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Designation: E999 – 10

Standard Guide for

Controlling the Quality of Industrial Radiographic Film
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E999; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 2.2 ISO Standards:4

1.1 This guide2 establishes guidelines that may be used for ISO 11699-2 Nondestructive testing—Industrial Radio-
the control and maintenance of industrial radiographic film graphic Film. Part 2: Control of film processing by means
processing equipment and materials. Effective use of these of references values.
guidelines aid in controlling the consistency and quality of ISO 18917 Photography—Determination of residual thio-
industrial radiographic film processing. sulfate and other related chemicals in processed photo-
1.2 Use of this guide is limited to the processing of films for graphic materials—Methods using iodine amylase, meth-
industrial radiography. This guide includes procedures for ylene blue, and silver sulfide
wet-chemical processes and dry processing techniques. 2.3 CEN Standards:
1.3 The necessity of applying specific control procedures EN 584-2 Nondestructive Testing—Industrial Radiographic
such as those described in this guide is dependent, to a certain Film. Part 2: Control of film processing by means of
extent, on the degree to which a facility adheres to good reference values4
processing practices as a matter of routine procedure. 2.4 ANSI Standards:
1.4 If a nondestructive testing agency as described in IT 2.26 Photography—Photographic Materials– Determina-
Practice E543 is used to perform the examination, the testing tion of Safelight Conditions4
agency shall meet the requirements of Practice E543. 3. Terminology
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this guide,
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- see Terminology E1316.
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter- 4. Significance and Use
mine the applicability of federal and local codes prior to use.
4.1 The provisions in this guide are intended to control the
2. Referenced Documents reliability or quality of the image development process only.
2.1 ASTM Standards:3 The acceptability or quality of industrial radiographic films
E94 Guide for Radiographic Examination processed in this manner as well as the materials or products
E543 Specification for Agencies Performing Nondestruc- radiographed remain at the discretion of the user, or inspector,
tive Testing or both. It is further intended that this guide be used as an
E1079 Practice for Calibration of Transmission Densitom- adjunct to and not a replacement for Guide E94.
eters 5. Chemical Mixing for Manual and Automatic Processes
E1254 Guide for Storage of Radiographs and Unexposed
Industrial Radiographic Films 5.1 Any equipment that comes in contact with processing
E1316 Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations solutions should be made of glass, hard rubber, polyethylene,
PVC, enameled steel, stainless steel, or other chemically inert
materials. This includes materials such as plumbing, mixing
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E07 on Nondestruc- impellers, and the cores of filter cartridges. Do not allow
tive Testing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E07.01 on Radiology materials such as tin, copper, steel, brass, aluminum, or zinc to
(X and Gamma) Method. come into contact with processing solutions. These materials
Current edition approved June 1, 2010. Published July 2010. Originally approved
in 1990. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as E999 - 05. DOI: 10.1520/E0999- can cause solution contamination that may result in film
10. fogging or rapid oxidation.
For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specifi- 5.2 Mixing Chemicals:
cation SE-999 in Section II of that Code.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
the ASTM website. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E999 – 10
5.2.1 Do not mix powdered chemicals in processor tanks, concentrate solutions and reduce temperatures causing precipi-
since undissolved particles may be left in the square corners of tation of some of the solution constituents.
the tank. Mix solutions in separate containers made from 6.2.1 Store replenisher solutions for small volume opera-
materials specified in 5.1. tions in airtight containers. The caps of these containers should
5.2.2 Carefully follow the manufacturer’s package direc- be free of corrosion and foreign particles that could prevent a
tions or formulas for mixing the chemicals. Start with the tight fit.
correct volume of water at the temperature specified in the 6.3 Temperature—Store all solutions at normal room tem-
instructions, and add chemicals in the order listed. During the perature, between 40 to 80°F (4 to 27°C). Storing solutions,
mixing and use of radiographic film processing chemicals, be particularly developer, at elevated temperatures can produce
sure to observe all precautionary information on chemical rapid oxidation resulting in loss of activity and a tendency to
containers and in instructions. stain the film. Storage at too low a temperature, particularly of
5.2.3 Proper mixing of chemicals can be verified with fixer solutions, can cause some solutions to crystallize, and the
measurements of pH and specific gravity. crystals may not redissolve even with heating and stirring.
