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<Online Freelance Marketplace>

Software Requirements Specification

Version 1.0

Group Id :< F18023B483 (BS140401445)>

Supervisor Name :< Rehan Ahmad>

Revision History

Date (12/12/2018) Version Description Author

12/12/2018 1.0 The proposed Web based application BS140401445
is required for all Online Freelance
Marketplace. A freelance services
marketplace is an online platform
where businesses can find and hire
individual contractors to do some
work remotely.
Table of Contents

1. Scope (of the project)

2. Functional Requirements Non Functional requirements

3. Use Case Diagram

4. Usage Scenarios

5. Adopted Methodology

6. Work Plan (Use MS Project to create Schedule/Work Plan)

SRS Document

Scope of Project:

Online freelance marketplace is a web portal on which freelancers and

employers interacts with each other. In this platform an employer usually
posts a project and many freelancers bid on that project; the employer after
reviewing the bids then awards the project to a specific freelancer with most
efficient bid. In this way the employer gets his job done and the freelancer
earns money. Examples of such platforms are, etc.

On other hand platforms like allows a freelancer to sell his

services without indulging in bidding.

This project aims to develop a freelance marketplace where not only an

employer could post a project for bidding but a freelancer could also offer
his/her services for buyers.

Functional and non-Functional Requirements:

Functional Requirements:

Following are the key functional requirements of proposed Project:

1. Sign In and User Registration

There will be four categories of Website users:

 Visitor (Unregistered User)
 Employer
 Freelancer
 Administrator (Admin)

Visitor will be able to just see the available projects and bids on
the website.
Employer will have the privileges to Post jobs, Review bids,
Award projects and other project related tasks on the website.
Freelancer will have the rights of biding on a Project, checking
bidding status; submitting the Project files to employer and
performing other Project related tasks.
Administrator will be the user having all the rights of website.
Admin will also approve the registration requests from users.
There will be Sign In interface for registered users and Sign Up
interface for unregistered users to register on the website as
Employer and Freelancer.
2. User management (Approving/rejecting user registration requests)
3. User authentication (Conformation link shall be sent on user’s email
address provided while registration)
4. Employer Dashboard (proper interfaces for managing employer
related tasks)
5. Freelancer Dashboard (proper interfaces for managing freelancer
related tasks)
6. Freelancer service selling interface

7. Job/Projects Management for employer

a. Using this interface the employer could:
i. Post jobs
ii. Review bids
iii. Award projects
iv. Open Project Message Board
v. Collect project related files
vi. Provide Project related information to Freelancer
vii. Other Project related tasks
8. Job/Projects Management for freelancer
b. Using this interface a freelancer could:
i. Bid on a Project
ii. Check bidding status
iii. Reply on a Project Message
iv. Submit the Project files to employer
v. Other Project related tasks

9. Admin Interface (An interface for the management of all admin

related tasks)
10.An interface to check earning for a freelancer
11.An interface to check spending for an employer
12.Project search interface for freelancer
13.Services search interface for employer

Non-Functional Requirements:

Performance requirements concern the speed of operation of a system.
The non-functional requirements should identify those software functions
that have constraint on their performance.

Maintainability requirements may cover diverse levels of documentation,
such as system documentation, as well as test documentation, e.g. which test
cases and test plans will accompany the system.
It is an easy way for a user to learn to operate. It is well-formed GUI.

Portability specifies the ease with which the software can be installed on all necessary
platforms, and the platforms on which it is expected to run.

Reliability is the ability of a system to perform its required functions under specific
period of time
Use Case Diagram(s):
Usage Scenarios:

1. Assign Task

Assign task
Use Case Title

Use Case Id 001

Actor Employ
action Employ assign new task.
Description 1. Employ click on assign task button.
2. System ask related information to task.
3. After submit form task added successfully.
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition Assign task is not added.
Post- Assign task added successfully.
Author BS140401445

2. File Share
File share
Use Case Title
Use Case Id 002

Actor Employ
action Employ all type of share file.
Description 1. Employ click on file share button.
2. System ask related information to file.
3. After submit form file share added successfully.
4. This use case end.

Pre-condition File share is not added.

