IGBT Thermal
IGBT Thermal
IGBT Thermal
where RG is the gate resistance, CGS is the gate-source B. Forward Voltage under Low Current Injection – VCE(low)
capacitance (gate-emitter in IGBTs), CGD is the gate-drain The VCE(low) has been used for the thermal characterisation
capacitance (gate-collector in IGBTs) and VDS is the drain- of bipolar transistors for many decades [3][16][21][25]. By
source voltage (collector-emitter in IGBTs). taking advantage of the temperature dependence of the voltage
During the turn-on delay, the capacitance CGD remains drop across a PN junction, this parameter generally exhibits a
small and constant due to a high and unchanged value of V DS negative temperature dependence of approximately -2mV/°C
[23][24]. Thus, if the parasitic gate inductance is kept in silicon devices.
negligible, the gate current during the turn-on delay can be The measurement process is very simple: a constant sensing
viewed as a step response of a first order RC circuit where the current generally in the range of 1mA – 100mA is fed into the
initial (and peak) charging current into the gate capacitor can power device, and the subsequent voltage drop is measured.
be calculated as: Typically, the sensing current is injected into the device after a
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 3
sufficient delay (up to a few hundred µs) once the load current The IR camera used is a CEDIP-FLIR SC7500. For each
has been removed in order to be sure that excess carriers are measurement, 100 IR frames (100Hz frequency) are acquired
completely swept away or recombined. Since the sense current while the IGBTs conduct a constant current in a thermal
induces negligible self-heating, the voltage drop can be steady-state. To fix identical positioning for each image
recorded as the device is cooling and a linear regression vs. acquisition, the position of the camera was controlled by a 3-
the square root of time used to estimate the temperature value axis positioning system.
at the moment the load current is switched off [3][21]. 13.62mm
Although the VCE(low) has been experimentally validated in
numerous studies and shown to provide a temperature close to
the mean temperature of the chip [7][18][21], it is problematic
to implement in real switching conditions due to requiring a
suitable window to inject the sensing current [26][27].
Nevertheless, its traditional use and repeated evidence of
correlation with mean junction temperature is why the method
is chosen as the current state-of-the-art for comparison with
(a) (b)
the recently proposed IGPeak method.
Fig. 2. IGBT A:
(a) Geometry of Infineon IGC189T120T8RL bare die.
III. TSEP MEASUREMENTS (b) Dies inside FS200R12PT4 module after dielectric gel is
A. IGBTs under test
Two Infineon IGBTs are chosen for investigation, both
rated at 1200V/200A. Additionally, each IGBT contains an
RGint of 3.5Ω. Although these IGBTs have identical
specifications, the geometry of the chips is dissimilar and is
the primary reason for their selection.
The first IGBT (Die: IGC189T120T8RL [28], Module:
FS200R12PT4) is square in profile with the gate pad in the
centre, while the second IGBT (Die: IGC193T120T8RM [29], (b)
Module: FF600R12ME4) has a rectangular profile with the
Fig. 3. IGBT B:
gate pad at the side. The geometry and dimensions of the dies (a) Geometry of Infineon IGC193T120T8RM bare die.
are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. These IGBTs will subsequently (b) Dies inside FF600R12ME4 module after dielectric gel is
be referred to as Type A and Type B respectively. removed.
Because functional dies complete with bondwires and
packaging could not be obtained individually, the experiments
are performed on individual dies isolated from inside
commercial multi-chip power modules. The module layout for
IGBT A (square, gate pad centre) also allowed investigation of
two IGBTs in parallel. In addition, IGBT A is investigated
both with and without bond-wire removal.
Fig. 4. IGBT B before painting (left) and after painting (right).
B. IR Thermal Measurements
C. Test Bench Operation
To prepare the power modules for IR measurements, the
A panoramic view of the test bench, along with a close up
dielectric gel was first removed by soaking for several hours
of the IR camera, power module and gate driver with the IGPeak
in Ardrox 2312 at 75°C. The modules were then cleaned with
measurement circuit is shown in Fig. 5. A schematic of the test
Acetone and deionised water, before being painted with
setup is displayed in Fig. 6, which allowed the TSEPs to be
PYROMARK 1200 high temperature paint. Care was taken
evaluated with IGBTs operating under constant current
during the painting process to achieve as consistent emissivity
injection. The operating principle is described below, with the
as possible across the chip surface: the paint was filtered to
basic premise being a two stage operation: a heating phase and
attain a uniform particle size, and micro-spraying equipment
a measurement phase.
was used that allowed tight control over the paint thickness.
