2d6, Lair 2d6
Move 6"
% in Lair 20%
Alignment Neutral
Treasure None
No. Appearing 1
Morale Normal
% in Lair None
XP 15
Treasure None
These luminous nocturnal insects are prized by Morale Never checks
miners and adventurers. They have two glands, XP 1,800
one above each eye, that produce a red glow.
The glands’ luminosity persists for 1d6 days after A black pudding is an amorphous creature that
removal from the beetle, illuminating a roughly lives only to eat. These monsters inhabit
circular area with a 10-foot radius. underground areas throughout the world, scouring
caverns, ruins, and dungeons in search of organic
Giant fire beetles are about 2 feet long. They are matter, living or dead. They are unintelligent,
normally timid but will fight if cornered. Like most attacking any creatures they encounter. They
beetles, they have more or less the same visual attack by lashing out with pseudopods; their entire
acuity in all directions, and thus suffer no penalty to body exudes acid, which is the source of the
Armor Class when attacked from behind. damage their attacks cause.

Beetle, Giant Tiger Neither weapons nor lightning bolts will harm a
black pudding, instead splitting the creature into
Armor Class 3
two identical puddings, each having half of the
Hit Dice 3+1
original’s hit dice (round up) and current hit points
No. Attacks 1 bite
(round down). A 2 hit die pudding will not divide
Damage 2d6
further, but is still unaffected by lightning and
Move 18" weapons. All other attack forms will work normally.
Alignment Neutral
A black pudding's acid will destroy wood swiftly
No. Appearing 1d6, Wild 2d4, Lair 2d4
and corrode away metal a bit slower; gold,
% in Lair 20%
however, is completely resistant to it.
Treasure None
Morale Normal
XP 50

Giant tiger beetles are predatory monsters around

5 feet long. Their carapaces tend to be dark
brown with lighter brown striped or spotted
patterns, but there are many variations.
They are fast runners, depending on their speed to
run down prey, and they willingly prey on any
creature of man size or smaller. Like most beetles,
they have more or less the same visual acuity in all

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Blink Dog ideal conditions. Living creatures who smell the

fragrance must save vs. Poison or become
Armor Class 5
befuddled, dropping anything carried and
Hit Dice 4*
approaching the plant. Each round such a
No. Attacks 1 bite
creature or character is within the affected area,
Damage 1d6
this save must be made. Befuddled characters will
Move 12" not resist the plant-creature's attacks; if affected
Alignment Lawful creatures are removed from the area, the effect of
No. Appearing 4d4 the fragrance will expire 2d4 rounds later. Undead
% in Lair 35% monsters, constructs, etc. are not affected.
Treasure C
Each blood rose plant will have 1, 2 or 3 whiplike
Morale Normal
canes studded with thorns with which it can attack.
XP 140 When a cane hits, it wraps around the victim and
The blink dog is an intelligent canine that has a begins to drain blood, doing 1d6 points of damage
limited teleportation ability. Blink dogs have their per round. A blood rose which has recently (within
own language, a mixture of barks, yaps, whines, one day) “eaten” this way will have flowers ranging
and growls that can transmit surprisingly complex from pink to deep wine red in color, which will fade
information. slowly back to white or yellow as the plant digests
the blood it has consumed.
A blink dog can teleport, as if by dimension door
(caster level 8th), once per round. The ability Boar
affects only the blink dog, which never appears
Armor Class 7
within a solid object and can act immediately after
Hit Dice 3
No. Attacks 1 tusk
Blood Rose Damage 1d8 tusk
Move 12"
Armor Class 7
Alignment Neutral
Hit Dice 2* to 4*
No. Appearing 1d6
No. Attacks 1 to 3 plus blood drain
% in Lair 0%
Damage 1d6
Treasure None
Move 1"
Morale Normal
Alignment Neutral
XP 50
No. Appearing Wild 1d8
% in Lair 100% A boar is a male hog; the statistics given here are
Treasure None for a wild boar, but even domesticated boars can
Morale Normal grow to this size. Female hogs (sows) are as large
XP 40, 80, or 140 as the males and will fight without checking morale
in defense of their young.
Blood roses appear to be normal rose bushes, but
are actually animated plants, dimly aware of their
surroundings. These plants are always in bloom,
bearing beautiful flowers that are normally white
(or rarely, yellow) in color.
The fragrance of the flowers is detectable up to 3"
from the plant in ideal conditions. Blood roses can
move about slowly, and will try to find locations
sheltered from the wind in order to achieve those

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Bugbear to find their prey regardless of light or the absence

Armor Class 5
Hit Dice 3+1 A caecilia can swallow a single small humanoid or
No. Attacks 1 demi-human (such as a goblin or halfling) whole.
Damage 2d4 On a natural attack roll of 19 or 20, such a victim
Move 9" has been swallowed (assuming that roll does
Alignment Chaotic actually hit the victim). A swallowed victim suffers
1d8 damage per round, and may only attack from
No. Appearing 5d4
the inside with a small cutting or stabbing weapon
% in Lair 30%
such as a dagger. While the inside of the caecilia is
Treasure B
easier for the victim to hit, fighting while swallowed
Morale Normal
is more difficult, so no modifiers to the attack roll
XP 50 are applied.
Bugbears are large goblin-like creatures, with dull Once a caecilia has swallowed an opponent, it will
orange skin liberally covered in darker orange hair. generally attempt to disengage from combat,
They have short, thick necks and large, oddly round going to its lair to rest and digest its meal.
heads. Though apparently ungainly, they move
very quietly, surprising on a roll of 1-3 on 1d6. Cave Locust, Giant
Like other goblinoids, they see well in the darkness, Armor Class 4
having Infravision with a 6" range, and they are Hit Dice 2*
similarly uncomfortable in bright light, suffering No. Attacks 1 bite or 1 bump or 1 spit
penalties of -1 on attack rolls in full daylight Damage 1d2 or 1d4* or special
conditions. They are more ferocious than other Move 6" Fly 18"
goblinoids, however, and suffer no penalty to Alignment Neutral
morale even in daylight. No. Appearing 2d10, Wild 1d10
% in Lair
Caecilia, Giant
Treasure None
Armor Class 6
Morale Normal
Hit Dice 6*
XP 40
No. Attacks 1 bite + swallow on 19/20
Damage 1d8 + 1d8/round if swallowed Giant cave locusts are pale, cricket-like creatures
Move 6" that live underground. An average giant cave
Alignment Neutral locust is 2 to 4 feet long. They are eyeless,
depending on their sound-sensitive antennae,
No. Appearing 1d3, Lair 1d3
vibration-sensitive feet and a variety of touch-
% in Lair
sensitive “hairs” on their legs to sense the
Treasure B
environment around them.
Morale Normal
XP 525 These creatures eat subterranean fungus (including
shriekers) as well as carrion; they are not predators,
Caecilia are carnivorous, legless amphibians; they but if disturbed they will attack, shrieking loudly,
strongly resemble earthworms, but they have bony biting, jumping wildly around, or spitting nasty goo.
skeletons and sharp teeth. Caecilia live entirely
All giant cave locusts in a group will shriek when
underground. The giant variety grows up to 30'
disturbed, attracting wandering monsters. The GM
long and frequently are found in caverns or
should roll a wandering monster check each round
dungeons. They are nearly blind, but caecilia are
that one or more cave locusts are attacking; if
very sensitive to sound and vibrations, and are able

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

wandering monsters are indicated, they will arrive Centipede, Giant

in 1d4 rounds.
Armor Class 9
Any giant cave locust that is engaged (adjacent Hit Dice ½ (1d4 hit points)
to an opponent) will attempt to bite, doing 1d2 No. Attacks 1 bite
damage on a successful hit. This does not interrupt Damage Poison
the monster's shrieking. Move 12"
A giant cave locust can leap up to 6" horizontally, Alignment Neutral
or up to 3" up. If one of these creatures is not No. Appearing 2d4
engaged at the beginning of the round, it will leap % in Lair None
toward one of the opponent creatures; roll a Treasure None
normal attack roll, and if the attack hits, the target Morale -1
creature takes 1d4 points of non-lethal damage XP 10
from the impact.
Giant centipedes are simply an overgrown variety
Finally, a giant cave locust can spray a greenish-
of the ordinary centipede. Though they are weak,
brown goo (its digestive juices) up to 1" away.
their poison bite makes them a concern for
Each giant cave locust can perform this attack just
characters who venture into the underground
once per encounter. This spit attack will usually be
areas where they may be found.
reserved until they fail a morale check, in which
case all remaining giant cave locusts will spit at
their nearest opponent, and then all will attempt to
flee in the next round. To spit on an opponent, the Armor Class 6
giant cave locust rolls an attack against Armor Hit Dice 2
Class 9 (plus Dexterity and magical bonuses, but no No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite
normal armor value applies). If the attack hits, the Damage 1d4/1d4/2d4
target must save vs. Poison or be unable to do Move 30"
anything for 3d6 rounds due to the horrible smell. Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing Wild 1d3, Lair 1d3
Centaur % in Lair
Armor Class 5 Treasure None
Hit Dice 4 Morale Normal
No. Attacks 2 hooves/1 weapon XP 30
Damage 1d6 each hoof/by weapon type
A Cheetah is a large (about 1,000 coins) cat
Move 18"
capable of reaching up to 75 miles per hour when
Alignment Neutral
running; they are among the very fastest land
No. Appearing 2d10
animals. One hunts alone or in small groups
% in Lair 5%
(usually composed of siblings). It will rarely attack
Treasure A1 humans unless compelled to do so, but a female
Morale Normal will ferociously defend her young.
XP 75

A centaur is a creature having the body of a horse

with the torso of a human where the horse's head
would normally be. A centaur is as big as a heavy
horse, but much taller and slightly heavier. They
are generally armed with clubs, lances, and/or

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Chimera Crab, Giant

Armor Class 4 Armor Class 3
Hit Dice 9* Hit Dice 2
No. Attacks 2 claws/3 heads No. Attacks 2 pincers
Damage 1d3 per claw/1d4 horn (goat Damage 2d6 each pincer
head) / 2d4 bite (lion head) / 3d4 Move 6"
bite or breath (dragon head)
Alignment Neutral
Move 12" Fly 18"
No. Appearing 2d6
Alignment Neutral
% in Lair 10%
No. Appearing 1d4
Treasure None
% in Lair 50%
Morale Normal
Treasure F
XP 30
Morale Normal
XP 1,650 Giant crabs are dangerous opponents, having
good armor and a pair of powerful attacks. They
The chimera is a bizarre three-headed creature are unintelligent, and thus do not check morale.
having the forequarters of a lion, the hindquarters Giant crabs will rarely be found far from water, and
of a goat, the wings of a dragon, and the heads of may also be found in underwater environments.
a goat, a lion, and a dragon. Each head has its
own attack, with the dragon's head being able to Crocodile
breath fire up to three times per day covering a
Normal Large Giant
cone 5" long and 2" wide at the base, and doing
Armor Class 5 3 1
3d6 points of damage (with a saving throw vs.
Hit Dice 2 6 15
Dragon Breath reducing damage by half). A
chimera is an awkward flier and prefers to fight with No. Attacks 1 bite 1 bite 1 bite
its feet on the ground. Damage 3d4 3d6 3d8
Move – 9" Swim 9" –
Cockatrice Alignment – Neutral –
Armor Class 6 No. Appearing 1d8 1d4 1d3
Hit Dice 5* % in Lair – 5% –
No. Attacks 1 Treasure – None –
Damage 1d6 and turn to stone Morale – Normal –
Move 9" Fly 18" XP 30 300 1,700
Alignment Neutral
Crocodiles are predatory reptiles 11 to 12 feet long.
No. Appearing 1d8 They lie mostly submerged in rivers or marshes, with
% in Lair 35% only their eyes and nostrils showing, waiting for prey
Treasure D to come within reach; in such situations they gain
Morale Normal surprise on a roll of 1-4 on 1d6.
XP 325
Large Crocodiles: These huge creatures are from
A cockatrice is a monster that resembles a chicken 12-20 feet long. Large crocodiles fight and behave
with an elongated, featherless serpentine neck and like their smaller cousins.
a similar serpentine tail. The touch (or attack) of a Giant Crocodiles: These huge creatures usually live
cockatrice can turn a living creature to stone. They in salt water and are generally more than 20 feet
are unintelligent and thus do not check morale. long. Giant crocodiles fight and behave like their
smaller cousins.

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Deceiver Dinosaur, Deinonychus

Common Greater Armor Class 5
Armor Class 4 4 Hit Dice 3
Hit Dice 6* 7** No. Attacks 1 bite
No. Attacks – 3 bites (see below) – Damage 1d8
Damage 1d6/1d6/1d8 1d6 + poison/ Move 15"
1d6 + poison/ Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing 1d3, Wild 2d3, Lair 2d6
Move 15" 12"
% in Lair
Alignment – Chaotic –
Treasure None
No. Appearing – 1d4, Wild 1d4 –
Morale Normal
% in Lair
XP 50
Treasure D D
Morale Normal +1 The Deinonychus (sometimes mistakenly called a
XP 525 1,300 "Velociraptor") is a medium-sized feathered
dinosaur weighting approximately 1500 coins and
Deceivers are greenish-black catlike monsters with reaching about 11 feet of length (tail included). It is
thick serpents extending from their shoulders. All an avid predator and a skilled pack-hunter; its
three of the monster's mouths can bite, though the warm blood, aerodynamic build and vicious maw
smaller serpent heads do not do as much damage. allow it to feed on larger but more primitive
The real danger of the Deceiver is its power of dinosaurs.
displacement, which causes the monster's
apparent location to shift around constantly over a
Dinosaur, Pterodactyl (and Pteranodon)
range of 3' from the monster's true location. This is a Pterodactyl Pteranodon
form of illusion, but a powerful form that cannot be Armor Class 8 7
seen through even by those who know the secret. Hit Dice 1 5
Any character fighting a Deceiver for the first time No. Attacks 1 bite 1 bite
will miss his or her first strike regardless of the die roll. Damage 1d4 2d6
Thereafter, all attacks against Deceivers will be at a Move Fly 18" Fly 18"
penalty of -2 to the attack roll. This is not Alignment Neutral Neutral
cumulative with the penalty for fighting blind. No. Appearing 2d4 1d4
Some monsters, such as bats, do not depend on
% in Lair
vision to fight and thus may be able to perceive
Treasure None None
the monster's true location and fight without
Morale Normal Normal
XP 15 200
Greater Deceivers are larger and more fierce than
common Decievers, and on top of that, their Pterodactyls are prehistoric winged reptilian
serpent heads have a deadly venomous bite. creatures, having a wingspan of around 25 to 30
inches. Though they eat mostly fish, they may
attack smaller characters or scavenge unguarded
Pteranodons are just giant-sized pterodactyls,
having wingspans of 25 feet or more. They are
predators, and may attack adventuring parties.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Dinosaur, Stegosaurus sized or larger creature, but may be used in the

same round as the trample if the creature being
Armor Class 3
gored is larger than man sized. Also note that a
Hit Dice 11
charging bonus may be applied to the gore
No. Attacks 1 tail/1 bite or 1 trample
Damage 2d8/1d6 or 2d8
Move 20' (15') Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Rex
Alignment Neutral
Armor Class 2
No. Appearing 1d4
Hit Dice 18
% in Lair
No. Attacks 1 bite
Treasure None
Damage 5d8 bite
Morale Normal
Move 12"
XP 1,175
Alignment Neutral
Although fearsome looking, the stegosaurus is No. Appearing 1d4
actually a peaceable creature and will only fight in % in Lair 0%
self-defense, either biting, trampling, or using its Treasure None
spiked tail, depending on where the opponent is Morale Normal
standing in relation to the dinosaur. A stegosaurus XP 2,075
can't use its tail and bite attacks against the same
creature in the same round. The tyrannosaurus rex is a bipedal carnivorous
dinosaur. Despite its enormous size and 6-ton
Dinosaur, Triceratops weight, a tyrannosaurus is a swift runner. Its head is
nearly 6 feet long, and its teeth are from 3 to 6
Armor Class 1
inches in length. It is slightly more than 30 feet long
Hit Dice 11
from nose to tail. A tyrannosaurus pursues and eats
No. Attacks 1 gore or 1 trample
just about anything it sees. Its tactics are simple –
Damage 3d6 or 3d6 (special, see below)
charge in and bite.
Move 9"
Alignment Neutral The statistics above can also be used to represent
other large bipedal carnosaurs, such as the
No. Appearing 1d4
% in Lair 0%
Treasure None
Morale Normal
XP 1,175

A triceratops is a three-horned herbivorous

dinosaur. They are aggressive toward interlopers,
attacking anyone who might appear to be a
threat. These creatures are about 25 feet long and
weigh about 20,0000 coins. A triceratops will
usually attempt to trample smaller opponents. Up
to two adjacent man-sized or up to four smaller
opponents may be trampled simultaneously; the
triceratops rolls a single attack roll which is
compared to the Armor Class of each of the
potential victims, and then rolls a separate
damage roll for each one successfully hit. The gore
attack may only be used against a single man-

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Djinn Dog
Armor Class 5 (m) Armor Class 6
Hit Dice 7+1** Hit Dice 1+1
No. Attacks 1 No. Attacks 1 bite
Damage 2d8 Damage 1d4 + hold
Move 9" Fly 24" Move 15"
Alignment Lawful Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing N/A No. Appearing 3d4
% in Lair None % in Lair 10%
Treasure None Treasure None
Morale Normal Morale Normal
XP 1,300 XP 15

Djinn (singular djinni) are powerful, intelligent This category includes most medium and large
manlike creatures from the Elemental Plane of Air. breeds, as well as wild dogs. After biting an
They fly naturally and with the highest degree of opponent, a dog can hold on, doing 1d4 points of
control, as befits creatures of air, and can carry damage automatically every round, until killed or
6,000 coins in weight without loss of speed. until the victim spends an attack breaking free
(which requires a save vs. Death Ray).
Djinn and efreet are natural enemies; a djinni will
generally seek to avoid confrontation with an
efreeti, knowing that the efreeti is more powerful,
but if the odds appear to be in the djinni's favor it Armor Class 5
may attack. Hit Dice 4*
No. Attacks 1
They have a number of magical abilities which they
Damage 1d12 plus special
may use as desired:
Move 9"
Become invisible (as the spell) at will. Alignment Chaotic
Assume gaseous form (as the potion) at will, No. Appearing 3d4
changing between forms in either direction % in Lair 40%
instantly. Treasure E
Morale Normal
Create food and drink as the spells create food
and create water, with the added feature that the XP 140
food created will be attractive and palatable, and Dopplegangers are strange beings that are able to
instead of ordinary water they may create wine. take on the shapes of those they encounter. They
Create objects up to 4,000 coins in weight per day. make excellent use of their natural mimicry to
Objects of soft materials are permanent, while any stage ambushes, bait traps, and infiltrate humanoid
type of stone or metal lasts only a single day. society. They are interested only in themselves and
regard all others as playthings to be manipulated
Create illusions of high quality which persist without
and deceived.
need of further attention from the djinni.
Dopplegangers are immune to all forms of sleep
Assume the form of a whirlwind which is functionally
and charm magic, and save against all other
identical to an air elemental's whirlwind, 3" tall and
magical attack forms as if they are 10 th level
having a 1" diameter at the base and 2" at the top.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Dragons times per day respectively. A dragon's breath

weapon generally inflicts damage equal to its
Dragons are four-legged, winged reptilian
uninjured hit points; a saving throw vs. Dragon
monsters. They are intelligent, avaricious, and
Breath reduces damage by half.
voracious, a formidable combination. There are
several types of dragons, known by their colors. All The dragon may use its claws and tail at the same
dragons are long-lived, and they grow slowly for as time as its breath weapon. The tail swipe attack
long as they live. For this reason, they are may only be used if there are opponents behind
described as having eight age categories. For the dragon, while the claws may be used only on
convenience, a table is provided following the those opponents in front of the creature. Due to
description of each dragon type; this table shows their serpentine necks, dragons may bite or
the variation in damage from their various attacks, breathe in any direction, even behind them.
and other features peculiar to dragons. Note that the dragon statistics give a range of hit
Age Category Description dice, representing three size categories (small,
1 Hatchling average, large); roll 1d10, where 1-2 = the lowest
2 Juvenile figure, 9-0 the highest, and all others are average.
3 Pre-Adult
Rather than rolling for the number of hit points,
each dragon receives a number of hit points per
4 Adult
die equal to its age category.
5 Mature
6 Old Sleeping Dragons: When encountered in its lair, a
7 Very Old dragon has a fairly good likelihood of being asleep.
8 Ancient The exact percentage is given in the description for
each type. Assuming they don't wake the dragon
A pair of dragons encountered together will be while taking up their positions, a dragon's enemies
mates, and each will be of the 4 th or higher age may take one full round of attacks (just as if the
category. Three or four encountered together will dragon were surprised). Attacks against a sleeping
be such a pair plus their offspring of the 1st or 2nd dragon are made at +2 to hit.
age category; or, three encountered together may
Subduing Dragons: It is possible to subdue a
be a female of the 4th or higher age category and
dragon, compelling it into service in return for its life.
her young, again of the 1 st or 2nd age category.
When this is attempted, the attackers must state
Attacking the young dragons results in the adults
intent to subdue rather than kill. All damage done
using their breath weapons every round until their
by subduing attacks is tallied, and each round a
foes are dead or they have exhausted the breath
percentile roll is made against the ratio of the
weapon for the day. Adult dragons are fiercely
subduing points vs. the total possible. If this roll is
protective of their young and of their mate, and will
made, the dragon submits.
not check morale if either are threatened.
For example, a 9 hit die blue dragon of the 4 th age
Dragons of the 1st or 2nd age category will generally
category has 36 hit points. 13 points of subduing
not have any treasure to speak of. Those of the 3 rd
damage is done; the ratio of 13 to 36 is 0.3611, or
age category will have about half the normal
about 36%. The referee rolls percentile dice, and if
amount, while those of the 7 th or 8th age category
the result is 36 or less, the dragon is subdued.
will have as much as double.
A subdued dragon will serve its master so long as it
All dragons have breath weapon attacks such as
believes its master can defeat it. Any opportunity
breathing fire or poison gas. Each dragon can use
to flee or to safely slay the its master may be taken,
its breath weapon up to three times per day,
but so long as its master maintains the appearance
except that dragons of the lowest age category
of strength the dragon will not act.
do not yet have a breath weapon, and those in
the 7th and 8th age categories may breathe 4 or 5

