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Oil & Gas

Now including LNG

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Upstream oil and gas training specialists

Shortlisted for Energy Institute

Communications award Proud winners of the IHS Spectrum Excellence Award

are upstream oil and gas

training specialists with
offices in the UK and Australia and training facilities throughout
the EMEA/APAC regions, see back cover for locations.
Esanda delivers upstream professional development training
courses, workshops and coaching/mentoring services
throughout the world by a core team of industry experts, each
with over 20 years’ experience.
We cover the gamut of upstream industry topics; from
geology, to financial and accounting, see course list for details.
Our training programmes run from specialist breakfast
sessions to Masters level courses as well as graduate training
programmes of up to 9 months duration.

Esanda Training Course List
Petroleum Chemistry
A Brief Oil and Gas History
LNG History
Some Useful Conversions
SPE Petroleum Reserves Categorisation

Esanda Course Offerings Esanda Training Course List

For open course program visit Introductory and Cross Discipline
Introduction to Oil and Gas Exploration and Production
Bespoke courses for NOCs
Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production
and IOCs
Unconventional Oil and Gas Developments Overview
Capacity building programmes Fundamentals of LNG and the Value Chain
Upstream Familiarisation for Administration Staff
Graduate training programmes
Introduction to Petroleum Engineering
Masters level courses in Energy Introduction to Data Management
Management Arc GIS - Introduction
Coaching/mentoring programs Arc GIS - Advanced

Economics, Financial, Commercial

Unique Selling Points & Accounting
Core team of experienced trainers A View of Where the Oil and Gas Industry is Heading
Designing a Corporate Strategy and Assessing it’s Effectiveness
Internally develop training Introduction to International Petroleum Economics
programmes Petroleum Economics
Enter into long term relationships Petroleum Economics and Risk Analysis
with clients by providing ongoing Decision Making in the Upstream Oil and Gas Sector
coaching/mentoring. Establishing International Joint Venture and Strategic Alliances in
the Oil & Gas Industry
Follow on support to client’s Upstream Oil and Gas Production Forecasting and Economics
specific needs through our trainer’s New Ventures Management
practical industry experience International Oil & Gas Joint Operating and Profit Sharing
Esanda courses are individually
Accounting in the Oil and Gas Industry – Introduction
accredited by the UK CPD
Accounting in the Oil and Gas Industry – Intermediate
certification service.
Accounting in the Oil and Gas Industry – Advanced
Select courses can be delivered Accounting in the International Oil and Gas Industry
in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Accounting Workshop
Russian, Italian and Greek Financial Management in the Oil and Gas Industry
Financial Statements & Methods of Payment

Training Letter of Credit Opening Methods

Design and Implementation of Computerised Financial Systems
See our training page at Accounting for Upstream Energy & Joint Ventures Authorisation for Expenditures
for details of upcoming courses or Well Costing AFE Development
contact us directly on Budgeting Process for E & P Companies Capital Expenditure and AFE Controls - Intermediate
to enquire or discuss your bespoke Managing in the Current Oil Price Environment
training needs Oil and Gas Contracts and Negotiations
Petroleum Project Analysis and Economics - Advanced
Risk Analysis, Prospect Evaluation and Exploration Economics
Upstream E&P Accounting Intermediate
Well Costing and Cost Control - Advanced

Costing Organic Geochemistry in E&P

Upstream Oil and Gas Development Lifecycle Costing Thermal Modelling Concepts and Guidlines

Cost Engineering
IHS QUE$TOR Oil and Gas Cost Analysis – IHS Specialist
Course Introduction to Petroleum Geophysics

Strategic Opex Management Fundamentals of Petroleum Geophysics

Seismic Interpretation and Petroleum Geology
Geology AVO and Seismic Inversion
Petroleum Exploration Seismic Introduction
Petroleum Geology Seismic Interpretation
Petroleum Geology, Exploration, Risking and Economics Seismic Acquisition and Processing
Play Assessment and Prospect Evaluation Seismic Interpretation - Practical
Structural Geology Potential Field and SCEM applied to Hydrocarbon Exploration
Fundamentals of Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Seismic Interpretation on Workstation
Fundamentals of Global Tectonics Integrated Seismic Interpretation in the Field
Fundamentals of Petroleum Geology (with and without Field Mapping and Depth Conversion
Fundamentals of Seismic Interpretation
Basin Evaluation
Cased Hole Logging and Formation Evaluation
Practical Techniques of Geological Modelling: A Geostatistical
Approach Reflection Seismic Survey
Advanced Structural Geology in the Field
Basic Geoscience
Introduction to Petrophysics
Basic Geodynamics
Sedimentary Petrology
Mapping Techniques
Rock Lab - Thin Sections
Basic Field Geology
Capillarity in Rocks
Clastic Sedimentology and Facies Analysis
Open Hole Log Interpretation
Carbonate Sedimentology and Facies Analysis
Special Core Analysis (SCAL)
Foredeep Migration
Formation Evaluation by Means of Log Analysis
Basin Analysis Workshop: An Integrated Approach
Well Log and Mud Log Analysis
Production Geology
Mud Logging
Sequence Stratigraphy
Basic Well Log Interpretation
Petroleum System Modelling
Well Log Interpretation
Operations Geology
Cased Hole Logging & Production Log Evaluation
Introduction to Dataset Evaluation and Regional Interpretation Fundamentals of Applied Petrophysics
Play Fairway Analysis Advanced Petrophysics
Prospect Generation and Risk Analysis Introduction to Formation Evaluation
GIS and GPS Data Visualisation and Input Cased Hole Formation Evaluation - Advanced
Multidisciplinary Approach in the Field - Walking along a crustal Facies Analysis and Rock Typing
profile across the Sicily Fold and Thrust Belt
Pore Pressure and Well Control
Basic Geology - Northern Apennines - Stratigraphy & Tectonics
Log Analysis Fundamentals
A complex intertwining of palaeographic domains and multiple
thrust belts across the Southern Apennines Shaly-Sand Petrophysics
Deformed Foreland Basins: Migration of Apenninic Foredeep Formation Evaluation and Log Analysis
Through Space and Time Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Petrophysics (NMRP
Well Site Geology Pore Pressure Prediction
Applied Biostratigraphy for Petroleum Systems Integration of Petrophysics and Core Analysis
Applied Stratigraphic Concepts
Carbonate Reservoirs Drilling Engineering
Clastic Sedimentology Wellhead Operations
Geodynamics and Structural Styles in Exploration Well Servicing
Reservoir Characterisation Directional Drilling, Horizontal and Side-tracking
Introduction to Organic Geochemistry Introduction to Drilling & Completions Operations

Drilling Fluids
Reservoir Engineering
Advanced Drilling Technology Basic Reservoir Engineering for Production operations Staff
Primary Cementing Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering
Fishing Operations Reservoir Management
Drilling Methods and Equipment Reservoir Simulation
Well Equipment (Casing, Tubing, Wellhead) Reservoir Model Design
Pumps (Rig/mud pumps, cementing units) Enhanced Oil Recovery
Drilling Calculations Applied Reservoir Engineering
Stuck Pipe Prevention PVT – Properties of Petroleum Fluids
Casing Cementing - Current Leading Practice and New Reservoir Appraisal & Development
Unconventional Integrated Asset modelling
Directional Drilling
Advanced Integrated Asset Modelling
Drilling Fluids and Solids control
Practical Reservoir Simulation, history matching best practices
Fundamentals of Well Control
PVT and EOS modelling workshop
Advanced Well Cementing
Effective Use of Relative Permeability Data
Coil Tubing (CTU) Operations
Reserves Estimation
Nitrogen Engineering for O&G Operations
Well Test Design & Analysis
Damage Control - The Neglected Part of Drilling and Operating
Safely Practical Well Test Interpretation
HPHT Drilling Operations Advanced Well Test Interpretation
Offshore and Deepwater Drilling Operations Digital Core Analysis and its Application to Reservoir
Pore Pressure and Fracture Gradient Prediction
Well Control and Associated Surface Equipment
Field Development Planning
Field Development Planning
Production Engineering Facilities Field Development Planning
Artificial Lift Methods
Marginal Fields’ Development Strategies
Artificial Lift – Well Optimization and Diagnostics
Gas Lift Design, Operation and Optimisation
Oil and Gas Processing and Facilities
Introduction to Integrated Production Modelling
Integrated Production Modelling
Oil and Gas Facilities Fundamentals: Onshore, Offshore, FPSO
Well Performance using NODAL Analysis Techniques and Subsea
Advanced Wellbore modelling Offshore Facilities Fundamentals, Offshore, FPSO and Subsea
Digital Field Setup & Management FPSO Fundamentals
Well Testing Operations Subsea Facilities Fundamentals
Well Production Control and Management Gas Production, Transmission and Storage Overview
Advanced Hydraulic Fracturing Oil Processing
Advanced Stimulation Gas Processing
Stimulation & Sand Management Production Facilities - Design Engineering
Hydraulic Fracturing for Shale Oil & Gas Production Facilities - Process Engineering
Hydraulic Fracture Design and Analysis with 3D Simulators Process and Project Drawings - PDFs, P&IDs and Mechanical
Completions Design for FDP Drawings

Formation Damage Prevention, Remediation, and Control Understanding P&IDs

Matrix and Fracture Acidizing Process Plant Fundamentals

Horizontal Well Completions and Fracturing Surface Production Operations

Production Logging Tools Plant Shutdown, Commissioning and Start-up

Asphaltene, Paraffin and Scale Control Relief Systems

Advanced Sand Control Flare, Blowdown and Pressure Relief Systems

Advanced Well Completions Heat Exchangers

Well Stimulation: Matrix and Fracture Acidising Oil and Gas Process Troubleshooting
Xmas Tree Inspection, Maintenance and Pressure Testing
Water Treatment and Disposal

