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Raw Material Myths White Paper

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White Paper

Raw Material Myths:

Separating Fact from Fiction
Douglas Bowman, Program Manager, PharmaGrade at SAFC

Prior to the recent establishment of clearer regulatory guidelines Myth: All Raw Materials Must Meet GMP Standards
for the raw materials used in biopharma production processes, There is a common assumption that the new regulations mean
easy accessibility of materials would often trump quality during every raw material used in a biopharma manufacturing process
the sourcing phase. While it is undoubtedly important to have a must meet good manufacturing practice (GMP) standards and/
ready supply of all materials needed to complete a bioprocess, it or be of USP quality. Certainly, submitting a request for quotation
is even more important that the materials meet specific integrity and stating that the chemical must be GMP or USP seems clear
requirements to ensure the quality of the final active drug. and concise, and both of these terms are good indicators of high
levels of product quality and control. However, the reality is subtler
Since a bioprocess can easily include 100 or more individual
than that. For example, GMP is a generic term, and there are many
chemical components in media and additives, there must be
different GMP standards grouped under that heading.
a clear understanding of the quality and provenance of each
material. Failure to build this understanding increases the risk of Different suppliers receiving a simple request for a GMP product
adverse events, such as the well-publicized heparin incident of could reply with very different offers. For instance, one could
March 2008, when tainted product resulted in the deaths of at offer an API quality product and another might offer a food-grade
least 85 patients and serious health concerns for hundreds of product. Neither supplier would be incorrect, as these are
users of the anticoagulant.1 This incident, among others, ultimately both GMP standards, but GMP products designed to meet
became a catalyst for the creation of more stringent regulations, API standards are often over-engineered for what is needed
ratified in 2012, which the biopharma industry is still working to in a biopharma process and may well exceed the customer
fully implement today. requirements, adding unnecessary cost to the product. On the
other hand, the food-grade chemical will not provide an adequate
These regulations, culminating in the ICH guideline Q11, require
level of transparency and control. In general, GMP standards
manufacturers to conduct a risk assessment of their manufac-
designed for excipients, such as IPEC guidelines, are being adopted
turing process, identify critical control parameters, and determine
as a good proxy quality standard for biopharma raw materials.
the criticality of each raw material based on where and how it is
used in each specific process. When auditing, regulators can USP can also be a minefield. By definition, USP compliance
demand a full picture of the supply chain for all raw materials should only be claimed when the chemical both meets the
and require the drug manufacturer to justify its risk assessment compendial analytical specification and has been processed
that led to the decision to use a particular source and grade. and handled under GMP conditions. Many suppliers declare USP
The raw material supplier provides risk assessment information compliance when only the analytical requirements have been met;
that includes, but is not limited to, elements such as manufac- this is no real indication of the environment in which the chemical
turing location, origin of the material (biological/synthetic), has been manufactured or packaged. In addition, many chemicals
packaging and handling environment employed, details of any commonly used in bioprocessing are not listed in the USP
toxic substances such as solvents or heavy metal catalysts used compendia, and no monograph specification exists, so a blanket
during manufacture, and change-control elements. “USP-quality” request is null and void.

As the industry continues to transition under the new Finally, several suppliers who specialize in serving the biopharma
regulatory environment, suppliers and biopharma manufacturers industry have developed internal quality systems to deliver
continue to learn how to work within the guidelines. Even as the products specifically designed to meet biopharma raw-material
industry responds to this paradigm shift, a handful of common requirements. These quality systems incorporate the important
myths remain. aspects of GMP standards without the superfluous elements and
can offer more nimble, cost-effective solutions. The best option is
to use a risk-based approach to establish the desired quality for
each raw material in each application; work with proven preferred
suppliers to identify the product grade with best fit; and find the
right balance between quality and cost.
White Paper

