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Sustainable Development and Civil Engineering

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Civil engineering is one of the most important production activities that human affecting
the natural environment. Among them, the construction materials production and use,
engineering design, construction, use of the project after completed and removal after scrapped
and other processes have to consume large amounts of energy, and continue to produce waste,
and these issues will cause significant influence on ecological environment.

Therefore, as a pillar industry of the national economy, we not only need to develop civil
engineering in order to meet the needs of economic and social development, but also pay
attention to environmental protection, resource conservation, as well as promote sustainable
development strategies.

As student in civil engineer, based on the above reasons and understanding the concept of
sustainable development and connotation rightly, I choose to work on sustainable development
strategy of civil engineering and discusses the sustainable development in the stage of civil
engineering design from the preliminary design stage, technical design stage and construction
design stage respectively.

Keywords: Civil engineering; Sustainable development; Ecological building materials;

Optimal design; Structural health monitoring


Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 1
List of figures ............................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
I. Sustainable development concept and content ................................................................... 5
1. Sustainability ................................................................................................................... 5
2. Sustainable Development ................................................................................................ 5
3. Sustainable Development Goals...................................................................................... 6
II. Relation between Civil Engineering & Sustainable Dev. ............................................... 7
III. Sustainable Design .......................................................................................................... 7
1. Principles of Sustainable Design ..................................................................................... 7
2. Green Buildings ............................................................................................................... 8
IV. Sustainable development of civil engineering materials ................................................. 8
V. Ecological Building ......................................................................................................... 9
1. Materials .......................................................................................................................... 9
2. Earth sheltered buildings (ESB) .................................................................................... 10
3. Apply energy-saving technologies to reduce the environmental impact. ..................... 11
4. A zero energy home ...................................................................................................... 11
5. Recycling project. .......................................................................................................... 12
6. The process of building design ...................................................................................... 12
VI. Sustainable Construction ............................................................................................... 14
Conclusions .............................................................................................................................. 16
Electronic resources ................................................................................................................. 17


List of figures
Figure 1: Concept of sustainable development .......................................................................... 5
Figure 2: Sustainable Development Goals ................................................................................. 6
Figure 3: Relationship between societal needs, scientific knowledge and engineering ............. 7
Figure 4: Sustainable Design...................................................................................................... 7
Figure 5:Green Buildings ........................................................................................................... 8
Figure 6: Green Buildings feature’s ........................................................................................... 8
Figure 7: Ecological Building Materials .................................................................................... 9
Figure 8: Traditional earth sheltered buildings ........................................................................ 10
Figure 9: A zero energy home .................................................................................................. 11
Figure 10: The cyclical process of building design .................................................................. 12
Figure 11: Exemple of Sustainable Construction .................................................................... 15


Civil engineering are inseparable with people's daily life. Skyscrapers that can be seen
everywhere, developed road traffic, good-looking bridges and solid fortress-like irrigation
facilities are the indispensable part of our lives. After entering the new century, in the
environment of rapid economic development, we will usher in a new infrastructure construction
The rapid development of economic construction is a double-edged sword. It gives us a great
wealth but also causes the deterioration of ecological environment. Combined with the global
trend of sustainable development, as civil engineering practitioners, we should eliminate or
mitigate the environmental problems may arise in the project, such as reduction of water
resources, deterioration of water quality, ground subsidence, soil erosion, landslides, buildings
thaw settlement, cracking. ...... and many other disasters, in the bud in large-scal economic
constructions, so that the construction can make benefit for mankind and make life environment
get sustainable development and improvement. Therefore, civil engineering sustainable
development has become a very worthy of discussion and study.
Influence of civil engineering for the national economic construction and people's life is
As the most popular topic of concern in the 21st century around the world, sustainable
development affects all areas of daily life. Therefore, the paper studies sustainable development
for civil engineering systematically, and put the idea of sustainable development through civil
engineering materials, design, construction, use and demolition process, constantly creating a
veritable "green project" to contribute for the sustainable development of our country and the
whole of human society.


I. Sustainable development concept and content

1. Sustainability
To “sustain” = to “endure” , “maintain”
2. Sustainable Development
Today, the condition is such that we are devoid of some of the natural resources as they have
become extinct. Development has taken the world to a higher level but with this the resources
are being used more and more day by day to support the development. So, at this point, only
development won’t suffice as this will lead to extinction of resources within a few decades.
We need to throw light on the concept of sustainable development. Here the development will
be obvious but the only difference is that we would be using the resources available right now
without disturbing those which are reserved for future use. Thus, Sustainable development
can be defined as a development where we fulfill the needs of present day and we don’t
compromise on the ability of the future generation to fulfill their own needs
“meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their needs.” – Brundtland Report
In other way = moving ahead while making sure that we can maintain, manage and do justice
to the changes we seek and intend to bring about.