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Speaking and Spellcasting: Many dragons possess Dragon, Blue

the power of speech, and some of those who
Armor Class 2
speak can also cast spells. Chances of each will
Hit Dice 8** to 10**
be given in the specific section for each type.
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite or breath/1 tail
Note that Hatchling and Juvenile dragons do not
Damage 1d4 claw, 2d12 bite, 1d8 tail
usually have the power to cast spells. Hatchlings
have half the usual chance of speech, but roll Move 9" Fly 24"
normally for Juveniles. Speaking dragons will know Alignment Chaotic
their own language (Dragon) plus Common or No. Appearing 1d4
Elvish (or both, at the referee's option), plus any % in Lair 60%
other language the referee considers reasonable. Treasure H
Morale Normal
Dragon, Black XP Variable
Armor Class 2
Blue dragons favor deserts and other dry lands. A
Hit Dice 6** to 8**
blue dragon's breath weapon is a line of lightning
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite or breath/1 tail
½" wide by 10" long.
Damage 1d4 claw, 3d6 bite, 1d6 tail
Move 9" Fly 24" A blue dragon has a 30% chance of being found
asleep in its lair, typically an underground chamber
Alignment Chaotic
such as a cave. Blue dragons particularly favor
No. Appearing 1d4
cliffside caverns in "badlands" areas.
% in Lair 60%
Treasure H They have a 70% chance of speaking, and a
Morale Normal speaking blue dragon has a 15% chance of being
XP Variable able to use magic. Magic-using blue dragons can
cast spells as follows:
Black dragons prefer to dwell in swamps or very
near to slow-moving rivers. A black dragon's Level
breath weapon is a line of acid ½" wide by 6" long. Age Category 1 2
3 1 –
A black dragon has a 50% chance of being found
4 2 1
asleep. Note that many of them willingly sleep
5 2 2
almost completely submerged in swampy water,
6 3 2
making it more difficult for adventurers to take
7 3 3
advantage of the situation.
8 4 3
They have a 40% chance of speaking, and a
speaking black dragon has a 5% chance of being
able to use magic. Magic-using black dragons
can cast spells as follows:
Age Category 1 2
3 1 –
4 2 –
5 2 –
6 3 –
7 3 –
8 3 1

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Dragon, Brass Dragon, Bronze

Armor Class 2 Armor Class 0
Hit Dice 6** to 8** Hit Dice 8** to 10**
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite/1 tail No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite/1 tail
Damage 1d4 claw, 4d4 bite, 1d6 tail Damage 1d4 claw, 3d8 bite, 1d8 tail
Move 9" Fly 24" Move 9" Fly 24"
Alignment 1d6: 1-2 Lawful, 3-6 Neutral Alignment 1d6: 1-4 Lawful, 5-6 Neutral
No. Appearing 1d4 No. Appearing 1d4
% in Lair 20% % in Lair 20%
Treasure H Treasure H
Morale Normal Morale Normal
XP Variable XP Variable

Brass dragons favor sandy deserts. A brass dragon Bronze dragons prefer to live by the sea. A bronze
has a choice of two different sorts of breath dragon has a choice of two different sorts of
weapon: a cloud of fear gas 4" wide and 5" long, breath weapon: a line of lightning ½" wide by 10"
and a cone of sleep 7" long and 2" wide at the long, and a field of repulsion affecting all within a
base. Note that these effects apply to characters 3" square area in front of the dragon; this effect
or creatures of all levels. A creature affected by pushes all creatures who fail their save vs. Spells
either breath weapon may save vs. Dragon Breath (not Dragon Breath) back 3". A creature affected
to resist, with a penalty of -3 if the dragon is of by the lightning breath weapon may save vs.
average size or -6 if the dragon is large. Dragon Breath for half damage as usual.
A brass dragon has a 55% chance of being found A bronze dragon has a 30% chance of being found
asleep in its lair, typically an underground chamber asleep in its lair, typically a cliffside cave or ruined
such as a cave. castle overlooking the sea.
They have a 35% chance of speaking, and a They have a 65% chance of speaking, and a
speaking brass dragon has a 10% chance of being speaking bronze dragon has a 50% chance of
able to use magic. Magic-using brass dragons can being able to use magic. Bronze dragons who
cast spells as follows: have the power of speech can transform
themselves (as the spell polymorph self) into the
form of any normal animal at will.
Age Category 1 2
3 1 – Magic-using bronze dragons can cast spells as
4 2 – follows:
5 2 1 Level
6 2 2 Age Category 1 2 3 4
7 3 2 3 1 – – –
8 3 3 4 2 1 – –
5 2 2 1 –
6 3 2 2 1
7 3 3 2 2
8 4 3 3 2

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Dragon, Copper Dragon, Gold

Armor Class 1 Armor Class -2
Hit Dice 7** to 9** Hit Dice 10** to 12**
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite/1 tail No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite/1 tail
Damage 1d4 claw, 5d4 bite, 1d6 tail Damage 1d4 claw, 3d12 bite, 1d8 tail
Move 9" Fly 24" Move 9" Fly 24"
Alignment 1d6: 1-3 Lawful, 4-6 Neutral Alignment Lawful
No. Appearing 1d4 No. Appearing 1d4
% in Lair 20% % in Lair 60%
Treasure H Treasure H
Morale Normal Morale Normal
XP Variable XP Variable

Copper dragons like it hot and dry, and will be Gold dragons are at home in any sort of terrain, but
found in the warmest, driest place available. A often live near the territories of humans and elves.
copper dragon has a choice of two different sorts A gold dragon has a choice of two different sorts of
of breath weapon: a line of acid ½" wide by 7" breath weapon: a cone of fire 9" long and 3" at the
long, and a field which slows up to 3d6 creatures in base, and a cloud of poisonous gas 5" wide and 4"
front of the dragon (but affected creatures are long.
permitted to save vs. Dragon Breath to resist this
A gold dragon has only a 10% chance of being
found asleep in its lair.
A copper dragon has a 50% chance of being
All gold dragons speak and use magic. Gold
found asleep in its lair, usually in a relatively shallow
dragons can transform themselves into human form
and well-ventilated cavern which permit the hot
at will. They cast spells as follows:
breezes to enter. A copper dragon's lair will often
include a sun-drenched space just outside the Level
entrance where the dragon can sun itself. Age Category 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 1 – – – – –
They have a 50% chance of speaking, and a
3 2 1 – – – –
speaking copper dragon has a 25% chance of
being able to use magic. Magic-using Copper 4 2 2 1 – – –
dragons can cast spells as follows: 5 3 2 2 1 – –
6 3 3 2 2 1 –
7 4 3 3 2 2 1
Age Category 1 2 3
8 4 4 3 3 2 2
3 1 – –
4 2 1 –
5 2 2 1
6 2 2 2
7 3 2 2
8 3 3 2

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Dragon, Green Dragon, Red

Armor Class 2 Armor Class 2
Hit Dice 7** to 9** Hit Dice 9** to 11**
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite/1 tail No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite/1 tail
Damage 1d4 claw, 2d10 bite, 1d6 tail Damage 1d4 claw, 3d10 bite, 1d8 tail
Move 9" Fly 24" Move 9" Fly 24"
Alignment Chaotic Alignment Chaotic
No. Appearing 1d4 No. Appearing 1d4
% in Lair 60% % in Lair 60%
Treasure H Treasure H
Morale Normal Morale Normal
XP Variable XP Variable

Green dragons are generally found living in the Red dragons prefer to live in rocky, mountainous
forest. A green dragon's breath weapon is a cloud areas, high above all other creatures (whom they
of poisonous gas 5" wide and 4" long. view as prey). A red dragon's breath weapon is a
cone of fire 9" long and 3" at the base.
A green dragon has a 40% chance of being found
asleep in its lair. Unlike other dragons, a green A red dragon has only a 20% chance of being
dragon will sometimes lair in a "nest" it has found asleep in its lair, generally a cavern deep
constructed for itself in the darkest, thickest part of within a mountain.
the forest.
They have an 85% chance of speaking, and a
They have a 55% chance of speaking, and a speaking red dragon has a 15% chance of being
speaking green dragon has a 10% chance of being able to use magic. Magic-using red dragons can
able to use magic. Magic-using green dragons cast spells as follows:
can cast spells as follows:
Level Age Category 1 2 3
Age Category 1 2 3 1 – –
3 1 – 4 2 1 –
4 2 1 5 2 2 1
5 2 2 6 3 2 2
6 2 2 7 3 3 2
7 3 2 8 4 3 3
8 3 3

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Dragon, Sea Dragon, Silver

Armor Class 2 Armor Class -1
Hit Dice 7** to 9** Hit Dice 9** to 11**
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite/1 tail
Damage 1d4 claw, 2d10 bite Damage 1d4 claw, 3d10 bite, 1d8 tail
Move 9" Fly 24" Move 9" Fly 24"
Alignment Neutral Alignment 1d6: 1-5 Lawful, 6 Neutral
No. Appearing 1d4 No. Appearing 1d4
% in Lair 60% % in Lair 20%
Treasure H Treasure H
Morale Normal Morale Normal
XP Variable XP Variable

Though they live in the water and are somewhat Silver dragons live in the loftiest places, high on
adapted to it, Sea Dragons still must breathe air, mountain tops or even in the very clouds. A silver
similar to dolphins or whales. A Sea Dragon may dragon has a choice of two different sorts of
hold its breath up to three turns while swimming or breath weapon: a cone of cold 8" long and 3" at
performing other moderate activity. the base, and a cloud of poisonous gas 5" wide
and 4" long.
The breath weapon of a sea dragon is a cloud of
steam 4" wide and 5" long; they are immune to A silver dragon has only a 15% chance of being
damage from non-magical steam (including the found asleep in its lair.
breath weapon of another sea dragon), and suffer
They have an 80% chance of speaking, and a
only half damage from magical steam attacks.
speaking silver dragon has a 75% chance of being
A sea dragon's feet are webbed and its tail is short, able to use magic. Those who can use magic are
flat and broad; for this reason, sea dragons do not also able to transform themselves into human form
have a tail attack. Young sea dragons are light at will. Magic-using silver dragons can cast spells as
bluish-gray in color (similar to dolphins), darkening follows:
to a deep slate color in older individuals.
A sea dragon has a 40% chance of being found Age Category 1 2 3 4 5
asleep in its lair, generally a submerged cave 3 1 – – – –
which holds a substantial amount of air. 4 2 1 – – –
They have a 65% chance of speaking, and a 5 2 2 1 – –
speaking sea dragon has a 15% chance of being 6 3 2 2 1 –
able to use magic. Magic-using sea dragons can 7 3 3 2 2 1
cast spells as follows: 8 4 3 3 2 2

Age Category 1 2
3 1 –
4 2 1
5 2 2
6 2 2
7 3 2
8 3 3

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Dragon, White Dragon Turtle

Armor Class 2 Armor Class -2
Hit Dice 5** to 7** Hit Dice 30**
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite/1 tail No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite or breath
Damage 1d4 claw, 2d8 bite, 1d6 tail Damage 2d8/2d8/10d6 or 30d8
Move 9" Fly 24" Move 3" Swim 9"
Alignment Chaotic Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing 1d4 No. Appearing 1
% in Lair 60% % in Lair 0%
Treasure H Treasure H
Morale Normal Morale Normal
XP Variable XP Variable

White dragons live only in the coldest areas, in the A dragon turtle's rough, deep green shell is much
frozen northlands or above the snowline. A white the same color as the deep water the monster
dragon's breath weapon is a cone of cold 8" long favors, and the silver highlights that line the shell
and 3" at the base. resemble light dancing on open water. The turtle’s
legs, tail, and head are a lighter green, flecked
A white dragon has a 60% chance of being found
with golden highlights. An adult dragon turtle can
asleep. They have only a 25% chance of speaking,
measure from 100 to 200 feet from snout to tail.
and a speaking white dragon has a 5% chance of
They are occasionally mistaken for rocky
being able to use magic. Magic-using white
outcroppings or even small islands.
dragons can cast spells as follows:
Due to their massive size, dragon turtles are
immune to virtually all poisons.
Age Category 1
4 1 Dragon turtles are fierce fighters and generally
5 1 attack any creature that threatens their territory or
6 2 looks like a potential meal. Though they are not
true dragons, they do advance through the same
7 2
sort of age categories as the true dragons do.
8 3
A dragon turtle has a 70% chance to be found
asleep, an 80% chance of speaking, and a 25%
chance of using magic. Magic-using dragon turtles
have the following spell-casting ability:
Age Category 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 1 – – – – –
3 2 1 – – – –
4 2 2 1 – – –
5 3 2 2 1 – –
6 3 3 2 2 1 –
7 4 3 3 2 2 1
8 4 4 3 3 2 2

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Dryad weighs about 5,000 coins. Many giant eagles are

intelligent creatures and speak Common.
Armor Class 5
Hit Dice 2* A giant eagle typically attacks from a great height,
No. Attacks 1 weapon diving earthward at tremendous speed. When it
Damage 1d4 or by weapon type cannot dive, it uses its powerful talons and slashing
Move 12" beak to strike at its target’s head and eyes.
Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing 1d6
Armor Class 3 (m)
% in Lair 20%
Hit Dice 10**
Treasure D
No. Attacks 1
Morale Normal
Damage 3d8
XP 40
Move 9" Fly 24"
Shy, intelligent, and resolute, dryads are as elusive
Alignment Chaotic
as they are alluring. A dryad’s delicate features
No. Appearing N/A
are like those of a female elf, though her flesh is like
% in Lair None
smooth bark and her hair is like a canopy of leaves
that changes color with the seasons. Treasure None
Morale Normal
Each dryad is linked to an oak tree which is of at
XP 2,550
least mature age (twenty years or more), which she
can enter, hiding within it as if it were hollow. A The efreet (singular efreeti) are powerful, intelligent
dryad may not move more than 24" from her tree. manlike creatures from the Elemental Plane of Fire.
Dryads have the power to cast a powerful form of An efreeti stands about 12 feet tall and weighs
charm person at will, against which saving throws about 20,000 coins. Efreet love to mislead,
are made at a penalty of -2 on the die roll. Any befuddle, and confuse their foes. They do so for
character who threatens a dryad will be the target enjoyment as well as for tactical advantage.
of this spell, and any such character charmed by Djinn and efreet are natural enemies; an efreeti will
the dryad will be led away and never seen again. attack a djinni if the efreeti believes it has a good
chance of success in slaying it.
Eagle, Giant
They fly naturally and can carry 10,000 coins in
Armor Class 5
weight without loss of speed. In addition, they
Hit Dice 4
have a number of magical abilities:
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite
Damage 1d6/1d6/1d8 Transform into smoke at will, changing between
forms in either direction instantly. This is similar to
Move 3" Fly 27"
the effect of the potion of gaseous form, save that
Alignment 1d6: 1-2 Lawful, 3-6 Neutral
the smoke remains visible.
No. Appearing 2d6
% in Lair Create illusions of high quality which persist without
Treasure Nil need of further attention from the efreeti.
Morale Normal Create a wall of fire, as the spell, as if cast by a 10 th
XP 75 level Magic-User.

A typical giant eagle stands about 10 feet tall, has Finally, an efreeti may assume the form of a fire
a wingspan of up to 20 feet, and resembles its elemental, and while in that form may act exactly
smaller cousins in nearly every way except size. It as an ordinary fire elemental would.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Elementals Elemental, Air

There are four different types of elementals, Armor Class 2 (m)
detailed below: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. Each Hit Dice 8* or 12* or 16*
type may be summoned to the material plane by No. Attacks 1
means of one of three different methods: conjured Damage 2d8
by the 5th level Magic-User spell conjure elemental, Move Fly 36"
summoned by a device (as given in the
Alignment Neutral
Miscellaneous Magic subsection of the Treasure
No. Appearing 1
section of the Core Rules, specifically the Bowl
% in Lair None
Commanding Water Elementals, the Brazier
Treasure None
Commanding Fire Elementals, the Censer
Controlling Air Elementals, and the Stone Morale Never checks
Controlling Earth Elementals), or by means of a XP 1,250 or 2,175 or 3,150
magical staff. These three types of elementals are
An air elemental is an invisible creature normally, as
quite reasonably called staff, device, and conjured
it is composed entirely of air. Their only form of
elementals. The hit dice of an elemental depends
movement is by flying. An air elemental can form
on the type, as follows:
itself into a whirlwind, which can pick up and carry
Type Hit Dice creatures of 2 hit dice or smaller. This whirlwind
Staff 8 form is 3" in diameter at the base, 6" at the top, and
Device 12 as tall in inches as the air elemental has hit dice.
Conjured 16 While in whirlwind form the air elemental has no
normal attacks. Changing to or from whirlwind
The summoner of an elemental must concentrate form takes one full round. Note that the air
on it to control it, and may take no other action, elemental is visible in the normal sense while in
including attacking, attacked, or movement, or whirlwind form, due to dust, debris, etc. drawn into
control will be lost. Once control is lost, it cannot its spinning body.
be regained, and the uncontrolled elemental will
move directly toward the summoner and attack. Elemental, Earth
Armor Class 2 (m)
Elementals must be summoned from a large
Hit Dice 8* or 12* or 16*
quantity of the appropriate natural material. Air
elementals require a large quantity of air (so small No. Attacks 1
underground spaces will not support the Damage 4d8 or 3d8 (see below)
summoning of one); earth elementals require Move 6"
access to natural earth or stone (and worked stone Alignment Neutral
such as the stone walls of a castle will not work); fire No. Appearing 1
elementals require a large fire such as a bonfire; % in Lair None
and water elementals require access to a Treasure None
substantial body of water, at the very least a river Morale Never checks
or lake (small streams and artificial pools will not XP 1,250 or 2,175 or 3,150
work). Finally, when an elemental is summoned, no
other elemental of the same type may be Earth elementals are vaguely manlike creatures
summoned in the same day within a radius of 100 formed of earth and stone. They are slow moving
miles of the location. and cannot cross water. Against enemies on the
ground they do 4d8 points of damage, but only
Only magical weapons will hit an elemental.
3d8 against airborne opponents.

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Elemental, Fire Elephant

Armor Class 2 (m) Armor Class 18
Hit Dice 8* or 12* or 16* Hit Dice 9
No. Attacks 1 No. Attacks 2 tusks or 1 trample
Damage 3d8 Damage 2d4/2d4 or 4d8
Move 12" Fly 9" Move 12"
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing 1 No. Appearing 1d20
% in Lair None % in Lair 0%
Treasure None Treasure special
Morale Never checks Morale Never checks
XP 1,250 or 2,175 or 3,150 XP 950

Fire elementals are vaguely humanoid forms made Massive herbivores of tropical lands, elephants are
entirely of flames. As with any fire, they will ignite unpredictable creatures but nevertheless are
combustibles they come into contact with. A fire sometimes used as mounts or beasts of burden.
elemental can fly, but cannot cross water even if This entry describes an African elephant. Indian
flying. As all their attacks are flames, fire resistance elephants are slightly smaller and weaker, but more
magic will reduce damage done by their attacks in readily trained.
the usual way.
A light load for an African elephant is 75,000 coins;
a heavy load, up to 150,000 coins. For an Indian
Elemental, Water
elephant, a light load is up to 70,000 coins, and a
Armor Class 2 (m) heavy load up to 140,000 coins.
Hit Dice 8* or 12* or 16*
An elephant has no treasure as such, but the tusks
No. Attacks 1
of an elephant are worth 1d8 x 100 gp.
Damage 3d10 or 3d6
Move 6" Swim 18" Fish, Giant Barracuda
Alignment Neutral
Huge Giant
No. Appearing 1
Armor Class 4 5
% in Lair None
Hit Dice 5 9
Treasure None
No. Attacks 1 bite 1 bite
Morale Never checks
Damage 2d6 2d8+1
XP 1,250 or 2,175 or 3,150
Move Swim 18" Swim 18"
A water elemental generally appears as a sort of Alignment Neutral Neutral
self-supporting wave. They cannot move more No. Appearing 2d4 1
than 6" away from a body of water, and their % in Lair 0% 0%
movement is slowed on land (as shown above). Treasure None None
Further, their damage is reduced (again as shown Morale Normal Normal
above) when attacking while out of water. XP 200 950

Barracuda are predatory fish found in salt water.