Chemical Injection - Oil and Gas Process Oilfield Operations Overview

Applied Water Technology in Oil and Gas Production Asset Integrity Management
Corrosion Management in Production/Processing Operation Risk Management
FSRU Project Development and Operation Hazard Awareness and Risk Assessment
Gas Processing and Conditioning Bow-Ties, Barriers and Major Accident Events Accredited by
the Intl. Association of Drilling Contractors (2 day short format,
Means of Personnel Transfer
3 day long format)
Oil Production and Processing Facilities
Advanced Energy Project Management
Onshore Pipelines Design and Construction
Enterprise Risk Management for the Energy Industry
Tanker Familiarisation
Tripod Beta Accident Investigation Course
PMP Exam preparation
Health, Safety and Environment
Information Security Strategy & How to Build It
Xmas Tree and Wellhead Safety
Oil and Gas Field - Internal Audit
Professional Effectiveness
Introduction to Process Safety
Supervisory Skills
Introduction to HSSE Case
Crisis Management
Process Safety Management Techniques
Leadership Skills for Supervisors
HSE in the Workplace
Workplace Communications
HSE in Drilling and Workover
Internal Communications
Safety Audit and Hazards Identification
Communication, Presentation and Persuasion Skills for
Accident and Incident Investigation, Reporting and Engineers and Technical Professionals
Presentation Skills
Behavioural Based Safety
Leadership and Management
HSE in Construction
Team Building
Environmental Awareness and EMS Overview
Web and Intranet Writing
Permit to Work (Control of Work/Safe Systems of Work
Crisis Communication
Hazardous Substances in the Workplace
Writing and Presentation Skills for Engineers and Technical Staff
Introduction to Emergency Management
Health & Safety Representative – Offshore Oil and Gas Downstream
Safe Supervisory Skills Introduction to the Downstream Petroleum Industry
HSSE Basics Introduction to the Petrochemicals Industry
Introduction to Safety Case Introduction to Petroleum Refinery Processing
Introduction to Condensate Fractionation Plant
Project Management Basic Principles of Catalytic Reforming Process, Chemical
and Operations Reactions and Thermodynamics
Plant Readiness Program Catalyst Reforming Parameters
Faultless Start-up Catalytic Reforming Plant Design
Commissioning and Start-up Fundamentals of Petroleum Refinery Equipment Process
Troubleshooting and Process Operations
Gasoline and Diesel Blending for Refiners and Traders
The Turnover and completions program
Storage Tanks
Project Management for Suppliers
Pumps - Design, Application and Operation
Achieving Operational Readiness
Refinery Piping
Scoping Systems and Subsystems for Start-up
Economic Fundamentals of the Petroleum Industry and
Project Management in the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry
Maintenance Management
Water Treatment for Refining and Petrochemical Operations
Shutdown Planning and Optimisation
Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for
CMMS (Computerised Management Maintenance Systems)
Petroleum Refineries
Set Up
Crude Oil Shipping and Tankers
Major Emergency Management

AAV Ambient Air Vaporizer Artificial lift Sucker rod-
ABS American Bureau of Shipping. US-based pumps (nodding donkeys),
classification and standards setting society for shipping gas lift, hydraulic pumps,
including LNG ships, FSRU’s and FLNG and submersible electric
pumps, used to aid
Abandonment End of production, plug and abandon
the production of oil as
wells, dismantle and remove all material and equipment
reservoir pressure declines
Acidising Treatment of reservoir with hydrochloric or
Asphalt Solid petroleum
hydrofluoric acid to improve performance
residue, similar to bitumen,
ACQ Annual Contract Quantity. The annual gas delivery tar and pitch
quantity contracted for during each contract year as
Associated gas Natural
specified in an LNG contract
gas which is dissolved in
AFC Approved For Construction crude oil in the reservoir
and is released as a by- Bbl-Blue Barrel
AFD Approved For Design 42 US gallons
product of oil production.
AFE Approved For Expenditure
In these fields gas
Aggregator collects gas from a group of producers. Do production fluctuates with oil production
not take title to the gas but find markets and negotiate
BAHX Brazed Aluminium Heat Exchanger, also known
prices for a pool of upstream producers
as Plate Fin Heat Exchanger
AGR Acid Gas Removal (Unit) Generic name for
Bar Unit of pressure
process units designed to remove H2S, CO2 and other
sulphur compounds that ‘sour’ the gas Bara bar, absolute pressure
AHV Anchor Handling Vessel Barg bar, gauge pressure
Alkane Any of various saturated open-chain Barrel A volumetric unit equivalent to 42 US Gallons or
hydrocarbons having the general formula CnH2n+2, the 158.99 litres
most abundant of which is methane (CH4) Bbl Blue barrel, 42 US Gallons
Alkene Any unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbon with the bbl/d barrel of oil per day (see also Mbbl/d and
general formula C2H2n such as ethylene, also known as MMbbl/d)
bbl/MMscf barrels per million standard cubic feet
Alluvial fan Pattern of sedimentary deposit frequently
bcf billion cubic feet
laid down by streams or rivers which spread out into
plains BCFD Billions of Cubic Feet of Gas per Day
Annulus Space between two concentric objects such Beam The width of a ship. Also called ‘breadth’
as between the wellbore and casing BH Bottom Hole
Anoxic Lack or absence of oxygen BHA Bottom Hole Assembly
ANSI American National Standards Institute BHP Bottom Hole Pressure
Anticline An arched shape fold in which rock layers are Bit The cutting/boring element used in drilling wells,
upwardly convex consisting of a cutting and a circulating element
APCI Air Products and Chemicals Inc. The licensor of Bitumen Form of heavy, solid
the C3MR and APX technology Drill Bit
petroleum. See Asphalt
API American Petroleum Institute
Block Subdivided areas for
API gravity Density measurement for oil. API gravity = the purpose of licensing to a
141.5/(specific gravity) – 131.5 company for exploration or
production rights
Aquifer Water-bearing rock strata
Blowdown Process
Arbitrage Trading the same commodity in two or more
of releasing pressure.
markets in order to benefit from the difference in prices
Producing a gas cap after oil
Aromatics Relating to an organic compound containing production has concluded
at least one benzene ring (C6 ring) or similar ring-
shaped component. Naphthalene and TNT are aromatic Blowout Uncontrolled
compounds. Notable for their distinctive, usually fragrant release of fluids from the
smell well bore

Blowout preventer See BOP Bunkering The use of LNG as fuel on ships
BOD Basis Of Design Bwpd Barrels of water per day
BOE Barrels of Oil Equivalent (5,800 scf of lean gas is C3MR Propane pre-cooled Multicomponent Refrigerant
equivalent to 1 bbl of oil in calorific terms) Cycle
BOG Boil-off gas. The amount of LNG which evaporates Calliper Tool for checking casing in a well for
from the tank during transportation or storage deformation
Bow Thruster propeller at the bow of a ship that CALM Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring
provides transverse thrust as a manoeuvring aid
Calorific value Quantity of heat produced by complete
BP Boiling Point combustion of a unit weight of a fuel. This can be
BOP Blowout preventer, arrangement of valves and measured net or gross (gross means that the water
rams installed at wellhead to prevent sudden escape of produced during combustion has been condensed
fluids from reservoir releasing its latent heat, net means the water remains as
a vapour)
Cantilevered jackup Jackup drilling unit where the drill
rig is mounted on two cantilevers – see also Jackup
CAPEX Capital expenditure
Cap rock Impermeable layer of rock providing a seal to
contain the reservoir fluids
Cargo Handling the act of loading and discharging a
cargo ship
Casing Steel pipe placed in the well and cemented in
Catenary The natural curve assumed by a chain or
cable suspended between two points (e.g. an anchor
CBM Coal Bed Methane. Methane extracted from coal
Bopd Barrels of oil per day seams. In the US alone, 100 TCF of CBM appears to be
Borehole Refers to the face of the rock outside or below economically recoverable
the casing cc Cubic centimetre (cm3)
Bottom-hole Deepest part of a well CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine. High efficiency
power generation (typ 50%+) using gas turbines with
Bottom-Hole Assembly (BHA) Includes drill bit, drill
heat recovery steam generators (HRSG) and a steam
collars, stabilizers and other drilling components
turbine in a power generation plant
Bottom-Hole Pressure (BHP) Formation pressure at
CCR Central Control Room
reservoir depth
CCS Carbon Capture and Storage
Bottom-hole pump Pump installed in the wellbore, to
increase productivity, (Also downhole pump) Cellar deck Deck beneath the working floor of a drilling
rig or below the main deck of an offshore platform
Bpd Barrels per day
Centipoise (cP) A unit of measurement for viscosity
Break Bulk to commence discharge of a cargo
Charter Party contractual arrangement between a ship
Bridge plug Down hole packer assembly used in a well
owner and a cargo owner, usually arranged by a broker,
to seal off or isolate a particular formation for testing,
whereby a ship is chartered (hired) either for one voyage
acidizing, cementing
or for a period of time
BS&W Basic Sediment and Water
Check valve A non-return valve, allowing flow in only
BTEX Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Benzene, Toluene, one direction
Ethylbenzene and Xylene
Choke Device incorporating an orifice that is used to
Btu British thermal unit. A measure of heat content. control fluid flowrate or downstream system pressure
1 Btu=252 calories, 1,055 Joules
CHP Combined Heat and Power. The generation of
Bubble point The pressure and temperature at which electricity and steam (or process heat) simultaneously
the first bubbles of gas come out of solution

Christmas Tree Conventional A reservoir in which buoyant forces

keep hydrocarbons in place below a sealing caprock.
Reservoir and fluid characteristics of conventional
reservoirs typically permit oil or natural gas to flow freely
into wellbores
Core A cylindrical sample taken from a formation for
geological analysis
Coring The process of cutting a vertical, cylindrical
sample of the formations
Cp Centipoise, a unit of measurement of dynamic
viscosity (See Centipoise)
CP Conditions Precedent. Common conditions
Christmas tree (Xmas Tree) The set of valves, spools, precedent included in LNG sale and purchase
pressure gauges and chokes fitted to the wellhead of a agreements are key governmental approvals required by
completed well to control production either party
CIF Cost, Insurance, Freight, describes a transaction CPF Central Processing Facility
where the seller arranges for shipping of LNG CPOC Conoco Phillips Optimised Cascade Process
Classification Society (Class) companies that arrange CPU Central Processing Unit
inspections and advise on the hull and machinery of a
CRA Corrosion Resistant Alloy
ship. Also supervise vessels during their construction and
develop construction rules. Main societies include ABS, Cretaceous Rock formed in the last period of the
Lloyds Register, Det Norske Veritas and Germanischer Mesozoic era, between the Jurassic and the Tertiary
Lloyd periods, during which chalk deposits were formed.
Clastic Rock Rock which has been formed from Crude Oil An unrefined mixture of naturally occurring
sediment of other rocks e.g. sandstone, shale, hydrocarbons
conglomerates, etc.
CTMS Custody Transfer Metering System. A
Cloud Point The temperature at which paraffin waxes measurement system fitted on LNG ships so that the
solidify and give a cloudy appearance to the oil which volume of cargo can be measured accurately as the
they form part basis for the quantity of LNG purchased or sold
CNG Compressed Natural Gas Cuttings Small chips of rock retrieved from a well by
the circulation of the mud, studied/logged by well-site
CO2 Carbon dioxide. By-product from the combustion of
natural gas. A greenhouse gas
COD Commencement of Deliveries (First LNG cargo) Daisy chaining Subsea wells connected in series by
Concession Licence, lease, or other permit for
exploration and/or production in an area or block Darcy Unit of measurement of rock permeability, the
extent to which fluid will flow through it
Condensate Low density, high API gravity liquid
hydrocarbon phase that generally occurs in association DCF Discount Cash Flow
with natural gas DCQ Daily Contract Quantity
Conductor casing Generally the first string of casing in DCS Distributed Control System
a well
DDCV Deep Draught Caisson Vessel
Conductor pipe A short string of large diameter casing
DEA Diethanolamine
used to keep the wellbore open and prevent it from
caving in. It is usually put into the well first Dead Oil Oil containing no natural gas
Coning At excessive rates the reduction in reservoir DEG Diethylene glycol
pressure may tend to draw up underlying water or Degasser A separator which removes entrained gases
overlying gas towards the well in a cone like shape from liquids (oil or water)
Continental Shelf The area at the edge of a continent Dehydrator Equipment for the removal of water from oil
from the shoreline to a depth of 200m, where the or gas
continental slope begins

