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SuiteScript 2.

0 API Reference

February 27, 2019 2019.1

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Table of Contents
SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map ................................................................................. 1
SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Functions (nlapi) ................................................... 1
SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) ..................................................... 10
SuiteScript 2.0 Global Objects ................................................................................................ 35
define Object .................................................................................................................. 35
define(moduleObject) ................................................................................................... 36
define(id, [dependencies,] moduleObject) ........................................................................ 37
require Function .............................................................................................................. 40
require([dependencies,] callback) ................................................................................... 40
require Configuration ................................................................................................... 42
log Object ....................................................................................................................... 43
util Object ....................................................................................................................... 43
toString() ......................................................................................................................... 44
JSON object ..................................................................................................................... 44
JSON.parse(text) ........................................................................................................... 45
JSON.stringify(obj) ........................................................................................................ 45
Promise Object ................................................................................................................ 46
SuiteScript 2.0 Modules ........................................................................................................ 50
N/action Module .............................................................................................................. 52
action.Action ............................................................................................................... 57
action.execute(options) ................................................................................................. 67
action.execute.promise(options) ..................................................................................... 68
action.executeBulk(options) (Beta) .................................................................................. 70
action.find(options) ...................................................................................................... 71
action.find.promise(options) .......................................................................................... 73
action.get(options) ....................................................................................................... 74
action.get.promise(options) ........................................................................................... 75
N/auth Module ................................................................................................................ 76
auth.changeEmail(options) ............................................................................................ 77
auth.changePassword(options) ...................................................................................... 78
N/cache Module .............................................................................................................. 79
cache.Cache ................................................................................................................ 82
cache.getCache(options) ............................................................................................... 88
cache.Scope ................................................................................................................ 88
N/certificateControl Module .............................................................................................. 89
certificateControl.findCertificates(options) ....................................................................... 90
certificateControl.Type .................................................................................................. 91
N/config Module .............................................................................................................. 92
config.load(options) ...................................................................................................... 93
config.Type .................................................................................................................. 94
N/crypto Module ............................................................................................................. 96
crypto.Cipher ............................................................................................................. 100
crypto.CipherPayload .................................................................................................. 102
crypto.Decipher ......................................................................................................... 104
crypto.Hash ............................................................................................................... 106
crypto.Hmac .............................................................................................................. 108
crypto.SecretKey ........................................................................................................ 110
crypto.createCipher(options) ........................................................................................ 112
crypto.createDecipher(options) .................................................................................... 113
crypto.createHash(options) .......................................................................................... 114
crypto.createHmac(options) ......................................................................................... 114
crypto.createSecretKey(options) ................................................................................... 115
crypto.EncryptionAlg ................................................................................................... 116
crypto.HashAlg ........................................................................................................... 117
crypto.Padding ........................................................................................................... 118
N/crypto/certificate Module ............................................................................................. 118
certificate.SignedXml ................................................................................................... 121
certificate.Signer ........................................................................................................ 122
certificate.Verifier ....................................................................................................... 123
certificate.createSigner(options) ................................................................................... 125
certificate.createVerifier(options) .................................................................................. 125
certificate.verifyXmlSignature(options) ........................................................................... 126
certificate.signXml(options) .......................................................................................... 126
certificate.HashAlg ...................................................................................................... 127
N/currency Module ......................................................................................................... 127
currency.exchangeRate(options) ................................................................................... 128
N/currentRecord Module ................................................................................................. 130
currentRecord.Column ................................................................................................ 137
currentRecord.CurrentRecord ....................................................................................... 140
currentRecord.Field .................................................................................................... 185
currentRecord.Sublist .................................................................................................. 194
currentRecord.get() ..................................................................................................... 197
currentRecord.get.promise() ......................................................................................... 198
N/email Module ............................................................................................................. 199
email.send(options) .................................................................................................... 200
email.send.promise(options) ........................................................................................ 204
email.sendBulk(options) .............................................................................................. 204
email.sendBulk.promise(options) .................................................................................. 207
email.sendCampaignEvent(options) .............................................................................. 208
email.sendCampaignEvent.promise(options) .................................................................. 209
N/encode Module .......................................................................................................... 209
encode.convert(options) .............................................................................................. 210
encode.Encoding ........................................................................................................ 211
N/error Module .............................................................................................................. 212
error.SuiteScriptError .................................................................................................. 214
error.UserEventError ................................................................................................... 218
error.create(options) ................................................................................................... 222
N/file Module ................................................................................................................ 223
file.File ...................................................................................................................... 229
file.create(options) ...................................................................................................... 245
file.delete(options) ...................................................................................................... 247
file.load(options) ........................................................................................................ 248
file.Encoding .............................................................................................................. 249
file.Type .................................................................................................................... 250
file.Reader ................................................................................................................. 251
N/format Module ........................................................................................................... 254
format.format(options) ................................................................................................ 257
format.parse(options) ................................................................................................. 258
format.Type ............................................................................................................... 260
format.Timezone ........................................................................................................ 261
N/format/i18n Module .................................................................................................... 265
format.spellOut(options) ............................................................................................. 266
N/http Module ............................................................................................................... 267
http.ClientResponse .................................................................................................... 271
http.ServerRequest ..................................................................................................... 274
http.ServerResponse ................................................................................................... 281
http.get(options) ........................................................................................................ 293
http.get.promise(options) ............................................................................................ 294
http.delete(options) .................................................................................................... 295
http.delete.promise(options) ........................................................................................ 296
http.request(options) .................................................................................................. 297
http.request.promise(options) ...................................................................................... 298 ....................................................................................................... 299 .......................................................................................... 300
http.put(options) ........................................................................................................ 301
http.put.promise(options) ............................................................................................ 302
http.CacheDuration .................................................................................................... 303
http.Method .............................................................................................................. 303
http.RedirectType ....................................................................................................... 304
N/https Module ............................................................................................................. 305
https.SecureString ...................................................................................................... 311
https.createSecureKey(options) .................................................................................... 315
https.createSecureKey.promise(options) ........................................................................ 316
https.createSecureString(options) ................................................................................. 317
https.createSecureString.promise(options) ..................................................................... 317
https.ClientResponse .................................................................................................. 318
https.ServerRequest ................................................................................................... 321
https.ServerResponse ................................................................................................. 327
https.get(options) ....................................................................................................... 338
https.get.promise(options) ........................................................................................... 339
https.delete(options) ................................................................................................... 340
https.delete.promise(options) ...................................................................................... 341
https.request(options) ................................................................................................. 342
https.request.promise(options) .................................................................................... 343 ..................................................................................................... 344 ......................................................................................... 345
https.put(options) ....................................................................................................... 346
https.put.promise(options) .......................................................................................... 347
https.CacheDuration ................................................................................................... 348
https.Encoding ........................................................................................................... 349
https.HashAlg ............................................................................................................ 350
https.Method ............................................................................................................. 350
https.RedirectType ...................................................................................................... 351
N/https/clientCertificate Module ....................................................................................... 352 ....................................................................................... 353
N/log Module ................................................................................................................ 354
log.audit(options) ....................................................................................................... 356
log.debug(options) ...................................................................................................... 357
log.emergency(options) ............................................................................................... 358
log.error(options) ....................................................................................................... 359
N/plugin Module ............................................................................................................ 360
plugin.findImplementations(options) ............................................................................. 362
plugin.loadImplementation(options) .............................................................................. 363
N/portlet Module ........................................................................................................... 364
portlet.resize ............................................................................................................. 366
portlet.refresh ............................................................................................................ 366
N/query Module ............................................................................................................. 367
Scripting with the N/query Module ............................................................................... 381
Formulas in the N/query Module ................................................................................. 386
Relative Dates in the N/query Module ........................................................................... 388
query.Column ............................................................................................................ 390
query.Component ....................................................................................................... 397
query.Condition ......................................................................................................... 415
query.Page ................................................................................................................ 423
query.PagedData ........................................................................................................ 428
query.PageRange ....................................................................................................... 433
query.Query .............................................................................................................. 436
query.RelativeDate ..................................................................................................... 466
query.Result .............................................................................................................. 470
query.ResultSet .......................................................................................................... 473
query.Sort ................................................................................................................. 477
query.create(options) .................................................................................................. 482
query.createDateRange(options) ................................................................................... 484
query.delete(options) .................................................................................................. 485
query.load(options) ..................................................................................................... 486
query.Aggregate ......................................................................................................... 488
query.DateRangeId ..................................................................................................... 489
query.Operator .......................................................................................................... 491
query.RelativeDateRange ............................................................................................. 493
query.ReturnType ....................................................................................................... 498
query.SortLocale ........................................................................................................ 500
query.Type ................................................................................................................. 506
N/record Module ............................................................................................................ 524
record.Column ........................................................................................................... 545
record.Field ............................................................................................................... 549
record.Macro ............................................................................................................. 556
record.Record ............................................................................................................ 562
record.Sublist ............................................................................................................. 625
record.attach(options) ................................................................................................. 630
record.attach.promise(options) ..................................................................................... 632
record.copy(options) ................................................................................................... 634
record.copy.promise(options) ....................................................................................... 635
record.create(options) ................................................................................................. 638
record.create.promise(options) ..................................................................................... 640
record.delete(options) ................................................................................................. 642
record.delete.promise(options) ..................................................................................... 643
record.detach(options) ................................................................................................ 645
record.detach.promise(options) .................................................................................... 646
record.load(options) ................................................................................................... 648
record.load.promise(options) ....................................................................................... 650
record.submitFields(options) ........................................................................................ 652
record.submitFields.promise(options) ............................................................................ 655
record.transform(options) ............................................................................................ 657
record.transform.promise(options) ............................................................................... 660
record.Type ............................................................................................................... 662
N/redirect Module .......................................................................................................... 665
redirect.redirect(options) ............................................................................................. 666
redirect.toRecord(options) ........................................................................................... 667
redirect.toSavedSearch(options) ................................................................................... 668
redirect.toSavedSearchResult(options) ........................................................................... 669
redirect.toSearch(options) ............................................................................................ 670
redirect.toSearchResult(options) ................................................................................... 671
redirect.toSuitelet(options) ........................................................................................... 671
redirect.toTaskLink(options) ......................................................................................... 672
N/render Module ........................................................................................................... 673
render.EmailMergeResult ............................................................................................ 677
render.TemplateRenderer ............................................................................................ 679 ................................................................................................... 687
render.create() ........................................................................................................... 688
render.mergeEmail(options) ......................................................................................... 689
render.packingSlip(options) ......................................................................................... 690
render.pickingTicket(options) ....................................................................................... 691
render.statement(options) ........................................................................................... 692
render.transaction(options) .......................................................................................... 693
render.xmlToPdf(options) ............................................................................................ 694
render.DataSource ..................................................................................................... 695
render.PrintMode ....................................................................................................... 696
N/runtime Module ......................................................................................................... 697
runtime.Script ............................................................................................................ 701
runtime.Session ......................................................................................................... 706
runtime.User ............................................................................................................. 708
runtime.getCurrentScript() ........................................................................................... 715
runtime.getCurrentSession() ........................................................................................ 715
runtime.getCurrentUser() ............................................................................................ 716
runtime.isFeatureInEffect(options) ................................................................................ 717
runtime.accountId ...................................................................................................... 717
runtime.envType ........................................................................................................ 718
runtime.executionContext ........................................................................................... 718
runtime.processorCount .............................................................................................. 719
runtime.queueCount .................................................................................................. 720
runtime.version ......................................................................................................... 720
runtime.ContextType .................................................................................................. 721
runtime.EnvType ........................................................................................................ 722
runtime.Permission .................................................................................................... 723
N/search Module ........................................................................................................... 723
search.Search ............................................................................................................ 733
search.Result ............................................................................................................. 745
search.Column ........................................................................................................... 752
search.Filter ............................................................................................................... 759
search.ResultSet ......................................................................................................... 763
search.Page ............................................................................................................... 769
search.PagedData ....................................................................................................... 775
search.PageRange ...................................................................................................... 779
search.Setting ............................................................................................................ 781
search.create(options) ................................................................................................. 784
search.create.promise(options) ..................................................................................... 787
search.createSetting(options) ....................................................................................... 788
search.load(options) ................................................................................................... 790
search.load.promise(options) ....................................................................................... 792
search.delete(options) ................................................................................................. 793
search.delete.promise(options) .................................................................................... 794
search.duplicates(options) ........................................................................................... 795
search.duplicates.promise(options) ............................................................................... 797 ................................................................................................. 798 ..................................................................................... 799
search.lookupFields(options) ........................................................................................ 799
search.lookupFields.promise(options) ............................................................................ 801
search.createColumn(options) ...................................................................................... 802
search.createFilter(options) .......................................................................................... 803
search.Operator ......................................................................................................... 805
search.Sort ................................................................................................................ 806
search.Summary ........................................................................................................ 807
search.Type ............................................................................................................... 808
N/sftp Module ............................................................................................................... 810
Setting up an SFTP Transfer ......................................................................................... 813
SFTP Authentication ................................................................................................... 814
Supported Cipher Suites and Host Key Types ................................................................. 816
Supported SuiteScript File Types .................................................................................. 816
sftp.Connection .......................................................................................................... 818
sftp.createConnection(options) ..................................................................................... 822
N/sso Module ................................................................................................................ 825
sso.generateSuiteSignOnToken(options) ........................................................................ 825
N/task Module ............................................................................................................... 828
task.ScheduledScriptTask ............................................................................................. 845
task.ScheduledScriptTaskStatus .................................................................................... 848
task.MapReduceScriptTask ........................................................................................... 850
task.MapReduceScriptTaskStatus .................................................................................. 854
task.CsvImportTask ..................................................................................................... 865
task.CsvImportTaskStatus ............................................................................................ 869
task.EntityDeduplicationTask ........................................................................................ 871
task.EntityDeduplicationTaskStatus ............................................................................... 875
task.SearchTask .......................................................................................................... 877
task.SearchTaskStatus ................................................................................................. 884
task.WorkflowTriggerTask ............................................................................................ 887
task.WorkflowTriggerTaskStatus .................................................................................... 890
task.RecordActionTask (Beta) ....................................................................................... 892
RecordActionTask.submit() ........................................................................................... 892
RecordActionTask.toString() .......................................................................................... 893
RecordActionTask.toJSON() ........................................................................................... 894
RecordActionTask.paramCallback() ................................................................................ 895
RecordActionTask.recordType ....................................................................................... 895
RecordActionTask.action .............................................................................................. 896
RecordActionTask.params ............................................................................................ 897
RecordActionTask.condition ......................................................................................... 898
task.RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta) ............................................................................... 899
RecordActionTaskStatus.toString() ................................................................................. 901
RecordActionTaskStatus.toJSON() .................................................................................. 901
RecordActionTaskStatus.status ..................................................................................... 902
RecordActionTaskStatus.results .................................................................................... 903
RecordActionTaskStatus.errors ..................................................................................... 904
RecordActionTaskStatus.complete ................................................................................. 904
RecordActionTaskStatus.succeeded ............................................................................... 905
RecordActionTaskStatus.failed ...................................................................................... 906
RecordActionTaskStatus.pending .................................................................................. 907
task.create(options) .................................................................................................... 908
task.checkStatus(options) ............................................................................................ 912
task.TaskType ............................................................................................................. 913
task.TaskStatus ........................................................................................................... 914
task.MasterSelectionMode ........................................................................................... 915
task.DedupeMode ...................................................................................................... 916
task.DedupeEntityType ................................................................................................ 916
task.MapReduceStage ................................................................................................. 917
task.ActionCondition (Beta) .......................................................................................... 918
N/transaction Module ..................................................................................................... 919
transaction.void(options) ............................................................................................. 921
transaction.void.promise(options) ................................................................................. 922
transaction.Type ......................................................................................................... 923
N/translation Module ...................................................................................................... 925
translation.Handle ...................................................................................................... 931
translation.Translator .................................................................................................. 932
translation.get(options) ............................................................................................... 933
translation.load(options) .............................................................................................. 935
translation.selectLocale(options) ................................................................................... 936
translation.Locale ....................................................................................................... 938
N/ui/dialog Module ......................................................................................................... 939
dialog.alert(options) .................................................................................................... 941
dialog.confirm(options) ............................................................................................... 942
dialog.create(options) ................................................................................................. 943
N/ui/message module ..................................................................................................... 944
message.Message ...................................................................................................... 946
message.create(options) .............................................................................................. 947
message.Type ............................................................................................................ 948
N/ui/serverWidget Module ............................................................................................... 949
serverWidget.Assistant ................................................................................................ 965
serverWidget.AssistantStep .......................................................................................... 989
serverWidget.Button ................................................................................................... 998
serverWidget.Field .................................................................................................... 1001
serverWidget.FieldGroup ........................................................................................... 1016
serverWidget.Form ................................................................................................... 1020
serverWidget.List ...................................................................................................... 1048
serverWidget.ListColumn ........................................................................................... 1056
serverWidget.Sublist ................................................................................................. 1060
serverWidget.Tab ...................................................................................................... 1071
serverWidget.createAssistant(options) ......................................................................... 1073
serverWidget.createForm(options) .............................................................................. 1074
serverWidget.createList(options) ................................................................................. 1075
serverWidget.AssistantSubmitAction ............................................................................ 1076
serverWidget.FieldBreakType ...................................................................................... 1077
serverWidget.FieldDisplayType ................................................................................... 1078
serverWidget.FieldLayoutType .................................................................................... 1079
serverWidget.FieldType .............................................................................................. 1080
serverWidget.FormPageLinkType ................................................................................ 1082
serverWidget.LayoutJustification ................................................................................. 1082
serverWidget.ListStyle ............................................................................................... 1083
serverWidget.SublistDisplayType ................................................................................. 1084
serverWidget.SublistType ........................................................................................... 1085
N/url Module ............................................................................................................... 1086
url.format(options) .................................................................................................... 1089
url.resolveDomain(options) ........................................................................................ 1090
url.resolveRecord(options) ......................................................................................... 1090
url.resolveScript(options) ........................................................................................... 1091
url.resolveTaskLink(options) ....................................................................................... 1092
url.HostType ............................................................................................................ 1093
N/util Module ............................................................................................................... 1094
util.isArray(obj) ......................................................................................................... 1096
util.isBoolean(obj) ..................................................................................................... 1097
util.isDate(obj) .......................................................................................................... 1098
util.isFunction(obj) .................................................................................................... 1098
util.isNumber(obj) ..................................................................................................... 1099
util.isObject(obj) ....................................................................................................... 1100
util.isRegExp(obj) ...................................................................................................... 1100
util.isString(obj) ........................................................................................................ 1101
util.nanoTime() ......................................................................................................... 1102
util.each(iterable, callback) ......................................................................................... 1102
util.extend(receiver, contributor) ................................................................................. 1103
N/workflow Module ...................................................................................................... 1104
workflow.initiate(options) ........................................................................................... 1106
workflow.trigger(options) ........................................................................................... 1107
N/xml Module .............................................................................................................. 1108
xml.Parser ............................................................................................................... 1117
xml.XPath ................................................................................................................ 1119
xml.Node ................................................................................................................ 1120
xml.Document ......................................................................................................... 1138
xml.Element ............................................................................................................. 1154
xml.Attr ................................................................................................................... 1167
xml.escape(options) .................................................................................................. 1169
xml.validate(options) ................................................................................................. 1170
xml.NodeType .......................................................................................................... 1171
SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map 1

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map

Important: These topics are a work in progress. Some items are currently missing or do not
have content. Additional updates are forthcoming.

These topics map SuiteScript 1.0 APIs to their corresponding SuiteScript 2.0 APIs. Keep the following in
mind when using these mappings:

■ Some SuiteScript 1.0 APIs do not have a SuiteScript 2.0 equivalent.

■ There is not always a one to one mapping between SuiteScript 1.0 and SuiteScript 2.0. Each
SuiteScript 1.0 API is listed only one time, but it may map to several SuiteScript 2.0 APIs.
■ These mappings do not include SuiteScript 1.0 deprecated APIs.
■ These mappings do not include new SuiteScript 2.0 functionality. To find new SuiteScript 2.0
functionality, go to SuiteScript 2.0 Modules. The table includes a description of, and link to, each

Important: If you are using SuiteScript 1.0 for your scripts, consider converting these scripts
to SuiteScript 2.0. Use SuiteScript 2.0 to take advantage of new features, APIs, and functionality
enhancements. For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Advantages.

These topics group SuiteScript 1.0 APIs into functions (prefixed with “nlapi”) and objects (prefixed with
“nlobj”). All functions are listed alphabetically in one table. Whereas objects and their members are
grouped alphabetically by object name. Each object has its own table containing all object members.

■ SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Functions (nlapi)

■ SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj)

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map –

Functions (nlapi)
This topic maps SuiteScript 1.0 Functions (prefixed with “nlapi”) to their corresponding SuiteScript 2.0
APIs. All functions are listed alphabetically in one table.

Note: NetSuite does not support calling SuiteScript 1.0 APIs from SuiteScript 2.0 scripts.

Note: To view a mapping of SuiteScript 1.0 Objects (prefixed with “nlobj”) to their
corresponding SuiteScript 2.0 APIs, see SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlapiAddDays(d, days) See Notes See Notes This API does not have a SuiteScript 2.0 equivalent.

Use the following JavaScript to add or subtract days

from a Date object: dateObj.setDate(dateObj.getDate()
+ or – days)

For example:

var tomorrow = new Date();

tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1);

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Functions (nlapi) 2

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


Note: SuiteScript 2.0 is also compatible

with third party JavaScript APIs that provide
this functionality (for example, Moment.js).
For information on using third party APIs with
SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topic SuiteScript
2.0 Custom Modules.

nlapiAddMonths(d, months) See Notes See Notes This API does not have a SuiteScript 2.0 equivalent.

Use the following JavaScript to add or

subtract months from a Date object:
dateObj.setMonth(dateObj.getMonth() + or – months)

For example:

var today = new Date();

var > today.setMonth(today.getMonth() - 1);

Note: SuiteScript 2.0 is also compatible

with third party JavaScript APIs that provide
this functionality (for example, Moment.js).
For information on using third party APIs with
SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topic SuiteScript
2.0 Custom Modules.

nlapiAttachRecord(type, id, type2, record.â##attachâ##(options)

N/record Module
id2, attributes) var recordId = record.attach({
record: {
type: record.Type.FILE,
id: '447'
to: {
type: record.type.CUSTOMER,
id: 530

nlapiCancelLineItem(type) Record.â##cancelLineâ##(options)
N/record Module -


nlapiCommitLineItem(type) Record.â##commitLineâ##(options)
N/record Module For N/record script samples, see:

N/ ■ N/record Module Script Samples
■ Example: Creating an Inventory Detail Sublist

nlapiCopyRecord(type, id, record.â##copy(options)N/record Module

initializeValues) var recObj = record.copy({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 284,
isDynamic: true,
defaultValues: {
entity: 547
var recordId =;

nlapiCreateAssistant(title, serverWidget.â##createAssistantâ##(options)
N/â##ui/ -
hideHeader) â##serverâ##Widget

nlapiCreateCSVImport( ) task.â##createâ##(options)
N/task Module For script samples, see N/task Module Script Samples.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Functions (nlapi) 3

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in SuiteScript 2.0 is
fldname) fundamentally different from scripting subrecords in
N/ SuiteScript 1.0. For additional information, see the
SuiteScript 2.0 topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting
Module Subrecords.

N/render Module -

nlapiCreateError(code, details, error.â##createâ##(options)

N/error Module For a script sample, see N/error Module Script
suppressNotification) Samples.

nlapiCreateFile(name, type, contents) file.â##createâ##(options)

N/file Module For a script sample, see N/file Module Script Sample.

nlapiCreateForm(title, hideNavbar) serverWidget.â##createFormâ##(options)

N/â##ui/ For a script sample, see N/ui/serverWidget Module
â##serverâ##WidgetScript Samples

nlapiCreateList(title, hideNavbar) serverWidget.â##createListâ##(options)

N/â##ui/ -

nlapiCreateRecord(type, record.â##createâ##(options)
N/record Module -

nlapiCreateSearch(type, filters, search.â##createâ##(options)

N/search Module For a script sample, see N/search Module Script
columns) Samples.

nlapiCreateSubrecordâ##(fldname) Record.â##getSubrecordâ##(options)
N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in SuiteScript 2.0 is
fundamentally different from scripting subrecords in
N/ SuiteScript 1.0. For additional information, see the
SuiteScript 2.0 topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting
Module Subrecords.

render.create() N/render Module For a script sample, see N/render Module Script

nlapiDateToString(d, format) format.â##formatâ##(options)

N/format Module For a script sample, see N/format Module Script

nlapiDeleteFile(id) file.â##deleteâ##(options)
N/file Module -

nlapiDeleteRecord(type, id, record.â##deleteâ##(options)

N/record Module -

nlapiDetachRecord(type, id, type2, record.â##detachâ##(options)

N/record Module -
id2, attributes)

nlapiDisableField(fldnam, val) Field.isDisabled N/ Note that isDisabled is a property.


Field.isDisabled N/ Note that isDisabled is a property.
fldnam, val) â##currentâ##Record

N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in SuiteScript 2.0 is
fldname) fundamentally different from scripting subrecords in
N/ SuiteScript 1.0. For additional information, see the
SuiteScript 2.0 topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting
Module Subrecords.

nlapiEditSubrecord(fldname) Record.â##getSubrecordâ##(options)
N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in SuiteScript 2.0 is
fundamentally different from scripting subrecords in
N/ SuiteScript 1.0. For additional information, see the
SuiteScript 2.0 topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting
Module Subrecords.

nlapiEncrypt(s, algorithm, key) See Notes See Notes For SuiteScript 2.0 encryption, hashing, and HMAC
functionality, see the N/crypto Module module.

For SuiteScript 2.0 encoding functionality, see the N/

encode Module module.

nlapiEscapeXML(text) xml.â##escapeâ##(options)
N/xml Module -

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Functions (nlapi) 4

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


N/currency For a script sample, see N/currency Module Script
targetCurrency, effectiveDate) Module Sample.

N/record Module -
fldnam, val, column)

nlapiFindLineItemValue(type, fldnam, Record.â##findâ##Sublistâ##Lineâ##Withâ##Valueâ##(â##options)

N/record Module -

nlapiFormatCurrency(str) format.â##formatâ##(options)
N/format Module Note that SuiteScript 2.0 currency formatting is
handled by the N/format module and not the N/
currency module.

For a script sample, see N/format Module Script


nlapiGetContext() runtime.â##getâ##Currentâ##Scriptâ##(â##)
N/runtime Module For a script sample, see N/runtime Module Script


See Notes N/format Module Use the N/format module to mimic this functionality
fieldId, timeZone) in SuiteScript 2.0.

N/record Module -


N/record Module -
fldnam, column)

N/record Module -

N/record Module -

N/record Module -

nlapiGetDateTimeValueâ##(fieldId,â##See Notes N/format Module Use the N/format module to mimic this functionality
timeZone) in SuiteScript 2.0.

nlapiGetDepartment() User.department N/runtime Module -

nlapiGetField(fldnam) Record.â##getFieldâ##(options)
N/record Module -


nlapiGetFieldText(fldnam) Record.â##getTextâ##(options)
N/record Module -


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Functions (nlapi) 5

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlapiGetFieldTexts(fldnam) Record.â##getTextâ##(options)
N/record Module -


nlapiGetFieldValue(fldnam) Record.â##getValueâ##(options)
N/record Module -


nlapiGetFieldValues(fldnam) Record.â##getValueâ##(options)
N/record Module -


nlapiGetJobManagerâ##(jobType) task.â##createâ##(options)
N/task Module For a script sample, see N/task Module Script Samples.

nlapiGetLineItemCount(type) Record.â##getLineCountâ##(options)
N/record Module -


See Notes N/format Module Use the N/format module to mimic this functionality
fieldId, lineNum, timeZone) in SuiteScript 2.0.

nlapiGetLineItemField(type, fldnam, Record.â##getSublistFieldâ##(options)

N/record Module SuiteScript 2.0 begins sublist numbering with 0.
linenum) SuiteScript 1.0 begins sublist numbering with 1.

N/record Module SuiteScript 2.0 begins sublist numbering with 0.
fldnam, linenum, column) SuiteScript 1.0 begins sublist numbering with 1.

N/record Module SuiteScript 2.0 begins sublist numbering with 0.
fldnam, linenum, column) SuiteScript 1.0 begins sublist numbering with 1.

nlapiGetLineItemText(type, fldnam, Record.â##getSublistTextâ##(options)

N/record Module SuiteScript 2.0 begins sublist numbering with 0.
linenum) SuiteScript 1.0 begins sublist numbering with 1.

nlapiGetLineItemValue(type, fldnam, Record.â##getSublistValueâ##(options)

N/record Module SuiteScript 2.0 begins sublist numbering with 0.
linenum) SuiteScript 1.0 begins sublist numbering with 1.

nlapiGetLineItemValues(type, Record.â##getSublistValueâ##(options)
N/record Module Method returns an array for multi-select fields.
fldname, linenum)
N/ SuiteScript 2.0 begins sublist numbering with 0.
â##currentâ##RecordSuiteScript 1.0 begins sublist numbering with 1.

nlapiGetLocation() User.location N/runtime Module Note that location is a property.

nlapiGetLogin() auth.â##changeEmailâ##(options)
N/auth Module For a script sample, see N/auth Module Script Sample.


nlapiGetMatrixCount(type, fldnam) Record.â##getâ##Matrixâ##Headerâ##Countâ##(â##options)

N/record Module -


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Functions (nlapi) 6

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlapiGetMatrixField(type, fldnam, Record.â##getâ##Matrixâ##Headerâ##Fieldâ##(â##options)

N/record Module -

nlapiGetMatrixValue(type, fldnam, Record.â##getâ##Matrixâ##Headerâ##Valueâ##(â##options)

N/record Module -

nlapiGetNewRecord() See Notes See Notes To mimic this functionality in SuiteScript 2.0, use
the following code in a beforeLoad(scriptContext),
beforeSubmit(scriptContext), or
afterSubmit(scriptContext) user event script.

function afterSubmit(context) {
var newRec = context.newRecord;

For additional information and a full script sample, see

the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

nlapiGetOldRecord() See Notes See Notes To mimic this functionality in SuiteScript 2.0, use the
following code in a beforeSubmit(scriptContext) or
afterSubmit(scriptContext) user event script.

function afterSubmit(context) {
var oldRec = context.oldRecord;

For additional information and a full script sample, see

the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

nlapiGetRecordId() N/record Module - N/

nlapiGetRecordType() Record.type N/record Module To get the current record type in a client script, use
CurrentRecord.â##type N/
Module function saveRec(context) {
var rec = context.currentRecord;
var recType = rec.type;

To get the current record type in a server-side script,

use Record.type in a beforeLoad(scriptContext),
beforeSubmit(scriptContext), or
afterSubmit(scriptContext) user event script:

function beforeSubmit(context) {
var newRec = context.newRecord;
var recType = newRec.type;

nlapiGetRole() User.role N/runtime Module -

nlapiGetSubsidiary() User.subsidiary N/runtime Module -

nlapiGetUser() runtime.â##getCurrentUserâ##()
N/runtime Module -

N/workflow For a script sample, see N/workflow Module Script
id, workflowid, initialvalues) Module Sample.

nlapiInsertLineItem(type, line) Record.â##insertLineâ##(options)

N/record Module -

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Functions (nlapi) 7

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


N/ -
fldnam, value, text, selected) â##currentâ##Record

N/ -
value, text, selected) â##currentâ##Record

nlapiIsLineItemChangedâ##(type) Sublist.isChanged N/record Module Note that isChanged is a property


nlapiLoadConfigurationâ##(type) config.â##load(options) N/config Module For a script sample, see N/config Module Script

nlapiLoadFile(id) file.load(options) N/file Module For a script sample, see N/file Module Script Sample.

nlapiLoadRecord(type, id, record.â##load(options) N/record Module -


nlapiLoadSearch(type, id) search.â##load(options)N/search Module For a script sample, see N/search Module Script

nlapiLogExecution(type, title, details) log.â##audit(options) N/log Module For a script sample, see log Module Script Sample.




nlapiLookupField(type, id, fields, text) search.â##lookupFieldsâ##(options)

N/search Module -
nlapiOutboundSSO(id) sso.â##generateâ##Suiteâ##Signâ##Onâ##Tokenâ##(â##options)
For a script sample, see N/sso Module Script Sample.

nlapiPrintRecord(type, id, mode, render.â##bom(options)N/render Module For a script sample, see N/render Module Script
properties) Sample.




nlapiRefreshLineItems(type) - - This API does not have a SuiteScript 2.0 equivalent.

nlapiRefreshPortlet() portlet.refresh N/portlet Module For a script sample, see N/portlet Module Script

N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in SuiteScript 2.0 is
fldname) fundamentally different from scripting subrecords in
N/ SuiteScript 1.0. For additional information, see the
SuiteScript 2.0 topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting
Module Subrecords.

nlapiRemoveLineItem(type, line) Record.â##removeLineâ##(options)

N/record Module -


N/ -
fldnam, value) â##currentâ##Record

N/ -
value) â##currentâ##Record

nlapiRemoveSubrecordâ##(fldname) Record.â##removeâ##Subrecordâ##(â##options)
N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in SuiteScript 2.0 is
fundamentally different from scripting subrecords in

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Functions (nlapi) 8

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes

N/ SuiteScript 1.0. For additional information, see the
SuiteScript 2.0 topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting
Module Subrecords.

nlapiRequestURL(url, postdata, http.â##deleteâ##(options)

N/http Module -
headers, callback, httpMethod)




- https -
url, postdata, headers, httpsMethod)

nlapiResizePortlet() portlet.resize N/portlet Module For a script sample, see N/portlet Module Script

nlapiResolveURL(type, identifier, id, url.â##resolveRecordâ##(options)

N/url Module For a script sample, see N/url Module Script Samples.


nlapiScheduleScript(scriptId, task.â##createâ##(options)
N/task Module
deployId, params) var scheduleScriptTaskObj = task.create({
taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT,
//Other Params

nlapiSearchDuplicate(type, fields, id) search.â##duplicatesâ##(options)

N/search Module -

nlapiSearchGlobalâ##(keywords) search.â##global(options)
N/search Module -

nlapiSearchRecord(type, id, filters, search.â##createâ##(options)

N/search Module For a script sample, see N/search Module Script
columns) Samples.

nlapiSelectLineItem(type, linenum) Record.â##selectLineâ##(options)

N/record Module SuiteScript 2.0 begins sublist numbering with 0.
SuiteScript 1.0 begins sublist numbering with 1.

nlapiSelectNewLineItemâ##(type) Record.â##selectNewLineâ##(options)
N/record Module -


nlapiSelectNode(node, xpath) XPath.â##select(options)N/xml Module -

nlapiSelectNodes(node, xpath) XPath.â##select(options)N/xml Module -

nlapiSelectValue(node, xpath) See Notes N/xml Module To mimic this functionality in SuiteScript 2.0, select a
node with and then inspect the
Node.textContent property.

nlapiSelectValues(node, path) See Notes N/xml Module To mimic this functionality in SuiteScript 2.0, select an
array of nodes with and then loop
through each node’s Node.textContent property.

N/email Module -

nlapiSendEmail(author, email.â##send(options) N/email Module For a script sample, see N/email Module Script Sample.
recipient, subject, body, cc,
bcc, records, attachments, email.â##sendBulkâ##(options)
notifySenderOnBounce, internalOnly,

nlapiSendFax(author, recipient, N/A - This API does not have a SuiteScript 2.0 equivalent.
subject, body, records, attachments)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Functions (nlapi) 9

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


See Notes N/format Module Use the N/format module to mimic this functionality
fieldId, dateTime, timeZone) in SuiteScript 2.0.

N/record Module -
fldnam, column, value,
firefieldchanged, synchronous) Currentâ##Record.â##setâ##Currentâ##Matrixâ##Sublistâ##Valueâ##(â##options)

N/record Module -
fldnam, text, firefieldchanged,
synchronous) Currentâ##Record.â##setâ##Currentâ##Sublistâ##Textâ##(â##options)

N/record Module -
fldnam, value, firefieldchanged,
synchronous) Currentâ##Record.â##setâ##Currentâ##Sublistâ##Valueâ##(â##options)

N/record Module -
fldnam, values, firefieldchanged,
synchronous) Currentâ##Record.â##setâ##Currentâ##Sublistâ##Valueâ##(â##options)

nlapiSetDateTimeValueâ##(fieldId,â## See Notes N/format Module Use the N/format module to mimic this functionality
dateTime, timeZone) in SuiteScript 2.0.

nlapiSetFieldText(fldname, txt, Record.â##setTextâ##(options)

N/record Module -
firefieldchanged, synchronous)

nlapiSetFieldTexts (fldname, txts, Record.â##setTextâ##(options)

N/record Module -
firefieldchanged, synchronous)

nlapiSetFieldValue(fldnam, value, Record.â##setValueâ##(options)

N/record Module -
firefieldchanged, synchronous)

nlapiSetFieldValues (fldnam, value, Record.â##setValueâ##(options)

N/record Module -
firefieldchanged, synchronous)

See Notes N/format Module Use the N/format module to mimic this functionality
fieldId, lineNum, dateTime, in SuiteScript 2.0.

nlapiSetLineItemValue(type, fldnam, Record.â##setSublistValueâ##(options)

N/record Module SuiteScript 2.0 begins sublist numbering with 0.
linenum, value) SuiteScript 1.0 begins sublist numbering with 1.

nlapiSetMatrixValue(type, fldnam, Record.â##setâ##Matrixâ##Headerâ##Valueâ##(â##options)

N/record Module -
column, value, firefieldchanged,
synchronous) Currentâ##Record.â##setâ##Matrixâ##Headerâ##Valueâ##(â##options)

nlapiSetRecoveryPoint() See Notes See Notes The SuiteScript 2.0 Map/Reduce Script Type
automatically incorporates yielding.

nlapiSetRedirectURL(type, identifier, redirect.â##redirectâ##(options)

N/redirect Module For a script sample, see N/redirect Module Script
id, editmode, parameters) Sample.



SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Functions (nlapi) 10

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlapiStringToDate(str, format) format.â##parse(options)

N/format Module For a script sample, see N/format Module Script

nlapiStringToXML(text) Parser.â##fromStringâ##(options)
N/xml Module -

Record.â##save(options)N/record Module -
nlapiSubmitCSVImportâ##(nlobjCSVImport) N/task Module -

nlapiSubmitRecord(record, Record.â##save(options)N/record Module -

doSourcing, ignoreMandatoryFields)

nlapiSubmitField(type, id, fields, record.â##submitFieldsâ##(options)

N/record Module -
values, doSourcing)

nlapiSubmitFile(file) N/file Module For a script sample, see N/file Module Script Sample.

nlapiTransformRecord(type, id, record.â##transformâ##(options)

N/record Module -
transformType, transformValues)

N/workflow -
id, workflowid, actionid, stateid) Module

N/xml Module -
schemaDocument, schemaFolderId)

N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in SuiteScript 2.0 is
fldname) fundamentally different from scripting subrecords in
N/ SuiteScript 1.0. For additional information, see the
SuiteScript 2.0 topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting
Module Subrecords.

N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in SuiteScript 2.0 is
fldname, linenum) fundamentally different from scripting subrecords in
SuiteScript 1.0. For additional information, see the
SuiteScript 2.0 topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting

SuiteScript 2.0 begins sublist numbering with 0.

SuiteScript 1.0 begins sublist numbering with 1.

nlapiViewSubrecordâ##(fldname) Record.â##getSubrecordâ##(options)
N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in SuiteScript 2.0 is
fundamentally different from scripting subrecords in
N/ SuiteScript 1.0. For additional information, see the
SuiteScript 2.0 topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting
Module Subrecords.

N/transaction For a script sample, see N/transaction Module Script
recordId) Module Sample.

nlapiXMLToPDF(xmlstring) render.â##xmlToPdfâ##(options)
N/render Module Note thatâ## TemplateRenderer.renderAsPdf()
â##is equivalent toâ##

For a script sample, seeâ## N/render Module Script


nlapiXMLToString(xml) Parser.â##toStringâ##(options)
N/xml Module -

nlapiYieldScript() See Notes See Notes Note that the SuiteScript 2.0 Map/Reduce Script Type
automatically incorporates yielding.

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map –

Objects (nlobj)
This topic maps SuiteScript 1.0 Objects (prefixed with “nlobj”) to their corresponding SuiteScript 2.0
APIs. Objects and their members are grouped alphabetically by object name. Each object has its own
table containing all object members.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 11

Note: NetSuite does not support calling SuiteScript 1.0 APIs from SuiteScript 2.0 scripts.

Note: To view a mapping of SuiteScript 1.0 Functions (prefixed with “nlapi”) to their
corresponding SuiteScript 2.0 APIs, see SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Functions

■ nlobjAssistant
■ nlobjButton
■ nlobjButton
■ nlobjColumn
■ nlobjConfiguration
■ nlobjContext
■ nlobjCredentialBuilder
■ nlobjCSVImport
■ nlobjDuplicateJobRequest
■ nlobjEmailMerger
■ nlobjError
■ nlobjField
■ nlobjFieldGroup
■ nlobjFile
■ nlobjForm
■ nlobjFuture
■ nlobjJobManager
■ nlobjList
■ nlobjLogin
■ nlobjMergeResult
■ nlobjPortlet
■ nlobjRecord
■ nlobjRequest
■ nlobjResponse
■ nlobjSearch
■ nlobjSearchColumn
■ nlobjSearchFilter
■ nlobjSearchResult
■ nlobjSearchResultSet
■ nlobjSelectOption
■ nlobjSublist
■ nlobjSubrecord
■ nlobjTab
■ nlobjTemplateRenderer

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 12


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjAssistant serverWidget.Assistant N/ui/serverWidget -


nlobjAssistant.addField(name, Assistant.addField(options) N/ui/serverWidget -

type, label, source, group) Module

N/ui/serverWidget -
label) Module

nlobjAssistant.addStep(name, Assistant.addStep(options) N/ui/serverWidget -

label) Module

nlobjAssistant.addSubList(name, Assistant.â##addSublist(options) N/ui/serverWidget -

type, label) Module

nlobjAssistant.getAllFields() Assistant.getFieldIds() N/ui/serverWidget -


nlobjAssistant.getAllFieldGroups()Assistant.â##getFieldGroupIds() N/ui/serverWidget -

nlobjAssistant.getAllSteps() Assistant.getSteps() N/ui/serverWidget -


nlobjAssistant.getAllSubLists() Assistant.getSublistIds() N/ui/serverWidget -


nlobjAssistant.getCurrentStep() Assistant.currentStep N/ui/serverWidget Note that currentStep is a property.


nlobjAssistant.getField(name) Assistant.getField(options) N/ui/serverWidget -


N/ui/serverWidget -

nlobjAssistant.getLastAction() Assistant.getLastAction() N/ui/serverWidget -


nlobjAssistant.getLastStep() Assistant.getLastStep() N/ui/serverWidget -


nlobjAssistant.getNextStep() Assistant.getNextStep() N/ui/serverWidget -


nlobjAssistant.getStep(name) Assistant.getStep(options) N/ui/serverWidget -


nlobjAssistant.getSubList(name) Assistant.â##getSublist(options) N/ui/serverWidget -


nlobjAssistant.hasError() Assistant.hasErrorHtml() N/ui/serverWidget -


nlobjAssistant.isFinished() Assistant.isFinished() N/ui/serverWidget -


N/ui/serverWidget -

Assistant.currentStep N/ui/serverWidget Note that currentStep is a property.

nlobjAssistant.setError(html) Assistant.errorHtml N/ui/serverWidget Note that errorHtml is a property.


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 13

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


N/ui/serverWidget -

nlobjAssistant.setFinished(html) Assistant.finishedHtml N/ui/serverWidget Note that finishedHtml is a property.


Assistant.hideStepNumber N/ui/serverWidget Note that hideStepNumber is a
Module property.

Assistant.isNotOrdered N/ui/serverWidget Note that isNotOrdered is a property.

nlobjAssistant.setScript(script) Assistant.â##clientScriptFileId N/ui/serverWidget Note that clientScriptFileId

Module and clientScriptModulePath are
Assistant.â##clientâ##Scriptâ##Moduleâ##Path properties.

Use one of these SuiteScript 2.0

properties to attach an ad hoc client
script to an assistant.

nlobjAssistant.setShortcut(show) Assistant.â##hideâ##Addâ##Toâ##Shortcutsâ##Link
N/ui/serverWidget Note that hideAddToShortcutsLink
Module is a property.

nlobjAssistant.setSplash(title, Assistant.â##setSplash(options) N/ui/serverWidget -

text1,text2) Module

nlobjAssistant.setTitle(title) Assistant.title N/ui/serverWidget Note that title is a property.


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes

nlobjAssistantStep serverWidget.AssistantStep N/ui/serverWidget -


nlobjAssistantStep.getAllFields() AssistantStep.getFieldIds() N/ui/serverWidget -


N/ui/serverWidget -

nlobjAssistantStep.getAllLineItems() AssistantStep.â##getSubmittedSublistIdsâ##()
N/ui/serverWidget -

nlobjAssistantStep.getFieldValue(name)AssistantStep.â##getValue(options) N/ui/serverWidget -

AssistantStep.â##getValue(options) N/ui/serverWidget -

N/ui/serverWidget -

N/ui/serverWidget -
name, line) Module

nlobjAssistantStep.getStepNumber() AssistantStep.stepNumber N/ui/serverWidget Note that stepNumber is

Module a property.

nlobjAssistantStep.setHelpText(help) AssistantStep.helpText N/ui/serverWidget Note that helpText is a

Module property.

nlobjAssistantStep.setLabel(label) AssistantStep.label N/ui/serverWidget Note that label is a

Module property.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 14


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Module Notes

nlobjButton serverWidget.Button N/ui/serverWidget Module -

Button.isDisabled N/ui/serverWidget Module Note that isDisabled
is a property.

nlobjButton.setLabel(label) Button.label N/ui/serverWidget Module Note that label is a


nlobjButton.setVisible(visible) Button.isHidden N/ui/serverWidget Module Note that isHidden is a



SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Module Notes

nlobjColumn serverWidget.ListColumn N/ui/serverWidget -


nlobjColumn.addParamToURL(param, ListColumn.â##addParamToURLâ##(options)
N/ui/serverWidget -
value, dynamic) Module

nlobjColumn.setLabel(label) ListColumn.label N/ui/serverWidget Note that label is

Module a property.

nlobjColumn.setURL(url, dynamic) ListColumn.setURL(options) N/ui/serverWidget -



SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjConfiguration record.Record N/record Module Use the N/config Module method,

config.load(options), to return a
record.Record object. Then use the
record.Record object members to
access the specified configuration page.

For a script sample, see N/config Module

Script Sample.

nlobjConfiguration.getAllFields() Record.getFields() N/record Module -

Record.â##getField(options)N/record Module -

Record.â##getText(options)N/record Module -

Record.â##getText(options)N/record Module -

N/record Module -

N/record Module -

nlobjConfiguration.getType() Record.type N/record Module Note that type is a property.

Record.â##setText(options)N/record Module -

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 15

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


Record.â##setText(options)N/record Module -

N/record Module -

N/record Module -


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjContext runtime.Script N/runtime Module -



nlobjContext.getCompany() runtime.accountId N/runtime Module Note that accountId is a property.

nlobjContext.getDepartment() User.department N/runtime Module Note that department is a property.

nlobjContext.getDeploymentId() Script.deploymentId N/runtime Module Note that deploymentId is a


nlobjContext.getEmail() N/runtime Module Note that email is a property.

nlobjContext.getEnvironment() runtime.envType N/runtime Module Note that envType is a property.

runtime.executionContext N/runtime Module Note that executionContext is a

nlobjContext.getFeature(name) runtime.â##isFeatureInEffectâ##(options)
N/runtime Module -

nlobjContext.getLocation() User.location N/runtime Module Note that location is a property.

nlobjContext.getLogLevel() Script.logLevel N/runtime Module Note that logLevel is a property.

nlobjContext.getName() N/runtime Module Note that name is a property.

Script.percentComplete N/runtime Module Note that percentComplete is a

For a script sample, see N/runtime

Module Script Sample.

N/runtime Module -

N/runtime Module -

nlobjContext.getQueueCount() runtime.queueCount N/runtime Module Note that queueCount is a property.

N/runtime Module -

nlobjContext.getRole() User.role N/runtime Module Note that role is a property.

nlobjContext.getRoleCenter() User.roleCenter N/runtime Module Note that roleCenter is a property.

nlobjContext.getRoleId() User.roleId N/runtime Module Note that roleId is a property.

nlobjContext.getScriptId() N/runtime Module Note that id is a property.

Session.get(options) N/runtime Module -

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 16

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjContext.getSetting(type, Script.â##getParameterâ##(options)
N/runtime Module The methodâ##
name) Script.â##getParameter(options)
Session.â##get(options) â##is equivalent toâ##
runtime.â##isFeatureInEffectâ##(options) nlobjContext.â##getSetting(‘SCRIPT’,â##
The methodâ##
â##is equivalent toâ##

The methodâ##
â##is equivalent toâ##

The methodâ##
â##is equivalent toâ##

nlobjContext.getSubsidiary() User.subsidiary N/runtime Module Note that subsidiary is a property.

nlobjContext.getUser() N/runtime Module Note that id is a property.

nlobjContext.getVersion() runtime.version N/runtime Module Note that version is a property.

Script.percentComplete N/runtime Module Note that percentComplete is a

Session.set(options) N/runtime Module -

nlobjContext.setSetting(type, Session.set(options) N/runtime Module -

name, value)


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Module Notes

nlobjCredentialBuilder(string, https.SecureString N/https Module -


N/https Module -


nlobjCredentialBuilder.base64() SecureString.â##convertEncoding(options)
N/https Module -

nlobjCredentialBuilder.md5() SecureString.hash(options) N/https Module -

nlobjCredentialBuilder.replace(string1, N/https Module -

nlobjCredentialBuilder.sha1() SecureString.hash(options) N/https Module -

nlobjCredentialBuilder.sha256() SecureString.hash(options) N/https Module -

nlobjCredentialBuilder.utf8() SecureString.â##convertEncoding(options)
N/https Module -

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 17


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Module Notes

nlobjCSVImport task.CsvImportTask N/task Module Returned by


var csvImpTaskObj =
//Other Params

nlobjCSVImport.setLinkedFile(sublist, CsvImportTask.â##linkedFiles
N/task Module Note that linkedFiles is a
file) property.

N/task Module Note that mappingId is a

nlobjCSVImport.setOption(option, N/task Module Note that name is a property.


nlobjCSVImport.setPrimaryFile(file) CsvImportTask.â##importFile
N/task Module Note that importFile is a

nlobjCSVImport.setQueue(string) CsvImportTask.queueId N/task Module Note that queueId is a



SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjDuplicateJobRequest task.EntityDeduplicationTask N/task Module Returned by


var dedupTaskObj =
//Other Params

N/task Module Note that entityType is a

N/task Module -

N/task Module Note that
masterSelectionMode is a

N/task Module Note that dedupeMode is a

N/task Module Note that recordIds is a

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 18


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjEmailMerger render.â##Emailâ##Mergeâ##Result
N/render Module -
nlobjEmailMerger.merge() N/render Module -

See Notes N/render Module In SuiteScript 2.0, this value is set
recordId) with a render.mergeEmail(options)

See Notes N/render Module In SuiteScript 2.0, this value is set
entityId) with a render.mergeEmail(options)

See Notes N/render Module In SuiteScript 2.0, this value is set
recipientId) with a render.mergeEmail(options)

See Notes N/render Module In SuiteScript 2.0, this value is set
with a render.mergeEmail(options)

See Notes N/render Module In SuiteScript 2.0, this value is set
with a render.mergeEmail(options)


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Module Notes

nlobjError error.SuiteScriptError N/error Module -


nlobjError.getCode() - N/error Module -

nlobjError.getDetails() - N/error Module -

nlobjError.getId() - N/error Module -

nlobjError.getInternalId() - N/error Module -

nlobjError.getStackTrace() - N/error Module -

nlobjError.getUserEvent() - N/error Module -


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Module Notes

nlobjField serverWidget.Field N/ui/serverWidget Use the N/ui/serverWidget module

Module to create and modify form fields in a
record.Field Suitelet.
N/record Module
Use the N/record module to access
field metadata in client and server-side

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 19


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Module Notes

nlobjFieldGroup serverWidget.â##FieldGroup
N/ui/serverWidget -

FieldGroup.â##isCollapsibleN/ui/serverWidget Note that isCollapsible is a
hidden) Module property.

nlobjFieldGroup.setLabel(label) FieldGroup.label N/ui/serverWidget Note that label is a property.


nlobjFieldGroup.setShowBorder(show) FieldGroup.â##isBorderHidden
N/ui/serverWidget Note that isBorderHidden is a
Module property.

N/ui/serverWidget Note that isSingleColumn is a
Module property.


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjFile file.File N/file Module For a script sample, see N/file

Module Script Sample.

nlobjFile.getDescription() File.description N/file Module Note that description is a


nlobjFile.getFolder() File.folder N/file Module Note that folder is a property.

For a script sample, see N/file

Module Script Sample.

nlobjFile.getId() N/file Module Note that id is a property.

For a script sample, see N/file

Module Script Sample.

nlobjFile.getName() N/file Module Note that name is a property.

For a script sample, see N/file

Module Script Sample.

nlobjFile.getSize() File.size N/file Module Note that size is a property.

nlobjFile.getType() File.fileType N/file Module Note that fileType is a property.

For a script sample, see N/file

Module Script Sample.

For a script sample, see N/file

Module Script Sample.

nlobjFile.getURL() File.url N/file Module Note that url is a property.

nlobjFile.getValue() File.getContents() N/file Module -

nlobjFile.isInactive() File.isInactive N/file Module Note that isInactive is a


nlobjFile.isOnline() File.isOnline N/file Module Note that isOnline is a property.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 20

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes

For a script sample, see N/file
Module Script Sample.

File.description N/file Module Note that description is a

File.encoding N/file Module Note that encoding is a property.

nlobjFile.setFolder(id) File.folder N/file Module Note that folder is a property.

You can also set the folder

during file creation with

For a script sample, see N/file

Module Script Sample.

File.isInactive N/file Module Note that isInactive is a

nlobjFile.setIsOnline(online) File.isOnline N/file Module Note that isOnline is a property.

For a script sample, see N/file

Module Script Sample.

nlobjFile.setName(name) N/file Module Note that name is a property.

For a script sample, see N/file

Module Script Sample.


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjForm serverWidget.Form N/â##ui/ -


nlobjForm.addButton(name, label, Form.addButton(options) N/â##ui/ -

script) â##serverWidget

nlobjForm.addCredentialField(id, Form.â##addCredentialFieldâ##(options)
N/â##ui/ -
label, website, scriptId, value, â##serverWidget
entityMatch, tab) Module

nlobjForm.addField(name, type, Form.addField(options) N/â##ui/ For a script sample, see N/ui/

label, sourceOrRadio, tab) â##serverWidget serverWidget Module Script
Module Samples

nlobjForm.addFieldGroup(name, Form.â##addFieldGroupâ##(options)
N/â##ui/ -
label, tab) â##serverWidget

nlobjForm.addPageLink(type, title, Form.â##addPageLinkâ##(options)

N/â##ui/ -
url) â##serverWidget

nlobjForm.addResetButton(label) Form.â##addResetButtonâ##(options)
N/â##ui/ -

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 21

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjForm.addSubList(name, type, Form.addSublist(options) N/â##ui/ For a script sample, see N/ui/

label, tab) â##serverWidget serverWidget Module Script
Module Samples

N/â##ui/ For a script sample, see N/ui/
â##serverWidget serverWidget Module Script
Module Samples

nlobjForm.addSubTab(name, Form.addSubtab(options) N/â##ui/ -

label, tab) â##serverWidget

nlobjForm.addTab(name, label) Form.addTab(options) N/â##ui/ -


nlobjForm.getButton(name) Form.getButton(options) N/â##ui/ -


nlobjForm.getField(name, radio) Form.getField(options) N/â##ui/ -


nlobjForm.getSubList(name) Form.getSublist(options) N/â##ui/ -


nlobjForm.getSubTab(name) Form.getSubtab(options) N/â##ui/ -


nlobjForm.getTab(name) Form.getTab(options) N/â##ui/ -


nlobjForm.getTabs() Form.getTabs() N/â##ui/ -


nlobjForm.insertField(field, Form.insertField(options) N/â##ui/ -

nextfld) â##serverWidget

nlobjForm.insertSubList(sublist, Form.â##insertSublistâ##(options)
N/â##ui/ -
nextsub) â##serverWidget

nlobjForm.insertSubTab(subtab, Form.â##insertSubtabâ##(options)
N/â##ui/ -
nextsub) â##serverWidget

nlobjForm.insertTab(tab, nexttab) Form.insertTab(options) N/â##ui/ -


nlobjForm.removeButton(name) Form.â##removeButtonâ##(options)
N/â##ui/ -

nlobjForm.setFieldValues(values) Form.â##updateâ##Defaultâ##Valuesâ##(â##options)
N/â##ui/ -

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 22

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjForm.setScript(script) Form.â##clientScriptFileId N/â##ui/ Note that clientScriptFileId

â##serverWidget and clientScriptModulePath
Module are properties.

Use one of these SuiteScript 2.0

properties to attach an ad hoc
client script to a form.

nlobjForm.setTitle(title) Form.title N/â##ui/ Note that title is a property.



SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Module Notes

nlobjFuture task.â##Entityâ##Deduplicationâ##Taskâ##Status
N/task Module -

nlobjFuture.isCancelled() Entityâ##Deduplicationâ##Taskâ##Status.â##status
N/task Module Note that status is a

nlobjFuture.isDone() Entityâ##Deduplicationâ##Taskâ##Status.â##status
N/task Module Note that status is a


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Module Notes

nlobjJobManager - N/task Module -

nlobjJobManager createJobRequest() - N/task Module -

nlobjJobManager.getFuture() - N/task Module -

- N/task Module -


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjList serverWidget.List N/â##ui/ -


nlobjList.addButton(name, label, List.addButton(options) N/â##ui/ -

script) â##serverWidget

nlobjList.addColumn(name, type, List.addColumn(options) N/â##ui/ -

label, align) â##serverWidget

N/â##ui/ -
showView, showHrefCol) â##serverWidget

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 23

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjList.addPageLink(type, title, List.addPageLink(options) N/â##ui/ -

url) â##serverWidget

nlobjList.addRow(row) List.addRow(options) N/â##ui/ -


nlobjList.addRows(rows) List.addRows(options) N/â##ui/ -


nlobjList.setScript(script) List.â##clientScriptFileId N/â##ui/ Note that clientScriptFileId

â##serverWidget and clientScriptModulePath
Module are properties.

Use one of these SuiteScript 2.0

properties to attach an ad hoc client
script to a form.

nlobjList.setStyle(style) N/â##ui/ Note that style is a property.


nlobjList.setTitle(title) List.title N/â##ui/ Note that title is a property.



SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjLogin See Notes. N/auth Module See nlobjLogin


auth.changeEmail(options) N/auth Module For a script sample, see
newEmail, justThisAccount) N/auth Module Script

N/auth Module For a script sample, see
newPassword) N/auth Module Script


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Module Notes

nlobjMergeResult render.EmailMergeResult N/render Module -

nlobjMergeResult.getBody() EmailMergeResult.body N/render Module Note that body is a


nlobjMergeResult.getSubject() EmailMergeResult.subject N/render Module Note that subject is a


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 24


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjPortlet Portlet Object See Notes For additional

information, see the
help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Portlet Script Type.

nlobjPortlet.addColumn(name, Portlet.addColumn(options) - For additional

type, label, just) information, see the
help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Portlet Script Type.

- For additional
showView, showHrefCol) information, see the
help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Portlet Script Type.

nlobjPortlet.addField(name, type, Portlet.addField(options) - For additional

label, source) information, see the
help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Portlet Script Type.

nlobjPortlet.addLine(text, url, Portlet.addLine(options) - For additional

indent) information, see the
help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Portlet Script Type.

nlobjPortlet.addRow(row) Portlet.addRow(options) - For additional

information, see the
help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Portlet Script Type.

nlobjPortlet.addRows(rows) Portlet.addRows(options) - For additional

information, see the
help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Portlet Script Type.

nlobjPortlet.setHtml(html) Portlet.html - For additional

information, see the
help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Portlet Script Type.
nlobjPortlet.setRefreshInterval(n) - For additional
information, see the
help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Portlet Script Type.

nlobjPortlet.setScript(scriptid) Portlet.â##clientScriptFileId - For additional

information, see the
Portlet.â##clientâ##Scriptâ##Moduleâ##Path help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Portlet Script Type.

nlobjPortlet.setSubmitButton(url, Portlet.â##setSubmitButtonâ##(options)
- For additional
label, target) information, see the
help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Portlet Script Type.

nlobjPortlet.setTitle(title) Portlet.title - For additional

information, see the

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 25

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes

help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Portlet Script Type.


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjRecord record.Record N/record Module -

currentRecord.â##CurrentRecord N/currentRecord

nlobjRecord.commitLineItem(group, Record.â##commitLine(options) N/record Module -


N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in
fldname) SuiteScript 2.0 is fundamentally
N/currentRecord different from scripting subrecords
Module in SuiteScript 1.0. For additional
information, see the SuiteScript 2.0
topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting

N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in
SuiteScript 2.0 is fundamentally
N/currentRecord different from scripting subrecords
Module in SuiteScript 1.0. For additional
information, see the SuiteScript 2.0
topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting

N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in
fldname) SuiteScript 2.0 is fundamentally
N/currentRecord different from scripting subrecords
Module in SuiteScript 1.0. For additional
information, see the SuiteScript 2.0
topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting

N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in
SuiteScript 2.0 is fundamentally
N/currentRecord different from scripting subrecords
Module in SuiteScript 1.0. For additional
information, see the SuiteScript 2.0
topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting

N/record Module -
fldnam, column, val)

N/record Module -
fldnam, value)

nlobjRecord.getAllFields() Record.getFields() N/record Module -

N/record Module -

See Notes N/format Module Use the N/format module to mimic
fieldId, timeZone) this functionality in SuiteScript 2.0.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 26

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


N/record Module -
fldnam, column)

N/record Module -

N/record Module Method returns an array for multi-
fldnam) select fields.

See Notes N/format Module Use the N/format module to mimic
timeZone) this functionality in SuiteScript 2.0.

nlobjRecord.getField(fldnam) Record.â##getField(options) N/record Module -


nlobjRecord.getFieldText(name) Record.â##getText(options) N/record Module -


nlobjRecord.getFieldTexts(name) Record.â##getText(options) N/record Module -


nlobjRecord.getFieldValue(name) Record.â##getValue(options) N/record Module -


nlobjRecord.getFieldValues(name) Record.â##getValue(options) N/record Module -


nlobjRecord.getId() N/record Module -

N/record Module -

See Notes N/format Module Use the N/format module to mimic
fieldId, lineNum, timeZone) this functionality in SuiteScript 2.0.

N/record Module -
fldnam, linenum)

N/record Module -
fldnam, linenum, column)

N/record Module -
fldnam, lineum, column)

nlobjRecord.getLineItemText(group, Record.â##getSublistTextâ##(options)
N/record Module -
fldnam, linenum)

N/record Module -
name, linenum)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 27

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


N/record Module -
fldnam, linenum)

nlobjRecord.getMatrixCount(group, Record.â##getâ##Matrixâ##Headerâ##Countâ##(â##options)
N/record Module -

nlobjRecord.getMatrixField(group, Record.â##getMatrixHeaderFieldâ##(options)
N/record Module -
fldname, column)

nlobjRecord.getMatrixValue(group, Record.â##getâ##Matrixâ##Headerâ##Valueâ##(â##options)
N/record Module -
fldnam, column)

nlobjRecord.getRecordType() Record.type N/record Module -

nlobjRecord.insertLineItem(group, Record.â##insertLine(options) N/record Module -

linenum, ignoreRecalc)

Record.â##removeLine(options) N/record Module -
linenum, ignoreRecalc)

N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in
fldname) SuiteScript 2.0 is fundamentally
N/currentRecord different from scripting subrecords
Module in SuiteScript 1.0. For additional
information, see the SuiteScript 2.0
topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting

N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in
SuiteScript 2.0 is fundamentally
N/currentRecord different from scripting subrecords
Module in SuiteScript 1.0. For additional
information, see the SuiteScript 2.0
topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting

nlobjRecord.selectLineItem(group, Record.â##selectLine(options) N/record Module -


N/record Module -


See Notes N/format Module Use the N/format module to mimic
fieldId, dateTime, timeZone) this functionality in SuiteScript 2.0.

N/record Module -
fldnam, column, value)

N/record Module -
name, value)

See Notes N/format Module Use the N/format module to mimic
dateTime, timeZone) this functionality in SuiteScript 2.0.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 28

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjRecord.setFieldText(name, Record.â##setText(options) N/record Module -


nlobjRecord.setFieldTexts(name, Record.â##setText(options) N/record Module -


nlobjRecord.setFieldValue(name, Record.â##setValue(options) N/record Module -


nlobjRecord.setFieldValues(name, Record.â##setValue(options) N/record Module -


See Notes N/format Module Use the N/format module to mimic
fieldId, lineNum, dateTime, this functionality in SuiteScript 2.0.

N/record Module -
name, linenum, value)

nlobjRecord.setMatrixValue(group, Record.â##setâ##Matrixâ##Headerâ##Valueâ##(â##options)
N/record Module -
fldnam, column, value)

N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in
fldname) SuiteScript 2.0 is fundamentally
N/currentRecord different from scripting subrecords
Module in SuiteScript 1.0. For additional
information, see the SuiteScript 2.0
topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting

N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in
fldname, linenum) SuiteScript 2.0 is fundamentally
different from scripting subrecords
in SuiteScript 1.0. For additional
information, see the SuiteScript 2.0
topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting

N/record Module Note that scripting subrecords in
SuiteScript 2.0 is fundamentally
N/currentRecord different from scripting subrecords
Module in SuiteScript 1.0. For additional
information, see the SuiteScript 2.0
topics under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjRequest http.ServerRequest N/http Module N/ -

https Module

nlobjRequest.getAllHeaders() ServerResponse.â##writePage(options)
N/http Module N/ ServerRequest.â##headers)options)
https Module is read-only.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 29

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjRequest.getAllParameters() ServerRequest.parameters N/http Module N/ ServerRequest.â##parameters(options)

https Module is read-only.

nlobjRequest.getBody() ServerRequest.parameters N/http Module N/ ServerRequest.â##body(options)

https Module is read-only.

nlobjRequest.getFile(id) ServerRequest.files N/http Module N/ ServerRequest.files(options) is

https Module read-only.

nlobjRequest.getHeader(name) ServerResponse.â##writePage(options)
N/http Module N/ ServerRequest.â##headers)options)
https Module is read-only.

N/http Module N/ -
https Module

N/http Module N/ -
name, line) https Module

nlobjRequest.getMethod() ServerRequest.method N/http Module N/ ServerRequest.â##method(options)

https Module is read-only.

nlobjRequest.getParameter(name) ServerRequest.parameters N/http Module N/ ServerRequest.â##parameters(options)

https Module is read-only.

ServerRequest.parameters N/http Module N/ ServerRequest.â##parameters(options)
https Module is read-only.

nlobjRequest.getURL() ServerRequest.method N/http Module N/ ServerRequest.url is read-only.

https Module


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjResponse http.ServerResponse N/http Module N/ -

https Module

nlobjResponse.addHeader(name, ServerResponse.â##addHeaderâ##(options)
N/http Module N/ -
value) https Module

nlobjResponse.getAllHeaders() ServerResponse.â##getHeader(options)
N/http Module N/ -
https Module

nlobjResponse.getBody() - N/http Module N/ -

https Module

nlobjResponse.getCode() - N/http Module N/ -

https Module

nlobjResponse.getError() - N/http Module N/ -

https Module

nlobjResponse.getHeader(name) ServerResponse.â##getHeader(options)
N/http Module N/ -
https Module

nlobjResponse.getHeaders(name) ServerResponse.â##getHeader(options)
N/http Module N/ If multiple values are
https Module assigned to the header
returns the values as an Array.

N/http Module N/ -
https Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 30

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


N/http Module N/ -
https Module

- N/http Module N/ -
name, disposition) https Module

- N/http Module N/ -
https Module

nlobjResponse.setHeader(name, ServerResponse.â##setHeader(options)
N/http Module N/ -
value) https Module

nlobjResponse.sendRedirect(type, ServerResponse.â##setHeader(options)
N/http Module N/ -
identifier, id, editmode, https Module

nlobjResponse.write(output) ServerResponse.â##write(options)
N/http Module N/ -
https Module

nlobjResponse.writeLine(output) ServerResponse.â##write(options)
N/http Module N/ -
https Module

N/http Module N/ -
https Module


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjSearch search.Search N/search Module -

nlobjSearch.addColumn(column) - N/search Module -

nlobjSearch.addColumns(columns) - N/search Module -

nlobjSearch.addFilter(filter) - N/search Module -

nlobjSearch.addFilters(filters) - N/search Module -

nlobjSearch.deleteSearch() search.delete(options) N/search Module For a script sample, see N/search

Module Script Samples.

nlobjSearch.getColumns() Search.columns N/search Module Note that columns is a property.

nlobjSearch.getFilterExpression() Search.filterExpression N/search Module Note that filterExpression is

a property.

nlobjSearch.getFilters() Search.filters N/search Module Note that filters is a property.

nlobjSearch.getId() Search.searchId N/search Module Note that id is a property.

nlobjSearch.getIsPublic() Search.isPublic N/search Module Note that isPublic is a property.

nlobjSearch.getScriptId() N/search Module -

nlobjSearch.getSearchType() Search.searchType N/search Module Note that searchType is a


nlobjSearch.runSearch() N/search Module -

nlobjSearch.saveSearch(title, N/search Module -


nlobjSearch.setColumns(columns) Search.columns N/search Module Note that columns is a property.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 31

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


Search.filterExpression N/search Module Note that filterExpression is
a property.

nlobjSearch.setFilters(filters) Search.filters N/search Module Note that filters is a property.

nlobjSearch.setIsPublic(type) Search.isPublic N/search Module Note that isPublic is a property.

N/redirect Module -


N/redirect Module -



SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Module Notes

nlobjSearchColumn search.Column N/search Module -


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Module Notes

nlobjSearchFilter search.Filter N/search Module -


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Module Notes

nlobjSearchResult search.Result N/search Module -


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Module Notes

nlobjSearchResultSet search.ResultSet N/search Module -


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjSelectOption See Notes N/record Module See mapping for


nlobjSelectOption.getId() N/record:â## N/record Module -

N/currentRecord:â## Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 32

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjSelectOption.getText() N/record:â## N/record Module -

N/currentRecord:â## Module


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjSubList serverWidget.Sublist N/ui/serverWidget -


nlobjSublist.addButton(name, label, Sublist.addButton(options) N/ui/serverWidget -

script) Module

nlobjSublist.addField(name, type, Sublist.addField(options) N/ui/serverWidget -

label, source) Module

nlobjSublist.addMarkAllButtons() Sublist.addMarkAllButtons() N/ui/serverWidget -


nlobjSublist.addRefreshButton() Sublist.addRefreshButton() N/ui/serverWidget -


nlobjSublist.getLineItemCount() Sublist.lineCount N/ui/serverWidget Note that lineCount is a

Module property

N/ui/serverWidget -
fldnam, linenum) Module

nlobjSublist.setAmountField(field) - N/ui/serverWidget -

nlobjSublist.setDisplayType(type) Sublist.displayType N/ui/serverWidget Note that displayType is

Module a property

nlobjSublist.setHelpText(help) Sublist.helpText N/ui/serverWidget Note that helpText is a

Module property

nlobjSublist.setLabel(label) Sublist.label N/ui/serverWidget Note that label is a

Module property

nlobjSublist.setLineItemValue(name, Sublist.â##setSublistValueâ##(options)
N/ui/serverWidget -
linenum,value) Module

- N/ui/serverWidget -

nlobjSublist.setUniqueField(name) Sublist.â##updateUniqueFieldIdâ##(options)
N/ui/serverWidget Note that uniqueFieldId
Module is a property


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 SuiteScript 2.0 Notes

API Module

nlobjSubrecord See Notes N/record Module SuiteScript 2.0 subrecords are returned as
record.Record objects.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 33

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 SuiteScript 2.0 Notes

API Module
Note that scripting subrecords in SuiteScript
2.0 is fundamentally different from scripting
subrecords in SuiteScript 1.0. For additional
information, see the SuiteScript 2.0 topics
under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting Subrecords.

nlobjSubrecord.cancel() See Notes N/record Module SuiteScript 2.0 subrecords are returned as
record.Record objects.

Note that scripting subrecords in SuiteScript

2.0 is fundamentally different from scripting
subrecords in SuiteScript 1.0. For additional
information, see the SuiteScript 2.0 topics
under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting Subrecords.

nlobjSubrecord.commit() See Notes N/record Module This API does not have a SuiteScript 2.0
equivalent. SuiteScript 2.0 subrecords are
returned as record.Record objects.

Note that scripting subrecords in SuiteScript

2.0 is fundamentally different from scripting
subrecords in SuiteScript 1.0. For additional
information, see the SuiteScript 2.0 topics
under SuiteScript 2.0 Scripting Subrecords.


SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Module Notes

nlobjTab serverWidget.Tab N/ui/serverWidget Module -

nlobjTab.setLabel(label) Tab.label N/ui/serverWidget Module Note that label is a


nlobjTab.setHelpText(help) Tab.helpText N/ui/serverWidget Module Note that helpText is a



SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


nlobjTemplateRenderer render.TemplateRenderer N/render Module For a script sample,

see N/render Module
Script Sample.

nlobjTemplateRenderer.addRecord(var, TemplateRenderer.â##addRecord(options)
N/render Module For a script sample,
record) see N/render Module
Script Sample.

N/render Module For a script sample,
searchResult) see N/render Module
Script Sample.

N/render Module -

N/render Module -

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 API Map – Objects (nlobj) 34

SuiteScript 1.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 API SuiteScript 2.0 Notes


N/render Module For a script sample,
see N/render Module
Script Sample.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 2.0 Global Objects 35

SuiteScript 2.0 Global Objects

SuiteScript 2.0 includes the following global objects. You can use these objects in your scripts without
loading them as dependencies.

■ define Object
■ require Function
■ log Object
■ util Object
■ toString()
■ JSON object
■ Promise Object

Note: In JavaScript, all functions are objects. The define Object define Object and require
Function topics discuss the define() and require() functions used by SuiteScript 2.0 to load
and define modules.

define Object
The define object is an overloaded function that is used to create entry point scripts and custom
modules in SuiteScript 2.0. This function executes asynchronously on the client side and synchronously
on the server side. The define object conforms to the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)

Note: An overloaded function has multiple signatures. A signature is the function name and all
available parameters.

SuiteScript 2.0 supports the following define() signatures:

Type Name Return Type / Description

Value Type

Function define(moduleObject) object Returns a module object based on the supplied

moduleobject argument. The moduleobject
argument can be any JavaScript object, including a

Use this define() signature if your entry

point script or custom module requires no

define(id, [dependencies,] object Loads all dependencies and then executes the
moduleObject) supplied callback function. Returns a module
object based on the callback.

Use the define() function to do the following:

■ Create a SuiteScript script file. Load the required dependent modules and define the functionality
for the SuiteScript script type in the callback function. The return statement in the callback function
must include at least one entry point and entry point function. All entry points must belong to the
same script type.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

define Object 36

Any implementation of a SuiteScript script type that returns an entry point must use the define()
■ Create and return a custom module. You can then include the custom module as dependency
in another script. Use the define(id, [dependencies,] moduleObject) signature if your module
requires dependencies. If the custom module does not require any dependencies, use the
define(moduleObject) signature.

For more information about custom modules, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Custom Modules.

For more information about entry points, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

define() Function Guidelines

Use the following guidelines with the define() Function:

■ SuiteScript API calls can be executed only after the define callback's return statement has executed.
Consequently, you cannot use native SuiteScript 2.0 module methods when you create a custom
module. You can make SuiteScript API calls after the Module Loader creates and loads the custom
■ If you need to debug your code on demand in the NetSuite Debugger, you must use a require()
Function. The NetSuite Debugger cannot step though a define() Function.
■ Any dependencies used in the define() Function are loaded before the callback function executes.
■ You can load only modules that are stored in the NetSuite file cabinet. Do not attempt to import
scripts via HTTP/S.
For example, if given define([''],
function(purchaseTotal){...});, the purchaseTotal dependency is not valid.

Description Function used to create entry point scripts and custom modules in SuiteScript 2.0. For more
information, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment and
SuiteScript 2.0 Custom Modules.

Use this define() signature if your entry point script or custom module requires no

If you are creating an entry point script, the define() function must return an object consisting
of at least one key/value pair. Each key must be an entry point and the corresponding value
must be a named entry point function. All entry points must be for the same script type. Your
script can have only one entry point script and the entry point script must be only one script

Returns Object

Global object define Object

Since Version 2015 Release 2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

moduleObject Object Required A callback function or a module Version 2015 Release 2


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

define Object 37


The following code snippets show sample syntax for the define(moduleobject) function signature.
These snippets are not functional examples or a complete list.

Define a Function

// lib.js
test: function ()
return true;


// lib.js
define(function ()
return true

Define an object

// lib.js
color: "black",
size: "unisize"

Define a Primitive Value

// lib.js

define(id, [dependencies,] moduleObject)

Method Function used to create entry point scripts and custom modules in SuiteScript 2.0. For more
Description information, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment
and SuiteScript 2.0 Custom Modules.

If you are creating an entry point script, the define() function must return an object consisting
of at least one key/value pair. Each key must be an entry point and the corresponding value
must be a named entry point function. All entry points must be for the same script type. Your
script can have only one entry point script and the entry point script must be only one script
type. Your entry point script can, however, load multiple custom modules as dependencies.
There is no limit to the number of dependencies your entry point script can load.

Returns Object

Global object define Object

Since Version 2015 Release 2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

define Object 38


Parameter Type Required / Description Since


id string optional Defines the id of the module Version 2015

Release 2

dependencies string [] optional Represents any module dependencies Version 2015

required by the callback function. Release 2

Use the following syntax:

■ Native SuiteScript 2.0 modules:

[‘N/<module name>’]
■ Custom modules: [/‘<path
to module file in File
Cabinet>/<module name>’]
For other options, see the help topic
Module Dependency Paths.

moduleObject Function | required A callback function or a module object Version 2015

Object Release 2


Error Code Message Thrown If

MODULE_DOES_NOT_EXIST  Module does not exist: The NetSuite module or custom module dependency
{module path/name} does not exist.

If multiple modules do not exist, NetSuite only reports

the first error encountered. If you receive this error, verify
that all module paths and names are correct.

Syntax for Module ID

The following code snippet shows sample syntax for the define(id, [dependencies,] callback) function
signature. It is not a functional example or complete list.

define('mymodule', ['/test', '/sample'], function(test, sample){...});

Syntax for Entry Point Script

The following code snippet shows a sample SuiteScript user event script type that creates a Phone Call
record on the afterSubmit trigger.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
*@NScriptType UserEventScript

function (record)
function createPhoneCall(context)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

define Object 39

if (context.type !== context.UserEventTypes.CREATE)
var customerRecord = context.newRecord;
if (customerRecord.getValue('salesrep'))
var call = record.create({
type: record.Type.PHONE_CALL,
isDynamic: true
fieldId: 'title',
value: 'Make follow-up call to new customer'
call.setValue('assigned', customerRecord.getValue('salesrep'));
call.setValue('phone', customerRecord.getValue('phone'));
var callId =;
title: 'Call record created successfully',
details: 'Id: ' + callId
catch (e)
return {
afterSubmit: createPhoneCall

Syntax for Custom Module

The following code snippets show the syntax for creating a custom SuiteScript 2.0 module in the script
file lib.js.

// lib.js
define(['./api/bar'], function(bar){ // require bar custom module
return {
makeSomething: function(){ // define function lib.makeSomething()
var barObj = bar.create(); // use create() function from bar custom module
return bar.convertToThing(); // returns the value of bar module function convertToThing()

The following code snippet shows the syntax for calling the function lib from the custom module
test.js in a separate script file:

// test.js
require(['/lib'], function (lib) { // require custom module (defined above)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

define Object 40

return lib.makeSomething(); // return value of makeSomething function in custom module


require Function
The require Function is a global object that implements the require() Module Loader interface for
SuiteScript 2.0. It conforms to the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) specification. When NetSuite
executes the require() Function, it executes the callback function and loads the dependencies when
they are needed.
This function executes asynchronously on the client side and synchronously on the server side.

Note: Only use the require() Function if you want to loading an existing module. If you want to
create an entry point script or a new custom module, use the define Object.

Use the require() Function to achieve progressive loading of native SuiteScript 2.0 modules and custom
modules. When you use the require() Function, dependencies are not loaded until they are needed.
This can help increase script performance.
For example, if you add lib1 as a dependency. When you call a method that is part of lib1, the
Module Loader loads the module and executes the method. See Syntax.

Type Name Return Type / Description

Value Type

Function require([dependencies,] callback) Void Loads a SuiteScript 2.0 entry point script or a
SuiteScript 2.0 custom module.

Executes the callback function and loads the

dependencies when they are required.

Note: To configure a require Object, you can associate a script to a JSON configuration file
using a JSDoc tag. This is helpful to configure loading of a custom module. Properties that can
hold feature metadata, aliases, paths, package, and mapping information related to a module id
are supported. See require Configuration.

require([dependencies,] callback)
Method Description Function used to load a module only when the module is needed. When NetSuite executes
the require() Function, it executes the callback function and loads the dependencies when
they are required.

If you add a module as a dependency and the module is never used, the dependency is
never loaded.

Note: This function conforms to the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)

specification. For more information, see require Function.

Returns Void

Global object require Function

Since Version 2015 Release 2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

require Function 41


Parameter Type Required / Description Since


dependencies string [] Optional Represents any module dependencies Version 2015

required by the callback function. Release 2

Use the following syntax:

■ Native SuiteScript 2.0 modules: [‘N/

<module name>’]
■ Custom modules: [‘/<path to
module file in File Cabinet>/
<module name>’]
See the help topic Module
Dependency Paths.

callback Function Required Callback function to execute. Dependent Version 2015

modules are not loaded until they are Release 2


Error Code Message Thrown If

MODULE_DOES_NOT_EXIST  Module does not exist: The NetSuite module or custom module dependency
{module path/name} does not exist.

If multiple modules do not exist, NetSuite only reports

the first error encountered. If you receive this error, verify
that all module paths and names are correct.

The following example shows progressive loading of modules in a script. For a functional example, see
require Function.

newInstance: function (type)
switch (type)
case 'lib1' :
require(['/lib1'], function (lib1) // Module Loader loads lib1
return new lib1();
case 'lib2' :
require(['/lib2'], function (lib2) // Module Loader loads lib2
return new lib2();
default :
return null;

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

require Function 42


require Configuration
SuiteScript provides advanced options that provide you with greater control over require configuration.

If you set up a valid @NAmdConfig JSDoc tag, SuiteScript implements the require configuration settings
before loading dependencies. Configure the require Object before loading dependences so that you can
run multiple client scripts with different configurations. Using the JSDoc tag can also support re-use by
letting you use a common configuration across multiple scripts.

To configure a require Object, do the following:

■ Add the @NAmdConfig tag and provide a file cabinet path to the configuration file

* @NAmdConfig /SuiteScripts/configuration.json

■ SuiteScript will require a custom entry point module and its dependencies using the AMD
configuration. For a list of supported configuration parameters, see require Configuration
Parameters. Your require configuration must be in JSON format. For example:

"baseUrl" : "/SuiteBundles"

Important: Ensure that configuration file uses JSON syntax (and not JavaScript syntax). For
more information about JSON, visit

You can use JSON.stringify(obj) to convert a JavaScript object value to a key-value pair string in JSON

require Configuration Parameters

SuiteScript accepts the configuration values outlined at
master/ (version fd45c71).

You can use the JS Doc tag to point a configuration file that holds the configuration values, such as
when you want to set properties before loading a custom module, or set up configuration for improved

The following configuration parameters are supported for require Object configuration:

Parameter Type Required / Sample Usage Since


baseUrl string Optional ■ To configure a shorter relative path by Version 2015

indicating the root folder that holds the Release 2
modules in the file cabinet.

paths Object Optional ■ To create a named alias to a path Version 2015

Release 2
■ For testing purposes, pass in an object
that serves as a mock-up of another

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

require Function 43

Parameter Type Required / Sample Usage Since

■ To set up a custom name for a SuiteScript

packages Object[] Optional ■ To configure a special lookup suitable for Version 2015
traditional CommonJS packages that you Release 2
want to use as a custom module.

map Object Optional ■ To specify an alias. Version 2015

Release 2
■ To handle multiple names for a module
■ To load a set of identically-named but
unique modules, such as dependency on
multiple module versions.

config Object Optional ■ To assign attributes, such as metadata. Version 2015

Release 2

shim Object Optional ■ To prepare a non-AMD JS library for Version 2015

loading. Release 2

Configuration of a require Object is optional and for advanced usage only. If you must configure a
require Object, the @NAmdConfig tag is suited for general use and is the preferred way to configure a
require Object. However, existing scripts with calls to require.config can use this method with a context
argument (although not recommended). Ensure that the call includes a context parameter and that its
value is not a file path.

log Object
The log Object is loaded by default by NetSuite for all script types. You do not need to load it manually.
However, you can choose to load it via N/log Module, such as for testing purposes.

log Object Members

■ log.debug(options)
■ log.audit(options)
■ log.emergency(options)
■ log.error(options)

For more details about the log Object and its methods, see N/log Module.

util Object
The util Object is loaded by default by NetSuite for all script types. You do not need to load it manually.
However, you can choose to load it via N/util Module, such as for testing purposes.

util Object Members

■ util.isArray(obj)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

util Object 44

■ util.isBoolean(obj)
■ util.isDate(obj)
■ util.isFunction(obj)
■ util.isNumber(obj)
■ util.isObject(obj)
■ util.isRegExp(obj)
■ util.isString(obj)

The util object also includes the following utility methods:

■ util.each(iterable, callback)
■ util.extend(receiver, contributor)
■ util.nanoTime()

For more details about the util Object and its methods, see N/util Module.

Method Description Method used to determine an object’s type. This is a global method that is loaded by default for
all native SuiteScript 2.0 API objects.

Note: Consider this method a replacement for the instanceOf operator (which is not
supported). SuiteScript 2.0 members are immutable; you cannot construct or modify
a native SuiteScript 2.0 member. Consequently, if you attempt to call instanceOf, an
undefined error is thrown.

For information aboutâ## toString() â##as a native JavaScript method, seeâ## https:â##/

Returns The object type as a string

Supported Script All script types


Governance None

Since Version 2015 Release 2

The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example.

var type = mapContext.toString(); // When called on mapReduce.MapContext, toString returns "mapReduce.MapContext"

JSON object
SuiteScript 2.0 supports the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) standard. You can use the JSON object
to parse text as a JSON object and convert strings to JSON notation. For more information, see
JSON.parse(text) and JSON.stringify(obj).

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

JSON object 45

Important: The following sections are included as a summary and are intended for reference
only. For additional information about JSON, see

Method Description Parse a string as a JSON object and returns the object.

The text parameter must conform to the JSON standard. See

Returns Object

Supported Script Types All script types

Governance None

Global object JSON object

Since Version 2015 Release 2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

text string Required Text to parse as a JSON object. The Version 2015 Release
string must conform to the JSON 2

reviver Function Optional Specifies how to transform the parsed Version 2015 Release
value before it is returned 2

The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example.

var text = '{ "employees" : [' +
'{ "firstName":"John" , "lastName":"Doe" },' +
'{ "firstName":"Anna" , "lastName":"Smith" },' +
'{ "firstName":"Peter" , "lastName":"Jones" } ]}';
var obj = JSON.parse(text);
var firstEmp = obj.employees[1].firstName + " " + obj.employees[1].lastName;

Method Description Converts a JavaScript object or value to a JSON string

For more information about JSON object format, see


Returns JSON string

Supported Script Types All script types

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

JSON object 46

Governance None

Global object JSON object

Since Version 2015 Release 2


Parameter Type Required / Description Since


value Object Required The value to convert to a JSON string Version 2015 Release

replacer Function Optional Function that changes the behavior of Version 2015 Release
the stringification process 2

space Object Optional A string or number that is used to insert Version 2015 Release
white space in the output JSON string for 2


The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example.

var contact = {
firstName: 'John',
lastName : 'Doe',
jobTitle : 'CEO'

var jsonString = JSON.stringify(contact);

This method converts the contact object to the following string:


Promise Object
In SuiteScript 2.0, all client scripts support the use of Promises. With Promises, developers can write
asynchronous code that is intuitive and efficient. SuiteScript 2.0 provides promise APIs for selected
modules (see SuiteScript 2.0 Promise APIs). In addition, you can create custom Promises in all client
scripts (see Custom Promises).

A promise is a JavaScript object that represents the eventual result of an asynchronous process. After
this object is created, it serves as a placeholder for the future success or failure of the operation.
During the period of time that the promise object is waiting, the remaining segments of the script can

A Promise holds one of the following values:

■ fulfilled – The operation is successful.

■ rejected – The operation failed.
■ pending – The operation is still in progress and has not yet been fulfilled or rejected.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

Promise Object 47

When it is first created, a Promise holds the value pending. After the associated process is complete
(from success or failure), the value changes to fulfilled or rejected. A success or failure callback
function attached to the Promise is called when the process is complete. Note that a Promise can
only succeed or fail one time. When the value of the Promise updates to fulfilled or rejected, it cannot

For additional information regarding Promises, see

SuiteScript 2.0 Promise APIs

SuiteScript 2.0 provides client-side promise APIs. For supported modules members and additional API
information, see SuiteScript 2.0 Modules.

Important: Although these modules as a whole are supported in client and server-side
scripts, their promise APIs are supported only in client scripts.

The available promise APIs are named so that they correspond with their synchronous counterparts.
The distinction is that the promise APIs have names that are suffixed with .promise. For example, the
search.create(options) API has a promise version named search.create.promise(options).

The following is a basic example of how to use a promise API in a client script.

* @NAPIVersion 2.0
function doSomething()
type: 'salesorder'
.then(function(result) {
log.debug("Completed: " + result);
//do something after completion
.catch(function(reason) {
log.debug("Failed: " + reason)
//do something on failure
pageInit: doSomething

This example demonstrates how to chain promises created with promise APIs.

* @NAPIVersion 2.0

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

Promise Object 48

function doSomething()
var filter = search.createFilter({
name: 'mainline',
operator: search.Operator.IS,
type: 'salesorder',
.then(function(searchObj) {
function(result, index){
//do something
.then(function(result) {
log.debug("Completed: " + result)
//do something after completion
.catch(function(reason) {
log.debug("Failed: " + reason)
//do something on failure
pageInit: doSomething

Custom Promises
The following example shows a custom Promise. Custom Promises do not utilize the SuiteScript 2.0
promise APIs.

* @NAPIVersion 2.0
function doSomething(addresses){
var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
var url = 'https://your.favorite.maps/api/directions?start=' + addresses.start + '&end=' + addresses.end,
isAsync = true,
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

xhr.addEventListener('load', function (event) {

if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
if (xhr.status === 200) {

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

Promise Object 49

resolve(xhr.responseText );
else {
reject( xhr.statusText );
xhr.addEventListener('error', function (event) {
reject( xhr.statusText );
});'GET', url, isAsync);

return promise;

return {
lookupDirections: doSomething

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 2.0 Modules 50

SuiteScript 2.0 Modules

SuiteScript 2.0 APIs are organized into various modules, based on behavior. These modules are
described below.

Note: As a best practice, you should load only the modules that are needed by your
script. However, you can load all SuiteScript 2.0 modules at one time. Do this by passing the
modules’ parent directory to the define() statement and its callback function: define(['N'],
function(N) {...});. This is a convenient way to load all modules, but does sacrifice the
performance advantage of loading only the modules that are needed. We provide this feature
so that you can test and familiarize yourself with SuiteScript 2.0. We do not recommend that you
load all modules at once in a production environment.

Module Description

N/action Module Load the N/action module APIs to execute business logic to update the state of a
record. Action APIs emulate NetSuite UI buttons.

N/auth Module Load the auth module when you want to change your NetSuite login credentials.

N/cache Module Load the cache module to enable the caching of needed data and improve

N/config Module Load the config module when you want to access NetSuite configuration settings. See
config.Type for a list of supported configuration pages.

N/crypto Module Load the crypto module to work with hashing, hash-based message authentication
(hmac), and symmetrical encryption. You can access a set of wrappers for OpenSSL's
hash, hmac, cipher, and decipher methods.

N/currency Module Load the currency module to work with exchange rates within your NetSuite account.
You can use the currency module to find the exchange rate between two currencies
based on a certain date.

N/currentRecord Module Load the currentRecord module to access the record instance that you are currently
working on. You can then use the record instance in a client-side context.

N/email Module Load the email module when you want to send email messages from within NetSuite.
You can use the email module to send regular, bulk, and campaign email.

N/encode Module Load the encode module when you want to convert a string to another type of
encoding. See encode.Encoding for a list of supported character set encoding.

N/error Module Load the error module when you want to create your own custom SuiteScript errors.
Use these custom errors in try-catch statements to abort script execution.

N/file Module Load the file module to work with files in NetSuite.

N/format Module Load the format module to convert strings into a specified format and to parse
formatted data into strings.

N/format/i18n Module Load the format/i18n module to format currency.

N/http Module Load the http module to make http calls. All HTTP content types are supported.

N/https Module Load the https module to make https calls. You can also use this module to encode
binary content or securely access a handle to the value in a NetSuite credential field.

N/log Module Load the log module when you want to access methods for logging script execution
details. Module members are also supported by the global log Object.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

SuiteScript 2.0 Modules 51

Module Description

N/plugin Module Load the plugin module to load custom plug-in implementations.

N/portlet Module Load the portlet module when you want to resize or refresh a form portlet.

N/query Module Load the query module to create and run searches using the SuiteAnalytics Workbook
query engine.

N/record Module Load the record module to work with NetSuite records.

N/redirect Module Load the redirect module when you want to redirect users to one of the following:

■ Suitelet
■ Record
■ Task link
■ Saved search
■ Unsaved search

N/render Module Load the render module to create forms or email from templates and to print to PDF
or HTML.

N/runtime Module Load the runtime module when you want to access the runtime settings for company,
script, session, system, user, or version.

N/search Module Load the search module to create and run on demand or saved searches and
analyze and iterate through the search results. You can search for a single record
by keywords, create saved searches, search for duplicate records, or return a set of
records that match filters you define.

N/sftp Module Load the sftp module to connect to a remote FTP server via SFTP and transfer files.

N/sso Module Load the sso module when you want to generate outbound single sign-on
(SuiteSignOn) tokens

N/task Module Load the task module to create tasks and place them in the internal NetSuite
scheduling or task queue. Use the task module to schedule scripts, run Map/Reduce
scripts, import CSV files, merge duplicate records, and execute asynchronous

N/transaction Module Load the transaction module to void transactions.

N/translation Module Load the translations module to load NetSuite Translation Collections in SuiteScript.

N/ui/dialog Module Load the dialog module to create a modal dialog that persists until a button on the
dialog is pressed.

N/ui/message module Load the message module to display a message at the top of the screen under the
menu bar.

N/ui/serverWidget Module Load the serverWidget module when you want to work with the user interface within

N/url Module Load the url module when you want to determine URL navigation paths within
NetSuite or format URL strings.

N/util Module Load the util module when you want to manually access util methods. Module
members are also supported by the global util Object.

N/workflow Module Load the workflow module to initiate new workflow instances or trigger existing
workflow instances.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 52

Module Description

N/xml Module Load the xml module to validate, parse, read, and modify XML documents.

N/action Module
The N/action module APIs let you execute business logic to update the state of records in view mode.
To execute business logic on records that you are editing, use the record macro APIs, which are
included in the N/record Module module. See Record Object Members and Macro Object Members.
Action and Macro APIs are the programmatic equivalent to clicking a button in the UI. To learn more,
see the help topic Overview of Record Action and Macro APIs.

The changes that you make to records with N/action module APIs are persisted in the database
immediately. For example, consider the timebill record. After you click the Approve button in the UI,
the timebill and its entries are saved in an approved state, and this change is immediately updated in
the database.

Governance for action module APIs varies for actions and record types. See the action help for
governance information specific to actions and record types.

A limited number of individual actions for specific record types are supported. For details, see the help
topic Supported Record Actions.

Note: For supported script types, see individual member topics listed below.

■ N/action Module Members

■ Action Object Members
■ N/action Module Script Samples

N/action Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Object action.Action Object Client and server- Encapsulates a NetSuite

side scripts record action.

Plain JavaScript Object Object Client and server- A plain JavaScript object of
side scripts actions available for a record

Method action.execute(options) Object Client and server- Executes the record action and
side scripts returns action results in an

Promise Client scripts Asynchronously executes the
record action and returns the
action results in an object.

string Client and server- Executes an asynchronous
(Beta) â##(Beta) side scripts bulk record action and returns
its task ID for later status

action.find(options) Object Client and server- Returns a plain JavaScript

side scripts object of available record

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 53

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types
actions for the given record

Promise Client scripts Asynchronously returns a plain
JavaScript object of available
record actions for the given
record type.

action.get(options) action.Action Client and server- Returns an executable record

side scripts action for the given record

Promise Client scripts Asynchronously returns an
executable record action for
the given record type.

Action Object Members

The following members are called on action.Action.

Member Type Name Return Type/ Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Action(options) Object Client and server- Executes the action and returns
side scripts the action results in an object.

Action.promise(options) Promise Client scripts Executes the action

asynchronously and returns the
action results in an object.

Action.execute(options) Object Client and server- Executes the action and returns
side scripts the action results in an object.

Promise Client scripts Executes the action
asynchronously and returns the
action results in an object.

string Client and server- Executes an asynchronous bulk
(Beta) â##(Beta) side scripts record action and returns its task
ID for later status inquiry.

Object Client and server- Returns the current status of
(Beta) â##(Beta) side scripts action.executeBulk(options) (Beta)
with the given task ID.

Property Action.description string Client and server- The action description.

side scripts string Client and server- The ID of the action.

side scripts
For a list of action IDs, see the help
topic Supported Record Actions.

Action.label string Client and server- The action label.

side scripts

Action.parameters Object Client and server- The action parameters.

side scripts

Action.recordType string Client and server- The type of the record on which
side scripts the action is to be performed.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 54

Member Type Name Return Type/ Supported Script Description

Value Type Types
For a list of record types, see

N/action Module Script Samples

These samples use the require function, so that you can copy each script into the debugger and test
it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the script you attach
to a script record). For more information, see SuiteScript 2.0 Global Objects and SuiteScript 2.0 Script

Important: The samples included in this section are intended to show how actions work in
SuiteScript at a high-level. For specific samples, see the help topic Supported Record Actions.

The following server script sample finds and executes an action on the timebill record without

require(['N/action', 'N/record'], function(action, record) {

// create timebill record
var rec = record.create({type: 'timebill', isDynamic: true});
rec.setValue({fieldId: 'employee', value: 104});
rec.setValue({fieldId: 'location', value: 312});
rec.setValue({fieldId: 'hours', value: 5});
var recordId =;

var actions = action.find({

recordType: 'timebill',
recordId: recordId


log.debug("We've got the following actions: " + Object.keys(actions));

if (actions.approve) {
var result = actions.approve();
log.debug("Timebill has been successfully approved");
} else {
log.debug("The timebill is already approved");

// Outputs the following:

// We've got the following actions: approve, reject
// Timebill has been successfully approved

The following client-side script sample asynchronously finds actions available for a timebill record and
then executes one with promises.

require(['N/action', 'N/record'], function(action, record) {

// create timebill record
var rec = record.create({type: 'timebill', isDynamic: true});
rec.setValue({fieldId: 'employee', value: 104});
rec.setValue({fieldId: 'location', value: 312});
rec.setValue({fieldId: 'hours', value: 5});

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 55

var recordId =;

// find all qualified actions and then execute approve if available

recordType: 'timebill',
recordId: recordId
}).then(function(actions) {
console.log("We've got the following actions: " + Object.keys(actions));
if (actions.approve) {
actions.approve.promise().then(function(result) {
console.log("Timebill has been successfully approved");
} else {
console.log("The timebill is already approved");

// Outputs the following:

// We've got the following actions:
// The timebill has been successfully approved

The following sample uses action.executeBulk(options).

require(['N/action', 'N/util'] function(action, util) {

// 1a) Bulk execute the specified action on a provided list of record IDs.
// The params property is an array of parameter objects where each object contains mandatory recordId and arbitrary
additional parameters.
var handle = action.executeBulk({
recordType: "timebill",
id: "approve",
params: [{ recordId: 1, note: "this is a note for 1" },
{ recordId: 5, note: "this is a note for 5" },
{ recordId: 23, note: "this is a note for 23" }]

// 1b) Bulk execute the specified action on a provided list of record IDs.
// The parameters in the previous example are very similar and can be generated programatically using the map
var searchResults = /* result of a search, e.g. [1, 5, 23] */;
var handle = action.executeBulk({
recordType: "timebill",
id: "approve",
params: {
return { recordId: v, note: "this is a note for " + v };

// 2a) Bulk execute the specified action on a provided list of record IDs.
// This time with homogenous parameters, i.e. all parameter objects are equal except recordId.
var handle = action.executeBulk({
recordType: "timebill",
id: "approve",

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 56

params: {
return { recordId: v, foo: "bar", name: "John Doe" };

// 2b) Bulk execute the specified action on a provided list of record IDs.
// This time with homogenous parameters. Equivalent to the previous example.
var commonParams = {foo: "bar", name: "John Doe"};
var handle = action.executeBulk({
recordType: "timebill",
id: "approve",
params: {
return util.extend({recordId: v}, commonParams);

// 3) Bulk execute the specified action on a provided list of record IDs.

// This is the simplest usage with no extra parameters besides the record ID.
var handle = action.executeBulk({
recordType: "timebill",
id: "approve",
params: {return {recordId: v}})

// 4) Bulk execute the specified action on all record instances that qualify.
// Since we don't have a list of recordIds in hand, we only provide the callback
// that will later be used to transform a recordId to the corresponding parameters object.
var handle = action.executeBulk({
recordType: "timebill",
id: "approve",
condition: action.ALL_QUALIFIED_INSTANCES,
paramCallback: function(v) {
return { recordId: v, note: "this is a note for " + v };

// 5) Get a particular action for a particular record type.

var approveTimebill = action.get({
recordType: "timebill",
id: "approve"

// 6) Bulk execute the previously obtained action on a provided list of record IDs.
// Params are generated the same way as above in action.executeBulk().
var handle = approveTimebill.executeBulk({
params: {
return { recordId: v, note: "this is a note for " + v };

// 7) Bulk execute the previously obtained action on all record instances that qualify.
var handle = approveTimebill.executeBulk({
condition: action.ALL_QUALIFIED_INSTANCES,
paramCallback: function(v) {
return { recordId: v, note: "this is a note for " + v };

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 57


// 8) Get status of a bulk action execution.

var res = action.getBulkStatus({taskId: handle}); // returns a RecordActionTaskStatus object

Object Description Encapsulates a NetSuite record action.

