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Environmental Impact of Landfill On Groundwater Quality and Agricultural Soils in Nigeria

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Soil & Water Res.

, 7, 2012 (1): 18–26

Environmental Impact of Landfill on Groundwater

Quality and Agricultural Soils in Nigeria

Christopher Oluwakunmi AKINBILE 1,2

School of Civil Engineering, University Sains Malaysia (USM), Nibong Tebal,
Penang, Malaysia; 2Department of Agricultural Engineering, Federal University
of Technology, Akure, Nigeria

Abstract: Physical, chemical and bacteriological analyses were carried out of water samples from three boreholes
located near a landfill, and or soil samples at Akure, Nigeria, to ascertain the effect of the dumpsite on the ground-
water and soil quality. The samples from borehole locations with radial distances of 50, 80, and 100 m, respectively,
away from the landfill and twelve soil samples collected at distances 0 (dump centre), 10, 20, and 30 m away from the
refuse dump were analysed. The parameters determined were the turbidity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO),
total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness (TH), total iron, nitrate, nitrite, chloride, calcium and heavy metals like
copper, zinc, and lead. Most of these parameters indicated pollution but were below the World Health Organization
(WHO) limits for consumption. The pH ranged from 5.7 to 6.8 indicating toxic pollution, the turbidity values were
between 1.6 and 6.6 NTU, and the temperature ranged from 26.5°C to 27.5°C. The concentrations of iron, nitrate,
nitrite and calcium ranged from 0.9 to 1.4, 30 to 61, 0.7 to 0.9, and 17 to 122 mg/l, respectively. Out of heavy metals,
zinc ranged between 3.3 and 5.4 mg/l and lead ranged from 1.1 to 1.2 mg/l. Soil water holding capacity, porosity, pH,
organic matter, organic carbon and organic nitrogen ranged from 38 to 54, 44 to 48, 6.9–7.5, 2.44–4.27, 1.42–2.48, and
0.12–0.21%, respectively. Statistical analyses indicated significant differences at 95% level. The results showed that all
the boreholes were not strongly polluted but require treatment before use while the soil is absolutely unsuitable for
the crop production. Re-designing of sanitary landfills to prevent leachate from getting to the water table, adoption
of clean technology for recycling greenhouse gases and a sustainable land management programme for reclamation
are recommended.

Keywords: chemical land use; parameters; pollution; wastes; water

Groundwater is a valuable resource often used for wastes sites or landfills and the release of pollutants
industry, commerce, agriculture and most impor- from sediments (under certain conditions) pose a high
tantly for drinking. Often, the raw water used for risk to the groundwater resources if not adequately
domestic purposes is vulnerable to contamination managed (Ikem et al. 2002). Groundwater protec-
due to the human influence resulting in pollution. tion is a major environmental issue. Open dumps are
Groundwater pollution is mainly due to the process the oldest and most common way of disposing solid
of industrialisation and urbanisation that has progres- wastes, and although in recent years thousands of
sively developed over time without any regard for them have been closed, many are still being used (Al
environmental consequences (Longe & Balogun Sabahi et al. 2009). The frequently used municipal
2010). In recent times, the impact of leachate on solid waste disposal methods include: composting,
groundwater and other water resources has attracted sanitary landfill, and pyrolysis, reuse recovery and
a lot of attention because of its overwhelming en- recycling (USEPA 2007). Waste management has
vironmental significance. Leachate migration from become increasingly complex due to the increase