Distillation Tower Petroleum Fractions

Dehydration Removal of water from oil or gas to meet through overlying formations, e.g. a salt dome
an end user specification Directional drilling Intentional deviation of a wellbore
Delineation well An appraisal well, drilled to determine from the vertical
the boundary of a discovered reservoir Discovery well A successful wildcat or exploration well
Demurrage fee levied by the shipping company on the Distillates The products of distillation
port or supplier for not loading the vessel by a specified
date agreed upon by contract assessed on a daily basis Distillation The process of heating and “flashing” or
boiling off successive fractions, component hydrocarbon,
Density Mass divided by volume, kg/m3, lb/ft3 etc.
from a crude oil feedstock, or a product of earlier
Density log Measurement of density, a guide to porosity distillation
Depletion Progressive reduction in reserves as a result DMR Dual Mixed Refrigerant Liquefaction Cycle
of production DoE US Department of Energy. DOE sets federal energy
Depth map Relief map of sub-surface structure, policy
contours relating to depths from surface datum level, (i.e. Down Hole Down a well
sea level)
Downstream Generally refers to crude oil refining,
Derating reduction of a generating unit’s (GT) net petrochemicals, marketing and distribution
dependable capacity to a point below manufacturer’s
nameplate capacity. Often as a result of fouling Downtime A period when equipment is unserviceable or
out of operation for maintenance etc.
Derrick A large load-bearing structure, used for drilling
DP Dynamic Positioning
DES Delivered Ex Ship describes a transaction where
shipping of LNG is arranged by the seller Draft The vertical distance between the bottom of a
vessel floating in water and the waterline, expressed in
Development well A well drilled to allow production
feet or metres
Deviated well Well diverted from the vertical
Drawdown The difference between the static and the
Dew point Temperature and pressure condition at which flowing bottom hole pressures
liquids first condense from a gas
Drawworks The hoisting mechanism in a drilling rig
Dewpointing Removal of heavier hydrocarbons from a
Drilling fluid Circulating fluid, removes cuttings from
gas stream to meet end user specifications
wellbore to surface, cools the bit and counteracts
DFDE Dual Fuel Diesel Electric propulsion system for downhole formation pressure. See mud
LNG Carriers
Drilling mud Specially compounded liquid circulated
DGA DiGlycolAmine. An acid gas removal solvent through the wellbore during rotary drilling operations.
Diaper Up-thrust intrusion of lower-density rocks See mud

Drill Rig schematic and definitions

1. Crown Block
2. Catline Boom and Hoist Line
3. Drilling Line
4. Monkey board
5. Travelling Block
6. Top Drive
7. Derrick or Mast
8. Drill Pipe
9. Doghouse or drillers shack
10. Blowout Preventer
11. Water Tank
12. Electric Cable Tray
13. Engine Generator Sets
14. Fuel Tanks
15. Electrical Control Room
16. Mud Pump
17. Bulk Mud Components Storage
18. Mud Pits
19. Reserve Pits
20. Mud Gas Separator
21. Shale Shakers
22. Choke Manifold
23. Pipe Ramp
24. Pipe Racks
25. Accumulator

Drilling rig Comprises derrick, draw-works, lifting

tackles and blocks, Kelly and rotary table, mud pump
and mud circulation system, blowout preventer, and a
system for handling drillpipe and casing
Drill pipe Heavy, seamless tubing used to rotate the drill
bit and circulate the drilling fluid
Drill ship Self-propelled ship with an offshore drilling unit
Dry Gas Natural gas, methane and ethane, with small
amounts of heavier hydrocarbon fractions
Dry dock an enclosed basin into which a ship is taken
for repair of areas below the waterline
Dry Hole Unsuccessful well, also called a “Duster”,
containing no or uncommercial quantities of hydrocarbon
DSME Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Drill Ship

DST Drill Stem Test

DSV Diving Support Vessel EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction. A
Duster A dry well drilled during exploration. See dry hole contract for the construction of LNG or other facilities

DWPA Deep Water Ports Act EPIC Engineering, Procurement, Installation and
DWT Dead Weight Tonnage. The number of tonnes of
cargo, stores and bunkers that a ship can transport EPU Electric Power Unit
Dynamic positioning A satellite monitoring system ERD Extended Reach Drilling
used to control the action of thrusters/propellers to
ESD Emergency Shutdown
maintain a vessel on location without deploying anchors
ESP Electric Submersible Pump
ECA Export Credit Agencies. A government agency
whose role is to facilitate the export of goods and ESS Expandable Sand Screen
services by providing credits and providing credit and EWT Extended Well Test
political risk security
Fault A break in subsurface strata
EDU Electrical Distribution Unit
FBHP Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure
EFL Electrical Flying Lead
FC Full Containment LNG tank
EH Electro-Hydraulic
FEED Front End Engineering Design, early phase of field
EHDM Electro-Hydraulic Distribution Manifold development engineering
E/H MUX Electro-Hydraulic Multiplexed FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the
9k,k,mplEnvironmental Impact Assessment chief energy regulatory body of the US Government,
responsible for regulating LNG facilities
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment. An assessment
of the impact of an industrial installation on the FFD Full Field Development
surrounding environment, before any construction work Fiscal metering Measurement of oil, gas or condensate
is undertaken for taxation purposes
EIS Environmental Impact Statement FID Final Investment Decision
EM Electric Motor Fixed installation A fixed offshore structure involved in
Emulsion Suspension of one liquid in another, e.g. oil in the production of oil and gas
water Flare Vent for burning off unwanted gas or
Enhanced oil recovery Assisted extraction of oil either hydrocarbons which due to process upsets cannot be
by installing equipment into the production tubing or by safely retained in process vessels
injecting water, gas or steam into the reservoir Flare stack Elevated tower containing piping for the
EMP Environmental Management Plan discharge and burning of waste gas
EMS Environmental Management Study Flash drum Pressure vessel used to reduce pressure
of oils and other liquids to encourage vaporisation of
dissolved gases

FPDSO Floating Production, Drilling, Storage and Off-

loading (vessel)
Fracturing Fracturing formation adjacent to well bore
to improve well productivity (flow) by applying hydraulic
pressure downhole
Free-water knockout Removing any water that is not
emulsified with the oil, usually in a vessel
FRU Floating Regas Unit
FSO Floating Storage and Off-loading (vessel)
FSRU Floating Storage and Regasification Unit
FSU Floating Storage Unit
Flash To vaporize or “boil off” a hydrocarbon gas by FTA Free Trade Agreement countries
reducing pressure or heating
FTP Flowing Tubing Pressure
Flash Point Lowest temperature at which a vapour will
FWHP Flowing Well Head Pressure
burn when ignited.
FWHT Flowing Well Head Temperature
FLNG Floating Liquefied Natural Gas Facility
FWKO Free Water Knock Out. See free water knockout
Floater Floating substructure for drilling or production
Gamma ray log Log of the total natural radioactivity.
Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure Bottom hole pressure
Shales and clays are responsible for most natural
(reservoir) measured at a given flow rate.
radioactivity, so the gamma ray log often is a good
Flowline Pipe from the Xmas tree through which indicator of such rocks
produced fluid travels to a manifold, processing
Gas Cap Free gas at the top of a reservoir
equipment or storage
Gas Cap Drive Primary production utilising the pressure
Flowline Bundle A combined assembly of production
and expansion of the gas cap to drive the oil to the
flowlines, hydraulic and/or electrical control lines
Flowmeter Used to measure the rate of flow of a fluid
Gas Chromatography Laboratory method of
FOB Free on Board. Describes a sale where the separating and analysing the components of
buyer arranges for the shipping either owning them or hydrocarbon mixtures. Important for defining trace
chartering from a shipowner components in an LNG plant
Formation Reservoir rock Gas Column See Oil Column/Gas Column
Formation Damage Reservoir damage due to plugging Gas Condensate Light hydrocarbons in gas which
with mud, crumbling under pressure or high flow rate, condense into liquid when brought to the surface
Gas Injection Gas is injected if there is no market
FPF Floating Production Facility for it, as a means of recovering condensate in certain
FPP Floating Production Platform reservoirs or until oil production is complete and then
gas blowdown (production) can take place
FPS Floating Production System
Gas lift Process of lifting liquids from a well by injecting
FPSO Floating Production, Storage and Off-loading gas into the wellbore to reduce the density of the liquid,
(vessel) i.e. making it lighter
Gas/Oil Ratio (GOR) Ratio of gas to oil in reservoir, scf/bbl
GBS Gravity base structure
GC See Gas Chromotography
GCR Ratio of Gas to condensate in a reservoir, bbl/MMscf
GE General Electric. Manufacturer of Turbines and
Refrigerant compression systems
Geochemical Survey Analysis of the hydrocarbon-
bearing potential of an area by studying shallow cores and
subsurface water for evidence of seepage or kerogens


Geology The study of the history of the earth and its rocks Hawser Heavy rope for mooring or towing
Geologist Geologists in the oil and gas industry HAZAN Hazard analysis
specialise in Sedimentology, Palaeontology
HAZID Hazards in design analysis
Geophones Sound wave receivers for onshore seismic
HAZOP Hazard and operability analysis
surveys. See also Hydrophone
Header Pipe in which several pipes feed fluid into or from
Geophysics Application of physics to the measurement
of the earth and the study of its composition. HC Hydrocarbon

