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Industrial Crops & Products 133 (2019) 259–268

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Industrial Crops & Products

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Techno-economic analysis of product biorefineries utilizing sugarcane T

lignocelluloses: Xylitol, citric acid and glutamic acid scenarios annexed to
sugar mills with electricity co-production
H.M. Raoul Özüdoğru, M. Nieder-Heitmann, K.F. Haigh, J.F. Görgens

Department of Process Engineering, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602, South Africa


Keywords: The profitability of biorefinery scenarios utilizing sugarcane lignocellulose (bagasse and harvesting residues),
Techno-economic analysis annexed to an existing sugar mill for the co-production of electricity and bioproducts was investigated.
Xylitol Biorefinery scenarios for xylitol, citric acid or glutamic acid production, each in combination with electricity,
Citric acid were simulated in Aspen Plus® to generate mass and energy balances, and perform economic analyses. The
Glutamic acid
profitability was compared to a combined heat and power (CHP) plant baseline scenario that solely combusts
biomass for electricity co-production. Scenario 2, citric acid and electricity co-production was not profitable at a
Sugarcane bagasse selling price of 680 $/t citric acid. However Scenario 1, xylitol and electricity co-production, and Scenario 3 for
glutamic acid and electricity co-production, both demonstrated economic feasibility with IRR’s of 12.3% and
31.5% for a selling price of 3000 $/t and 3625 $/t, respectively. These IRR values exceeded the baseline CHP
plant IRR of 10.3% and hurdle rate of 9.7%.

1. Introduction sugarcane bagasse and trash in low pressure boilers, both for electricity
and steam production, and disposal (Dias et al., 2011). However, sugar
The South African (SA) sugar milling industry is currently experi- mills may achieve economic viability by expanding their product range
encing declining profit margins due to various factors including lower to include alternative fuels or chemical products from the valorisation
crop yields caused by severe drought conditions, increased labour costs, of these wastes.
aging infrastructure and a decrease in global sugar prices (Biddy et al., Sugarcane lignocellulose, a second generation (2 G) biomass source, is
2016). In addition, a new sugar tax in SA was introduced on 1 April one of the most promising renewable biomass sources for the emerging
2018, which is aimed at reducing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) global bio-economy due to its relative abundance, lower cost, and reduced
that have been linked to excess sugar consumption, which would con- competition for land use in comparison to first generation (1 G) feedstocks
sequently reduce demand for sugar-based products and further threaten that are typically grown on land allocated for food production (Farzad
profit margins made by the SA sugar industry (A. Dávila et al., 2016; et al., 2017; Quintero et al., 2013). Lignocellulose has been studied ex-
Singh et al., 2015). tensively for the production of bio based fuels such as ethanol and butanol
Sugar milling produces large amounts of agro-processing waste in (Bensah and Mensah, 2013; Canilha et al., 2012; Chandel et al., 2012;
the form of bagasse, a fibrous pulp produced after extracting the juice Humbird, 2011; Sun and Cheng, 2002). However, recent studies have
from sugarcane, as well as tops and leaf residues from harvesting (i.e. increasingly been exploring the conversion of lignocellulosic feedstocks to
“trash”) (Lavarack et al., 2002). A total of 6.3–8.16 million tonnes of bioproducts (Farzad et al., 2017; Görgens et al., 2016; Mountraki et al.,
bagasse is produced annually in South Africa (Mashoko et al., 2013). To 2017; Yamaguchi et al., 2016; Zhou et al., 2017). Potential bioproducts
mitigate the costs associated with collecting and transporting the trash, have previously been selected based on potential application, demand and
it is typically left in the field or burnt before harvest (Smithers, 2014). technological production maturity (Davis et al., 2015; Werpy and
Burning cane releases large amounts of gaseous emissions and soot Petersen, 2004). Of these, xylitol, citric acid and glutamic acid has been
particles into the air that can enter the lungs of labourers and neigh- selected for further consideration as discussed below.
bouring communities in the area and lead to respiratory health pro- The sugar-alcohol, xylitol, was listed as a promising candidate due
blems (Leal et al., 2013). In addition, existing sugar mills typically burn to its unique health benefits and numerous uses within the food and