Huge barracudas are about 12' long, while giant
specimens can exceed 20'. They have elongated
bodies, pointed heads and prominent jaws. Their
bodies are covered with smooth scales, typically
blue, gray or silver in color. They have extremely

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

keen eyesight and are surprised only on a 1 on 1d6. Fish, Giant Catfish
Due to the quickness of their attack, barracudas
Armor Class 4
are themselves capable of surprising on 1-3 on 1d6
Hit Dice 8
and gain a +2 bonus to Initiative.
No. Attacks 1 bite/2 fins
Giant barracudas always appear singly and are Damage 2d8/1d4+poison/1d4+poison
50% likely to break off the attack after 1d4 rounds if Move Swim 9"
they haven't killed their prey. Both kinds are Alignment Neutral
attracted to shiny objects.
No. Appearing 1d2
% in Lair 0%
Fish, Giant Bass
Treasure None
Armor Class 7
Morale Normal
Hit Dice 2
XP 700
No. Attacks 1 bite
Damage 1d6 Giant catfish fins are edged with a natural poison
Move Swim 12" that causes a painful burning sensation for 3d10
Alignment Neutral rounds if a save vs. Poison is failed. The pain causes
No. Appearing 1d6 the affected character or creature to suffer a -1
penalty on all attack rolls and saving throws; further
% in Lair 0%
poisonings will increase this penalty by -1 each,
Treasure None
down to a maximum penalty of -5 as well as
Morale Normal
adding 6 rounds to the duration of the poison
XP 30
effect for each such attack.
Giant bass are generally between 10' and 25' long. Because of its large size (15 to 20 feet long) and
Most are greenish-grey, marked with dark lateral body design, a giant catfish cannot target more
stripes, though some are almost completely black. than one of its attacks on any single creature; that
They are generally found in lakes or rivers, as they is, it cannot bite and fin the same opponent, nor
are not adapted for salt water. use both fins on one victim.
Giant bass are predatory, and on a natural attack
roll of 20 a giant bass will swallow whole a dwarf- Fish, Giant Piranha
sized or smaller creature, which then takes 2d4 Armor Class 5
damage per round until it is dead. Swallowed Hit Dice 4
characters can attack only with daggers or similar No. Attacks 1 bite
short weapons. Note that each giant bass can Damage 1d8
swallow at most one character, and a giant bass Move Swim 15"
which has swallowed a character will attempt to Alignment Neutral
retreat (having achieved its goal).
No. Appearing 2d4
% in Lair 0%
Treasure None
Morale Normal
XP 75

Giant piranha average 5' in length at adulthood,

and are aggressive carnivores. They are able to
sense blood in the water just as sharks do, and
once they smell or taste blood in the water, their
morale rises to the parenthesized figure.

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Fly, Giant Gelatinous Cube

Armor Class 6 Armor Class 8
Hit Dice 2 Hit Dice 4*
No. Attacks 1 bite No. Attacks 1
Damage 1d8 Damage 2d4 plus paralysis
Move 9" Fly 18" Move 6"
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing 1d6, Wild 2d6 No. Appearing 1
% in Lair 0% % in Lair 40%
Treasure None Treasure B
Morale Normal Morale Never checks
XP 30 XP 140

Giant flies look much like ordinary houseflies, but The nearly transparent gelatinous cube travels
are about 3' long. Some are banded yellow and slowly along dungeon corridors, absorbing carrion,
black, and are thus mistaken for giant bees. Giant creatures, and trash. Inorganic material remains
flies are predators; after killing prey, they will trapped and visible inside the cube’s body. They
sometimes lay eggs in the remains. are generally 10' on a side, though larger and
smaller specimens have been reported.
A gelatinous cube attacks by slamming its body
Armor Class 5 (m) into its prey. It is capable of lashing out with a
Hit Dice 4** pseudopod, but usually engulfs foes. The touch of
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite/1 horn a gelatinous cube causes paralysis for 2d4 turns if
Damage 1d3 claw, 1d6 bite, 1d4 horn the victim fails his or her saving throw. Gelatinous
Move 9” Fly 15" cubes are immune to cold, lightning, paralyzation,
Alignment Chaotic and polymorph magic; further, as they have no
No. Appearing 2d10 minds to speak of they are immune to sleep and
% in Lair 25% charm magics.
Treasure C Any treasure in the possession of a gelatinous cube
Morale Normal will be encased within its body; it will be necessary
XP 205 to kill the monster to retrieve it. When generating
treasure for a gelatinous cube, omit or reroll items
Gargoyles often appear to be winged stone
that the cube would naturally destroy.
statues, for they can perch indefinitely without
moving and use this disguise to surprise their foes.
They require no food, water, or air, but often eat
their fallen foes out of fondness for inflicting pain.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Ghoul (and Ghast) Giant, Cloud

Ghoul Ghast Armor Class 4
Armor Class 6 5 Hit Dice 12+2
Hit Dice 2* 2** No. Attacks 1
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite 2 claws/1 bite Damage 6d6
Damage 1d4 (plus 1d4 (plus Move 12"
paralysis) claw, paralysis) claw, Alignment Neutral
1d4 bite 1d4 bite + stench
No. Appearing 1d8
Move 9" 9"
% in Lair 30%
Alignment Chaotic Chaotic
Treasure E + 5,000 GP
No. Appearing 2d12 Special
Morale Normal
% in Lair 20% 20%
XP 1,300
Treasure B B
Morale Normal Normal Cloud giants are known for their excellent sense of
XP 40 50 smell. They prefer to lair in castles of their own
construction, and some are said to actually build
Ghouls and ghasts are undead monsters (as castles atop the clouds. They can throw boulders
described on page 68) which prefer to eat the up to a 30" range which do 5d6 points of damage
flesh of human or humanoid creatures. Their claws to all creatures in a 1" radius circle around the
will paralyze living creatures who do not make their impact point.
saving throws; elves are immune to this effect.
Giant, Cyclops
Characters slain by a ghoul or ghast will arise at the
next nightfall (but not less than 8 hours after dying) Armor Class 4
as ghouls; how a ghoul becomes a ghast is not Hit Dice 13
known. No. Attacks 1
Damage 3d6
Ghast: Although these creatures look just like their
Move 12"
lesser kin, the ghouls, they are far more deadly and
cunning. Ghasts are usually encountered in mixed Alignment Chaotic
groups with ghouls; in any group of ghouls, there is No. Appearing 1d8
a 20% chance that up to 1d8 of the creatures are % in Lair 30%
actually ghasts. Treasure E + 5,000 GP
Morale Normal
They may be Turned by Clerics as if they were
XP 1,450
common ghouls; however, as they are superior to
ghouls, in a mixed group of ghasts and ghouls the Though much larger, a cyclops resembles nothing
referee should apply Turning effects to the ordinary so much as a hill giant with a single central eye.
ghouls first. Like hill giants, they wear crude clothing and tend
The true power of a ghast is the stink of death and to live in caves, though they will make their
corruption surrounding them. Living creatures residence in a ruined castle or other fortification if
within 1" must succeed on a save vs. Poison or be one can be found with enough open space inside.
sickened for 2d6 rounds, suffering -2 to all attack Cyclops are usually found in coastal areas or on
rolls. A creature that successfully saves cannot be islands, and are known to prefer warmer climates.
affected again by the same ghast’s stench for 24 A cyclops can throw boulders up to a 30" range
hours. A neutralize poison spell removes the effect which do 2d6 points of damage to all creatures in
from a sickened creature. a 1" radius circle around the impact point, but due
to their lack of depth perception they suffer a
penalty of -3 on all such attack rolls.

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Giant, Fire Giant, Hill

Armor Class 4 Armor Class 4
Hit Dice 11+3 Hit Dice 8
No. Attacks 1 No. Attacks 1
Damage 5d6 Damage 2d8
Move 12" Move 12"
Alignment Chaotic Alignment Chaotic
No. Appearing 1d8 No. Appearing 1d8
% in Lair 30% % in Lair 30%
Treasure E + 5,000 GP Treasure E + 5,000 GP
Morale Normal Morale Normal
XP 1,175 XP 700

Fire giants live in giant castles built in hot climates. Hill giants are brutish in appearance. They most
They particularly enjoy living in close proximity to an commonly live in caves. Hill giants can throw
active volcano. They can throw boulders up to a boulders up to a 30" range which do 2d6 points of
30" range which do 4d6 points of damage to all damage to all creatures in a 1" radius circle around
creatures in a 1" radius circle around the impact the impact point.
Giant, Stone
Giant, Frost Armor Class 4
Armor Class 4 Hit Dice 9
Hit Dice 10+1 No. Attacks 1
No. Attacks 1 Damage 3d6
Damage 4d6 Move 12"
Move 12" Alignment Neutral
Alignment Chaotic No. Appearing 1d8
No. Appearing 1d8 % in Lair 30%
% in Lair 30% Treasure E + 5,000 GP
Treasure E + 5,000 GP Morale Normal
Morale Normal XP 950
XP 1,050
Stone giants prefer to live in caves. They can throw
Frost giants live in giant castles in cold climates, boulders up to a 48" range which do 3d6 points of
high in the mountains where the snow never melts. damage to all creatures in a 1" radius circle around
They can throw boulders up to a 30" range which the impact point.
do 3d6 points of damage to all creatures in a 1"
radius circle around the impact point.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Giant, Storm titan can throw boulders as other giants do.

Boulders thrown by a titan have up to a 30" range
Armor Class 4
and do 6d6 points of damage to all creatures in a
Hit Dice 15*
1" radius circle around the impact point.
No. Attacks 1
Damage 7d6 Gnoll
Move 15"
Armor Class 5
Alignment Lawful
Hit Dice 2
No. Appearing 1d8
No. Attacks 1
% in Lair 30%
Damage 1d8 or by weapon type
Treasure E + 5,000 GP
Move 9"
Morale Normal
Alignment Chaotic
XP 2,850
No. Appearing 20d10
Storm giants lair in castles of their own construction % in Lair 30%
in hard-to-reach places such as under the sea or in Treasure D
the clouds; at the very least, a storm giant castle Morale Normal
will reside atop the largest and most treacherous XP 30
mountain they can find. They can throw boulders
up to a 30" range which do 6d6 points of damage Gnolls are hyena-headed, hairy humanoids who
to all creatures in a 1" radius circle around the average 6 ½' tall and weigh around 2,000 coins.
impact point. A storm giant can employ a version They are fierce fighters, receiving a general bonus
of the spell control weather to create a storm, their of +2 on morale checks.
own favorite type of weather. Gnoll tribes are led by a chieftain having 6 hit dice.
He will be attended by 1d4 guards who each have
Giant, Titan 4 hit dice.
Armor Class 4
Hit Dice 17* to 22* Gnome
No. Attacks 1 Armor Class 5
Damage 7d6 Hit Dice 1
Move 15" (or see below) No. Attacks 1
Alignment Neutral Damage 1d6 or by weapon type
No. Appearing 1d8 Move 6"
% in Lair 5% Alignment Lawful or Neutral
Treasure E + 5,000 GP No. Appearing 40d10
Morale Normal % in Lair 60%
XP 3,450 to 4,500 Treasure C
Morale Normal
While most titans move at 15", 10% of them are
XP 15
able to move 21" per turn. They are more
intelligent than most humans, and are able to use Gnomes are dwarf-like beings who prefer to live in
both Magic-User and Cleric spells up to the 7 th the foothills of the mountains their cousins call
level; each will have available 2 spells of each level home. They are more outgoing than dwarves, but
for each type of magic. also more capricious.
Given their magical capabilities, titans rarely need The statistics given above are for an ordinary
to resort to the use of force, but they carry well- gnome. They may, however, become members of
made giant-sized weapons, and if necessary a any class which is allowed to dwarves, in which

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

case they should be treated as any character of A golem’s creator can command it if the golem is
the given class. Like dwarves, gnomes make within 6" and can see and hear its creator. If not
saving throws as if 4 levels or hit dice higher. presently being controlled, a golem usually follows
its last instruction to the best of its ability, though if
Goblin attacked it will retaliate. The creator can give the
Armor Class 6 golem a simple command to govern its actions in
Hit Dice 1-1 his or her absence. The golem’s creator can order
No. Attacks 1 the golem to obey the commands of another
Damage 1d4 or by weapon type
person (who might in turn place the golem under
someone else’s control, and so on), but the
Move 6"
golem’s creator can always resume control over his
Alignment Chaotic
creation by commanding the golem to obey him
No. Appearing 40d10
or her alone.
% in Lair 50%
Treasure 1d6 GP each When a golem enters combat, there is a
cumulative 1% chance each round that its
Morale Normal
elemental spirit breaks free and the golem goes
XP 15
berserk. The uncontrolled golem goes on a
Goblins are short, ugly humanoids with hooked rampage, attacking the nearest living creature or
noses and sharply pointed ears. Most have smashing some object smaller than itself if no
yellowish to orange skin. They stand 3 to 3½ feet creature is within reach, then moving on to spread
tall and weigh 400 to 450 coins each. Goblins more destruction. The golem’s creator, if within 6",
speak their own language, and a few (15% or so) can try to regain control by speaking firmly and
also speak Common. Most goblins encountered persuasively to the golem; he or she must make a
outside their homes are warriors, and the statistics save vs. Spells to succeed at this, and at least 1
given above are for such rank-and-file goblins. round of time is required for each check. It takes 1
round of inactivity by the golem to reset the
When encountered in their lair, the Goblins will be
golem’s berserk chance to 0%.
led by a Goblin King who has 2+1 hit dice and does
1d8 points of damage on a hit. He will be
Golem, Amber
protected by 5d6 elite guards who have 1+1 hit
dice and do 1d8 points of damage on a hit. Armor Class -1 (m)
Hit Dice 10*
Goblins see well in the darkness, having Infravision
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite
with a 6" range. On the other hand, they are very
Damage 2d6/2d6/2d10
uncomfortable in bright light, and suffer penalties
Move 60'
of -1 on attack rolls and morale checks if they must
Alignment Neutral
fight in full daylight.
No. Appearing 1
Golem % in Lair None
Golems are magically created automatons of Treasure None
great power. Constructing one involves the Morale Never checks
employment of mighty magic and elemental XP 1,800
forces. Golems are tenacious in combat and
Amber golems are generally built to resemble lions
prodigiously strong as well. Being mindless, they do
or other great cats. They are able to detect
nothing without orders from their creators. They
invisible creatures or objects within 60', and can
follow instructions explicitly and are incapable of
track with 95% accuracy through any terrain type.
any strategy or tactics. They are emotionless in
combat and cannot be provoked.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

A magical attack that deals electricity damage from verdigris. A bronze golem is 10 feet tall and
heals 1 point of damage for every 3 full points of weighs about 45,000 coins. A bronze golem
damage the attack would otherwise deal. For cannot speak or make any vocal noise, nor does it
example, an amber golem hit by a lightning bolt have any distinguishable odor. It moves with a
for 20 points of damage is instead healed up to 6 ponderous but smooth gait. Each step causes the
points. If the amount of healing would cause the floor to tremble unless it is on a thick, solid
golem to exceed its full normal hit points, the foundation.
excess is ignored.
The interior of a bronze golem is molten metal.
Creatures hit by one in combat suffer an additional
Golem, Bone
1d10 damage from the heat (unless resistant to
Armor Class 1 (m) heat or fire). If one is hit in combat, molten metal
Hit Dice 8* spurts out, spraying the attacker for 2d6 damage.
No. Attacks 4 weapons A save vs. Death Ray is allowed to avoid the metal
Damage 1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6 or by weapon spray.
Move 12"
Alignment Neutral Golem, Clay
No. Appearing 1 Armor Class -2 (m)
% in Lair None Hit Dice 11**
Treasure None No. Attacks 1 fist
Morale Never checks Damage 3d10
XP 1,250 Move 20'
Alignment 1
Bone golems are huge four-armed monsters
No. Appearing Fighter: 6
created from the skeletons of at least two dead
% in Lair 12
humanoids. Though made of bone, they are not
undead and cannot be turned. Treasure None
Morale Never checks
Instead of four one-handed weapons, a bone
XP 1,765
golem can be armed with two two-handed
weapons, giving 2 attacks per round and a This golem has a humanoid body made from clay.
damage figure of 1d10/1d10 or by weapon. A clay golem wears no clothing except for a metal
or stiff leather garment around its hips. A clay
Golem, Bronze golem cannot speak or make any vocal noise. It
Armor Class 0 (m) walks and moves with a slow, clumsy gait. It weighs
Hit Dice 20** around 6000 coins.
No. Attacks 1 fist + special The damage a clay golem deals doesn’t heal
Damage 3d10 + special naturally, and magical healing cures only 1 point
Move 24" per die rolled (but add all bonuses normally).
Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing 1 Golem, Flesh
% in Lair None
Treasure None
Morale Never checks
XP 5,385

These golems resemble statues made of bronze;

unlike natural bronze statues, they never turn green

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Armor Class 9 (m) Golem, Stone

Hit Dice 10** Armor Class 5 (m+2)
No. Attacks 2 fists Hit Dice 13**
Damage 2d8 each fist No. Attacks 1
Move 9” Damage 3d8
Alignment Neutral Move 6"
No. Appearing 1 Alignment Neutral
% in Lair None No. Appearing 1
Treasure None % in Lair None
Morale Never checks Treasure None
XP 2,550 Morale Never checks

Flesh golems are immune to most magical attacks, XP 3,350

and can be hit only by magical weapons. Fire or Stone golems are hit only by magical weapons of
cold will slow a flesh golem by 50% (as the spell). +2 or greater bonus. They are immune to almost all
Lightning attacks actually heal a flesh golem by the magic, save for spells that affect rock (such as rock
number of points of damage rolled (up to the to mud) which do 1d6 points of damage per caster
creature's normal maximum). level. Mud to rock (the reverse of the spell rock to
mud) heals a stone golem by 1d6 points per caster
Golem, Iron level (up to the creature's normal maximum).
Armor Class 3 (m+3)
Each round in addition to its normal attack a stone
Hit Dice 17**
golem may cast slow on one opponent. If the
No. Attacks 1
golem is not being directly commanded, it will
Damage 4d8 choose the victim of this spell attack randomly.
Move 3"
Alignment Neutral Golem, Wood*
No. Appearing 1 Armor Class 7 (m)
% in Lair None Hit Dice 2+2*
Treasure None No. Attacks 1 fist
Morale Never checks Damage 1d8
XP 4,950 Move 12"

Iron golems are hit only by magical weapons of +3 Alignment Neutral

or greater bonus. They are immune to almost all No. Appearing 1
magic, save for lightning which slows the monster % in Lair None
(as the spell) for 3 rounds. Fire magic (such as fire Treasure None
ball) heals an iron golem by the number of points Morale Never checks
of damage rolled (up to the creature's normal XP 40
Wood golems are small constructs, not more than
Iron golems also have the power to breathe out a 4' in height, and are crudely made. Being made of
1" cubical volume of poison gas once per day, but wood makes them vulnerable to fire-based
this power will generally only be used on the attacks; thus, wood golems suffer one extra point
command of the iron golem's master. of damage per die from fire; any saving throws
against such effects are at a penalty of -2. They
move stiffly, suffering a -1 penalty to Initiative.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Gorgon hold magic, nor will fire or cold harm one. Ordinary
weapons and lightning attacks will have full effect.
Armor Class 2
Hit Dice 8*
Green Slime
No. Attacks 1 butt or breath
Armor Class N/A
Damage 2d12 butt or turn to stone
Hit Dice 2**
Move 12"
No. Attacks 1
Alignment Neutral
Damage special
No. Appearing 1d4
Move None
% in Lair 50%
Alignment Neutral
Treasure E
No. Appearing N/A
Morale Never checks
% in Lair None
XP 1,250
Treasure None
Gorgons are monstrous bulls covered in iron scales. Morale Never checks
A typical gorgon stands over 6 feet tall at the XP 50
shoulder, measures 8 feet from snout to tail, and
weighs about 40,000 coins. Green slime grows within underground places,
pooling on the floor or dripping from the ceiling; its
A gorgon's primary weapon is its ability to breath a only attack is to fall onto victims, or to be stepped
cone of gas 6" long and 2" wide at the base which in by them. Its acid can eat through wood or
turns to stone those within the area who fail their metal in 1d6 rounds, but does not affect stone.
save. This breath weapon may be used up to five Once in contact with an item, that item must be
times per day; the gorgon will choose to use this discarded or the green slime removed in some
weapon on a roll of 1-2 on 1d6 each round. way. Worse, green slime is unharmed by weapon
Gorgons are nothing if not aggressive. They attack attacks, and it is immune to lightning or other
intruders on sight. There is no way to calm these electrical attacks. Fire and cold harm it normally.
furious creatures, and they are impossible to The worst case with respect to green slime is when
domesticate. it is in contact with unprotected flesh, either directly
or because it has destroyed the materials
Gray Ooze protecting the victim. Any living creature afflicted
Armor Class 8 in this way will be transformed completely into
Hit Dice 3* green slime in 1d6 rounds. Fire or cold applied to
No. Attacks 1 the slime can still kill it, saving the victim, but the
Damage 2d8 damage done to the slime is also done to the
Move 12" victim (unless he or she is somehow protected from
Alignment Neutral the attack form used).
No. Appearing N/A
% in Lair None
Treasure None
Morale Never checks
XP 80

A gray ooze appears to be little more than a lump

or patch of wet stone; it attacks by extending a
pseudopod to strike with. Damage done by a gray
ooze is primarily acid damage. A gray ooze is
mindless, and thus not affected by sleep, charm, or

