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Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering,
Columbia University

Assistant to Chief Electrical Engineer, Sew York Edison Co.
Instructor in Electrical Engineering, Columbia University

London: CHAPMAN & HALL, Limited




Copyright, 1921


The student desiring to familiarize himself with the theory and practice
of Radio Communication should be thoroughly grounded in the ordinary
laws of continuous and alternating-current circuits; he should also have
a clear physical conception of the transient conditions continally occurring
in such circuits. These elementary ideas are best obtained by consider
ing the electric current from the electron view point, i.e., as a compara
tively slow drift of innumerable minute negative electric charges, which,
at the same time they are drifting through the substance of the conductor,
are executing haphazard motions with very high velocities, continually
colliding with each other and with the molecules of which the conductor
is composed.
Due to the extremely high frequencies encountered in radio practice
it is necessary to expand somewhat one's ideas of resistance, inductance,
and capacity, the so-called constants of the electric circuit. As a result
of the non-uniformity of current distribution the resistance of a conductor
at high frequency is generally much higher in a radio circuit than it is at
ordinary engineering frequencies; due to non-penetration of magnetic
flux and hysteretic lag, the apparent permeability of an iron core is much
less at radio frequencies than at the customary sixty cycles; due to imper
fect polarization of dielectrics the apparent specific inductive capacity
of an insulator may be much decreased at radio frequencies and the heat
ing due to dielectric losses may be thousands of times as great as is the case
in ordinary engineering practice. Furthermore, due to the unavoidable
internal capacity, the apparent inductance of even an air core coil may
be expected to vary at high frequencies; in fact, a piece of apparatus
which is physically a coil, when used at radio frequencies, may, by electric
measurement, be found a condenser.
All of the effects indicated above are treated in the early chapters of
the text, not in as comprehensive manner as is possible, to be sure, but
with sufficient thoroughness to open the student's eyes to the possible
peculiar behavior of circuits when excited by the very high frequencies
of radio practice.
Because of its importance to the radio art a considerable part of the
text is given over to the theory and behavior of the thermionic thrce-

electrode tube; at the time this material was compiled there was no com
prehensive treatment of the subject anywhere, but there has recently
appeared an excellent volume on Vacuum Tubes (by H. J. Van der Bijl)
which every student of radio should carefully peruse. It is hoped that
the subject matter presented in this text may supplement, rather than
duplicate, that given in the above mentioned volume; the actual behavior
of tubes in typical circuits is covered in this text in a more thorough
manner than has been attempted in other texts, and practically all the
theoretical deductions are substantiated by experimental data, much
of which has been obtained in the author's laboratory.
A chapter has been devoted to each important phase of the radio art ;
there is also incorporated a short, course of elementary experiments which
may well be carried out by electrical engineering students especially inter
ested in Radio. For those desiring to specialize in Radio, the material
given in the body of the text will furnish ideas for unlimited further
On certain parts of the text very valuable assistance has been given
by the author's former colleague, Mr. A. Pinto, and by Mr. W. A. Curry,
who is at present associated with him in radio instruction; due credit
is given to them on the title page of the text.
J. H. M.
Columbia University,
April, 1921.

Page 20, 13th line from bottom. For 6.38 read 6.28.
37, 11th line from bottom. Insert " of current " after " equation ".
41, 14th line from bottom should read: sine wave of current is the square root of
one-half the (maximum value)5.
46, 6th line from top. Insert R after Im.
48. For eq. 22 read: p = E I cos <*>(1 — cos 2wt).
— g—
73. At bottom of page add line: We might keep B fixed and vary the value of
the capacity of condenser Ci,
80, next to last line. For L read L\.
80, last line. For (L'c-L'd) -M' read (L'e+L'a) - A/'.
86, 9th line. For circuit 2 read circuit 1.
93. In legend of Fig. 91 for eqs. 64 and 65 read eqs. 84 and 85.
99, Fig. 97. For frequencies lower than 68 cycles reverse the dashed and full line
171, 4th line from bottom. For 1000w/i read lOOO^A.
208, last equation on page. Insert sin before (2tt 110.5/).
379, Fig. 13. Negative end of heating battery connects to thimble
434, 21st line. Insert n before E„.
456, second equation. Multiply right-hand side by R.
492, Eq. 46. For 2irLi read 4tL,.
.505, Eq. 77. For u>(L, - M) —^ read W(L3 - M) —^ .
506, last equation. For b1 read b.
591, 17th line from bottom. For smaller read larger.
733. The right-hand side of eq. 16 is twice as large as it should be (because of
incorrect reference to eq. 9). Divide it by the factor 2 as well
as the subsequent formulx- and problems depending on it,
.including eqs. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22.
733, Fig. 46. For sin 9 read cos 6.
774, 3d line from bottom. For 80 read 79.
821, 4th line. For L,T2Af +Lj read L,±2A/+LJ.
822, Fig. 34. Insert ammeter A in a condenser lead instead of where shown.
889, 4th and 5th lines. Delete: adjusting the secondary turns so as to give maxi
mum secondary current and.

raphy—Radio telephony—Receiving station—Selectivity—Interference^—

Simultaneous sending and receiving—Atmospheric disturbance—Elimi-

Fundamental Ideas and Laws
Electrons—Electric fields—Induced charges—Electric current—Conductors
and insulators—Continuous and alternating current—Wave shape—
Magnetic fields—Units— Induced e.m.f. —Self-induction—Coupling—
Capacity—Oscillograph—Current flow in inductive and condensivc
circuits—Time constant—Alternating-current flow in various circuits—
Effect of frequency—Transients in inductive circuits—Resonance—
Decrement—Decrement from resonance curve—Parallel circuits—Various
types of coupling—Effect of neighboring circuits on resistance and re
actance—Resonance in coupled circuits—Resonance in electrically long
. circuits 1-110

General concept of resistance—Various factors affecting resistance—Skin
effect and its elimination—Skin effect in coils—Eddy currents in iron
cores—Characterisitics of iron core coils—Resistance of arc and spark-
Resistance of an antenna.
Coefficient of self-induction—Self-induction of single vertical wire—Single
horizontal wire—Single circular turn—Single layer solenoid—Flat spiral—•
Toroid—Single layer square coil—Flat square coil—Multilayer coil—
Mutual induction of two single turns—Coaxial solenoids—Two-wire
antenna—-Two concentric coils—Two coaxial spirals.
Capacity in general—Capacity of an isolated sphere—Parallel circular plates—■
Single vertical wire—Mutual capacity of two horizontal wires— Multi-
plate condenser—Forms of condensers—Specific inductive capacity—
Losses on condensers—Phase difference of a condenser—Internal capacity
coils—Natural period of coils. 111-178

General View of Radio Communication
Wave motion in water—Electro-magnetic waves—Velocity of propagation—
Different types of waves—Spark telegraphy—Continuous-wave teleg
raphy—Radio telephony—Receiving station—Selectivity—Interference-
Simultaneous sending and receiving—Atmospheric disturbance—Elimi-

nation of atmospheric disturbance—Attentuation of waves—Day and

night variation in signal strength—Seasonal variation—Amounts of power
required—"Freak" transmission 179-201

Laws op Oscillating Cikcttits
Condenser discharge through inductance—Effect of condenser leakage—
Frequency—Wave-length—Voltage and current relations—Damping and
decrement—Decay of current, voltage and energy—Effect of spark gap—
Number of waves in a train—Effective value of damped sine wave cur
rent—Effect of neighboring circuits upon oscillatory discharge—Coupled
pendulums—Oscillations in coupled circuits—Phases and amplitudes of
currents—Vector diagram of currents in coupled circuits—Frequency of
beats—Quenching gap—Oscillatory circuit excited by continuous vol
tage—Oscillatory circuit excited by application of alternating voltage—
Periodic disturbances in oscillatory circuit—Oscillatory circuit excited by
pulse—Impulse excitation of parallel resonant circuit—Oscillatory circuit
excited by damped sine wave and resonance curve for such a case 202-274

Spark Telegraphy
Normal transmission equipment—Battery and coil—Alternators for radio
transmitters—Transformers—Condensers—Resonance conditions in audio
frequency circuit—Different types of spark gaps—Oscillation trans
former—Energy distribution curves of a transmitter and effect of
coupling—Adjustment of a spark transmitter—Elements of a receiving
set—Need of a rectifier—Types of coupling—The telephone receiver—
Crystal rectifiers—Vacuum tube detector—Adjustment of receiving set—
Wave-lengths and ranges of transmission in spark telegraphy—Arrange
ment of apparatus in typical transmitting stations . . . 275-363

Vacuum Tubes and Their Operation in Typical Circuits
Possibility of electron emission—Theoretical prediction of electron evapora
tion—Electron atmosphere—Power required to produce emission—Two-
electrode vacuum tube—Fleming valve—Space charge and its effects—•
Three-electrode tube—Deforest audion—Potential distribution in three-
electrode tube—Uses of three-electrode tube—Operating limits of a
tube—Effect of gas—Ionization—Evacuation of a tube—Detection of
gas in a tube—Characteristic curves of typical three-electrode tubes—■
Free grid potential—Equation of plate current—Resistance of tube
circuits—Capacity of input circuit—Three-electrode tube as detector—
Action of grid condenser—Triode as generator of alternating current
power—Output and efficiency—Heating of plates—Phase relations in a
triode—Possibility of self-excitation—Triode as detector of continuous

wave signals—Analysis of typical circuits used for self-excitation with

conditions necessary for oscillation—Starting and stopping oscillations—
Parasitic frequencies—Circuits used with triode as detector—Criterion
for osculation in detector tube—Peculiar noises in autodyne circuits—
Regenerative circuits for spark signal reception—Triodes in parallel—
Alternating-current power supply for plate circuit—Special forms of
tubes—Detailed study of triode as power converter—Triode characteris
tics when used as amplifier 364-577

Continuous-wave Telegraphy
Advantages of continuous-wave telegraphy—High-frequency generators—
Poulsen arc—Elementary theory of oscillating arc—Types of oscillation
of arc—Commercial form of arc—High-frequency alternators—Alexan-
derson alternator—Goldschmidt alternator—Frequency transformers
using iron cores—Marconi multiple-gap generator—Methods of signalin"
used with different generators—Reception of continuous-wave signals—
Tone wheel—Heterodyne—Effect of upper harmonics on beat reception—
Arrangement of apparatus in continuous-wave tube transmitters 578-645

Radio Telephony
Field of use—The transmitter—The receiver—Modulation —The microphone
transmitter—Analysis of modulation—Percentage modulation—Schemes
for modulation—The vacuum tube in radio telephony—Heising scheme of
modulation and its analysis—Alexanderson scheme of modulation—
Analysis of modulated wave—Oscillating tube as receiver—Effect of
decrements upon quality of speech—Multiplex radio telephony—Amounts
of power used and distances covered—Arrangement of apparatus in a
commercial set—Simultaneous transmission and reception 646-693

Antenna and Radiation
Radiation from simple antenna—Effects of moving electric and magnetic
fields—Open and closed electric systems—Fields involved in radiation—
Radiated field at a distance from the antenna—Radiation from a coil—
Excitation of the transmitting antenna—Various types of antenna; and
their characteristics—Relation between simple antenna and coil antenna—
Antennae for air ships—Underwater antenna;—Ground antennae—Law
of radiation from an antenna—Radiation resistance—Current in receiving
antenna—Merits of different types of antennas—Limitation of transmission
formulae—Counterpoises—Antenna resistance—Natural wave-length of
an antenna—Current and voltage distribution along an antenna and
effect of loading—Direction finders—Reliability of direction finders—
Transient effects in an antenna 694—780

Wavemeters and Their Use
Frequency and wave-length—Principle of wavemeter—Extending range of a
wavemeter^Schemes for indicating resonance—Classification of resonance
indicators—Condenser for even scale—Autodyne wavemeter—Measuring
the wave-length of a transmitter—Energy distribution—Decrement
determination with spark transmitter—Determination of decrement of
wavemeter—Decremcter—Measurement of constants of an antenna—
Mutual induction and coefficient of coupling determination—An im
provised wave-meter 781-823

Amplifiers in general—Characteristics of triodes—Effect of plate circuit
resistance and reactance—Classification of amplifiers—Transformer-re
peating amplifiers—Construction of transformers for audio-frequency—
Impedance of telephone receivers—Connections of transformer-repeating
amplifier — Transformer-repeating amplifiers for high frequencies—
Resistance amplifier—Proper resistances for repeating—Grid condenser
and leak—Inductance-repeating amplifier—Filters and their charac
teristics—Stability of amplifiers—Tube noises—Arrangement of appa
ratus in amplifiers 824-879

Radio Experiments
Resonance curves—Buzzer-generator and crystal detector characteristics—
Study and use of wavemeter—Setting up and adjusting a spark trans
mitter—Measurement of antenna constants—Continuous current charac
teristics of three-electrode tube—Tlvree-electrode tube as detector of
damped waves—Determination of tube constants—Triode as power
converter—Triode as source of power in self-exciting circuit—Resistance
measurements at high frequency—Oscillating triode as receiver of
continuous-wave signals—Study of the audio-frequency amplifier-
Study of radio-telephone set 880-919





Nature of Electricity.—Everyone is more or less familiar with elemen

tary experiments having to do with electrically charged bodies. Fur,
if rubbed on a dry day, crackles and gives off minute sparks; a glass rod
rubbed with a cloth becomes electrified and will attract small bits of
paper, cotton, etc. ; due to wind friction, and other causes, clouds become
intensely electrified and are able to break down the insulating strength
of the air and produce sparks thousands of feet long.
In what way does an electrified body, or electrically charged body,
differ from one in the uncharged, or neutral, state? A reasonable answer
to this question is found in the modern conception of the constitution
of matter.
Electrons.—It has been firmly established that every atom of matter
is charged with minute particles 1 of negative electricity, so-called electrons.
An electron, when detached from the atom of matter with which it was
associated, shows none of the properties of ordinary matter. It does not
react chemically with other electrons to produce some new substance;
moreover, all electrons are similar, no matter from what type of. atom
they have been extracted. Thus an electron from the hydrogen atom
acts precisely the same as the electrons from atoms of oxygen, iron, chlorine,
or any other substance. It seems that the electron is nothing but electricity.
1 It may seem difficult at first to think of electricity as made up of separate, dis
crete, quantities instead of a continuous distribution of electric charge, but it is pointed
out that according to modern concept energy ilself is always present as a certain number
of unit quantities; that is, energy itself is to be " counted " in terms of the smallest
possible quantity, called a " quantum."

It is definite in amount, always being exactly the same, and is generally

believed to be the smallest possible quantity of electricity, i.e., electricity
cannot be subdivided into quantities smaller than the electron.
The constants of the electron are: Radius = 2X10 "cm. ; mass = 8.8
X10-28 grams; charge = 1.59X10" 19 coulomb.1 The mass of the electron
depends upon the velocity with which it is moving; the value given
here holds good only if the electron is traveling at velocities considerably
less than the velocity of light, say less than 109cm./sec.
For many years it has been the custom for physicists to speak of
positive electricity and negative electricity; from this standpoint the
electron is negative electricity. All electrons are the same kind, or polarity,
hence it follows that the electron is the smallest possible quantity of negative
Charged Body.—From the electron viewpoint a negatively charged
body is one having more than its normal number of electrons and a posi
tively charged body is one having less than its normal number of electrons.
Let the circular shape in Fig. 1 represent an atom
of hydrogen;2 the small circles with the minus sign
in them represent the electrons associated with the
normal hydrogen atom. The normal atom is not
charged; it does not exert any attractive or
repulsive force on the other atoms, due to its elec
trical state.
The structure of the atom itself, whatever it
Fia. 1. — Conventional may be, is always charged electrically positive; in
model of a simple, the normal atom there are enough electrons to just
neutral, atom. neutralize the positive charge of the atom itself.
The normal atom acts like an uncharged body,
therefore, not because it has no electrical charge associated with it, but
because it has just as much negative charge as it has positive charge, and
these two charges neutralize one another in so far as action of the atom
on other bodies is concerned.
If one electron is removed from the atom by some means or other
(represented in Fig. 2) the balance between positive and negative charge
is destroyed; an excess of positive charge exists on the atom and the atom
is positively charged. The electron which has been removed from the
atom constitutes a negative charge. If the electron is allowed to go back

1 The student who is particularly interested in the theoretical and experimental

work from which these values are obtained is referred to " Conduction of Electricity
through Gases," by J. J. Thomson.
s In recent years much work has been done in investigation of the structure of
the atom; an interesting and elementary exposition of some of the modern views is
given in " The Nature of Matter and Electricity," by Comstock and Troland.

to the atom the balance of charge is restored and the atom is again un
charged, or neutral.
A positively charged body, therefore, is one which has been deprived
of some of its normal number of electrons; a negatively charged body is
one which has acquired more than its normal number of electrons. Thus
when a piece of sealing wax is rubbed with dry flannel the wax becomes
negatively charged and the flannel becomes positively charged. The
friction between the wax and the flannel must have rubbed some of the
electrons off the flannel molecules and left them on the surface of the wax.
The extra electrons on the wax are attracted by the deficient mole
cules of the flannel (positive and negative charges attract each other) and
if the flannel and wax are left together after being rubbed they soon lose
their charges; the molecules of the flannel regain their proper number of
Number of Electrons Removable from an Atom.—Although there may
be a great number of electrons associated with an atom or molecule it
is generally not possible to remove more than one; in a body which is
positively charged most of the atoms are
neutral, having their proper complement
of electrons; others have had one electron
removed. If but few of the atoms of a
body have had an electron removed the
body has a small charge; the more highly
the body is charged the more deficient
atoms there are on it.
From this viewpoint it seems that the Fl0 2.—Conventional model of a
amount of charge on a body should be simple atom charged positively,
counted; the charge consists of discrete one of its electrons being free,
things. Instead of saying that a body has
a certain amount of negative electricity on it, we might more reason
ably say that a certain number of electrons have been deposited on it.
Electric Fields.—If a light substance, such as a pith ball, is touched
to a charged body, it becomes charged with electricity of the same polarity
as that on the body itself ; as like charges repel one another the pith ball
will be repelled from the charged body. By experimenting it may be
found that the repulsive force between the pith ball and the original charge
exists even when there is considerable distance between the two. The
Bpace surrounding a charged body is evidently under some kind of strain
which enables it to act upon a charged body with a force, attractive or
repulsive, according to the relative polarities of the two charges. This
space surrounding a charged body, in which another charged body is
acted upon by a force tending to move it, constitutes an electric field,
sometimes called an electrostatic field.

Such an electric field surrounds every charged body; it really extends

to infinity in all directions from the charged body, but as the force becomes
very small as the distance is increased it is generally considered that the
electric field due to a charge extends but a short distance from the charge.
For example, the field due to a piece of charged sealing wax is negligible
at a point a few feet distant from the wax, so we say that the field of this
charge extends but a few feet from the wax. On the other hand the
electric field produced by a large, highly charged, wireless antenna may
extend several thousand feet from the antenna.
Electric Fields Represented by Lines.—In diagrams the electric field
surrounding a charge is most easily depicted by drawing lines from the
charged body into the surrounding space. The direction of the fines,
properly drawn, gives the direction of the electric force and the relative
closeness of the lines in various parts of the
diagram shows the relative strengths of the field
at these points, the closer the fines the more
intense the field. A line of force originating
on a positive charge is properly shown end
ing on an equal negative charge. In diagrams
it is not always convenient to represent them;
they may be shown as discontinuous. It must
not be supposed, however, that the electric
force itself is discontinuous; it always con-
Fig. 3 -Electric field around tinues from a P°sitive charge to a negative
a charged, isolated, sphere charge.
represented by radial lines. Fig. 3 shows how lines may be used to
represent the electric field; it shows a posi
tively charged metal ball supposedly far enough away from other bodies
to be considered as by itself. The lines of force originate on the surface
of the sphere and extend as radii in all directions. The arrow head on
the lines indicates the direction in which a positive charge would be urged
if placed in that part of the field.
The lines are closest together at the surface of the sphere, indicating
that the force is greatest at this point, a fact easily proved experimentally.
Although the lines are shown as discontinuous, ending in uncharged space,
each line really extends in some direction until it encounters a negative
charge. In the case of a metallic sphere, suspended in the air distant
from other bodies, the lines should all be shown as ending on the earth's
surface as suggested in Fig. 4. Fig. 5 represents the electric field between
two parallel metallic plates, one of which has been charged positively
and the other negatively. Moreover, as all the lines originating on the
positive plate are shown as ending on the negative plate, it shows that
the two plates have been given equal charges, The field is properly

shown as very intense between the two plates, weaker towards the edges,
and very weak in the space not directly included between the two plates.
Closed and Open Electric Systems.—In Fig. 5 most of the electric
field is shown directly between the plates on which the charges are situated;

Fig. 4. Fia. 5.
Flo. 4.—Charged body near the earth has its electric field radial near the body, all
lines of force, however, bending over so that they end on the earth.
Fig. 5.—Two metallic plates, close to one another, one charged positively and the
other negatively, have an intense electric field between the plates, and weak field

such distribution of lines indicates a nearly closed electric system. The

field illustrated in Fig. 4 is a comparatively open one; the distinction
between, open and closed fields is not a very sharp one, but is nevertheless
a very important one for the radio engineer.

Fig. 6.—The electric field around a charged vertical wire.

Fig. 6 represents a vertical wire antenna, such as Marconi used in

his early experiments; the electric field when the antenna is charged has
the form shown. If the antenna is bent over in the form of an inverted
L, the field has the form shown in Fig. 7. With the antenna in this form

most of the electric field is evidently included directly between the earth's
surface and the antenna wire, so the field is a closed one as contrasted
with that of Fig. 6, which is regarded as an open field. The operating
characteristics of the two antenna shown are quite different, the difference
being due to the different distribution of the field in the two cases.

Fio. 7.—The electric field around an ordinary antenna.

Induced Charges.—Suppose a charged metal ball is brought close to

another conducting body, as a metal rod, the rod being uncharged. Experi
ment shows that as the rod is brought into proximity of the brass ball
the rod itself becomes charged in a peculiar way. If the ball is positively
charged that end of the rod nearer to it becomes charged negatively and
the farther end becomes positively charged as indicated in Fig. 8. As
a whole the rod is not charged, there being as much negative charge as

| > ++

Fig. 8.—A charged body inducing charges on a metal rod.

there is positive charge. These charges which have been produced on

the rod through the action of the charged ball are called induced charges.
Charges induced on a body are always double in kind; as much pos
itive charge appears as does negative. However, if in Fig. 8 a wire having
one end connected to the earth is touched to the end of the rod marked
C, the positive charge which has been induced at this end of the rod will
run off to the earth, and when the wire is removed there will be left of
the rod only the negative charge.
Bound and Free Charges.—In the case considered above the positive
charge runs off to the earth because there is no force tending to hold it
on the rod, on the contrary it is being repelled by the positive charge
on the ball. The negative charge at B is held from running off to earth

by the attractive force of the positive charge on the ball. The negative
charge on the rod is called a bound charge and the positive charge which
runs away if given the opportunity is called a free charge.
An illustration of the way in which this method of producing charges
is useful in radio circuits is shown in Fig. 9. The charge on ball A is
to produce a charge of the opposite kind on the conductor F through
the two condensers BC and DE. When A comes in contact with B, this
becomes positively charged. A nega- A bc de
tive charge appears at C due to the 1
inducing action of B. An equal \_y
positive charge must appear at D + ~ + ~
and this must induce a negative 9._A charged oody inducing charges
charge on E. But if a negative 0n conductor F, acting through two
charge appears at E there must be condensers,
an equal positive charge induced
on F. If now the conductor F is connected to the ground this positive
will run off to earth and there will be left on the conductor EF a
negative charge. This charge will, however, be bound by the positive
charge on D; if B is now grounded (connected to earth) its charge will
run off and so the negative charge on C becomes free. This free charge
on C will combine with the positive charge on D and neutralize it, thus
leaving on the conductor EF a free negative charge.
Induced Charges from the Electron Viewpoint.—As will be explained
later, the electrons in a metallic conductor are more or less free to pass
from one atom of the substance to another; they are continually moving
around the complex molecular structure of atoms comprising the metal.
When the rod of Fig. 8 is brought into the neighborhood of the charged
ball the electric field due to the charge on the ball acts on the free elec
trons of the rod, attracting them. Hence the free electrons of the rod
tend to congregate at that end of the rod which is nearest to the ball;
they constitute the negative charge at this end of the rod.
But if the rod was uncharged before coming into the influence of thf
charged ball there must be just enough electrons on it to neutralize the
positive charges of the atoms. If more than a proper portion of the elec
trons gather at one end of the rod there must necessarily be a shortage
of them at the other end. This shortage of electrons at the end C of the
rod constitutes the positive charge at this end.
When the end C is grounded, the positive atoms of the rod cannot
leave the rod and go into the earth, but electrons from the earth can run
up into the rod and they do so, being attracted by the deficient atoms at
C. These electrons from the earth appear in sufficient quantity to make
the atoms at C neutral. When the wire connecting the rod to the earth
is removed and the charged ball is also removed the rod has on it a free

negative charge, the quantity of charge being equal to the number of

electrons which came from the earth into the rod.
An Essential Difference between Positive and Negative Charge.—As
before stated, the electrons from all substances are the same; the elec
trons have none of these qualities by which we distinguish and classify
matter. It is possible to have electrons in space entirely devoid of matter;
a negative charge can exist in a perfect vacuum.
The question may be raised—How can it be a perfect vacuum if there
are electrons present? By a vacuum we mean a space in which there is
no material substance, solids which can be bodily removed, liquids which
can be poured out, or gases which can be pumped out. A glass vessel
which has been evacuated as perfectly as modern pumping methods can
accomplish may nevertheless be filled with millions of electrons.
From our conception of the positive charge, however, it is evident that a
positive charge must always be associated with matter, in fact the smallest
positive charge is an atom of matter from which an electron has been
removed. If in a glass bulb supposedly evacuated it can be shown that
under some circumstances positive charges exist the vacuum is only
partial; to the same extent that positive charges occur in the supposedly
vacuous space, must matter of some kind (generally gas) be present.
The Electric Current.—The electric current is more familiar to every
one than the electric charge. The current manifests itself in various
ways, by generating heat and light, by producing mechanical forces such
as those required to ring a doorbell or pull a subway train, by producing
chemical changes such as occur in the production of aluminum, or electro
plating, by producing death if it flows through a living organism with
sufficient intensity, etc.
Older conceptions of the electric current made it a peculiar fluid of
some kind, others made it consist of two fluids with different properties.
From the electron standpoint the conception of the electric current is
easy to comprehend and enables one to give a fairly logical explanation
of the various actions of the current.
Nature of the Electric Current. An Electron in Motion Constitutes
an Electric Current.—The amount of electricity on one electron is so small
that the current produced by one electron in motion would not be detect
able by the finest current-measuring instrument, even the most sensitive.
To produce currents of the magnitude occurring in every-day experi
ence requires the motion of electrons measured in billions of billions per
An ordinary incandescent lamp requires a current of about one ampere;
Buch a current requires that about 1019 electrons flow past any point in
the circuit each second. This large number per second might be brought
about by a comparatively few electrons moving rapidly or by a great

many moving more slowly. Contrary to what one would naturally think
the progressive movement of the electrons is very slow. To produce
a current of one ampere in a copper wire one millimeter in diameter re
quires that the average velocity of the electrons be only .01 cm. per
Although the progressive motion of the electrons is very slow, as
indicated above, it must not be thought that the actual velocity of the
electrons is small. If we assume the " equi-partition of energy " idea
of thermc-dynamics and thus calculate the average velocity of the electrons
in a copper wire, at ordinary temperature, we obtain a result of about
6X106 cm. per second. That is, even when no current is flowing in the
wire the electrons have a haphazard motion, due to the thermal agita
tion of the atoms (or molecules), which give them, on the average, a velocity
of about 35 miles per second.
Now when current flows the required progressive velocity of the
electrons is only a fraction of a centimeter per second; with a current
so large that the copper wire is heated to the melting-point the velocity
of drift of the electrons is less than 1 cm. per second. Thus an accurate
concept of the electric current in a conductor shows it to be an inappreciable
" drift " of the electrons which have, due to temperature effects, hetero
geneous velocities millions of times as great as the velocity of drift.
The reason for the slow progressive motion of the electrons is to be seen
in the tremendous number of collisions they have with the molecules of
the substance. A given electron, acted upon by the potential gradient
in the wire carrying current, accelerates very rapidly and would acquire
tremendous velocities if it did not continually collide with the more massive
molecules; the mean free path of the free electrons in a copper wire is
so small that, between successive collisions, the electron falls through a
very small potential difference and hence gains a velocity (along the con
ductor) due to the current, which is extremely small.
Suppose that we wanted to measure the rate of flow of people past a
given point in a large city; the unit of flow might be 100,000 persons per
hour. At any time there will be people going in all directions, some
uptown, some downtown, and some crosstown. In the morning a million
people pass a certain point where the flow is to be ascertained. If 200,000
move in the uptown direction and 800,000 move downtown, the net flow
is 600,000 people. If this number of people pass in one hour the flow is
6 units downtown. At noon time again a million people pass the same
place let us suppose; 400,000 move uptown 400,000 move downtown and
150,000 move crosstown west and 50,000 move crosstown east. The net
flow is now 100,000 people west and if this number pass in one hour the
flow is one unit west. Some of the people would be moving rapidly and
others going more slowly and some might, at times, be standing still.

The picture suggested by the above traffic analysis probably gives

one a reasonable idea of the motion of electrons in a conductor carrying
current; it is of course too simple, because of the immense number of
electrons in a conductor and the tremendous number of collisions occur
ring between the electrons. When a conductor is carrying no current
the motion of the electrons resembles that of the individuals in a stationary
crowd; there is a deal of agitation among the electrons, but they, on
the whole, show no progress along the conductor.
Electromotive Force.—Suppose a copper rod, having in itself the
heterogeneously moving electrons suggested above, is connected at its
two ends to a battery as shown in Fig. 10. The end A of the rod becomes
positive with respect to end B and the electrons, instead of moving back
wards and forwards to the same extent, progress slowly towards A. When
they arrive at A they leave the copper rod, move down the connecting

A Conducting Rod E
© © © © © ©
© © © © ©
Direction of Electron. Drift

v ^ y
Fig. 10.—Electric current caused by flow of free electrons.

wire, through the battery, through the other connecting wire, and so
back to the rod. As long as the circuit remains closed as shown the elec
trons will continue to move around the circuit, bounding backward,
forward, and across the conductor, but on the whole progressing grad
ually around the circuit; this progression of the electrons constitutes the
electric current. The cause of the flow is the battery; it holds one end
of the rod positive with respect to the other and so maintains the flow
of electrons. The maintenance of this difference of electric pressure (or
difference of potential) across the rod is due to chemical changes going
on inside the battery.
A piece of apparatus which has the ability to maintain one of its ter
minals at a higher potential than the other, even though current is allowed
to flow through it, is said to develop an electromotive force. As sources
of electromotive force for the production of currents on a commercial
scale we have only the ordinary battery and the electric generator. The
battery depends upon chemical action for maintaining its difference of
potential and the generator depends upon the conductors of its armature
being driven through the magnetic field produced by its field poles.

Electromotive Force and Difference of Potential.—It is well to dis

tinguish between electromotive force and difference of potential. Thus
two brass balls, one charged positively and the other negatively, have a
difference of potential between them and they will, if connected by a wire,
cause a momentary flow of current through the connecting wire; when
sufficient electrons have passed from the negatively charged ball to neu
tralize the positive charge on the other the current will cease. There
is no action taking place which tends to maintain the difference of potential
between the two balls; such a combination does not generate an electro
motive force (hereafter abbreviated e.m.f.).
In the case of the battery or generator, however, when the two ter
minals are connected by a wire a current flows and continues to flow until
the battery is worn out or the generator is stopped; such devices develop
or generate an e.m.f. These ideas are depicted in Fig. 11.

Fig. 11.—Illustrating difference between electromotive force and potential difference.

Direction of Flow of Current.— It has been accepted as convention

that in a wire connecting the poles of a battery the current flow is from
the positive pole of the battery to the negative. But by reference to Fig.
10 it is evident that in the connecting wire the electrons flow from the
negative pole of the battery to the positive. Hence it must be remembered
that although we shall talk of the current flowing from the positive terminal
to the negative terminal of a battery or generator the electrons (which
really are the current) are flowing in the opposite direction. In dealing
with currents through vacua the motion of the electrons themselves is
generally had in mind and we often say that the electron current flows
from the negative to the positive terminal of the vacuum tube. Although
this sounds anomalous it is a correct statement of the facts.
Conductors and Insulators.—Roughly speaking a conductor is a body
which readily permits the passage of an electric current and an insulator
is a body which offers a very high resistance to the passage of the current.
There is no sharp distinction between conductors and insulators, how
ever; a material which for some cases would be regarded as an insulator
would, in other circumstances, be regarded as a conductor. Also a sub
stance which is a good insulator at low temperatures may be a fair con
ductor at high temperatures.
Glass is the most striking illustration of this change of character with

change of temperature; at ordinary temperature it ranks high with the

very best insulators, but if it is heated in some way to a red heat it becomes
a fair conductor and will permit the passage of enough current to melt
Difference between Conductors and Insulators from the Electron
Viewpoint.—When a conductor is carrying an electric current the elec
trons throughout the substance of the conductor are moving gradually
along through the substance of the conductor. Now in a solid body,
such as a metallic conductor, the atoms or molecules comprising the sub
stance are practically fixed in position. They are not actually stationary
in space at ordinary temperature of course; as a matter of fact the atoms
have an irregular to-and-fro motion similar to that of the electron. But
there cannot be a progressive motion of the atoms as there may be of the elec
trons. The reason for this is more or less evident. Suppose a copper wire
is fastened to the terminals of a battery and that current is flowing as
indicated in Fig. 10. The electrons move all the way around the circuit
through the wire, connections, solution in the battery, etc.
As the atoms of copper are charged positively after an electron has
left them it might seem that as the electrons move from B to A through
the wire the atoms would move from A to B, then into and through the
battery and so back to the wire. But the atoms are the real substance
of the wire, and hence if the atoms should progress one way or the other
it would result in the copper itself being carried from one end of the wire
to the other and then through the battery. This state of affairs is not
possible in solid bodies like metals, it would result in the mixing of metals
wherever a current left one metal and went into another.
In chemical solutions, e.g., copper sulphate in water, the salt mole
cule breaks up into two parts, one of which has one electron more than
its proper number, the other part lacking one electron. The two parts
of the molecule are called ions; the metallic ion (in above case, copper)
lacks one electron and so is charged positively. If now a current is passed
through such a solution the metallic ion does move through the solution
and is carried from the solution to one of the wires by which the current
is lead into the solution. Here the copper itself is transported by the
current and we have the process of electro-plating.
From what has been said it follows that if the molecules of a body
cling to the electrons so tightly that none of them are free to move away
from the molecule there can be no current in such a substance. As long
as the molecule keeps all its electrons it remains electrically neutral, and
so has no tendency to move when in an electric field. This is the essential
difference between insulators and conductors; in the one the electrons
cannot move from the atom or molecule and in the other the electrons
are perfectly free to leave the atom.

Disruptive Strength of an Insulator.—With the above idea in mind

the possibility of break-down of an insulator, due to high voltage, becomes
apparent. For low voltage the force tending to move the electron is
not sufficient to break it loose from its atom. But it is reasonable to
believe that, if the voltage gradient is made sufficiently high, any atom
can be forced to let go of one electron, and such is the case. Such fine
insulators as glass and mica break down and carry current when a great
enough voltage is employed.
Effect of Temperature on the Disruptive Strength of an Insulator.—
Imagine a good insulator heated by some outside source of power. The
rise in temperature increases the to-and-fro motion of its molecules with
the result that the collisions between the various molecules become more
frequent and violent as the temperature is raised. As these collisions
occur the resulting disturbances in the molecular structure tend to weaken
the hold of the molecule on its electrons. Hence if an electric force is
impressed and maintained as an insulator is heated the combination of
electric force and weaking of the molecular holding power will result in
some electrons leaving their molecules; the electric force then urges them
along through the substance of the insulator with the result that a small
current occurs. This would be interpreted by the man testing the insu
lator as a weakening of the insulating power of the substance.
Generally the partial breakdown of an insulator as described above
is rapidly followed by the giving away of the insulator completely; as
current, even though small, flows through the insulator it generates more
heat thus still further decreasing the disruptive strength.
This effect of temperature upon the disruptive strength of an insulator
is very important to the radio engineer. A glass or micacondenser, prop
erly designed to operate in a radio circuit at 15,000 volts may, by improper
use, be broken down when operating at only 5000 volts. Condensers
heat up, when being used, due to various causes; in normal operation
the condenser is excited only a small fraction of the time as the sending
key is opened and closed. In the intervals when the key is open the
cause of the heating is removed and the condenser has a chance to cool
off; this alternate heating and cooling results in a certain mean temper
ature at which temperature the condenser has sufficient disruptive strength
to withstand the voltage employed.
If now the normal operating voltage is put on the condenser and
maintained continuously, the heating action is much greater than when
the voltage is applied intermittently (normal operation) and in a short
time the dielectric is likely to puncture. Condensers which are designed
for operation at a certain voltage with spark telegraphy (intermittent
excitation) will nearly always fail if operated at the same voltage for
undamped wave signaling (continuous excitation).

Resistance.—In a conductor where the electrons are free to leave the

atom their progressive motion is hindered by collisions with the atoms
of the substance. This hindrance to their free progress constitutes the
electrical resistance of the conductor. It differs, as might well be expected,
in different metals, and it varies with the temperature. As the temper
ature of a metal increases the agitation of its atoms or molecules increases
and this results in more hindrance to the progressive motion of the
electrons because of the more frequent collisions between the electrons
and the atoms.
The increase in number of collisions between the electrons and atoms
with increase in the flow of electrons (more current) gives the atoms
themselves an increased agitation, which really means a higher temper
ature; this accounts for the well-known fact that when a conductor
carries current it always heats to some extent and heats more with large
than with small currents.
Continuous Current and Alternating Current.—If the electrons in a
conductor continually progress in the same direction the flow is called
a continuous current, or direct current. Such is the current supplied by
an ordinary battery.
If the battery is connected to the conductor first in one direction
and then in the reversed direction, by some sort of a commutator, Fig.
12, the progressive motion of the electrons will reverse with every reversal
of the battery connection. If this reversal of flow
takes place at regular, short, periods of time the
alternate ebb and flow of the electrons constitute
an alternating current. In ordinary power circuits
supplied with alternating current this reversal takes
place about 60 times per second; the alternating

< Current
AlterDAting >
Fig. 12.—A battery in
combination with a
rotating commuta
tor may produce an Fig. 13.—The lamp will burn even though there is a perfect
alternating current. insulator in series with the circuit.

currents used in radio circuits reverse much more rapidly, perhaps a

million times per second.
Possibility of Alternating Current Flowing in a Circuit in Series with
which there is a Perfect Insulator.—Suppose a circuit connected as indi
cated in Fig. 13 ; B is a source of alternating e.m.f. and A consists of two

metal plates separated by paraffined paper or mica. The disruptive

strength of the insulator is such that for any voltage that B can give the
insulation is perfect. A small incandescent lamp is inserted in the cir
cuit to detect the current which may be flowing. The lamp will burn
as soon as machine B is excited. Now if the lamp and condenser (the
combination of two conducting plates and separating insulator) is con
nected to a battery which gives about the same voltage as machine B
gives, the lamp will not burn, showing that there is no current in the
circuit. Hence this circuit which is open for continuous current (i.e.,
it will not pass current) does permit the flow of alternating current.
The alternating current is possible because of the number of electrons
required to charge the condenser. As the voltage of the alternator reverses
in direction the condenser charges first in one direction and then in the
other; this alternating charge and discharge requires the alternating flow
of electrons throughout the whole circuit.
A simple analogy is shown in Fig. 14. Suppose a cylindrical chamber
A, divided in the middle by a thin rubber diaphragm B, connected to a
c „ . A

Plrton B
d .7>

t » ^

Fig. 14.—Hydraulic analogue of an alternating current circuit containing a condenser.

reciprocating action, valveless, pump C. As the pump works back and

forth, water will circulate back and forth in the connecting pipes, con-
tituting an alternating current flow of water. The diaphragm B will
bend first in one direction and then in the other as the water reverses
its flow.
Now suppose that a centrifugal action pump be substituted for the
reciprocating pump (Fig. 15). This type of pump tends to force water
always in the same direction. If the pump is so connected as to force
water into the bottom of A and suck it out of the top of A, the flow of
water will last long enough to stretch the diaphragm into some such
position as B', and then the flow will cease. At this position of the dia
phragm the backward pressure of the stretched rubber will be just great
enough to balance the pressure generated by the pump. In this water
system the water would flow while the diaphragm was being displaced

from its normal central- position to position B', and then the flow would
cease because the pump would not be able to further displace the dia
phragm. '
The water system corresponds very closely to the electrical circuit
having a condenser in series with it and excited by a continuous e.m.f.;
in luch a circuit the current flows long enough to charge the condenser
to such an extent that its back pressure (pressure tending to discharge
the condenser) is just equal to the impressed e.m.f. and then the current
ceases. It is to be remembered, however, that if the pressure is alternat
ing there will be a flow in the system all the time, the current being an
alternating one.
In electric circuits, therefore, it is possible to send an alternating
current through a circuit in which continuous current cannot flow. Such

Fia. 15.—Hydraulic analogue of a direct current circuit containing a condenser.

use of a condenser occurs frequently in radio; the condenser so used is

called a stopping or " blocking " condenser.
The Electric Generator.—Except for very small sets and emergency
outfits the power for a radio set is obtained from a generator of either
the continuous or alternating-current type. The continuous-current gen
erator is equipped with a commutator and supplies a continuous e.m.f.;
that is, the e.m.f. impressed on the connected circuit is always in the
same direction and practically constant in value. There are slight pul
sations in the value of the voltage, perhaps a fraction of 1 per cent, at
the frequency of commutation; this frequency is in the neighborhood
of 1000 cycles per second. Although these pulsations are so small, they
have a deal of importance in certain radio sets using vacuum tubes for
the generation of high-frequency currents.
The alternating-current generator (or simply alternator) has no com
mutator, but generally has slip rings on which its brushes make contact.
The e.m.f. furnished by such a machine alternates in direction many times
per second; for radio use the generators ordinarily employed give several
hundred complete reversals of voltage per second.

The number of complete reversals per second is called the frequency of

the generator; thus a 500-cycle generator is one giving 500 complete
reversals of e.m.f. per second.
Wave Shape and Effective Values.—The form of voltage wave gen
erated by a well-designed alternator is such that it can be closely repre
sented by a sine curve as shown in Fig. 16. Expressed in the form of
an equation,
e = Em sin to t (1)
e=the value of voltage at any instant of time;
i?m = the maximuih value of the voltage generated;
a = 2*-/, / being the frequency of the voltage.
The same units are used for measuring alternating voltage and cur
rent as are used for continuous voltage and current. But as the voltage

Form of alternating cmf.

Fig. 16.—Sine wave of e.m.f.

and current of an alternating current circuit are continually changing

in value and reversing in direction, some value intermediate to the maxi
mum and minimum value must be chosen as the unit. It is shown in
all elementary texts on alternating currents that when the current flows
according to the law of a sine curve the alternating current will produce
heat at the same rate as one ampere continuous current if the maximum
value of the alternating current is 1.41 amperes.
To get the value of that continuous current which will give the same
heating effect as a certain alternating current, therefore, we take .707
of the maximum value of the alternating current. That value of con
tinuous current which will produce the same heating effect as the alter
nating current in question is called the effective value of the alternating
current. It is approximately .7 of the maximum value.
In the same way the effective value of an alternating e.m.f. (sine
wave shape assumed) is .707 of its maximum value. Thus, if a sine wave

of voltage has a maximum value of 141 volts its effective value (or equiva
lent continuous voltage as far as producing heating is concerned) is 100
Magnetic Field.—The action of the magnet is familiar to everyone.
If a piece of iron is placed in the vicinity of the magnet a force of attrac
tion is set up between the two and the piece of iron will, if free to move,
be drawn to the magnet.
All the region surrounding a magnet, in which the magnet is able to
exert a force on pieces of magnetic material, is said to be filled with the
field of the magnet. Thus the magnetic field is exactly analogous to the
electric field surrounding an electrically charged body.
The magnetic field is represented by lines in just the same way as
the electric field; the direction of the lines indicates the way in which
the north pole of a compass would be urged if placed at that point of
the field, and the proximity of the lines to each other serves to show the
relative intensity of the magnetic force at various points of the field.
Magnetic Field Set Up by an Electric Current.—The field of the per
manent steel magnet is interesting historically, but it plays very little
part in the electrical engineering of to-day. When an electric current
flows through a conductor a magnetic field is set up around that con
ductor; such a field is frequently called an electro-magnetic field. The
magnetic fields used in modern apparatus are practically all of this type.
The strength of a magnetic field set up by an electric current depends
upon the strength of the current, in general being directly proportional
to the current strength. The direct proportionality holds good for mag
netic fields without iron; use of iron in the magnetic circuit makes the
relation between current and strength of field a complex one.
Ampere-Turns.—When the magnetic field is produced by a coil of
several turns its intensity is much greater than if only one turn were
used. The magnetizing effect of a current depends not only on the strength
of current, but also on the number of turns through which the current
flows. In fact the magnetizing effect of a coil is proportional to the prod
uct of the current strength and the number of turns in the coil; this
product is called the ampere-turns of the coil. If a coil consists of one
turn and is carrying a current of one ampere it has one ampere-turn; a
coil of twenty turns carrying 2.7 amperes has fifty-four ampere-turns.
Direction of the Magnetic Field Produced by a Current.—The direc
tion of magnetic field around a conductor carrying a current may be
easily determined by the application of the following rule. Imagine the
conductor grasped in the right hand, fingers around the conductor, with
the extended thumb pointing along the conductor in the direction in which
the current is flowing; the fingers then point in the direction of the mag
netic field. This is illustrated in Fig. 17; it is to be remembered that

this rule assumes the commonly accepted direction of flow of current; in

Fig. 17 the electrons are flowing in the opposite direction to that marked
As follows at once from the rule given above the direction of mag
netic field reverses when the current reverses. If an alternating current
is passed through a wire or coil the magnetic field produced will also be
an alternating one, having the same frequency as the current, and revers
ing simultaneously with the current.1

Fig. 17.—Direction of the magnetic field produced by a current.

Iron in the Magnetic Field.—In most electrical apparatus depending
on the magnetic field for its operation the field is produced by currents
flowing in coils. But the coils are usually fitted with iron cores so that
the magnetic circuit consists partly of iron and partly of air. The reason
for the use of iron in magnetic fields of electrical devices lies in its high
permeability, i.e., the relatively high flux density produced by a given
coil in iron compared to what it would produce if only air were used in
the magnetic circuit.
The magnetic permeability of a substance is the ratio of the flux den
sity produced in this substance by a certain magnetomotive force (mag
netizing force) compared to the flux density the same magnetomotive
force would produce in air.
For most substances the permeability has a value of unity; nickel,
cobalt, and iron are the notable exceptions. Of these three iron is by
all means the most important, not alone because of its comparative cheap
ness (and hence utility for electrical apparatus), but because of the high
value of the permeability. For good magnetic iron it may be as high as
several thousand; that is, if a given coil produces 500 lines of flux with
a magnetic path of air it will produce perhaps a million lines of flux if
iron is used for the whole magnetic circuit.
1 This statement is strictly accurate only for the magnetic field in the immediate
neighborhood of the conductor; for more distant points the magnetic field reverses
somewhat later than the current. This idea is taken up more in detail on p. 700.

When the magnetic circuit of a device is made up partly of air and

partly of iron, the flux produced by a given coil is intermediate to that
which would be produced in a complete iron path, and that which would
be produced in a complete air path. The shorter the part of the path
through air compared to that through iron the higher will be the flux
induced. The permeability of iron varies greatly with the treatment it
received during manufacture; also for a given specimen it varies greatly
with the magnetizing force used. This point will be taken up in more
detail in the next chapter, under the head of self induction and its vari
Units of Current, E.M.F., Resistance, etc.—The unit of current is the
ampere; it is that flow of electrons which will deposit 1.118 milli
grams of silver per second from a silver nitrate solution in a standard
The unit of e.m.f. is the volt; it is generally defined in terms of the
voltage of a standard Weston cell, which gives an e.m.f. of 1.0183 volts.
The volt is therefore defined as 1.0000/1.0183 of the voltage generated
by a standard Weston cell.
The unit of resistance is the ohm; it is really defined already 1 when
the ampere and the volt have been defined because the three units are
directly connected by Ohm's law. However, it is also defined as the
resistance of a column of pure mercury weighing 14.4521 grams at 0°
Centigrade and having a height of 106.3 cm., the cross-section being
The unit of quantity is the coulomb; it is the quantity of electricity
transported by a current of one ampere flowing for one second. Another
way of defining it is in terms of electrons; it is the amount of electricity
contained on 6.38 XlO18 electrons.
The unit of work is the joule; it is the amount of energy required to
transport one coulomb of electricity through an opposing potential dif
ference of one volt. It is also the amount of work done in one second
by a current of one ampere flowing against a pressure of one volt.
The unit of power is the watt; it is the rate at which work is done
by a current of one ampere flowing against a pressure of one volt. It
is therefore a rate of work equal to one joule per second.
Resistance of a Conductor.—The resistance of a circuit depends first
of all on the kind of material used in making up the circuit; it depends
upon the length of conductor used in making the circuit and upon the
cross-sectional area of the conductor. This relation may be expressed
by the equation,
R = Pl/a, (2)
•The ohm and the ampere are really the two fundamental units of the practical
system. See American Handbook for Electrical Engineers, p. 1773.

where p=the specific resistance of the material used;

Z=the length of the conductor;
a=the cross-eectional area of the conductor.
When the length of the conductor is one cm. and the area is one sq.
cm. the value of R is the specific resistance per cm.3, and when the con
ductor has a length of one foot and an area of one circular mil the value
of R is the specific resistance per mil-foot. In engineering the latter
specification is more frequently used.
The specific resistance of some of the more common conductors is
given in the accompanying table:

Substance. Composition. Microhms per Cm', ;mperaturi

at O" C. Referred to 0° C.
Advance Copper-nickel 48.8 .000018
Aluminum . . . Pure 2.62 .00423
Brass 66Cu+34Zn 6.29 .00158
Calido Ni+Cr+Fe 100. .00034
Carbon Lamp filament 4000. .0003
Constantan. . . 60Cu+40Ni 49. .00000
Copper Standard 1.589 .00427
Copper Electrolytic 1.56 .00428
German Silver 18Ni+Cu+Zn 33.1 .00031
la la soft. . . . Cu+Ni 47.1 .00000
Iron Pure 8.85 .00625
Iron Hard steel 45. .00161
|40. .00001
Manganin .... Cu+Mn+Ni 1 70. .00004
Nickel Electrolytic 6.93 .00618
Silver Electrolytic 1.47 .00400
Tungsten .... Hard 5.42 .0051
Per Cent Solution. Ohms per Cm.3
H,SO, 5 4.80 .012
10 2.55 .013
20 1.53 .014
30 1.35 .016
50 1 85 .019
70 4 68 .026
KOH. 20 2 01 .020
HQ.. 20 1 31 .015
HNO, 20 1 41 .014
NaCl. 2 37. .023
6 14.9 .022
10 8.2 .021
20 5.1 .022
Practically all solutions have a minimum resistance with a density of solution between
20 and 30 per cent.

The resistance of a metal varies with the temperature, in general being

directly proportional to the absolute temperature. This relation is
approximately expressed for all pure metals by the equation,
R,=Ro(l+at), (3)
i2i=the resistance at t degrees Centigrade;
i?o = the resistance at 0 degrees Centigrade;
< = the temperature at which the resistance is desired;
a = the temperature coefficient of resistance.
The value of a is very nearly .004 for all pure metals, for copper it
has been decided to take a as .00427, at 0° C.
A statement which gives the above rule in words is as follows—the
resistance of a pure metal increases approximately 1 per cent for each 2.5°
rise in temperature above 0° C.
The resistance of a field coil of a generator which has a resistance
of 25 ohms at ordinary temperature might have a resistance of 30 ohms
after the machine had been operating a few hours; the rise would be due
to the heating of the coil. A tungsten lamp has a resistance when hot
about twelve times as much as the resistance it has at room temperature.
In certain materials the resistance may show considerable departure
from the rule given above, thus in carbon an increase in temperature
brings about a decrease in resistance. In a certain alloy of nickel and
copper there is practically no change in resistance with ordinary temper
ature changes.
There are very strange resistance changes in certain substances, e.g.,
a large change in resistance takes place in selenium, according to the amount
of illumination it receives; bismuth shows a large change in resistance,
as it is introduced into a magnetic field and is sometimes used to measure
the strength of magnetic field by the determination of its resistance.
The resistance of a salt or acid solution such as we have in primary
or secondary batteries depends among other things upon the strength
of the solution. This variation does not follow a simple law; there is
a certain strength of solution which gives minimum resistance. For sul
phuric acid solution such as is used in lead storage batteries the mixture
which gives minimum resistance is made up with 30 per cent (by weight)
The effect of temperature of the resistance of electrolytes is to give
a decrease of resistance with an increase of temperature. The resistance
decrease is about 2 per cent per degree Centigrade.
In case a circuit is carrying an alternating current the resistance may
show all sorts of variations; it may be changed by bringing a piece of iron,
or another circuit, into its magnetic field, by varying the frequency or

strength of current. These changes of resistance in so far as they have

importance in radio work will be considered in the next chapter.
Induced Electromotive Force.—When current passes through a coil
of wire it sets up a magnetic field in the coil and the strength of this field
varies as the current varies. Now it is a fundamental law of the electric
circuit that when the strength of magnetic field through a coil is varied
an e.m.f. is induced in the coil; this law, which was discovered by Faraday,
is called the law of induced e.m.f. The application of this law underlies
the design and operation of nearly all electrical machinery and circuits.
Magnitude of Induced E.M.F.—The magnitude of the induced voltage
depends upon the rapidity with which the magnetic field is changing and
upon the number of turns in the coil, it being directly proportional to
each of these factors. It is written

— (4)
in which
e = the voltage induced at any instant of time;
N = the number of turns in the coil;
<i> = the flux through the coil.
The minus sign is necessary because of the relation between the direction
of the induced e.m.f. and the change in magnetic field, i.e., increase or
Direction of Induced E.M.F.—The change of flux is of course produced
by a change of current; if the flux is decreasing it must be that the cur
rent in the coil is decreasing. The direction of the induced e.m.f. is always
such as to prevent the change of current which is producing the induced
voltage. Hence when the current (or
flux) is decreasing, the direction of /
the induced e.m.f. is such as to pre
vent the decrease of current. +
Suppose a circuit arranged as shown
in Fig. 18; A is the battery, B is a
coil, C is a switch, across which is
connected a resistance D. With the
switch closed current will flow in the Fio. 18.—Opening the switch will re
direction of the arrow and will be fixed duce the current in the circuit.
in magnitude by the voltage of the
battery and the resistance of the coil. The resistance D will play no
part in fixing the value of the current, because with the switch closed
this resistance is cut out of the circuit, or short-circuited.
A certain flux <f>, will be set up in the coil, the value of this flux being
fixed by the current. If now the switch is opened the current must change

to some lower value because of the added resistance D. This lower cur
rent will produce a lower flux fa. While the flux is changing from fa
to fa an e.m.f. will be set up in the coil B and the direction of the e.m.f.
will be the same as the battery e.m.f., i.e., it will assist the battery e.m.f.
in tending to maintain the current at its original value.
In Fig. 19 the switch is supposed to be closed until time A and here
it is opened. The flux will decrease from the value AE to BF, the time
taken for the change being that shown on the diagram between A and B.
The decreasing flux generates a voltage in the coil shown by the curved
line AIB, and this is in the same direction as the battery voltage, hence
the total voltage acting in the circuit during the time A-B is shown by
the curved line GJH.

increasing flax
Fig. 19.—Curves showing direction of induced e.m.f. 's when current is increasing and
when decreasing.

When the switch is closed again at time C the flux increases from fa
to <f>i; the induced voltage is now in the opposite direction and is shown
by the curved line CKD; it results in a total circuit voltage less than
the battery voltage, as shown by the curved line MNO. (The shape
of the induced voltage will not be exactly that shown by the lines of
Fig. 19; these curves are only approximate indications of the actual form
of the induced voltage. The exact form will depend upon the sparking
taking place at the switch, etc.)
Summarizing the facts brought out by Fig. 19 and its explanation we
have the proposition that when the current in an inductive circuit is
decreasing the induced voltage acts to increase the total voltage of the
circuit, when the current is increasing the induced voltage is in such a
direction that the total voltage acting in the circuit is decreased.
Illustrating the above ideas there is a certain circuit used in radio
in which a continuous voltage of 1200 volts is applied through a coil to
the plate of a vacuum tube; as the current in this circuit pulsates, alter
nately increasing and decreasing from its normal value, the induced volt

age in the coil has a maximum value of 1100 volts. When the current
is increasing this induced voltage acts in the opposite direction to that
of the generator furnishing the 1200 volts, so that the total voltage effect
ive in maintaining current through the resistance of the circuit is only
100 volts. When the current is decreasing the induced voltage assists
the generator voltage and the total effective voltage in the circuit is 2300
volts. The effect of induced voltage in this special circuit is to produce
a pulsating voltage, between 100 volts and 2300 volts, although there is
in the circuit a generator to supply the current which furnishes a contin
uous voltage of 1200 volts.
This voltage set up in a coil by the changing flux in the coil (the flux
being caused by current in the coil itself) is called the e.m.f. of self-dnduc-
Coefficient of Self-induction.—Instead of expressing the magnitude
of the induced voltage in a coil in the form given by Eq. (4) we may write

—4 • (5)

in which
?'=the current in the coil;
e = the instantaneous value of the induced voltage, due to
the changing current, i,
L = the coefficient of self-induction.

» The coefficient of self-induction of a coil varies with the square 1 of

the number of turns in the coil and inversely as the reluctance of its mag
netic circuit.
If a given air core coil has an L of two units and the number of turns
is doubled, the value of L is increased four times so it becomes eight units.
If the magnetic circuit is changed from air to iron, the permeability of
which is 1500, the L will be further increased 1500 times and so becomes
12,000 units. This increase is due to the iron decreasing the reluctance
of the magnetic circuit 1500 times. If the iron core does not completely
close the magnetic circuit, so that part of the magnetic path is still through
air, the value of L is not increased to the extent stated above. For example,
if the path through iron is 15 inches and the air part of the path is .01 inch
long, then the value of L is increased 750 times, instead of 1500 times as
The great increase in L produced by the use of iron for the magnetic
circuit explains the almost universal use of iron cores (completely closed
1 This law holds good for any shape of coil if the magnetic circuit is a closed iron
core, but for an air-core coil the law is approximate only; it is more nearly true as the
turns of the coil are placed closer together.

when possible) in coils which perform their function owing to the value
of their self-induction.
The unit of self-induction is defined by Eq. (5); if a rate of current
change of one ampere per second gives an induced voltage of one volt, the
coil has a self-induction of one unit. This unit is called the henry; the
henry is, however, too large a unit for most of the coils used in radio
work, so that subdivisions of the henry are used. The milli-henry is one
thousandth of a henry and the micro-henry is the millionth part of a
henry. Sometimes a still smaller unit is used, the centimeter, which is
the billionth part of the henry. It may seem strange that the unit of
I length is also the unit of self-induction, but such is the fact; the deriva
tion of the dimensions of the various units is outside the scope of this
text. The coils used in " tuning " radio circuits vary from a few micro
henries to several millihenries, according to the frequency of the current
being used.
Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field.—It requires work to set up a
magnetic field just the same as it requires work to set into motion a heavy
body. The greater the self-induction of a coil the greater is the work
required to start current flowing in the coil ; similarly the greater the mass
of a body the greater is the work required to start it in motion.
The amount of work required to give a mass m, a velocity v, is measured
by \mv2, as shown in all texts on mechanics.
The amount of work required to set up, in a coil of self-induction L,
the magnetic field caused by a current / is,
Energy, or work = |L/: (6)
where L is measured in henries and / is measured in amperes and the
energy is measured in joules.
The field coil of a large generator may have many joules of energy
stored in its magnetic field; in radio circuits the amount of energy in
the coils of a transmitting set is variable because the current is variable.
The maximum value of the energy in the coils of the ordinary transmitter
is about one joule per kilowatt capacity of the set.
Mutual Induction.—When the flux through a coil varies an e.m.f.
is set up in it; if the flux is produced by current in the coil itself the e.m.f.
is spoken of as the e.m.f. of self-induction, but if the flux is due to some
other coil, in proximity to the one in which the voltage is being induced,
the e.m.f. is spoken of as the e.m.f. of mutual induction. The voltage
induced in the second coil is proportional to the rate of current change
in the first coil (the one producing the flux) and the mutual induction
of the two coils. The relation is expressed in the form of an equation


where e-2 = voltage induced in the second coil ;

t'l = current in the first coil ;
M = the coefficient of mutual induction of the two coils.
If e and i are measured in volts and amperes respectively, then M is
measured in henries, the same unit as is used for L. For smaller values
of M the same fractional parts of the henry are used as are used for L.
M depends for its value upon the number of turns in each of the coils
and upon their relative position; as the number of turns in either coil
is decreased the value of M is correspondingly decreased and as the dis
tance between the two coils is increased the value of M is again decreased.
M may also be decreased by properly orienting the two coils with respect
to one another. Imagine two cylindrical coils, shown in plan as rect
angles in Fig. 20; M will have a relatively high value for the position

Position a Position b Position c

Fig. 20.—Variation of mutual inductance between two coils.

shown in o and will have a smaller value for either position b or position c.
The scheme of rotating one of the two coils to diminish M has the advan
tage over the other method that it is compact and so permits the design
of a set to be kept to smaller dimensions, a very important point if the
sets are to be portable.
Coefficient of Coupling.—If all the flux produced by one coil threads
with all the turns of the other, the coils are said to have 100 per cent
coupling; if but a small fraction of the flux produced by the first coil
threads the turns of the second, the coupling is weak. Also if all the
flux of the first coil links with but a few turns of the second, the coupling
is again weak.
The coefficient of coupling1 between the two circuits is given by the

vLiL2 (7)

where k = coefficient of coupling, always less than unity;

M= mutual induction between the two circuits;
Li = the total self-induction of the first circuit;
Z/2 = the total self-induction of the second circuit.
1 A more detailed discussion of coefficient of coupling is given on p. 79.

M, Li, and L2 must all be expressed in the same units.

As examples of the proper use of Eq. (7) in determining k, Fig. 21
is given; it is to be especially noted that if there are two or more coils
in series and only one of them is used to couple the two circuits the total
L of the circuit must be used and not the L only of that coil used for the
coupling. Thus if two circuits are coupled to a certain extent by two
coils in a certain position with respect to one another and another coil
is added in series with one of these, leaving the two original coils exactly
as they were, the coefficient of coupling of the two circuits has been lessened.
Practical Uses of Mutual Induction.—Whenever energy is to be trans
ferred from one circuit to another, insulated from the first, the transfer
must occur across a mutual electric or magnetic field, and generally this
transfer utilizes a mutual magnetic field. That is, the energy flows from
one circuit to the other because of the mutual induction of the two circuits.
In a radio transmitting set mutual induction is used between the two coils

US! „ S «-2 L« I ° => Li

Ui=.08 L 2=2.0 M -0.1 Lo=?.06 lb=.QS La-4.0 U6=2.4

K = 01 2.0 -0.25 L ,=2.0 M =0.1 Lc-16 Lj=20 M=£.0
K -., .=.189 B.O
V (.06 + .08) X 2.0
J (4.0 + 2.1) (16+ 20)
Fig. 21.—Examples of coefficient of coupling.

of the power transformer where the coupling is about 90 per cent; in the
high-frequency oscillation transformer the coupling is about 20 per cent;
in the coupler of the receiving set the antenna is coupled to the local tuned
circuit with a coupling of perhaps 2 to 10 per cent.
Effect of a Short-circuited Coil on the Self-induction of a Neighbor
ing Coil.—Suppose a coil A has a certain self-induction by itself; it will
be found that if another coil B is brought close to A , and in such a position
that M is not zero, the effective L of coil A is decreased, if the second
coil is connected to form a closed circuit so that current can flow in it.
The amount of decrease in L depends upom the coupling between the
two coils, upon the frequency, and upon the resistance in the circuit of
the second coil.
This effect is likely to occur in certain variable coils used in radio
circuits; in the type of coil referred to the change in the self-induction
of the coil is accomplished by using more or less turns of the coil by means
of a sliding contact as indicated in Fig. 22. If the sliding contact B
happens to make contact with two adjacent turns at once (quite a nor
mal occurrence), there is one turn of the coil short-circuited, and this short

circuited turn is quite closely coupled with that part of the coil which
is being used. The effect of this turn is to decrease very much the effect
ive self-induction of the part of the coil A-B, which is being used. Now
as the slider is being adjusted it will, with very little movement, make
contact with two turns or with only one turn; a signal may come in very
strong at a certain setting of the slider and the slightest movement of
the slider one way or the other will make the signal disappear. This is

Sliding Contact
B "
Fig. 22.—Variable Inductance with sliding contact.

due to the large change in the self-induction of the coil as the slider makes
the short-circuited turn or does not make the double contact.
A short-circuited turn in a coil not only produces a decrease in the
L of the coil, but it also increases very materially the resistance of the
coil, and this is detrimental to the proper operation of the set; these two
points will be taken up more in detail on pp. 85, et seq.
Capacity—Charging a Condenser.—Suppose a battery is connected
through a switch to a condenser as indicated in Fig. 23. The condenser

, <J 1

Fig. 23.—Charging a condenser.

C consists of two metal plates a and b, close together, but perfectly insu
lated from one another by the layer of air between them. When the
switch B is closed the plate b is made negative with respect to a, by an
amount equal to the e.m.f. of the cell, perhaps 1.5 volts; that this must
be so follows from the fact that, when the switch is closed, b is connected
to the negative end of the cell and a is connected to the positive end of
the cell.
As the two plates a and b were at the same potential before the switch
was closed, and after the switch is closed b is 1.5 volts lower in potential
than a, the closing of the switch must have been followed by a flow of
electrons in the direction from a to b. This redistribution of the electrons
in the circuit, which serves to bring the condenser plates to the same dif
ference of potential as are the terminals of the cell to which they are con

nected, is called charging the condenser. A current flows during the short
interval of time required for the redistribution of the electrons; this cur
rent is called the charging current of the condenser.
It is more or less evident that the condenser will take sufficient charge
to bring its potential difference equal to that of the battery; as long as
the condenser is at a lower potential difference than the terminals of the
battery, the e.m.f. of the battery causes more electrons to flow; if, by
any chance, so many electrons accumulate on the b plate of the condenser
that potential difference of the condenser is greater than that of the battery,
the excess of potential difference would so act as to make the condenser
discharge itself until it was at the same potential difference as the ter
minals of the battery.
Capacity of a Condenser.—Suppose the amount of electron flow neces
sary to charge two different condensers to a certain potential difference
is measured by a ballistic galvanometer or similar device. It will be
found in general that the different condensers require a different amount
of charge to bring them to the same difference of potential. For example,
if two condensers are made of the same-sized met al plates, but in one the
plates are only half as far apart as in the other, it will be found that the
one with closer plates requires twice as much charge as the other; if two
condensers have the same spacing for the plates, but one has larger plates
than the other, again it will be found that one requires more charge than
the other, in this case the one with the larger plates.
That characteristic of a condenser which determines how many elec
trons it takes to bring the condenser plates to a certain potential dif
ference is called its capacity. A condenser which requires one coulomb
of electricity to bring its plates to a potential difference of one volt, has
a capacity of one farad. Such a condenser would require immense plates
very close together; the unit is altogether too large to represent the ca
pacity of ordinary condensers. In ordinary engineering practice, such as
telephone circuits, the microfarad is used as the unit of capacity. A con
denser of one microfarad requires a charge of one millionth of a coulomb
to charge it to one volt. Stated in another way, a current of one ampere
would have to flow only one millionth of a second to charge the condenser
to one volt potential difference, or one microampere, flowing for one second
would charge it to the same extent.
In radio circuits the microfarad is too large a unit to be conveniently
used; a more suitable unit is the milli-microfarad, which is the thousandth
part of a microfarad. Another unit is the micro-microfarad, which is one
millionth of a microfarad. Still another unit is the centimeter; which
is one nine hundred thousandth of a microfarad. The micro-microfarad
and the centimeter are nearly the same-sized units, the centimeter being
about 1.1 of a micro-microfarad.

The capacity of a standard Leyden jar used in radio sets is 2 milli-

microfarads. The variable condensers used for tuning a receiving set
have a maximum capacity of one milli-microfarad or less. Certain con
densers used with vacuum-tube detectors have a capacity of 100 micro-
microfarads. Antenna, such as are used on small vessels, have a capacity
of about 0.5 milli-microfarad, while large land stations designed for trans
oceanic communication may have antennae of as much as 10 milli-micro-
farads capacity.
Specific Inductive Capacity.—Suppose a condenser made of two metal
plates separated by l-in. of air and let the quantity required to charge
it to one volt be measured. Then let a |-in. glass plate be slipped in
between the two plates of the condenser and let the quantity be again
measured; it will be found to be about six times as much as when air
was used to separate the plates. If various other materials are used as
dielectric it will be found that they all take more charge than the air con
denser; in other words, when such insulators as glass, mica, rubber, etc.,
are used for the dielectric instead of air, the condenser has more capacity,
its dimensions being the same in each case. The ratio of the capacity
of a condenser in which some dielectric other than air is used, to that it
would have if air were used, is called the specific inductive capacity of the
dielectric. The values of this constant far some of the more common
insulators are given in the table on page 167.
Energy Stored in a Charged Condenser.—It takes work, or energy,
to charge a condenser; the amount of this work depends upon the capacity
of the condenser and upon the voltage to which it is charged. The problem
is analogous to the " pumping up " of a tire; the amount of work done
in this case is evidently proportional to the size of the tire and depends
in some way upon the pressure to which the tire is pumped. Actually
the amount of work required increases with the square of the pressure
to which it is pumped; pumping a given tire to 100 lbs. pressure requires
four times as much work as is required to pump it to 50 lbs. pressure.
The energy used in charging a condenser, and stored in the electric
field between the plates of the condenser, is
WorkHCtf2 (8)
where C = capacity of condenser in farads;
E = voltage to which condenser is charged, in volts, and the work
is given in joules.
A condenser of .002 microfarad, charged to 15,000 volts difference
of potential, has stored in its field .225 joule of energy. If the energy
stored in this condenser is discharged to produce the oscillatory currents
required in radio transmitter, it may be used to supply about 100 watts
of power, with a suitable charge and discharge frequency.

Suppose sixteen such condensers are connected in parallel, so that each

is charged to the same voltage, 15,000 volts. There will be stored in this
battery of condensers 16 X.225 joule, or 3.6 joules. If the condensers
discharge through a spark gap which operates 1000 times a second (a com
mon spark frequency) there will be transformed into oscillatory current
3600 joules per second, that is, 3600 watts of power. Hence sixteen such
jars, good to operate at 15,000 volts, would be sufficient for generating
about 31 kilowatts of high-frequency power.
Current Flow in a Continuous Current Circuit Containing Resistance
Only.—If a continuous e.m.f., such as that from a battery, is impressed
upon a circuit containing resistance only, a continuous current will flow
and its value is given by Ohm's law,

where I = current in amperes ;

E = e.m.f. of the battery, in volts;
R = resistance, in ohms, of the entire circuit.
The current will have this value from the instant the switch is closed,
and will be as continuous (constant in magnitude) as is the e.m.f. of the
Current Flow in an Inductive Circuit.—If the circuit to which the
battery is connected contains inductance as well as resistance, the current
flowing will have the value given by Eq. (9) only after the switch has been
closed for some instants; it does not rise to the value predicted by this
equation for quite some time after the switch has been closed. The fact
that there is inductance in the circuit as well as resistance does not affect
the final value of current, but it does affect the current for a short time
after closing the switch.
In an inductive circuit the current cannot at once rise to its steady
value; it takes an appreciable time to reach the final value predicted by
Ohm's law. The length of time taken depends upon the ratio of the
inductance to the resistance of the circuit. The value of current is
expressed at any time after closing the switch by the equation


in which i = the current in amperes at time t after closing the switch;

2? = the e.m.f. of the battery;
R = the total resistance in the circuit, including that of the
battery, in ohms.
L = the coefficient of self-induction of the circuit, in henries;
< = the number of seconds elapsing after the switch is closed;
«=the base of natural logarithms = 2.718.

This equation defines the expression " logarithmic rise of current."

If a circuit has a very large value of inductance compared to its resistance,
the rise of current may be so slow that it can actually be observed by
means of an ammeter in the circuit. This is very easy to observe, for
example, in the field circuit of a large generator, in which the current may
take several seconds before it approximates its final value.
Time Constant of an Inductive Circuit.—When the time elapsed after
the switch is closed 13 equal to the L/R of the circuit the current has risen
to (1 — 1/ 1) of its final value, or to about 63 per cent of its final value. The
time taken for the current to reach this fraction of its final value is called
the time constant of the circuit; in most inductive circuits it has a value
only a small fraction of a second, but it may, in special cases, be several
The Oscillograph.—In investigating problems to-day the electrical
engineer uses very extensively an instrument called the oscillograph. It
receives its name from the fact that its essential part consists of a small
mirror mounted on some fine wires, through which wires a current may
be passed. The wires are mounted between the poles of a powerful mag
net, and, due to the force acting between the magnetic field and the cur
rent in the wires, the mirror is caused to oscillate back and forth as the
current in the wires changes its direction. This part of the instrument is
really a small galvanometer so constructed that it can move very quickly a
beam of light shining on the mirror and which, reflected therefrom, acts as
a pointer to indicate the motion of the mirror. By suitable devices the
motion of this beam of light may be either thrown on to a translucent
screen and so serve for visual work, or it may be thrown to a rapidly rotat
ing film and so give a permanent record of the excursions of the mirror.
These films, showing how current varies with respect to time, are called
oscillograms; such records will be frequently used in this text to illus
trate phenomena being analyzed.
Such records are extremely valuable, as there are many rapid changes
of current taking place in circuits which can be examined only in this
fashion. Changes of current which are so rapid that they occupy only
one-thousandth of a second are truthfully recorded by a properly used
oscillograph; currents which alternate many hundred times a second arc
correctly shown by an oscillogram. Not only will the oscillogram show
the number of times a second the current alternates, but it will also show
how closely the current approaches a sine wave in form and similar effects.
In Fig. 24 is shown an oscillogram of the current rising in an inductive
circuit; it will be seen that the current rises rapidly at first and gradually
approaches its steady value. If the switch should be opened quickly in
.such an inductive circuit a large arc will form at the point of the switch
where the circuit is opened. The energy stored in the magnetic field

has to disappear when the current dies to zero because there can be no
magnetic field without current.1 The greater the self-induction of the
circuit the greater is the amount of energy (for a given current) and the
larger will be the arc when opening the circuit. The decay of current
in an inductive circuit cannot be well examined therefore by opening
the circuit, but it can be shown by short-circuiting the coil in which die
current is flowing. In such a case the current dies away on a logarithmic

7^', \For increasing current » Onms

7?,, „ decttras'hf « — /-06 ohms

4ntf .efe£*y &f current //A/"? dkctl'oe, c/s

Fia. 24.—Oscillogram showing rise and fall of current in an inductive circuit.

curve quite similar to the curve of current rise. The equation of current
decay is quite similar to that of the current rise and is

; = |(<_i), (ID

where the letters have the same meaning as in Eq. (10).

Fig. 24 serves also to show this effect, the circuit having been arranged
as shown in Fig. 25. The battery D was connected to the inductance
C through a low resistance E and switch A. The oscillograph was con
nected in the circuit at the point 0. A second switch B served to short-
circuit the coil so that the decay of current in it could be shown as well
as the rise.
With B open, A was closed and so the oscillograph recorded the rise
of current; when the current had reached its steady state switch B was
closed, and the decay of current in the coil was recorded. The resistance
1 This statement of course neglects any residual field left in iron parts of the
magnetic circuit when the current has fallen to zero.

E was used in the circuit to prevent the short-circuiting of the battery

when B was closed.
The curves of rise and decay are just as is predicted by Eqs. (10) and
(11) ; the two curves show a slight difference in the rate of change of current,
but this is to be expected, because the resistance was somewhat greater
for the rise of current than it was for the decay, while the inductance
was the same for both. The time constant was greater for the decaying

Fig. 25.—Circuit used to obtain oscillograms of growth and decay of current.

current than for the rising current; the rising current had for its resistance
that of the coil, that of the battery, and that designated by E, while the
decaying current took place through the resistance of the coil only.
Effect of Rising and Decaying Currents on Neighboring Circuits.—As
the current in the coil increases and decreases it must induce electro
motive forces in any neighboring circuits which are so placed that they
link with its magnetic field. If the neighboring circuit is closed current
will flow, in one direction when the current in the first circuit is rising
and in the opposite direction when the current in the first circuit is falling.
Hence when a circuit is closed and current starts to flow all neighboring

Fig. 26.—Circuit used to obtain oscillogram of currents in coupled circuits.

circuits, if closed, will have currents in one direction and in the opposite
direction when the circuit is opened.
To bring out this fact a circuit was arranged as shown in Fig. 26; one
oscillograph vibrator was introduced at C and the other at D. The cur
rents which flowed in each circuit during the opening and closing of switch
E is shown in the oscillogram given in Fig. 27. When the switch was
closed current in coil B flowed in the opposite direction to that in coil A;
when the switch was opened the current in B flowed in the reverse direc-

tion. The rather irregularly-shaped curve of current at the time of

opening the switch was due to the fact that an arc formed at the point
of opening the circuit so that although the switch was open the circuit
was not open, the arc serving to keep the circuit closed. As the resistance
if the arc was indefinite and variable the current naturally followed no
■egular curve.
Current Flow on Connecting a Condenser to a Source of Continuous
E.M.F.—When a condenser is connected to a source of continuous e.m.f.
the condenser takes sufficient charge to bring its plates to a difference of
potential equal to the e.m.f. of the source to which it is connected. This
charging would take place instantaneously if there were no resistance in
the circuit. But the generator or
battery to which the condenser is con
nected always has resistance and the
condenser itself has a kind of resistance
due to the losses occurring in its die
lectric, all of these resistance factors
act in such a way that the condenser
takes an appreciable time to charge
A circuit was arranged as shown Fl°- 28.—Circuit usetf to obtain oscil-
in Fig. 28; A is a 100-volt battery, logrr of charge and discharge of a
B and D are switches, C is the con
denser to be charged or discharged, 0
is the oscillograph vibrator, and R is a resistance which represents the
total resistance of the circuit, battery, connections, condenser, etc.
The equation which flows in such a circuit is given by

i=|(«"^), (12)

where 2? = the battery voltage in volts;

i£ = the total resistance of the circuit in ohms;
C = the capacity of the condenser in farads.

If now switch B is opened and switch D is closed the condenser will

discharge and the current will be given by

»=-|(«'^), (13)

where the letters have the same meaning as they have in Eq. (12). This
current is evidently of the same shape as that taken by the charging
operation with the exception that there is a minus sign before it; this

signifies that the discharge current is of the same form as the charging
current, but it flows in the opposite direction.
Time Constant of a Condenser Circuit.—The quantity RC is called
the time constant of the condenser circuit; it is evidently the time taken
for the current to fall from its maximum value to 37 per cent of this value;
another way of defining the time constant of a condenser circuit is in
terms of the charge on the condenser; the time constant is the time required
for the condenser to accquire 63 per cent of its final charge or, in the case
of the discharging condenser, it is the tune required for the condenser
to lose 63 per cent of its charge.
Fig. 29 shows an oscillogram of charge and discharge which was
taken from the circuit shown in Fig. 28. Some extra resistance must
be necessarily added to the inherent resistance of the battery and con
denser because the time constant of such a circuit is excessively small,
too short for the oscillograph to function. Thus a one microfarad
condenser in series with two ohms (a probable value for the battery)
would have a time constant of .000 002 second, that is, the current
would rise instantaneously upon closing the switch, to some value (de
pending upon the voltage used in charging) and in .000 002 second
would have fallen to 37 per cent of this value, and in a correspondingly
short time would have dropped to practically zero. Such an instanta
neous occurrence is too rapid even for the oscillograph, hence to increase
the time constant to a value suitable for the use of the oscillograph an
extra resistance had to be introduced in the circuit.
The effect of adding resistance in series with a condenser to be charged
is shown by the curves of Fig. 30; these were calculated from Eq. (12).
They show that the initial current is cut down as the resistance is increased,
in fact being equal to E/ R, and that the duration of the current increases
with the increase of resistance. The area between the X axis and any
of the curves is the same; this area represents the quantity of electricity
on the condenser and so must be the same for all conditions, because the
quantity of electricity on the condenser after the charging process is com
plete is the same no matter what the resistance of the circuit may be.
Power Expended in a Continuous-current Circuit.—If a current of /
amperes is caused to flow through a circuit by an e.m.f. of E volts the
rate of doing work in the circuit is
Watts = EI, (14)
If the circuit has a resistance R we know that E=IR and so
Watts = IRXl = PR (15)
from which we get
R= (16)
P ;

Eq. (16) is important; it is the broadest possible definition for the

resistance of a circuit. This formula gives the resistance for any kind of
current flow, whether continuous, pulsating, or alternating. In words it is
stated thus: the effective resistance of a circuit is equal to the amount of
power consumed by the circuit divided by the square of the current required
to supply this power.
In simple continuous current circuits Ohm's law is sufficient to obtain
the resistance of the circuit, but there are many cases especially in alter-

\J Coml< as* r <■ •n ad to 1 00 *'ol s
C;i p.n Ity .if ■on len scr -2 [10 '(, r.ul
Ci rv( l- R- 10 Jlu l.s
Ci rv< 2- R = 20 Jhi IS
c Ci rv( 8- R = ■10 Jlu IS

.6. .8
TlmeJn.1000 Ihs Seconds
Fig. 30.—Condenser charging currents for different values of series resistance.

nating current work, where Eq. (16) affords the only feasible means of
determining the resistance of the circuit.
Power Consumed in a Circuit Excited by Pulsating Current.—In case
the voltage or current of a circuit, or both of them, are pulsating the power
consumed in the circuit cannot be obtained by using the product of the
average voltage by the average current, as might at first seem correct;
an error would be introduced making the power consumed too low, the
amount of this error depending upon the amount of fluctuation. The
greater the amount of fluctuation or pulsation of the current or voltage,
the greater is the error introduced.

The power is accurately obtained only by taking the product of the

effective resistance of the circuit and the square of the effective value of
the current. The derivation of the effective value of the current may
be difficult; it can always be carried out graphically if the form of the
pulsating current is accurately given, but is not easily calculated by
ordinary arithmetic unless the form of the pulsation is very simple. Thus
suppose that a pulsating current is simple enough to be represented by
a continuous current, with a sine wave alternating current superimposed,
as shown in Fig. 31. The actual pulsating current A is sufficiently well
represented by the continuous current B, of amplitude Ii, and a sine wave
current C, of maximum value h. The effective value of such a current
is given by taking the square root of the sums of the squares of the effect
ive values of the two components. The effective value of the continu
ous current is the same as its actual value, h ; the effective value of the

Fig. 31.—Pulsating current equivalent to a continuous current with alternating current


sine wave of current is one-half the square root of its maximum value.
Hence the effective value of the pulsating current is ^I^+^h2- The
power used when such a current flows through a circuit of resistance R is

Watts used = I i2R+\h2R

If the average value of the current were used in calculating the power
used, the power represented by the second term would be completely
neglected, and so an error would be incurred equal to \Iz2R. The amount
of this error depends upon the amount of pulsation of the current. In
such a circuit as the primary circuit of spark-coil transmitting set excited
by storage battery the error would be very largo, and the power used in
the circuit cannot be obtained at all accurately without knowing the form
of the current flowing in the primary winding of the coil.
The above statement is made with the idea in mind that in such a
circuit as this, excited by storage battery, a direct-current ammeter would

be used in measuring the current. Now such an ammeter reads average

values and so would read, when excited by such a current as sketched
in Fig. 31, only the continuous-current component. Hence the error
pointed out would occur. If, however, an alternating current ammeter
were used for reading the current, the error would not occur, because such
an ammeter reads effective values, and not average values. If the power
used in a pulsating-current circuit is to be accurately determined, there
fore, an alternating-current ammeter must be used to measure the current.
The above analysis of the power used in pulsating-current circuits
holds good only when the resistance is constant throughout the cycle
of current variation. In many circuits this is not so, the resistance being
a function of the current and so changing as the current changes. The
calculation of the power used in such a circuit is not easily measured by
ammeters and voltmeters; either a wattmeter or the oscillograph must be
used. The wattmeter is an instrument having two windings in the same
case, one corresponding to an ammeter and the other to a voltmeter.
An analysis of its action and the way in which it is used will be taken
up in a subsequent paragraph dealing with the power used in an alter
nating-current circuit. The oscillograph, giving the form of voltage curve
and current curve, makes it possible to calculate the power by graphical
Current Flow in an Alternating-current Circuit Having Resistance
only. Phase.—If an alternating-current generator is connected to a circuit
having resistance only the relation between current, resistance, and volt
age is given by Ohm's law. It is, of course, impossible to construct a
circuit " with resistance only "; a circuit must have some inductance and
capacity no matter how it is built, but if the amount of inductance and
capacity are so small that their influence upon the current is negligible
compared to the influence of the resistance, the circuit may be considered
to have nothing but resistance opposing the flow of current. The filament
of an incandescent lamp is such a circuit. A rheostat constructed of high-
resistance wire may be considered to have no inductance when being used
in ordinary alternating-current circuits, such as used for power and light
ing, but such a rheostat would probably have such an amount of induc
tance that when used in a circuit of radio frequency it would be by no
means negligible. It follows that a certain piece of apparatus might be
considered free from inductance for some uses, but for other circuits the
inductance might be of considerable importance.
In a circuit having resistance only the current and voltage have the
same -phase and are similar in form. A current and voltage are said to
be in phase when they pass through their corresponding values simulta
neously. The easiest point from which to judge the equality of phase is
the zero value; if the two curves pass through their zero values at the

same instant they are in phase. In case the current passes through its
zero value after the voltage has passed through its zero value it is said
to be a lugging current; if it goes through the zero value before the voltage
it is said to be a leading current.
In Fig. 32 are shown curves of current and voltage with (a) current
and voltage in phase, (b) with current lagging behind the voltage by the
angle <j>, and (c) with the current leading the voltage by the angle <£.
The magnitude of the angle of lag or lead may be easily approximated
when it is remembered that the time from one zero point to the next zero

Fig. 32.—Phase difference of alternating current and voltage.

point of the same curve is 180°; in curve 6 the current lags by about 30°
and in curve c the angle of lead is about 70°.
In case the circuit has lesistance only the relation between voltage and
current is expressed by Ohm's law, whether instantaneous, maximum, or
effective values are considered. Thus the equation for current flow in
this circuit is

7=I <17>

Power Used in a Resistance Circuit.—The rate at which electrical

energy is changed into heat by a current i flowing through a resistance

R is i2R, as has been shown for continuous-current circuits. Or, as we

know that for the circuit e = iR we have,
Rate of heat development = power used = e i
The power curve has the form shown in Fig. 33; it is at all times
positive, because although both e and i go through negative values they
both reverse at the same instant; the product, therefore, is constantly
positive. The maximum value of this power curve occurs when both e
and i pass through their maximum values and is therefore equal to Emlm.

Fig. 33.—Power curve for an alternating current circuit containing resistance only.

If the equation of current is i=Im sin wt and the equation of voltage

is e=Em sin oil, the equation of the power curve must be
p = Emlm sin2 alt
= $EmIm(l-COs2wt) (18)
The average value of cos 2ait is zero, hence the average value of power
= P=\EmIm=El (19)

It is seen therefore that the power (in watts) used in an alternating-

current circuit containing resistance only is the product of volts and
amperes, as read by alternating current voltmeter and ammeter.
Meters Used in Alternating-Current Circuits.—It must be remembered
that the ordinary continuous-current instrument, ammeter or voltmeter,
will not read at all if used in an alternating-current circuit. Such instru
ments read the average value of voltage or current and, in an alternating-
current circuit the average values are zero. To read correctly on an
alternating-current circuit an instrument must give the same reading on
a continuous-current circuit, no matter which way the continuous current
is flowing through it; everyone familiar with the ordinary continuous

current instrument knows that if the connection of the meter to the cir
cuit is reversed the reading will reverse. Such an instrument, if actuated
by an alternating current, would tend to oscillate between a certain direct
reading and the equal reversed reading, but, as the alternating current
reverses too rapidly for the needle of a meter to follow, it is evident that
the meter would read zero no matter how much current was flowing
through it.
Various types of meters are suitable for use on an alternating-current
circuit, the dynamometer type, the soft-iron vane type, the induction
type, the thermo-couple type and the hot wire type. The last two types
named are used almost exclusively for making measurements in radio
circuits, as it is practically impossible to make the other types function
properly at the very high frequencies used in radio work.
Transient Current on Switching a Resistance Circuit to an A.C. Line.—
If a resistance circuit is switched to an a.c. line the current rises instanta-

Fia. 34.—Current on switching a resistance circuit to an a.c. line.

neously to the value it should have, depending upon the value of the volt
age at the instant the switch is closed, as shown in Fig. 34. This condition
of affairs is expressed by stating that there is "no transient current " or
no transient condition, after closing the switch; the current rises at once
to the value it would have had (at the time of closing the switch) in case
the switch had been closed at some previous time.
Current Flow in an A.C. Circuit Having Inductance and Resistance.—
Suppose that an inductance (without resistance) and a resistance, con
nected in series, are connected to an a.c. line so that an alternating e.m.f.
is impressed, as indicated in Fig. 35. Although the inductance must
really have resistance, it is shown as resistanceless, all the resistance of
the circuit being supposed concentrated in R. The current flowing in
such a circuit depends upon four things, L, E, R, and the frequency of
the impressed e.m.f. Provided that L and R are constant throughout
the cycle (do not vary with the value of the current) it is a fundamental
law of electrical circuits that the current will have the same form as the

impressed force. We may therefore assume that the current is a sine

wave and then find its magnitude and phase.
The impressed voltage must be equal to the sum of the drops in poten
tial across L and R.

Drop= o) LI

f • To Supply of
alternating Emf
Drop =i R

Fia. 35.—Resistance and inductance in series connected to an a.c. line.

Suppose the current to be i = Im sin tat.

The drop across the resistance = iR = Im sin cot.
The drop across the inductance = Ldi/dt = wLIm cos wt.
The impressed voltage must be

= Im(R sin id+wL cos cut) (20)

In Fig. 36 these two component voltages are snown as curves; the
impressed voltage e must be equal at all times to the sum of the resistance

Fig. 36.—Voltage components in an a.c. circuit containing inductance and resistance.

drop and the inductance drop, and is so shown by the curve marked e in
Fig. 36.

A vector diagram representing the curves of Fig. 36 is given in Fig.

37; effective values, instead of maximum values, are shown. From this
diagram we have
E2 = P(R2+(*L)2)

Fig. 37.—Vector diagram for an a.c. circuit containing inductance and resistance.
The quantity uL is called the reactance of the circuit and the quantity
Z is called the impedance of the circuit. The current lags behind the volt
age by the angle <f>, which is determined by the relation

cos <t> = -= or tan <t> - — .

Fig. 38.—Power curve for an a.c. circuit containing inductance and resistance.

Power Used in an Inductive Circuit.—The power used, at any instant,

in the circuit of Fig. 35 is obtained by multiplying the instantaneous value
of e by that of i; it is shown by the power curve in Fig. 38. For this
circuit it is evident that the power is sometimes negative, i.e., the circuit,

instead of drawing power from the line, is actually furnishing power to

the line. Energy which has been stored in the magnetic field of the induc
tance, is flowing back into the source of power supply.
The expression for the power is,
p=Em sin arfX/msin (cot — <f>)
- Emlm sin uitXsm (ui — <j>)

The average value of this expression is given by average value of the

p=Emh,cos ^ (1+sin2aJ<) ... (22)

So average power
P=EI cos <t> (23)
The power in the circuit is equal to the product of the volts and amperes
in the circuit and the quantity cos 4>. For this reason cos </> is called the
power factor of the circuit; it may have any value between unity and
zero. In ordinary power circuits it has a value between about 0.7 and
0.95, very seldom being unity. In some parts of efficient radio circuits
the power factor may be as small as .005.
The power may be expressed in terms of current and resistance by
changing the form of Eq. (23).
P=EI cos <t> = EI R
= IXlVR*+(a,L)2 / R ~==PR. . (24)

This equation for the power used in an a.c. circuit is really a definition
of the effective resistance of the circuit; the resistance of the circuit, for
alternating current, may be entirely different from the continuous-current
resistance of the circuit. There are many effects which combine to make
the a.c. resistance sometimes several times as great as the c.c. resistance
(or the a.c. resistance may be negative even, while the c.c. resistance is
positive) and the only way1 of measuring this resistance is by use of Eq.
(24). The power used in the circuit is measured by a wattmeter, the
current by an ammeter, and the resistance found by the relation
Effective resistance = W<L (25)

1 If the circuit is such that a measurement in an alternating current Wheatetone

bridge is feasible, of course such method also is available. Even in the bridge deter
mination the idea expressed in Eq. (24) is, however, involved.

Wattmeter.—It is generally not possible to measure the power used

in an a.c. circuit by use of Eq. (23) because the phase difference of the volt
age and current is not known and there is no easy method of measuring
it directly. To get the power used in an a.c. circuit it is nearly always
necessary to use a wattmeter. This is an indicating instrument, resembling
an ammeter or voltmeter externally, but differing from these instruments
in that it has two independent electrical circuits. Two coils inside the
instrument, one in shunt with the circuit, and one in series with it, react
on one another to produce the force which moves the indicating pointer.
The theory involved in its operation is explained in practically any text
on alternating-current measurements and will not be given here. The
scale of the meter is calibrated directly in watts and, with a properly
calibrated instrument, the reading of power is accurate no matter what
the power factor may be; for very small power factors, and for circuits of
frequency much higher than that for which the meter is intended, a cor
rection may be necessary.1
The power factor of an a.c. circuit is then determined from the readings
of three instruments, ammeter, voltmeter, and wattmeter. The power
factor, cos <f>, is the quotient of the wattmeter reading by the product
of the readings of the other two instruments. If it is desired to know the
angle 4> itself, it is only necessary to consult a table of natural cosines.
The effective resistance of the circuit is obtained by finding the quotient
of the wattmeter reading and the square of the ammeter reading. As
stated before, this resistance will generally be very different from the
resistance measured by a continuous-current test.
Variation of Current with Frequency in an Inductive Circuit.—The
magnitude of the current flowing in a circuit consisting of a resistance
and inductance in series evidently depends upon the frequency (see Eq. 21).
At zero frequency (continuous current) this equation reduces to 7 =
E/R. This relation holds good only after the switch has been closed long
enough for the transient condition to disappear (see Fig. 24).
At very high frequencies the resistance becomes negligible compared
to the reactance, and so the value of the current is given, very nearly,
by the equation I = E/uL. As the frequency varies between high and
low values, voltage being held constant, the current varies as shown in
Fig. 39 ; for frequencies sufficiently high that R is small compared to uL,
the curve approximates a hyperbola,

/X'=2^ <*>

Transient Current in a Circuit Having Inductance and Resistance.—

After the switch has been closed for some time there is always a definite
1 See Morecroft's Laboratory Manual of Alternating Currents, p. 11.

relation between the instantaneous values of the current and voltage;

for every cycle the two go through exactly corresponding values. Thus

e y
1 lR

Variation of current with frequency

-- E = 100 L=0.1 R = 10

10 frequency
Fia. 39.—Current variation with frequency in an a.c. circuit containing inductance and
resistance in series.

Fig. 40.—Curves of e and i in a circuit containing inductance and resistance, for steady
in Fig. 40, when e has a maximum value AC, the current has the value
AB, and whenever the voltage has the value AC the current will have

the value AB. Now suppose the switch to be closed when the voltage
has the value AC ; the current should have the value AB, but in an induc
tive circuit the current cannot rise instantaneously; this was shown by
the oscillograms in Figs. 24 and 25. The complete equation for the cur
rent in an inductive circuit must therefore include a transient term as
well as the term for the steady state; it is properly written

i , sin (u>t-4)+Ke~L (27)

The second part of the current, Ke h , is determined in magnitude
by the value of the current, in the steady state, at the time in the cycle

f Sm doled
1 1t
/ // 3 SI mi y ci rre n "/ //
)1 /
// /
// -—
Trn ns-i< Qt ( urrL-nt
tua1 I'UrrciIt

Fig. 41.—Curves of e and i in a circuit containing inductance and resistance for transient

corresponding to the time in the cycle that the switch is closed. Thus
in Fig. 41, at the time of closing the switch the current should have the
value AB; this fixes the value of K in Eq. 27. In Fig. 41 is plotted
the steady value of the current i, the transient current Ke L , and the
actual current for the first cycle after closing the switch; this actual cur
rent is the sum of the other two.
In Figs. 42 and 43 are shown oscillograms of the current flowing in
an inductive circuit for the first few cycles after the switch had been closed;
in one the switch was closed at the peak of the voltage and in the other
it was closed when the voltage was very nearly zero. In Fig. 42 the effect
of the transient term is plain ; the current (steady value) has been plotted
in dotted lines, as has also the transient term, the latter having been


calculated from the value of the steady current at the time the switch
was closed and the L and R of the circuit. It may be seen that the actual
current is correctly given by Eq. (27). In Fig. 43 the switch was closed
at that part of the e.m.f. cycle which, in the steady state, is the proper
time for the current to be zero; it is seen that for this case the transient
term reduces to zero, and the actual current is represented completely
by only the first term of Eq. (27).
Circuits Having Resistance and Iron-core Inductance.— In case the
L of the circuit, Fig. 35, consists of an inductance having a closed iron
path for its magnetic circuit, the conclusions deduced will not be correct.
The value of L in this case is not constant, but varies throughout the

v. \ \ /7 \ ' \7 7 \
hi,-!' \X/" W v
r • 1 *■

Fig. 43.—Oscillogram illustrating absence of transient current in an inductive circuit.

cycle, and for this reason the relation between the current and voltage
is a complex one; the current in this case requires an equation with an
infinite number of terms to express it accurately. The current, instead
of being sinusoidal, has a decided hump, as shown by Fig. 44, which shows
the magnetizing current of a closed-core transformer. |
Not only is. the steady value of current in such a circuit irregular,
but the transient current may show even greater irregularities. This
irregularity may last for many cycles, depending upon the kind of iron
used in the core and upon its condition of magnetization at the time the
switch is closed, as well as upon the part of the cycle selected for the clos
ing of the switch. Thus in Fig. 45 is shown the current in the primary
circuit of a transformer for a few cycles after closing the switch; the tran
sient current may be so large in this case that during the first cycle the
current never reverses its direction.

The rise of current in such an inductive circuit as this is not as simple

as that illustrated in Fig. 24; the analysis given in explaining this figure
assumed constant L so will not hold good if L varies during the rise of

Fio. 45.—Oscillogram showing the transient current when switching an iron core
inductance to an a.c. line.
current. The actual form of rising current in such a circuit, when con
nected to- a c.c. line, is shown in Fig. 46; it is quite evidently different
from that shown in Fig. 24, which was for an air-core inductance.

Fig. 46. Peculiar growth of current when an iron core inductance is switched to a
source of continuous e.m.f.
Current Flow in a Condenser.—By the definition of a condenser no
electrons can actually pass from one plate to the other; they are insulated
from one another. If, however, a condenser is connected to a source of
alternating e.m.f., current will flow in this circuit, as may be seen by the
reading of an a.c. ammeter placed in series with the condenser.
Suppose a condenser of capacity C farads is connected to a line the
e.m.f. of which is given by the equation e = E sin tot. The condenser will,
of course, take enough charge to bring the potential difference of its plates
continually equal to that of the line to which it is connected. As this
impressed e.m.f. continually varies in magnitude and direction, electrons
must be continually running in and out of the condenser to maintain its
plates at the proper potential difference. This continual charging and
discharging of the condenser constitutes the current read by the ammeter.
The electrons, the motion of which constitutes the current, do not actually
pass from one plate of the condenser to the other through the dielectric;

Fiq. 47.—Current and voltage for a perfect condenser connected to an a.c. line.

they merely flow in and out of the condenser. With this idea in mind
it is easy to see why the changing current of a condenser increases with
the capacity of the condenser, also with the frequency of the impressed
The magnitude of the charging current is obtained as follows:
The charge q = Ce and the current i = dq/dt.
Now q = CEm sin tit,
i=«C Em cos tit (28)
This current is then of the same form as the impressed e.m.f. (a cosine
curve is similar to a sine curve in form) but leads it by 90° as shown in
Fig. 47; its maximum value, in amperes, is equal to uCEm.
In effective values the relation between the impressed voltage and
the charging current is,
I = tiCE = 2*fCE

It is evident that, other things being equal, the charging current of a con
denser is directly porportional to the frequency of the impressed e.m.f.
This should be contrasted to the inductive circuit in which the current
varies inversely as the frequency, if the resistance is small compared to
the reactance.
The relation between the current and voltage may be written

M+5k (30)

The quantity - is called the reactance of the condenser, generally

specified as capacity reactance to distinguish it from inductance reactance
Condenser and Resistance in Series.—If a condenser and resistance
are connected in series and a sine wave of voltage is impressed, a sinu
soidal current will flow; its magnitude and phase depend upon the R,
C, E, and / of the circuit. Suppose this current to be given by i = Im sin at.
The resistance drop = ImR sin uit.
The capacity reactance drop, in magnitude, is —^ cos wt. But as shown
before, the current leads the voltage impressed on a condenser; the capacity
drop is therefore properly written,

Capacity drop= —^ cos ut

The impressed voltage must be the sum of the drop over the resistance
and that over the condenser and is so shown in Fig. 48. The current leads
the impressed voltage by the angle <j>, the magnitude of which is fixed by
the relative magnitudes of the reactance and resistance drops.
The three curves of Fig. 48 are shown vectorially in Fig. 49, effective
values being used instead of maximum values. From this vector diagram
we have

'•' | (3D


^♦-T-OT (32)

The current in the circuit, as shown in Eq. 31, evidently depends upon
the frequency; its variation as the frequency is changed, is shown in Fig.
50. At very high frequency the current approaches the value E/R, the

Fig. 48.—Voltages and current curves for circuit containing R and C, in series.
capacity reactance being negligible, while at zero frequency, the current
is zero, the condenser being equivalent to an open circuit.
Transient Current in a Circuit Consisting of Resistance and Condenser
in Series.—In general there will be a transient current when switching
0 ri such a circuit to an a.c. line;
' ^ " the duration of the transient
term is so short, however, on
all commercial circuits that an
oscillogram shows the current
rising immediately to its proper
value, this being fixed by the
time on the e.m.f. cycle that the
switch is closed.
Current Flow in a Circuit
Having Resistance, Inductance,
Fig. 49.-Vector diagram of voltages and 811(1 CaPacity m Series.—The
current for circuit containing R and C current flowing in the circuit
shown in Fig. 51 will require
three components of e.m.f., the resistance drop IR, the inductance
drop 2irfLI, and the capacity drop The resistance drop is in
phase with the current, the inductance drop is 90° ahead of the current


Fig. 51. Fig. 52.

. " ... :i>
Fig. 51.—Circuit containing R, L, and C in series. {
Fio. 52.—V'ector diagram of voltages and current for circuit containing R, L and C in

and the capacity drop is 90° behind the current. These three compo
nents of the impressed e.m.f. are shown vectorially in Fig. 52. The two
reactance drops evidently tend to neutralize one another.
The total reactance drop

-2"'"-2^ (33)

The resultant required impressed voltage is seen to be

E=I^R*+(2«fL-J^)2 (34)

and the magnitude of the current may be written

/- , = . i -I (35)
\2 &

The phase difference between impressed voltage and current is fixed by

the equation
, 1
R Z*j
cos <}> = -^ or tan <t> = 5— (36)
z tt
The reactance of the circuit may either be positive or negative, according
to which component of the reactance predominates. If 2nfL is greater
than \ the reactance is positive and the current lags, whereas if the
capacity reactance is the greater, that current leads the impressed e.m.f.
The magnitude of the current will evidently depend upon the frequency
and will have about the form shown in Fig. 53. At zero frequency the
condenser offers infinite reactance so the current is zero; at infinitely
high frequency the inductance reactance becomes so great that again the
current approaches zero; at some intermediate frequency the inductance
reactance just balances the capacity reactance so that the total reactance
is zero. For this frequency the current has a maximum value, as shown
for frequency fr in Fig. 53. The form of this curve could have been pre
dicted by considering the two curves given in Figs. 38 and 50.
Resonance.—For such a circuit as shown in Fig. 51 there will always
be one frequency which will give a total reactance zero; this will be true
no matter what values of L and C may be chosen. At this frequency
the current will be in phase with the e.m.f. and its magnitude will be a
maximum, being limited only by the resistance of the circuit, I=E/R.
The frequency at which this occurs is called the resonant frequency
of the circuit; it is at this frequency that most radio circuits are operated.

Unless care is exercised when performing experiments on resonance

the condensers used in the circuit will be spoiled by the puncturing of
the dielectric at the resonant frequency. For any frequency whatever
the drop across the condenser is fixed by the relation,

Calculated resonance curve

1 ' 1 —*I
' I I
1 ' * i

E = 100 L = 0.10
R = 18 C = 25.3 x 10

20 40 60 80100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Fro. 53.—Variation of current with frequency in circuit containing R, L, and C in

If we substitute in this equation the value of the current, in terms of

impressed voltage and resistance we get, at resonance,


As the value of may be much greater than unity so the voltage

across the condenser may be many times as great as the impressed voltage;
in a certain laboratory circuit used in preforming low-frequency resonance
tests the drop across the condenser at resonant frequency is eighteen times
as great as the impressed voltage. At this frequency the drop across the in
ductance is equal to that across the condenser, but this excessive voltage

across the inductance coil will generally do no harm. In radio circuits

it is possible to have the drop across the inductance and condenser as
much as 400 times greater than the impressed voltage.
Resonant Frequency.— A circuit is said to be resonant when the react
ance is zero. Therefore we have for the resonant frequency,

2t/L = ; 1

from which we get the value of the resonant frequency

/= \= (38)

In this equation L must be in henries, C in farads, and / will be in cycles
per second. As the microfarad is the usual unit of capacity a more con
venient form is
C being in microfarads. In determining this frequency the separate values
of L and C do not matter; the product LC is the quantity which fixes
the critical frequency. This is a circuit having L=.24 henry and C =
10 microfarads will be resonant at. the same frequency as one which has
L=.06 henry and C = 40 microfarads.
The sharpness of the resonance curve is determined by the resistance
of the circuit, the less the resistance the more sharply denned is the resonant
frequency and the larger is the current at the resonant frequency. In
Fig. 54 are shown the resonance curves obtained for a circuit having L =
.15 henry and C = 28.5 microfarads. The one curve shows the variation
of current with a circuit resistance of 5.8 ohms and the other shows the .
same thing after the resistance had been increased to 17.2 ohms.
In a low resistance circuit the resonance is said to be sharp and in
a high resistance eircuit it is said to be flat or dull.
Series Resonance with Varying Capacity — Decrement.—If the fre
quency impressed on the circuit of Fig. 51 is held constant and the capac
ity or inductance varied, resonance curves similar to those in Fig. 53
will be obtained except the variables will be different. Suppose such a
curve has been obtained, as shown in Fig. 55. We shall now show how
the shape of the curve depends upon the resistance and how to actually
calculate the value of this resistance from the shape of the curve, provided
that the value of L is known.
The quantity which is actually determined from the resonance curve
is . the ratio R/2/L, f being the resonance frequency of the circuit. This

ratio is called the decrement of the circuit, for reasons which will be
apparent when the subject of oscillations is discussed.
Referring to Fig. 55, let C, be the capacity which gives resonance, the
current for this value of capacity being I,. Let C\ and C2 be the two
values of capacity, one greater than Cr and the other less than Cr, which
serve to reduce the current to 7r-r- V2 or .707 7r. When the capacity has
the value CT there is no effective reactance in the circuit, so we have,
For C = C„ Jr=£.

For C=C2, /= = .707 7,

1 •
/ \
IB / \
E = M volt* / \
/ \
L = M ha m
C = H. 1 1 1 r far.

Oar n 1 R« ohm 1 * t R = W.I 1

50 70 80 90 100
Fig. 54.—Effect of resistance on resonance curve,
which can be true only on condition that X2 = R, or

For C = Ci,
= .707 IT
which can be true only if
X,-* or -(2JL+^=R (41)

The capacity reactance is greater than the inductance reactance for Ci

and less than the inductance reactance for C2, hence the reversal of the
signs in front of the reactance terms in Eqs. (40) and (41).
Adding (40) and (41) we get
2^~2^ = 2i2 (42)

Multiplying through by 0 * we get,

(2tt/)2LCi (2irf)2LC2 2wfL
1 (C2-C1) (43)

Oi Cf ct
Fiq. 55.—Variation of current with capacity in a resonant circuit.
Now if C2 and C\ do not differ from C, very much (say 10 per cent) we
may put without appreciable error
C2Ci = Cr2 (44)
This is, of course, an approximation, and is more nearly true the sharper
the resonance curve. We may now put,
1 (CrzCxj 2R_

But (2wf)2=Y7<~ 88 may 06 seen writing the equation for resonance,

C, being the "value of the capacity which gives resonance.

So (45) becomes,
C2 — Ci 2R
Cr 2xJL

R r C2—C1 (46)
2fL~2 Cr "
As an illustration of the application of this formula suppose that the
resonant capacity for a certain circuit is 32 microfarads and that the values
of C2 and Ci are 34 microfarads and 30.2 microfarads respectively. Then
for this circuit the decrement, generally designated by the Greek letter
t, is
, R =T 34-30.2
= 0.187
2/L 2 32
The decrement may also be calculated from a resonance curve plotted
with frequencies as abcissse as given in Fig. 56; we have derived the
formula when capaci
ty is used for abscissa?
because such is gen
erally the case in ra
dio measurements. If
however, frequency,
is used as abscissae,
the frequency having
been varied in getting
the resonance curve,
L and C having been
maintained constant,
the derivation of 8
from the half energy /, /, /,
points of the resonance Frequency
curve is as follows: Fig 56_—Variation of current with frequency in a refeonant
2tt/iL- = -R

2wf2L- =R
To eliminate C from these two equations, multiply them by 2tt/iC and
2t/2C respectively and get the two equations
(2wfi)2LC-l = -R2TrfiC
(2wf2)2LC-l = R2wf2C

Put these in the forms

C{(2*f2)2L-2irf2R} = l.
(2wf1)2L+%rf1R= (Ma)*L-2rf2R,
R(2rfl+2wfa) = L{ (2wf2)2- (2rfi)2} .
it _2* (/22-/i2)_ n
2L 2C/2+/1) "'(J5™-

Dividing by /r, the resonant frequency,

R -&-J'< /l (47)

1 C2-Ci
For a given circuit ^2 . — is approximately equal to - <"2„ — . This
/r * Lr
follows from the relation between frequency and capacity; to pro
duce a certain small percentage change in the natural frequency of a cir
cuit it is necessary to change the capacity of the circuit by twice this
amount, the frequency varying not with the capacity, but with the square
root of the capacity.
Flow of Current in Parallel Circuits and Relation of Line Current to
Branch Currents.—When a circuit consists of two or more branches in
parallel the line current cannot be obtained by calculating the branch
currents and adding them arithmetically as is done in continuous current
circuits, because of the difference in phase of the various branch currents.
The line current, instead of being equal to the arithmetical sum of the
branch currents, may be even smaller than either of the branch currents
and, in fact, is so in
I. many radio circuits. It
is necessary to calculate
>3.67 ohms not only the magnitude
of the different branch
e~Emsln at * 11 ohms currents, but also their
phase; these branch
0 ii microfarads currents are then added
veciorially to give the
line current.
Suppose a circuit
Fig. 57.—Parallel circuits. made up as shown in
Fig. 57, the current Ii
being 10 amperes, in phase with the line voltage and the current I2 being 15
amperes, leading the line voltage by 60°; the line current will be the

vector sum of 10 and 15 as shown in Fig. 58. It proves to be 21.8 amperes.

The angle of the lead is found by the relation of the reactive and active
components of the line current (the active component of a current is that
component which is in phase with the voltage and the reactive component
is that which is 90° out of phase with the voltage). I\ has no reactive
component and so contributes 10 amperes to the active component of the
line current only; h has a reactive component equal to 15 sin 60° or
13 amperes, and an active component of 15 cos 60° or 7.5 amperes. The
total active line current is therefore 17.5 amperes and the reactive com
ponent is 13 amperes. The angle of lead of the line current is then
tan-1 13/17.5 or 36.6°.

Pro. 58.—Vector diagram of currents in the parallel circuit shown in Fig. 57.

If the impressed voltage is 110 volts the impedance of the

branched circuit is equal to 110/21.8 or 5.95 ohms.
The equivalent resistance is Z cos </> = 5.05 cos 36.6° = 3.02 ohms.
The equivalent reactance is Z sin </» = 5.05 sin 36.6° = 4.06 ohms.
The equivalent series condenser of the combined circuit is found by
putting the reactance equal to ^JfC'' ^ ^e frequency of the supply is
60 cycles this gives

* =4.06 ohms, or C' = 65.4 microfarads.

Hence the branched circuit shown in Fig. 57 is exactly equivalent to

the single circuit shown in Fig. 59, for the frequency assumed; for a dif
ferent frequency other values of equivalent resistance and equivalent
capacity would be obtained. A more detailed analysis of a branched
circuit, using complex quantities, is given elsewhere.

In case the branched circuit is more complex than that given in Fig.
57, such as that given in Fig. 60, the branched part must first be replaced
by its equivalent single circuit, calculated as shown for Fig. 57 ; the resist
ance and reactance of this equivalent
~) circuit must then be added to the
<R= „~. ..
3.02 ohra» resistance and reactance .....
of Ri and
In- By vectonally combining this
total resistance and reactance the im
pedance of the simple equivalent cir-
Bkrotodi curt is obtained.
Fig. 59.-Simple series circuit equivalent t Impedance of a Circuit Made Up
to parallel circuit of Fig. 57. of L« R> 811(1 C» m Series.—The
reactance of this circuit is calculated
by finding the sum of the inductance
and capacity reactances at all the frequencies necessary; the equivalent
resistance of this circuit is independent of frequency and equal at all
frequencies to the actual resistance, R. The several quantities are shown
in the form of curves in Fig. 61. The reactance, , is shown negative;
the total reactance, X, is negative at frequencies lower than the resonant
value and positive above this value. The impedance is positive for all
values of frequency, having its
minimum value when the total
reactance X, is zero, then being |
equal to R.
The current leads the volt
e = Emsio cot.
age for frequencies lower than
the resonant value and lags J ^Ri
behind the voltage for higher
Impedance of a Branched
Circuit, Having L and R in L '
One Branch and C and R in F10- 60.—Series-Multiple circuit,
the Other.—The simplest way
of comprehending the impedance of this complex path, Fig. 62, is to calcu
late for each value of frequency, the magnitude and phase of the current
in each branch. The active and reactive components of the two branch
currents are then calculated. The active component of line current is
found by adding the two active branch currents and the reactive com
ponent of the line current is found by adding the reactive branch
currents. These additions are to be algebraic; in the case of the active
current the algebraic sum is the arithmetic sum but the reactive current
in the line is the difference of the reactive currents of the branches.

In Fig. 63 is shown the vector diagram for frequency above the reso
nant frequency of the circuit; the line current in this case leads the voltage

Fiq. 61.—Variation of reactance, resistance and impedance with frequency in a circuit

containing L, R, and C in series.

so the equivalent simple circuit would consist of a condenser in series with

a resistance, the two having such values that when the simple circuit was
connected to a line voltage E, the
current flowing would be equal, in
magnitude and phase, to / of Fig. 63.
In Fig. 64 is shown the condition
when impressed frequency is so ad- «-E.iino»{
justed that the reactive currents in
each branch neutralize each other; in
this case the simple circuit would con
sist of a resistance only. The resistance
Fio. 62.—Branched circuit, having L
of the simple circuit would, in general, and R in one branch and C and R in
be many times as great as the resist the other.
ance in the actual branched circuit.
In Fig. 65 the frequency is supposed lower than the resonant frequency,
the current taken by the inductive branch being greater than that taken

by the capacity branch ; the equivalent simple circuit for this case would
consist of a resistance in series with an inductance.
The above simple analysis shows that the branched circuit of Fig. 62
may be represented by a single circuit, but the constants of this simple
circuit must be made to vary as the frequency is varied.
The equivalent R may be obtained by calculating the PR loss in each
branch and adding to give the total loss in the circuit; this total loss,

Fig. 63. Fig. 64. Fig. 65.

Fig. 63.—Vector diagram for circuit of Fig. 62, line current leading.
Fig. 64.—Vector diagram for circuit of Fig. 62, line current in phase with impressed
Fig. 65.—Vector diagram for circuit of Fig. 62, line current lagging.

divided by the square of the line current (obtained vectorially as

shown in Figs. 63-65), gives the equivalent resistance of the com
The equivalent inductance or capacity is obtained by calculating the
reactive component of the impressed e.m.f.; this equals E sin.</> where E is
the value of the impressed voltage and <j> is the angle between the impressed
voltage and the line current. This value of e.m.f., E sin <j>, is put equal to
2irfL'I, where L' is the equivalent inductance and / is the line

In case the line current is leading sin <t> is negative and the equivalent
inductance would be negative. In this case the reactive component of
the impressed voltage, E sin <j>, is put equal to > where C is the
equivalent series capacity of the circuit.
The circuit is analyzed exactly most easily by the use of complex alge
bra, a method of treatment explained in all standard texts on alternating

Let Z\ = impedance of branch 1 = RL+jwL;

Z? = impedance of branch 2 = Rc—j ~~y^\

Z = impedance of the joint path.

Z ZiZ2 Ri+juL


Rationalize by multiplying numerator and denominator by

Collecting terms we have

RcRl{Rc+Rl) + Rv(uL) 2 + Rlt^,,2 +j \ Rc2uL - RL2
wC C

Of this complex impedance the real part is the effective resistance of

the branched circuit and the imaginary part is the reactance, or wL',
where L' is the effective inductance.

RcRl(Rc+Rl) + Rc(uL)2+Rl-, 1
*— ,— (48)


In case the resistance of the inductance is large compared to that of

the condenser, Eqs. (48) and (49) may be simplified to the approximately
correct forms
R' = (50)

L'=-L ~ -, (51)

where ft' = equivalent series resistance;

V = equivalent series inductance;
R = total actual resistance in the circuit, that is, resistance
of the inductive branch plus that of the capacity
branch ;
C = actual capacity of the capacity branch ;
L = actual inductance of the inductive branch;
m = ratio of the impressed frequency to the resonant fre
quency of the circuit = 2ir/V/LC.
In case U comes out a negative quantity it is converted to its equiv
alent series capacity by the relation
C' = l/(2r/)2(-L') (52)
An interesting condition obtains in a circuit having parallel resonance.
Thus suppose that the values of L and C and the frequency of supply for
the circuit of Fig. 66 have been so adjusted that for a voltage impressed
across A-B the circuit shows no reactance; the power factor is unity and
the circuit shows resistance only.
If the supply voltage is impressed across any other two points in the
circuit, the circuit will be in resonance for these points also; if, for example,
t he voltage is impressed across points C-D. the circuit will show resistance

The resistance will not be the same when measured between points
C-D as it is for the points A-B. It may be proved that the resistance
between any two points in the circuit is nearly proportional to the square
of the reactance included between the two points, in either branch. The
reactance in each branch of the parallel circuit will be the same, no matter
where the two points are taken, but the reactance will be inductive in one
branch and capacitive in the other.
Fig. 67 illustrates another combination of inductance and condensers;
such a circuit is used in one of the common forms of radio telephone appa
ratus. The frequency of current in the closed circuit is fixed by the reso-
1 , C1C2
nant period of this circuit, that is /= where C = The
2WLC " C1+C2
alternating current supply for the circuit is furnished across the condenser



Fig. 66. Fiu. 67.
Fig. 66.—Resonant multiple circuit.
Fig. 67.—Resonant multiple circuit used in a radio-telephone set.

Ci, and the power factor of this circuit (i.e., between points A and B)
is unity; the impedance offered to the supply circuit is resistance only. If
the point B is moved around the circuit so as to include part of the induct
ance L in either path, as shown at B', the impedance between the two
points A and B' would still be resistance only.
It is often desired in radio circuits to alter the impedance of the cir
cuit to which the power is supplied. Thus in certain vacuum-tube cir
cuits a resonant circuit (as shown in Fig. 67) is used as load for the tube
output and, to get the maximum output from the tube, the circuit must
offer resistance only (no reactance), and this resistance must have a proper
value. Evidently such a circuit as that shown in Fig. 67 offers such pos
sibility; by properly adjusting the position of B' the desired resistance will
be obtained.

Varying the value of &, however, has the disadvantage of changing

also the frequency of the circuit. If Ci is held constant and the point B
is moved along the inductance, the effective resistance between points
A and B will vary while the frequency is maintained practically constant.
Such a connection scheme is generally used in practice.
To illustrate this idea with experimental data a simple test was per
formed. An inductance coil, having a tap near its center, was connected
a to a condenser as shown in Fig.
68 and resonant frequency was
impressed across A-C. The
values of inductance and capac
ity were about as shown in the
diagram, the resistance of the
|2u mkmnmuis coil being about 10.8 ohms. A
watt-meter, voltmeter, and am
meter were used to measure the
input; the frequency was held
constant at 45 cycles, which is
the frequency to give resonance
Fig. 68.—Experimental resonant multiple for L = .628 henry and C = 20
circuit similar to that of Fig. 67. microfarads. The effective re
sistance was calculated by divid
ing the wattmeter reading by the square of the ammeter reading. The
results obtained are tabulated below:

Volts. Amperes. Watts. Effective

Resistance. Ohms.
Terminals C-A .... 105 .050 5 2000
Terminals C-B 105 .145 14.8 705
Terminals B-A 100 .170 16.6 575

These values of resistance are nearly proportional to the square of the

value of reactance between the respective terminals; better results can
not be obtained by this method, because the current taken by a condenser
exaggerates the non-sinusoidal form of the impressed voltage and so may
differ quite appreciably from the true sine form. In parallel resonance
the very small minimum line current obtained is a result of the inductive
and capacitive currents of the two branches neutralizing each other; if,
however, the two currents are not of the same form, it is evident that the
neutralization cannot be very complete and the line current at resonance
will not be as small as it should normally be.
A case of this kind is shown clearly in the oscilligram of Fig. 69; the
generator supplying the power was of an ordinary commercial type, having
however, a rather smaller air gap than is usual. The inductance and ca



pacity were connected in parallel and the impressed frequency was varied
until the line current showed a minimum value. The form and phase of
the currents in the two branches of the circuit are shown well on the film,
and it is at once evident that the great difference in form of the two cur
rents would prevent the resonance phenomena being very marked. Prob
ably 50 per cent of the current flowing in the condenser circuit is of some
frequency much higher than that for which the circuit was resonant and
at least this much current would persist in the supply line no matter how
carefully the circuit was adjusted for resonance.

56 80 66 70 75
Fig. 70.—Reactance and resistance curves for a parallel resonant circuit having low

This question of upper harmonics is often of much importance in the

operation of radio apparatus; more specific mention of the occurrences
will be made when discussing certain types of radio generators.
It is possible to move points A and B' (Fig. 67) to such a position that
there is no reactance in either path. In this case we have a maximum
possible line current (for a given impressed voltage) and the resistance of
the combination is a minimum. It is equal to the resistance of one path
divided by two, if the two paths have equal resistances; if not it is equal
to the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the resistances in the
separate paths. In Figs. 70 and 71 are some experimental curves showing

the characteristics of parallel resonance; they were obtained by ammeter,

voltmeter, and wattmeter readings, frequency being varied and impressed
voltage being held constant. The equivalent resistance was obtained
directly by dividing the wattmeter reading by the squared value of the
line ammeter reading; the equivalent inductance or capacity was found
after calculating the reactive component of the inpressed voltage and
knowing the line current from the ammeter reading. The alternator
used had a very pure sine wave of e.m.f. compared to that given by the
average machine.

65 70
Fig. 71.—Effect of increasing the resistance in a parallel resonant circuit; compare
with curves of Fig. 70.
A rather extraordinary effect is seen in these curves; the equivalent
series resistance at resonance is higher the lower the actual resistance of
the circuit. Thus in the first case where the actual resistance was 6 ohms
the equivalent resistance has a maximum value of 320 ohms; in the second
case where the actual resistance has been increased to 16 ohms the maxi
mum value of ft is only 240 ohms. In neither case is the equivalent
resistance nearly as great as calculation by Eqs. (48) and (49) would indi
cate; the reason for this discrepancy lies in the method of measurement
which involves an error depending upon the non-sinusoidal form of the
voltage impressed on the circuit as outlined above.

It will be noticed from the curves given in Figs. 70 and 71 that the
effective inductance of a coil may be increased by putting a condenser
in parallel with the coil; the equivalent resistance of the coil also increases
and this increase rapidly grows larger as the amount of capacity shunting
the coil is increased.
For the frequencies far removed from the resonant frequency of the
circuit ^so that (m2— 1) is large compared to m2R2-^j we get rather simple
formulae for the equivalent inductance and resistance of the coil. Formulae
(50) and (51) in this case reduce to the forms

, *'=(^IF ■ • • <52)

L'=^i <w

Inspection of these equations shows that the effective resistance of

the circuit rises more rapidly than does the effective inductance, especially
as the resonant frequency is approached.
A Peculiar Case of Parallel Resonance.—A very interesting case of
resonance occurs if, with an inductance and condenser in parallel, the
resistances in each path are properly adjusted. Thus suppose that the
resistance in the two paths are equal and also equal to

that is,

By inserting this condition in Eqs. (48) and (49) it will be found that the
reactance of the circuit is zero for all frequencies and that the resistance is
constant for all frequencies and equal to the resistance of each path.
Resonant Frequency of Parallel Circuits.—If we define the resonant
frequency of a parallel circuit as that frequency which makes the reactance
of the circuit zero, thus making the power factor of the circuit unity, we
find the resonant frequency by using Eq. (49), putting the numerator
equal to zero. This gives the equation

1/L R,\_V

from which we get,

u-\L'C-Rc2C*L (54)

In case the resistance of the condenser arm is negligible a simpler form

is obtained,
u=4tc~i?- (55)

It is to be noted that in parallel circuits the resistances in the circuit

affect to some extent the resonant frequency of the circuit, whereas in
the series circuit the resonant frequency is independent of the resistance.
The condition for resonance in parallel circuits (unity power factor)
will in general not be the frequency which gives minimum line current.
In case we had defined resonance as that condition which gave minimum
line current, formula? somewhat different from Eqs. (54) and (55) would
have been obtained.
Coupling of Various Kinds—Coefficient of Coupling.—When two cir
cuits are so placed or interconnected that energy may be transferred from
one to the other they are said to be coupled. There are three types of

Fia. 72.—Direct coupling. Fia. 73.—Inductive coupling.

coupling, resistance, inductance, or condenser coupling. In the first (prac

tically never used) that part of the network which is common to the two
circuits is a resistance; in the second, part of the magnetic field generated
by currents in the network is common to both circuits; in the third, a
part of the electro-static field set up in the network is common to both
circuits. The coupling which uses the magnetic field is called inductive
or magnetic coupling, and that which uses the electric field is called capac-
itive or static coupling. The magnetic coupling may be through an
inductance common to both circuits called direct, or it may be through
a mutual inductance in which case it is generally called inductive coupling.
The three principal types of coupling are shown in Figs. 72, 73, and
74, that of Fig. 72 being direct, that of Fig. 73 being inductive, and that
of Fig. 74 being capacitive.
The extent to which circuits are coupled is given quantitatively by
the coupling coefficient or coefficient of coupling. This is defined as the
ratio of the common reactance of the two circuits to the square root of the react
ances (of similar kind to that giving the coupling) of the two circuits.

Thus if Xm = reactance common to both circuits;

Xi = reactance of circuit 1 ;
Xi = reactance of circuit 2;
k = coupling coefficient.
> Xm

In Fig. 72 the total reactance of circuit 1 is u(Li+M), that of circuit

is «(L2+M), and the common reactance is uiM. Therefore
Vu(L1+M)o}(L2+M) y/(Li+M)(L2+M)
In Fig. 73 the total inductance of
circuit 1 is indicated by L0+L»; part
of this is in inductive relation to
circuit 2 and part is not. Similarly
the inductance of the second circuit
consists of two parts Lc and Ld, one
part magnetically coupled to circuit 1
and the other part not so coupled.
Fio. 74.—Capacitive coupling. The common reactance is uM. Hence
for this case we have,
coM M
k= (58)
Vu(La+Lll)w(Lc+Ld) ~ V\La+L,,)(Lc+hd'
The inductively coupled circuit of Fig. 73 can always be considered
as a direct-coupled circuit after the proper transformations have been
made. The inductance of circuit 2 must be decreased in the ratio L»/ Le
and the capacity of circuit 2 must be increased in the ratio Lc/Li,. This
transformation of the in-
0.1 henry. 5 hcnrys
ductance and capacity of
circuit 2 leaves the oscilla —nmr— i—WTi
tion constant (LC) the same i
as it was with the original 0.1 henry < j§ 1 kfiiry
values of L and C. 1 .'O 0.8M/
The M of the equivalent
circuit is obtained by multi
plying the actual value of M 10/./
by the ratio Vlc/Ls. Let Fig. 75.—Inductively coupled circuits.
us call these new values M',
L'e, L'n, and C'2. The inductively coupled circuit is now replaced by the
direct-coupled circuit similar to that of Fig. 72. For the L of Fig. 72
we use (La+Li,) — M' and for the L2 of Fig. 72 we use (L'c — L't) — M'.

An actual inductively coupled circuit is shown in Fig. 75; the coefficient

of coupling of the two coils of the transformer is 80 per cent, or
M = 0.8V IX 0.1 = 0.253 henry.
In Fig. 76 the inductances of the second circuit have been decreased
in the ratio 0.1/1 and the
capacity has been increased | T50C(Xr
in the ratio 1/0.1. The
coefficient of coupling must
remain as it was for Fig. 75,
so we decrease Min the ratio
it a value of
0.08 henry. 1<V/
The direct-coupled cir Fio. 76.—Circuit of Fig. 75 reduced to an equivalent
cuit, which is the exact 1: 1 ratio circuit.
equivalent of the induc
tively coupled circuit of Fig. 76, is now given in Fig. 77. The total L of
circuit 1 is the same as that of Fig. 76, 0.08 henry being coupled 100 per
cent to circuit 2; similarly the total inductance of circuit 2 is the same as
it is in Fig. 76.
The coefficient of coupling of the circuit of Fig. 77 is
fc = = 0.232,
and for the actual inductively coupled circuit of Fig. 75 it is

fc=e 0.253 =n232

which is just the same as for the substituted direct coupled circuit.
^^^^^ It is possible to replace
^™?T ^WOT^n an inductively coupled cir-
0.12 h 0.52 b
cuit by one directly coupled
0.08 b without making the trans
8m/ formations explained above.
Calling the total inductance
in primary and secondary
of the inductively coupled
10nf circuit Z/3 and Li respect-
Fig. 77.—Direct-coupled circuit equivalent to in- ively, and the mutual in
ductively coupled circuit of Fig. 76. ductance M,then the direct-
coupled circuit is written
down at once as shown in Fig. 72 by making Li = L3 — M and L2 = Ln — M.

The same values of M, C\ and C2 are used in the direct-coupled circuit

as in the inductively coupled circuit.1 The justification for making the
change from one type of circuit to the other may be seen upon writing
the equations for the reactive voltages of the two circuits of Figs. 72 and
73. For Fig. 72 we have,

«Li/i-^+toilf(/1-/2) = 0, . . . . . (59
0L2I2 —^r+oiM(I2-h = 0 (60)
For the circuit shown in Fig. 73 we may put L„+ L&= L3 and Lc+La=
the reactive voltages for these circuits then become,

C0L3/1 —^--coM72 = 0 (61)

C0L4/2 —Hr- "Ml! = 0 (62)
Put Li3 = Li+M and L\ = L2+M and these equations become

co(Li+M)7i—^—cojl/72 = 0, (63)
w{L2+M)I2 —%— <iMh = 0 (64)
By collecting terms these may be changed into the forms,

coLi71-^+coM(71-72) = 0, (65)
wUh-^-+<*M(h-h)=<) (66)

But these equations, which are for an inductively coupled circuit, are
identical with Eqs. (59) and (60), which are for the directly ocupled
The author does not believe that this method is as satisfactory a one
as that using transformed L and C in the secondary because of certain
ambiguities which may arise. As an illustration of the cases in which
the method works out all right we take Fig. 78. For the Li of Fig. 72
we must put 0.2 — 0.1=0.1 henry and for L2 of Fig. 72 we put 0.4 — 0.1 =
0.3 henry. M, Ci and C2 remain as in Fig. 78. The equivalent directly
coupled circuit is given in Fig. 79; it is electrically equivalent to Fig. 78.
1 See Bulletin 74 of the Bureau of Standards, p. 50.

Now suppose the circuit of Fig. 75 to be treated in this manner; for

L\ we obtained 0.2 — 0.253= —0.053 henry. This means that instead of
putting in an inductance for the L\ of Fig. 72 we must put a condenser,
the capacity of which is such that its reactance is equal, in magnitude,
to that given by 0.053 henry of inductance.

Fig. 78. Fig. 79.
Fig. 78.—Inductively coupled circuit.
Fig. 79.—Direct-coupled circuit equivalent to circuit of Fig. 78.

For the circuit shown in Fig. 74, we get the coupling coefficient from
Eq. (56) in the following manner.1

Mutual capacity reactance =

Capacity reactance of circuit 1 =
in which

Cl Cm

Capacity reactance of circuit 2 = -4r+—^- = —\r,

«C2 o>Gm utb
in which
ft- 1
C2 Cm
Hence Eq. (56) becomes for this case,
k= (67)

1 For more complete analysis of capacitively coupled circuits and comparison of

capacitive and inductive coupling see Cohen, "Electrostatically coupled circuits,"
Proc. L R. E., Vol. 8, No. 5, Oct., 1920.

A rather more complicated case of static coupling is given in Fig. 80;

in this case the application of Eq.
(56) results in the formula

in which
C3 ='C'+C'r

Fig. 80.—Complex capacitive coupling. In certain radio receiving sets

combined capacitive and inductive
couplings are used, as indicated in Fig. 81, in this case the coefficient of
magnetic coupling and that of static coupling are calculated separately,
and the actual coeffi
cient of coupling is | $~0"0"0ir
the sum or difference
of these two, accord
ing as the e.m.f.'s
induced in circuit 2
through the two types
of coupling are in phase
or 180° out of phase
with each other.
In another coupling
scheme (shown in Fig. Fig. 81.—Combined capacitive and inductive coupling.
82) a so-called link cir
cuit, untuned, is used to connect the other two circuits. In this case the
coupling between circuits 1 and 2 is obtained by calculating the coupling
of circuits 1 and 3 and then that of 3 and 2.

h-3 =

fc3-2 =
fci -2 = fci -3 X ka -2 = . . (69)
1 In case it is not evident just what the mutual reactance of the two circuits is it
may be obtained by calculating the voltage generated in circuit 2 when a current of
one ampere is flowing in circuit 1, or vice versa. This voltage is equal to the mutual
reactance, in ohms.

Resonance in a Circuit to which Another Circuit is Magnetically

Coupled.—In discussing this question we shall calculate the effect of cir
cuit 2 on the resistance and reactance of circuit 1. The method of analysis
is somewhat more elementary than that ordinarily given (which depends

Circuit 1 Circuit 3 Circuit 2

Fig. 82.—" Link-circuit " coupling.

upon the solution of simultaneous differential equations), and perhaps

leads to a clearer insight into the mutual reactions of the two circuits.
We shall assume unit current flowing in the primary (circuit 1), and get
the voltage E2 induced in the second circuit by this current. This volt
age will produce current in the second circuit, which current will be divided
into its active and reactive components (in phase with E2 and 90° out
of phase with E2). The active component will be 90° behind the pri
mary current and will produce a voltage back in the primary circuit
which will be 180° out of phase with
the primary current; from this
voltage we calculate the effect of
the second circuit on the resistance
of the first.
The resistance of a circuit may
be defined as the counter voltage set
up in the circuit by a current of one Fia. 83.—Inductively coupled circuits,
ampere flowing, this counter voltage neither circuit having a condenser.
to be 180° out of phase with the cur
rent; in the same way the reactance of a circuit may be considered as the
counter voltage set up in the circuit by a current of one ampere, the counter
voltage to be 90° out of phase with the current.
In Fig. 83 suppose the current I\, is1 one ampere at frequency u/2ir.
Voltage induced in the secondary

E2 = coA/71 = uM. (70)

Current in circuit 2,
. E2 wM
62 62

and this current lags behind E2 by an angle 8, denned by the equation

tan 8 = 01L2/R2. The active component of fa is in phase with E2 so we put

fa cos Q = —-Y.—.
£12 62
The voltage induced in circuit 1 by this current is

h cos 9X«tf-^|j«tf- (jr)2R2 (72)

As this voltage lags 90° behind the inducing current fa cos 8 and as fa cos 8
lags 90° behind fa this voltage (^^j ^2 is 180°.behind fa and so is an IR

reaction. As we assumed unit current in circuit 1 this voltage ft

is really the increase in resistance of circuit 2, in ohms, due to the current
in circuit 2. Hence the apparent resistance of circuit 1 is evidently

R'i = Ri +

Now the reactive current in circuit 2 is fa sin 8, and this current lags
90° behind E2, which itself lags 90° behind fa. The voltage induced in
circuit 1 by this current fa sin 8 will be equal to uMfa sin 8, and this
will lag 90° behind the inducing current fa sin 8, and hence will lag 270°
behind fa, that is it leads fa by 90°.
Now the reactive voltage in circuit 1 due to L\ is 90° behind the cur
rent fa- This may seem incorrect at first glance, because it makes the
current fa lead the reactive voltage by 90°, whereas we know that an
inductive circuit draws a lagging current. It must be remembered that
the component of the impressed voltage which overcomes the reacting
voltage of the circuit must be 180° ahead of the reacting voltage itself;
this makes the current in an inductive circuit lag behind the impressed
voltage, as it should.
It appears then that the voltage induced in circuit 1 by the current
fa sin 8 is 180° out of phase with the reactive voltage in circuit 1 due to
Li of circuit 1, hence the total reactive voltage of circuit 1 will be less
when circuit 2 is present than when it is not present.
The amount of voltage induced in circuit 1 by fa sin 8 is aiMfa sin 8
and this is equal to (^~*J
So the total reactive voltage in circuit 1 when a current of one ampere
is flowing is
a,Li ~ (~Jr) »u = w(Li ~ (W) 2lz) -

and from this we get the equivalent self induction of circuit 1,

L\-I*-(*j£)%U (74)

It is therefore seen that the effect of the current in circuit 2 is to increase

the resistance of circuit 1 by the amount ^2 and to decrease its self-

induction by an amount L2.

In such a circuit as that shown in Fig. 84 we can at once write the
characteristics of circuit 1 by using Eqs.
(73) and (74).

<=i M
Fig. 84.—Inductively coupled cir- £/j = ]J1— (<^M\
cuits with a condenser in the 1 1 \Z2J '

,,_VM£HM"V(^)-=M' ' (75>

These two equations may be written in a somewhat more convenient form

by combining terms,
/i =

EuM (78)
J (u>M)2+ R1R2 - <*U L,Li—~j j 2 + + R2 (uLi - -^j j '

In case the impressed frequency is adjusted to give resonance in the

primary circuit (without the presence of the secondary) these equations
reduce to the forms

If M is varied a maximum current will occur in the secondary when

w2M2 = Ri Vr22 + (coL2)2 = R1Z2 (81)
For this value of M the values of the two currents become
h= (82)

h= (83)

.03 .01 .05

Value of M, in Ucurys
Fig. 85.—Variation of current with M in circuit of Fig. 84, for two values of secondary

Fig. 85 shows a set of experimental curves to illustrate the relations given

above; the circuits were arranged as shown in Fig. 84 and the frequency
adjusted for the value which gave resonance in the primary alone; the
coupling was then varied and the two currents went through variations
as appear from the curves.
With the same value of frequency as used for the curves of Fig. 85
and that coupling which gave maximum secondary current (which value
of coupling does not vary greatly as the secondary resistance is varied,
so long as the secondary resistance is small compared to the secondary
reactance) a series of readings was taken to show the effect of the secondary
resistance on secondary current and so on the amount of power trans
mitted to the secondary circuit. The results are shown in Fig. 86; it
XNanano qnv H3A\od ni aaidiioo sxinoHio 68

is seen that the adjustments for maximum power of this circuit are not
very critical.
The resonance curve for such a circuit as that shown in Fig. 84 differs
from the curve of the primary alone in that the critical frequency is higher
and the resonance curve is not so sharp. The resistance of circuit 1 is in
creased by the amount given in Eq. (73) and the inductance is decreased by
the amount shown in Eq. (74). Fig. 87 shows the resonance curve of a cir
cuit arranged like that of Fig. 84; in dotted lines is shown the resonance
curve of the primary without the presence of the secondary. The same
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
II > J
/■ ■ Ri f T
/ \
to 1
\ A = Circ lit 2 open
I B -c ire Lit 2 ,-lr i R,- 8.0
1 C " " R»- 20.
1 \\
/ ^ «
3.0 \ / \ L , =14 L =• 11
/ \ / \
\ C, =28.6 X 1( *
f ) R .- 1 5 M =. 066
/1 h \
1 / \ s
/ V \ s
/ 1 // s\ \
// \ \^ s
/ // s
/ //

-- -

68 70 72 74 76 78
82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 80
Fig. 88.—Current vs. frequency in circuit of Fig. 84 with added secondary resistance.

voltage was applied to the primary circuit in getting the two sets of curves,
hence the magnitudes of current for the two curves give an exact measure
of the effect of the secondary circuit upon the first. The calculated R'
and U of the primary, using first the experimental data on the curve sheet
of Fig. 87 and then Eqs. (73) and (74) agree within the precision of the
experimental work.
The resistance of the secondary circuit was then increased by 12 ohms
and another resonance curve taken; the results are shown in Fig. 88;
the curves of Fig. 87 are shown in dotted lines for comparison. It is seen
that the addition of resistance to the secondary circuit makes the sharp

ness of resonance less and the effect of the secondary in determining the
resonant frequency of the primary is somewhat less than for the lower
resistance secondary circuit.
We will next consider the circuit shown in Fig. 89; the condenser is now
in the secondary circuit instead of the primary.
In this circuit the resistance of the primary is always increased by
the presence of the secondary, but the effect upon the inductance depends
upon the frequency impressed on the primary circuit. If the fre
quency is such as to satisfy the condition for resonance in the secondary
(f= ^y/L c ) ' *ne aPParen* inductance of circuit 1 will be the same as
the actual inductance, that is, the presence of circuit 2 does not affect the
inductance of circuit 1. With higher
than resonant frequency the appar I—WW vww—1
ent inductance of circuit 1 is decreased
by circuit 2 and with lower fre
quency the inductance of circuit 1 is
increased . In other words, if I2 lags 1
behind E2, the effect on circuit 1 is Fig. 89.—Inductively coupled circuit
to reduce the apparent inductance, with condenser in secondary.
whereas if the current in circuit 2
leads the generated voltage in this circuit, the effect on circuit 1 is to
cause an increase in the apparent inductance.
Applying Eqs. (73) and (74) to the circuit of Fig. 89 we get,

R'x = Ri + ) (84)

in which
<oZ/2 —4r)
It is seen that if is greater than L2, Li is greater than L\\ if
L'i = L\\ if L2 is greater than then L'i is less than L\.
Using the constants given in Eqs. (84) and (85) we can write at once
h . (86)


which may be somewhat simplified to the forms

7i = (88)
co2(M2-L1L2)+^-+RiR22 +ur
+<o2| L\R2
+ L2R\ \
4 J L orGaJ

Fig. 90.—Current versus frequency in circuit of Fig. 89.

In Fig. 90 are shown curves of primary current in such a circuit as

given in Fig. 89; the voltage impressed on the primary circuit was held
constant at 100 volts, and the frequency varied through a suitable range
and current readings taken for three values of coupling between the two
circuits. The value of primary current was also taken with secondary
circuit open, and is shown in dotted line. From these curves it is seen
that the effect of the secondary circuit may be either an increase or decrease
in the primary current, depending upon the frequency used. In Fig. 91
are shown the values of change in primary resistance and reactance brought
aoNvxovan qnv aoNvxsisan 50 aaidnoo sxmoHio T6

%noqi3 A"q aq^ uoi%ve jo aq^ ^uaijno ui ^mojp !g A"aqi aaaM pauiuuaqap tq
8urpBJ}qns uiojj aq^ lua-reddB aou^sisaj pire aouB^OBaj jo ^truwp x aq^
sarqsA jo asaqi satipuBnb naqM aq^ jtrepuooas imajp sbai •nado
a •a

(ft t 1 9 8 OS i T 9 i 09 8 > » 8 OA 8 t 9 I 08 i »» 8 06 Z » « 8 001

"ola 'X6—aSusiiQ ni Ajmuud aamj^stsai pins aauoia'Baj anp aouasaad jo AJupnooas
'^ ioj stioltba 'sapuanbajj

y jasop Apn%s jo asaq} saAjno jjiav aq q;aoA\ ajiqM oaqM SuizAprat? aqq.
corps jo ure^iaa Sui^fpso aqm 'siirmp uy ^uptqjpso aqn^ Avw asnjaj
uoipunj ji aqi aoui^sisai jo aq^ ^inojp qoiqAV 11 si pa^oauuoa si oo^
qSJiq pus ^i jjia\ aq punoj ^Bqi b aqn^ Avw aq opuui do^s Sui^tqipso Xq
Suiting o} sji ijnojp jaq^ouB ^mojio pajdnoo -ji aqj^ uosBaa si aq

found in the extra value of the resistance added to the oscillating circuit
by the second circuit when
this second circuit is brought
into resonance with the tube
We next consider the more
general case of two coupled
circuits, each of which has
, , ,, , . . , . , inductance, capacity, and
iio. 92.—General case of inductively coupled . , 7 ,. ' .
circuits resistance, as indicated in
Fig. 92. The resistance and
inductance of circuit 1 are obtained from Eqs. (73) and (74), as before.

R\=Ri+(^)2R2 (90)

Then we have,

f. (93)

in which •

Z2 = ^+(«L2-^)2

In Eq. (92) the resistance term of the impedance is nearly constant as

the frequency is varied. The fraction uM/Z2 is evidently nearly constant
as co is varied until co approaches such a value that (coL2 — I/10C2) is nearly
equal to zero. In this region of frequency variation the resistance R\
varies greatly as frequency is varied and any solution which we may reach
on the basis of R'i remaining constant, therefore, will not be accurate for
frequencies in the vicinity of the natural frequency of the secondary circuit.
Resonant Frequencies in Coupled Circuits.—On the assumption that
R'i is constant it is evident that I\ will be a maximum for any frequency
that makes the reactance term of the impedance equal to zero. Hence we
write as the condition for resonance

Li- (94)
co2Ci V z2

If now we again neglect R2 in comparison with (wL®— thus making

it possible to replace Z2 by ^t0^'2~^-)' we haye

Ll-Jc[-/T M\ yi^-Jc^0- • ' • (95)

Now Eq. (95) can be written,

L1L2 —yio — ottH— — M2 = 0.,

urt* orGi C04C1C2
which can be changed, by multiplying through by , . , to the form
^ to2 «« 1 "4^2^0
L2C2 L1C1 L1C1L2C2 L\Ij2
If we now put
1 1 , . M
toi = . , o)2= ,—= and «= .—=
VL1C1 VL1L2'
WG got
a)4(l-P)-aj2(a)i2+w22) + coiW = 0 (96)
The solution of this equation is obtained by dividing through by (1 — fc2),
properly completing the square of the left-hand member and extracting
the square root, which gives
, _ (oi ' + o>22± V (a>i2 + a)22)2-4(l -fc2)coi2a>2
" 2(1 -jfc2)
By combining terms under the radical this becomes
, aii2+t022±V(a)i2-a>22)2+4A:2Co1W
w ~ 2(l-fc2) ~"

The two solutions for to, which we call to' and to", are
,_ L2+to22-V(lo72-to22)2-|-4A;2to,W
« -\ - 2(ra2) '
«1 2 + "22 + V(tO, 2 - t022) 2 +4A2«1 21022
2(1 — A;2) * * '
When k is large (approximately unity) the values of to' and to" are nearly
/t0!2 + t022'

^->/!w (100)

When k is small the values of co' and co" approach the limits
, C02
CO = (101)
In Fig. 93 are shown the relations between co' and co" and k; for small
values of k Eqs. (101) and (102) determine the values and for the large
values of k Eqs. (99) and (100) are used.
In radio operation it is the practice to tune the primary and secondary
circuits, that is, adjustments are made to make coi equal to C02. In this
case Eqs. (97) and (98) reduce to the very simple forms

co = (103)
in which co = coi = C02.

Value of'fe Value of k

Fiq. 93. Fig. 94.
Fig. 93.—Variation of w' and u" with k in coupled circuits, primary and secondary not
Fig. 94.—Variation of »' and a" with k in tuned coupled circuits.

The curves of variation in co' and co" as the coupling is varied for this
case of tuned circuits are shown in Fig. 94. It is seen that for weak cou
pling both co' and co" approach co, the natural frequency of each circuit ; how
ever, it has been pointed out that the neglect of R2 in obtaining the solu
tions of the resonant frequencies that the values of co' and co" do not hold
good when they have values in the vicinity of the natural frequency of

the secondary circuit. Hence we can now see that for weak couplings the
solutions for a>' and w" do not hold good.
Referring to Eq. (93) it is seen that h = h"^, and hence in so far as

the factor -=- is independent of the frequency changes, I2 will have maxi-
mum values at the same frequencies as give maxima for h. However, the
factor is not independent of the frequency, and this is especially so

111 the region of frequency fixed by the relation (a>I/2 \r \ = 0; f°r f1^"

Fig. 95.—Resonance curves for circuit of Fig. 92.

quencies less than this the value of %r~ increases with the frequency and
for values of frequency higher, the value of -=- - decreases with an increase
of frequency.
We can then conclude that, for frequencies in the region of

Eqs. (103) and (104), while incorrect for primary current maxima, are
still more incorrect for the maxima of secondary current. In consequence
of the changes in the value of noted above, we may predict that when
to' and to" are not in the region of u>2 the calculated values of J and o>"
will be more accurate for the primary than for the secondary circuit, and
that the actual value of o' of the secondary circuit will be somewhat

higher than that for the primary and that the actual value of co" for the
secondary will be somewhat lower than to" for the primary current.
The general form of the resonance curve of the circuit shown in Fig.
92 is indicated in Fig. 95; the dotted curve shows the resonance for one
circuit by itself.
The value of the coefficient of coupling can be calculated from the
spacing of the resonance peaks of the current curves; thus from Eqs.
(103) and (104) we get the relation

from which there is obtained
co"2 + co'/2"

Fig. 96.—Experimental resonance curve for single circuit.
In case the resonance frequency of one circuit by itself is known, and
assuming tuned circuits, the equation for coupling value becomes more
simple in form, giving the closely approximate value

to being the frequency of one circuit by itself.
In the foregoing discussion of resonant frequencies formula? have been
derived using co for frequency; it is of course to be remembered that co is

not frequency, but 2ir times the frequency. The value of to has been used
rather than frequency itself to save the repeated writing of the quantity
2t throughout all the derivations.
In Figs. 96 to 103 are shown some experimental curves of resonance
in coupled circuits for different conditions as regards coupling, resistances,
tuning, etc. ; Fig. 96 shows the resonance curve for a single circuit having
L = 0.140 henry, C = 28.9 microfarads, and 72 = 4.50 ohms.
Fig. 97 shows the resonance curves for two coupled circuits, each cir
cuit had the same constants as those given for Fig. 96; the coefficient of
coupling was 0.36. The curve of primary current is shown by the full
line and that for the secondary circuit by the dotted line. The two reso-

Fig. 97.—Resonance curve for coupled circuits; each circuit having constants as in
Fig. 96.

nant frequencies check with those calculated from Eqs. (103) and (104)
within the precision of the test.
In Figs. 98 and 99 are shown curves of current for the same two cir
cuits as those used in Fig. 97 but with different values of coupling, this
being 0.18 for Fig. 98 and 0.07 for Fig. 99. It may be seen that with
small values of coupling the two frequencies merge into one another and
Eqs. (103) and (104) do not predict accurately the resonant frequencies
of the primary circuit and for reasons noted in the derivation of the formulae ;
the predicted values of to' and to" for the secondary circuit differ from the
actual values more than do those of the primary circuit.
A peculiarity of all these resonance curves is seen in the relative values
of the primary and secondary currents; between the two resonant fre

quencies the secondary circuit carries a greater current than the primary
but for all other frequencies the primary carries a greater current. If
a weaker coupling than that used in the adjustments for Fig. 99 had been
i 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 M 1
L.= L.= .140 C.= C = 28.9x 10"" R,= R.,= 4.50 E = 20 volts K = .18
17 c, "'3 ■
Li—1{ 1
<y i
i/' i, i
n < '
I \V I 1/ / /
> V
-ii i, >v A\
ii \
i \
>i *
■r -- m>
Fig. 98.—Resonance curves for circuit as shown in Fig. 97, fc=0.18.

used it would have been found that the primary current was greater than
the secondary current for all values of frequency.
In Fig. 100 is shown the result of increasing the resistance of the
secondary circuit from 4.5 to 9.7 ohms; with this exception the circuits

were exactly the same as those used for Fig. 97. By comparison of the
two sets of curves it will be seen that the two resonant frequencies are,
within the precision of measurements, the same for the two conditions;
the value of the current at resonance is, however, decreased in nearly the
proportion predicted from the value of resistance, calculated from Eq.
(90). The decrease in current, it will be noted, takes place in both cir
cuits although the resistance of the secondary circuit only was increased.
The resonance is much less marked than for the lower resistance used
in Fig. 97.
Form of Resonance Curve.—The form of the resonance peaks is deter
mined by the combined decrements of both circuits. For the simplest

Fig. 100.—Resonance curves for circuit shown in Fig.97 with added secondary resistance.

case, that of tuned circuits, it will be found that the decrements will be
nearly given by the approximate formulae:
For the frequency to'
and for the frequency u"
= h + 52

in which 5i and 82 are the decrements of circuits 1 and 2 when not affected
by other circuits.
The decrements 5' and 5", calculated from the shape of the curves of
Figs. 97 and 98 by use of Eq. (47) check with the values given by Eqs.
201 ivxNaivvaNiLJ svaai qnv smvi

(ZOl) Pub (80T) Xjjiraj Ijpjtt %\ si oiqraaopou ys\\\ ui flra aq; saAjno uo.uS
aqi qipiM jo aqi aourauosaj aAjno si ja^raajS joj aqi jaq9iq Xonanbajj treqi
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II II 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 M TI 1 1
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jJlM »8098 9 111 i 1 9 i 08 8 t o i 06 1 j g !0OT> f o Oils ?. » o s »OSI 1

'01A ZOI — aoutraosa^i ssajtio joj poiclnoa paurnun s^maija

joj aq^ 'jsmoj Supraoipui iCqaaaq} ra ja^raajS luauiaaoap q^i^l JjeaM -noo
ijuqd Q\]i ulioj jo aqj saAjno saop ^ou ^nujod oq^ uoi^'Bjnoi'BO jo ,g pura c#/9
asnuooq aqi oja% sjpsad oSjoui o^ui •auo

Circuits not Tuned.—In Figs. 101 and 102 are shown the resonance
curves for two circuits which are not tuned, that is, u\ is not equal
to a)2. For this condition the curves are not as symmetrical as for
the tuned condition, and the currents in the two circuits are no longer
nearly equal to each other at the two resonant frequencies. At one
resonant frequency the primary circuit carries more current than the
secondary and at the other frequency the reverse is true. The dif
ference in the two currents is greater the greater the difference in the

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 J Fi L. R

k :

II u■ : c
L, = U=.140 R, = R,=7.20
C ,=C,=38.6x NT4

1 re pirn, y it on 111 t v ill e

ft r eac •h cir t, ti' in i;u = 4:J0
s m< :irire urrcr 1 f 1

.04 .06 .08 .10 At .14 .16 .18 .20 22 .24 .26 . 28 .30 .32 .34 .36
Coefficient of Coupling
Fiq. 103.—Secondary current vs. coefficient of coupling in tuned coupled circuits.

natural peroids of the two circuits. For Fig. 101 the natural fre
quency of circuit 2 is 15 per cent lower than that of circuit 1, and for
Fig. 102 circuit 2 has a natural frequency 29 per cent lower than that
of circuit 1.
Variation of Coupling with Tuned Circuits.—In Fig. 103 is shown
the effect of varying the coupling between circuits 1 and 2, they being
tuned alike. A constant e.m.f. was impressed on circuit 1 and the
coupling of the two circuits was gradually increased from zero to the
maximum obtainable. It might seem at first sight that the secondary
current would be greater the greater the coupling, as would occur in
ordinary transformer tests, but with tuned circuits as used in radio
this is not the case. For a given resistance of circuits there will be

a certain coupling which gives the greatest secondary current and the
lower the resistance of the circuits the less this critical value of coupling
will be.
This might be predicted from Eq. (93) by differentiating I2 with
respect to M; it will be found that with tuned circuits having impressed
on the primary a voltage of the same frequency as that for which the cir
cuits are tuned, a certain value of M will produce a maximum secondary
current and this value of M will depend upon the resistances in the two
circuits. This condition for maximum secondary current proves to be
fixed by the relation,
w2M2 = RiR2 (109)

.01 .02 .03 .04 .05 06 .07

Value of M in henrys
Fig. 104.—Current vs. mutual inductance in tuned coupled circuits, with different
values of secondary resistance.

The curves of Fig. 104 were taken with the idea of proving this relation
and also to show the effect of the secondary resistance on the sensitive
ness of the adjustment for maximum secondary current. If the two cir
cuits are tuned alike and the frequency of the e.m.f. impressed on the pri
mary is the same as the natural frequency of either circuit the values of
the primary and secondary current may be obtained by simplifying Ecfs.
(92) and (93) and are found to be
Zi = (110)

j _ EwM

The experimental curves given in Fig. 104 follow the values predicted
from Eqs. (110) and (111) within the precision of measurement, that is,
within less than 1 per cent.
Resonance in Circuits with Capacitive Coupling.—The equations for
h and I? are obtained for this case in a fashion exactly the same as that
used for the magnetic coupling, and the conclusions reached are nearly
the same. Using &>i, 02 and k in the same sense as for the magnetically
coupled circuits we get for the two resonant frequencies of the combi

4 2 .... (ii*)


In applying these formuhe the values of coi and &>2 must be calculated in
a somewhat different manner than was used for the magnetically coupled
circuits. It will be remembered that for magnetic coupling these two
frequencies were fixed by the L and C of the circuit in question and were
independent of the constants of the other circuit and of the coupling used.
Such is not the case for
capacitive coupling, how
ever. The frequencies
ui and o>2 depend upon
the capacity used in the
other circuit and upon
the coupling in the fol
lowing manner.
In Fig. 105 the fre
quency on is fixed by Li Fig. 105.—Capacitively coupled circuits.
and by the capacity C\
in parallel with C3 and C2 in series. Thus wi may be varied by changing
either the coupling condenser C3, or the capacity of the second circuit C2.
Hence we have the formulae

■ (H4)
901 ivxMawvaNiii svaai qnv smvt JVHO] I


. (w+'3)f

jo^j aq^ anreA 9M 9A«q

.v = / — — -_ • (9IT)

uj Sij qq\ airs UAvoqs aq^ aoireuosai saAina joj rs uoiretnquioo jo -aro
s^ino AjJijau a>jq req^ nAvoqs hi '^ij 'goi aq} Suqdnoa jasuapuoo si3A\ m
oml% s^juđ sb uAvoqs ui aq} qo^s uo aqj aAjno "jaaqs

« T » 8 09 8 » 9 8 09 8 I » I 01 ! ) I I 08 i I I 1 16 I I I 1 DOl i M l Oil

oi,J goi —aomraosajj ssajtw ioj XpAi^toisdiso pajdnoo s^mojTo

Stnsfl aq} sanreA jo 7 pire j pajuoiput uo aqi 3Ajno "jaaqs 9A«q
= 0Lf
J0 V = 2'fL sap^o pat? aures anjBA joj •zf

From the curve sheet/" = 82.5 and /' = 67.0, so we find k from the curve
sheet to be 0.208, by Eq. (106). By using the known values of L and Ci,
C2, and C3, and Eq. (116), we find A; to be 0.207.
The value of k could have been calculated without knowing the con
stants of the circuits, by using Eq. (105).

We have
K 82.52 +67.02

When L\C\ = li2C2, Eqs. (114) and (115) reduce to the simple forms

u' = uVl+k, (117)

co" = wVT^k, (118)

and if further G = Ci then when C3 is varied, thus varying the coupling, J

stays constant and equal to }~
Characteristics of Circuits having Distributed Inductance and Capac
ity.—The analyses of circuits given so far apply to those in which the
inductance and capacity are concentrated; another way of specifying the
circuits with which we have been dealing is to state that the current, at
any given instant, is exactly the same at every point in the circuit. This
condition holds for the majority of radio circuits, but there are cases where
it evidently does not obtain, thus every antenna has zero current at its
farther end, whereas the current entering it at the base may be many
amperes. This is the most striking case of a circuit which has a current
varying along its length, but there are others in which the same effect
exists to a lesser degree. A coil, for example, may have an internal dis
tributed capacity which appreciably affects its behavior.
The change in current at successive points along an antenna is due
entirely to the distributed capacity; each unit length contributes its share
to the total capacity and of course requires its proportion of the total
charging current. The current flowing in at the base of the antenna
must be sufficient to charge the whole length, while that flowing past the
middle point of the antenna must be sufficient to charge merely the upper
half of the antenna, and so will be considerably less than the current at
the base of the antenna.
Every coil has more or less distributed capacity, every piece of the
winding acting as one plate of a condenser for every other part because
the various parts are at different potentials and so will have electric fields
set up between them when the coil is excited. But, if when a coil is used,
it sets up an electric field as well as a magnetic field, it must be considered

as a combination of coil and condenser. This internal capacity varies

in magnitude appreciably as the frequency, at which the coil is used, is
varied and so cannot be treated correctly as a concentrated capacity. As
ordinarily used a coil does not show much effect from this internal capacity
because the condenser to which the coil is attached has so much more
capacity that the internal capacity is completely masked; if, however,
the coil is used for tuning a circuit and the tuning condenser used has a
small capacity then the internal capacity may produce an appreciable
effect on the tuning qualities of the circuit. The calculation of this
internal capacity and its effect on the apparent inductance of a coil will
be taken up in the next chapter.
Now the resistance and reactance of such a circuit (having distributed
capacity and inductance) vary with the frequency through a very large
range of values; the resistance (as measured at the base of the antenna)

L=.0415 henry R=.702ohms C= 36.6 microfarad

Ci=Cio-18.3 microfarad
Fig. 107.—A circuit having distributed inductance and capacity, similar to an antenna.

goes from very small to very large values, while the reactance changes
from a large inductive reactance to an equally large capacitive reactance.
Moreover, these changes occur periodically as the impressed frequency is
continually changed.
To demonstrate experimentally the peculiar characteristics of a cir
cuit having distributed constants, the author built an artificial line having
inductance, capacity, and resistance, as shown in Fig. 107; this line
resembles somewhat a long antenna, having inductances and capacities,
however, several times as large as those of an actual antenna.1
A variable frequency was impressed on this artificial line and, by means
of a wattmeter, ammeter, and voltmeter its resonance characteristics were
determined. The impressed voltage was kept constant at 20 volts and
the frequency varied in small steps, from 12 to 152 cycles per second.
Fig. 108 shows the current which flowed from the generator into the line
at the various frequencies, the line being open at its distant end. The
line showed six frequencies in the range used, at which we can say the line
1 See "Some Experiments with Long Electrical Conductors," by John H. Morecroft,
Proc. I.R.E., Vol. 5, No. 6, Dec., 1917.

10 20 30 40 50 6070 80 SO 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
Impressed Frequency
Fid. 108.—Current vs. frequency for circuit shown in Fig. 107.

10 20 30 40 50 60
70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160
Impressed Frequency
Fig. 109.—Resistance and reactance vs. frequency for circuit shown in Fig. 107.

was in resonance, meaning by the term resonance a frequency at which

the power factor was unity, the line offering resistance reaction only.
Three of the frequencies correspond to what we have called parallel reso
nance, the current being a minimum and the other three to series reso
nance giving large values of current.
The resistance and reactance of the line were calculated from the meter
readings and are shown in Fig. 109. The resistance varies periodically
from a low value, corresponding to series resonance, to a high value, cor
responding to parallel resonance.
The reactance of the line varies periodically from inductive to capaci-
tive reactance and takes all values between 165 ohms positive and 165
ohms negative. From the results shown in Fig. 109 it may be judged
how indefinite are the so-called constants of such a circuit.



General Concept of Resistance.—The elementary idea of resistance,

obtained by a student analyzing continuous current circuits, must be
very greatly enlarged and generalized when studying high frequency cir
cuits. In the continuous-current circuit, Ohm's law is in general a sufficient
definition for the term resistance, that is, R = E/I. This definition pre
supposes that all of the voltage E is used up in overcoming the resistance
reaction of the circuit; there must be no reaction such as the c.e.m.f. of
a motor, or c.e.m.f. such as exists in a circuit in which storage batteries
are being charged, or else the definition is ordinarily changed to the form

D Eimp— Ee
K= —j ,
Eimp = the impressed voltage;
Ec = the counter voltage of motor, batteries, etc.

This restated definition must be still more generalized when the ordi
nary alternating current circuit is considered, in fact, a new concept of
resistance must be obtained. It might seem that Joule's law would serve
sufficiently to define resistance; this law states that the electrical power
liberated as heat in a circuit is given by the equation

Heat generated = I2Rt.

Certainly this law is a more general definition of resistance than Ohm's

law because it automatically excludes the effects of counter e.m.f.'s., etc.;
thus a storage battery, being charged, might (if suitable precautions were
taken) be immersed in a calorimeter while being charged and the heat
produced be measured by the rise in temperature of the calorimeter
water. This amount of heat, properly substituted in Joule's law, will
determine the resistance of the circuit in so far as this resistance manifests
itself in producing heat.
However, electric energy may be dissipated in forms other than heat;
thus radiation of electro-magnetic waves from an antenna dissipates energy
from the circuit as truly as does the ordinary heating of the circuit.

These elementary considerations force us to adopt a new concept of

resistance, it being based on the idea that any transfer of energy from
(or to) that part of the circuit, the resistance of which is desired, must
be considered in determining the resistance. Thus the resistance between
two points in a circuit a-b, Fig. 1, is denned by the equation,
power transferred between points a and b
R< p— — - • (1)

This " power transferred " between a and b may be leaving the electrical
circuit between these two points or it may be entering the circuit
between these points. If power is leaving the circuit between these points,
as heat or otherwise, the resistance is positive; if power is entering the cir
cuit between these two points the resistance is negative, and if power is en
tering the circuit at the same rate as it is leaving then the resistance is zero.
From this standpoint any electrical
circuit carrying current, after reach
ing the steady state (no change in
Direction of the amplitude of the current) has
energy flow
Part of R is positive on the whole, zero resistance. Of
circuit under course we know that the circuit
consideration does actually have resistance, but
Direction of
energy flow we may consider the source of power
R is negative supply as having as much negative
resistance as the rest of the circuit
has positive resistance. At the
Fio. 1.—If power is leaving the circuit the generator (or other source of power
resistance is positive so that if power is supply) energy is entering the
entering the circuit its resistance must circuit as fast as it is dissipated
be considered negative. in other parts of the circuit. If
the circuit, as a whole, has positive
resistance the current must be decreasing in amplitude; this state of
affairs occurs in the ordinary damped oscillatory discharge of a con
denser, whereas a circuit which takes an appreciable time to build up
to its steady state has, during the time required to reach the steady state,
on the whole a negative resistance because, considering the circuit as a
whole, energy is entering at a rate faster than that at which energy is
Various Factors Affecting the Resistance of a Circuit.—Among the
factors contributing to the resistance of a radio circuit are to be con
sidered (1) resistance of the conductor itself; (2) resistance of neighbor
ing closed ciruits and their proximity; (3) magnetic material close enough
to the circuit to be magnetized by it; (4) losses in the dielectric of any
condenser in the circuit; (5) corona losses from parts of the circuit; (6)

radiation of electric-magnetic energy. All of these factors vary with the

frequency of the current in the circuit, some of them with the magnetic
gradient set up by the circuit and some with the electric gradient set up
by the circuit. Each will be taken up in turn and analyzed as much as
seems suitable for a text of this kind.
Conductor Resistance.—The resistance of a conductor, in the form of
a wire, to the flow of continuous current is given by the formula

R=* (2)
in which p is the specific resistance of the material composing the con
I is the length of the conductor;
a is the cross-sectional area of the conductor.
This formula assumes that all parts of the cross-section of the con
ductor carry the same proportion of the total current; in other words
that the current density is uniform throughout the section of the con
ductor. This assumption is true for continuous current or for alternating
current of very low frequency. If the conductor is large in cross-section
or the frequency is high, the inner sections of the conductor carry a rela
tively small part of the total current, the density of current being greatest
at the surface of the conductor; in fact for very high frequencies a com
paratively thin skin on the surface of the conductor carries practically
all the current, so much so that if the center part of the conductor were
removed, leaving nothing but a thin walled tube of the same diameter
as the original wire, the resistance would be practically the same. This
tendency of the current to concentrate on the outer surface of the wire at
high frequencies is called the skin effect, the reason for the name being
obvious. If there are no other conductors carrying current in the vicinity
of the one in question this distribution of current will be symmetrical
about the axis of the wire, but if there are other current-carrying con
ductors in the neighborhood the distribution of current through the cross-
section of the wire may be irregular, perhaps only the surface part of
the conductor on one side carrying an appreciable current.
Axry distribution of current other than the regular distribution of
equal current density throughout the section of the conductor will result
in an increase in the resistance of the conductor; this increase may be
so great that the resistance for a high frequency alternating current may
be many times as much as the resistance of the same wire for continuous
A simple illustration of this effect is given in Fig. 2, showing three
10-ohm resistances in parallel. Suppose the resistance of this combi
nation is determined by the power loss instead of by the ordinary law for

resistances in parallel. Let 3 amperes flow through each resistance, giving

a line current of 9 amperes and a power loss of 3 X (32 X 10) = 270 watts.
Then the total resistance will be obtained by the equation It = P/12 or
270/9 =3.33 ohms, the same as we should get by the law for resistances
in parallel.
Now suppose that for some reason or other the current redistributes
itself so that the two outside paths carry 4 amperes each and the center
I wwwvwvw—I one carries 1 ampere. (Such
10 a redistribution might well
9 amperes occur if the combination were
10 ohms used in a high frequency
I AAAAAAAAAAAA I circuit.) The line current
10 ohms
will again be 9 amperes and
Fiq. 2.—A solid conductor of 3.33 ohms resistance the loss will be (2X(42X10))
may be considered as three separate filaments
each of 10 ohms resistance. + (1X(12X10))=330 watts,
which, divided by the square
of the line current, gives a resistance of 4.08 ohms, a considerable increase
over the value for a uniform distribution of current between the different
The paths shown in Fig. 2 might represent three of the imaginary
filaments into which a wire may be supposed divided, and the calculation
shows that any distribution of current between the filaments other than
uniform distribution results in an increase in the resistance of the con
ductor; moreover, the greater the non-uniformity of current density the
greater will be the corresponding increase in resistance.
Skin Effect in Straight Wires.—The non-uniformity of current dis
tribution referred to above occurs in every conductor carrying alternating
current, the current density being greater at the surface than at the center
of the wire, but this non-uniformity is not appreciable unless the wire is
large in diameter, or the frequency is high; the increase in resistance due
to skin effect depends upon the product of the cross-section and the fre
quency and for copper wires the general idea given by the following table
is useful.
Frequency multiplied by the Ratio of a.c. to o.o.
Crosa-eection in circular mils. resistance.
10,000,000 1.003
20,000,000 1.012
100,000,000 1.30

As an example No. 10 wire has a cross-section of 10,000 circular mils;

at a frequency of 2000 cycles its a.c. resistance is 1.2 per cent greater than
its c.c resistance, while at 10,000 cycles its resistance would have increased
over its c.c. value by 30 per cent.