Geophysicist A Geophysicist in the oil and gas industry HDPE High density polyethylene
usually specialises in the interpretation of seismic survey Heat Exchanger Process vessel equipment which
data passes fluid through pipes or plates to heat or cool
Geothermal Gradient Increase of temperature with another fluid (without mixing)
depth in the earth’s crust, (Approximately 1 F°. per 70 Heat Rate a measure of power plant efficiency in
feet). converting input fuel to electricity. Usually measured in
GHG Greenhouse Gases. Defined by Kyoto Protocol Btu of fuel required per kWhr of electricity produced (Btu/
as gases increasing global warming. Includes CO2 and kWh)
methane Helipad Helicopter landing deck or landing area
GHV see HHV Henry Hub Reference hub in Louisiana used for gas
GI Gas Injection futures pricing in the United States
GIS Geographic Information System HFO Heavy Fuel Oil

GJ Gigajoules Hg chemical symbol for mercury which is a contaminant

that must be removed from natural gas prior to
GLR Gas Liquid Ratio
GOC Gas Oil Contact HHI Hyundai Heavy Industries
GoM Gulf of Mexico HHV Higher Heating Value (also known as Gross Heating
GOR Gas Oil ratio. See Gas oil ratio or Calorific Value)
HIPPS High Integrity Pipeline Protection System
GPD Gallons per day
HOA Heads of Agreement. Preliminary Agreement
GPH Gallons per hour
covering the outline terms for sale and purchase of LNG.
GPM Gallons per minute Includes timings, volumes, durations and whether sale
Grass-Roots Development project which is built from includes shipping
scratch on a green field site Holding Mode Period when no LNG (un)loading takes
Gravel Pack Unconsolidated formations may require place. During the holding mode, cryogenic conditions will
the wellbore in the producing zone to be filled with fine be maintained in the unloading line by circulating LNG to
gravel which supports the formation and prevents sand the jetty head and back to the onshore storage tanks or
production into the well the sendout system via a dedicated re-circulation line
Horizon Formation at a given depth is identified by
Gravimeter Device used to measure the variations in
geological age, e.g. “Middle Jurassic Horizon”
the gravitational field between 2 or more points
Horizontal Drilling Wells drilled up to 90° from the
Gravity Platform/Structure Offshore platforms which
vertical, “horizontal”, to the reservoir strata in order to
rely on weight alone to keep them stable and in place
increase well productivity
Gravity survey Exploration method measuring
HP High Pressure
the intensity of the earth’s gravity in order to detect
geological structures HPHT High Pressure High Temperature

GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic HPU Hydraulic Power Unit

GTL Gas To Liquid technology for gas monetisation HSE Health, Safety, Environment

GTT Gaz Transport and Technigaz. Designer of HUC Hook-Up and Commissioning
membrane type LNG storage tanks Hydrates Ice like crystals formed of water and methane
GWC Gas Water Contact in well bores or pipelines under certain pressure and
temperature conditions. Problematic in that they can
H2S Hydrogen sulphide, toxic sour gas. cause blockages that prevent continual production

Hydrocarbons Organic compounds formed of

hydrogen and carbon atoms
Hydrocyclone Separation device utilising centrifugal
force to remove oil from water
Hydrofrac See Fracturing
Hydrophones Instruments used for detecting and
returning sound waves in offshore seismic operations.
Hydrostatic Pressure/Head pressure exerted by a
column of liquid at a given depth
Hydrostatic Testing Pressure-testing vessels and piping
systems with the use of water to a specified pressure
IAC Inlet Air Cooling
ID Internal Diameter
Jack-Up Drilling Rig
IEA International Energy Agency
IGC International Gas Code IR Injection Rate
Igneous rock Rock mass formed by solidification of IRR Internal Rate of Return
molten material into/onto the earth’s crust e.g. Granite
ISO International Standards Organisation
IHI Ishikawajima Heavy Industries. Japanese company
ITT Invitation To Tender
with LNG shipbuilding and SPB containment system
license Jacket Steel framework supporting platform topsides
Impermeable Rock Rock that will not allow Jack-Up Rig Drilling rigs/barges which once floated to
hydrocarbons to flow through it location raise their legs clear of the water by ‘jacking’
IMO International Maritime Organisation. Responsible for themselves up
developing codes for ship transportation of LNG JCC Japanese Crude Cocktail - price used as a
Impoundment Spill control for tank content designed to reference for LNG pricing in Asia
limit the liquid travel in case of release. May also refer to JIP Joint Industry Project
spill control for LNG piping or transfer operations
JOA Joint Operating Agreement
Inert Gas Chemically unreactive gas, e.g. nitrogen.
Joint Venture A common form of risk-sharing in Oil
Often used for purging of vessels and tanks
and Gas operations, especially during exploration and
Infill Drilling Production wells drilled between existing production
wells to increase recovery of hydrocarbons.
JT Joule Thompson -Change in temperature when gas
Injection Well Well through which water/gas is injected expands from a high pressure to low pressure, such as
to maintain pressure and improve ‘sweep’ recovery of across a valve, aids in the cooling and condensation of
reserves. Or for the return of gas to the reservoir if it has hydrocarbon liquids from gas
no market
J-tube Open-ended J section of pipe attached to a
Injector See injection well jacket structure or to a pipelay vessel providing a means
In Place Total hydrocarbon content of a reservoir, as of installation and protection for flexible flow lines and
distinct from ‘Reserves’ which can be ‘recovered’ or umbilicals
produced J-T valve Joule-Thompson valve. Throttle valve using
Instrument/Intelligent Pig Pipeline pig fitted with pressure reduction of a gas stream for NGL removal. See
monitoring/gauging devices to check pipe integrity, wall JT
thickness and or damage Jurassic Rock formed in the second period of the
IOC International Oil Company Mesozoic era, between the Triassic and the Cretaceous
periods. (from the French, after the Jura mountains)
IP Institute of Petroleum
JV Joint Venture. See Joint venture
IPE International Petroleum Exchange
K 103, kilo, thousand (Europe)
IPP Independent Power Producer. An IPP generates
power that is purchased by an electricity utility at KBR Kellogg, Brown & Root. One of the major EPC
wholesale prices Contractors in the LNG Industry

Kelly A long square or hexagonal steel bar with a hole indication of how close they are operating to nameplate
drilled through the middle for a fluid path capacity (as a % of nameplate)
Kerogen Organic material (originating from Log Systematic recording of well data
phytoplankton and zooplankton) from which oil or gas LOI Letter of Intent
matures with time through burial, temperature and LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas, essentially propane and
pressure butane
Kerosense Liquid mixture consisting mainly of alkane LSTK Lump Sum Turn Key. An EPC Contracting
hydrocarbons with boiling points in the range 150° to approach
300°C, used as aircraft fuel, in domestic heaters, and as
LTA Long-term tolling agreement
a solvent
LTS Low Temperature Separator
Kitchen Term for rock rich in organic sediments and in
which under the right conditions become a source of LTSA Liquefaction Tolling Services Agreement
hydrocarbons LWD Logging While Drilling
Knock-Out Drum Tank or vessel used to separate M Thousand (oilfield), Roman M=1,000, M in metric and
water from oil or liquids from gas some other fields relates to million. Care must be taken
Knot Nautical miles per hour. LNG ships typically to ensure that the value is understood
operate at speeds of 16-19 knots Magnetic survey Exploration method measuring the
KO Kick Off (deviated well) changing magnetic intensity in the earth to indicate the
existence of hydrocarbon reservoirs
kPa kilopascals, measure of pressure
Magnetometer Instrument used to measure magnetic fields
kW Kilowatt, measure of electrical power
MAOP Maximum Allowable operating pressure. The
LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide design pressure of a pipeline
Lay barge Barge used in the construction and MARAD US Maritime Administration
placement of underwater pipelines
Mat/Mattress A structure placed on poorly
Licence A right to explore for and/or produce consolidated, soft or unstable seabed as a footing for
hydrocarbons issued by a Government agency jackup rigs, flowlines and subsea equipment
KPI Key Performance Indicator Maturity Function of burial pressures/temperatures, and
LDC Local (Gas) Distribution Company. A company that time determining whether source of hydrocarbons will
takes gas from a local delivery point (usually called the provide oil or gas
city gate) and distributes it to local customers Maximum exposure Maximum negative cash flow of a
LFL Lower Flammability Limit. The lowest concentration project
of a substance that will burn in air, usually expressed in MBbls Thousand barrels. See M
vol %. 5% for Natural Gas
Mcf Thousand cubic feet. See M
LHV Lower Heating Value
MCHE Main Cryogenic Heat Exchanger, where natural
Lifting Collection of a shipment of crude oil etc. at the
gas is chilled, condensed and subcooled to form LNG.
point of sale
Can either be of SWHE or PFHE type
Lithification The process by which unconsolidated MCM Manifold Control Module
materials are converted into coherent solid rock, by
compaction or cementation Mcm/d Million cubic metres per day. See M

Lithology The study of rocks Md Millidarcies (unit of permeability)

Live Oil Crude oil containing volatile gases MD Measured Depth (well)

LLI Long Lead Item. An item with a long manufacturing MDEA Methyl Diethanolamine. An acid gas removal
and delivery time. Examples of this on an LNG plant solvent
include main exchangers, GTG’s and compressor/driver Measurement While Drilling (MWD) The evaluation of
sets physical properties, pressure, temperature and wellbore
LMRP Lower Marine Riser Package trajectory in 3D while drilling

LNG Liquefied Natural Gas (CH4) MEG Monoethylene glycol

LOA Overall length of ship (bow to stern) MEGi M-type, Electronically controlled, Gas Injection
engines. New fuel-efficient engines for LNG shipping
Load Factor Usually applies to power plants and is an
MEOH Methanol