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Griffon evenly around the tree in most cases, and

generally no more than one limb can attack any
Armor Class 3
single creature at a time.
Hit Dice 7
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite The roots of this tree are also animated; they do not
Damage 1d4 claw, 2d8 bite attack, but they do pull dead bodies below the
Move 12" Fly 30" surface of the ground for “digestion.”
Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing 2d8
Armor Class 7
% in Lair 10%
Hit Dice 3
Treasure E
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 weapon + song
Morale Normal
Damage 1d4 per claw, 1d6 or by weapon
XP 500
+ song (see below)
Griffons are powerful, majestic creatures with the Move 6" Fly 15"
bodies of lions and the heads and wings of eagles. Alignment Chaotic
From nose to tail, an adult griffon can measure as No. Appearing 2d6
much as 8 feet. Their broad, golden wings can % in Lair 100%
span 25 feet or more. A griffon weighs about 5,000 Treasure C
coins. Morale Normal
Griffons are normally very wild, but if hand-raised XP 50
from hatchlings they can be ridden as steeds.
A harpy is a horrible creature having the head and
Griffons favor the flesh of horses and hippogriffs
torso of a woman and the wings and lower
above all other food, and will generally attack
extremities of a buzzard. Note that a harpy has no
immediately if within 36" of either sort of prey; even
arms; its wings spring from the creature's human-like
"tame" griffons will behave in this way, making them
shoulders. The human parts of a harpy might be
troublesome as mounts.
considered beautiful, but their expressions are
always those of rage or hatred and they rarely
Hangman Tree
groom themselves, giving them an overall horrible
Armor Class 4
Hit Dice 5
No. Attacks 4 limbs plus strangle Harpies like to entrance hapless travelers with their
magical songs. When a harpy sings, all creatures
Damage 1d6 per limb or strangle
(other than harpies) within a 24" radius must save
Move 0
vs. Spells or become captivated. A creature that
Alignment Neutral
successfully saves cannot be affected again by the
No. Appearing 1
same harpy’s song for one day.
% in Lair 100%
Treasure None
A captivated victim walks toward the harpy, taking
the most direct route available. Captivated
Morale Never checks
creatures can take no actions other than to
XP 200
defend themselves. A victim within 5 feet of the
Hangman trees are horrible, semi-animate harpy stands there and offers no resistance to the
creatures that fertilize themselves with dead monster’s attacks. The effect continues for as long
bodies. A hangman tree has four animated limbs as the harpy sings and for 1 round thereafter.
that can wrap around the necks of living creatures
that pass beneath, strangling for 1d6 points of
damage per round. These limbs are arranged

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Hawk The most feared weapon of the hell hound is its

Normal Giant
fiery breath. This breath weapon affects all within a
cone 2" wide at the base and as long as the hell
Armor Class 12 14
hound has hit dice (i.e. 3" to 7" respectively).
Hit Dice ½ 4
Damage done is 1d6 per hit die, with a save vs.
No. Attacks 1 claw or bite 1 claw or bite
Dragon Breath reducing damage by half. A hell
Damage 1d2 1d6
hound can breathe fire 3 times per day.
Move 3" Fly 48" 3" Fly 45"
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Hell hounds are able to sense invisible or otherwise
hidden creatures 75% of the time.
No. Appearing Wild 1d6, Lair 1d6 Wild 1d3, Lair 1d3
% in Lair Hell hounds are intelligent, and they are efficient
Treasure None None hunters. A favorite pack tactic is to surround prey
Morale Normal +1 quietly, then attack with one or two hounds, driving
XP 10 75 it toward the rest with their fiery breath. If the prey
doesn’t run, the pack closes in. Hell hounds track
Hawks are similar to eagles but slightly smaller, fleeing prey relentlessly, but if confronted by an
being 1 to 2 feet long with wingspans of 6 feet or apparently stronger force they may be driven
less. back.
Giant hawks are 4 to 6 feet long, with wingspans of Fire giants are known to keep hell hounds as pets.
12 feet or more; they can carry off creatures of
Halfling size or smaller. Hippogriff
Armor Class 5
Hell Hound Hit Dice 3+1
Armor Class 4 No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite
Hit Dice 3 to 7 Damage 1d6 claw, 1d10 bite
No. Attacks 1 bite or breath Move 18" Fly 36"
Damage 1d6 bite or breath Alignment Neutral
Move 12" No. Appearing 2d8
Alignment Chaotic % in Lair None
No. Appearing 2d4 Treasure None
% in Lair 30% Morale Normal
Treasure C XP 50
Morale Normal
XP 50 to 500 Hippogriffs are aggressive flying creatures that
combine features of horses and giant eagles.
Hell hounds are huge, demonic dog-creatures from Voracious omnivores, hippogriffs will hunt
the nether planes. Their fur shades from reddish humanoids or horses as readily as any other meal.
brown to black, with larger individuals having A typical hippogriff is 9 feet long, has a wingspan of
darker coats. Hell hounds come in a variety of 20 feet, and weighs 10,000 coins.
sizes, as indicated by their hit dice on the table
While wild hippogriffs are dangerous foes, if they
above. Whether these different sizes indicate
are raised from hatchlings it is possible to tame
different stages of development or different
them sufficiently that they can be used as steeds
species is not known. A typical hell hound having 5
for humans or elves. They will prey upon pegasi if
hit dice stands 4½ feet high at the shoulder and
the opportunity presents itself, and as they
weighs 2,000 coins; adjust these figures up or down
compete with griffons for prey they greatly dislike
to represent larger or smaller individuals.

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Hobgoblin Homunculus
Armor Class 5 Armor Class 7
Hit Dice 1+1 Hit Dice 2*
No. Attacks 1 No. Attacks 1 bite
Damage 1d8 or by weapon type Damage 1d4 bite plus sleep venom
Move 9" Move 6" Fly 18"
Alignment Chaotic Alignment Variable
No. Appearing 20d10 No. Appearing Variable
% in Lair 30% % in Lair None
Treasure D Treasure None
Morale +1 Morale Normal
XP 15 XP 40

Hobgoblins are man-sized humanoids who strongly A homunculus is a miniature servant created by a
resemble their smaller cousins, the Goblins, though wizard (with the aid of an alchemist). A
their skin is generally reddish-orange to red in color. homunculus is imp-like, having a manlike shape 1½
They speak their own language, while 45% also feet tall with bat-like wings and greenish or grayish
speak Goblin and 15% speak Common. reptilian skin. They are weak combatants but make
effective spies, messengers, and scouts.
When encountered in their lair, they will be led by a
Hobgoblin King having 4+1 hit dice and doing 1d10 The bite of a homunculus inflicts a poison that
points of damage on a hit. He will have 1d3+1 causes the victim to sleep (as the spell) unless the
bodyguards who all have 3+1 hit dice and also do victim succeeds at a save vs. Poison. Note that this
1d10 points of damage on a hit. poison works only on living creatures, but can
affect a creature having any number of hit dice.
Hobgoblins see well in the darkness, having
Infravision with a 6" range. On the other hand, they A homunculus knows what its master knows and
are very uncomfortable in bright light, and suffer can convey to him or her everything it sees and
penalties of -1 on attack rolls and morale checks if hears, out to a 36" range. A homunculus cannot
they must fight in full daylight. speak, but the process of creating one links it
telepathically with its creator so long as it remains
within the given range; it will never travel beyond
this range willingly, though it can be removed
forcibly. If this occurs, the creature does everything
in its power to regain contact with its master. If a
homunculus is killed, its death causes 2d10 points of
damage to its master (regardless of the range). If
the creature’s master is slain, the homunculus dies
and its body swiftly melts away into a pool of ichor.
A homunculus can be created by an alchemist in
1d4 weeks. A cost of no less than 1,000 GP must be
spent, and the Magic-User must provide a pint of
his or her blood. Once the form of the creature has
been created, the Magic-User must cast a limited
wish spell to animate it.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Hydra Hyena (and Hyenodon)

Common Fire Breathing Hyena Hyenodon
Armor Class 5 5 Armor Class 7 7
Hit Dice 5 to 12 5* to 12* Hit Dice 2+1 3+1
No. Attacks – 1 per head – No. Attacks 1 bite 1 bite
Damage 1d6, 1d8, or 1d10 according to size Damage 1d6 1d8
Move – 12" – Move 18" 12"
Alignment – Neutral – Alignment Neutral Neutral
No. Appearing – 1 – No. Appearing 1d8 1d8
% in Lair – 25% – % in Lair
Treasure – B – Treasure None None
Morale – Normal – Morale Normal +1
XP 200 to 1,300 325 to 2,175 XP 30 50

A hydra is a heavy-bodied reptilian monster with Hyenas are doglike carnivores who exhibit some of
multiple heads. Each head is at the end of a the behaviors of canines but are not related. They
serpentine neck, permitting the hydra to attack not only hunt but also scavenge and steal meals.
multiple creatures at the same time. The referee A hungry hyena will chew on anything that is even
should choose what size of hydra is encountered; remotely tainted by blood, meat or other food
those with more heads are larger and do more traces. They will mostly be found in the same
damage, as follows: savanna-like environments where lions and zebras
may be found. They can live in clans of up to a
# Heads Damage per Attack
hundred individuals, though smaller groups are
5-7 1d6
more common. They are among the favorite pets
8-10 1d8
of gnolls, who may take them into regions where
11-12 1d10 they are not normally found.
A hydra may be slain by damage in the normal Hyenodon: These ancient four legged predators
fashion; however, most who fight them choose to are named for their tooth shape, and while they
strike at their heads. If a character using a melee are not technically prehistoric hyenas, the statistics
weapon chooses to strike at a head and succeeds work for the giant prehistoric varieties of hyenas as
in doing 6 points of damage, that head is disabled well. A notable feature is that their massively built
(severed or severely damaged) and will no longer skull features a long jaw (similar to that of a
be able to attack. Such damage also applies to crocodile) full of teeth, with four great fangs.
the monster's total hit points, of course. Losing
heads in this way does not reduce the monster's hit
dice, damage per attack, or attack probabilities.
A hydra which survives the loss of one or more
heads will grow them back over time.
Some rare hydras have the ability to breathe fire;
those that do may breathe once per head each
day. Their breath covers a cone 2" long and 2"
wide at the furthest point and causes 4d6 points of

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Insect Swarm Invisible Stalker

Armor Class Immune to normal weapons, Armor Class 3
including most magical types Hit Dice 8*
Hit Dice 2*, 3*, or 4* No. Attacks 1
No. Attacks 1 swarm Damage 4d4
Damage 1d3 (double against no armor) Move 12"
Move 3" Fly 6" Alignment Chaotic
Alignment Neutral No. Appearing N/A
No. Appearing 1 swarm, Wild 1d3 swarms % in Lair None
% in Lair 0% Treasure None
Treasure None Morale Never checks
Morale +2 XP 1,250
XP 40, 80, or 140
Invisible stalkers are creatures native to another
An insect swarm is not a single creature; rather, it is extradimensional plane. They sometimes serve
a large group of ordinary flying or crawling insects wizards, who summon them to perform specific
moving as a unit. In general, a swarm fills a volume tasks; see the spell invisible stalker for details. Note
equal to three 10' cubes, though it is possible for a that they are fully invisible all the time, and so
swarm to become more compact in order to move attacking one will be difficult without some way of
through a small doorway or narrow corridor. If the detecting it (such as by the spell detect invisible).
swarm consists of crawling insects, it covers three
A summoned invisible stalker undertakes whatever
10' squares and the flying movement above is
task the summoner commands, even if the task
sends it hundreds or thousands of miles away. The
Any living creature within the volume or area of the creature follows a command until the task is
swarm suffers 1d3 points of damage each round. completed and obeys only the summoner.
Damage rolls are doubled if the victim is However, it will resent protracted missions or
unarmored (for creatures which do not wear complex tasks and seek to pervert its instructions
armor, any creature having worse than Armor Class accordingly.
7 is considered unarmored).
Damage is reduced to a single point per round for
three rounds if the character manages to exit the Armor Class 8
swarm. It is possible to “ward off” the insects by Hit Dice ½ (1d4 points)
swinging a weapon, shield, or other similar-sized No. Attacks 1 bite
object around, and in this case also damage is Damage 1d2
reduced to 1 point per round. If a lit torch is used in Move 18"
this way, the swarm takes 1d4 points of damage Alignment Neutral
per round. Weapons, even magic weapons, do No. Appearing 2d6
not harm an insect swarm. An entire swarm can be % in Lair 0%
affected by a sleep spell. Smoke can be used to
Treasure None
drive a swarm away; if the swarm moves away
Morale -2
from the victim(s) due to smoke, the damage stops
XP 10
immediately. Finally, a victim who dives into water
will take damage for only one more round. Jackals are small wild canines. They prefer to
attack prey en masse, swarming larger creatures
and trying to pull them down.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Jaguar Kobolds see well in the darkness, having Infravision

with a 6" range. On the other hand, they are very
Armor Class 4
uncomfortable in bright light, and suffer penalties
Hit Dice 4
of -1 on attack rolls and morale checks if they must
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite
fight in full daylight.
Damage 1d4/1d4/2d4
Move 21" Swim 9" Lammasu
Alignment Neutral
Armor Class 6
No. Appearing 1d6
Hit Dice 6+2*
% in Lair
No. Attacks 2 claws
Treasure None
Damage 1d6 each claw plus special
Morale Normal
Move 12" Fly 24"
XP 75
Alignment Lawful
These great cats are about 8 to 9 feet long (from No. Appearing 2d4
nose to tail-tip) and weigh about 1,650 coins. % in Lair 35%
Unlike other great cats, they enjoy swimming and Treasure A1
often hunt near rivers or lakes. Jaguars kill with their Morale Normal
powerful bite, preferring to deliver a fatal wound to XP 525
the skull of their prey.
Lammasu are winged lions with human-like heads.
Kobold They are intelligent and very Lawful, and will
generally give aid and protection to other Lawful
Armor Class 7
creatures. They can speak Common as well as any
Hit Dice ½ (1d4 points)
language spoken by Lawful creatures. A typical
No. Attacks 1
lammasu is about 8 feet long and weighs about
Damage 1d4 or by weapon type
5,000 coins.
Move 6"
Alignment Chaotic A lammasu has the spell abilities of a 6 th level Cleric.
They can become invisible at will (as if wearing a
No. Appearing 40d10
ring of invisibility), and teleport at will over short
% in Lair 50%
ranges as if casting dimension door. They are
Treasure 1d6 GP ea.
constantly surrounded by protection from evil, 10'
Morale -1
radius (as the spell).
XP 10

Kobolds are small greenish humanoids with pointed

ears and vaguely doglike muzzles. They average
about 3 feet tall and weigh 400 to 450 coins each.
They speak their own language; 35% also speak
Goblin, and 15% or so also speak Common. Most
kobolds encountered outside their homes are
warriors, and the statistics given above are for such
When encountered in their lair, the Kobolds will be
led by a Kobold Chief who has 2 hit dice and does
1d8 points of damage on a hit. He will be
protected by 5d6 elite guards who have 1 hit die
and do 1d6 points of damage on a hit.

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Leech, Giant empty sockets. Liches speak Common plus any

other languages they knew in life.
Armor Class 3
Hit Dice 6 A lich will have 12th level or higher spellcasting
No. Attacks 1 bite + hold ability, either as a Magic-User or as a Cleric (though
Damage 1d6 + 1d6/round most are former Magic-Users). Most are of higher
Move 9" levels, with 18th being more typical. In addition to
Alignment Neutral its spellcasting abilities and the resistances that
come from being undead, a lich's touch will
No. Appearing 1d4
paralyze living creatures (with no saving throw
% in Lair
allowed) for 2d4 turns. The sight of a lich will cause
Treasure None
any living creature of 4 or fewer levels or hit dice to
Morale Never checks
flee in fear unless a successful saving throw vs.
XP 300 Spells is made.
Giant leeches are slimy, segmented wormlike
creatures which live in water. Salt or fresh, clean or Lion
stagnant, there are giant leech varieties for all wet Armor Class 6
environments. However, only a true leech expert Hit Dice 5
can tell the various types apart. An average giant No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite
leech will be 4 to 6 feet long. Damage 1d4 each claw, 1d10 bite

Once a giant leech hits in combat, it attaches to Move 15"

the victim and sucks blood, causing an additional Alignment Neutral
1d6 damage each round until the victim or the No. Appearing 2d6
leech is dead. There is no way to remove the leech % in Lair 0%
other than to kill it. Treasure None
Morale Normal
Lich XP 200
Armor Class 3
These great cats rule the open plains. They are
Hit Dice 10**
intelligent hunters who will use good judgment in
No. Attacks 1
choosing what to attack.
Damage 1d10 plus special
Move 6" Living Statue
Alignment Chaotic Living statues are magically animated. They are
No. Appearing 1d4 true automatons, unlike golems, which are
% in Lair 60% animated by elemental spirits. While this means
Treasure A1 that living statues have no chance of going
Morale Normal “berserk,” it also means that they may only perform
XP 2,550 simple programmed activities. They may not be
commanded in any meaningful fashion. They
A lich is an undead (as described on page 68) make very effective guards for tombs, treasure
spellcaster, usually a wizard or sorcerer but rooms, and similar places.
sometimes a cleric or other spellcaster, who has
used its magical powers to unnaturally extend its Living statues can be crafted to resemble any sort
life. A lich is a gaunt and skeletal humanoid with of living creature, but most commonly are made to
withered flesh stretched tight across horribly visible look like humans or demi-humans. Their hit dice
bones. Its eyes have long ago been lost to decay, vary depending on the size of the statue; the first
but bright pinpoints of crimson light burn on in the number given represents a dwarf-sized statue, the

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

second a man-sized one, and the remaining two Living Statue, Volcanic
are successively larger statues.
Armor Class 4
Hit Dice 5*, 6*, 7*, or 8*
Living Statue, Common
No. Attacks 2 lava sprays
Armor Class 2
Damage 2d6 each spray
Hit Dice 3, 4, 5, or 6
Move 6"
No. Attacks 1 weapon or 2 fists
Alignment Neutral
Damage 2d6 weapon or 1d6 each fist
No. Appearing N/A
Move 6"
% in Lair None
Alignment Neutral
Treasure None
No. Appearing N/A
Morale Never checks
% in Lair None
XP 325, 525, 900, or 1,250
Treasure None
Morale Never checks A volcanic living statue attacks by spraying molten
XP 50, 75, 200, or 300 rock from its fingertips with a range of 1".

Common living statues have no special abilities. Lizard, Giant Draco

Those that were carved with weapons in hand may
Armor Class 5
strike once per round for 2d6 points of damage;
Hit Dice 4+2
those without weapons may strike once with each
No. Attacks 1 bite
fist for 1d6 points of damage each.
Damage 1d10
Living Statue, Iron Move 12" Fly 21" (see below)
Alignment Neutral
Armor Class 2
No. Appearing 1d4 Wild 1d8
Hit Dice 4*, 5*, 6*, or 7*
% in Lair
No. Attacks 1 weapon or 2 fists
Treasure None
Damage 2d8 weapon or 1d8 fist + special
Morale Normal
Move 3"
XP 75
Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing N/A Giant draco lizards are able to extend their ribs and
% in Lair None connected skin to form a sort of wing, allowing
Treasure None them to fly for short distances (no more than three
Morale Never checks rounds, and ascending is impossible). An average
XP 140, 325, 525, or 900 giant draco lizard is 8' long, including its nearly 3'
long tail. They are fierce predators.
If an iron living statue is struck by a non-magical
weapon made of metal (even if only partially
metal), the wielder must make a save vs. Spells or
the weapon will be stuck in the monster. If this
happens, it cannot be removed until the statue is

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Lizard, Giant Gecko The horns of the giant horned chameleon are used
only in mating rituals, not in combat.
Armor Class 5
Hit Dice 3+1
Lizard, Giant Tuatara
No. Attacks 1 bite
Armor Class 4
Damage 1d8
Hit Dice 6
Move 12" (special)
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite
Alignment Neutral
Damage 1d4/1d4/2d6
No. Appearing 1d6 Wild 1d10
Move 12"
% in Lair
Alignment Neutral
Treasure None
No. Appearing 1d2 Wild 1d4
Morale Normal
% in Lair
XP 50
Treasure None
Giant gecko lizards range from 4' to 6' in length, Morale Normal
and are generally green in color, though grey or XP 300
white versions can be found underground. They
can climb walls and even walk across ceilings at Giant tuataras are large, being 10' to 12' long, and
full movement rate due to their specialized toe heavily built. They are predators with a powerful
pads. They are carnivores, typically attacking shearing bite. Giant tuataras are more resistant to
weaker prey from above. cold than most lizards, and are thus sometimes
found hunting deep underground. They are also
Lizard, Giant Horned Chameleon known to hibernate in cold weather.
Armor Class 2
Lizard Man
Hit Dice 5
Armor Class 5
No. Attacks 1 tongue or 1 bite
Hit Dice 2+1
Damage grab or 2d6
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite or 1 weapon/1 bite
Move 12"
Damage 1d3 each claw, 1d8 bite
Alignment Neutral
or 1d6 or by weapon, 1d8 bite
No. Appearing 1d3 Wild 1d6
Move 6" Swim 12"
% in Lair
Alignment Chaotic
Treasure None
No. Appearing 10d4
Morale Normal
% in Lair 60%
XP 200
Treasure D
Giant horned chameleons average 8' to 10' in Morale Normal
length. They are typically green, but can change XP 30
color to blend into their surroundings, allowing them
A lizard man is usually 6 to 7 feet tall with green,
to surprise prey on 1-4 on 1d6. Giant horned
gray, or brown scales. Its tail is used for balance
chameleon have very long tongues, able to spring
and is 3 to 4 feet long. A lizard man can weigh
out up to 20' forward; the sticky muscular ball on
from 2,000 to 2,500 coins. Lizard men have their
the end grabs on to the chameleon's prey, and the
own language, and in addition 40% speak Dragon
chameleon then drags the prey to its mouth, doing
and 15% speak Common. There is no visible
bite damage automatically on the following round
difference between males and females, and both
(and all subsequent rounds, until the chameleon is
fight equally well.
killed or fails a morale check, or until the prey is
dead). Lizard men fight as unorganized individuals. They
prefer frontal assaults and massed rushes,

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

sometimes trying to force foes into the water where Lycanthrope, Werebear
the lizard men have an advantage.
Armor Class 2 (s)
When encountered in their lair, a tribe of lizard men Hit Dice 6*
will normally be led by a large individual having 4+1 No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite
hit dice and doing 1d4 with each claw and 1d10 Damage 1d4 each claw, 2d8 bite
with its bite; if armed with a weapon, this Lizard King Move 9"
will gain a bonus of +1 on damage rolls due to its Alignment 1d6: 1-4 = Lawful, 5-6 = Neutral
great strength. Despite the name "Lizard King" it is
No. Appearing 2d10
roughly equally likely that the leader will be male or
% in Lair 15%
female... though still, outsiders won't be able to tell.
Treasure C

Lycanthrope Morale Normal

XP 525
Lycanthropes are humans who are able to assume
the form of an animal. In its natural form, a Werebears in human form tend to be stout, well-
lycanthrope looks like any other human, though muscled, and hairy. Their hair is thick, and males
those who have been afflicted for a long time tend usually wear beards. They may have reddish,
to have or acquire features reminiscent of their blond, ivory, or black hair, matching the color of
animal forms. In animal form, a lycanthrope the ursine form. They dress in simple cloth and
resembles a powerful version of the normal animal, leather garments that are easy to remove, repair,
but on close inspection, its eyes show a faint spark or replace.
of unnatural intelligence.
If a werebear hits with a claw and the roll is a
Lycanthropy is spread like a disease. Those natural 18 or better, the werebear has hugged its
characters who take more than half of their hit opponent, doing an additional 2d6 points of
points in damage from the natural attacks of a damage. A hug can only be employed against
lycanthrope (or several lycanthropes of the same opponents of the werebear's own size or smaller.
type) will be transformed into one of that type of
lycanthrope in 2d12 days. This affliction can be Lycanthrope, Wereboar
prevented by cure disease, but once the Armor Class 4 (s)
character becomes a lycanthrope that spell will no
Hit Dice 4+1*
longer work.
No. Attacks 1 gore
If encountered in their lair, lycanthropes will be Damage 2d6 gore
found as one or more families; every 2-5 individuals Move 12"
will be a family consisting of two adults with the Alignment 1d6: 1-2 = Neutral, 3-6 = Chaotic
remainder being young of half hit dice. The young No. Appearing 2d10
lycanthropes will fight as long as the adults do, but
% in Lair 15%
if all adults are slain the young should be treated as
Treasure C
having been subdued; they will surrender and be
Morale Normal
obedient to the attackers if the attackers so permit.
XP 140
Lycanthrope groups (or packs) encountered
outside their lairs will consist entirely of adults. A wereboar in humanoid form tends to be a stocky,
muscular individual of average height. They dress
in simple garments that are easy to remove, repair,
or replace.