The first step is the heating step, where a high current is fed
Before and after painting photos of IGBT B are shown in Fig.
into the DUT IGBT from the current source I1. This induces
self-heating in the device, which can last for several minutes
The thickness of the paint was selected as a trade-off
until a thermal steady-state is reached. The second step is the
between achieving uniform emissivity, while minimising the
measurement step. At this point, the IGBT temperature is
impact on the thermal behaviour of the IGBTs. The paint
measured using the three presented measurement methods: IR
thickness in all cases is between 10-16µm, compared to the
camera, VCE(low) and IGPeak.
115-120µm thickness of the IGBT dies.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 4
Gate Driver
IGBT module
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. (a) Panoramic view of test bench (b) Close up of power module, IR Camera, and gate driver with peak detector measurement circuit [11]
conducted. Fig. 8 displays a CGE-VGE profile vs. temperature die, while the minimum is more than 6°C lower. Nonetheless,
on IGBT A with the collector-emitter shorted (i.e. the same the overall mean temperature of both structures is similar, with
conditions for IGPeak measurement in the test bench). the mean temperature of the bondwires just 0.4°C higher than
the die surface.
CG-VGE vs. Temperature at VCE = 0V
CG (nF)
45 25°C
30 75°C
100°C Chip: IGC189T120T8RL
15 125°C Module: FS200R12PT4
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
Fig. 8. CG-VGE vs. temperature profile for IGBT A (Infineon FS200R12PT4)
The profile shows that CGE is around 80nF and stable with
temperature while VGE remains below approximately -1V.
Given that the Concept2 gate driver used in the peak detector
prototype has a negative turn-off voltage of -10V [30], IGPeak
should be detected well before the voltage on the gate
capacitor reaches -1V. Therefore, the fluctuation of CGE with
temperature at a VGE beyond -1V should not impact the
measurement of IGPeak. For the experiments conducted in this
paper, a unipolar gate driver with a turn-off voltage of 0V (or
within temperature dependent region of Fig. 8) would yield (b)
fallacious results. Max:
In the following sections, all raw data values for the
dissipation results are included in the tables in Appendix A. 177.2°C
A. Definition of ‘Junction Temperature’
The term ‘junction temperature’ is ambiguous, since the
temperature of a power semiconductor cannot be described Min:
using a single temperature value. Instead, the junction is made 146.3°C
up of a large distribution of temperatures. In prior literature
concerning the evaluation of TSEP accuracy, the mean surface Max:
temperature and the absolute maximum temperature of the 187.7°C
chip are the two most common measurements chosen for
comparison with the TSEP measurement. In this work, the Mean:
‘junction temperature’ is assumed to be the mean surface 176.8°C
temperature of the emitter metallisation on the IGBT die.
These emitter pads can be seen in the die datasheets [28][29]
and in Figs. 2 and 3. As a result, the ‘junction temperature’ Min:
does not include the entirety of the die area, or any of the 152.7°C
attached bondwires. (d)
To extract the mean surface temperature of the emitter pads, Fig. 9. Processing of IR images to extract the junction temperature:
the IR images are processed using image masks in MATLAB (a) Unedited IR image of IGBT A during dissipation at 140A
to remove the undesired pixels. This process is depicted in (b) Cropped IR image to the active area of the die
Fig. 9. (c) IR image of bondwires with die surface removed via a MATLAB image
A noteworthy observation from this procedure is that the (d) IR image of die surface with bondwires removed via a MATLAB image
bondwires experience a wider temperature distribution than mask. This image is used to calculate the mean junction temperature.
the die. From Fig. 9, where IGBT A is conducting 140A, it
B. Location of RGint
can be seen that the bondwires have both a lesser minimum
and a higher maximum temperature. The maximum The IR camera was used to perform a preliminary
temperature of the bondwires is close to 3°C higher than the assessment on the location of the internal gate resistor for each
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 6
RGint (Ω)
3.6 IGBT A - T1
IGBT A - T2 4.3
3.2 IGBT B - T2 4.2
3.0 IGBT A - T1+T2
2.8 4.1
2.4 4.0
30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
Fig. 11: RGint vs. Temperature from calibration data for IGBT A and B (IGPeak used to calculate RGint)
IGBT. To do this, IGBTs were shorted between the collector On the other hand, RGint has significant variation between
and emitter, and switched using a gate driver at a frequency of IGBTs in spite of each chip having a specified datasheet value
30kHz. Fig. 10 displays thermal images of the IGBTs during of 3.5Ω. Within chips from the same module, sensitivity was
this procedure. Clear heating in the gate pad of around 3°C fairly uniform: 3.2mΩ/°C for IGBT A and 2.9mΩ/°C for
can be seen on both IGBTs, which is assumed to be the result IGBT B. However, an offset of approximately 20-30mΩ is
of the self-heating of RGint. present between T1 and T2 for both IGBT types. Furthermore,
As a result, image masks were created in MATLAB to there is a discrepancy of around 50mΩ between IGBT A and
extract both the mean surface temperature of the emitter B. This offset could be due to manufacturing tolerances in the
metallisation on the IGBT die (IRMean), as well as the mean production of RGint. For the paralleled chips of IGBT A, the
temperature of the gate pad (IRGate). sensitivity was halved to 1.6mΩ/°C.