Figure 1: Concept of sustainable development

American Society of Civil Engineers defines sustainability as

“a set of economic, environmental and social conditions in which all of society has the
capacity and opportunity to maintain and improve its quality of life indefinitely, without
degrading the quantity, quality or the availability of natural, economic and social resources.

Sustainable Development = application of these resources to enhance the safety, welfare,

and quality of life for all of society.


3. Sustainable Development Goals

Figure 2: Sustainable Development Goals

This whole world is one. Although we have many continents and countries, the development
of each part of the world should go hand in hand. Thus, we should work as one single element
where all should work together towards its success. When you look at it as a whole, then you
will realize how pollution badly affects the atmosphere in every country of today Many
International Pacts are made which help to unite on a global scale and solve various problems
in a line. When we look at the concept of Sustainable Development, we come to know that
this idea is rooted back to many generations. The problems we are facing today are very huge
and dangerous. We created them and we ourselves will have to solve them as soon as possible
to avoid further damage to our land.
Sustainable development makes the world a better place to thrive. It is the way to use the
natural system and other ecosystem services. Thus, we need to set a limit on the resources we
use so that the future generations can fulfill their needs too. We need to maintain the stability
and beauty of the nature and its elements. To put it in simple words, we should maintain the
productivity of resource, be it natural one or manmade. For instance, if we are cutting a tree to
use its wood and other parts then we should plant at least one or more than one sapling at the
same time. This is the main concept of Sustainable Development. Here we are using the
resource but then making way for the future generations to use the resources as well. Thus we
must regenerate and maintain the natural reserves. In olden days, sowing the seeds and then
planting them was a regular practice of everyone. It is because of their idea we are able to
enjoy all the resources very well.


II. Relation between Civil Engineering & Sustainable Dev.

Figure 3: Relationship between societal needs, scientific knowledge and engineering

- Civil Engineering as a profession in the 19th century - Thomas Tredgold:

“…the art of directing the great sources of Power in Nature for the use and convenience of
- Civil Engineering in the 21st century :
“…the art of working with the great sources of Power in Nature for the use and benefit of

III. Sustainable Design

Figure 4: Sustainable Design.

- Sustainable Design is the philosophy of designing physical objects and services to comply
with the principles of social, economic, and ecological sustainability.
-Reduces the negative impact on the environment and human health, thus improving the
performance during a building’s life cycle.
-Careful consideration is given to water, energy, building materials, and solid waste.
1. Principles of Sustainable Design
• Optimizing use of the sun
• Improving indoor air quality
• Using the land responsibly
• Creating high-performance and moisture-resistant houses
• Wisely using the Earth’s natural resources


2. Green Buildings
A ‘green’ building is a building that, in its design, construction or
operation, reduces or eliminates negative impacts, and can create
positive impacts, on our climate and natural environment. Green
buildings preserve precious natural resources and improve our
quality of life.
in UAE …
Green Buildings save about 70% of energy.
Green Buildings will save 10 milion UED by 2030
Figure 5:Green Buildings

There are a number of features, which can make a building ‘green’. These include:
 Efficient use of energy, water and other resources
 Use of renewable energy, such as solar energy
 Pollution and waste reduction measures, and the enabling of re-use and recycling
 Good indoor environmental air quality
 Use of materials that are non-toxic, ethical and sustainable
 Consideration of the environment in design, construction and operation
 Consideration of the quality of life of occupants in design, construction and operation
 A design that enables adaptation to a changing environment

Any building can be a green building, whether

it is a home, an office, a school, a hospital, a
community centre, or any other type of
structure, provided it includes features listed

Figure 6: Green Buildings feature’s

IV. Sustainable development of civil engineering materials

Civil engineering material refers to a variety of materials and products used in civil
engineering, which is the material basis of all civil engineering. All of the buildings, bridges,
roads, etc. are constructed from a variety of different materials through design, construction.
Therefore, the correct selection and rational use of civil engineering materials play an
important role in the security of the entire civil engineering, practical, beautiful, durable
properties and cost. For this reason, people began to carry out research and development of
new materials, looking for "sustainable development" material that meets the performance
requirements, without destroying the environment, but also to improve the environment.
"Green material" was firstly proposed at the 1988 international.