Soil & Water Res., 7, 2012 (1): 18–26

in human population, industrial and technological Yard situated along Igbatoro Road, Akure in Ondo
revolutions while the processes that control the fate State, located in the South Western part in Nige-
of wastes in the soil are complex and many of them ria. Akure, the capital of Ondo state of Nigeria,
are poorly understood. Issues such as nutrients and is located between latitude 9°17'N and longitude
other chemicals release rates, leaching of nutrients 5°18'E. It has a tropical humid climate with two
and metals through macropores as suspended solids, distinct seasons, a relatively dry season from No-
and sludge organic matter effects on the sorption vember to March and a rainy season from April
degradation are often not understood by many re- to October. The average annual rainfall ranges
searchers (Mohammed et al. 2009). The leaching between 1405 mm and 2400 mm of which the rainy
of hydrophobic organics, long term bioavailability, season accounts for 90% while the month of April
and fate of metals fixed by soil organic matter need marks the beginning of rainfall (Akinbile 2006).
to be studied to gain a better approach in ground- The towns bordering Akure are; Ikere in the north,
water pollution handling (Ikem et al. 2002). Toxic Ondo in the south, Owo in the east and Igbara-
chemicals that have high concentrations of nitrate oke in the west. The predominant soil in Akure is
and phosphate derived from the waste in the soil can sandy-loam. The population of Akure in 1992 and
filter through the dump and contaminate both the 2002 grew from 2 312 535 to 2 983 433 and the
ground and surface water. Insects, rodents, snakes, projected figures for 2012 and 2022 are 3 856 469
scavenger birds, dust, noise, or bad odour are some and 4 984 900 people respectively (Olanrewaju
of the aesthetic problems associated with sanitary & Ilemobade 2009).
landfills. Emissions of methane (CH4) and carbon IV
oxide (CO2) and leachate contamination of ground
water and soil are the environmental issues con- Water analyses
nected with the landfill. The volume of solid waste
generated in Akure, South western Nigeria has in- Three existing 6'' diameter boreholes with the
creased significantly over time from the estimated average depth of 40 metres in the basement forma-
quantity of 60 000 metric tons per year in 1996 to tion located within the distance of 50, 80, and 100 m
75 000 metric tons in 2006 because of the increasing radially away from the centre of the landfill were
population as well as the industrial and economic used as the sampling points for groundwater quality
development. While the population of Akure was testing. For each borehole, 15 l of the groundwater
about 283 108 in 1996, it increased to approximately samples were collected in 600 ml sterilised polyethy-
353 211 in 2006. The total assessment revealed that lene bottles, stored at the temperature of 4°C and
about 80% of the total waste is organic in nature, analysed. The analyses covered physical, chemical,
followed by 15.72% of plastic/nylon, and about 1% and bacteriological parameters of the water samples
of metal (Olanrewaju & Ilemobade 2009). The from each borehole. The qualitative analyses were
increasing waste generation and disposal resulted in carried out at the water laboratories of the Ondo
increased groundwater pollution and unsuitability State Water Corporation and the Federal University
of the use of soils within the area for agricultural of Technology, Akure (FUTA) Chemistry Depart-
productivity purposes. To what extent this pollution ment. The physical parameters tested included:
has affected this area is unknown and hence needed odour, taste, colour, turbidity and temperature.
to be determined. The objectives of the study there- Chemical parameters analysed were pH, dissolved
fore were, to assess the effect of the landfill on the oxygen (DO), total dissolved solids (TDS), total
degree of pollution of groundwater in Akure, and to hardness (TH), total iron, nitrate, nitrite, chloride,
analyse the soil properties at the dumpsite for the calcium and heavy metals such as copper, zinc,
productivity viability. and lead. The pH was determined using a Mettler
Toledo (Schwerzenbach, Switzerland) pH meter by
direct measurement, analog mercury thermometer
MATERIAL AND METHODS was used for temperature measurements, and a
Hach 2100A turbidimeter was used for turbidity
Study area determination. The samples were also analysed in
the water laboratories for total dissolved solids,
The study area was the dump site (landfill) of total hardness, iron, nitrate (NO 3), nitrite (NO2),
the Ondo State Waste Management Authority calcium, and chloride using standard methods for