Metamorphic rock Rock formed by mineralogical, MSV Multi-Service Vessel

chemical and structural alterations caused by processes
MTD Measured Total Depth
within the earth’s crust. Marble is a metamorphic rock
Mud Drilling fluid, mixture of water, or oil distillate, and
MFM Multiphase Flow Meter
‘heavy’ minerals such as bentonite or barites
Midstream Transportation to market or refinery
Mudline The seabed, or bed of any body of water
Migration Movement of hydrocarbons from source rock
Multilateral Multiple boreholes drilled from an existing
either into a reservoir or seeping to the earth’s surface
single bore well
Millidarcy See Darcy
Multiphase Fluid consisting of oil, gas and or water
Miocene Rocks formed in the fourth epoch of the
Multiple Completion Well perforated and completed to
Tertiary period, between the Oligocene and the Pliocene,
produce from more than one formation/zone
see Tertiary
MW Megawatt
MM Million (oilfield), Roman M=1,000, MM =
1,000*1,000 = 1,000,000, M in metric and some other MWD Measurement While Drilling
fields relates to million. Care must be taken to ensure N Newton (unit of force)
that the value is understood
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
MMbbl/d Million barrels of oil per day (USA)
MMboe Million barrels of oil equivalent. See BOE Napthenics Any of a group of hydrocarbon ring
MMBTU Million British Thermal Units. The Btu is the compounds of the general formula, CnH2n, derivatives
standard unit of measurement for heat. A Btu is defined of cyclopentane and cyclohexane, found in certain
as the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature petroleums.
of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit from 58.5 Natural Depletion Reservoir production by use of its
to 59.5 degrees under standard pressure of 30 inches of natural pressure
Natural Gas Natural Gas is primarily methane which can
MMcf Million cubic feet contain some ethane and small quantities of propane,
MMcf/d Million cubic feet per day butane, etc. which can be condensed from the natural
gas (methane) and are known as Natural Gas Liquids
MMSCF Million standard cubic feet
MMSCFD Million standard cubic feet per day
NBP National Balancing Point. An imaginery point on
MMTPA Millions of Tonnes (of LNG) per Annum. Used to the UK Transco pipeline which is the ‘delivery point’ for
measure LNG export terminal capacity natural gas futures contracts
MOD See Money Of the Day Netback A measurement of the value of any given
LNG sale at any point in the value chain. This takes
MODU Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit.
the price of LNG at the end market and calculates the
Module A self-contained, liftable package forming transportation and liquefaction costs, thus netting a price
part of a facility, e.g. accommodation, gas treating, in the supply basin
compression module, drilling module, etc.
Neutron log Normally synonymous with a neutron
MOF Material Offloading Facility. A temporary porosity log, however, the term is sometimes broadened
construction dock to include an activation log. Guide to rock porosity
Money of the Day Nominal or current value. This is NFPA National Fire Protection Association
the money, which as coins, bank notes and cheques,
NGL Natural Gas Liquid, mixture of hydrocarbon liquids
changes hands all over the world in exchange for goods
which include ethane, propane, butane and pentane
and services. Its purchasing power will change with time
condensed from natural gas
Monopod Small offshore platform, usually resting on a
NGO Non-Government Organisation
single conductor, usually in shallow water
Nodding Donkey The colloquial name for conventional
Moonpool A hole in the hull of a ship through which
onshore wellhead production beam pumps
operation can take place
NOC National Oil Company
Moss Rosenberg Type of LNG Containment system
employing Moss Rosenberg Spheres Nominal Money of the day or current value. This is
the money, which as coins, bank notes and cheques,
MR Mixed Refrigerant
changes hands all over the world in exchange for goods
MSL Mean Sea Level and services. Its purchasing power will change with time

NOX Oxides of Nitrogen Oil and Gas Separater

NPI Net Profit Interest
NPS Nominal Pipe Size
NPSH Net Pump Suction Head
NPV Net Present Value
Obligation Well Well required to be drilled as part of a
concession agreement
OD Outside Diameter
O&G Oil and Gas
Oil and gas separator Production equipment used to
separate liquid and gas components as well as water
from oil
Oil Column/Gas Column The vertical distance between
highest and lowest known oil or gas in a reservoir.
Oil/Water Contact The lower end of the column in a PAR Pre-assembled Rack. Describes a piperack which
reservoir with underlying water has been constructed in a modular fashion to minimise
Oligocene Rock formed in the third epoch of the Tertiary on-site construction hours
period. See Tertiary Paraffin Any member of the Alkane series. See Alkanes
Open Hole An uncased section of well borehole. Passive Margin Offshore continental Plates, a tectonic
Operator The company or organisation responsible for boundary where two plates are moving away from each
conducting operations on a concession other

OPEX Operating expenditure PAU Pre-assembled Unit. Describes a Process Unit, eg

a liquefaction or gas treatment module, which has been
Organic Substances derived from living organisms, such constructed in a modular fashion to minimise on-site
as oil in the natural state. construction hours
ORV Open Rack Vaporizer Pay Zone/Horizon A formation containing producible
Outcrop The appearance of a rock formation at the hydrocarbons
surface. Payback The point at which all costs of leasing,
OWC Oil-water contact exploring, drilling and operating have been recovered
from production of a well or wells as defined by
P&A Plug and abandon
contractual agreement
PCHE Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger
PDQ Production Drilling and Quarters platform, see also
Production Platform/Facility
Peak Shaving Facilities at which LNG is stored during
periods of low natural gas demand. When it is needed, it
is warmed back to gas and shipped to end users
PERC Powered Emergency Release Couplings
Perforate Pierce casing wall and cement by using a
perforating gun charged with explosives
Perforating Gun tool loaded with explosive charges
which are shot into the pay zone
Perforation Holes shot through the casing in the pay
zone (producing zone)
Permeability The ability of fluid to flow through a rock
Petroleum Literally ‘rock oil’. A complex mixture of
naturally occurring hydrocarbons found in rock
Beam Pump/Nodding Donkey

Petrochemicals Petrochemicals are chemical

feedstocks and intermediates derived from petroleum
Petroleum Engineer Specialist in properties and
behaviour of hydrocarbons in reservoirs and under
production conditions. A geologist will provides
estimates of hydrocarbons-in-place, whereas a
petroleum engineer will make an estimate of how much
can be produced (recoverable reserves) and under what
conditions, and rate
Petrology/Petrophysics The study of rocks, their
origin, chemical and physical properties and distribution
PF Productivity Factor. A comparison of the number
of manhours required to carry out a specific task in a Production Platform
specific location. USGC has PF=1.0
PFD Process Flow Diagram
PFHE Plate Fin Heat Exchanger. Also referred to as a PLET Pipeline End Termination (usually a skid or sled)
Brazed Aluminium Heat Exchanger (BAHX). A cryogenic
Plug/Plug and Abandon To seal a well with cement,
e.g. before producing from a higher formation,
Phase One of two or more fluids as in a production fluid sidetracking, or leaving the well permanently sealed and
(i.e. oil, gas or water) abandoned
PI Productivity Index POOH Pulled Out Of Hole
Pig Bullet-shaped, cylindrical or spherical capsules Polymer Combination of two or more molecules of the
which are inserted into pipeline flow, with the primary same kind which form a compound of differing physical
purpose of scraping clean wax and other build-ups to properties – e.g. Polyethylene
prevent blockages
Porosity Free space volume between rock grains
PIP Pipe In Pipe capable of holding fluid, (gas or liquid), expressed as a
Pipeline A system of connected lengths of pipe, buried percentage of total gross rock volume
or surface laid for the transportation of fluids ppm Parts per million
PJ PetaJoules. A unit of energy used in LNG projects, Present Value Also known as present discounted value,
particularly in Australia. The petajoule (PJ) is equal to is a future amount of money that has been discounted to
1015 joules. 1 PJ~18,000 Te of LNG reflect its current value, as if it existed today
Plate tectonics Study of the formation and movement
Pressure Maintenance Process of maintaining
of the “plates” of which the earth’s crust is formed
reservoir pressure during production by water/gas
Platform Immobile offshore structure from which injection
development wells are drilled and produced
Pressure Vessel Vessel built to hold fluids under
PLEM Pipeline End Manifold pressure
Produced water Formation water removed from the oil
and gas
Pig Production Extraction of hydrocarbon reserves
Production Casing String Innermost steel lining of a
well cemented in place and perforated for production
in the pay zone, note the production tubing is inserted
inside this casing. (See production tubing string)
Production Plateau Period during which field is
producing at its maximum production rate
Production Platform/Facility Production platforms
are of varying types depending on environment (water
depth etc. and reservoir needs). The production facility
allows the oil and gas to be processed and exported or
reinjected as required

Production Separator Main process vessel used for Raw Gas Natural gas prior to processing
the separation of oil, gas and water, see also oil and gas
RC Reinforced Concrete
Real (Real Terms, RT) Constant value of money
Production Sharing Contract (PSC) Contract in which
(imaginary money), this was introduced to overcome
part of the return to the host government is delivered
the varying purchasing power of money of the day,
as produced hydrocarbons, which is calculated after
which keeps the purchasing power the same at different
deduction of production and other agreed costs
moments in time
Production Testing Production test looks at the
Recovery Factor The ratio between the volumes of oil
capability to produce (productivity) of a well and
and/or gas produced and producible from a reservoir
its effects on the reservoir produced, this may be
and the oil and/or gas originally in place
undertaken prior to final commitment of development
expenditures etc. Reef Reservoir, usually limestone which was deposited
in marine conditions, usually elongated
Production Tubing String Pipe installed inside the
production casing of a well Regasification is the process of warming LNG until
liquid gas returns to a gaseous state. Carried out in
Productive Horizon A pay zone. See also Horizon
marine or waterfront facilities in which LNG carriers
Productivity Index (PI) A mathematical means of deliver the LNG. LNG is then stored before undergoing
expressing the ability of a reservoir to deliver fluids to the regasification, which converts the LNG back into its
wellbore gaseous form
Proppants Sand, gravel or other particles or “beads” Reservoir Subsurface porous & permeable rock body in
used in hydraulic fracturing of a formation, the proppant which oil and or gas is stored
allows fluid to flow by wedging into the fractures/cracks Reservoir Pressure The pressure at reservoir depth in
created by fraccing a shut-in well
PSA Production Sharing Agreement Resistivity log A log of the resistivity of the formation
PSC Production Sharing Contract made by an electrode device such as a laterolog, in this
sense the term is used to distinguish the log from an
psi pounds per square inch - pressure
induction measurement, which responds more directly to
psia pounds per square inch, absolute - pressure conductivity
psig pounds per square inch gauge - pressure Rig Term describing the equipment needed for drilling a
PU Polyurethane foam insulation used in some types of well, see also drilling rig
LNG tanks ROI Return On Investment
PUQ Production Utilities Quarters, see also production Rollover mixing LNG of different densities can
platform/Facility result in rapid vapour generation at the interface in a
QC/DC Quick Connect/Disconnect coupling phenomenon known as rollover
QFlex A large LNG carrier commissioned by Qatargas ROP Rate Of Penetration (drilling)
capable of carrying approximately 210,000m3 of LNG, Rotary table Principal component of rotating, or rotary
designed for long distance transport. In service since 2007 machine, which turns the drill stem and supports the
Qmax The largest LNG carrier type currently in use. drilling assembly, see also drilling rig
Commissioned by Qatargas capable of carrying ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
approximately 260,000m3 of LNG, designed for long
distance transport. In service since 2008 RPT Rapid Phase Transition. This is a phenomenon
which happens when LNG is released on water and is
QRA Quantitative Risk Assessment – includes
quickly warmed up to form natural gas leading to a large
calculations to assist with the identification of risks and to
white vapour plume
determine the frequency, magnitude and consequence
of hazardous events RV Relief Valve for Pressure Protection of Equipment,
Tanks and Pressure Vessels
Qualitative risk assessment Assessment based on
RVP Reid Vapour Pressure
operational experience, engineering standards and
judgement SALM Single Anchor Leg Mooring; a compliant
monopod version of the SBM tanker-loading buoy, used
RAM Reliability, Availability and Maintainability. A
in deeper water
measure of the annual uptime of the plant, important for
production guarantees