V. Ecological Building
An Ecological Building is a structure that is designed to create and sustain mutually beneficial
relationships with all of the elements of its local ecology. Abuilding's local ecology, or
environment, is made up of particular physical and biological elements and their interactions.
1. Materials
Different researchers have different understanding of ecological building materials. We
generally believe that the ecological building materials should have the following three
Ecological building materials should be advanced that cannot only expand the areas of human
life, but also to develop a broader space for humanity;
Ecological building materials should have environmental compatibility. It cannot only reduce
environmental pollution hazards from sustainable development and social progress, ensuring
that the scope of human activities and external environment coordinate best, and minimally
consume matter and energy in the manufacturing process, so that the generation of waste and
recycling to minimize and the waste generated can be processed, recovered and recycled, and
this process does not produce pollution;
Ecological building materials should be comfort, and it cannot only create a healthy living
environment in harmony with nature, but also make human life in a more beautiful,
comfortable environment.

Figure 7: Ecological Building Materials

The building materials integrated with the three characteristics form the ecological building
materials. In other words, building materials or technology having the above characteristics
can be called "eco-building" or "ecological building materials technology." The difference
between ecological building materials and traditional building materials is that the latter is
given particularly excellent ecological environment coordination, or those building materials
having functions of cleaning environment and repairing the environment directly. Ecological
Building Materials is a guiding principle, and the purpose is to prevent harming the ecological
environment and promote the protection of human activities on natural resources and the
environment, to ensure that materials having better properties. We should recognize the
concept of ecological building material is uncertain, and it is a dynamic and developing
concept. When all the materials fit "ecological environment", the term of ecological building
materials may also complete its historic mission.
The purpose of ecological building materials research is to find the necessary material having
the lowest environmental load in the processing, manufacturing, use and reproduction, to meet
the needs of human survival and development. In theory review and summary of the building


materials rationality and scientificity in the fight for survival and development, and unify the
environment load of building materials development, preparation, processing, use and
recycling and materials performance and function and capacity of the environment in one, and
strive to coordination. The essence of this thinking is to ask people in using building materials
to reach harmonious development of people and nature.
2. Earth sheltered buildings (ESB)
Earth sheltering is the architectural practice of using earth against building walls for external
thermal mass, to reduce heat loss, and to easily maintain a steady indoor air temperature.
Earth sheltering is popular in modern times among advocates of passive solar and sustainable
architecture, but has been around (Figure8) for nearly as long as humans have been
constructing their own shelter

Figure 8: Traditional earth sheltered buildings

Earth sheltered building reappeared after the 1973 oil crisis, energy sources becoming scarce
and significantly more expensive. Since then the price has become even higher, culminating
with the 2008 peak. The space heating is the primary energy consumer in most buildings. The
two main causes of heat loss are infiltration and heat transfer by conduction. In earth sheltered
buildings infiltration is minimized because its cause, wind, is separated from the structure by
the covering. Without direct contact between walls and wind, outside air cannot force itself
into the structure. Conduction is also reduced, since the earth covering has a certain level of
insulation capacity
Earth has also many other advantages. Noise is muffled and most of the vibrations are not
transmitted. It is fire resistant, and so are most of the materials used for the building structure,
like concrete, stone or masonry. Storms do not affect such buildings. Passive solar houses
need to have a high thermal inertia, meaning important building material mass. For earth
sheltered buildings, the necessary structure mass, reducing temperature fluctuation, is given
by the earth. The exterior walls of a conventional building absorb in summer huge quantities
of sunshine heat. But for earth sheltered buildings, the heat moves slowly through the wall.
Each successive layer must first change temperature before passing excess thermal energy to
next layer, and the slow process impedes the heat flow. The external temperature fluctuations
influence scarcely the interior temperature, which remains relatively stable. Earth sheltered
buildings are naturally warmer in winter and cooler in summer, because under frost limits (50
to 100 cm below the surface) the temperature is more or les stable at 13 – 14 degrees Celsius