An exact analysis shows that the ratio of a.c. resistance to c.c. resist
ance may be expressed in terms of diameter, permeability, frequency, and
resistivity; a correct expression involves an infinite series of terms, but
these series have been summed so that accurate data are available for
calculating the resistance of any round wire, the permeability and resis
tivity of which are known. For copper wire, in which the permeability
is unity, tables have been compiled which present the data in convenient
form. In the curves of Figs. 3 and 4 is shown the factor, m, by which
the c.c. resistance must be multiplied to give the resistance for alternating
current. Plotted as abcissae are values of rv/, where r is the radius of
the wire in cm. and / is the frequency of the current being used.
It is sometimes useful to know how a large wire can be used without
having its a.c. resistance exceed its c.c. resistance by more than a specified
amount. The data given in the accompanying table, compiled by L. W.
Austen, may be useful for this purpose:
Wire Diameters
Largest wire (straight) which can be used without the high frequency resistance exceeding the c.c.
resistance by more than 1 per cent

Diameters Given im Millimeters.

Wave length
in meters.
Advance. Manganin. Platinum. Copper.
100 0.30 0.29 0.13 0.006
200 0.46 0.40 0.20 0.045
300 0.57 0.50 0.27 0.09
400 0.66 0.60 0.30 0.10
600 0.83 0.75 0.37 0.15
800 0.98 0.88 0.42 0.20
1000 1.10 0.99 0.50 0.21
1200 1.20 1.10 0.57 0.22
1500 1.30 1.21 0.63 0.26
2000 1.52 1.38 0.73 0.30
3000 1.82 1.62 0.80 0.33

Frequency = 3 X 10* + wave length

In the case of a wide flat, conductor, such as the earth's surface, the
currents which are set up in the surface penetrate into the substance of
the conductor according to the specific resistance of the material, perme
ability, and frequency. The relation between the density of current at
the surface and the density at a point distant x below the surface is given

i=l0r^W)^n(.t-{^)x), . . . (3)

in which
Jo= current density at surface;
i= current density a distance x cm. below the surface;
u=2irf, where/ is the frequency of current;
v = permeability of the substance;
p= specific resistance of the substance, abohms per cm3.
Not only does the density of current decrease as the distance below
the surface is increased but, as indicated by Eq. (3), it reaches its corre
sponding values at later time than at the surface, this amount of time lag
increasing as the depth below the surface is increased. This really means
that the current penetrates into the substance with a wave motion; the
attenuation is, however, very high, so that probably only a fraction of
a wave length is actually set up in the conductor with an appreciable
A Simple Analysis of Skin Effect.—Although an exact analysis of skin
effect in a conductor requires the theory of wave propagation, and special
mathematical series for a solution, a very good idea of its cause (and,
what is much more important, its remedy) may be had from the ordinary
laws of current flow in inductive circuits. The first thing to notice about
the problem is the effect of frequency upon the division of current between
two paths in parallel, as shown in Fig. 5, the two paths having equal

I. R» - -L*
At low frequency ■— =-!r^
It Kx
At high frequency I. = **'.
Fig. 5.—For branched circuits the resistance controls the division of current at low fre
quency whereas the reactance controls the division at high frequency.

resistance but unequal inductance. The formula for the current flow in
each path is
7= E .
At very low frequency the uL term is negligible, and so we have the
currents dividing between the two paths inversely as the two resistances,
that is, the two currents will be alike. At very high frequency, however,
the resistance term becomes relatively negligible and the current divides
inversely proportional to the inductance in the two branches. The same

voltage is applied to both paths, so the sum of the resistance reaction

and the inductance reaction (added vectorially) in each path must be the
same. It is from this standpoint that we will investigate the skin effect
in wires.
Imagine a round copper wire carrying current uniformly throughout
its cross-section, Fig. 6. The density of magnetic flux at a point A on
the surface of the wire is given by the formula
Awl .21
where 7 = total current in amperes;
a = radius of the conductor in cm.
At a point B inside the conductor,
the amount of current producing flux
(for of course there is magnetic flux inside
the conductor) is only that part of the
total current which flows inside the circle
inscribed through the point B. This
amount of current is, for uniform cur
rent density, equal to IXri2/a2. The
magnetic flux density at B is, therefore,
Fig. 6.—Cross-section of wire of by Eq. (4)
radius a; magnetic field density
to be calculated at points A, B, .2In
az n (5)
and C.
For a point C outside the wire, distant T2 from the axis of the wire, the
flux density is given by the equation
Bc=- (6)

From Eqs. (4) and (6), the flux density throughout th ecross-section of
the wire and in the region surrounding the wire may be calculated; Fig.
7 shows the result of such a calculation. In the upper part of the figure
the flux is shown in the form of circles concentric with the axis of the wire,
the closeness of the circles representing the flux density, and in the lower
part of the figure is shown a plot of the flux densities, ordinates being
values of flux density and abscissae being distance from center of wire.
The total flux surrounding any point is obtained by adding the flux
from a point infinitely distant from the wire, up to the point in question;
a curve showing the value of this flux for different points inside and out
side the wire is shown in Fig. 8. The ordinates of the curve are obtained
by integrating the density curves of Fig. 7. The flux <fo , is the total flux
produced by the current in the wire, outside of the wire itself, whereas

surrounding any point outside the wire as, e.g., C of Fig. 6, there is a
flux equal to <fo. There is a certain amount of flux inside the wire
itself and the flux surrounding the innermost filament is obtained by
adding to <t>i this internal flux ; it is shown by fa in Fig. 8.
Now let us consider the wire made up of a bundle of separate parallel
filaments, such a wire as would be obtained by using a cylindrical
bundle of very fine wires, each insulated from its neighbor, except at the

Fio. 7.—Closeness of circular lines show the density of magnetic field around a non
magnetic wire; in lower part of figure magnetic field density is shown by distance
from reference line to curve marked B.

ends of the wire in question, where they are all electrically connected
together. Let the resistance of each of these filaments be R. If an
e.m.f., E sin ait, is impressed across the ends of this composite wire,
all filaments will have the same impressed e.m.f., and it is therefore
evident that the sum of the reactions in each filament must add up
(vectorially) to equal this impressed force.

The resistance drop in each filament is IR and the inductance drop

is ^ = o>4> where <t> is the maximum amount of flux surrounding the

filament in question. Hence for two filaments, one at 0 and the other at
A (Fig. 6) we must have

where 7i and h are the currents in the two filaments considered.

In these equations E, I, and <f>, must have corresponding values,
i.e., either effective values or maximum values.
At very high frequencies the resistance drop is negligible compared
to the flux reaction drop, and so we must conclude that, for frequencies
which make IR negligible compared to o><#>, the flux surrounding all fila
ments of the wire must be the same. Referring to Fig. 8 this statement
means that <fa — #i=0, that is, there is no flux inside the wire itself. If

Fia. 8.—Curve showing total flux outside any point considered in Fig. 7.

there is no internal flux the flux density everywhere inside the wire must
be zero, and as the flux density at any point in the wire distant r from the
axis is equal to .21/ r, where I now signifies the current flouring in the wire
inside of a circle through the point in question, we must conclude that there
is no current anywhere inside the wire.
At ordinary frequencies the resistance drop is not negligible in com
parison with the reactance drop, so that the sweeping conclusion of the
previous paragraph (no current anywhere inside the conductor) isnot true,
but it is evident that, as the frequency increases more and more the dif
ference between fa and <j>\ of Fig. 8 must continually decrease.
If instead of a copper wire an iron wire had been assumed, the internal
flux density would have been very much increased so that Figs. 7 and 8
would have more nearly the appearance of Figs. 9 and 10. The value
of the internal flux (<fc — <£i) would be very much increased, so that the

frequency at which the IR drop becomes negligible compared to the w<t>

drop is much less than for copper wire.
Offsetting this effect to some extent, however, is the fact that the
resistance of the iron is greater than that of copper; the result is that
iron, while it has a greater skin effect than copper, does not have as much
greater effect as the increased value of m would indicate.
The change in current density throughout the cross-section of wire
due to the effect of the internal flux, is indicated (for a certain wire) in

Fig. 9 —Strength of magnetic field in and around a wire of magnetic material.

Fig. 11, the three curves showing how, as the frequency is increased,
the current shifts more and more to the outer skin of the conductor. The
current density at the surface of the conductors has been assumed the
same for the three frequencies.
It is evident from the foregoing discussion that a substance having
high specific resistance and low permeability will have the least skin effect;
this is shown in Table I on p. 115. The wires used for resistance in making
tests and measurements in high-frequency circuits should be made of
small wires of the high-resistance alloys, practically all of which have unity

Elimination of Skin Effect.—One obvious remedy for skin effect is

to so construct the conductor that there is no internal flux, or rather that
the internal flux is negligible compared to the external flux, which of course
produces no skin effect, as it affects all filaments pf the wire equally. A

Fia. 10.—Total flux outside any point considered in Fig. 9.

conductor with no internal flux is impossible, but such a condition may

be approximated by using a tubular conductor; such a construction is
used for high-frequency ammeters designed to carry comparatively large
currents (say 25 amperes or more). The current to be measured is carried

Fig. 11.—Current density in a solid, round, conductor at three different frequencies.

from the connectors of the ammeter to two circular disks, and these disks
are connected by a set of very thin high-resistance strips, the whole arrange
ment having the appearance of a barrel, the thin strips taking the place
of the barrel staves. Such a construction is shown in Fig. 12, this showing
the construction of a 40-ampere, so-called " hot-wire " meter. As the

radial thickness of these strips is only about .004 cm., there is practically
no internal cross-section to the conductor; it is all " skin."
In the scheme ordinarily employed for reducing skin effect the required
cross-section of conductor (which depends upon the amount of current to
be carried), is made up of a great many small wires, each completely
insulated from all the rest; a common form of this cable used for winding
radio coils consists of 48 No. 38 enameled wires properly woven together.
In eliminating skin effect by this construction it is not sufficient to merely

Fig. 12.—A hot wire ammeter showing how the skin effect is minimized by special
arrangement of very thin strips of high-resistance metal.

subdivide the conductor into small well-insulated strands; these strands

must be so woven or twisted together that each strand is as much on the
outer surface of the cable as every other one.
If 48 No. 38 insulated wires are laid loosely together, parallel to one
another, it will be found that the increase in resistance due to skin effect
is nearly as much as though a solid wire (of the same cross-section as that
of the cable) were used. (The stranded cable would be somewhat better
than the solid wire, because of its somewhat greater useful outer surface.)
It is therefore important in getting the stranded wire (sometimes called

litzendraht) to see that not only is it made up of a great number of well-

insulated strands, but also that these strands are properly interwoven.
A real braiding process will accomplish the result but a suitably twisted
cable is nearly as good. A properly twisted cable must be made up of
several component twisted cables to be free from marked skin effect. For
48 No. 38 cable, e.g., three separately twisted cables, each of 16 wires, may
be twisted together and the resulting cable will be nearly as good as braided
It is important to note just what effect is to be obtained in making
these high-frequency radio cables; the cable must be so constructed that
each strand has, per unit length (say per meter) the same flux surrounding
it, when each strand is carrying the same current. When the strand is in
the center of the cable it has more flux surrounding it than when it is on
the periphery, hence each strand must occupy corresponding positions in
the cross-section of the cable for equal distances, in order that it may have
the same surrounding flux per unit length as all the other strands.
Even in suitably woven cable there is still some skin effect due to the
finite size of the strands themselves, each strand in itself having an appreci
able skin effect at very high frequencies.
It is important in purchasing radio cable of the kind just described to
make tests for the continuous-current resistance. In making this test the
enamel must be removed carefully from each strand, at both ends of the
piece to be tested, and the strands be well soldered together. The c.c.
resistance should be calculated from the total cross-section of copper in
the cable and the measured value should approach this very closely. In
making cable a strand may break and the operator insert another and con
tinue the process of weaving the cable. But such a broken strand is
evidently of no use in carrying current, because one break opens that
strand completely, the strand being insulated from its neighbors.
Specifications for radio cable should therefore state not only the size
and number of wires to be used, quality of enamel, method of twisting,
etc., but should also call for a c.c. resistance within a certain percentage
of the theoretical value. The longer the pieces of cable called for, the
more likely are breaks to occur, for this reason the cable is generally
obtained in lengths of a few hundred feet only. If two pieces of radio
cable are to be joined, the greatest of care must be exercised in making
the joint; if only half the strands are soldered together (quite likely unless
each individual wire is separated fro;n the rest and properly cleaned before
attempting to solder the joint) then the resistance of the whole cable is
twice as much as it should be.
Skin Effect in Coils.—With the foregoing analysis of skin effect in
mind it is at once evident that the redistribution of current throughout
the cross-section of a conductor will be greater if the conductor is used

in making a coil than if it is used in the form of a straight wire. The dis
tribution of magnetic flux inside a single layer solenoid is somewhat as
shown on Fig. 13; the flux density is high just inside the solenoid and
practically zero at the outer surface of the coil. Assuming that this density
decreases to zero from the inner surface of the winding to the outer (nearly

.Flux density -B
Fig 13.—Approximate flux distribution inside a short solenoid.

the case for ordinary coils) it is evident that the outer filaments of
the wire are linked with much more flux, than are the inner filaments.
Thus an imaginary filament on the outside of the wire as at 6, Fig. 13,
will be linked with a flux in excess of that linked with filament a by an
amount equal to B/2Xd (where B is the flux density at the inner surface
of the winding and d is the
radial depth of the wind
ing) per unit length of the
wire. It is apparent that
the current will tend to
crowd into that part of the
wire which is on the inside
of the coil, the inductance
reaction being less for the
filaments on the inner side
of the winding than for
those on the outer ^ ide. ^ —Distribution of current in the conductors of
But besides this ten- & ghor(. soIenoid; density of shading corresponds to
dency of the current to current density,
redistribute itself, there
is also the tendency to redistribution about the axis of the wire, and also
each conductor exerts a certain effect on its neighbor—these all combine
to produce a current distribution about as indicated in Fig. 14, the density
of current being indicated by the proximity of the dots.
In constructing variable resistances for use in making radio measure

ments, skin effect must be carefully considered. The most convenient form
of variable rheostat is a cylindrical one with a sliding contact, the almost
universal form of laboratory rheostat for ordinary c.c. and a.c. measure
ments. But this type of winding is not satisfactory for high-frequency
currents because of the extra skin effect caused by solenoidal winding and
also because the amount of self-induction in such a rheostat is too great to
be neglected in radio circuits. Radio cable cannot be used with sliding
contact rheostats for evident reasons: solid wire must therefore be used
and still the skin effect and self-induction be reduced to a minimum. This
is done by winding on a porcelain tube a bifilar high-resistance solid wire ;
the two wires making the bifilar construction are wound around the cylinder
in opposite directions, the two wires crossing each other twice per turn.
Such a winding has a self-induction practically zero, and hence has a
minimum skin effect.
The increase in resistance of coils, due to skin effect, is a very difficult
problem to analyze mathematically; only the simplest cases have been
considered, and even then assumptions have been made which make the
validity of the equations obtained doubtful.
An experimental investigation of the skin effect in coils was carried
out by the author, measurements being made on a Wheatstone bridge, and
the results are given herewith; they serve to indicate how much increase
in resistance from skin effect may be expected with coils similar in form.
The single layer coils were wound on dry wood reels with double cotton-
covered wire, the wires being laid as closely together as possible. The
length of the winding was 10 cm. and the approximate diameter (the cross-
section was actually octagonal) was 10.5 cm. The datum is given in the
accompanying table, both self-induction and resistance being given, the
results being probably accurate to within 1 per cent unless otherwise stated.
There are two effects which must be kept in mind when interpreting
these results; there is an actual increase in resistance due to redistribution
of current in the conductor of which the coil is made, and there is an
increase in the measured value of resistance due to the effect of internal
capacity, explained in the previous chapter when analyzing resonance in
parallel circuits.
Every coil has internal capacity due to one part of the winding being
equivalent to one plate of the condenser, acting with every other part to
form a condenser. It was shown that the apparent resistance of an induc
tance, shunted with a condenser, increases as the frequency is increased,
in accordance with Eq. (48). Although this equation is not directly
applicable to these coils (the capacity of which changes with frequency
changes) it indicates that the measured value of resistance may be expected
to increase entirely aside from any skin effect which may be present. But
this effect of capacity which gives an apparent increase in resistance pro

CO to Ss QO O
-"if > -f O :32
SOi CO Nto U)o iOo

t*-*0 CO■
•-« OS
2»- OHiO CO■ H<N 3«-» «o» *:

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35 8
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»r- No W»o 83:

S3 If)55 offi Hu: OCOCO ©iOCI I■

li • g & 01 - PS PS PS OS PS
£ 3 S -2 00
^35 a3 «»5
2 11

duces at the same time an increase in the apparent inductance of the coil,
so that in the results of the table any increase resistance which occurs
without a corresponding increase in inductance, is due to redistribution
of current in the conductor of the coil (i.e., real skin effect) ; for frequencies
high enough to produce an increase in the apparent inductance the skin
effect is not alone in producing the increase in resistance, the inter
nal capacity contributing its effect also in increasing the apparent
It will be noticed that for the larger wires the inductance actually
decreases as the frequency increases, for the lower values of frequency.
Illustrating this effect we take the data for coil No. 1 made of No.
11 wire. In the range of frequencies used the indvictance decreased with
increase of frequency, whereas the resistance increased from .050 ohm
to .803 ohm. The radius of this wire is .114 cm. and so the factor, rV7
for 2X105 cycles, is 51. Referring to Fig. 3 the factor m is found to be
4.2. If, therefore, the wire had been used in the form of a straight con
ductor, we might have expected an increase in resistance from .050 ohm,
the c.c. resistance to 4.2 X.05 = .21 ohm. Actually it changes from .05
ohm to .80 ohm, thus showing how the skin effect is augmented when the
wire is used in the form of a coil. The superiority of the radio cable,
either 42/36s or 48/38s is at once evident from the results given in the
If the coil used has more than one layer, the magnetic field density is
much greater than it is for a single layer coil, hence we should expect a
much greater skin effect for multi-layer coils than for single-layer coils and
the experimental results of Table III which were obtained with ten layer
coils, prove the point. Thus the single layer coil of No. 18 wire showed an
2 18
increase in resistance of ~ =3.6 times as the frequency varied from zero
to 100,000 cycles. This same wire wound in a 10-layer coil showed an
increase through the same range of frequency of Yf4=^ times so that the
resistance increase is 13 times greater when used in a 10-layer coil than
when used in a single-layer coil.
It must be noticed also that this great increase in resistance is not
due to the internal capacity of the coil. These multilayer coils were
built on wooden reels in a special way first described by the author; the
construction was such that a considerable air space (in this case .16 cm.)
was used between consecutive layers, this construction giving such a low
internal capacity that, up to the highest frequency used the inductance
of the coil showed but slight increase. These multilayer coils were octag
onal in form and had 10 layers each, wound back and forth. Each layer
was 2.6 cm., long separated from the next layer by .16 cm. air. The

inner diameter was approximately 10.5 cm. and the outside diameter
varied with the size of wire used, being greater for the larger wires.

CoU 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
12 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 48,/38s
Number Turns. . . . 100 197 239 300 343 410 586 719 859 898 250
Frequency in *
0 R 12 1.74 3.30 6.7 11.5 21.3 49 96 172 300 5.1
R .48 2.48 3.40 6.8 11.7 21.6 50 96.5 173 300 5.2
1.2 L 1.46 5.21 8.10 12.6 16.7 23.7 48 72 102 117 9.2
R L .33 .48 .42 .54 .70 .91 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.6 .56
R 3.85 6.27 7.80 11 4 10.2 27 64 122 210 345 6.7
10.5 L 1.42 5.18 8.10 12.6 16.8 24.0 48 73 104 120 9.3
R/L 2.7 1.2 .96 .91 .90 1.1 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.9 .72
R 5.50 10 2 113 15 4 20 2 32.0 71 126 225 370 7.2
15 4 L 1.39 5.20 8.12 12.7 16.9 24.0 49 74 105 124 9.3
R L 4.0 1.9 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.1 3.0 .77
R 7.40 21 0 22.3 25.7 28.5 42 97 104 360 600 8.5
25 L 1 37 5.20 8.14 12.8 17 1 24.5 51 78 116. 138 9.3
R L 5.4 4.0 2.7 2 0 1.7 17 1.9 2.5 3.1 4.3 .91
R 10.9 48.0 63.5 78 82 100 200 465 1080 1450 15
50 L 1.37. 5.22 8.17 13.2 17.7 25.3 55 87 131 150 9.5
R/L 7 9 9 1 7.8 5 9 4 6 4.0 3.6 5.3 8.2 9.7 1.6
R 14. 1 73.0 94 155 133 W2 19
75 L 1.37 5.23 8.22 13.6 18.6 27.5 9.7
R/L 10.3 14.0 11.1 11.4 7.2 6.2 2.0
B 16.6 84 142 267 268 415 37
100 L 1 38 5.27 8.55 14.3 20.3 30.6 10.4
R L 12.0 15.9 16.6 18 7 13 2 13.6 36
R 18.8 104 190 362 462 61
125 L 1.37 5.32 9.07 15 1 21 0 10.8
R L 13.7 19.5 21 24 22 5.6
R 20 5 124 260 550 840 115
150 L 1.38 5.56 9 30 15.7 22.0 11.4
R L 14.9 32.3 28 35 38 10

The great increase in resistance of coil No. 16 for example is really-

due to a redistribution of current throughout the cross-section of the con
ductor. Although the resistance increases 217 times in the frequency
range used the inductance is lower at the highest frequency than at the
lowest. There are cases shown in which the increase in apparent resist
ance increases very rapidly for the higher frequencies, even with small

sized wire. Thus the 10-layer coil wound with No. 26 wire increased its
resistance from 21.3 ohms to 415 ohms, but at the same time the induc
tance increased from 23.7 X10-3 henries to 30.6 X10~3 henries. Hence
for this coil the internal capacity was making itself felt so that the actual
increase in apparent resistance must be regarded as due to the combined
effect of redistributed current and internal capacity.
Three of the coils were wound with radio cable; in two of them there
were used 48 No. 38 enameled strands in the cable—three twisted cables,
each having 16 strands, were twisted together to make the cable. The
solid wire most nearly approaching this cable in cross-section was No.
22. In the single-layer coils the solid wire increased its resistance by
220 per cent, and this radio cable coil increased by 72 per cent, only one-
third as much increase as for the solid wire over the same range of fre
quency. In the multilayer coil the solid wire increased its resistance from
6.7 ohms to 267 ohms, an increase of 40 times as the frequency was varied
from zero to 100,000 cycles whereas the multilayer coil wound with the
radio cable increased (in the same range of frequency) from 5.1 ohms
to 37 ohms, an increase of only 7.2 times, that is, the stranded wire coil
showed a resistance increase due to skin effect only one-sixth as great as
the nearest size solid wire. In this resistance increase there is some effect
due to the internal capacity of the coil, and if this effect (which is approxi
mately the same in amount for both coils) were taken into consideration
the superiority of the radio cable over the solid wire would be even more
From the results presented in Tables II and III there was calculated
for each coil the " ohms resistance per millihenry " and the results are
presented in the form of curves in Figs. 15 and 16. The most interesting
conclusion to be drawn from these curves is the idea that the higher the
frequency the smaller the wire should be to keep the ratio of resistance
to reactance low. Thus in the single-layer coil it is evident that below
40 kilocycles No. 16 wire is better than No. 20 (such factors as cost, bulk,
current-carrying capacity, etc., not considered) but above this frequency
No. 20 wire is better than No. 16.
For the multilayer coils this feature is shown to a much greater degree
and at lower frequencies; thus at 1200 cycles No. 34 wire has about 8
times as many ohms per millihenry as No. 12, but at 15 kilocycles the
No. 12 wire has more resistance per millihenry than has the No. 34 wire.
The multilayer coil of radio cable is indicative of what a good coil
should be; its reactance at 75 kilocycles is 220 times as much as its resist
ance and this ratio holds over a wide range of frequency. Other coils
have been built by the author, using better stranded wire, more of it,
keeping the radial depth of conductor low, which showed a reactance
450 times as great as the resistance at 50 kilocycles. The ideas to be kept

in mind in building good radio coils are to use carefully stranded and
insulated cable, keep the radial depth of conductor small, keep the coil
as compact as possible and at the same time to keep the internal capacity
low, and avoid dielectric losses.
In Fig. 17 is shown the construction of a coil which has about 10 milli
henries inductance and 7 ohms resistance at 50,000 cycles; sufficient air
space was used between layers to keep the internal capacity to about
120 micro-microfarads. This coil operated satisfactorily when carrying

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 It 15 IS 17 18 19 20
Frequency in 10 cycles per second
Fig. 15.—Variation of resistance with frequency in single layer solenoids of various wires.

4 amperes with 12,000 volts across its terminals. If it were used in a good
insulating oil it would probably be satisfactory when carrying 200-300
kilovolt amperes, although in this case its internal capacity would be more
than doubled.
To illustrate in as striking a manner as possible the skin effect which
may be present in poorly designed coils tests were made on two coils
made of copper strip, wound edgewise. The first coil had 29j turns of
strip 1| in. wide and in. thick; the spacing between successive turns
was nearly ys in- ; its inside diameter was 14j in. and outside diameter was
171 hi- Its resistance for continuous current was .013 ohm and at 150

kilocycles it had 3.44 ohms resistance, an increase of 285 times. The

second coil had 34£ turns of strip 1 in. wide and rs in- thick, spacing
between turns was nearly ye m- The c.c. resistance was .020 ohm and at
150 kilocycles it was 7.86 ohms, an increase of 393 times. These two
examples bring out forcibly the fact that the radial depth of the conductor
in a coil intended for radio circuits must be kept small. Further data on
these two coils are given in Table V, p. (147).

= lb

0 1 2 3 4 5
6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Frequency in 10 'cycles per second
Fig. 16.—Variation of resistance with frequency of multilayer coils; short coils of ten
layers each, air space between layers.
Effect of Neighboring Circuits on the Resistance of a Coil—Tuning
These Circuits.—It has been shown in the previous chapter that the
resistance of a circuit is always increased by the presence of neighboring
circuits in which induced currents flow. The power for supplying the
losses in these circuits must be furnished by the coil inducing the current
and so this effects an apparent increase in the resistance of this coil; the
amount of this increase is given by Eq. (73), page 86. This increase in
resistance evidently depends upon the tuning of this second circuit. If in

Eq. (73) the reactance of the second circuit is put equal to zero the apparent
increase in the resistance of the first circuit may be very great; the curves
illustrating this effect were shown in Fig. 91, Chapter I.
As an instance of the losses occurring in neighboring circuits it is inter
esting to note that one of the terminal posts of the coil pictured in Fig.

17 was fastened on a piece of hard rubber, and this rubber block was
fastened to the wood-end piece of the coil with small iron screws. When
operating this coil with four amperes at 50 kilocycles flowing in the wind
ing the. heat generated in those screws was such that they burned them
selves free from the wood after the coil had been in the circuit but a
short time.

Resistance of Iron-core Coils.—It was at first thought impossible to

use iron-core coils for the high frequencies employed in radio circuits, but
such is not actually the case, although the gain in using iron is not so great
for radio frequencies as it is for ordinary low frequencies. The difficulty
in making efficient iron-core coils for high-frequency circuits is a two
fold one, the apparent permeability of the iron is much less than it should
be, and the losses in the iron core greatly increase the effective resistance
of the coil. Both of these undesirable effects are due to the same cause;
the increase in resistance due to iron loss is mostly caused by eddy currents
in the iron laminae, and these same eddy currents serve to keep the mag
netic flux from penetrating and so make only the outer parts of the laminae
< current useful as flux carriers.
There is also some iron
loss due to hysteresis,
V Lamination but this is small com
J pared to the eddy-cur
1 rent loss.
I J The paths of the eddy
currents in the laminae
,*■ "a~:z> of an iron core are indi
cated in Fig. 18, the lam
Winding carrying: the' ina? being shown much
magnetizing current
thicker, of course, than
Fig. 18.—Eddy currents occurring in a laminated iron they really are. The di
core. rection of the eddy cur
rents, it is to be noticed,
is opposite to that of the current in the winding hence at any point A in the
center of a laminae, the magnetomotive force acting is really that produced
by the winding diminished by a certain amount due to these eddy currents.
At low frequencies the back m.m.f. of these eddy currents is negligible
compared to that of the main magnetizing coil, so that the flux density
in the lamina is nearly constant throughout its cross-section and is about
the same as it would be were no eddy current present. At higher fre
quencies, however, the eddy-current effect becomes increasingly greater,
so that at radio frequencies the full value of magnetic flux exists only
on the outer surface of the iron ; in the inner parts the flux density decreases
and it may be practically zero at a depth only a small fraction of a milli
meter from the surface of the iron.
The strength of the eddy currents decreases with the thickness of the
laminations; the plates used for the cores of radio coils should be only
a few hundredths of a millimeter thick. To get the benefit of lamination
it is essential that the plates be well insulated from one another, either by
a fine quality of varnish or thin paper, or both. The burred edges of

the plates, caused by imperfect fit of the punch and die used in making
the plates, is especially bad in causing eddy currents.
The flux density in the steel plates has about the distribution shown
by Fig. 19, the penetration of magnetic flux into an iron sheet decreases
as frequency increases, increases with the specific resistance of the iron,
etc., in fact follows the same distribution law as the penetration of cur
rent itself into a conducting medium given in Eq. (3). Because of this
lack of penetration the apparent permeability of the iron decreases as
the frequency increases, resulting in a decrease in the self-induction as
the frequency increases. The curves given in Fig. 20 show how the
resistance and inductance of a laminated iron-core coil change as fre
quency changes. It will be noted that the increase in resistance is practi
cally all due to eddy-current losses; the hysteresis loss is nearly negligible.
Flux density at
<surface of1 lamina5>

I FTtax density
Fiq. 19.—Flux density variation throughout the section of a lamination of an iron core;
the higher the frequency the greater is the variation in flux density.

It is evident that iron of the quality used in this coil must be used in
laminations less than .0075 cm. (the thickness of those in the test coil)
to maintain a low resistance at high frequency. The decrease in induct
ance of this coil is comparatively small in the range of frequencies used.
In Fig. 21 are shown the variations in L and R of another toroidal
coil, using thicker laminations. Even for the comparatively low frequen
cies used in this test the decrease in inductance is very pronounced.
Iron dust, suitably prepared, makes very excellent material for the
cores of coils intended for high-frequency use, having very low eddy-
current loss. It has, in common with all iron cores, the disadvantage
of a permeability varying with magnetic density. A dust-core coil (toroid)
was tested to show this effect and gave the results shown in Fig. 22; the
measurements were carried out at a frequency of 2000 cycles. In Fig.
23 are shown the characteristics of this same coil measured at various
frequencies. The ratio of reactance to resistance brings out very well
the fact that a coil is always most efficient at some certain frequency.
It is to be noticed for all these iron-core coils that, at radio frequency,

the resistance of the copper wire is negligible compared to the resistance

caused by iron losses, hence it is of little use to employ for the winding
a wire as large as those used in winding the coils whose characteristics
are shown in the foregoing figures. A very fine wire may be profitably
used for the windings then a large number of turns (hence high L) may be
put on a very small core—using an iron-dust toroidal core, the outer diam
eter of the toroid being 5 cm. and the core itself being slightly over 1 cm.

10 1 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Frequency in Kilocycles
Kig. 20.—Characteristics of a toroidal shaped coil having laminated iron core.

in diameter, winding with fine wire, it is possible to make a coil with an

inductance of about 0.25 henry, and having low enough internal capacity
to be efficient at 60,000 cycles. Such coils are very convenient for the
plate circuit of amplifying tubes, as they are very compact, and are not
subject to outside disturbances, a toroid having practically zero mutual
induction with any other circuit.
Resistance of Spark and Arc.—In radio circuits there is frequently
used an arc, or a spark gap; the resistance of which affects the operation

of the set and must be considered when getting decrement, losses, etc. The
resistance of a spark gap varies with many factors, principally the length
of gap and magnitude of current through the gap. Within the ordinary
range of currents used in radio circuits the resistance of an arc or spark,
for constant length of gap, varies inversely with the current to some

0 2 * 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Frequency in Kilocycles
Fig. 21.—Characteristics of a toroidal shaped coil having laminated iron core, lamina
tions being much thicker than those of Fig. 20.

power higher than the first, in such a way that the IR drop actually
decreases with an increase of current. Other factors affecting the resist
ance of the gap are the nature of the gas through which the arc or spark
is passing and the material of which the gap terminals are made. Silver
and copper electrodes give a higher resistance gap than such metals as

zinc, magnesium, etc.; hydrogen and illuminating gas give a higher resist
ance than air.
Experiments indicate that for such currents and gaps as are used in
radio sets the resistance (effective) of a spark gap is not more than 1 ohm,
and is generally only a few hundredths of 1 ohm. This value of resistance
is obtained from the heating effect, and so gives a kind of average value
of the resistance during the cycle. For low frequencies the resistance
of an arc or spark varies a great deal throughout a cycle of current, and
it probably does (even if to a less extent) at radio frequencies.
In Fig. 24 is shown the oscillogram giving the form of voltage across
an arc and the current through the arc; if the resistance is denned as the
ratio of volts to amperes it is evident that the resistance varies through
widely differing values during the cycle.
#' Y //me

■ f

Z- If/ft aetesf arc

Fig. 24.—A sine wave of e.m.f. impressed across an arc in series with an rton core induct
ance gave voltage and current forms as shown.

In most radio circuits the resistance which assumes importance is that

offered to alternating currents, rather than the continuous-current resist
ance. Nearly all circuits offer a greater resistance to the flow of alter
nating current than they do to continuous current, but the arc is an excep
tion to this rule. The relation of current and potential difference in a
certain arc is shown in Figs. 25 and 26 ; from the curves it is evident that
increasing current requires less and less potential difference across the
arc. The resistance of the arc for continuous current varies from 50
ohms to 2 ohms, according to conditions. Now the alternating current
resistance must be determined by the ratio of the voltage change to the current
chang?, i.e., R = dv/di, and from these curves it is evident that when dv
is positive di is negative, so that the alternating-current resistance of
the arc is negative. This negative resistance for alternating currents is

characteristic of nearly all circuits in which gas of some kind takes part
in the conduction of the current; in some special cases even a pure electron
stream may have a negative resistance for an alternating current, as will
be explained when discussing vacuum tubes.
The magnitude of this alternating current arc resistance varies some
what with frequency, it becoming less as the frequency increases.


0123456789 10
Fig. 25.—Resistance of small arc, in air.

Resistance of an Antenna.—An antenna is a circuit consisting of a

capacity, inductance, and resistance in series, the resistance being fixed
in value by many effects, among them the radiation of power from the
antenna in the form of electro-magnetic waves. The surface of the earth
generally forms one plate of the condenser and the over-head wire system
the other, Fig. 27. When current circulates in the antenna, losses occur

in the network of wires and in the earth due to actual heat loss produced
by the conduction currents; losses occur due to induced currents in guy
wires, etc.; losses occur in the earth's surface and any other dielectrics in
the field of the condenser such as trees, etc., and power is radiated. That

resistance caused by radiation is the only useful resistance; the other fac
tors increase the resistance of the antenna but perform no useful function.
The resistance of an antenna varies with the frequency about as indi
cated in Fig. 28. With very high frequencies the resistance is high; it
decreases to a minimum at a frequency about twice that of the natural

oscillation of the antenna (without any added inductance) and then rises
gradually, the amount of this rise being determined principally by dielec
tric losses in objects located in the electrostatic field of the antenna.
Antenna wires -


Fig. 27.—Antenna with loading inductance.

For small land antennae the minimum on the curve may be 20-30
ohms, for aeroplane antennae perhaps 5-10 ohms; for ships' antennae
3-6 ohms, and for the large antennae used for long distance communica-

Frequency of quarter
wave length oscillation.

High Low
Fiq. 28.—Typical resistance curve for an antenna, showing variation with frequency.

tion the minimum value may be 1-2 ohms. The more complete discus
sion of antennae and their characteristics will be given in Chapter IX.
Resistance due to dielectric loss and corona loss will be treated in the
section dealing with capacity.



Coefficient of Self-induction. Units.—The ordinary unit of self-

induction, the henry, is much too great to serve for radio work; instead
there are used the millihenry (10-3 henry) the microhenry (10-6 henry)
and infrequently the centimeter (10-9 henry). The microhenry is most
commonly used.
The fundamental viewpoint from which to consider the self-induction
of a circuit is that of the amount of energy stored in the magnetic field
of the circuit. This energy is given by the well-known formula, Energy
= LI2/2, where the energy is measured in joules, the current in amperes
and L is the coefficient of self-induction in henries. From this equa
tion we can get the definition that the coefficient of sell-induction of a
circuit in henries, is numerically equal to twice the number of joules
stored in the magnetic field when the current in the circuit is one ampere.
Hence any conditions which affect the magnetic energy in a circuit, the
current staying fixed, must affect the coefficient of self-induction.
A piece of iron introduced into the magnetic field decreases the reluc
tance of the magnetic path, increases the flux and hence the magnetic
energy, and therefore increases the L of the
circuit. If a neighboring closed circuit is so
placed that current is caused to flow in it by
an alternating current in the coil in question,
this induced current will be nearly in phase
opposition to the current in the first circuit.
Flux which is produced by A (Fig. 29) and
which threads circuit B is opposed by the
m.m.f. of the current induced in B, and
hence the reluctance of this part of the
magnetic path of coil A is increased. This
Fio. 29.—When the current in
decreases the flux produced by a given circuit A is varied current
current in A and so proportionately decreases will flow in circuit B, affect
the L of coil A. It is evident that the ing thereby the resistance
closer circuit B is placed to circuit A, the and inductance of circuit A .
more effect will its counter m.m.f. have on the
amount of flux produced by A, and hence the more effect it will have in
decreasing the L of coil A.
If by any means the current in B is made to lead the induced
voltage of coil 2 by 90° (as may be nearly done by putting a suitable

condenser in series with the circuit) then the m.m.f. produced by B

occurs in such phase as to help the m.m.f. of coil A and hence produce
an increase in the magnetic energy of A for a given current, thus the
presence of coil B actually increases the effective self-induction of coil A.
These effects were analyzed in the previous chapter and are calculable
from Eqs. (85), etc., pages 91 et seq.
It is evident, therefore, that the L of a circuit may vary with frequency,
current amplitude^ current distribution, etc., and that its changes can
best be predicted by examining in each case the distribution and density
of the magnetic field produced by one ampere of current in the circuit;
the value of L (in henries) of the circuit is equal to twice the number
of joules of energy stored in this field. The derivation of the amount of
the magnetic energy is difficult and tedious except in the most simple
cases; it will not be attempted here, but the formulae themselves for the
circuits most generally used in radio work will be given in comparatively
simple form, the accuracy being for most cases better than 1 per cent.
For exact formulas the student should consult the various publications on
the subject, notably those of the Bureau of Standards.
Self-induction of a Single Straight Vertical Wire Distance from all
Other Conductors—

where / = length of wire in cm.;

r = radius of wire in cm.;
L = coefficient of self-induction in cm. ;
log = logarithm to the base t, as it is for all the suc
ceeding formulae.
Eq. (7) assumes the material of the wire to have a permeability of
unity. For uniform current distribution, and permeability differing from

where H = the value of the permeability.

For a Single Horizontal Wire—


where, I = length in cm.;

r = radius of wire in cm. ;
h = height of wire, above earth, in cm.

For a Single Circular Turn of Round Wire.—

L=4*fl[(l+g-^2) log ^+^,-1.75] cm., . . . (10)

. here, R = radius of turn, to center of conductor, in cm. ;

r = radius of cross-section of conductor.

For a Single Layer Solenoid, Closely Wound.—

L=4r2R2m2lK cm., (11)

where R = radius of coil, to center of wire, in cm. ;

m = number of turns of wire per cm. length;
1= length of winding in cm.
K= summation of a certain series, which series depends
upon the form of the coil. These series have been
summed by H. Nagaoka and are given in Table
27? i
IV. The value of K is given in terms of -j-,,i.e.,
the ratio of the coil diameter to the coil length.


Diameter Diameter
Length A' Length K

.00 1.000 .95 .700

.05 .979 1.00 .688
.10 .959 1.10 .667
.15 .939 1.20 .648
.20 .920 1.40 .611
.25 .902 1.60 .580
.30 .884 1.80 .551
.35 .867 2.00 .526
.40 .850 2.50 .472
.45 .834 3.00 .429
.50 .818 3.50 .394
.55 .803 4.00 .365
.60 .789 4.50 .341
.65 .775 5.00 .320
.70 .761 6.00 .285
.75 .748 7.00 .258
.80 .735 8.00 .237
.85 .723 9.00 .219
.90 .711 10.00 .203

The values of K given in the table assume a current distribution

uniform throughout the conductor, and so give too large a value of L,
if, due to skin effect, the current concentrates in the inner side of the
winding. The decrease in induction due to this effect is shown in Table
V, in which are tabulated the experimentally determined inductances
and resistances of the two edgewise-wound ribbon coils referred to on
p. 132, and pictured in Fig. 30. It may be found by calculation from the
figures given that at high frequencies the current is oractically concen
trated in the inner side of the coil.

Coil* 2 0,-ltii" D,= 165i"Turns = 94.5

Fia. 30.—Short solenoid made of edgewise-wound copper ribbon.

Best Form of Solenoid.—It may be seen from a few calculations,

using Eq. (11), that a given amount of wire, to be wound into a single
layer solenoid, should have a certain form if the maximum inductance is
to be obtained. This occurs when the diameter is 2.45 times the coil length.
The variation of L with departure from this form is not great, however;
thus if the ratio is made as low as 1.5 or as high as 4.5 the decrease in L
(for fixed length of wire), is only 3 per cent.
Two layer solenoids, one layer wound directly on the other, are not
feasible for radio work, as the internal capacity is so high. They are
sometimes used, the turns being arranged in a so-called " banked " wind

ing. Multilayer coil are, however, preferable, but they must be built in
such a way as to keep the internal capacity low, as described on p. 133.
Resistance and Inductance op Edgewise-wound Ribbon Coils
Coil No. 1

Frequency in 10»
.043 .088 .128 .248 .338 .450 .730 1.250 3.50
L in 10—• henry. . . . 489 485 482 476 472 470 466 464 460
R in 10-' ohm . 13 15 19 26 31 36 46 72 176

Frequency in 10'
7.00 16.4 25.2 50.0 75.0 100 125 150
L in 10 henry 458 455 452 451 454 457 456 460
R in 10- » ohm 295 725 945 1345 1775 2205 2745 3440

Coil No. 2

Frequency in 10'
cycles .043 .100 .150 .200 .300 400 .600 1. 000 IM)2.44
L in 10_f henry. . . . 613 608 604 602 598 595 592 585 585 583
R'm 10-sohm 23 25 26 30 40 45 49 70 100 145

Frequency in 10»
cycles 3.50 6.46 15.3 21.5 50 75 100 125 150
L in 10_s henry.. . . 581 578 574 572 570 568 568 570 572
R in 10~» ohm 245 495 1095 1345 2640 2940 3730 5280 7860

Inductances of a Flat Spiral, of Ribbon Conductors, Wound Flatwise,

Turns Close Together.—

L=4*M(1+w) ** v^-Cl+^C2] cm- • (12)

where R= mean radius of coil (see Fig. 31);

n = total number of turns;
6 = width of strip = axial length of coil;
d = radial depth of coil = outside radius — inside radius;

Ci and C2 are constants depending on the shape of the spiral for their
values. They are given in Table VI.


Constants Ci and C2 for Eg. (12)

Ratio ~d c. Ci

.00 .500 .125

.05 .549 .127
.10 .592 133
.15 .631 .142
.20 .665 .155

Fig. 31.—Spiral coil of ribbon wound flat wise.

Eq. (12) gives incorrect values if the turns are not close together; the
values obtained from the equation must be increased as much as 5 per
cent for the spacing used in ordinary transmitting coils in spiral form.
Fig. 32 shows how the value of L for a given spiral varies with the number
of turns used.
It is interesting to note that the same length of wire will give about
the same inductance whether wound into a flat spiral or a single-layer sole
noid, provided that the mean radius of the spiral has the same value as
the radius of the solenoid.

Toroidal Coil of Rectangular Cross-section. (Fig. 33.)—

L = 2n2l log -jy cm (13)

Inductance of spiral
Inner diam.— i'i
On cr diam. - 3!i'f
Strip >, a x %


4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Number of turns counted from inside
Fig. 32—Inductance of a spiral similar to that shown in Fig. 31.

Fig. 33.—Toroidal coil of rectangular cross-section.
where n = total number of turns;
1 = axial length of coil;
Z?2 = outer radius;
Ri = inner radius.

Toroidal Coil of Circular Cross-section (Torus). (Fig. 34.)—

L=47rn2(ft-V#2-r2) cm (14)

where n= total number of turns;

R = mean radius of ring;
r= radius of cross-section of winding.
The great advantage of a toroidal coil is that it has practically no
external magnetic field and so gives but little mutual induction with other
circuits. Also a toroidal coil will, for similar easons, not be affected by-
mutual induction from other circuits or sources. Used as a tuning coil
in a receiving set it will not pick up any strays or other disturbing fields
unless they be of excessively short wave length.

Fia. 34.—Toroidal coil of circular cross-section.

Single Layer Square Coil. (Fig. 35.)—

L = 8an2J log ^+.726+.223^j -8an [A+B] cm., . . (15)

in which a = side of square, measured to center of wire;

n = number of turns;
D = pitch of winding, center to center;
6= axial length of coil= (n— 1)D.

A and B are constahts depending upon number of turns, pitch, etc.,

and are given in Tables VII and VIII, d being the diameter of the wire
used. Coils wound with rectangular conductor have slightly different con
stants than those given here.


d A d A Number of B
D D Turns, n
1.00 + 557 .18 1.16 1 .000
.90 .452 .16 1.28 2 .114
.80 .334 3 .166
.70 .2C0 .14 1.41 4 .197
.60 + .046 .12 1.56 6 .233
.50 -.136 .10 1.75 8 .253
.40 .356 .08 1.97 10 .266
.35 .443 .06 2.26 20 .297
.30 .647 .04 2.66 40 .315
.25 .830 .02 3.36 60 .322
.20 1.05 100 .328

Fig. 35.—Single layer square coil, such as is used for a coil antenna.

Flat Square Coil. (Fig. 36.)—

For this case Eq. (15) is applicable providing a is taken as Oo— (n— 1)D
where oo = side of square, outside wire ;
n = number of turns ;
D = distance between turns, center to center.
The value of 6 is obtained from the depth of the winding, i.e., it is
equal to (n— 1)D.

Multilayer Coils of Rectangular Cross-section.1 (Fig. 37.)-

r (2wRn)2
F'F" cm.. (16)
where R = mean radius of coil in cm.;
n= total number of turns in coil;
6 = axial length of coil;
< = radial depth of winding.


Fig. 36 Fig. 37.

Fig. 36.—Flat square coil, used as coil antenna for short wave lengths.
Fig. 37.—Multilayer coil of rectangular cross-section; the cross-hatched area shows the
cross-section of the winding.

F' and F" are correction factors

106+ 10.7<+ 1.4/2'

F"=1.151og10 (l00+1fg-).

For accurate results with this iormula the distance between wires
must be small compared to the diameter of the wire.
A multilayer coil of very ingenious construction is being made at pres-.
ent, using a so-called honeycomb construction. A picture of such a coil
1 An excellent article on the design of multilayer coils was published in Univ. of
California Publications in Engineering Vol. 147, by F. E. Pernot.

is shown in Fig. 38. The coil is self-supporting, in this respect being

superior to the multilayer coils described on p. 133 and although its internal
capacity is greater than that of the type shown in Fig. 17, it is still suffi
ciently low to make it an excellent coil for radio circuits, especially those


Fig. 38.—"Honey comb" construction of multilayer coil.

calling for many millihenries of inductance. The constants of one of

these coils is shown in Table IX.
Constants of a Honeycomb Coil

Frequency in 10s Reactance Divided

cycles R in ohms L in 10- > benries by Resistance
0 9.39
26.5 12.4 17.75 238
53 23.8 17.85 250
79 5 53.0 18.70 176
106 102 0 20.25 120

The dimensions of this coil were internal diameter = 5 cm., external

diameter = 10 cm., cross-section of winding 2.5 cm. by 2.5 cm.
Variable Inductances.—It is many times desirable to have a continu
ously variable inductance for tuning a circuit ; two such types have been
used, one a long solenoid with a sliding contact and the other a pair of
coils connected in series, one rotatable inside the other, an inductance of
this type being generally styled a variometer.
The solenoid with sliding contact is not good, because the sliding
contact frequently lies on two turns at the same time, thus producing a
short-circuited turn, decreasing very appreciably the self-induction from

its proper value for the position of the contact, and, due to the current
in the shortr-circuited turn, increasing the effective resistance of the coil.
Also there is not much useful variation of inductance obtainable by this
method; for long solenoids the value of L increases with the first power
of the length only and the coil cannot be used effectively with the con
tact set to connect in only a small portion of the coil because of the losses
occurring in the long unused portion. This part of the coil (generally
called a " dead end ") is excited like the secondary of a step-up auto trans
former; the charging current circulating in the dead end produces losses
and so increases the effective resistance of that part of the coil which is

o0ooooo0o _
L /
1K j /"
O /Form of Coils
is _j»»
s oooooooooooooocr — t__

is j
1 [ |

L 2N
i .—.—
0 10 20 30 40
Setting of rotating coil, in degrees
Fia. 39.—Calibration curve of a variable inductance commonly known as a variometer.

used. Long solenoids intended to be used in steps should be divided up

into a number of completely insulated sections, these being connected
in series" as required.
The variometer type of inductance is very convenient and useful, it
being continuously variable; the calibration curve of such an inductance
is shown in Fig. 39, from which the probable range in inductance can be
seen. If the ends of the stationary coil and rotating coil are brought out
to separate terminals, the combination forms a very convenient scheme of
magnetically coupling two independent circuits, a so-called " coupler."
A rather convenient scheme (even though inefficient) for making a con
tinuously variable inductance out of a short solenoid, is to fix a copper

disk on a shaft inside the solenoid, so that the axis of the disk may be
made parallel or not to that of the coil. The eddy currents in the disk,
with parallel axes, will very materially reduce the inductance of the sole
The effect of such a solid disk placed inside a short solenoid is given
in Table X. The coil was a single layer solenoid 12 cm. in diameter and
of 2 cm. axial length; the various disks were 11 cm. diameter and were
placed inside the coil, centrally, with the plane of the disk perpendicular
to the axis of the coil. It is evident that a copper disk very materially

Effect of Metal Disk Inside Solenoid

Coil alone fa-'m. Copper ft-in. Brass A-'n. Brass A-in. Tinned
Disk Iron
Frequency in
io- » ohms L R L R L R L R
i 1.060 3.03 .807 3.49 .895 3.77 1.025 3.53 1.055 3.25

5.35 1.052 3.20 .762 4.18 .785 5.13 .870 6.40 .970 6.40

50 1.058 3.35 .751 .5.79 .756 8.13 .783 12.6 .865 18.6
149 1.092 5.08 .760 9.17 .765 13.5 .792 17.8 .861 44.3

affects the inductance without prohibitive increase in resistance. By

having the plane of the disk rotatable this scheme of varying the induc
tance of a coil may be useful, e.g., in heterodyne reception, where but
slight changes in inductance are desired (to change signal note), and an
increase in resistance of the coil is not of serious consequence.
The best adjustable inductance is a multilayer coil, with each layer
(or every other one after the first four perhaps) separate from the others,
equipped with the proper switch to connect in the circuit as many layers
as desired.
Mutual Induction.—The coefficient of mutual induction of two coils
may be expressed in terms of energy in the same way as is self-induction.
If two coils, so situated with respect to one another that part of the mag
netic field of each is linked with the other, are connected electrically in
series in such a way that their m.m.f.'s add, the total energy associated
with the magnetic field of the circuit is § J2 (Li + 1/2+23/) and if the elec
trical connection is reversed, it is iP(Li + Lo — 2M). Any change in the
circuit which changes that portion of the magnetic energy due to M has

a corresponding effect on the value of M. The value of M may also be

considered as fixed by the voltage induced in one coil by current in the
other as given in Eq. (6).
The M of the two coils is determined by their relative position; it
may be changed, however, even if the rela
1 tive position of the two coils stays fixed, if
a third circuit is brought into the mutual
field of the two coils. Thus two equal
L. L coaxial coils, placed with their ends close
—d —» together may have a value of M about .7 as
large as Li, but if a copper sheet is inserted
between the two coils the value of M may
Fio. ^.-Cross-section through be brought nearly to zero.
two singlo turns placed co- The values of M for a few ordinary
axially. arrangements are given below, the formula?
being approximations as were those for L,
the values obtained from the formulae being accurate to better than 1 per
cent in most of the cases.
Two Single Turns, Coaxial. (Fig. 40.)—

M 1282'
|/+16a 2048" cm. . (17)
6(128) HI

When the circles have nearly the same radii and the distance between
coils is small compared to the radius, the simpler form may be used,

cm. (18)

in which R\ = radius of smaller circle.

Experimental results showing how M varies for the case snown in
Fig. 40 are shown in Fig. 41. The coils used were not actually single
turns, but the cross-section of the winding was so small compared with
the radius of the coil that they approximated single turns geometrically.
Mutual Induction of Two Coaxial, Circular Coils of Rectangular
Cross-section. (Fig. 42.)—An approximate formula for this case (error
for most practical cases less than 1 per cent) is
M = NiN2M0 cm., (19)

where M0 is the mutual induction between the central turns of the two
coils (by Eq. ( 17)) . The curves of Figs. 43 and 44 show the experimentally
determined values of M for two typical cases.

1 1 1
E K' h ^ »i! ll: sSO t urns of :opper i it) >OI •
.o;-5c m * 1 .27cm . 1 1SI la :ion fc veen tn rn
of «■ IX ■il X'

1,6 D- 3c1 l. D, -68.7cn h 1.2 CI i.


C Hi ta it- ol IV el c< ,il —

F ll. nc V L
0 UOi & 80
8000 00834 1 0 Separation
urn 90s 16 0
1 |
Separation in cm.
Fig. 41.—Variation in mutual inductance of two coaxial coils with separation; the two
coils approximated single turns.
Mutual Induction of Two Coaxial Solenoids.- -The formulae to cover
the various cases which may arise in this
class are long; the reader is referred to the
Bureau of Standards Bulletin No. 74 for dis
cussion of the case. In Fig. 45 are shown, how
ever, three curves for coils of different dimen
sions; from these curves M for other-shaped rt
coils can be approximated.
Mutual Induction of Two Overhead Par Central turns
allel Wires, Grounded, at Same Height from Fio. 42.—Two coaxial
Ground.— multilayer coils.
M =1 log (^^) cm (20)
where d = separation of the two wires;
h = height of wires above ground (same units as d) ;
1 = length of one wire in cm.
Self-induction of a Two-wire Antenna, Made up of Two Parallel
Wires at Same Height from Ground.—
Tl L+M
L' = inductance of the antenna;
L = self-induction of one wire by Eq. (9);
AT = mutual induction of the two wires by Eq. (20).

Mutual Induction between Two Concentric Coils, as One Rotates.

(Fig. 46.)—This combination of coils is frequently used in radio work,
either to make a variable self-inductance or to touple two circuits together.
L... ! i !
■ i 1
: ■
ScIf nc uction 3«.St m.
each CO il =t.206 :ienrj 30. 10.


10 20 30
Separation in cm.
Fig. 43.—Variation of mutual inductance of two multilayer circular, coaxial, coils;
separation measured between nearest sides.

The exact expression for M has not been calculated, but an experimentally
determined value of M for a certain combination is shown in Fig. 46.
In case the two coils are connected in series the self-induction of the com-

.030 1 1
L ti • coil ■■
0?8 i -.0400
L lit nt' r c »l = . J2'.
026 u% 1 <"
II < u
MM .1
si m

Pia. 44.—Variation in mutual induction of two multilayer circular, coaxial, telescoping


bination is Li + L2±2M. In such variable inductances it is feasible to

get a maximum value of L about 12 times as large as the minimum value
of L. This range is determined by the manner in which the coils are

Separation in inches
Fig. 45.—Variation in mutual induction of various single layer solenoids placed coaxially.

fitted into one another. When both coils are wound in straight cylin
drical form (short solenoids) the range in L will not be as great as when
both coils are wound on spherical surfaces, making a closer fit possible.
A typical calibration of such an inductance is given in Fig. 39, the form
of the coils being shown on the curve sheet.
Mutual Induction between Two Coaxial Spirals.—A tedious calcu
lation is necessary to calculate the value of M for two flat spirals arranged
coaxially but an idea of what may be expected is indicated in the experi
mentally determined curves of Fig. 47.

L ol 12 t< ri s = n m cr 'ii ic 1

$ 18l
x t
§ 16| Li 4.6" K
u .5"
a r
JB 12 —
g /
B 10
"T Separation
-> , S< pa ra 10 » - en v, l 25"
3 -* 2 1 00!'
/ > r' 3 -2 00f
I > i ■3.001'
5 -3.761'
1 1
0 1 3
5 G 7 8 9 4 10 11 12
Number of turns
Fig. 47.—Mutual induction of the two flat spiral coils of an oscillation transformer.

Two ribbon-wound spirals of the dimensions given on the curve sheet

were used; the number of turns in one spiral was fixed at 12, while the
Sliding contact on the other was used to vary its number of turns as indi
cated on the curve sheet—the value of M was measured for various sepa
rations of the two spirals. The results shown in Fig. 41 indicate the
higher values of M obtainable when the radial depth of the winding of
the spiral is smaller.


General Idea of Capacity.—The electrostatic capacity of a body may

may be thought of either in terms of the quantity of electricity stored
for a given potential difference between the two surfaces constituting the
condenser or in terms of the energy in the electrostatic field, the value
of this capacity, in farads, being equal to twice the energy of the field,
measured in joules, when the potential difference is one volt.
There may be still another idea of capacity when looking at a circuit
from the standpoint of electrical reactions, just as there is for inductance
and resistance. When a current flows in a circuit the circuit will generate
counter forces called reacting forces or reactions. If the current flowing
is one ampere the amount of reacting force set up in phase opposition to
the current, in volts, is the resistance of the circuit in ohms—the reacting
force set up in phase with the current is the negative resistance of the cir
cuit, the reacting force set up 90° behind the current is the inductance
reaction in volts, and the reacting force set up 90° ahead of the current
is the capacity reaction. The capacity and inductance are calculated from
their respective reactions, 2~Jc anc' ^"f^, / being known. The reactions
may be caused by ordinary coils, condensers, and wires, but it must be
remembered that in special cases a circuit may give capacity reaction when
there are no condensers, and it may give inductance reaction when there
are no coils present. Thus an overexcited synchronous motor is electrically
equivalent to a condenser; a tuned electrostatic telephone when excited
at certain frequencies develops (due to its motion) an inductance reaction
and there are no coils used in the telephone.
It must also be remembered that the capacity of a body in general
changes with the frequency. Not only does the viscous action of the
dielectric decrease the effective specific inductive capacity constant as
the frequency is increased, but in many circuits, the capacity of which
is under consideration, the potential distribution changes with frequency,
and as the electrostatic energy (hence capacity) depends upon the potential
distribution, the capacity may be expected to change with frequency.
The formula given herewith are good only for stationary charges; if
the circuit considered is electrically long, the values obtained from these
formula? are not correct except at very low frequencies. The capacity
calculated from these formula; is in centimeters; to change to micro-
micro-farads (nnf) the values obtained must be divided by 0.9 and to get
milli-micro-farads the values must be divided by 900. Where the abbrevi
ation log is used the natural logarithm (to base e) is intended.

Capacity of a Conducting, Isolated, Sphere in Air.—

C = r cm (22)
where r = radius of sphere in cm.

Capacity of Two Flat, Circular Parallel Plates in Air.—

c=MV+^{hg—d^+dha—+1)\cm-> • • (23)

r = radius of plates in cm.;

t = thickness of plates in cm. ;
d = separation of plates in cm. ,

Capacity of Two Flat Plates (approximate Formula).—

C=^cm <*)

K = specific inductive capacity of dielectric;

A = area of one side of one plate in sq. cm.;
d= separation of plates in cm.

Single Vertical Wire, Proximity to Earth Neglected.—

cm. (25)
2 log I

1= length in cm.;
r= radius in cm.
In several experiments with the lower end of the wire close to the
earth, the measured capacity exceeded that calculated from the formula
by about 10 per cent.

Single Horizontal Wire, Earth for Other Plate.—

C=—~cm (26)

1 = length of wire in cm.;

h = height of wire above earth;
r = radius of wire, same units as used for h.

This formula assumes the charge in the wire distributes itself uniformly
over the periphery. Actually the lower side of the wire has a slightly

greater density of charge than the upper side, resulting in a formula in

hyperbolic functions.
cm. (27)
2 cosh-1-

When h/r =5 Formula (27) gives a result 15 per cent greater than does
(26). For greater values of h/r the discrepancy between the two is less.
In general whenever two wires are so close together that the separation
is not more than 5 times their diameter, hyperbolic functions are required
for precise results, rather than the ordinary logarithmic formulae, for either
the inductance or capacity. In practice the ratio of h/r is much greater
than 5 except for one or two cases, such as the wires of a telephone cable, etc.
Mutual Capacity of Two Horizontal Wires, Such as Two Wires of
an Antenna.—

epi 4 d2
cm., . . (28)

where I = length of one wire;

h = height of each wire;
r = radius of wire;
d = distance between wires.

The mutual capacity is not the same as the capacity of the two wires
regarded as the two plates of a condenser, one charged positively while
the other is charged nega
tively. It really represents
a decrease in the capacity
of one of the wires with re
spect to earth caused by the
presence of the field of the
other. In Fig. 48 this point 11 1; i i i > i i
is illustrated; the normal
field of wire a to earth is
shown by the full lines and Fia. 48.—Diagram illustrating the "overlapping"
that of wire b is shown by of the electric fields of two antenna wires.
dotted lines, and it is evi
dent that the two fields overlap. The total capacity of these two wires,
to earth, is diminished to some extent by this overlapping of the two
individual fields, and a measure of the decrease in capacity is given by
the value of M from Eq. (28).

Capacity of Two Horizontal Overhead Wires with Respect to Each

Other.—This is the case of using the two wires of Fig. 48, one as one side
of a condenser and the other one for the other side of the condenser.

C = —^cm, (29)
4 log -
where / = length of one wire in cm.;
d = separati an of the two wires;
r = radius of the wire in same unit as d.
This formula supposes the distance between the wires is small compared to
the height above the earth ; for wires close to the earth, compared to their
separation, this formula gives values of C too low.
Capacity of Two-wire Antenna.—This is the case of the two wires of
Fig. 48 being connected together and their capacity with respect to earth
being determined. It is equal to twice the capacity of one wire with
respect to ground (Eq. (26)) diminished by the mutual capacity of the two
wires (Eq. (28)).
In case the two wires are far apart the value of capacity is twice that
of one wire, and as the wires approach each other the capacity decreases,
until when the two wires touch, their combined capacity is not greatly
in excess of that of a single wire.
It is interesting to note that the self-induction of a pair of wires (the
two wires of an antenna, for example) increases as the wires approach,
whereas the capacity of the pair diminishes. In fact the variation is
nearly reciprocal, so that the product of L and C of the pair is independent
of the spacing of the two wires.
The foregoing formulae for capacity of wires with respect to earth are
not very accurate, not being corrected for end effects, etc. It docs not
seem worth while to use more elaborate formula?, however, because the
presence of foreign bodies in the electrostatic fields of antennaj, such as
trees, masts, stays, etc., influences the value of capacity to a large extent.
Also the height of a wire is ambiguous; this height is really to be measured
to conducting earth (wet) and the height of the wires above wet earth
may not be easy to determine.
Recently Austin1 has given an empirical formula for the capacity
of an antenna, the formula apparently being fairly accurate (say within
10 per cent) for any ordinary form of antenna. It is
C=(36VJ+7.97'£)cm (29a)

A =area of the antenna in sq. meters;

h = mean height of the antenna, in meters.
1 Louis W. Austin, Calculation of antenna capacity, Proc. I. R. E., Vol. 8, No. 2.

In case the length of the antenna is more than eight times the
breadth a slight additional correction is necessary, this increase being
, , length „ „
In calculating A, the length of the antenna is multiplied by its
breadth, the area thus obtained being of course much greater than the
actual surface of the antenna wires. With the ordinary antenna a spac
ing of one meter between wires will give a capacity about 90 per cent of
that which would be obtained if sufficient wires were used to completely
fill the space occupied by the antenna, so that neighboring wires touched
each other.

Capacity of a Multiplate Condenser.—

C= w cm (30)

A = area of one side of one plate in sq. cm. ;

n = total number of plates;
d = separation of plates in cm.;
K — specific inductive capacity of dielectric.
Various Forms of Variable Condenser.—It is in general more con
venient to make a condenser continuously variable than to make an
inductance of that kind, hence the tuning of a radio circuit is generally
accomplished by using fixed steps of inductances and a continuously vari
able condenser. These variable condensers are made with either sliding
plates, one set of plates moving in groves in insulating blocks, or with
rotating plates, one set of plates being mounted on a shaft.
If the sliding plates are rectangular (and move parallel to one side)
or the rotating plates are circular (with shaft on which they rotate in the
center), then the amount of capacity in the condenser will vary directly
with the amount of movement (sliding or rotation) of the moving plates
and the calibration curve will be a straight line. This straight line will
not pass through the zero-zero point, because even with zero scale setting
there is still an appreciable capacity in the condenser.
It is many times convenient to have the capacity vary with the setting
to some other power than the first; thus if it is used in a wave meter
(see Chapter X) it is convenient to have the capacity vary as the square of
the setting and the wave length scale will then be a straight line. For
other purposes it is convenient to have a logarithmically vaiying capacity
so that a scale division everywhere represents the same percentage change
in capacity. Both of these variations of capacity are obtainable in rotat
ing plate condensers by properly shaping the rotating plates and suitably
placing the shaft in which they turn.

Two typical calibration curves are shown in Fig. 49, for semicircular
plates with central shaft, and for specially formed plates, with displaced
shaft. In the first the capacity varies directly as the angle of the movable
plates and in the second the scale reading is proportional to the logarithm
of the capacity.
Losses Occurring in Condensers.—When a condenser is used in a high-
frequency circuit there are various losses which occur, all of which are
detrimental and to be avoided if possible. The losses may be due to
actual leakage from one plate to the other through or around the dielec-

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 1G0 170 ISC

Setting ol rotating plate, in degrees
Fig. 49.—Calibration curves of typical condensers used in radio apparatus.
trie, to dielectric hysteresis, to I2R loss in the conducting plates of the
condensers, and due to corona losses from the edges of the plates. When
a condenser is used in a receiving circuit (low voltage) only the first three
sources of loss exist.
For an air condenser constructed with rugged plates of negligible
resistance all of the losses in the condenser properly are negligible except
at voltages high enough to give corona loss. However, the supports,
terminals, etc., of the air condenser must be mounted on very good insu
lators, otherwise an appreciable resistance may be incurred due to the
dielectric hysteresis and leakage at these points. Quartz or high-grade
porcelain should be used at these points.

Condensers using glass, paper, rubber, or mica for the dielectric have
some dielectric losses, although this loss in a well-constructed mica con
denser (air and moisture excluded) seems to be very small; the dielectric
losses in paper and some grades of glass are high. Dry oil is in general a
very good dielectric with very low losses; the oil has an added advantage
over a solid dielectric, in that a disruptive breakdown does not spoil the
condenser, the oil repairing itself with no deleterious effects unless sufficient
arcing occurs in the oil to produce considerable carbonization. A good
grade of mineral oil is generally used, but the author has found castor
oil to be excellent, having a high dielectric strength, low losses, and having
such a high specific inductive capacity as to give about twice as much
capacity as the same amount of mineral oil. The value of K for various
dielectrics is shown in Table XI.
Specific Inductive Capacity op Materials Used More Generally in Radio
Condensers (Measurements at Low Frequency)

Material Value of JC Material Value of JC

Ebonite 2.5-3.5 4.38
Ebonite 1 .9 at about 4X107 cycles. 4.50
Glass, density: Resin 2.50
2.5-4.5 5-10 Shellac 3.0-3.7
Glass, density: Castor oil 4.7
2.5-4.5 2 .7 at about 5X10' cycles. Olive oil 3.1
Gutta percha .... 3.3-4.9 Petroleum oil . . . 2.1
Mica 4.6-8.0 Vaseline 2.2
Paraffin wax 2.0-2.5

Formica, bakelite, bakelite-dilecto, and such compounds have a value of K of about

5, generally lying between 5 and 6.
It must be remembered when using solid dielectric condensers that
practically all such materials as glass, rubber, paper, wax, etc., very rapidly
lose their insulating properties as the temperature increases. In fact the
operation of most solid dielectric condensers becomes unstable above a
certain voltage; above this critical voltage the condenser will soon break
down if left connected to the circuit. This is due to the cumulative effect
of the losses in causing temperature rise, the higher the temperature the
higher the losses become, thus again increasing the temperature. Some
special paper condensers passed a puncture test of 4000 volts successfully,
but upon being connected to a 2000 volts 60-cycle line every one out of
the twelve tested broke down in less than twenty minutes. The same
experience was had to an even more marked degree with a lot of mica

It must also be remembered that a condenser passing a voltage test

successfully when tested in a 60-cycle line may break down after a few
minutes' operation on a high-frequency circuit with a voltage only a small
fraction of the 60-cycle voltage which it withstood successfully. In
certain parts of a vacuum tube the glass (as dielectric) is subjected to
high-potential gradients at high frequency and it shows losses many
times as great as might be expected from low-frequency tests.
Even quartz, which is one of the best dielectrics, shows this effect;
a certain piece required 46,000 volts to puncture when the voltage was
continuous, whereas it broke down at 18,000 volts (effective) after being
connected to a 500-cycle line for a few minutes.
Equivalent Series or Shunt Resistance of a Condenser.—All of the
losses in a condenser can be grouped together and represented by a certain
hypothetical series resistance; the value of this resistance will, in general,
be different for different frequencies. Thus in Fig. 50 let a represent a

dielectric . ■hunt

PiQ. 50.—A condenser with imperfect dielectric may be represented by one having per
fect dielectric in series with, or shunted by, a suitable resistance.

condenser which is drawing a current of 2 amperes at a certain frequency,

and has a total power loss due to all causes of 7.5 watts. Then this
faulty condenser can be well enough represented by a perfect condenser
b (of the same capacity as a) having no losses, but having in series with
itself a non-inductive resistance R, such that the charging current of con
denser b, flowing through this resistance, will dissipate the same amount of
power as is lost in the faulty condenser o. For the case cited above we
shall have R=-^= 1.88 ohms. The faulty condenser might also be
replaced by a perfect condenser and a suitable leak, or shunt, resistance.
If the voltage in the condenser is E, the loss in a shunt resistance is E2/r,
so in c, Fig. 50, is shown this arrangement and for the case cited, if the
voltage is 5000 volts the proper shunt resistance is obtained by putting
5000! = 7.5 or r=^=3.34Xl06 ohms.
r 7.5

These simple calculations hold only for condenser of low power factor,
say 0.02 or less, but as all good radio condensers have a lower power factor
than this the method outlined above is accurate enough. The relation
between the equivalent series resistance and equivalent shunt resistance
is obtained from the relations (which, it must be remembered, hold good
for low power factor condensers only)

PR=u2C2E2R = —,
r=o^#' (31)

R being the series resistance and r the shunt resistance.

For most dielectrics the equivalent series resistance varies inversely
with the frequency, indicating a constant energy loss per cycle.
Characteristics of Ordinary Power Condensers.—Tests made by
L. W. Austin on various condensers used for the transmitting circuits of
radio sets gave results as shown in Table XII. The tests were made at
14,500 volts and 300,000 cycles with damped wave excitation of 120 sparks
per second.

Capacity in 10" • Equivalent series

Kind of Condenser Power Factor farads resistance in ohms
.001 5.8 .14
.003 6.0 .28
.004 5.4 .41
.005 4.2 .58
.006 5.5 .57
.016 6.1 1.4
.023 4.1 2.9
.024 5.8 2.2

In the case of the compressed-air condenser it is probable that practi

cally all of the loss was attributable to dielectric losses in the insulated
lead-in wire. At the voltages used it seems that the ordinary Leyden
jar used in radio sets has considerable corona or leakage loss, because
immersion in oil cut the losses to about 20 per cent of the value in air.
Mica condensers were not tested at this time, but recent tests give them
an efficiency rating nearly equal to the compressed air.
Test made by E. F. W. Alexanderson, using a high-frequency alternator
for source of power, shows power factors greatly in excess of the values
given by Austin's results. Some of the values obtained by Alexanderson
are given in the accompanying table; the frequency used varied from

20 kilocycles to 90 kilocycles, and the potential gradient from 5000 volts

per cm. to 20,000 volts per cm. The power factor for most of the
dielectrics tested increased somewhat with frequency increase, the amount
of increase begin small for the better dielectrics; thus the power factor
for mica was constant within the range of frequency used, while glass
increased from .013 to .016. All of the samples showed an increase of
power factor with increased potential gradients, a slow increase at first,
then more rapidly until rupture occurred; glass, e.g., increased its power
factor from .013 to .015 with a change in potential gradient from 5000
to 12,000 volts per cm., and when the gradient was further increased to
19,000 volts per cm. the power factor rose to .054.
For a gradient of 10,000 volts per cm. and frequency of 50,000 cycles
the results obtained were as follows:

Material Power Factor Watte loss per cm. cube

Built-up mica .... .019 .15
Glass .014 .25
Paper .021 26
Varnished cambric .031 .35

The mica used was built up from small mica sheets and some binding
cement; it seems likely that the losses in the cement and possible small
air cavities caused more loss than did the mica itself; the small temperature
rise in a good mica condenser built especially for radio work would indicate
that a comparatively small part of the loss found by Alexanderson was
due to losses in the mica itself, unless a poor grade had been used. He
found some samples of built-up mica with a power factor as high as .07 ;
it would seen likely that a lot of air was trapped in this sample. Some
recent tests have indicated a power factor in mica as low as .0003.
It will be noticed that there is a considerable difference between Austin's
results and those of Alexanderson; e.g., glass gave power factors of .005
and .014, in the different measurements. The difference is probably
attributable to the different quality of glass used and also to the fact that
different methods of experimentation were used; in one case the material
was subjected to the loss continuously and in the other for only a small
fraction of the time. Alexanderson used continuous wave excitation and
Austen a 120-cycle spark; the resulting temperature rise was undoubtedly
different in the two tests.
Most of the solid dielectrics using bakelite for base have a power factor
(at radio frequencies) of about 4 per cent. Some show a power factor,
increasing with age of the material, the power factor of some of them
increases with increase in frequency and in others a decrease of power
factor occurs.

Phase Difference of a Condenser.—In a good condenser the angle of

current lead, <f>, is very nearly 90°; the power factor of the condenser is
the cosine of this angle, <£, or it may be put equal to sin ^, where tp = 90° — <f>.
This angle >p is called the phase difference of the condenser, and it is evi
dent that if ^ is only 1° or 2° that the power factor of the condenser,
cos <£ = sin yj/=rp, hence, the power used- in a condenser is readily given
in terms of \f/.
Power used
= EI cos <(> = EI\/, = wCE2} (32)
The power factor of the condenser
= RwC (33)
The phase difference of a condenser to be used for radio work should never
exceed 2°; a greater value indicates excessive dielectric loss.
Phase Difference Caused by Dielectric loss is Constant for a Given
Material.—The dielectric loss in most dielectrics varies with the square
of the potential gradient in the dielectric, other quantities being fixed;
this merely states the fact that the power factor of the condenser is inde
pendent of the voltage. Such has been found to be true for most materials,
for voltages well below the rupturing strength of the dielectric. If then
we have a condenser (of certain capacity), made with a certain dielectric,
it will produce a certain loss, no matter how much or how little of the
dielectric we use. Thus if we double the thickness of the dielectric
(cutting the gradient in half) we must increase the area of the dielectric
by two, thus using four times the volume of the dielectric as before. With
the gradient cut in two the dielectric loss per unit volume is cut to one-
fourth, but as we have four times the volume the total loss is the same.
It seems then that the efficiency of a condenser cannot be improved
by using more or less dielectric; a better dielectric must be substituted
if the phase difference, ^, is to be reduced. Fig. 51 serves well to illus
trate this point, the curves showing the experimentally determined resist
ance and capacity of a variable condenser having ebonite for the dielectric.
The condenser showed the product 72C=14XlO-9 everywhere through
out the scale; the test was performed at 25,000 cycles, giving a value
for ^=.0022. In this condenser, therefore, the current leads the voltage
by an angle of 89.874°.
Internal Capacity of a Two-layer Solenoid.—A certain single-layer sole
noid had an inductance of 1000 uph at 600 meters; another solenoid was
at hand which had the same dimensions as the first, but it had two layers of
wire instead of one, giving it twice as many turns. Tested at 1000 cycles
it showed an inductance slightly more than four times as great as the single

layer solenoid, as it should, but when tested at 500,000 cycles it acted like
a condenser, not like an inductance; in fact it ceased to act like an induc
tance for frequencies above 200,000 cycles. This peculiar behavior was
caused by the internal capacity of the coil; this internal capacity may
be represented to a certain degree of approximation, as a condenser
connected in parallel with the terminals of the coil. It is then evident
that above a certain frequency the current taken to charge the condenser

01234 6 6 7 8 9 lu
Position of rotating plates
Fia. 51.—Variation of equivalent series resistance of a radio condenser having ebonite

will be greater than the current through the coil itself, making the com
bination circuit act like a condenser, of capacity varying with the frequency.
The calculation of the internal capacity of a coil is most conveniently
carried out by calculating the electrostatic energy stored in the coil for
a given voltage; the value of C is then at once obtained. The capacity
of the two-layer solenoid referred to above will first be calculated. Fig.
52 depicts the arrangement of the electrostatic and magnetic fields of the
coil when current is flowing through it; when the impressed e.m.f. is
continuous, the difference in potential between the two layers varies
directly as the distance from the end where the two layers connect together,

being zero at this point. When the impressed e.m.f. is alternating, this
potential difference between the two layers is no longer a straight line
variation but varies more rapidly in the center of the coil; the exact form
of this potential difference curve varies with the frequency and with the
shape of the coil.
End where layers are
connected together
O O O Q.connec
6 6 6 dyy
Magnetic field-*^.
Klrrtro static field

Fig. 52.—Magnetic and electric fields in an ordinary two-layer solenoid.

It is noticed that the capacity of the coil is essentially that of two

concentric cylinders, the separation of these two cylinders being determined
by the average separation of the wire on the two layers of the coil, being
perhaps four times the thickness of insulation of the wire, for wire and
insulation with relative proportions as shown in Fig. 53; this is about
the right scale for No. 24 double cotton-covered wire. With such wire

Cotton insulation

Fig. 53.—Electric field between neighboring conductors of a two layer solenoid.

then we can calculate the capacity by replacing the actual coil by two
conducting cylinders having the same diameter and length as the coil,
and separated by a distance equal to four times the thickness of insula
tions of the wire. As the separation of the cylinders is so small compared
to the diameter, the capacity may be calculated by using the formula for
flat plates. Hence we get
r 2rrlK rlK ....

where r = mean radius of coil in cm.;

1 = length of coil in cm.;
t = thickness of insulation in cm. ;
K = specific inductive capacity of dielectric.
If the coil is impregnated with shellac,
A' = 3.
Eq. (34) gives the capacity for static charges, the two cylinders being
insulated from one another; in the coil, however, the two cylindrical
surfaces are actually connected together at one end. The problem then
resolves itself in one of determining the equivalent capacity of two
cylinders having a potential difference of zero at one end and E volts at

Electric fleldt

Fia. 54.—Variation in potential difference between the layers of a two layer solenoid,
at low frequency.

the other. The diagram in Fig. 54 gives the elements of the problem;
two plates, capacity per unit length =-777 with potential difference as
represented by the e curve in the upper part of Fig. 54. The energy
stored in an element of length of the condenser is,
rK e2 _rKE2/ x\
m \ I)
The total work stored in the electrostatic field,
rKE2 2 _rKE2 I
dX~ Wt 3'
m TH)
Now we define capacity in a problem like this by putting the total
energy stored in the field equal to ^ where C is the capacity we desire
to calculate.
_ C'E2 rKEH „, rKl
^^ = -48T°rC=24r (35)

By comparison with Eq. (34) we see that the equivalent capacity of

such a coil, assuming uniform change in the potential gradient from one

end to the other, is equal to one-third of the static capacity of the two
The actual distribution of potential differences between the two layers
is more nearly as shown in the curve of Fig. 55; such a distribution will
result in C" being somewhat smaller than the value obtained in Eq. (35).
Internal Capacity of a Multiple-layer Coil.—A multilayer coil con
structed with an air space between each layer may have a comparatively
small internal capacity in spite of the fact that it has 10 or 20 layers of
winding; a short analysis shows that the internal capacity, as a matter
of fact, decreases with an increase in the number of layers. If the capacity

Fig. 55.—Potential difference between the two layers of a two layer solenoid at high

between two adjacent layers of the coil is C then the internal capacity
of a coil having N layers is nearly C/N, as will be shown.
The electrostatic field in such a coil has a distribution about as shown
in Fig. 56, which represents a cross-section through the winding of an air-
spaced coil, having 8 layers. The cross-section is shown through one. side
of the coil only, the other side of the coil would be similar.
If a voltage of E volts is impressed across the terminals of the coil,
the voltage between adjacent layers (at the ends where the two layers
are not connected) is E+N/2.
Let the normal geometrical capacity between two adjacent layers be
C, this is the capacity between two cylinders, insulated from one another,
of same dimensions as the layers of wire, and spaced by the space between
the two layers of wire. If the potential gradient between two adjacent
layers is assumed to vary uniformly from a maximum at one end to zero
at the other (where the two layers connect together) as illustrated in Fig.
54 the energy between two adjacent layers is found by integration to be
C~™. As there are N— 1 spaces between layers where this much energy
2 Z?2C
is stored the total energy stored is (N— 1) «

Now if we consider a condenser made up of two cylinders having the

same dimensions and spacing as the inner and outer layers of the coil, its

Axis of the coll

Fia. 56.—Electric field distribution in a multilayer coil.

times as thick between the innermost and outermost layers as it is between

two adjacent layers. The stored energy in such a condenser would be

I C \E2
\N-l) 2 '

But from the previous paragraph the stored energy in the coil is actu
2ff2C_ /N-1\22E2( C \
( }3N2 \ N ) 3 \N-lJ'

from which it follows that the equivalent internal capacity of a multilayer

capacity between the inner and outer

layers, that is


where Co = capacity from inside to outside layer.

This capacity calculation neglects the " edge effect " which may
increase the actual capacity over that given by Eq. (36) by as much as
100 per cent, depending upon the shape of coil.
In calculating the separation of the inner and outer layers the thick
ness of wire in the intermediate layers must not be included; thus if the
space between the surfaces of the wires of two adjacent layers is 0.5 mm.
and there are ten layers, the space between the inner and outer layers is
4.5 mm.
To keep the capacity low it is very necessary to keep the adjacent
layers separated by an appreciable air space; if this space is too small
the internal capacity is high, and the coil cannot be used at as high a
frequency as it is possible with a coil of equal inductance having a low
internal capacity. If paper, oiled cloth, wax, shellac, or similar dielectric
is used to separate the different layers there will be an appreciable dielec
tric loss in this material (thereby decreasing the efficiency of the coil)
and the internal capacity will be increased by a factor equal to the specific
inductive capacity of the material used. The bad effects of the dielectric
used between layers increase as the amount of external tuning capacity
is decreased.
It might seem from the previous reasoning that a large air space would
be advisable, but such is not the case; as the air space is increased the
value of inductance for a given amount of wire is decreased, the ratio of
L to R being greater the more compact the coil. Just what air space is
best the author has not determined, but with a coil made of well-stranded
radio-cable an air space equal to the diameter of the cable has seemed
Natural Period of Multilayer Coils.—It is possible to calculate the
natural period of the air-spaced coils with a fair degree of precision, per
haps within 10 per cent. The capacity to be used in making the cal
culation is considerably greater than the value given in Eq. (36) because
of the edge effects and a redistribution of potential in the coil. For.
some coils having a square cross-section of winding, outer radius about
SO per cent greater than the inner radius, the natural period could be
determined by using for L its low-frequency value and for C just twice

the value calculated from Eq. (36). As examples of how well the pre
diction may be made the data for two coils are given herewith.

CoU No. 1. CoU No. 2.

Inner radius 4.7 cm. 4.7
5.5 cm. 6.3
2 . 5 cm. 2.5
10 18
736 740
.060 cm. .033 cm.
Calculated capacity, Eq. (36) 14.2X10-18 16.2X10-"
Low frequency inductance 66.2X10-* 72. 2 X 10-'
Calculated natural frequency 1.09x10s 1.11X10*
Measured natural frequency 1. 16X106 1.05X10*

The natural period of a multilayer coil docs not increase rapidly with
increase in inductance. Thus if the number of layers in such a coil is
doubled, the inductance is increased nearly four times, but, as the capacity
has been decreased to only half its previous value, the natural period has
been increased only about 40 per cent.


Wave Motion.—Since the transmission of intelligence by radio is

brought about by sending out so-called electromagnetic waves, and since
the transmission of these waves is somewhat similar to that of other kinds
of waves, such as light, sound, heat, water, etc., we will first discuss wave-
motion in a simple manner and then apply this to electromagnetic wave-
In wave-motion a stress is transmitted from one point to another in an
clastic medium without any permanent displacement of the medium itself
in the direction in which the stress is transmitted. Thus, if a pebble be
dropped in a still pond at A, an up-and-down motion of the water will
l)e set up at A, which will be transmitted to a point at B, without any
motion of the water itself in the direction A-B, as evidenced by the fact
that a float placed between A and B will not be displaced toward B.1
In the case of water waves the pebble dropped at A, Fig. 1, will dis
place the water directly under A to the right and left (in fact in all direc-
Febble dropped here
D Surface of water

Fig. 1.—Cross-section through surface of water, immediately after pebble has been
dropped at A.

tions) towards B and C, and will produce the bulges at B and C known
as " crests." These bulges are due to the fact that the water displaced from
A tends to raise the level all around A, but, on account of inertia, this
cannot be done quickly enough, with the result that the level is raised
most at B and C, and hence the " crests."
Considering the disturbances to the right of A alone, the particles of
water in the space EBD will, because of gravitational forces, seek the
average level of the water, and, in so doing, the bulge EBD will be made to
1 If a wave is so high as to " break," i.e., an impure wave, this statement is not
quite true.

disappear, and a depression will be created thereat due to the fact that,
on account of inertia, the particles move beyond the average " level posi
tion." Not only is this the case, but the particles to the right of D will,
one after the other, be urged, as if elastically tied together, to perform
motions similar to those of the particles within EBD, so that a crest will
presently appear to the right of D at the same time that a depression or
" trough " is created in the region EBD. The result is that a " trough "
and a " crest " of a wave will appear to move in all directions, away from
the center of disturbance at A, and with a definite velocity.
It must be understood that the motion of the particles is limited to
a small region around their positions of equikbrium, and that the wave
is propagated by imparting this motion to one particle after the other,
while each particle, after the disturbance has passed, remains in practically
the same position as it originally occupied.
An exact analysis of the motions of the particles is extremely complex
and will not be attempted here, but we will give certain well-known ele
mentary facts regarding it because of the analogy between certain points
regarding water waves and electromagnetic waves.
Theory indicates and experiment corroborates that the water particles
within the path of a wave execute motions which are in the simplest cases
circular. Taking this case of circular motion of the particles and con
sidering Fig. 2, at C a particle of water will just be passing through the
->. Direction of wavejtravel

Fig. 2.—Motion of the water associated with a wave.

undisturbed level and moving with a velocity V\ in a downward direction,

while at B another particle will be moving with a velocity V2 in a horizontal
direction. Thus, at every point within the volume of the water involved
in the wave propagation each and every particle will be executing a cir
cular motion in a clockwise direction, and the formation of a crest or
trough is the result of various particles being, at any tune, at different
stages of their circular motions. Thus where the particles are moving
horizontally in the same direction as that in which the wave is being prop
agated we obtain a crest, since a large number of particles are then at
or near the top of the circle; where the particles are moving horizon
tally, but in a direction opposite to that of the propagation of the wave a

trough is obtained, since a large number of particles are then at or near

the bottom of the circles representing their respective motions.
Consider now the question of energy of a particle at B; it has a velocity
in the direction of the propagation of the wave, and, furthermore, it is
displaced vertically upward with respect to the undisturbed level of the
water ; such a particle has kinetic energy in the direction of the wave prop
agation plus potential energy with respect to the average level. As the
particle rotates the vertical displacement from the average level becomes
less and less and so does the component of its velocity in the direction of
propagation of the wave; so that when it occupies the position B\, its
potential energy has become zero and so has the kinetic energy in the
direction of the wave propagation. As it moves still further it suffers
a negative displacement and its velocity acquires a component parallel
to direction of propagation of the wave but opposite thereto, so that by
the time it has reached the point B2 its potential and kinetic energy are
equal and opposite in sense to those which it had while at the point B.
It may be shown that the potential energy of a particle at any point
is exactly equal to the kinetic energy in the direction of propagation of
the wave, provided that the wave is not changing shape Because of
this there must be a fixed relation between the displacement of a particle
above or below the undisturbed level of the water and the component of
the velocity of the same particle parallel to the direction of propagation
of the wave.
Again, the total energy of a particle of water (potential and kinetic
in the direction of propagation of the wave) is continually changing as
the wave progresses, the particle in question passing its energy along to
the particle adjacent to it, in the direction of the wave propagation; this
transfer of energy from one particle
to another is the underlying principle
of all wave motion in water. |j|
Electromagnetic Waves. — These -
are due to a disturbance of an electro- .5
magnetic nature and are such that J |p
they produce at points all around the
center of disturbance a varying mag Direction of
wave travel
netic field and a varying electric field.
Thus, if a wire, such as AB (Fig. 3) £1
in space, has an alternating current "
flowing through it for a short interval
of time it will set up an alternating Fio. 3.—Electric and magnetic fields set
magnetic field and an alternating elec- UP at p by wire A~B-
trie field all around itself, which fields,
starting from the vicinity of the conductor, will travel away from it with

the velocity of light. In so far as to set up a magnetic field or an electric

field requires energy, it follows that a certain amount of energy must
be detached from that available in the conductor in order that the electro
magnetic disturbance be created at all. Thus energy is said to be " radi
ated," and the phenomenon itself is known as " electromagnetic radiation "
or simply " radiation."
The electric and magnetic fields of radiation, at any one point, are in
space quadrature, but they are at all times in time phase with each other.
And not only is this the case, but there is a fixed relation between the
values of the electric and magnetic fields at any instant; this relation is
based upon the fact that, in order for the wave of electromagnetic dis
turbance to exist in space the energy, per unit volume of the medium,
possessed by the electric field, must be equal to that possessed by the
magnetic field. Thus the total amount of energy at any one point and
instant is equal to twice that possessed by either field. The value of this
energy is changing as the intensity of the two fields changes, and, as a
matter of fact, the energy is being transferred from one point to the next
by the elastic properties of the medium in which the disturbance travels.
(The discussion of electromagnetic waves here given uses the idea of a
medium as a carrier of the disturbance; to make this medium fill the role
it is supposed to play in modern electron theory it must be considered as
the superimposed electric fields of all the electric charges in the universe.)
The reader will note that this is analogous to the case of water waves,
where, at any point, the potential energy per unit volume is equal to the
kinetic energy in the direction of propagation of the wave, and the total
amount of energy is transferred from point to point within the medium,
thus bringing about the conditions of wave motion.
In the case of water waves or electromagnetic waves if, at any point,
some of the energy in one of the two forms (potential and kinetic for water,
and electric and magnetic for electromagnetic waves) be withdrawn from
the space wherein the wave exists, part of the energy in the other form
will be immediately transformed into the former, with the result that
equality of the two forms of energy will still apply, but the crests and
troughs of the water waves will not be as high as before, nor will the
amplitude of the electric and magnetic field intensities be as large as
It must be noted that this phenomenon is different from that of the
creation of the ordinary magnetic or electric field around the conductor,
which field never reaches far from the conductor (with appreciable inten
sity), and does not represent energy permanently removed from the con
ductor, since the variation of this field induces electromotive forces in
the conductor, and thus an exchange of energy is kept up between the con
ductor and the field. This field is known as " induction field " to dis

tinguish it from the " radiation field," wherein we are more vitally inter
In the case of the " radiation field " at any point such as P, Fig. 3,
the magnetic field would act along PD and the electric field along the
line PC at right angles to PD, while the disturbance would travel in the
direction of the arrow at right angles to both PC and PD. Both fields
change in value and in direction in accordance with the variations of the
current in the conductor producing the disturbance; if this is harmonic
the two fields will change harmonically. At some other point such as
Pi the disturbance will arrive a little later than at P with the result that
the fields at P and Pi are out of phase, the phase difference depending
upon the frequency and the velocity of propagation.
Considering one of the two fields, say the magnetic, and plotting the
instantaneous value of the field against distance from the conductor of
Fig. 3 we would obtain a curve such as A in Fig. 4, which applies to any

Fio. 4.—Illustrating one "wave length."

particular instant of time. A little later the plot of the field would be
given by the curve B in so far as the intensity at every point in space
will by then have varied so as to make the new curve possible. The wave
has thus been shifted in the direction of the arrow by the amount C. If
we plot a number of such curves we would find that the wave has shifted
the distance X, by the time the magnetic field has completed a cycle. We
thus have that if :
X = wave length in cms.;
u = velocity of propagation of wave in cms./sec;
/ = frequency of the field in cycles/sec. ;
Time for one cycle =j
. 1
and x=r;
v=\f, (1)
which is the fundamental relation for any wave propagation.

Velocity of Propagation.—For electromagnetic waves this is equal,

as already stated, to the velocity of light when the wave is being
propagated through air, but in general, for any medium, we have the
V = velocity of light in vacuum ;
v= velocity of propagation of wave in any homogeneous medium;
H= magnetic permeability of the medium;
k= specific inductive capacity (inductivity of medium).

v= (2)

since for air n = 1 and k = l, v= V.

This formula neglects any possible effect on the velocity of propagation,
of any losses occurring in the medium, due to conduction, hysteresis or
dielectric losses, etc.
As shown by Eq. (2) the velocity of propagation is dependent only
upon the nature of the medium through which the wave is moving (its
magnetic and electric constants), and is not effected by the wave length
or by the frequency. Thus, in considering the conductor AB of Fig. 5,

Radiation from a ships

antenna near a shore

TV Surface of ocean

On striking the mountain at A, part of the energy

is reflected and part transmitted into the earth,
with low velocity and high attenuation
Fig. 5.—Energy radiated from an antenna is subject to the same laws of reflection,
refraction, and absorption as ordinary light.

as the source of an electromagnetic wave, this wave would spread out in

the direction of C with the velocity of light, but in passing through the
mountain to the left the velocity would be lower. If instead of a mountain
we should have a sheet of metal for which the value of k is infinitely large,
V '0,

that is, the wave would stop completely; 1 the energy of the wave would
1 This conclusion is not strictly accurate; the velocity in such a case would be much
less than the velocity of light, but would not be zero. The discrepancy arises from
the very elementary viewpoint from which wave motion is here considered.

be partly absorbed by the metal in the production of electric currents

therein and partly reflected back. Not only would the wave travel in
the direction C and D, but in every other direction, up into the air in
the direction of F and J, and into the water and earth in the direction of
L and G.
As the wave travels outward some cf the energy is absorbed by the
medium if this be other than air; even in air there is some absorption of
energy, especially in daylight, due to ionization making it partially con
ducting; and, in other materials, losses are produced by the varying electric
and magnetic fields which absorb energy from the wave itself. The result
of this is, of course, that a distance is soon reached where practically
no more energy is available and the disturbance ceases to be communi
cated (in measurable intensity) any further. The distance over which
a certain amount of energy will travel through air, even in daylight, before
being absorbed is, of course, much greater than through solid matter or
even liquid, due to the fact that the losses (eddy currents, magnetic hys
teresis, dielectric hysteresis, etc.) are greater than in air.
In cases where a wave travels in the direction of C (Fig. 5) through
the air there are parts of the wave which are close to the water (or earth,
as the case may be) ; it follows (from Eq. (2)) that these parts cannot travel
as fast as the rest and, therefore, lag behind, and the surface bounding
the advancing wave in the air is distorted, the parts nearer the water
reaching a given distance from the transmitting station later than some
other part of the wave which is more distant from the absorbing medium
(earth, or sea). This makes the wave front " lean over " as the wave
Various Types of Waves.—While the discussion given above has been
of a purely theoretical nature, the reader will understand that in radio
communication it is by means of electromagnetic waves that the trans
mission of intelligence is effected, and that these waves are produced by
sending suitable currents through one or more suitably arranged wires
forming what is known as the " antenna," or " radiating system." Thus,
an operator at the transmitting station will, on depressing a key, send
through the radiating system a current which will start an electromagnetic
disturbance and cause an electromagnetic wave to be " radiated." Such
a wave will travel in air with the velocity of light and produce all around
the radiating system an alternating electric field and an alternating mag
netic field which may be made, at a suitable receiving station, to actuate
suitable instruments for the detection of such a wave; and in this manner
the pressing of the key at the transmitting station will be signaled to the
receiving station. The details of a transmitting and receiving set are
given later on in this chapter and further discussed in other chapters.
Various types of electromagnetic waves may be sent out by a radiating

system, depending upon the kind of current used to produce the waves.
Thus, two systems of radio transmission are at present in use, which are
distinguished by two different kinds of waves. These are known as
" Undamped wave " and " Damped wave " systems. In the former the
current which is made to flow through the antenna when the operator
presses his key is an alternating current of constant amplitude (undamped),
so that the waves produced are such that at any point in space the maxi
mum value of the intensity of the electric field and of the magnetic field
is constant as long as the wave is passing.
In the " Damped wave " system, on the other hand, the current sent
into the antenna at the pressing of the key may be represented by the
graph of Fig. 6, from which it may be seen that the waves are sent out in
" trains," each train consisting of a number of waves of diminishing ampli
tude; so that at any point in space the maximum value of the intensity
of the electric and magnetic fields will not be constant but will be damped.

Frequency or wave trains fixed

■g I .by time from C to D

nf 1 flAAfin — A
Frequency of antenna current
Time *■ A B fixed by time from A to B

Fia. 6.—Type of antenna current in a spark station.

The frequency used in radio transmission either for the undamped or

for the damped waves is very high, because more power is radiated by
an antenna at high than at low frequencies. If the currents used for radio
transmission were passed through the coil of a telephone receiver, no audible
sound would be produced, because the diaphragm could not vibrate at
such a high frequency and, even if it did vibrate, the human ear would be
unable to detect any sound. Such frequencies are said to be beyond
the limit of audibility and are known as " radio-frequencies," while the
frequencies which may be " heard " are known as " audio-frequencies."
There is no distinct line of demarkation between these two frequencies,
but it may be stated in a broad manner that the audio-frequency range
is between 40 and 10,000 cycles per second while the radio-frequency
range is between 10,000 and 3,000,000 cycles per second or over.
In view of the fact that in radio-transmission the frequency is a large
number it is more customary to speak of the wave-length of a wave rather
than of its frequency. The wave-length is generally expressed in meters,
Eq. (1) of p. 183 states

. v
or /"

If v is in meters per sec. and / in cycles per sec, then X is in meters.

Since t; = 3Xl08 meters per second the wave-length for 10,000 and
3,000,000 cycles per sec. may easily be found to be

X = ^ = 30,000 meters

and X = jj* |q6 = 100 meters.

Thus the wave-length range for radio-transmission is 30,000 to 100 meters.

The wave-lengths which have been found most suitable for various
kinds of work at present are as follows:
10,000 to 20,000 meters for trans-oceanic communication;
1000 to 10,000 meters for distances between 300 and 1000 miles;
450 to 1000 meters for distances between 50 and 300 miles;
Less than 450 meters for short distances.
Spark Telegraphy.—In the past the production of high-frequency
currents required for radio-transmission has been largely accomplished
by utilizing the high-frequency oscillatory discharge of a condenser associ
ated with a suitable radiating circuit. As the energy initially stored in
the condenser is dissipated in the primary circuit and associated circuits,
the condenser must again be charged and the cycle repeated. In order
that the condenser may be charged to the high potentials required for
large energy storage, and to permit its discharge in a suitable closed cir
cuit of low resistance, that circuit must contain an element whose'resistance
is very high during the charging period, but whose resistance decreases
instantaneously when the condenser discharges and remains at a very low
value during the period of discharge. This requirement is fulfilled by
the ordinary spark gap, the resistance of the gap being very high before
breakdown occurs, but decreasing to a very small value when the gap has
broken down under the increasing potential impressed across its terminals.
The spark gap and spark are thus essential to transmitters generating
high-frequency oscillations by means of condenser discharges, and this
system is therefore designated as " spark telegraphy." The connections
of such a transmitter are indicated in Fig. 7.
The detailed action of this transmitter is discussed in Chapter V, and
is therefore omitted here. By operating the switch, or key, in the alter
nator circuit, the radiated energy may be interrupted, and if this is done
in accordance with a prearranged code, signals may be transmitted to

the distant receiving station. For low-powered stations a storage battery

and small induction coil take the place of the alternator and transformer.
Spark telegraphy is distinguished by the fact that the high-frequency
oscillations are clamped, successive oscillations decreasing in amplitude
to zero. The series of oscillations occurring with each discharge con
stitute a train of waves, and the number of such trains produced per
second is known as the group, or wave-train, frequency, which in practice
may be from 100 to 1000 per second.
Continuous Wave Telegraphy.—Transmission of signals by means of
undamped high-frequency oscillations possesses several advantages, and
this system is rapidly superseding the spark system for large stations of


Oscillation transformer,
transfers nigh frequency
energy from closed
circuit to antenna

Low frequency iron core

transformer increases Ground
alternator voltage
about 104 times
Fio. 7.—Typical connection scheme of a spark transmitting station.

high power, long range, and utilizing the lower radio frequencies. Chief
among the advantages obtained are:
1. A given amount of power in the form of a continuous wave signal
will in general give a louder response in the telephone receivers
than would the same amount of power in the form of spark
signal (due to the characteristics of the receiving circuits).
2. Due to the scheme of reception the interference between stations
is much less for continuous waves than for spark waves.
8. To radiate a given amount of power requires less voltage on
the antennae (hence cheaper antennae construction) for con
tinuous waves than for spark waves, due to the fact that in
one case energy is being continuously radiated, and in the
other case for a small fraction of the time only.
Undamped oscillations may be generated by the high-frequency alter
nator (Alexanderson and Goldschmidt types), the Poulsen arc, a scheme
utilizing saturated iron cores, or the oscillating vacuum tube; all act to
send through the antenna circuit an undamped high-frequency current.
This current may be varied by means of a key, which may interrupt the
supply to the antenna?, or change the frequency of the oscillations

slightly by varying the inductance of the circuit. Both methods are

not equally applicable to all means of generation. (See Chapter VII.)
Radiotelephony.—The war very greatly stimulated the development
of the radio telephone because of the necessity which arose of providing
a rapid and direct communication between aeroplanes and the ground at
all times, vessels of a group of submarine chasers, etc. This need could
be fulfilled satisfactorily only by the radio telephone, and its development
on a practical basis was accordingly greatly accelerated. This refers par
ticularly to small power sets of low range. In 1917 radiophone messages
had been successfully transmitted to land stations at Honolulu and Paris
from Arlington, U. S. A., and in 1919 successful radiophone communica
tion was established between Washington and steamships while the latter
were still several hundred miles at sea,
and also between ground stations and
flying aeroplanes many miles distant. ' Antenna
To transmit radiophone messages
between distant stations requires the
same equipment utilized in continuous
wave telegraphy, i.e., a generator of un- <U\ SvXe^^iiXte.
damped oscillations and associated an- T~ the high frequency power
tenna, plus a "modulating" element (Q) High frequency generator
whose function it is to vary the amplitude
of this high-frequency current in accord- Ground
ance with the sound waves of the voice. ^ g.-IUustrating possibility of
Fig. 8 shows the fundamental idea clearly; varying the amplitude of the high
the amplitude of the high-frequency frequency current in an antenna,
current flowing in the antenna (and by the voice waves,
therefore the power radiated) is varied
in accordance with variations in the transmitter resistance, which in turn
is dependent on the sound vibrations, as sent out by the speaker, impinging
on its diaphragm.
The problems of radiotelephony are those met in connection with the
generation of undamped high-frequency alternating currents and the
modulation of their amplitude in accordance with speech waves.
Receiving Station.—The receiving station consists of an antenna and
associated equipment, which may be tuned so as to absorb a maximum
amount of the energy of the incident electromagnetic waves radiated by
the transmitting station.
Coupled to the antenna is a secondary circuit, also tuned to the incom
ing wave length, and to which is connected the rectifier and phones required
to make the incoming signal audible to the receiving operator. The com
plete connections of a receiving station, consisting of the foregoing elements,
are shown in Fig. 9.

As previously mentioned, by tuning the antenna and secondary cir

cuits to the frequency of the received oscillations, using the variable con
denser or inductance, or both, as required, a maximum amount of the
power transmitted by the incident electromagnetic waves, will be trans
ferred to the receiving circuits. Under these conditions a maximum
current flows in the secondary circuit and hence a maximum voltage will
exist across the terminals of the inductance (L2).
The detecting circuit, consisting of the rectifier and phones, and con
nected across the coil, will thus have a maximum flow of current through
it. The rectifier so acts as to
permit current to flow in only
Detector 01 rectifier, one direction, having a much
permit! flow of current higher resistance in one direc
id one direction only
tion than in the other. For
Telephone receiver! one group of waves, a uni
directional pulse of current is
thus sent through the phones.
Fio. 9.- -Typical receiving station circuit, for Therefore, as the wave trains
reception of spark signals. strike the antennae, pulses of
current flow through the
phones, the diaphragm of which is thus impulsed at group frequency.
These pulses, following one another with the same rapidity as the
sparks occur at the transmitting station, give in the telephone a musical
note, the duration of which depends upon how long the operator at the
transmitting station holds down his sending key.
The receiving circuit described above will receive only damped wave
signals or radiotelephone messages. For undamped wave signal reception
a special receiver is necessary, as the pulse effect obtained with damped
waves is absent, and radio frequencies are too high to be able to move
the phone diaphragm, due to its inertia. Even if an appreciable move
ment of the diaphragm were obtained, no signaling could be accomplished,
as the radio frequencies used are above audibility.
The reception of undamped wave signals is at the present time most
successfully accomplished by producing "beats "of audible frequency,
as is done by the " heterodyne " receiver, embodying a local high-frequency
generator combined with a rectifying device. The dual functions of this
receiver are admirably fulfilled by the vacuum tube and its associated
circuits as illustrated in Fig. 127, p. 514. Various arrangements, as
described in Chapter VIII, have been used to mechanically break
up the steady, high-frequency oscillations into groups occurring at
audio frequency, the most prominent of these devices being the
Goldschmidt tone wheel. Due to its greater selectivity, simplicity,
and sensitiveness, the heterodyne receiver using a vacuum tube as

the generating and detecting element is rapidly superseding these earlier

Selection cf the Desired Signal.—Since a number of other transmitting
stations, within range, may be sending, simultaneously with the station
the signals of which it is desired to receive, the receiving circuit must
possess the ability to " tune out " these other signals which are reaching
the station, and " select " that signal sent by the transmitting station
with which it is desired to communicate. Without this means of selecting
a desired signal to the exclusion of others which would be received at the
same time, the operator would hear only a confusion of dots and dashes
sent by all the different stations.
It has already been shown in Chapter I how the current in a circuit
containing inductance, capacity, and resistance, is made a maximum,
when the natural frequency of the circuit is adjusted to coincide with
the frequency of the impressed e.m.f. This effect is graphically indicated
by the resonance curve plotted in Fig. 53, Chapter I. The adjustment of
the antenna circuit to the frequency of the incoming oscillations, repre
sents an analogous operation, and is called " tuning " the antenna cir
cuit. Thus, by tuning to the frequency of the signals which it is desired
to receive, the current due to this signal is made the maximum, while
the currents flowing in the antenna due to signals sent out from other
stations, which have a frequency different than that of the signal being
received, are relatively much weaker.
The secondary circuit, being also " tuned " to the frequency of the
signal desired, will still further diminish those currents due to the inter
fering transmitting stations, while the current of signal frequency will be
a maximum. This, as pointed out previously, results in a maximum
voltage being impressed on the detector-phone circuit, resulting in maxi
mum rectified current in that circuit, and maximum strength of the signal
which it is desired to receive.
Interference.—'The confusing and clouding of the desired signal due
to signals simultaneously received from undesired stations within whose
range the receiving station is operating, is called ." interference," and, as
pointed out, this " interference " is eliminated in practice by careful
tuning of the several circuits. Several factors determine the extent of
this interference and the completeness with which it may be tuned out.
First. The amount by which the radio frequency of the desired signal
differs from the radio frequencies at which the interfering stations are
sending. If they are widely different, tuning will effectively eliminate
the interfering signals. Where the frequencies are nearly the same or
are the same, it is impossible to tune them out completely and differenti
ation must then be accomplished by means of the characteristics mentioned
below; viz., relative loudness or pitch of the signal note.

Second. The relative strength of the desired signal and signals received
from interfering stations. When the interfering station is relatively
close to the receiving station, thus producing heavy interference, the
reception of the desired signal may be extremely difficult, even though
the frequency of the interfering station may differ to a considerable extent
from that for which the circuit is tuned.
Third. The pitch of the signal note heard in the phones, as deter
mined by the group frequency of the several transmitters in operation.
If the pitch note of the desired signal is distinctive, as compared to the
notes of the interfering stations, then the signals may be read " through
the interference " and the message obtained. This would be the only
feature whereby the signal could be distinguished if the radio frequencies
of the several stations agreed closely and the interfering stations were
relatively close to the receiving station.
Simultaneous Sending and Receiving.—In the development of radio-
telephony one of the problems to be met was the elimination of the necessity
of any action on the part of the subscriber, required to change over from
sending to receiving and vice versa. A simple method of duplex oper
ation, as described by E. F. W. Alexanderson,1 is included at this point
to show the possibility of using radio communication in exactly the same
way ordinary telephone communication is carried on.
The arrangement utilizes separate sending and receiving antennae,
located sufficiently far apart, and having natural frequencies differing
from one another a sufficient amount, to make the operation stable. The
general arrangement is indicated in Fig. 10, wherein it will be noted that
the radio system has the same relation to the subscriber as the toll line
in wire telephoney.
A radio telephone current set up in the receiving antenna, due to
excitation from the distant transmitter, is transformed into a current flow
ing in the closed circuit between the subscriber's instrument and the trans
mitting station. The same path is followed by a telephone current origi
nating in the local subscriber's station. Therefore the current set up in
the local receiving station, due to a signal from the distant transmitting
station, will be retransmitted by the local sending station in the same
way as the current set up by the local subscriber station^and consequently,
both sides of the conversation are transmitted by each station and could
be overheard by a third party tuned to either of the two wave lengths used.
If the amplification of the received signal were made too great, so
that the telephone current set up by the speaker came back to him in
intensified form, a cumulative reflective action would be created, which
would result in self-exciting inarticulate oscillations being set up. Any
1 E. F. W. Alexanderson, "Simultaneous Sending and Receiving," Proceedings of
the Institute of Radio Engineers, August, 1919.

trouble from this source may be effectively eh'minated, however, by keep

ing the amplification within a certain critical value, whereby the retrans
mission becomes effectively damped.
Static, Strays, or X's.—In addition to the interference which may be
produced by the 'operation of other transmitting stations as described
above, natural electrical disturbances occurring in the atmosphere also
cause serious interference in the reception of signals. These disturbances
set up electromagnetic waves, which, upon striking the receiving antennae,
set up troublesome, interfering sounds in the phones, to which the name

Scheme for two way

radio telephone

The two antenna are several

miles apart and are tuned
to different wave lengths


Transmitting antenna at distant station

tuned to same wave length as this
receiving antenna, and vica versa

Fig. 10.—Modern scheme for two-way radio telephone communication.

static, strays, or X's have been variously applied. These strays have beer,
arbitrarily placed by De Groot 1 in the following classes:

(a) Loud and sudden clicks. These do not interfere seriously

when no other interference effects are present, and have been
shown to originate in nearby or distant lightning discharges.
(b) A constant hissing noise in the receivers, giving the impression
of a softly falling rain, of the noise of water running through
tubes. This type occurs occasionally when there are dark,
low-lying electrically charged clouds near the antennae, and
is apparently caused by intermittent, unidirectional currents
in the antennae. Charges of electricity come upon the antennae
1 "On the Nature and Elimination of Strays." Proc. I. R. E., April, 1917.

from the atmosphere through direct physical contact, and

thence discharge to ground, producing a current,
(c) This type produces a continuous rattling noise in the telephone,
something like the tumbling down of a brick wall, and are
usually present to a greater or less extent. In the tropics,
where interference from static is especially severe, this type
predominates, and is always present. It is frequently so
severe as to prevent entirely the reception of signals. Strays
are most, prominent at night, but are not so troublesome at
that time, due to the great increase of signal strength.

Their intensity and character is a function of the time of day, the sea
son of the year and the location of the station; thus, in the tropics, De
Groot found the most unfavorable time was that of the trade wind. In
general, the worst trouble is experienced when the sun's altitude is highest .
Their intensity is probably dependent somewhat on the dryness of the
air and wind conditions, increasing dryness and high-wind velocities
increasing interference due to this cause.
Elimination of Strays.—It has been described how interference, due
to simultaneous operation of other transmitting stations within range,
may be minimized or eliminated by selective tuning, provided the wave
lengths are not too closely in agreement, and the signals received from
the interfering station are not too strong. This means also fails if their de
crements are high. It may be noted that very powerful or strongly damped
waves act like an impact excitation of the receiving circuits, which are
set into oscillation at their own natural frequency. This response is
secured regardless of the wave length of the incoming highly damped
oscillation; for this reason the circuit is not selective to these waves.
Stray waves are always highly damped, and may be very much stronger
than the incoming signal waves. Therefore, their elimination cannot be
satisfactorily accomplished by selective tuning, but some other arrange
ment must be used which results in their neutralization.
A neutralization scheme, suggested by De Groot, is shown in Fig. 11;
many similar arrangements have been recommended.
Antennae No 1 and No. 2 are similar, but the former is tuned to the
radio frequency of the incoming signal, while No. 2 is practically untuned
because the detector Z>2 is inserted directly in the circuit; the circuit is
made nearly aperiodic and signals from distant stations are impossible
of reception by this antenna. The reception of static signals is just as
strong, however, as are obtained with the tuned antenna.
The receiving circuits of both antennae are coupled together and to
a third circuit containing the phones and condenser (this condenser is
used for tuning the phone circuit to the audio-frequency), this coupling

being arranged so that the static currents tend to neutralize one another,
leaving only the received signal current to act on the third circuit.
A later arrangement, as developed by R. A. Weygant,1 is based on
the inventor's belief that static disturbances of the third type specified
above are propagated in a direction perpendicular to the earth's surface,
whereas the signal waves are transmitted parallel to the earth's surface
(horizontally). Two loop aerials were used in the experimental work,
located about 5000 feet apart, the plane of the loops being vertical. The
waves due to static cut both loops in phase, whereas the signal waves,
traveling horizontally, induced e.m.f.'s in the two loops, which were out
of phase by an amount depending on the separation between the two

Similar Antenna)

Antenna No. 2

Fia. 11.—One of the early attempts to eliminate "strays."

loops expressed as a fraction of the signal wave length. By coupling
the two circuits to a third receiving circuit, the static effects are elimi
nated, while the signal currents combined vectorially to give a resultant
which, in turn, is rectified by means of a vacuum-tube detector.
A. H. Taylor reports very successful results in the elimination of static
by suitably balancing the signals received by an under-water (or buried)
single-wire antenna with that received from an overhead antenna, gener
ally of the coil type. His results would indicate that, using his scheme,
transatlantic radio communication is assured under any condition of static
to be expected.
Probably one of the most promising lines of development in the elimi
nation of static interference has to do with a vacuum tube detector which,
even with the heaviest static, can give but limited response in the telephone
■Roy A. Weygant, "Reception through Static and Interference," Proceedings of
the Institute of Radio Engineers, June, 1919.

receiver; if this response is not more than two or three times as loud as
the signal a good operator can read the signal right through the interfer
ing noises.
Attenuation of Propagated Waves.—The electromagnetic waves set
up by the transmitter are propagated in all directions through the ether
at a velocity corresponding to that of light, as discussed in the earlier
portions of this chapter. As the distance from the transmitter increases
their amplitude or intensity decreases, due to the wave spreading out in
ever-widening circles and energy absorption by the different media through
or over which the wave may be propagated. This decrease in intensity,
expressed in terms of the initial intensity at the source, is called the attenu
ation of the wave.
Many investigations have been made to determine the attenuation
of these waves, among the more important of which may be mentioned
those carried out by L. W. Austin 1 in 1909-1910, using the station at
Brant Rock, Mass., as the receiver and the transmitting sets on U. S.
cruisers for sending. His results cover one special case only, namely,
transmission during daylight over sea water. The variation of currents
flowing in the receiving antennae is indicated in Fig. 12. The dotted
curve is plotted to show what the results would be if no absorption of
energy had occurred, in which case the received current would have been
nearly inversely proportional to the distance from the source.2
Through the points, obtained from the experiments, the full-line curve
was drawn, as shown by Fig. 12, the equation of which as deduced by
Austin, is as follows j t ;. _ 0.0015-==
. T n,hr d
r *"wx~"e x
where A is a constant;
I, is the effective current in the transmitter antenna;
I, is the effective current in the receiver antenna;
h, is the height of the transmitting antenna;
hr is the height of the receiving antennae;
d is the distance between the two stations;
X is the wave length of transmission.
All lengths are expressed in kilometers.
For the ranges covered by Austin's investigation, namely:
7, =7.0 to 30.0 amperes
h, and h,= 12 to 40 meters
X = 300 to 3750 meters
d=up to 1500 kilometers
the constant A was found to be equal to 4.25.
1 L.W. Austin: Bull. Bureau of Standards, vol. 7, p. 315, 1911 and vol. 11, p. 69, 1914.
2 More recent tests by Vallauri on the strength of signals received at Leghorn from
Annapolis indicate that the attenuation is much less than Austin's formula predicts.
Vallauri's measurements gave a field strength at his receiving station about ten times as
great as the value calculated from Austin's formula.

The receiving antenna resistance was 25 ohms.

Day and Night Variation in Signal Strength.—The foregoing inves
tigation considered day conditions. At night, due to variations in atmos
pheric conditions, affecting the conductivity of the upper strata, the
energy losses in transmission are decreased, and the attenuation of the
wave is correspondingly diminished. In practice it is generally found
that transmission is very much more effective at night than in the day-

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Distance in Miles
Fig. 12.—Calculated and experimental values of current in receiving antenna, as dis
tance from transmitter is increased.

time, the range of transmission being sometimes increased two and one-
half times or more. The transmission, however, is very much more
uncertain, the range sometimes being only slightly greater than in the
The electromagnetic waves are generally belived to be propagated
through the layer of atmosphere immediately adjacent to the earth's sur
face, this layer being considered about 30 to 40 miles thick. Above this,

the atmosphere, due to this low density, and the ionizing action of the
sun's rays, rapidly increases in conductivity, and forms a bounding plane,
of high conductivity, for the layer of atmosphere adjacent to the earth,
whose resistance is comparatively high.
During the day, however, this layer adjacent to the earth is also ionized
to a small extent, increasing its conductivity and decreasing the efficiency
of transmission of the electromagnetic waves, which is a maximum for
a dielectric possessing zero conductivity. With the removal of the sun
and its ionizing effects on this transmitting layer of atmosphere, this
efficiency is increased and thus also the range of transmission. During
daylight the refracting effects of the upper ionized portion of the trans
mitting layer cause the waves to bend over, so that when they reach the
receiving antennse they may be bent at such an angle as to have very
little effect on the aerial. This effect is diminished at night, when the
ionization of this transmitting belt is largely reduced, as already described.
Another interesting fact concerned with the diurnal variation in trans
mission is the fact first recorded by Marconi in his early transatlantic
experiments. When the line of sunrise or sunset is between the two
stations transmission is almost impossible, according to Marconi's results.
It seems as though the twilight line acts as either a reflector or absorber
of the radio waves.
Seasonal Variation in Signal Strength.—The strength of received
signals varies also with the seasons, and in 1912, an investigation cf this
effect was made by L. W. Austin,1 signals being received at Washington,
D. C, from the radio stations in the Philadelphia and Norfolk Navy Yards.
The results obtained are shown in Fig. 13.
The reason for this seasonal variation of signal strength is ordinarily
considered as being due to the absorption of the waves by vegetation,
thus causing a marked decrease in intensity during the summer months.
This seems to be a reasonable conclusion, in view of the fact that trees
have been successfully used as antennas, thus demonstrating their energy-
absorbing qualities. It was found that rainfall had no appreciable effect
of the signal intensity.
Amount of Power Sent Out and Received.—Hertz showed that the
electric and magnetic forces in the radiated wave varied inversely as the
distance from a small Hertzian oscillator. The same relation is true for
an ordinary grounded antennae if the distance assumed does not exceed a
few hundred miles.2 The energy thus decreases inversely as the square
of the distance, while the amplitude varies inversely as the distance.
(See dotted curve shown in Fig. 12.)
'L. W. Austin "Seasonal Variation in the Strength of Radiotelegraphic Signals."
Proc. Institute of Radio Engineers, June, 1915.
!See Chapter IX, page 707.

Duddell and Taylor 1 were the first to investigate the decrease of field
as the distance from the transmitter increases, and a few of their results
are given in the following table; the transmission was over land, but
it is likely that for such short distances as were used in their tests, the
values indicate accurately what might be expected over water also.

VV'Xshu I 1» Phi lad. lph a

V, a Ail 1 to Noi con
/ \
a 100 / / \
// A / \
o /
£ 80 / \ /
1 1 \
k \
i/ \
\ • /
— Sy
1 —

s I'. IX lial var a t i i n ii »ig tal ltr« IKt

— 1 12 > ' Vi 13 1 )\i > < la A

S 5 I I 4 ii I 4 4 4 3 <a a ^ < I «| S 1 ! j ?

Fia. 13.—Variation of radio transmission occurring with seasonal frequency.

Currents in Antenna.
Distance in Feet between Approximate Wave
Antennae. Transmitter 1 Receiver Micro- Length.
Amperes (eff). Amperes (eff).
100 0.501 12320 400 ft.
200 0.507 6435
300 0.558 4548
400 0.541 3108
1260 0.541 715
2420 0.506 283.5
3700 0.517 105
4600 0.558 96.5
6220 0.563 69.5

1 "Wireless Telegraph Measurements," by W. Duddell and J. E. Taylor, Journal

Inst. Elec. Eng. Loud., 1905, vol. 35, p. 321. The receiving antenna had an effective
resistance of about 60 ohms. Later tests over water showed that for distance up to 50
miles or more the current in the receiving antenna varied inversely as the distance.

From these figures it is readily seen how small the received power is
compared to the power input to the transmitting antenna circuit.
The experiments of Austin, previously described, resulted in the
empiric formula given on page 196, which holds approximately for dis
tances up to 1000 miles. For the smallest distance considered, viz., 22
miles between the stations, using a 1000-meter wave, the following values
were noted:

Antenn-e Corbent.
Miles Receiving Wave
between Sending Station. Station. Length Sending Receiving
Stations. Meters. Station Station
Amperes. Micro-
22 U. S. S. Birmingham Brant Rock 1000 33 10,500
22 U. S. S. Salem Brant Rock 1000 27 11,000
22 U. S. S. Birmingham Brant Rock 3750 27 3,200
22 U. S. S. Salem Brant Rock 3750 24 4,100

A mathematical analysis of the Austin formula expressing the rela

tion between the transmitting and receiving antennae currents shows that
in so far as transmission alone is considered under given conditions, there
exists a best value of wave length to be used for any given distance between
the stations. This best wave length is:
. _ (.0015)2cP
4 '

where d is the distance between the stations in kilometers.

The following table gives the best wave lengths for various values of
d as derived from the above formula: 1
din kilometers 700 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 5000
\ in meters 275 562 1260 2250 5070 9000 14,050
For a distance of 22 miles, wave lengths of 1000 and 3750 meters were
far greater than the best value for this distance, as indicated by the very
much diminished antenna currents at the receiver when the wave length
was increased from 1000 to 3750 meters.
" Freak " Transmission.—The ideas presented in this and following
chapter regarding the power used in radio communication represent
average conditions. It may be that communication between two stations
normally perfect, is cut off completely for several hours, as though a
screen of some kind had been put between the two stations. It often
1 It is to be noted, however, that these values do not check very well with those
given on page 187, which are more nearly the actual values used in practice.

happens that a station on an island cannot communicate with a ship near

the opposite shore, but that if the ship moves away perhaps 100 miles,
the intervening land of the island offers no appreciable obstruction. This
is indicated in Fig. 14. Illustrating another kind of freak transmission


Communication from station to «hip at A

impossible; with ship at B, 100 miles from A1
communication is good

Fig 14.—A peculiar effect often observed in radio communication, giving rise to the idea
of radio "shadows."

there is apparently substantial evidence that a low-power station (10 kw.)

may sometimes give perfectly good signals to a ship 8000 miles away.
Such freak transmission is more likely to occur with short waves than
with long ones.
It is to be noted, when discussing the amount of power required for
radio transmission, that, due to absorption, reflection, and refraction of
the electromagnetic waves, the question is almost as indeterminate as—
how far can a man shout?—over a quiet lake in the evening a man's voice
may "carry" two or three miles; the same voice would carry about 500
feet on a city street, and in a busy shipyard the shout would be heard
probably not more than 100 feet. Atmospheric disturbances make the
range of a radio station almost as indeterminate,


Discharge of a Condenser through an Inductance and Resistance in

Series.—Practically all radio sets which send out damped (or discon
tinuous) waves generate the high-frequency currents required by charg
ing up a condenser from a suitable source of power, then letting this con
denser discharge through an inductance in series with a spark gap. In
general the oscillatory power so generated is transferred by coupling of
some kind to another circuit from which it is radiated. The investigation
of the form of oscillatory current in these
8s -v coupled circuits will be taken up later in
+ § this chapter, we shall first investigate the
c l§ discharge of a condenser in the single
3 circuit.
-WW In Fig. 1 is shown the circuit; the con-
Fio. 1—The charged condenser C denser C charged to voltage E is to be
will discharge through L and R connected to the circuit consisting of L and
when switch S is closed. R m series when the switch <S is closed.
The switch is not used in the actual radio
circuit, a spark gap performing its function, but the resistance of the
spark gap somewhat complicates the analysis so that its action is de
ferred until a later paragraph.
It will be supposed at first that the condenser has no leakage; the
equation of reactions of the circuit after the switch is closed is,

L^+Ri+v = 0,
v being the voltage across the condenser at any instant. Then

But we know that i=C

so we have L _+_=0,
jPi, Rdi, i n n,


The solution of a differential equation of this kind is obtained by an

" intelligent guess." It is evident that i must be a function of t and
furthermore that this function must be of such a form that the second
derivative of the function plus the first derivative multiplied by r plus
the function itself multiplied by ~ must add up to zero. By trial we
find that if the current is of the form

Eq. (1) will probably be satisfied. Using this function we have


Substituting these values in Eq. (1), we get

At"'(m2+~m+^j=0 (la)

As no useful solution is obtained by putting A = 0, we use the condition


There are two roots to this equation either of which will satisfy it. As
Eq. (1) involves the second derivative of i we know there must be two
independent solutions for t and these two values of m which we call mi
and m.2, permit the two required solutions being written. The complete
solution of Eq. (1) is the sum of the two particular solutions, so we write
as the complete solution
i=Aiemii+A2tm*, (2)

So we have
i = t-<*(Alf*+A2t-iu) (3)

As initial conditions we have, at the instant the switch is closed (J=0),

i=0, so from (3)
0=A!+A2 (4)
Also if
/at\ E

which when substituted in Eq. (3) after differentiation gives

-2=(fi-a)Ai-Q+a)A2 (5)

Solving (4) and (5) for A\ and A2 we get

which values substituted in Eq. (3) give

in which

The quantity a is always real, which means that the amplitude of the
current continually decreases with increase of time. The quantity
— which determines the form of the current, while it is decaying,
depends for its value on the quantity /3; this may be either real or imag
inary, according as a2 is greater or less than The form of the current
will be analyzed for the three conditions—

a2>zc> °*=zc> a2<m

Case 1. °?>j£-

In this case /3 is a real quantity so we have

-(^-2—) = -^-<*Sinh#. ... (7)

The negative sign indicates that the effect of the current is to decrease
E, i.e., to release the charge on the condenser—as to whether or not cur
rent is actually positive or negative depends upon the polarity of charge
on the condenser assumed positive.
The form of current in this case is shown in Fig. 2; the lines properly
marked give the two terms t~at and sinh fit. The figure is drawn to scale
for £=100 volts, C = HV/, L = .20 henry, and ft = 500 ohms. By cal
culation we find a =1250 and /3 = 1030.
The maximum current is reached at a time calculated from putting
the first derivative of Eq. 7 equal to zero.

This results in the equation

<. = 20log«c^
1 , *+P

i Ci rrt nt

Ea: t = o-fJi1 lo ci±

SI 111] It

Time in 10" seconds
Fig. 2.—Calculated discharge current when the R of Fig. 1 is too high for oscillatory dis

Fig 3 shows two oscillograms of a condenser discharge current for the

case just analyzed.

Case 2. a2 =

In this case we have /3 = 0. We write the current in the form,

1 2L€ V 0 )'
the value of the expression in the parenthesis being indeterminate. We
evaluate it by differentiation and get,



Hence in this case the equation for the discharge current is,

The graph of such a discharge current is shown in Fig. 4 for E = 100

volts, C= 10 nf, L = .20 henry, and R = 282.3 ohms.
The time at which maximum current occurs is obtained as outlined
for the previous case and yields the condition that,

For the conditions given this time is .001416 second after closing the switch.

Fig. 3.—Oscillograms of discharges similar to Fig. 2.

Fig. 5 shows an oscillogram of such a critically damped circuit; the

time scale on the lower part of the film permits the validity of Eq. (10)
to be checked.

Case 3. a2 <j£

In this case /3 becomes the square root of a negative quantity, and wc

write it

/i/oer/vJtc discharge \
o>*<!? condense \


ft * /7C ffes/'s fence /vf/K*te4 So

Fig. 5.—Oscillogram of current for conditions assumed in Fig. 4.


Then from Eq. (6)

E . , ... E ,/t>-t-t-'<d\

e - °' sin uit (ID

The current in this case is oscillatory, its frequency being fixed by

the value of w; the term t~at represents the decay of the current, and
the theoretical maximum value of the current is given by —r .

1.0 1
hi I' r V <
/ p // IE - Q it t t
// > f \ 1 I1
A / ( , \ 1 1
l)1 1 • |
OS"J .2 ■J Vu f ?* i;
i III e "a — _ |UJ" |
&o n sir r ftT
E A t • i « 1
3J 4 Ci rr •nt /
1 > 1
.1 i 1•
I\- 11 i • \\
— {1 \\ A/
.« y I
( 'V,
Fig. 6.—Value of R of Fig. 1 reduced sufficiently to permit the ordinary oscillatory dis
charge, giving a "damped sine wave,"

In Fig. 6 are plotted, in dotted lines, each of the terms of Eq. (11) for
a circuit of #=100 volts, C=10 m/, L=.20 henry, and R = 50 ohms.
R _ 50
We have = 125
~~2L 2X20


But u = 2irf, hence

/= = 1 10 . 5 cycles per second.

The actual equation for the current is then,

e-125<(27r 110.5 t).
695 X.2

This curve is shown in the full lines of Fig. 6. It is generally called a

" damped sine wave," the term e~at giving the damping. In Fig. 7 is
shown the oscillogram of a damped sine wave showing how the actual
current is of the form indicated by Eq. (11) for two values of resistance.
Effect of Condenser Leakage.—In case the condenser has appreciable
leakage the solution takes a slightly different
form. The circuit is now as shown in Fig. 8;
the energy stored in the condenser when the
switch is closed is partially consumed in the
series resistance R, partially consumed in the
leak resistance r, and the rest transformed
Fig. g^cillatory circuit ^ etic e in the coil ihen the
in which the condenser is . . , • - ,
"leaky." " magnetic energy in the coil is transformed
back to electrostatic energy in the recharged
condenser, but during the transformation more of the energy is wasted
in R and r.
The differential equation of the circuit becomes
L^+Ri+v = 0
T cPi Ddi dv _

We have ic = C^., and ic = i+L where i, = vg, g being equal to -.

at r
di d%
Now, in magnitude, v = L-^-\-Ri, so that i0=gL-^+gRi.

Substituting then and using the value of i, just obtained, we get

LC ^+(RC+gL)jt + (l+gR)i=0, .... (12)

which may be written ^+^+^+(i±^i=0.

This equation is similar in form to (1) and its solution is of exactly

the same form. For this case, however, we have

a = 2T+2%' (13)

The three cases considered in the previous section occur also for this
circuit; the conclusions reached are the same, except where previously
2£ determined the damping, we now have the quantity
The conditions for oscillations or no oscillations is affected by the con
denser leakage in a manner not to be expected; with no leakage the non-
oscillatory condition is reached when
R 1
and for the leaky condenser the criterion is

\2L 2C)cyTLC t

That is, a circuit which has sufficient series resistance to be critically

damped may become oscillatory if sufficient leakage is introduced across
the condenser.
For the circuit considered in the previous section the non-oscillatory
condition was reached when R was adjusted for 282.3 ohms; we then
had a = 707. If we now shunt the condenser by a leak resistance of 1000
ohms we have
282.3 , 105 = 807;
a=2x72+105 on_

that is, greater than before, but we now have an oscillatory circuit because
less than ^jjq ^nus we nave *ne unexpected phenomenon
of increased damping changing a non-oscillatory circuit to an oscillatory
one. Fig. 9 shows the three currents for the circuit with leaky condenser,
as in Fig. 8.
The frequency of the free oscillation is lowered by the series resistance
of the circuit, but it is raised by the effect of shunt resistance until this
Bhunt resistance reaches the value such that jj = jj- If the shunt, or leak
resistance, is made still less the frequency will again decrease; from this
it is seen that the effect of a leak resistance (with no series resistance)
is to increase the damping and increase the period, just as is the case for
a series resistance above, but that when both are present the damping
is increased by an amount depending on the sum of the series resistance
and leak resistance, but that the effect of these two on the period is sub-
tractive, and that a certain relation between them suffices for complete
neutralization, so that the natural period is the same as it would be if
the circuit had no dissipative reactions at all.

Frequency—Wave Length.—In the previous paragraph the frequency

of an oscillatory discharge was shown to be fixed by the damping, induct
ance, and capacity. The effect of the damping constants in the fre
quency is, in ordinary radio circuits, so small that it can be neglected with
out appreciable error, so that this formula for frequency of an oscillatory
circuit becomes
w=2t/= -JL=,
I'^hrc - ■- ' ' (15)

Fig. 9.—Calculated currents for circuit depicted in Fig. 8.

In the formula / is in cycles per second, L in henries, and C in farads.

Now in radio circuits the values of L and C are more generally measured
in micro-units and the formula becomes,
/= " , (16)
where L is in microhenries and C in microfarads.
It is more customary to use the term wave length in radio literature,
instead of frequency. When an antenna is excited by an oscillatory cur
rent of frequency / it sends out over the earth's surface electromagnetic
waves which travel out from the antenna with the velocity of light, i.e.,
3X108 meters per second. In a wave phenomenon the frequency and
wave length (always designated in radio by the symbol X) are connected
by the formula
A=F, (17)

where V is the velocity of travel of the waves. We therefore find for the
value of wave length of these electromagnetic radiations

^rjjoo^.^ (18)

In this formula X is given in meters, L in microhenries, and C in microfarads.

Relation of Current and Voltage in Oscillatory Circuits.—The equa
tion for the discharge of condenser for the ordinary condition (Case 3,
p. 208, Eq. 11) is
E . . .
i= rf sin wt,
in which a=2L'

and we have said that in the ordinary radio circuit w is approximately

equal to
Equation (11) therefore becomes,

i—B^.S mnj^ (19)

The maximum current occurs one-quarter of a cycle after closing the

switch, nearly; the effect of the damping term e 2Lis to make the current
a maximum shortly before the quarter cycle interval. The value of this
current, neglecting the small effect of the damping for one quarter cycle,
is equal to £Jt.
Now this could have been predicted from the consideration of energy
in the circuit; before the switch is closed all the energy is in the condenser
and is equal to _ . One. quarter cycle after closing the switch the
voltage across the condenser is zero, so that all the energy must be in
the coil, hence we may put
2 " 2 '

as we had before.
In an oscillatory circuit there is a certain amount of energy oscillating
back and forth from coil to condenser, and being wasted during the trans

fer. The frequency of transfer will be the same no matter what the
relative value of L and C, so long as their product is constant. It is
sometimes* desired to establish resonance in a circuit and keep the voltage
low; in such a case a low value of L and correspondingly high value of
C should be chosen. In radio-receiving circuits, however, it is generally
desired to obtain as high a voltage as possible; this is done by using as
low a value of C as possible (sometimes as low as 100 micro-microfarads)
and a correspondingly high value of L.
Damping and Decrement.—In Eq. (19) the factor t 2L represents a

logarithmic decrease in the amplitude of the current; the value of

is called the damping coefficient of the circuit. For the average radio
circuit this coefficient is of the order of 1000 to 10,000, being greater the
shorter the wave length of the set. The damping coefficient multiplied
by the time of one cycle is called the logarithmic decrement or merely the
decrement of the circuit.
If we write the values of successive maxima of current (maxima in the
same direction) we shall have from Eq. (19), calling T the period of oscil

I2=I0t ) =/lt 2Ll

J3 = /oe »U + ) =l2( 2L >etc-

From these we get

£ = £4etc. = /^ = e',
12 13 14

where 5 is the decrement of the circuit. As T = ^ it is evident that

• 5=m • •. (20)

An ordinary radio set has a decrement about 0.1; the large stations may
have a decrement as low as .02, while the upper limit for a transmitting
station is 0.2, this being fixed legally as the maximum decrement a spark
station is allowed. As is evident from Eq. (20), the decrement of a cir
cuit depends directly upon the resistance of the circuit, this resistance
being interpreted in the broadest sense as suggested on page 112. In
transmitting stations the ground resistance of the antenna is likely to
be very important in its effect on the decrement. The decrement meas

ured from the upper curve of the film of Fig. 7 was .150, while that cal
culated from the constants of the circuit was .152.
In a continuous wave transmitting station the source of high-frequency
power maintains a constant amplitude to the successive cycles and the
station is said to have a zero decrement; in certain receiving circuits
using a vacuum tube for receiver, the effective resistance of the circuit
made to approach zero as nearly as desired, thus making the decrement
of the receiving set approach zero. As explained in Chapter I, pp. 62-65,
the decrement is the important factor in determining the selectivity of
a receiving circuit, as it determines the sharpness of resonance.
Decrement Determined by Energy Waste per Cycle.—The decrement
may be defined as the ratio of the energy dissipation per cycle to the energy
transferred during the same interval of time. Neglecting the small change
in value of maximum current during one cycle we have:
Energy dissipated per cycle =-st"i

where 7 is the maximum value of current.

Suppose we consider the cycle to begin when I has maximum positive
value and all the energy is in the coil, this energy being equal to -=-.
Now during one cycle this energy flows from the coil to the condenser,
back to the coil (when I goes through its values of opposite polarity)
back to the condenser and then back to the coil. The energy makes
two complete transfers through the circuit so that the amount of energy
transfer during one cycle is
2X~ = LP.
Hence Energy dissipated _ 2/ _ R _ ^
' Energy transferred LP 2fL
If the above analysis were carried through rigorously (taking account of
decrease of I during the cycle), it would be found that the above relation
for 5 is correct.
Current, Voltage, and Energy in a Damped Wave.—During the decay
of a wave train the corresponding maximum values of electrostatic energy of
the condenser and electro-magnetic energy of the coil remain practically
equal; the voltage across the condenser goes through the same changes as
does the current through the inductance. Using the relation between the
voltage across the condenser and the current in the circuit
J C'

we get from Eq. (11) the approximate relation

ec=Ee.-M cos <al. "'' "

At any instant,, therefore, the energy in the condenser is

..Wc p^tt-* 7 204 cqs? wi.
-« t. '•• j •.. i. t -i •»•; .! .... ')«, •
And we have for the energy in the coil,^, ....
v)l = :r^- < ~ siris a*.
,' ;.J..|!. " '"« •• ' ' " . -—

If we substitute for Jo its rvalue determined above (^-\^) and then add
we get
wc+wL=w=^-€-^: : . . . . . (2i)

Tc>t: 1 t lie » V >v -n U (

\ Ki IT .ir IT at •nt ti ■ 1 el rl
\\ , K 10 rt.'J M l c !c Dtl ic lit Id
Ni y
V !
E /A \
// \\\ 1 V
;/ / \\\ \ A1
/ \ / \ -/ V r ^>
// - \\ nj A / \
</ s -
i k
\ T in
\ -
1 )r
C urrent Ru«rrSfa \\ In re I
/*» (_ f I'C s
Ml r< m condeii e

, i. Fig. 10.—Conventional energy curve representation in an oscillatory circuit.

From the equation we see that the original energy stored in the con-
CE2 undergoes a logarithmic decay, with damping coefficient
denser, —5—,
Z , , . , . . . ... ... ,
twice that of the current.
The curves of current, voltage, and energy are plotted in Fig. 10; the
total energy is obtained by adding the corresponding instantaneous values
of the magnetic and electric energy. In reality the current and voltage
are not exactly 90° out of phase, due to the effect of the resistance of the
circuit so that the addition of the two components of energy does not give

the smooth exponential curve shown in Fig. 10, but a wavy exponential
curve as indicated in Fig. 11. Here a decrement of 0.3 has been assumed,
giving a power factor of — = .0955; the phase difference of E and I is there-
fore 84.5°. The energy for the electric and magnetic fields no longer adds
to give the smooth energy curve of Fig. 10, but indicates that the dissipa
tion of energy from the system is more rapid at certain parts of the cycle
than at others. When all the dissipated energy appears in the form
of heat in the series resistance (as supposed for Fig. 11), the maximum
rate of dissipation corresponds with the time of maximum current as it
should; when the current is zero there is no energy being dissipated.

ot Ei iei n
\^\ 1
re n i Kill ■1. IK a.
t' tin ■no i » cor dens Bl
/ ■
/ >
/ / i
/ t \ <■
7 / >\
f s // J S A -> > / M ST
/ *
j / N ■—

Curr et t
Vn 1 iir

Fig. M.—Actual energy curve for an ordinary oscillatory circuit.

In case the condenser used in the oscillatory circuit is a leaky one,

with leak conductance, g, the energy dissipated while an oscillatory cur
rent is flowing is used up partly in the series resistance of the circuit
and partly in the conductance across the circuit. The rate of energy dis
sipation in the series resistance is PR and the rate of energy dissipation
in the leak is ec2g. It will be noticed that these two power losses do not
have their maxima at the same instant; when ec is a maximum i is prac
tically zero.
If the series resistance and shunt resistance are properly proportioned
the power dissipated in each will be the same; the proper ratio is obtained
by putting
PR=E2g = —.

Now we have, I2 = w2C2E2,

and so,
w2C2E2R =
from which

The relation may also be expressed
or we may also put it in the form,

Such a proportionality 1 in the series and shunt resistances of the cir
cuit will result in a power consumption in the oscillating circuit which
does not fluctuate throughout the cycle as it does when the relation is
not maintained. Hence the energy decay in the circuit is not a wavy
line as given in Fig. 11, but a smooth logarithmic curve as given in Fig. 10.
It is interesting to note that this proportionality of series and shunt
resistances is the same as is required to make the natural period of oscil
lation the same as if no dissipative reactions were present in the circuit.
The natural period of such a circuit was given in Eq. (14); it is seen that if


Oscillatory Discharge through a Spark Gap.—If the oscillating cir

cuit contains a spark gap the current is not of the form indicated by Eq.
(11), because of the influence of the gap; as pointed out on page 139 the
resistance of a given spark gap is not constant but depends upon the cur
rent flowing through it. The resistance of the gap is smaller the higher
the amplitude of current through it, as is more or less evident from the
appearance of a spark. The greater the current through the gap the
larger is the cross-section of the hot, ionized gas conducting the current,
and the more intensely is it ionized, both of these effects lowering the
gap resistance.
1 The same proportionality has a peculiar significance when applied to long con
ductors, such as telephone lines. It was first pointed out by O. Heaviside that such
relation between the various constants of a line gives so-called "distortionless" trans
mission of speech waves.

When a charged condenser discharges through the circuit represented

in Fig. 12, the equation of discharge is

Ljt+(R+Re)i+v=0, ...... (22)

where R, is the resistance of the spark gap. If R„ can be written as a

simple function of the current this equation can be solved, but it is quite
likely that tbo function is an intricate one, depending not only on the
magnitude of current, but on the frequency of the oscillations.
The value of R, undoubtedly varies a great deal throughout the cycle,
but these variations can have much less effect on the magnitude and shape
of the current than might be supposed. The resistance reaction is the only
reaction limiting the value of the current of fundamental frequency
^approximately ^—^==^ but any upper harmonics which the cyclically
varying resistance might tend to produce in the circuit would be opposed
by a reactance several hundred times as great as the resistance, because
the inductance and capacity reactions balance only for the fundamental
frequency. Hence the cyclical charge in resistance may be neglected
in so far as it affects the solution of the oscillatory current defined by
Eq. (22).
By means of a Braun tube oscillograph photographs have been taken
of the oscillations in such a circuit
as that of Fig. 12, and the commonly
accepted interpretation of these pho
tographs is that the decay of current J Rg^Spark I
is linear with respect to time instead
of exponential, as given in Eq. (11). \AiVWVV—'
On the assumption that the re- Fia. 12.—Oscillatory circuit in which a
sistance of the circuit did not affect spark gap is used,
the frequency and using the experi
mental data given by Zenneck, J. S. Stone has shown that if the gap
resistance is written
R,= 2BL
A and B being constants, and the other resistance in the circuit is negligible
the solution of Eq. (22) becomes,

--^('-f^-vfe' <23)
where i?o= initial resistance of spark gap. Although not so stated in
Stone's paper, this value Ro must be approximately this resistance at the

first current maximum. The other symbols have their ordinary meanings.
The solution is really of little importance in radio work, because in no
case is the spark gap the controlling factor in a radiating circuit. Such
a circuit would use up practically all of its stored energy in heating
the spark gap, so it is practice to remove the high-frequency power from
the spark-gap circuit as quickly as possible and let it radiate from a. cir
cuit which has no gap. Even when the energy is in the spark-gap circuit
the resistance of the gap is small compared to the resistance introduced
into this circuit by the coupled antenna circuit as indicated by Eq. 84, p. 91.
The current of Eq. (23) is different from that of Eq. (11) in that the
successive maxima have a constant difference, whereas those of Eq. (11)
have a constant ratio. Thus the linear damping gives a wave train (group
of oscillations) which has. a definite end, whereas the logarithmic decre
ment never actually reduces the current to zero.
Number of Waves in a Train.—When an oscillatory current is expressi
ble by Eq. (11) it is evident that there must be an infinite number of cycles
per discharge of the condenser (or per wave train) ; the damping factor
_ Rt.
e 2ij makes the current approach zero value, but theoretically it never
reaches the zero value. It is customary in radio practice to say that a
wave train has ended when the current amplitude has fallen to 1 per cent
of its initial amplitude; this means of course that the energy remaining
in the circuit is only (1 per cent)2 = .0001 of its initial value.
The successive maxima of current are related by the equation
/„=/i€7("-1)a. .., . . ,
and if ...
In ' ■ ■• • i .
we have - log, 100= (n -1)5, 1 "
n=> —T—». . . ... ... . . . (24)

4 6+ 05
Thus if the decrement of an antenna is .05 there will be —'-—^— =93
complete cycles before the energy has been sufficiently dissipated to reduce
the current to 1 per cent of its initial value.'
In the case of a linearly damped wave train the number of waves is
very few, principally because if the gap resistance is so large that the rest
of the circuit resistance is negligible (a necessary assumption for linear
decrement) the decrement is of such a high value that the wave train
cannot have more than perhaps five to ten cycles before it is completely
finished. .i ■ i.., • ,. .

It is interesting to note that at the end of a logarithmically decaying

wave train the condenser in the circuit is completely discharged, while
the circuit with linear decrement may leave a considerable charge in the
condenser at the end of a wave train. When the resistance of the spark
gap becomes too high, towards the end of the train when the current is
small, the gap opens (probably at a time when the ourrent is zero), leaving
the condenser charged to some appreciable vqltage.
Effective Value of Current in a Damped Wave Train.—The effective
value of a damped sine wave may be obtained by integration of the heat
ing effect of the current .' «
/2=ijrr(/o*-^ sin «0?<tt.

Evidently the value of this integral will vary with the length of time over
which the integration is extended, and is to this extent indeterminate in
value. • As in practice one wave train follows another in rapid succession
we are really interested in an integral of the form,

p = ATjf" (/ot ~* sin vt)2dt = NIo2j\ e 1 *■« sin2 tat dt,

where N is the number of discharges per second.

This may be integrated by standard methods, which yield the solu
■' ' Cd2 ' ' *

Now we have «==2ir/;


a*2 =" ■ (2*Q2 ■
«2+<o2 (/«)*+ (2*/)2
4/5 .

1 1\* .
Now, 1^1 is, for the most radio circuits, negligible compared to
unity. If we write in place of the theoretical value of current Jo2, its
C ■ 1
equal, E2 T, and put . ., ,= 1, we get the expression,

4/5L- 2R '

We could have obtained the same result by noticing that all the energy-
stored in the condenser is transformed in heat or radiation by the oscil
latory current. So we can put


as before.
The value of I is what a hot-wire meter in the circuit would indicate;
the maximum instantaneous value of the current directly after the dis
charge starts may be a hundred times as great as the value given by
Eq. (25).
Effect of Neighboring Circuits on Frequency and Damping.—If another
closed circuit of inductance and resistance is so situated that currents
are induced in it by the oscillatory current of the first circuit, the damping
•of the first circuit is increased and the frequency is increased because of
the decrease in inductance. The changes in L and R due to the extra
circuit are calculable from Eqs. (73) and (74) of Chap. I; the effect on the
, decrement is increased not only by the increase
in R, but also by the decrease in L.
In spite of these effects it is sometimes the
practice to intentionally short circuit part of the
coils in a transmitting set. Thus in Fig. 13 is
shown a diagram of such a scheme; the induct
ance is made in three sections, connected elec
trically, and also magnetically. When being
Li used for short wave lengths (high frequency)
only one section of the inductance, L\ is con
nected in series with the condenser, the others
Fig. 13.—In many radio being used when longer wave lengths are desired.
sets part of the multi- Now with the connection as shown, the inductance
sectional transmitting acts like an autotransformer, generating very
inductance Li-Lj-Ls is high voltages at the open end of the coil. This
short circuited when
but one part (e.g., La) is high voltage may cause excessive losses due to
being actually used for both corona and dielectric losses in the insulating
transmitting. supports. Also the voltage generated at the free
end may be high enough to break down the
coil insulation. To obviate these difficulties the parts Lz and L3 are
short circuited, as shown by the dotted line, thus increasing the decre
ment of the LiC circuit, as noted above. The decrement may in certain

cases be even less with L2 and L3 short circuited, than it would be if

they were not short circuited.
Effect of a Neighboring Tuned Circuit on an Oscillatory Discharge.—
When an oscillatory discharge takes place in a circuit to which is coupled,
either by mutual capacity or mutual inductance, another circuit consist
ing of inductance and capacity, the form of the current is no longer a
simple logarithmic decay, but is much more complicated, the exact form
depending upon the coefficient of coupling between the two circuits, the
relation between the natural frequencies of the two circuits, the resistances
of each, and the type of spark gap used in the discharge circuit.
Before anyone takes up the study of the coupled circuits he should
make himself a simple piece of apparatus, which offers the same peculiar
ities to motion as coupled
circuits do to current. This
apparatus is shown in Fig.
14; it consists of a board
about 10 cm. by 30 cm. with
two upright posts about 30
cm. high fastened at the
ends. Across the tops of
the two posts is fastened a
string and from this string
are suspended two pendu- F10- 14.—Coupled pendulum model,
lums, A and B, the lengths
of which are readily adjustable and which can be slid along the sup
porting string so that their points of support, a and b, can be separated
or brought together.
This simple piece of apparatus is the mechanical analogue of two reso
nant electrical circuits; each of the pendulums has a natural period of its
own and as it swings it tends to make the other pendulum oscillate also.
Suppose that bob A is pulled to one side, bob B being stationary;
as A swings sidewise it, of course, pulls its point of support, a, sidewise
and thus pulls point b sidewise with it. This motion of point 6 will gradu
ally set bob B into motion, as the amplitude of motion of B increases
that of A decreases and after perhaps twenty or thirty complete vibra
tions of A its motion will have been reduced to practically zero and that
of B will have increased to a maximum, practically the same as the original
amplitude of A. This remark holds good only if the lengths and weights
of the two pendulums are the same.
Qualitative Analysis of the Pendulum Experiment.—The natural fre
quency of a pendulum is fixed by its length and the gravitational force;
hence to change the natural period of a pendulum it is only necessary
to change its length; the mass of the bob itself has no appreciable effect

on the natural frequency. It must be noted, however, that the mass of

the bob does have a considerable effect on the amplitude of vibration for
a given energy in the oscillation, in fact for a given energy the amplitude
of vibration varies inversely as the square root of the mass of the bob.
The damping, therefore the decrement, of a swinging pendulum is
fixed by the ratio of the frictional forces (set up by the motion) to the
mass of the bob; ah aluminum bob will have considerable greater decre
ment than a lead bob, the two being the same diameter. Of two bobs
of the same material the smaller will have the higher damping because
the mass varies as the cube of the diameter and the air friction in the bob
approximately as the square of the diameter; the air friction on the string
will be the same for both. Hence a small bob, or one of less dense material,
will have greater damping than a large heavy one.
The coupling of the two pendulums depends, for a given length of
pendulum, on the distance apart of the points of support, a and b, and
on the tightness of the supporting string. The farther apart the points
of attachment a and b, and the tighter the string the less the coupling
of the two pendulums. For a given tension of the supporting string, and
a given separation of the points of attachment, the coupling increases as
the lengths of the pendulums are decreased.
The decrement of these pendulums is much less than the decrement
of a radio circuit; if it is desired to give the pendulums a greater damping
the bobs may be made to swing in a pan of water, or other liquid, or an
air damping vane may be fastened to the pendulum string; the closer
the vane is placed to the bob the greater will be its damping effect.
By watching the motion of the bobs under various conditions the fol- *
lowing approximate deductions may be drawn:
1. For all conditions the motion of either bob is a complex harmonic
motion, the amplitude varying periodically from a maximum to a rruininum,
the average value of the amplitude gradually decreasing.
2. The maximum variation in amplitude occurs in case the two pendu
lums have the same natural frequency, the minimum amplitude of each
pendulum for this case being practically zero.
3. If the two pendulums have the same mass the maximum amplitude
of each is nearly the same, if not of the same mass> the fighter bob has «
the greater maximum amplitude.
4. The period of oscillation for each pendulum (time between succes
sive passages through zero displacement, in the same direction) is prac
tically constant with similar pendulums, the same as the natural period of
either pendulum) at all times except when the amplitude is going through
its minimum values; at this time a sudden reversal of phase takes place in
the motion so that the motion gains (or loses) nearly one half a cycle at
this time.

5. During the time a pendulum is gaining amplitude its motion lags

nearly 90° behind that of the other pendulum; when its amplitude is
decreasing its motion is slightly more than 90° ahead of that of the other
6. The amplitude of the first pendulum (the one originally displaced
to start oscillations) varies from a maximum to a minimum, the value of
this minimum depending upon the relative lengths of the pendulums;
for equal lengths the minimum is practically zero, but the minimum
increases in value as the ratio of lengths departs from unity value. For
all conditions, however, the amplitude of the second pendulum varies
from maximum to zero.
7. The time between successive maxima and minima of amplitude
depends entirely on the coupling; the tighter the coupling the more
rapidly the successsive maxima follow one another.
8. Beats (periodic variations in amplitude) always occur unless the
coupling is weak and damping is high. In fact practically the only way
to prevent beats is to make the damping so high that for the coupling
in question the time between beats (as determined for low value of damp
ing) is sufficient to allow nearly complete dissipation of the energy origi
nally put into the first pendulum.
9. If after the first pendulum has given its energy to the second pen
dulum (first minimum amplitude of the first pendulum) it is in some way
disconnected from the second by cutting its string (or merely by holding
the first bob so that it cannot move), the second pendulum will oscillate
at its own natural frequency, and with its own decrement, until all the
energy originally in the first pendulum has been dissipated by the losses
in the second. This condition illustrates the operation of a so-called
"quenched spark" transmitting set.
Analysis of the Motion of Coupled Pendulums.—The peculiar motion
of each of the oscillating pendulums discussed in the previous paragraph
can be produced synthetically, more easily than would be supposed. If
we let vi and V2 be the actual velocities of the two bobs, both of changing
phase and amplitude we may write,

pl=yie-««sin21r/'<+F2«-<"<sin27r/'% .... (26)

V2 = Vie ~ «' sin 2irf't+ V2t - sin (27r/"<+ir), . . (27)

where f and f" are lower and higher respectively than the natural period
of each pendulum and V\ and V2 are maximum velocities of these two
component velocities, and a\ and <*2 are the damping factors of the coupled
system for the two frequencies /' and /". In Fig. 15 are shown the graphs
of Eqs. (26) and (27), when applied to pendulums of equal length; the
resultant vi and t>2 will be recognized at once as the form of the velocity

of the two coupled pendulums, vi corresponding to the pendulum origi

nally displaced to start vibrations; the reversal of phase at the times of
minimum amplitude is well shown in the curves. In these curves the
damping has been neglected; for the ordinary pendulum the damping
is very small for so short a time as shown in Fig. 15.
After having clearly in mind the phenomena which occur in the pair
of coupled pendulums we will analyze mathematically the currents in
two coupled electrical circuits and shall find solutions exactly similar
to Eqs. (26) and (27).

Fig. 15.—Full line curves show actual motion of the two bobs of Fig. 14 for tight coup
ling; the dashed lines represent the two sinusoidal components of the actual complex
Analysis of Oscillations in Coupled Circuits.—When the switch S,
(Fig. 16), is closed currents flow in each circuit and the equation of reactions
for each circuit is given by
Li D*qi +MD2q2+Ri DQl +ff = 0, .... (28)

L2D2q2+MD2qi + R2Dq2+£ = 0, (29)

where the letters have the meaning shown in Fig. 16, M being the mutual
induction between L\ and L2 and gi and q2 being the charges on con-
d d2
densers C\ and C2 respectively. D stands for^ and D2 for jp, etc.

By differentiating (28) twice

■ (30)
C1LlD*q1+CiMD*q2+C1RiD3q1 + D2q1 = 0. . . • (31)
Similarly for circuit (2)
C2L2D3q2+C2MDsq1+C2R2D2q2+Dq2 = 0, . . . • (32)
C2L2Diq2+C2MD*qi+C2R2D3q2+D2q2 = Q. . . • (33)
Multiply (31) by C2L2 and (33) by CiM and subtract
CiC2(InLa -M^^+CiCiLzRiD^qi
+C2L2D2qi -CiC2Mfl2D3g2 -CiMD2q2 = 0. (34)

1—vww AMAH
Fig. 16.—When the switch is closed C, will discharge through Li and Ri ; current will also
be set up in circuit 2, the actual current in the two circuits being similar to the
motion of the pendulum bobs of Fig. 14.

Multiply (30) by C2fl2 and add to (34).

CiC2(L1L2 -Af2)Diqi+CiC2(L2Ri + U R2) LPqi
+ (C2L2+CiC2flifi2)Z)2gi-CiMi)2?2+C2fl2Dgi = 0. . (35)
Add (28) to (35) and get
dC2(LiL2 - M2) D*qi+CiC2(L2Ri + U R2) LPqi
+ (CiL1+C2L2+C1C2RiR2)D2q1 + (C1R1+C2R2)Dql+ql = 0. . (36)
By a similar procedure an identical equation can be obtained for q2.
The exact solution of Eq. (36) is not generally attempted in texts on
Radio; it is lengthy and the exact solution 1 differs but little from the
approximate solution given below.
Determination of the Two Frequencies of Oscillation.—In using Eq.
(36) to obtain the frequencies of oscillation the solution is much simplified
by making an assumption which is justified in all ordinary radio circuits,
1 For the exact solution the student is referred to an excellent article by F. E. Pernot
in Vol. 1, No. 8, University of California Publications in Engineering.

i.e., the resistance of the circuit has a negligible effect on the frequency
of oscillation. We may therefore neglect the resistance terms in Eq. (36)
in solving for the periods of oscillation; by doing this we get the compara
tively simple equation,

A_^LW + / 1 + 1 Wgl+ -gL =0. . (37)

By substituting
M M2 2 1 2 1
L1L2' L\Ci L2C2
this becomes
' (l-F)D*9i + (a>l2-|-«22)i)23i+a)iWgi = 0. . . . (38)
A similar analysis for 52 would yield
(l-A:2)Z)4g2+(coi2+a)22)Z)2?2+u)i2co2292 = 0 . . . (39)
The solutions of (38) and (39) are, by inspection, of trigonometric
form, so we put
qi = Ai cos (ut+4>), (40)
q2= A2 cos (<jit+4>') (41)
By differentiating these equations and inserting the values of the
proper derivatives in Eqs. (38) and (39) we obtain the two values of to.

■n2+ f>22+ V(m2 + o>22)2 - 4m W(l -fc2)

2(1 -fc2)
j2+ W22 _ V(^+ g>22)2 - 4Wl W(l -fc2)
2(1 -fc2) ? ■

If we now suppose the two circuits of Fig. 16 to be tuned alike, i.e.,

L\C\ = L2C2, we can simplify Eqs. (42) and (43) very much. By intro
ducing the condition that wi = co2=w we get,

,\ (44)
and ... .
Vi + fc'
And it is to be noticed at this point of the analysis that these two
frequencies are exactly the same as those given in Eqs. (103) and (104)
of Chapter I for coupled circuits excited by an alternating e.m.f. of vari
able frequency. Indeed from the similarity of procedure we may conclude

that a complex circuit having sufficiently low resistance, if left free to

oscillate after being excited in some way or other, will oscillate at those
frequencies for which the system has zero reactance when excited by an alter
nating e.m.f. .
If, therefore, the natural periods of an electric circuit are desired it is
only necessary to excite the circuit by an alternating e.m.f. of variable
frequency and note those frequencies for which the power factor of the
system is unity. When left free to vibrate, the circuit will, in general,
oscillate at all these frequencies simultaneously, the energy dividing
between the various frequencies.
This general theorem in resonance is a very useful one. Suppose three
circuits as pictured in Fig. 17 all coupled together in any complex way
possible; knowing all the constants of the circuits it
would be possible to set up the differential equations
and, after some laborious transformations, it would
be possible to so combine them as to eliminate all but
one variable. The resulting equation would, however,
be difficult to solve, because schemes have not yet
been evolved for solving an equation of the sixth
But if an alternating e.m.f. is introduced into the
complex network, and the frequency of this e.m.f. Fig. 17. — General
be varied through as wide a range as necessary, there case of three
will be found three frequencies for which the network coupled circuits.
shows resistance only, the reactance being zero.
These are the three free periods at which network will oscillate if excited
and left to,itself.
The point where the power is introduced when determining the three
resonant frequencies by impressing an e.m.f. is of no importance; it will
be found that the same frequencies will result in unity power factor if the
alternator is introduced in any line of the whole network, care being
taken that the alternator impedance does not appreciably alter the con
stants of the circuit.
It must be borne in mind that the previous remarks hold good only
for circuits having low damping factors; the argument depends upon the
assumption that this resistance does not appreciably affect the frequency
of oscillation. The assumption is always warranted because the radio
engineer is seldom interested in inefficient circuits, i.e., circuits having a
low ratio of reactance to resistance.
We therefore write the solution of (38) and (39),
qi = Ai cos (u"H-<*>")+Bi cos (o>'<+4>')- (46)
g2= A2 cos (o>"t+<f>") + B2 cos ((/<+<£')• (47)

By differentiation of (46) and (47), we get the two currents,

ii = A!w" sin (w"l+</>") + J5iw' sin (u't+4>')
= /", sin (u"t+ <t>") + I'i sin (u't+tf/), (48)
sin (o)"<+«") + B20)' sin (w'<+*0
2 sin (w"t+^") + /'2 sin (</<+<*>') (49)

The constants of Eqs. (48) and (49) must be chosen correctly to satisfy
the initial conditions of the problem.
It will be noticed that these solutions give alternating currents of
constant amplitude, evidently an impossible condition for the circuit of
Fig. 16. The currents must rapidly die away as the energy originally
stored in the condenser C\ is used up in the resistances of the two circuits.
The reason no damping term appears in the expressions for t'i and t2 is
the neglect of the resistance terms of Eq. (36) in passing to Eq. (37). Of
course, a circuit having no resistance has no damping.
Before proceeding to further analysis of the currents in the two cir
cuits it is well to summarize the results so far obtained. When the svriteh
in circuit 1 is closed complex shaped alternating currents begin to flow in
both circuits 1 and 2; these complex currents are exactly represented by two
currents of frequencies fixed by a>" and to', in each circuit. We have there
fore to determine the relative amplitude and phases of four currents I\
and I'2 of frequency fixed by »' (J'i in circuit 1 and I'2 in circuit 2),
and I"i and r'2 of frequency fixed by w" in circuit 1 and V'2 in
circuit 2).
Relative Amplitude and Phases of Currents in the Two Circuits.—An
analysis of the phase and magnitude relations of the four currents
I"2 was carried out by Chaffee and the deductions verified by
an ingenious experiment; the results given below are taken from his
By using Eqs. (46) and (47) in combination with Eq. (28) (neglect
ing the resistance term in the latter) we get,

'"Amplitude Relations in Coupled Circuits," E. Leon Chaffee, Proc. I. R. E., VoL

4, No. 3, June, 1916.

from which

fcco"2 \La'
B2 (ji2-b),z [LI
Bi fcu'2 "S/Lz'

Z^2 fa)"2-^2 /IT

few"2 \L2'


Eq. (50) gives the ratio of amplitudes of the short waves in the two
circuits and (51) that of the long waves. As o>" is greater than «i (see
Eq. (42)), it is evident that and l"\ are in opposite phase; when one
is positive the other is negative. The long waves J'2 and 1\ are in the
same phase, however, as their ratio is positive, coi being greater than a/
for all conditions of coupling.
In the oscillation transformer of a transmitting set, therefore, the
effective flux for the short waves is much less than it is for the long waves;
of course, this might be surmised, because the short wave in each circuit
could only occur if the effective L\ and L2 were each diminished by the
action of the other, which means currents in the two coils nearly 180°
out of phase. The long waves, by a similar argument, must occur because
the mutual action of Li and L2 increases the effective inductance of each;
this could only occur if the long wave currents in the two coils h\ and L2
are in phase, i.e., they magnetize their mutual field in the same direction.
To express the amplitude relation of the two currents in each circuit
it is more convenient to express the relations of Eqs. (42) and (43) in terms
2 V
of wave lengths. Using the relation X = for each frequency involved
(V* being velocity of propagation of the electromagnetic waves), we get,



As Eqs. (42) and (43) were simplified by supposing the two circuits
tuned alike, i.e., Xi = X2= X we may write, for this condition, Eqs. (52) and
(53) in the abbreviated forms

Eqs. (50) and (51) may also be written in terms of wave length and
they become,
»\ 2
I"2_ rr.
/"i k \L2

r* (xi)
J'i k

To determine the ratio -stt- and yjr- we set down the initial conditions
1 i 1 2
of the circuit. When t = 0 (time of closing switch) qx=Qo, 92 = 0, i'i=0,
and i2 = 0. Using these values in Eqs. (46), (47), (48) and (49), we get,
Qo = A i cos <f>" + Bi cos <f>' (58)
0= A2 cos <t>"+B2 cos <j>' (59)
0=Aiw" sin 4>"+Biw' sin <j>' = I"i sin 4>"+I'i sin <&'. . (60)
0= A2to" sin 0"+B2</ sin 4>'= 1"2 sin c>"+/'2 sin <*>'. . (61)
To satisfy these conditions we must have <f>'=<6" = 0. Then we find
as A2= —B2, and I"2 = A2w" and I'2 = B2oi', that

(£) (62)
/"2 «'
Dividing (50) by (51)
/'Vi, co^-a.!2 a/2 _ u"2-m2o>'2
V'xl'i co"2 wi2-co'2 a>i2-co'2 to"2
Multiplying by (62) and get,

A _co"2-a,i2 ^ J -(h) (h)

7"i W12 -co'2 co"3 ^^2_1

For convenience in using the relations of Eqs. (62) and (63), the values
X" X'
of — and t- have been calculated by Chaffee and are reproduced in Fig.
Xi Xi
X" X' \o
18. In this figure are shown the variations in — and — as r-, is varied.
Xi Xi X!
this ratio being varied by varying X2 by a variation in condenser C2.
. X2 .
This keeps k constant as the ratio — is varied.

To get the magnitudes of the four currents, we solve for Ai, B\, and
A2, B2. From (58)
Qo = Ai+Bi
From (60) J'l = JW and I'\ = AW,
Bio' I\
from which
Aiw" I'\

.5 1.0 16 2.0
Value of X*/x,
Fia. 18.—Variation in ratios of X"/X, and T/7, as the ratio of Xi /Xi is varied, for
different values of coupling.

From this equation, by using (63),

Bio/ o>"2-coi2o/3
Aw" a,i2 -co'2 w"3
_ , u"2-m* a/2

Substituting this value of Bi in above equations for Q0 gives

And as B\ = Qo —A\, we have

From (61)

and by using (50) then substituting for h" its equal u"A\, we get
a a /""2-"i2\ fin

then using (64)

A3--Qo W(o,"2-W'2) \T2> • * (66)
then from (59),
n-o a -a (m2-«'2)(""2-"i2)
B,-«o-A,-Qo ^2(^2.^2) [U • • • (tm

Substituting the values of Eqs. (64-67) in (48) and (49), we get,

t"i = <»iQo(F"i sin u"t+F\ sin w'l) (68)
12 = o>iQ0yj^(F"2 sin w"t +F'2 sin w't) (69)

in which the F coefficients are factors depending on the condition of tun

ing, must conveniently expressed in terms of X", X' and Xi. They are



The values of these F factors are plotted in Figs. 19-22, which serve to
show how the four different currents vary as C2, the condenser in circuit
2, is varied, other things remaining constant. An examination of these
curves shows that with weak coupling and tuned circuits the variation
in amplitude (due to beats) is from maximum to zero as the values of F"i
and F'i are equal in magnitude as are those of F"* and F'2. For tighter
couplings the ratio of r- must be different than unity to make F'\=F'\

or F"i ~ F'2. Furthermore with other couphng than very loose no ratio of
r- can be found which will make both F"i = F'i and F"2 = F'2 so that,




0 1 L5 2
Uutto % \


F10. 19.—Values of the F coefficients for 10% coupling.

1.0 1

.5 \
—— —

0 .1 ■I
10 1
Ill tio -X*


Fia. 20.—Values of the F coefficients for 30% coupling.

except for very weak couphng the beats are not complete in both circuits,
i.e., the minimum amplitude is not zero. It may be made zero in circuit 1

for any value of coupling by the proper amount of de-tuning, but the values
of Fn2 and F'2 are such as to preclude the possibility of zero amplitude beats


fe- 0.5


0 1 1s 2


Fia. 21.—Values of the F coefficients for 50% coupling.