This object is returned by the action.get(options) and action.find(options)


Supported Script Types Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/action Module

Methods and Properties Action Object Members

Since 2018.2

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var action = actionMod.get({recordType: 'timebill', id: 'approve'});
// Add additional code


Method Description Executes the action and returns the action result in a plain JavaScript object.

The action result is returned in an object. The response property of the results object
shows the action result. If the action fails, it is listed in the results object’s notifications
property. If the action executes successfully, the notifications property is usually empty.

If the Action object is qualified (it is a result of an action.get() or action.find() call

that provides the recordId), then it is not required to provide a recordId and the
options.params.recordId parameter is optional. If options.params.recordId is
provided during execution, it takes precedence over the recordId stored in the Action

Note: Replace Action with the name of the action you are executing.

Returns Object

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 58

Supported Script Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/action Module

Parent Object action.Action

Sibling Object Action Object Members


Since 2018.2


Note: The parameters that are required vary for action types. The only parameter that is
always required is options.recordid, unless the action object is qualified. An action object is
qualified if it is the result of an action.get() or action.find() call that provides the recordId.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.Object Object required or optional The parameters that need to be provided

depend on the action implementation. See the
action help.

options.params.recordId string required or optional The record instance ID of the record on which
the action is to be performed.

This is the NetSuite record internal ID.



Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required parameter is missing.

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var result = action({recordId: 1});
// Add additional code


Method Description Executes the action asynchronously and returns the action result in a plain JavaScript object.

The action result is returned in an object. The response property of the results object
shows the action result. If the action fails, it is listed in the results object’s notifications
property. If the action executes successfully, the notifications property is usually empty.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 59

If the Action object is qualified (it is a result of an action.get() or action.find() call

that provides the recordId), then it is not required to provide a recordId and the
options.params.recordId parameter is optional. If options.params.recordId is
provided during execution, it takes precedence over the recordId stored in the Action

Note: Replace Action with the name of the action you are executing.

Returns Promise

Supported Script Client scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/action Module

Parent Object action.Action

Sibling Object Action Object Members


Since 2018.2


Note: The parameters that are required vary for action types. The only parameter that is
always required is options.recordid, unless the action object is qualified. An action object is
qualified if it is the result of an action.get() or action.find() call that provides the recordId.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.Object Object required or optional The parameters that need to be provided

depend on the action implementation. See the
action help.

options.params.recordId string required or optional The record instance ID of the record on which
the action is to be performed.

This is the NetSuite record internal ID.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required parameter is missing.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

action.promise({recordId: 1}).then(function(result) { /* process result here */ });;
// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 60

Method Executes the action and returns the action result in a object.
The response property of the result object holds the actual response returned by the action
implementation. The notifications property of the result object is an array of notification
objects. It contains the details of errors and warnings that occurred during action execution.
If the action executes successfully, the notifications property is usually empty.

If the Action object is qualified (it is a result of an action.get() or action.find() call

that provides the recordId), then it is not required to provide a recordId and the
options.params.recordId parameter is optional. If options.params.recordId is
provided during execution, it takes precedence over the recordId stored in the Action

Returns Object

Supported Script Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/action Module

Parent Object action.Action

Sibling Object Action Object Members


Since 2018.2

Note: The parameters that are required vary for action types. The only parameter that is
always required is options.recordid, unless the action object is qualified. An action object is
qualified if it is the result of an action.get() or action.find() call that provides the recordId.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.Object Object required or optional The parameters that need to be provided

depend on the action implementation. See the
action help.

options.params.recordId string required or optional The record instance ID of the record on which
the action is to be performed.

This is the NetSuite record internal ID.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required parameter is missing.

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 61

var result = action.execute({recordId: 1});
// Add additional code


Method Description Executes the action asynchronously and returns the action result in a plain JavaScript object.

The action result is returned in an object. The response property of the results object
shows the action result. If the action fails, it is listed in the results object’s notifications
property. If the action executes successfully, the notifications property is usually empty.

If the Action object is qualified (it is a result of an action.get() or action.find() call

that provides the recordId), then it is not required to provide a recordId and the
options.params.recordId parameter is optional. If options.params.recordId is
provided during execution, it takes precedence over the recordId stored in the Action

Returns Promise

Supported Script Client scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/action Module

Parent Object action.Action

Sibling Object Action Object Members


Since 2018.2


Note: The parameters that are required vary for action types. The only parameter that is
always required is options.recordid, unless the action object is qualified. An action object is
qualified if it is the result of an action.get() or action.find() call that provides the recordId.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.Object Object required or optional The parameters that need to be provided

depend on the action implementation. See the
action help.

options.params.recordId string required or optional The record instance ID of the record on which
the action is to be performed.

This is the NetSuite record internal ID.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required parameter is missing.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 62


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

action.execute.promise({recordId: 1}).then(function(result) { /* process result here */ });
// Add additional code

Action.executeBulk(options) (Beta)
Warning: The N/action module bulk action APIs are a beta feature. The contents of this
feature are preliminary and may be changed or discontinued without prior notice. Any change
may impact the feature’s operation with the NetSuite application. Warranties and product
service levels do not apply to this feature or the impact of the feature on other portions of the
NetSuite application. We may review and monitor the performance and use of this feature. The
documentation for this feature is also considered a beta version and is subject to revision.

Method Description Executes an asynchronous bulk record action and returns its task ID for status
queries with action.getBulkStatus(options) (Beta).

Returns string

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 50 usage units

Module N/action Module

Parent Object action.Action

Sibling Object Members Action Object Members

Since 2019.1


Note: The options.params array consists of parameter objects. The values that are required
in each parameter object vary for action types. The only value that is always required is
options.recordId, unless the action object is qualified. An action object is qualified if it is the
result of an action.get() or action.find() call that provides the recordId.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.params array optional The options.params parameter is mutually exclusive to

options.condition and options.paramCallback.

An array of parameter objects. Each object corresponds

to one record ID of the record for which the action is to be
executed. The object has the following form:

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 63

Parameter Type Required / Description


{recordId: 1, someParam: 'example1', otherParam: 'example2'}

options.condition string optional The condition used to select record IDs of records
for which the action is to be executed. Only the
action.ALL_QUALIFIED_INSTANCES constant is
currently supported.

The action.ALL_QUALIFIED_INSTANCES condition only

works correctly if the author of the record action has
implemented the findInstances method of the
RecordActionQualifier interface. An example of such
action is approve on the timebill and timesheet records.

options.â##paramCallback optional the name of the unction that takes a record ID and returns
the parameter object for the specified record ID.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_RECORD_TYPE The specified record type is invalid.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required parameter is missing.

SSS_INVALID_ACTION_ID The specified action does not exist on the specified record type.

– or –

The action exists, but cannot be executed on the specified record instance.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var actionObj = action.get({

recordType: 'timebill',
id: 'approve'

var handle = actionObj.executeBulk({

params: [
recordId: 1, note: 'this is a note for 1'
recordId: 5, note: 'this is a note for 5'
recordId: 23, note: 'this is a note for 23'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 64

// Add additional code

action.getBulkStatus(options) (Beta)
Warning: The N/action module bulk action APIs are a beta feature. The contents of this
feature are preliminary and may be changed or discontinued without prior notice. Any change
may impact the feature’s operation with the NetSuite application. Warranties and product
service levels do not apply to this feature or the impact of the feature on other portions of the
NetSuite application. We may review and monitor the performance and use of this feature. The
documentation for this feature is also considered a beta version and is subject to revision.

Method Description Returns the current status of action.executeBulk(options) (Beta) for the specified task
ID. The bulk execution status is returned in a status object.

Returns RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta) Object Members

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/action Module

Sibling Object Members N/action Module Members

Since 2019.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.taskId string required The task ID returned by a previous

action.executeBulk(options) (Beta) call.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

// Obtain the status as a RecordActionTaskStatus object

var res = action.getBulkStatus({
taskId: handle
// Add additional code


Property Description The action description.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 65

Type string

Supported Script Types Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/action Module

Sibling Object Members Action Object Members

Since 2018.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var description = action.description; // get the action description
// Add additional code

Property Description The ID of the action.

For a list of action IDs, see the help topic Supported Record Actions.

Type string

Supported Script Types Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/action Module

Sibling Object Members Action Object Members

Since 2018.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var id =; // get the id of the action
// Add additional code


Property Description The action label.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 66

Type string

Supported Script Types Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/action Module

Sibling Object Members Action Object Members

Since 2018.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var label = action.label; // get the action label
// Add additional code


Property Description The action parameters.

Type Object

Supported Script Types Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/action Module

Sibling Object Members Action Object Members

Since 2018.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var params = action.parameters; // get the action parameters
// Add additional code


Property Description The type of the record on which the action is to be performed.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 67

For a list of record types, see record.Type.

Type string

Supported Script Types Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/action Module

Sibling Object Members Action Object Members

Since 2018.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var recordType = action.recordType; // get the record type
// Add additional code


Method Description Executes the record action and returns the action results in a plain JavaScript object.

If the action fails, it is listed in the results object’s notifications property. If the
action executes successfully, the notifications property is usually empty.

Returns Object

Supported Script Types Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/action Module

Sibling Object Members N/action Module Members

Since 2018.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.recordType string required The record type.

For a list of record types, see record.Type. string required The action ID.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 68

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

For a list of action IDs, see the help topic
Supported Record Actions.

options.params Object required Action arguments.

options.params.recordId string required The record instance ID.

This is the NetSuite record internal ID.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_RECORD_TYPE The specified record type is invalid.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required parameter is missing.

SSS_INVALID_ACTION_ID The specified action does not exist on the specified record type.

– or –

The action exists, but cannot be executed on the specified record instance.

RECORD_DOES_NOT_EXIST The specified record instance does not exist.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples and
Revenue Arrangement Record Actions.

// Add additional code

var result = actionMod.execute({id: 'note', recordType: 'timebill', params: {recordId:1}
// Add additional code


Method Description Executes the record action asynchronously.

If the action fails, it is listed in the results object’s notifications property. If the
action executes successfully, the notifications property is usually empty.

Returns Promise

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/action Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 69

Sibling Object Members N/action Module Members

Since 2018.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.recordType string required The record type.

For a list of record types, see record.Type. string required The action ID.

For a list of action IDs, see the help topic

Supported Record Actions.

options.params Object required Action arguments.

options.params.recordId string required The record instance ID.

This is the NetSuite record internal ID.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_RECORD_TYPE The specified record type is invalid.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required parameter is missing.

SSS_INVALID_ACTION_ID The specified action does not exist on the specified record type.

– or –

The action exists, but cannot be executed on the specified record instance.

RECORD_DOES_NOT_EXIST The specified record instance does not exist.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

actionMod.execute.promise({id: 'note', recordType: 'timebill', params: {recordId: 1}}).then(function(result) {
// do something with the result
// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 70

action.executeBulk(options) (Beta)
Warning: The N/action module bulk action APIs are a beta feature. The contents of this
feature are preliminary and may be changed or discontinued without prior notice. Any change
may impact the feature’s operation with the NetSuite application. Warranties and product
service levels do not apply to this feature or the impact of the feature on other portions of the
NetSuite application. We may review and monitor the performance and use of this feature. The
documentation for this feature is also considered a beta version and is subject to revision.

Method Description Executes an asynchronous bulk record action and returns its task ID for status queries
with action.getBulkStatus(options) (Beta). The options.params parameter is mutually
exclusive to options.condition and options.paramCallback.

Returns string

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 50 usage units

Module N/action Module

Sibling Object N/action Module Members


Since 2019.1

Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object. The options.params array consists of
parameter objects. The values that are required in each parameter object vary for action types.
The only value that is always required is recordId.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.recordType string required The record type.

For a list of record types, see record.Type. string required The action ID.

options.params array optional An array of parameter objects. Each object corresponds to one
record ID of the record for which the action is to be executed.
The object has the following form:

{recordId: 1, someParam: 'example1', otherParam: 'example2'}

The recordId parameter is always mandatory, other

parameters are optional and are specific to the particular action.

options.condition string optional The condition used to select record IDs of records
for which the action is to be executed. Only the
action.ALL_QUALIFIED_INSTANCES constant is currently

The action.ALL_QUALIFIED_INSTANCES condition only works

correctly if the author of the record action has implemented

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 71

the findInstances method of the RecordActionQualifier

interface. An example of such action is approve on the timebill
and timesheet records.

options.paramCallback string optional Function that takes record ID and returns the parameter object
for the specified record ID.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_RECORD_TYPE The specified record type is invalid.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT The options.recordType parameter is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_ACTION_ID The specified action does not exist on the specified record type.

– or –

The action exists, but cannot be executed on the specified record instance.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var handle = action.executeBulk({
recordType: 'timebill',
id: 'approve',
params: [{ recordId: 1, note: 'this is a note for 1' },
{ recordId: 5, note: 'this is a note for 5' },
{ recordId: 23, note: 'this is a note for 23' }]
// Add additional code


Method Description Performs a search for available record actions. If only the recordType parameter is
specified, all actions available for the record type are returned. If the recordId parameter
is also specified, then only actions that qualify for execution on the given record instance
are returned. If the id parameter is specified, then only the action with the specified action
ID is returned.

This method returns a plain JavaScript object of NetSuite record actions available for the
record type. The object contains one or more action.Action objects. If there are no available
actions for the specified record type, an empty object is returned.

If the recordId is specified in this call, the actions that are found are considered qualified.
You do not have to provide the recordId to execute a qualified action.

Returns Object

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 72

Supported Script Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/action Module

Sibling Object N/action Module Members


Since 2018.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.recordType string required The record type.

For a list of record types, see record.Type.

options.recordId string optional The record instance ID. string optional The action ID.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_RECORD_TYPE The specified record type is invalid.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT The options.recordType parameter is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_ACTION_ID The specified action does not exist on the specified record type.

– or –

The action exists, but cannot be executed on the specified record instance.

RECORD_DOES_NOT_EXIST The specified record ID does not exist.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var actions = action.find({
recordType: 'timebill',
recordId: recordId
// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 73


Method Description Performs a search for available record actions asynchronously. If only the recordType
parameter is specified, all actions available for the record type are returned. If the
recordId parameter is also specified, then only actions that qualify for execution on the
given record instance are returned. If the id parameter is specified, the only the action with
the specified action ID is returned.

This method returns a plain JavaScript object of NetSuite record actions available for the
record type. The object contains one or more action.Action objects. If there are no available
actions for the specified record type, an empty object is returned.

If the recordId is specified in this call, the actions that are found are considered qualified.
You do not have to provide the recordId to execute a qualified action.

Returns Promise

Supported Script Client scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/action Module

Sibling Object N/action Module Members


Since 2018.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.recordType string required The record type.

For a list of record types, see record.Type.

options.recordId string optional The record instance ID. string optional The action ID.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_RECORD_TYPE The specified record type is invalid.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT The options.recordType parameter is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_ACTION_ID The specified action does not exist on the specified record type.

– or –

The action exists, but cannot be executed on the specified record instance.

RECORD_DOES_NOT_EXIST The specified record ID does not exist.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 74

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var promise = action.find.promise({recordType: 'timebill'});
promise.then(function(actionList) {
// do something with the list of actions
// Add additional code

Method Description Returns an executable record action for the specified record type. If the recordId
parameter is specified, the action object is returned only if the specified action can be
executed on the specified record instance.

Returns action.Action

Supported Script Types Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/action Module

Sibling Object Members N/action Module Members

Since 2018.2

Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.recordType string required The record type.

For a list of record types, see record.Type.

options.recordId string optional The record instance ID. string required The ID of the action.

For a list of action IDs, see the help topic Supported

Record Actions.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_RECORD_TYPE The specified record type is invalid.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 75

Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required parameter is missing.

SSS_INVALID_ACTION_ID The specified action does not exist on the specified record type.

– or –

The action exists, but cannot be executed on the specified record instance.

RECORD_DOES_NOT_EXIST The specified record instance does not exist.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var action = actionMod.get({recordType: 'timebill', id: 'approve'});
// Add additional code


Method Description Returns an executable record action for the specified record type asynchronously. If
the recordId parameter is specified, the action object is returned only if the specified
action can be executed on the specified record instance.

Returns Promise

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/action Module

Sibling Object N/action Module Members


Since 2018.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.recordType string required The record type.

For a list of record types, see record.Type.

options.recordId string optional The record instance ID.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/action Module 76

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string required The ID of the action.

For a list of action IDs, see the help topic Supported

Record Actions.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_RECORD_TYPE The specified record type is invalid.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required parameter is missing.

SSS_INVALID_ACTION_ID The specified action does not exist on the specified record type.

– or –

The action exists, but cannot be executed on the specified record instance.

RECORD_DOES_NOT_EXIST The specified record instance does not exist.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/action Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

actionMod.get.promise({recordType: 'timebill', id: 'approve'}).then(function(action) {
// do something with the action object
// Add additional code

N/auth Module
Load the N/auth module when you want to change your NetSuite login credentials.

■ N/auth Module Members

■ N/auth Module Script Sample

N/auth Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method auth.â##changeEmailâ##(options)
void Server-side scripts Changes the current user’s
NetSuite email address (user

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/auth Module 77

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

void Server-side scripts Changes the current user’s
NetSuite password.

N/auth Module Script Sample

The following example changes the currently logged-in user's NetSuite email address and password.

This sample script uses the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger and test it.
Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the script you attach to
a script record).

Warning: When you run this sample code in the SuiteScript Debugger, it logs a request to
change the email and then changes the password.

For help with scripting in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and SuiteScript
2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(auth) {
function changeEmailAndPassword() {
var password = 'myCurrentPassword';
password: password,
newEmail: ''
currentPassword: password,
newPassword: 'myNewPa55Word'


Method Description Method used to change the current user’s NetSuite email address (user name).

Returns void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 usage units

Module N/auth Module

Since Version 2015 Release 2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/auth Module 78


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.password string required ■ The logged in user’s NetSuite Version

password. 2015
Release 2

options.newEmail string required ■ The logged in user’s NetSuite email Version

address. 2015
Release 2

options.â##onlyThisAccount optional ■ If set to true, the email address Version
true | change is applied only to roles within 2015
false the current account. If set to false, Release 2
the email address change is applied to
all accounts and roles.
■ The default value is true.


Error Code Message Thrown If

INVALID_PSWD The argument for options.password is invalid.
INVALID_EMAIL The argument for options.newEmail is invalid.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/auth Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

password: 'mypwd',
newEmail: '',
onlyThisAccount: true
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to change the current user’s NetSuite password.

Returns void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/auth Module 79

Governance 10 usage units

Module N/auth Module

Since Version 2015 Release 2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.â##currentPassword required ■ The logged in user’s current Version 2015
NetSuite password. Release 2

options.newPassword string required ■ The logged in user’s new Version 2015

NetSuite password. Release 2


Error Code Message Thrown If

INVALID_PSWD The argument for options.currentPassword is invalid.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/auth Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

currentPassword: 'mycurrentPWD',
newPassword: 'mynewPWD'
//Add additional code

N/cache Module
Load the cache module to enable temporary, short-term storage of data. Data is stored in the cache
according to its specified time to live, or ttl. The ttl is specified in the Cache.put(options) method
options.ttl parameter. The cache module is supported by all server-side script types.

Using a cache improves performance by eliminating the need for scripts in your account to retrieve the
same piece of data more than one time. You can create a cache that is accessible at any of three levels:
A cache can be available to the current script only, to all server-side scripts in the current bundle, or to
all server-side scripts in your NetSuite account.

■ N/cache Module Members

■ Cache Object Members

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/cache Module 80

■ N/cache Module Script Sample

N/cache Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Object cache.Cache Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates a segment of

memory that can be used to
temporarily store data on a short-
term basis.

Method cache.â##getCacheâ##(options)
cache.Cache Server-side scripts Checks for a cache object with the
specified name. If the cache exists,
this method returns the cache
object. If the cache does not exist,
the system creates it.

Enum cache.Scope enum Server-side scripts An enum used to populate the

Cache.scope property.

Cache Object Members

The following members are called on cache.Cache.

Member Name Return Type/ Supported Description

Type Value Type Script Types

Method Cache.get(options) string Server-side Retrieves a value from the cache

scripts based on a key that you provide. If the
requested value is not present or no
longer in the cache, the method calls
the user-defined function identified
by the method’s options.loader
parameter. If the value provided by
that function is not a string, the system
uses JSON.stringify() to convert it.
The string value is then cached and

Cache.put(options) string Server-side Puts a value into the cache. If the

scripts value provided is not a string, the
system uses JSON.stringify() to convert
the value to a string. This data is not

string Server-side Removes a value from the cache.

Property string Server-side A label that identifies the cache.


Cache.scope string Server-side A value that describes the availability

scripts of the cache. A cache can be made
available to the current script only, to
all scripts in the current bundle, or to
all scripts in your NetSuite account.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/cache Module 81

N/cache Module Script Sample

The following sample Suitelet retrieves the name of a city based on a ZIP code. To speed processing,
the Suitelet uses a cache.

In this sample, ZIP code is the key used to retrieve city names from the cache. For any ZIP code
provided, if the corresponding city value is not already stored in the cache, a loader function is called.
This function, called zipCodeDatabaseLoader, loads a CSV file and uses it to find the requested value.
(The zipCodeDatabaseLoader is shown in the next script sample.)

Note: This sample depends on a CSV file that must exist before the script is run. The sample
CSV file is available here.

For help with scripting in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and SuiteScript
2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

Note: This sample script uses the define function. Note that you cannot use On Demand
Debugging to step though a define function. You must use Deployed Debugging to step
through this script.

* @NScriptType Suitelet
* @NApiVersion 2.x
define(['N/cache', '/SuiteScripts/zipCodes/ca/zipToCityIndexCacheLoader'],
function (cache, lib){



function getZipCodeToCityLookupObj(){
var zipCache = cache.getCache({name: ZIP_CODES_CACHE_NAME});
var zipCacheJson = zipCache.get({
loader: lib.zipCodeDatabaseLoader
return JSON.parse(zipCacheJson);

function findCityByZipCode(options){
return getZipCodeToCityLookupObj()[String(];

function onRequest(context){
var start = new Date();
if (context.request.parameters.purgeZipCache === 'true'){
var zipCache = cache.getCache({name: ZIP_CODES_CACHE_NAME});
zipCache.remove({key: ZIP_TO_CITY_IDX_JSON});
var cityName = findCityByZipCode({zip: context.request.parameters.zipcode});
context.response.writeLine(cityName || 'Unknown :(');
if (context.request.parameters.auditPerf === 'true'){
context.response.writeLine('Time Elapsed: ' + (new Date().getTime() - start.getTime()) + ' ms');

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/cache Module 82

return {
onRequest: onRequest

The following custom module returns the loader function used in the preceding code sample. The
loader function shows how to use a CSV file to retrieve a value that was missing from a cache. This
script does not need to include logic for placing the retrieved value into the cache — whenever a value
is returned through the options.loader parameter, the value is automatically placed into the cache. For
this reason, a loader function can serve as the sole method of populating a cache with values.

* @NApiVersion 2.0
* @NModuleScope Public
define(['N/file', 'N/cache'], function(file, cache){
const ZIP_CODES_CSV_PATH = 'Resources/free-zipcode-ca-database-primary.csv';
function trimOuterQuotes(str){
return (str || '').replace(/^"+/, '').replace(/"+$/, '');

function zipCodeDatabaseLoader(context){
log.audit('Loading Zip Codes for ZIP_CODES_CACHE');
var zipCodesCsvText = file.load({id: ZIP_CODES_CSV_PATH}).getContents();
var zipToCityIndex = {};
var csvLines = zipCodesCsvText.split('\n');
util.each(csvLines.slice(1), function (el){
var cells = el.split(',');
var key = trimOuterQuotes(cells[0]);
var value = trimOuterQuotes(cells[2]);
if (parseInt(key, 10))
zipToCityIndex[String(key)] = value;
return zipToCityIndex;

return {
zipCodeDatabaseLoader : zipCodeDatabaseLoader


Object Description A segment of memory that can be used to temporarily store data needed by one
script, by all scripts in a bundle, or by all scripts in the NetSuite account.

This object is returned by cache.getCache(options).

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/cache Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/cache Module 83

Methods and Properties Cache Object Members

Since 2016.2

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/cache Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var myCache = cache.getCache({
name: 'temporaryCache',
scope: cache.Scope.PRIVATE
//Add additional code


Method Description This method retrieves a string value from the cache. The value retrieved is identified by a
key that you pass by using the options.key parameter. If a requested value is not present
in the cache, the system calls the function identified by the options.loader parameter. This
user-defined function should provide some logic for retrieving a value that is not in the
cache. For an example, see N/cache Module Script Sample.

Returns String or null

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 1 unit if the value is present in the cache; 2 units if the loader function is used

Module N/cache Module

Parent Object cache.Cache

Sibling Object Cache Object Members


Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.key string required A string that identifies the value to be retrieved from the
cache. This value cannot be null.

options.loader function optional, A user-defined function that returns the requested value
but strongly if it is not already present in the cache. Additionally, when
recommended the loader retrieves a value, the system automatically

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/cache Module 84

Parameter Type Required / Description

places that value in the cache. For this reason, NetSuite
recommends using the loader function as the primary
means of populating the cache. For an example, see N/cache
Module Script Sample.

Note also that if the value returned by the loader is not a

string, the system uses JSON.stringify() to convert the value
before it is placed in the cache and returned. The maximum
size of a value that can be placed in the cache is 500KB.

When no loader is specified and a value is missing from the

cache, the system returns null.

options.ttl number optional The maximum duration, in seconds, that a value retrieved by
the loader can remain in the cache. Note that the value may
be removed before the ttl limit is reached.

The default ttl value is no limit. The minimum value is 300

(five minutes).

Important: A cached value is not guaranteed

to stay in the cache for the full duration of the ttl
value. The ttl value represents the maximum time
that the cached value may be stored.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/cache Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var myValue = myCache.get({
key: 'keyText',
loader: loader,
ttl: 18000
//Add additional code


Method Description Use this method to place a value into a cache.

Note: You can also place a value in a cache by using the Cache.get(options)
method and the options.loader parameter. In general, using the get method is
recommended and may result in a more efficient design. For an example, see N/
cache Module Script Sample

Returns Void

Supported Script All server-side scripts


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/cache Module 85

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 1 unit

Module N/cache Module

Parent Object cache.Cache

Sibling Object Cache Object Members


Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.key string required An identifier of the value that is being cached. The maximum size
of the cache key is 4 kilobytes.

options.value string required The value to place in the cache. If the value submitted is not a
string, the system uses JSON.stringify() to convert the value before
it is placed in the cache. The maximum size of the value is 500KB.

options.ttl number optional The maximum duration, in seconds, that the value may remain in
the cache. Note that the value may be removed before the ttl
limit is reached.

The default ttl value is no limit. The minimum value is 300 (five

Important: A cached value is not guaranteed to stay

in the cache for the full duration of the ttl value. The
ttl value represents the maximum time that the cached
value may be stored. Cached data is not persistent, and
it is recommended that you use the Cache.get(options)
method and options.loader parameter to set and retrieve


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/cache Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

key: 'keyText',
value: 'valueText',
ttl: 300

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/cache Module 86

//Add additional code


Method Description Removes a value from the cache.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types All server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 1 unit

Module N/cache Module

Parent Object cache.Cache

Sibling Object Members Cache Object Members

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.key string required An identifier of the value that is being removed.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/cache Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

key: 'keyText'
//Add additional code

Property Description A label that identifies a cache.

Type string

Supported Script Types All server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/cache Module 87

Module N/cache Module

Parent Object cache.Cache

Sibling Object Members Cache Object Members

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/cache Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var myCache = cache.getCache({
name: 'temporaryCache',
scope: cache.Scope.PRIVATE
//Add additional code


Property Description A label that describes the availability of the cache to other scripts.

Type cache.Scope

Supported Script Types All server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/cache Module

Parent Object cache.Cache

Sibling Object Members Cache Object Members

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/cache Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var myCache = cache.getCache({
name: 'temporaryCache',
scope: cache.Scope.PRIVATE
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/cache Module 88


Method Description Method used to create a new cache.Cache object.

Returns cache.Cache

Supported Script Types All server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance n/a

Module N/cache Module

Sibling Module Members N/cache Module Members

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string required A label that will identify the cache you are creating. The
maximum size of the cache name is 1 kilobyte.

options.scope string optional, but if you do not This value is set with the cache.Scope enum. It determines
set a value, the default of the availability of the cache. A cache can be made available
PRIVATE is used to the current script only, to all scripts in the current bundle,
or to all scripts in your NetSuite account.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/cache Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var myCache = cache.getCache({
name: 'temporaryCache',
scope: cache.Scope.PRIVATE
//Add additional code


Enum Description Enumeration that holds string values that describe the availability of the cache. This enum
is used to set the value of the Cache.scope property.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/cache Module 89

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Type enum

Supported Script All server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/cache Module

Sibling Module N/cache Module Members


Since 2016.2


Value Description

PRIVATE The cache is available only to the current script. This value is the default.

PROTECTED The cache is available only to some scripts, as follows:

■ If the script is part of a bundle, the cache is available to all scripts in the same bundle.
■ If the script is not in a bundle, then the cache is available to all scripts not in a bundle.

PUBLIC The cache is available to any script in the NetSuite account.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/cache Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var myCache = cache.getCache({
name: 'temporaryCache',
scope: cache.Scope.PRIVATE
//Add additional code

N/certificateControl Module
The N/certificateControl module enables scripting access to the Digital Certificates list found in the
UI at Setup > Company > Certificates. You can use this module to find the correct certificate for a
subsidiary and check the file type. For more information, see the help topics Digital Signing and
Uploading Digital Certificates.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/certificateControl Module 90

In order to access this module, you must use the Execute As Role field on the script deployment record.
Select either the Administrator role or a custom role with the Certificate Access permission. For more
information, see the help topic Access to Digital Certificates.

N/certificateControl Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description
Value Type Types

Method certificateControl.â##findCertificatesâ##(options)
Object Server-side scripts Returns metadata about
the certificate(s).

Enum certificateControl.Type enum Server-side scripts Enum for certificate types.

PFX and P12 are supported

N/certificateControl Module Script Samples

Example 1
The following example shows how to filter the Digital Certificates list by subsidiary and by file type.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
var all = certificateControl.findCertificates();
var specificType = certificateControl.findCertificates({
type: 'PFX'
var specificSub = certificateControl.findCertificates({
subsidiary: 93
var specificTypeAndSub = certificateControl.findCertificates({
type: 'PFX',
subsidiary: 93

Method Description Returns an array of certificates available.

Returns Metadata about the certificate(s)

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/certificateControl Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/certificateControl Module 91

Since 2019.1

Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.subsidiary number optional The internal ID of the subsidiary. 2019.1

options.type string optional The certificate file type. 2019.1

Related Topics

■ Digital Signing
■ Uploading Digital Certificates
■ N/https/clientCertificate Module
■ N/crypto/certificate Module
■ SuiteScript 2.0 Modules
■ SuiteScript 2.0

Enum Description Enum for the certificate file type. PFX and P12 are supported.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Module N/certificateControl Module

Supported Script All server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Since 2019.1


■ P12

Related Topics

■ Digital Signing
■ N/https/clientCertificate Module
■ N/crypto/certificate Module
■ SuiteScript 2.0 Modules
■ SuiteScript 2.0

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/config Module 92

N/config Module
Load the N/config module when you want to access NetSuite configuration settings. The
config.load(options) method returns a record.Record object. Use the record.Record object members to
access configuration settings. You do not need to load the record module to do this.

See config.Type for a list of supported configuration objects.

■ N/config Module Members

■ N/config Module Script Sample

N/config Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method config.load(options) record.Record Server-side scripts Loads a record.Record object

that encapsulates the specified
configuration page.

Enum config.Type enum Server-side scripts Holds the string values for
supported configuration
objects. This enum is used to
set the value of the NetSuite
configuration page you want to

N/config Module Script Sample

Note: This sample script uses the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger
and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

This example loads the Company Information configuration page. It then sets the values specified for
the Tax ID Number field and the Employer Identification Number field.

Note: The IDs in this sample are placeholders. Replace the Tax ID Number field and the
Employer Identification Number with valid IDs from your NetSuite account.

For help with scripting in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and SuiteScript
2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(config) {
function setTaxAndEmployerId() {
var companyInfo = config.load({
fieldId: 'taxid',
value: '1122334455'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/config Module 93

fieldId: 'employerid',
value: '123456789'
companyInfo = config.load({
var taxid = companyInfo.getValue({
fieldId: 'taxid'

Method Description Method used to load a record.Record object that encapsulates the specified NetSuite
configuration page.

After the configuration page loads, all preference names and IDs are available to get or
set. For more information, see the help topic Preference Names and IDs.

You can use the following Record Object Members to get and set preference names
and IDs:

■ Record.getField(options)
■ Record.getFields()
■ Record.getText(options)
■ Record.getValue(options)
■ Record.setText(options)
■ Record.setValue(options)

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 usage units

Module N/config Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type enum required The NetSuite configuration page you 2015.2

want to access. Use the config.Type
enum to set the value.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/config Module 94

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.isDynamic boolean true optional Determines whether the record is 2015.2

| false loaded in dynamic mode.

■ If set to true, the record is loaded in

dynamic mode.
■ If set to false, the record is loaded
in standard mode.

For more information, see the help

topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes.

Error Code Message Thrown If

INVALID_RCRD_TYPE The record type {type} is invalid. The type argument is invalid or missing.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/config Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var configRecObj = config.load({
fieldId: 'fiscalmonth',
text: 'July'
//Add additional code


Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for supported configuration pages.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Module N/config Module

Supported Script All server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/config Module 95


Value Configuration Page

USER_PREFERENCES Set Preferences page (Home > Set Preferences)

For more information about the fields on the page, see the help topic User

COMPANY_INFORMATION Company Information page (Setup > Company > Company Information)

For more information about the fields on the page, see the help topic
Company Information.

COMPANY_PREFERENCES General Preferences page (Setup > Company > General Preferences)

For more information about the fields on the page, see the help topic
General Preferences.

ACCOUNTING_PREFERENCES Accounting Preferences page (Setup > Accounting > Accounting


For more information about the fields on the page, see the help topic
Accounting Preferences.

ACCOUNTING_PERIODS Accounting Periods page (Setup> Accounting > Manage Accounting Periods)

For more information about the fields on the page, see the help topic
Accounting Periods.

TAX_PERIODS Tax Periods page (Setup > Accounting > Manage Tax Periods)

For more information about the fields on the page, see the help topic Tax

FEATURES Enable Features page (Setup > Company > Enable Features)

For more information about feature names and IDs, see the help topic
Feature Names and IDs.

TIME_POST For additional information, see the help topic Posting Time Transactions.

TIME_VOID For additional information, see the help topic Posting Time Transactions.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/config Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var configRecObj = config.load({
fieldId: 'fiscalmonth',
text: 'July'
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 96

N/crypto Module
The N/crypto module encapsulates hashing, hash-based message authentication (hmac), and
symmetrical encryption.

When the crypto module is used, SuiteScript also loads N/encode Module.

■ N/crypto Module Members

■ Cipher Object Members
■ CipherPayload Object Members
■ Decipher Object Members
■ Hash Object Members
■ Hmac Object Members
■ SecretKey Object Members
■ N/crypto Module Script Samples

N/crypto Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Object crypto.Cipher Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates a cipher.

crypto.CipherPayload Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates a cipher payload.

crypto.Decipher Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates a decipher.

crypto.Hash Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates a hash.

crypto.Hmac Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates an hmac.

crypto.SecretKey Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates a secret key handle.

Method crypto.â##createCipherâ##(options)
Object Server-side scripts Creates and returns a new crypto.Cipher

Object Server-side scripts Creates and returns a new
crypto.Decipher object.

Object Server-side scripts Creates and returns a new crypto.Hash

Object Server-side scripts Creates and returns a new crypto.Hmac

Object Server-side scripts Creates and returns a new
crypto.SecretKey Object.

Enum crypto.EncryptionAlg string (read- Server-side scripts Holds the string values for supported
only) encryption algorithms. Sets the
options.algorithm parameter for

crypto.HashAlg string (read- Server-side scripts Holds the string values for supported
only) hashing algorithms. Sets the value of
the options.algorithm parameter
for crypto.createHash(options) and

crypto.Padding string (read- Server-side scripts Holds the string values for
only) supported cipher padding. Sets the

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 97

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types
options.padding parameter for
crypto.createCipher(options) and

Cipher Object Members

The following members are called on crypto.Cipher.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Cipher.update(options) Object Server-side scripts Updates the clear data with
the specified encoding Object Server-side scripts Returns the cipher data.

CipherPayload Object Members

The following members are called on crypto.CipherPayload.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Property CipherPayload.ciphertext string Server-side scripts The result of the

ciphering process.

CipherPayload.iv number Server-side scripts An initialization vector

Decipher Object Members

The following members are called on crypto.Decipher.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method string Server-side scripts Returns the clear data.

void Server-side scripts Updates cipher data with
the specified encoding.

Hash Object Members

The following members are called on crypto.Hash.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Hash.digest(options) string Server-side scripts Calculates the digest of the

data to be hashed. 

Hash.update(options) void Server-side scripts Updates the clear data with

the encoding specified.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 98

Hmac Object Members

The following members are called on crypto.Hmac.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Hmac.digest(options) string Server-side scripts Gets the computed digest.

Hmac.update(options) void Server-side scripts Updates the clear data with

the encoding specified.

SecretKey Object Members

The following members are called on crypto.SecretKey.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Property Secretkey.guid string Server-side scripts The GUID associated with the
secret key.

SecretKey.encoding string Server-side scripts The encoding used for the

clear text value of the secret

N/crypto Module Script Samples

Example 1

The following example demonstrates the APIs needed to generate a secure key using the SHA512
hashing algorithm. It is not a functional example that will work in the debugger (because the GUID does
not exist in your account). Refer to the Suitelet example for a more complete usage. See Example 2.

To create a real password GUID, obtain a password value from a credential field on a form. For more
information, see Form.addCredentialField(options). Also see N/https Module Script Sample for a
Suitelet example that shows creating a form field that generates a GUID.

Note: The GUID in this sample is a placeholder. You must replace it with a valid value from
your NetSuite account.

For help with scripting in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and SuiteScript
2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/crypto', 'N/encode', 'N/runtime'],
function(crypto, encode, runtime) {
function createSecureKeyWithHash() {
var inputString = 'YWJjZGVmZwo=';
var myGuid = '{284CFB2D225B1D76FB94D150207E49DF}';
var sKey = crypto.createSecretKey({
guid: myGuid,
encoding: encode.Encoding.UTF_8

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 99

var hmacSHA512 = crypto.createHmac({

algorithm: crypto.HashAlg.SHA512,
key: sKey
input: inputString,
inputEncoding: encode.Encoding.BASE_64
var digestSHA512 = hmacSHA512.digest({
outputEncoding: encode.Encoding.HEX

Example 2

Note: This sample script uses the define function. Note that you cannot use On Demand
Debugging to step though a define function. You must use Deployed Debugging to step
through this script.

Important: The default maximum length for a secret key field is 32 characters. If needed, use
the Field.maxLength property to change this value.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
*@NScriptType Suitelet
define(['N/ui/serverWidget', 'N/runtime', 'N/crypto', 'N/encode'],
function(ui, runtime, crypto, encode) {
function onRequest(option) {
if (option.request.method === 'GET') {
var form = ui.createForm({
title: 'My Credential Form'
var skField = form.addSecretKeyField({
id: 'mycredential',
label: 'Credential',
restrictToScriptIds: [runtime.getCurrentScript().id],
restrictToCurrentUser: false
skField.maxLength = 200;
} else {
var form = ui.createForm({
title: 'My Credential Form'
var inputString = "YWJjZGVmZwo=";
var myGuid = option.request.parameters.mycredential;
// Create the key
var sKey = crypto.createSecretKey({
guid: myGuid,
encoding: encode.Encoding.UTF_8

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 100

try {
var hmacSha512 = crypto.createHmac({
algorithm: 'SHA512',
key: sKey
input: inputString,
inputEncoding: encode.Encoding.BASE_64
var digestSha512 = hmacSha512.digest({
outputEncoding: encode.Encoding.HEX
} catch (e) {
title: 'Failed to hash input',
details: e
id: 'result',
label: 'Your digested hash value',
type: 'textarea'
}).defaultValue = digestSha512;
return {
onRequest: onRequest

Object Description Encapsulates a cipher.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Cipher Object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 101

var cipher = crypto.createCipher({

algorithm: crypto.EncryptionAlg.AES,
key: sKey
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to return the cipher data.

Sets the output encoding for the crypto.CipherPayload object.

Returns A crypto.CipherPayload Object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.outputEncoding enum optional The output encoding for a crypto.CipherPayload


The default value is HEX.

Use the encode.Encoding enum to set the value.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

algorithm: crypto.EncryptionAlg.AES,
key: sKey

var cipherPayload ={

outputEncoding: encode.Encoding.BASE_64
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 102


Method Description Method used to update the clear data with the specified encoding.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.input string required The clear data to be updated.

options.inputEncoding enum optional The input encoding.

Use the encode.Encoding enum to set the value.

The default value is UTF_8.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var reencoded = Cipher.update({
input: 'Carrot cake gummi bears'
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates a cipher payload.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see CipherPayload
Object Members.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/crypto Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 103

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

algorithm: crypto.EncryptionAlg.AES,
key: sKey

var cipherPayload ={

outputEncoding: encode.Encoding.HEX
//Add additional code


Property Description The result of the ciphering process. For example, to take the cipher payload and
send it to another system.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

title: "Ciphertext: ",
details: cipherPayload.ciphertext
//Add additional code


Property Description Initialization vector for the cipher payload.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 104

You can pass in the iv value to crypto.createDecipher(options)

Type string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

title: "CipherPayload IV: ",
details: cipherPayload.iv
//Add additional code


Object Description Encapsulates a decipher. This object has methods that decrypt.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Decipher Object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

algorithm: crypto.EncryptionAlg.AES,
key: sKey
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 105

Method Description Method used to return the clear data.

Returns string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.outputEncoding string optional Specifies the encoding for the output

Set the value using the encode.Encoding enum.

The default value is UTF_8.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var decipher1 ={
outputEncoding: encode.Encoding.HEX
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to update cipher data with the specified encoding.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 106


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.input string required The data to update

options.inputEncoding string optional Specifies the encoding of the input data

Set the value using the encode.Encoding enum.

The default value is HEX.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var decipher1 = Decipher.update({
input: '73616d706c65737472696e67',
inputEncoding: encode.Encoding.HEX
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates a hash.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Hash Object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var hashObj = crypto.createHash({
algorithm: crypto.HashAlgorithm.SHA256
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 107


Method Description Calculates the digest of the data to be hashed. 

Returns A hash value as a string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.outputEncoding string optional The output encoding. Set using the

encode.Encoding enum.

The default value is HEX.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var digestSample = hashObj.digest({
outputEncoding: encode.Encoding.HEX
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to update clear data with the encoding specified.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 108


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.input string required The data to be updated.

options.inputEncoding string optional The input encoding. Set using the

encode.Encoding enum.

The default value is UTF_8.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var inputString = 'Lemon drops ice cream jelly marzipan cake';
input: inputString
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates an hmac.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Hmac Object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var hmacSHA512 = crypto.createHmac({
algorithm: crypto.HashAlg.SHA512,
key: sKey
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 109


Method Description Gets the computed digest.

Returns An hmac value as a string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.outputEncoding string optional Specifies the encoding of the output string. Set
using the encode.Encoding enum.

The default value is HEX.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var digestSHA512 = hmacSHA512.digest({
outputEncoding: encode.Encoding.HEX
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to update the clear data with the encoding specified.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 110


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.input string required The hmac data to be updated.

options.inputEncoding enum optional The input encoding. Set using the encode.Encoding
enum. The default value is UTF_8.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

input: inputString,
inputEncoding: encode.Encoding.BASE_64
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates the handle to the key. The handler does not store the key value. It points
to the key stored within the NetSuite system. The GUID is also required to find the key.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see SecretKey Object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var sKey = crypto.createSecretKey({
guid: '284CFB2D225B1D76FB94D150207E49DF',
encoding: encode.Encoding.UTF_8

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 111

//Add additional code


Property Description The encoding used for the clear text value of the secret key.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

title: "Secret Key Encoding: ",
details: sKey.encoding
//Add additional code


Property Description The GUID associated with the secret key.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

title: "Secret Key GUID: ",
details: sKey.guid

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 112

//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to create and return a crypto.EncryptionAlg object.

Note: The blockCipherMode is automatically set to CBC.

Returns A crypto.EncryptionAlg object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.algorithm string required The hash algorithm. Set the value using the 2015.2
crypto.EncryptionAlg enum.

options.key object required The crypto.SecretKey object. 2015.2

Note: When using the crypto.SecretKey

object for an AES algorithm, the length
of the text (secret key) that is used to
generate the GUID must be 16, 24, or 32

options.padding string optional The padding for the cipher text. 2015.2

Set the value using the crypto.Padding enum. By

default, the value is set to PKCS5Padding.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var cipher = crypto.createCipher({
algorithm: crypto.EncryptionAlg.AES,

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 113

key: sKey,
padding: crypto.Padding.PKCS5Padding
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to create a crypto.Decipher object.

Note: The blockCipherMode is automatically set to CBC.

Returns A crypto.Decipher object.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.algorithm string required The hash algorithm. Set by the 2015.2

crypto.EncryptionAlg enum.

options.key object required The crypto.SecretKey object used for encryption. 2015.2

Note: When using the crypto.SecretKey

object for an AES algorithm, the length
of the text (secret key) that is used to
generate the GUID must be 16, 24, or 32

options.padding object optional The padding for the cipher. Set the value using 2015.2
the crypto.Padding enum.

options.iv string required The initialization vector that was used for 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 114

var decipher = crypto.createDecipher({
algorithm: crypto.EncryptionAlg.AES,
key: sKey,
padding: NoPadding,
iv: '2311141720'
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to create a crypto.Hash object.

Returns The crypto.Hash object created using this method.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.algorithm string required ■ The hash algorithm. Set using the 2015.2
crypto.HashAlg enum.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var hashObj = crypto.createHash({
algorithm: crypto.HashAlg.SHA256
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to create a crypto.Hmac object.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 115

Returns A crypto.Hmac object.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.algorithm string required The hash algorithm. Use the 2015.2

crypto.HashAlg enum to set this value.

options.key object required The crypto.SecretKey object. 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var hmacObj = crypto.createHmac({
algorithm: HashAlg.SHA256,
key: sKey
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to create a new crypto.SecretKey object.

This method can take a GUID. Use Form.addCredentialField(options) to generate a value.

Note: When using the crypto.SecretKey object for an AES algorithm, the
length of the text (secret key) that is used to generate the GUID must be 16, 24,
or 32 characters.

Returns A crypto.SecretKey object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 116

Module N/crypto Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.guid string required A GUID used to generate a secret key. 2015.2

The GUID can resolve to either data

or metadata.

options.encoding enum optional Specifies the encoding for the 2015.2


Set this value using the

encode.Encoding enum.

The default value is HEX.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var secretKey = crypto.createSecretKey({
encoding: encode.Encoding.HEX,
guid: '284CFB2D225B1D76FB94D150207E49DF'
//Add additional code

Enum Description Holds the string values for supported encryption algorithms. Sets the options.algorithm
parameter for crypto.createCipher(options).

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Module N/crypto Module

Supported Script All server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 117




Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var cipher = crypto.createCipher({
algorithm: crypto.EncryptionAlg.AES,
key: sKey
//Add additional code

Enum Description Holds the string values for supported hashing algorithms. Sets the value of
the options.algorithm parameter for crypto.createHash(options) and

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Module N/crypto Module

Supported Script All server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Since 2015.2


■ SHA1
■ SHA256
■ SHA512
■ MD5


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto Module 118

var hmacSHA512 = crypto.createHmac({

algorithm: crypto.HashAlg.SHA512,
key: sKey
//Add additional code

Enum Description Holds the string values for supported cipher padding. Sets the options.padding
parameter for crypto.createCipher(options) and crypto.createDecipher(options).

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Module N/crypto Module

Supported Script All server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Since 2015.2


■ NoPadding
■ PKCS5Padding


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var cipher = crypto.createCipher({
algorithm: crypto.EncryptionAlg.AES,
key: sKey,
padding: crypto.Padding.NoPadding
//Add additional code

N/crypto/certificate Module
Load the N/crypto/certificate module to sign XML documents or strings with digital certificates using
asymmetric cryptography. In addition to signing XML documents, you can create signer and verifier
objects and verify signed documents with this module.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto/certificate Module 119

The N/crypto/certificate Module includes:

■ N/crypto/certificate Module Members

■ Signer Object Members
■ Verifier Object Members
■ SignedXml Object Members
■ N/crypto/certificate Module Script Samples

N/crypto/certificate Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type/ Supported Script Description
Value Type Types

Object certificate.SignedXml Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates a signed XML string

that has been digitally signed.

Use certificate.signXml(options) to
create this object.

certificate.Signer Object Server-side scripts Object for creating signatures for

plain strings.

â##to create this object.

certificate.Verifier Object Server-side scripts Object for verifying plain string


â##to create this object.

Method certificate.â##verifyâ##Xmlâ##Signatureâ##(â##options)
void Server-side scripts Verifies the signature in the
signedXml file.

Server-side scripts Creates signer object for signing
plain strings.

Server-side scripts Creates verifier object for verifying
signatures of plain strings.

Server-side scripts Signs inputXml string using certId.
Returns SignedXml as string.

Enum certificate.HashAlg enum Server-side scripts Enum for hash algorithms.

SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, or SHA512

are supported digest methods and
values for this enum.

Signer Object Members

The signer object creates signatures for plain strings. The following members are called on the
certificate.Signer object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Signer.update(options) void Server-side scripts Updates the string to be


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto/certificate Module 120

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Signer.sign(options) void Server-side scripts Returns the string


Verifier Object Members

The following members are called on the certificate.Verifier object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Verifier.â##update(options)
void Server-side scripts Updates string to be verified
against specified certificate.

Verifier.verify(options) void Server-side scripts Verifies string against

provided signature using
specified certificate.

SignedXml Object Members

The following members are called on the certificate.SignedXml object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method SignedXml.asString() string Server-side scripts Returns signed xml as a


N/crypto/certificate Module Script Samples

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

Example 1
The following example loads an XML file from the File Cabinet and signs it using the digital certificate
with internal ID ‘custcertificate1’.

Note: This sample script uses the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger
and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

*@NApiVersion 2.x

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto/certificate Module 121

function (cert, file) {

var infNFe = file.load({
id: 922
var signedXml = cert.signXML({
algorithm: 'SHA1',
certId: 'custcertificate1',
rootTag: 'infNFe',
xmlString: infNFe.getContents()
rootTag: 'infNFe'

Example 2
The following example creates a certificate.Signer object, signs it, and then creates a certificate.Verifier
object and verifies the object.

Note: This sample script uses the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger
and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NScriptType Suitelet
require(['N/crypto/certificate'], function (certificate) {
var signer = certificate.createSigner({
certId: 'custcertificate1',
algorithm: 'SHA1'
var result = signer.sign();
var verifier = certificate.createVerifier({
certId: 'custcertificate1',
algorithm: 'SHA1'

Object Description Encapsulates a signed XML string.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto/certificate Module 122

Module N/crypto/certificate Module

Methods and Properties SignedXml Object Members

Since 2019.1


Method Description Method used to return the signed XML as a string.

Returns string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/crypto/certificate Module

Parent Object certificate.SignedXml

Sibling Object Members SignedXml Object Members

Since 2019.1


Object Description Object used for signing plain strings.

This object is returned by the certificate.createSigner(options) method.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/crypto/certificate Module

Methods and Properties Signer Object Members

Since 2019.1


Method Description Updates the input string to be signed.

Returns void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/crypto/certificate Module

Parent Object certificate.Signer

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto/certificate Module 123

Sibling Object Members Signer Object Members

Since 2019.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.input string required The string to update.

options.inputEncoding string optional Encoding of the string to sign. The default value
is UTF-8.


Method Description Signs the string and return the signature.

Returns string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/crypto/certificate Module

Parent Object certificate.Signer

Sibling Object Members Signer Object Members

Since 2019.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.outputEncoding string optional Encoding of the signed string in Base64



Object Description Encapsulates an object for verifying plain string signatures.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto/certificate Module 124

Module N/crypto/certificate Module

Methods and Properties Verifier Object Members

Since 2019.1


Method Description Updates the string to be verified against a specified certificate.

Returns void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/crypto/certificate Module

Parent Object Parameters

Sibling Object Members Verifier Object Members

Since 2019.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.input string required The string to verify.

options.inputEncoding string optional Encoding of the string to verify. The default value
is UTF-8.


Method Description Verifies a string against a provided signature using a specified certificate.

Returns void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/crypto/certificate Module

Parent Object Parameters

Sibling Object Members Verifier Object Members

Since 2019.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto/certificate Module 125


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.signature string required The signature to be verified.

options.signatureEncoding string optional The signature’s encoding in Base64 format.


Error Code Thrown If

INVALID_SIGNATURE Signature is not verified. This can occur if the certificate or hash algorithm is not correct in
the Verifier object or the signature is not valid for the supplied string.

Method Description Creates the signer object for signing plain strings.

Returns A certificate.Signer object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/crypto/certificate Module

Since 2019.1

Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.certId string required The script ID of the digital certificate.

options.algorithm string required The hash algorithm.

Method Description Creates the verifier object for verifying signatures of plain strings.

Returns A Parameters object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto/certificate Module 126

Module N/crypto/certificate Module

Since 2019.1

Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.certId string required The script ID of the digital certificate.

options.algorithm string required Hash algorithm

Method Description Verifies the signature in the signedXml object or string.

Returns void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/crypto/certificate Module

Since 2019.1

Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.signedXml string required Signed XML.

options.rootTag string required Signed root XML tag.

options.certId string optional The script ID for the digital certificate.

Method Description Signs the inputXml string using the certId.

Returns certificate.SignedXml

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/crypto/certificate Module 127

Module N/crypto/certificate Module

Since 2019.1

Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.xmlString string required Input XML string

options.certId string required Certificate ID

options.algorithm string required Hash algorithm

options.rootTag string required Root tag of XML section to sign

Enum Description The hash algorithm.

Supported digest methods are SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512 for RSA and ECDSA
encryption algorithms and SHA1 and SHA256 for DSA.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Type enum

Module N/crypto/certificate Module

Sibling Module N/crypto/certificate Module Members


Since 2019.1


■ SHA1
■ SHA256
■ SHA384
■ SHA512

N/currency Module
Load the N/currency module when you want to work with exchange rates within your NetSuite account.
You can use this module to find the exchange rate between two currencies based on a certain date.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currency Module 128

To use multiple currencies, the Multiple Currencies feature must be enabled.  For information on
enabling this feature, see the help topic Enabling the Multiple Currencies Feature.

Note: Currency formatting is handled by the N/format Module.

■ N/currency Module Member

■ N/currency Module Script Sample

N/currency Module Member

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method currency.â##exchangeRateâ##(options)
number Client and server- Returns an exchange rate
side scripts between two currencies.

N/currency Module Script Sample

The following example obtains the exchange rate between the Canadian dollar and the US dollar on
July 28, 2015.

Note: This sample script uses the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger
and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(currency) {
function getUSDFromCAD() {
var canadianAmount = 100;
var rate = currency.exchangeRate({
source: 'CAD',
target: 'USD',
date: new Date('7/28/2015')
var usdAmount = canadianAmount * rate;


Method Description Method used to return the exchange rate between two currencies based on a certain date.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currency Module 129

The source currency is looked up relative to the target currency on the effective date. For
example, if use British pounds for the source and US dollars for the target and the method
returns '1.52’, this means that if you were to enter an invoice today for a GBP customer in
your USD subsidiary, the rate would be 1.52.

The exchange rate values are sourced from the Currency Exchange Rate record.

Note: The Currency Exchange Rate record itself is not a scriptable record.

Returns The exchange rate as a decimal number

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/currency Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional Date optional ■ Pass in a new Date object. For example, 2015.2
date: new Date('7/28/2015')
■ If date is not specified, then it defaults to
today (the current date).
■ The date determines the exchange rate in
effect. If there are multiple rates, it is the
latest entry on that date.
■ Use the same date format as your NetSuite

options.source number | required ■ The internal ID or three-letter ISO code for 2015.2
string the currency you are converting from.
■ For example, you can use either 1 (internal
ID) or USD (currency code). 
■ If the Multiple Currencies feature is enabled,
from your account, you can view a list of all
the currency internal IDs and ISO codes at
Lists > Accounting > Currencies. number | required ■ The internal ID or three-letter ISO code for 2015.2
string the currency you are converting to.


Error Code Message Thrown If

MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT exchangeRate: Missing a The source or target argument is

required argument: <source/ missing.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currency Module 130

Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_CURRENCY_ID You have entered an invalid The source or target argument is

currency symbol or internal ID: invalid.
If the Multiple Currencies feature is
enabled, from your account, you can view
a list of currency internal IDs and ISO
codes at Lists > Accounting > Currencies.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currency Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var canadianAmount = 100;
var rate = currency.exchangeRate({
source: 'CAD',
target: 'USD',
date: new Date('7/28/2015')
var usdAmount = canadianAmount * rate;
//Add additional code

N/currentRecord Module
You use the N/currentRecord module to access the record that is active in the current client-side
context. This module is always a dynamic object and mode of work is always dynamic, not deferred
dynamic/standard. For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic
Modes. Be aware that when the current record is in view mode it cannot be edited; it is a read-only
record when in view mode. As such, any set APIs do not work on the current record in view mode.

You can use the currentRecord module in the following types of scripts:

■ Entry point client scripts — These scripts use the @NScriptType ClientScript annotation.
(For details, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 JSDoc Validation.) The system automatically provides
this type of script with a currentRecord.CurrentRecord object that represents the current record.
For this reason, an entry point client script does not have to explicitly load the currentRecord
module. To access the currentRecord object, create a variable and initialize it to the value of the
scriptContext.currentRecord property, which is available in each of the SuiteScript 2.0 Client
Script Entry Points and API. For an example, see the help topic SuiteScript Client Script Sample.
■ Client-side custom modules — These scripts do not use an @NScriptType annotation (see
the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Custom Modules). For these scripts, you must manually load the
currentRecord module by naming it in the script’s define statement. Additionally, you must
actively retrieve a currentRecord.CurrentRecord object by using the currentRecord.get() or
currentRecord.get.promise() method. For an example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

Like the N/record Module, the currentRecord module provides access to body and sublist fields.
However, the record module is recommended for server scripts and for cases where a client-side script
needs to interact with a record other than the currently active record. By contrast, the currentRecord
module is recommended for client-side scripts that need to interact with the currently active record.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 131

Additionally, the functionality of the two modules varies slightly. For example, the currentRecord
module does not permit the editing of subrecords, although subrecords can be retrieved in view mode.
For additional details, see the following topics:

■ N/currentRecord Module Members

■ Column Object Members
■ CurrentRecord Object Members
■ Field Object Members
■ Sublist Object Members
■ N/currentRecord Module Script Sample

Note: SuiteScript supports working with standard NetSuite records and with instances of
custom record types. Supported standard record types are described in the SuiteScript Records
Browser. Refer also to SuiteScript Supported Records. For help interacting with an instance of a
custom record type, see the help topic Custom Record.

N/currentRecord Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Object currentRecord.â##ColumnObject Client scripts Encapsulates a column of a

sublist on the current record.

Object Client scripts Represents the record active
on the current page.

currentRecord.Field Object Client scripts Represents a body or sublist


currentRecord.Sublist Object Client scripts Represents a sublist.

Method currentRecord.get() currentRecord.â##CurrentRecord

Client scripts Retrieves a record object that
represents the current record.

Promise Client scripts Retrieves a promise for an
object that represents the
current record.

Column Object Members

The following members are called on the currentRecord.Column object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Property string (read-only) Client scripts Returns the internal ID of the

Column.label string (read-only) Client scripts Returns the UI label for the

Column.sublistId string (read-only) Client scripts Returns the internal ID of the

standard or custom sublist that
contains the column.

Column.type string (read-only) Client scripts Returns the column type.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 132

CurrentRecord Object Members

The following members are called on the currentRecord.CurrentRecord object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method CurrentRecord.â##cancelLineâ##(options)
Client scripts Cancels the changes made to the
currently selected line.

Client scripts Commits the currently selected

number Client scripts Returns the line number of
the first line that contains the
specified value in the matrix

number Client scripts Gets the line number for the first
occurrence of a field value in a

number | Date | string | Client scripts Gets the value for the currently
array | boolean true | selected line in the matrix.

number Client scripts Gets the line number of the
currently selected line.

Client scripts Gets the subrecord for the
associated sublist field on the
current line. The subrecord
object is retrieved in view mode.

number | Date | string | Client scripts Gets the value of the field in the
array | boolean true | currently selected line by text
false representation.

number | Date | string | Client scripts Gets the value of the field in the
array | boolean true | currently selected line.

currentRecord.Field Client scripts Gets a field object from the

number Client scripts Returns the number of lines in
the sublist.

number Client scripts Returns the number of columns
for the specified matrix.

currentRecord.Field Client scripts Gets the field for the specified
header in the matrix.

number | Date | string | Client scripts Gets the value for the associated
array | boolean true | header in the matrix.

currentRecord.Field Client scripts Gets the field for the specified
sublist in the matrix.

number | Date | string | Client scripts Gets the value for the associated
array | boolean true | field in the matrix.

currentRecord.Sublist Client scripts Gets the specified sublist object.

currentRecord.Field Client scripts Gets the specified field object
from the sublist.

string Client scripts Gets the value of the field in a
sublist by a string representation.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 133

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

number | Date | string | Client scripts Gets the value of the field in a
array | boolean true | sublist.

Client scripts Gets the subrecord associated
with the field. The subrecord
object is retrieved in view mode.

string Client scripts Gets the value of the field by a
string representation.

number | Date | string | Client scripts Gets the value of the field.
array | boolean true |

boolean true | false Client scripts Returns a value indicating
whether the associated sublist
field has a subrecord on the
current line.

boolean true | false Client scripts Returns a value indicating
whether the associated sublist
field contains a subrecord.

boolean true | false Client scripts Indicates whether the field has a

Client scripts Inserts a new line in a sublist.

Client scripts Removes the subrecord for the
associated sublist field on the
current line.

Client scripts Removes a line from a sublist.

Client scripts Removes the subrecord
associated with the field.

void Client scripts Selects a line item in a sublist.

Client scripts Selects a new line at the end of
the sublist.

Client scripts Sets the value for the currently
selected line in the matrix.

Client scripts Sets the value of the field in the
currently selected line using a
string representation.

Client scripts Sets the value of the field in the
currently selected line.

Client scripts Sets the value for the associated
header in the matrix.

Client scripts Sets the value for the associated
field in the matrix.

Client scripts Sets the value of the field using a
string representation.

Client scripts Sets the value of the field.

Property number (read-only) Client scripts Returns the internal record ID.

CurrentRecord.â##isDynamic boolean true | false Client scripts Indicates whether the record is
(read-only) dynamic.

CurrentRecord.type string (read-only) Client scripts Returns the record type.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 134

Field Object Members

The following members are called on the currentRecord.Field object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Field.â##getâ##Selectâ##Optionsâ##(â##options)
array Client scripts Returns an array of available
options on a standard or custom
select, multiselect, or radio field
as key-value pairs. Only the
first 1,000 available options are

void Client scripts Inserts an option into certain types
of select and multiselect fields.

This method is usable only in

fields that were added by a front-
end Suitelet or beforeLoad user
event script.

void Client scripts Removes an option from certain
types of select and multiselect

This method is usable only in

fields that were added by a front-
end Suitelet or beforeLoad user
event script. It is supported only in
client scripts..

Object string (read-only) Client scripts Returns the internal ID of a

standard or custom body or
sublist field.

Field.isDisabled boolean true | Client scripts Returns true if the standard or

false custom field is disabled on the
record form, or false otherwise.

Field.isDisplay boolean true | Client scripts Returns true if the field is set to
false display on the record form, or
false otherwise.

This property is read-only for

sublist fields.

Field.isMandatory boolean true | Client scripts Returns true if the standard or

false custom field is mandatory on the
record form, or false otherwise.

Field.isPopup boolean true Client scripts Returns true if the field is

| false (read- a popup list field, or false
only) otherwise.

Field.isReadOnly boolean true | Client scripts Returns true if the field on the
false record form cannot be edited, or
false otherwise.

For textarea fields, this property

can be read or written to. For all
other fields, this property is read-

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 135

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Field.isVisible boolean true Client scripts Returns true if the field is visible
| false (read- on the record form, or false
only) otherwise.

Field.label string (read-only) Client scripts Returns the UI label for a standard
or custom field body or sublist

Field.sublistId string (read-only) Client scripts Returns the ID of the sublist

associated with the specified
sublist field.

Field.type string (read-only) Client scripts Returns the type of a body or

sublist field.

Sublist Object Members

The following members are called on the currentRecord.Sublist object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method Sublist.â##getColumnâ##(options)
currentRecord.Column Client scripts Returns a column in the

Property string (read-only) Client scripts Returns the internal ID of

the sublist.

Sublist.isChanged boolean true | false Client scripts Indicates whether the

(read-only) sublist has changed on
the current record form.

Sublist.isDisplay boolean true | false Client scripts Indicates whether the

(read-only) sublist is displayed on the
current record form.

Sublist.type string (read-only) Client scripts Returns the sublist type.

N/currentRecord Module Script Sample

The following example is a custom module client script named clientDemo.js. This script updates fields
on the current record. After you upload clientDemo.js to a NetSuite account, it can be called by other
scripts, as shown in the subsequent sample.

Because clientDemo.js is a custom module script, it must manually load the currentRecord module by
naming it in the define statement. Additionally, it must actively retrieve a CurrentRecord object. It does
so by using the currentRecord.get() method.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

* @NApiVersion 2.0
define(['N/currentRecord'], function(currentRecord) {
test_set_getValue: function() {

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 136

var record = currentRecord.get();

fieldId: 'custpage_textfield',
value: 'Body value',
ignoreFieldChange: true,
forceSyncSourcing: true
var actValue = record.getValue({
fieldId: 'custpage_textfield'
fieldId: 'custpage_resultfield',
value: actValue,
ignoreFieldChange: true,
forceSyncSourcing: true

test_set_getCurrentSublistValue: function() {
var record = currentRecord.get();
sublistId: 'itemvendor',
fieldId: 'custpage_subtextfield',
value: 'Sublist Value',
ignoreFieldChange: true,
forceSyncSourcing: true
var actValue = record.getCurrentSublistValue({
sublistId: 'itemvendor',
fieldId: 'custpage_subtextfield'
fieldId: 'custpage_sublist_resultfield',
value: actValue,
ignoreFieldChange: true,
forceSyncSourcing: true

The following example is a user event script deployed on a non-inventory item record. Before the
record loads, the script updates the form used by the record to add new text fields, a sublist, and
buttons that call the clientDemo.js methods. The buttons access the current record and set values for
some of the form’s fields. The use case for this example is to set up a page, adding fields and buttons,
so that you can use the code you made in the first example, and see the fields and buttons in action.

Note: This sample script uses the define function. Note that you cannot use On Demand
Debugging to step though a define function. You must use Deployed Debugging to step
through this script.

* @NApiVersion 2.0
* @NScriptType UserEventScript
* @NModuleScope SameAccount

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 137

define([], function() {
return {
beforeLoad: function (params)
var form = params.form;

var textfield = form.addField({

id: 'custpage_textfield',
type: 'text',
label: 'Text'
var resultfield = form.addField({
id: 'custpage_resultfield',
label: 'Result'
var sublistResultfield = form.addField({
id: 'custpage_sublist_resultfield',
type: 'text',
label: 'Sublist Result Field'

var sublistObj = form.getSublist({

id: 'itemvendor'
var subtextfield = sublistObj.addField({
id: 'custpage_subtextfield',
type: 'text',
label: 'Sublist Text Field'

form.clientScriptModulePath = './clientDemo.js';
id: 'custpage_custombutton',
label: 'SET_GET_VALUE',
functionName: 'test_set_getValue'
id: 'custpage_custombutton2',
functionName: 'test_set_getCurrentSublistValue'

Object Description Encapsulates a column of a sublist on the current record.

For a complete list of this object’s properties, see Column Object Members.

Supported Script Types Client scripts

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 138

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var objColumn = objSublist.getColumn({
fieldId: 'item'
//Add additional code

Property Description Returns the internal ID of the column.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code ...

var columnid =;
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns the internal ID of the column.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 139

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var columnlabel = objColumn.label;
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns the internal ID of the standard or custom sublist that contains the

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var sublistid = objColumn.sublistId;
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns the column type.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Module N/currentRecord Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 140

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var columntype = objColumn.type;
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates the record active on the current page.

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippets show the syntax for this member. These snippets are
not a functional examples. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script
Sample and SuiteScript Client Script Sample.

The following snippet shows the retrieval of a currentRecord object in a custom module where the
currentRecord was explicitly loaded.

//Add additional code

var objRecord = currentRecord.get();
//Add additional code

In an entry point client script, you do not have use the get method to retrieve the current record. (An
entry point client script is one that uses the @NScriptType ClientScript annotation.) In these
scripts, a currentRecord object is automatically created when the script is loaded. It is part of the
context object that passed to each of the client script type’s entry points. However, you do have to
create a variable to represent the current record, as shown in the following snippet.

//Add additional code


function pageInit(context) {
var currentRec = context.currentRecord;
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 141


Method Description Cancels the currently selected line on a sublist.

Returns The currentRecord.CurrentRecord object that called the method.

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

sublistId: 'item'
//Add additional code


Method Description Commits the currently selected line on a sublist.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 142

Returns The currentRecord.CurrentRecord object that called the method.

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

sublistId: 'item'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns the line number of the first instance where a specified value is found in a
specified column of the matrix.

Returns number

Supported Script Types Client scripts

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 143

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The ID of the matrix field. 2016.2

See the help topic How do I find a field's

internal ID?

options.value number required The value to search for. 2016.2

options.column number required The column number of the field. 2016.2


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var lineNumber = objRecord.findMatrixSublistLineWithValue({
sublistId: 'item'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns the line number for the first occurrence of a field value in a sublist.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 144

Returns A line number as a number, or -1 if not found.

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see
the help topic Using the SuiteScript
Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom 2016.2

sublist field.

See the help topic How do I find a

field's internal ID?

options.value number | Date optional The value to search for. 2016.2

| string | array |
boolean true |


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or not defined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var lineNumber = objRecord.findSublistLineWithValue({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
value: 233

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 145

//Add additional code


Method Description Gets the value for the currently selected line in the matrix.

Gets a numeric value for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns number | Date | string | array | boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that contains 2016.2
the matrix.

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2016.2

See the help topic How do I find a field's

internal ID?

options.column number required The column number for the matrix field. 2016.2


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 146

var matrixValue = objRecord.getCurrentMatrixSublistValue({

sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
column: 12
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns the line number of the currently selected line.

Returns number

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var currIndex = objRecord.getCurrentSublistIndex({
sublistId: 'item'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 147

//Add additional code


Method Description Gets the subrecord for the associated sublist field on the current line. The subrecord
object is retrieved in view mode.

Returns currentRecord.CurrentRecord

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object. If no subrecord instance exists, the system
creates one. For more information, see the help topic Subrecord Scripting in SuiteScript 2.0
Compared With 1.0.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom sublist 2016.2


See the help topic How do I find a field's

internal ID?


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var objSubrecord = objRecord.getCurrentSublistSubrecord({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item'
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 148


Method Description Returns a text representation of the field value in the currently selected line.

Returns string

Note: For multiselect fields, returns an array.

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom sublist 2016.2


See the help topic How do I find a field's

internal ID?


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fieldName = objRecord.getCurrentSublistText({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 149

//Add additional code


Method Description Returns the value of a sublist field on the currently selected sublist line.

Returns number | Date | string | array | boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom sublist 2016.2


See the help topic How do I find a field's

internal ID?


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 150

var sublistValue = objRecord.getCurrentSublistValue({

sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a field object from a record.

Returns currentRecord.Field

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or 2016.2

custom body field.

See the help topic How do I find a

field's internal ID?


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var objField = objRecord.getField({
fieldId: 'item'
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 151


Method Description Returns the number of lines in a sublist.

Returns number

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var numLines = objRecord.getLineCount({
sublistId: 'item'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns the number of columns for the specified matrix.

Returns number

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 152

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that contains the 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2016.2

See the help topic How do I find a field's

internal ID?


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var numLines = objRecord.getMatrixHeaderCount({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item'
//Add additional code


Method Description Gets the field for the specified header in the matrix.

Returns currentRecord.Field

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 153

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that contains 2016.2
the matrix.

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2016.2

See the help topic How do I find a field's

internal ID?

options.column number required The column number for the field. 2016.2


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var objField = objRecord.getMatrixHeaderField({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
column: 12
//Add additional code


Method Description Gets the value for the associated header in the matrix.

Returns number | Date | string | array | boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 154

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that contains 2016.2
the matrix.

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2016.2

See the help topic How do I find a field's

internal ID?

options.column number required The column number for the field. 2016.2


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var value = objRecord.getMatrixHeaderValue({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
column: 12
//Add additional code


Method Description Gets the field for the specified sublist in the matrix.

Returns currentRecord.Field

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 155

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that contains 2016.2
the matrix.

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2016.2

See the help topic How do I find a field's

internal ID?

options.column number required The column number for the field. 2016.2

options.line number required The line number for the field. Note that line 2016.2
indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var objField = objRecord.getMatrixSublistField({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
column: 12,
line: 3
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 156


Method Description Gets the value for the associated field in the matrix.

Returns number | Date | string | array | boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that contains 2016.2
the matrix.

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2016.2

See the help topic How do I find a field's

internal ID?

options.column number required The column number for the field. 2016.2

options.line number required The line number for the field. Note that line 2016.2
indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var value = objRecord.getMatrixSublistValue({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 157

column: 12,
line: 3
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns the specified sublist.

Returns currentRecord.Sublist

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({
sublistId: 'item'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a field object from a sublist.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 158

Returns currentRecord.Field

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom 2016.2

sublist field.

See the help topic How do I find a field's

internal ID?

options.line number required The line number for the field. Note that line 2016.2
indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var objField = objRecord.getSublistField({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
line: 3
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 159


Method Description Returns the value of a sublist field in a text representation.

Gets a string value with a "%" for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns string

Note: For multiselect fields, returns an array.

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom 2016.2

sublist field.

See the help topic How do I find a field's

internal ID?

options.line number required The line number for the field. Note that line 2016.2
indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 160

var sublistFieldName = objRecord.getSublistText({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
line: 3
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns the value of a sublist field.

Gets a numeric value for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns number | Date | string | array | boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom 2016.2

sublist field.

See the help topic How do I find a field's

internal ID?

options.line number required The line number for the field. Note that line 2016.2
indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 161


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var sublistFieldValue = objRecord.getSublistValue({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
line: 3
//Add additional code


Method Description Gets the subrecord associated with the field. The subrecord object is available in
view mode.

Returns currentRecord.CurrentRecord

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or 2016.2

custom body field.

See the help topic How do I find a

field's internal ID?


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing

or undefined.

FIELD_1_IS_NOT_A_SUBRECORD_FIELD The specified field is not a

subrecord field.

The specified field is disabled.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 162

Error Code Thrown If


refer to a subrecord.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var sublistFieldValue = objRecord.getSubrecord({
fieldId: 'subrecord'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns the text representation of a field value.

Gets a string value with a "%" for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns string

Note: For multiselect fields, returns an array.

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or 2016.2

custom body field.

See the help topic How do I find a

field's internal ID?


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 163


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fieldidname = objRecord.getText({
fieldId: 'item'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns the value of a field.

Returns number | Date | string | array | boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or 2016.2

custom body field.

See the help topic How do I find a

field's internal ID?


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 164

var value = objRecord.getValue({
fieldId: 'item'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a value indicating whether the associated sublist field has a subrecord on
the current line.

This method can only be used on dynamic records.

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a subrecord. 2016.2

See the help topic How do I find a field's

internal ID?


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var hasSubrecord = objRecord.hasCurrentSublistSubrecord({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 165

//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a value indicating whether the associated sublist field contains a

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a subrecord. 2016.2

See the help topic How do I find a field's

internal ID?

options.line number required The line number for the field. Note that line 2016.2
indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var hasSubrecord = objRecord.hasSublistSubrecord({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
line: 3
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 166


Method Description Returns a value indicating whether the field contains a subrecord.

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the field that may 2016.2
contain a subrecord.

See the help topic How do I find a

field's internal ID?


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var hasSubrecord = objRecord.hasSubrecord({
fieldId: 'item'
//Add additional code


Method Description Inserts a sublist line.

Returns currentRecord.CurrentRecord

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 167

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the
help topic Using the SuiteScript Records

options.line number required The line number to insert. Note that line 2016.2
indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.

options.â##ignoreRecalc optional If set to true, scripting recalculation is 2016.2
true | ignored.
The default value is false.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

sublistId: 'item',
line: 3,
ignoreRecalc: true
//Add additional code


Method Description Removes the subrecord for the associated sublist field.

Returns currentRecord.CurrentRecord

Supported Script Types Client scripts

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 168

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom sublist 2016.2


See the help topic How do I find a field's

internal ID?


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item'
//Add additional code


Method Description Removes a sublist line.

Returns currentRecord.CurrentRecord

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 169


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the
help topic Using the SuiteScript Records

options.line number required The line number of the sublist to remove. 2016.2
Note that line indexing begins at 0 with
SuiteScript 2.0.

options.â##ignoreRecalc optional If set to true, scripting recalculation is 2016.2
true | ignored.
The default value is false.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

sublistId: 'item',
line: 3,
ignoreRecalc: true
//Add additional code


Method Description Removes the subrecord for the associated field.

Returns currentRecord.CurrentRecord

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 170

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or 2016.2

custom body field.

See the help topic How do I find a

field's internal ID?


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

fieldid: 'item'
//Add additional code


Method Description Selects an existing line in a sublist.

Returns currentRecord.CurrentRecord

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 171

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

This value is displayed in the Records
Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.line number required The line number to select in the sublist. Note 2016.2
that line indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var lineNum = objRecord.selectLine({
sublistId: 'item',
line: 3
//Add additional code


Method Description Selects a new line at the end of a sublist.

Returns currentRecord.CurrentRecord

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 172

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.
For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

sublistId: 'item'
//Add additional code


Method Description Sets the value for the line currently selected in the matrix.

Sets a numeric value for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

This method is not available for standard records.

Returns currentRecord.CurrentRecord

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that 2016.2

contains the matrix.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 173

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

This value is displayed in the Records
Browser. For more information, see
the help topic Using the SuiteScript
Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2016.2

See the help topic How do I find a

field's internal ID?

options.column number required The column number for the field. 2016.2

options.value number | Date required The value to set the field to. 2016.2
| string | array |
boolean true | The value type must correspond to
false the field type being set. For example:

■ Text, Radio and Select fields accept

string values.
■ Checkbox fields accept Boolean
■ Date and DateTime fields accept
Date values.
■ Integer, Float, Currency and
Percent fields accept number

boolean true |
options.â##ignoreâ##Fieldâ##Change optional If set to true, the field change and 2016.2
false slaving event is ignored.

By default, this value is false.

boolean true |
options.â##forceâ##Syncâ##Sourcing optional Indicates whether to perform field 2019.1
false sourcing synchronously.

If set to true, sources dependent

field information for empty fields

Defaults to false – dependent field

values are not sourced synchronously.


Error Code Thrown If

INVALID_FLD_VALUE The options.value type does not match the field type.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 174

sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
column: 3,
value: false,
ignoreFieldChange: true,
forceSyncSourcing: true
//Add additional code


Method Description Sets the value for the field in the currently selected line by a text representation.

Sets a string value with a "%" for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns currentRecord.CurrentRecord

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the
help topic Using the SuiteScript Records

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom 2016.2

sublist field.

See the help topic How do I find a field's

internal ID?

options.text string required The text to set the value to. 2016.2

boolean optional
options.â##ignoreâ##Fieldâ##Change If set to true, the field change and 2016.2
true | slaving event is ignored.
By default, this value is false.

boolean optional
options.â##forceâ##Syncâ##Sourcing Indicates whether to perform field 2019.1
true | sourcing synchronously.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 175

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

If set to true, sources dependent
field information for empty fields

Defaults to false – dependent field

values are not sourced synchronously.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is

missing or undefined.

A user tries to edit a read-
only sublist field.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
text: 'value',
ignoreFieldChange: true,
forceSyncSourcing: true
//Add additional code


Method Description Sets the value for the field in the currently selected line.

Important: When you edit a sublist line with SuiteScript, it triggers an internal
validation of the sublist line. If the line validation fails, the script also fails. For
example, if your script edits a closed catch up period, the validation fails and
prevents SuiteScript from editing the closed catch up period.

Sets a numeric value for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns currentRecord.CurrentRecord

Supported Script Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 176

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see
the help topic Using the SuiteScript
Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or 2016.2

custom sublist field.

See the help topic How do I find a

field's internal ID?

options.value number | Date required The value to set the field to. 2016.2
| string | array |
boolean true | The value type must correspond to
false the field type being set. For example:

■ Text, Radio and Select fields accept

string values.
■ Checkbox fields accept Boolean
■ Date and DateTime fields accept
Date values.
■ Integer, Float, Currency and
Percent fields accept number

boolean true |
options.â##ignoreâ##Fieldâ##Change optional If set to true, the field change and 2016.2
false slaving event is ignored.

By default, this value is false.

boolean true |
options.â##forceâ##Syncâ##Sourcing optional Indicates whether to perform field 2019.1
false sourcing synchronously.

By default, this value is false.


Error Code Thrown If

INVALID_FLD_VALUE The options.value type does

not match the field type.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing

or undefined.

A user tries to edit a read-only
sublist field.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 177


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
value: true,
ignoreFieldChange: true
//Add additional code


Method Description Sets the value for the associated header in the matrix.

Sets a numeric value for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns currentRecord.CurrentRecord

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that 2016.2

contains the matrix.

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see
the help topic Using the SuiteScript
Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2016.2

See the help topic How do I find a

field's internal ID?

options.column number required The column number for the field. 2016.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 178

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.value number | Date required The value to set the field to. 2016.2
| string | array |
boolean true | The value type must correspond to
false the field type being set. For example:

■ Text, Radio and Select fields accept

string values.
■ Checkbox fields accept Boolean
■ Date and DateTime fields accept
Date values.
■ Integer, Float, Currency and
Percent fields accept number

boolean true |
options.â##ignoreâ##Fieldâ##Change optional If set to true, the field change and 2016.2
false slaving event is ignored.

By default, this value is false.

boolean true |
options.â##forceâ##Syncâ##Sourcing optional Indicates whether to perform field 2019.1
false sourcing synchronously.

If set to true, sources dependent

field information for empty fields

Defaults to false – dependent field

values are not sourced synchronously.


Error Code Thrown If

INVALID_FLD_VALUE The options.value type does not match the field type.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
column: 3,
value: false,
ignoreFieldChange: true,
forceSyncSourcing: true

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 179

//Add additional code


Method Description Sets the value for the associated field in the matrix.

Sets a numeric value for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns currentRecord.CurrentRecord

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that 2016.2

contains the matrix.

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see
the help topic Using the SuiteScript
Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2016.2

See the help topic How do I find a

field's internal ID?

options.column number required The column number for the field. 2016.2

options.line number required The line number for the field. Note 2016.2
that line indexing begins at 0 with
SuiteScript 2.0.

options.value number | Date required The value to set the field to. 2016.2
| string | array |
boolean true | The value type must correspond to the
false field type being set. For example:

■ Text, Radio and Select fields accept

string values.
■ Checkbox fields accept Boolean
■ Date and DateTime fields accept
Date values.
■ Integer, Float, Currency and Percent
fields accept number values.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 180


Error Code Thrown If

INVALID_FLD_VALUE The options.value type does not match the field type.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
column: 12,
line: 3,
value: true
//Add additional code


Method Description Sets the value of the field by a text representation.

Sets a string value with a "%" for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns currentRecord.CurrentRecord

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or 2016.2

custom body field.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 181

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

See the help topic How do I find a
field's internal ID?

options.text string required The text to change the field value to. 2016.2

boolean true
options.â##ignoreFieldChange optional If set to true, the field change and 2016.2
| false slaving event is ignored.

By default, this value is false.

boolean true
options.â##forceSyncSourcing optional Indicates whether to perform field 2019.1
| false sourcing synchronously.

If set to true, sources dependent

field information for empty fields

Defaults to false – dependent

field values are not sourced


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

fieldId: 'item',
text: 'value',
ignoreFieldChange: true,
forceSyncSourcing: true
//Add additional code


Method Description Sets the value of a field.

Sets a numeric value for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns currentRecord.CurrentRecord

Supported Script Types Client scripts

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 182

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or 2016.2

custom body field.

See the help topic How do I find a

field's internal ID?

options.value number | Date required The value to set the field to. 2016.2
| string | array |
boolean true | The value type must correspond
false to the field type being set. For

■ Text, Radio, Select and Multi-

Select fields accept string
■ Checkbox fields accept Boolean
■ Date and DateTime fields
accept Date values.
■ Integer, Float, Currency and
Percent fields accept number

boolean true |
options.â##ignoreâ##Fieldâ##Change optional If set to true, the field change and 2016.2
false slaving event is ignored.

By default, this value is false.

boolean true |
options.â##forceâ##Syncâ##Sourcing optional Indicates whether to perform field 2019.1
false sourcing synchronously.

If set to true, sources dependent

field information for empty fields

Defaults to false – dependent

field values are not sourced


Error Code Thrown If

INVALID_FLD_VALUE The options.value type does not match the field type.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 183

Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

fieldId: 'item',
value: true,
ignoreFieldChange: true,
forceSyncSourcing: true
//Add additional code

Property Description The internal ID of a specific record.

Type number (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var recordid =;
//Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether the record is in dynamic mode. For more information, see the
help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic Modes.

This value is set when the record is created or accessed.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 184

Type boolean true | false (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

if (record.isDynamic) {
//Add additional code


Property Description The current record’s type.

Note the following:

■ On an instance of a standard record type, this property is represented by a value

from the record.Type enum.
■ On an instance of a custom record type, this value is populated by the custom
record type’s string ID. For help finding this ID, see the help topic Custom Record.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var recordtype = currentRecord.type;
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 185


Object Description Encapsulates a body or sublist field on the current record.

Use the following methods to access the Field object:

■ CurrentRecord.getField(options)
■ CurrentRecord.getSublistField(options)

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see N/currentRecord

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var currentRecordField = currentRecord.getField({
fieldId: 'entity'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns an array of available options on a standard or custom select, multiselect, or
radio field as key-value pairs.

Important: You can use this method only in dynamic mode. For additional
information on dynamic mode, see CurrentRecord.isDynamic.

Returns array

Only the first 1,000 available options are returned in an array.

If there are more than 1,000 available options, an empty array [] is returned.

This function returns an array in the following format:

[{value: 5, text: 'abc'},{value: 6, text: '123'}]

This function returns Type Error if the field is not a supported field for this method.

Governance None

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 186

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.filter string Required The search string to filter the select 2016.2
options that are returned.

Note: Filter values are case


options.operator string Required The following operators are supported: 2016.2

■ contains (default)
■ is
■ startswith


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var options = objField.getSelectOptions({
filter : 'C',
operator : 'startswith'
//Add additional code


Method Description Inserts an option into certain types of select and multiselect fields.

This method is usable only in select and multiselect fields that were added by a front-
end Suitelet or beforeLoad user event script. The IDs for these fields always have a
prefix of custpage.

Returns Void

Governance None

Supported Script Types Client scripts

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 187

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.value string Required A string, not visible in the UI, that 2016.2
identifies the option.

options.text string Required The label that represents the option in 2016.2
the UI.

options.isSelected boolean Optional Determines whether the option is 2016.2

selected by default. If not specified, this
value defaults to false.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_UI_OBJECT_TYPE A script attempts to use this method on the wrong type of field. This method
can be used only on select and multiselect fields whose IDs begin with the prefix


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example.

//Add additional code


// Instantiate the field. Note that this method is supported only

// on fields whose fieldIds have a prefix of custpage.

var field = call.getField({

fieldId: 'custpage_select1field'

// Insert a new option.

value: 'Option1',
text: 'alpha'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 188

//Add additional code


Method Description Removes a select option from certain types of select and multiselect fields.

This method is usable only in select fields that were added by a front-end Suitelet
or beforeLoad user event script. The IDs for these fields always have a prefix of

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.value string Required A string, not shown in the UI, that 2016.2
identifies the option.

To remove all options from the list, set

this field to null, as follows:


value: null,



Error Code Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_UI_OBJECT_TYPE A script attempts to use this method on the wrong type of field. This method
can be used only on select and multiselect fields whose IDs begin with the prefix


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 189


// Instantiate the field. Note that this method is supported only

// on fields whose fieldIds have a prefix of custpage.

var field = call.getField({

fieldId: 'custpage_select1field'

// Remove the appropriate option.

value: 'Option2',

//Add additional code

Property Description Returns the internal ID of a standard or custom body or sublist field.

Type string (read-only)

Module N/currentRecord Module

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var id =;
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns the UI label for a standard or custom field body or sublist field.

Type string (read-only)

Module N/currentRecord Module

Supported Script Types Client scripts

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 190

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var label = objField.label;
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns true if the standard or custom field is mandatory on the record form, or
false otherwise.

Type boolean true | false

Module N/currentRecord Module

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

if (objField.isMandatory) {
//Add additional code


Property Description This property reflects the display type of a field. A value of true means the field is
disabled. A value of false means the field is enabled. Note also:

■ If you are working with a body field, you can use this property to change the field’s
display type.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 191

■ If you are working with a sublist field, you can set this property to true or false, but
be aware that this action affects the entire sublist column, even though a sublist field
is associated with one line.
■ For both body and sublist fields, you can use Field.isDisabled to determine
whether the field is disabled or enabled.

Type boolean true | false

Module N/currentRecord Module

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

if (objField.isDisabled) {
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns true if the field is a popup list field, or false otherwise.

Type boolean true | false (read-only)

Module N/currentRecord Module

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

if (objField.isPopup) {
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 192


Property Description Returns true if the field is set to display on the record form, or false otherwise.

Fields can be a part of a record even if they are not displayed on the record form.

This property is read-only for sublist fields.

Type boolean true | false

Module N/currentRecord Module

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

if (objField.isDisplay) {
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns true if the field is visible on the record form, or false otherwise.

Type boolean true | false (read-only)

Module N/currentRecord Module

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

if (objField.isVisible) {

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 193

//Add additional code


Property Description Returns true if the field on the record form cannot be edited, or false

For textarea fields, this property can be read or written to. For all other fields, this
property is read-only.

Type boolean true | false

Module N/currentRecord Module

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

if (objField.isReadOnly) {
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns the sublist ID for the specified sublist field.

Type string (read-only)

Module N/currentRecord Module

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var myId = field.sublistId;

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 194

//Add additional code


Property Description Returns the type of a body or sublist field.

For example, the value can return text, date, currency, select, checkbox, and
other similar values.

The maximum character limit for select field types is 801.

Type string (read-only)

Module N/currentRecord Module

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var type = objField.type;
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates a sublist on the current record.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see N/currentRecord

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var objSublist = currentRecord.getSublist({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 195

sublistId: 'item'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a column in the sublist.

Returns currentRecord.Column

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the column field in 2016.2

the sublist.

See the help topic How do I find a

field's internal ID?


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var objColumn = objSublist.getColumn({
fieldId: 'item'
//Add additional code

Property Description Returns the internal ID of the sublist.

Type string (read-only)

Module N/currentRecord Module

Supported Script Types Client scripts

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 196

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var sublistid =;
//Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether the sublist has changed on the current record form.

Type boolean true | false (read-only)

Module N/currentRecord Module

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

if (objSublist.isChanged) {
//Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether the sublist is displayed on the current record form.

Type boolean true | false (read-only)

Module N/currentRecord Module

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Since 2016.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 197


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

if (objSublist.isDisplay) {
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns the sublist type.

Type string (read-only)

Module N/currentRecord Module

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var sublisttype = objSublist.type;
//Add additional code

Method Description Retrieves a currentRecord object that represents the record active on the current

Returns currentRecord.CurrentRecord

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/currentRecord Module 198


Error Code Thrown If

CANNOT_CREATE_RECORD_INSTANCE The current record page is not scriptable or an error occurred when
creating the record object.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var record = currentRecord.get();
//Add additional code

Method Description Retrieves a promise for a currentRecord object that represents the record active
on the current page.

Returns Promise

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/currentRecord Module

Since 2016.2


Error Code Thrown If

CANNOT_CREATE_RECORD_INSTANCE The current record page is not scriptable or an error occurred when
creating the record instance.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/currentRecord Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var record = currentRecord.get.promise();
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/email Module 199

N/email Module
Load the N/email module when you want to send email messages from within NetSuite. You can use
the N/email module to send regular, bulk, and campaign email.

■ N/email Module Members

■ N/email Module Script Sample

N/email Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method email.send(options) void Client and server- Sends email to an individual or

side scripts group of recipients and receives
bounceback notifications.

void Client and server- Sends email asynchronously
side scripts to an individual or group
of recipients and receives
bounceback notifications.

email.sendBulk(options) void Client and server- Sends bulk email.

side scripts

void Client and server- Sends bulk email
side scripts asynchronously.

number Client and server- Sends lead nurturing campaigns
side scripts (drip marketing email).

number Client and server- Sends lead nurturing campaigns
side scripts (drip marketing email)

N/email Module Script Sample

The following example sends email with an attachment.

Note: This sample script uses the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger
and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/email', 'N/record', 'N/file'],
function(email, record, file) {
function sendEmailWithAttachement() {
var senderId = -5;
var recipientEmail = '';
var timeStamp = new Date().getUTCMilliseconds();
var recipient = record.create({
type: record.Type.CUSTOMER,

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/email Module 200

isDynamic: true
fieldId: 'subsidiary',
value: '1'
fieldId: 'companyname',
value: 'Test Company' + timeStamp
fieldId: 'email',
value: recipientEmail
var recipientId =;
var fileObj = file.load({
id: 88
author: senderId,
recipients: recipientId,
subject: 'Test Sample Email Module',
body: 'email body',
attachments: [fileObj],
relatedRecords: {
entityId: recipientId,
recordType: recordTypeId //an integer value

Method Description Method used to send transactional email and receive bounceback notifications if
the email is not successfully delivered.

A maximum of 10 recipients (recipient + cc + bcc) is allowed.

The total message size (including attachments) must be 15MB or less. The size of
Individual attachments cannot exceed 10BM.

Returns void

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 20 usage units

Module N/email Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/email Module 201


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional number required ■ Internal ID of the email sender. 2015.2

■ To find the internal ID of the sender in the
UI, go to Lists > Employees.

options.recipients number[] | required ■ The internal ID or email address of the 2015.2

string[] recipient.
■ For multiple recipients, use an array of
internal IDs or email addresses. You can
use an array that contains a combination
of internal IDs and email addresses.
■ A maximum of 10 recipients (recipient + cc
+ bcc) is allowed.

Note: Only the first recipient

displays on the Communication tab
(under the Recipient column). To view
all recipients, click View to open the
Message record.

options.replyTo string optional ■ The email address that appears in the 2015.2
reply-to header when an email is sent out.
■ You can use either a single external
email address or a generic email address
created by the Email Capture Plug-in. number[] | optional ■ The internal ID or email address of the 2015.2

string[] secondary recipient to copy.
■ For multiple recipients, use an array of
internal IDs or email addresses. You can
use an array that contains a combination
of internal IDs and email addresses.
■ A maximum of 10 recipients (recipient + cc
+ bcc) is allowed.

options.bcc number[] | optional ■ The internal ID or email address of the 2015.2

string[] recipient to blind copy.
■ For multiple recipients, use an array of
internal IDs or email addresses. You can
use an array that contains a combination
of internal IDs and email addresses.
■ A maximum of 10 recipients (recipient + cc
+ bcc) is allowed.

options.subject string required ■ Subject of the outgoing message.  2015.2

options.body string required ■ Contents of the email 2015.2

■ SuiteScript formats the body of the email
in either plain text or HTML.  If HTML tags
are present, the message is formatted

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/email Module 202

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

as HTML. Otherwise, the message is
formatted in plain text.
To display XML as plain text, use an
HTML<pre> tag around XML content.

options.â##attachments optional ■ The email file attachments. 2015.2
■ You can send multiple attachments of any
media type
■ An individual attachment must not exceed
10MB and the total message size must be
15MB or less.

Note: Supported for server-side

scripts only.

options.â##relatedRecords optional ■ Object that contains key/value pairs to 2015.2
associate the Message record with related
records (including custom records).
■ See the relatedRecords table for more

options.â##isInternalOnly optional ■ If true, the Message record is not visible 2015.2
true | to an external Entity ( (for example, a
false customer or contact).
■ The default value is false.

Note: The relatedRecords parameter is a JavaScript object and the table below lists its

You can associate the sent email with an array of internal records using key/value pairs.
There can be multiple related records but only one of each type.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


transactionId number optional The Transaction record(s) associated with 2015.2

the Message record.

Use for transaction and opportunity record


activityId number optional The Activity record(s) attached to the Email 2015.2
Message record

Use for Case and Campaign record types.

entityId number optional The Entity record(s) attached to the Email 2015.2
Message record

Use for all Entity record types (for example,

customer, contact)

customRecord Object optional The custom record(s) attached to the Email 2015.2
Message record

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/email Module 203

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

For custom records you must specify both
the record ID and the record type ID.

The custom record is linked by using a

nested JavaScript object. number optional The instance ID for the custom record 2015.2
attached to the Email Message record

Note: If you use this parameter,

customRecord.recordType is

string optional The integer ID for the custom record type 2015.2
attached to the Message record. This ID is
shown as part of the record’s URL.

For example:â## /

Note: If you use this

â##is required.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/email Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var senderId = -5;
var recipientEmail = '';
var timeStamp = new Date().getUTCMilliseconds();
var recipient = record.create({
type: record.Type.CUSTOMER,
isDynamic: true
fieldId: 'subsidiary',
value: '1'
fieldId: 'companyname',
value: 'Test Company' + timeStamp
fieldId: 'email',
value: recipientEmail
var recipientId =;
var fileObj = file.load({
id: 88

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/email Module 204

author: senderId,
recipients: recipientId,
subject: 'Test Sample Email Module',
body: 'email body',
attachments: [fileObj],
relatedRecords: {
entityId: recipientId,
recordType: recordTypeId //an integer value
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to send transactional email asynchronously and receive bounceback
notifications if the email is not successfully delivered.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see email.send(options). For additional information about promises,
see Promise Object.

Returns void

Synchronous Version email.send(options)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 20 usage units

Module N/email Module

Since 2015.2

Method Description This method is used to send bulk email when a bounceback notification is not required.

Note: This API normally uses a bulk email server to send messages. If you need
to increase the successful delivery rate of an email, use email.send(options) so
that a transactional email server is used.

Returns void

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/email Module 205

Governance 10 usage units

Module N/email Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional number required ■ Internal ID of the email sender. 2015.2

■ To find the internal ID of the sender in the
UI, go to Lists > Employees.

options.recipients number[] | required ■ The internal ID or email address of the 2015.2

string[] recipient.
■ For multiple recipients, use an array of
internal IDs or email addresses. You can
use an array that contains a combination
of internal IDs and email addresses.
■ A maximum of 10 recipients (recipient + cc
+ bcc) is allowed.

Note: Only the first recipient

displays on the Communication tab
(under the Recipient column). To view
all recipients, click View to open the
Message record.

options.replyTo string optional ■ The email address that appears in the 2015.2
reply-to header when an email is sent out.
■ You can use either a single external
email address or a generic email address
created by the Email Capture Plug-in. number[] | optional ■ The internal ID or email address of the 2015.2

string[] secondary recipient to copy.
■ For multiple recipients, use an array of
internal IDs or email addresses. You can
use an array that contains a combination
of internal IDs and email addresses.
■ A maximum of 10 recipients (recipient + cc
+ bcc) is allowed.

options.bcc number[] | optional ■ The internal ID or email address of the 2015.2

string[] recipient to blind copy.
■ For multiple recipients, use an array of
internal IDs or email addresses. You can
use an array that contains a combination
of internal IDs and email addresses.
■ A maximum of 10 recipients (recipient + cc
+ bcc) is allowed.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/email Module 206

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.subject string required ■ Subject of the outgoing message.  2015.2

options.body string required ■ Contents of the email 2015.2

■ SuiteScript formats the body of the email
in either plain text or HTML.  If HTML tags
are present, the message is formatted
as HTML. Otherwise, the message is
formatted in plain text.
To display XML as plain text, use an
HTML<pre> tag around XML content.

options.â##attachments optional ■ The email file attachments. 2015.2
■ You can send multiple attachments of any
media type
■ An individual attachment must not exceed
10MB and the total message size must be
15MB or less.

Note: Supported for server-side

scripts only.

options.â##relatedRecords optional ■ Object that contains key/value pairs to 2015.2
associate the Message record with related
records (including custom records).
■ See the relatedRecords table for more

options.â##isInternalOnly optional ■ If true, the Message record is not visible 2015.2
true | to an external Entity ( (for example, a
false customer or contact).
■ The default value is false.

Note: The relatedRecords parameter is a JavaScript object and the table below lists its


You can associate the sent email with an array of internal records using key/value pairs.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


transactionId number optional ■ The Transaction record(s) attached to 2015.2

the Message record
■ Use for transaction and opportunity
record types.

activityId number optional ■ The Activity record(s) attached to the 2015.2

Email Message record
■ Use for Case and Campaign record

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/email Module 207

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


entityId number optional ■ The Entity record(s) attached to the 2015.2

Email Message record
■ Use for all Entity record types (for
example, customer, contact)

customRecord Object optional ■ The custom record(s) attached to the 2015.2

Email Message record
■ For custom records you must specify
both the record ID and the record
type ID. number optional ■ The instance ID for the custom record 2015.2
attached to the Email Message record

string optional ■ The custom record type attached to 2015.2
the Message record


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/email Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var recipientEmails = [
author: -5,
recipients: recipientEmails,
subject: 'Order Status',
body: 'Your order has been completed.',
replyTo: ''
//Add additional code

Method Description This method is used to send bulk email asynchronously when a bounceback notification
is not required.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see email.sendBulk(options). For additional information about
promises, see Promise Object.

Returns void

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/email Module 208

Synchronous Version email.sendBulk(options)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 usage units

Module N/email Module

Since 2015.2


Method Description Method used to send a single “on-demand” campaign email to a specified recipient and
return a campaign response ID to track the email.