3. Apply energy-saving technologies to reduce the environmental impact.

In order to reduce the environmental impact of the project, we should actively adopt new
energy-saving technologies. In order to reduce energy consumption, we should save and use
energy efficiently, such as water-saving systems, automatic adjustment lighting system based
on sunlight intensity, local ventilation systems;
it should also try to recycle energy, for example secondary energy use, heat storage system,
waste heat recovery systems. In order to extend the life of the project, in preliminary design
stage, people should make full use of durable materials; and in design phase, people should
take future maintenance, repair, update of the structure into account; equipment shaft, room,
building area, the floor height, load, etc. should leave room for development. Increase the use
of the environment-friendly material that does not produce fluoride, NO in disintegration,
regeneration; the use intensity of natural materials should take no destroying of natural
regeneration system as the precondition; vigorously promoting the use of recycled, renewable
4. A zero energy home
A zero energy home is not just a “green home” or a home with solar panels. A zero energy
home combines advanced design and superior building systems with energy efficiency and
on-site solar panels to produce a better home. Zero energy homes are ultra-comfortable,
healthy, quiet, sustainable homes that are affordable to live in.

Figure 9: A zero energy home

A zero-energy building, also known as a zero net energy (ZNE) building, net-zero energy
building (NZEB), net zero building or zero-carbon building is a building with zero net energy
consumption, meaning the total amount of energy used by the building on an annual basis is
roughly equal to the amount of renewable energy created on the site, or in other definitions by
renewable energy sources elsewhere. These buildings consequently contribute less
overall greenhouse gas to the atmosphere than similar non-ZNE buildings
A home that consumes no more energy than its renewable energy systems can produce must
excel in all aspects of home performance. The complete high-performance home must
• Energy efficiency
• Indoor environmental quality


• Durability
• Water efficiency
• Occupant comfort
5. Recycling project.
Recycling type projects include the following: in engineering use, they can keep the
economical running state of equipment system, introduce intelligent management systems to
reduce project management, operating expenses; use easy regeneration and long life
engineering consumables; in engineering course, the generated wastewater, waste gas are
discharged after being processed sound. In order to facilitate regeneration of projects, the
equipments should be moved as far as possible from the center toward the outer wall in order
to facilitate replacement of equipment; give full play to the possibility of using the project and
use old works by updating technology and equipment; old engineering for energy
6. The process of building design

Figure 10: The cyclical process of building design

1) Sustainable sites: Sites should be selected by determining which site would pose the least
environmental threat if construction were to take place. Pollution prevention including
controlling soil erosion, waterway sedimentation and airborne dust generation are important
factors to be considered. Sites should also be chosen that are closer to urban development
where supporting infrastructure is available; this will preserve green spaces and wildlife areas.
The redevelopment of brownfields would be preferential as no new land is needed.
Alternative transportation is another important factor to consider. The availability of public
transport, bicycle parking and shower facilities can minimize the GHG emissions associated
with travel to a building. Other factors that promote sustainability would be, for example,
preferential parking for low-emission vehicles and/or hybrids. Biodiversity can be promoted
by designing large amounts of open space in the new building complexes. Another factor are
the water management systems that take into account the natural environment design for
storm-water systems to ensure proper management of water. Reduction of the heat island
effects from roofs and parking lots as well as the reduction of light pollution is another factor
that should be taken into account to promote sustainability.


2) Water efficiency: The main goal is to increase water efficiency use within the building,
thereby reducing the amount of water needed for operations. Some methods which can be
designed in a building include water efficient landscaping to reduce irrigation requirements
and the use of innovative wastewater management technologies.

3) Energy and atmosphere: Energy systems should be properly installed and calibrated to
perform to their intended efficiency levels. This should reduce the overall energy use and
lower operating costs. A minimum level of acceptable energy performance for the facility
should be determined and monitored. A refrigerant management system to reduce refrigerant
losses and resulting potential ozone depletion. Various methods for on-site renewable energy
production can reduce the overall footprint of the building and other means of using green
power. Methods to monitor, verify and continually improve on energy consumption are key to
ensuring that energy performance is maintained. In the UK, it is estimated that construction is
responsible for 50% of the emissions of greenhouse gases and 60% of that emission is
attributable to space heating of buildings. Buildings also use energy in the heating of water,
lighting, mechanical ventilation and machinery such as lifts

4) Materials and resources: The construction process is highly energy dependent,

particularly through the manufacture and transport of materials. (Morton R., 2009). The
amount of landfill waste created during construction and operation can be reduced by efficient
use of materials and designing for recycling. Specifying used construction materials can
reduce the need for virgin materials. Specifying materials that are locally sourced, that come
from certified sustainable sources (e.g. Forest 6 Sustainable buildings Stewardship Council
(FSC) forest products), that contain recycled materials or are rapidly renewable enhances
overall environmental sustainability and lowers the embedded carbon footprint of a building.