5.3 Contamination of Solutions: 6.4 Deterioration—Radiographic film processing chemicals
5.3.1 Thoroughly clean all mixing equipment immediately can deteriorate either with age or with usage. Carefully follow
after use to avoid contamination when the next solution is the manufacturer’s recommendations for storage life and useful
mixed. When mixing fixer from powder, make sure to add the capacity. Discard processing solutions when the recommended
powder carefully to the water in the mixing tank so fixer dust number of films have been processed or the recommended
does not get into other processing solutions. When mixing any storage life of the prepared solution has been reached, which-
chemical, protect nearby tank solutions with floating lids and ever occurs first.
dust covers. The use of a vent hood is recommended as a safety 6.5 Contamination:
precaution. 6.5.1 Liquid chemicals are provided in containers with
5.3.2 The water supply should either be de-ionized or tight-fitting tops. To avoid contamination, never interchange
filtered to 50 microns or better, so it is clean and sediment-free. the top of one container with another. For this reason, it is
5.3.3 If large tanks are used for mixing, carefully mark the common practice for radiographic film processing chemicals
volume levels to be certain that volumes are correct. manufacturers to color code the container tops, that is, red for
5.3.4 Use separate mixers for developer solution and for developer and blue for fixer.
fixer solution. If only one mixer is available, thoroughly rinse 6.5.2 Clearly label replenisher storage tanks with the solu-
the mixer after each mix to avoid cross-contamination of tion that they contain and use that container only with that
chemicals. Use of impeller-type mixers provides rapid, thor- solution. If more than one developer or one fixer formulation
ough mixing. When positioning the impeller special caution are being used, a separate replenisher tank should be dedicated
should be taken in choosing angle and depth to minimize the to each chemical. Differences in developer or fixer formula-
amount of air being drawn into the solution. Over-mixing of tions from one manufacturer to another may contaminate
the solutions can cause oxidation, especially with developers, similar solutions.
and should be avoided. Rinse the shaft, impeller, and mounting
clamp with water after use. 7. Processing
5.4 Maintaining Equipment: 7.1 Manual Processing:
5.4.1 Immediately clean all mixing equipment after use. 7.1.1 Follow the temperature recommendations from the
5.4.2 In addition to cleaning equipment immediately after film or solution manufacturer and check thermometers. Check
use, wash any mixing apparatus that has been idle for a long thermometers and temperature-controlling devices periodically
period of time to eliminate dust and dirt that may have to be sure the process temperatures are correct. Process
accumulated. temperatures should be checked at least once per shift. Keep
5.4.3 Processing hangers and tanks should be free of corro- the temperature of the stop (if used), fixer, and wash water
sion and chemical deposits. Encrusted deposits that accumulate within 65°F (63°C) of the developer temperature. An unpro-
in tanks, trays, and processing equipment which are difficult to tected mercury-filled thermometer should never be used for
remove by conventional cleaning, can be removed by using the radiographic film processing applications because accidental
specially formulated cleaning agents recommended by the breakage could result in serious mercury contamination.
chemical or equipment manufacturer. 7.1.2 Control of processing solution temperature and im-
mersion time relationships are instrumental considerations
6. Storage of Solutions when establishing a processing procedure that will consistently
6.1 In Original Containers—Follow the manufacturer’s produce radiographs of desired density and quality. The actual
storage and capacity recommendations packaged with the time and temperature relationships established are governed
chemicals. Do not use chemicals that have been stored longer largely by the industrial radiographic films and chemicals used
than recommended. and should be within the limits of the manufacturer’s recom-
6.2 In Replenisher or Process Tanks—Wherever possible, mendations for those materials. When determining the immer-
protect solutions in tanks with floating lids and dust covers. In sion time for each solution ensure that the draining time is
addition to preventing contaminants from entering solutions, included. Draining time should be consistent from solution to
floating lids and dust covers help to minimize oxidation and solution. The darkroom timers used should be periodically
evaporation from the surface of the solutions. Evaporation can checked for accuracy.