,k-- = 1.0

0 i 1. 1 i
Pi tio

Fig. 22.—Values of the F coefficients for 100% coupling.

for any except the weakest coupling, no matter how much X2 and Xi are
made to differ.
A critical examination of the foregoing analysis shows that maximum

current occurs in the second circuit when the ratio of — is slightly greater
than unity. This might have an important bearing on the use of a wave
meter; this instrument is a coil and variable condenser which has an
ammeter (or other device) for indicating resonance with the circuit, being
tested. A precise analysis shows that maximum current will occur in
this wave meter when its natural period is somewhat longer than that
of the circuit being tested; as maximum current in the wave meter is
ordinarily taken to signify resonance with the circuit tested it is evident
that an appreciable error might be incurred.
It appears, however, that with a coupling between wave meter and
the circuit tested as high as 10 per cent the error in wave meter reading
is less than 1 per cent and as the wave meter coupling is, in practice,
seldom more than 1 per cent or 2 per cent, the error is probably well within
the precision of measurement.
The previous analysis of amplitudes, resulting in Eqs. (68) and (69)
for the currents in the two circuits, was carried out without considering
the resistance terms in the original equations, (28) and (29). The consid
eration of damping would have greatly complicated the derivations, and
the damping factors can be introduced now without invalidating the pre
vious work.
The damping factor of the high-frequency wave is the same for the
high-frequency current in both circuits and similarly for the low-frequency
wave. If we call the damping factors a" and a', it is possible to derive
the relations 1


al' being for the high-frequency currents and a' for the low-frequency
It is to be noticed that if Eqs. (70) and (71) are changed to give decre
ments (the two circuits being tuned), they assume the forms


1 A. Oberbeck, Wied. Ann. der Physik, 1895, Vol. 55, p. 623.


where Si and 52 are the decrements of the primary and secondary circuits,
respectively. These solutions are approximate and good only when the
decrements are low.
The complete solutions then become,
ii = coiQo(F"i(-a"' sin w"<+F'ie-«''sina/tV (72)

(F"2e sin w"t+F'2e —* sin w'i). . (73)

Actual Shapes of Currents in Coupled Circuits.—In Figs. 23-26 are

shown oscillograms of currents in each of two coupled circuits, the cir-

Fia. 23.—Currents in coupled tuned circuits with 42.4% coupling.

cuits being practically identical. For each L = .0395 henry and C = 39.5
microfarads. The coefficients of coupling were .424, .282, .114, and
.0707, respectively, for the several curves. The films do not quite bear
out the preceding theory on amplitudes, as the values of Fx' and F\"
are evidently not near enough in amplitude to neutralize each other for
even the minimum coupling, 7.07 per cent. It is quite likely that the
rather high decrement of the circuit had an appreciable effect on the
various amplitude factors, not accounted for in the previous analysis.
Frequency of the Actual Complex Current.—By inspection of the films
shown in Figs. 23-26 it is seen that the time between successive zero points
in the current wave is practically constant (indicating constant frequency);
in fact, careful measurement shows the frequency constant (for Fig. 26),
within about 1 per cent, except at the points of minimum amplitude, where

the time between successive zero points changes very much. Just what
changes take place in the magnitude and phase of the current at this
time depends altogether upon the relative amplitudes of the two component

Fig. 25.—Currents in coupled tuned circuit? with 11.4% coupling

In Figs. 27, 28, and 29 are shown three possible conditions at this
tune of minimum amplitude of the actual current. In Fig. 27 we have
shown the condition for Fi" = .5 F'i, in Fig. 28 for F"i = .9 F'i and in

Fig. 29 for F"i = 1.25 F\. For all three figures we have «"= 1.20a/,
which means a value of coupling of the two circuits of about 20 per cent.
It might seem that as the frequency (time between successive zero
points) of this " beating " current is constant, that a third circuit, coupled
to the circuit carrying this complex current, would respond most strongly
if tuned to this frequency. As a matter of fact but little response will
be had in this third circuit if tuned to this actual frequency; if tuned to
either of the component currents of this actual complex current, however,
a strong response will be obtained.
Thus suppose the two circuits of Fig. 16 are each adjusted for a natural
period of 100 cycles, and they are coupled 20 per cent. Then the two

3**,* 03SS A

1 » ' . ; If " f

Fig. 26.—Currents in coupled tuned circuits with 7.07% coupling.

frequencies generated, when the condenser in circuit 1 discharges, will be

(by Eqs. (44) and (45))
: 111.7 cycles;
Vl -0.2
f = = 91.2 cycles.

The oscillatory current in each of the circuits will have a period of

.01 second (except at the minimum amplitude points) but if a third cir
cuit loosely coupled to either of the others is tuned to a natural period
of .01 second the current induced in it will be much smaller than if it
(the third circuit) is tuned to a natural frequency of either 111.7 or 91.2.
sxNsarano ni aaianoo sxmoHio IfZ

aq^ grass opn}iicftire sc •jCpuanbgjj-Moj


The magnitude of current in this third circuit, as its natural frequency

is changed by changing the value of its condenser, will be about as indi
cated in Fig. 30. The reason for this weak response to the 100-cycle
tuning is the reversal of the phase in the exciting current at the minimum
amplitude points; what current is built up in circuit 3 during time t — h,
Fig. 31, is destroyed, or neutralized by the action during time <i — <2, because
of the phase reversal in the inducing current at time ti.

Fig. 29.—Form of current at minimum amplitude, high-frequency current greater than


Vector Representation of Current in Coupled Circuits.—Such a func

tion as that given in Eq. (72) can be represented vectorially but, of course,
the vector diagram is not of the ordinary type. If we let the instantane
ous value of the current be represented by the projection on the y axis
of the resultant vector obtained by adding F"\t~a t and F'xe~a't the
construction will be as shown in Fig. 32. When f = 0 the two vectors co
incide in position; with increase in time the F"\ vector advances its phase
over that of F\, so after F'\ has advanced 90°, as shown at OA the vector
F"i, has moved to position OB. The resultant of these two vectors OR,
gives, by its projection in the OY axis, OD, the instantaneous value of

the actual current t"i. As the two vectors OA and OB rotate their mag
nitudes must continually diminish to keep them equal to F'\e ' and
The loci of the terminals of the vector are logarithmic spirals
about the point 0. The logarithm of the ratio of the values of a vector,
in two successive passages through the same phase gives the decrement

90 100 110
Natural frequency of third circuit
Pig. 30.- -Amplitude of current in a third circuit coupled very loosely to either of the
two coupled oscillating circuits.
of the current represented by that vector; thus we have log. 8" the
logarithmic decrement of the current
The unusual motion of this resultant vector as the two component vec
tors pass through phase opposition is indicated in Fig. 33. Vector OA, the

Fig. 31.—At minimum amplitude points the actual current in either of the two oscil
lating circuits reverses its phase.

one with less angular velocity, is shown stationary and the vector OB
is shown in several successive positions around its phase opposition posi
tion; OB is slightly greater in magnitude than OA. With OB in the
position indicated by OB\, the resultant of OA and OB\ is shown by OR\,
etc. It may be seen that this resultant vector moves through the angle
R1OR5, which is more than 180°, while the vector OB has moved about
The case of OB being smaller than OA is given in Fig. 34; in this
case when OB goes through its opposition phase the resultant vector,

instead of speeding up as it did in Fig. 33, slows down and goes through
the successive values ORi, OR2, OR3, etc., for the correspondingly marked

Fia. 34.—Resultant vector when low-frequency current has the greater amplitude.

Fia. 35.—Resultant vector when both currents have the same amplitude.

positions of OB. If the two vectors OB and OA happen to have equal

magnitudes as they go through phase opposition the successive positions
and values of the resultant vector are as shown in Fig. 35; for this con

dition when the two vectors are 180° out of phase the resultant vector
is zero.
It is quite possible so to adjust the tuning of the two circuits that
the vector OB is greater than OA at the start of the oscillations; then
as the oscillations continue, OB, having greater damping than OA, will
become equal to OA and then smaller. Hence in three successive beats
it is possible to have the resultant vector OR go through phase changes as
depicted in Figs. 33, 34 and 35, respectively, as the amplitudes of the actual
current goes through its minimum values. The effects of these peculiar
angular velocities of the resultant vector, in combination with its changes
in magnitude, account for the peculiar form of the actual current during
the one or two cycles of minimum amplitude. It is seen in Figs. 27 and
29 that the 180° phase shift which occurs at the point of minimum ampli
tude may be produced by either a gain of 180° or a loss of 180° at this
time. Fig. 27 shows a loss and Fig. 29 a gain of nearly 180° during the
time shown in those curves.
Frequency of Beats.—The beats are not well pronounced unless the
two circuits are tuned to the same natural frequency; in this case all of
the energy surges back and forth from one circuit to the other. With
untuned circuits only a part of the energy is exchanged between the two,
most of it remaining in the primary circuit; in this case the beats are not
so pronounced as for the tuned circuits, because it is really the to-and-fro
flow of the energy which gives the beats
In the case of tuned circuits the two frequencies are given by Eqs.
(44) and (45),
to" = <>> ( ,—— ) and w' = wl —. ^ |.
Vl-jfc/ Wl + k/
«" - a/ = o> ( .L_ —7^=\ ^ «fc (74)
Wl-k Vi + k/-
This holds, of course, for low values of k only.
As the number of beats per second is equal to the difference in frequency
per second of the two component frequencies, we must have the number
of beats per second which are given by the relation N=fk.
We have shown previously that the frequency of the complex current
for tuned circuits (except at the minimum amplitude point) is /. The
number of cycles of current per beat is therefore obtained from Eq. (74)
by writing,

where N= beats per second. From this, we get

M • <75>

This equation is useful in determining the coupling of a pair of circuits

from the shape of the complex wave of current. Thus if there is one beat
for five cycles of current the coupling must be 20 per cent.
Form of Secondary Current if Primary Circuit is Opened at the Right
Time.—The two circuits of Fig. 16 are used in practically every radio
spark transmitting set; the condenser C2 is, in the actual sets, the capacity
of the antenna and part of the resistance, R2 is the radiation resistance of
the antenna. From the foregoing analysis of the current in circuit 2 it
is evident that two wave lengths, X" and X', would be radiated from the
antenna; this is undesirable both from the standpoint of efficiency and
interference, this latter factor being so important that government license
will be granted only to those stations in which such precautions have been
taken that practically all their power is radiated in one wave.
As previously stated, all the energy (to be transformed into oscillatory
power) is originally stored in condenser C\\ when the switch S is closed
this electric energy starts surging back and forth from h\ to C\ and also
starts to flow over to circuit 2. If the two circuits are properly tuned
all of the energy will have been transferred to circuit 2 in — cycles;
unless prevented from doing so the energy then starts to flow back to
circuit 1. Suppose, however, that circuit 1 is opened by some device or
other, at that instant when all of its energy has been transferred to cir
cuit 2; the retransfer of the energy to circuit 1 is made impossible because
no current can flow in circuit 1 if it is open.
Such an action is accomplished by a " quenched " spark gap to be
described in detail in Chapter V. The forms of current in the primary
and secondary circuit for this case are as indicated in Fig. 36; the curves
are drawn for a coupling of 20 per cent. The number of cycles per beat
for such a coupling is five; hence the time A-B during which energy is
being transferred to the secondary (being one-half the time of a beat)
will be 2\ cycles. At time B the primary circuit is opened and from this
time on the secondary circuit oscillates just as if the primary circuit was
not present; in fact, electrically, circuit 1 is not present, it being open at
the spark gap after time A-B.
The form of the current in the secondary circuit during time A-B
v. ill approximate that given by Eq. (73); this equation is not strictly
applicable because of the variable resistance (spark gap) in circuit 1.
However, the resistance of the spark gap is probably negligible compared
to the resistance due to the coupling of circuit 2 to circuit 1, so that Eq.
(73) closely represents the form of current during time A-B. After time
B circuit 1 is disconnected (by the opening of the spark gap) and the
equation of secondary current is fixed by Eq. (11), the frequency and
damping of the current being fixed by the secondary constants only.

The proper value of E to put in Eq. (11) is very nearly equal to

where E is the voltage of condenser C\ when discharge began,

ai = ny-, 012 = rff2 , and I' = time A-B.

With the conditions as represented in Fig. 36 the current in circuit

2 (except for the first one or two alternations) is of frequency /, the nat
ural frequency of circuit 2, and the power is practically all radiated at
this one frequency.

Flo. 36.—Forms of primary and secondary currents if primary circuit is opened at the
first minimum.

Possibility of No Beats without a Quenching Gap.—If the damping

of the circuits is high and coupling is loose the beating phenomena will
be absent, even if the spark gap in the primary does not offer any quench
ing action. This is illustrated by Fig. 37, in which oscillograms of pri
mary and secondary current are shown for the circuit of Fig. 16, there
being no spark gap at all in the primary circuit. The two circuits were
tuned alike, the coupling was weak, A; = .07, and the decrement of each
circuit was high, 5i = 82 = .30.
This method of getting a current in the secondary of essentially single
frequency is of no use to the radio engineer, because it really means that
most of the energy originally stored in Ci is dissipated as heat in the
primary circuit; but little power is supplied to the secondary circuit
where it is needed to carry out the useful function of radiation.

Oscillatory Discharge in One Circuit and Non-Oscillatory Discharge

in the Other.—Under exceptional conditions it is possible with coupled
circuits to have a non-oscillatory discharge in one circuit and an oscilla
tory discharge in the other. If the primary circuit has a high decrement
and the secondary circuit a comparatively low decrement then when the
primary condenser discharges there may be a single, unidirectional pulse
in the primary during which some of the primary energy is transferred
to the secondary and some of it used as heat in the primary. Such a
scheme is frequently used in small radio sets, and goes by the name of
" impulse excitation." The primary circuit has generally a high decre-

Fig. 37.—Forms of currents in coupled tuned circuits when the coupling is weak and
damping is high.

ment, having a large condenser and only one or two turns in its induct
ance. This gives a high value to especially when the resistance of the
spark gap is taken into account. In addition to the high primary decre
ment, the gaps used in this method of generating oscillations are of the
quenching type so that when they are functioning properly but one pulse
exists in the primary and the secondary is left free to oscillate at its own
period and its own decrement.
Oscillatory Circuit Excited by Continuous Voltage.—In case a circuit
of L, C, and R, in series is connected to a source of continuous voltage
E, Fig. 38, the equation of reactions is

B-L%+Ri+% (76)

By differentiating once this equation becomes tne same as Eq. (1), and
so its solution must be the same. The same three cases are to be con

sidered here as they were for Eq. (1) ; the more important one of the solu
tions being that of Eq. (11). The initial and final conditions of the problems
are different than those considered previously. Evidently at < = 0, ve = 0
and at <=oo, vc= E; these conditions affect the equation of voltage across
the condenser terminals, which becomes approximately,

•b-Js(l-«-2Zcos~^ (77)

This equation brings out the interesting fact that the maximum volt
age across the condenser in such a circuit as that given in Fig. 38 is nearly
double that of the source of e.m.f. to
-N-v—WWV—I which the circuit is connected. This
R | is illustrated by the film shown in
Fig. 39; the voltage of the c.c. line to
] which the circuit was connected
1 was 105 volts, whereas the maximum
Fig. 38.—Oscillatory circuit con- potential difference across the eonden-
nected to a source of continuous- ger was 190 volts. It is evident from
current power. oscjii0gram tflat if the dielectric
strength of a condenser is to be tested
by connecting it to a source of continuous e.m.f., a resistance should be
used in series with the condenser of sufficient magnitude to make the
circuit aperiodic. If this is not done the maximum voltage across the
condenser is not E, the voltage of the line used for testing, but is equal
to E(l-j-t 2), where 5 is the decrement of the circuit.
Oscillatory Circuit Excited by Energy Stored in Inductance.—In
certain radio-testing circuits oscillations are produced not by the energy
stored in a condenser but by the energy in the magnetic field of the induct
ance. The circuit is indicated in Fig. 40; in the actual testing set the
battery circuit is made and broken many times a second, perhaps 1000,
the function of the switch being performed by the contact points of a
small buzzer. When the switch & is closed the condenser C charges at
once to battery voltage and the current through L and R rises on a log
arithmic curve—Eq. (10), p. 32, to a value E/R, the magnetic energy in the
LE2 . . . .
coil being When the switch is opened this magnetic energy is
emptied into the condenser C, and then the energy surges back into I
as described in the first paragraph of this chapter.
At the end of the first quarter of a cycle of the oscillation all the energy
from the coil is in the condenser; it is then charged to such a potential

difference E' that we have (if the decrement of the circuit is so low that
the damping for one-quarter of a cycle may be neglected),
CE^^E* LE2_p2/C . L
2 ~ 2 + 2R* ,2+2«2)'
E' = Ey[l (78)
The cycle of events in such a circuit as shown in Fig. 40 is shown in
the film of Fig. 41 ; of course, all the constants of the circuit used in getting
this film are much greater than those used in the so-called " buzzer wave-
generator " used in radio, but the form of voltages and currents are nearly
the same as those occurring in the radio circuit.
Oscillating Circuits Excited by being Connected to a Line of Alter
nating e.m.f.—If a circuit of L, R, and C, in series, Fig. 42, is suddenly
switched to an alternating current
line, the current must be zero, no
matter at what point the e.m.f. wave
the switch is closed; in general,
the condenser of the circuit will not
be charged. Now in the steady
state the current must have a certain
Fia. 40.—Oscillatory circuit to be ex value for any given value of e.m.f.
cited by stored magnetic energy. as fixed by Eqs. (35) and (36) of
This circuit is the same as used for Chapter I. Also the condenser must
" buzzer excitation " of radio circuits. have a definite charge for this value
of impressed e.m.f. It is evident,
therefore, that in general the initial conditions, when the switch is closed,
will not satisfy the conditions required by the steady state.
For this reason the current for the first few cycles after switching the
circuit to the line will be of irregular form; the circuit requires time to
" settle down " to the steady state. Mathematically this is accomplished
by adding to the equation for the steady current a suitable damped
oscillation, the magnitude of which depends upon the time the switch is
closed and the frequency of which is fixed by the L and C of the circuit.
The actual current after closing the switch is therefore the sum of
the steady value of current and a damped oscillation at the natural period
of the circuit, the two sufficing to satisfy the required initial conditions
on closing the switch.
If the impressed voltage is e = E sin pt, the circuit having constants,
L, C and R and / U r '
<-£~„ the solution is,
At-*' sin (wt') + sin (pt -<t>), (79)

in which tan <f> = {^pL /#>

R i H~ ■ 4. i
a = 2L an a,= \LC" aPProxunately>

and t' is the time counted from the start of the supposititious transient
oscillatory current; it is sometimes written (£+Af) where At is the time
between the start of the supposititious transient term and the closing of
the switch—this increment of time is indicated in Fig. 44.
A and t' are to be suitably determined to satisfy the initial condition
that i = 0 and vc=0. This condition, vc = 0, supposes the condenser to be
uncharged at the time of switching the
-^WSAAAA/—| circuit to the line; if it is charged to a
R certain potential difference V, then the
initial conditions are i = 0, vc=V.
L I Let us suppose the steady state of the
-^TJO^JO^r^"^ circuit is as represented in Fig. 43, and
„ ,. . .„ , . further let us suppose that the switch is
Fia. 42.—Oscillatory circuit to , . . , . ,. . . . T ,,
be connected to source of closcd at the Phase '"Seated by 6. In the
alternating-current power. steady state the current should be /' and
the voltage across the condenser should be
V. Actually the current at the time of closing the switch is zero, and
we also suppose an uncharged condenser, so that vc = 0. We must then
determine t' and A of Eq. (79) that these initial conditions are satisfied.
The equation for voltage across the condenser, due to the transient
term only, we write,
ve= Eof-"1' cos wt', (80)
and hence, the current due to the transient term is,
i = C^= -wCE0t~at' sin a>;' -aCE0t-a'' cos ut'.
We here make the same assumption we have previously made for
similar circuits, that a is negligible compared to to, and so we get,
t= -uCEot-**' sin W (81)
Using the condition that the voltage across the condenser must be
zero at the time of closing the switch, we have
vc+ V = 0 or - V = t-°"'E0 cos wt'o,
in which i'o is the value of I' when the switch is closed.

i+l' = 0, so from (81) using also (82)
j, a>CV e-'"'' sin ut'o

Fig. 43.—Proper "steady state" values of voltages and current of circuit of Fig. 42,
at time of closing switch.

In case the damping of the circuit is small this equation may be written

tan wto= ~Y'\C'

From this equation we get tan ut'o and so may find the value of cos oit'o.
Knowing ut'o and w we get t'o and so can calculate t_a''° and then substi
tuting in (82), we get Eo; evidently A = -o>CE0, which can now be
substituted in Eq. (79).

In Fig. 44 are reproduced in dotted lines the current and voltage

curves of Fig. 43 and in dashed lines the transient current and condenser
voltage determined from Eqs. (83) and (82) and (81). The addition of

the steady value of current and the transient current gives the full line
curve which is the actual current in the circuit after closing the switch.
In Fig. 45 is shown an oscillogram of the transient current after switch
ing such a circuit as the one used in plotting the curves of Fig. 44. From

Figs. 44 and 45 it may be seen that on switching a circuit, of L, R, and C,

in series, to an alternating current line the condenser might be subjected
to much higher voltages than occur in the steady state, nearly twice as
much if the damping is low.

Fig. 45.—Oscillogram of transient current corresponding to condition shown in Fig. 44.

Periodic Disturbances in a Resonant Circuit.—In every radio spark

set there is a circuit the equivalent of that shown in Fig. 46; in place of
the switch shown there is a spark gap which performs the same function.
An alternator supplies power to a condenser C, through a transformer T;
once every cycle (or alterna
tion) the condenser is short
circuited for a very short time,
in an actual set by the spark
Alternator gap breaking down, in the set
from which the following os
Transformer I cillograms were taken, by a
Fig.46.—Elementary circuit illustrating the action suitable revolving switch. The
occurring in every spark set when the spark time of switch closure was
gap breaks down. adjusted for maximum volt
age in the secondary circuit
and took place at the same phase of each cycle. The voltage across
the condenser and current in the secondary of the transformer for
this case have been worked out theoretically, but they are rather

unwieldy, as one might suppose after an elementary consideration of the

For each closure of the switch S, a transient term is introduced into
the circuit, and as the damping is not sufficient to eliminate one transient
before another is introduced, the actual current and voltage consist of the
steady values with a whole series of transients superimposed. The form
of voltage and current depend largely upon the ratio of the frequency of
the impressed e.m.f. to the natural frequency of the circuit.
In Figs. 47, 48, and 49 are shown the forms of voltage across the con
denser and current in the secondary of the transformer for three values


. J i ■ w / m \'
j \ :

FlG. 47.—Voltage and current in such a circuit as that shown in Fig. 46, the switch S
being closed synchronously. Natural frequency of secondary circuit greater than
alternative frequency.
of this ratio. In Fig. 47 the natural period was less than that of the
alternator, in Fig. 48, the two were equal, and in Fig. 49, the natural
period was greater than that of the alternator. As the films were taken
at high speed they are not very distinct, so two cycles have been dotted
in with ink.
It will be seen at once that any mathematical expression to represent
these curves must be a complex one. With the switch adjusted to make
one closure per cycle the circuit is a rectifying one; if the voltage across
the condenser at the time of short circuit is E it is evident that each cycle
1 Fulton Cutting, "The theory and design of Radio Telegraphic Transformers,"
Proc. I. R. E., Vol. 4, No. 2, April, 1916. This article serves to show how complicated
an exact treatment may become; in Chapter V, p. 307-8, are shown some curves which
are calculated from simpler formula?, which curves represent quite accurately the form of
disturbance in the ordinary spark transmitting set.

the secondary of the transformer carries more in one direction than it

does in the other a quantity of electricity equal to CE.
Oscillating Circuit Excited by Pulse.—It often occurs in radio work
that an oscillatory circuit is excited by a unidirectional pulse of some

r to Fig. 47 but with secondary circuit having a natural frequency equal

to that of the alternator.

Fia 49.—Similar to Fig. 47 but with secondary circuit having a natural frequency less
than that of the alternator.
shape or other; thus it is quite likely that atmospheric disturbances in
radio receiving circuits are due to some sort of highly damped oscillation
or a series of short pulses. The effect of a pulse on a resonant circuit

will depend upon two factors, the ratio of the duration of , the pulse to
the natural period of the circuit, and the intensity or amplitude of the
pulse. Also to a minor extent the exact form of the pulse will determine
the amount of disturbance produced.
The simplest kind of a pulse to consider mathematically is a "square "
pulse, one in which the voltage rises suddenly from zero to a certain value,
holds this value for a short time and then again drops suddenly to zero.
If such a pulse of voltage is introduced into a circuit consistent of L, C,
and R, in series the shape of the current can be obtained by properly com
bining the solutions of Eqs. (76) and (1). Eq. (76) gives the conditions
when the voltage is applied to the circuit and Eq. (77) gives the voltage
on the condenser at any time to after the voltage has been applied. When
the pulse of voltage ends, Eq. (1) applies, the voltage on the discharging
condenser being that determined from Eq. (77).
Thus in Fig. 50 is shown at a the pulse of e.m.f. introduced into the
oscillating circuit, in b is shown in full lines the condenser voltage curve,
determined from Eq. (77) and in the dotted line the current produced
in the circuit by the introduction of voltage E.
Counting <=0 at the beginning of the pulse, we have

i. = —j
E t~al. sin
. ut,,
VC=E(1 -€'"' cos wt), (85)

in which to = ^jj— anc> a = j££> the solution being approximate as a has

been considered small compared to w.

If the pulse has a duration, T, at the end of the pulse the voltage in
the condenser is
vc=E(l -t-^cos 0)7/) (86)

Now at the end of the pulse the solution of Eq. (1) is available if we
substitute the proper initial conditions. The circuit solved in Eq. (1)
was one in which the initial conditions were a charged condenser and the
zero current. By inspection of Eqs. (86) and (84) it is evident that if
we make T = — the current at the end of the pulse is zero (sin wT=0)
and the voltage in the condenser is vc= E(l + c~aT), as cos wT= —1.
The equation for current from the end of the pulse (for length of pulse
=7r/a>) is therefore,

i= f(1 + « 2)«-°*' sin oit'


where t' is reckoned after the end of the pulse. This current is shown in
curve c, Fig. 50. At time t' = 5—, sin wt' = 1 and the value of current is

L.= -4(e~4+« 4) (87)

Lenjrth of pulse \¥*here
1 >[ oe >
/ |y
-1 0
f V i „ N
\ UJ\ \
\ - /
> / / K s >
\ n F. u Ml !V 1
/ y
s / ^ //

0 > t
i J
\ / i T
\ / j
L / E •I /
\ 1 ui ft .1 /
\V 1
TT 1
Fig. 50.—Effect of introducing a rectangular pulse of e.m.f. into an oscillatory circuit.
This is the maximum current obtainable from a rectangular pulse, of
amplitude E, no matter what its duration may be. Any duration either
more or less than t/u will give less value to 7max.
A more fundamental way of looking at the problem is to consider a
voltage of + E impressed on the circuit at the beginning of the pulse, and
that this voltage is maintained; at the end of the pulse a voltage of -E
is impressed on the circuit and maintained. Each of the impressed volt
ages will produce a current, and the actual current at any time is the sum
of the two.

The current after the second voltage ( -E) is impressed

, E , ■ E „ . ,,
t = +- , €-"' sin to< r6 sin <* i

in which t is the time after the (+E) voltage is impressed and t' is the
time after the second voltage ( —E) is impressed. If the interval between
the application of these two voltages is To, then the current after time
To has passed is

Fig. 51.—Oscillogram of oscillatory current produced by short pulse of e.m.f.

If the damping is comparatively small, the maximum current will

occur when sin oit', and sin co(<'+To) are simultaneously equal to unity
and of opposite sign. Moreover, it is evident that, because of the damp
ing factors, this maximum current will have its greatest value when the
above conditions occur for the smallest possible value of tat'. Inspection
shows this to be when co<'=7r/2 and uTo = ir; this means that the length
of the pulse (time between applying -\-E and —E) should be equal to
one-half the natural period of the circuit and the maximum current occurs
one-quarter of a period after the end of the pulse. Putting To=T/2

(T being the natural period of the circuit), the equation for current becomes

and if we now suppose wt'=ir/2 and write the damping in terms of decre
ment, we get

Fig. 52.—Similar to Fig. 51 but with longer pulse.

An oscillographic Investigation of impulse excitation was carried out

by the author 1 and some of the films obtained are shown in Figs. 51, 52,
and 53. The upper record of the films shows the shape and length of
pulse of e.m.f. introduced into the oscillatory circuit and the lower curve
shows the current set up in the circuit by the pulse. A complete set of
films was taken varying the length of pulse from less than 0.2 of the natural
period of the circuit to several times the period. The amplitude of the
first and second alternations were measured and their values plotted in
terms of the ratio of pulse length to natural period of the circuit; the
1 Proc. I. R. E., Vol. 8, No. 1, February, 1920.

results are given in Fig. 54 and it is seen that the results are in accord
with the prediction of Eq. (87).

In case a series of irregularly timed pulses are impressed on an oscil

latory circuit the resulting current will be of rather complex form ; Figs.
55 and 56 show how such irregular pulses excite an oscillatory circuit.

30 >r on (1 . .It rn lti< 11

O F, Alt to at
20 \S
15 V

.1 .2
.4 .3
.5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 1.1 1.2 l.S 1.4
Ratio of pulse length to natural period of circuit
Fio. 54.—Variation in amplitude of oscillatory current with length of pulse.
It is evident (Fig. 55) that pulses properly timed may practically neu
tralize one another as in this case the circuit was nearly dead after the
last pulse.

Fig. 56.—Irregular current produced by scries of pulses.


Impulse Excitation of a
Antenna Parallel Resonant Circuit.—A
condenser and coil in parallel
act like a circuit of very high
resistance for an e.m.f. of the
same frequency as that nat
5 Infinite
?L circuit ural to the circuit. The value
of the resistance is predicted
by Eq. (48), Chapter I, and
curves are shown in Chapter
"To detecting I, Figs. 70 and 71; because
of this characteristic the cir
cuit is often called an " infinite
impedance " circuit. The Eq.
Fig. 57.—Showing the use of a parallel resonant (48) was derived from the
circuit for weeding out undesired signals from an
antenna. Such a parallel circuit is often called steady state of the circuit.
an "infinite impedance."

and so predicts nothing re

garding the behavior of the
circuit for other than steady
alternating voltages; even in
this case the equations ' are
goodonlyifthee.m.f.has been
applied sufficient time for the
transient terms to disappear.
Because of the " infinite
impedance " characteristic
the circuit is often used to
eliminate from a circuit some
undesired frequency; thus
in Fig. 57 the L-C parallel
circuit is so adjusted that
its natural period is the same
as that of some undesired
frequency which is impressed
on the antenna. Now it is to
be remembered that the L-C
circuit offers "infinite imped
ance " only for the steady
state and it is interesting to Fig. 58.—Action of an approximately rectangular
pulseof e.m.f. impressed across (a) parallel circuit-
note the impedance offered curves in (b) show the separate currents, the total
by it to a pulse of e.m.f. current being t hat shown at (c).

If the pulse is a square one, such as used in Figs. 50-53, the current
flowing in the supply line (the impedance of the circuit other than that
of the " infinite impedance " being neglected) will be about as shown in
Fig. 58. The e.m.f. pulse form
is shown in curve a; the full
line curve of b shows the
current flowing through the
condenser and the dotted line
that through the coil; in c is
shown the actual current in
the line, that is, the current
which the " infinite imped
ance " circuit lets through.
These curves, as mentioned
before, are drawn on the as
sumption that the impedance
of the rest of the circuit is
It would seem likely that
if the circuit does have such
a very high impedance for a
certain frequency then it will
offer a high impedance to a
pulse, if this pulse is in the
form of one alternation of a
sine wave of the same fre
quency as that natural to the
circuit. Fig. 59 shows the
analysis of this case; a shows
the form of pulse e — E sin coi Fio 59.—Effect of impressing a sinusoidal pulse
(holding only between u>t = 0 of e.m.f. across a parallel circuit.
and wt = ir); the curves of 6
indicate the currents through each branch, and curve c shows the current
passed by the combined circuit. As the resistance in the parallel path
is made to approach zero this line current approaches a true rectangular
form, i.e., current of constant magnitude and equal to 2wfCE, where / is
the frequency of the c.m.f. of wliich the pulse is the alternation.
Analyzed mathematically, we have

ic — wCE cos (tit

sin tot — cos wt-\- t L
ft2+(toL)2 R2+(wL)2 R2+(a>L)2

this being derived as a special case of Eq. (79).

For a good coil, i.e., one having a high value for we have as an
approximate value,

lL = E{/ t—prg
R SUl 0)< 1T COS 0>H 1Tt L I .

Adding to this the condenser current we get for the current passed by
this parallel combination,
/ R I 1 \ 1 _5T\
i=E\ -,—^-5 sin wt+ ( uC r ) cos n>t-\—j-e l ).

If now the constants of the circuit are such that coC = -V, then

i = —f —r sm cot+t L J (88)
o)L\<i)L I
Oscillatory Circuit Excited by a Damped Sine Wave.—Let us con
sider a circuit made of L, R, and C in series as e.g., the ordinary antenna,
to be excited by a damped sine wave of voltage such as is induced many

Fia. 60.—Form of voltage induced in a receiving antenna by the passage of one wave
train as emitted from the ordinary spark transmitter.

times each second in an antenna by a signal from a distant spark station.

The voltage caused in an antenna by every discharge in the transmitting
circuit is not exactly representable by a damped sine wave, because for
the first few cycles its amplitude is increasing instead of decreasing; this
is indicated in Fig. 60, which shows alx)ut the form of voltage actually
induced in an antenna. The part A-B is relatively short (2£ cycles for
20 per cent coupling in the transmitting station) and the part B-C is
really a damped sine wave represented by Et~u sin pt.
The form of current induced in the antenna is determined in the usual
way by putting the sum of its reactions equal to the impressed force. -
L ~+ Ri+v = E(-kl coa pt, (89)

v being the voltage across the condenser.


Writing the impressed force as a cosine function indicates that we are

going to consider the case of maximum voltage at t = 0; such is the case
when the circuit we are considering is acted upon by the oscillatory cur
rent set up in a neighboring circuit by the discharge of a condenser. Eq.
(89) may be written in the form,

^+2a|+ (w>+ct>)v = coe pt, .... (90)

by using the relations

i = CTt>a = £t>

Differentiating (89) twice with respect to time and eliminating the

right-hand number by .multiplying (90) by (p2 -k2), its first derived equa
tion by 2k, and adding both the resulting equations to the second derived
equation, we obtain
d^+2(k+a)^+[(p2+k2) + ^+a2)+4ak]^2

MMp2+k2)+2k(w2+c^)^t+[(p2+k2)(^+a2)]v = 0. . (91)

This equation is in standard form for integration, the value of v being

of the form
«= Fit-*' sin (pt+e) + V2(-cU8\n (u>t+<t>). . . . (92)
From this equation we get
z = /i€-*' sin (pt+W+ht-* sin («*+«')• . . . (93)
This solution shows that the current flowing in the circuit is made up
of two components, one of the same frequency as the impressed force and
one of the natural frequency of the circuit.
This might have been surmised from an elementary analysis of the
problem. Suppose the damping of the impressed force is zero, then
Eq. (79) page 252, would give the correct solution and this has two terms,
one of the frequency of the impressed force (which is the solution for the
steady state) and the transient term which dies away at a rate fixed by the
decrement of the circuit.
The relative amplitudes of the two currents, h and I2, will evidently
depend in some way upon the relative values of the damping factors, k
and a, also upon the relative values of the frequencies fixed by p and w.
dv d^v
By getting the values of v, and ^2 from (92) and substituting them in
(90) , we find the value of V\ to be
yl=F. "2+a2 (94)
V[w2-p2+(a-k)2]2+4p2(a-k)2' ' ' '

2p(c* -fc)

Now by substituting in Eq. (92) the initial conditions that when (=0
v=0, then differentiating (92) and in this equation putting ^=0 when
t = 0 we get the value of V2 in terms of Vi. Substituting the value of
Vi from (94), we get,

(^)^ , ... 95)

coV[o,2 -p2+(a -fc)2]2+4p2(a -A;)2
fa) O)2 -p2 + (q -fc)2
tan «P-^fc co2+p2+(a-fc)2-

From the values of Fj. and V2 we find at once h and 72 by using the
relations h = pC Vi and h = UCV2:

h = E —-.— v =. ... (96)

LvV -p2+(a -fc)2]2+4p2(a -A;)2

f,-g , . . , (97)
LV[a,2 -p2 + (a -fc)2]2+4p2(a -fc)2

The values of 0' and <f>'—Eq. (93)—are determined from the values
of 6 and <j> given above, by increasing each of them by jt/2.
The exact form of current in the circuit is now fixed by the values of
h, h, k, a, p and w. It will be evident that if both damping factors are
low and nearly equal, and the two frequencies, fixed by p and w, are nearly
equal, the conditions are the same as those for the secondary current in
coupled circuits as illustrated in Fig. 26 of this Chapter. If p = a> there
can be no beats; for all values of damping, the current, with frequency^-
increases in value from zero to a certain maximum and then decreases
An analysis due to Bjerknes 1 shows that this current can be repre
sented by the equation
t = mCM cos (mt+i), (98)

in which m = ^— and ^ is the phase of the impressed e.m.f. at time

< = 0.
'V. Bjerknes, "Electrical Resonance," Wied. Ann., 1895, Vol. 55.

T, . . p —w k+a , k —a ,
If we let n= 2—' a= 2 ' ~2~'

in which p1 = t-!W(t-2w+e2i« _2 cos ni);

P2 = e-2o<(ne2w -n cos n< -6 sin 2ni) ;
p3 = t-2ai(f,(2bt cos 2nf+n sin 2nl).

In certain cases the form of M is simpler than indicated in Eq. (99).

If p = oi and k=a
M'^jc^ (100)
If p = w and fc^a
M=± (101)
If p?^w and fc=a

Equation 100

Equation 102
Fio. 61.—Two possible forms of current in the antenna excited by the wave trains from
a spark transmitter.

In case neither the damping factors nor frequencies are the same the
general form given in Eq. (99) must be used.
In Fig. 61 are shown the forms of current in the oscillatory circuit
for the cases given in Eqs. (100) and (102)

Resonance Curve of an Oscillatory Circuit Excited by Damped Sine

Waves.—In Chapter I we analyzed the action of an oscillatory circuit
(L, C, and R in series) when excited by an alternating e.ra.f. of constant
amplitude and showed that the form of the curve obtained when either
C, L, or / was varied (E being held constant in amplitude), enables us
to determine the decrement of the circuit. The form of the resonance
curve for the steady state depends only upon the relation between the
impedance of the circuit and the frequency of the impressed force.
When such a circuit is excited by a damped sine wave the reading
of the indicating device for showing resonance will depend on both of
the terms in Eq. (93). If a hot-wire ammeter is used to show resonance
it is evident that its reading will depend upon the average integral of the
square of each of the currents I\ and h- Bjerknes and others have
analyzed the value of this integral and by somewhat lengthy deductions
have obtained the relation,

J&k+a 1
16L2 ka (p-o.)2-(Jfc+a)2 * ' U }

At resonance (w=p) this reduces to,

E2 1
7'2 = T6L2fca(fc+«) (104)

From (103) and (104)

P _ (k+a)2
r 7,2 (p-U)2+(k+a)2'
P . (ifc+a)2'
From this we get

If we now introduce the decrements, instead of damping factors, we

have, putting k = nSi and a=jfa

If now n is nearly equal to /, so we may put without much error -— 1

we get,
... - /n-A \~~P~

If then we have plotted a curve showing the variation of the current

in the oscillatory circuit as its natural frequency is varied we can calculate
the sum of the decrements of the circuit and exciting voltage; if one of
them is known the other may then be obtained. The curve between
(current)2 and / will have the shape indicated in Fig. 62; when/=n, / has
its maximum value Ir, and it decreases as / departs from n. The amount
of decrease in J for a given difference between n and / is the same whether
f is greater or less than n, provided the value of j does not differ materially
from unity.

J "i u
/. %
Fio. 62.—Resonance curve of a circuit excited by damped sine wave.

If we then read the two values of / (call them fa and fi, fz being greater
than n and fi being less than n), so chosen that the current is reduced to
-4= of its resonance value we shall have

and also
f2 —n
Si + S2 = 2tt

Adding these two values, we get

f2-h_ f2~fl
8\ + §2 =ir ~— — * —7 (106)
n J,

In this equation fr is that frequency of the circuit which gives greatest

current; this frequency we know to be practically the same as the fre
quency of the impressed force which we have been calling n.
As the frequency of a circuit varies with the square root of the capacity
in the circuit, we may write Eq. (106) in terms of the amount of capacity
used in getting the resonance curve. If C, is the value used to get the
maximum current and C2 and Ci correspond to/2 and/i of Eq. (106) then
we have, very nearly,

Si+S2=l^ir (107)

This is the equation generally used when using a wave meter for getting
the decrement of a transmitting set; although approximations have been
made in deducing it, the errors incurred are small if the sum of the two
decrements is small (say less than 0.25), which is always the case in prac
tical radio sets.


Spark Transmission and Equipment. —The transmission of intelli

gence by means of electromagnetic and electrostatic energy radiation from
an open oscillator,' produced by the high-frequency oscillatory discharge
of a condenser in an associated circuit, is called spark telegraphy. The
fundamental circuits of such a transmitter have already been discussed
(Chapter III), and the action and inherent necessity of the spark to this
form of transmission indicated. Thus the reason for the term " spark "
In the diagram of connections (Fig. 1) and description of the trans
mitter, a certain conventional and more or less standard arrangement

Fig. 1.—Circuit diagram of the ordinary spark transmitter.

of equipment has been assumed. Commercial transmitters may differ

from this arrangement in several details, for instance, in the method
of energy supply, form of spark gap used, and the kind of coupling employed
between the closed and open (radiating) oscillatory circuits.
Ah examination of the set shows it to consist of three main circuits:
(1) a low-voltage, low-frequency circuit which includes the alternator
(A), the key (K), the low-tension winding of the step-up power trans
former (P), and a variable reactance (V.R.), which is also called a reac
tance regulator or choke coil ; (2) a high voltage, high- and low-frequency
circuit, including the high-tension winding of the step-up power trans
former (S), the capacity (Ci); the inductances (Li) and (L'i) and the
radio-frequency choke coils (H), the spark gap G being shunted across
the circuit as shown in the diagram; that part of this circuit comprising

Li, L'i, Ci, and the gap, in series is called the closed oscillating circuil;
(3) a third circuit, known as the open {radiating) oscillatory circuit, of
high frequency only, containing the following equipment : Inductance L2,
coupled inductively with Li, and forming with L\ the oscillation trans
former; a tuning inductance L3, the antenna or aerial (represented in
the diagram by a fictitious lumped capacity C2) the hot-wire ammeter
Ai, and the short wave condenser C3 equipped with short-circuiting switeh.
The detailed action and function of the above equipment, represent
ing all the essential elements of a spark transmitter, will now be discussed.
The Alternator.—The function of the alternator is to supply electrical
energy to the set, it itself usually being driven by a direct-current motor.
Where a supply of electrical energy is not available it may be driven
by a gas, steam, or oil engine. When motor driven, a storage battery
is sometimes connected across the supply mains, to steady the voltage
impressed on the motor and to act as a reserve in case of interruption
to the source of supply.
The construction and characteristics of the alternator are discussed
below (page 287).
The Switch K, called the key, is used to control manually the energy
supply to the step-up transformer. If this energy is interrupted in accord
ance with a prearranged or conventional plan (i.e., the International Morse
Code), then the radiated energy will vary in the same manner, and thus
signals may be transmitted. (See Chapter III.) The diagram indicates
the key as making and breaking the main circuit current. On the higher
powered sets it becomes impracticable manually to open the main circuit
directly, due to the large currents involved requiring a long break and
heavy set of contacts. The key, therefore, is usually arranged to operate
in an auxiliary circuit, connected to actuate one or more relays, whose
contacts, in turn, make and break the main circuit.
The Step-up Transformer.—Consisting of high and low-tension wind
ings <S and P, raises the potential of the energy supply from perhaps
120 to 10,000-20,000 volts. This increase in the voltage is required for the
proper operation of the spark gap.
For the lower powered sets, i.e., sets having less than 1 kw. rating,
the alternator and step-up transformer may be replaced by a storage
battery and high-tension induction coil. The limitation and operation
of the induction coil is considered in detail below (see page 282).
The capacity Ci forms the reservoir for energy storage as the voltage
impressed across the inductance (Li-f-L'i) and Ci approaches its maximum
value. That the impressed voltage is practically all consumed across the
condenser, and the condenser thus charged to this voltage, can be seen at
once if the reactance of (Li+L'i) and Ci are considered at the frequency

of the supply. Thus, assuming Li + L'i = 50nh, Ci = .002 m/, frequency

= 500 cycles, we have,

XI,=2jr/'L = 21rX500 X 50Xl0-6 = .157 ohm,

1 106
Xc = 2^ = 2*X500X.002=159'000 °W

Since the same current flows through both (Li+L'i) and C\ on charge,
it is apparent that the drop across the inductance is negligible, and that
the charging voltage is practically impressed directly across C\. Forms
of high potential condensers and their construction are described below
(page 297).
The inductance Li is essential to the closed circuit, since high fre
quency oscillations are to be produced when the condenser C\ discharges.
In addition to its function of energy storage, L\ forms the means of coup
ling the closed and open (radiative) circuits; in conjunction with La it
is known as an oscillation or Tesla high-frequency transformer. The
variable inductance L'i is not essential to the operation of the set, and
is seldom used in practice.
The function of the spark gap G has already been briefly considered
(Chapter III). Essentially, its action is that of a trigger which permits
the stored-up energy of the charged condenser Ci to be discharged in
the form of high-frequency oscillations, when the potential between its
electrodes has reached a certain critical value. The several forms of
spark gaps used on modern transmitters, and their action, are considered
The secondary winding L2 of the oscillation transformer forms the
seat of induced high-frequency electromotive force and is the means
of energy transfer from the closed oscillating circuit. To control this
energy transfer and to secure proper operating conditions the position
of this coil is varied with respect to L\, i.e., the coupling between the
two circuits is adjusted to give the best results.
When adjusting for' the transmission of long wave lengths, it becomes
undesirable to tune the open oscillating (radiating) circuit by increasing
L2, as this may increase the coupling to greater than the desired value;
excessive coupling possesses several disadvantages as outlined below.
Function of the Tuning Inductance L3.—To tune the circuit, without
increasing the coupling the tuning inductance L3 is inserted; note that
coefficient of coupling between the two circuits is decreased if L3 is increased
and L2 is unchanged. This inductance has no inductive relationship
with either Li, or L2, and is cut into the circuit only when adjusting the
set to transmit at the longer wave lengths. The insertion of a capacity
in multiple with Cz, or across L2, would produce a similar effect.

Antenna.—The aerial or antenna represents primarily a condenser

of large physical dimensions, and forms the radiating element of the set
(see Chapter IX). A capacity of small dimensions, such as is used in
the closed oscillating circuit, possesses no appreciable ability to throw
off or radiate electromagnetic energy even though the frequency of oscil
lation be extremely high. For this reason the radiating capacity is made
of large physical dimensions, and as such is called the aerial or antenna.
Function of the Short-wave Condenser C3.—The functions of C3 is
to permit tuning the open circuit with the closed circuit, when the wave
length to be transmitted is very short. It is therefore called the short
wave condenser and is connected in series with the antenna, the total
capacity of the circuit, and the wave-length, being thus decreased. In
the absence of this condenser it would be necessary to tune by decreasing
Z/2 (£3 being cut out of circuit at some intermediate wave-length), in
which case the energy transferred from the closed to the open circuit
may be too small for satisfactory transmission, the coupling having been
made too weak.
Protective Equipment.—In addition to the above apparatus, the set
is equipped with certain protective devices. High resistances or con
densers are connected across the field and armature terminals of the
alternator and its driving motor, to prevent the flow of high-frequency
currents in these highly inductive circuits. These high-frequency cur
rents may be caused to flow by direct inductive effects from the closed
and open oscillating circuits, particularly if the space is restricted, as
on shipboard, and the several circuits are close together. High-frequency
current flowing or tending to flow through a high inductance means a
high-potential drop across the winding, this potential usually being con
centrated (" piled up ") at the end turns of the winding. This potential
may be sufficient to puncture the winding insulation, and to prevent this
the coil is shunted by resistance or capacity, through which the high-
frequency current can easily flow, without any abnormal potentials being
produced. Also this resistance or capacity usually has its neutral point
connected to ground, to prevent excessive potential stresses with respect
to ground. The connection of a protective resistance (R') and condenser
(C) is indicated in the diagram (Fig. 1).
Since the breakdown of the gap virtually short circuits the high tension
side of the step-up transformer, some means must be introduced to pre
vent the abnormal current flow which would otherwise occur under this
condition. If this is not done, the transformer and alternator may be
damaged, and the arc across the gap become a sustained condition, pre
venting the recharging of the capacity &, with resultant decrease of the
high-frequency energy. Three means may be used, all three involving
the insertion of reactance in the low voltage supply circuit: (a) High

reactance (high impedance) in the alternator; (6) an iron-cored induct

ance in the supply leads to the transformer; (c) high leakage reactance
in the step-up transformer.
The action of this added reactance is to rapidly decrease the voltage
as the current flow increases, as the gap breaks down. In addition to
the above, a more or less resonant adjustment of the circuit constants
may be Used to secure an equivalent result. The action of this arrange
ment is discussed in detail on pages 310 et seq.
To prevent any appreciable high-frequency current from flowing
through the high-tension winding of the transformer, thus setting up
high potentials with liability of puncture to the winding, high-frequency
reactance coils H are inserted between the gap and the transformer.
These coils have a very low impedance to the flow of current of alter
nator frequency, but present a very high impedance to the high-frequency
discharge current, which is thus forced to follow the gap circuit. These
coils may be simply a helix of copper wire wound on a porcelain or bake-
lite spool, and are designed to possess a high " turn insulation." They
can thus safely withstand potential strains which would cause puncture
to the transformer winding if permitted to occur at this point. Another
advantage is that the high-frequency current is forced to flow in the low-
resistance gap circuit, instead of through the higher-resistance by-path
presented by the transformer winding. The damping is thus decreased,
and the operating efficiency of the set increased. (The damping is
decreased by the decrease of closed circuit PR losses.) With modern
transmitters, where the end turns of the high-tension winding have been
specially insulated to withstand the high potentials, these high-frequency
choke coils are usually omitted.
Conductive and Capacitive Coupling.—The above description of the
spark transmitter has considered an oscillation transformer, with two
windings, conductively independent, but coupled electro-magnetically, as
the means of transferring energy from the closed to the open oscillating
circuit. This is the form in common use to-day, and is known as inductive
coupling. Under certain conditions, where space is at a premium, such
as military field sets and aeroplane equipment, it becomes desirable to
concentrate the oscillation transformer into one winding, the connections
then being made as shown in Fig. 2 (A).
Such coupling, which is known as direct or conductive coupling, is
equivalent as a means of energy transfer, to the inductive type. It, how
ever, is not so flexible in its coupling adjustment as the latter, and requires
two movable contacts for the open circuit terminals, if very loose coupling
is desired (Fig. 2 (B)). In any case the adjustment is more difficult than
with the two-coil transformer, wherein the coupling is easily adjusted
by movement of the one coil (open circuit) relative to the other (closed

circuit coil). Direct coupling has the advantages of reduced space require
ments, simplicity and increased efficiency; it avoids also the necessity
of insulating the two windings from each other. This latter point is
important only when very tight coupling is desired, as under normal
coupling conditions the space between the two coils is such that the
insulation is ample, unless very high voltages are involved.

Fig. 2.—Two schemes for using conductive coupling in a park transmitter.

Capacitive coupling, instead of the inductive form, could also be used,

but is very rarely adopted in practice, due to the greater adjustment
facility and simplicity of the latter form. Capacitive coupling is shown
in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.—A capacitively coupled transmitter.

Forms of Excitation.—All of the above methods involve what is known

as indirect excitation, that is, energy is stored in the closed-circuit con
denser, and a portion then transferred from this circuit to the open or
radiating circuit, when the high-frequency oscillatory discharge occurs.
The antenna, however, possesses distributed capacity and inductance and
the earlier forms of transmitters stored the energy in this antenna capacity
directly, the antennae circuit being thus synonymous with the closed cir
cuit of the modern transmitter. This method is known as direct excita
tion, and possesses advantages as regards economy in first cost, less space
requirements, and greater simplicity. The connections are shown in
Fig. 4.

This arrangement may be used particularly for very small power sets,
using a storage battery and induction coil as the source of high potential
energy. It will be noted that the capacity of the aerial is charged by
the induction coil, and when the gap breaks down, a high-frequency dis
charge is produced exactly as in the case of the closed circuit. A portion
of the high-frequency energy will be radiated, and by its proper control
signals may be transmitted as with the indirectly excited transmitters.
The circuit possesses the fundamental disadvantage that the gap
resistance is in the radiating circuit. The radiated energy will thus have
a high decrement and cause interference to any station which may be
within its sending radius, ^ ■—
unless the station be tuned
to a wave length, remote
from that of the transmitter
considered. The efficiency
of such a radiator is low,
most of the energy being
dissipated as heat in the
spark resistance and as
other circuit losses. Also •=- ■=■
the capacity of the antenna FlG 4._The earliest type of radio transmitter, using
is small compared to the direct excitation, the spark gap being in the
capacity which may be antenna circuit,
placed in the closed cir
cuit when indirect excitation is used thus the current through the spark
gap is much smaller than it would be if the gap were in a high capacity
circuit. The resistance of the gap is higher the smaller the current through
it, hence the high damping effect of the gap when placed in the antenna
circuit. The decrement of the radiated energy is still further increased
by the increased length of gap required as well as by excessive leakage
losses, corona, etc., which may occur at these increased voltages. The
decrement may be reduced by inserting a low resistance inductance L
in the aerial circuit as shown in Fig. 4, and as shown by the formula for
decrement given on page 214. The oscillations will thus decay more
slowly, giving a more sustained effect to the radiated energy; but the
amount of energy radiated is less.
It may not be possible, however, to insert this inductance, if it is
desired to transmit at certain short wave lengths. For these reasons the
direct excitation method is not used on medium- or high-powered trans
mitters, and is found only on very small or emergency sets, when low
first cost or space restriction may be the primary consideration.
Means of Energy Supply.—Modern spark transmitters may be equipped
with one of two forms of energy supply to the closed circuit:

(a) The storage battery and induction coil.

(b) The alternator and step-up power transformer.
The Storage Battery and Induction Coil.—Sets utilizing the storage
battery and induction coil are usually of an emergency or portable nature,
and of relatively low power. (Not over 1 kw.) The connections of
such a set have already been indicated in Fig. 4. The direct excitation
used in the figure, however, is rarely employed, conductive coupling
between the closed and radiating circuit usually being employed.
The induction coil is simply an " open-core " transformer, possessing
a primary winding wound with a few turns of heavy wire, and a secondary
winding consisting of a large number of turns of fine wire. Closing the
key completes the primary circuit and connects the primary winding
directly across the battery. Current will thus flow through the winding,
magnetizing the iron core. When the magnetization has reached a certain
critical value, the armature A, Fig. 4, is drawn toward the core, opening
the circuit at the contact C. This sudden opening of the primary causes
the flux set up in the core, which links both secondary and primary wind
ings, to collapse or decrease at a very high speed. In collapsing the flux
cuts the secondary winding and a very high electromotive force is thus
induced in this winding. This e.m.f., impresses on the antenna circuit,
charges the antenna up to that potential, at which the gap breaks down,
whereupon a high frequency oscillatory discharge occurs, as already
described in the first pages of Chapter IV.
The decrease of flux in the core reduces the attraction on the armature
A, which is drawn back to its initial position by the spring S, thus closing
the primary circuit again, whereupon the cycle of events just described
is repeated. The frequency with which the armature makes and breaks
the primary circuit determines the frequency of the high voltage pulses
impressed on the closed circuit, and thus also determines the group or
spark frequency of the set. This frequency may range from 30 to 100
" makes " and " breaks " per second on modern interrupters of this type,
known as the " hammer break " type. The constants of the armature
system (the inertia of the armature and the spring tension) determine
this frequency, which may therefore be adjusted within the limits indi
cated above to give a required group frequency. This is usually accom
plished by adjustment of the spring tension and initial position of the
Requirements of Interrupter Action.—Since the function of the induc
tion coil is to charge a capacity to certain high potential in a very short
interval of time (the duration of the high e.m.f. in the secondary is very
short), the following requirements must be fulfilled.
(a) The primary must be broken cleanly and quickly, so that the pri
mary current and thus the flux surrounding both windings, decreases

very rapidly, and (6) the time constant of the secondary or high-tension
circuit must be sufficiently low. In considering the above requirements,
it is desirable to analyze somewhat carefully the actions which occur in
the induction coil at " make " and " break."
Action of Shunting Condenser.—If we assume the operating key
closed, we have the condition of a constant e.m.f. impressed on an inductive
circuit. Therefore the current in the primary increases, as already
described (page 32), and as indicated in curve a, Fig. 5. The flux through
I i
! !
1 1 i
Make^j Make^l _

Y a
j Break, x
1 Break,,

I* tfl sec; H

V \ e

i i
Fio. 5.—Currents and voltages in the circuits of a spark coil having a vibrating contact.
the core and linking both windings follows a nearly similar variation, as
shown in curve b. We therefore have voltages induced in both windings
of the coil; in the case of the primary this voltage represents the c.e.m.f.
of self-induction; in the case of the secondary, it is simply an induced
ejn.f. and is equal to ^«^» N* being the number of secondary turns.
The secondary induced e.m.f. is indicated by curve c.
At the instant the contact closes the primary circuit the changing flux
in the core must be just sufficient to balance the impressed, or battery,
voltage. We may therefore write for this instant, ^ = ~^~» E being
the impressed voltage and Np being the number of turns in the primary

winding. If there were no magnetic leakage between the primary and

secondary coils the induced secondary voltage would be equal to ~g ^
which may evidently be written E ~. Hence at the instant of " make "
the induced secondary voltage is comparatively low, practically negligible
compared to the voltage obtained at the break.
When the primary circuit is interrupted at the contacts of the vibrator,
a high e.m.f. will be induced in each winding, the relative value of the
primary and secondary e.m.f. being determined by the turn ratio. The
counter e.m.f. of self-induction will tend to maintain a current in the pri
mary across the gap between the vibrator contacts, and if permitted to
do so, this current will flow as an arc across this gap, injuring the contacts
and preventing the very rapid decrease of flux desirable. To prevent
this action, a large capacity is shunted across the vibrator contacts as
shown in Fig. 4. The counter e.m.f. of the primary now charges this
condenser, which, since its capacity is relatively large,1 does not rise to
very high potentials, and thus limits the potential across the contacts,
which cannot exceed that of the condenser. Sparking or arcing at the
contacts is thus avoided.
As the condenser becomes charged, and the energy of the magnetic
field is discharged, a point will be reached where the potential of the con
denser is greater than that of the coil. The condenser will then discharge
into the coil, but the current will oppose the original flow of current
and therefore increase the rate of decay of current in the circuit. In
effect the primary circuit is an oscillating circuit, although the first oscil
lation only is of importance, due to the very high damping. The effect
of the shunting condenser is thus (a) to prevent arcing and sparking
at the contacts of the vibrator, resulting in a cleaner break, higher induced
e.m.f. 's in the secondary winding, and decreased injury to contacts; (b) an
opposing discharge current flows into the primary winding, which increases
the rate of decay of flux, thus also increasing the e.m.f. induced in the
secondary. For these reasons a shunting condenser is always used in
connection with the induction coil, being usually assembled in the base
of the induction coil case.
Duration of High Potential Induced in Secondary Circuit.—The period
of time during which the high voltage is available at the secondary ter
minals is extremely small. This may be seen from the following: if
the primary circuit has no condenser, the decay depends primarily on the
quickness and cleanness with which the vibrator opens its contacts. The

1 The condenser should be only just large enough to suppress arcing at the contacts;
if the value of the capacity is greater than this required amount the secondary induced
voltage will be lower than if a proper condenser is used.

resistance then inserted in the circuit is very high and the time constant
is therefore very small. The collapse of the flux is then correspond
ingly rapid if we neglect the effect on this flux of whatever current may be
present in the secondary circuit during this time.
If a condenser shunts the contacts, the time is fixed by the natural
period of this circuit; thus if we assume Cv = lpf, Lv — .01 henry, the time
of the first alternation of secondary voltage is given by the equation

2^>/LC_2^Xl0-3XV^0Txi = 27rXl0-3X.l
= 3.14X10-* sec.1
2 2 2

If a spark does not take place, other alternations of voltage will follow
this one, but will be successively smaller in amplitude and hence would
evidently not produce a spark if the first alternation did not.
Action in the Secondary Circuit.—In the secondary circuit, the e.m.f.
induced must overcome the reactions of the winding resistance and the
condenser, or

N,^I,R,+ve. (1)

This circuit is equivalent to the circuit considered on page 37, where

the charging of condenser through resistance was discussed. The
induced voltage may be considered as acting on the capacity through R,.
The time constant of this circuit is C,R, and since iV.^r has such a
short duration, it is essential that C,R, be small, if the capacity is to be
charged to the maximum possible potential. Since C, is fixed by the wave
length and energy requirement of the set, R, must be made as low as pos
sible. For this reason induction coils intended for radio service have their
secondaries wound with wire several sizes larger than would ordinarily
be used, as for instance, in a coil intended for gas-engine ignition. It
must be borne in mind that the actual electrical efficiency of the coil
intended for radio work may be of importance, and when this is so, it is
evident that the PR loss in the secondary winding must be kept as low as
possible. This is another reason for keeping the resistance of the second
ary winding low.
The action which occurs in the secondary circuit at the instant of

1 This elementary analysis is based on the assumption that the secondary circuit
has no effect on the time constant of the primary circuit; if a condenser is connected
across the secondary terminals (or the internal capacity of the secondary winding has
an appreciable effect) this assumption is hardly warranted.

primary " break " is indicated to a larger time scale in Fig. 6 1 where (a)
indicates the conditions with the spark gap disconnected from the second
ary circuit while (b) shows the operation when both the condenser and
gap are across the high-tension winding as in normal operation.
The duration of the train of high-frequency oscillations, assuming a
decrement of 0.2 (which is not excessive for this type of circuit), and a
frequency of 1,000,000, is calculated as follows:
4.6+5 4.6+0.2
= 24 waves,
and the duration is,
24X10-6 seconds.

Instant of Gap Breakdown

Conditions when gap does Conditions when |
not break down breaks down
Fig. 6.—Action of a spark coil connected to an oscillatory circuit.
This time would be indicated by practically a straight vertical line
on the scale of Fig. 5. Conditions as indicated in Fig. 6 (a) would also
apply to the primary circuit if a suitable condenser is used across the
Types of Interrupters.—As has been mentioned, the induction coil is
used chiefly on sets of low power, usually representing emergency equip
ment. On these the principal type of interrupter used is the " hammer
1 In calculating the time scale for diagram 6 (a), it has been assumed that the
secondary winding has an inductance of 25 henries, and that the condenser used in
the secondary circuit has a capacity of .002 microfarad.

break " interrupter as mentioned previously. This type of break, however,

is limited in its ability to interrupt large currents, and in the frequency of
interruption to which it can be adjusted. The turbine break, which opens
the primary circuit by periodically interrupting a jet of mercury which
completes the circuit, may be used when larger currents and power are
involved. The frequency of interruption is also under ready control, and
can be varied from 30 to 1200 breaks per second, by adjusting the speed
of the rotating member, which is usually driven by a small motor.
The electrolytic type, and various types of motor (commutator) inter
rupters have also been used. The student is referred to Fleming's " Prin
ciples of Electric Wave Telegraphy and Telephony " for more detailed
information on these types, which are relatively little used on modern
spark transmitters.
The foregoing interrupters are not capable of properly " making "
and " breaking " large currents many times per second (500 or 1000) and
for this reason the induction coil is at present limited in application to
small power sets.
Alternator and Step-up Transformer.—The use of an alternator and
step-up transformer is practically universal, with the exception of very
small sets, which may economically and conveniently be supplied by a
storage battery and induction coil as described above. Alternators for
radio service are usually motor driven, where electrical power is available.
If no electrical source of power is provided, a gas, oil engine, or small
steam turbine may be used as the prime mover.
Alternator Construction.—The general construction of such an alter
nator does not differ radically from that of the ordinary machine of power
engineering, and will be in accordance with one of the following construc
tional arrangements.:
(a) Fixed Field and Rotating Armature;
(b) Rotating Field and Fixed Armature;
(c) Inductor Type.
The first two arrangements have been widely used in the past, while
the third type is more recent. It possesses the advantage that all windings
are fixed in position and thus liability of damage to insulation is reduced
and greater mechanical strength and ruggedness is obtained.
Alternator Action.—The action of all three arrangements is to induce
in the armature winding an alternating e.m.f. Types a and b secure
this result by varying the position of the field windings relative to the
armature winding, thus causing a periodic change in the flux linldng a
given coil and inducing therein an alternating e.m.f. This action is
indicated in Fig. 7.
In the inductor type the relative position of the armature and field

windings is fixed, but a revolving rotor periodically varies the reluctance

of the flux path, and thus the flux Unking a given winding in the armature,
periodically increases and decreases as indicated in Fig. 8. The rotor
carries no windings, the projections (pole teeth) on its periphery acting
to cause the required periodic variation of flux.

Position of conductor
Fig. 7.—Induction of e.m.f. in the conductor of a revolving armature alternator.

Frequency of Generated E.M.F. —In the case of the first two types the
flux of adjacent poles is always in the opposite directions: Thus a con
ductor passing through the flux emanating from the N pole will have
induced in it an e.m.f. of one direction or polarity, and in passing through
the S pole flux, will have the direction of e.m.f. reversed, i.e., a complete
cycle of alternating e.m.f. is induced in the conductor as it passes a pair
of poles.
Armature Winding Field Winding

S ll |2 |a 14 Is
Fia. 8.—Action of an inductor alternator.

In the case of the inductor type, the direction of the flux relative to
the armature winding is always the same, but this flux varies periodically
with time as the reluctance of its path increases and decreases. When
the flux is increasing the induced e.m.f. (e = N will have a certain
polarity. When the rate of change of flux reverses, that is, becomes a
decrease, the induced e.m.f. reverses and an alternating e.m.f. is thus

For classes (a) and (6) the frequency, i.e., the number of complete
cycles per second, is equal to the number of pairs of poles (in passing one
pair of poles the induced e.m.f. passes from 0 to + maximum to 0 to
—maximum and back to 0) times the revolutions per second, or

/=pX r.p.s. (2)

Thus a 4-pole machine, when driven at 1800 r.p.m., will give a fre
quency of 60 cycles per second.
In the inductor type, a complete cycle is obtained when the rotor
moves through the angle of the pole pitch (pole pitch = distance from a
point on one field projection on rotor to the corresponding point on the
adjacent projection).
Thus, if the rotor makes one complete revolution, the cycles generated
are equal to the number of teeth or projections on the rotor. The cycles
per second are thus equal to
/=nX(r.p.s.), (2a)

where n = the number of pole teeth, or slots on the rotor

Radio alternators differ from alternators used for power engineering,
in two important characteristics: (a) frequency, (b) internal reactance.
The frequency of the alternator determines the spark or group frequency
of the set (neglecting the application of the non-synchronous gap discussed
below), which in turn determines the number of times the receiver dia
phragm is impulsed per second at the receiver station, or the pitch of the
note, heard in the phones by the receiving operator. Modern receiver
diaphragms normally have a natural frequency of about 1000 cycles per
second, and the human ear is most sensitive at about this frequency; it
is therefore desirable to use this frequency of wave trains, if the maximum
audibility of the received signal is to be obtained. (When the signal
frequency corresponds to the natural frequency of the telephone diaphragm
maximum signal strength for a given impressed e.m.f. results.) Thus
modern radio alternators are constructed to give very much higher fre
quencies than are used in power engineering practice, a usual value being
600 cycles, giving a group frequency of 1000, when the gap is adjusted
to break down once every half cycle.
This high frequency requires a large number of poles, or excessively
high speeds, for its generation. Thus a four-pole machine would have to
be run at 250 r.p.s. or 15,000 r.p.m., to give 500 cycles per second. This
high speed would involve difficult and expensive construction and there
fore the number of field poles is increased to obtain the desired frequency
at a lower speed. To secure the required number of poles around the
periphery of the armature, without making the latter excessively large,

requires special construction. Thus, assuming an alternator driven at

1500 r.p.m., or 25 r.p.s., we have,
/=500 = nX25, where n = No. of pairs of poles
n = 20
Thus, 20 pairs, or 40 poles, would be required for the field. To mini
mize the space required, field coils are placed only on alternate poles (A7),
Fleld the remaining poles (S)
thus being consequent
poles. This construc
tion is Dlustrated in
Armature Fig. 9.
Fig. 9.—The ordinary small radio alternator has a field With the inductor
coil on every other pole only, half the poles being con type, very much higher
sequent poles. speeds are permissible,
as all windings are
fixed in position, and the rotor can be specially designed and constructed
for high-speed operation. Such construction is illustrated by the
Alexanderson high-frequency alternator described in Chapter VII. With
the inductor type it is not difficult to secure the necessary frequency
by increasing the number of pole teeth, keeping the speed within reason
able values. Thus for the case considered above, 20 teeth, each tooth
and its associated slot being equivalent to a pair of poles, would be
formed on the rim of the rotor.
Driving Motor.—The driving motor for any type of radio alternator
should have a practically constant speed-load characteristic over the load
range in which it is to operate. This requirement is fulfilled sufficiently
well by the modern shunt motor, although differential compound wound
motors are also used to secure the desired constancy in speed. Poly
phase synchronous or induction motors may also be used where a.c. power
only is available.
Internal Impedance of Radio Alternators.—The second characteristic
which differentiates the alternator used for commercial power purposes
and the radio alternator, is the internal or armature impedance. The
radio alternator operates always for a small part of its cycle, under short-
circuit conditions. It has already been indicated (page 278) that the exces
sive current which would flow in the alternator and transformer windings
throughout the interval during which the gap is carrying current and
hence has very low resistance, may be minimized by high reactance in
the transformer, artificial inductance in the transformer supply leads
(choke coils), or high impedance in the armature of the alternator. The
last named method is that usually employed, and modern practice indi
cates that the high impedance alternator is the best solution of the problem.

Choke coils or reactance regulators represent additional equipment and

complication, and are therefore relatively little used.
A high armature impedance means essentially a high armature reac-
ance, the resistance usually being quite small compared to the reactance.
The reactance of the armature is made
up of two components: ^
(a) leakage reactance;
(b) armature reaction.
The leakage reactance is caused by
the flux surrounding the winding con
ductors, this so-called leakage flux having (
no effect on the main field flux. It is j
essentially a local flux, as indicated in I
Fig. 10. pIO 10.—Conventional diagram of
This flux induces a C.e.m.f. of self- leakage flux around an armature
induction in the armature winding, and conductor,
represents the inherent reactance of the
armature circuit. The voltage required to send a current / through
the armature at standstill is therefore,

E = IZ, where Z = VT^^+X2^^,,

the measurements being made as for any inductive circuit. They must
be repeated with the armature slots in several different positions with
respect to the field poles, and the results averaged, since the reluctance
of the leakage flux path is affected by the position of the field poles.
Armature reaction is the name given to the distorting and demagnet
izing effect of the armature magnetomotive force on the main field. (It
is evident that since the armature is made up of turns of wire carrying
current wound on an iron core, that the armature represents a certain
number of ampere turns, and thus also a m.m.f.) This effect is separate
from the leakage flux (which does not necessarily react on the main field),
and is indicated in Fig. II.1
The first reactance causes a real reactive voltage which must be over
come by the generated e.m.f. in the circuit. The second reaction may
be considered as an apparent reactance inserted into the circuit, the
induced e.m.f. being assumed constant. Actually the induced e.m.f. does
not remain constant, but increases on leading load and decreases on lagging
load. The relation between terminal voltage, armature current, armature
1 In Fig. 11 the vectors showing armature m.m.f. are merely indications of the aver
age effect of the armature m.m.f.; actually the armature reaction of a single-phase
alternator (all radio alternators are single phase) is variable in magnitude and direc
tion. For an elementary analysis see Morecroft, "Continuous and Alternating Current
Machinery, " p. 244 et seq.

constants, and armature reaction is indicated in Figs. 12 and 13, which

have been drawn for a commercial alternator and a machine intended
for radio service under normal load and sustained short-circuit conditions.1
On the former machine the short-circuit current (sustained value) may be
2.5 to 3 times the normal value, while with the radio alternator, the short-
circuit current is only slightly larger than the normal value. Thus the cur
rent carried in the low-tension circuit does not increase to excessive value
when the gap break-down short-circuits the transformer, and thus abnormal
strains and resultant damage of equipment are prevented. In other words

Fig. 11.—Various directions of the armature magneto motive force, for loads of different

on modern alternators designed for radio service it does not require an

excessive current in the armature to make the armature ampere turns
practically equal to those of the main field. This means that the effective
or net ampere turns are small, and the net flux is small; thus only a small
e.m.f. is induced in the alternator winding, and the short-circuit current
is correspondingly small.
The Power Transformer.—The function of the power transformer in
a transmitting set has already been outlined on page 276. The choice
and design of such a transformer are of great importance, in so far as the
set may work very poorly or fail altogether unless the transformer has the
proper characteristics.

1 It must be noted that the short-circuit condition, i.e., broken down spark gap.
on the radio alternator exists for such a small fraction of the cycle, that conclusions
reached from the short-circuit diagram in Fig. 13 are not directly applicable. An
exact treatment would require the analysis of successive short-circuit transients.

Fig. 12.—Regulation diagram for ordinary alternator.

Fia. 13.—Regulation diagram for radio alternator showing greater effect of armature
leakage and magnetomotive force.

In order that the following discussion be more fully understood Fig.

1 of page 275 is here reprinted, as Fig. 14.
The main requisites of a power transformer are:
1st. That it shall charge the condenser C\ to the voltage necessary
to store therein an amount of energy such that, when the gap G breaks
down and the condenser discharges through the gap and the primary L\
of the oscillation transformer, the antenna will receive the required amount
of energy.
2d. That when the gap G breaks down, and thereby practically short-
circuits the high-tension side of the transformer, the current flowing therein,
and also through the gap, will be as small as possible. The first of these
requisites will be illustrated by means of a numerical example.

Fig. 14.—Spark transmitter circuit.

Assume the following:

Antenna to be supplied with 200 watts.
Efficiency of transformation from Ci to antenna = 30 per cent.1
Capacity of Ci =0.012 micro-farads.
Frequency of alternator = 500 cycles per second.
Number of sparks per second = 2 X 500 = 1000.
Power to be supplied to condenser Ci= =670 watts. The voltage
to which the condenser must be charged is obtained from the formula:
~-N = W, . . . . ' (3)
C = capacity of condenser in farads;
V — voltage to which condenser is charged;
N = number of sparks per second;
W = power in watts.
1 This figure is, of course, low; it has been reported that a spark set may have an
efficiency as high as 60 per cent, measured by ratio of antenna high-frequency power
to motor input; an average figure is probably 40 per cent.

= 10,500 volts.

The above simply means that the transformer must be able to charge
the condenser to 10,500 volts once for every half cycle, and that at this
voltage the gap shall break down.
The transformer must be very well insulated, for the first few turns
at any rate, not only because it itself must develop a high voltage, as
shown above, but also because, after the gap has quenched,1 radio-fre
quency e.m.f.'s are induced by the antenna circuit into the primary of
the oscillation transformer and are therefore inpressed upon the secondary
winding of the power transformer. These high-frequency e.m.f.'s pro
duce high-frequency currents, which flow, by condenser action, from turn
to turn and layer to layer through the high-tension side of the power
transformer and even through the low-tension side; unless the insulation
has low dielectric loss and unless it is especially heavy near the end turns
of the high-tension side, where the dielectric currents are largest, it is likely
eventually to break down.
The second requisite of the power transformer is of importance because
if, when the gap breaks down, the current through the power transformer
and the gap should be large, not only would there be a large unnecessary
waste of power but, in addition, the large current would maintain an " arc "
through the gap and thus keep this " closed," a condition which, as is
pointed out on page 310, should be decidedly avoided. In order to meet
the above the circuit consisting of the alternator, the reactance V.R. (see
Fig. 14), the power transformer, the inductances H-H, the condenser C\,
and the inductances L\ and L\ are arranged so that, when the gap is
open, the impedance of this circuit at the alternator frequency will be low,
and, when the gap breaks down, the impedance of the circuit of the alter
nator V.R., the power transformer H-H, and the closed gap will be very
much higher. Thus, when the gap is open the flow of current will not
be impeded, while when the gap breaks ddwn the current from the alter
nator will be very much reduced. A simple way of obtaining this result
is by adjusting the circuit of A, V.R., PS, H-H, C\, L\, L\ to have a
natural frequency equal2 to that of the alternator; so that, when the con
denser Ci and the inductances Li and L\ are, by the breaking down of
the gap, separated from the power transformer, the current in this will be
only a small fraction of that flowing when the gap is open. In other words,
the entire circuit from the alternator to and including L\ must resonate
1 See p. 314 for discussion of quenching.
1 In practice, this circuit is adjusted to a natural frequency somewhat lower than
that of the alternator, as is pointed out on p. 303.

at the alternator frequency. This requires that the capacity Ci and the
various inductances, including the inductance of the alternator and of the
transformer, be properly chosen.
The values of C\, L\, and L'i have to be adjusted to give the correct
wave length, and this makes them comparatively small; hence in order
that the entire circuit, from the alternator to L\, may resonate at the
alternator frequency the inductances to the left of the gap (see Fig. 14)
must be high.
To illustrate, assume:
Ci = 0.012 = microfarad ;
X = wave length = 600 meters;
/= alternator frequency = 500 cycles per second;
L = total inductance from the alternator to and including Li,
expressed in terms of high-tension side of transformer, in
Li+L\ = inductance of L\ and L\ in microhenries.
From formula (15) page 212,

2tt VLC
Therefore, for resonance at 500 cycles per second,

1 8.5 henries.
Again, from formula (18), page 213,
X = 1885Vo.012(Li+L'i)
Ll+Ll,= 1885^X0.012 = 8-5 microhenries-

Thus, while the inductance of Li and L'i must be 8.5 microhenries, the
inductance of the entire circuit may be 8.5 henries or one million times
as large; hence, practically all of the inductance necessary to bring about
resonance at the alternator frequency must be in the alternator, V.R.,
the power transformer and the choke coils H-H.
Up to a few years ago it was common practice to design the trans
former with the highest possible inductance or, in other words, with a very
large amount of magnetic leakage, so that the most of the required induct
ance was in the transformer and comparatively little in the alternator
and the choke coils; such a transformer was called a "resonance trans
former," in so far as its inductance alone was nearly capable of bringing
about resonance at the alternator frequency. A transformer of this type
was generally made with an open magnetic circuit, a so-called " open-
core transformer." The tendency of late is to design the transformer
with little leakage (closed magnetic circuit) and hence little inductance,

and place the required inductance outside of the transformer in series

with its low-tension side, as at V.R. (Fig. 14) or in the alternator armature.
Some of the power transformers for the smaller sets are constructed so that
the leakage, and therefore the inductance of the transformer, may be
regulated; thus, in Fig. 15 by moving the magnetic shunt M, which is
pivoted at D, the air gap A may be varied, and in this manner more or less
flux may be caused to leak away from the secondary coil S and into the
shunt M. This arrangement is satisfactory for small power transformers,
but not so for large transformers, espe
cially in view of the noise due to the vibra
tions of the shunt M, which is difficult to
It is standard practice at present for
any but the smallest-size sets to con
struct the alternator with high induct
ance, the transformer with a closed core
and hence with low inductance, and to
make up the needed additional induct
ance in the form of a coil V.R., inserted
in the primary of the transformer.
It has already been pointed out that
the insulation of the power transformer
must be of the best,1 not only because
of the low-frequency high voltage but Fig. 15.—Small radio transformers
are frequently fitted with an
also because of the trouble experienced adjustable magnetic shunt.
due to high-frequency currents finding
their way into the transformer. If the choke coils H-H are used (see
Fig. 14) they should reduce to a minimum the high-frequency currents
flowing in the transformer; if the choke coils are not used, and this
is very common in order to simplify the equipment, then the insulation
of the transformer secondary must be augmented in order to take care
of the voltages due to the high-frequency currents.
Condensers.—The Audio Frequency Circuit of the Transmitting Set.—
The condensers used in a transmitting set are known as " power con
densers," to distinguish them from those used in a receiving set, which are
known as " receiving condensers." A power condenser must, as its very
name implies, be capable of handling large amounts of power without
serious deterioration or breaking down.
The requisites of a power condenser are:
1st. That the insulation between plates shall be such as to prevent
its being punctured by the high voltage used.
1 In American practice the transformer is generally an open-core transformer, air
cooled; in European practice an oil-cooled transformer is generally used, this type being
undoubtedly superior to the air-cooled type.

2d. That the losses shall be small (see page 166, Chapter II). The
dielectrics generally used in power condensers are: air, glass, oil and
mica. Of these air has the minimum specific inductive capacity, and
it causes practically no losses, while the other dielectrics have a much
higher specific inductive capacity but suffer more or less energy loss. As
regards breakdown voltage air is at a disadvantage as compared with the
other dielectrics, but at pressures higher than atmospheric the break
down voltage for air is very high and it increases in nearly direct propor
tion to the absolute pressure. A comparison of the characteristics of
these dielectrics is given in Chapter II, page 169.
It will be seen from the characteristics of the various dielectrics that
if a condenser of a certain capacity is to be designed, the air condenser
would have the largest dimensions and the mica condenser the smallest.
However, the losses in the air condenser would be very small, while those
in a poorly constructed mica condenser might be so high as to make its
use prohibitive. Glass condensers in the form of Leyden jars have met
with much favor in the radio field and they are being extensively used.
Each jar has a capacity of about 0.002 nf, and is capable of withstanding
a voltage of about 15,000; for any particular desired voltage and capacity
the jars are grouped in series multiple, so that the combination will have
the required capacity and breakdown voltage. Condensers with glass as
the dielectric are also made with flat pieces of glass covered with tin foil,
the spate requirements of such condensers being much smaller than for
the Leyden jars. They do not stand continued use, however, as well
as the Leyden jars, because of the greater amount of heating due to smaller
cooling surface.
Oil condensers are not very much used in general practice, but their
use is very commendable in places where there is no possibility of spilling
the oil. It must be borne in mind, that although the dielectric properties
of oil are unfavorably affected by a flash through it, so that oil condensers
cannot be expected to give as good service after the oil has once
been flashed, they are still serviceable after a breakdown, whereas
a solid dielectric condenser, such as mica or glass, is completely
The mica condenser is a very desirable one, and is apparently going
to largely supplant the Leyden jar for ship sets and similar installations.
It is compact, and, if properly constructed, has a loss so small as to be
hardly measurable. The impregnation of the condenser with suitable wax
mu3t be done sufficiently well to drive out all air completely, as the trapped
air bubbles, suffering corona loss, are the source of local heating and
thus weaken the dielectric strength of the mica. It must be noted that
these condensers are made to be used at the rated voltage and frequency
for inlermitterd service only and that even a good mica condenser if used

continuously at the rated voltage and frequency will have its wax melted
after an hour or so.
Compressed-air condensers are very suitable where very high voltages
and low losses are required; the structure of the condenser, i.e., the metal
plates and their insulating supports, is placed in a steel container capable
of safely withstanding a pressure up to a dozen atmospheres or more and
dry compressed air is pumped in until the required pressure is obtained.
It may be easily seen that an air compressor and gauge are necessary
auxiliaries of such condensers, and that their use cannot be considered,
except for very large land installations, or for laboratories.
On the whole the Leyden jar with its simplicity of construction and
large heat-radiating surface affording cool operation is a favorite type
of transmitting condenser and would be even more widely used were it
not for its large space requirements and liability of breakage.
Transmitting condensers are very seldom constructed so that their
capacity may be continuously varied in view of the insulation difficulties
resulting from the high voltages dealt with.
The value of the capacity of the condenser used in the closed circuit
of a spark transmitter is fixed by the voltage, the spark frequency, and
the power set. This point has already been discussed on page 295, from
the point of view of the high-tension transformer, and it will be more
fully emphasized here from the point of view of the condenser. Rewriting
formula (3):
~-N = W, . . : (3)

C = capacity of condenser in farads;
V= voltage to which condenser is charged;
N = number of sparks per second ;
W= electrical power, in watts, given to condenser.
We immediately note that the power varies directly with N, C and V2.
The value of N is more or less fixed, because it represents the " tone " of
the set and the best tone is supposed to be that due to N = 1000 per second.
Therefore, if a certain amount of power must be imparted to the con
denser a suitable choice must be made of C and V. With a very high
voltage the dielectric and leakage losses are likely to be high, and the dif
ficulties of insulating the various parts of the set are such as to make it
impractical, and a limit in this direction is soon reached after which, if
more power is required, the condenser capacity must be increased.
Voltages of 100,000 might be used in large land installations, but in small
land and in ship installations the range is 10,000 to 20,000 volts.
It may be easily seen that in large power installations the condenser

must have a very large capacity, even though a high voltage is used.
For instance, assume:
W= 50,000 watts;
V= 100,000;
2V = 1000 per second.
rpu n 2 X 50,000 .„ ,
^ c=ioooxioo,ooo2=0-01^

Since this capacity affects the wave length it is plain that even though
a small inductance be used in the closed circuit, the wave length will be
large; and this is one reason why the wave length of high-power instal
lations is large; there are other reasons which are taken up on page 196.
In the example given, even if the inductance in the closed circuit were
200 txh (which is comparatively small) the wave length would be:
1885V200 X 0.01 = 2660 meters.
Again, from the formula:

we obtain the other:

™ = W=N^, . (4)
7 = the current in the antenna;
R= effective resistance of antenna;
?;= efficiency of transformation from condenser to antenna.
r_V IvNC
"2\ B '
or the antenna current varies with the square root of the capacity.
To show this a test was made on a transmitter with the apparatus
connected as shown in curve sheet Fig. 16, where the ammeter measures
the high-frequency current in the closed circuit. Of course the current
in the antenna, which is here not shown, would be directly proportional
to the current in the closed circuit. In this test the gap length was kept
constant, the value of the capacity was varied and the voltage of the
alternator was regulated until, for every case, a spark occurred for each
alternation (as could be approximately determined by the pitch of the
spark note); this meant that the voltage to which the condenser was
being charged was the same, and, furthermore, that the condenser was
being charged and discharged once for every alternation. Under these
conditions the high-frequency current should be proportional to VC, and
the square of the current proportional to C. The curve obtained shows

this to be approximately the case, except that an intercept is noted at

the point corresponding to two jars due to the fact that for such a low
capacity the gap could not be kept from arcing, which, in turn, prevented
the periodic and regular charging and discharging of the condenser.
Design of Audio Circuit.—We may now discuss more fully the choice
of the various parts of the so-called " audio circuit," which comprises the
alternator, the variable reactance, the step-up transformer, the choke

■ ' I i i i i i i i i i_ i
01 23456789 10 H12
Number of jars
Fio. 16.—Variation of the high-frequency oscillatory current with the amount of
capacity used.

coils, and the condenser. This circuit may be simplified by noting that a
transformer may be treated approximately as a simple circuit consisting of
an inductance and a resistance entirely transferred to the high- or to the
low-tension side; furthermore, any impedance in the secondary circuit may
be transferred to the primary by multiplying by a suitable factor. On
this basis the audio circuit may be simplified to that of Fig. 17,

A = alternator armature, having both resistance and inductance:

R, = resistance of both transformer coils transferred to low-ten

sion side;
Lt = leakage inductance of both transformer coils transferred to
low-tension side;
Rp = resistance of protective choke coils transferred to low- tension
L„= inductance of protective choke coils transferred to low-ten
sion side;
C = condenser capacity transferred to low-tension side;
R, = resistance of variable reactance coil in low-tension side;
L„= inductance of variable reactance coil in low-tension s;de.
The circuit of Fig. 17 may be still further simplified to that of Fig. 18,
A = alternator vrithoui inductance or resistance;
R = resistance of entire circuit, including alternator armature, trans
former coils, protective choke coils, variable reactance coils,
on basis of low-tension side;
L= inductance of entire circuit (ditto);
C= capacity of condenser transferred to low-tension side.
It has already been stated that this circuit should be adjusted
R< L. r L,p so *hat '* have a
vVWW\5ML vWWvSjlSSlLn natural frequency about
equal to that of the
alternator; it has also
been shown how the
-c capacity of the con
denser may be calcu
lated if the voltage to
be used and the power
1-9 Rg required are known; it
Fig. 17.—An approximate simplification of the low-fre- follows then that, know-
quency circuit of a radio transmitter. mg the capacity, the
value of the total in
ductance L in the circuit of Fig. 18 may be easily calculated from


and this inductance may then be apportioned between the alternator, the
variable reactance, the transformer, and the choke coils. An example of
this calculation has already been given on page 296, where the compu

tations have been based on the high-tension side of the transformer. The
same computations will be repeated on the basis of the low-tension side.
Assume that the transformer ratio is 1 : 80; then, any inductance or
resistance in the high-tension side may be transferred to the low-tension
side by dividing by 802, or 6400, while a
capacity in the high-tension side may be
transferred to the low-tension side by mul
tiplying by 6400.
In our case:
Capacity of condenser in high-tension
side =0.012 nf. Hence, equivalent low-
tension capacity = 0.012 X 6400 = 77.0 nf.
If the audio-circuit must resonate at 500 L
cycles per second, Fia. 18.—Simplest possible rep
Total equivalent low tension inductance resentation of the low frequen
cy circuit, not quite equivalent
1 to the actual circuit.
3g = .00133 henry.
"5002 X4x2 X 77.0X10

This value of inductance should be tttt^ of that found on page 296,

i.e., 8.5 henries; thus:
.00133 henry.
6400 =

Of this inductance probably the largest part is, in a modern set, found in
the alternator, while the transformer has comparatively little inductance,
and the balance is made up by the choke coils in the high-tension side and
the variable reactance V.R. in the low-tension side.
In order to show the manner in which the whole audio circuit may be
made to resonate the curves of Fig. 19 are here given as being representa
tive of an actual set. In obtaining these curves the field current and
speed of the alternator were kept constant, while the capacity in the high-
tension side of the transformer was changed with the circuit connections
as shown in Fig. 20. Under these conditions, as the capacity, and, there
fore, the natural frequency of the circuit, was varied, the current in the
primary of the power transformer as well as the voltage across it varied
and reached a maximum at the point corresponding to resonance condi
tions. A capacity of about 5.5 Leyden jars is seen to have produced
resonance. In an actual set the adjustment of the capacity, or of the
inductance, is made about 20 per cent to 30 per cent larger than neces
sary to give resonance at audio frequency, thus making the natural fre
quency of the circuit somewhat lower than the alternator frequency.
This point will be more fully emphasized further on. In the case

represented by the curves of Fig. 19 the set was actually operated with
8 Leyden jars across the secondary.
It now remains to investigate, as far as the conditions will allow, the
transient phenomena taking place in the audio circuit as the condenser

Number of Leyden jaifl connected in multiple across the secondary of tne transformer
Fia. 19.—Variation of alternator voltage and primary current of a 2 k. w. spark trans
mitter as the capacity in the secondary of the transformer was varied; field cur
rent of alternator and speed held constant. Gap set too long to permit sparking
at voltage of test.
is charged and discharged; we especially mean to refer to the variation
of the condenser current and voltage as the alternator e.m.f. is impressed
upon the audio circuit and, thereafter, as the gap breaks down. As shown
in Fig. 18, we are dealing with an oscillatory circuit, having the resistance,
inductance, and capacity R, L, and C, respectively, upon which there is

impressed a harmonic e.m.f. The equation for the instantaneous value

of current for such a circuit (Eq. (79)) was derived in Chapter IV, page
252, and is
i= : =sin (pt -<t>)+Ae 21, sin ut', . . (6)

in which p = angular velocity of impressed force;
03 = angular velocity of natural oscillations of the circuit;
4> = phase difference of E and J in the steady state;
A =a constant to be determined;
t' = time of duration of the transient term.
In deriving this equation (page 254) it was shown how to solve for A and t',
these depending for their value on the time the voltage is introduced into
the circuit. In a radio set there is no switch actually used, but the equiv
alent effect is caused by the operation of the spark gap; when the gap is
sparking its resistance is so low that the secondary of the power trans-

Fig. 20.—Circuit used in getting curves of Fig. 19.

former is short-circuited and this is the condition for comparatively small
current in the armature circuit. When the gap opens (ceases to carry
current) the effect of the condenser of the closed oscillating circuit is to
so neutralize the inductance of the transformer and armature that the
current rises to comparatively large values. We may get a fair idea of
the behavior of the actual radio circuit, therefore, by supposing that Eq.
(6) holds good, the voltage, E sin pt, being introduced into the circuit at
the instant when the gap opens. As mentioned when analyzing the action
of this circuit before (page 258) the general solution is difficult, but we can
get fairly easy solutions if we assume that the condenser is completely
discharged at every osculation and that the gap opens when the voltage
of the generator is zero; this latter condition may be approximately satis
fied by suitable adjustment of the set.
Assuming that the low-frequency circuit is resonant to the alternator
voltage, that the gap opens when generator voltage is zero, and that the
condenser is discharged, Eq. (6) becomes
E 8m PL _ E E sm
i=~2 2C 2L sm -t_«£
2L)- • • • (7)

From this we find the voltage across the condenser; it is


This equation shows that the condenser voltage rapidly changes its
phase during the first few alternations, the sin pi term predominating
at first, the cos pt term being zero.; as soon as t 2L departs appreciably
from unity the cos pt begins to predominate and this continually increases
with increasing time due to the increasing value of (1 — « 2t). Thus in

the steady state (e 2L ^ 0) Eq. (8) reduces to the familiar form

Ve= - cos pt.
The curves of Fig. 21 show the form of current and voltage across
the condenser for a typical circuit, the values of the various constants
being noted on the curve sheet. It will be noticed that the condenser
voltage reaches its maximum values at approximately the times when
the impressed voltage is zero, and hence the spark gap will break down
at about this time; the resulting oscillatory current in the closed oscil
lating circuit at once discharges the condenser the spark gap opens and
the voltage of the alternator, passing through its zero value is again
impressed on the circuit to produce the next transient. It is to be seen
that if events follow the order given here the assumed condition (e=o
when gap opens) is satisfied.
It is found in practice that the condition of resonance assumed in this
analysis tends to produce irregular sparking, giving the signal a ragged
note, so actually the natural frequency of the circuit is made about 20
per cent lower than the frequency of the alternator. On the assumption
that the spark gap again opens when the generator voltage is passing
through zero the curves of Fig. 22 have been constructed for the same cir
cuit as used for Fig. 21 with the exception that the capacity has been
increased from 20/*/ to 30/*/, this giving about the same amount of de-tuning
as is used in practice.
For this case the form of current and condenser voltage are obtained
by the use of Formulae (80)-(83) of Chapter IV. Supposing that the
gap opens the circuit at the instant the circuit voltage (that produced
by the alternator) is zero and increasing, it is found that for the steady

state the current should be —23.5 amperes and the voltage across the
condenser should be —92 volts. To satisfy the condition that the actual
current must be zero as well as the drop across the condenser a transient
term must be added to the steady state solution; by the process outlined
in Chapter IV this transient is found to be satisfied by charging the con
denser to -385 volts and starting this transient term .000756 second
before the alternator voltage goes through its zero value—this transient
term has the natural frequency of the circuit (given practically correct
1 *! l" f 21 )
Rl-L I
b H - H ItL)
% r /dI*- f s i l I't Og 7-' 1
I 600 V
I 500
< \
40 400
\ Cc mlen .er
30 300 \\ \ ol K e
20 200 A, 1
--. 1 Ci rr nt v
10 100 / * s
f // 1/ \ \ \
/ 77 1// 1 n\ ST Iff
0 '.71
\ / \ \ /
10 100 si \ > /, /
>- \ -'■
M tei nator \
20 200 \ ol age
30 300 )
40 400 \ /
M IX Mil in 111 t'r Ml T en f= 150 1 .It
500 P = 3000
Rt = 2
too c = 20 in rr< ifa rail i
L = .0066 lie in !■ \

Fio. 21.—Transient current in audio circuit of a spark transmitter, circuit tuned to

alternator frequency.

by putting cu = {^jj^j anC* a (^amPmS nxed by the R and L of the circuit.

The actual current is obtained by taking the sum of the steady term and
transient term and is
i= . sin (3000 1 -70°..7)
^+(3000X.0056 -3l)i^3-0)2
+28.2 t 2x °056 sin {2440(t+.000756))

Similarly the equation for voltage drop across the condenser is found
to be represented by the equation
150 X106
sin 300O<-70°.7
2(1 +.000756)
-385 e 2 X 0056 cos {2440(i+ .000756)}

5 1 J
X- (Pi- '>) •I a sil in
> < K-'■ "(I L- -1pc )■1 In at
300 30 h 1 li: u t- <p\ _ r ) + E„ I L'L CO 0 V
1 c ;r'- ,11. pC >
250 25
200 20
150 15 \
/ \ c< nd •n or 1I /
100 10 { \\ ol 0 / \/
/ T // \ f/ A
s . > / \
50 5 // /
/y \s
\ // /
0 > < 1 o\ ' 2 1 1 1 A 1 b 20/ 2 J. J 2 1 26 2; / ■i 0
50 5 i imc n 1 10"* on (Is \ /
V-3\ /
Ci rr. nt
100 10 Al tel oa or
0 tas e - w i/
150 15 y

lat or c If 1 .0 1 ol ■
M XL in m al
pi 3000
300 30 R±2 ol IIS
C = 3 j n of t:\ U
L .( 06 henr ies
1 I
Fig. 22.—Transient current in audio circuit of a spark transmitter, circuit frequency
being about 40 per cent lower than alternator frequency.
It may be seen from Fig. 22 that the voltage across the condenser
is rising more rapidly, at times t=it, than was the case for the resonant
condition depicted in Fig. 21; it is quite likely this more rapid rise in
condenser voltage, by causing the spark to take place at a more definite
time, accounts for the more regular behavior of the spark when the cir
cuit is detuned as supposed in Fig. 22, than when the circuit is resonant.
In Figs. 21 and 22 the forms of current and condenser voltage have
been shown for nearly two cycles; actually if a spark occurs at the time
indicated by the letter A on the condenser voltage curve (which is the
time the spark should actually occur) the condenser voltage drops to zero

and it, as well as the current, goes through the same changes from it to 2jr
as it did from 0° to ir. The actual forms of the condenser voltage for the
circuits analyzed in Figs. 21 and 22 are shown in Figs. 48 and 49 of Chap
ter IV, page 259). It will be seen that the above analysis does give fairly
accurate results.
Types of Spark Gaps.—The construction of the several commercial
types of spark gaps in use at the present time may be conveniently sub
divided into the following classes:
(a) Open gap.
(6) Rotating gap
(c) Quenched gap
The Open Gap and Operating Conditions.—Fig. 23 below illustrates
one form of the open gap. This type is also know as a plain spark dis
In considering the requirements which such a gap must fulfill, it is
desirable to review briefly that part which it plays in the production of
high-frequency oscillations. It will be
recalled that a high voltage is impressed
on the gap and condenser-inductance
circuit connected in parallel, and at a
certain critical voltage, the insulation of
the dielectric, usually air, between the FjG. 23.—Small open spark gap
terminals, breaks down, and permits a having cooling vanes on the spark
high-frequency oscillatory discharge knobs,
to take place. The gap must there
fore possess high dielectric strength or resistance to puncture, pre
vious to breakdown so that the condenser may be charged to a high poten
tial difference, as otherwise the high-frequency energy is reduced, and the
efficiency of the transmitter is lowered, due to the breakdown occurring
at too low a voltage.
After the gap has broken down it must possess a very low resistance,
otherwise the damping of the oscillations will be excessive, and the trans
mitter inefficient, most of the energy being dissipated as PR loss in the
gap. The gap must be conducting only during the interval of the passage
of a wave-train. If we assume a 300-meter wave and a decrement of .2,
the duration of the train is .000024 second. The time during which the
gap is conducting is thus very small. If we consider 1000 wave-trains
per second, the period between trains is .001 -.000024 = .000976 second,
and in this period the gap must recover its insulating properties. These
figures indicate the short time intervals involved in the functioning of

the gap, and special precautions must be taken to insure satisfactory

Open Gap—Requirements for Satisfactory Operation.—First.—The gap
electrodes and dielectric between them should remain cool. This will
assist to prevent arcing and permit the gap to return quickly to its con
dition of high dielectric strength. It will be recalled that a cumulative
ionization (ionization by impact) causes the gap suddenly to become a
conducting medium, and that an extremely rapid de-ionization causes
the dielectric between the electrode to become a good insulator again.
If the dielectric is hot, this de-ionization is hindered and delayed, and the
gap may be conducting after the high-frequency discharge has passed.
Under this condition an arc current will flow, that is, arcing occurs and
the voltage across the gap will be unable to increase. No energy, or at
best, very little energy, will thus be stored in the condenser. Also the
gap electrodes will be rapidly eaten away under the arcing conditions,
requiring frequent cleaning and adjustment.
For these reasons cooling flanges are usually provided, or a blast of
air may be blown through one electrode. In this latter case the electrode
may be supported on a hollow shaft, through which the cooling air is
blown, leaving the electrode through perforations in the sparking surface.
The air blast also assists the gap to return to its high resistance con
dition by blowing away the ionized air.
Second.—The electrodes should be constructed of non-arcing metal,
such as zinc or magnesium, in preference to copper, which represents an
arcing metal.
Open Gap—Operation and Adjustment.—This gap is intended only
for the smaller, low-powered sets, due to the difficulty of preventing arc
ing and irregular discharges (partial discharges). The amount of energy
radiated is small, and the signal note received may not possess a clear
tone, due to the irregular timing of the wave trains sent out. On the low-
powered set, the charging voltage is rather low, in the neighborhood of
2000 volts, and the gap separation is very small (about .02 inch). It is
therefore important that the gap separation be easily adjustable and that
means be provided for rigidly holding the electrodes in position when once
set. The electrodes are usually very heavy and massive to assist in con
ducting away the heat, and are provided with large sparking surfaces,
so their replacement is not required at frequent intervals. It should be
noted, however, that the replacement of defective electrodes should not
be made difficult, but the gap designed with their removal and renewal
in mind.
With the small separation mentioned above, it is also important to
have the gap faces properly aligned. If this is not done, the spark will
always jump at the same point, and the electrodes will be consumed

more rapidly at this point. It is desirable that the wear on the gap faces
be uniform, as in this way the most effective use of the electrodes will be
secured. In addition to alignment, it is essential that the faces be clean
and polished. If they are neglected, oxide, dust, and dirt, etc., will collect,
and form an uneven surface. The spark will jump wherever the surfaces
may be closest together, and thus for this condition also the sparks occur
at a particular spot on the electrode. Since the oxide or dirt is not metal,
it will not conduct the heat away as rapidly as required. A hot spot will
thus be formed, causing arcing to take place, and operation to be inefficient
and unsatisfactory.
The following table indicates approximate minimum discharge volt
ages required for sphere gaps of 2.5 cm. and 1.0 cm. radius in air at
atmospheric pressure:
Minimum Discharge, Volts. Minimum Discharge, Volts.
Gap Length Gap Length
in Cm. in Cm.
R =2.5 Cm. R - 1 Cm. R = 2.5 Cm. R -1 Cm.
.1 5,000 5,000 .1.0 33,000 31,000
.2 8,500 8,000 1.1 35,500 33,500
.3 12,000 11,000 1.2 38,400 35,200
.4 15,000 14,000 1.3 41,000 37,000
.5 19,000 17,500 1.4 43,600 38,500
.6 21,500 20,000 1.5 46,000 40,000
.7 25,000 23,000 2.0 56,000 44,000
.8 27,500 27,000 3.0 74,000 50,000
.9 30,000 29,000

Open-gap Limitations.—-As previously mentioned the open gap is

inherently limited in application to small power sets, due to the impos
sibility of preventing arcing, and also the small number of breakdowns
permissible per second (group frequency) without causing excessive arc
ing. It will be recalled that the high-frequency power equals %NCE2,
wherein N is the group frequency, and thus the low-group frequency to
which the open gap is limited causes a corresponding decrease in the
high-frequency power, which may be generated by the set.
Synchronous Rotating Gap—Construction and Operation.—The con
struction of the synchronous rotating gap is indicated in Fig. 24, where
the rotating electrode shown is simply a toothed wheel, rigidly fastened
to the alternator shaft. The spark jumps from one fixed electrode to the
disk, through the disk and thence back through the second gap to the
other electrode.
The position of the disk on the shaft is adjusted permanently so that
the teeth line up with the fixed electrodes at the time of maximum values

(positive and negative) of the voltage wave, and the gap separation
adjusted so, that the breakdown voltage is slightly below the maximum
voltage. Under these conditions the gap breaks down once during each
half cycle, and assuming a 500-cycle supply, the group frequency is evi
dently 1000. The number of teeth on the disk is determined by the number
of alternator field poles. For instance, if the alternator be equipped
with 24 poles, the disk would have 24 teeth, and 24 breakdowns would
occur per revolution. This would correspond to an alternator speed of
2500 r.p.m. if a group frequency of 1000 were desired.
Clearly, the number of breakdowns per revolution may be controlled
by substituting disks with different tooth spacing. Thus, we could omit
HotutaBTOtatafele thro twioe the

the alternator
Fiq. 24.—Arrangement of parts of a synchronous rotating gap; instead of using a metal
disk for the rotating member this is, sometimes made of a disk of bakelite or similar
material, the rotating studs being then all connected together by a metal strip.

alternate teeth, and cut the group frequency in half, etc. The tone of
a signal may thus be altered easily and quickly, in case this is found
desirable due to interference effects present. The quality of the note
may be made quite distinctive by introducing regular irregularities in
the arrangement of teeth as, e.g., omitting every third tooth.
The action of the gap, assuming one breakdown to occur every half
cycle is indicated conventionally in Fig. 25. Actually the condenser voltage
is not a sine wave, but has the peculiar form shown in Figs. 21 and 22.
Synchronous Gap Application.—The synchronous gap possesses a low
operating resistance, due to the electrodes being close together at the time
of discharge, and automatically recovers its insulating properties between

discharges due to the electrodes being widely separated during this interval.
Arcing is prevented by the separation of the electrodes increasing as the
wave train passes, and also by the fanning and cooling action of the rapidly
moving electrodes. Partial discharges cannot occur, as the gap separation
may be adjusted for breakdown near the voltage maximum. This form
of gap will successfully handle large amounts of power and high spark
frequencies, and is at present widely used on commercial spark trans
mitters of large capacity.
Non-synchronous Gap—Operation and Application.—The non-syn
chronous gap is essentially similar to the synchronous rotary gap described
above, with the exception that the moving electrode disk is not attached
to the alternator shaft, but is driven by an independent motor. If the

V-— CtoP Breakflown

Voltage Ilk" \ IAAAaaj /

If j\ IP"]/

— i

Fig. 25.—Conventional representation of audio and radio frequency currents; actually

the voltage across the condenser does not have the sinusoidal shape given here but
has the form given in Figs. 21 and 22.

motor runs at exactly synchronous speed, and the phase relation is correct,
the operation will be equivalent -to the synchronous type.
This, however, is an unusual condition, and one which would be dif
ficult to maintain for any length of time. Normally the disk is run at
speeds greater than synchronous, the gap separation being adjusted for
some voltage somewhat less than the peak value. The action under these
conditions is shown conventionally in Fig. 26.
It will be noted that several breakdowns may occur during each half
cycle and that the voltage at which breakdown occurs is not of a definite
nor constant value. Thus the wave-trains do not occur at regular intervals,
nor is the energy of the several discharges the same. The received signal
is therefore of a higher pitch, and of a different musical quality than that
produced by the synchronous type. It finds its greatest application for
those installations where commercial frequencies only are available as a
supply. A 60-cycle service may thus be used to supply a transmitter

radiating, by means of the non-synchronous gap, in the neighborhood of

1000 groups per second. The power radiated is thus greatly increased and
the tone high enough to make the ear and telephone both more efficient
than they would be with a 60-cycle note; the result is a material increase
in the range of a station.
Quenched Gap.—The property which a gap possesses of returning
very quickly to its un-ionized condition is termed " quenching." In
the rotating gaps, quenching is obtained principally by the air blast which
occurs at the sparking contacts, and also to some extent perhaps by the
high velocity of the moving electrodes, thus preventing arcing and per
mitting the voltage to build up again across the condenser, as already
noted. Rapid quenching also possesses additional advantages as dis
cussed on page 247.


Fig. 26.—Conventio.iel illustration of the action of a transmitter set having a non-

synchronous rotating gap.

In place of a mechanical quenching action, as illustrated by the rotary

gaps, an electrical quenching type is also widely used, which is known
as the " quenched gap." In this type, the return of the gap to a con
dition of high dielectric strength is obtained through very rapid de -ioni
zation of the gap between the electrodes. The construction of a typical
gap is shown in Fig. 27. The following description of its action will
explain the peculiar cellular form of construction illustrated.
Quenched Gap—Requirements for Rapid De-ionization.—For the gap
to operate satisfactorily, that is, return to its un-ionized condition in an
extremely short time, the following conditions must be fulfilled.
1. The spark must take place in a space in which no oxide is formed.
This is because the oxide will deposit on the sparking surface of the gap
and soon short-circuit it.
2. The metal surfaces must be kept cool and the electrodes must there
fore be good heat conductors. Silver or copper are the metals which best
fulfill this requirement. Usually silver-plated copper electrodes are

3. No part of the gas which forms the gap dielectric must be far from
a cool metal surface, that is, a very short gap only may be used.
Quenched Gap—Construction.—The above requirements are satisfied
in the commercial form of gap as follows:
1. The spark takes place in an air-tight chamber. The several elements
or sections of the gap are separated from one another by the insulating
gaskets as shown (Fig. 28A) and the whole clamped tightly together. When
the gap is first operated, the air, which is initially between the gap faces,
becomes separated into its elements, mainly oxygen and nitrogen, the

Fig. 27 —Photograph of a commercial type of quenched gap; three disks clamped

together by insulating screws make up a unit, there being two gaps in series per

oxygen combining with the copper electrodes to form copper oxide, thus
leaving an atmosphere of essentially pure nitrogen between the gap faces.
The black oxide of copper disappears after the gap has been in operation
a short while, the gap faces being found bright and clean if the gap is
disassembled for inspection. (The exact reason for the disappearance
of this oxide is not apparent—it is probably absorbed into the material
of the separating gasket, under conditions present when the gap is in
2. In addition to using good heat-conducting materials, such as silver
and copper, for the electrodes, the efficient cooling of the gap is assisted
by means of cooling vanes or fins, which radiate the heat produced during
the operation of the gap. These fins are clearly indicated in the diagram

(Fig. 27). There has been recently developed a staggered form of gap
construction, which permits air circulation on both sides of each element.
This construction, whereby cooling is accomplished by increased radi
ating surface, represents what is known as the self-cooled type. It is
sometimes necessary, with the higher-powered sets, to supply a small
motor driven fan to cool the gap satisfactorily.1 This form may be of
the type illustrated in Fig. 28, where the gap is supported in a trough of
insulating material, the cooling air blast provided by the motor-driven

Fia. 28.—Another type of quenched gap in which each copper disk is assembled sep
arately; the small blower forces cool air around the cooling vanes to prevent over-
fan, coming up through the trough, and thus effectually cooling the gap.
The cross-sectional detail of this gap is indicated in Fig. 28A.
3. The requirement that no particle of gas in the gap shall be remote
from a metal surface is satisfied by subdividing the gap into sections,
the number of sections increasing as the " break-down " voltage value
is increased. Each gap provides somewhat less than .01 inch separation,
with a breakdown voltage of approximately 1200 volts. Thus no particle
of gas in the gap is more than .005 inch away from the metal, and the gap
is rapidly de-ionized. This rapid de-ionization is due principally to the
loss of electrons by diffusion, although recombination of electrons and
positive ions is also a factor. By loss of electrons by diffusion is meant
1 Most modern gaps receive their supply of cooling air from a fan mounted on the
llternator shaft, thus dispensing with the extra motor required for blower.

the removal of electrons from the gas to the face of the gap, due to the
attraction of the induced positive charges on the gap faces. As the most
distant electron has only a short distance (.005 inch) to go before arriving
at the gap face and the attracting charge, the Insulating Gasket
time required is extremely small.
Quenched Gap—Application.—The quenched
gap is used on spark transmitters of all powers, •Copper or silver
from the very small sets used in military field ■parking surface
work and aeroplanes, up to the 500-600 h.p.
(Input) equipment at the Nauen Station (Tele- > a'V"C0PPer Element
funken System). Quietness in operation, small U U If— Cooling Flange
space requirements, simplicity, and desirable
Fio. 28A.—Cross-sectional
operating characteristics (see page 324) are sketch of part of the gap
the particular advantages of this type of shown in Fig. 28.
The Chaffee Gap1—Construction.—The construction of this gap is
quite similar to that of the quenched gap described above. The electrodes
consist of a copper anode and an aluminum cathode, the spark occurring
between them in an air-tight chamber containing an atmosphere of moist
hydrogen. One electrode is mounted on a flexible diaphragm to permit
adjustment of the gap length, while the other is held fixed in a bakelite
mounting as indicated. As with the quench gap, it is highly important
that the electrodes and gap faces be kept cool, hence the large radiating
fins with which each electrode is equipped.
Operation of the Chaffee Gap.—This gap is supplied from a d.c. source
through resistances and high-frequency choke coils as shown in Fig. 29,
and is connected in
shunt with the oscillat
ing circuit C\L\. Nor
mally the gap separa
tion is 2 or 3 mm. and
under these conditions
the gap acts as a recti
fier, permitting current
Fig. 29.—Circuit used with Chaffee type of quenchec pulses to flow in one
by which the high-frequency current is maintained by direction only, e.g.,
impulse excitation.
from the copper to the
aluminum electrode.
One of these impulses sets the secondary circuit into oscillation, the
retro-action of which sets off successive primary impulses at the proper
time for maintaining the oscillations in the secondary. These secondary
oscillations are not constant in amplitude, but grow to a maximum
1 This is only one of several gaps of this general type which have been developed in
recent years. Tungsten is quite a favorite metal for making the terminals

amplitude in one or two cycles, and decay thereafter more or less

quickly. Normally the current consists of distinct groups of trains of
waves separated by a few cycles only; under certain conditions (high
secondary resistance) the trains join, and the current then is a high-
frequency oscillation, the amplitude of which periodically rises and falls.
This gap has not been extensively employed up to the present time,
as the power limitations do not permit its application to the higher
powered stations. Thus one gap is capable of 200 watts input. It is
to be noted that several gaps may be connected in series, the power rating
increasing as the square of the number of gaps used.
Oscillation Transformer.—As previously noted, the function of the
oscillation transformer is to transfer the high-frequency power from the


Fig. 30.—For small portable sets the oscillation transformer is sometimes made with
only one coil as shown here.

closed circuit to the open or antenna circuit ; it is, in other words, a trans
former of high-frequency currents or oscillations. Because of these it is
important that it be constructed without iron core or other masses of
any metal whatever, for the hysteresis and eddy current losses would be
so large as to make the transformer efficiency very low.
Two general types of oscillation transformer are available, i.e., (a)
the two-coil type, (b) the single-coil type. As the names imply, the two-
coil type is made up of two separate and distinct coils more or less sepa
rated from each other, while the single-coil type consists of a single coil
connected as shown at YQWT in Fig. 30.
In the figure above, WT represents the part of the oscillation trans
former in the closed circuit, while QT is the part used in the open circuit.
It will be seen that here we have what is known in general electrical
engineering as an " auto-transformer," which, in turn, is a modification
of the simple transformer. The practical construction of the oscillation
transformer varies widely with different makes. In every case means
must be provided for changing the number of turns in the closed circuit

and in the open circuit and also (in the case of the two-coil transformer)
for changing the position of one coil relative to the other. As regards
the former of these two requirements two y Copper Strip of
* Oscillation Transformer
general methods are used: one consists of
using a clip as shown in Fig. 31, and shift
ing this by hand until the required number Spring Clip
of turns is obtained; and the other consists
of a roller contact which is rotated by means
of a suitable handle so as to make contact
with different turns as shown in Fig. 32. Fig. 31.—For making connec
tion at any desired point on
The changing of the position of one coil the coils of an oscillation
relative to the other may be accomplished by transformer a spring clip of
any one of several methods, two of which are this form h useful.
represented by Figs. 33 and 34, which are
self-explanatory. These figures also show the general construction of the
various types of transformers; in all cases either ribbon or braided copper
is used, and is supported in various ways as shown by the illustrations.

Fig. 32.—An adjustable transmitting coil is sometimes made with a rolling contact ; on
the opposite end of the arm is placed a roller of some insulation material to avoid
having a short circuited half-turn which would occur if both rollers were conductors.
The variation of the coefficient of coupling between the closed and
open circuits is accomplished, in the case of the two-coil transformer, by
changing the position of the two coils relative to each other and also
changing the inductances outside of the transformer coils; in the case of

the single-coil type, the coefficient of coupling is changed by changing the

number of turns WT (Fig. 30), which are common to both circuits, and

Pig. 33.—A type of oscillation transformer in which one coil telescopes with the other
to vary coupling.

Fig. 34.—An oscillation transformer made of flat spirals; variation of coupling is

obtained by sliding one of the coils back and forth on the central shaft.

also by changing the position of the point Q on the loading inductance

in the antenna circuit.

It must be remembered that, in the case of the two coil type :

k — coefficient of coupling;
M= mutual inductance between the two coils of the oscillation
L\ = total inductance in the closed circuit;
La= total inductance in the open circuit,
and in the case of the single coil type,

fc = ^=
L= inductance common to both circuits.
k, Li, L2 have the same significance as above.
The Radio-frequency Circuits.—This consists of the closed and open
oscillatory circuits, coupled together through the oscillation transformer.
The whole of the radio-frequency cir
cuit for a two-coil oscillation trans
former is shown in Fig. 35. The
closed and open circuits are tuned to
the same frequency.
The theory applying to the above
is that which has been discussed
in connection with two inductively
couple oscillatory circuits (see Chapter _ „„ _ , ,
... . . , Fio. 35.—The two coupled radio fre-
IV, pages 226-246) . The main point quency circujts of a gpark tranamitter.
to be considered is that when the two
circuits are closely coupled there are produced in each two currents of
frequencies differing from the natural frequency of the two circuits; when
the natural frequencies of the circuits are the same, then the frequency
and wave-length of the component currents are given by (see Chapter
IV, pages 229-231)

/ and X= natural frequency and wave-length of either circuit;
f and X' = frequency and wave-length of one of the component cur

/" and X" = frequency and wave-length of the other component cur
k = coefficient of coupling.
The relative amplitudes of the two currents have been discussed in
Chapter IV, pages 230-237; generally the higher-frequency current has the
greater amplitude. Futhermore the higher-frequency currents of the
primary and secondary are about 180° apart, while the lower-frequency
currents of the primary and secondary are about in phase. The effect
of all this is to produce current " beats " in the primary and secondary
with a frequency equal to the difference of the frequencies of the com
ponent currents; again, while the resultant current in the primary is pass-

Fig. 36.—Currents in the two circuits of Fig. 35, no damping assumed.

ing through the small amplitude values of the " beat cycle," the secondary
current is passing through the high amplitude values of the " beat cycle,"
and vice versa. This is illustrated by the curves of Fig. 36, where the
dotted line curves represent the resultant primary and secondary currents;
it will be noted that the primary resultant current starts with a high
amplitude at Q and decreases to a low amplitude at R, while the secondary
resultant current does just the opposite. In plotting the curves it has
been assumed that neither circuit suffers any losses, and the result is that
the decrement of the component currents is zero, while the resultant cur
rents would also periodically repeat themselves through the " beat cycle "
without any decay. This of course is not true of an actual case, where,
on account of the losses in both circuits, the decrement would have a
definite value, and the resultant currents would " decay " somewhat as

shown in Fig. 37, which represents the component and the resultant pri
mary and secondary currents for circuits with decrements. Another
assumption made is that the gap used is such (open-spark gap) that it
remains closed for considerable time after its breaking down, so that the
currents may flow through the closed circuit.
The phenomenon of the " beats " takes place most pronouncedly when
the coupling between the primary and secondary of the oscillation trans
former is closest. For loose coupling the two circuits oscillate at very
nearly a single frequency equal to their natural frequency, but when this

Fig. 37.—Currents in the two circuits of Fig. 35, high damping assumed.

is the case the secondary current is generally low. On the other hand,
when the coupling is very close, although the current in the antenna is
large, yet since it is made up of two component currents of two widely
different frequencies the antenna will radiate energy at these two different
frequencies; this is very objectionable because the total available energy
is subdivided, and hence the range of transmission diminished, and also
because it would interfere with other stations. As a matter of fact, the
law in the United States requires that the energy of no other frequency
shall exceed 10 per cent of that of the frequency on which the station is

As outlined above, we find that when an open spark gap is used, which
remains closed for some time after its breaking down and thus permits
a current to be maintained in the closed circuit, we are confronted by
either one of two evils, i. e., low current in antenna at a single frequency
for loose coupling, and large antenna current of two frequencies for close
coupling; besides, for both loose and close coupling, energy is wasted in
the primary, since the latter has a current flowing in it for a longer time
than necessary, which produces unnecessary losses, and subtracts from
the energy which might otherwise be given to the antenna.
In order to overcome these difficulties advantage is taken of the fact
that, as has already been pointed out, and as shown in Fig. 37, the pri
mary and secondary currents (for close coupling and an open spark

™ Decrement and wave length for this current

are fixed by the antenna circuit only
Fig. 38.—Currents in the two circuits of Fig. 35 if the gap used in the closed circuit is
of the quenching type.

gap) pass through beat cycles, and that the amplitude of the primary
current has minimum values at the same time that the amplitude of
the secondary current has maximum values. It is plain that if the
primary current were automatically interrupted when passing through
its minimum amplitude values, the secondary circuit would then go on
oscillating at its own frequency and damping. This, of course, would
be made possible by the fact that the primary current would be inter
rupted when the secondary current amplitude values are a maximum
and hence when almost the entire energy is in the secondary. Accord
ing to this plan the current would be interrupted in the primary at
the completion of the first one-quarter of a " beat-cycle " as shown at
A in Fig. 38. To interrupt the primary current several methods may
be used, the simplest of which is by replacing the ordinary open gap

by the so-called " quenched gap." The construction of this already has
been described on page 316. Its characteristic is that it " opens " when
the current in the primary of the oscillation transformer passes through
its low values, probably because the comparatively few ions, which are
formed between the sparking surfaces during the time of low current
amplitude, recombine very quickly, thus making it impossible to maintain
low currents through the gas between the sparking surfaces. Such a gap
is said to " quench " the spark formed upon the discharge of the condenser.
A quench gap may be and is generally operated with a close coupling of
the oscillation transformer, because the closer the coupling the greater
the amount of energy transferred to the antenna circuit; but if the coupling
should be made extremely close then it is possible that the gap may refuse
to quench, because of the very short time during which the closed circuit
has its low amplitude current; this may not be sufficient to permit the
gap to quench. A critical coupling, therefore, exists at which the gap
quenches best; this coupling is quite close and far closer than could be
used with an ordinary open gap; the secondary current as indicated by an
ammeter, is a maximum for the critical coupling. Of course if the gap
is quenching properly the secondary current should have a frequency
equal to its natural frequency, and, since no current flows in the
primary, the efficiency is higher and the decrement lower than for the
" open gap."
The adjustment of a transmitting set as regards the coupling of the
closed and open circuits, the gap, and the tuning of the two circuits is
best determined by obtaining the "energy
distribution curve." Such a curve is
obtained in the following manner: a
search coil of one or two turns is intro
duced in the antenna circuit as shown
at S, Fig. 39, and a wave-meter circuit,
consisting of Li, Ci and a hot-wire meter
A is loosely coupled to <S. With the
transmitter in operation the capacity C4 1
is set at different values, and the reading —
t a • ui • j it. ,1 , 1 Fig. 39.—Use of wave-meter for
of A is obtamed; thus, as the natural . .
, ' . . getting wave-length of antenna
wave-length of the circuit of d — Li — A circuit.
is varied, the ammeter reading varies.
A curve plotted with values of the natural wave-lengths of circuit
C* — Li— A against squares of ammeter readings is known as "energy-
distribution curve," and shows the relative amounts of energy radiated
by the antenna at each wave-length. Another way to look at it is that,
since the circuit C4-L4-A is nothing but a receiving circuit loosely
coupled to the transmitting antenna, it follows that the energy distribution

curve also represents the energy reaching the receiving circuit when it
is adjusted to different natural wave-lengths. Whichever way one chooses
to look upon the " energy distribution curve," it is plain that it is of great
importance in the study and adjustment of a transmitting set. Two
typical sets of such curves are given in Figs. 40 and 41 and a study of these
will bear out some of the points brought out in the previous discussion.
In these curves the ordinates represent squares of currents, and they were
in one case read on a so-called " Wattmeter " 1 and in the other on a

Wave-length in meters
Fig. 40.—A set of resonance curves for a spark transmitter having a non-quenching gap;
even when the coupling is as low as 5 per cent two distinct waves are emitted from
the antenna.

Fig. 40 shows curves for an open gap and for different amounts of
coupling, curve (1) being for the closest and curve (8) for the loosest
coupling. It will be seen that for any but the loosest coupling there are
two maxima in the radiation of the antenna at two different wave-lengths
more or less separated from each other; thus, for curve 1, the two wave
lengths are 732 and 415 meters, while for curve 7 they are 616 and 588
meters. On the other hand, for curve 8 maximum energy is radiated at
1 Wattmeter is the name often given, in radio measurements, to a hot-wire ammeter
the scale of which is calibrated to indicate the power expended in the resistance of the
instrument itself.

the one wave-length of 602 meters, i.e., the natural wave-length of the closed
and open circuits. Again, by referring to the table inserted in Fig. 40 we
note that the antenna current was a minimum for curve (8) (1.25 amperes)
and a maximum for curve (1) (1.57 amperes). Or, as already pointed out.
the loose coupling produces an antenna current which, though smaller
than for close coupling, radiates maximum energy at a single frequency
or wave-length.

uoo 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700

Wave-length In meters
Fio. 41.—Resonance curves of a spark transmitter using a quenching gap; the gap
would not properly quench if the coupling exceeded 20 per cent. For curves 1, 2
and 3 partial quenching is indicated by the presence of three "humps" on the
resonance curve.
In Fig. 41 are shown some energy distribution curves for a set having
a quenched gap, the values of coupling used being noted on the curve sheet.
It will be seen that the radiation for any but the weakest coupling was
impure, i.e., took place at more than one frequency. As the coupling
is increased, in a quenched gap transmitting set, from very low values
the antenna current, as read on the ammeter, will increase with the increas
ing coupling; for a certain coupling the antenna current reaches a maxi

mum and then decreases sharply for a further small increase in coupling.
The value of coupling just less than that at which the antenna current
decreases is the proper one to use; it is the maximum value which can
be used and still maintain the quenching action of the set.
Adjusting the Spark Transmitter.—In adjusting the transmitter
shown in Fig. 1, to radiate at a certain wave-length and energy output,
the following schedule of procedure should be followed. (Fig. 1 is repro
duced here as Fig. 42 for convenience in following the directions given.)
1. With the antenna circuit open, the closed oscillating circuit is
adjusted to the wave-length desired, by varying the value of inductance
la.1 The primary capacity is usually fixed in value and is not readily
changed, whereas the inductance la, forming also the primary of the
oscillation transformer, is always of the variable type, its construction
being as previously described (page 320). The wave-length at which

Fio. 42.—Spark transmitter circuit.

the circuit will oscillate may be marked on the inductance la, different
values of Li corresponding to different wave lengths, since Ci is fixed and
X meters = lSSSV'iiiCl,
Li and Ci being given in micro-units.
This calibration is usually made by the manufacturer before the set
is delivered. In certain emergency or special conditions, however, this
may not have been done, in which case a wave-meter is loosely coupled
to Li, and Li adjusted, until the wave-meter indicates a maximum deflec
tion for the wave-length, at which the set is to transmit.
The student is referred to Chapter X for a detailed treatment of the
wave-meter. For the present discussion it will suffice to say that it is
simply a calibrated oscillating circuit, the wave-length of which is known
for any and every position of a variable condenser element, the other
element consisting of a fixed inductance. An indicating device, e.g., hot-
1 In the discussion Lt stands for the total inductance in the closed oscillating circuit,
i.e., the sum of the inductances of Li and L\ of the diagram; as previously noted, the
extra inductance in the closed oscillating circuit, L\, is very seldom used.

wire ammeter, completes the instrument, the connections of which are

shown in Fig. 43.
The ammeter deflection is a maximum, when the wave-meter circuit
is in tune or in resonance with the closed circuit of the transmitter. Since
L is constant, and X = 1885VLC = KVLC, we have \=K'y/C) and the
condenser scale may be calibrated directly in wave-lengths. When the
ammeter reading is a maximum, the wave-length of the set is the same
as the wave-length of the wave-meter, and is thus readily obtained from
the calibrated condenser scale.
2. After the closed circuit has been adjusted to the desired wave-length,
the antenna circuit is closed and loosely coupled to the closed circuit.
The antenna inductance L® (or L3 if in circuit) is then varied until maxi
mum current is indicated on the antenna
ammeter, under which condition the two
circuits are in resonance. This adjust
ment may be checked, by coupling the
wave-meter loosely to the loading coil,
if in circuit, and noting the wave-length
at which maximum deflection of the
wave-meter ammeter is obtained. This ^ ^.-Simple wave meter circuit,
should be the same as the wave-length for
which the closed circuit was adjusted. It is important to note, that the
wave-meter should not be coupled to the oscillation transformer secondary
when making this check, but to some coil remote from L2. If no loading
coil is used, a small search coil, consisting of a turn or two of wire, should
be inserted in the circuit, remote from the oscillation transformer, and the
wave-meter coupled to this coil.
This procedure is required because of the relations of the flux, which
surrounds both windings of the oscillation transformer, when both wind
ings are carrying current, and under which condition, double-frequency
current flows in each circuit. It was shown (see page 231) that the
lower-frequency currents in each winding are practically in phase, while
the higher-frequency currents are practically 180° out of phase. The flux
relations of the oscillation transformer, assuming a flat spiral construc
tion, are thus as illustrated in Fig. 44.
It is apparent that a wave-meter placed between the two coils, as
indicated in Fig. 44, will indicate resonance at the higher-frequency value,
while if placed in the axial position will show resonance at the lower-
frequency value. Intermediate positions will result in a combination
of effects of the two fluxes, and the indications would therefore be inac
curate and confusing. It is thus always advisable to couple the wave-
meter to a single remote coil in the antenna circuit. The disturbing
effects of the oscillation transformer fluxes in the wave-meter indication,

exist to some extent even with loose coupling and both circuits correctly
tuned. However, a wave-meter coupled to the loading coil or search coil
would give true indications under any condition. When the antenna is

Winding*- (Sectional View through

of each helix)

Low Frequency Flux-

High Frequency Flu

I Indicates Wavemeter Oofl

Fia. 44—Cross-section through an oscillation transformer showing the distribution of

flux due to the high- and low-frequency currents. With wave-meter coil on the axis
low-frequency resonance is obtained, whereas with coil between the two parts of
the transformer high-frequency resonance is obtained.

carrying much current, no search coil at all is required ; if the coil of the
wave-meter is placed near the earth lead sufficient coupling will be obtained.
It is interesting to note the variation of antenna current when L2
or Lz is varied. Fig 45.A indicates the characteristics obtained when L3

2 4 6 4 6 8
Turns In L, Turns in L,
Fig. 45.—Tuning the antenna to the closed circuit by coil In will give a different form of
resonance curve than that obtained by varying Lj.

alone is varied, while Fig. 45B indicates the results obtained when L2
only is varied.
The difference is due to the fact that in Fig. 45.A, the e.m.f. induced
in the antenna circuit is not varied, but remains constant. Thus, as the
resonant condition is reached, the current becomes a maximum, and

therefore decreases nearly symmetrically, as the turns in L3 are continu

ally increased. In Fig. 45 B, however, the induced e.m.f. is not of con
stant value, but' will increase as the turns increase, somewhat in the man
ner indicated by the dotted line. The current curve is thus unsymmetrical,
but will have the same kind of symmetry as the curve of Fig. 45A if proper
regard is had to the change in induced voltage.
3. The set, after adjustment of the closed and open circuits as out
lined above, is in condition for sending at the given wave-length. The
coupling should then be adjusted so that the energy radiated at this wave
length will be a maximum. This will not be at the highest value of
coupling obtainable, nor will the antenna current be a maximum neces
sarily for this condition. Maximum antenna current indicates a maximum
energy radiation, but the distribution of this energy, as discussed on page
326, is of more importance than the total radiation, and if the coupling
is too close, the radiated energy may be distributed over a large range of
wave-lengths. Thus the efficiency of the set, as measured by the energy
reaching the receiving station, which is tuned to the wave-length for which
the transmitter is adjusted, may be very much reduced. This is a very
important point and one often overlooked; namely, that the criterion for
best operation, is maximum energy radiation at the wave-length for which
the set is adjusted and not maximum antenna current.
Characteristics of the Spark Transmitter — Energy Distribution
Curves.—The energy distribution curves of a transmitter under different
coupling values are shown in Fig. 46. The manner in which these curves
are determined is described in detail in Chapter X, page 798. Briefly
stated, a wave meter is loosely coupled to the antenna, remote from the
oscillation transformer, and the deflections of the hot-wire ammeter (I2)
noted as the variable condenser, is adjusted to the different values of
wave-length. The energy received by the wave-meter is proportional
to the deflection of the hot-wire meter (if a hot-wire ampere meter is
used as is generally the case) which is thus indicative of the energy radi
ated by the transmitter at the corresponding wave-length. The curve
plotted from the data thus obtained is called the " energy distribution "
curve and is of the greatest importance in determining the characteristics
and action of the transmitter.
The form of the energy distribution curve will be determined by the
coupling used, which in turn will be dependent on the following factors:
First.—The total amount of energy to be radiated. If the receiving
station is at a considerable distance, more energy will be required and
rice versa. This, however, is a minor factor, as the energy control is
primarily obtained by spark gap adjustment.
Second.—The desired distribution of the energy radiated over the dif
ferent wave-lengths as illustrated by the curves (Fig. 46).

Under certain conditions, as, for instance, the sending out of distress
signals, etc., a broad distribution of the energy radiated is of prime impor
tance and close coupling would be used. A large number of stations, all
of which may be tuned to different wave-lengths, would thus be reached.
This condition is shown by curve C-C, Fig. 46.
Under normal operating conditions, however, the distribution of the
radiated energy is of greater importance, and the coupling is adjusted so
as to cause a minimum of interference with other stations, within range,
for whom the message is not intended. Under this condition'the maximum
energy is radiated at the wave-length for which the receiving set is tuned

Wave Length in Meters

Fig. 46.—Energy distribution curve of a spark transmitter for three degrees of coupling.

(as indicated by curve B) and thus a maximum strength of signal

would be obtained at the receiving station, although the coupling used
would probably be considerably less than that used in curve C.
Adjustment of Power Input to the Transmitter.—The above descrip
tion has considered the adjustment of the set for desired power output
conditions. Power input adjustments will now be considered.
Since the high-frequency power input is equal to %C\E2N, this power
may be controlled by varying the quantities C\, E, and N.
Normally, the group frequency (Ar) will not be varied, as the operating
efficiency of the set will probably be considerably decreased for speeds
other than noted. Also, as mentioned previously, the characteristics
of the phones at the receiving station are usually such as to make

them most sensitive to a group frequency of about 1000 cycles per second,
and it is therefore undesirable to deviate from this value to any consider
able extent.
In practical installations, the closed-circuit capacity (Ci) is usually
fixed in value, and could not be varied to secure a change in the power
The voltage to which C\ is charged, E, is readily controlled, however,
by adjusting the separation of the spark gap in the proper manner. This,
therefore, forms the means whereby the power input may be controlled,
and although limited in range, as discussed below, is widely used in
In case a quenched gap is used the power input is controlled by using
the proper number of gaps in series, many for high power and perhaps
only one or two for short-range sending. It must be remembered that
as the gap length is changed, or the number of sections of a quenched gap
varied, the voltage of the alternator must be correspondingly altered to
prevent arcing and irregular discharges.
Care of a Spark Gap.1—As previously mentioned, the power
input to the closed circuit condenser is immediately decreased if arcing
occurs across the spark gap. To prevent this condition it is essential
that the gap faces be clean and smooth. The electrode faces should there
fore be periodically cleaned and polished with sandpaper or emery cloth,
the necessity and frequency of this cleaning being determined by the
time which the gap is in service. The alignment and separation of the
electrodes must also be very carefully adjusted, if the maximum efficiency
of the set is to be obtained and a pure note radiated.
If this is neglected one or more partial discharges may occur per alter
nation, and a constant group frequency will not be obtained, nor will
successive trains possess equal energy. The action is similar to that of
the non-synchronous rotary gap, but the group frequency may be more
erratic, since it depends on the complex arc conditions existing in the gap,
whereas in the former, the group frequency is partially controlled and
fixed by the rotating element. These partial discharges, which may occur
considerably below the peak value of the charging potential and at indefi
nite intervals, produce a non-musical note in the phones at the receiving
station, which varies in intensity and pitch, and is disagreeable and fatigu
ing to the operator. It is also more difficult to hear the signal through
interference than if the transmitter gap were properly adjusted and energy
radiated at a single-group frequency. The above refers also to the syn
chronous rotary gap and quench gap if the separation of the electrodes
is too small.
1 The following remarks apply only to open gaps—A quenched gap should never be
opened for inspection until it actually fails (by short-circuiting) as can be detected by
feeing how long a spark will jump across the gap section outside.

Improper adjustment of the gap (except the quenched type) is readily

detected by observing the character of the spark. If the separation is
too small, the discharge will be yellowish in color and emit a roaring sound,
which is characteristic of the arc, whereas under proper conditions, the
discharge is white, with a snappy crackling sound.
Too great a separation of the electrodes results in uncertain operation
due to the gap not breaking down regularly once every alternation, but
every other alternation or once every third or fourth alternation perhaps;
that is, there occurs a resonant rise of voltage with corresponding energy
storage before the breakdown voltage value is reached. (See Figs. 21
and 22, pp. 307, 308.) The condenser and step-up transformer may be
severely stressed under these conditions and their failure may occur unless
designed specifically for these operating conditions. A hot-wire ammeter,
suitably insulated, and inserted in the closed circuit, forms an effective aid
in securing proper adjustment of the gap, for the high-frequency power
(and current) in the closed circuit is then a maximum, as shown by the
ammeter indication.
Proper Motor Speed.—The proper motor speed will evidently depend
on the rated frequency of the connected alternator and the pairs of poles,
. pXr.p.m. ,. . »
/=-—g~— (in cycles per second)

60 X/
r.p.m. = -
Thus, assuming a 500-cycle alternator with 20 pairs of poles, we have,
60 X 500
r.p.m. = —20— = l^OO r.p.m.
as the motor speed.
The speed of the driving motor must be strictly constant if a musical
note of constant pitch is to be heard in the phones at the receiving station,
and as previously mentioned, the modern shunt-wound or differentially
wound motor satisfactorily fulfills this requirement. It is evident that
by suitably adjusting the driving motor speed (by means of the motor
field rheostat) a limited control of the group frequency of the set is possible.
Thus by driving the above alternator at 1200 r.p.m., the group frequency
may be made 800 instead of 1000. Similarly 1800 r.p.m. will give a group
frequency of 1200. There is no particular advantage in this, however,
as the telephones usually have maximum sensitivity for a group frequency
of about 1000 cycles per second, and the operation of the spark gap wili
be erratic at other than rated frequency, as explained on page 308.
Capacity and Inductance of the Closed and Open Circuits.—The proper
capacity to be connected into the closed circuit will depend on the amount

of the high-frequency power which it is intended to generate, the charging

voltage to be employed, and the group frequency, since
Ci = closed circuit capacity in farads;
E — potential in volts to which condenser is charged;
N = group frequency in wave-trains per second.
Thus, if we assume
tf = 2*kw.=2500 watts;
£=15,000 volts;
iV=1000 (alternator frequency = 500)
we have,
2500=*XCi (1.5 XIOTX 1000
Ci = .022 microfarad.
The closed-circuit inductance, which also acts as the primary of the
oscillation transformer, will be determined by the above value of C\ and
the maximum wave length at which the set is expected to radiate,
Since: Xmetera = 1885VL\C\.
Li = closed circuit inductance in microhenries;
Ci = closed circuit capacity in microfarads,
we have, assuming Xmu. - 1000 meters
1000= 1885VLjX.022
Li = 12.8 microhenries.
For proper operation the open (antenna) circuit constants L2 and C2
must satisfy the relation
L\C\ = L2C2,
where L\ and C\ are the same as indicated above;
£2 = total effective capacity of antenna circuit;
L2 = total effective inductance of antenna circuit.
Usually, C2 will be considerably less than C\ due to the difficulty and
expense of building large capacity antennae and thus L2 usually exceeds
la in value. If we assume an antenna capacity of .0024 microfarad,1
Li2 = -7^7X12.8 = 117 microhenries.

'Represents approximately an " L" antenna, length of top = 200 feet, height = 98
feet, number of wires =6.

All of this inductance would not be contained in the secondary winding

of the oscillation transformer, a large part of it would be supplied by the
loading inductance, while a relatively small portion would be found in the
antenna itself. In the antenna referred to above, the inductance would
be, perhaps, 20 microhenries.
Thus, the closed and open circuits are tuned to the same wave-length,
and if the coupling between them has been properly adjusted (see above),
a maximum amount of energy will be radiated at 1000 meters and the
efficiency of operation will be a maximum for the given conditions. The
procedure to be followed in adjusting for a different wave- length or chang
ing the energy radiated by the set has already been described.
Elements of the Receiving Station—Visual Detection.—The general
connections and action of a receiving set have already been discussed
(see page 190). Primarily, it constitutes a circuit which absorbs a portion
of the electrostatic and electromagnetic energy which reaches it from the
transmitter, combined with certain devices to make this absorbed energy
produce maximum visible or audible effects, so that its reception may be
evidenced and intelligence thus transmitted.
The antenna circuit represents the energy absorbing element of the
receiving set. The waves of electromagnetic and electrostatic energy
sent out by the transmitter, induce an e.m.f. in the antenna circuit, the
natural frequency of which is the same as that of the transmitter. If the
antenna were connected directly to ground as indicated in Fig. 47A, the
circuit would be complete and a current would be caused to flow as long
as energy is radiated by the transmitter. If a sensitive hot-wire ammeter
were inserted as shown, then this energy reception would be made visible,
and thus a message might be transmitted between the two stations, if the
radiated energy is interrupted in accordance with a prearranged code.
This arrangement represents the simplest possible form of receiver,
but is never used, due to the impracticability of the sensitive ammeter
which would be required. The antenna would probably not be tuned
to the frequency of the e.m.f. induced in it, and the resultant current
would be extremely small, requiring a very sensitive instrument for its
It is obvious that this current could be materially increased by so
adjusting this circuit that its natural frequency is made the same as the
frequency of the e.m.f. induced in it, i.e., the radio frequency of the received
signal. This would be most easily accomplished by inserting a variable
inductance in the circuit, provided the natural frequency of the antenna
is above that of the incoming energy. (A variable condenser would be
inserted if the received energy has a frequency above that of the antenna.)
However, the current is very small even with the circuit adjusted to
resonance, and the hot-wire ammeter would of necessity be of a very deli-

cate construction, making it impractical to use. Such, an instrument

would possess considerable resistance, which would still further limit the
current flowing when the circuit is adjusted to resonance. In addition,
its indications are inherently sluggish, and would require such a slow speed
in sending, as to make its application for receiving purposes completely
impractical. The addition of a variable inductance or capacity for tuning
the antenna circuit is indicated in Fig. 475.
Audible Detection.—In place of the above scheme of detection, which
may be termed the visual method, a detector is used which causes the
incoming energy to produce audible effects. Thus we might substitute
a telephone receiver in the antenna circuit in place of the ammeter. The
receiver is described in detail below. (See page 341.) Briefly, it consists
of a soft iron diaphragm actuated by current flowing through a winding
placed on a permanent "U " magnet, the poles of which are placed closely

Fig. 47—Simple schemes for receiving radio signals.

adjacent to the diaphragm. An alternation of current of a certain polarity

thus increases the pull on the diaphragm, whereas the reverse alternation
will decrease the pull. The diaphragm is thus moved inward and out
ward, setting up vibrations in the air which are heard as sound by the
The placing of such a receiver in the antenna circuit would, however,
produce no sound in the phones even though high-frequency current were
flowing in the antenna. This is due to the fact that the mechanical
inertia of the diaphragm will not permit it to follow the extremely rapid
reversals of the radio frequency current. This reversal would occur at
the rate of 1,000,000 times per second for a 300-meter wave signal. Also,
even though it were possible for the diaphragm to respond to this current,
no sound would be heard, as the frequency would be far above the limit
of audible frequencies (about 20,000 cycles). The conditions are indicated
in the following curves (Fig. 48). The receiver would also add thousands
of ohms impedance to the antenna circuit, so that only negligible high-
frequency current could flow.

Application of the Rectifier.—If we place in the antenna circuit, in

addition to the phones, some device possessing unilateral conductivity,
that is, a greater resistance to current flow in one direction than in the
other, we would obtain a net or cumulative effect for each wave-train,
since the effect on the diaphragm in the one direction would then exceed
the effect in the reverse direction. Thus the diaphragm would be given
a resultant deflection, springing back to its initial position only after the
wave-train had passed. Thus, if 1000 wave-trains strike the antenna per
second (group frequency of transmitter = 1000), the diaphragm would be
impulsed 1000 times per second, and the observer would hear a 1000-cycle

Fia. 48.—Conventional diagram of current in antenna of receiving station; even if
such high-frequency currents could flow through the telephone the diaphragm could
not move so rapidly.

note whenever the transmitter radiated energy. These conditions are

graphically shown in Fig. 49. The amplitude variation of the e.m.f. for
this figure should be carefully noted. The first cycle is of maximum ampli
tude in only one circuit of both sending and receiving stations, namely,
the closed circuit of the transmitter. In all other circuits, time is required
to build up the oscillations to their full amplitude, due to the electrical
storage of energy which takes place during this period, just as in setting a
mechanical system into oscillation, maximum amplitude is not obtained on
the first impulse. (Unless the system starts with original distortion, as
e.g., a pendulum held to one side and then released, which condition cor
responds to that existing in the closed circuit of the transmitting set.)
The complete receiving circuit with the asymmetrical resistance, com
monly known as a " detector," is indicated in Fig. 50. (The term
" detector " is not strictly applicable, for it does not detect, but enables
the receivers to detect, or make evident to the senses, the energy that ia
supplied to the telephone receivers.) Due to the high resistance of
the phones, and the asymmetrical character of the rectifier resistance this
circuit is not selective, and it would be difficult to receive except under
the unusual condition that only energy from the sending station desired



Fig. 49.—When a rectifier is used the antenna current is assymetrical; more flowing in
one direction than in the other; such a current will give the telephone diaphragm
one impulse per wave-train.

is reaching the antenna. Also the magnitude of the current flowing even
under the best conditions is very small. For these reasons it is desirable
and advantageous to connect the detecting apparatus in a separate cir
cuit coupled inductively to the antenna by means of coils
Li, Lv, Fig. 51, the two forming what is known as the
receiving coupler.
Inductively Coupled Receiver.—With this connection,
the primary or antenna circuit may be tuned accurately to
the frequency of the incoming energy, and since all high
resistances have been removed, the antenna current will
attain a maximum value very much greater than possi
ble with the preceding arrangements. Therefore the •<4r
e.m.f. induced in the secondary and the resulting current
Fig. 50.—A pos
flow will be maximum and the signal strongest, although sible scheme for
it will still be relatively weak due to the high resistances using telephone
in the second circuit, which diminishes the resultant and rectifying
current. This circuit possesses some selectivity due crystal.
to the adjustment of natural frequency possible in the low
resistance antenna circuit. To enable the circuit to be tuned over
wide ranges of wave-length, and additional inductance L', known
as a " loading " inductance, is inserted as shown for very long wave-

lengths, while the condenser Ci may be cut into circuit if it becomes

necessary to tune for very short wave-lengths. This condenser is there
fore known as a " shortening " or " short-wave " condenser.
To increase the selectivity and sensitivity of the set, a tuning conden
ser Cz is placed across the coil L2, giving
the final circuit illustrated in Fig. 52,
which represents the arrangement most
generally used.
Neglecting for the moment the
detector and phones connected in shunt
across the condenser, it is readily seen
that we may tune the secondary circuit
to resonance with the primary circuit,
and thus secure a maximum current
-A receiving scheme using two flow in the circuit L2C2. L2 is gener
circuits, the secondary being untuned. ally used for rough tuning, while a
finer adjustment may be secured by
adjusting C2. Since the e.m.f. set up in the circuit L2C2 increases with
the number of turns in L2, it is desirable to have this inductance as
high as possible without, however, making the coupling so close as to
diminish seriously the selectivity of the set. Similarly, the condenser
required for any wave-length adjust
ment should be relatively small.
Under these conditions the radio-fre
quency voltage across the terminals of
Z/2 and C2 (for a given amount of
received energy) will be a maximum,
and this radio frequency voltage will,
in turn, cause a maximum unsym-
metrical current to flow in the detector-
telephone circuit, and therefore maxi
mum signal strength will be obtained. Fig. 52.—The ordinary receiving circuit
The action of the phones and detector using two tuned circuits, telephone in
on this connection is exactly similar series with rectifier being shunted
to their action in the circuit illustrated across the tuning condenser of the
secondary circuit.
in Fig. 49.
If the resistances involved in the primary and secondary circuits of
the set are small, then this receiving circuit possesses considerable selectiv
ity. Undesired signals may be tuned out and the efficiency and operat
ing characteristics of the set are very much better than those of the pre
vious circuits discussed.
The Telephone Receiver.—The construction of the telephone
receiver usually employed for the reception of radio signals, known

as the " watch-case " type, is shown in the accompanying sketch.

(Fig. 53.)
It consists essentially, of a permanent magnet M, with pole pieces N
and S, upon which are wound coils consisting of many turns of fine
wire, through which the audio frequency pulses of current pass. A dia
phragm D is placed closely adjacent to the faces of the pole pieces as
shown. When no signal is being received, this diaphragm is under a
constant pull or attraction exerted on it by the permanent magnet M.

Fig. 53.—Essential elements of the ordinary watch-case telephone receiver.

This steady pull, which we may call P, is proportional to the square of

the flux flowing through it and the permanent magnet, i.e.,
P=W, . . (9)

where <j>s is the steady flux value.

When a current of proper polarity flows through the winding, the
flux will be increased proportionately (neglecting saturation effects) or

A<t> = K'i, (10)

wherein i represents current in the winding.

Therefore the total flux is:

= <t>, + K'i, . . . . (11)

and the total pull under this condition becomes

P = K<t>t2 = K{<t>,+K'iy

= K<t>2+2KK'<t>,i+KK,2i2 (12)
The total pull thus consists of three components, one of which is con
stant (K<f>„2) and thus has no effect on the diaphragm vibrational ampli
tude, while another is proportional to the current variation squared
{KK'2?). This term represents a distortional component of double fre

quency and it is therefore designedly made relatively small. The remain

ing component of pull is proportional to the current variation (2KK'<j>li)
and this component is therefore made as large as possible, as the amplitude
of the diaphragm vibrations will then be porportional to the amplitude
of the current variation (i); it will also be directly proportional to the
flux due to the permanent magnet, (<£,). Thus, to make the vibrations
of the diaphragm a maximum for a given current variation, K<t>, is
designedly made large compared to KK'i, which means that the flux (<£,)
produced by the permanent magnet is much greater than the flux pro
duced by the current in the winding (A<£). Under these conditions,
distortional effects are minimized and maximum amplitude of diaphragm
vibration and signal strength (sound) for a given signal current (t) secured.
The d.c. resistance of a receiver such as described above would be
about 2000 ohms, as many as 10,000 or more turns of fine wire (about
No. 40 A. W. G. or smaller) being employed to make up the winding.
The impedance to an alternating current will, of course, be greater than
this, depending on the frequency of the current and the effective resistance
of the circuit. At 400 cycles a certain receiver of this type had an impe
dance of 2900 ohms; at 800 cycles an impedance of 3900 ohms, and at
1000 cycles an impedance of 4400 ohms.
The Baldwin Receiver.—Another type of receiver more recently
developed, known as the Baldwin receiver, possesses the advantage that
the diaphragm is not initially
Diaphragm of Mica stressed, and thus may be more
responsive and sensitive to the
pull exerted on it by the flux
(A<£) caused by the signal current
Telephone Winding (i). The construction is indi
cated below (Fig. 54).
It is evident that when no
Fio. 54—Essential elements of the Baldwin signal is being received, the arma-
balanced-annature telephone receiver. tun? balanced in its neutral
position (the flux traversing the
gaps a and b in the same direction and being equal in value) no pull is
exerted on the mica diaphragm. If a signal pulsation of current passes
through the receiver winding, however, it produces a flux, which, combin
ing with the permanent flux, results in an asymmetrical distribution of
the flux, causing a force to be exerted on the armature and thus on the
Other advantages claimed for this type of receiver in addition to the
one mentioned above, are:
1 The student is referred to E. I. Bucher, " Practical Wireless Telegraphy," page 168,
for more detailed description.

(1) The magnetic circuit is of low reluctances and thus small signal
currents will produce relatively greater fluxes and greater forces.
(2) The armature is similar in its mounting to a lever, with a force
acting at each end. The diaphragm, being rigidly attached to one end,
thus has an increased deflection for a given magnetizing force, and thus
the signal strength is intensified.
It is to be noted that this device is not truly balanced (when no signal
is being received) in the case of detectors where the initial current is not
zero, as in the vacuum tube and crystal equipped with polarizing battery.
The pull due to this current, however, is extremely light, compared to
the heavy pull exerted by the permanent magnet in the usual type cf
construction, and the diaphragm may be considered as essentially
Characteristics of Crystal Rectifiers.—From the previously mentioned
function of the rectifier as utilized in the reception of radio signals, it
will be seen that the essential characteristic which it must possess is that
of unilateral conductivity. This means that the rectifier possesses a
high conductivity for current of a given polarity, and relatively low con
ductivity for current of opposite polarity. Due to this property, a train
of high-frequency e.m.f. waves impressed on the circuit containing the
phones and detector (in series) will result in a net force being exerted on
the diaphragm, the resultant deflection producing a click in the phones.
With the detector omitted, the net effect is not obtained and no click
results, the diaphragm being unable to follow the high-frequency current
alternations due to its mechanical inertia. These effects have been previ -
ously indicated by the curves shown in Fig. 48 and 49.
The unilateral conductivity possessed by various crystals is shown
by the following curves (Figs. 55 to 58, inclusive). These curves indi
cate the relatively large currents obtained when e.m.f. of various values
and of a given polarity are impressed across the rectifier circuit and the
comparatively small (practically negligible) currents obtained when the
e.m.f. 's are reversed. These curves represent the " d.c. characteristic "
of the crystals in contradistinction to the " a.c. characteristic " dis
cussed below, and are obtained by means of the experimental circuit indi
cated in Fig. 60 (Insert A).
Fig. 55 illustrates the characteristics obtained for a carborundum
(silicon carbide) crystal. The curve is interesting as it illustrates the
function of the local battery, sometimes used in series with the detector
and phones, and known as a " polarizing " battery. The connection of
this battery in the detector circuit is illustrated below (Fig. 59).
It is evident that with any detector the greatest asymmetrical effect
(and thus maximum signal strength) will be obtained, if we adjust the
crystal to operate at the point of maximum change of curvature. In the

case of the curve considered,

this does not occur at the
zero voltage value but at
+ 1.25 volts approximately.
Therefore the local batten-
potentiometer would be ad
Mu ro Ai ips justed to impress an initial
40 00 voltage of +1.25 volts on
CarlK>r mc um the crystal. Under these
30 00 conditions the signal voltage
impressed on the potentiom
20 00 eter, detector, and phones
in series, would vary the
10 00 current above and below the
4 - i initial value (indicated by i
1 i i i in Fig. 55) and a maximum
-j i\ '.c Its
< asymmetrical current thus
Fia. 55.—Characteristic curves of a carborundum secured.
rectifying crystal, using a fine steel point for The " d.c. characteristic "
making contact. The maximum rectifying action is also indicated on the figure
occurs when a polarizing voltage of about 1.2 for a poor rectifying point,
volts is used. which indicates that with
this adjustment, the asymmet-
rical effect of the crystal is prac Vli< ro Ai aps /
tically nil, and the resistance of 70 00" f/
a uniformly high value.
Fig. 56 illustrates the charac ^60 00-
teristics taken for a Cerusite
"50 oo- 1
crystal (trade designation), under
conditions of good and poor ad 1
-40 00
justment. The asymmetrical per isit e
conductivity obtained with the in 00
good rectifying point is more
pronounced for this crystal than 20 00
for the carborundum crystal of
Fig. 55, and no polarizing battery -10 00
would be required, as a sharp 3 ! -
13= )
"break," or high rate of change of \ »_
curvature, is obtained at zero volt
age. The resistance is uniformly X
very high on the poor rectifying
point, and is practically constant Fig. 56.—Characteristic curves of a "Ceru
in value for all e.m.f. values. site" rectifying crystal.

Fig. 57 illustrates the d.c. characteristics for two different points

on a detector known as a Lenzite crystal, which show the same general
form as the corresponding curves in the previous figures. No polarizing
battery would be required if the crystal is operated on the good rectifying
point. The unilateral conductivity of the crystal is indicated to some
extent even for the poor
point, and some detection 20, 000
may be secured on this con /
dition, if very strong signals 18r 000 /
Mk ro Ar ips f
are being received.
16. 000 1
Fig. 58 illustrates char
acteristics obtained with a
14, /
combination of two cystals,
zincite (red oxide of zinc) f
12r 000
and chalcopyrite (iron-
copper sulphide), which 10, 000
differs from the preceding I
cases in which a sharp 80 00 I
metallic point is placed in
light contact with the crys GO wflfl
tal. The curves indicate
40 00 i P
that a polarizing e.m.f. may /
be desirable, and also show 20 00 / f
that considerable rectifica J
tion will be secured even if -l I
operating on a poor point. Vol s—

This would make the com
bination desirable for use Fig. 57.—Characteristic curves of a "Lenzite"
where adjustments may be rectifying crystal,
frequent, due to vibrations
or similar disturbances, which may be present, as in the case of portable
receiving equipment and stations on shipboard.
The asymmetrical effect of the detectors described above, when an
alternating potential is impressed across the circuit in which they are
connected is indicated by the curves (using a zincite-chalcopyrite) shown
in Fig. 60. The experimental circuit used is shown in Fig. 60 (Insert B).
Both the d.c. and a.c. characteristics are indicated, the former being plotted
between the d.c. voltage and corresponding current as heretofore, while
the latter is plotted between the effective a.c. voltage and the d.c.
component of the rectified alternating current, as read by the same d.c.
ammeter used in obtaining the "d.c. characteristic." The instantaneous
values of the current flowing in the detector circuit when a sine wave e.m.f.
is impressed, have been plotted in Fig. 61, wherein the corresponding

voltage values are also indicated. It should be noticed that the negative
alternations of the current are practically negligible in amplitude, while
the positive afternations are not
of sine wave form but consider
ably more peaked, due to the
variation in detector resistance,
which decreases as the current
This current may be graphi
cally resolved into its d.c. and
a.c. components as shown in the
figure. The -latter component
will not affect the d.c. ammeter
the deflection of which is pro
portional to the magnitude of
the d.c. component only, the
value of which it indicates. Thus,
for an effective a.c. voltage of
1.41 volts Fig. 60 (maximum
value equal to 2 volts as shown
in Fig. 61) the reading of the
Fio. 58.—Characteristic curves of a "Perikon" ammeter is 2 milliamperes, which
rectifier, utilizing the contact between zincite is the magnitude of the d.c.
and chalcopyrite. component as indicated in Fig.
61. Thus the curve obtained
from the a.c. test indicates the d.c. component plotted to various
corresponding a.c. voltages as indicated by the curve in Fig. 60.
The insert curve in Fig. 60 illus
trates the a.c. and d.c. characteristics
to a magnified scale in the region of the
zero voltage point. It is interesting
and important to observe that this d.c. Carborundum
characteristic indicates satisfactory detector
rectification, for very small voltage
values, such as would exist across the
Fio. 59.—Scheme of using such a crystal
detector-phone circuit under normal as carborundum in a receiving circuit.
conditions, although the more extended The best rectifying action is obtained
curve (main curve of Fig. 60) would by suitable adjustment of the poten
seem to indicate that for small voltage tiometer on the polarizing battery.
variations, a polarizing e.m.f. of about
+ .25 volt' would be desirable. These data demonstrate the fact that if the
characteristic curves are to be considered reliable, and truly indicative of
what the rectifier will do in its application to radio signal reception,

it is desirable to investigate them for low values of impressed

voltages and not carry them out to voltage values as large as 2 volts,

10 u

Fig. 60—Comparison of d.c. and a.c. characteristics of a Perikon detector. The a.c.
characteristic was obtained by measuring the current through the rectifier with
d.c. ammeter when an alternating e.m.f. was impressed. The insert shows the really
important action, as it is seldom that more than a small fraction of a volt is set up
across the rectifier when it is used in a receiving circuit.
a magnitude practically never encountered in normal radio reception.

Desirable Characteristics of Crystal Rectifiers.—Crystal detectors or

rectifiers should possess the following qualities:
1. They should be mechanically rugged and well constructed. This
means that they should be able to hold their adjustment and not be easily
disturbed. These are especially desirable characteristics in field or marine
sets, where jarring or vibration is likely to be present.
2. The crystals should be sensitive, that is, should possess good recti
fying properties, if their setting is properly adjusted. Too great a sen
sibility is not desirable as satisfactory adjustment is usually obtained with
difficulty. Also it may be difficult to retain the sensitive adjustment.

| Time
Fia. 61.—Analysis of the current through rectifying crystal.

3. The crystal should be easily adjusted. It is a distinct disadvantage

if any marked difficulty is found in adjusting the setting for good reception,
as valuable time may be lost in this way if a signal is coming in and the
detector not operating properly.
4. The crystal should possess self-protecting characteristics to pre
vent itself from being " burned out " and the setting destroyed, if abnor
mally powerful energy radiations are received, such as static and other
atmospheric disturbances.
A complete explanation for the asymmetrical conductivity of two dis
similar crystals in contact, or a crystal in contact with a metal point has
not yet been advanced. It may be due, in part, to the thermo-electric
effects produced by the heating of the function when the detector is

carrying current.1 The rectifying properties have also been considered

as being due to electrolytic action, which occurs at the surface of the
crystal.2 A more likely explanation, however, is based on the "surface
work " for electron evaporation from the two crystals; if the " surface
works" are different, the contact point must offer asymmetrical resistance.3
Application of the Bridging Condenser.—It will be recalled that the
telephone receiver possesses considerable impedance for a 1000-cycle alter
nating current. It might seem that it H j
would be impossible to send a radio ^
frequency current through the phone
circuit, and this would be the case were
it not for the distributed capacity which fig- 62.—Use of a "bridging" con-
is associated with the windings in the denser in parallel with receiver,
phone, and the phone cords. This
capacity is in shunt with the telephone windings, and is represented
by the fictitious condenser, C, in Fig. 62.
The current may then be considered to divide in the circuit as shown
in Fig. 63, the radio frequency component passing through the distributed




Fig. 63.—Currents in the branched circuit shown in Fig. 62.
capacity, which has a relatively low impedance to high-frequency current,
while the audio frequency component flows through the phone windings.
Normally, however, the distributed capacity of the phone cords, etc.,
is only a few micro-microfarads in value and is not large enough to supply
>W. H. Eccles, Proc. Phys. Soc, London, Vol. 25, p. 273, June, 1913.
lR. H. Goddard, Physical Review, Vol. 34, 1912.
1 It is to be noted that any explanation must be able to take care of the fact that
certain crystals rectify in one direction for low voltages, and in the opposite direction
for higher voltages, not rectifying at all for some intermediate voltage.

a low impedance by-path for the high-frequency component. It is there

fore usual to connect additional capacity across the phones, as shown in
Fig. 62, condenser C. This additional capacity is known as a bridging
condenser, and may have a value of approximately 5000 A low
impedance path for the high-frequency component is thus supplied, thus
permitting a larger fraction of the high-frequency signal voltage to act
across the rectifying crystal and hence increasing its rectifying efficiency.
This, in turn, increases the amplitude of the audio-frequency component
flowing through the phones and the strength of the received signal is there
by increased.
The bridging condenser is sometimes considered as a capacity which
receives a cumulative charge during the passage of a wave-train, due to
the asymmetrical conductivity of the rectifier, comparatively little cur
rent passing through the phones. When the wave-train has passed this
condenser discharges through the phones, since it cannot discharge back
through the detector, due to high resistance in this circuit. This unidirec
tional discharge passes through the phone winding as a current pulse equiv
alent to the d.c. component previously described. Thus one click is
produced in the phones per wave-train, and the observer hears a note of
audio frequency pitch as previously described.
Vacuum Tube Detector.—The crystal rectifier is being rapidly super
seded by the three-electrode vacuum tube due to the latter's greater sen
sitivity, reliability, and ease of adjustment. The action of the tube is
discussed in detail in Chapter VL to which the reader is referred for a full
explanation of its rectifying action. One advantage of the tube over the
crystal lies in the fact that its rectifying ability is measured by the accuracy
of its design and construction, while that of the crystal is an inherent
property of the substance, and cannot be altered or improved. With the
latter, the " best " point of operation is determined experimentally and
may or may not represent the best performance of which the crystal
is capable. On the other hand, the tube may be accurately and definitely
adjusted for best operation, which as already stated, exceeds that of the
best crystal rectifiers. The more general use of the tube has been some
what retarded by its higher first cost, and various patent situations involved
in its manufacture and distribution.
With the ending of the war, however, the tube is being more and more
extensively used and will probably be the only detector ultimately in use.
Adjustment of Receiving Set.—The receiving circuit .for a spark set
has already been studied on page 340, and it now remains to discuss the
characteristics of such a circuit and the adjustments necessary to secure
the best results. Before doing this, however, we must define two
quantities, upon which the comparison of receiving systems is based,
i.e.: " audibility " and " selectivity."

" Audibility " may be defined as the ratio of the audio current flow
ing through the telephone receivers to that which is necessary to make
the signals just audible. To speak of a receiving circuit having an audi
bility of, say, 20, means that the current in the receiving circuit is twenty
times that which is just necessary to produce a just audible signal.
The audibility thus defined is directly proportional to the current in
the receiving antenna and, for weak couplings, say less than 5 per cent,
inversely to the coupling coefficient between the receiving antenna cir
cuit and the receiving closed circuit. Again for short distances the receiv
ing antenna current may be shown to vary as follows:

Jr= receiving antenna current;
7, = transmitting antenna current;
h, and h, = height of receiving and transmitting antenna, respectively;
R= effective resistance of the receiving antenna, including the
resistance due to the closed circuit being coupled to it;
d = distance between the two antennae.
From the above it follows that, if the coupling between antenna and
closed tuned circuit is very loose (generally the case in practice)
Ir I,h,hr . .
^k^RXdk' (14)
a = audibility;1
k = coupling coefficient between receiving antenna circuit and the
receiving closed circuit.
" Selectivity " of a receiving system may be defined as the ratio of the
natural wave-length of the transmitting and receiving antenna circuits
to the difference between this wave-length and the length of some other
wave which (of same field intensity as signal wave) will give a response
just audible. Thus, if:
X„= natural wave-length of the two antenna circuits;
Xa = length of wave (of same field intensity as signal wave) which
will give a just audible response in the telephone receivers.
S= selectivity,
Then: s=V^V (15)

It will be seen that selectivity is a measure of how little the reception

1 This formula is approximate only; actually the audibility does not vary inversely
with R because the detector efficiency is involved in the magnitude of R. For a theo
retical discussion of the best coupling for detectors of different types the reader is referred
to Chapter XV of Pierce's " Electric Oscillations and Electric Waves."

of signals from a certain transmitting station will be interfered with by

the presence of electromagnetic waves of a different wave-length emanating
from other stations. Thus if Xo = Xn, a condition impossible to realize, then,

or the selectivity is infinitely large, and no interference will be registered

at the receiving station.
It may be shown that when the transmitting and receiving systems are
tuned, selectivity is affected by the sum of the decrements of the trans
mitting and receiving systems 1 and also by the audibility of the receiving
circuit (in so far as this is affected by k), approximately as shown by the
following formula:

s=«xdjA <16>
where, q=a constant;
dt and 8, = decrements of transmitting and receiving circuits, respectively;
a = audibility.
Practically no selectivity can be obtained with the transmitting and
receiving systems out of tune.
When making the adjustments of a receiving set the aim should be
to obtain the maximum selectivity compatible with a reasonable audi
bility; but it must be borne in mind that these two quantities are inversely
proportional to each other and that a high audibility means a low selectivity
and vice versa, as shown by the formula above.
We may now discuss the characteristics of the various types of
receivers, of which there are, in general, three:
1st. Those in which the detecting circuit is conductively coupled to
the receiving antenna circuit as shown in Fig. 64.
2d. Those in which the detecting circuit is inductively coupled to the
receiving antenna circuit, as shown in Fig. 65.
3d. Those in which the detecting circuit is statically connected to the
receiving antenna circuit, as shown in Fig. 66.
In all receiving systems the receiving antenna circuit is supposed
to be tuned to the wave-length of the incoming oscillations, so that the
e.m.f. impressed upon the receiving antenna due to the electro-magnetic
waves produce the maximum current.
First Type of Receiver.—In this type, since the energy of the signals
received in the antenna is applied directly to the detector circuit without
loss on any intermediary circuit, it is plain that comparatively loud signals
will be obtained, provided, of course, that the inductance to which the
detector circuit is connected is of any reasonable value, so as to produce
1 See Chapter IV, pp. 272-274.

a reasonable drop across the detector circuit; it has been shown (Fig. 60)
that the rectification given by the crystal is porportional to the square
of the impressed voltage, hence if the inductance used in the antenna for
tuning is low, the drop across this inductance will probably be low, so
that a poor signal will be obtained. The signal given by the connection
will probably be loud and be-
cause of the very loudness of
the signals, the system must, as
already pointed out, be lacking !
in selectivity. Of course, the
selectivity may be improved by
making the decrements of the
transmitting and receiving an
tenna circuits low; see Eq. (16).
Second Type of Receiver.—
Fig. 64.—Single-circuit receiving system.
This may be used either with
or without a tuning condenser
in the detector circuit. We will consider the two cases separately,
(a) Without a tuning condenser in the detector circuit. In this case the audi
bility of the signals may be changed by changing the coupling between
H and K (Fig. 65); it is superior to the first type because the selec
tivity may be greatly increased without decreasing the audibility. This
is done by using a weak coupling between H and K, thus increasing selec
tivity; the signal is main
tained at a loud intensity
by winding K with many
turns of wire compared to
the winding of H, thus
obtaining perhaps much
greater voltage across the
terminals of K than exists
across H. By thus using
Fia. 65.—Two circuit inductively coupled receiving high inductance for K,
systems. getting larger voltage, the
efficiency of rectification of
the crystal is increased sufficiently to permit the weak coupling required
for selectivity. (6) With a tuning condenser in the detector circuit. An
increase in selectivity results from this when, as is always the case, the
detector circuit is tuned to the receiving antenna circuit, which is, in turn,
tuned to the transmitting antenna. For this case it has been found that
the selectivity is affected most by the decrements of the detector circuit
and of the transmitting antenna, and very little by the decrement of the
receiving antenna. This result makes it possible to obtain great selec-

tivity even when the decrement of the receiving antenna is high, by using
a low decrement detector circuit. On the other hand, if the receiving an
tenna has a low decrement, then the use of a tuned detector circuit has
but little advantage, and it would show practically no increase in selec
tivity over the case where no condenser is used in the detector circuit.
, Third Type of Re-
ceiver.—This is similar
o oo to the case of the induc
1L« tively coupled type, ex
cept, of course, that the
% When wring the static coupling is changed by
1 coupling. colU Liand Lj
-3k are adjusted to give no changing the two con
mutual inunction
densers C\ and C2, Fig.
66. Increasing the ca
pacity of these two con-
_ densers increases the
Fig. 66.—Electrically, or capacitively, coupled receiving coupling and hence the
system. audibility, while the se
lectivity is at the same
timer educed. Since the coupling condensers form, together with closed
circuit, L2 -C, a circuit which is in multiple with the antenna tuning
inductance, it is plain that the total equivalent inductance or capacity of
this multiple circuit must be changed somewhat by any change in the
coupling condensers, thus affecting the tuning of the antenna circuit.1
Of the three types of receivers described above the second (inductively
coupled type) is most
widely used, while the
statically coupled receiv
ers were largely used in
the U. S. Navy. The
first type is never used
except when first picking
up signals, when the
operator may, if the
apparatus will allow it,
place his detecting cir
cuit directly across the Fig. 67.—Ordinary type of receiving circuit.
antenna tuning induct
ance; and later he will change over to the inductively coupled or to the
statically coupled type, whichever the case may be.
We will now give the various steps through which an operator should
1 For a theoretical treatment of the selectivity of the electrically coupled receiver
see article by Louis Cohen, " Electrostatically coupled circuits," Proc. I. R. E., Oct., 1920.

pass when receiving signals, in the case of an inductively coupled receiver.