Post- File share added successfully.
Author BS140401445

3. Post Project

Post project
Use Case Title

Use Case Id 003

Actor Employ
action Employ post all type of project.
Description 1. Employ click post project button.
2. System ask related information to project.
3. After submit form project added successfully.
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition Post project is not added.
Post- Post project added successfully.
Author BS140401445
4. Check Bids

Check bids
Use Case Title

Use Case Id 004

Actor Employ
action Employ check all type of bids.
Description 1. Employ click check bids button.
2. System ask related information to bids.
3. After submit form bid added successfully.
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition Check bids is not added.
Post- Check bids added successfully.
Author BS140401445

5. Review Bids
Review bids
Use Case Title

Use Case Id 005

Actor Employ
action Employ review all type of bids.
Description 1. Employ click review bids button.
2. System ask related information to review bids.
3. After submit form review bids added
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition Review bids is not added.
Post- Review bids added successfully.
Author BS140401445

6. View Profile Freelance

View profile freelance

Use Case Title

Use Case Id 006

Actor Employ
action Employ view all type of profile.
Description 1. Employ click profile button.
2. System ask related information to profile.
3. After submit form profile added successfully.
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition View profile freelance is not added.
Post- View profile freelance added successfully.
Author BS140401445

7. Payment

Use Case Title

Use Case Id 007

Actor Employ
action Employ manage all type of payments.
Description 1. Employ click payment button.
2. System ask related information to payment.
3. After submit form payment added successfully.
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition Payment is not added.
Post- Payment added successfully.
Author BS140401445

8. Assign Project

Assign project
Use Case Title

Use Case Id 008

Actor Employ
action Employ assig all type of project.
Description 1. Employ click assign project button.
2. System ask related information to assign project.
3. After submit form assign project added
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition Assign project is not added.
Post- Assign project added successfully.
Author BS140401445

9. Massaging
Use Case Title

Use Case Id 009

Actor Employ/freelancer
action Employ/freelancer send and receive massage.
Description 1. Employ click massage button.
2. System ask related information to massage.
3. After submit form massage added successfully.
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition Massaging is not added.
Post- Massaging added successfully.
Author BS140401445

10. Rank Freelance

Rank freelance
Use Case Title

Use Case Id 0010

Actor Employ
action Employ check of rank in freelance.
Description 1. Employ click rank button.
2. System ask related information to rank.
3. After submit form rank added successfully.
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition Rank freelance is not added.
Post- Rank freelance added successfully.
Author BS140401445

11. Login
Use Case Title

Use Case Id 0011

Actor Employ/freelance/admin/visitor
action Employ/freelance/admin/visitor login.
Description 1. Employ/freelance/admin/visitor click login
2. System ask related information to login.
3. After submit form login added successfully.
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition Login is not added.
Post- Login added successfully.
Author BS140401445

12. Logout

Use Case Title

Use Case Id 0012

Actor Employ/freelance/admin/visitor
action Employ/freelance/admin/visitor logout.
Description 1. Employ/freelance/admin/visitor click logout
2. System ask related information to logout.
3. After submit form logout added successfully.
4. This use case end.

Pre-condition Logout is not added.

Post- Logout added successfully.
Author BS140401445

13. Bid On Project

Bid on project
Use Case Title

Use Case Id 0013

Actor Freelancer
action Freelancer check all bid on project.
Description 1. Freelancer click bid on project button.
2. System ask related information to bid on project.
3. After submit form project added successfully.
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition Bid on project is not added.
Post- Bid on project added successfully.
Author BS140401445

14. Register

Use Case Title

Use Case Id 0013

Actor Freelancer/employ/visitor
action Freelancer/employ/visitor register first.
Description 1. Freelancer click register button.
2. System ask related information to him/herself.
3. After submit form register added successfully.
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition Register is not added.
Post- Register added successfully.
Author BS140401445

15. Payment Verification

Payment verification
Use Case Title

Use Case Id 0015

Actor Freelancer
action Freelancer verify payment.
Description 1. Freelancer click payment verified button.
2. System ask related information to payment.
3. After submit form payment added successfully.
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition Payment verification is not added.
Post- Payment verification added successfully.
Author BS140401445

16. View Project

View project
Use Case Title

Use Case Id 0016

Actor Freelancer/visitor
action Freelancer/visitor view all type of project.
Description 1. Freelancer click view project button.
2. System ask related information of project.
3. After submit form project added successfully.
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition View project is not added.
Post- View project added successfully.
Author BS140401445

17. View Bid Status

View bid status

Use Case Title

Use Case Id 0017

Actor Freelancer
action Freelancer view all type of bid status.
Description 1. Freelancer click bid status button.
2. System ask related information to bid status.
3. After submit form bid status added successfully.
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition View bid status is not added.
Post- View bid status added successfully.
Author BS140401445