E999 – 10
7.1.3 Agitate at specified intervals for the times recom- variables encountered by the user and his particular needs.
mended by the film or solution manufacturer. Check solutions daily or with established frequency based
7.1.4 As film is processed, the components of the processing upon usage to ensure that temperatures are within the manu-
solutions involved in the radiographic process are consumed. facturer’s recommendations. Check the processor’s thermom-
In addition, some solution adheres to the film and is carried eter with a secondary thermometer during normal maintenance
over into the next solution while bromide ions and other procedures to verify correct processing temperatures within the
by-products are released into the solutions. Replenishment is manufacturer’s specifications.
carried out to replace those components which have been 7.2.2 Transport speed should be checked during normal
consumed while, at the same time, reducing the level of maintenance procedures by measuring the time it takes for a
by-products of the process. The volume of replenishment given length of film to pass a specific point. (For example, if
necessary is governed primarily by the number, size, and the indicated machine speed is 2 ft/min, place two marks on a
density of films processed. Manufacturer’s recommendations length of film 1 ft apart. The second mark should pass a specific
for replenishment are based on these criteria and will generally location, such as the entrance to the processor, exactly 30 s
provide suitable results for the expected life of the solution. In after the first mark has passed the same point.) An optional
any case, maintain solution levels to ensure complete immer- method for measuring processor speed is to install a tachometer
sion of the film. on the main drive motor and determine desired RPM/
7.1.5 Newly mixed chemicals are often referrred to as processing speed relationships.
“fresh.” “Seasoning” refers to the changes that take place in the 7.2.3 Agitation is provided by the action of the processor
processing solutions as films are processed after fresh chemi- rollers, recirculation pumps, and wash water flow. No external
cals have been added to the processor. As the processing agitation is needed.
solutions season, provided they are replenished appropriately, 7.2.4 For processors with replenishment systems, use the
they will reach chemical equilibrium and the film speed and replenishment rates recommended by the film or solution
contrast will be consistent and stable. To bring freshly mixed manufacturer.
solutions to a seasoned state very quickly, a chemical starter Accurate replenishment increases the useful life of
can be added or exposed films can be processed. When using solutions to a great extent by replacing ingredients that are
developer starter solution follow the manufacturer’s recom- depleted and maintains the process at a constant, efficient level.
mendations for the product. When using seasoning films Replenishment rates should be verified during nor-
expose the films with visible light and then develop three 14 by mal maintenance procedures to ensure that the correct volumes
17-in. (35 by 43-cm) films, or equivalent, per gallon (3.8 L) of are being injected into the solutions. For installations process-
developer, following the manufacturer’s recommended pro- ing very large amounts of film (in excess of two tank turnovers
cessing cycle, replenishment, and wash rates. of solution per week), checks on replenishment rates should be
NOTE 1—Seasoning films may be new films or films that may not be made more frequently. Processor manufacturer’s recommenda-
generally suitable for production purposes due to excessive gross fog tions will generally provide an adequate procedure for check-
(base plus fog) density, expiration of shelf life, or other reasons. ing replenishment volumes.
7.1.6 Handle all films carefully during the processing cycle 7.2.5 For seasoning freshly mixed developer solution, refer
and allow adequate time for the film to sufficiently drain before to the provisions in 7.1.5.
transferring it to the next solution. The use of a stop bath or 7.2.6 Always fill the fixer tank first, following the manufac-
clear water rinse between developing and fixing may also be turer’s instructions, then rinse and fill the developer tank. This
appropriate. The stop bath or clear water rinse serve to arrest minimizes the possibility of fixer accidentally splashing into
development and also aids in minimizing the amount of the developer solution. When replacing or removing processor
developer carried over into the fixer solution. Insufficient racks, always use a splash guard to further reduce the possi-
bath-to-bath drain time may cause excessive solution carry- bility of contamination.