The circuit of this receiver is again reproduced in Fig. 67 for the sake of
convenience. To begin with the operator has his set in the so-called "stand
by" position, i.e., with close coupling between H and K and with the
switch S open, so as to make the detecting circuit aperiodic; in this con
dition the operator manipulates the inductance H and the capacity
Ci and picks up practically all signals which reach the antenna with
sufficient intensity. When he wants to read a particular signal he goes
through the following manipulations: (a) with S open,1 adjust H
and Ci until required signal is loudest and then the coupling of H and
K is decreased to as low a value as possible, still maintaining a fair inten
sity of signal strength; (b) switch £ is closed and C2 is adjusted until
required signal is loudest, (c) Coupling between H and K is decreased
and at the same time H, C\ and C2 are slightly adjusted until, for any
particular coupling, the signal is loudest. This operation is repeated until
the legitimate signal becomes quite weak, yet audible, and all the other
interfering signals have been weeded out. When going through this last
step the interfering signals will, of course, get weaker and weaker as the
coupling is decreased from its maximum value, but the audibility may
at first increase and then decrease. The reason for this latter is that
the antenna and the closed circuit of the receiver form two tuned coupled
circuits upon the primary of which (the antenna) there is impressed an
e.m.f. of the same frequency as the natural frequency of the coupled cir
cuits; the curves of pages 103 and 104, Chapter I, show that, under these
conditions, the current in the secondary (the detector circuit) has a maxi
mum value for a certain critical coupling and that for closer or weaker
coupling than this the current becomes smaller.2
In case the wave-length being received is appreciably longer than the
natural wave-length of the antenna the shortening condenser C\ will be
short-circuited by a suitably placed switch, and the adjustment of the
antenna circuit tuning will be accomplished by varying H only.
Some additional interesting points regarding, the effect of the decrease
in the resistance of the entire receiving system upon the audibility and
selectivity may be deduced by further considering formulas (13) and (16).
aCCRMk (13)

Formula (13) shows that the less the value of R (resistance of receiving
1 In case no switch, S, is provided, condenser C2 may be set at its minimum value;
this is practically equivalent to opening switch S.
1 The curves given on pp. 103-104 were obtained while an e.m.f. of constant ampli
tude was impressed on the primary circuit. In the circuit of Fig. 67 a damjxd e.m.f.
is impressed as the primary: if the damping is high these curves are not quite applicable
to the case.

system) the greater the audibility, and in this respect the effective resist
ance of the entire receiving system should be kept as low as possible.1
Again from Formula (16), i.e.:

5,+ Sr a

it may be seen that, since the resistance of the receiving system affects
the decrement Sr in direct proportion, any decrease of R will decrease 5r
and increase S provided, of course, that a is kept constant by suitably
changing k. However, since no matter what is done to R the value of 6,
(transmitter decrement) cannot be changed by the receiving operator,

Fig. 68.—Showing arrangement of a buzzer circuit loosely coupled to the antenna, for
the testing of the crystal rectifier. With the buzzer in operation the antenna
oscillates at its natural frequency and so acts on the receiving circuit as would a
signal. Care must be taken to prevent induction from the buzzer circuit getting
into the K-Ci circuit directly as in this case the test is valueless; the buzzer will
then be heard in the phones even though the crystal is short-circuited.

it follows that, when 5r is made very small, there is hardly any gain in
selectivity obtainable by making it smaller, because, even if Sr were zero,
there would still remain 5, to be reckoned with in connection with the
value of the selectivity. The conclusion to be derived from the above
is that it is uneconomical to try to make the receiving system of extremely
1 In addition to this condition the resistance introduced into the circuit by the
detector and phones should be just equal to the resistance of the entire circuit, exclusive
of the detector and phones.

low resistance unless the decrement of the transmitting set is also made
correspondingly small.
Another point to be noted is that in most receivers provision is made
for adjustment of the crystal detector so as to make sure of a sensitive
spot thereon. This is done by arranging the receiving circuit somewhat
as shown in Fig. 68, where a buzzer is used to excite by impulse (and by
means of coils M and N) the antenna circuit, so as to produce therein
currents of a frequency equal to the natural frequency of the antenna cir
cuit; the currents in the latter are transferred by means of H -K to the
detector circuit, and the detector may thereby be adjusted for a sensitive
Wave-lengths and Ranges in Spark Telegraphy.—The wave-lengths
used in spark telegraphy vary from about 50 to about 6000 meters. The
range under 200 is allotted to amateurs; 200 to 600 is generally used for
aeroplane sets; 450 to 800 for ship sets, 900 to 1500 for moderate-size
land stations, and over 1500 for the largest land stations. The laws of
the United States specify the following wave-lengths:
High-power stations over 1600 meters.
Navy 600 to 1600 meters.
Ship stations 300, 450, 600 meters.
Amateurs below 200 meters.
The power used is \ to % kw. for amateur and aeroplane sets, 1 to 10 kw.
for ship sets, 5 to 20 kw. for moderate size land stations and up to 100 kw.
or more for the largest land stations.
The range covered may be approximately determined by means of
the Austin formula given below, which applies to daylight transmission :
0.001 5d
/r=4.25X^-*Xe vT (17)1
/r=the current in receiving antenna in amperes;
/,= the current in transmitting antenna in amperes;
hi and A2 = effective heights of transmitting and receiving antennas, respect
ively, in kilometers;
X = wave length in kilometers;
d = distance between the two antennas in kilometers.
In the above formula the effective resistance of the entire receiving system
1 See Chapter IX for further discussion of transmitting formula;. Papers discussing
this formula are given by Austin in Bulletin of Bureau of Standards, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1911,
and Vol. II, No. 1, 1914, also by Libby in Proc. I. R. E., Vol. 5, No. 1, Feb., 1917.
Recent tests by Vallauri throw doubt on the validity of this equation, he having obtained
currents about ten times as large as those predicted from this formula.

is assumed- to be 25 ohms. In view of the fact that the distance (d) occurs
as an exponent it is difficult, more particularly for large distances, to solve
the above equation directly for d. The following may, however, be done.
Knowing hi, /12, Is and X, plot a curve showing the relation between d and
I,. The value of d, obtained from the curve, corresponding to an I,
which will give the minimum audibility (this depends on the type of

100 \
\\ H, isllt r f Receiving
— & of Tr In 111 i ,s \llHl nil K 11*- el
Cu rrt nl iniTr insmittiiis \n tel 11.1 = a lip !res
90 W 1V( •k IISth = 6 )U lie er 1
so Cu rv. is A 3PI I U ik tu D; r- isl t rm i-i lis io 1 b\ 1 KM I1S 4
U: 111 KM \\ IIV es

S 30
" 20
10 —

100 200 aoo 400 500

Distance in Kilometers
Fig. 69.—Calculated value of current in the antenna of the receiving station as distance
is varied, the conditions being as stated in the diagram.

detector used) is the maximum range. An example has been worked

out below, where:
A1 = fc2 = 0.025 km.
I, =5 amperes
X = 0.6 km.

O.0X0 d
Substituting different values of d in this last equation we obtain the cor
responding values of 7r and are, therefore, able to plot the curve of Fig. 69.

Fia. 70.—Side view of a small spark set made by the Wireless Improvement O*.

With an ordinary crystal detector and a receiving system of 25 ohms a

current of 7 micro-amperes in the receiving antenna is sufficient to give
unit audibility. Looking up the curve we find that the distance corre
sponding to 7 micro-amperes is 610 km.'s.
If strays and interference should be present perhaps 28 micro-

Fia. 71.—Front view of the set shown in Fig. 70.

amperes might be required in the receiving antenna in order to insure

reliable communication, in which case the distance would be 310 km.'s.
Thus, for daylight transmission, under poor atmospheric conditions,
the range would be about 300 km.'s, and under very favorable atmospheric
conditions the range would be about 600 km.'s.
From the point of view of the transmitter in the problem con
sidered above, the high-frequency power in the antenna for a current of

Via. 72.—General view of the spark transmitter used at the U. S. Government station
at Arlington for broadcasting time signals and weather reports.

Fig. 73.—Showing the construction of the synchronous rotating gap of the Arlington

5 amperes in the antenna and assuming the total resistance of the antenna
to be 8 ohms, would be given by:
High-frequency power = 8X52 = 200 watts.
Assuming efficiency of the transmitting set from alternator to antenna
= 25 per cent.
Alternator output = -== = 800 watts.

Fio. 74.—Circuit diagram of the Arlington transmitter. (Proc. I.R.E.)

It must be noted, in connection with the above, that if we neglect the

factor e Vx , in Eq. (17)
d = 4.25X^*, (18)
then, if everything else be kept constant the distance would vary directly
with the transmitting antenna current (Is) ; but the power required from
the alternator varies with the square of the current, hence to double the
transmitting distance the power put into the antenna must be quad-
rupled ; and, if the factor e Vk be considered, the power must be more
than quadrupled to double the range of transmission. Hence, the necessity
for great range of transmission of increasing the antenna heights (more
especially the transmitting antenna) to very great values.
Arrangement of Apparatus of a Spark Set.—The various parts required
for a transmitting set are generally assembled in compact form; in the

case of a low-powered outfit practically all of the apparatus, with the excep
tion of the hand key for sending, may be mounted directly on a panel. A
neat design for a 500-watt, quenched-spark transmitter is shown in Figs. 70
and 71; the legends on the cuts makes them self-explanatory. The larger
land stations of course require large switch boards and auxiliary appa
ratus, in fact the outfit really comprises a complete isolated power plant
In Fig. 72 is shown the arrangement of apparatus of the Arlington
spark set, used for sending out time signals; Fig. 73 gives a closer view
of the rotating sychronous spark gap and Fig. 74 gives a complete cir
cuit diagram of this station.


Constitution of a Conductor, Possibility of Electron Emission.—As

outlined in Chapter I, a conductor is made of atoms (or molecules) with
some of the electrons free from atoms, moving back and forth, from one
atom to another. Unless the conductor is at absolute zero temperature
its atoms are constantly in a state of agitation, having non-coordinated
motions in all directions. The free electrons share the motion of the atoms,
and due to their comparatively small mass (about 1 /200,000 that of the
tungsten atom) their average velocity is very much greater than that of
the atoms.
Now the atoms of a metal tend to separate from each other at high
temperatures or, we may say, the metal tends to evaporate just as water
evaporates at ordinary temperatures. We must imagine the surface ten
sion of a metal great enough to prevent appreciable evaporation at ordinary
temperature ; the velocity of motion of the atoms is not sufficient to carry
them through this surface tension. With very high temperatures, how
ever, those atoms having the highest velocity break through the surface
tension and so start the process of vaporization, which becomes more and
more rapid as the temperature rises. To accomplish actually the vapor
ization of the ordinary met al requires that the heating be done in vacuum,
otherwise oxidation occurs instead. The number of atoms evaporated
from a given surface depends upon the temperature and the latent heat
of evaporation of the metal being tested.
Now it seems quite likely that if, when the atoms acquire a high velocity,
they are able to break through the surface tension of the metal the electrons
can do the same thing, hence we get the idea of electrons evaporating.2
This evaporation of the electrons will take place at lower temperature
than that of the atoms of the metal itself because of the higher average
velocity of the electrons.
Theoretical Prediction of the Number of Electrons Emitted from a
Hot Body.—The number of atoms (or molecules) of an ordinary liquid
1 Since this material went to press there has been published an excellent text on
Vacuum Tubes by H. J. Van der Bijl.—McGraw-Hill Co.
1 See O. W. Richardson's book on " The Emission of Electricity from Hot Bodies."

which evaporate was known to vary with the latent heat of evaporation
of the substance and temperature according to the equation,

N = AVTe~*f
2V = number of atoms evaporating per second per sq. cm. of surface;
T = absolute temperature, ordinarily called degrees Kelvin ;
a = latent heat of evaporation;
A = a constant.
Richardson was the first to draw an analog between the evaporation of
atoms and possible evaporation of electrons from a hot metal. Reason
ing from the above equation he came to the conclusion that the number
of electrons evaporating per second (current) could be expressed by the
i = ayfTe 2T (1)
in which
i = current of emission per sq. cm. of hot surface;
T — absolute temperature of hot metal ;
6 = latent heat of evaporation of electrons = 105,000;
a=a constant.
As this predicted current was due to the thermal activity of the emit
ting surface Richardson suggested the term thermionic current, a name
which is at present used to some extent; the term electron current is also
used, but this is really not distinctive, because all currents, arising from
whatsoever cause, are due to the flow of electrons.
The emission of electrons predicted by Eq. (1) would give currents
from a heated tungsten filament about as shown in Fig. 1; it is evident
that very large currents might be expected from a tungsten filament at
temperatures well within the safe operating region.1 Of course, ordi
narily there is no current of such magnitude due to emitted electrons;
although the number of electrons indicated in Fig. 1 is really emitted,
they at once re-enter the surface so that on the whole there are no electrons
leaving the hot surface. As soon as an electron leaves the filament it
(the filament) is left charged positively and so attracts the emitted elec
tron; thus there are as many electrons falling back into the filament as
are expelled by the internal thermal agitation.
1The melting-point for tungsten is 3270° C; reckoning the safe operating temper
ature as that which gives the filament 2000 hours' life, the safe temperature increases
somewhat with the diameter of the filament, being perhaps 2200° C. for a filament
.01 cm. diameter and 2300° C. for one .04 cm. diameter.

Suppose, however, that there is, close to the heated filament, a posi
tively charged metal plate; an expelled electron will have two forces
acting on it, one tending to make it fall back into the filament, and the

2000° 2100° 2200° 2300° 2400° 2500° 2600°

Temperature (Absolute Centigrade)
Fig. 1.—Theoretical values of current due to electron emission from a pure tungsten

other pulling it toward the positively charged plate. Which force has
the preponderating effect will depend, of course, upon the value of the
positive plate potential; if this is made sufficiently high, all of the electrons

emitted from the hot surface will be drawn to the plate, none of them
re-entering the hot emitting surface.
The value of the current under this condition is called the saturation
current; this value of current measured for different filament temper
atures should satisfy Richardson's equation because all of the electrons
emitted go over to the plate.
As early as 1902 Richardson published experimental results confirm
ing his theory. Many other experimenters published results seemingly
contradicting the relations given in Eq. (1), and for several years Richard
son's theory was the subject of dispute.
It seems that very minor changes in the amount of gas in the tube
used, or the condition of the surface of the hot metal, completely nullified
the results obtained, and such has been found to be the case. H. A. Wilson
found, e.g., that the emission from a hot platinum filament might be
reduced to 1/250,000 of its normal amount by first heating the filament
in oxygen, or boiling it in nitric acid; also he found that the presence
of a slight amount of hydrogen around the heated filament completely
destroyed the effects of the oxygen and nitric acid. On the other hand
it is found that the electron emission from tungsten is very much increased
by such an impurity as thorium; if a small percentage of thorium is
present in a tungsten filament the emission is many times as great as
though pure tungsten were used.
As a result of Wilson's experiment it was evident that the condition
of the hot surface was of utmost importance in determining the emission;
the layer of oxygen-filled platinum on the surface practically prevented
emission. Yet a year afterward Wehnelt showed that if a platinum
filament was coated with lime (calcium oxide) the emission of elec
trons at a given temperature was vastly greater than from the platinum
Langmuir's experiments, performed with tungsten filaments in ex
tremely high vacuum, proved without doubt the truth of Richardson's
prediction and indicated that the various experimenters whose tests had
showed the opposite had not been careful enough in the manipulation
of their experiments and in the interpretation of the results. He found
that the higher the vacuum the more consistently did experiment and
theory agree, whereas others had concluded that gas was absolutely essen
tial if the thermionic current was to be obtained. In one of Langmuir's
tests he showed that the presence of only .000001 mm. pressure of oxygen
was sufficient practically to stop the emission of electrons from a hot tung
sten filament. It seems then that the condition of the surface of the hot
electrode affects the emission of electrons much as the evaporation of
water is prevented by covering the surface with a thin layer of oil or
similar substance.

Distribution of Electrons near the Surface of a Hot Metal.—In Fig.

2 is shown, in rather crude fashion, the manner in which the electrons are
concentrated near the surface of a hot body, the three figures being for
temperaturesof per
haps 2100°, 2300°,
and 2500° absolute
temperature. In
(a) but few elec
trons are coming
off and these have
•.•*>.y. r+.-a such a low velocity
t hat they are pulled
Fig. 2.—Conventional diagram to represent the distribution of Dac^ mtO the tung
electrons near the surface of a hot metal, for increasing st*n before they
temperature. have moved out
from the tungsten
perhaps .001 cm. In (b) more electrons are emitted and their mean
velocity has increased so that more of them move farther away from the
surface before falling back. In (c) is shown a much denser electron
atmosphere near the surface and also extending to considerable distance
from the tungsten
surface. In one
tungsten filament
tube tested by the
author it was
found that at
normal operating
temperature only
1/8000 of the
electrons emitted
reached a distance
.15 cm. from the
hot filament, most
of them never
going Very far " Velocity of emisslaain lO'cnysec
(perhaps .001 cm.) Fig. 3—Velocity distribution for electrons emitted "from hot
from the surface. tungsten, for three different temperatures.
In Fig. 3 is
shown a set of curves corresponding to the conditions given for Fig. 2;
the area under each curve gives the numbers of electrons emitted
from the filament and the form of the curve illustrates how the number
of electrons having a given velocity changes as the temperature is
increased. At temperature T\, but few electrons are emitted and they

have on the average a low velocity, practically none having a velocity

greater than Vi; at temperature T2, many more electrons come off and
on the average they have a higher velocity; the same effect, but more of
it, is shown for the highest temperature T3.
Some idea of the velocity with which these electrons leave the surface
of the tungsten can be easily obtained. From certain experiments we
know that an electron must fall freely through a potential difference of
about 4 volts, before it gains sufficient energy to break through the " sur
face tension " or " surface constraint " of the metal. If we use the rela
tion that, in any accelerating system,
Potential energy lost = kinetic energy gained
we put Ve - \mv2
in which
V = potential difference through which electron has fallen (e.s.
e = charge of electricity on one electron;
to = mass of electron;
v = final velocity of electron, assuming it to start from rest.
Transposing we get v2 = 2V — and — has been determined many times,
its value being 5.3 XlO17.
Hence if an electron falls through one volt difference of potential
(1 volt = sfas e-s- unit) the above relation gives v approximately 5 XlO7
cm. /sec.
As the surface constraint of tungsten is about 4 volts we see that an
electron, to break through, must have a velocity of about 1X108 cm./sec.
If a cold metal plate, electrically connected to the filament outside
the tube, is in the same vacuum tube as the hot filament, and close to it,
some of the high-speed electrons may have sufficient velocity to carry them
from the hot filament to the cold plate; they then flow along in the cir
cuit connecting the plate to the filament. This thermionic plate current
can exist even though the plate is at the same potential as the lowest
potential point in the filament. Such an effect is shown in Fig. 4; the
amount of the plate current recorded was due to electrons emitted from
the filament with such a high velocity that their inertia carried them
across the .2 cm. space separating the plate from the filament.
It will be noticed how the number reaching the plate increases rapidly
with the value of filament current, due to the two effects mentioned
above, greater emission and higher velocity of emission. The total emis
sion of electrons from the filament for various filament currents is noted
on the curve sheet of Fig. 4; above a filament current of 1.36 amperes

this total emission could not be accurately measured, for reasons to be

taken up later. The filament used in getting the curve of Fig. 4 was only
about 3 cm. long and of approximately the same diameter as that of a
100-watt tungsten lamp, yet it will be found by calculation from the values
given on the curve sheet that at 1.3 amperes in the filament the emission
was about 4X1017 electrons per second, and of this number there were



1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Filament current
Fia. 4.—Electron current from a hot filament to an adjacent cold plate, at the same
potential as the lowest potential of the filament. Current due to velocity of
emission of the electrons.

4X1013 which had sufficient velocity to carry them away from the fila
ment an appreciable fraction of a centimeter.
From the previous analysis of electron emission from a hot body it
will be realized that the condition close to the surface of a hot filament
resembles very much the atmosphere surrounding the earth, a depth of
earth atmosphere of one kilometer corresponding to a depth of " electron
atmosphere " of about 0.01 millimeter. Just as the earth's atmosphere
becomes less dense with increase of distance from the surface, does the

density of electrons decrease with increase of distance from the filament;

the upper part of the earth's atmosphere contains the more rapidly mov
ing atoms of gas just as is the case of the high-speed electrons getting
farther away from the filament than those emitted with lower velocity.
Power Required to Produce Emission.—From what has been said
it is evident that the power required (for heating the filament) per ampere
of emission varies greatly with the temperature of the emitting surface;
thus with a red-hot tungsten filament the emission is inappreciable,
although the power required for maintaining the filament red-hot is
comparatively large.
As the tungsten approaches a white heat the emission increases much
more rapidly than does the required power for heating the filament. By
changing the filament temperature from 2100° Kelvin 1 to 2400° Kelvin
the emission is increased about 23 times, whereas the required power to
heat the filament has increased only about 75 per cent. It is therefore
advisable to run the emitting surface at the maximum safe temperature,
consistent with reasonable life of the filament. Dushman 2 has given the
following values as representative of reasonable operation of a tungsten
filament, the life of the filament being fixed as 2000 hours:

Diameter of Filament Safe Temperature Emission in Amperes Power Required for

in Cm. Degrees Kelvin. per Cm. Lengths. Heating Filament, in
Watts per Cm.
.0125 2475 .93 3.1
.0175 2500 .05 4.6
.0250 2550 .10 7.2
.0375 2575 .20 11.3

From what experimental data the author has been able to obtain him
self it seems as though these figures are rather optimistic; when operated
at the temperatures given in the above table it seems as though the life
of the filament is considerably less than the life of 2000 hours estimated
by Dushman.
Two-electrode Vacuum Tube.—The property of hot bodies in vacuo
permitting passage of electrons to a cold electrode in the same vessel was
originally called the Edison effect; it was noticed in incandescent lamps
as early as 1884. In 1896 Fleming gave the results of a series of experi
ments in thermionic currents through vacuo, but it is evident in the light
of our present knowledge that a large part of the current measured by
him was due to conduction by the ionized gas in the tube he was using.
He found some characteristics which were really due to the electron emis-
'2100° Kelvin =2100° C. absolute.
* See article by Dushman in General Electric Review, March, 1915.

_ sion, notably the unilateral (one direction only) conductivity of the appa
ratus, the non-linear relation between the plate potential (with respect to
the filament) and the plate current, and the fact that a large separation
of plate and filament tended to reduce the amount of plate current obtain
able. He found, however, that the plate current was unstable and that
the better the vacuum the less the plate current became; both of these
effects show that ionized gas was largely responsible for carrying the plate
current. The unilateral conductivity of a vacuum tube having two elec
trades, one hot and the other cold, was utilized by Fleming for the detec
tion of damped high-frequency waves and was patented by him in 1905
This patent was a very important one in the field of radio telegraphy; it
goes by the name of the " Fleming valve " patent. A cut showing a

Fig. 5.—One type of Fleming valve, used on early Marconi receiving sets as detector.

Fleming valve is given in Fig. 5. More recent devices which function

because of the unilateral conductivity between hot and cold electrodes
■in a vacuum are the mercury rectifier, the tungar rectifier and the
The mercury rectifier uses a hot spot on a pool of mercury as the source
of its electrons, the necessary temperature of the hot spot being maintained
by heat caused by the plate current itself; ionized mercury vapor serves
as the carrier of the current which can pass one way only.
The " tungar " rectifier operates in a manner different from that of
the mercury rectifier, in that a hot tungsten filament serves as the source
of electrons, this filament requiring an auxiliary source of power for main
taining its requisite temperature. The tube is filled with an inert gas

(generally about 2 lbs. absolute of argon), and this gas is ionized by the
electrons from the hot filament; the carrier of the plate current is in this
case also ionized gas for the main part, the number of electrons emitted
from the hot filament being sufficient to carry perhaps 1/500 of the cur
rent to the plate.
The kenotron is a rectifying tube which really operates as a thermionic
valve; the tube is exhausted as thoroughly as possible, so much so that
whatever gas may be present plays an unimportant role in the functioning
of the device. The plate current is never greater than that actually
emitted by the hot filament. These rectifying tubes are made in large
sizes, sufficient to rectify several kilowatts of power; the vacuum in these
is so high that no appreciable current is carried in the reversed direction
(electrons from plate to filament) even if 100,000 volts is impressed.
In small sizes they have
been used as voltage regulators
for self-excited generators, the
speed of which is variable. By
having a differential wind
ing on the field poles, which is
supplied with current through
a regulator tube, and connect
ing the filament of this regula
tor tube across a low-voltage
winding on the armature, a
small generator may be made
to maintain practically con- Regulator tube
Stant voltage over a wide f,0 6.—Use of a two-electrode tube as a voltage
range of speed variation. The regulator for a variable speed generator,
scheme of connection is shown
in Fig. 6, and the reasons for the tube maintaining such constant voltage
over such a wide speed range will appear from an examination of the
characteristics curves of such a tube.
Characteristic Curves of a Two-electrode Vacuum Tube—Value of
Saturation Current.—If the filament current of a kenotron is maintained
constant and plate voltage varied, readings being taken of plate voltage
(with respect to the filament) and plate current, curves will be obtained
having the shape shown in Fig. 7 ; here three curves are shown for three
different filament currents as noted on the curve sheet. The tube from
which these curves were obtained is shown in Fig. 8; the plate is a cylinder
about .5 cm. by 1.5 cm. and the filament is a helix inside this cylindrical
Curve 1, Fig. 7, shows the variation of plate current for a filament cur
KIinOVA saarix O.NV Hiatti KoixvHado vnrHo] Li

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in plate current is obtained, even if the plate voltage is increased to 300

yolts. It is evident that a plate voltage of 30 is sufficiently high to attract
to the plate all the electrons which the filament emits, at the temperature
reached with a filament current, //, of 1.15 amperes. This value of plate
current, which is limited only by the emitting power of the filament, is
called saturation current of the tube.
Saturation current evidently will be determined in magnitude by the
temperature and area of the filament surface; also for higher filament
temperatures (higher
emission) it will require
higher plate voltage to
obtain saturation cur
rent; thus when // is
raised to 1.25 amperes
saturation current is
increased from 5 milli-
amperes, its value for
//= 1.15 amperes, to
about 16.5milliamperes,
and whereas in the first
case 30 volts on the
plate was sufficient to
obtain saturation cur
rent, in the second case
even 50 volts was not
quite sufficient to reach
When I, was in- FlG g._ghowing the kenotron from which the curves of
creased to 1.40 amperes, Fig. 7 were obtained,
the emission was so
great that a plate voltage of 50 was not nearly enough to obtain
saturation current and the value of saturation current is going
to be very high, judging from the shape of the curve. Its value
was actually determined in another test and found to be 140 milli-
Considering curve 3 of Fig. 7, it is apparent that for any plate voltage
shown on the curve sheet, the number of electrons arriving at the plate
is only a small fraction of the number emitted by the hot filament; e.g.,
with a plate potential of 20 volts the current to the plate was only 10.8
milliamperes, whereas the total emission of electrons from the filament
is sufficient to give a plate current of 140 milliamperes. It is therefore
evident that to obtain at the plate all the electrons emitted from the fila
ment a certain minimum voltage must be impressed on the plate. The

reason for this is given by an analysis of the electron distribution between

the hot filament and cold plate.
lo o Space Charge.—In Fig. 9 is shown in very elemen
'o o
tary fashion the distribution of electrons between the
o o
o plate and filament; we will consider the electric forces
06 acting on two of the electrons a and b. Electron a is
oo' urged to the plate by two forces, the attraction from
o the plate and the repulsion from all the electrons between
°o it and the filament; it will undoubtedly go to the plate.
o But electron b, although attracted by the plate, is re-
Fra 9 — Etemen- P^6^ by all the electrons between the plate and itself;
tary represents- whether it will move toward the plate or re-enter the
tion of the distri- filament depends upon the relation between these two
bution of dec- forces. It is evident that close to the surface of the
ttahot mament filament the effect of a11 the electrons in the space be-
and cold plate of tween the filament and the plate (constituting the space
a kenotron. charge) will practically neutralize any effect of the plate,
unless the plate voliage is high enough to give a force of
attraction greater than the repulsive force exerted by the space charge.
There is another way of looking at the problem; to bring the plate to
a certain potential with respect to the filament re
quires a certain quantity of electricity, determined
by the electrostatic capacity of the condenser
formed by the plate and filament. Suppose this
quantity of " positive " electricity is q, there will t 0«
be then 4nq lines of electrostatic force leaving g
the plate, in the direction of the filament. These £
lines of force must end on q charges of negative *
electricity; but if the space charge is sufficiently
large to furnish the requisite q the lines of force
from the plate never penetrate to the fila GE
Fig. 10—If there are
An attempt to picture this is made in Fig. 10; sufficient electrons be
for the picture as drawn electron a experiences no tween the plate and
force at all from the plate, and so does just the filament, the lines of
same as it would if the plate were not there, i.e., goes force from the plate
back into the filament. But if the plate is brought do not penetrate as
far as the filament,
to a higher positive potential, by putting more thus leaving some
charge on it, more lines of force will emanate from electrons near the fila
the plate and so some may end on electron a and ment free from attrac
so attract it to the plate. It must be remembered tion to the plate.
that the above picture of what happens is very
crude and artificial; the lines of force really have no entity and a is

attracted, to some extent, by the plate for the condition shown in Fig. 10,
but the attraction is negligibly small.
It has been shown by Child 1 that when the emission of the electrons
from the filament is much greater than that required by the plate current,
the plate current may be expected to vary according to the relation

. . . (2)
in which
Ef= potential of plate with respect to filament;
x — distance between filament and plate.

When E is measured in volts and x in centimeters this becomes,

i'=2.33XlO~6 —^-amperes per sq. cm. of plate. . . (3)

If the plate is cylindrical in form with the hot filament placed in its
axis this relation becomes,

i= 14.65 X10_6X— amperes per cm. length of cylinder, . (4)

where r= internal radius of cylinder.

The diameter of the filament is supposed small compared to the
diameter of the cylinder in getting this formula.
If we have an equation in the form x = y" we have also log x = a log y,
so that if the data for the curve x = y" are plotted on logarithmic coordinate
paper the curve should become a straight line, the slope of which gives the
value of the exponent a. Curve 3 of Fig. 7 was transposed to logarithmic
paper and is shown in Fig. 11 ; it is seen that the exponent itself is variable,
having a value about 2 for low plate voltages and rapidly decreasing for
the higher values.
It could not be expected that the experimental results would agree
with theory, because the voltage between the plate and filament is different
in different parts of the filament.
This point must be borne in mind in interpreting all experimental results
on vacuum tubes; practically all theoretical conclusions are reached from
the premise of uniform potential gradient between the plate and all
parts of the surface emitting the electrons. For the lower plate voltages
this assumption is not even approximately true. The tube used in getting
the results shown in Fig. 7 had an IR drop in the filament of 6 volts so
that the potential relations in the tube may be about as shown in Fig. 12.
The voltage difference is 20 at the negative end of the filament and only
1 Physical Review, Vol. 32, p. 498.

14 at the positive end, having values between 14 and 20 at the intermedi

ate points.
For such tubes we cannot expect to get theoretically correct result
for the performance under any conditions; especially when the character
istic varies with the plate voltage to a power higher than the first (as the
3/2 or square) the departure of experiment from theory must be expected.

Platfe current if
two electrode tube
Dotted linfe y 2x


2 3 5 10 20 30 40 50 GO
Plate volts
Fig. 11.—Curve 3 of Fig. 7 transposed to logarithmic coordinates.

The author built a tube as shown in Fig. 13 in which the spiral tungsten
filament A used for heating was entirely enclosed in a tungsten thimble
B; this thimble constituted the hot surface from which the electrons were
emitted. Such a construction gives a uniform potential gradient between
the emitting surface B and the cylindrical plate C and so permits experi
mentation under the conditions assumed in theory. With this construc
tion it is not possible to get the tungsten thimble as hot as the filament

and so the emission is rather low, unless an

oxide coating is used on the thimble. Such
a construction permits the use of a high-
voltage filament and, a much more impor
tant point, the electron current from the hot
surface is not directly limited by the carrying
capacity of the filament. As will be explained
later this feature becomes important in
high-power tubes; in these tubes the electron
current to the plate may be as high as 12 to
15 per cent of the filament current, so that
the filament current is 12 to 15 per cent greater
at one end of the filament than it is at the other
It is shown in the next paragraph that
20 volts
a tungsten filament does not give appreci
Fia. 12.—Variation of potential
able emission until it is very hot, so that we drop between the plate and
may have conditions as shown in Fig. 14; the different parts of the filament ;
arrows indicate the direction of electron flow. the drop at one end of the
With a plate current of 0.5 ampere the tube filament is 14 volts and at
the other end is 20 volts.
in question has a current of 3.3 amperes at
one end and 3.8 amperes at the other
end, as indicated in the diagram. End
B of the filament is at a much lower
temperature than end A, and is contrib
uting but little of the plate current, as
Plate the emission is too low. End A, on the
other hand, is furnishing most of the
plate current and is also being operated
at much too high a temperature. With
a tube as shown in Fig. 13, the filament
proper suffers no loss of electrons, so has
nipotential the same current throughout its length.
emitting surface, Variation of Emission with Filament
Current.—Curves Showing Space Charge
Effects.—The variation of emission with
filament temperature is indicated in
Eq. (1), but the experimenter generally
has no means of measuring the tem-
F\G::i3^l^!°?l.8l"ne-f^f_t: Perature of the filament; the curves
ting a unipotential surface emitting
electrons; the electrons come off from given in Fig. 15 show how the emission
the thimble B, which is heated by varies with filament current; in these
the filament A. curves is also shown the effect of space

charge limiting the plate current. It is evident that the filament used
in this tube gives practically no emission with currents less than 1.0
ampere. With a plate voltage of 100 the plate current rose rapidly with
increase in filament current reaching 135 milliamperes at a filament
current of 1.40 amperes.
When the plate voltage was dropped to 50 and the same variation of
filament current carried out the plate current reached a value of only 48
milliamperes at 7/ =1.40 amperes. With plate voltages of 20 and 5 the
maximum plate currents were 10.6 milli
amperes and 1 milliampere respectively.
Now with //= 1.40 the emission is 135
milliamperes as shown in curve 1; with
the plate at a positive potential of 5
volts (with respect to negative end of
filament) only 1 milliampere was ob
Plate tained, that is, only 1/135 of the elec
trons emitted by the filament reached
the plate, the rest re-entering this fila
ment due to the space charge overcoming
the comparatively weak field from the plate.
Speaking in terms of the idea de
picted in Fig. 10 we can say that the
fines of force from the plate penetrated
but a short way into the electron atmos
1+ 0.6 phere; the great mass of the emitted
Fiq. 14.—The emission of electrons electrons which, it must be remembered,
from various parts of the same fila- stay very close to the filament, never
ment differs very much; because feel the tractive effect of the positive
of the current to the plate, the plate. Those few having exceptionalTy
filament current (hence filament
temperature) is much greater at high outward velocity (due to their
one end of the filament than at velocity of emission and suitable col
the other. lisions with the other electrons in the
electron atmosphere) reach the outer
regions of the atmosphere and so get attracted to the plate.
Even for the lower values of filament current (Fig. 15) the four values
of plate voltage do not give the same plate current as might be expected.
This is due to the fact that the IR drop in the filament is appreciable;
in the special tube pictured in Fig. 13 all curves coincide in the lower parts.
In comparing the curves of Fig. 15 with those of Fig. 7 it is to be
noticed that although they have the same general shape they have entirely
different meanings. In Fig. 7 the flat parts of the curves indicate that
saturation current has been obtained and in the lower curved portions
the space charge is limiting the current; in Fig. 15 the lower curved por-

tions indicate that saturation current is flow

ing and the upper flat parts indicate that
space charge is limiting the plate current.
The Three-electrode Tube.1—The three-
electrode tube differs from the two-electrode
tube just analyzed in that a third electrode
(called the grid, because of its ordinary form)
is employed to control the plate current. In
its normal form the grid is a metal mesh of 70
some kind interposed between the plate and
filament ; the electrons passing from the fila
ment to the plate have to go through the
holes in the grid mesh and their passage to
the plate is controlled to any desired extent
by the potential of the grid with respect to
the filament. In this form of tube therefore
the plate current is controlled by three factors,
the filament current, the grid potential and SO!
the plate potential.
The control electrode, or grid, in the ordi
nary form of tube as invented by Deforest, is
inside the tube, directly in the path of the
electrons traveling from filament to plate. It
is possible, however, to use a control electrode
outside the tube, although it seems as though
this kind of control offers more difficulties
1 Ecclcs has suggested the name " triode " for the N
three-electrode tube functioning by grid control of an


Fig. 15.—Variation of plate current in a kenotron as filament current is varied; for

any one curve the plate voltage was held constant.

than the internal grid. In one type of outside grid tube tried by the
author the control worked for a few seconds and then the accumulation
of electrodes on the inside walls of the tube made it stop functioning.
The inner walls of the glass must be made partially conducting to
prevent this accumulation of charge.
The inside control electrode need not be placed between the filament
and plate; it will work to some extent even if it is on the side of the fila
ment opposite to that on which the plate is situated. Its action in such
a tube is not as efficient in controlling the
plate current as in the normal placement ;
in the analyses to follow it will be sup
posed that the gird is inside the tube be
tween the filament and plate and the
curves given to illustrate the text will be
records obtained from such tubes.
Potential Distribution in the Three-
electrode Tube.—The three-electrode tube
functions because of the effect of the grid
on the potential distribution between the
filament and plate; it is therefore neces
sary to have a clear idea of this potential.
In Fig. 16 is shown by the dotted line
(a) this potential distribution between
two metal plates, one marked F to repre
sent the filament, the other marked P to
Fig. 16.—Two metal plates, one Ep represent the plate. The filament is sup
volts higher potential than the posed at zero potential and the plate at
other, have a uniform potential positive potential Ep. With a uniform
gradient between them, the po field distribution as shown in the upper
tential being about as shown by part of the figure the potential between
dotted line a; if plate F is covered
with an electron atmosphere the plate and filament falls off uniformly.
potential is changed to the form In the actual tube such a uniform po
shown by line fc. tential gradient does not obtain; owing
to the comparatively small surface of the /
filament the potential falls more rapidly near the filament than near
the plate.
If we now suppose an electron atmosphere to cover the surface of F
the potential distribution is changed to some such form as indicated by
the full line (b) in Fig. 16. The potential gradient becomes much
lower in the vicinity of F because most of the field of P ends on electrons
in the vicinity of F and so never reaches F; in fact if the emission is much
greater than the plate current (practically always the case with three-
electrode tubes in normal operation) the potential gradient very close

to the surface of F, due to the positively charged plate P is essentially

zero. In Fig. 17 is represented a filament F, plate P, and grid G (shown
in cross-section by the small circles) in the lower part of the figure is shown
by the line marked (a) the potential distribution between P and F with
out any action from G, the curved form of this fine is caused by the electron
atmosphere around F. It must be remembered that most of the electrons
emitted are very close to F and re-enter F without having moved very
far toward G. The potential gradient in which the great majority of
the electrons lie (close to F) is very
small, hence they experience but
little tractive effort from P.
If now G is made positive the
potential distribution is changed to
the fine marked b in Fig. 17. The
potential gradient between G and
F has been much increased so that
many of the electrons which pre
viously fell back into the filament
will now move toward G. Refer
ring to the upper part of Fig. 17,
electron o, which, without positive
grid, would have fallen back into
the filament, now moves toward G,
and so is found in some such posi
tion as a'. In this position it ex
periences two attractions, one from
G and one from P. Because of the
relatively higher potential and Fig. 17.—In a three-electrode tube the po
larger surface of P most of the tential distribution between the filament
and plate may be as shown by either b, a,
electrons which arrive at this posi or c, according to the potential of the
tion will move to the plate, instead grid.
of going to G as might be supposed.
There may arrive at position a', however, an electron which has
some velocity in the direction of G; the result of this velocity
and the two attractions from G and P may result in its going to G
instead of P. Other electrons moving from F. toward G may find
themselves in such a position (with respect to the grid wires) as
shown by b'; these electrons will almost surely go to the grid instead
of to the plate.
We may therefore conclude that the interposition of a positively
charged grid between the filament and plate will partially neutralize the
effect of the space charge; more of the electrons emitted from the filament
will move away from it, some of them going to the grid and some going

to the plate. A positive grid then increases the plate current, plate poten
tial remaining fixed.
A negatively charged grid will result in a potential distribution some
what as shown by curve c of Fig. 17; if the grid is as negative as shown
by the curve the plate current will be reduced to practically zero, because
none of the electrons (except a very few which are emitted with exception
ally high velocity) can move against the negative potential gradient
between F and G. It must be noticed of course that the potential curve
on such a line as indicated by M —N (Fig. 17) will be different from that
on such a line as M' —N'; the grid potential will not be so effective on
the line M' —N' as on a line lying closer to one of the grid wires.
It will be appreciated at once that this effect of the grid in controlling
the flow of electrons to the plate will depend on various features of con
struction of the tube.1 The grid will exercise the most control when its
wires are very fine and close together, and when it completely surrounds
the filament. Unless the grid is considerably larger (in length and breadth)
than the space occupied by the filament many of the electrons will go from
the filament around the grid and thus arrive at the plate without having
been subjected completely to the controlling action of the grid.
This idea is illustrated in Fig. 17A ; the construction shown in a will
permit the grid to exert a much greater control over the electron stream
than will the construction shown in b.
1 The question of the shielding action of a grid is taken up in Maxwell's " Electricity
and Magnetism," Vol. 1; the case worked out is for a flat plate and flat filament, of
infinite extent. In an article in Proc. I.R.E., Vol. 8, No.l, J. M. Miller shows how
closely Maxwell's theory applies to the construction of an ordinary tube.
In an article published in Vol. 15, No. 4, of The Physical Review, R. W. King shows
how the value of the controlling effect of the grid depends upon the parameters of the
tube. The theoretical voltage amplification factor of the tube mo (see p. 417 for sig
nificance of this constant) is shown to be expressible as

in which
a = distance between grid and plate;
n = number of grid wires per cm. ;
r= radius of the grid wire.
In the derivation of the above formula the grid, hot filament surface, and plate have all
been assumed as infinite parallel planes; although actual tubes depart very far from
this requirement experimentally determined values of mo for several tubes of widely
different construction check with the calculated value quite well.
The interesting point in both Miller's and King's analyses is that the distance between
the grid and filament plays no part in determining the value of mo; the closenesr of thf
grid to the plate is apparently the controlling factor.

It is possible to build a hydraulic model of a three-electrode tube which

illustrates very well the general ideas involved in the tube action. A
jar (Fig. 18) (such as glass p p
storage-battery container) has A.
placed in the lower part a o
r o F
pipe A, closed at its two ends, o
which is full of small holes 0
on its lower side and is con o
nected to an air supply of very o
low pressure. A rubber sheet o
(such as the rubber used by o
dentists) is fastened to the
side of this pipe A and also to V
a rod C in the upper part of
the jar, horizontal and parallel Fig. 17A.—The construction shown in a will give
the grid O much greater controlling action than
to A. To make the model that shown in 6; the more completely the grid
simple only one-half of the encloses the filament and the finer its structure
three-electrode tube is repre the greater will be its controlling action.
sented; a metal sheet E fast
ened to A makes all the air bubbles which escape move to the left (in Fig.
18) and so run up on the under side of the rubber sheet and escape past
C. This stream of bubbles represents the electron stream from a fila-

Fig. 18.—Hydraulic model of the three-electrode tube.


ment, A being the filament and C the plate, C being at higher level
than A , as must
be the potential
of the plate with
respect to that
of the filament.
A stick D has
several parallel
wooden pinsfast-
ened to it and
the lower ends
of these pins are
fastened (by
tacks) to the rub
ber sheet close
to pipe A, as
shown. When
D is moved up
and down, the
Fig. 19.—Hydraulic model of the three-electrode tube. lower ends of its
pins lift up and
down those parts of the rubber sheets to which they are attached; in
Fig. 19 is shown a- sketch of the rubber sheet with the bar D lifted, and
in Fig. 20 is shown
the form of the
rubber sheet when
the bar D is de
pressed. If the
pressure of the air
in the pipe A is
properly adjusted
the flow of air
bubbles up the un
der side of the rub
bersheet resembles
(more closely than
any analogy the
author has seen)
the flow of elec
trons in a three- Fig. 20.—Hydraulic model of the three-electrode tube.
electrode tube.
The action of the bar D with its attached pins, producing small hills
and valleys in the rubber sheet, illustrates well the action of the grid.

The depression of the pins, making it more difficult for the air to pass up
along the sheet, illustrates a negative grid, and when the pins are lifted up
the increased flow of air corresponds to the increased plate current with
positive grid.1
The effect of the space charge is not simulated very well by the model;
the accumulation of air between the " grid " (row of pins, d, d, d) acts to
prevent other bubbles of air coming through the small holes in the " fila
ment " (pipe A) but this action is not strictly analogous to the mutual
repulsion of the electrons in the actual space charge effect.
Fields of Use of Three-electrode Tube.—Detector, Amplifier, Gener
ator or Converter.—The three-electrode tube was first used as a detector
of radio signals from spark stations; it was much more sensitive than its
competitors, the magnetic detector, Fleming valve, etc., and so rapidly
displaced these as a detector. In its original form as manufactured by
Deforest a potential of about 30 volts was used on the plate; the normal
plate current was a few hundred microamperes. Although these original
tubes were rather erratic in their behavior, and not uniform in their
characteristics (one tube not being like another) by careful adjustment
of filament current and plate voltage, they were nearly as good detectors
as the later types.
As the grid potential of a three-electrode tube controls the plate cur
rent (the power for which is supplied by a local battery) it is evidently
applicable as a relay, the signal voltage controlling the delivery from the
local power supply. When properly adjusted the grid circuit takes an
extremely small power to operate, so that compared to the amount of
power used in the grid circuit the amount controlled in the plate circuit
may be thousands of times as great.
If the grid circuit is adjusted to take no power itself the power ampli
fication is infinite; it must be remembered, however, that to operate the
grid circuit certain coils, condensers, and resistances are required; taking
the losses in these necessary associated circuits into account the power
amplification is not infinite, but it is very large even then. Thus a certain
tube used in telephone circuits as an amplifying repeater has a power
amplification of about one thousand times.
If an alternating potential difference is impressed on the grid of a tube
the plate current periodically increases and decreases. This pulsating cur
rent in the plate circuit may be made to produce fluctuations in the grid
potential by means of a suitable transformer, the primary of which is con
nected in the plate circuit and the secondary connected between the fila-
1 By having the pins, d, d, etc., in the form of tubes open at their lower ends and
having corresponding holes in the rubber sheet, some of the air bubbles will run up these
tubes when handle D is lifted, thus imitating the action of the positive grid attracting
some of the electrons, causing grid current.

ment and grid. If a suitable condenser is connected across either the

primary or secondary winding to give a natural period to the circuit, the
fluctuations in the plate current will be maintained by their action on
the grid potential.
With this arrangement then the plate current fluctuates between cer
tain maximum and minimum values, the voltage of the grid alternates,
and in the condenser (no matter which circuit it is connected with) an
alternating current flows. The device thus becomes a generator of alter
nating-current power; it might perhaps be more properly called a con
verter for changing continuous-current power into alternating-current
power. The frequency of the alternating current is fixed by the L and
C of the oscillatory circuit, and the amount of power available depends
on the average value of the plate current and the voltage of the battery
or generator supplying the current.
Small-power tubes using, a plate potential of 300 volts and plate cur
rent of 40 milhamperes, giving about 4 watts of high-frequency power,
were used extensively by the armies for radio signaling. Some of the
larger-power tubes, used for higher-power sets, can generate 200 watte
or more per tube; the generator furnishing the plate current impresses
about 1500 volts on the plate and the electron current is about 0.3 ampere.
Various Types of Tubes.—According to the purposes for which they
are to be used several different types of tubes have been evolved. Tubes
designed for detecting high-frequency currents need to have a power out
put of only a very small fraction of a watt; they are generally fitted with
small filaments, because but little emission is required and the voltage
used in the plate circuit is low. Typical tubes use a filament current of
1.0 ampere at 4 volts and use a plate battery of 20 volts. Tubes used for
amplifiers are more generally higher-plate voltage; perhaps 100 or 150 volt?;
the size of filament is about the same as used for a detector tube. Tubes
used for generating power are designed for higher-plate voltage, from
300 to 2500 volts; as the amount of power available depends upon the
value of plate current and this in turn upon the emission, the filament is
much larger than in the amplifier and detector tubes. . A 4-watt tube
(output) might require a filament current of 1.5 amperes at 10 volts; st
200-watt tube might require 3.7 amperes at 20 volts. Later a tabulated
list of ratings for various tubes will be given.
The grids used vary from a very fine mesh of the finest tungsten wire
obtainable (wound 40 per cm.) to a lattice work of comparatively coarse
wire spaced about 3 per cm. The grid may be flat or cylindrical according
to the form of tube.
The plates used are of various forms; they vary from a short zig-zag
shaped tungsten wire perhaps 5 cm. long, or a small thimble about 0.5
cm. in diameter and 0.5 cm. long to two heavy plates about 5 cm. square.

The material used for the grids and plates is generally nickel or tungsten,
or molybdenum; the tubes designed for generating much power are likely
to have all metal parts, filament, grid, and plate of tungsten.
In Fig. 21 are shown some of the more common tubes; A and B are
power tubes of 50- and 250-watt ratings, respectively; C and D are small-
power tubes designed for an alternating-current output of about 4 watts,
E, F and G serve as either detectors or amplifiers; H is a Deforest audion
of the original type, J is a cylindrical tube made for amateur use; J is
a modern Marconi tube; K and L are two amplifying bulbs, the latter
having extremely fine grid and very small plate (a nearly invisible zig
zag wire) ; M is a special power tube with grid brought out at tip of the

Fig. 21.—Various types of tubes used in getting the experimental data given in this

bulb. The former tubes are all of American manufacture; at N is shown

an English power tube, at 0 a special French amplifier bulb and at P a
small English detector and amplifier tube. At Q is shown a special type
of tube called a dynatron, explained on page 534.
In most of the smaller tubes the glass bulb is fitted with a brass collar
by which they are held in a suitable socket; the socket is equipped with
four flexible contacts which press against four pins projecting from the
base of the bulb. These four pins connect to the filament, grid, and plate.
Limits of Operation of a Tube.—There are in general two limiting
factors in the use of a vacuum tube—overheating and consequent collapse
of the parts or of the bulb itself, and ionization of the residual gas in
the tube. It is impossible to completely evacuate a tube so that some

gas is always present; if too high a plate potential is impressed or too

high a filament current (with fairly high plate voltage) is used this resid
ual gas will ionize and thereby change the operating characteristics of
the tube by an amount depending upon the amount of gas present.
With a tungsten filament tube the evacuation process is carried out
more thoroughly than with the oxide coated filament so that destructive
ionization is not likely. The limit of the tungsten tubes (aside from the
prescribed limit for filament current) is the safe heating of the plate and
grid, generally the plate, because the grid circuit is so adjusted that the
grid takes but little current. This heating is due to the power, used in
accelerating the electrons as they move from the filament to the plate,
being given up when the electrons are stopped by hitting the plate; the
phenomenon is called electron bombardment. The amount of power so
used on the plate is equal to the product of the plate voltage and the plate
current; if this product varies cyclically (as it actually does when the tube
is being used for power converter), its average value must be taken in
calculating the amount of power used in bombarding the plate.1
The safe power to be used* in bombarding the gi^d is much less than
that for the plate, for two reasons; the surface of the grid is generally
much smaller than that of the plate, and the possibility of heat radiation
from the grid is less than that of the plate.
The large tube shown at A, Fig. 21, has a rating, for example, of 250
watts plate and 25 watts grid. Thus a plate current of 0.25 ampere
(steady value) would be permissible with a plate voltage of 1000 volts,
and with this amount of power used in the tube the plate becomes quite
a bright-red color. The two tubes shown at B and D have a safe plate
capacity of 12 watts; with a plate voltage of 300 (their rated value) the
average plate current should not exceed 40 milhamperes.
The other tubes shown at E, F, G, H and I, etc., are never so operated
that heating is the limiting factor; they are designed to be used in certain
circuits, and if the filament current or plate voltage are far from their
rated values it is likely that the tubes will not function efficiently.
Effect of Gas in a Vacuum Tube.—Ionization.—The modern vacuum
tube is a true electron relay; it functions entirely by means of the stream
of electrons emitted from the filament, and these electrons in motion
constitute the only current in the tube. This ideal is not quite realized
by any vacuum tube, but it is so nearly approached that whatever other
current may exist is so small as to make its effect negligible when consider
ing the action of the tube.
The earlier types of vacuum tubes (Fleming valves and Deforest
audions) were not at all well evacuated in the light of modern practice;
1 A bombardment equivalent to 10 watts per sq. cm. of plate will bring its temperature
to about 1300° C; such a temperature gives the plates a fairly bright-red color.

there was a deal of gas left in the bulb at the completion of the evacuation
process and this gas made the tubes very erratic and undependable in
their behavior.1 Not only would various bulbs, supposedly similar, have
very different characteristics, but any one bulb would not act consistently,
and many tricks had to be employed to make the bulbs perform to the
best advantage.
An exact study of the effect of gas in a vacuum tube cannot be given
here; only those points which bear directly on the operation of the tube
in radio practice will be outlined. The student is referred to some such
book as Thomson's " Conduction of Electricity through Gases " for a
deeper analysis than will be attempted here.
A cold electrode in a vacuum tube, unless subjected to considerable
electron bombardment, will not give off electrons in appreciable quan
tities; thus in a two-electrode tube if the plate is made negative with
respect to the filament no current will flow, because if the plate is made
negative any current which flows from plate to filament must be caused
by electrons leaving the cold plate. Experiment demonstrates the truth
of this statement; if other possible carriers of current are eliminated (such
as actual leaks inside or outside the tube, or gas inside the tube) the amount
of current which will flow is too small to be measured. We may safely
conclude that when a cold electrode (either grid or plate) of a tube shows
current in such direction as to indicate electrons flowing from it, inside
the tube, the tube has in it gas which is serving as a conductor of current.2
This statement neglects the possibility of secondary emission of electrons
due to excessive bombardment by electrons coming from the filament;
this effect will be treated in a later paragraph.
Ordinarily a gas is a good insulator and will not carry current, but
when under rather low pressure it may be made to carry very large cur
rent if by some means it becomes ionized. By this term is meant the
breaking up of the normal gas atom into two parts, a free electron and
positively charged nucleus; this breaking up of a gas atom corresponds
to the " break-down " of any ordinary insulator when it is subjected to
too high a potential gradient.
In a Geissler tube the gas becomes ionized (showing the well-known
blue glow) only when rather high potentials are used, generally several
thousand volts. Now in the vacuum tube used for radio such high voltage
1 It is quit* evident,, however, that Fleming appreciated the necessity of a high
vacuum to make the tubes constant in behavior; the superiority of present evacuation
is due not so much to any conception of its importance, perhaps, as to the better pumps
now available.
1 It must be remembered that even with the highest vacuum obtainable there is
still a tremendous number of gas molecules in the evacuated space; it is likely that
in highest vacuum tubes used to-day (10~8 mm. of mercury) there are of the order of
108 gas molecules per cubic centimeter.

is practically never used; ionization of the gas in the tube may occur with
voltages as low as thirty or forty. This is due to the fact that the hot
filament furnishes the electrons which by their motion (caused by the
positive plate potential) serve to start the ionization of the gas atoms.
In a Geissler tube no such means is at hand for starting the ionization,
hence the comparatively high voltage required to show the effect.
The role played by the electrons emitted from the filament in pro
ducing ionization is easily shown by a simple test. If a tube which is
known to be faulty is subjected to normal plate potential with cold fila
ment, no plate current will flow and the tube will show no signs of ioniza
tion. Now if the filament current is gradually increased emission of
electrons will commence and a slight plate current will flow; at a certain
filament temperature, depending upon how much gas there is in the tube,
the familiar blue haze will appear in the bulb, accompanied generally by
a very large increase in the plate current, thus showing that the filament
must be emitting a certain minimum number of electrons before appreci
able ionization of the gas occurs.
If but a small amount of gas is present the pale blue glow may be so
weak as to be invisible, but the presence of appreciable quantity of gas
is always shown by erratic changes in the plate current.
Some oxide-coated power tubes show a bright fluorescence on the
plate when being used, generally in the form of a pattern of the grid.
It is easy to mistake this effect for ionization because of the blue color
from the fluorescing plate; if the plate is hidden from the eye (by the hand
or a piece of cardboard) it will be seen that there is no blue glow in the
space inside the tube. The intensity of the effect of fluorescence depends
upon the condition of the surface of the plate, which is generally covered
with more or less oxide.
Danger to a Tube from Ionization.—When a tube ionizes the con
sequences resulting depend upon the type of tube being used and upon
how quickly the condition is removed. In the case of a detecting tube,
or amplifying tube, the state of ionization will generally stop the function
ing of the tube, its characteristics being entirely different when the tube
is filled with a semi-conductor (the ionized gas) than those of a normal
electron tube. If either the plate voltage or filament current is reduced
the ionization will disappear and the tube may operate as well (or possibly
better) than) it did before ionizing.
In the case of a power tube the situation is different; unless either
the filament current or plate potential is immediately reduced the tube
may be completely spoiled. Ionization practically never occurs in a tung
sten tube because of the high degree of vacuum ordinarily used; the oxide
filament tube is much more likely to suffer from it. In these tubes there
is always a lot of gas in the metal parts of the tube, filament, grid, and

plate; now when ionization starts the electrons of the ionized gas travel
to the plate, it being positive, but the positive nuclei travel to the filament
and subject it to a bombardment.
This bombardment results in extra heating of the filament, generally
in one spot, which extra heating tends to aggravate itself and burn the
filament out at this point. The hotter the filament the greater the electron
emission, and also gas is likely to be emitted from the filament at this
hot spot; where the gas and electron emission both increase the ionization
increases, increasing the bombardment of the filament at this spot, and
thus by the cumulative action burning it out. At the time the filament
burns out it releases a lot of gas which, becoming ionized, may permit
the passage of such a large current from the plate as to result in a miniature
" explosion " inside the tube, completely wrecking the parts and break
ing the bulb.
When a power bulb with oxide filament once ionizes it is practically
valueless1 until re-exhausted; the ionization itself will probably result in
the emission of extra gas from the bombarded parts, so that the tube has
more gas in it after ionization than before.
Evacuation of a Vacuum Tube.—Because of the deleterious effects of
gas the electron tube must be very carefully freed from any appreciable
quantity of it. With modern pumps the getting out of the gas from the
space inside the bulb is very simple and rapid but this is not sufficient.
Metals, oxides, and glass absorb a deal of gas which gradually comes out;
so that a tube pumped " clean " will soon show gas because of its emission
from the parts of the tube. This emission is very slow at ordinary temper
atures,' so that a tube might be pumped a long time without getting suffi
cient gas from the parts to prevent further emission. If, however, the
glass and metal parts are heated, the gas is expelled from them very
rapidly, and this is the scheme used in evacuating tubes; the whole tube
is subjected to a " baking " process while connected to the pumps.
This heating should be carried much higher than any temperature at
which the tube may operate; thus if in practice the plates and filament
operate at dull-red heat they should be run for several minutes at a bright-
red heat during evacuation. This overheating of the parts is regularly
done with tungsten tubes but it cannot be carried out to the same degree
with the oxide-coated filaments. The coated filament is easily spoiled
if subjected to too high a temperature, and this limits the possibility of
complete evacuation. For this reason, as previously mentioned, the oxide-
coated power tubes are much more subject to destructive ionization during
operation than arc the tungsten tubes.
1 It may be used, however, for generating a small amount of power, providing the
plate voltage is kept sufficiently low; thus a 300-volt tube which has ionized badly may
sometimes be used by reducing the plate voltage to perhaps 250.

Detection of Gas in a Three-electrode Tube.—In Fig. 22 is shown a

set of curves from a detector tube, illustrating the effect of filament tem
perature on the tendency of the tube to ionize. With .40 ampere and

0 10 20 30 40 60 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Plate voltage
Fio. 22.—Plate current o£ a tube containing gas, showing effect of ionization.
.45 ampere in the filament the tube would not ionize (at least not to such
an extent as to show itself); with .50 ampere ionization started with
the plate voltage at 40 and the current at once jumped to ten times
its value. This increase was due to two distinct actions; first, the pres

ence of the ionized gas reduced the limiting action of the space charge to
practically zero, thus permitting the plate current to increase at once to
the value fixed by the emission from the filament; second, the ionized

Kf'O 1200
BM 1/ 1000
/ 4i

| ii
/ /
\\ /i
c J, 2/ i
OH i
1 i
a h
100 Au hoi 11 s< .1 ;^ va ve.
1 Kil; .me it c irr< nt - .45 imp
Cu ve ak( n one i n inu|te a par
/ cur re 1 bci ig t ike i dr It.
100 /


0 10 20 30 40
60 70 80 60 90 100 110 120
Plate voltajje
Fig. 23.—Disappearance of gas from a tube; curves were taken in the order 1-2-3;
ionization showed on the first curve, to a lesser extent in the second and not at all
in the third.
gas acts as a conductor, giving a current in addition to that afforded by the
emission from the filament. With higher filament currents the ioniza
tion set in at lower voltages as indicated on the curve sheet.

In Fig. 23 arc shown three curves from the same tube, one taken after
the other. Curve 1 was taken first ; ionization set in with a plate potential
of 40 volts, causing a large increase in plate current, which value was
maintained for one minute. The plate voltage was then reduced to zero
and again increased, and with same filament current as before; ioniza
tion set in at 60 volts, indicating that during the maintenance of the ioniza
tion current previously, some of the gas had been occluded in the glass
walls of the tube or elsewhere. This idea is substantiated by the fact that
when ionization did set in (somewhat above 60 volts) the current jumped

10 16 20 30 35 40 45 60 65 65 70 75 80
Volts on platu
Fig. 24.—In this tube the effect of the gas present was to so alter the emitting
properties of the filament that the saturation current was appreciably different
with increasing and decreasing plate voltages, showing probably change in
emissivity of the filament.

to only 1000 microamperes, whereas previously it had gone to 1200 micro

amperes. In a short time the ionization ceased, as indicated by dis
appearance of the blue haze and decrease in plate current to an even
lower value at 56 volts than it had at 60 volts before ionizing. Upon
again increasing the voltage the current followed the values shown.
Upon dropping the plate voltage once more to zero and going through
the same range as before the plate current varied as shown by curve 3,
no ionization at all occurred. This action is quite typical of tungsten
filament tubes; they tend to clean themselves of any gas present in the bulb.
In Fig. 24 is shown a peculiarity of a tube having a small amount of

gas present; a kind of " hysteresis " cycle occurs, the current not going
through the same values for decreasing plate voltage as for increasing
plate voltage. At voltages higher than fifteen this tube showed a drooping
current-voltage curve, which means that its a.c. resistance (for limited
values of impressed alternating e.m.f.) is negative; as long as it held this

-6-4—2 0—2 +4+6+8+10 +12 +14 +16

Grill potential
Fig. 25.—A small amount of gas in a three-electrode tube may produce more or less
regular "humps" in the plate current curve.

characteristic, this tube might be used as a two-electrode tube for pro

ducing oscillations, its operation being the same as that of a Dudell sing
ing arc.
The normal variation between plate current and grid voltage in a
three-electrode tube gives smooth curves, but if gas is present abnormal

shapes may be obtained. Fig. 25 shows an effect of this kind and for each
of the plate voltages used a " hump " occurs in the plate current curve.


2 10 12 3
Grid potential
Fia. 25A.—Showing the effect of a small amount of gas in producing a well-defined
"hump" in the plate current curve.

The position of this hump shifts to different grid voltage for the different
plate voltages used in the test.

In Fig. 25.4 is shown a more striking example of this same peculiarity.

The curve is for a well-pumped modern tube using tungsten filament;
it is undoubtedly due to the presence of mercury
vapor in the tube. If a mercuiy vapor pump is
used for evacuation, some of the mercury vapor
will be left in the tube unless a proper freezing
trap is used. If a tube showing this effect is
used for a detector of radio signals it is remark
ably sensitive if adjusted to just the right grid
potential by a suitable potentiometer.1
If a tube is completely freed from gas the
current to the grid will not reverse when the
potential of the grid is made negative. Even in
a very well pumped tube, however, there is a
slight reversed current to the grid when the grid
is negative, caused by the positive ions of gas in
the tube. This grid current dcpmds upon the
gas present being ionized by the electron flow
to the plate and is zero if the electron flow is
zero. The more plate current there is the more is
the gas ionizgd and hence the greater is the grid
The effect is shown in Fig. 26, which shows
the grid current in a well pumped tungsten tube ;

10 8 6 4 2—0 +
Grid potential (to negative end of filaments) in volts
Fig. 26.—Even in the very high vacuum tubes the grid shows a reversed current when
its potential is negative; these curves are for a type P pliotron having a high degree
of evacuation.
it is seen that for plate voltage of 100 the reversed grid current is
much less than it is for a plate voltage of 200; this is due to the lower
plate current at the lower plate voltage producing less intense ionization
1 It must be remembered that when the grid is subjected to very high frequency varia
tions in its potential it is quite likely that the plate current does not vary in the manner
indicated by the curve obtained in direct current test, such as that given in Fig. 25.4 .

of the gas present. As the grid potential was increased (in the nega
tive direction) the grid current decreased instead of increasing as might
be expected. This is due to the decrease of plate current with the lower
grid potentials.
A tube having considerable gas in it may be made extremely sensitive
as a detector if adjusted with a plate or grid voltage nearly sufficient to
produce ionization; the slight increase in grid potential due to the incom
ing signal may then cause ionization to occur with a resultant great increase
in the plate current. Such tubes are not reliable enough to be of any
great practical importance, however; the modern high-vacuum tube if
properly connected in cascade with the others, may produce the same
amount of amplification and at the same time have the necessary reli
ability of action.
Tungsten Filaments and Oxide-coated Filament.—As noted in the
first paragraph of this chapter, a pure metal such as tungsten must operate
at a very high temperature before an appreciable emission of electrons
takes place; to get the amount of emission required for a power tube
the tungsten must be at a dazzling white heat. In first operating tubes
of this type the experimenter will get an incorrect idea of their behavior
unless meters are used, and the filament is run right up to its rated current.
Tubes using a Wehnelt cathode, or oxide-coated filament, on the other
hand, must not be operated at a high temperature or they will be spoiled.
These filaments are made of thin platinum strip, coated with a mixture
of various oxides (barium, strontium, and calcium) together with a suit
able cement; in order to make the oxide coating adhere more tenaciously
the platinum strip is generally twisted about itself. These filaments
should never be operated at a temperature higher than that required to
give a bright cherry-red color; the detector and amplifier bulbs generally
operate satisfactorily at a much lower temperature than this.
To get the same emission from a tungsten filament as from an oxide-
coated filament requires about twice the amount of power; where the cost
or difficulty of obtaining power is of prime importance, therefore, the
oxide-coated tube is superior. For detector and amplifier tubes used in
army field work for " standby " service, being in continued use, this ques
tion of power supply is of more importance almost than any other; the
power for heating the filaments must be transported generally in the
form of portable storage batteries and that tube requiring the fewest
renewals of batteries is the best, even though some of its other character
istics may not be as good.
Power tubes, on the other hand, use a considerable amount of power
in their plate circuits, as much or more than that used for heating the
filament so that the filament power docs not have the same relative impor
tance as it does for the detector and amplifier bulbs in which the filament

requires perhaps 3 watts for heating, whereas the plate circuit requires
but .01 watt. So far as power consumption of the tube is concerned,
therefore, the lower filament power of the oxide tube does not offer such
great advantage, in fact, it seems to the author that the oxide filament is
not the equal of the tungstens filament for power tubes. The vacuum
attained in oxide filament tubes is never as good, or as permanent, as that
commonly used with tungsten filaments, and this fact leads to their very
frequent failure. The gas present ionizes and this ionization (if there
is appreciable gas present) completely spoils their operation as generators.
It sometimes happens that a tube ionizes, due to excessive potential
gradients, and when the high plate voltage is removed, the tube acts as
well as before, but, on the other hand, the result of the ionization frequently
results in a burnt-out filament and completely spoiled tube.
With a tungsten tube, on the other hand, even if ionization occurs,
the effect will soon disappear if the plate voltage is held up to its normal
value; the effect of the exceedingly hot tungsten filament is to use up,
in some way or other, the gas causing the ionization. In such a tube
the vacuum is likely to improve the more the tube is used.
Characteristic Curves for Three-electrode Tubes.—The so-called
" static " characteristic curves of a three-electrode tube show how the plate
current and grid current vary as the grid potential is varied over a sufficient
range to cause this plate current to vary from its maximum operating
value to zero, the plate potential being constant while the series of points
for the curve is being obtained. The same curves are taken for several
values of plate potential.
Another set of curves is sometimes used showing the variation of ' >■ ' '
plate and grid currents as the plate potential is varied from zero to its
maximum safe value, the grid potential remaining constant, a series of
such curves is obtained for various grid potentials.
Another, and probably more useful, set of curves show how the plate
and grid currents vary as the grid potential is varied, the plate potential
varying, during the process of getting the curve, in the same way it does
when the tube is actually used in a detecting or generating circuit. When
being used the three-electrode tube always has an impedance of some kind
in series with the plate circuit. The value of the voltage used in the
plate circuit is constant, not varying as the grid potential is varied, by
signal or otherwise; it is therefore evident that as the grid potential
varies, thus varying the current in the plate circuit, the plate potential
must vary because it is equal to the plate circuit voltage minus the drop
in the series impedance, and this drop varies with the grid potential.
This last set of curves is the one which most readily permits the pre
diction of the behavior of the tube. A resistance should be put in the
plate circuit equal to that which is used when the tube is actually operating;

a plate circuit voltage should be used such that when the grid is set at
the same potential as its average potential under operating conditions
the plate current is the same as its average operating value. The plate-
circuit voltage is frequently called the " B " battery voltage.
It has become customary in speaking of grid potential to refer the grid
to the negative end of the filament; unless otherwise stated all the curves
shown in this text are so given. In case the characteristics are desired
when the grid is connected to the positive end of the filament it is only

Grid potential
Fig. 27.—An old Deforest audion, after being well evacuated and baked, showed just
as regular characteristics as the modern tube.

necessary to move the " zero grid potential " along, on the curve sheets
as given, by an amount equal to the IR drop in the filament.
In Fig. 27 is shown a set of plate-current curves from an old Deforest
audion, after it had been re-evacuated to take off all possible gas. The
plate circuit had no added resistance except that of the B battery, which
was so low that the variation in plate current did not appreciably affect
the plate potential. On the curve sheet is shown the locus of the " free
grid potential," i.e., the potential at which the grid set itself when its

external terminal was completely insulated. This point will be taken up

more in detail later.
For the tube used in getting the curves of Fig. 27 it will be noticed
that the grid voltage was more effective (in controlling the plate current)
than the plate voltage in the ratio of about two to one. Thus to
get 1 milliampere of plate current it is necessary to use either (£„ = 20,
£,=13), (£,=30, £,=5.6), (£„=40, £, = 1), (£, = 50, £,= -3.4),
Ep = 60, E, = -7.2) or (£,= 70, E„ = - 12) . Using the two extreme values,
we see that a decrease in plate potential of (70— 20) =50 volts is neu
tralized (in so far as it affects plate current) if the grid potential is
increased from —12 volts to +13 volts, or a change of 25 volts.
In Fig. 28 is shown a set of curves from a tube designed for amplifying
purposes; free grid potentials in this tube follow about the same changes
as for the tube used in Fig. 27. The much greater control of the grid
of the tube is seen from the values of plate voltage and grid voltage for
a current of .001 ampere. This is obtained with either (£> = 160, E,= .2),
or (£p = 70, £, = 2.6) so that an increase in grid potential of 2.4 volts
offsets a decrease in plate potential of 90 volts; the effectiveness of the
grid is thus thirty-eight times as great as that of the plate.
In Fig. 29 is shown a set of curves for a tube having the plate and grid
very close to the filament, the grid being comparatively coarse compared
to that of the tube of Fig. 28. In Fig. 29 the grid potentials are referred
to the positive end of the filament; as the filament IR drop was about 3
volts it is seen that if the grid were connected to the negative end of the
filament the grid current would be practically zero. This tube is generally
used as a detector with the grid normally somewhat positive.
It will be noticed that the grid current (for a given grid potential)
decreases as the plate potential is increased. When the grid and plate are
positive by about the same amount (curves D and D' with grid 3 volts
positive) each takes about the same thermionic current; the greater area
of the plate compensates for the greater proximity of the grid and filament.
Fig. 30 shows the effect of filament current on the static characteristics
of a large power tube (G. E. pliotron type P-10, the 10 signifying the
number of grid wires per inch). The grid currents with negative grid
potentials are too small to be plotted on the curve sheet. The filament
currents were measured at that end carrying the smaller current.
As was pointed out in Fig. 14, the current in a filament varies through
out its length when it is delivering electrons to the plate, the amount of
variation depending directly on the value of the plate current. In Fig.
31 is shown a set of curves to illustrate this point; a constant voltage
of 32 was impressed on the filament, the grid was held at a positive poten
tial of +100 volts and the plate voltage varied from zero to 200 volts.
This set of curves serves not only to show the peculiar changes in filament

current, but also how, as the plate voltage increases, the grid current is
reduced. The sum of the grid current and plate current gives, for all
values of plate voltage, the difference between the two filament currents.
The resistance of the filament of a vacuum tube under such conditions is

16 < vo U
3.0 Va t.iu- 9 ai IPI fyi IK butt
1 MmI : pdten tla i indichtet
( urvL'S
L 18(

100 volU
i I


S 6

o 2 TO volt o —

eg rid
po Lilt'ial /

2.0 1.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

Grid potential
Fig. 28.—Plate current curves for a tube intended as a voltage amplifier.

not a simple function of volts and amperes; it involves all the theory
of a long, leaky, telegraph line.
The safe filament current for these large power tubes is always rated
in terms of the maximum current, that is, the end of the filament where
oixsraaxovuvHO saAHno woaa ivomax saanx so*
406 VACUUM TUBES AND THEIR OPERATION [Chap. VI o iii[cl sojodmy


the plate current and battery heating current combine to give a current
greater than normal battery current.
In Fig. 32 are shown curves for the same tube as used for Fig. 30; the
filament current (larger value) was held at 3.60 amperes and various

Varia ioi of Iliame It ur I'll w ttl plate

M tat r; Kil: im nt. <0l s c His ■ant a a* volts 1 tnd[
ST i.l i>otent ale on ta, ta t-H llii volts
w ith = li an 1 -r a 'Ol s
=1 in Ipfl ref t
- _ I,
ren: —
£- 3.6

- —
A 1 3.S
J 1
li!■ |lf-VWAAAV

— 1 1 J 1 1 3.3

u T,7

J. ■
20 40 60
80 100 20 10 60 200
Plate voltage
Fig. 31.—Showing the effect of the plate voltage upon the filament current of a power
tube, the voltage impressed on the filament being constant. The change in grid
current produced by increasing plate potential is also shown.

voltages were impressed on the plate. With low plate voltage it is seen
that when the grid becomes positive the plate current undergoes a rapid
decrease. This combination of high positive grid voltage and low plate
voltage occurs when the tube is used for generating power and results


in peculiar-shaped plate current instead of a sinusoidal variation as is

generally assumed.
In Fig. 33 are shown the characteristic curves for a G. E. P-20 (20 grid
wires per inch) pliotron obtained by holding the grid potential constant

140 120 100 SO GO 20 0 20 100 120 140

Grid potential
Fio. 32.—Static characteristics of a Type P pliotron for various plate voltages, filament
current being constant.

while varying the plate voltage. For all these curves the grid currents
were only a few microamperes. In this tube it is evident that 1 volt
on the grid has the same effect on plate current as 1 1 volts on the plate.
In Fig. 34 are shown similar curves for a P-10 pliotron, values having
been obtained for low plate voltage and high positive grid voltages and in


1W 200 300 400 600 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Plato voltage
Fig. 33.—Static characteristics of a Type P tube for various fixed grid potentials and
variable plate voltage. The curve in the upper part of the diagram shows the
limit of operation of the tube.

Fig. 35 are shown some typical curves for a finer-mesh grid (P-30). In
this tube the grid voltage is twenty-two times as effective as the plate
voltage in determining plate current. It will be noticed how quickly
the grid current rises as the
plate potential decreases be
yond a certain limit.
Potential of the Free Grid
of a Three-electrode Tube-
When the grid of a vacuum
tube is entirely disconnected
from other circuits it is said
to be " free," meaning that it
is free to assume any potential
circumstances may demand.
Actually a grid is never really
free, because there is always
some leakage from the grid to
the plate and filament even in
tubes with extremely high
vacuum. If the value of this
leak resistance is perhaps 50
megohms the grid may be reck
oned as free, although in many
tubes a much greater resistance
exists and the grids are corre
spondingly more " free."
It is almost an axiom in
vacuum-tube operation that a
grid should never be left free.
Consistent operation of the
tube is almost impossible unless
the resistance between the grid
Fig. 34.—Similar to the curves of Fig. 33, this
tube having a grid with coarser mesh. and filament is of definite value,
and sufficiently low; it seldom
exceeds one megohm in ordinary detecting or amplifying sets.
In Fig. 36 is shown a connection in which a free grid is used; tube 1
is repeating into tube 2, the fluctuations of plate voltage of 1 being
impressed on the grid of 2. The grid of 2 cannot be connected directly
to the plate of 1 because this plate is at comparatively high positive
potential, due to its B battery. By putting an insulating condenser C
between the plate of 1 and grid of 2 the fluctuations of plate voltage repeat
through the condenser into the grid, but the grid is insulated from the
high positive continuous e.m.f. of the plate of 1.

Now such a grid is free; the insulation of condenser C will be hun

dreds of megohms, so that the grid is free to assume any potential what
ever. Because of the irregular action of a tube so connected a high resist-

Fro. 35.—Similar to the curves of Fig. 33, this tube having a grid with finer mesh.

ance leak of one megohm or less (as indicated by the dotted line connec
tion) is always used, to keep the grid, normally, at a suitable potential.
Some of the effects produced by a free grid will be indicated by the

accompanying curves. In Fig. 37 is shown how the potential of a free

grid may he expected to change as the plate voltage is increased from
Tube 1 Tube 2
"Fiee" grid

B hattery

Fig. 36.—A circuit illustrating the meaning of the term "free grid," the grid of the
second tube is electrically free to assume any potential that circumstances may

I'D Oil la] of !ree ■1, i rttl re -pcCf t > negat Ire eni ol lil; mo nt.
M 3USI ml bj -t; tic l-ol rai (or

Cur ve 1 - ( an •lit =JI Oa DPI res

•• 1 =.400 "

3 =.450
•• 1 •■ = 4S0
•• E ■• = 5 .'0

f V
i )

10 20 30 40 51
Volts from plate to negative end of filament
Fio. 37.—Variations in free grid potential for various plate voltages and filament
rents; measurements by a highly insulated sensitive static voltmeter.
zero, for various filament temperatures. • The higher the plate voltage
the closer the grid potential approaches zero potential, i.e., that of the

negative end of the filament. With zero plate voltage the grid goes neg
ative as much as 2 volts, due undoubtedly to the accumulation of electrons
which have left the filament with enough initial velocity to carry them
as far as the grid.
In Fig. 38 are shown the free grid potentials of ten different tubes
all of them having some gas (although not enough to produce visible
ionization with the plate potentials used). In getting these curves the
filament current was brought to its normal value with plate at the desired
voltage, the grid being connected to the negative end of the filament.
The grid was then disconnected from everything and the plate current
noted ; by then connecting the grid to a suitable potentiometer and vary
ing its potential the same value of plate current was obtained. A volt
meter connected across the potentiometer served to show this grid poten
tial which, as it gave the same plate current, must be that of the free grid.
The potential of the free grid depends entirely on the order in which
the successive adjustments are carried out, thus if the grid is left free,
filament current brought to normal and then plate potential brought to
normal an entirely different value for free grid potential may be obtained
than would be if the plate were first put at its proper potential and then
the filament current brought to normal.
In Fig. 39 is shown the curve obtained (with free grid) by holding
the plate at 150 volts, increasing the filament current from a low value
to a high value and then decreasing the filament current through the same
range. A peculiar loop is obtained explained by the fact that as the plate
potential was applied before there was a liberal supply of electrons in the
vicinity of the grid the grid went positive. This positive grid gave com
paratively large values of plate current from A up to the point B on the
curve sheet; here the grid suddenly lost most of its positive charge due
to bombardment by many electrons, and became nearly zero in potential
with a consequent decrease in the plate current. From C to D and back
to C the grid had nearly the same potential for increasing as for decreasing
filament current, but from C to E the grid potential was much lower than
it was for the corresponding values of filament current, when increasing
values were being taken. At E the grid suddenly increases its potential
a small amount and for the remainder of the cycle it has about the same
potential as it had for increasing filament current; other tubes showed
exactly the same effect.
In Fig. 40 are shown the potentials of the free grid of a telephone
amplifying tube. For low values of filament current the free grid assumes
a potential about half that of the plate, then as the filament current is
increased the grid potential decreases gradually until a critical value of
filament current is reached. At this critical filament current (i.e., critical
supply of electrons) the grid potential suddenly falls to a comparatively
-4-»42 plate
-2-0 pfew
No.o. -.600


WITH pgrid



low value, which value decreases somewhat as the filament current is

still further increased. It will be noticed that for this tube the free grid
is always positive, whereas for the ten tubes tested for Fig. 38 most of
the grid potentials were negative.
Relations between Currents and Potentials in a Three-electrode
Tube.—From experimental results already presented it is evident that
the grid current and plate current of a three-electrode tube vary with
either filament current, plate voltage, or grid voltage. It is also evident
that the grid current is negligibly small compared to the plate current,
and that the plate current is not affected directly by the grid current

Piute vo ts - 150
Telep l"l le ep ,..t er Hi e


Filament current
Fig. 39.—A peculiar cycle obtainable from a tube having a free grid; as the filament
current was increased and then decreased the plate current went around the loop as
indicated by the arrow heads; plate potential was kept constant.

except under unusual conditions, as, e.g., curve A of Fig. 32. Unless
we are specifically interested in the losses in the grid circuit the grid current
may be neglected. Furthermore, unless the conditions are such that
saturation current is reached (plate current using all the electrons emitted
from the filament) the filament current does not affect the plate current
to a great extent. We shall therefore examine in this section, the rela
tions between plate current and grid and plate potentials, neglecting
grid currents and the effect of too small a filament current.
pmoxiova saanx qnv HiaHX Noixvaado '*™o\ ia

'oij —8aiMoqg aqi .reqiwad suopouBA ui aaaj pu8 iBiiua^od sb ^uani^ig S8M
ipasuajoui joj siqj p?pads aqivi oq^ aaaj pu8 panmssn aAiiisod psrjnaiod japon
j|u •Buoiiypnoo

We have seen that the plate current depends upon both plate voltage
and grid voltage, to some power higher than the first, and that the grid
potential is much more effective in controlling the current than is the
plate potential. We may therefore write,

where 7P= plate current in amperes;
A =a constant depending upon type of tube;
Ep= potential of plate to negative end of filament;
Eg = potential of grid to negative end of filament;
Ho= relative effectiveness factor of Ee;
x = an unknown exponent, possibly variable.

Langmuir has given this equation with the value of x as 1.5; Van der
Bijl has given the equation with the value of i as 2.0, having also an
added quantity inside the parenthesis, a small constant in which are taker
care of such factors as velocity of emission of electrons, contact difference
of potential of the electrodes, etc.
The quantity no is the theoretical voltage amplifying power of the
tube; it is ordinarily taken as a constant, its value depending solely upon
the geometry of the tube. Many tests show this to be true for the ordinary
use of the tube; it may be that with very low plate voltage and high grid
voltage no changes some
what, but in the ordinary
working range of Eg and
Ep it is practically con
stant. As previously stated,
it varies in different types
of tubes from 2 to 200 or I AW-H'|
more. VWVW r, I
When many determina M/WW
tions of no are to be made, wwwv—
it is worth while to arrange
some apparatus as shown m- s
in Fig. 41, a scheme due to Fig. 41.—An arrangement of apparatus for rapidly
J. M. Miller. The resist- determining the voltage amplification factor of a
ance R2 is preferably 10 tuDe-
ohms and Ri is a decade
resistance box having units, 10-ohm, 100-ohm, and 1000-ohm units; the
1000-ohm units are used very seldom, but few tubes having high enough
values of /jo to require them.
An ammeter Ai serves to read the filament current, and milliam-
meter An serves for plate current. This meter should have two or three

scales, so that for various types of tubes to be tested the plate current
will give indications well up on the scale. The filament battery should
be perhaps 6 volts and Ed and Ec should have voltages suitable for the
tubes to be tested.
With S open Eb, Ee, and If are put at their proper values and the
reading of A2 is noted. Then <S is closed, permitting current J to flow
around the circuit E, Ri, R2, E, the reading of A2 will in general change;
by properly adjusting Ri, however, it will be found that the reading of
A2 (which is the plate current) does not change when switch <S is closed.
The ratio of Ri to R2 for this adjustment gives no.
By examination of Fig. 41 it will be seen that depressing key S raises
the voltage impressed on the plate by an amount IRi, and depresses the
voltage of the grid by an amount IR2. From inspection of Eq. (5) it
is evident that if Ip does not change when <S is closed,
(A£„+MoA#,) =0,
where AEP and AEe are the changes in Ev and E, due to closing switch S.
We therefore have the relation


With this scheme it is possible to investigate the dependence of ^0 on Et,

Ep, and If very quickly.
The value of Ri should not be so high that the drop through it, due
to the plate current, is an appreciable fraction of Et, otherwise the plate
potential will not be En, but something less, and must be calculated.
The value of the exponent x should theoretically be a constant, but
in the actual tube it is constant only for a limited range of voltages. The
voltage between the plate and filament is different for the different parts
of the filament, and the velocity of emission of the electrons may not be
negligible when the plate and grid voltages are low.
If the grid is held at zero voltage the relation between IP and E, is
IP = AEPZ. The determination of the exponent x is most easily carried
out by plotting the various values of Ip and Ep on logarithmic cross-
section paper; if x is a constant the graph is a straight line with slope
equal to x. If the graph is not a straight line the value of x varies, but
it may be determined for any value of Ep by measuring the slope of the
Figs. 42 and 43 give the variations between plate current and plate
voltage for two amplifying and detecting bulbs designed for 40 volts on
the plate and an IR drop in the filament of about 3.5 volts. The two

curves were transposed to logarithmic paper, giving the graphs shown

in Fig. 44, the straight dotted line shows the slope the two curves would
have if the plate current varied
with the square of the plate
voltage. From the logarithmic
graphs the values of x were
measured and transferred to
Figs. 42 and 43 to give the
curves-of x there shown.
In Fig. 45 is shown the log
arithmic graph for a high power
pliotron, the rated plate voltage
being 1000-2000 volts; it is
seen that for high plate voltages
the plate current varies as the
Bquare of the plate voltage.
For the lower plate voltages the
IR drop in the filament (about
20 volts) and the velocity of
emission of the electrons tend
to give an exponent other than
2; however, if the grid is held

42.—Variation of plate current in a tungsten filament tube as Ev is varied and

grid potential held constant; values of the exponent of Eq. (5), p. 417.

at —10 volts, the plate current follows the square law very closely
throughout the range of the graph. A greater negative potential makes



Ef 800

Curve Blotted on logarithmic paper to

And x. Results plotted below
xide filament 700



3.00 300

2.00 200


I I I I I I I I I I I 1 i ' i I I I I I I I I | 0
89 10 123456789 20 123456789 30 123456789 40
Plate volts
Fio. 43.—Curves similar to those of Fig. 42, the tube used having an oxide-coated

the plate current vary with higher power of plate voltage for the lower
values of plate potential; this is to be expected from inspection of Eq. (5).
Different tubes of the same type will not follow exactly the same law
of plate current variation, due probably to small differences in the struc

ture. In Fig. 46 are shown the results of tests on twenty-four tubes all
having the same rating; twelve had oxide coated filaments with a filament
IR drop of 2.6 volts and the other twelve had tungsten filaments with
an IR drop of 3.6 volts. The curves for the individual tubes ran in gen
eral, parallel to the boundaries of the cross-sectioned areas, as indicated
on this curve sheet

Curve A- VT 11-1/= 1 .10 E
Curve B-VT 1-1/= 1 ,10 E
/ 1 I
200 1

1 cE
J' I'
T ioo au
/ 1 to
7 7
/ / 60
V = 2: / 10
/ —

/ I
Plate volts
Fig. 44.—The curves of Figs. 42 and 43 transposed to logarithmic coordinates; this
graph shows that the exponent for Eq. (5) is neither 1.5 nor 2, but is a variable for
both tubes.

Resistance of the Circuits of a Three-electrode Tube and its Vari

ations.—There are three circuits to be considered in getting the character
istics of three-electrode tubes, the filament, the grid to filament circuit,
and the plate to filament circuit. The grid to filament is called the input
circuit of the tube, and the plate to filament is called the output circuit
of the tube.

In the ordinary small detecting and amplifying tube the filament

current is practically independent of any changes in the grid and plate
circuits. In large power tubes, however, this is not so, the resistance
of the filament varying a good deal as either the grid or plate potential
is varied, this variation being shown by impressing constant voltage on
the filament and then impressing various potentials on the grid and plate.

100 200 400 G00 800 1000 2000

Plate voltage
Fia. 45.—Logarithmic plot of the plate current curve for a high-voltage power tube;
with a certain constant negative grid potential the plate current of this tube varies
with the square of the plate voltage.

The accompanying changes in grid and plate current cause a non-uniform

current to flow through the conductor, under which condition the filament
has a different resistance than it has when the current is the same every
where through its length.
The resistances of the input and output circuits vary throughout
extreme ranges, and they arc different for alternating current than for

continuous current; we shall first consider the output circuit. The ratio
of plate voltage to plate current is generally called the output impedance.
As there can be no appreciable lag in the motion of the electrons behind
the impressed electric field, it might seem more appropriate to speak of
output resistance instead of output impedance. But it is to be remembered
that the plate current is influenced by the grid as well as by the plate,

1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60
Plate voltage
Fig. 46.—Logarithmic plots of 24 typical detector tubes, 12 with tungsten filaments
and 12 with oxide-coated filaments. The curves for the individual tubes lay inside
the areas as noted.

and it may well be that variation of plate current is not in phase with
the variation of plate potential. From this viewpoint the plate filament
circuit has impedance, not merely resistance.
If, however, we maintain the grid at zero potential (or any other fixed
potential) the plate current will vary with plate voltage only and we may
speak of plate circuit resistance. With constant grid potential and vary

ing plate potential the values of plate current determine this resistance
of the plate circuit, Rop, for continuous currents. Such a curve for a tungs
ten filament detecting tube is shown in Fig. 47; on the same curve sheet
is shown a curve of mo for this tube, from which it may be seen that the
value of no is practically constant,
t,U Iy.T 11
1, •Jl 1' except for very low plate voltages.
\ B » * nb
0 fit, .1 •1 The value of Rop continually increases
as Ep is diminished.
\ The value of the alternating cur
rent resistance, Rp, is determined by

the ratio of ^5p, the grid voltage be
ing maintained at zero; we may write
\ or
\ dlr axEp*
vs But the continuous current resist
——j a
ance is
IP aEp*-1
From these we get the relation,

(•■MI44IM14I 40 " x
Fig. 47.—Curves of w and Rop of a small Jn Fig. 48 are shown the curves
ta^fl»^tate;feTato^^ of Rp and Rop for an oxide-filament
is obtained by finding the quotient of
Ep by in a continuous-current test. amphfying tube; the points indicat
ed by circles on the Rp curve were
obtained by the alternating current measurement and those indicated
by crosses were obtained by dividing the points on the R0P curve by the
proper value of x. On the same curve sheet is shown the value of yo
for this tube; it is nearly constant in the working range of the tube (Er
between 20 and 40 volts) and falls off with the lower plate voltages,
whereas the curve of Fig. 47 showed an increasing juo with lower plate
The value of Rp is found experimentally by the scheme outlined in
Fig. 49, originated by J. M. Miller; the same arrangement serves to
measure yo by alternating-current test providing the phone resistance
is negligible compared to the tube resistance. Fig. 50 shows a curve of
juo obtained by the method; it shows mo to be independent of filament
aoNivxsisira jio axvw xinoHio / S2fr

current. With S2 open and Si closed the ratio of n to ri. is varied until
no signal is heard in the telephone and we then have

Mo=-. (8)

In measuring Rp, n and r% are fixed at some convenient value (say

equal to each other), and with S2 closed R is varied until no signal is heard
in the phone when Si is closed. With this adjustment we have

R' = «(^o-l) (9)

Flowing through the potentiometer there is a current i, which gives

a drop between grid and fila
ment = Zri = E,. If the alter
nating voltage E0 is impressed
on the grid of a vacuum tube
it will produce an alternating
current in the plate circuit,
IP. Of course the actual plate-
circuit current is not alter
nating, it is pulsating; this
pulsating current may be re
Fig. 49.—An arrangement of apparatus for con solved into a steady current
veniently measuring the mo of a tube as well as
the alternating current resistance of the output hp and an alternating cur
circuit. rent /„. The current lop IS
produced by the steady values
of E„ and Ev and the alternating current Iv is caused by the variations
in E„.
The magnitude of this current lv can be calculated by remembering
that a voltage E, in the grid circuit is equivalent to a voltage fioE, in
the plate circuit. This voltage, noE,,, will cause an alternating current
to flow in the plate circuit which is equal to D . This current flowing
Kp-\- K
through the resistance R must give a drop equal to and if there is
Rp-\- R
no signal heard in closing Si this drop must equal that across r% which is
equal to E, — when a balance is obtained. We therefore have,

E,r-^- = noE,

Solving this equation for Rp we get the relation given in Eq. (9) above.
In case the resistance R does not permit a balance to be obtained, it
being too small, the ratio of — can be suitably altered.
The relation between I„ and E„ is not a linear one and it is therefore
evident that RP must vary throughout the cycle of change in E,. The
value of Rp is therefore represented correctly only by a constant (the

V ilu ■ c> (f V.'i . l

E =2 1 V ill • -o E ,r b.i vo t

■ 1

£ f *
„ 1—
—* 1 P ^

L'OI Sti nt U ( hn s
va id f. r bala 1C(

Value of fllament current
Fig. 50.—Value of of a small amplifying tube, obtained by the scheme outlined in
Fig. 49; this shows m, to be nearly independent of the filament current.

value of which we call RP) and a series of harmonic terms; these harmonic
terms become more pronounced as Eg is varied through wider ranges.
In the measurement of Rp by the method outlined above it will be
found that complete silence cannot be obtained at the balance point; the
note heard in the telephone is complex and only the fundamental note
can be balanced. A balance will generally be most easily obtained if
comparatively low values of E„ are used, say not more than 0.1 volt;
moreover it will be found that the value obtained for Rp varies with E„
becoming greater for high values, as explained on p. 499.

The resistance of the input circuit (grid-filament) for continuous

current is practically infinite for all values of negative voltage; the cur
rent taken by the grid of the average tube when the grid is at lower poten
tial than any part of the filament is of the order of one microampere or
less. With a positive grid the current to the grid varies approximately
as the square of the grid potential. When the grid and plate are at the
same positive potential, the two currents are of the same order of magni
tude (see Figs. 35, 32, and 29), so that the grid-filament resistance R,

Fia. 51.—A suitable bridge arrangement for making high-frequency measurements

with the two lower arms open the condensers Ca and C6 serve to balance out spurious
capacities in arms Ri and Ri.

is about the same as the plate-filament resistance Rp. It goes through

the same kind of changes with respect to filament current, grid voltage,
etc., as does RP. It is to be noted from the curve sheets, however, that
whereas an increase of E„ decreases Rp and increase in EP causes an increase
in Rg.
To measure the alternating current input resistance, a scheme such
as that illustrated in Fig. 49 is not directly applicable; for any ordinary
scheme of measurement a transformer will be required to decrease the
grid circuit resistance to a value readily measured.
The author has used a bridge for measuring the characteristics of the
input circuit of various tubes, the measurement being made at 50,000

cycles. The scheme used is illustrated in Fig. 51; the same setting of
the bridge permitted the measurement of both capacity and resistance
of the tube input circuit. The 50,000-cycle power was supplied to the
bridge by wire A, the other side being grounded. The condensers C„
and Ct, are adjusted to balance the bridge when the (3) and (4) arms are
open, to neutralize any spurious capacity in the bridge ratio arms and
are left set after once being balanced (unless ratio is changed). Suitable
high-resistance leaks are shunted across Ci and C2, these resistances being
free from appreciable distributed capacity. Certain precautions have
to be observed in using such a bridge as noted in an article by the author
in the Proc. I.R.E.1

.3 A .5 .0 .7 .8 .9 1.0 1.1 1.2

Filament Current
Fig. 52.—Variation of input circuit conductance with filament current.

With suitable values of C2 and R\ the bridge is balanced with S open,

the values of C2 and R4 being recorded. When S is closed the balance
is destroyed, due to the capacity and conductance of the tube input cir
cuit; by properly decreasing C2 and increasing R4 the balance may be
again obtained. The total capacity and conductance in the (4) arm
must now be the same as when <S was open, so that the capacity of the
input circuit is at once obtained as the difference in the two settings of
C2; from the two values of R4 the conductance of the input circuit can
be readily calculated.
1 " Some notes on vacuum tables," Proc. I.R.E., Vol. 8, No. 3, June, 1920.

In Figs. 52-55 are shown the variation in the input circuit of a small
detecting tube rated at 1.1 amperes filament current and 20-40 volts in
the plate. Unless the tube is defective the conductance is practically
zero until about 0.8 ampere is used for heating the filament. It then
rises rapidly until with normal filament current the conductance is about
12 micromhos, showing an input resistance of about 80,000 ohms. The
values of Ep and E, used are noted on the curve sheet.
In Fig. 53 is shown the variation of the input conductance as plate
voltage was varied; this decrease in conductance with increasing plate

T\ I"' V. r. 1
III itnvr vs te vo
v =1. Ec=-- Erf

5 10 15 £0 25 SO 35
Plate volts
Fig. 53.—Variation of input circuit conductance with plate voltage.

potential could have been predicted from inspection of curves such as

given in Fig. 29. In Fig. 54 is shown the variation in input conductance
as the grid is made more negative, and in Fig. 55 is shown the effect of
the magnitude of the alternating voltage impressed on the grid for testing.
It is evident from the four curves given above (which are all for the
same tube) that if the input resistance of a tube is to be kept high the grid
must at all times be negative (with respect to the negative end of the
filament). For the tube the characteristics of which are given above,
the grid should normally be negative about 0.5 volt more than the maxi
mum value of the voltage to be impressed on the input circuit. The

resistance of the input circuit, as one component of the impedance of the

input circuit, is of great importance if the tube is to be used as detector

pe V.T.1
1.10 0.2

—' _ 8*3


1.3 .9 .8 .7.6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0
Value of Ec (negative)
Fio. 54.—Variation of input circuit conductance with grid potential.

— ■—
1 1
ryje V.T.
/= 1.10 = -.05 r 0

.1 .2 .3
.4 .5 .6 .7 .8 J 1.0
Value of E„(ellective)
Fig. 55.—Variation of input circuit conductance with amplitude of voltage impressed
on the input circuit.
or amplifier; if the tube is to be used as detector the input circuit resist
ance may very seriously affect the selectivity of the receiving circuit,
because of its damping effect on the signal.

Capacity of the Input Circuit of a Three-electrode Tube.—It would

seem as though the capacity (electrostatic) of a vacuum tube is so small
as to be negligible, but such is far from the truth; the internal capacity
of a tube may have very great effect on its operation, especially at high
frequencies. There are three capacities to be considered, filament to
grid, grid to plate, and grid to plate and filament when connected together.
Part of the internal capacity is in the actual working parts of the tube,
(filament, grid, and plate) but a lot of it is in the " lead in " wires, where
they come close together in the seal. The base into which the tube fits
also has an appreciable capacity.
In the accompanying table are shown the values of capacities for several
types of tubes at present used, the tubes having the following ratings:

INO. Filament Plate Plate Type of Intended
Current. Voltage Current. Filament. Service.
1 1.1 20-40 6X10-* Oxide Detector and
2 1.1 20-10 4X10-* Tungsten Detector and
3 1.30 130 7X10~* Oxide Amplifier
4 1.75 350 5X10-* Tungsten Power
5 1.35 300 4Xl0-» Oxide Power
6 6.5 500 15X10-* Tungsten Power
7 3.6 1000 25X10-' Tungsten Power

The capacity of these tubes was measured in the bridge shown in Fig.
51, at 50 kilocycles and the results were as follows, the capacities being
in 10-12 farads:

No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7.

Grid to filament, plate free 10.4 6.4 6.8 5.6 7.6 8.0 55.6
Grid to plate, filament free 14.4 4.4 7.6 3.0 8.4 8.0 22.0
Grid to plate and filament these
being connected together 17.0 7.2 12.4 7.2 11.2 10.2 69.6

It will be noticed that the capacity of grid to plate and filament is

not equal to the sum of the other two capacities; this is due to the " over
lapping " of the fields of the grid-filament condenser and the grid-plate
condenser. In Fig. 56 is shown a possible arrangement of the " seal-in "
wires; the capacity from G, to P and F in parallel, involves, besides the
capacity inside the tube, the capacity of the wires, a, b, c, and d. Such
an arrangement will not give a capacity from d to a, b, and c, equal to the
sum of the capacity from d to c and b, and that from d to a.

Now when a tube is being used, for whatever purpose, the plate and
filament are connected together through the B battery and whatever
external impedance is introduced in the plate circuit, and the input cir
cuit is from grid to filament; it is therefore evident that the capacity
of the input circuit is that between the grid as one plate of the condenser
and the plate and fila- qaAAAA/WV s~~
ment connected together \_
as the other plate of the
From the values given
in the above table the
input circuit capacity Fig. 56.—Possible arrangement of the wires of a three-
of the average tube is electrode tube where they go through the press.
small enough to be neg
lected, and it very frequently has been, judging from the values of capac
ities used in certain amplifying sets. But the values of capacity of the
input circuit previously given are what the author has called the
" geometrical capacity " of the input circuit; the actual capacity is very
different from the values given.
In practically all circuits involving the use of a vacuum tube it is
required to have an impedance of some sort in the plate circuit; this
impedance may be a resist-
ance, a choke coil, or the
primary winding of a trans
former, and the value of this
impedance is generally of the
same magnitude as the a.c.
resistance of the plate circuit
of the tube, Rp, or somewhat
When such an impedance
is used in series with the B
Fig. 57.—Forms of plate current and plate potential battery the voltage on the
when a sine wave of voltage is impressed between plate Ep varies when the
the grid and filament. When the resistance in the
plate circuit is very high the fluctuation in plate grid voltage E„ is varied and
potential is nearly n„ times as great as the volt the amount of fluctuation in
age impressed on the grid. Ep is generally much greater
than E„. If an impedance
is used in the plate circuit, which is very high compared to the tube
resistance, the fluctuation of Ep is nearly equal to voEs. It is always
somewhat less than this value, and we put it equal to y.E, where n lies
between zero and jin, depending on the plate circuit impedance.
Let us suppose a resistance, R, used in the plate circuit; it is at once

evident that as E, increases, increasing thereby /,,, Ev must fall because

of the increased value of IPR. The forms of E„, Ip and Ep are then as
shown in Fig. 57; when the grid voltage rises (with respect to the filament)
the plate voltage voltage falls, and the actual plate voltage is represented
by(Eop-ipR) = (E0P— nEe sin pt), where 2?„sin pt is the voltage impressed
between the grid and filament, iP is the instantaneous value of IP sin pt, the
resulting fluctuation in plate current, and E„p is the value of the plate
voltage when E, is zero.
We have then to consider the charging current taken by the grid
when acted upon by an alter
nating voltage Ee, the con-
denser Ca-F being charged
by voltage E, and the con
denser Co-f in parallel, being
if ^-i/VVVWWVVW ,
vvvvvvmvvv charged to a voltage
Fig. 58.—The circuit impressing the voltage E, to E*» ^ shown in Fig. 58. The
the input circuit must furnish enough current to factor (m+1) occurs because
charge the condenser Ca- r to a voltage Et and when the grid voltage rises
the condenser Ca-p to a voltage (m+D Et. with respect to the filament,
an amount E„, the plate volt
age falls, with respect to the filament, by an amounty2?5; it therefore falls
with respect to the grid, an amount (/i+l).Z?„.
The amount of charging current, therefore, which must be furnished
by the input circuit is given by

I = 2,fEt(Co-r+ (m+ 1)CW),

from which the effective capacity of the input circuit is found to be

Ctami=Co-p+(h-+l)Co-P (10)

Thus the effective capacity of the input circuit is not only much
than the geometrical capacity, but it varies with any factors which affect
li, the voltage amplification factor of the tube and circuit.
Due to the mutual capacity of the grid-filament condenser and grid-
plate condenser, and also to the fact that the two voltages Ep and E,
are not exactly 180° apart, the capacity of the input circuit of a tube
will actually be somewhat less than that predicted from Eq. (10).
This mutual capacity of the two condensers brings in another very
interesting phenomenon: the field of the grid-plate condenser may so
react on the grid-filament condenser as to give a voltage in this condenser
in phase with the impressed e.m.f. of this condenser (i.e., the e.m.f.
impressed on the input circuit) so as to give the input circuit a negative
conductance. Such an effect would result in the plate circuit reacting

on the input circuit to augment any voltage impressed on the input cir
Using the bridge scheme illustrated in Fig. 51, the capacities and con
ductances of the input circuits of several of the tubes tabulated on p. 432
were measured at 50,000 cycles. In Fig. 59 are shown the capacity and

ve A Op . rit y k rid to rr HIT d

B m of til be 70
•• C Cond uc t.'ll 0i 1 to K roi nd A

5 50 3
f| 40 3
Tu !»• No. 1 3 a
/ I 1 ~ 1.1 ) Ep = 2( (for ill ml )<•» of R )
/ "3
/ I >'= x I o " E • : .' 5 2( ■III L'ti a
/ 'Z 20<3

20 30 40 ,60 70
Plate cirouit resistance In 10 ohms
Fig. 59.—Capacity and conductance of tube VI 1 as the resistance in the plate circuit
is varied; the u of the tube is shown also, so that the dependence of capacity upon
n may be noted.

conductance of tube No. 1 with normal conditions of plate voltage, filament

current, etc., as the external plate circuit resistance was varied; on the
same curve sheet is shown the value of the voltage amplification factor
of the tube for the various plate circuit resistances. It is seen that the
capacity of the grid to-ground circuit (same as input circuit, because

the filament is generally grounded) increases from Hfinf (micro-micro

farads) to 71 fifif as the plate circuit resistance was increased from zero
to 80 kilohms.

10 20 30 40 50 80 70
Plate circuit reactance in 10 3ohms
Fig. 60.—Capacity and conductance of the input circuit of detector tube "Vll, 05 the
plate circuit reactance is varied. Note that the input conductance is positive
throughout a certain range of the reactance.

As the capacity Co-f of this tube was 10.4, and the capacity Co-p
was 14.4 mm/, and the value of m is 4.65 for #=80 kilohms, it might be
expected that the input capacity would be equal to (10.4+ (4.65+ 1)14.4)

= 91.6 mm/- The discrepancy between the measured and predicted values
is undoubtedly due, in part, to the mutual capacity of Ca-p and Ca-p.
The conductance of the input circuit was positive for all values of plate
circuit resistance and gradually increased as R was increased.
In Fig. 60 are shown the capacity and conductance for the same tube,
the plate circuit impedance being an inductance with a reactance-resist
ance ratio between 25 and 50. In this case the increase in capacity is
greater than when an equal amount of resistance was used in the plate
circuit. Thus, with a reactance in the plate circuit of 50 kilohms the
input circuit has a capacity of 82 nnf, whereas a resistance of 50 kilohms
gave an input capacity of only 65 nnf. This difference in behavior of
reactance and resistance is due to the fact that the n of the circuit is
greater in one case than in the other, as will be explained later.
That any capacity present between the grid and plate, and which
is not in the field of the grid-filament condenser, is increased by the factor
(/x-f-1) was proved by actually connecting a capacity of 20 nnf across
the plate-grid terminals of the tube and noting the increase in the effective
capacity of the input circuit, the n of the circuit being 4.2. The capacity
of the input circuit increased by 102 nnf, whereas calculation would
make it increase by (4.2+1) X 20, or 104 nnf.
The conductance of the input circuit of the tube was negative through
out a certain range of plate circuit reactance, thus indicating transfer
of power from the plate circuit
back to the grid circuit, with no
other coupling between the grid
and plate circuits than what ex
isted in the tube itself. This
curve shows that the three elec
trode tube is not inherently a
" one-way repeater," as has been
commonly supposed; the output
circuit does control the input
circuit to an appreciable extent, Fio. 61.—In such a circuit as this, with effi
cient coils used in both circuits, with suit
sufficient in fact to maintain the able values of the capacities the tube will
tube in operation as a generator maintain itself in an oscillatory state, due
of alternating-current power when to the negative conductance as shown in
it is connected to the proper cir Fig. 60.
cuit. If the grid circuit and plate
circuit are each tuned to the same frequency, as indicated in Fig. 61,
the tuning condensers are sufficiently small (and the coils fairly efficient),
the coupling of the two circuits inside the tube may be sufficient to
maintain the tube in the oscillating state, alternating currents flowing
in circuits L2C2 and LiC\.

In Figs. 62-66 are shown the characteristic curves of some of the

other tubes tested. It is seen that the same general shape holds for all
three electrode tubes, the difference being one of degree only. The
capacity of the grid-ground circuit of the ordinary tube, when it is oper
ating with the normal amount of resistance (or reactance) in the plate
circuit, is from five to ten times as much as the geometrical capacity of

1 1 1
Curve A- Ca r.u It} grid o e ro nu
,. B- Co llil ct.UK- c rid to CTC und

'id e :VU. :i N
) IX .64 X 0 E jg E r

— 10
1 LI
10 80 30 40 30 Plate
(JO circuit
70 80resistance
90 in 10010s 110
ohms 120 130 140 130 100

Fia. 62.—Variation in conductance and capacity of the input circuit of a telephone

repeater tube as plate circuit resistance is varied.

the circuit, and the amount of this increase is controlled principally by

the capacity between the grid and plate.
As has been pointed out the characteristics of the input circuit of a
tube depend upon the relative phases of the input voltage and the voltage
variation between the plate and filament. As this phase relation will
evidently depend upon the kind and amount of reactance in the external

portion of the plate circuit we may expect the input characteristics to

vary with the input frequency because this will determine the reactance,
other things being constant. This effect has been investigated theoretic-

10 5


10 20 30 40 # 50 60
Plate circuit reactance ta 10 ohms
Fig. 63.—Curves similar to those of Fig. 62, the plate circuit having a variable react
ance instead of resistance.

ally by Ballantine,1 who shows that for resistive plate circuit the effective
input capacity decreases with an increase in frequency and the input
conductance increases with an increase in frequency. For reactive plate
circuit the effect of frequency may be to either decrease or increase the
'Stuart Ballantine, "The Thermionic Amplifier," Physical Review, Vol. XV, No. 5.

input circuit constants, depending upon the amount of the reactance

Operation of Three-electrode Tube as Detector of Damped-wave
Signals. Grid Condenser. Leak Resistance. Normal Grid Poten
tial.—Any detector of high-frequency currents must in some way cause
low-frequency pulsations of current through the telephones when the

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 T 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Beslstance in plate circuit In 10 ohraa.
Fig. 64.—Variation in conductance and capacity of the input circuit of a small power
tube (V7t) as plate circuit resistance is varied.

device itself is actuated by high-frequency currents. The frequency of

the low-frequency pulsations is fixed by the number of damped-wave
trains arriving at the antenna per second in case of reception of a signal
from a spark station, and is fixed by local conditions when receiving from
a continuous wave station. The case we shall consider in this section
is for spark signals only; damped-wave trains of the form shown in Fig.
67 are to be detected by the three-electrode tube. The time between

wave trains A may be from .005 to .0005 second ; the duration of a waye
train B may be from .00001 to .001 second, and the time of one cycle,
C, may be from .0000001 to .00003 second.
The function of the detector is to produce in the telephone, fluctuation
of current, of frequency fixed by the time A, as large as possible with a
given amplitude of signal voltage. The scheme of connections used when

20 30 40
Plate circuit reactance in 103 ohms
Fig. 65.—Curves similar to those of Fig. 64, the plate circuit having a variable reactance
instead of resistance."

no condenser is inserted in series with the grid of the tube is shown in

Fig. 68; the ground terminal of the input circuit is generally connected
to the negative end of the filament or to some point in the circuit at a
lower potential than the negative end of the filament. This is possible
by either of the two schemes sketched in Fig. 69; in (a) a resistance R
is inserted in the negative filament wire and the potential of point A is

thus lower in potential than the negative end of the filament by an amount
IfR, generally one volt or less, whereas in (6) a battery C is inserted in
series with the input circuit to properly lower the grid potential. In
case a careful adjustment of this potential is desired (generally not neces-

——J | | 000

C.i p.u it>

10 400

'i ill ■ 7
— H 200 2
■3. ;5 E »■ ,)<>( 0 E 1, =-.C
— J9

— ■fi 100

'oi <lu ■I; no.


4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Plate circuit reactance in 10 3 ohms
Fig. 66.—Variation of conductance and capacity of the input circuit of a large
tube as plate circuit reactance is varied.

sary) the grid may be connected to battery C through a suitable potenti

ometer connection.
The reason for maintaining the grid at a negative potential is evident
in looking at the input circuit conductance curves previously given ; sup
pose the conductance of the grid circuit is 10~5 mhos, and the signal being

received is 600 meters, the tuning condenser Ci (Fig. 68) being set at
200 nnf. A conductance of 10-5 mhos is equivalent to a shunt resistance

Fig. 67.—Conventional representation of part of a damped wave signal.

of 10s ohms around condenser C\, and this is approximately equivalent
(by Eq. (30) Chapter II) to a resistance of 25.4 ohms in series with Ci.
But such a large resistance would materi
ally interfere with the selectivity of the
receiving circuit, in fact would make it
practically useless if there was much in
terference; the resistance of the receiving
circuit itself would be only a few ohms,
perhaps five. Receiving
The characteristics of the tube being circuit
as shown in Fig. 70, the normal grid po
tential being Eoa, the question is how
much will the telephone current (Fig. 68) Fio. 68.—Connection scheme for
change during the time one of the wave using a three-electrode tube as
trains of Fig. 67 is actuating the grid. detector, without use of a con
By actually plotting the values of plate denser in series with the grid.
current for each grid potential we get the
curve of plate current shown by ip in Fig. 70, while the grid potential
is undergoing the changes indicated by the curve e„. The increase in
the average value of the plate cur
rent is indicated by the dotted line
in Fig. 70, and this average increase,
during the time the grid is being
excited by a wave train, is what
determines the response of the tele
phone diaphragm. Such a use of the
static characteristic of the tube is
permissible only if the receiving circuit
Fio. 69.—Two schemes for maintaining is so arranged that, as the signal is
the average potential lower than the received, the plate potential does not
lowest potential point of the filament, appreciably vary; this condition im
plies an external plate circuit of im
pedance which, compared to the internal plate resistance, is negligible
for the frequency of the signal.

The author arranged a tube circuit so that its input voltage and plate
current could be recorded on an oscillogram, when a damped sine wave
of about 100 cycles (having the general form of an actual wave train from
a highly damped spark station) was impressed on the input circuit; some
of the films obtained are presented herewith. In Fig. 71 are shown the
input voltage, plate current and telephone current when the grid was

Fig. 70.—Analysis of the action of the three-electrode tube as detector of damped wave
signals; assuming a certain variation in grid potential the resulting fluctuation in
plate current can be plotted from the plate current, grid potential curve of the tube.

made normally 2.5 volts negative with respect to the filament. A large
capacity condenser was shunted around the coil representing the tele
phone of an ordinary receiving set so that the " high-frequency " current
was not forced to flow through this coil. This condenser charged up
during the first part of the wave train more rapidly than it discharged
through the coil, so that its charge increased. Then as the wave train

was reduced to zero by damping, the fluctuations in plate current ceased

and the condenser continued to discharge through the coil; this action
caused the current through the coil to lag somewhat behind the wave
train impressed on the grid, as is evident from the film.
The signal used in getting this film, as well as those to follow, was much
stronger than an actual radio signal; the change in " telephone " current
in Fig. 71 is about 5 milliamperes, whereas actually a fairly strong radio
signal does not produce a change in the telephone current of more than
a few microamperes. Figs. 70 and 71 show the rectifying action of a tube
brought about by the
increase in plate cur
rent being greater than
the decrease; the grid
was put as such a
negative potential that
the tube was operating
well down on its char
acteristic about as in
dicated at A, Fig. 72.
The grid potential
was then made positive
sufficiently to rectify
by giving a greater de
crease then increase in
Grid 0 potential plate current ; Figs. 73,
Fid. 72.—Form of the plate current, grid potential curve 74, and 75 show the
of the tube used in getting the films of Figs. 71, 73, 74, 75. forms of potentials and
currents when putting
sufficient positives potentials on the grid to bring it to points B, C and D
(Fig. 72) respectively. It is to be noted in the film shown in Fig. 75
that at the highest positive grid potentials the plate current had actually
decreased; the amount of current taken by the grid was sufficient to
bring about a decrease in plate current. In each film the zero lines of
potential and currents are shown.
An elementary analysis shows the efficiency of a tube for the purpose
of detector, (i.e., its rectifying power) depends largely upon the radius
of curvature of the plate-current grid-potential characteristic. We put

With no signal lov =f(Eot) and when the signal voltage AEe is impressed
on the grid
I„+AI, =f(E„+AE,)

Then we have as an approximation

. _ dIP , AE„2 d2Ip
AI>=AE° dt+~t SB? •

If Alp is periodic the average value of the first term AE„ -j^r is zero so
that the average value of Alp becomes equal to the average value of
AE 2 d2I
—~ \. Now, if AE„ is a sine function of time of the form, E sin pt,
we have for the average value of the change in plate current
d2T 1 /*r K2 H2T
^^W'tW- ■ ■ ■ (12)

The increment in plate current therefore varies with the square of the
signal strength, a defect practically all rectifying devices have. At a
point of inflection of the Iv—Eg curve, -rfr-|=0 and the rectifying power
is lost. The increment in plate current will be negative or positive accord-
dl 2
ing to the sign of ^gr2> 8,8 illustrated in the foregoing films.
It might seem that the best point to operate on the plate current
curve is where the radius of curvature is greatest, but this is not quite so.
If z = radius of curvature,

Z~ dHp
so that

vhSz^L (i3)
dE/ z
It is evident that if the radius of curvature is not changing rapidly the
value of yir has importance in determining the rectifying power, the
greater the slope the greater is the rectifying action.
As shown in Figs. 71 and 74 there are two points where the detecting
power is about the same, one with negative grid and one with positive
grid {A and C of Fig. 72). The negative grid is to be preferred to the
positive, because of the high conductance of the input circuit with a posi
tive grid, and consequent excessive damping of the receiving circuit as
explained on p. 443.
The curve of Fig. 70 is obtained by maintaining plate voltage constant;
if there is a high resistance or reactance in scries with the B battery, the

effect is to straighten out the characteristic curve, and so decrease the

value of throughout the whole extent of the curve as shown by the
dotted line curve in Fig. 72. The reactance of a pair of phones, for radio
frequency current may be very high, hence the effect just mentioned
might exist; to eliminate it a condenser should be used in shunt with the
phones, thus furnishing a low impedance path for the high-frequency
current and so maintaining the plate voltage essentially constant as the
grid potential fluctuates. In Figs. 71, 73, 74, and 75, a condenser " by-pass "
around the phones was used, its impedance for the frequency used was
very much lower than that of the phones, so that practically all of the
high-frequency pulsations took place through the condenser, the telephone
current changing only as the average value of the plate current decreased.
Effect of Grid Condenser.—The average three-electrode tube will
give better rectifying action if the curva
ture of the 1,— E, curve is used instead of
that of the Iv—E„ curve. The use of a
suitable condenser in series with the grid
enables us to utilize the curvature of the
grid current curve; the ordinary connec
tion is shown in Fig. 76, the resistance R
being about one megohm for the average
tube. It is called the " leak " resistance FlG- 76.-Arrangement of three-
, ., . .. , . . , . . electrode tube for detection by
and its function will be explained shortly. uge of a condenser in ^ with
The potential of the grid (when no signal tne grid.
is coming in) depends upon the value of
the leak resistance, the form of the 1,— E, curve, and upon the potential
of the point to which the ground end of R is connected.
The form of the It—E, curve for two typical detecting tubes is shown
in Figs. 77 and 78; the curves are shown for comparatively large change
in the grid potential, much larger than ever occurs when the tube is being
used. Such tubes as those used in getting the curves of Figs. 77 and 78
would give a readable signal in the telephones with a change of grid poten
tial of perhaps 0.03 volt. As would naturally be supposed, the free grid
potential is that for which the grid current becomes zero in the graphs;
when free the grid potential will decrease to such a potential that no more
electrons tend to accumulate on it.
When using such tubes in the connection scheme shown in Fig. 76 the
first point to be examined is the potential at which the grid will set itself
when no signal is being impressed on the grid. It is common practice to
connect the end of resistance R to the positive end of the filament, and
we will so assume it in finding the normal grid potential. In Fig. 79 is
shown the grid current (with enlarged scale for Ie); it is supposed that

the IR drop in the filament is 2 volts. The straight line AB is drawn

through the point Eg = +2 and at an angle such that cot 4> = R. The
point C, where this line intersects the lg—E, curve, fixes the normal
grid potential Eog. This follows from the fact that whatever current
flows to the grid must return to the filament (positive end) through the
resistance R and so cause in this a drop of IgR; furthermore this drop,
added to the normal grid potential Eog, must give a voltage equal to
+2 volts, the potential of the positive end of the filament.

10 00 —

y 00

—8 DO T
a D0«i

5 JO V 1
£] (- .10
i >h

3 00
2 oo
e x 10
e — 1 00

—1.0 -.8 -.6 -4 —.2 0 +.2 +.4 +6 +.8 +1.0 +1.2 +1.4 +-1.6
Grid potential
Fig. 77.—Plate current and grid current curves for a VTl detector tube.

If the leak resistance is 106 ohms cot <t> must be 106 when the scales
of potentials and currents are in corresponding units as, e.g., volts and
amperes. As the scale of current in Fig. 79 is 10s smaller than that of
potential, the angle 4> in this diagram is so drawn that cot 0 = 10. If
a leak resistance of only 5 X 105 ohms were used, the normal value of grid
potential E„ would be as shown at C", obtained by making cot <f>=5.
When an alternating e.m.f. is now impressed on this input circuit,
the grid will start to fluctuate about its normal value of potential, E0<l;

its potential will be increased and decreased from the value Eog equally
for the first cycle. Due to the form of the Ie—Es curve, however, the
increase in current, when the impressed e.m.f. is positive is greater than
the decrease in current when the impressed e.m.f. goes negative, and this
rectifying action tends to increase the number of electrons accumulated
on that side to the condenser C (Fig. 76) , which is connected to the grid.
But this accumulation of electrons must depress the potential of the grid

10 i)0

—9 JO

—8 00 h,

■j D0-<
1 VT 1
E ■a
t> DO r1 .10

.j DO
— a / —

\ 11
■i 00


-1.0 -.8 -.8 -.K -.2 0 +.2 +.4 +.6 +.8 +1.0 +1.2 +1.4. 41.6
Grid potential
Fig. 78.—Curves similar to those of Fig. 77 for a supposedly identical tube.

below its normal value, and so cause a decrease in the plate current. The
amount of this decrease in plate current for a given alternating e.m.f.
impressed on the input circuit, is a measure of the efficiency of the tube
as a detector, so we shall investigate this point more fully.
Before starting this analysis it is well to point out that whereas a tube
may detect by either an increase or decrease in plate current when no
grid condenser is used, with the grid condenser a signal always produces
a decrease in plate current, never an increase.
At the end of the wave train the grid condenser C (Fig. 76) will be

charged (negatively on the side connected to the grid) and this charge
must leak off before the next wave train arrives, otherwise the tube will
not respond to a signal as well as it should. The time taken for the


V :ur e

g C >t<t = r
th VSti rd "or -C.l
C >tip '.F

~- H
+ hF
-.4 -2 .0 +.2 t.4 +.6 +.8 +1.0 *2 +.4 +.6 +8 +2.0
Grid potential
Fig. 79.—A diagram for determining the normal grid potential of a tube connected as in
Fig. 76 ; the leak resistance is supposed connected to the positive end of the filament
and the IR drop in the filament is assumed as 2 volts.

charge to leak off from C depends upon the magnitude of C and

the leak resistance R, in fact, can be calculated directly from
these two quantities. In a time equal to RC, 63 per cent of the
charge will have leaked off;
Ao- if the tube is to operate effi
ciently as a detector therefore
the product RC must be small
compared to the time between
C the successive wave trains of
the signal.
On the other hand, C must
BO- be as large as feasible and
Fig. 80.—A circuit equivalent to the input circuit R also must be large, other
of a detector tube; C represents the effective wise a large fraction of the
capacity of the input circuit and 1 /r represents
the conductance of the input circuit. These signal voltage will be used up
quantities for different tubes were shown in in C, and thus be of no service
Figs. 59-66. in producing sound in the
telephones. The input cir
cuit of Fig. 76 may be represented as in Fig. 80; C is the external con
denser used in series with the grid, C is the capacity of grid-to-ground

inside the tube and r is the leakage inside the tube itself. The values
of C and - (tube conductance) for various tubes were given in Figs. 59-
66; the impedance between D and B, Fig. 80, is therefore calculable
when R is given. Designating this impedance by Zt, we then find that the
voltage impressed on the grid of the tube is equal to the input voltage
(across points A-B, Fig. 80) multiplied by the fraction —- the
addition and division being carried out vectorially.
In addition to the features just analyzed we must remember that the
impedance between points A-B is to be kept high as this input circuit
is connected directly across the tuning condenser of the receiving set.
With the detecting tubes commonly used (characteristics about like tube
No. 1, page 432) it seems that C =5X10-'° and R = 106 give the best results.
For tubes having smaller internal capacity lower values of C and higher
values of R are better suited; thus the detecting tube shown at J, Fig.
21, is generally used with C=4X10-10 and fl=4Xl06.
Analysis of Detector Action with Grid Condenser.—Let the voltage
between the grid and the negative end of the filament (which we call
zero potential) be a, then
I„R+E„ = a (14)
where Iog and E0, are the normal values of grid current and potential
respectively, when no signal is being impressed.
When a signal is impressed on the input circuit, the grid is acted upon
by a voltage E sin pt; the grid current will pulsate in value about its
normal value, but owing to the form of the Ig—E, curve the increase in
grid current is greater than the decrease, so that there is an average increase
E2 d2I
in the grid current which is equal to as was previously proved for
the plate current—see Eq. (12). This increase in grid current must pass
through the resistance R, so that the equation for grid potential when
the signal is being impressed is,
I\R+~ fgiH+E',=a (15)

Also we have E'„, being the new average value of grid potential when
signal is being impressed on the grid, and /'„ corresponding to E't (see
Fig. 81),
1/' g - J —\F
— l00 l±Ug ^ ,
so that from Eqs. (14) and (15), we may get the relation,
dh\ „ . E2 d2I
AE'dt)R+T dE? *+p.-b--'-*-o-

By combining terms, we get

Imr-AE.^R+% gjB-AH.-I.B-0,

AJ? /, , p dl,\ E2 d2I,

So that
jfk <•«)

Grid potential
Fig. 81.—Change in grid potential due to the increased drop in the leak resistance when
a signal is impressed on the tube.
If II is small compared to -~, this simplifies to
(XI g
The decrease in plate current caused by this, drop in grid potential
depends upon the shape of the Iv—E, curve, or ^=r. The real measure of
the detecting efficiency of a tube is therefore,
dlv E2 dE2 dl.
AI,=AE, (18)
dE, 4 dl, dE,'

It must be remembered that E is not the voltage impressed upon the

input circuit (i.e., the signal voltage) but something less due to the drop



Dcte •to r tube A
400 20 1,-1.10
200 20'o
I, *ja
100 10 t

0 - -1 i 1 1 +1 +2 +i +1 +j
C Iri( [til 1




400 l)<l>-< or till e B

300 ,= 2 ) V l.H

SuO 'I,
100 10 ur
0 +.1 +.2 +.3 1 +. +. i f 7 + B +.9 + 1 0
Grid Potential
Fia. 82.—Characteristic curves of two detector tubes. Using Eq. (18) it is found that to
change the average plate current by one microampere requires a signal voltage of
.059 volt for tube A and .052 volt for tube B. Without grid condensers the tubes
require about three times as much grid voltage for the same change in plate current.

in the grid condenser. The solution in Eq. (18) supposes the signal has
persisted long enough for the steady state to be reached ; if a damped sine

wave is impressed, the detection efficiency will depend upon the decre
ment, size of grid condenser, etc., as analyzed on p. 401. The solution
obtained in (18) also neglects the difference in value of . | at the two
grid voltages E00 and E'e.

- 1
w Bh ut Brid e OIK. en ■ex
til 8 t ibt re !tl leu very
w •11 or tin ;u Ju tment 2
ol I'll ■ve i A -A': lio : sc w •11
10 t'l rvi ■ E -B 30

Po litivo •in ofj ilia tat ui

lor 1 r mmioi conn ■ct OB
0 Plate cu rre it •
X Q -ill i- ii i r^i i t — /b =
— / I
■- 0.6 Ml p. —
E ' ~ 2.0 loi CU rv\ s ; >-A A

E n = 1.3 fn CU rv< ) fi-E a

■r A

2 1


•6 .4 .3
.1 0.2 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5
Gr iil potential
Fio. 83.—Even with very low plate voltage and filament, current some tubes detect
very well; with half normal filament current and a plate potential cf only 1 or
2 volts this oxide coated tab;; requires only about .3 volt signal to give one micro
ampere change in plate current.
In Fig. 82 are shown the grid and plate currents of two detecting tubes
such as were used by the Signal Corps. If no grid condenser were used
with these tubes we find (using Eq. (12)) that to produce an increase

of 1 microampere in the average value of the plate current requires an

alternating voltage of 0.15 volt on the grid for tube A and 0.19 volt for
tube B. These values were calculated on the assumption that the nor
mal grid potential is zero, which means that the input circuit is connected
to the negative end of the filament.
If the grid condenser were used with these tubes, having leak resist
ances of 1 megohm, these leaks being connected to the positive end of
the filaments, the normal grid potentials would lw as indicated by the
large circles on the Ie— E„ curves of Fig. 82. Lsing Eq. (18) we find that,

1 B 0 6
Grid |>o(cuUul
Fio. 84.—With low plate voltages it makes a great deal of tlillerence whether the grid
is connected to the positive or negative end of the filament ; platu current indicated
by circles and grid current by crosses.

to produce a decrease in the plate current of 1 microampere for tube

A requires an alternating voltage on the grid of 0.059 volt and for
tube B it requires 0.052 volt. Both of these tubes would therefore be
much better detectors with grid condensers than without them, and such
was found true experimentally.
An oxide-coated filament tube designed for 1.1 ampere in the filament
and 20 volts on the plate served quite well as a detector with only 0.6
ampere filament current and 1 to 3 volts on the plate. With the posi
tive end of the filament forming the common connection (instead of nega

tive end) curves of /„ and Ip were obtained as in Fig. 83. With no grid
condenser and £=2.6 volts, the detecting action was much better than
might be expected with filament current and plate voltage so far away
from their rated values. By Eq. (12) for curves A an input voltage of
0.28 is required to give a charge of 1 microampere in the average value
of the plate current and for curves B a voltage of 0.34 was required.
In Fig. 84 is shown the great difference in the form and magnitude
of In and Tv when the junction of grid-filament circuit is changed from the

-H -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +13 +li

Grid potential
Fio. 85.—Peculiar characteristics of an old Deforest audion detector; such a tube
detects in very erratic fashion, probably due to the considerable amount of gas left
in the tube.

negative end of the filament to the positive end; the difference is very
much exaggerated here because of the low value of the voltage of the
battery in the plate circuit.
In Fig. 85 are shown the characteristics of an old Deforest detecting
bulb, the filament being at the rated value for this type of bulb. It will
be readily appreciated that such a tube would act peculiarly as different
adjustments were made. Thus with a plate voltage between 30 and
50 the tube would not detect, with or without grid condenser. With

20 volts in the plate the tube gave very good detection with or without
grid condenser; with ten volts on the plate the tube gave fair detection
with grid condenser and none at all without grid condenser.
Effect of Frequency and Decrement of Signal.—The previous analyses
have not taken into account the amount of electricity available for charg
ing condenser C; only relative reactances, etc., have been considered.
But it is evident that if the condenser is to be charged the grid current
must supply the electrons required, and it maybe that the current is not
sufficiently large to do this, in the short time the signal is impressed.
Suppose the signal voltage has the form shown in Fig. 86; it reaches
its maximum in three cy
cles and then rapidly de
creases. If possible the
grid condenser C should be
charged up to a potential
fixed by the maximum
value of this signal. To Fig. 86.—In analyzing the effect of the decrement of
make the problem simple the signal on the detecting action we assume the
we will suppose the ampli first three cycles of a wave-train have the same
tude of the voltage to have amplitude, the maximum value of the signal voltage.
its maximum value during
the first three cycles and examine the possibility of the condenser C
having reached the value of potential fixed by Eq. (16).
If the condenser is to have its potential changed by AE, the required
quantity of electricity is (&E,XC). The current available for charging
E2 d2L
the condenser is (very nearly) — ^ 2 and for three cycles this makes
3TE2 d2I,
available a quantity of electricity q - —^— ■ Now if is negligible
compared to we get from Eq. (16)
E2 d2I° dE>
' ~ 4 dE,2 dl,'
So, as q = CAE, we may put
E2 d2Ig dE, 3TE2 d2I,
4 dE, dl. " 4 dE,2'
from which we conclude that the largest condenser which can be used, and
still be fully charged, is fixed by the relation C = 3 T

If -^ = 5X10~6 (which is about the value obtained from Fig. 78, when
E» is — 0.6 volt) and T is 2 X 10-6 (which is the period of a 600-meter wave),

the maximum value of capacity should be 10X10-12 farads. But such a

low value for C would result in a very small fraction of the signal voltage
being impressed on the grid, so that a much larger condenser must be used
and the value of must be made larger.
By using a lower value for the leak resistance, R, the normal grid
potential Ey, may be made higher, which will result in a higher value of
jlr; in Fig. 78 when Eg, = 0, ^jr = 15 X 10-6. If the decrement of the sig-
nal is low, we may allow more than three cycles for the condenser to charge
without greatly decreasing &Et) because the amplitude of signal voltage
will still be nearly its maximum value.

Fig. 88.—By increasing the value of the grid leak the form of the plate current curve
may be changed; in this film all conditions were the same as those of Fig. 87 except
the value of the grid leak resistance had been approximately trebled.

From the foregoing discussion it is evident that the predetermination

of the best value for C is somewhat involved; moreover it will be found
experimentally that C may be varied over a wide range without appreci
ably changing the efficiency of the tube as a detector, probably due to
compensation among the different effects just mentioned. A large C
will not charge completely, e.g., but it will permit a greater fraction of
the input voltage to act on the grid than would a smaller one which would
charge more completely.
The action of the tube as detector with grid condenser is well shown
in Fig. 87, a film taken by the author in 1914. In the upper part of the
figure is shown the input voltage; the second curve shows the plate cur
rent, having pulsations of the same frequency as the signal voltage, but
having also a large average decrease due to the grid condenser becoming

charged; the " telephones " (in this case a coil of high inductance) were
shunted by a large capacity so that the " high-frequency " fluctuations
in plate current did not pass through them, but the low-frequency change
in plate current did pass through them, giving a current of the form
By increasing the value of the leak resistance about three times the
time required for the grid condenser to discharge was increased and so
the plate current was held at its lowered value for a longer interval of
time; the currents then had the forms shown in Fig. 88.

Voltage impressed on grid


Fia. 89.—This diagram shows in (6) a correct representation of the grid potential when
signal (a) is impressed and in (c) an incorrect representation. The average
potential of the grid will not be further depressed unless during the previous cycle
the grid is forced to a potential higher than its "free" potential.

It is to be noted that the mean potential of the grid can be no longer

depressed when the fluctuations in grid potential due to the signal do
not carry it to a potential more positive than its free potential. Unless
its potential exceeds the free potential it will not attract any excess elec
trons (i.e., more than it attracts when no signal is coming in) and hence
cannot depress the average potential of the grid. In this respect many
writers have shown the action of the three-electrode tube incorrectly;
in Fig. 89 curve (a) shows the voltage impressed on the grid due to the
signal and in (6) is shown correctly the resulting grid potential, the aver
age potential being shown by the dotted line. After the third cycle the

signal voltage is not of sufficient magnitude to carry the grid potential

higher than its free value; after this time, therefore, the average grid
potential must rise due to. the accumulated charge escaping through the
leak resistance.
In curve (c) is shown the grid potential as frequently given in texts;
the average potential is shown as decreasing further even when, during
the previous cycle, the grid potential did not rise as high as its " free "
value; this illustration is incorrect.
The term " accumulative amplification " has been used in describing
the action of a tube with grid condenser, but it is to be noticed that there
is no true amplification; the grid potential is in no case depressed by
an amount in excess of the amplitude of the signal e.m.f., as it is when real
amplification is used.
Measurement of Detecting Efficiency of a Three-electrode Tube.—
It is possible to experimentally determine the detection coefficient of a
tube by such a scheme as that originated by Van der Bijl;1 in his treat
ment it is shown that the strength of signal given by the telephone varies
as the fourth power of the voltage impressed on the grid. This follows
at once also from Eq. (12), page 450, in which it is shown that the incre
ment of plate current varies with the square of the voltage impressed
on the grid; as the amount of noise given off from the telephone varies
with the square of the current through it, it is evident that the noise
varies with the fourth power of the grid voltage.
Using a receiver which required 3X10-12 watts input to produce the
" least audible signal " Van der Bijl found that the ordinary detector
tube (without a condenser in series with the grid, depending only on
shape of plate current curve for rectification) required a signal voltage
of 0.025. Unless some very radical change is made in either telephone
receiver or detecting tube, it may be assumed that, for a readable signal,
it is necessary to impress on the grid of a detector a voltage (high frequency)
of between .01 volt and .05 volt.
Requirements for a Good Detecting Tube.—Besides the necessary
mechanical features of ruggedness, ease of duplication, long life, etc.,
there are certain electrical features which should be embodied in a good
detecting tube. The present forms of detecting tubes use altogether
too much power in heating the filament, and more voltage in the plate
than should be required. The excessive power used in the filament has
two disadvantages; the filament battery required is much larger than
necessary and there is altogether too much emission from the filament.
A power consumption in the filament of less than one watt is feasible,
and the emission should not be more than about 100 microamperes, the
■H. J. Van der Bijl, " On the Detecting Efficiency of the Thermionic Detector,"
Proc. I.R.E., Dec., 1919.

plate voltage being ten or less. Such a tube would probably have an
alternating-current resistance in the plate circuit of perhaps 10s ohms, so
the telephones could not be efficiently introduced directly in the plate
circuit; a step-down transformer or another low impedance tube would
be required to supply the telephones.
The advantages of using a tube with comparatively low emission from
the filament come from its limitation on the strength of disturbances
which may occur. Atmospheric disturbances constitute the present limit
ing condition of radio; irregular cracks and hisses are produced in the
phones, perhaps hundreds of times louder than the signal and so make
the signal unreadable. If these disturbances can be limited in strength,

Grid potential Grid potential

Fig. 90.—A detector tube having the characteristic shown in (6) is preferable to the one
shown in (a) because of the lesser effect of static interference in one than in the

so that they are not more than five or ten times the signal strength, a
good operator will read right through them; with the present tubes these
disturbances may be thousands of times as strong as the signal. Graph
(a) of Fig. 90 illustrates the present detector tube; normal plate current
may be 500-1000 microamperes and the total emission may be 5000
microamperes. A strong signal (such as an atmospheric pulse) may
decrease the plate current to zero or increase it to 5000 microamperes,
whereas the signal is probably not changing it by more than one Or two
microamperes. The effect of strong disturbing noises such as static is
to deafen the operator's ear for the weaker signal.
If the tube used for detector has the characteristic shown in graph
b of Fig. 90, the effect of stronger pulses of e.m.f. impressed on the grid
is much less; the saturation current of the tube does not permit a large
increase of plate current, no matter how high a positive potential may

be impressed on the grid and the reduction of the plate current to zero
by a negative potential in the grid cannot produce as great a disturbing
noise as for the other tube, because the normal plate current for tube
(6) is only 1/20 as much as it is for tube (a).
A tube having the characteristic shown in (6) would probably not
be as efficient a detector as tube (a), but this defect would be remedied
by a suitable amplification. Another advantage of tube (£>) would be
its comparatively small internal capacity, because its parts could be much
smaller than the present detecting tube; the feature above would make
the smaller tube preferable, because the capacity of the input circuit
of a tube is a serious factor in the design of amplifiers, especially those
used for amplifying high-frequency currents.
The Three-electrode Tube as a Source of Alternating Current. Gen
eral Field of Application.—A three-electrode tube, if connected to a cir
cuit having a natural period of oscillation, will, if certain conditions are
satisfied, generate alternating-current
power of the frequency fixed by the L
and C of the circuio to which it is con
nected. The action is nearly analogous
to that of a violin bow; although the
force and velocity of the bow are essen
tially constant the peculiar friction
between the bow and string enables
the string to absorb more power from
the bow when string and bow are mov
ing in the same direction than is given
back to the bow by the string when the
motions of bow and string are in oppo
site direction. If the frictional force Velocity
between string and bow is plotted as Fia. 91.—Frictional force between a
a function of the relative velocity of violin string and bow, as a function
of their relative velocities, the great
the two, the graph will have the form er the difference in their velocities
given in Fig. 91 ; curve (a) is for the the less is the frictional force be
bow without resin and curve (b) shows tween them. Putting resin on the
the change in this friction after resin bow changes curve a to curve b.
has been put on the bow.
The muscles of the arm actuating the bow constitute a source of con
tinuous power; it is obviously impossible for an arm muscle to supply
(directly) power to a string vibrating 1000 times a second. The arm
supplies energy to the bow at an essentially constant rate, the reactions
between the bow and string serve to utilize this power to maintain the
string in a state of rapid vibration.
The system which drives the balance wheel of a watch is also some-

what analogous; the mainspring furnishes power by a continuous force,

but the escapement system serves to feed energy into the moving balance
wheel in such a way as to maintain it in a state of oscillation, the period
being fixed by the mass of the wheel and stiffness of the hairspring.
It is to be noted that neither the balance wheel nor violin string will
vibrate if the damping of the oscillating member is too high ; if too much
friction occurs in the bearings of the balance wheel the watch will stop.
The same effect exists in the oscillating tube circuits to be described later.
The efficiency of the three-electrode tube as a generator of alternating
current power is normally rather low; in small tubes such as used for aero
plane telephony the circuits are generally arranged to give an efficiency 1
of about 25 per cent, and in the larger tubes to get an output of 150 watts
requires an input of about 300 watts. In a later section of this Chapter
the efficiency of a tube is discussed and analyzed in detail. In spite of
its rather low efficiency it will probably be always used when a small
amount of power is desired at a frequency of 100 kilocycles or more,
because there is no other simple method of generating power at these
frequencies. The Poulsen arc is at present a better method of generating
high-frequency power when many kilowatts of power are required and the
frequency is not too high, say not over 400 kilocycles. For frequencies
greater than this the vacuum tube has no competitor as a generator, and
for small amounts of power the frequency of which is preferably variable,
the vacuum tube is probably better than any other device, no matter
what this frequency may be.
There are two general fields in which the oscillating vacuum tube
is used in radio, as a source of high-frequency power for a continuous-
wave transmitting station, and as a necessary part of any station receiving
continuous-wave signals, by means of the heterodyne or " beat " method.
It has been used as a source of power for transmitting up to several
kilowatts of high-frequency output, but its application in such instal
lations at present is of doubtful utility; unless the frequency desired is
above the possible limits of a high-frequency alternator, it seems that
a machine is preferable because of the high expenses for tubes and their
short life compared to that of a machine. It seems quite likely, however,
that new developments in high-power vacuum tubes will soon make
them superior to any other type of high-frequency apparatus.
When used as part of a continuous-wave receiving set the oscillating
tube is required to generate but a very small fraction of a watt and the
smallest type of detecting tube will suffice.
For general laboratory use the small oscillating vacuum tube should
'In speaking of the efficiency of an electron tube the " input" does not ordinarily
include the power necessary for heating the filament; it is the power supplied in the
plate circuit only.

prove of great service, as a source of a few watts of alternating-current

power for bridge measurements of frequency adjustable to any degree
desired; as a source of complex alternating-current forms, from which
exact octaves are obtainable; in combination with a suitable sound
generator, such as piezo electric crystal or untuned telephone receiver,
it is invaluable in a laboratory for measurements on sound.
Elementary Analysis of the Operation of a Three-electrode Tube
or Generator of Alternating-current Power.—The three-electrode tube
may be used as a self-exciting device or the power required to excite its
grid circuit may come from some other source. This scheme is often
used when it is desired to get maximum possible power from several
tubes, operating in parallel. Their input circuits (grid-filament) arc all
connected in parallel and excited from some other, self-exciting, vacuum-
tube circuit, the power capacity of which may be small compared to that
of the tubes excited.
The operation of the separately excited tube is extremely simple; if
an alternating voltage is applied on the input circuit, the plate current,
which is fixed by Eq. (5),
must rise and fall as this grid o-
potential alternately increas
es and decreases. The sim
plest circuit to be considered
for using the alternating-
current power generated in
the plate circuit is that
shown in Fig. 92; a choke
coil L is put in series with
the machine M, furnishing
the plate circuit voltage, the
value of L being large enough
so that its reactance is large Fig. 92.—Circuit diagram of a tube to be used for
compared to the alternating generating alternating-current power; the output
current resistance Rp of the circuit indicated in dotted lines is shunted around
plate-filament circuit. Shunt the choke coil L.
ing this choke coil is the out
put circuit or load circuit of the tube; it consists of a condenser C, having
a reactance, the magnitude of which is small compared to Rp, in series
with a resistance R of about the same value as RP. A condenser C\
shunts the machine M to make the reactance of this part of the circuit
negligible compared to R.
With the conditions named (large L, C, and Ci), the external impe
dance of the plate circuit will consist of R only. As the voltage of the grid
goes alternately positive and negative the plate current will fluctuate

about its normal value, I„p, and the plate voltage will also fluctuate
about its normal value, Eop. The actual plate current may be considered
as made up of the constant value Iop which flows through L, and does
not appreciably vary as Es is varied, and an alternating component Ip,
which flows in the plate circuit by the path C, R, C\. The plate voltage
similarly will be considered as made up of a constant term Eep on which
is superimposed the alternating voltage Ep; at any instant the actual
plate voltage will be equal to Eb — iPR, where i, is the instantaneous

Fig. S3.—Theoretical curves of voltages and currents in a tube; actually the plat*
voltage does not go through such wide variations.

value of Ip. As the magnitude of E„ is increased the maximum value

of Ip increases until it is practically equal to /<,„. Under this condition,
the actual current through the plate will fluctuate between 2 Iop and zero
and the value of plate voltage will fluctuate between 2 En and zero if
i? is chosen of proper value. (Actually this amount of current and volt
age fluctuation is not reached; the values named are limiting values.)
The characteristic curves are shown in Fig. 93.
If the excitation is still further increased and the circuit L, C, R, is
properly adjusted, the forms of Ep and Ip may be made to differ very

materially from the sinusoidal forms here shown. It is, however, dif
ficult to write the theory of the various circuits for any but sinusoidal
functions, and we shall assume that Ip and Ep are such, unless specific
mention is made to the contrary. We shall call the oscillations normal
when Ip is sinusoidal or approximately so, that is for (/„) max — Or <C 1 op.
Output, Efficiency and Internal Losses, for Normal Oscillation.—
The effect of the load resistance R on the output of a tube could be pre
dicted by noticing that the alternating current IP really flows through
R and the tube resistance, RP, in series; as R is decreased Ip increases,
just as the load current from any alternator increases when the resistance
of its load circuit is decreased. The voltage Eg impressed on the grid
circuit generates in the plate circuit an alternating current through Rp
and R in series.
If sufficient excitation is supplied to the grid circuit to force the actual
plate current to vary between zero and 2I0P, the maximum value of the
alternating current, Im, though R and Rp (in series) is Iop. The alternating
current power delivered to the external circuit is

p»=¥*-Ki^)2* (19)

Emo being the maximum value of the voltage impressed on the grid.
If now R = Rp, we have,

P^^2 (20)

The generated voltage, noE„, is used up in overcoming the two drops

IpRp and IPR, so we have,
ImPRp-\-ImpR =HoEmg,
and if R„ = R,
2ImpR =fioEm3.
But the maximum possible value of the drop across R is Eop; we there
fore have noEme = 2Eop. Hence from Eq. (20), we get,
p _ 4E0P2 _ Eop2 _ Eop. j r>\_Eopj p _EopI0p . .
"~ 8R ~ 2R ~2R[mp >~ 2R1<">tt—Y~' ' ■

But the input to the plate circuit is Eovlop, the value of which we assume,
is independent of the magnitude of the external resistance R. It there
fore follows that a separately excited tube having sinusoidal variations in
the plate current has a maximum efficiency of 50 per cent, and that this occurs
for the same condition as gives maximum output, i.e., R = Rp.
This theoretical limit of efficiency is never reached, because the plate
current cannot be made to execute harmonic changes and still be forced

to zero value. The reason for this is the variation in no when the plate
voltage becomes very small and the grid voltage large (in positive value) ;
neither does mo hold constant when the plate voltage is very high and with
a high negative potential on the grid.
Of course the efficiency factor of 50 per cent neglects the losses in the
grid, or exciting circuit, which really should be charged up to the tube,
and also the power required to heat the filament. These two factors
very materially reduce the possible efficiency of the tube as a generator.
As mentioned above, this limiting figure of 50 per cent for efficiency
holds only for sinusoidal plate current ; it is possible to so operate the tube
that the plate current is much distorted and at the same time the effi
ciency is increased to perhaps 85 per cent or more. This case w ill be taken
up later in this chapter.
A large-power tube was connected as indicated in Fig. 92 and the
effect of variation in R was noted. The grid excitation E„ was kept
sufficiently low so that the tube was not being worked near its limiting
output for any value of R used.
The results are given in Fig. 94, and serve well to show how the power
output varies with the resistance of the load circuit; the magnitude of
the alternating current generated by the tube is also shown on the
curve sheet. It is apparent that this tube should be used with
a load circuit resistance close to 1000 ohms if maximum power is to be
The effect of continued operation on the characteristics of the tube
is shown by the dotted curve; it shows the output (for exactly the same
conditions as were used for the solid curve) after the tube had been oper
ating for twenty minutes. The temperature of the filament depends not
only on the filament current, but also on the temperature of the plates;
the hotter the plates the higher will be the filament temperature for a
given filament current, and of course the more will be the emission of
For the lower values of R (less than 500 ohms) it will be noticed that
the alt ernating current exceeds 0.707 of the current supplied by the machine
in the plate circuit; with sinusoidal current in the load circuit this con
dition could not occur; it must therefore be that the current in the load
circuit was distorted in form when the lower values of load circuit resist
ance were used.
The curves do not show faithfully the characteristics of the tube as
a generator for the higher values of the load circuit resistance becaiise
the choke coil used in the plate current circuit had an impedance of only
8000 ohms, so that the supply current was far from constant for the higher
values of R. This supply circuit acted as a partial short circuit for the
load circuit, more so as R increased in value.

Heating of the Plates of a Tube.—The safe limit of operation of a

power tube is fixed by the allowable heating of the plates; with no oscil
lations taking place (no excitation of input circuit) the total power delivered
by the plate circuit battery or generator must be used in heating the
plate, the resistance of the choke coil L (Fig. 92) being negligible. When
the tube is oscillating to the extent indicated by the curves of Fig. 93,
one-half the input Ebl„p is delivered to the output circuit R, hence only
one-half of Ebl0p is used in heating the plates, whereas if the excitation is
removed the heating of the plates is given by Ebhp. If, therefore, a tube is


r — —
/ /> -
E■-- —
c= r JW ■r

= Cun en I ii ik ..1 eir t •m re

10 - —*;

0 1000 M 3000 -WOO

Resistance of load circuit
Fig. 94.—Variation in output of a power tube as the resistance in the load circuit is
varied grid excitation remaining constant; circuit connected as shown in Fig. 92.

rated as 250 watts on the plate, the product Ebhp must not exceed 250
when the tube is not oscillating, but if the tube is generating alternating-
current power, and conditions are adjusted for maximum output (sinu
soidal variations of I„ assumed) the input, Ebhp, may be safely increased
to practically double the rating, or 500 watts.
Another way of obtaining the amount of power used on the plate is
to write the expression for E'VI'V from Fig. 92 (where E'v and V v are
the voltage between plate and filament, and current through tube, respect
ively) and find its average value. It is
1 CT
Power expended on olates = ^ J E'pl'pdt. Now as Ev and Ip are 180°

out of phase (high-plate voltage occurring at the same instant as low-plate


current occurs), we have for the power used on the plates (where £'yand
I'P are fluctuating as much as shown in Fig. 93),
Power = ^ I (E0+EB sin pt) (/<,+/op sin {pl-\-ir))di

= EJ0P-~j'J(El,I0P sin2 pt)dt

= EJop-^' "(l-S^Wjdt = ^/op_ i^/^ = . (21)

If the circuit is not adjusted to give maximum output the proportion of

the input power which is used in heating the plates is increased, so tie
input power must be reduced if safe rating of the plates is not to be
exceeded. The input can in general be cut down by decreasing either
the filament current or plate voltage, or by introducing a suitable battery
or other device into the grid circuit so as to lower its normal potential.
Phase Relations of Voltages and Current in a Vacuum-tube Gener
ator.—We have previously mentioned the fact that there is no appreci
able lag or lead of the electron current in a vacuum tube with regard
to the electric field causing the current to flow; this is true for the highest
frequencies ever generated by vacuum-tube circuits. As the electric field
is produced by both the plate and grid acting together we have the funda
mental fact expressed by Eq. (5), which holds for the instantaneous
value of the current as well as for the steady state. If then eP designates
the instantaneous value of the alternating component of the plate voltage.
e,, the same for the grid voltage and ip is the instantaneous value of the
alternating component of the plate current (grid current to be neglected
in this discussion) we have,
ip = A{ep+noea) (22)
This equation holds true only if the value of (eP-{-noee) is sufficiently
low to produce sinusoidal values of ip; under this condition it is evident
that the constant, A, is the reciprocal of the alternating-current plate
circuit resistance, which we have previously called RP. The value of this
Rp will depend upon the constant values of plate and grid potentials,
E0p and Eog, increasing with a decrease of either of them.
If the external impedance in the plate circuit is R, as in Fig. 92.
ep = — ipR, the minus sign arising from the condition that plate current
greater than normal (I'V>I0V, or i„ positive) causes a plate voltage less
than normal (E'p<Eop or ep negative). Using this relation in Eq. 22 and
substituting for A, we get,

ipRp= —ipR+noe,,, (23)


from which we get,

' Mo '
or in effective values
In this case the grid voltage and plate current are exactly in phase
with one another and the required value of grid excitation, for a certain
magnitude of Ip, is at once calculable from Eq. (24). The plate voltage
ep is equal to — ipR and so is exactly 180° out of phase with the grid, or
exciting voltage. The vector diagram is shown in Fig. 95; it will be
noticed that noE„ must be greater than EP by an amount equal to IPRV.

IpRp IpR
. A a/ A
* 0 ^

Fig. 95. Fro. 96.

Fig. 95.—Phase relations of voltages in the tube circuit of Fig. 92, the load circuit
being resistive only.
Fig. 96.—Phase relations of voltages in the tube circuit of Fig. 92, the load circuit
having resistance and inductive reactance.
In case an inductive reactance is used in the plate circuit, we have
the relation ep = —ip(R+jpL) and this relation used in Eq. (22) gives
or in effective values
Eg = Ip (25)
The vector construction for this case is shown in Fig. 96; the various
phase relations will evidently depend upon the ratio and upon the rela
tion between Rp and R. In case the reactance-resistance ratio of the
coil used in the plate circuit is high (an efficient coil) the voltage EP will
lag behind the plate current Ip by practically 90°, but the grid voltage
cannot lead the plate current by such a large angle; even if the resistance

of the coil in the plate circuit is negligible the angle of lead of E, with
respect to is fixed by the angle whose tangent is
In case the reactance in the plate circuit is large and negative
(which would be the case in
Fig. 92 if C is decreased so that
X its reactance is appreciable) the
phase relations are as shown in
Fig. 97; the plate current now
0 leads the exciting voltage E,
\ V \ and lags bohind the plate volt
age Ep, by some angle between
\V \\ 90° and 180°.
The grid voltage required
to produce a certain current,
Fig. 97.—Phase relations of voltages in the Ip, through the condenser C,
tube circuit of Fig. 92, the load circuit hav shunting the choke coil in the
ing resistance and capacitive reactance. plate circuit, is given by the

If there is power used in the circuit through which IP flows, it must
be taken care of by a suitable resistance in series with C; Eq. (26) must
then have its resistance term increased by the value of the equivalent
series resistance.
In Figs. 98, 99, and 100 are shown oscillographic .proofs of the fore
going statements; the voltages and currents are not pure sine waves
and so do not obey exactly the relations just obtained on the assumption
that all currents and voltages were sine waves. The distortion in Ip is
explained by the fact that Rp varies through the cycle; its average value
for the conditions existing when the films of Figs. 98, 99, and 100 were
obtained was about 2500 ohms.
Effect of Phase Relations on the Possible Power Output of a Tube
Generator.—From the foregoing analysis it is evident that a tube gener
ator can act on its output circuit with a voltage Ep, the maximum value
of which is somewhat less than the normal plate voltage E0P; also that it
can supply to the output circuit an alternating current IP, the maximum
value of which is somewhat less than the normal plate current I0P- If
I and E represent the effective values of voltage and current which the
tube furnishes to its output circuit, it is evident that the maximum power
output will occur when the load circuit is such as to bring / and E in phase

and that the output is then equal to EI, which is also equal (in the limiting
case of maximum output) to %E0VI0p.
Now if the load circuit is such that E and I are in phase, it is evident
that its impedance must be resistance only, furthermore the value of this
resistance must be equal to Ell, which is also the alternating-current
resistance of the plate circuit of the tube. The truth of this statement
was shown in Fig. 94.
For such a circuit as that given in Fig. 92, the magnitude of current
Ip must be directly proportional to E„, as indicated by Eq. (25). Due

Fio. 98.—Oscillogram of grid voltage, plate voltage, and plate current, corresponding
to conditions of Fig. 95.

to the non-sinusoidal currents and voltages, however, this relation does

not hold good, except for low values of grid excitation; the alternating
current does not change as rapidly as indicated by Eq. (25). In Fig.
101 are shown curves of load circuit power and current as functions of
E,, the resistance of the load circuit having been adjusted equal to the
tube resistance at low excitation. The output increases with the square
of the grid voltage for very low grid voltages only and for the higher values
of excitation the output is increasing at a rate lower even than the first
power of the grid voltage.

There is shown also in Fig. 101 the value of the current taken by the
grid ; as long as the grid was not forced positive with respect to the filament
the reading of the continuous current ammeter in the grid circuit was zero,
but when the value of alternating voltage impressed on the gird exceeded
-~= of the normal negative grid potential, E^, the grid was positive for a

small portion of the cycle and so took current. The variation of the reading
of the grid ammeter is shown by the curve marked /„; it was zero until

Fig. 99.—Oscillogram of plate voltage, grid voltage, and plate current, corresponding
to conditions of Fig. 96.

Eg reached a value of 80 volts (effective) which is approximately equal

to 70 per cent of the voltage, and for higher voltages rose to a value
of several milliamperes. This is the average value of the grid current,
because a continuous current ammeter reads average values; the grid
current flows for only a small fraction of the cycle, so that the actual
maximum value of /„ is probably ten times as large as the value given
on the curve sheet. An accurate analysis of these voltages and currents
will be given in a later section of this chapter.
General Analysis of the Conditions Necessary for Self-excitation.—
From the analysis given so far it is evident that if a vacuum tube is going

to operate efficiently as a generator of alternating current power, it is

necessary to have in the plate circuit a load having a resistance equal to
that of the tube; it is also necessary to have such reactions occurring
in the circuit to which the tube is connected that when the plate current
undergoes sinusoidal variations the plate potential and grid potential
Loth undergo sinusoidal variations of potential in opposite phases, and
that the relative magnitudes of these two potential variations be properly
adjusted for the tube being used. The fundamental requirements of the

Fig. 100.—Oscillogram of plate voltage, grid voltage, and plate current corresponding
to conditions of Fig. 97.

problem can be readily specified. In Fig. 102 are shown the filament,
plate, and grid terminals 1, 2, and 3; the filament battery and plate cir
cuit battery (or machine) are omitted, as they do not enter directly into
the determination of the conditions for self-excitation of the tube.
If the normal plate voltage and plate current are Eop and 10„ respect
ively, we know that the tube can, when operating properly, generate an
amount of power somewhat less than ^Eoplop', let us call this available power
P. If this power is supplied to a circuit of L, C and R, in series, it will
produce a current fixed in magnitude by the relation P = PR. This
current, /, will produce an alternating voltage between the terminals of

L, the effective value of which is equal to IuL, where o> is nearly equal
. 1
to - -,— .
When generating the amount of power P the potential of point 2 must
be fluctuating in voltage (with respect to the filament) by an amount
approximately equal to E^. The potential of point 3 must be fluctuating,
with respect to the filament, by an amount EmB, such that noEme is about
equal to 2Eop, as shown in Fig. 95.

SO ry je |P- 10 ilk trn n
E, = 1 00 E. = - 12; R = 1 WO I 3.05 .—■
70 a Powe r
1 JT~
00 h.


.2 lUin d
H I. - I*. <
20 E 2—
10 §1
0 2 4 G 28 4100 G 8 200 2 4 6 8 300
Value of Efl(ctrective1
Flo. 101.—Variation of output current and power as the exciting voltage on the grid is
increased; the circuit was arranged as shown in Fig. 92. Variations of /& and the
average grid current are also shown.

It is then evident (referring to Fig. 102), that if we connect the filament

to point 4 of the coil, we must connect points 2 and 3 to points in the coil,
(on opposite sides of point 4, such as 5 and 6) such that the maximum value
of voltage between 4-5 is equal to Eop and the maximum voltage between
points 4-6 is equal to — Eov.
If the resistance drop in the coil is negligible compared to the react
ance drop, we must have (neglecting the effect of mutual induction between
L4-5 and L4-6),

y/2IuL^6 = EBV (27)

V2/wL4-6=- Eop. (28)


The current flowing through the coil L

between points 4 and 5 is really the com
bination of the actual pulsating plate
current and the current / which is flow
ing in the oscillatory circuit. If J is large
compared to the alternating component
of the plate current /„, the error made in
assuming the drop between points 4 and
5 as due to / only is small. In a typical
radio circuit / was 0.50 ampere and the
effective value of 1„ (alternating com Fio. 102.—Diagram to show the
ponent of plate current) was only 0.03 conditions required for self exci
ampere. It will be noticed, however, that tation; an oscillatory circuit, of
if the resistance of the oscillating circuit is suitably low resistance, must be
connected to plate, filament, and
large I decreases in value so that the grid about as indicated. (Fila
assumption is no longer justified. ment and plate circuit batteries
If we now use the approximate relation, not shown.)
and P = PR,
we get from (27)

\ lop
on the assumption that R0p=2Rr.i

If we now make the assumption that u> = (which would be nearly

true if the input and output circuits of the tube had negligible capacities)
we find,
L4-5 = V2RRpLC (29)
And for the proper grid excitation, we should have,

L4-6=—V2RRpLC (30)
As an illustration of how these approximate relations are applied to
an actual circuit, we suppose a set designed to generate a frequency of
1 In case Rp is greater than this LM must be correspondingly increased; thus if
Rp = Hop then we must have
As previously mentioned /i„ varies with the amount of excitation on the grid; a
curve showing the variation in Rp is given in Fig. 115, p. 499.

000,000 cycles per second (500-meter wave), the capacity C being .0004
nf. The total resistance of the oscillating circuit is 10 ohms, the no of
the tube to be used is 4 and Rp is 3000 ohms. Using the relation X = 1885
VLC, we find
LC = .0705,
and therefore L = I76fih.
Then we find, L4-5 = 65M and for L4-6, we find 32/xh. If the tube can
supply 4 watts of power, the current in this oscillating circuit would be

= 0.632 ampere.

If Rp = 3000, we have -f- = 6000, and also we have EopIop = 8. From these
I op
two equations, we find that EOJ)=220 and 7OiJ=.037. From the above
values, we have
01L4-5I = (2*6 X 10s) X (65 X 10-6) X .632 = 153,

this being the effective value of the voltage impressed on the plate. But
this is equal to £op4-v/2, as we have already assumed necessary for gen-
erating a power equal to
This elementary analysis serves for an approximate solution of the
circuit; the filament would be connected to point 4, somewhat lower than
the middle- of the coil and points 5 and 6 should be adjustable by multi
point switches. Normally there should be 65/xA between points 4 and 5
for the plate connection, and 32 /Ji between points 4 and 6 for the grid
The foregoing calculations have been made on the assumption that
the alternating-current output of the tube was 50 per cent of the input.
Actually on a small tube like this 25 per cent efficiency would be more
likely than 50 per cent; this would decrease the value of / and so require
an increase in the required values of L^-q and Lis.
As the alternating component of the plate current Iv is practically
90° out of phase with the power circuit current /, the required phase dif
ference of 180° between Ep and Eg will not be obtained if /„ is appreciable
compared to I. This shift in phase of Ep as the ratio -j- increases, very
materially reduces the possible output of the tube.
If it should happen that R and Rp are so high that the Las required
is more than about two-thirds of the whole coil L, the conditions required
by Eqs. (27) and (28) could not be satisfied by this circuit, so it would not

The case has many features in common with a shunt-wound,

self-excited generator. In such a machine maximum output is reached
when the external resistance is equal to the internal resistance of the
machine (if the generated e.m.f. is kept constant); also if there is too
much resistance in the shunt field circuit of the machine, it will not excite
itself, or " build up," as it is called. This corresponds somewhat to a
tube circuit having too high a resistance in the oscillating circuit.
The Oscillating Tube as a Detector of Undamped Waves.—From
the explanation of the action of the three-electrode tube as a detector of
high-frequency currents, given on page 440 et seq., it is evident that the
amplitude of the high-frequency current must vary with audible fre
quency if an audible reponse is to be given by the telephone. In contin
uous-wave telegraphy the signal received by the antenna does not have
variations in amplitude; a dot, e. g., might consist of 5000 cycles of a
50,000-cycle current, the amplitude of the current being constant for the
duration of the 5000 cycles.
If the input circuit of the detecting tube is continually excited by a
locally generated frequency of 49,000 cycles, when the signal comes in
the input circuit is excited by both 49,000 cycles and 50,000 cycles, the
result being a high-frequency excitation the amplitude of which varies
1000 times a second. This high-frequency, variable amplitude, input
voltage will give a 1000-cycle note in the telephones, connected in series
with the plate circuit of the tube. In case the locally generated, high-
frequency current is produced by the detecting tube itself, it is called
autodyne reception, in case some device other than the detecting tube is
used for impressing the local high-frequency current on the grid the scheme
is called heterodyne reception.
The excitation of the input circuit when no signal is arriving is due to
the voltage E'm, sin oit, and when the signal, Em sin pt, is being received
the actual excitation of the grid circuit is (E'm sin oit+Emg sin pt) as
indicated in Fig. 103.
Detection with no Grid Condenser.—We have previously shown that
if the grid is actuated by a voltage E'n<l sin ut and if the plate current
varies as the square of the grid potential, the increase in plate current is
given by \ (average value of ea)2X,„',. Hence when the excitation is
a tig*
such as given by curve Fig. 103, the increase in plate current is,

(E'm sin o)t+Emg sin pt)2 d2Ip

Alp = average value of
2 dE2

E 2 E' 2 } d2I
—y~ H—~- -[-average value of EmE'm sin ait sin pt 1 "

The first two terms give the increase in the plate current which is con
stant, as long as the excitation is applied; their effect would produce an
increase in the value of the plate current as read by a continuous-current
ammeter in the plate circuit, but they would not produce a readable sig
nal in the phones, giving only a slight click in the phones when the excita
tion is put on the grid and another when it is taken off.
Whatever audible signal is obtained must come from the third term;
this may be written in the expanded form
hE^E'wicos («-p)<-cos (u+p)t) ^g-f.

The average value of both these cosine terms is zero, but cos (to— p)t
may fluctuate so slowly as to produce an audible signal in the phones, and


Actual excitation of grid

Fig. 103.—Conventional diagram of a continuous wave signal voltage Es, a locally
generated voltage of slightly different frequency, and the sum of the two, which is
the voltage acting on the grid.

it is this term which is useful in continuous-wave detection. The strength

of signal is then measured by this term.

A7„(of audible frequency) =^^cos (w-p)fjjf . . (31)

The frequency of this fluctuation in the plate current, which is the

note heard in the phones, is adjustable by the operator, as he can make
the value of to anything he may desire. The ear and phone are both most
sensitive at a frequency of about 800 cycles per second, so to is generally
adjusted to give =800, or =800.
It is to be noticed that whereas the response of the tube detector is
proportional to the square of the signal strength for damped wave signals
Eq. (12), it is proportional to the first power of this signal strength when
used for continuous-wave receiver. This fact makes the tube a better

detector of signals for undamped, than for damped, waves, its sensitive
ness not decreasing with the stiongth of signal so rapidly for one as it docs
for the other. Eq. (31) shows also that the response to a given signal
varies with E'„ the amplitude of the local oscillations, so long as the vari
ation of E't does not change the value of
This increase in response with the strength of the local oscillations
is similar in character to the increase in response of a telephone receiver
due to the use of the perma
nent magnet. It is not a
characteristic peculiar to a Crystal detector
actuated by single
vacuum tube, but holds for frequency
any detecting device in which
the response varies with square
of the impressed force (when
a single frequency is im
pressed). A crystal rectifier
has a nearly parabolic rela
tion between the current strength of signal
through it and the impressed Fig. 104.—Rectifying action of a crystal actuated
voltage (see Fig. 60, p. 347) by a single frequency,
and the curve of response as
a function of the signal strength is as shown in Fig. 104, when it is used
to detect spark signals. If, however, the crystal is used to detect con
tinuous-wave signals by use of an auxiliary source of continuous wave
To continuous excitation (Fig. 105), its response
wave generator follows the same law as obtained

-coTSBT*—i for the vacuum-tube receiver, given

in Eq. (31); its response will be
proportional to the first power of the
voltage of the received signal, not as
the square. This is indicated in
C V.
Telephone Fig. 106.
The crystal rectifier will also
act like the vacuum tube in that
the response of the rectifier, for a
Fig. 105.—A possible scheme for hearing , , .„
continuous-wave signals with a crystal °given signal
, ... . , ^ strength,
° ' will vary
J as
detector. tne nrs* power of the locally generat
ed e.m.f. until the value of this e.m.f.
is such that the region of parabolic rectification is exceeded. The re-
ponse of the crystal, for given signal voltage, as the value of E'„ is varied
is about as shown in Fig. 107 ; the response is proportional to E'„ for
a certain range, then ceases to increase with E'g and if E''„ is still further

increased the response falls and may reach practically zero for excessively
large values of E'e.
This same characteristic holds for the vacuum tube used as a beat
receiver, the static charac
teristic of a tube being as
Response of crystal indicated in Fig. 108; if
detector used for
beat reception the amplitude of the lo
cally generated e.m.f. is
0C, the response (for given
signal strength) will be
about twice as strong as
if E'„ had the amplitude
OB only, whereas a value
of E', equal to 0D would
result in a signal perhaps
_ less than for E',=0B.
Strenirtli of Signal If E', is increased to the
Fig. 106.—Rectifying action of a crystal used as indi- value OE the response to
cated in Fig. 105. the signal will be practi
cally zero.
Detection with Grid Condenser.—In case a condenser is used in series
with the grid of the tube being used as a beat receiver Eq. (18) must be
used in predicting the
detection efficiency. The
question is somewhat
more involved than for
the tube with no grid con
denser, because the nor
mal grid potential (aver
age value with no signal
coming in) varies with
the value of E'„ the
potential decreasing as
E'g is increased in value.
As all three of the deriv
atives used in Eq. (18) Fig. 107.—Rectifying action of a crystal detector as a
vary as the normal grid function of the amplitude of the locally impressed
potential is varied an voltage, the signal voltage being of constant
exact expression for the plitude.
detection factor must be
rather complex. As the tube is used in practice the most sensitive con
dition is easily found as will be described in a succeeding paragraph, deal
ing with the self-excited, oscillating tube as detector.