Seismic survey Exploration method in which strong,

low-frequency sound waves are generated on the
surface or in the water to find subsurface rock structures
that may contain hydrocarbons
Semi-submersible Floating offshore production and or
drilling unit, which can include living quarters, storage
space, etc. They can be either self-propelled or towed
to a site and either anchored or dynamically positioned.
Semi submersibles are more stable than drill ships and
used extensively to drill wildcat wells in rough waters
such as the North Sea
Separator Cylindrical vessel used to separate the
components in streams of mixed fluids. See also oil and
Semi Submersible Drilling Rig gas separator
Service contract Duration often fixed, company does
Salt dome A dome that is caused by an intrusion of not receive any of the oil produced, but gets a fixed
rock salt into overlying sediments fee per barrel, above the reimbursement of the costs it
Satellite well Usually a single well drilled offshore to
produce from the fringes of a reservoir or adjacent small Service well See injection well
reservoir SG Also sg. Specific Gravity. For natural gas this is the
SBM Single Buoy Mooring, a single point buoy mooring ratio of its molecular weight to that of air (typ 0.6). For
for loading and unloading tankers LNG this is the ratio of density to the density of water
(typ 0.42-0.48), 420-480 kg/m3 density
SBV Standby Vessel
Shale Fine-grained, muddy sedimentary rock with low
Scf Standard cubic feet porosity
Scf/bbl Standard cubic feet per barrel Shale shaker Vibrating screen used to remove cuttings
Scf/d Standard cubic feet per day from the circulating fluid (mud) in rotary drilling operations
Scf/Stb Standard cubic feet per stock tank barrel. See SHEQ Safety, Health, Environment and Quality
GOR SHI Samsung Heavy Industries
SCM Subsea Control Module Shut-in pressure The pressure in a shut-in, non-flowing
Scrubber Separator for removing liquids/solids from gas well or the static pressure
stream Shuttle tanker Oil tanker used to transport oil from
SCS Subsea Control System larger vessels to port
SCU Surface Control Unit SI System Internationale (International System of Units)
SCV Submerged Combustion Vaporizer Side-tracked well Well that has been re-drilled from an
Scuff Standard cubic feetSDU Subsea Distribution Unit intermediate depth

Seal Impermeable fault/stratum of rock beneath or Sidewall coring Coring samples taken from the side
behind which hydrocarbons can accumulate. See also walls of a well bore using a special tool
reservoir SIGTTO Society of International Gas Tanker and
Secondary recovery Production of fluids from a Terminal Operators
reservoir by water/gas injection used for pressure Single point mooring system Offshore system to
maintenance which stabilised oil can be routed and an export tanker
can moor for the oil to be offloaded for export
Sedimentary rock Rock composed of weathered
materials transported by wind or water that have Skid Steel framework used to contain equipment or
undergone lithification, e.g. sandstone, shale and mount equipment on for transport
limestone Skimmer Equipment for removing the surface layer of oil
Seep Fault or pathway where hydrocarbon migrates to from an oil spill, or from an effluent water separator tank.
the surface/atmosphere Slop tank Tank for the temporary storage of water that
is contaminated with oil

Slug A large quantity of gas or liquid in a 2-phase Spot market A public financial market in which financial
pipeline. Terrain slugging, is caused by elevation instruments or commodities are traded for immediate
changes in the terrain or seabed. Liquid can accumulate delivery. Spot markets can operate wherever the
at low points until sufficient pressure builds up infrastructure exists to conduct a transaction
and pushes it out of the low point forming a slug. Spread Any complete set of equipment and ancillary
Hydrodynamic slugging is caused by gas flowing at vessels or vehicles for a designated task e.g. diving
a faster rate over the liquid phase, leading to the gas spread
forming waves on the liquid surface, which may bridge
the cross section of the pipeline, creating a blockage on Spud To begin drilling
the gas flow, which travels as a slug through the pipeline. SRU Sulphur Recovery Unit
Riser-base slugging, associated with subsea pipeline SRV Shuttle Regas Vessel
risers. Liquid accumulates at the bottom of the riser until
SSIV Subsea (safety) isolation valve
sufficient pressure builds behind it to overcome the static
head. The slug of liquid is followed by a slug of gas, until SSV Surface safety valve
sufficient liquids have accumulated at the riser base to SSSV Surface controlled subsurface safety valve OR
form the next liquid slug. Pigging slug, is caused by Subsea safety valve
pigging operations in the pipeline. The pig pushes all or
most of the liquid content to the pipeline outlet, which Stab To make a connection by inserting (stabbing) one
creates a liquid slug. device into another

Slug Catcher A vessel which provides buffer volume Stabilised crude oil Crude oil which has had the
to accommodate the largest slug expected from the volatile gas (at normal surface conditions) removed from
system upstream. Usually located between the outlet of it to meet commercial sale specifications. Also known as
a pipeline and processing equipment stock tank oil

SMR Single Mixed Refrigerant Liquefaction Cycle Start up Production from a commissioned and tested
SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea
Static head Sometimes refered to as the pressure head.
Sonic log A type of acoustic log that displays travel
It denotes the static pressure in a pipe due to the height
time of P-waves versus depth. Sonic logs are typically
of liquid
recorded by pulling a tool on a wireline up the wellbore.
The tool emits a sound wave that travels from the source Steam injection/flooding Used to lower the viscosity
to the formation and back to a receiver of residual/heavy oil in the reservoir and aid it in flowing
to the well
Sour oil/gas Oil or gas with a relatively high content of
sulphur compounds such as hydrogen sulphide STL Submerged Turret (un)Loading

Source rock Sedimentary rock with organic deposits STOIIP Stock Tank Oil Initially In Place
that form into hydrocarbons STP Standard Temperature and Pressure
SOX Oxides of Sulphur STS Ship to Ship transfer/offloading
SPA Sales and Purchase Agreement. Lays out the terms
and conditions of LNG trading
SPAR A cylindrical/partially submerged offshore drilling/
production platform, well adapted to deepwater
SPB IHI prismatic type B independent tank
Splash zone The part of an offshore structure that is
regularly exposed alternately to atmosphere and water or
spray and therefore highly prone to corrosion
SPMT Self-propelled multiwheel trailer
Spontaneous potential A log of the natural difference
in electrical potential, in millivolts, between an electrode
in the borehole and a fixed reference electrode on the
surface. The most useful component of this difference
is the electrochemical potential since it can cause a
significant deflection opposite permeable beds
SPAR Facility

Subsea blowout preventer Blowout preventer placed Tcf Trillion cubic feet
on the seabed for use by a floating offshore drilling rig,
TD Total Depth i.e. the drilled depth in a well at any one
see also BOP
Subsea template Template placed on seabed to facilitate
Tectonics The process of formation and evolution of the
drilling of wells, the wells are drilled through the template
earth’s solid surface crust. (See also Plate tectonics.)
and completed by mounting the subsea Xmas trees
TEG TriEthylene Glycol
SUDU Subsea Umbilical Distribution Unit
Template Structural framework where subsea wellheads
SUTA Subsea Umbilical Termination Assembly
are grouped
SUTU Subsea Umbilical Termination Unit
Tension-leg platform A compliant offshore drilling or
SV Support Vessel production platform which resembles a semisubmersible
and is attached to the seabed with tensioned steel
Swab Valve Subsea tree mounted valve used during
hawsers or tubes. The buoyancy of the platform applies
tension to the hawsers or tubes
Sweet Pertaining to crude oil or natural gas lacking
Tertiary Period or rock system divided into Palaeocene,
appreciable amounts of sulphur or sulphur compounds
Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene epochs or
SWHE Spiral Wound Heat Exchanger. A Cryogenic series
Exchanger manufactured by winding tubes onto a
THFP Tubing Head Flowing Pressure
Syncline A downward, trough-shaped configuration of THP Tubing Head Pressure
folded, stratified rocks. Compare with anticline Tie-in Connecting one pipeline to another or to
Tanker Any mobile storage unit for the bulk transport of equipment, also known as tie-back
crude oil, gas or products TJ Tera Joule
Tar See Asphalt TLP Tension Leg Platform
Tariff Volume-based or tonnage-based rental charge, Topsides Installation on substructure consisting of the
e.g. pipeline tariff, processing tariff decks, accommodation and process equipment required
for production, see also production Platform/Facility
Tar sands Sands impregnated with oil in the form of
asphalt or bitumen which are mined Train An LNG Production Unit consisting of pre-
treatment and liquefaction. Most baseload LNG
plants consist of 2 or more trains that can operate
independently of the others
Trap Rock strata that are arranged so that petroleum
accumulates in them
Trunk lines Long distance pipelines, as distinct from
field, gathering or branch lines
TSA Tolling Services Agreement
TUA Terminal Use Agreement
Tubing Small-diameter pipe that is run into a well to
serve as a conduit for the flow of oil and gas to the
Tubing head The tubing head is installed at the
wellhead on the production tubing, sealing off the
annulus between the casing and the tubing, and carries
the connections for production flowlines
Tubing hanger Incorporated in a tubing head (similar to
a casing hanger)
Turnkey contract Fixed price contract for construction,
TLP Facility drilling a well, etc., contractor takes on risk for non-