VCE(low) Calibration - All IGBTs
0.2 IGBT A - T2
0.1 IGBT B - T2
(a) (b) IGBT A - T1+T2
Fig. 10. Self-heating of RGint: (a) IGBT A. (b) IGBT B. 30 50 70
90 110 130 150 170
Temperature (°C)
C. Calibration
Fig. 12: VCE(low) vs. Temperature from calibration data for IGBT A and B
Two IGBTs are characterised from each module. In
addition, the layout of the FS200R12PT4 module allowed D. Dissipation Results – Single IGBTs
IGBT A to be calibrated with two IGBTs in parallel. In this Temperature measurements during dissipation were
case, the sensing current for VCE(low) was accordingly doubled conducted at a range of current values from 40-160A. The
from 100mA to 200mA, while the gate driver remained heating current was limited to below the 200A rating of each
unchanged. IGBT in order to maintain a safe maximum junction
Calibration curves for the two TSEP measurement methods temperature of below 200°C. The input fluid to the heatsink
are shown in Figs. 11 and 12. IGPeak is used in conjunction with was maintained at 40°C during all tests.
the gate voltage swing to calculate RGint, as specified in (3). Fig. 13 displays the temperature measurement results during
Although both RGint and VCE(low) display a near linear dissipation on a single IGBT of both Type A and B.
relationship with temperature, a 2nd order polynomial fit is in Temperature measurements via IGPeak and VCE(low) are
fact used to calculate their respective relationships for when displayed, along with IR measurements regarding the mean
the TSEPs are used during dissipation. surface temperature of the die (IRMean) and gate pad (IRGate).
For the traditional VCE(low), the calibration reveals very little For IGBT A (square, gate pad centre), all temperature
variance between the chips. The temperature sensitivity is measurements appear to match closely. On the other hand, the
approximately -2.4mV/°C, with only a small offset between 4 temperature measurement methods show clear divergence on
IGBT A and B of around 6mV. Furthermore, the two IGBT B – particularly at high current levels. In IGBT B, I GPeak
paralleled chips of IGBT A displayed precisely the same clearly underestimates the mean surface temperature and
VCE(low) as when they were calibrated individually.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 7
provides a temperature that is lower than measured via comparable to those obtained via VCE(low). Conversely, for
VCE(low). IGBT B, IGPeak always delivered a temperature lower than
IRMean. At lower current levels, this underestimation was not
IGBT Type A severe at around -2°C. However, this increased to -7.6°C and -
10.9°C at higher current (and temperature) levels.
IGPeak Error vs. IRMean
Temperature (°C)
150 10 IGBT A
150 0
130 -4
110 -8
90 -12
Igpeak 40
100 80
120 140 160
Vce(low) Current (A)
70 IR Gate
IR Mean (b)
50 Fig. 13: Measurement error vs. mean surface temperature for (a) IGPeak and (b)
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 VCE(low).
Current (A)
These trends could perhaps be anticipated due to the
respective locations of the gate pad. In fact, Fig. 15 shows the
Fig. 13: Temperature measurement results during dissipation from 40A to
correlation of temperature measurement via IGPeak to the
160A. (a) IGBT A. (b) IGBT B.
temperature of the gate pad measured via IR camera. In almost
To demonstrate these trends more precisely, Fig. 14 all cases on both chip types, IGPeak provided a temperature
compares both TSEP measurements in relation to IRMean for within +1°C and +3°C of the gate pad.
each IGBT. It can be observed that in all cases, V CE(low)
IGPeak Error vs. IRGate
provides a temperature that slightly overestimates the mean 4
surface temperature of the die. The difference between the 3
Temp. Error (°C)
Temperature (°C)
160 160A
115 120A
100 100A
85 60A
55 40A
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Gate Pixels
Fig. 16: Temperature profile across IGBT B from 40A to 160A. Temperature is plotted along the dotted line
underestimating IRMean as the current and temperature Healthy IGBT Degraded IGBT
These results infer that use of IGPeak for junction temperature
measurement on single IGBTs would require consideration of
the gate pad position, as well as the expected operating
temperatures and temperature distribution throughout the chip.