Email (campaignemail) sublists are not supported. The campaign must use a Lead
Nurturing (campaigndrip) sublist.

Note: This API normally uses a bulk email server to send messages. If you need
to increase the successful delivery rate of an email, use email.send(options) so
that a transactional email server is used.

Returns A campaign response ID (tracking code) as number

If the email fails to send, the value returned is –1.

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 usage units

Module N/email Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.â##campaignEventId required ■ The internal ID of the campaign 2015.2

Note: The campaign

must use a Lead Nurturing
(campaigndrip) sublist.

options.recipientId number required ■ The internal ID of the recipient. 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/email Module 209

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


Note: The recipient’s record

must contain an email address.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/email Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

campaignEventId: -8,
recipientId: 142,
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to send a single “on-demand” campaign email asynchronously to a specified
recipient and return a campaign response ID to track the email.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see email.sendCampaignEvent(options). For additional information
about promises, see Promise Object.

Returns A campaign response ID (tracking code) as a number.

If the email fails to send, the value returned is –1.

Synchronous Version email.sendCampaignEvent(options)

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 usage units

Module N/email Module

Since 2015.2

N/encode Module
This module exposes string encoding and decoding functionality. Load the N/encode module when you
want to convert a string to another type of encoding.

■ N/encode Module Members

■ N/encode Module Script Sample

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/encode Module 210

N/encode Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method encode.â##convertâ##(options)
string Server-side scripts Converts a string to another
type of encoding and returns
the re-encoded string.

Enum encode.Encoding enum Server-side scripts Holds the string values

for supported encoding

N/encode Module Script Sample

The following example converts a string to a different encoding.

Note: This sample script uses the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger
and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(encode) {
function convertStringToDifferentEncoding() {
var stringInput = "TAfA(c)st StriAfA+-g Input";
var base64EncodedString = encode.convert({
string: stringInput,
inputEncoding: encode.Encoding.UTF_8,
outputEncoding: encode.Encoding.BASE_64
var hexEncodedString = encode.convert({
string: stringInput,
inputEncoding: encode.Encoding.UTF_8,
outputEncoding: encode.Encoding.HEX

Method Description Converts a string to another type of encoding.

Returns The re-encoded string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/encode Module 211

Governance None

Module N/encode Module

Since 2015.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.string string required The string to encode. 2015.1

options.inputEncoding string required The encoding used on the input string. 2015.1
The default value is UTF_8.

Use the encode.Encoding to set the


options.â##outputEncoding required The encoding to apply to the output 2015.1
string. The default value is UTF_8.

Use the encode.Encoding to set the



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/encode Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var hexEncodedString = encode.convert({
string: stringInput,
inputEncoding: encode.Encoding.UTF_8,
outputEncoding: encode.Encoding.HEX
//Add additional code

Enum Description Holds the string values for the supported character set encoding.

This enum is used to set the value of inputEncoding and outputEncoding parameters
that are members of the N/crypto Module or N/encode Module.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/encode Module 212

Module N/encode Module

Since 2015.1


■ UTF_8
■ BASE_16
■ BASE_32
■ BASE_64


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/encode Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var reencoded = encode.convert({
string: LOREM_IPS,
inputEncoding: encode.Encoding.BASE_64,
outputEncoding: encode.Encoding.UTF_8
//Add additional code

N/error Module
Load the error module when you want to create your own custom SuiteScript errors. Use these custom
errors in try-catch statements to abort script execution.

■ N/error Module Members

■ SuiteScriptError Object Members
■ UserEventError Object Members
■ N/error Module Script Samples

N/error Module Members

Member Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Type Types

Object error.â##Suiteâ##Scriptâ##Error
Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates a SuiteScript
that are not user error thrown by any script
event scripts type that is not a user event

error.UserEventError Object User event scripts Encapsulates a SuiteScript

error thrown by a user
event script.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/error Module 213

Member Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Type Types

Method error.â##createâ##(options)
error.SuiteScriptError or Server-side scripts Creates a new
error.UserEventError error.SuiteScriptError or
error.UserEventError object.

SuiteScriptError Object Members

The following members are called on error.SuiteScriptError.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Property string (read-only) Server-side scripts User-defined error code.

that are not user event

string (read-only) Server-side scripts Text that displays on the
that are not user event SuiteScript Execution Log, in
scripts the Details column. string (read-only) Server-side scripts Error ID that is

that are not user event automatically generated
scripts when a new error is

SuiteScriptError.stack Array of strings Server-side scripts A list of method calls that

(read-only) that are not user event the script is executing when
scripts the error is thrown.

UserEventError Object Members

The following members are called on error.UserEventError.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Property string (read-only) User event scripts User-defined error code.

string (read-only) User event scripts Text that displays on the
SuiteScript Execution Log, in the
Details column.

string (read-only) User event scripts User event type (beforeLoad,
beforeSubmit, afterSubmit) string (read-only) User event scripts Error ID that is automatically

generated when a new error is

string (read-only) User event scripts Internal ID of the submitted
record that triggered the script.
This property only holds a value
when the error is thrown by an
afterSubmit user event script.

UserEventError.stack Array of strings User event scripts A list of method calls that the
(read-only) script is executing when the error
is thrown.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/error Module 214

N/error Module Script Samples

The following example creates an error.

Note: This sample script uses the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger
and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(error) {
function createError() {
var errorObj = error.create({
name: 'MY_CODE',
message: 'my error details',
notifyOff: true

The following example creates an error if the variable somevariable is false. In the createError()
function’s condition is met, the error is logged and then thrown — the script’s execution results in an
error being thrown.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(error) {
function showError() {
var somevariable = false;

if (!somevariable) {
var errObj = error.create({name : error.Type.WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE, message : 'Wrong parameter type
selected.', notifyOff: false});
log.error('Error: ' + , errObj.message);
throw errObj;

Object Description Encapsulates a SuiteScript error for any script type that is not a user event script.

Use this object in a try-catch statement to abort script execution.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/error Module 215

Create a new custom error (error.SuiteScriptError) with the error.create(options)


The error.create(options) method returns error.SuiteScriptError when it is called

in any server-side script that is not a user event script.

Note: When error.create(options) is called in a user event script, it returns


For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see SuiteScriptError Object

Supported Script Types All server-side scripts that are not user event scripts.

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/error Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/error Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var errorObj = error.create({
name: 'MY_CODE',
message: 'my error details',
notifyOff: false
//Add additional code

Property Description Error ID that is automatically generated when a new error is created.

This property is read-only.

Type string

Supported Script Types All server-side scripts that are not user event scripts.

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/error Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/error Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/error Module 216

var errorObj = error.create({
name: 'MY_CODE',
message: 'my error details',
notifyOff: false
log.debug("Error ID: " +;
//Add additional code


Property Description Text that displays on the SuiteScript Execution Log, in the Details column.

This property is read-only.

Type string

Supported Script Types All server-side scripts that are not user event scripts.

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/error Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/error Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var errorObj = error.create({
name: 'MY_CODE',
message: 'my error details',
notifyOff: false
log.debug("Error Message: " + errorObj.message);
//Add additional code

Property Description A user-defined name (error code).

This property is read-only.

Type string

Supported Script Types All server-side scripts that are not user event scripts.

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/error Module 217

Module N/error Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/error Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var errorObj = error.create({
name: 'MY_CODE',
message: 'my error details',
notifyOff: false
log.debug("Error Code: " +;
//Add additional code


Property Description A list of method calls that the script is executing when the error is thrown. The
most recently executed method is listed at the top.

This property is read-only.

Type Array of strings

Supported Script Types All server-side scripts that are not user event scripts.

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/error Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/error Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var errorObj = error.create({
name: 'MY_CODE',
message: 'my error details',
notifyOff: false
log.debug("Error Stack: " + errorObj.stack);
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/error Module 218

Object Description Encapsulates a SuiteScript error for user event scripts.

Use this object in a try-catch statement to abort script execution.

Create a new custom error (error.UserEventError ) with the error.create(options)


The error.create(options) method returns error.UserEventError when it is called in

a user event script.

Note: When error.create(options) is called in a server–side script that is not a

user event script, it returns error.SuiteScriptError.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see UserEventError Object

Supported Script Types User event scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type.

Module N/error Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/error Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var errorObj = error.create({
name: 'MY_CODE',
message: 'my error details',
notifyOff: false
//Add additional code


Property Description The user event type. Holds one of the following values:

■ beforeLoad
■ beforeSubmit
■ afterSubmit

This property is read-only.

Type string

Supported Script Types User event scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type.

Module N/error Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/error Module 219

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/error Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var errorObj = error.create({
name: 'MY_CODE',
message: 'my error details',
notifyOff: false
log.debug("User Event Type: " + errorObj.eventType);
//Add additional code


Property Description A list of method calls that the script is executing when the error is thrown. The
most recently executed method is listed at the top.

This property is read-only.

Type Array of strings

Supported Script Types User event scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type.

Module N/error Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/error Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var errorObj = error.create({
name: 'MY_CODE',
message: 'my error details',
notifyOff: false
log.debug("Error Stack: " + errorObj.stack);
//Add additional code

Property Description Error ID that is automatically generated when a new error is created.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/error Module 220

This property is read-only.

Type string

Supported Script Types User event scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type.

Module N/error Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/error Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var errorObj = error.create({
name: 'MY_CODE',
message: 'my error details',
notifyOff: false
log.debug("Error ID: " +;
//Add additional code

Property Description Text that displays on the SuiteScript Execution Log, in the Details column.

This property is read-only.

Type string

Supported Script Types User event scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type.

Module N/error Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/error Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var errorObj = error.create({
name: 'MY_CODE',
message: 'my error details',
notifyOff: false
log.debug("Error Message: " + errorObj.message);

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/error Module 221

//Add additional code

Property Description A user-defined name (error code).

This property is read-only.

Type string

Supported Script Types User event scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type.

Module N/error Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/error Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var errorObj = error.create({
name: 'MY_CODE',
message: 'my error details',
notifyOff: false
log.debug("Error Code: " +;
//Add additional code


Property Description The internal ID of the submitted record that triggered the script. This property only
holds a value when the error is thrown by an afterSubmit user event script.

This property is read-only.

Type string

Supported Script Types User event scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type.

Module N/error Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/error Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/error Module 222

var errorObj = error.create({
name: 'MY_CODE',
message: 'my error details',
notifyOff: false
log.debug("Submitted Record ID: " + errorObj.recordId);
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to create a new error.SuiteScriptError or error.UserEventError object.
Use this custom error in a try-catch statement to abort script execution.

Returns One of the following:

■ An error.UserEventError object if the script throwing the error is a user event script.
■ An error.SuiteScriptError object if the script throwing the error is any other server-
side script.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/error Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object. The table below describes the name:value
pairs that make up the object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string required ■ A user-defined name (error code). 2015.2

■ Sets the value for the property or

options.message string required ■ The error message displayed. This value 2015.2
displays on the Execution Log, in the Details
■ The default value is null.
■ Sets the value for the property
SuiteScriptError.message or

var errorObj = error.create({
name: 'MY_CODE',
message: 'my error details',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/error Module 223

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

notifyOff: false
log.debug("Error Code: " +;

options.notifyOff boolean optional ■ Sets whether email notification is suppressed. 2015.2

true |
■ The default value is false.
■ If set to false, when this error is thrown, the
system emails the users identified on the
applicable script record’s Unhandled Errors
subtab. For additional information on the
Unhandled Errors subtab, see the help topic
Creating a Script Record.


Error Code Message Thrown If

MISS_MANDATORY_PARAMETER A required argument is missing


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/error Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var errorObj = error.create({
name: 'MY_CODE',
message: 'my error details',
notifyOff: false
log.debug("Error Code: " +;
//Add additional code

N/file Module
Load the file module when you want to work with files within NetSuite. You can use this module to
upload files to the NetSuite file cabinet. You can also use this module to send files as attachments
without uploading them to the file cabinet.

A file.Reader object, which is returned by File.getReader(), can be used for special read operations. Use
File.getSegments(options) to retrieve iterator of custom segments of file.

Methods that load content in memory, such as File.getContents(), have a 10 MB size limit. This limit
does not apply when content is streamed, such as when is called.

■ N/file Module Members

■ File Object Members
■ N/file Module Script Sample

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 224

N/file Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Object file.File object Server-side scripts Encapsulates a file within


file.Reader object Server-side scripts Encapsulates a reader that you

can use to perform special read

Method file.create(options) file.File Server-side scripts Creates a new file.File.

file.delete(options) void Server-side scripts Deletes an existing file.File from

the NetSuite file cabinet.

file.load(options) file.File Server-side scripts Loads an existing file.File from

the NetSuite file cabinet.

Enum file.Encoding enum Server-side scripts Sets the value of the

File.encoding property.

file.Type enum Server-side scripts Sets the value of the File.fileType


File Object Members

The following members are called on file.File.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method File.â##appendLineâ##(options)
file.File Object Server-side scripts Inserts a line to the end of a CSV or
text file.

File.getContents() string Server-side scripts Returns the content of a file in

string format.

File.lines.iterator() boolean true | Server-side scripts Calls a developer-defined function

false for each line. Returns false when
line processing stops.

File.resetStream() void Server-side scripts Resets the file stream to its

previous state. number Server-side scripts Saves a new or updated file to the

file cabinet.

File.getReader() object Server-side scripts Returns reader object for read


object Server-side scripts Returns iterator of segments that
are delimited by the specified

Property File.description string Server-side scripts Description of a file.

File.encoding string Server-side scripts Character encoding on a file.

File.fileType enum Server-side scripts File type of a file.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 225

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

File.folder number Server-side scripts Internal ID of the folder that

houses a file within the NetSuite
file cabinet. number (read- Server-side scripts Internal ID of a file in the NetSuite

only) file cabinet.

File.isInactive boolean true | Server-side scripts Inactive status of a file. If set to

false true, the file is inactive.

File.isOnline boolean true | Server-side scripts “Available without Login” status

false of a file. If set to true, users can
download the file outside of a
current NetSuite login session.

File.isText boolean (read- Server-side scripts Indicates whether a file type is

only) text-based. string Server-side scripts Name of a file.

File.path string (read-only) Server-side scripts Relative path to a file in the

NetSuite file cabinet.

File.size number (read- Server-side scripts Size of a file in bytes.


File.url string (read-only) Server-side scripts URL of a file.

Reader Object Members

The following members are called on file.Reader.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Reader.â##readUntilâ##(options)
string Server-side scripts Returns string from current
position to the next occurrence
of options.tag.

string Server-side scripts Returns the next
options.number characters
from the current position.

N/file Module Script Sample

Note: These sample scripts use the require function so that you can copy into the debugger
and test. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

Example 1
The following example creates and saves a file to the file cabinet.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 226

Warning: In this example, the folder ID value is hard-coded. For the sample code to run in the
SuiteScript Debugger, you must replace this hard-coded value with a valid folder ID from your

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(file) {
function createAndSaveFile() {
var fileObj = file.create({
name: 'test.txt',
fileType: file.Type.PLAINTEXT,
contents: 'Hello World\nHello World'
fileObj.folder = -15;
var id =;
fileObj = file.load({
id: id

Example 2

The following sample creates and saves a file to the file cabinet. It also sets the values of File.isOnline
and the File.folder properties.

Warning: In this example, the folder ID value is hard-coded. For the sample code to run in the
SuiteScript Debugger, you must replace this hard-coded value with a valid folder ID from your

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function createAndSaveFile(){
var fileObj = file.create({
name: 'test.txt',
fileType: file.Type.PLAINTEXT,
contents: 'Hello World\nHello World',
folder : -15,
isOnline : true

var id =;
fileObj = file.load({
id: id

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 227


Example 3
require(['N/file', 'N/error', 'N/log'],
function (file, error, log)

// In this sample we will compute the total for the

// second column value in a csv file.
// date,amount
// 10/21/14,200.0
// 10/21/15,210.2
// 10/21/16,250.3

// Create the CSV file

var csvFile = file.create({
name: 'data.csv',
contents: 'date,amount\n',
folder: 39,
fileType: 'CSV'
value: '10/21/14,200.0'
value: '10/21/15,210.2'
value: '10/21/16,250.3'
var csvFileId =;

// This variable will store the total.

var total = 0.0;

// Load the file and

// process all the lines
var invoiceFile = file.load({
id: csvFileId
var iterator = invoiceFile.lines.iterator();

//Skip the first line (CSV header)

iterator.each(function () {return false;});
iterator.each(function (line)
// This function updates the total by
// adding the amount on each line to it
var lineValues = line.value.split(',');
var lineAmount = parseFloat(lineValues[1]);

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 228

if (!lineAmount)
throw error.create({
message: 'Invoice file contained non-numeric value for total: ' + lineValues[1]

total += lineAmount;
return true;

// By the time you are here, the total variable is

// set to 660.5
title: 'total',
details; total

Example 4
* @NApiVersion 2.0
* @NScriptType bankStatementParserPlugin
* A parser plugin that writes chunks of the input file stream to the execution log.
define(['N/file', 'N/log'],
function(file, log) {
return {
parseBankStatement: function(context) {

var reader = context.input.file.getReader();

var textUntilFirstComma = reader.readUntil(',');

var next10Characters = reader.readChars(10);
var textUntilNextNewLine = reader.readUntil('\n');
var next100Characters = reader.readChars(100);

details: textUntilFirstComma

details: next10Characters

details: textUntilNextNewLine

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 229

details: next100Characters

Example 5
* @NApiVersion 2.0
* @NScriptType bankStatementParserPlugin
* A parser plugin that writes segments to the execution log.
define(['N/file', 'N/log'],
function(file, log) {
return {
parseBankStatement: function(context) {

var statementFile = context.input.file;

var statementSegmentIterator = statementFile.getSegments({separator: '\\|_|/'}).iterator();

statementSegmentIterator.each(function (segment) {
details: segment.value
return true;


Object Description Encapsulates a file within NetSuite.

Note: This object only encapsulates a file’s metadata. Content is only loaded into
memory (and returned as a string) when you call the File.getContents(). Content
from CSV or text files can be accessed line by line using File.appendLine(options) or

Important: Binary content must be base64 encoded.

Create a new file.File Object (up to 10MB in size) with the file.create(options) method.

After you create a new file.File, you can:

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 230

■ upload it to the NetSuite file cabinet with the method.

■ attach it to an email or fax without saving it to the file cabinet.

Important: If you want to save the file to the NetSuite file cabinet, you must set
a NetSuite file cabinet folder with the File.folder property. You must do this before
you call

Returns reader object File.getReader() and iterator of segments File.getSegments(options).

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see File Object Members.

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/file Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.create({
name: 'test.txt',
fileType: file.Type.PLAINTEXT,
contents: 'Hello World\nHello World'
fileObj.folder = 30;
var fileId =;

//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to return the content of the file.

Important: Content held in memory is limited to 10MB.

Note: You can access CSV or text files (including files over 10MB) using
File.appendLine(options) or File.lines.iterator().

Returns The file content as a string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/file Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 231

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_FILE_CONTENT_SIZE_EXCEEDED The file content you are attempting to You attempt to return the
access exceeds the maximum allowed content of a file larger than
size of 10 MB. 10MB.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.load({
id: 145
if (fileObj.size < 10485760){
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to return the reader object for performing special read operations

Returns file.Reader

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/file Module

Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

// Add additional code

var reader = context.input.file.getReader();

var textUntilFirstComma = reader.readUntil(',');

var next10Characters = reader.readChars(10);
var textUntilNextNewLine = reader.readUntil('\n');

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 232

var next100Characters = reader.readChars(100);

// Add additional code


Method Description Method used to return the iterator of segments delimited by a separator.

Separator is included in each segment.

Empty separator is not allowed.

Returns Iterator

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/file Module

Since 2019.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.separator string required The separator to use to divide the segments. For 2019.1
example, if you specify a newline character as the
separator, this method returns an iterator where
each segment is a single line in the file.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR Segment separator must not be The options.separator argument is

empty. empty.

SSS_INVALID_ARG_TYPE You have entered an invalid The options.separator argument is

type argument: <passed type not a string.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT <name of missing parameter> A required argument is not passed.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 233

var statementFile = context.input.file;

var statementSegmentIterator = statementFile.getSegments({

separator: '\\|_|/'
statementSegmentIterator.each(function (segment) {

details: segment.value
return true;
// Add additional code


Method Description Method used to insert a line to the end of a file.

This method can be used on text or .csv files.

Important: Content held in memory is limited to 10MB. Therefore,

each line must be less than 10MB.

Returns file.File Object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/file Module

Since 2017.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object. The table below describes the name:value
pairs that make up the object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.value string required Object containing a string to insert at 2017.1

the end of the file.


Error Code Message Thrown If

The content you are attempting You attempt to return the content of a line larger than
to access exceeds the 10MB.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 234

Error Code Message Thrown If

maximum allowed size of 10
You call File.appendLine(options) after calling
File.lines.iterator(). To avoid receiving the error, call
File.resetStream() or save the file.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.load({
id: 145
value: 'hello world'
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to pass the next line as an argument to a developer-defined function.
You can call this method multiple times to loop over the file contents as a stream.

Return false to stop the loop. Return true to continue the loop. By default, false is
returned when the end of the file is reached.

This method can be used on text or .csv files.

Important: Content held in memory is limited to 10MB. Therefore, each

line must be less than 10MB.

Returns Boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/file Module

Since 2017.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

lineContext iterator required Iterator which provides the next line of text 2017.1
from the text file to the iterator function.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 235


Error Code Message Thrown If

The content you are attempting You attempt to return the content of a line larger than
to access exceeds the maximum 10MB.
allowed size of 10 MB.
You call File.lines.iterator() after calling
File.appendLine(options). Call File.resetStream() or
save the file.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var iterator = invoiceFile.lines.iterator();

//Skip the first line (CSV header)

iterator.each(function () {return false;});
iterator.each(function (line)
// This function updates the total by
// adding the amount on each line to it
var lineValues = line.value.split(',');
var lineAmount = parseFloat(lineValues[1]);
if (!lineAmount)
throw error.create({
message: 'Invoice file contained non-numeric value for total: ' + lineValues[1]

total += lineAmount;
return true;
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to reset the file contents. Serves as an undo action on any unsaved
content written with File.appendLine(options) or File.lines.iterator().

Use this method to reset the reading and writing streams that may have been opened
by File.appendLine(options) or File.lines.iterator().

The line pointer (or read iterator) is also set to its previous state.

This method can be used on text or .csv files.

Important: To use this method, each line must be less than 10MB.

Returns Void

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 236

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/file Module

Since 2017.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var afile = file.create({
name: 'tmp3.txt',
fileType: 'PLAINTEXT',
contents:'one line'
afile. appendLine({
value:'line two'
afile.lines(function f(){});

//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to:

■ Upload a new file to the NetSuite file cabinet.

■ Save an updated file to the NetSuite file cabinet.

Note: The method streams files of any size, provided that the
file to save or upload meets file cabinet limits.

Important: If you want to save the file to the NetSuite file cabinet, you
must set a NetSuite file cabinet folder with the File.folder property. You must
do this before you call

Returns The internal ID of the file as a number.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 20 usage units

Module N/file Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 237

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

INVALID_KEY_OR_REF Invalid folder reference key The File.folder property is set to an invalid
<passed folder ID>. folder ID.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Please enter value(s) for: Folder The File.folder property is not set before
save() is called.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.create({
name : 'test.txt',
fileType: file.Type.PLAINTEXT,
contents: 'Hello World\nHello World'
fileObj.folder = 30;
var fileId =;
//Add additional code


Property Description The description of a file. In the UI, the value of description displays in the
Description field on the file record.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/file Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.load({
id: 'Images/myImageFile.jpg'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 238

fileObj.description = 'my test file';
var fileId =;
//Add additional code


Property Description The character encoding on a file. Value is set with the file.Encoding enum.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/file Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.create({
name : 'test.txt',
fileType: file.Type.PLAINTEXT,
contents: 'Hello World\nHello World'
fileObj.encoding = file.Encoding.MAC_ROMAN;
fileObj.folder = 30;
var fileId =;

//Add additional code


Property Description The file type of a file.

This property is read-only. You must set the file type by passing in a file.Type enum
value to file.create(options).

Type enum

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/file Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 239


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property after it is set with file.create(options).


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.load({
id: 145
details: "File Type: " + fileObj.fileType

//Add additional code


Property Description The internal ID of a file’s folder within the NetSuite file cabinet.

Before you upload a file to the NetSuite file cabinet with, you must set
its file cabinet folder with the folder property.

Type number | string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/file Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.create({
name: 'test.txt',
fileType: file.Type.PLAINTEXT,
contents: 'Hello World\nHello World'
fileObj.folder = 30;
var fileId =;

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 240

//Add additional code

Property Description The internal ID of the file within the NetSuite file cabinet. This value is
automatically generated by NetSuite.

This property is read-only.

Type number

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/file Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.load({
id: 'Images/myImageFile.jpg'
details: "File ID: " +
//Add additional code


Property Description The inactive status of a file. If set to true, the file is inactive.

The default value is false.

When a file is inactive, it does not display in the UI unless you select Show
Inactives on the File Cabinet page.

Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 241

Module N/file Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.load({
id: 'Images/myImageFile.jpg'
}); = 'myOldImageFile.jpg';
fileObj.isInactive = true;
var fileId =;
//Add additional code


Property Description The Available without Login status of a file. If set to true, users can download the file
outside of a current NetSuite login session.

The default value is false.

Important: This property holds the value of the Available without Login
setting found on the file record. It does not reflect the value of the Available
Without Login setting found on the Suitelet script deployment record.

The Available without Login setting is primarily used for SuiteCommerce websites. When
this setting is enabled, websites can access media files in the NetSuite file cabinet without
a current NetSuite login session.

Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/file Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.load({
id: 'Images/myImageFile.jpg'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 242

fileObj.isOnline = true;
var fileId =;
//Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether a file type is text-based.

This property is read-only.

Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/file Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.load({
id: 145
if (fileObj.isText === true){
//Add additional code

Property Description The name of a file.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/file Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 243


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.load({
id: 'Images/myImageFile.jpg'
}); = 'myOldImageFile.jpg';
var fileId =;
//Add additional code


Property Description The relative path to a file in the NetSuite file cabinet.

Note: If the folder is not set with the file.create(options) method, this
property holds the file name until the File.folder property is defined.

This property is read-only.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/file Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.load({
id: 145
details: "File Path: " + fileObj.path
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 244


Property Description The size of a file in bytes.

This property is read-only.

Note: You can use this value to determine if the file is within size limits for
File.getContents(). Size will reflect any lines you have streamed into a file. For
example, the original file size plus lines appended.

Type number

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/file Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.load({
id: 'Images/myImageFile.jpg'
details: "File Size: " + fileObj.size
//Add additional code


Property Description The URL of a file.

This property is read-only.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/file Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 245

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code ...

var fileObj = file.load({
id: 'Images/myImageFile.jpg'
details: "File URL: " + fileObj.url
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to create a new file in the NetSuite file cabinet.

Important: Content held in memory is limited to 10MB.

Returns file.File

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/file Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string required ■ The file name and extension. 2015.2

■ Sets the value for the property.

options.fileType enum required ■ The file type. 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 246

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

■ Sets the value for the File.fileType property.
This property is read-only and cannot be
changed after the file is created.
■ Use the file.Type enum to set the value.

options.contents string optional ■ The file content. 2015.2

■ File content is lazy loaded; there is no
property for it.
■ If the file type is binary (for example, PDF),
the file content must be base64 encoded.

options.â##description optional ■ The file description. In the UI, the value of 2016.2
description displays the Description field on
the file record.
■ Sets the value for the File.description

options.folder number optional ■ The internal ID of the folder within the 2016.1
NetSuite file cabinet. You must set the file
cabinet folder before you upload a file to
the NetSuite file cabinet with
■ Sets the value for the File.folder property.

options.encoding string optional ■ The character encoding on a file. 2016.2

■ Sets the value for the File.encoding
■ Use the file.Encoding enum to set the value.

options.isInactive boolean optional ■ The inactive status of a file. If set to true, 2016.2
false | the file is inactive. The default value is false.
true When a file is inactive, it does not display in
the UI unless you select Show Inactives on
the File Cabinet page.
■ Sets the value for the File.isInactive

options.isOnline boolean optional ■ The Available without Login status of a file. 2016.2
false | If set to true, users can download the file
true outside of a current netSuite login session.
The default value is false.
■ Sets the value for the File.isOnline property.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT <name of missing parameter> A required argument is not


SSS_INVALID_TYPE_ARG You have entered an invalid type The argument for File.fileType is
argument: <passed type argument> invalid.

SSS_FILE_CONTENT_SIZE_EXCEEDED The file you are trying to create exceeds You attempt to create a file
the maximum allowed file size of 10.0 larger than 10MB.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 247


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.create({
name: 'test.txt',
fileType: file.Type.PLAINTEXT,
contents: 'Hello World\nHello World',
description: 'This is a plain text file.',
encoding: file.Encoding.UTF8,
folder: 30,
isOnline: true
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to delete an existing file from the NetSuite file cabinet.

Returns The internal ID of the deleted file

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 20 usage units

Module N/file Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since number | required ■ Internal ID of the file. 2015.2

■ To find the internal ID of the file in the
UI, click Documents > Files > File Cabinet.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT <name of missing parameter> A required argument is not passed.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 248


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.create({
name: 'test.txt',
fileType: file.Type.PLAINTEXT,
contents: 'Hello World\nHello World'
fileObj.folder = 30;
var fileId =;

id: fileId
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to load an existing file from the NetSuite file cabinet.

Returns An existing file.File.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 usage units

Module N/file Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional number | required ■ Pass one of the following: 2015.2

□ Internal ID of the file as a number or a
□ The relative file path to the file in the
file cabinet. For example, ‘Images/
■ To find the internal ID of the file in the UI,
select Documents > Files > File Cabinet.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 249


Error Code Message Thrown If

INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION You do not have access to the media Internal ID passed is invalid.
item you selected.

RCRD_DSNT_EXIST That record does not exist. path: Relative file path passed is invalid.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT <name of missing parameter> A required argument is not passed.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.load({
id: 'Images/myImageFile.jpg'
fileObj.description = 'my test file';
var fileId =;
//Add additional code


Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for supported character encoding.

This enum is used to set the value of the File.encoding property.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/file Module

Since 2015.2


Value Character Set

UTF_8 Unicode

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 250

Value Character Set

WINDOWS_1252 Western

ISO_8859_1 Western

GB18030 Chinese Simplified

SHIFT_JIS Japanese


GB2312 Chinese Simplified

BIG5 Chinese Traditional


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.create({
name: 'test.txt',
fileType: file.Type.PLAINTEXT,
contents: 'Hello World\nHello World'
fileObj.encoding = file.Encoding.MAC_ROMAN;
fileObj.folder = 30;
var fileId =;
//Add additional code

Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for supported file types. This enum is used to set
the value of the File.fileType property.

Note that the File.fileType property is read only. It’s value must be set with

See N/file Module Script Sample for an example.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/file Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 251





Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var fileObj = file.create({
name : 'test.txt',
fileType: file.Type.PLAINTEXT,
contents: 'Hello World\nHello World'
fileObj.folder = 30;
var fileId =;
//Add additional code


Object Description Use for special read operations. Reads from a file until a specified delimiter is

Reads an arbitrary number of characters from a file.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/file Module

Methods and Properties Reader Object Members

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 252

Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

var reader = context.input.file.getReader();

var textUntilFirstComma = reader.readUntil(',');

var next10Characters = reader.readChars(10);
var textUntilNextNewLine = reader.readUntil('\n');
var next100Characters = reader.readChars(100);


Method Description Returns string from current position to the next occurrence of options.tag.

Returns the rest of the string if tag is not found.

Returns null if reading is already finished.

All types of characters are supported. If there's a character that does not exist untl
the end of the file, the rest of the file is returned.

Returns string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/file Module

Since 2019.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.tag string required String containing a tag 2019.1


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_TAG_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY Tag cannot be empty. The options.tag argument is


SSS_INVALID_ARG_TYPE You have entered an invalid type The options.tag argument is not a
argument: <passed type argument> string.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 253

Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT <name of missing parameter> A required argument is not passed.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

// Add additional code

var reader = context.input.file.getReader();

var textUntilFirstComma = reader.readUntil(',');

var next10Characters = reader.readChars(10);
var textUntilNextNewLine = reader.readUntil('\n');
var next100Characters = reader.readChars(100);

// Add additional code


Method Description Returns the next options.number characters from the current position.

Returns less than the number if there is not enough characters to read in the file.

Returns null if reading is already finished.

Returns string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/file Module

Since 2019.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.number number required The number of characters to read. 2019.1


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_READ_SIZE Read size must be positive. The options.number argument is not

greater than zero.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/file Module 254

Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_ARG_TYPE You have entered an invalid The options.number argument is not a

type argument: <passed type number.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT <name of missing parameter> A required argument is not passed.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/file Module Script Sample.

// Add additional code

var reader = context.input.file.getReader();

var textUntilFirstComma = reader.readUntil(',');

var next10Characters = reader.readChars(10);
var textUntilNextNewLine = reader.readUntil('\n');
var next100Characters = reader.readChars(100);

// Add additional code

N/format Module
Use the format module to parse formatted data into strings and to convert strings into a specified
format. The format module formats data according to personal preferences set on the Set Preferences
page, accessible from Home > Set Preferences . See the help topic Setting Personal Preferences.

■ N/format Module Members

■ N/format Module Script Samples

N/format Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method format.â##formatâ##(options)
string | Date Client and server- Takes a raw value and returns a
side scripts formatted value.

Note: This method is

overloaded when you format
a datetime or datetimetz

Date | string | Client and server- Takes a formatted value and returns
number side scripts a raw value.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/format Module 255

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Note: This method is

overloaded when you format
a datetime or datetimetz

Enum format.Type enum Client and server- Holds the string values for the
side scripts supported field types. This enum
is used to set the value of the
options.type parameter.

format.Timezone enum Client and server- Holds the string values for supported
side scripts time zone formats. This enum
is used to set the value of the
options.timezone parameter.

N/format Module Script Samples

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

Example 1

The following example parses a string (formatted according to the user preference) to a raw Date
Object, and then parses it back to the formatted string. This example uses format.parse(options) and

Note: This sample script uses the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger
and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(format) {
function parseAndFormatDateString() {
// Assume Date format is MM/DD/YYYY
var initialFormattedDateString = "07/28/2015";
var parsedDateStringAsRawDateObject = format.parse({
value: initialFormattedDateString,
type: format.Type.DATE
var formattedDateString = format.format({
value: parsedDateStringAsRawDateObject,
type: format.Type.DATE
// "07/28/2015"

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/format Module 256

Example 2

The following example parses a string (formatted according to the user preference) to a raw number
value, using format.parse(options).

Note: This sample script uses the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger
and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function parseToValue() {
// Assume number format is 1.000.000,00 and negative format is -100
var formattedNum = "-20.000,25"
return format.parse({value:formattedNum, type: format.Type.FLOAT})
var rawNum = parseToValue(); // -20000.25 -- a number

Example 3

The following example formats a raw number value (formatted according to the user preference) to a
string, using format.format(options).

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function formatToString() {
// Assume number format is 1.000.000,00 and negative format is (100)
var rawNum2 = -44444.44
return format.format({value:rawNum2, type: format.Type.FLOAT})
var formattedNum2 = formatToString(); // "44.444,44" -- a string

Example 4

The following example formats the time of day to a string, using format.format(options).

Note: This sample script uses the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger
and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

*@NApiVersion 2.x

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/format Module 257

function formatTimeOfDay() {
// Assume the time format is hh:mm (24 hours)
var now = new Date(); // Say it's 7:01PM right now.
return format.format({value: now, type: format.Type.TIMEOFDAY})
var formattedTime = formatTimeOfDay(); // "19:01" -- a string

Method Description Formats a value from the raw value to its appropriate preference format.

Note: This method is overloaded when you format a datetime or

datetimetz value.

Returns The formatted value as a string.

If a datetime or datetimetz value is specified, the Date Object is returned in the user’s
local app time zone.

Note: If an invalid value is given, the original value passed to options.value

is returned.

Note: For client side scripts, the string returned is based on the user’s system
time. For server-side scripts, the string returned is based on the system time of
the server your NetSuite system is running on.

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types

Governance None

Module N/format Module

Since 2015.2


This method is overloaded when you format a datetime or datetimetz value.

Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.value Date | string | required The input data to format. 2015.2


options.type string required The field type (for example, DATE, 2015.2

Set using the format.Type enum.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/format Module 258

The table below applies to datetime and datetimetz values only.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.value Date required The Date Object being converted into a 2015.2

options.type string required The field type (either DATETIME or 2015.2


Set using the format.Type enum.

options.timezone enum | optional The time zone specified for the returned 2015.2
number string. Set using the format.Timezone
enum or key.

If a time zone is not specified, the time

zone is set based on user preference.

If the time zone is invalid, the time zone is

set to GMT.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/format Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

function formatToString() {
// Assume number format is 1.000.000,00 and negative format is (100)
var rawNum2 = -44444.44
return format.format({value:rawNum2, type: format.Type.FLOAT})
var formattedNum2 = formatToString(); // "44.444,44" -- a string
// Add additional code


Method Description Parses a value from the appropriate preference format to its raw value. The
appropriate preference format is the one selected in the Date Format field at Home >
Set Preferences.

For a datetime or datetimetz value, use this method to convert a Date Object into a
string based on the specified timezone.

Note: This method is overloaded when you format a datetime or

datetimetz value.

Returns The parsed value as a Date | string | number

Datetime or datetimetz values are returned as a string.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/format Module 259

Note: If the value given is not valid or parsable, the original value passed to
options.value is returned.

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types

Governance None

Module N/format Module

Since 2015.2


This method is overloaded when you format a datetime or datetimetz value.

Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.value string required The input data to parse. 2015.2

options.type string required The field type (for example, DATE, 2015.2

Set using the format.Type enum.

The table below applies to datetime and datetimeTZ values only.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.value string required  The string that contains the date and time 2015.2
information in the specified timezone.

options.type string required The field type (either DATETIME or 2015.2


Set using the format.Type enum.

options.timezone enum optional The time zone represented by the 2015.2

options.value string. Set using the
format.Timezone enum.

If a time zone is not specified, the time zone

is based on user preference.

If the time zone is invalid, the time zone is

set to GMT.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/format Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/format Module 260

function parseToValue() {
// Assume number format is 1.000.000,00 and negative format is -100
var formattedNum = "-20.000,25"
return format.parse({value:formattedNum, type: format.Type.FLOAT})
var rawNum = parseToValue(); // -20000.25 -- a number
// Add additional code


Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for the supported field types. This enum is used
to set the value of the options.type parameter when calling format.format(options) or

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types

Module N/format Module

Since 2015.2




Be aware of the following:

■ The following field types require a value of greater than 0:

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/format Module 261

■ NONNEGFLOAT requires a value that is greater than or equal to 0
■ CURRENCY field type rounds the number based on the user's currency precision setting and is
limited to hundredths / 2 decimals (0.00).
■ CURRENCY2 field type formats using a record’s currency precision.
■ If the RATE or RATEHIGHPRECISION field contains a % in the user interface, it returns null when you
get the value.


Note: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional
example. For a complete script example, see N/format Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

function formatTimeOfDay() {
// Assume the time format is hh:mm (24 hours)
var now = new Date(); // Say it's 7:01PM right now.
var formattedTime = format.format({value: now, type: format.Type.TIMEOFDAY})
// Add additional code

Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for supported time zone formats. This
enum is used to set the value of the options.timezone parameter when calling
format.format(options) or format.parse(options).

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types

Module N/format Module

Since 2015.2

This table defines all valid time zone names in Olson Value format and includes daylight savings
time rules for each time zone. Olson Values are maintained by the International Assigned Numbers
Authority (IANA) in an international standard time zone database. The values that populate the Time
Zone dropdown list found at Home > Set Preferences are also based on these values.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/format Module 262

When working with alternate time zones in SuiteScript, use these enumeration values. If necessary, you
can use the numerical key in place of an Olson Value string. For example, to source a custom timezone
dropdown list.

Key Olson Value Description

1 ETC_GMT_PLUS_12: 'Etc/GMT+12' (GMT-12:00) International Date Line West

2 PACIFIC_SAMOA: 'Pacific/Samoa' (GMT-11:00) Midway Island, Samoa

3 PACIFIC_HONOLULU: 'Pacific/Honolulu' (GMT-10:00) Hawaii

4 AMERICA_ANCHORAGE: 'America/Anchorage' (GMT-09:00) Alaska

5 AMERICA_LOS_ANGELES: 'America/Los_Angeles' (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

6 AMERICA_TIJUANA: 'America/Tijuana' (GMT-08:00) Tijuana, Baja California

7 AMERICA_DENVER: 'America/Denver' (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

8 AMERICA_PHOENIX: 'America/Phoenix' (GMT-07:00) Arizona

9 AMERICA_CHIHUAHUA: 'America/Chihuahua' (GMT-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan - New

10 AMERICA_CHICAGO: 'America/Chicago' (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

11 AMERICA_REGINA: 'America/Regina' (GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan

12 AMERICA_GUATEMALA: 'America/Guatemala' (GMT-06:00) Central America

13 AMERICA_MEXICO_CITY: 'America/Mexico_City’ (GMT-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey -


14 AMERICA_NEW_YORK: 'America/New_York' (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

15 US_EAST_INDIANA: 'US/East-Indiana' (GMT-05:00) Indiana (East)

16 AMERICA_BOGOTA: 'America/Bogota' (GMT-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito

17 AMERICA_CARACAS: 'America/Caracas' (GMT-04:30) Caracas

18 AMERICA_HALIFAX: 'America/Halifax' (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)

19 AMERICA_LA_PAZ: 'America/La_Paz' (GMT-04:00) Georgetown, La Paz, San Juan

20 AMERICA_MANAUS: 'America/Manaus' (GMT-04:00) Manaus

21 AMERICA_SANTIAGO: 'America/Santiago' (GMT-04:00) Santiago

22 AMERICA_ST_JOHNS: 'America/St_Johns' (GMT-03:30) Newfoundland

23 AMERICA_SAO_PAULO: 'America/Sao_Paulo' (GMT-03:00) Brasilia

24 AMERICA_BUENOS_AIRES: 'America/Buenos_Aires' (GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires

25 ETC_GMT_PLUS_3: 'Etc/GMT+3' (GMT-03:00) Cayenne

26 AMERICA_GODTHAB: 'America/Godthab' (GMT-03:00) Greenland

27 AMERICA_MONTEVIDEO: 'America/Montevideo' (GMT-03:00) Montevideo

28 AMERICA_NORONHA: 'America/Noronha' (GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic

29 ETC_GMT_PLUS_1: 'Etc/GMT+1' (GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Is.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/format Module 263

Key Olson Value Description

30 ATLANTIC_AZORES: 'Atlantic/Azores' (GMT-01:00) Azores

31 EUROPE_LONDON: 'Europe/London', GMT: 'GMT' (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh,
Lisbon, London

32 GMT: 'GMT' (GMT) Casablanca

33 ATLANTIC_REYKJAVIK: 'Atlantic/Reykjavik' (GMT) Monrovia, Reykjavik

34 EUROPE_WARSAW: 'Europe/Warsaw' (GMT+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb

35 EUROPE_PARIS: 'Europe/Paris' (GMT+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris

36 ETC_GMT_MINUS_1: 'Etc/GMT-1' (GMT+01:00) West Central Africa

37 EUROPE_AMSTERDAM: 'Europe/Amsterdam' (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome,

Stockholm, Vienna

38 EUROPE_BUDAPEST: 'Europe/Budapest' (GMT+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest,

Ljubljana, Prague

39 AFRICA_CAIRO: 'Africa/Cairo' (GMT+02:00) Cairo

40 EUROPE_ISTANBUL: 'Europe/Istanbul' (GMT+02:00) Athens, Bucharest, Istanbul

41 ASIA_JERUSALEM: 'Asia/Jerusalem' (GMT+02:00) Jerusalem

42 ASIA_AMMAN: 'Asia/Amman' (GMT+02:00) Amman

43 ASIA_BEIRUT: 'Asia/Beirut' (GMT+02:00) Beirut

44 AFRICA_JOHANNESBURG: 'Africa/Johannesburg' (GMT+02:00) Harare, Pretoria

45 EUROPE_KIEV: 'Europe/Kiev' (GMT+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn,


46 EUROPE_MINSK: 'Europe/Minsk' (GMT+02:00) Minsk

47 AFRICA_WINDHOEK: 'Africa/Windhoek' (GMT+02:00) Windhoek

48 ASIA_RIYADH: 'Asia/Riyadh' (GMT+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh

49 EUROPE_MOSCOW: 'Europe/Moscow' (GMT+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd

50 ASIA_BAGHDAD: 'Asia/Baghdad' (GMT+03:00) Baghdad

51 AFRICA_NAIROBI: 'Africa/Nairobi' (GMT+03:00) Nairobi

52 ASIA_TEHRAN: 'Asia/Tehran' (GMT+03:30) Tehran

53 ASIA_MUSCAT: 'Asia/Muscat' (GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat

54 ASIA_BAKU: 'Asia/Baku' (GMT+04:00) Baku

55 ASIA_YEREVAN: 'Asia/Yerevan' (GMT+04:00) Caucasus Standard Time

56 ETC_GMT_MINUS_3: 'Etc/GMT-3' (GMT+04:00) Tbilisi

57 ASIA_KABUL: 'Asia/Kabul' (GMT+04:30) Kabul

58 ASIA_KARACHI: 'Asia/Karachi' (GMT+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi

59 ASIA_YEKATERINBURG: 'Asia/Yekaterinburg' (GMT+05:00) Ekaterinburg

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/format Module 264

Key Olson Value Description

60 ASIA_TASHKENT: 'Asia/Tashkent' (GMT+05:00) Tashkent

61 ASIA_CALCUTTA: 'Asia/Calcutta' (GMT+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi

62 ASIA_KATMANDU: 'Asia/Katmandu' (GMT+05:45) Kathmandu

63 ASIA_ALMATY: 'Asia/Almaty' (GMT+06:00) Novosibirsk

64 ASIA_DHAKA: 'Asia/Dhaka' (GMT+06:00) Astana, Dhaka

65 ASIA_RANGOON: 'Asia/Rangoon' (GMT+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)

66 ASIA_BANGKOK: 'Asia/Bangkok' (GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta

67 ASIA_KRASNOYARSK: 'Asia/Krasnoyarsk' (GMT+07:00) Krasnoyarsk

68 ASIA_HONG_KONG: 'Asia/Hong_Kong' (GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong,


69 ASIA_KUALA_LUMPUR: 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur' (GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore

70 ASIA_TAIPEI: 'Asia/Taipei' (GMT+08:00) Taipei

71 AUSTRALIA_PERTH: 'Australia/Perth' (GMT+08:00) Perth

72 ASIA_IRKUTSK: 'Asia/Irkutsk' (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk

73 ASIA_MANILA: 'Asia/Manila' (GMT+08:00) Manila

74 ASIA_SEOUL: 'Asia/Seoul' (GMT+09:00) Seoul

75 ASIA_TOKYO: 'Asia/Tokyo' (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo

76 ASIA_YAKUTSK: 'Asia/Yakutsk' (GMT+09:00) Yakutsk

77 AUSTRALIA_DARWIN: 'Australia/Darwin' (GMT+09:30) Darwin

78 AUSTRALIA_ADELAIDE: 'Australia/Adelaide' (GMT+09:30) Adelaide

79 AUSTRALIA_SYDNEY: 'Australia/Sydney' (GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

80 AUSTRALIA_BRISBANE: 'Australia/Brisbane' (GMT+10:00) Brisbane

81 AUSTRALIA_HOBART: 'Australia/Hobart' (GMT+10:00) Hobart

82 PACIFIC_GUAM: 'Pacific/Guam' (GMT+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby

83 ASIA_VLADIVOSTOK: 'Asia/Vladivostok' (GMT+10:00) Vladivostok

84 ASIA_MAGADAN: 'Asia/Magadan' (GMT+11:00) Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia

85 PACIFIC_KWA JALEIN: 'Pacific/Kwajalein' (GMT+12:00) Fiji, Marshall Is.

86 PACIFIC_AUCKLAND: 'Pacific/Auckland' (GMT+12:00) Auckland, Wellington

87 PACIFIC_TONGATAPU: 'Pacific/Tongatapu' (GMT+13:00) Nuku'alofa

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/format Module 265


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/format Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var date = new Date(); //Mon Aug 24 2015 17:27:16 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
var TOKYO = format.format({
value: date,
type: format.Type.DATETIME,
timezone: format.Timezone.ASIA_TOKYO
}); //Returns "8/25/2015 9:27:16 am"

var NEWYORK = format.format({

value: date,
type: format.Type.DATETIME,
timezone: format.Timezone.AMERICA_NEW_YORK
}); //Returns "8/24/2015 8:27:16 pm"

var dateStr = "03/17/2015 09:00:00 pm"

var TOKYO_2 = format.parse({
value: dateStr,
type: format.Type.DATETIME,
timezone: format.Timezone.ASIA_TOKYO
}); //Returns Date object [[ Tue Mar 17 2015 05:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT) ]]

var NEWYORK_2 = format.parse({

value: dateStr,
type: format.Type.DATETIME,
timezone: format.Timezone.AMERICA_NEW_YORK
}); //Returns Date object [[ Tue Mar 17 2015 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT) ]]
// Add additional code

N/format/i18n Module
The N/format/i18n module allows for formatting of strings in international context.

■ N/format/i18n Module Members

N/format/i18n Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method format.â##spellOutâ##(options)
string Client and server- Creates a string containing
side scripts the spelled-out version of the
specified number in a specified

N/format/i18n Script Samples

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/format/i18n Module 266

The following script sample spells out the number 12345 as a string in German, “zwölftausenddrei-

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(format) {
var spellOut = format.spellOut({
number: 12345,
locale: "DE"


Method Description Spells out positive and negative number as a string in a specific language

For more information, see Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages.

Returns String

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/format Module

Methods and Properties N/format/i18n Module Members

Since 2019.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.number number required The number to be spelled out in a string. 2019.1

options.locale string required The language code that specifies the string’s 2019.1
language. ISO 639–1 alpha-2 language codes are

The language specified in this parameter is not

related to the language specified for a NetSuite
account. You can specify any language for this
parameter; you do not have to specify a NetSuite
supported language.

For more information, see Codes for the

Representation of Names of Languages.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 267

N/http Module
Use the http module to make HTTP calls from server-side or client-side scripts. On the client-side, this
module also provides the ability to make cross-domain HTTP requests using NetSuite servers as a
All HTTP content types are supported.

Note: The http module does not accept the HTTPS protocol. Use the N/https Module for that

■ N/http Module Members

■ ClientResponse Object Members
■ ServerRequest Object Members
■ ServerResponse Object Members
■ N/http Module Script Sample

General HTTP Header Blacklist

Be aware that certain headers cannot be set manually when using http module methods. If a script
attempts to set values for any of the following headers, the values are discarded. These headers are
described in the following table.

■ Connection ■ Transfer-Encoding
■ Content-Length ■ Upgrade
■ Host ■ Via
■ Trailer

Suitelet Response HTTP Header Blacklist

In addition to the headers described in General HTTP Header Blacklist, certain headers cannot be set
manually when interacting with the http.ServerResponse objects sent by Suitelets. If a script attempts
to set values for any of these headers, the system throws an SSS_INVALID_HEADER error. These
headers are described in the following table.

■ Access-Control-Allow-Origin ■ Date ■ Warning

■ Allow ■ Location ■ WWW-Authenticate
■ Connection ■ Proxy-Authenticate
■ Content-Length ■ Retry-After
■ Content-Location ■ Server
■ Content-MD5 ■ Trailer
■ Content-Range ■ Via

N/http Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Object http.ClientResponse read-only Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates the response to an

HTTP client request.

http.ServerRequest read-only Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates the HTTP request

information sent to an HTTP server.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 268

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types
For example, a request received by a
Suitelet or RESTlet.

http.ServerResponse Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates the response from an

HTTP server to an HTTP request. For
example, a response from a Suitelet
or RESTlet.

Method http.delete(options) http.ClientResponse Server-side scripts Sends an HTTP DELETE request and
returns the response.

http.ClientResponse Client scripts Sends an HTTP DELETE request
asynchronously and returns the

http.get(options) http.ClientResponse Server-side scripts Sends an HTTP GET request and

returns the response.

http.ClientResponse Client scripts Sends an HTTP GET request
asynchronously and returns the
response. http.ClientResponse Server-side scripts Sends an HTTP POST request and

returns the response.

http.ClientResponse Client scripts Sends an HTTP POST request
asynchronously and returns the

http.put(options) http.ClientResponse Server-side scripts Sends an HTTP PUT request and

returns the response.

http.ClientResponse Client scripts Sends an HTTP PUT request
asynchronously and returns the

http.ClientResponse Server-side scripts Sends an HTTP request and returns
the response.

http.ClientResponse Client scripts Sends an HTTP request
asynchronously and returns the

Enum http.CacheDuration enum Server-side scripts Holds the string values for supported
cache durations. This enum is
used to set the value of theâ##

http.Method enum Server-side scripts Holds the string values for supported
HTTP requests. This enum is used to
set the value of http.request(options)
and ServerRequest.method.

http.RedirectType enum Server-side scripts Holds the string values for

supported NetSuite resources
that you can redirect to. This
enum is used to set the value of
theâ## type â##argument forâ##

ClientResponse Object Members

The following members are called on http.ClientResponse.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 269

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Property ClientResponse.body read-only string Server-side scripts The client response


ClientResponse.code read-only number Server-side scripts The client response


ClientResponse.headers read-only Object Server-side scripts The client response


ServerRequest Object Members

The following members are called on the http.ServerRequest object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method ServerRequest.â##getLineCountâ##(options)
number Server-side scripts Returns the number of
lines in a sublist.

string Server-side scripts Returns the value of a
sublist line item.

Property ServerRequest.body read-only string Server-side scripts The server request


ServerRequest.files read-only Object Server-side scripts The server request files.

ServerRequest.headers read-only Object Server-side scripts The server request


ServerRequest.method http.Method enum Server-side scripts The HTTP method for

the server request.

read-only Object Server-side scripts The server request

ServerRequest.url read-only string Server-side scripts The server request URL.

ServerResponse Object Members

The following members are called on the http.ServerResponse object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method ServerResponse.â##addHeaderâ##(options)
void Server-side scripts Adds a header to the

void Server-side scripts Returns the value of a
response header.

void Server-side scripts Generates and renders a
PDF directly to the response.

void Server-side scripts Sets the redirect URL by
resolving to a NetSuite

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 270

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

void Server-side scripts Sets CDN caching for a
period of time.

void Server-side scripts Sets the value of a response

void Server-side scripts Writes information (text/
xml/html) to the response.

void Server-side scripts Writes a file to the response.

void Server-side scripts Writes line information (text/
xml/html) to the response.

void Server-side scripts Generates a page.

Property ServerResponse.headers Object Server-side scripts The server response


N/http Module Script Sample

Example 1

The following example shows an HTTP GET request for a URL.

Note: This sample script uses the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger
and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(http) {
function sendGetRequest() {
var response = http.get({
url: ''

Example 2

The following example is designed to redirect to new sales order record, and will set entity to 6.
(Assuming there is an entity with number 6, if there’s not, then entity will remain blank.)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 271

Note: This sample script uses the define function. Note that you cannot use On Demand
Debugging to step though a define function. You must use Deployed Debugging to step through
this script.

* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NScriptType Suitelet
define([ 'N/record', 'N/http' ],
function(record, http) {
function onRequest(context) {
type: http.RedirectType.RECORD,
identifier: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
parameters: {
entity : 6

return {
onRequest : onRequest

Object Description Encapsulates the response to an HTTP client request.

This object is read-only.

For a complete list of this object’s properties, see ClientResponse Object


Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/http Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var clientResponse = http.get({
url: ''
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 272


Property Description The client response body.

This property is read-only.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ClientResponse

Sibling Object Members ClientResponse Object Members

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var response = http.get({
url: ''
title: 'Client Response Body',
details: http.response.body
//Add additional code


Property Description The client response code.

This property is read-only.

Type number

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/http Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 273

Parent Object http.ClientResponse

Sibling Object Members ClientResponse Object Members

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var response = http.get({
url: ''
title: 'Client Response Code',
details: http.response.code
//Add additional code


Property Description The response header or headers.

This property is read-only.

Type object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ClientResponse

Sibling Object Members ClientResponse Object Members

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 274


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var response = http.get({
url: ''
title: 'Client Response Header',
details: http.response.headers
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates the HTTP request information to an HTTP server. For example, a
request received by a Suitelet or RESTlet.

This object is read-only.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see ServerRequest
Object Members.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/http Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

group: 'sublistId'
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to return the number of lines in a sublist.

Returns The number of lines in a sublist as a number.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 275

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerRequest

Sibling Object Members ServerRequest Object Members

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The sublist internal ID. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

group: 'sublistId'
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to return the value of a sublist line item.

Returns The value of the sublist line item as a string.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerRequest

Sibling Object Members ServerRequest Object Members

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 276

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The sublist internal ID. 2015.2 string required The sublist line item ID (name of the field). 2015.2

options.line string required The sublist line number. 2015.2

Note: Sublist index starts at 0.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

group: 'item',
name: 'amount',
line: '2'
//Add additional code


Property Description The server request body.

This property is read-only.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerRequest

Sibling Object Members ServerRequest Object Members

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 277


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

title: 'Server Request Body',
details: http.request.body
//Add additional code


Property Description The server request files.

This property is read-only.

Type Object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerRequest

Sibling Object Members ServerRequest Object Members

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippets show the syntax for this member. They are not
functional examples. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

title: 'Server Request Files',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 278

details: http.request.files
//Add additional code

var file = request.files['file_id'];


Property This object represents a series of key/value pairs. Each pair represents a server request
Description header name and its value.

Typically, this object encapsulates two iterations of each header name: one in lower case and
another in title case. This behavior is designed so that you can use either lower case or title
case when you reference a header. However, the existence of title-case iterations of header
names is not guaranted. For best results, refer to header names using all lower-case letters
(and hyphens, when applicable).

This property is read-only.

Important: The server request headers and their values are subject to change.
If you use these headers in your scripts, you are responsible for testing them to
make sure that they contain the information you need. For example, when making
an HTTP call to a Suitelet, some headers might be filtered out. Filtering can occur
if the headers affect how NetSuite processes the request internally. These filtered
headers are not available to the Suitelet, so you should test to see whether a header
was filtered out. If so, use a different header instead.

Type Object

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerRequest

Sibling Object ServerRequest Object Members


Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 279

title: 'Server Request Headers',
details: http.request.headers
//Add additional code


Property Description The server request http method.

This property is read-only.

Type http.Method enum

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerRequest

Sibling Object Members ServerRequest Object Members

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

title: 'Server Request Method',
details: http.request.method
//Add additional code


Property Description The server request parameters.

This property is read-only.

Type Object

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 280

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerRequest

Sibling Object Members ServerRequest Object Members

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

title: 'Server Request Parameters',
details: http.request.parameters
//Add additional code


Property Description The server request URL.

This property is read-only.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerRequest

Sibling Object Members ServerRequest Object Members

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 281


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

title: 'Server Request URL',
details: http.request.url
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates the response to an incoming http request from an HTTP server. For
example, a response from a Suitelet or RESTlet.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see ServerResponse
Object Members.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/http Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

name: 'Accept-Language',
value: 'en-us',
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to add a header to the response.

If the same header has already been set, this method adds another line for that
header. For example:

Vary: 'Accept-Language'
Vary: 'Accept-Encoding'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 282

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerResponse

Sibling Object Members ServerResponse Object Members

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The name of the header. 2015.2

options.value string required The value used to set the header. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}

SSS_INVALID_HEADER One or more headers are not The header name or value is invalid.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

name: 'Accept-Language',
value: 'en-us',
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to return the value or values of a response header. If multiple values
are assigned to the header name, the values are returned as an Array.

Returns string | string[]

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 283

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerResponse

Sibling Object Members ServerResponse Object Members

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The name of the header. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

name: 'Accept-Language'
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to set the redirect URL by resolving to a NetSuite resource.

For example, you could use this method and your own parameters to make a redirect
to a url for associated records, such as a redirect to a new sales order page for a
particular entity.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 284

Governance None

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerResponse

Sibling Object Members ServerResponse Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type string required The type of resource redirected to. Set this 2015.2
value using the http.RedirectType enum.

options.identifier number | required The primary ID for the resource. 2015.2

■ If redirecting to a media item (for
example, an image or PDF file), pass in
the file id.
■ If redirecting to a record, pass in the
record type using the record.Type
■ If redirecting to a RESTlet, pass in the
script ID as a number or string.
■ If redirecting to a tasklink, pass in the
task ID. For a list of supported task IDs,
see the help topic Task IDs.
■ If redirecting to a Suitelet, pass in the
script ID. number | optional The secondary ID for this resource. If the 2015.2
string resource type is a Suitelet or RESTlet, pass
in the deployment ID.

options.editMode boolean true optional Applicable when redirecting to a record 2015.2

| false resource.

Specifies whether to return a URL for a

record in edit mode or view mode.

The default value is false – returns the

record in view mode and not edit mode.

options.parameters object optional Additional URL parameters as name/value 2015.2



Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required A required parameter is missing. Note that this

argument: {param name} error is thrown if the script includes a typo in

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 285

Error Code Message Thrown If

certain enums. For example, you see this error if
you use http.RedirectType.TASKLINK instead of
http.RedirectType.TASK_LINK in the options.type

SSS_INVALID_URL_CATEGORY The options.type: {type} is The script uses an unrecognizable string value for
not valid. Please use the the options.type parameter. To avoid this error,
RedirectType enum for use the http.RedirectType enum.
supported types.

SSS_INVALID_TASK_ID The task ID: {id} is not The type is set to tasklink, and an invalid task ID is
valid. Please refer to the input for options.identifier.
documentation for a list of
supported task IDs.

SSS_INVALID_RECORD_TYPE Type argument {type} The redirect type is set to record, and an invalid
is not a valid record or record type is input for options.identifier.
is not available in your
account. Please see the
documentation for a list of
supported record types.

SSS_INVALID_SCRIPT_ID_1 You have provided an The type is set to Suitelet or RESTlet, and an
invalid script id or internal invalid script ID or invalid deployment ID is input
id: {id} for options.identifier or


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

type: http.RedirectType.RECORD,
identifier: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
parameters: {entity: 8}
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to set the value of a response header.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerResponse

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 286

Sibling Object Members ServerResponse Object Members

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The name of the header. 2015.2

options.value string required The value used to set the header. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}

SSS_INVALID_HEADER One or more headers are not The header name or value is invalid.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

name: 'Accept-Language',
value: 'en-us',
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to generate and render a PDF directly to the response.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerResponse

Sibling Object Members ServerResponse Object Members

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 287

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.xmlString string required Content of the pdf. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional
example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

*@NApiVersion 2.0
*@NScriptType suitelet
define(['N/xml'], function(xml){
return {
onRequest: function(context){
var xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
"<!DOCTYPE pdf PUBLIC \"-//\" \"report-1.1.dtd\">\n" +
"<pdf lang=\"ru-RU\" xml:lang=\"ru-RU\">\n" +
"<head>\n" +
"<link name=\"russianfont\" type=\"font\" subtype=\"opentype\" " +
"src=\"NetSuiteFonts/verdana.ttf\" " +
"src-bold=\"NetSuiteFonts/verdanab.ttf\" " +
"src-italic=\"NetSuiteFonts/verdanai.ttf\" " +
"src-bolditalic=\"NetSuiteFonts/verdanabi.ttf\" " +
"bytes=\"2\"/>\n" +
"</head>\n" +
"<body font-family=\"russianfont\" font-size=\"18\">\nRusskii tekst</body>\n" +


Method Description Method used to set CDN caching for a period of time.

Returns Void

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 288

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerResponse

Sibling Object Members ServerResponse Object Members

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.type enum required The value of the caching duration. Set using 2015.2
the http.CacheDuration enum.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

type: http.CacheDuration.MAX
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to write information to the response.

Note: This method accepts only strings. To pass in a file, you can use

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 289

Governance None

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerResponse

Sibling Object Members ServerResponse Object Members

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.output string required The output string being written. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}

WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE {param name} The value input for options.output is not a



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

output: 'Hello World'
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to write a file to the response.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerResponse

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 290

Sibling Object Members ServerResponse Object Members

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.file file.File required A file.File Object that encapsulates 2015.2

the file to be written.

options.isInline boolean true | optional Determines whether the file is inline. 2015.2
false If true, the file is inline.

The default value is false.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}

WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE {param name} The value input for options.file is not a

file.File Object.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

file: myFileObj,
isInline: true
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to write line information to the response.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/http Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 291

Parent Object http.ServerResponse

Sibling Object Members ServerResponse Object Members

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.output string required The output string being written. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}

WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE {param name} The value input for options.output is not a



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

output: 'this is a sample string'
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to generate a page.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerResponse

Sibling Object Members ServerResponse Object Members

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 292


Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.pageObject serverWidget.Assistant required A standalone page object 2015.2

| serverWidget.Form | in the form of an assistant,
serverWidget.List form or list.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var myPageObj = serverWidget.createList({
title: 'Simple List'

pageObject: myPageObj
//Add additional code


Property Description The server response headers.

This property is read-only.

Type Object

If multiple values are assigned to one header name, the values are returned as
an array. For example:

{Vary: ['Accept-Language', 'Accept-Encoding']}

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/http Module

Parent Object http.ServerResponse

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 293

Sibling Object Members ServerResponse Object Members

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

if serverResponse.headers.Content-Type === 'text/plain'
return true

title: "Server Response Headers",
details: ServerResponse.headers
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to send an HTTP GET request and return the response

Returns http.ClientResponse

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/http Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.url string required The HTTP URL being requested 2015.2

options.headers object optional The HTTP headers. 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 294


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var response = http.get({
url: ''
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to send an HTTP GET request asynchronously and return the response

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see http.get(options). For additional information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns A http.ClientResponse object.

Synchronous Version http.get(options)

Supported Script Types Client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 10 units

Module N/http Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

url: ''

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 295

title: 'Response',
details: response
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {
title: 'Invalid Get Request: ',
details: reason
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to send an HTTP DELETE request and return the response.

Important: If negotiating a connection to the destination server exceeds

5 seconds, a connection timeout occurs. If transferring a payload to the server
exceeds 45 seconds, a request timeout occurs.

Note: This method does not include an options.body parameter. Postdata

is not required when the HTTP method is a DELETE request.

Returns http.ClientResponse

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/http Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.url string required The HTTP URL being requested 2015.2

options.headers object optional The HTTP headers. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 296


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var response = http.delete({
url: ''
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to send an HTTP DELETE request asynchronously and return the

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see http.delete(options). For additional information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns A http.ClientResponse object

Synchronous Version http.delete(options)

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 10 units

Module N/http Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

url: ''
title: 'Response',
details: response
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 297

title: 'Invalid Request: ',
details: reason
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to send an HTTP request and return the response.

Important: If negotiating a connection to the destination server exceeds

5 seconds, a connection timeout occurs. If transferring a payload to the server
exceeds 45 seconds, a request timeout occurs.

Returns A http.ClientResponse object. For a complete list of this object’s properties, see
ClientResponse Object Members.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/http Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.method enum required The HTTP request method. Set using the 2015.2
http.Method enum.

options.url string required The HTTP URL being requested 2015.2

options.body string | optional The POST data if the method is POST.
Note: If the method is
DELETE, this body data is

options.headers object optional An object containing request headers. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 298


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var response = http.request({
method: http.Method.GET,
url: ''
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to send an HTTP request asynchronously and return the response.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see http.request(options). For additional information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns A http.ClientResponse object

Synchronous Version http.request(options)

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 10 units

Module N/http Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

method: http.Method.GET,
url: ''
title: 'Response',
details: response
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 299

title: 'Invalid Request: ',
details: reason
//Add additional code
Method Description Method used to send an HTTP POST request and return the response.

Important: If negotiating a connection to the destination server exceeds

5 seconds, a connection timeout occurs. If transferring a payload to the server
exceeds 45 seconds, a request timeout occurs.

Returns A http.ClientResponse object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/http Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.url string required The HTTP URL being requested 2015.2

options.body string | object required The POST data. 2015.2

options.headers object optional The HTTP headers. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 300

var response ={
url: '',
body: myPostDataObj
//Add additional code
Method Description Method used to send an HTTP POST request asynchronously and return the response.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see For additional information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns A http.ClientResponse object

Synchronous Version

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 10 units

Module N/http Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

url: '',
body: myPostDataObj
title: 'Response',
details: response
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {
title: 'Invalid Request: ',
details: reason

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 301

//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to send an HTTP PUT request and return the response.

Important: If negotiating a connection to the destination server exceeds

5 seconds, a connection timeout occurs. If transferring a payload to the server
exceeds 45 seconds, a request timeout occurs.

Returns http.ClientResponse object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/http Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.url string required The HTTP URL being requested 2015.2

options.body string | object required The PUT data. 2015.2

options.headers object optional The HTTP headers. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var response = http.put({
url: '',
body: myDataObj,

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 302

headers: headerObj
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to send an HTTP PUT request asynchronously and return the response.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see http.put(options). For additional information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns http.ClientResponse object

Synchronous Version http.put(options)

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 10 units

Module N/http Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

url: '',
body: myDataObj,
headers: headerObj
title: 'Response',
details: response
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {
title: 'Invalid Request: ',
details: reason
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 303

Enum Description Holds the string values for supported cache durations. This enum is used to set the value of
the ServerResponse.setCdnCacheable(options) property.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/http Module





Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

type: http.CacheDuration.MAX
//Add additional code

Enum Description Holds the string values for supported HTTP requests. This enum is used to set the value of
http.request(options) and ServerRequest.method.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server-side scripts


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 304

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/http Module




Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module.

//Add additional code

var response = http.request({
method: http.Method.GET,
url: ''
//Add additional code

Enum Description Holds the string values for supported NetSuite resources that you can redirect to. This enum
is used to set the value of the type argument for ServerResponse.sendRedirect(options).

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/http Module



SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/http Module 305


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

type: http.RedirectType.RECORD,
identifier: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
parameters: {entity: 6}
//Add additional code

N/https Module
Load the https module when you need to manage content sent to a third party via HTTPS calls. This
module encapsulates all the functionality of the N/http Module, but does not allow the HTTP protocol.
You can make HTTPS calls from client and server-side scripts.
SecureString functionality is supported only in server-side scripts. You can also use this functionality to
perform various string transformations using methods that hash, encode, or append another string.
You can use this module to encode binary content or access a handle to the value in a NetSuite
credential field.
When the https module is used, SuiteScript also loads the N/crypto Module and N/encode Module.

Important: Use TLS 1.2 for https requests. For more information, see the help topics FAQ:
Transport Layer Security (TLS) Deprecations, specifically SuiteScript and TLS.

Important: NetSuite supports the same list of trusted third-party certificate authorities (CAs)
as Microsoft. For a list of these CAs, see

■ N/https Module Members

■ SecureString Object Members
■ ClientResponse Object Members
■ ServerResponse Object Members
■ ServerRequest Object Members
■ N/https Module Script Sample

General HTTPS Header Blacklist

Be aware that certain headers cannot be set manually when using https module methods. If a script
attempts to set values for any of the following headers, the values are discarded. These headers are
described in the following table.

■ Connection ■ Transfer-Encoding
■ Content-Length ■ Upgrade
■ Host ■ Via

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 306

■ Trailer

Suitelet Response HTTPS Header Blacklist

In addition to the headers described in General HTTPS Header Blacklist, certain headers cannot be
set manually when interacting with the https.ServerResponse objects sent by Suitelets. If a script
attempts to set values for any of these headers, the system throws an SSS_INVALID_HEADER error.
These headers are described in the following table.

■ Access-Control-Allow-Origin ■ Date ■ Warning

■ Allow ■ JSESSIONID ■ WWW-Authenticate
■ Connection ■ Location
■ Content-Length ■ Proxy-Authenticate
■ Content-Location ■ Retry-After
■ Content-MD5 ■ Server
■ Content-Range ■ Trailer
■ Via

N/https Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Object https.SecureString Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates data that may be sent to a
third-party via an HTTPS call.

https.ClientResponse read-only Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates the response to an HTTPS

client request.

https.ServerRequest read-only Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates the HTTPS request

information sent to an HTTPS server.
For example, a request received by a
Suitelet or RESTlet.

https.ServerResponse Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates the response from an

HTTPS server to an HTTPS request. For
example, a response from a Suitelet or

Method https.â##createSecureKeyâ##(options)
Object Server-side scripts Creates a key for the contents of a
credential field.

Object Client scripts Creates a key asynchronously for the
contents of a credential field.

Object Server-side scripts Creates an https.SecureString object.

Object Client scripts Creates an https.SecureString object

https.delete(options) https.â##ClientResponseServer-side scripts Sends an HTTPS DELETE request and

returns the response.

https.â##ClientResponseClient scripts Sends an HTTPS DELETE request
asynchronously and returns the

https.get(options) https.â##ClientResponseServer-side scripts Sends an HTTPS GET request and

returns the response.

https.â##ClientResponseClient scripts Sends an HTTPS GET request
asynchronously and returns the

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 307

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types https.â##ClientResponseServer-side scripts Sends an HTTPS POST request and

returns the response.

https.â##ClientResponseClient scripts Sends an HTTPS POST request
asynchronously and returns the

https.put(options) https.â##ClientResponseServer-side scripts Sends an HTTPS PUT request and

returns the response.

https.â##ClientResponseClient scripts Sends an HTTPS PUT asynchronously
request and returns the response.

https.â##request(options) https.â##ClientResponseServer-side scripts Sends an HTTPS request and returns the


If a request fails, an
error.SuiteScriptError is thrown.

https.â##ClientResponseClient scripts Sends an HTTPS request asynchronously
and returns the response.

If a request fails, a Promise.reject is

thrown with a parameter Error.

Enum https.CacheDuration enum Server-side scripts Holds the string values for supported
cache durations. This enum is
used to set the value of theâ##

https.Encoding enum Server-side scripts Holds the string values for supported
encoding types. This enum is used
to set the value of parameters inâ##

https.HashAlg enum Server-side scripts Holds the string values for supported
hashing algorithms. This enum is
used to set the value of parameters
in SecureString.hash(options) and

https.Method enum Server-side scripts Holds the string values for supported
HTTP requests. This enum is used
to set the value of parameters in
https.request(options) and to set the
value of ServerRequest.method.

https.RedirectType enum Server-side scripts Holds the string values for supported
NetSuite resources to which you
can redirect. This enum is used to
set the value of parameters inâ##

SecureString Object Members

The following members are called on https.SecureString.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method Secureâ##String.â##appendâ##Secureâ##Stringâ##(â##options)
https.SecureString Server-side scripts Appends a passed in
https.SecureString to another

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 308

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

https.SecureString Server-side scripts Appends a passed in string to
a https.SecureString.

https.SecureString Server-side scripts Changes the encoding of a

SecureString.â##hash(options)https.SecureString Server-side scripts Produces the

https.SecureString as a hash.

https.SecureString Server-side scripts Produces the
https.SecureString as an

ClientResponse Object Members

The following members are called on http.ClientResponse.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Property ClientResponse.body read-only string Server-side scripts The response body.

ClientResponse.code read-only number Server-side scripts The response code.

ClientResponse.headers read-only Object Server-side scripts The response body.

ServerRequest Object Members

The following members are called on the http.ServerRequest.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method ServerRequest.â##getLineCountâ##(options)
number Server-side scripts Returns the number of
lines in a sublist.

string Server-side scripts Returns the value of a
sublist line item.

Property ServerRequest.body read-only string Server-side scripts The server request


ServerRequest.files read-only Object Server-side scripts The server request files.

ServerRequest.headers read-only Object Server-side scripts The server request


ServerRequest.method https.Method enum Server-side scripts The HTTPS method for

the server request.

read-only Object Server-side scripts The server request

ServerRequest.url read-only string Server-side scripts The server request URL.

ServerResponse Object Members

The following members are called on the http.ServerResponse.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 309

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method ServerResponse.â##addHeaderâ##(options)
void Server-side scripts Adds a header to the

void Server-side scripts Returns the value of a
response header

void Server-side scripts Generates and renders a
PDF directly to the response

void Server-side scripts Sets the redirect URL by
resolving to a NetSuite

void Server-side scripts Sets CDN caching for a
period of time.

void Server-side scripts Sets the value of a response

void Server-side scripts Writes information (text/
xml/html) to the response.

void Server-side scripts Writes a file to the response.

void Server-side scripts Writes line information (text/
xml/html) to the response.

void Server-side scripts Generates a page.

Property ServerResponse.headers Object Server-side scripts The server response


N/https Module Script Sample

The following example uses a GUID to generate a secure token and a secret key. Note this example
is meant to show how to use the APIs but will not actually work in the debugger because the GUID
does not exist in your account. Please try the Suitelet example for a more complete usage. To run, this
sample in the debugger, you must replace the GUID with one specific to your account.

Note: This sample script uses a require function so that you can copy it into the debugger
and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/runtime', 'N/https', 'N/crypto'],
function(http, https, crypto) {
function createSecureString() {
var passwordGuid = '{284CFB2D225B1D76FB94D150207E49DF}';
var secureToken = https.createSecureString({
input: passwordGuid
var secretKey = https.createSecretKey({
input: passwordGuid

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 310

secureToken = secureToken.hmac({
algorithm: crypto.HashAlg.SHA256,
key: secretKey

The following example is a Suitelet sample that shows creating a form field that generates a GUID.

For more information about credential fields, see Form.addCredentialField(options).

Note: The default maximum length for a credential field is 32 characters. If needed, use the
Field.maxLength property to change this value.

The values for restrictToDomains, restrictToScriptIds, and baseUrl in this sample are
placeholders. You must replace them with valid values from your NetSuite account.

This sample uses the define function. The NetSuite Debugger cannot step though a define
function. If you need to step through your code in the NetSuite Debugger, you must use a
require function.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
*@NScriptType Suitelet
define(['N/ui/serverWidget', 'N/https', 'N/url'],
function(ui, https,url) {
function onRequest(option) {
if (option.request.method === 'GET') {
var form = ui.createForm({
title: 'Password Form'
var credField = form.addCredentialField({
id: 'password',
label: 'Password',
restrictToDomains: [''],
restrictToCurrentUser: false,
restrictToScriptIds: 'customscript_my_script'
credField.maxLenth = 64;
pageObject: form
else {
// Request to an existing suitelet with credentials
var passwordGuid = option.request.parameters.password;
//Replace SCRIPTID and DEPLOYMENTID with the internal ID of the suitelet script and deployment in your account
var baseUrl = url.resolveScript({scriptID:SCRIPTID,deploymentId:DEPLOYMENTID,returnExternalURL:true});
var authUrl = baseUrl + '&pwd={' + passwordGuid + '}';
var secureStringUrl = https.createSecureString({
input: authUrl

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 311

var secureStringPWD = https.createSecureString({

input: '{' + passwordGuid + '}'
var headers = {
'pwd': secureStringPWD
var response = https.get({
credentials: [passwordGuid],
url: secureStringUrl,
headers: headers
return {
onRequest: onRequest

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.


Object Description Encapsulates a request string, such as a fragment of sensitive data that is going to
be sent to a third party.

This object is needed when you create a securestring, put your data in it, and
encode it a particular way.

For a complete list of this object’s methods, see SecureString Object Members.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

function createSecureString() {
var passwordGuid = '{284CFB2D225B1D76FB94D150207E49DF}';
var secureToken = https.createSecureString({
input: passwordGuid
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 312


Method Description Method used to append a passed in https.SecureString to another


Returns https.SecureString

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.secureString https.SecureString object required The https.SecureString to append.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

secureString: secureString2
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to append a passed string to an https.SecureString.

Returns https.SecureString

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 313


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.input string required The string to append.

options.inputEncoding https.Encoding enum required The encoding of the string that is

being appended.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

input: '48656c6c6f20776f726c640d0a',
encoding: https.Encoding.HEX});
//Add additional code


Method Description Changes the encoding of a https.SecureString

Returns https.SecureString

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.toEncoding https.Encoding required The encoding to apply to the returned string.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code ...

toEncoding: https.Encoding.HEX

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 314

//Add additional code


Method Description Hashes an https.SecureString object

Returns https.SecureString

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.algorithm https.HashAlg enum required The hash algorithm. Set the value using the
https.HashAlg enum.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

secureString = secureString.hash({
algorithm: crypto.HashAlg.SHA256
//Add additional code


Method Description Produces the securestring as an hmac.

Returns https.SecureString

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 315


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.algorithm https.HashAlg enum required The hash algorithm. Set by the

https.HashAlg enum.

options.key crypto.SecretKey required A key returned from



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

secureToken = secureToken.hmac({
algorithm: crypto.HashAlg.SHA256,
key: secretKey
//Add additional code

Method Description Creates and returns a crypto.SecretKey object. This method can take a GUID. Use
Form.addCredentialField(options) to generate a value.

You can put the key in your secure string. SuiteScript decrypts the value (key) and
sends it to the server

Returns crypto.SecretKey

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.encoding https.Encoding enum optional Specifies the encoding for the 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 316

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.guid string required A GUID used to generate a 2015.2

secret key.

The GUID can resolve to

either data or metadata.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var secretKey = https.createSecretKey({
encoding: https.Encoding.HEX,
guid: '284CFB2D225B1D76FB94D150207E49DF'
//Add additional code

Method Description Creates and returns a crypto.SecretKey object asynchronously.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see https.createSecureKey(options). For additional information on
promises, see Promise Object.

Returns A crypto.SecretKey object

Synchronous Version https.createSecureKey(options)

Supported Script All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

var secretKey = https.createSecretKey.promise({
encoding: https.Encoding.HEX,
guid: '284CFB2D225B1D76FB94D150207E49DF'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 317


//Add additional code

Method Description Creates and returns an https.SecureString.

Returns https.SecureString

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.input string required The string to convert to a Release 15

securestring. Version 2

https.Encoding enum optional

options.â##inputEncoding Identifies the encoding that Release 15
the input string uses. Version 2

The default value is UTF_8


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var secureToken = https.createSecureString({
input: passwordGuid
//Add additional code

Method Description Creates and returns an https.SecureString asynchronously.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 318

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see https.createSecureString(options). For additional information on
promises, see Promise Object.

Returns SecureTokenResolver

Synchronous Version https.createSecureString(options)

Supported Script All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

var secureToken = https.createSecureString.promise({
input: passwordGuid
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates the response to an HTTPS client request.

This object is read-only.

For a complete list of this object’s properties, see ClientResponse Object


Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var clientResponse = https.get({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 319

url: ''
//Add additional code


Property Description The client response body.

This property is read-only.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var response = https.get({
url: ''
title: 'Client Response Body',
details: https.response.body
//Add additional code


Property Description The client response code.

This property is read-only.

Type number

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 320

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var response = https.get({
url: ''
title: 'Client Response Code',
details: https.response.code
//Add additional code


Property Description The response header or headers.

This property is read-only.

Type object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/http Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 321

var response = https.get({
url: ''
title: 'Client Response Header',
details: https.response.headers
//Add additional code


Object Description Encapsulates the incoming https request information for an HTTPS server.

This object is read-only.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see ServerRequest
Object Members.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see https.ServerRequest.

//Add additional code

group: 'sublistId'
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to return the number of lines in a sublist.

Returns The number of lines in a sublist as a number.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 322

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The sublist internal ID. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

group: 'sublistId'
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to return the value of a sublist line item.

Returns The value of the sublist line item as a string.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The sublist internal ID. 2015.2 string required The name of the field. 2015.2

options.line string required The sublist line number. 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 323

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

Note: Sublist index starts at



Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

group: 'item',
name: 'amount',
line: '2'
//Add additional code

Property Description The server request body.

This property is read-only.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 324

title: 'Server Request Body',
details: https.request.body
//Add additional code


Property Description The server request files.

This property is read-only.

Type Object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippets show the syntax for this member. They are not
functional examples. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

title: 'Server Request Files',
details: https.request.files
//Add additional code

var file = request.files['file_id'];


Property This object represents a series of key/value pairs. Each pair represents a server request
Description header name and its value.

Typically, this object encapsulates two iterations of each header name: one in lower case and
another in title case. This behavior is designed so that you can use either lower case or title

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 325

case when you reference a header. However, the existence of title-case iterations of header
names is not guaranted. For best results, refer to header names using all lower-case letters
(and hyphens, when applicable).

This property is read-only.

Important: The server request headers and their values are subject to change.
If you use these headers in your scripts, you are responsible for testing them to
make sure that they contain the information you need. For example, when making
an HTTP call to a Suitelet, some headers might be filtered out. Filtering can occur
if the headers affect how NetSuite processes the request internally. These filtered
headers are not available to the Suitelet, so you should test to see whether a header
was filtered out. If so, use a different header instead.

Type Object

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

title: 'Server Request Headers',
details: https.request.headers
//Add additional code


Property Description The server request https method.

This property is read-only.

Type enum

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 326

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see Parameters.

//Add additional code

title: 'Server Request Method',
details: https.request.method
//Add additional code


Property Description The server request parameters.

This property is read-only.

Type Object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

title: 'Server Request Parameters',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 327

details: https.request.parameters
//Add additional code


Property Description The server request URL.

This property is read-only.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

title: 'Server Request URL',
details: https.request.url
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates the response to an incoming http request from an HTTP server. For
example, a response from a Suitelet or RESTlet.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see ServerResponse
Object Members.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 328

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

name: 'Accept-Language',
value: 'en-us',
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to add a header to the response.

If the same header has already been set, this method adds another line for that
header. For example:

Vary: 'Accept-Language'
Vary: 'Accept-Encoding'

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The name of the header. 2015.2

options.value string required The value used to set the header. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}

SSS_INVALID_HEADER One or more headers are not The header name or value is invalid.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 329


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

name: 'Accept-Language',
value: 'en-us',
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to return the value or values of a response header. If multiple values
are assigned to the header name, the values are returned as an Array.

Returns string | string[]

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The name of the header. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

name: 'Accept-Language'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 330

//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to create a redirect URL that resolves to a NetSuite resource. For
example, you could use this method to redirect to a new sales order page for a
particular entity.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Important: All parameters must be prefixed with custparam.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type string required The type of resource to which the script 2015.2
redirects. Use the https.RedirectType enum to
set a value for this parameter.

options.identifier number | required The primary ID for this resource. The value 2015.2
string you use varies depending on the value of
options.type, as follows:

■ MEDIA_ITEM — Use the internal ID of a file

stored in the NetSuite File Cabinet.
■ RECORD — Use the record.Type enum to
identify the appropriate record type.
■ RESTLET — Use the script ID from the script
record of the appropriate RESTlet.
■ SUITELET — Use the script ID from the script
record of the appropriate Suitelet.
■ TASK_LINK — Use the appropriate Task ID.
Supported IDs are listed in Task IDs. string optional The secondary ID for this resource. If the 2015.2
options.type parameter is set to SUITELET
or RESTLET, use the deployment ID. If the
options.type parameter is set to RECORD, you
can use the internal ID of a specific record

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 331

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.editMode boolean optional Applicable when redirecting to a record. Use the 2015.2
true | following values:
■ true — returns the record in edit mode.
■ false — returns the record in view mode.

The default value is false.

options.parameters object optional Additional URL parameters as key-value pairs. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required A required parameter is missing. Note that this

argument: {param error is thrown if the script includes a typo in
name} certain enums. For example, you see this error if
you use https.RedirectType.TASKLINK instead of
https.RedirectType.TASK_LINK in the options.type

SSS_INVALID_URL_CATEGORY The options.type: {type} The script uses an unrecognizable string value for
is not valid. Please use the options.type parameter. To avoid this error, use
the RedirectType enum the https.RedirectType enum.
for supported types.

INVALID_TASK_ID The task ID: {id} is not The options.type parameter is set to TASK_LINK,
valid. Please refer to the and the script uses an invalid task ID for
documentation for a list options.identifier. For a list of valid IDs, see the help
of supported task IDs. topic Task IDs.

INVALID_RCRD_TYPE The record type {type} is The options.type parameter is set to RECORD,
invalid. and the script uses an unrecognizable string value
for options.identifier. To avoid this error, use the
record.Type enum to identify the appropriate record

INVALID_ID You have provided The options.type parameter is set to RESTLET or

an invalid script id or SUITELET, and the script uses an invalid ID for
internal id: {id} options.identifier or


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

type: https.RedirectType.RECORD,
identifier: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
parameters: {entity: 8}
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 332


Method Description Method used to set the value of a response header.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The name of the header. 2015.2

options.value string required The value used to set the header. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}

SSS_INVALID_HEADER One or more headers are not The header name or value is invalid.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

name: 'Accept-Language',
value: 'en-us',
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to generates and renders a PDF directly to the response.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 333

Governance 10 units

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.xmlString string required Content of the pdf. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

xmlString:'<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<!DOCTYPE pdf PUBLIC "-//" "report-1.1.dtd">\n<pdf>\n<body
font-size="18">\nHello World!\n</body>\n</pdf>'
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to set CDN caching for a period of time.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.type string required The value of the caching duration. Set using 2015.2
the https.CacheDuration.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 334


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

type: https.CacheDuration.MAX
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to write information to the response.

Note: This method accepts only strings. To pass in a file, you can use

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.output string required The output string being written. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 335

Error Code Message Thrown If

WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE {param name} The value input for options.output is not a



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

output: 'Hello World'
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to write a file to the response.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.file file.File required A file.File Object that encapsulates 2015.2

the file to be written.

options.isInline boolean true | optional Determines whether the field is 2015.2

false inline. If true, the file is inline.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}

WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE {param name} The value input for options.file is not a

file.File Object.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 336


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

file: myFileObj,
isInline: true
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to write line information to the response.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.output string required The output string being written. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}

WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE {param name} The value input for options.output is not a



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 337

output: 'this is a sample string'
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to generate a page.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.pageObject serverWidget.Assistant required A standalone page object 2015.2

| serverWidget.Form | in the form of an assistant,
serverWidget.List form or list.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var myPageObj = serverWidget.createList({
title: 'Simple List'

pageObject: myPageObj

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 338

//Add additional code


Property Description The server response headers.

This property is read-only.

Type Object

Note that If multiple values are assigned to one header name, the values are
returned as an array. For example:

{Vary: ['Accept-Language', 'Accept-Encoding']}

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY You attempt to edit this property.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

if serverResponse.headers.Content-Type === 'text/plain'
return true

title: "Server Response Headers",
details: serverResponse.headers
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to send an HTTPS GET request and return the response

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 339

Returns https.ClientResponse

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.url string required The HTTPS URL being requested 2015.2

options.headers object optional The HTTPS headers. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var response = https.get({
url: ''
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to send an HTTPS GET request asynchronously and return the response

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see https.get(options). For additional information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns A https.ClientResponse object.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 340

Synchronous Version https.get(options)

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 10 units

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

url: 'http:s//'
title: 'Response',
details: response
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {
title: 'Invalid Get Request: ',
details: reason
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to send an HTTPS DELETE request and returns the response.

Important: If negotiating a connection to the destination server exceeds

5 seconds, a connection timeout occurs. If transferring a payload to the server
exceeds 45 seconds, a request timeout occurs.

Note: This method does not include an options.body parameter. Postdata

is not required when the HTTPS method is a DELETE request.

Returns https.ClientResponse

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 341

Governance 10 units

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.url string required The HTTPS URL being requested 2015.2

options.headers object optional The HTTPS headers. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var response = https.delete({
url: ''
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to send an HTTP DELETE request asynchronously and return the

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see https.delete(options). For additional information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns A https.ClientResponse object

Synchronous Version https.delete(options)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 342

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 10 units

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

url: ''
title: 'Response',
details: response
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {
title: 'Invalid Request: ',
details: reason
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to send an HTTPS request and return the response.

Important: If negotiating a connection to the destination server exceeds

5 seconds, a connection timeout occurs. If transferring a payload to the server
exceeds 45 seconds, a request timeout occurs.

Returns An https.ClientResponse Object. For a complete list of this object’s properties, see
ClientResponse Object Members.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 343


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.method enum required The HTTPS request method. Set using 2015.2
the https.Method enum.

options.url string required The HTTPS URL being requested 2015.2

options.body string | optional The POST data if the method is POST.
Note: If the method is
DELETE, this body data is

options.headers object optional An object containing request headers. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var response = https.request({
method: https.Method.GET,
url: ''
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to send an HTTP request asynchronously and return the response.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see https.request(options). For additional information on promises,
see Promise Object.

Returns A https.ClientResponse object

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 344

Synchronous Version https.request(options)

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 10 units

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

method: https.Method.GET,
url: ''
title: 'Response',
details: response
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {
title: 'Invalid Request: ',
details: reason
//Add additional code
Method Description Method used to send an HTTPS POST request and return the response.

Important: If negotiating a connection to the destination server exceeds

5 seconds, a connection timeout occurs. If transferring a payload to the server
exceeds 45 seconds, a request timeout occurs.

Returns An https.ClientResponse Object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/https Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 345

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.url string required The HTTPS URL being requested 2015.2

options.body string | object required The POST data.

options.headers object optional The HTTPS headers. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

Missing a required argument: {param name} A required parameter is
not passed.

This script executes a recursive function that A script is calling back
has exceeded the limit for the number of times into itself recursively via
a script can call itself using an HTTP request. an http/https request.
Please examine the script for a potential infinite
recursion problem.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var response ={
url: '',
body: myPostDataObj
//Add additional code
Method Description Method used to send an HTTPS POST request asynchronously and return the response.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see For additional information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns A https.ClientResponse object

Synchronous Version

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 346

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 10 units

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

url: '',
body: myPostDataObj
title: 'Response',
details: response
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {
title: 'Invalid Request: ',
details: reason
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to send an HTTPS PUT request and return server response.

Important: If negotiating a connection to the destination server exceeds

5 seconds, a connection timeout occurs. If transferring a payload to the server
exceeds 45 seconds, a request timeout occurs.

Returns An https.ClientResponse Object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/https Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 347


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.url string required The HTTPS URL being requested 2015.2

options.body string | object required The PUT data.

options.headers object optional The HTTPS headers. 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Missing a required argument: A required parameter is not passed.

{param name}


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var response = https.put({
url: '',
body: myDataObj,
headers: headerObj
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to send an HTTPS PUT request asynchronously and return the response.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see https.put(options). For additional information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns https.ClientResponse object

Synchronous Version https.put(options)

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 10 units

Module N/https Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 348

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

url: '',
body: myDataObj,
headers: headerObj
title: 'Response',
details: response
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {
title: 'Invalid Request: ',
details: reason
//Add additional code

Enum Description Holds the string values for supported cache durations. This enum is used to set the value of
the ServerResponse.setCdnCacheable(options) property.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module



SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 349


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample

//Add additional code

type: https.CacheDuration.MAX
//Add additional code

Enum Description Holds the string values for supported encoding values.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module


■ UTF_8
■ BASE_16
■ BASE_32
■ BASE_64


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample

// Add additional code

var mySecretKey = https.createSecretKey({
encoding: https.Encoding.HEX,
guid: '284CFB2D225B1D76FB94D150207E49DF'
// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 350

Enum Description Holds the string values for supported hashing algorithms.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module


■ SHA1
■ SHA256
■ SHA512
■ MD5


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample

// Add additional code

var mySecureString = https.createSecureString({
input: 'ConvertMe'
var mySecureStringHash = mySecureString.hash({
algorithm: https.HashAlg.SHA256
// Add additional code

Enum Description Holds the string values for supported HTTPS requests. This enum is used to set the value of
https.request(options) and ServerRequest.method.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server-side scripts


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 351

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module




Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var response = https.request({
method: https.Method.GET,
url: ''
//Add additional code


Enum Description Holds the string values for supported NetSuite resources to which you
can redirect. This enum is used to set the value of the type argument for

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/https Module


Value Description

MEDIA_ITEM A file in the NetSuite File Cabinet

RECORD A NetSuite record.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https Module 352

Value Description

RESTLET A deployed RESTlet.

SUITELET A deployed Suitelet.

TASK_LINK A page in NetSuite, as defined by a valid Task ID.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

type: https.RedirectType.RECORD,
identifier: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
parameters: {entity: 6}
//Add additional code

N/https/clientCertificate Module
Load the clientCertificate module to send SSL requests with a digital certificate.

Note: Only POST is supported for NetSuite Version 19.1.

Member Name Return Type/Value Type Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method clientCertificate.â##post(options)
https.ClientResponse Server-side scripts Sends a SSL secured
request to a remote

N/https/clientCertificate Module Script Sample

The following is an example of how to send a certificate to a Brazilian tax authority for authentication.

Note: This sample script uses a require function so that you can copy it into the debugger
and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function (cert) {

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https/clientCertificate Module 353

var url = "";

var data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"http://\"><soapenv:Body><ns1:nfeDadosMsg xmlns:ns1=\"
CadConsultaCadastro4\"><ConsCad xmlns=\"\" versao=\"2.00\"><infCons><xServ>CONS-CAD</
xServ><UF>SP</UF><CNPJ>47508411000156</CNPJ></infCons> </ConsCad></ns1:nfeDadosMsg></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>";
var key = "custcertificate1";
var headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/soap+xml"

var response ={

url: url,
certId: key,
body: data,
headers: headers
Method Description Method used to send a SSL secured request to a remote service and return the

Important: If negotiating a connection to the destination server exceeds

5 seconds, a connection timeout occurs. If transferring a payload to the server
exceeds 45 seconds, a request timeout occurs.

Returns An https.ClientResponse Object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/https/clientCertificate Module

Since 2019.1

Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required/Optional Description Since

options.url string required The URL address of the remote 2019.1


options.certId string required The ID of the client certificate. 2019.1

options.body string required The POST data to be sent to the 2019.1

remote server.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/https/clientCertificate Module 354

options.headers object optional The HTTPS headers associated 2019.1

with the request.

N/log Module
Use the log module to access methods for logging script execution details.

The log methods can be accessed globally or by loading this module. Load the N/log module when you
want to manually access its members, such as for testing purposes. For more information about global
objects, see SuiteScript 2.0 Global Objects.

■ N/log Module Members

■ N/log Module Guidelines
■ Using Log Levels
■ Viewing Script Execution Logs
■ log Module Script Sample
■ Governance on Script Logging

N/log Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method log.audit(options) Void Client and server- Logs an entry of type AUDIT to
side scripts the Execution Log tab of the
script deployment for the current

log.debug(options) Void Client and server- Logs an entry of type DEBUG

side scripts to the Execution Log tab of the
script deployment for the current

Void Client and server- Logs an entry of type EMERGENCY
side scripts to the Execution Log tab of the
script deployment for the current

log.error(options) Void Client and server- Logs an entry of type ERROR

side scripts to the Execution Log tab of the
script deployment for the current

N/log Module Guidelines

■ NetSuite governs the amount of logging that can be done in any specific 60 minute time period.
A company is allowed to make up to 100,000 log object method calls across all of their scripts.
Script owners are notified if NetSuite detects that one script is logging excessively and automatically
adjusts the log level.
■ NetSuite purges system errors older than 60 days and user-generated logs older than 30 days.
Because log persistence is not guaranteed, NetSuite recommends using custom records if you want
to store script execution logs for extended periods. 
■ The Execution Log tab also lists notes returned by NetSuite such as error messages. For more
information, see N/error Module.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/log Module 355

■ If you deploy a client script to a form using Form.clientScriptFileId or Form.clientScriptModulePath,

using the N/log module adds the logs to the deployment of the parent script. The parent script can
be either a beforeLoad user event script or a SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type.
■ When an object (that is not a string) is passed to a log object method, NetSuite runs
JSON.stringify(obj) on any values that are passed as the details parameter and equal a JavaScript

// log.debug(rec) //Shows the JSON representation of the current values in a record object
var id =;

Using Log Levels

Use the log methods along with the Log Level field on the Script Deployment to determine whether
to log an entry on the Execution Log subtab. If a log level is defined on a Script Deployment, then only
log Object method calls with a log type equal to or greater than this log level will be logged. This is
useful during the debugging of a script or for providing useful execution notes for auditing or tracking

Log levels and log Object methods act as a filter on the amount of information logged. The following
log levels are supported:

Log Level Description

Debug Shows all Audit, Error, and Emergency information on the Execution Log tab.

This type of logging is suitable only for testing scripts. To avoid excessive logging, the debug log
level is not recommended for active scripts in production.

Audit Shows a record of events that have occurred during the processing of the script (for example, “A
request was made to an external site.”).

Error Shows only unexpected script errors.

Emergency Shows only the most critical errors in the script log.

Viewing Script Execution Logs

To view logs for a specific script, see the Execution Log subtab of a Script Deployment record. These
logs are not guaranteed to persist for 30 days and may be purged to enhance performance if volume is

To view script execution log details for various scripts, go to Customization > Scripting > Script
Execution Logs Customization > Scripting > Script Execution Logs. This list of script execution logs is an
enhanced repository that stores all log details for 30 days. 

On this page, you can perform the following tasks:

■ Search for specific logs using filter options, such as log level, execution date range, and script name.

Note: The log list shows 10,000 entries at a time for a given filtered criteria. Users can view
other logs by using the Date and Script filter options.

■ Download the list as a CSV file or an Excel spreadsheet.

■ Print the list.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/log Module 356

When you debug a script in the SuiteScript Debugger, log details appear on the Execution Log tab of
the SuiteScript Debugger. These details do not appear on the Script Deployment page for the script.

log Module Script Sample

Note: This sample script uses the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger
and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(myLog) {
var myObject = {
name: 'Jane',
id: '123'
title: 'hello!'
title: 'hello!',
details: 'world'
title: 'myObj',
details: myObject

Method Description Logs an entry of type AUDIT to the Execution Log tab of the script deployment for
the current script.

This entry will not appear on the Execution Log tab if the Log Level field for the
script deployment is set to ERROR or above.

Use this method for scripts in production.

Returns void

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance Amount of logging in any 60 minute period is limited. See N/log Module

Module N/log Module

Since 2016.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/log Module 357


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


title string Optional String to appear in the Title column on the 2016.1
Execution Log tab of the script deployment.

Maximum length is 99 characters. If you set this

value to null, an empty string (''), or omit it, the word
“Untitled” appears for the log entry.

details any Required You can pass any value for this parameter. 2016.1

If the value is a JavaScript Object type,

JSON.stringify(obj) is called on the object before
displaying the value.

NetSuite truncates any resulting string over 3999



The following code snippet shows the syntax for this method.

//Add additional code

var var1 = 'value';
title: 'Audit Entry',
details: 'Value of var1 is: ' + var1
//Add additional code


Method Description Logs an entry of type DEBUG to the Execution Log tab of the script deployment
for the current script.

This entry does not appear on the Execution Log tab if the Log Level field for the
script deployment is set to AUDIT or above.

Use this method for scripts in development.

Returns void

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance Amount of logging in any 60 minute period is limited. See N/log Module

Module N/log Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/log Module 358

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


title string Required String to appear in the Title column on the 2016.1
Execution Log tab of the script deployment.

Maximum length is 99 characters.