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.F. Görgens).
Received 19 November 2018; Received in revised form 29 January 2019; Accepted 4 March 2019
0926-6690/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
H.M.R. Özüdoğru, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 133 (2019) 259–268

pharmaceutical sector, as well as being a chemical building block polysaccharide and moisture content of the lignocellulosic feed for this
(Mohamad et al., 2015; Werpy and Petersen, 2004). Therefore a strong study was specified for typical South African sugarcane mills based on
demand for xylitol exists, with global demand estimated at 125 local cultivars according to previous studies (Dias et al., 2012; Farzad
000 tonnes per annum, with a bulk market price ranging from $4.5–5.5 et al., 2017; Petersen et al., 2014).
per kg (Ravella et al., 2012). However, recent reports estimate a global For each scenario a portion of raw feed is bypassed to the CHP
market of 190 900 tonnes per annum, with market demand expected to plant’s boiler where it is combusted for steam and electricity production
grow annually by 5.7% and reach 266 500 tonnes per annum by 2022 to power both the biorefinery and the annexed sugar mill for energy
(Sarah Smith, 2014). Xylitol can be produced through fermentation self-sufficiency (Nieder-Heitmann et al., 2018). The sugar mill requires
with Candida yeasts or the catalytic hydrogenation of xylose over a 120 t/h steam to meet its process heating needs and for electricity
Raney-Nickel catalyst. However, chemical conversion was shown to production in the existing back pressure steam turbines (Farzad et al.,
have a higher productivity than bioconversion at 0.85 kg Xylitol crys- 2015). An iterative procedure was required to determine the optimum
tals per kg xylose compared to 0.73 kg Xylitol crystals (Mountraki et al., bypass ratio for each scenario, by altering the bypass ratio until the
2017). biorefinery’s steam and electricity utility requirements were met. A
Citric acid (CA) is used across different sectors, including the food, limited amount of heat integration was carried out using engineering
pharmaceutical, cosmetic, detergent and cleaning industries judgement on the principle that it could only be carried out within
(Angumeenal and Venkappayya, 2013; Ciriminna et al., 2017; process areas for a conceptual level study.
Vandenberghe et al., 1999). The current global demand of CA is esti-
mated to be 2–2.3 million tonnes per annum with 4% annual growth 2.2. Catalytic and bioconversion technology
(Ciriminna et al., 2017). Future demand is expected to reach 2.8 million
tonnes per annum by 2022 (Global Market Insights, 2016). Citric acid is The catalyst selection in Scenario 1, for the xylitol-electricity bior-
produced commercially from starch through fermentation (bioconver- efinery scenario, was made according to substrate-to-product conver-
sion) using mainly Candida sp. (Anastassiadis and Rehm, 2006) or As- sion, product selectivity as well as cost per unit mass of catalyst. When
pergillus niger (Hou and Bao, 2018). making a comparison among a range of catalysts, the Raney-nickel
Finally, glutamic acid (GA) is an amino acid with applications (Raney-Ni) catalyst provides a xylose conversion of 96.9% but overall
within the food and pharmaceutical industry (Heys and Ashkanani, has a lower xylitol selectivity and yield, and a higher arabinitol se-
1999; Kumar et al., 2014). It has a current estimated global market size lectivity and yield, compared to the other catalysts, although the dif-
of 2.9 million tonnes per annum and an annual growth of 7.5%. GA is ference is marginal (Yadav et al., 2012). In terms of cost per unit mass
estimated to reach a global demand of 4 million tons per annum by of catalyst, the Raney-Ni catalyst retails lowest at $18.25/kg. Ruthe-
2023 (Global Market Insights, 2016). Although amino acids can be nium and particularly catalysts with traces of titanium (Ti) are priced
produced by protein and enzymatic hydrolysis, fermentation and che- far higher (Yadav et al., 2012). The Raney-Ni catalyst is currently
mical synthesis, in recent years it has been produced predominantly employed in chemical xylitol production and has the lowest cost of all
through fermentation using strains such as Corynebacterium and Brevi- the catalysts mentioned while still achieving relatively high conversions
bacterium (Pal et al., 2016). and xylitol selectivities (Melaja and Hamalainen, 1977; Saari et al.,
The future economic competitiveness and environmental sustain- 2010).
ability within the SA sugar milling industry could be ensured by va- The microorganisms Candida oleophila ATCC 20177 and
lorising the lignocellulosic residues (bagasse and trash) to produce Brevibacterium divaricatum NRRL 8–231 were selected for CA and GA
bioproducts in a biorefinery. The biorefinery and electricity co-gen- production, respectively (Anastassiadis and Rehm, 2006; Nakazawa
eration is annexed to an existing sugar mill (Ali Mandegari et al., 2017a; et al., 1996). Selection of microorganisms for these scenarios was based
Nieder-Heitmann et al., 2018). The aim of this study is to investigate on a normalized desirability score (DS).The DS ranges from 0 to 1 and is
whether converting sugarcane bagasse and trash to either xylitol, glu- weighted as a percentage (%w) according to the micro-organisms’ final
tamic acid or citric acid with electricity will result in a profitable product yield, concentration and productivity defined by Eq. (1) below
biorefinery scenario to ensure the economic competitiveness of the SA as per data normalisation and standardisation procedures. Each data
sugar industry. point (Xi) for each of the parameters (yield (40%), concentration (40%)
or productivity(20%)) were normalised against unity (Xi, 0 to 1) ac-
2. Methodology cording to Eq. (2), where Xmax and Xmin represent the maxima and
minima among all data points.
The product biorefinery scenarios were simulated using Aspen Plus®
{(x yield . %wyield) + (xconc . %wconc ) + (x prod . %wprod ))
V8.8 to determine mass and energy flows as well as utility consumption DS =
for the techno-economic analyses. Suitable process methods, conditions 100 % (1)
and unit configurations were determined from literature. The four Xi Xmin
scenarios evaluated were Scenario 1: Xylitol and electricity production, Xi 0 1 =
(Xmax Xmin ) (2)
Scenario 2: Citric acid and electricity production, Scenario 3: Glutamic
acid and electricity production and Baseline scenario: Electricity pro-
duction only in a combined heat and power (CHP) plant. 2.3. Scenario descriptions