Myth: Raw Materials From China Should Always Be Avoided business. They also typically do not have sophisticated change-
The 2008 heparin scandal was connected to counterfeit raw control tracking and notification systems in place and therefore
materials sourced from China. Unfortunately, this led to a belief rarely provide the change control needed for raw materials going
within the biopharma industry that future problems might be into regulated applications.
prevented if Chinese ingredients are avoided. This is an overre-
Sourcing through a dedicated third party can resolve these
action that can cause real supply chain fulfilment problems.
issues, because the supplier has enough volume to persuade the
While it might be relatively easy to find a small-molecule product
manufacturer to put biopharma requirements in place. In addition,
from a non-Chinese source, for many of the key components of
the third party can carry out further processing, such as distil-
a bioprocess, this is not the case. Most of the world’s supply of
lation, recrystallization or salt formation to ensure impurity profiles
numerous raw materials—from amino acids and sugars to salts
meet specific requirements. Analytical techniques such as residual
and trace metals—come from China, so eschewing that country
solvent and heavy metal analysis can provide an additional layer
entirely is problematic.
of reassurance. Risk is thus reduced because changes are limited
The key here is identifying reliable Chinese manufacturers. This with a more standardized supply chain, and access to these
can be challenging, given that there are hundreds of alternative commercially available chemicals is reliable.
manufacturers, mostly fronted by third-party commercial
Myth: It Is Essential to Source Directly From the Original
exporters. For drug manufacturers, one answer is to use a trusted
supplier who can: 1) identify suitable sources; 2) conduct audits
This myth arises because a recent update to an EU regulation
using its own local Chinese procurement and quality assurance
states that, wherever possible, raw materials should be procured
specialists; and 3) provide any necessary traceability documen-
directly from the original manufacturer.2 The aim is to ensure
tation. Ideally, the supplier will also have the capability, where
traceability back to the site where the raw material was originally
necessary, to reprocess the Chinese raw material in facilities
manufactured, rather than passing through a complex chain of
in Europe or the U.S. to ensure it meets the necessary quality
traders with no clear information about the source.
standards, dramatically reducing any risk in sourcing raw materials
that were originally manufactured in a Chinese factory. However, it can be difficult for a small-volume end-user to obtain
the required documentation, even if the quality of the material
Myth: Chemicals from Western Industrial Manufacturers
meets biopharma needs. A large intermediary supplier, with greater
Are By Default Fit for Purpose
purchasing power, will be in a much better position to have the
In contrast to the concerns about Chinese manufacturers, there
requisite documentation and auditing already in place. Regulations
is a perception that if a chemical is supplied by one of the large
do not demand that raw materials be procured from the original
global chemical companies, its quality will automatically be
source. As long as full traceability is available, the documentation
acceptable. But bulk chemical manufacturers are geared up
from a reputable intermediary supplier justifies to the FDA or EMA
for supplying large volumes to customers involved in plastics
that the drug manufacturer has carried out due diligence and is
manufacturing, or oil exploration, for example. While their
using fully audited quality products. A documentation package
product range includes some chemicals that are also important
from the raw-material supplier provides this information and can
components of biopharma processes, this application represents
decrease timelines by months.
only a fraction of a percent of overall output and sales. The
production line may be dedicated to this specific chemical, so the SAFC Raw Materials
process and quality will be optimized and standardized for general As a trusted supplier of raw materials, SAFC recognizes the
purposes. However, the levels of documentation, impurity analysis importance of having access to the right grade of material for each
and microbiological control, for instance, often fall below the step of bioprocessing. Because materials are either developed
acceptable standards expected by the biopharma industry. in-house or sourced from verified providers, SAFC has the ability
to meet volume and grade requirements. A dedicated customer
These manufacturers can also be reluctant to enter into
support staff offers guidance based on expertise in the most recent
separate quality and supply agreements with such small-volume
regulatory requirements, as well as the implications each material
customers, as it would commit them to significant extra expense
selection may have on a bioprocess.
and documentation that is unnecessary for the vast bulk of their
To learn more about how SAFC can reduce supply chain risk
in biopharmaceutical manufacturing, visit:
2. EU Guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use, Part 1,
Chapter 5: Production, paragraph 26

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