If you set this value to null, an empty string (''),

or omit it, the word “Untitled” appears for the log

details any Optional You can pass any value for this parameter. 2016.1

If the value is a JavaScript object type,

JSON.stringify(obj) is called on the object before
displaying the value.

NetSuite truncates any resulting string over 3999


The following code snippet shows the syntax for this method.

//Add additional code

var var1 = 'value';
title: 'Debug Entry',
details: 'Value of var1 is: ' + var1
//Add additional code

Method Description Logs an entry of type EMERGENCY to the Execution Log tab of the script
deployment for the current script.

Use this method for scripts in production.

Returns void

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance Amount of logging in any 60 minute period is limited. See N/log Module

Module N/log Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/log Module 359

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


title string Optional String to appear in the Title column on the 2016.1
Execution Log tab of the script deployment.

Maximum length is 99 characters. If you set this

value to null, an empty string (''), or omit it, the word
“Untitled” appears for the log entry.

details any Required You can pass any value for this parameter. 2016.1

If the value is a JavaScript Object type,

JSON.stringify(obj) is called on the object before
displaying the value.

NetSuite truncates any resulting string over 3999


The following code snippet shows the syntax for this method.

//Add additional code

var var1 = 'value';
title: 'Emergency Entry',
details: 'Value of var1 is: ' + var1
//Add additional code

Method Description Logs an entry of type ERROR to the Execution Log tab of the script deployment for
the current script.

This entry will not appear on the Execution Log tab if the Log Level field for the
script deployment is set to EMERGENCY or above.

Use this method for scripts in production.

Returns void

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance Amount of logging in any 60 minute period is limited. See N/log Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/log Module 360

Module N/log Module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


title string Optional String to appear in the Title column on the 2016.1
Execution Log tab of the script deployment.

Maximum length is 99 characters. If you set this

value to null, an empty string (''), or omit it, the word
“Untitled” appears for the log entry.

details any Required You can pass any value for this parameter. 2016.1

If the value is a JavaScript object type,

JSON.stringify(obj) is called on the object before
displaying the value.

NetSuite truncates any resulting string over 3999



The following code snippet shows the syntax for this method.

//Add additional code

var var1 = 'value';
title: 'Error Entry',
details: 'Value of var1 is: ' + var1
//Add additional code

N/plugin Module
Load the N/plugin module to load custom plug-in implementations. For additional information, see the
help topic Custom Plug-ins.

Important: You cannot use the SuiteScript Debugger to debug a script on demand that uses
the N/plugin module. You must use deployed debugging. To use deployed debugging, you
must complete the steps described in Adding a Script that Instantiates a Custom Plug-in to
NetSuite. For the complete process on creating a custom plugin, see the help topic Custom
Plug-in Development. For additional information about on demand and deployed debugging,
see the help topic Using the SuiteScript Debugger.

■ N/plugin Module Members

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/plugin Module 361

■ N/plugin Module Script Samples

N/plugin Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method plugin.â##findâ##Implementationsâ##(â##options)
string[] Server-side scripts Returns the script IDs
of custom plug-in type

Method plugin.â##loadâ##Implementationâ##(â##options)
Object Server-side scripts Instantiates an
implementation of the custom
plug-in type.

N/plugin Module Script Samples

To test the following samples, you need a custom plugin type with Script ID:
customscript_magic_plugin and an interface with a single method: int doTheMagic(int, int).

Important: You cannot use the SuiteScript Debugger to debug a script on demand that uses
the N/plugin module. You must use deployed debugging. To use deployed debugging, you
must complete the steps described in Adding a Script that Instantiates a Custom Plug-in to
NetSuite. For the complete process on creating a custom plugin, see the help topic Custom
Plug-in Development. For additional information about on demand and deployed debugging,
see the help topic Using the SuiteScript Debugger.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

The following example shows an implementation of the interface:

* @NApiVersion 2.0
* @NScriptType plugintypeimpl
define(function() {
return {
doTheMagic: function (operand1, operand2)
return operand1 + operand2;

The following Suitelet example iterates through all implementations of the custom plugin type

Important: The Suitelet script record must specify the plugin type under Custom Plug-in
Types in order for it to recognize the plug-in.

* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NScriptType Suitelet

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/plugin Module 362

function(plugin) {
function onRequest(context) {
var impls = plugin.findImplementations({
type: 'customscript_magic_plugin'
for (i = 0; i < impls.length; i++) {
var pl = plugin.loadImplementation({
type: 'customscript_magic_plugin',
implementation: impls[i]
log.debug('impl ' + impls[i] + ' result = ' + pl.doTheMagic(10, 20));
var pl = plugin.loadImplementation({
type: 'customscript_magic_plugin'
log.debug('default impl result = ' + pl.doTheMagic(10, 20));

return {
onRequest: onRequest


Method Description Returns the script IDs of custom plug-in type implementations.

Returns an empty list when there is no custom plug-in type with the script ID
available for the executing script.

Returns A string[] containing a list of custom plug-in implementation script IDs.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/config Module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type string required The script ID of the custom plug-in type. 2016.1

boolean true
options.â##includeDefault optional The default value is true, indicating that 2016.1
| false the default implementation should be
included in the list.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/plugin Module 363


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/plugin Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var impls = plugin.findImplementations({
type: 'customscript_sample_plugin'
//Add additional code

Method Description Instantiates an implementation of the custom plugin type.

Returns the implementation which is currently selected in the UI (Manage Plug-ins

page) when no implementation ID is explicitly provided.

Returns An Object implementing the custom plug-in type.

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/config Module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.type string required The script ID of the custom plug-in 2016.1


options.implementation string optional The script ID of the custom plug-in 2016.1


Error Code Thrown If

UNABLE_TO_FIND_IMPLEMENTATION_1_FOR_PLUGIN_2 Either there is no such implementation of the

provided plug-in type, or the plug-in type does not


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/plugin Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/plugin Module 364

var pl = plugin.loadImplementation({
type: 'customscript_sample_plugin'
//Add additional code

N/portlet Module
Load the portlet module to resize or refresh a form portlet. See the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Portlet
Script Type.

■ N/portlet Module Members

■ N/portlet Module Script Sample

N/portlet Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type Supported Script Types Description

Method portlet.resize void Client scripts Resizes a form portlet


portlet.refresh void Client scripts Refreshes a form portlet


N/portlet Module Script Sample

The following sample shows how to create a form portlet that allows users to adjust its height and
width. It creates two text fields representing the height and width of the portlet, measured in pixels. It
also creates a button that runs the resize function to adjust the height and width of the portlet based
on the values of the text fields.
The sample also shows how to create a button that uses the refresh function. When pressed, the
portlet is updated to show the current date.
For more information about how a portlet is displayed on the NetSuite dashboard, see the help topic
SuiteScript 2.0 Portlet Script Type.
For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

* @NApiVersion 2.0
* @NScriptType portlet
* @NScriptPortletType form
function() {
function render(context) {
var portletObj = context.portlet;
portletObj.title = 'Test Form Portlet';
function setComponentsForResize() {
var DEFAULT_HEIGHT = '50';
var DEFAULT_WIDTH = '50';
var inlineHTMLField = portletObj.addField({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/portlet Module 365

id: 'divfield',
type: 'inlinehtml',
label: 'Test inline HTML'
inlineHTMLField.defaultValue = "<div id='divfield_elem' style='border: 1px dotted red; height: " +
DEFAULT_HEIGHT + "px; width: " + DEFAULT_WIDTH + "px'></div>"
layoutType: 'normal'
breakType: 'startcol'
var resizeHeight = portletObj.addField({
id: 'resize_height',
type: 'text',
label: 'Resize Height'
resizeHeight.defaultValue = DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
var resizeWidth = portletObj.addField({
id: 'resize_width',
type: 'text',
label: 'Resize Width'
resizeWidth.defaultValue = DEFAULT_WIDTH;
var resizeLink = portletObj.addField({
id: 'resize_link',
type: 'inlinehtml',
label: 'Resize link'
resizeLink.defaultValue = resizeLink.defaultValue = "<a id='resize_link'
{portletApiTestHelper.changeSizeAndResizePortlet(); }) \" href='#'>Resize</a><br>";
function setComponentsForRefresh() {
var textField = portletObj.addField({
id: 'refresh_output',
type: 'text',
label: ''
textField.defaultValue =;
var refreshLink = portletObj.addField({
id: 'refresh_link',
type: 'inlinehtml',
label: 'Refresh link'
refreshLink.defaultValue = "<a id='refresh_link' > function(portletApiTestHelper) {portletApiTestHelper.refreshPortlet(); }) \" href='#'>Refresh</a>";
return {
render: render

// portletApiTestHelper.js

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/portlet Module 366

function(portlet) {
function refreshPortlet() {
function resizePortlet() {
var div = document.getElementById('divfield_elem');
var newHeight = parseInt(document.getElementById('resize_height').value);
var newWidth = parseInt(document.getElementById('resize_width').value); = newHeight + 'px'; = newWidth + 'px';
return {
refreshPortlet: refreshPortlet,
resizePortlet: resizePortlet

Method Description Resizes a form portlet type immediately.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/portlet Module

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/portlet Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

//Add additional code

Method Description Refreshes a form portlet type immediately.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/portlet Module 367

Governance None

Module N/portlet Module

Since 2016.1

The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example. For a
complete script example, see N/portlet Module Script Sample.


N/query Module
Load the query module to create and run queries using the SuiteAnalytics Workbook query engine. For
more information, see the help topic SuiteAnalytics Workbook. Using the query module, you can:

■ Use multilevel joins to create queries using field data from multiple record types.
■ Create conditions (filters) using AND, OR, and NOT logic, as well as formulas and relative dates.
■ Sort query results based on the values of multiple columns.
■ Load and delete existing saved queries that were created using the SuiteAnalytics Workbook
■ View paged query results.
■ Use promises for asynchronous execution.

For more information about creating scripts using the N/query module, see the following help topics:

■ Scripting with the N/query Module

■ Formulas in the N/query Module
■ Relative Dates in the N/query Module

Important: As you use the N/query module, keep the following considerations in mind:

■ The N/query module lets you create and run queries using the SuiteAnalytics Workbook
query engine. In the 2019.1 release, you can use the N/query module to load and delete
existing queries, but you cannot save queries. You can save queries using the SuiteAnalytics
Workbook interface. For more information, see the help topic Navigating SuiteAnalytics
■ The N/query module supports the same record types that are supported in the
SuiteAnalytics Workbook interface. For more information, see the help topic Available

■ N/query Module Members

■ Column Object Members
■ Component Object Members
■ Condition Object Members
■ Page Object Members
■ PagedData Object Members
■ PageRange Object Members

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 368

■ Query Object Members

■ RelativeDate Object Members
■ Result Object Members
■ ResultSet Object Members
■ Sort Object Members
■ N/query Module Script Samples

N/query Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Object query.Column Object Client and server- Encapsulates the field types (query result
side scripts columns) that are displayed from the
query results.

Use Query.createColumn(options) or
Component.createColumn(options) to
create this object.

query.Component Object Client and server- Encapsulates one component of the

side scripts query definition. The query definition
always contains at least one component
that encapsulates the initial search type.
Queries with joins contain multiple
components that encapsulate the join

The initial component (Query.root)

is automatically created with the
query definition (query.Query).
Use Query.autoJoin(options) or
Component.autoJoin(options) to create
subsequent components.

query.Condition Object Client and server- Encapsulates a condition. A condition

side scripts narrows the query results.

Use Query.createCondition(options) or
Component.createCondition(options) to
create this object.

query.Page Object Client and server- Encapsulates one page of the paged query
side scripts results.

query.PagedData Object Client and server- Encapsulates a set of paged query

side scripts results. This object also contains
information about the set of paged results
it encapsulates.

query.PageRange Object Client and server- Encapsulates a range of pages from the
side scripts paged query results.

query.RelativeDate Object Client and server- Encapsulates a relative date range to use
side scripts in query conditions.

query.Result Object Client and server- Encapsulates a single row of the query
side scripts result set.

query.ResultSet Object Client and server- Encapsulates the set of results returned
side scripts by the query.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 369

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

query.Query Object Client and server- Encapsulates the query definition.

side scripts Use query.create(options) or
query.load(options) to create this object.

The creation of this object is the first

step in creating a query with the N/query

query.Sort Object Client and server- Encapsulates a sort that is placed on a

side scripts particular query result column.

Use Query.createSort(options) or
Component.createSort(options) to create
this object.

Method query.â##create(options)query.Query Client and server- Creates the query definition.

side scripts
The execution of this method is the first
step in creating a query with the N/query

Client and server- Creates a query.RelativeDate object that
side scripts represents a range of dates relative to the
current date.

query.â##delete(options)void Client and server- Deletes an existing query that was created
side scripts using the SuiteAnalytics Workbook UI. The
deleted query is no longer available and
cannot be modified or executed.

query.load(options) query.Query Client and server- Loads an existing query that was created
side scripts using the SuiteAnalytics Workbook UI.
The loaded query can be modified (for
example, by setting additional property
values), joined with other search types,
and executed in the same way as queries
created using query.create(options).

Enum query.Aggregate enum Client and server- Holds the string values for aggregate
side scripts functions supported with theâ## N/query

This enum is used to pass the

aggregate function argument toâ##
Query.â##createColumn(options), andâ##

query.DateRangeId enum Client and server- Holds the string values for supported date
side scripts range codes in relative dates.

This enum is used to pass

the date range argument to

query.Operator enum Client and server- Holds the string values for operators
side scripts supported with theâ## N/query Module.

This enum is used to pass the

operator argument toâ##

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 370

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

enum Client and server- Holdsâ## query.RelativeDate â##object
side scripts values for supported date ranges in
relative dates.

This enum is used to pass

the values argument toâ##

query.ReturnType enum Client and server- Holds the string values for the formula
side scripts return types supported with theâ## N/
query Module.

This enum is used to pass the

formula return type argument toâ##

query.SortLocale enum Client and server- Holds the string values for sort locales
side scripts supported with the N/query Module.

This enum is used to pass the sort locale

argument to Query.createSort(options)
and Component.createSort(options).

query.Type enum Client and server- Holds the string values for supported
side scripts search types used in the query definition.

This enum is used to pass the

initial search type argument to

Column Object Members

The following members are called on the query.Column object.

Member Name Return Type/Value Supported Script Description

Type Type Types

Property Column.aggregate string (read-only) Client and Describes an aggregate function

server-side that is performed on the query
scripts result column. An aggregate
function performs a calculation
on the column values and returns
a single value.

Column.component query.Component Client and Holds a reference to the

(read-only) server-side query.Component object to which
scripts this query result column belongs.

Column.consolidated boolean (read-only) Client and Indicates whether the

server-side query result column shows
scripts consolidated currency amounts.

Column.fieldId string (read-only) Client and Holds the name of the query
server-side result column. This property and
scripts the Column.formula property
cannot be set at the same time.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 371

Member Name Return Type/Value Supported Script Description

Type Type Types

Column.formula string (read-only) Client and Describes the formula used

server-side to create the query result
scripts column. This property and the
Column.fieldId property cannot
be set at the same time.

Column.groupBy boolean (read-only) Client and Indicates whether the query

server-side results are grouped by this query
scripts result column.

Column.type string (read-only) Client and Describes the return type of the
server-side formula used to create the query
scripts result column.

Component Object Members

The following members are called on the query.Component object.

Member Type Name Return Type/ Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Component.â##autoJoinâ##(options)
Client and server- Creates a join relationship.
side scripts
After you create the initial query definition,
use Query.autoJoin(options) to create your
first join. Then use this method to create
each subsequent join.

query.Column Client and server- Creates a query result column based on the
side scripts component.

Use this method to create columns

based on the join relationships created
with Query.autoJoin(options) and

Client and server- Creates a condition (filter column) based on
side scripts the component.

Use this method to create conditions

based on the join relationships created
with Query.autoJoin(options) and

query.Sort Client and server- Creates a sort based on the component.
side scripts
Use this method to create sorts based
on the join relationships created
with Query.autoJoin(options) and

Client and server- Creates a join relationship. This method is
side scripts an alias to Component.autoJoin(options).

After you create the initial query definition,

use Query.autoJoin(options) to create
your first join. Then use this method, or
Component.autoJoin(options), to create
each subsequent join.

Client and server- Creates an explicit directional join
side scripts relationship from another component

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 372

Member Type Name Return Type/ Supported Script Description

Value Type Types
to this component (an inverse join). This
method sets the Component.source
property on the returned query.Component

After you create the initial query definition,

use this method to create explicit
directional joins from other components to
this component.

Client and server- Creates an explicit directional join
side scripts relationship to another component from
this component (a polymorphic join).
You can use this method to specify the
target of the join when a field can join
multiple search types. This method sets
the property on the
returned query.Component object.

After you create the initial query definition,

use this method to create explicit
directional joins to other components from
this component.

Property Component.child Object (read- Client and server- Describes the child components of the
only) side scripts component. This property holds an object
of key/value pairs. Each key is the name
of a child component. Each value is the
corresponding child query.Component

Component.parent string (read- Client and server- Describes the parent query.Component
only) side scripts object of the component.

Component.source string (read- Client and server- Describes the source search type of the
only) side scripts component.

The value of this property is set when

Component.joinFrom(options) is called to
perform an explicit directional join from
another component. string (read- Client and server- Describes the target search type of the
only) side scripts component.

The value of this property is set when

Component.joinTo(options) is called to
perform an explicit directional join to
another component.

Component.type string (read- Client and server- Describes the search type of the
only) side scripts component.

Condition Object Members

The following members are called on the query.Condition object.

Member Name Return Type/Value Supported Script Description

Type Type Types

Property Condition.aggregate string (read-only) Client and Describes an aggregate function

server-side that is performed on the
scripts condition. An aggregate function

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 373

Member Name Return Type/Value Supported Script Description

Type Type Types
performs a calculation on the
condition values and returns a
single value.

Condition.children query.Condition[] Client and Holds an array of child conditions

(read-only) server-side used to create the parent
scripts condition.

query.Component Client and Holds a reference to the
(read-only) server-side query.Component object to
scripts which this condition belongs.

Condition.fieldId string (read-only) Client and Holds the name of the condition.

Condition.formula string (read-only) Client and Describes the formula used to

server-side create the condition.

Condition.operator string (read-only) Client and Holds the name of the operator
server-side used to create the condition.

Condition.type string (read-only) Client and The return type of the formula
server-side used to create the condition.

Condition.values string[] (read-only) Client and Holds an array of values used

server-side by an operator to create the
scripts condition.

Page Object Members

The following members are called on the query.Page object.

Member Type Name Return Type/Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Property query.ResultSet (read- Client and server- References the query results
only) side scripts contained in this page.

Page.isFirst boolean (read-only) Client and server- Indicates whether this page
side scripts is the first of the paged query

Page.isLast boolean (read-only) Client and server- Indicates whether this page
side scripts is the last of the paged query

Page.pagedData query.PagedData (read- Client and server- References the set of paged
only) side scripts query results that this page is

Page.pageRange query.PageRange (read- Client and server- The range of query results for
only) side scripts this page.

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N/query Module 374

PagedData Object Members

The following members are called on the query.PagedData object.

Member Type Name Return Type/Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method PagedData.iterator() Iterator object Client and server- Standard SuiteScript

side scripts 2.0 object for iterating
through results.

Property PagedData.count number (read-only) Client and server- Describes the total
side scripts number of paged query

query.PageRange[] Client and server- Holds an array of page
side scripts ranges for the set of
paged query results.

PagedData.pageSize number (read-only) Client and server- Describes the number

side scripts of query result rows per

PageRange Object Members

The following members are called on the query.PageRange object.

Member Type Name Return Type/Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Property PageRange.index number (read-only) Client and server- Describes the array index for
side scripts this page range.

PageRange.size number (read-only) Client and server- Describes the number of query
side scripts result rows in this page range.

Query Object Members

The following members are called on the query.Query object.

Member Type Name Return Type/ Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Query.and() query.â##Condition

Client and server- Creates a new condition (a query.Condition
â##object side scripts object) that corresponds to a logical
conjunction (AND) of the arguments passed
to the method. The arguments must be one
or more query.Condition objects.

Client and server- Creates a join relationship.
side scripts
After you create the initial query definition,
use this method to create your first join.

query.Column Client and server- Creates a query result column based on the
object side scripts query.Query object.

Use this method to create columns on

the initial query definition created with

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 375

Member Type Name Return Type/ Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Client and server- Creates a condition (filter column) based on
â##object side scripts the query.Query object.

Use this method to create conditions on

the initial query definition created with

query.Sort Client and server- Creates a sort based on the query.Query
object side scripts object. The query.Sort object describes a
sort that is placed on a particular query
result column or condition.

Query.join(options) query.â##Component
Client and server- Creates a join relationship. This method is
side scripts an alias to Query.autoJoin(options).

After you create the initial query

definition, use this method, or
Query.autoJoin(options), to create your first

Client and server- Creates an explicit directional join
side scripts relationship from another component
to the root component of the search
definition (an inverse join). This method
sets the Component.source property on the
returned query.Component object.

After you create the initial query definition,

use this method to create your first join
as an explicit directional join from another
component to this component.

Client and server- Creates an explicit directional join
side scripts relationship to another component from
this component (a polymorphic join).
You can use this method to specify the
target of the join when a field can join
multiple search types. This method sets
the property on the
returned query.Component object.

After you create the initial query definition,

use this method to create your first join
as an explicit directional join to another
component from this component.

Query.not() query.â##Condition
Client and server- Creates a new condition (a query.Condition
side scripts object) that corresponds to a logical
negation (NOT) of the argument passed
to the method. The argument must be a
query.Condition object.

Query.or() query.â##Condition
Client and server- Creates a new condition (a query.Condition
side scripts object) that corresponds to a logical
disjunction (OR) of the arguments passed to
the method. The arguments must be one or
more query.Condition objects. query.ResultSet Client and server- Executes the query and returns the query
side scripts result set. query.ResultSet Client scripts Executes the query asynchronously and

returns the query result set.

Query.runPaged() query.â##PagedData
Client and server- Executes the query and returns a set of
side scripts paged results.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 376

Member Type Name Return Type/ Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Client scripts Executes the query asynchronously and
returns a set of paged results.

Property Query.child Object (read- Client and server- Holds a references to children of the root
only) side scripts component of the query definition. The
value of this property is an object of key/
value pairs. Each key is the name of a child
component. Each respective value is the
corresponding query.Component object.

Query.columns query.Column[] Client and server- Holds an array of query result columns
side scripts returned from the query.

Before you execute the query, you must

assign all created columns as array values
to this property.

Query.condition query.â##Condition
Client and server- References the parent condition that
â##object side scripts narrows the query results.

Before you execute the query, you must

assign your simple or complex conditions to
this property. number (read- Client and server- Holds the ID of the query definition.
only) side scripts
This property has a value only for
existing queries that are loaded using
query.load(options). If you create a query
using query.create(options) but do not save
it, this property is null. string (read- Client and server- Holds the name of the query definition.
only) side scripts
This property has a value only for
existing queries that are loaded using
query.load(options). If you create a query
using query.create(options) but do not save
it, this property is null.

Query.root query.â##Component
Client and server- References the root component of the
â##(read-only) side scripts query definition.

Query.sort query.Column[] Client and server- Holds an array of query result columns
(read-only) side scripts used for sorting.

Query.type string (read- Client and server- Holds the search type of the initial query
only) side scripts definition.

RelativeDate Object Members

The following members are called on the query.RelativeDate object.

Member Type Name Return Type/Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Property RelativeDate.â##dateRangeId
string (read-only) Client and server- Holds the ID of the relative date
side scripts range.

RelativeDate.end Object (read-only) Client and server- Represents the end point of the
side scripts relative date range.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 377

Member Type Name Return Type/Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

RelativeDate.interval Object (read-only) Client and server- Represents the interval of the
side scripts relative date range (from the
RelativeDate.start point to the
RelativeDate.end point).

RelativeDate.start Object (read-only) Client and server- Represents the start point of the
side scripts relative date range.

RelativeDate.value number (read-only) Client and server- Holds the value of the relative
side scripts date range.

Result Object Members

The following members are called on the query.Result object.

Member Type Name Return Type/Value Type Supported Script Description


Property Result.columns query.Column[] (read-only) Client and server- Holds an array of query
side scripts result column references.

Result.values Array<string | number | Client and server- Describes the result values.
boolean | null> (read-only) side scripts

ResultSet Object Members

The following members are called on the query.ResultSet object.

Member Type Name Return Type/Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method ResultSet.iterator() Iterator object Client and server- Standard SuiteScript 2.0
side scripts object for iterating through

Property ResultSet.columns query.Column[] (read- Client and server- Holds an array of query
only) side scripts result column references.

ResultSet.results query.Result[] (read- Client and server- Holds an array of

only) side scripts query.Result objects.

ResultSet.types string[] (read-only) Client and server- Holds an array of the return
side scripts types for ResultSet.results.

Sort Object Members

The following members are called on the query.Sort object.

Member Name Return Type/ Supported Description

Type Value Type Script Types

Property Sort.ascending boolean Client and Indicates whether the sort direction is
server-side ascending.

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N/query Module 378

Member Name Return Type/ Supported Description

Type Value Type Script Types

Sort.caseSensitive boolean Client and Indicates whether the sort is case

server-side sensitive.
If a sort is case sensitive (and the
sort direction is ascending), rows
with column values that start with
uppercase letters are listed before
rows with column values that start
with lowercase letters. If a sort is
not case sensitive, uppercase and
lowercase letters are treated the

Sort.column query.Column Client and Describes the query result column

(read-only) server-side that the query results are sorted by.

Sort.locale string Client and The locale to use for the sort.
scripts A locale represents a combination of
language and region, and it can affect
how certain values (such as strings)
are sorted.

Sort.nullsLast boolean Client and Indicates whether query results with

server-side null values are listed at the end of the
scripts query results.

N/query Module Script Samples

Note: These sample scripts use the require function so that you can copy them into the
debugger and test them. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry
point script (the script that you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the
help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

The following script creates a query for Customer records, joins the query with two other query types,
and runs the query:

* @NApiVersion 2.x
function(query) {

// Create a query definition for Customer records

var search = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

// Join the original query definition based on the salesrep field. In a Customer
// record, the salesrep field contains a reference to an Employee record. When you
// join based on this field, you are joining the query definition with the Employee
// query type, and you can access the fields of the joined Employee record in
// your query.
var salesrep = search.autoJoin({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 379

fieldId: 'salesrep'

// Join the joined query definition based on the location field. In an Employee
// record, the location field contains a reference to a Location record.
var location = salesrep.autoJoin({
fieldId: 'location'

// Create conditions for the query

var cond1 = search.createCondition({
fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 107
var cond2 = search.createCondition({
fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 2647
var cond3 = salesrep.createCondition({
fieldId: 'email',
operator: query.Operator.START_WITH_NOT,
values: 'foo'

// Combine conditions using and() and or() operator methods. In this example,
// the combined condition states that the id field of the Customer record must
// have a value of either 107 or 2647, and the email field of the Employee
// record (the record that is referenced in the salesrep field of the Customer
// record) must not start with 'foo'.
search.condition = search.and(
cond3, search.or(cond1, cond2)

// Create query columns

search.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'id'
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'email'
fieldId: 'hiredate'
fieldId: 'name'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 380


// Sort the query results based on query columns

search.sort = [
column: search.columns[3]
column: search.columns[0],
ascending: false

// Run the query

var resultSet =;

// Retrieve and log the results

var results = resultSet.results;
for (var i = results.length - 1; i >== 0; i--)

The following script creates a query for Transaction records, joins the query with another query type,
and runs the query as a paged query:

* @NApiVersion 2.x
function(query) {

// Create a query definition for Transaction records

var search = query.create({
type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

// Join the original query definition based on the employee field. In a Transaction
// record, the employee field contains a reference to an Employee record. When you
// join based on this field, you are joining the query definition with the Employee
// query type, and you can access the fields of the joined Employee record in
// your query.
var entity = search.autoJoin({
fieldId: 'employee'

// Create a query column

search.columns = [
fieldId: 'subsidiary'

// Sort the query results based on a query column

search.sort = [

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 381

column: search.columns[0],
ascending: false

// Run the query as a paged query with 10 results per page

var results = search.runPaged({
pageSize: 10


// Retrieve the query results using an iterator

var iterator = results.iterator();
iterator.each(function(result) {
var page = result.value;
return true;

// Alternatively, retrieve the query results by looping through

// each result
for (var i = 0; i < results.pageRanges.length; i++) {
var page = results.fetch(i);

Scripting with the N/query Module

The N/query module lets you create and run queries using the SuiteAnalytics Workbook query engine.
Before you start creating your queries, you should be familiar with the module objects and how to use
them, as well as some of the terminology used in the N/query module. You can also take a look at a
script walkthrough that explains how to create queries using different approaches.

■ N/query Module Objects

■ N/query Module Terminology

N/query Module Objects

The N/query module includes the following objects:

■ Query and Component Objects

■ Condition Object
■ RelativeDate Object
■ Column Object
■ Sort Object
■ ResultSet and Result Objects
■ Page, PagedData, and PageRange Objects

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 382

Query and Component Objects

The query.Query object and the query.Component object are the primary building blocks for a
query created with the N/query module. Each query creates one query.Query object and one or
more query.Component objects. The query.Query object encapsulates the query definition, and the
query.Component object encapsulates one component of the query definition.
To create a query with the N/query module:

1. Use the query.create(options) method to create your initial query definition (the query.Query
object). The initial query definition uses one search type. For available search types, see
2. After you create the initial query definition, use Query.autoJoin(options),
Query.joinFrom(options), or Query.joinTo(options) to create your first join.
3. Use Component.autoJoin(options), Component.joinFrom(options), or
Component.joinTo(options) to create all subsequent joins.

The query definition always contains at least one query.Component object. Each new component
is created as a child of the previous component, and all components exist as children of the query
definition. You can think of a component as a building block; each new component builds on the
previous component created. The last component created encapsulates the relationship between it
and all of its parent components.
Queries with joins contain multiple components. The query definition contains a child
query.Component object for each of the following:

■ The initial query definition: The initial query.Component object is called the root component.
It encapsulates the initial search type passed to query.create(options). The root component is
automatically created with the initial query definition and is a child to the query.Query object. The
Query.root property contains a reference to the root component.
■ The first join: The second query.Component object is created with Query.autoJoin(options),
Query.joinFrom(options), or Query.joinTo(options). It encapsulates the relationship between the
initial query definition and the second search type. This relationship is determined by the join ID
passed to these methods, as well as whether Query.joinFrom(options) or Query.joinTo(options) was
used to create an explicit directional join. The second query.Component object is a child to the root
■ Each subsequent join: The third query.Component object is created with
Component.autoJoin(options), Component.joinFrom(options), or Component.joinTo(options).
All subsequent joins are also created using these methods. Each of these query.Component
objects encapsulates the relationship between all previous search types and the new search
type. This relationship is determined by the join ID passed to these methods, as well as whether
Component.joinFrom(options) or Component.joinTo(options) was used to create an explicit
directional join.

Condition Object
A condition narrows the query results. The query.Condition object performs the same function as the
search.Filter object in the N/search Module. The primary difference is that query.Condition objects can
contain other query.Condition objects.
To create conditions:

■ Use Query.createCondition(options) to create conditions for the initial query definition created with
■ Use Component.createCondition(options) to create conditions for the join relationships
created with Query.autoJoin(options), Query.joinFrom(options)/Query.joinTo(options),
Component.autoJoin(options), or Component.joinFrom(options)/Component.joinTo(options).

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N/query Module 383

■ If you have multiple conditions, use Query.and(), Query.or(), and Query.not() to create a new nested
■ If you want to use a formula to define your conditions, assign the formula to Condition.formula.
■ Assign your simple or nested conditions as array values to Query.condition.

RelativeDate Object
The query.RelativeDate object represents a date range that is relative to the current date. You can use
relative dates when you create query conditions.
To create relative dates:

■ Use query.createDateRange(options) to create a query.RelativeDate object. When you call

query.createDateRange(options), use the values in the query.DateRangeId enum to specify a range
of dates relative to the current date.
■ Use Query.createCondition(options) or Component.createCondition(options) to create a condition
using the query.RelativeDate object. Alternatively, you can create a condition using values in the
query.RelativeDateRange enum.
■ If you have multiple conditions, use Query.and(), Query.or(), and Query.not() to create a new nested
■ Assign your simple or nested conditions as array values to Query.condition.

Column Object
The query.Column object is the equivalent of the search.Column object in the N/search Module. The
query.Column object describes the field types (columns) that are displayed from the query results.
To create columns:

■ Use Query.createColumn(options) to create a column on the initial query definition created with
■ Use Component.createColumn(options) to create a column on a join relationship
created with Query.autoJoin(options), Query.joinFrom(options)/Query.joinTo(options),
Component.autoJoin(options), or Component.joinFrom(options)/Component.joinTo(options).
■ If you want to use a formula to define your columns, assign the formula to Column.formula.
■ Assign all created columns as array values to Query.columns.

Sort Object
The query.Sort object describes how query results are sorted (for example, ascending or descending,
case sensitive or case insensitive, and so on).
To create a sort:

■ Use Query.createSort(options) to create a sort on the initial query definition created with
■ Use Component.createSort(options) to create a sort based on a join relationship
created with Query.autoJoin(options), Query.joinFrom(options)/Query.joinTo(options),
Component.autoJoin(options), or Component.joinFrom(options)/Component.joinTo(options).
■ Assign all created sorts as array values to Query.sort.

ResultSet and Result Objects

When you are ready to execute your query, call This method returns a query.ResultSet
object, which encapsulates the metadata for the set of results returned by the query.

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N/query Module 384

To access your actual query results, iterate through the ResultSet.results array. Each member of the
ResultSet.results array is a query.Result object. The query.Result object encapsulates a single row of the
result set.

Page, PagedData, and PageRange Objects

You also can execute your query by calling Query.runPaged(). This method returns a query.PagedData
object, which encapsulates a set of paged query results.

To access your query results, iterate through the paged query results using PagedData.iterator().
You can access each page of the query results, which are represented by query.Page objects. The
query.PageRange object encapsulates the range of query results for a page.

N/query Module Terminology

Term Definition For More Information

Aggregate An aggregate function performs a calculation on a column ■ query.Aggregate

function of values and returns a single value. You can add aggregate
■ Component.â##createColumn(options)
functions to conditions and query results columns.
■ Component.â##createConditionâ##(options)
■ Query.â##createColumn(options)
■ Query.â##createConditionâ##(options)

Column A column describes the field types (columns) that are displayed ■ query.Column
from the query results. A column is also known as a query results

Component When you script queries with the N/query module, your query ■ query.Component
is made up of one or more components, which are represented
as query.Component objects. You can think of a component as
a building block; each new component builds on the previous
component created.

■ The first component created represents the initial search type

and is a child of query.Query.
■ Each subsequent component created is a child of the previous
■ The last component created encapsulates the join relationship
between it and all of its parent components.

A query always contains at least one component: the root

component. When you create the initial query definition
using query.create(options), the root component is created
automatically. Queries with joins contain multiple components. A
new component is created each time you create a join using one
of the following methods:

■ Query.autoJoin(options), Query.joinFrom(options), or
■ Component.autoJoin(options), Component.joinFrom(options),
or Component.joinTo(options)

Condition A condition narrows the query results. ■ query.Condition

Formula Formulas can be used to create conditions and columns. ■ Formulas in Search
■ SQL Expressions

Group You can summarize your query results into unique groups of ■ Column.groupBy
column values.

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N/query Module 385

Term Definition For More Information

Join A join lets you create a query based on a field ■ query.Query

type that is shared between two record types. You
■ query.Component
can useâ## Query.autoJoin(options) â##andâ##
Component.autoJoin(options) â##to create a join relationship
automatically based on a field that you specify. You can useâ##
Query.joinFrom(options)/Query.joinTo(options) â##andâ##
Component.joinFrom(options)/Component.joinTo(options) â##to
create explicit directional join relationships from one component
to another.

Page A page represents one page from a set of paged query results. ■ Query.runPaged()
When you create a query with the N/query module, you can
■ query.PagedData
return the results as one result set or a set of paged results.
■ query.PageRange
■ query.Page

Paged data Paged data represents a set of paged query results. ■ Query.runPaged()
■ query.PagedData
■ query.PageRange
■ query.Page

Page range A page range is a set of pages from a set of paged query results. ■ Query.runPaged()
■ query.PagedData
■ query.PageRange
■ query.Page

Relative date A relative date is a range of dates that is relative to the current ■ query.RelativeDate
date. You can use relative dates when you create query
■ query.â##createDateRangeâ##(options)
■ query.â##RelativeDateRange

Result A result is a single row from a result set. ■

■ query.ResultSet
■ query.Result

Result set A result set is a set of query results. ■

■ query.ResultSet
■ query.Result

Query The query definition is the initial search type you define, plus ■ query.Query
definition any subsequent joins you define. The initial query definition is
created with query.create(options).

Search type The search type is the initial search type of your query ■ query.Query
definition. It represents the record type you want to search
■ query.Type
for. It is set with the query.Type enum during the execution of
query.create(options). For example, if you want to search for
customer records, specify query.Type.CUSTOMER as the search
type when you call query.create(options).

Sort A sort is placed on a query results column to describe how the ■ query.Sort
query results are sorted (for example, ascending or descending,
■ Query.â##createSort(options)
case sensitive or case insensitive, and so on).
■ Component.â##createSort(options)

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N/query Module 386

Formulas in the N/query Module

When you create a query using the N/query module, you can specify columns and conditions for
the query. Columns describe the field types (or columns) that are displayed from the query results,
and conditions narrow the query results based on certain criteria. You create a column using
Query.createColumn(options), and you create a condition using Query.createCondition(options). Both
of these methods let you create a column or condition in two ways:

■ Use the fieldId parameter to explicitly specify the field on which to create the column or
■ Use the formula parameter to specify a formula to create the column or condition.

You can use formulas to perform a calculation to determine the column or condition value based on
the values of other fields in the record. For example, consider a situation in which you are working
with Customer records that include custom fields. These custom fields contain the amount of stock
for various items (50 units of item A, 24 units of item B, and so on). In your query results, you want to
include a column that calculates and displays the total amount of stock for all items for a Customer. If
the Customer records include three custom stock fields, you can create the result column as follows:

formula: '{item_A_stock} + {item_B_stock} + {item_C_stock}',
type: query.ReturnType.INTEGER

When you use a formula to create a column or condition, you must also use the type parameter to
specify the return type of the formula. This parameter accepts values from the query.ReturnType
enum. Defining the formula's return type might be required if the return type cannot be determined
automatically based on the formula. When you set the type parameter, the return value is properly
formatted based on the data type that you specify.
For more information on formulas, see the help topics Formulas in Search and SQL Expressions.

Formulas in Joined Queries

You can join your queries with other record types. Joining queries lets you obtain and display query
results with field values from multiple record types. When you use a formula in a joined query, you
must use fully qualified field IDs to access the fields in each joined record type. You must specify the
full join trail from the base record type. The join trail differs depending on the record types and join
Use the ^ and < operators to access fields in joined queries. The ^ operator lets you access fields in
record types that are joined using Query.joinTo(options) or Component.joinTo(options). This type of
join is also known as a polymorphic join. The < operator lets you access fields in record types that
are joined using Query.joinFrom(options) or Component.joinFrom(options). This type of join is also
known as an inverse join. You can use these operators when working with formulas in SuiteScript or
the NetSuite UI.
The following table lists common join operations and the corresponding join trail.

Join Type Join Operation Join Trail

Automatic using Query.autoJoin(options) or Base record fields (Customer)

// The base record
type is Customer ■ customer.<baseFieldName>
■ Example:
myCustomerQuery =
query.create({ Joined record fields (Employee)
query.Type.CUSTOMER ■ customer.salesrep.<joinedFieldName>

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N/query Module 387

Join Type Join Operation Join Trail

}); ■ Example:

// The joined
record type is
mySalesRepJoin =

Polymorphic using Query.joinTo(options) or Base record fields (Transaction)

// The base
record type is ■ transaction.<baseFieldName>
■ Example:â## transaction.entity
myTransactionQuery Joined record fields (Employee)
= query.create({
type: ■ transaction.â##<baseFieldName>^employee.â##<joinedFieldName>
■ Example:â##
}); transaction.â##createdby^employee.â##email

// The joined
record type is
myEmployeeJoin =

Inverse using Query.joinFrom(options) or Base record fields (Employee)

// The base record
type is Employee ■ employee.<baseFieldName>
■ Example:â## employee.entityid
myEmployeeQuery =
query.create({ Joined record fields (Transaction)
query.Type.EMPLOYEE ■ employee.â##<baseFieldName><transaction.â##daysoverdue
}); ■ Example:â##
// The joined
record type is

Join Trail Formatting

When you use join trails to access fields in joined queries, you can add whitespace characters and
parentheses to improve the readability of your formulas. For example, consider this join trail:

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N/query Module 388


The following join trails are equivalent to this one:

■ employee.entity < transaction.daysoverdue

■ (employee.entity)<(transaction.daysoverdue)

Relative Dates in the N/query Module

You can use relative dates when you create query conditions. When you use a query.RelativeDate
object or query.RelativeDateRange enum value to create a query condition, make sure that you use
an operator that makes sense for the date range that you provide to Query.createCondition(options)
or Component.createCondition(options). The query.Operator enum contains the supported operators
for the N/query module, but not all operators apply to relative dates. Use the following operators with
relative dates:

■ ON

When you create a query condition using the WITHIN or WITHIN_NOT operators and a
query.RelativeDate object, the condition uses the current date as one of the boundaries of the date
range. For example, consider the following query.RelativeDate object that represents dates from
two days ago until the current date:

var myDatesAgo = query.createDateRange({

dateRangeId: query.DateRangeId.DAYS_AGO,
value: 2

You can use this myDatesAgo object when you create a query condition. Consider the following query
condition that is created using the WITHIN operator and this myDatesAgo object:

var myCondition = myQuery.createCondition({

fieldId: 'trandate',
operator: query.Operator.WITHIN,
values: myDatesAgo

This query condition matches dates that are between two days ago and the current date (the day
before yesterday, yesterday, and today).

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N/query Module 389

Conversely, consider the following query.RelativeDate object that represents dates from the
current date until two days from now:

var myDatesFromNow = query.createDateRange({

dateRangeId: query.DateRangeId.DAYS_FROM_NOW,
value: 2

If you create a query condition using the WITHIN operator and this myDatesFromNow object, the
condition matches dates that are between the current date and two days from now (today, tomorrow,
and the day after tomorrow).

You can use the query.RelativeDate object, the query.RelativeDateRange enum, and the WITHIN
operator to specify complex date ranges. You can do this in several ways:

■ Use a single query.RelativeDate object or query.RelativeDateRange enum value. When you

use a single query.RelativeDate object, the current date is used automatically as one of the
boundaries, as discussed earlier. When you use a single query.RelativeDateRange enum value,
the start and end properties of the date range are used automatically as the boundaries. For

var myComplexCondition = myQuery.createCondition({

fieldId: 'trandate',
operator: query.Operator.WITHIN,
values: query.RelativeDateRange.SAME_DAY_LAST_WEEK

In this example, the first boundary is the beginning of the same day last
week, and the second boundary is the end of the same day last week. Using
query.RelativeDateRange.SAME_DAY_LAST_WEEK is equivalent to using either of the following:
□ query.RelativeDateRange.SAME_DAY_LAST_WEEK.interval
□ [query.RelativeDateRange.SAME_DAY_LAST_WEEK.start,
■ Use the start and end properties of values in the query.RelativeDateRange enum directly in the
values parameter for Query.createCondition(options) or Component.createCondition(options). For

var myComplexCondition = myQuery.createCondition({

fieldId: 'trandate',
operator: query.Operator.WITHIN,
values: [query.RelativeDateRange.THIS_FISCAL_YEAR.start, query.RelativeDateRange.YESTERDAY.end]

■ Use a combination of query.RelativeDateRange enum values and custom query.RelativeDate

objects. For example:

var myEndDate = query.createDateRange({

dateRangeId: query.DateRangeId.WEEKS_AGO,
value: 2

var myComplexCondition = myQuery.createCondition({

fieldId: 'trandate',
operator: query.Operator.WITHIN,
values: [query.RelativeDateRange.THREE_FISCAL_YEARS_AGO.start, myEndDate]

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 390


Object Description Encapsulates a query result column.

The query.Column object is the equivalent of the search.Column object in the N/search
Module. The query.Column object describes the field types (columns) that are displayed
from the query results.

To create columns:

■ Use Query.createColumn(options) to create a column on the initial query definition

created with query.create(options).
■ Use Component.createColumn(options) to create a column on a join relationship
created with Query.autoJoin(options) or Component.autoJoin(options).
■ Assign all created columns as array values to Query.columns. For an example, see

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/query Module

Methods and Column Object Members


Since 2018.1

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var salesrep = search.join({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

search.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'id'
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'email'

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N/query Module 391

fieldId: 'hiredate'

search.sort = [
column: search.columns[1]
column: salesrep.columns[0],
ascending: false

var resultSet =;


Property Description Describes an aggregate function that is performed on the query result column. An
aggregate function performs a calculation on the column values and returns a single

This property is set when Query.createColumn(options) or

Component.createColumn(options) is executed.

For a list of supported aggregate functions, see the query.Aggregate enum.

Type string (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Column

Sibling Object Column Object Members


Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myTransactionQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var myAggColumn = myTransactionQuery.createColumn({

fieldId: 'amount',
aggregate: query.Aggregate.AVERAGE

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N/query Module 392

myTransactionQuery.columns = [myAggColumn];

var theAggregate = myAggColumn.aggregate;

// Add additional code


Property Description Holds a reference to the query.Component object to which this query result column

This property is set when Query.createColumn(options) or

Component.createColumn(options) is executed.

Type query.Component object (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Column

Sibling Object Members Column Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myTransactionQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var myAmountColumn = myTransactionQuery.createColumn({

fieldId: 'amount'

var theComponent = myAmountColumn.component;

// Add additional code


Property Indicates whether the query result column displays consolidated currency amounts.
This property is set when Query.createColumn(options) or Component.createColumn(options)
is executed. The default value is false.

Consolidation is a financial concept of converting currency amounts from the base currency
of a child subsidiary to the base currency of its parent subsidiary. If the value of this property
is true, the column displays currency amounts in the base currency for the parent subsidiary.
If the value of this property is false, the column displays currency amounts in the base

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N/query Module 393

currency of the child subsidiary. For more information about consolidation, see the help topic
Consolidated Exchange Rates.

Type boolean (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Column

Sibling Object Column Object Members


Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myTransactionQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var myTranLinesJoin = myTransactionQuery.autoJoin({

fieldId: 'transactionlines'

myTransactionQuery.condition = myTranLinesJoin.createCondition({
fieldId: 'netamount',
operator: query.Operator.GREATER,
values: 50000

myTransactionQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'netamount'

var unconsolidatedResultSet =;

// Log unconsolidated amounts

for (var i in unconsolidatedResultSet.results)

myTransactionQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'netamount',
consolidated: true

var consolidatedResultSet =;

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N/query Module 394

// Log consolidated amounts

for (var i in consolidatedResultSet.results)
// Add additional code


Property Description Holds the name of the query result column.

This property is set during the execution of Query.createColumn(options) or

Component.createColumn(options). This property and the Column.formula property
cannot be set at the same time.

Type string (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Column

Sibling Object Column Object Members


Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myTransactionQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var myAmountColumn = myTransactionQuery.createColumn({

fieldId: 'amount'

var theFieldId = myAmountColumn.fieldId;

// Add additional code


Property Description Describes a formula used to create the query result column.

This property is set during the execution of Query.createColumn(options) or

Component.createColumn(options). This property and the Column.fieldId property cannot
be set at the same time.

For more information on formulas, see the help topics Formulas in Search and SQL

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 395

Type string (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Column

Sibling Object Column Object Members


Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myTransactionQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var myFormulaColumn = myTransactionQuery.createColumn({

type: query.ReturnType.CURRENCY,
formula: '{amount} * 125'

var theFormula = myFormulaColumn.formula;

// Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether the query results are grouped by this query result column.

This property is set during the execution of Query.createColumn(options) or


Type boolean (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Column

Sibling Object Members Column Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 396

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var myGroupByColumn = myCustomerQuery.createColumn({

fieldId: 'currency',
groupBy: true

var theGroupBy = myGroupByColumn.groupBy;

// Add additional code


Property Describes the return type of the formula used to create the query result column.
This property is set during the execution of Query.createColumn(options) or
Component.createColumn(options). If a formula is specified when these methods are called,
this property contains the return type of the formula. If a formula is not specified, this
property is null.

For more information on formulas, see the help topics Formulas in Search and SQL

Type string (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Column

Sibling Object Column Object Members


Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myTransactionQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var myFormulaColumn = myTransactionQuery.createColumn({

type: query.ReturnType.CURRENCY,
formula: '{amount} * 125'

var theFormulaType = myFormulaColumn.type;

// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 397

Object Encapsulates one component of the query definition. Each new component is created as a
Description child to the previous component. All components exist as children to the query definition

You can think of a component as a building block; each new component builds on the
previous component created. The last component created encapsulates the relationship
between it and all of its parent components.

The query definition always contains at least one component. Queries with joins contain
multiple components. The query definition (query.Query) contains a child query.Component
object for each of the following:

■ The initial query definition: The initial query.Component object is called the root
component. It encapsulates the initial search type passed to query.create(options). The
root component is automatically created with the query.Query object and is a child of the
query.Query object. The Query.root property contains a reference to the root component.
■ The first join: The second query.Component object is created with
Query.autoJoin(options). It encapsulates the relationship between the initial query
definition and the second search type. This relationship is determined by the join ID
passed to Query.autoJoin(options) . The second query.Component object is a child of the
root component.
■ Each subsequent join: The third query.Component object is created with
Component.autoJoin(options). All subsequent joins and their respective
query.Component objects are also created with Component.autoJoin(options) . Each
of these query.Component objects encapsulates the relationship between all previous
search types and the new search type. This relationship is determined by the join ID
passed to Component.autoJoin(options).

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/query Module

Methods and Component Object Members


Since 2018.1

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var salesrep = search.join({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

search.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 398

fieldId: 'id'
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'email'
fieldId: 'hiredate'

search.sort = [
column: search.columns[1]
column: salesrep.columns[0],
ascending: false

var resultSet =;

Method Description Creates a join relationship.

Use the method query.create(options) to create your initial query definition (query.Query).
The initial query definition uses one search type. For available search types, see

After you create the initial query definition, use Query.autoJoin(options) to create your
first join (query.Component). Then use Component.autoJoin(options) to create each
subsequent join (query.Component).

Important: The N/query module supports the same record types that are
supported by the SuiteAnalytics Workbook interface. For more information, see
the help topic Available Records.

Returns query.Component object

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Component

Sibling Object Component Object Members


Since 2018.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 399


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.fieldId string required The column type (field type) that joins the parent component to
the new component.

Obtain this value from the Records Browser:

1. Go to the parent component’s record type.

2. Scroll until you see the Search Joins table.
3. Locate the appropriate value in the Join ID column.

For more information on the Records Browser, see the help

topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.


Error Code Thrown If

RELATIONSHIP_ALREADY_USED The specified join relationship already exists.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var entity = search.autoJoin({

fieldId: 'entity'

search.columns = [entity.createColumn({
fieldId: 'subsidiary'

search.sort = [search.createSort({
column: search.columns[0],
ascending: false

var results = search.runPaged({

pageSize: 10


Method Description Creates a query result column based on the query.Component object.

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N/query Module 400

The query.Column object is the equivalent of the search.Column object in the N/search
Module. The query.Column object describes the field types (columns) that are displayed
from the query results.

To create columns:

■ Use Component.createColumn(options) to create conditions on the join

relationships created with Query.autoJoin(options) and Component.autoJoin(options).
Use this method in one of two ways:
□ Pass in an argument for the parameter options.fieldId.
□ Pass in an argument for the parameter options.formula. If you use this option,
you can also use the optional parameter options.type.
■ If needed, use Query.createColumn(options) to create columns on the initial query
definition created with query.create(options).
■ Assign all created columns as array values to Query.columns. For an example, see

Returns query.Column object

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Component

Sibling Object Component Object Members


Since 2018.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.fieldId string required if The name of the query result column. This value
options.formula is sets the Column.fieldId property.
not used
Obtain this value from the Records Browser:

1. Go to the appropriate record type.

2. Scroll until you see the Search Columns
3. Locate the appropriate value in the Internal
ID column.

For more information on the Records Browser,

see the help topic Using the SuiteScript Records

options.formula string required if The formula used to create the query result column.
options.fieldId is This value sets the Column.formula property.
not used
For more information on formulas, see the help
topics Formulas in Search and SQL Expressions.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 401

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.type string optional if If you use the options.formula parameter, use

options.formula is this parameter to explicitly define the formula’s
used return type. Defining the formula’s return type
might be required if the return type cannot be
determined correctly based on the specified
formula. This value sets the Column.type property.

Use the appropriate query.ReturnType enum value

to pass in your argument. This enum holds all the
supported values for this parameter.

options.aggregate string optional Use this parameter to run an aggregate function on

your query result column. An aggregate function
performs a calculation on the column values
and returns a single value. This value sets the
Column.aggregate property.

Use the appropriate query.Aggregate enum value

to pass in your argument. This enum holds all the
supported values for this parameter.

options.consolidated boolean optional Indicates whether the query result column shows
consolidated currency amounts. This value sets the
Column.consolidated property.

If you do not pass in an argument, the default value

is set to false.

options.groupBy boolean optional Indicates whether the query results are grouped
by this query result column. This value sets the
Column.groupBy property.

If you do not pass in an argument, the default value

is set to false.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var salesrep = search.join({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

search.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'id'
fieldId: 'entityid'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 402

fieldId: 'email'
fieldId: 'hiredate'

search.sort = [
column: search.columns[1]
column: salesrep.columns[0],
ascending: false

var resultSet =;


Method Description Creates a condition (query filter) based on the query.Component object.

A condition narrows the query results. The query.Condition object acts in the same
capacity as the search.Filter object in the N/search Module. The primary difference is that
query.Condition objects can contain other query.Condition objects.

To create conditions:

■ Use Component.createCondition(options) to create conditions on the join

relationships created with Query.autoJoin(options) and Component.autoJoin(options).
Use this method in one of two ways:
□ Pass in arguments for the parameters options.fieldId, options.operator,
and options.values. The combination of these arguments translates to <filter
column><operator><field value> (for example, ‘city’ equals ‘Boston’).
□ Pass in an argument for the parameter options.formula. If you use this option,
you can also use the optional parameter options.type.
■ If needed, use Query.createCondition(options) to create conditions on the initial query
definition created with query.create(options).
■ If you have multiple conditions, use them to create a new nested condition with the
methods Query.and(), Query.or(), and Query.not().
■ Assign your simple or nested condition to Query.condition. For an example, see Syntax.

Returns query.Condition object

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Component

Sibling Object Component Object Members


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 403

Since 2018.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.fieldId string required if The name of the condition. This value sets the
options.operator and Condition.fieldId property.
options.values are used
Obtain this value from the Records Browser:

1. Go to the appropriate record type.

2. Scroll until you see the Search Filters table.
3. Locate the appropriate value in the Internal
ID column.

For more information on the Records Browser,

see the help topic Using the SuiteScript Records

options.operator string required if The operator used by the condition. This value sets
options.fieldId and the Condition.operator parameter.
options.values are used
Use the appropriate query.Operator enum value
to pass in your argument. This enum holds all the
supported values for this parameter.

options.values string[] required if An array of string values. This value sets the
options.fieldId and Condition.values property.
options.operator are

options.formula string required if The formula used to create the condition. This
options.fieldId, value sets the Condition.formula property.
options.operator, and
options.values are not For more information on formulas, see the help
used topics Formulas in Search and SQL Expressions.

options.type string optional if If you use the options.formula parameter, use

options.formula is used this parameter to explicitly define the formula’s
return type. Defining the formula’s return type
might be required if the return type cannot be
determined correctly based on the specified
formula. This value sets the Condition.type

Use the appropriate query.ReturnType enum value

to pass in your argument. This enum holds all the
supported values for this parameter.

options.aggregate string optional Use this parameter to run an aggregate function

on a condition. An aggregate function performs
a calculation on the condition values and
returns a single value. This value sets the
Condition.aggregate property.

Use the appropriate query.Aggregate enum value

to pass in your argument. This enum holds all the
supported values for this parameter.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 404


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var salesrep = search.join({

fieldId: 'salesrep'
var location = salesrep.join({
fieldId: 'location'

var cond1 = search.createCondition({

fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 107
var cond2 = search.createCondition({
fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 2647
var cond3 = salesrep.createCondition({
fieldId: 'email',
operator: query.Operator.START_WITH_NOT,
values: 'foo'

search.condition = search.and(
cond3, search.not(
search.or(cond1, cond2)

var resultSet =;


Method Description Creates a sort based on the query.Component object. The query.Sort object describes a
sort that is placed on a particular query result column or condition.

To create a sort:

■ Use Component.createSort(options) to create a sort based on a join

relationship created with Query.autoJoin(options) or Component.autoJoin(options).
■ Use Query.createSort(options) to create a sort based on the initial query definition
created with query.create(options).
■ Assign all created sorts as array values to Query.sort. For an example, see Syntax.

Returns query.Sort

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 405

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Component

Sibling Object Members Component Object Members

Since 2018.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.column query.Column required The query result column that you want to sort by. This
value sets the Sort.column property.

options.ascending boolean optional Indicates whether the sort direction is ascending. This
value sets the Sort.ascending property.

The default value of this property is true, meaning

that the sort direction is ascending. If you want the sort
direction to be descending, set this property to false.

options.caseSensitive boolean optional Indicates whether the sort is case sensitive. This value
sets the Sort.caseSensitive property.

If a sort is case sensitive (and the sort direction is

ascending), rows with column values that start with
uppercase letters are listed before rows with column
values that start with lowercase letters. If a sort is not
case sensitive, uppercase and lowercase letters are
treated the same. For example, the following list of
items is sorted using a case-sensitive sort with a sort
direction of ascending:

■ Banana
■ Orange
■ apple
■ grapefruit
■ kiwi

Here is the same list of items sorted using a regular

(not case-sensitive) sort with a sort direction of

■ apple
■ Banana
■ grapefruit
■ kiwi
■ Orange

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 406

Parameter Type Required / Description

The default value of this property is false.

options.locale string optional The locale to use for the sort. This value sets the
Sort.locale property.

A locale represents a combination of language and

region, and it can affect how certain values (such as
strings) are sorted. For example, languages that share
the same alphabet may sort characters differently. Use
this property to ensure that query results are sorted
using locale-specific rules.

Use the appropriate query.SortLocale enum value

to pass in your argument. This enum holds all the
supported values for this parameter.

options.nullsLast boolean optional Indicates whether query results with null values are
listed at the end of the query results. This value sets
the Sort.nullsLast property.

The default value of this property is the value of the

options.ascending property. For example, if the
options.ascending property is set to true, the
options.nullsLast property is also set to true.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var salesrep = search.join({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

search.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'id'
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'email'
fieldId: 'hiredate'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 407

search.sort = [
column: search.columns[1]
column: salesrep.columns[0],
ascending: false

var resultSet =;


Method Description Creates a join relationship. This method is an alias to Component.autoJoin(options).

Use the method query.create(options) to create your initial query definition

(query.Query). The initial query definition uses one search type. For available search
types, see query.Type.

After you create the initial query definition, use Query.autoJoin(options) to create your
first join (query.Component). Then use Component.join(options) to create each
subsequent join (query.Component).

Important: The N/query module supports the same record types that are
supported by the SuiteAnalytics Workbook interface. For more information, see
the help topic Available Records.

Returns query.Component object

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Component

Sibling Object Component Object Members


Since 2018.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.fieldId string required The column type (field type) that joins the parent component
to the new component. This value determines the columns on
which the components are joined and the type of the newly joined

Obtain this value from the Records Browser:

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 408

Parameter Type Required / Description

1. Go to the parent component’s record type.
2. Scroll until you see the Search Joins table.
3. Locate the appropriate value in the Join ID column.

For more information on the Records Browser, see the help topic
Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var entity = search.join({

fieldId: 'entity'

search.columns = [entity.createColumn({
fieldId: 'subsidiary'

search.sort = [search.createSort({
column: search.columns[0],
ascending: false

var results = search.runPaged({

pageSize: 10


Method Description Creates an explicit directional join relationship from another component to this
component (an inverse join). This method sets the Component.source property on the
returned query.Component object.

Use the method query.create(options) to create your initial query definition

(query.Query). The initial query definition uses one search type. For available search
types, see query.Type.

After you create the initial query definition, use this method to create explicit directional
joins from other components to this component.

Important: The N/query module supports the same record types that are
supported by the SuiteAnalytics Workbook interface. For more information, see
the help topic Available Records.

Returns query.Component object

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 409

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Component

Sibling Object Members Component Object Members

Since 2018.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.fieldId string required The column type (field type) that joins the parent component to
the new component.

Obtain this value from the Records Browser:

1. Go to the parent component’s record type.

2. Scroll until you see the Search Joins table.
3. Locate the appropriate value in the Join ID column.

For more information on the Records Browser, see the help topic
Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.source string required The search type of the component joined to this component. This
value sets the Component.source property.

This value can be described as the inverse relationship of this

component, and it determines the source search type of the
newly joined component.


Error Code Thrown If

RELATIONSHIP_ALREADY_USED The specified join relationship already exists.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.EMPLOYEE

var salesorder = search.joinFrom({

fieldId: 'salesrep',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 410

source: 'salesorder'

var items = salesorder.autoJoin({

fieldId: 'item'

search.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'hiredate'
fieldId: 'id'
fieldId: 'trandate'

var sort1 = search.createSort({

column: search.columns[0],
var sort2 = search.createSort({
column: search.columns[1],
search.sort = [sort1, sort2];

var results =;


Method Description Creates an explicit directional join relationship to another component from this
component (a polymorphic join). This method sets the property on
the returned query.Component object.

Use the method query.create(options) to create your initial query definition

(query.Query). The initial query definition uses one search type. For available search
types, see query.Type.

After you create the initial query definition, use this method to create explicit directional
joins to other components from this component.

Important: The N/query module supports the same record types that are
supported by the SuiteAnalytics Workbook interface. For more information, see
the help topic Available Records.

Returns query.Component object

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 411

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Component

Sibling Object Members Component Object Members

Since 2018.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.fieldId string required The column type (field type) that joins the parent component to
the new component.

Obtain this value from the Records Browser:

1. Go to the parent component’s record type.

2. Scroll until you see the Search Joins table.
3. Locate the appropriate value in the Join ID column.

For more information on the Records Browser, see the help topic
Using the SuiteScript Records Browser. string required The search type of the component joined to this component. This
value sets the property.

This value can be described as the polymorphic relationship of this

component, and it determines the target search type of the newly
joined component.


Error Code Thrown If

RELATIONSHIP_ALREADY_USED The specified join relationship already exists.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var entity = search.joinTo({

fieldId: 'entity',
target: query.Type.CUSTOMER

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 412

search.columns = [
fieldId: 'subsidiary'

search.sort = [
column: search.columns[0],
ascending: false

var results = search.runPaged({

pageSize: 10


Property Description Holds a references to children of this component. The value of this property is an object of
key/value pairs. Each key is the name of a child component. Each respective value refers to
the corresponding query.Component object.

The object values are set during the execution of Query.autoJoin(options) and
Component.autoJoin(options). The order of the key/value pairs reflects the parent/child

Type Object (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Component

Sibling Object Component Object Members


Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var mySalesRepJoin = myCustomerQuery.autoJoin({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

var myDeptJoin = mySalesRepJoin.autoJoin({

fieldId: 'department'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 413

var theChild = mySalesRepJoin.child;

// Add additional code


Property Description Holds a references to the parent query.Component object of this component.

This property is set during the execution of Query.autoJoin(options) or


Type string (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Component

Sibling Object Members Component Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var mySalesRepJoin = myCustomerQuery.autoJoin({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

var myDeptJoin = mySalesRepJoin.autoJoin({

fieldId: 'department'

var theParent = myDeptJoin.parent;

// Add additional code


Property Description Describes the search type of the component joined to this component. This property
can also be described as the inverse relationship of this component.

This property is set during the execution of Query.joinFrom(options) and


Type string (read-only)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 414

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Component

Sibling Object Members Component Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myEmployeeQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.EMPLOYEE

var myTransactionJoin = myEmployeeQuery.joinFrom({

fieldId: 'entity',
source: 'transaction'

var theSource = myTransactionJoin.source;

// Add additional code

Property Description Describes the search type of this component. This property can also be described as
the polymorphic relationship of this component.

This property is set during the execution of Query.joinTo(options) and


Type string (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Component

Sibling Object Members Component Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myTransactionQuery = query.create({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 415

type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var myEmployeeJoin = myTransactionQuery.joinTo({

fieldId: 'createdby',
target: 'employee'

var theTarget =;

// Add additional code


Property Description Describes the search type of this component.

This property is set during the execution of Query.autoJoin(options) and


Type string (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Component

Sibling Object Members Component Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var theType = myCustomerQuery.type;

// Add additional code

Object Description A condition narrows the query results. The query.Condition object acts in the same
capacity as the search.Filter object in the N/search Module. The primary difference is that
query.Condition objects can contain other query.Condition objects.

To create conditions:

■ Use Query.createCondition(options) to create conditions for the initial query definition

created with query.create(options).

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 416

■ Use Component.createCondition(options) to create conditions for the join relationships

created with Query.autoJoin(options) and Component.autoJoin(options).
■ If you have multiple conditions, use them to create a new nested condition with the
methods Query.and(), Query.or(), and Query.not().
■ Assign your simple or nested condition to Query.condition. For an example, see Syntax.

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/query Module

Methods and Condition Object Members


Since 2018.1

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var salesrep = search.join({

fieldId: 'salesrep'
var location = salesrep.join({
fieldId: 'location'

var cond1 = search.createCondition({

fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 107
var cond2 = search.createCondition({
fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 2647
var cond3 = salesrep.createCondition({
fieldId: 'email',
operator: query.Operator.START_WITH_NOT,
values: 'foo'

search.condition = search.and(
cond3, search.not(
search.or(cond1, cond2)

var resultSet =;

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 417


Property Description Describes an aggregate function that is performed on the condition. An aggregate
function performs a calculation on the condition values and returns a single value.

This property is set during the execution of Query.createCondition(options) or


Note: This property is not applicable to parent conditions created with the
execution of Query.and(), Query.or(), or Query.not().

Type string (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Condition

Sibling Object Condition Object Members


Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var myAggregateCondition = myCustomerQuery.createCondition({

fieldId: 'openingbalance',
operator: query.Operator.GREATER,
values: 10000,
aggregate: query.Aggregate.MAXIMUM

var theAggregate = myAggregateCondition.aggregate;

// Add additional code


Property Description Holds an array of child conditions used to create the parent condition.

Note: This property is applicable to only parent conditions created with the
execution of Query.and(), Query.or(), or Query.not().

Type query.Condition[]

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 418

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Condition

Sibling Object Members Condition Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var myFirstCondition = myCustomerQuery.createCondition({

fieldId: 'openingbalance',
operator: query.Operator.GREATER,
values: 10000

var mySecondCondition = myCustomerQuery.createCondition({

fieldId: 'email',
operator: query.Operator.START_WITH_NOT,
values: 'foo'

var myComplexCondition = myCustomerQuery.and(myFirstCondition, mySecondCondition);

var theChildren = myComplexCondition.children;

// Add additional code


Property Description Describes the component used to created the condition

This property is set during the execution of Query.createCondition(options) and


Note: This property is not applicable to parent conditions created with the
execution of Query.and(), Query.or(), or Query.not().

Type string (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Condition

Sibling Object Members Condition Object Members

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 419

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var mySalesRepJoin = myCustomerQuery.autoJoin({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

var myCondition = mySalesRepJoin.createCondition({

fieldId: 'email',
operator: query.Operator.START_WITH,
values: 'mentor'

var theComponent = myCondition.component;

// Add additional code


Property Description Holds the name of the condition.

This property is set during the execution of Query.createCondition(options) and


Note: This property is not applicable to parent conditions created with the
execution of Query.and(), Query.or(), or Query.not().

Type string (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Condition

Sibling Object Members Condition Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 420

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var myCondition = myCustomerQuery.createCondition({

fieldId: 'openingbalance',
operator: query.Operator.GREATER,
values: 10000

var theFieldId = myCondition.fieldId;

// Add additional code


Property Description Describes the formula used to create the condition.

This property is set during the execution of Query.createCondition(options) and


For more information on formulas, see the help topics Formulas in Search and SQL

Note: This property is not applicable to parent conditions created with the
execution of Query.and(), Query.or(), or Query.not().

Type string (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Condition

Sibling Object Members Condition Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myTransactionQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var myFormulaCondition = myTransactionQuery.createCondition({

formula: '{amount} * 125',
operator: query.Operator.GREATER,
values: 50000,
type: query.ReturnType.CURRENCY

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 421


var theFormula = myFormulaCondition.formula;

// Add additional code


Property Description Holds the name of the operator used to create the condition.

This property is set during the execution of Query.createCondition(options) and


Note: This property is not applicable to parent conditions created with the
execution of Query.and(), Query.or(), or Query.not().

Type string (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Condition

Sibling Object Members Condition Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var myCondition = myCustomerQuery.createCondition({

fieldId: 'openingbalance',
operator: query.Operator.GREATER,
values: 10000

var theOperator = myCondition.operator;

// Add additional code


Property Description The return type of the formula used to create the condition.

This property is set during the execution of Query.createCondition(options) or


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 422

For more information on formulas, see the help topics Formulas in Search and SQL

Note: This property is not applicable to parent conditions created with the
execution of Query.and(), Query.or(), or Query.not().

Type string (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Condition

Sibling Object Members Condition Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myTransactionQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var myFormulaCondition = myTransactionQuery.createCondition({

formula: '{amount} * 125',
operator: query.Operator.GREATER,
values: 50000,
type: query.ReturnType.CURRENCY

var theFormulaType = myFormulaCondition.type;

// Add additional code


Property Description Holds an array of values used by an operator to create the condition.

This property is set by passing in values for options.fieldId, options.operator

and options.values during the execution of Query.createCondition(options) or

Note: This property is not applicable to parent conditions created with the
execution of Query.and(), Query.or(), or Query.not().

Type string[] (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Condition

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 423

Sibling Object Condition Object Members


Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var myCondition = myCustomerQuery.createCondition({

fieldId: 'firstname',
operator: query.Operator.ANY_OF,
values: ['Martin', 'Russell', 'Janina']

var theValues = myCondition.values;

// Add additional code


Object Description One page of the paged query results.

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/query Module

Methods and Properties Page Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 424

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'firstname'
fieldId: 'email'

var myPagedResults = myCustomerQuery.runPaged({

pageSize: 10

// Fetch results using an iterator

var iterator = myPagedResults.iterator();
iterator.each(function(resultPage) {
var currentPage = resultPage.value;
return true;

// Alternatively, fetch results using a loop

for (var i = 0; i < myPagedResults.pageRanges.length; i++) {
var currentPage = myPagedResults.fetch(i);
// Add additional code

Property Description References the query results contained in this page.

Type query.ResultSet (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Page

Sibling Object Members Page Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 425

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

var myPagedResults = myCustomerQuery.runPaged({

pageSize: 10

var iterator = myPagedResults.iterator();

iterator.each(function(resultPage) {
var currentPage = resultPage.value;
var theData =;
return true;
// Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether the page is the first of the paged query results.

Type boolean (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Page

Sibling Object Members Page Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 426

var myPagedResults = myCustomerQuery.runPaged({

pageSize: 10

var iterator = myPagedResults.iterator();

iterator.each(function(resultPage) {
var currentPage = resultPage.value;
var isFirst = currentPage.isFirst;
return true;
// Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether the page is the last of the paged query results.

Type boolean (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Page

Sibling Object Members Page Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'firstname'
fieldId: 'email'

var myPagedResults = myCustomerQuery.runPaged({

pageSize: 10

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 427


var iterator = myPagedResults.iterator();

iterator.each(function(resultPage) {
var currentPage = resultPage.value;
var isLast = currentPage.isLast;
return true;
// Add additional code


Property Description The range of query results for this page.

Type query.PageRange (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Page

Sibling Object Members Page Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

var myPagedResults = myCustomerQuery.runPaged({

pageSize: 10

var iterator = myPagedResults.iterator();

iterator.each(function(resultPage) {
var currentPage = resultPage.value;
var thePageRange = currentPage.pageRange;
return true;

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 428

// Add additional code


Property Description References the set of paged query results that this page is from.

Type query.PagedData (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Page

Sibling Object Members Page Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

var myPagedResults = myCustomerQuery.runPaged({

pageSize: 10

var iterator = myPagedResults.iterator();

iterator.each(function(resultPage) {
var currentPage = resultPage.value;
var thePagedData = currentPage.pagedData;
return true;
// Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates a set of paged query results. This object also contains information
about the set of paged results it encapsulates.

Use Query.runPaged() or Query.runPaged.promise() to create this object.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 429

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/query Module

Methods and Properties PagedData Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'firstname'
fieldId: 'email'

var myPagedResults = myCustomerQuery.runPaged({

pageSize: 10

// Fetch results using an iterator

var iterator = myPagedResults.iterator();
iterator.each(function(resultPage) {
var currentPage = resultPage.value;
var currentPagedData = currentPage.pagedData;
return true;

// Alternatively, fetch results using a loop

for (var i = 0; i < myPagedResults.pageRanges.length; i++) {
var currentPage = myPagedResults.fetch(i);
var currentPagedData = currentPage.pagedData;
// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 430


Method Description Standard SuiteScript 2.0 object for iterating through results

Returns Iterator object

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.PagedData

Sibling Object Members PagedData Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

var myPagedResults = myCustomerQuery.runPaged({

pageSize: 10

var iterator = myPagedResults.iterator();

iterator.each(function(resultPage) {
var currentPage = resultPage.value;
var currentPagedData = currentPage.pagedData;
return true;
// Add additional code


Property Description Describes the total number of paged query result rows.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 431

Type number (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.PagedData

Sibling Object Members PagedData Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

var myPagedResults = myCustomerQuery.runPaged({

pageSize: 10

var iterator = myPagedResults.iterator();

iterator.each(function(resultPage) {
var currentPage = resultPage.value;
var currentPagedData = currentPage.pagedData;
var theCount = currentPagedData.count;
return true;
// Add additional code


Property Description Holds an array of page ranges for the paged query results.

Type query.PageRange[]

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.PagedData

Sibling Object Members PagedData Object Members

Since 2018.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 432


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

var myPagedResults = myCustomerQuery.runPaged({

pageSize: 10

var iterator = myPagedResults.iterator();

iterator.each(function(resultPage) {
var currentPage = resultPage.value;
var currentPagedData = currentPage.pagedData;
var thePageRanges = currentPagedData.pageRanges;
return true;
// Add additional code


Property Description Describes the number of query result rows per page.

Type number (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.PagedData

Sibling Object Members PagedData Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 433

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

var myPagedResults = myCustomerQuery.runPaged({

pageSize: 10

var iterator = myPagedResults.iterator();

iterator.each(function(resultPage) {
var currentPage = resultPage.value;
var currentPagedData = currentPage.pagedData;
var thePageSize = currentPagedData.pageSize;
return true;

// Add additional code


Object Description Encapsulates the range of query results for a page.

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/query Module

Methods and Properties PageRange Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 434

fieldId: 'firstname'
fieldId: 'email'

var myPagedResults = myCustomerQuery.runPaged({

pageSize: 10

// Fetch results using an iterator

var iterator = myPagedResults.iterator();
iterator.each(function(resultPage) {
var currentPage = resultPage.value;
var currentPageRange = currentPage.pageRange;
return true;

// Alternatively, fetch results using a loop

for (var i = 0; i < myPagedResults.pageRanges.length; i++) {
var currentPage = myPagedResults.fetch(i);
var currentPageRange = currentPage.pageRange;
// Add additional code


Property Description Describes the array index for this page range.

Type number (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.PageRange

Sibling Object Members PageRange Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 435

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

var myPagedResults = myCustomerQuery.runPaged({

pageSize: 10

var iterator = myPagedResults.iterator();

iterator.each(function(resultPage) {
var currentPage = resultPage.value;
var currentPageRange = currentPage.pageRange;
var theIndex = currentPageRange.index;
return true;
// Add additional code


Property Description Describes the number of query result rows in this page range.

Type number (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.PageRange

Sibling Object Members PageRange Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 436

var myPagedResults = myCustomerQuery.runPaged({

pageSize: 10

var iterator = myPagedResults.iterator();

iterator.each(function(resultPage) {
var currentPage = resultPage.value;
var currentPageRange = currentPage.pageRange;
var theSize = currentPageRange.size;
return true;
// Add additional code

Object Description The query.Query object encapsulates the query definition. To create a query with the N/
query module:

1. Use the query.create(options) method to create your query definition (this object).
The initial query definition uses one search type. For available search types, see
2. After you create the initial query definition, use Query.autoJoin(options) to create your
first join.
3. Then use Component.autoJoin(options) to create all subsequent joins.

The query definition always contains at least one query.Component object. The
query.Component object encapsulates one component of the query definition. Each new
component is created as a child to the previous component, and all components exist as
children to the query definition.

You can think of a component as a building block; each new component builds on the
previous component created. The last component created encapsulates the relationship
between it and all of its parent components.

Queries with joins contain multiple components. The query definition contains a child
query.Component object for each of the following:

■ The initial query definition: The initial query.Component object is called the root
component. It encapsulates the initial search type passed to query.create(options). The
root component is automatically created with the initial query definition and is a child
to the query.Query object. The Query.root property contains a reference to the root
■ The first join: The second query.Component object is created with
Query.autoJoin(options). It encapsulates the relationship between the initial query
definition and the second search type. This relationship is determined by the join ID
passed to Query.autoJoin(options). The second query.Component object is a child to the
root component.
■ Each subsequent join: The third query.Component object is created with
Component.autoJoin(options). All subsequent joins are also created with
Component.autoJoin(options) . Each of these query.Component objects encapsulates the
relationship between all previous search types and the new search type. This relationship
is determined by the join ID passed to Component.autoJoin(options).

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 437

Module N/query Module

Methods and Query Object Members


Since 2018.1

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var entity = search.join({

fieldId: 'entity'

search.columns = [entity.createColumn({
fieldId: 'subsidiary'

search.sort = [search.createSort({
column: search.columns[0],
ascending: false

var results = search.runPaged({

pageSize: 10


Method Description Creates a new condition (a query.Condition object) that corresponds to a logical
conjunction (AND) of the arguments passed to the method. The arguments must be one or
more query.Condition objects.

A condition narrows the query results. The query.Condition object acts in the same
capacity as the search.Filter object in the N/search Module. The primary difference is that
query.Condition objects can contain other query.Condition objects.

To create conditions:

■ Use Query.createCondition(options) to create conditions for the initial query definition

created with query.create(options).
■ Use Component.createCondition(options) to create conditions for the join relationships
created with Query.autoJoin(options) and Component.autoJoin(options).
■ If you have multiple conditions, use them to create a new parent condition with the
methods Query.and(), Query.or(), and Query.not().
■ Assign your parent condition to Query.condition. For an example, see Syntax.

Returns query.Condition object

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 438

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Query Object Members


Since 2018.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

condition 1 — n query.Condition Required One or more condition objects.

There is no limit on the number of conditions you

can specify.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var salesrep = search.join({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

var location = salesrep.join({

fieldId: 'location'

var cond1 = search.createCondition({

fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 107
var cond2 = search.createCondition({
fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 2647
var cond3 = salesrep.createCondition({
fieldId: 'email',
operator: query.Operator.START_WITH_NOT,
values: 'foo'});

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 439

search.condition = search.and(
cond3, search.not(
search.or(cond1, cond2)

var resultSet =;


Method Description Creates a join relationship.

Use the method query.create(options) to create your initial query definition (query.Query).
The initial query definition uses one search type. For available search types, see

After you create the initial query definition, use Query.autoJoin(options) to create
your first join (query.Component). Then use Component.autoJoin(options) to create each
subsequent join (query.Component).

Note: This method is a shortcut for the chained Query.root and

Component.autoJoin(options): Query.root.join(options). The Query.root
property references the root component, which is a query.Component object.

Important: The N/query module supports the same record types that are
supported by the SuiteAnalytics Workbook interface. For more information, see
the help topic Available Records.

Returns query.Component object

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Query Object Members


Since 2018.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.fieldId string required The column type (field type) that joins the parent component
to the new component. This value determines the columns on
which the components are joined and the type of the newly joined

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 440

Parameter Type Required / Description

Obtain this value from the Records Browser:

1. Go to the parent component’s record type.

2. Scroll until you see the Search Joins table.
3. Locate the appropriate value in the Join ID column.

For more information on the Records Browser, see the help topic
Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.


Error Code Thrown If

RELATIONSHIP_ALREADY_USED The specified join relationship already exists.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var entity = search.autoJoin({

fieldId: 'entity'

search.columns = [entity.createColumn({
fieldId: 'subsidiary'

search.sort = [search.createSort({
column: search.columns[0],
ascending: false

var results = search.runPaged({

pageSize: 10


Method Description This method creates a query result column based on the query.Query object.

The query.Column object is the equivalent of the search.Column object in the N/search
Module. The query.Column object describes the field types (columns) that are displayed
from the query results.

To create columns:

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 441

■ Use Query.createColumn(options) to create conditions on the initial query

definition created with query.create(options). Use this method in one of two ways:
□ Pass in an argument for the parameter options.fieldId.
□ Pass in an argument for the parameter options.formula. If you use this option,
you can also use the optional parameter options.type.
■ If needed, use Component.createColumn(options) to create conditions on the join
relationships created with Query.autoJoin(options) and Component.autoJoin(options).
■ Assign all created columns as array values to Query.columns. For an example, see

Note: This method is a shortcut for the chained Query.root and

Component.createColumn(options): Query.root.createColumn(options). The
Query.root property references the root component, which is a query.Component

Returns query.Column object

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Query Object Members


Since 2018.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.fieldId string required if The name of the query result column. This value
options.formula is sets the Column.fieldId property.
not used
Obtain this value from the Records Browser:

1. Go to the appropriate record type.

2. Scroll until you see the Search Columns
3. Locate the appropriate value in the Internal
ID column.

For more information on the Records Browser,

see the help topic Using the SuiteScript Records

options.formula string required if The formula used to create the query result column.
options.fieldId is This value sets the Column.formula property.
not used
For more information on formulas, see the help
topics Formulas in Search and SQL Expressions.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 442

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.type string optional if If you use the options.formula parameter, use

options.formula is this parameter to explicitly define the formula’s
used return type. Defining the formula’s return type
might be required if the return type cannot be
determined correctly based on the specified
formula. This value sets the Column.type property.

Use the appropriate query.ReturnType enum value

to pass in your argument. This enum holds all the
supported values for this parameter.

options.aggregate string optional Use this parameter to run an aggregate function on

your query result column. An aggregate function
performs a calculation on the column values
and returns a single value. This value sets the
Column.aggregate property.

Use the appropriate query.Aggregate enum value

to pass in your argument. This enum holds all the
supported values for this parameter.

options.consolidated boolean optional Indicates whether the query result column displays
consolidated currency amounts. This value sets the
Column.consolidated property.

If you do not pass in an argument, the default value

is set to false.

options.groupBy boolean optional Indicates whether the query results are grouped
by this query result column. This value sets the
Column.groupBy property.

If you do not pass in an argument, the default value

is set to false.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var salesrep = search.join({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

search.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'id'
fieldId: 'entityid'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 443

fieldId: 'email'
fieldId: 'hiredate'

search.sort = [
column: search.columns[1]
column: salesrep.columns[0],
ascending: false

var resultSet =;


Method Description This method creates a condition (query filter) based on the query.Query object.

A condition narrows the query results. The query.Condition object acts in the same
capacity as the search.Filter object in the N/search Module. The primary difference is that
query.Condition objects can contain other query.Condition objects.

To create conditions:

■ Use Query.createCondition(options) to create conditions on the initial query

definition created with query.create(options). Use this method in one of two ways:
□ Pass in arguments for the parameters options.fieldId, options.operator,
and options.values. The combination of these arguments translates to <filter
column><operator><field value> (for example, ‘city’ equals ‘Boston’).
□ Pass in an argument for the parameter options.formula. If you use this option,
you can also use the optional parameter options.type.
■ If needed, use Component.createCondition(options) to create conditions on the join
relationships created with Query.autoJoin(options) and Component.autoJoin(options).
■ If you have multiple conditions, use them to create a new nested condition with the
methods Query.and(), Query.or(), and Query.not().
■ Assign your simple or nested condition to Query.condition. For an example, see Syntax.

Note: This method is a shortcut for the chained

Query.root and Component.createCondition(options):
Query.root.createCondition(options). The Query.root property references
the root component, which is a query.Component object.

Returns query.Condition object

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 444

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Query Object Members


Since 2018.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.fieldId string required if The name of the condition. This value sets the
options.operator and Condition.fieldId property.
options.values are used
Obtain this value from the Records Browser:

1. Go to the appropriate record type.

2. Scroll until you see the Search Filters table.
3. Locate the appropriate value in the Internal
ID column.

For more information on the Records Browser,

see the help topic Using the SuiteScript Records

options.operator string required if The operator used by the condition. This value sets
options.fieldId and the Condition.operator parameter.
options.values are used
Use the appropriate query.Operator enum value
to pass in your argument. This enum holds all the
supported values for this parameter.

options.values string[] required if An array of string values. This value sets the
options.fieldId and Condition.values property.
options.operator are

options.formula string required if The formula used to create the condition. This
options.fieldId, value sets the Condition.formula property.
options.operator, and
options.values are not For more information on formulas, see the help
used topics Formulas in Search and SQL Expressions.

options.type string optional if If you use the options.formula parameter, use

options.formula is used this parameter to explicitly define the formula’s
return type. Defining the formula’s return type
might be required if the return type cannot be
determined correctly based on the specified
formula. This value sets the Condition.type

Use the appropriate query.ReturnType enum value

to pass in your argument. This enum holds all the
supported values for this parameter.

options.aggregate string optional Use this parameter to run an aggregate function

on a condition. An aggregate function performs

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 445

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

a calculation on the condition values and
returns a single value. This value sets the
Condition.aggregate property.

Use the appropriate query.Aggregate enum value

to pass in your argument. This enum holds all the
supported values for this parameter.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var salesrep = search.join({

fieldId: 'salesrep'
var location = salesrep.join({
fieldId: 'location'

var cond1 = search.createCondition({

fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 107
var cond2 = search.createCondition({
fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 2647
var cond3 = salesrep.createCondition({
fieldId: 'email',
operator: query.Operator.START_WITH_NOT,
values: 'foo'

search.condition = search.and(
cond3, search.not(
search.or(cond1, cond2)

var resultSet =;


Method Description This method creates a sort based on the query.Query object. The query.Sort object
describes a sort that is placed on a particular query result column.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 446

To create a sort:

■ Use Search.createSort(options) to create a sort based on the initial query

definition created with query.create(options).
■ Use Component.createSort(options) to create a sort based on a join relationship created
with Query.autoJoin(options) or Component.autoJoin(options).
■ Assign all created sorts as array values to Query.sort. For an example, see Syntax.

Note: This method is a shortcut for the chained Query.root and

Component.createSort(options): Query.root.createSort(options). The
Query.root property references the root component, which is a query.Component

Returns query.Sort object

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Query Object Members


Since 2018.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.column query.Column required The query result column that you want to sort by. This
value sets the Sort.column property.

options.ascending boolean optional Indicates whether the sort direction is ascending. This
value sets the Sort.ascending property.

The default value of this property is true, meaning

that the sort direction is ascending. If you want the sort
direction to be descending, set this property to false.

options.caseSensitive boolean optional Indicates whether the sort is case sensitive. This value
sets the Sort.caseSensitive property.

If a sort is case sensitive (and the sort direction is

ascending), rows with column values that start with
uppercase letters are listed before rows with column
values that start with lowercase letters. If a sort is not
case sensitive, uppercase and lowercase letters are
treated the same. For example, the following list of
items is sorted using a case-sensitive sort with a sort
direction of ascending:

■ Banana

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 447

Parameter Type Required / Description

■ Orange
■ apple
■ grapefruit
■ kiwi

Here is the same list of items sorted using a regular

(not case-sensitive) sort with a sort direction of

■ apple
■ Banana
■ grapefruit
■ kiwi
■ Orange

The default value of this property is false.

options.locale string optional The locale to use for the sort. This value sets the
Sort.locale property.

A locale represents a combination of language and

region, and it can affect how certain values (such as
strings) are sorted. For example, languages that share
the same alphabet may sort characters differently. Use
this property to ensure that query results are sorted
using locale-specific rules.

Use the appropriate query.SortLocale enum value

to pass in your argument. This enum holds all the
supported values for this parameter.

options.nullsLast boolean optional Indicates whether query results with null values are
listed at the end of the query results. This value sets
the Sort.nullsLast property.

The default value of this property is the value of the

options.ascending property. For example, if the
options.ascending property is set to true, the
options.nullsLast property is also set to true.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var salesrep = search.join({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

search.columns = [

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 448

fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'id'
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'email'
fieldId: 'hiredate'

search.sort = [
column: search.columns[1]
column: salesrep.columns[0],
ascending: false

var resultSet =;


Method Description Creates a join relationship.

Important: This method is an alias to Query.autoJoin(options). Use

Query.autoJoin(options) instead of this method to create simple joins. Use
Query.joinFrom(options) and Query.joinTo(options) to create explicit directional

Use the method query.create(options) to create your initial query definition (query.Query).
The initial query definition uses one search type. For available search types, see

After you create the initial query definition, use Query.join(options) to create your
first join (query.Component). Then use Component.autoJoin(options) to create each
subsequent join (query.Component).

Note: This method is a shortcut for the chained Query.root and

Component.join(options): Query.root.join(options). The Query.root property
references the root component, which is a query.Component object.

Important: The N/query module supports the same record types that are
supported by the SuiteAnalytics Workbook interface. For more information, see
the help topic Available Records.

Returns query.Component

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 449

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Query Object Members


Since 2018.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.fieldId string required The column type (field type) that joins the parent component
to the new component. This value determines the columns on
which the components are joined and the type of the newly joined

Obtain this value from the Records Browser:

1. Go to the parent component’s record type.

2. Scroll until you see the Search Joins table.
3. Locate the appropriate value in the Join ID column.

For more information on the Records Browser, see the help topic
Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var entity = search.join({

fieldId: 'entity'

search.columns = [entity.createColumn({
fieldId: 'subsidiary'

search.sort = [search.createSort({
column: search.columns[0],

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 450

ascending: false

var results = search.runPaged({

pageSize: 10


Method Description Creates an explicit directional join relationship from another component to this component
(an inverse join). This method sets the Component.source property on the returned
query.Component object.

Use the method query.create(options) to create your initial query definition (query.Query).
The initial query definition uses one search type. For available search types, see

After you create the initial query definition, use this method to create your first join as an
explicit directional join from another component to this component.

Note: This method is a shortcut for the chained Query.root and

Component.joinFrom(options): Query.root.joinFrom(options). The
Query.root property references the root component, which is a query.Component

Important: The N/query module supports the same record types that are
supported by the SuiteAnalytics Workbook interface. For more information, see
the help topic Available Records.

Returns query.Component object

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Query Object Members


Since 2018.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.fieldId string required The column type (field type) that joins the parent component to
the new component.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 451

Parameter Type Required / Description

Obtain this value from the Records Browser:

1. Go to the parent component’s record type.

2. Scroll until you see the Search Joins table.
3. Locate the appropriate value in the Join ID column.

For more information on the Records Browser, see the help topic
Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.source string required The search type of the component joined to this component. This
value sets the Component.source property.

This value can be described as the inverse relationship of this

component, and it determines the source search type of the
newly joined component.


Error Code Thrown If

RELATIONSHIP_ALREADY_USED The specified join relationship already exists.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myEmployeeQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.EMPLOYEE

var myTransactionJoin = myEmployeeQuery.joinFrom({

fieldId: 'entity',
source: 'transaction'

myEmployeeQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'entity'
fieldId: 'daysoverdue'
// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 452


Method Description Creates an explicit directional join relationship to another component from this
component (a polymorphic join). This method sets the property on the
returned query.Component object.

Use the method query.create(options) to create your initial query definition (query.Query).
The initial query definition uses one search type. For available search types, see

After you create the initial query definition, use this method to create your first join as an
explicit directional join to another component from this component.

Note: This method is a shortcut for the chained Query.root and

Component.joinTo(options): Query.root.autoJoin(options). The Query.root
property references the root component, which is a query.Component object.

Important: The N/query module supports the same record types that are
supported by the SuiteAnalytics Workbook interface. For more information, see
the help topic Available Records.

Returns query.Component object

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Query Object Members


Since 2018.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.fieldId string required The column type (field type) that joins the parent component to
the new component.

Obtain this value from the Records Browser:

1. Go to the parent component’s record type.

2. Scroll until you see the Search Joins table.
3. Locate the appropriate value in the Join ID column.

For more information on the Records Browser, see the help topic
Using the SuiteScript Records Browser. string required The search type of the component joined to this component. This
value sets the property.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 453

Parameter Type Required / Description

This value can be described as the polymorphic relationship of this
component, and it determines the target search type of the newly
joined component.


Error Code Thrown If

RELATIONSHIP_ALREADY_USED The specified join relationship already exists.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myTransactionQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var myEmployeeJoin = myTransactionQuery.joinTo({

fieldId: 'createdby',
target: 'employee'

myTransactionQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entity'
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'email'
// Add additional code

Method Description Executes the query and returns the query result set.

Returns query.ResultSet

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 Usage Units

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 454

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Members Query Object Members

Since 2018.1

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var salesrep = search.join({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

search.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'id'
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'email'
fieldId: 'hiredate'

search.sort = [
column: search.columns[1]
column: salesrep.columns[0],
ascending: false

var resultSet =;
Method Description Executes the query asynchronously and returns the query result set.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 455

Returns query.ResultSet

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 Usage Units

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Members Query Object Members

Since 2018.1


Method Description Executes the query and returns a set of paged results.

Returns query.PagedData

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 Usage Units

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Members Query Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var entity = search.join({

fieldId: 'entity'

search.columns = [entity.createColumn({
name: 'subsidiary'

search.sort = [search.createSort({
column: search.columns[0],
ascending: false

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 456

var results = search.runPaged({

pageSize: 10

// Use the count property to count the

// search results easily
var resultCount = search.runPaged({
pageSize: 10


Method Description Executes the query asynchronously and returns a set of paged results.

Returns query.PagedData

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 Usage Units

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Members Query Object Members

Since 2018.1


Method Description Creates a new condition (a query.Condition object) that corresponds to a logical negation
(NOT) of the argument passed to the method. The argument must be a query.Condition

A condition narrows the query results. The query.Condition object acts in the same
capacity as the search.Filter object in the N/search Module. The primary difference is that
query.Condition objects can contain other query.Condition objects.

To create conditions:

■ Use Query.createCondition(options) to create conditions for the initial query definition

created with query.create(options).
■ Use Component.createCondition(options) to create conditions for the join relationships
created with Query.autoJoin(options) and Component.autoJoin(options).
■ If you have multiple conditions, use them to create a new parent condition with the
methods Query.and(), Query.or(), and Query.not().
■ Assign your parent condition to Query.condition. For an example, see Syntax.

Returns query.Condition

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 457

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Query Object Members


Since 2018.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

condition query.Condition Required One condition object.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var salesrep = search.join({

fieldId: 'salesrep'
var location = salesrep.join({
fieldId: 'location'

var cond1 = search.createCondition({

fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 107
var cond2 = search.createCondition({
fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 2647
var cond3 = salesrep.createCondition({
fieldId: 'email',
operator: query.Operator.START_WITH_NOT,
values: 'foo'});

search.condition = search.and(
cond3, search.not(
search.or(cond1, cond2)

var resultSet =;

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 458


Method Description Creates a new condition (a query.Condition object) that corresponds to a logical disjunction
(OR) of the arguments passed to the method. The arguments must be one or more
query.Condition objects.

A condition narrows the query results. The query.Condition object acts in the same
capacity as the search.Filter object in the N/search Module. The primary difference is that
query.Condition objects can contain other query.Condition objects.

To create conditions:

■ Use Query.createCondition(options) to create conditions for the initial query definition

created with query.create(options).
■ Use Component.createCondition(options) to create conditions for the join relationships
created with Query.autoJoin(options) and Component.autoJoin(options).
■ If you have multiple conditions, use them to create a new parent condition with the
methods Query.and(), Query.or(), and Query.not().
■ Assign your parent condition to Query.condition. For an example, see Syntax.

Returns query.Condition object

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Query Object Members


Since 2018.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

condition 1 — n query.Condition Required One or more condition objects.

There is no limit on the number of conditions you

can specify.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var salesrep = search.join({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 459

var location = salesrep.join({

fieldId: 'location'

var cond1 = search.createCondition({

fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 107
var cond2 = search.createCondition({
fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 2647
var cond3 = salesrep.createCondition({
fieldId: 'email',
operator: query.Operator.START_WITH_NOT,
values: 'foo'});

search.condition = search.and(
cond3, search.not(
search.or(cond1, cond2)

var resultSet =;


Property Description Holds a references to children of this component. The value of this property is an object
of key/value pairs. Each key is the name of a child component. Each respective value is the
corresponding query.Component object.

The object values are set with the execution of Query.autoJoin(options) and
Component.autoJoin(options). The order of the key/value pairs reflects the parent/child

Type Object

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Query Object Members


Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 460

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var mySalesRepJoin = myCustomerQuery.autoJoin({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

var myTaskJoin = myCustomerQuery.autoJoin({

fieldId: 'task'

var theChild = myCustomerQuery.child;

// Add additional code


Property Description Holds an array of result columns (query.Column objects) returned from the query.

The query.Column object is the equivalent of the search.Column object in the N/search
Module. The query.Column object describes a field type (column) that is returned from the
query results.

To create columns:

■ Use Query.createColumn(options) to create conditions on the initial query definition

created with query.create(options).
■ Use Component.createColumn(options) to create conditions on the join relationships
created with Query.autoJoin(options) and Component.autoJoin(options).
■ Assign all created columns as array values to Query.columns. For an example, see

Type query.Column[]

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Query Object Members


Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var mySalesRepJoin = myCustomerQuery.autoJoin({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 461

fieldId: 'salesrep'

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'firstname'
fieldId: 'email'
// Add additional code


Property Description References the simple or nested condition (a query.Condition object) that narrows the
query results.

The query.Condition object acts in the same capacity as the search.Filter object in the N/
search Module. The primary difference is that query.Condition objects can contain other
query.Condition objects.

To create conditions:

■ Use Query.createCondition(options) to create conditions for the initial query definition

created with query.create(options).
■ Use Component.createCondition(options) to create conditions for the join relationships
created with Query.autoJoin(options) and Component.autoJoin(options).
■ If you have multiple conditions, use them to create a new nested condition with the
methods Query.and(), Query.or(), and Query.not().
■ Assign your simple or nested condition to Query.condition. For an example, see

Type query.Condition object

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Query Object Members


Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 462

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var mySalesRepJoin = myCustomerQuery.join({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

var myFirstCondition = myCustomerQuery.createCondition({

fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 107

var mySecondCondition = myCustomerQuery.createCondition({

fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 2647

var myThirdCondition = myCustomerQuery.createCondition({

fieldId: 'email',
operator: query.Operator.START_WITH_NOT,
values: 'foo'

myCustomerQuery.condition = myCustomerQuery.and(
myThirdCondition, myCustomerQuery.not(
myCustomerQuery.or(myFirstCondition, mySecondCondition)
// Add additional code

Property Holds the ID of the query definition.

This property has a value only for existing queries that are loaded using query.load(options).
If you create a query using query.create(options) but do not save it, this property is null.

Important: The N/query module lets you create and run queries using the
SuiteAnalytics Workbook query engine. In the 2019.1 release, you can use the N/
query module to load and delete existing queries, but you cannot save queries.
You can save queries using the SuiteAnalytics Workbook interface. For more
information, see the help topic Navigating SuiteAnalytics Workbook.

Type number (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Query Object Members


Since 2018.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 463


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myLoadedQuery = query.load({
id: 'custworkbook237'

var theId =;

// Add additional code

Property Holds the name of the query definition.

This property has a value only for existing queries that are loaded using query.load(options).
If you create a query using query.create(options) but do not save it, this property is null.

Important: The N/query module lets you create and run queries using the
SuiteAnalytics Workbook query engine. In the 2019.1 release, you can use the N/
query module to load and delete existing queries, but you cannot save queries.
You can save queries using the SuiteAnalytics Workbook interface. For more
information, see the help topic Navigating SuiteAnalytics Workbook.

Type string (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Query Object Members


Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myLoadedQuery = query.load({
id: 'custworkbook237'

var theName =;

// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 464


Property Description References the root component of the query definition.

The initial query.Component object is called the root component. It encapsulates the
initial search type passed to query.create(options). The root component is automatically
created with the query.Query object and is a child of the query.Query object.

Type query.Component (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Query Object Members


Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var theRoot = myCustomerQuery.root;

// Add additional code


Property Description Holds an array of query result columns (query.Column objects) used for sorting.

This object encapsulates a sort based on the query.Query or query.Component object.

The query.Sort object describes a sort that is placed on a particular query result column.

To create a sort:

■ Use Query.createSort(options) to create a sort based on the initial query definition

created with query.create(options).
■ Use Component.createSort(options) to create a sort based on a join relationship
created with Query.autoJoin(options) or Component.autoJoin(options).
■ Assign all created sorts as array values to Query.sort. For an example, see Syntax.

Type query.Sort[]

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Query Object Members


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 465

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var mySalesRepJoin = myCustomerQuery.autoJoin({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'firstname'
fieldId: 'email'

myCustomerQuery.sort = [
column: myCustomerQuery.columns[1]
column: myCustomerQuery.columns[0],
ascending: false
// Add additional code


Property Description Describes the initial search type of the query definition.

This property is set during the execution of query.create(options).

Type string (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Query

Sibling Object Members Query Object Members

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 466

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var theType = myCustomerQuery.type;

// Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates a relative date to use in query conditions.

Use query.createDateRange(options) to create this object. After you create this

object, you can use it in the values parameter of Query.createCondition(options) or

This object represents a specific moment in time, and you can use it to create
query conditions using operators from the query.Operator enum, such as
query.Operator.AFTER, query.Operator.BEFORE, and query.Operator.WITHIN. For
more information about relative dates, see Relative Dates in the N/query Module.

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/query Module

Methods and RelativeDate Object Members


Since 2019.1

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myEndDate = query.createDateRange({
dateRangeId: query.DateRangeId.WEEKS_AGO,
value: 2

var myComplexCondition = myQuery.createCondition({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 467

fieldId: 'trandate',
operator: query.Operator.WITHIN,
values: [query.RelativeDateRange.THREE_FISCAL_YEARS_AGO.start, myEndDate]
// Add additional code


Property Holds the date range ID of the relative date range.