2.1. Biorefinery concept 2.3.1. Baseline: combined heat and power plant
In the baseline scenario, 100% of the raw sugarcane lignocelluloses
The Aspen Plus® process flow sheets for the baseline and respective feed was transported via a conveyor belt to the CHP plant boiler’s
bioproduct scenarios are provided in Fig. 1. Biorefinery production combustion chamber. The RSTOIC Aspen Plus® block was used to model
steps, including ancillary equipment and storage sections, are divided the combustion of the CHP baseline’s boiler. Flue gases released during
into process areas and labelled from area 100-900. Each biorefinery combustion were sent to a dust cyclone and baghouse filter to remove
scenario, including the baseline scenario, processes a total of any ash and solid particles. The high pressure steam from the boiler
113.5 tonnes of raw sugarcane bagasse and trash feed per hour (i.e. entered the first stage of the condensing extraction turbine (CEST) and
65 t/h dry mass). This is based on a typical South African sugar mill left at 2.84 MPa. An intermediate steam stream was taken from the
processing 300 t/h sugar cane (Görgens et al., 2016). The feedstock CEST middle section and mixed with water in a de-superheating station
characterisation is provided in the Supplementary information. The to form 120 t/h steam required for the annexed sugar mill.

H.M.R. Özüdoğru, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 133 (2019) 259–268

2.3.2. Scenario 1: xylitol and electricity co-production and to prevent any possible down-stream catalyst deactivation.
The xylitol biorefinery has six process areas, namely pretreatment The neutralised xylose rich hemicellulose hydrolysate was sent
(area 100), detoxification (area 200), catalytic reaction (area 300), through two detoxification steps, namely evaporation and activated
purification (area 400), the CHP plant (area 500) and waste water carbon adsorption, to remove pretreatment inhibitors acetic acid, fur-
treatment (WWT, area 600). fural and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) (Nieder-Heitmann et al.,
The lignocellulose feed for xylitol production was pre-treated with 2018). Then, ion-exchange chromatography was used to concentrate
dilute acid (DA) at 130 °C for 30 min and maintained at a solid to liquid the xylose and remove as much competing sugars as possible, so as to
ratio of 1:4 to form a liquid hemicellulose hydrolysate fraction and an achieve a xylose concentration in the reactor feed of 78 wt.% (dry basis)
insoluble cellulose and lignin (cellulignin) fraction (Moutta et al., (Melaja and Hamalainen, 1977).
2012). The insoluble cellulignin was separated from the hemicellulose The xylose-rich reactor feed entered the catalytic reactors, each
hydrolysate and sent to area 500 along with the bypassed lignocellulose loaded with solid Raney-Ni catalyst equivalent to 5 wt.% of the xylose
for steam and electricity production in the CHP plant. The soluble (Mikkola et al., 1999). The reactors were pressurised using compressed
hemicellulose hydrolysate fraction was thereafter dosed with calcium hydrogen gas to 40 atm (4.05 MPa) for 2.5 h at 135 °C, where xylose
oxide (CaO) to neutralise the sulphuric acid used during DA treatment was hydrogenated to xylitol and a small fraction to arabinitol (Melaja

Fig. 1. Flowsheets of Aspen Plus® simulations for integrated product biorefineries. Fig. 1a: baseline scenario: annexed CHP plant; Fig. 1b: Scenario 1, catalytic xylitol-
electricity co- production; Fig. 1c: Scenario 2, fermentative CA-electricity co-production utilising solvent extraction, Fig. 1d: Scenario 3, fermentative GA-electricity
co-production using membrane- integrated separation.