over which can contaminate and shorten the life of solutions in 7.2.7 Drying:
addition to causing undesirable effects on processed radio- Make sure the dryer is clean and that no foreign
graphs. material has settled on the rollers. Routinely examine the
7.1.7 When washing films, a wetting agent may be appro- ventilation system to ensure that air paths are not blocked and
priate to use to prevent water spots and streaking during that films are uniformly dried. There are two types of dryer
drying. Prior to placing films in the dryer, ensure that the dryer systems used in automatic film processors for industrial radio-
is clean and that adequate heat and ventilation are provided. graphic films:
During drying, visually examine the films to determine the (1) Convection dryers are circulating air systems with
length of time required for sufficient drying. thermostatic controls. Normal drying temperatures range from
7.2 Automated Processing: 80 to 120°F when relative humidity (RH) conditions are
7.2.1 Immersion time and solution temperature relation- approximately 40 to 75 %. Relative humidities above 75 %
ships can be more closely controlled with automatic processing may require higher temperatures.
since the equipment provides external gages for monitoring (2) Infrared (IR) dryers are based principally on absorption
purposes. As a general guideline, follow the manufacturer’s rather than temperature. Relative humidity has no adverse
recommendations for industrial processing materials. How- affect on infrared drying. Infrared energy levels are preset by
ever, the actual procedure used should be based on the the manufacturer and provide a range of dryer settings.

E999 – 10 The dryer efficiency can be tested by processing six 8.3.4 The first sensitometric film processed through freshly
consecutive 14 by 17-in. (35 by 43-cm) production films, or mixed and seasoned chemicals (see 7.1.5) will become the
equivalent and examining them immediately after the drying reference or standard for a box of control film.
cycle is complete. If damp or undried areas are observed, 8.3.5 Subsequent monitoring films are then produced on an
increase the dryer setting. Should an increase in dryer tempera- as-needed basis and compared to the reference film to deter-
ture for convection dryers or an increase in energy for infrared mine sensitometric changes within the processor. Generally,
dryers not dry the film, the following conditions should be the higher the film volume processed, the more often QA
investigated: checks should be performed.
(1) Wash water that is too warm will cause excessive 8.3.6 If a monitoring film produces unusually high or low
emulsion swelling. This can adversely affect film drying in densities exceeding the tolerance limits, then the processing
convection dryers. and sensitometric exposure conditions should be rechecked and
(2) Incoming dryer air that is either too humid or too cold repeated, if necessary. If the results are still out of tolerance,
can adversely affect film drying in the convection dryer. the cause must be located and corrected. Generally, a small
(3) Check if oven-temperature devices or IR radiators, or adjustment in replenishment rates is necessary until a sensito-
both, are operational in infrared dryers. metric film processor activity balance is established
(4) The fixer solution activity may not be in accordance to 8.3.7 Whenever it becomes necessary to change a monitor-
manufacturing recommendations and should be tested in ac- ing film from one emulsion to another, two films each (from the
cordance with 8.6. new box and the old box) should be exposed and processed
simultaneously to adjust for normal film manufacturing sensi-
8. Activity Testing of Solutions for Manual and tometric variations.
Automatic Processing 8.4 Densitometer:
8.1 Certified Pre-exposed Control Strips—The processing 8.4.1 A transmission densitometer should be used capable
system can be controlled by use of certified pre-exposed of reading densities within the allowable range of optical
control strips as specified by ISO 11699-2 and EN 584-2. densities utilized in production radiographs, with an aperture
Certified pre-exposed control strips are commercially avail- on the order of 1.0 to 3.0 mm in diameter. The densitometer
able. Certified pre-exposed control strips are exposed to X-rays should be calibrated in accordance with Practice E1079.
and are accompanied by a certificate from the film control strip 8.5 Developer:
manufacturer. Certified pre-exposed strips should be the same 8.5.1 The developer activity should be checked by process-
brand used in the facilities processing system. After processing, ing a pre-exposed sensitometric strip, a radiograph of a step
speed and contrast indexes are determined and compared to the wedge, or a test part for measuring four film densities, one at
reference speed and contrast values provided on the certificate. base + fog (unexposed area of film) and three between 1.5 and
8.2 Electronic sensitometers that expose film to white light 4.0 in three areas of interest (high, medium, and low densities).
are also commercially available. The user of electronic sensi- These four areas are also known as the Aim Film densities.
tometers should be aware that such usage, when accompanied
8.5.2 The film densities in the areas of interest being
by an appropriate white-light sensitive industrial film, results in
monitored should be within 610 % of the original monitoring
greater response. Consequently, maintenance of developing
film density. Variations within this range are generally consid-
parameters must be at a higher and more frequent level.
