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B. Inggris 6...

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Nama : ………………………………….. KKM NILAI TTG TTO
Kelas : VI ( Enam )
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 13 Maret 2019 72
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C or D!

The dialogue for questions no 1 to 4!

Salsa met Intan in the green grocery. They talked about their favorite fruits and vegetables.
Salsa : Hi, Intan. Nice to meet you here. ... (1) you like Durian?
Intan : ... (2). I don’t like the strong smell of it. What about you?
Salsa : I really like it. I think durian is a delicious fruit. By the way, what do you ... (3)?
Intan : Oranges and watermelon.
Salsa : ... (4) your sister like them?

1. A. doing B. does
C. do D. did

2. A. Yes, she does B. NO, I don’t

C. Yes, I do D. No, she does not

3. A. bought B. buy
C. buying D. buys

4. A. does B. did
C. doing D. do

The dialogue for questions no 5 to 6!

Dafa : Would you come to my house, tomorrow?
Delon : What date is it tomorrow?
Dafa : It is December the twentieth.
Delon : I am sorry, I can’t.
Dafa : Why?
Delon : My family will have a birthday party for my sister.
Dafa : When was she born?
Delon : She was born on December the twentieth nineteen ninety-seven.
Dafa : So she is eleven years old now.
Delon : Yes, you are right.

5. Who will have a birthday party tomorrow

A. Dafa’s house B. His brother
C. Delon’s sister D. his sister

6. . . . do you live?
A. where B. who
C. what D. whom

7. Andri : ... ?
Rani : She is eleven years old now.
A. How old is she? B. Where was she born?
C. How old are you? D. When was she born?

The text for no 8 -12!
This is SD Permata Bunda. The students of this school come here everyday. They do a lot of activities. They learn
different kinds of subjects, such as Mathematics, English, Biology, and Indonesian language. Everyday they wear the school
uniform, white and white for every Monday, white and red for Tuesday until Friday, and the scout uniform for every Saturday.
8. What days do the students wear the white and white uniform?
A. Monday B. Sunday
C. Thursday D. Wednesday

9. The students wear . . . for every Tuesday until Friday.

A. white and red B. white and white
C. the scout uniform D. Batik uniform

10. Usually they do the scout practise for every . . . .

A. Monday B. Saturday
C. Tuesday D. Wednesday

11. They have . . . kinds uniform.

A. one B. three
C. two D. four

12. Belows are the name of province in Indonesia, except . . . .

A. West Sumatera B. West Java
C. East Java D . Medan

13. Whice is the correct question of time?

A. What is your phone number? B. How old are you?
C. What time is it? D. What time it?

14. The sign means . . . .

A. no parking area B. must stop
C. stop D. mustn’t stop

This table for questions no 15 – 18!

No Name Hobby

1. Laura cooking and reading

2. Nadine Playing basket ball

3. Jeremy swimming

4. Jaka drawing

5. Yanti reading

15. What is Jeremy’s hobby?

A. cooking B. swimming
C. drawing D. reading

16. Yanti’s hobby is . . . .

A. running B. drawing
C. cooking D. reading

17. Who likes playing basket ball?

A. Yanti B. Laura
C. Nadine D. Jeremy

18. What do Yanti and Laura hobby?

A. reading B. cooking
C. playing football D. swimming
The text for number 19 - 20!
Last Sunday, I and my mom went to restaurant to have lunch.
I ate fried noodle and drank a glass of orange juice.
My mom ate corn soup and drank a bottle of lemon tea.
After finish, we went to a bookstore. I bought the newest magazine.

19. Where did I and my mom go?

A. restaurant B. library
C. school D. hospital

20. When did we go?

A. Last week B. Next Sunday
C. Last Sunday D. On Sunday

21. . . . is used to bring sick people to the hospital.

A. bus B.ambulance
C. bike D. plane

22. I am vegetable. My colour is orange. I’am very good for your eyes. I am a …
A. pumpkin B. carrot
C. chily D. eggplant

23. This vegetable is hot. “Don’t eat too much!” you will get a stomachache.
The name of vegetable is . . .
A. pumpkin B. eggplant
C. chily D. carrot

24. Malin Kundang is a legend from. . . .

A. North Sumatera B. East Java
C. West Sumatera D. West java

25. The leader of Japan is . . .

A. queen B. prince
C. king D. emperor

Fill in the blanks!

26. We can see many animals at the . . .

27. In Bogor, there is a garden named . . .
28. The capital of North Sumatera is . . .
29. The capital of Indonesia is . . .
30. The capital of East Java is . . . .

Change the sentences into positive (+) and interogative (?) sentences!
31. My mother didn’t buy a new bag for me.


32. Evi didn’t visit her teacher last week.


33. Mariani didn’t drink a coffee last night.


Fill in the blanks with “ Belong” or belongs”, then change into negative and intterrogative sentences!

34. The glasses ..... to his mother.



35. The motorbike ...... to my brother.



36. The beautiful shoes .... to my father.



37. The yellow house .... to Yemima



Make a simple past sentences using the word below!

( Membuat kalimat di Simple Past Tense)
38. clean : ____________________________________________________________________

39. teach : ____________________________________________________________________

40. give : ____________________________________________________________________

Translate the sentences to english language!

41. Okta : selamat ya Manuel. Kamu menang lomba bahasa inggris

Manuel : terimakasih Okta.
Okta : ____________________________________________________________________
Manuel : ____________________________________________________________________
42. Erin : Moses, saya mengundang kamu untuk datang di pesta ulang tahun saya
Moses : terimakasih Erin telah mengundang saya
Erin : ____________________________________________________________________
Moses : ____________________________________________________________________

43. Diopen : Angel saya sangat sedih , Saya mendapat nilai jelek hari ini
Angel : betapa malangnya dirimu
Diopen : ____________________________________________________________________
Angel : ____________________________________________________________________

Translate the sentences to Indonesia language!

44. Chelsea : I went to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower last month
Alboido : how wonderfull
Chelsea : ____________________________________________________________________
Alboido : ____________________________________________________________________

45. Alfarel : I believe that we must be respectful to old people

Ceyline : I aggre
Alfarel : ____________________________________________________________________
Ceyline : ____________________________________________________________________


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