For relative date ranges that you create using query.createDateRange(options), the value of
this property is set when that method is executed. For relative date ranges that are included
in the query.RelativeDateRange enum, the value of this property is always available (for
example, query.RelativeDateRange.YESTERDAY.dateRangeId).

This property uses values from the query.DateRangeId enum.

Type string (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.RelativeDate

Sibling Object RelativeDate Object Members


Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myRelativeDate = query.createDateRange({
dateRangeId: query.DateRangeId.WEEKS_AGO,
value: 2

var theDateRangeId = myRelativeDate.dateRangeId;

// Add additional code


Property References the end of the relative date.

For relative date ranges that you create using query.createDateRange(options), the value of
this property is set when that method is executed. For relative date ranges that are included
in the query.RelativeDateRange enum, the value of this property is always available (for
example, query.RelativeDateRange.YESTERDAY.end).

Type Object (read-only)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 468

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.RelativeDate

Sibling Object RelativeDate Object Members


Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myRelativeDate = query.createDateRange({
dateRangeId: query.DateRangeId.WEEKS_AGO,
value: 2

var theDateRangeId = myRelativeDate.dateRangeId;

// Add additional code


Property Describes the interval that the relative date represents.

For relative date ranges that you create using query.createDateRange(options), the value of
this property is set when that method is executed. For relative date ranges that are included
in the query.RelativeDateRange enum, the value of this property is always available (for
example, query.RelativeDateRange.YESTERDAY.interval).

Important: Do not use this property explicitly in your scripts. It is available so

you can see the exact date interval that is used with the query.Operator.WITHIN
and query.Operator.WITHIN_NOT operators in query conditions.

Type Object (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.RelativeDate

Sibling Object RelativeDate Object Members


Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 469

var myRelativeDate = query.createDateRange({
dateRangeId: query.DateRangeId.WEEKS_AGO,
value: 2

var theInterval = myRelativeDate.interval;

// Add additional code


Property References the start of the relative date.

For relative date ranges that you create using query.createDateRange(options), the value of
this property is set when that method is executed. For relative date ranges that are included
in the query.RelativeDateRange enum, the value of this property is always available (for
example, query.RelativeDateRange.YESTERDAY.start).

Type Object (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.RelativeDate

Sibling Object RelativeDate Object Members


Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myRelativeDate = query.createDateRange({
dateRangeId: query.DateRangeId.WEEKS_AGO,
value: 2

var theStart = myRelativeDate.start;

// Add additional code


Property Holds the value of the relative date range.

For relative date ranges that you create using query.createDateRange(options), the value of
this property is set when that method is executed. For relative date ranges that are included
in the query.RelativeDateRange enum, the value of this property is undefined (for example,
query.RelativeDateRange.YESTERDAY.value is undefined).

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 470

Type number (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.RelativeDate

Sibling Object RelativeDate Object Members


Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myRelativeDate = query.createDateRange({
dateRangeId: query.DateRangeId.WEEKS_AGO,
value: 2

var theValue = myRelativeDate.value;

// Add additional code


Object Description Encapsulates a single row of the result set (query.ResultSet).

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/query Module

Methods and Properties Result Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 471

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'firstname'
fieldId: 'email'

var queryResultSet =;

// Fetch results using an iterator

var iterator = queryResultSet.iterator();
iterator.each(function(result) {
var currentResult = result.value;
return true;

// Alternatively, fetch results using a loop

var queryResults = queryResultSet.results;
for (var i = 0; i < queryResults.length; i++) {
var currentResult = queryResults[i];
// Add additional code


Property Description Holds an array of query return column references. These array values are
equivalent to the array values in ResultSet.columns.

Type query.Column[] (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Result

Sibling Object Members Result Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 472

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

var queryResultSet =;

var queryResults = queryResultSet.results;

var myFirstResult = queryResults[0];
var theColumns = myFirstResult.columns;
// Add additional code


Property Description Describes the result values. Value types correspond to the ResultSet.types
property. Array values correspond to the array values for ResultSet.columns and

Type Array<string | number | boolean | null> (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Result

Sibling Object Members Result Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'email'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 473

var queryResultSet =;

var queryResults = queryResultSet.results;

var myFirstResult = queryResults[0];
var theValues = myFirstResult.values;
// Add additional code


Object Description Encapsulates the set of results returned by the query. Use or to create this object.

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/query Module

Methods and Properties ResultSet Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var resultSet =;

var results = resultSet.results;
for (var i = results.length - 1; i >== 0; i--)


Method Description Standard SuiteScript 2.0 object for iterating through results

Returns Iterator object

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.ResultSet

Sibling Object Members ResultSet Object Members

Since 2018.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 474


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'firstname'
fieldId: 'email'

var queryResultSet =;

// Fetch results using an iterator

var iterator = queryResultSet.iterator();
iterator.each(function(result) {
var currentResult = result.value;
return true;

// Alternatively, fetch results using a loop

var queryResults = queryResultSet.results;
for (var i = 0; i < queryResults.length; i++) {
var currentResult = queryResults[i];
// Add additional code


Property Description Holds an array of query return column references. The ResultSet.columns array
values correspond with the ResultSet.types array values.

Type query.Column[] (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.ResultSet

Sibling Object Members ResultSet Object Members

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 475

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'email'

var queryResultSet =;

var theColumns = queryResultSet.columns;

// Add additional code


Property Description Holds an array of query.Result objects.

Type query.Result[] (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.ResultSet

Sibling Object Members ResultSet Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 476

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'email'

var queryResultSet =;

var theResults = queryResultSet.results;

// Add additional code


Property Description Holds an array of the return types for ResultSet.results.

The ResultSet.types array values correspond with the ResultSet.columns

array values.

Type string[] (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.ResultSet

Sibling Object Members ResultSet Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'email'

var queryResultSet =;

var theTypes = queryResultSet.types;

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 477

// Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates a sort based on the query.Query or query.Component object. The
query.Sort object describes a sort that is placed on a particular query result column.

To create a sort:

■ Use Query.createSort(options) to create a sort based on the initial query definition

created with query.create(options).
■ Use Component.createSort(options) to create a sort based on a join relationship
created with Query.autoJoin(options) or Component.autoJoin(options).
■ Assign all created sorts as array values to Query.sort. For an example, see Syntax.

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/query Module

Methods and Sort Object Members


Since 2018.1

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var salesrep = search.join({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

search.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'id'
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'email'
fieldId: 'hiredate'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 478


search.sort = [
column: search.columns[1]
column: salesrep.columns[0],
ascending: false

var resultSet =;


Property Description Indicates whether the sort direction is ascending.

This property is set during the execution of Query.createSort(options) and


The default value of this property is true, meaning that the sort direction is ascending.
If you want the sort direction to be descending, set this property to false.

Type boolean

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Sort

Sibling Object Members Sort Object Members

Since 2018.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

search.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

search.sort = [
column: search.columns[0],
ascending: false,
caseSensitive: true,
locale: query.SortLocale.EN_CA,

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 479

nullsLast: false

var resultSet =;


Property Indicates whether the sort is case sensitive.

This property is set during the execution of Query.createSort(options) and

If a sort is case sensitive (and the sort direction is ascending), rows with column values
that start with uppercase letters are listed before rows with column values that start with
lowercase letters. If a sort is not case sensitive, uppercase and lowercase letters are treated
the same. For example, the following list of items is sorted using a case-sensitive sort with a
sort direction of ascending:

■ Banana
■ Orange
■ apple
■ grapefruit
■ kiwi

Here is the same list of items sorted using a regular (not case-sensitive) sort with a sort
direction of ascending:

■ apple
■ Banana
■ grapefruit
■ kiwi
■ Orange

The default value of this property is false.

Type boolean

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Sort

Sibling Object Sort Object Members


Since 2018.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 480

search.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

search.sort = [
column: search.columns[0],
ascending: false,
caseSensitive: true,
locale: query.SortLocale.EN_CA,
nullsLast: false

var resultSet =;


Property Description Describes the query result column that the query results are sorted by.

This property is set during the execution of Query.createSort(options) and


Type query.Column (read-only)

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Sort

Sibling Object Members Sort Object Members

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

search.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

search.sort = [
column: search.columns[0],
ascending: false,
caseSensitive: true,

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 481

locale: query.SortLocale.EN_CA,
nullsLast: false

var resultSet =;


Property The locale to use for the sort.

This property uses values from the query.SortLocale enum. This property is set during the
execution of Query.createSort(options) and Component.createSort(options).

A locale represents a combination of language and region, and it can affect how certain
values (such as strings) are sorted. For example, languages that share the same alphabet
may sort characters differently. Use this property to ensure that query results are sorted
using locale-specific rules.

Type string

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Sort

Sibling Object Sort Object Members


Since 2018.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

search.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

search.sort = [
column: search.columns[0],
ascending: false,
caseSensitive: true,
locale: query.SortLocale.EN_CA,
nullsLast: false

var resultSet =;

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 482


Property Description Indicates whether query results with null values are listed at the end of the query results.

This property is set during the execution of Query.createSort(options) and


The default value of this property is the value of the Sort.ascending property. For
example, if the Sort.ascending property is set to true, the Sort.nullsLast property is
also set to true.

Type boolean

Module N/query Module

Parent Object query.Sort

Sibling Object Sort Object Members


Since 2018.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

search.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

search.sort = [
column: search.columns[0],
ascending: false,
caseSensitive: true,
locale: query.SortLocale.EN_CA,
nullsLast: false

var resultSet =;

Method Description Creates a query.Query object.

Use this method to create your initial query definition. The initial query definition uses
one search type. For available search types, see query.Type.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 483

After you create the initial query definition, use Query.autoJoin(options) to create your
first join. Then use Component.autoJoin(options) to create all subsequent joins.

For more information about creating queries, see Scripting with the N/query Module.

Returns query.Query object

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Sibling Module Members N/query Module Members

Since 2018.1

Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.type string required The search type that you want to use for the initial query definition.

Use the query.Type enum to set this value (for an example, see the
help topic Syntax).

When you execute query.create(options), the Query.type

property is set based on this value.

Important: The N/query module supports the same

record types that are supported by the SuiteAnalytics
Workbook interface. For more information, see the help
topic Available Records.

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var salesrep = search.join({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

search.columns = [
fieldId: 'entityid'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 484

fieldId: 'id'
fieldId: 'entityid'
fieldId: 'email'
fieldId: 'hiredate'

search.sort = [
column: search.columns[1]
column: salesrep.columns[0],
ascending: false

var resultSet =;

Method Creates a query.RelativeDate object that represents a range of dates relative to the current
Description date.

Use this method to create a query.RelativeDate object to use as part of a query condition. After
you create a query.RelativeDate object, you can use it directly in the values parameter of
Query.createCondition(options) or Component.createCondition(options).

When you call this method, the options.dateRangeId parameter determines the
date range that is created. The options.dateRangeId parameter uses values from the
query.DateRangeId enum, and these values describe potential date ranges relative to the
current date. Use them in conjunction with the options.value parameter to create a
relative date range. For example, to create a date range that includes dates from three
weeks ago until the current date, call query.createDateRange(options) with an
options.dateRangeId value of query.DateRangeId.WEEKS_AGO and an options.value
value of 3. To create a date range that includes dates from the current date until three weeks
from now, call query.createDateRange(options) with an options.dateRangeId value of
query.DateRangeId.WEEKS_FROM_NOW and an options.value value of 3.

Returns query.RelativeDate object

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/query Module

Sibling Module N/query Module Members


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 485

Since 2019.1

Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.dateRangeId string required The ID of the date range to create.

Use the query.DateRangeId enum to set this value.

options.value number required The value to use to create the date range.

This value depends on the value that you specify

for options.dateRangeId. For example, to create
a date range that includes dates from five days
ago until the current date, use an options.value
value of 5 and an options.dateRangeId value of

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myTransactionQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var myDateRange = query.createDateRange({

dateRangeId: query.DateRangeId.DAYS_AGO,
value: 5

myTransactionQuery.condition = myTransactionQuery.createCondition({
fieldId: 'trandate',
operator: query.Operator.WITHIN,
values: myDateRange
// Add additional code

Method Description Deletes an existing query.

Use this method to delete a query definition that was previously created using the
SuiteAnalytics Workbook UI. After the query is deleted, it is no longer available and cannot
be modified or executed.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 486

Important: The N/query module lets you create and run queries using the
SuiteAnalytics Workbook query engine. In the 2019.1 release, you can use the N/
query module to load and delete existing queries, but you cannot save queries.
You can save queries using the SuiteAnalytics Workbook interface. For more
information, see the help topic Navigating SuiteAnalytics Workbook.

Returns void

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 5 Usage Units

Module N/query Module

Sibling Module N/query Module Members


Since 2018.2

Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string required The script ID of the query to delete.


Error Code Thrown If

UNABLE_TO_DELETE_QUERY A query with the specified ID cannot be deleted because the query does not exist
or you do not have permission to delete it.

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var deletedSearch = query.delete({

id: 'custworkbook237'

Method Description Loads an existing query as a query.Query object.

Use this method to load a query definition that was previously created using the
SuiteAnalytics Workbook UI. After the query is loaded, you can modify the query definition
(for example, by setting additional property values), join the query definition with other

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 487

search types, and execute the query in the same way as queries that you create using

Important: The N/query module lets you create and run queries using the
SuiteAnalytics Workbook query engine. In the 2019.1 release, you can use the N/
query module to load and delete existing queries, but you cannot save queries.
You can save queries using the SuiteAnalytics Workbook interface. For more
information, see the help topic Navigating SuiteAnalytics Workbook.

Returns query.Query object

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 5 Usage Units

Module N/query Module

Sibling Module N/query Module Members


Since 2018.2

Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string required The script ID of the query to load.


Error Code Thrown If

UNABLE_TO_LOAD_QUERY A query with the specified ID cannot be loaded because the query does not exist or
you do not have permission to load it.

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myLoadedQuery = query.load({
id: 'custworkbook237'

var mySalesRepJoin = myLoadedQuery.autoJoin({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 488

var results =;

// Add additional code

Enum Holds the string values for aggregate functions supported with the N/query Module. An
Description aggregate function performs a calculation on the column or condition values and returns a
single value.

Each value in this enum (except MEDIAN) has two variants: distinct (using the _DISTINCT suffix)
and nondistinct (using no suffix). The variant determines whether the aggregate function
operates on all instances of duplicate values or on just a single instance of the value. For
example, consider a situation in which the MAXIMUM aggregate function is used to determine
the maximum of a set of values. When using the distinct variant (MAXIMUM_DISTINCT), the
aggregate function considers each instance of duplicate values. So if the set of values includes
three distinct values that are all equal and all represent the maximum value in the set, the
aggregate function lists all three instances. When using the nondistinct variant (MAXIMUM), only
one instance of the maximum value is listed, regardless of the number of instances of that
maximum value in the set.

This enum is used to pass the aggregate function argument to

Component.createColumn(options), Component.createCondition(options),
Query.createColumn(options), and Query.createCondition(options).

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following: a
plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key points
to a read-only string value.

Type enum

Module N/query Module

Sibling Module N/query Module Members


Since 2018.1


Value Description

AVERAGE Calculates the average value.

AVERAGE_DISTINCT Calculates the average distinct value.

COUNT Counts the number of results.

COUNT_DISTINCT Counts the number of distinct results.

MAXIMUM Determines the maximum value. If the values are dates, the most recent date is

MAXIMUM_DISTINCT Determines the maximum distinct value. If the values are dates, the most recent date is

MEDIAN Calculates the median value.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 489

Value Description

MINIMUM Determines the minimum value. If the values are dates, the earliest date is determined.

MINIMUM_DISTINCT Determines the minimum distinct value. If the values are dates, the earliest date is

SUM Adds all values.

SUM_DISTINCT Adds all distinct values.

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myTransactionQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var myAggColumn = myTransactionQuery.createColumn({

fieldId: 'amount',
aggregate: query.Aggregate.AVERAGE

myTransactionQuery.columns = [myAggColumn];
// Add additional code

Enum Description Holds the string values for supported date range codes in relative dates.

This enum is used to pass the date range argument to query.createDateRange(options).

It is also used as the value of the RelativeDate.dateRangeId property. When
query.createDateRange(options) is called, the enum value that you specify is set as the value
of the RelativeDate.dateRangeId property.

When creating a date range using query.createDateRange(options), use the values in this
enum to specify a range of dates relative to the current date. For example, to create a date
range for a certain number of days before the current day, use the DateRangeId.DAYS_AGO
enum value. To create a date range for a certain number of months after the current day, use
the DateRangeId.MONTHS_FROM_NOW enum value.

The values in this enum might look similar to the values in the query.RelativeDateRange
enum, but each enum is used for a different purpose:

■ Use the query.DateRangeId enum to create a query.RelativeDate object using

query.createDateRange(options). After you create this object, you can use it
in query conditions that you create using Query.createCondition(options) or
■ Use the query.RelativeDateRange enum directly in query conditions that you create
using Query.createCondition(options) or Component.createCondition(options). Each
value in the query.RelativeDateRange enum maps to a query.RelativeDate object, and

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 490

you can use these values in the values parameter of Query.createCondition(options) or


Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Type enum

Module N/query Module

Sibling Module N/query Module Members


Since 2019.1


Value Sets RelativeDate.dateRangeId Property To

















Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 491

var dateRange = query.createDateRange({
dateRangeId: query.DateRangeId.DAYS_AGO,
value: 2
// Add additional code

Enum Description Holds the string values for operators supported with the N/query Module. This
enum is used to pass the operator argument to Query.createCondition(options) and

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Type enum

Module N/query Module

Sibling Module N/query Module Members


Since 2018.1
















SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 492


























Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var salesrep = search.join({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 493

var cond1 = search.createCondition({

fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 107
var cond2 = search.createCondition({
fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 2647
var cond3 = salesrep.createCondition({
fieldId: 'email',
operator: query.Operator.START_WITH_NOT,
values: 'foo'

search.condition = search.and(
cond3, search.not(
search.or(cond1, cond2)

var resultSet =;


Enum Holds query.RelativeDate object values for supported date ranges in relative dates.
This enum is used to pass the values argument to Query.createCondition(options)
and Component.createCondition(options). It is also used as the value of the
RelativeDate.value property. Each value in this enum represents a date range. When
Query.createCondition(options) or Component.createCondition(options) is called with a
query.RelativeDate object as the values argument, this object is set as the value of the
RelativeDate.value property.

When creating a condition using Query.createCondition(options) or

Component.createCondition(options), use the values in this enum (in conjunction with values
in the query.Operator enum) to specify a range of dates relative to the current date. For
example, to create a condition to match dates that occur before the current day, use the
RelativeDateRange.TODAY enum value and the Operator.BEFORE enum value. To create a
condition to match dates that occur after last year, use the RelativeDateRange.LAST_YEAR
enum value and the Operator.AFTER enum value. For more information about relative dates,
see Relative Dates in the N/query Module.

The values in this enum might look similar to the values in the query.DateRangeId enum, but
each enum is used for a different purpose:

■ Use the query.DateRangeId enum to create a query.RelativeDate object using

query.createDateRange(options). After you create this object, you can use it
in query conditions that you create using Query.createCondition(options) or
■ Use the query.RelativeDateRange enum directly in query conditions that you create
using Query.createCondition(options) or Component.createCondition(options). Each
value in the query.RelativeDateRange enum represents a date range, and you
can use these values in the values parameter of Query.createCondition(options) or

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 494

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following: a
plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key points
to a read-only string value.

Type enum

Module N/query Module

Sibling Module N/query Module Members


Since 2019.1


Value RelativeDate.dateRangeId Property























SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 495

Value RelativeDate.dateRangeId Property

































SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 496

Value RelativeDate.dateRangeId Property

































SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 497

Value RelativeDate.dateRangeId Property

































SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 498

Value RelativeDate.dateRangeId Property

















Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var todayCondition = myQuery.createCondition({
fieldId: 'trandate',
operator: query.Operator.BEFORE,
values: query.RelativeDateRange.TODAY
// Add additional code

Enum Description Holds the string values for the formula return types supported with the N/query Module.

This enum is used to pass the formula return type argument to

Query.createColumn(options), Component.createColumn(options),
Query.createCondition(options), and Component.createCondition(options).

For more information on formulas, see the help topics SuiteAnalytics Workbook, SQL
Expressions, and Search Formula Examples and Tips.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 499

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Type enum

Module N/query Module

Sibling Module N/query Module Members


Since 2018.1














Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myTransactionQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.TRANSACTION

var myFormulaColumn = myTransactionQuery.createColumn({

type: query.ReturnType.CURRENCY,
formula: '{amount} * 125'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 500

// Add additional code

Enum Description Holds the string values for sort locales supported with the N/query Module.
This enum is used to pass the locale argument to Query.createSort(options) and

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Type enum

Module N/query Module

Sibling Module N/query Module Members


Since 2018.2




















SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 501


































SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 502


































SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 503


































SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 504


































SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 505


























Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

myCustomerQuery.columns = [

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 506

fieldId: 'entityid'

myCustomerQuery.sort = [
column: myCustomerQuery.columns[0],
locale: query.SortLocale.EN_CA
// Add additional code

Important: The N/query module supports the same record types that are supported by the
SuiteAnalytics Workbook interface. For more information, see the help topic Available Records.

Enum Description Holds the string values for search types used in the query definition. This enum is used to
pass the initial search type argument to query.create(options).

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Type enum

Module N/query Module

Sibling Module N/query Module Members


Since 2018.1

Note: Before using these values, consider the following:

■ A search type is not the same as a record type. The supported search types listed below do
not necessarily correspond with the supported record types listed in the N/record Module.
■ Depending on your account and role, some of these values might not be available.

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To

ACCOUNT account

ACCOUNTING_CONTEXT accountingcontext

ACCOUNTING_PERIOD accountingperiod

ADVANCED_REV_REC_PLUGIN advancedrevrecplugin

ADV_INTERCOMPANY_JOURNAL_ENTRY advintercompanyjournalentry

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 507

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To

ALLOCATION_METHOD allocationmethod

AMORTIZATION_SCHEDULE amortizationschedule

AMORTIZATION_TEMPLATE amortizationtemplate

ANOTHER_HIERARCHY_RECORD anotherhierarchyrecord

BANK_CONNECTIVITY_PLUGIN bankconnectivityplugin

BILLING_CLASS billingclass

BILLING_SCHEDULE billingschedule

BRANCHRECORD branchrecord

BUDGETCATEGORY budgetcategory

BUDGETEXCHANGERATE budgetexchangerate

BUDGETIMPORT budgetimport

BUDGETS budgets

BULK_PROC_SUBMISSION bulkprocsubmission

BUNDLE_INSTALLATION_SCRIPT bundleinstallationscript

BUNDLE_INSTALLATION_SCRIPT_DEPLOYMENT bundleinstallationscriptdeployment

BUYING_REASON buyingreason

BUYING_TIME_FRAME buyingtimeframe

CALENDAR_EVENT calendarevent

CAMPAIGN_AUDIENCE campaignaudience

CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY campaigncategory

CAMPAIGN_CHANNEL campaignchannel

CAMPAIGN_EMAIL_ADDRESS campaignemailaddress

CAMPAIGN_EVENT campaignevent

CAMPAIGN_FAMILY campaignfamily

CAMPAIGN_OFFER campaignoffer

CAMPAIGN_RESPONSE campaignresponse

CAMPAIGN_SEARCH_ENGINE campaignsearchengine

CAMPAIGN_TEMPLATE campaigntemplate

CAMPAIGN_VERTICAL campaignvertical

CASE_PROFILE caseprofile

CASH_REFUND cashrefund

CASH_SALE cashsale

CATEGORY1099MISC category1099misc

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 508

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To

CHECK check

CLASSIFICATION classification

CLIENT_SCRIPT clientscript

CLIENT_SCRIPT_DEPLOYMENT clientscriptdeployment

CLOB_RECORD clobrecord

COMPANY company

COMPETITOR competitor

COMPOSITE_KEY_SOURCE_RECORD compositekeysourcerecord

COMPOSITE_RECORD compositerecord

CONSOLIDATEDEXCHANGERATE consolidatedexchangerate

CONSOLIDATEDEXCHANGERATEINTERNAL consolidatedexchangerateinternal

CONSOLIDATED_RATE_ADJUSTOR_PLUGIN consolidatedrateadjustorplugin

CONSOLIDATION_ACCOUNT consolidationaccount

CONSOLIDATION_ACCOUNT_TYPE consolidationaccounttype

CONSOLIDATION_BUDGET_RATE consolidationbudgetrate

CONSOLIDATION_CURRENCY consolidationcurrency

CONSOLIDATION_RATE consolidationrate

CONSOLIDATION_SUBSIDIARY consolidationsubsidiary

CONSOLIDATION_TRANSACTION consolidationtransaction

CONSUMER_SPECIFIC_RECORD_TYPE consumerspecificrecordtype

CONTACT contact

CONTACT_CATEGORY contactcategory

CONTACT_ROLE contactrole

COUPON_CODE couponcode

COURSE_RECORD courserecord

CREDIT_CARDS creditcards

CREDIT_CARD_CHARGE creditcardcharge

CREDIT_CARD_REFUND creditcardrefund

CREDIT_MEMO creditmemo

CRM_TEMPLATE crmtemplate

CRM_TEMPLATE_CATEGORY crmtemplatecategory

CURRENCY currency

CURRENCY_FIELD_RECORD currencyfieldrecord

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 509

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To

CURRENCY_FIELD_TYPE currencyfieldtype

CURRENCY_RATE currencyrate

CUSTOM custom

CUSTOMER customer

CUSTOMER_CATEGORY customercategory

CUSTOMER_CHARGE customercharge

CUSTOMER_DEPOSIT customerdeposit

CUSTOMER_MESSAGE customermessage

CUSTOMER_PAYMENT customerpayment

CUSTOMER_REFUND customerrefund

CUSTOMER_STATUS customerstatus

CUSTOMRECORD1 customrecord1

CUSTOM_GL_PLUGIN customglplugin

CUSTOM_LIST customlist

CUSTOM_RECORD_TYPE customrecordtype

DATE_FIELD_TYPE datefieldtype

DATE_RECORD daterecord

DATE_TIME_RECORD datetimerecord

DATE_TIME_ZONE datetimezone

DEFAULTING_PORTED_RECORD defaultingportedrecord

DEF_VIEW_TEST_RECORD defviewtestrecord

DELETED_RECORD deletedrecord

DEPARTMENT department

DEPOSIT deposit

DEPOSIT_APPLICATION depositapplication

DESCRIPTION_ITEM descriptionitem

DEVICE_ID deviceid

DISABLEDCHANNELFORMTESTRECORD disabledchannelformtestrecord

DISCOUNT_ITEM discountitem

DISPLAY_INACTIVE_TEST_RECORD displayinactivetestrecord

DOMAIN domain

DOWNLOAD_ITEM downloaditem

DURATION_RECORD durationrecord

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 510

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To

EMAIL_CAPTURE_PLUGIN emailcaptureplugin

EMAIL_TEMPLATE emailtemplate

EMPLOYEE employee

EMPLOYEE_LIST employeelist

EMPLOYEE_STATUS employeestatus

END_TO_END_TIME endtoendtime

ENTITY entity

ENTITY_GROUP entitygroup

ESCALATION_TERRITORY escalationterritory

ESTIMATE estimate

EXAMPLE_TRANSACTION exampletransaction

EXPENSE_CATEGORY expensecategory

EXPENSE_REPORT expensereport

EXPOSURENOTLIMITEDRECORD exposurenotlimitedrecord

FACULTYRECORD facultyrecord

FAX_TEMPLATE faxtemplate

FIELD_LABEL fieldlabel

FILE file

FLOAT_NUMBERS_TEST_RECORD floatnumberstestrecord

FORECAST forecast

FORMULA_POLYMORPHIC_RECORD formulapolymorphicrecord

FORMULA_RECORD formularecord

FULFILLMENT_EXCEPTION_REASON fulfillmentexceptionreason

FX_REVAL fxreval

GATEWAY_NOTIFICATION gatewaynotification

GENERAL_ALLOCATION_SCHEDULE generalallocationschedule

GENERIC_RESOURCE genericresource

GENERIC_TEST_RECORD generictestrecord

GIFT_CERTIFICATE giftcertificate

GIFT_CERTIFICATE_ITEM giftcertificateitem

HIERARCHY_RECORD hierarchyrecord

HYBRID_RECORD_LOG hybridrecordlog

INCOTERM incoterm

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 511

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To

INTEGRATION_APP integrationapp

INTERNAL_ID_TEST_RECORD internalidtestrecord

INVENTORY_ADJUSTMENT inventoryadjustment

INVENTORY_DISTRIBUTION inventorydistribution

INVENTORY_ITEM inventoryitem

INVENTORY_TRANSFER inventorytransfer

INVENTORY_WORKSHEET inventoryworksheet

INVOICE invoice

INVT_ITEM_PRICE_HISTORY invtitempricehistory

ISSUE issue

ISSUE_EXTERNAL_STATUS issueexternalstatus

ISSUE_PRIORITY issuepriority

ISSUE_PRODUCT issueproduct

ISSUE_REPRODUCIBILITY issuereproducibility

ISSUE_ROLE issuerole

ISSUE_SEVERITY issueseverity

ISSUE_SOURCE issuesource

ISSUE_STATUS issuestatus

ISSUE_TAG issuetag

ISSUE_TRACK_CODE issuetrackcode

ISSUE_TYPE issuetype

ITEM item

ITEM_FULFILLMENT itemfulfillment

ITEM_GROUP itemgroup

ITEM_RECEIPT itemreceipt

I_P_RESTRICTIONS iprestrictions

JOB job

JOB_RESOURCE_ROLE jobresourcerole

JOB_STATUS jobstatus

JOB_TYPE jobtype

JOURNAL journal

KIT_ITEM kititem

KNOWLEDGE_BASE knowledgebase

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 512

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To

LOCATION location

LOCATION_COSTING_GROUP locationcostinggroup

LOGIN_AUDIT loginaudit

MAIL_TEMPLATE mailtemplate

MAP_REDUCE_SCRIPT mapreducescript

MAP_REDUCE_SCRIPT_DEPLOYMENT mapreducescriptdeployment

MARKUP_ITEM markupitem

MASS_UPDATE_SCRIPT massupdatescript

MASS_UPDATE_SCRIPT_DEPLOYMENT massupdatescriptdeployment

MATERIALIZED_HIERARCHY_RECORD materializedhierarchyrecord

MEDIA_ITEM_FOLDER mediaitemfolder

MEM_DOC memdoc

MEM_DOC_TRANSACTION_TEMPLATE memdoctransactiontemplate

MESSAGE message

NAMED_GROUP_RECORD namedgrouprecord

NEXUS nexus

NON_INVENTORY_PURCHASE_ITEM noninventorypurchaseitem

NON_INVENTORY_RESALE_ITEM noninventoryresaleitem

NON_INVENTORY_SALE_ITEM noninventorysaleitem

NOTE note

NOTE_TYPE notetype

NUMERIC_RECORD numericrecord

ONLINE_CASE_FORM onlinecaseform

ONLINE_FORM_TEMPLATE onlineformtemplate

ONLINE_LEAD_FORM onlineleadform

OPPORTUNITY opportunity

OTHER_CHARGE_PURCHASE_ITEM otherchargepurchaseitem

OTHER_CHARGE_RESALE_ITEM otherchargeresaleitem

OTHER_CHARGE_SALE_ITEM otherchargesaleitem

OTHER_NAME othername

OTHER_NAME_CATEGORY othernamecategory

PAGE page

PAGINATION_RECORD paginationrecord

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 513

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To

PARTNER partner

PARTNER_CATEGORY partnercategory

PAYCHECK paycheck

PAYMENT_EVENT paymentevent

PAYMENT_GATEWAY_PLUGIN paymentgatewayplugin

PAYMENT_ITEM paymentitem

PAYMENT_METHOD paymentmethod

PAYMENT_PROCESSING_PROFILE paymentprocessingprofile

PAYROLL_ITEM payrollitem

PDF_TEMPLATE pdftemplate

PERSISTED_RECORD persistedrecord

PERSISTED_RECORD_FULL_JOIN persistedrecordfulljoin

PERSISTED_RECORD_INVALID_TABLE persistedrecordinvalidtable

PERSISTED_RECORD_NO_CREATE persistedrecordnocreate

PERSISTED_RECORD_NO_DELETE persistedrecordnodelete

PERSISTED_RECORD_NO_EDIT persistedrecordnoedit

PERSISTED_RECORD_NO_LOAD persistedrecordnoload

PERSISTED_RECORD_RIGHT_JOIN persistedrecordrightjoin

PERSISTED_RECORD_SIMPLE_OPTIONS persistedrecordsimpleoptions

PERSISTED_RECORD_U_Q_KEY_REF persistedrecorduqkeyref

PERSISTED_RECORD_U_Q_KEY_REF_TYPE persistedrecorduqkeyreftype

PHONE_CALL phonecall

PLUG_IN_TYPE plugintype

PLUG_IN_TYPE_IMPL plugintypeimpl

PORTLET portlet

PORTLET_DEPLOYMENT portletdeployment

PRICE_LEVEL pricelevel

PRICING pricing

PRICING_GROUP pricinggroup

PRIMARY_RECORD primaryrecord

PROJECT_TASK projecttask

PROJECT_TEMPLATE projecttemplate

PROMOTIONS_PLUGIN promotionsplugin

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 514

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To

PROMOTION_CODE promotioncode

PUBLISHED_SAVED_SEARCH publishedsavedsearch

PURCHASE_ORDER purchaseorder

PURCHASE_REQUISITION purchaserequisition

QUANTITY_PRICING_SCHEDULE quantitypricingschedule

QUOTA quota

RECENT_RECORD recentrecord

RECORD_SERVICE_TEST_RECORD recordservicetestrecord

RECORD_TYPE recordtype

RECORD_WITH_HIERARCHY_RELATIONSHIP recordwithhierarchyrelationship

REDIRECT redirect

REGION region

RELATIONSHIP_DISPLAY_INACTIVE relationshipdisplayinactive

RELATIONSHIP_SELECT_EMPLOYEE_RECORD relationshipselectemployeerecord

REPORT_DEFINITION reportdefinition

REQUEST_LEVEL_RECORD1 requestlevelrecord1

REQUEST_LEVEL_RECORD2 requestlevelrecord2

RESOURCE resource

RESTLET restlet

RESTLET_DEPLOYMENT restletdeployment

RESTRICTIONS_ONCE_REMOVED restrictionsonceremoved

RESTRICTIONS_TWICE_REMOVED restrictionstwiceremoved

RESTRICTION_ANNOTATION_TEST_RECORD restrictionannotationtestrecord

RESTRICTION_TEST_RECORD restrictiontestrecord

RETURN_AUTHORIZATION returnauthorization

REV_REC_SCHEDULE revrecschedule

REV_REC_TEMPLATE revrectemplate

ROLE role

RSTR_ALT_LOCATION rstraltlocation

RSTR_LOCATION rstrlocation

RSTR_RECORD rstrrecord

SALES sales

SALES_ORDER salesorder

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 515

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To

SALES_READINESS salesreadiness

SALES_ROLE salesrole

SALES_TAX_ITEM salestaxitem

SALES_TERRITORY salesterritory

SALES_TRANSACTION salestransaction

SAMPLE_RECORD samplerecord

SCHEDULED_SCRIPT scheduledscript

SCHEDULED_SCRIPT_DEPLOYMENT scheduledscriptdeployment

SCHEDULED_SCRIPT_INSTANCE scheduledscriptinstance

SCRIPT script

SCRIPTING_TEST_RECORD scriptingtestrecord

SCRIPTING_TEST_RECORD_SUBRECORD2_TARGET scriptingtestrecordsubrecord2target

SCRIPTING_TEST_RECORD_SUBRECORD2_TARGET2 scriptingtestrecordsubrecord2target2

SCRIPTING_TEST_RECORD_SUBRECORD3_TARGET scriptingtestrecordsubrecord3target

SCRIPTING_TEST_RECORD_SUBRECORD3_TARGET2 scriptingtestrecordsubrecord3target2

SCRIPTING_TEST_RECORD_SUBRECORD4_TARGET scriptingtestrecordsubrecord4target

SCRIPTING_TEST_RECORD_SUBRECORD4_TARGET2 scriptingtestrecordsubrecord4target2

SCRIPTING_TEST_RECORD_SUBRECORD_TARGET scriptingtestrecordsubrecordtarget

SCRIPTING_TEST_RECORD_SUBRECORD_TARGET2 scriptingtestrecordsubrecordtarget2

SCRIPTING_TEST_RECORD_TARGET scriptingtestrecordtarget

SCRIPTING_TEST_RECORD_TARGET2 scriptingtestrecordtarget2

SCRIPT_DEPLOYMENT scriptdeployment

SCRIPT_NOTE scriptnote

SCRIPT_RECORD_TYPE scriptrecordtype

SCRIP_INH_TEST_RECORD1 scripinhtestrecord1

SCRIP_INH_TEST_RECORD2 scripinhtestrecord2

SCRIP_INH_TEST_RECORD3 scripinhtestrecord3

SCRIP_INH_TEST_RECORD4 scripinhtestrecord4

SEARCH_CAMPAIGN searchcampaign

SEARCH_SCHEDULE searchschedule

SEARCH_URL_TEST_SOURCE_RECORD searchurltestsourcerecord

SEARCH_URL_TEST_TARGET_RECORD searchurltesttargetrecord

SELECT_OPTIONS_SOURCE_RECORD selectoptionssourcerecord

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 516

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To

SERVICE_PURCHASE_ITEM servicepurchaseitem

SERVICE_RESALE_ITEM serviceresaleitem

SERVICE_SALE_ITEM servicesaleitem

SHIPPING_PACKAGE shippingpackage

SHIPPING_PARTNERS_PLUGIN shippingpartnersplugin

SHIP_ITEM shipitem

SHOPPING_CART shoppingcart

SIMPLE_RECORD simplerecord

SIMPLE_RECORD_LOCATION simplerecordlocation

SITE_CATEGORY sitecategory

SLAVE slave

SLAVE_EMPTY_EXPRESSION slaveemptyexpression

SLAVE_FEATURE slavefeature

SLAVE_MASTER_PERMISSION slavemasterpermission

SLAVE_PERMISSION slavepermission

SLAVE_TARGET_PROPERTY slavetargetproperty

SLAVE_VALID_EXPRESSION slavevalidexpression

SOLUTION solution

SORT_BASE_RECORD sortbaserecord

SORT_RECORD sortrecord

SORT_RELATED_RECORD sortrelatedrecord

STATIC_LIST_RECORD staticlistrecord

STATIC_OPTIONS_FIELD_TEST_RECORD staticoptionsfieldtestrecord

STATIC_OPTIONS_VALUE staticoptionsvalue

STORE_TAB storetab

STUDENT_RECORD studentrecord

SUBLIST sublist

SUBSIDIARY subsidiary

SUBTOTAL_ITEM subtotalitem

SUB_SELECT_GROUP_RECORD subselectgrouprecord

SUITELET suitelet

SUITELET_DEPLOYMENT suiteletdeployment

SUITE_SCRIPT_DETAIL suitescriptdetail

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 517

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To

SUPPORT_CASE supportcase

SUPPORT_CASE_ISSUE supportcaseissue

SUPPORT_CASE_ORIGIN supportcaseorigin

SUPPORT_CASE_PRIORITY supportcasepriority

SUPPORT_CASE_STATUS supportcasestatus

SUPPORT_CASE_TYPE supportcasetype

SUPPORT_TERRITORY supportterritory

SYSTEM_EMAIL_TEMPLATE systememailtemplate

SYSTEM_JOURNAL systemjournal

SYSTEM_NOTE systemnote

SYSTEM_NOTE_FIELD systemnotefield

TABLE_CONDITION_TEST_RECORD tableconditiontestrecord

TASK task

TASK_ITEM_STATUS taskitemstatus

TAX_CALCULATION_PLUGIN taxcalculationplugin

TAX_ITEM_TAX_GROUP taxitemtaxgroup

TAX_PERIOD taxperiod

TAX_TYPE taxtype

TERM term

TESTDOAGGREGATEDOSUBTYPE testdoaggregatedosubtype

TESTDOAGGREGATERESTRICTIONRECORD testdoaggregaterestrictionrecord

TEST_COMPOSED_RECORD1 testcomposedrecord1

TEST_COMPOSED_RECORD2 testcomposedrecord2

TEST_COMPOSED_RECORD3 testcomposedrecord3

TEST_CONFIGURABLE_RECORD testconfigurablerecord

TEST_DO_AGGREGATE_RECORD testdoaggregaterecord

TEST_EXPOSURE_RECORD testexposurerecord

TEST_FEATURE_RECORD testfeaturerecord

TEST_FULL_RECORD testfullrecord

TEST_MACROS_UMD_RECORD testmacrosumdrecord

TEST_MULTI_TABLE_PERSISTENCE_RECORD testmultitablepersistencerecord

TEST_NEW_URLS_RECORD testnewurlsrecord

TEST_NEW_URLS_TARGET_RECORD testnewurlstargetrecord

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 518

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To

TEST_NEW_URLS_UNSUPPORTED_RECORD testnewurlsunsupportedrecord

TEST_NEXT_STANDARD_RECORD testnextstandardrecord

TEST_PLUGIN testplugin

TEST_PRIMARY_RECORD_FOR_RELATIONSHIPS testprimaryrecordforrelationships

TEST_RECORD testrecord

TEST_RECORD_ACTION_RECORD testrecordactionrecord

TEST_RECORD_UNIQUE_KEY testrecorduniquekey

TEST_RECORD_WITHOUT_LABEL testrecordwithoutlabel

TEST_RECORD_WITH_DISABLED_RECORD_SORT_FIELDS testrecordwithdisabledrecordsortfields

TEST_RECORD_WITH_SORT_FIELDS testrecordwithsortfields

TEST_REGRESSION_RECORD testregressionrecord

TEST_RELATED_PROPERTY testrelatedproperty

TEST_SECURED_RECORD testsecuredrecord

TEST_SIMPLE_PERSISTENCE_RECORD testsimplepersistencerecord

TEST_SIMPLE_PERSISTENCE_SELECT_SIDE_RECORD testsimplepersistenceselectsiderecord

TEST_SLAVING_RATE_FIELD_RECORD testslavingratefieldrecord

TEST_SLAVING_RECORD testslavingrecord

TEST_SLAVING_RECORD_OPTIMIZED testslavingrecordoptimized



TEST_SOURCING_OPTIONS_CONDITION_MASTER testsourcingoptionsconditionmaster

TEST_SOURCING_OPTIONS_CONDITION_RECORD testsourcingoptionsconditionrecord

TEST_SOURCING_OPTIONS_CONDITION_TARGET testsourcingoptionsconditiontarget



TEST_SOURCING_VALUE_RATE_COL_MASTER testsourcingvalueratecolmaster

TEST_SOURCING_VALUE_RATE_COL_RECORD testsourcingvalueratecolrecord

TEST_STANDARD_RECORD teststandardrecord

TEST_TRANSACTION testtransaction

TIME_BILL timebill

TOPIC topic

TRACKING_NUMBER trackingnumber

TRANSACTION transaction

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 519

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To

TRANSACTION_ADDRESSBOOK transactionaddressbook

TRANSACTION_BILLING_ADDRESSBOOK transactionbillingaddressbook

TRANSACTION_NUMBERING_AUDIT_LOG transactionnumberingauditlog

TRANSACTION_RETURN_ADDRESSBOOK transactionreturnaddressbook

TRANSACTION_SHIPPING_ADDRESSBOOK transactionshippingaddressbook

TRANSFER transfer

TRANSFER_ORDER transferorder

TWO_FACTOR_DEVICE twofactordevice

TYPE_FIELD_PARENT_RECORD typefieldparentrecord

TYPE_FIELD_RECORD typefieldrecord

UMD_FIELD umdfield

UNDELIVERED_EMAIL undeliveredemail

UNIFICATION_TEST unificationtest

USER_EVENT_SCRIPT usereventscript

USER_EVENT_SCRIPT_DEPLOYMENT usereventscriptdeployment

USRCATEGORY usrcategory

USRSAVEDSEARCH usrsavedsearch

USR_ANALYTICAL usranalytical

USR_AUDITING_SOURCE_RECORD usrauditingsourcerecord

USR_AUDIT_LOG usrauditlog

USR_CHANNEL_AG_BTH_ROOT usrchannelagbthroot

USR_CHANNEL_AG_BTH_ROOT_SUB_TYPE usrchannelagbthrootsubtype

USR_CHANNEL_AG_BTH_SEARCH_MTM_ROOT usrchannelagbthsearchmtmroot

USR_CHANNEL_AG_BTH_SEARCH_MTM_SUB_TYPE usrchannelagbthsearchmtmsubtype

USR_CHANNEL_AG_BTH_SEARCH_MTO_ROOT usrchannelagbthsearchmtoroot

USR_CHANNEL_AG_BTH_SEARCH_MTO_SUB_TYPE usrchannelagbthsearchmtosubtype

USR_CHANNEL_AG_SRC_ROOT usrchannelagsrcroot

USR_CHANNEL_AG_SRC_ROOT_SUB_TYPE usrchannelagsrcrootsubtype

USR_CHANNEL_AG_SRC_SEARCH_MTM_PRIMARY usrchannelagsrcsearchmtmprimary

USR_CHANNEL_AG_SRC_SEARCH_MTO_PRIMARY usrchannelagsrcsearchmtoprimary

USR_CHANNEL_AG_TGT_ROOT usrchannelagtgtroot

USR_CHANNEL_AG_TGT_SEARCH_MTM_ROOT usrchannelagtgtsearchmtmroot

USR_CHANNEL_AG_TGT_SEARCH_MTM_SUB_TYPE usrchannelagtgtsearchmtmsubtype

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 520

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To

USR_CHANNEL_AG_TGT_SEARCH_MTO_ROOT usrchannelagtgtsearchmtoroot

USR_CHANNEL_AG_TGT_SEARCH_MTO_SUB_TYPE usrchannelagtgtsearchmtosubtype

USR_CHANNEL_STD_ROOT usrchannelstdroot

USR_CHANNEL_STD_SEARCH_MTM_PRIMARY usrchannelstdsearchmtmprimary

USR_CHANNEL_STD_SEARCH_MTO_PRIMARY usrchannelstdsearchmtoprimary

USR_EXECUTION_LOG usrexecutionlog

USR_EXPOSE_EXTERNAL usrexposeexternal

USR_EXPOSE_IMPORTANT usrexposeimportant



USR_EXPOSE_INTNL_FLD_PLAIN_AG_TGT_ROOT usrexposeintnlfldplainagtgtroot


USR_EXPOSE_INTNL_FLD_PLAIN_STD_ROOT usrexposeintnlfldplainstdroot



















USR_EXPOSE_PLAIN_FLD_PLAIN_AG_BTH_ROOT usrexposeplainfldplainagbthroot

USR_EXPOSE_PLAIN_FLD_PLAIN_AG_BTH_SUB_TYPE usrexposeplainfldplainagbthsubtype

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 521

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To





USR_EXPOSE_PLAIN_FLD_PLAIN_AG_SRC_ROOT usrexposeplainfldplainagsrcroot

USR_EXPOSE_PLAIN_FLD_PLAIN_AG_SRC_SUB_TYPE usrexposeplainfldplainagsrcsubtype









USR_EXPOSE_PLAIN_FLD_PLAIN_AG_TGT_ROOT usrexposeplainfldplainagtgtroot





USR_EXPOSE_PLAIN_FLD_PLAIN_STD_ROOT usrexposeplainfldplainstdroot

USR_FEATURE_AG_BTH_ROOT usrfeatureagbthroot

USR_FEATURE_AG_BTH_ROOT_SUB_TYPE usrfeatureagbthrootsubtype

USR_FEATURE_AG_SRC_ROOT usrfeatureagsrcroot

USR_FEATURE_AG_SRC_ROOT_SUB_TYPE usrfeatureagsrcrootsubtype

USR_FEATURE_AG_TGT_ROOT usrfeatureagtgtroot

USR_FEATURE_CSM_DEFAULT_COLUMNS_RECORD usrfeaturecsmdefaultcolumnsrecord

USR_FEATURE_CSM_IMPORTANT_JOIN_RECORD usrfeaturecsmimportantjoinrecord

USR_FEATURE_CSM_INHERITANCE_RECORD usrfeaturecsminheritancerecord

USR_FEATURE_CSM_USAGE_SPECIFIC_RECORD usrfeaturecsmusagespecificrecord

USR_FEATURE_STD_ROOT usrfeaturestdroot

USR_NON_SYSTEM_RECORD usrnonsystemrecord

USR_PERMISSION_AG_BTH_DENIED_MTM_ROOT usrpermissionagbthdeniedmtmroot

USR_PERMISSION_AG_BTH_DENIED_MTM_SUB_TYPE usrpermissionagbthdeniedmtmsubtype

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 522

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To

USR_PERMISSION_AG_BTH_DENIED_MTO_ROOT usrpermissionagbthdeniedmtoroot

USR_PERMISSION_AG_BTH_DENIED_MTO_SUB_TYPE usrpermissionagbthdeniedmtosubtype

USR_PERMISSION_AG_BTH_GRANTED_MTM_ROOT usrpermissionagbthgrantedmtmroot

USR_PERMISSION_AG_BTH_GRANTED_MTM_SUB_TYPE usrpermissionagbthgrantedmtmsubtype

USR_PERMISSION_AG_BTH_GRANTED_MTO_ROOT usrpermissionagbthgrantedmtoroot

USR_PERMISSION_AG_BTH_GRANTED_MTO_SUB_TYPE usrpermissionagbthgrantedmtosubtype

USR_PERMISSION_AG_BTH_ROOT usrpermissionagbthroot

USR_PERMISSION_AG_BTH_ROOT_SUB_TYPE usrpermissionagbthrootsubtype

USR_PERMISSION_AG_SRC_DENIED_MTM_PRIMARY usrpermissionagsrcdeniedmtmprimary

USR_PERMISSION_AG_SRC_DENIED_MTO_PRIMARY usrpermissionagsrcdeniedmtoprimary

USR_PERMISSION_AG_SRC_GRANTED_MTM_PRIMARY usrpermissionagsrcgrantedmtmprimary

USR_PERMISSION_AG_SRC_GRANTED_MTO_PRIMARY usrpermissionagsrcgrantedmtoprimary

USR_PERMISSION_AG_SRC_ROOT usrpermissionagsrcroot

USR_PERMISSION_AG_SRC_ROOT_SUB_TYPE usrpermissionagsrcrootsubtype

USR_PERMISSION_AG_TGT_DENIED_MTM_ROOT usrpermissionagtgtdeniedmtmroot

USR_PERMISSION_AG_TGT_DENIED_MTM_SUB_TYPE usrpermissionagtgtdeniedmtmsubtype

USR_PERMISSION_AG_TGT_DENIED_MTO_ROOT usrpermissionagtgtdeniedmtoroot

USR_PERMISSION_AG_TGT_DENIED_MTO_SUB_TYPE usrpermissionagtgtdeniedmtosubtype

USR_PERMISSION_AG_TGT_GRANTED_MTM_ROOT usrpermissionagtgtgrantedmtmroot

USR_PERMISSION_AG_TGT_GRANTED_MTM_SUB_TYPE usrpermissionagtgtgrantedmtmsubtype

USR_PERMISSION_AG_TGT_GRANTED_MTO_ROOT usrpermissionagtgtgrantedmtoroot

USR_PERMISSION_AG_TGT_GRANTED_MTO_SUB_TYPE usrpermissionagtgtgrantedmtosubtype

USR_PERMISSION_AG_TGT_ROOT usrpermissionagtgtroot

USR_PERMISSION_STD_DENIED_MTM_PRIMARY usrpermissionstddeniedmtmprimary

USR_PERMISSION_STD_DENIED_MTO_PRIMARY usrpermissionstddeniedmtoprimary

USR_PERMISSION_STD_GRANTED_MTM_PRIMARY usrpermissionstdgrantedmtmprimary

USR_PERMISSION_STD_GRANTED_MTO_PRIMARY usrpermissionstdgrantedmtoprimary

USR_PERMISSION_STD_ROOT usrpermissionstdroot

USR_POLYMORPHIC_CHILD_ONE_RECORD usrpolymorphicchildonerecord

USR_POLYMORPHIC_CHILD_TWO_RECORD usrpolymorphicchildtworecord

USR_POLYMORPHIC_JOIN_TEST_RECORD usrpolymorphicjointestrecord


USR_TARGET_PROPERTIES_MTO2_TARGET_RECORD usrtargetpropertiesmto2targetrecord

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 523

Enum Value Sets Query.type Property To

USR_TARGET_PROPERTIES_MTO_TARGET_RECORD usrtargetpropertiesmtotargetrecord

USR_TARGET_PROPERTIES_ROOT_RECORD usrtargetpropertiesrootrecord

USR_UNIVERSAL usruniversal

VENDOR vendor

VENDOR_BILL vendorbill

VENDOR_CATEGORY vendorcategory

VENDOR_CREDIT vendorcredit

VENDOR_PAYMENT vendorpayment

VENDOR_SUBSIDIARY_RELATIONSHIP vendorsubsidiaryrelationship

WEBAPP webapp

WEB_SITE website

WIN_LOSS_REASON winlossreason

WORKFLOW_ACTION_SCRIPT workflowactionscript

WORKFLOW_ACTION_SCRIPT_DEPLOYMENT workflowactionscriptdeployment

WORKPLACE workplace

WORK_CALENDAR workcalendar

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

var search = query.create({

type: query.Type.CUSTOMER

var salesrep = search.autoJoin({

fieldId: 'salesrep'

var cond1 = search.createCondition({

fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 107
var cond2 = search.createCondition({
fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 2647
var cond3 = salesrep.createCondition({
fieldId: 'email',
operator: query.Operator.START_WITH_NOT,

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/query Module 524

values: 'foo'
search.condition = search.and(
cond3, search.or(cond1, cond2)

var resultSet =;

N/record Module
Load the record module to work with NetSuite records. You can use this module to create, delete, copy,
load, or make changes to a record.

SuiteScript supports working with standard NetSuite records and with instances of custom record
types. Supported standard record types are described in the SuiteScript Records Browser. Refer also to
SuiteScript Supported Records. For help working with an instance of a custom record type, see the help
topic Custom Record.

For help finding a record’s internal ID, see the help topic How do I find a record's internal ID?

Important: SuiteScript does not support direct access to the NetSuite UI through the
Document Object Model (DOM). The NetSuite UI should only be accessed with SuiteScript APIs.

■ N/record Module Members

■ Column Object Members
■ Field Object Members
■ Macro Object Members
■ Record Object Members
■ Sublist Object Members
■ N/record Module Script Samples
■ N/record Default Values

N/record Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Object record.Column Object Client and server- Encapsulates a column of a sublist on a

side scripts standard or custom record.

record.Field Object Client and server- Encapsulates a body or sublist field on a

side scripts standard or custom record.

record.Macro Object Client and server- Encapsulates a NetSuite record macro.

side scripts

Plain JavaScript Object Object Client and server- A plain JavaScript object of record
side scripts macros available for a record
type. This object is returned by

record.Record Object Client and server- Encapsulates a NetSuite record.

side scripts

record.Sublist Object Client and server- Encapsulates a sublist on a standard or

side scripts custom record.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 525

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method record.attach(options) void Client and server- Attaches a record to another record.
side scripts

Promise Client scripts Attaches a record asynchronously to
another record.

record.copy(options) record.Record Client and server- Creates a new record by copying an

side scripts existing record in NetSuite.

Promise Client scripts Creates a new record asynchronously by
copying an existing record in NetSuite.

record.create(options) record.Record Client and server- Creates a new record.

side scripts

Promise Client scripts Creates a new record asynchronously.

record.delete(options) number Client and server- Deletes a record.

side scripts

Promise Client scripts Deletes a record asynchronously.

record.detach(options) void Client and server- Detaches a record from another record.
side scripts

Promise Client scripts Detaches a record from another record

Promise Client scripts Updates and submits one or more body
fields asynchronously on an existing
record in NetSuite, and returns the
internal ID of the parent record.

record.Record Client and server- Transforms a record from one type into
side scripts another, using data from an existing

Promise Client scripts Transforms a record from one type into
another asynchronously, using data
from an existing record.

Enum record.Type enum Client and server- Enumeration that holds the string
side scripts values for supported standard record

Column Object Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Property string (read-only) Client and server- Returns the internal ID of the
side scripts column.

Column.label string (read-only) Client and server- Returns the UI label for the
side scripts column.

Column.sublistId string (read-only) Client and server- Returns the internal ID of the
side scripts standard or custom sublist that
contains the column.

Column.type string (read-only) Client and server- Returns the column type.
side scripts

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 526

Field Object Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Field.â##getâ##Selectâ##Optionsâ##(â##options)
array Client and server- Returns an array of available
side scripts options on a standard or custom
select, multiselect, or radio field as
key-value pairs. Only the first 1,000
available options are returned.

Property Field.label string (read-only) Client and server- Returns the UI label for a standard
side scripts or custom field body or sublist
field. string (read-only) Client and server- Returns the internal ID of a

side scripts standard or custom body or sublist

Field.type string (read-only) Client and server- Returns the type of a body or
side scripts sublist field.

Field.isMandatory boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if the standard or
false side scripts custom field is mandatory on the
record form, or false otherwise.

Field.sublistId string (read-only) Client and server- Returns the ID of the sublist
side scripts associated with the specified
sublist field.

Field.isDisplay boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if the field is visible
false side scripts on the record form, or false if it is

Macro Object Members

The following members are called on the record.Macro object. For information about record macros,
see the help topic Overview of Record Action and Macro APIs.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Macro.execute(options) Object Client and server- Performs a macro operation

side scripts and returns its result in an

Promise Client scripts Performs a macro operation

Macro(options) Object Client and server- Performs a macro operation

side scripts and returns its result in an

Macro.promise(options) Promise Client scripts Performs a macro operation


Property string Client and server- The ID of the macro.

side scripts
For a list of macro IDs, see the
help topic Supported Record

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 527

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Macro.label string Client and server- The macro label.

side scripts

Macro.description string Client and server- The macro description.

side scripts

Macro.attributes Object Client and server- The macro defined attributes.

side scripts

Record Object Members

The following members are called on the record.Record object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Record.â##cancelLineâ##(options)
record.Record Client and server- Cancels the currently selected line
side scripts on a sublist.

record.Record Client and server- Commits the currently selected line
side scripts on a sublist.

Object Client and server- Performs macro operation and
side scripts returns its result in a plain JavaScript

Object Client and server- Provides a plain JavaScript object
side scripts that contains macro objects defined
for a record type, indexed by the
Macro ID.

number Client and server- Returns the line number of the first
side scripts instance where a specified value is
found in a specified column of the

number Client and server- Returns the line number for the
side scripts first occurrence of a field value in a

number | Date Client and server- Gets the value for the currently
| string | array | side scripts selected line in the matrix.
boolean true |

record.Field Client and server- Returns a field object from a sublist.
side scripts

number Client and server- Returns the line number of the
side scripts currently selected line.

record.Record Client and server- Gets the subrecord for the
side scripts associated sublist field on the
current line.

string Client and server- Returns a text representation of the
side scripts field value in the currently selected

number | Date Client and server- Returns the value of a sublist field
| string | array | side scripts on the currently selected sublist
boolean true | line.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 528

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Record.â##getField(options) record.Field Client and server- Returns a field object from a record.
side scripts

Record.getFields() string[] Client and server- Returns the body field names
side scripts (internal ids) of all the fields in the
record, including machine header
field and matrix header fields.

number Client and server- Returns the number of lines in a
side scripts sublist.

record.Macro Client and server- Provides a macro to execute.
side scripts

Object Client and server- Provides a plain JavaScript object
side scripts that contains macro objects defined
for a record type, indexed by the
Macro ID.

number Client and server- Returns the number of columns for
side scripts the specified matrix.

record.Field Client and server- Gets the field for the specified
side scripts header in the matrix.

number | Date Client and server- Gets the value for the associated
| string | array | side scripts header in the matrix.
boolean true |

record.Field Client and server- Gets the field for the specified
side scripts sublist in the matrix.

number | Date Client and server- Gets the value for the associated
| string | array | side scripts field in the matrix.
boolean true |

record.Sublist Client and server- Returns the specified sublist.
side scripts

Record.getSublists() string[] Client and server- Returns all the names of all the
side scripts sublists.

record.Field Client and server- Returns a field object from a sublist.
side scripts

string[] Client and server- Returns all the field names in a
side scripts sublist.

record.Record Client and server- Gets the subrecord associated with
side scripts a sublist field. (standard mode only)

string Client and server- Returns the value of a sublist field in
side scripts a text representation.

number | Date Client and server- Returns the value of a sublist field.
| string | array | side scripts
boolean true |

record.Record Client and server- Gets the subrecord for the
side scripts associated field.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 529

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Record.getText(options) string Client and server- Returns the text representation of a

side scripts field value.

Record.â##getValue(options)number | Date Client and server- Returns the value of a field.

| string | array | side scripts
boolean true |

boolean true | Client and server- Returns a value indicating whether
false side scripts the associated sublist field has a
subrecord on the current line.

boolean true | Client and server- Returns a value indicating whether
false side scripts the associated sublist field contains
a subrecord.

boolean true | Client and server- Returns a value indicating whether
false side scripts the field contains a subrecord.

record.Record Client and server- Inserts a sublist line.
side scripts

record.Record Client and server- Removes the subrecord for the
side scripts associated sublist field on the
current line.

record.Record Client and server- Removes a sublist line.
side scripts

record.Record Client and server- Removes the subrecord for the
side scripts associated sublist field. (standard
mode only)

record.Record Client and server- Removes the subrecord for the
side scripts associated field. number Client and server- Submits a new record or saves edits
side scripts to an existing record.

This method is not available to


number Client scripts Submits a new record
asynchronously or saves edits to an
existing record asynchronously.

This method is not available to


record.Record Client and server- Selects an existing line in a sublist.
side scripts

record.Record Client and server- Selects a new line at the end of a
side scripts sublist.

record.Record Client and server- Sets the value for the line currently
side scripts selected in the matrix.

record.Record Client and server- Sets the value for the field in the
side scripts currently selected line by a text

record.Record Client and server- Sets the value for the field in the
side scripts currently selected line.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 530

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

record.Record Client and server- Sets the value for the associated
side scripts header in the matrix.

record.Record Client and server- Sets the value for the associated
side scripts field in the matrix.

record.Record Client and server- Sets the value of a sublist field by a
side scripts text representation. (standard mode

record.Record Client and server- Sets the value of a sublist field.
side scripts (standard mode only)

Record.setText(options) record.Record Client and server- Sets the value of the field by a text
side scripts representation.

Record.â##setValue(options) record.Record Client and server- Sets the value of a field.

side scripts

Property number (read- Client and server- The internal ID of a specific record.
only) side scripts
This property is not available to

Record.isDynamic boolean (read- Client and server- Indicates whether the record is in
only) side scripts dynamic or standard mode.

Record.type string (read-only) Client and server- The record type.

side scripts
This property is not available to

Sublist Object Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method Sublist.â##getColumnâ##(options)
record.Column Client and server- Returns a column in the
side scripts sublist.

Property string (read-only) Client and server- Returns the internal ID of
side scripts the sublist.

Sublist.isChanged boolean true | Client and server- Indicates whether the

false (read-only) side scripts sublist has changed on
the record form.

Sublist.isDisplay boolean true | Client and server- Indicates whether the

false (read-only) side scripts sublist is displayed on the
record form.

Sublist.type string (read-only) Client and server- Returns the sublist type.
side scripts

N/record Module Script Samples

The following script samples demonstrate how to use the record module.
These samples use the require function, so that you can copy each script into the debugger and
test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the script you
attach to a script record). For more information, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Script Basics and
SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 531

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

Important: Some of the values in these samples are placeholders. Before using these
samples, replace all hardcoded values, such as IDs and file paths, with valid values from your
NetSuite account. If you run a script with an invalid value, the system may throw an error.

The following example shows how to create and save a contact record.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/record'], function(record) {
function createAndSaveContactRecord() {
var nameData = {
firstname: 'John',
middlename: 'Doe',
lastname: 'Smith'
var objRecord = record.create({
type: record.Type.CONTACT,
isDynamic: true
fieldId: 'subsidiary',
value: '1'
for ( var key in nameData) {
if (nameData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
fieldId: key,
value: nameData[key]
var recordId ={
enableSourcing: false,
ignoreMandatoryFields: false

The following example shows how to create and save a contact record using Promise methods.

Note: To debug client scripts like the following, we recommend that you use Chrome DevTools
for Chrome, Firebug debugger for Firefox, or Microsoft Script Debugger for Internet Explorer.
For information about these tools, see the documentation provided with each browser.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/record'], function(record) {
function createAndSaveContactRecordWithPromise() {

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 532

var nameData = {
firstname: 'John',
middlename: 'Doe',
lastname: 'Smith'
var createRecordPromise = record.create.promise({
type: record.Type.CONTACT,
isDynamic: true

createRecordPromise.then(function(objRecord) {
console.log('start evaluating promise content');
fieldId: 'subsidiary',
value: '1'
for ( var key in nameData) {
if (nameData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
fieldId: key,
value: nameData[key]
var recordId ={
enableSourcing: false,
ignoreMandatoryFields: false
}, function(e) {
log.error('Unable to create contact',;

The following example shows how to access sublists and a subrecord from a record. This example
requires the Advanced Number Inventory Management feature.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/record'], function(record) {
function createPurchaseOrder() {
var rec = record.create({
type: 'purchaseorder',
isDynamic: true
fieldId: 'entity',
value: 52
fieldId: 'location',
value: 2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 533

sublistId: 'item'
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
value: 190
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'quantity',
value: 2
subrecordInvDetail = rec.getCurrentSublistSubrecord({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'inventorydetail'
sublistId: 'inventoryassignment'
sublistId: 'inventoryassignment',
fieldId: 'receiptinventorynumber',
value: 'myinventoryNumber'
sublistId: 'inventoryassignment'
sublistId: 'inventoryassignment',
line: 0
var myInventoryNumber = subrecordInvDetail.getCurrentSublistValue({
sublistId: 'inventoryassignment',
fieldId: 'receiptinventorynumber'
sublistId: 'item'
var recordId =;

Note: For additional script samples that include subrecords, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Scripting Subrecords.

The following example shows how to access sublists and a subrecord from a record using Promise
methods. This example requires the Advanced Number Inventory Management feature.
To debug client scripts like the following, we recommend that you use Chrome DevTools for Chrome,
Firebug debugger for Firefox, or Microsoft Script Debugger for Internet Explorer. For information about
these tools, see the documentation provided with each browser.

*@NApiVersion 2.x

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 534

require(['N/record'], function(record) {
function createPurchaseOrder() {
var createRecordPromise = record.create.promise({
type: 'purchaseorder',
isDynamic: true
createRecordPromise.then(function(rec) {
fieldId: 'entity',
value: 52
fieldId: 'location',
value: 2
sublistId: 'item'
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
value: 190
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'quantity',
value: 2
subrecordInvDetail = rec.getCurrentSublistSubrecord({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'inventorydetail'
sublistId: 'inventoryassignment'
sublistId: 'inventoryassignment',
fieldId: 'receiptinventorynumber',
value: 'myinventoryNumber'
sublistId: 'inventoryassignment'
sublistId: 'inventoryassignment',
line: 0
var myInventoryNumber = subrecordInvDetail.getCurrentSublistValue({
sublistId: 'inventoryassignment',
fieldId: 'receiptinventorynumber'
sublistId: 'item'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 535

var recordId =;

}, function(err) {
log.error('Unable to create purchase order!',;

The following example shows you how to call a calculateTax macro on a sales order record. To execute
a macro on a record, the record must be created or loaded in dynamic mode. Note that the SuiteTax
feature must be enabled to successfully execute the macro used in this sample.

For information about record macros, see the help topic Overview of Record Action and Macro APIs.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(record) {

var recordObj = record.create({

type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
isDynamic: true

var ITEM_VALUE = 1;
fieldId: 'entity',
sublistId: 'item'
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'quantity',
value: 1

var totalBeforeTax = recordObj.getValue({fieldId: 'total'});

// get macros available on the record

var macros = recordObj.getMacros();

// execute the macro

if ('calculateTax' in macros)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 536

macros.calculateTax(); // For promise version use: macros.calculateTax.promise()

// Alternative (direct) macro execution
// var calculateTax = recordObj.getMacro({id: 'calculateTax'});
// calculateTax(); // For promise version use: calculateTax.promise()
var totalAfterTax = recordObj.getValue({fieldId: 'total'});

var recordId ={

enableSourcing: false,
ignoreMandatoryFields: false

N/record Default Values

You can use SuiteScript 2.0 to specify record initialization parameters that default when creating,
copying, loading, and transforming records. To enable this behavior, use the optional defaultValues
parameter in the following APIs:

■ record.create(options)
■ record.copy(options)
■ record.transform(options)
■ record.load(options)

The following table lists initialization types that are available to certain SuiteScript-supported records
and the values they can contain.

Record Initialization Type Values

All SuiteScript-supported records that customform <customformid>

support form customization.

Assembly Build assemblyitem <assemblyitemid>

Cash Refund entity <entityid>

Cash Sale entity <entityid>

Check entity <entityid>

Credit Memo entity <entityid>

Customer Payment entity <entityid>

Customer Refund entity <entityid>

Deposit disablepaymentfilters <disablepaymentfilters>

Estimate entity <entityid>

Expense Report entity <entityid>

Invoice entity <entityid>

Item Receipt entity <entityid>

Non-Inventory Part subtype sale | resale | purchase

Opportunity entity <entityid>

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 537

Record Initialization Type Values

Other Charge Item subtype sale | resale | purchase

Purchase Order entity <entityid>

Return Authorization entity <entityid>

Sales Order entity <entityid>

Script Deployment script <scriptid>

Service subtype sale | resale | purchase

Tax Group nexuscountry <countrycode>

See Country Codes Used for Initialization


Tax Type country <countrycode>

See Country Codes Used for Initialization


Topic parenttopic <parenttopicid>

Vendor Bill entity <entityid>

Vendor Payment entity <entityid>

Work Order assemblyitem <assemblyitemid>

Country Codes Used for Initialization Parameters

If you are scripting the Tax Group or Tax Type records, you can initialize the record to source all values
related to a specific country. In your script, use the country code for the countrycodeid value, for

record.create('taxgroup', {nexuscountry: 'AR'});

Country Code Country Name

AD Andorra

AE United Arab Emirates

AF Afghanistan

AG Antigua and Barbuda

AI Anguilla

AL Albania

AM Armenia

AO Angola

AQ Antarctica

AR Argentina

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 538

Country Code Country Name

AS American Samoa

AT Austria

AU Australia

AW Aruba

AX Aland Islands

AZ Azerbaijan

BA Bosnia and Herzegovina

BB Barbados

BD Bangladesh

BE Belgium

BF Burkina Faso

BG Bulgaria

BH Bahrain

BI Burundi

BJ Benin

BL Saint Barthélemy

BM Bermuda

BN Brunei Darrussalam

BO Bolivia

BQ Bonaire, Saint Eustatius, and Saba

BR Brazil

BS Bahamas

BT Bhutan

BV Bouvet Island

BW Botswana

BY Belarus

BZ Belize

CA Canada

CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands

CD Congo, Democratic People's Republic

CF Central African Republic

CG Congo, Republic of

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 539

Country Code Country Name

CH Switzerland

CI Cote d'Ivoire

CK Cook Islands

CL Chile

CM Cameroon

CN China

CO Colombia

CR Costa Rica

CU Cuba

CV Cape Verde

CW Curacao

CX Christmas Island

CY Cyprus

CZ Czech Republic

DE Germany

DJ Djibouti

DK Denmark

DM Dominica

DO Dominican Republic

DZ Algeria

EA Ceuta and Melilla

EC Ecuador

EE Estonia

EG Egypt

EH Western Sahara

ER Eritrea

ES Spain

ET Ethiopia

FI Finland

FJ Fiji

FK Falkland Islands

FM Micronesia, Federal State of

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 540

Country Code Country Name

FO Faroe Islands

FR France

GA Gabon

GB United Kingdom

GD Grenada

GE Georgia

GF French Guiana

GG Guernsey

GH Ghana

GI Gibraltar

GL Greenland

GM Gambia

GN Guinea

GP Guadeloupe

GQ Equatorial Guinea

GR Greece

GS South Georgia

GT Guatemala

GU Guam

GW Guinea-Bissau

GY Guyana

HK Hong Kong

HM Heard and McDonald Islands

HN Honduras

HR Croatia/Hrvatska

HT Haiti

HU Hungary

IC Canary Islands

ID Indonesia

IE Ireland

IL Israel

IM Isle of Man

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 541

Country Code Country Name

IN India

IO British Indian Ocean Territory

IQ Iraq

IR Iran (Islamic Republic of)

IS Iceland

IT Italy

JE Jersey

JM Jamaica

JO Jordan

JP Japan

KE Kenya

KG Kyrgyzstan

KH Cambodia

KI Kiribati

KM Comoros

KN Saint Kitts and Nevis

KP Korea, Democratic People's Republic

KR Korea, Republic of

KW Kuwait

KY Cayman Islands

KZ Kazakhstan

LA Lao People's Democratic Republic

LB Lebanon

LC Saint Lucia

LI Liechtenstein

LK Sri Lanka

LR Liberia

LS Lesotho

LT Lithuania

LU Luxembourg

LV Latvia

LY Libya

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 542

Country Code Country Name

MA Morocco

MC Monaco

MD Moldova, Republic of

ME Montenegro

MF Saint Martin

MG Madagascar

MH Marshall Islands

MK Macedonia

ML Mali

MM Myanmar

MN Mongolia

MO Macau

MP Northern Mariana Islands

MQ Martinique

MR Mauritania

MS Montserrat

MT Malta

MU Mauritius

MV Maldives

MW Malawi

MX Mexico

MY Malaysia

MZ Mozambique

NA Namibia

NC New Caledonia

NE Niger

NF Norfolk Island

NG Nigeria

NI Nicaragua

NL Netherlands

NO Norway

NP Nepal

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 543

Country Code Country Name

NR Nauru

NU Niue

NZ New Zealand

OM Oman

PA Panama

PE Peru

PF French Polynesia

PG Papua New Guinea

PH Philippines

PK Pakistan

PL Poland

PM St. Pierre and Miquelon

PN Pitcairn Island

PR Puerto Rico

PS State of Palestine

PT Portugal

PW Palau

PY Paraguay

QA Qatar

RE Reunion Island

RO Romania

RS Serbia

RU Russian Federation

RW Rwanda

SA Saudi Arabia

SB Solomon Islands

SC Seychelles

SD Sudan

SE Sweden

SG Singapore

SH Saint Helena

SI Slovenia

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 544

Country Code Country Name

SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands

SK Slovak Republic

SL Sierra Leone

SM San Marino

SN Senegal

SO Somalia

SR Suriname

SS South Sudan

ST Sao Tome and Principe

SV El Salvador

SX Sint Maarten

SY Syrian Arab Republic

SZ Swaziland

TC Turks and Caicos Islands

TD Chad

TF French Southern Territories

TG Togo

TH Thailand

TJ Tajikistan

TK Tokelau

TM Turkmenistan

TN Tunisia

TO Tonga

TP East Timor

TR Turkey

TT Trinidad and Tobago

TV Tuvalu

TW Taiwan

TZ Tanzania

UA Ukraine

UG Uganda

UM US Minor Outlying Islands

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 545

Country Code Country Name

US United States

UY Uruguay

UZ Uzbekistan

VA Holy See (City Vatican State)

VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

VE Venezuela

VG Virgin Islands (British)

VI Virgin Islands (USA)

VN Vietnam

VU Vanuatu

WF Wallis and Futuna Islands

WS Samoa

XK Kosovo

YE Yemen

YT Mayotte

ZA South Africa

ZM Zambia

ZW Zimbabwe

Object Description Encapsulates a column of a sublist on a standard or custom record.

For a complete list of this object’s properties, see Column Object Members.

This object does not return a value, it returns information about the sublist

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 546

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'

var objColumn = objSublist.getColumn({

fieldId: 'item'

if(objColumn.label === 'myLabel' ){

//Perform an action
if(objColumn.type === 'checkbox'){
//Perform an action
// Add additional code.

Property Description Returns the internal ID of the column. Note that the value is the same
as the value that is passed into fieldID.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Column Object Members

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 547


var objColumn = objSublist.getColumn({

fieldId: 'item'
log.debug ({
title: 'ID comparison',
details: 'Note that = '+ + ' is the same as the value you passed in as fieldID.'
// Add additional code.


Property Description Returns the internal ID of the column.

This property does not return a value, it returns information about the column

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Column Object Members

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'

var objColumn = objSublist.getColumn({

fieldId: 'item'

if(objColumn.label === 'myLabel' ){

//Perform an action

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 548

// Add additional code.


Property Description Returns the internal ID of the standard or custom sublist that contains the

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Column Object Members

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'

var objColumn = objSublist.getColumn({

fieldId: 'item'
//Perform an action with the objColumn.sublistId value
// Add additional code.


Property Description Returns the column type. For more information on possible return values, see

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 549

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Column Object Members

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'

var objColumn = objSublist.getColumn({

fieldId: 'item'

if(objColumn.type === 'checkbox'){

//Perform an action
// Add additional code.

Object Description Encapsulates a body or sublist field on a standard or custom record.

Use the following methods to access the Field object:

■ Record.getField(options)
■ Record.getSublistField(options)
■ Record.getCurrentSublistField(options)
■ CurrentRecord.getField(options)
■ CurrentRecord.getSublistField(options)

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Field Object

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 550


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'

var objField = objSublist.getField({

fieldId: 'item'
if(objField.label === 'myLabel' ){
//Perform an action
if(objField.type === 'checkbox'){
//Perform an action
// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns an array of available options on a standard or custom select, multi-select, or
radio field as key-value pairs.

Important: You can only use this method on a record in dynamic

mode. For additional information on dynamic mode, see record.Record and
SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic Modes.

Returns array

Only the first 1,000 available options are returned in an array.

If there are more than 1,000 available options, an empty array [] is returned.

This function returns an array in the following format:

[{value: 5, text: 'abc'},{value: 6, text: '123'}]

This function returns Type Error if the field is not a supported field for this method.

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 551

Sibling Object Members Field Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.filter string Required The search string to filter the select 2015.2
options that are returned.

Note: Filter values are case


options.operator string Required The following operators are supported: 2015.2

■ contains (default)
■ is
■ startswith


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'

var options = objField.getSelectOptions({

filter : 'C',
operator : 'startswith'

//Perform an action with the options array

// Add additional code.


Property Description Returns the UI label for a standard or custom field body or sublist field.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 552

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Field Object Members

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'

var objField = objSublist.getField({

fieldId: 'item'

if(objField.label === 'myLabel' ){

//Perform an action
// Add additional code.

Property Description Returns the internal ID of a standard or custom body or sublist field.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Field Object Members

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 553


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'

var objField = objSublist.getField({

fieldId: 'item'
//Perform an action with the value
// Add additional code.


Property Description Returns the type of a body or sublist field.

For example, the value can return text, date, currency, select, checkbox, etc.
For more information on possible return values, see format.Type.

The maximum character limit for select field types is 801.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Field Object Members

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 554

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'

var objField = objSublist.getField({

fieldId: 'item'

if(objField.type === 'checkbox'){

//Perform an action
// Add additional code.


Property Description Returns true if the standard or custom field is mandatory on the record form, or
false otherwise.

Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Field Object Members

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'

var objField = objSublist.getField({

fieldId: 'item'

var options = {
title:'Incomplete Field:',
message: 'Please complete this field.'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 555

// Add additional code.


Property Description Returns the sublist ID for the specified sublist field.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Field Object Members

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'

var objField = objSublist.getField({

fieldId: 'item'

//Perform an action with the objField.sublistId

// Add additional code.


Property Description Returns true if the field is visible on the record form, or false if it is not.

Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 556

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Field Object Members

Since 2015.2

Object Description Encapsulates a record macro. For information about record macros, see the help
topic Overview of Record Action and Macro APIs.

Use the Record.getMacro(options) method to access the Macro object.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Macro Object

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts.

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Methods and Properties Macro Object Members

Since 2018.2

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myMacro = record.getMacro({id: 'calculateTax'})
// Add additional code


Method Description Performs a macro operation and returns its result in a plain JavaScript object.

For information about record macros, see the help topic Overview of Record
Action and Macro APIs.

Returns {notifications: [], response: {}}

Supported Script Types Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Parent Object record.Macro

Sibling Object Members Macro Object Members

Since 2018.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 557


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.params Object optional The macro arguments.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

timesheet.executeMacro({id:'copyFromWeek', params: {weekOf : '7/10/2017', copyExact : true}});
// Add additional code


Method Description Performs a macro operation asynchronously.

For information about record macros, see the help topic Overview of Record
Action and Macro APIs.

Returns Promise

Supported Script Types Client-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Module N/record Module

Parent Object record.Macro

Sibling Object Members Macro Object Members

Since 2018.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.params Object optional The macro arguments.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 558

myMacro.execute.promise().then(function(result){ /* do something with macro result */ });
// Add additional code


Method Description Performs a macro operation and returns its result in a plain JavaScript object.

Note: Substitute Macro with the name of the macro you are executing.

For information about record macros, see the help topic Overview of Record
Action and Macro APIs.

Returns {notifications: [], response: {}}

Supported Script Types Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Parent Object record.Macro

Sibling Object Members Macro Object Members

Since 2018.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.params Object optional The macro arguments.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var calculateTax = recordObj.getMacro({id: 'calculateTax'});
// Add additional code


Method Description Performs a macro operation asynchronously.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 559

Note: Substitute Macro with the name of the macro you are executing.
[link to conceptual topic]

For information about record macros, see the help topic Overview of Record
Action and Macro APIs.

Returns Promise

Supported Script Types Client-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Module N/record Module

Parent Object record.Macro

Sibling Object Members Macro Object Members

Since 2018.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.params Object optional The macro arguments.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var calculateTax = recordObj.getMacro({id: 'calculateTax'});
// Add additional code

Property Description The ID of the macro.

For information about record macros, see the help topic Overview of Record
Action and Macro APIs.

Type string

Supported Script Types Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Parent Object record.Macro

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 560

Sibling Object Members Macro Object Members

Since 2018.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var id =; // get the id of the macro
// Add additional code


Property Description The label of the macro.

For information about record macros, see the help topic Overview of Record
Action and Macro APIs.

Type string

Supported Script Types Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Parent Object record.Macro

Sibling Object Members Macro Object Members

Since 2018.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var label = macro.label; // get the label of the macro
// Add additional code


Property Description The description of the macro.

For information about record macros, see the help topic Overview of Record
Action and Macro APIs.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 561

Type string

Supported Script Types Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Parent Object record.Macro

Sibling Object Members Macro Object Members

Since 2018.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var description = macro.description; // get the description of the macro
// Add additional code


Property Description The defined attributes of the macro.

For information about record macros, see the help topic Overview of Record
Action and Macro APIs.

Type Object

Supported Script Types Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Parent Object record.Macro

Sibling Object Members Macro Object Members

Since 2018.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var attributes = macro.attributes; // get the attributes of the macro

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 562

// Add additional code

Load the record module when you want to work with NetSuite records.

Object Description Encapsulates a NetSuite record.

There are two modes you can operate in when you create, copy, load, or transform a record
with SuiteScript 2.0: standard mode and dynamic mode.

■ When a SuiteScript 2.0 script creates, copies, loads, or transforms a record in standard
mode, the record’s body fields and sublist line items are not sourced, calculated, and
validated until the record is saved (submitted) with
When you work with a record in standard mode, you do not need to set values in any
particular order. After submitting the record, NetSuite processes the record’s body fields
and sublist line items in the correct order, regardless of the organization of your script.
■ When a SuiteScript 2.0 script creates, copies, loads, or transforms a record in dynamic
mode, the record’s body fields and sublist line items are sourced, calculated, and
validated in real-time. A record in dynamic mode emulates the behavior of a record in
the UI.
When you work with a record in dynamic mode, it is important that you set values in
the same order you would within the UI. If you fail to do this, your results may not be

The record.create(options), record.copy(options), record.load(options), and

record.transform(options) methods work in standard mode by default. If you want these
methods to work in dynamic mode, you must pass in a specific argument. See the help
topic for the applicable method for more information.

Use record.Type enum for multiple records. For help finding a record’s internal ID, see the
help topic How do I find a record's internal ID?

For more information about standard and dynamic modes, see the help topic SuiteScript
2.0 – Standard and Dynamic Modes

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Record Object Members.

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: '6',
isDynamic: true

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 563

// Add additional code.


Method Description Cancels the currently selected line on a sublist.

(dynamic mode only — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic

Returns The record.Record object that called the method.

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

sublistId: 'item'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 564

// Add additional code.


Method Description Commits the currently selected line on a sublist. (dynamic mode only — see the help
topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic Modes)

When working in standard mode, set a sublist field using


Returns The record.Record object that called the method.

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

sublistId: 'item'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 565

// Add additional code.


Method Description Performs macro operation and returns its result in a plain JavaScript object.

For information about record macros, see the help topic Overview of Record
Action and Macro APIs.

Returns An object with the macro results or null.

Supported Script Types Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2018.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string required The macro ID.

options.params Object optional The macro arguments.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

if ('calculateTax' in macros) {
// Add additional code


Method Description Performs macro operation and returns its result in a plain JavaScript object.

For information about record macros, see the help topic Overview of Record
Action and Macro APIs.

Returns Promise

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 566

Supported Script Types Client-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2018.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string required The macro ID.

options.params Object optional The macro arguments.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

if ('calculateTax' in macros) {
// Add additional code


Method Description Returns the line number of the first instance where a specified value is found in a
specified column of the matrix. Note that line and column indexing begins at 0 with
SuiteScript 2.0.

(dynamic and standard modes — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Returns number

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 567


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2016.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The ID of the matrix field. 2016.2

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.value number required The value to search for. 2016.2

options.column number required The column number of the field. Note that 2016.2
column indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var lineNumber = objRecord.findMatrixSublistLineWithValue({
sublistId: 'item'
// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns the line number for the first occurrence of a field value in a sublist. Note
that line indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.

(dynamic and standard mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Returns A line number as a number, or -1 if not found.

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 568

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see
the help topic Using the SuiteScript
Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom 2015.2

sublist field.

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.value number | Date optional The value to search for. 2015.2

| string | array |
boolean true |


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or not defined.

The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example. For a
complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var lineNumber = objRecord.findSublistLineWithValue({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
value: 233
// Add additional code.


Method Description Gets the value for the currently selected line in the matrix.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 569

(dynamic mode only — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic

Gets a numeric value for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns number | Date | string | array | boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that contains 2015.2
the matrix.

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2015.2

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.column number required The column number for the matrix field. 2015.2
Note that column indexing begins at 0 with
SuiteScript 2.0.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var matrixValue = objRecord.getCurrentMatrixSublistValue({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
column: 12

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 570

// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns metadata about a sublist field.

(dynamic mode only— see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic

Returns record.Field

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom sublist 2015.2


See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var sublistFieldMetadata = objRecord.getCurrentSublistField({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 571

// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns the line number of the currently selected line. Note that line indexing
begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.

(dynamic mode only — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic

Returns number

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var currIndex = objRecord.getCurrentSublistIndex({
sublistId: 'item'
// Add additional code.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 572


Method Description Gets the subrecord for the associated sublist field on the current line.

(dynamic mode only — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom sublist 2015.2


See, How do I find a field's internal ID?


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objSubrecord = objRecord.getCurrentSublistSubrecord({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item'
// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns a text representation of the field value in the currently selected line.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 573

(dynamic mode only — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic

Gets a string value with a "%" for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns string

Note: For multiselect fields, returns an array.

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom sublist 2015.2


See, How do I find a field's internal ID?


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var fieldName = objRecord.getCurrentSublistText({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 574

// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns the value of a sublist field on the currently selected sublist line.

(dynamic mode only — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic
Modes )

Returns number | Date | string | array | boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom sublist 2015.2


See, How do I find a field's internal ID?


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 575

var sublistValue = objRecord.getCurrentSublistValue({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item'
// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns a field object from a record.

(dynamic and standard modes — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard
and Dynamic Modes)

Returns record.Field

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or 2015.2

custom body field.

See, How do I find a field's internal



Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objField = objRecord.getField({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 576

fieldId: 'item'
// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns the body field names (internal ids) of all the fields in the record, including
machine header field and matrix header fields.

(dynamic and standard modes — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard
and Dynamic Modes)

Returns string[]

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objFields = objRecord.getFields();
// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns the number of lines in a sublist.

(standard and dynamic mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Returns number

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 577

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var numLines = objRecord.getLineCount({
sublistId: 'item'
// Add additional code.


Method Description Provides a macro to be executed.

For information about record macros, see the help topic Overview of Record
Action and Macro APIs.

Returns Function to be executed for the macro.

Supported Script Types Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2018.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string required The macro ID.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 578


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required parameter is missing.

SSS_INVALID_MACRO_ID A macro does not exist on the record.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var macro = recordObj.getMacro({id: 'calculateTax'});
// Add additional code


Method Description Provides a plain JavaScript object of available macro objects defined for a record type,
indexed by the Macro ID. The object returns one or more record.Macro objects. If there
are no macros available for the specified record type, an empty object is returned.

For information about record macros, see the help topic Overview of Record Action and
Macro APIs.

Returns Object

Supported Script Client and server scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Record Object Members


Since 2018.2


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_RECORD_TYPE The specified record type is invalid.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 579

var macroList = recordObj.getMacros();
// Add additional code


Method Description Returns the number of columns for the specified matrix.

(standard and dynamic mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Returns number

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that contains the 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2015.2

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 580

var numLines = objRecord.getMatrixHeaderCount({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item'
// Add additional code.


Method Description Gets the field for the specified header in the matrix.

(standard and dynamic mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Returns record.Field

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that contains 2015.2
the matrix.

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2015.2

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.column number required The column number for the field. Note that 2015.2
column indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 581


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objField = objRecord.getMatrixHeaderField({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
column: 12
// Add additional code.


Method Description Gets the value for the associated header in the matrix.

(standard and dynamic mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Gets a numeric value for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns number | Date | string | array | boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that contains 2015.2
the matrix.

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2015.2

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.column number required The column number for the field. Note that 2015.2
column indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 582


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var value = objRecord.getMatrixHeaderValue({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
column: 12
// Add additional code.


Method Description Gets the field for the specified sublist in the matrix.

(standard and dynamic mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Returns record.Field

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that contains 2015.2
the matrix.

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 583

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2015.2

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.column number required The column number for the field. Note that 2015.2
column indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript

options.line number required The line number for the field. Note that line 2015.2
indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objField = objRecord.getMatrixSublistField({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
column: 12,
line: 3
// Add additional code.


Method Description Gets the value for the associated field in the matrix.

(standard and dynamic mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Returns number | Date | string | array | boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 584


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that contains 2015.2
the matrix.

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2015.2

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.column number required The column number for the field. Note that 2015.2
column indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript

options.line number required The line number for the field. Note that line 2015.2
indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var value = objRecord.getMatrixSublistValue({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
column: 12,
line: 3
// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns the specified sublist.

(standard and dynamic mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 585

Returns record.Sublist

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({
sublistId: 'item'
// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns all the names of all the sublists.

(standard and dynamic mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Returns string[]

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 586

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var sublistName = objRecord.getSublists();
// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns a field object from a sublist.

(standard and dynamic mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Returns record.Field

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom 2015.2

sublist field.

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.line number required The line number for the field. Note that line 2015.2
indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 587


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objField = objRecord.getSublistField({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
line: 3
// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns all the field names in a sublist.

(standard and dynamic mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Returns string[]

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 588


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples. For
other samples, see Sublist.getColumn(options).

// Add additional code.

var field = objRecord.getSublistFields({
sublistId: 'item'
// Add additional code.


Method Description Gets the subrecord associated with a sublist field. (standard mode only — see the help
topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic Modes)

When working in dynamic mode, get a sublist subrecord using the following methods:

1. Record.selectLine(options)
2. Record.hasCurrentSublistSubrecord(options)
3. Record.getCurrentSublistSubrecord(options)

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 589

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

This value is displayed in the Records
Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom 2015.2

sublist field.

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.line number required The line number for the field. Note that 2015.2
column indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objSubRecord = objRecord.getSublistSubrecord({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
line: 3
// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns the value of a sublist field in a text representation.

(standard mode only — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic

Gets a string value with a "%" for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns string

Note: For multiselect fields, returns an array.

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts.

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Limitations exist on how this method can be used in standard (deferredDynamic)

mode. For details, refer to the description of the SSS_INVALID_API_USAGE error code in
the Errors table.

In dynamic mode, you can use getSublistText() without limitation.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 590

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom 2015.2

sublist field.

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.line number required The line number for the field. Note that line 2015.2
indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_API_USAGE Invoked in certain cases when deferredDynamic mode is being used.

For example, if Record.isDynamic is set to false, this error can be invoked in

both of the following situations:

■ If the record object was created by record.copy(), record.create(), or

record.transform(), and the script attempts to use getSublistText()
without first using setSublistText() for the same field.
■ If the record object was created by record.load(), and the script uses
setSublistValue() on a field before using getSublistText() for the same

This guidance also affects user event scripts that instantiate records by
using the newRecord or oldRecord object provided by the script context.
These records always use deferredDynamic mode. For that reason, this
error appears in both of the following situations:

■ When a user event script executes on a record that is being newly

created, and the script attempts to use getSublistText() without first
using setSublistText() for the same field.
■ When a user event script executes on an existing record, and the script
uses setSublistValue() on a field before using getSublistText() for the
same field.

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 591


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var sublistFieldName = objRecord.getSublistText({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
line: 3
// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns the value of a sublist field.

(dynamic and standard modes — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard
and Dynamic Modes)

Gets a numeric value for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns number | Date | string | array | boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom 2015.2

sublist field.

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.line number required The line number for the field. Note that line 2015.2
indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 592


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_API_USAGE Invoked prior to using setSublistValue in standard record mode.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var sublistFieldValue = objRecord.getSublistValue({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
line: 3
// Add additional code.


Method Description Gets the subrecord for the associated field.

This method is not available for subrecords.

(dynamic and standard mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or 2015.2

custom body field.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 593

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

See, How do I find a field's internal


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing

or undefined.

FIELD_1_IS_NOT_A_SUBRECORD_FIELD The specified field is not a

subrecord field.

The specified field is disabled.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var sublistFieldValue = objRecord.getSubrecord({
fieldId: 'idnumber'
// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns the text representation of a field value.

(dynamic and standard mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Gets a string value with a "%" for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns string

Note: For multiselect fields, returns an array.

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts.

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

In dynamic mode, you can use getText() without limitation but, in standard mode,
limitations exist. In standard mode, you can use this method only in the following

■ You can use getText() on any field where the script has already used setText().
■ If you are loading or copying a record, you can use getText on any field except those
where the script has already changed the value by using setValue().

For more details, refer to the description of the SSS_INVALID_API_USAGE error code in
the Errors table.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 594

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or 2015.2

custom body field.

See, How do I find a field's internal



Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_API_USAGE Invoked in certain cases when standard mode is being used.

For example, if Record.isDynamic is set to false, the SSS_INVALID_API_USAGE

error can be invoked in the following situations:

■ If the record object was created by record.create() or record.transform(),

and the script attempts to use getText() without first using setText() for the
same field.
■ The record object was created by record.copy() or record.load(), and the
script uses setValue() on a field before using getText() for the same field.

Similar guidance affects user event scripts that instantiate records by

using the newRecord or oldRecord object provided by the script context.
In these cases, standard mode is always used. For that reason, the
SSS_INVALID_API_USAGE error appears when a user event executes on one of
these objects in the following situations:

■ When the script executes on a record that is being created, and the script
attempts to use getText() without first using setText() for the same field.
■ When the script executes on an existing record or on a record being
created through copying, and the script uses setValue() on a field before
using getText() for the same field.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Synax Sample 1
// Add additional code.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 595

var fieldidname = objRecord.getText({

fieldId: 'item'
// Add additional code.

// Syntax Sample 2
// Add additional code.
myString = 'Date is: ' + record.getText({fieldId: 'datechanged'});
// "Date is: 3/27/2017 9:55:38am"
// Add additional code


Method Description Returns the value of a field.

(dynamic and standard mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Gets a numeric value for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns number | Date | string | array | boolean true | false

Returns a JavaScript Date object for date/time field queries. To return a string for date/
time field queries, use Record.getText(options). Date/time fields: DATE, DATETIME,

Note: If the returned date object is implicitly converted to a string, the value
is converted using the browser’s setting for time zone.

Checkbox fields return values of T or F. If you include checkbox field return values in
scripts, be sure to use T and F, instead of boolean values, true and false.

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or 2015.2

custom body field.

See, How do I find a field's internal


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 596


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_API_USAGE Invoked in standard mode, if you use setText on a field and then use getValue
on the same field.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var value = objRecord.getValue({
fieldId: 'item'
// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns a value indicating whether the associated sublist field has a subrecord on
the current line.

(dynamic mode only — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 597

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a subrecord. 2015.2

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var hasSubrecord = objRecord.hasCurrentSublistSubrecord({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item'
// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns a value indicating whether the associated sublist field contains a

This method is not available for subrecords.

(standard mode only — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 598

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a subrecord. 2015.2

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.line number required The line number for the field. Note that line 2015.2
indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var hasSubrecord = objRecord.hasSublistSubrecord({
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
line: 3
// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns a value indicating whether the field contains a subrecord.

This method is not available for subrecords.

(dynamic and standard mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the field that may 2015.2
contain a subrecord.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 599

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var hasSubrecord = objRecord.hasSubrecord({
fieldId: 'item'
// Add additional code.


Method Description Inserts a sublist line.

When you insert a line with this method, all succeeding lines are moved and the total
line count is increased. Essentially, succeeding lines are committed to a new sublist
line with a new line number.

(dynamic and standard mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the
help topic Using the SuiteScript Records

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 600

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.line number required The line number to insert. Note that line 2015.2
indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.

options.â##ignoreRecalc optional If set to true, scripting recalculation is 2015.2
true | ignored.
The default value is false.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example that uses insertLine(), see N/record Module
Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

sublistId: 'attendee',
line: 2,
sublistId: 'attendee',
fieldId: 'attendee',
value: 838
sublistId: 'attendee'
// Add additional code.

For script examples that use other N/record methods, see N/record Module Script Samples.


Method Description Removes the subrecord for the associated sublist field on the current line.

This method is not available for subrecords.

(dynamic mode only — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic

Returns record.Record

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 601

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom sublist 2015.2


See, How do I find a field's internal ID?


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item'
// Add additional code.


Method Description Removes a sublist line.

(dynamic and standard mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 602

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the
help topic Using the SuiteScript Records

options.line number required The line number of the sublist to remove. 2015.2
Note that line indexing begins at 0 with
SuiteScript 2.0.

options.â##ignoreRecalc optional If set to true, scripting recalculation is 2015.2
true | ignored.
The default value is false.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

sublistId: 'item',
line: 3,
ignoreRecalc: true
// Add additional code.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 603


Method Description Removes the subrecord for the associated sublist field. (standard mode only — see the
help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic Modes)

When working in dynamic mode, remove a sublist subrecord using the following

1. Record.selectLine(options)
2. Record.hasCurrentSublistSubrecord(options)
3. Record.removeCurrentSublistSubrecord(options)
4. Record.commitLine(options)

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Record Object Members


Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom 2015.2

sublist field.

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.line number required The line number in the sublist that contains 2015.2
the subrecord to remove. Note that line
indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 604

sublistId: 'item',
fieldid: 'item',
line: 3
// Add additional code.


Method Description Removes the subrecord for the associated field.

This method is not available for subrecords.

(dynamic and standard mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or 2015.2

custom body field.

See, How do I find a field's internal



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

fieldid: 'item'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 605

// Add additional code.

Method Description Submits a new record or saves edits to an existing record.

When working with records in standard mode, you must submit and then load the
record to obtain sourced, validated, and calculated field values.

This method is not available to subrecords.

Note: This method has an asynchronous counterpart you can use with client
scripts. See

Returns A number representing the internal ID of the new or updated record.

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance Transaction records: 20 usage units

Custom records: 4 usage units

All other records: 10 usage units

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Record Object Members


Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.â##enableSourcing optional Enables sourcing during the record update. 2015.2
true |
false If set to true, sources dependent field information
for empty fields.

Defaults to false – dependent field values are not


Important: This parameter applies

to records in standard mode only. When
working with records in dynamic mode,
field values are always sourced and the
value you provide for enableSourcing is
ignored. See the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 –
Standard and Dynamic Modes.

boolean optional
options.â##ignoreâ##Mandatoryâ##Fields Disables mandatory field validation for this save 2015.2
true | operation.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 606

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

If set to true, all standard and custom fields that
were made mandatory through customization
are ignored. All fields that were made mandatory
through company preferences are also ignored.

By default, this parameter is false.

Important: Use
the ignoreMandatoryFields argument with
caution. This argument should be used
mostly with Scheduled scripts, rather than
User Event scripts. This ensures that UI
users do not bypass the business logic
enforced through form customization.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var recordId ={
enableSourcing: true,
ignoreMandatoryFields: true
// Add additional code.

Method Description Submits a new record asynchronously or saves edits to an existing record

This method is not available to subrecords.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see For more information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns Promise

Supported Script Types Client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance Transaction records: 20 usage units

Custom records: 4 usage units

All other records: 10 usage units

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 607

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.â##enableSourcing optional Enables sourcing during the record update. 2015.2
true |
false If set to true, sources dependent field information
for empty fields.

Defaults to false – dependent field values are not


Important: This parameter applies

to records in standard mode only. When
working with records in dynamic mode,
field values are always sourced and the
value you provide for enableSourcing is
ignored. See the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 –
Standard and Dynamic Modes.

boolean optional
options.â##ignoreâ##Mandatoryâ##Fields Disables mandatory field validation for this save 2015.2
true | operation.
If set to true, all standard and custom fields that
were made mandatory through customization
are ignored. All fields that were made mandatory
through company preferences are also ignored.

By default, this parameter is false.

Important: Use
the ignoreMandatoryFields argument with
caution. This argument should be used
mostly with Scheduled scripts, rather than
User Event scripts. This ensures that UI
users do not bypass the business logic
enforced through form customization.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

// Add additional code.

var recordId ={
enableSourcing: true,
ignoreMandatoryFields: true
// Add additional code.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 608


Method Description Selects an existing line in a sublist. (dynamic mode only — see the help topic
SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic Modes)

When working in standard mode, set a sublist field using


Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.line number required The line number to select in the sublist. Note 2015.2
that line indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var lineNum = objRecord.selectLine({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 609

sublistId: 'item',
line: 3
// Add additional code.


Method Description Selects a new line at the end of a sublist.

(dynamic mode only — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records Browser.

For more information, see the help topic Using
the SuiteScript Records Browser.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 610

var lineNum = objRecord.selectNewLine({
sublistId: 'item'
// Add additional code.