Analysis of Some of the More Commonly Employed Circuits for the

Self-excited Vacuum-tube Oscillator.—The first circuit to be analyzed
is one having a tuned plate circuit, the grid being excited by magnetic
coupling with this tuned circuit; the connections are as indicated in
Fig. 109. The actual plate current is I0p+ip, actual plate voltage Eop+ep,
and actual grid voltage 2?w-f-e„. We suppose that (Eop+noEot) is of such
a value that hp is about one-half of the saturation current of the tube
as shown in Fig. 110;
when the tube is in the
osculating state the value
of (Ep+noE,,) fluctuates
between OPand OE, and
the plate current fluc
tuates between the values
CF and DE. Through
this range of fluctuation
in the plate current, the
relation between lv and
(Ep+ftoEB) is nearly
linear so that
iv=A(e,+w>ei), . (32)
A being a constant.
This relation is not true
of course for the extreme
BGrid^)tentiS E values of the propor-
Fig. 108.—The response of a tube used for receiving con-
tionality factor decreas-
tinuous-wave signals will vary with the strength of the
ing as the value of ip
local oscillations, the same as the crystal ; a local oscil-
approaches the values
lation of amplitude OC would give (for a fixed incoming
an(j jyjg
signal) response about twice as great as if the ampli-
™ . .' . ™ ,
tude were OB, but an amplitude OE would give but lniS P°mt 18 "lUStrat-
very little response. ed m Fig- HI, in which
a sine wave of {ep+w>e,)
is shown and below it in full line the alternating plate current ip] the
dotted additions to this curve serve to show how ip differs from a sine
wave. The curve iT shown in Fig. Ill is symmetrical about the zero
axis, a condition rarely obtained in an actual tube circuit. It occurs only
if the plate-current curve shown in Fig. 110 is symmetrical about the
point A. This supposes that the upper part of the curve (caused by
saturation) is of the same form as the lower part of the curve (caused by
effect of space charge) and also that (£op+w)^w) has been properly adjusted
to bring point A to the middle part of the curve.
For such a special state of affairs two effects exist which are practi

cally never found in practice; the value of plate current, as read by

a continuous-current ammeter, does not change when oscillations begin
and the alternating component of the plate current contains no even
harmonics. Generally the plate current does change when oscillations
are started and the plate current has very pronounced even harmonies.
On the basis of Eq. (32), we can write at once,
Rpip = ev +Moe<r (33)
From the notation given in Fig. 109
ip = h+i2 (34)
i'i being the alternating component of current through hi.
—iiRL-In-^, . . . . (35)

and (36

To make Eq. (36) true the grid circuit must be so adjusted that no
current flows in it as the voltage, e„, goes through its cycle of values;
this requires that at no time throughout the
> /\ cycle must the grid be positive with respect
-L - < / \ I to the filament, and that the capacity of
the grid-filament circuit is negligible. The
first condition can be brought about by
using a proper value of Ee (Fig. 109), but
the second condition cannot be brought
about by any adjustment of the tube cir
cuit. In some cases this capacity is of ex
treme importance; for very high-frequency
circuits it may be one of the limiting fac
tors of operation. It must be borne in
mind that the capacity to be considered is
Fig. 109.—A commonly employed not the geometrical capacity of the tube,
circuit for producing oscilla- but the effective capacity as explained on
tions; the frequency is fixed by page 432 et seq. (An oscillating tube
the coMtonte of the plate circuit furnishes maximum power when the ex-
and the value of M is the critical , , . . . .. , . . . ,
factor for production or non- ternal stance in the plate circuit is equal
production of oscillations. to Rp, so in calculating the probable effect
of the grid-filament capacity of an oscil
lating circuit the proper value of n to use in Eq. (10), p. 434, is /io/2 )
We have also

Fio. 110.—A sinusoidal variation in grid potential will produce a sinusoidal variation
in plate current only if the fluctuation in plate current occurs over a limited range.

which by using (35) becomes

fc-C&f+CLtSf (37)

By combining the foregoing equations to eliminate e„, e„ ip, and ?2, we get.

Such a differential equation is satisfied by writing i\ as an exponential

function, the form of the function (trigonometric, hyperbolic, etc.),
depending upon the relative values of the various constants in Eq. (38).

Fig. 111.—Due to the upper and lower curves of the plate current curve of Fig. 110
the actual alternating component of the plate current is flat topped (sine-wave
shape shown by dotted lines).

The roots of Eq. (38) are real if we have,1

[^+^(L1W/)]2-^(l + |)>0. . . . (39)

For this condition, the current i\ must be non-oscillatory, the circuit is

aperiodic. If R^cr' (Li+/toM)>0, the exponential function is a
decreasing one and in case some disturbance occurs in the circuit the dis
turbance soon disappears and the circuit resumes its normal condition.
This can evidently occur if M is positive and also if M is negative provided
its value is less than —(Li + CRlRp).
If Rl+ttd (Li+hoM) <0, any disturbance set up in the system tends

1 For an analysis of an equation of this kind see the first few pages of Chapter IV.

to increase itself; this occurs if M is negative and its value such that
M > — (Li+CRiRp). The plate current then tends to increase or decrease
(according to the sense of this disturbance) and does so as long as the
characteristic curve (Fig. 110) is straight.
In the case the constants of Eq. (38) are such as to make its roots
imaginary, we have,

[Rl+cr-^Li+»oM)]2~^(1+1?)< a • • • (40)

The current t'i must then be of the form,

ii =vlf'sin (ut+6), (41)
in which, we must have

a = "2L7[fli+ck(Ll+MoM)]' (42)
and ti
W = 2iV^(1+f)-[^+^(Ll+"oM)]2- • • (43)

The exponential in Eq. (41) is decreasing if RL+-J^-(Li+noM) >0,

L tip
which is true for all positive values of M, or if M is negative, but its value
is such that M<— (Li+CRlRp).
For such conditions any shock on the circuit will produce oscillations,
of frequency as determined from Eq. (43), but the oscillations will die
away because of the negative value of a.
The last, and most important, case to consider is given by


that is, when M is negative and its absolute value is such that,

M>— (Li+CRLRP) (44)

For this condition any disturbance to the circuit will start oscilla
tions, and these oscillations will increase in magnitude until the straight
part of the curve in Fig. 1 10 is exceeded.
The effect of making the plate current fluctuate through such large
values is to make Rp variable throughout the cycle, resulting also in an
increase in the average value of Rv; the oscillations will therefore increase
in amplitude, after once being started, until the value of Rp is increased
to such an extent that the inequality given in Eq. (44) is changed to an

equality. When this condition is brought about the value of a becomes

zero, and the exponential in Eq. (41) reduces to unity, giving neither
increase or decrease in the amplitude of the current.
From the foregoing it is evident that if the circuit of Fig. 109 is to
produce oscillations, M must be somewhat greater than its critical value
given by the relation

-M=—{Li+ CRlRv) (45)

If M exceeds (in absolute value) this value oscillation will start; if
oscillations are already present and M is made slightly less than this value
(in absolute magnitude), the oscillations will stop, hence the use of the
term critical value.
The frequency of the oscillations is obtained from Eq. (43) and is,

'Tpr^(1+D " h+ck(Ll+wM)]2' • • (46)

and if M is adjusted to its critical .value,


which in the average radio circuit is practically the same as,

/--4= (48)

If the coupling between the grid and plate circuits is made tighter than
required for the limiting value, the frequency is somewhat decreased.
If we suppose Eq. (48) to give the frequency the critical value of M
may be written in the form,

-M-^l+^if^u). • • • (49)

From this relation it is evident that if a circuit is oscillating with a value

of M equal to the critical value any decrease in the frequency, accomplished
by varying either Li or C, must be accompanied by an increase hi the
coupling, otherwise the oscillations will cease.
Prediction of Oscillatory Condition by Putting Total Resistance
Equal to Zero.—The condition for oscillations in any circuit can be
expressed by putting the total resistance of the circuit equal to zero. In
Fig. 109 the external plate circuit has a resistance Ra-b and this is in series
with the effective tube resistance R'p. This R'p is the relation between
ev and iv, when the values of iv are determined not only by ep but by the simul
taneously acting e„; as e„ may be 180° out of phase with ep and of such value

that me,>ep, it is possible to have ip 180° out of phase with ep, so that R'p
may be negative, whereas Rp is always positive.1 We have then as the
condition, for self-sustained oscillations
Ra-b+R'p=0. . . (50)
From Eq. (50), Chapter I, we find that at resonance,

Ra-b=^t -g- (51)

Now e, = wMi\, ep = wL\ii, and ip=-jr (ep+ jttoe„).

ft, wLjii = RPL\ _ . .
-s-(o;LiH + tioo)Mn)
Hence using Eq. (50), the critical value of M may be obtained from the
Li+Moi/ C RL (53)

If we use the approximate relation C =~tjj » ^1- (53) yields the solution,

_M = W1+*^l\ (54)

which is the same as obtained in Eq. (49).

Phases of Voltages and Currents in the Steady State.—When the
value of M, being increased from zero, slightly exceeds the critical value
as determined by Eq. (45), oscillations start and build up to a certain
steady value; how quickly they reach the steady state depends upon how
much M exceeds its critical value, when the oscillations start and on the
value of RL. The steady state is reached when Rp has sufficiently increased
(in average value) to reduce (45) to an equality.

When RL+~D-(L1+noM)=0,

1 This difference between Rp and R'p may be indicated by writing Rp = —r- and
R'p for the latter case it must be remembered that as c„ changes e„ undergoes
simultaneous changes which may result in the total derivative —r- being negative whereas
the partial derivative —r is always positive.

Eq. (38) reduces to the form,

*v 4('+t)-» <55)
The solution of this is ii = h sin oil, in which


The grid voltage e„ = — M ^~ = — oil//i cos «<.

But as M is negative, this may be written,

e,=«MIi sin («t+0, (56)

which makes the grid voltage lead the current I\ by 90°.

The plate voltage

ev = — — Li -4^ = — 72t/i sin ut—uLiIi cos tot

= -/iV72i2+(«Lip sin (at+4),

in which tan<^> = ^^.

In practically all radio coils is so large that <> may be put equal to
90° without much error, so that,
ep= -IiVTiL2+(u,Li)2 sin (*<+*■ /2) (57)

From (56) and (57) it is evident that ep and e, are practically 180°
out of phase, a condition we have previously shown necessary for oscillation.
The plate current is fixed by the condition,

€„ = - RLii - (Li+noM) ~.
As e„ = Rpip, we have,
72f. . Li+tioM dii RL T . L\+noM ,
1>-—X1~~~R~ dt=-R,IlSin wt 727~ w/l 008 "*

= -|LV72J.2+«2(Li+/ioAf)a sin (««+*),

in which
tan \p = ^ .

As M is negative and noM is greater in absolute value than L%, the angle
4? is nearly — 2-

= ^-VrJ+'^(L1+Im>M)2 sin (at+T/2). . (58)

It is therefore evident that the plate current leads the current in Li

by practically 90°.
Amplitude of Oscillation in the Steady State.—The greatest current
is obtained in the oscillating circuit with the least coupling that can be
used to maintain oscillations. The
lower the value of M the greater must
7i be to maintain the required grid
excitation and h will vary with M
about as shown by the full line curve
in Fig. 112; if the value of M is
decreased beyond the critical value os
cillations will generally cease entirely.
In certain tubes it is possible, how
ever, to get maximum current with
somewhat greater coupling than that
at which oscillations start; in that Value of M
case the curve between M and 7i
Fig. 112.—Showing possible relations
has the form indicated by the dotted between amplitude of oscil atory cur
line. The form depends upon the rent and value of M in Fig. 109; the
static characteristic; in Fig. 113 are dotted line curve shows the ordinary
shown two possible curves. The full- condition. (See Figs. 178 and 179
line curve corresponds with the full- of this chapter.)
line curve of Fig. 112, and the dotted curve of 113 corresponds to the dotted
curve in Fig. 112.
If the value Iop (no oscillations) is so adjusted that it is equal to one-
half the saturation current, then the maximum possible value of ip is Iop.
But from Eq. (58) we have the maximum value of i, given by the relation
7mi „
, = ^V^H^^i+wM)2,

Imp and 7 i being the maximum possible va'ues of the effective values of
ip and i\, and this value of Imp must be equal to Iop. So we put,

or Iml
ml ~ ^/}^x,2+w2(Ll+Moilf)2,

and by substituting the condition

(Li+moM) = -CRpRl

and assuming

Iml :
R, Jc 1
which for the average tube is practically the same as,

lml~RLVc' ■ • ' (59)

For this condition we

conclude that increasing C
must result in a decrease
in 11, but in trying out this
relation experimentally we
often find that I\ may be
increased by increasing C.
There must be in the circuit
some other limitation which
must also be considered in
using the relation of Eq.
(59). Indeed this is at once
evident, because Eq. (59)
would lead to a value of h,
approaching infinity as C is
Fig. 113.—A tube having a plate current curve as made to approach zero.
, shown by the full line will behave as indicated
for the full line of Fig. 112; similarly for the By examining the possi
dotted lines. ble values of ep we find the
other limiting factor; it is
evident that the maximum value of e„ is Eop, so that we have as another
limiting condition on the amplitude of the oscillating current,
This follows from Eq. (57), putting the maximum value of ep equal to
Eup. Wc then have,
Jml =

which for critical value of M and assuming

gives, I„i =

and as the value of Rl2 is ordinarily small compared to we have as

another limitation on the value of the oscillating current,

Iml=E"\Zl (60)

Eqs. (59) and (60) then constitute two limits on the possible amplitude
of Zi ; whichever gives the lower value will determine the maximum value
of Ii. The best condition makes the two limits the same which occurs
Eop 1 Li .
7 =73- 77 (61)
lop Kl l>
The symbols I„p and Eop have been used to indicate the limiting values
of ip and e„, so that Eq. (61) is properly written, using effective values of
voltage and current.
maximum value Ep _ 1 L\ .
maximum value Ip RL C
But from Eq. (50), Chapter /,
1 h
Rl »
C ~K'

the external resistance of the plate circuit, and

maximum value of Ep
maximum value of
is really Rp, the internal resistance of the tube.
The foregoing analysis therefore yields the same result as obtained on
page 471, namely, for maximum output the external resistance of the tube
circuit should be equal to the tube resistance itself.
By comparing Eqs. (62) and (61), it is seen that the resistance of the
tube for maximum output is equal to ~, which we previously called R,■■/pi
the continuous-current resistance of the tube. We also showed that Rp,
the alternating-current resistance, was generally about one-half the con
tinuous-current resistance Rop (Eq. (7) and Fig. 48). This apparent dis
crepancy arises from the fact that Rp is really a variable quantity, depend

ing for its value upon the amount of change in the plate current. The
discussion of Rp on page 471 ct scq. and the measurements recorded in
Fig. 94 had to do with Rp for very small variations in plate current, and
in such a case Rop is about twice as
great as Rp.
For the conditions obtaining when
Eqs. (61) and (62) are applicable,
the plate current is supposed to vary
from zero to 2 Ittp, and furthermore
the relation between J, and (Ep+noE„)
is supposed to be linear; for such
conditions Rp = R»p = -j*-. The differ-
ence in Rp with weak excitation and
strong excitation is indicated in Fig.
114; the full-line curve represents
the actual relation between Ip and Et,
Fig. 114.—If the Rp of a tube is to be when tnere & no resistance in series
constant the relation between Ip and with the plate circuit and the dotted
(Ep+poE,,) must be a straight line as curve shows the assumed relation on
indicated in the dotted graph; actually thg bagig of E (33) The dotted
the solid line curve gives the plate .. . » „ / , • . A\
current, hence it is evident that Rp ^ CUrve V™ for R" <at P0mt A>
must vary with the magnitude of flue- E
tuation of (Ep+noEg).
l op
whereas the full line curve gives for Rp at the point A a value of
about half as great as -j*.
1 op
Of course, it is not possible to excite a tube to the limits set by Eqs.
(59) and (61), so Rp actually never increases to the value

as the intensity of the oscillations varies; the value of Rp for the ordinary
tube will undergo changes about as shown in Fig. 115.
Stability of Oscillations.—In the average circuit the value of the
oscillating current is greatest when the coupling is as weak as can lie
permitted and still maintain oscillations. For this condition, however,
the stability of the circuit is very poor; the slightest decrease in either
// or E„ is likely to stop the oscillations. Also for this condition it is
necessary to readjust the coupling for every change in the oscillating
circuit; if either RL, L\, or C is increased the oscillation will cease. To

make this circuit stable it is necessary to have the coupling at a setting

considerably in excess of its critical value, perhaps twice as much. This
of course will diminish some
what the magnitude of the
oscillating current, but the
increased reliability of the
generating action of the tube
generally compensates for this.
It many times happens
that the critical value of
coupling for starting oscilla
tions is greatly different from
the critical value to stop oscil
lations; in a certain circuit Intensity or oscillations
this critical value of coupling Fig. 115.—The resistance of the plate circuit of
for starting the oscillations a tube varies with the fluctuation of (Ep+iioEe)
was 17 per cent, whereas it about as shown here; intense oscillations require
could then be decreased to 12 large fluctuations in {Ev+iiaEt).
per cent before the oscillations
This is due to the variable value of Hv, as brought out in a pre
vious paragraph; when the oscillations start their amplitude is neces
sarily small and Rp is determined
by the slope at the value .of Ip, as
shown in Fig. 116 at A. After the
oscillations are started, the plate
current fluctuates between 0 and BC,
and the average resistance between
these limits is less than the value of
Rp at A. The plate current for such
oscillations would be very complex
and so the behavior of the circuit
could not be predicted from the
analyses previously given, which
0 Plate voltage have assumed sine waves of current.
Starting and Stopping Oscilla
Fig. 116.—When a tube starts to oscillate
its resistance is fixed by the slope of tions.—It is sometimes necessary to
the Ip—Ep curve, and this resistance give a circuit some sort of a shock to
may be very different from the value start oscillations; if normal filament
when intense oscillations are occurring. current and plate voltage are im
pressed and then the coupling gradu
ally increased, it will be found that M may greatly exceed its critical value
without causing the tube to oscillate. If, however, the plate circuit is opened
and then closed, thus giving a pulse to the circuit, oscillations will start.

In case a tube is used for generating power in a transmitting station,

the oscillations must be continually started and stopped, as the signals
are sent out by the key. The vacuum-tube generator permits this oper
ation to be carried out readily; a small hand key properly introduced
in the grid circuit may control kilowatts
of power with imperceptible sparking.
Probably the most convenient scheme
for " keying " a tube generator is that
shown in Fig. 117; with the key open
the grid is forced to such a negative po
tential by the battery Ec (which can be
small dry cells) that the circuit stops
oscillating and when the key is closed
the coil L2 is connected to ground which
is its normal connection for oscillation.
Of course when the key is closed, the
battery Ec is short-circuited through the
1tW resistance R, but this will do them no
harm if R is chosen sufficiently high.
With a battery Ec of 200 volts a resistance
Fig. 117-This diagram shows a R q{ 2QQO0 ohmg wiU be suitable for a
tube circuit;method
if the of 'keying
proper valuesa ^ PJ2®n ,.
Patron , . E„
having „ = 1000 volts,
of R and Ee are chosen a small Condenser C„ shunts the contact points
hand key may control kilowatts of the key ; this condenser must be of
of power with imperceptible sufficiently small capacity, otherwise the
sparking. set will continue to oscillate for an appre
ciable time after the key is opened, and
the starting of the oscillations will not occur as . soon as the key is
depressed; about 0.1 microfarad seems satisfactory when R is 20,000
Effects of Oscillation on the Grid and Plate Currents.—In such a
circuit as that shown in Fig. 109, the grid current is very nearly zero
until oscillations start; when the tube is oscillating the grid becomes
positive during part of the cycle and so takes current. The value of the
grid current is larger than would be at first supposed, because, although
the grid potential does not reach high positive values, the plate potential
is low at the time the grid is positive.
In a small power tube designed for £6 = 300 and EOP = -04 ampere the
average value of /„ when the tube is adjusted for maximum value of
power output is about .003 ampere. The maximum value of the grid
current, when its average value is .003, is probably from .02 to .05 ampere.
In a large power tube, excited for maximum power output, 1„ may be
considerably greater than the values given above.

If the plate current hp has been adjusted equal to half the saturation
current, for the values of // and E„v used, a continuous-current ammeter
will indicate no change in the value of the plate current when oscillations
start. In general, however, there will be a change; when oscillations
start the average plate current will generally increase if the circuit is
such that no condenser is used in series with the grid and will decrease
if such a condenser is used. Conditions may occur in which this general
statement is not true.
Adjustments to Give Maximum Output of Tube.—With a circuit
arranged as in Fig. 109, there are two adjustments to carry out before
the tube will give its maximum out
put; the grid must have the proper
excitation and the plate circuit resist
ance must equal the tube resistance.
The circuit of Fig. 109 is reproduced,
with slight modification, in Fig. 118.
The oscillating circuit Li, Rl, C, is
many times an antenna, with loading
coil, so it is evident that Rl itself
is not adjustable, yet the resistance
between points A and 0 must be made
equal to the tube resistance.
The plate circuit inductance is Fig. 118.—To make the circuit shown in
made with taps as indicated in Fig. Fig. 109 useful, the inductance in the
118; point B is adjusted to give the oscillatory circuit must be fitted with
two sets of taps as indicated here; the
right frequency to the oscillating mutual induction between the two
circuit, and then point A is adjusted coils Lt and Lv must also be adjust
to give the plate circuit the right able.
resistance. Neglecting the effect of
the plate current compared to the oscillating current (an ordinary radio
set makes Ip equal to about 1/20 of /), we have,
Ro-a=Rl\r~l) -~sT RlL

If R0-a is to be equal to Rp = -f* (for conditions of maximum power)
we so adjust tap A that
Eqj, _ Lp2
lop RlLiC
or L,-^E»*lMC (63)

This required value of Lp may be either greater or less than L\.


In a certain radio circuit RL =3 ohms, ,C =4X 10~10 farads, L\ = 150/ufr,

Z?„p = 300 volts, /„,, = .03 ampere. Using Eq. (63), the required value of
Lp proves to be 42nh. The tap A would therefore be made between 0
and tap B.
The current in the oscillating circuit can be calculated from the relation
I = wCE, where E is the effective voltage across OB, which is equal to
——Xj-.1 Using these relations and also remembering that u> =
we get,

Substituting the values above gives a value for / of 1.23 amperes.

Actually 1.05 amperes was the maximum obtainable from the circuit.
The resistance Ri was then increased to 50 ohms, and it wa3 found
experimentally that tap A was outside of tap B for maximum output.
By calculation, Eq. (63), we find the proper value for L„ = 171 ph. The
oscillatory current, from Eq. (64), should be 0.31 ampere, whereas only
0.26 was actually obtained.
After the right position for tap A has been found the coupling between
Z,2 and Li, is reduced until the critical value of M is nearly reached, and
then a slight readjustment of tap A may be necessary. It will be found
that varying M and the position of tap A will have only minor effects
on the frequency being generated by the tube.
The value of L; should be kept as low as possible; if it should happen
that the natural period of L2, combined with the capacity of the input
circuit of the tube is about the same as the period of the L\C circuit,
trouble may be experienced in making the tube oscillate because of the
unexpected phase of the voltage impressed on the grid ; the voltage changes
its phase nearly 180° as the natural frequency of the L\C circuit is made
to pass through the natural frequency of the grid circuit.
Oscillations at Other than the Desired Frequency.—It may happen
that if the grid circuit has its natural frequency in the neighborhood
of the frequency of the L\C circuit the tube will generate power of the
frequency of the grid circuit, instead of that of the LiC circuit.
1 This relation is approximate only, because of the mutual induction between the
inductance between points O-A (Fig. 118) and that between points A-B. If the coil
is short, so that the turns are all close together, the effect of this mutual induction will
be considerable and the relation given above is more accurately written ^/^X^- where

N\ = number of turns between points O-B

Ar2 = number of turns between points 0~A.

To remedy this trouble the grid circuit is sometimes tuned to the

same frequency as the L\C circuit. Another method of ensuring the
desired frequency of oscillations is to couple the grid, not to the plate
coil, but to a coil in the L\C circuit, which is so placed that no current
flows in it unless the main circuit is oscillating. This idea is depicted
in Fig. 119. Coil L\ will carry no current unless the main circuit,
including L\ and C, is oscillating.
The difficulty occurs principally when the resistance of the main
oscillating circuit is high so that the current J is relatively small ; to suf
ficiently excite the grid in this case requires a
comparatively large value of L2, which of course
lowers the natural period of the grid circuit.
Oscillating Current Comparable in Value with
Plate Current.—When the resistance of the
oscillating circuit gets very high the oscillating
current J may decrease to such an extent that
it is of about the same value as Iv or even less.
In this case it is not easy to produce oscillations,
because the e.m.f. for the excitation on the grid
tends to get the wrong phase. The scheme of Fig. 119.—To prevent spu
Fig. 119 may not work because L\, which must rious oscillations it is ad
be small compared to Lp (because of the high visable to couple the grid
value of Rl), may not induce a sufficient voltage circuit to some part of
in L2, so resort must be had to coupling L2 with the main oscillatory cir
cuit through which the
Lp. Now the oscillatory current in L„ is ordi plate current does not
narily 90° out of phase (nearly) with /„, and flow; the grid is then not
such condition results in a correct phase for the excited unless the main
voltage Eg. But if now Ip is comparable with /, circuit is oscillating.
the actual current in Lv (which produces the
magnetic field affecting L2) tends to come into phase with /„, that is,
shift its phase 90° from its normal value. But such a shift in phase
will result in such a phase for E, that oscillations cannot be main
tained; in fact a comparatively small shift will materially cut down this
possible power output of the tube.
For a condition of this sort it is better m use separate excitation for
the tube, instead of trying to make it self-exciting. Another tube cir
cuit, having a low resistance, is self-excited at the desired frequency, and
from this circuit a suitable voltage may be obtained (either directly or
magnetically) for excitation of the tube furnishing power to the high
resistance circuit.
Coupling between Grid and Plate Circuit by Capacity.—In the fore
going discussions of a self-excited tube the voltage for excitation of the
grid has been obtained by a magnetic coupling with the oscillating circuit.

but it is of course possible to use electrostatic coupling, or even a com

bination of both. Such a circuit is shown in Fig. 120; in order to make
the discussion more general only a part of the inductance in the oscillating
circuit is included in the plate circuit. The extra inductance L2, in com
bination with C2 and R, represents an antenna, thus making the circuit

Fig. 120. Fia. 121.

Fid. 120.—Another oscillatory circuit in which the grid is excited by inductive coupling
between Li and L3 as well as by the capacitive coupling produced by G.
Fig. 121.—Showing how the circuit of Fig. 120 is applied to an actual radio circuit.
the direct equivalent of the actual circuit shown in Fig. 121. From
Fig. 120 using directions of current shown in the diagram, we have,
ip = ii + i2+t3 (65)

Also we know that ec, and ec, are fixed by the relation — C2 ^^ = 12, and

— Ci -1 = iz- By the use of these relations, and deriving Eq. (65), we get
the equations,
, d2ii T d?h , Ddi2 , i<i
Llw+Mw=L*w+Rti+c; <67>

- (68)
We can write

Using these conditions, and Eq. (65), we get,


Eqs. (67), (68) and (69) permit the precise determination of n, 12, and
13, but it is evident that the solution would be tedious and the solution
can be easily guessed. If oscillations occur at all they will be sinusoidal
and as they are all supplied with power from the same source (the plate
circuit) we can write,
n=Ji sin ut, 12 — I2 sin (co£+02), 13 = ^3 sin (to<+03).
By deriving these expressions and substituting in Eqs. (67), (68) and (69),
and for each equation thus obtained, equating the coefficents of cos ut and
sin ait, we find
Rp(h+ h cos (f>2+h cos <t>3) — u(wLz+M)l3 sin <l>3=0. . . (70)
Rv{h sin fo+h sin <f>3) + <j>(Li+noM)Ii+ui(n0L3+M)l3 cos <fo =0. (71)
uLh+uMh cos <t>3 = (^oL2—-^-^h cos fa+hR sin <f>2- ■ (72)

uM/s sin 02 = (wL2-i) I2 sin <f>2 — hR cos 4>2. (73)

o(Li-M)h = <*(La-M)~ ^3 COS 03. (74)

U(L3-M) — h sin 4>3 =0. (75)

Eq. (75) shows that unless a>(L3— M) —tt=0,

wC 1 sin <fo must be equal

to zero, which means that e3 and 13 are either in phase or 180° out of phase.
In case wiL® — M) —-yr*=0, we have resonance in the L3 — C1 circuit.
Using Eqs. (74) and (75) to get values of sin #3 and cos $3, then using
Eqs. (70) and (71) to get values of sin $2 and cos <j>2 and putting these
values in Eqs. (72) and (73), we get the two equations
+ {u(L2+M)
{ o)L2

u(Li+ixoM)+<a2 =0, . (76)

«Z/2 —
R— u(Li+w)M)
Rr 14

=0. (77)

The frequency might be calculated from Eq. (76), and this frequency
carried into Eq. (77) would permit the calculation of the critical coupling
for oscillations. From inspection of Fig. Ill it is evident there will be
two possible frequencies and of course each of these must be used in
solving Eq. (77). This general solution is lengthy, so we will investi
gate only two of the more important cases.
In case Ci=0 and 1/2=0, the circuit degenerates into that of Fig.
.109 and so our general Eqs. (76) and (77) should reduce to the simpler
forms obtained for this case. Eq. (76), becomes (if we put Ci =La =0)

wLi lT+~o:(Li+tioM) =0,

which we previously obtained, and if -p- is small enough to be negligible,

and if this value of a> is substituted in Eq. (77), in addition to the condition
that Ci =1/2 =0, we find as the condition for oscillation,

ff +—^-(Li+moM) =0,
Hp'- 2
which we have already obtained from the circuit of Fig. 109.
In case M =0 and L2 =0, Eq. (76) becomes,

R is negligibly small, we find,

and if again -5-

-^—uC2+ —j 0 (78)

This is evidently the condition for zero reactive current in the three-
branched plate circuit, one branch having L\, another having C2, and the
third having L3 and Ci in series. Eq. (78) may be put into the form

-i-[LlC2+(U+LdCi]\+LlC2UCx=Q. . . . (79)

If we put [LiC2+(L>3+ Li)Ci] =a, and L1C2L3C1 =b we can write the two
positive roots of this equation,

Of these two roots for w one is greater than ana* the other is less

than j—ft- We shall show that the only possible oscillation is the lower
\ L3L1
one of the two.
If we substitute M =0 and L2 =0 in Eq. (77), we find that the critical
conditions for maintaining oscillations as given by,
R+ 7 Ll . v /l+-^V-\-0, . . . (80)

the condition for oscillation making the left-hand member less than zero.
The condition for oscillations is then determined by the inequality
uLl 1 (RRJ>C2+MoLa)+Li+RR]jC2<0. . . . (81)

This can evidently be satisfied only by having

C0L3 —£r<0, (82)

which shows that the circuit cannot sustain oscillations at a frequency

which makes greater than —77-. This bears out the prediction made
above that of the two roots of Eq. (79), only that one having a value less
than -\Jj^fy i8 a possible frequency for the oscillations because the con
ditional inequality (82) may be written,

. (83)

Eq. (81) also serves to further limit C\, because from it we get the
r ~1 L\+RPRC2 (fu.
Ul>W2 L1L3(w>+l)+R,RC2(Li+I*) w

So we have Ci fixed by the double condition,

1 ^ „ ^ 1 L\-\-RpRCi
U2L3 " - 1 - w2 LiLsOio-l- 1) + RpRC2{Lx + L3) '
The relation given in (84) shows that if noLz>Li (which will generally
lie the case), is positive, so that as the resistance of the oscillating

circuit is increased, the value of Ci must also be increased to maintain the

oscillations. By similar reasoning, we see that Ci must be increased as
the frequency of the oscillations is diminished.
If we consider both magnetic and static coupling as given in Fig. 120,
we can much simplify the general equations obtained—(76) and (77)—by
supposing Z/2 absent and 3- negligibly small. Eq. (76) then becomes,

a>C2 V ...rr m L

and Eq. (77) becomes,

R- *0. (86)
RPC2\ u(Li+l*-2M)-
The capacity coupling serves to increase the magnetic coupling if M
is negative and if w{Lz — M) — ^r<0. Even if M is positive the con
dition for oscillations may be still maintained by
using sufficient capacity coupling.
It is to be noted that even if no actual con
denser Ci is used in the circuit, there is always
such a capacity present in the tube itself, due to
capacity between the actual grid and plate, as well
as that of the lead-in wires connecting to them.
At very high frequencies this internal tube capacity
may very seriously affect the behavior of the tube;
in certain tubes of foreign manufacture the lead-in
wires of the plate and grid are kept as far from
Fig. 122. This circuit is each other as the structure of the tube permits
similar to that of Fig. with the idea of minimizing this internal capacity.
120, but simplified by (gee tube (0) of Fig. 21, page 389.)
eliminating the dummy Another circuit which may be used is shown
antenna circuit.
in Fig. 122. For this case, we have,


T di2 , ,■ ai\

and as

we have the relation

+t2) + (Li +kM) ^+ (M0L2+M) ^ - 0. . . (87)

Wlien the reactance across the machine or battery furnishing the plate
voltage is negligible (it should always be made so by shunting with a large
capacity, if necessary), we have

... (88)

and as ta = —
we can write (88) in the form,


From this t'i might be eliminated and so enable a solution of t'2 to be

obtained. Instead of this formal procedure, we guess at the solution and
• ii =7i sin cot and 12 — 12 sin (o)t+<t>).

Using these two values and substituting in Eq. (89), we get,

co2 ~ (MoL2+M) (Li -M)- co(Li - M) [ co(L2 -M)--L1

-R*-\w{L2-M)-±^ =Q, . (90)

RpR(Ll-M)+w(Ll-M) (»0L2+M) [ (coL2 - M) - ^j

+ (Li+^oM)^R2+(w(L2-M)—^y^=0. . (91)

If in (90) we neglect the terms ~ and R2, we get for the natural period
of the circuit,
o>= . 1 (92)
And using this value of 01 in Eq. (91), which determines the critical con
dition for oscillation,

fi[2WIa-^+i?(Ia-h^^ (93)

This conditional inequality requires,


If we suppose there is no magnetic coupling M=0 and the frequency

of oscillation becomes,
and the condition for oscillation

R{R'+R)<~(L1+La)C • (95)

Oscillating Circuit in the Grid Circuit.—When a

three-electrode tube is used as detector for con
tinuous waves, it is necessary to have an addi
tional tube for producing the local oscillations or
else to use the detecting tube itself to generate the
local oscillations. While any arrangement which
makes the tube oscillate will serve for the purpose,
the one which is probably used more frequently
than any other is shown in Fig. 123; the tuned
circuit is now associated with the grid, being
coupled to the plate circuit by a coil in the plate
circuit, Li. This coil is generally called the "tick
Fig. 123—This is the
circuit generally used ler " coil.
when an oscillating If we make the same assumption as has been
tube is used to re made for all the other circuits so far considered
ceive a continuous- namely, the grid takes no current, then 12 =i and
wave signal; the os the equations of the circuits are,
cillatory circuit is
here associated with d.1'2 T dip
the grid.
t di2 D. div
and e'=~L2-dT~R'2~M-dJ-
di-2 di
RpiJ> = eI>+noeg = — (M+n0L2) imRi2— (L1+/10M) -~
Rpip+noRi2+(noL2+M) ^+(L1+noM)^=0. . (96)
-lJ%-M^-Rh-tc and t = -C^,
dt dt dt
By deriving above equation and substituting value of i, then eliminating
ip between the resulting equation and Eq. (96) we get (substituting the
symbol i for both i and 12, which are the same)
( R+Lx+n0M) <ti i_
CRp dt^C

Guessing the solution to be i = I sin ait substituting the proper derivatives

in Eq. (97), we get for the period of oscillation,

— , ,' • (W)

which is practically the same as -^==~

For the limiting condition of oscillations, we find,

R+^/l^oM-1^1^*.]^ (99)
R,c\ ye

Eq. (99) can be written in the form,


from which, using (98) and neglecting terms involving -5-,we get,

and this can be satisfied only if M is negative and its absolute value is
greater than n0L,2. The condition imposed by (100) will be satisfied if
M is negative and its absolute value lies between the two roots of Eq.
(100). So the absolute value of M is limited by the relation,

The condition is evidently different from that existing when the oscillating
circuit was in series with the plate. In that case if M exceeded its critical
value the value of the oscillating current was reduced, but there was no
upper limit for the permissible value of M. With the oscillating circuit
in series with the grid, however, the oscillations will cease if the absolute
value of M exceeds a certain critical value.
Circuits of Very High Frequency.1—Vacuum-tube circuits will gener
ate any frequency between one per second or less to many millions per
second; the low frequencies require very high values of L and C, but
1 Many other circuits than the few here analyzed have been designed and used. The
reader is referred to an article by L. A. Hazeltine in Proc. I.R.E., April, 1918, one by
W. C. White in G. E. Review for September, 1916, and one by G. C. Southworth in the
Radio Review for September, 1920. Southworth has been able to obtain frequencies
as high as 3 X 10s cycles per second.

are comparatively easy to produce. To get the very high frequencies,

it is necessary to consider carefully all the capacity
in the circuit, especially that in the tube.
The circuit shown in Fig. 124 will generate
perhaps as high as 108 cycles per second, if the
internal capacity of the tube is low. The oscil
lating circuit is indicated by the arrow, and must
be made with very short leads; the condensers Ci
and C2 should each be several milli-microfarads,
and the values of L\ and L have to be properly
Fig. 124.-A circuit used gclccUjA for maximum oscillating current,
for generating very nigh .
frequency; the oscilla- These very high-frequency currents often occur
tory circuit is indicated when neither expected nor wanted. Thus in the
by the arrow. connection scheme shown in Fig. 125, the circuit
in which oscillations arc desired is made up of Ls,
Lp, R, and C, the current being indicated by ammeter A\. If C is too
large, the conditions for oscillations in the main oscillatory circuit may
not be satisfied, but the adjustment may serve to
maintain oscillations in the circuit indicated by the
arrow. That the tube is oscillating is known by
indication of the continuous-current ammeter in the
plate circuit, but ammeter Ai shows nothing. If,
however, a hot-wire meter of low resistance be
inserted in the grid lead, as shown at A2, it will be
found that a comparatively large current is being
generated in the local path.
A similar condition may occur in the circuit of
Fig. 126; the main oscillating circuit L-C may show Fig. 125.—In a circuit
such as this the os
no current at all, but oscillations of very high fre cillatory circuit is
quency may be flowing through h, and Lp as indicated made up of R, Lt,Lp,
by the arrow, the dotted condenser really being the and C in series; the
internal capacity of the tube.1 circuit is very likely,
Elimination of Undesired Frequencies.—These however, to set up
spurious high-fre
undesired high-frequency currents are sometimes quency oscillationsin
troublesome, but may, in general, be eliminated the circuit including
by suitable precautions. Thus in a circuit used grid, plate, and C as
with a Type P pliotron the arrangement of ap indicated by the ar
paratus was nearly as shown in Fig. 122; in row.
series with R and C was another inductance, the
'The circuit shown in Fig. 126, without the main oscillating circuit, (L-C-A) is
frequently used to produce oscillations of high frequency in a receiving set. The values
of Le and Lv must be adjustable for different frequencies. A very complete discussion
of this circuit is given by A. S. Blatterman in Vol. 1, No. 13, of the Radio Review.

actual connection being as shown on the curve sheet given in Fig. 178,
p. (570).
With Lp, of this figure, below a critical value, the main circuit, Lr-Lp-
C-L—R, will not oscillate; it is quite likely, however, that when the main
circuit is not oscillating, high-frequency currents will be generated in the
circuit made up of L„ and L„ in series with the internal capacity of the
tube. Thus, with L„=200 ph, L„=400 fih, L=8000 fth, C = .0O2 rf, the
ammeter I (Fig. 178) gave no indication, but the meter Iv showed that
the tube was oscillating violently. Test with wave-meter showed the
circuit, L„-L,-tube-capacity, to be generating a ■ H
complex current of fundamental wave-length equal j.
to 800 meters; this is about the natural frequency
of the circuit.
The desired wave-length, of about 6000 meters,
was not started until Lp was adjusted in excess of
1200 fih; the frequency changed suddenly from one
value to the other, as Lp was varied through its
critical value. There is a tendency in such a cir
cuit, however, to maintain the existing oscillation;
thus if Lp was increased, the high-frequency oscil
lation persisted until Lp exceeded 1200 ph. As L„
Fio. 126.—In a circuit of
was decreased, however, the high-frequency oscil this kind (often called
lation did not start until Lp was made less than a Meissner circuit)
1000 ixh, so that with Lp = 1100 ph, either 900 meter spurious oscillations
or 6000 meter oscillations might exist, depending may be set up in the
upon whether Lp had been decreased from a high circuit indicated by
the arrow, the main
value to 1100 ph, or had been brought up to the oscillatory circuit re
value from something lower. maining unexcited.
An interesting condition was found in this test:
if the condenser across machine En was taken out the high-frequency
oscillations was very persistent, whereas the 6000-meter oscillation
would not start, no matter what value Lp might have. Evidently for
the lower frequency the machine offered a high-inductive reactance and
resistance, whereas for the high-frequency current it acted like a con
denser of low impedance.
The undesired high-frequency current for the circuit above described
was completely eliminated by introducing a suitable resistance directly
in series with the grid, as indicated at A in Fig. 178; 100 ohms sufficed
to diminish their amplitude considerably and 2000 ohms at this point
resulted in such high losses for the 800-meter wave that it could not
sustain itself. This high resistance had a negligible effect on the 6000-
meter oscillation, because of the comparatively small charging current
flowing to the grid at this frequency.

Constancy of Frequency of an Oscillating Tube.—The foregoing

formulae for frequency of oscillation of a tube circuit have all been derived
on the assumption that the grid current was zero, and do not involve
any characteristics of the tube, except no and Rv. It is a fact, however,
that there is an appreciable capacity between the grid and filament of
a tube, and that the value of this capacity varies with any factor which
affects the n (not no) 1 of the tube and circuit, as shown on page 432 et
■ seq. This grid-filament capacity is always shunted across a part of the
oscillating circuit and so must have an effect on the frequency of oscil
lation of the circuit.
It is therefore evident that any factor which influences either tube
resistance or grid-filament capacity must also effect, to some extent, the
frequency of oscillation, and such is found to be the case. A change in
either of the filament current or plate voltage will produce variations in
frequency the variation, some
times amounting to 1 per cent
or 2 per cent, without excessive
change in either // or
The Oscillating Tube as De
tector of Continuous Waves—
Autodyne.—The circuit given in
Fig. 123 is generally used for
exciting a tube used as autodyne
receiver; with no grid condenser, Fig. 127—This is the arrangement generally
as shown in Fig. 127, the detect- u**1 when an oscillating tube is to act as
a. . , . , detector for continuous-wave signals. The
ing efficiency of the tube is in- {^^y q[ ^ ^ is ^
cheated by Eq. (31). The an- by the values of L, and C, the tickler coil, I.
tenna circuit L3C is tuned to serving to make the tube oscillate,
incoming signals and the circuit
L2C is tuned to a frequency differing from this signal frequency by
about 800 cycles per second, so as to give a beat note for which both the
ear and ordinary telephone receiver are sensitive.
From Eq. (31) it seems that the more violently the tube is oscillating,
thereby making E'0 as large as possible, the more sensitive will the tube
act as detector, and so it does as long as ^-f remains constant. This

term d2i
-v-f is really a measure of the assymetry of the change in plate cur-
rent when E, is positive and when it is negative; in other words, it measures
1 Changing the plate-circuit inpedance changes the effective value of the tube capacity
(and hence its effect on the frequency of oscillation), because the n of the tube and
circuit has been changed; the yuo of the tube, however, has not been altered by changing
the plate-circuit impedance.

the excess of the increase of plate current for positive E„ over the decrease
for negative Et. So long as the relation between Iv and Eg is parabolic
the value of -j—| is constant, but for this condition the tube resistance Rp
is also constant. We have previously shown, however, that to make a tube
oscillate, the coupling (of whatever kind is used) must be increased beyond
a certain critical value, and that after this value is past the oscillations
start and automatically increase in amplitude, until the plate resistance Rv
is sufficiently increased to restore a certain balance which was destroyed
by increasing M. This change of resistance was analyzed in discussing
Fig. 114. The plate current in an autodyne receiver will fluctuate over
the straight part of the full-line curve of this figure if the value of M
(between L\ and L2 of Fig. 127) is kept sufficiently low: if it is increased
much beyond its critical value the fluctuation in plate current will extend
over the upper and lower bends of the curves.
The tube will act best as a detector of continuous-wave signals for that
coupling of Li and Li (Fig. 127) which results in the greatest product
of E'e-r-^- This product will generally be a maximum for the weakest
coupling which will maintain the tube in the oscillating state; such is
nearly always found to be the case in practice. If the coupling between
L2 and L3 is held constant and the coupling between L2 and L\ is dimin
ished, the signal strength will be a maximum for the weakest possible
coupling. In carrying out this test it is necessary continually to change
C to keep the beat note of constant pitch, because of the effect df Li on
the value of the effective self-induction of L2.
Three possible conditions of the adjustment of a beat receiver are shown
in Fig. 128. In (a) the coupling is so adjusted (tight) that the grid poten
tial, with no incoming signal, fluctuates between A and B; the plate cur
rent fluctuates with a frequency nearly the same as that of the signal,
between the values AG and BH, its average value being 01. This cur
rent 01 flows through the phones and the high-frequency alternating
component of the plate current is carried by the condenser shunting the
phones. In case no actual condenser is used to shunt the phones this
current will utilize the capacity of the phone cords or the distributed
capacity of the windings to by-pass the high inductance circuit of the wind
ings themselves.
When the signal voltage E, is superimposed on the grid it alternately
increases and decreases the amplitude of the grid fluctuations of poten
tial; the value of grid potential now fluctuates with variable amplitude,
the amplitude being fixed by the limiting values EF and DC, the fre
quency of these cycles of variation of amplitude being equal to the
difference in frequency of E„ and E'„.

Fig. 128.—This diagram shows the effect of the strength of the local oscillations on the
signal strength; the audio frequency current through the phones, which gives the
audible signal, is indicated by the wavy dashed line in each diagram. In (a) the
local oscillations are too violent to give a good signal, in (ft) the signal is somewhat
improved and in (c) it is best. It is doubtful if the local oscillation could be cut
down as much as indicated in (c) without stopping the oscillations altogether.
For all three diagrams the amplitude of the high-frequency signal voltage is the

The plate current will now be of the form shown in the right-hand
part of the diagram, and the average value of this high-frequency plate
current will be as shown by the dashed line shown at K, L, M, etc., and
it is this pulsating current which, flowing through the telephone receivers,
gives the signal.
In diagram (6) of Fig. 128 is shown the effect on the signal strength
of reducing somewhat the amplitude of the locally generated oscillations
E'„ which occurs as a result of decreasing the coupling between L\ and
U in Fig. 127 (dotted line of Fig. 112). Although E't is less than in
diagram (a), the value of the signal current (shown again by the
dashed line) is greater for (6) than it is for (a).
In diagram (c) of Fig. 128 is shown the result of still further decreasing
the value of the local oscillation E'g; it is likely that M could not be suf-
Tube A TubeB

—II—,—. ^rpj o<


Fig. 129.—In order to control easily the strength of the local oscillations impressed on
the detecting tube it is best to have a separate oscillator and couple this properly
to the detector, Tube A. In this diagram Tube B is the oscillator; it is coupled
to the detector by the two coils L» and L.t

ficiently reduced to make the tube oscillate in this fashion without stopping
the oscillations altogether. The signal current is, however, greater for
this condition than for either of the two other values of E'Q shown at
(a) and (6).
Use of a Separate Tube for Generating the Local Oscillation?.—In
order to use the vacuum tube as detector most efficiently it is necessary
to have the amplitude of the voltage E't under control, and this can best
be done by using a separate tube for generating the voltage E'e, in addition
to the detecting tube. The scheme of connection is then as shown in
Fig. 129. The local oscillations are generated in tube B, their frequency
being fixed approximately by L4, L5, and C\, and intensity by the coupling
between L5 and L%. This coupling should be considerably greater than
the critical value, so that as conditions in the circuit are changed the
oscillations of tube B are not stopped.

The value of E'g impressed on the grid of the detecting tube A can
be controlled by varying the mutual inductance between L3 and La,
either by moving the coils with respect to one another or by changing
the value of either of them. The value of M should be so adjusted that
the condition obtained is that shown in Fig. 128, diagram (c).
The antenna circuit and L2C2 circuit are each tuned for the frequency
of the incoming signal, and the coupling between L\ and L2 is adjusted
as near the critical value as possible. We have shown that the effect
of the coupling between L2 and L\ is to decrease the resistance of the
L2C2 circuit, and this resistance may be made to approach zero, if the
coupling is suitably adjusted. Further, the L2C2 circuit can be exactly
tuned for the incoming signal, so that the- reactance is zero also, hence
the impedance of the L2C2
circuit may be made to
approach very close to zero,
so that the current caused
to flow by a weak signal
may be perhaps a hundred
or more times greater than
it would be if the coupling
L1 — L2 were not used. 1
The impedance of the
L2C2 circuit, as a function
of the impressed frequen
.99 x 10s 1x10* 1.01 x 10s cy, has the form shown in
Frequency Fig. 130; it is evident from
Fia. 130.—By properly adjusting the coupling of coils this curve that not only
Li and Ls of Fig. 129 (keeping the coupling too low
to produce oscillations in Ls— C2) the resistance of is the circuit of Fig. 129
the circuit L% — Ci may be made to approach zero. one to amplify signal
This curve shows how the impedance of the Li — C% strength, but also that
circuit will then vary with frequency of impressed this amplification is very
signal. selective. With a low
resistance coil for L2 and
a well-insulated condenser, and the grid circuit of the tube adjusted
to absorb but little power, the selectivity is extremely sharp.
Effect of Condenser in Series with the Grid on the Critical Coupling.—
In the foregoing analyses of the conditions required for self-excitation
of tubes no mention was made of the effect of a condenser in series with
the grid, as affecting the possibility of oscillation. In some common
oscillating circuits it is necessary to use a grid condenser to insulate the
grid from a high positive potential; such a one is shown in Fig. 131. " !'K'
1 An experimental investigation of the magnification obtainable in such circuits was
carried out by E. H. Armstrong and reported in Proc. I.R.E., Vol. 5, No. 2, April, 1917.

The oscillating circuit is made up of L with Ci and C2 in series, and

the tube is connected to it as shown. The excitation for the grid is sup
plied by the drop of potential between the points A-C and the plate volt
age is fixed by the drop across condenser C2. The scheme of connection
results in the coil L being at plate potential, i.e., it is positive with respect
to the filament by an amount equal to Eb; if the grid were connected
directly to point C, the tube would at
once burn out, due to excessive plate
and grid currents.
The grid is therefore insulated (in so
far as continuous voltage is concerned)
by the condenser C3; a suitable leak
resistance R serves to hold the grid at a
proper average potential. The excitation
impressed on the grid is now not equal
to the potential drop between points
A-C, but somewhat less than this due
to the drop across the condenser C3;
moreover, due to the absence of the Fig. 131.—In a circuit of this kind it
leak path across C3 and the presence of is necessary to use a condenser Cs
such a leak across the grid-filament cir to insulate the grid from the high
cuit, the phase of the voltage impressed continuous voltage impressed on
on the grid is not the same as that of the coil L by machine 2?&.
voltage across condenser &.
The effect of the drop across C3 is to require a higher drop across
A-C than would otherwise be required; if it should happen that the
capacity of C3 is equal to the capacity of the input circuit of the tube,
then Ci must be made only one-half as large as it would otherwise have
to be.
Effect of Oscillations on the Magnitude of the Plate Current.—If
an oscillatory circuit has a condenser in series with the grid, the average
value of the plate current will always decrease when oscillations begin;
this is due to accumulation of electrons on the grid forcing its average
potential more negative when oscillations start, causing an accompanying
decrease in the plate current. This effect is shown by the decrease in
the reading of a continuous-current meter in series with the plate.
When the oscillating circuit is such that no grid condenser is required,
and none is used, the reading of the continuous current meter in the plate
circuit will generally increase when oscillations start, the increase being
more the greater the excitation of the grid. This statement is not univer
sally true ; it is possible to so adjust the conditions that when oscillations
start the average value of the plate current stays the same, or even
decreases. This effect can be noted if, with all other conditions constant,

the filament current is varied throughout a sufficient range of values;

with high filament current, the plate current will increase when oscilla
tions start, and with low filament current it will decrease. The case is
similar to the action of the tube as a detector, without grid condenser
as described in p. 444 ; it is there shown that the effect of an incoming
signal may be to either increase or decrease the average value of the plate
Criterions of the Oscillating Condition of a Detecting Tube.—In the
case of a power tube the oscillatory condition is indicated by the meters
used cither in the grid circuit, plate circuit, or oscillating circuit. In the
case of a small tube used for the detection of continuous-wave signals
there are generally no meters in the circuit to indicate oscillations; it is,
however, extremely important that the operator should know at all times
' whether or not his tube circuit is oscillating, because if it is not oscillating
he cannot possibly hear the signal for which he is listening. The only
method of testing for oscillations in the ordinary continuous-wave detecting
set is to properly interpret the noises in the telephone receivers; to an
experienced operator they serve as well as do the meters on a power set.
When no condenser is used in series with the grid it is very easy to
tell when the tube is oscillating and when not; when grid condenser is
used the determination is not so easy. There are two methods of testing
for oscillations; first, by making the coupling of the tickler coil (or other
type of coupling) so weak that the circuit is not generating oscillations
and then gradually increasing the coupling past the critical value, listen
ing for the characteristic noise which occurs when the critical coupling
is exceeded and, second, by properly interpreting the noises heard in the
receivers when the grid terminal is grounded by putting the thumb or
one finger, on the negative end of the filament circuit and touching the
grid terminal with another finger. These two schemes may be called the
coupling test and finger test.
As has been noted above when a tube circuit starts to oscillate the plate
current practically always changes its average value, generally increas
ing when no grid condenser is used. The change in the plate current
is not extremely rapid because, with the critical value of coupling, it takes
many cycles before the steady state is reached; the result of the slow
change in plate current is to produce a peculiarly soft quality of click
in the receiver.1 This noise resembles, perhaps more than anything else,
the " plucking " of a loose violin string and, when once noted, is very
easy to recognize.
In the case of no grid condenser this coupling test is very reliable
1 When listening for this noise the coupling must not be increased too slowly; with
a very slow increase in the coupling the noise is so soft that it may not be heard at all.
When first listening for this noise the tickler coupling should be changed quite rapidly.

and easy to make. If grid condenser is used the distinctness of this pluck
ing sound is by no means as pronounced as is the case for no grid con
denser; for some values of capacity and leak resistance it is almost impos
sible to hear it at all, even though the critical coupling is known and
especial care is used in listening.
In the case of no grid condenser the finger test gives very distinct
indication of the oscillating condition; with the moistened thumb placed
on a filament connection (binding post) a finger is touched to the grid
connection of the tube, thus grounding the grid to an extent sufficient
to stop oscillations.2 The cessation of oscillations is accompanied by
a sharp click in the receivers and when the finger is removed from the grid
connection the starting of oscillations, with accompanying change in plate
current, is indicated by another click, generally less distinct than the first.
For coupling of the tickler coil considerably in excess of the critical value,
the two clicks (starting and stopping oscillations) are of about the same
With grid condenser and leak the finger test does not give reliable
results, except to the experienced operator; even with no oscillations
two clicks are heard when the finger is touched to the grid connection and
when it is removed therefrom. With the tube not oscillating the grid is
practically always positive, with respect to the potential of the negative end
of the filament; when the grid is grounded by the finger, thus suddenly
bringing it to the same potential as the filament, a sudden change occurs in
the plate current with resultant click in the receiver; when the finger is
removed the grid at once resumes its normal positive potential and so
again gives a change in plate current and click in the phones. As has
been previously noted, when grid condenser is used the grid leak resist
ance is best connected by the positive end of the filament; such has
been assumed in statements just made.
The same two clicks are observed if the tube is oscillating, and there is
not much difference between the clicks in the two cases. This is especially
true if the grid condenser is small and electron supply in the vicinity of
the grid plentiful; if, for example, with an ordinary detecting tube the
grid condenser is 100 nnf (a commonly used value) and filament temper
ature normal, even a good operator may not distinguish any difference
in the clicks for the oscillatory and non-oscillatory condition.
If, however, the grid condenser is much larger, say 5000 nnf or larger,
there is a marked difference to be noticed; with oscillations the two clicks
have nearly the same intensity, but with no oscillations the click heard
upon removing the finger from the grid connection is much softer than
5 On most receiving sets it will be found that, even though the grid connection
directly at the tube is not accessible, some screw or binding post connected to the grid,
is available.

the one heard when making contact with the grid. When the tube is
not oscillating it takes an appreciable time to charge the grid condenser
to its normal potential and the accompanying change in plate current
is slow, thus giving a weak sound; the larger the grid condenser and the
lower the filament temperature, the longer will this charging time be and
correspondingly weaker is the click in the receivers.
The tests for the oscillating condition can then be summarized as
Coupling Test.—No Grid Condenser.—Distinct sound (plucking string)
when critical coupling is exceeded.
With Grid Condenser.—The click occurring when critical coupling is
exceeded is not distinct unless the grid condenser is large (several milli-
microfarads) and the filament temperature subnormal.
Finger Test.—No Grid Condenser.—Two distinct clicks when tube
is oscillating and none at all when tube is not oscillating.
With Grid Condenser.—Two distinct clicks of nearly equal intensity
if tube is oscillating; if tube is not oscillating the click upon touching; the
grid connection is more pronounced than that when releasing the grid,
the distinction being more pronounced with larger grid condensers.
Peculiarities of Adjustment of Oscillating Detectors.—When first
working with oscillating detectors certain apparent discrepancies will be
encountered. Thus if the tuned grid circuit uses one of the coils of a loose
coupler and the other coil of the coupler, or a section of it, is used for the
tickler coil, it may be found that when the coils are separated, oscillations
occur, no matter which way the tickler coil is connected in the plate circuit.
It may also be found that oscillations occur when the coils are quite widely
separated and that as the coils are brought nearer together the oscilla
tions cease, an apparent contradiction to the analysis previously given.
With the coils arranged as shown in Fig. 132, it is apparent that the
magnetic coupling of Li and L2 is weak, but it may well be that the two
coils of the coupler
permit enough elec
trostatic coupling of
the plate and grid
circuits to produce
oscillations, and this
Fio. 132.—If an ordinary coupler is used in making testa for eyen if the connec-
oscillations some peculiar results may be obtained. tion of L\ is re
versed. Now if the
sense of the magnetic coupling of L\ and L2 is incorrect for producing
oscillations, the electrostatic coupling of the two circuits will be neutral
ized as the two coils are brought closer together, and when they get
close enough, the coupling due to both effects will be less than the

critical value and so oscillations will stop. In case the tickler coil con
sists of only a few concentrated turns this effect will not be noticed.
When the coupling of plate and grid circuits is accomplished by rotating
one coil inside the other, it will often be found that setting the coils at
right angles to one another, which of course makes M =0, will not stop
oscillations and that the coils must be rotated considerably past the 90°
point before the oscillations stop. This is because of the electrostatic
coupling introduced by the proximity of the two coils; enough reversed
magnetic coupling must be introduced so that the total coupling, induc
tive plus capacitive, is less than the critical value for the circuit. This
effect is mentioned, and analyzed on p. 504.
Peculiar Noises Occurring in an Oscillating Detector Circuit.—If
the oscillating detector circuit has no condenser in series with the grid
its behavior is very regular, but if a grid condenser is used all sorts of
queer noises may be heard in the phones, unless the adjustment is care
fully carried out. The noise may vary from a series of regular " clicks,"
separated from each other by several seconds, to a high shrill signal; on
carrying out further adjustments, the note may become so high as to be
inaudible, so that the operator has no convenient way of telling that the
action of the tube is irregular and that readjustment is required.
The condition practically always occurs as a result of too tight coupling
of the tickler coil, too high a resistance for the grid leak, or a combination
of both. The noise is due to the starting and stopping of oscillations, the
musical pitch having nothing to do with the frequency of oscillation, but
being fixed by the rapidity with which
one group of oscillations follows the
The oscillations start, thus charging
the grid condenser and reducing the
mean potential of the grid and so
changing the Rp of the tube; but the
condition for oscillation for the circuit
given in Eq. (101) depends upon Rp,
and it is evident from inspection of
this equation that if R„ increases, the d c
Plate voltage.
value of M required for oscillation is
Fio. 133.—When oscillations start, in
increased. In Fig. 133 is shown the a circuit using a condenser in series
relation between Ep and IP, for two with the grid, the plate-current curve
values of Eo,; the curve OA is for may change from OA to DB, due to
Eo,=0, and the curve DB is for E„e at the decrease in average potential of
some negative value. The slope of the grid, when oscillations start.
this curve serves as a measure of Rp, the value of Rp being actually
given by the cotangent of the slope, when the scales for Ep and Ip are

the same; if not the same, the value of RP obtained by measurement

in the curve must be multiplied by the ratio of the " volts per inch "
of this graph to the " amperes per inch."
Let us suppose that when oscillations start the normal potential of
the grid is zero, the plate voltage being given by OC, Fig. 133; the value
of Rp is then tan <j>, and M is adjusted to such a value that oscillations
start. The grid is then forced negative so that the Ev — Ip curve changes
from OA to DB, thus increasing the value of R„ to tan <£', and so increas
ing the coupling requirement, as given by Eq. (101), that the value of
Af is not sufficient to maintain oscillations, the circuit then stops oscil
During the oscillations, however, the grid condenser has become
charged, and before oscillations can again start the charge must leak off
sufficiently to bring the plate current from CB to CA, Fig. 133. The
time required is fixed by the magnitude of the charge on the condenser
and the time constant of the grid-condenser, grid-leak circuit. The adjust
ment might be such, for example, that 90 per cent of the charge in the
condenser must leak off before oscillations again start. If (1 — e sc) is
to be 0.90, we must have 7.7, =2.3; if then C =500 nixf and R=2 megohms,
we have =^= 2.3 X 5 X10-10 X 2 X106 = .0023 second. The starting and
stopping of oscillations in the circuit would then occur about 500 times
a second and a musical note of 500 vibrations a second would be heard
in the telephone receivers.
If the leak resistance is greater in value, or the condenser of greater
capacity, the note will be of lower pitch, and it will be higher if either
the leak resistance or capacity is decreased. When the terminals of the
vacuum tube are well insulated from one another and no external grid
leak resistance is used it is possible to so adjust a tube circuit that the
interval between successive groups of oscillations is a minute or more,
thus producing a series of clicks in the telephone receivers separated from
each other by that interval of time.
The pitch of these disturbing noises may be practically always sent
beyond the audible limit by lightly touching the grid connection and
filament connection of the oscillating tube; if the finger and thumb making
the connection are pressed down too tightly the leak resistance will be
lowered to such an extent that the tube will stop oscillating altogether.
The pitch of the note may be varied by changing either the plate voltage
or filament current, both of these having influence on Rp and thus on the
critical value of the coupling M; they also effect to some extent the grid
leak resistance.

The squealing noise will nearly always be produced if, after the proper
value of M has been obtained for a certain setting of the tuning condenser
C (Fig. 123) the capacity of this condenser is much decreased. Decreasing
C increases w and so, according to Eq. (101), makes a lower value of M
permissible; with the ordinary detecting-tube circuit, having grid con
denser, it is practically always necessary to use the lowest value of M
compatible with the requirements of Eq. (101) if steady oscillations are
to be produced. A value of M much greater than this will not only cut
down the sensitiveness of the tube as a detector, but is always likely to
produce noises.
Use of Regenerative Circuit for Spark Reception.—A tube circuit
arranged with " tickler " or other form of coupling for the detection of
continuous-wave signals is also adapted for the reception of spark, or
damped-wave, signals; with the antenna circuit and the local circuit (L2 — C
of Fig. 127) tuned accurately to the incoming signal the tickler coupling
can be increased to a value slightly less than that required for producing
oscillations. The increase in intensity of the signal by using a suitable
value of coupling can be increased thousands of times over the value it
would have if no tickler coupling were used.
It has been shown that the effect of the coupling is to reduce the
resistance of the L2 — C circuit to a very low value (Fig. 130) so that a
certain e.m.f. impressed on this circuit, from the antenna circuit, will
produce a current perhaps 100 times as great as would normally be the
case. The change in the plate current (which gives the signal in the
phones) is proportional to the square of the voltage impressed on the grid,
as given in Eq. (18), and so will increase greatly as the resistance of the
L2 — C circuit is made to approach zero by suitable tickler coupling. If
e.g., the actual resistance of L2 — C is 10 ohms and by means of tickler
coupling the effective resistance is reduced to 0.1 ohm, the current in
L2 — C is increased 100 times, the voltage impressed on the grid
is increased 100 times, and the signal current, A/p, is increased
104 times.
The effect on the signal strength as the mutual inductance between
Li and L2 (Fig. 127) varies is shown in Fig. 134; as M is increased the
signal intensity rapidly increases, retaining its normal musical quality,
until such a coupling is reached, OA, that oscillations start. The resulting
noise in the telephone when the tube is oscillating, is of " scratchy "
quality being caused by a kind of beat phenomenon between continuous
waves locally generated and the incoming damped waves; as the phase
relations between the successive wave trains and the continuous oscilla
tions of the tube are of haphazard values, and as the amplitude of the
spark signals is variable throughout each wave-train, the resulting vari
ation in amplitude of the plate current is of very irregular character, thus

producing the scratchy note for couplings indicated by the dotted line
in Fig. 134.
Regenerative Circuit for Short-wave Spark Reception.—For short-wave
reception, say less than 400 meters, probably the most satisfactory type
of circuit is one which uses no other coupling between the grid and plate
circuits than that due to the capacity coupling in the tube itself. In
this scheme the " tickler " coil of Fig. 127 is replaced by a small vari
ometer, not coupled to the L2 — C circuit at all; the required amount of
inductance in this variometer varies with the wave-length, type of tube,
etc., but is generally less than 1 milli
henry. It is best to add in the Li—C
circuit another variometer about the
same as that used in the plate circuit,
thus making it possible to tune the closed
circuit with very small value of C.
The L2—C circuit is carefully tuned
to the incoming signal and the regenera
tive action is brought to its maximum
permissible value by suitably adjusting
the variometer in the plate circuit. As
the plate inductance is increased, a slight
Increasing M further adjustment of the closed tuned
Fio. 134.—If the tickler coil is used circuit is generally required in order to
when reserving spark signals (of get maximum sensitiveness,
sufficiently low decrement) the Behavior of a Regenerative Receiver
signal will increase very rapidly Regarding Sound of Signal, etc.—There
as tickler is increased until this . . ,. .
passes its critical value; the tube -are many interesting phenomena con-
starts to oscillate and then the nected with the adjustments of this re-
signal, although very loud, loses generative circuit other than those already
its characteristic musical note and mentioned, When M is made just greai
becomes "mushy" in quality. enough to produce oscillations (slightly
greater than OA, Fig. 134) the detecting
efficiency of the circuit is greatly increased, so much so that spark signals
so weak as to be entirely inaudible with tickler coupling just less than
the critical value become quite loud when oscillations start. In this
case the listening operator gets no clue to the identity of the sending
station from the spark note because the signal is inaudible until the
tube is oscillating, and then the distinctive spark note is not present.
If such a weak signal is coming in and the closed circuit is properly tuned
to it (with tickler coupling about equal to its critical value), a peculiar
effect is produced by the adjustment of the antenna circuit. With this
circuit much detuned of course the signal is inaudible; as the antenna
loading coil, or similar adjustment, is increased the signal becomes audible

with a scratchy quality (tube supposedly oscillating) ; as this adjustment

is continued the signal increases in intensity until at a certain value of
loading it disappears completely; on continuing the adjustment, however,
the signal reappears at a certain point and gradually decreases as the
adjustment is further carried out. Upon investigation it will be found
that this narrow region where the signal is inaudible is caused by the
cessation of oscillations in the tube circuit. The antenna circuit introduces
a resistance effect into the oscillating tube circuit which varies with the
relative tuning of the two, being a maximum when the antenna and
closed circuit are tuned alike; hence a tickler coupling which is just
sufficient to cause oscillations with an antenna somewhat mistuned is
insufficient for the tuned condition. A quantitative idea of this change
of resistance of the oscillating circuit, due to variation in antenna tuning
is given in Fig. 91, Chapter I, p. 93.
For the best reception of the signal the adjustment of the antenna
should be set at the midpoint of the silent region and the tickler coupling
increased just sufficient to produce oscillations for the condition.
In case a continuous-wave signal is being received, the following effect of
the antenna tuning on the reactance of the oscillating circuit may be noted.
With antenna and closed circuit normally adjusted, a certain note is heard
in the telephone; this note may be observed to vary over a considerable
range as the tuning of the antenna is changed, the variation in note being
caused by the change in the effective inductance in the closed oscillating
circuit by the reaction of the antenna. The amount of change in note
obtainable depends upon the coupling between antenna and closed cir
cuit; some idea of its magnitude may be had by inspection of Fig. 91,
Chapter I, p. 93.
Eqs. (84) and (85), p. 91, permit quantitative prediction of the amount
of change in resistance and reactance of the oscillating circuit, as affected
by the antenna circuit.
Operation of Power Tubes in Parallel for Greater Power Output.—
Vacuum-tube generators or converters operate very well in parallel,
remaining synchronized automatically; 1 the proper division of the load

1 An interesting demonstration of the inherent tendency of tube circuits to syn

chronize with each other is easily obtained. If a small power tube is set into oscillation
in the laboratory and an autodyne detector circuit in the same room is used for listen
ing, it will be found that as the beat note is decreased from high value there will be
a certain lowest audible note obtainable. Thus perhaps the detector adjustment is
such as to give a beat note of 200; upon attempting to bring this detector more nearly
into synchronism with the power tube, lowering the beat note, this note will completely
disappear, and it will seem as though the autodyne had stopped oscillating, but it will
be found that the beat note has disappeared because the detector tube has pulled into
synchronism with the power tube. The closer the two circuits are together the higher
will be the lowest beat note obtainable.

may be most easily accomplished by variation of the filament currents.

All filaments may be lighted in parallel from the same source, but each
filament should have its own rheostat; it is also best to have an ammeter
in series with each plate and grid. A suitable connection scheme is shown
in Fig. 135; the same scheme of connection can be used for any number
of tubes.

Fig. 135.—Connection of several power tubes for parallel operation.

The. adjustments of the circuit must of course be changed as more

tubes are put into operation, because the effective resistance of the load
must equal the plate circuit resistance of the battery of tubes for maxi
mum output, and the combined tube-circuit resistance varies inversely
as the number in operation.
The voltage required for the filament of the ordinary power tube is
about twenty; it is limited by the fact that too much power must not

Fig. 136.—It is impossible to work tubes in parallel, with their filaments in series,
because of the greatly different filament currents resulting in the different tubes.

be used in the filament circuit, yet the filament current must be fairly
large because the plate current must not be more than about 15 per cent
of the filament current, and this plate current must be a considerable
fraction of an ampere unless excessively high voltages are used.
As the ordinary electrical power supply is 110 volts, it might seem
that if tubes are to operate in a group several filaments might be con
nected in series, thus saving in power assumption; thus five 20-volt
filaments might be operated on a 110-volt line and still leave enough volt

age for a control rheostat. But such a connection of filaments is impos

sible. The filament current of each tube would differ from that of the
next one in series by an amount equal to the plate current of that tube
as shown in Fig. 136. If each plate current
is 0.3 ampere, the currents in the filament
circuit would be as shown, but such a con
dition is impossible because a filament which
will safely carry 4.0 amperes (tube A) would
have practically no electron emission with
current less than 3.40 amperes, so that tubes
C and D of the series would be dead in so
far as electron current is concerned; the
plate current of each of these tubes would
be zero instead of 0.3 ampere as shown.
When oscillations start, the maximum value
of plate current of tube A would be about
0.8 ampere, thus rendering even tube B more Fl°- 137 —^ filament of a
power tube is used most effi
or less ineffective. ciently if it is lighted from a
If alternating current is available for small alternating-currenttrans
lighting the filaments it may be used very former as shown here.
advantageously; the voltage of the power
supply may be reduced by a transformer to any value desired for
the filament; the plate circuit, instead of connecting to either end
of the filament connects to the center point of the secondary of the
transformer as indi
cated in Fig. 137.
This increases the
life of the filament
because each end of
the filament, in turn,
carries the larger
current instead of
one end being con-
tinously loaded more
than the other, as is
the case when con
Fio. 138.—A scheme for using two rectifier tubes A and B
in connection with transformer /, to get a high, continuous- tinuous current is
voltage supply for the plate circuit of oscillator tube C. used for lighting the
Alternating-current Supply for Plate Voltage.—It is often difficult to
get high-voltage continuous-current power for the plate circuit of a high-
voltage tube; it is possible to use a rectified alternating-current supply
where a high-voltage machine is not available. In Fig. 138 is shown a

scheme for using two kenotrons (rectifiers), A and 7?, connected to a high-
voltage winding in such a way that the plate of the three-electrode gener
ator C receives unidirectional pulses which serve in place of a continuous
current supply. By the use of suitable condensers, D, and choke coils,
E, the power supplied to the plate of C may be made as uniform (free from
pulsation) as may be desired.
The four transformer coils shown, F the primary, G and H low-volt
age secondaries and /, high-voltage secondary will all be wound on the
same core; the low-voltage winding H must be protected from the other
windings and core by high-voltage insulation because it assumes a high
positive potential as soon as operation of the set begins. If the voltage
desired in the plate of tube C is 2500 volts the winding J should have a
voltage rating of 5000 or 6000 volts (effective).

Fia. 139.—Illustrating the action of the rectifier tubes, in connection with condensers
D-D (Fig. 138) to give the variable unidirectional voltage a-b-c-d.

Instead of using several condensers and choke coils to smooth out the
pulses of e.m.f. supplied to the plate of the power tube a single condenser,
of sufficient capacity, might be used without choke coils The required
size of the condenser can be readily calculated if we assume the permissible
variation in voltage applied to the plate.
Let us suppose the voltage furnished by one half of transformer I
is given by the equation e = Em sin wt and is shown in Fig. 139 at curve 1;
this voltage is operative in one rectifier circuit and the voltage operative
in the other rectifier circuit is shown at curve 2. The average voltage
impressed on the plate of the power tube is shown by the dotted line V0,
and the actual voltage is shown by the broken line a-b-c-d. At time h
the condenser D (Fig. 138) begins to charge because the voltage operating
in rectifier A circuit becomes larger than the potential difference of the
condenser plates. Neglecting the voltage required to cause saturation
current to flow in the rectifier (which will generally be small compared
to the voltage V„ and Em) we suppose t he charging current of the condenser,

through rectifier A\ to rise at once to its maximum possible value, i.e.,

saturation current of the rectifier, Ie. The condenser continues to charge
at a uniform rate until some time h, when the voltage across the condenser,
which has been rising, becomes equal to the voltage of curve 1; at this
time the current through the rectifier suddenly drops to zero.
From this time rectifier A is idle until one complete cycle later than
time ti, when the operation is repeated.
From time <2 to the condenser is discharging through the plate cir
cuit of the power tube the voltage falling as indicated by the line b-c.
At time <3 rectifier B comes into play and the condenser voltage is again
raised along the line c-d and from time h until rectifier A again begins its
charging cycle the condenser voltage again falls.
The amount of potential drop from b to c is evidently fixed by the
amount of current taken by the power tube and the capacity of the con
denser used. If we call the time from <i to h, which is the time the con
denser is charging, 0, and if the average current taken by the plate cir
cuit of the power tube is 70, it is evident that

/oX7r = /eX0 or 6

With a given rectifier (fixing Ie) it is evident that 6 is determined at once

from the current, Io, required for the power tube. If V is the maximum
condenser voltage, at time <2, and V" is the minimum condenser voltage
at time it is seen that

in which T is the period of the impressed e.m.f. If the specified permis

sible fluctuation in condenser voltage is given this equation gives the
required capacity of the condenser. If the fluctuation is expressed as a
fractional part of the average voltage Vn, that is

we have,

From this relation we get as the required capacity of the condenser, after
using the value of 8 given above


in which / is the frequency of the alternating voltage.


From this equation the advantage of a high-frequency power supply

is at once evident. As an example suppose the two rectifiers have an
emission of current of 0.8 ampere, the frequency of power supply is 50j
cyles, allowable variation of plate voltage of power tube to be ±5 per
cent, required average plate voltage 2000 volts and required plate current
of 0.2 ampere. The condenser required is, from Eq. (102), 0.75 micro
The required value of 0 is
0.2 x _tt _00 _0
0.8*2 "8 ° ;
By reference to Fig. 139 it is evident that E„ is approximately given by
- : in the above example <t> = 78.8° so
sm <j>

Em = -^=2050 volts.

Actually this voltage would be considerably too low; we have neglected

the drop of voltage in the rectifiers which would probably be 200 volts
which makes the required value of Em about 2250 volts. As this voltage
is that of one-half of the secondary of transformer winding I (Fig. 138
it is evident that the winding should give a maximum voltage of 4500 volts.
If we consider the reactance and resistance of winding I other slight
corrections would be required making it advisable perhaps to specify a
voltage of 5000 (maximum) for this transformer.
It may sometimes be worth while to consider the proper values of
ratio of Vo to Em from the standpoint of overall efficiency. Thus the
power used in heating filaments A and B (Fig. 138) is expended throughout
the cycle, whereas we have assumed the emission current to be used but
a small fraction of the cycle. In the problem worked out above it might
pay to cut down the amount of power used in heating the filament, thus
cutting down Ie, making 6 larger. Before this point could be treated
analytically it would be necessary to know the relation between emission
current and required filament power. At present, with tungsten filaments
it requires from 50 to 100 watts per ampere of emission, if the filament
is operated at such a temperature that its life may be 1000 hours or more.
For average conditions a value of 0 of - seems right.
Use of a Separate Exciter for a Group of Tubes.—It is not always
possible to get as much power from a self-excited tube as from a separately
excited one, and the adjustment for such a condition is critical; if it is
used, the tube may stop oscillating when a slight drop in plate voltage
or filament current occurs. This is a dangerous condition, because unles

the operator notices at once that the tube is not oscillating the plates
will rapidly become overheated and the tube perhaps spoiled. To avoid
this contingency a separate exciting tube may be used, this tube furnish
ing only enough power to operate its own circuit and supply the losses
in the grid circuits of the group of power tubes. Such a scheme is shown
in Fig. 140; the exciter tube A is adjusted with tight coupling between
Z/2 and L\, so that it oscillates under any condition which may occur, and
the power tubes M, N, etc., are each excited by a common connection
to tube A. By adjustment of the condensers C\—C2, etc., the output of
each power tube may be controlled, this control being in addition to that

Load Circuit
Fia. 140.—When many tubes are to operate in parallel it is generally best to excite them
from a separate tube A, self-oscillating, controlling the amount of excitation by
condensers Ci— Cj, etc.
afforded by the filament current. The frequency of the exciter circuit
must of course be that required for resonance in the load circuit of these
power tubes.
In case the individual control of the excitation is not desired a common
adjustable condenser may be inserted in the exciter lead where indicated
by the dotted lines at X; this condenser should have a reactance about
equal to the impedance of the combined input circuits of the power tubes.
Although the largest tubes made to-day permit a power consumption
in the plates of not more than 250 watts, thereby limiting the power out
put to about twice this amount, it seems likely that tubes of much greater
capacity will soon be obtainable; water-cooled plates are an obvious
necessity and a steel tube, instead of glass, with continuous pumping
by a mercury-vapor pump during use, seem to be likely developments.
Another scheme for using an exciter tube for maintaining the power
tube in oscillation is shown in Fig. 141. In this case the exciter tube

is not a self-exciting unit, but operates in conjunction with the power

tube; the frequency of output is determined entirely by the L — C circuit
of the power tube.
The amount of excitation furnished to the grid of the exciter tube
depends upon the relative magnitudes of C2 and C3; ordinarily 63 should
be many times as great as C2. The value of the resistance R may van-
widely, a suitable value being equal to the resistance of the plate-filament
circuit of the exciter tube.
This arrangement is a very useful one if it is desired to vary the fre
quency of the output circuit over a wide range; in a typical case the fre
quency of the output circuit was varied (by changing L and C) from 500
to 300,000 cycles per second without changing the adjustment of the


Exciter tube Power tube

Fig. 141.—A scheme for using an untuned exciter tube; this scheme is a good one If the
set is to oscillate with very wide variations in the values of L and C.
exciter tube and a wider range could have been covered without any
other adjustments than those of L and C, had it been so desired.
Special Forms of Tubes—Dynatron—Pliodynatron.—In a special form
of three-electrode tube, first advocated "by A. W. Hull and called by him
the dynatron (see Fig. 21, p. 389, for picture of dynatron), the phenom
enon of secondary emission is utilized. If an electron traveling at
high speed collides with a metallic surface, the giving up of its energy
at the surface is likely to " jar " other electrons out of the metal at the
point where the collision occurs; the emission of the electrons from this
surface, caused by the colliding electron, is called secondary emission.
The number of electrons emitted depends upon the speed of the colliding
electron ; it may be none at all and may be as much as a dozen or more.
Ordinarily these electrons due to secondary emission will at once
re-enter the surface from which they have been emitted, but, if there
happens to be in the vicinity of the surface an electrode of higher poten
tial, these secondarily emitted electrons will not re-enter the surface from
which they came but will go to the higher potential electrode, thus causing

electron current away from the surface to which the first electron is
The number of electrons taking part in this reversed current depends
upon the number caused by the secondary emission
and upon the potential of the surface attracting them.
Suppose the arrangement of electrodes as given in
Fig. 142; the grid is at higher potential than the
plate and so attracts most of the electrons caused by
the normal thermal emission from filament F. How
ever, some of these electrons will go through the
interstices of G and impinge on P, causing secondary
Fio. 142.—Connection
emission where they strike. As G is at higher po of a three-electrode
tential than P, the electrons due to secondary emis tube to get the
sion are likely to go to G instead of re-entering P. characteristics of the
If the potential of G is held constant (contact B dynatron.
remaining fixed) and the potential of P is gradually
increased from zero by moving contact A to the right, the various
happenings will be about as shown in Fig. 143 Curve 0— A shows the
/B electron current to P
due to emission from F;
curve 0-B shows the
amount of secondary
emission from P, due to
electrons of current OA ;
curve C shows the frac
tional part of the second
ary emission which is at
tracted to G; curve O-D
shows the electron cur
rent away from P due
to secondary emission,
and curve OEFGH
shows the actual electron
current to P, all of these
curves being plotted for
increasing plate poten
The peculiarity of
Fig. 143.—Curves of various currents occurring in the that part of the curve
operation of the dynatron. from E to G is the basis
of action of the dyna-
tron; an increasing plate potential results in a decrease in plate
current, in other vorr's, an alternating-current test of the resistance

of the plate-filament circuit in this region of operation would show

a negative resistance.
The dynatron has thus practically the same characteristics as an
ordinary three-electrode tube with the regenerative connection of plate
arid grid circuits, and it may be used for similar
The current curve of Fig. 143, between points E
and G, can be expressed by the equation.

i =io — . (103)
where i = plate current;
io = value of plate current obtained by
projecting the curve GFE back
to v =o as shown in Fig. 143;
r= internal resistance of the tube,
determined from the slope of
F'of Thi^XTrode thG GFE CUrV6'
tube w l'dynlZn. Transposing the terms of Eq. (103) we have
v =r(i0 — i)
If the voltage of the battery B (Fig. 144) is E and the drop across the
resistance R is V, then
E = V+v = Ri+r(i0-i) =(R-r)i+ri0 = (fi r)F+rt0.

dV R
dE R-r
As R-r may be made small, it is evident that a small increase in E, the
voltage used in the plate circuit, may result in a much larger change in
the voltage drop across R. It has been possible to regulate the tube so
that an increase of one volt in E has resulted in a change of the potential
difference across R of 100 volts, thus giving a voltage amplification of
100 times.
The dynatron may be used as regenerative detector, oscillating detector
of continuous waves, or as a generator of alternating-current power just
as can the ordinary three-electrode tube; it is not evident, however, that
it has any advantage over the three-electrode tube as ordinarily used.
It is possible to add a fourth electrode to a dynatron and thus make
it act as a normal three-electrode tube in addition to the effects obtained
from secondary emission. A possible connection of such a tube (called
the pliodynatron) is shown in Fig. 145. By suitably adjusting the two
e.m.f.'s OB and OA, the circuit may be made to oscillate at a frequency
7Yioa«is shjax jo saanx Z8S

'oij -Qfi —suoi'joanuoQ jo gq^ •nonmLfpoiid

+■ 006

H 008+

\ 1' UUL
1 "i (
V du <J! tll\ "1
s o p. J III XII. 1 / n y lilll
jojj gnoUBA pjtnd hrjioA S3 // • 009+
/ i 000
srl/ /
i/ QC S}|0.1 + oot


:_ + 001


08- Of— 08- 0Z- 01- 0 + 01 - OZ 06- 0E- - 09 - 09 01- 08- - 06 001-
PHO IBnno)od
•oij -$fi — uohbuXq so^suapttitnp u; ws Arempjo auoqdap^ M}TOdoj •aqn^

determined by L3 — C3; so adjusted it acts as an amplifying receiver

for continuous waves; with slightly different voltage OB it may be made
to act as an efficient detector of damped waves.
The special forms of plate current curve for the dynatron given in
Fig. 143, may be duplicated to some extent by any three-electrode tube;
in Figs. 146, 147, and 148 are shown the curves of grid current of an ordi-

-BO -40 - 30 - 20 -10 0 +10 1 20 +30 +40 +50 + 60 +70 +80 +90
Grid potential
Fig. 147.—Dynatron characteristics in an ordinary telephone repeater tube.

nary telephone amplifying tube operated outside its normal range. This
tube normally operates with a negative grid, but by carrying the grid
through sufficiently high positive potent ials the form of its current is made
to resemble that of the dynatron very closely. The tube was not pumped
to as high a vacuum as are the dynatron and pliotron, so that there was
more gas present in this tube, but the regularity of the curves and the
fact that they could be duplicated as many times as desired shows that

however much gas there was present, it was playing a minor role in the
action of the tube.
Detailed Study of the Three-electrode Tube as a Power Converter.—
The foregoing analyses of the conditions for oscillation of a three-electrode
tube have all been based on the assumption that the plate current in the
oscillatory condition could be sufficiently well represented by a constant
current with a sine-wave current superimposed, and on this basis we
have shown that the theoretical maximum output of the tube was one-

Ai ipl fy nj.' tul
h = 1.<HI 11 II) p TUO
c irv •s ( tsrid .mi rei t BOO
for varioii< plat oltase

——— 100
h 5 vi .Its j
s / 00 vol S j/ 1
— la9 200
/is 5 v olti/1
1 r B T 100
1 R s ss ■
.,11 0
- — LOO
X) ■oil

-60 -60 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 tlO +20 +30 +40 + 50 +60 +70 +80 +90 +100
Grid potential
Fia. 148.—Dynatron characteristics in an ordinary telephone repeater tube.

half of the input; the fact was also mentioned that the conditions demanded
for this efficiency of 50 per cent could not be realized, so that we were
forced to conclude that the maximum efficiency of a tube generator was
about 40 per cent.
The author with the assistance of Mr. H. Trap Friis 1 carried out a
detailed study of the tube generator for both separate and self-excitation,
and it was found that the efficiency might become very much higher
when the proper adjustments were made; part of the results of this study
1 Proceedings of A.I.E.E., Vol. 38, No. 10, Oct., 1919.

will be given here, as they show exactly how a tube functions. The nota
tion used in this analysis is somewhat different from that used so far
because the previous symbols are not applicable. The plate current can
not be represented by Iop-\-Imp sin ut, as has been previously assumed;
it consists of a series of pulses so that an infinite series of sine terms would
be required to represent the alternating component. The plate voltage
also does not have exactly a sinusoidal variation. We therefore represent
the instantaneous value of the actual plate voltage by ep, grid voltage
by e,, plate current by i„, grid current by it, etc., instead of representing
each by a constant plus a sine term.
Oscillograms were taken to show the various quantities entering into
the operation of the tube and circuit, the frequency of the alternating
current being between 100 and 200 cycles; later the circuit constants
were diminished sufficiently to raise the frequency to 100,000 cycles, to
show that the re
sults obtained at
the lower frequency
(which allowed ac
curate oscillographic
records to be ob
tained) were valid
at radio frequencies.
The first effect
studied was the
change in form of
e, and ip as the
excitation of the
grid was increased,
Fia. 149.—Connection of power tube for study of its using a separately
characteristics. excited circuit as
indicated in Fig. 149.
The reactance of Ci was 62 ohms and of L\ was 8700 ohms; the value
of R was 1000 ohms and the resistance of Li was 190 ohms. The no of
the tube used was 3.9.
With comparatively low values of Ec and E, a record was taken of
e», e,, and ip, and is given in Fig. 150; it is seen that the fluctuations in
Cp and ip were nearly sinusoidal so that the results of the previous analysis
would hold good for this condition. Upon increasing e„ to six times
its value the forms of ep and ip are made to differ widely from sine forms,
however, as shown in Fig. 151.
An interesting point is shown by the film; the value of R used was
1000 ohms and this is the value which gives, for this tube, maximum out
put for low values of E„, as shown in Fig. 94. This value 1000 ohms

must therefore be the tube resistance Rp for the low value of E„. But
with large excitation used in Fig. 151 the plate current evidently fluctuated
as much as possible (from zero to saturation current) and the fluctuation
in ep is less than half of Eb, indicating that R should be more than doubled
if maximum output is to be obtained from the tube. This it will be remem
bered has been predicted as necessary when iv fluctuates between zero and
saturation current, and ep fluctuates between the limiting values of zero and
2 E0p. With a resistance load of the kind shown in Fig. 149 it is evident
that such a wide variation in the value of ep is impossible; the load cir-

Fio. 150.—Nearly sinusoidal variations in ep and ip for low grid excitation. 2?&=900
h = .25, £e = 120, E„ = 50, Frequency = 140, fl = 1000, C = 18.4 microfarads.
cuit must contain inductance and capacity to cause eP to fluctuate so
widely. This point is taken up later on in this section.
If R is still further reduced the distortion in ep and ip will appear with
much lower values of Eg; in Fig. 152 is shown a record for a value of
Eg of 100 volts with R only 100 ohms. The fluctuation in ep is now
hardly noticeable although ip fluctuates, with distorted form, from zero
to saturation current as before. The current taken by the grid in Figs.
150 and 152 was zero; in Fig. 151 the grid swings positive 300 volts so
we might expect a large grid current, but it is shown to be small. This
is due to the fact that the plate is at rather high potential (650 volts)
during the time the grid is positive, so that but few electrons go to the

Fig. 151 shows also the fluctuation of h; in spite of the large induct
ance L\ (which was 10 henries) there is considerable variation in h- This
must of course always be the case; the value of Li ~ must at any instant
be equal to the difference between Eb and Cp.

Fig. 151.—Distortions occurring with higher grid excitations. i?j>=900, /& = .34,
EC = \2Q, Eg = 300,/= 140, tt = 1000, C = 18.4M/.

In Fig. 153 are shown the curves of ep, iv, and e„ for two values of
R, all other conditions being the same; it may be seen that the amount
of distortion in iP is reduced as the value of R is increased. In getting
these two films the value of L\ was kept constant, with the result that

Fig 152.—Witn low load circuit resistance distortions occur for even low grid excitation.
E» = 900, /4 = .34, £c = 120, tf, = 100,/=140, fl=100, C = lS.4tpf.

Fig. 153.—Showing effect of load resistance on forms of voltage and current, other con
ditions constant. For both films £6=900, £c = 120, £, = 100 and /= 140. For
left-hand film h = .295, R = 1000. For other Ib = .272, It = 201 n.

a larger percentage of the generated alternating current of the tube went

through this path, with the higher value of R, instead of through the load
circuit, C\ — R.
Attempts were then made to see what adjustments of the tube and
associated circuits gave best efficiency; the importance of high efficiency
will be at once appreciated when it is mentioned that a given tube (the
one used in these tests) has an output of about 200 watts in normal oper
ation whereas if the efficiency could be raised to 90 per cent, the safe
output would increase to 2250 watts.
The tests carried out involved an adjustment with separate excitation
to find the conditions for maximum output and then transferring the grid
connection to a proper point of the circuit to get self-excitation, recording

Fia. 154.—Connection of the power tube to a tuned output circuit, showing where oscil
lograph vibrators were introduced and directions of current assumed as positive
(above zero line in oscillograms).

for each condition the forms and phases of currents and e.m.f.'s. The
tests were run at low frequency so that oscillograph records might be
obtained; the results obtained were duplicated later in a high frequency
Fig. 154 shows the circuit used; simpler ones may be used, but the
laboratory apparatus at hand was best suited to this one. The diagram
also shows where the oscillograph vibrators were introduced and the
direction of currents assumed as positive; if, on a film, a current is shown
below its zero line, it was flowing in the opposite direction to that shown
in the diagram. If the frequency of the exciting voltage, E„, is chosen
the same as the resonant frequency of the load circuit

the impedance of this

circuit between the two
points M and N, where
the tube is attached, will
be resistive only, its
magnitude being equal
to ohms.
The quantities to be
considered are shown
conventionally in their
proper phases in Fig.
155 ; the current ii , which
flows in the resonant
load circuit, may be
several times as large as
the current i, furnished
by the tube. The two
important things in this
diagram are shown in
the lower part of the
figure, namely, the curves
of epiv and of e„i. These
curves give the power
loss on the plate and the
power supplied by the
tube to the load circuit,
respectively. It is at
once evident that
Energy loss on plate
per cycle - I epipdt =
Area A.
Energy supplied to
evidt =
Area C— Area B.
It is evidently desirable
to make the latter as
large as possible and the Time '
former as small as pos- Fi0. 155.—Showing the important variables to be studied
sible, if the tube circuit in determining tube efficiency,

is to operate efficiently. Any ordinary scheme of analysis, using the

relation given in Eq. (5), p. 417, must fail because the relation does not
hold good for those values of e„ and e„, which are the most important
ones in the cycle of operation, namely, low ep with positive e„, and
very high values of ep with large negative e„.
The ordinary so-called static characteristics of the tube used are given
in Fig. 156; they are not of much service in predicting the behavior of

200 400 COO 800 1000 1200

Plate Voltage
Fig. 156.—Static characteristics of the plitron used in making the tests.

the tube when the output is forced as high as possible. They did bring
out the fact, however, that the filament ammeter, if a continuous-current
instrument, does not read correctly the filament current when the tube
is generating alternating-current power. The ammeter indicated 3.65
amperes when getting the curves of Fig. 156 and the total emission for such
a current is evidently about 0.5 ampere. Now when the tube was oscillut

ing, the filament ammeter reading 3.65 amperes, the total emission was
about 0.8 ampere, showing that the filament temperature was much hotter
than when not oscillating. Holding the voltage across the filament constant
(approximately the condition when the tube is oscillating) the set of curves

1+ I —v
E A" cf* 3.6
J R^OQ—f

E c =100 VolU EA =32 Volts




0 80 1B0 210
E b Plate Voltage
Pio. 157.—This set of curves shows how the filament current changed as the plate
voltage was increased; even with 3.75 amperes in that end of the filament carrying
the larger current the emission was only .5 ampere, whereas when oscillating this
same tube gave an emission of .8 ampere with an indicated filament current of only
3.65 amperes.

given in Fig. 157 were obtained. The grid was held at a positive potential
of 100 volts and the plate voltage suitably varied. The electron current
to the plate increases the filament current at one end and decreases it
at the other; the relative values of increase and decrease will be deter-

mined largely by the resistance used in series with the filament battery.
It can be seen that even with the larger filament current as great as 3.75
amperes the emission was only 0.5 ampere.
From some preliminary oscillograph records we knew that in oper
ation the total emission was about 0.8 ampere when the filament ammeter
read 3.65 amperes. A brief test showed that the filament current required

- >o
.7 ^>
r h

m I F=4.0 Am P.

T \\

10 80 120 100 200 240 280 320 360 Volts

E6 Piute Voltage
Fig. 159.—Grid and plate currents for various fixed grid potentials and variable plate
voltage, filament current at 4.0 amperes; these curves were obtained by extra
polation in Fig. 158. The numbers noted on the individual curves signify the grid
potential (positive) the lower set of curves being grid current and upper set plate
to give this much emission was 4.00 amperes, but this seemed like an
excessive current at which to carry out a test, so we got the characteristics
required from extrapolation. In Fig. 158 are shown a set of curves show
ing the variation of plate and grid currents for various filament currents
and grid and plate potentials, they being extrapolated for the higher
filament currents. From this set of curves the results given in Fig. 159
were obtained; as these are important curves they were verified for cor
rectness of form by actually getting them for a lower filament current.
These are given in Fig. 160 and are of just the same form as those of Fig.
It is well to point out here that even if we had been able to get the
curves of Fig. 159 with a filament current of 4.00 amperes they would not
have given the proper values of iv and i, for the tube in operation. While
getting these static characteristics the plate and grid get very hot, much
hotter than when the tube is in operation as a generator. The emission
from the filament is fixed by the filament temperature, and this in turn
is fixed by the filament current and the temperature of the plate; if this
is hotter when getting the static characteristics than when the tube is
generating, the values of iv and ig obtained would probably be too large.

IF=3.6 i Amp.

v I,

» I'M
80 no 100 200 240 280 320 GO Vo-UJ
Ej Plate Volt.«3
Fig. 160.—As the curves of Fig. 159 are important, and they were obtained by extra
polation, they were verified for. correctness of form by picking off from Fig. 158 a
similar set of curves for a filament current of 3.65 amperes; evidently these curves
are of the same form as those of Fig. 159.

The curves of Fig. 159, in connection with Fig. 155 enable us to at

once give the minimum potential to which the plate should drop and the
maximum positive potential for the grid. In order to make the area A
(Fig. 155) small the plate potential, at time -, should be as low as possible.
This minimum will be controlled, however, by the other requirement
that the area C should be large. If, during the time when ep is low, i,
does not have its maximum possible value (saturation current) then the
positive alternation of i will not be as large as it should be and if this is
not large the power input to the load circuit, determined principally by
the area of C, will be lower than its proper value.

Fia. 161.—In this figure various forms of plate current have been assumed and (plate
voltage remaining fixed in shape) the resulting efficiencies calculated.

As the average value of i must be zero, if its positive loop is to be as

large as possible, and the area of A to be kept as small as possible, the
conditions should evidently be so adjusted that, at minimum plate poten
tial, saturation current should flow, and this flow should last for a short
time only. During the rest of the cycle the plate current should be zero
Fig. 161 shows the calculated losses on the plate and input to the
load circuit for four different forms of plate current, the plate voltap
having the same form for each. It will be seen that both the losses ar;c
the output of the tube are greatest for the sinusoidal plate current, but
the efficiency for this condition is only 39 per cent; as the form of plaw
current approaches a short pulse the efficiency increases, being 77 pw
cent for the form shown in curve (d). The trapezoidal form shown at
(c) resembles very closely the form we used; the test actually gave about
60 per cent efficiency.
All four curves are drawn with the maximum plate current the same,
supposedly the saturation current for the filament current used; by earn
ing out other constructions it will be evident that any other condition
would result in poorer operation.
By now referring to Figs. 155 and 159 it may be seen that for the tube
we were using the plate potential should not fall lower than 200 volte,
that at this time the grid should have a positive potential of 150 volts.
With greater or less grid potential, the plate potential being 200 volte,
the plate current would be less than saturation value; with less plat*
potential the current (at time ~, Fig. 155), would be less than saturation
value, and with greater voltage than 200 volts the loss on the plate would
be greater than necessary.
It is to be noted that the efficiency will increase for all the cases given
in Fig. 161, if the value of the power supply, Et,, is increased, providing
that conditions are suitably changed to have the same minimum plate
voltage as given in Fig. 161. This is shown by Fig. 162; the two cases
given suppose the same form of plate current and same minimum value
of plate voltage, but in the second the voltage En is about twice as large
as in the first case. It is seen that the loss on the plate is increased only
25 per cent whereas the input to the load circuit has been more than
doubled. The higher the value of Eb the higher is the efficiency, the limit
being fixed by the safe voltage for the tube.
In the tube we used the efficiency did not rise as high as might be
expected, due to the fact that it took excessively high negative potential
on the grid to bring the plate current to zero. The oscillograms showed
this effect so a static characteristic curve was taken to investigate this
point; it is shown in Fig. 163. If Eq. (5) were valid for this tube, a neg
ative potential of 260 volts would have brought the plate current to zero,

Fig. 162..—J"evipdt = 15 J'ej,idt=M.5 J'eS)ipdt = 19 ^epidt- 71.5

Efficiency = 70% Efficiency = 79 %
Assuming a fixed form of plate current, and fixed minimum of plate potential, it is seen
that the efficiency rises as the voltage used in the plate circuit is increased.

whereas it took about 1000 volts; although the plate current is small
with a grid negative more than 300 volts this small current has a marked
effect on loss of power on the plate, because of the very high plate voltage
during that part of the cycle when this small current is flowing to the
Experimental Proof of Foregoing Theory.—To test the validity of
the ideas presented above a series of runs were made with the tube, using
the circuit given in Fig. 154 and the results therefrom are shown in Table
I. The frequency was kept at the resonant value for the output circuit
and each time a set of readings was taken the value of R was changed
properly to maintain the current in the oscillating circuit constant. This

4* 1 E(,=1<X 0 Volts

2CS \ 1^ = 8.65 Amp.


-200 -300 -100 -500 Volts
Ec Grid Voltage
Fig. 163.—The tube used in the tests did not have a constant value for ^i0; theoretically
a negative potential of 260 volts should have reduced the plate current to zero.
This tube would have required about 1000 volts (negative) on the grid to completely
cut off the plate current.

was necessary in order to keep the form of the voltage ep constant as the
values of Ee and E„ were varied. While it was not thus pointed out
in discussing the current forms of Figs. 161 and 162, the values of Ec
and E„ are the factors which bring about the change of current form as
the form of ep is maintained constant. The form of current shown in
(a) Fig. 161 was obtained with relatively low Ec and E„ the value of
each of these being increased for the succeeding diagrams of the figure.
In Fig. 164 are shown the efficiency curves for the various runs of
Table I and on the curve sheet are given the calculated values of the
maximum positive grid potential for that condition in each run which
gave maximum efficiency, as indicated at a, b, c, d, etc. For the com
paratively low value of current in the oscillating circuit which obtained

Eb -1000 volts. G«=2MF. Ci -3.91mP. ~=H0. L, =9.SH. //=3.65Amp.

E, 7. Output Output
Run. Be effective Input effective R ,_ Input
volts. volts. watts. amps. ohms. watts. %
120 220 334 0.98 149 143 42.8
150 220 298 1.00 149 149 50.0
180 220 214 1.02 119 124 51.5
210 220 186 1.00 89 89 47.8
250 220 119 0.96 42 39 32.8
150 260 302 1 00 149 149 49.3
180 260 273 1.03 149 158 58.0
210 260 241 0 99 149 149 60.5
240 260 197 0.99 119 117 59.5
270 260 161 0.96 89 82 51.0
150 300 302 1.00 149 149 49.3
180 300 283 1.02 149 155 54.8
210 300 261 1.02 149 155 60.0
240 300 246 1.00 149 149 60.8
270 300 212 0.98 134 129 60.8
A 180 340- 291 1.01 149 152 52.3
210 340 278 1 03 149 158 56.8
240 340 265 1.04 149 161 60.8
270 340 244 1.01 149 152 62.4
■ B 300 340 229 0 99 149 146 63.8
330 340 186 0.99 119 117 63.0
270 400 260 1.02 149 155 59.7
300 400 250 1.03 149 158 66 3
330 400 235 1 02 149 155 66.0
360 400 222 1.00 149 149 67.3
390 400 197 0 96 134 124 63.0
420 400 150 1.02 89 93 61.8
C 450 400 126 0.98 74 71 56.3
D 410 460 228 1.02 149 155 68.0
420 500 245 1.05 149 164 67.0
450 500 237 1.04 149 161 68.0
480 500 222 1.01 149 152 68.6
510 500 195 1.04 119 129 66.2
540 500 176 1.02 104 108 61.5
570 500 157 1.04 89 96 61.2

during these tests the form of plate voltage is somewhat different from
a sine wave, and the variation of best grid potential may have been due
to this cause. The increase in efficiency with increase of E, and Ec is
as would be expected from the analysis given for Fig. 161.

Fio. 164.—Efficiency curves plotted from Table I; the values of positive grid potential
for maximum efficiency in each run is calculated and recorded. This agrees well
with the predicted "best grid potential."
A series of runs was then carried out (results given in Table II) to study
the effect of varying the value of the minimum plate voltage, other con
ditions remaining the same; this was accomplished by varying R, thus
cutting down the value of the oscillating current and hence the variation
of voltage across the condenser C\, Fig. 154. The variation of potential
£6 = 1000 volte. Ct-2„F. d=3.91^F. ~=138. U =9.85. I/=3.65Amp.

ep E0 I: Output Output
Run. min. Ec effective Input effective R -JiiV * Input
volts. volte. volts watts . amps. ohms. watts. %
A 30 270 300 134 1.12 37 46.5 34.7
100 270 300 179 1.10 85 103 57.5
160 270 300 204 1.02 117 122 59.8
250 270 300 217 0.91 149 123 56.8
B 490 270 300 25.5 0.60 297 107 . 42.0

across this condenser, it will be noticed, is what controls the fluctuation

of plate voltage.
The value of mimimum plate voltage can be calculated by subtracting
from Ed the resistance drop through L\ (which was very small for most
of our tests) and from this subtracting the maximum value of the alter
nating potential drop across G\. These calculations were made and the
results are shown in the curve of Fig. 165; the results verify, better than
might be expected, the
conclusions reached from
theory. With the excep
tion of the first value of
ep (min.) the calculated
values agreed with the
values measured from the
films; the value of 30 was
obtained by measure
ment of the film, the cal
culated value not agree
ing very well.
For various of the
runs given in Table I
oscillograms were taken;
for the conditions of run
A the curves of ev, e„ and
tp are given in Fig. 166.
From this film, as for ep min.
the succeeding ones, the
first thing to be noticed Fia. 165.—From the results given in Table II the effi
ciency curve shows that maximum efficiency occurs
is that the grid voltage for minimum plate potential of 160 volts the proper
and plate voltage are just value predicted from Fig. 159.
180° out of phase, show
ing that the load circuit was resistive only. The maximum positive
potential of the grid measures on the film 296 volts and the correspond
ing value of plate potential measures 220 volts. By reference to the curves
of Fig. 159 it may be seen that for these respective voltages a large part
of the electron current is drawn to the grid, resulting in the peculiar
double humped curve of plate current. The maximum negative grid
potential was 650 volts, but even this was not sufficient to make the plate
current zero. Its values follow, as exactly can be measured, the values
given by the curve of Fig. 163.
For run B a set of oscillograms was taken to show all of the quantities
involved in the operation of the tube; it required five oscillograph records
to get all the quantities wanted. These five films were combined to make

the record shown in Fig. 167; in fitting the various films together care
was taken to see that they had their proper respective phases. The
white fine drawn vertically through all the records gives a fine of equi-
This set of curves gives the complete story of the circuit and tube.
The plate current is very nearly the form shown in Fig. 162, and the plate
potential is nearly of the form shown in condition (a) of the same figure.
The slight depression in the peak value iv is due to the grid taking some
current, this depression coinciding in time with the peak of grid current.
The form of the positive alternation of the i curve is not like those pre-

Fio. 166.—Oscillogram for conditions of Run A—Table I; evidently the minimum

plate potential is too low.

viously given, due to the fact that it has been assumed that 7» was con
stant whereas it actually had considerable fluctuation, as shown in the
record. If the coil used for L\ had more inductance this variation in
h would be diminished; we had only 10 henries with a resistance of 189
ohms, the coil being air core. In practice an iron core coil of greater
inductance would be used, but we did not want to introduce any other
sources of distortion than the tube itself.
The form of current in condenser Ci differs from that in condenser
C2 because of the effect of i which will practically all flow through C\
for the circuit as arranged.
The grid current has just the form and magnitude predictable from

Fig. 159; the amount of current taken by the grid in this test and the
values of E„ and Ec used caused a loss of power on the grid (due to
bombardment) of about 10 watts.

Fig. 167.—Oscillogram of all the currents and voltages for Run B—Table I; the white
line represents the same phase on all films. The calculated efficiency from the eviv
and evi areas agrees well with the calculated efficiency.
The two filament currents, if and i'f, have forms which might be pre
dicted from curves similar to those given in Fig. 157; in that end of the
filament carrying the larger current the continuous current ammeter
measuring the current indicated only 3.05 amperes, whereas the current

actually went as high as

3.99 amperes when the
plate was taking its
maximum current. The
exact amount of emis
sion from the filament
when the tube is acting
as a generator cannot
be predicted from the
static characteristic;
the temperature distri
bution in the filament
which exists in the os
cillating condition of
the tube cannot be
duplicated in a static
test, and it is this tem
perature distribution
which determines the
total emission.
The drop across the
condenser C2 was taken
to see whether or not
it had the right magni
tude and phase to serve
for excitation of the
grid when the tube was
run self-exciting; the
value of C2 had been
adjusted with this point
in mind.
The scheme of get
ting the efficiency indi
cated in Figs. 161 and
162 was tried on this
record of ep, ip, and i,
the power curves of epip
and e„i being shown in
Fig. 167; the value ob
Time tained, 59 per cent,
Fia. 168.—Form of plate current curve predicted from agrees within the pre
Fig. 159; it agrees well with the form actually obtained cision of the test with
in Fig. 167.
that measured by the

meters in the test. The value of 63.8 per cent given in Table I was the
value obtained when the oscillograph circuits were not connected, the
closing of the circuits changed the conditions enough to drop the efficiency
to 59.5 per cent.
Fig. 168 shows the form of ip which is predicted from Fig. 159 after the
forms and magnitudes of ep and e„ have been assumed; this form of ip
is very close to the actual form given in the oscillogram of Fig. 167.
The result of our tests and analysis have then shown that the efficiency
of a tube as a converter can be accurately predicted from the three sets
of curves given in Figs. 156, 159, and 163 after we have determined, from
the curves of Fig. 159, what the best minimum plate potential is and
also what the maximum positive potential of the grid should be.

Fig. 169.—Arrangement of the tube circuit for self-excitation; the machine Ec main
tains the grid at the proper average potential.

To get a fair efficiency (60 per cent or better) the value of h should
not be greater than 25 per cent of the saturation current of the tube;
with the efficiency known and the safe radiation of power from the plate
being known the proper value of Et, is fixed.
Self-excited Tube.—Using the circuit and constants used in getting
the records of Fig. 167 an attempt was made to run the tube self-exciting
by changing the connections slightly as shown in Fig. 169. The choke
coil Z/2 serves to prevent the grid from being short-circuited to the filament
(for the a.c. excitation) through the machine Ec. The voltage for exci
tation was obtained from the drop across the condenser C2, the insulating
condenser C3 being necessary to prevent short-circuiting the machine
Ei,. With this connection the grid does not get quite as much excita
tion as shown by the curve eCj in Fig. 167, because an appreciable part

of this voltage is used in overcoming the reactance drop in C3. (In this
calculation the capacity of the grid circuit of the tube itself must l>e con
sidered; in some of the Type P tubes this capacity is as high as 500 mif,
when the load circuit has its proper impedance for maximum output-
see p. 442.)
The circuit of Fig. 169 refused to act as it did for the separate excita
tion, giving a small output at a low efficiency; a more careful exami
nation of the record in Fig. 167 gave the reason. The alternating com
ponents of e„ and e„ must be exactly 180° out of phase if the maximum
output and efficiency are to obtain, as becomes at once evident if the
construction of Fig. 161 be carried out for any other than the 180° rela-

upset the conclusions

1A so far reached. It
was therefore neces
sary to change the
relative phase of e,
Fio. 170.—A possible arrangement of self-excitation, in which and ec«" .A PossiWe
the phase of the voltage impressed on the grid is adjustable, scheme is conven-
tionally indicated in
Fig. 170; a rotating field is produced by proper connection to the load
circuit and a rotatable coil placed in this rotating field serves for the
grid excitation. We had a simpler scheme at hand so did not try this
The difference in phase in the voltages across Ci and C2 comes from
the effect of the current i, present in C\ to a greater extent than in C%.
By making the effect of this current small its disturbing effect may be
reduced, and this can be done by increasing the values of Ci and Co, and
decreasing the value of R, the value of L being properly reduced to main
tain the same resonant frequency. The increase in capacity will increase
the value of the oscillatory current ii, and as i remains constant its effect
on the relative phases of ec, and ec, becomes proportionately less as the
capacity is increased.
The arrangement of apparatus remaining as in Fig 154, the constants
were readjusted for efficient operation and a set of readings were obtained
as follows: £"(, = 900 volts, tfc = 230 volts, E,=310 volts, Frequency = 143,

Fig. 172.—In this case of the self-exciting tube the plate voltage did not fall sufficiently
low to give best efficiency; it measures on the film 300 volts where as Fig. 165 shows
the proper minimum plate potential to be KM) volts.

Li=9.8 henries, /» =0.321 ampere, Ci=9.2 microfarads, (72 = 19.4 micro

farads. The resistance of the load circuit was 7.80 ohms and the oscil
latory current produced was 4.30 amperes, giving an alternating current
output of 143 watts. The input to the tube circuit is obtained from the
product Eih after certain losses, not chargeable to the tube circuit, have
been deducted. '
The condensers C\ and C2 each consisted of two condensers connected
in series because of the high potentials occurring in the circuit. In order
to make the two individual condensers divide the voltage Ed, equally it
is necessary that their insulation resistances be alike, a condition seldom

Fig. 173.—Separately excited tube—Eb = 1040, /(, = .170, Ec=270, £„=300, R=37.
Input = 106 watts. Output = 50, Efficiency = 47%.

encountered. That condenser having the higher resistance (the better

one) will take practically all of the Et, voltage as well as its share of the
alternating voltage of the circuit, resulting in its probable breakdown.
To prevent this occurrence leak resistances were used across each of the
condensers making up Ci and C2, the leaks each being 21,000 ohms, making
the leak resistance of G and C2 each 42,000 ohms. Subtracting the PR
losses in these leaks as well as the PR losses in the choke coil Li, gives
the input to the tube circuit 229 watts; the efficiency was thus 62.7 per
Oscillograms taken of the currents in this circuit are given in Fig. 171.
It is evident that the values of E„ and Ec might well have been greater,

resulting in a higher efficiency because of the resultant smaller minimum

plate current. Although the plate current is small the plate voltage is
large and so results in a high unnecessary loss on the plate.
The phase of ec, is now practically coincident with that of Ee, and i:
should therefore serve as a source of excitation. The circuit did not give
as much power, however, when made self-exciting, as it should, so the
constants were changed slightly to get more power. As finally teste]
the self-exciting circuit had the constants and performance given here
with: £6 = 1000 volts, h =0.335 ampere, Ci = 7.36 microfarads, C2=13.8
microfarads, L =0.201 henry, Li=9.8 henries, Li=9.0 henries, 2?e=230

Fig. 174.—Conditions as given in Run B, Table II.

volts, 72 =8.0 ohms. The current produced in the oscillating circuit was
4.40 amperes, resulting in an efficiency of 57 per cent.
Fig. 172 shows the currents and voltages in this self-exciting circuit,
and it is at once evident why such a comparatively low efficiency was
obtained; the minimum plate voltage, instead of being 200 volts, as it
should for this tube, was 300 volts. For this figure the curve of plate
current included also the alternating component of the grid current, hence
the absence of the depression at the peak value.
The current through the plate-current vibrator reversed during part
of the cycle, due to the fact that this vibrator carried in addition to the
plate and grid currents, an alternating current which resulted from the
voltage across the condenser Ci acting through the reactance of coil La and

condenser C2, Fig. 169. This current is shown as ix in Fig. 172; when
the plate current is corrected by this small amount it is seen that the plate
current does not reverse, as we know it cannot with the conditions as
they existed in this test.
Action of the Tube at High Frequency.—It was desired to show that
the action of the tube was just the same at high frequency as at the low
frequencies used, so a circuit was arranged similar to that of Fig. 169,
with smaller values of capacity and inductance. The choke coils L\
and Li used in the previous tests would act as condensers of comparatively
low reactance at the high frequency to be used so they also had to be

Fig. 175.—Conditions as given in Run E, Table L

changed. The constants of the circuit used were: i?» = 1000 volts, 2»
= 0.285 ampere, Ci = .0144 farad, C2 = .0284 microfarad, frequency
= 98,500, Li=.023 henry, L2=.016 henry, Ec = 240 volts, fl=6.16 ohms
(high-frequency determination). There were no leaks used with the con
densers in this circuit, so that the product Ebh, after subtracting the
I2R loss on the choke coil L\, gives the input. It is found to be 284
watts, and as the output to the load circuit was 160 watts the efficiency
was 56.2 per cent, which is in fair agreement with the results obtained
at 166 cycles.
Figs. 173-177 are shown some special oscillograms of the plate current,
plate voltage, and grid voltage, all for the separately excited tube with
the circuit shown in Fig. 154; the conditions of the circuit were as noted
in Tables I and II.

The conditions obtaining when Fig. 177 was taken show the best
adjustments for efficiency which we were able to get with the Type P
tube; the high efficiency was obtained without unduly decreasing the
output. If this form of plate current could be maintained and the value
of Ed be increased to 3000 volts the calculated efficiency becomes So
per cent; this is probably as good as could be done with sine wave
shapes of ep and eg, but it seems as though, by suitably deforming both
of them, giving them both flat tops, the efficiency could be considerably
increased over this value.

Fig. 176.—Conditions as given in Run C, Table I.

Tests similar to those described in this paper were carried out using
a much smaller tube, that styled by the U. S. A. Signal Corps type VT-2.
The results obtained with the large tube were duplicated almost exactly
in so far as efficiency was concerned. It was found possible to so adjust
the values of Ec and Ec that the tube gave an output of 6.3 watts with
an efficiency of 70 per cent, the voltage used in the plate circuit being
the rated value, namely 300 volts. It was found possible to get over
7 watts output with the plate loss considerably lower than its safe rated
value; if the plate voltage had been increased to perhaps 400 volts the
tube output might have been raised to 10 watts while still having the
plate loss within its safe value.
These tests were all carried out with a separately excited tube; with

the tube self-excited the efficiency was not obtained higher than 61 per
cent, with a plate voltage of 300. This run gave an output of 5.6 watts
output with a current h of 0.305 ampere; the frequency was 400,000
cycles, the value of R was 53 ohms, the oscillating current 0.325 ampere,
Ci and C2 being 1360 and 770 micro-micro-farads, respectively. The
value of Ec was 40 volts.
With the conditions of a self-excited circuit adjusted for the best
conditions as previously outlined difficulty may be encountered in start
ing the circuit to oscillate, a shock of some kind being generally required
to start oscillations. Because of this possible difficulty it may be the best

Fig. 177—Best conditions for high efficiency. Eb = 1040, h = .286, Ec - 410, E, - 460,
ft = 149, Input =227 watts, Output = 155, Efficiency =68%.

practice' to run these tubes separately excited, using one tube (so adjusted
that it oscillates readily) for exciting others as indicated in Figs. 140-141,
pp. 533-534. It may well be that with a higher resistance in the oscil
lating circuit more output can be obtained from two tubes if one only
is used as a generator, the other being used as exciter only. Certainly
if more than two tubes are to be used it will be well to use one as exciter
for supplying the grid voltage for the others.
Characteristics of the Circuit of Fig. 122.—Using the circuit shown in
Fig. 122, a series of runs was made to investigate the effect of changing
the constants of the circuit and some of the results are shown in Figs. 178

and 179; the legends and diagrams on the curve sheets make them self-
explanatory. For these tests three pliotrons (type P-30) were operated
in parallel, all grids being connected together as also were the plates; the
plate current recorded on the curve sheets is that of one tube.
It may be seen, from Fig. 178, curve 3, for example, that for efficient
coils and condensers of the type used here it is possible to get as much
as 16,000 volt amperes from one tube, with only 800 volts on the plate
and normal filament current. The behavior of the tubes, as regards

0123456789 1000 1 2 3 4
Value of Lp in to-5 henries
Fig. 178.—Amount of high-frequency power obtainable from three Type P plitrons in
parallel and effect of changes in La.

stability, conditions for maximum output, etc., agree fairly well with the
theoretical predictions.
Characteristics of the Three-electrode Tube as an Amplifier.—As the
voltage impressed on the input circuit of a tube causes a change in the
plate current which may be flowing through an inductance or resistance
in the external plate circuit, and as it is evident that the drop across this
external circuit may be many times greater than the e.m.f. impressed on
the grid, the device may be used as a voltage amplifier. The amplified
voltage in the output circuit will have very nearly the same form as the
input voltage, sufficiently so that the currents due to speech may be

amplified many times (1000-10,000) and the reproduction of the voice

be almost perfect. The circuits used in amplifiers and arrangement of
apparatus are taken up in a later chapter; in this section we shall con
sider only the amplifying characteristics of the tube itself.
As noted before a voltage of Emg sin wt introduced in the input circuit
of a tube is equivalent to a voltage of noEmg sin wt introduced into the plate
circuit, this voltage causes an alternating current to flow in the plate cir
cuit, the magnitude and phase of which depend upon the external impe-

I ! ! I I I ! ! I I I I I 1 1 I ! I I I I I I I ! I I I—!—!—!—!—1
100 -Mi :juU 400 500 ooo TOO S0J UOO 1000 1100 1200 1300 1100 1300 lbOO
Value of Lpln microhenries
Fig. 179.—Showing the effect of varying the plate circuit inductance with fixed value
of Lg. Region of oscillation indicated by solid lines; outside these limits tubes
refused to oscillate.

dance in the plate circuit and the resistance of the tube itself. If we call
the alternating component of the plate current Ip we have the relation,


in which R is the external resistance of the plate circuit. The drop across
R (which is the only available part of the amplified voltage, the rest being
used up inside the tube itself) is IPR and this is evidently given by
IPR = EV = £>o p.r,.

From this we get the actual voltage amplification due to the tube, which
is designated as p,
"-*°i£+i2 (106)

This factor n will be constant (independent of the magnitude of the

input voltage Eg) only for such value of E, as give constant Rp. This
can be seen at once from the static characteristic of a tube, showing the
relation between plate current and grid potential, this curve to be taken
with the proper value of R in the plate circuit; throughout that part of this
curve which gives uniform slope the factor n is constant and the ampli-

Value of (ep+ya0 eg)

Fiq. 180.—Two tubes having different plate-current characteristics as indicated in
M and H will give amplified currents having more or less distortion, N giving more
distortion than M.

fication is distortionless, a very necessary feature of an amplifier used

for speech amplification, but of little importance for ordinary signal
This point is indicated in Fig. 180; two different tubes (or different
arrangements of the same tube) might have characteristics as shown at A/
and N and the form of the plate current produced for a sine wave of volt
age impressed on the grid as shown by curves m and n in the same figure.
With curve N the value of is greater the more positive the grid
becomes, resulting in a lower R„; from Eq. (106) it may be seen that for
a given value of R the factor n becomes greater the smaller Rv. A sine
wave of voltage impressed on the grid, therefore does not produce a sine

wave of current in the plate circuit and so will not produce a sine wave
of voltage across a resistance in the plate circuit.

From Eq. (106) it is evident that if the amplifying power of a tube

is to be efficiently used the value of R must be at least as large as Rp and
should really be much larger. In Fig. 181 is shown the measured ampli

fication constant of the Signal Corps VT-1 tube taken under various
conditions. It is seen that the factor fi increases as R increases, for all
Curve 1 was taken with a constant " B " battery voltage; under
this condition the plate voltage decreased as R was increased due to
the resistance drop in R. But a decreased plate voltage resulted in an
increase in Rp, so that for this condition as R was increased, it approached
Rp very slowly due to the increase in Rp with increase in R.

Voltage Amplifying pow Ttpd



Flo. 182.—Showing effect on the amplifying power of a tube of holding the grid at
different average potentials, making the grid more negative increases the tube
resistance, hence requiring a higher external resistance to get the same amount of

Curve 2, compared to curve 1, shows the effect on /i of increasing the

" B " battery voltage sufficiently to compensate for the IR drop in the
plate circuit, thus maintaining the plate voltage constant; it is seen that
the increase of /i with R is much more rapid. Curve 3 shows the effect
of maintaining the plate potential at 30 volts instead of 20 volts. The
alternating-current resistance of the plate circuit of the tube /?„ was
measured for curves 2 and 3 and is indicated in the curves; it is seen for
each of them that when R = RPl m=5Mo as it should from Eq. (106).

In using a tube as an amplifier it is customary to maintain the grid

at such a negative potential that, for any probable input voltage, the grid
will not become positive; maintaining a negative grid increases the value
of ftp, so that for a given R, n is decreased. This effect is shown in Fig.
182, which gives the behavior of a tube having a higher value of /no than

T> pu u
If =1. ill
,Tnal esi ice in
\platC V re ■ it = :20, MO oh US

\ \
\ \ 0 v .u- in i! tatter
/]_ □Z \ K n
i \
/ \
I / / \
0 v ilt I
/ / \
/ / \
/ / / — \
< < u J v ilt i
_ —
1 \
1 i■ r
I i \ 1 \
\\ 1151 vdlts

100 ¥ ilti

Value of E0
Fig. 183.—Variation in amplifjdng power with different grid potentials and different
plate circuit voltages.

is customary. Fig 183 shows the variation of the amplification factor

as both plate circuit voltage, Eb, and grid potential, Ec, were varied.
It is evident that this tube could be used effectively for only small values
of input voltage.
If the plate current of a tube is expressed by the relation,

i, - A | Ep+no(Ec+Em sin ut) } 2



3 4 5 6 7
Volts impressed on grid (values effeotive)
Fig. 184.—The quality of amplification (distortionless or not) is shown by a test of this
kind. The tube used requires an external resistance in series with the plate of at
least 150,000 ohms to givi distortionless amplification.

we get after expansion,

ip = A(Ev+noEc)2+2Awi(E9+iioEc)Eai sin ut

+wr 2 cos (2w<+ir)H 2 •

The first term gives the steady value of plate current with no input volt
age, the second the true amplification current, the third a double-frequency
distortion current, and the fourth a steady increase in the value of ip,
while Ems sin wt is acting. The third term has the same coefficient as
the fourth and the fourth term will register on a direct current ammeter
in the plate circuit. Hence the quality of amplification of a tube (distor
tionless or not) may be judged by the indication of the plate ammeter
as the input voltage is impressed. Fig. 184 shows this effect and also
the effect of added resistance in the plate circuit in decreasing the distor
tion. With 150,000 ohms added in the plate circuit, this tube would
give essentially distortionless amplification for input voltage as high as
5 volts.
In case a reactance is used in the plate circuit, for repeating, instead
of resistance, it will be found that the value of n is greater than for a
corresponding value of resistance. Thus if an inductive reactance (of
negligible resistance) is used in the plate circuit, the value of the react
ance being equal to the tube resistance, a value of n is obtained equal to
0.7 £io instead of 0.5 mo as was obtained for resistance. This follows at
once by considering the voltage relations in a tube circuit, as given in
Fig. 96, p. 475.


Advantage of Continuous-wave Telegraphy.—Continuous-wave teleg

raphy possesses several distinct advantages over damped-wave systems
which may be summarized as follows:
1. Greater Selectivity.—This advantage is due primarily to the fact
that energy radiated by a spark transmitter is sent out in damped-wave
trains. These wave-trains, striking the receiving antenna, induce therein
an electromotive force, and if the circuit is tuned to the incoming wave,
maximum current and signal strength are obtained. However, even if the
circuit is somewhat de-tuned, the damped-wave train will excite the circuit
to a considerable extent, causing it to oscillate at its own frequency, as well
as at the frequency of the signal wave.1 In other words the selectivity
of reception of a spark signal is fixed, not only by the decrement of the
receiving circuit, but also by the decrement of the wave-train itself, which,
of course, is that of the transmitting station; thus more or less inter
ference always exists between spark stations, if the wave-lengths are
close to one another.
If we consider the effect of continuous waves at the receiving station,
the conditions will be somewhat different. The incoming energy forces
the receiving circuit to oscillate at its own signal frequency, except at
the beginning, when the forced and natural oscillations are coexistent
for a few cycles. Therefore if this circuit is not tuned to resonance with
the incoming signal and does not possess abnormal resistance values
(which would flatten out its resonance curve), the current flowing will
be very small and the signal strength extremely weak, under all conditions
of adjustment except that of resonance. Thus the selectivity is good, and
the station will receive no messages except those for which it is tuned.
2. Increased Range of Transmission.—This follows from the fact
that with continuous-wave transmission, the energy is radiated at and
concentrated into, essentially one wave-length, instead of being spread
over a number of wave-lengths, as indicated by the energy distribution
curves discussed in Chapter V, p. 326. The greater the amount of energy
we can thus concentrate into one wave-length, the further will be the
distance penetration or propagation of this energy, and stations may be
1 See Chapter IV, p. 268.

reached at much greater distances from the sending station than with
the spark transmitter.1 Also, for the same range, less power is required
than with the spark transmitter, and the transmission efficiency thus
3. Antenna Voltages Decreased.—Since the energy is radiated in a
continuous stream, when a signal is being sent, and not in groups, it follows
that for a given power in the antenna the amplitude of the oscillations
need not be so great. For example, if we assume 1000 sparks per second,
a decrement of .1, and a 300-meter wave, the time per second during which
energy is radiated 2 is:

1000 X 10-6 = .046 second

=4.6 per cent of the total time;
whereas with continuous-wave transmission the time would be 100 per cent.
It is therefore obvious that if much power is to be radiated by the damped
wave-transmitter, comparatively high oscillation amplitudes must be
used, that is, the energy associated with a group of waves, for a given
amount of energy radiated per second, must be high, since energy is
radiated only during a small fraction of the time. Thus a given antenna
will have a greater possible energy radiation on continuous waves, since
the energy may be radiated continuously; an advantage of thus decreas
ing the required amplitude of oscillation for a given radiation is the reduc
tion in required voltage, thus decreasing the construction difficulties
encountered in extremely high-voltage apparatus and antennae (due to
corona losses, insulation requirements, etc.).
4. Adjustment of Signal Note.—With damped wave-transmission this
characteristic is a fixed quantity which cannot be adjusted by the receiving
operator, and is determined entirely by the transmitter group frequency.
With the undamped-wave receivers described below, this can be varied,
over wide limits, to a value most suitable to the operator for distinguishing
from strays. The adjustability of the note of the received signal also
serves to a remarkable degree to eliminate interference from other stations;
because of this feature another signal, differing in frequency from the true
signal by perhaps 1 per cent, is actually inaudible.
Summary.—The above advantages combine to give to a continuous-
wave transmitter a wonderful degree of selectivity and efficiency of trans-
1 The statement is true primarily because of the greater sensibility of the receiving
circuit adjusted for continuous-wave reception. The attenuation which occurs as a
wave travels over the surface of the earth is probably the same for continuous, as for
damped, waves.
■ On the assumption that radiation ceases when the current in the antenna has
dropped to 1 per cent of its original value.

mission, very much higher than could be obtained with the damped-
wave type. In addition may be mentioned the very important part
which continuous waves have played in the development of radio telephony
(see Chapter VIII), for which it is essential. Because of these advantages,
it is probable that continuous-wave telegraphy will ultimately supersede
and replace entirely the damped-wave systems; in the large stations,
this change already has been made or is being made at the present time.
High-frequency Undamped-wave Generators.—Continuous high-fre
quency osculations may be produced by any one of the several schemes
described below. All of these have been commercially developed and
applied, and are listed in the order of their importance (this relative rating
being for high-power stations only) at the present date (1920). It is
probable that the first three means of generation will find increasing
development in the future, while the fourth and fifth will be superseded
by one form of the first three methods. The development and impor
tance of vacuum tubes as generators of high-frequency oscillations has
been very rapid within recent years, and it is likely that this source of
high-frequency power will ultimately replace all others.
The several means of high-frequency power generation are as follows:
(1) Poulsen Arc;
(2) Alexanderson Alternator;
(3) Goldschmidt Alternator;
(4) Iron in saturated cores;
(5) Marconi Series of Spark Gaps;
(6) Oscillating Tubes.
Poulsen Arc.—A great deal of work has recently been done in an effort
to determine with exactness the action and theory of this type of generator,
the best presentation being that of P. O. Pedersen 1 to which the reader
is referred. In the discussion which follows, we have referred largely
to his paper and to certain earlier theory as developed by Barkhausen.
to which Pedersen also makes reference. Much of the laboratory work
done in the past is not applicable to the modern arc generator, due to the
wide divergence of the test arc and the generator as designed and con
structed for commercial service.
Elementary Theory.—Instability of the Arc.—Consider the ordinary
arc circuit indicated in Fig. 1 with the resistance R omitted for the present.
The conduction of current through the arc is simply a case of conduction
through an ionized gas, in this case vaporized carbon or copper at a very
high temperature. Initially, this arc stream of ionized gas is not present,
so that to start the current flow in the above circuit, it is necessary to bring
the two electrodes in contact. The intense heat developed by the current
1 "On the Poulsen Arc and Its Theory," Proc. I.R.E., Vol. 5, p. 255, 1917.

passing through the point of contact vaporizes some of the electrode

material, and as the electrodes are separated a vapor stream or arc of
ionized gas is produced which forms a conducting path for the current.
The ionization is assisted by the high temperature of the arc and the
bombardment of the negative electrode (cathode)
by the positive ions this dissociating the electrode
into positive ions and electrons, the latter then being
attracted to the positive electrode (anode).
As is the case for pratically all gaseous con
ductors, the resistance of the arc decreases as the
current increases. This will be apparent when it Fig. 1.—The ordinary
arc has to have a sta
is recalled that the resistance of the arc depends on bilizing resistance in
its state of ionization which, in turn, depends on series with it, or else
the heating or vaporizing forces which act on the it is inoperative.
electrodes, caused by the current flowing through
the circuit. Stated briefly, the more current we pass, the more ionized
vapor we have, and the more ionized vapor, the " fatter " the arc and the
lower the resistance. If the resistance decreases fast enough, the IR
drop will decrease, even if the current increases, and this is always the
case in the actual arc. The current
and voltage relations of such a con
ductor would appear as shown in the
curve of Fig. 2, known as the " static
characteristic " of the arc; this name
arises from the fact that it is obtained
from a series of fixed (static) current
values together with the corresponding
Thus, if an arc were connected
directly across a constant-potential
Fig. 2.-Relation of current and volt- a shorWrcuit condition might
age across an ordinary arc. be immediately attained, the voltage
impressed always being above the value
required for equilibrium and the current thus continually increasing to
make IR = E. Since R is very small for a large current, the condition
would be equivalent to a short-circuit. On the other hand, if the volt
age impressed corresponded to a, Fig. 2, and the current started to
decrease below the value b, then the arc current would continually
decrease until the arc was extinguished.
Stabilizing Effect of Resistance.—The above phenomenon represents
an unstable condition, in which the IR drop decreases automatically with
increase in current. A stable circuit is one in which the IR drop increases
with current, and to stabilize the arc it is necessary to add additional

resistance R in the circuit, as indicated in Fig. 1. This resistance is the

familiar " ballast " resistance used on all arc lamps, and the condition?
now existing in the circuit are shown in Fig. 3, an inspection of which
will indicate how the circuit has
been stabilized.
Considering curve A, the opera
tion is stable for all currents
greater than J, and is unstable for
currents below this value. Thus,
on the stable portion of the curve,
a decrease of voltage results in a
decrease of current, and thus a
decreased IR drop across the re
sistance. The voltage across the
arc therefore rises, and initial con
I Arc
ditions are restored. The current
Fig. 3.—Showing the "drops" occurring in
the arc equipped with ballast resistance; value may be controlled by varying
sufficient series resistance must be used the terminal voltage, as shown by
to make the resistance drop across both the two current values a and 6 on
resistance and arc in series increase with the characteristic curve A, or by
the current. changing the amount of ballast
resistance used, as shown hy the
current values a and o' for two different characteristics A and B for
the same terminal voltage. If impressed voltage is reduced to the
minimum value (E' for curve B) then the arc may operate or may go
out. This point is therefore called the point of " indifferent " stability.
The function of the ballast resistance is
thus to stabilize the operation of the arc
for slow changes of voltage. Commercial
arc generators have this resistance short-
circuited when operating steadily, to in 7— g T r ! c
crease the efficiency, the inductance and I 1—wJ~
inherent resistance of the circuit being Fig. 4.—If a circuit of L and C in
sufficient to stabilize the circuit. series is shunted around an arc
Effect of Inductance—Choke Coils.—If supplied from a continuous-cur
rent generator through choke
a very high inductance is inserted in the coil L', an alternating current
circuit as shown at L' (Fig. 4) very quick will flow in the circuit made up
changes of generator current are minimized of L, C, R, and arc in i
and prevented to a large extent. Thus if
a sudden increase of generator voltage occurred, the current would tend
to increase, and would increase slightly, setting up a counter e.m.f. of self-
induction at L', which would minimize the variation of current. It is
important to note that the inductance, in order to be effective, requires

a variation in the current flowing through it, and the arc supply is there
fore not strictly a constant-current source. This variation may be made
extremely small, however, by using large inductance values.
A Simple Explanation of the Operation of the Oscillating Arc.—If a
condenser, in series with an inductance, is connected to a source of electric
energy, of voltage E, the current which flows after closing the switch is
an oscillatory one,1 its frequency being fixed by the natural period of the
oscillatory circuit and its magnitude depending upon the voltage E,
and the ratio C/L. This oscillatory current dies away due to the damping,
and the condenser is finally charged to a potential difference E, and there
is no current in the circuit.
Suppose an arc, connected as in Fig. 4, is burning steadily (switch in
the oscillatory circuit being open), with a difference of voltage across the
two electrodes equal to E. When the switch is closed the current flowing
in the L, C, R circuit is given by 2


Now by inspection of Fig. 4 it is evident that this current must be

robbed from the arc, because the value of U is always chosen large enough
to prevent rapid variations of current from the generator. Hence when
the current i starts to flow the arc current starts to decrease, being always
equal to Io — i. But we have seen that it is a characteristic of the arc that
when its current decreases the voltage across it increases; hence Eq. (1)
does not correctly represent the current into the condenser, unless E is
made to depend on i for its value. Actually the current is greater than
indicated by Eq. (1), because of the increase in E during the time i is
flowing in the direction indicated in Fig. 4.
The increase in E during the first alternation is not great, because
the amount of current taken by the condenser is only a small fraction of
the arc current. Thus if the arc is burning with 50 volts across the gap and
10 amperes is flowing, the decrease in current upon first closing the switch
(Fig. 4) will probably be less than 10 per cent of the arc current. The
value of - ly; used in the oscillating circuit should not be less than about
50; it normal value is perhaps 200. This value substituted in Eq. (1)
shows that during the first alternation of the oscillatory state the maxi
mum value of condenser current will be less than 1 ampere. The con
denser will charge up to a voltage about twice that of the arc 3 and then
start to discharge; the current during discharge adds to the current
• For analysis of this action see Chapter IV, p. 249.
*Eq. (11), p. 208.
'See Chapter IV, p. 251.

through the arc and thus gives it greater than normal value. This results
in a decrease in voliage across the arc, thus tending to facilitate the dis
charge of the condenser, thus producing a greater discharge current than
would have occurred if the arc voltage had held constant.
It will thus be seen that the voltage-current characteristic of the arc
tends to give a greater current in the condenser during both the charge
and discharge periods, than would occur if the arc voltage were independent
of the current through the arc.
Now the current flowing into the oscillatory circuit is supplied when
the arc voltage is higher than normal and the current flows out of the
oscillatory circuit (against the influence of the arc voltage) when the arc
voltage is less than normal. As energy is being supplied to the oscillatory

Curves A & B are not to same scale

Fio. 5.—A simple explanation of the oscillating arc can be obtained from these curves;
curves A show the start of oscillations and curves B give the conditions when the
oscillations have reached the steady state.

circuit during the charge and extracted during the discharge, from the
conditions just cited it is evident that more energy is supplied to the oscil
latory circuit from the arc supply circuit during the charge than is given up
to the arc during the discharge. Unless too great a resistance is present
in the oscillatory circuit this action results in a building up of the current
in the oscillatory circuit, and this building up will increase until the maxi
mum value of the oscillatory current is practically equal to the generator
current, Io-
This action is shown by curves A of Fig. (5); the curves of which
are nearly self-explanatory; the current in the oscillatory circuit is reck
oned positive when it is flowing in the direction indicated in Fig. 4.

The lower curve of Fig. 5 is the product of the current i and the voltage
acting on the oscillatory circuit. Area A gives the energy supplied to
the oscillatory circuit by the arc during the first alternation, and area
B gives the energy supplied by the oscillatory circuit to the arc during
the second alternation. The difference, A-B, gives the energy supplied
to the oscillatory circuit during the complete cycle, and if this is greater
than the PR loss in the oscillatory circuit during the cycle the oscil
latory current will continue to increase until some other factor controls the
The excess of area A over area B depends upon the arc characteristic,
being greater as the characteristic curve (Fig. 2) becomes steeper; as to
whether or not the "excess is sufficient to build up oscillations depends
upon the resistance of the oscillatory circuit. These two factors control
completely the operation of the arc; it must be remembered, however,
that the relation between arc voltage and arc current used in plotting
Fig. 5 must be determined from the oscillatory state because the static
characteristic gives too great a difference in areas A and B. The vari
ation between the static characteristic and dynamic characteristic increases
with frequency, in such a way that at high frequency (say 500,000 cycles
per second) the difference between areas A and B is not sufficient to pro
duce much oscillatory power.
A simple arrangement of apparatus which has nearly the same action
as the arc is shown in Fig. 6. A source of e.m.f. is connected to a resist
ance R which is fitted with a sliding
contact, B. Between the lower point of
the resistance R and the contact B is
connected an oscillatory circuit consisting
of L and C in series.
Suppose that, with B in the middle of
R, switch S is closed; current will im
mediately start to flow as indicated by i, Fig. 6.—A simple circuit which may
charging condenser C. Now as C starts be made to operate the same as
to charge contact B is moved up on R, an oscillating arc.
thereby increasing the voltage impressed
on the L-C circuit. The motion of B is so regulated that it reaches B' in
an interval just equal to one-quarter of the natural period of L-C; it
then starts to move down on R and reaches point B" in an interval
equal to one-half of the natural period of L-C. Thereafter the contact
oscillates between B' and B", making a complete cycle in a time equal
to the natural period of L-C.
Such an arrangement will result in the building up of a large oscillating
current in the L-C circuit, the magnitude being limited only by the volt
age E and the resistance of the oscillatory circuit.

Types of Oscillation.—The types of oscillation which may be gener

ated have been arbitrarily designated on the basis of the minimum arc
current value as follows:
Type I. Minimum current is greater than zero.
Type II. Miriimum current is equal to zero.
Type III. Type II with immediate re-ignition, resulting in pro
duction of trains of damped oscillations.

Type I Oscillations.—In this type of oscillation the operation is

essentially as given above in the simple explanation of arc action. The
amount of alternating-current power generated is not as great as the
device is capable of delivering, and the efficiency of conversion is com
paratively low, probably less than 40 per cent. The action of the arc
with this type of oscillation is very steady, however.
Type II Oscillations.—With type II oscillations the arc current
goes to zero, as a minimum value for an appreciable part of the cycle.
In this case the maximum value of the radio frequency current is some
what greater than the value of the essentially constant direct current
flowing through the arc, or

Under this condition the arc is extinguished and no current flows

across it for a small interval of the time of each charging alternation.
During this internal the steady direct current flows into the condenser,
however, charging it to the same polarity and potential as at the beginning
of the preceding discharge cycle. The time required to charge the con
denser and amount of charge depend largely on the state of ionization
of the arc. If the ignition voltage is low, the amount of this charge will
be decreased, and the amplitude of the radio frequency oscillation will
be correspondingly decreased. This is the case if the arc is not deionized
rapidly enough, or if the electrode separation is made too small.
The curves of current and voltage for this case would be (according
to accepted authorities) approximately as shown in Fig 7.1 During the
interval from a to b constant current (from d.c. supply) is flowing in the
oscillatory circuit and thus the drop across the L of the oscillatory circuit
is zero. Therefore EUB = Ec and since the condenser current is constant,
— = K, or voltage curve must be a straight line during this interval.
These characteristics hold only if the arc is comparatively long, much
longer than is normally used in the commercial arc, to which they are
therefore not applicable. The greater distance between electrodes entails
1 Zenneck, "Wireless Telegraphy," pp. 234-236.

a decreased efficiency due primarily to the higher voltage required to keep

the arc ignited. The arc is also more apt to blow out. The greater igni
tion voltage required causes a corresponding increase in the time of charg
ing, which is not conducive to a constant-frequency generation. It should
be noted that the arc separation cannot be made too small, however, as
with this condition the arc current tends to remain constant in value
and (the static characteristic being very flat in this region) but little vari
ation of the voltage across the
arc occurs. Thus the periodic Arc Current=I(L.cjrOenerator Current
charge and discharge of the
shunting condenser does not
take place with much vigor. Generator
J Current
The arc therefore requires a
certain rninimum length to be
Type HI Oscillations.—
The third form of oscillation
represents an abnormal oper
ating condition, such as may
exist with the gap too short.
The maximum amplitudeofthe
radio frequency current in this Fio. 7.—Action of the arc when the arc current re
case also is greater than the mains zero for an appreciable fraction of a cycle.
steady d.c. current and as a
consequence the arc current goes to zero. The arc, however, due to its
ionized condition, and the high voltage across it at that instant, immediately
reignites, and the condenser current flows through the arc without interrup
tion (practically). The voltage across the arc thus has no opportunity to
rise, and comparatively small charging potential is impressed on the
condenser by the supply circuit. The discharge is therefore similar to
the discharge which occurs in the closed circuit of a spark transmitter,
the oscillations decreasing until the energy initially stored has been dis
sipated in the circuit. As the current decreases, the voltage (a.c.) also
decreases, until it reaches a value when it is no longer able to reignite
the arc. The arc is then extinguished and the supply circuit again feeds
into the condenser circuit, charging the condenser until the ignition volt
age is reached, whereupon discharge occurs and the above events are
The result is a series of damped high-frequency wave-trains, exactly
similar to those produced by the spark transmitter, but the group frequency
is very much greater, since the interval between trains is determined by the
time required for the supply potential to charge the condenser up to the
ignition voltage value, which time is very short.

The characteristics of this type of oscillation are indicated in Fig.

8.1 During the interval between two groups of oscillations the voltage
across the arc is shown as uniformly increasing from a small to a high
value, but as the arc is extinguished during this interval, it is evident
that this can only occur if the d.c. supply current is decreasing more and
more rapidly during this interval. While this is not apparent in Zenneck ?
figure, it is evident that such must be the case if the explanation is to hold
Normal Poulsen Arc.—It is important to note that the three classes
of oscillations described above do not in any case exactly apply to the
operation of the modern Poulsen arc. Present generators, of all capacities
Arc Current»IJi.tC5,"Gencrator Current

Fia. 8.—Supposed action of an oscillatory arc, the length of which is much less than

up to 1000 kw. (input) utilize what has been designated as the " normal
Poulsen arc." In this arc the ratio of direct current in the supply circuit
to the radio frequency current (effective value) is always equal to the
V2, or:
Iic = V2lac

where lac is the effective value of the current in the oscillatory circuit.
The normal arc therefore represents the division limit between oscil
lations of type I and type II, its characteristics being somewhat similar
to those of type I, as shown in Fig. 9.2
Professor Pedersen in his paper previously referred to emphasizes
the importance of the extinction voltage on the characteristics of the nor
mal arc. As the arc current approaches the zero value, the arc voltage
suddenly rises, as shown in the above figure. The arc must be able to
develop this voltage if operation is to be efficient. Previous theory has
1 Zenneck, "Wireless Telegraphy," p. 237.
» Ibid., p. 236.

neglected this portion of the characteristic, principally because investi

gators worked with comparatively long arcs, for which the preceding
explanation (Fig. 7) is adequate, as the extinction voltage in this case
is very small compared to the ignition value.
It seems to the author that none of these curves (Figs. 7, 8 and 9)
represents the conditions as well as that given in Fig. 5. It is to be noticed
that if the action shown in Fig. 5 is continued for many cycles the difference
between the arc voltage during charging of the oscillatory circuit condenser
and that during discharge continually increases; this is indicated by
curves B of Fig. 5, which
-Arc Current=T(L.ciHOenerator Current
represents the condition
perhaps 100 cycles after
the oscillations start.
It is to be noted that
here the current has reached
a steady value (fixed am
plitude) and that the arc
voltage pulsates between
perhaps 25 volts and a
very high value, that corre
sponding to practically zero
current in Fig. 2. Fig. 5
brings out a relation sel Fia. 9.—Voltage and currents for the "normal" arc.
dom mentioned by writers,
that the reading of a continuous-current voltmeter across the arc is about
50 volts before oscillations begin but immediately jumps to 300 or more
when oscillations start; in fact the reading may be as much as perhaps
500 volts if a sufficiently high-voltage power supply is used. A c.c. volt
meter reads average values, hence the change in reading from 50 volts
to 300 volts indicates that the maximum voltage across the arc may be
1000 or more; as the duration of this high voltage is only a small frac
tion of a cycle its value may be three or four times the average value,
i.e., the reading of the continuous-current voltmeter across the arc.
Practical Construction of the Arc Generator or Converter.—To increase
the power, efficiency, and constancy of frequency of the arc generator, sev
eral special devices are employed. These devices are the result of extended
investigations carried out by V. Poulsen, and their application has been
primarily responsible for the rapid development and commercial success
of this type of generator. Previous to this time many investigators had
utilized the fundamental arc circuit, but had not succeeded in obtaining
sufficient high-frequency energy to permit the operation being considered
a practical success. Poulsen's investigations offered the first solution
and demonstrated that the simple arrangement of Fig. 4 would give

undamped oscillations at constant radio frequencies and sufficient energy

for the purposes of radio telegraphy and telephony if modified as follows:
1. The arc is caused to take place in hydrogen or a gas rich in hydrogen.
2. The positive electrode is kept as cool as possible, and therefore is
constructed of some material having a high heat conductivity, usually cop
per, cooled by circulating water. The negative electrode is of carbon and is
rotated slowly on its axis while the arc is in operation, to improve the
regularity of the oscillations.
3. The arc is acted upon by a transverse magnetic field, which assists
in the rapid deionization (scavenging) of the gases in the arc. The electro
L- magnets supplying this magnetic
field are sometimes connected direct
ly in the supply circuit as indicated
035y£O in Fig. 10.
R' The strength of this field affects
the characteristics of the arc to a
Fio. 10.-The ordinary Poulsen arc burns in considerable extent, and if not of
a hydrogen vapor, in a transverse mae- ,, j
netic field and has a water-cooled anode. the COrrect Value, inefficiency and
Resistance R' is cut out when the arc is inconstancy of oscillation result-
oscillating. As expressed by Professor Pedersen:
" The arc should burn in the weak
est field in which it works normally, only igniting once a period, and
always on the electrode edges. Both stronger and weaker fields require
excessive supply voltage. This is therefore the most suitable field
intensity—the one giving the highest efficiency and the most constant
behavior of the arc."
If the field is made too strong, the increase in resistance, due to the
stretching out of the arc as it is being extinguished, causes the extinction
voltage (the potential across the arc at the instant the arc current has
fallen to zero) to reach excessive values. This excessive voltage may
eause a reignition of the arc across a shorter path andinterfere with the
constancy of the oscillations.
If the field is too weak, the conditions for successive arcs (in successive
cycles) are not constant, due to the fact that ignition does not take place
from the same point of each electrode, but from the points where the preced
ing arc existed at the instant of being extinguished. The arc length thus
grows successively longer and longer until the arc can no longer ignite
across the longer distance.2 Ignition then takes place between the elec
trode tips again and the process is repeated. This also causes a varia
tion in the frequency as the conditions for successive arcs are not constant
(arc resistance, charging period, etc.). Since the proper action of the
5 The reader is referred to the photographs in Pedersen's paper for evidence of the
correctness of these statements.

field consists in blowing out the arc and allowing a new arc to form at the
beginning of the next period, it is evident that its intensity will depend
on the frequency to be generated. Pedersen has found the proper field
intensity to be approximately proportional to the frequency. Thus with
an arc drawing about 20 amperes from the supply line, and an oscillatory
circuit with a ratio of Vl/C about 300, Pedersen found the most suitable
field strength to be given by the relation (H+400)X =5000, in which H
is in gausses and X in kilometers. With a hydrogen atmosphere it seemed
that a field about one-fifth as large as this was proper.
Action of the Gaseous Atmosphere.—The hydrogen or coal gas in
which the arc usually operates assists in cooling the electrodes, and thus
when the arc current falls to zero, the cooling action of the gas promotes
a rapid increase in the arc resistance (deionization). It also affects the
static characteristic, making it steeper than in air, as shown in Fig. 26,
page 141.
The reason for the hydrogen atmosphere thus steepening the curve
is not known, but the effect of this increase in slope upon the arc operation
is evidently to cause the arc voltage variation (which in turn acts to
charge the condenser) to be more sensitive and of greater amplitude for
a given arc current variation. The radio frequency energy input is thus
The foregoing features of construction are embodied in all modern
arc generators. Fig. 11 illustrates a 500 kw. arc (input rating), which
is much less than the maximum capacity to which generators of this
type have been built up to the present time.
Generators of 1000 kw. capacity are of the same general construction,
but somewhat smaller in size. The arc chamber is equipped with a water-
cooled jacket to assist in cooling the chamber, while the copper anode
has circulating water supplied to it by means of flexible pipe connections.
The negative electrode is usually of carbon, although graphite is being
largely used for the higher capacity arcs. The anode, as shown in the
figure, is equipped with handwheels to permit the accurate adjustment
of the gap length. The smaller wheels shown are used for clamping the
electrode into its proper position. The enormous size of magnetic circuit
apparently required for these large capacity generators is indicated in
Fig. 11 as well as in Fig. 12, which shows the generator with the electrodes
and arc chambers removed; the circuit shown in the latter figure is for
a 500 kw. arc, the upper pole piece having been removed.
Arc generators are most efficiently used at the longer wave-lengths
and are therefore usually operated at 3000 meters or above, 6000 meters
being the wave-length generally used. In some cases the wave-length
is as high as 18,000 meters. The capacities range from 100 kw. or less
up to 1000 kw.; 350 kw. arcs are generally used for high-power land

stations. Small-capacity arcs, with a capacity of 20-30 kw., have been

in successful use on board ship. The usual wave-length is 4000 meters,

Fig. 11.—A 500 kw. Poulsen are converter; over the operator's head is the anode ter
minal and on the right is shown the pipe for carrying off the exhaust gases from
the arc chamber. (Proc. I. R. E. Vol. 7., No. 5).

Fig. 12.—Magnetic field structure for a 500 kw. converter; the proper form of pole
piece has been subject of considerable study. (Proc. I. R. E. Vol. 7., No. 5.)
and the sets have a transmission range of perhaps 2000 miles in the day
time. Just recently small arcs (2 kw. input) have been constructed,

which when fed from a 600-volt line seem to operate satisfactorily for
wave-lengths as short as 800 meters.
High-frequency Alternator.—The generation of high-frequency cur
rents by means of machines similar in their principles of construction
to the huge alternators which supply the modern central-station loads,
has doubtless occurred to the student. The extremely high frequencies
required, however, necessitate machines of special design which require
a high grade of engineering skill in their construction. Alternators for
supplying loads of commercial frequency may be any one of the three
following types :
I. The armature is the rotating element, the d.c. field being stationary.
This arrangement is similar to that employed on all d.c. generators but
is rarely used on alternators, particularly the large sizes.
II. The field rotates with respect to the armature, which is fixed in
position. This construction possesses several advantages over type I,
particularly due to the lesser insulation requirements of the field winding
and its greater simplicity as compared to the armature winding. This
construction is universal on all modern alternators.
III. Both the field and armature windings are stationary in space,
the flux linking the armature winding being periodically varied by means
of an inductor, revolving in the air gap. This inductor is essentially a
disk whose periphery has been divided into sections, alternate sections
possessing a high magnetic reluctance, while the intermediate sections,
which are made of steel, possess a relatively low reluctance. This type
is practically unused in the low-frequency machines of commercial engineer
ing, but possesses several inherent advantages which make it the most
satisfactory of the alternators designed for high-frequency generation.
Since both windings are fixed, in position, their proper insulation is much
simplified. Very serious difficulty is encountered when it is attempted
to place an insulated winding on the revolving member (rotor), due to the
high peripheral speeds and consequently high centrifugal stresses involved.
Design of the High-frequency Alternator.—That a special construction
and design is required may be seen from the following: If we consider
a machine of the inductor type having a maximum permissible speed of
20,000 r.p.m. and a required frequency of 100,000 cycles per second, the
rotor diameter being assumed 30 centimeters, the distance through which
a point on the rotor moves in generating one cycle is
= 0.31 cm.
Therefore, in this small space we must have a section of high reluctance
(for instance, bronze) and a section of low reluctance (steel) so that a

complete cycle of flux variation from minimum to maximum and back to

minimum occurs while the inductor moves through this space. Special
precautions in design and materials used must be observed if the hysteresis
and eddy current losses are to be minimized, as these become very larjK
at the higher frequencies.
Construction.—The construction of the Alexanderson high-frequency
alternators (first suggested by R. A. Fessenden), is indicated in
Fig. 13.
The pole pieces BB are threaded into the yoke A as indicated, the
air gaps being thus accurately adjustable. The pole tips NS are finely
Cut 8t«el yoke laminated to reduce eddy current and
hysteresis losses and are slotted to
receive the armature winding. The
field windings WW are installed as
shown, and with a steady direct cur
rent flowing through them, set up a
flux as indicated by the dotted line.
It is evident that the reluctance of the
circuit will vary as the inductor R ro
tates between the two faces of the air
gap. This inductor is properly de
signed for the high stresses which exist
when it is operated at its rated speed
of 20,000 r.p.m. The rim velocity
under this condition is about 300
13.—Simplified cross-section of an meters per second and the centrifugal
Alexanderson alternator. force at the periphery is 68,000 times
the weight of metal there.
A developed view of the winding and rotor is shown in Fig. 14. If
we consider the loop formed by conductors 6-7, the flux linking it will
be a maximum with the inductor in the position shown. As the
inductor moves to the right, the tooth e is replaced with a non-magnetic
insert and the flux decreases to a minimum value. Then as the inductor
continues to move to the right the tooth d enters the loop 6-7 and the
flux increases again to a maximum. The variation of flux and correspond
ing induced voltage ~~firj 18 indicated on the figure. It will be noted
that a complete cycle is generated while the rotor travels a dis
tance represented by the tooth pitch (distance of a point on a
tooth to similar point on adjacent tooth). The frequency is thus
equal to the number of inductor teeth multiplied by the revolutions
per second.
The effective number of poles for this type of machine is evidently

wice the number of inductor teeth or spokes. Thus to generate 100,000

ycles we would require

N =— = 300 spokes on the inductor

rps 20,000
An examination of the winding indicates that loops 2-3, 10-11, etc.,
ass through the same flux variations as loop 6-7, and as these loops
re all connected in series the voltage will add up around the periphery,
'he same analysis holds for loops 1^4, 4-5, 5-8, etc. The windings are
rought out to separate terminals and may thus be connected in series

to. 14.—Developed view of the winding and rotor of the machine shown in Fig. 13.

<r parallel, whichever may be most suitable for the conditions involved,
t should be remembered that two similar windings are placed in the
lole tip on the near side of the air gap, which are not shown in the figure.
Thus the operator has four or more separate windings which he may con-
lect in any arrangement most desirable for his conditions. On the alter-
lator at the New Brunswick station, each coil has its terminals brought
rat, there being 64 such coils.
On the normal inductor generator, the number of armature slots is
ilways equal to the effective number of poles. In the Alexanderson
liachine the number of armature slots may be two-thirds the number of
soles. This is a distinct advantage, as more space and more thorough
nsulation is thus permitted for the winding. Thus in the figure, we have
between the lines xx, twelve armature slots and nine inductor spokes,

which represent eighteen effective poles, or the armature slots are two-
thirds the effective poles.
The greater the flux variation I — I the greater will be the generated
voltage. By decreasing the air gap the effect of the inductor on the flux
becomes more pronounced and thus the generated voltages increase.
On a certain machine, with a minimum permissible air gap of .004 inch
(for each of the two gaps), the voltage generated was nearly 300 volts.
With the air gaps increased to .015 inch each, the voltage decreased to
150. (Eccles.) Similarly, the output capacity increases as the air gap is
decreased and vice versa.
The highest frequency for which these machines have been constructed
at the present time (1920) is 200,000 cycles per second with a capacity
of about 1 kw. Machines of 50 kw. and greater have been constructed,
the frequency, however, being lower for these higher capacity machines,
usually about 50,000 cycles. A 2-kw., 100,000-cycle generator is indicated
in Fig. 15, showing the driving motor, normally operating at 2000 r.p.m.,
connected through special 1 : 10 gears to drive the alternator shaft at
20,000 r.p.m. This general arrangement is followed on all alternators of
this type, the gear ratio decreasing as the capacity increases. On some
machines the driving motor is connected to the low-speed gear shaft by
means of a chain connection. A view of one armature of a 2-kw., 100,000-
cycle machine is shown in Fig. 15.4.
As might well be supposed, the high-speed machines are not as reliable
in operation or as easy to maintain as a low-frequency machine of the same
power. The bearings of the machine shown in Fig. 15 are flexibly fastened
to the bed plate of the machine so that as the armature shaft expands
each bearing will move away from the rotor disk equally, thus maintain
ing the two air gaps equal. Forced oil feed must be used for the bearings
and for the larger machines, pipes carrying cooling water are liberally
distributed throughout the structure of the machine.
The high peripheral speed of the disk results in a very rapid circulation
of air through the two air gaps, causing considerable noise and power
consumption. The small machine shown in Fig. 15 requires about 7 h.p.
to turn the disk at rated speed, the machine not being loaded.
These high-frequency inductor alternators require suitable tuning
condensers to neutralize their internal reactance before they can deliver
appreciable power; a small 200,000-cycle machine will scarcely deflect
a voltmeter across its terminals unless a proper condenser is connected
across the armature terminals.
Connection to the Antenna.—The armature winding may be directly
connected to the antenna as shown in Fig. 16a, or it may be inductively
coupled as shown in Fig. 166, by using an oscillation transformer. In

either case the antenna circuit must be tuned to the frequency of the
alternator if maximum output is to be obtained. If the 2-kw. 100,000-

High frequency
generator, q Driving
20,000 np.m. ^ j motor 2poo r.p.m.

^Oi7 pump

Oil pipes for bearings

Pig. 15.—View of a small 100,000 cycle Alexanderson alternator.

Fig. \5A.—A view of a section of one armature of the machine in Fig. 15.

cycle machine is considered, its reactance at this frequency with normal

air-gap, may be taken as 5.4 ohms or
= 8.58^.
2irX 100,000

Thus the antenna capacity (Fig. 16a) must be such that

3000 = 1885VIC = 1885V8J&C

or C =0.3 microfarad. It is evident that the direct connected scheme

(16a) could not be used unless a suitable loading inductance (Z/) were
added, as antenna? are not built with such a high capacity. The arrange
ment utilizing an oscillation transformer (Fig. 166) would most probably
be used in any case. The maximum continuous load of this machine
is 30 amperes at 70 volts, or the equivalent antenna circuit resistance
as measured at the terminals of the generator must thus be — =2.3 ohms.
Application.—At this time the Alexanderson alternator is rapidly
increasing in importance and application, particularly the lower-frequency
machines (20,000-50,000
cycles) of large capacity.
The inherent disadvan
tages of this type of gen
erator due to the high
speeds and complications
attendant thereto, such
as lubrication, etc., ap
parently prevent it from
_ " , ' ,. , . representing a practical
Fig. 16.—Two schemes for connecting a nigh-frequency •
generator to an antenna; that shown in (6) is gener- means Ot generation on
ally used. board ship, or for small-
power installations or
portable field service. For high-power land stations, however, engaged
in transoceanic and transcontinental service, it will probably be increas
ingly successful in application and performance. It is also adaptable to
the requirements of radio telephony. (See Chapter VIII.) The most
successful station utilizing this type of generator is located at New
Brunswick, N. J., where a 200-kw. set is installed. This equipment is
shown in Fig. 17. For a further description of this machine and station
the reader is referred to a paper by E. F. W. Alexanderson.1
One of the chief difficulties in the operation of a high-frequency alter
nator is the accurate control of its speed. An almost imperceptible
change in alternator speed will result in the pitch of the signal note at the
receiving station changing several octaves. That the Alexanderson1
generators are controlled in speed to better than 0.1 per cent can be told
at once by noting the constancy of pitch of the signal received from the

1 " Transatlantic Radio Communication," Proc. A. I. E. E., Oct.,1919.


New Brunswick station. An ingenious arrangement of relays operate on

the driving motor so as to make its speed essentially constant.
The Goldschmidt Alternator.—Theory.—This generator, first brougnt
out in commercial form by Dr. R. Goldschmidt, is based on principles
which are radically different from those involved in the Alexanderson
machine. These are:
1. The magnetic field produced
by an alternating current of fre
quency n, may be considered as
consisting of two component fields,
the magnitude of each of these
fields being one-half the magnitude
of the resultant total field and con
sidered as rotating in opposite direc
tions at frequency n.
This is simply the theory of con
jugate vectors and is illustrated in
Fig. 18. Fig. ISA represents the
normal derivation of a sine curve
from a rotating vector while Fig.
18B utilizes the principles of con
jugate vectors; the horizontal
components of <t>' and <t>" neutralize
one another, while the resultant
vertical component is at all times
as indicated by the sine curve to
the right. Similarly, the current
I could be represented in the same
manner. The construction illus
trates graphically the principle
stated above.
2. If a coil (rotor) is revolved
in this alternating magnetic field
at synchronous speed, it is appar
ent from the foregoing that the Fig. 17. Views of the high-powered Alexan
component fields will induce e.m.f.'s derson generator installed at New Bruns
of different frequencies, since they wick; over the alternator (in the lower
are rotating in opposite directions. view) may be seen the oscillation trans
If we assume the coil to revolve formers which connect the, generator to
the antenna.
in a counter-clockwise direction,
flux <f>' will rotate with it, thus cutting no conductors and generating no
e.m.f. in the coil. The other component <j>" is moving against the rota
tion of the coil. Thus the frequency will be twice what it would be if

the coil were standing still. Reviewing the above, two frequencies may
be considered as being generated in the coil, viz.,
fi=N — Nr (produced by </>')
fi =N+Nr (produced by <t>")
since N,=N,
this becomes /i =0
■ h=2N

18-A-Norruul Construction

\<t>=<t> + <t>" ^*-*'+*"!
/ \
- >e \ /
18-B Construction
by means of Conjugate

Fig. 18.—A stationary, pulsating, magnetic field maybe represented by two rotating
fields each constant in strength, rotating in opposite directions. Each rotating
field has one half the strength of the stationary pulsating field.

In these expressions N is the frequency of the alternating field, while

Nr is the rotational speed of the coil expressed in cycles per second. There
fore, if the terminals of the rotating coil are connected together, a current
will flow in the circuit whose frequency is 2JV, and a doubling of the initial
frequency N has been obtained. It is evident that this double-frequency
current could be led to a second fixed coil, with a revolving coil placed
in the influence of its magnetic field and a further doubling of frequency
would result. (If the coil is rotated at a frequency 2iV.) If the speed
of rotation is ATr as for the first case, the frequencies would be
fi=N-Nr = 2N-N=N

A practical example of these effects is found in the double-frequency

component which appears in the d.c. field circuit of a single-phase alter
nator when the machine is carrying load. This is illustrated by the ondo-
graph record shown in Fig. 19, in which the 60-cycle armature e.m.f. and
the 120-cycle (2N) e m.f. induced in a search coil on the pole are both
shown. The field winding revolves at synchronous speed in an alternating

Fig. 19.—Ondograph record from a single-phase alternator; curve B, obtained from a

search coil on the pole face shows a frequency twice as great as that generated in
the armature.

field produced by the current in the armature winding. We thus have, as

for the first case cited above.