The fact that the IGPeak method consistently measures a
slight overestimation of the gate pad temperature could
indicate a systematic error in the experiment. This may be due IGBT A: Degraded vs. Healthy
to a suboptimal design of the peak detector circuit, or a Degraded
systematic error in the measurement principle. For example, 195 Healthy
the gate connection in the IGBTs studied is not a kelvin
Temperature (°C)
same conditions for both the healthy and degraded states.
To achieve the degraded condition, 3 bondwires on IGBT A
were cut with wire clippers, resulting in the complete 110
disconnection of a central emitter pad on the IGBT. An IR
90 Igpeak
image of this condition at 140A is displayed in Fig. 17, from Vce(low)
which, clear distortion of the temperature distribution can be 70 IR Gate
IR Mean
seen in comparison to the healthy IGBT. Mean and maximum 50
temperatures of the IGBT are around 5-10°C higher after 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
bondwire removal. Current (A)
Temperature measurements on the degraded IGBT A are Fig. 18: Temperature measurement results during dissipation on IGBT A with
shown in Fig. 18. The results appear similar to the findings of bondwires removed.
IGBT A in a healthy condition (Fig. 13) – all temperature For further analysis, Fig. 19 is presented and displays a
measurements match closely. comparison of IGPeak in relation to IRMean and IRGate, both
before and after degradation. The correlation between I GPeak
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 9
and IRGate remains almost unchanged between healthy and inductance is mainly comprised of the terminal leads and
degraded conditions. However, a non-negligible shift can be packaging, the lift-off of just a few bondwires cannot
seen when comparing IGPeak to IRMean. In a healthy state, IGPeak significantly change the total inductance in the circuit [31].
typically delivered a temperature between 2-3°C larger than It must also be noted that merely cutting three bondwires on
the mean junction temperature. After bondwire removal, this an IGBT is not a realistic representation of a degraded
overestimation reduced by 1°C to 2°C. In fact, a -0.4°C condition. In practical applications an IGBT can be subject to
underestimation of IRMean was observed at the highest heating a wide variety of failure mechanisms, some of which may be
current of 140A. Although this adjustment may seem small, it far more pertinent in influencing the IGPeak method. To provide
is in clear contrast to VCE(low), whose correlation with IRMean more thorough assessment on the robustness of I GPeak, an
altered less than ±0.2°C in all cases, as shown in Fig. 20. investigation on IGBTs with a degraded gate oxide or gate
capacitance would be relevant, especially as there is data to
IGBT A - IGPeak Error vs. IRGate
4 suggest that IGBT gate capacitances can vary through aging
3 Degraded [101][102].
Temp. Error (°C)
F. Dissipation Results: Paralleled IGBTs
0 The module structure for IGBT A allowed investigation of
-1 two IGBTs in parallel. For paralleled IGBTs, the heating
-2 current ranged from 120A to 240A, and the sense current for
-3 VCE(low) was accordingly doubled from 100mA to 200mA. The
-4 gate driver and peak detector were unchanged from previous
40 80 100 120 140
Current (A) investigations, with a single gate driver being used to drive
(a) both IGBTs.
IGBT A- IGPeak Error vs. IRMean First of all, the paralleled IGBTs were assessed without
4 inducing a temperature imbalance. In this condition, the
3 Degraded temperature difference between the mean surface temperatures
Temp. Error (°C)
of each IGBT was a maximum of 2°C. Temperature
measurements in this paralleled state are displayed in Fig. 21.
Since the temperature difference between the two IGBTs is
minimal, single IR measurements are displayed which is the
-3 cumulative mean of both IGBTs (i.e.
-4 ).
40 100 80 120 140
Current (A)
(b) IGBT Type A - Paralleled
Fig. 19: Temperature measurement via IGPeak in degraded and healthy
conditions: (a) Error vs. gate pad temperature. (b) Error vs. mean surface
temperature. 160
Temperature (°C)
2 120
1 Igpeak
0 100 Vcelow
IR Gate
IR Mean
-2 80
-3 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
-4 Current (A)
40 10080 120 140
Current (A) Fig. 21: Temperature measurement results during dissipation for 2 paralleled
IGBTs (IGBT A) from 120A – 240A.