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Lycanthrope, Wererat Lycanthrope, Werewolf

Armor Class 7 (s) Armor Class 5 (s)
Hit Dice 3* Hit Dice 4*
No. Attacks 1 bite/1 weapon No. Attacks 1 bite
Damage 1d4 bite, 1d6 or by weapon type Damage 2d4 bite
Move 12" Move 15"
Alignment Chaotic Alignment 1d6: 1-2 = Neutral, 4-6 = Chaotic
No. Appearing 8d4 No. Appearing 2d10
% in Lair 25% % in Lair 15%
Treasure C Treasure C
Morale Normal Morale Normal
XP 80 XP 140

A wererat in human form tends to be a thin, wiry Werewolves in their human form appear quite
individual of shorter than average height. Its eyes ordinary. However, they often try to assert their
constantly dart around, and the nose and mouth dominance over any group of non-werewolves.
may twitch if he or she is excited. Males often have
thin, ragged mustaches. Manticora
Wererats can move as silently as a 7 th level Thief. In Armor Class 4
addition to assuming human and giant rat forms, a Hit Dice 6+1*
wererat can assume an intermediate form which is No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite/24 spikes
man-shaped with a rat's head and rat fur over its Damage 1d3 each claw, 1d8 bite,
entire body. A wererat can summon and control 1d6 each spike
8d10 ordinary or 2d6 giant rats; however, a group Move 12" Fly 18"
of wererats can summon at most 10d10 ordinary or Alignment Chaotic
3d6 giant rats total. Summoned rats will begin No. Appearing 1d4
appearing 2d4 rounds after being called, with one- % in Lair 25%
third appearing each round thereafter. Treasure D
Morale Normal
Lycanthrope, Weretiger XP 525
Armor Class 3 (s)
Hit Dice 5*
A manticora has the body of a lion with a human-
like face and a spiked tail. Its tail will have 20+2d4
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite
spikes which can be launched up to 6 at a time at
Damage 1d4 each claw, 1d10 bite
one or more adjacent opponents up to 18" away.
Move 12"
Roll for each spike separately, treating them as
Alignment 1d6: 1-4 = Neutral, 5-6 = Chaotic
equivalent to crossbow bolts.
No. Appearing 2d10
A typical manticora is about 10 feet long and
% in Lair 15%
weighs about 10,000 coins.
Treasure C
Morale Normal
XP 325

Weretigers in human form tend to be sleekly

muscular, taller than average, and very agile.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Mastodon Mermen
Armor Class 2 Armor Class 7
Hit Dice 15 Hit Dice 1*
No. Attacks 1 tusk/1 trunk/2 feet No. Attacks 1 weapon
Damage 3d6 tusk, 2d8 trunk, 2d6 foot Damage 1d6 or by weapon type
Move 12" Move 3" Swim 12"
Alignment Neutral Alignment 1d6: 1-2 = Lawful, 3-5 = Neutral,
No. Appearing 2d8 6 = Chaotic
% in Lair 0% No. Appearing 4d10 (8d10 in lair)
Treasure None % in Lair 40%
Morale Normal Treasure A3
XP 1,700 Morale Normal
XP 20
These prehistoric relatives of the elephant are
intelligent and able to communicate with each Mermen (and their feminine equivalent Mermaids)
other in a rudimentary way. They are more have human-like upper bodies and fish-like lower
aggressive than the common elephant and will parts. Mermen are usually armed with tridents
attack any creature they see as a threat. (treat as pole arms) and darts (treat as thrown
daggers); some may instead be armed with water-
Medusa adapted crossbows (treat as light crossbows, with
Armor Class 8 all ranges reduced 50% underwater). They do not
normally carry treasure on their persons.
Hit Dice 4**
No. Attacks 1 weapon/1 gaze/1 bite For every 8 mermen in a group there will be a
Damage 1d6 or by weapon type, leader having 2 hit dice and doing +1 damage on
petrification, poison any successful hit due to great Strength. In their lair
Move 9" will be a King having 4 hit dice and a +2 Strength
Alignment Chaotic bonus, along with 1d4 guards having 3 hit dice and
No. Appearing 1d4 a +1 Strength bonus (this in addition to the 2 hit die
% in Lair 75% leaders previously mentioned). There is a 35%
Treasure F chance of a merman (or mermaid) having Clerical
abilities of levels 2-5 (1d4+1); that individual will
Morale Normal
have 2 hit dice but no bonus for Strength.
XP 205

A medusa has the torso of a woman with a

serpentine lower body. Her face is hideous and she
has writhing serpents in place of hair. The gaze of a
medusa can turn a living creature to stone. It is
safe to view a medusa with a mirror, but should she
see her own reflection she will herself be turned to
stone. In either case, the victim is allowed a save
vs. Petrification to resist the magic.
Worse yet, the bites of her serpent-hair are
poisonous; treat all the bites as a single attack.
Anyone bitten by them must save vs. Poison or die.
Any character using a mirror to fight a medusa
suffers a penalty of -2 on all attack rolls.

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Minotaur Mummy
Armor Class 6 Armor Class 3 (m)
Hit Dice 6 Hit Dice 5+1**
No. Attacks 1 butt/1 bite/1 weapon No. Attacks 1
Damage 2d4 butt, 1d3 bite, Damage 1d12
1d6 or by weapon type Move 6"
Move 12" Alignment Chaotic
Alignment Chaotic No. Appearing 1d12
No. Appearing 1d8 % in Lair 30%
% in Lair 10% Treasure D
Treasure C Morale Normal
Morale Normal XP 450
XP 300
Mummies are undead monsters (as described on
A minotaur appears to be a hairy, bull-headed page 68), preserved corpses animated through the
humanoid standing more than 7 feet tall and auspices of dark desert gods best forgotten. Most
weighing about 7,000 coins. Minotaurs speak their mummies are 5 to 6 feet tall and weigh about 1,200
own language, and are 60% likely to speak Giant coins. A mummy is intelligent, having a dark and
and 10% likely to speak Common. Though of low twisted version of the personality it had in life; most
intelligence, minotaurs have a natural talent for can speak Common, but seldom bother to do so.
solving mazes; they are never lost and can track
Mummies are immune to all non-magical weapons,
prey (or enemies) quite well.
and further take only half damage from magical
Mountain Lion weapon attacks. However, they are vulnerable to
fire, taking full damage from any fire-based attack
Armor Class 6
(even if not magical).
Hit Dice 3+2
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite Wounds caused by a mummy will be infected with
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d6 a rotting disease, and will thus take ten times the
usual time to heal. A cure disease spell applied
Move 15"
right away (no more than 6 turns after the wounds
Alignment Neutral
were inflicted) will permit the wounds to heal in just
No. Appearing Wild 1d4, Lair 1d4
twice the normal time. Magical healing such as
% in Lair
cure light wounds will be ineffective against the
Treasure None damage caused by the mummy if the disease is
Morale Normal not cured, but will work normally otherwise.
XP 50

These great cats are about 7 feet long (from nose

to tail-tip) and weigh about 1400 coins. They see
well in darkness and may be found hunting day or

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Nixie Ochre Jelly

Armor Class 7 Armor Class 8
Hit Dice 1* Hit Dice 5*
No. Attacks 1 No. Attacks 1
Damage 1d4 or by weapon type Damage 2d6
Move 12" Move 3"
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing 10d10 No. Appearing 1
% in Lair 100% % in Lair None
Treasure B Treasure None
Morale Normal Morale Never checks
XP 20 XP 325

Nixies are a type of sprite which live in the water. An ochre jelly is a form of amorphous creature that
Working together, 10 or more nixies may cast a lives only to eat. They inhabit underground areas
form of charm person with a 3" range once per throughout the world, scouring caverns, ruins, and
day; any character charmed by nixies will dungeons in search of organic matter, living or
immediately attempt to enter the water where dead. They are unintelligent, attacking any
they live and serve them for a year. Characters creatures they encounter. They attack by lashing
charmed by nixies can breathe normally out with pseudopods; their entire body exudes
underwater for as long as the charm persists. Dispel acid, which is the source of the damage their
magic will cancel this effect 75% of the time if cast attacks cause. An ochre jelly's acid does not harm
before the victim has stepped into the water, or stone or metal but does dissolve wood.
40% of the time if cast before the victim has fully
Ochre jellies are harmed by fire or cold attacks, but
are unharmed by other attack forms. Neither
Nixies are armed with daggers and small throwing weapons nor lightning bolts will harm an ochre jelly,
javelins (doing 1d4 points of damage with a range instead splitting the creature into two identical
of 6"). Normal or giant-sized fish living in their pond jellies, each having half of the original’s hit dice
or river will serve them; up to 10d10 normal fish or (round up) and current hit points (round down). A
3d10 giant-sized fish will appear within 1d4 rounds 1 hit die ochre jelly will not divide further, but is still
of being called, and will fight without checking unaffected by lightning and weapons. All other
morale. attack forms will work normally.
An ochre jelly can grow to a diameter of about 5
feet and a thickness of about 1 foot, but can
compress its body to fit into cracks as small as 1
(normal, not scale) inch wide. A typical specimen
weighs about 5,000 coins.

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Octopus, Giant Ogres favor overwhelming odds, sneak attacks,

and ambushes over a fair fight. They are intelligent
Armor Class 1
enough to fire missile weapons first to soften up
Hit Dice 8
their foes before closing, but ogre gangs and
No. Attacks 8 tentacles/1 bite
bands fight as unorganized individuals.
Damage 1d4 per tentacle/1d6
Move Swim 9" Ogre Mage
Alignment Neutral
Armor Class 4
No. Appearing 1d2
Hit Dice 5+2**
% in Lair
No. Attacks 1 weapon or spell
Treasure None
Damage 1d12 or by weapon type +3
Morale Normal
Move 9" Fly 15"
XP 700
Alignment Chaotic
These creatures are aggressive and territorial No. Appearing 1d6
hunters, with arms reaching 10 feet or more in % in Lair 40%
length. Their tentacles are studded with barbs and Treasure E
sharp-edged suckers. In order to bite a creature, Morale Normal
the giant octopus must hit with at least two XP 450
tentacles first.
Ogre magi (the plural form) are unusually intelligent
If a giant octopus fails a morale check, it will squirt and magically gifted ogres. An ogre mage stands
out a cloud of black “ink” 4" in diameter and then about 10 feet tall and weighs up to 7,000 coins. Its
jet away at twice normal speed for 2d6 rounds. skin varies in color from light green to light blue,
and its hair is black or very dark brown. Ogre magi
Ogre favor loose, comfortable clothing and lightweight
Armor Class 5 armor.
Hit Dice 4+1
They have several magical abilities. They can
No. Attacks 1 weapon
become invisible as if wearing a ring of invisibility,
Damage 1d10 or by weapon type +3
cast darkness with a 1" radius three times per day,
Move 9" fly as the spell for an unlimited amount of time, cast
Alignment Chaotic charm person and sleep once each per day, and
No. Appearing 3d6 cast cold once per day (as the wand, doing 8d6
% in Lair 30% points of damage). Ogre magi regenerate 1 hit
Treasure C + 1,000 GP point per round, beginning on the round after the
Morale Normal first damage is taken; however, if reduced to 0 hit
XP 75 points they will not continue to regenerate.

Ogres are large humanoid monsters with brutish

faces. Adult ogres stand 9 to 10 feet tall and weigh
6,000 to 6,500 coins. Their skin color ranges from
dull yellow to dull brown. Their clothing consists of
poorly-cured furs and hides, which add to their
naturally repellent odor.
Ogres speak their own language, and 35% speak
the language of either Orcs or Giants, while 10%
speak Common.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Orc ivory color. A full-grown male can stand as tall as 8

feet and weigh up to 15,000 coins. Adventurers
Armor Class 6
who have survived encounters with the creature
Hit Dice 1
often speak of the bestial madness they glimpsed
No. Attacks 1 weapon
in its red-rimmed eyes.
Damage 1d6 or by weapon type
Move 9" Owlbears attack prey (any creature bigger than a
Alignment Chaotic mouse) on sight, always fighting to the death. They
slash with claws and beak, trying to grab their prey
No. Appearing 3d10 (In Wild 10d10; In Lair 30d10)
and rip it apart. If an owlbear hits with a claw and
% in Lair 50%
the roll is a natural 18 or better, the owlbear has
Treasure D
hugged its opponent, doing an additional 2d8
Morale Normal
points of damage. A hug can only be employed
XP 15 against opponents of the owlbear's own size or
Orcs are short humanoids (around 5' tall) with smaller.
solidly-built bodies. Their upturned noses, wide
pointed ears, and beady eyes give their faces a Pegasus
piglike appearance. Armor Class 6
Hit Dice 2+2
Parties met in the wilderness are 50% likely to be
No. Attacks 2 hooves
guarding a wagon train of 2d4 wagons. The
Damage 1d8 each hoof
wagons will contain mostly supplies, but scattered
through the wagons will be a standard type D Move 24" Fly 48"
treasure hoard. Alignment Lawful
No. Appearing 1d12
Orc lairs are 65% likely to be cave complexes;
% in Lair None
otherwise they will be walled villages of crude huts.
Treasure None
Lairs are often ruled by more powerful creatures,
such as a dragon or a band of ogres. Chaotic Morale Normal
Human Fighters, Magic-Users, or even Clerics may XP 30
also be found ruling some orc tribes. The pegasus is a magnificent winged horse.
Though highly prized as aerial steeds, pegasi are
Owlbear wild and shy creatures not easily tamed. A typical
Armor Class 5 pegasus stands 6 feet high at the shoulder, weighs
Hit Dice 5 15,000 coins, and has a wingspan of 20 feet. If a
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite + special pegasus is captured by a Lawful character it will
Damage 1d6 each claw, 1d12 bite serve that character as if it were a warhorse.
Move 12" Pegasi cannot speak, but they understand
Alignment Neutral Common.
No. Appearing 1d4+1
% in Lair 55%
Treasure None
Morale Never checks
XP 200

Owlbears are horrid monsters having the body of a

bear and an owl-like head with a huge, razor-sharp
beak. An owlbear’s coat ranges in color from
brown-black to yellowish brown; its beak is a dull

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Phase Spider Pixies are naturally invisible, and do not become

visible after attacking. This makes it very hard
Armor Class 6
indeed to fight pixies. One may become visible at
Hit Dice 5**
will, and may resume invisibility instantly if desired.
No. Attacks 1 bite
Damage 1d6 bite plus poison Pixies are tricksters, but are rarely malicious. On the
Move 6" Web 15" other hand, they are often seen as somewhat cold-
Alignment Chaotic hearted toward those in need. Those who
successfully befriend pixies will find them to be
No. Appearing 1d6
staunch allies.
% in Lair 15%
Treasure A
Purple Worm
Morale Normal
Armor Class 6
XP 450
Hit Dice 15
Phase spiders are giant spiders with the ability to No. Attacks 1 bite/1 sting
move quickly from the Ethereal Plane to attack Damage 2d12 bite, 1d8 plus poison sting
opponents on the Material Plane. While out of Move 6"
phase, a phase spider cannot be harmed by most Alignment Neutral
forms of attack, though gaze weapons (such as the No. Appearing 1d4
gaze of a medusa) will affect them. A phase door
% in Lair 25%
spell may be used to force a phase spider to
Treasure D
remain in its current phase for 7 rounds. Characters
Morale Never checks
using an oil of etherealness or similar magic will be
XP 1,700
able to attack the phase spider when it is out of
phase (ethereal) but not when it is in phase. The body of a mature purple worm is nearly 10 feet
A typical phase spider is 8 feet long and weighs in diameter and as much as 60 feet long. The
about 7,000 coins. creature has a poisonous stinger in its tail, but its
most fearsome feature is its ability to swallow
Pixie creatures up to ogre size whole. On any successful
bite where the roll is 4 or more points higher than
Armor Class 6
the number needed to hit, the purple worm has
Hit Dice 1**
swallowed its victim whole. Apply the normal
No. Attacks 1 weapon
damage for that round, plus an additional 2d12 for
Damage 1d4 or by weapon type
each round the victim is in the monster's gut until it
Move 9" Fly 18" is dead. After six turns the victim's body will be fully
Alignment Neutral digested and thus unrecoverable.
No. Appearing 10d10
% in Lair 25%
Treasure C
Morale Normal
XP 25

Pixies are a variety of sprites, little winged elf-like

beings who live in the forest. They wear bright
clothing, often including a cap and shoes with
curled and pointed toes. A pixie stands about 2-
1/2 feet tall and weighs about 300 coins.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Rat Red Cap

Normal Giant Armor Class 6
Armor Class 9 7 Hit Dice 3*
Hit Dice 1 Hit Point ½ (1d4 hit points) No. Attacks 1 weapon
No. Attacks 1 bite per pack 1 bite Damage 1d6 or by weapon
Damage 1d6 + disease 1d4 + disease Move 18" (12")
Move 6" Swim 3" 12" Swim 6" Alignment Chaotic
Alignment Neutral Neutral No. Appearing 1d4
No. Appearing 5d10 3d6 % in Lair
% in Lair 25% 25% Treasure D
Treasure None None Morale Normal
Morale Normal -1/+1, see below XP 80
XP 200* 10
Red Caps are malevolent fey creatures who prey
These omnivorous rodents thrive almost anywhere. upon travelers seeking refuge in ruins or
Normal rats attack as a swarm; each point of abandoned castles. Distantly related to both
damage done to the swarm reduces their numbers goblins and fairies, they appear as small ugly men
by one animal. with unkempt hair, red eyes, and wickedly crooked
teeth. A red cap wears a blood-red hat on its
Giant rats are simply huge (roughly dog-sized)
head and iron shoes that magically enhance its
versions of ordinary rats. Though technically
speed; only a red cap can use these shoes, but
unintelligent, they are smart enough to evaluate
without them the creature is reduced to the lower
their tactical situation, and thus do make morale
speed given in parentheses above. Red caps tend
checks. A giant rat can grow to be up to 4 feet
to attack only helpless targets, usually wielding long
long and weigh over 500 coins. A single giant rat,
knives or other bladed weapons that will spill blood.
or a small group of up to four, will generally be shy,
but larger packs attack fearlessly, biting and Red caps are cunning and stealthy; within its lair,
chewing with their sharp incisors. one has the abilities of a 6 th level Thief, including
the ability to backstab. Outside its lair, a red cap is
Any rat bite has a 5% chance of causing a disease.
limited to 3rd level Thief abilities.
A character who suffers one or more rat bites
where the die roll indicates disease will sicken in A red cap can also cast sleep once daily, which it
3d6 hours. The infected character will lose one uses to incapacitate those it intends to murder.
point of Constitution per hour; after losing each
The hat of a red cap must be soaked in blood
point, the character is allowed a save vs. Death
regularly, or its owner will wither and fade away.
Ray (adjusted by the current Constitution bonus or
The hat, even if inert for years, can summon a red
penalty) to break the fever and end the disease.
cap if soaked in fresh blood. Only total destruction
Any character reduced to zero Constitution is
of the hat guarantees a true end.
dead. If the fever is broken or a cure disease spell
is applied, Constitution lost will be regained at a
rate of 1 point per day.
* Note: The XP award for normal rats is for driving
away or killing an entire pack of normal size. If the
adventurers are forced to flee, the referee should
award 2 XP per rat slain.