H.M.R. Özüdoğru, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 133 (2019) 259–268

Fig. 1. (continued)

H.M.R. Özüdoğru, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 133 (2019) 259–268

Table 1 Table 2
Variable consumable operating costs for Scenario 1 (Xylitol), Scenario 2 (CA) Main Economic Cash Flow Sheet Parameters (Nieder-Heitmann et al.,
and Scenario 3 (GA) indicated by an (x) when the cost is applicable. 2018).
Consumables Price ($/ton) 1 (Xylitol) 2 (CA) 3 (GA) Parameter Value
Operating Hours (h) 6480a
Activated carbon $600.00a x x x Cost year for analysis 2016
Process water (H2O $/kL) $0.00b x x x Depreciation Type Linear
Feedstock (Bagasse and trash) $11.00c x x x Salvage value ($) 0
Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) $112.00d x x x Annual Depreciation 20 %
Ammonia (NH3) $335.00f x x x Hurdle Rate (real term) 9.7 %
Lime (CaO) $75.00g x x x Ramp-up until operational at full capacity
Enzyme (Offsite price) $6 000.00a x x % year 1 50 %
Antifoam (Tween 60) $1 800.00a x x % year 2 75 %
Chemical Conversion % year 3 100 %
Raney-Ni catalyst $18 500.00e x Plant Life (years) 25
Hydrogen gas (H2) $6 500.00a x Equity 100 %
IE Chromotography resin (SAC) $0.10a x % FCI spent in year -2 10 %
IE Chromotography resin (WBA) $0.10a x % FCI spent in -1 60 %
Biochemical Conversion % FCI spent in year 0 30 %
Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) $220.00a x – Electricity selling price ($/kWh) 0.08
Monopotassium phosphate $950.00a x x Xylitol selling price ($/ton) $3000b
(KH2PO4) CA selling price ($/ton) $680c
Magnesium sulphate $95.00a x x GA selling price ($/ton) $3625d
Manganese sulphate $450.00 x x a) (Görgens et al., 2016); b) (Medina et al., 2018); c)(Hou and Bao, 2018);
(MnSO4.4H2O) d) (Pal et al., 2016).
Ferrous sulphate (FeSO4.7H2O) $95.00a x x
Copper sulphate (CuSO4.5H2O) $2 250.00a x
Zinc sulphate (ZnSO4.7H2O) $730.00a x Of the two remaining streams, the residual solid fraction from the
Cobalt sulphate (CoSO4.7H2O) $7 750.00a x enzymatic hydrolysis was sent to area 500 as boiler fuel source and the
Boric acid (H3BO3) $815.00a x liquid hemicellulose hydrolysate fraction from the DA pretreatment was
Calcium chloride (CaCl2) $160.00a x sent to the WWT facility in area 600 for bio-gas production. The soluble
Sodium Cgloride (NaCl) $87.00a x
inhibitors and sugars were anaerobically and aerobically digested to
Calcium $1 150.00a x
Sodium Molybdate $8 000.00a x form clean water and bio-gas (i.e. methane), which was subsequently
(Na2MoO4.2H2O) scrubbed and sent through to area 500 for combustion (Humbird,
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) $30 000.00a x 2011).
Biotin (Vitamin B7) $400 000.00a x x
The glucose-rich enzymatic hydrolysis product stream was con-
Pyridoxine (Vitamine B6) $25 000.00a x
Ca-D-Pantothenate $20 000.00a x centrated and fed with nutrients through a feed sterilizer for 10 min at
Nicotinic acid (niacin) $6 000.00a x 121 °C. The sterilized feed, containing 336 g glucose/L and nutrients
Micro-organism Inoculum $0.02h x along with seed inoculum produced in area 700, was used in continuous
Oleic acid (C18H34O2) $2 000.00a x fermentation process with Candida oleophila ATCC 20177 at 30 °C to
Urea $242.00f x
produce citric acid and by-products, most notably oxalic acid
a – Industry Price 2016, b – Thekwini Municipal Commercial Tariff for > 45 kL, (Anastassiadis and Rehm, 2006; Datta and Bergemann, 1996; Heinzle
c – Estimated cost of SA bagasse and trash(Görgens et al., 2016), d – Basic et al., 2006).
Chemical, Omaha via HGI, e – International Price (“Export Data and Price of After biochemical conversion, the cell biomass was filtered out and
raney nickel catalyst under HS Code 3815 _ Zauba, ” n.d.), f – International the CA-rich liquid was purified via solvent extraction (SE) using amine
price (Jones, 2016), g – Average cost $3-10/kg (Eichman et al., 2016; James solvent and stripped using stripping water (Baniel et al., 2008; Grewal
et al., 2016), h – Weighted average for all inoculum chemicals at industry price. and Kalra, 1995). This form of separation is preferable as it avoids the
formation of gypsum which is typical of conventional lime precipitative
and Hamalainen, 1977; Mikkola et al., 1999; Yadav et al., 2012). Xylitol methods (Heinzle et al., 2006). CA was thereafter crystallised and dried
was thereafter purified to 98 wt.% using ion-exchange chromatography, to a purity of 98 wt. % before being packaged for distribution.
crystallisation and drying into a solid crystal form before being pack-
aged for distribution (Melaja and Hamalainen, 1977).
2.3.4. Scenario 3: GA and electricity co-production
2.3.3. Scenario 2: CA and electricity co-production The glutamic acid (GA) biorefinery has the same designated process
The citric acid (CA) biorefinery has seven process areas. These in- areas as the CA biorefinery, though with a different purification process
clude pretreatment (area 100), enzymatic hydrolysis (area 200), fer- configuration (area 400). The glutamic acid was removed from the
mentation (area 300), purification (area 400), the CHP plant (area fermentation broth using integrated micro- and nanofiltration steps (Pal
500), WWT (area 600) and the fermentation seed train (area 700). et al., 2016).
Dilute acid (DA) pretreatment was the same as Section 2.1.2 for xylitol Similar to CA production, the raw lignocellulosic feed was pre-
production in Scenario 1. However, for citric acid production, the cel- treated using DA pretreatment and the cellulignin was sent to enzy-
lulignin fraction was sent to an enzymatic hydrolysis process step to matic hydrolysis, with the remaining cellulignin and hemicellulose
liberate glucose from cellulose. hydrolysate sent to plant areas 500 and 600, respectively. The glucose-
The insoluble cellulignin fraction was sent to a two-stage hydrolysis rich product stream was sterilised for 10 min at 12 °C and cooled before
reactor at atmospheric conditions for 84 h (24 h continuous and 60 h being combined with nutrients and microorganism inoculum produced
batch) where bought enzymes were dosed at 20 mg protein/g cellulose in area 700 (Nakazawa et al., 1996).
at 50 °C to hydrolyse the cellulose polymer chains to soluble glucose The sterilized glucose-rich medium was fermented by the micro-
monomers (Humbird, 2011). The soluble glucose-rich hydrolysate was organism Brevibacterium divaricatum NRRL B-2311 with the addition of
separated via vacuum filtration from the remaining solid fraction and ammonia as a nitrogen source at 33 ◦C and atmospheric conditions for
used in the fermentation step in plant area 300. 28.5 h, where a concentrated GA-rich slurry (100 g/L) formed until 2%