Fig. 20: Temperature measurement via VCE(low): error vs. mean surface
temperature in healthy and degraded condition The results on IGBT A in a paralleled configuration follow
These results again infer that IGPeak is primarily influenced the same trends as with single IGBTs. Fig. 22 shows that IGPeak
by local conditions in the vicinity of the gate pad, rather than delivers a temperature within +2°C of the gate pad
the overall active area of the die as is the case with the temperature. This leads to an overestimation of IRMean by
traditional VCE(low). between +1°C and +3°C. Additionally, VCE(low) again provides
It is perhaps logical that IGPeak was found to be largely a temperature closely correlated with the mean surface
unaffected by bondwire lift-off, since the emitter bondwires temperature, with measurements at all current levels showing
may contribute a total resistance of just a few mΩ, as opposed a difference of less than +1°C.
to the 3.5Ω of RGint. Additionally, since the parasitic gate
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 10
IGPeak Error vs. IRGate (Paralleled) IGPeak Error vs. Mean-IRGate (Paralleled)
4 4
Temp. Error (°C) 3 3
The temperature profile of the two IGBTs with a 200A
heating current is shown in Fig. 25. Here, the I GPeak and
-1 VCE(low) measurements are within 1°C of each other and appear
-2 to correspond closely with the combined mean temperature
Igpeak profile of the two IGBTs. In fact, both TSEP measurements
-3 Vcelow
-4 overestimate the cumulative mean surface temperature by
120 160 200 240 between +1°C and +3°C, as shown in Fig. 26.
Current (A)
(b) IGBT 1 IGBT 2
Fig. 22: Temperature measurement error for 2 paralleled IGBTs (IGBT A), (a)
IGPeak error vs. gate pad temperature. (b) IGPeak and VCE(low) errors vs. mean
surface temperature.
125 2
Igpeak 0
105 Vce(low)
IR Mean T1
IR Mean T2 -2
85 -3 Vce(low)
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 -4
Current (A) 120 160 200
Current (A)
Fig. 23: Temperature measurements during dissipation on 2 paralleled IGBTs
(IGBT A) with a temperature disequilibrium. Fig. 26: IGPeak and VCE(low) on 2 paralleled IGBTs (IGBT A): error vs.
cumulative mean surface temperature.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 11
These results suggest that IGPeak can provide an adequate tracking fast dynamic changes in temperature should also be a
assessment of the mean temperature of IGBT chips in a priority. Finally, an evaluation of robustness towards gate
paralleled condition, at the least in line with results provided oxide degradation introducing non-negligible gate leakage
by the traditionally used VCE(low). This is providing that the currents should also be carried out.
IGBTs contain a centrally located gate pad.
For a more detailed assessment on the performance of I GPeak VI. APPENDIX A
with paralleled chips, a number of additional studies could be Complete table of temperature measurement results from
carried out. Clearly, immediate steps would be to assess I GPeak experiments performed.
on a greater number than two IGBTs in parallel, as well as on
IGBT A - Healthy
paralleled IGBTs with the gate pad at the edge of the die.