Soil & Water Res., 7, 2012 (1): 18–26

the examination of water (APHA 2005). The con- thermometer, and reagents: calgon as the dispersing
centrations of heavy metals such as copper, zinc, agent, 50 g sodium hexametaphosphate plus 7 g
and lead in the water samples were determined anhydrous sodium carbonate dissolved in 1000 ml
with flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. distilled water. This was done using the stand-
Also, bacteriological assay was used for the deter- ard laboratory procedures and analytical methods
mination of thermotolerant coliform bacteria and (APHA 2005). The pH was measured using a pH
Escherichia coli. All the results were compared with meter while the soil organic content was determined
the World Health Organization (WHO 2004) and in the laboratory using a muffle furnace to burn
the Nigerian Standard for Drinking Water Quality the soil at 440°C during 24 h. The soil porosity and
(NSDWQ 2007) values. other constituents such as N, P, Na, Ca, Mg, Cn,
and metals such as Cu, Pb, Ag, and Hg were deter-
mined in the laboratory using standard procedures
Soil sampling and analysis by AOAC (2000). The values were compared with
the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of
The soil samples were collected from the landfill the United Nations (UN) values.
(dumpsite) of Ondo State Waste Management Au-
thority, Akure. 100 grams of the soil samples taken
at the depths 10, 20, and 30 cm, respectively per RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
sampling point were collected at four different loca-
tions at a distance of 10 m from one another. The Water analyses
samples were collected at specified depths using a
soil auger. They were air dried, sieved using a 2 mm The results and comparison of the sample pa-
mesh, and stored in sampling bags for analysis. rameters with the World Health Organization and
The following constituents were analysed in the the Nigerian Standard for Drinking water quality
soil samples taken from the landfill site, the pH, are presented in Tables 1, 2, and 4. The tempera-
organic content (OC), nitrogen (N), phosphorus ture, turbidity, colour and odour of the samples
(P), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), are shown in Table 1. The presence of colour was
cyanide (Cn), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), silver (Ag) and an indication of pollution and confirmed leachate
mercury (Hg). The soil particle size analysis was infiltration into the wells (Ogedengbe & Akinbile
carried out using apparatuses such as the mechanical 2004; Mohamed et al. 2009). The temperatures
stirrer, stop watch, analytical balance, hydrometer, which ranged from 26.5°C and 27.5°C were found

Table 1. Physical characteristics of the borehole water samples analysed

Sample Colour Odour Turbidity (NTU) Temperature (°C)

W1 not clear mild 6.6 27.5
W2 clear mild 3.5 27.6
W3 not clear mild 1.6 26.5

NTU – nephelometric turbidity unit

Table 2. Chemical constituents in the boreholes and their comparison with the WHO Standard (in mg/l)

Sample Distance (m) pH DO TDS TH Ca NO3 NO2 Cl–

NSDWQ 6.5–8.5 NS 500 200 75 50 3 250
WHO 6.5–8.5 NS 500 200 75 50 3 250
W1  50 5.68 0.9 342 140 83 61 0.9 122
W2  80 6.20 1.9 221 138 71 42 0.8  20
W3 100 6.82 2.4  18 136 69 30 0.7   17

DO – dissolved oxygen; TDS – total dissolved solids; TH – total hardness

Soil & Water Res., 7, 2012 (1): 18–26

outside the range of the WHO standard of 4°C for currently has. It was remarked that though pH 7.0
domestic water, hence indicating the presence of is neutral and may be tolerated up to 9.2, provided
foreign bodies. A similar view was reported by Jaji microbiological monitoring indicated no deterio-
et al. (2007) in his studies. Pollution from a nearby ration in bacteriological quality (WHO 2004). In
abattoir, especially W 1, may also be responsible this case, all indicators showed deterioration in
for the high values recorded for both colour and bacteriological quality (as shown in Table 4) and
temperature in the water samples analysed. The deserve urgent attention to avert the imminent
turbidity readings of the samples were above the catastrophe its continued existence in both the
WHO and NSDWQ standards with samples W 1, soil and water bodies will pose to the end users of
W 2 , and W 3 having average turbidity values of these resources. The pH findings from this study
6.6 nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU), 3.5 NTU, agreed with the values obtained by (Ikem et al.
and 1.6 NTU, respectively. Similar high turbidity 2002; Akinbile 2006; Longe & Balogun 2010)
values were also reported by Shyamala et al. but did not agree with the opinions of ( Jaji et al.
(2008) indicating that the wells might be unlined, 2007; Shyamala et al. 2008).
hence the high values. Soil particles may have All the ions were below the WHO and NSDQW
found their way into the wells from the unstable limits but still require a treatment before being
side walls thereby increasing the water turbidity. A useful for domestic purposes. The values above
similar observation was made by Akinbile (2006) 250mg/l for chloride would result in detectable
and the reasons adduced for the observation were taste while the values above 200 mg/l for total
as mentioned above. The WHO (2004) recom- hardness do not have any associated adverse health-
mended a value of 5 NTU as the maximum above related effects on humans but are an indication of
which disinfection is inevitable. The observed Ca and/or Mg ions deposits. Their presence will
turbidity value in sample W 1 was slightly higher disallow water from forming lather with soap,
than the recommended value and might be due thereby preventing economic management of water
to the proximity to the landfill indicating a higher resources. Chloride ranged from 17 to 122 mg/l
sediment flow when compared with others. All the and though being below the WHO and NSDWQ
values were, however, lower than the ones reported levels, its presence indicates pollution requiring
in ( Jaji et al. 2007). Samples W 1 and W 2 were a treatment before use. This agrees with the find-
close; hence they needed to be treated before the ings of (Igbinosa & Okoh 2009). For manganese,
use. The chemical characteristics of the samples WHO recommended a value of 0.1 mg/l which is
analysed were as shown in Tables 2 and 3. The still tolerable, while above 0.5 mg/l, manganese will
pH ranged from 5.68 to 6.82 which is acidic and impair potability. Though not detected in all the
indicated the presence of metals in the samples, samples, it was remarked that its excessive con-
particularly toxic metals. Metals such as zinc, those centration would result in taste and precipitation
from damaged battery cells (lead, mercury, and problems (Longe & Balogun 2010). This agrees
alkaline), and improperly disposed of used cans with the findings of Ogedengbe and Akinbile
of aerosols and other disinfectants deposited in (2004). Calcium levels though low (with the ex-
the landfill as waste may after exposure to air and ception of W 1), which ranged from 69 to 83 mg/l,
water, found their ways to the well-water levels still portend the danger of water hardness and are
through seepage to give the toxic, acidic nature it slightly higher than the values of (Chauhan & Rai