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Rhagodessa, Giant Rhinoceros

Armor Class 4 Black Woolly
Hit Dice 4 Armor Class 3 1
No. Attacks 2 legs/1 bite Hit Dice 8 12
Damage grab/grab/2d8 No. Attacks – 1 butt or 1 trample –
Move 15" Climb 15" Damage 2d6 or 2d8 2d8 or 2d12
Alignment Neutral Move 12" 12"
No. Appearing 1d4, Wild 1d6, Lair 1d6 Alignment Neutral Neutral
% in Lair No. Appearing 1d12 1d8
Treasure U % in Lair
Morale Normal Treasure None None
XP 75 Morale +1 +1
XP 700 1,300
The rhagodessa is related to both spiders and
scorpions, though it is not properly either. The rhinoceros is infamous for its bad temper and
Rhagodessas have “pedipalps,” an elongated willingness to charge intruders.
extra pair of legs in front that have sticky pads on
The statistics presented here are based on the
them for capturing prey.
African black rhino, which is 6 to 14 feet long, 3 to 6
Giant rhagodessas are the size of a pony. Those feet high at the shoulder, and weighs up to 6,0000
found in desert terrain are generally marked in coins. These statistics can describe any herbivore
yellow, red, and brown, while those found of similar size and similar natural weapons (antlers,
underground may be black or white in color (those horns, tusks, or the like).
found in the deepest caverns are always white).
The woolly rhinoceros is a prehistoric beast with
Like spiders, they can climb walls, but they are
long fur, found in primitive “lost world” areas in
unable to cross ceilings or otherwise climb entirely
colder territories. They behave much as the black
upside down.
rhino does.
A hit by a leg does no damage, but the victim is
stuck fast, and will be drawn to the rhagodessa's Roc
mouth the next round and automatically hit for 2d8 Large Huge Giant
damage. The rhagodessa will not use its bite Armor Class 4 4 4
attack against a foe it has not captured in this way, Hit Dice 6 12 18
and neither will it attack more than one foe with its No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite –
legs. If threatened, a rhagodessa which has
Damage 4d8 claw, 2d6 claw, 4d8 claw,
captured a victim will attempt to withdraw to 2d6 bite 3d6 bite 4d6 bite
consume its prey in peace. Move – 6" Fly 48" –
Alignment – Neutral –
No. Appearing – 1d20 –
% in Lair – 20% –
Treasure – I –
Morale Normal +1 +2
XP 300 1,300 2,075

A roc is a variety of gigantic eagle. There are

several different species of roc, of different sizes as
shown above. They are voracious predators; true
giant rocs may even prey upon elephants.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Rock Baboon notice the grubs. During the first two rounds, a
burrowing rot grub can be killed by applying fire to
Armor Class 6
the infested skin or by cutting open the infested skin
Hit Dice 2
with any slashing weapon. Either method deals 1d8
No. Attacks 1 club/1 bite
points of damage to the victim, but kills the grubs.
Damage 1d6/1d4
After the second round, only a cure disease can kill
Move 40' the grubs before they burrow to the victim’s heart
Alignment Neutral and devour it in 1d3 turns.
No. Appearing 2d6 Lair 5d6
% in Lair Rust Monster
Treasure None Armor Class 2
Morale Normal Hit Dice 5*
XP 30 No. Attacks 1 touch
Damage special
Rock baboons are a large, particularly intelligent
variety of baboon. An adult male rock baboon is 4' Move 12"
to 5' tall and weighs 200 to 2500 coins, with females Alignment Neutral
being a bit smaller and lighter. No. Appearing 1d20
% in Lair 25%
Rock baboons are omnivorous, but prefer meat.
Treasure E
They are aggressive, naturally cruel creatures. They
will prepare ambushes in rocky or forested terrain Morale Normal
and attack any party they outnumber. XP 325

The rust monster is universally feared by warriors for

Rot Grub its ability to rust or corrode metal (such as weapons
Armor Class 9 or armor), weakening or destroying them. A rust
Hit Dice 1 hp monster is shaped vaguely like a turtle, with
No. Attacks 1 bite feathery prehensile antennae with which it
Damage special performs its rusting attack. The hide of these
Move 1" creatures varies in color from a yellowish tan
Alignment Neutral underside to a rust-red upper back.
No. Appearing 5d4 On a successful hit, the rust monster reduces metal
% in Lair 100% armor (even magical armor) to little more than
Treasure None flakes. Hitting a rust monster with a metal weapon
Morale Never checks has the same effect on the weapon. The rust
XP 10 monster subsists on the metals thus corroded.

Rot grubs are 1-inch long vermin found in carrion, The typical rust monster measures 5 feet long and 3
dung, and other such garbage and organic feet high, weighing 2,000 coins.
material. Their skin color is white or brown. When a
living creature contacts an area (dung heap, offal,
etc) infested with rot grubs, the grubs will attack if
they can come in contact the victim’s skin. A rot
grub secretes an anesthetic when it bites and will
burrow into the flesh. A burrowing grub can be
noticed if the victim succeeds at a Wisdom check.
If successful, the victim sees strange rippling
beneath his skin. If failed, the creature does not

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Sabre-Tooth Tiger opponent while fighting others with weapons.

Metal weapons wielded by a flame salamander
Armor Class 6
will add 1d6 points of heat damage after 2 rounds
Hit Dice 8
of combat, or immediately if the weapon was
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite
carried on the flame salamander's person.
Damage 1d4 each claw, 2d6 bite
Move 15" The lower body of a salamander is Armor Class 2;
Alignment Neutral attacks meant to free a victim being constricted
must be against that figure. Doing 8 or more points
No. Appearing 1d4
of damage in an attack against the lower body of
% in Lair 0%
a salamander will cause it to reflexively free its
Treasure None
Morale Normal
XP 700 Flame, frost, and lightning salamanders hate each
other, and each type will attack the others on sight,
This prehistoric great cat is named for its long in preference over any other foe.
canine teeth, which give it a deadly bite. They are
canny hunters, stalking prey alone or in small Salamander, Frost
groups. Armor Class -1 (m)
Hit Dice 12*
Salamander, Flame
No. Attacks 4 claws or 1 weapon/1 bite + cold
Armor Class 4/2 (m)
Damage 1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6 or by
Hit Dice 7+3* weapon/2d6 + 1d6/round
No. Attacks 1 touch/1 constriction/1 weapon Move 12"
+ heat
Alignment Neutral
Damage special, 2d8 per round,
No. Appearing 1d3
1d8 or by weapon type,
1d6 per round % in Lair 40%
Move 9" Treasure F
Alignment Chaotic Morale Normal
No. Appearing 1d4+1 XP 2,175
% in Lair 40%
Frost Salamanders are creatures formed from
Treasure F elemental water. They look like giant lizards with six
Morale Normal legs; they can raise the front portion of their bodies
XP 900 and use their forelegs as arms, even to the point of
wielding weapons. Frost salamanders are very
Flame Salamanders are creatures formed from
cold, and all non-cold-resistant creatures within 2"
elemental fire. They have long serpentine bodies
suffer 1d6 points of damage per round from the
with human-like torsos and snake-like heads. Flame
cold. Metal weapons wielded by a frost
salamanders are quite intelligent, and often speak
salamander will add 1d6 points of cold damage
Common, Elvish, and/or Dragon as well as their
after 2 rounds of combat, or immediately if the
own language.
weapon was carried on the frost salamander's
A flame salamander generates so much heat that person. Frost salamanders are completely immune
all creatures vulnerable to heat within 2" suffer 1d6 to all types of cold-based attacks.
points of damage per round. One can wrap its
Frost salamanders are quite intelligent; besides their
body around a creature of man-sized or smaller
own language, many also speak Common, Elvish,
and do 2d8 points of constriction damage per
and/or Dragon.
round. Finally, one may be armed with a weapon
and fight like a man; they may even constrict one

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Flame, frost, and lightning salamanders hate each Scorpion, Giant

other, and each type will attack the others on sight,
Armor Class 5
in preference over any other foe.
Hit Dice 4
No. Attacks 2 pincers/1 sting
Salamander, Lightning
Damage 1d10 pincer, ld4 plus poison sting
Armor Class 0 (m)
Move 15"
Hit Dice 10*
Alignment Neutral
No. Attacks 2 bites plus lightning
No. Appearing 1d6
Damage 2d4/2d4 + 1d6/round
% in Lair 10%
Move 12"
Treasure None
Alignment Chaotic
Morale Normal
No. Appearing 1d3
% in Lair 40%
Treasure F Giant scorpions are fierce and deadly predators;
Morale Normal their pincer attacks alone would make them
XP 1,800 formidable, but they are also equipped with a
deadly poisonous stinger. They prefer to hide in
Lightning Salamanders are creatures formed from dark places and spring out at prey as it comes
elemental air. A lightning salamander resembles a within reach.
giant snake more than 12' long with two dragonlike
heads (on short but flexible necks). A lightning Sea Horse, Giant
salamander constantly emits little bolts of lightning;
Armor Class 7
all non-lightning-resistant creatures within 2" of the
Hit Dice 2
monster suffer 1d6 points of damage per round
No. Attacks 1 bite
from being struck by them. Striking a lightning
Damage 1d4 bite
salamander with a metal weapon results in 1d6
additional points of electrical damage to the Move 24"
wielder. They are immune to damage from any Alignment Neutral
type of electrical or lightning attack. No. Appearing 2d4
% in Lair 0%
Lightning salamanders are intelligent; besides their
Treasure None
own language, many will also know Elvish,
Morale Normal
Common, and/or Dragon.
XP 30
Despite having two heads, lightning salamanders
have only one mind; either head may speak, or Giant sea horses are simply enlarged versions of the
both may, but it is very rare to meet a lightning ordinary sort of creature. They are normally
salamander who can speak different words with inoffensive, but may be raised and trained as
each head at the same time (although those who mounts by tritons (or more rarely by mermen).
can are known to sing duets with themselves,
which may give away the location of the monster
to those listening).
Flame, frost, and lightning salamanders hate each
other, and each type will attack the others on sight,
in preference over any other foe.

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Sea Monster illuminated places. They are 5 to 6 feet tall,

generally man-shaped, and weightless. Despite
Armor Class 5 to 2
their appearance they are not undead monsters
Hit Dice 7 to 12
and thus do not share those creatures' weaknesses
No. Attacks 1 bite or 1-8 tentacles or 1-4 claws
or powers. Shadows are immune to charm and
Damage from 3d8 to 5d10 bite,
sleep magics.
or 2d6 to 4d6 tentacle,
or 2d4 to 4d4 claw Shadows lurk in dark places, waiting for living prey
Move Swim 9" to 21" to happen by. On a successful hit a shadow does
Alignment Neutral normal damage and drains 1 point of the target's
No. Appearing 1d8 Strength. A creature reduced to 0 points of
% in Lair Variable Strength by a shadow falls, apparently dead, but is
Treasure B transformed into a shadow in 2d4 hours. If not
Morale Normal completely reduced to 0 points of Strength, a
XP victim will begin regaining them at a rate of 1 per
turn after 8 turns have passed.
Sea monsters are a general class of creatures that
may be encountered on an ocean voyage. Some Shark, Bull
are serpentine, others constructed more like squids Armor Class 7
or octopi, and still others like truly huge crabs or Hit Dice 2
lobster. The referee should choose a type, then No. Attacks 1 bite
select features that seem reasonable. For instance,
Damage 2d4
a gigantic crab would certainly have the best
Move Swim 18"
armor class (2), and might have 9 hit dice and do
Alignment Neutral
4d4 points of damage with each of its two claw
No. Appearing 3d6
attacks. Or, it might have two different-sized claws
doing 3d4 and 4d4 points of damage respectively. % in Lair 0%
Treasure None
Whatever form they are found in, sea monsters are
Morale Normal
always voracious monsters who seek to sink ships
XP 30
and then eat whatever creatures they find thereon.
Bull sharks are so named because of their stocky,
Shadow broad build. Male bull sharks can grow up to 7'
Armor Class 7 (m) long and weigh around 2,000 coins, while females
Hit Dice 2+2 have been known to be up to 12' long, weighing
No. Attacks 1 up to 5,000 coins.
Damage 1d4 plus special Bull sharks are able to tolerate fresh water, and
Move 9" often travel up rivers in search of prey.
Alignment Chaotic
No. Appearing 2d10
% in Lair 0%
Treasure F
Morale Normal
XP 30

A shadow is an incorporeal monster, literally a kind

of living shadow. Only magical weapons will harm
a shadow. A shadow can be difficult to see in dark
or gloomy areas but stands out starkly in brightly

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Shark, Great White Shrew, Giant

Armor Class 1 Armor Class 4
Hit Dice 8 Hit Dice 1*
No. Attacks 1 bite No. Attacks 2 bites
Damage 2d10 Damage 1d6/1d6
Move Swim 18" Move 18"
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing 1d4 No. Appearing 1d4 Wild/Lair 1d8
% in Lair 0% % in Lair
Treasure None Treasure None
Morale +1 Morale +1
XP 700 XP 20

Great white sharks range from 12' to 15' in length on Giant shrews resemble giant rats, but are larger,
the average, though specimens ranging up to 30' being up to 6' long, and darker in color. They have
in length have been reported. They are apex a very fast metabolic rate and must eat almost
predators. Great white sharks have the ability to constantly. Giant shrews are omnivorous, and
sense the electromagnetic fields of living creatures, aggressively defend their nests and the immediate
allowing them to find prey even when light or water territory around them.
clarity are poor, and are able to smell blood at
Giant shrews move so swiftly that they are able to
great distances.
bite twice per round, and they may attack two
different adjacent opponents in this way.
Shark, Mako
Armor Class 5 A few giant shrew species (generally no more than
Hit Dice 4
5% of those encountered) are venomous. The bite
of such a giant shrew will kill the victim unless a
No. Attacks 1 bite
save vs. Poison is made. A victim bitten twice in a
Damage 2d6
round need only save once for that round, but of
Move Swim 24"
course will have to save again in subsequent
Alignment Neutral
rounds if bitten again. Venomous giant shrews are
No. Appearing 2d6 considered 1* with respect to hit dice.
% in Lair 0%
Treasure None Shrieker
Morale Normal Armor Class 7
XP 75 Hit Dice 3

Mako sharks are fast-moving predators found in No. Attacks Special

temperate and tropical seas. They average 9' to Damage None
13' in length and weigh up to 17,500 coins. Mako Move ½"
sharks are known for their ability to leap out of the Alignment Neutral
water; they are able to leap up to 20' in the air. No. Appearing 1d8
% in Lair 100%
Treasure None
Morale Never checks
XP 50

A shrieker is a large (3' to 5' tall and about the same

size across), semi-mobile fungus that emits a loud

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

noise as a defense mechanism when disturbed. Slug, Giant

Shriekers live in dark, subterranean places. They
Armor Class 8
come in several shades of purple.
Hit Dice 12
A shrieker has no means of attack. Instead, it lures No. Attacks 1 bite or 1 spit
monsters to its vicinity by emitting a loud noise. Damage 1d12 bite or 2d6 spit
Movement or a light source within 10 feet of a Move 6"
shrieker causes the fungus to emit a piercing sound Alignment Neutral
that lasts for 1d3 rounds. The sound attracts nearby
No. Appearing 1
creatures that are disposed to investigate it. Some
% in Lair 60%
creatures that live near shriekers learn that the
Treasure Special
fungus’ noise means there is food nearby. In game
terms, the referee should roll a wandering monster Giant slugs are truly huge, being 15 feet long, 8 feet
check each round that a shrieker shrieks. wide and around 5 feet thick. Their tough hide and
boneless bodies make them immune to blunt
Skeleton weapons, and give them the ability to squeeze
Armor Class 7 (see below) through spaces that would be too small for any
Hit Dice 1 other creature of such great bulk.
No. Attacks 1 A giant slug can spit its acid saliva a substantial
Damage 1d6 or by weapon distance, having a 6" short range, 12" medium
Move 12" range, and 18" long range. On its first such attack,
Alignment Neutral the slug suffers a -5 penalty to its chance to hit, but
No. Appearing 3d6 Wild 3d10 thereafter attacks at normal odds.
% in Lair 0%
Treasure None Snake, Giant Rattlesnake
Morale Never checks Armor Class 5
XP 15 Hit Dice 2*
No. Attacks 1 bite
Skeletons are undead monsters (as described on
Damage 1d8 + poison
page 68); they are the animated bones of the
Move 12"
dead, mindless automatons that obey the orders of
Alignment Neutral
their evil masters. A skeleton is seldom garbed in
anything more than the rotting remnants of any No. Appearing 1d2 Wild/Lair 1d2
clothing or armor it was wearing when slain. They % in Lair 5%
may be found anywhere an evil Magic-User or Treasure None
Cleric might place them (i.e. as guards for some Morale Normal
stronghold or treasure), but are most commonly XP 40
found in graveyards and catacombs.
Giant rattlesnakes are simply much enlarged
Skeletons take only ½ damage from edged versions of the normal rattlesnake (see pit vipers,
weapons, and only a single point from arrows, bolts below, for details). They average 14' to 20' in
or sling stones (plus any magical bonus). length at adulthood.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Snake, Pit Viper Snake, Python

Large Huge Huge Giant
Armor Class 6 5 Armor Class 6 5
Hit Dice 1* 2* Hit Dice 2* 5*
No. Attacks – 1 bite – No. Attacks – 1 bite/1 constrict –
Damage 1d4 + poison 1d6 + poison Damage 1d4/2d4 1d6/2d6
Move 9" 9" Move 12" 9"
Alignment Neutral Neutral Alignment Neutral Neutral
No. Appearing 1d4 1d4 No. Appearing 1d4 Lair 2d4 1d3
% in Lair 5% 5% % in Lair 5% 5%
Treasure None None Treasure None None
Morale Normal Normal Morale Normal Normal
XP 20 40 XP 40 325

Pit vipers are highly venomous snakes; those bitten After a successful bite attack, a python will wrap
by a pit viper must save vs. Poison or die. There are itself around its victim (in the same round),
many varieties ranging in size from 2' to 12' at constricting for 2d4 points of damage plus an
adulthood; the statistics above are for an additional 2d4 per round thereafter. The hold may
“average” variety which reaches about 9' in be broken on a roll of 1 on 1d6 (add the victim's
length. Strength bonus to the range, so a Strength of 16
would result in a range of 1-3 on 1d6); breaking the
Pit vipers are named for the thermally sensitive
hold takes a full round.
“pits” between their eyes and nostrils. These are
used to detect birds, mammals, and lizards, the Snake, Sea
natural prey of these snakes. Note that, even
Armor Class 6
though lizards are cold-blooded, pit vipers can still
Hit Dice 3*
sense them because their temperature will often
No. Attacks 1 bite
be slightly higher or lower than their surroundings.
Damage 1 + poison
Rattlesnakes are a variety of pit viper; in addition to Move 3" Swim 9"
the details given above, a rattlesnake has a rattle Alignment Neutral
(from which it gets its name) at the end of its tail.
No. Appearing 1d8
The rattle is used to warn away larger creatures.
% in Lair 0%
Treasure None
Morale Normal
XP 80

Sea snakes are relatively small; the largest varieties

rarely exceed 6' in length. They have relatively
small heads, and are very stealthy in the water.
Their bite does so little damage that the creature
bitten has only a 50% chance to notice the attack,
but their poison is terribly strong, such that any
creature bitten must save vs. Poison at a penalty of
-4 or die.
Fortunately, sea snakes rarely attack; only if
molested (grabbed, stepped on, etc.) will they do
so. They are very clumsy when out of the water.