H.M.R. Özüdoğru, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 133 (2019) 259–268

Table 3
Overall Mass and Energy Balance Summaries for Scenarios Investigated.
Parameter Baseline Scenario 1 (Xylitol) Scenario 2 (CA) Scenario 3 (GA)

Bypass to boiler (%) 100% 46% 45% 35%

Feedstock to biorefinery (t/h) 0 61.31 62.4 73.8
Feed to biorefinery (t DM/h) 0 35.1 35.8 42.3
Product (t/h) 0 5.8 14.9 12.6
Product yield on feedstock (%) 0 9.5 24.0 17.2
Excess elec. (kWh) 60 520.0 2304.8 7970.0 11415.3

Table 4 determined from reported costs (Humbird, 2011). Eq. (4) was used to
Capital investment for biorefinery scenarios by plant section ($ million) for the calculate the installed equipment cost from the bare modules cost re-
year of study 2016. ported in literature. Eq. (5) was used to obtain the equipment cost for
Scenarios Baseline 1 Xylitol 2 Citric acid 3 Glutamic the desired capacity (C2). The installed cost (C1) was multiplied by the
acid value of the new capacity (S2) over the reported capacity (S1), subject to
the sizing exponent (n). The installed equipment cost was then scaled to
Bypass to CHP plant (% total 100% 46% 45% 35%
the desired time value (i.e. present day) using the chemical engineering
raw feed)
Process Area (Installed cost) cost price index (CEPCI) values in Eq. (6). The sizing exponents, in-
100: Pretreatment – $9.28 $8.95 $13.01 stallation factors and CEPCI values used are provided in the Supple-
200: Detoxification/ – $4.96 $23.92 $28.90 mentary information.
enzymatic hydrolysis
300: Reaction/Fermentation – $20.79 $33.39 $35.14 Cbare = a + bS n (3)
400: Purification – $3.89 $1.23 $16.01
500: CHP $73.48 $69.43 $78.71 $81.89 Cinstall = C(e) × Finstall (4)
600: WWT – $11.35 $38.79 $39.27
700: Seed Train – – $3.65 $7.71 S2
Cinstall = C1 ×
PBL Total $0.0 $38.92 $71.14 $100.77 S1 (5)
800: Storage (5% of PBL) – $1.95 $3.56 $5.04
900: Utilities (6.5 % of PBL) – $2.53 $4.62 $6.55
Total Equipment Cost $77.44 $124.18 $196.83 $233.51 Cnew = Cinstall ×
Warehouse (4% of PBL) – $1.56 $2.85 $4.03 CEPCIinstall (6)
Site Development (9 % of – $3.50 $6.40 $9.07
PBL) Variable consumable operating costs for the investigated scenarios
Additional Piping (4.5 % of – $1.75 $3.20 $4.53 (1–3) are provided in Table 1. Capital and operating costs were used as
PBL) input values into a cumulative discounted cash flow sheet model.
Total Direct Costs (TDC) $0.0 $130.99 $209.28 $251.15 Economic assumptions for major cash flow parameters for the present
Total Indirect Costs (0.6 x $46.47 $78.59 $125.57 $150.69
work are shown in Table 2. The profitability is assessed over a 25 year
Fixed Capital Investment $123.9 $209.58 $334.84 $401.83 project lifespan for an assumed yearly operating time of 9 out of 12
(FCI) months (6480 h) corresponding to typical sugarcane growing-harvest
Working Capital (WC) = 5% $6.2 $10.48 $16.74 $20.09 cycle (Ali Mandegari et al., 2017b; Farzad et al., 2015).
of FCI
Total Capital Investment $130.11 $220.06 $351.59 $421.93
(TCI) 3. Results and discussion