Turret moored A production turret (a cylindrical buoy) Volatility Readiness with which a liquid converts to its
is built into a cavity similar to a moon-pool in a floating gas state
ship-shaped production facility, this is connected to the
VP Vapour Pressure
wells by flexible pipelines and then moored in place, the
ship/facility is free to rotate or “weathervane” around the VSD Variable Speed Drive
turret maintaining an optimum profile to wind and sea. WACC Weighted Average Cost of Capital – is
The turret can also be externally attached the average rate of return a company expects to
TUT Topside Umbilical Termination compensate all its different investors. The weights are
the fraction of each financing source in the company’s
TUTU Topside Umbilical Termination Unit
target capital structure
TVD True Vertical Depth; the vertical distance below
WAP Wax Appearance Point
surface datum reached by a deviated well
WAT Wax Appearance Temperature
TVDSS True Vertical Depth Subsea
Water drive Hydrocarbon reservoir in contact with
UFL Upper Flammability Limit. The highest concentration
underlying water table, the formation pressure will drive
of a substance that will burn in air, usually expressed in
the water into the rock pores vacated by produced
vol %. 15% for Natural Gas
oil, thus maintaining reservoir pressure and aiding
Ullage Unused/available storage in a tanker, pipeline or production
Watering out When the proportion of water in
Unconventional Currently refers to oil and gas production from a well is so high that it must be shut in
resources whose porosity, permeability, fluid trapping (up to 95%)
mechanism, or other characteristics differ from
Water injection The injection of water in order to
conventional sandstone and carbonate reservoirs.
maintain reservoir pressure and boost production
Coalbed methane, gas hydrates, shale gas, fractured
reservoirs, and tight gas sands are considered Water re-injection Disposal of produced water into a
unconventional resources disposal well as opposed to dumping to the environment
(not for boosting the reservoir pressure)
Upstream Exploration, development and production
Water saturation Proportion of water in the pore
USG United States Gallons
spaces of a reservoir. See Porosity
USGC United States Gulf Coast Location
Water separation Removal of water from oil or gas,
UTA Umbilical Termination Assembly
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator. A worldwide grid
system of rectangular coordinates that uses metric (SI)
Vapour pressure The pressure exerted by the vapour of
a substance, and also the pressure required to prevent a
liquid from vaporising
Vent Pipe/fitting on a vessel that can be opened to
Vent stack Open pipe and framework for discharging
vapours into the atmosphere at a safe location without
VFD Variable Frequency Drive
Viscosity Property of fluids/slurries indicating their
resistance to flow, defined as the ratio of shear stress to
shear rate
VIV Vortex Induced Vibration
VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier
VOC Volatile Organic Compounds
Subsea (Wet) Christmas Tree

techniques available are e.g. settling (gravity), heating Well permit Regulatory permission to drill a well
and electrostatic precipitation (especially for breaking
Well program The engineering design and technical/
water-oil emulsions)
operational plan for drilling, completing and testing a well
Water table The level in the earth below which rock
Well testing Testing of an exploration or appraisal well
pores are saturated with water
to aid the estimation of reserves in communication with
Wax Paraffin waxes are found in crude oil, sometimes the well and well productivity. Testing in a production well
making up a significant proportion of it and require also monitors the effects of cumulative production on the
special treatment to allow the oil to flow freely at surface formation
Wet gas Natural hydrocarbon gas containing significant
WBS Work Breakdown Structure. Used to define amounts of natural gas liquids
individual responsibilities by project phase and area
Wet tree Xmas tree installed on seabed and exposed to
WD Water Depth water, see also Christmas tree
Weathering an increase in the density and ‘richness’ of WHRU Waste Heat Recovery Unit
stored LNG over time, as heat in-leak into the tank leads
WI Wobbe Index. A measure of gas heating value per
to boil-off of more volatile components such as nitrogen
unit flow of gas through an orifice
Weather window Period of relativity good weather
WI Water injection
when operations can take place
Wildcat Well drilled in an area where no oil or gas
Well Steel-lined boreholes drilled to search for, exploit
production exists. With modern exploration methods
and produce hydrocarbon reservoirs
and equipment, about one wildcat out of every seven
Well completion Preparing a well for the production of proves productive, but not necessarily economic
oil and gas
Wireline Small-diameter metal line used in wireline
Wellhead The “Wellhead” is descriptive of a location or operations; also called slick line. A system in which
function (including the Xmas tree and hang offs) rather a flexible cable and reel is used to lower a log or
than a specific item of equipment. Permanent equipment maintenance equipment into a well, rather than a rigid
used to secure and seal the casings and production drill string, offering considerable savings of equipment,
tubing and to provide a mounting for the Xmas tree manpower and time
Wellhead platform Offshore platform designed to WO Workover
support only wellheads (including Xmas trees) and
Workover Maintenance job on a well to replace
associated piping, production fluids are then transferred
equipment and or stimulate production
to a nearby production platform or onshore for
processing Workover rig Usually a smaller portable version which
can be used on installations which do not have a
Wellhead separator The first process vessel in a
permanent rig
production operation, operating at or near wellhead
pressures WOW Waiting on weather

Well logging Recording of information of subsurface Xmas tree See Christmas tree
formations. Logging includes records kept by the driller Zone Interval between two depths in a well containing
and records of mud and cutting analyses, core analyses, reservoir or other distinctive characteristics
drill stem tests, and electric, acoustic and radioactivity

Petroleum Chemistry

Normal Paraffins Branched-Chain Paraffins

(Alkanes) (Alkenes)

= Carbon Atom Boiling point Boiling point

CH4 Methane –161ºC C4H10 Isobutane –12ºC

C2H6 Ethane –89ºC C6H14 2,2-Dimethylbutane 50ºC

C3H8 Propane – 42ºC C6H14 2,3-Dimethylbutane 58ºC

C4H10 Butane – 0.5ºC C6H14 2-Methylpentane 60ºC

C5H12 Pentane 36ºC C7H16 2-Methylhexane (Isoalkane) 90ºC

C6H14 Hexane 69ºC C7H16 3-Methylhexane 92ºC


C7H14 Heptane 98ºC C8H18 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 99ºC


Petroleum Chemistry

Na henes (C clo araffins) Aroma ics

Boiling point Boiling point

C6H12 Methylcyclopentane 72ºC C6H6 Benzene 80ºC

C6H12 Cyclohexane (Side View) 81ºC C7H8 Toluene 111ºC

C8H16 Ethylcyclohexane 132ºC C8H10 Paraxylene 138ºC

C9H18 1,1,3-Trimethylcyclohexane 137ºC C9H12 Isopropylbenzene 152ºC


C10H18 Decalin 187ºC C20H12 3,4-Benzpyrene >500ºC


Oil Categories
Crude API Range
i Light Crude 31.1 – 45.1
ii Medium 22.3 – 20.2
iii Heavy 10.0 – 21.5
iv Extra Heavy* 0.1 – 6.5
*also referred to as bitumen

API gravity = - 131.5
density of oil
Specific Gravity (SG) =
density of water
Sweet Crude Contains little or no sulphur http://estliving.
Sour Crude Contains free sulphur, hydrogen sulphide (H2S), or other sulphur containing
compounds in amounts greater than 1%
Gas and Gas Condensate Categories scription&utm_

CO2 & H2S Impurities

Methane Natural Gas C1 LNG @ – 161°C

Sour Gas: Natural gas or any other gas that
contains more than 4ppmv of hydrogen sulphide
Ethane C2 (H2S) is commonly referred to as “sour”. This is
because the odour of H2S gas in air at very low
concentrations is similar to that of rotten eggs.
Sour gas can be difficult to produce due to its
Propane C3
tendency to cause corrosion and sulphide stress
LPG NGLs corrosion cracking, particularly in pipelines.
Source: Petrowiki
Butane C4

Pentane, Hexane, Etc C5+


A Brief History of Oil and Gas

40,000 BC Natural bitumen found on stone tools from 1873 Nobel brothers enter Baku and are in the Russian
Neanderthal sites in Syria oil business
5,000 BC Ancient Egyptians use bitumen to create their 1877 Whaling industry is in disarray
mummies – mumiyyah Arabic for bitumen
1878 Thomas Edison invents the incandescent light
2,000 BC Herodotus claims that asphalt was used in the bulb, now the oil industry is in disarray
tower of Babylon with bitumen recovered from the banks
1890 Royal Dutch was formed by Henri Deterding and
of local rivers
Jean Baptist August Kessler to focus on the Dutch East
600 BC Ancient Greeks observe the “eternal fires” in Indies
Absheron peninsula (in modern Azerbaijan)
1892 Samuel Samuels, of Shell fame, commissions the
350 AD Chinese use bamboo drill strings to drill oil wells Murex, the world’s first oil tanker
up to 300 m
1895 Oil is 7 cents a gallon
1,000 Arabic geographer, Al-Mas’udi observes oil seeps
1896 Firs known offshore (saltwater) oil well is drilled at
in southern Europe and the Middle East. He dubs the
the end of a 300 ft wharf in Summerland, California
Absheron peninsula bilad al-naffata (the land of the
naphtha fountain) 1896 Model T Ford is put into production and due to its
popularity creates a new dawn in the oil industry
1,000 15,000 inhabitants of Baku mostly involved in
the extraction and export of oil. A primitive industry with 1900 In the United States there were 8,000 registered
hand dug wells at natural seeps collected in simple automobiles, by 1920 there were 8,500,000
containers. Persian chemists facilitated the extraction 1901 Jan10 Spindletop drilled to a depth of 347m
by the technological breakthrough of distillation of the produces a gusher of 100,000 bpd
crude to separate Kerosene. Such technology was not
1901 William Knox D’Arcy acquires a Persian concession
available to Western Europe until1,200 AD
1907 Shell Transport and Trading Company and The
1,200 Oil production in Azerbaijan reaches almost 100
Royal Dutch Petroleum Company merge to create Royal
bbl/day creating an export market for oil
Dutch Shell
1,632 Natural oil springs found in New York
1908 Oil discovered in Persia leading to the creation of
1750s Industrial revolution takes hold and powered by coal Anglo-Persian, later to become BP
1753 Seneca Indian trading oil seep products 1911 Standard Oil ordered to be broken up into 34
1790 Nathanial Carey skims oil from seeps near smaller companies under the Sherman Antitrust Act
Titusville, Pennsylvania 1914 Oil asserts itself for the allies and in the
1846 Abraham Gessner develops process to refine liquid mechanisation of the battlefield. The shortfall in German
fuel from coal, bitumen and shale – kerosene. A cleaner supplies hindered their war efforts
and cheaper alternative to whale oil 1922 Venezuela - Los Barroso discovered
1848 Well drilled to 21m at Bibi-Heybat in Azerbaijan 1929 Onset of the Great Depression
1853 Ignacy Lukasiewicz invents the modern kerosene 1932 Oil discovered in Bahrain
lamp, a boon for the modern oil industry
1932-1933 Anglo-Iranian concession cancelled
1855 Ignacy Lukasiewicz opens first industrial refinery in
1933 Standard of California (SOCAL, now known as
the world in Ulaszowice
Chevron) wins concession in Saudi Arabia
1859 Colonel Drake drills the first oil well for George
1938 Oil discovered in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
Bissell’s Rock Oil Company and strikes oil on August
27 at a depth of 21m at Oil Creek where there were 1939 World War II
natural oil seeps. This was one of the first rotary drilled 1940 United States limits oil supplies to Japan
wells. The phrase Creekology referring to the exploration
methods of the day, basically looking for and following oil 1941 United States embargos oil to Japan. Japan
seeps in creeks attacks Pearl Harbour