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Snake, Spitting Cobra spectre will arise at the next sunset (but not sooner
than 6 hours after death) as a spectre under the
Armor Class 7
control of its killer.
Hit Dice 1*
No. Attacks 1 bite or 1 spit
Spider, Giant Black Widow
Damage 1d4 + poison or blindness
Armor Class 6
Move 9"
Hit Dice 3*
Alignment Neutral
No. Attacks 1 bite
No. Appearing 1d6
Damage 2d6 + poison
% in Lair 0%
Move 6" Web/Climb 12"
Treasure None
Alignment Neutral
Morale Normal
No. Appearing 1d3
XP 20
% in Lair 95%
Spitting cobras average about 7' in length at Treasure None
adulthood. They use their spreading hood to warn Morale Normal
other creatures not to bother them, and generally XP 80
refrain from attacking if possible to allow larger
creatures time to retreat. Failure to retreat from the The giant black widow spider is a much enlarged
spitting cobra will likely result in the cobra spitting version of the ordinary black widow; a full-grown
venom; the cobra can project its venom up to 5', male has a leg-span of 2 feet, while an adult
and any creature hit must roll a save vs. Poison or female will be 3' or more across. Despite the size
be blinded permanently (though the cure difference, both genders are statistically equal.
blindness spell can be used to heal this injury). If Both genders are marked with an orange
the cobra cannot deter a creature by spitting, it will “hourglass” on the abdomen.
attack using its bite. In this case, those successfully The venom of the giant black widow is strong, such
hit must save vs. Poison or die. that those bitten must save vs. Poison at a penalty
of -2 or die. Giant black widow spiders spin strong,
Spectre sticky, nearly invisible webs, usually across
Armor Class 2 (m) passageways or cave entrances, or sometimes
Hit Dice 6** between trees in the wilderness; those who stumble
No. Attacks 1 touch into these webs become stuck, and must roll to
Damage 1d8 plus energy drain escape just as if opening a door. Any character
Move 15" Fly 30" stuck in such a web cannot effectively cast spells or
Alignment Chaotic use a weapon.
No. Appearing 1d8
% in Lair 25%
Treasure E
Morale Never checks
XP 750

Spectres are undead monsters (as described on

page 68). They are incorporeal, and thus hit only
by magical weapons. On any successful hit
against a living creature, a spectre drains two life
energy levels in addition to doing normal damage.
See Energy Drain in the Iron Falcon core rules for
details of this attack. Any character slain by a

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Spider, Giant Crab Spells or begin dancing themselves; such

“secondary” victims suffer the same penalties as
Armor Class 7
above, but they will only dance for 2d4 rounds.
Hit Dice 2*
No. Attacks 1 bite Each round the original victim dances, he or she
Damage 1d8 + poison must save vs. Poison again or take 1d4 points of
Move 12" Climb 12" damage. Secondary victims do not suffer this
Alignment Neutral effect.
No. Appearing 1d4 Neutralize poison will cure the original victim, and
% in Lair 80% dispel magic will stop the dance for all victims in
Treasure None the area of effect, whether they are original or
Morale Normal secondary.
XP 40
Crab spiders are ambush predators, hiding using Armor Class 5
various forms of camouflage and leaping out to Hit Dice ½ (1d4 Hit Points) *
bite their surprised prey. Giant crab spiders are
No. Attacks 1 dagger or 1 spell
horribly enlarged, being around 3' in length. They
Damage 1d4 or by spell
can change color slowly (over the course of a few
Move 6" Fly 18"
days), taking on the overall coloration of their
Alignment Neutral
preferred lair or ambush location. After this change
is complete, the spider is able to surprise potential No. Appearing 3d6 Wild 3d6 Lair 5d8
prey on 1-4 on 1d6 when in that preferred location. % in Lair
Anyone bitten by a giant crab spider must save vs. Treasure S
Poison or die. Morale Normal
XP 11
Spider, Giant Tarantula
Sprites are reclusive fey creatures, looking like tiny
Armor Class 5
elves just a foot tall with dragonfly-like wings. They
Hit Dice 4*
go out of their way to fight evil and ugliness and to
No. Attacks 1 bite protect their homelands. Sprites fight their
Damage 1d8 + poison opponents with spell-like abilities and pint-sized
Move 15" weaponry. They prefer ambushes and other
Alignment Neutral trickery over direct confrontation.
No. Appearing 1d3
Five sprites acting together can cast remove curse,
% in Lair 10%
or its reversed form bestow curse, once per day.
Treasure None The latter spell is often used as an attack.
Morale Normal
XP 140

Giant tarantulas are huge, hairy spiders, about the

size of a pony. They run down their prey much as
wolves do. The bite of the giant tarantula is
poisonous; those bitten must save vs. Poison or be
forced to dance wildly. The dance lasts 2d10
rounds, during which time the victim has a -4
penalty on attack and saving throw rolls. If the
victim is a Thief, he or she cannot use any Thief
abilities while dancing. Onlookers must save vs.

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Squid, Giant flesh. They are very accurate, gaining a natural

bonus of +2 on attack rolls. The stirge's attack does
Armor Class 3
1d4 points of damage on a hit, and inflicts 1d4
Hit Dice 6
points of damage per round thereafter in the form
No. Attacks 8 tentacles/1 bite
of blood loss. A stirge who kills its victim will attempt
Damage 1d4 per tentacle/1d10
to flee the area, going off to sleep and digest its
Move Swim 12" meal.
Alignment Neutral
Attacks against a stirge who is embedded in a
No. Appearing 1d4
victim run the risk of harming the victim; any failed
% in Lair
attack should be rolled again as if it were aimed at
Treasure None
the character or creature being drained.
Morale Normal
XP 300 Tick, Giant
These voracious creatures can have bodies more Armor Class 4
than 20 feet long and attack almost anything they Hit Dice 3*
meet. Their tentacles are studded with barbs and No. Attacks 1 bite plus blood drain
sharp-edged suckers. In order to bite a creature, Damage 1d4 plus 1d6/round
the giant squid must hit with at least two tentacles Move 3"
first. Alignment Neutral
If a giant squid fails a morale check, it will squirt out No. Appearing 3d4
a cloud of black “ink” 30' in diameter and then jet % in Lair None
away at twice normal speed for 3d8 rounds. Treasure D
Morale Normal
Stirge XP 80
Armor Class 7
Giant ticks are very large versions of the ordinary
Hit Dice 1*
sort of blood-sucking arachnids, being 5 feet or so
No. Attacks 1 bite
long and weighing about 3,000 coins. The only
Damage 1d4 plus drains blood
form of sustenance which they can consume is
Move Fly 18" blood, and they will attack any living creature in
Alignment Neutral the hopes of getting it. The attack of a giant tick
No. Appearing 3d10 does 1d4 points of damage, plus an additional 1d6
% in Lair 80% points per round thereafter in the form of blood
Treasure None loss. It is usually necessary to kill a giant tick to free
Morale Normal its prey. Only a very large creature will supply
XP 20 enough blood to satisfy a giant tick, so once it has
slain one victim it will usually go in search of
Stirges are horrible little bat-winged monsters who another.
prey upon warm-blooded creatures, attacking
them for their blood. A stirge’s coloration ranges Giant ticks like to ambush their prey, as they are not
from rust-red to reddish-brown, with a dirty yellow fast-moving creatures. A giant tick can remain
underside. Its proboscis is pink at the tip, fading to very still and make absolutely no noise, and while
gray at the base. A stirge’s body is about 1 foot unintelligent will instinctively seek out a position
long with a wingspan of about 2 feet, and weighs where it has enhanced chances of gaining surprise.
about 10 coins. Those injured by a giant tick will contract a wasting
A stirge attacks by landing on a victim, finding a sickness that will cause them to lose 1d4 points of
vulnerable spot, and plunging its proboscis into the Constitution per day until reduced to 0 (and thus

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

killed) or until the victim receives a cure disease Tentacle Worm

spell; after the disease itself is cured, the victim will
Armor Class 7
regain 1d4 points of Constitution per day until
Hit Dice 3*
restored to his or her original state of health.
No. Attacks 6 tentacles

Toad, Giant (and Frog, Giant) Damage paralysis

Move 12"
Armor Class 7
Alignment Neutral
Hit Dice 2
No. Appearing 1d3
No. Attacks 1 bite
% in Lair 15%
Damage 1d10 bite
Treasure B
Move 9" Swim 9"
Morale Normal
Alignment Neutral
XP 80
No. Appearing 1d4
% in Lair 0% Tentacle worms appear to be giant worms of some
Treasure None sort, averaging 6 to 8 feet long. Their heads are
Morale Normal pasty white or gray, but their bodies vary from livid
XP 30 pink or purple to deep green in color. Their
tentacles splay out from around the creature's
Giant toads (and their cousins the giant frogs) are “neck.” Some sages believe they are the larval
merely enlarged versions of the normal animals. form of some other monster, but this has never
They prefer prey that is smaller than they are, and been proven.
so will generally avoid attacking man-sized
creatures; however, dwarves, halflings, and similar A tentacle worm can attack as many as three
smaller humanoids will be pursued as prey, and of adjacent opponents. Those hit must save vs.
course a giant toad will generally fight if attacked. Paralysis or be paralyzed 2d4 turns. No matter how
many of a tentacle worm's attacks hit an opponent
Any natural attack roll of 19 or 20 which hits a small- in a given round, only one saving throw is required
sized creature (such as dwarves or halflings) may in each such round.
result in the victim being swallowed whole.
Swallowed victims will suffer 2d4 points of damage If all opponents of a tentacle worm are rendered
per round thereafter until dead or freed from the paralyzed, it will begin to feed upon the paralyzed
toad; the latter generally requires killing the animal. victims, doing 1 point of damage every 1d8 rounds
until the victim is dead; if other paralyzed victims
A swallowed victim may attack from inside if he or are still alive, the worm is 50% likely to move on
she has a dagger; the interior of a giant toad is immediately to another still-living victim. Otherwise,
treated as Armor Class 9. it continues to eat the corpse of the slain victim for
Giant frogs are statistically similar to giant toads, 1d4 turns.
but will never be found far from water, whereas
giant toads may be found in any dark, moderately
damp place.

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Tiger Treant
Armor Class 6 Armor Class 2
Hit Dice 6 Hit Dice 8*
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite No. Attacks 2
Damage 1d6/1d6/2d6 Damage 2d8, 3d6, or 4d6 each attack
Move 15" according to size
Alignment Neutral Move 6"
No. Appearing 1d3 Alignment Neutral
% in Lair 0% No. Appearing 2d10
Treasure None % in Lair None
Morale Normal Treasure None
XP 300 Morale Normal
XP 1,250
These great cats stand more than 3 feet tall at the
shoulder and are about 9 feet long. They weigh Treants are huge tree-like intelligent plant
from 4,000 to 6,000 coins. creatures. A treant’s leaves are deep green in the
spring and summer. In the fall and winter the
Titanothere leaves change to yellow, orange, or red, but they
Armor Class 5 rarely fall out. A treant’s legs fit together when
closed to look like a tree trunk; when motionless, a
Hit Dice 12
treant is nearly indistinguishable from an ordinary
No. Attacks 1 butt or 1 trample
tree. A treant is about 30 feet tall, with a trunk
Damage 2d6 or 3d8
about 2 feet in diameter, and weighs about 45,000
Move 12"
Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing 1d6 Treants prefer to watch potential foes carefully
before attacking. They often charge suddenly
% in Lair 0%
from cover to trample the despoilers of forests.
Treasure None
Treants have the ability to animate up to two trees
Morale +1
within a 6" range, causing them to move and act
XP 1,300
as if they were themselves treants. Animated trees
A titanothere is a huge prehistoric animal that move at a 3" movement rate.
resembles the rhinoceros; adults average 10' tall Treants speak their own language, plus Common
and 13' long. They have large, forked horns rather and the languages of any sylvan creatures (elves,
than the pointed horns of rhinos. Like rhinos, they pixies, etc.) which might live in their area. Most also
are herd animals, and males aggressively defend can manage a smattering of just about all other
the herd; females only enter combat if the male(s) humanoid tongues — at least enough to say "Get
are defeated or the attackers are very numerous. away from my trees!"
If a single titanothere is encountered, it will be a
rogue male; they are bad tempered and prone to
attacking smaller creatures that enter their territory.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Triton Those failing the save suffer a -2 penalty to attack

rolls while they remain within range of the
Armor Class 6 to 4
Troglodyte. Getting out of range negates the
Hit Dice 5 to 7
penalty, but renewed exposure reinstates the
No. Attacks 1
penalty. The results of the original save last a full 24
Damage 3d6 plus special
hours, after which a new save must be rolled.
Move Swim 15"
Alignment Neutral Troglodytes are very hostile, attacking equal or
weaker non-troglodyte groups on sight. They prefer
No. Appearing 5d6 or more
to attack with surprise, depending on their color-
% in Lair 25%
changing ability for this.
Treasure G
Morale Normal One out of every eight troglodytes will be a warrior
XP 200, 300, or 500 of 4 Hit Dice (75 XP) that gains a +1 bonus to
damage due to Strength. Troglodytes gain a +1
Tritons are similar to mermen, but larger and bonus to their morale if they are led by a warrior. In
significantly more powerful. They are able to use lairs of 24 or more, there will be a troglodyte leader
magic, operating as if they were Magic-Users of of 6 Hit Dice (300 XP) with an Armor Class of 3 and
two levels lower than their hit dice. They will often having a +2 bonus to damage due to Strength. In
have giant sea horses as mounts. the lair, troglodytes never fail a morale check as
long as this leader is alive.
Armor Class 5 Troll
Hit Dice 2 Armor Class 4
No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite Hit Dice 6+3*
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d4 No. Attacks 2 claws/1 bite
Move 12" Damage 1d4 each claw, 1d8 bite
Alignment Chaotic Move 12"
No. Appearing 1d8 Lair 5d8 Alignment Chaotic
% in Lair No. Appearing 2d6
Treasure A % in Lair 50%
Morale Normal Treasure D
XP 30 Morale Normal
XP 525
Troglodytes are very intelligent lizardlike humanoid
creatures. They have large red eyes and spiny Trolls are huge, rangy humanoids with lumpy skin
“combs” on their legs, head, and arms. They that is a dull grayish green in color. They walk
normally stand 5 to 6 feet tall. They can change upright but hunched forward with sagging
color at will, and 50% of the time a group can shoulders. Their gait is uneven, and when they run,
blend into the environment well enough to surprise their arms dangle and drag along the ground. For
on a roll of 1-5 on 1d6. Furthermore, they gain a +2 all this seeming awkwardness, trolls are very agile.
to attack rolls during any surprise round due to their A typical adult troll stands 9 feet tall and weighs
excellent ambush skills. 5,000 coins. Females are slightly larger than males.
Troglodytes secrete a smelly oil that keeps their The main power of a troll is regeneration. Beginning
scaly skin supple. All mammals (including, of on the third round after one is hit, it will begin to
course, all the standard character races) find the heal at a rate of 1 point per round. Even if hacked
scent repulsive, and those within 10 feet of the to pieces, a troll will continue to regenerate and
Troglodyte must make a saving throw versus poison. may stand and fight when it has 6 or more hit

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

points. Damage from fire or acid do not Only pure-hearted Lawful maidens may approach
regenerate in this way, and are about the only way a unicorn; tales are told of warrior-maidens, both
to successfully kill a troll permanently. human and elvish, who ride unicorns into battle,
but such will surely be quite rare. They are
Trolls speak a primitive language, and are often
otherwise very shy creatures who prefer to remain
fluent in Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orc, Ogre, or Giant
aloof from even the noblest of humans.
depending on which of these species live nearest
them. A few (20% or so) speak Common. An Alicorn resembles a unicorn in all details, save
that they always have yellow, orange or red eyes,
Undead and (if one gets close enough to see) pronounced,
Undead monsters are corpses or spirits of the dead, sharp canine teeth. Alicorns are as evil as unicorns
still moving and acting in a mockery of life. are good, using their razor-sharp horns and clawlike
Undead monsters are immune to sleep, charm, hooves as weapons. They attack any weaker
and hold magics, and any other effect that targets creatures for the sheer pleasure of killing, but will try
living creatures. Undead monsters may be turned to avoid stronger parties. Alicorns are less
by Clerics, as described under Turning the Undead magically powerful than unicorns: an alicorn's horn
in the Iron Falcon core rulebook. They are is only a +1 weapon, they cannot transport
damaged by holy water as described in the themselves by magic, and they can detect
Combat section of that book. enemies at only an 18" range. However, alicorns
may become invisible at will, exactly as if wearing
Unicorn (and Alicorn) a ring of invisibility.
Unicorn Alicorn
Armor Class –2 – Urgoblin
Hit Dice – 4* – Armor Class 6 (9)
No. Attacks – 2 hooves/1 horn – Hit Dice 2*
Damage 1d8 each hoof, 2d4 each hoof, No. Attacks 1 weapon
1d8+3 horn 2d4+1 horn Damage 1d8 or by weapon
Move 24" 21" Move 9" Unarmored 12"
Alignment Lawful Chaotic Alignment Chaotic
No. Appearing 1d4 1d6 No. Appearing Special
% in Lair None None % in Lair 30%
Treasure None None Treasure Q, R, S each; special in lair
Morale Normal +1 Morale +1
XP 140 140 XP 40

Unicorns are horselike creatures with cloven hooves These creatures appear to be normal hobgoblins,
and a single horn in the center of the forehead. but urgoblins are actually a mutant subspecies.
Males have a beard similar to that of a goat. They Urgoblins are able to regenerate much as do trolls
are generally white in color, though there are (with the same limitations). All urgoblins are male; if
reports of very rare unicorns colored in other ways. an urgoblin mates with a female hobgoblin, any
Unicorns are very intelligent and Lawful. Their horn offspring will also be male, but only one in four such
is a +3 magic weapon, though its power fades offspring will share their father's gifts. Like
within a day if removed from the unicorn. They hobgoblins, urgoblins wear toughened hides and
have the ability to transport themselves as if by the carry wooden shields into battle, blending in
dimension door spell once per day. They save perfectly with hobgoblin troops.
against magical effects as if they were 11th level Some hobgoblin tribes consider urgoblins an
Magic-Users. Finally, they can sense the presence abomination, and kill them whenever they can be
of enemies up to 24" away.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

identified. Other hobgoblin tribes employ them as 1d4 rounds after being called, with one-third
bodyguards for the chieftain, and accord them appearing each round after that point.
great honor. There are even rumors of a tribe
As if these powers were not enough, a vampire
entirely made up of urgoblins, with kidnapped
can charm any human or humanoid creature at
hobgoblin females as their mates; reportedly they
will by means of its gaze (as if casting the spell
slit the throats of all infants born to their mates, so
charm person, with a penalty of -2 on saving throws
that only those who have the power of
against the effect). Charmed individuals will not
regeneration will survive.
resist the vampire's energy draining attack.
Vampire Vampires are repelled by holy symbols, mirrors (in
Armor Class 2 which they cast no reflection), and the smell of
Hit Dice 7** to 9**
garlic; any of these held forth will drive one back.
They must spend the daylight hours in a coffin filled
No. Attacks 1
with dirt from their homelands. Failure to rest in this
Damage 1d10 and energy drain
way causes the vampire to lose its power of
Move 12" Fly 18"
regeneration, though draining life energy will
Alignment Chaotic
restore the power temporarily.
No. Appearing 1d6
Humans and humanoids slain by a vampire will
% in Lair 20%
arise at the next sunset (but not sooner than 6 hours
Treasure F
after death) as vampires under the control of the
Morale Normal
one who slew them.
XP 1,300, 1,800, or 2,350

Vampires are undead monsters (as described on Weasel, Giant

page 68), surprisingly well-preserved animated Armor Class 4
corpses that appear alive (if rather pale) to any Hit Dice 5
cursory examination. No. Attacks 1 bite
They are unable to bear sunlight, and will avoid it at Damage 2d4 bite plus blood drain
all costs (as exposure to the sun will slay a vampire Move 15"
outright). Immersing a vampire in running water or Alignment Neutral
impaling it with a stake are the only other ways to No. Appearing 1d4 (2d4 in lair)
slay one. They regenerate in a fashion similar to % in Lair 10%
trolls at a rate of 1 hit point per round starting on Treasure None
the round after being injured, and like a troll will Morale Normal
continue to regenerate even after being reduced XP 200
to 0 hit points; when reduced to 0 hit points, the
vampire assumes gaseous form (as the potion) and Giant weasels prefer to hunt in tunnels
moves away. underground, making dungeons practically their
natural habitat. Once a giant weasel bites a living
A vampire can actually assume gaseous form at
creature it holds on, sucking the victim's blood; this
any time, or transform itself into the shape of a
does 1d6 points of damage per round thereafter. If
huge bat, and in either form flies at an 18" rate
attacked by characters other than the victim, one
The attack of a vampire causes normal damage as may (25%) release the victim to attack another of
well as draining 2 life energy levels (see Energy its foes.
Drain in the Iron Falcon core rulebook for details).
A vampire can summon and control 10d10
ordinary rats or bats, or 4d6 giant rats, or 3d6
wolves. Summoned animals will begin appearing

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Whale, Killer Whale, Sperm

Armor Class 3 Armor Class -2
Hit Dice 6 Hit Dice 36*
No. Attacks 1 bite No. Attacks 1 bite or special
Damage 2d10 Damage 3d20
Move Swim 24" Move Swim 60' (20')
Alignment Neutral Alignment Lawful
No. Appearing 1d6 No. Appearing 1d3
% in Lair % in Lair None
Treasure None Treasure None
Morale Normal Morale Normal
XP 300 XP 7,400

These ferocious creatures are about 30 feet long. These creatures can be up to 60 feet long. They
Killer whales, also called “orca” (both singular and prey on giant squid. Sperm whales can emit an
plural), are strikingly marked in black and white, invisible focused beam of sound ½" wide up to a 5"
with prominent white patches that resemble eyes. range underwater. This blast of sound disorients
Their real eyes are much smaller and located away target creatures, leaving them effectively stunned
from the fake eye-spots. for 1d4 rounds. A stunned character can neither
move nor take action for the indicated duration.
Killer whales eat fish, squid, seals, and other whales,
No attack roll is required, but a save vs. Death Ray
but are not above consuming a meal of human or
is allowed to resist. A sperm whale can emit as
demi-human fare.
many such blasts of sound as it desires, once per
Whale, Narwhal round, instead of biting.

Armor Class 19
Hit Dice 12
Armor Class 5
No. Attacks 1 horn
Hit Dice 3*
Damage 2d6
No. Attacks 1
Move Swim 18"
Damage Energy drain
Alignment Neutral
Move 9"
No. Appearing 1d4
Alignment Chaotic
% in Lair
No. Appearing 2d12
Treasure Special
% in Lair 60%
Morale Normal
Treasure B
XP 1,300
Morale Normal
Narwhals are aquatic mammals resembling large XP 80
dolphins with a single (or rarely, double) tusk
Wights are undead monsters (as described on
protruding straight forward from the mouth. The
page 68), corpses of the dead animated by dark
tusk is helical in shape, and they are sometimes cut
magic. They despise the living, seeking out all such
short and sold as “unicorn horns.” However, they
and attacking on sight. Wights cause no normal
have no particular magical value. Narwhals are
damage on a hit, but drain one life energy level
found in cold northern seas. They are not
instead (see Energy Drain in the Iron Falcon core
particularly aggressive.
rulebook for details).