3.1. Mass and energy balances

glucose remained (Nakazawa et al., 1996). The product slurry was then
passed through microfiltration to separate cell biomass, a part of which Mass and energy balances for each scenario are summarised in
was recycled back to the fermenters (Pal et al., 2016, 2015). Thereafter Table 3. Biomass bypasses to the CHP plant boiler of 46%, 45% and
permeate was fed through two nanofiltration modules to remove mi- 35% were obtained for the xylitol-electricity, citric acid-electricity and
neral ions and recover any residual glucose and rejected GA. The re- glutamic acid-electricity in Scenarios 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The xy-
sulting GA-rich retentate exiting the second nanofiltration module litol biorefinery in Scenario 1 had the lowest product rate, 5.8 t/h,
achieved a product concentration of 175 g GA/L and was sent to crys- compared to Scenarios 2 and 3 with products rates of 14.9 t/h CA and
tallisation and vacuum drying to remove any moisture for a 98 wt.% 12.6 t/h GA, respectively.
purity before being packaged for distribution (Pal et al., 2016, 2015). The low xylitol product rate could be attributed to the composition
of lignocellulose. Xylitol is produced from xylose which forms part of
the hemicellulose fraction of lignocellulose and makes up 26.4–28.6%
2.4. Economic assessment of the lignocellulose (Petersen et al., 2014). In contrast, citric acid and
glutamic acid are produced from glucose which is derived from parts of
The mass and energy data from the biorefinery scenarios was used the xylan as well as the cellulose fraction, which makes up 39.8–41.1 wt
to size equipment and determine the capital costs using design heur- % of the biomass (Petersen et al., 2014). As a result, the overall yield of
istics (Towler and Sinnott, 2008). The bare module equipment cost bioproduct per ton sugarcane bagasse and trash biomass was lower for
(Cbare) was calculated from equipment-specific sizing parameters (a,b xylitol production at 9.5%, compared to 24.0% and 17.2% for CA and
and n) using Eq. (3)(Towler and Sinnott, 2008). The installed cost GA, respectively (Table 3).
(Cinstall) was then calculated from the bare module equipment cost, by Although a single pretreatment method was selected and used for
taking the installation, labour and material of construction into ac- both the xylose (Scenario 1) and glucose based products (Scenario 2
count, represented as the installation factor (Finstall) in Eq. (4). and 3) to allow comparability, it should be noted that the bioproduct
Alternatively, previous costs reported in literature were used to processes could be improved by selecting a more suitable pretreatment
determine the bare modules or installed cost. The cost of the enzymatic method per biorefinery scenario. A highly severe pretreatment method
hydrolysis reactor, CHP boiler as well as the CEST turbines were (i.e. high temperature, residence time and acid concentration) causes

H.M.R. Özüdoğru, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 133 (2019) 259–268

Fig. 2. Capital installed cost distribution displayed by equipment type as a percentage of total installed cost.

increased enzymatic digestibility of the lignocelluloses, but is accom- electricity consumption.