It has already been indicated how additional increases in frequency

might be obtained by using a number of machines (consisting of a fixed
and movable coil) connected in cascade. However, instead of having
the rotor currents excite a distant stator, it is more practical and econom
ical to have it react back on its own stator. The fundamental connections
would then be as shown in Fig. 20.
Connections for Increasing Frequencies in the One, Machine.—The
source of power, A, supplies current of frequency N to the stator
winding S and the rotor winding R rotates in this field at synchronous
speed (in r.p.m. = ^— — I. There will thus be induced in R an
e.m.f. of frequency N—N=0 and an e.m.f. of frequency ^+^ = 2^.
If the terminals are joined by a low-impedance path, a current of this
frequency will flow in the rotor circuit. Associated with this current is

a magnetic field whose frequency is 2N. Recalling that we may represent

this field by two oppositely rotating fields, whose frequency is 2 N, it is
evident that one component (the one revolving in the same direction as
the rotor) will cut the stator at a frequency 2 N + N =3 N, while the other
component will cut it at a frequency 2N— N = N, corresponding e.m.f.'s
being induced in the stator circuit. If the terminals of the stator coil
Higher Frequency. be >0hied ^ a Suitable Circuit, CUT-
Chokecoii rents of these frequencies will flow.
*wr I Furthermore, the field set up by the
triple-frequency current will induce
in the rotor e.m.f.'s of frequency
3N-N = 2N and 3N+N=4N, and
currents of these frequencies will flow
in the rotor circuit. In turn, the
current of frequency =4 N, will in
duce in the stator eon.f.'s of frequency
Fio. 20.—Conventional diagram ofro- 4 # - N = 3 and 4 JV+ N =5N. Thus,
tor coil R, and tuned stator circuit if we assume an initial supply frequency
S-C, supplied with magnetizing cur- to the stator of 10,000. we have trans-
rent through choke coil. ' formed it by meang Gf so-called " elec
trical reflections " outlined above, into
a frequency of 5N =50,000, which may be employed for radio-telegraph
and radio-phone transmission.
These several e.m.f.'s may be tabulated as follows:
Stator Rotor
N 2N and 0
3N and N 4iVand2iV
5iVand 3N

If, instead of supplying alternating current to the stator winding,

we employ direct current, the results are, similarly:
Stator Rotor
0 N
2N and 0 3N and N
4A^and 2N
This is the usual arrangement for commercial machines, the source
of supply being a storage battery or d.c. generator.
Application of Tuned Circuits.—In discussing the reflection of frequen
cies we have indicated the coil circuits as being completed in the rotor
by a short-circuiting resistance while the stator circuit is completed by
a condenser. Since the coils themselves possess considerable impedance
at the high frequencies involved, this must be compensated for by suitable

capacities, so that the circuit may be in resonance for the frequency of

the induced e.m.f., i.e.,

By thus employing tuned circuits, the magnitude of the current flow pro
duced will be a maximum and is limited only by the effective resistance
of the circuit. This ef-
fective resistance includes
the losses due to hystere Choke coil
sis and eddy currents as
well as dielectric losses.
Since e.m.f.'s of sev
eral frequencies are con J
i —
cerned, circuits must be I
available which are tuned
to each of these frequen
cies. Fig. 21 indicates
the arrangement em
ployed by Goldschmidt,
for a quadrupling of the
generated frequency, di Fig. 21.—In order to get currents of appreciable ampli
tudes of the various frequencies generated in a "re
rect current being sup flection" type machine the rotor and stator must be
plied to the stator. supplied with suitably tuned circuits, one for each
The rotor R revolves frequency generated.
at the required speed in
the d.c. field produced by the stator winding <S, supplied by means of
the storage battery B. There is thus induced in R an e.m.f. of fre
quency N, the value of which is given by
N-- where JVp=the number of poles.
This e.m.f. will cause a current of corresponding frequency to flow in the
circuit R, Ci, L\, C"i, the values of the capacities and L\ being adjusted
so that the circuit is tuned to this frequency. C\ compensates for the
inductance of the rotor, while L\ and C"i compensate each other, and the
drop across them is thus very small. This current induces an e.m.f. of
frequencies 2 N and 0 in the stator circuit S, C2, L2, C'2, in which the values
of C2, L2 and C'2 are adjusted to resonance for the frequency 2N. C2
compensates for the inductance of the stator winding, while L2 and C'2
compensate each other, and therefore practically no drop exists across
this portion of the circuit. The double-frequency current induces an
e.m.f. of frequencies 3 AT and N in the rotor, and triple-frequency current

flows in the circuit R, Ci, C3, which is tuned to resonance for this frequency.
Practically no current of frequency N will pass through C3, since Li, C\,
represents almost a short circuit path across Cz for this frequency.
The triple-frequency current flowing in the rotor circuit R, Ci, C3,
induces in the stator e.m.f.'s of frequencies 4N and 2N, and currents of cor
responding frequencies flow in the circuits S, C2, CA and S, C2, L2, C'2,
respectively, each of which are tuned to resonance. The condenser CA
represents the antenna through which we thus have a current flowing
whose frequency is four times the frequency (N) of the current initially
generated. If it were desired to utilize the triple-frequency current, the
antenna would be connected to the rotor in place of C3, while La and C'2
could be omitted from the stator circuit. By suitably arranging other
circuits higher frequencies could be obtained but such an arrangement is
not employed to any extent commercially, as the quadruple-frequency
machine is more efficient and fulfills all requirements.
For the complete Goldschmidt machine as described in the preceding
discussion, we may tabulate the generated frequencies, as before—

Stator Rotor
0 N
2Ar and 0 3 AT and N
4tf and 2N

An exact analysis of all the actions in this machine is complicated

and would be out of place here. The amplitudes of the various frequencies,
it must be pointed out, however, are not the same; for all e.m.f. 's of zero
frequency the amplitude is zero, while the other amplitudes depend for
their values upon the tightness of the magnetic coupling between the rotor
and stator circuits.
A fairly good idea of this reflecting action may be obtained by exami
nation of the cut in Fig. 22 which shows the stator and rotor currents
of a single-phase induction motor excited by a 60-cycle supply and running
near synchronous speed. The rotor current evidently shows the two
frequencies (/ +/') and (/ —/'), / being the impressed frequency and f
the frequency of rotation. The rotor circuit and stator circuit were
not tuned, otherwise more frequencies might have been accentuated,
and the stator current would, for example, show / +2/' and f —2f
In Fig. 22 is shown the effect of running the rotor at practically
synchronous speed. Here the amplitude of the differential frequency
(/—/') is so small that the film docs not show it, although it can be seen
from the film that the rotor frequency is slightly more than twice the
stator frequency.

Pio. 22.—Rotor and stator e.m.f.'s of a single-phase induction motor. The rotor e.m f.
may be separated into its two components as shown by the dashed line. One fre
quency is equal to that impressed on the stator plus the frequency of rotation
and the other frequency is the difference of the two.

Fig. 23.—When the rotor was run at practically synchronous speed the amplitude of
the differential frequency was practically zero, leaving in the rotor only the additive

Construction.—If we assume a required frequency of 40,000 cycle-

per second, and a frequency transformation ratio of 4, the initial frequency
generated is 10,000. From the general equation for frequency
-No. of poles Xr.p.m.
1~ 120

it is readily seen that a large number of poles will be necessary. Assum

ing a maximum desirable speed of 3000 r.p.m., we have
„ . . 120X10,000
No. of poles = 30Q0 =400.

Considering a maximum safe peripheral speed of 200 meters per second,

we obtain 1.25 meters as the maximum diameter permissible for the rotor.
This gives a circumference of 400 cm., and thus the space available per
pole is 1 cm. The windings are therefore laid out similar to the armature
winding of the Alexanderson machine, and consist on both rotor and
stator (the windings are identical) of the simple zig-zag winding shown
in Fig. 24. The windings are split up into sections which can be connected

Fig. 24.—Developed winding of a Goldschmidt alternator.

in series or parallel arrangement to secure the most suitable voltage for

the resistance of the antenna used. The conductor is made up of a number
of very fine strands, about No. 40 A. W. G., each insulated individually
to reduce skin effect.
To reduce the iron losses, the rotor and stator are constructed of very
thin laminations of high-resistance iron. These laminations are .05 milli
meter in thickness and are separated by paper about .03 millimeter thick.
When the assembled material is compressed the volume of paper is more
than one-third the total volume. To further decrease the iron losses,
the iron is worked at low densities.
It is evident from the foregoing discussion on the action of this machine,
that the air gap must be made as small as possible so that the magnetic
leakage between the two windings shall be a minimum, since the induced
voltages decrease for each succeeding reflection, this decrease being fixed
by the amount of magnetic leakage and the losses. Excessive magnetic
leakage also tends to prevent neutralization of the intermediate currents

and thus additional losses are caused which may be minimized by reducing
the gap.
On the largest machines we thus find extremely small air gaps, being
about .08 cm. on a 100 kw. machine (normal rating). The rotor of
this machine weighs about 5 tons and is 1.25 meters in diameter, which
indicates the extreme precision and care required for the proper construc
tion of this type of generator. Trouble may be experienced if the rotor
expands under the effects of temperature rise produced by continuous
operation. This will cause an increasing output (almost inversely pro
portional to the gap length) as the gap decreases until the rotor suddenly
makes contact with the stator and jams tight, resulting in the destruction
of the machine.
It is also important that the rotor and stator slots be strictly parallel
to the shaft and to each other. That is, there should be no skewing, as
otherwise the e.m.f.'s induced throughout the length of one conductor of
the winding will not be in the same phase, and a decreased voltage (and
thus a decreased output) results. A divergence of 1 millimeter in 1 meter
length would cause a decrease of 20 per cent in the total output.
Typical Installation.—The largest alternators of this type have a
maximum output of 200 kw. with a normal output of 100 kw., one of
which is located at Hanover, Germany, the other at Tuckerton, N. J.
These machines are of the four-reflection type, with direct-current supply
to the stator and having 400 poles. For an output frequency of 50,000,
which means an initial frequency of 12,500, the motor drives the generator
at 3750 r.p.m. This motor is rated at 4000 r.p.m., 250 h.p., 220 volts,
and is supplied from two direct-current generators in Ward Leonard con
nection, to secure the necessary flexibility of speed control and ease of
starting. The generator is directly connected to this motor by means
of a flexible coupling.
The antenna at the Hanover Station consists of a double-cone system,
the aerial wires being supported by a single steel tower 250 meters high.
The aerial system is made up of 36 bronze cables of 8 mm. diameter, the
outer ends of these cables being attached through insulators to poles
12 meters high which are arranged in a circle around the tower, the radius
of this circle being about 450 meters. The tower is insulated at the base
and half way up by means of heavy glass insulators and in addition is
supported by steel guy wires, sectioned by insulators.
Frequency Transformation.—The design and construction of such
alternators as described above, which provide at their terminals, e.m.f.'s
of frequency sufficiently high to be used directly for radio-transmission,
requires the highest type of engineering skill if the many complex problems
involved in their construction are to be solved successfully. Alternators of
somewhat lower frequency, however, say 10,000 cycles per second, can be

built with comparative ease with consequent reduction in initial cost,

and increased reliability of operation. Therefore instead of using the
high-frequency alternator directly supplying the antenna circuit, we may
substitute a lower-frequency machine, and step-up the frequency to the
required value by means of a frequency changer or transformer. Efficient
frequency transformation thus presents a means for supplying undamped
radio-frequency current, and the action of some of the various frequency
changers which have been proposed for this purpose are therefore of
Types of Frequency Changers.—Frequency changers may be static,
constructed similarly to the ordinary modern power, or may
contain a revolving element. In the latter type, utilizing one rotor
winding and one stator winding, the frequency is raised by electrical
reflections, four, five, or even higher transformations being accomplished.
This type is illustrated by the Goldschmidt machine as described above,
which may thus be considered as a generator and frequency changer in
one, as it generates a current of frequency N, and this initial frequency is
then transformed to some higher frequency at the output terminals.
The simplest type of frequency changer utilizing a rotating element
is illustrated by the large-capacity frequency changers used for the inter
change of power between systems of different frequencies as for instance,
a 25 and a 62^ cycles system. The machine consists of two rotors and
two stators, the rotors being mounted on a common shaft, the one element
operating as a synchronous motor and the other as an alternator, and
vice versa, depending on the direction of energy flow. By means of appa
ratus of this type it is thus possible to transform a commercial frequency
supply of 25 cycles to a frequency of 10,000, or less, which may be further
transformed by one of the static transformers described below.
Many forms of the static type of frequency changer have been sug
gested, differing mainly in the manner of their connections, and the number
of frequency transformations. Thus there are frequency doublers and
triplers, which may be further connected in cascade, resulting in additional
increase of frequency. Fundamentally, nearly all of them operate on
the same phenomenon, namely, the asymmetrical variation of flux with
magnetizing force in saturated iron cores. The explanations to be given
below will consider only this feature of the circuit although a rigid analysis
would undoubtedly require an investigation of the variation in resistance
throughout the cycle, as well as these peculiar flux changes.
Joly Frequency Tripler.—In the Joly frequency tripler illustrated in
Fig. 25. The primaries are joined in series, and the turns and core dimen
sions in the two transformers are so proportioned that B is saturated at
about one-half the current value required to saturate A. Thus, if we
assume a sine wave of voltage E supplied by the alternator, we can plot

this voltage and the total flux <£, which must be developed in the two
transformers to develop the
required c.e.m.f., as shown in
Fig. 26A.
Since the total flux <j> is
a maximum when the primary
current is a maximum, the Altera*
component fluxes, which exist
in each transformer, and which
add up to give this total flux,
must each be a maximum at
this instant. Since B satur Fia. 25.—Use of two saturated arcs to triple the
ates at about one-half the frequency.
current value required for A,
we can plot the component fluxes as shown in Fig. 26 B. The pri
mary current, which has not been indicated, is approximately sinusoidal
in form. The two fluxes <i>a and 4b,
by their variation cause e.nxf.'s E&
and Eb2 to be induced in their
respective secondary windings, the
wave form of these e.m.f.'s being
indicated in Fig. 26C.
The two secondary windings are
so connected together that the volt
age across the load circuit {L—C,
Fig. 25) is obtained by taking the
difference of E„2 and Em; in Fig.
26D this line voltage (Em—Em) is
shown and it is evident that the
e.m.f. is principally a triple-fre
quency one. The load circuit,
which includes the radiating antenna
and its loading coil (if any), must
be tuned to this triple-frequency
e.m.f., if an appreciable output is to
be obtained.
Frequency Doubler.—An arrange
ment for doubling the frequency first
suggested by Epstein in 1902 and sub-
Fia. 26.—Analysis of action of the ar- sequently developed by Joly and Val-
rangement of Fig. 25. louri, is indicated in Fig. 27. Both
transformers are identical, and each
is equipped with a tertiary circuit, supplied from the storage battery B.

The steady current flowing through these windings is adjusted to bring

the transformer fluxes just to the point where saturation occurs, i.e., at
the knee of the curve as indicated in curve A , Fig. 27. If the two primaries,
in series, are connected to an a.c. supply, it may readily be seen from
the figures, that on a positive half cycle the flux in Ti (wherein the m.m.f.
of the primary winding assists the d.c. winding), will change very little,
while the flux in T2 will decrease considerably, since the primary m.mi.
opposes the m.mi. of the d.c. winding. On the negative half cycle, the
reverse is true. These conditions are indicated in Fig. 28, A and B. It
should be noted that an asymmetrical variation of flux thus occurs in each
transformer, the flux of one transformer having a large variation during
one alternation while the flux of the other transformer changes only slightly
and on the next alternation, these conditions are reversed. These fluxes

Fia. 27.—Use of two saturated cores for frequency doubling.

exist in separate cores and do not combine to form a double frequency

flux. The e.m.f.'s which they induce in their respective secondary wind
ings are indicated in Fig. 28C, and since the secondaries have been connected
reversed with respect to each other, the difference of the voltages must
be taken to obtain their resultant. This is indicated in Fig. 28D.
This method for obtaining a doubling of the initial frequency has
found some commercial application to high-frequency work, having been
developed by Count von Arco for the Telefunken Company, and known
as the Joly-Arc System. It is employed at the U. S. Radio Station at
Sayville, Long Island, for doubling an initial frequency of 15,000. 1
Plohl's Frequency Doubler.—An interesting circuit, applying these
principles, as suggested by Plohl, is indicated in Fig. 29. The action of
this circuit will be evident from the connections and the curves shown
1 Bucher, "Practical Wireless Telegraphy," p. 273.

in Fig. 30. Essentially, the chokers Ri and R2 act as magnetic valves,

each absorbing the impressed e.m.f. almost completely on alternating
half cycles, while offering very little impedance, due to saturation effects,
during the other half cycle. Thus a flux will alternately be produced
by Pi and P2 and since they
are wound in reverse relation
ship, this flux will always be in
the same direction, through the
core of T as shown in Fig.
30C. A double-frequency volt
age is thus induced in the
secondary winding, as indicated
in Fig. 30D.
Taylor's Frequency Tripler.
—An arrangement for tripling
the initial frequency of a three-
phase supply, as developed by
A. M. Taylor, is indicated in
Fig. 31.
The three chokers R\, R2,
and R3 are saturated early in
the cycle, at a relatively low
value of current, while the core
of the transformer T remains
unsaturated at all times. Con
sidering one of the elements,
for instance that between a
and b, and assuming a sine
wave of voltage, the voltage
and flux conditions which must
exist are as indicated in Fig.
32A. (Fig. 314 indicates the
circuit detail under analysis.)
As the primary current increas
es, a point is reached where
the choker becomes saturated. Fia. 28.—Analysis of the action of the arrange
When this occurs, the imped ment of Fig. 27. The flux <t>n in curves B
is shown in reversed phase.
ance of the circuit decreases
materially, and the primary current increases rapidly, as indicated by the
current curve (Fig. 32B). This causes very little change in the choker flux,
which has already reached saturation, but does cause a variation in the
transformer flux. The transformer flux, although varying proportion
ately to the primary current /, does not reach large amplitudes, since

r3 ;::>r,

Fig. 29.—Another type of frequency doubler.

most of the flux required to produce

the proper sine wave of counter
e.m.f. is already existent in the core
of the choker. The choker and trans
former flux must add to give a result
ant equal to the sine wave of flux
shown in Fig. 32A, based on the
assumed sine voltage. The trans
former flux will induce in the second
ary a voltage the form of which is
shown in 32C. A similar e.m.f. wave
will be induced by each of the other
two phases in exactly the same way
as outlined above.
The voltages 6be 3J1C1 €ca will
differ in phase from eo» by 120°
and 240° (electrical degrees), respect
ively, as the primary supply volt
ages Eai, Ebc, Ea, differ in phase
from one another by this amount.
These three induced voltages Co»,
c*e, eca, exist simultaneously in the
secondary winding of T and thus add
up to give the resultant triple-fre
quency voltage indicated in 32/).
It would be possible to employ nine
—Curves showing action of appa chokers, and a nine-phase supply,
ratus shown in Fig. 29. to produce a nine-fold transforma«

tion, if this were desirable. In this case a sine-wave alternator could

not be used, due to interference effects in the high-frequency circuits, and
a machine of special design would be required.
Losses of Static Frequency Changers.—The above methods of
frequency transformation which utilize static transformers possess the
disadvantage of excessive iron losses, even though special precautions
are taken in the construction of the iron cores, as at the higher frequencies
these losses are very large; dielectric losses in the insulation may also
be excessive. Probably the most practical would be the Joly arrange
ment for doubling the frequency, using two of these doublers in cascade
to quadruple the frequency, and making the delivered energy thus suit-

Fio. 31.—A frequency tripler, working from a three phase supply.

able to the requirements of radio telegraphy and telephony. With every

arrangement it is highly important that the secondary circuit be tuned
to the desired upper harmonic, as otherwise the higher-frequency current
will be relatively small and current of fundamental frequency will prob
ably predominate.
The " Wabbling Neutral " as a Means of Tripling the Alternator
Frequency.—It is a well-known fact that the line currents of a 3-phase
system are 120° out of phase and their algebraic sum is equal to zero.
Their third harmonics differ therefore by 3X 120°, or 360°, i.e., a complete
period, and are in phase with each other. Since, in all cases, the instan
taneous (algebraic) sum of the alternator currents must be zero,1 it is
evidently impossible for the line currents to contain third harmonics. If
we impress a sine wave of voltage on three Y-connected transformers
1 Delta-connected load assumed, or if Y-connected, the neutral point of the load is
supposed ungrounded.

(their secondaries being

open-circuited, and hence
not shown in Fig. 33 as
they can have no effect
when open), the third har
monic component, which
normally predominates in
the exciting current of an
iron-core transformer, is
suppressed, and the mag
netizing current is a sine
The line voltages are
sine waves, but the voltage
to neutral must contain a
strong third harmonic, due
to the suppression of the
third harmonic component
in the exciting current,
which must be present if
the c.e.m.f. is to be a sine
wave. Therefore, the wave
of magnetization cannot be
of sine form, but will be
flat topped (somewhat as
indicated in Fig. 34, curves
1, 2, and 3) due to the satu
ration of the iron. The in
duced e.m.f.'s will thus
have the wave form indi
cated, and may be resolved Fl0 32._Curves of flux and e.m.f. explaining the
into their fundamental and action of the apparatus shown in Fig. 31.

1 ■1

I 1

Fig. 33.—The "wabbling neutral" scheme of tripling frequency; the center point of 3
K-connected iron core coils is connected to the antenna and the center point of
3 y-connected air core coils is connected to ground. The three-phase power
supply is otherwise ungrounded.

third harmonic components as shown in curves 4, 5, and 6. It will be

noted that the third harmonic components in all three phases are in
phase. Thus the potential of point 0, Fig. 33, will fluctuate at triple
frequency as shown in curve 7 of
Fig. 34. This triple frequency
e.m.f. may be impressed on an an
tenna circuit as shown in Fig. 33.
The voltages indicated in the
above curves exist across the
transformer windings, and add up
to give a sine wave of c.e.m.f. at
the line terminals. This is shown
in curve 8, wherein the third har
monic potentials neutralize one
another, only the fundamental
components combining. This
curve is evidently a sine wave,
which is as it should be, if it is to
neutralize the impressed voltage,
which has been assumed as a sine

\ / A/VWV
\ /
\ w /
\* /
>> //
3-0 /

Fig. 34.—Curves of flux and e.m.f. to analyze the action of the wabbling neutral; in
curves 8 the voltage forms eo-i and eo_a are shown without their third harmonies,
these being shown separately in the X axis.

In Fig. 35 is shown an oscillograph record of this scheme of frequency

conversion; three transformer primaries (secondaries open) were connected
in Y to a three-phase power line and another Y connection was made

with three air-core coils. The two neutrals were then connected together
and the resulting current in the connection was nearly a pure sine wave
of triple frequency.
Application of Rectifier Elements to Frequency Changers.—Another
type of frequency changer is that utilizing a rectifying element in the pri
mary circuit. The action is due fundamentally to the fact that the flux
in the iron core is always set up in the same direction, regardless of reversal
of the supply current. Fig. 36 indicates a typical connection, while
37 indicates the voltage and flux relations obtained.

Fig. 35.—Oscillogram showing the third harmonic obtainable from the curcuit of
Fig. 33.
Fig. 38 indicates an arrangement utilized by Zenneck and others.
This operates exactly similar to the arrangement of Fig. 36, but makes
use of four valves to secure unidirectional current through the one primary
winding. Current is permitted to flow only in the direction indicated
by the arrows in the valve elements ; an inspection of the figure will indi
cate their operation. Fig. 37 is also applicable to the operation of this
Marconi Multi-gap Generator.—By properly timing the discharge
periods of related spark circuits, each circuit acting inductively on a
common secondary circuit, undamped high-frequency oscillations may
be obtained in the secondary circuit. This principle has been utilized
by Marconi in the construction of a multi-gap generator, the connections
of which are indicated in Fig. 39.

The synchronous gaps D\, D2, Dz, etc., are all rigidly keyed to the same
shaft, but are displaced properly with respect to one
another so that the discharge in the several circuits
occurs at different intervals. The result is graphically
illustrated by the curves shown in Fig. 40. It is essential,
if efficient operation is to be obtained, that the several
circuits are discharged in proper sequence and at exactly fa
the right instant, so that the component oscillations
acting on the common antenna circuit will produce a
constant amplitude high-frequency current as shown.
This is accomplished by the proper displacement of
the several disk discharges on the shaft and is also
Flo. 36.—A fre
insured by means of an auxiliary disk resembling a toothed quency doubler
wheel, which acts as a " trigger " to cause the main dis using iron core
charge to occur at exactly the proper instant. This is and rectifiers.
not shown in the diagram.
It is evident that the speed of rotation of the discharger disks is fixed
by the radio frequency generated and for this reason the generator is
particularly adapted to long wave-lengths.
If we assume a generator with ten disks,
each having 40 studs, and the shaft
revolved at 50 r.p.s. the interval between
two condenser discharges is

5^X4^X^= 207000 8eCOnd-

The radio frequency is, therefore, as

suming the discharges to occur at one-
cycle intervals, equal to 20,000 and the
wave-length 15,000 meters. Similarly if
the successive discharges occur at inter
vals of every other cycle, the frequency
may be 40,000, corresponding to a wave
length of 7500 meters.
This generator is not used to any
great extent, and a very brief treatment
only, which is not complete, has there
fore been given.
Fia. 37.—Voltage and flux relations Oscillating Tubes.—Within the last few
for the circuit of Fig. 36. years many improvements in the design
and construction of vacuum tubes have
been made and their applications are continually growing more varied and
important. At the present time, however, the power obtainable from oscil

lating tube circuits, as described in Chapter VI, is comparatively small.-

Their greatest field of use has therefore been confined to the reception of
undamped wave signals (see p. 483), and to small power transmitting
sets (of perhaps 1 kw. high-frequency output), such
as might be employed for military service in the
field, or any other service where light weight and
small space requirements are primary considera
To secure the large amount of power required
for long-distance transmission, it is necessary at
the present time to connect a number of the
tubes in parallel, and adjust, the several circuits
so that they operate properly. The limitation
in output of one tube is due primarily to the
Fio. 38.—By using four inability of the tube to radiate the large amount,
rectifiers the double Qf neat which is necessarily generated within the
may ^ ^placed'liy'a *u'5e i*seu"- As improvements in design and con-
single coil. struction occur, under the extensive developments
which are now being carried on, it may be expected
that the rating of tubes will continually increase, so that eventually this
device may replace the present forms of undamped wave generators.
Oscillating tubes possess several advantages over all other high-frequency
generators, principally: ease of adjustment and reliability of operation,

M rtfef rfef


if p.
_=_ J2-D.C. 5000 V. 1
J_ Generators _
— L in Series C.— C»—r
"n . T [

Pia. 39.—Marconi's "multi-gap" scheme for generating undamped waves from a

of spark discharges.
small space requirements, simplicity of construction and relatively high
Some progress along the lines indicated above may already be recorded.
Large tubes have been constructed having an input rating of 500 watts

and greater, while in England a steel tube equipped with a water-cooled

plate and rated at 5 kw. has been developed.1 The plate voltage of these
high-power tubes is in the neighborhood of 5000 to 10000 volts, the plate
current having a normal value of perhaps 0.25 ampere. The plates become
very hot, while the tube is in service, in some cases approaching incandes
cence, and special metals are there
fore required in its construction,
tungsten usually being used. Ig
In rating the tube by its energy
input, as has been done above, the
filament circuit supply has not been
included. It should be noted that iSj
the external oscillating circuit con
nected to the tube must take its
proper share of this input energy,
or too much energy will be required S3
to be dissipated from the tube, with
resultant danger of overheating the
tube elements. If for any reason i8j
the tube stops oscillating under
conditions of full energy supply,
the plate voltage should be im
mediately decreased to prevent any
damage to the tube. i
Probable Efficiencies of above A
Apparatus.—Poulsen Arc.—Assum
ing sine waves, a theoretical effi
ciency of 50 per cent is possible, but
probably an actual arc does not pia. 40.—Spark discharge operation of the
give greater than 40 per cent. For circuit of Fig. 39.
instance, the cooling water of a
certain 25 kw. arc carried away 14 kw. of heat. For arc oscillations
of the third class (p. 587) efficiencies much greater than 50 per cent are
conceivable, but as this type of oscillation is seldom used, we assume the
efficiency of the normal arc less than 50 per cent.
Alexanderson Alternator. —No data are obtainable regarding the
efficiency of the large Alexanderson alternators, but it seems likely that
it is not better than 50 per cent. Examination of the construction of
a modern machine shows the likelihood of high iron losses and the care
taken to provide adequate cooling2 facilities substantiates this idea.
1 Since writing the above the author learns that tubes with an output of about
100 kw. have been put into operation.
•See Alexanderson, "Transatlantic Radio Communication." Proceedings A. I.
E. E., Oct., 1919.

In the smaller sets, the efficiency may be extremely low: a 200,000-cycle

machine, for example, having a maximum output of 500 watts, requires
10 h.p. driving motor. A large part of the motor output is apparently
used in windage losses caused by the high rotative speeds.
Goldschmidt Alternator.—Although one would judge that the effi
ciency of this type of machine could not be very high, the great care taken
in the construction of both the magnetic and electric circuits evidently
keeps the losses as small as possible. It is stated by Eccles 1 that a
12j-kw. machine of this type (one of the first to be built) had an effi
ciency of 80 per cent.
Static Frequency Changers.—It is estimated by the inventor of one
of these schemes using iron cores that a 28-kw. transformer will have
an efficiency of about 86 per cent.2 It seems that these devices use
about 1 lb. of iron per kw. of output and an attempt to calculate the
probable eddy current and hysteresis losses gives a value of perhaps
1 kw. per pound of core used, which would indicate an efficiency in the
neighborhood of 50 per cent. It must be pointed out, however, that
attempts to calculate the core loss from the ordinary formulae are probably
inaccurate, because of the peculiar magnetic cycles to which the iron is
Marconi Multi-gap Generator.—This method is essentially a combi
nation of several spark transmitters, and so should have about the same
efficiency as a spark transmitter. This will vary with the condition
of the gap, its quenching action, etc., but probably reaches a value of
70 per cent in the larger installations. For a small transmitter, an
efficiency of transformation from low to high frequency of 40 per cent
is more likely.
Oscillating Tube.—The efficiency of an oscillating tube varies a great
deal with the adjustments of the circuit, and may have any value between
25 per cent and 95 per cent, neglecting the amount of power used for
heating the filament. This point is discussed in detail in Chapter VI,
p. 539 et seq.
Methods of Signaling with Continuous-wave Transmitters.—The
generators described above will supply a continuous-power input to the
antenna circuit and with no changes in the antenna or supply circuit,
a continuous undamped high-frequency current will flow through the
antenna. The power radiation from the transmitter is therefore constant
in magnitude and frequency. Three methods may be utilized for vary
ing this radiated energy in accordance with a prearranged code, and thus
transmit intelligence to the distant receiving station. The three methods
of sending may be stated as follows:
1 See Eccles, "Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony," p. 230.
' * Ibid , p. 235.

1. The total interruption of energy radiation during a space. This

is known as the " cut-in " method.
2. Continuous radiation of energy throughout the sending of a message,
the space and signal differing only in the wave-lengths at which the energy
is transmitted. This is called the " compensated " method.
3. The total interruption of energy radiation during a space period,
with the radiation rapidly interrupted by means of a chopper or inter
rupter during the signal period. This is known as the " modulated "
method of sending, and possesses advantages under certain emergency
conditions as described later.
The high-frequency current flowing in the transmitter antenna for
each of three methods of sending is indicated in Fig. 41.

Cut In
- Key Open - Key Closed ■


Method m—m
Fig. 41.—Methods of transmitting signals from continous wave stations.

Signaling Devices.—For transmitting by means of the above methods

one of the following devices may be used, depending on the type of gener
ator used.
I. Chopper or buzzer (choice will depend on the amount of cur
rent to be interrupted.)
II. Wave-length changing switch.
III. Switching to dummy antenna.
IV. Control of excitation of machine.
The application of these devices to the several types of high-frequency
generators, previously described, will now be considered.
Methods of Sending Applicable to the Poulsen Arc Generator.—This
generator depends for its operation on an uninterrupted supply to the
arc and the antenna circuit (which is the sole natural-frequency circuit
of the transmitter). Therefore the means indicated under II and III

only can be applied, namely, changing the wave-length or switching to

a dummy antenna. A change in wave-length may be secured by simply
connecting the transmitting key so
as to short-circuit one or more
turns of the antenna inductance
when a signal is being transmitted,
as indicated in Fig. 42, and to cut
Magnetically in these turns during the space in
Operated terval.
This arrangement is practically
universal on present arc installa
tions. On the higher power sets,
the key does not directly short
circuit the inductance, but operates
an auxiliary relay, which in turn
Fig. 42.-The ordinary method of signaling actuates the solenoid-operated con-
with a Poulsen arc: by short-circuiting , , ,, ., . . ,
a small part of the loading coil the wave tactor at the COlL Thls 18 Te(lmr(d
length radiated is changed slightly and due to tne heavy current which
with a suitable receiving circuit the signal must be broken, and rapid signaling
becomes audible. would be impossible with the heavy
and massive key required if it were
attempted to operate it manually. Sometimes, instead of short-circuiting
a turn of the antenna load coil, an independent circuit of one or two
turns, connected to the antenna load
coil by mutual induction, is short-circuit
ed by the relay key.
The connections for utilizing a dummy
antenna are shown in Fig. 43. In this
case the key simply acts to transfer the
arc circuit to the radiating antenna when
it is desired to send a signal. At other
times the arc supplies the dummy antenna
and no energy is radiated. The energy
radiation would thus be as shown in
Method I, Fig. 41.
This method is relatively little used, Fig. 43.—Another scheme which has
but illustrates the application of switch been tried with the Poulsen arc is
ing to a dummy antenna to secure to switch the arc to a dummy an
" cut-in " radiation. The constants of tenna.
the dummy circuit should be identical
with the constants of the radiating antenna circuit, so that the condi
tions at the arc are constant.
Referring to Fig. 42, we may place an interrupter or chopper at X,

and thus secure a combination of methods II and III. The antenna

current would then have the form indicated in Fig. 44.
Methods of Sending Applicable to the High-frequency Alternator.—
With this generator the frequency is fixed by the speed of the machine.

-Key ope -Key closed-

ex ■ batter contacts closed

b= n •• open
Fig. 44. -A possible type of radiation from a Poulsen arc using the circuit of Fig. 42,
with an interrupter of some kind at X.
Therefore, transmission by Method II cannot be used (a variation in
antenna inductance simply causing a decrease in the amplitude of the
antenna current), but Methods I, and III, are applicable, the former
usually being used.
Signaling is most easily accomplished, however, by control of the exci
tation, which may simply involve a key in the generator field circuit as
indicated in Fig. 45. A resistance, may, with
advantage, be inserted in the field circuit, to
decrease the time constant (^j of the circuit
and minimize any tendency toward sluggish
ness which may prevent the signals from being
clean cut and distinct, and thus hrniting the
sending speed.
A method has also been developed to con
trol the radiated energy by means of a shunt
ing circuit across the alternator terminals, the
impedance of this circuit being controlled by the Fio. 45.—The simplest pos
sending key. The connections are indicated in sible transmitting scheme
Fig. 46. When the key is raised (contacts using a high-frequency
closed) the current flowing through L2 saturates alternator.
the iron cores a a, and the reactance of Li
decreases accordingly. This effectively spoils the tuning of the alter
nator load circuit and hence brings the alternator output to practically
When the core is saturated, the impedance of the shunt circuit is so
low as to amount almost to a short circuit on the alternator, under which

condition the alternator voltage is very small and is able to send but very
little current through the antenna circuit. Therefore the radiated energy
will decrease to a very small value, essentially zero. When the key is
depressed (open position), the iron is no longer saturated and the impe
dance of Li increases to a high
value. The alternator current will
then flow through the antenna
circuit in preference to the shunt
circuit, and energy will be radi
At the New Brunswick station
this variable, iron-cored impe
dance is connected in a tuned
circuit (tuned when the key is
open) which is coupled to the
Fio. 46.—A method of sending by generator antenna and alternator as shown
which employs a magnetically controlled in Fig. 47. When the key is
short-circuit on the machine. closed, the local circuit is detuned
and the energy input into this
circuit becomes very small, the major portion of the energy thus being
diverted to the antenna circuit. The transformer indicated in the figure
is an integral part of the alternator and is shown supported in two sec
tions above and on either side of the alternator in Fig. 17, p. 599.
For either scheme of
control, the energy ra
diation is essentially as
shown in Fig. 41-1. The
use of a chopper or buz
zer in the exciter circuit
may not be entirely
satisfactory, due to the
inability of the machine
voltage to follow accu
rately the rapid varia
tions of field current pro
duced. There is no Fig. 47.—In the application of the scheme indicated in
doubt, however, that Fig. 46 it is found advisable to use the circuit arrange
satisfactory results could ment shown above.
be obtained by inserting
the interrupter in the key circuit of Fig. 47 Radiation in this case
would be nearly as indicated in Fig. 41-111.
Methods of Sending Applicable to the Goldschmidt Alternator.—As
with the Alexanderson alternator, the generated frequency for this machine

is fixed by its speed, and therefore wave-changing methods are not appli
cable. Signaling is accomplished by means of the " cut-in " method
using field excitation control, the connections are indicated in Fig. 48.
In addition to opening and closing the exciter circuit, the key also simulta
neously cuts out or in a portion of the driving motor field resistance. Thus,
any tendency of the alternator to suffer a drop in speed, when the exciter
key is closed, and the Driving
load applied, is com
pensated for by the
cutting in of a certain
amount of motor field
resistance, which will
tend to raise the
D.C. Supply
speed. In addition,
the heavy weight and
inertia of the rotating
element effectually aid Fig. 48.—Scheme of sending signals with the Goldschmidt
in maintaining con- alternator using a motor speed control in addition,
stant speed, and under
operating conditions the variation in wave-length is claimed to be less than
one-tenth of 1 per cent.
The above discussion describes the only method which has yet been
used for controlling the output of this alternator. Switching to a dummy
antenna, or some form of shunt circuit, as described for the Alexanderson
machine, would also be applicable, but the present method seems to be
completely satisfactory.
Methods of Sending which May be Used when Frequency Trans
formers are Used.—Since these transformers must be associated with
some form of high-frequency alternator, whose frequency is rigidly fixed
by its speed, the same methods as described above for the Alexanderson
and Goldschmidt machines will apply. On low-power sets the key may be
connected to open the supply circuit directly, while on large-power sets
the circuit may be opened indirectly by auxiliary relays actuated by the
sending key. The antenna current would then be as shown in Fig. 41-1.
The key may also have associated with it some form of interrupter or
chopper, resulting in current variation as shown in Fig. 41-111.
For the larger installations, the energy would be controlled by means
of the exciter supply due to the smaller power involved. Cut-in send
ing would be the most feasible, although switching to a dummy antenna
or connecting a variable impedance across the alternator terminals as
in the case of the Alexanderson machine could also be used.
Energy Radiation Control when Marconi Generator is Used.—For a
generator of this type, switching to a dummy antenna would be a satis

factory means of varying the radiated energy, the " cut-in " method of
sending thus being used. Some form of absorbing circuit across the
generator terminals might also be used to give similar results. The key
might be placed in the common generator lead at point X, Fig. 39, p. 618,
or point Y, opening the supply or antenna circuit respectively. An inter
rupter element may be associated with either of these three means, giving
the " modulated " method of sending as shown in Fig. 41-111. It would
be undesirable to employ a wave-changing scheme, as this would require
circuit- variations in each of the four primary circuits involved, with
resultant complexity of connections, etc. On larger installations, it would
be preferable to place the key in the exciter circuit of the d.c. generators,
in preference to the point X. This would probably be the most satis
factory means of control for the same reasons as stated above in connec
tion with high-frequency alternator installations.
Control of Radiated Energy when the Oscillating-tube Generator
is Used.—The radiation of energy from an antenna supplied from an
oscillating-tube generator may be in accordance with any one of the
three methods indicated in Fig. 41. The method employed for small
sets is usually a direct opening of the antenna circuit by means of the
key, which may or may not be associated with an interrupter (usually
a buzzer for small field sets) to obtain the modulated method of sending.
The wave-length change may be
obtained by short circuiting a por
tion of the antenna circuit induct
ance. Since the power generated
by these circuits is as yet com
paratively small, there is no neces
sity for auxiliary relay equipment
to be associated with the key.
The most feasible control scheme,
however, is one which controls the
"grid potential " of the oscillating
tube; by making this sufficiently
negative the tube stops generating
power as described in Chapter VI,
and illustrated in Fig. 117, p. 500.
„ ,
Fig. 49.—An arrangement whereby the . ,. Fig. . 49 shows the diagram
... . of
output of this small tube transmitter can connections for a small oscillating
be controlled by either one of three tube set, which utilizes three of the
methods. above-named methods of sending.
The oscillating circuit involved
were described in Chapter VI, p. 513, and the student is referred there
for a discussion of their action.

Referring to the diagram and assuming the switch S thrown upward,

i.e., open, it will be noted that the antenna circuit will be completed by
the closing of the key K. Therefore, if the key is open, the antenna
circuit is open, the tube does not oscillate, and no energy is radiated.
When the key is closed, completing the antenna circuit, oscillations will
start and be maintained, if the proper conditions have been fulfilled.
Thus energy will be radiated as long as the key is held closed and will
cease when the key is opened. Therefore with the switch S in the " up "
position, transmission is on the " cut-in " method.
If the switch S is thrown to the right so as to make contact with ter
minal o, then transmission will be by the " compensated " method. This
may be seen from the following: with the key open, the antenna circuit
is completed to ground through Lx; the tube will therefore oscillate
and the antenna radiate energy at a wave-length determined by the con
stants of the circuit, including Lx; the wave-length of the energy radiated
while a signal is being sent is therefore less than the wave-length of the
energy radiated during a space interval. Transmission is thus in accord
ance with Fig. 41-11.
Throwing the switch S to the left so as to make contact with terminal
6, will permit sending on the " modulated " method. With the key open,
the antenna circuit includes the buzzer winding and so the set will not
oscillate. When the key is closed, two results are produced: First, the
buzzer circuit is completed through the filament battery and the buzzer will
vibrate as long as the key is down; second, the vibrating buzzer armature
alternately makes and breaks the antenna circuit; therefore, when it com
pletes the circuit, oscillations occur and energy is radiated, while during the
break no oscillations are possible. The energy radiated is thus as shown
in Fig. 41-111. It should be noted that when the buzzer armature is in the
open position, the antenna circuit is not actually opened, but is completed
through the filament battery and buzzer winding to ground. Due to the
high impedance and resistance of the latter to the flow of high-frequency
currents, oscillations are prevented as effectively as though an actual
break has occurred in the antenna circuit.
Use of Radiophone Transmitting Set for Undamped-wave Teleg
raphy.—A novel and effective scheme for transmitting undamped wave
signals is shown in Fig. 50.
The operation and action of the radiophone set shown is discussed in
detail in a later chapter (see Chapter VIII), and it is there shown that when
no sound waves strike the transmitter diaphragm, a high-frequency cur
rent of constant amplitude flows in the antenna, and constant power
is radiated. When the transmitter is spoken into, the amplitude of the
antenna current (and radiated power) varies in proportion to the intensity
and frequency of the sound waves set up by the speaker.

Similarly, a buzzer, placed in front of the transmitter, would set up

sound waves of constant frequency and intensity, and cause the radiated
power to vary in accordance with the pitch of the buzzer note. By using
a high pitch buzzer of
proper construction, a very
clear transmission, possess
ing a high degree of selecti
vity, may be easily obtained.
The form of the an
tenna current while the
buzzer is in operation
(key closed) would be as
shown in Fig. 12, p. 657,
the amplitude varying peri
odically at buzzer frequen
cy, above and below the
constant amplitude main
tained when the key is
Fia. 50.—A scheme for using a radiophone set to send open. The reception of
such signals is similar in
in the circuit, in place of the microphone, if more everyway to that of ra-
complete modulation of signals is desired, diophone messages or tele
graphic transmission by the " modulated " method, no " beat " reception
or special receiving devices being required.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Cut-in, Compensated, and
Modulated Methods of Signal Transmission.—The advantages and dis
advantages of the several methods of sending described above may be
summarized as follows:
" Cut-in " Method. Advantage.—Only one wave-length is radi
ated after the antenna current has risen to its normal effective
value, and energy is radiated only when signal is being sent.
Signal is easily received, and permits of a high degree of
Disadvantage.—Not suitable for such generators as the Poulsen
arc, which do not operate well until the " steady state " has
been reached.
" Compensated " Method. Advantage.—The oscillations are
continuous. This method must be employed for the Poulsen
arc (neglecting the dummy antenna as an alternative). Trans
mission is reliable, as the change in wave-length, as the key
is operated, is positive and certain.
Disadvantage.—The power efficiency is comparatively low because
the set requires full power all the time, whether radiating a

" signal " or not. A more serious disadvantage arises from

the fact that each sending set " uses up " two different wave
lengths. This latter feature is especially undesirable when
long wave-lengths are employed; the difference in frequency
• of the signal wave and compensation wave should be about
1000 cycles per second, and thus the number of arcs which
can be used in one district, in the long wave-length range may
be seriously limited.
" Modulated " Method. Advantage.—The primary advantage
of the modulated method is that the signals can be received
by means of an ordinary crystal or non-oscillating vacuum-
tube receiving set. Thus, if the special continuous-wave
receiver is out of service for any reason, the ordinary receiver
may be used for reading the message. Radiation occurs only
while key is closed, thus increasing efficiency.
Disadvantage.— Less energy is radiated since the energy is broken
or chopped into groups. A continuous stream of energy, with
given maximum potential on the antenna, sends off more
power than a series of " trains " and when utilized in a proper
receiving set, permits communication over a greater distance
than the modulated signal. With the modulated signal the
selectivity is poorer than that obtainable by means of the
cut-in method under similar conditions; thus the number of
neighboring stations, operating in a given wave-length range,
without serious interference, is less.
Reception of Continuous-wave Signal. Necessity for Special Receiv
ing Sets.—That some special means must be provided for the reception
of continuous wave signals, in addition to the simple rectifying device,
i.e., a crystal or vacuum tube, will be evident from the following: if we
consider an undamped wave-generator transmitting on the " cut-in "
method, and this energy being received by a simple crystal or vacuum-
tube receiver, the potential across the receiver circuit will have the form
indicated in Fig. 51, curve A.
The rectifying action of the crystal or tube produces an asymmetrical
change in current through the phones, the mean current being indicated
by the dotted line, Fig. 51B. Since the diaphragm is only actuated to
give a click when a sudden variation of the mean current through the
phone is produced, the result is a slight click at the beginning and end
of each signal. Evidently, the message received would be unintelligible,
f If we consider signal transmission by the " compensated " method,
the results are similar and may be even worse, depending on the sharp
ness of tuning at the receiving station. Conditions would be as shown
in Fig. 52.

It is evident that if the signal and compensation waves are practically

equal in amplitude (as they may be under broad tuning conditions), d>>
clicks at all will be heard in the phones.


OjlUl Oetectorjl

Fio. 51.—Action of crystal detector receiver on continuous-wave signal being sent ti

the "cut-in" scheme.



Fig. 52.—Action of crystal detector for compensated continuous-wave


Fia. 53.—Action of crystal detector on a modulated continuous-wave signal.

If the set is sending on the " modulated " method, the signal is received
exactly as in the case of a spark signal. The action is indicated in Fk.
53. This shows the mean current through the phones to vary at audit
frequency (chopper or buzzer frequency) when the key is held closed,
and the signal is thus made audible to the observer.

Action of Continuous-wave Receivers.—The above curves and dis

cussion indicate that in order to receive continuous-wave signals, some
device must be used, which, when interacting with the incoming signal,
will give an audio frequency component. This component, in turn, after
rectification, causes pulses of audio frequency to occur in the phones, the
corresponding note being heard
by the observer as long as the
incoming signal energy continues.
With the compensated method of
sending the space and signal note
may also be differentiated by their
difference in pitch, as described
Continuous Wave Receivers.
Tikker.—The connections for this
device are indicated in Fig. 54. Fia. 54.—Method of receiving continuous-
C2 is an ordinary variable tuning wave signal vising a tikker as detector.
condenser while C is fixed and
comparatively large in value (about 1 nf.). The tikker T consists of
a revolving brass disk upon which a fine steel wire is placed in light
contact. Due to slight irregularities in the surface of the disk the
contact closes and opens intermittently at an audio frequency determined
by the condition and characteristics of the tikker. While the contact is off,
the antenna is supplying energy to the closed circuit, L2—C2, and a com
paratively large amplitude of current builds up in this circuit. The action
is similar to the action of the resonance transformer of a spark transmitter
(see p. 307). When the tikker makes contact, the energy accumulated
in condenser C2 discharges over into C, which, due to its large capacity,
takes a long time to charge, and the contact has already opened before
it can discharge back into C2—L2. Therefore it discharges through the
phones, producing a click. A click will be produced in the phones for each
opening of the tikker and the note heard will thus depend on the tikker
constants, and is therefore controllable by the speed of the tikker disk.
It should be noted that no separate rectifier is needed. The tone obtained
is not musical, since contact may occur with Ci charged to varying poten
tial differences due to irregular and varying contact.
Chopper.—Instead of breaking up the energy at the transmitting end
as in the "modulated" method, the interrupter element may be connected
at the receiver, as shown in Fig. 55.
This differs from the tikker in that a detector element is required
while the large condenser across the phones is omitted. Normally, the
chopper consists of a rotating toothed wheel making contact with a brush
element, or a buzzer may be used. The action is simply to "chop up"

the stream of received energy into audio frequency groups of oscillations

which are then rectified to produce
I an audible note in the phone.
chopper The Goldschmidt Tone Wheel is
essentially an interrupter element,
but due to its comparative high
speed of rotation (near synchronism)
no detector element is required. It
consists of a toothed wheel, making
contact with a brush, and designed
to run at synchronous speed at a
Fio. 55.-Scheme using chopper and reas°nable r.p.m. If we assume a
rectifier to receive continuous-wave wheel with 800 teeth and slots (of
signals. equal width), the synchronous speed,
for a frequency of 50,000, would be
3750 r.p.m., which is within safe limits. If we consider a signal of 50,000
cycles/sec. frequency (6000 meters) being received, and the wheel travel
ing at synchronous speed, the result may be as shown in Fig. 56, B or C,

Fig. 56.—Use of tone wheel for receiving continuous-wave signals; at synchronous

speed it will give no signal.
depending on the phase of the interruptions referred to the high-frequency
The form of the phone current will be different for different points
of interruption, but in any case, constant amplitudes will be obtained
if the wheel is run at synchronous speed and no signal will be obtained.
If the wheel is run above or below synchronous speed, then the successive

cycles are not interrupted at the same point, but the point of interruption
will shift as shown in Fig. 57.
The telephone will thus be periodically impulsed by the audio frequency
component of the resultant current flowing through the phones as indi
cated by the dotted curves in Fig. 57. The frequency of this current
is the difference between the frequency of the wheel and the incoming
signal. Thus, for the machine considered above, and an incoming fre-


Telephone Speed
Current Synchronous

Fig. 57.—The tone wheel run either higher or lower than synchronous speed will act to
give a musical note signal, the pitch being fixed by the difference between the
actual speed of the tone wheel and synchronous speed.
quency of 50,000, the speed would be as shown below for a desired audio
frequency of 1000 cycles per second.
f=fi -h - 1000 =50,000-49,000 running below synchronism
/ =/2—/i - 1000 = 51,000 — 50,000 running above synchronism
where /i = frequency of incoming energy;
/2 = frequency of interruptions caused by the tone wheel

also /2=^XNo. of teeth =49,000, or 51,000 =r.p.m.X800

synchronous speed =3750 r.p.m.
tone wheel speed for/2 =49,000 =3680 r.p.m. = 70 r.p.m.below synchronism
tone wheel speed for h =51,000 = 3820r.p.m. =70r.p.m.above synchronism

The note may thus be easily adjusted to give maximum audibility by alter
ing the speed of the tone wheel.
This device operates in some respects similarly to the heterodyne
receivers discussed below, although no local frequency is generated. The
pitch of the note received does, however, depend on the speed of the tone
wheel, which permits its adjustment to give a musical note which can
easily be heard through static and minimizes interference to some extent.
This is evident when it is considered that the interfering station must
radiate practically the same wave-length as the station whose message
it is desired to receive if much interference is to occur. A very slight
difference in the wave-length causes a relatively large difference in pitch
of the resultant note, and the interference is thus easily identified and
may be eliminated by properly altering the speed of the tone wheel.
This receiver was specially developed for use in connection with the
Goldschmidt system of undamped wave-transmission, and was used to
some extent in the stations utilizing this system, notably those at Hanover,
Germany, and Tuckerton, N. J., U. S. A.
Rotating Plate Condenser.—Another scheme for the reception of
undamped wave signals is shown in Fig. 58.
The movable plates of condenser C2 are rapidly rotated by a small
motor or similar means so as
3 to cause the circuit L2 — C1 to
be in tune for a small interval
of time during each revolution.
While in tune the current in
the detector-phone circuit will
be much greater than at other
times and a series of impulses,
one for each revolution, is thus
exerted on the telephone dia
phragm. The action is some
Fio. 58.—By rotating the plates of the tuning what similar to that of the
condenser, the use of a crystal detector makes
a continuous-wave signal audible, the pitch of chopper, but differs in that no
the note being fixed by the rotational speed circuits are interrupted.
of the condenser. Heterodyne Receiver or
" Beat " Receiver.—The receiv
ers described above have all been applied to the reception of undamped
wave signals in the past, but at the present time have been superseded
by receivers involving the generation of local high-frequency currents
by means of oscillating vacuum tubes. The advantages of this type of
receiver over the earlier schemes are :
1. Ease of operation.
2. Simplicity.

3. Greater selectivity and sensitiveness.

4. Lower cost.
5. Small space requirements and portability.
Its operation is based on the idea of combining two currents of different
frequencies to produce a resultant current the amplitude of which varies
periodically (first used by R. A. Fessenden), the frequency of this ampli
tude variation being the difference between the two component frequen
cies.1 This method is known as the heterodyne or "beat" method, of
which two schemes may be used, known as the separate heterodyne and
self heterodyne (autodyne), depending on whether the detecting device
is distinct from the local high-frequency generator, or whether the two
functions are performed by the same piece of equipment, i.e., a vacuum
tube. The former is sometimes simply called the " heterodyne " method,


Fig. 59.—The oscillating tube as receiver; it uses the beat note idea and is used to-day

while the latter may be called the " self-heterodyne " or " autodyne "
method of reception.
Self-heterodyne Receiver or Autodyne.—The self-heterodyne receiver,
utilizing an oscillating vacuum tube as a generator and detector, is
undoubtedly the most important of recent developments in the field of
radio, and will be described somewhat in detail. A possible connection
for the receiving set is indicated in Fig. 59.
If the various oscillation requirements of the tube have been satisfied,
the tube will oscillate at a frequency determined by the constants of the
local circuit, L2, Li, C, and a current of this frequency will flow in the local
circuit.2 This is known as the local high-frequency current, and is indi-
1 See Chapter VI, p. 483, for mathematical analysis.
1 For analysis of conditions required for oscillation see Chapter VI, p. 510.

cated by curve a, Fig. 60. Assume its frequency to be 1,000,000 cycles /sec.
Now consider that the transmitter is operated on the " cut-in " method
and is radiating at a frequency of 999,000 cycles /sec. A portion of this
energy strikes the receiving antenna, which is tuned to it, and a maxi
mum current is caused to flow in the antenna. This, in turn, induces
an e.m.f. in the coil Z>2 and causes a current whose frequency is 999,000
to flow in the local oscillating circuit. This current is called the incoming
high-frequency current and is shown in curve 6. (It should be noted
that the antenna and local oscillating circuits are slightly detuned.)
The two high-frequency currents, flowing in the same circuit, com
bine to give the resultant current indicated in curve c, which shows the
periodic Variation in amplitude produced. These periodic variations in
amplitude are called " beats," and the beat frequency is always the dif
ference between the component frequencies. (A " beat cycle " consists
of one complete rise and fall in amplitude). For the values assumed above
the beat frequency would thus be 1,000,000-999,000 = 1000 cycles /sec.
It is to be particularly noted that the frequency of alternation of this
resultant current 1 is the mean of the two component frequencies, namely,
999,500 for the values assumed. The resultant current is therefore a
radio frequency current.
The drop across condenser C will have the same form as the current
curve {i^'e=2~J^) ^ identical with the variation in grid voltage Et.
The effect of this variation in grid voltage upon the plate current
depends on the point of the characteristic curve at which the tube is being
operated. If it is assumed that operation is on the lower bend, the plate
current will vary as shown on curve d. This variation may be resolved
into two components as shown in curves e and /, e flowing through the
bridging condenser, while / flows through the phones. The latter com
ponent varies at beat frequency, and if this frequency is high enough, a
musical note is produced in the phones, which is maintained as long as
the key is held closed at the transmitter. Opening the key leaves only
the local high-frequency current flowing and no variation of plate current
at beat frequency is produced, hence no note is heard in the phones.
If the tube stops oscillating and the incoming signal is maintained, the
same result is obtained.
If it is assumed that the tube is oscillating symmetrically with respect to
the upper and lower bends of its characteristic curve, the mean plate cur
rent remains unchanged (giving no current of audible frequency) although
a beat frequency variation in amplitude is produced. This means that
1 On the basis of measuring frequency by the time between successive zero values.
At the points of minimum amplitude the phase reverses as explained in Chapter IV,
p. 241.

the tube must be operated on a rectifying part of the curve if a signal is to

be heard. Of course if a condenser is used in series with the grid, a signal
will be heard, no matter what part of the curve the tube is operating on,
as pointed out in Chapter VI, p. 451.

High Frequency

High Frequency fcr

Resulted Ion of
High Frequency


Component of
Plate Current


Fig. 60.—Action of the tube as a beat receiver.

The above discussion indicates that the receiving tube must perform
simultaneously the functions of oscillation and rectification. Failure
of either would result in no signals being received. These functions,
which are performed by the one piece of apparatus in the self-heterodyne

receiver described above, may evidently be performed by two different

tubes or a tube and high-frequency alternator. Connections for a " sepa
rate heterodyne " receiver utilizing two vacuum tubes is indicated in
Fig. 61.1
Control of the Beat Frequency or Pitch of the Signal Note.—It is
evident that the local high frequency may readily be controlled by the
variable condenser C. If the incoming high frequency is 1,000,000, and
condenser C is of too
large a value, the local fre
quency may be low, for in
stance 900,000 cycles/sec.
The beat frequency is thus
100,000 cycles/sec. which
is above the audible limit.
As the value of C is de
creased, the local frequen
cy increases, the beat fre
quency decreases, and as
the audible values are
reached, the pitch of the
note heard in the phones
(i.e., the beat note) will
change from a very high
pitch to lower and lower
values, until, when the
two frequencies coincide,
Fig. 61.—Instead of using the detector tube to produce the beat frequency is zero
the local oscillations for beat reception, a separate and no sound is heard in
oscillating tube may be coupled to the antenna. fae phoneS- (In this case
we have theadditionof two
currents of the same frequency, producing a resultant current of constant
amplitude. The mean plate current thus has no periodic variation in
amplitude; i.e., the beat effect is absent.) As the capacity continues
to be decreased, the local frequency increases, and the difference between
the local and incoming frequencies again increases; i.e., the pitch of the
beat note in the phones again rises until it disappears at the limit of audi
bility. The above phenomenon is illustrated by Fig. 62. (Curve A.)
In connection with the foregoing discussion it may be noted that in
the practical installation or assembly of a heterodyne receiving set, the
handle of the variable condenser C should be on the ground side, thus
grounding the moving plates. If the apparatus is assembled in a contain-
1 For more detailed study of the action of this type of receiving circuit see Chapter
VI, p. 516.

ing case, a metal plate should be placed in front of the condenser and
electrically connected to the moving plates. See Fig. 59A. This pre
caution prevents any change in frequency due to the proximity of the
observer's hand or body near the condenser and is extremely important
on short wave-length receivers.1
Effect of Upper Harmonics.—Since the vacuum tube does not generate
a pure sine current of fundamental frequency, but also produces upper
harmonics, a unique phenomenon is observed when the heterodyne receiver
is close to an oscillating tube transmitter, as may be the case in the labo
Harmonic Harmonic

Fig. 62.—A diagram for analyzing the peculiar noises heard when an oscillating tube
receiver is close to a continuous-wave transmitter.

Referring to Fig. 62 the combination of the fundamentals will pro

duce the pitch curve designed as A , this note being assumed as becoming
audible 2 when the condenser is set to the 100° graduation on the condenser
scale. As the condenser value is decreased from 100°, a value is reached
(at 80°) when the combination of the second harmonics produce a just
audible beat note, this note as well as the fundamental beat note being
heard simultaneously as the condenser value is further decreased. At
certain smaller values (73.3° and 70° on the scale) of condenser capacity,
the interaction of still higher harmonics (third and fourth) produces addi
tional beat notes. Thus, in the figure, four beat notes will be heard simul-
1 Of course a much better scheme is to mount all the parts of the receiving circuit
inside of a thick copper box, grounded.
1 The upper limit of audibility here assumed, is much higher than that of the ordinary
person; generally an adult cannot hear a note higher than 14,000-15,000 complete
vibrations per second.

taneously in the phones at condenser adjustments between 70° and

60°. At 60° the fundamental beat note and the upper harmonic beat
notes all pass through zero frequency simultaneously, and as the condenser
value is further decreased, the beat notes increase in pitch and successively
become inaudible again as shown. These effects are summarized in the
following tabulation:

Harmonic . Transmitter. Receiver. Beat Note.

Fundamental 1,000,000 997,500 2500
2d Harmonic 2,000,000 1,995,000 5000
C=65° 3d Harmonic 3,000,000 2,992,500 7500
4th Harmonic 4,000,000 3,990,000 10000
Fundamental 1,000,000 1,000,000
2d Harmonic 2,000,000 2,000,000
C=60° 3d Harmonic 3,000,000 3,000,000
4th Harmonic 4,000,000 4,000,000
Fundamental 1,000,000 1,002,500 2500
2d Harmonic 2,000,000 2,005,000 5000
C=55°. 3d Harmonic 3,000,000 3,007,500 7500
4th Harmonic 4,000,000 4,010,000 10000

In actual reception the upper harmonics generated by the receiver

are always considerably weaker than the fundamental, and when adjust
ments are made so that the beat frequency heard is one resulting from
the combination of an upper harmonic of the local oscillation and the
incoming signal, the signal strength and clearness are very greatly reduced.
Thus, in adjusting to receive a 1,000,000-cycle wave, the operator may
adjust his receiving circuit to a fundamental frequency of 500,500, tuning
to the second harmonic (frequency = 1,001,000) for a 1000-cycle beat
note, or he may adjust his set to a fundamental frequency of 300,333,
tuning to the third harmonic. Similarly he may tune to the fourth or
higher harmonics, if present, reception becoming increasingly inefficient
and difficult, due to the smaller and smaller amplitudes of these higher
harmonic components. This may be seen from inspection of the curves
of Fig. 60; if the local high-frequency amplitude is small, little change
in amplitude occurs in the resultant current, which in turn determines
the strength of signal.
Upper harmonics may also be produced by the transmitting set as
already noted. In this case the receiving set may have its fundamental
frequency adjusted to these upper harmonics, and again weakness of
signal and inefficiency result. This possibility, however, is relatively
small, since:

1st. The upper harmonics radiated by the transmitter are weak

and ineffective unless the transmitter is close to the receiver
as assumed in the detailed description above.
2d. The receiving antenna is not tuned to these upper harmonics,
still further decreasing their effect on the receiving circuit.

Fiq. 63.—Front view of a small continuous- wave transmitter; the high-frequenqy

power is generated by four five-watt tubes.

For illustration, assume the fundamental transmitter frequency as

1,000,000, with a second and third harmonic also being radiated. The
receiver in this case may be adjusted to a fundamental frequency of
2,000,000 or 3,000,000, but the beat note in either case will be very much
weaker than if the fundamental incoming frequency had been utilized.

The operator, when in doubt, should vary his local frequency over wide
limits, and select that adjustment giving maximum audibility.
Possibility of Receiving Undamped-wave Signals with an Ordinary
Crystal.—An ordinary damped-wave receiver, using a crystal or simple

Fig. 64.—Back view of the set shown in Fig. 63; toroidal transmitting coils were used
to eliminate local interference. The magnetically operated key is seen in the opened

vacuum-tube circuit, may, under certain conditions, receive an undamped-

wave signal. The possibility arises when two undamped-wave trans
mitters are operating simultaneously at practically the same wave-length.
Thus, if station A sends at 6000 meters (50,000 cycles), while B sends
at 6060 meters (49,500 cycles), currents of these frequencies will simul

taneously flow in the receiving antenna, giving a resultant current having a

frequency of 500 cycles, which will cause a note of similar frequency to beat
be heard in the phones. It is evident that for the signals of either station
to be correctly received the second transmitting station must be radiating
continuously, acting simply as a high-frequency generator. Thus, if B
is sending while A is tuning his set, with key down, operators with crystal

Fia. 65.—Continuous-wave transmitter using four Type P pliotrons; ammeters are

supplied for plates and grids, and voltmeter for filament control.

detector sets adjusted for receiving a frequency close to that used by A

and B will be able to read A's signal.
Use of Grid Condenser.— It will be recalled that the tube (in the self-
heterodyne circuit) must perform the functions of oscillation and detection.
In Chapter VI it was shown that the best point for oscillating is on the
straight part of the characteristic curve, while the best point for detection

is on the bend. It has also been noted that the use of a grid condenser
improves the detecting action and does not require that the tube be oper
ated on the bend of the curve. In fact, the detection is best when the
tube is operated on the straight portion. For these reasons the grid
condenser is also used in connection with the heterodyne receiver.1

Fig. 66.—Back view of the set shown in Fig. 65; with 1500 volts supplied to the plate
circuit this set generates 1 kw. of high-frequency power.

The one disadvantage of using a grid condenser is the possibility of

the tube " squealing " or " clicking " and thus obscuring or preventing
entirely the reception of signals. This action has been described in a
previous chapter 2 and means employed for its prevention were con
sidered. These means are not uniformly successful in getting rid of the
1 For analysis see Chapter VI, p. 486.
2 See Chapter VI, p. 533.

trouble, however, and it is doubtful if the use of a grid condenser would

always be desirable.
Arrangement of Apparatus in Tube Transmitting Sets.—The exact
arrangement of apparatus on a vacuum-tube transmitting set depends of
course in general upon the use to which the set is to be put. In so far
as possible all the apparatus should be assembled on one board, with suit
able instruments, rheostats, etc. Figs. 63 and 64 show front and rear
views of a set having an output of about 15 watts; it is intended for
laboratory use, so that extreme compactness was not necessary. To
eliminate as far as possible disturbances to and from other circuits the
coils of the set are made toroidal. An electrically operated key is shown
in the rear view, this serving to connect the receiving amplifier and tele
phones whenever the sending key (which operates the relay) is not
depressed. For convenience the filaments of the tubes are arranged for
power from the 110-volt c.c. laboratory supply. As the antenna load
coil is not adjustable (being toroidal) the frequency of the output is
regulated by an adjustable condenser, in parallel with the antenna. A
Meissner circuit was used in this set, the plate and grid coupling being
adjustable so that maximum output might be obtained, no matter what
the resistance of the load might be.
In Figs. 65 and 66 are shown two views of a higher power set, this
using four Type P pliotrons in parallel, and having an output of one
kilowatt at 6000 meters.


Field of Use.—The radio-telephone supplements the radio-telegraph

in the same manner that the wire telephone supplements the wire tele
graph. The advantages of the radio-telephone over the radio-telegraph
are that, while the latter requires an experienced operator who is familiar
with the code, the former does not, and, therefore, the conversation may
be carried on directly between the interested parties. In other words,
the same factors operate in favor of the radio-telephone over the radio
telegraph as operate in favor of the wire-telephone over the wire-tele
A comparison between the radio-telephone and the wire-telephone
is exactly similar to that between the radio-telegraph and the wire-tele
graph. The radio-telephone's accepted field of use is from ship to ship,
ship to shore, also from airship to airship and from airship to ground,
from one moving train to another and from train to station, and, again,
in places over land and over water where it would be either impossible
or extremely uneconomical to use wires. An example of this last applica
tion would be the speech transmission by radio-phone over the ocean,
in which case the length of the cable and the impossibility of using Pupin
coils and repeating amplifiers make wire telephony entirely out of the
question; the same is true over a desert or other undeveloped region
where it would be far more economical to use the radio-telephone than
the wire telephone. The above does not, however, mean that these two
systems of telephony are antagonistic; on the contrary, it is expected
that in the future a subscriber to a wire-telephone system will be able
to communicate with passengers on board ships equipped with radio
phone, the transmission of speech being accomplished by wire overland
to a central radio station and therefrom by radio to the ship ; it is expected
that the same will apply to airships. Thus, the two divisions of the
telephone art will work hand in hand rather than in any way conflict
with each other.
Outline of Principle of Operation.—The two elements necessary for
radio-telephony are, of course, the transmitter and the receiver. We
will consider the transmitter and the receiver separately and in their
simplest forms.

The Transmitter.—Consider Fig. 1, in which the high-frequency alter

nator, such as an Alexanderson, or Fessenden, alternator, is connected
in series with the loading inductance L, the antenna, and the microphone
\ "ansmitter T. The microphone transmitter may be one of the ordinary
carbon granule type, the construction of which is fully explained on
p. 655; without going into details, it will suffice to state here that such
a microphone consists simply of an elastic diaphragm bearing against
a mass of carbon granules enclosed in a suitable chamber; the carbon
granules form part of an electrical circuit (in the (
case of Fig. 1 the circuit of the alternator).
When the microphone is not being spoken into
the diaphragm remains stationary and exerts a
^constant pressure upon the carbon granules, the
resistance of which remains, therefore, constant.
'On the other hand, when the diaphragm is set
vibrating, as is done by speaking into the mi
crophone or through a noise or sound reaching
it, the pressure exerted by the diaphragm against
the carbon granules changes, and this change of
pressure causes the resistance of the carbon
granules to increase or decrease in accordance
with the displacement of the diaphragm from
its position of rest.
In the case of Fig. 1, when the microphone
is not being spoken into, the alternator produces
a high-frequency current of constant amplitude, "="
i.e., an undamped current; the amplitude of this Fig. 1. — The simplest
current is adjusted to the maximum by adjusting scheme for radio-teleph-
the inductance L so as to make the natural ony utilizes a source
of high frequency A, and
frequency of the circuit equal to the frequency a microphone, T in series
of the alternator. The current flowing through with the antenna.
the antenna under these conditions may be repre
sented by Fig. 2, which simply shows an alternating current of constant
amplitude, I„.
Now, assume, for the sake of simplicity, that a vibrating tuning fork
is placed in front of the microphone. The harmonic vibrations of the
tuning fork will cause harmonic vibrations of the microphone diaphragm,
and these will produce variations in the resistance of the microphone.
Since no other part of the circuit of Fig. 1 is undergoing any change, it
is plain that a variation of the microphone resistance will produce a cor-
. responding variation in the amplitude of the high-frequency antenna
current. Thus, when the diaphragm is displaced inwardly the resistance
of the microphone and, therefore, of the entire alternator circuit, decreases,

and the amplitude of the current supplied by the alternator must neces
sarily increase; the reverse takes place when the diaphragm is displaced

Fig. 2.—When no sound impinges on the microphone the amplitude of the high-frequency
current supplied to the antenna is constant.

The antenna current under these conditions would be as shown in

Fig. 3, where the curve of the displacement of the microphone diaphragm
is also given.
It will be noted that the frequency of the antenna current (as deter
mined by time between successive zero values) must remain the same

Fig. 3.—If a sound wave actuates the microphone, its inward and outward displacement
varying the resistance in the antenna circuit, results in a highly-frequency current
in the antenna of variable amplitude, called a modulated high-frequency current.

whether the microphone diaphragm is operating or not, since it is solely

determined by the frequency of the alternator; but the amplitude of this
high-frequency current is made to vary in accordance with the tuning-
fork vibrations, in so far as tins amplitude changes from the maximum
of AiFi, corresponding to the maximum inward diaphragm displacement
of B\H\, to the minimum of C\G\, corresponding to the maximum out

ward diaphragm displacement of DiL\. The time between the maxi

mum current amplitudes at A\ and A2 or between the minimum ampli
tudes at C\ and C2 is the same as that between the maximum positive
diaphragm displacements at Bi and B2 or between the maximum negative
diaphragm displacements at D\ and D2. Or, in other words, the frequency,
with which the antenna current amplitude changes from maximum to
minimum and back to maximum, is the same as the frequency of the micro
phone diaphragm and of the tuning-fork vibrations. When the displace
ment of the microphone diaphragm is zero, as after the point K, the
antenna current becomes the same as in Fig. 2, i.e., of unvarying amplitude.
The antenna current represented by Fig. 3 is said to be " modulated."
The high frequency is known in this case as the " carrier frequency," and
the frequency of the
microphone diaphragm,
which is impressed upon
the antenna current, is
known as the "modulating
It now remains to
show how the modulated
antenna current repre
sented by Fig. 3, when
received by the receiving
antenna, may be made to
so affect the diaphragm of
a telephone receiver as to
reproduce the note emit
ted by the tuning fork.
The Receiver. — The
receiver is exactly the
same as used for spark Fig. 4.—For receiving a radio-telephone signal an ordi
nary receiving set using crystal detector is sufficient.
telegraphy, and is repro
duced below (Fig. 4) for
the sake of convenience. A crystal detector has been shown as the
rectifying element, but a vacuum tube, or any other rectifying device,
may be used instead.
The manipulations necessary for the operation of this receiver are the
same as for any spark receiver; the antenna circuit and the closed circuit
must be tuned to the incoming high frequency, and the coupling between
the antenna circuit and the closed circuit should ordinarily be made loose.
It is plain that the e.m.f. impressed upon the receiving antenna, due
to the electromagnetic waves emanating from the transmitter, will be
an exact reproduction of the current in the transmitting antenna; let it

be represented by the curve below, Fig. 5, wherein the part between

S and K corresponds to a period of action of the distant microphone
diaphragm and the rest of the curve corresponds to a position of rest of
the microphone diaphragm. Assume,
for the sake of simplicity, that tie
rectifier used in the receiving circuit
has the characteristic represented by
Fig. 6; i.e., a characteristic such that
a negative e.m.f. impressed upon the
circuit of the rectifier produces do
current whatsoever and a positive
e.m.f. produces a current which varies
directly with the e.m.f.1
It is then plain that the e.mJ.
impressed upon the receiving antenna
and transferred to the rectifier circuit
by suitable coupling coils will pro
duce a current in the rectifier circuit
of the form shown in Fig. 7. The
current of Fig. 7, though unidirection
al, is yet one which changes at high
frequency, and as such it cannot flow
through the high-impedance winding
of the telephone receiver; therefore,
the current in the receiver will be
the average current shown by the
dotted curve entered in Fig. 7.
It will be noted that the current
in the telephone receiver between F
and H, Fig. 7, which correspond?
to a period of activity of the micro
phone at the distant transmitting
station, is one which changes period
ically, between a maximum and
a minimum, at the " modulating
frequency"; on the other hand the
current between // and M correspond-
1 Rectifiers used in radio work (such as crystal detectors and tubes with or without
grid condenser) have a characteristic such that the current varies with the square of the
e.m.f.; the action of these rectifiers in connection with spark telegraph reception is fully
discussed on pp. 343-349. The assumption of a rectifier with linear characteristic, as
in Fig. 0, does not involve any change in the fundamental principle of radio-phone
reception, and is here made purely for the sake of presenting this matter in the simplest
possible manner.

ing to a period during which the microphone transmitter is idle, is con

stant. The result is that during this latter period the receiver diaphragm
will suffer a constant displacement represented by Do in Fig. 8; while
during the period of activity of the transmitting microphone the dis
placement of the receiver diaphragm will change somewhat as shown
by B\—Di—J32—D2 on Fig. 8, or, in other words, the receiver diaphragm
will be caused to vibrate at the modulating frequency, i.e., the frequency
of the tuning fork at the transmitting station. Thus, the vibrations of
the tuning fork and the sound
produced thereby will be dupli
cated by the vibrations of the
receiver diaphragm at the re
ceiving station. It will, of
course, be understood that the
amplitude of the vibrations of
the receiver diaphragm, and
hence the volume of sound
emitted thereby, will depend
upon the strength of the elec, -)- Voltage
tromagnetic field on reaching
the receiving antenna and upon
the receiver and detector sensi
tiveness, etc.
It now remains to show that
such a radio-phone system as
was discussed above will trans Fio. 6.—To make the discussion of the received
mit speech. That is, it is neces signal simple a rectifier with this simple recti
sary to show that, if we speak fication characteristic is assumed.
into the transmitting micro
phone and thereby cause its diaphragm to vibrate in accordance with the
complex air vibrations produced by speaking, the diaphragm of the tele
phone receiver at the distant receiving station will vibrate in such a
manner as to reproduce speech.
To begin with, the very complex vibrations of the microphone dia
phragm, due to speech, may be resolved into an infinite number of har
monic components of different frequencies, different amplitudes, and
bearing certain phase relations to one another. Experimental investi
gation has shown, however, that, while the number of these components
Ls theoretically infinite, yet, practically, only the components having
frequencies between about 300 and 2000 cycles per second need be con
sidered, since the amplitude of the others is so small as to be negligible.
It has been proved 1 that, as long as the amplitudes of the harmonic
1 See Bureau of Standards Scientific Paper No. 127, by Lloyd and Agnew.

components of the microphone diaphragm vibrations are reproduced in

the vibrations of the receiver diaphragm in the same ratios as they have
for the transmitter diaphragm, vrithout any reference whatever to phase
relations, then the speech which caused the vibrations of the microphone

diaphragm will be faithfully reproduced, without any distortion, by the

receiver diaphragm. In other words, without paying any attention to
phase relations, it is sufficient for transmitting speech that if, as is gener
ally the case, the simple components of the vibrations of the microphone
diaphragm are reproduced by the receiver diaphragm with changed ampli-

tudes, the percentage change be alike for the amplitudes of all the component
frequencies. This principle is of very great practical importance not only
in radio-telephony, but in wire-telephony as well.
We have already shown how harmonic vibrations of the microphone
diaphragm having a single frequency, such as those caused by a tuning
fork, may be reproduced in the receiver diaphragm. It is plain that the
amplitude of the displacement of the receiver diaphragm depends upon the
intensity of the electromagnetic field on reaching the receiving antenna
and upon the constants of the receiving circuit, including the sensitiveness
of the rectifier and of the telephone receiver, as well as the amount of
coupling between the open and closed circuits, the damping thereof, and
also whether the rectified current is amplified by a suitable amplifier or
not. Of course the intensity of the electromagnetic field at the receiving
antenna is a function of the distance between the transmitting and receiving
antennas, the wave-length corresponding to the carrier frequency, the
height of the two antennas and the absorption of energy due to the inter
vening medium, which is in turn a function of the wave-length; hence,
no matter what the value of the modulating frequency or the frequency
of the transmitter diaphragm, the per cent change in amplitude as related
to the displacement of the receiver diaphragm must be the same for all
values of modulating frequency, because the percentage of radiated energy
which reaches the receiving antenna is dependent upon the carrier fre
quency and not upon the modulating frequency. Again, as regards the
effect of the constants of the receiving circuit upon the amplitude of the
receiver diaphragm displacement the receiving circuit may be so chosen
and adjusted that it will affect all modulating frequencies within the speech
range to the same extent.
It follows from the above that, if the transmitting diaphragm be
spoken into, the displacement of the diaphragm corresponding to each
of the possible harmonic components of its vibrations will be reproduced
in the receiver diaphrag-n with practically the same percentage change in
amplitude, and hence speech will be correctly reproduced.
The carrier frequency should be much higher than the highest important
speech frequency, which is in the neighborhood of 5000 cycles per second;
therefore, the carrier frequency should be at least above, say, 15,000
cycles per sec. and, as a matter of fact, in actual practice it is seldom lower
than 100,000 cycles per sec, and a frequency as high as 6,000,000 cycles
per sec. has been used.
It might be thought that this carrier frequency may be dispensed
with and the vibrations of the telephone diaphragm may be caused to
produce antenna currents of audio frequency, by means of a circuit arrange
ment somewhat as shown in Fig. 9, where the microphone M would, on
being spoken into, produce audio frequency currents in the antenna,

through the means of the transformer T. This system would fail, became
it would require a prohibitively large antenna in order that the audio
frequency currents might cause
=1 sufficient energy to be radiated
for successful transmission over a
reasonable distance; hence the use
of the "high-frequency carrier." 1
It is hardly necessary to em
phasize the fact that the genera
tor of the high-frequency carrier
must be such as to cause by
itself no change in the amplitude
of the high-frequency carrier:
otherwise this would be heard
in the receiver, together with the
speech, and would interfere with
the latter. In other words, the
high-frequency generator must
Fia. 9.—Such a scheme as this, dispensing with
the carrier frequency, cannot be used because not interfere with the modulation
practically no power can be radiated from of the high-frequency current as
an antenna with currents of voice frequency. brought about by the microphone
Sources of Power.—The sources of power which may be used are
those which will produce undamped high-frequency currents. (See p. 580.
Chapter VII.) Of these various sources the following have been most
generally used for radio-telephony:
The Poulsen Arc.
The Alexanderson or Fessenden Alternator.
The Oscillating Vacuum Tube.
All of the above have been fully described in Chapters VI and VII, and we
shall, in this chapter, study the manner only in which each of them may
be connected for successful radio transmission of speech.
Before going any further we will first briefly describe various types
of telephone transmitters and will later discuss the manner of using them
in radio-telephone circuits.
Transmitters.—The transmitters used for radio-telephone are broadly
divided into two general classes on the basis of their current carrying
capacity, i.e. :
(a) Low-current or low-capacity transmitters.
(b) High-current or high-capacity transmitters.
The low-current transmitter for radio-telephony does not differ from
1 It is shown in Chapter IX, that the power radiated from a simple antenna
with the square of the frequency.

the transmitter used in wire telephony, and its most common type will
here be described. This type is known as the solid-back carbon trans
mitter. The simple schematic diagram of Fig. 10 illustrates its construction
when stripped of details. It consists of an elastic diaphragm A mounted
upon the rubber ring FF, which is in turn held against E, the diaphragm
being mechanically connected to the carbon block B' . B' is placed opposite
another carbon block B in a chamber filled with small carbon granules C ;
this chamber is closed by means of the mica
washer G and the insulating nut H. The 3
two carbon blocks B and B' form the two
electrical terminals of the transmitter; the
wall of the chamber containing the granules -4——.
is covered with a strip of paper designated
by D; if a source of e.m.f. be connected
to B and B' it will send a current from B
through the carbon granules and to B', or
vice versa. On speaking into the trans
mitter the diaphragm is caused to vibrate,
and these vibrations are mechanically trans
ferred to the block B' so that the latter's
pressure upon the carbon granules is made
to vary; this varies the resistance between
B and B', and hence it varies also the cur
rent in the circuit wherein the transmitter
is connected.
Such an arrangement is very sensitive to Fia. 10.—Internal construction of
changes in pressure on the diaphragm and is theL °rdinary microphone; the
i . ■ , ■, , mi carbon granules between plates
known as a microphone transmitter. The B and R, are the ^ J ^
current carried by such a transmitter is very variable resistance,
small because of the fact that a limit is soon
reached beyond which " arcs " are developed between granules, the
contact points of which become red hot, and the transmitter becomes
useless. The current-carrying capacity of an ordinary transmitter is
about 0.1 ampere, and its average resistance when not spoken into is 50
to 100 ohms, so that the power capacity is a maximum of 0.12X100 or
1 watt. Some special microphone transmitters " low resistance," may be
obtained which have a resistance of 10 to 20 ohms and a current-carrying
capacity of 0.5 ampere, or a maximum power capacity equal to 0.52X20
or 5 watts.
The high-current or high-capacity transmitter has received a good
deal of attention at the hands of radio engineers and inventors, and many
types have been developed, the most important of which will be very
briefly described. The reader is referred for more information upon

this subject to a more detailed treatise on radio telephony.1 These trans

mitters might be grouped into two general classes:
(1) Those using carbon granules.
(2) Those using liquid jets.
In the first class belong several types of transmitters wherein the
carbon granules of the microphone transmitter previously described are
kept from overheating by an air fan, or by the circulation of water or by
using a slowly flowing stream of carbon granules. Again, in one type,
a number of microphones are connected in series—multiple, thus producm?
a transmitter of much larger current and power capacity than the individusl
microphones; such transmitters may be constructed to carry from 3 or 5
amperes without overheating.
Typical of the second class is Chambers' liquid microphone, illustrate
in Fig. 11. This consists briefly of a metallic diaphragm A, against which
A. there is made to flow a stream of electro-
l i j^fV^: i lyte B coming from the pipe C. Tie
b q— terminals
to A and ofC. the
vibrations are
of attaches
the dia-

Fio. ll.-A simple type of liquid P*1™^ vary the area of contact betwa
jet microphone, designed to give
itself and the jet and thus vary the resist-
low resistance and high power- ance between C and A. The capacity of
absorbing capacity. guch a transmitter is quite high, in so fir
as the only Umitation is the eventual bofl
ing of the liquid; it has been constructed to take care of 400 watts
Thus, low-capacity transmitters may be constructed of 1 to 5 wait
capacity and 100 to 10 ohms resistance respectively, while high-capacity
transmitters have been constructed of 50- to 500-watt capacity and of
about 8 to 4 ohms resistance, respectively.
Conditions for Best Modulation.—We will again note that the speech
transmission is brought about simply by changing the amplitude of the
transmitting antenna current (modulation of antenna current) ; in other
words, if the amplitude of the antenna current should be changed but
little by the operation of the telephone transmitter, speech would be
transmitted but poorly and to a short distance, while the opposite is true
In other words, the range and quality of transmission does not quite
depend upon the amount of current in the transmitting antenna, but
upon the change in this current or the extent of the modulation. Hence,
a radio-phone system should be so designed as to enable the telephone
transmitter, when spoken into, to produce the maximum possible chaM'
in the antenna current. This corresponds to a condition where the antenna
current amplitude is caused to reach a miminum of zero, and a maximum
which is dependent upon the characteristic of the rectifier in the receiving
' See "Radio-Telephony," by A. N. Goldsmith.

circuit. It is therefore necessary to investigate at this point the effect

of the rectifier characteristic upon the best conditions for modulation.
Analysis of Modulation.—Assume, as before, the simple transmitting
circuit represented by Fig. 1 and thej simple receiving circuit represented
by Fig. 4; and let us again suppose that a harmonically varying sound
pressure is impressed upon the microphone diaphragm by means of, say,
a tuning fork placed in front of it. We then desire that the telephone
receiver in the receiving circuit shall give off a pure sine wave tone of the
frequency of the tuning fork.
We will first investigate the case where the amplitude of the trans
mitting antenna current is made to change by the action of the micro
phone from a maximum of twice that corresponding to the microphone idle
to a minimum of zero, this being what is known as a " completely modu
lated current." Fig. 12 shows the curve of the e.m.f. produced in the

Fiq. 12.—A completely modulated antenna current, having a sine-wave envelope.

receiving antenna circuit by the flow of the completely modulated current

in the transmitting antenna; the e.m.f. across the rectifier in the receiving
circuit of Fig. 4 will be of the same form as Fig. 12, though, of course,
reduced in amplitude.
If we assume, as we did before, a rectifier giving a rectified current
proportional to the first power of the impressed voltage than the har
monically modulated e.m.f. of Fig. 12 would produce a rectified current
the amplitude of which would vary harmonically, as shown by the points
marked A in Fig. 13, and the result would be that the average current
in the telephone receiver would also vary harmonically and cause this
to give off a pure harmonic note of the same pitch as that of the tuning
But, as already pointed out in the footnote on p. 650, practically all
rectifiers give a rectified current proportional to the square of the impressed
voltage; hence the harmonically modulated e.m.f. of Fig. 12 would pro
duce the rectified current represented by curve B in Fig. 13, and the curve

of the average current in the telephone receiver would be as represented

by the dotted curve C of Fig. 13, and would, evidently, not vary harmon
ically. So that, in this case, the receiving circuit telephone would give
/ Average Current throngi
1 fl 1 / Telephone Receiver


Fia. 13.—The current of Fig. 12, in combination with such a rectifier as that assumed in
Fig. 6, would give a rectified current as shown by the points A ; its average value
would be a sine-wave current. If an ordinary rectifier is used the rectified current
is as shown by the solid line curves, the average value of which is shown by the
dotted curve which is not a simple harmonic current but is more complex in form.
off a note, which, though of the same pitch as that impinging upon the
transmitting microphone, would be of a more complex quality.
To remedy the objectionable condition brought about by the combina
tion of a harmonically modulated transmitting antenna current and a
rectifier giving a current proportional to the square of the impressed

' Fig. 14.—A type of modulated current in which the square of the amplitude varies as a
sine wave.

voltage it is necessary that the transmitting antenna current be differently

modulated. Thus, assume that the transmitting antenna current is
modulated in such a manner that the difference between the square of
its amplitude when modulated and that when not modulated varies
with the sine of a uniformly varying angle, so that, if 7o = amplitude

of antenna current with microphone idle, the maximum amplitude

will be V2 Io and the minimum zero. Then, the curve of the e.m.f.
acting upon the receiving antenna will be as represented by Fig.
14, the rectified current will be as represented by curve A, Fig. 15, and
will have amplitudes which will vary harmonically, and, therefore, the
average current through the telephone receiver, represented by curve B,
Fig. 15, will vary harmonically. The result will be the reproduction in
the telephone receiver of the tuning fork note without any change in the
quality of the sound.
From this analysis it follows that, if the sound at the receiver is to


Fig. 15.—Such a current (as that shown in Fig. 14) in the transmitting antenna, with an
ordinary type of detector will give in the receiving circuit a rectified current as shown
by curves A, the average value of which is curve B, a sine-wave current.
be similar in quality to that acting at the transmitter, either of the two
following conditions must be satisfied:
(a) If the receiver circuit rectifies proportionally to the first power of
the voltage impressed upon it, then the difference between the amplitude
of the antenna current with the microphone in operation and that with
the microphone idle should vary in direct proportion to the pressure of
the sound waves on the microphone, or, in symbols
I — Io=kp (1)
where /= amplitude of the antenna current with the trans
mitter in operation;
Io =amplitude of the antenna current with the trans
mitter idle;
k =a constant of proportionality;
p = the pressure of the sound waves upon the microphone.
(&) If the receiver circuit rectifies proportionally to the square of the
voltage impressed upon it then the difference between the square of the ampli

tude of the antenna current with the microphone in operation and that
with the microphone idle should vary in direct proportion to the pressure
of the sound waves on the microphone, or, in symbols :

P-Io2=k'p, ft
where I, Jo, p have the same significance as in Eq. (1) and k' = another
constant of proportionality.
Of course, in practice, neither of the two conditions set forth above
is fully and entirely satisfied throughout the entire range of pressure
impressed upon the microphone diaphragm, and the speech transmission
is, therefore, never ideal.
Percentage of Modulation.—The percentage of modulation is expressed
by means of the following equation:

Jf=^X100, (3
where Jo = amplitude of antenna current with microphone idle;
D\ — difference between Io and minimum antenna current
M = percentage of modulation.

In the ideal case of a " completely modulated " antenna current Di=h
and M - 100 per cent.
Of course, in designing a radio-phone transmitter, the aim is to make
the percentage of modulation as large as possible without, at the same
time, interfering with the quality of the transmission.
In view of this the idle resistance of the telephone transmitter and
the change in the resistance must be carefully chosen with respect
to the resistance of the rest of the system. Thus, considering the simpfc
circuit represented by Fig. 1, p. 647, it is plain that if the idle resistance
of the telephone transmitter were much lower than that of the balance
of the circuit, then any change in the former could not appreciably affect
the total resistance and, hence, could not effectively modulate; on the
other hand, if the reverse were the case the antenna power radiation
would be very small, since the largest percentage of the alternator power
output would be absorbed by the transmitter. Thus, there must be a
best telephone transmitter resistance and this was shown by Seibt to
be equal to that of the rest of the antenna circuit.
In many of the systems of radio-telephony the telephone transmitter
is not placed directly in the antenna circuit, but, in practically even
case, it is so connected that, by speaking into it, an effect is product
which is equivalent to changing the resistance of the antenna circuit
the telephone transmitter resistance may, in these cases, be transferred

in the form of an equivalent resistance, to the antenna circuit. Hence

in practically every case, whether the telephone transmitter is directly
in the antenna circuit or not, it should be observed that the optimum
idle resistance of the telephone transmitter is such that, when trans
ferred to the antenna circuit, it should be equal to the rest of the antenna-
circuit resistance.
As regards the variation in the telephone transmitter resistance it
will be noted that, considering the simple system of Fig. 1, and assuming
the idle resistance equal to the balance of the antenna circuit, then in
order to obtain 100 per cent modulation with a harmonic sound wave
and with a receiver rectifying proportionally to the square of the impressed
voltage the resistance of the telephone transmitter should change from
41 per cent of its idle resistance to infinity. For, when it is 41 per cent
of the idle resistance the antenna current amplitude would be V2 To,
and when it is infinity the amplitude of the antenna current would be zero.
Of course, it will be easily realized that such extreme variation of resistance
is almost impossible of practical accomplishment by means of a micro
phone; hence 100 per cent modulation by this scheme is impossible.
In practice 50 to 60 per cent modulation is striven for; higher values
may be obtained, but are not desirable with the circuit arranged as in
Fig. 1, because with such wide variations of microphone resistance the
current variations do not truly represent the voice, and the received
signal under these conditions is indistinct and blurred.
Various Schemes for Modulation.—These depend very much upon
the source used for producing undamped high-frequency currents, although
they vary even for the same type of source. The most important ones
will be considered in connection with the high-frequency alternator and
the Poulsen arc, and a special paragraph will be devoted to the case of
tube oscillators.
Referring to Fig. 16, in which various schemes are shown (a) is the
same as Fig. 1 of p. 647, and has already been discussed. (6) shows the
telephone transmitter connected in series with the exciting field of the
alternator; as the resistance of the telephone transmitter is changed the
alternator e.m.f. is changed and so is the amplitude of the antenna current,
(c) is similar to (a) except that the high-frequency current is supplied to
the antenna by a Poulsen arc and not by an alternator, (d) has the tele
phone transmitter in the oscillating circuit of the Poulsen arc, thus chang
ing the amplitude of the current in this circuit and hence in the antenna
circuit. Many other ways of connecting the telephone transmitter, espe
cially for the Poulsen arc, have been tried and found more or less
As regards the four types illustrated above it is plain that in every
one except (6) the transmitter should be of large capacity—low resistance,

since it carries either the antenna current or the, current in the oscillating
circuit of the Poulsen arc. In case (6) the transmitter need only be of
low capacity—high resistance, since it only carries the field current of
the alternator. However, in this case a certain change in the resistance
of the transmitter may not produce a proportional change in the ampli
tude of the antenna current (a requirement for good modulation) unless
the magnetic field of the alternator is far from saturated and the self-
induction of the field circuit is sufficiently low.

Fio. 16:—Various simple schemes for connecting the microphone to the source of power
to produce modulation; none of these is used in the better types of radio-telephone
transmitters, however.

The Vacuum Tube in Radio-Telephony.—Fig. 17 shows an elementary

type of circuit which has been very seldom used but which illustrates
the principle very well. It consists of the oscillating circuit illustrated
by Fig. 126, p. 513, with the telephone transmitter connected directly
in series with the antenna. Its principle of operation is exactly the same
as that of the simple system illustrated by Fig. 1 except that the tube
oscillator has replaced the alternator. This particular tube oscillator
circuit is known as the Meissner circuit.

Fig. 18 illustrates a method of connecting the telephone transmitter

in the grid circuit of the oscillator. In this case if the telephone trans
mitter is idle the amplitude
of the antenna current will
be constant, but if the
transmitter is excited by
sound waves a changing
current will be produced
in the circuit of (1), which
will produce an e.m.f. across
the terminals of the coil S,
this e.m.f. being a function
of the vibrations of the
telephone diaphragm. Thus
the grid of the oscillator
Fig. 17.—Simple circuit for telephone transmitters
will have impressed upon using a vacuum tube for power: this has been
it not only the high-fre sometimes used in low power sets.
quency e.m.f. due to the
interactions of the coils A-B, but also the low-frequency e.m.f. due to the
speech; the effect of this low-frequency e.m..f. is to increase or decrease
the grid potential above or below what it would otherwise be if the trans
mitter were idle;
and since the grid
potential reacts
upon the antenna
current by means
of the tube and
the coils C-A, it
is plain that the
amplitude of the
antenna current
will, instead of
being constant, be
changed in accord
ance with the
Fig. 18.—In this scheme of modulation (frequently used in low- e.m.f. of S, or of
power transmitters) the current from the transmitter circuit
operates to change the average potential of the grid of the oscil the vibrations of
lating tube, thus effectively modulating the antenna current. the telephone dia
phragm. In this
type of connection it is plain that the telephone transmitter may be of very
low-power capacity; this is such an evident advantage that, as a matter of
fact, practically all of the modern radiophone tube systems have their
telephone transmitters connected in some such way to the grid of a tube.

The above two methods of telephone transmitter and tube oscillator

are typical, in so far as, while they have been shown for a certain type
of oscillator circuit, they may be applied in an exactly similar manner
to any type of tube oscillator.
We will now discuss another type of radiophone tube connection
due to Heising, wherein two tubes, or two sets of tubes, must be used;
it is illustrated in Fig. 19. In this system the part to the left of the dotted
line represents the oscillator circuit, which has been discussed on p. 561,
Chapter VI. When the telephone transmitter is not operative the poten
tial difference across the points Q and 0 is constant, and hence the ampli
tude of the high-frequency antenna current, as well as the plate current for

Fig. 19. —A scheme of modulation due to Heising in which a separate tube is used to
accomplish modulation; the scheme has been extensively used in small transmitters

the modulator tube, is constant. However, if the telephone transmitter

is spoken into e.m.f.'s are induced in the coil 8, which change the potential
of the modulator grid in accordance with the vibrations of the transmitter;
this changes the plate current of the modulator or the current between the
points Q and Pm, this change taking place at speech frequency, or audio
frequency. In virtue of this the battery B will be called upon to supply
a current varying at audio frequency, which current must flow through
the iron-core inductance D ; since the impedance of this is very high
at audio frequency, it follows that it will cause a large audio-frequency
drop of potential over itself, and thus the potential difference between
the points Q and 0 will be varied at audio frequency and in accordance

with the vibrations of the telephone transmitter. Again, since the poten
tial difference impressed upon the plate of the oscillator (i.e., that across
Q and 0) is being varied, it finally follows that the amplitude of the antenna
current will thereby be varied, since the amplitude of the antenna current
increases with increase of the plate voltage. Thus, the vibrations of the
telephone transmitter are finally reproduced in the antenna as variations
in the amplitude of the antenna current or, in other words, the antenna
current is thereby modulated.
The function of the coil D may be more clearly seen if the coil were
assumed to be short-circuited. Under these conditions, no matter how
much the modulator plate current were caused to vary by the action of
the transmitter, the potential difference across the points Q and 0 would
remain constant, and no change would be effected in the amplitude of
antenna current.
The function of the choke coil A, which should be an air core coil,
is to prevent the plate circuit of the modulator tube from taking from the
antenna circuit any of the high-frequency power which the oscillator tube
is supplying to it; the proper amount of inductance for coil A depends
upon the types of tubes used, but, in general, its reactance should be con
siderably greater than the plate-circuit resistance of the modulator tube.
Analysis of Heising Scheme of Modulation.—This scheme of modu
lation is probably better than any other so far suggested, and we are
therefore giving a more complete analysis of its operation.
Let us first suppose that the coil D, Fig. 19, has so much reactance
that no appreciable change of current through it occurs due to the action
of the microphone. We will assume, as has been done before, that the
microphone is actuated by a sine wave of sound, and furthermore, that the
sine wave of sound gives a sine wave of e.m.f. across the secondary termi
nals of the transformer S. (In order that the possible variation in the
impedance of the grid-filament circuit of the modulating tube may not pro
duce distortion of the terminal voltage of the transformer secondary, a
high resistance R of constant value is permanently connected across the
secondary to give the load circuit of the transformer an essentially constant
impedance.) The potential variations of the modulator grid will cause
its plate current to pass through sinusoidal variations, and will thus
make the plate circuit of the modulator behave like a variable resistance
connected across the points Q and 0 in multiple with the plate circuit
of the oscillator tube. This is schematically indicated in Fig. 20, where
ftniod represents the variable resistance of the oscillator plate circuit and
Rom represents the resistance of the oscillator plate circuit. Let
/mod = current in plate circuit of modulator;
Iok = current in plate circuit of oscillator;
Id = current supplied by the plate battery.

If we now suppose that /mod is, due to the vibrations of the microphone
diaphragm, caused to change from zero to twice its average value, then,
since we have assumed that the coil L
has such reactance as to keep h essen
tially constant, it follows that the cur
rent Ian must increase and decrease
about its average value- to the same
extent as does /mod- Of course, as the
value of /oec is changed in response to the
vibrations of the microphone diaphragm,
Fig. 20.—Simple representation of the the power given to the antenna in the
Heising scheme of modulation. form of high-frequency current must be
changed and so must the amplitude of
the antenna current; in other words, modulation of the antenna current
is made to take place.
The variations of some of the quantities involved in this scheme of
modulation are represented in Fig. 21, where the various curves are self-
explanatory; the current /«<> for any instant is obtained by subtracting
from the essentially constant h the value of Imoa at that instant.
Now, if we investigate the variation in the power supplied to the oscil
lator, it will be noted, by referring to Fig. 20, that, since Rok is a constant
resistance the current through which is changing from zero to twice its
average value, then the power expended in Rok must vary from zero to
four times its average value. But since the power expended in Rok is
equal to the current multiplied by the voltage across it, it follows that
not only must the current, lax, vary from zero to twice its average value,
but the voltage across it must also do the same; that is, the voltage across
the points Q-O, Fig. 19, must vary from zero to twice its average value.
This result would seem to be contradictory to our assumption pre
viously made that the current h is constant; for if h is constant there
can be no change whatever in the voltage across Q and 0. But, as a matter
of fact, h does vary, though the amount of this variation may be small
if the inductance of the coil D (Fig. 19) is large; thus it might easily be
that a variation in h of only 20 per cent at the modulating frequency
would cause the voltage across Q and 0 to change from zero to double
its average value. In some actual radiophone sets employing this circuit
we have the following :
Average value of h = 0.08 ampere
Inductance of coil D = 2 henries.
Voltage of plate battery =300
If, then, a maximum variation in h of 20 per cent should take place at
a modulating frequency of 1000 cycles per sec. we would have:
Maximum voltage drop over D =2tX 1000X2X0.2X0.08=200

Hence the voltage across Q and O would

vary from 300 - 200 to 300+ 200 or from sji Out
100 to 500. Sflo
The circuit shown in Fig. 20 is not la ei ^ rt
5, In
exactly equivalent to the actual tube cir a
cuit, because in this the value of ft«o does
not remain constant, but decreases as the
voltage impressed on the tube is increased.
(See p. 425, Chapter VI.) The result of
this is that the variation of the power given
to the oscillator is less than from zero to
four times the average; but in all cases,
however, the power variation is greater
than from zero to twice the average.
If the power input to the antenna in the
form of high-frequency current is a constant o o ^ W
fraction of the power given to the oscillator
si S
plate, i.e., if the efficiency of the tube as a
d.c.-a.c. converter is assumed constant, the
power supplied to the antenna would vary
about as shown in curve (h) of Fig. 21 and
the amplitude of antenna current would io
vary as the square root of the amplitude of on 1
this power curve.
The radiophone circuits using tubes, and
discussed above, are only a few of the very
large number of tube systems used in i3a (I)
radiotelephony, but they are typical of such i"gs
systems, and if the reader fully understands
these three he will have no difficulty in
grasping any other system. It must be (a)
remembered that every such system must, 111+
to begin with, have an oscillator to pro to a.
duce high-frequency currents in the an
tenna, and, in addition, it must have some
means of changing the amplitude of the
antenna current in accordance with sound
waves of the voice; this may be done, as
has already been shown, by placing the
telephone transmitter directly in series
with the antenna or in the grid circuit Fig. 21.—Analysis of the action
of the oscillator tube, or, again, in the of the Heising scheme of modu
grid circuit of an additional tube, known lation.

as modulator, and which amplifies the effects of the telephone trans

Requirements for Good Modulation. —The fundamental requirement
for good modulation has been shown on p. 660 to be that I2 — Io2 should
be proportional to the pressure of the sound waves acting upon the micro
phone diaphragm, assuming the receiving circuit uses an ordinary detector.
It has been stated that it is difficult and even undesirable to obtain large
percentages of modulation when the transmitter is placed directly in the
antenna, because of the extreme variation required in the resistance of
the telephone transmitter. However, in the case of tube systems, where
the transmitter is placed in the grid of either the oscillator or modulator,
the change in the resistance of the microphone does not need to be so
extreme ; but, unfortunately, the introduction of so much other apparatus
makes it more difficult to fulfill the fundamental requirement for good
modulation. Thus, in the case of Fig. 19, which represents one of the
more complex systems, the following conditions would need to be satis

(1) When the transmitter is spoken into, the amplitude of the

displacement of the diaphragm must be proportional to the
amplitude of the sound waves. This is obtained by suitable
construction of transmitter.
(2) The variation of the direct current in the circuit of (1) (see
Fig. 19) must be directly proportional to the displacement of
the diaphragm. Fulfilled within certain limits by suitably
choosing the resistance of transmitter and impedance of pri
mary of transformer.
(3) The variation in the plate current of the modulator tube must
be directly proportional to the variation in the grid potential
of this tube; this is brought about by using the tube on the
straight portion of its characteristic, hence the necessity for
the use of the grid battery K (see Fig. 19), another use of which
is to keep the plate current low, thus preventing the possibility
of ionization (shown by blue glow), and to prevent the grid
from taking appreciable current from the secondary of the
transformer; this condition being fulfilled by having K of
sufficient voltage that even with the loudest sounds impressed
on the microphone, the grid potential does not become positive.
(4) The action of the c.c. power supply circuit (battery B and coil
D) should be such that the power supply to the plate circuit
of the oscillator tube should be directly proportional to the
variation in plate current of the modulator tube.
(5) The action of the oscillator tube itself should be such that the

power it supplies to the antenna is a constant fraction of the

c.c. power input to its plate circuit.
(6) Even though the modulator and power generator are acting
perfectly the speech at the receiving station will be poor unless
the decrements of the three tuned circuits, transmitting an
tenna, receiving antenna, and closed tuned circuit at receiving
station are all rather high, as explained on p. 678.

In view of the many conditions to be fulfilled for correct modulation

it is plain that very great care must be exercised in the use of such a cir
cuit or similar circuits, since the non-fulfillment of one or more of the
above conditions would seriously affect transmission, making the received
speech drummy and indistinct.
High-power Telephone Sets Using Tube Generators.—In case a tube
outfit is used for a radiophone transmitter of more than perhaps 200 watts
it is necessary to use a battery of oscillators, instead of one only as shown
in Fig. 19. For such an installation two tubes are arranged as modulator
and oscillator (as shown in Fig. 19) but the oscillator feeds a closed circuit
instead of the antenna. The battery of high-power tubes are all connected
in parallel, their plate circuits feeding into the antenna and their grids,
all in parallel, are excited from the closed circuit of the " pilot " oscillator
which is of course modulated. These high-power, separately excited,
tubes are generally called amplifiers, it being their function to amplify
the modulated, high-frequency oscillations of the pilot oscillator.
In recent attempts to keep the U. S. S. George Washington in radio
telephonic communication with the United States during the passage
across the Atlantic, a combination of two tubes, modulator and oscillator,
served to excite a battery of twelve large power tubes, the high-frequency
output being in the neighborhood of 3 kw.
It is generally not feasible suitably to modulate the plate current of
a high-power tube directly from the secondary of the transmitter-operated
transformer. If the modulator is a 250-watt tube it is likely that the
transmitter transformer will connect to the grid circuit of a small tube,
say 5-watt capacity, and the plate circuit of the 5-watt tube will furnish
the excitation for the grid of the high-power modulator.
Alexanderson's Scheme of Modulation.—Alexanderson has devised
a scheme whereby the output of very large alternators may be modulated
by the use of low-capacity telephone transmitter. The method used
is mainly based upon the following idea. Consider the coils A and
B, wound upon an iron core as shown in Fig. 22; if a direct current
be sent through coil B then the impedance of A will vary according
to each value of direct current. This is due to the fact that, as the direct
current in B changes, the permeability of the iron changes and hence

the impedance of the coil A. This principle is applied in Alexanderson's

scheme in the manner illustrated by the diagram Fig. 23.
Lz in this diagram corresponds to coil B of Fig. 22, wherein a direct
current is caused to flow by the battery F. L\ and L2 correspond to coil
A of Fig. 22 and their impedance is caused to vary
by the change in the direct current of coil La- The
magnetic circuit and the coils are arranged and
connected as shown, because in so doing an alter
nating current flowing through L\ and L2 can
induce but smalb e.m.f.'s in coil L3, as may be
Fig. 22. If continuous easily seen. The coils L\ and L2 are connected
current is sent through across the high-frequency alternator A, which is, in
coil A the alternating turn, connected to the antenna in the usual way.
coin? lillT^ith t? K Wil1 1X3 n°ted that the cirCuit °f the antenna and
amounl of "current in that °f the Coils il_Z/2 are in multiPle ™^ respect
coil .4. to the alternator; since the alternator armature
has impedance it is plain that by changing the
current in the circuit of L1-L2 the voltage across the alternator terminals
is thereby changed, and hence the current in the antenna is changed.
Thus, if the impedance of L1-L2 is made very low a large current will
flow therein and the alternator voltage will fall, and so will the antenna
current; the opposite takes place when the impedance of L1-L2 is made
high. Hence, if the transmitter is spoken into, and the direct current in

Fig. 23.—Current through coil L* changes the permeability of both the inside cores,
thus changing the effective inductance of Li and Li, both of which are connected
in parallel with the generator.
coil Lz is thereby changed, the impedance of the coils L1-L2 will be
changed, and the antenna current will thus be modulated.
The adjustment of the value of the direct current in L3, with the trans
mitter inoperative, has an extremely important bearing upon the oper
ation. To begin with, it must be noted that this current may be adjusted
so that:

1st. On increasing the current in L3 the inductance of L1-L2

increases, and vice versa.
2d. On increasing the current in L3 the inductance of L\-Li
decreases, and vice versa.
3d. The inductance of L1-L2 decreases both when the current
in L3 is increased and when decreased.
The above statements are illustrated by means of curve Fig. 24. The
first condition would be realized by adjusting the direct current to I\,
the second condition by adjusting to I2, and the third condition by adjust
ing to /3.
Of course, the third condition is one which cannot be used at all, and
it has been found in practice that the second is the best. In this case,
if the telephone diaphragm is
inwardly displaced, and the direct
current is thereby increased, the
inductance of L1-L2 will decrease
and the current in the antenna
will decrease; so that an inward
displacement of the transmitter
diaphragm produces a decrease of
antenna current.
Again it must be noted that the
coils L3 and L1-L2 must be so de
signed, and the direct current in
L3 must be so adjusted that a
change in the high-frequency cur
rent flowing through L1-L2 will Fio- 24. •Variation in effective self-induction
not produce a change in its in of Li and L, as the current in L, is changed.
ductance; in other words the
change in the inductance of L1-L2 must take place only because of the
change of the direct current in L3 and not because of the change in the
high-frequency current in L1-L2.
The system as actually used in practice introduces a number of con
densers in the circuit of L1-L2 as shown in the diagram, Fig. 25. The
condensers Ci and C2 are used in order to prevent the variations of current
in La from producing currents in the closed circuit of Li-L2; for, it will
be found that, when the current in L3 is changed, e.m.f.'s are induced
in Li and L2 in such a direction as to be additive in the circuit of L\ and
L2; these e.m.f.'s would produce currents, which, by Lenz's law, would
tend to hinder the change of flux being produced by L3. The condensers
Ci and C2 are chosen so that they will offer a very large impedance to the
flow of audio-frequency currents and very small impedance to radio-
frequency currents; hence very little current will flow in Li-L2, due to

the audio-frequency changes in the current of L3, while little or no oppo

sition will be offered by these condensers to the flow of radio frequency
currents from the alternator. The condensers C and C3 are used in order
to make the relation between the changes in the direct current of L3 and

Fio. 25.—The circuit of Fig. 23 is found to function better if proper condensers are
■utilized as indicated in this diagram.

the antenna current a linear one through a large range of direct-

current values.
It will be noted that if the condensers C and C3 are left out, and, con
sidering Ci and Cz as having an extremely low impedance to radio fre
quency currents, the circuit of the alternator, antenna and L1-L2, may
be fundamentally represented as in Fig. 26, where
La represents inductance of alternator armature;
Ca represents capacity of antenna;
L1-L2 represents inductance of coils L1-L2,
while if condenser C is inserted in series with L1-L2 the schematic dia
gram would be as in Fig. 27. It is found on varying L1-L2 of Fig. 26
_____ that the current in Ca (antenna current) varies
J J but little and, for certain values of L1-L2, does
! not vary at all; while the reverse is true of
Fig. 27. This is graphically represented in
the conventional curves of Fig. 28, where
curve (.A) has a very much smaller slope than
curve (B).
FlO. 26.-Detail circuit of jn the cage of curve tfae working part
Ig' ' would be between the points K and D. The
condenser C3 is shown diagrammatically in
Fig. 29. This condenser seems to further increase the sensitiveness of
the arrangement, since it forms with L1-L2 a multiple-resonant circuit

whose impedance is more susceptible to variations of L1-L2 than if this

alone were used.
It has already been stated that in this system, as used in practice, the
antenna current is made to decrease as the direct current increases; there
fore an inward movement of the transmitter
diaphragm may produce an outward movement
of the receiver diaphragm, or, in other words,
the displacements of the two diaphragms may
be 180° apart.
The ability of Alexanderson's apparatus
to modulate may be best gathered from the
statement that a change in the current of the
Fio. 27.—Detail circuit of
transmitter of 0.2 ampere has been made to Fig. 23 with a condenser
produce a change of 37 kilowatts in the anten introduced in the common
na power output; a three electrode tube was lead of Li-Lj.
in this case suitably used to change the cur
rent in L3, the transmitter " talking " to the grid of this tube.
Receiving System. —The receiving system for radio-telephony is
exactly the same as that used in receiving damped-wave telegraphic signals.
It must be understood that, as pointed out on p. 649, the incoming modu
lated waves must be rectified and,
(A) No Condenser in Series with Lj-Lt
(B) Condenser in Series with l^-Lj for this purpose, either a crystal
detector or a vacuum-tube detector,
suitably adjusted to act as a recti
fier, may be used. The connections
are the same as those used for re
ceiving damped waves, and, in fact,
a station fitted to receive damped
waves will also receive radiotele-
phonic messages. One difference
between the reception of damped
waves and radiotelephonic messages
lies in the fact that in the case of the
Inductance of Lj-Lj latter, the incoming waves are
Fio. 28.—Effect of the condenser in series undamped (in the ordinary meaning
with U-L1 on the amplitude of antenna of the word), though modulated; but
current. jt mus^ be borne m mind that in
such a receiving system no local
oscillations are needed, as in receiving undamped waves for telegraphic
purposes, for, while in the latter case the amplitude of the incoming
waves is constant, in radio-telephony the amplitude of the incoming
waves is continually changing and it is this change in amplitude which
must be, and is, detected by suitable rectifying devices.

Analysis of Modulated Wave.—It is important at this point to note

that, though the alternator, or any other source
J | that might be used at the transmitting station,
^* I | r. produces, when no modulation is taking place,
•—I an undamped current of constant amplitude and
ci single frequency, except for any harmonics that
Tf 1 might be present, yet, when modulation takes
t J i.rL, place, the current flowing through the
Fig. 29.-The condenser C, transmitting antenna may be shown to be
makes with L.-L, a paral- equivalent to a number of component har-
lel resonant circuit the monic currents of different amplitudes and
impedance of which varies frequencies. Thus, consider the simple case
much more rapidly with in^ated by Fig. 3 of p. 648, which repre-
change in L\~Ln than does , . . , ,, ,
the impedance of U-U Sents a harm0Dlc current- harmonically modu-
itself. lated.

Let Jo = amplitude of unmodulated antenna current;

w= angular velocity of unmodulated antenna current in radians
per second ;
a = instantaneous value of unmodulated antenna current.
Let the equation of this current be

a = J0 sin wt, (3)

when modulation takes place the amplitude of the current is varying

between the maximum of (Jo +J'o) and the minimum of (Jo — J'o), and
this variation takes olace harmonically.

Let o)i= angular velocity in radians per second of modulating dis

turbance, or angular velocity corresponding to the cycle
represented by A \ — At in Fig. 3;
t= instantaneous value of modulated antenna current.

Then, the equation of t will be :

* = (Jo+J'o cos oiiO sin wt (4)

Eq. (2) is similar to Eq. (1) except that the amplitude of the current is
now (Jo+ J'o cos ai<), instead of just Jo.
Eq. (2) may be changed as follows:
t - Jo sin ait+I'o sin wt cos a>it =
J' I'
= Jo sin wt+~ sin ut cos a)i<-f-^ sin ut cos out

^.nd, adding and subtracting -~ cos wt sin wit, we have :

= Io sin wt sm ut 008 wiH—^ cos <°' sm

i I'o ■ . . I'o . ■
H—5- sin oit cos wit —5- cos cot sin wit,
7' I'
i=Io sin sin (w+«i)<+-2^ sin (a>— «i)< ... (5)
)r, letting
. / = frequency corresponding to w;
fi = frequency corresponding to m,

z=7osin25r//+^-°sin25r(/+/i)<+;y sin 2x(/-/»X . . (6)

vhich last equation shows that the harmonically modulated current of

7ig. 3 is made up of three component harmonic currents of the following
implitudes and frequencies:
Amplitude. Frequency.
Component No. 1 Io f

Component No. 2 ~ if+h)

Component No. 3 — (f—fi)

Thus, if /= 300,000
ind /i = 1,000,
hen the three frequencies will be:
300,000, 301,000, 299,000,
tfhich means a difference between the smallest and largest frequencies
)f 2000 cycles or about two-thirds of 1 per cent of the frequency of the
inmodulated wave (carrier wave). On the other hand if:
/= 20,000 (X = 15,000 meters)
ind fi = 1,000
then the three frequencies would be :
20,000, 21,000 19,000
which means a difference between the smallest and largest frequencies
of about 10 per cent of the frequency of unmodulated wave.

Of course, a speech-modulated current is made up of currents of a very

large number of frequencies, one of which is the frequency of the carrier
wave, /, and the others are
V+fi), (J-fi), V+fr), (/-/2), (J+fs), if-h) (/+/.), (/-/»),
where f\,f2,fz, fn =frequencies included in the human voice.
The larger the frequencies /i or /a or /a ... . or /„ and the smaller
the frequency /, the larger becomes the difference between the smallest
and largest frequency expressed as a percentage of the carrier frequency.
This analysis leads us to the following conclusions :
Since the current in the receiving antenna is to be a reproduction of
that in the transmitting antenna, it follows that the receiving antenna
current must have the same frequencies as the transmitting antenna
current. Thus, we at once conclude that the receiving antenna circuit
must not be sharply tuned to any one frequency, to the partial or entire
exclusion of all the others, but must be so designed as to be able to pick
up all these various frequencies equally well. This means that, if the
difference between the maximum and minimum frequencies, expressed
as a percentage of the carrier frequency, is very large, the tuning of the
receiving circuit must be broad, in order for it to respond equally well to
a wide range of frequencies.
Again, in order for it to be possible to use a sharply tuned receiving
circuit, such as may be obtained by the circuit discussed on p. 518, Chapter
VI, the frequency of the carrier wave must be very high, that is, of the
order of 500,000 or more, corresponding to a wave-length of 600 meters
or less.
Furthermore, it would seem as if, for a receiving circuit having a certain
degree of sharpness of tuning, a high-pitched voice would be less distinct
than a low-pitched one; this effect is very noticeable if the proper adjust
ment of the receiver circuit is made.
The effect noted above is well illustrated when listening to radio
telephone transmission on long wave-lengths, say 20,000 meters; using
an amplifying circuit such as shown in Fig. 127, p. 514,the tuning character
istics of which are given in Fig. 130, p. 518, the speech is very drummy, only
the low vowel sounds coming through. It is quite possible to adjust the
receiving circuit to such sharp resonance that the speech is unintelligible,
although very loud; decreasing the coupling of the tickler coil will decrease
the sharpness of resonance of the receiving circuit, making the resistance
of the circuit higher. This will, of course, decrease the strength of the
received signal, but at the same time will improve the quality.
In a radio-telephone outfit, both the receiving and transmitting sets
of which have been properly adjusted, the speech transmission is much
better than that over the average wire line; due to the fact that all fre

quencies are attenuated alike (whereas in wire speech the high-frequency

currents attenuate much more than the lower) the enunciation of the
received signal is so distinct that the voice of the operator talking at the
transmitting station may be easily recognized.
The Use of an Oscillating Receiving Set for Radio-telephony.—It
is possible to receive speech by radio-telephony even if the receiving set
is adjusted to oscillate, by suitable setting of the tickler coil (Fig. 127,
p. 514). Such an oscillating receiving set requires more skill in handling
and a much better transmitting set than for reception by crystal or non-
oscillating tube, but to offset these difficulties it has the advantage of
being by far the most sensitive arrangement possible. The local oscil
lations are adjusted to give " zero-beat frequency " with the carrier fre
quency of the transmitting set; it will be realized at once that the
maintenance of this condition is not easy, especially if the carrier frequency
is high.
The slightest variation of frequency in either the transmitter or
receiver would produce a musical beat-note which would make the speech
tones unintelligible. Even with a carefully designed receiver set main
taining a constant local frequency, it will be found that the average radio
telephone transmitter has sufficient variation in the carrier frequency to
make this scheme unfeasible. With the lower-frequency, high-powered
transmitters, having accurate frequency control, it will be found that the
zero-beat reception scheme exceeds any other for sensitiveness. The
tickler coil should be set with a coupling somewhat greater than the critical,
otherwise the tuning of the receiving circuit is too sharp, and the higher
voice frequencies encounter considerably more impedance than the lower
ones, and hence the speech is distorted. The lower voice frequencies,
which, combined with a carrier frequency, give frequencies quite close
to the carrier frequency, come in much louder than the higher ones, mak
ing the speech a series of low-pitched vowel sounds.
With an oscillating tube for detector the rectified current is directly
proportional to the impressed voltage instead of to the voltage squared,
which is the case for the non-oscillating rectifier. (See p. 483.) For
this type of receiver, therefore, the modulation at the transmitter should
be such that the difference between the amplitude of the antenna current
with the microphone in operation and that with the microphone idle
should vary in direct proportion to the pressure of the sound waves on
the microphone in accordance with Eq. (1), p. 659.
The oscillating receiver serves as a convenient check upon the degree
of modulation at the transmitter. If the local oscillations are made to
differ from the carrier frequency by several hundred cycles per second,
the received beat signal should be of about the same intensity as the speech
tones when the receiver is set for zero beat frequency; if the beat signal

is much louder than the speech it shows that the modulation

is poor, namely, the antenna current is not being varied much
by the action, of the mi
Effect of Decrements
upon the Quality of
Received Speech. — As
mentioned on p. 669, the
radio-telephone speech is
indistinct and drummy
if the decrement of the
transmitting antenna or
that of either of the two
Fiq. 30.—Form of voltage acting on a receiving antenna tuned circuits at the rc-
for perhaps one thousandth of a second. ceiving station is made
low. This condition, it
will be noted, is exactly opposite to that required for good telegraphic
communication by radio, and is therefore worth being analyzed.
It is presumed that the modulator and generator are functioning prop
erly at the transmitting station, which means that the oscillator is impress
ing upon the antenna a high-fre
quency e.m.f., the amplitude of Impressed E.M.F. of
which faithfully follows the sound Cl. high decrement
wave fluctuations of the voice.
a 1
This is indicated by Fig. 30, show
ing the e.m.f. impressed upon the
antenna for a small part of the
voice sound. Now the question Current act up in
circuit of low
arises, if such an e.m.f. is impressed decrement
upon the receiving antenna what
kind of a current will flow? The
elements of this problem were taken 1/1
V ivvvv
up in Chapter IV, p. 268, wherein
it was shown that the current
produced by a damped wave of
e.m.f. impressed upon a resonant Fig. 31—A highly damped wave of e.m.f
circuit depends upon two factors, impressed upon a receiving circuit of low
decrement will produce a current lasting
viz., the ratio of the frequency of much longer than the e.m.f. and of en
the impressed e.m.f. to the natural tirely different form.
frequency of the circuit, and the
relative value of the decrement of the impressed e.m.f. to that of the
circuit itself.
If the decrement of the circuit is lower than that of the impressed

e.m.f. the current will be more sustained than the impressed e.m.f. itself.
If, for example, a highly damped pulse of e.m.f. is impressed upon a cir
cuit of low decrement and the same natural frequency as the e.m.f., the
current will be about as shown in Fig. 31; the current builds up slowly
and dies down slowly. We can conclude that any changes in the ampli
tude of the e.m.f. impressed on such a circuit will be followed but slowly
by corresponding changes in current. It follows that if a modulated
high frequency e.m.f. similar to that shown in Fig. 30 is impressed on a
low-decrement circuit, of the same natural frequency as that of the
impressed e.m.f., though a large amplitude current will flow in the circuit,
the changes in the amplitude of this current caused by the changes in the
impressed e.m.f. amplitude will be comparatively small. If, on the other
hand, the decrement of the circuit is very materially increased, by adding
resistance, the current produced by the action of the modulated e.m.f will be
much smaller in amplitude than before, but the fluctuations in amplitude of
the current will follow very closely those of the modulated e.m.f.
An extreme case of this effect is illustrated in Fig. 32, wherein the
impressed e.m.f. (curve a) is assumed to be made up of two distinct damped-
wave trains. In curve (6) is shown the current set up by this e.m.f. in
a low-decrement circuit, and in curve (c) is shown the current set up in
a high-decrement circuit. Quite evidently, the current in the latter case
very closely resembles the e m.f. acting on the circuit, whereas the much
larger current in the case of the low-decrement circuit is very far from being
similar in form to the e.m.f.
The modulated e.m.f. involved in radio-telephony circuits would act
on high- and low-decrement circuits in a manner similar to that indicated
for the damped e.m.f. of Fig. 32; the low-decrement circuit would have
large currents set up in it, but the variations in amplitude of these currents
would not follow the variations in the impressed e.m.f. amplitude, whereas
the high-decrement circuit would have much smaller currents (same L
and C supposed as for low-decrement circuit) but the variations in ampli
tude would more accurately follow those of the impressed modulated
e.m.f. Since the voice sounds are conveyed by the variations in the ampli
tude of the current and not by the magnitude of the current itself it is
evident that the high-resistance circuit would be the one to use for suc
cessful radio-telephony.
Applying this general idea to an actual case of speech transmission,
we come to the conclusion that the decrements of the transmitting antenna,
the receiving antenna, and closed-tuned circuit at the receiver must all
be higher than the highest decrement occurring in the modulated e.m.f.
Thus in Fig. 30 the e.m.f. (which is supposed accurately to represent the
voice sounds) has its more rapid change in amplitude from A to B; in
ten cycles its amplitude decreases in the ratio of 1 : 10, which corresponds

to a decrement of 0.11. The decrement of none of the three circuits

taking part in the transmission and reception should be as low as this value,
if clear well-enunciated speech is expected at the receiving end.
For short wave work this idea is not of so much importance, because
the permissible value of the decrement, from this standpoint, is lower
than that generally attained in the construction of sets. Thus, if the
time between A and B, Fig. 30, is taken as 0.0001 second and the wave-

Fig. 32.—A aeries of damped waves of e.m.f. acting on a low resistance receiving circuit
produce a current as indicated in (6), evidently not of the same form as the e.m.f.
a high-resistance circuit will have currents as shown in (c) which current closely
resembles the e.m.f. causing it.

length used is 300 meters, the number of cycles from A to B would be 100;
a decrease in amplitude to one-tenth of its initial value in 100 cycles cor
responds to a decrement of 0.023, which would be practically never obtained
in either of the antenna circuits and could only be obtained in the closed-
tuned circuit of the receiving set by having a tickler coupling to the plate
Multiplex Radio-telephony.—It is possible to carry on, by means of
a scheme of " double modulation," seveial radio-phone conversations

in the same area and using exactly the same high-frequency carrier wave
for all stations; the extra complications of the scheme are worth while
only in regions of congested communication.
The general idea of the scheme is conventionally indicated in Fig. 33,
wherein A is a modulator and B is a long wave-oscillator; C is a modu
lator and D is a short wave-oscillator; the
connections of a tube-transmitting set utiliz
ing this idea are shown in Fig. 34. From >
these two diagrams it is evident that the
antenna sends out a " doubly modulated "
high-frequency wave, that is, the amplitude
of the high-frequency wave follows a curve -a
which is a voice-modulated long-wave radio-
frequency. Thus generator B, Fig. 33, might
generate oscillations of 25,000, and the ampli s
tude of this 25,000-cycle current is voice-
modulated by the action of A. This vari
able amplitude, 25,000-cycle wave, controls,
through the action of modulator C, the am 3O
plitude of the high-frequency current generated
by D and sent out from the antenna.
Fig. 34 shows how the Heising modulation
scheme may be made to function for multi ■2
plex transmission, and Fig. 35 shows the general '3
reception scheme for multiplex telephony. The
antenna circuit and the closed circuit, Li-Ci,
are tuned to the high frequency generated by
the oscillator exciting the transmitting anten .3
na. The action of the grid condenser and 1
leak is to produce in the plate circuit a pul .0
sating current, the form of which is the same a
as the envelope of the high-frequency wave
received by Li-Ci. This envelope is itself of f
inaudible frequency, it being perhaps a voice- si
frequency modulated, 25,000-cycle current. 6
This 25,000-cycle current acts on the tuned cir iZ
cuit L2-C2 coupled to the plate circuit of the first
tube. The grid condenser and leak of this second detecting tube act to
produce in the plate circuit of this tube (in which the telephones are con
nected) a pulsating current of the form of the envelope of the 25,000-
cycle current. This envelope is, however, of voice frequency, and there
fore makes audible the speech carried by the doubly modulated high-
frequency wave.

Several stations in the same area might transmit on a carrier frequency

of 3,000,000 cycles; one of the stations would send out this wave, modu

lated by a voice-modulated 25,000-cycle wave, another would use a voice-

modulated 35,000-cycle wave, another a voice-modulated 45,000-cycle

wave, etc. The selecting of the proper message at the receiving station
is done by the tuning of the L2-C2 circuit (Fig. 35) ; as this is tuned to
the various long-wave frequencies being used, the conversations from the
several transmitting stations become audible. All receiving stations tune
their respective antennas and
L1-C1 circuits to the same high Si
frequency carrier current. *
By using several high-fre cci)
quency carrier waves, far enough jac.
apart in frequency so that no
interference is encountered, and
using several long wave-modula
tions of each of these, it might -c3c
be possible to carry on, in the E
same area, without serious inter .a3
ference, perhaps fifty different -ac
Another scheme for carrying _l >2
on multiplex telephony uses an
antenna tuned to several differ t. a be
Si. MM
ent frequencies and coupled to
this antenna the same number
of ordinary singly-modulated
transmitting sets; it seems that
this scheme may be made to
work satisfactorily.1 Q
Amounts of Power Required
to Cover Distances.—As regards
the distance range of radio- -aa
telephonic transmission it must o
be remembered that the re Cj
sponse at the receiving end is £
due not to the total power in the
transmitting antenna, but to <
the variation of this power;
therefore, it might, as a general
statement, be said that those
formulae would apply to radio-
telephonic transmission which apply to undamped-wave telegraph
transmission as given on p. 738, with the proviso that, in these formu-
1 See Proc. I.R.E., Vol. VIII, No. 6, for report on the feasibility of such a scheme,
article by Ryan, Tolmie, and Bach, entitled " Multiplex Radio Telegraphy and Teleph

lae, the change in antenna current must be substituted for the antenna
current itself. Furthermore, while in the case of telegraphic transmission
the signals may be very faint and yet be understood by an experienced
operator, in the case of radio-telephone transmission, the signals must
be several times more audible, in order that speech may be fully under
stood, especially by an inexperienced operator.
Practically, the following have been found to be the dependable trans
mission ranges for a fair modulation, i.e., not less than 50 per cent:

Antenna power. Range of reliable

5 watts. 10
0.1 kw. 50
1.0 kw.. 200
10.0 kw 500

As pointed out in previous discussions on the amount of power required

to cover a certain distance, only very approximate values can be given.
The amount of atmospheric disturbance present, the conditions of refrac
tion, reflection and absorption, and above all the manipulative skill of
the receiving operator in adjusting his receiver may change the above
figures as much as 10 to 1. Thus it was possible for an antenna power of
perhaps 20 kw. to transmit a radio-telephone message from Arlington,
U. S. A., to Hawaii, a distance of 5000 miles, and more recently a small
100-watt set has been heard 3000 miles.
The Radio-phone Set.—We have so far considered the radio-phone
transmitter and the radio-phone receiver as two separate, distinct parts.
It remains to show how the transmitter and receiver are combined into
a single unit constituting what may be called the " radio-phone set."
The manner in which this is done depends on whether one or two antennas
are used at each station.
If one antenna is used at each station the circuits are generally arranged
so that the operator cannot send and receive simultaneously. A double-
throw switch is then placed within easy reach of the operator so that he
may, while carrying on the conversation, throw the antenna either over
to the transmitting circuit, when he wishes to speak, or over to the receiving
circuit, when he wishes to receive.
A conventional diagram for such an arrangement, as applied to a
Heising transmitter and a vacuum-tube receiver, is shown in Fig. 36.
The switch S connects the antenna either to the receiving circuit by
means of contact a or to the transmitting circuit by means of contact b;
the switch may normally be held in the receiving position by means of the
spring c, and the operator would change over to the transmitting position
by pressing down on the insulated handle of the switch.

It is apparent that in a set of this kind it may often happen that an

operator changes from receiving to sending before the distant operator is
through talking; thus it may well be that both operators may be listening
or talking at the same time. In spite of this fault the single antenna
arrangement is still in use because of the simplicity and low first cost and
also because a system of simultaneous sending and receiving cannot be
said to have been as yet commercially developed.
Simultaneous Radiophone Transmission and Reception.—In order to
overcome the difficulty encountered in the single antenna radiophone set
two antennas are used at each station, one for transmitting only and the
Transmitting Receiving
Antenna Antenna


Fio. 37.—Scheme for simultaneous transmission and reception using two antennae,
spaced a considerable distance from one another and tuned to different wave-lengths.

other for receiving; each operator can then talk and listen at the same
time, as is done in ordinary wire telephony. Attempts have been made
to use a single antenna for simultaneous transmission and reception, but
the results are not reported to have been very satisfactory. One possible
scheme uses in the transmitting circuit two antennae of identical char
acteristics, one a real antenna and one a dummy; adjustments are so
carried out that half the power from the transmitter goes through each
antenna. The receiving coil of the receiving circuit is coupled to both
antennae equally so that when transmitting practically no voltage is
induced in the receiving circuit. When the distant station is transmitting
only the real antenna is excited so that the signal is received all right. A
brief description of such a set is given in the Radio Review, Vol. I, No. 15,
by M. B. Sleeper.

An arrangement wherein two antennae are used is conventionally

shown in Fig. 37. The two antenna? are put up at some distance from
each other and the wave-length's of the two transmitters are made very
different from each other. The reader will at once note that in such a
scheme the receiving antenna has impressed upon it not only the feeble
e.m.f.'s due to the distant transmitting antenna, but also the far greater
e.m.f.'s due to the local transmitting antenna; the latter e.m.f.'s are not
wanted, in so far as they " swamp " the smaller e.m.f.'s due to the
distant transmitting antenna and make reception therefrom impossible or,
at least, very difficult.

Modulated To
High Frequency Receiving
Currents Circuit
Fig. 38.—The scheme for balancing out of the receiving antenna the strong
induced by the local transmitting antenna.

Hence, in a system of this kind some scheme must be applied whereby

the e.m.f.'s induced in the receiving antenna by the local transmitting
antenna shall be prevented from interfering with the signal e.m.f.'s from
the distant transmitter. Such a scheme is known as a " balancing out "
or " neutralization " device. A great many neutralization devices have
been invented and used with more or less success. These devices may be
divided into three classes :
(a) Those in which the receiving and transmitting circuits are inter
connected (either magnetically or statically or both) in such a manner
that the e m.f.'s induced into the receiving antenna by the local trans

mitting antenna are opposed and balanced out by means of e.m.f.'s induced
directly by the transmitting into the receiving circuit.
(6) Those wherein filters are used to minimize the effect of the e.m.f.'s
produced by the local transmitter.
(c) The " Barrage Receiver " invented by E. F. W. Alexanderson.
To class (a) belongs the simple magnetic balancing-out scheme 1
illustrated by Fig. 38, where the e.m.f.'s induced from antenna Ai into
the antenna A2 are opposed by the e.m.f.'s induced in coil D by the currents
in B. Of course the phases of these two sets of cm.f.'s may not be exactly

Transmitting Receiving
antenna antenna

To receiving

■ Modulated

Fio. 39.—A scheme whereby the action of condensers Ci and Cj is utilized to eliminate
from the receiving antenna the strong signals from the local transmitting antenna.

the same, in which case it is more difficult completely to nullify the

action of A\ on Ai.
A second scheme which may be included under class (a) is Alexander-
son's static balance illustrated in Fig. 39. In this case, it is endeavored
to so adjust the condenser C\ as to make the potential of the point B and
that of top of the receiving antenna (A2) due to the action of the local
transmitting antenna Ai equal to each other; if this is accomplished
no currents can flow in A2C3B due to the local transmitter. This scheme
1 See "Simultaneous Sending and Receiving," by E. F. W. Alexanderson, Proceedings
I.R.E., Aug., 1919, and discussion.

is better understood by referring to the diagrammatic sketch of Fig. 40,

wherein the two antennae and the mutual capacity between them have
been replaced by the condensers Ct, CT, Cm.

Modulated gj -7T
high frequency cx c,

Fig. 40.—Conventional diagram of the circuit of Fig. ;

Transmitting Antenna Receiving Antenna

High Frequency

Fig. 41.—Another scheme for balancing at the local signal, by suitable coupling of the
detector circuit.

In this diagram
Ct represents the equivalent capacity to the ground of the trans
mitting antenna;
Cr represents the equivalent capacity to the ground of the receiving
Cm represents the mutual capacity between the two antennas.
It will now be noted that starting at the point D we have the following
two multiple circuits to ground: DC1BC2G and DFCmHC/J. It, there-

fore, follows that if the capacity C\ is made equal to Cm and C2 equal to

Crthe difference of potential between H and B will be zero and no current
will flow through the receiving circuit.
A third scheme belonging to class (a) is the so-called detector balance
circuit shown in Fig. 41, wherein the e.m.f.'s induced into A2 by Ai are
caused to produce a current in the circuit of A% which in turn is made to
induce e m.f.'s in the receiving circuit (1) through the action of F on H;
at the same time e.m.f.'s are induced directly
Receiving by the transmitter into the receiving circuit
by means of the coils B-D; these two sets
of e.m.f.'s should of course be made equal
and opposite.
In all of the above schemes the neutrali
zation is generally incomplete in view of the
different phases of the opposing electromotive
To class (b) belong the Infinite Impedance
and the Zero Impedance circuits illustrated
by Figs. 42 and 43. In the case of Fig. 42
the multiple circuit of L2-C2 and R may be
so adjusted that the impedance between F
and Y at the frequency of the local trans
To receiving mitter is very large and hence the local trans
circuit mitter e.m.f.'s will produce but little current
in the receiving circuit.1
Fig. 42.—In this circuit the reso On the other hand in the case of Fig. 43
nant circuit consisting of L% the circuit of C2R2L2, which is tuned to the
and Ci in parallel is adjusted local transmitter frequency, presents a very
to give very high impedance , r , ,
for the frequency of the local Iow ™pedance to currents of that frequency,
signal, thus much decreasing and, therefore, the e.m.f.'s due to the local
its effect. transmitter produce currents in the circuit
C2R2L2 rather than in C3L3, which latter
circuit is tuned to the frequency of the distant transmitter.
The " barrage receiver " invented by E. F. W. Alexanderson represents
a departure from other neutralization schemes, which is claimed to be
very effective. In this scheme the receiving antenna consists of two
horizontal antennas stretching out in opposite directions and connected
to the receiving circuit in the manner illustrated in Fig. 44. Each hori
zontal antenna consists of a single long wire (Alexanderson has used a
wire 2 miles long laid on the ground and insulated therefrom). The cir
cuits between Pi and 0\ and P2 and O2 constitute two phase changers;
these phase changers are built in the same manner as a split-phase induc-
1 For analysis of this point see Chapter I, p. 08, and Chapter IV, p. 266.
tion motor and consist in each case of two coils such as B and D, the cur
rents through which are not in time
phase due to the different power
factors of the circuit of B and that of
D; furthermore the coils B and D are
fixed in space quadrature with respect
to each other. Thus, if an alternat
ing potential difference be impressed
across the points O1P1 or O2P2 a re
volving magnetic field will be produced
by the coils BD or FK. By turning
the coils L5 or Le within the field of
the respective phase changer the phase
of the e.m.f. induced in L5 or L& is
changed, though the magnitude of this
e.m.f. remains nearly the same. If,
then, it is desired that the e.m.f.'s in
duced in the two receiving antennas
by the action of the local transmitting FlQ 43 _In ^ ^ CrRrU
antenna be neutralized, so as to pre- 0ffers a iow impedance to ground
vent them from affecting the receiving for the local signal, thus minimiz-
circuit we manipulate the phase changers i"g this signal in circuit Lt-C,
and the degree of coupling between Li
and L3 and L2 and L4 in such a manner that the e.m.f. induced in
Horizontal Receiving Antenna Horizontal Receiving Antenna

To Receiving Circuit!
Fig. 44.—Alexandereon's so-called "Barrage receiver," it is an attempt to rotating
fields as phase changers to neutralize the local signals.

L5 is exactly equal and opposite to that induced in It is ap

parent that this may be done no matter what the phases or values
of the e.m.f.'s induced in each antenna by the local transmitter may be;
again, if the e.m.f.'s due to the local transmitter are neutralized those due
to the distant transmitter are not neutralized because of the different
phases and values for each antenna and also because of the different fre-

Fig. 45.—View of the construction of the set shown in Fig. 46; the set uses the Heising
scheme of modulation, and has besides the receiving detector tube, two low-
frequency amplifying tubes, coupled by iron core inductances.

quency. In the words of the inventor such an arrangement is very effect

ive, not only for the purpose of making simultaneous radiophone trans
mission and reception possible, but also for the purpose of eliminating
interference from other stations.
Construction of Radio-telephone Sets.—At present radio-telephone
sets are made in comparatively small powers only; about 100 watts out

put represents che largest present commercial set. An idea of the arrange
ment of apparatus in a small set (output about 4 watts), may be had from
Figs. 45 and 46, which show an outfit designed for communication over

Fig. 46.—Panel view of a small radiophone set.

about 10 miles distance. A 300-volt dynamotor run from a 12-volt storage

battery furnishes power for the plate circuit; the various parts are suf
ficiently well indicated to make the cuts self-explanatory.


Simple Antennae—Mechanism of Radiation.—As already understood

an antenna consists of one or more wires, suitably arranged, by means
of which electromagnetic waves are radiated when high-frequency cur
rents are sent into the wires.
The simplest type of antenna is the one shown in Fig. 1, consisting of
two wires, BC and DF with an alternator, A, or some
other source of high-frequency power, connected in the
middle. In this arrangement one of the two wires may
be considered as the " aerial," while the other performs
the function of a " counterpoise." Both wires, in this case,
however radiate electromagnetic waves, whereas in most
arrangements the counterpoise is so arranged that it
radiates but poorly compared to the aerial proper.
The fundamental action of the alternator, as its
electromotive force varies from positive to negative and
vice versa, is to charge the wire BC positively, while, at
the same time, wire DF is charged negatively, and, later,
to reverse the charges on the two wires. It is plain that
if, say, BC is to be charged positively, electrons must be
taken from it by the alternator and transferred to some
other conductor, which, in this case, is DF. Again, when
BC is charged negatively, electrons must be taken away
from DF and transferred to BC. Hence the obvious
necessity of having electric conductors capable of storing
Fia. l.-Theoret- electricity, or conductors with a reasonable amount of
ically the aim- "capacitance," connected on both sides of the alternator,
plesttypeofan- Thus, it would not be advisable to use the arrangement
tenna, the two shown in Fig. 2, for, in this case, the storage capacity of
Inform *tne ^ would be relatively small. As pointed out in Chapter
twoplates of an tne caPacrty of such a combination (BC and DF)
open condenser, depends upon the surface of each conductor; if either of
them is made very small the capacity of the combination
(which determines how many electrons may be transferred by the action
of alternator A) approaches zero and the amount of radiation possible

also approaches zero. On the other hand, it is common practice to con

nect as shown in Fig. 3, where the ground G forms a
very good second plate of the condenser, since its surface
is very large, giving a reasonable capacity to the con
denser made up of BC for one plate and the earth for the
In order to more fully understand how energy may
be radiated in the form of electromagnetic waves by
means of an antenna, we will first go over some funda
mental principles in connection with magnetic and elec
tric fields.
An electric field is the region wherein electric forces
are manifested, and the intensity of such a field at any Fl^; 2 ~w,thout
the lower wire
point is measured by the force acting upon a unit charge the capacity of
of electricity placed at the point in question. the condenser is
Similarly, a magnetic field is the region wherein so small that the
magnetic forces are manifested, and the intensity of alternator could
such a field at any point is measured by the force acting not force an ap
preciable cur
upon a unit magnetic pole placed at the point in ques rent to flow in
tion. The lines of action of the electric or magnetic the upper wire.
forces are called electric or magnetic lines of force and
represent, at any point, the direction of the force. It is also conveni
ent to represent graphically the intensity of the electric or magnetic
field by drawing more or less lines per unit
area corresponding to a stronger or weaker
field respectively; but it must be kept
in mind that the force exists everywhere
throughout the space in which the lines
are drawn and not only at the " lines "
themselves; thus the number of lines of
force per unit area (electric or magnetic)
which might be drawn at any point is, no
matter what the intensity of the field,
infinite. In other words, while it is well
to visualize a field by means of lines, the
Pig. 3.-By connecting the lower significance of these lines should always be
end of the alternator to earth kept in mind, and it should never be for-
the semi-conducting surface of gotten that an electric field or a mag-
the earth takes the place of wire netic field is characterized by the existence
DF of Fig. 1 and enables the of forceg acting upQn an electric charge
generator to send appreciable .. , . ...
current up the wire BC. or a magnetic pole respectively, and exists
between the " lines of force " as much as
it does at the point through which one of the lines passes.

Without attempting to go into the nature of a magnetic or an electric

field we may say, however, that either field is accompanied by a strain
in the material (ether or otherwise) present in the field, and that the forces
manifested in the field may be considered as due to the elasticity of the
material under stress, in much the same way that a stretched spring will
exert a force because of the elasticity of the material tending to return
the spring to its unstressed condition. Whatever the nature of the
stresses and strains in an electric or a magnetic field, we may lay down
certain well-known facts regarding them.
1st. An electric field or a magnetic field represents a definite amount
of energy per unit volume of the field. It may be shown that this energy
is, for the case of air, given by : 1
Wm =-gjj; ergs per cu. cm (1)

W, = -5— ergs per cu. cm.

= 2,26X106 ergS per CU' Cm ®

where Wm= energy in ergs per cubic centimeter of a magnetic field;

We = energy in ergs per cubic centimeter of an electric field;
H = intensity of the magnetic field in gilberts per centimeter,
or in gausses;
V = intensity of the electric field, in e.s.u. per centimeter;
t = intensity of the electric field in volts per centimeter.
2d. A magnetic field in motion produces an electric field. This is
nothing but the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, for, the motion
of the magnetic field induces an electromotive force, which must neces
sarily produce an electric stress or field. From Faraday's law, if :
ff= intensity of magnetic field in gausses;
t = intensity of electric field in volts per centimeter;
V = velocity of magnetic field in centimeters per second;

H = VHX 10-8 (3)

3d. An electric field in motion produces a magnetic field.

H=aVt, (4)
where a =a constant of proportionality.
•See J. J. Thomson, "Elements of Electricity and Magnetism," 1904, p. 72 and
p. 268.

This action of the moving electric field is not as easily realized as is

that action by which a moving magnetic field generates an electric field.
Every revolving field alterna
tor furnishes evidence of the
latter effect. A revolving field
(depicted in Fig. 4) generates
an e.m.f. in one of the arma
ture conductors, shown at M;
one end of the conductor, a,
becomes + and the other be
comes — , this polarity revers
ing when a south pole takes
the place of the north pole
active in Fig. 4. Fig. 4.—The poles of the revolving field induce
The point to be empha an e.m.f. in the armature conductor M; it is
important to note that the moving magnetic
sized here is this—between field will produce a difference of potential
the two points a and b (in (hence an electric field) between points a and
the diagram located at the 6 whether the conductor M is there or not.
terminals of conductor M)
the moving magnetic field produces a difference of electric potential or
e.m.f. whether the conductor M is there or not.
The reciprocal relation,—a moving electric field producing a magnetic
field—is not so well
brought out in the action
of ordinary electric ma
chinery even through it
is really the basis of
every electromagnetic
field. To illustrate the
action let us imagine a
gun shooting electrons
at high speed, one fol
lowing another rapidly
Gun shooting in the same path, indi
negative charges
cated in Fig. 5. Each
Fio. 5.—A stream of electrons shot from a gun is
equivalent to an electric current and hence will pro of these electrons will
duce a magnetic field at any point A ; this magnetic carry with it its electric
field is really caused by the moving electric fields of the field and so at any point
electrons. Arrow heads pointing away from the elec in space near the stream
trons indicate direction of motion. of moving electrons (A—
Fig. 5) there will exist
a moving electrostatic field. But we know that there will be at A a
magnetic field (at right angles to the stream of electrons and also to the

direction of the electric field) because this stream of electrons is really an

electric current, the magnitude of current depending upon the number
of electrons passing a given point per second. Thus if there were 6.29 X 1018
electrons passing a
given point in one
second, the stream
Compass of electrons would
be equivalent to
Arrows Indicate tendency one ampere of cur
for needle to turn i rent.
move* by
Upon exact anal
Motion ysis it will be found
that the magnetic
Fio. 6.—A compass needle, pivoted so that it is free to swing field at A, whether
in the horizontal plane, will tend to set itself at right angles
to the motion of the electric field as long as the electric field calculated from the
is moving past it, thus demonstrating the fact that a moving well-known law of
electric field generates a magnetic field, at right angles to magnetic field sur-
itself and to its motion. rounding a conduc
tor carrying cur
rent, or from the relation given in Eq. (4), has the same value.
To illustrate this point by another simple experiment (easier to con
ceive than to carry out, however), we suppose two metal plates, A and
B, Fig. 6, charged so that there
is an electrostatic field between
them as indicated. Suppose a
compass needle, oriented in the
same direction as the motion of
the plates, is so placed that it
is situated in the electric field
as the plates move by. A
magnetic force will act on the
compass needle tending to make
it place itself at right angles to
the position shown in the dia
gram, so long as the electric
field is moving past, thus de Fio. 7.—A toroidal coil is a good illustration of
monstrating the presence of a a closed magnetic field.
magnetic field as long as the electric field is moving past.
If, now, we consider a toroid such as that represented by Fig. 7 the
magnetic field produced by it, when carrying a current, will be practically
limited to the space within the toroid,1 which space is not far removed
1 This statement is not strictly true, because there is actually some magnetic field
outside of the toroid as long as the current is changing. As this is an extremely small

from the conductors of the toroid. It is plain that if the current is reduced
to zero the field collapses and in so doing it moves with respect to the
conductors on the toroid and induces an electromotive force therein,
thus producing an electric
field. In this case, since the /
magnetic field is very near Pi
to the conductors, the mo @nnnn mam®
tion of all of the magnetic
field with respect to the con
ductors takes place at the Fia. 8.—Two closely adjacent charged plates illus
same time, all of the energy trate well a closed electric field.
given to the field is returned
to the circuit, and no phenomena take place other than the well-known
one of electromagnetic induction.
Similarly Fig. 8 represents the two plates Pi and P2 of a condenser.
The charging of the condenser produces an electric field, which is limited
practically to the space between the plates. If the condenser plates are
short - circuited,
the electric field
will collapse and
here, as in the
case of the to
roid, since the
electric field is
very close to the
plates, practically
all of the energy
in the field will
be returned to
the circuit.
x 'r " b- /^-r' If, on the
Electee lines Magnetic \\ne%," other hand, we
study the case
Fio. 9.—A pair of wires disposed as shown here, excited by a high
frequency alternator, illustrates what are called open magnetic and of changing mag
electric fields; these fields reach out (with appreciable strength) netic and elec
to distances greater than the dimensions of the circuit itself. tric fields which
are distributed
to comparatively great distances away from the seat of these fields,
we meet with a new phenomenon, i.e., radiation of electromagnetic
waves. Thus, consider the case of the two conductors of Fig. 9, to
which there is connected the high-frequency alternator A. The voltage
part of the total magnetic field, however, it may generally be neglected without much

of the alternator is rapidly changing, and hence the charges on the

conductors BC and DF are changing both in value and in sign; the
result is that a rapidly changing current is flowing through the wires, and
the potential difference between the wires is also rapidly changing. In
view of the above the conductors are producing a rapidly changing
magnetic field, the lines of force of which are circles concentric
with the wires and having planes perpendicular to the wires, and, in
addition, a rapidly varying electric field, the lines of force of which are
somewhat as shown in the figure.
It is evident at first sight that this case is altogether different from
'that of either the toroid or the two-plate condenser, for, while in the latter
the field (either magnetic or electric) was existent only (at least practically)
in a small space near the seat of the fields and all of it could quickly
return its energy to the electric circuit, in the case of the antenna both
the electric and magnetic fields extend outward in all directions and to
distances as great, or greater, than the dimensions of the oscillating system.
It is plain, then, that here we must consider the time necessary for the
field to reach a certain point.
It is a matter of common knowledge that a disturbance or change of
either an electric or a magnetic field travels through air or vacuum with
the velocity of light. Consider then a point such as P at a distance d
from the antenna, and, for the sake of simplicity, in the equatorial plane.
Let f = frequency of alternator in cycles per second;
X = wave-length in cms.
We will first confine our attention to the electric field. Assume that
the potential difference between the wires is on the point of starting from
zero towards a maximum positive value and, therefore, the electric field
is on the point of doing the same. The electric field at P will follow the
variations of the potential difference between the wires, except that
the variations at P will take place later, on account of the appreciable
time necessary for the strain in the medium to travel the distance d. The
line of action of the field at P will be vertical and represented by the fine
i_ in Fig. 9. We must not fail to remember at this point that an electric
field means energy and therefore a certain amount of energy per cubic
centimeter is present at the point P (due to the electric field) and the
value of this energy is growing.
At some time, depending upon the frequency, the potential difference
across the wires will reach a maximum and begin to diminish; and this
will be followed, though at a definite time interval, by corresponding
changes in the electric field at the point P, which will reach a maximum
and then diminish. Since the electric field about the conductors is
now decreasing it follows that the energy present in this field must be

nven back to the conductors, where it will appear as energy associated

;vith the magnetic field set up by the current caused by the collapsing
electric field. It is evident then, that the energy which had at first moved
rom the oscillator out towards P must now return towards the con-
iuctors. However, not all of the energy given to the electric field at
he point P and beyond will reach the conductors before the potential
iifference across them begins to build up in the opposite direction, thus
igain sending out energy, in the form of an electric field, in the opposite
lirection. There is then left 1 at the point P a certain amount of energy
a the form of an electric field in the direction indicated by Fig. 9, and
his energy is unable to return to the conductors since they are already
ending out more energy in the form of an electric field in the opposite
lirection to that of t, Fig. 9.
The energy left at P or at any other point in the field cannot remain
tationary, but must travel outward. This, however, could not happen
,'ere it not that, at the same time and for the same reason that a certain
mount of energy is left detached at any point in the form of an electric
eld, an equal amount of energy in the form of a magnetic field, acting
i a horizontal direction as shown by H, Fig. 9, also remains at each point,
'hese two energies, moving outward with the velocity of light, can now
istain each other and are completely independent of the conductors
herefrom they issued. For, it must be here remembered that, as pointed
ut on p. 697, a moving electric field produces a magnetic field and vice
ersa. That the energies of the two fields must be equal at all points
nd times follows from the fact that, if one were larger than the other,
le difference could not exist by itself while moving in space; 2 for, in so
oing, it would produce the other type of energy, hence it would either
ave one-half of itself transformed into the other type of energy, both
f which would continue to move together, or else it would be absorbed
y the medium or some conductor in the path.
In the brief discussion given above we have considered energy in the
irm of a varying electric field acting in a certain direction to be detached
om the antenna; but, of course, in a similar manner energy is also
Jtached in the form of an electric field acting in the opposite direction,
» that the electric field, equivalent to the energy which is detached from
le antenna, is, at any point, varying continually in value and direction
milarly to the antenna current. If this is harmonic the variation of
ie detached field will at any point be harmonic. Furthermore, since

1 In trying to picture radiation in this elementary fashion, statements are neces-

rily made which will appear, to the mathematical physicist, rather crude and arti-
* This same idea holds good for water waves also; when the two types of energy
sociated with the wave become unequal the wave "breaks."

it takes time for the field to travel any distance, it follows that the phase
of the field will be different at each point; in other words we shall, as
already outlined in Chapter III, have a wave constituting an electro
magnetic disturbance in the medium, so that while at a certain instant
of time the electric field in a certain portion of the space may be repre
sented by (a) Fig. 10, the maximum intensities occurring at 1, 2, 3, a little
later the electric field will appear as at (6), the maximum intensity now
occurring at 1', 2', 3', and the wave of electric disturbance having traveled
the distance from 1 to 1'. The above also applies to the magnetic field,

Electiic field

Direction of motion of wave

1 2

Fia. 10.—Electric and magnetic fields associated with a wave of radiation at two suc
cessive instants of time; magnetic field c occurs with electric field a, dense magnetic
field occurring where dense electric field is and vice versa—The magnetic and electric
fields are in time phase and space quadrature,

the latter acting in a direction perpendicular to the electric field, and

both moving together in a direction perpendicular to both. Thus, at a
certain instant the magnetic field in the portion of the space for which the
electric field is given in Fig. 10 (a) and (b) will be represented by (c) and
(d) Fig. 10, which will correspond to (a) and (6) respectively. Since,
as already stated, a moving electric field produces a magnetic field propor
tional to its own intensity, and vice versa, it follows that the intensities
of the two fields are in time phase, though in space quadrature.
From p. 696 we have
l = rax lo-8 (3)
H =aVt (4)

Since in the case under discussion the electric field is produced by the
motion of the magnetic field and the latter is produced by the motion
of the electric field, it follows that the H and £. of Eq. (3) are the same
as the H and E- of Eq. (4), and may be substituted therein. Thus, from (3)

H =yXl08,
and substituting in (4) /

or o-^,

and of course the second equation becomes the same as the first, i.e.,

or i = VHXW-8.
In our case V, the velocity of magnetic field and of the electric field, is
the velocity of light; since the velocity of light is 3X1010 cms. per sec.
we may substitute this in Eq. (3) and thus obtain
t =300 # (5)
From this relation we conclude that a magnetic field, of intensity
represented by one gauss, when moving with the velocity of light, gener
ates an electric field, at right angles to itself and to the motion, of the
intensity of 300 volts per centimeter.
From our brief qualitative consideration of the phenomena around
an antenna carrying an alternating current it follows that we may consider
the space about an antenna as occupied by two components of electric
and magnetic fields. One of these is continually moving backwards and
forwards from the antenna, so that energy is alternately given to it by
the antenna and returned by it to the antenna. Because of this back
wards and forwards motion the average displacement of this component
of either field is zero, and may therefore be known as the " stationary "
component, also known as the " induction " field; it is this component
with which students of electrical engineering are more familiar, in so far
as it is this which produces the well-known phenomena of induction
(either magnetic or electrostatic).
The other component of either field is the one which, once having
left the antenna, is prevented from returning to it and is thereafter urged
away from the antenna and continually travels outward from this with
the velocity of light. This component, while fundamentally of the same
nature as the stationary component, it is yet very different in so far as

it is completely detached from the antenna. It is known as the " radia

tion " field and represents energy which is transferred by the antenna
to the medium around it, which energy is never again returned to the
antenna. At any given point in space the induction fields (magnetic
and electric) are out of time phase by 90°; at the instant one of them is
a maximum the other is zero. The two components of the radiation
field, on the other hand, are in time phase with one another; at a given
point in space the two components rise and fall simultaneously.
Both of the above types of the fields, i.e., induction and radiation
exist at any point at any distance from the antenna; but at points near
it the induction field is much greater than the radiation field, while at
points far away from the antenna the radiation field is so much greater than
the induction field that the latter may be said not to exist. The reason
for this is that the amplitude of the induction field at any point varies
inversely as the square of the distance while that of the radiation field
varies inversely as the first power of the distance.1 Thus any effects
of the field near the antenna are mostly due to the induction field, while
at great distances from the antenna they are mostly, and practically
wholly, due to the radiated field. Hereafter when speaking of the field
about an antenna we will, unless otherwise specified, mean to refer to
the radiation field, since this is the one by means of which intelligence
is transmitted to great distances without wires.
The radiation component of the field is most important when the
currents in the antenna are of high frequency; but it must not be under
stood that no radiation component exists at low frequencies; for a radi
ation component exists at any and all frequencies. Since, however, the
very reason for the existence of such a component is to be found in the
inability of the energy given to a rapidly changing field to return in its
entirety to the circuit giving out the energy, it follows that, for slowly
changing fields, this effect is negligible, and hence the radiation field is
practically non-existent and is never considered in low-frequency circuits.
It must not be concluded, as a result of the foregoing elementary
analysis, that there are actually two different fields to be considered, one
induction and one radiation. At any point in space in the neighborhood
of a radiating system, the magnetic and electric fields both go through
harmonic variations. Close to the radiator these two fields are both of
intense amplitude (comparatively) and they are very nearly 90° out
of time phase; as the distance from the oscillator increases both of these
fields fall off in intensity and with increasing distance the phase difference
is diminished until at very great distances (perhaps a wave-length from
the radiator) the electric and magnetic field arc in phase.
1 See " Principles of Radio Transmission and Reception with Antenna and Coil
Aerials," by J. H. Dellinger. Proceedings A. I. E. E., October, 1919.

This point is illustrated in Fig. 11; in (a) are shown the magnitudes
of the actual electric and magnetic fields at various distances from the
radiator (points supposed in the equatorial plane) and in (6) and (c) are
shown the induction and radiation components of the actual field. The
electric and magnetic fields are, for all conditions, in space quadrature (i.e.,
at right angles with one another) but the time phase between the two
fields varies as indicated in the diagram.

Actual fields, at first decreasing rapidly with distance, and
then more slowly, time phase between E and^H decrease*
from nearly 90°at (1) to 0°at (5)

Js Jt M
Induction fields decreasing rapidly with distance, time
phase between E and H for all points -90°

J2 Js J* J' .
< *H H H
Radiation fields decreasing slowly with distance, time,
phase between E and H for all points — 0°
, *■ Increasing distance from antenna
Fig. 11.—Actual electric and magnetic fields at different points in the vicinity of an
antenna shown in a; these actual fields decrease in magnitude with distance from
the antenna and at the same time come more nearly into time phase. The compo
nents of the fields which are 90° out of phase (in time) are called the induction
fields, shown at 6 while the components which are in time phase with each other
constitute the radiation fields, the latter decrease with the first power of the dis
tance while the former decrease with the second power of the distance.

The above discussion has been given on the basis of the antenna and
counterpoise represented by Fig. 1, but it applies equally well no matter
what the counterpoise and no matter what the nature of the source which
produces alternating currents in the antenna.
Radiated Field at any Distance from Antenna.—Before taking this
up we will discuss very briefly the distribution of the current in an aerial.
In the case of the aerial shown in Fig. 12 it is plain that, since the current
in the wire CD flows only to charge the capacity of the wire, the effective

value of the current at C will be a maximum and at D it will be zero,

for the current at C represents the electricity flowing through that point
which goes to charge the rest of the wire, while at the
point D no electricity whatever flows, since there is
nothing to which it can flow.
On the other hand, if a metallic plate or a system
of conductors be arranged at the end of the wire CD,
as at FG, Fig. 13, and if FG has a very large capacity
as compared with that of CD, it is plain that the effect
ive value of the current at D will then be only slightly
1 ^ smaller than that at C, since the current at D must be
Fig. 12.—A simple sucn 88 *° charge the large capacity FG. Under such
vertical wire- conditions the effective values of the current in all parts
grounded antenna, of the vertical wire of the antenna will be sensibly equal
and will be considered as such in the following dis
cussion. Consider then, the aerial as represented in Fig. 14 where the
counterpoise is represented by a horizontal system of conductors, F'G',
laid near the ground but insulated therefrom, being in every way similar
to the system of conductors at the
top of aerial FG. The current in
the vertical part of the aerial CD
will be assumed to have the same
effective value throughout, so that at
every point of CD we will have for
the equation of the current:
t = Im sin wt,
t = instantaneous value of aerial
current in amperes;
Im = maximum value of aerial cur Fig. 13.—If the antenna has a consider
rent in amperes; able network of wires above the current
to = angular velocity of current in wire CD will be nearly the same in
amplitude at all points of the wire.
vector in radians /sec;
t =time in seconds.
Under these conditions it may be shown that the radiation component
of the magnetic field, at any point in the equatorial plane of the aerial,
is given by: 1

A = -TrjfeC0SwK) ®

1 The normal development of the equation of radiation field requires more mathe
matical background than the average radio engineer possesses and it is not thought well
to introduce it here; a short analysis of the problem is given in Berg's "Electrical

where h = instantaneous value of magnetic field in gausses;

{= height of antenna in centimeters;
V = velocity of light in centimeters per second;
d= distance of point in question from antenna in centi
The above equation shows that the radiation magnetic field is a function
similar to the antenna current (in this case a harmonic function), and that

t—;Im sin wt

- Eqrartorial plane-


Fig. 14.—With uniform current in wire CD the magnetic field due to this current, is
given as above.

the phase angle is different for points at different distances since this angle
is equal to to y. Substituting u=2irf and V = X/ we have:

phase angle (X being measured in cm.),

whence, Eq. (6) becomes:

Since the " radiation " component of the electric fields bears a fixed rela-
to the " radiation " component of the magnetic field as given by Eq. (5),
we may write:
600W/m / ( 2tt(A
e = 300A = cos (««-—j , (8)

where e = instantaneous value of electric field in volts per centi


From Eqs. (7) and (8) we obtain the effective values of the radiation com
ponents of the two fields. Thus, if :
Engineering, Advanced Course," p. 278 et seq. Eq. (20), p. 289, of that volume is
the same as the Eq. (6) given above, it being noted that Berg has used h to signify
one-half the length of the oscillator.

H = effective value of magnetic field in gausses;

£.= effective value of electric field in volts per centimeter,

H= (9)
where I = effective value of the current in aerial, in amperes.

Eqs. (9) and (10) show that the effective value of either field varies
directly with the effective value of current in the aerial and with the height
of the aerial and inversely as the wave-length and distance from the aerial.
Now consider the case represented by a loop of wire as shown in Fig.
15. Assume, similarly to the previous case, that the capacity of the con-

Fia. 15.—In the case of a coil antenna the magnetic field at P is calculated by adding the
two fields due to CD and FG, it being noted that the currents are opposite in direc

denser, P1-P2, is so large as compared with the distributed capacity

of the loop CDGF that the latter has the same effective value of current
throughout its length.
Consider the magnetic field at a point P at a distance d from vertical
wire CD and a distance s+d from vertical wire GF. Assume the positive
direction of current to be as shown by the arrows. Then the field at P
must be equal to the difference of the field due to CD and that due to FG.
Let h = instantaneous value of magnetic field at P due to CD;
hi = instantaneous value of magnetic field at P due to FG.
Then, from Eq. (7) we have
, 2xifu
h=— cos K¥) ■ <»>
h2 = -

It will be noted that the amplitude of these two fields is practically the
same, since, for great distances, d is practically equal to d+s, but the
phases of the fields are different by the amount
1 2ts ,.
7r —— radians.
The resultant field (h) is given by:
, ... 2wllm /, 27rd\ 2rfZ, / 2*(d+s)\
A=/ll+/l2 = __— Cos ^__j+iox(d+8)Coa («< —j-

-($&*!) *(-tK)) <13»

From which the effective values of the resultant magnetic and electric
fields are given by
4vll . TT8
//=Ioxdsmx (14)

^=-ioxrsinx (15)

OC-2xOD = 2 OA »in^=2^^ sin ^

X lOXd X
^ - ^ _4irtl
-wxJ "nT. o

„ — T OAVfield at P due to CD
0 ^ t 0g, .. .. «. .. .. FG
_ 8 OC=re8ultant field, obtained
/X ^ adding (vectorially) OB'
to OA

Fig. 16.—The field due to wire CD is shown by vector OA ; that due to FG is shown by
OB' nearly 180° out of phase with OH. The actual field is obtained by adding
vectorially OB' and OH, it being noted that they differ in phase by ^r— .

The vector addition of Hi and H2 by which Eq. (14) is obtained is

shown in Fig. 16. These equations show that the effective value of the
resultant field is equal to twice that due to either wire multiplied by the
sine of an angle which varies with the distance between the two wires.
Thus if s = X
sin -=sin 7r=0

and if s

It may then be seen that if the distance between the two wires of the
loop is exactly equal to one wave-length, the resultant field at all points in
the plane of the loop is zero, while if the distance between the two wires is
o one-half a wave-length the resultant
field in the plane of the loop is equal
•Y to twice that of one wire. In other
words the resultant at any one point
Ml is due to fields of the same amplitude
but different phase, the latter depend
Fiq. 17.—At a point Y in the equatorial ing upon the distance between the
plane of the coil, equidistant from
both wires C-D and FG the radiation wires, since in one case the field has to
field is zero. travel a greater distance than in the
case of the other wire. Thus, if the
two wires were close together the resultant field at any point would be
Again, if a point be chosen such as Y, Fig. 17, in a plane perpendicular

Fia. 18.—The distribution of radiation field in the equatorial plane of a coil antenna.

to the plane of the loop and equidistant from both wires, it is plain that
the fields at Y due to either CD or FG must be 180° out of phase, since
they have to travel the same distance, and the result is that the resultant

field at Y is zero. For points other than those such as point Y of Fig.
17 and point P- of Fig. 15 the
maximum value of the field for
a certain distance from the aerial
varies from zero at Y to a maxi High frequency alternator
mum at P.
If a curve were plotted to 1*ouIsen arc
polar coordinates, showing the Tube oscillator
effective values of the magnetic
field intensity at all the points
around the circumference of a 19 —Excitation of antenna by magnetic
circle having the loop as a center, coupling to generator,
we would obtain a diagram as
shown in Fig. 18, the intensity of the field at any point P along the cir
cumference PQR being represented by the line Oa. It may be easily
shown that the intensity of the field
varies harmonically from zero at points
R and R' to maxima at points T and 7",
and, therefore, the curves OBC and ODF
should be circles with a diameter equal
Audio to the intensity of the field in the direc
frequency tion 7*7". Such a loop will, then, radi
ate most energy in the direction T 7" in
the plane of the coil and practically
Fia. 20.—Simplest schemes for spark none m the direction RR'.
telegraphy excitation. Methods of Producing Current in
the Antenna.—So far we have dis
cussed simple antennae energized by means of an alternator placed directly
in series with the aerial; but it has already been stated that an antenna
may be energized by means
other than this one. Thus
the diagrams of Figs. 19, 20,
and 21 give various methods
of energizing the antenna,
all of which methods have
already been studied. Fig.
19 shows the alternator in
ductively coupled to the
antenna circuit, instead of Fig. 21.—Ordinary scheme of excitation for spark
having the alternator directly telegraphy.
in the antenna circuit. This
has the advantage of eliminating some of the harmonics of the alter
nator, so that the current in the antenna is now nearby harmonic. It

is to be noted that instead of a high-frequency alternator, a tube gen

erator or a Poulsen arc may be used, and, in every case the antenna
current will be nearly harmonic and undamped.
On the other hand, the arrangements of Figs. 20 and 21 are meant
to produce trains of damped currents in the antenna. In Fig. 20 the

Umbrella type
Fia. 22.—Umbrella antenna.

spark gap is directly in the antenna, while in Fig. 21 the spark gap is
placed in the so-called closed oscillating circuit. The disadvantage of
placing the spark gap directly in the antenna is due to the fact that such
a gap has considerable resistance, especially in the case of high-power,
high-voltage sets where the gap distance must be large, and when so used
will make the decrement of the antenna proper very high, which is

"T" type

Fig. 23.—Antenna of the T type.

objectionable. Hence, with very few exceptions, i.e., low-power sets,

all modern sets place the spark gap in the closed oscillating circuit, instead
of in the antenna.
The methods outlined above are only typical, and there are several
other ways of energizing the antenna, which have already been taken up
in Chapters III, VI and VIII.