Table 3. Heavy metal contents in the boreholes and their comparison with the WHO Standard (in mg/l)

Sample Distance (m) Fe Pb Zn Cu Mn Cr3–

NSQDW 0.5–50 0.01 3.0 1.0 0.2 0.05
WHO 0.5–50 0.01 3.0 1.0 0.1 0.05
W1  50 1.20 1.21 5.4 ND ND ND
W2  80 1.0 1.11 3.3 ND ND ND
W3 100 0.9 ND ND ND ND 0.25

ND – not detected

Soil & Water Res., 7, 2012 (1): 18–26

2010). The implication is that forming lather with Iron and lead ranged from 0.9 to 1.2 mg/l and
soap will be a major challenge for domestic users 1.11 to 1.2 mg/l, respectively, which is a clear
(Akinbile 2006). The value of 0.9 mg/l was an manifestation of the presence of toxic wastes in
indication of oxygen depletion (DO) in W1 sample, the landfill. Zinc ranged from 3.3 to 5.4 mg/l which
the closest one to the landfill, which also inferred also indicated pollution. A similar result was re-
the presence of pollutants that use up oxygen in ported by Ikem et al. (2002) and agreed with the
water. The high DO by the pollutants were noticed findings of Shyamala et al. (2008) and Longe
and showed that the wells water was unsafe for and Balogun (2010). The WHO (2004) report
consumption. The other two wells revealed DO indicated that a range of values of 1 to 3 mg/l is
of 1.9 and 2.4 mg/l which, though still low, indi- permissible for iron metals in water above which
cated an indirect impact of the landfill on them. an objectionable and sour taste in mouth is ob-
Similar results were reported in Chauhan and served. It was also remarked that the formation of
Rai (2010) and Akinbile (2006) underlining the blue baby syndrome in babies and goiter in adults
presence of pollutants in appreciable quantities. are the results of consumption of water containing
DO is an important factor used for water quality iron above the specified quantity (Akinbile 2006;
control and similar values were reported by Igbi- Shyamala et al. 2008). The results of other tests
nosa and Okoh (2009) and Jaji et al. (2007). The carried out on cyanide and other metals such as
total dissolved solids (TDS) ranging from 18 to mercury and silver were negative. However, the
342 mg/l, though being lower than the WHO and presence of chromium (0.25 mg/l) in the sample at
NSDWQ values, still indicated pollution, hence 100 metres distance from the landfill may suggest
the suspension that was evident during analysis. pollution from a nearby abattoir and not from the
Nitrate, the most highly oxidised form of nitrogen landfill site. Similar view is shared by Chauhan
compounds, is commonly present in surface- and and Rai (2010).
groundwaters because it is the end product of the
aerobic decomposition of organic nitrogenous
matter. Unpolluted natural waters usually contain Bacteriological characteristics
only minute quantities of nitrate. The nitrate values
in the study ranged from 30 to 61 mg/l, showing
an appreciable presence of pollutants in all the The bacteriological characteristics of the
water samples. Nitrite ranged from 0.7 to 0.9 mg/l samples tested are as reported in Table 4. The
and all this agreed with the observations made Escherichia coli and thermotolerant coliform
by Chauhan and Rai (2010) and Igbinosa and bacteria contentswere high and greater than one
Okoh (2009) in their respective studies despite in all the samples analysed being an indication of
being below the WHO and NSDWQ values for faecal pollution of human wastes from the landfill.
potable water. From Table 3, most heavy metals The variance from the WHO was also more than
tested for were not detected with the exception 50 % (with the exception of E. coli in W 3) which
of iron, lead, zinc, and chromium which indicated further confirmed bacteriological pollution, not
the presence of toxic wastes coming perhaps from limited to human sources and coming perhaps
disposed off battery cells, used aerosol cans, and from the remains of dead animals or even a grave
other materials with a certain degree of toxicity. yard nearby. It was remarked that the probability