panied by high sugar degradation and production of inhibitors
(Mokomele et al., 2018). Conversely, a less severe pretreatment method 3.2. Economic assessment
may result in low enzymatic digestibility with low sugar degradation
and little to no inhibitor formation. Therefore the xylose yield can be The capital costs are broken down by plant section and provided in
maximised, and the pretreatment inhibitors produced minimised, for Table 4. The capital costs distribution, based on the type of equipment,
Scenario 1 by using a less severe pretreatment method (Benjamin, is shown in Fig. 2. The process battery limit (PBL) includes the new
2014). Similarly, a more severe pretreatment method could be used in infrastructure biorefinery costs, for plant areas 100-400. Additional
Scenarios 2 and 3 to increase the enzymatic digestibility for more ef- costs such as warehouse (4% of PBL), site development (9% of PBL) and
ficient enzymatic hydrolysis and thus higher glucose yields. These additional piping (4.5% of PBL) were added as a fraction of the PBL to
higher sugar yields may increase the bioproduct formation and thus account for new infrastructure associated with the new biorefinery
bioproduct yield per ton of feedstock fed to the biorefinery, which will plant areas (Görgens et al., 2016).
have a positive economic impact.
The total production rate of Scenario 1 can be further improved by 3.2.1. Capital and operating expenses
integrating xylitol production with a bio-product produced from the The most significant differences between the scenarios’ installed
cellulignin fraction, such as biofuel production (Ali Mandegari et al., equipment costs are seen for plant areas 400 (purification), 500 (CHP
2017a Ali Mandegari et al., 2017a) or combined with the citric acid or plant) and 600 (waste water treatment). In Scenario 3 the recycle of
glutamic acid process in a multiproduct plant biorefinery. However, biomass cells and a sugar and nutrient rich stream to the fermentation
combining the processes may have a detrimental impact on the bypass area results in a diluted glutamic acid fermenter feed stream and a
rate, since less pretreatment waste (cellulignin) will be available as lower product titre. Consequently, the purification area 400 is more
boiler feed and the additional processing equipment will further in- expensive, at $16.01 million, compared to $3.89 million for xylitol
crease the energy requirements. purification in Scenario 1 and $1.23 million for citric acid purification
Scenario 1 had low sellable electricity (2.3 MW h) when compared in Scenario 2.
to the other two scenarios with 8–11.4 MW h (Table 3). This difference The cost difference for plant area 500 between scenarios are due to
was mainly due to the type of equipment used in the purification area of their different bypass rate. An increasing bypass rate means that the
the xylitol biorefinery. The evaporation step accounted for 55.4% amount of lignocellulose diverted to the CHP increased. This affected
(55.4 t/h) of the total steam requirement and the crystallisation and the cost distribution because the installed capital costs for the CHP
drying steps resulted in high electricity requirements, which accounted plant (boiler, turbines and air blowers) increased while the biorefinery
for 79% (6480 kW) of the total electricity required, compared to 2 kW costs (reactor equipment, heating and cooling and filtration costs) de-
and 171 kW required for the total purification areas (400) of Scenario 2 creased. This area contributed 57.6%, 46.2% and 36.9% for Scenarios
and 3, respectively. 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
In contrast, the process technology used for GA purification in Finally, the cost difference in the WWT plant area 600 was due to
Scenario 3 had a positive impact on both the sellable electricity avail- the type of waste streams treated in the different scenarios. The addi-
able (increased to 11.4 MW h shown in Table 3) and bypass rate (lower tional hemicellulose waste streams increased the volumetric feed rate to
than other scenarios) due to the low energy requirements. Membrane the WWT for Scenarios 2 and 3, which increased the equipment size and
integrated reactor systems were used instead of traditional product thus equipment costs to almost four times that of the WWT in Scenario
recovery and purification methods, such as ion exchange, crystallisation 1.
and drying. Utilising membrane integrated reactor systems reduced the The variable operating expenses, distributed by plant section and
number of purification steps and process units required, resulting in low individual chemical cost distributions for the investigated scenarios, are

H.M.R. Özüdoğru, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 133 (2019) 259–268

Fig. 3. Operating cost distribution for biorefineries by plant section and cost type. Scenario (1): xylitol + electricity, (2): citric acid + electricity, (3): glutamic
acid + electricity.

shown in Fig. 3. For Scenario 1 the catalytic reactor, detoxification and Raney-Ni catalyst, contributing to 36% of the variable operating costs.
pretreatment plant areas contributed most to the total variable oper- If hydrogen was produced onsite via hydrolysis or charcoal gasification,
ating costs of $75.8 million, with $26.9, $23.6 and $16.4 million, re- rather than being bought off-site for catalytic hydrogenation of xylose,
spectively. More specifically, the costs in the reaction section (area 300) the variable operating costs could be reduced, albeit at a higher capital
were high due to the relatively high cost of hydrogen gas and the cost.