1861-1865 American Civil War.1 Modern barrel of oil is 1945 WWII ends Germany and Japan basically run out
equivalent to around 23,000 human energy slave hours of fuel

1865 Civil war is over and oil costs 59 cents per gallon 1951 Iranians nationalise Anglo Iranian – First post-war
oil crisis
1870 John D Rockefeller sets up Standard Oil. Kerosene
costs 26 cents per gallon 1956 Suez crisis – Second post-war oil crisis

1956 Nigeria and Algeria discover oil

A Brief History of Oil
1958 Iraqi revolution
1959 Groningen natural gas field discovered and
and Gas References
developed in the Netherlands. 1. Penn Museum website -

1960 OPEC is founded 2. The View from the Mountain,
1967 Six Day war, closes Suez Canal – Third post-war
oil crisis
4. Wikipedia
1968 Alaskan North Slope, oil is discovered
5. The Prize – Daniel Yergin
1968 Ba’athists seize Iraqi power
1969 Gaddafi seizes power in Libya
1969 North Sea oil discovered
1969 Santa Barbara oil spill
1973 Yom Kippur Ware – Fourth post-war oil crisis. Oil
rises from $2.90 to $11.65 in 3 months.
1974 International Energy Agency (IEA) founded
1975 First oil production from North Sea fields
1975 Saudi, Kuwaiti and Venezuelan concessions come
to an end
1977 Alaskan North Slope oil comes to market
1979 Three Mile Island nuclear plant accident
1979 – 1981 Iranian hostage crisis. Oil rises from $13 to
$34 – Fifth post-war oil crisis
1980 Iraq goes to war with Iran
1982 OPEC quotas
1983 OPEC cuts price to $29/bbl
1983 Crude oil futures floated on NYMEX
1986 Oil price collapse
1986 Chernobyl (USSR) nuclear accident
1988 Iraq Iran war ends
1988 Piper Alpha oil rig disaster, 167 oil rig workers died
1989 Exxon Valdez tanker oil spill
1990 Iraq invades Kuwait – Sixth post-war oil crisis
1998 Oil price $10/bbl
2003 Iraq war
2007 Oil price $147/bbl
2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, 11 fatalities, 16,000
miles of coastline affected and over 8,000 animals
reported dead
2016 Oil price drops below $30/bbl

LNG History
1914 Godfrey L Cabot patents a river barge for handling 1991 First LNG deliveries from Australia’s North West
and transporting liquid gas Shelf arrive in Japan and South Korea
1917 LNG was proven viable when the first LNG plant 1993 Polar Eagle and Arctic Sun, 83.5km3, with IHI
went into operation in West Virginia prismatic containment system (SPB) begin service from
Alaska to Tokyo
1941 Storing concentrated energy in commercial “Peak
shaving plants” in the USA (Cleveland) 1995 MLNG Dua is first LNG Plant to use large Frame
7 GT drivers, leading to significant reduction in fuel
1959 First LNG cargo delivered by ship. Methane
consumptions and increase in train size
Pioneer transports a cargo of 2,000 tons of natural gas
from Louisiana across the Atlantic to Canvey Island on 1999 Atlantic LNG plant in Trinidad becomes first
the Thames estuary baseload LNG plant since Kenai to use Cascade
liquefaction process, adopting two trains in one
1960 Conch International Methane conducts pioneering
approach. Further trains in Trinidad and elsewhere follow
series of experiments involving small-scale LNG spills on
using the “Optimised Cascade” process
land at Lake Charles, LA for U.S. Bureau of Mines
2000 Joint Industry Project Azure to assess feasibility of
1964 First baseload LNG plant (Camel) in operation in
Floating LNG (FLNG)
Arzew, Algeria. 1.2 MMTPA (3X0.4MMTPA Trains) using
TEAL Cascade process. Steam turbine driven 2004 APCI SplitMR technology used for first time on
RasGas Train 3. This meant same GT driver to be used
1964 International LNG shipping (part of the “LNG
for both propane and MR compressors. It allowed a LNG
chain”) between Algeria and Europe. First purpose built
production capacity close to 5 mmtpa
LNG ships (LNG Princess and LNG Progress) built using
Conch tanks 2004 Explosions and fire destroy a portion of the LNG
liquefaction plant in Skikda, Algeria, killing 27 people
By 1969 three more trades (Algeria - France, Libya - Italy
and Spain, Alaska – Japan 2005 Excelerate Energy commission Gulf Gateway
Deepwater Port, offshore Louisiana using Excelsior SRV
1969 1.5 mmtpa export plant in Kenai, Alaska applies
the three refrigerant Phillips Cascade cycle. GT-driven. 2007 Excelerate Energy commissions Teesside Gas
First use of Aluminum Plate Fin Heat Exchangers Port using regas vessel with dockside coonection and
1970 First APCI SMR export plant built at Marsa
El Brega, Libya 2*0.75MMTPA trains, using SWHE 2007 First Q-Flex (Qatar-Flex) LNG Carrier (210km3)
technology delivered by Hyundai Heavy Industries to QatarGas in
late 2007. Includes Hamworthy BOG re-liquefaction
1971 Kvaerner develops 88km3 Moss spherical
containment system
2007 Statoil start up 4.4 MMTPA Snohvit LNG terminal
1971 First US Import terminal established at Everett, MD.
in Melkoya Island, Norway which uses Linde’s proprietary
Cove Point and Elba Island terminals follow in 1978
MFC refrigeration technology and Linde SWHE’s
1972 First propane-precooled mixed refrigerant cycle
2008 First Q-Max LNG Carrier (266km3) delivered by
(APCI C3MR) constructed for Shell Brunei (5x1.1 MMTPA
Samsung Heavy Industries to QatarGas in 2008
2008 World’s first LNG ship to FSRU conversion, Golar
1975 100 km3 LNG Carrier size exceeded with delivery
Spirit, a 129km3 Moss carrier, carried out by Keppel
of French built Ben Franklin, 120km3
Singapore and in service for Petrobras, Pecem, Brazil
1977 first Middle East project got underway with the 2 x
2009 World’s second LNG ship to FSRU conversion,
1.25 MMtpa train Das Island project in Abu Dhabi. Plant
Golar Winter, a 138km3 membrane carrier, carried
size increased further later that year when Indonesia
out by Keppel Singapore and in service for Petrobras,
joined the ranks of LNG exporting countries with the
Guanabara Bay, Brazil
start-up of the 2 x 2 MMtpa trains in Bontang
2008-2010 Start-up of 6x7.8MMTPA LNG trains for
1979 Formation of Society of International Gas Tanker
Rasgas and QatarGas, using APCI AP-X technology and
and Terminal Operators (SIGTTO) to promote safe and
Frame 9E drivers
reliable operation of gas tankers and terminals
2011 Shell sanctions Prelude development, first FLNG
1983 First Malaysia LNG export, MLNG Satu. This was
development, using Shell DMR process, 3.6 MMTPA,
last ever steam-turbine driven Greenfield plant, 3 x 2.1
offshore Australia
MMTPA trains. Little other Greenfield activity in 1980’S,
mainly expansion of existing terminals

Further reading Useful Conversions

Handbook of Liquefied Natural Gas Volume
ISBN: 978-0-12-404585-9
Saeid Mokhatab, October 2013, Elsevier Barrel of Oil (bbl) = ~42 US Gallons
GPSA databook, 2013 Edition = ~ 159 litres
An authoritative source of gas properties and other = ~ 0.159 m3
technical data. = ~ 0.136 Tonnes of oil equivalent (toe)
= ~ 5,660 SCF natural gas
Useful Videos
LNG – Fundamentals, including LNG Safety Energy Tonne of oil equivalent = ~ 10,000,000 Btu

FLNG – Shell Prelude Construction Video SCF natural gas = ~ 1,025 Btu
Natural Gas
Petroleum Chemistry
Essentially >90% Methane
Calorific Value ~ 1,000 Btu/SCF

Conversion of Gas to Liquid Products

100 MMSCFD = ~ 730,000 tonnes/y of LNG
= ~ 2,100 t/d of LNG
1 million tonnes LNG = ~ 2.2 million m3 LNG
= ~ 140 MMSCFD gas

Conversion of Gas to Energy

100 MMSCFD = ~ 4,200 MMBtu/h

“The estimation of petroleum resource quantities

involved the interpretation of volumes and values
that have an inherent degree of uncertainty. These
quantities are associated with development projects at
various stages of design and implementation. Use of a
consistent classification system enhances comparisons
between projects, groups of projects, and total
company portfolios according to forecast production
profiles and recoveries. Such a system must consider

Selected Energy Densities

“Energy density” by Scott Dial - Own work Data Source: Energy density, Lithium-ion battery. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons

The Oil and Gas Window

Oil/Gas Window Depth Temp(ºC) Spore Vitrinite Subsurface
(km) Colour Reflection Process
(small quantities
Kerogen 1 30 2 Diagenesis
of early methane,
3 biogenic

2 60 4 0.5

5 Initial maturity
3 90 Katagenesis (zone of oil
Oil generation)

4 120 7 1.2

Wet 8
Gas 5 150 2.0 Condensate/
9 Wet gas
High temperature
6 250 5.0

SPE Reserves Categorisation

both technical and commercial factors that impact the
project’s’ economic feasibility, it’s productive life and its
related cash flows.”
Source: SPE - Petroleum Resource Management System

Reserves are Like Fish Analogy

Proved Developed: The fish is in the boat. You have Probable: There are fish in the lake. You may have
weighed him. You can smell him and you will eat him. caught some yesterday. You may even be able to see
them, but you have not caught any today.
Proved Undeveloped: The fish is on your hook in the
water by the boat and you are ready to net him. You Possible: There is water in the lake. Someone may have
can tell how big he looks (they always look bigger in the told you there are fish in the lake. You have your boat on
water). the trailer but you may go play golf instead.
However, these humorous definitions do not recognize
the impact of the price of fish.
Photo: Harald Pettersen – Statoil

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Cover photo: Harald Pettersen – Statoil

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