Various Types of Antennae.—It was stated on p. 706 that if a single

vertical wire be used for antenna the effective value of current at the base
of the wire will be maximum, while at the top it will be zero. Since, the
intensity of the field radiated by an antenna is directly proportional to
the current therein (on the basis of a constant current throughout the

Fig. 24.—Antenna of the inverted L type.

antenna) it is plain that a single vertical wire with non-uniform current

will not radiate as well as if it had a capacity at the top end, when the cur
rent would be more nearly uniform, and also larger, for a given voltage
impressed by the power source. Such a capacity is used at the top end
of an antenna in actual practice, the capacity being in the form of wires
stretching outward from the antenna proper. Depending on how these
wires are arranged we have sev
eral types of antennas, known as:
umbrella, T-type, inverted L-
type, " Fan or Harp " type,
" Multiple-tuned " type, " Coil " FAN TYPE
These various types are shown
in the conventional diagrams of
Figs. 22-27, respectively.
The characteristics of these
various types of antennas will
now be discussed.
Fig. 25.—Fan or harp antenna.
Umbrella Type.—Since the top
wires are symmetrically arranged
all around the central radiator it is easily inferred that at a given distance
from the aerial the intensity of the held all around the radiator is the
same, that is, the curve of distribution of field intensity around the radiator
should be a circle. It must be noted that, while in the case of a single
wire or of a Hertzian double for a radiator, vertical wires only are used
to radiate energy, in the umbrella type aerial the inclined top wires radiate

a certain amount of energy in the direction perpendicular to the wires

themselves. Thus, while in the former case we would likely find the
intensity of the field directly over the top of the antenna practically nil,
in the latter case (the umbrella an
tenna) the field directly over the
top would be of considerable strength
and is successfully used to signal to
aeroplanes, even though they be di
rectly over the antenna.
On the other hand, the top spread
ers subtract, to a certain extent,
from the radiating ability of the
central vertical wire, for the follow
ing reason. We have already stated
that the ability of the vertical wire
or wires as a radiator of energy
COIL TYPE depends upon the fact that in view
of its very configuration it is
Fia. 26.—Coil antenna. capable of setting up a field, mag
netic and electric, which extends
to very great distances from the wire and is not mainly confined to
a space near the wire; thus we have seen that in the case of the
two-plate condenser of Fig. 8 the energy stored in the electric field
is mainly in the space between the plates, which constitute a " closed
electric circuit." If
we were to imagine
an umbrella aerial
with a very large
number of spreaders
reaching nearly to
ground, as shown in
Fig. 28, it is plain
that these spreaders
would act like one
plate, and the ground
like the other plate,
of a closed electric Multiple tuned antenna
circuit, and practi Fig. 27.—Multiple-tuned antenna.
cally no energy could
then be radiated because the electric field of the antenna would, for
the most part, be confined in the space under the spreaders, and
there would be little likelihood of any energy being detached from the
antenna. The radiation from such an arrangement would of course

Umbrella antenna with electric

field nearlj' "closed"
Poor radiator

Fig. 28.—Umbrella antenna of this form is a poor radiator; the spreaders come to low.

be very small. In an actual umbrella-type antenna the spreaders do

not reach to anywhere near ground, hence they do not seriously interfere
with the radiation though they do so to a certain
Another reason for the spreaders interfering
with radiation is to be found in the fact that, at
any time, the direction of the current flowing
through the vertical wire is opposite to that flow
ing in the spreaders; that is, if the current in the
vertical wire is upward that in the spreaders is
downward. In the extreme case where the spread
ers might be considered as being close to the ver
tical wire, as in Fig. 29, the portion of the vertical
wire A B would be seriously limited in its radiating
action, since the action of the current in the vertical
wire is opposed by that of the spreaders.
However, the total interference of the spreaders
with radiation from the vertical wire is less than
what they contribute towards increasing the radia Fig.29—If the spread
tion through causing a more uniform current and, er wires are brought
down very close to
for the same voltage, a larger current, to flow through the antenna proper
the vertical wire. Several large antennae of this the radiation is prac
type have been used for long distance transmission. tically zero.
In the smaller sizes they are very convenient
for portable sets where the spreaders, anchored through insulating
clamps to the ground, serve the purpose of holding the central sup-

port, in addition to increasing the capacity at the top end of the

vertical wire.
The effect of the spreaders may be looked upon as if the height of the
vertical wire had been diminished and it may be shown that the " effective
height " of an umbrella antenna is aproximately given by

where -' h = effective height;

hi and /12 =the heights as represented in Fig. 22.

Fig. 30 shows the arrangement of spreaders, vertical wire and vertical

support, insulation, etc., for a small umbrella aerial, where aaabbb repre
sent insulators and cd the vertical radiating wire. The spreaders are
generally made long enough to extend about two-thirds the length of the
mast. A large piece of wire netting (called a ground mat) may serve
as a counterpoise for the oscillating system.
"T" Type.—Since the top wires are on this type unsymmetrically
arranged, i.e., extending outward from the vertical wire in two directions
only, it would seem at first as if the field produced by such an aerial would
not be quite the same all around the antenna. This is probably the case
at comparatively short distances from the aerial, but it is not found to
be so at large distances away, in view of the tendency of the field to become
uniform as it spreads out in all directions away from the aerial.
Here, as in the case of the umbrella type, some energy is also radiated
in a direction directly above the antenna. Antenna; of this type are very
widely used on shipboard where the flat top is easily suspended between
two masts; also for portable sets an aerial of this type is easily suspended
between two trees.
Inverted "L" Type.—The main difference between this type and the
" T " type is that the "L" type has a more pronounced directional effect,
that is, it is capable of producing a greater intensity of radiation in one
direction than in any other. This action, in the case of the "L" antenna,
is not yet very fully understood and it is by some stated to be too small
to actually claim for this type of antenna directional ability. However,
this type of antenna is used by the Marconi Co. for the large transatlantic
stations and has actually been found to develop, even at considerable
distance from it, a field stronger in the direction of the arrow Fig. 31 than
in any other. This effect depends especially upon the length of the flat
top, BC, as compared with the vertical wire A B. The longer BC is made
relative to AB the greater seems to be the directional effect of the antenna.
It is probable that this is due to an interfering action of some sort, between

the currents in the vertical and horizontal portions of the antenna, which
occurs on one side of the antenna to a much greater extent than on the
other. This would, of course, take place to a greater extent the larger

the horizontal portion of the aerial relative to the vertical portion. The
Clifden station of the Marconi Co. has a vertical portion about 60 meters
high and a horizontal portion about 2000 meters long; it is said to have
a large directional effect. In " L" type aerials as used on board ships,
however, the horizontal portion is never very much longer than the verti

cal portion and it is doubtful if in this case any appreciable directions:

effect is present, even at short distances from the aerial.
A directional effect is noted in the case of aeroplanes carrying a long
vertical wire weighted at one end and dangling beneath the aeropk»
C ^ proper; thiswire.
when the aero
plane is in flight
Inverted"IT is directive Maximum bends somewhat
rudiatiou as shown in Fig.
32 and verymuch
in the form of
an inverted " L"
aerial. The
Fig. 31.—An inverted L antenna is somewhat directional giving greatest field in-
maximum radiation in the direction shown above. tensity IS in the
direction of flight
or away from the horizontal portion of the aerial; in this case the
framework of the plane is the counterpoise.
Not only are " inverted L" aerials used in large transatlantic stations
but they are also favorites on board ships, where they are as easily installed
as the " T " type. They are also widely used for small stations and by
amateurs. As
regards their use
on board ships
it is customary
to install them
where the dis
tance between
the masts does
not exceed about
30 meters; for
over 30 meters
the " T " type is
"Fan Type"
Aerial.—In this Fig. 32.—An aeroplane antenna is directional, sending out
case a large num power in the direction of flight.
ber of vertical or
nearly vertical wires in multiple are used, the top ends of these wires
being perhaps free, that is not connected electrically to any other wires.
In such an arrangement the effective value of the current at the base of
each wire is a maximum while it is zero at the top, or, in other words the
current distribution is very far from uniform, and in this respect the

arrangement is objectionable. On the other hand, the capacitance of

the aerial is very large, in view of the capacitance of so many wires con
nected in multiple; in fact the whole arrangement may be thought of as
a single wire having a capacity equal to that of all the wires. The current
through the combination of all the wires may, because of the large capacity,
be made very large without excessively high voltages. Another advantage
of this type of aerial as compared with the others previously discussed
is that there are no horizontal or inclined wires to interfere with the radi
ation from the vertical wire. As a matter of fact such an arrangement
is considered one of the best and most efficient radiators. In spite of
this, however, the fan type is not very widely used because of the dif
ficulty of installing it, especially in the case of ships where such a multi
tude of vertical wires would be in the way of some of the projecting parts
of the ship.
"Multiple Tuned " Type.—This type is of recent conception and has
been used for the New Brunswick, N. J., station. It consists, as shown
in the diagram Fig. 27, of a horizontal top similar to the top of " T "
antenna, fed at one end by means of the alternator A connected in series
with the tuning inductance L\, and the vertical wire B\Ci, and in addition
of a number of vertical wires attached to the horizontal top at suitable
points and each separately connected to ground through a tuning induc
tance. The result of this is that each of the vertical wires acts as a vertical
antenna, the whole arrrangement constituting a number of vertical anten
nae connected in multiple, and hence radiating as if they were a single
antenna. The advantage lies in the fact that, since each vertical wire
is independently connected to ground, it follows that all the ground resist
ances are connected in multiple, and hence the total ground resistance is
very much less than would be found to be the case with any other type
of antenna of the same power capacity, thus giving a very high efficiency.1
Of course it is hardly necessary to mention that the phases of the
currents must be adjusted so that all the vertical wires will be radiating
in phase with one another in order to obtain maximum radiation; the
tuning coils Li,L2, . . . Lb are used for the purpose of making this adjust
On the other hand, if the vertical wires be suitably spaced and if, in
addition, the phases of their currents be suitably adjusted it is said to be
possible by means of this type of antenna to obtain greater radiation in
one direction than in another thus producing directional transmission.

1 It must be pointed out here that the radiation resistance of each vertical wire of
the multiple-tuned antenna cannot be calculated as though the wire stood alone, using
e.g. Eq. (21), p. 737. The presence of the other vertical wires, also carrying current,
will affect this radiation resistance, the amount of this effect depending upon the prox
imity of the various vertical wires, and upon the relative phases of their currents.

Thus, in the case of the multiple-tuned antenna the intensity of the radiated
field at any point is the resultant of the fields due to each of the vertical
wires and, if suitably designed and adjusted, the resultant field in certain
directions may be made a minimum and in others a maximum, thus pro
ducing a directional effect.1
An elementary analysis shows the normal operation of this antenna to
be but slightly directive, the maximum radiation taking place at right
angles to the length of the antenna. If directive radiation is obtained by
phase shifting in the different vertical wires, the radiation resistance of
the antenna as a whole falls to a small fraction of its normal value.
" Coil Antenna."—This has already been discussed on p. 708, where
it was shown that such an aerial has a very decided directional effect,
and that the intensity of the field in the plane of the coil, where it is a
maximum, is a function of the distance between the two vertical sides
of the coil and is greatest when this distance is equal to one-half a wave
length. A comparison may here be made of the single vertical wire
with uniform current throughout and of the coil antenna with uniform
current throughout. Thus, from Eqs. (9) and (14) on pp. 708-709 for
the effective values of the intensity of the magnetic field at any distance
from antenna we have:

u ioxd w

for single wire

„ MI . ts . .
H = wxdamT (14)

for coil of one turn. Of course, if the coil aerial has more turns' than
one the intensity of the field is directly proportional to the number of turns,
provided that the current is uniform throughout.
If N = number of turns

H=-roxdsinT (14a)

for coil of N turns.

If I, I, X, and d are the same for the two types of antennas we may
obtain the ratio of the magnetic fields due to the coil and to the single
wire by dividing (14a) by (9). Thus,
'See paper by E. F. W. Alexanderson, "Transatlantic Radio Communication,"
A. I. E. E., Proceedings, Oct., 1919. In reading this paper the student should bear
in mind that the quantitative results predicted (magnitudes of currents, etc ) do not
hold good for the transient state which, in an antenna of this kind, may be a large frac
tion of the duration of a "dot."

Ratio of field of coil to that of single wire

= 2N sin —.
In order to make the two fields the same we must have
. ITS 1

or s =- sin -l .
7T 2JV
Below is given a table showing the value of s for different values of N.

Distance between sides of a coil aerial of the same height as a
corresponding single vertical wire aerial necessary to make the
fields from the two aerials alike.

N 8
1 0.17 X
2 0 .08 X
3 0.053 X
5 0.032 X
10 0.016 X
100 0 0016 X

It is understood that the coil aerial field has, in the above discussion,
been considered which exists in the plane of the coil, i.e., the plane of
maximum field intensity. The above table shows that for a single turn
coil aerial the width must be as large as 0.17X in order for it to have an
effect equivalent to that of a single wire of the same height. But with
a larger N the width may be made much smaller, so that with a 100
turns the width need only be a few meters, even with large wave-lengths.
However, with a large number of turns the question of the capacity
between turns and the effective resistance of the coil plays an important
If the capacity from turn to turn is large (i.e., the turns close together)
the current will not be uniform throughout, and, furthermore, the phase
of the current at every point will be different, a condition which is not
conducive to best results as regards radiation. Hence the turns should
be separated by a considerable distance from one another. This may be
stated by saying that the capacity of the coil itself should be such
as to make the fundamental wave-length of the coil no larger than

about one-third of the wave-length to be used. The effective resistance

of the coil antenna is taken up on page 737 of this chapter.
As examples of coil antennfe which seem satisfactory for receiving
purposes it may be noted that for a 600-meter wave a square coil, 120
cm. on a side, of 10 turns, spaced about 0.5 cm. from each other, requires
a tuning condenser somewhat less than .001 nf.
By installing the coil (or " loop " as it is more frequently called) as
indicated in Fig. 33, it may be used with the D. P. D. T. switch down,

For 600 meters

10 turns 120 cm. square

To detector
And amplifier

Fig. 33.—Use of a coil receiving antenna; by throwing the switch down the coil acts
as a simple antenna, the coil L being used for tuning. When it is desired to get
the directional effect of the coil the switch is thrown up.

for general reception, the loop merely acting as a low antenna, timing
being accomplished by the variometer,' L. When the desired signal is
received the switch may be thrown upwards and the directive effect of
the coil thus be obtained.
For wave-lengths from 10,000-20,000 meters a square coil about
6 meters on a side with 50 turns spaced 4 cm. apart is suitable.
Because of the comparatively low receptive power of loop antennae
the receiver (detector) used must be the most sensitive available; the
use of such a detector with a good amplifier is possible because of the com
paratively low intensity of the " strays " picked up by a loop.

Aeroplane and Airship Antennae.—The aerial system of aircraft comes

nearest to approximating the conditions represented by the simple aerial
system of the Hertzian double (see Fig. 1), in so far as the counterpoise
is not the ground, and furthermore the antenna and counterpoise are
at considerable distance from the ground, so that the electromagnetic
waves generated by such a radiating system travel outward in space
without coming in contact with the ground except at considerable distance
from the radiating system.
The various types of radiating systems used may be classified into
two general headings:

(1) Those which may be used only when the ship is in flight.
(2) Those which may be used at any time whether the ship is
in flight or not.

The first class includes by far the most effective type of aircraft aerial;
in this case the aerial is a trailing wire dangling from the aircraft while
the counterpoise consists
of all the metal parts of All metal work
the craft electrically con |of ship, carefully
connected to
nected together. The trail gether
ing wire is made up of a Receiving or
transmitting set
length of phosphor bronze
or silver bronze wire rang
ing between 150 and 300
feet with a weight attached
at its free end and dang
ling from the aircraftsome-
what as shown in Fig. 32.
| Weight
The transmitting or receiv
ing apparatus is connected Fia. 34.—Arrangement of apparatus on aeroplane
between the trailing an antenna;.
tenna wire and the metal
parts of the craft which, as already stated, form the counterpoise; this is
schematically shown in Fig. 34; when the aircraft approaches ground
the aerial wire is reeled in, the reeling-in apparatus being operated either
by hand or by a small electric motor.
Such an arrangement as the one above described has been used with
success on practically all types of aircraft, including lighter than air
ships. Its only disadvantage seems to lie in the fact that in the case
of a forced landing, and, more especially, in the case of an aeroplane
being compelled to dive or to " loop-the-loop " the presence of the trailing
antenna wire might prove disastrous unless it were reeled in very quickly.

Again, it may be easily understood that such an arrangement cannot

be used unless the aeroplane is in flight.
It is reported that transmitting ranges up to 600 nautical miles have
been obtained with trailing antenna wires on the large U. S. Navy N. C.
flying boats of the type which crossed the Atlantic; although one must
judge from the results of that test that operation over even one-tenth
of this distance is problematical; signals may be received by means of
such antennae at almost any distance from high-power transmitting
The second class of aircraft aerials comprises various types which
enable signals to be sent out or received even while the craft is on the
ground. The following types have been used :

(a) Skid-fin aerials for aeroplanes.

(6) Coil aerials for aeroplanes,
(c) T-antenna for airships.

(a) The skid-fin antenna is nothing more than an inverted " L-an-
tenna " the top of which is mounted a few feet above the uppermost
plane and covers in length
and width practically the
entire wing, somewhat as
Wire net work
A B C D suitably shown by A BCD in Fig.
insulated from 35, where the wire DF is
rest of aeroplane
the leading-in wire and
connects directly to the
transmitter or receiver;
the counter-poise consists
as usual of all the metal
parts electrically connect
ed together. Such an
antenna has been exten
Aeroplane antenna of the skid-fin type. sively used by U. S.
Navy aeroplanes. It must
be understood that because neither the length of the leading-in wire
nor that of the top wires can be made very large, and also because
of the small separation between the antenna proper and the counterpoise
the aerial is not a very good radiator, and, in general, aircraft carrying
a skid-fin antenna also carry a trailing wire antenna. It may be said,
in a general way, that the transmitting range of a skid-fin antenna is
about one-half that of a dangling wire antenna for the same aircraft and
transmitting apparatus.
When the metal work of a ship is used for counterpoise it must be

all very carefully bonded together, otherwise sparks may occur, when
transmitting, which are, of course, an unnecessary fire risk.
(b) Coil aerials have been used more especially for receiving purposes,
in view of their ability to detect the direction from which the waves may
be coming. They are made up of several turns and of such dimensions
as will enable them to fit in between the two wings of a biplane, some
what as shown diagrammatically by B, Fig. 36. In this case no counter
poise is necessary. When the coil is used as a transmitter the greatest
radiated field will be in the plane of the coil, similarly if the coil is used
for receiving it will respond most vigorously to signals coming from the
direction of A or C. In order to either send or receive in certain direc
tions the coil may be rotated or else the aeroplane itself may be veered
around until the plane of the coil points in the desired direction. In
order to avoid either one or the other of these operations another coil
may be used with its plane at right angles to the first, in which case the
Upper wing
f / ^_
.Lower wing

Fio. 36.—Coil type antenna installed between the wings of an aeroplane: the coil sides
are placed behind the struts between the wings.

operator need do no more than move small coils within his easy reach;
this will be more fully explained later, in the section on direction finders,
p. 766.
The range of transmission of coil antennae is small, but they are used
for receiving from very great distances. Some aeroplanes carry a trailing
wire for long-distance transmission while in flight, a skid-fin antenna
while stationary, and a coil aerial for directional reception.
(c) The T-aerial for airships is schematically illustrated in Fig. 37,
where AB is the leading-in wire and CD the top of the " T." The
counterpoise consists of the metal parts of the suspended car, including
engine, etc. Such an antenna has practically the same transmitting
characteristics as a " T " antenna of the same dimensions used on the
ground; and because the wire AB is quite long and the wires CD may
be made very long as well, the range of the antenna is comparatively
large. It need hardly be stated that the construction of such an aerial
is such as to permit it to be used with equal effectiveness whether the air

ship is in flight or not, and is a great improvement over the trailing wire
antenna at first used on such ships. Care must, of course, be observed
regarding the fire risk of the installation.
Underwater Antennae.—The problem of underwater antennae is
especially important in connection with submarines. Up to a few years
ago communication by radio with a submarine, while submerged, was
considered very unsatisfactory, because use was being made of antennae
similar to ground antennae such as the " T " type or inverted "L.';
These antennae, even if made of heavily insulated wire, are more or less
likely to be short-circuited by the water (particularly salt water) more
especially because, as will be made fully discussed on p. 752, the highest
potential is, when transmitting with such antennae, present at the very
end of the wires, where it is most difficult to guard against the short-

Fig. 37.—In a dirigible balloon a T type antenna is used, the counterpoise consisting of
all the metal work around the engines, etc.

circuiting effect of the water. Aside from these considerations which

are not, however, so very serious when using the antenna for receiving
purposes, the more serious handicap was the fact that such an antenna
projects too far above the topmost part of a submarine, even above the
periscope and made it necessary for the submarine to submerge more
deeply than would otherwise have been the case or else to use a short
ineffective antenna.
Real progress was made in submarine radio transmission by the intro
duction of the loop antenna; in the application to submarine work the
loop is made up somewhat as shown in Fig. 38. The wires A BCD and
QNML are grounded at A and Q, and insulated from the boat everywhere
else. Thus the loop may be diagrammatically represented as in Fig. 39,
which should be compared with the diagram of the simple loop discussed
on p. 708, and reproduced in Fig. 40 for the sake of convenience.
In the simple loop the wires FG and F'G' radiate most effectively
when the distance between them is one-half a wave-length and the strongest
field is produced by the loop in its own plane. Similarly in the case of

the submarine loop the wires AB and A B' are the radiators while CD
and CD' radiate very little energy since they are very close together and
the fields created by them practically neutralize each other; of course

Fio. 38.—Arrangement of loop antenna in a submarine.

the best distance between AB and A'B* is one-half a wave-length, and,

again, as in the simple loop, the submarine loop will radiate best in its
own plane.

Fia. 39. Fio. 40.

Fio. 39.—Electrical circuit of the installation of Fig. 38.
Fio. 40.—As wires CD and CD' of Fig. 39 radiate no appreciable power this arrangement
is equivalent to the single turn coil here shown in wires AB corresponding to FG
and A'B' to F'G'.

Another arrangement used for submarines is a coil antenna consisting

of a large number of turns and enclosed in a water-tight container which
is supported above the deck of the submarine. The dimensions of such
a coil are necessarily small (perhaps one meter square), and its effective

ness as a transmitter is consequently low, but it has been used to receive

from very great distances with considerable success.
A word should here be said regarding the transmission of electro
magnetic waves in water. It was already pointed out in Chapter II
that electromagnetic waves may be transmitted through any medium
to more or less extent depending more especially upon the electrical con
ductivity of the medium. An electromagnetic wave will on striking a
wall of ordinary conducting material be partly reflected and partly
absorbed in the production of currents in the material, so that practically
no electromagnetic field would be found at even a small depth below the
surface of the material. On the other hand if the material is, as in the
case of salt water, only a partial conductor the electromagnetic waves
are able to penetrate into it for considerable distance before the energy
represented by them is completely absorbed by currents produced in the
water. It is a well-known fact that the greater the frequency (the smaller
the wave-length) of a magnetic or electric field the smaller is the depth
to which it will penetrate into a conducting or semi-conducting medium;
therefore in the case of electromagnetic waves in water the extent to which
they penetrate below the surface is very much dependent upon the wave
The equation for penetration of an electromagnetic wave into a con
ducting medium was given on p. 115. Although there given as the pene
tration of a current the same formula holds if written to express either
electric or magnetic fields. Thus we may write

in which
wave, just at the surface of the ocean;
Hz = intensity of magnetic field x cm. below surface;
en = 2ir X frequency ;
/x = permeability of sea water = unity;
p - resistivity of sea water in abohm sper cm.3 = approxi-
mately 10u.

If we assume a signal detectable if Hx is only 1 per cent of Ho, then

the depth at which the signal should be detectable is obtained from

For a wave-length of 10,000 meters the value of x calculated from

this relation is about 1500 cm. or 15 meters.
As an example of the effect of wave-length it has been stated that
signals have been received by submarines with loop antennae with the

top of the loop 16 feet below the surface of the water at a wave-length
of 6000 meters and 200 miles from the transmitting station, while for
a wave-length of 2500 meters and the same distance signals could only
be heard with the top of the loop 8 feet below the surface of water.
If we assume that the loop was such that the " mean depth " was
5 feet lower than the top of the loop, so that in one case the effective
depth was 21 feet in the first case and 13 feet in the other the experimental
results agree very well with those predicted from Eq. (15). Thus we have


Again, in case the submarine is transmitting while submerged, the

transmitting range is very small because the electromagnetic waves are
practically entirely absorbed in their passage through the water and issue
therefrom with very feeble strength. Thus, it has been found that a
submarine when submerged so that its loop antenna was only a few inches
below the surface could only transmit to a distance of about 9 miles with
a wave-length of about 1000 feet and an antenna current of 6 amperes;
while it could transmit 50 miles or more when on the surface. Probably
better transmission through the water would be expected if the wave
length were much larger (10,000 or more meters); but a large wave
length implies an antenna of dimensions too large to be carried by a sub
It is to be remembered that the question of reflection at the surface
of the water is to be considered when analyzing communication possi
bilities from a surface station to a submerged boat or vice versa; this
has not been attempted here.
It may generally be stated that the present state of the art does not
permit a submerged submarine to transmit to any greater distances
than about 10 to 20 miles, while, on the other hand, enabling it to receive
from almost any distance provided it is not too deeply submerged.
Ground Antennae.—This is the name given to an antenna consisting
of an insulated wire laid on the ground but insulated therefrom as shown
by Fig. 41. In the .'To receiver
figure the transmit- f ^
ter or receiver is
shown connected to
the middle of the Fig. 41.—Use of a wire laid on the ground (but insulated
wire, but it may be irom »*) for »n antenna,
connected at either
end. In the former case such an arrangement will resemble a " T "
antenna and in the latter an inverted " L" with a very short " lead-in "
wire. Since it is the height of the lead-in wire which determines the

intensity of the field radiated it is plain that an antenna of this type is

a very poor radiator. It has, however, been used as a receiver very
To receiver successfully 1 in connection
with vacuum-tube detecting
n n n devices.
A As a matter of fact, as far
I [
as receiving is concerned, use
t has been made of a wire on a
77777777, wire fence, in which case one of

antenna; it is opened and the receiving appara- point such as A (Fig. 42) and
tus put in the break. the receiver inserted therein.
Again, a living tree has been used as an antenna for receiving. The
receiver is, in this case, shown connected as in Fig. 43, where A is a nail
driven into the trunk of the tree as high up as possible. It seems as if,
here, the actual receiving of the waves was mostly effected by the leading-
in wire AB, while the upper
most parts of the tree serve
to increase the capacity of the
antenna and also to intercept,
to a certain extent, electro
magnetic waves which induce
currents in the electrically
conducting juicesofthe treeas
well as in the leading-in wire.
In general it may be
stated that almost any sys
tem of electrical conductors
more or less removed from
ground and insulated there •To receiver
from is capable of ab
sorbing energy from an
electromagnetic wave pass Fig. 43.—A tree has been recommended for an an
ing by it and, when used tenna; experiments seem to show, however, that
in connection with the mod the tree is practically nothing but a support for
ern highly sensitive vacuum- the upper end of the wire, the real receiving being
done by wire A-B.
tube detectors, may be easily
made to detect the presence of waves.
Law of Radiation of Power from an Antenna.2—Upon consulting the
literature there will be found many formulae which are supposed to give
1 See articles by A. H. Taylor, I. R. E., Vol. 7, Nos. 4 and 6.
2 For a thorough mathematical discussion, see Pierce, "Electric Oscillations and
Electric Waves."

the power radiated from an antenna, in terms of the height, wave-length,

etc., but in general they do not agree, and it is difficult to appreciate the
derivation of some of them. The derivation given below yields a result
different from those given by accepted authorities, but it undoubtedly
represents the true state of affairs as well as any of them.
Practically all analyses start from the theory of the Hertzian doublet,
supposedly modifying it properly to make it apply to the groundeu antenna.
In some derivations the amplitude of the current in the antenna is supposed
constant (i.e., the effective value of the current the same at the top of
the antenna as at the grounded end), and in others the amplitude is sup
posed to vary in some prescribed manner. Some formulae use as the
height of the antenna the actual height and others use a certain " effective
height," measured to the " center of gravity " of the capacity of the
We shall consider the energy per cu. cm. at a point P (Fig. 44), in the
equatorial plane of the oscillator and distant from it several wave-lengths,

Equatorial plane

Fig. 44.—The energy radiated from an antenna is to be calculated from the law given
the strength of magnetic field at P, in terms of the antenna constants.

so far that the induction field is negligible. Our first assumption is that
the effective value of the amplitude of the current in the vertical part
of the antenna is at all points the same; this is nearly true for the ordinary
antenna, in which the capacity of the vertical wire is small compared to
the capacity of the network of wires generally used for the top of the
antenna. This assumption will give us a radiation somewhat greater
than the true value. The next assumption we make is that the actual
height of the antenna, I, represents the distance between the positive
and negative charges of the antenna, the flow of which causes the antenna
current J. In case of a ship antenna the height I is from the water to
the top of the antenna. In case of a land antenna, with possibly a poor
ground, it is likely that the average distance between the charges of the
antenna is greater than the distance from the top of the antenna to the
ground, so that it might seem that in this case we should take a distance
greater than the actual height, if the theory of the doublet is to be appli

This is indicated in Fig. 45; it may be, for such a ground condition,
that the distance V (average distance between charges) is considerably
greater than I. We
shall neglect this ex
tra height (I' — I), how
ever, as it is not only
indeterminable, but it
contributes but little
Surface of earth to the radiation reach
r Dry + "*" + earth ing the distant point,
+ P; the electromag
Moist carth + + netic energy sent off
+ + -r- + + + from thissubterranean
part of the antenna
Fio. 45.—In an actual antenna there is undoubtedly a verti could only reach P
cal motion of the charges in the earth under the antenna ;
this subterranean current will contribute practically no by traveling through
radiation at distant points because of absorption in the the earth's crust, in
earth's surface. which case the atten
uation is so rapid that
the amount of energy arriving at P by this path will be negligible compared
to that reaching P from that part of the antenna specified by the height I.
We shall therefore assume that Eq. (9) represents accurately the radi
ation field at point P, the symbols having the definite meaning given
in which IIm maximum value of magnetic field at P, in gilberts
per cm.;
Z=actual height of antenna, in cm., from ground to top,
for flat-topped antenna;
Im = maximum value of current (in amperes) in antenna,
this value being assumed the same throughout the
height of the antenna;
X = wave-length radiated, in cm.;
d = distance from antenna to point P, in cm.
Now the energy per cu. cm. at P, due to this magnetic field, is equal
to Hm2/8nr, and as the electric field set up at P by this moving magnetic
field must be of such magnitude that it represents the same energy per
cu. cm. as that possessed by the magnetic field, the total energy per cu.
cm. (maximum value) must be Hm2/Air. As the electromagnetic wave
travels past point P with the velocity of light, the electric and magnetic
fields at this point both go through sinusoidal variations, so that the

average value of the energy per cu. cm., in terms of the maximum value
of magnetic intensity, must be equal to one-half of the maximum energy,

If we now consider the effective value of the magnetic field at the point
P, we have (as Hm2 = 2H2, H being the effective value) the average
energy of the radiation field at P equal to i/2/4ir, the energy being in
ergs per cu. cm.
This energy of radiation travels past point P with the velocity of
light, V, so that the energy streaming past P per sq. cm. (plane of the
sq. cm. being perpendicular to distance d) per second is equal to H2V /4x.
Using now Eq. (9) to express H and substituting I (effective current) for
Im, we get
Energy, in ergs, per sq. cm. per sec. = 2 ^ ^J — = ■ (16)

In calculating the total radiation from the antenna we must assume

some law of variation in the value of H, as the point P is moved over
the surface of a sphere of
radius, d. In the ideal
case the distribution of
H over the surface fol
lows a sine law as indi ^H'^HNsine
cated in Fig. 46; it has
a maximum value in the
equatorial plane of the os
cillator and zero directly
above or below the an
tenna.1 As the power
per sq. cm. varies with
the second power of H,
and as H has a sinusoidal
variation with respect to
6, Fig. 46, it is evident
that the average power Fig. 46.—In calculating the total energy sent off from
an antenna we assume a sinusoidal distribution of H,
per sq. cm. over the in the meridian plane.
whole imaginarysphereis
x/6 times as great as at the equatorial plane, or putting 7r/6 = ^ we have
_ /wPPV \
Average power per square centimeter =
1 This statement neglects the radiation from the horizontal currents in the upper
wires of the antenna and in the earth. The amount of this radiation may be consider
able and should be calculated in getting the total radiation from the antenna. As
the problem lends itself at best to approximate treatment only, due to earth conditions,
etc., it is not thought worth while to include the calculation of this up-and-down radi

The area of the sphere is 4ird2 so we have, for the total radiation from
the oscillator
Total radiation, in ergs per second
/rPPV\A „

lO2*2 -
Or we have, watts

In this formula / is measured in amperes (effective) and I and X are

measured in any convenient unit, providing it is the same for both.
It will be noticed that in this derivation the treatment does not agree
with that ordinarily given 1 in that the radiation is considered as occurring
over a whole sphere instead
of only a hemisphere.
It will be appreciated
that this way of look
ing at the question is
correct if any analogous
problem in radiation is
considered. Thus imagine
an upright incandescent
A Absorbing surface filament sending out fight
as indicated in Fig. 47.
The filament is supposed
Fia. 47.—The radiation of light from an incandescent to have its lower end
filament standing in a partially reflecting surface is resting on a surface which
exactly analogous to the radiation of radio waves absorbs part of the inci-
from an antenna. dent light and reflects the
Let us suppose that, by use of accepted formulae, we have obtained
the intensity of illumination at P, due to light traveling from the
filament directly to P. (This excludes light arriving at P after being
reflected from surface A.) Suppose further that we know the law for the
distribution of radiation, with respect to the angle, 6, this law represent
ing the distribution in a homogeneous medium, i.e., exclusive of any such
reflecting surface as we have at A. From this law we can obtain the
average lumens per sq. cm. which would exist over the surface of a sphere
through P if the reflecting surface A were not present. To get the total
radiation it is evident that we must multiply this average illumination
'See Berg, "Electrical Engineering," advanced course, p. 292

by the whole surface of the supposed sphere if we are to get the total
radiation from the filament. To be sure, the lower half of the sphere
(below the surface A) actually gets inappreciable illumination, due to
reflection at the surface and to absorption in the material below A, but
this fact in no way alters the radiation from the filament, it merely redis
tributes the lumens after they have left the filament, and increases to some
extent the illumination in the upper hemisphere. The surface of the earth

Fig. 48.—Ir. calculating the power radiated from a coil we assume a sinusoidal distribu
tion of H in both equatorial and meridian planes.

acts in the same way towards the radio waves as does the surface A to
the light rays striking upon it.
In the case of a coil the formula for radiation may be at once obtained
by using the proper value for H in the previous deduction for the ordi
nary antenna. We suppose a coil of one turn the length of whose vertical
sides is I, and the width between these sides is s; the value of H in the
equatorial plane is
/4irll \ . ITS

If the coil has N turns of course this value of H must be multiplied by N.


The formulation of the total radiation for the coil requires the knowl
edge of the distribution in the meridian plane as well as the equatorial
plane. Assuming both these distributions sinusoidal,1 as indicated in
Fig. 48, we find the average value of H2 and thus we get the total radiation
from the coil
Watts =2407r2 ~ sin2 ™ (18)

In the case the coil is so narrow that sin ^ =^ we have

Watts =2407r4^-, (19)

and if the coil is square so that s =1 we have

Watts =240ir472Q4 (20)

It was mentioned when calculating the radiation fi om an ordinary antenna

that the horizontal parts of the antenna give off considerable radiation,
which was neglected in getting the total radiation. It must be noticed
that in the case of the coil antenna this omission causes a very large
error, because by its very form, the coil radiates as much from its hori
zontal sides as it does from its vertical sides, if the coil is a square. In
case the coil is not square its radiation due to the horizontal sides may
be obtained at once by interchanging the symbols s and I in Eq. (14).
Taking this extra radiation into account it would seem that the total
power radiated from a square coil is twice the value given by Eq. (20).
All of the foregoing formulae for radiation have been obtained on the
assumption that the current was uniform in amplitude throughout the
length of the radiating portion of the antenna. If it is evident that when
such is not the case (as, for example, a straight vertical grounded wire) the
average value of the current must be approximated and this value used
in the proper formula. Thus, for the single wire just referred to, if con
siderable loading is used, the average current is one-half the value of cur
rent at the ground end of the. antenna and the radiated power would
be one-quarter of the value given by Eq. (17). If, on the other hand,
the wire was oscillating at its fundamental (Z = X/4) the average current
would be 2/t of the current at the base and the power would be (2/V)2
or 41 per cent of the value given by Eq. (17).
Both Eqs. (17) and (18) show that the power radiated by either a
coil or a simple antenna is a direct function of the square of the height
1 As noted before, the treatment of radiation given here is elementary and approx
imate only; the student is referred to Chapter IX of Pierce's "Electric Oscillations
and Electric Waves " for a full treatment of the subject.

and the square of the current, and an inverse function of the square of
the wave-length.
We will illustrate the influence of the wave-length upon the power
radiated by means of an example. Assume a simple antenna for which
I = 10,000 cms. = 100 meters
/ = 20 amperes
then if X = 1000 meters (/ = 300,000 cycles per sec.)
i no2 v 202
Power = 120*2 X — =4800 watts,

while, if X = 100,000 meters (/=3000 cycles per sec.)

t> 10ft,v 1002X202 24
Power = 1207T2 X — — = j^= 0-48 watt

Thus it may be seen that it is impossible to radiate power to any great

extent at low frequencies and it must also be remembered that this
hypothetical case of 20 amperes supplied to an antenna at 3000 cycles is
impossible of realization.
Radiation Resistance.—Radiation resistance is a fictitious resistance
the value of which is such as will absorb the same power as is radiated
for the same current as flows in the antenna.
From the definition the radiation resistance may be found by divid
ing the power radiated by the square of the antenna current. Thus,
from Eqs. (17) and (19) we find
Radiation Resistance for simple antenna

=120r£ (21)

Radiation Resistance for single turn coil having a width equal to s,

small compared to one-half a wave-length

= 240^^- (22)

The radiation resistance is used as a measure of the ability of an antenna

to radiate power. An antenna with a high radiation resistance is a good
radiator, and vice versa.
As previously pointed out the values of resistance obtained from Eqs.
(17) and (19) may be far from correct for an actual antenna.1 A single
1 The fact that a few experimental results give values of resistance equal to that
calculated from certain formulae does not substantiate the formulas by any means; the
conditions obtaining in the experimental work are far different from those assumed
in the theory.

vertical wire (no top wires) will have a resistance only41 per cent of the valut
given by Eq. (17) when oscillating at its natural period and if much load
ing is used, so that the amplitude of current decreases uniformly from bas?
to top of antenna the radiation resistance will be but 25 per cent of the
value calculated from Eq. (17).
In the case of the coil antenna, radiating up and down, as well
horizontally, the radiation resistance is probably much greater than tie
value given by Eq. (18), for a square coil perhaps twice as much.
Current in Receiving Antenna.—It is important to be able to cal
culate the current in the receiving antenna, because the value of this
current determines whether or not it is possible to hear the signals whid
cause such a current to flow in the receiving antenna. It must be here
stated that were it not for the interference of the so-called " strays '
(see p. 193) it would be possible, due to the extreme refinement and sensi
tiveness of modern detecting apparatus, to hear signals, no matter hew

illttllJitl- £

Fid. 49.—Wave with electric gradient, approaching a receiving antenna.

small the currents in the receiving antenna. In view of the " strays."'
however, which also produce currents in the receiving antenna, the signal
currents must be larger than would otherwise be necessary, so that the
" strays " may interfere with the signals as little as possible; since tin
" strays " currents have considerable magnitude it follows that attention
must be paid to making the signal currents large. Hence the importance
of knowing the factors affecting the signal current in the receiving antenna.
We will determine this for a simple antenna and for a coil antenna.
Received Current in Simple Antenna.1—Consider the antenna repre
sented by Fig. 49 in the path of electromagnetic waves moving, as
1 In an article by Bennett, in the Journal of the A. I. E. E., for Nov. and Dec., 1920.
various properties of antenna; are analyzed and exact expressions for them derived
Among other things, he shows that an antenna having negligible resistance (other
than radiation), the amount of power which can be abstracted by a receiving antenna t
equal to about 6% of the amount flowing through an area (parallel to the wave from
equal to (X)s square meters, X being in meters.

shown in a direction perpendicular to the antenna lead-in wire A-B.

The electric field will act in a direction parallel to AB, hence there will
exist a difference of potential across AB which will be equal to its length
multiplied by the intensity of the electric field. Thus, if:

£. = effective value of intensity of electric field at AB, in

volts per cm.;
U= height of receiving antenna, in centimeters;
I,= effective value of current in receiving antenna, in
R= effective resistance of the antenna, this of course
depending among other things upon the coupling
and adjustments in the closed receiving circuit,
type of detector used, etc.
Then, since the receiving circuit is always adjusted to resonate to the
frequency of the incoming waves, it follows that the reactance will be
zero and current in this circuit will be given by: 1

Ir-^ (23)

It now becomes necessary to substitute for t its value in terms of the trans
mitting antenna constants.
From Eqs. (10) and (15) we have:
_ WwU
l" Xd '

volts per cm. for a simple antenna;

, 12(h-NlI . ts

for a coil of N turns and width s.

Substituting in Eq. (23), we have:

'-Tar <24)
for a simple transmitting antenna;
T \20irNllrI . TTS
I'=-MR—am\ (25)

for a coil transmitter of N turns and a width 8 with the receiving antenna
in the plane of the coil.
1 These solutions hold only for the steady state; they are not good until the transient
condition is past.

Received Current in a Coil Antenna.—Assume the single turn coil

of Fig. 50 placed in the path of incoming electromagnetic waves, the wave
front and plane of the coil being perpendicular to each other and the
electric field of the wave being parallel to conductors AB and A'B'.



Fio. 50.—Wave approaching a coil antenna.

Then, if D and D' represent the assumed positive direction of the poten
tial difference established across AB and A'B' and, if:

t = effective value of intensity of electric field at AB, in

volts /cm.;
ti =effective value of intensity of electric field at A'B', in
volts /cm.;
sr = width of coil in cms.,

we have :

It, = effective value of potential difference across AB;

10,1 =effective value of potential difference across A'B',

= phase difference between and Ifa in radians.

The total electromotive force within the entire coil is equal to the vector
difference of l&_ and Z£i. Since AB and A'B' are at practically the same
distance from the radiating antenna, the values of l£_ and will be the
same, but their phases will differ. Hence, total electromotive force within
the coil is obtained by taking the vector difference of the e.m.f.'s in the
two sides of the coil, as shown in Fig 51.
We then have
2l&_ sin ~ = electromotive force in coil

and effective value of current on the assumption of a tuned receiving

circuit is given by:

7r = ^sin^ (26)
for a single turn coil.
In case the receiving coil has A7, turns Eq. (26) becomes

7,=^sin^ (27)
for a coil of Nr turns.
And substituting for L the expressions obtained from Eq&. (10) and
(15) we finally have the following:

h- UR 8mT (28)

AO=e.m.f. induced in A-B= lrB

OB= •' " " A'-B'=tre,
OC= vector difference of
OB and OA = e.m.f.
acting in the coil.
=2 lre tin -r-1

Fig. 51.—The effective induced e.m.f. of a receiving coil antenna is obtained by subtract
ing vectorically the e.m.f. 's. induced in the two sides.

for current received in a coil antenna from a simple transmitting antenna

lying in the plane of the receiving coil ;

7-= —mm— sin rsinT- (29)

for a transmitter coil of width s and placed with its plane in that of the
receiving coil.
For the sake of convenience all receiving formulas are collected below ;
it is assumed that: the vertical wires of the receiving antenna are parallel
to the electric field of the oncoming wave, that the transmitting antenna
current is undamped and of uniform amplitude throughout, that there
is no energy absorption by the medium, that the receiving circuits are
tuned to the transmitting frequency, and that the planes of the coils

(either transmitters or receivers) are directed towards the other antenna

or coil.
Antenna to antenna

'•=w (30)
Coil to antenna
. 376JVZW .its foU

Antenna to coil
7'=H^sinT (32)
Coil to coil
/,-752yJ Bin ^ anf (33)

In case the angle ^- is sufficiently small that the angle may be sub-
stituted for its sine these formulae become somewhat simpler in form.
We have
Coil to antenna or antenna to coil
. 1180A7UT .

Coil to coil
. 7450NNrU*8rI i
\Mit~- (35)
In every one of the preceding formulae it is to be noted that the received
current is:
A direct function of receiving and transmitting antenna heights,
and the transmitting antenna current.
An inverse function of the wave-length, to the first, second, or third
power the distance and the resistance of the receiving antenna
Returning to the matter of the effect of " strays " it is apparent that
if the received signal current is made large by suitably arranging the
receiving antenna constants, then the " strays " current will at the same
time be made large, and thus reception may be poor. On the other hand,
if the receiving antenna constants are poor and the transmitting antenna
constants very good, then the received signal current will be large while
the " strays " current will be small, with consequent improvement in
1 It is to be pointed out that whereas the constants in these formulae are given to
the third significant figure, the actual received current may differ from the predicted
value greatly; refraction and reflection of the waves play an important role in trans

reception. This explains the modern tendency towards radiating systems

of very large dimensions and receiving systems of small dimensions.
In using a coil antenna for reception of signals, a regenerative, or
" feed-back " connection of some sort should be used, to reduce the
resistance of the coil as much as possible. Such a scheme involves a
connection similiar to the connection of the closed circuit of Fig. 127, p. 514,
where it must be supposed that the coil Li of the diagram represents
the coil antenna used for receiving.
The reception Equations (30) to (35) should be modified by multi
plying by suitable factors when the transmitting antenna current is
damped, when there is absorption of energy by the medium and when
the plane of the coil is not parallel to the direction in which the waves
are being propagated. The factors are as follows:
When the transmitting antenna current is damped 1

Factor is
When there is absorption 2
Factor is « v*.

When the plane of coil is not parallel to the direction in which

the waves are being propagated
Factor is cos a,
where & = decrement of receiving antenna circuit;
5' = decrement of transmitting current;
d = distance between station in meters;
X= wave-length in meters;
a = angle made by plane of coil with the direction of propagation
of the waves;
c = base of natural logarithms.
Comparative Merits of Different Types of Antennae.—At the trans
mitting station it will probably always be necessary to use a high antenna,
directive or not as desired, but for receiving a signal it is scarcely ever
sdvantageous to use the same high antenna as used for transmitting.
The readability of a signal depends not upon the actual strength of
the signal, but upon the ratio of signal strength to that of the disturbing
noises also present. As static interference comes from all directions
1 See Dellinger's paper on "Radio Transmission," Proc. A. I. E. E., Oct., 1919.
* See Scientific Paper No. 226 of the Bureau of Standards. This absorption coefficient
holds good only over the ocean, in daylight. Over land, and over either land or ocean
at night time the transmission is too erratic to make a formula worth while.

the ratio of signal to static may evidently be increased by using a direc

tional receiving antenna; also, as it seems probable that most of the
energy of strays may be considered to exist in the form of highly damped,
long-wave signals, the best antenna will be one that absorbs but little
energy from waves greater than that for which it is tuned. A coil antenna
satisfies both of these requirements better than the ordinary high antenna,
it being directional and having induced in it a voltage inversely propor
tional to the wave-length, for an oncoming wave of fixed value of electric
field, t; the induced voltage in the ordinary antenna under the same con
ditions is independent of wave-length. (The statement regarding the
coil antenna presupposes a coil width s, small compared to the wave
length, practically always the case.)
It is, of course, true that the intensity of signal received by the coil
antenna will be only a small fraction of what it would be with the other
antenna but the static interference will be even a smaller fraction. Hence
by a good amplifier the signal may be brought up to readable intensity
and (if the amplifier increases static and signal equally) the amplified
weak signal from the coil will be more easily read than an equally loud,
unamplified, signal from the high antenna.
The validity of the above argument depends to some extent upon
the actual ratio of radiation resistances of the two antennas; if e.g.,
the coil has an induced signal current only 0.0001 as much as that of
the high antenna, then it will be necessary to use an amplification of
10,000 times (in volts) to make the coil signal as loud as that from the
other antenna. In the present state of the art it is likely that such an
amplifier would generate in itself sufficient noises (due to microphonic
resistances, " dirt " on hot filament, etc., see Chapter XI) to make the
signal unreadable.
Limitation of Transmission Formula.—It is important at this point
to make certain qualifications as to the expressions previously given
regarding the intensity of the field at a distance from the antenna, the
power radiated by a transmitting antenna, and the current received by
a receiving antenna. Since the expressions for the power transmitted
and for the current received are, in turn, directly based upon that for the
intensity of the field at a distance from the radiating system we will dis
cuss this latter expression first, and the results of the discussion will be
applicable to the expressions for power transmitted and for current
received. The intensity of the field radiated by an antenna as given
on p. 706 is derived from the theory of a doublet, the application of this
theory requiring for the actual grounded antenna the assumptions
(a) That there is no absorption between the two stations;
(b) That the effective value of the antenna current is the same
throughout the entire antenna height;

(c) That the receiving antenna is in the equatorial plane of the

transmitting antenna;
(d) Refraction and reflection effects are negligible.
None of these assumptions is fully warranted. Hence, since, in most
cases, there is some absorption, and the current is not uniformly distrib
uted, and the two stations are far from being on each other's equatorial
plane it is evident that Formulae (30)-(35) must be considered as rough
approximations only, giving as close a solution of the problem, however,
as is possible to obtain under the circumstances.
Experiments have been made to determine experimentally the value
of the received current and the results check, roughly, the values cal
culated by means of the formulae on p. 742 j1 keeping in mind the large
number of uncertain factors entering in both the transmission and recep
tion, and that in the present stage of the art it is not necessary to prede
termine results any closer than even 50 per cent, it is safe to consider
the accuracy of the formulae for power transmitted, current received and
field radiated within the limits of present-day practice.
Counterpoises.—It has already been stated that an antenna, other
than a loop or coil aerial, must necessarily consist of a so-called aerial, 1
which radiates, and a counterpoise, which may or may not radiate. In
the simple Hertzian double the counterpoise radiates, and this is also
true to a certain extent of the counterpoise used in aircraft, made up,
as it is, of the metal parts of the craft. In most cases, however, the counter
poise is the ground itself.
Sometimes when the ground is dry and therefore a poor conductor
the counterpoise consists of a network of wires laid on the ground (in
some cases insulated from it) directly underneath the top of the antenna
proper. In every case it must be understood that the purpose of the
counterpoise is to enable charges of electricity to be transferred to and fro
between itself and the aerial with as little loss (due to heat development)
as possible, and for this reason it must have low resistance and it must
also have sufficient capacity. The metallic surface of the counterpoise
should be at least equal to that of the antenna and is in most cases larger.
A counterpoise having a small surface has the same effect as a small
capacity connected in series with the aerial ; that is, it makes the antenna
capacity very small. In order to make such a low capacity aerial resonate
at desirable frequencies it will probably be necessary to use a large loading
inductance, which is generally accompanied by a large resistance; hence
the power lost and the decrement of such an aerial are very large. As
a matter of fact it is generally attempted to make the counterpoise of as
large a surface and as low a resistance as possible. As a rule, when the
1 See note on p. 196, for later experimental evidence regarding transmission formula.

ground . underneath the antenna is a good conductor (wet, soft earth)

the ground itself is used as a counterpoise and connection is made with it
by means of copper plates or network of wires sunk into the ground at
various places within the area underneath the antenna. These buried
conductors should be put deep enough so that the earth around them
is permanently moist.
Antenna Resistance.—An antenna or coil transmitter absorbs power
when supplied with high-frequency currents by an alternator or some
other generator of such currents. Some of this power is, as has already
been pointed out, radiated in the form of an electromagnetic field,
and represents useful power, while the rest is consumed in various
ways and represents a complete loss, in so far as it contributes nothing
towards radiation.
In dealing with the power absorbed by a circuit such power is, for
the sake of simplicity, looked upon as if it were expended in a resistance
of such a value as would consume the actual power expended in the cir
cuit for the same current as flows therein. This fictitious resistance is
known as " effective resistance." 1
Since the total power expended in an antenna is partly radiated and
partly " lost " due to various causes we may divide the " effective resist
ance " of an antenna in two parts, i.e.:
(a) Radiation resistance.
(6) Loss resistance.
The radiation resistance has already been defined on p. 737, and the
expressions therefor have been derived for a simple antenna and for a
coil transmitter; these expressions are, for convenience, rewritten below :

R=12(h2^ (19)
for simple antenna
72 s2
22 = 240^-^ (20)

for single turn coil having a width s small compared to X.

The loss resistance is due to a number of losses which are enumerated
and discussed below :
(1) Loss in poor dielectrics in the neighborhood of the aerial.
(2) Loss in the resistance of the aerial.
(3) Loss in the resistance of the counterpoise, generally the ground.
(4) Loss due to eddy currents in neighboring conductors.
(5) Loss due to leakage over insulators, etc.
(6) Loss due to corona.
1 See pp. 112 et aeq.

(1) The loss in poor dielectrics is due to the hysteresis 1 phenomenon

taking place in all dielectrics, and most especially in poor dielectrics such
as wood, concrete, masonry, trees, etc., which may happen to be in the
vicinity of the aerial and hence acted upon by the electrostatic field about
the aerial. This loss resistance is analogous to that due to magnetic
hysteresis in iron and is an inverse function of the frequency or a direct
function of the wave-length as discussed on p. 169. The effective resist
ance due to dielectric loss must, therefore, increase as the wave-length
increases or as the frequency diminishes. This loss is one of the most
important 2 taking place in a radiating system and should be reduced
to a minimum by keeping the field of the antenna free from unnecessary
obstructions wherein a dielectric loss is likely to take place. As the highest
electric gradient occurs near the end of an T or T antenna, especial care
must be taken to keep poor dielectrics away from this part of the antenna.
In the case of a ship's antenna much loss may occur in the "lead-in"
insulator where it enters the radio room ; in case the radio room is wood,
no metal (except the wire itself) should be used in this insulator. When the
radio room is metal or where the "lead-in" wire has to go through metallic
bulkheads, a considerable power loss occurs in the insulator.
(2) The loss in the ohmic resistance of the aerial wire should be kept
low by making the wire of large cross-section and good conducting material.
The large useful cross-section may be obtained by using a large number
of very fine wires which are insulated from one another in order to pre
vent the skin effect increasing the resistance.3 The material is generally
some bronze (phosphor or silicon bronze), since this combines fair con
ductivity with great tensile strength; mechanical considerations generally
determine the kind of cable to use, in that many times a seven-strand
cable is used which has practically as much skin effect as solid wire.
(3) The loss in the resistance of the counterpoise necessarily occurs
because there are currents flowing therein which must produce a Joulean
loss of power as they encounter a resistance. A counterpoise should be
made of the smallest possible resistance. Where the ground is the counter
poise it is important that connection be made thereto by means of a large
number of copper plates buried all around the antenna in soft, moist soil.
It was already pointed out how the multiple tuned antenna may be
employed in order to diminish as much as possible the ground resistance.
(4) Loss due to eddy currents in neighboring conductors may be di
minished by eliminating as much as possible all metal masses from the
neighborhood of the antenna. Of course this is quite impossible in so far
as metallic masts are generally used to support the antenna, and, besides,
1 See pp. 166 et scq.
* See Bureau of Standards Scientific paper No. 269, by J. M. Miller.
a See pp. 122 et seq.

if these masts were replaced by wooden or concrete masts the latter might
suffer considerable dielectric loss.
Since eddy currents and the loss due thereto increases with an increase
of the frequency it follows that the effective resistance representing this
loss increases with the frequency or decreases with an increase of the wave
(5) The loss due to the leakage currents flowing between the aerial
and the counterpoise should be kept down by using suitable insulators
between the antenna wires and the supports and also between the lead-in
wire and any walls through which it passes so that the resistance of the
leakage paths may be made as high as possible. The resistance of the
leakage paths is, of course, very much diminished in wet weather and,
especially, where sprays from a rough sea reach the aerial. It has already
been pointed out that in the case of submarines the ordinary antenna is
very inefficient, except on a smooth sea, because of the salt-water sprays
producing large leakage currents to ground and thus absorbing the largest
part of the energy given to the antenna.
Since the loss due to leakage is a direct function of the (voltage)2
and the latter is inversely proportional to the frequency (for a given
current) it follows that the effective resistance correponding to leakage
loss varies inversely as the square of the frequency and directly as the
square of the wave-length.
(6) The loss due to corona takes place at high voltages and is due
to the partial ionization of the air about the antenna wires, which causes
the air to become a partial conductor and carry a current. At night the
corona effect is visible through the glow which accompanies it. The
corona does not begin to take place except at a certain definite voltage,
which, however, varies with the shape and size of the conductors; this
critical voltage is smallest where the conductors are small and at points
and corners. Once the critical voltage has passed, a large amount of
energy loss may take place due to corona. As a matter of fact this phenom
enon is to a certain extent a limitation upon the amount of power which
may be radiated by an antenna in so far as, for an antenna of certain
dimensions, the greater the power given thereto the greater must be the
voltage and hence the greater the corona loss; thus, for a certain antenna
there is a limit to the power input, beyond which it is inadvisable to go
because a large amount of power is wasted due to corona loss, and little
is gained as far as power radiated is concerned.
This limit is reached when the voltage at the ends of the antenna is
in the neighborhood of 150,000 volts.1 This is one reason why the use
of very large radiating systems for large stations is imperative in order
1 As mentioned before this limit, depends upon how well the antenna conductors are
kept free from sharp points and edges.

that the large capacity resulting therefrom may keep the voltage below
the limit of corona loss even for large amounts of power input. The
effective resistance representing this loss is for a fixed current an inverse
function of the frequency and a direct function of the wave-length, for
voltages above the critical value.
From the above we have, then, that for a certain antenna and for a
fixed current therein :
Radiation resistance is an inverse function of (X)2;
Resistance corresponding to (2) ,(3) and (4) (eddy currents and
skin effect) decreases as X increases;
Resistance corresponding to (1), (5) and (6) (dielectric loss, leakage,
corona) increase with increase in X.
The above relations are roughly indicated in Fig. 52, where the various
components of the antenna resistance have been plotted, together with

Wave length
Fio. 52.—Various components of antenna resistance, showing approximately how they
vary with wave-length.

curves showing the total loss resistance and the total antenna resistance.
From the component curves A, B, and C, we have obtained the total loss
resistance curve, by adding the ordinates of curves B and C, and,
finally, the total antenna resistance, curve H, by adding the ordinates
of the curves A, B, and C. The important point brought out by the
curves is that, because some of the loss resistance components are a direct
function, and others an inverse function, of the wave-length, it follows
that the total loss resistance has a minimum value, as represented by the
point K on curve F. It would seem, then, as if from the point of view

of the losses the best wave-length at which to use an antenna should be

that corresponding to point K, and in practice this is approximately
the most efficient wave
length at which to op
erate an antenna.
The curves given
above are purely of a
— theoretical nature, be
Shi 1 81 ten la T) cause the components
38 meters lis) of the antenna resist
Fu ttt p 32 metors Ion ( ance cannot be satisfac
Bc 5 torily measured by the
methods at present
available. However, to
tal resistance curves
of actual antennae,
1000 2000 3000 which are easily ob
Wave length in meters
tained, are all found to
Fig. 53.—Total resistance curve for a ship's antenna. have the shape of curv e
H, and the point of
mimimum resistance is always found to be at wave-lengths considerably
greater than the fundamental wave-length, perhaps twice as great.
Some typical resistance curves of actual antennae are given herewith ;
Fig. 53 shows the resist-
ance for a ship's antenna
for which the minimum y ero >lai e aiitennn
resistance takes place at
a wave-length of 3.5 — rrail "E virt
times the fundamental.
The ordinary land sta \
S \ ' ■ kid lln
tion antenna resistance
resembles this curve in
form, but generally the
resistance increases with
—' —
the longer wave-lengths
more rapidly than does 2UU 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
that given in Fig. 53. Wave length in meters
Fig. 54 gives the total Fio. 54.—Resistance curves for two types of aeroplane
resistance for an aero antenna.
plane antenna of the
trailing-wire type and one of the skid-fin type ; both of these antennae have
about the same fundamental wave-length. It is to be noted that the trailing-
wire antenna curve shows large resistance to the left of the nunimum value,

while the other curve shows large resistance to the right of the minimum
value. This is accounted for as follows: a trailing-wireantenna is a much bet
ter radiator than a skid-fin antenna, hence the radiation resistance should
be larger in the former and therefore that part of the curve to the left
of the minimum, which is very much affected by the radiation resistance,
should have the larger ordinates in the trailing antenna than in the skid-
fin antenna curve. On the other hand, since the skid-fin antenna is very
close to the aeroplane structure, the dielectric and leakage-loss resistance
should be very much greater than in the trailing-wire antenna, and hence
the ordinates of the resistance curve to the right of the minimum value
should be much larger. The minimum resistance for the skid-fin antenna
is seen to be less than for the other in view of the shorter length of wire
used and hence less ohmic resistance.1
The very large land stations have a minimum antenna resistance
between 1 and 2 ohms; the minimum resistance for the antenna of a
5-kw. set is generally between 5 and 10 ohms. Portable field antenna
sometimes have a resistance as high as 50 ohms.
What has been said of the resistance of an ordinary antenna applies
to a coil radiator as well, except, of course, that the components of the
total resistance are related to one another in a somewhat different way;
and this is true, to a certain extent, of any one type of antenna relative
to any other. The most important thing about a coil radiator is that
its counterpoise or ground resistance is practically eliminated, and hence
a much "less total resistance is obtained. Therefore, a certain voltage
will, when impressed upon a coil radiator, produce a much larger current
than in a simple antenna having the same radiation resistance as the coil ;
hence it is possible to radiate larger amounts of power by means of the
coil than one might at first think; for ordinary-sized coils, however, the
frequency must be very high if appreciable power is to be radiated.
Natural Wave-length of Antenna.—Consider an antenna in its simplest
form, i.e., a long vertical wire connected to the alternator as shown in
Fig. 55. The antenna wire has :
(1) Distributed inductance.
(2) Distributed capacity.
(3) Distributed resistance.
(1) The distributed inductance is due to the ability of every part of
the antenna to develop magnetic lines of force. Assuming the absence
of magnetic material near the antenna, its inductance per unit length
should be practically uniform throughout its height.
1 For a number of curves of aircraft antenna resistance see Johnson's paper in I. R. E.,
Vol. 8, Nos. 1 and 2.
Also see Scientific paper No. 341 of Bureau of Standards, by J. M. Cork.

(2) The distributed capacity consists of the capacity between the

wire and the counterpoise, or earth, and is in general different for different
parts of the antenna.
(3) The distributed resistance of the antenna is due to radiation and
all the losses taking place. This total resistance per unit length of wire
maybe considered to be about uniform through
out the entire antenna height.
The antenna as a whole has a certain value
of effective inductance, effective capacity and
effective resistance, all of which, when defined
in terms of current at the base of the antenna,
change with the frequency of the currents flow
ing through the wire. It has already been
shown how the effective resistance changes with
the frequency or wave-length. The effective
inductance and capacity change with the fre
quency because, as will be presently demon
strated, the distribution of the voltage and
current over the antenna changes with the
wave-length or frequency. Thus, if the ar-
J tenna inductance, say, is measured for a cer-
(q) tain value of X and some effective value cf
| current, h, at the alternator, and if, then,
^^^^^^222^ the wave-length is changed while the effective
_ „ _ , value of the current I0 is maintained the same.
Fia. 55.—In an actual antenna . , , .. a ,
the capacity inductance and the total magnetic flux emanating from the
resistance are distributed and antenna will be different on account of the
must be so considered when different distribution of current, and the in
accurate equations for cur- ductance will necessarily be different. If. for
rent and voltage are desired. infitance) the effective value of the current
over the antenna were as in a, Fig. 56 (an
impossible condition) every part of the antenna would be nearly so effect
ive in producing magnetic flux, while if the current distribution were
as in b, with the same current, h, at the alternator, the parts of the antenna
farthest removed from the alternator would not be very effective in pro
ducing magnetic flux, thus making the inductance smaller as compared
with a.
A similar thing happens in the case of the capacity, because the volt
age distribution along the antenna varies with the wave-length, and hence
the ability of the different parts of the antenna to produce electrostatic
lines of force varies with the wave-length.
Distribution of Current and Voltage along the Antenna Wire.—It
has already been pointed out that the current and voltage cannot be the

same throughout the antenna wire of Fig. 55. The current in such a
wire exists because electrons are being made to flow alternately into and
out of a capacity; at the very end of the wire past which there is no capacity
the current must be zero and will grow in value for points farther away
from the end. The flow of this rapidly alternating capacity current
(leading current) through the inductance of the antenna wire produces
an increasing voltage as we proceed towards the end of the wire, a phenom-
, ,B



1 f
a b
Fig. 56.
Fig. 56.—If the current at the base of an antenna is held constant while frequency is
changed the distribution of current along the antenna will change; this will change
the amount of magnetic energy associated with the antenna and hence will change
its effective self-induction.
Fig. 57.—By considering the leakage, capacitance, inductance, and resistance of a
small element d, the equations for current and voltage may be obtained. Even if
the resistance and leakage are neglected fairly accurate expressions will be obtained.
enon which is well known to the electrical engineer in the case of long
distance transmission lines. In order more fully to understand the dis
tribution of current and voltage we are giving below the expressions for
the current and voltage in a simplified antenna or, more definitely, an
antenna having uniformly distributed inductance and capacity and no
resistance whatever. Thus, let AB, Fig. 57, represent such an antenna.
Let E =e.m.f. vector at any point P, the effective value of the e.m.f.
being E;
/= current vector at any point P, the effective value of the
current being /;

s= distance from A to P, in centimeters;

I = length of antenna in centimeters;
Li = inductance of antenna in henries per centimeter;
Ci = capacity of antenna in farads per centimeter;
w = angular velocity of alternator e.m.f. in radians per sec;
x = inductive reactance in ohms per centimeter = coLi ;
b = capacity susceptance in mhos per centimeter = toCi ;
Eo= e.m.f. vector at alternator end of antenna;
Io = current vector at alternator end of antenna.
By suitable mathematical analysis 1 it may be shown that, if the
antenna resistance is neglected,

t0 -j -^=Eo tan Vbx~ I (36)

E-= E° cos Vbx~ (l-s) (37)
cos Vbx I

I=— sin Vbx~ (l-s) (38)

sin Vbx I
If we let d = distance from the upper end of the antenna in centimeters,
d = l-s (39)
a = Vbx. (40)
Substitute (39) and (40) in Eqs. (36), (37), (38) and we have the simple
7o =i -E0 tan al (41)

E=^~, cos ad (42)

cos at

7=-^., sin ad (43)

sin al
From Eqs. (42) and (43) we note that both E and I are trigonometric
functions of the distance from the upper end of the antenna d. E varies
with cos ad and I varies with —sin ad, therefore E and I must differ by
90° in " space phase." In Fig. 58 the abscissae of curves E and / repre
sent the values of the e.m.f. vector and current vector respectively, at
various points along the antenna, obtained by the application of Eqs.
1 Sec John M. Miller, "Electrical Oscillations in Antennas and Inductance Coils,"
Proc. I. R. E., Vol. 7, No. 3.

(42) and (43). At the end of the antenna the current vector is zero
while the voltage vector is a maximum. At the alcernator end E and 7
may have any value, depending upon the value of Vbx and the height
of antenna. The example represented by the curves is not one which
is ever purposely realized in practice, since the antenna would, in this
case, produce a comparatively weak electromagnetic field, in view of the
fact that the current and voltage are positive over certain portions of the
antenna and negative over others; hence
the effect of certain parts of the antenna
would be partly or fully neutralized by
other parts. The curves, however, show
a more or less extreme possibility. The

Fig. 58.
Fig. 58.—A possible form of excitation of an antenna, at a frequency much higher than
its natural frequency.
Fig. 59.—The ordinary form of voltage and current distribution on an unloaded antenna,
excited at its natural wave-length.

more usual case is that represented by Fig. 59; this case will be dis
cussed more fully a little later.
Again, we note from Eqs. (42) and (43) that, since E and I are trigono
metric functions of ad, this quantity must represent a space rate of change
of angle, as distinguished from u, which represents a time rate of change
of angle. Now, looking at the curves of Fig. 58, which represent nothing

but so-called stationary waves of e.m.f. and current, the distance between
such points as B and D must be the length of the stationary wave over
the antenna, and this distance must be such as to make

Xi = wave-length of stationary waves in centimeters,
Xi=£ (44)
a = y/bx and b = a>Ci, x = wLi,
a = o3\rLiCi. (45)
/ = frequency of alternator in cycles per second,

/"■5~ and substituting in (45),

a=2ir/vT[c7 (46)

The quantity , - is shown in electrical engineering texts to be very

nearly equal to the velocity of light or to the velocity of propagation of
electromagnetic waves emanating from an antenna through the air.
If V= velocity of propagation of electromagnetic waves in
cm. /sec,
_J= = V
and substituting in (46)
°- v'
and finally substituting this expression for a in Eq. (44) we have:

Xi-j. ........ . (47)

Thus, the length of the antenna stationary waves, Xi, is equal to the
velocity of propagation of the waves divided by the frequency; but this
quotient represents the length of the electromagnetic waves, therefore,
the wave-length of the stationary antenna waves is equal to the wave-length
of the electro-magnetic waves in free space.
Now, going back to Eq. (41) on p. 754 we may solve for the value
of -r^, thus:
|2 cot al (48)
Io 0

Since Eo and Io are the e.ra.f. and current at the alternator their ratio
must be the effective impedance of the antenna at the point where the
alternator is connected. In our case the expression for this impedance
is always imaginary, and therefore, represents the value of the reactance.
This result was to be expected, since the resistance has been omitted in
our simplified discussion.
Let Xo = antenna reactance at the alternator in ohms.
Xo = — rCotoZ (49)
Substituting for

we have
X0 = -yJ£cot2*^l (50)
X0 = -^cot^-, (51)

where X = wave-length of electromagnetic waves, in

The value of this reactance will apparently vary, for a fixed X, as we
vary the antenna height I. When I is such as to make cot ^— =0, then
the reactance is zero and the antenna will resonate to the alternator fre
quency. This will happen when:

— = 2 or y or (2n+ 1)^ (52)

or when
^or* = |Xoru(2-^±!)x.

And since X is also equal to the wave-length of the stationary antenna

waves, it follows that the antenna will resonate to the frequency of the
alternator when the antenna height is such that there will result a dis
tribution of e.m.f. and current vectors which will produce either i or f
or £, etc., of a stationary wave.
If the expression for X0 as given by Eq. (50) be plotted against values
of alternator frequency,1 everything else remaining the same, we would
have the curve shown in Fig. 60. At the points 1, 3, 5 the antenna react
ance is zero, and the frequencies at 1, 3, 5, etc., are in ratios 1:3:5:7,
1 For experimental curves showing this effect see Fig. 109, p. 109.

etc. Hence the antenna can be made to resonate at the frequency fi and
at frequencies three times, five times, seven times, etc., fi. On the other
hand, a little to either side of the points 2, 4, 6, etc., the reactance is
infinite and directly at the points 2, 4, 6, etc., the resistance of the antenna,
as measured at the base, becomes infinite so that practically no current
can be caused to pass into the antenna at the frequencies S2, /■», /g, etc.,
which are two times, four times, six times, etc., the first resonating fre
quency f\. It is not out of place to point out here that the first resonating
frequency f\ is such as to produce one-quarter of a stationary wave over
the antenna, as may be easily seen from the discussion of p. 757. This

Fia. 60.—As the frequency impressed on an antenna is varied the reactance (as measured
at the base) goes through the changes indicated here; in case an antenna with appre
ciable resistance had been considered the reactance changes from its high positive
value to high negative value by going through zero values at 2, 4 and 6.

frequency and the wave-length corresponding to it are known as the

fundamental or natural frequency and wave-length of antenna respectively.
An antenna if excited by means of a spark gap will naturally have cur
rents produced in it of the frequency corresponding to zero reactance,
and therefore of the fundamental frequency and wave-length; it is possible
by putting proper discontinuities in the antenna, to cause this frequency
to be three times and even five, times the fundamental. In general, it
may be said that, whenever the simple antenna oscillates freely, no matter
how excited, it does so at the natural or fundamental wave-length.
The curves of Fig. 60 also show that the reactance of the antenna may
be negative (condensive) or positive (inductive), depending entirely upon
the frequency at which it is used.
In the above discussion we have assumed an antenna consisting of

a vertical wire and having distributed inductance and capacity, and no

resistance. The presence of the resistance makes the results only slightly
different, and so does the fact that the capacity is not quite uniformly
Consider now an actual antenna with a flat top. If the top consists
of a single horizontal wire of the same size as the vertical wire, then it
may be shown in the manner already illustrated for the simplest antenna
that, assuming uniformly distributed capacity and inductance throughout,
the total length ABC, Fig. 61, represents one-quarter of the fundamental
wave-length of the antenna.
If, on the other hand, the top consists of a number of horizontal wires,
as in Fig. 62, then the problem is somewhat complicated, because the
N. wires
-c ^B


Fig. 61. Fig. 62.

Fig. 61.—In the case of an inverted L antenna the natural wave-length is slightly more
than four times the extreme length A-B-C.
Fig. 62.—An antenna with a wide top has a natural wave-length considerably greater than
four times the extreme length A-B-C; by spreading out the wire A-B (separating
the different strands sufficiently and bringing them down in a cylindrical form) the
naturalwave-length may be brought down to very nearly four times the lengthA-B-C.

capacity and inductance per unit length of the part BC are different from
those for part A B. However, in view of the fact that for the part BC
the capacity per unit length is kn times 1 that of a single wire, while the
inductance per unit length is ^ times that of a single wire, the product
of these two quantities remains the same, and it is safe to take the dis
tance A BC as again being approximately one-quarter of the fundamental
wave-length of the antenna.
The inaccuracy of this simple rule increases as the form of the aerial
departs from the simple one given in Fig. 60. It has been found experi
mentally that the natural wave-length is connected to the extreme length
1 k is a constant less than unity; it approaches unity as the different wires of the
antenna are spaced farther apart.

of the antenna (from ground, up lead wire to farthest point of aerial)

about as given here
Vertical wire 4-4 . II
T aerial with small tops 4.3- 51
T aerial with broad tops 5- 61
Umbrella aerial 6- 102
Horizontal wire, 1 meter from ground 51
The capacities of antennae vary from perhaps 0.4 X10-9 farads to
20X10-9 farads; the lower value being for small portable field antennae
and the higher value for large high power stations. The ordinary ship
antenna has a capacity between 1 and
BI I if 2 X 10-9 farads-
In the case of a coil radiator the capac
ity of the condenser C, Fig. 63, is gener
ally very large as compared with the
distributed capacity over the conductor
A BCD, hence the latter may be nejglected
A I S —Id and the fundamental wave-length of the
IM circuit may be obtained from the induc-
11 tance of the coil and the capacity C.
Fia. 63.—The natural. wave-length
, Current and Voltage~ Distribution in
of a coil antenna is seldom used; Antenna for Various Loadings.—The ex-
the wave-length is calculated from pression " Loading of an antenna " applies
the value of L of the coil and the to the insertion of an inductance or a
amount of capacity in C. condenser in series therewith for the
purpose of changing the fundamental
wave-length of the antenna circuit. This is best understood by
referring to the curves of Fig. 64, which give the reactance, at differ
ent frequencies, for an antenna, for a coil, and for a condenser. The
antenna reactance curve A is, the same as the first section of the curve
of Fig. 60, the curve for the inductance is a straight line, since inductive
reactance varies directly with the frequency, and the curve for the con
denser is an equilateral hyperbola, since condensive reactance varies
inversely as the frequency.
If the antenna and the coil are connected in series it is plain that the
total reactance will, for any frequency, be the algebraic sum of the two
individual reactances; a similar thing applies to the case where a con
denser is connected in series with the antenna. The resultant reactance
curves are shown as F and G. Now, considering the three curves A,
F, G, it will be seen that the antenna alone has a natural frequency of /i,
the antenna with the coil in series has a natural frequency of ft., and the
antenna with the condenser in series has a natural frequency of fc. Thus,

the effect of the series inductance is to make the natural frequency of the
entire antenna circuit smaller (larger wave-length) than that of the antenna
alone, and vice versa for the case of the series condenser.
It will be noted that by making the slope of the curve B very great
(large inductance) the antenna circuit may be caused to have a very
much lower fundamental frequency than that of the antenna alone, the

Fig. 64.—The diagram of reactances of an antenna (A), a coil (B), and a condenser
(D), shows how the natural wave-length of an antenna circuit is changed by adding
loading coil or shortening condenser in the base of the antenna.

limit being zero. In the case of the series condenser it will be observed
that no matter how large we make its reactance (how small its capacity)
the maximum frequency obtainable is twice that of the fundamental
frequency of the antenna proper. Thus, if an antenna has a natural
wave-length of, say, 500 meters, it is impossible to change this to any
thing less than 250 meters by placing a condenser in series with the
The changes which take place in the natural wave-length of an antenna,
as various coils or condensers are used in series with it, are shown in Figs.



C -i§L
2000 >
\ irii Uio 1 ot wa 'el BCl ll w knc ine
s nsrl • U re 1 nte ma 176 ■el en km


500 - -

0 1000 2000 3000 . 4000 6000 I

Loading inductance in 10 henriM
Fig. 65.—Effect of loading coil on the wave length of a single-wire antenna.

65, 66, and 67. A single-wire antenna was used in the test, about 175
meters long, having (unloaded) a natural wave-length of 700 meters.
As a variable inductance, in series with the ground connection of the
antenna was changed, the natural wave-length of the loaded antenna
increased as shown in Fig. 65. Then keeping the value of the loading
inductance fixed at 1140 a variable condenser shunted around this
load coil brought about the changes in wave-length shown in Fig. 66.
The effect of putting a " short-wave " condenser in series with the
base of the antenna is shown in Fig. 67 ; it will be seen that with no capacity
in series with the base of the antenna (that is, the lower end of the antenna

Na urn1 Wl re tli. ml' ;ul< 1

600 a
i ^
H I ,nv. t of ser cs c om ens :r
z o 1 W, ive em to i f Bl ten na
200 >-
Sir wir ■ al ten 11 1 70 I let* rs 1, Og

0 .4 .8 1.2 1.6 2.0in 10_2.4

Capacity J farads 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0
Eiq. 67.—Effect of putting a variable condenser in series with the base of the antenna.
merely left free, connected to nothing) the natural wave-length decreased
(by extrapolation of the curve) to half the natural wave-length of the
grounded antenna.
It has already been stated that an antenna is generally used at
frequencies lower than its fundamental, and therefore antennas have
generally a loading inductance inserted in series. The series condenser is
sometimes used in the case of receiving antennas, but very seldom for
tranmitting antenna
Current and Potential Distribution over Antenna.—We will consider
the following cases:
(1) Simple antenna (single vertical wire) with no loading induc
tance or series condenser.
(2) Simple antenna with loading inductance in series.

(3) Simple antenna with condenser in series.

(4) Commercial antenna with large top and no loading inductance
or series condenser.
(5) Commercial antenna with loading inductance.
(6) Commercial antenna with condenser in series.
It is understood that in every case the antenna circuit is operated at
the fundamental frequency of the circuit, for at this frequency the react
ance is zero, the resistance is a minimum, and the current a maximum.
Case (1). Eqs. (42) and (43) of page 754, give

E =■ , cos ad
cos al
I=- sin ad
sin al

and indicate that, since the antenna height (0 is equal to one-quarter

of a wave-length, the voltage and current curves will be as shown in
Fig. 59, the curves being sinusoidal; the
current curve will be one-quarter of a
complete sine wave.
Case (2), Fig. 68. Here the X of the
entire circuit will be larger than that of
the antenna alone, therefore the antenna
height will represent less than one-quarter
of the wave-length. Furthermore the cur
rent through the inductance will be con
stant, but the voltage over it will vary
from DK to AH. Hence the voltage E'o
at the beginning of the antenna wire will
be much larger than in case (1), and the
insulators at the point A will need to be
such as to stand a larger voltage.
Case (3), Fig. 69. Here the X of the
entire circuit is less than that of the an
tenna alone; hence the antenna height
will represent more than one-quarter of
Fig. 68.—Voltage and current dis- the wave-length. The current curve,
tribution in simple antenna with therefore, has its zero at B, its maximum
loading coil. at H and decreases to /0 at p. it has the
same value on both sides of the condenser.
The voltage curve is a maximum at B, zero at K and becomes negative
thereafter; however, it again changes sign over the condenser.

Cases (4), (5) and (6), illustrated in Figs. 70, 71, and 72, are analogous
to cases (1), (2) and (3), respectively, except that the distribution of
voltage and current takes place over
the entire antenna length and not
over the vertical part alone. The
result of this is that the vertical part
has a current of more nearly con
stant effective value over the entire
height; of course this result is especi
ally desirable in view of the better
radiation produced by a uniform cur
rent over the vertical wire.
Experimental curves of voltage
and current distribution for a low-
frequency circuit, representing at low
frequency what an antenna docs at
high frequency, bear out the theo
retical predictions already discussed,
except that, whereas in the theoreti Fig. 69.—Voltage and current distribu
cal curves of Figs. 69 and 72 we have tion in simple antenna with shortening
shown the effective value of the volt condenser.
age to actually become zero at points
marked K, this does not happen in the experimental curves.1 The reason
for this lies in the fact that the theoretical curves have been plotted
on the basis of Eq. (37),
which takes no account
of the resistance of cir
cuit, while actually there is
resistance. The effect of
the resistance upon the
effective value of the volt
age along the antenna is,
generally, to make it im
possible for it to become
zero for, at the nodal point,
wmmmr, where the voltage should
Fia. 70.—Voltage and current in unloaded inverted be zero, there is power flow-
L antenna. ing past the nodal point to
supply the losses for the
rest of the antenna, and in order for this to take place the voltage
must be greater than zero. In the case of no resistance the voltage along
1 See Morecroft, "Experiments with long electrical conductors," Proc. I. R. E., Vol.
5, No. 6, Dec., 1917.

the antenna has different effective values, but the same phase for the
same half-wave and changes in phase through 180° at the point where it
passes through its zero value. On the other hand, in the actual case
the voltage all along the
antenna has not only
different effective values,
but different phases as
well, as may be shown by
the vector diagram of Fig.
73 where the vectors rep
resent voltages at differ
ent points of the antenna
of Fig.* 72, the numbered
vectors corresponding
with the numbered posi
tions on the antenna. At
Fig. 71.—Current and voltage in inverted L antenna nodal Points the voltage
having a loading coil. would be very small as
shown at £3; its magni
tude (for a given impressed voltage) becomes smaller as the resistance
of the upper part of the antenna is decreased.
Direction Finders.—This is the name given to receiving antennae
so constructed as to indi
cate the direction from
which the signals are com
ing. The simplest direction
finder is a receiving coil
antenna; it has already
been pointed out on p. 708,
that such a coil when used
as a transmitt er will produce
the maximum intensity of
field in its plane ami the
minimum at right angles
thereto; in a similar manner
the coil will, when receiving,
have the greatest current
produced in its circuit when Fig. 72.—Current and voltage in inverted L antenna
its plane is in the plane of havin8 shortening condenser,
propagation of the waves
and the minimum when its plane i.s perpendicular to the plane of propa
gation of the waves. Thus, if the coil be arranged so that it may be
made to rotate with respect to its vertical axis while signals are being

received, then when the coil is placed into a position

of minimum or zero strength of signals the normal to
its plane indicates the direction from which the waves
are coming.
It has already been stated that in the case of aero
planes a coil antenna is sometimes used for receiving,
which is kept fixed in position with repect to the aero
plane while the aeroplane is maneuvered until mini
mum strength of signals is obtained.
In order to obviate the necessity of moving the
coil while obtaining bearings Bellini and Tosi invented
trie so-called goniometer which bears their name. It
consists of two similar coil antennas, Fig. 74, at right
angles to each other, the antennae being kept station
ary. Each of the antennas is connected in series with
similar coils D\ and D2 and variable condensers F\, F2,
Fig. 73. — Voltage
such as to enable the operator to tune to the incoming magnitudes and
waves. The condensers are constructed so that they phasesof theanten
may both be varied at the same time and by the na shown in Fig. 72 ;
same amount, in .order for both at the nodal points
such an antenna of
antennae to be simultaneously tuned the voltage is not
to the incoming waves. The coils zero as the curves
D\ and D2 are constructed in two of Figs. 69 and 72
parts as shown in Fig. 75, leaving a would indicate,
space in the middle for a coil K but a certain small
which may be rotated with respect value depending
upon the resistance
to a line through 0 as an axis. The of the antenna.
coil K is connected to a tuning
condenser to which there is attached the detecting
The signal strength will vary as the coil K is rotated.
This may be shown as follows: Let in Fig. 76 Di, D2
and K represent the planes of the stationary coils Di
and D2 and of the movable coil K respectively; also
assume, for the sake of simplicity, that the coil antennae
>lk^D> Ai and A2 are placed so that the plane of A 1 is parallel
^ ' to that of Di and the plane of A2 parallel to that of
Fia.74.-Pah*of sim D2. It is understood that the coils Di and D2 together
ilar coil antenna with the respective antennas A\ and A2 and the con
placedat right an densers F\ and F2 (see Fig. 74) are so adjusted that
gles to each other
constitute the each circuit has a natural wave-length equal to that of
Bellini-Tosi direc the incoming waves and the same value of resistance
tion finder. as the other circuit; this means that the circuits of the
Fig. 76.—Diagram for analysis of the action of the direction finder.

two antennae must be exactly similar. Assume that the incoming

electromagnetic waves are harmonic and that, therefore, harmonic e.m.f.'s
will be induced in Ai and A2 which will, in turn, produce harmonic currents
in their respective circuits.
Let ot=the angle made by the direction of incoming waves
with the plane of the Ai antenna;
/3 = angle made by the normal to the plane of the revolving
coil K with the plane of the Ai antenna;
ii = instantaneous value of current in circuit A1-D1-F1
(Fig. 74);
V2 = instantaneous value of current in circuit A2-D2-F2
(Fig. 74);
ei = instantaneous value of e.m.f. induced in K by current
in Di)
ca = instantaneous value of e.m.f. induced in K by current
in As;
e = instantaneous value of total e.m.f. induced in K by
the simultaneous action of D\ and D2)
Im = maximum value of the current which would flow in
A\-D\-Fi or A2-D2-F2 if either were placed with
its plane parallel to the direction of the incoming
ttf= angular velocity of currents flowing in A\-D\-F\ and
M = coefficient of mutual induction between K and either
Di or D2 when the plane of K is parallel to either
Di or L>2.
It was stated on p. 743 that the effective value (the same applies to
the maximum value) of the current flowing in a receiving coil antenna,
whose plane is inclined to the direction of the incoming waves, is equal
to that which would flow, were its plane parallel to the direction of the
waves, multiplied by the cosine of the angle which the direction of the
waves makes with the plane of the coil. In our case, therefore, we have:
ii = Im cos a sin ul (63)
By imagining that D\ is rotated (counter-clockwise) until it coincides
with position shown for D2, we see that the equation for current in coil
D2 must be
iz = Im cos (a+90) sin coi = — In sin a sin ut. ... (54)
From the well-known law of electromagnetic induction
ei = -M sin 0 ^ (55)

e2 = -Mcos/3^ (56)
Substituting in (55) and (56) the values of ix and ia of (53) and (54) we
ei = — oiMIm cos a sin (3 cos ait, (57)
02 = oiMIm sin a cos 0 cos ut, (58)
e=ei+e2 = — uiMIm cos &><(cos a sin 0— sin a cos0). . (59)
The maximum value of e for a given value of a and 0 evidently occurs
when cos ut = 1 or
Max value of e = uMIm (cos a sin /3— sin a cos 0). . . (60)
Since the maximum value of the current flowing in the coil K is directly
proportional to the maximum value of e, and since this latter changes
as the angle 0 is changed, i.e., as the position of K changes, it follows
that the signal strength will vary as K is rotated about its axis.
We may now find the values of 0 which will make the signal strength
zero or a maximum respectively; this will occur when the value of the
parenthesis of Eq. (60) is zero or a maximum.
We can put cos a sin 0 —sin a cos /3 =sin (0 — a) and then get
sin (/3-a) =0 when 0-a=O° or 180°
from which 0 =a or = 180°+a (61)
sin (0 — a) = maximum when 0 — a =90° or 270°
from which 0 = 90° +a or =270° +a. . . (62)
We may therefore state that extinction of the signals will take place
when the normal to the plane of the coil K is parallel to the direction of
the incoming waves, and that maximum strength of signals will resulT
when the normal to the plane of K is at right angles to the direction of
the incoming waves. It will be noted that, in this particular case, where
Di and Th are parallel to A\ and A% respectively, the results are the same
as if the whole system of coils were reduced to the coil K alone used as a
coil antenna; for, when the plane of K is perpendicular to the directioi;
of the waves, the strength of signals is a rninimum, and when the plane
of K points towards the direction of the waves, the strength of signals
is a maximum.
A discussion similar to the one given above may be applied in a similar
manner and with similar results to the case of damped waves. Of course
it is plain that the results expressed by Eqs. (61) and (62) are vitiated
by the existence of any dissimilarity between the circuits A\-Di~Fi and
Ajj-Aj-fV In order to avoid any dissimilarity as much as possible, even
at the expense of sensitiveness, the condensers Fi and F2 are often dis
pensed with, and the circuits are thus made aperiodic.
By fitting coil K with a suitably calibrated dial and rotating the coil
until weakest signals are obtained, the direction of the incoming waves
may be determined with a comparatively small percentage of error. Use

has been made of the direction finders for determining the position of a
ship or aircraft of some kind. Thus, in the case of a ship S which is
nearing the port, the ship may get her bearings quite accurately in one of
two ways, as indicated below:1
(a) The ship may be fitted with a directional receiver, and the stations
A, B, C, D may be fitted with non-directional transmitters continually
sending out different
identifying letters. The
operator on board the
ship is assumed to know
the positions of the sta
tions A, B, C and D on
his chart. He would
obtain the angles o, /S, 7
(see Fig. 77) by mani
pulating his directional
receiver. By plotting
the points A, B, C, D
and the angles a, 0, 7
the position of the ship
may be obtained.
(b) The ship may .
be fitted with a non-
directional transmitter
continually sending out
some identifying letter,
and the stations A, B,
C, D may be fitted with
directional receivers.
The operators at A, B,
C, D would, by manip
ulating their direc
tional receivers, obtain f,g 77 —Arrangement of shore station around a port to
the angles which the furnish radio : compass service to incoming ships,
lines SA, SB, SC, SD
make with the north and south line and report these angles by telephone
to a central station F, where the angles are plotted and the position
of the ship is determined. Station F will then transmit the position of
the ship by radio to the operator on board the ship.
1 Ships desiring radio compass service must be fitted to receive on 450 meters in
American ports and 800 meters in European ports; thus a ship sailing from American
ports should now have receiving equipment calibrated at 300 and 600 meters (man
datory) as well as 450 and 800 meters.

This latter method is the one used in the port of New York and Bean
to be preferable to the former, in so far as this requires the presence of a
skillful operator, capable of plotting the ship's position, on board each
ship, whereas in the other case all the plotting is done in one single cen
tral station, where much greater accuracy may be obtained.
So far we have shown how, by means of the single coil antenna or by
means of a goniometer, we may be able to determine the plane parallel
to which the electromagnetic waves are
acting; but we have not yet determined
the exact direction of the mcoming waves.
Thus, we have been able to find that the
waves may be acting along the line AB,
but not whether they are coming from 1
or from B; this determination is techni
cally known as the " elimination of the
180° uncertainty." In most instances the
direction from which the waves are coming
is known, especially in communication
between ship and shore and vice vera;
but sometimes this is not the case.
In order to eliminate the 180° uncer
tainty the single-coil antenna or the double-
coil antenna of a goniometer is accom
panied by a vertical-wire antenna locate!
in the axis of the coil or coils, as shorn;
for the case of the single coil antenna of
Fig. 78, where A BCD is the coil antenna
FG the vertical-wire antenna, connectec
to ground in series with the tuning in
ductance H and the key K. The in
ductance H is loosely coupled to the col
/ p
N inserted in series with the coil antenm
To detecting The operation of obtaining the direction d
apparatus the incoming waves would be as follow;
Fia. 78.—To eliminate the 180° (1) With key K open and the cgl
. , it, is necessary to ,.use antenna
, ,
turned, mto
. . some position where ■
a simple antenna in connection ^
with the coil antenna. tne signals may be easily heard, tune the
coil antenna circuit to the mcoming wave
frequency by means of condenser P.
(2) Close K, and, without changing condenser P, adjust H until the
circuit of the vertical wire antenna is tuned to the frequency of the incom
ing waves, which will be denoted by maximum noise in the receivers con
nected in the detecting apparatus.

(3) Again open key K. Turn the coil antenna until the signals dis
appear or become a minimum. The normal to the plane of the coil when
in this position represents a line parallel to the direction of the incoming
(4) With key K still open turn the coil antenna 90° from position of
(3). Maximum signal strength will
then be obtained.
(5) With the coil antenna in the
position of (4) depress key K. The
signal strength will either increase or
decrease relative to that of (4), de
pending upon the exact direction from
which the waves are coming. If the
signal strength decreases upon closing
K the waves are coming from a cer
tain direction, and if it increases the
waves are coming from the opposite
direction. Whether it is one direction
or the other may be told by previously
calibrating the entire apparatus.
Waves are used for this calibration
which are known to come from a
definite direction.
The reason for the behavior of the
vertical-wire antenna together with
the coil antenna is as follows: Con- Fig. 79.—Direction of assumed positive
dder Fig. 79 and let the arrows repre- e.m.f. induced in the conductors of
jent the assumed positive directions two antennae of Fig. 78.
jf the electromotive forces in the
.vires AB, FG, CD. Let the direction of the incoming waves be as repre
sented by W, and let the plane of the coil be parallel to the direction
)f the waves.

3all Ei =effective value of e.m.f. produced in wire AB due to

waves W;
i?2 = effective value of e.m.f. produced in wire FG due to
waves W;
E% = effective value of e.m.f. produced in wire CD due to
waves W;
a = angle equivalent to distance Si between AB and FG,
and between FG and CD;
E= effective value of total e.m.f. in coil antenna due to
waves W;

h = effective value of current produced in

the vertical wire antenna;
En= effective value of e.m.f. induced into N
by the current in H.
Since the waves strike wire AB first it is plain
that the e.m.f. produced therein will be ahead of
that of FG and CD and, therefore, the various
e.m.f. 's will be as shown in Fig. 80 below, where:

It is plain that no matter what the angle a
Fig. 80.—The e.m.f. act the vector E will always be at right angles to 2?2-
ing in the coil antenna The current h will, since the wire antenna is
(Fig. 79) is the vector tuned to the incoming waves, be in phase with the
difference of the e.m.f. e.m.f. E2. The e.m.f. E„ induced in N will be 90°
in its two sides and is behind the current h or 180° from the e.m.f. E.
shown at OE; current
flowing in the simple Since the total e.m.f. producing the current in the
antenna is shown at 011 coil antenna is E—EH, this e.m.f. will, in this case,
and this induces a volt- be OA, less than if the coil antenna alone were
age in the coil antenna acting, when the total e.m.f. would be E.
equal to OEn. Now consider the case when the waves are
coming from the opposite direction to W. Let
the symbols: E!\, E'a, E'z, E', V2, E„' represent quantities correspond
ing to Ei, E2, E3, E, h, En, with the waves from the direction opposite
to W. In this case the waves will
strike conductor CD first, and hence
the e.m.f. produced therein will lead
the e.m.f. 's of FG and AB. The
vector diagram will then be as shown
in Fig. 81. As before E'=E\-E'z
and will be always perpendicular to
E'2. The e.m.f. E'„ will now be in
phase with E' and the total e.m.f.
(E,+Efn) producing the current in
the coil antenna will, in this case, Fig. 81.—This diagram shows how the
be OA, larger than if the coil anten phase relations of the various e.m.f. of
na alone were acting, when the total Fig. 80 change if it is assumed that the
e.m.f. would be E'. signal waves are coming from the oppo
Thus it has been shown that if the site direction to that assumed in Fig. 81.
waves are coming fromTF, Fig. 80, the
action of the current in the vertical-wire antenna is to diminish the current
in the coil antenna (and hence the strength of signals), while if the waves

are coming from the opposite direction the action of the vertical-wire
antenna is to increase the strength of the signals. It will be understood
that whether the signal strength is increased or decreased by the action
of the vertical-wire antenna will depend not only upon the direction of
increasing waves, but also upon the direction of the winding on the coils
H and N and the position of these coils relative to each other. This is
the reason why the entire apparatus has to be calibrated beforehand.
In the case of a goniometer the vertical wire antenna is coupled to both
of the coil antenna?, and the manipulation of the apparatus is similar to
that for the single-coil antenna.
Incomplete Extinction of Signals.—Unless special precautions have
been taken coil antennae do not give zero signal, in any position; the
signal goes to a minimum, but is not extinguished. This effect is pro
duced by the coil acting to some extent like a simple antenna. The
two wires leading from the coil to the detecting apparatus unbalance the
coil electrically, one of them going directly to ground (filament circuit
of detecting tube) and the other connecting to ground only through a
very high impedance. This asymmetry is sufficient to prevent a " silent "
setting to be made with the coil, because the antenna effect gives an
e.m.f. 90° out of phase with the coil effect. By a suitable auxiliary cir
cuit it is possible to eliminate this antenna effect, thus getting a more
accurate setting, if necessary.
Reliability of Direction Finders.—The precision with which a direction-
finding receiving coil can be set (under laboratory conditions) is probably
less than 1°; in general an operator can set more precisely for minimum
signal strength than for maximum unless two coils, at right angles to
each other, are used and one of them arranged for commutation. In
this scheme the combination of coils is so placed that one coil (the one
without the commutator) lies approximately in the direction of the
signal, thus being set for maximum reception. The other coil (evidently
set for minimum signal) is connected in series with the first by means of
the commutator. The operator then orients the apparatus until the
commutation of the one coil makes no difference in the signal strength.
The precision of setting with this apparatus is probably much better
than 1°.
It would seem that it is not worth while to increase the precision of
direction finders beyond that now attainable, because of the non-linear
propagation of radio waves. With short waves there is not much devia
tion from straight line propagation, under ordinary conditions; with the
long-wave-signals, however, the propagation seems to be rather erratic.1
With signals from 10,000-20,000 meters long, an apparent change in
1 See Bureau of Standards Scientific Paper No. 353, reporting experiments by
A. H. Taylor.

direction of a transmitting station of as much as 90° may occur, the change

occurring quite rapidly (as much as several degrees per minute). This
variation occurred when the two stations were less than 200 miles apart
and might, of course, been greater if the distance had been greater. The
change in direction is undoubtedly due to refractions caused by conditions
of conductivity in the atmosphere, and surface conditions; one might
expect, for example, large deviations when transmitting along a shore
In view of Taylor's experiments it seems hardly advisable to use highly
directional receiving antennae for communication between long-wave-
stations. It would seem as though many experiments on attenuation
measurement with long waves must be of extremely doubtful value, if
the receiving antenna was at all directional.
Setting up the Steady State in an Antenna.—It has been noted
previously that after the sending key is depressed it may be an appreciable
time before the current reaches the value predicted by the steady state
equations; some of the effects obtained are shown in Figs. 82, 83, and 84.
In getting the film shown in Fig. 82 the impressed frequency was such as
to set the artificial antenna into quarter wave-length oscillation; the
three curves on the film show the voltage impressed, voltage half way
along the antenna, and voltage at the open end. They are not shown in
the film to the same scale as the voltage at the open end measured 345
volts, that at the middle 212 volts while the voltage impressed was only
20 volts.
It took this artificial antenna about 20 cycles to obtain its steady
state values; in an actual antenna it may take 100 cycles or more
before the steady state is reached, i.e., before normal radiation is
By examination of the film it may be seen that the voltage at the base
(a nodal point) is 90° out of phase with the voltage at the end of the
antenna; this is in accordance with the ideas brought out in discussing
Fig. 73.
In getting the film of Fig. 83 the frequency was increased to three
times the value for quarter wave-length oscillation. It may be found
from measurement of the film that it took the first pulse three-quarters of
a cycle to travel from the beginning of the antenna to the end. Further
more, it may be noted that in the steady state the voltage at C (end of
antenna) is 180° out of phase with the voltage at B, as predicted in Fig.
73, and voltage at A is 90° out of phase with the voltage at B.
In establishing the steady state it may happen that one section of the
antenna builds up to a voltage higher than it has in the steady state;
this is indicated in Fig. 84 in which the impressed frequency had no partic
ular relation to the fundamental frequency of the antenna.
DO H OO d H o 55 >2

seaset ptcreiun—strvead;, end.
anup Voltage
heres ed






cab/* *, , r*lV£$2f

Fig. 83.—Here the artificial antenna was forced to vibrate at three times its fundamental
frequency; it will now be noted that the voltages at B and C are in opposite phase
in the steady state. From the film it can be seen that the original pulse arrives
at C one-half a cycle after passing point B.

•JkffaJt J* point) •/* o*Mt*/. C}*m 6*Q»f &*4

£_ 9 *wet—i

mfoft « /o-o £^
tftf Am/Irs ti ^mk

Fig. 84.—WTiile the steady state is being set up some sections of the antenna may carry
currents greater than the steady state values.

Efiect of Pulse Excitation of an Antenna.—In Fig. 85 is shown

the effect of putting a square pulse of current into the antenna and then
disconnecting the antenna from earth; an oscillatory current is set up in
the antenna (as shown by the middle curve) the frequency of which for
the conditions used is that of the half wave-length oscillation of the antenna.
Thus pulses of "static" always excite an antenna to oscillate at its natural


Relation between Frequency and Wave-length.—It has already been

shown (see p. 183) that a definite relationship exists between the wave
length of the energy radiated, the frequency of oscillation, and the velocity
of propagation, which may be expressed as follows

where X = wave-length in meters;

V = velocity of propagation in meters per second;
/ = frequency of oscillations in cycles per second.
Since the velocity of propagation V is the same for all cases, i.e.,
3 X 108 meters per second, corresponding to the speed of light, the wave
length may thus be immediately determined, if the frequency is known,
and vice versa.
Principle of the Wave-meter.—Therefore, an instrument by means
of which the frequency may be determined may also be used to measure
the wave-length, and instead of having its indicating scales graduated
in frequencies, may have them calibrated directly to read the wave-length.
Such an instrument is called a wave-meter, and represents the most use
ful and important measuring device employed
in radio-engineering. The instrument consists
fundamentally of a circuit, thenatural frequency
of which is adjustable and known at all set
tings. This circuit is brought into resonance
with the frequency to be measured, which j?1G i —The simplest wave-
may then be read at once from the setting meter consists of a fixed
of the wave-meter (indicated in wave-length). coil, L, of as low resistance
In its usual form, it consists of a simple 88 feasible> in series wi*h »
., , . . . , , j continuously variable con-
senes circuit,' containing° an mductance and ,
denser („ , and, a ,hot-wire
. . am-
capacity and an indicating device, e.g., a hot- meter> A> for indicating
wire ammeter, to show the resonant condition. resonance.
This circuit is shown in Fig. 1.
For varying the natural frequency of the circuit, the capacity is usually
made variable, as being the more practical and convenient, while the

inductance is fixed in value. The relation between natural frequency,

wave-length, and the circuit constants has already been derived (see page
212) as
/= 7= cycles per second
where L and C are measured in henries and farads,
and X = 1885 VTiC meters
in which L and C are measured in microhenries and microfarads.
As the condenser capacity is varied, a pointer attached to the moving
' element, moves over a graduated scale, which may be calibrated to indicate
the natural frequency of the circuit at the different settings. Usually,
the scale is calibrated in wave-lengths, as already mentioned, due to the
custom of expressing frequencies in terms of wave-length.
Extending the Wave-length Range.—Assuming a coil of constant
inductance L, the wave-length range which may be covered by the meter
is limited by the maximum and minimum values of the variable condenser,
and the internal capacity of the coil being used. The wave-meter may
be required to measure wave-lengths from very small values, for example,
50 meters, up to wave-lengths of 10,000 meters and above, and to attempt
to cover this range with one value of inductance would require a very
large variable condenser, with a correspondingly crowded scale, and deter
minations would be difficult and inaccurate. It is therefore usual to supply
several coils of different inductance with the instrument, the larger values
of inductance being inserted in the circuit, when higher wave-lengths are
to be determined. Similarly, the smaller inductances would be used in
small wave-length measurements.
To increase the range beyond the maximum and minimum wave
lengths, which can be measured with the inductances supplied with the
instrument, the procedure would be as follows, assuming that the induc
tance of the coils supplied is not known.
For Wave-lengths below the Minimum Range.—Assume the maximum
wave-length which can be measured with the lowest wave-length coil
in circuit as 100 meters. Adjust some exciting source to radiate at 50
meters, the wave-meter being loosely coupled to the radiating circuit,
which may be a transmitting set or a simple buzzer-excited circuit. Esti
mate the coil inductance as accurately as possible from the dimensions
and turns of the coil in circuit, and construct a coil with approximately
one-quarter (or somewhat greater) of this inductance. Insert this new
coil in circuit in place of the standard coil, and again couple loosely to
the radiating circuit, which is still adjusted to radiate at 50 meters. It
should be found that the wave-meter is now in resonance with the variable
condenser adjusted to about the 100-meter graduation.

If it is desired to have a definite proportionality between the readings

obtained with the new and old coil (for example 2 to 1), remove turns-
from the improvised coil until resonance occurs when the capacity is set
at 100 meters. The true wave-length being 50 meters, a multiplying
factor of J must thus be applied to all readings obtained when using the
new coil. The maximum wave-length of the new minimum wave-length
coil has therefore been cut in half, and low wave-length determinations
may now be more easily and accurately made. Of course it is not neces
sary to make the new coil have such an inductance as to cut the wave
length scale in two. Suppose that the new coil gives resonance with the
wave-meter set at 97 meters; then the proper wave-length reading for
the new coil will be 50/97 that for the smallest wave-meter coil.
For Wave-lengths above the Maximum Range.—For this case the
procedure is exactly as outlined above, with the exception that the induc
tance would be increased instead of decreased. Thus if the range is to
be doubled, and the maximum wave-length with the maximum induc
tance L in circuit was 2000 meters, the inductance to be added to the' cir
cuit would be 3 L (the total inductance thus being 4 L), and the maximum
wave-length which could be measured, thus doubled to 4000 meters.
Calibration would be carried out by adjusting a sending set to radiate at
2000 meters, and then adjusting the added inductance until resonance
is indicated at the 1000-meter mark. A multiplying factor of 2 must
then be applied, to obtain the true wave-length from that indicated on
the condenser scale, and the wave-length range has therefore been doubled.
If the inductances of the coils furnished with the instrument are
accurately known (this is usually the case), and means are available to
construct accurately the desired additional inductances, the laboratory
calibration described above would not be required. It would be desirable,
however, to make a check measurement in all cases when possible.
Schemes for Indicating Resonance.—The wave meter circuit will be
in resonance when its natural frequency coincides with the frequency of
the induced e.m.f., or when

/mdu^emW° = 2^W

Under this condition, the impedance of the wave-meter circuit, will

be a rninimum (loose coupling assumed) and will be equal to the effective
resistance R of the circuit. Thus the current will be a maximum and any
device whose indications, whether audible or visible, vary with the current
value, may be used as a means of indicating the resonant condition.
The following devices are applicable for this purpose:
c. Hot-wire ammeter.
6. Crystal detector and phones.

c. Thermo-couple and galvanometer.

d. Crystal detector and galvanometer.
e. Tube filled with rarefied gas (neon).
/. Small incandescent lamp.
a. Hot-wire Ammeter.—This instrument may be connected directly m
series in the circuit as shown in Fig. 1, or may be shunted across one or
more turns of the inductance, as shown in
Fig. 2.
The latter scheme is more usually employed,
due to the high resistance of the ammeter.
The instruments used in wave-meters are
Fig. 2.—Sometimes the sensi never called on to measure very large currents,
tive, high-resistance, am as the current may always be limited by the
meter used in a wave-meter coupling between the wave-meter and the
is shunted across a few turns
of the inductance as this may exciting circuit. The current carrying element
introduce less resistance in (see below) is therefore of rather fine wire, and
the wave-meter circuit than possesses considerable resistance, which, if
if the meter were connected placed directly in series in the circuit, would
directly in series, as in Fig. 1. seriously increase the meter decrement, as dis
cussed later.
The ammeter should be made as sensitive as possible so that large
deflections may be obtained without coupling the meter too closely to
the circuit being tested. It consists essentially of a very thin wire or
strip, through which the circuit current, or portion thereof, passes. The
wire is under tension and as it expands, due to the heating effect of the
current flowing through it, it causes
a shaft to rotate. The pointer of
the instrument is rigidly attached
to this shaft. This arrangement is UJ
indicated in Fig. 3. Thin wire of
1 high expansion
The heat loss in the wire, and coefficient Fine thread
therefore its elongation and the or wire
meter indication is evidently pro Zero adjustment
attached here
portional to P. In order that
Fia. 3.—Sketch showing how the average
the pointer deflections be truly hot-wire meter is constructed; sometimes
proportional to J2, it is necessary the expansion of the wire is still further
that R should be constant over magnified by one more strong attach
the frequency range at which the ment.
instrument will be used. For this
reason very thin wire is employed, having negligible skin effect. The
resistance, however, is correspondingly high, and it is for this reason
directly, as already mentioned. A typical sensitive instrument, e.g., has
a resistance of 8 ohms and gives full scale deflection with 30 milliamperes.

It should be noted that in the various measurements used with wave-

meters it is not necessary that the absolute value of current be known,
but only relative values are required, therefore there is no objection to
connecting the meter in shunt, since the variations in frequency are so
small during any one* measurement that the accuracy of the result is not
affected (due to change in the shunt impedance).
When the current to be measured exceeds 3 amperes, as for instance
the antenna current of a transmitting set, the size of the wire required,
were it attempted to use but one conductor, would be so large that its
resistance would no longer be independent of frequency. For this case
a squirrel-cage element, consisting of a number of fine wires or strips con
nected in parallel, is used. See Fig. 12, page 123.
For currents larger than 20 amperes a current transformer may profit
ably be employed. This transformer may be air- or iron-cored, the latter
being used to the greatest extent, as it insures close coupling between the
primary and secondary turns. The core is of toroidal form, made of very
thin iron plates, and at radio frequencies the current ratio is given approxi
mately by the turn ratio, i.e.,
h n2
h ni'
where, 712 = number of secondary turns in series;
ni = number of primary turns in series;
h = secondary current;
Zi = primary current.

It has already been noted that the deflections of the hot-wire ammeter
are proportional to I2, or to the watts (PR) lost in the instrument itself.
For this reason it has been erroneously called a watt-meter, when the scale
is graduated in (amperes)2 and not in amperes. The ammeters used in
modern wave-meters are graduated in either of these ways, in fact, the
(ampere)2 graduation is the more convenient for certain measurements.
It should, however, be clearly kept in mind that the instrument is not
really a watt-meter in the ordinary sense; the scale calibration generally
gives the watts used in the instrument itself.
b. Crystal Detector and Phones.—The hot-wire ammeter is applicable
only when the wave-meter is to be coupled to a circuit of considerable
power, so that appreciable currents are caused to flow in the wave-meter
circuit. When the induced currents are exceedingly small, as when the
wave-meter is coupled to a receiving antenna, or a buzzer-excited wave
generator, only the most sensitive of current indicating devices may be
used. The crystal detector and phones, which have already been de
scribed in connection with the reception of spark signals (see page 339)

are eminently suited for this purpose, and various schemes for connecting
these into the wave-meter circuit have been tried. These schemes are
shown in Fig. 4, which also shows the relative sensibility of the different
Scheme No. 1 is probably the most generally used, and its operation
and action is exactly similar to that involved in the reception of spark
signals (see page 339). It illustrates what is known as the " direct "
connection of the detector and phones. Circuit No. 4 represents what is
called the " unilateral " connection, the phones and detector being com-
nected in a closed loop, which is connected to the wave-meter circuit at
one point only. This scheme is not used to any great extent, due to its
poor sensibility, but possesses an advantage in that the calibration of the
wave-meter is not affected appreciably, by the character of the detector-

Fio. 4.—Various schemes of connecting crystal rectifier and telephones for indicating
resonance in a wave-meter excited by a very low-powered source.

phone circuit. Thus in circuit No. 1, the leads going to detector and
phones may possess considerable capacity (as indicated diagrammatically
by the dotted condenser), which capacity is in parallel with the wave-
meter condenser. The wave-meter calibration will thus no longer apply,
since the circuit capacity has been augmented by an uncertain amount,
and the determinations are therefore inaccurate. The amount of error
produced evidently depends on the relative value of the variable wave-
meter capacity, and the external fixed capacity. This error will be a
maximum when the variable condenser is set at the minimum value,
the meter reading being less than the true wave-length which is being
measured. As the variable capacity is increased, the error decreases,
and may become negligible at the larger wave-lengths.
With the " unilateral " connection, however, the wave-meter circuit
constants are unaltered, regardless of the characteristics of the detector-
1 Circular of the Bureau of Standards, No. 74, p. 105.

phone circuit, and any pair of phones with associated leads, etc., may be
employed. The action of this connection is essentially one of electro
magnetic induction. The high-frequency magnetic field linking L links
also the closed loop of the phone detector circuit (the coupling is very
small, however, and this probably accounts for the low sensibility), and
induces in it a radio frequency e.m.f., which will cause rectified radio
frequency wave-trains of current to flow in the loop. Electrostatic effects
also play a considerable r61e in the operation of this detecting scheme.
The connection has an important application to portable or field-type
wave-meters, which may thus be used with phones whose leads vary in
length and other characteristics, i.e., size, insulation, and configuration.
Since the wave-meter is independent of these variations, accurate determi
nations can be made, if the audibility requirements do not necessitate
coupling the wave-meter too closely to the exciting circuit, while varying
degrees of error would occur with connection No. 1, which requires the
wave-meter to be used with the phone-detector circuit with which it was
calibrated, if accuracy is to be obtained.
Circuit Nos. 2, 3, and 5 all operate through the trapping of a charge
on one condenser plate (by means of the rectifier) during the passage
of the wave-train, the condenser then discharging through the phones,
giving an audible click. Thus in circuit No. 2, if we assume that the
detector will permit current to flow downward, but not upward, it is evident
that a positive charge will accumulate on the lower condenser plate during
the passage of a wave-train. After the group has passed, the condenser
discharges downward through the phones (it cannot discharge up through
the detector) and up through the inductance of the wave-meter circuit
until the charges on its plates are neutralized.
The action of circuit No. 3 is similar to that of circuit No. 1.
In circuit No. 5 the charge is trapped on one plate of the condenser
C in the phone-detector circuit. If we again assume the detector to be
conducting for downward-flowing current, then the right-hand plate of
the condenser will accumulate a positive charge. Current will also flow
through it in the opposite direction through the phones, but with difficulty
due to greater impedance of the phones. The condenser charge, caused
by the asymmetrical flow of current, is discharged upward through the
phones (it cannot pass through the detector) and causes the phones to click
once per wave-train as in previous circuits.
Circuit No 6 is better suited to large currents, the telephone and
detector being replaced with a small hot-wire ammeter, when particularly
large currents are to be indicated. If a small power exciting source is
coupled to the wave-meter, the energy transferred from the wave-meter
circuit to the aperiodic detector circuit is too small to give clearly audible
indications, unless the coupling between the exciting circuit and the wave

meter is increased to an excessive value, which would be undesirable, due

to obscurity in the resonance point, and consequent inaccuracy. It
possesses the same advantage as circuit 4, in that the wave-meter cali
bration is nearly independent of the detecting circuit characteristics. These
two schemes (No. 4 and No. 6) also possess the advantage that the decre
ment of the wave-meter, upon which the sharpness of tuning depends,
is but little affected by the detector circuit. In the other four arrange
ments, the decrement is appreciably increased, scheme No. 3 producing
the greatest increase (about 300 per cent on the average) while No. 5 pro
duced the least (about 100 per cent on the average).
c. Thermo-couple and Galvanometer.—Very small currents may be
indicated by a thermo-couple and sensitive galvanometer. The hot
wire ammeter may also be used, but a limit is reached in this type, how
ever, when the wire becomes so fine as to make the instrument too delicate
for practical purposes, and for currents beyond this limit the thermo
couple and galvanometer are generally used.

Fig. 5.—Two types of thermo-couples for use with comparatively large currents; the
most sensitive couples use an extremely fine welded joint at the contact, and are
mounted in a small evacuated glass bulb.

The thermo-couple consists of two crossed wires of dissimilar metals,

the two wires being lightly soldered or welded together at the junction
point. This junction is connected into the circuit in which the high-
frequency current, whose value is to be determined, is flowing, the con
nection being made as shown in Fig. 5, which illustrates two types of
couple in use.
The high-frequency current flowing through the junction raises its
temperature, which causes a unidirectional e.m.f. to be generated, which
in turn causes a direct current to flow in the galvanometer circuit. This
current, and therefore the galvanometer indication, is proportional to
the voltage produced, which in turn is proportional to the temperature
rise of the junction. The galvanometer deflections are therefore pro
portional to the square of the high-frequency current.
The sensitivity of the thermo-couple depends on the thermo-electric
properties of the wires used and resistance of the junction; if the wires
are short, their length has some effect on the sensitivity. The air pressure

also affects the sensitivity as this determines the rise in temperature; the
best couples are enclosed in an evacuated glass bulb.
The metals usually used in the couple are constantan and steel, or
constantan and maganin, the former metal being a copper-nickel alloy
while manganin represents an alloy of copper, manganese, and nickel.
The materials are not expensive and their combination possesses perfectly
satisfactory thermoelectric properties. A typical constantan-steel thermo
element would have wires of about 0.02 mm. in diameter and 4 mm. long.
Such an element has a resistance of about 1 ohm and with 15 milliamperes
of high-frequency current flowing through, it will generate about 40
micro-volts. The resistance of the galvanometer used with the couple
should be approximately the same as that of the couple itself; with such
a combination a deflection of 100 mm. would thus be produced on a galvan-

Fig. 6.—The thermo-couple may be connected directly in the wave-meter circuit or may
be connected in the secondary of a transformer having suitable ratio.

ometer with a sensitivity of 0.25 mm. per microvolt, by 15 milliamperes

of the high-frequency current.
The sensibility of galvanometers used with wave-meters is not as high
as this and is not really required, as the high-frequency currents flowing
in the circuit may be readily increased by increasing the coupling of the
wave-meter to the exciting circuit. Also, the construction of such a sen
sitive galvanometer would be very delicate, and not applicable for use
in connection with the wave-meter, for which it must be of portable con
struction. The coupling for the thermo-couple and portable galvanom
eter will in any case be very much less than that required by the direct-
reading hot-wire ammeter, and the sharpness of tuning and accuracy
thus increased.
Fig QA illustrates a wave-meter circuit, equipped with thermo-couple
and galvanometer. The sensitivity may possibly be increased by using
a current transformer, as shown in Fig. 6B. This also increases the
effective resistance of the radio frequency circuit, but has the possible

advantage that the galvanometer is not metallically connected to the

main circuit. This arrangement has had little application to wave-meter
circuits. .. .,
d. Crystal Detector and Galvanometer.—This scheme is similar to that
indicated in Fig. 4, diagram No. 1, except that a sensitive galvanometer
has been substituted for the phones,
the resonant condition thus being
visibly indicated. The connections
are shown in Fig. 7. This arrange
ment is equivalent to the thermo
couple-galvanometer scheme dis-
Fio. 7—In case the resonance curve of cussed above, and possesses the ad-
the wave-meter is to be plotted the vantage that the increase in effective
phones of Fig. 4 may be replaced bya , .. , ,
galvanometer; this should be of about distance of the wave-meter, due to
the same resistance as the detector, i*> is less than in the former scheme
generally several thousand ohms. For and the sharpness of tuning is
suitably low voltages (say less than therefore better. It possesses the
one volt) the readings of the galvan- disadvantage, however, of requiring
ometer will be proportional to the
square of the current in the an external shunt connection to be
meter circuit. made across the variable condenser,
decreasing the accuracy of the instru
ment, as has already been discussed for the similar circuit using phones.
The galvanometer indications will be proportional to the mean current
(or d.c. component) flowing through it. For large a.c. voltages the cur
rents may be proportional to the voltage, while they are proportional
to higher powers of the voltage at very low voltages in fact, proportional
to the square of the voltage when it is
sufficiently low. This is indicated by
the curves in Fig. 60, page 347.
e. Neon Tube.—This indicator de
pends on the luminous effect which oc
curs,when theclectricpotential impressed
on a gas at low pressure is increased to a Fl(i- 8.—When the wave-meter is used
value where cumulative ionization (by in testing a high-powered circuit and
a resonance indicator (as contrasted
impact) occurs. The connections of to a measuring device) only is re
the tube are indicated in Fig. 8. quired, a small glass tube filled with a
As the wave-meter circuit ap rarefied gas, such as neon, is applicable.
proaches resonance, the drop across the
condenser and tube increases, and at resonance become a maximum, under
which condition the tube glows at maximum brilliancy. This scheme is
simple and determinations are quickly and easily made. The accuracy
obtainable, however, is not so good as with the previous circuits, as it is
difficult to judge exactly the point of maximum brightness, especially if

small powers arc involved, in which case close coupling may be required
to cause the tube to glow, still further decreasing the accuracy of the
measurement. Actually this scheme is good only for testing on high-
power sets; a buzzer-excited circuit would not produce sufficient current
in the wave-meter to make the tube glow, no matter how tight the coupling.
/. Incandescent Lamp.—This device, in its manner of indicating reso
nance, is similar to the neon tube discussed above. It is, however, con
nected directly in series in the wave-meter circuit, as indicated in the
diagram of connections (Fig. 9). The lamp is a low voltage lamp (2-
or 4-volt battery lamp) and is usually con
nected into the circuit by means of an ordinary
small lamp socket, which is short-circuited
when the lamp is not in use.
This scheme possesses the same advantages . .
and disadvantages which were mentioned in ' a
connection with the neon tube. It also pos- FlG. 9._In wave.mctcrs
sesses the disadvantages of inserting a con- a small, low resistance, in-
siderable additional resistance in the wave- candescent lamp has been
meter circuit, while the neon tube arrangement hsed 88 resonance indicator,
has the disadvantage of connecting a leakage
of uncertain value across the wave-meter condenser, as discussed before
in connection with previous circuits. The effect of the parallel connec
tion of the neon tube is of course to raise the effective series resistance
of the wave-meter circuit somewhat, the amount of increase depending
upon the intensity of glow in the tube. There is little to choose between
the lamp and tube.
Classification of Resonance Indicators.—The above schemes for indi
cating resonance of the wave-meter circuit may be classified as to whether
the results obtained are quantitative or qualitative, and the power of the
circuit to which the wave-meter is coupled. Those schemes which permit
a curve of high-frequency current (or indication proportional thereto) to
be plotted against the wave-length readings on the wave meter condenser,
are considered as quantitative, while those which permit only the resonant
wave-length adjustment to be obtained, are considered qualitative.
Those schemes which indicate visibly are, in general, in the quantitative
class. The neon tube and incandescent lamp are exceptions to this rule,
and are in the qualitative class. The hot-wire ammeter, the thermo
couple and d.c. galvanometer, and crystal and galvanometer, are arrange
ments which will give quantitative results. Audible schemes are usually
qualitative, as illustrated by the crystal and phones. It should be noted
that this device may be made quantitative by shunting the phones with
a variable resistance, as in the audibility meter, but the results obtained
are not accurate. It is also possible to obtain quantitative measurements

by varying the coupling between the wave-meter and exciting circuit, so

as to keep the note heard in the phones at a fixed loudness as the wave-
meter condenser is varied. This method is also inaccurate and is seldom
The hot-wire ammeter, thermo-couple and galvanometer, neon tube
and incandescent lamp are employed where the current in the exciting
circuit is of considerable magnitude, as in the case of a transmitting sot.
For measurements of low power circuits, i.e., receiving circuits, the detector
and phone arrangement is the most important, and is used exclusively
when quantitative results are not required. The detector and sensitive
galvanometer are used when quantitative data are to be obtained.
Use of Special Condenser to Make Wave-meter Scale Uniform-
^meters = 1885VL^C^,
the subscripts indicating micro units, where L is usually fixed in value
(or variable in fixed steps only) this equation may be re-written as follows:
Xmctere = 1885VoC,
"meters =KVC, where K = 1885Vo.
In the usual type of variable
condenser the movable element con
sists of semicircular plates which
may be rotated, so that more or
less of their area intersects the area
of the fixed element, as shown in
Fig. 10.
Since the capacity is propor
tional to the amount of superim
posed areas, which in turn vary
Fig. 10.—With circular plates the
capacity of the condenser is nearly directly with the angle of rotation,
proportional to the angle through the capacity varies with the angle of
which the movableplates are rotated. rotation, i.e.,
and since \=KW,
it follows X = KVke = K'Ve (1)
Thus if the condenser scale were graduated to read directly in wave
lengths instead of the capacity value, such scale would be crowded at the
smaller wave-lengths and opened up at the higher values, which would
tend to make the readings difficult and increasingly inaccurate at the

lower wave-length values. These conditions are graphically illustrated

in Fig. 11.
The wave-length curve indicates the rapid variation of wave-length
with capacity (C) at Capacity
thesmaller capacity Itfif
2000 Q—1
values (necessitat-
X >
ingacrowded scale), rfeten *
and the very grad 1200 1600 s s Vo
ual change at the 1000
larger values (ne 800 1000 i/r
cessitating an open fOQ *
scale). This varia IN EOO
tion is uneconomi s
MO *
cal of space and
undesirable because ao* 90° 120' 160* 180'
of theprobableerror e
Fio. 11.—A condenser such as that pictured in Fig. 10 will, if
it may introduce. used in a wave-meter, give a wave-length calibration scale
It may be desir- crowded at the shorter wave-lengths and opening out at the
able to design the longer wave-lengths,
shape of the mova
ble condenser element so that the wave-length shall vary directly with
the angle of rotation, i.e.,
and the wave-length scale be uniform throughout its length. The required
form of the moving condenser plates to produce this relationship may be
readily derived as follows:
W=K'e where K' =
C = ad2 where a OK')2-
The capacity is also proportional to the area intersected by the movable
and fixed elements; this area is expressed by:

Now since
we have,
-be2, ..... (3)
~~K" K'

Differentiating expressions (2) and
(3) with respect to 0 and equating,
we obtain

r2 =460,
r = VWd=2x/bO. . (4)

Fig. 12 illustrates the form of the

movable plates when designed accord-
Fig. 12.-By suitably forming the rotat- ing to thifl expression, the fixed ele
ing plates and locating the shaft eccen
trically the capacity of the condenser ment being usually made semicircular
may be made to vary as the square of f°r convenience,
the angle of rotation. It will be seen from the figure that
the capacity variation per degree
rotation is relatively small at the smaller values of capacity, thus tending
to spread the wave-length scale. At the higher values of capacity, the
capacity variation per
degree rotation, is
large, and tends to 2000
make the scale close
up. Actually, the ca 1200*1500
/ X-K
pacity varies as the 1000-
square of the deflec : 8oo|iooo;
y Vt
tion and the wave 600
length scale is uniform 400 500
over the entire range. 200 —
These conditions are 0° 30° 60" 80° 120° 160° 180°
indicated in Fig. 13. Fig. 13.—With a condenser of the form shown in Fig. 12,
To provide clear the capacity varying as the square of the angle of rota
ance for the shaft of tion, the wave-length calibration scale is uniform.
this moving-plate sys
tem a circular area must be cut from the fixed plates. If this is to be
taken into account, the equation of the boundary curve of the movable
plates must be corrected as follows (assuming the radius of circular
area cut from stationary plates equal to r2) :



r = Vibe+r22. . (5)
This is the form of condenser used in modern wave-meters, having
practically superseded the semicir
cular form, due to its greater con
venience and accuracy of reading. Fixed
A simpler form, utilizing rect Plates
angular plates, but not having
commercial application, due to
space requirements, is shown in
Fig. 14. Fig. 14.—A simple form of condenser in which
It is readily seen that the in the capacity varies as the square of the
tersected area of the fixed and setting of the movable plates.
movable elements (and thus the
capacity) varies as the square of the distance of movement. Thus the
wave-length scale, placed as shown, would have a uniform marking,
as in the case of the rotating
plate condenser previously de
Circuit in which oscillations scribed.
of unknown wavelength Autodyne Wave-meter.—It
are nowtag.
has been previously shown, in
the description of the " beat "
method of receiving undamped
waves (see page 514), that the
beat frequency reduces to zero
when the incoming and local
high-frequencies are made equal.
^ Therefore if the local high fre-
Fig. 15.—If an oscillating tube circuit (calibrat- quency is known, the incoming
ed for frequency or wave-length of the closed frequency is at once determined,
oscillating circuit) is available it may be used This principle is utilized in the
as a autodyne wave-meter; when the beat s0.callcd autodvne wave-meter
note (heard in the phones) is reduced to zero, .„ , . ~ ,_
the unknown wave-length, .J:,is the
.i. same as that illustrated in Fig. 15.
given by the calibration curve of the oscil The wave-meter must be
lating tube. completely calibrated by means
of known high frequencies, and
this calibration must be frequently checked as the constants of the tube
change with time. It will be noted that the capacity of the tube from

grid to ground (assuming Ct omitted) is in parallel with C, and this

capacity will therefore effect the wave-length of the local oscillations.
It has been shown (see page, 432) that
Cgrld to ground = Cgrid to aiament~T" (/*~1~ l)Cgrid to plate
also that y. is changed somewhat when the filament current or plate voltage
is changed. Indirectly, therefore, a change in filament current or plate
voltage causes a change in the frequency (or wave-length) of the oscilla
To limit this change of frequency with filament current or plate voltage
the grid condenser C„ is inserted in the circuit. C„ being small com
pared to Q,-a (the capacity from grid to ground), and fixed in value, the
capacity in shunt across C is practically constant. The total capacity
of the oscillating circuit is thus made more nearly independent of C,-,,
and the generated frequency thus also made constant and independent
of variations in filament current or plate voltage. It is also desirable that
the moving element of condenser C should be on the ground side. (See
page 635.)
If this wave-meter is used to measure the frequency of an oscillating
tube generator, producing upper harmonics in addition to its fundamental,
there exists the possibility of an upper harmonic frequency, instead of
the fundamental frequency, being measured. This should be avoided
by making careful determinations over the entire range of possible values,
particularly at the low wave-lengths. The note obtained when the wave-
meter is set to the fundamental is much stronger than that obtained with
the upper harmonics, which are relatively weak. In fact, they are so weak
that this error can only be made when the wave-meter is close to the
source of power. At greater distances, only the fundamental will have
sufficient power to give an audible note in the wave-meter phones.
Actual Method for Measuring the Wave-length of a Transmitting
Set.—The set is first carefully adjusted as for normal operation and the
wave-meter then very loosely coupled to the antenna circuit. It is very
important that the meter be coupled to a portion of the antenna circuit,
where the fluxes set up are truly representative of the high-frequency
current flowing. As has already been mentioned in Chapter V, page
330, the complex resultant flux which links the oscillation transformer
does not fulfill this requirement and the wave-meter is therefore always
coupled to a portion of the circuit remote from the oscillation transformer.
It may be coupled to the loading inductance if this is connected in the
circuit. It is customary, however, since this loading inductance may
not be in service, to insert in the circuit a small inductance of one or two
turns only, to which the wave-meter may be conveniently coupled. This
coil has an inductance which is negligible in value compared to the total

inductance of the circuit, and hence will not appreciably affect the char
acteristics of the set. This coil may be arranged for mounting directly
on the wave-meter, one terminal being connected to ground, while the
other is connected to the antenna through the oscillation transformer.
The coupling between the small inserted inductance, called a search
coil, and the wave-meter itself, must always be as loose as possible and
yet permit definite indications to be obtained. This is so that the current
in the wave-meter may not produce an appreciable reaction back on the
circuit whose wave-length is being measured, which would cause its own
indications to be in error. This is similar to the case of instruments which
are used to measure pressure: a voltmeter must draw so little current
as to alter inappreciably the electrical pressure at the points to which
it is connected, or a gauge, inserted in a gas tank, must not have so much

Fig. 16.—In measuring the wave-length of a transmitting set, a search coil (gene-ally
one turn) is inserted in the base of the antenna, and the wave meter coupled very
loosely, to the search coil. The Marconi Co. has used an additional "link" circuit
to permit easy adjustment of coupling.

space within itself, as to decrease materially the pressure of the gas which
it is supposed to measure.
The simplest manner of varying the coupling is to vary the distance
between the wave-meter and the search coil. An intermediate circuit
whose coupling to the wave-meter and search coil may be conveniently
varied is also largely employed. This arrangement is shown in Fig. 16,
and is used by the Marconi Company in their station type wave-meter.
It is very important that very loose coupling be employed when making
the initial adjustment of the wave-meter, as otherwise the delicate hot
wire ammeter may be burned out when the resonant adjustment is attained.
The coupling may easily be increased when it is found that the value used
gives deflections which are too small for accuracy. The best adjustment,
is that which results in definite, readable indication with minimum coupling.
When the preliminary adjusting of the wave-meter indicates this con
dition, the adjustment of the set should be carefully repeated, and wave

length readings taken at each position of maximum current. If the coupling

between the antenna and closed circuits is small, but one such point wl
be obtained, indicating that the energy is concentrated more or less into
the one wave-length. If the coupling were increased, two such points
would be obtained, the corresponding wave-length readings indicating
the length of the " coupling waves " which now exist simultaneously in
the circuits. Where a partial quenching action is obtained, three such
points may appear, the corresponding wave-length readings representiip
the fundamental wave-length, at which most energy is radiated, affrr
the quenching action has occurred, and the two coupling waves, at which
most energy is radiated before the quenching action takes place.
The above covers specifically a spark transmitter, but the procedure
with an undamped wave set is exactly similar. In this case only ocp
point of maximum current will be obtained, and this point will be very
sharp and clearly denned, as the energy is radiated at one wave-lenp
only (neglecting upper harmonics), which is fixed by the speed of the
generator (Alexanderson, Goldschmidt), or the circuit constants (Poulsec
arc and vacuum tube).
If, however, the wave-meter be coupled too tightly to a low-powerp]
circuit of the latter type, e.g., an oscillating-tube generator, the reaction
of the wave-meter circuit current on the tube circuit will cause the fre
quency of the tube circuit to change. It may raise or lower the frequency
of the tube circuit, depending upon its setting. This condition is evidently
undesirable, and the coupling should be reduced until the reaction of the
wave-meter on the tube circuit becomes negligible. If the hot-wit?
ammeter is not sufficiently sensitive to indicate accurately under the
condition, it should be replaced by one of the more sensitive type of visit*
indicators, e.g., thermo-couple and galvanometer.
The antenna ammeter may also be used as the wave-meter indication
device when measuring the wave-lengths of a tube set. Thus assumiM
the connections shown in Fig. 16 (spark transmitter replaced with i
tube generator), as the wave-meter adjustment reaches the resonant value
the wave-meter current increases suddenly (although this increase nay
be too small to deflect the wave-meter hot-wire ammeter), and the loss-
in the wave-meter become a maximum. Since these losses are suppbVi
from the antenna, this amounts to a sudden increase in the antenna resist
ance, and the antenna current will therefore suddenly decrease, this
decrease being indicated by the antenna ammeter. Thus, this dip is
antnnea current is an indication that the wave-meter is in resonant adjust
ment and the wave-length of the set is therefore determined.
Energy Distribution of a Set from a Wave-meter.—In addition to
determining the wave-length of the set, i.e., the wave-length at which
maximum energy is radiated, the wave-meter may also be used to deter

mine the distribution of all the energy radiated by the set. The procedure
is exactly similar to the foregoing, with the exception that instead of
Doting only the wave-length readings at points of maximum current,
readings are taken, at a number of condenser settings, of both the wave
length and the wave-meter current or " current squared " if the hot-wire
ammeter scale has been calibrated in this way.
Referring to Fig. 16, as the variable condenser is adjusted to the several
wave-lengths in succession, the current in the ammeter will successively
increase as the resonant adjustment is approached, and then decrease as

500 550 600 650

Wave Length in Meters
•"iu. 17.—Energy distribution curves of a spark transmitter, with three different coup
ling values used in the oscillation transformer.

he adjustment again departs farther and farther from that of resonance,

f the coupling M between the antenna and closed circuits is loose the
urve plotted between the ammeter and condenser scale (X) readings will
ave the form.shown in Fig. 17 (A)1.
As the coupling M is tightened, the energy radiated at Xo, the wave-
;ngth for which the set has been adjusted increases, as shown in curve
?, but further increase of coupling causes the formation of the coupling
^aves and a spreading of the energy as shown in curve C. These curves
1 These curves are the same as those shown in Fig. 46, p. 332, and are here repro-
uced for convenience.

have already been briefly discussed in Chapter V (see page 326), and are
called the " energy-distribution " curves, since they show the amount
of energy radiated at the different wave-lengths.
Significance of Energy Distribution Curve.—Considering the wave-
meter simply as a calibrated receiving circuit having a very small decre
ment, the curves indicate proportionately the amount of energy which
would be received (and therefore the strength of signal), by each one of
a number of such receiving circuits assumed equidistant from the trans
mitting station, and each tuned to a different wave-length. Thus, that
circuit which is tuned to Xo (assuming M to be loose or medium coupling)
would receive a maximum amount of energy and the strongest signal.
This would be the station for which the signal is intended. The other
receiving stations would also receive some energy; this energy would
decrease, as the adjustment from Xo becomes greater and greater, and
signals so received, represent interference to the receiving station. If
we consider Io2 as the energy required for audibility at the several stations,
then Xi to X2 represents the range of tuning over which interference will
occur if the transmitter coupling M is loose. Similarly, X'i to X'2, and
X"i to X"2 represent the range of wave-lengths over which interference
occurs as the coupling is tightened. It is therefore evident that tight
coupling should be avoided except under emergency conditions (SOS call),
so that interference to other receiving stations, which may be tuned to
wave-lengths in the neighborhood of Xo, h;e minimized.
It should be kept clearly in mind that the set is radiating energy at
all the different wave-lengths, and each receiving station is in tune with
the energy which is causing the signal to be heard. That is, each receiving
circuit picks out its own particular wave-length to which it is tuned,
and its received signal is proportional to the amount of energy which the
transmitter is sending out at that wave-length.
Wave-meter Coupling.—When determining the energy distribution
curves for the set, the coupling between the wave-meter and search coil
should first be adjusted so that a full scale deflection is obtained on the
hot-wire ammeter when the resonant condition is obtained with the trans
mitter coupling (Af, Fig. 16) adjusted to its proper value. This coupling
between the wave-meter and search coil should remain undisturbed
throughout the determination of the several energy distribution curves.
The curves obtained will thus have maximum permissible ordinate values,
making any error in their determination a minimum, and the energy
radiation under the different coupling adjustments will be comparative
in a quantitative as well as a qualitative sense.
Energy Distribution for Undamped Wave-transmitter.—For an
undamped wave-transmitter, the energy is all radiated at the fundamental
wave-length, neglecting the small amount radiated by the upper harmonics,

which are relatively weak. If the wave-meter circuit had zero decre
ment, that is, no resistance, the signal would be received by that wave-
meter only, which is tuned to Xo. The energy distribution curve in this
ideal case would be a straight line ordinate at Xo (Fig. 18).
Since the wave meter always possesses a decrement, however small,
the distribution curve will appear as shown by the curve A, Fig. 18.
The greatly decreased interference is indicated by the small difference
between Xi and X2. Assuming receiving circuits with a decrement equal
to that of the wave-meter only those tuned within this range would receive
interference, while the set for which the signal is intended receives a stronger


Wave Length In Metera

Fia. 18.—The energy distribution curve obtained from an undamped wave trans
mitter is very narrow, being determined entirely by the decrement of the wave-meter
itself; if the wave-meter had zero decrement the energy distribution curve obtained
would be a straight vertical line.

signal, due to all the energy being radiated by the transmitter at the wave
length (Xo) for which the wave-meter is tuned. The greater selectivity
and efficiency of the undamped wave-set, as indicated by the above
characteristics, are rapidly causing its increasing use in the art, and it
may eventually supersede the damped wave-set altogether.
Determination of Decrement of a Spark Transmitter from Energy
Distribution Curve and Known Decrement of the Wave-meter.—If we
consider a wave-meter circuit coupled loosely to an undamped wave-
generator as shown in Fig. 19, then, when the wave-meter circuit is tuned
to resonance, its reactance ^Lco — is equal to zero and the current
is limited only by the resistance in the circuit, or
. E

where E is the voltage induced in the wave-meter circuit. Now, if the

condenser adjustment be altered from its resonant value C„ the react
ance in the circuit is no longer equal to zero, that is,


High Frequency,

Fig. 19.—Connection of wave-meter to a source of continuous waves for determination

of the decrement of the wave-meter itself. Conditions must be so adjusted that as
the wave-meter setting is changed the current in the power circuit shows no change.

Since La> = ^—, this reactance may be expressed as,

and the current is

/ (6)

It may be shown1 that the decrement is expressed by,

S -tRC,cc
1 xR

1 From Formula (20), page 214, we have S=—r,

R irR
since /--

also uL = —, therefore & = ttRCtu


Substituting this expression in the above expression for current, we

K (7)
/ 3 T^va-cx2

& R2., *2R2{C-C\2
/,- it- _n~^~o- \ c°) T2/cr-cy
P E2 R2 " +82[ C ) '
&2 \ C }
Solving this expression, we obtain

s=ir%rylij^r2- (8)

The value of 5 so obtained is the decrement of the wave-meter itself.

This will be referred to again later in the discussion of wave-meter decre
ment and its measurement.
For an exciting source, the oscillations of which are damped, e.g., a
spark transmitter, it has been shown 1 that a derivation such as that
given above yields an expression which gives the sum of the decrements
of the impressed voltage and of the wave-meter itself; that is, we have

a i - C'-(
c \/,2-j
where 5i=the decrement of the circuit under
52= the drecrement of the wave-meter
This formula is sufficiently accurate for all practical purposes, if
1. 5i + «2 is small compared to 2r.
C —C .
2. — is small compared to unity.
3. If the wave-meter is loosely coupled to the wave-meter circuit.
The procedure for determining 8i, assuming 62 known, may be out
lined as follows :
1. An energy distribution curve is obtained as shown in Fig. 20.
(Coupling between the closed circuit and the antenna circuit of the trans
mitting set assumed to be loose.)
2. The value of C, is then determined from this curve. The value of
1 See Chapter IV, page 272.
C is preferably obtained for that point of the curve where I2 = since

\I2-P '
and the calculation becomes simpler.
3. Knowing CT and C\, as obtained from the curve, and substituting
in the equation

the value of 61 + 82 is readily obtained, from which the known decrement

32 of the wave-meter is subtracted to determine the unknown decrement.
It is evident that two values of capacity, one greater and one less than
the resonant value, will cause I2 to become equal to as indicated in
Fig. 20. Therefore, the following expression may also be used :
5i —(— 62 =t
Since the energy distribution curve is never quite symmetrical, the
value of Si as determined by the two expressions using Ci or C2, will be
slightly different. It is therefore desirable to average the results directly,
using the expression

5i+5z (9)

This expression does not involve a

measurement of Cr, which is usually
more difficult to determine accurately,
due to the resonance curve being flat at
that point, than either C2 or C\, which
are read at a point where I2 is varying
rapidly with capacity. This expression
is therefore usually employed in prefer
ence to those involving CT. (Equations
(8), (8a), and (86).)
Fig. 20.—In getting decrement from As an illustration, referring to Fig.
the energy distribution curve the 20, assume that the coupling between
values of capacity are determined the wave-meter and the search coil has
for those two points (above and been adjusted, so the wave-meter an:-
below resonance)
, which ... reduced . thelt
. one-half . reads
meter j .40
(//) Ti
wave-meter (current)2 to v ' at resonance. Ine
its maximum value as well as the capacity is then decreased until the arc-
capacity required for resonance. meter reads .20 (I2) and the value of Ci

noted as 96.0. It is immaterial what units the condenser scale reads—

whether actual capacity or simply degrees rotation,1 if the ordinary semi
circular plate condenser is used, as has been assumed in this problem.
The condenser value is then increased through the resonant value
to C2, at which point the ammeter again reads I2 = .20 and C2 is noted
as 104.
Substituting in Eq. (9) we have,
x 104 - 96.0 ttX8
«i+«2-» 2(X) =200 =-125
Assuming k = .040 (this maybe obtained from the calibration curves
of the instrument or determined as described below),
we obtain 6i = .085.
If the scale is graduated in wave-lengths and wave-length values are
ead, the following expression should be used,

Sl + 52 =w &+£r2\77=P' (10)
since \=KVc and \2=K'C.


I 1 I 1 1
500 550 GOO 650 700
Wave-Length in Meters
Fig. 21.—If the coupling of the oscillation transformer is too tight a double-humped
resonance curve is obtained from the wave-meter reading; the resonance curve for
each of the component frequencies of the curves may be obtained by the scheme
shown in Fig. 22.

If the coupling of the set is increased to some considerably higher value,

a double-peaked energy distribution curve is obtained, due to the separate
points of resonance for the two coupling waves. If this curve has well
1 This statement assumes that the condenser capacity is zero at zero scale setting.
In case the amount of capacity with zero setting is appreciable, compared to the actual
capacity used, a suitable correction must be made, if the setting of the condenser, instead
of actual capacity, is used in the calculation.

separated peaks, as shown in Fig. 17, curve C, the decrement of each

oscillation may be determined from the two peaks by the method outlined
above for the one-peaked curve. The curve may, however, have the
appearance illustrated in Fig. 21, in which case this procedure cannot be
followed, since both oscillations are simultaneously effective in the wave-
The decrement of each oscillation may then be determined by coupling
the wave-meter to the primary
Transmitter and secondary circuits of the set,
im as shown in Fig. 22.
Circuit The higher-frequency currents
of Spark
Transmitter in the primary and secondary-
circuits are out of phase approxi
mately 180° and by proper ad
justments of the coupling M and
tfift>~ Search Coila-^J M', these oscillations may be
neutralized in the wave-meter
P30^—-mjrjMii—^T. circuit. The decrement of the
lower-frequency oscillations may
then be determined as previously
described, after which, one of the
coupling coils may be reversed,
and the lower-frequency oscilla
Fig. 22.—By suitably coupling the wave-meter
to both closed circuit and antenna of the tions (which are in phase in the
transmitting set, a resonance curve may be primary and secondary circuits
obtained for each of the two frequencies of the set) be thus neutralized
generated by the set. and the decrement of the high-
frequency oscillations similarly
determined. The energy distribution curves determined for each oscillat ion
will appear somewhat as indicated by the dotted curves in Fig. 21.
Determination of Wave-meter Decrement Using an Undamped
Wave Source.—It has already been indicated how the decrement fa of
the wave-meter may be obtained by exciting the instrument from an
undamped wave-source. In this case,

$2 = 1 decrement of wave-meter
c2+c\ '
This measurement may conveniently be made by any one of the
several generators of high-frequency continuous oscillations described in

Chapter VII. The high-powered tube circuit is preferable for this purpose,
due to the frequency being fixed, and the exciting circuit being of sufficient
power to be unaffected by the proximity of the wave-meter circuit. How
ever, in case the tube is not oscillating powerfully, the oscillations may
be affected when the wave-meter is coupled to the circuit. To prevent
this, it is desirable to use very weak coupling and have an ammeter in
the circuit supplying power to the wave-meter circuit. The indication
of this meter should re
main constant through- [ 20
out the decrement de
termination showing his
that the power gener
ated by the tube was .16
not appreciably affect
ed by the wave-meter Kl4
The wave - meter .12
coupling, if made too
great, may also affect hlO
the frequency of the -True Energy
tube oscillations as well .08 Distribution
as their amplitude. The nergy Distribution
effect of this frequency 100 Curve obtained
with interfering
variation on the de conditions
crement determination .04
may be analyzed with
the help of Fig. 23. h.02
If the capacity of
the wave-meter con
denser is less than that Wavemeter Capacity
required for resonance, Fio. 23.—If the wave-meter is coupled too tightly (to a
then a current will low-powered set) the energy distribution curve will be
flow in the wave-meter unreliable because of the reactions of the wave-meter
circuit which is leading on the power circuit.
with respect to the
induced e.m.f. The effect of this leading current on the tube cir
cuit is to increase the apparent inductance, causing the wave-meter
indication to correspond to a point on the resonance curve of a circuit
whose resonant frequency is below that given by Cr. Similarly, a
lagging current in the wave-meter circuit (wave-meter capacity greater
than resonance value) decreases the apparent inductance, the wave-
meter indication corresponding to a point on a resonance curve, the reso
nant frequency of which is above that given by Cr. These effects have

been mathematically derived in Chapter I, as expressed by Eq. (85),

page 91.
The result of this action, as indicated in Fig. 23, is to squeeze the
apparent energy distribution curve together. The observed decrement
may therefore be quite inaccurate, and will always be less than the true
value. This effect should be guarded against by decreasing the coupling
to as small a value as possible.
Determination of Wave-meter Decrement Using Impulse Excitation.—
Although the above method represents the most direct and simple means
for determining 52, undamped wave-generators may not always be avail
able, in which case impulse excitation may be employed. In its ideal
application, the condenser of the instrument would first be charged to
a given potential, and allowed to discharge through the circuit. A known
resistance is then inserted in the wave-meter circuit and the condenser
again charged to the same potential as before and permitted to discharge.
In both cases the energy dissipated in the circuit is

$CE2 = h2R = h2(R+AR),

from which

where R is the resistance of the wave-meter circuit and AR the inserted

resistance, h2 and I\2 represent, respectively, the reading of the wave-
meter ammeter, with and without inserted resistance, these readings being
proportional to the square of the wave-meter current. Knowing the
capacity C and inductance L of the wave-meter, the decrement is readily
obtained from the relations:
62 =irRC(jl =7T j— =7r/?
for any wave-length.
The above ideal case is approximated closely by some form of impact
excitation, for which a spark transmitting set, equipped with a suitable
quenched gap (such as is used in spark transmitters operating on impact
excitation) and with the antenna circuit open, may be conveniently
utilized as an impulse generator. The procedure is similar to that de
scribed above, but the energy is not exactly equal for the two conditions
of different resistance, and a constant K is therefore introduced in the
energy expression as follows:


It has been shown 1 that

K = l+
61 + &2'
where 5i is the decrement of the exciting circuit;
52 is the decrement of the instrument circuit ;
A 5 is the additional decrement due to inserting AR in the
wave-meter circuit.
For impulse excitation 5i is very large compared to 82 and K is essentially
equal to unity; therefore
R = AR -=-=—;-5 as before.
If resistance is inserted in the circuit until h2 = 5/12, then
and is thus directly and conveniently determined.
The Decremeter.—To facilitate the rapid and accurate measurement
of decrement, without necessitating the accurate determination of an
energy distribution curve, an instrument called a decremeter has been
developed by the Bureau of Standards 2 which directly measures the decre-


Fig. 24.—Arrangement of circuits in the decremeter.

ment of radio frequency oscillations. This instrument is similar to the

wave-meter, but is equipped with a variable condenser of special design,
permitting a direct-reading decrement scale to be attached to the rotating
element. The connections of the instrument are shown in Fig. 24, which
illustrates the similarity to the wave-meter, differing only in that a fixed
1 Lehrbuch der Drahtlosen Telegraphie, Zenneck, 1913, page 142.
' The instrument is generally called a Kolster decremeter, as Dr. F. A. Kolster was
responsible for its development.

capacity is shunted across the special variable condenser. The function

of this fixed condenser is described later.
It will be recalled that

The fundamental requirement of a variable condenser which is to

be used in the decremeter is that the fractional change in its capacity
must be directly proportional to the angular movement of the rotating
element and independent of the final value of capacity, or,


.*. log, C=m6+ h,

C = eme+h = aemi, (13)
a = e*.
If 0=0,
Co =ae° =a =initial value of capacity. This is the fixed condense:
connected across the variable condenser as indicated in Fig. 24 and pre
viously referred to.
The maximum capacity is also,
and the ratio of maximum to minimum capacity is therefore,
C^=^1 = (^=K (14
Co a
The capacity of the fixed condenser Co is determined experimentally
and is made of such value as to make K of the most suitable value for
the particular requirements of the decremeter. Since K is thus deter
mined, m will be obtained by means of Eq. (14) given above.
A rotary condenser constructed in accordance with the above require
ments, with a fixed capacity Co connected in parallel, so chosen as to giv?
the desired ratio between the maximum (Ciso) and minimum capacity
(Co) of the combined condensers, has been found to give a calibratk
curve in exact agreement with the theoretical value.
The derivation of the equation for the boundary curve of the mom
element is as follows :
From Eq. (13)
A =bem$,

A is the active area of the moving plate,
6 is the angular displacement.
dA ja
A '
dA =bmtm'de.
But, referring to Fig. 25,

Fixed Plates

Fia. 25.—Form of plates used in the decremeter condenser.

p is the radius vector from the axis to the enveloping
r is the radius of the circular space occupied by the
separating washers between the plates.
Equating the above expressions for dA, we have,
$(P2-r2)d6 = bmtm,d8
p = V26m«"'9+r2, (15)
where b and m are design constants, which determine the minimum and
maximum values of the capacity to be used (b=K'a while m is the same

as in previous expressions). These are arbitrarily chosen to suit the

particular requirements of the special instrument.
Tig. 25 illustrates the form of the movable plate when designed in
accordance with the above expression. The stationary plate is made
semicircular for convenience. In Fig. 26 is shown a view of the inside
of a decremeter, showing the peculiarly shaped plates of the condenser.
This cut is taken from Circular 74 of the Bureau of Standards, a book
every student of radio should possess.
The Manipulation of the Decremeter—Measurement of Decrement-
The manipulation of the decremeter is quite similar to that outlined for

Fig. 26.—Arrangement of the different parts of a Kolster decremeter.

the wave-meter. The instrument is loosely coupled to the exciting cir

cuit as shown in Fig. 24 and tuned to resonance, as indicated by a maximui;
reading on the hot-wire ammeter, this instrument usually being gradu
ated to read P. The condenser value is then decreased to Ci, the hot
wire ammeter then reading I 2 The decrement scale is then set to tan
and clamped to the condenser shaft, after which the condenser is rotate;
until the value C2 is reached, at which point the ammeter indication is
again one-half of that obtained at resonance. The reading of the decre
ment scale then gives the sum of the two circuit decrements 5i and k
directly. It has been found that the angular deflection of the condenser

element for commercial decrements is very small, and the decrement scale,
if connected directly to the condenser shaft, would be crowded and difficult
to read accurately. Therefore it is usual to gear the scale to the con
denser shaft, the relative angular motion of the decrement scale and
capacity element being about 6 : 1.
The decrement of the meter for all values of C and for each of three
fixed inductance coils which may be used is known from curves supplied
with the instruments. These decrements vary from about .07 to .02, the
larger value corresponding to a large value of C and smallest value of L.
The smaller value is obtained with C at its minimum value and the largest
inductance inserted in the circuit.
Measurement of Resistance.—Knowing Si, the decrement of the
circuit, the resistance is at once known at the frequency of osculation from
the following relations, which have previously teen deduced: ,

5i =ttR<j>C =ttR\ \~.

La \L
The capacity C and inductance L of the circuit, if unknown, are simply
determined by means of a wave-meter as outlined on page 814. The
decremeter is thus valuable as a means of determining high-frequency
Measurements of Wave-length.—The Kolster decremeter described
above is evidently also applicable to the measurement of wave-lengths,
and the variable condenser is therefore equipped with a scale indicating
directly the wave-lengths in meters corresponding to the condenser adjust
ment. The instrument as usually furnished, is equipped with three
inductances to cover the range of wave-lengths required, this being about
300 to 2500 meters.
Measurement of Phase Difference of a Condenser.1 —The decremeter
may also be used to measure the phase difference of a condenser, since

phase difference ^ = /2wC=— (in radians), .... (16)

^ = 18.24 A5 (in degrees), .... (16')
where A 5 is the increase in total decrement due to inserting the condenser
in the circuit.
The condenser is inserted in the decremeter circuit, which is then
tuned to an undamped wave-exciting source. The decrement measured
under these conditions is the sum of 52 and A 5, where 52 may be obtained
from the calibration curves furnished with the instrument. Substituting
A 5 in the above expressions, the phase difference \f/ is readily obtained.
1 See Chapter II, page 171.

Use of Wave-meter to Measure L and C.—A wave-meter may be used

to measure an unknown inductance or capacity, provided a known capacity
or inductance respectively are available. The procedure then is simply
to connect the unknown inductance and known condenser (or known
inductance and unknown condenser), into an oscillatory circuit, as shown
in Fig. 27, excited by means of a buzzer. Loosely coupled to this primary
circuit is the wave-meter, by means of which the wave-length of the test
circuit oscillations may be obtained.
When making this determination, it is important that the coupling
between the two circuits be very loose, if accurate results are to be obtained.
Also the leads used in making up the test circuit should be as short as
possible, to minimize the error due to the distributed capacity (shown in
figures in dotted lines), and inductance of the leads which would tend
to increase the measured wave-length. It may be found impossible to

Test Circuit Wavc-meter

Fig 27.—Use of wave-meter to measure L or C.

tune out the signal, in which case the coupling should be decreased, and
all direct induction effects from the buzzer circuit (to which this con
tinuous note is due) minimized or eliminated by making the buzzer cir
cuit as compact as possible. If no point of maximum note occurs as the
wave-meter condenser is varied, it is probable that the wave-length of
the test circuit is beyond the range of the instrument. The remedy is
evidently to change the known value of inductance (or capacity) in the
test circuit, or to try others of the various coils with which the wave-
meter is equipped.
After the wave-length has been determined, the unknown value of
inductance (or capacity) is given at once by the formula,
Xmetera — 1885"N/Z/C,
L and C being measured in micro units.
Equivalent results are obtained if the wave-meter is employed as the
exciting circuit. The connections are then as shown in Fig. 28. The
wave-length of the wave-meter oscillations is varied until a maximum
note is heard in the phones across the test circuit, under which condition
the natural frequency of both circuits is in agreement.

The same precautions are to be observed in this case as for the preced
ing method, with especial reference to the phone circuit connected across'

Fig. 28.—Another method of measuring L or C, using the wave-meter as a buzzer excited

wave generator, of known calibration. Note that the calibration of a given
wave-meter will generally be different when used as here shown than when used as
in Fig. 27.

the test circuit. Long, twisted leads must especially be avoided as these
will cause large error, due to their distributed capacity (conventionally
shown in dotted
lines, Fig. 29) par 3-
ticularly if the test
circuit capacity is
small. It is to be
noted that a wave-
meter will have a
different calibration
when used with a
hot-wire meter for To Vacuum Tube
Generator of
indicator, and when undamped
detector and phones,
or buzzer, is connect
ed in parallel with
its condenser. The
amount of correction Fig. 29.—To measure the natural wave-length of an antenna
required is greatest the antenna is coupled (by a small search coil) to a source
for the lowest set of continuous wave power of variable frequency. When the
tings of the wave- antenna ammeter reads a maximum, the wave-meter is used
meter condenser. to read wave-length of power. If a d.c. generator is used in
the plate circuit of the tube generator the phones and detec
Use of Wave- tor may be used for getting resonance, the commutation
meter to Measure ripples being audible; otherwise an ammeter will be used in
the Constants of an the wave-meter circuit.
Antenna. — Another
important measurement involving the use of the wave-meter is that
of the constants of an antenna. The loading coils, short-wave con
denser and oscillation transformer are first removed from the antenna

circuit and a search coil of negligible inductance inserted in the circuit

as shown in Fig. 29.
The antenna is then excited by undamped wave-oscillations, using
a vacuum-tube generator of sufficient power and with the coupling made
loose enough to prevent any appreciable variation of plate current due
to reactive effects of the antenna circuit. The generator frequency is
varied until the antenna ammeter A indicates a maximum and the wave
length of the tube circuit for this adjustment is then determined by means
of the wave-meter. This value represents the natural wave-length of
the antenna, and is expressed by,
X0 = 1885\/Z^,
when Lo and Co are the effective inductance and capacity of the antenna
for the quarter wave-length oscillation. In the figure the antenna ammeter
represents a sensitive current meter, involving a thermo-couple and gal
vanometer, or similar device.
To determine Lo, an additional known inductance L\ is inserted in
the antenna circuit and the new wave-length Xi determined for this con
dition. Thus: 1
Xi = 1885V(Lo+Li)C0.
T[gg^p~ = (Lo+Li)Co— LoCo
= LqCq-^-LiCo — LoCo
= LiCo
Co = (T885)2Xi (17)

Substituting this value for Co in the above expression for Xo, Lo is

obtained as follows:
Xo2 , „ LqCX^-Xq2)
(1885)2 0 (1885)2Li '

^ = X^=^2 (18)
The following alternative method may also be employed. The known
inductance inserted in the circuit is assumed to be the only inductance
1 In the equations given, the wave-length is expressed in meters, while inductance
and capacity are expessed in microhenries and microfarads respectively.
* This deduction is a very simple one and suffices for ordinary purposes. It must
be noted, however, that actually C0, the same as L0, is not a constant, but varies as dif
ferent values of loading are used. For an analysis of this point see Morecroft, "Some
Experiments with Long Electrical Conductors," Proc. I. R. E., Dec., 1917, and Miller
"Electrical Oscillations in Antenna- and Inductance Coils, Proc. I. R. E. (June, 1919),
also discussion of Miller's paper in Proc. I. R. E., Dec., 1919.

present, i.e., Lo is negligible compared to L\. This requires that Li be

large enough to give the antenna a wave-length about five times as great
as its natural wave-length.
Then we may put
Xi= 1885 VZJTo,
The known inductance is now removed from the circuit and the
natural wave-length of the antenna is accurately measured.
X2 = 1885-s/LoCo,

18852 Li 18852
°r 2

If the value of Lo obtained

from this equation shows it to
be negligible compared to L\, as
assumed, then the determina
tions for Lo and Co may be
accepted. If this is not the
case, the obtained value for Lo
must be added to Li and the
i Spark calculation for Co repeated.

Fig. 30.—In case a very short spark gap, a low-powered induction coil, and very weak
coupling are used the phones and crystal detector may be used for getting resonance
in the wave-meter, otherwise the ammeter will be used to indicate resonance.

Where undamped oscillations are not available an induction coil or

low-powered transformer may be used to excite the circuit as shown in
Fig. 30.
In this case the gap resistance has been inserted in the circuit and the
observed wave-length may therefore be slightly greater than with the

previous method. An alternative method is shown in Fig. 31, with which

arrangement the antenna is charged to battery voltage when the buzzer
—i contact is open and then discharges
through the buzzer contact when this
The methods described above may
also be used for determining the wave
length of the antenna circuit with
3 various loading coils, oscillation trans
t High voltage _ former or short
battery —
wave - condenser
High connected into
the circuit. In
all cases the
Fig. 31.—Use of buzzer for determining the natural wave-length of closed circuit of
an antenna. the transmit.
ting set should be open to prevent interference effects.
When the inductance of the search coil required for coupling to the
generator circuit (Fig. 28), is not negligible, the natural wave-length
Xo cannot be determined directly, but is determined from two measure
ments as follows :
Xi = 1885V(Lo+L,)C0, (a)
where L,= inductance of search coil,
X2 = 1885V (Lo+L,+L',)Co, (b)
where U, = additional known inductance inserted which is made equal
to L,.
(1885) 2 LoCo "h 2Z/,Co — LqCq — L'tCo
= CoL',
C0 = (18)
Substituting in (a),
Xi2 (Lo+L',)(X22- V)
18852 18852L', '
L'.Xi2 - L0(X22 - Xi2) + Z/,(X22 - Xi2)
Lo- (19)
Knowing Co and Lo, the natural wave-length Xo is obtained from the
X0 = 1885VXoCo.

In the above it has been assumed that L', = L„ This is a purely

arbitrary relationship and it is usually preferable to make L', larger than
this, say five or ten times L,, so that the difference between Xi and X2 is
increased and the experimental errors involved in the measurement thus
Determination of Mutual Inductance and Coefficient of Coupling.—The
wave-meter also forms a convenient instrument for readily determining
the mutual inductance existing between the closed and open circuits of

a transmitting set. If we know the coefficient of coupling K, the mutual

inductance M (M = KVL1L2, where L\ and L2 are the total inductance
of the closed and open circuits, respectively) is readily obtained, L\ and
Liz being determined as described on page 814.
The following two methods may be used :
(a) An energy distribution curve is determined for the set as shown
in Fig. 32, from which Xi and X2, corresponding to the peaks in the curve,
are readily determined.

X2 = XoVl+X.
we have,
X22~ l+K'
X,2+X,2Ji: =
(X^+Xx2)^ x22-x,2
K = x22+x,2- •

X2 + X1
Since X, is approximately equal to
X,2 is approximately equal to
we have,
(X2-X,)(X2+X,) (X2-X,)(2Xr)
2Xr2 2X,2
X2 — Xi _ X2 — Xi
x, x2+xr
The latter forms are somewhat simpler than the more accurate expres
sion, as no squared terms are involved. They are, however, accural
enough for most commercial determinations. The last form is perhaps
the most desirable, as it eliminates all measurement of Xr.
(6) The second method is as follows : The oscillation transformer pri
mary and secondary are connected in series in the closed circuit as shorn
in Fig. 33.
Step-up power

Fig. 33.—Unless a very short spark gap (hence low power) is used the hot-wire ammetc;
(or similar indicator) would be used in place of the phones and detector.

To get greater accuracy the loading coils should be disconnected and

removed from the secondary circuit, so that only those inductances are
involved which are coupled during the operation of the set, i.e., the pri
mary and secondary of the oscillation transformer. Damped oscillation

are then set up in this circuit as in the normal operation of the transmitter
and the wave-length noted. Calling this wave-length Xi, L', the total
inductance in the circuit, is obtained from

The connections to one coil are then reversed and the readings repeated.
In this case,
T'— T"
M=^±- (22)
4 '
according as L' is greater than L" or vice versa.
Then when the set is in normal operation, using loading coils, etc.,
we find the coupling coefficient from the relation
where Li is the total inductance in the primary circuit under
normal operation;
Li2t is the total inductance in the secondary circuit under
normal operation, i.e., the inductance of the oscil
lation transformer secondary + the effective induc
tance of the antenna+the inductance of the loading
coil (if inserted).
The above methods are exactly equivalent in result and may be used
indiscriminately. Method (6) is perhaps the better, since the consider
able amount of data needed to plot accurately an energy distribution
curve is not required. Sometimes, however, this curve is required as illus
trating an operating characteristic of the set, and the coupling is then
most simply determined by the relationships developed in Method (a).
How to Improvise a Wave-meter.—The varied and important uses
of the wave-meter as described on the preceding pages have made it a
fundamental and essential part of any radio laboratory or station equip
ment. Now and then occasions may arise where this instrument may
not be available, through loss, damage, etc., and in this case, a " home
made " instrument must be devised. Also, a large majority of amateur
operators prefer to construct their own meters for the enjoyment and

experience which such constructive work brings to them. For these rea
sons it has been considered desirable to give a brief outline of the pro
cedure to be followed.
One of the first points to be decided is: What shall be the maximum
wave-length which the wave-meter to be designed is to measure? We
will assume this to be 2000 meters. A suitable veriable condenser must
next be chosen, and as one or more variable condensers are normalh-
available in even the simplest installations we will consider that such con
densers are available in this case. The maximum capacity of the several
condensers should be measured, either electrically, or from their dimen
sions, by means of the expression given on page 165, Eq. (30).
The wave-meter condenser should have about .001 microfarad capacity
per 1000 meters maximum wave-length to be measured. Thus, for this
problem, the capacity should be .002 microfarad and that condenser should
be chosen which possesses at least this capacity.
The maximum wave-length and capacity thus being determined, the
required inductance is readily obtained from

2000 = 1885 v/L^X.002
1.125 = LM»X.002
L =563 microhenries.
This inductance should then be designed (generally in the form of a
single layer solenoid) in accordance with the formula given on page 145,
Eq. (11). The coil should be wound with finely stranded wire, the indi
vidual strands being insulated to minimize the resistance of the wave-
A small hot-wire ammeter (0—100 milliamperes preferable) should
then be obtained and as-
-(a) j . I sembled with the condenser
^~ i ' * and coil, the connections
being made as shown in
Fig. 34.
All connections should
be well made and the cir
cuit made as compactly as
Fia. 34.—A convenient arrangement of terminals possible SO as to minimize
for a wave-meter. ,i • , »
the resistance of the wave-
meter. This equipment may-
then be enclosed in any wooden box of convenient size, with only the
ammeter and condenser index and associated scale visible. Additional

binding posts may be added for phones, detector, and buzzer circuit as
The wave-meter is then ready ior calibration, which may be accom
plished by coupling the instrument to a transmitter which may be adjusted
to radiate at several known wave-lengths. A few points on the scale may
be approximately determined by using the wave-meter (with detector
and phones as indicating devices), as the closed circuit of a receiving set,
coupled very loosely to the antenna. A few stations of known wave
length may generally be heard in this way, and so a few points of calibra
tion obtained. A curve should then be plotted between the known wave
lengths and corresponding positions of the condenser index (the condenser
scale is usually graduated in degrees or in 100 divisions to the semicircle).
This curve will have an appearance similar to the wave-length curve in
Fig. 11. The decrement of the meter may also be measured by one of the
methods described above, and should not exceed .10 for an average value
of the condenser.


