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Retelling A Story

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The key takeaways are that students will retell stories to demonstrate their understanding of elements like characters, plot, and themes. They will work in groups to choose a story and present it to the class, including creating a short quiz about the story.

The goal of the lesson is for students to retell and summarize stories to show their comprehension of elements like characters, plot events, and themes. They will work collaboratively in groups.

The lesson will take place over three days. On day one, students will choose stories to work on in groups. On day two, they will gather details about the stories. On day three, they will finalize and present their retellings, including a short quiz.

Retelling a Story

Mr. Shawn
3rd Grade Language Arts

Common Core Standards:

RL.3.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the
basis for the answers.
RL.3.2 Analyze literary text development.
a. Determine a theme and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text.
b. Retell stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures.
RL.3.3 Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions
contribute to the sequence of events.

Lesson Summary:

This lesson will show the students understanding of a story, myth, fable etc. By having them summarize or
retell it. During their presentation they will be “telling” their classmates as if this is the first time they have
heard the story but won’t be reading it out of the book itself. At the end they will then present a short quiz 5-10
questions based on the story of their choice.

Estimated Duration:

Three 50-minute class periods.

To start I would ask everyone if they’d like to hear a story. I would retell the story of The Lion and the Mouse.
After I finished, I would ask the students if they had heard any other versions of the story. Who are the
characters, their characteristics, what details changed between versions? I would then ask them if they know of
any stories that have different variations or small changes, I would write these on our starboard. After this I
would tell them that over the next three days working as groups to retell a story, fable or myth of their choice.

Instructional Procedures:
Day 1:
First 10 minutes- Introduction to assignment, discussion about stories and retellings.
20-25 minutes: Students will pair off and start deciding what story they would like to work on together.
Brainstorming ideas and using their laptops/ipads to see if there are any variations. I’ll be walking around
helping as needed but letting them control the narrative.
Last 15 minutes: We’ll come back together and see what everyone has come up with. As a class we can help
each other brainstorm variants that they might not have found.

Day 2: First 15 minutes: Ask the students to get into their groups. As a class we’ll discuss what we’re working
on and why. Then I’ll pull up an example of what I’m looking for, this time using a Greek myth.
Rest of the class time will be the students working in their groups. Using a worksheet/laptop gathering
information from their stories.
Day 3: As class starts, we will come together and I’ll ask if anyone needs any help or has any questions, if not
then the next 20 minutes is for finishing up anything that needs polished.
Day 3:30-50 Presenting

The teacher will retell a story, myth or fable at the start of class and the students will point of details. Name of
the characters, motives, setting, plot, etc. I will also ask if they have ever heard of any different versions and if
I miss any details during my retelling. Copying all this down onto my smartboard.
Scoring Guidelines:
Teacher will use judgment based on the retelling of the first story. How well do the students understand
each part? Could they recall any of versions of the story. Was the conversation pushed by the teacher or
did the students continue without needing help.
The teacher will watch each presentation made the student groups. Was the story retold in their own words or
just copied down? Did they provide different versions, and how well their classmates answered the finishing
quiz at the end.

Scoring Guidelines:
Scouring will be teacher judgement. Were all elements met, did the quiz meet the required number of
questions, number of slides. Did students show an understanding of retelling using the terms we discussed or
was it word for word copied.

Differentiated Instructional Support

Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated
students: For gifted students you could in place of letting them pick the story, assign a myth or fable that is less
known and will require a better understanding to find story elements.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the
material: For students who struggle to read you could group them with a stronger reader and have them work
together. Or provide sources like an ebook to help with any reading.
This YouTube video goes into a detailed explanation on how to retell a story. If students struggle with telling
the story word for word this would help them understand by giving examples.

Homework Options and Home Connections

Students will complete most work in class during the three days provided. If student spend time not working
any work that needs finished will be sent home.

Interdisciplinary Connections
Social Sciences:
Students will brainstorm and communicate within small groups.
Students will present to class showing speech skills, answering and asking questions.
Students will look at other cultures versions of the story they’ll retell.
Students will make observations that change through the story. Will also follow along as the story changes.
Compare and contrast other cultures versions of the same story.
Materials and Resources:

For teachers Smartboard, Laptop/computer, Presenting software (PowerPoint, Prezi, Kahoot etc)

For students Laptops/computers, smartboard, internet, presenting software (PowerPoint, Prezi,

Kahoot etc), books from classroom or library.

Key Vocabulary
Characteristics, Retelling, plot, setting, motivations. Cultures.
Additional Notes

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