Table 4. Bacteriological constituents in the boreholes and comparison with WHO Standard (in 1/100 ml)

Sample Bacterial constituent Water sample result Variance from WHO

total coliform bacteria > 1.7 + 0.7
Escherichia coli > 1.6 + 0.6
total coliform bacteria > 1.5 + 0.5
Escherichia coli > 1.5 + 0.5
total coliform bacteria > 1.2 + 0.2
Escherichia coli >1 0

Soil & Water Res., 7, 2012 (1): 18–26

of packing faeces from the public disposal systems level of sand within 0–10 m may be the result of
due to the lack of functional sewage systems in the organic matter binding effect. The higher level
some parts of Akure was high (Akinbile 2006). of clay within 10–15 m may have occurred due
These results showed that the three samples did not to erosion which removed loose particles from
satisfy the WHO requirements for bacteriological the surface. The mean moisture content of soil
characteristics in human consumption. The WHO ranged from between 34 and 43% and it decreased
and NSDWQ standards were 1 in 100 ml but all the with the increase of the distance away from the
samples analysed showed values over 1/100 ml. A refuse dump. This resembles the observations
thorough treatment of water from these wells would reported by Silva and Kay (1997) and Moura et
be required before its domestic consumption. al. (2009) in their studies. The moisture content
within the refuse and dump (centre) was higher
as this was associated with the increased activity
Soil analyses of organisms and high organic matter (Zhang et
al. 2007). Water holding capacity (WHC) mean
Tables 5 and 6 show the physical and chemical values ranged from 38 to 54%. It decreased with
properties of soil at the landfill site. From Table 5, the increase of the distance away from the refuse
the pronounced soil class is sandyclayloam using dump. Water holding capacity was high as a result
the USDA textural class triangle which was about of high organic matter within the dump and clay
87% of the total soil samples analysed. The propor- content distribution. Porosity ranged from 31 to
tion of sand was between 58–60%, of silt 12–14%, 56% in all the locations and depths
and of clay 28–30%. Sand content decreases farther The mean porosity values decreased with the
away from the dump site indicating the reduction increase of the distance from the refuse dump.
in organic matter with the increasing distance They ranged from 44 to 47% and are an indication
away from the site. Ibitoye (2001) made similar of a high percentage of the clay content and of a
observations in his study which indicated a decrease lower sand proportion; this was also observed
in sand within the refuse dump area as the soil by (Ibitoye 2001). The observed colours of the
depth increased. He also reported that the lower soil samples were dark. It was noticed that the

Table 5. Physical properties of soil class (using USDA textural triangle) (in %)

Locations MC WHC Porosity Sand Clay Silt

A 43 54 48 59 29 12
B 36 47 47 68 29 13
C 36 47 47 60 28 13
D 34 38 44 58 30 13

A, B, C, D – locations (points) from the centre of the dump site measured horizontally away from the dump (0, 10, 20,
30 m); MC – moisture content, WHC – water holding capacity

Table 6. Chemical properties of soil samples at various locations within the landfill site

OC OM N P K Na Ca Mg Cu Pb
Location pH
(%) (mg/kg)
A 7.5 2.48 4.27 0.21 33.52 1.21 1.02 11.77 6.23 101.9 54.2
B 7.4 2.46 4.24 0.21 20.15 1.02 0.99 11.73 5.53 81.0 59.7
C 7.3 2.11 3.64 0.18 15.15 0.95 0.76 11.50 5.43 63.7 43.2
D 6.9 1.42 2.44 0.12 11.36 0.93 0.65 10.27 4.97 31.7 24.7
FAO 7 3 0.15 20 0.30 0.30 12 1.0 6 6