Amplifiers in General.—An amplifier is, as the name implies, an

apparatus for increasing the strength of incoming signals. It performs,
in modern radio communication, and also in ordinary wire communication,
a very important function, in so far as it makes possible the detection of
very feeble signals and thus increases the practical range of transmission.
The reader is already familiar with the fact that the signals received
in radio transmission consist of very high-frequency currents and voltages,
. which may be of constant or varying amplitude, depending upon the system
used. These signals are generally " heard " in telephone receivers by
first reducing the frequency of the incoming currents and voltages from
a very high value to an " audible value," and thereafter causing the
" audio-frequency " currents to flow through the receivers. In using an
amplifier either of the following two schemes may be resorted to:
(a) The amplifier may be so connected that the incoming high-
frequency currents and voltages are first strengthened and thereafter
reduced in frequency.
(6) The amplifier may be so connected as to strengthen the currents
and voltages after they have been reduced in frequency.
The above forms the basis of the division of amplifiers into two general
classes, i.e., " high-frequency " and " low-frequency."
While these two general types of amplifiers are fundamentally the
same, yet the constants of the apparatus used in their construction are
often so different that the two types cannot, in general, be used inter
The amplifiers used in radio communication consist invariably of
one or more three-electrode vacuum-tubes with other suitable apparatus.
As a matter of fact, it was not until the advent of the vacuum-tube that
suitable amplifiers could be constructed and operated. The character
istics of a good amplifier should be such that the signal currents are
strengthened without any distortion; the vacuum-tube can be made to
fulfill these two conditions admirably, and it is practically the only
apparatus which can. It will be noted from this brief outline that an
amplifier must be a kind of trigger which, actuated by the very weak
voltages impressed by the antenna, releases from a local energy supply an

amount of energy much greater than that actuating the antenna. The
suitability of the three-electrode tube for this purpose is at once evident
from the analysis of its action given in Character VI.
The General Characteristics of Triodes.—These have been quite
thoroughly discussed in Chapter VI; on pages 570 et seq. the possibility
of using a tube as an amplifier was pointed out and an elementary analysis
The " static " relation between the plate current and grid and plate
potentials was shown to be expressible by
/» = A (Et+MoE.?, (1)
and it was also pointed out that, for small variations in the tube poten
tials, the exponent might be treated as unity.
It was further shown that, if a sufficiently small sine wave e.m.f was
k impressed on the grid, the pulsations in the plate current would be sinu
soidal in form, and the constant (1 /A) acquires the significance of " alter
nating current plate circuit resistance."
We then have the equation which was used throughout Chapter
VI in analyzing tube action, i.e. :

I,=-±-(Ep+moE,), (2)

where I„- effective value of alternating component of plate cur

Rp = alternating current plate circuit resistance;
E,= effective value of alternating component of grid
Ep = effective value of alternating component of plate
We must point out again the limitations of the applications of this
relation. The steady values (c.c. components) of grid and plate poten
tials must be so chosen that, for the value of Ee impressed the linear
relation of Eq. (2) holds good. This requires in general that Ee and Et
of Eq. (1) above be properly related.
As pointed out on page 577 and illustrated by the curves of Fig. 184,
page 576, when there is considerable outside impedance in the plate circuit
the plate current changes linearly with respect to E, over much wider ranges
than might be judged from the static characteristic. This is conventionally
illustrated in Fig. 1. With no external resistance in the plate circuit
the static characteristic of a tube might be as shown by curve A, whereas
if a resistance is put in series with the plate (about equal to Rp) and the
plate voltage Eb be increased sufficiently to make h (for Et =0) the same

as for curve A, then curve B will be obtained, which is evidently of such

a shape as to satisfy Eq. (2) over a change in 2?„from perhaps — 4 volts
to zero.
Hence if the value of Ec is chosen as —2 volts the tube having char
acteristics shown in Fig. 1 would operate satisfactorily with an impressed
alternating grid signal of 2 volts maximum value.
It will be noticed that, even with the grid potential positive, curve
B is still nearly straight so that it might seem possible to operate the tube

a. / 5/

1 1 1 1
— Grid Voltage +
Fig. 1.—Showing the effect on the plate current—grid potential curve of a tube of
putting external resistance in the plate circuit; a tube which by itself gives char
acteristic A, will give characteristic B if sufficient external resistance is put in the
plate circuit and the voltage in this circuit suitably increased.

satisfactorily with signals sufficiently intense to make the grid swing

positive. Such is not the case, however; if the grid is allowed to become
positive it takes current (it takes negligible current as long as it is neg
ative), and, as will be explained later, this seriously interferes with proper
In order to keep the grid of an amplifier suitably negative either a
small dry battery may be inserted in the grid leak resistance circuit, or
the leak resistance may be attached to a point in the filament circuit
which is sufficiently negative with respect to the filament. These two
schemes are indicated in Fig. 2, a and b; in scheme b an extra resist-

ance R is put in series with the filament having such a resistance that
when normal filament flows through it the IR drop is the required amount.
In some multi-stage amplifiers (several tubes repeating one into the other)
the filaments are all connected in series to the A battery, the filament
of the preceding tube may serve as the resistance R, as indicated in Fig.
3. In the operation of
tubes as amplifiers the
following quantities play
a very important part:
(a) A.C. resistance of
plate to filament or out
put circuit of tube.
(6) A.C. resistance of
grid to filament or input
circuit of tube.
Fio. 2.—To keep the grid of an amplifier tube negative
(c) Capacity of grid to either a small battery of dry cells may be used (a)
filament under static con or a resistance inserted in the negative leg of the
ditions and under actual filament may be employed (6).
operating conditions.
All of the above quantities have been fully discussed in Chapter VI, and
the reader will do well, before proceeding with the study of this chapter,
to go over the fundamental principles of three-electrode tubes as outlined
in the beginning of Chapter VI. The fact should here be emphasized
that the capacity of the grid to filament, while small under static con
ditions, may attain com
paratively large values
under actual operating
conditions. Again the
circuit from plate to fila
ment or grid to filament
is made up of a resist-
_ _ , , , ance in multiple with a
Fig. 3.—In case several tubes are used in cascade it is . , ... ,.
possible to connect all filaments in series and connect caPaclty> wmle ordl-
the leak resistances behind the filament of the preced- narily the impedance of
ing tube. This makes the grid of each tube negative either circuit is practi-
with respect to its filament by an amount equal to the cally equal to its resist-
IR drop of the filaments. ance> there are cases
when the frequency is
high enough to make the impedance much less than the resistance. That is,
the capacity reactance of the circuits, shunting the resistance, may be
low enough to determine the impedance of the path.
Effect of External Resistance in the Plate Circuit.—As pointed out
in Chapter VI the function of a triode when used as amplifier is to make

available in the external plate circuit a voltage similar to that impressed

on the grid, and as much larger as feasible. The amount of increase
depends upon the no of the tube used, and on the impedance introduced
in the plate circuit.
If a resistance R is put in the external plate circuit the total impedance
of the plate circuit is Rp+R. The magnitude of alternating current set
up in the plate circuit by a sine voltage Eg acting between grid and fila
ment is given by
h=i£+R' • (3)

and this alternating current flowing through the resistance R gives an

available voltage in the plate circuit of

I,R = E„no RJ^_R (4)

This is indicated in Fig. 4 and experimental curves showing how the

amplifying power of a tube varies with the value of R used are given in
Fig. 181 of Chapter VI.
It is evident that if resistance is used in the plate circuit, more voltage
must be supplied by the B battery to maintain the plate voltage at its
proper value. Unless this is done the expected amplification no D
does not increase with R as rapidly as might be expected because as R
is increased the plate voltage (which
/^^^\ is equal to Ed—I^R) decreases and,
f T| A I ) as pointed out on page 425, this gives
e0 \*i \\J jp- an increase in Rv. Hence if resist-
Iance is used in the plate circuit of an
amplifying tube the B battery e.m.f.
must be considerably greater than rated
v=e„m0-5— plate voltage of the tube, ordinarily
' two or three times as much. If the
Fia. 4.—Amount of amplified voltage external resistance R is taken equal
with resistance in plate circuit. to the tube resistance Rv the B battery
must have a voltage twice as great
as the rated plate voltage of the tube, and the amount of voltage
amplification obtainable is
The amplifying power of a tube of having the grid at different poten
tials, EC) is well brought out by the curves of Fig. 183, page 575. It is
there seen that not only must a proper plate resistance be used, but also
the grid must be at a proper potential if the maximum possible ampli
fication is to be obtained.

Effect of Reactance in the Plate Circuit.—If we use in the plate circuit,

a low-resistance reactance, instead of a resistance, the amplifying qualities
of the tube are much better. Thus if we put in series with the plate,
Z = R+joiL, we shall then have the relation shown in Fig. 5. We must
have from Eq. (2)
j m>Eg

and hence the available drop in the external circuit is

Eg/u) . Z (5)

It is to be pointed out here that R and L are the alternating current

constants of coil Z, measured under the conditions which obtain in the
actual use of the coil; i.e., R and
L must be measured in an a.c. ^\
bridge (or similar scheme) with the T (i A I ) z=K*juL
frequency and magnitude of voltage
to which the coil is subjected when
used in the tube circuit. Also when
these measurements are made there
must be flowing through the coil V=E z
a continuous current equal to the ViRpHy'+cwu'
average plate current, It. These Fia. 6—Amount of amplified voltage with
precautions in determining Z are inductance in plate circuit,
not necessary if an air core coil is
used, but this is seldom the case; generally an iron core coil is used.
If now the resistance R is small compared to Rp and o>L we can write
the voltage amplification of the tube and circuit as

IpwL = E„no . = (6)

The voltage amplification,


may be made nearly equal to no, by making wL sufficiently large and at

the same time the B battery need have a voltage only equal to the actual
voltage of the tube (on the assumption that the resistance of the coil is
negligible compared to RT).
Classification of Amplifiers.—An amplifier generally consists of two
or more vacuum tubes so arranged that the varying signal voltage is
impressed Upon the grid of the first tube, thus producing a variation of
the plate current in this tube; this varying plate current is, then, made

to produce a varying voltage between the grid and filament of the second
tube, and, similarly, the varying voltage is relayed from the second to the
third tube, etc., until the plate circuit of the last tube is reached, wherein
are placed the telephone receivers or any other device used for making
the signals readable. From this brief description it is plain that the signals
must be " repeated " from one tube into the next. Amplifiers, cither
for low-frequency or for high-frequency, are divided into the following
classes, according to the arrangement used for " repeating."
(1) Transformer-repeating amplifiers.
(2) Resistance-repeating amplifiers.
(3) Inductance-repeating amplifiers.
Tube i Tube 2 Tube 3


Fig. 6.—A transformer repeating amplifier for audio-frequencies.

A tube, together with all co-acting apparatus, is known in amplifier

work as a "stage of amplification "; and an amplifier consisting of n
tubes is known as an n-stage amplifier.
The two terminals of the amplifier upon which the incoming signal
voltages are impressed are known as the " input " terminals, while the two
terminals across which exist the amplified signal voltages are known as
the " output " terminals.
Transformer-repeating Amplifiers.—These are generally used for
amplifying audio-frequency signals and we will discuss their principle of
operation by referring to Fig. 6, which is intended to represent an audio
frequency transformer-repeating, three-stage amplifier.
The audio-frequency varying voltage is connected at D and stepped
up by means of the transformer T, after which it is applied between the
grid and filament, of the first tube; this produces a corresponding vari
ation of the plate current of Tube 1. . The varying current flowing through
the primary Pi of the transformer T\ induces an e.m.f. in the secondary

Si. This e.m.f. is applied to the grid and filament of the second tube,
and thus the varying signal voltage is " repeated " from the first into the
second tube and finally from the second into the third tube, the varying
plate current of which is caused to affect the telephone receivers.
It will be at once apparent that in an arrangement of this kind, while
each tube itself is always amplifying, the advantage of this may be lost
by a poor repeating device. The object to be gained is, of course, to make
the varying voltage between the grid and filament of each tube greater
than for the preceding tube. This requires correct proportioning of the
primary and secondary of the repeating transformers T\, T2; otherwise
the grid-filament voltage of the second tube may be but slightly larger,
or even smaller, than for the first tube. This is not an unusual occurrence
in poorly designed " amplifiers."
We will study the repeating action from the first into the second tube.
For the sake of simplicity we may assume that the repeating transformer
has neither leakage inductance nor resistance and also that the mag
netizing current is zero; this is equivalent to saying that the transformer
is ideal. In so far as the alternating current relations of the circuit are
concerned, such a transformer may, if the secondary is loaded by means
of a non-inductive resistance, be replaced by a fictitious resistance placed
in the primary and equal to the secondary circuit resistance divided by
the square of the ratio of transformation. Let:
E„i = effective value of alternating voltage between grid
and filament of Tube 1 ;
Eg2 = effective value of alternating voltage between grid
and filament of Tube 2;
RPi = plate-filament a.c. resistance of Tube 1;
Rg2 = grid-filament a.c. resistance of Tube 2;
juo = amplifying constant of Tube 1 ;
V= effective value of alternating voltage across primary
of repeating transformer, T\)
n = repeating transformer ratio expressed as the ratio of
secondary to primary voltage.
The above quantities are illustrated in Fig. 7. The action of E„i upon
the plate current of Tube 1 is the same as if an alternating voltage equal
to tM)Eei had been impressed upon the plate circuit, in addition to the
battery e.m.f. This alternating voltage noE0i is impressed upon a circuit
which may be simplified as shown in Fig. 8 and consisting of the plate
resistance of the first tube in series with the equivalent resistance of the
repeating transformer transferred to the primary. This is probably the
simplest way to treat the problem when the coupling between the primary
and secondary of the transformer is tight and the load circuit of the trans

former is resistive only. For the more general case, i.e., leaky trans
former and reactive secondary load, the action of the tube is best analyzed
by using for the external impedance in the plate circuit the resistance and
reactance of the primary of the transformer as calculated from the general
■equations given on pages 86-87.
From Fig. 8 the following equation is easily derived:
v ~»fi«=^o—rtr -kfi (7)
~n2Rn + Rn

K "*> H 71- P
- -vwwwwwv-^-w/vwvvwwwv*-

"■7*o£gJ -———

Fig. 7. Fio. 8.
Fig. 7.—Circuit detail of the amplifier shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 8.—Under ideal conditions (transformer requiring no magnetizing current, having
zero internal impedance, and secondary load resistive only) the circuit of Fig. 7
may be replaced by the one above.
The voltage between grid and filament of the second tube is equal to the
voltage across the transformer primary multiplied by the ratio of trans
formation; thus:
En=nV (8)
En tfRn+Rf,
Eq. (9) may be written as:
It will be noted from Eq. (10) that the ratio -^r varies directly with
the amplifying constant of the first tube and it also varies in a complex
manner with Rn/Rn and with n. It will further be noted that:
1st. If m and n are kept constant and the ratio -~ increased from

a low value, then will constantly increase towards the limiting value
imn which will be theoretically reached when -^p- = oo .
2d. If fio and are kept constant and the value of n changed then
-=p- may be shown to have a maximum when:

n2=f-* (11)

It follows that the resistance R„ should be made as high as possible,

and that, once this has been done, a transformer should be chosen with
a transformation ratio about equal to \/^. It is not always possible
adequately to satisfy this latter condition, as will be more fully explained
later. The resistance Rn is made high by preventing the potential of
the grid of Tube 2 from ever becoming positive, for, in this case, the grid-
filament resistance is theoretically infinite; this is accomplished by keep
ing the grid at a negative potential by a suitably connected battery, or
by any of the circuit arrangements already explained on page 827. Prac
tically, on account of gas in the tube and the leakage from grid to filament
outside of the tube, the grid-filament resistance, while very large, is at
the most of the order of one million to 10 million ohms, and may in some
cases be as low as a few hundred thousand ohms. For the ideal value
of n2 the ratio -=r would be found by substituting (11) in (10); thus:

^="°2 (12)

If the tubes used for the various stages of amplification are similar, which
is almost always the case, the transformers may have the same ratio
The results indicated by Eqs. (11) and (12) have been obtained on the
basis of ideal transformers having neither leakage inductance nor coil
resistance and requiring no magnetizing current. The effect of all of
these in an actual transformer would be such as to alter the best value
of the transformation ratio, and, more than this, to diminish the ideal
ratio E,jEgt as given by Eq. (12). The leakage inductance and coil
resistance of the transformer can be made quite small and negligible as
compared with the resistance Rs, and their effect will, therefore, be but
small. On the other hand, it is very important to make the magnetizing
current very small, or, in other words, to make the no-load reactance of

the transformer primary very high. This will be made clearer by a study
of the diagram Fig. 9, which is similar to Fig. 8, with the exception of the
introduction of Xo in multiple with R^/n2, where: Xo=re'actance of
transformer primary at no load.
A resistance should, in the above diagram, be inserted in series with
Xo to represent the core losses, but we have omitted it for the sake of
R simplicity and also because in such
"P" transformers the core losses are made
i^^^fTTn negSblyraU- », ti. ♦ * • ■
x„ Ihe diagram snows that Xo is m
™ms^^ 1 multiple with RJn2 and therefore
diminishes the equivalent impedance
of the circuit H-P; if, then, Xo were
K MoEgl *| very low the voltage drop across H-P
. , and, therefore the secondary voltage
Fig. 9.—In order to take care of the ,„ , , , , „ _ . .
magnetising current of the trans- <^*> WOuld te smaU- U 18 ™P°rtant,
former the diagram of Fig. 8 must be then. to make X0 as high as possible,
changed as above, the value of X0 or, in other words the primary must
being equal to the primary reactance, have a very large number of turns,
with secondary open. There ig a pojiritj however, beyond
which it is uneconomical to increase
the value of Xo, since the gain in amplification is too small to make it
worth while. To show this we have worked out the theoretical curves
of Fig. 10, after having assumed the following:

mo =6,

Rv = 10,000.

For R„t two different values were chosen, i.e. :

Rn =250,000 ohms and R„ = 1,000,000 ohms.

For Re, of 250,000 ohms the best transformer ratio for an ideal trans-
/250 000
former is found, from Formula (11), to be: ^1 ^ ^ =5, and, similarily

for Rn of 1,000,000 the best transformer ratio would be V^^rr^ =10.

From Formula (12) we have:

Maximum possible value of for Rn of 250,000 = 6 Xf = 15.

Maximum possible value of -=£ for R,, of 1,000,000 = 6X^ = 30.

The points on the curves have been plotted by assuming different

values of Xo and then obtaining the voltage across H-P and also the
secondary voltage E0„ after which EsJEtx was computed. The assump
tion was made that the transformer had no leakage inductance, no coil
resistances, and no core losses. Curves were drawn for two different

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
No-load reactance of repeating transformer primary in 10* ohms
Fia. 10.—Calculated values of voltage amplification using transformers of different
ratios and two different values of input circuit resistance of the second tube. The
curves show the effect of varying the no-load reactance of the primary of the trans
former abcissa; being no-load reactance in thousand ohms.

ratios of transformation, i.e., 4 and 5 for Rtl of 250,000 and 3 and 4 for
Re, of 1,000,000 ohms. They show:
1st. That for low values of A"n the ratio E,jEtl may be very small,
even smaller than the amplifying factor of the tube, which is in this case
6. Thus, a transformer with low no-load reactance might make the result
of two tubes no better, or even worse, than for one tube alone.

2d. That for Rlt of 106 ohms the ratio of E,,/Ee, is larger than for
Rlt of 250,000 ohms, for the same transformer ratio, even though the value
of n used for RSl of 250,000 ohms is much nearer the ideal value than for
R„, of 106 ohms.
3d. Beyond certain values of Xo the ratio EaJEQl does not increase
much with increase of Xo. Not only is it of no advantage to increase
the reactance Xo above a certain amount, but it is actually disadvan
tageous. The Xo is, of course, increased by increasing the cross-section
of the core or the number of turns in the primary winding. The former
of these expedients is objectionable because it increases the space require
ments. As regards increasing the number of primary turns, it must be
noted that, if this is done, the secondary turns must be proportionately
increased if the ratio of transformation, n, is to be constant. Now, the
higher the number of transformer turns the higher become the internal
resistance and leakage reactance of the transformer, which have so far
been neglected in our discussion.
A high internal transformer impedance may produce a large internal
drop due to the " load " attached to secondary, i.e., the grid-filament
resistance and reactance of the tube into which the transformer is repeat
ing, and also the internal distributed capacity of the secondary winding
itself; the final result would be that the voltage applied to the grid-filament
might be far less than that calculated on the basis of negligible internal
transformer drop. This may be summed up by stating that, for a given
frequency, the higher the number of turns used the more does the ratio
of terminal voltages (secondary to primary) depart from the turn ratio
n, being only a fractional part of n. In fact, it is possible to increase the
transformer turns to such an extent (more especially if the ratio be high,
say: 10 to 1), that the terminal voltage of the secondary (when used in
the tube circuit) is less than the voltage impressed upon the primary winding.
The above phenomenon may take place if the number of turns is kept
constant and the frequency raised. In practice the value of Xo for an
amplifier to be used at constant audio-frequency is made equal to about
once or twice the value of the plate-filament a.c. resistance.
4th. The higher the ratio of transformation the greater the ampli
fication. In connection with this it will be noted, however, that a point
may be reached beyond which it is uneconomical to increase the ratio,
since the gain in amplification is too small, as for example in the case of
curves A and B for transformer ratios of 4 and 5 respectively. As a matter
of fact if we consider that, for a constant number of primary turns, the
increase in ratio is obtained by increasing the number of secondary turns
and that simultaneously the internal impedance of the transformer and
effect of the distributed capacity of the secondary are increased, it will be
apparent that, due to the large internal drop, the voltage across the sec

ondary may be smaller for a high than for a low ratio of transformation.
This effect has already been pointed out in connection with the value
of Xo and plays such an important part in connection with the trans

formation ratio that it has been found advisable, in practice, to keep

the value of this ratio below about 4 or 5.
By means of the curves of Fig. 10 we have plotted another set of curves
which is given as Fig. 11, and which shows how the frequency affects the

ratio of E^/Egi for different values of no-load inductance of the primary

of the repeating transformer. The values chosen for this inductance are
2, 5, 10 henries. The curves bring out the following very important facts:
1st. For every value of inductance there is a frequency, below which
the amplifying action of the tube and transformer varies very widely,
and above which the amplifying action varies but little.
2d. If the frequency is too low the amplifying action may be very
poor; hence an amplifier may work very well on comparatively high
audio-frequency and fail to work on lower frequencies.
3d. If the amplifier is to be used over a wide range of frequencies,
as in the case of amplification of telephone or radiophone currents, then
it is extremely important to choose a value of transformer inductance
such that the amplifying action will be nearly the same over the entire
range of frequencies, otherwise the low-frequency components would suf
fer, and speech would thereby be distorted. Thus, assuming, as is gener
ally done, that the speech frequencies vary over an average range of 300
to 2000 or more cycles per second, an inductance of 10 henries would,
in our case, be sufficiently high to amplify all frequencies equally well,
provided that the internal leakage reactance and capacity do not come
into the question; any higher inductance than this would not produce
sufficient gain either in amplification or in equality of amplification for
different frequencies to warrant its use, in fact due to its high internal drop
it would probably make the amplification of the higher frequencies
4th. Much greater amplification is obtained at nearly all frequencies
and nearly all values of no-load primary inductance for Re, of 1,000,000
ohms than for Rgi of 250,000 ohms.
Our analysis shows that, while theoretically, the ratio of transfor
mation should be equal to VR^/R^^d the value of Xo should be very
large, yet, practically, the transformation ratio should not be made much
larger than 4 or 5 and Xo should not be much larger than once or twice
the plate-filament resistance. Where the amplifier is to be used for tele
phone currents it is important that the primary no-load inductance of
the repeating transformer be chosen high. In every case a large grid-
filament resistance is effective in producing large amplifications, and
this condition should always be striven for by preventing the grid from
assuming a positive potential.
In the case of the first transformer T (see Fig. 6) it may be shown by
a method similar to that used for the other transformers that the ideal
ratio of transformation is given by:


where jS =ratio of secondary to primary voltage for transformer T;

B = Resistance connected in series with the primary of
transformer T.

The resistance R may be that of the plate-filament circuit of some other

tube or of a telephone line or anything else which may be in series with
the transformer primary.
Again, as in the case of the other transformers, the no-load inductance
of the primary should be high, and the ratio S should not be made so high
as to permit the internal capacity of the transformer to have much
Construction of Transformers for Low-frequency Amplifiers.—In
order to make the no-load reactance of the primary of the transformer
high it should be constructed with a good quality of iron suffering but
small losses and having high permeability. The flux leakage of the
primary and secondary coils should be very low.
The main difficulty in connection with a transformer of this type
is to so arrange the windings that they will have as little distributed
capacity as possible. In view of the necessity of saving space the large
reactances of the coils are obtained by the use of a very large number of
layers of fine wire placed on a comparatively small core; hence the dif
ficulty of making the capacity between layers small. Ordinarily sheets
of insulation are placed between adjacent layers so as to make the distance
larger than would otherwise be the case, and thus diminishing the
It will be readily understood that a large capacity connected either
across the secondary or across the primary or both lowers the no-load
impedance of the transformer and reduces amplification. As long as the
internal capacity of the transformer is small compared to the capacity of
the input circuit to which the secondary is connected, it will be of little
importance in determining the behavior of the amplifier.
Impedance of Telephone Receivers.—The receivers used in the plate
circuit of the last tube of the amplifier should be suitably chosen. The
impedance of a telephone receiver is made up of the following four com

1st. The static reactance.

2d. The static effective resistance.
3d. The motional reactance.
4th The motional resistance.

The first two components are due to the constants of the electric and
magnetic circuits of the receiver and the losses taking place therein and

are the effective reactance and resistance measured with the diaphragm
" locked."
The motional reactance and resistance are produced by the motion
of the diaphragm and are to be added to the static reactance and resist
ance respectively. It is plain that the motional resistance is the resist-

900 1000 1100

Cycles per second
Fia. 12.—Resistance and reactance of such a receiver as is used in radio work as i
function of the frequency; one set of curves gives the characteristics with dia
phragm free to move and the other with it clamped tight.

ance equivalent of the power expended in moving the diaphragm to and

fro part of which is useful in producing sound; in other words, for a cer
tain receiver, the greater the motional resistance the greater will be the
receiver response to a certain value of incoming alternating current. The
value of this resistance varies with the frequency and is a maximum at
about 900 to 1000 cycles per second. Curves are given in Fig. 12, showing
the relation between frequency and resistance and reactance of a receiver
with the diaphragm locked and with the diaphragm vibrating.1 In view
1 It must be pointed out that where the motional resistance is negative, the de-
phragm is not acting like a generator, giving off electric power due to its motion; uV

of the many components of the impedance of a receiver and their variation

with the frequency it is difficult to lay down any set rules for the choice
of a receiver. We may, however, simplify matters by first assuming that
we are dealing with a receiver having nothing but motional resistance.

Let Rm = motional resistance of receiver;

Rp = plate-filament a.c. resistance of last tube;
noE„= effective value of alternating voltage impressed upon
the plate circuit of the last tube;
/„= effective value of the alternating current component
in the plate circuit of the last tube;
Pm = power expended in Rm.

Rm + Rp'
Pm~h2Rm~{Rl+Rp)2Rm (14)

For maximum response in the receivers the power (Pm) expended in the
motional resistance should be a maximum, and since the expression of
Eq. (14) is a maximum when Rm = Rp, we conclude that if the receiver
had nothing but motional resistance then maximum response would be
obtained by making the motional resistance equal to the plate-filament
a.c. resistance of the last tube.
In the case of a practical receiver containing motional and static resist
ance and reactance it is apparent that the larger we make the number
of turns of copper wire the more we increase all the components of the
impedance, including the motional resistance, and the greater is likely
to be the receiver response. It is, however, difficult to determine theo
retically how far we should go on increasing the number of turns and the
total impedance. In practice, a receiver is generally chosen whose
total impedance is about equal to the a.c. resistance from plate to
Connections of Transformer-repeating Low-frequency Amplifiers
for the Reception of Damped and of Undamped Waves.—The diagram
of Fig. 6, page 830, shows in a schematic manner a low frequency trans
former repeating amplifier without any connections to any receiving
apparatus. Fig. 13 shows how such an amplifier would be connected
to another tube for the reception of damped waves or of radiophone
negative motional resistance merely signifies that the diaphragm in motion (in the right
motional phase) absorbs less power as eddy currents and hysteresis than if it is locked
and so unable to move.
Fig. 15 shows an autodyne tube receiver for undamped waves and the
manner in which it would be connected to the amplifier. Considering

Fig. 13 it will be noted that the rectifying tube is connected in the standard
manner already discussed in Chapter VI, page 451, with a grid condenser
and leak resistance, and that,
in this case, the telephone re
ceivers, which would ordinarily
be connected to the points Q
and S, have been replaced by
the amplifier. The condenser
C is of a fairly large capacity
(5000 fifif or more) and is used
for the purpose of carrying
whatever high-frequency cur v To Point! Q & S
^ of Amplifier
rents flow in the plate circuit
of the rectifying tube; these
high-frequency currents flow
readily through the low im- -=-
pedance which the condenser fig. 14.—How a crystal detector set would be
C has at high-frequency, while, connected to the amplifier,
on the other hand, the audio
frequency currents which are to be amplified take the path of the primary
of the transformer T. As a matter of fact the repeating transformers
such as T, T\, T2, have such a high distributed capacity, on account of

To Points Q & S
of Amplifier

Fid. 15.—Hott an autodyne tube receiving continuous wave signals would be connected
to the amplifier.

the very large number of layers of wire enclosed in a small space, that
the by-pass capacity C may often be dispensed with, in which case the
distributed capacity of transformer T carries the high-frequency currents.

The amplifier shown in Fig. 13 has batteries K\, K2, K3 in series with
the grids for the purpose of keeping them at an average negative poten
tial; it will also be noted that a single battery (^2) is being used for the
filaments of all the amplifying tubes, and that the battery B2 feeds the
plates of all the amplifying tubes. Instead of using the grid batteries
K\, K2, Kz the lower ends of the secondaries of the repeating trans
formers may be connected to the filament battery circuit at a point of
suitable negative potential. This has been discussed on page 827 and
is exemplified in the amplifier circuit of Fig. 16, page 845. Figs. 14 and 15
hardly need any explanation and show in every case that the amplifier
is connected in place of the telephone receivers.
Transformer-repeating Amplifiers for High Frequencies.—These are
similar to the amplifiers for audio frequency with the exception of different
electrical constants for the transformers, made necessary by the use of
radio frequencies. A diagram is given in Fig. 16 showing a three-stage
high-frequency transformer-amplifier connected for the reception of
undamped waves. It will be noted that the grid of the first amplifying
tube is connected directly across the receiving tuning condenser. Q and
S are the input terminals of the amplifier while Qi and Si are the output
terminals; the latter are shown connected to an autodine rectifying tube,
and the telephone receivers are placed in the plate circuit of the rectify
ing tube. The grids are maintained at an average negative potential
by making use of proper resistances in series with the negative sides
of the filaments. If grid batteries should be used instead they should
be connected on the lower side of the secondaries of the repeating trans
formers; if connected next to the grid they will increase the free capacity
of the grid connection and thus reduce to some extent the voltage impressed
on the grid itself.
This type of amplifier is not a very efficient one, and, in fact, we might
say that it is almost impossible to construct an efficient amplifier for very
high frequencies. We will discuss the main features and difficulties
encountered in this amplifier, and will find later that these difficulties
exist in all types of high-frequency amplifiers.
The repeating transformers T\, T2, T3 are generally constructed with
out any iron, in order to prevent the excessive eddy current and hysteresis
losses which would take place at radio frequencies.
The optimum electrical constants of the transformers cannot be derived
on the same basis as for the repeating transformers of the low-frequency
amplifiers for the reason that the high-frequency transformers do not
approach, even to a small extent, the ideal transformer without leakage.
Consider the plate and grid circuits of two adjacent amplifying tubes as
represented in Fig. 17. Assume, for the sake of simplicity, that the grid
takes no current, or, in other words that its resistance is infinite. We will

first discuss the action of the transformer without considering either the dis
tributed capacity of the coils L\ and L2 or the capacity of the grid-filament

circuit of the second tube; all these capacities play a very important part
in the operation of the amplifier and will be taken into consideration later.

Let W> = amplifying constant of first tube;

En = alternating grid voltage of 1st tube;
Etl = alternating grid voltage of 2d tube;
/„= alternating component of plate current of 1st tube;
01 = angular velocity of radio frequency currents;
M = mutual inductance between Li and L2;
k = coefficient of coupling between L\ and L2 = ,
v L\Li2
Tube 1 Tube 2

Fig. 17.—Circuit detail of the high-frequency transformer.

Since the circuit of L2 is assumed of infinite impedance it follows that
E„ is equal to the e.m.f. induced in L2, or


E~ =
Eg, nouiky/ L\Li
— (15)
K V(w2Li2+/^2)
The ratio EnlEn varies directly with A; and VL2 but it varies in a com
plex manner with Li. If all other quantities are kept constant and Li
only varied, it may be shown that E^/Eg, is a maximum when
a>Li = tfp (16)
Rp = 10,000 ohms (previously assumed value)
w=3Xl06 (about 600 meters wave-length)
then, for maximum value of EnlEn,
T 10,000 X106 =**00
00ftn microhenries.
. .
— 3 X 106—

An inductance of 3300 microhenries cannot be constructed to have an

internal capacity which is negligible at a frequency of 500,000 cycles per
second, especially if the space requirements prohibit much space between
layers. Even if such internal capacity is very small, say, 20 ntf, the
natural wave-length of the coil would be given by :
natural wave-length of coil Li = 1.885X^3300 x 20 =485 meters.
In other words, the coil whose inductance is L\ may have a natural wave
length within the range of wave-lengths of the signals received by the
amplifier. It follows that when Tube 1 Tube 2
the wave-length of the incoming
signal is equal to the natural wave
length of the coil Li, then the coil
will act like a high resistance: this
equivalent high resistance of the
coil, connected in series with the
smaller plate resistance, Rp, will
cause the changing noESl to be
impressed practically wholly upon
the coil L\, and hence the repeat
ing action from L\ into la will
Fio. 18.—When receiving fixed wave-lengths
be very good at the wave-length the use of a condenser Ci in parallel with
under consideration. For other a low-inductance primary, is preferable
wave-lengths than that equal to to a primary which by itself has suitably
the natural wave-length of L\ the high reactance.
repeating action will not be so
good and may be very poor. This is, of course, objectionable.
The remedy to the above may be found in making L\ small and placing
a tuning condenser in multiple with it, as shown in Fig. 18. The tuning
condenser C\ would be adjusted so that Li-Ci are tuned to the incoming
frequency. When this is done the resistance between the points H and
/ would be so large that the resistance of the plate to filament of the first
tube may be neglected. The results" will be the same as if the voltage
ixoEH were applied directly across H-J without any drop in the plate circuit.
Assume this to be the case and let :
11 = alternating component of current in La;
r voEn
ii = —r~>


This last equation shows that when L1-C1 is tuned to the incoming
frequency the ratio E,JEH varies inversely as vXi ; hence it is advisable
to make L\ very small, a condition which is very desirable, since then
the distributed capacity is negligible. There is, however, a limit to decreas
ing Li, in view of the fact that the resistance of a multiple resonating
circuit such as L\-€\ will, after decreasing L\ below a certain value,
decrease and will thus cause a much lower voltage to be applied across
the points H-J of Fig. 18. This effect can be calculated from Eq. (50),
page 72, from which it may be seen that the effective resistance of the
parallel circuit, at resonance, depends upon the ratio of L to R; the
smaller L is made the lower in the ratio L/R unless large well-stranded
conductors are used. '
As regards Lq, it should be made large, yet if it be so made its dis
tributed capacity may be such as to practically short-circuit the grid-
filament of the second tube and make the ratio E,JEti practically zero.
Hence, it is advisable to keep L2 as small as is consistent with reasonable
amplification. We will illustrate by means of the following example:
Take mo =6;
Li = j
1,2=256 fiB.
En 6X0.3XV256
En~ V36 '
which is a small value as compared with 8.5 to 9.5 for audio-frequency
Of course we could increase L2 above 256, but, in so doing, its distrib-
uted capacity would begin to affect the grid voltage adversely and nothin?
would be gained by the increase in L2.
The effect of the grid-filament capacity must now be considered.
This capacity is comparatively small under static conditions but, as shorn
on page 432, Chapter VI, it increases very much under the conditions
present in amplifiers; of course the reactance of this capacity is in parallel
with the grid-filament circuit and causes the voltage across the grid to
fall to a small value, in spite of all the precautions which we may haTe
been taken in designing the repeating transformer. As a matter of fac:
it is shown in Chapter VI that the higher the alternating voltage produced

at the output terminals of the tube the lower becomes the capacity react
ance of the input circuit, or, in other words, the better the repeating
transformer the poorer may the amplification be. Thus the capacity
of the input circuit of an amplifying tube, may be 50 to 75 ntf. Assuming
a value of 50 the reactance of this capacity at 600 meters would be
only 6400 ohms!
This is the most important difficulty encountered in the design and
construction of all high-frequency amplifiers, a difficulty which makes
such amplifiers, especially for short wave-lengths, very difficult to con
struct. The only remedy is to reduce the capacity of the input circuit
or, in other words, to make the area of the grid as small as feasible, and
keep the wires connecting to the grid as far from the other wires of the
tube as possible and use a tube having a low /zo- Some very small tubes
have been built for high-frequency amplifiers with these ideas incorpo
rated.1 The fio of such tubes is generally low, probably not more
than 3.
In case tuned plate circuits are used for a high-frequency amplifier
it is evident that unless all the tuning condensers are controlled by one
handle the adjustment of the amplifier for signals of various frequencies
would be tedious and difficult.
Resistance-repeating Amplifiers.—We will first discuss this type of
amplifier relative to audio-frequency amplification. The diagram of Fig.
19 shows such an amplifier for three stages. The incoming signal voltage
is applied to the points QS and is caused to affect the grid of Tube 1
through the means of the high resistance R. The grid and filament of
Tube 1 are connected across the resistance R through the comparatively
large condenser Ci; a leak resistance r\ is connected from the grid to the
filament. The purpose of the leak resistance and of the condenser Ci
will be explained later, but it will be presently understood that any vari
ations of potential difference across R will be impressed upon the input
circuit of Tube 1 with the exception of any drop of potential which may
take place in the condenser &.
The variations of the grid potential of Tube 1 will cause a correspond
ing variation of the plate current in this tube, and hence a varying differ
ence of potential will exist across the high resistance Ri. Since the point
o is at constant potential it is plain that the potential difference between
the points k and o will be varied and, as the battery resistance is com
paratively low, the variation of this potential difference must necessarily
be very nearly the same as that across Ri.
The grid and filament of Tube 2 are connected across k and o through
the comparatively large condenser C2, and, therefore, any variation in
the potential difference across k and o will be impressed upon the grid
1 Such a tube is shown at 0 in Fig. 21 of Chapter VI, page 389.

of Tube 2, or, in other words the signal will be repeated into the second
tube by means of the repeating resistance Ri.
In a similar manner the signal will be repeated from Tube 2 to 3,
where it will be picked up on the receivers. The purpose of the grid
condensers C2 and C3
is to insulate the grids
of Tubes 2 and 3 re
spectively from the
batteries B\ and B2.
Thus, if condenser C2
were removed it is
plain that the grid of
Tube 2 would then be
connected to battery
B\ through the resist
ance Ri, and the
battery would impress
such a high positive
potential upon the
grid as to probably
spoil the tube. A
similar reasoning ap
plies to the case of
grid condenser C\ in
so far as it insulates
the grid of tube 1 from
anyhigh direct electro
motive force which
may be to the left of
the points QS; some
times, as will be shown
later, it is possible to
dispense with the grid
condenser Ci and the
resistances ri and R
for the first tube.
As regards the leak
resistances n, r2, t$
they are made neces
sary by the use of the insulating grid condensers Ci, C2, and C3. It has
already been found in Chapter VI, page 410, that, when a condenser is
connected in series with the grid, if the grid is very highly insulated, the
operation of the tube is very uncertain. The accumulation of electrons

in the grid generally forces it to assume a negative potential of one or two

volts, this amount depending upon filament current, etc. If a sudden pulse
of e.m.f. (such as given by a "stray") is impressed on the grid it probably
will accumulate sufficient electrons to force the plate current to zero and
this accumulated charge of electrons in the grid has no way of escaping.
Of course as long as the plate current of one tube is zero the amplifier
is "dead"; it is said to be "paralyzed," or "blocked." The grid of
a triode should never be left " free " or " floating," as the behavior of
the tube will then always be erratic. As to just how much leak resistance
is required from grid to ground to make the tube stable depends upon the
size of the tube and degree to which it has been pumped; it may be any
thing between 105 and 107 ohms for the small tubes used for amplifiers.
Suitable Values of Repeating Resistances.—Confining our attention
to the repeating resistance from tube 1 to tube 2, i.e. Ri (Fig. 19) let:
2?»,= effective value of alternating voltage impressed upon
the grid of first tube;
effective value of alternating voltage impressed upon
the grid of second tube;
Ip= effective value of alternating component of plate
current of Tube 1 ;
/«>= amplifying constant of Tube 1;
i?p=a.c. resistance of plate-filament for first tube.
If we assume that the impedance of the circuit k-C-z-h-^u-o is very
high as compared with the resistance Ri, then the impedance between
the points k and o will be made up practically entirely of the resistance
Ri, hence we may write :

h = f^r (18)

Again, assuming that the reactance C2 is very low as compared with that
of the grid-filament of tube 2, there will be a negligible drop of potential
over C2 and the voltage of the grid to filament for Tube 2 will be given by:
-g&«L (19)
Ef, mRt (2Q)
En Rp-\-R\
Eq. (19) shows that the ratio EtJEti increases continously with increase
of Ri and it approaches a maximum which will be reached when R\ is so
large that Rp may be neglected; this maximum will be given by:
Maximum possible value of -^r=no (21)

This result is to be compared with that given by Eq. (12) and applying
to the case of a repeating transformer amplifier, for which:
E 7}
Maximum possible -jr = mo .'. (21a)
&n 2

Re istance ■repeat Dg Am )lifler

Cu Te shovping thi ■oretica 1 relati< n betw «n
the ratio o f the pc tential pf two uccessi ire
STi Is and he repe ating r< sistanc
Pl« te-fllai lent A. b. resistance - io,000 ot ms
1 1 M
Id[ tedaoce of grid fllamer t circu t was
ass umed v ery larg e as coi spared with
rep eating "esistan



0 10 20 30 40
Repeating resistance in Thousand Ohms
Fig. 20.—Variation in the amplifying power of a resistance-repeating tube as the value
of the external resistance used in the plate circuit is varied.

In order to study more fully the relation expressed by Eq. (20) we have
plotted curve, Fig. 20, for which:
mo =6
Rp = 10,000.
The curve shows that it is hardly worth while to increase Ri beyond
about 30,000 ohms for this particular tube, for the gain in EHiESl is

thereafter too small for even very large increases of Ri. Futhermore,
it must not be forgotten that the insertion of a resistance in series with
the plate requires a corresponding increase in the voltage of the B battery
as previously pointed out. As a matter of fact such a tube would prob
ably not be used with more than 20,000 ohms in the plate circuit. This
would require a B battery of twice the voltage required if there was no
IR drop in the external plate circuit and will give a voltage amplification
of 2/3 of mo (in the above case, 4).
As regards the first repeating resistance R it may be shown that it
should be very high as compared with the resistance in series with it; the
latter may be the plate-filament resistance of another tube or the resist
ance of a telephone line, etc.
The repeating resistances used are made up in units of small dimen
sions, approximately \ inch in diameter and 2 to 3 inches in length. There
are three general types in use: Type 1 consists of a tube of insulating
material wound with high resistance wire and coated with enamel; it
is made up in units up to about 5000 ohms. Type 2 consists of a tube
of insulating material wound with a few turns of carbon filament contain
ing a large percentage of clay and thus having a very high resistance; it
is made up in units up to 50,000 ohms. Type 3 consists of an evacuated
glass tube upon the inside walls of which there is " sputtered " a film of
tungsten which is very thin and therefore of very high resistance; it is
made up in units up to 2,000,000 ohms.
In every case it must be kept in mind that no matter what type of
resistance is used for repeating purposes it must have a current-carrying
capacity such as will enable it to carry the average current flowing in the
plate circuit of the tube wherein it is to be connected without overheating.
Thus,rin the case of a tube whose average plate current is 4 milliamperes
a repeating resistance of 50,000 ohms should be able to dissipate 0.8 watt
without overheating.
The repeating resistance should have negligible distributed capacity,
for, this would lower the value of its impedance and cause a reduction
in the amplification.
Another important point regarding the resistances used for repeating
comes up in connection with internal noises in an amplifier. It seems
that some of the high resistance units are " microphonic," that is, their
resistance continually varies by a very small amount. It will be at once
evident that such a resistance will give rise to noises in the amplifier,
especially if the microphonic resistance is in one of the first stages of the
amplifier. In general the higher the resistance the more likely is it to
be microphonic
Suitable Value of Grid Condenser.—The grid condenser must have a
small reactance as compared with the circuit from grid to filament, which

circuit consists of the leak resistance and the capacity and resistance of
grid to filament; the point to keep in rnind is that the variation of poten
tial difference existing between the points k and o (see Fig. 19) should
be made to suffer but a negligible drop over the reactance of the grid
condenser, so that it may be applied very nearly in its entirety to the
grid-filament circuit. For audio-frequencies the reactance of the capacity
of the grid to filament is very high, i.e., one to two million ohms and does
not appreciably affect the impedance between the grid and filament,
which is almost entirely made up of the leak resistance and the internal
grid to filament resistance in multiple, which make up a resistance of the
order of 200,000 ohms. In this case the grid condenser may be allowed
to have a reactance of 50,000 ohms without seriously affecting the grid
voltage, or, in other words, for, say, 1000 cycles per sec. the capacity
of the grid condenser may be about gQ ooo**^® or' rou6my> 3000 wif.
If, however, the amplifier is used for high frequencies,1 say \=600
meters, then the impedance of grid to filament is made up almost wholly
of the grid-filament capacity reactance, which, for the amplifying tubes
generally used, is of the order of about 6000 ohms, hence the grid condenser
reactance should be of the order of about 1500 ohms or less; its capacity
may then be as low as 200 wxf without decreasing the value of E„ more
than 20 per cent. It is then apparent that smaller values of grid condenser
capacity may be used at high than at low frequencies. In any case it
is not advisable to use any larger capacity than just necessary, for in
doing so, the amplifier is too likely to block for longer periods of time than
necessary. If a pulse of e.m.f. is impressed on the amplifier all of these
repeating condensers will become charged and so cut the various plate
currents to probably zero. Before the amplifier can function the plate
currents must come back to normal value and this requires that all these
condensers (Ci, C2, C3, etc.) discharge themselves. The time required for
discharge is fixed by the time constants, RC, of these condensers. More
over if C3 and Ci discharge themselves before C\ does they will charge up
again when Ci discharges, due to this discharge sending another pulse of
e.m.f. through the amplifier. It is then evident that the time constant
RC should be only a small fraction of the time between two " dots " of a
signal, for example, if the blocking is not to interfere with reading the signal.
Hence RC must be made small and this must be accomplished by making
C as small as permissible because if the leak resistance R is made small it
would decrease the impedance of the grid-filament circuit so much that
too large a proportion of the voltage IpRi would be used up across the grid
1 It must be pointed out that the amplifier as ah-anged in Fig. 19 will not amplify
high-frequency spark signals; the condensers in series with the grids rectify the wave-
trains so that in the later stages of the amplifier, only low-frequency signals occur.

condenser, thus cutting down the voltage impressed on the grid. The
proper relative values of R and C to keep RC small must therefore be a
Suitable Value of Leak Resistance.—The leak resistance should be
as high as possible without causing any of the tubes to " block." The
blocking would occur in case the grid became so negative as to make the
plate current zero; the signal would, then, not go through until some of
the electrons had escaped off the grid.
It is very difficult to lay down any exact rules or formulae as to the
best value of the leak resistance since some of the quantities which affect
it, such as the number of electrons collected on the grid are somewhat
indeterminate. It should be kept in mind, however, that a low leak
resistance reduces the total impedance between points k and o on Fig.
19 and hence makes the drop over the repeating resistance very small,
thus diminishing the amplification, and that a high leak resistance may
cause the tube to " block." In most amplifiers the leak resistance is in
the neighborhood of 1 to 5 million ohms.
The resistances commonly used for " leaks " are made up of a thin
strip of carboard, clamped between two terminals, over which there is
a coating of dried ink extending between the two terminals. The whole
is enclosed in a glass tube. India ink is a poor conductor, and such a
type of resistance as here described may be made up in units ranging
from i to 5 million ohms, depending upon the thickness and length of
the ink line. Of course the power capacity of such resistances is extremely
limited, and care should be taken not to overload them; they are meant
to be used on low-voltage tubes only.
Another type of resistance used for " leaks " is the glass tube with
the tungsten film deposited thereon already described on page 853.
As regards the connections of the low-frequency resistance-repeating
amplifier to the rectifying devices for damped or undamped waves they
are exactly similar to the connections for the low-frequency transformer-
repeating amplifier shown in Figs 13, 14, 15.
In every case the rectifying device, be it for damped or undamped
waves, is to be connected to the input points Q and S (Fig. 19) of the
resistance-repeating amplifier.
Resistance-repeating Amplifier for High Frequency.—The connec
tions of this type of amplifier for the purpose of receiving undamped
waves are shown in Fig. 21, where the last tube is an autodyne rectifying
tube. The input terminals of the amplifier are shown at QS and the out
put terminals at Qi»Si. The varying signal voltage existing across the
terminals of the receiving condenser C is applied to the grid of the first
tube and repeated from tube to tube, and it is finally made to affect the
grid of the rectifying or autodyne tube after several stages of amplifica

tion. It will be noted that the grid-filament of the autodyne tube is con
nected not only across the output terminals of the amplifier but also across


the condenser Ci of the local oscillating circuit; hence it will have impressed
upon it both the local oscillations and the incoming antenna oscillations.

In the case of the incoming waves being damped the same arrange
ment may be used as shown in Fig. 21, after reducing the coupling between
the grid and plate coils of the rectifying tubetothe point where no oscillations
are generated by it. The rectifying tube may, in the case of damped
waves, be connected in the simpler manner shown by Fig. 22. The high
frequency resistance-repeating amplifier is in no way different from the
low-frequency amplifier of the same type and the two may be used inter
changeably. The only point tha; must be noted in this respect is that
the grid condenser may be made much smaller for the high-frequency
than for the low-frequency amplifier, as already discussed on page 854,
and, furthermore, it is very important
that in the high-frequency amplifier To Points
the repeating-resistances be made
with the least amount of distributed
capacity, otherwise their impedance
will be lowered and the amplification
As in the case of the transformer-
repeating high-frequency amplifier
the resistance-repeating amplifier suf Fig. 22.—In case the resistance-repeating
fers from the fact that at high radio amplifier is used to amplify spark signals
frequencies the condensive reactance it will be found unnecessary to use a
of the grid-filament circuit becomes rectifying tube with condenser in series
so low as practically to short-circuit with grid for detector; the high-frequen
cy signal will be changed to radio-fre
the repeating resistance, and con quency before going through the ampli
sequently reduces the amplifying fier very far.
action. Thus a resistance-repeating
amplifier which operates very successfully at audio-frequency may fail
to amplify at all at radio frequency, not because of any fault of the
amplifier, but because of the capacity of the grid to filament of each
Inductance-repeating Amplifiers.—This type is similar to the resist
ance-repeating amplifier, except that instead of a resistance in the plate
circuit of each amplifying tube an inductance is used whose reactance at
the frequency for which the amplifier is designed, is high. The theory
upon which the repeating action from tube to tube is based is exactly
the same as for the resistance-repeating amplifier and will not be gone
into here again. This method of repeating has an advantage over resist
ance repeating in so far as the repeating inductance offers but little
opposition to the flow of the direct current through the plate circuit and
hence the B battery may be of lower voltage than if resistance repeating
is used. For this reason the inductance-repeating amplifier is to be pre
ferred to the resistance repeater for low frequencies; but for high fre-

quencies the distributed capacity of the inductance introduces difficulties

which make it less desirable than the resistance repeater.
Suitable Value of Repeating Inductance.—Let Xi = reactance of the
repeating inductance at the given frequency. Then, using the same
symbols and making the same assumptions as in the similar discussion
on the repeating resistance given on page 851, we have:

The value of the ratio EeJEei increases continuously with increase of

Xi and has a maximum of no which will take place when Xi = 00 . The
relation between Eg,/Etl and X\ for a typical case is shown by the curve
of Fig. 23, for which mo =6 and RP = 10,000 ohms. Comparing this curve
with the similar one for the resistance repeater (Fig. 20), it will be noted
that the value of E,JEH rises much more sharply for the inductance
repeater than for the other, and, as a matter of fact, for the same value
of repeating impedance the resistance amplifier gives a smaller ratio
E,JEtl than the inductance amplifier.
The curve shows that there is very little to be gained by using a repeat
ing reactance larger than about 20,000 ohms, or twice the resistance of
the plate to filament. On the basis of 20,000 ohms for the repeating
reactance the inductance would need be about 3 henries for 1000 cycles
per second and 0.006 henry for 600 meters.
Of course the repeating inductance for audio-frequency is built on an
iron core in view of its very large value. The construction of this induc
tance is regulated by the same principles as the construction of the repeat
ing transformers for audio-frequency amplifiers, i.e., low iron losses and
small distributed capacity together with small dimensions.
In the case of the inductance for 600 meters, as given above, it will
be noted that it is almost impossible to build an ironless inductance of
0.006 henry to fit in a comparatively small space and with little distributed
capacity. The effect of the distributed capacity is to cause best repeating
action to take place at a wave-length equal to the natural wave-length
of the repeating coil; for other wave-lengths the repeating action will
not be so good and may be very poor. A similar difficulty was noted in
connection with the radio-frequency repeating-transformer amplifier, as
discussed on page 848. A straight inductance-repeating amplifier is
very poor for short wave-amplification. It may be improved, however,
by connecting a variable condenser across the repeating inductance and
adjusting it so that the condenser and inductance are tuned to the incoming
frequency; the equivalent impedance of the combination will then be
very high, while the value of the inductance may be made quite low
and the condenser may be relied upon to tune up to the required frequency.

A similar tuned plate-circuit impedance has already been discussed for

the case of transformer amplifiers.
Fields of Use of Radio-frequency and Audio-frequency Amplifiers.—
For amplifying wire telephone or wire telegraph currents the audio
frequency amplifier is, of course, to be used. For receiving radio-tele-

Indue tance-i epeating Arnpl fler

/ Cu sho> ring thi ■oretica relatid n betw
f the ratio o r the po tentials of two ■uccess ve
gtu is and t he repe ating re ictanct
Pia te- filar lent A. I. resist ince —10,000 ohras
Inp edance of grid - filamen t circui t was
ass imed v< ry larg ! as con pared i rith
rep sating r eactanc e

Ucpeating reactance la Thousand Ohms
Fio. 23.—Amplifying characteristics of a tube using an inductance in the plate circuit;
the amplification obtainable is much greater than with the same number of ohms of

graph or radio-telephone currents it is a question as to whether to amplify

the received high-frequency currents first and then rectify them or to
rectify them first and then amplify them. The former of these two
methods requires the use of a radio-frequency amplifier and the latter
of an audio-frequency amplifier. The advantage of using a radio-fre
quency amplifier lies in the fact that atmospheric disturbances and ,

other so-called " static interferences," which are always more or less
seriously affecting the reception of signals, produce audio-frequency currents,
which are amplified but little, or not at all by the radio-frequency ampli
fier; therefore, in this case, the final effect upon the telephone receivers,
or any other device used for detecting the signals, is due more to the ampli
fied radio-frequency signal currents than to the unamplified low-frequency
interfering currents. On the other hand, in the case of the audio-fre
quency amplifier, this will amplify not only the rectified radio-frequency
signal currents, but the atmospheric disturbances as well, so that the
telephone receivers will be subjected to both the signal and the inter
fering currents which have been equally well amplified. It would seem,
then, as if the radio-frequency amplifier would have the field entirely to
itself, but, unfortunately, the radio-frequency amplifier is, as has already
been pointed out, very difficult of construction for low, or even moderate,
wave-lengths, on account of the effect of the grid-filament capacity of
the tubes upon amplification. Tubes have been built where the grid-
filament capacity has been reduced to a very low value and they have
been employed with some success in the construction of high-frequency
amplifiers, but they are still in the experimental stage. An amplifier
quite extensively used during the war had three high-frequency air core,
transformer-repeating stages feeding into a detecting tube which in turn
fed into a three-stage low-frequency amplifier. (The advantage of
amplifying the high-frequency signal as much as possible before putting
it into the detector tube will be realized at once when it is remembered
that the detecting efficiency of a three-electrode tube increases with the
square of the signal voltage.) The overall voltage amplification of this
set was probably of the order of 10,000.
With the tubes at present available a good amplifier may be con
structed for frequencies of the order of 50,000 cycles per second, and since
this frequency is very much higher than that of most atmospheric dis
turbances, the latter will not be amplified, as much as the signal currents
of 50,000 cycles will be. In an amplifier originated by E. H. Armstrong
the difficulty of amplifying a high-frequency signal has been ingeniously
overcome; in it the incoming high-frequency currents are first reduced
by the heterodyne or autodyne method to about 50,000 cycles per second,
then amplified through a number of stages and finally reduced again by
another and last autodyne process to audio-frequency and transferred to
the receivers. The arrangement is shown in a simple form in the schematic
diagram of Fig. 24. It might seem that such an arrangement is very
complicated to handle, but, as a matter of fact, it is no more so than the
ordinary single tube autodyne set for receiving undamped waves. For,
it will be noted that the inductances and capacities in the second autodyne
tube are fixed, and their values are originally adjusted so that, when
24. ecmrngupcdharerl-setufo—iprcfmentiqouednsorg,ncy cation)
hthe about

mplifier c50,000




electromotive forces of 50,000 cycles are induced in the circuit of L2-C2

by the amplifier, the telephone receivers will be subjected to a rectified
current of 1000 cycles; in other words, the last autodyne tube is definitely
adjusted to oscillate at a frequency of either 49,000 or 51,000 cycles per
second. The only operation that the operator needs to perform, then,
is to adjust the receiving inductance L\ and receiving capacity Ci so that
the signal may be heard in the phones; when this is the case the frequency
of the currents passing through the amplifier is either 50,000 or 48,000
cycles (assuming that the last autodyne tube is adjusted to oscillate at
49,000 cycles per second).
As already pointed out in the discussion of the transformer-repeating
amplifier for radio-frequencies given on page 845, the plate circuits of
the various amplifier tubes may be tuned to the frequency to be amplified,
by means of condensers placed across the primaries of the repeating trans
formers. This may be very easily done in the case of the Armstrong
amplifier without subtracting from the flexibility of the apparatus, since
the condensers C, C, C shown in Fig. 24 need not be variable, but adjusted
once for all to resonate, together with the primaries of the transformers,
to 50,000 cycles.
Instead of a transformer-repeating amplifier one may use a resistance-
repeating or else an inductance-repeating amplifier whose plate circuits
have preferably been tuned to 50,000 cycles by means of fixed condensers
connected across the repeating inductances.
If the amplifier be either a transformer-repeating or an inductance-
repeating one the transformers or the inductances may, for this com
paratively low radio frequency, be constructed with iron cores provided
the laminations be made very thin (laminations of the thickness of 1.5
mils have been used) or still better, iron dust; 1 in this case the number
of turns necessary to give the required reactance at 50,000 cycles for a
tube of Rp = 10,000 ohms need be comparatively small and they can easily
be constructed. If transformers or inductances with iron are used it is
not necessary to tune the plate circuits by means of condensers, for the
required reactance may be obtained without them. But if no iron is
used the number of turns of the repeating transformers or inductances
would have to be made so large as to require the use of shunting condensers
around the coils to bring the impedance up to the required value.
The effect of the grid-filament capacity in a 50,000-cycle amplifier is,
of course, not negligible, as in the audio-frequency amplifier, but it is not
such as to affect seriously the amplifying action. Thus, assuming, as
we did previously, the grid-filament capacity to be 50 nnf, we have:
Reactance of grid-filament capacity at 50,000 cycles per sec. =64,000
ohms, which reactance, while not as high as might be desired, is yet suf-
1 See page 138.

ficiently high to prevent serious interference with the action of the

repeating devices, provided the tube itself has a sufficiently low plate
resistance, say Rv = 10,000 ohms.
Desirability of Different Characteristics for Various Stages of Ampli
fication.—It has already been shown that the manner in which an amplifier
operates is to cause an increase of voltage to be applied across the grid
and the filament of any one tube over that for the preceding tube, so that
finally the variations of the grid potential of the very last tube are many
times larger than for the first tube. Thus, assuming a low-frequency
transformer amplifier in which the ratio of grid voltages of two succeeding
tubes is, say, 7 and, assuming, in addition, that the same ratio is main
tained from the first to the last tube, then, we have:
Ratio of grid voltage of last tube of an n tube amplifier to grid
voltage of first tube = 7"_I.
We give below the values of 7B_1 for various values of n.

Number of tubes 7*'1

3 49
5 2,400
7 118,000
It is apparent, therefore, that, as the number of tubes increases, the grid
voltage applied to the end tubes increases enormously. It might seem,
therefore, that different types of tubes should be used for succeeding stages,
but such is not the case unless some loud-speaking apparatus is to be
operated from the amplifier. In that case it is quite likely that the last
tube of the amplifier will feed into a group of low-resistance tubes con
nected in parallel.
In one successful amplifier there were two tubes in cascade, each giving
with its associated circuit a voltage amplification of 32, the two thus
amplifying the impressed voltage about 1000 times. This amplified
signal was supplied to the grids of three other tubes all connected in par
allel. The no of these tubes was about 4 and their a.c. plate resistance
1500 ohms. Thus the three plate circuits in parallel had a resistance
of only 500 ohms. In the common plate circuit was the primary of a
step-up transformer having a ratio of 30 to 1, this voltage being supplied
to a very high impedance load. The overall voltage amplification of this
outfit was about 30,000.
For ordinary amplifiers of radio signals, however, it is not necessary
to change the type of tube used in the various stages because, for the
loudest signal an operator could stand the grid of the last tube of the
amplifier need have an impressed e.m.f. of perhaps 1 volt; a comfortably
loud signal is obtained with a fraction of this value. As practically any
but the very highest impedance tubes operate very satisfactorily with

an impressed grid voltage even greater than this it is evident that it is

entirely needless to change the type of tube.
Filters.1—By the term " filter " is understood a network, or combi
nation of resistances, inductances, and condensers (or merely two of these
kinds of circuits) which " passes through " signals of one frequency better
than it does others; in other words it is a selective conductor of some
sort. If filters have resistances and inductances, or resistances and con
densers, they are aperiodic, having no natural period of their own. If
they contain inductances and condensers they may be periodic (i.e.,

Frequency Frequency
Fia. 25.—Characteristics of different types of filters a and 6 having either resistance
and capacity or resistance and inductance while c and d must have resistance,
inductance, and capacity properly combined.

having one or more natural periods of oscillation) depending upon how

much resistance is associated with the network.
The characteristic of a filter is generally given by supposing a signal
of fixed amplitude and variable frequency to be impressed on the input
terminals and plotting against frequency, the voltage at the output
terminals. For different types of filters we may get characteristics such
as indicated in Fig. 25, (a), (6), (c), and (d). The first two (a and b)
have only resistance and inductance or resistance and capacity used in
1 For an excellent mathematical discussion of the properties of various types of
filters the reader is referred to Chapter XVI of Pierce's "Electric Oscillations and Elec
tric Waves."

their structure, while the other two have inductance, resistance and
A filter is generally applied to high-frequency amplifiers and may be
constructed to serve either one or both of two different purposes, i.e. :
(1) To prevent signals from all transmitting stations, except one,
from being amplified, and hence to keep interfering signals from reaching
the operator's ear.
(2) To prevent currents due to " strays," " static," etc., from being
amplified as much as they would otherwise be and hence to keep static
interference from reaching the operator's ear.
These two purposes of the filter might be carried out as shown in
Fig. 26. This figure represents a high-frequency resistance-repeating
amplifier. It will be noted that all incoming currents which go past the
timed receiving circuit (a), will produce varying voltages across the grid-
filament of the first tube and be thereby amplified into the plate circuit
of this tube. Across the points Y and 0 there is connected the circuit
Cz-H\—Ky-0] the circuit from Hi to Ki consists of L\-Ci in multiple
with the grid condenser d, the leak resistance n and the grid-filament
of the second tube. For the sake of convenience this part of the amplifier
circuit is reproduced in Fig. 27. The condenser C3 serves the purpose
of keeping the battery B\ from sending any direct current into the circuit
from Hi to 0, and may be made quite large, so as to have a low reactance
at as low a frequency as 1000 cycles per second or less. The circuit Li~C\
is one that is tuned to the frequency which it is desired to amplify, and,
of course, at this frequency it has a very high impedance, while at all
other frequencies, higher or lower, it offers a lower impedance.
The characteristic of this filter is given by curve (c) of Fig. 25. The
result is that the circuit of C3, Hi, Li-C\, K\ will practically short-circuit
the resistance from Y to 0 at all frequencies except the one to which L\
and Ci are tuned, and, therefore, the repeating resistance Ri will repeat
but poorly all frequencies except the desired one. Of course the fre
quencies nearest the desired one will be repeated, though not strongly,
into the second tube and these frequencies are still further weakened
in the process of repeating from the second into the third tube, so that,
finally, the output currents will contain the component of the original
input currents of the desired frequency strongly amplified and components
of other frequencies very much weakened or totally suppressed.
It will be noted that this type of filter acts as a barrier not only to high-
frequency interfering currents, but also to low-frequency static inter
ference. It has the objection of requiring the filtering circuits L1-C1,
L2-C2, etc., to be tuned to the incoming signal frequency, and, if this is
a variable one, the tuning complicates the operation of receiving. The
steady state impedance from Hi to Ki of the parallel circuit L\-Ci, is

about as shown in curve c of Fig. 28, where fo is the frequency of the signal
which it is desired to amplify. The exact expression from which tk
curve can be plotted is given on the bottom of p. 71. It must be noted

that this impedance curve holds only for the steady state, and hence
gives no idea as to how the circuit will react to pulses or highly dampei
signals. In fact just because of the behavior of this circuit to pulses v.
is really a very poor filter to use with an amplifier for reasons now to
be given.

It was shown on pages 268 et seq. that when a damped wave of e.m.f.
is used for exciting a tuned circuit two distinct effects are produced. A
forced current, of the same fre
Tube 1 Tube 2
quency as the impressed e.m.f.,
flows in the circuit, and another
current of the same frequency
as the natural frequency of the
circuit is also set up. The rela
tive amplitudes of these two
currents are discussed in Chap
ter IV, page 270. It is there
fore evident that any impulsive
e.m.f. will start the circuit L\-C\
oscillating at its natural fre
quency which is practically the
same frequency as that for
which the amplifier is best
Fio. 27.—Circuit detail to show action of filter;
adjusted; this pulse of e.m.f. the circuit between Hl and K\ practically short
(atmospheric disturbance) will circuits any frequency except that for which it
therefore be sent through tube is tuned.
1 of the amplifier as a pulse
but after passing the filter Li-Ci it will be propagated through the rest
of the amplifier as a damped wave-signal of practically the same fre
quency as that for which
the amplifier is adjusted,
the damping of this spuri
ous signal being fixed by
the damping constant of
circuit L\-Ci.
This is an effect which
must be carefully guarded
against in the design of
amplifiers. With suitable
filtering circuits the pulse
A, Fig. 29, can be so
affected that it comes
Fia. 28.—The impedance between Hi and Ki varies with through the amplifier with
impressed frequency as shown here; the lower the
resistance in the Li-C\ circuit the sharper is this much less amplification
resonance curve. than the signal B. But
if tuned filter circuits are
used it may be that the pulse will be changed to a damped signal and be
amplified to practically the same extent as the signal B.
This tuned type of filter is excellent for differentiating between two

continuous wave-signals of nearly the same frequency. For a continuous

wave-signal (the " dot " of which lasts for several hundred cycles of the
signaling frequency) curves like those of Fig. 25 give a correct idea of the
relative selectivity of the filter, and, as the selection takes place pro
gressively as it goes from one section of the filter (L1-C1) to the others
(L2-C2, etc.), the disturbing signal is completely nullified. If for example
the desired signal is fo and the interfering signal is /', it may be that
one section of the filter will
cut down the interference to
.2 of its initial value and the
desired signal to .98 of its
impressed value. After going
Time through three sections of such
a filter the signal will be cut
down to .983 or about .94 of
its impressed value, whereas
the interfering signal will be
reduced to .23=.008 of its
impressed value. If the am
plifying power of the tubes
(apart from the filtering ar
rangement) is 100 times in
voltage, the signal wall come
through the amplifier with a
voltage amplitude 94 times as
Fio. 29—In a well-designed amplifier the pulse great as its input amplitude,
A will come through much less amplified than whereas the interference would
, signal
.,, B for which
. , the. amplifier is designed; , ,but, .8
„ of» ..its mput am-
when filters using inductance and, capacity are have.
used, however, tuned to the signal B, it is likely phtude.
that the pulse A will be changed into a damped For differentiating between
wave signal, of same frequency as B, and will spark stations the relative
be amplified as much. selectivity is not as good, be
cause of the natural oscillations
set up in the filter sections by the interfering signal; in fact for sepa
rating highly damped spark signals this filter is of practically no value.
Non-resonant Filters.—A simpler filter which acts to weed out low-
frequency interference much more than it does high-frequency signals
is the one shown in Fig. 30.
This diagram is similar to the one of Fig. 26 except that the resistance
R'l is here substituted for the tuned circuit L\-C\ of Fig. 26. The general
characteristic of this type of filter is shown in Fig. 25, curve (a). If a
given amplitude of voltage of variable frequency, is impressed across
the points QS (of Fig. 30) and the resultant voltage across M-N be

measured it will be found to have somewhat the form of the curve (a)
of Fig. 26.
While no definite design of such a filter can be given here (it depend

ing upon the tubes used, etc.) it has proved satisfactory to make the react
ance of C3 and C4 for the signal frequency about one-fifth of the resist
ance R'i- In addition to this consideration the reactance of C3 and C4 in

series must be small compared to the impedance between points M-N, and,
furthermore, the impedance of the network C^-R'^-C^-ri, etc., as measured
between the points Y-0 must be high compared to the resistance Ri;
and this resistance Ri should be about equal to the resistance of the plate
circuit of the tube. With this design of filter and amplifier circuit the
voltage amplification per stage is about /io/3.
As an example of how a filter of this kind differentiates between signals
of different frequencies a case has been worked out in Fig. 31. Points
O-Y on the figure would normally connect across the plate circuit resist-
c=boo fip./ ance °^ one tube, and points M-AT
r =6o,ooo ohms. would connect to the input circuit
-|| 1 1| iM of the next tube of the amplifier.
Power from Generators for
Amplifiers.—By using a suitable
filter it is possible to use a small
generator for lighting, the fila
ments or for furnishing the plate
current of an amplifier. Such an
wv«»«m«««oboy = i arrangement is indicated in Fig.
voita»« acron mn at 50,000 Cycles/Sec. =0.83 32. The amount of filter required
" " " " SiOOO " " =0.11
_ will depend upon the quality of
Fio. 31.—A section of a resistance capacity ... ... ,
C1. ., . , . , -nnnn . .
filter, through which 50,000 cycles is propa commutation of the machine. As
gated with but little attenuation, whereas the ordinary commutation fre-
6000 cycles is cut down to one-tenth of its quency is about 1000 per second
incoming amplitude. the reactance of each condenser
used in shunting the line should
be small, at this frequency, compared to the inductive reactance of the
coils (perhaps one-tenth as much). Iron core coils may be used, the
dimensions of L\, L\, etc., being necessarily much larger than L®, In,
etc., because of the greater current they have to carry.
Stability of Amplifiers—" Squealing."—An amplifier, especially if of
the inductance or transformer-repeating type, is very likely to produce
in the telephone receivers audio-frequency sustained notes which are
entirely independent of the incoming signals; this action is known as
" squealing," and is extremely objectionable and very difficult to over
come. The squealing of an amplifier is generally due to the fact that
the circuits of the various tubes are capable of oscillating, and may oscil
late if the conditions are favorable; this applies to both high-frequency
and low-frequency amplifiers. Thus assume, for the sake of clearness,
that a single tube is connected by itself as it would be connected were
it used in the low-frequency transformer-repeating amplifier of Fig. 13,
page 842, and let Fig. 33 represent it. The coils of the repeating trans
formers Ti and T2 have a large amount of distributed capacity, and hence

the circuit may be roughly represented by its equivalent of Fig. 34. It

will be noted that L\Ci is an oscillating circuit and the grid is connected
across it; furthermore the circuit L2-C2 may have a high impedance
to currents of the natural frequency of the circuit L\-C\. Any oscillations
started in Ly-C\ will produce a change in grid potential which will pro-

luce a change in plate current; the latter will cause a variation of plate
lotential to take place, in view of the impedance of L2-C2 being connected
a series with the plate battery, and finally the variation of plate pot«n-
ial may, through the capacity of plate to filament and grid to filament,
eact back upon the grid, and may impress a higher voltage across the
ircuit L1-C1 than at first existed. Such a condition would, of course,

be favorable to the maintenance of currents of the natural frequency of

The tube may also oscillate at the natural frequency of L2-C2 ; whether
it oscillates at the frequency of L1-C1 or of L2-C2 depends entirely upon
which of these frequencies gives correct phases of e.m.f.'s and the smaller
losses in the entire circuit.
If the frequency at which
Secondary the tube oscillates is audible,
o£ repeating
Transformer the currents produced there
by will be heard in the tele
phones connected in the plate
circuit of the last tube of
the amplifier, and will urn-
produce squealing. If the
Fig. 33.—Circuit detail of a transformer repeating frequency is inaudible the
amplifier; it may well be that, due to internal telephone will give no indi-
capacities of the coils (giving the circuit a natural ,. ... ,
,. ■between
period) and the coupling . , . and, grid cation of the rpresence ot sum.
circuit inside the tube, self-sustained oscillations currents, but they will sen-
are set up in the circuit. ously interfere with the am
plifying action of the tubes.
In the case of a high-frequency transformer-repeating amplifier the tube
circuits may also oscillate, but they will do so at radio frequencies and wiE
not be heard, but the efficiency of the amplifier as a whole may be seriously
impaired by the presence of these interfering currents.
On the other hand inductance repeating high-frequency amplifiers,
oscillating at radio frequency, sometimes produce an audible tone in the
telephones due to the fact that the
grid condensers may, as a result of
the oscillations, become so highly nega
tive as to cause the plate current to
become zero and thus stop the oscil
lations; after a time the electrons
collected on the grid will leak off and
the plate current will start flowing;
but the oscillations will again start
Fig. 34.—The transformer coils of Fx
in and again make the plate current 33, with their internal capacities pr;
zero, etc. This starting and stopping a circuit as shown here.
of the oscillations, with consequent
pulsations in plate current, may take place at audio-frequency, in whict
jase the amplifier will " squeal." This phenomenon is similar to the
one fully discussed on page 523 in connection with oscillating receivim;
tubes equipped with grid condensers.
In the discussion given above we have, for the sake of simplidrj

considered the action taking place in each individual tube, which may
be caused to oscillate due to the varying currents in the plate circuit of
that one tube reacting back upon the oscillating circuit to which the grid
and filament of the same tube are connected. Of course each tube may
be caused to oscillate in the same manner at the same or a slightly different
frequency from every other. What does happen, however, is that all
tubes are subjected to one single frequency and the value of this frequency
is the one at which it is " easiest " for the entire amplifier to oscillate,
that is, the one frequency at which the losses in the whole amplifier (for
a given strength of oscillation) are a minimum; of course if these losses
are greater than can be supplied by the plate battery through the reactions
of each plate upon each grid circuit the amplifier will fail to oscillate at
that frequency or at any other frequency for which this condition prevails.
It may happen, however, that the output circuit of the amplifier is
coupled, either magnetically or electrostatically, or both, to the input
circuit, in which case the amplifier may oscillate, even if it would not
otherwise do so. Thus, consider the three-stage transformer-repeating
amplifier of Fig. 6, which is similar to that of Fig. 13. Assume that oscil
latory currents start in the secondary of transformer T; these currents
will be repeated and amplified from tube to tube ; if now the plate circuit
of the last tube is so related to the grid circuit of the first that the varying
currents in the former can produce varying voltages in the latter, which
are sufficiently large and in the right phase to increase and sustain the
currents started in the secondary of transformer T, then the amplifier
will oscillate. It will be easily understood that if there is coupling between
the output and input circuit it is not a necessary condition, in order for
the amplifier to oscillate, that the oscillations shall start in the grid cir
cuit of the first tube, for, they may start in the grid circuit or even the
plate circuit of any one of the tubes, including the last, and, in every case,
the amplifying action of the apparatus may make it likely that oscillations
be sustained, even if the coupling between the output and input circuits
is feeble.
Again, while in the preceding paragraphs we have assumed that the
plate circuit of the last tube is coupled to the grid circuit of the first tube
the amplifier may oscillate even if the plate circuit of an intermediate
iube is coupled to the grid circuit of the first tube or, in general, it may
>scillate if the plate circuit of any one tube is coupled to the grid circuit
>f any of the preceding tubes. For, as long as any currents started in
he oscillatory circuit of any one tube are sustained by the reactions of
he other tubes the amplifier as a whole may oscillate.
Remedies for Amplifier Squealing.—It must be stated at the outset
hat the more an amplifier amplifies the more likely it is to squeal; in
►ther words, a silent amplifier is not necessarily better than one which

shows tendency to self oscillation; in fact if a series of tubes connected

in cascade show no tendency to squeal it is likely that the combination
is so adjusted that the overall amplification is much lower than it should
be. Even when all precautions against squealing have been taken it
may be found upon testing the amplifier that it squeals most objection
ably. In general the following points should be observed :
(a) An amplifier without any oscillatory circuits is not very apt to
squeal. A resistance-repeating amplifier may be constructed practically
without any oscillatory circuits, although it must be understood that
even a short pair of wires from an oscillatory circuit, with a very high
natural frequency to be sure, but nevertheless an oscillatory circuit.
Hence even a resistance amplifier may oscillate at very high frequency
and yet be " heard " if the grid condensers intermittently " block " the
plate current. Resistance-repeating amplifiers (with an overall voltage
amplification of about 25,000) have been const ructed which do not squeal.
(6) Under no circumstances should the output and input circuits of
an amplifier be coupled together even in the feeblest manner. It is best
to use for both of these circuits short twisted leads and the output and
input circuits should be kept as far apart as possible. The twisted leads
should be " shielded " by enclosing them in a grounded flexible metallic
casing. As a matter of fact it is advisable that all plate circuit leads be
kept from being coupled to grid circuit leads of previous tubes; hence
the leads inside of the amplifier box should be run with this very important
point in view.
(c) Each tube and its holder should be placed in a shielded chamber,
the surfaces of which are covered with copper connected to ground; this
prevents any electrostatic or magnetic field from one tube from appre
ciably affecting the adjacent tubes or, in other words, it prevents coupling
between adjacent tubes, since the energy contained in any varying fields
produced by one tube is absorbed by the currents created in the surround
ing copper. This precaution should always be taken in the case of
high-frequency amplifiers especially.
(d) Wherever possible, separate plate batteries and filament batteries
should be used for each tube, for in this manner a means of coupling
between the tubes is done away with. Unfortunately, separate batteries
for all tubes add so much to the weight, size, and cost of an amplifier as
to make the arrangement impossible for any but special laboratory work.
In any case both of these batteries should be of as low a resistance as
(e) All leads should be rigidly held in their proper places and all con
nections be well soldered.
Even when all these precautions have been taken it may be that an
amplifier known to be correctly built, and of previous good behavior

gives loud " sputtering " noises in the telephones, even when the input
circuit is short-circuited. This may be due to a " bad " tube somewhere
in the amplifier (to be discussed in the next section) or it may be due
to either the A or B batteries. A storage battery is practically always
used for filament heating, so it is evident that this battery has a low
resistance, but it will be found that if a good amplifier (high amplification)
is used with an A battery nearly discharged (say lower than 1.8 volts
for a lead cell) all sorts of odd noises may be heard in the amplifier,
whereas if a normally charged A battery is substituted the amplifier is
The same remark holds true regarding the B battery to an even
greater degree; the small dry cells generally used for the plate battery
develop a very high variable resistance towards the end of their life, and
if there is one such " worn-out " cell in the battery it will result in very
bad noises in the amplifier. A test of the cells with a low resistance volt
meter will at once show of the defective cell.
Tube Noises.—Another feature which causes considerable difficulty
in the operation of an amplifier is the " noise " produced by the tubes.
The reader will realize that any slight change in the currents flowing in
the plate or filament circuit of an amplifier tube, especially if it be one
of the first tubes, may be so amplified as to finally produce a very large
change in the plate current of the last tube, and hence a loud click in the
phones. Sometimes these clicks are frequent and almost deafening as
compared with the signals, hence very objectionable. As a matter of
fact these noises form one of the limitations of amplifiers in so far as the
number of stages is concerned, since it is almost impossible to prevent j
minute changes of currents in the first tubes, which, if repeated and
amplified through a large number of stages, may finally " swamp " the
legitimate signals. These minute changes of current in the tube circuits
may take place due to several causes, the most common of which are :
(1) Sudden slight changes in the electromotive forces of the vari
ous batteries (discussed in previous section).
(2) Mechanical vibration of the elements of the tubes.
(3) A slight amount of gas causing ionization, or, what is more
difficult to overcome, actual irregularities in the rate of emis
sion of electrons from the filaments. This is probably due
to surface impurities of the hot filament.
It is evident that mechanical vibrations of the tube elements will
vary the distance between the grid and filament and, of course, the plate
current will change accordingly; the same is true of any changes in the
distance between plate and filament and plate and grid. Hence the
elements should be firmly supported. Of course, no matter how firmly

supported, they may always be made to vibrate, though imperceptibly,

and yet enough to be detected by the amplifier; hence the care must
be exercised in supporting the elements. The importance of this, point
was not at first fully realized, and tubes were used for aeroplane work
the elements of which were not sufficiently well supported, with the result
that an amplifier- consisting of these tubes became practically useless.
The matter of supporting the tubes themselves is extremely important
in this connection and should be given the greatest attention. Amplifier
tubes are generally supported on thick pieces of soft spongy rubber or
else on fight springs; the point to strive after is to obtain a support such
that if the tube as a whole is caused to vibrate it will do so at a very low,
inaudible, frequency, and, furthermore, it will not be able to communicate
the vibrations to the elements of the tubes, the natural frequency of which
is very high in view of the rigid suspension of the elements.
It will be realized that the behavior of the first tube of a multi-stage
amplifier must be extremely regular if it is to produce inappreciable noises
in the telephones at the output end. Assuming an amplifier which multi
plies the input voltage by 104 having a resistance (or reactance) in the
first plate circuit of 50,000 ohms and assuming that a voltage of .02 on
the grid of the last tube will give an audible signal in the telephones, it
may be seen that a change in current in the plate circuit of the first tube
of only 10-10 ampere will produce an audible noise. This might be a
variation in the plate current of the first tube of only one part in ten
million! But if we try to conceive of the surface conditions of the hot
metal from which the electrons are being boiled out, it seems impossible
that the emission of electrons should be steady enough to eliminate such
a slight irregularity. In fact it seems that with present tubes a much
larger variation of the plate current is continually occurring.
Again any outside disturbances impressed on the input terminals
even as small as 10-6 volt will produce an audible noise in the telephone.
We may therefore conclude that if the input circuit of an amplifier
is not subject to interfering signals as great as 10-6 volt an amplifier may
usefully be employed with a voltage amplification of between 10* and
105, if quiet tubes are used in the first stages; with present tubes more
than this (or as much as this in most cases) is not worth while; the signal
may be made louder by using perhaps one or two more tubes, but in
general it is no more readable.
Arrangement of Apparatus in Amplifiers.—In Fig. 35 is shown a three-
stage audio-frequency amplifier using transformer repeating. The tubes
used have w>=7 and the transformer ratio is about 3.5; in series with
the negative lead from each filament is a small piece of resistance wire,
so that the grids are held at a negative potential, with respect to each
filament. The filaments are in parallel the currents being controlled by

a common rheostat; the battery used in the plate circuit (the same battery
serves all tubes) should be about 40 volts. An over-all voltage ampli
fication of about 3000 is obtained, but there is generally an audible tube
noise present, making it useless for reading very weak signals.
In Figs. 36 and 37 is shown a very carefully designed amplifier having
its best performance for a signal of 6000 meters wave-length. Induc
tance repeating is used, the coils being toroids with iron-dust cores; they
have a reactance of about 50,000 ohms. The tubes used have fio equal
to 35 and use a plate potential of 130 volts. The total voltage ampli-

Fio. 35.—A compact transformer-repeating audio-frequency amplifier; the tubes are in

spring suspensions, each in its separate metallic compartment. It has a voltage
amplification of about 3000. / "/ 7 </,'

fication possible, without squealing, is about 50,000, but its useful ampli
fication for very weak signals, is only about 5000.
This question of useful amplification is seldom mentioned in texts,
but is really very important. It may be that two amplifiers are com
pared in the laboratory and it is found that one gives a voltage ampli
fication ten times as much as the other. It may be that this comparative
figure checks when different tests are made so that there is no doubt
regarding its accuracy. It might be then assumed that if a signal giving
a certain current in the antenna is just readable with amplifier A (the

Fig. 36.—External appearance of a very well-designed amplifier for a frequency of

50,000 cycles; the input circuit can be connected to various stages by means of the
plug and flexible cord. The total amplification of this instrument is about 50,000
but it can seldom be used efficiently with an amplification greater than about
5000 because of tube noises.

Fig. 37.—Arrangement of the apparatus of the amplifier shown in Fig. 36.


poorer one) that when amplifier B is used the signal would be readable
if the antenna current were decreased to one-tenth its former value. It
will probably be found, however, that when amplifier B is used an antenna
current about one-half that used with amplifier A is the least audible
signal, instead of one-tenth, as is naturally assumed. The reason for this
is the " background " of noise (from tubes and other sources) present
to a greater extent with B than with A. And the presence of the noisy
background requires a much stronger signal in the phones when using
amplifier B than is required when A is used.


In this chapter is indicated a brief course of selected experiments to be

performed in the radio laboratory. As in any branch of engineering, a
laboratory course, to parallel the theoretical studies, is essential if the
principles and actions of the apparatus investigated are to be fully under
stood and the greatest good obtained.
The experiments have been selected primarily to give the student
training in the manipulation and operation of vacuum tubes in their
several applications of detection, amplification, generation, and modu
lation; the first few experiments, however, are designed to investigate
the action of coupled circuits, receiving circuits and spark transmitters.
The apparatus requirements have been made as simple as possible con
sistent with satisfactory results, and most of the equipment specified
should be found readily available in any laboratory intended for investi
gation of radio engineering problems.


To investigate the phenomena of resonance in a simple series circuit
and in two circuits coupled together by mutual inductance. To find the
effect of coupling upon the form of the resonance curve and to study
the effect of mistuning the secondary circuit.

Two fixed condensers Ci and C2. (These should be of suitable value
and may be equal in value, although not necessarily so.)
Two fixed inductances Li and Li. (These inductances should have
such value that, when combined with C\ and d respectively, the oscil
lation frequencies are at the middle of the range of frequencies obtain
able with the alternator available.)
1 In this experiment, as well as those which follow, suitable values of apparatus
constants have been suggested wherever considered desirable, and in the specific direc
tions for each test, such suggested apparatus has been considered as available.

Alternator. (The speed should be widely variable so that a wide

range of frequencies may be covered.)
One alternating current voltmeter.
Two alternating current ammeters (to measure primary and secondary
Frequency indicator. (Tachometer or speed counter will probably
be found convenient as the voltage may be too low for the commercial
frequency meter.)
One variable non-inductive resistance.


Note: In each test the terminal voltage of the alternator should be

held constant throughout. A preliminary run should be made to insure
all meters reading on scale at the resonant frequency and to prevent
damage to meters and apparatus.
Test No. 1.—(a) Obtain the resonance curve for the circuit connected
as shown in Fig. 1, using as low resistance in the circuit as possible.
(6) Repeat test 1 (a) with same alternator voltage, using a high resist
ance in the circuit.

Fig. 1. Fig. 2.

Readings of current and frequency should be taken, about ten or

twelve readings at least being taken over the range of available frequencies.
The readings may be spread out where the current changes but little
with frequency and should be concentrated on the more rapidly curving
portions of the resonance curve.
Test No. 2.—(a) Determine the resonance curves for coupled circuits
connected as shown in Fig. 2, the primary and secondary circuits being
tuned. A suitable alternator voltage will be about twice the value used
in test 1. Use a coefficient of coupling K of approximately 0.05. If
/ M
necessary, measure M, L\ and L2, in order to determine K[K= i
Read the current in each circuit and frequency, as the frequency is varied,
following the procedure indicated for Test No. 1.

(6) Repeat Test No. 2 (a), using a coefficient of coupling of approxi

mately 0. 15.
(c) Repeat Test No. 2 (a), using a coefficient of coupling of approxi
mately 0.40.
Test No. 3.—Using a high value of coupling (say 0.40), determine
the resonance curves for coupled circuits, with the secondary circuit
mistuned about 50 per cent. (Increase or decrease C2 so that =y/ldCi
— 1.5VL1C1 or .5VL1C1, choosing that variation which may be most
convenient to make with the apparatus at hand.)

Plot resonance curves for each of the six runs specified above. Illustra
tive curves are shown in Chapter I, Figs. 53, 54 and 95. For tests Nos.
2 and 3, calculate «' and to", using formula; (101), (102), (103) and (104),
Chapter I. It is suggested that the student review that part of Chapter
I dealing with coupled circuits before attempting to carry out the fore
going tests.


Use of a buzzer-wave generator; setting up and adjusting a receiving
circuit using a crystal detector; characteristic curves of a crystal rectifier
by continuous current test; operation of a crystal rectifier on alternating
Two dry cells.
Fixed inductance U (about 150 microhenries).
Fixed capacity C (about .005 microfarad).
Buzzer rheostat.
Variable inductance L (O-5000 microhenries).
Variable capacity C (0-.0010 microfarad).
Crystal rectifier.
Micro-ammeter (0-1000 micro-amperes).
Low-reading d.c. voltmeter.
Source of low potential alternating current. (May be conveniently
obtained from an alternator operated with its field circuit open.)
Low-reading a.c. voltmeter.

Test 1.—Connect the buzzer wave-generator in accordance with
Fig. 3. Vary the buzzer adjustment and series resistance until a pure
musical note is obtained.
Test 2.—Connect the receiver circuit in accordance with Fig. 4.
Couple this circuit closely to the buzzer generator, and adjust the recti
fying crystal until a loud signal is heard in the phones. Jar the crystal
and note how easily its adjustment is spoiled. Note how easy or difficult
it is to find another good rectifying point on the crystal. ■ ,
Test 3.—With tight coupling, and holding the inductance constant,
vary the capacity until resonance is obtained (maximum signal in phones).
Note the range of condenser adjustment oyer which the signal is heard.
This is a measure of the selectivity. (See Note.) Repeat this test with
various values of coupling, and note the relation between selectivity and
i T^wva

I sWi
Fig. 3. Fig. 4.
Note: A circuit is said to be selective when it is necessary (in order
to get a maximum strength of signal) to adjust closely the value of induc
tance or capacity being used for tuning the circuit. If the signal is of
about the same strength for widely different values of the tuning con
denser or inductance, the circuit is said to be non-selective; or it may
be said that the tuning is broad for such a circuit, while a selective circuit
is said to have sharp tuning. A circuit which has no natural period is
said to be " aperiodic."
Test 4.—With loose coupling make the inductance as low as possible,
obtain resonance by varying the condenser, and note the strength of
signals and selectivity. Repeat, using a very high inductance. Com
pare the strength of signals and selectivity in the two cases.
Test 5.—Obtain the continuous current characteristic of the rectifier
(in this case a crystal), making the connections as indicated in Fig. 5.
Vary the voltage impressed on the crystal from plus one volt to minus
one volt. Get a reading of the current for each 0.1 volt between the
limits named. The above test should be made for a point on the crystal
which shows good rectification in the receiving circuit of Fig. 4. Obtain
another curve for a second point on the crystal which shows poor detection

when tried with the buzzer. Make a note of which side of the detector
is positive when the larger current flows.
Test 6.—Replace the battery shown in Fig. 5 by a low potential alter
nating current source and connect the a.c. volt
meter directly across this source. Starting with a
potentiometer setting which gives the lowest volt
age, get a series of readings of the micro-ammeter
and of the impressed voltage, and note how the
rectification varies with the impressed voltage.
The voltage impressed across the crystal and
galvanometer is to be calculated from the meas
ured voltage of the a.c. generator and the position
of the potentiometer contact; the resistance used in the potentiometer
must, of course, be low compared to that of the crystal.

1. If in a buzzer circuit L = 100 microhenries and C = .0004 micro
farad, what is the wave-length? If C = .0002 microfarad, what value
must L have to generate a wave-length of 600 meters?
2. Judging from your experimental results is tight coupling or loose
coupling generally desirable under actual field conditions where much
interference is likely to occur?
3. A circuit is tuned for an incoming signal with certain values of
L and C. If L is increased four times what change must be made in C
to maintain the tuning?
4. What three characteristics should a good crystal rectifier possess?


Study of the wave-meter; use of the meter for measuring the wave
length of low- and high-powered circuits, i.e., receiving and transmitting
circuits; measurement of inductance and capacity by means of the wave-
meter, using the meter as a detecting circuit or as a calibrated wave-
Two dry cells.
Coil A—standard fixed inductance (about 50 microhenries).
Coil B—unknown fixed inductance (one designed for low voltage
Coil C—unknown fixed inductance (antenna loading coil or one coil
of an oscillation transformer).

Condenser D—unknown fixed condenser. (Small capacity intended

for low voltage service.)
Condenser E—unknown fixed condenser. (Condenser used for high
voltage service, e.g., in the closed circuit of a spark transmitter, 2 or 3
I^eyden jars in parallel would be suitable.)
Condenser F—unknown variable condenser (such as used in receiving
circuit—is to be adjusted only for maximum capacity).
Wave-meter (range to at least 1000 meters).
Buzzer rheostat.
Crystal rectifier.
Source of power for high power test (Test No. 7). This is most con
veniently obtained by disconnecting the normal closed circuit capacity
and inductance from an ordinary spark transmitter, no change being
made in the low-tension circuit, step-up transformer or spark gap con
nections. (See Fig. 7.)

Test 1. Inspection of Wave-meter.—Open and inspect in detail
whatever wave-meter may be available. Draw a diagram of the con
nections, and study carefully the various parts. Note how the unilateral
connection of the detector and phones may be obtained.
Test 2. Measurement of Capacity.—Set up a buzzer-excited circuit
as indicated in Fig. 6 and consisting of A and D. (See Note.) Measure
by means of the wave-meter, the wave
length of the oscillations generated, using H^aw
no tighter coupling than necessary (weak I
coupling is necessary if an accurate J_
setting of the wave-meter is to be "T-
obtained). From the measured wave- fffl/*1
length and the known value of the
inductance calculate the capacity of the FlG- 6-
Note: In this and in subsequent tests make connections with short
leads. Use particularly short leads in the oscillating circuits. The
capacity of the leads connecting the condenser to the inductance or to
the detector circuit or to the buzzer acts as part of the capacity of the
oscillating circuit, thus making the capacity of the circuit greater than
that of the condenser and giving an error proportional to the capacity
of the leads. The error depends upon the value of the capacity of the
condenser; for large condensers the effect is small, but for condensers
of 100 micro-microfarads or less an error of 25 per cent may easily be made.

A similar error occurs due to the inductance of the leads in the oscillating
Test 3. Measurement of Capacity.—Repeat Test 2, substituting
condenser E for condenser D.
Test 4. Measurement of Capacity; Computation of Capacity from
Dimensions.—Repeat Test 2, substituting condenser F (set for maximum
capacity) for condenser D. Before performing this test take apart con
denser F, obtain the dimensions and number of plates, and compute
capacity. Compare the computed with the measured capacity.
Test 5. Measurement of Inductance; Computation of Inductance
from Dimensions.—Calculate the value of inductance of Coil B from
its dimensions, and then measure it, using for a standard capacity such
a combination of condensers D, E, and F as will produce a wave-length
within the range of the wave-meter. This value of wave-length is to be
calculated from the known values of the capacities and the computed
value of the inductance.
Test 6. Wave-length of an Oscillating Circuit Excited by a Buzzer.—
Measure the wave-length produced by the combination of Coil C and
condenser E, using a buzzer circuit
as in previous tests.
Test 7. Wave-length of an Os
cillating Circuit Excited by a Power-
set.—Transfer C and E to the high-
power circuit shown in Fig. 7, and
again measure the wave-length. It
Fig. 7. should be found that the wave-length
for tests 6 and 7 is the same.
Test 8. The Wave-meter as a Wave-generator.—Connect the wave-
meter as a wave-generator as indicated in Fig. 8 and couple to it the oscil
lating circuit consisting of coil A and condenser D, with detector and
phones as shown in the fig
ure. Vary the wave-length —T^w>-
generated by the wave-meter
until the test circuit indi
cates resonance; the wave
length of the test circuit is
then read from the wave- Fig. 8.
meter. From this and the
known inductance compute the capacity. It should be found that the
capacity thus obtained agrees with that found in Test 2, when the wave-
meter was used as the detecting circuit. What small difference occurs
is due to the capacity and inductance of leads, personal error, etc.

1. If the wave-length of a circuit is to be increased from 600 meters
to 2500 meters how much must the L of the circuit be increased, the C
of the circuit remaining the same?
2. The maximum capacity of the condenser of a certain wave-meter
is 5500 micro-micro-farads. Its maximum wave-length is 6200 meters.
What is the inductance of the coil used? If the range of the meter is
to be increased to 12,000 meters how much inductance must be added
to that of the meter?
3. A solenoidal coil has a winding 5 inches long, 25 turns to the inch,
and is 4 inches in diameter. What is L in cm. and in microhenries and
in millihenries?
4. A sliding plate condenser has eleven fixed plates and ten movable
plates. The plates are 3 inches by 4^ inches and the separation of adjacent
plates is inch. What is the capacity in cm. and in microfarads?


To set up and adjust a transmitting set, using inductive coupling;
to investigate the effect on antenna current of tuning the antenna circuit
to the closed circuit; effect of coupling on the amount of antenna current
and wave-lengths radiated; energy distribution curve; determination
of the decrement of the set; conductive coupling.

Source of alternating current supply (500~ or 60~) and step-up
power transformer designed for radio service (about 1 kw. rating). Spark
gap (plain open gap). Oscillation transformer (the inductances used
may be of the flat spiral type, should be insulated for high voltages, and
have a maximum inductance of about 40-50 microhenries).
High-voltage condensers for primary and secondary circuits. (These
may conveniently consist of Leyden jars, properly connected. The
amount of capacity will depend on the wave-length for which it is decided
to adjust the set, but will probably not exceed .005 to .010 microfarad
for either circuit.)
Hot-wire ammeter for antenna circuit.
Loading inductance (may or may not be needed, depending on relative
values of closed and open circuit inductance and capacity).

Loading resistance (may be found necessary to limit current in antenna

circuit to a safe value and will probably not be more than 5 or 10 ohms).
Switch for controlling the low-voltage supply to the step-up trans
former (usually a S. P. S. T. switch).

Operation. Inductively Coupled Transmitter

Test 1. Connections.—Make connections as shown in Fig. 9 with
the exception of the antenna circuit, which is to be left open; use short
wires arranged in direct and orderly fashion. The high-voltage wiring
between the power transformer and the primary winding of the oscillation
transformer is dangerous, and must be so arranged that accidental contact
with it is not likely. Before turning power on the set ask the instructor
to look over the connections and to set the spark gap to a suitable length.

Fiq. 9.

Test 2. Adjustment of Closed Circuit.—When the gap is sparking

properly, place the wave-meter in proximity to the primary of the oscil
lation transformer and read the wave-length which is being generated.
Change the amount of inductance used until the set is generating the
wave-length for which the set is to be adjusted. Keep the antenna cir
cuit open.
Test 3. Tuning of Antenna Circuit to Closed Circuit.—Close the
antenna circuit or secondary oscillating circuit. In one of the connect
ing wires take two or three turns, making a loose coil about 3 inches in
diameter. This coil is for exciting the wave-meter; it must be left fixed
and treated as part of the inductance of the secondary circuit ; although
its inductance is small it will generally be large enough to effect the wave
length of the set and so must not be altered when investigating the effect
of other changes in the circuit. It might seem that the wave-meter
should be coupled to the secondary of the oscillation transformer to read
the wave-length of this circuit, but this must not be done; the wave-
meter indication when excited by the magnetic field of the oscillation
transformer may lead to entirely incorrect conclusions. The coil used
for exciting the wave-meter will be known as the " search-coil."

Tune the secondary to the primary circuit in the following manner

with loose coupling: Vary the number of turns used in the secondary
until the ammeter shows maximum current; at this point the secondary
and primary circuits are tuned. Check this by adjusting the secondary
turns so as to give maximum secondary current and reading the wave
length; it will be found to be the same as that to which the primary has
been adjusted. Hence if the primary circuit of a set is calibrated it is
not necessary to have a wave-meter to tune the secondary circuit; an
ammeter in this circuit is all that is necessary.
Test 4. Relation of Antenna Current to Turns of Secondary of Oscil
lation Transformer.—To show more exactly the effect of tuning on the
antenna current obtain a series of readings between antenna current and
number of secondary turns, and plot a curve. Before getting this series
of readings adjust the coupling of the oscillation transformer so that
with tuned circuits the ammeter reads well up on its scale. This is to make
certain that the maximum deflection will not exceed the range of the
Test 5. Energy Distribution Curves.—With the two circuits properly
tuned, and tight coupling in the oscillation transformer, couple the wave-
meter loosely to the search coil. Vary the setting of the wave-meter
until a maximum reading of the wave-meter ammeter is obtained; increase
the coupling of the meter to search coil until the wave-meter ammeter
reads about one-half full scale value. Keep the adjustment of the wave-
meter coupling constant while getting the three runs indicated in the next
Take a series of readings of the wave-meter ammeter for various set
tings of the wave-meter condenser; get enough points to plot an accurate
curve between wave-meter settings and ammeter readings. This curve
shows the energy distribution of the oscillations in the secondary circuit.
The wave-meter corresponds to a tuned receiving set and its indica
tions show how strong a signal (relatively) variously tuned receiving
stations would receive from this transmitting set. Get similar energy
distribution curves for medium coupling and for loose coupling.
It will be found that for tight coupling two distinct waves are gener
ated, neither of them being that for which the set is tuned. One of them
is higher than the proper wave-length and one of them is lower. The
amount by which the two waves differ depends upon the coupling, the
difference diminishing as the coupling is weakened; for very weak coupling
they merge together.
Test 6. Effect of Coupling upon Antenna Current and upon Energy
Radiated at Tuned Wave-length.—Set the wave-meter to the tuned wave
length, vary the coupling between the primary and secondary of the
oscillation transformer, and read the antenna ammeter and the wave

meter ammeter for various values of coupling. It will generally be found

that the antenna current continually rises as the coupling is increased,
but the amount of energy radiated at the true wave-length of the set (indicated
by the reading of the wave-meter ammeter, the wave-meter being a tuned
receiving set) will be a maximum at some value of coupling considerably
less than the maximum obtainable with the set. This is a very impor
tant point; a set should not be adjusted for maximum antenna current,
but to radiate a maximum power at that wave4ength for which the set is tuned
(and hence that for which the listening stations are tuned.)
Test 7. Conductively Coupled Transmitter.—Carry out the tuning
test for a conductively coupled oscillation transformer, using the primary
of the transformer for the coupler, and making connections as in Fig. 10.
Adjust the primary to the same wave-length for which the set was adjusted
in Test 2, with the antenna circuit open. Close the antenna circuit and

adjust the turns included in this circuit until the antenna ammeter gives
a maximum indication. With this adjustment take an energy distribu
tion curve by means of the wave-meter.
Test 8. Adjustment of the Spark Gap.—Carry out the following
tests on spark gap adjustment with the antenna circuit open. Place a
suitable hot-wire ammeter in the primary of the oscillation transformer.
Set the gap to ^ inch, and note current and character of sparking; repeat
the gap settings of J, j, f^, f inch. It will be noted that if the gap
is made too short for the voltage the set is generating the spark will
change from a white snappy spark to a more or less transparent arc.
This is especially true if the gap surfaces are rough and dirty.
The arcing type of spark makes a transmitting set practically inopera
tive because of the very small amount of high-frequency power generated
with such a spark. If the gap of a set acts in this manner it should first
be cleaned thoroughly and then the voltage of the set reduced or the length
of the gap increased. It will be noted in support of this statement that
when the gap has the arcing character the reading of the hot-wire ammeter,
showing the amount of high-frequency current, is small compared to the
reading when the spark has the snappy, noisy, and white appearance.

1. A spark gap is set to break down at 5000 volts; the closed circuit
condenser has a capacity of .0009 microfarad; there are 350 sparks per
second. How many watts of high-frequency power are generated in the
closed circuit? If 60 per cent of this power is transferred to the antenna
circuit and the effective resistance of the antenna is 8 ohms, what will
the antenna ammeter read?
2. An open spark set is tuned for 410 meters; the coupling is 30 per
cent. What wave-lengths are radiated? If the coupling is decreased
to 8 per cent what two waves would be radiated? Would they appear
as two waves with an ordinary receiving set?
3. Calculate the decrement of your transmitting set for one of the
adjustments for which an energy distribution curve was obtained, using
that curve showing the purest radiation. Assume the wave-meter decre
ment is .03, if it is not known.
4. From the energy distribution curve for the tighest coupling used
in your experiment calculate the percent coupling for that adjustment?


To measure the natural wave-length, inductance and capacity of an
antenna and its variation with loading, etc. If time permits, to measure
antenna resistance.
Large and small antenna, variable known inductance of about 4000
microhenries. Receiving coupler, phones, and detectors to set up aperi
odic detecting circuit, wave-meter for wave-generator. Variable known
condenser from about .001 microforad to zero.

Test 1. To measure the natural wave-length of an antenna we use two
other circuits coupled loosely to the antenna and so arranged that no energy
can get directly from one into the other.
The wave-meter, used as a wave-generator, is coupled to the antenna,
using only one or two small turns in the antenna for the coupling. The
detecting circuit made up of one or two turns of the primary of a coupler
in the antenna and all of the secondary coil, used with crystal detector
and phone, forms the detecting circuit.

This detecting circuit responds equally well to all frequencies, being

aperiodic. The antenna will absorb most energy from the wave-meter
driver when the natural period of the antenna and that being generated
by the wave-meter are the same.
The aperiodic circuit will, therefore, give a maximum of noise in the
phones when the wave meter is impressing on the antenna a wave of its
own natural frequency. This is then read directly from the wave-meter.
Carry out this test for both antennae, using as small an amount of
added inductance (for coupling) as is possible.
Test 2. To measure the capacity of the antenna, measure its wave
length (by method just described) when enough known inductance has been
added in the base of the antenna and increase its wave-length at least four
times. Knowing the value of this added inductance (and neglecting the
inductance of the antenna itself) the capacity of the antenna is calculated.
Knowing the capacity of the antenna and also the natural wave
length (no added inductance) the inductance of the antenna may be cal
The capacity of the antenna may then be more accurately calculated
by using the total inductance (the known inductance added in the base
plus the antenna inductance). This corrected value will generally check
the approximate value, obtained by neglecting the antenna inductance,
within 1 or 2 per cent.
Test 3. The wave-length of the antenna is to be measured for various
values of loading inductance and for various values of series condenser,
exactly as was described above.
About ten points should be obtained for each curve, so selecting the
values of inductance and condenser that the points obtained are uniformly
distributed with respect to wave-length.
If time permits make the third run by putting a maximum loading
in the antenna and shunt the condenser across the loading coil. lind
the wave-length of the antenna for a very low value of capacity shunted
around the inductance and take several more readings of antenna wave
length as the amount of shunted capacity is gradually increased.
Test 4. —The resistance of an antenna is obtained (for any given
wave-length) by exciting from a sending set, having a hot-wire ammeter in
the base of the antenna. Use no more power than is necessary to give a
good deflection on the lowest range hot-wire meter available. Now add in
series with the antenna (at its base) a non-inductive resistance of sufficient
value to cut down the current in the antenna to 50 per cent its former
value, leaving the exciting circuit exactly the same.
Neglecting a certain small correction, the value of which depends
upon the ratio of the decrements of the antenna circuit and driving circuit,
the value of the added resistance is just equal to the antenna resistance

In case a quenched gap is used in the exciting circuit, the value of resist
ance obtained should be increased by about 20 per cent.
Another method for getting the resistance is by getting the decrement
of the antenna at various wave-lengths, using quenched spark excitation.
The resistance is then obtained by the relation


If C and L are not known the decrement may be obtained after a small
non-inductive resistance has been added in the base of the antenna. This
combined with the decrement obtained before the addition of resistance,
will give the antenna resistance even if L and C are not known.
The tests outlined above are for damped wave excitation; the results
of the test should be checked by measurements with continuous wave
excitation after Ex. 11 has been carried out.

1. Why is it necessary to use few turns in the coupling coils, when
measuring natural wave-length? How could you tell (approximately)
the natural wave-length of a ship's antenna? About how much is the
capacity of a ship's antenna?
2. How many microhenries of inductance would you add in the base
of such an antenna to increase the wave-length to 1000 meters? to 2500
• 3. Using the same width spreader, how much might the capacity of
a 4-wire aerial be increased by increasing the number of wires to eight?
4. Would the capacity of a ship's aerial change as coal is taken on
board? Why? How much? How much would such a change, alter the
natural length of the aerial?
5. Why are aerials always operated at a wave-length greater than
the natural wave-length?
6. Of what two general components is the total resistance of antenna
7. How do these vary with the wave-length radiated from the antenna? •
8. Explain the difference between the shape of resistance curves of
a land station and a ship station?
9. If a land station shows a high ground resistance, how would you
attempt to remedy it? Why is a high ground resistance objectionable?
10. Show by sketches the distribution of current and voltage in an
antenna for the three cases, first, antenna, by itself ; second, antenna with
loading coil in base; third, antenna with series condenser in base.

11. Explain how the series condenser cuts down the natural wave
length of an antenna.
12. What is the effect on the antenna resistance of adding loading
coil in base of antenna and also of adding series condenser?
13. How will the decrement of an antenna vary as the amount of
loading inductance is increased?
14. What is likely to happen to a series condenser in the base of ap
antenna? Why? How may it be prevented?
15. In what part of a ship's antenna is the current a maximum?


To determine the continuous current characteristics of a three-electrode
tube, using a tube suitable for receiving and amplifying radio signals.
Free grid potential. Effect of low plate voltage or low filament current
on the characteristics of the tube. Effect of reversed plate battery or
reversed filament battery.

One vacuum tube (receiving type, as for instance, the Western Electric
Co.'s VT-1, or General Electric Co.'s .VT-11).
Vacuum tube receptacle.
Two dry cells (to be used for grid potential).
Ammeter (for filament current).
Milliameter (for plate current).
Micro-ammeter (for grid current).
Potentiometer (should be of high resistance).
Voltmeter (for reading plate voltage).
Low range voltmeter. (For reading grid voltage. If voltmeter for
measuring plate voltage is equipped with low-range scale, this instrument
will not be required.)
Rheostat for filament circuit.
Dry battery for plate circuit (about 40 volts).
Storage battery (for filament circuit).

Test L Tube Characteristic under Normal Conditions of Plate
Voltage and Filament Current.—Grid voltage vs. plate current and Grid
voltage vs. Grid current curves should be plotted for each of the tests
indicated, plotting current on the Y axis.

Connect the tube in accordance with Fig. 11 with the negative side
of the filament as the common junction. With plate voltage about 20
volts, filament current = 1.1 ampere,
vary grid potential from +2 to —2
volts in steps of 0.2 volt, and read
plate current and grid current for
each adjustment of grid voltage.
Test 2. Free Grid Potential
under Normal Conditions of Plate
Current.—Determine the free grid
potential by reading the plate cur
rent with grid entirely disconnected from the rest of the circuit. From
this reading of the plate current and the tube characteristic curve
obtained in Test 1, the free grid potential may be obtained.
Test 3. Tube Characteristic with Reduced Plate Voltage.—Repeat
Tests 1 and 2, using about half plate voltage, filament current = 1.1 ampere.
Test 4. Tube Characteristic with Reduced Filament Current.—
Repeat Tests 1 and 2, using normal plate voltage, filament current =0.8
Test 5. Tube Characteristic under Normal Conditions of Plate Volt
age and Filament Current with Plate Battery Reversed.—Repeat Tests
1 and 2 with plate battery reversed.
Test 6. Tube Characteristic under Normal Conditions of Plate Voltage
and Filament Current with Filament Battery Reversed.—Repeat Tests
1 and 2 with filament battery reversed, the positive side of filament now
being the common junction.
1. What is the normal resistance of the plate circuit of the type of tube
used in this experiment?
2. What is meant by the space charge in a vacuum tube and what
is the effect of the grid potential upon its action?
3. What effect does a low plate voltage have upon the characteristic
curves of a tube? What effect does a low filament current have?
4. What is the effect upon the characteristic curves of a tube of using as
the common junction the positive side of the filament instead of the negative?

Study of the connections and xise of the three-electrode vacuum tube as
a detector of high-frequency damped waves with and without suitable
grid condenser. Effect of the grid condenser leak. Effect of using too

large or too small a grid condenser. Effect of filament current and plate
voltage upon the detector action of the tube. Effect of reversed plate
battery or reversed filament battery. Comparison of the vacuum tube
and rectifying crystal as detectors.

Vacuum tube (similar to that used in Experiment No. 6).
Vacuum tube receptacle.
Storage battery for filament circuit.
Dry battery for plate circuit (about 40 volts).
Two dry cells for buzzer circuit.
Ammeter for filament circuit.
Voltmeter for measuring plate voltage.
Buzzer and rheostat.
Two fixed inductances (about 50 and 150 microhenries).
One fixed condenser for buzzer circuit (about .002 microfarad).
One fixed condenser for shunting phones (about .005 microfarad).
Three fixed condensers for grid circuit (about .005, .0001 and 1 micro
Three leak resistances for grid circuit (about 2 megohms, 50,000 ohms
and 10,000 ohms).
One variable condenser (about .001 microfarad maximum capacity).
One crystal rectifier.
One filament circuit rheostat.
Two D. P. D. T. switches (one to be a reversing switch).
One S. P. S. T. switch.

Caution.—In making the tests indicated below, it is important that
the receiving circuit be excited only by the high-frequency oscillations gen
erated by the buzzer-wave generator. If the receiving circuit is placed
near to the buzzer leads, which are carrying pulsating current of audible
frequency, current of this frequency will be induced directly into the
receiving circuit, and so heard in the phones. The signal thus received
cannot be tuned out and may result in wrong conclusions. It is, there
fore, important that the buzzer leads be short and kept remote from the
receiving circuit.
If an audibility meter is available it may be used in connection with the
phones, and its indications may be used instead of varying the coupling
between receiving circuit and buzzer generator. The audibility meter
must be of the constant impedance type.

Test 1. Connections and Adjustment of Crystal Rectifier.—Connect

up the apparatus as indicated in Fig. 12, and adjust the buzzer to give
a clear musical note. With close coupling adjust crystal until a clear
signal is heard in the phones. Loosen coupling until signal is just audible
and yet distinct, and note distance between the secondary and primary
Test 2. Detector Action of Tube; All Conditions Normal.—The
positive side of the filament battery should be connected to the common
junction. With plate voltage and filament current adjusted to normal
value, and grid condenser = 100 micro-microfarads, grid leak of two
megohms, connect tube to receiving circuit and again vary distance
between the primary and secondary until a signal of same strength as in
Test 1 is obtained. Note the greater sensitiveness of the tube as compared

r generator mounted
Fig. 12.

to the crystal detector, as indicated by the greater separation between

the primary and secondary coils.
Test 3. Detector Action of Tube; All Conditions Normal, Plate
Battery Reversed.—Repeat Test 2 with plate battery reversed.
Test 4. Detector Action of Tube; All Conditions Normal, Filament
Battery Reversed.—Repeat Test 2 with filament battery reversed. Neg
ative side of battery now connected to common junction.
Test 5. Detector Action of Tube; Plate Battery Voltage Reduced,
all Other Conditions Normal.—Repeat Test 2 with plate voltage reduced
to about 50 per cent of normal value.
Test 6. Detector Action of Tube; Filament Current Reduced, All
Other Conditions Normal.—Repeat Test 2 with filament current reduced
to about 75 per cent of normal value.
Test 7. Detector Action of Tube with Different Grid Condenser
Capacities and All Other Conditions Normal.—Repeat Test 2 using
grid condenser capacities of 1 microfarad, 5000 micro-microfarads, 100
micro-microfarads, 0, and short-circuit across grid leak.

Test 8. Detector Action of Tube with Different Grid Leak Resist

ances, All Other Conditions Normal.—Repeat Test 2 using grid leak
resistances equal to 2 megohms, 50,000 ohms, 12,000 ohms, 0 ohm, and
infinite resistance (open circuit).
Test 9. Detector Action of the Tube without a Grid Condenser under
Different Conditions of Plate Voltage and Filament Current.—Try dif
ferent values of plate voltage and filament current to see if good recti
fication may be obtained without the grid condenser. When best adjust
ment has been found note sensitiveness as compared with that of Test 2.

1. When no grid condenser is used, why is it difficult to find a good
rectifying adjustment of the tube?
2. Why would the tube detect poorly when a grid condenser is used
without a leak resistance, assuming no leak in the tube?
3. Why does a grid condenser with suitable leak make the rectifying
action of the tube certain for a wide range of values of plate voltage and
filament current?
4. A certain tube with grid condenser and leak rectifies well when the
group frequency of the incoming waves is 120; it rectifies very poorly
when the group frequency is 1000? Explain.


To determine (a) the geometric amplifying factor (juo) of the tube and
its variation with filament current and plate voltage; (6) the amplifying
factor (ji), which represents the true amplification obtained when the
output circuit of the tube is loaded, and its variation with external resist
ance in the plate circuit; (c) the internal plate circuit resistance of
a three-electrode vacuum tube and its variation with filament current
and plate voltage.
Vacuum tube (similar to that suggested for experiment No. 6).
Vacuum tube receptacle.
Storage battery for filament.
Source of high-frequency current. (About 1000~. Source should
be ungrounded. An oscillating tube generator may be conveniently
used or a small alternator.)
Plate battery (40-volt dry battery).

Variable resistance R (from 0 to 20,000 ohms). A plug box resistance

is suitable.
Grid circuit battery (five or six dry cells in series).
Potentiometer (to consist of two plug resistance boxes connected in
series—r\ and r2).
Hot-wire milliammeter (to be connected in series with potentiometer).

Throughout the following tests (with exception of test No. 1 (d))
the grid voltage should be
adjusted to a certain value
and held constant at this
value. This value may be
arbitrarily chosen, although
it is desirable to make Ec
of that value which has
been found to give the best
performance with the tube,
e.g., for reception or ampli
Test 1.—Determination
of juo.
(a) With normal fila
ment current and plate voltage, open switch S, close switch S', and adjust
rj, and r2 until no sound is heard in the phones. Under these conditions:

where i=the audio-frequency current through n and r-i, therefore,

XT2 T2
no= —
ir\ =—.

Since r% and T\ are known, no is thus readily determined.

(6) Repeat the above determination holding the filament current con
stant at normal value and varying the plate voltage in fixed steps.
(c) Repeat the above determination, holding the plate voltage con
stant at normal value and varying the filament current in fixed steps.
(d) Repeat, holding plate voltage and filament current normal and
varying Ec, the grid voltage through as wide range as convenient.
Plot the readings taken in runs b, c, and d.
1 The student should refer to Chapter VI for detailed definitions of /«, /i and rv
and explanation of their variation and significance.

Test 2.—Determination of n.
(a) With switch S closed and S' open and R set at the value at which
fi is to be measured, vary r% or T\ until when <S' is closed no note is heard
in the phones. Under this condition the alternating voltage drop across
R is equal to the alternating voltage drop across r2
ipR =t>2 =m17*i,

(i>) Repeat test (a) with various values of R and plot results obtained.
Note: As R is increased E& must be increased to keep Ev at its rated
value (Ep represents the voltage impressed between plate and filament).
To do this, note what plate current flows when R is made equal to 0 and
Ed is at rated value for the tube. Then keep Ip at this value by increasing
Ed as R is increased.
Eg must be kept small and should not exceed 0. 1 volt. To make sure
of this, the milliammeter A is connected in series with the potentio
meter. From its indications and the known value of ri, the value of E,
( =jVi) is readily obtained.
Test 3.—Determination of the internal resistance (Rp) of the tube.
(a) With normal values of filament current and plate voltage close
switches S and <S'. Adjust potentiometer resistance so that n =r2 and
vary R until no note is heard in the phones. Under this condition
Rp = (w-l)R
where no is known from the results obtained in Test 1.
(b) Repeat test (a) using various values of plate voltage, holding the
filament current constant at normal value.
(c) Repeat test (a) using various values of filament current, holding
the plate voltage constant at normal value.
In case it is not feasible to get a balance with ri=r2 then a suitable
ratio of n— r2 may be chosen, in which case we have:

The results of tests b and c should be plotted.

To measure the power output of an oscillating tube generator (with
separate excitation) and its variation with plate voltage, filament current,
excitation and plate circuit external resistance.

This test may be carried out at radio frequencies or at audio-frequencies

(in fact 60-cycle excitation may be used). The values given for the supply
voltage, resistances, etc., are made suitable for one of the smaller tubes
mentioned below.


Vacuum tube. (For these tests a power tube should preferably be

used. The Western Electric Company, VT-2 or General Electric Com
pany, VT-12 or 14 would be suitable. Still better is a larger tube, such
as the G. E. type P or type U pliotron.)
Vacuum tube receptacle.
Dry battery for grid circuit (about 20 volts).
Source of alternating voltage for exciting grid circuit. (This may be
conveniently obtained by means of another oscillating tube circuit.)
Ammeter for filament circuit.
Rheostat for filament circuit.
D.c. milliammeter for grid circuit (E).
D.c. milliammeter for plate circuit (.4).
Hot-wire milliammeter for plate circuit (.4').
Plate battery or d.c. generator (since the normal plate voltage will
be about 300 volts, the generator would probably be most convenient).
Shunting condenser for plate battery and ammeter (about' 1 micro
High value fixed inductance for plate circuit. This must be sufficiently
large to give, at the fre- , >—
quency used, an impe- I © vwww
dance several times as
Source of
large as the Rp of the alternating voltage
for excitation
tube used.
Condenser for load
circuit (should have such B
capacity as will make
its reactance small com
pared to the tube re
sistance at the frequency Fig. 14.
Variable non-inductive resistance for load circuit. This should be
adjustable in steps and should have a maximum value two or three times
as large as the a.c. resistance of the plate circuit (output circuit) of the
Uibe used.


In all of the tests outlined below care must be exercised that the
amount of power expended on the plate or grid is not greater than the
safe rating for the tube used.
Part I.—The action of the tube will first be investigated with the plate
circuit untuned since this is the easier circuit to manipulate. The large
value of inductance should be inserted in the plate circuit during the
following tests.
Test 1.—With suitable values of Es, Ec1 and R, and with Ev normal,
note the output of the tube and its variation as the filament current is
varied, plotting your results in the form of a curve. A proper value for
R makes it equal to the normal value of Rv.
Test 2. Repeat Test 1, varying the plate voltage instead of the fila
ment current.
Test 3.—Repeat Test 1, varying E, instead of the filament current.
(In this test Ec must be varied so as to get maximum output at each
setting of E„, without, however, exceeding the safe rating of the
Test 4.—With all conditions' normal, determine the variation in out
put of the tube, as the resistance (R) in the output circuit is varied.
In all of the foregoing tests the high-frequency power in the output
circuit is given by

where i is the current measured by the ammeter A'. Due to the high
impedance of L to high-frequency currents, it may be reasonable
assumed that practically no high-frequency current passes through this
Part II.—The characteristics of the generator when using a tuned-
plate circuit will next be investigated. The high inductance should there
fore be replaced by the low inductance to permit tuning the parallel cir
cuit LC to radio frequencies. A suitable low inductance, such that the
capacity used in parallel with it will permit tuning (parallel resonance)
to the frequency used for grid excitation.
Test 1.—With all conditions normal, e.g., Ev, Ir, Ee of proper value,
and Eg held fixed at a certain value, find the effect on the output, of the
tube of tuning or of not tuning the output circuit to the input frequency,
using a low value of R.
1 Ec should be held constant at some value which has previously been found to be
most suitable for the tube when acting as a generator with all conditions normal. This
will generally be about 80 per cent of the maximum value of the excitation voltage.

Test 2.—With the plate circuit tuned and all conditions normal,
determine the variation in output with variation in R', calculating for
each value of R' the load circuit resistance as follows :

fl'ioad circuit ^ (see page 72),

where L = inductance in henries ;

C = capacity in farads;
R= actual resistance in the oscillating circuit.
Test 3.—With the load circuit adjusted for maximum output, find
the effect of varying Ec, both above and below its normal value.
Plot curves showing the results obtained.

Study of the power tube as applied to a typical oscillating circuit,1
such as might be applicable to a radio telephone set. Effect of the plate
inductance, the condenser in series with the antenna, the resistance in
the oscillating circuit, the degree of coupling of the plate to the oscillating
circuit, the plate voltage, the filament current, the grid condenser, the grid
leak, and the grid potential.
Vacuum tube (similar to that used in Experiment No. 9).
Vacuum-tube receptacle.
Ammeter for filament circuit.
Rheostat for filament circuit.
Plate battery or d.c. generator (about 300 volte).
Ammeter for plate circuit.
Condenser for shunting plate battery and ammeter (about 1 micro
Hot-wire ammeter for antenna circuit (may conveniently be a galvanom
eter and thermo-couple with a maximum range of about 0.5 ampere).
Wave-meter of suitable range.
Dummy antenna. (The constants of this antenna are arbitrarily
chosen. A representative one would be:
L =40 microhenries
C =400 micro-microfarads (mica)
R =8 ohms.)
1 The circuit which is investigated in this experiment is discussed on page 561 et seq.
and the student should thoroughly review the theory and principles of operation as
given there, before attempting to perform the tests specified.

Special low resistance inductance (L), variable in about 12 equal

steps, for oscillating circuit (total inductance may be about 2000 micro
Special condenser (Ci), variable in twelve equal steps, for oscillating
circuit. (Maximum capacity may be approximately 3000 or 4000 micro-
microfarads.) This condenser, the same as C above, should have negligible
losses, preferably made with mica.
Variable plate circuit, inductance (maximum value about 5000 or
10,000 microhenries).
Grid circuit battery (about 20 volts, with grid to be made negative).
Various grid condensers (from 100 micro-microfarads to 1 microfarad).
Various grid leak resistances (from 12,000 to 2,000,000 ohms).
Resistance for insertion into oscillating circuit (about 50 ohms).
All of above values are suitable for a VT-2 or VT-14 tube and the
result obtained indicate the behavior of one of these tubes when used for
signaling between aeroplanes and similar service.

Test 1. Adjustment of Plate Inductance.—Make connections as in
Fig. 15, place the coupling contact M at D and the wave-length contact

about 12 steps
Fig. 15.
H at the third step away from D, use C„ =500 ntf, R„ = 12,000 ohms,
Ci = 1200 (inf. Vary the plate inductance Lp, from its minimum to its
maximum value and read A and Ap for each point on the inductance L,.
Note that the circuit can be made to oscillate for a limited range of values
of Lp, and that when it starts to oscillate the plate current decreases.
Note the value of Lv, giving maximum current in the oscillating circuit,
and use it in the following tests.
Test 2. Effect of the Condenser in Series with the Antenna.—With
all other adjustments as in Test 1 vary the capacity Ci in series with the
antenna from 50 wf to 3200 nnf in the following steps: 50, 100, 200,

400, 800, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2400, 2800, 3200, and read A, also measure
the wave-length. Do not increase Ci beyond the point where the circuit
refuses to oscillate. Note that the circuit cannot be made to oscillate
for certain values of Ci, also that the value of C\ affects the wave-length.
Note the value of C\ which gives the maximum current in the oscillating
circuit and use it in the following tests.
Test 3. Effect of High Resistance in the Oscillating Circuit.—With
all other adjustments as in Test 2 introduce a resistance of 50 ohms in
the oscillating circuit and note A. Compare this reading of A with that
obtained in Test 2 for best adjustment of &.
Test 4. Effect of Shifting the Wave-length Contact H—With all
other adjustments as in Test 2 shift the wave-length contact H from
point D towards K in steps, and note the step number, the reading of A,
and also measure the wave-length. Note that, although this is primarily
a wave-length adjustment, yet the coupling of the plate circuit to the
oscillating circuit is also varied and hence the current in the oscillating
circuit is varied.
Test 5. Effect of Shifting the Coupling Contact M —With all other
adjustments as in Test 2 shift the coupling contact M from D towards
K in steps and note the step number, the reading of A and also the wave
length. Note that when the coupling contact is moved about half way
down, the tube stops oscillating. The adjustment for this test is primarily
a coupling adjustment, and should only affect the current in the oscillating
circuit, the wave-length being but slightly affected.
Test 6. Effect of Plate Voltage.—With all other adjustments as in
Test 2 vary the plate voltage from its normal value both up and down
and note A. Be careful not to exceed the safe plate voltage and watts.
Test 7. Effect of Filament Current.—With all other adjustments
as in Test 2 decrease the filament current in steps from its normal value
to 1.0 ampere and note A. Note that A decreases with decreasing fila
ment current.
Test 8. Effect of Value of Grid Condenser.—With all other adjust
ments as in Test 2 make the grid condenser C„ 100 wif, 500 puf, 5000
nnf, 1.0 nf, and note A and Av. Note the best value of C„.
Test 9. Effect of Value of Leak Resistance.—With all other adjust
ments as in Test 2 make the value of the leak resistance R„ infinite (open
circuit), 2 megohms, 50,000 ohms, 10,000 ohms, and zero and read A and
Af. Note the best value of Re.
Test 10. Effect of Holding the Grid at Different Negative Potential —
With all other adjustments as in Test 2 vary the e.m.f. in series with the
leak resistance from zero to 30 volts in several steps and read A and A p.
Note that as this e.m.f. is increased the reading of A may decrease some
what, but the reading of Av decreases much more.

1. Why is it that in Test 1 too low an inductance in the plate circuit

will prevent the tube from oscillating?
2. Why is it in Test 2 either too low or too high a value of Ci will
prevent the tube from oscillating?
3. From your results of Experiments 9 and 10 what is the effect of
holding the grid at various negative potentials upon the output and effi
ciency of the tube?


To measure the high-frequency resistance of a simple radio circuit
and to determine the variation of this resistance with change in frequency.1

Apparatus .
Standard inductance whose inductance is practically independent
of frequency (about 500 microhenries).
Standard variable condenser whose capacity is practically independ
ent of frequency (about 0— .005 microfarad). (An oil-filled condenser
is most desirable due to the large capacities obtainable and decreased
Hot-wire ammeter, of low range.
Known resistance R, which does not vary with frequency; radio
cable of German silver strands is most suitable for this.
Source of undamped high-frequency current whose frequency may
be varied from perhaps 50,000 to 300,000 cycles per second. (The oscil
lating tube circuit considered in Experiment No. 10, or ite equivalent,
may be conveniently used for this purpose.)

Note: When making the following tests, it is important to have
sufficient power generated by the tube and transferred to the test circuit
so that the currents will be reasonably large and easily read on the hot
wire ammeter. This will aid in minimizing the errors involved in the
measurement, the accuracy of which depends largely on the precision
with which the current is measured. It is also necessary to keep E,
the e.m.f. induced in the test circuit, constant in value throughout the
1 The student is referred to Bulletin No. 74, published by the Bureau of Standards,
pages 180-187, for a complete treatment and discussion of these measurements.

Where tuned circuits are specified, particular care should be taken to

insure the resonant condition being actually obtained; otherwise con
siderable error will be introduced into the results.
Test 1.—Determine the resistance of the circuit containing L, C, and
the ammeter by means of
the " resistance substitu
tion " method, connections Iv. ToUndamped
Source of
to be made as shown in Efficienc/
Fig. 16.
Set the variable con
denser C to some certain
Fia. 16.
value and with the known
resistance R omitted from
the circuit vary the constants of the exciting tube circuit until resonance
is obtained as indicated by a maximum reading on the hot-wire ammeter.
Under this condition :
where E is the e.m.f. introduced into the circuit by induction in the coil L.
Then insert the known resistance R into the circuit as shown, and
slightly re-tune the circuit, if necessary; again note the current, which
now equals:
*1_ R,+R • (2)

(The reading of A\, and relative positions of L and L\ must be the same
as when making the previous measurement.)
Combining this expression with Eq. (1) we obtain the value of cir
cuit resistance (Rx) as:

Measure the wave-length of the set to get the frequency.

Test 2.—Determine the resistance of the circuit for the same frequency
as in Test 1, using the " reactance substitution " method, using the same
connections as above, without the extra resistance.
Carry out the first step specified in Test 1, setting the variable con
denser to the same value of capacity and carefully adjusting the exciting
source until tuned conditions are obtained. As before:
r E n P

Then insert reactance in the circuit by changing the setting of the

variable condenser until a considerable change in the current has taken

place. (Be sure that the current through the primary exciting coil is
not changed during this adjustment; if it does vary, as indicated by a
hot-wire ammeter in the tube circuit, the proper adjustment should be
made to hold it constant.)
Under the new condition:
h2=W+x? (3)

Combining (1') and (3) we obtain:

In this case:

L being known, Cr and Ci can both be readily determined by noting the

resonant frequency of the circuit and then determining this frequency
by wave-meter.
The resistance of the circuit (Rx) as obtained by this test should
check the result of the previous measurement since all circuit apparatus
and the frequency has remained the same.
Test 3.—Determine the resistance at eight or ten different frequencies
from 50,000 up to 300,000 cycles per second, using either of the two methods
just outlined.
Plot the results in the form of a curve, using frequencies as abscissae
and the corresponding resistance as ordinates.


Study of the oscillating tube receiving circuit; methods of detecting
when a tube circuit is oscillating by indication of the plate current ammeter
and by phone indication; effect of the degree of coupling, the oscillating
circuit capacity, the oscillating circuit resistance, the plate voltage and
filament current, upon the oscillations; periodic phone clicks produced
in the oscillating tube circuit with grid condenser with improper adjust
ments; use of the oscillating tube circuit for the reception of continuous-
wave signals; use of the regenerative action of the tickler coil for the
amplification of damped-wave signals.

Vacuum tube (similar to that used in Experiment No. 6).
Vacuum-tube receptacle.

Storage battery, ammeter, and rheostat for filament circuit.

Dry battery for plate circuit (about 40 volts).
Galvanometer or sensitive milliammeter for plate current.
Voltmeter for plate voltage.
Variable condenser (C) for oscillating circuit (one with a maximum
capacity of about 1000 micro-microfarads would be suitable).
Coupler (an ordinary receiving coupler may be conveniently used, the
primary or " tickler " coil having about 500 microhenries while the
secondary may have about 4000 microhenries).
Resistance to introduce into oscillating circuit (about 50 ohms).
Shunting condenser for phones, plate, battery and ammeter (about
.005 microfarad).
Grid condensers, similar to those specified in Experiment No. 7 (about
.005, .0001 and 1 microfarad in capacity).
Grid leak resistances, similar to those specified in Experiment No. 7
(about 2 megohms, 50,000 and 10,000 ohms).
Source of continuous high-frequency oscillations (see Experiment No.
10 for tube circuit which may be used for this purpose).
Source of damped high-frequency oscillations (use buzzer wave gen

Test L—Effect of the beginning of oscillations upon the plate current
and upon the phones when no grid condenser is used.
Make connections as in Fig. 17. Make the plate voltage and filament
current normal. Set for the weakest coupling possible between the tickler
and the oscillating-circuit induct-
ance. This is done by using very j Tickler
few turns for the tickler coil and
having the two coils of the coupler
as far apart as possible. In case
one of the coils of the coupler re
volves, weakest coupling is had
when the two coils are at right
angles. Set the condenser in the
oscillating circuit at 10 per cent of
its maximum value; now increase 17.
the coupling by bringing the
movable coil more and more within the field of the fixed coil, and '
note any change in the plate current and noise in the phones. When
the coupling reaches a certain critical value, oscillations will start,

providing the two coils of the coupler have the proper relative polari
ties. The starting of the oscillations produces a sudden change in
the plate current and a resultant noise in the phones; this noise has
a peculiar quality, something like the plucking of a rubber band, and is
sometimes difficult to detect.
In case no indication of oscillation occurs, even when the coils of the
coupler are close together, increase the number of turns in the tickler
coil. If the circuit still refuses to oscillate, it is almost certain that the
relative polarity of the two coils of the coupler is incorrect, in which case
reverse the connections to either coil and repeat the test, noting the phone
click at the beginning of the oscillations, also the plate current before
and after the oscillations have started.
Repeat the test with normal plate voltage and a filament current of
about 75 per cent of normal, and again with normal filament current
and a plate voltage of about 75 per cent normal.
Test 2.—'Effect of the beginning of oscillations upon the plate current
and upon the phones when a grid condenser and suitable leak resistance
are used.
In the circuit of Fig. 17 introduce a grid condenser of 100 puf and
a grid leak resistance of 2 megohms and repeat Test 1 with normal plate
voltage and filament current; also with normal plate voltage and reduced
filament current, and with reduced plate voltage and normal filament
Test 3.—Oscillating condition as indicated by the " finger test " when
no grid condenser is used.
With all adjustments as in Test 1 increase the coupling until oscil
lations start. After the oscillating condition has been reached the phones
are quiet; they do not indicate the presence of the oscillations. The
oscillating condition may, however, be tested for as follows: With the
thumb on the common junction of filament and grid circuits touch the gric
with one finger; this should give a click in the phones. Take the finger
off from the grid, and the phones should give a click. Now reverse the
connections to the tickler so that the circuit does not oscillate, and try
the " finger test " as before; it will be noted that no click is heard in the
phones either when the finger is placed on the grid or when removed
from it.
Test 4.—Oscillating condition as indicated by the " finger test " when
a grid condenser and leak are used.
Repeat Test 3 after introducing a grid condenser of 100 nfif and leak
resistance of 2 megohms. Note that when the circuit is oscillating a click
is heard in the phones both when the finger is placed on the grid and when
removed therefrom.
On the other hand, when the circuit is not oscillating, although a

click is heard when the finger touches the grid, it found that there
is little or no click when the finger is removed; this, however, may not
always be the case, and the finger test in this case is not reliable.
Repeat the " finger test " both with and without grid condenser suf
ficiently to become convinced of the following summary of facts:

Condition of Circuit. Finger Placed on Grid. Finger Removed.

No grid condenser and no oscillations . . . No click No click
No grid condenser and with oscillations . . Click Click
With grid condenser and no oscillations. . Click Very likely to click
With grid condenser and oscillations Click Click

Check up the points listed in the above table which are borne out
by experiment.
Test 5.—Effect of a high resistance in the oscillating circuit upon the
coupling necessary to produce oscillations.
With all other conditions as in Test 1, find the position of the movable
coil of the coupler necessary to start oscillations and note it. Introduce
50 ohms in the oscillating circuit and repeat the test.
Test 6.—Effect of the value of the capacity in the oscillating circuit
upon the coupling necessary to produce oscillations.
With all other adjustments as in Test 1, note and record the position
of the movable coil of the coupler necessary to start oscillations with
oscillating circuit condenser set at 100 per cent, 60 per cent, and 10 per
cent of its maximum value. Note that the smaller the capacity of the
oscillating circuit the easier it is to start oscillations as indicated by the
weaker coupling needed.
Test 7.—Effect of low plate voltage or low filament current upon the
coupling necessary to produce oscillations.
With all other adjustments as in Test 1, note and record the position
of the movable coil of the coupler necessary to start oscillations for the
following conditions:
Plate voltage =normal value. Filament current = normal value.
Plate voltage = normal value. Filament current =75% normal value.
Plate voltage =75% normal value. Filament current = normal value.
Test 8. Periodic Phone Clicks when Grid Condenser is Used.—With
normal plate voltage and filament current, grid condenser = 100 nnf,
leak resistance =2 megohms and tight coupling, start with the condenser
in the oscillating circuit set at its maximum value, decrease it slowly, and
note the reading of condenser when periodic clicks start. If the periodic
ity of the clicks is high enough, a musical note results and gives what is
known as " squealing " or " singing " of the tube. Without changing

the leak resistance, -determine the setting of the oscillating circuit con
denser necessary to start periodic clicks with tight coupling for the follow
ing values of grid condenser: V/, 5,000 nnf, 100 nnf. Also note the
frequency of the clicks. Repeat the test with constant grid condenser
of 100 nftf and grid leak resistance of: infinity (open circuit), 2 megohms,
50,000 ohms, 10,000 ohms and zero.
Test 9. Reception of Undamped Wave-telegraphy by Means of the
Oscillating Tube.—Set the circuit oscillating with conditions as in Test 1
and receive the undamped wave-signal sent out by an oscillating tube
generator set up as in Experiment 10. (A small antenna should be con
nected to the point H on the transmitter and on the receiving circuit
as shown to increase the energy received.) This is done by adjusting
the oscillating circuit condenser until nearly in tune with the transmitter,
when a " whistle " will be heard in the phones.
By interrupting the oscillations of the transmitter, signals may easily
be transmitted.
Test 10. Regenerative Action of the Tickler Coil.—Reception of
Damped Waves.—With all other adjustments as in Test 9, make the
coupling much below that which will start oscillations, and tune by means
of the condenser to receive the damped wave-signals sent out by the source
of damped high-frequency oscillations. Note that the reception takes
place when the tube is not oscillating. Gradually increase the coupling,
continually retuning the receiving circuit for the incoming signal and
note the great increase in the signal strength due to the regenerative
action of the tickler coil as the coupling is increased. Too great a coupling
results in oscillations and the musical quality of the signal is spoiled; it is
therefore best to receive with the circuit just out of the oscillating con
dition, when the regenerative action of the tickler in amplifying the
received signals will be a maximum.
Note: If poor signals are received due to the poor rectification of the
tube, introduce normal grid condenser and grid leak.

1. From the results of Tests 1 and 2 what may the plate current do
when oscillations start if no grid condenser is used, and if a grid condenser
is used?
2. From the results of your tests what is the effect upon the strength
of oscillations of: loose coupling, large resistance and large capacity in
oscillating circuit, low plate voltage, and low filament current?
3. What is the reason for the singing of the tube when a grid con
denser is used, and how may it be avoided?
4. An incoming undamped wave signal of a wave-length of 1000

meters is being received; the inductance in the receiving oscillating cir

cuit is 400 microhenries; what must the capacity be in order to receive
a beat note of 2000 beats per second?


(a) Study of the low-frequency amplifier equipped with inductance
"repeater." Investigation of the effect of the value of the inductance
in the plate circuit upon amplifying power; effect of the value of grid
condenser and grid leak resistance upon amplifying power: and effect of
plate voltage and filament current.
(6) Study of the low-frequency amplifier equipped with transformer
" repeater."
Two vacuum tubes (similar to the tube investigated in Experiment
No. 6).
Two vacuum-tube receptacles.
Storage battery, ammeters and rheostat for filament circuit.
Dry battery for plate circuit (about 40 volts).
Voltmeter for measuring plate voltage.
Buzzer wave generator. (This is exactly similar to the equipment
described in Experiment No. 7, to be mounted on a small board to permit
the whole circuit to be readily moved.)
Variable tuning condenser C (about .001 microfarad maximum value).
Fixed inductance L (about 150 microhenries).
Fixed inductance for Test 4. (Secondary of receiving coupler having
about 4 millihenries inductance would be suitable.)
Grid condensers (Test 6). (.0001, .0005, .005 and 1.0 microfarad
would be suitable. These condensers have already been used in previous
Grid leak resistances (Test 7). (50,000 ohms and 2 megohms resist
ances may be used.)
D. P. D. T. switch.
Crystal detector (for use in Tests 9 and 10).
Shunting condenser for plate circuit (about .01 microfarad).
Grid condenser and leak resistance for receiving tube grid circuit (to
be normal value for the tube: .0001 microfarad and 2 megohms would
probably be satisfactory).
Grid condenser and leak resistance for amplifying tube grid circuit
(.0005 microfarad and 1 megohm respectively).

Low air-core inductance (about 3000-5000 microhenries).

Iron core inductance for " repeating." (An inductance of 10 to 15
henries is required. This may be obtained in the form of an iron-cored
and iron-shielded inductance wound with very fine wire, the whole being
about 4 inches long and 1? inches in diameter. The d.c. resistance will
be about 2000 ohms.)
Two iron-cored transformers for " repeating " (Tests 9 and 10).
(Suitable transformers may be obtained which are contained in a case
about 3X3X2 inches. The inductance of the primary and secondary
windings is about 3 and 30 henries respectively, and the turn ratio 3.2.


Test 1. Connection of a Tube Detector and Single-stage Low-fre

quency Amplifier with Inductance Repeater.—Make connections as per
Fig. 18. Use for G a high-inductance coil of about 15 henries, for K

Fia. 18.

a 500-nnf condenser, and for M a 1-megohm resistance. Note that

tube No. 1 is being used as a detector of high-frequency damped waves,
while tube No. 2 is being used as an amplifier of the low-frequency currents
flowing in the plate circuit of tube No. 1. The double-throw switch
permits the phones to be connected in the plate circuit of the first tube
or of the second tube. Make the grid condenser of the first tube 100 nnf
and the grid leak 2 megohms.
Test 2. Measurement of the Sensitiveness of the First Tube as a
Detector.—Connect the phones into the plate circuit of the first tube,
make the filament current and plate voltage normal, and by means of the
variable condenser tune to the buzzer signal. Move the entire buzzer
circuit until the distance between the buzzer circuit inductance and the
receiving circuit inductance (denoted by P and S in Fig. 18) is such that
the phones give a " just audible " signal when the two circuits are in tune;

note and record the distance between the two inductances. This dis
tance is, to a certain degree, a measure of the sensitiveness of the tube.
Test 3. Sensitiveness of the Two Tubes with Normal Repeating
Inductance.—Place phones into the plate circuit of the second tube.
Use for G, K and M (see Fig. 18) the values specified in Test 1. With
all other conditions normal, measure the distance P-S necessary to make
the signal just audible.
Test 4. Sensitiveness of the Two Tubes with Low Repeating Induc
tance.—Use for G the low air core inductance, and repeat Test 3 with all
other conditions the same as in Test 3.
Test 6. Sensitiveness of the Two Tubes with Resistance Repeater.—
Use for G a 50,000-obm resistance and repeat Test 3 with all other con
ditions the same as in Test 3.
Test 6. Effect of the Grid Condenser of the Second Tube upon
Amplification.—With all other conditions as in Test 3, measure the sen
sitiveness of the two tubes for values of the capacity in the grid of the
second tube of 100 mm/, 500 mm/, 5000 mm/, and 1.0 m/.
Test 7. Effect of the Grid Leak Resistance of the Second Tube on
Amplification.—With all other conditions as in Test 3, measure the sen
sitiveness of the two tubes for values of the leak resistance M (see Fig. 19)
of infinity, 2 megohms, 50,000 ohms, and zero.
Test 8. Effect of Low Plate Voltage or Low Filament Current upon
Amplification.—With all other conditions as in Test 3, measure the sen
sitiveness of the two tubes with plate voltage about 75 per cent of normal
and normal filament current; also with normal plate voltage and reduced
filament current.
Test 9. Connections of a Low-frequency Amplifier with Transformer
Repeater.—Make connections as in Fig. 19. Note that the rectifying

Fig. 19.

will, in this case, be done by the crystal and the amplifying by the
step-up transformers and by the tubes.

Test 10. Sensitiveness of the Low-frequency Amplifier with Trans

former Repeater.—Use normal filament current and plate voltage. Dis
connect the primary of transformer 1, and in its place connect the phones;
measure the sensitiveness of the crystal detector alone. Reconnect the
primary of transformer 1, and connect the phones in place of the primary
of transformer 2; measure the sensitiveness of the combination of crystal
detector, transformer 1, tube 1. Again reconnect the primary of trans
former 2, and connect the phones in the plate circuit of the second tube;
measure the sensitiveness of the combination of crystal detector and two-
stage amplifier.
Note: In the foregoing tests the relative sensitiveness of the various
arrangements may be obtained by shunting the telephones, instead of by
separating P and S; the shunt used should be of the " constant impe
dance " type.
1. In the diagram of Fig. 1, what is the object of the following?
(a) The condenser and leak resistance in the grid circuit of the
first tube.
(6) The inductance (G) in the plate circuit of the first tube.
(c) The condenser (C) in the plate of the first tube.
(d) The condenser (K) and leak resistance (Af) in the grid of the
second tube.
2. From your results of Test 4, what is the effect upon amplification
of a low repeating inductance? From the results of Tests 3 and 5, how
does resistance repeating compare with inductance repeating?
3. From the results of Tests 6 and 7, what are the best values of the
grid condenser and grid leak resistance for the second tube?
4. From your results, how does the two-tube low-frequency amplifier
with transformer repeater (Test 10) compare with the two-tube detector
and low-frequency amplifier with inductance repeater?


Study of the radio-telephone transmitter and receiver, utilizing equip
ment giving a range of transmission of 20 to 30 miles. The apparatus is
small, of light weight, and readily portable, and has found a wide applica
tion for establishing communication in military aeronautics. Investi
gation of the effect of improper adjustment of the voltage of the grid
of the modulating tube and of the modulating inductance.

1. The Receiver.—The receiver consists of a detecting and amplifying
tube connected as shown in Fig. 20. This circuit is identical to that
illustrated in Fig. 18, Experiment 13, and the apparatus required is as
previously specified. The D. P. D. T. switch is omitted, or may be con
sidered permanently thrown to the right (for amplifying action) in Fig. 18.
The several capacities and grid leaks should have approximately the values
indicated in the diagram.
2. The Transmitter.—The oscillating tube generator and its associated
circuit is identical to that studied in Experiment 10, and much of the
equipment specified in that experiment may be utilized. For the modu
lator element the following additional apparatus is required and used
as indicated in Fig. 21.
Vacuum tube and receptacle (similar to the oscillator, as specified in
Experiment 10).
Ordinary telephone transmitter.
Dry cells for telephone transmitter local circuit (five No 6 dry cells
should give satisfactory results).
S. P. S. T. switch for transmitter circuit.
Step-up audio-frequency transformer for coupling transmitter circuit
to modulator grid circuit. (This transformer measures about 3X3X2J
inches and is of the closed iron core type. The inductance of the primary
and secondary windings would be about .04 and 160 henries respectively,
the resistance of the primary is 2 ohms while the turn ratio is approxi
mately 60.)
Grid battery for modulator tube (about 40 volts).
" Modulating " inductance. (This is a high inductance having between
1 and 2 henries. The coil is about 25 inches high and \\ inches in diam
eter, has an iron core and is assembled within a surrounding soft iron
shield. The d.c. resistance will be about 90 ohms.)
Low inductance. (The inductance may be any value which may be
available as long as it is considerably less than the preceding inductance
which represents the " normal " value.)
Antennae for transmitter and receiver. (These are easily made, each
consisting of 20 or 30 feet of wire well insulated and supported from the
ceiling of the laboratory, above the apparatus. The " lead in " wire may
consist simply of a voltmeter lead clipped onto this horizontal wire and
properly connected to the circuit beneath.)

Before proceeding with the tests indicated below, the student should
review thoroughly the theory of action of the above circuits, as described
in Chapters VIII and XI.

Test 1. Connections of the Transmitting and Receiving Radio

phone Circuits.—Connect the transmitting circuit according to Fig. 21
and the receiving circuit according to Fig. 20. Note that the trans
mitting circuit consists of the oscillating tube circuit studied in Experi-


Fig. 20.
ment 10 and in addition a modulating-tube circuit. The receiving circuit
consists of a three-electrode tube detector and a single-stage amplifier
with inductance repeater.
Test 2. Transmission of Speech under Normal Conditions of Modu
lating Inductance and of Potential of the Modulating Tube Grid.—Use
I Antennu

Fig. 21.
for the modulating inductance an iron cored inductance of about 1.3
henries. Make the grid potential of the modulating tube about 22 volts
(negative) and adjust the filament current and plate voltage of all tubes
to the normal values. Start the oscillating circuit of the transmitter
working, and adjust the wave-length to a suitable value by adjustment

of the wave-length contact and of the condenser in multiple with the

antenna (Ci). Now talk into the telephone transmitter with your hps
about 1 inch from the mouth of the transmitter, while the receiving oper
ator endeavors to receive the speech by adjusting the variable condenser
so as to " tune in " with the transmitting set. The manipulation of the
two circuits to secure best results is not simple, but the adjustments
should be persevered in until the best transmission of speech of which
these circuits are capable is obtained. Be sure that the circuit constants
permit the two circuits to be " tuned."
Test 3. Transmission of Speech under Abnormal Conditions of
Potential of the Modulating Tube Grid.—Repeat Test 2 after adjusting
the potential of the grid of the modulating tube to —4 volts. Note the
quality of the transmission.
Test 4. Transmission of Speech with Too Low a Modulating Induc
tance.—Repeat Test 2 after substituting for the modulating inductance
an inductance of very low value. Note the quality of the transmission.

1. In the diagram of Fig. 21 what is the purpose of the iron-cored
inductance in series with the plate battery?
2. Why must the potential of the grid of the modulating tube be
adjusted to a certain value for correct transmission of speech?
3. What was the quality of the transmission in Test 3, and why?
4. What was the quality of the transmission in Test 4, and why?

Adjustment of oscillating detectors, peculiarities of 522
Aerial 694
Alexanderson alternator, construction and action of 594
Alexanderson's barrage receiver 688
scheme of modulation 669
Alternating current supply for the plate of a tube 529
effective value of 17
wave-shape of 17
Alternator, armature reaction of 291
high frequency for continuous-wave telegraphy 593
inductor type 289
internal impedance of 290
used for spark transmitter, action of 287
use of consequent poles in construction of 290
Amplification, distortionless, of a tube, conditions for 572
Amplifying factor of vacuum tube, experimental determination of 898
Ampere-turns 18
Amplifier, characteristics of three-electrode tube 570
classification of 824-829
connections of, for reception of damped and undamped waves 841
effect of R and L in plate circuit on action of 827-829
fields of use of radio and audio frequency types 859
inductance repeating 857
low-frequency, experimental study of 913
resistance repeating 849
stability of 870
test for quality of 577
transformer repeating 830
tube characteristics for different stages 863
tube noises in operation of 875
Amplifiers, arrangement of apparatus in 876
Amplifying power of a tube as affected by grid potential and plate circuit voltage. 575
average potential of grid 574
measurement of .' 417
Amplitude of vacuum tube oscillations in the steady state 495
Antenna, coil, as directional radiator 711
receiver 722
constants, experimental determination of 891
"loading" \ 760
Antenna, natural wave-length of 751
pulse excitation of an 780
radiation, law of 730
reactance 757
receiving, current in 738
resistance . . 140, 746
setting up steady state in 776
Antennae, comparative merits of different types of 743
distribution of current and voltage in 755, 760, 763
effective height of 716
for aeroplanes and airships 723
underwater 726
ground 729
simple, mechanism of radiation by means of 694
various types of 713
Arc generator or converter (Poulsen) construction of 589
Poulsen, theory and action of 580
resistance of 136
Armstrong, E. EL, type of high frequency amplifier due to 860
amplification measurements by 518
Attenuation of propagated waves 196
Audio circuit of spark transmitter, analysis of action of 301
Austin, L. W., formula for range of radio-signal transmission 357
Austin's formula, analysis of 200
for receiving antenna current 196
Autodyne method of reception of continuous-wave signals 483, 514, 635
wave-meter 795

"Balancing out" schemes for simultaneous transmission and reception 687
Baldwin receiver, construction and action of 342
Barrage receiver 688, 690
Battery, polarizing, function of, with crystal rectifiers 343
Beat frequency, control of, in reception of continuous wave signals, using hetero
dyne method 63S
in coupled circuits 246
receiver of continuous wave signals 634
Bellini and Tosi goniometer 767
Bridge for high-frequency measurements 428
Buzzer wave generator, use of 882

Capacity 29
electrostatic, general discussion of 161
of conducting, isolated sphere in air 162
two flat circular parallel plates in air 162
single vertical wire in space 162
horizontal wire, earth as other plate 162
Capacity of two horizontal overhead wires with respect to each other 164
wire antenna 164
a multi-plate condenser 165
internal, of a two-layer solenoid 171
multiple-layer coil 175
mutual, of two horizontal wires 163
required in closed circuit of spark transmitter, calculation of 299
specific inductive 31
Carrier frequency for radio-telephony 649
values of, for radio-telephony 653
Chaffee, E. L., quenched spark gap of 317
Charged body > 2
Charges, bound and free 6
induced 6, 7
positive and negative, difference between 8
Child's formula for plate current in a two-electrode vacuum tube 377
Circuits having resistance and iron-core inductance 53
with distributed capacity and inductance, characteristics of .•. 107
Coil antenna 714, 720, 725
as directional radiator and receiver 711, 722
for submarines 727
Condenser, bridging, application of 349
charge and discharge of 37
charging of 29
discharge, oscillatory, frequency of 212
through R and L, criterion for oscillations 211
effect of condenser Jeakage on 210
theory of 202
equivalent series or shunt resistance of 168
grid, in connection with use of vacuum tube in self-heterodyne circuit . 643
losses occurring in 166
phase difference of 171
special form of, for wave-meter 792
variable, forms of 165
Condensers, construction of, for use in spark transmitters 297
power, characteristics of 169
Conductor, constitution of 364
Conductors 11
Consequent poles, use of, in radio alternator 290
Continuous-wave generators, efficiency of 619
forms of 580
receivers, action of 631
chopper 631
Goldschmidt tone wheel 632
oscillating vacuum tube 634
rotating plate condenser -634
tikker 634
signals, reception of 629
telegraphy, advantages of 188, 578
use of radiophone transmitting set for 627
transmitters, methods of signaling with 620
924 r INDEX :

C!ounterpoise 604, 745
Coupled circuits, amplitude relations in (Chaffee, E. L.) 230
analysis of oscillations in 226
determination of the two frequencies of oscillation 227
form of current in, if primary circuit is opened at the right time. . 247
formula for damping factors and decrements of current in 237
wave-length of oscillations 231
frequency of beats in 246
general case of three 229
oscillatory discharge in one circuit and non-oscillatory discharge
in the other -249
possibility of no beats without quenching gap 248
shape and frequency of actual current in 238
vector representation of current in 242
oscillatory circuits, mechanical analogue of 223
pendulums, analysis of motion of 225
Coupling, capacitive 80, 84, 279
. coefficient of 27, 79
conductive 279
direct 81
inductive 80
effect of variation of, in tuned circuits 103
of grid and plate circuits of an oscillating tube by capacity 503
a vacuum tube by capacity, critical value of,
for oscillations 506
input and output circuits of a vacuum tube, critical value of, for
oscillations 492
test for detecting oscillating condition of tubes 520, 522
various kinds of 79
Critical coupling of oscillating tube as affected by condenser in series with grid . . . 518
Crystal rectifiers, characteristics of 343
laboratory investigation of 882
Current, continuous and alternating 14
direction of flow of 11
distribution in conductor carrying high-frequency current 113
electric, nature of 8
in a circuit containing resistance and a condenser in series 57
inductance and capacity in series 58
with resistance only 32, 42
an inductive circuit 32, 45
a condenser 55
coil receiving antenna 740
parallel circuits 66
simple receiving antenna 738
vs. frequency in an inductive circuit 49
inductively-coupled circuits 89
Currents, decaying, effect of, on neighboring circuits 35
in a parallel resonant circuit, oscillogram of 75

Damped wave, current, voltage and energy in 215
train, effective value of current in 221
Damping coefficient, definition of 214
Decrement 62
effect of, on quality of received speech in radio-telephony 678
measurement of, with wavemeter 801
Decremeter, construction and uses of (Kolster) 809
Detecting efficiency of three-electrode tube, measurement of 465
tube requirements 465
Detection of damped waves by means of regenerative tube circuit 525, 526
radio signals, visual, audible 336
undamped waves by means of oscillating vacuum tube with no grid
condenser 483, 514
undamped waves by means of oscillating vacuum tube with grid con
denser 486
undamped waves by means of an oscillating tube, analysis of 514
Detector action of three-electrode tube with grid condenser, analysis of 455
illustrated by oscillo
grams 462
of three-electrode tube with grid condenser as affected by fre
quency and decrement of signal 461
vacuum tube type 350
Detectors, action of 338
Direction finders 766
elimination of "180° uncertainty" in 772
incomplete extinction of signals in 775
reliability of 775
Distance, transmission of radio telegraphic signals 357
Dynatron 534

Effect of high and low grid excitation upon the form of Ev and lv of a separately
excited power tube 541
high and low load resistance upon the form of Ep and Ip of a separately
excited power tube 543
the local oscillations of a tube detector of undamped waves upon strength
of signals 516
Efficiency, calculated, of a separately excited power tube for various forms of
plate current 552
calculated, of a separately excited power tube for various plate voltages. 552
measured, of a separately excited power tube 554
of a three-electrode tube as a detector, analysis of 446
Electric fields 3
represented by lines 4
Electricity, nature of 1
Electro-magnetic waves, discussion of 181, 702
Electro-motive force 10
induced 23

Electron bombardment in vacuum tubes 390

emission affected by condition of hot surface 367
from a conductor 364
filament vs. filament current 379
power required for 371
stream as constituting an electric current 698
Electrons r 1
current due to velocity of 369
distribution of, near surface of a hot metal 368
emitted from a hot body, theoretical prediction of number of 364
number of, removable from an atom 3
velocity of emission of, from a hot metal 368
Elimination of undesired frequencies in oscillating tube circuits 512
Energy distribution curve of spark transmitter 325, 331, 799
undamped wave transmitter 800
of radiated electric and magnetic fields 182, 696
water particles in water waves 181
stored in a charged condenser 31
magnetic field 26
supply of spark transmitter, forms of 281
Evacuation of a vacuum tube 393
Excitation of spark transmitter, forms of 280
separate, for a group of vacuum tubes 532

Fan antenna 713, 718
Fence wire as receiving antenna 730
Field, electric, due to an antenna, intensity of 703, 707
electric, in motion 696
electric, open and closed 5, 699
magnetic 18
magnetic, due to an antenna, intensity of 703, 707
magnetic, in motion 696
magnetic, open and closed 698, 699
energy stored in 26
induction 182, 703
radiation 182, 704
radiated, at any distance from an antenna consisting of a vertical wire. . . . 705
a coil antenna 708
Fields, electric 3
represented by lines 4
Filament of a vacuum tube, unequal currents in 379, 403
resistance of 404
Filaments for vacuum tubes, tungsten and oxide coated 400
Filters, use of, in amplifiers 864
"Fleming" valve 372
Fluorescence in vacuum tubes with oxide coated filaments 392
"Freak" transmission 200
Frequency changers, application of rectifier elements to 616
types of ' 608
Frequency changers, types of, for tripling frequency (Joly) 608
(Taylor) 611
for doubling frequency (Epstein-Vallouri) 609
(Plohl) 610
losses of 613
audio 186
effect of upon input capacity and conductance of a tube 439
of oscillating tube current for capacity coupling of grid and plate circuits. 506
an oscillating tube, constancy of 514
radio : 186
transformation 607
tripling, use of wabbling neutral for obtaining 613
Finger test for detecting oscillating condition of tubes 520, 522

Gas in tungsten filament tubes, tendency of, to disappear 396
a vacuum tube, effect of 390
detection of 394
Generator, electric 16
Generators of high frequency, undamped waves, types of 580
use of, for power supply to amplifiers 870
Goldschmidt alternator, construction of 606
theory of action of 599
Goniometer, Bellini and Tosi . 767
Grid 381
action of, in three-electrode tubes 382
condenser for three-electrode tube when used as detector of damped waves . . 451
value of, for tubes used as detectors 455, 461
current in well-evacuated three-electrode vacuum tube 399
normal potential of . .- 454
potential of a three-electrode tube when acting as detector with grid condenser 464
free 402,410
Ground antennae 729

Harmonics, upper, effect of, in reception of continuous-wave signals, using hetero
dyne receiver 639
Harp antenna 713
Heating of the plate of a three-electrode tube 473
Heising's scheme of modulation 664, 665
Heterodyne reception of undamped waves 483, 517, 635
"Hysteresis" in vacuum tubes 397

Impedance, definition 47
of a branched circuit containing L and R in one branch and C and R
in the other 68
circuit containing L, R and C in series 68
Impulse excitation of a parallel resonant circuit 266
oscillating circuit 259
Inductance, in grid and plate circuits of an osculating tube, effect of, upon the
operation of tube 570
mutual, of two single turns, coaxial 156
coaxial, circular coils of rectangular cross-section .... 156
solenoids 157
of two overhead parallel wires, grounded, at same height from ground. 157
between two concentric coils, as one rotates 158
coaxial spirals 160
Belf-, discussion of 143
of a single straight vertical wire distant from all other conductors. 144
circular turn of round wire 145
-layer solenoid closely wound 145
flat spiral 147
flat square coil 151
toroidal coil of rectangular cross-section 149
circular cross-section 150
single-layer square coil 150
multi-layer coils of rectangular cross-section 152
two-wire antenna; 157
variable, design of 153
Induction coil, action of 282
Inductor alternator, action of 287
Input circuit of a tube 421
capacity and conductance of, vs. plate circuit resistance. . . 435
conductance of, vs. filament current 429
plate voltage 430
grid potential 431
effective capacity of 434
geometrical capacity of 432
negative conductance of 437
resistance of 428
used as a detector, equivalent of 454
Insulators 11
disruptive strength of 13
effect of temperature on disruptive strength of 13
Interference, discussion of 191, 193
Interrupter action, requirements of 282
'' hammer break "type 282
Interrupters for primary circuit of induction coils, types of 287
Ionization, danger of, to vacuum tubes 392
in vacuum tubes 390
Iron-core coils, resistance of 134

Kenotron 373
Kenotrons used for rectifying alternating current for supply to plate of a vacuum
tube 529
Kolster, F. A., decremeter, construction and uses 809

"L," inverted, type of antenna 713, 716, 718
Leak resistance for three-electrode tube when used as detector of damped waves. . . 451
value of, for tube used as a detector 455
Leyden jar, use of, in i-park transmitter 298, 299
Limitations of transmission formuke 744
"Loading" an antenna 760
Logarithmic decrement, definition of 214
formula for 214, 215
graphs for three-electrode tubes 421
Loop antenna for submarine. 727

Magnetic field 18
effect of iron in 19
Marconi, multi-gap generator of continuous waves 616
Mercury rectifier 372
Meters in alternating current circuits 44
Microphone, liquid 656
transmitter 655
Miller, J. M., method for measuring w of a tube 417
A.C. output resistance of a tube 426
Modulated current 649
wave, analysis of ' 674
Modulating frequency 649
Modulation, analysis of 657
percentage of 660
requirements for 656, 668
sch mes for 661
Motor, speed of, for driving radio alternator 334
types of, for driving radio alternator 290
Multiple-tuned antenna 714, 719
Multiplex radio-telephony 680
Mutual induction 26

Natural period of multi-layer coils 177
Neutralization schemes for simultaneous transmission and reception 687
Noises in oscillating tube detector circuit 523

Oscillating conditions of a tube, criterions for 520
power tube circuit, laboratory study of characteristics of 903
tubes in multiple 527
receiving set for radio-telephony 677
tube circuits of very high frequency 511
receiving circuit, laboratory investigation of 908
Oscillating tube under conditions of oscillating current comparable in value with
plate current 503
tube, use as a continuous wave generator 617
Oscillation transformer, construction of 318
experimental investigation of power output 900
with oscillating circuit in grid circuit 510
vacuum tube, adjustment for maximum output 501
as a detector of undamped waves 483
circuits, analysis of 487
conditions for maximum output of 471, 497
efficiency of 468,471
elementary analysis of 469
excitation of 469
output of 471
uses of " 468
current and power of, vs. exciting grid voltage. . . 480
conditions necessary for self-excitation 478
Oscillations of a vacuum tube, effect of, on grid and plate currents 500
tube, effect of, upon plate current 519
vacuum tube at other than desired frequency 502, 512
stability of 498
starting and stopping 499
types of (of arc generators) 586
Oscillograph 33
Oscillatory circuit, current and voltage relations in 213
excited by a damped sine wave, analysis of 268
being connected to a line of alternating e.m.f.,
theory of 252
continuous voltage, theory of 249
damped sine waves, resonance curve of 227
energy stored in inductance, theory of . 250
pulse, analysis of 259
condition of a vacuum tube, prediction of, by placing total resistance
equal to zero '. 492
currents of a spark transmitter, discussion of 321
discharge, frequency and damping of, as affected by neighboring cir
cuits 222
through a spark gap 218
Output circuit of a tube 421
impedance of a tube 423
resistance of a tube 423
A.C., measurement of 424

Phase 42
of the grid voltage of a self-excited tube, possibility of variation of 562
relation of electric and magnetic fields in electro-magnetic radiation .... 702, 705
relations, effect of, on the possible power output of vacuum tube generator.. 476
of voltages and current in a vacuum-tube generator 474, 493
Pliodynatron 534
Potential difference 11
, gradient between plate and filament of a two-electrode vacuum tube .... 377
Poulsen arc, theory and action of :. 580
Power, amount sent out and received 198
factor 48
in a circuit excited by pulsating current 40
continuous current circuit 38
an inductive circuit 47
a resistance circuit 43
transmitted and received 198
used in the plate of a three-electrode tube 473
Production of current in antenna, methods for 711
Protective equipment of spark transmitter 278
Pulse excitation of oscillating circuit 259

Quality of speech received by radio-telephony as affected by decrement 678
Quenched gap, construction of 314
theory of action of 247

Radiation 182
mechanism of, by means of simple antenna 694
of light from a hot filament compared to radiation from an antenna .... 734
power from an antenna, law of 730
a coil antenna, law of 735
resistance 737
Radio-compass service or ships 771
Radiophone seta 684, 692
Radiophone transmitting set, use of, for undamped wave telegraphy 627
Radio-telephony, fundamental idea 189
Radio-telephone transmitter and receiver, experimental study of 916
Reactance, definition 47
Receiving circuits 190
adjustment of, for damped wave signals 350, 882
for damped wave signals 340
station, essential elements of a 189, 336
Reception of undamped waves by means of oscillating tubes 483, 514
Rectification by three-electrode tube without grid condenser, as shown by oscillo
grams 445
Rectifying detectors, action of 338
Resistance 14, 21, 111
and reactance of the primary of an inductively-coupled circuit as affected
by secondary 93
effective 40
high frequency, general concept of Ill
laboratory measurement of 906
of antenna 746
coils, effect of neighboring circuits on 133

Resistance of iron-core coils 134

spark and arc 136
the circuits of a three-electrode tube and its variation 421
Resonance 60
curves for coupled circuits 99
form of 101
curve of an oscillatory circuit excited by damped sine waves 272
in a circuit to which another is magnetically coupled 85
simple series circuit, laboratory investigation of 880
circuits with capacitivc coupling 105
series, with varying capacity 62
transformer, definition of 296
Resonant adjustment of the audio circuit of a spark transmitter 295
circuit, effect of periodic disturbances in a 257
frequencies in coupled circuits 94
frequency of parallel circuits 78
multiple circuit 73
curves of reactances and resistance for 76
Richardson's formula for electron emission 365

Saturation current 367, 373
Selectivity, general discussion of 191
Self-heterodyne method of reception of continuous-wave signals 635
Self-induction, coefficient of 25
of a coil as affected by presence of a short-circuited neighboring coil 28
Short-wave condenser, function of 278
Shunting condenser used with induction coil, action of 283
Signal, day and night variation in strength of 197
seasonal variation in strength of 198
selection of 350
Signaling with high frequency, continuous-wave generators, methods of 620
Simultaneous radiophone transmission and reception 686
sending and receiving, essential elements required for 192
Skid-fin antenna for aeroplanes 724
Skin effect, analysis of 117
discussion of 113
elimination of 122
in coils 125
Space charge in vacuum tubes 376, 380
Spark gap, care of 333
Chaffee type 317
classification of, for spark transmitter 309
non-synchronous type 313
open type, operating conditions of 309
quenched 247-314
synchronous rotating type, description and operation of 311
resistance of 136
telegraphy, definition of 187
transmitter, adjustment of 328
Spark transmitter, capacity and inductance required in closed and open circuits 334
description of 275
experimental investigation of 887
Specific inductive capacity, table of values 167
Static 193
Steady state in an antenna, setting up of 776
Stone, J. S., equation for spark-gap resistance 219
Strays, classification of . 193
i elimination of 194

"T" antenna 713,716,725
Time constant of an inductive circuit 33
a condenser circuit 38
Telephone receivers, construction and action of 340
impedance of 839
Telephony, radio multiplex 680
current in transmitting antenna 648
receiver 652
receiving antenna 650
field of use 646
principle of operation of transmitter 647
I receiver 649
power required to cover distances 683
receiving system for 673
sources of power for 654
transmission of speech 651
Temp rature, max m m safe, for tungsten filaments 371
Transformer, "open core," description of 296
power for spark transmitter 292
Transformers, construction of, for low-frequency amplifiers 839
Transmission, distance of radio signal 357
formula;, limitations of 744
Transient conditions in a circuit consisting of L, R and C in series, analysis of ... . 252
current in an inductive circuit 49
a circuit consisting of resistance and a condenser in series. ... 58
on switching a resistance circuit to an A.C. line 45
phenomena in audio circuit of spark transmitter, analysis of 304
Transmitter for radio-telephony, best resistance for 660
Transmitters for radio-telephony 654
Tree as receiving antenna 730
Tube, three-electrode 381
as detector of damped waves 440
a source of alternating current 467
power converter, detailed study of, when self-excited . . 561
separately ex
cited 539
characteristics of, with positive common junction and with
negative common junction 459
two-electrode as voltage regulator for a variable >j»eed generator 373
characteristic curves of 373

Tube, vacuum, two-electrode 371

Tubes, limits of operation of 389
three-electrode, characteristic curves of 401
for high power telephone seta 669
in radio-telephony 662
fields of, use of 387
hydraulic model of 385
potential distribution in 382
relations between currents and potentials in 415
resistance of circuits of, and its variation 421
various types of 388
with small amount of gas, characteristic curves of 397
vacuum, special forms of 534
"Tungar" rectifier 372

Umbrella antenna 713
Unequal currents in the filament of a vacuum tube 379, 403
Unilateral connection of wavemeter • 786
Unipotelitia emitting surface for a vacuum tube 379
Units of electrical quantities 20
Vacuum tube, experimental determination of amplifying factor and internal plate
circuit resistance 898
investigation of characteristic curves of 894
study of its characteristics when used as a detector of
damped waves 895
generator, measurement of power output of 900
transmitting sets, arrangement of apparatus in 645
use as a detector 350
Voltage amplification factor of a three-electrode tube 384, 417
determination of 417

Wattmeter 49
Wave-length 183
natural, of antenna 751
of electro-magnetic radiations 213
Wave-lengths, range of, for radio communication 187
used in spark telegraphy. 356
Wave-meter, autodyne type -. 795
devices and schemes for indicating resonance 783
condenser, special form of 792
crystal detector and phones 785
hot-wire ammeter 784
incandescent lamp 791
neon tube 790
crystal detector and galvanometer 790
thermo-couple and galvanometer 788
Wave-meter, experiment on uses of the 884
how to improvise a 821
principle and construction of 781
use of, to determine decrement 801
mutual inductance and coefficient of coupling. . . . 819
measure antenna constants 815
inductance and capacity 814
wave-length and energy distribution curves . . . 796-798
Wave motion, discussion of 179
propagation, equation for 183
velocity of 184
Waves, attentuation of 196
damped 186
electromagnetic, discussion of 181, 702
transmission of, in water 728
number of, in a tra'n, formula for 220
stationary, on antenna 756
undamped 186
various types of, used in radio communication 185
water 179
Wave-shape of alternating currents 16
Wave-trains 186


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