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Will O'Wisp the rest of the pack circles and attacks from the
flanks or rear.
Armor Class -8
Hit Dice 9*
Wolf, Dire
No. Attacks 1 shock
Armor Class 6
Damage 2d6 shock
Hit Dice 4
Move 18"
No. Attacks 1 bite
Alignment Chaotic
Damage 1d8 bite
No. Appearing 1
Move 15"
% in Lair 50%
Alignment Neutral
Treasure A3
No. Appearing 1d4 (in wild or lair 2d4)
Morale Normal
% in Lair 20%
XP 1,650
Treasure None
Will O'Wisps are glowing incorporeal creatures Morale Normal
which inhabit deserted areas. A will o'wisp will XP 75
choose a place near some natural hazard such as
quicksand, a crumbling cliff-top, or other area Dire wolves are huge versions of the normal wolf.
where it can use its resemblance to a lantern or Some humanoids (especially goblins) are known to
torch to lure creatures to their death. As the victim tame them and ride them into combat.
dies, the will o'wisp consumes its life-force.
Though they are incorporeal, metal weapons will
Armor Class 3 (m)
harm a will o'wisp normally. A will o'wisp will try to
Hit Dice 4**
avoid combat, but if pressed it can attack by
No. Attacks 1
means of an electric shock. A will o'wisp can
choose to become invisible at will (as the spell) Damage 1d6 plus energy drain
and will choose this over combat if given a choice. Move Fly 24"
Alignment Chaotic
A will o’wisp can control the color of its illumination,
No. Appearing 2d8
making it yellow, white, green, or blue.
% in Lair 20%

Wolf Treasure E
Morale Never checks
Armor Class 7
XP 205
Hit Dice 2
No. Attacks 1 bite Wraiths are undead monsters (as described on
Damage 1d6 bite page 68), spirits of the dead which live on, driven
Move 18" by hatred for the living. In addition to the normal
Alignment Neutral damage done by its attack, a wraith drains one life
No. Appearing 1d6 (in wild or lair 2d6) energy level on a successful hit (see Energy Drain in
% in Lair 25% the Iron Falcon core rulebook for details).
Treasure None
Morale Normal
XP 30

Wolves are pack-hunting canines known for their

persistence and cunning. A favorite tactic is to
send a few individuals against the foe’s front while

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Wyvern Zombie
Armor Class 3 Armor Class 8 (see below)
Hit Dice 7* Hit Dice 2
No. Attacks 1 bite/1 sting No. Attacks 1
Damage 2d8 bite, 1d6 plus poison sting Damage 1d8 or by weapon
Move 9" Fly 24" Move 6"
Alignment Neutral Alignment Chaotic
No. Appearing 1d6 No. Appearing 3d10
% in Lair 60% % in Lair None
Treasure E Treasure None
Morale Normal Morale Never checks
XP 900 XP 30

A distant cousin to the true dragons, the wyvern is a Zombies are undead monsters (as described on
huge flying lizard with a poisonous stinger in its tail. page 68), corpses reanimated through dark and
A wyvern’s body is 15 feet long, and dark brown to sinister magic. They never check morale and
gray; half that length is tail. Its wingspan is about 20 always fight until destroyed. They are deathly slow,
feet, and it weighs about a ton. but they move silently, are very strong and must be
literally hacked to pieces to “kill” them. They take
Wyverns are rather stupid but always aggressive:
only half damage from blunt weapons, and only a
They attack nearly anything that isn’t obviously
single point from arrows, bolts or sling stones (plus
more powerful than themselves. Add a bonus of
any magical bonus). A zombie never has Initiative
+2 to morale checks for these monsters.
and always acts last in any given round.
Yellow Mold Zombies may be found anywhere an evil Magic-
Armor Class N/A User or Cleric might place them (i.e. as guards for
Hit Dice 2* some stronghold or treasure), but are most
No. Attacks 1 commonly found in graveyards and catacombs.
Damage Special
Move None
Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing N/A
% in Lair None
Treasure None
Morale Normal
XP 40

Yellow mold is a fungus found in underground

areas. If touched, it does 1d6 points of damage to
exposed flesh; further, any forceful or damaging
contact is 50% likely to cause it to burst forth with a
cloud of poisonous spores. All within 1" of the mold
must make a saving throw vs. Poison or die of
asphyxiation. Fire destroys yellow mold, and
sunlight renders it dormant.

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Dungeon Encounters Level 1

% Roll Monster Type
It is preferable to have specific encounter tables for
each dungeon; however, as this is not always 01-12 Centipede, Giant
possible, the following tables are provided for use 13-24 Giant Rat
by referees needing a "standard" method for rolling 25-33 Goblin
encounters in a dungeon. 34-42 Kobolds
Normally, the referee rolls a check for an encounter 43-51 Orcs
every 3 turns; on a roll of 1 on 1d6, an encounter is 52-58 Skeleton
indicated. Published adventures may have their 59-69 Spider, Giant
own rules for encounters, and of course the referee 70-77 Stirge
may choose some other method as appropriate for
78-82 NPCs: Fighters
the situation.
83-84 NPCs: Magic-Users
Since it is reasonable to assume that monsters are
85-88 NPCs: Clerics
not strictly distributed (i.e. first level monsters only on
89-92 NPCs: Thieves
the first level of the dungeon, second level
monsters restricted to the second dungeon level, 93-00 NPCs: Adventurers
and so on), the first table is used to determine the
level of monster encountered. Roll 1d6 and read Level 2
across the table to the number rolled, then down % Roll Monster Type
to the actual dungeon level to discover what
01-13 Ghoul
monster level table is called for. Then, roll on the
14-22 Giant Toad
relevant table to select the specific monster type.
23-37 Gnoll
Dungeon –––––––––––––– Die Roll ––––––––––––––
38-55 Hobgoblin
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
56-68 Snake, Giant
1 1 1 1 2 2 3
69-78 Zombie
2 1 2 2 2 3 4
79-85 NPCs: Fighters
3 2 3 3 3 4 5
4-5 3 4 4 4 5 6 86 NPCs: Magic-Users

6-7 4 5 5 5 6 7 87-90 NPCs: Clerics

8-9 5 6 6 6 7 8 91-94 NPCs: Thieves
10-11 6 7 7 7 8 9 95-00 NPCs: Adventurers
12+ 7 8 8 8 9 10

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Level 3 Level 5
% Roll Monster Type % Roll Monster Type
01-15 Beetle, Giant 01-08 Cockatrice
16-26 Harpy 09-13 Hell Hound (5 hit dice)
27-30 Hell Hound (3 hit dice) 14-23 Hydra (5 heads)
31-44 Lycanthrope, Wererat 24-34 Ochre Jelly
45-55 Shadow 35-40 Ogre Magi
56-68 Tick, Giant 41-52 Owl Bear
69-76 Wight 53-60 Phase Spider
77-83 NPCs: Fighters 61-69 Rust Monster
84-84 NPCs: Magic-Users 70-82 Weasel, Giant
85-88 NPCs: Clerics 83-87 NPCs: Fighters
89-92 NPCs: Thieves 88-89 NPCs: Magic-Users
93-00 NPCs: Adventurers 90-92 NPCs: Clerics
93-95 NPCs: Thieves
Level 4 96-00 NPCs: Adventurers
% Roll Monster Type
01-09 Ape, Carnivorous Level 6
10-19 Bugbear % Roll Monster Type
20-27 Doppleganger 01-06 Basilisk
28-33 Gargoyle 07-14 Dragon, White
34-41 Gelatinous Cube 15-19 Hell Hound (6 hit dice)
42-45 Hell Hound (4 hit dice) 20-29 Hydra (6 heads)
46-51 Lizard, Giant 30-30 Hydra, Fire Breathing (5 heads)
52-58 Lycanthrope, Werewolf 31-38 Lammasu
59-67 Ogre 39-48 Manticora
68-77 Scorpion, Giant 49-60 Minotaur
78-82 Wraith 61-67 Mummy
83-87 NPCs: Fighters 68-73 Spectre
88-89 NPCs: Magic-Users 74-83 Troll
90-92 NPCs: Clerics 84-88 NPCs: Fighters
93-95 NPCs: Thieves 89-90 NPCs: Magic-Users
96-00 NPCs: Adventurers 91-93 NPCs: Clerics
94-95 NPCs: Thieves
96-00 NPCs: Adventurers

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Level 7 Level 9
% Roll Monster Type % Roll Monster Type
01-13 Dragon, Black 01-12 Black Pudding
14-21 Hell Hound (7 hit dice) 13-25 Chimera
22-37 Hydra (7 heads) 26-35 Dragon, Blue
38-39 Hydra, Fire Breathing (6 heads) 36-48 Giant, Stone
40-52 Salamander 49-54 Golem, Flesh
53-71 Wyvern 55-66 Hydra (9-10 heads)
72-79 NPCs: Fighters 67 Hydra, Fire Breathing (9-11 heads)
80-82 NPCs: Magic-Users 68-75 Will O' Wisp
83-87 NPCs: Clerics 76-81 NPCs: Fighters
88-90 NPCs: Thieves 82-84 NPCs: Magic-Users
91-00 NPCs: Adventurers 85-88 NPCs: Clerics
89-91 NPCs: Thieves
Level 8 92-00 NPCs: Adventurers
% Roll Monster Type
01-12 Dragon, Green Level 10
13-30 Giant, Hill % Roll Monster Type
31-41 Gorgon 01-11 Dragon, Red
42-55 Hydra (8 heads) 12-15 Giant, Cloud
56-57 Hydra, Fire Breathing (7-8 heads) 16-23 Giant, Fire
58-63 Invisible Stalker 24-30 Giant, Frost
64-74 Vampire 31-33 Golem, Iron
75-82 NPCs: Fighters 34-37 Golem, Stone
83-85 NPCs: Magic-Users 38-49 Hydra (11-12 heads)
86-90 NPCs: Clerics 50 Hydra, Fire Breathing (12 heads)
91-93 NPCs: Thieves 51-53 Lich
94-00 NPCs: Adventurers 54-65 Purple Worm
66-76 Slug, Giant
77-83 NPCs: Fighters
84-86 NPCs: Magic-Users
87-90 NPCs: Clerics
91-93 NPCs: Thieves
94-00 NPCs: Adventurers

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Wilderness Encounters Encounter Type

% Roll
When traveling in the wilderness, there are two
Inhabited Wild Type of Encounter
main hazards to contend with: becoming lost and
01-15 01-12 NPCs: Fighters
encountering monsters. Each day, the referee
16-20 13 NPCs: Magic-Users
should roll on the table below to determine
whether either of these things happens. If 21-30 14-17 NPCs: Clerics
characters are traveling by air or by water, the 31-40 18-19 NPCs: Thieves
referee may wish to roll once for encounters during 41-50 20-25 NPCs: Adventurers
travel and again for encounters when the 51-00 26-00 By Terrain Type
adventurers land. Roll 1d6 for each chance as
follows: Clear Terrain
–––––––––––– Chance of –––––––––––– % Roll Type of Encounter
Terrain Getting Lost Encounter 01-02 Basilisk
Clear 1 1 03-05 Blue Dragon
Desert 1-3 1-2
06-14 Boar
Mountains 1-2 1-3
15 Chimera
River 1 1-2
16-17 Chimera
Swamp 1-3 1-3
18-19 Cockatrice
Woods 1-2 1-2
20-24 Giant Centipede
The referee should modify or ignore results that 25-28 Giant Scorpion
involve getting lost when the characters are 29-34 Giant Snake
following a well-marked road, traveling down river, 35-40 Giant Toad
or have some other relatively reliable means of
41-43 Gnoll
44-46 Gnome
What, exactly, is encountered depends on the 47-49 Goblin
type of terrain and whether or not the area is
50 Gold Dragon
inhabited or wild. Inhabited areas include those
51-52 Griffon
regions near cities or towns, main roads, and so on;
the area around a village that might be 53-55 Hippogriff
considered inhabited should be quite small. Areas 56-60 Hobgoblin
adjacent to less-used roads might be considered 61-62 Hydra, 7-12 heads (1d6+6)
either at the referee's option. Wild areas are, 63-66 Kobold
naturally, those areas far from civilization.
67-75 Lion
Roll on the first table below; if the by terrain type 76-77 Manticora
result is rolled, roll again on the relevant terrain type 78-81 Ogre
82-87 Orc
88 Red Dragon
89-91 Roc
92-95 Wereboar
96-98 Werewolf
99-00 Wyvern

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Desert Terrain Mountain Terrain

% Roll Type of Encounter % Roll Type of Encounter
01-04 Basilisk 01-03 Basilisk
05-09 Blue Dragon 04-08 Boar
10-11 Chimera 09-09 Carnivorous Ape
12-15 Cockatrice 10-10 Chimera
16-17 Giant Beetle 11-13 Chimera
18-22 Giant Centipede 14-16 Cockatrice
23-26 Giant Lizard 17-17 Fire Giant
27-30 Giant Scorpion 18-18 Frost Giant
31-35 Giant Snake 19-21 Giant Lizard
36-39 Giant Spider 22-25 Giant Snake
40-44 Gnoll 26-28 Giant Spider
45-45 Gold Dragon 29-32 Gnoll
46-49 Griffon 33-36 Goblin
50-54 Hippogriff 37-37 Gold Dragon
55-59 Hobgoblin 38-40 Griffon
60-62 Hydra, 7-12 heads (1d6+6) 41-44 Hill Giant
63-66 Manticora 45-48 Hippogriff
67-70 Mummy 49-52 Hobgoblin
71-77 Ogre 53-55 Hydra, 7-12 heads (1d6+6)
78-86 Orc 56-60 Kobold
87-90 Red Dragon 61-66 Lion
91-95 Roc 67-69 Manticora
96-96 Silver Dragon 70-74 Ogre
97-00 Wyvern 75-80 Orc
81-81 Pegasus
82-82 Red Dragon
83-86 Roc
87-87 Silver Dragon
88-91 Stone Giant
92-94 Werewolf
95-97 White Dragon
98-00 Wyvern

Monsters Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

River Terrain Swamp Terrain

% Roll Type of Encounter % Roll Type of Encounter
01-02 Basilisk 01-02 Basilisk
03-04 Black Dragon 03-06 Black Dragon
05 Chimera 07-08 Cockatrice
06-07 Cockatrice 09-12 Crocodile
08-15 Crocodile 13-18 Ghoul
16-21 Giant Crab 19-20 Giant Fish
22-26 Giant Fish 21-23 Giant Leech
27-31 Giant Leech 24-26 Giant Snake
32-34 Giant Snake 27-29 Gnoll
35-37 Gnoll 30-33 Goblin
38-41 Gnome 34 Gold Dragon
42-45 Goblin 35 Green Dragon
46 Gold Dragon 36-37 Griffon
47-48 Green Dragon 38-39 Hill Giant
49-50 Griffon 40-43 Hobgoblin
51-53 Hill Giant 44-45 Hydra, 7-12 heads (1d6+6)
54-56 Hippogriff 46-49 Kobold
57-61 Hobgoblin 50-51 Manticora
62-64 Hydra, 7-12 heads (1d6+6) 52 Nixies
65-68 Kobold 53-56 Ogre
69-70 Manticora 57-61 Orc
71-73 Nixies 62-69 Skeleton
74-78 Ogre 70-71 Spectre
79-84 Orc 72-77 Troll
85-85 Pegasus 78-79 Wereboar
86-87 Roc 80-82 Werewolf
88 Silver Dragon 83-87 Wight
89-92 Troll 88-91 Wraith
93-94 Werebear 92 Wyvern
95-96 Wereboar 93-00 Zombie
97-99 Werewolf
00 Wyvern

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Monsters

Wooded Terrain City Encounters

% Roll Type of Encounter Encounters in cities and towns will happen on a roll
01 Basilisk of 1 on 1d6; check once per day. Consult the
02-06 Boar table below to determine the type of encounter:
07-08 Carnivorous Ape % Roll Type of Encounter
09 Chimera 01-03 Ghoul
10-11 Cockatrice 04-06 Giant Centipede
12 Giant Beetle 07-16 Giant Rat
13-15 Giant Centipede 17-19 Goblin
16-18 Giant Snake 20-20 Gold Dragon
19-20 Giant Spider 21-22 Kobold
21-23 Giant Toad 23-24 Mummy
24-27 Giant Weasel 25-29 Skeleton
28-30 Gnoll 30-30 Spectre
31-33 Gnome 31-31 Vampire
34-37 Goblin 32-32 Werebear
38 Gold Dragon 33-33 Wereboar
39-43 Green Dragon 34-38 Wererat
44-45 Griffon 39-40 Werewolf
46-47 Hill Giant 41-43 Wight
48-50 Hippogriff 44-45 Wraith
51-55 Hobgoblin 46-50 Zombie
56-57 Hydra, 7-12 heads (1d6+6) 51-65 NPCs: Fighters
58-61 Kobold 66-70 NPCs: Magic-Users
62-63 Manticora 71-80 NPCs: Clerics
64-67 Ogre 81-90 NPCs: Thieves
68-72 Orc 91-00 NPCs: Adventurers
73-75 Roc
76-77 Treant The referee should consider selection and
78-80 Troll placement of city encounters carefully. For
instance, Vampires or Mummies will generally not
81-84 Werebear
walk abroad in daylight (indeed, Vampires must
85-88 Wereboar
not), Lycanthropes and Gold Dragons will be in
89-93 Weretiger human form most of the time, Giant Rats or Goblins
94-99 Werewolf might only be encountered in a dark alley, and so
00 Wyvern on. After determining the sort of encounter, the
referee should plan the monster's appearance at
an appropriate place and time of day. If
somehow the adventurers manage to avoid the
encounter (by avoiding that place or being out of
town at that time of day, for instance), so be it.
There's always tomorrow...

Open Game License Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook

Open Game License

INTRODUCTION and routines to the extent such content does not embody
the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior
The Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook (hereinafter "the
art and any additional content clearly identified as Open
Monster Guidebook") is based on the System Reference
Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work
Document v3.5 (“SRD”), which is Open Game Content. The
covered by this License, including translations and derivative
text of the Open Game License itself is not Open Game
works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product
Content. Instructions on using the License are provided
Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product
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Designation of Open Game Content: The entire text as well
dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots,
as all maps and floorplans incorporated in the Monster thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork,
Guidebook (except the Open Game License, as noted
symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses,
above, and the Product Identity License, below) is Open concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other
Game Content, released under the Open Game License,
visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of
Version 1.0a (reproduced below) as described in Section characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams,
1(d) of the License. Artwork (other than maps and
personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations,
floorplans) incorporated in this document is not Open Game environments, creatures, equipment, magical or
Content, and remains the property of the copyright holder.
supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic
Designation of Product Identity: Product identity is not Open designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark
Game Content. The following is designated as product clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the
identity pursuant to OGL v1.0a(1)(e) and (7): (A) product Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open
and product line names, including "Iron Falcon Rules for Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names,
Classic Fantasy Role-Playing" and derivatives thereof; (B) all mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to
artwork, logos, symbols, graphic designs, depictions, identify itself or its products or the associated products
likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor
photographic and other visual representations, including the (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy,
“eye” logo, which is the personal mark of Chris Gonnerman edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create
for his various products, and which is Copyright © 2002 Chris Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or
Gonnerman, the "IF shield" logo which is Copyright © 2015 “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
Chris Gonnerman, and the "Made 4 0e" logo which is
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game
Copyright © 2015 Simon J. Bull (used with permission); (C) Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open
logos and trademarks, including any trademark or registered
Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this
trademark clearly identified as product identity by the License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game
owner of the product identity, and which specifically
Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or
excludes the open game content. subtracted from this License except as described by the
More information on the Open Game License can be found License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied
at: to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game
OPEN GAME LICENSE VERSION 1.0A Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to
and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”).
use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual,
All Rights Reserved.
worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact
1. Definitions: (a)“Contributors” means the copyright and/or terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
trademark owners who have contributed Open Game
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are
Content; (b)“Derivative Material” means copyrighted
contributing original material as Open Game Content, You
material including derivative works and translations
represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation
(including into other computer languages), potation,
and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights
modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade,
conveyed by this License.
improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in
which an existing work may be recast, transformed or 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the
adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the
lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game
distribute; (d)“Open Game Content” means the game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You
mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright

Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Open Game License

holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if
Open Game Content you Distribute. You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
except as expressly licensed in another, independent 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the
Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co- extent necessary to make it enforceable.
adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
except as expressly licensed in another, independent
Coast, Inc.
Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered
Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards
Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich
in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid,
interest in and to that Product Identity. James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax
and Dave Arneson.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You
must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Copyright 2004, Troll
distributing are Open Game Content. Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.

9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents Castles & Crusades: Monsters Product Support, Copyright
may publish updated versions of this License. You may use 2005, Troll Lord Games.
any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and The Basic Fantasy Field Guide Copyright © 2010 Chris
distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed Gonnerman and Contributors.
under any version of this License. Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game Copyright © 2006-2016
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this Chris Gonnerman.
License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Red Cap Copyright © 2009 R. Kevin Smoot
The Basic Fantasy Field Guide Copyright © 2010-2017 Chris
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or Gonnerman, R. Kevin Smoot, James Lemon, and
advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributors.
Contributor unless You have written permission from the
Iron Falcon Rules for Classic Fantasy Role-Playing Copyright
Contributor to do so.
© 2014-2016 Chris Gonnerman.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply
Iron Falcon Monster Guidebook Copyright © 2019 Chris
with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or
all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order,
or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open END OF LICENSE
Game Material so affected.


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