A, B, C, D – locations (points) from the centre of the dump site measured horizontally away from the dump (0, 10, 20,
30 m); OC – organic content; OM – organic matter

Soil & Water Res., 7, 2012 (1): 18–26

soil within the dump area was darker which was phosphorus in addition to organic matter may have
the result of the organic matter decomposition. resulted from the constituents of domestic wastes
As seen in Table 6, the mean pH values ranged such as soaps and detergents present in the landfill.
between 6.9 and 7.5. They decreased slightly with Exchangeable potassium, sodium, calcium, and mag-
the increasing distance from the refuse dump. This nesium values ranged between 0.93–1.21, 0.65–1.02,
could be the result of a high exchangeable bases 10.27–11.77, and 4.97–6.23 cmol/kg, respectively.
content around the refuse dump. The major effects From Table 6, it was evident that the exchangeable
of soil acidification on plants included the reduc- bases were very high from the distances 0–10 m apart.
tion in nutrients supply, increased concentrations The presence of heavy metals such as copper with
of metal ions in solution, especially of aluminium, means values ranging from 31.7–101.0 mg/kg, and
and including those of manganese, copper, zinc lead ranging from 24.7–54.2 mg/kg is also indicated
which may be toxic, nitrogen fixation by legumes in the table which agrees with the results obtained by
may be reduced unless the Rhizobium strain is Shepherd et al. (2002). The pronounced presence of
acid-tolerant (Dorraji et al. 2010). heavy metals was noticed between 0 and 10 m away
Organic matter ranged between 2.44 and 4.27%. It from the refuse dump indicating toxic pollution. The
decreased with increasing distance from the refuse Dutch standard for Soil Contamination Assessment
dump. High organic matter discovered around the concerning total concentration of heavy metals as
waste dump favours increased moisture content, well as those of industrialised countries state that
water holding capacity, and permeability (Ibitoye the target and intervention (TI) values for copper
2001). The frequent addition of easily decomposable are 36 and 190 mg/kg, respectively. The highest
organic residues caused the synthesis of complex value for copper concentration in the landfill was
organic compounds that bind soil particles into 116.4 mg/kg, higher than the target value (36 mg/kg)
structural units called aggregates. These aggregates but lower than the intervention value (190 mg/kg).
helped in maintaining a loose, open and granular The target and intervention values for lead are 86 and
condition. Water is then able to enter and percolate 530 mg/kg, respectively, indicating the presence
downward through the soil with pollutants (Ibitoye of poison in the landfill. The highest value for lead
2001; Shepherd et al. 2002). concentration on the site was 58.7 mg/kg, lower
Organic carbon (OC) values in the landfill ranged than target value (85 mg/kg) and intervention value
between 1.42 and 2.48% (Table 6). The OC values (530 mg/kg). Therefore, lead concentration on the
decreased with the increase of the distance away from site, though moderate, is dangerous if allowed to
the centre of the dump. The increase of the values of infiltrate towards the groundwater table.
organic carbon within the waste dump may be the
result of the waste burning on the landfill. The ef-
fects of burning are numerous and have tremendous Test of significance of the observed
negative impacts on the environment. These include correlation coefficients
global warming and emissions of other greenhouse
gases. Burning could also cause acid rain which oc- The significance of the observed correlation co-
curs when sulphur IV oxide and nitrogen oxides are efficients was tested by using t-test as shown in
released into the atmosphere (Al Sabahi et al. 2009). Table 7. Out of the total 28 correlations found
Soil nutrients and essential elements are depleted between two parameters, 15 were found to be sig-
during burning. Organic nitrogen ranged from 0.12 to nificant at 5% level (R > 0.8). The twelve negative
0.21%. The increase in the values of organic nitrogen correlations were found between pH and calcium
within the waste dump was higher when compared (R = –0.92), pH and TH (R = –1.0), pH and TDS,
with the (FAO 2004) standards. Organic nitrogen pH and NO3 (R = –0.99) and between pH and TH
decreased with the increasing distance away from (R = –1). The same goes for pH and Cl –1 (–0.88),
the waste dump site. Available phosphorus ranged DO and TDS, TH, Ca, NO 3 , NO 2 , and Cl –1 had
between 11.36–33.52 mg/kg. It decreased with the revealed negative correlation values ranging from
increase in the distance. Phosphorus values were –0.94 to –0.98 respectively. The DO and pH had
above 7–20 mg/kg, the FAO standards, with the negative correlations with all other parameters
exception of the measurements taken between the tested but positive between each other (R = 0.98).
distances 20–30 m apart which had a mean value The positive correlations were observed between
of 11.36 mg/kg. The high values of the available TH and Ca (0.92), Ca and NO 3 (0.97), and NO 3