H.M.R. Özüdoğru, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 133 (2019) 259–268

Table 5
Economic Feasibility Summary (prices in $ million).
Biorefinery TCI TOC Total Sales IRR (%) NPV

Scenario 1: Xylitol (46% bypass) $220.1 $79.3 116.2 12.3 $ 39.9

Scenario 2: Citric Acid (45% bypass) $351.6 $60.0 71.3 n/a −273.2
Scenario 3: Glutamic Acid (35% bypass) $421.9 $109.1 $302.7 31.2 $866.5
Baseline scenario: CHP $130.1 $13.2 $31.4 10.3 $6.1

For Scenario 2 the major operating cost contributors were the profitable. While elements of the CA process are technically mature
amine-alcohol solvent used during solvent extraction (SE, 28%), the off- (fermentation and downstream processing) which contributes to a high
site enzyme dosing costs (18%) and the raw feedstock costs (14%), yield (24%, Table 3) the investigated process is not economically vi-
contributing 60% of total $55.5 million variable costs. For Scenario 3 able. Additional costs are required for process such as pretreament,
the highest costs were for the enzymatic hydrolysis, fermentation and detoxification and a CHP which can outweigh the advantages.
pretreatment sections (area 200, 300 and 100, respectively). The
highest operating costs were the cost of enzymes, ammonia and raw 4. Conclusions
feedstock costs which collectively contributed 75% towards total vari-
able operating costs of $100.9 million. Purification costs were sub- Valorisation of lignocellulosic sugarcane bagasse and trash in bior-
stantially lower for GA production than those for xylitol and CA pro- efineries annexed to existing sugar mills is a promising means of im-
duction, due to the micro- and nano-filtration modules used during proving the profitability of the South African sugar milling industry.
purification due to reduced chemical costs. While it may seem logical to amend existing processes to make more
effective use of the waste it can be seen that the effectiveness of this
approach varies depending on the choice of product and process
3.2.2. Scenario profitability choices.
Scenarios 1 and 3 were found to be profitable with an IRR of more Producing xylitol (Scenario 1) or glutamic acid (Scenario 3) in
than the hurdle rate, 9.7%, resulting in a positive NPV. The highest IRR conjunction with electricity proved to be more profitable (IRR’s of
of 31.2% was achieved for glutamic acid production in Scenario 3, and 12.3% and 31.2% respectively) than combustion of lignocellulose in a
the least profitable scenario was CA production with a NPV of -273.2 standalone CHP plant (IRR of 10.3%). Citric acid and electricity co-
million $. The baseline CHP plant scenario was only marginally prof- production (Scenario 2) was not profitable. Xylitol and Glutamic acid
itable with an IRR of 10.3% have much higher selling prices than citric acid, at 3000 $/t and 3265
Although Scenario 3 has the highest IRR (31.2%) and largest NPV $/t, respectively, compared to 680 $/t for citric acid. Therefore the
($866.5 million) of all the scenarios, it also has the largest TCI and TOC, production of citric acid (a low value chemical) could be integrated
which may be detrimental if low capital expenditure is a desired in- with xylitol production (a higher value chemical), since these two
vestment criteria. Moreover, the technical maturity is low due to the bioproducts utilise different sugar fractions obtained from pretreated
novel purification process of micro- and nanofiltration used in the sugarcane lignocelluloses.
purification step thus increasing the risk of investment. The xylitol Xylitol production could also be integrated with any other biopro-
biorefinery in Scenario 1 may be deemed more desirable, with an IRR of duct, such as ethanol biobutanol or lignin, to increase the scenario’s
12.3%, but with a TCI at less than half that of Scenario 3 ($421.9 profitability even further. To this end, the valorisation of sugarcane
million) at $220.1 million. bagasse and trash for the production of glutamic acid with electricity
Although the baseline is technically mature, due to well established may result in a profitable biorefinery scenario, with an IRR of 31.2%, to
processes, with low capital expenditure (Table 5), the IRR of 10.3 is too ensure the economic competitiveness of the SA sugar industry.
close to the hurdle rate of 9.7% and is therefore not seen as a viable
investment option. Acknowledgements
Scenario 2 was not profitable at a selling price of 680 $/t, with a
NPV of −273.2 million $ (Table 5). This could be improved by im- This work is based on research financially supported by the National
plementing a simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) Research Foundation (NRF) and the Sector Innovation Fund of the
strategy, where improved titre (136.3 g/L) and yield (74.9%) were Department of Science and Technology (DST). The authors acknowl-
obtained by Hou and Bao (2018), and the proposed cellulosic bior- edge that opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations ex-
efinery was profitable for a citric acid selling price above 603 $/t (Hou pressed are those of the author and that the NRF and DST accept no
and Bao, 2018). The SSF strategy was also found to result in the most liability whatsoever in this regard. The authors gratefully acknowledge
favourable economic outcome for the production of biobutanol from Aspen Technology Inc. for provision of the Aspen Plus®, a registered
sugarcane lignocellulose, with an IRR of 15% (Haigh et al., 2018). trademark of Aspen Technology Inc., for the academic licences used.
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xylitol production with ethanol production for improved profitability. Appendix A. Supplementary data
The co-production of xylitol and ethanol from sugarcane bagasse
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ethanol production (Unrean and Ketsub, 2018), which has an IRR of online version, at doi:
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