Method Description Sets the value for the line currently selected in the matrix.

(dynamic mode only — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic

Sets a string value with a "%" for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that 2015.2

contains the matrix.

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see
the help topic Using the SuiteScript
Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2015.2

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.column number required The column number for the field. 2015.2
Note that column indexing begins at 0
with SuiteScript 2.0.

options.value number | Date required The value to set the field to. 2015.2
| string | array |
boolean true | The value type must correspond to
false the field type being set. For example:

■ Text, Radio and Select fields accept

string values.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 611

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

■ Checkbox fields accept Boolean
■ Date and DateTime fields accept
Date values.
■ Integer, Float, Currency and
Percent fields accept number

boolean true |
options.â##ignoreâ##Fieldâ##Change optional If set to true, the field change and 2015.2
false slaving event is ignored.

By default, this value is false.


Error Code Thrown If

INVALID_FLD_VALUE The options.value type does not match the field type.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
column: 3,
value: false,
ignoreFieldChange: true,
forceSyncSourcing: true
// Add additional code.


Method Description Sets the value for the field in the currently selected line by a text representation.

(dynamic mode only — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic

Sets a string value with a "%" for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 612

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the
help topic Using the SuiteScript Records

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom 2015.2

sublist field.

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.text string required The text to set the value to. 2015.2

boolean optional
options.â##ignoreâ##Fieldâ##Change If set to true, the field change and 2015.2
true | slaving event is ignored.
By default, this value is false.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is

missing or undefined.

A user tries to edit a read-
only sublist field.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
text: 'value',
ignoreFieldChange: true

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 613

// Add additional code.


Method Description Sets the value for the field in the currently selected line. (dynamic mode only — see the
help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic Modes)

When working in standard mode, set a sublist field using Record.setSublistValue(options).

Important: When you edit a sublist line with SuiteScript, it triggers an internal
validation of the sublist line. If the line validation fails, the script also fails. For
example, if your script edits a closed catch up period, the validation fails and
prevents SuiteScript from editing the closed catch up period.

Sets a numeric value for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Record Object Members


Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see
the help topic Using the SuiteScript
Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or 2015.2

custom sublist field.

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.value number | Date required The value to set the field to. 2015.2
| string | array |
boolean true | The value type must correspond to
false the field type being set. For example:

■ Text, Radio and Select fields accept

string values.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 614

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

■ Checkbox fields accept Boolean
■ Date and DateTime fields accept
Date values.
■ Integer, Float, Currency and
Percent fields accept number

boolean true |
options.â##ignoreâ##Fieldâ##Change optional If set to true, the field change and 2015.2
false slaving event is ignored.

By default, this value is false.


Error Code Thrown If

INVALID_FLD_VALUE The options.value type does

not match the field type.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is

missing or undefined.

A user tries to edit a read-only
sublist field.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
value: true,
ignoreFieldChange: true
// Add additional code.


Method Description Sets the value for the associated header in the matrix.

(dynamic and standard modes — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard
and Dynamic Modes)

Sets a numeric value for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 615

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that 2015.2

contains the matrix.

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see
the help topic Using the SuiteScript
Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2015.2

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.column number required The column number for the field. 2015.2
Note that column indexing begins at 0
with SuiteScript 2.0.

options.value number | Date required The value to set the field to. 2015.2
| string | array |
boolean true | The value type must correspond to
false the field type being set. For example:

■ Text, Radio and Select fields accept

string values.
■ Checkbox fields accept Boolean
■ Date and DateTime fields accept
Date values.
■ Integer, Float, Currency and
Percent fields accept number

boolean true |
options.â##ignoreâ##Fieldâ##Change optional If set to true, the field change and 2015.2
false slaving event is ignored.

By default, this value is false.


Error Code Thrown If

INVALID_FLD_VALUE The options.value type does not match the field type.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 616


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
column: 3,
value: false,
ignoreFieldChange: true,
forceSyncSourcing: true
// Add additional code.


Method Description Sets the value for the associated field in the matrix.

(standard mode only — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Sets a numeric value for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist that 2015.2

contains the matrix.

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see
the help topic Using the SuiteScript
Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the matrix field. 2015.2

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 617

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.column number required The column number for the field. Note 2015.2
that column indexing begins at 0 with
SuiteScript 2.0.

options.line number required The line number for the field. Note 2015.2
that line indexing begins at 0 with
SuiteScript 2.0.

options.value number | Date required The value to set the field to. 2015.2
| string | array |
boolean true | The value type must correspond to the
false field type being set. For example:

■ Text, Radio and Select fields accept

string values.
■ Checkbox fields accept Boolean
■ Date and DateTime fields accept
Date values.
■ Integer, Float, Currency and Percent
fields accept number values.


Error Code Thrown If

INVALID_FLD_VALUE The options.value type does not match the field type.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
column: 12,
line: 3,
value: true
// Add additional code.


Method Description Sets the value of a sublist field by a text representation. (standard mode only — see the
help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic Modes)

When working in dynamic mode, set a sublist field text using the following methods:

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 618

1. Record.selectLine(options)
2. Record.setCurrentSublistText(options)
3. Record.commitLine(options)

Sets a string value with a "%" for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Record Object Members


Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see the help
topic Using the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom 2015.2

sublist field.

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.line number required The line number for the field. Note that line 2015.2
indexing begins at 0 with SuiteScript 2.0.

options.text string required The text to set the value to. 2015.2


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 619

sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
line: 3,
text: 'value'
// Add additional code.


Method Description Sets the value of a sublist field. (standard mode only — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 –
Standard and Dynamic Modes)

When working in dynamic mode, set a sublist field value using the following methods:

1. Record.selectLine(options)
2. Record.setCurrentSublistValue(options)
3. Record.commitLine(options)

Important: When you edit a sublist line with SuiteScript, it triggers an internal
validation of the sublist line. If the line validation fails, the script also fails. For
example, if your script edits a closed catch up period, the validation fails and
prevents SuiteScript from editing the closed catch up period.

Sets a numeric value for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Record Object Members


Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublistId string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2

This value is displayed in the Records

Browser. For more information, see
the help topic Using the SuiteScript
Records Browser.

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom 2015.2

sublist field.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 620

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.line number required The line number of the sublist. Note 2015.2
that line indexing begins at 0 with
SuiteScript 2.0.

options.value number | Date required The value to set the sublist field to. 2015.2
| string | array |
boolean true | The value type must correspond to the
false field type being set. For example:

■ Text, Radio and Select fields accept

string values.
■ Checkbox fields accept Boolean
■ Date and DateTime fields accept
Date values.
■ Integer, Float, Currency and Percent
fields accept number values.


Error Code Thrown If

INVALID_FLD_VALUE The options.value type does not match the field type.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SSS_INVALID_SUBLIST_OPERATION A required argument is invalid or the sublist is not editable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
line: 3,
value: true
// Add additional code.


Method Description Sets the value of the field by a text representation.

(dynamic and standard mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Sets a string value with a "%" for rate and ratehighprecision fields.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 621

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or custom 2015.2

body field.

See, How do I find a field's internal ID?

options.text string | array required The text or texts to change the field 2015.2
value to.

■ If the field type is multiselect:

□ This parameter accepts an array
of string values.
□ This parameter accepts a null
value. Passing in null deselects all
currently selected values.
■ If the field type is not multiselect,
this parameter accepts only a single
string value.

boolean optional
options.â##ignoreâ##Fieldâ##Change If set to true, the field change and 2015.2
true | slaving event is ignored.
By default, this value is false.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 622

fieldId: 'item',
text: 'value',
ignoreFieldChange: true
// Add additional code.


Method Description Sets the value of a field.

(dynamic and standard mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.fieldId string required The internal ID of a standard or 2015.2

custom body field.

See, How do I find a field's

internal ID?

options.value number | Date required The value to set the field to. 2015.2
| string | array |
boolean true | The value type must correspond
false to the field type being set. For

■ Text, Radio, Select and Multi-

Select fields accept string
■ Checkbox fields accept
Boolean values.
■ Date and DateTime fields
accept Date values.
■ Integer, Float, Currency and
Percent fields accept number

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 623

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


boolean true |
options.â##ignoreâ##Fieldâ##Change optional If set to true, the field change 2015.2
false and slaving event is ignored.

By default, this value is false.


Error Code Thrown If

INVALID_FLD_VALUE The options.value type does not match the field type.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

fieldId: 'item',
value: true,
ignoreFieldChange: true
// Add additional code.

Property Description The internal ID of a specific record.

This property is not available to subrecords.

(dynamic and standard mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Type number (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Property Indicates whether the record is in dynamic or standard mode.


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 624

■ If set to true, the record is currently in dynamic mode. If set to false, the record is
currently in standard mode.
□ When a SuiteScript 2.0 script creates, copies, loads, or transforms a record
in standard mode, the record’s body fields and sublist line items are not
sourced, calculated, and validated until the record is saved (submitted) with
When you work with a record in standard mode, you do not need to set values in any
particular order. After submitting the record, NetSuite processes the record’s body
fields and sublist line items in the correct order, regardless of the organization of
your script.
□ When a SuiteScript 2.0 script creates, copies, loads, or transforms a record in
dynamic mode, the record’s body fields and sublist line items are sourced, calculated,
and validated in real-time. A record in dynamic mode emulates the behavior of a
record in the UI.
When you work with a record in dynamic mode, it is important that you set values in
the same order you would within the UI. If you fail to do this, your results may not be

This value is set when the record is created or accessed.

(dynamic and standard mode — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and Dynamic

Type boolean true | false (read-only)

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Record Object Members


Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

if (record.isDynamic) {
// Add additional code.


Property Description The record type. Note the following:

■ When working with an instance of a standard NetSuite record type, set this value by
using the record.Type enum.
■ When working with an instance of a custom record type, set this value by using the
custom record type’s string ID. For help finding this ID, see the help topic Custom

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 625

This property is not available to subrecords.

(dynamic and standard modes — see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 – Standard and
Dynamic Modes)

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Record Object Members

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.


// Start the process of creating an employee record.

var employeeRecord = record.create({

type: record.Type.EMPLOYEE,
isDynamic: true

// Start the process of creating an instance of a custom record type.

var customRecord = record.create({

type: 'customrecord_book',
isDynamic: true

// Add additional code.

Note: Supported standard record types are described in the SuiteScript Records Browser.
Refer also to SuiteScript Supported Records. For help working with custom record types, see the
help topic Custom Record.

Object Description Encapsulates a sublist on a standard or custom record.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Sublist Object

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 626

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'
if(objSublist.type === 'inlineeditor'){
//Perform an action
// Add additional code.


Method Description Returns a column in the sublist.

Returns record.Column

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Sublist Object Members

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.fieldId string required The internal ID of the column field in 2015.2

the sublist.

See, How do I find a field's internal


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 627


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

Example 1

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'

var objColumn = objSublist.getColumn({

fieldId: 'item'

if(objColumn.type === 'checkbox'){

//Perform an action
// Add additional code.

Example 2

This example loops through each line of the items sublist on a sales order record.

// Add additional code

onRequest: function(context) {
var recordObj = record.create({type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER});
var columnList = recordObj.getSublistFields({sublistId: 'item'});
var sublistObj = recordObj.getSublist({sublistId: 'item'});

for (var i = 0; i < columnList.length; i++) {

var columnId = columnList[i];
var columnObj = sublistObj.getColumn({fieldId: columnId});
if (columnObj !== null) {
log.debug('[Column id] = ' + + ' [Column type] = ' + columnObj.type +
' [Column label] = ' + columnObj.label);
// Add additional code

Property Description Returns the internal ID of the sublist.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 628

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Sublist Object Members

Since 2015.2

The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example. For a
complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'
//Perform an action with the value
// Add additional code.


Property Description Indicates whether the sublist has changed on the record form.

Type boolean true | false (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Sublist Object Members

Since 2015.2

The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example. For a
complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 629


var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'

//Perform an action when objSublist.isChanged is true
// Add additional code.


Property Description Indicates whether the sublist is displayed on the record form.

Type boolean true | false (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Sublist Object Members

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'

//Perform an action when objSublist.isDisplay is true
// Add additional code.


Property Description Returns the sublist type. For more information on sublist types, see

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 630

Important: Sublist.type will return a lower case string representing the

sublist type. For example, inlineeditor not INLINEEDITOR.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Sibling Object Members Sublist Object Members

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 275

var objSublist = objRecord.getSublist({

sublistId: 'item'

if(objSublist.type === 'inlineeditor'){

//Perform an action
// Add additional code.

Method Description Attaches a record to another record.

Note: For the promise version of this method, see

record.attach.promise(options). Note that promises are only supported in client

Returns void

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/record Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 631

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.record record.Record required The record to attach. 2015.2

options.record.type string required The type of record to attach. 2015.2

Set this value using the

record.Type enum.

To attach a file from the

file cabinet to a record,
set type to file. number | string required The internal ID of the record to 2015.2

attach. record.Record required The record that the 2015.2

options.record gets attached
to. string required The record type of the record to 2015.2

attach to.

Set the value using the

record.Type enum.

To attach a file from the

file cabinet to a record,
set type to file. number | string required The internal ID of the record to 2015.2

attach to.

options.attributes Object optional The name-value pairs containing 2015.2

attributes for the attachment.

By default, this value is null.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var id = record.attach({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 632

record: {
type: 'file',
id: '200'
to: {
type: 'customer',
id: '90'
// Add additional code.

Method Description Attaches a record asynchronously to another record.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see record.attach(options). For more information about promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns Promise

Supported Script Types Client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 10 units

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.record record.Record required The record to attach. 2015.2

options.record.type string required The type of record to attach. 2015.2

Set the value using the

record.Type enum.

To attach a file from the

file cabinet to a record,
set type to file. number | string required The internal ID of the record to 2015.2

attach. record.Record required The record that the 2015.2

options.record gets attached

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 633

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string required The record type of the record to 2015.2

attach to.

Set the value using the

record.Type enum.

To attach a file from the

file cabinet to a record,
set type to file. number | string required The internal ID of the record to 2015.2

attach to.

options.attributes Object optional The name-value pairs containing 2015.2

attributes for the attachment.

By default, this value is null.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

// Add additional code.

function attachRecord() {

var attachRecordPromise = record.attach.promise({

record: {
type: record.Type.CONTACT,
id: '97'
to: {
type: record.Type.OPPORTUNITY,
id: '16'

attachRecordPromise.then(function() {

// Add any other needed logic that shouldn't execute until

// after the contact record is attached to the opportunity.

title: 'Record updated',
details: 'Attachment successful'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 634

}, function(e) {
details: e.message
// Add additional code.


Method Description Creates a new record by copying an existing record in NetSuite.

Note: For the promise version of this method, see

record.copy.promise(options). Note that promises are only supported in client

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance Transaction records: 10 usage units

Custom records: 2 usage units

All other records: 5 usage units

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type string required The record type. 2015.2

Use the following guidelines:

■ When copying an instance of a standard

NetSuite record type, set this value by
using the record.Type enum.
■ When copying an instance of a custom
record type, set this value by using the
custom record type’s string ID. For help
finding this ID, see the help topic Custom
Record. number required The internal ID of the existing record instance 2015.2
in NetSuite.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 635

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.isDynamic boolean optional Determines whether the new record is 2015.2

true | created in dynamic mode.
■ If set to true, the new record is created in
dynamic mode.
■ If set to false, the new record is created
in standard mode.

By default, this value is false.

Note: For additional information

on standard and dynamic mode, see
record.Record and SuiteScript 2.0 –
Standard and Dynamic Modes.

options.â##defaultValues optional Name-value pairs containing default values of 2015.2
fields in the new record.

By default, this value is null.

For a list of available record default values,

see N/record Default Values in the NetSuite
Help Center.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.copy({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 157,
isDynamic: true,
defaultValues: {
entity: 107
// Add additional code.

Method Description Creates a new record asynchronously by copying an existing record in NetSuite.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 636

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see record.copy(options). For more information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns Promise

Supported Script Types Client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance Transaction records: 10 usage units

Custom records: 2 usage units

All other records: 5 usage units

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type string required The record type. 2015.2

Use the following guidelines:

■ When copying an instance of a standard

NetSuite record type, set this value by
using the record.Type enum.
■ When copying an instance of a custom
record type, set this value by using the
custom record type’s string ID. For help
finding this ID, see the help topic Custom
Record. number required The internal ID of the existing record instance 2015.2
in NetSuite.

options.isDynamic boolean optional Determines whether the new record is 2015.2

true | created in dynamic mode.
■ If set to true, the new record is created in
dynamic mode.
■ If set to false, the new record is created
in standard mode.

By default, this value is false.

Note: For additional information

on standard and dynamic mode, see
record.Record and SuiteScript 2.0 –
Standard and Dynamic Modes.

options.â##defaultValues optional Name-value pairs containing default values of 2015.2
fields in the new record.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 637

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

By default, this value is null.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

// Add additional code.

function copyRecord() {

// Copy an instance of a standard record type.

var copyRecordPromise = record.copy.promise({

type: record.Type.PHONE_CALL,
id: 165

// Note: To copy an instance of a custom record type,

// use the record type's string ID instead of the record
// module's Type enum. For example:
// type: 'customrecord_feature'

copyRecordPromise.then(function(recordObject) {

fieldId: 'title',
value: 'Sprint 5 bug triage'

fieldId: 'message',
value: 'Please review the PowerPoint prior to the call.'

var recordId =;

// Add any other needed logic that shouldn't execute until

// after the record is copied.

title: 'Record saved',
details: 'Id of new record: ' + recordId

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 638

}, function(e) {
details: e.message
// Add additional code.

Method Description Creates a new record.

Note: For the promise version of this method, see

record.create.promise(options). Note that promises are only supported in client

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance Transaction records: 10 usage units

Custom records: 2 usage units

All other records: 5 usage units

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript Object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type string required The record type. 2015.2

This value determines the Record.type

property of the record that is created. This
property is read-only on an existing record.

Use the following guidelines:

■ When creating an instance of a standard

NetSuite record type, set this value by
using the record.Type enum.
■ When creating an instance of a custom
record type, set this value by using the
custom record type’s string ID. For help
finding this ID, see the help topic Custom

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 639

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.isDynamic boolean optional Determines whether the new record is 2015.2

true | created in dynamic mode.
■ If set to true, the new record is created in
dynamic mode.
■ If set to false, the new record is created
in standard mode.

By default, this value is false.

Note: For additional information

on standard and dynamic mode, see
record.Record and SuiteScript 2.0 –
Standard and Dynamic Modes.

options.â##defaultValues optional Name-value pairs containing default values of 2015.2
fields in the new record.

By default, this value is null.

For a list of available record default values,

see N/record Default Values in the NetSuite
Help Center.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.


// Start the process of creating a sales order record.

var objRecord = record.create({

type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
isDynamic: true,
defaultValues: {
entity: 87

// Start the process of creating an instance of a custom record type.

var customRecord = record.create({

type: 'customrecord_feature',
isDynamic: true

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 640

// Add additional code.

Method Description Creates a new record asynchronously.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see record.create(options). For more information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns Promise

Supported Script Types Client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance Transaction records: 10 usage units

Custom records: 2 usage units

All other records: 5 usage units

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript Object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type string required The record type. 2015.2

This value determines the Record.type

property of the record that is created. This
property is read-only on an existing record.

Use the following guidelines:

■ When creating an instance of a standard

NetSuite record type, set this value by
using the record.Type enum.
■ When creating an instance of a custom
record type, set this value by using the
custom record type’s string ID. For help
finding this ID, see the help topic Custom

options.isDynamic boolean optional Determines whether the new record is 2015.2

true | created in dynamic mode.
■ If set to true, the new record is created in
dynamic mode.
■ If set to false, the new record is created
in standard mode.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 641

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

By default, this value is false.

Note: For additional information

on standard and dynamic mode, see
record.Record and SuiteScript 2.0 –
Standard and Dynamic Modes.

options.â##defaultValues optional Name-value pairs containing default values of 2015.2
fields in the new record.

By default, this value is null.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

// Add additional code.

function createRecord() {

// Create an instance of a standard record record

// type.

var createRecordPromise = record.create.promise({

type: record.Type.PHONE_CALL,
isDynamic: true

// Note: To create an instance of a custom record type,

// use the record type's string ID instead of the record
// module's Type enum. For example:
// type: 'customrecord_feature'

createRecordPromise.then(function(objRecord) {
fieldId: 'title',
value: 'sprint planning'

var recordId =;


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 642

title: 'New record saved',

details: 'New record ID: ' + recordId

}, function(e) {
title: 'Unable to create record',
// Add additional code.

Method Description Deletes a record.

Note: For the promise version of this method, see

record.delete.promise(options). Note that promises are only supported in client

Returns The internal ID of the deleted record.Record.

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance Transaction records: 20 usage units

Custom records: 4 usage units

All other records: 10 usage units

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type string required The record type. 2015.2

Use the following guidelines:

■ When deleting an instance of a standard

NetSuite record type, set this value by using
the record.Type enum.
■ When deleting an instance of a custom record
type, set this value by using the custom record
type’s string ID. For help finding this ID, see the
help topic Custom Record.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 643

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional number | required The internal ID of the record instance to be 2015.2

string deleted.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.


// Delete a sales order.

var salesOrderRecord = record.delete({

type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 88,

// Delete an instance of a custom record type with the ID customrecord_feature.

var featureRecord = record.delete({

type: 'customrecord_feature',
id: 3,
// Add additional code.

Method Description Deletes a record asynchronously.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see record.delete(options). For more information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns Promise

Supported Script Types Client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance Transaction records: 20 usage units

Custom records: 4 usage units

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 644

All other records: 10 usage units

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type string required The record type. 2015.2

Use the following guidelines:

■ When deleting an instance of a standard

NetSuite record type, set this value by using
the record.Type enum.
■ When deleting an instance of a custom record
type, set this value by using the custom record
type’s string ID. For help finding this ID, see the
help topic Custom Record. number | required The internal ID of the record instance to be 2015.2

string deleted.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

// Add additional code.

// Delete an instance of a standard NetSuite record


function deleteRecord() {

var deleteRecordPromise = record.delete.promise({

type: record.Type.PHONE_CALL,
id: 109

// To delete an instance of a custom record type, use

// the string ID in the type field. For example:
// type: 'customrecord_feature'

deleteRecordPromise.then(function() {

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 645

title: 'Success',
details: 'Record successfully deleted'

// Add any other needed code that should execute

// after the record is deleted.

}, function(e) {
title: 'Unable to delete record',

// Add additional code

Method Description Detaches a record from another record.

Note: For the promise version of this method, see

record.detach.promise(options). Note that promises are only supported in client

Returns void

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.record record.Record required The record to be detached. 2015.2

options.record.type string required The type of record to be detached. 2015.2

Set this value using the record.Type

enum. number | string required The ID of the record to be 2015.2


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 646

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.from record.Record required The destination record that 2015.2

options.record should be
detached from.

options.from.type string required The type of the destination. 2015.2

Set this value using the record.Type

enum. number | string required The ID of the destination. 2015.2

options.attributes Object optional Name-value pairs containing 2015.2

default values of fields in the new

By default, this value is null.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

record: {
type: 'file',
from: {
type: 'customer',
// Add additional code.

Method Description Detaches a record from another record asynchronously.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see record.detach(options). For more information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns Promise

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 647

Supported Script Types Client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 10 units

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.record record.Record required The record to be detached. 2015.2

options.record.type string required The type of record to be detached. 2015.2

Set this value using the record.Type

enum. number | string required The ID of the record to be 2015.2


options.from record.Record required The destination record that 2015.2

options.record should be
detached from.

options.from.type string required The type of the destination. 2015.2

Set this value using the record.Type

enum. number | string required The ID of the destination. 2015.2

options.attributes Object optional Name-value pairs containing 2015.2

default values of fields in the new

By default, this value is null.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

// Add additional code.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 648

function detachRecord() {

var detachRecordPromise = record.detach.promise({

record: {
type: record.Type.CONTACT,
id: '98'
from: {
type: record.Type.OPPORTUNITY,
id: '16'

detachRecordPromise.then(function() {

// Add any other needed logic that shouldn't execute until

// after the contact record is detached from the opportunity.

title: 'Record updated',
details: 'Contact record detached'

}, function(e) {
details: e.message
// Add additional code.


Method Description Loads an existing record.

Note: For the promise version of this method, see

record.load.promise(options). Note that promises are only supported in client
scripts. Make sure to save the record before loading it.

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance Transaction records: 10 usage units

Custom records: 2 usage units

All other records: 5 usage units

Module N/record Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 649

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type string required The record type. 2015.2

Use the following guidelines:

■ When loading an instance of a standard

NetSuite record type, set this value by
using the record.Type enum.
■ When loading an instance of a custom
record type, set this value by using the
custom record type’s string ID. For help
finding this ID, see the help topic Custom
Record. number required The internal ID of the existing record instance
in NetSuite. The internal ID of the record is
displayed on the list page for the record type.

options.isDynamic boolean optional Determines whether the record is loaded in 2015.2

true | dynamic mode.
■ If set to true, the record is loaded in
dynamic mode.
■ If set to false, the record is loaded in
standard mode.

By default, this value is false.

Note: For additional information

on standard and dynamic mode, see
record.Record and SuiteScript 2.0 –
Standard and Dynamic Modes.

options.â##defaultValues optional Name-value pairs containing default values of
fields in the new record.

By default, this value is null.

For a list of available record default values,

see N/record Default Values in the NetSuite
Help Center.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 650


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.


// Load a sales order.

var objRecord = record.load({

type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 157,
isDynamic: true,

// Load an instance of a custom record type with the ID customrecord_feature.

var newFeatureRecord = record.load({

type: 'customrecord_feature',
id: 1,
isDynamic: true
// Add additional code.


Method Description Loads an existing record asynchronously.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see record.load(options). For more information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns Promise

Supported Script Types Client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance Transaction records: 10 usage units

Custom records: 2 usage units

All other records: 5 usage units

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 651


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type string required The record type. 2015.2

Use the following guidelines:

■ When loading an instance of a standard

NetSuite record type, set this value by
using the record.Type enum.
■ When loading an instance of a custom
record type, set this value by using the
custom record type’s string ID. For help
finding this ID, see the help topic Custom
Record. number required The internal ID of the existing record instance
in NetSuite. The internal ID of the record is
displayed on the list page for the record type.

options.isDynamic boolean optional Determines whether the record is loaded in 2015.2

true | dynamic mode.
■ If set to true, the record is loaded in
dynamic mode.
■ If set to false, the record is loaded in
standard mode.

By default, this value is false.

Note: For additional information

on standard and dynamic mode, see
record.Record and SuiteScript 2.0 –
Standard and Dynamic Modes.

options.â##defaultValues optional Name-value pairs containing default values of
fields in the new record.

By default, this value is null.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

function loadRecord() {

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 652

// Load an instance of a standard NetSuite record

// type.

var loadRecordPromise = record.load.promise({

type: record.Type.PHONE_CALL,
id: 712

// Note: To load an instance of a custom record type,

// use the record type's string ID. For example:
// type: 'customrecord_feature'

loadRecordPromise.then(function(objRecord) {
fieldId: 'message',
value: 'We will start the call with a restrospective.'

var recordId =;

// Add any other needed logic that shouldn't execute

// until after the record is instantiated.

title: 'Record updated',
details: 'Updated record ID: ' + recordId

}, function(e) {
title: 'Unable to load record',
// Add additional code.

Method Description Updates and submits one or more body fields on an existing record in NetSuite, and
returns the internal ID of the parent record.

When you use this method, you do not need to load or submit the parent record.

You can use this method to edit and submit the following:

■ Standard body fields that support inline editing (direct list editing). For more
information, see the help topic Using Inline Editing.
■ Custom body fields that support inline editing.

You cannot use this method to edit and submit the following:

■ Select fields
■ Sublist line item fields

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 653

■ Subrecord fields (for example, address fields)

Note: For the promise version of this method, see

record.submitFields.promise(options). Note that promises are only supported in
client scripts.

Returns The internal ID of the parent record.

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance Transaction records: 10 usage units

Custom records: 2 usage units

All other records: 5 usage units

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type string required The record type. 2015.2

Use the following guidelines:

■ When working with an instance of a

standard NetSuite record type, set this
value by using the record.Type enum.
■ When working with an instance of a
custom record type, set this value by
using the custom record type’s string
ID. For help finding this ID, see the help
topic Custom Record. number | required The internal ID of the existing record 2015.2

string instance in NetSuite.

options.values Object required The ID-value pairs for each field you want to 2015.2
edit and submit.

The value type must correspond to the field

type being set. For example:

■ Text, Radio, Select and Multi-Select fields

accept string values.
■ Checkbox fields accept Boolean values.
■ Date and DateTime fields accept Date
■ Integer, Float, Currency and Percent
fields accept number values.

options.options Object optional Additional options to set for the record. 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 654

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


boolean optional
options.â##options.â##enablesourcing Indicates whether to enable sourcing during 2015.2
true | the record update.
By default, this value is true.

boolean optional Indicates whether to ignore mandatory

options.â##options.â##ignoreâ##Mandatoryâ##Fields 2015.2
true | fields during record submission.
By default, this value is false.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.


// Submit a new value for a sales order's memo field.

var id = record.submitFields({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 1,
values: {
memo: 'ABC'
options: {
enableSourcing: false,
ignoreMandatoryFields : true

// Submit a new value for a field on an instance of the 'customrecord_book' custom record type.

var otherId = record.submitFields({

type: 'customrecord_book',
id: '4',
values: {
'custrecord_rating': '2'

// Add additional code.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 655


Method Description Updates and submits one or more body fields asynchronously on an existing record in
NetSuite, and returns the internal ID of the parent record.

When you use this method, you do not need to load or submit the parent record.

You can use this method to edit and submit the following:

■ Standard body fields that support inline editing (direct list editing). For more
information, see the help topic Using Inline Editing.
■ Custom body fields that support inline editing.

You cannot use this method to edit and submit the following:

■ Select fields
■ Sublist line item fields
■ Subrecord fields (for example, address fields)

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see record.submitFields(options). For more information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns Promise

Supported Script Client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance Transaction records: 10 usage units

Custom records: 2 usage units

All other records: 5 usage units

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type string required The record type. 2015.2

Use the following guidelines:

■ When working with an instance of a

standard NetSuite record type, set this
value by using the record.Type enum.
■ When working with an instance of a
custom record type, set this value by
using the custom record type’s string
ID. For help finding this ID, see the help
topic Custom Record.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 656

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional number | required The internal ID of the existing record 2015.2

string instance in NetSuite.

options.values Object required The ID-value pairs for each field you want to 2015.2
edit and submit.

options.options Object optional Additional options to set for the record. 2015.2

boolean optional
options.â##options.â##enablesourcing Indicates whether to enable sourcing during 2015.2
true | the record update.
By default, this value is true.

boolean optional Indicates whether to ignore mandatory

options.â##options.â##ignoreâ##Mandatoryâ##Fields 2015.2
true | fields during record submission.
By default, this value is false.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

// Add additional code

function submitFields() {

var submitFieldsPromise = record.submitFields.promise({

type: record.Type.PHONE_CALL,
id: 171,
values: {
title: 'Sprint 3 planning'

submitFieldsPromise.then(function(recordId) {

// Add any needed logic that shouldn't execute until

// after the new value is submitted.

title: 'Record updated',
details: 'Id of updated record: ' + recordId

}, function(e) {

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 657

details: e.message
// Add additional code

Method Description Transforms a record from one type into another, using data from an existing record.

You can use this method to automate order processing, creating item fulfillment
transactions and invoices off of orders.

For a list of supported transformations, see Supported Transformation Types.

Note: For the promise version of this method, see

record.transform.promise(options). Note that promises are only supported in
client scripts.

Returns record.Record

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance Transaction records: 10 usage units

Custom records: 2 usage units

All other record types: 5 usage units

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.fromType string required The record type of the existing record 2015.2
instance being transformed.

This value sets the Record.type property

for the record. This property is read-only
and cannot be changed after the record is

Set this value using the record.Type.

options.fromId number required The internal ID of the existing record 2015.2

instance being transformed.

options.toType string required The record type of the record returned 2015.2
when the transformation is complete.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 658

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.isDynamic boolean optional Determines whether the new record is 2015.2

true | created in dynamic mode.
■ If set to true, the new record is created
in dynamic mode.
■ If set to false, the new record is created
in standard mode.

By default, this value is false.

Note: For additional information

on standard and dynamic mode, see
record.Record and SuiteScript 2.0 –
Standard and Dynamic Modes.

options.â##defaultValues optional Name-value pairs containing default values 2015.2
of fields in the new record.

By default, this value is null.

For a list of available record default values,

see N/record Default Values in the NetSuite
Help Center.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.transform({
fromType: record.Type.CUSTOMER,
fromId: 107,
toType: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
isDynamic: true,
// Add additional code.

Supported Transformation Types

Original Record Type Transformed Record Type

Build/Assembly Assembly Build

Assembly Build Assembly Unbuild

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 659

Original Record Type Transformed Record Type

Cash Sale Cash Sale

Customer Cash Sale

Customer Customer Payment

Customer Quote

Customer Invoice

Customer Opportunity

Customer Sales Order

Employee Expense Report

Employee Time

Quote Cash Sale

Quote Invoice

Quote Sales Order

Invoice Credit Memo

Invoice Customer Payment

Invoice Return Authorization

Lead Opportunity

Opportunity Cash Sale

Opportunity Quote

Opportunity Invoice

Opportunity Sales Order

Prospect Quote

Prospect Opportunity

Prospect Sales Order

Purchase Order Item Receipt

Purchase Order Vendor Bill

Purchase Order Vendor Return Authorization

Return Authorization Cash Refund

Return Authorization Credit Memo

Return Authorization Item Receipt

Return Authorization Revenue Commitment Reversal

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 660

Original Record Type Transformed Record Type

Note: The return authorization must be approved and received for

this transform to work.

Sales Order Cash Sale

Sales Order Invoice

Sales Order Item Fulfillment

Sales Order Return Authorization

Sales Order Revenue Commitment

Transfer Order Item Fulfillment

Transfer Order Item Receipt

Vendor Purchase Order

Vendor Vendor Bill

Vendor Bill Vendor Credit

Vendor Bill Vendor Payment

Vendor Bill Vendor Return Authorization

Vendor Return Authorization Item Fulfillment

Vendor Return Authorization Vendor Credit

Work Order Assembly Build


Method Description Transforms a record from one type into another asynchronously, using data from an
existing record.

You can use this method to automate order processing, creating item fulfillment
transactions and invoices off of orders.

For a list of supported transformations, see Supported Transformation Types.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see record.transform(options). For more information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns Promise

Supported Script Client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance Transaction records: 10 usage units

Custom records: 2 usage units

All other record types: 5 usage units

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 661

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.fromType string required The record type of the existing record 2015.2
instance being transformed.

This value sets the Record.type property

for the record. This property is read-only
and cannot be changed after the record is

Set this value using the record.Type.

options.fromId number required The internal ID of the existing record 2015.2

instance being transformed.

options.toType string required The record type of the record returned 2015.2
when the transformation is complete.

options.isDynamic boolean optional Determines whether the new record is 2015.2

true | created in dynamic mode.
■ If set to true, the new record is created
in dynamic mode.
■ If set to false, the new record is created
in standard mode.

By default, this value is false.

Note: For additional information

on standard and dynamic mode, see
record.Record and SuiteScript 2.0 –
Standard and Dynamic Modes.

options.â##defaultValues optional Name-value pairs containing default values 2015.2
of fields in the new record.

By default, this value is null.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required argument is missing or undefined.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

// Add additional code.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 662

function transformRecord() {

var transformRecordPromise = record.transform.promise({

fromType: record.Type.ESTIMATE,
fromId: 25,
toType: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
isDynamic: true,

transformRecordPromise.then(function(recordObject) {

var recordId =;

// Add any other needed logic that shouldn't execute until

// after the record is transformed.

title: 'Record saved',
details: 'Id of new record: ' + recordId

}, function(e) {

details: e.message
// Add additional code.


Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for supported record types.

This enum is used to set the value of the Record.type property in cases where you are
working with an instance of a standard NetSuite record type. (If you are working with an
instance of a custom record type, you set the Record.type property by using the custom
record type’s string ID. For more help finding this ID, see the help topic Custom Record.)

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/record Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 663




SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 664




Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code.

var objRecord = record.delete({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/record Module 665

type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 128
// Add additional code.

N/redirect Module
Use the redirect module to customize navigation within NetSuite by setting up a redirect URL that
resolves to a NetSuite resource or external URL. You can redirect users to one of the following:

■ Suitelet
■ Record
■ Task link
■ Saved search
■ Unsaved search

Note: Suitelets, beforeLoad user events, and synchronous afterSubmit user events are
supported. This module does not support beforeSubmit and asynchronous afterSubmit user

■ N/redirect Module Members

■ N/redirect Module Script Sample

N/redirect Module Members

Member Type Name Return Supported Script Types Description


Method redirect.â##redirectâ##(options)
void Suitelets, beforeLoad user Redirects to the URL
events, and synchronous of a Suitelet that is
afterSubmit user events available externally
(available without login).

void Suitelets, beforeLoad user Redirects to a NetSuite
events, and synchronous record.
afterSubmit user events

void afterSubmit user events Redirects to a saved search.

void afterSubmit user events Redirects to a saved search

void afterSubmit user events Redirects to search.

void afterSubmit user events Redirects to search results.

void Suitelets, beforeLoad user Redirects to a Suitelet.
events, and synchronous
afterSubmit user events

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/redirect Module 666

Member Type Name Return Supported Script Types Description


void Suitelets, beforeLoad user Redirects to a tasklink.
events, and synchronous
afterSubmit user events

N/redirect Module Script Sample

The following example sets the redirect URL to a newly created task record. To set the redirect using the
record id, the record must have been previously submitted.

Note: This sample script uses the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger
and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/record', 'N/redirect'],
function(record, redirect) {
function redirectToTaskRecord() {
var taskTitle = 'New Opportunity';
var taskRecord = record.create({
type: record.Type.TASK
taskRecord.setValue('title', taskTitle);
var taskRecordId =;
type: record.Type.TASK,
id: taskRecordId


Method Description Method used to set the redirect to the URL of a Suitelet that is available externally
(Suitelets set to Available Without Login on the Script Deployment page).

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Suitelets, beforeLoad user events, and synchronous afterSubmit user events

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/redirect Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/redirect Module 667

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.url string required The URL of a Suitelet that is available externally

Note: For an external URL, Available without

Login must be enabled on the Script Deployment
page for the Suitelet.

options.parameters Object optional Contains additional URL parameters as key/value pairs.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/redirect Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

url: /app/site/hosting/,
parameters: {'custparam_test':'helloWorld'}
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to set the redirect URL to a specific NetSuite record.

Note: If you redirect a user to a record, the record must first exist in NetSuite. If
you want to redirect a user to a new record, you must first create and submit the
record before redirecting them. You must also ensure that any required fields for
the new record are populated before submitting the record.

Returns Void

Supported Script Suitelets, beforeLoad user events, and synchronous afterSubmit user events
For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/redirect Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/redirect Module 668

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description

Optional string required The internal id of the target record.

options.type string required The type of record.

options.isEditMode boolean true optional Determines whether to return a URL for the record
| false in edit mode or view mode. If set to true, returns
the URL to an existing record in edit mode.

The default value is false – returns the URL to a

record in view mode.

options.parameters Object optional Contains additional URL parameters as key/value



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/redirect Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

type : record.Type.TASK,
id : taskRecordId,
parameters: {'custparam_test':'helloWorld'}
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to load an existing saved search and redirect to the populated
search definition page.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types afterSubmit user event scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type.

Governance 5 units

Module N/redirect Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/redirect Module 669


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description

Optional number required Internal ID of the search.

The internal ID is available only when the search is either

loaded with search.load(options) or after is has been saved with

Typical values are 55 or 234 or 87, not a value like

customsearch_mysearch. Any ID prefixed with customsearch
is a script ID, not the internal system ID for a search.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/redirect Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

redirect.toSavedSearch({id: 234});
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to redirect a user to a search results page for an existing saved

Returns Void

Supported Script Types afterSubmit user event scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type.

Governance 5 units

Module N/redirect Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description

Optional number required Internal ID of the search.

The internal ID is available only when the search is either

loaded with search.load(options) or after is has been saved with

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/redirect Module 670

Parameter Type Required / Description

Typical values are 55 or 234 or 87, not a value like
customsearch_mysearch. Any ID prefixed with customsearch
is a script ID, not the internal system ID for a search.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/redirect Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

redirect.toSavedSearchResult({id: 234});
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to redirect a user to an on demand search built in SuiteScript.

This method loads a search into the session, and then redirects to a URL that
loads the search definition page.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types afterSubmit user event scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/redirect Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description search.Search required


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/redirect Module Script Sample.

var column = ['internalid'];

var filter = [["mainline", "is", "T"]];
var ourNewSearch = search.create({
id: 'customsearch_test',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/redirect Module 671

type: search.Type.SALES_ORDER,
title: 'My Generated Search',
columns: column,
filters: filter
search: ourNewSearch

Method Description Method used to redirect a user to a search results page. For example, the results from
an on demand search created with the N/search Module, or a loaded search that you
modified but did not save.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types afterSubmit user event scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/redirect Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.Search search.Search required

Method Description Method used to redirect the user to a Suitelet.

For more information about Suitelets, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet
Script Type.

Note: The redirect happens after the script finishes.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Suitelets, beforeLoad user events, and synchronous afterSubmit user events

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/redirect Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/redirect Module 672


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.scriptId string required The script ID for the Suitelet.

options.deploymentId string required The deployment ID for the Suitelet.

options.isExternal boolean true | optional The default value is false – indicates an

false external Suitelet URL.

options.parameters Object optional Contains additional URL parameters as

key/value pairs.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/redirect Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

scriptId: 31 ,
deploymentId: 1,
parameters: {'custparam_test':'helloWorld'}
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to redirect a user to a tasklink.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Suitelets, beforeLoad user events, and synchronous afterSubmit user events

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/redirect Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string required The taskId for a tasklink

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/redirect Module 673

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

For a list of supported task IDs, see the help topic
Task IDs.

options.parameters Object optional Contains additional URL parameters as key/value



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/redirect Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

parameters: {'custparam_test':'helloWorld'}
//Add additional code

N/render Module
The render module encapsulates functionality for printing, PDF creation, form creation from templates,
and email creation from templates.

Note: Direct manipulation of the print URL is not supported.

■ N/render Module Members

■ EmailMergeResult Object Members
■ TemplateRenderer Object Members
■ N/render Module Script Sample

N/render Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description
Type Types

Object render.â##Emailâ##Mergeâ##Result
Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates an email merge

Object Server-side scripts Encapsulates a template engine
object that produces HTML
and PDF printed forms utilizing
advanced PDF/HTML template

Method file.File Server-side scripts Creates a PDF or HTML file object
containing a bill of materials

render.create() render.â##Templateâ##Renderer
Server-side scripts Creates a
render.TemplateRenderer object

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 674

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Server-side scripts Creates a
render.EmailMergeResult object

file.File Server-side scripts Creates a PDF or HTML file object
containing a packing slip

file.File Server-side scripts Creates a PDF or HTML file object
containing a picking ticket

file.File Server-side scripts Creates a PDF or HTML file object
containing a statement

file.File Server-side scripts Creates a PDF or HTML file object
containing a transaction

file.File Server-side scripts Passes XML to the BFO tag library
(which is stored by NetSuite), and
returns a PDF file

Enum render.DataSource enum Server-side scripts Holds the string values for
supported data source types

render.PrintMode enum Server-side scripts Holds the string values for

supported print output types

EmailMergeResult Object Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Property EmailMergeResult.body string (read-only) Server-side scripts The body of the email
distribution in string

string (read-only) Server-side scripts The subject of the email
distribution in string

TemplateRenderer Object Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Templateâ##Renderer.â##addâ##Customâ##Dataâ##Sourceâ##(â##options)
void Server-side scripts Adds an XML file or JSON object
to an advanced template as a
custom data source

void Server-side scripts Binds a record to a template

void Server-side scripts Binds a search result to a
template variable

Object Server-side scripts Uses an advanced template to
produce a PDF printed form

void Server-side scripts Renders PDF template content
as a server response

string Server-side scripts Returns template content in
string form

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 675

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

void Server-side scripts Sets the template using the
internal ID

void Server-side scripts Sets the template using the
script ID

void Server-side scripts Renders HTML template
content as a server response

Property TemplateRenderer.â##templateContent
string Server-side scripts Content of template

N/render Module Script Sample

Note: These sample scripts use the require function so that you can copy it into the
debugger and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point
script (the script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics
SuiteScript 2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment. For help with finding a record’s internal ID,
see the help topic How do I find a record's internal ID?

The following example generates a PDF file from a raw XML string.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(render) {
function generatePdfFileFromRawXml() {
var xmlStr = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" +
"<!DOCTYPE pdf PUBLIC \"-//\" \"report-1.1.dtd\">\n" +
"<pdf>\n<body font-size=\"18\">\nHello World!\n</body>\n</pdf>";
var pdfFile = render.xmlToPdf({
xmlString: xmlStr

The following example renders a transaction record into an HTML page.

Note: The entityId value in this sample is a placeholder. Before using this sample, replace the
placeholder values with valid values from your NetSuite account.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(render) {
function renderTransactionToHtml() {
var transactionFile = render.transaction({
entityId: 23,
printMode: render.PrintMode.HTML

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 676


The following example renders an invoice into a PDF file using an XML template in the file cabinet. This
example requires the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
// This example shows how to render an invoice into a PDF file using an XML template in the file cabinet.
// Note that this example requires the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature.
require(['N/render', 'N/file', 'N/record'],
function(render, file, record) {
function renderRecordToPdfWithTemplate() {
var xmlTemplateFile = file.load('Templates/PDF Templates/invoicePDFTemplate.xml');
var renderer = render.create();
renderer.templateContent = xmlTemplateFile.getContents();
renderer.addRecord('grecord', record.load({
type: record.Type.INVOICE,
id: 37
var invoicePdf = renderer.renderAsPdf();

In the preceding example, the invoicePDFTemplate.xml file was referenced in the File Cabinet. This file
is similar to the Standard Invoice PDF/HTML Template found in Customization > Forms > Advanced
PDF/HTML Templates.

The following example renders search results into a PDF file.

Note: This sample script uses the define function. You cannot use On Demand Debugging to
step through a define function. You must use Deployed Debugging to step through this script.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
*@NScriptType Suitelet
// This example shows how to render search results into a PDF file.
// Note that this sample is a Suitelet, so it cannot be run in the debugger.
define(['N/render', 'N/search'],
function(render, search) {
function onRequest(options)
var request = options.request;
var response = options.response;

var xmlStr = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +

"<!DOCTYPE pdf PUBLIC \"-//\" \"report-1.1.dtd\">\n" +
"<pdf lang="ru=RU\" xml:lang=\"ru-RU\">\n" + "<head>\n" +
"<link name=\"russianfont\" type=\"font\" subtype=\"opentype\" " +
"src=\"NetSuiteFonts/verdana.ttf\" " + "src-bold=\"NetSuiteFonts/verdanab.ttf\" " +

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 677

"src-italic=\"NetSuiteFonts/verdanai.ttf\" " + "src-bolditalic=\"NetSuiteFonts/verdanabi.ttf\" " +

"bytes=\"2\"/>\n" + "</head>\n" +
"<body font-family=\"russianfont\" font-size=\"18\">\n??????? ?????</body>\n" + "</pdf>";

var rs = search.create({
type: search.Type.TRANSACTION,
columns: ['trandate', 'amount', 'entity'],
filters: []

var results = rs.getRange(0, 1000);

var renderer = render.create();
renderer.templateContent = xmlStr;
templateName: 'exampleName',
searchResult: results

var newfile = renderer.renderAsPdf();

response.writeFile(newfile, false);

return {
onRequest: onRequest

Object Description Encapsulates an email merge result.

Use render.mergeEmail(options) to create and return this object.

For a complete list of this object’s properties, see EmailMergeResult Object


Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var mergeResult = render.mergeEmail({
templateId: 1234,
entity: {
type: 'employee',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 678

id: 62
recipient: {
type: 'lead',
id: 41
supportCaseId: 2,
transactionId: 271,
custmRecord: null
//Add additional code


Property Description The body of the email distribution in string format

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

title: 'Email Body: ',
details: mergeResultObj.body

//Add additional code


Property Description The subject of the email distribution in string format

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 679


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

title: 'Email Subject: ',
details: mergeResultObj.subject

//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates a template engine object that produces HTML and PDF printed forms utilizing
advanced PDF/HTML template capabilities.

The template engine object includes methods that pass in a template as string to be
interpreted by FreeMarker, and render interpreted content in your choice of two different
formats: as HTML output to an nlobjResponse object, or as XML string that can be passed to
render.xmlToPdf(options) to produce a PDF.

This object is available when the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature is enabled.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see TemplateRenderer Object

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

//Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature must be enabled
var xmlTmplFile = file.load('Templates/PDF Templates/invoicePDFTemplate.xml');
var myFile = render.create();
myFile.templateContent = xmlTplFile.getContents();
myFile.addRecord('record', record.load({
type: record.Type.INVOICE,
id: 37
var invoicePdf = myFile.renderAsPdf();

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 680

//Add additional code


Method Description Adds XML or JSON as custom data source to an advanced PDF/HTML template

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/render Module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.alias string required Data source alias

options.format render.DataSource required Data format Object | Document | string required Object, document, or string


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var renderer = render.create();

var xmlObj = xml.Parser.fromString(xmlString);

var jsonObj = JSON.parse(jsonString);

renderer.templateContent = "${}<br />${[1].title}<br />${}<br/>


format: render.DataSource.XML_DOC,
alias: "XML",
data: xmlObj
format: render.DataSource.XML_STRING,
alias: "XML_STR",
data: xmlString

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 681

format: render.DataSource.OBJECT,
alias: "JSON",
data: jsonObj
format: render.DataSource.JSON,
alias: "JSON_STR",
data: jsonString

var xml = renderer.renderAsString();

//Add additional code


Method Description Binds a record to a template variable.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.templateName string required Name of the record object variable

referred to in the template

options.record record.Record object required The record to add


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var myContent = renderer.addRecord({
templateName: 'record',
record: record.load({
type: record.Type.CUSTOMER,
id: 1234

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 682

//Add additional code


Method Description Binds a search result to a template variable.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.templateName string required Name of the template

options.searchResult search.Result object required The search result to add


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example. For a
complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var rs = search.create({
type: search.Type.TRANSACTION,
columns: ['trandate', 'amount', 'entity'],
filters: []
var results = rs.getRange(0, 1000);
var renderer = render.create();
renderer.templateContent = xmlStr;
templateName: 'exampleName',
searchResult: results
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 683


Method Description Uses the advanced template to produce a PDF printed form

Returns file.File

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var invoicePdf = renderer.renderAsPdf();
//Add additional code


Method Description Renders a server response into a PDF file.

For example, you can pass in a response to be rendered as a PDF in a browser, or

downloaded by a user.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

response http.ServerResponse required Response that will be written to PDF. For example,
the response passed from a Suitelet.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 684


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var invoicePdf = renderer.renderPdfToResponse({
response: myServerResponseObj
//Add additional code


Method Description Return template content in string form

Returns string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var invoicePdf = renderer.renderAsString();
//Add additional code


Method Description Writes template content to a server response.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 685


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.response http.ServerResponse required Response to write to


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var invoice = renderer.renderToResponse({
response: myServerResponseObj
//Add additional code

Method Description Sets the template using the internal ID

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/render Module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description number required Internal ID of the template


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var renderer = render.create();
var xml = renderer.renderAsString();

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 686

//Add additional code

For more information, see the help topics Advanced Templates and Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.
To find the template ID, search for PDF Templates or Advanced PDF/HTML Templates in Netsuite.
When the list of templates is displayed, hover your cursor on the Edit or Customize link. You can also
see the ID in the browser’s URL when you click the link. An example of a Standard PDF template with
an ID of 4 is /app/crm/common/merge/ An example of an Advanced HTML
template with an ID of 19 is /app/common/custom/advancedprint/
IDs from both Standard and Advanced Templates are supported.


Method Description Sets the template using the script ID

Returns Void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/render Module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.scriptId string required Script ID of the template


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample

//Add additional code

var renderer = render.create();
var xml = renderer.renderAsString();
//Add additional code


Property Description Content of template

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 687

Type string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

renderer.templateContent = xmlTemplateFile.getContents();
//Add additional code
Method Description Use this method to create a PDF or HTML object of a bill of material.

Returns file.File that contains a PDF or HTML document

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.entityId number required The internal ID of the bill of material to print

options.printMode string optional The print output type. Set using the
render.PrintMode enum.

By default, uses the company/user preference

for print output.

options.inCustLocale boolean optional Applies when advanced templates are used.

true|false Print the document in the customer's locale.

If basic printing is used, this parameter is

ignored and the transaction form is printed in
the customer's locale.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 688


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var transactionFile ={
entityId: 23,
printMode: render.PrintMode.HTML,
inCustLocale: true
//Add additional code


Method Description Use this method to produce HTML and PDF printed forms with advanced PDF/HTML

Creates render.TemplateRenderer.

This object includes methods that pass in a template as string to be interpreted by

FreeMarker, and render interpreted content in your choice of two different formats:
as HTML output to http.ServerResponse, or as XML string that can be passed to
render.xmlToPdf(options) to produce a PDF.

Note: To use this method, the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature must be

Returns render.TemplateRenderer

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var renderer = render.create();
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 689

Method Description Creates a render.EmailMergeResult object for a mail merge with an existing
scriptable email template

Returns render.EmailMergeResult

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.templateId number required Internal ID of the template

options.entity RecordRef required Entity

options.recipient RecordRef required Recipient

options.customRecord RecordRef required Custom record

options.supportCaseId number required Support case ID

options.transactionId number required Transaction ID

You can use a RecordRef to designate the record to perform the mail merge on.

Note: The RecordRef object encapsulates the type and ID of a particular record instance.

Property Type Required / Optional Description number required Internal ID of the record instance

RecordRef.type string required The record type ID


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var myMergeResult = render.mergeEmail({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 690

templateId: 1234,
entity: {
type: 'employee',
id: 623
recipient: {
type: 'lead',
id: 543
supportCaseId: 674,
transactionId: 8987,
customRecord: {
type: 'custrecord_rewardpoints',
id: 5423
//Add additional code

Method Description Use this method to create a PDF or HTML object of a packing slip.

Returns file.File that contains a PDF or HTML document

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.entityId number required The internal ID of the packing slip to print

options.printMode string optional The print output type. Set using the
render.PrintMode enum.

By default, uses the company/user preference

for print output.

options.formId number optional The packing slip form number

options.fulfillmentId number optional Fulfillment ID number

options.inCustLocale boolean optional Applies when advanced templates are used.

true|false Print the document in the customer's locale.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 691

Parameter Type Required / Description

If basic printing is used, this parameter is
ignored and the transaction form is printed in
the customer's locale.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var transactionFile = render.packingSlip({
entityId: 23,
printMode: render.PrintMode.HTML,
inCustLocale: true
//Add additional code

Method Description Use this method to create a PDF or HTML object of a picking ticket.

Returns file.File that contains a PDF or HTML document

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.entityId number required The internal ID of the picking ticket to print

options.printMode string optional The print output type. Set using the
render.PrintMode enum.

By default, uses the company/user preference

for print output.

options.formId number optional The packing slip form number

options.shipgroup number optional Shipping group for the ticket

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 692

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.location number optional Location for the ticket

options.inCustLocale boolean optional Applies when advanced templates are used.

true|false Print the document in the customer's locale.

If basic printing is used, this parameter is

ignored and the transaction form is printed in
the customer's locale.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var transactionFile = render.pickingTicket({
entityId: 23,
printMode: render.PrintMode.HTML,
inCustLocale: true
//Add additional code

Method Description Use this method to create a PDF or HTML object of a statement.

Returns file.File that contains a PDF or HTML document

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.entityId number required The internal ID of the statement to print

options.printMode string optional The print output type. Set using the
render.PrintMode enum.

By default, uses the company/user

preference for print output.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 693

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.formId number optional Internal ID of the form to use to print the


options.startDate Date optional Date of the oldest transaction to appear on

the statement

options.statementDate Date optional Statement date

boolean true | optional

options.â##openâ##Transactionsâ##Only Include only open transactions

options.inCustLocale boolean optional Applies when advanced templates are

true|false used. Print the document in the customer's

If basic printing is used, this parameter is

ignored and the transaction form is printed
in the customer's locale.

options.â##consolidateâ##Statements optional Convert all amount values to the base
true|false currency


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var transactionFile = render.statement({
entityId: 23,
printMode: render.PrintMode.HTML,
inCustLocale: true
//Add additional code


Method Description Use this method to create a PDF or HTML object of a transaction.

Note: File size is limited to 10MB.

If the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature is enabled, you can associate an advanced
template with the custom form saved for a transaction. The advanced template is used to
format the printed transaction. For details about this feature, see the help topic Advanced
PDF/HTML Templates

Returns file.File that contains a PDF or HTML document

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 694

Governance 10 units

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.entityId number required The internal ID of the transaction to print

options.printMode enum optional The print output type. Set using the
render.PrintMode enum.

By default, uses the company/user preference

for print output.

options.formId number optional The transaction form number

options.inCustLocale boolean optional Applies when advanced templates are used.

true|false Print the document in the customer's locale.

If basic printing is used, this parameter is

ignored and the transaction form is printed in
the customer's locale.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var transactionFile = render.transaction({
entityId: 23,
printMode: render.PrintMode.HTML,
inCustLocale: true
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to pass XML to the Big Faceless Organization (BFO) tag library (which is
stored by NetSuite), and return a PDF file. BFO version 1.1.63 is supported in NetSuite.

Note: File size cannot exceed 10MB.

Returns file.File

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 695

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/render Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.xmlString xml.Document | required XML document or string to convert to PDF.

For information and examples about using BFO
tags to create this document or string, see the help
topic nlapiXMLToPDF(xmlstring), which documents
the corresponding SuiteScript 1.0 API.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var pdfFile = render.xmlToPdf({
xmlString: xmlStr
//Add additional code

Enum Description Holds the string values for supported data source types. Use this enum to set the
options.format parameter.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/render Module



SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/render Module 696



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

format: render.DataSource.JSON,
alias: "JSON_STR",
data: jsonString
//Add additional code

Enum Description Holds the string values for supported print output types. Use this enum to set the
options.printMode parameter.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/render Module




Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/render Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

printMode: render.PrintMode.HTML
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 697

N/runtime Module
Load the runtime module when you want to access the current runtime settings for the script and
script deployment, the user currently executing the script, and user-defined sessions.

■ N/runtime Module Members

■ Script Object Members
■ Session Object Members
■ User Object Members
■ N/runtime Module Script Sample

N/runtime Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Object runtime.Script Object Client and server- Encapsulates the runtime settings of the
side scripts currently executing script.

runtime.Session Object Client and server- Encapsulates the user session for the
side scripts currently executing script.

runtime.User Object Client and server- Encapsulates the properties and

side scripts preferences for the user of the currently
executing script.

Method runtime.â##getCurrentScriptâ##()
Client and server- Returns a runtime.Script that represents
side scripts the currently executing script.

Client and server- Returns a runtime.Session that
side scripts represents the user session for the
currently executing script.

runtime.User Client and server- Returns a runtime.User that represents
side scripts the properties and preferences for the
user of the currently executing script.

boolean true Client and server- Use this method to determine if a
| false side scripts particular feature is enabled in a NetSuite

Property runtime.accountId string (read- Client and server- Returns the account ID for the currently
only) side scripts logged-in user.

runtime.envType runtime.â##EnvType
Client and server- Returns the current environment in
side scripts which the script is executing.

enum Client and server- Returns a runtime.ContextType
side scripts enumeration that represents what
triggered the current script.

number (read- Client and server- The number of processors available to
only) side scripts the current account.

runtime.queueCount number (read- Client and server- The number of scheduled script queues
only) side scripts available to the current account.

runtime.version string (read- Client and server- Returns the version of NetSuite that the
only) side scripts method is called in. For example, the
 runtime.version property in an account
running NetSuite 2015.2 is 2015.2.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 698

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Enum runtime.ContextType enum Client and server- Enumeration that holds the context
side scripts information about what triggered
the current script. Returned by the
runtime.executionContext property of the
N/runtime Module.

runtime.EnvType enum Client and server- Enumeration that holds all possible
side scripts environment types that the current script
can execute in.

runtime.Permission enum Client and server- Enumeration that holds the user
side scripts permission level for a specific
permission ID. Returned by the
User.getPermission(options) method.

Script Object Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Script.â##getParameterâ##(options)
number | Date | Client and server- Returns the value of a script
string | boolean side scripts parameter for the currently
executing script.

number Client and server- Returns a number value for the
side scripts usage units remaining for the
currently executing script.

Property Script.deploymentId string (read-only) Server-side Returns the deployment ID for the
scripts script deployment on the currently
executing script. string (read-only) Client and server- Returns the script ID for the
side scripts currently executing script.

Script.logLevel string (read-only) Client and server- Returns the script logging level for
side scripts the current script execution. This
method is not supported on client

number Client and server- Get or set the percent complete
side scripts specified for the current
scheduled script execution.
The return value will appear in
the % Complete column on the
Scheduled Script Status page.

Script.bundleIds Array (read-only) Client and server- Returns an Array of bundle IDs
side scripts for the bundles that include the
currently executing script.

Session Object Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Session.get(options) string | null Client and server- Returns the user-defined
side scripts session object value associated
with the session object key.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 699

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Session.set(options) void Client and server- Sets a key and value for a user-
side scripts defined session object.

User Object Members

Member Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Type Value Type Types

Method User.â##getPermissionâ##(options)
number Client and Returns a user permission level
server-side for the specified permission as a
scripts runtime.Permission enumeration.

string Client and Returns the value of a NetSuite
server-side preference.
Currently only General
Preferences and Accounting
Preferences are exposed in
SuiteScript. For more information
about these preferences names
and IDs, see the help topics General
Preferences and Accounting

Property User.department number (read- Client and Returns the internal ID of the
only) server-side department for the currently logged-in
scripts user. string (read- Client and Returns the email address of the
only) server-side currently logged-in user.
scripts number (read- Client and Returns the internal ID of the currently
only) server-side logged-in user.

User.location number (read- Client and Returns the internal ID of the location
only) server-side of the currently logged-in user.
scripts string (read- Client and Returns the name of the currently
only) server-side logged-in user.

User.role number (read- Client and Return the internal ID of the role for
only) server-side the currently logged-in user.

User.roleCenter string (read- Client and Returns the internal ID of the center
only) server-side type, or role center, for the currently
scripts logged-in user.

User.roleId string (read- Client and Returns the custom scriptId of the role
only) server-side for the currently logged-in user.

User.subsidiary number (read- Client and Returns the internal ID of the

only) server-side subsidiary for the currently logged-in
scripts user.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 700

N/runtime Module Script Sample

Note: These samples use the define function. The NetSuite Debugger cannot step though a
define function. If you need to step through your code in the NetSuite Debugger, you must use
a require function.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

The following Suitelet sample writes user and session information for the currently executing script to
the response.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
*@NScriptType Suitelet
function(runtime) {
function onRequest(context) {
var remainingUsage = runtime.getCurrentScript().getRemainingUsage();
var userRole = runtime.getCurrentUser().role;
name: 'scope',
value: 'global'
var sessionScope = runtime.getCurrentSession().get({
name: 'scope'
log.debug('Remaining Usage:', remainingUsage);
log.debug('Role:', userRole);
log.debug('Session Scope:', sessionScope);
context.response.write('Executing under role: ' + userRole
+ '. Session scope: ' + sessionScope + '.');
return {
onRequest: onRequest

The following scheduled script creates sales records during runtime and logs the record creation

*@NApiVersion 2.0
*@NScriptType scheduledscript
define(['N/runtime', 'N/record'],
function(runtime, record){
return {
execute: function(context) {
var script = runtime.getCurrentScript();
for (x=0; x<500; x++) {
var rec = record.create({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 701

script.percentComplete = (x * 100)/500;
title: 'New Sales Orders',
details: "Record creation progress: " + script.percentComplete + "%"


Object Description Encapsulates the runtime settings of the currently executing script.

Use runtime.getCurrentScript() to return this object.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Script Object

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var scriptObj = runtime.getCurrentScript();
log.debug('Script ID: ' +;
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns the value of a script parameter for the currently executing script.

Returns number | Date | string | Array

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 702


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string Required ■ The name of the script parameter. 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var scriptObj = runtime.getCurrentScript();
log.debug("Script parameter of custscript1: " +
scriptObj.getParameter({name: 'custscript1'}));
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a number value for the usage units remaining for the currently executing

Returns number

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var scriptObj = runtime.getCurrentScript();
log.debug("Remaining governance units: " + scriptObj.getRemainingUsage());
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns the deployment ID for the script deployment on the currently executing

Type string (read-only)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 703

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var scriptObj = runtime.getCurrentScript();
log.debug("Deployment Id: " + scriptObj.deploymentId);
//Add additional code

Property Description Returns the script ID for the currently executing script.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var scriptObj = runtime.getCurrentScript();
log.debug("Script Id: " +;
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns the script logging level for the current script execution. This method is not
supported on client scripts.

Returns one of the following values:


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 704


Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var scriptObj = runtime.getCurrentScript();
log.debug("Logging level: " + scriptObj.logLevel);
//Add additional code


Property Description Get or set the percent complete specified for the current scheduled script execution. The
return value appears in the % Complete column on the Scheduled Script Status page.

Important: This property throws SSS_OPERATION_UNAVAILABLE if the

currently executing script is not a scheduled script.

Type number

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippets show the syntax for this member. They are not a
functional examples. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Gets the percentage of records completed

//Add additional code
var scriptObj = runtime.getCurrentScript();
if (scriptObj.executionContext == ContextType.SCHEDULED)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 705

details: "Script percent complete: " + scriptObj.percentComplete

//Sets the percent complete

var script = runtime.getCurrentScript();
for (x=0; x<500; x++) {
var rec = record.create({
script.percentComplete = (x * 100)/500;
title: 'New Sales Orders',
details: "Record creation progress: " + script.percentComplete + "%"
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns an Array of bundle IDs for the bundles that include the currently
executing script.

Type Array (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var scriptObj = runtime.getCurrentScript();
var bundleArr = scriptObj.bundleIds;
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns the current script runtime version

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 706

Type String

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var scriptObj = runtime.getCurrentScript().apiVersion;
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates the user session for the currently executing script.

Use this object to set and get user-defined objects for the current user session. Use
the objects to track user-related session data. For example, you can gather information
about the user scope, budget, or business problems.

Use Session.set(options) to set session object values and then use Session.get(options) to
retrieve the values.

For a complete list of this object’s methods, see Session Object Members.

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Supported Script Server-side scripts


Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var sessionObj = runtime.getCurrentSession();
sessionObj.set({name: "myKey", value: "myValue"});
log.debug("Session object myKey value: " + sessionObj.get({name: "myKey"});
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 707


Method Description Returns the user-defined session object value associated with the session object

If the key does not exist, this method returns null.

Returns string | null

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string Required String used as a key to store the 2015.2



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see link back to N/runtime Module Script

//Add additional code

var sessionObj = runtime.getCurrentSession();
sessionObj.set({name: "myKey", value: "myValue"});
log.debug("Session object myKey value: " + sessionObj.get({name: "myKey"});
//Add additional code


Method Description Sets a key and value for a user-defined runtime.Session.

Use Session.get(options) to retrieve the object value after you set it.

Returns void

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/runtime Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 708

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string Required Key used to store the runtime.Session. 2015.2

options.value string Required Value to associate with the key in the 2015.2
user session.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see link back to N/runtime Module Script

//Add additional code

var sessionObj = runtime.getCurrentSession();
name: "myKey",
value: "myValue"
log.debug("Session object myKey value: " + sessionObj.get({name: "myKey"});
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates the properties and preferences for the user of the currently
executing script.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see User Object

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var userObj = runtime.getCurrentUser();

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 709

//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a user permission level for the specified permission as a
runtime.Permission enumeration.

Returns string

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string Required Internal ID of a permission. For a list of 2015.2

permission IDs, see Permission Names and


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see link back to N/runtime Module Script

//Add additional code

var userObj = runtime.getCurrentUser();
log.debug("User permission of ADMI_ACCOUNTING:" +
(userObj.getPermission('ADMI_ACCOUNTING') ==
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns the value of a NetSuite preference.

Currently only General Preferences and Accounting Preferences are exposed in SuiteScript.

For more information about these preferences names and IDs, see the help topics General
Preferences and Accounting Preferences.

You can also view General Preferences by going to Setup > Company > General Preferences.
View Accounting Preferences by going to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 710

If you want to change the value of a General or Accounting preference using SuiteScript 2.0,
you must load each preference page using config.load(options), where is
returns a record.Record. You can use the Record.setValue(options) method to set the

Note: The permission level will be Permission.FULL if the script is configured

to execute as admin. You can configure a script to execute as admin by selecting
“administrator” from the Execute as Role field on Script Deployment page.

Returns string

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string Required Internal ID of the preference. For a list of 2015.2

preference IDs, see Preference Names and IDs. 


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see link back to N/runtime Module Script

//Add additional code

var userObj = runtime.getCurrentUser();
log.debug("User preference for emailemployeeonapproval: " + userObj.getPreference({name: "emailemployeeonapproval"}));
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns the internal ID of the department for the currently logged-in user.

Type number (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 711


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var userObj = runtime.getCurrentUser();
log.debug("Internal ID of current user department: " + userObj.department);
//Add additional code

Property Description Returns the email address of the currently logged-in user.

To use this property, the email field on the user employee record must contain an email

Note: In a shopping context where the shopper is recognized but not logged
in, this method can be used to return the shopper's email, instead of getting it
from the customer record.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var userObj = runtime.getCurrentUser();
log.debug("Current user email: " +;
//Add additional code

Property Description Returns the internal ID of the currently logged-in user.

Type number (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 712

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var userObj = runtime.getCurrentUser();
log.debug("Internal ID of current user: " +;
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns the internal ID of the location of the currently logged-in user.

Type number (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var userObj = runtime.getCurrentUser();
log.debug("Internal ID of current user location: " + userObj.location);
//Add additional code

Property Description Returns the name of the currently logged-in user.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 713


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var userObj = runtime.getCurrentUser();
log.debug("Name of current user: " +;
//Add additional code


Property Description Return the internal ID of the role for the currently logged-in user.

Type number (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var userObj = runtime.getCurrentUser();
log.debug("Internal ID of current user role: " + userObj.role);
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns the string value of the center type, or role center, for the currently logged-in user.

The NetSuite user interface adjusts automatically to different users' business needs. For
each user, NetSuite displays a variable set of tabbed pages, called a center, based on the
user's assigned role. Each NetSuite center provides, for users with related roles, the pages
and links they need to do their jobs.

For more information about NetSuite centers, see the help topic Centers Overview.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 714

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var userObj = runtime.getCurrentUser();
log.debug("String value of current user center type (role center): " + userObj.roleCenter);
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns the custom scriptId of the role for the currently logged-in user.

You can use this value instead of the internal ID for the role. When bundling a custom role,
the internal ID number of the role in the target account can change after the bundle is
installed. Therefore, in the target account you can use this property to return the unique/
custom scriptId assigned to the role.

Type string

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var userObj = runtime.getCurrentUser();
log.debug("Custom script ID of current user role: " + userObj.roleId);
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns the internal ID of the subsidiary for the currently logged-in user.

Type number (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 715

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var userObj = runtime.getCurrentUser();
log.debug("Internal ID of current user subsidiary: " + userObj.subsidiary);
//Add additional code

Method Description Returns a runtime.Script that represents the currently executing script.

Use this method to get properties and parameters of the currently executing script
and script deployment. If you want to get properties for the session or user, use
runtime.getCurrentSession() or runtime.getCurrentUser() instead.

Returns runtime.Script

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var scriptObj = runtime.getCurrentScript();
//Add additional code

Method Description Returns a runtime.Session that represents the user session for the currently executing

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 716

Use this method to get session objects for the current user session. If you
want to get properties for the script or user, use runtime.getCurrentScript() or
runtime.getCurrentUser() instead.

Returns runtime.Session

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var sessionObj = runtime.getCurrentSession();
//Add additional code

Method Description Returns a runtime.User that represents the properties and preferences for the user of
the currently executing script.

Use this method to get session objects for the current user session. If you want
to get properties for the script or session, use runtime.getCurrentScript() or
runtime.getCurrentSession() instead.

Returns runtime.User

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var userObj = runtime.getCurrentUser();

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 717

//Add additional code

Method Description Use this method to determine if a particular feature is enabled in a NetSuite account.
These are the features that appear on the Enable Features page at Setup > Company
> Enable Features.

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.feature string Required The internal ID of the feature to check. For a 2015.2
list of feature internal IDs, see the help topic
Feature Names and IDs.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

log.debug('Advanced Billing feature is enabled: ' + runtime.isFeatureInEffect({feature: "ADVBILLING"}));
//Add additional code

Property Description Returns the account ID for the currently logged-in user.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 718

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

log.debug("Account ID for the current user: " + runtime.accountId);
//Add additional code

Property Description Returns the current environment in which the script is executing.

This property returns one of the values from the runtime.EnvType enumeration.

Type runtime.EnvType

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

log.debug("Environment for current user: " + JSON.stringify(runtime.envType));
//Add additional code

Property Description Property that describes what triggered the current script. This value is set by the
runtime.ContextType enumeration.

Type runtime.ContextType

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 719


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

if (runtime.executionContext === runtime.ContextType.USEREVENT)
//Add additional code


Property The number of processors available to the currently logged in account.

SuiteCloud Processors is the current system used to execute (process) scheduled scripts and
map/reduce scripts. This property is helpful if you are a SuiteApp developer and your script
needs to know the total number of processors available to a deployment.

For scheduled script deployments that continue to use queues, use runtime.queueCount.
With the introduction of SuiteCloud Processors, map/reduce script deployments and new
scheduled script deployments no longer use queues, but pre-existing scheduled script
deployments continue to use queues until the queues are removed (see the help topic
SuiteCloud Processors – Supported Task Types).

Be aware that the number of processors available may not be the same as the number of
queues available. For more information, see the help topic SuiteCloud Plus Settings.

Note: The runtime.processorCount property reflects the number of processors

available to an account. It is not impacted by changes to deployments. The value
is the same regardless of whether deployments continue to use queues. For more
information, see the help topic SuiteCloud Processors – Supported Task Types.

For more information on scheduled scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Scheduled Script
Type. For more information on map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Map/
Reduce Script Type.

Type number (read-only)

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2018.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

log.debug("Number of processors available: " + runtime.processorCount);
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 720


Property The number of queues available to the currently logged in account.

SuiteCloud Processors is the current system used to execute (process) scheduled scripts and
map/reduce scripts. This property is helpful if you are a SuiteApp developer and your script
needs to know the total number of queues available to a deployment.

For map/reduce script deployments, use runtime.processorCount. With the introduction of

SuiteCloud Processors, no map/reduce script deployments use queues (see the help topic
SuiteCloud Processors – Supported Task Types).

Be aware that the number of queues available may not be the same as the number of
processors available (see the help topic SuiteCloud Plus Settings).

Note: If all scheduled script deployments in an account are configured to no

longer use queues (see the help topic SuiteCloud Processors – Supported Task
Types), the value of runtime.queueCount is unchanged. This property reflects
the number of queues available to an account. It is not impacted by changes to

For more information on scheduled scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Scheduled
Script Type.

Type number (read-only)

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

log.debug("Number of queues available: " + runtime.queueCount);
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns the version of NetSuite that the method is called in. For example, the
 runtime.version property in an account running NetSuite 2015.2 is 2015.2.

Use this method, for example, when installing a bundle in another NetSuite accounts
and you want to know the version number before installing the bundle.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 721

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/runtime Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

log.debug("Current NetSuite version: " + runtime.version);
//Add additional code

Enum Description Enumeration used to set the runtime.executionContext property. The
runtime.executionContext property describes what triggered the current script.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2


Enum Value Sets runtime.ExecutionContext Property To










SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 722

Enum Value Sets runtime.ExecutionContext Property To


















Enum Description Enumeration that holds all possible environment types that the current script can execute

One of these values is returned by the runtime.envType property.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2



SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/runtime Module 723


Enum Description Enumeration that holds the user permission level for a specific permission ID. Returned by
the User.getPermission(options) method. See the help topic Permission Names and IDs.

For information on working with NetSuite permissions, see the help topic NetSuite
Permissions Overview.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/runtime Module

Since 2015.2



N/search Module
Load the search module to create and run on demand or saved searches and analyze and iterate
through the search results. You can search for a single record by keywords, create saved searches,
search for duplicate records, or return a set of records that match filters you define.

You also have the option to paginate search results and construct navigation that jumps between the
next and previous pages. Due to the performance benefits, this is a suitable approach for working with
a large result set.

■ N/search Module Members

■ Search Object Members
■ Result Object Members
■ Column Object Members
■ Filter Object Members
■ Page Object Members
■ PagedData Object Members
■ PageRange Object Members

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 724

■ ResultSet Object Members

■ N/search Module Script Samples

N/search Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Object search.Search Object Client and server- Encapsulates a NetSuite search. Use the
side scripts methods available to the Search object
to create a search, run a search, or save a

search.Result Object Client and server- Encapsulate a single search result row. Use
side scripts the methods and properties for the Result
object to get the column values for the
result row.

search.Column Object Client and server- Encapsulates a single search column in a

side scripts search.Search object. Use the methods
and properties available to the Column
object to get or set Column properties.

search.Filter Object Client and server- Encapsulates a search filter used in a

side scripts search. Use the properties for the Filter
object to get and set the filter properties.

search.ResultSet Object Client and server- Encapsulates a set of search results

side scripts returned by

search.Page Object Client and server- Encapsulates a set of search results for a
side scripts single search page.

search.PagedData Object Client and server- Holds metadata about a paginated query.
side scripts

search.PageRange Object Client and server- Defines the page range to bound the result
side scripts set for a paginated query.

search.Setting Object Client and server- Encapsulates a search setting. Search

side scripts settings let you specify search parameters
that are typically available only in the UI.

Method search.â##create(options) search.â##Search

Client and server- Creates a new search and returns it as a
side scripts search.Search object.

Client scripts Creates a new search asynchronously and
returns it as a search.Search object.

search.load(options) search.â##Search
Client and server- Loads an existing saved search and returns
side scripts it as a search.Search object.

Client scripts Loads an existing saved search
asynchronously and returns it as a
search.Search object.

search.â##delete(options) void Client and server- Deletes an existing saved search

side scripts asynchronously and returns it as a
search.Search object.

void Client scripts Deletes an existing saved search and
returns it as a search.Search object.

Client and server- Performs a search for duplicate records
side scripts based on the duplicate detection
configuration for the account. Returns an
array of search.Result objects.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 725

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Client scripts Performs a search for duplicate records
asynchronously based on the duplicate
detection configuration for the account.
Returns an array of search.Result objects. search.â##Result[]
Client and server- Performs a global search against a single
side scripts keyword or multiple keywords.

Client scripts Performs a global search asynchronously
against a single keyword or multiple

Object | array Client and server- Performs a search for one or more body
side scripts fields on a record. Returns select fields as
an object with value and text properties.
Returns multiselect fields as an object with
value:text pairs.

Object | array Client scripts Performs a search asynchronously for one
or more body fields on a record. Returns
select fields as an object with value and
text properties. Returns multiselect fields
as an object with value:text pairs.

Client and server- Creates a new search column as a
side scripts search.Column object.

search.Filter Client and server- Creates a new search filter as a
side scripts search.Filter object.

Client and server- Creates a new search setting and returns it
side scripts as a search.Setting object.

Enum search.Operator enum Client and server- Enumeration that holds the values
side scripts for search operators to use with the
search.Filter object.

search.Sort enum Client and server- Enumeration that holds the values for
side scripts supported sorting directions used with

search.Summary enum Client and server- Enumeration that holds the values
side scripts for summary types used by the
Column.summary object.

search.Type enum Client and server- Enumeration that holds the string values
side scripts for search types supported in the N/search
Module. This enum is used to pass the
type argument to search.create(options).

Search Object Members

The following members are called on search.Search.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method number Client and server- Saves a search created by

side scripts search.create(options) or loaded with
search.load(options). Returns the
internal ID of the saved search. number Client scripts Asynchronously saves a search created

by search.create(options) or loaded

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 726

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types
with search.load(options). Returns the
internal ID of the saved search. search.â##ResultSet
Client and server- Runs an on demand search created
side scripts with search.create(options) or a search
loaded with search.load(options),
returning the results as a

Client and server- Runs the current search and returns a
side scripts search.PagedData Object.

Client scripts Asynchronously runs the current
search and returns a search.PagedData

Property Search.searchType string Client and server- Search type on which a search is
side scripts based.

Search.searchId number Client and server- Internal ID of a search.

side scripts

Search.filters search.Filter[] Client and server- Filters for the search as an array of
side scripts search.Filter objects.

Search.filterExpression Object[] Client and server- Search filter expression for the search
side scripts as an array of expression objects.

Search.columns search.Column[] Client and server- Columns to return for this search as
| string[] side scripts an array of search.Column objects or a
string array of column names.

Search.settings search.Setting[] | Client and server- Search settings for this search as an
string[] side scripts array of search.Setting objects or a
string array of column names.

Search.title string Client and server- Title for a saved search. Use this
side scripts property to set the title for a search
before you save it for the first time. string Client and server- Script ID for a saved search, starting
side scripts with customsearch.

Search.isPublic boolean true | Client and server- Value is true if the search is public, or
false side scripts false if it is not.

Column Object Members

The following members are called on search.Column.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method Column.â##setâ##Whenâ##Orderedâ##Byâ##(â##options)
search.Column Client and server- Returns the search column for
side scripts which the minimal or maximal
value should be found when
returning the search.Column

Property string (read-only) Client and server- Name of a search column as a
side scripts string.

Column.join string (read-only) Client and server- Join ID for a search column as
side scripts a string.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 727

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Column.summary string (read-only) Client and server- Returns the summary type for
side scripts a search column.

Column.formula string Client and server- Formula used for a search

side scripts column as a string.

Column.label string Client and server- Label used for the search
side scripts column. You can only get or
set custom labels with this

Column.function string Client and server- Special function used in the

side scripts search column as a string.

Filter Object Members

The following members are called on search.Filter.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Type Supported Script Description

Property string (read-only) Client and server- Name or internal ID of the
side scripts search field.

Filter.join string (read-only) Client and server- Join ID for the search filter.
side scripts

Filter.operator string (read-only) Client and server- Operator used for the
side scripts search filter.

Filter.summary search.Summary Client and server- Summary type for the

side scripts search filter.

Filter.formula string Client and server- Formula used by the search

side scripts filter.

Page Object Members

The following members are called on the search.Page.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method void Client and server- Gets the next segment
side scripts of data from a paginated
search void Client scripts Asynchronously gets the

next segment of data from
a paginated search

Page.prev() void Client and server- Gets the previous segment

side scripts of data from a paginated

Page.prev.promise() void Client scripts Asynchronously gets the

previous segment of data
from a paginated search

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 728

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Property search.Result[] Client and server- The results from a

side scripts paginated search.

Page.isFirst read-only boolean Client and server- Indicates whether a page is

side scripts the first page of data for a
result set

Page.isLast read-only boolean Client and server- Indicates whether a page is

side scripts the last page of data for a
result set.

Page.pagedData read-only Client and server- The PagedData Object

search.PagedData side scripts used to fetch this Page

Page.pageRange read-only Client and server- The PageRange Object

search.PageRange side scripts used to fetch this Page

PagedData Object Members

The following members are called on search.PagedData.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method PagedData.â##fetch(options)
search.Page Client and server- Retrieves the data within the
side scripts specified page range.

search.Page Client scripts Asynchronously retrieves the data
within the specified page range.

Property PagedData.count read-only number Client and server- The total number of results when
side scripts Search.runPaged(options) was

read-onlyâ## Client and server- The collection of PageRange
side scripts objects that divide the entire result
set into smaller groups.

PagedData.pageSize read-only number Client and server- The maximum number of entries
side scripts per page

read-only Client and server- The search criteria used when
search.Search side scripts Search.runPaged(options) was

PageRange Object Members

The following members are called on search.PageRange.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Property PageRange.â##compoundLabel
read-only string Client and server- Human-readable label with
side scripts beginning and ending range

PageRange.index read-only Client and server- The index of this page range.
number side scripts

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 729

Result Object Members

The following members are called on search.Result.

Member Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Type Types

Method Result.â##getValueâ##(options)
string Client and server- Used on formula fields and non-
side scripts formula (standard) fields to get
the value of a specified search
return column.

string Client and server- Used on formula and non-
side scripts formula (standard) fields.
Returns the string value of
a specified search result
column. For convenience,
this method takes a
single search.Column Object.

string Client and server- The text value for a
side scripts search.Column if it is a stored
select field.

string Client and server- The UI display name, or text
side scripts value, for a search result
column. This method is
supported only for non-stored
select, image, and document

Property Result.recordType string (read-only) Client and server- The type of record returned in a
side scripts search result row. number(read-only) Client and server- The internal ID for the record
side scripts returned in a search result row.

Result.columns search.Column[] Client and server- Array of search.Column objects

side scripts that encapsulate the columns
returned in the search result

ResultSet Object Members

The following members are called on search.ResultSet.

Member Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Type Types

Method ResultSet.â##getRangeâ##(options)
search.Result[] Client and server- Retrieve a slice of the
side scripts search result as an array of
search.Result objects.

search.Result[] Client scripts Asynchronously retrieve a slice
of the search result as an array
of search.Result objects.

void Client and server- Use a developer-defined
side scripts function to invoke on each
row in the search results, up to
4000 results at a time.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 730

Member Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Type Types

void Client scripts Asynchronously use a
developer-defined function
to invoke on each row in the
search results, up to 4000
results at a time.

Property ResultSet.columns search.Column[] Client and server- An array of search.Column

side scripts objects that represent the
columns returned in the search

Setting Object Members

The following members are called on search.Setting.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Types Description

Property read-only string Client and server-side The name of the search
scripts parameter.

Setting.value read-only string Client and server-side The value of the search
scripts parameter.

N/search Module Script Samples

In your NetSuite account, the One World feature needs to be enabled in the account for the samples to
work. These samples are designed to run from a OneWorld account.

Note: These sample scripts use the require function so that you can copy it into the
debugger and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point
script (the script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics
SuiteScript 2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.
The following examples create a saved search on the sales order record.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
// This example creates a saved search on the salesorder record
function(search) {
function createSearch() {
var mySalesOrderSearch = search.create({
type: search.Type.SALES_ORDER,
title: 'My SalesOrder Search',
id: 'customsearch_my_so_search',
columns: ['entity', 'subsidiary', 'name', 'currency'],
filters: [
['mainline', 'is', 'T'],
'and', ['', 'contains', 'CAD']

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 731


*@NApiVersion 2.x
function createAnotherSearch() {
var mySalesOrderSearch = search.create({
type: search.Type.SALES_ORDER,
title: 'My Second SalesOrder Search',
id: 'customsearch_my_second_so_search',
columns: [{
name: 'entity'
}, {
name: 'subsidiary'
}, {
name: 'name'
}, {
name: 'currency'
filters: [{
name: 'mainline',
operator: 'is',
values: ['T']

The following example loads and runs a search on the sales order record, and uses a callback function
on the results.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(search) {
function loadAndRunSearch() {
var mySearch = search.load({
id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'
}); {
var entity = result.getValue({
name: 'entity'
var subsidiary = result.getValue({
name: 'subsidiary'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 732

return true;

The following example loads and runs a search on the sales order record, and gets the first 100 rows of

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(search) {
function runSearchAndFetchResult() {
var mySearch = search.load({
id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'
var searchResult ={
start: 0,
end: 100
for (var i = 0; i < searchResult.length; i++) {
var entity = searchResult[i].getValue({
name: 'entity'
var subsidiary = searchResult[i].getValue({
name: 'subsidiary'

The following example loads and runs a search on the sales order record, and uses a callback function
on the paginated results.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(search) {
function loadAndRunSearch() {
var mySearch = search.load({
id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'
var myPagedData = mySearch.runPaged();
var myPage = myPagedData.fetch({index: pageRange.index});{
var entity = result.getValue({
name: 'entity'
var subsidiary = result.getValue({
name: 'subsidiary'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 733


The following example deletes a saved search.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(search) {
function deleteSearch() {
id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'

Object Description Encapsulates a NetSuite search. Use the methods available to search.Search to
create a search, run a search, or save a search.

Note: You do not need to save the search to run it.

For more information about executing NetSuite searches using SuiteScript, see
Searching Overview.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Search Object

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearch = search.load({
id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 734

Method Description Runs an on-demand search created with search.create(options) or a search loaded with
search.load(options), returning the results as a search.ResultSet. Calling this method does
not save the search.

Use this method with search.create(options) to create and run on-demand searches that
are never saved to the database.

After you run a search, you can use ResultSet.each(callback) to iterate through the result set
and process each result.

Important: When you call this method, consider the following:

■ Search result sets are not cached. If records applicable to your search are
created, modified, or deleted at the same time you are traversing your result
set, your result set may change.
■ For better performance, consider creating a saved search in the UI and loading
it in your script using search.load(options) instead of creating the search directly
in your script using search.create(options).

Returns search.ResultSet

Governance None

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

function loadAndRunSearch() {
var mySearch = search.load({
id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'
}); {
var entity = result.getValue({
name: 'entity'
var subsidiary = result.getValue({
name: 'subsidiary'
return true;


Method Description Runs the current search and returns summary information about paginated results.

Calling this method does not give you the result set or save the search.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 735

To retrieve data, use PagedData.fetch(options).

Important: When you use this method to run a paged search, consider the

■ Search result sets are not cached. If records applicable to your search are
created, modified, or deleted at the same time you are traversing your result
set, your result set may change.
■ This method can return a maximum of 1000 pages of search results.

Returns search.PagedData

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 5 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.pageSize number optional Maximum number of entries per page

There is an upper limit, a lower limit, and a default


■ The maximum number allowed is 1000.

■ The minimum number allowed is 5.
■ By default, the page size is set to 50 entries per


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearch = search.create({
type: search.Type.CUSTOMER

// Run the paged search

var pagedData = mySearch.runPaged({
pageSize: 50
// Use the count property to count the
// search results easily

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 736

var resultCount = mySearch.runPaged({

pageSize: 50
//Add additional code


Method Description Runs the current search asynchronously and returns a search.PagedData Object.

Note: For more information about using this method, see

Search.runPaged(options). For additional information on promises, see Promise

Returns search.PagedData

Synchronous Version Search.runPaged(options)

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 5 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

//Add additional code

Method Description Saves a search created by search.create(options) or loaded with search.load(options).

Returns the internal ID of the saved search.

You must set the title and id properties for a new saved search before you save it, either
when you create it with search.create(options) or by setting the Search.title and

If you do not set the saved search ID, NetSuite generates one for you. See

Note: You do not need to set these properties if you load a previously saved
search with search.load(options) and then save it.

This method also includes a promise version, For more

information about promises, see Promise Object.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 737

Returns the internal search ID of the saved search as a number

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 5 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT {1}: Missing a required argument: {2} Required Search.title

property not set on

NAME_ALREADY_IN_USE A search has already been saved with that The Search.title property
name. Please use a different name. on search.Search is not

SSS_DUPLICATE_SEARCH_SCRIPT_ID Saved search script IDs must be unique. The property
Please choose another script ID. If you are on search.Search is not
trying to modify an existing saved search, unique.
use search.load().


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

//Add additional code

Method Description Asynchronously saves a search created by search.create(options) or loaded with

search.load(options). Returns the internal ID of the saved search.

Note: For more information about using this method, see
For additional information on promises, see Promise Object.

Returns number

Synchronous Version

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 5 units

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 738

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

type: search.Type.SALES_ORDER
.then(function(searchObj) {
.then(function (result) {
details: "Completed: " + result
// do something after completion
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {
// do something on rejection
//Add additional code


Property Description Internal ID name of the record type on which a search is based. Use this if you have
the internal ID of the search, but do not know the record type the search was based

For example, if the search was on a Customer record, this property is customer; if the
search was on the Sales Order record type, this property is salesorder.

Type read-only string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 739

var mySearch = search.load({

id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'
title: 'record type: ',
details: mySearch.searchType
//Add additional code


Property Description Internal ID of the search.

The internal ID is available only when the search is either loaded with
search.load(options) or after is has been saved with

Typical values are 55 or 234 or 87, not a value like customsearch_mysearch. Any ID
prefixed with customsearch is a script ID, not the internal system ID for a search.

Type number

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearch = search.load({
id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'
title: 'search id #: ',
details: mySearch.searchId
//Add additional code


Property Description Filters for the search as an array of search.Filter objects. Value is null if the search has no
defined filters.

You set this value with an array or single search.Filter objects to overwrite any prior
filters. Use null to set an empty array and remove any existing filters on this search. Use
search.createFilter(options) to create a filter.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 740

Note: If you want to get or set a search filter expression, use the
Search.filterExpression property.

Type search.Filter[]

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_SRCH_FILTER An search filter contains invalid Invalid value for search filter type.
search criteria


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code


var myFilter = search.createFilter({

name: 'entity',
operator: search.Operator.ISEMPTY,

function createSearch() {
var mySalesOrderSearch = search.create({
type: search.Type.SALES_ORDER,
filters: myFilter
//Add additional code


Property Description Use filter expressions as a shortcut to create filters (search.Filter).

A search filter expression is a JavaScript string array of zero or more elements. Each
element is one of the following:

■ Operator - For a list of supported operators, see search.Operator.

■ Filter term
■ Two or more filter expressions combined logically with ‘and’, ‘or’, or ‘not’

Use null to set an empty array and remove any existing filter expressions on this

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 741

Note: If you want to get or set search filters, use the Search.filters

Type Object[]

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_SRCH_FILTER_EXPR Malformed search filter The options.filters parameter is not

expression. a valid search filter, filter array, or filter
This is a general error raised
when a filter expression cannot
be parsed. For example:

[ f1, 'and', 'and', f2 ]


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

type: search.Type.CUSTOMER,
filters: [
['email', search.Operator.STARTSWITH, 'kwolff'], 'and', [
['id', search.Operator.EQUALTO, 107], 'or',
['id', search.Operator.EQUALTO, 2508]

//Add additional code


Property Description Columns to return for this search as an array of search.Column objects or a string array
of column names.

You set this value with an array of search.Column objects or a single search.Column to
overwrite any prior return columns for the search. Use null to set an empty array and
remove any existing columns on this search.

Type search.Column[] | string[]

Supported Script Types All script types

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 742

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_SRCH_COLUMN The value passed in was not a string or search.Column Object


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

function createSearch() {
var mySalesOrderSearch = search.create({
type: search.Type.SALES_ORDER,
columns: ['entity', 'subsidiary', 'name', 'currency'],
//Add additional code


Property Description Search settings for this search as an array of search.Setting objects or a string array
of column names. Search settings let you specify search parameters that are typically
available only in the UI.

You set this value with an array of search.Setting objects or a single search.Setting object.
You can create a search.Setting object by calling search.createSetting(options). You can also
set this value with an array of column names, each of which is a string.

The supported values for a search.Setting object differ depending on the search parameter
that you set. For more information, see and Setting.value.

Type search.Setting[] | string[]

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2018.2


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_SRCH_SETTING An unknown search parameter name is provided.

SSS_INVALID_SRCH_SETTING_VALUE An unsupported value is set for the provided search parameter name.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 743


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearch = search.create({
type: 'transaction',
columns: [ 'trandate', 'amount', 'entity' ],
filters: [
name: 'internalid',
operator: search.Operator.ANYOF,
values: [13, 12356]
settings: [
name: 'consolidationtype',
value: 'NONE'
//Add additional code


Property Description Title for a saved search. Use this property to set the title for a search before you
save it for the first time.

You can also set the title for a search when you create it with

The Search.title property is required to save a search with

Type string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

function createSearch() {
var mySalesOrderSearch = search.create({
type: search.Type.SALES_ORDER,
title: 'My SalesOrder Search',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 744

id: 'customsearch_my_so_search',
//Add additional code

Property Description Script ID for a saved search, starting with customsearch. If you do not set this
property and then save the search, NetSuite generates a script ID for you.

Note: This is not the internal NetSuite ID for the saved search. See

Type number

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additonal code

function createSearch() {
var mySalesOrderSearch = search.create({
type: search.Type.SALES_ORDER,
title: 'My SalesOrder Search',
id: 'customsearch_my_so_search',
//Add additional code


Property Description Value is true if the search is public, or false if it is not. By default, all searches
created through search.create(options) are private.

Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 745


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearch = search.load({
id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'
mySearch.isPublic = true;
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulate a single search result row. Use the methods and properties for
search.Result to get the column values for the result row.

Note: Use search.ResultSet for the set of results from a search.

For more information about executing NetSuite searches using SuiteScript, see
Searching Overview.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Result Object

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearch = search.load({
id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'

var searchResult ={

start: 0,
end: 100
for (var i = 0; i < searchResult.length; i++) {
var entity = searchResult[i].getValue({
name: 'entity'
var subsidiary = searchResult[i].getValue({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 746

name: 'subsidiary'
//Add additional code


Method Description Used on formula and non-formula (standard) fields. Returns the string value of
a specified search result column. For convenience, this method takes a single
search.Column Object.

Note: This method is overloaded. You can also use Result.getValue(options) to

get column values based on the name, join, and summary values for a column.

Returns string

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

column search.Column Required The search result column from which to return a


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearch = search.load({
id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'

var resultSet =;

var firstResult = resultSet.getRange({
start: 0,
end: 1

// get the value of the second column (zero-based index)

var value = firstResult.getValue(resultSet.columns[1]);

title: 'Value:',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 747

details: value
//Add additional code


Method Description Used on formula and non-formula (standard) fields. Returns the string value of a
specified search result column. Takes in arguments for name, join, and summary.

Note: This method is overloaded. You can also use Result.getValue(column) to

get column values. This method takes in a single search.Column.

Important: If you have multiple search return columns and you apply
grouping, all columns must include a summary property.

Returns string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description

Optional string Required The search return column name.

options.join string Optional The join id for this search return column.

Join IDs are listed in the Records Browser. For

more information, see the help topic Working
with the SuiteScript Records Browser.

options.summary search.Summary Optional The summary type for this column. See

options.func string Optional Special function for the search column. See


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 748

var searchResults ={

start: 0,
end: 100
for (var i = 0; i < searchResults.length; i++) {
var amount = searchResults[i].getValue({
name: 'amount'
var entity = searchResults[i].getValue({
name: 'name',
join: 'location'
//Add additional code


Method Description Used on select, image, and document fields. Returns the text value of a specified search
result column. For convenience, this method takes a single search.Column Object.

Note: This method is overloaded. You can also use Result.getText(options)

to get column text value based on the name, join and summary values for a

Returns string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

column search.Column Required Name of the search result column.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearch = search.load({
id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'

var resultSet =;

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 749

var firstResult = resultSet.getRange({

start: 0,
end: 1

// get the text value of the second column (zero-based index)

var value = firstResult.getText(resultSet.columns[1]);

title: 'Value: ',
details: value
//Add additional code


Method Description Used on select, image, and document fields. Returns the text value of a specified search
result column.

Note: This method is overloaded. You can also use Result.getText(column) to

get a column value. This method takes in a single search.Column.

Returns string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description

Optional string Required The name of the search column.

options.join string Optional The join internal ID for the search column.

options.summary search.Summary Optional The summary type used for the search column.
See search.Summary.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 750

var searchResults ={
start: 0,
end: 100
for (var i = 0; i < searchResults.length; i++) {
var amount = searchResults[i].getText({
name: 'amount'
var entity = searchResults[i].getText({
name: 'name',
join: 'location'
//Add additional code


Property Description The type of record returned in a search result row.

Type search.Type enum

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearch = search.load({
id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'

var searchResult =;

title: 'Record Type: ',
details: searchResult.recordType
//Add additional code

Property Description The internal ID for the record returned in a search result row.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 751

Type number (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearch = search.load({
id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'

var resultSet =;

resultSet.each(function(result) {
title: 'Record Internal ID: ',
return true;

//Add additional code


Property Description Array of search.Column objects that encapsulate the columns returned in the
search result row.

Type search.Column[]

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 752

var mySearch = search.load({

id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'

var firstResult ={

start: 0,
end: 1
details: "There are " + firstResult.columns.length + " columns in the result."

firstResult.columns.forEach(function(col){ // log each column

details: col
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates a single search column in a search.Search. Use the methods and properties
available to the Column object to get or set Column properties.

You create a search column object with search.createColumn(options) and add it

to a search.Search object that you create with search.create(options) or load with

You can pass a Column object as a parameter to the Result.getValue(column) or

Result.getText(column) methods.

In addition, search.ResultSet contains an array of Column objects returned in the results

of a search.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Column Object Members.

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

type: search.Type.TRANSACTION,
columns: [

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 753

name: 'formulatext',
formula: "{lastname}||', '||{firstname}"

// When the search is executed, the corresponding column in the result will then contain a value in the form: Last
Name, First Name
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns the search column for which the minimal or maximal value should be found
when returning the search.Column value.

For example, can be set to find the most recent or earliest date, or the largest or smallest
amount for a record, and then the search.Column value for that record is returned.

Note: You can only use this method if you use MIN or MAX as the summary
type on a search column with the Result.getValue(options) method.

Returns search.Column

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string Required The name of the search column for which the minimal or
maximal value should be found.

options.join string Required The join id for the search column.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 754

// Execute a customer search that returns the amount of the most recent sales order per customer

var filters = [];

var columns = [];
filters[0] = search.createFilter({
name: 'recordtype',
join: 'transaction',
operator: search.Operator.IS,
values: 'salesorder'
filters[1] = search.createFilter({
name: 'mainline',
join: 'transaction',
operator: search.Operator.IS,
values: true
columns[0] = search.createColumn({
name: 'entityid',
summary: search.Summary.GROUP
columns[1] = search.createColumn({
name: 'totalamount',
join: 'transaction',
summary: search.Summary.MAX
name: 'trandate',
join: 'transaction'
var mySearch = search.create({
type: 'customer',
filters: filters,
columns: columns
var resultsArray ={
start: 0,
end: 100
//Add additional code

Property Description Name of a search column as a string.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 755


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

// Create a search definition that includes search columns
var mySearch = search.create({
type: search.Type.CUSTOMER,
columns: [
name: 'entityid'
name: 'email'

// Retrieve the first search column and log its name

var myColumn = mySearch.columns[0];

// Run the search

var results =;
// Add additional code


Property Description Join ID for a search column as a string.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

details: 'Join ID for Search Column: '
+ columnObj.join

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 756

//Add additional code


Property Description Returns the summary type for a search column.

Type search.Summary enum

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

details: 'Summary Type for Search Column: '
+ columnObj.summary
//Add additional code


Property Description Formula used for a search column as a string.