18. Deliver Project

Deliver project
Use Case Title

Use Case Id 0018

Actor Freelancer
action Freelancer deliver all type of project.
Description 1. Freelancer click deliver project button.
2. System ask related information to deliver project.
3. After submit form project added successfully.
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition Deliver project is not added.
Post- Deliver project added successfully.
Author BS140401445

19. View Task

View task
Use Case Title

Use Case Id 0019

Actor Freelancer
action Freelancer view all task.
Description 1. Freelancer click view task button.
2. System ask related information to view task.
3. After submit form view task added successfully.
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition View task is not added.
Post- View task added successfully.
Author BS140401445

20. Approved Registration

Use Case Title Approved registration

Use Case Id 0020

Actor Admin
action Admin approved all registration.
Description 1. Admin click approve registration button.
2. System ask related information to approve
3. After submit form approve registration added
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition Approved registration is not added.
Post- Approved registration added successfully.
Author BS140401445
21. View Authentication

Use Case Title View authentication

Use Case Id 0021

Actor Admin
action Admin view authentication.
Description 1. Admin click view authentication button.
2. System ask related information to view
3. After submit form authentication added
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition View authentication is not added.
Post- View authentication added successfully.
Author BS140401445

22. Freelance Dashboard

Use Case Title Employ /Freelance dashboard

Use Case Id 0022

Actor Admin
action Admin check employ/freelance dashboard.
Description 1. Admin click dashboard button.
2. System ask related information to dashboard.
3. After submit form dashboard added successfully.
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition Freelance/employ dashboard is not added.
Post- Freelance/employ dashboard added successfully.
Author BS140401445
23. View Earning
Use Case Title View earning

Use Case Id 0023

Actor Admin
action Admin view all type of earning.
Description 1. Admin click earning button.
2. System ask related information to view earning.
3. After submit form view earning registration
added successfully.
4. This use case end.
Pre-condition View earning is not added.
Post- View earning added successfully.
Author BS140401445

Adopted Methodology

In my project “Online solution for Research Proposal writing and

submission” I have chosen the methodology for developing this project is
waterfall and spiral model. Because these methodologies have more
advantages and very less disadvantages.
Reasons for choosing the Methodology:

This Methodology is very straight forward and easy to understand. By this
Methodology a person can easily understand what to do.

Implementation Phase:
Project can move quickly to the implementation phase because of this adopted

Significant and Reliability:

Does work for certain problem domains, notably those where the requirements
are well understand in advance and unlikely to changes significantly over the
course of development, and where reliability of final product is critical. This
assumes you have the resources i.e. Time and People, to do it properly.

Control Requirement Issues:

By choosing this methodology we are not require all project resources at the
beginning of the project. At for as we go the requirement needs step by step.

Reduce Complexity:
This methodology reduces the complexity of the project. At initial state when
we start the project and not have any idea about this project then these
methodologies allow for a very complex project with incomplete initial
understanding of requirement since development is done in small, spiral
phases where each phase consists of requirements, risks analysis, and design.

Communicational way between developer and customer:

Their methods in a growth of developing oscillate between manufacturer and
Clint. It establishes effective communication between developer and
customer. Through this the developer can easily understand what customer
want and can judge the customer’s requirements.

Through these capabilities of Methodology that provide the working schedule
and inform us the definition of resources, timelines and other project related

Reduce Insufficient Involvement:

It assesses both technical and management risks, it control the insufficient
user involvement leads to unaccepted product. If inputs from different types
of users are not taken, the output is bound to lack in key functional areas,
resulting in an unacceptable product. Overlooking the needs of certain user
classes leads to dissatisfaction of customers.

Ability to fulfill Requirements:

It chases the requirement of the software. During any stage of developing
software if any new requirement comes then this methodology provides us the
facility to full it. It builds one or more representations of the application.
Creeping user requirements contribute to overruns and degrade product
quality. Requirement creep is one of the most significant factors in budget and
time overruns. It basically means identifying and adding new requirements to
the list at some advanced stages of the software development process.

Prototyping and Feedback Evaluation:

It reduces the dissatisfaction of the customer and provides the concept of
better satisfaction idea for the customer. It captures the idea for user’s vision
of the product and get early feedback from user to ensure that the development
team understands requirements. It obtains costumers feedback based on
evaluation of the software representations created during the engineering
stage and implemented during the installation stage.

Work Plan (Use MS Project to create Schedule/Work Plan)

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