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Webinar - Maximizing The Capabilities of Internet Explorer For Embedded in Windows Embedded Compact 7

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Maximizing Internet Explorer in

Windows Embedded Compact 7

Douglas Boling
Boling Consulting Inc.
About Douglas Boling
• Independent consultant specializing in Windows Mobile and
Windows Embedded Compact (Windows CE)
– On-Site Instruction
– Consulting and Development

• Author
– Programming Embedded Windows CE
• Fourth Edition
• Internet Explorer for Embedded Basics

• Tuning IE for Embedded

• Skinning IE for Embedded

• Embedding IE for Embedded

Internet Explorer for Embedded
• New Internet Explorer
– Based on IE 7
– Some performance updates from IE 8 added
• JScript engine from IE 8 400% faster

• Flash 10.1 renderer shipped with OS

• Gesture support
– Pinch to zoom
– Swipe to pan
Internet Explorer for Embedded
• Extensive performance work on page display
– Quicker rendering
– Quick gesture response
– Significantly faster JScript engine

• Two sample browser applications

– Classic IESample
– XAML skin version
Configuring the Browser
• Most of the browser functionality provided by rendering

• Can be configured in a variety of ways

– Registry
• Huge number of settings in the registry

– Extension DLLs
• Help with performance and how controls are rendered
User Agent String
• In WEC 7 User agent string is set
– "Platform"="Windows Phone OS 7.0; Trident/3.1; IEMobile/7.0“

• CE 6 allowed User Agent to be set in Control Panel

– Standard Inet control panel applet doesn’t allow this in WEC 7

• Need to change user agent string to avoid “Mobile” rendering

– "Platform"="Windows NT 6.1“

• Look under key

– [HKLM]\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet
Settings\5.0\User Agent
Basic Configuration
• [HKLM]\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\...

• Basic home and search page settings

IE Feature Control
• [HKLM]\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\...

• Restrictions on the
functionality of IE

• Restrictions are same as

the desktop

• May want to disable

– On secure web sites
IE Feature Control

• To disable restriction, set application name value to 0

• If application name not present, security default values used

Default Pages
• [HKLM]\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\...

• Currently set to resources in IEFrame and mshtml DLLs

Renderer Performance
• Internet Explorer renderer and Silverlight for Embedded use
the same acceleration plug in
– Allows hardware acceleration of rendering

• Enable in registry
– [HKCU]\Software\Microsoft\InternetExplorer\Gesture
• ICSRenderMethod Set to 1 to use plug in, 0 for GDI
• ICSRenderPlugin Set to name of plug in DLL
– IcsRendererDDraw.dll
– IcsRendererOpenGL.dll

• Not set by default in registry

Learning from the Internet Explorer Examples
• There are three different examples using the browser
– IESample Classic example
– IEEXR XAML skinned example
– HTMLHelp Help application that uses browser

• One was removed from WEC 7

– IESimple HTMLHelp almost as simple

• Lots more code in \wince700\public\ie7

– Know the code!
Public IE Sample Code
• \Wince700\public\ie7\oak
– Htmlhelp Simple app that uses browser control
– IEexr XAML skinned browser
– IESmaple Classic browser example
– IETheme Skins renderer buttons, scroll bars and such
– IEThmxp Resources to skin like XP
– Inetcpl IE Control panel code
– Inetcpl_exr XAML skinned IE control panel
– UrlmonUI Allows interception of URLMon dialogs
– WinInetUI Allows interception of WinInet dialogs
• Classic IE browser sample in WE Compact
– Standard Win UI look and feel
– Code in C++ using Win32 and COM interfaces

• Supports
– Autocomplete text in the navigation edit box
– Back / Forward navigation
– Favorites
– Two user interfaces
• Standard UI
• “Pocket IE” UI
IE 7 with Silverlight
• IE browser with XAML-based chrome
– XAML driven UI
– Loads IE browser window and communicates via COM

• Supports
– Back Forward navigation
– Favorites
– Multiple screens using ‘thumbnails’
– Zoom
Learning from IE 7 with Silverlight
• Frankly, a better demonstration of Silverlight than using IE

• Doesn’t used WEST auto generated code

• Does provide additional example code

– For example, code that can zoom the browser control
Skinning IE
• Replacing Dialog Boxes and Message Boxes
– WinINetUI

• Two entry points

– IsDialogBoxHandled Provides reason code for dialog
– IsMessageBoxHandled Provides text for content and title

• Return code indicates action

– ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Display default dialog/msg box
Changing Look and Feel of HTML Controls
• IETheme DLL provides controls for HTML renderer
– Button
– Scroll Bar
– List Box
– Combo Box
– Edit Box

• Unfortunately, current implementation doesn’t allow

overriding of full screen list picker
Embedding IE Control in an App
Embedding IE
• The HTML renderer is an ActiveX control with COM interfaces

• It can be instantiated like any other COM control

• IESimple Example removed from WEC 7

– HTMLHelp is simplest current example of using browser control
– Find IESimple in Windows Embedded CE 6 if possible

• The control has a vast array of COM interfaces

– Fortunately, same interfaces as the desktop
Things a Hosting App Must Do
• Stack size
– The thread creating the browser window must have a larger stack
• Proper size is in the registry
• At least 128KB

– In all the examples, each browser window gets its own thread

– Beware the cross threading impacts for Win32 code

• Initializing COM
– The browser is a COM object
Things a Hosting App Must Do
• Declare a series of GUIDs
– There are a series of GUIDs that are not defined in the standard
include files with the SDK. These can be found in the examples

Fielding Events
• All examples show browser window as C++ class derived from
a set of classes
– IOleContainer,
– IOleClientSite,
– IOleInPlaceSite,
– IServiceProvider,
– DWebBrowserEvents2,
– IDocHostUIHandler,
– IDocHostShowUI,
– IHTMLOMWindowServices
• Implementation very basic
• There are two “zooms”

• Text zoom provides scaling for the fonts


• Browser zoom provides pan/zoom familiar with mobile users

• Don’t be afraid to utilize the powerful Browser

• Always implement hardware acceleration of possible

– Not enabled by default

• Tune IE
– User Agent string
– Security settings
– Dialog box interception

• Use the Source!

– The example code *is* the documentation

Doug Boling
Boling Consulting Inc.
dboling @
Microsoft Corporation.
Corporation. AllAll rights
rights reserved.
reserved. ThisThis presentation
presentation is for informational
is for informational purposespurposes only.makes
only. Microsoft Microsoft makes noexpress
no warranties, warranties, express
or implied, or summary.
in this implied, in
this summary.

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