To set this value, you must use formulatext, formulanumeric, formuladatetime,

formulapercent, or formulacurrency.

Type string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

For example, in the UI, a field with a custom UI label named Customer Name is set by a formula of type
Formula (Text) and the formula is defined with the following formula:

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 757

//Add additional code

var columnObj = search.createColumn({
name: 'formulatext',
formula: "{firstname} || ', ' || {lastname}"
//Add additional code

In the above formula, firstname and lastname are script IDs for the fields on the Customer record


Property Description Label used for the search column. You can only get or set custom labels with this

Type string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var columnObj = search.createColumn({
name: 'formulanumeric',
label: 'Numeric Formula'
//Add additional code


Property Description Special function applied to values in a search column. See Supported Functions.

Type string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 758

Since 2015.2

Supported Functions

The following table lists the supported functions and their internal IDs:

Internal ID Name Date Function Output

percentOfTotal % of Total No percent

absoluteValue Absolute Value No

ageInDays Age In Days Yes integer

ageInHours Age In Hours Yes integer

ageInMonths Age In Months Yes integer

ageInWeeks Age In Weeks Yes integer

ageInYears Age In Years Yes integer

calendarWeek Calendar Week Yes date

day Day Yes date

month Month Yes text

negate Negate No

numberAsTime Number as Time No text

quarter Quarter Yes text

rank Rank No integer

round Round No
roundToHundredths Round to Hundredths No
roundToTenths Round to Tenths No

weekOfYear Week of Year Yes text

year Year Yes text


Error Code Message Thrown If

INVALID_SRCH_FUNCTN A search.Column contains an invalid function: {1}. Unknown function is set.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 759

var columnObj = search.createColumn({ // the age of the sales order in days
name: 'trandate',
function: 'ageInDays'
//Add additional code


Property Description The sort order of the column.

Use the search.Sort enum to set the value.

If Column.sort is not set, the column is not sorted in any particular order.

Type search.Sort enum

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var columnObj = search.createColumn({
name: 'invoice',
sort: search.Sort.DESC
//Add additional code


Object Description Encapsulates a search filter used in a search. Use the properties for the Filter object to
get and set the filter properties.

You create a search filter object with search.createFilter(options) and add it to

a search.Search object that you create with search.create(options) or load with

Note: NetSuite uses an implicit AND operator with search filters, as opposed to
filter expressions which explicitly use either AND and OR operators.

Use the following guidelines with the Filter object:

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 760

■ To search for a "none of null" value, meaning do not show results without a value for
the specified field, use a value of @NONE@ in the Filter.formula property.
■ To search on checkbox fields, use the IS operator with a value of T or F to search for
checked or unchecked fields, respectively.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Filter Object Members.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearchFilter = search.createFilter({
name: 'entity',
operator: search.Operator.ISEMPTY,
//Add additional code

Property Description Name or internal ID of the search field as a string.

For more information, see search.createFilter(options).

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

details: 'Filter Name: '

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 761

//Add additional code


Property Description Join ID for the search filter as a string.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

// Create a filter joined to another record type. When you create a joined filter:
// - The name property is the field ID of the field in the joined record that you are filtering on
// - The join property is the field ID of the field in the current record that contains the record
// type you want to join to
// - The operator property is the operator to use to filter the results
// - The values property contains the values to use to filter the results
name: 'joined_record_field_id'
join: 'current_record_field_id',
operator: search.Operator.IS,
values: ['valueToFilter']
// Add additional code


Property Description Operator used for the search filter. This value is set with the search.Operator enum.
The search.Operator enum contains the valid operator values for this property.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 762


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearchFilter = search.createFilter({
name: 'entity',
operator: search.Operator.ISEMPTY
details: 'Operator Used: '
+ mySearchFilter.operator
//Add additional code


Property Description Summary type for the search filter. Use this property to get or set the value of the
summary type.

See search.Summary.

Type search.Summary

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_INVALID_SRCH_FILTER_SUM A search.Filter contains an invalid Unknown summary type is set.

summary type: {1}.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearchFilter = search.createFilter({
name: 'entity',
operator: search.Operator.ISNOTEMPTY,

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 763

summary: search.Summary.GROUP

//Add additional code


Property Description Formula used by the search filter. Use this property to get or set the formula used
by the search filter.

For more information about the formula property, see search.createFilter(options).

Type string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

details: 'Search Filter Formula: '
+ filterObj.formula
//Add additional code


Object Description Encapsulates a set of search results returned by

Use the methods and properties for the ResultSet object to iterate through each result
returned by the search or access an arbitrary slice of results, up to 1000 results at a time.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see ResultSet Object

Important: Search result sets are not cached. If records applicable to your
search are created, modified, or deleted at the same time you are traversing
your result set, your result set may change.

Supported Script Types All script types

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 764

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

// Load a saved search. Alternatively, you can create a search using search.create(options)
// and other methods in the N/search module.
var mySearch = search.load({
id: 'customsearch_my_cs_search'

// Run the search, and use ResultSet.each(callback) to define a callback function to

// execute on each search result.
// In this example, the saved search that was loaded above searches for Customer records.
// The Result.getValue(options) method obtains the search result value of one of the search
// columns that was specified in the search definition. Both 'entityid' and 'email' are valid
// search column names for a Customer record. {
var entity = result.getValue({
name: 'entityid'

var email = result.getValue({

name: 'email'

return true;
// Add additional code


Method Description Retrieve a slice of the search result as an array of search.Result objects.

The start parameter is the inclusive index of the first result to return. The end parameter
is the exclusive index of the last result to return. For example, getRange(0, 10) retrieves
10 search results, at index 0 through index 9. Unlimited rows in the result are supported,
however you can only return 1,000 at a time based on the index values.

If there are fewer results available than requested, then the array will contain fewer than
end - start entries. For example, if there are only 25 search results, then getRange(20, 30)
will return an array of 5 search.Result objects.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 765

Returns search.Result[]

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.start number Required Index number of the first result to return, inclusive.

options.end number Required Index number of the last result to return, exclusive.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var results = rs.getRange({
start: 0,
end: 1000
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to asynchronously retrieve a slice of the search result as an array of
search.Result objects.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see ResultSet.getRange(options). For additional information on promises,
see Promise Object.

Returns search.Result[]

Supported Script All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 10 units

Module N/search Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 766

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

var results = rs.getRange.promise({
start: 0,
end: 1000
title: 'Completed',
details: response
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {
title: 'Failed: ',
details: reason

//Add additional code


Method Description Use a developer-defined function to invoke on each row in the search results, up to 4000
results at a time. The callback function must use the following signature:

boolean callback(result.Result result);

The callback function takes a search.Result object as an input parameter and returns a
boolean which can be used to stop the iteration with a value of false, or continue the
iteration with a value of true.

Important: The work done in the context of the callback function counts
towards the governance of the script that called it. For example, if the callback
function is running in the context of a scheduled script, which has a 10,000 unit
governance limit, make sure the amount of processing within the callback function
does not put the entire script at risk of exceeding scheduled script governance

Returns void

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 767

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

callback function Required Named JavaScript function or anonymous inline function that
contains the logic to process a search.Result object.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

... {
var entity = result.getValue({
name: 'entity'
var subsidiary = result.getValue({
name: 'subsidiary'
return true;
//Add additional code


Method Description Asynchronously uses a developer-defined function to invoke on each row in the search
results, up to 4000 results at a time. The callback function must use the following

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see ResultSet.each(callback). For additional information on promises,
see Promise Object.

Returns void

Supported Script All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 10 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 768


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

... {
var entity = result.getValue({
name: 'entity'
var subsidiary = result.getValue({
name: 'subsidiary'
return true;
title: 'Completed',
details: response
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {
title: 'Failed: ',
details: reason
//Add additional code


Property Description An array of search.Column objects that represent the columns returned in the
search results.

Type search.Column[]

This property is read-only

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 769

var mySearch = search.load({
id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'

var resultSet =;

details: "There are " + resultSet.columns.length + " columns in the result set:"

resultSet.columns.forEach(function(col){ // log each column

details: col
//Add additional code


Object Description Encapsulates an individual search page containing a result set for a paginated

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Page Object

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since Version 2015 Release 1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var page = pagedData.fetch({
index: lastPageRange.index
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to fetch the next segment of data (bounded by search.PageRange).

Moves the current page to next range.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 770

Returns Void

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 5 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1


Error Code Message Thrown If

INVALID_PAGE_RANGE Invalid page range. The page range is invalid, or when the page is the last page.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

while (!page.isFirst){
page =;
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to asynchronously fetch the next segment of data (bounded by

Moves the current page to another range. The promise is complete when the data
for this range is loaded or rejected.

Note: For information about errors thrown for this method, see For additional information on promises, see Promise Object.

Returns Void

Synchronous Version

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 5 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 771


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

// Add additional code

// In this snippet, myPage is a Page object that encapsulates a page of search results,
// and processPage is the name of a callback function to execute when the promise
// method returns
// Add additional code


Method Description Method used to fetch the previous segment of data (bounded by

Moves the current page to previous range.

Returns Void

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 5 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1


Error Code Message Thrown If

INVALID_PAGE_RANGE Invalid page range. The page range is invalid, or when the page is the first page.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

while (!page.isLast){
page = page.prev();
//Add additional code


Method Description Method used to asynchronously fetch the previous segment of data (bounded by

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 772

Moves the current page to another range. The promise is complete when the data
for this range is loaded or rejected.

Note: For information about errors thrown for this method, see
Page.prev(). For additional information on promises, see Promise Object.

Returns Void

Synchronous Version Page.prev()

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 5 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

return mypage.prev.promise().then(processPage);
//Add additional code

Property Description The results from a paginated search.

Type search.Result[]

This property is read-only.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 773

function processPage(page){{
details: "data: " +
//Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether the page is within the first range of the result set.

Flags the start of the data collection.

Type boolean true | false

This property is read-only.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

while (!page.isFirst){
page =;
//Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether a page is within the last range of the result set.

Flags the end of the data collection.

Type boolean true | false

This property is read-only.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 774


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

while (!page.isLast){
page = page.prev();
//Add additional code


Property Description The PagedData Object used to fetch this Page Object.

Type search.PagedData

This property is read-only.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var lastPageRange = pagedData.pageRanges[pagedData.pageRanges.length - 1];
//Add additional code


Property Description The PageRange Object used to fetch this Page Object.

Page boundary information with the key and label.

Type search.PageRange

This property is read-only.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 775

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

details: "Page Range: " + mySearchPage.pageRange

//Add additional code


Object Description Holds metadata for a paginated query.

This object provides a high-level view of a search result, giving the total count of records,
a list of pages ranges, and page size.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see PagedData Object

Important: Search result sets are not cached. If records applicable to your
search are created, modified, or deleted at the same time you are traversing
your result set, your result set may change.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since Version 2015 Release 1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

// Run the paged search
var pagedData = mySearch.runPaged({
pageSize: 1000
// Use the count property to count the
// search results easily

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 776

var resultCount = mySearch.runPaged({

pageSize: 1000
//Add additional code


Method Description This method retrieves the data within the specified page range.

This method also includes a promise version, PagedData.fetch.promise(). For more

information about promises, see Promise Object.

Returns search.Page

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 5 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

pageRange.index number required The index of the page range that bounds the desired


Error Code Message Thrown If

INVALID_PAGE_RANGE Invalid page range. The page range is not valid.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var page = pagedData.fetch({
index: lastPageRange.index
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 777


Method Description This method asynchronously retrieves the data bounded by the pageRange parameter.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see PagedData.fetch(options). For additional information on promises,
see Promise Object.

Returns search.Page

Synchronous Version PagedData.fetch(options)

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information see, SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 5 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

return pagedData.fetch.promise().then(processPage);
//Add additional code


Property Description The total number of results when Search.runPaged(options) was executed.

Type number

This property is read-only.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example. For a
complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 778

//Add additional code

details: "Result Count: " + myPagedData.count

//Add additional code


Property Description The collection of PageRange objects that divide the entire result set into smaller

Includes page range information with the key and label for rendering.

Type search.PageRange[]

This property is read-only.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

details: "PageRange Array: " + myPagedData.pageRanges

//Add additional code


Property Description Maximum number of entries per page

Possible values are 5 - 1000 entries per page.

Type number

This is a read-only property.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 779

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

details: "Max Page Size: " + myPagedData.pageSize
//Add additional code


Property Description The search criteria used to execute the result set for this PagedData Object.

Type read-only search.Search

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

details: "Search Details: " + myPagedData.searchDefinition
//Add additional code

Object Description Defines the page range to contain the result set

For a complete list of this object’s properties, see PageRange Object Members.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 780

Module N/search Module

Since Version 2015 Release 1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var page = pagedData.fetch({
index: lastPageRange
//Add additional code


Property Description Human-readable label with beginning and ending range identifiers

Type read-only string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

details: "Page Range Description: " + myPageRange.compoundLabel
//Add additional code


Property Description The index of the pageRange

Type number

This property is read-only.

Supported Script Types All script types

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 781

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

details: "Page Range Index: " + myPageRange.index

//Add additional code


Object Description Defines a search setting.

Search settings let you specify search parameters that are typically available only in the UI.
The following settings are supported:

■ Consolidated Exchange Rate: This setting affects how consolidation is performed (for
example, consolidation using the Average rate type, consolidation using the Historical
rate type, and so on). This setting applies to transaction searches, and it is applicable
only to OneWorld accounts.
■ Show Period End Transactions: This setting indicates whether period end transactions
are included in search results. This setting applies to transaction searches, and it is
applicable only to OneWorld accounts. It also requires the Show Period End transactions
feature to be enabled.

Use search.createSetting(options) to create a setting. After you create your settings, assign
them as array values to Search.settings.

For a complete list of this object’s properties, see Setting Object Members.

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2018.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 782

var mySearch = search.create({
type: 'transaction',
columns: [ 'trandate', 'amount', 'entity' ],
filters: [
name: 'internalid',
operator: search.Operator.ANYOF,
values: [13, 12356]
settings: [
name: 'consolidationtype',
value: 'NONE'
//Add additional code

Property Description The name of the search parameter.

This property is set when you call search.createSetting(options). The following values
are supported for this property:

■ consolidationtype: This value corresponds to the Consolidated Exchange Rate

■ includeperiodendtransactions: This value corresponds to the Show Period
End Transactions setting.

Type string

This property is read-only.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2018.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearch = search.create({
type: 'transaction',
columns: [ 'trandate', 'amount', 'entity' ],
filters: [

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 783

name: 'internalid',
operator: search.Operator.ANYOF,
values: [13, 12356]
settings: [
name: 'consolidationtype',
value: 'NONE'
//Add additional code


Property Description The value of the search parameter.

This property is set when you call search.createSetting(options). If you specify

consolidationtype as the search parameter name (, the following values
are supported for this parameter:


If you specify includeperiodendtransactions as the search parameter name

(, the following values are supported for this parameter:

■ F
■ T

These values are not case sensitive.

Type string

This property is read-only.

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2018.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 784

var mySearch = search.create({

type: 'transaction',
columns: [ 'trandate', 'amount', 'entity' ],
filters: [
name: 'internalid',
operator: search.Operator.ANYOF,
values: [13, 12356]
settings: [
name: 'consolidationtype',
value: 'NONE'
//Add additional code


Method Description Creates a new search and returns it as a search.Search object.

The search can be modified and run as an on demand search with, without
saving it. Alternatively, calling will save the search to the database, so it can
be reused later in the UI or loaded with search.load(options).

Note: This method is agnostic in terms of its options.filters argument. It

can accept input of a single search.Filter object, an array of search.Filter objects, or
a search filter expression.

The search.create(options) method also includes a promise version,

search.create.promise(options). For more information about promises, see Promise Object.

Important: When you use this method to create a search, consider the

■ When you define the search, make sure you sort using the field with the most
unique values, or sort using multiple fields. Sorting with a single field that has
multiple identical values can cause the result rows to be in a different order
each time the search is run.
■ You cannot directly create a filter or column for a list/record type field in
SuiteScript by passing in its text value. You must use the field’s internal ID. If
you must use the field’s text value, you can create a filter or column with a
formula using name: 'formulatext'.

Returns search.Search

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 785


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type string Required The search type that you want to base the search 2015.2
on. Use the search.Type enum for this argument.

options.filters search.Filter[] Optional A single search.Filter object, an array of 2015.2

| Object[] search.Filter objects, a search filter expression, or
an array of search filter expressions.

A search filter expression can be passed in as an

Object with the following properties:

■ name (required)
■ join
■ operator (required)
■ summary
■ formula

For more information about these properties, see

Filter Object Members.

If a provided filter value has an incorrect type

(for example, a string instead of a number), the
filter value is ignored. For server-side scripts, a
log entry is created when an incorrect type is

Note: You can further filter the

returned search.Search object by adding
additional filters with Search.filters or

options.â##filterExpression Optional Search filter expression for the search as an array 2016.2
of expression objects.

A search filter expression is a JavaScript string

array of zero or more elements. Each element is
one of the following:

■ Operator - either ‘NOT', ‘AND', or ‘OR'

■ Filter term
■ Nested search filter expression

You set this value with an array of expression

objects or single filter expression object to
overwrite any prior filter expressions. Use null to
set an empty array and remove any existing filter
expressions on this search.

Note: If you want to get or set a

search filters, use the Search.filters

This parameter sets the value for the

Search.filterExpression property.

options.columns search.â##Column[]
Optional A single search.Column object or array of 2015.2
| Object[] search.Column objects.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 786

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

You can optionally pass in an Object or array of
Objects with the following properties to represent
a Column:

■ name (required)
■ formula
■ function
■ join
■ label
■ sort
■ summary

For more information about these properties, see

Column Object Members.

options.settings search.â##Setting[]
Optional Search settings for this search as a single 2018.2
| Object[] search.Setting object or an array of search.Setting
objects. Search settings let you specify search
parameters that are typically available only in the
UI. See Search.settings.

You can optionally pass in an Object or array of

Objects with the following properties to represent
a setting:

■ name
■ value

For more information about these properties, see

Setting Object Members.

options.title string Optional The name for a saved search. The title property is 2015.2
required to save a search with string Optional Script ID for a saved search. If you do not set the 2015.2
saved search ID, NetSuite generates one for you.

options.isPublic boolean true Optional Set to true to make the search public. Otherwise, 2016.2
| false set to false. If you do not set this parameter, it
defaults to false.

This parameter sets the value for the

Search.isPublic property.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT Required parameter is missing.

SSS_INVALID_SRCH_FILTER_EXPR The options.filters parameter is not a valid search filter, filter array,
or filter expression.

SSS_INVALID_SRCH_COL The options.columns parameter is not a valid column, string, or column

or string array.

SSS_INVALID_SRCH_SETTING An unknown search parameter name is provided.

SSS_INVALID_SRCH_SETTING_VALUE An unsupported value is set for the provided search parameter name.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 787


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySalesOrderSearch = search.create({
type: search.Type.SALES_ORDER,
title: 'My Second SalesOrder Search',
id: 'customsearch_my_second_so_search',
columns: [{
name: 'entity'
}, {
name: 'subsidiary'
}, {
name: 'name'
}, {
name: 'currency'
filters: [{
name: 'mainline',
operator: 'is',
values: ['T']
settings: [{
name: 'consolidationtype',
value: 'AVERAGE'
//Add additional code

Method Description Creates a new search asynchronously and returns it as a search.Search object.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see search.create(options). For additional information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns search.Search

Synchronous Version search.create(options)

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 788


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

type: search.Type.SALES_ORDER
.then(function(result) {
details: "Completed: " + result
// do something after completion
.catch(function(reason) {
details: "Failed: " + reason
// do something on failure
//Add additional code


Method Description Creates a new search setting and returns it as a search.Setting object.

Search settings let you specify search parameters that are typically available only in the
UI. The following settings are supported:

■ Consolidated Exchange Rate: This setting affects how consolidation is performed (for
example, consolidation using the Average rate type, consolidation using the Historical
rate type, and so on). This setting applies to transaction searches, and it is applicable
only to OneWorld accounts.
■ Show Period End Transactions: This setting indicates whether period end transactions
are included in search results. This setting applies to transaction searches, and it is
applicable only to OneWorld accounts. It also requires the Period End Journal Entries
feature to be enabled.

After you create your settings, assign them as array values to Search.settings.

Returns search.Setting

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/search Module

Since 2018.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 789


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string Required The name of the search parameter to set. This value 2018.2
sets the property.

Use one of the following values for this parameter:

■ consolidationtype: This value corresponds to

the Consolidated Exchange Rate setting.
■ includeperiodendtransactions: This value
corresponds to the Show Period End Transactions

options.value string Required The value of the search parameter. If you are 2018.2
executing a joined search, this value is the join
ID used for the search field specified by the parameter. This value sets the
Setting.value property.

If you specify consolidationtype as the search

parameter name, use one of the following values for
this parameter:


The default value is ACCTTYPE, which represents the

type of consolidation associated with the account.

If you specify includeperiodendtransactions

as the search parameter name, use one of the
following values for this parameter:

■ F
■ T

The default value is false.

These values are not case sensitive.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required parameter is missing.

SSS_INVALID_SRCH_SETTING An unknown search parameter name is provided.

SSS_INVALID_SRCH_SETTING_VALUE An unsupported value is set for the provided search parameter name.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 790


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearch = search.create({
type: 'transaction',
columns: [ 'trandate', 'amount', 'entity' ],
filters: [
name: 'internalid',
operator: search.Operator.ANYOF,
values: [13, 12356]
settings: [
name: 'consolidationtype',
value: 'NONE'
//Add additional code

Method Description Loads an existing saved search and returns it as a search.Search. The saved search
could have been created using the UI or created with search.create(options) and

The search.load(options) method also includes a promise version,

search.load.promise(options). For more information about promises, see Promise

Returns search.Search

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 5 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string Required Internal ID or script ID of a saved search. The script ID 2015.2
starts with customsearch. See

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 791

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type string Required if the The search type of the saved search to load. Use a 2015.2
saved search value from the search.Type enum for this parameter.
to load uses a
standalone search This parameter is required if the saved search to
type, optional load uses a standalone search type. A standalone
otherwise search type is a search type that does not have a
corresponding record type. Typically, the search type
of the saved search can be determined automatically
based on the corresponding record type. In this case,
this parameter is not required. For standalone search
types, you must specify the search type explicitly
using this parameter.

The following is a list of standalone search types:

■ DeletedRecord
■ EndToEndTime
■ ExpenseAmortPlanAndSchedule
■ RevRecPlanAndSchedule
■ GlLinesAuditLog
■ Crosschargeable
■ FinRptAggregateFR
■ BillingAccountBillCycle
■ BillingAccountBillRequest
■ BinItemBalance
■ PaymentEvent
■ Permission
■ GatewayNotification
■ TimeApproval
■ RecentRecord
■ Role
■ SavedSearch
■ ShoppingCart
■ SubscriptionRenewalHistory
■ SuiteScriptDetail
■ SupplyChainSnapshotDetails
■ SystemNote
■ TaxDetail
■ TimesheetApproval
■ Uber
■ ResAllocationTimeOffConflict
■ ComSearchOneWaySyn
■ ComSearchGroupSyn
■ Installment
■ InventoryBalance
■ InventoryNumberBin
■ InventoryNumberItem

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 792

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

■ InventoryStatusLocation
■ InvtNumberItemBalance
■ ItemBinNumber


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT {1}: Missing a required Required parameter is missing.

argument: {2}

INVALID_SEARCH That search or mass Cannot find saved search with the saved search
update does not exist. ID from parameter.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearch = search.load({
id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'
//Add additional code


Method Description Loads an existing saved search asynchronously and returns it as a search.Search
object. The saved search could have been created using the UI or created with
search.create(options) and

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see search.load(options). For additional information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns search.Search

Synchronous Version search.load(options)

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 5 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 793


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

type : search.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id : 'customsearch_txn_search_salesorder'
.then(function (result) {
details: "Completed: " + result
// do something after completion
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {
// do something on rejection
//Add additional code


Method Description Deletes an existing saved search. The saved search could have been created using the
UI or created with search.create(options) and

The search.delete(options) method also includes a promise version,

search.delete.promise(options). For more information about promises, see Promise

Returns void

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 5 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string Required Internal ID or script ID of a saved search. 2015.2

The script ID starts with customsearch. See

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 794


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT {1}: Missing a required Required parameter is missing.

argument: {2}

INVALID_SEARCH That search or mass Cannot find saved search with the saved search
update does not exist. ID from parameter.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

id: 'customsearch_my_so_search'
//Add additional code

Method Description Deletes an existing saved search asynchronously and returns it as a search.Search
object. The saved search can be created using the UI or created with
search.create(options) and

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see search.delete(options). For additional information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns void

Synchronous Version search.delete(options)

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 5 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 795

search.delete.promise({id: 'customsearch_txn_search_salesorder'})
id: 'customsearch_txn_search_salesorder'
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {
details: 'Invalid search: '
//Add additional code


Method Description Performs a search for duplicate records based on the account's duplicate detection

This method also includes a promise version, search.duplicates.promise(options). For

more information about promises, see Promise Object.

Important: This API works only for records that support duplicate record
detection (for example, customer, lead, prospect, contact, partner, and vendor

For more information about duplicate record detection, see the help topic Duplicate
Record Detection.

Returns search.Result[] that contains the duplicate records

Results are limited to 1000 rows.

If there are no search results, this method returns null.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type enum Required The search type that you want to check for duplicates. 2015.2

Use the search.Type enum for this parameter. The

type you specify must correspond to a record type
that supports duplicate record detection (for example,

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 796

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

customer, lead, prospect, contact, partner, and vendor

options.fields Object Optional A set of key/value pairs used to detect duplicates. 2015.2
The keys are internal ID names of the fields used
to detect duplicates. You can specify fields such as
companyname, email, name, phone, address1, city,
state, and zipcode. For example, to detect duplicates
based on the value of the email field, use 'email' :

Use this parameter to specify the fields (and their

values) to use to detect duplicates. If you are searching
for duplicates based on fields that appear on a certain
record type, this parameter is required. If you are
searching for duplicates of a specific record (of the
specified type), use the parameter instead. number Optional Internal ID of an existing record. 2015.2

Use this parameter to specify a record to detect

duplicates of. The duplicate record detection settings
in the account determine which fields are used to
detect duplicates of the specified record. If you are
searching for duplicates of a specific record (of the
specified type), this parameter is required. If you are
searching for duplicates based on fields that appear on
a certain record type, use the options.fields parameter


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT {1}: Missing a required argument: {2} Required parameter is missing.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

// Search for duplicates of a specific record using the
// parameter
var duplicatesOfRecord = search.duplicates({
type: search.Type.CONTACT,
id: 425

// Search for duplicates based on specific fields on a record type

// using the options.fields parameter
var duplicatesUsingFields = search.duplicates({
type: search.Type.CONTACT,
fields: {

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 797

'email' : ''
//Add additional code

Method Description Performs a search for duplicate records asynchronously based on the Duplicate Detection
configuration for the account. Returns an array of search.Result objects. This method only
applies to records that support duplicate record detection. These records include customer
| lead | prospect | partner | vendor | contact.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this method,
see search.duplicates(options). For additional information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns search.Result[]

Synchronous search.duplicates(options)

Supported Script All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 10 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

type: search.Type.CUSTOMER,
id: 28
.then(function (result) {
details: "Completed: " + result
// do something after completion
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {
// do something on rejection
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 798
Method Description Performs a global search against a single keyword or multiple keywords.

Similar to the global search functionality in the UI, you can programmatically filter the
global search results that are returned. For example, you can use the following filter to
limit the returned records to Customer records:

'cu: simpson'

The method also includes a promise version, For more information about promises, see Promise

For more information about global search, see the help topic Global Search.

Returns search.Result[] as an array of result objects containing these columns: name, type, info1,
and info2

Results are limited to 1000 records.

If there are no search results, this method returns null.

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.keywords string Required Global search keywords string or 2015.2



Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT {1}: Missing a required argument: {2} Required parameter is missing.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var customerSearch ={
keywords: 'cu: simpson'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 799

//Add additional code
Method Description Performs a global search asynchronously against a single keyword or multiple

Returns an array of search.Result objects with four columns: name, type, info1, and

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see For additional information on promises, see
Promise Object.

Returns search.Result[]

Synchronous Version

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 10 units

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

keywords: 'Alan Rath'
.then(function (result) {
details: "Completed: " + result
// do something after completion
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {
// do something on rejection
//Add additional code

Method Description Performs a search for one or more body fields on a record.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 800

You can use joined-field lookups with this method, with the following syntax:


The search.lookupFields(options) method also includes a promise version,

search.lookupFields.promise(options). For more information about promises, see Promise

Note that the return contains either an object or a scalar value, depending on whether
the looked-up field holds a single value, or a collection of values. Single select fields are
returned as an object with value and text properties. Multi-select fields are returned as an
object with value: text pairs.

In the following example, a select field like my_select would return an array of objects
containing a value and text property. This select field contains multiple entries to select
from, so each entry would have a numerical id (the value) and a text display (the text).

For "internalid" in this particular code snippet, the sample returns 1234. The internal id
of a record is a single value, so a scalar is returned.

internalid: 1234,
firstname: 'Joe',
my_select: [{
value: 1,
text: 'US Sub'
my_multiselect: [{
"value": "1,2",
"text": "US Sub, EU Sub"

Returns Object | array

■ Returns select fields as an object with value and text properties.

■ Returns multiselect fields as an array of object with value:text pairs.

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 1 unit

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type enum Required The search type for which you want to look 2015.2
up fields. Use the search.Type enum for this
argument. string Required Internal ID for the record, for example 777 or 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 801

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.columns string | Required Array of column/field names to look up, or 2015.2

string[] a single column/field name. The columns
parameter can also be set to reference
joined fields.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT {1}: Missing a required argument: {2} Required parameter is missing.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var fieldLookUp = search.lookupFields({
type: search.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: '87',
columns: ['entity', 'subsidiary', 'name', 'currency']
//Add additional code


Method Description Performs a search asynchronously for one or more body fields on a record. Returns
select fields as an object with value and text properties. Returns multiselect fields as an
object with value:text pairs.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see search.lookupFields(options). For additional information on
promises, see Promise Object.

Returns object | array

Synchronous Version search.lookupFields(options)

Supported Script All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 1 unit

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 802


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

type: search.Type.EMPLOYEE,
id: -5,
columns : 'email'
.then(function (result) {
details: "Completed: " + result
// do something after completion
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {
// do something on rejection
//Add additional code

Method Description Creates a new search column as a search.Column object.

Important: You cannot directly create a filter or column for a list/record type
field in SuiteScript by passing in its text value. You must use the field’s internal
ID. If you must use the field’s text value, you can create a filter or column with a
formula using name: 'formulatext'.

Returns search.Column

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string Required Name of the search column. See 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 803

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.join string Optional Join ID for the search column. See 2015.2

options.summary enum Optional Summary type for the column. See 2015.2
search.Summary and Column.summary.

options.formula string Optional Formula for the search column. See 2015.2

options.function string Optional Special function for the search column. 2015.2
See Column.function.

options.label string Optional Label for the search column. See 2015.2

options.sort enum Optional The sort order of the column. Use the 2015.2
search.Sort enum for this argument.

Also see Column.sort.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT {1}: Missing a required argument: Required parameter is missing.


SSS_INVALID_SRCH_COLUMN_SUM  A search.Column object contains The options.summary parameter is

an invalid column summary type, not a valid search summary type. See
or is not in proper syntax: {1}. search.Summary.
INVALID_SRCH_FUNCTN An unknown function is provided.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var currencyColumn = search.createColumn({
name: 'currency',
sort: search.Sort.ASC
//Add additional code


Method Description Creates a new search filter as a search.Filter object.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 804

Important: You cannot directly create a filter or column for a list/record type
field in SuiteScript by passing in its text value. You must use the field’s internal
ID. If you must use the field’s text value, you can create a filter or column with a
formula using name: 'formulatext'.

Returns search.Filter

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string Required Name or internal ID of the 2015.2

search field.

options.join string Optional Join ID for the search filter. 2015.2

options.operator search.Operator Required Operator used for the search 2015.2

filter. Use the search.Operator

options.values string | Date | number | Optional Values to be used as filter 2015.2

string[] | Date[] parameters.

options.formul a string Optional Formula used by the search 2015.2


options.summary search.Summary Optional Summary type for the search 2015.2

filter. See search.Summary.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT {1}: Missing a required argument: Required parameter is missing.


SSS_INVALID_SRCH_FILTER_SUM A search.Column object contains an options.summary parameter is not

invalid column summary type, or is a valid search summary type. See
not in proper syntax: {1}. search.Summary.

SSS_INVALID_SRCH_OPERATOR An search.Filter object contains an options.operator parameter is

invalid operator, or is not in proper not a valid operator type. See
syntax: {1}. search.Operator.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 805

The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example. For a
complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

// Create a filter joined to another record type. When you create a joined filter:
// - The name property is the field ID of the field in the joined record that you are filtering on
// - The join property is the field ID of the field in the current record that contains the record
// type you want to join to
// - The operator property is the operator to use to filter the results
// - The values property contains the values to use to filter the results
// For example, the following search definition lists the first 100 employees found
// who have a custom role. The search definition specifies that the search applies to
// Employee records. The filter definition joins the Role record type to the search
// and returns results where the iscustom field (a field on the Role record) is true.
var result = search.create({
type: 'employee',
columns: ['firstname', 'lastname', 'role'],
filters: [
name: 'iscustom',
join: 'role',
operator: 'search.Operator.IS,
values: true
start: 0,
end: 100
title: 'Result',
details: result
// Add additional code

Enum Description Enumeration that holds the values for search operators to use with the search.Filter.

See the help topic SuiteScript 1.0 Search Operators for more information about the field
types supported for each operator type.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script All script types


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 806

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2




Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code...

var mySearchFilter = search.createFilter({
name: 'entity',
operator: search.Operator.ISEMPTY

//Add additional code

Enum Description Enumeration that holds the values for supported sorting directions used with

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 807

Since 2015.2



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var currencyColumn = search.createColumn({
name: 'currency',
sort: search.Sort.ASC
//Add additional code

Enum Description Enumeration that holds the values for summary types used by the Column.summary or
Filter.summary properties. For more information about each summary type, see the help
topic SuiteScript 1.0 Search Summary Types.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2



SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 808


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearchFilter = search.createFilter({
name: 'entity',
summary: search.Summary.GROUP
//Add additional code

Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for search types supported in the N/search
Module. This enum is used to pass the type argument to search.create(options).

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/search Module

Since 2015.2


Note: A search type is not a synonym for a record type. The supported search types listed
below do not necessarily correspond with the supported record types listed in the N/record



SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 809


■ COM_â##SEARCH_â##ONE_â##WAY_â##SYN

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/search Module 810




Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mySearch = search.create({
type: search.Type.CUSTOMER,
filters: filters,
columns: columns
//Add additional code

N/sftp Module
The sftp module provides a way to upload and download files from external SFTP servers.

SFTP servers can be hosted by your organization or by a third party. NetSuite does not provide SFTP
server functionality.

All SFTP transfers to or from NetSuite must originate from SuiteScript. It is not possible for external
clients to initiate file transfers using SFTP.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sftp Module 811

Note: To use an external server to initiate a NetSuite file transfer that doesn’t use SFTP, you
can use RESTlets or SuiteTalk (Web Services). In SuiteScript, RESTlets can respond to requests
containing file data and save them in the File Cabinet. RESTlets can also respond to requests for
file data by loading the contents from the File Cabinet and returning them in the response. Note
that binary file content must be received or sent as Base64 encoded Strings. See the help topic
SuiteScript 2.0 RESTlet Script Type for more information.

In SuiteTalk, applications can invoke CRUD operations on the File Record to populate or change
the contents of the File Cabinet. See the help topics SuiteTalk (Web Services) Platform Guide and
File for more information.

■ N/sftp Module Members

■ Connection Object Members
■ N/sftp Module Script Sample
■ Setting up an SFTP Transfer
■ SFTP Authentication
■ Supported Cipher Suites and Host Key Types
■ Supported SuiteScript File Types

N/sftp Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Object sftp.Connection Object Server-side scripts Represents a connection

to the account on the
remote FTP server.

Method sftp.â##createâ##Connectionâ##(â##options)
sftp.Connection Server-side scripts Establishes a connection
to a remote FTP server.

Connection Object Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Connection.â##downloadâ##(options)
file.File Server-side scripts Downloads a file from the
remote FTP server

void Server-side scripts Uploads a file to the
remote FTP server.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sftp Module 812

N/sftp Module Script Sample

Note: This sample script uses the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger
and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Important: Before you run this script, you must replace the GUID and host key with one
specific to your account. The user name, URL, and directory values in this sample are also
placeholders. Before using this sample, replace the placeholder values with valid values from
your NetSuite account.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

The following example uploads and downloads a file.

To obtain a real host key, use ssh-keyscan <domain>.

To create a real password GUID, obtain a password value from a credential field on a form. For more
information, see Form.addCredentialField(options). Also see N/https Module Script Sample for a
Suitelet example that shows creating a form field that generates a GUID.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/sftp', 'N/file'],
function(sftp, file) {
var myPwdGuid = "B34672495064525E5D65032D63B52301";
var myHostKey = "AAA1234567890Q=";

// establish connection to remote FTP server

var connection = sftp.createConnection({

username: 'myuser',
passwordGuid: myPwdGuid, // references var myPwdGuid
url: '',
directory: 'myuser/wheres/my/file',
hostKey: myHostKey // references var myHostKey

// specify the file to upload using the N/file module

var myFileToUpload = file.create({

name: 'originalname.js',
fileType: file.fileType.PLAINTEXT,
contents: 'I am a test file. Hear me roar.'

// upload the file to the remote server

directory: 'relative/path/to/remote/dir',
filename: 'newFileNameOnServer.js',
file: myFileToUpload,
replaceExisting: true

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sftp Module 813


// download the file from the remote server

var downloadedFile ={

directory: 'relative/path/to/file',
filename: 'downloadMe.js'

Setting up an SFTP Transfer

■ Development Preparation for SFTP transfers
■ Execution of an SFTP transfer

Development Preparation for SFTP transfers

To successfully connect to your SFTP server with SuiteScript, the following steps are recommended:

1. Talk to your SFTP service provider about your plans.

■ Determine the connection properties required to connect with your external SFTP server.
For example:
□ username
□ password
□ url
□ port
□ upload/download directories
□ host key
□ host key type
■ Make sure that you know your provider’s practices around host key changes, maintenance
and failover. For example, find out if there are multiple URLs or ports to try.
■ Check compatibility with the SFTP ciphers supported by NetSuite. See Supported Cipher
Suites and Host Key Types.
■ Determine if your provider requires at-rest file encryption (in addition to what the SFTP
protocol provides during transfer). Decide if you need to add file encryption.
2. Build a credential management Suitelet to capture username and password token. Then, test
the connection.
■ Create custom fields to store the user's SFTP username and password token
■ Implement the Suitelet.
a. Draw a form on a GET request.
b. Save the username and password token on a POST request.
c. Test the connection.
See Creating a Suitelet Form that Contains a Credential Field.
■ Build a server-side script to handle operations such as:
□ Load a File Cabinet file and upload it to the SFTP server.
□ Download an on demand file from the SFTP server and save it in File Cabinet. 

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sftp Module 814

Execution of an SFTP transfer

The following steps occur during a successful SFTP transfer using SuiteScript:

1. User submits their SFTP credentials via a Suitelet.

2. Suitelet captures and stores the credential token.
3. A server-side script is triggered.
4. Script identifies the appropriate credential token and other connection attributes, and
establishes the SFTP connection.
5. Script requests the transfer.

SFTP Authentication
Please review the following sections for an overview of SFTP authentication when using SuiteScript.

■ Credential Tokenization
■ Creating a Suitelet Form that Contains a Credential Field
■ Reading the Credential Token in a Suitelet
■ Credential Management
■ Credential GUID Persistence
■ Protocols
■ Host Key Verification
■ Retrieving the Host Key of an External SFTP Server

Only username/password based authentication is supported. Public key based authentication is not

Credential Tokenization
SuiteScript provides the ability for users to securely store authentication credentials in such a way
that scripts are able to utilize encrypted saved credentials without being able to see their contents.
The script author must specify which scripts and domains are permitted for use with the credential.
To restrict the credential for use by SuiteScript automation triggered by the same user who originally
saved the credential, the script author can set the restrictToCurrentUser parameter.

Creating a Suitelet Form that Contains a Credential Field

Note: Credential fields have a default maximum length of 32 characters. If needed, use the
Field.maxLength property to change this value

if(request.method === context.Method.GET){
var form = ui.createForm({title: 'Enter SFTP Credentials'});
var credField = form.addCredentialField({
id: 'custfield_sftp_password_token',
label: 'SFTP Password',
restrictToScriptIds: ['customscript_sftp_script'],
restrictToDomains: [''],
restrictToCurrentUser: true //Depends on use case
credField.maxLength = 64;

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sftp Module 815


Reading the Credential Token in a Suitelet

Note that the following code snippet is not a fully functional sample.

var request = context.request;
if(request.method === context.Method.POST){
// Read the request parameter matching the field ID we specified in the form
var passwordToken = request.parameters.custfield_sftp_password_token;
title: 'New password token',
details: passwordToken
// In a real-world script, "passwordToken" is saved into a custom field here...

Credential Management
User passwords can be stored using secure Credential Fields. This type of field is available on the
serverWidget.Form Object in the N/ui/serverWidget Module.
Encrypted custom fields do not support tokenization and are not compatible with the SFTP module.
Instead, you can add a credential field using Form.addCredentialField(options).

Credential GUID Persistence

Scripts may store credential tokens as convenient for the script author. Credential tokens are not
related to the password in its original or encrypted form within NetSuite. These tokens are unique
identifiers which allow a script to refer to an encrypted secret securely stored within the SuiteCloud
platform. Automatic password expiration is not currently provided, nor is it possible to view an
inventory of saved credentials in the user interface.

The SFTP module allows scripts to transfer files using the SSH File Transfer Protocol only. Other file-
based protocols such as FTP, FTPS, SCP are not supported by this module.

Host Key Verification

An SFTP server identifies itself using a host key when a client attempts to establish a connection. Host
keys are unique keys that the underlying SSH protocol uses to allow the server to provide a fingerprint.
Clients can verify that the expected server has responded to the connection request for a particular
URL and port number.
SuiteScript requires that the host key is provided by the script attempting to connect so that the SFTP
module can check the identity of the SFTP server. This security best practice is commonly referred to as
"Strict Host Key Checking".
Host keys are used to verify the identity of the server, not the client. SFTP/SSH host keys have no
relationship to SFTP key based authentication, which is not currently supported.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sftp Module 816

By design, there is no SuiteScript API call for checking the host key of a remote SFTP server, or an
option to disable strict host key checking. The script must always know the host key ahead of time.
We recommend using OpenSSH's ssh-keyscan tool to check the host key of an external SFTP site. See
Retrieving the Host Key of an External SFTP Server and The OpenBSD’s ssh-keyscan page.

Retrieving the Host Key of an External SFTP Server

An example usage checking the RSA host key of URL: at port: 1234 from a *nix shell follows:

$ ssh-keyscan -t rsa -p 1234


It is recommended to always pass the key type and port number. This practice helps to avoids
ambiguity in the response from the external SFTP server.

Supported Cipher Suites and Host Key Types

SFTP connections are encrypted. For security reasons, NetSuite requires that the server to which a
connection request is being made supports at least one of the following ciphers aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr
or aes256-ctr. The preceding cipher specs refer to the AES cipher in Counter stream cipher mode using
128,192 or 256 bit key sizes.
To check interoperability of your SFTP server or service provider, refer to the following table:

Communication protocol SFTP (SSH + FTP) is supported.

Only CTR (and not CBC) ciphers are allowed. Your SFTP server can use the following
encryption algorithms:

■ AES 128-CTR
■ AES 192-CTR
■ AES 256-CTR

Files are not additionally encrypted during transfer. The entire transmission is
encrypted by the SSH protocol.

Authentication Username/password only (not key-based)


SSH host key With each connection request, you must supply the host key. Any host key changes
need to be managed manually.

Guid The password guid should be a value generated by a credential field from a Suitelet
using Form.addCredentialField(options).

The password guid field's originating credential field must include the SFTP domain on
the restrictToDomains parameter.

The password guid field's originating credential field must include the script utilizing
the password guid on the restrictToScriptIds parameter.

Firewall policy is at the discretion of your SFTP service provider.

Supported SuiteScript File Types

SuiteScript has two types of file objects: previously existing files in the NetSuite File
Cabinet, and on demand files created using SuiteScript API calls such as file.create(options)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sftp Module 817

File Cabinet and on demand files are supported by Connection.upload(options).

Note that returns an on demand file object. For an on demand file to be
saved into the File Cabinet, it must receive a folder id and be explicitly saved. 

var downloadedFile ={...});
downloadedFile.folder = 1234;;

Important: It’s possible that a file you are downloading may be encrypted, or your SFTP
provider may expect an uploaded file in a encrypted format in accordance with that provider's
security practices. Make sure that you understand your provider's expectations and the
cryptographic capabilities in SuiteScript (see  N/crypto Module). 

Annotated Syntax Sample

require(['N/sftp', 'N/file'],
function (sftp, file)

var connection = sftp.createConnection({

The Username supplied by the administrator of the external SFTP server.
username: 'myuser',
Refers to the Password supplied by the administrator of the external SFTP server.

The Password Token/GUID obtained by reading the form POST parameter associated
with user submission of a form containing a Credential Field.

Value would typically be read from a custom field.

passwordGuid: "B34672495064525E5D65032D63B52301",
The URL supplied by the administrator of the external SFTP server.
url: '',
The SFTP Port number supplied by the administrator of the external SFTP server (defaults to 22).
port: 22,
The transfer directory supplied by the administrator of the external SFTP server (optional).
directory: 'transferfiles',
RSA Host Key obtained via ssh-keyscan tool.

$ ssh-keyscan -t rsa -p 22


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sftp Module 818

hostKey: "AATpn1P9jB+cQx9Jq9UeZjA1245X7SBDcRiKh+Sok56VzSw=="

Creating a simple file.
var myFileToUpload = file.create({
name: 'originalname.js',
fileType: file.fileType.PLAINTEXT,
contents: 'I am a test file. Hear me roar.'

Uploading the file to the external SFTP server.
Subdirectory within the transfer directory specified when connecting (optional).
directory: 'relative/path/to/remote/dir',
Alternate file name to use instead of the one given to the file object (optional).
filename: 'newFileNameOnServer.js',
The file to upload.
file: myFileToUpload,
If a file already exists with that name, replace it instead of failing the upload.
replaceExisting: true

var downloadedFile ={

Subdirectory within the transfer directory specified when connecting (optional).
directory: 'relative/path/to/file',
The name of the file within the above directory on the external SFTP server which to download.
filename: 'downloadMe.js'


Object Description Represents a connection to the account on the remote FTP server.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sftp Module 819

Module N/sftp Module

Since 2016.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/sftp Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code ...

// establish connection to the FTP server
var objConnection = sftp.createConnection({
username: 'username',
passwordGuid: pwdGuid,
url: '',
directory: 'username/wheres/my/file'
hostKey: myHostKey
//Add additional code

Method Description Downloads a file from the remote FTP server

Returns file.File Object

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 100

Module N/sftp Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.filename string Required The name of the file to download. 2016.2 string Optional The relative path to the directory that 2016.2
contains the file to download.

By default, the path is set to the current


Important: This input must

take the form of a relative path.

options.timeout number Optional The number of seconds to allow for the 2016.2
file to download.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sftp Module 820

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

By default, this value is set to 300


Error Code Thrown If

FTP_MAXIMUM_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDED The file size is greater than the maximum file size allowed by

FTP_INVALID_DIRECTORY The directory does not exist on the remote FTP server.

FTP_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED The transfer is taking longer than the specified options.timeout


FTP_INVALID_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT The options.timeout value is either a negative value, zero or

greater than 300 seconds.

FTP_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST The options.filename does not exist in the


FTP_PERMISSION_DENIED Access to the file or directory on the remote FTP server was

CONNECTION_RESET The connection was reset.

THE_REMOTE_PATH_FOR_FILE_IS_NOT_VALID The file’s remote path is invalid.

CONNECTION_CLOSED_BY_HOST The connection was closed by the host.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/sftp Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var downloadedFile ={
directory: 'relative/path/to/file',
filename: 'downloadMe.js'
//Add additional code


Method Description Uploads a file to the remote FTP server.

Returns void

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 100

Module N/sftp Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sftp Module 821

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.file file.File Required The file to upload. 2016.2

options.filename string Optional The name to give the uploaded file on 2016.2

By default, the filename is the same

specified by options.file.

Note: Illegal characters are

automatically escaped. string Optional The relative path to the directory where the 2016.2
file should be upload to.

By default, the path is set to the current


Important: This input must take

the form of a relative path.

options.timeout number Optional The number of seconds to allow for the file 2016.2
to upload.

By default, this value is set to 300 seconds.

Important: This parameter

does not specify the overall timeout
limit. The value is only applied
when no data is received within the
specified period.

options.â##replaceExisting Optional Indicates whether the file being uploaded 2016.2
true | should overwrite any file with the name
false options.filename that already exists in


exception is thrown when a file with
the same name already exists in the

By default, this value is false.


Error Code Thrown If

FTP_INVALID_DIRECTORY The directory does not exist on the remote FTP server.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sftp Module 822

Error Code Thrown If

FTP_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED The transfer is taking longer than the specified options.timeout


FTP_INVALID_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT The options.timeout value is either a negative value, zero or

greater than 300 seconds.

FTP_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS The options.replaceExisting value is false and a file with the

same name exists in the remote directory.

CONNECTION_RESET The connection was reset.

THE_REMOTE_PATH_FOR_FILE_IS_NOT_VALID The file’s remote path is invalid.

CONNECTION_CLOSED_BY_HOST The connection was closed by the host.

FTP_PERMISSION_DENIED Access to the file or directory on the remote FTP server was


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/sftp Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code ...

directory: 'relative/path/to/remote/dir',
filename: 'newFileNameOnServer',
file: myFileToUpload,
replaceExisting: true
//Add additional code


Method Description Establishes a connection to a remote FTP server.

To generate the passwordguid, you can create a suitelet that uses


Use the N/https Module to fetch the GUID value returned from the Suitelet's
credential field.

For more information, see Setting up an SFTP Transfer and Supported Cipher Suites
and Host Key Types.

Returns sftp.Connection, representing that connection.

Supported Script Types All server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/sftp Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sftp Module 823

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.url string Required The host of the remote account. 2016.2

options.â##passwordGuid Required The password GUID for the remote 2016.2

options.hostKey string Required The host key for the trusted fingerprint on 2016.2
the server.

options.username string Optional The username of the remote account. 2016.2

By default, the login is anonymous.

options.port number Optional The port used to connect to the remote 2016.2

By default, port 22 is used. string Optional The remote directory of the connection. 2016.2

Note: The directory property is

required if you use a remote server
cannot resolve relative paths.

options.timeout number Optional The number of seconds to allow for an 2016.2

established connection.

By default, this value is set to 20 seconds.

options.hostKeyType string Optional The type of host key specified by 2016.2


This value can be set to one of the

following options:

■ dsa
■ ecdsa
■ rsa


Error Code Thrown If

FTP_UNKNOWN_HOST The host could not be found.

FTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED A connection could not be established within

options.timeout seconds.

FTP_CANNOT_ESTABLISH_CONNECTION The password/username was invalid or

permission to access the directory was denied.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sftp Module 824

Error Code Thrown If

FTP_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER The port number is invalid.

FTP_INVALID_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT The options.timeout value is either a negative

value, zero, or greater than 20 seconds.

FTP_INVALID_DIRECTORY The directory does not exist on the remote FTP


FTP_INCORRECT_HOST_KEY The host key does not match the presented host
key on the remote FTP server.

FTP_INCORRECT_HOST_KEY_TYPE The host key type and provided host key type do
not match.

FTP_MALFORMED_HOST_KEY The host key is not in the correct format. (e.g.

base 64, 96+ bytes)

FTP_PERMISSION_DENIED Access to the file or directory on the remote FTP

server was denied.

FTP_UNSUPPORTED_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM The remote FTP server does not support one of

NetSuite’s approved algorithms. (e.g. aes256-ctr,
es192-ctr, es128-ctr)

There are too many incorrect authentication

NO_ROUTE_TO_HOST_FOUND No route to the host can be found.

CONNECTION_RESET The connect was reset.

CONNECTION_CLOSED_BY_HOST The connection was closed by the host.

THE_REMOTE_PATH_FOR_FILE_IS_NOT_VALID The file’s remote path is invalid.

SFTPCREDENTIAL_ENCODING_ERROR There is an SFTP credential encoding error.

UNABLE_TO_GET_SFTP_SERVER_ADDRESS The SFTP server address is unavailable.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/sftp Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

// establish connection to the ftp server

var objConnection = sftp.createConnection({

username: 'username',
passwordGuid: pwdGuid, // references var pwdGuid
url: '',
directory: 'username/wheres/my/file'
hostKey: myHostKey // references var myHostKey
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sso Module 825

N/sso Module
Use the sso module to generate outbound single sign-on (SuiteSignOn) tokens. For example, to create a
reference to a SuiteSignOn record, or to integrate with an external application.
For more information about the SuiteSignOn feature, see the help topic Outbound Single Sign-on

■ N/sso Module Member

■ N/sso Module Script Sample

N/sso Module Member

Member Type Name Return Type Supported Script Types Description

Method sso.â##generateâ##Suiteâ##Signâ##Onâ##Tokenâ##(â##options)
string Portlet scripts, user Generates a new
event scripts, and SuiteSignOn token for a
Suitelets user

N/sso Module Script Sample

The following sample script shows how you can use the sso module.
These sample scripts use the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger and test it.
Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the script you attach
to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Script Basics and
SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Important: Before you run this script, you must replace the ID for the SuiteSignOn record
with a value specific to your account. Additionally, the SuiteSignOn record you reference must
be associated with a specific script. You make this association in the SuiteSignOn record’s
Connection Points sublist. For help with SuiteSignOn records, see the help topic Creating
SuiteSignOn Records.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.
The following example generates a new OAuth token for a user. The SuiteSignOn feature must be

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(sso) {
function generateSSOToken() {
var suiteSignOnRecordId = 1;
var url = sso.generateSuiteSignOnToken(suiteSignOnRecordId);

Method Description Method used to generate a new SuiteSignOn token for a user.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sso Module 826

Note: To use this method, Outbound Single Sign-on and web services must be
enabled in your account. To enable these features, go to Setup > Company > Enable
Features. On the SuiteCloud tab, in the Manage Authentication section, select the
SuiteSignOn check box. In the SuiteTalk section, select the Web Services check box.
Click Save.

Returns URL, OAuth token, and any integration variables as a string

Supported Script Portlet scripts, user event scripts, and Suitelets

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 20 units

Module N/sso Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.â##suiteSignOnId required The scriptId specified on the SuiteSignOn record. 2015.2

To see a list of IDs for SuiteSignOn records, go to

the SuiteSignOn list page (Setup > Integration >
SuiteSignOn Setup > Integration > SuiteSignOn).

Note: NetSuite recommends that

you create a custom scriptId for each
SuiteSignOn record to avoid naming
conflicts should you decide use
SuiteBundler to deploy your scripts into
other accounts.


Error Code Message Thrown If

INVALID_SSO Invalid SuiteSignOn reference: {1}. That The suiteSignOnId input parameter is invalid
SuiteSignOn object does not exist or has or does not exist.
been marked as inactive.
Note: The suiteSignOnId input
parameter must be a scriptId and not
a internal id.

SSO_CONFIG_REQD The SuiteSignOn object {1} is not The suiteSignOnId input parameter is missing.
configured for use with this script. You
must specify the script as a connection
point for this SuiteSignOn.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sso Module 827


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/sso Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var suiteSignOnRecordId = 1;
var url = sso.generateSuiteSignOnToken('customsso1');
//Add additional code

This sample shows how to use generateSuiteSignOnToken(options) in a portlet script.

* @NApiVersion 2.0
* @NScriptType portlet
* @NScriptPortletType form

function (sso) {
function render(context) {
var suiteSignOnRecordId = 'customsso_test';
var url = sso.generateSuiteSignOnToken(suiteSignOnRecordId);

return {
render: render

This sample shows how to use generateSuiteSignOnToken(options) in a Suitelet script.

* @NApiVersion 2.0
* @NScriptType suitelet

function (sso) {
function onRequest(context) {
var suiteSignOnRecordId = 'customsso_test';
var url = sso.generateSuiteSignOnToken(suiteSignOnRecordId);

return {
render: render

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/sso Module 828

This sample shows how to use generateSuiteSignOnToken(options) in a user event script.

* @NApiVersion 2.0
* @NScriptType UserEventScript
* @NModuleScope SameAccount

function(sso) {

function beforeLoad(context) {
var suiteSignOnRecordId = 'customsso_test';
var url = sso.generateSuiteSignOnToken(suiteSignOnRecordId);

return {
beforeLoad: beforeLoad


N/task Module
Load the task module to create tasks and place them in the internal NetSuite scheduling or task queue.
Use the task module to schedule scripts, run Map/Reduce scripts, import CSV files, merge duplicate
records, and execute asynchronous workflows.
Each task type has its own corresponding object types. Use the methods available to each object type
to configure, submit, and monitor the tasks.

Note: Regardless of task type, tasks are always triggered asynchronously.

■ N/task Module Members

■ ScheduledScriptTask Object Members
■ ScheduledScriptTaskStatus Object Members
■ MapReduceScriptTask Object Members
■ MapReduceScriptTaskStatus Object Members
■ CsvImportTask Object Members
■ CsvImportTaskStatus Object Members
■ EntityDeduplicationTask Object Members
■ EntityDeduplicationTaskStatus Object Members
■ SearchTask Object Members
■ SearchTaskStatus Object Members
■ WorkflowTriggerTask Object Members
■ WorkflowTriggerTaskStatus Object Members
■ RecordActionTask (Beta) Object Members (Beta)
■ RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta) Object Members (Beta)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 829

Note: The Record Action Task is a beta feature in 19.1.

■ N/task Module Script Samples

N/task Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Type Supported Script Description

Object task.â##Scheduledâ##Scriptâ##Task
Object Server scripts Encapsulates all the properties
of a scheduled script task in

Use this object to place a

scheduled script deployment into
the NetSuite scheduling queue.

Object Server scripts Encapsulates the status of a
scheduled script placed into the
NetSuite scheduling queue.

Object Server scripts Encapsulates a map/reduce script

Object Server scripts Encapsulates the status of a
map/reduce script deployment
that has been submitted for

task.â##CsvImportTask Object Server scripts Encapsulates the properties of a

CSV import task.

Use the methods and properties

for this object to submit a CSV
import task into the task queue
and asynchronously import
record data into NetSuite.

Object Server scripts Encapsulates the status of a
CSV import task placed into the
NetSuite scheduling queue.

Object Server scripts Encapsulates all the properties
of a merge duplicate records task

Use the methods and properties

of this object to submit a merge
duplicate record job task into the
NetSuite task queue.

Object Server scripts Encapsulates the status of a
merge duplicate record task
placed into the NetSuite task

task.SearchTask Object Server scripts Encapsulates the

properties required to initiate an
asynchronous search.

Object Server scripts Encapsulates the status of an
asynchronous search initiation
task that is placed into the
NetSuite task queue.

Object Server scripts Encapsulates all the properties
required to asynchronously
initiate a workflow.

Use WorkflowTriggerTask to
create a task that initiates an
instance of a specific workflow.

Object Server scripts Encapsulates the status of an
asynchronous workflow initiation

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 830

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Type Supported Script Description
task placed into the NetSuite task

Object Server scripts Encapsulates the properties of a
(Beta) record action task.

Use this object to place a record

action task into the NetSuite
scheduling queue.

Object Server scripts Encapsulates the status of a
(Beta) record action task in the NetSuite
scheduling queue.

Method task.â##createâ##(options)
task.ScheduledScriptTask | Server scripts Creates an object for a specific
task.MapReduceScriptTask task type and returns the task
| task.CsvImportTask | object.
| task.SearchTask

task.RecordActionTask (Beta) Server scripts Returns a task status object
â##|task.â##ScheduledScriptTaskStatus associated with a specific task ID.
task.CsvImportTaskStatus â##|â##
task.â##RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta)

Enum task.TaskType enum Server scripts Enumeration that holds the

string values for the types of task
objects, supported by the N/task
Module, that you can create with

task.TaskStatus enum Server scripts Enumeration that holds the string

values for the possible status of
tasks created and submitted with
the N/task Module.

enum Server scripts Enumeration that holds the string
values for supported master
selection modes when merging
duplicate records withâ##

task.DedupeMode enum Server scripts Enumeration that holds the string

values for available deduplication
modes when merging
duplicate records withâ##

enum Server scripts Enumeration that holds the
string values for entity types
for which you can merge
duplicate records withâ##

enum Server scripts Enumeration that holds the
string values for the stages of a
map/reduce script deployment,
which is encapsulated by the

enum Server scripts Enumeration that holds the string
(Beta) values for the possible record
action conditions.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 831

ScheduledScriptTask Object Members

The following members are called on task.ScheduledScriptTask.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Scheduledâ##Scriptâ##Task.â##submitâ##(â##)
string Server scripts Directs NetSuite to place a
scheduled script deployment into
the NetSuite scheduling queue and
returns a unique ID for the task.

Property Scheduledâ##Scriptâ##Task.â##scriptâ##Id
number | Server scripts Internal ID (as a number), or
string script ID (as a string) for the
script record associated with a
task.ScheduledScriptTask object.

number | Server scripts Internal ID (as a number), or
string script ID (as a string), for the script
deployment record associated with a
task.ScheduledScriptTask object.

Object Server scripts Object with key/value pairs
that override the static script
parameter field values on the script

ScheduledScriptTaskStatus Object Members

The following members are called on task.ScheduledScriptTaskStatus.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Property Scheduledâ##Scriptâ##Taskâ##Status.â##scriptâ##Id
read-only number Server scripts Internal ID for a script record
associated with a specific
task.ScheduledScriptTask object.

read-only number Server scripts Internal ID for a script deployment
record associated with a specific
task.ScheduledScriptTask object.

task.TaskStatus Server scripts Status for a scheduled script task.
Returns a task.TaskStatus enum

MapReduceScriptTask Object Members

The following members are called on task.MapReduceScriptTask.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Mapâ##Reduceâ##Scriptâ##Task.â##submitâ##(â##)
string Server scripts Submits a map/reduce script
deployment for processing.

Property Mapâ##Reduceâ##Scriptâ##Task.â##scriptâ##Id
number | Server scripts Internal ID (as a number), or
string script ID (as a string), for the map/
reduce script record.

number | Server scripts Internal ID (as a number), or
string script ID (as a string), for the script

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 832

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types
deployment record for a map/
reduce script.

Object Server scripts Object that represents key/value
pairs that override static script
parameter field values on the
script deployment record.

MapReduceScriptTaskStatus Object Members

The following members are called on the task.MapReduceScriptTaskStatus object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method Mapâ##Reduceâ##Scriptâ##Taskâ##Status.â##getâ##Percentageâ##Completedâ##(â##)
number Server scripts Returns the current percentage
complete for the current stage of
a task.MapReduceScriptTask.

number Server scripts Returns the total number
of records or rows not yet
processed by the map stage of a

number Server scripts Returns the total number of
records or rows passed as
input to the map stage of a

number Server scripts Returns the total number
of bytes not yet processed
by the map stage, as a
component of total size, of a

number Server scripts Returns the total number
of records or rows not yet
processed by the reduce stage of
a task.MapReduceScriptTask.

number Server scripts Returns the total number
of record or row inputs
to the reduce stage of a

number Server scripts Returns the total number
of bytes not yet processed
by the reduce stage, as a
component of total size, of a

number Server scripts Returns the total number
of records or rows not
yet processed by a

number Server scripts Returns the total size in
bytes of all key/value pairs
written as output, as a
component of total size, by a

number Server scripts Returns the total number of
records or rows passed as

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 833

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types
inputs to the output phase of a

number Server scripts Returns the total size in bytes of
all stored work in progress by a

Property Mapâ##Reduceâ##Scriptâ##Taskâ##Status.â##scriptâ##Id
read-only number | Server scripts Internal ID for a map/
string reduce script record
associated with a specific

read-only number | Server scripts Internal ID for a script
string deployment record
associated with a specific

task.TaskStatus Server scripts Status for a map/reduce script
task. Returns a task.TaskStatus
enum value.

task.MapReduceStage Server scripts The current stage of a map/
reduce script deployment
that is being processed. See
task.MapReduceStage for
supported values.

CsvImportTask Object Members

The following members are called on task.CsvImportTask.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method CsvImportTask.â##submit()
string Server scripts Directs NetSuite to place a CSV import
task into the NetSuite task queue and
returns a unique ID for the task.

Property CsvImportTask.â##importFile
file.File | Server scripts CSV file to import. Use a file.File
string object or a string that represents the
CSV text to be imported.

number | Server scripts Script ID or internal ID of the saved
string import map that you created when
you ran the Import Assistant.

number Server scripts Overrides the Queue Number
property under Advanced Options
on the Import Options page of the
Import Assistant. string Server scripts Name for the CSV import task.

Object Server scripts A map of key/value pairs that sets the
data to be imported in a linked file for
a multi-file import job, by referencing
a file in the file cabinet or the raw CSV
data to import.

CsvImportTaskStatus Object Members

The following members are called on task.CsvImportTaskStatus.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 834

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Property Csvâ##Importâ##Taskâ##Status.â##status
task.TaskStatus Server scripts Status for a CSV
import task. Returns a
task.TaskStatus enum

EntityDeduplicationTask Object Members

The following members are called on task.EntityDeduplicationTask.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method Entityâ##Deduplicationâ##Task.â##submitâ##(â##)
string Server scripts Directs NetSuite to place the
merge duplicate records task
into the NetSuite task queue and
returns a unique ID for the task.

Property Entityâ##Deduplicationâ##Task.â##entityâ##Type
Server scripts Sets the type of entity on which
you want to merge duplicate

number Server scripts When you merge duplicate
records, you can delete all
duplicates for a record or merge
information from the duplicate
records into the master record.

Server scripts When you merge duplicate
records, you can delete all
duplicates for a record or merge
information from the duplicate
records into the master record.

task.DedupeMode Server scripts Sets the mode in which to merge
or delete duplicate records.

number[] Server scripts Number array of record internal
IDs to perform the merge or
delete operation on.

EntityDeduplicationTaskStatus Object Members

The following members are called on task.EntityDeduplicationTaskStatus.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Property Entityâ##Deduplicationâ##Taskâ##Status.â##status
task.TaskStatus Server scripts Status for a merge
duplicate record task.

SearchTask Object Members

The following members are called on task.SearchTask.

Member Name Return Supported Script Description

Type Type / Value Types

Method Searchâ##Task.â##addâ##Inboundâ##Dependencyâ##(â##)
void Server scripts Adds a scheduled script task or map/
reduce script task to the search task

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 835

Member Name Return Supported Script Description

Type Type / Value Types
as a dependent script. Dependent
scripts are processed automatically
when the search task is complete. For
more information, see the help topic
SuiteCloud Processors.

SearchTask.submit() string Server scripts Places the asynchronous search

initiation task into the SuiteScript task
queue, and returns a unique ID for the

Property SearchTask.fileId number Server scripts ID of the CSV file to export search
results into.

SearchTask.filePath string Server scripts Path of the CSV file to export search
results into.

Object Server scripts Object that contains key/value pairs to
describe the dependent scripts added
to the search task.

number Server scripts ID of the saved search to be executed
during the task.

SearchTaskStatus Object Members

The following members are called on task.SearchTaskStatus.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Property SearchTaskStatus.fileId number Server scripts ID of the CSV file into

which search results are

number Server scripts ID of the saved search
executed during the task.

SearchTaskStatus.status task.TaskStatus Server scripts Status of an asynchronous

search task placed in the
NetSuite task queue.

SearchTaskStatus.taskId number Server scripts ID of the asynchronous


WorkflowTriggerTask Object Members

The following members are called on task.WorkflowTriggerTask.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Workflowâ##Triggerâ##Task.â##submitâ##(â##)
string Server scripts Directs NetSuite to place the
asynchronous workflow initiation
task into the NetSuite scheduling
queue and returns a unique ID for
the task.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 836

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Property Workflowâ##Triggerâ##Task.â##recordâ##Type
string Server scripts Record type of the workflow base
record. For example, customer,
salesorder, or lead.

number Server scripts Internal ID of the workflow
definition base record. For
example, 55 or 124.

number | Server scripts Internal ID (as a number), or script
string ID (as a string), for the workflow

Object Server scripts Object that contains key/value
pairs to set default values on fields
specific to the workflow.

WorkflowTriggerTaskStatus Object Members

The following members are called on the task.WorkflowTriggerTaskStatus object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Property Workflowâ##Triggerâ##Taskâ##Status.â##status
task.TaskStatus Server scripts Status for a asynchronous
workflow placed in the
NetSuite task queue.

RecordActionTask (Beta) Object Members

Warning: The record action task is a beta feature. The contents of this feature are preliminary
and may be changed or discontinued without prior notice. Any change may impact the feature’s
operation with the NetSuite application. Warranties and product service levels do not apply
to this feature or the impact of the feature on other portions of the NetSuite application. We
may review and monitor the performance and use of this feature. The documentation for this
feature is also considered a beta version and is subject to revision.

The following members are called on task.RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta).

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Recordâ##Actionâ##Task.â##submitâ##(â##)
string Server scripts Submits a record action task for
processing and returns its task ID.

string Server scripts Returns the object type name.

Object Server scripts Returns an object in JSON.

Property Recordâ##Actionâ##Task.â##recordâ##Type
string Server scripts The record type on which the action is to
be performed.

For a list of record types, see record.Type.

Object Server scripts Function that takes record ID and returns
the parameter object for the specified
record ID.

string Server scripts The ID of the action to be invoked.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 837

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Array of Server scripts An array of parameter objects. Each
objects object corresponds to one record ID
of the record for which the action is
to be executed. The object has the
following form: {recordId: 1, someParam:
'example1', otherParam: 'example2'}

Object Server scripts The condition used to select
record IDs of records for which the
action is to be executed. Only the
constant is currently supported.

RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta) Object Members

Warning: The record action task is a beta feature. The contents of this feature are preliminary
and may be changed or discontinued without prior notice. Any change may impact the feature’s
operation with the NetSuite application. Warranties and product service levels do not apply
to this feature or the impact of the feature on other portions of the NetSuite application. We
may review and monitor the performance and use of this feature. The documentation for this
feature is also considered a beta version and is subject to revision.

The following members are called on task.RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta).

Member Name Return Supported Script Description

Type Type / Value Types

Method Recordâ##Actionâ##Taskâ##Status.â##toâ##Stringâ##(â##)
string Server scripts Returns the object type name.

Object Server scripts Returns an object in JSON.

Property Recordâ##Actionâ##Taskâ##Status.â##status
string Server scripts Represents the record action task
status. Returns a value from the
task.TaskStatus enum.

Object Server scripts The results of successfully executed
record action tasks. The value of the
property is the task instance ID and the
corresponding action result.

Object Server scripts The error details of failed action
executions. The value of the property
is the record instance ID and the
corresponding error details. The error
details are returned in an unnamed
object with two properties: code and

number Server scripts The number of record action tasks with
a completed status.

number Server scripts The number of record action tasks with
a succeeded status.

number Server scripts The number of record action tasks with
a failed status.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 838

Member Name Return Supported Script Description

Type Type / Value Types

number Server scripts The number of record action tasks with
a pending status.

N/task Module Script Samples

Some of the following script samples use the require function so that you can copy the script into the
debugger and test it. However, you must use the define function in your entry point script (the script
you attach to a script record). For more information, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Script Basics
and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

Sample 1

The following script sample submits a map/reduce script deployment.

Important: Before you use this script sample, you must create a map/reduce script file,
upload the file to NetSuite, and create a script record and script deployment record for it. For
help working with map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Map/Reduce Script
Type. Additionally, you must edit the sample and replace all hard-coded IDs with values that are
valid in your NetSuite account.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/task', 'N/runtime', 'N/email'],
function(task, runtime, email) {
function submitMapReduceDeployment() {

// Store the script ID of the script to submit.

// Update the following statement so it uses the script ID
// of the map/reduce script record you want to submit.
var mapReduceScriptId = 'customscript_test_mapreduce_script';
log.audit('mapreduce id: ', mapReduceScriptId);

// Create a map/reduce task.

// Update the deploymentId parameter to use the script ID of
// the deployment record for your map/reduce script.
var mrTask = task.create({
taskType: task.TaskType.MAP_REDUCE,
scriptId: mapReduceScriptId,
deploymentId: 'customdeploy_test_mapreduce_script'

// Submit the map/reduce task.

var mrTaskId = mrTask.submit();

// Check the status of the task, and send an email if the

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 839

// task has a status of FAILED.

// Update the authorId value with the internal ID of the user
// who is the email sender. Update the recipientEmail value
// with the email address of the recipient.
var taskStatus = task.checkStatus(mrTaskId);
if (taskStatus.status === 'FAILED') {
var authorId = -5;
var recipientEmail = '';
author: authorId,
recipients: recipientEmail,
subject: 'Failure executing map/reduce job!',
body: 'Map reduce task: ' + mapReduceScriptId + ' has failed.'


Sample 2
The following script sample creates an asynchronous search task to execute a saved search and export
the results of the search into a CSV file stored in the file cabinet. After the search task is submitted, the
script retrieves the task status using the task ID.

Note: Some of the values in this script sample are placeholders. Before using this sample,
replace all hard-coded values, such as IDs and file paths, with valid values from your NetSuite
account. If you run a script with an invalid value, the system may throw an error.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(task) {

// Do one of the following:

// - Create a saved search and capture its ID. To do this, you can use
// the following code snippet (replacing the id, filters, and columns
// values as appropriate):
// var mySearch = search.create({
// type: search.Type.SALES_ORDER,
// id: 'customsearch_my_search',
// filters: [...],
// columns: [...]
// });
// var savedSearchId = mySearch.searchId;
// - Use the ID of an existing saved search. This is the approach that
// this script sample uses. Update the following statement with the
// internal ID of the search you want to use.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 840

var savedSearchId = -10;

// Create the search task.

var myTask = task.create({
taskType: task.TaskType.SEARCH
myTask.savedSearchId = savedSearchId;

// Specify the ID of the file that search results will be exported into.
// Update the following statement so it uses the internal ID of the file
// you want to use.
myTask.fileId = 448;

// Submit the search task.

var myTaskId = myTask.submit();

// Retrieve the status of the search task.

var taskStatus = task.checkStatus({
taskId: myTaskId

// Optionally, create new variables to represent values used previously in

// this script. You may want to use these variables in additional logic you
// add to this script.
var myFileId = taskStatus.fileId;
var mySavedSearchId = taskStatus.savedSearchId;

// Optionally, add logic that executes when the task is complete.

if (taskStatus.status === task.TaskStatus.COMPLETE) {

// Add any code that is appropriate. For example, if this script created
// a saved search, you may want to delete it.

Sample 3
The following script sample creates a scheduled script task and a map/reduce script task. It then
creates an asynchronous search task and adds the scheduled script task and the map/reduce script
task to the search task as dependent scripts. These scripts are processed when the search task is
complete. For more information, see the help topic SuiteCloud Processors.

Note: This script sample refers to two script parameters: custscript_ss_as_srch_res for
the scheduled script, and custscript_mr_as_srch_res for the map/reduce script. These
parameters are used to pass the location of the CSV file to the dependent scripts, which is
shown in the second and third code snippets below. Before using this sample, create these
parameters in the script record. For more information, see the help topic Creating Script

function(task) {

// Specify a file for the search results

var asyncSearchResultFile = 'SuiteScripts/ExportFile.csv';

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 841

// Create a scheduled script task

var scheduledScript = task.create({
taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT
scheduledScript.scriptId = 'customscript_as_ftr_ss';
scheduledScript.deploymentId = 'customdeploy_ss_dpl';
scheduledScript.params = {
'custscript_ss_as_srch_res' : asyncSearchResultFile

// Create a map/reduce script task

var mapReduceScript = task.create({
taskType: task.TaskType.MAP_REDUCE
mapReduceScript.scriptId = 'customscript_as_ftr_mr';
mapReduceScript.deploymentId = 'customdeploy_mr_dpl';
mapReduceScript.params = {
'custscript_mr_as_srch_res' : asyncSearchResultFile

// Create the search task

var asyncTask = task.create({
taskType: task.TaskType.SEARCH
asyncTask.savedSearchId = 'customsearch35';
asyncTask.filePath = asyncSearchResultFile;

// Add dependent scripts to the search task before it is submitted


// Submit the search task

var asyncTaskId = asyncTask.submit();

To read the contents of the search results file within a dependent scheduled script, consider the
following script sample.

* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NScriptType ScheduledScript
define(['N/file', 'N/log', 'N/email', 'N/runtime'],

// Load the search results file and send an email with the file attached and
// the number of rows in the file.
function(file, log, email, runtime) {
function execute(context) {

// Read a CSV file and return the number of rows minus the header row.
function numberOfRows(csvFileId) {
var invoiceFile = file.load({
id: csvFileId

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 842

var iterator = invoiceFile.lines.iterator();

var noOfLines = 0;

// Skip the first row (the header row).

iterator.each(function() {
return false;

// Process the rest of the rows.

iterator.each(function() {
return true;

return noOfLines;

// Send an email to the user who ran the script, and attach the
// CSV file with the search results.
function sendEmailWithAttachment(csvFileId) {
var noOfRows = numberOfRows(csvFileId);
var userId = runtime.getCurrentUser().id;
var fileObj = file.load({
id: csvFileId

author: userId,
recipients: userId,
subject: 'Search completed',
body: 'CSV file attached, ' + noOfRows + ' record(s) found.',
attachments: [fileObj]

// Retrieve the ID of the search results file.

// Update the name parameter to use the script ID of the original
// search task.
var resFileId = runtime.getCurrentScript().getParameter({
name: 'custscript_ss_as_srch_res'

if (!resFileId)
log.error('Could not obtain file content from the specified ID.');

title: 'search - numberOfRows',
details: numberOfRows(resFileId)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 843

return {
execute: execute

To read the contents of the search results file within a dependent map/reduce script, consider the
following script sample.

* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NScriptType MapReduceScript
* @NModuleScope SameAccount
define(['N/runtime', 'N/file', 'N/log', 'N/email'],

// Load the search results file, count the number of letters in the file, and
// store this count in another file.
function(runtime, file, log, email) {

function getInputData() {

// Retrieve the ID of the search results file.

// Update the completionScriptParameterName value to use the script
// ID of the original search task.
var completionScriptParameterName = 'custscript_mr_as_srch_res';
var resFileId = runtime.getCurrentScript().getParameter({
name: completionScriptParameterName

if (!resFileId) {
details: 'resFileId is not valid. Please check the script parameter stored in the
completionScriptParameterName variable in getInputData().'

return {
type: 'file',
id: resFileId

function map(context) {
var email = context.value.split(',')[1];
if ("Email" !== email) {
var splitEmail = email.split('@');
context.write(splitEmail[splitEmail.length-1], 1);

function reduce(context) {
context.write(context.key, context.values.length);

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 844

function summarize(summary) {
var type = summary.toString();
log.audit({title: type + ' Usage Consumed ', details: summary.usage});
log.audit({title: type + ' Concurrency Number ', details: summary.concurrency});
log.audit({title: type + ' Number of Yields ', details: summary.yields});

var contents = '';

summary.output.iterator().each(function(key, value) {
contents += (key + ' ' + value + '\n');
return true;

// Create the output file.

// Update the name parameter to use the file name of the output file.
var fileObj = file.create({
name: 'domainCount.txt',
fileType: file.Type.PLAINTEXT,
contents: contents

// Specify the folder location of the output file, and save the file.
// Update the fileObj.folder property with the ID of the folder in
// the file cabinet that contains the output file.
fileObj.folder = -15;;

return {
getInputData: getInputData,
map: map,
reduce: reduce,
summarize: summarize

Sample 4
The following sample submits a record action task and then checks its status.

For details about record action tasks, see task.RecordActionTask (Beta) and
task.RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta).

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

* @NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/task'], function(task)
var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 845

recordActionTask.params = [{recordId: 1, note: "this is a note for 1"},

{recordId: 5, note: "this is a note for 5"},
{recordId: 23, note: "this is a note for 23"}];

var handle = recordActionTask.submit();

var res = task.checkStatus({taskId: handle}); // returns a RecordActionTaskStatus object

log.debug('Initial status: ' + res.status);


Object Description Encapsulates all the properties of scheduled script task in SuiteScript. Use this object to
place a scheduled script deployment into the NetSuite scheduling queue.

To use the ScheduledScriptTask Object:

1. In the NetSuite UI, create the script record and script deployment record.
2. Use task.create(options) to create the ScheduledScriptTask object.
3. Use the ScheduledScriptTask object properties to set the script and
deployment properties.
4. Use ScheduledScriptTask.submit() to deploy the scheduled script to the NetSuite
scheduling queue.
5. Use the properties for the task.ScheduledScriptTaskStatus object to get the status
of the scheduled script.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see ScheduledScriptTask
Object Members.

For more information about scheduled scripts in NetSuite, see the help topic SuiteScript
2.0 Scheduled Script Type.

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var scriptTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT});
scriptTask.scriptId = 1234;
scriptTask.deploymentId = 'customdeploy1';
scriptTask.params = {searchId: 'custsearch_456'};
var scriptTaskId = scriptTask.submit();
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 846


Method Directs NetSuite to place a scheduled script deployment into the NetSuite scheduling queue
Description and returns a unique ID for the task.

Additionally, note the following:

■ The scheduled script must have a status of Not Scheduled on the Script Deployment page.
If the script status is set to Testing on the Script Deployment page, this method will not
place the script into the scheduling queue.
■ If the deployment status on the Script Deployment page is set to Scheduled, the script will
be placed into the queue according to the time(s) specified on the Script Deployment page.
■ Only administrators can run scheduled scripts. If a user event script calls
ScheduledScriptTask.submit(), the user event script has to be deployed with admin
■ A scheduled script can be submitted for processing only if there is no unfinished
scheduled script task for the same script ID and script deployment ID. Therefore, if a
scheduled script resubmits itself, the actual resubmit does not occur until the current
execution completes. This delay is necessary to avoid the existence of two unfinished tasks
for the same deployment of the same script. For this reason, if a scheduled script uses
the submit() method to resubmit itself, then at runtime, no task ID is returned when the
scheduled script is submitted.

Returns The task ID as a string, except as noted above.

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 20 units

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

FAILED_TO_SUBMIT_JOB_REQUEST_1 Failed to submit job request: {reason} Task cannot be submitted.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var scheduledScriptTaskId = scriptTask.submit();
//Add additional code


Property Description Internal ID (as a number), or script ID (as a string), for the script record associated
with a task.ScheduledScriptTask object.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 847

Type number | string

Governance 20 units

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var scheduledScriptId = 34;
//Add additional code


Property Description Internal ID (as a number), or script ID (as a string), for the script deployment record
associated with a task.ScheduledScriptTask Object.

Type number | string

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code .

scheduledTask.deploymentId = 1;
//Add additional code


Property Description Object with key/value pairs that override static script parameter field values on the
script deployment. Use these parameters for the task.ScheduledScriptTask object to
programmatically pass values to the script deployment.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 848

For more information about script parameters, see the help topic Creating Script
Parameters Overview.

Type object

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

scriptTask.params = {searchId: 'custsearch_456'};
//Add additional code


Object Description Encapsulates the properties and status of a scheduled script placed into the NetSuite
scheduling queue.

Use task.checkStatus(options) with the unique ID for the scheduled script task to get
the ScheduledScriptTaskStatus Object.

For a complete list of this object’s properties, see ScheduledScriptTaskStatus Object


Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var res = task.checkStatus(scriptTaskId);
log.debug('Initial status: ' + res.status);
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 849


Property Description Internal ID for a script record associated with a specific task.ScheduledScriptTask

Use this ID to get more details about the script record for the scheduled task.

Type read-only number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

log.audit('Initial status: ' + status.scriptId);
//Add additional code


Property Description Internal ID for a script deployment record associated with a specific
task.ScheduledScriptTask Object.

Use this ID to get more details about the script deployment record for the
scheduled task.

Type number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 850


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

details:'Deployment ID: ' + status.scriptId
//Add additional code


Property Description Status for a scheduled script task. Returns a task.TaskStatus enum value.

Type task.TaskStatus

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

details: 'Status: ' + summary.status
//Add additional code


Object Description Encapsulates the properties of a map/reduce script deployment. You can use this object
to programmatically submit a script deployment for processing.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 851

To use the MapReduceScriptTask object:

■ In the NetSuite UI, create the script record and script deployment records.
■ Use task.create(options) to create the MapReduceScriptTask object.
■ Use the MapReduceScriptTask object properties to set the script and deployment
■ Use MapReduceScriptTask.submit() to submit the deployment for processing.
■ Use the properties for the task.MapReduceScriptTaskStatus object to get the status of
the map/reduce script.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see MapReduceScriptTask
Object Members.

For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic Map/Reduce Key

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mrTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.MAP_REDUCE});
mrTask.scriptId = mapReduceScriptId;
mrTask.deploymentId = 1;
var mrTaskId = mrTask.submit();
//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Method Submits a map/reduce script deployment for processing.

For more information, see task.MapReduceScriptTask.

Additionally, note that a map/reduce script can be submitted for processing only if there is no
unfinished map/reduce script task for the same script ID and script deployment ID. For this
reason, if a map/reduce script resubmits itself, the actual resubmit does not occur until the
current execution completes. This delay is necessary to avoid the existence of two unfinished
tasks for the same deployment of the same script. Therefore, if a map/reduce script uses the
submit() method to resubmit itself, then at runtime, no task ID is returned when the map/
reduce script is submitted.

For general information about the execution of map/reduce scripts, see the help topic
SuiteScript 2.0 Map/Reduce Script Submission.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 852

Returns string

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 20 units

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

FAILED_TO_SUBMIT_JOB_REQUEST_1 Failed to submit job request: {reason} Task cannot be submitted.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mrTaskId = mrTask.submit();
//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Property Description Internal ID (as a number), or script ID (as a string), for the map/reduce script

Type number | string

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 853

var mapReduceScriptId = 34;
//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Property Description Internal ID (as a number) or script ID (as a string), for the script deployment record
for a map/reduce script.

Type number | string

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

mrTask.deploymentId = 1;
//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Property Description Object that represents key/value pairs that override static script parameter field values on
the script deployment record.

Use these parameters on a task.MapReduceScriptTask object to programmatically pass

values to the script deployment. For more information about script parameters, see the
help topic Creating Script Parameters Overview.

Type object

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 854

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code


mrTask.params = {doSomething: true};

//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Object Description Encapsulates the status of a map/reduce script deployment that was submitted for

Use task.checkStatus(options) with the unique ID for the map/reduce script task to get
the MapReduceScriptTaskStatus object.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see

MapReduceScriptTaskStatus Object Members.

For general information about the execution of map/reduce scripts, see the help topic
SuiteScript 2.0 Map/Reduce Script Submission.

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = task.checkStatus(scriptTaskId);
if (summary.stage === task.MapReduceStage.SUMMARIZE)
log.audit('Almost done...');
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 855

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Method Description Returns the current percentage complete for the current stage of a

Use the MapReduceScriptTaskStatus.stage property to get the current stage.

For general information about map/reduce stages, see the help topics Map/Reduce Key
Concepts and SuiteScript 2.0 Map/Reduce Script Stages.

Note: The input and summarize stages are either 0% or 100% complete at
any time.

Returns number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var completion = taskStatus.getPercentageCompleted();
log.audit('Percentage Completed: ' + completion);
//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Method Description Returns the total number of records or rows not yet processed by the map stage of a

Use the MapReduceScriptTaskStatus.stage property to get the current stage.

For general information about map/reduce stages, see the help topics Map/Reduce Key
Concepts and SuiteScript 2.0 Map/Reduce Script Stages.

Returns number

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 856

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = taskStatus.getPendingMapCount();
log.audit('Pending Map Count: ' + summary);
//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Method Description Returns the total number of records or rows passed as input to the map stage of a

Use the MapReduceScriptTaskStatus.stage property to get the current stage.

For general information about map/reduce stages, see the help topics Map/Reduce Key
Concepts and SuiteScript 2.0 Map/Reduce Script Stages.

Returns number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = taskStatus.getTotalMapCount();
log.audit('Total Map Count: ' + summary);

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 857

//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Method Description Returns the total number of bytes not yet processed by the map stage, as a
component of total size, of a task.MapReduceScriptTask.

Use the MapReduceScriptTaskStatus.stage property to get the current stage.

For general information about map/reduce stages, see the help topics Map/Reduce Key
Concepts and SuiteScript 2.0 Map/Reduce Script Stages.

Returns number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 25 units

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = taskStatus.getPendingMapSize();
log.audit('Pending Map Size: ' + summary);
//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Method Description Returns the total number of records or rows not yet processed by the reduce stage of a

Use the MapReduceScriptTaskStatus.stage property to get the current stage.

For general information about the reduce stage and other map/reduce stages, see the
help topics Map/Reduce Key Concepts and SuiteScript 2.0 Map/Reduce Script Stages.

Returns number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 858

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = taskStatus.getPendingReduceCount();
details: 'Pending Reduce Count: ' + summary
//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Method Description Returns the total number of record or row inputs to the reduce stage of a

Use the MapReduceScriptTaskStatus.stage property to get the current stage.

For general information about map/reduce stages, see the help topics Map/Reduce Key
Concepts and SuiteScript 2.0 Map/Reduce Script Stages.

Returns number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = taskStatus.getTotalReduceCount();
details: 'Reduce Count: ' + summary

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 859

//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Method Description Returns the total number of bytes not yet processed by the reduce stage, as a
component of total size, of a task.MapReduceScriptTask.

Use the MapReduceScriptTaskStatus.stage property to get the current stage.

Returns number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 25 units

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = taskStatus.getPendingReduceSize();
details: 'Pending Reduce Size: ' + summary
//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Method Description Returns the total number of records or rows not yet processed by a

Returns number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 860

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = task.checkStatus(scriptTaskId);
var total = summary.getPendingOutputCount()
title: 'Count',
details: total
//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Method Description Returns the total size in bytes of all key/value pairs written as output, as a
component of total size, by a task.MapReduceScriptTask.

Returns number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 25 units

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = task.checkStatus(scriptTaskId);
var total = summary.getPendingOutputSize()
title: 'Size',
details: total}

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 861

//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Method Description Returns the total number of key/value pairs passed as inputs to the SUMMARIZE
phase of a task.MapReduceScriptTask.

Use the MapReduceScriptTaskStatus.stage property to get the current stage.

Returns number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = task.checkStatus(scriptTaskId);
var total = summary.getTotalOutputCount()
title: 'Total Entries Passed to Output',
details: total
//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Method Description Returns the total size in bytes of all stored work in progress by a

Returns number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 25 units

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 862

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = task.checkStatus(scriptTaskId);
var total = summary.getCurrentTotalSize()
title: 'Size of Remaining Data to Process',
details: total
//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Property Description Internal ID for a map/reduce script record associated with a specific

Type read-only number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = task.checkStatus(scriptTaskId);
title: 'Script ID',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 863

details: summary.scriptId

//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Property Description Internal ID for a script deployment record associated with a specific

Type read-only number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = task.checkStatus(scriptTaskId);
title: 'Deployment ID',
details: summary.deploymentId

//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Property Description Status of a map/reduce script deployment that was submitted for processing.
Returns a task.TaskStatus enum value.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 864

For general details about the execution of map/reduce scripts, see the help topic
SuiteScript 2.0 Map/Reduce Script Submission.

Type task.TaskStatus

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = task.checkStatus(scriptTaskId);
title: 'Status',
details: summary.status

//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Property Description Current stage of processing for a map/reduce script deployment instance. See
task.MapReduceStage for supported values.

For general information about map/reduce stages, see the help topic Map/Reduce Key
Concepts. For information about the execution of map/reduce scripts, see the help topic
SuiteScript 2.0 Map/Reduce Script Submission.

Type task.MapReduceStage

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 865


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = task.checkStatus(scriptTaskId);
if (summary.stage === task.MapReduceStage.SUMMARIZE)
details: 'Almost done...'
//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.


Object Description Encapsulates the properties of a CSV import task. Use the methods and properties for this
object to submit a CSV import task into the task queue and asynchronously import record
data into NetSuite.

Use the CsvImportTask Object to perform the following types of tasks:

■ Automate standard record data import for SuiteApp installations, demo environments,
and testing environments.
■ Import data on a schedule using a scheduled script.
■ Build integrated CSV imports with RESTlets.

Use the following process to import CSV data with CsvImportTask:

■ In the NetSuite UI, run the Import Assistant to set up the CSV mapping and import
options. You must run the Import Assistant to set up the necessary mapping for the
CSV import. You can use a sample file or files to set up the mapping. Note the following
□ Script ID for import map.
□ Any required linked files.
For more information, see the help topic Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant.
■ Use task.create(options) to create the CsvImportTask object.
■ Use the CsvImportTask object properties to set the script and deployment properties.
■ Use CsvImportTask.submit() to submit the import task to the NetSuite task queue.
■ Use the properties for the task.CsvImportTaskStatus object to get the status of the
import process.

Use the following guidelines with the CsvImportTask Object:

■ CSV imports performed within scripts are subject to the existing application limit of
25,000 records.
■ You cannot import data that is imported by (2-step) assistants in the UI, because these
import types do not support saved import maps. This limitation applies to budget, single
journal entry, single inventory worksheet, project tasks, and website redirects imports.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 866

■ This object has access only to the field mappings of a saved import map; it does not
have access to advanced import options defined in the Import Assistant, such as multi-
threading and multiple queues.
Even if you set options to use multiple threads or queues for an import job and then
save the import map, these settings are not available to CsvImportTask. When this
object submits a CSV import job based on the saved import map, a single thread and
single queue are used.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see CsvImportTask Object

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var scriptTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.CSV_IMPORT});
scriptTask.mappingId = 51;
var f = file.load('SuiteScripts/custjoblist.csv');
scriptTask.importFile = f;
scriptTask.linkedFiles = {'addressbook': 'street,city\nval1,val2', 'purchases': file.load('SuiteScripts/other.csv')};
var csvImportTaskId = scriptTask.submit();
//Add additional code


Method Description Directs NetSuite to place a CSV import task into the NetSuite task queue and returns a
unique ID for the task. Use CsvImportTaskStatus.status to view the status of a submitted

This method throws errors resulting from inline validation of CSV file data before the import
of data begins (the same validation that is performed between the mapping step and the
save step in the Import Assistant). Any errors that occur during the import job are recorded
in the CSV response file, as they are for imports initiated through the Import Assistant.

Returns string

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 100 units

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 867


Error Code Message Thrown If

FAILED_TO_SUBMIT_JOB_REQUEST_1 Failed to submit job request: {reason} Task cannot be submitted.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var csvImportTaskId = csvTask.submit();
//Add additional code


Property Description CSV file to import. Use a file.File object or a string that represents the CSV text to
be imported.

Type file.File | string

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var f = file.load('SuiteScripts/custjoblist.csv');
scriptTask.importFile = f;
//Add additional code


Property Description Script ID or internal ID of the saved import map that you created when you ran the
Import Assistant. See task.CsvImportTask.

Type number | string

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 868

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

scriptTask.mappingId = 51;
//Add additional code


Property Description Overrides the Queue Number property under Advanced Options on the Import Options
page of the Import Assistant. Use this property to programmatically select an import
queue and improve performance during the import.

Note: This property is only available if you have a SuiteCloud Plus license. For
more information about using multiple queues when importing CSV files, see the
help topics Queue Number and Use Multiple Threads and Multiple Queues to Run
CSV Import Jobs.

Type number

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

scriptTask.queueId = 2;
//Add additional code

Property Description Name for the CSV import task.

You can optionally set a different name for a scripted import task. In the UI, this
name appears on the CSV Import Job Status page.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 869

Type string

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

... = 'Import Entities'
//Add additional code


Property Description A map of key/value pairs that sets the data to be imported in a linked file for a multi-
file import job, by referencing a file in the file cabinet or the raw CSV data to import.

The key is the internal ID of the record sublist for which data is being imported and
the value is either a file.File object or the raw CSV data to import.

You can assign multiple types of values to the linkedFiles property.

Type Object

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

scriptTask.linkedFiles = {'addressbook': 'street,city\nval1,val2', 'purchases': file.load('SuiteScripts/other.csv')};
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates the status of a CSV import task placed into the NetSuite scheduling

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 870

Use task.checkStatus(options) with the unique ID for the CSV import task to get the
CsvImportTaskStatus object.

For a complete list of this object’s properties, see CsvImportTaskStatus Object


Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var csvTaskStatus = task.checkStatus({
taskId: csvTaskId
if (csvTaskStatus.status === task.TaskStatus.FAILED)
//Add additional code


Property Description Status for a CSV import task. Returns a task.TaskStatus enum value.

Type task.TaskStatus

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 871

var summary = task.checkStatus({
taskId: scriptTaskId
title: 'Status',
details: summary.status
//Add additional code


Object Encapsulates all the properties of a merge duplicate records task request. Use the methods
Description and properties of this object to submit a merge duplicate record job task into the NetSuite
task queue.

When you submit a merge duplicate record task to NetSuite, SuiteScript enables you to use
all of the same functionality available through the UI. Use SuiteScript to use the predefined
duplicate detection rules, or you can define your own. After the records are merged or
deleted, in the UI, the records no longer appear as duplicates at Lists > Mass Update > Entity
Duplicate Resolution Lists > Mass Update > Entity Duplicate Resolution.

For more information about merging duplicate records in NetSuite, see the help topic Merging
or Deleting Duplicate Records.

To use the EntityDeduplicationTask Object:

■ Use task.create(options) to create the EntityDeduplicationTask object.

■ Use EntityDeduplicationTask.entityType to select the entity type on which you want to
merge duplicate records.
■ Use EntityDeduplicationTask.dedupeMode to select the action to take for the duplicate
■ Use a EntityDeduplicationTask.masterSelectionMode enum value to identify which record
to use as the master record in the merge.
■ If you use MasterSelectionMode.SELECT_BY_ID for the master selection mode, set the
ID of the master record with EntityDeduplicationTask.masterRecordId.
■ Identify the duplicate records. Use the search.duplicates(options) method in the N/search
Module to find the duplicate records.
■ Use EntityDeduplicationTask.submit() to submit the merge duplicate record task to the
NetSuite task queue.
■ Use the properties for the task.EntityDeduplicationTaskStatus object to get the status of the
merge duplicate record task.

Use the following guidelines with the EntityDeduplicationTask Object:

■ You can only submit 200 records in a single merge duplicate records task.
■ The merge duplicate functionality on non-entity records is not supported in SuiteScript.
■ You must have full access to the Duplicate Record Management permission to merge

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see EntityDeduplicationTask Object

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 872

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var dedupeTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.ENTITY_DEDUPLICATION});
dedupeTask.entityType = task.DedupeEntityType.CUSTOMER;
dedupeTask.dedupeMode = task.DedupeMode.MERGE;
dedupeTask.masterSelectionMode = task.MasterSelectionMode.MOST_RECENT_ACTIVITY;
dedupeTask.recordIds = ['107', '110'];
var dedupeTaskId = dedupeTask.submit();
//Add additional code


Method Description Directs NetSuite to place the merge duplicate records task into the NetSuite task
queue and returns a unique ID for the task.

Use EntityDeduplicationTaskStatus.status to view the status of a submitted task.

Returns task id as a string

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 100 units

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

FAILED_TO_SUBMIT_JOB_REQUEST_1 Failed to submit job request: {reason} Task cannot be submitted.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var dedupeTaskId = dedupeTask.submit();

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 873

//Add additional code


Property Description Sets the type of entity on which you want to merge duplicate records.

Use a task.DedupeEntityType enum value to set the value.

Note: If you set entityType to CUSTOMER, the system will automatically

include prospects and leads in the task request.

Type task.DedupeEntityType

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

dedupeTask.entityType = task.DedupeEntityType.CUSTOMER;
//Add additional code


Property Description When you merge duplicate records, you can delete all duplicates for a record or merge
information from the duplicate records into the master record.

Use this property to set the ID of the master record that you want to use as the master
record in the merge.

Important: You must also select SELECT_BY_ID for the

EntityDeduplicationTask.masterSelectionMode property, or NetSuite ignores this

Type number

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 874


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

dedupeTask.masterSelectionMode = task.MasterSelectionMode.SELECT_BY_ID;
dedupeTask.masterRecordId = 107;
//Add additional code


Property Description When you merge duplicate records, you can delete all duplicates for a record or merge
information from the duplicate records into the master record.

Set this property to determine which of the duplicate records to keep or select the master
record to use by ID.

Use EntityDeduplicationTask.masterSelectionMode to set the value.

Type task.MasterSelectionMode

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

dedupeTask.masterSelectionMode = task.MasterSelectionMode.MOST_RECENT_ACTIVITY;
//Add additional code


Property Description Sets the mode in which to merge or delete duplicate records.

Use a EntityDeduplicationTask.dedupeMode enum value to set the value.

Type task.DedupeMode

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 875

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

dedupeTask.dedupeMode = task.DedupeMode.MERGE;
//Add additional code


Property Description Number array of record internal IDs to perform the merge or delete operation on.

You can use the search.duplicates(options) method to identify duplicate records or

create an array with record internal IDs.

Type number[]

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

dedupeTask.recordIds = ['107', '110'];
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates the status of a merge duplicate record task placed into the NetSuite task
queue by EntityDeduplicationTask.submit().

Use task.checkStatus(options) with the unique ID for the merge duplicate records task
to get this Object.

For a complete list of this object’s properties, see EntityDeduplicationTaskStatus Object


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 876

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var dedupeTaskStatus = task.checkStatus({
taskId: taskId
if (depdupeTaskStatus.status === task.TaskStatus.FAILED)
//Add additional code


Property Description Status for a merge duplicate record task. Returns a task.TaskStatus enum value.

Type task.TaskStatus

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = task.checkStatus({
taskId: scriptTaskId

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 877

title: 'Status',
details: summary.status
//Add additional code


Object Description Encapsulates the properties of a search task. Use the methods and properties for this object
to submit a search task into the task queue, execute it asynchronously, and persist search
results. Similar to SuiteAnalytics persisted search functionality, this capability is useful for
searches across high volumes of data.

You can create a task.SearchTask object using task.create(options).

Use the task.SearchTask object to do the following:

■ Set the search ID using the SearchTask.savedSearchId property.

■ Set the file ID or file path of a CSV file in the File Cabinet. Search results are exported to
this file. Use the SearchTask.fileId property or the SearchTask.filePath property. Exactly
one of these properties must be set. If both are set, an error occurs.
■ Add dependent scripts to the search task using SearchTask.addInboundDependency().
Dependent scripts are processed automatically when the search task is complete.
■ Submit the search task to the NetSuite task queue using SearchTask.submit().
■ Get the status of a search task using the properties of the task.SearchTaskStatus object.