Other relevant studies would be to investigate the impact Current IGPeak VCE(low) IRGate IRMean IRMax
(A) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C)
different paralleling layout techniques such as grouping 0 42.1 42.0 41.7 41.8 42.1
IGBTs into ‘cells’ [32]. 40 63.9 63.0 63.3 63.1 65.3
80 98.7 97.6 97.4 96.8 102.1
V. CONCLUSION 100 122.3 120.5 120.1 119.4 126.7
120 150.1 148.0 147.2 146.5 156.5
This paper uses infra-red measurements to experimentally 140 179.2 178.2 177.5 176.9 190.5
evaluate the accuracy of the Peak Gate Current (I GPeak) method
for IGBT junction temperature measurement. The accuracy of IGBT A - Degraded
IGPeak is compared to a traditional electrical temperature Current IGPeak VCE(low) IRGate IRMean IRMax
measurement method, the voltage drop at low current (A) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C)
(VCE(low)). The investigation is performed with IGBTs 0 40.9 40.5 40.8 40.9 41.3
40 63.1 62.7 62.9 63.0 65.8
operating under constant current injection and temperature
80 99.6 98.6 97.7 98.0 105.1
measurements are taken while the IGBT is in a thermal 100 123.9 122.9 121.3 121.8 132.2
steady-state. 120 152.5 152.1 149.6 150.6 165.3
The IGPeak method is found to correlate closely with the 140 182.1 184.0 180.7 182.5 203.1
temperature conditions in the vicinity of the gate pad. This is
in contrast to the VCE(low), which is influenced by the entire IGBT B
area of the die. As a result, IGPeak provided a slight Current IGPeak VCE(low) IRGate IRMean IRMax
overestimation of the mean surface temperature of the die in (A) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C)
0 41.8 41.6 41.5 41.6 41.8
IGBTs with a centrally located gate pad, while 40 60.6 62.4 60.9 62.2 64.3
underestimating the mean surface temperature in IGBTs with 80 90.8 93.5 89.2 92.7 97.6
a gate pad located at the side. These trends became more 100 109.5 112.7 106.6 111.7 118.4
pronounced as the overall temperature of the dies increased, as 120 127.4 133.2 124.9 132.1 140.7
140 147.6 156.4 144.9 155.3 166.5
a result of more pronounced temperature gradients. 160 175.0 186.5 171.3 186.0 201.5
The IGPeak method is found to be largely unaffected by
partial bondwire lift-off, which is a common degradation
IGBT A - 2x Paralleled without Temperature Disequilibrium
mechanism in IGBTs. In this respect, the IGPeak method
Current IGPeak VCE(low) IRGate IRGate IRMean IRMean
continued to provide a temperature associated with the gate (A) (°C) (°C) T1 (°C) T2 (°C) T1 (°C) T2 (°C)
pad temperature when the IGBT was in a degraded condition. 120 92.2 90.6 90.7 90.8 90.3 90.4
However, since the temperature distribution in the die was 160 113.7 111.6 110.5 112.6 110.0 111.9
modified due to this degradation, the correlation with the 200 140.3 138.1 136.7 139.5 135.7 138.6
240 173.9 171.7 171.0 172.6 170.1 172.2
mean surface temperature was slightly altered.
In paralleled IGBTs where the gate pad is centrally located,
IGBT A - 2x Paralleled with Temperature Disequilibrium
IGPeak was found to have similar averaging properties as the
traditional VCE(low) method, and provided a temperature Current IGPeak VCE(low) IRGate IRGate IRMean IRMean
(A) (°C) (°C) T1 (°C) T2 (°C) T1 (°C) T2 (°C)
slightly overestimating the cumulative mean temperature 120 96.2 94.1 89.2 98.6 88.4 98.1
when a large temperature imbalance is present between the 160 122.0 121.1 113.1 127.1 112.2 126.3
IGBTs. 200 153.1 152.3 142.5 160.5 141.4 159.4
As a general conclusion, using and interpreting
measurement results provided by IGPeak requires a good VII. REFERENCES
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"Experimental evaluation of IGBT junction temperature measurement IEEE , vol., no., pp.2055-2060, 15-19 Feb. 2009
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[13] C. Butron, J. Alexander, B. Strauss, G. Mitic, and A. Lindemann, Electrical & Electronic Engineering from
“Investigation of temperature sensitive electrical parameters for power Loughborough University, UK, in 2011. In
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[15] M. Denk and M. Bakran, “An IGBT driver concept with integrated real was awarded with the European Power
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Electronics Association Young Member
[16] H.R. Plumlee, D.A. Peterman, "Accuracy of junction temperature Award in 2015.
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[17] X. Perpina, J. F. Serviere, J. Saiz, D. Barlini, M. Mermet-Guyennet, and
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engineering degree in 2002 and his Ph.D.
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[18] L. Dupont, Y. Avenas, and P. O. Jeannin, “Comparison of junction France, in 2006. After ten years of
temperature evaluations in a power IGBT module using an IR camera
and three thermo-sensitive electrical parameters,” IEEE Trans. Ind.
experience in industry, he works as
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[19] Y. Avenas and L. Dupont, “Evaluation of IGBT thermo-sensitive Applications des Technologies de
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Conference, 400-407, 1982. robustness evaluation of power semiconductor modules. In the
[21] R. Schmidt, U. Scheuermann, "Using the chip as a temperature sensor
— The influence of steep lateral temperature gradients on the Vce(T)-
French project MEMPHIS, supported by the National
measurement," 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Research Agency, his research activities are focused on the
Applications 2009, pp.1-9, 8-10 Sept. 2009. evaluation of functional and aging indicators usable to monitor
[22] J. Baliga, “Power Semiconductor Devices”, International Thomson the health status of power components.
Publishing, Boston, 1996
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 13