Soil & Water Res., 7, 2012 (1): 18–26

Table 7. Correlation coefficient of different water samples physiochemical variables from the study data

Variable pH DO TDS TH Ca NO3 NO2 Cl–1

pH 1 0.98 –0.99 –1 –0.92 –0.99 –1 –0.88
DO 1 –0.94 –0.98 –0.98 –0.99 –0.98 –0.95
TDS 1 0.99 0.86 0.96 0.99 0.80
TH 1 0.92 0.99 1 0.88
Ca 1 0.97 0.92 0.99
NO3 1 0.99 0.93
NO2 1 0.88
Cl 1

DO – dissolved oxygen; TDS – total dissolved solids; TH – total hardness

and Cl –1 (0.93), respectively. Some of the highly levels of chemical and bacteriological contamination
significant correlations were discernible between of the water from the boreholes, health problems such
TH and nitrite (R = 1), TH and nitrate (R = 0.99), as typhoid fever or worm infestation are imminent
and between nitrate and nitrite (R = 0.99). The trend when such water is consumed. It also follows from
was an indication that the pollutants presence in the the study that the effect of the waste disposal on soils
test parameters is strongly interrelated and inter- is damaging. This led to the destruction of several
dependence on one another with the co variability hectares of productive land and also altered the
values is observed. For instance, DO dependence soil fertility. The dumping of industrial wastes and
on TH, Ca, NO3, NO2, and Cl–1 indicated that the accumulation of heavy metals were considered the
effect of oxygen depletion will be significantly felt greatest hazard on the landfill site from the study.
on all the aforementioned parameters considerably. When these chemical elements are absorbed by
This would also be true with all other parameters of soils, the toxins can pass into the food chain through
high R-values in all other constituents analysed in grazing animals. The effects of incineration on the
the study. In all the parameters tested using t-test soil and emission of one major GHG-carbon IV oxide
correlation analysis, there were significant differences deplete the soil and destroy the aggregates. The impact
in all the parameters considered at 95% confidence on the environment includes; increased day-time
interval also confirming the presence of pollutants temperature, global warming, increased incidences
at irregular concentrations in all the water samples. of crop abortion, and subsequent reduction in yield
and productivity. Governmental policies on the waste
disposal and management should be enacted and
Concluding remarks strictly enforced, citing of dumpsites far away from the
residential areas to minimise the pollution of nearby
The study revealed that the concentration of well waters, streams and rivers, and waste sorting
waste materials in the landfill site had systematically and treatment before the disposal are encouraged.
polluted the soil and groundwater over time. The Re-designing of sanitary landfill with clay or plastic
effect of such pollution as determined from the liners to prevent leachate from getting to the water
study declined away from the polluting source. This table, adoption of clean technology for recycling
implied that the contamination of the groundwater greenhouse gases emanating from the landfill, and
was more dependent on the proximity to the dump a sustainable land management programme for
sites. Smaller dependence has been attributed to the reclamation are recommended.
influence of topography, type, state of waste disposal
systems and, to some extent, hydrogeology of the area. Acknowledgments. The author is grateful to Messers
However, the results indicated very poor sanitation T.O. Ajayi and O. O. Ayowole for their assistance in data
and damaging effects to the health of both humans collection, the Third World Academy of Science (TWAS)
and animals if the surrounding well waters were used for providing one year Post-Doctoral fellowship (FR No.
for domestic and agricultural purposes that require 3240223476), and the University Sains Malaysia (USM) that
a certain degree of hygiene. As a result of the high enabled him to utilise the fellowship for the research study.

Soil & Water Res., 7, 2012 (1): 18–26

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Accepted after corrections August 22, 2011

Corresponding author:
Christopher Oluwakunmi Akinbile, Ph.D, University Sains Malaysia (USM),
School of Civil Engineering, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia


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