ered normal and should not adversely affect radiographic
8.3 Radiographic Monitoring Films—To establish a reliable
procedure for determining the activity of processing solutions,
it will be necessary to provide a minimal amount of equipment 8.6 Fixer:
and the proper selection and storage of radiographic control 8.6.1 Fixer solution activity can be determined by measur-
films. Radiographic films are made in batches where the ing the clearing time. After the fixer solution has reached an
characteristics may vary slightly between batches. These operating temperature, place an unprocessed X-ray film into
changes from emulsion to emulsion may be detectable and the fixer solution and measure the time required to remove the
could be confused with the changes in the radiographic silver halide crystals; this is known as the clearing time.
processing system. Removal of the X-ray film silver halide crystals can be
8.3.1 Sensitometric Step Tablets—A metallic step wedge or observed when the X-ray film turns from a reflective color to
other suitable object(s) of uniform material and varying thick- a clear translucent film in the fixer. The film should remain in
ness(es), of either aluminum or steel can be used with a given the fixer solution for twice the amount of time necessary for it
X-ray or gamma-ray exposure to create a sensitometric control to become clear. The film should be periodically agitated
strip. ISO 11699-2 and EN 584-2 describe the exposure of during manual processing.
metallic step wedges for the production of sensitometric 8.6.2 If physical examination shows unfixed spots or areas,
control films and the design of metallic step wedges. the fixer should be discarded. Unfixed areas may appear as
8.3.2 Monitoring films must be properly stored to ensure dull, nonreflective areas that may be yellowish in color
that the film characteristics of the first sheet will be the same as depending on the actual lack of fixer activity.
the last sheet used. See Guide E1254 8.7 Wash:
8.3.3 A monitoring film should be the same brand and type 8.7.1 Proper washing is necessary to remove residual fixer
predominantly used in the facilities processing system from the film. If not removed from the film, these chemicals

E999 – 10
will cause subsequent damage (staining) and deterioration of 8.8.2 The sensitivity of most film emulsions does not end
the radiographic image, especially in low-density areas. abruptly at a particular wavelength – most emulsions are
8.7.2 The effectiveness of washing may be checked using somewhat sensitive to wavelengths outside the intended range,
the residual thiosulfate chemicals test described in Guide E94 including wavelengths transmitted by the recommended safe-
or ISO 18917. light filter. Therefore, always minimize the exposure of pho-
8.7.3 If physical examination of the films after washing tographic materials to safelight illumination. Safelight condi-
shows dirt or scum that was not present before washing, the tions can be tested and verified as prescribed in ANSI IT 2.26.
wash tanks should be drained and cleaned. Drain wash tanks
whenever they are not being used. In order to minimize 9. Records
washing artifacts it is recommended that “cleanup” films be 9.1 Accurate records should be kept of the following items:
processed at start up to clear out scum and foreign material. 9.1.1 Brand name and model of processor, if used.
“Cleanup” films are commercially available. The use of 9.1.2 Brand names and batch number of chemicals used.
algaecides is also recommended to retard the growth of 9.1.3 Time of development.
organisms within the wash bath. 9.1.4 Temperature of processing chemicals.
8.7.4 The newer cold-water-type processors do not require a 9.1.5 Date new chemicals were placed in use.
control valve to regulate water temperatures. However, many 9.1.6 Replenishment rates.
older-type processors require that the incoming water tempera-
ture be set within certain limits of the developer temperature. 10. Maintenance
Exceeding these limits may not allow the processor to ad- 10.1 Maintenance schedules provided by the manufacturer
equately control the developer temperature, which may cause for preventive maintenance should be adhered to in order to
density variations. assure consistent chemical and mechanical operation as set
8.8 Safelights: forth by the manufacturer.
8.8.1 Follow all safelight recommendations for the particu-
lar film being used. Refer to the product or manufacturer’s 11. Keywords
instructions for recommended safelight filter, bulb wattage, and 11.1 automatic processing; film; manual processing; pro-
minimum safelight distance. cessing; radiographic; solutions

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if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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