5) Indoor environmental quality: To enhance the well-being of occupants, design should

use low emitting materials in construction including sealants, adhesives, paints, coatings,
flooring, wood and agrifibre. Ventilation systems that promote outdoor air ventilation are
preferable and should not allow for outside pollution to enter the building, if possible.
Buildings should be designed to maximize the use of natural light for all occupants. Lighting
and heating systems should be designed to manually or automatically turn off to reduced
energy consumption.

6) Innovation in design: Design decisions should be made early in the process as good
design can greatly reduce the energy consumption of a building; for example, the orientation
and location of a building can compromise shading and ventilation decisions. This part of the
assessment encourages and rewards design and construction methods that are particularly
innovative. Since there are no real criteria, this allows for architects and contractors to
experiment and innovate and receive credit in the scoring system.

7) Regional priority: Designs should be maximized to take into account regional priorities.
In colder climates, buildings could be designed to maximize heating efficiency; in hotter
climates, cooling and water usage would gain more importance in the design process.


VI. Sustainable Construction

the optimization of construction activities in a way that does not have harmful effects
on resources, surroundings and living ecosystem.
It is a way of minimizing harmful environmental impacts of construction projects
Construction involves activities like use of building materials from various sources,
use of machineries, demolition of existing structures, use of green fields, cutting down
of tress etc. which can impact environment in one or more ways.
Wastes from demolition of building and structures:
• Eliminate – avoid producing construction waste in the first place.
• Reduce – minimize the amount of waste you produce.
• Reuse – reuse the construction wastes in other works.
• Recover (recycling, composting, energy) – recycle what you can only
after you have reused it.
• Dispose – dispose of what is left in a responsible way
Use of Sustainable Building Materials
- Recycled Content
- Natural and renewable
- Locally available
- Durable
- Energy Efficiency
- Affordability
Use of Sustainable Building Materials

- Sustainable Aggregates
• Recycled aggregates (recovery of construction and demolition waste)
• Steel slag aggregates and ash
• Aggregates from other waste (Like Plastic, Glass)
Use of Sustainable Building Materials.
- Sustainable Concrete
• Reduced water content (using super-plasticizer additives)
• Recycling and use of "sustainable" aggregates
• Lower power consumption (self-compacting concretes)
• Lower cement consumption (pozzolanic additives, fly ash)


Figure 11: Exemple of Sustainable Construction

Examples of Pixel Building, Melbourne, Australia 100% carbon free : carbon produced
compensated by renewable energy


Sustainable development is both time and space concept. For civil engineering practitioners ,
on the basis of understanding the concept and connotation of sustainable development, what we
should do at work is taking the theory of sustainable development as guidance, earnestly
implementing sustained development thought, vigorously constructing green projects, and
make due contributions to the sustainable development of our country and the world. We get
he following conclusions:
Study the sustainable development issues of civil engineering material, emphasizing green and
high-performance materials of civil engineering, applying research and development results
timely into practical projects, thus reducing the use of raw materials in manufacturing, using,
and waste treatment producing adverse impact on the global environment. It is beneficial for
human survival and health. From the long-term point of view, it is in favor of sustainable
development for future generations.
The study of sustainable development in civil engineering design phase can guide the future
design work. It can guide our future preliminary design work in a certain amount of investment
scope to better meet the requirements of various functions, using more environmentally friendly
materials, making project better suit in-construction and after-construction ambient; in technical
design stage, it can coordinate the relationship among building, structure and construction under
the influence of many factors, so that the three factors can cooperate closely; emphasize overall
revision of several involved existing norms in the construction design phase, and the design
software research and development, as well as the optimization of design work carried out in
the actual project to make the project structure truly achieve "security, economic."

Sustainable development study of civil engineering can guide how to actively choose and take
appropriate measures in construction stage according to the on-site conditions to reduce adverse
effects brought by the unavoidable factors to ecosystems, reducing the inconvenience and
trouble to the nearby, and using scientific management to strengthen the management of
construction workers and improve the safety awareness of construction workers that civil
engineering construction process be sustainable.

I end this with the words of Wilson Mizner:

If you copy or steal from one,

It is called plagiarism.
If you copy or steal from two,
It is called evaluation.
If you copy or steal from many,
It is called research.


Electronic resources


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