Note: There a limit to the number of asynchronous searches running at the same
time. The limit is set to be the same as the limit for CSV import. The file size limit is
based on File Cabinet limits.

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2017.1


//Add additional code

var searchTask = task.create({
taskType: task.TaskType.SEARCH
searchTask.savedSearchId = 51;

var path = 'ExportFolder/export.csv';

searchTask.filePath = path;

var searchTaskId = searchTask.submit();

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 878


Method Adds a scheduled script task (task.ScheduledScriptTask) or map/reduce script task

Description (task.MapReduceScriptTask) to the search task as a dependent script. Dependent scripts are
processed automatically when the search task is complete. For more information, see the
help topic SuiteCloud Processors.

Note: You can add only scheduled scripts or map/reduce scripts as dependent
scripts to asynchronous search tasks. Other script types are not supported.

When you use this method to add a dependent script, the script is considered an inbound
dependency of the search task. The added script depends on the search task. For example, if
you add a scheduled script task to a search task as a dependent script, the scheduled script
depends on the search task. Because addInboundDependency() is called on the search
task, any dependent scripts that you add are considered inbound dependencies.

Returns void

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/task Module

Since 2018.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


dependentScript task.â##Scheduledâ##Scriptâ##Task
Required The script to add as a dependent script to 2018.2
â##|â## the search task.
Useâ## task.create(options) â##and theâ##
task.TaskType â##enum to create a script
task with a type ofâ## SCHEDULED_SCRIPT
â##orâ## MAP_REDUCE. This script task is
aâ## task.ScheduledScriptTask â##object
or aâ## task.MapReduceScriptTask, and you
can add this script task as a dependent script
to the search task. The dependent script is
processed when the search task is complete.

You can add only one

dependent script per call toâ##


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var scheduledScript = task.create({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 879

taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT
// Set the properties of the scheduled script task
scheduledScript.scriptId = 'customscript_as_ftr_ss';

var asyncTask = task.create({

taskType: task.TaskType.SEARCH
// Set the properties of the search task
asyncTask.savedSearchId = 'customsearch35';


var asyncTaskId = asyncTask.submit();

// Add additional code


Method Description Directs NetSuite to initiate the asynchronous search task and return a unique ID for
the task. When the submission is successful, this method adds the internal IDs of
any dependent scripts (added using SearchTask.addInboundDependency()) to the
SearchTask.inboundDependencies property.

Use task.SearchTaskStatus to view the status of a submitted task.

Returns The task ID as a string

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 100 units

Module N/task Module

Since 2017.1


Error Code Thrown If

FAILED_TO_SUBMIT_JOB_REQUEST_1 Task cannot be submitted.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A required parameter is missing.

You do not have permission to access the file.

THAT_RECORD_DOES_NOT_EXIST The file Object references a file that doesn’t exist.

MUST_IDENTIFY_A_FILE The path specifies a folder and not a file.

CANNOT_RESUBMIT_SUBMITTED_ASYNC_SEARCH_TASK The search task was already submitted and

completed successfully.

ASYNC_SEARCH_DEPENDENCY_MR_ALREADY_SUBMITTED A dependent map/reduce script is already

submitted and is not complete.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 880

Error Code Thrown If

ASYNC_SEARCH_DEPENDENCY_MR_INCORRECT_STATUS The status of the deployment record for the

specified dependent map/reduce script has a value
other than “Not Scheduled”.

ASYNC_SEARCH_DEPENDENCY_SS_ALREADY_SUBMITTED A dependent scheduled script is already submitted

and is not complete.

ASYNC_SEARCH_DEPENDENCY_SS_INCORRECT_STATUS The status of the deployment record for the

specified dependent scheduled script has a value
other than “Not Scheduled”.

ASYNC_SEARCH_DEPLOYMENT_FOR_DEPENDENCY A deployment record for the specified dependent

script is not available for one of the following

■ A deployment record was not specified

when the dependent script was created, and
automatic lookup for an available deployment
record failed.
■ The deployment record specified when the
dependent script was created is not found.

ASYNC_SEARCH_MULTIPLE_DEPENDENCIES The same dependent script is passed to this

method more than once.

ASYNC_SEARCH_SCRIPT_ID_NOT_FOUND The specified dependent script is not found.

ASYNC_SEARCH_SEARCH_ID_NOT_FOUND The search task with the specified search ID is not



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var searchTriggerTask = searchTask.submit();
//Add additional code


Property Description ID of the CSV file to export search results into.

Note: Either this property or the SearchTask.filePath property must be set.

If both are set, an error occurs.

Type The CSV file ID as a number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 881

Since 2017.1


Error Code Thrown If

UNSUPPORTED_COMBINATION_OF_PARAMETERS Both this property and the SearchTask.filePath property are

set at the same time.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

searchTask.fileId = 18;
//Add additional code


Property Description Path of the CSV file to export search results into.

Note: Either this property or the SearchTask.fileId property must be set. If

both are set, an error occurs.

Type The CSV file path as a string

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2017.1


Error Code Thrown If

UNSUPPORTED_COMBINATION_OF_PARAMETERS Both this property and the SearchTask.fileId property are

set at the same time.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

searchTask.filePath= 'ExportFolder/export.csv'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 882

//Add additional code


Property Object with key/value pairs that contain information about the dependent scripts added to
Description the search task. Use this property to verify the properties of dependent scripts after you add
the scripts using SearchTask.addInboundDependency().

This property uses nested objects to store information about each dependent script. A nested
object is included for each dependent script added to the search task. The nested object
contains information such as the task type, script ID, and deployment ID. It also includes the
index of the script (starting at 0). Dependent scripts are indexed in the order they are added
to the search task.

For example, consider a situation in which you add a scheduled script task and a map/
reduce script task to a search task as dependent scripts. After you add the dependent
scripts, but before you submit the search task using SearchTask.submit(), the value of the
SearchTask.inboundDependencies property is similar to the following:

{"type":"task.ScheduledScriptTask", "scriptId":"customscript_as_ftr_ss",
{"type":"task.MapReduceScriptTask", "scriptId":"customscript_as_ftr_mr",

After you submit the search task, the internal IDs of the dependent scripts are added to the
SearchTask.inboundDependencies property:

"scriptId":"customscript_as_ftr_ss", "deploymentId":"customdeploy_ss_dpl",
"scriptId":"customscript_as_ftr_mr", "deploymentId":"customdeploy_mr_dpl",

Type read-only Object[]

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 883

Since 2018.2


Error Code Thrown If

READ_ONLY_PROPERTY Setting the property is attempted


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var scheduledScript = task.create({
taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT
// Set the properties of the scheduled script task
scheduledScript.scriptId = 'customscript_as_ftr_ss';

var mapReduceScript = task.create({

taskType: task.TaskType.MAP_REDUCE
// Set the properties of the map/reduce script task
mapReduceScript.scriptId = 'customscript_as_ftr_mr';


var asyncTaskId = asyncTask.submit();

// Iterate over the dependent scripts

var p = asyncTask.inboundDependencies;
for (var key in p) {
log.debug(key + ' > ' + p[key]);
// Add additional code


Property Description ID of the saved search to be executed during the task.

Type The saved search ID as a number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2017.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 884


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

searchTask.savedSearchId = 51;
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates the status of an asynchronous search task (task.SearchTask) placed
into the NetSuite task queue. To initiate the task and retrieve the task ID, use

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2017.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var searchTaskStatus = task.checkStatus({
taskId: 51

if (searchTaskStatus.status === task.TaskStatus.FAILED) {

// Handle the task failure
// Add additional code


Property Description ID of CSV file into which search results are exported.

Type CSV file id as a number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2017.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 885


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var status = task.checkStatus({
searchTaskId: 81
title: 'File ID',
details: status.fileId
//Add additional code


Property Description The ID of the saved search executed during the task.

Type The search ID as a number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2017.1


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var status = task.checkStatus({
searchTaskId: 81
title: 'Saved Search ID',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 886

details: status.savedSearchId
//Add additional code


Property Description Status for an asynchronous search placed in the NetSuite task queue by
SearchTask.submit(). Returns a task.TaskStatus enum value.

Type task.TaskStatus

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2017.1


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = task.checkStatus(scriptTaskId);
title: 'Status',
details: summary.status

//Add additional code


Property Description ID of the task.SearchTask Object. Use SearchTask.submit() to return this ID.

Type number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2017.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 887


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var searchTaskId = searchTask.submit();
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates all the properties required to asynchronously initiate a workflow. Use the
WorkflowTriggerTask Object to create a task that initiates an instance of the specified

The task is placed in the scheduling queue, and the workflow instance is initiated after the
task reaches the top of the queue.

To use the WorkflowTriggerTask Object:

■ Use task.create(options) to create the WorkflowTriggerTask Object.

■ Use WorkflowTriggerTask.recordType to set the record type of the workflow base record.
■ Use WorkflowTriggerTask.recordId to set the internal ID of the base record for the
■ Use WorkflowTriggerTask.workflowId to set the internal ID of the workflow that you want
to run on the record specified by the recordId.
■ Optionally, use WorkflowTriggerTask.params to specify default values for workflow fields.
■ Use WorkflowTriggerTask.submit() to submit the asynchronous workflow initiation task to
the NetSuite task queue.
■ Use the properties for the WorkflowTriggerTaskStatus.status object to get the status of
the workflow execution.

Use the following guidelines with the WorkflowTriggerTask Object:

■ WorkflowTriggerTask.submit() does not successfully place a workflow task in the

scheduling queue if an identical instance of that workflow, with the same recordType,
recordId, and workflowId, is currently executing or already in the scheduling queue.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see WorkflowTriggerTask Object

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 888


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var workflowTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.WORKFLOW_TRIGGER});
workflowTask.recordType = 'customer';
workflowTask.recordId = 107;
workflowTask.workflowId = 3;
var taskId = workflowTask.submit();
//Add additional code


Method Description Directs NetSuite to place the asynchronous workflow initiation task into the NetSuite
scheduling queue and returns a unique ID for the task.

Use WorkflowTriggerTaskStatus.status to view the status of a submitted task.

Returns the task id as a string

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 20 units

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

FAILED_TO_SUBMIT_JOB_REQUEST_1 Failed to submit job request: {reason} Task cannot be submitted.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var workflowTriggerTask = workflowTask.submit();
//Add additional code


Property Description Record type of the workflow definition base record. For example, customer,
salesorder, or lead.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 889

In the Workflow Manager, this is the record type that is specified in the Record
Type field.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

workflowTask.recordType = 'customer';
//Add additional code


Property Description Internal ID of the base record. For example, 55 or 124.

Type number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

workflowTask.recordId = 107;
//Add additional code


Property Description Internal ID (as a number), or script ID (as a string), for the workflow definition.

This is the ID that appears in the ID field on the Workflow Definition Page.

Type number | string

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 890

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

workflowTask.workflowId = 3;
//Add additional code


Property Description Object that contains key/value pairs to set default values on fields specific to the

These can include fields on the Workflow Definition Page or workflow and state
Workflow Custom Fields.

Type Object

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

task.params = {context: portlet}
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates the status of an asynchronous workflow initiation task placed into the
NetSuite task queue by WorkflowTriggerTask.submit().

Use task.checkStatus(options) with the unique ID for the asynchronous workflow

initiation task to get the WorkflowTriggerTaskStatus object.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 891

For a complete list of this object’s properties, see WorkflowTriggerTaskStatus Object


Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var workflowTaskStatus = task.checkStatus(taskId);
if (workflowTaskStatus.status === task.TaskStatus.FAILED)
//Add additional code


Property Description Status for an asynchronous workflow placed in the NetSuite task queue by
WorkflowTriggerTask.submit(). Returns a task.TaskStatus enum value.

Type task.TaskStatus

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var summary = task.checkStatus(scriptTaskId);
log.audit('Status', summary.status);

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 892

task.RecordActionTask (Beta)
Warning: The record action task is a beta feature. The contents of this feature are preliminary
and may be changed or discontinued without prior notice. Any change may impact the feature’s
operation with the NetSuite application. Warranties and product service levels do not apply
to this feature or the impact of the feature on other portions of the NetSuite application. We
may review and monitor the performance and use of this feature. The documentation for this
feature is also considered a beta version and is subject to revision.

Object Description Encapsulates the properties of a record action task. Use the methods and properties
for this object to submit a record action task into the task queue and to execute it

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Methods and Properties RecordActionTask (Beta) Object Members

Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.params = [{recordId: 1, note: "this is a note for 1"},
{recordId: 5, note: "this is a note for 5"},
{recordId: 23, note: "this is a note for 23"}];

var handle = recordActionTask.submit();

var res = task.checkStatus({taskId: handle}); // returns a RecordActionTaskStatus object

log.debug('Initial status: ' + res.status);
//Add additional code

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Method Description Submits a record action task script deployment for processing and returns its task ID.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 893

The record action task is processed by a background process which executes the specified
record action for each record ID provided in the parameters. The overall task status as
well as individual action results can be queried using the task.checkStatus() method.

Returns string

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 50 units

Module N/task Module

Sibling Object RecordActionTask (Beta) Object Members


Since 2019.1


Error Code Message Thrown If

FAILED_TO_SUBMIT_JOB_REQUEST_1 Failed to submit job request: The task cannot be submitted.



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.params = [{recordId: 1, note: "this is a note for 1"},
{recordId: 5, note: "this is a note for 5"},
{recordId: 23, note: "this is a note for 23"}];

var handle = recordActionTask.submit();

var res = task.checkStatus({taskId: handle}); // returns a RecordActionTaskStatus object

log.debug('Initial status: ' + res.status);
//Add additional code

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Method Description Returns the object type name.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 894

Returns string

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/task Module

Sibling Object Members RecordActionTask (Beta) Object Members

Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});

log.debug("Task type: " + recordActionTask.toString());

// Add additional code

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Method Description Returns an object in JSON.

Returns Object

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/task Module

Sibling Object Members RecordActionTask (Beta) Object Members

Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 895

recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.params = [{recordId: 1}];
log.debug("Task details: " + recordActionTask.toJSON());
// Add additional code

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Description Property of type function that takes record ID and returns the parameter object for the
specified record ID. Is to be used in conjunction with task.ActionCondition (Beta).

This parameter cannot be specified when RecordActionTask.params is specified.

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/task Module

Sibling Object Members RecordActionTask (Beta) Object Members

Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.condition = task.ActionCondition.ALL_QUALIFIED_INSTANCES;
recordActionTask.paramCallback = function(v) {
return { recordId: v, note: "this is a note for " + v };
var handle = recordActionTask.submit();
// Add additional code

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Parameter Description The record type on which the action is to be performed.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 896

For a list of record types, see record.Type.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Sibling Object Members RecordActionTask (Beta) Object Members

Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.params = [{recordId: 1, note: "this is a note for 1"},
{recordId: 5, note: "this is a note for 5"},
{recordId: 23, note: "this is a note for 23"}];

var handle = recordActionTask.submit();

var res = task.checkStatus({taskId: handle}); // returns a RecordActionTaskStatus object

log.debug('Initial status: ' + res.status);
//Add additional code

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Parameter Description The ID of the action to be invoked.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Sibling Object Members RecordActionTask (Beta) Object Members

Since 2019.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 897


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.params = [{recordId: 1, note: "this is a note for 1"},
{recordId: 5, note: "this is a note for 5"},
{recordId: 23, note: "this is a note for 23"}];

var handle = recordActionTask.submit();

var res = task.checkStatus({taskId: handle}); // returns a RecordActionTaskStatus object

log.debug('Initial status: ' + res.status);
//Add additional code

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Parameter Description An array of parameter objects. Each object corresponds to one record ID of the record
for which the action is to be executed. The object has the following form: {recordId: 1,
someParam: 'example1', otherParam: 'example2'}

Type Array of objects

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Sibling Object RecordActionTask (Beta) Object Members


Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 898

recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.params = [{recordId: 1, note: "this is a note for 1"},
{recordId: 5, note: "this is a note for 5"},
{recordId: 23, note: "this is a note for 23"}];

var handle = recordActionTask.submit();

var res = task.checkStatus({taskId: handle}); // returns a RecordActionTaskStatus object

log.debug('Initial status: ' + res.status);
//Add additional code

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Parameter Description The condition used to select record IDs of records for which the action is to be executed.

This parameter is specified with the task.ActionCondition enum.

This is used in conjunction with RecordActionTask.paramCallback. If

RecordActionTask.paramCallback is not specified, this default callback is used:
function(v) { return { recordId: v }; }.

Type Object

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Sibling Object RecordActionTask (Beta) Object Members


Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.condition = task.ActionCondition.ALL_QUALIFIED_INSTANCES;
recordActionTask.paramCallback = function(v) {
return { recordId: v, note: "this is a note for " + v };
var handle = recordActionTask.submit();
// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 899

task.RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta)
Warning: The record action task is a beta feature. The contents of this feature are preliminary
and may be changed or discontinued without prior notice. Any change may impact the feature’s
operation with the NetSuite application. Warranties and product service levels do not apply
to this feature or the impact of the feature on other portions of the NetSuite application. We
may review and monitor the performance and use of this feature. The documentation for this
feature is also considered a beta version and is subject to revision.

Object Description Encapsulates the properties of a record action task. Use the methods and properties
for this object to submit a record action task into the task queue and to execute it

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Methods and Properties RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta) Object Members

Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.params = [{recordId: 1}, {recordId: 5}, {recordId: 23}];
var handle = recordActionTask.submit();

// Add any additional processing here

var taskStatus = task.checkStatus({taskId: handle}); // returns a RecordActionTaskStatus object

log.debug('Initial status: ' + taskStatus.status);
//Add additional code

/* Example contents of a RecordActionTaskStatus object at different stages of bulk action task execution:

// initial status just after submitting the task

status: 'PENDING',
results: {},
errors: {},
complete: 0,
succeeded: 0,
failed: 0,
pending: 3

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 900

// in the middle of processing, two records processed, one to go

status: 'PROCESSING',
results: {
1: { response: { approvedId: 1 }, notifications: [] },
5: { response: { approvedId: 5 }, notifications: [{ title: 'Title', message: 'Message', severity: { value: 2,
label: 'Warning' }}] }
errors: {},
complete: 2,
succeeded: 2,
failed: 0,
pending: 1

// complete, all successful

status: 'COMPLETE',
results: {
1: { response: { approvedId: 1 }, notifications: [] },
5: { response: { approvedId: 5 }, notifications: [{ title: 'Title', message: 'Message', severity: { value: 2,
label: 'Warning' }}] },
23: { response: { approvedId: 23 }, notifications: [] }
errors: {},
complete: 3,
succeeded: 3,
failed: 0,
pending: 0

// complete, one action returned an error

status: 'COMPLETE',
results: {
1: { response: { approvedId: 1 }, notifications: [] },
5: { response: { approvedId: 5 }, notifications: [{ title: 'Title', message: 'Message', severity: { value: 2,
label: 'Warning' }}] }
errors: {
23: { name: 'SSS_RECORD_DOES_NOT_SATISFY_CONDITION', message: ... }
complete: 3,
succeeded: 2,
failed: 1,
pending: 0

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 901

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Method Description Returns the object type name.

Returns string

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/task Module

Sibling Object Members RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta) Object Members

Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.params = [{recordId: 1}, {recordId: 2}];
var handle = recordActionTask.submit();

var taskStatus = task.checkStatus({taskId: handle}); // returns a RecordActionTaskStatus object

log.debug('Type of status object: ' + taskStatus.toString());
//Add additional code

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Method Description Returns a record status task status object in JSON.

Returns Object

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/task Module

Sibling Object Members RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta) Object Members

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 902

Since 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.params = [{recordId: 1}, {recordId: 2}];
var handle = recordActionTask.submit();

var taskStatus = task.checkStatus({taskId: handle}); // returns a RecordActionTaskStatus object

log.debug('Status object details: ' + taskStatus.toJSON());
//Add additional code

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Parameter Description Represents the record action task status. Returns a value from the
task.TaskStatus enum.

Type string

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Sibling Object Members RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta) Object Members

Since 2019.1


Error Code Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 903

recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.params = [{recordId: 1}, {recordId: 2}];
var handle = recordActionTask.submit();

var taskStatus = task.checkStatus({taskId: handle}); // returns a RecordActionTaskStatus object

log.debug('Current task status: ' + taskStatus.status);
// will log e.g. the following:
// Current task status: PENDING
// Add additional code

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Parameter Description The results of successfully executed record action tasks. The value of the property is
the task instance ID and the corresponding action result.

Type Object

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Sibling Object Members RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta) Object Members

Since 2019.1


Error Code Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.params = [{recordId: 1}, {recordId: 2}];
var handle = recordActionTask.submit();

var taskStatus = task.checkStatus({taskId: handle}); // returns a RecordActionTaskStatus object

// will log e.g. the following:
// { 1: { response: { approved: true }, notifications: [] }}
// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 904

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Parameter Description The error details of failed action executions. The value of the property is the record
instance ID and the corresponding error details. The error details are returned in an
unnamed object with two properties: code and message.

Type Object

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Sibling Object RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta) Object Members


Since 2019.1


Error Code Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.params = [{recordId: 1}, {recordId: 2}];
var handle = recordActionTask.submit();

var taskStatus = task.checkStatus({taskId: handle}); // returns a RecordActionTaskStatus object

// will log e.g. the following:
// { 2: { name: 'SSS_RECORD_DOES_NOT_SATISFY_CONDITION', message: '...' }}
// Add additional code

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Parameter Description The number of record actions that are already executed, either failed or

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 905

Type number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Sibling Object Members RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta) Object Members

Since 2019.1


Error Code Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.params = [{recordId: 1}, {recordId: 2}];
var handle = recordActionTask.submit();

var taskStatus = task.checkStatus({taskId: handle}); // returns a RecordActionTaskStatus object

log.debug('Actions already complete: ' + taskStatus.complete);
// will log e.g. the following:
// Actions already complete: 2
// Add additional code

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Parameter Description The number of record actions with a successful status.

Type number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Sibling Object Members RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta) Object Members

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 906

Since 2019.1


Error Code Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.params = [{recordId: 1}, {recordId: 2}];
var handle = recordActionTask.submit();

var taskStatus = task.checkStatus({taskId: handle}); // returns a RecordActionTaskStatus object

log.debug('Actions executed successfully: ' + taskStatus.succeeded);
// will log e.g. the following:
// Actions executed successfully: 1
// Add additional code

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Parameter Description The number of record actions with a failed status.

Type number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Sibling Object Members RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta) Object Members

Since 2019.1


Error Code Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 907


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.params = [{recordId: 1}, {recordId: 2}];
var handle = recordActionTask.submit();

var taskStatus = task.checkStatus({taskId: handle}); // returns a RecordActionTaskStatus object

log.debug('Actions failed: ' + taskStatus.failed);
// will log e.g. the following:
// Actions failed: 0
// Add additional code

Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Parameter Description The number of record actions with a pending status.

Type number

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Sibling Object Members RecordActionTaskStatus (Beta) Object Members

Since 2019.1


Error Code Thrown If

READ_ONLY Setting the property is attempted.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.params = [{recordId: 1}, {recordId: 2}];

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 908

var handle = recordActionTask.submit();

var taskStatus = task.checkStatus({taskId: handle}); // returns a RecordActionTaskStatus object

log.debug('Actions pending: ' + taskStatus.pending);
// will log e.g. the following:
// Actions pending: 2
// Add additional code

Method Description Creates an object for a specific task type and returns the task object. Use with the N/
task Module to create a task to schedule scripts, run map/reduce scripts, import CSV
files, merge duplicate records, initiate asynchronous searches, or execute asynchronous

Returns task.ScheduledScriptTask | task.MapReduceScriptTask | task.CsvImportTask |

task.EntityDeduplicationTask | task.WorkflowTriggerTask | task.SearchTask

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.taskType task.â##TaskType
Required The type of task object to create. 2015.2

Use the task.TaskType enum to set the value.

options.scriptId number | Optional The internal ID (as a number) or script ID (as a 2016.2
string string) for the script record.

This parameter sets the value for

the ScheduledScriptTask.scriptId or
MapReduceScriptTask.scriptId property.

Only applicable when taskType is set to


number |
options.â##deploymentId Optional The internal ID (as a number) or script ID (as a 2016.2
string string) of the script deployment record.

This parameter sets the value for the

ScheduledScriptTask.deploymentId or
MapReduceScriptTask.deploymentId property.

Only applicable when taskType is set to


options.params Object Optional An object that represents key/value pairs that 2016.2
override static script parameter field values on the
script deployment record.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 909

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Use these parameters for the task object to
programmatically pass values to the script
deployment. For more information about script
parameters, see the help topic Creating Script
Parameters Overview.

For Workflow tasks, keys can include fields on the

Workflow Definition Page or workflow and state
Workflow Custom Fields.

This parameter sets the value for

the ScheduledScriptTask.params,
MapReduceScriptTask.params or
WorkflowTriggerTask.params property.

Only applicable when taskType is set to


options.importFile file.File | Optional A CSV file to import. Use a file.File object or a string 2016.2
string that represents the CSV text to be imported.

This parameter sets the value for the

CsvImportTask.importFile property.

Only applicable when taskType is set to


options.mappingId number | Optional The internal ID (as a number) or script ID 2016.2

string (as a string) of a saved import map that you
created when you ran the Import Assistant. See

This parameter sets the value for the

CsvImportTask.mappingId property.

Only applicable when taskType is set to


options.queueId number Optional Overrides the Queue Number property under 2016.2
Advanced Options on the Import Options page
of the Import Assistant. Use this property to
programmatically select an import queue and
improve performance during the import.

Note: This property is only available

if you have a SuiteCloud Plus license. For
more information about using multiple
queues when importing CSV files, see
the help topics Queue Number and Use
Multiple Threads and Multiple Queues to
Run CSV Import Jobs.

This parameter sets the value for the

CsvImportTask.queueId property.

Only applicable when taskType is set to

CSV_IMPORT. string Optional The name for the CSV import task. 2016.2

You can optionally set a different name for a

scripted import task. In the UI, this name appears
on the CSV Import Job Status page.

This parameter sets the value for the property.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 910

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Only applicable when taskType is set to

options.linkedFiles Object Optional A map of key/value pairs that sets the data to be 2016.2
imported in a linked file for a multi-file import job,
by referencing a file in the file cabinet or the raw
CSV data to import.

The key is the internal ID of the record sublist for

which data is being imported and the value is either
a file.File object or the raw CSV data to import.

You can assign multiple types of values to the

linkedFiles property.

This parameter sets the value for the

CsvImportTask.linkedFiles property.

Only applicable when taskType is set to


options.entityType string Optional Sets the type of entity on which you want to merge 2016.2
duplicate records.

This parameter sets the value for the

EntityDeduplicationTask.entityType property.

Only applicable when taskType is set to


Use the task.DedupeEntityType enum to set the


Note: If you set entityType to

CUSTOMER, the system will automatically
include prospects and leads in the task

options.â##masterRecordId Optional When you merge duplicate records, you can delete 2016.2
all duplicates for a record or merge information
from the duplicate records into the master record.

Use this property to set the ID of the master record

that you want to use as the master record in the

Important: You must also

select SELECT_BY_ID for theâ##
â##property, or NetSuite ignores this

This parameter sets the value for theâ##


Only applicable whenâ## taskType â##is set


string Optional
options.â##masterâ##Selectionâ##Mode When you merge duplicate records, you can delete 2016.2
all duplicates for a record or merge information
from the duplicate records into the master record.

Set this property to determine which of the

duplicate records to keep or select the master
record to use by ID.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 911

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

This parameter sets the value for theâ##

Only applicable whenâ## taskType â##is set


Use theâ## task.MasterSelectionMode â##enum to

set the value.

options.â##dedupeModestring Optional Sets the mode in which to merge or delete 2016.2

duplicate records.

This parameter sets the value for the

EntityDeduplicationTask.dedupeMode property.

Only applicable when taskType is set to


Use the task.DedupeMode enum to set the value.

options.recordIds number[] Optional The number array of record internal IDs to perform 2016.2
the merge or delete operation on.

You can use the search.duplicates(options) method

to identify duplicate records or create an array with
record internal IDs.

This parameter sets the value for the

EntityDeduplicationTask.recordIds property.

Only applicable when taskType is set to


options.â##recordTypestring Optional The record type of the workflow definition base 2016.2
record, such as customer, salesorder, or lead.

In the Workflow Manager, this is the record type

that is specified in the Record Type field.

This parameter sets the value for the

WorkflowTriggerTask.recordType property.

Only applicable when taskType is set to


options.recordId number Optional The internal ID of the base record. 2016.2

This parameter sets the value for the

WorkflowTriggerTask.recordId property.

Only applicable when taskType is set to


options.workflowId number | Optional The internal ID (as a number) or script ID (as a 2016.2
string string) for the workflow definition.

This is the ID that appears in the ID field on the

Workflow Definition Page.

This parameter sets the value for the

WorkflowTriggerTask.workflowId property.

Only applicable when taskType is set to


options.â##savedSearchId Optional The ID of the saved search to be executed during 2017.1
the task.

options.fileId string Optional The ID of the CSV file to export search results to. 2017.1
See N/file Module.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 912

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


Note: If fileId is provided then the

filePath parameter is ignored. There is
no synchronization between fileId and
filePath values.

options.filePath number Optional Path of the CSV file to export search results to. See 2017.1
N/file Module.

Note: If fileId is provided then the

filePath parameter is ignored. There is
no synchronization between fileId and
filePath values.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mrTask = task.create({
taskType: task.TaskType.MAP_REDUCE,
scriptId: 34,
deploymentId: 1,
params: {doSomething: true}
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a task status object associated with a specific task ID.

Returns task.ScheduledScriptTaskStatus | task.MapReduceScriptTaskStatus |

task.CsvImportTaskStatus | task.EntityDeduplicationTaskStatus | task.SearchTaskStatus

Supported Script Types Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 913


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.taskId task.ScheduledScriptTask | Required Unique ID for the task 2015.2

task.MapReduceScriptTask that was generated by
| task.CsvImportTask | task.create(options).
| task.SearchTask


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var taskStatus = task.checkStatus(mrTaskId);
//Add additional code

Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for the types of task objects supported by the N/
task Module, that you can create with task.create(options).

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2



SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 914


Note: The record action task is a beta feature in 2019.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var mrTask = task.create({
taskType: task.TaskType.MAP_REDUCE
//Add additional code


Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for the possible status of tasks created and
submitted with the N/task Module.

The following properties hold a value for task.taskStatus:

■ ScheduledScriptTaskStatus.status
■ MapReduceScriptTaskStatus.status
■ CsvImportTaskStatus.status
■ EntityDeduplicationTaskStatus.status
■ SearchTaskStatus.status
■ WorkflowTriggerTaskStatus.status

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2



SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 915


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

if (status == task.TaskStatus.COMPLETE || status == task.TaskStatus.FAILED)
//Add additional code

Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for supported master selection modes when
merging duplicate records with task.EntityDeduplicationTask.

Use this enum for the EntityDeduplicationTask.masterSelectionMode property.

For more information about these values, see the help topic Merging or Deleting Duplicate

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2




Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

dedupeTask.masterSelectionMode = task.MasterSelectionMode.MOST_RECENT_ACTIVITY;
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 916

Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for the available deduplication modes when
merging duplicate records with task.EntityDeduplicationTask.

Use this enum for the EntityDeduplicationTask.dedupeMode property.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2




Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

dedupeTask.dedupeMode = task.DedupeMode.MERGE;
//Add additional code

Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for entity types for which you can merge duplicate
records with task.EntityDeduplicationTask.

Use this enum for the EntityDeduplicationTask.entityType.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 917

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2




Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

dedupeTask.entityType = task.DedupeEntityType.CUSTOMER;
//Add additional code

Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for possible stages in task.MapReduceScriptTask
for a map/reduce script.

This enum is returned by MapReduceScriptTaskStatus.stage.

For general information about map/reduce stages, see the help topics Map/Reduce Key
Concepts and SuiteScript 2.0 Map/Reduce Script Stages.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2015.2



SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 918



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

if (summary.stage === task.MapReduceStage.SUMMARIZE)
//Add additional code

Note: For general information about map/reduce scripts, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0
Map/Reduce Script Type.

task.ActionCondition (Beta)
Warning: The tecord action task is a beta feature. The contents of this feature are preliminary
and may be changed or discontinued without prior notice. Any change may impact the feature’s
operation with the NetSuite application. Warranties and product service levels do not apply
to this feature or the impact of the feature on other portions of the NetSuite application. We
may review and monitor the performance and use of this feature. The documentation for this
feature is also considered a beta version and is subject to revision.

Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for the possible record action conditions.

This enum is returned by RecordActionTask.condition.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script Server scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/task Module

Since 2019.1




Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/task Module 919

var recordActionTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.RECORD_ACTION});
recordActionTask.recordType = 'timebill';
recordActionTask.action = 'approve';
recordActionTask.condition = task.ActionCondition.ALL_QUALIFIED_INSTANCES;
recordActionTask.paramCallback = function(v) {
return { recordId: v, note: "this is a note for " + v };
var handle = recordActionTask.submit();
// Add additional code

N/transaction Module
Load the transaction module to void transactions.
When you void a transaction, the total and all the line items for the transaction are set to zero. The
transaction is not removed from the system. NetSuite supports two types of voids: direct voids and
voids by reversing journal. For additional information, see the help topic Voiding, Deleting, or Closing
The type of void performed with your script depends on the targeted account’s preference settings:

■ If the Using Reversing Journals preference is disabled, a direct void is performed. 

■ If the Using Reversing Journals preference is enabled, a void by reversing journal is performed.

Important: After you successfully void a transaction, you can no longer make changes to the
transaction that impact the general ledger.

■ N/transaction Module Members

■ N/transaction Module Script Sample

N/transaction Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method transaction.â##void(options)
number Client and server- Voids a transaction record.
side scripts

number Client scripts Voids a transaction record

Enum transaction.Type enum Client and server- Enumeration that holds the
side scripts string values for supported
record types.

N/transaction Module Script Sample

Note: This sample script uses the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger
and test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the
script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript
2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/transaction Module 920

The following examples voids a transaction.

Warning: The following sample works only in OneWorld accounts.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
// This example shows how to void a transaction
require(['N/transaction', 'N/config', 'N/record'],
function(transaction, config, record) {
function voidSalesOrder() {
var accountingConfig = config.load({
value: false
var salesOrderObj = record.create({
type: 'salesorder',
isDynamic: false
fieldId: 'entity',
value: 107
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'item',
value: 233,
line: 0
sublistId: 'item',
fieldId: 'amount',
value: 1,
line: 0
var salesOrderId =;
var voidSalesOrderId = transaction.void({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: salesOrderId
var salesOrder = record.load({
type: 'salesorder',
id: voidSalesOrderId
// memo should be 'VOID'
var memo = salesOrder.getValue({
fieldId: 'memo'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/transaction Module 921

Warning: This script sample includes hard-coded values for the purpose of illustration. To run
this sample in the SuiteScript debugger, you must replace these hard-coded values with values
from records in your account. For information about debugging, see the help topic Using the
SuiteScript Debugger.


Method Description Method used to void a transaction record object and return an id that indicates the
type of void performed.

The type of void performed depends on the targeted account’s preference settings.

Important: After you void a transaction, you cannot make changes to

the transaction that impact the general ledger.

Returns An ID returned as a number.

■ If a direct void is performed, returns the ID of the record voided.

■ If a void by reversing journal is performed, returns the ID of the newly created
voiding journal.

Supported Script Types All client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance 10 units

Module N/transaction Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since number | required Internal ID of the specific transaction 2015.2

string record instance to void.

options.type string required Internal ID of the type of transaction 2015.2

record to void


Error Code Message Thrown If

INVALID_RECORD_TYPE  The type argument passed is not valid or the record type is
not voidable.
THAT_RECORD_DOES_NOT_EXIST The id argument passed is not valid.
SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT The type or id argument is missing.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/transaction Module 922


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/transaction Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var voidSalesOrderId = transaction.void({
type: transaction.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: salesOrderId
//Add additional code

Method Description Method used to void a transaction record object asynchronously and return an id that
indicates the type of void performed.

The type of void performed depends on the targeted account’s preference settings.

Important: After you void a transaction, you cannot make changes to the
transaction that impact the general ledger.

Note: For information about the parameters and errors thrown for this
method, see transaction.void(options). For additional information on promises,
see Promise Object.

Returns An id returned as a number.

■ If a direct void is performed, returns the ID of the record voided.

■ If a void by reversing journal is performed, returns the ID of the newly created
voiding journal.

Synchronous Version transaction.void(options)

Supported Script Types All client-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance 10 units

Module N/transaction Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.

//Add additional code

var voidSalesOrderId = transaction.void.promise({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: salesOrderId

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/transaction Module 923

//Add additional code

Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for supported transaction record types.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script All client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/transaction Module

Since 2015.2


Transaction Record Supported Void Type







CASH_SALE Direct Void

CHECK Void by Reversing Journal







CUSTOMER_REFUND Direct Void and Void by Reversing Journal




SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/transaction Module 924

Transaction Record Supported Void Type

ESTIMATE Direct Void









INVOICE Direct Void




















VENDOR_PAYMENT Direct Void and Void by Reversing Journal


WORK_ORDER Direct Void

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/transaction Module 925

Transaction Record Supported Void Type





Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var voidSalesOrderId = transaction.void({
type: transaction.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: salesOrderId
//Add additional code

N/translation Module
Warning: The N/translation module is a beta feature. The contents of this feature are
preliminary and may be changed or discontinued without prior notice. Any change may impact
the feature’s operation with the NetSuite application. Warranties and product service levels
do not apply to this feature or the impact of the feature on other portions of the NetSuite
application. We may review and monitor the performance and use of this feature. The
documentation for this feature is also considered a beta version and is subject to revision.

The N/translation module lets SuiteScript developers interact with NetSuite Translation Collections
programmatically. The N/translation module is a SuiteScript 2.0 module, and both the N/translation
module and Translation Collections are beta features in 2019.1. For more information about
Translation Collections, see the help topic Translation Collection Overview.

A Translation Collection is a customization object that stores translation terms with their translations. A
single Translation Collection can contain up to 1,000 translation terms. A translation term is a key/value
pair where the key is an identifier and its value is a translatable string. A key references one string that
can be translated into multiple languages. For example, a translation term for the word “hello” could
consist of a key called HELLO and a string value of “hello”. You can translate a string into any language
supported by NetSuite. For a list of these languages, see the help topic Configuring Multiple Languages.

You can create a collection of terms for translation in the NetSuite UI. To create this collection, your
role must have the Manage Translations permission, or you must be using an Administrator role. You
can export the collection of terms as an XLIFF translation file with a .xlf extension and send this file to
a translation vendor. After the translation vendor translates the collection of terms, you can import
the translation file back into your NetSuite account. You can use the collection of terms to translate
labels and messages in the NetSuite UI and in SuiteApps. For information about managing Translation
Collections in the UI, see the help topic About the Manage Translations Page.

You can use the N/translation module to access the translation terms stored in Translation Collections.
The N/translation module provides read-only access to Translation Collections. Translation Collections

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/translation Module 926

are managed in the NetSuite UI, and you cannot create or modify Translation Collections using
A Translation Collection is encapsulated in the translation.Handle object. The translation.Handle
object is a hierarchical object, which means that each node in the object is either another
translation.Handle object or a translation.Translator function. Translator functions combine
strings with parameters. When you create a Translation Collection in the NetSuite UI, you can include
parameter placeholders in your translation strings. The translator function injects the specified
parameter values into the placeholders in the returned translation string.
In your scripts, use translation.get(options) to get a translation.Translator function you can use
to obtain specific translated strings in a collection. Consider the following code sample:

// key HELLO_1 = 'Hello, {1}'

message: translation.get({
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
key: 'HELLO_1'
params: 'NetSuite'

In this sample, if the string value of the HELLO_1 key is "Hello, {1}", the translation.Translator
function combines the string with the params parameter value and returns "Hello, NetSuite". You can
also use translation.load(options) to load translation terms from one or more Translation Collections.
For information about the way strings are added to and formatted in collections, see the help topic
Working with Translation Collection Strings.
You can load collections in different language locales by using the locales parameter of
translation.load(options). You can also use translation.selectLocale(options) to create a
translation.Handle object in a specific locale from an existing translation.Handle object.

■ N/translation Module Members

■ N/translation Module Script Samples

N/translation Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description
Value Type Type

Object translation.Handle Object Client and server- Encapsulates a Translation Collection

side scripts for a locale.

translation.Translator Object / Function Client and server- Represents a translator function

side scripts that returns translated strings. The
translated strings include variables
that are passed as parameters to the
translator function.

Method translation.â##get(options)translation.â##Translator
Client and server- Creates a translator function for a key
side scripts in the specified Translation Collection
and locale.

Client and server- Creates a translation.Handle object
side scripts with translations for the specified
Translation Collections and locales.

Client and server- Creates a translation.Handle object in
side scripts the specified locale from an existing
translation.Handle object.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/translation Module 927

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Type

Enum translation.Locale enum Client and server- Holds the supported locales for
side scripts Translation Collections.

This enum is used to pass the locale

argument to translation.get(options)
and translation.selectLocale(options).

N/translation Module Script Samples

See the following script samples for examples of how to use the N/translation module.

■ Sample 1 – Get a translation string

■ Sample 2 – Get a localized translation string
■ Sample 3 – Get a translation string with parameters
■ Sample 4 – Load specific translation strings from a collection
■ Sample 5 – Load translation strings from multiple collections
■ Sample 6 – Load a Translation Collection with multiple locales

Sample 1 – Get a translation string

The following script sample accesses translation strings one at a time using translation.get(options).
This method returns a translator function, which is subsequently called with any specified parameters.
The translator function returns the string in the user's session locale by default.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/ui/message', 'N/translation'],
function(message, translation) {

// Create a message with translated strings

var myMsg = message.create({
title: translation.get({
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
key: 'MY_TITLE'
message: translation.get({
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
type: message.Type.CONFIRMATION

// Show the message for 5 seconds{
duration: 5000

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/translation Module 928

Sample 2 – Get a localized translation string

The following script sample accesses translation strings using a locale other than the default locale.
When you call translation.get(options) and do not specify a locale, the method uses the current
user's session locale. You can use the options.locale parameter to specify another locale. The
translation.Locale enum lists all locales that are enabled for a company, and you can use these locales
in translation.get(options). The translation.Locale enum also includes two special values:
CURRENT and COMPANY_DEFAULT. The CURRENT value represents the current user’s locale, and the
COMPANY_DEFAULT value represents the default locale for the company.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/ui/message', 'N/translation'],
function(message, translation) {

// Create a message with translated strings

var myMsg = message.create({
title: translation.get({
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
key: 'MY_TITLE',
locale: translation.Locale.COMPANY_DEFAULT
message: translation.get({
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
key: 'MY_MESSAGE',
locale: translation.Locale.COMPANY_DEFAULT
type: message.Type.CONFIRMATION

// Show the message for 5 seconds{
duration: 5000

Sample 3 – Get a translation string with parameters

The following script sample accesses parametrized translation strings. When you create a Translation
Collection in the NetSuite UI, you can include parameter placeholders in your translation strings.
Placeholders use braces and a number (starting from 1). The translator function injects the specified
parameter values into the placeholders in the translation string. For example, “Hello, {1}!” is a valid
translation string, where {1} is a placeholder for a parameter. In this script sample, the parameter
“NetSuite” is provided to the translator function returned from translation.get(options), and the
translator function returns a translated string of “Hello, NetSuite!”

*@NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/ui/message', 'N/translation'],
function(message, translation) {

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/translation Module 929

// Create a message with translated strings

var myMsg = message.create({
title: translation.get({
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
key: 'MY_TITLE'
message: translation.get({
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
key: 'HELLO_1'
params: 'NetSuite'
type: message.Type.CONFIRMATION

// Show the message for 5 seconds{
duration: 5000

Sample 4 – Load specific translation strings from a collection

The following script sample loads specific translation strings from a collection. The
translation.load(options) method can load a maximum of 1,000 translation strings. If you need only a
few of the translation strings in a collection, you can load only the strings you need instead of loading
the entire collection.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/ui/message', 'N/translation'],
function(message, translation) {

// Load translation strings by key

var localizedStrings = translation.load({
collections: [{
alias: 'myCollection',
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
keys: ['MY_TITLE', 'MY_MESSAGE']

// Create a message with translated strings

var myMsg = message.create({
title: localizedStrings.myCollection.MY_TITLE(),
message: localizedStrings.myCollection.MY_MESSAGE(),
type: message.Type.CONFIRMATION

// Show the message for 5 seconds{
duration: 5000

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/translation Module 930


Sample 5 – Load translation strings from multiple collections

The following script sample loads translation strings from multiple Translation Collections in a single
call of translation.load(options). This method can load a maximum of 1,000 translation strings,
regardless of whether the strings are loaded from one collection or multiple collections.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/ui/message', 'N/translation'],
function(message, translation) {

// Load two Translation Collections

var localizedStrings = translation.load({
collections: [{
alias: 'myCollection',
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings'
alias: 'myOtherCollection',
collection: 'custcollection_other_strings'

// Create a message with translated strings

var myMsg = message.create({
title: localizedStrings.myCollection.MY_TITLE(),
message: localizedStrings.myOtherCollection.MY_OTHER_MESSAGE(),
type: message.Type.CONFIRMATION

// Show the message for 5 seconds{
duration: 5000

Sample 6 – Load a Translation Collection with multiple locales

The following script sample loads a Translation Collection with multiple locales. When you load
translation strings using translation.load(options), you can specify a list of valid locales for the strings.
You can use these locales when you select a locale using translation.selectLocale(options). If you specify
more than one locale when you call translation.load(options), the first specified locale in the
list is used for the created translation.Handle object. If you want to use a different locale from the list,
use translation.selectLocale(options), which returns a translation.Handle object in the
specified locale. You must load a locale using translation.load(options) before you can select it
using translation.selectLocale(options).

*@NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/ui/message', 'N/translation'],

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/translation Module 931

function(message, translation) {

// Load a Translation Collection and a set of locales

var germanStrings = translation.load({
collections: [{
alias: 'myCollection',
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings'
locales: [translation.Locale.de_DE, translation.Locale.es_ES]

// Select a locale from the list of loaded locales

var spanishStrings = translation.selectLocale({
handle: germanStrings,
locale: translation.Locale.es_ES

// Create a message with translated strings

var myMsg = message.create({
title: germanStrings.myCollection.MY_TITLE(),
message: spanishStrings.myCollection.MY_MESSAGE(),
type: message.Type.CONFIRMATION

// Show the message for 5 seconds{
duration: 5000

Note: The N/translation module is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Object Encapsulates a Translation Collection for a locale.

Use translation.load(options) to create a translation.Handle object with translations
for the specified Translation Collections and locales. Use translation.selectLocale(options)
to create a translation.Handle object in the specified locale from an existing
translation.Handle object.

The translation.Handle object is a hierarchical object, which means that each node in the
object is either another translation.Handle object or a translation.Translator function.
Translator functions combine strings with parameters. When you create a Translation
Collection in the NetSuite UI, you can include parameter placeholders in your translation
strings. The translator function injects the specified parameter values into the placeholders in
the returned translation string.

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/translation Module

Sibling Object N/translation Module Members


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/translation Module 932

Since 2019.1

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/translation Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var localizedStrings = translation.load({
collections: [{
alias: 'myCollection',
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
keys: ['MY_TITLE', 'MY_MESSAGE']

var myMsg = message.create({

title: localizedStrings.myCollection.MY_TITLE(),
message: localizedStrings.myCollection.MY_MESSAGE(),
type: message.Type.CONFIRMATION
// Add additional code

Note: The N/translation module is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Object / Function Represents a translator function that returns translated strings.

Use translation.get(options) to obtain this function for the specified Translation Collection
and locale. The translator function is called with any parameters that you specify, and the
translator function returns the appropriate translated string.

When you create a Translation Collection in the NetSuite UI, you can include parameter
placeholders in your translation strings. Translation strings that include placeholders are
called parametrized translation strings. Placeholders use braces and a number (starting
from 1). The translator function injects the specified parameter values into the placeholders
in the translation string.

For example, “Hello, {1}!” is a valid translation string, where {1} is a placeholder for a
parameter. If you call translation.get(options) and specify a parameter of “NetSuite”,
the translator function returns “Hello, NetSuite!” in the appropriate locale.

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/translation Module

Sibling Object N/translation Module Members


Since 2019.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/translation Module 933


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.params string[] optional The parameters to pass to the translator function.

The parameter values are used in parametrized

translation strings.


Error Code Thrown If

WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE The function parameters were not passed as an array.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/translation Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myMsg = message.create({
title: translation.get({
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
key: 'MY_TITLE'
message: translation.get({
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
key: 'HELLO_1'
params: 'NetSuite'
type: message.Type.CONFIRMATION
// Add additional code

Note: The N/translation module is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Method Creates a translator function for a key in the specified Translation Collection and locale.
This method returns a translator function, which is subsequently called with any specified
parameters. When you call translation.get(options) and do not specify a locale, the
method uses the current user's session locale. You can use the options.locale parameter
to specify another locale. The translation.Locale enum lists all locales that are enabled for a
company, and you can use these locales in translation.get(options).

Returns translation.Translator

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/translation Module 934

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/translation Module

Sibling Object N/translation Module Members


Since 2019.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.collection string required The script ID of the collection.

options.key string required A valid key from the collection.

options.locale string optional A valid locale from the translation.Locale enum.

If a locale is not specified, the locale from the current

session is used as the default locale.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A collection or key parameter is missing.

INVALID_TRANSLATION_KEY The format of a specified key is invalid.

INVALID_TRANSLATION_COLLECTION The format of a specified collection is invalid.

INVALID_LOCALE The format of a specified locale is invalid.

TRANSLATION_KEY_NOT_FOUND A specified translation key was not found.

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/translation Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myMsg = message.create({
title: translation.get({
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
key: 'MY_TITLE'
message: translation.get({
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
key: 'HELLO_1'
params: 'NetSuite'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/translation Module 935

type: message.Type.CONFIRMATION
// Add additional code

Note: The N/translation module is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Method Creates a translation.Handle object with translations for the specified Translation Collections
Description and locales.

This method returns a translation.Handle object with translation strings organized

by collection and ID. Every node in a translation.Handle object is either another
translation.Handle object or a translation.Translator function.

You can load translation strings from multiple Translation Collections in a single call of
translation.load(options). You can also specify the keys of individual translation
strings that you want to load, instead of loading the entire collection. This method can load a
maximum of 1,000 translation strings, regardless of whether the strings are loaded from one
collection or multiple collections.

When you load translation strings using translation.load(options), you can specify
a list of valid locales for the strings. You can use these locales when you select a locale
using translation.selectLocale(options). If you specify more than one locale when you
call translation.load(options), the first specified locale in the list is used for the
created translation.Handle object. If you want to use a different locale from the list, use
translation.selectLocale(options), which returns a translation.Handle object in
the specified locale. You must load a locale using translation.load(options) before you
can select it using translation.selectLocale(options).

Returns translation.Handle

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/translation Module

Sibling Object N/translation Module Members


Since 2019.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.collections Object[] required A list of translation.Handle objects to load.

options.collections.alias string required An alias to identify the collection.

This alias is used by the script to determine

the collection to load.

options.â##collections.â##collection required The script ID of the collection to load.

options.collections.keys string[] optional A list of translation keys from the collection

to load.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/translation Module 936

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.locales string[] optional A list of locales to load the collection in.

Use the values in the translation.Locale

enum to set this value.


Error Code Thrown If

WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE One of the array parameters (options.collections,

options.collections.keys, or options.locales) is not an array.

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A collection or key parameter is missing.

INVALID_TRANSLATION_KEY The format of a specified key is invalid.

INVALID_TRANSLATION_COLLECTION The format of a specified collection is invalid.

INVALID_LOCALE The format of a specified locale is invalid.

INVALID_ALIAS The format of a specified alias is invalid.

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/translation Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var localizedStrings = translation.load({
collections: [{
alias: 'myCollection',
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
keys: ['MY_TITLE', 'MY_MESSAGE']

var myMsg = message.create({

title: localizedStrings.myCollection.MY_TITLE(),
message: localizedStrings.myCollection.MY_MESSAGE(),
type: message.Type.CONFIRMATION
// Add additional code

Note: The N/translation module is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Method Description Creates a translation.Handle object in the specified locale from an existing
translation.Handle object.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/translation Module 937

This method returns a translation.Handle object that contains the same translation strings
as the options.handle object, and the strings are in the options.locale locale. Before
you can use this method to select a locale, the locale must be loaded using the locales
parameter of translation.load(options).

Returns translation.Handle

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/translation Module

Sibling Object N/translation Module Members


Since 2019.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.handle translation.Handle required The translation.Handle object to select a locale


options.locale string required The locale to select.

Use the values in the translation.Locale enum to

set this value.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT A handle or locale parameter is missing.

WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE The options.handle parameter is not a

translation.Handle object.

INVALID_LOCALE The specified translation.Handle object uses an unknown

or unsupported locale.

TRANSLATION_HANDLE_IS_IN_AN_ILLEGAL_STATE The specified translation.Handle object is in an illegal state.

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/translation Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var germanStrings = translation.load({
collections: [{
alias: 'myCollection',
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
keys: ['MY_TITLE', 'MY_MESSAGE'],

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/translation Module 938

locales: [translation.Locale.de_DE, translation.Locale.es_ES]


var spanishStrings = translation.selectLocale({

handle: germanStrings,
locale: translation.Locale.es_ES
// Add additional code

Note: The N/translation module is a beta feature in 2019.1.

Enum Description Holds the string values for supported locales for Translation Collections. This
enum is used to pass the locale argument to translation.get(options) and

This enum lists all locales that are enabled for a company. This enum also includes two
special values: CURRENT and COMPANY_DEFAULT. The CURRENT value represents the
current user’s locale, and the COMPANY_DEFAULT value represents the default locale for the

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Type enum

Supported Script Client and server-side scripts

For additional information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/translation Module

Sibling Object N/translation Module Members


Since 2019.1

The following table lists all possible locale values. Typically, only some of these locales will be enabled
for a company and available to use with Translation Collections.

■ CURRENT ■ fr_FR ■ pt_BR

■ af_ZA ■ he_IL ■ ro_RO
■ ar ■ hi_IN ■ ru_RU
■ bg_BG ■ hr_HR ■ sh_RS
■ bn_BD ■ hu_HU ■ sk_SK
■ bs_BA ■ hy_AM ■ sl_SI

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/translation Module 939

■ cs_CZ ■ id_ID ■ sq_AL

■ da_DK ■ is_IS ■ sr_RS
■ de_DE ■ it_IT ■ sv_SE
■ el_GR ■ ja_JP ■ ta_IN
■ en ■ kn_IN ■ te_IN
■ en_AU ■ ko_KR ■ th_TH
■ en_CA ■ lb_LU ■ tl_PH
■ en_GB ■ lt_LT ■ tr_TR
■ en_US ■ lv_LV ■ uk_UA
■ es_AR ■ mr_IN ■ vi_VN
■ es_ES ■ ms_MY ■ zh_CN
■ et_EE ■ nl_NL ■ zh_TW
■ fa_IR ■ no_NO
■ fi_FI ■ pa_IN
■ fr_CA ■ pl_PL

Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/translation Module Script Samples.

// Add additional code

var myMsg = message.create({
title: translation.get({
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
key: 'MY_TITLE',
locale: translation.Locale.COMPANY_DEFAULT
message: translation.get({
collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
key: 'MY_MESSAGE',
locale: translation.Locale.COMPANY_DEFAULT
type: message.Type.CONFIRMATION
// Add additional code

N/ui/dialog Module
Load the dialog module to create a modal dialog that persists until a button on the dialog is pressed.

Important: SuiteScript does not support direct access to the NetSuite UI through the
Document Object Model (DOM). The NetSuite UI should only be accessed using SuiteScript
APIs .

■ N/ui/dialog Module Members

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/dialog Module 940

■ N/ui/dialog Module Script Samples

N/ui/dialog Module Members

Member Type Name Property Type / Supported Script Description

Method Return Type Types

Method dialog.alert(options) Promise Client scripts Creates an Alert dialog

with an OK button.

Promise Client scripts Creates a Confirm dialog
with OK and Cancel

dialog.create(options) Promise Client scripts Creates a dialog with

specified buttons.

N/ui/dialog Module Script Samples

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

Note: To debug client scripts like the following, we recommend that you use Chrome DevTools
for Chrome, Firebug debugger for Firefox, or Microsoft Script Debugger for Internet Explorer.
For information about these tools, see the documentation provided with each browser.

The following example shows how to create an Alert dialog:

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(dialog) {
var options = {
title: "I am an Alert",
message: "Press OK"
function success(result) {
console.log("Success with value " + result);
function failure(reason) {
console.log("Failure: " + reason);


The following sample shows how to create a Confirmation dialog:

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(dialog) {
var options = {
title: "I am a Confirmation",

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/dialog Module 941

message: "Press OK or Cancel"

function success(result) {
console.log("Success with value " + result);
function failure(reason) {
console.log("Failure: " + reason);


The following sample shows how to create a dialog with buttons:

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(dialog) {
var button1 = {
label: 'I am A',
value: 1
var button2 = {
label: 'I am B',
value: 2
var button3 = {
label: 'I am C',
value: 3
var options = {
title: 'Alphabet Test',
message: 'Which One?',
buttons: [button1, button2, button3]

function success(result) {
console.log("Success with value " + result);
function failure(reason) {
console.log("Failure: " + reason);

Method Description Creates an Alert dialog with an OK button.

Returns Promise Object. To run a callback function when the OK button is clicked, pass a function
to the then portion of the Promise object. When the OK button is clicked, true is passed
to the callback. You do not have to utilize the Promise object unless there is an action you
want performed after the user clicks the OK button.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/dialog Module 942

Supported Script Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/ui/dialog Module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.title string optional The alert dialog title. This value defaults 2016.1
to an empty string.

options.message string optional The content of the alert dialog. This 2016.1
value defaults to an empty string.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/dialog Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

function success(result) { console.log('Success with value: ' + result) }
function failure(reason) { console.log('Failure: ' + reason) }

title: 'Alert',
message: 'Click OK to continue.'
//Add additional code

Method Description Creates a Confirm dialog with OK and Cancel buttons.

Returns Promise Object. To run a callback function when the OK button is pressed, pass a
function to the then portion of the Promise object. The value of the pressed button,
where OK is true and Cancel is false, is passed to the callback.

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/ui/dialog Module

Since 2016.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/dialog Module 943


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.title string optional The confirmation dialog title. This value 2016.1
defaults to an empty string.

options.message string optional The content of the confirmation dialog. 2016.1

This value defaults to an empty string.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/dialog Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var options = {
title: "I am a Confirmation",
message: "Press OK or Cancel"

function success(result) {
console.log("Success with value " + result);

function failure(reason) {
console.log("Failure: " + reason);


//Add additional code

Method Description Creates a dialog with specified buttons.

Returns Promise Object. To run a callback function when a button is pressed, pass a function
to the then portion of the Promise object. The value of the button pressed is passed
to the callback.

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/ui/dialog Module

Since 2016.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/dialog Module 944


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.buttons string[] optional A list of buttons to include in the dialog. Each 2016.1
item in the button list must be a Javascript
Object that contains a label and a value

By default, a single button with the label OK

and the value true is used.

options.title string optional The dialog title. This value defaults to an 2016.1
empty string.

options.message string optional The content of the dialog. This value defaults 2016.1
to an empty string.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/dialog Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var options = {
title: 'Dialog',
message: 'Click a button to continue.',
buttons: [
{ label: '1', value: 1 },
{ label: '2', value: 2 },
{ label: '3', value: 3 }]

function success(result) { console.log('Success with value: ' + result) }

function failure(reason) { console.log('Failure: ' + reason) }

//Add additional code

N/ui/message module
Load the message module to display a message at the top of the screen under the menu bar.

Important: SuiteScript does not support direct access to the NetSuite UI through the
Document Object Model (DOM). The NetSuite UI should only be accessed using SuiteScript
APIs .

■ N/ui/message Members
■ Message Object Members
■ N/ui/message Module Script Sample

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/message module 945

N/ui/message Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Object message.Message void Client scripts Encapsulates the Message object

that gets created when calling the
create method.

Method message.â##createâ##(options)
Message Client scripts Creates a message that can be
displayed or hidden near the top
of the page.

Enum message.Type enum Client scripts Indicates the type of message

to display, which specifies the
background color of the message
and other message indicators.

Message Object Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Types Description

Value Type

Method Message.hide() void Client scripts Hides the message. void Client scripts Shows the message.

N/ui/message Module Script Sample

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

To debug client scripts like the following, we recommend that you use Chrome DevTools for Chrome,
Firebug debugger for Firefox, or Microsoft Script Debugger for Internet Explorer. For information about
these tools, see the documentation provided with each browser.

The following example shows how to create a confirmation message:

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(message) {
var myMsg = message.create({
title: "My Title",
message: "My Message",
type: message.Type.CONFIRMATION

// will disappear after 5s{
duration: 5000

var myMsg2 = message.create({

title: "My Title 2",
message: "My Message 2",
type: message.Type.INFORMATION

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/message module 946

setTimeout(myMsg2.hide, 15000); // will disappear after 15s

var myMsg3 = message.create({

title: "My Title 3",
message: "My Message 3",
type: message.Type.WARNING
});; // will stay up until hide is called.


Object Description Encapsulates the Message object that gets created when calling the create

For a complete list of this object’s methods, see Message Object Members.

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Module N/ui/message module

Since 2016.1

Method Description Hides the message.

Returns void

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/ui/message module

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/message Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var myMsg = message.create({
title: "My Title 2",
message: "My Message 2",
type: message.Type.INFORMATION

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/message module 947;
setTimeout(myMsg.hide(), 15000); // hide the message after 15s
//Add additional code
Method Description Shows the message.

Returns void

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/ui/message module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.duration int optional The amount of time, in milliseconds, to show 2016.1

the message. The default is 0, which shows the
message until Message.hide() is called.

If you specify a duration for message.create()

and, the value from the method call takes precedence.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/message Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var myMsg = message.create({
title: "My Title 2",
message: "My Message 2",
type: message.Type.INFORMATION
});{ duration : 1500 });
//Add additional code

Method Description Creates a message that can be displayed or hidden near the top of the page.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/message module 948

Returns message.Message.

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Governance None

Module N/ui/message module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type message.Type required The message type. 2016.1

options.title string optional The message title. This value defaults to 2016.1
an empty string.

options.message string optional The content of the message. This value 2016.1
defaults to an empty string.

options.duration int optional The amount of time, in milliseconds, 2018.2

to show the message. The default
is 0, which shows the message until
Message.hide() is called.

If you specify a duration for

message.create() and,
the value from the
method call takes precedence.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/message Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var myMsg = message.create({
title: "My Title",
message: "My Message",
type: message.Type.CONFIRMATION
//Add additional code

Enum Description Indicates the type of message to display, which specifies the background color of
the message and other message indicators.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/message module 949

Supported Script Types Client scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Client Script Type.

Module N/ui/message module

Since 2016.1


Value Color

CONFIRMATION A green background with a checkmark icon.

INFORMATION A blue background with an Information icon.

WARNING A yellow background with a Warning icon.

ERROR A red background with an X icon.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/message Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var myMsg = message.create({
title: "My Title",
message: "My Message",
type: message.Type.CONFIRMATION
//Add additional code

N/ui/serverWidget Module
Load the serverWidget module when you want to work with the user interface within NetSuite. You can
use Suitelets to build custom pages and wizards that have a NetSuite look-and-feel. You can also create
various components of the NetSuite UI (for example, forms, fields, sublists, tabs).

Important: SuiteScript does not support direct access to the NetSuite UI through the
Document Object Model (DOM). The NetSuite UI should only be accessed using SuiteScript
APIs .

Important: When you add a UI object to an existing NetSuite page, to minimize the
occurrence of field/object name conflicts, the internal ID that references the object must be
prefixed with custpage.

■ N/ui/serverWidget Module Members

■ Assistant Object Members
■ AssistantStep Object Members

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 950

■ Button Object Members

■ Field Object Members
■ FieldGroup Object Members
■ Form Object Members
■ List Object Members
■ ListColumn Object Members
■ Sublist Object Members
■ Tab Object Members
■ N/ui/serverWidget Module Script Samples

N/ui/serverWidget Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Object serverWidget.Assistant Object Suitelets and Encapsulates a scriptable, multi-step

beforeLoad user NetSuite assistant.

Object Suitelets and Encapsulates a step within a custom
beforeLoad user NetSuite assistant.

serverWidget.Button Object Suitelets and Encapsulates a button that appears

beforeLoad user in a UI object.

serverWidget.Field Object Suitelets and Encapsulates a NetSuite field.

beforeLoad user

Object Suitelets and Encapsulates a field group.
beforeLoad user

serverWidget.Form Object Suitelets and Encapsulates a NetSuite form.

beforeLoad user

serverWidget.List Object Suitelets and Encapsulates a list.

beforeLoad user

Object Suitelets and Encapsulates list columns.
beforeLoad user

serverWidget.Sublist Object Suitelets and Encapsulates a NetSuite sublist.

beforeLoad user

serverWidget.Tab Object Suitelets and Encapsulates NetSuite tabs and

beforeLoad user subtabs.

Method serverWidget.â##createAssistantâ##(options)
Suitelets and Creates and returns a new assistant
beforeLoad user object.

serverWidget.â##FormSuitelets and Creates and returns a new form
beforeLoad user object.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 951

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

serverWidget.List Suitelets and Instantiates a List object (specifying
beforeLoad user the title, and whether to hide the
events navigation bar)

Enum serverâ##Widget.â##Assistantâ##Submitâ##Action
string (read-only) Suitelets and Holds the string values for submit
beforeLoad user actions performed by the user.

string (read-only) Suitelets and Holds the string values for
beforeLoad user supported field break types. This
events enum is used to set the value of
the Field.updateBreakType(options)

string (read-only) Suitelets and Holds the string values for
beforeLoad user supported field display
events types. This enum is used
to set the value of theâ##

string (read-only) Suitelets and Holds the string values for
beforeLoad user the supported types of field
events layouts. This enum is used
to set the value of theâ##

serverWidget.â##FieldTypestring (read-only) Suitelets and Holds the values for supported field
beforeLoad user types. This enum is used to set the
events value of the Field.type property.

string (read-only) Suitelets and Holds the string values for
beforeLoad user supported page link types on a
events form. This enum is used to set the
value of the type parameter for

string (read-only) Suitelets and Holds the string values for
beforeLoad user supported justification layouts.
events This enum is used to set the value
of the align parameter when
List.addColumn(options) is called.

serverWidget.ListStyle string (read-only) Suitelets and Holds the string values for
beforeLoad user supported list styles. This enum is
events used to set the value of the

string (read-only) Suitelets and Holds the string values for
beforeLoad user supported sublist display types. This
events enum is used to set the value of the
Sublist.displayType property.

string (read-only) Suitelets and Holds the string values for valid
beforeLoad user sublist types. This enum is used to
events define the type parameter when
Form.addSublist(options) is called.

Assistant Object Members

The following members are called on the serverWidget.Assistant object.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 952

Member Type Name Property Type / Method Supported Script Description

Return Type Types

Method Assistant.â##addField(options)
serverWidget.Field Suitelets and Adds a field to an assistant.
beforeLoad user

Suitelets and Adds a field group to an
beforeLoad user assistant.

Suitelets and Adds a step to an assistant.
beforeLoad user

serverWidget.Sublist Suitelets and Adds a sublist to an
beforeLoad user assistant.

serverWidget.Field Suitelets and Gets a field object.
beforeLoad user

Suitelets and Gets a field group object.
beforeLoad user

string Suitelets and Gets all the field group IDs
beforeLoad user in an assistant.

Assistant.getFieldIds() string Suitelets and Gets all the field IDs in an

beforeLoad user assistant.

string[] Suitelets and Gets all field IDs in the
beforeLoad user assistant field group.

Assistant.â##getLastAction() string Suitelets and Gets the last action

beforeLoad user submitted by the user.

Assistant.getLastStep() serverWidget.â##AssistantStep
Suitelets and Gets the step that the last
beforeLoad user submitted action came
events from.

Assistant.getNextStep() serverWidget.â##AssistantStep
Suitelets and Gets the next step
beforeLoad user prompted by the assistant.

Suitelets and Returns a step in an
beforeLoad user assistant.

Assistant.â##getStepCount() serverWidget.â##AssistantStep
Suitelets and Gets the total count of steps
beforeLoad user in the assistant.

Assistant.getSteps() serverWidget.â##AssistantStep[]
Suitelets and Gets all the steps in the
beforeLoad user assistant.

serverWidget.Sublist Suitelets and Get a Sublist object from its
beforeLoad user ID.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 953

Member Type Name Property Type / Method Supported Script Description

Return Type Types

Assistant.getSublistIds() string Suitelets and Gets all the sublist IDs in an

beforeLoad user assistant.

Assistant.â##hasErrorHtml() boolean true | false Suitelets and Indicates whether the

beforeLoad user assistant threw an error.

Assistant.isFinished() boolean true | false Suitelets and Sets the status of the
beforeLoad user assistant. If set to true, the
events assistant is finished.

void Suitelets and Manages redirects in an
beforeLoad user assistant.

void Suitelets and Define a splash message.
beforeLoad user

void Suitelets and Sets the default values of
beforeLoad user an array of fields that are
events specific to the assistant.

Property Assistant.â##clientScriptFileIdnumber Suitelets and The file cabinet ID of client

beforeLoad user script file to be used in this
events assistant.

string Suitelets and The relative path to the
beforeLoad user client script file to be used
events in this assistant.

Assistant.currentStep serverWidget.â##AssistantStep
Suitelets and Identifies the current step.
beforeLoad user

Assistant.errorHtml string Suitelets and The error message text.

beforeLoad user

Assistant.finishedHtml string Suitelets and The text displayed after an

beforeLoad user assistant is finished.

boolean true | false Suitelets and Indicates whether the
beforeLoad user Add to Shortcuts Link is
events displayed in the UI.

boolean true | false Suitelets and Indicates whether the
beforeLoad user current and total step
events numbers are displayed in
the UI.

Assistant.isNotOrdered boolean true | false Suitelets and Indicates whether assistant

beforeLoad user steps are ordered or
events unordered.

Assistant.title string Suitelets and The title of an assistant.

beforeLoad user

AssistantStep Object Members

The following members are called on the serverWidget.AssistantStep object.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 954

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method AssistantStep.â##getFieldIds()
string Suitelets and Gets all the field IDs in an
beforeLoad user assistant step.

number Suitelets and Gets the number of lines
beforeLoad user previously entered by a
events user in a step.

string Suitelets and Gets all the field IDs in a list.
beforeLoad user

string Suitelets and Gets the IDs for all the
beforeLoad user sublist fields (line items) in
events a step.

string Suitelets and Gets the current value of a
beforeLoad user sublist field (line item) in a
events step.

string Suitelets and Gets the current value of a
beforeLoad user field.

Property AssistantStep.helpText string Suitelets and The help text for a step.
beforeLoad user
events string Suitelets and The internal ID of the step.

beforeLoad user

AssistantStep.label string Suitelets and The label for a step.

beforeLoad user

number Suitelets and Indicates where this step
beforeLoad user appears sequentially in an
events assistant.

Button Object Members

The following members are called on the serverWidget.Button object.

Member Type Name Property Type Supported Script Description


Property Button.isDisabled boolean true | Suitelets and Indicates whether a button is

false beforeLoad user grayed-out and disabled.

Button.isHidden boolean true | Suitelets and Indicates whether the button is

false beforeLoad user hidden in the UI.

Button.label string Suitelets and The label for the button.

beforeLoad user

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 955

Field Object Members

The following members are called on the serverWidget.Field object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method Field.â##addâ##Selectâ##Optionâ##(â##options)
void Suitelets and Adds a select option to
beforeLoad user a dropdown list for a
events selectable field.

object[] Suitelets and Returns the internal ID
beforeLoad user and label of the options
events for a select field as name/
value pairs.

void Suitelets and Sets the help text that
beforeLoad user appears in the field help
events popup.

serverWidget.Field Suitelets and Updates the break type
beforeLoad user used to add a break in
events flow layout for the field. 

serverWidget.Field Suitelets and Updates the height and
beforeLoad user width for the field.

serverWidget.Field Suitelets and Updates the type of
beforeLoad user display for the field.

serverWidget.Field Suitelets and Updates the layout type
beforeLoad user for the field. 

Property Field.alias string Suitelets and The alias used to set the
beforeLoad user field value.

Field.defaultValue string Suitelets and The default value for the

beforeLoad user field.
events string Suitelets and The internal ID for the

beforeLoad user field.

Field.isMandatory boolean true | false Suitelets and Indicates whether the field
beforeLoad user is mandatory.

Field.label string Suitelets and Gets or sets the label for

beforeLoad user the field.

Field.linkText string Suitelets and The text displayed for a

beforeLoad user link in place of the URL.
FieldGroup.â##isBorderHidden events

Field.maxLength number Suitelets and The maximum length, in

beforeLoad user characters, for the field.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 956

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Field.padding number Suitelets and The number of empty

beforeLoad user vertical character spaces
events above the field.

Field.richTextHeight number Suitelets and The height of a rich text

beforeLoad user field, in pixels.

Field.richTextWidth number Suitelets and The width of a rich text

beforeLoad user field, in pixels.

Field.type string Suitelets and The type of field.

beforeLoad user

FieldGroup Object Members

The following members are called on the serverWidget.FieldGroup object.

Member Type Name Property Type Supported Script Description


Property FieldGroup.â##isBorderHidden
boolean true | Suitelets and Indicates whether a border
false beforeLoad user appears around the field
events group.

FieldGroup.isCollapsible boolean true | Suitelets and Indicates whether the field

false beforeLoad user group is collapsible.

FieldGroup.isCollapsed boolean true | Suitelets and Indicates whether the field

false beforeLoad user group is initially collapsed or
events expanded in the default view.

boolean true | Suitelets and Indicates whether the field
false beforeLoad user group is aligned.

FieldGroup.label string Suitelets and The label for the field group.
beforeLoad user

Form Object Members

The following members are called on the serverWidget.Form object.

Member Type Name Property Type / Supported Script Description

Method Return Type Types

Method Form.â##addButtonâ##(options)
serverWidget.Button Suitelets and Adds a button to the form.
beforeLoad user

serverWidget.Field Suitelets and Adds a field that store credentials
beforeLoad user in NetSuite for invoking services
events provided by third parties.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 957

Member Type Name Property Type / Supported Script Description

Method Return Type Types

serverWidget.Field Suitelets and Adds a field to the form.
beforeLoad user

Suitelets and Adds a group of fields to the
beforeLoad user form.

void Suitelets and Shows a message on a form in
beforeLoad user view mode. You can use this
events method to show a message on
a form based on its user event
script context.

void Suitelets and Adds a link to a form.
beforeLoad user

serverWidget.Button Suitelets and Adds a reset button to a form
beforeLoad user that clears user input.

serverWidget.Field Suitelets and Add a secret key field to the
beforeLoad user form.

serverWidget.Sublist Suitelets and Adds a sublist to the form.
beforeLoad user

serverWidget.Button Suitelets and Adds a submit button to a form
beforeLoad user that saves user inputs.

serverWidget.Tab Suitelets and Adds a subtab to a form.
beforeLoad user

Form.addTab(options) serverWidget.Tab Suitelets and Adds a tab to a form.

beforeLoad user

serverWidget.Button Suitelets and Returns a button by internal ID.
beforeLoad user

serverWidget.Field Suitelets and Returns a field by internal ID.
beforeLoad user

serverWidget.Sublist Suitelets and Returns a sublist by internal ID.
beforeLoad user

serverWidget.Tab Suitelets and Returns a subtab by internal ID.
beforeLoad user

Form.getTab(options) serverWidget.Tab Suitelets and Returns a tab object from its

beforeLoad user internal ID.

Form.getTabs() serverWidget.Tab[] Suitelets and Returns an array of all the tabs in

beforeLoad user a form.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 958

Member Type Name Property Type / Supported Script Description

Method Return Type Types

void Suitelets and Inserts a field before another
beforeLoad user field within a form.

serverWidget.Sublist Suitelets and Inserts a sublist before another
beforeLoad user sublist on a form.

serverWidget.Tab Suitelets and Inserts a subtab before another
beforeLoad user subtab on a form.

serverWidget.Tab Suitelets and Inserts a tab before another tab
beforeLoad user on a form.

void Suitelets and Removes a button from a form.
beforeLoad user

void Suitelets and Sets the default values of many
beforeLoad user fields on a form.

Property Form.clientScriptFileId number Suitelets and The file cabinet ID of client script
beforeLoad user file to be used in this form.

string Suitelets and The relative path to the client
beforeLoad user script file to be used in this form.

Form.title string Suitelets and The title used for the form.
beforeLoad user

List Object Members

The following members are called on the serverWidget.List object.

Member Type Name Property Type / Method Supported Script Description

Return Type Types

Method List.â##addButtonâ##(options)
serverWidget.Button Suitelets and Adds a button to a list.
beforeLoad user

Suitelets and Adds a column to a list.
beforeLoad user

Suitelets and Adds a column
beforeLoad user containing Edit or Edit/
events View links to a Suitelet or
Portlet list.

void Suitelets and Adds a link to a list.
beforeLoad user

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 959

Member Type Name Property Type / Method Supported Script Description

Return Type Types

List.addRow(options) void Suitelets and Adds a single row to a

beforeLoad user list.

List.addRows(options) void Suitelets and Adds multiple rows to a

beforeLoad user list.

Property List.clientScriptFileId number Suitelets and The file cabinet ID of

beforeLoad user client script file to be
events used in this list.

string Suitelets and The relative path to the
beforeLoad user client script file to be
events used in this list. string Suitelets and Sets the display style for

beforeLoad user this list.

List.title string Suitelets and Sets the List title.

beforeLoad user

ListColumn Object Members

The following members are called on the serverWidget.ListColumn object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method ListColumn.â##addParamToURLâ##(options)
Suitelets and Adds a URL parameter
beforeLoad user (optionally defined per row)
events to the list column's URL.

Suitelets and Sets the base URL for the list
beforeLoad user column.

Property ListColumn.label string Suitelets and The label of this list column.
beforeLoad user

Sublist Object Members

The following members are called on the serverWidget.Sublist object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method Sublist.â##addButtonâ##(options)
Suitelets and Adds a button to a sublist.
beforeLoad user

serverWidget.Field Suitelets and Add a field to a sublist.
beforeLoad user

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 960

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Suitelets and Adds a Mark All or Unmark All
beforeLoad user button.

Suitelets and Adds a Reset button.
beforeLoad user

Sublist.â##getField(options)serverWidget.Field Suitelets and Returns a Field object on a

beforeLoad user specified sublist.

string Suitelets and Gets a field value on a sublist.
beforeLoad user

void Suitelets and Sets the value of a sublist field.
beforeLoad user

Suitelets and Updates the ID of a field
beforeLoad user designated as a totalling column,
events which is used to calculate and
display a running total for the

Suitelets and Updates a field ID that is to have
beforeLoad user unique values across the rows in
events the sublist.

Property Sublist.displayType string Suitelets and The display style for a sublist.
beforeLoad user

Sublist.helpText string Suitelets and The inline help text for a sublist.
beforeLoad user

Sublist.label string Suitelets and The label for a sublist.

beforeLoad user

Sublist.lineCount number (read-only) Suitelets and The number of line items in a

beforeLoad user sublist.

Tab Object Members

The following members are called on the serverWidget.Tab object.

Member Type Name Value Type Supported Script Types Description

Property Tab.helpText string Suitelets and beforeLoad The inline help text for a tab or
user events subtab.

Tab.label string Suitelets and beforeLoad The label for a tab or subtab.
user events

N/ui/serverWidget Module Script Samples

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 961

Example 1

The following code creates a Suitelet that generates a sample form with a submit button, fields, and an
inline editor sublist:

*@NApiVersion 2.x
*@NScriptType Suitelet
function(serverWidget) {
function onRequest(context) {
if (context.request.method === 'GET') {
var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title: 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id: 'custpage_text',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label: 'Text'
field.layoutType = serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.NORMAL;
field.updateBreakType({breakType : serverWidget.FieldBreakType.STARTCOL});
id: 'custpage_date',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.DATE,
label: 'Date'
id: 'custpage_currencyfield',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.CURRENCY,
label: 'Currency'
var select = form.addField({
id: 'custpage_selectfield',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.SELECT,
label: 'Select'
value: 'a',
text: 'Albert'
value: 'b',
text: 'Baron'
var sublist = form.addSublist({
id: 'sublist',
type: serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label: 'Inline Editor Sublist'
id: 'sublist1',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.DATE,
label: 'Date'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 962

id: 'sublist2',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label: 'Text'
label: 'Submit Button'

} else {
var delimiter = /\u0001/;
var textField = context.request.parameters.textfield;
var dateField = context.request.parameters.datefield;
var currencyField = context.request.parameters.currencyfield;
var selectField = context.request.parameters.selectfield;
var sublistData = context.request.parameters.sublistdata.split(delimiter);
var sublistField1 = sublistData[0];
var sublistField2 = sublistData[1];

context.response.write('You have entered: ' + textField + ' ' + dateField + ' '
+ currencyField + ' ' + selectField + ' ' + sublistField1 + ' ' + sublistField2);

return {
onRequest: onRequest

Example 2
The following code creates Suitelet that generates a customer survey form with inline HTML fields,
radio fields, a submit button, and a reset button.

* @NApiVersion 2.0
* @NScriptType suitelet
define(['N/ui/serverWidget'], function(serverWidget){
function onRequest(context){
var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title: 'Thank you for your interest in Wolfe Electronics',
hideNavBar: true
var htmlHeader = form.addField({
id: 'custpage_header',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.INLINEHTML,
label: ' '
layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.OUTSIDEABOVE
breakType: serverWidget.FieldBreakType.STARTROW
}).defaultValue = "<p style='font-size:20px'>We pride ourselves on providing the best" +
"services and customer satisfaction. Please take a moment to fill out our survey.</p><br><br>";

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 963

var htmlInstruct = form.addField({

id: 'custpage_p1',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.INLINEHTML,
label: ' '
layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.OUTSIDEABOVE
breakType: serverWidget.FieldBreakType.STARTROW
}).defaultValue = "<p style='font-size:14px'>When answering questions on a scale of 1 to 5," +
"1 = Greatly Unsatisfied and 5 = Greatly Satisfied.</p><br><br>";

type: serverWidget.FieldType.INLINEHTML,
label: ' '
layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.NORMAL
breakType: serverWidget.FieldBreakType.STARTROW
}).defaultValue = "<p style='font-size:14px'>How would you rate your satisfaction with our products?</p>";

id: 'custpage_rdoproductrating',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.RADIO,
label: '1',
source: 'p1'
layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.STARTROW
id: 'custpage_rdoproductrating',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.RADIO,
label: '2',
source: 'p2'
layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.MIDROW
id: 'custpage_rdoproductrating',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.RADIO,
label: '3',
source: 'p3'
layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.MIDROW
id: 'custpage_rdoproductrating',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.RADIO,
label: '4',
source: 'p4'
layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.MIDROW
id: 'custpage_rdoproductrating',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 964

type: serverWidget.FieldType.RADIO,
label: '5',
source: 'p5'
layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.ENDROW
id: 'custpage_lblservicerating',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.INLINEHTML,
label: ' '
layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.NORMAL
breakType: serverWidget.FieldBreakType.STARTROW
}).defaultValue = "<p style='font-size:14px'>How would you rate your satisfaction with our services?</p>";

id: 'custpage_rdoservicerating',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.RADIO,
label: '1',
source: 'p1'
layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.STARTROW
id: 'custpage_rdoservicerating',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.RADIO,
label: '2',
source: 'p2'
layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.MIDROW
id: 'custpage_rdoservicerating',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.RADIO,
label: '3',
source: 'p3'
layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.MIDROW
id: 'custpage_rdoservicerating',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.RADIO,
label: '4',
source: 'p4'
layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.MIDROW
id: 'custpage_rdoservicerating',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.RADIO,
label: '5',
source: 'p5'
layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.ENDROW

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 965


label: 'Submit'
label: 'Reset'

return {
onRequest: onRequest


Object Description Encapsulates a scriptable, multi-step NetSuite assistant. An assistant contains a series of
step that a user must complete to accomplish a larger goal. An assistant can be sequential,
or non-sequential and include optional steps. Each page of the assistant is defined by a step.

All data and states for an assistant are tracked automatically throughout the user's session
until completion of the assistant.

You can create a new assistant with the serverWidget.createAssistant(options) method.

After you create an Assistant object, you can:

■ Build and run an assistant in your NetSuite account.

■ Add a variety of scriptable elements to the assistant including fields, steps, buttons, tabs,
and sublists.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Assistant Object Members.

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 966


Method Description Adds a field to an assistant. Use fields to record or display information specific to
your needs.

Returns serverWidget.Field object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string required The internal ID for this field. 2015.2

options.label string required The label for this field. 2015.2

options.type string required The field type. Use the serverWidget.FieldType 2015.2
enum to set this value.

Note: If you have set the type parameter

to SELECT, and you want to add custom
options to the select field, you must
set source to NULL. Then, when a value
is specified, the value will populate the
options from the source.

Important: Long text fields created

with SuiteScript have a character limit
of 100,000. Long text fields created with
Suitebuilder have a character limit of

options.source string optional The internalId or scriptId of the source list for this 2015.2
field. Use the serverWidget.FieldType enum to set
this value.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 967

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


Note: If you want to add custom

options on a select field, you must set
the source parameter to NULL.

Important: After you create a select

or multi-select field that is sourced from
a record or list, you cannot add additional
values with Field.addSelectOption(options).
The select values are determined by the
source record or list.

options.container string optional The internal ID of the field group to place this field 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'idname',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Sample label'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a field group to the assistant. A field group is a collection of fields that can be
displayed in a one or two column format. Assign a field to a field group in order to label,
hide or collapse a group of fields.

By default, the field group is collapsible and appears expanded on the assistant page.
To change this behavior, set the FieldGroup.isCollapsed and FieldGroup.isCollapsible

Returns serverWidget.FieldGroup object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 968

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The internal ID for the field group. 2015.2

options.label string required The label for the field group. 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a step to an assistant. Steps define each page of the assistant.

Use Assistant.isNotOrdered to control if the steps must be completed sequentially

or in no specific order.

If you want to create help text for the step, you can use AssistantStep.helpText on
the object returned.

Returns serverWidget.AssistantStep object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 969


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string required The internal ID for this step (for example, 2015.2

options.label string required The label for this step (for example, 'Enter 2015.2
Contacts'). By default, the step appears vertically
in the left panel of the assistant.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a sublist to an assistant.

Note: Only inline editor sublists are added. Other sublist types are not

Returns serverWidget.Sublist object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 970


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string required The internal ID for the sublist. 2015.2

options.label string required The label for the sublist. 2015.2

options.type string required The type of sublist to add. Currently, only the 2016.1
sublist type of INLINEEDITOR can be added. For
more information about this type of sublist, see


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a field object on an assistant page.

Returns serverWidget.Field

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 971


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The internal ID of the field. 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'idname',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Sample label'
var field = assistant.getField({
id: 'idname'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a field group on an assistant page.

Returns serverWidget.FieldGroup object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The internal ID of the field group. 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 972


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
var fieldgroup = assistant.getFieldGroup({
id: 'idname'
//Add additional code


Method Description Retrieves all the internal IDs for field groups in an assistant.

Returns string[]

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
var fieldgroupid = assistant.getFieldGroupIds();
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 973


Method Description Gets all the internal IDs for fields in an assistant.

Returns string[]

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
var fieldid = assistant.getFieldIds();
//Add additional code


Method Description Gets all field IDs in the assistant field group.

Returns string[]

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

fieldGroup string required The internal ID of the field group. 2016.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 974


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'fieldgroupid',
label : 'Sample label'
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
var fieldid = assistant.getFieldIdsByFieldGroup({
fieldGroup : 'fieldgroupid'
//Add additional code


Method Description Gets the last action taken by the user.

To identify the step that the last action came from, use Assistant.getLastStep().

Returns string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
if (assistant.getLastAction() == serverWidget.AssistantSubmitAction.CANCEL) {

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 975


//Add additional code


Method Description Gets the step that the last submitted action came from.

Returns A serverWidget.AssistantStep object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
var lastStep = assistant.getLastStep();
//Add additional code


Method Description Gets the next step corresponding to the user's last submitted action in the

If you need information about the last step, use Assistant.getLastStep() before you
use this method.

Returns serverWidget.AssistantStep object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 976


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
var nextStep = assistant.getNextStep();
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a step in an assistant.

Returns serverWidget.AssistantStep object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The internal ID of the step. 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'idname',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 977

label : 'Sample label'

var firststep = assistant.getStep({
id: 'idname'
//Add additional code


Method Description Gets the total number of steps in an assistant.

Returns The total count of assistant steps as a number

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
var numSteps = assistant.getStepCount();
//Add additional code


Method Description Gets all the steps in an assistant.

Returns serverWidget.AssistantStep[] object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 978

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
var steps = assistant.getSteps();
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a sublist in an assistant.

Returns serverWidget.Sublist object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 979

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({

title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.LIST
var sublist = assistant.getSublist({
id : 'idname'
//Add additional code


Method Description Gets the IDs for all the sublists in an assistant.

Returns string[]

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.LIST
var sublistid = assistant.getSublistIds();
//Add additional code


Method Description Determine whether an assistant has an error message to display for the current

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 980

Returns boolean true if Assistant.errorHtml contains a value.

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
if (assistant.hasErrorHtml()) {
//Add additional code


Method Description Indicates whether all steps in an assistant are completed.

If set to true, the assistant is finished and a completion message displays. To set the
text for the completion message, use the Assistant.finishedHtml property.

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 981

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
if (assistant.isFinished()) {

//Add additional code


Method Description Manages redirects in an assistant.

This method also addresses the case in which one assistant redirects to another assistant.
In this scenario, the second assistant must return to the first assistant if the user Cancels
or Finishes. This method, when used in the second assistant, ensures that users are
redirected back to the first assistant.

Returns void

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.response response required The response that redirects the 2015.2



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title: 'Small Business Setup Assistant',
hideNavBar: true

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 982

if (request.method === 'POST') {

if (assistant.getLastAction() === 'finish') {
assistant.finishedHtml = 'Completed!';
response: response
//Add additional code


Method Description Defines a splash message.

Returns void

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.title string required The title of the splash screen. 2015.2

options.text1 string required Text for the splash screen 2015.2

options.text2 string optional Text for a second column on the splash 2015.2
screen, if desired.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
title: "Welcome Title!",
text1: "An explanation of what this assistant accomplishes.",
text2: "Some parting words."

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 983

//Add additional code


Method Description Sets the default values of an array of fields that are specific to the assistant.

Returns void

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

values object[] required An array of fields to update. 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'idname',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Sample label'
idname : "New Default Value"
//Add additional code


Property Description The file cabinet ID of client script file to be used in this assistant.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 984

Type number

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Thrown If

PROPERTY_VALUE_CONFLICT You attempted to set this value when the Assistant.clientScriptModulePath

property value has already been specified. For more information, see


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
assistant.clientScriptId = 32;
//Add additional code


Property Description The relative path to the client script file to be used in this assistant.

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.2


Error Code Thrown If

PROPERTY_VALUE_CONFLICT You attempted to set this value when the Assistant.clientScriptFileId

property value has already been specified. For more information, see

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 985


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

objAssistant.clientScriptModulePath = 'SuiteScripts/assistantBehavior.js';
//Add additional code


Property Description Identifies the current step.

You can set any step as the current step.

Type serverWidget.AssistantStep (read-only)

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
var step = assistant.currentStep;
//Add additional code


Property Description Error message text for the current step.

Optionally, you can use HTML tags to format the message.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 986

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
assistant.errorHtml = "You have <b>not</b> filled out the required fields. Please go back.";
//Add additional code


Property Description The text to display after the assistant finishes. For example “You have completed the
Small Business Setup Assistant. Take the rest of the day off”.

To trigger display of the completion message, call Assistant.isFinished().

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
assistant.finishedHtml = "Congratulations! You have successfully set up your account.";

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 987

//Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether to show or hide the Add to Shortcuts link that appears in the top-
right corner of an assistant page.

By default, the value is false, which means the Add to Shortcuts link is visible in the

If set to true, the Add To Shortcuts link is not visible on an Assistant page.

Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
assistant.hideAddToShortcutsLink = true;
//Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether assistant steps are displayed with numbers.

By default, the value is false, which means that steps are numbered.

If set to true, the assistant does not use step numbers.

To change step ordering, set Assistant.isNotOrdered.

Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 988


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
assistant.hideStepNumber = true;
//Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether steps must be completed in a particular sequence. If steps are
ordered, users must complete the current step before proceeding to the next step. 

The default value is false, which means the steps are ordered.  Ordered steps appear
vertically in the left panel of the assistant

If set to true, steps can be completed in any order. In the UI, unordered steps appear
horizontally and below the assistant title

Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 989

id : 'idname2',
label : 'Sample label 2'
assistant.isNotOrdered = false;
//Add additional code


Property Description The title for the assistant. The title appears at the top of all assistant pages.

This value overrides the title specified in serverWidget.createAssistant(options).

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
var title = assistant.title;
//Add additional code


Object Description Encapsulates a step within a custom NetSuite assistant.

Create a step by calling Assistant.addStep(options).

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see AssistantStep Object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 990


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
var assistantStep = assistant.addStep({
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
//Add additional code


Method Description Gets the IDs for all the fields in a step.

Returns string[]

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
var assistantStep = assistant.addStep({
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
id : 'fieldid',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Field'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 991

var fieldIds = assistantStep.getFieldIds();

//Add additional code


Method Description Gets the IDs for all the sublist fields (line items) in a step.

Returns string[]

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The sublist internal ID. 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
var assistantStep = assistant.addStep({
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
var sublist = assistant.addSublist({
id : 'sublistid',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Editor'
var sublistFieldIds = assistantStep.getSublistFieldIds({
group : 'sublistid'
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 992


Method Description Gets the number of lines on a sublist in a step.

Note: The first line number on a sublist is 0 (not 1).

Returns The count of line items on a sublist as a number

Note: if the sublist does not exist, -1 is returned.

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The sublist internal ID. 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
var assistantStep = assistant.addStep({
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
var sublist = assistant.addSublist({
id : 'sublistid',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Editor'
var numLines = assistantStep.getLineCount({
group : 'sublistid'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 993

//Add additional code


Method Description Gets the IDs for all the sublists submitted in a step.

Returns string[]

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
var assistantStep = assistant.addStep({
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
var sublist = assistant.addSublist({
id : 'sublistid',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Editor'
var submittedSublistId = assistantStep.getSubmittedSublistIds();
//Add additional code


Method Description Gets the current value of a sublist field (line item) in a step.

Returns The value of a sublist field as a string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 994


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The internal ID of the sublist. 2015.2 string required The internal ID of the sublist field. 2015.2

options.line number required The line number for the sublist field. 2015.2

Note: The first line number

on a sublist is 0 (not 1).


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
var assistantStep = assistant.addStep({
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
var sublist = assistant.addSublist({
id : 'sublistid',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Editor'
var sublistfield = sublist.addField({
id : 'fieldid',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
var sublistvalue = assistantStep.getSublistValue({
group: 'sublistid',
id: 'fieldid',
line: 0
//Add additional code


Method Description Gets the current value(s) of a field or multi-select field.

Returns string[]

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 995

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The internal ID of a field. 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
var assistantStep = assistant.addStep({
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
var field = assistant.addField({
id : 'fieldid',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
var value = assistantStep.getValue({
id: 'fieldid'
//Add additional code


Property Description The help text for a step.

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 996


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code ...

assistantStep.helpText = 'Help Text Goes Here.';
//Add additional code

Property Description The internal ID of the step.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
var assistantStep = assistant.addStep({
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
var id =';
//Add additional code


Property Description The label for the step.

Note: To create a label when the step is first added to the assistant, you can
use the Assistant.addStep(options) method.

Type string

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 997

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
var assistantStep = assistant.addStep({
id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
var label = assistantStep.label;
//Add additional code


Property Description Indicates where this step appears sequentially in the assistant.

Type The index of this step as a number.

Note: A sequence of assistant steps starts at 1.

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 998

var assistantStep = assistant.addStep({

id : 'idname',
label : 'Sample label'
var stepNum = assistantStep.stepNumber;
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates button that appears in a UI object.

To add a button, use Form.addButton(options) or Sublist.addButton(options). When adding

a button to a record or form, consider using a beforeLoad user event script.

Custom buttons only appear during Edit mode. On records, custom buttons appear to the
left of the printer icon.

Note: Currently you cannot use SuiteScript to add or remove a custom button
to or from the More Actions menu. You can, however, do this using SuiteBuilder
point-and-click customization. See the help topic Configuring Buttons and Actions.

For a complete list of this object’s properties, see Button Object Members.

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var button = form.addButton({
id : 'buttonid',
label : 'Test'

//Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether a button is grayed-out and disabled.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 999

The default value is false.

If set to true, the button appears grayed-out in the and cannot be clicked.

Note: This method is not supported for standard NetSuite buttons. This
method can be used with custom buttons only.

Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var button = form.addButton({
id : 'buttonid',
label : 'Test'
button.isDisabled = true;
//Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether the button is hidden in the UI.

The default value is false, which means the button is visible.

If set to true, the button is not visible in the UI.

Note: This property is supported on custom buttons and on some standard

NetSuite buttons. For a list of supported standard buttons, see the help topic
Button IDs.

Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1000


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var button = form.addButton({
id : 'buttonid',
label : 'Test'
button.isHidden = true;
//Add additional code


Property Description The label for the button.

You can use this property to rename a button based on context, for example to re-
label a button for particular users that are viewing a page.

Note: This property is supported on custom buttons and most standard


Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var button = form.addButton({
id : 'buttonid',
label : 'Test'
var label = button.label;

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1001

//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates a body or sublist field. Use fields to record or display information
specific to your needs.

To add a Field object, use Assistant.addField(options), Form.addField(options), or


For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Field Object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_text',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds the select options that appears in the dropdown of a field.

Important: After you create a select or multi-select field that is

sourced from a record or list, you cannot add additional values with
Field.addSelectOption(options). The select values are determined by the
source record or list.

Returns void

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

Governance None

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1002

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.value string required The internal ID of this select option. 2015.2

options.text string required The label for this select option. 2015.2

options.isSelected boolean true optional If set to true, this option is selected by 2015.2
| false default in the UI. The default value for
this parameter is false.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var selectField = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_selectfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.SELECT,
label : 'Select'

value : '',
text : ''

value : 'a',
text : 'Albert'
//Add additional code


Method Description Obtains a list of available options on a select field.

The internal ID and label of the options for a select field as name/value pairs is

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1003

The first 1,000 available options are returned.

If you attempt to get select options on a field that is not a select field, or if you
reference a field that does not exist on the form, null is returned.

Note: A call to this method may return different results for the same field
for different roles.

Returns Object[]

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.filter string optional A search string to filter the select options that 2015.2
are returned. For example, if there are 50 select
options available, and 10 of the options contains
'John', e.g. “John Smith” or “Shauna Johnson”, only
those 10 options will be returned.

Filter values are case insensitive. The filters 'John'

and 'john' will return the same select options.

string optional
options.â##filteroperator Supported operators 2015.2
are contains | is | startswith.

If not specified, defaults to

the contains operator.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var selectField = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_selectfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.SELECT,
label : 'Select'
value : 'a',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1004

text : 'Albert'
var options = field.getSelectOptions({
filter : 'a',
filteroperator: 'startswith'
//Add additional code


Method Description Sets the help text for the field.

When the field label is clicked, a popup displays the help text defined using this

Returns The serverWidget.Field object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string required The text in the field help popup. 2015.2

boolean true optional

options.â##showâ##Inlineâ##Forâ##Assistant If set toâ## true, the field help will display 2015.2
| false inline below the field on the assistant, and in a
field help popup.

The default value isâ## false, which means

the field help appears in a popup when the
field label is clicked and does not appear inline.

Note: Theâ## inline

â##parameter is available only
toâ## serverWidget.Field â##objects
that have been added toâ##


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1005

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
help : "Help Text Goes Here."
//Add additional code


Method Description Updates the break type used to add a break in flow layout for the field.

Returns serverWidget.Field object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.breakType serverWidget.â##FieldBreakType
required The break type of the 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1006

breakType : serverWidget.FieldBreakType.STARTCOL
//Add additional code


Method Description Updates the width and height of the field.

Only supported on multi-selects, long text, and fields that get rendered as INPUT
(type=text) fields. This function is not supported on list/record fields or rich text fields.

To set height and width for rich text fields, use Field.richTextWidth and

Returns serverWidget.Field object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.height number required The new height of the field. 2015.2

options.width number required The new width of the field. 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1007

height : 60,
width : 100
//Add additional code


Method Description Updates the display type for the field.

Returns serverWidget.Field object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.displayType string required The new display type of the field. For more 2015.2
information about possible values, see


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
displayType : serverWidget.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1008


Method Description Updates the layout type for the field.

Returns serverWidget.Field object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.layoutType serverWidget.â##FieldLayoutType
required The new layout type of 2015.2
the field.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
layoutType : serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.NORMAL
//Add additional code


Property Description An alternate name that you can assign to a serverWidget.Field object.

By default, the alias is equal to the field's internal ID.

This property is only supported on scripted fields created using the N/ui/
serverWidget Module.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1009

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
field.alias = 'fieldId';
//Add additional code


Property Description  The default value for this field.

 If you pass an empty string or any value that is not a number, such as undefined,
the field defaults to a blank field in the UI.

This property is supported only on scripted fields created using the N/ui/
serverWidget Module.

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1010

var form = serverWidget.createForm({

title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
field.defaultValue = 'Insert Text Here.';
//Add additional code

Property Description The field internal ID.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
var fieldId =;
//Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether the field is mandatory or optional.

If set to true, then the field is defined as mandatory.

The default value is false.

This property is supported only on scripted fields created using the N/ui/
serverWidget Module.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1011

Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
field.isMandatory = true;
//Add additional code


Property Description The field label.

There is a 40-character limit for custom field labels.

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1012

var field = form.addField({

id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
var label = field.label;
//Add additional code


Property Description The text displayed for a link in place of the URL.

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.URL,
label : 'URL'
field.linkText = 'NetSuite';
//Add additional code


Property Description The maximum length, in characters, of the field (only valid for text, rich text, long
text, and textarea fields).

This property is supported only on scripted fields created using the N/ui/
serverWidget Module.

Type number

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1013

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
field.maxLength = 64;
//Add additional code


Property Description The number of empty vertical character spaces above the field.

This property is supported only on scripted fields created using the N/ui/
serverWidget Module.

Type number

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1014

label : 'Text'
field.padding = 50;
//Add additional code


Property Description The height of a rich text field, in pixels.

The minimum value is 100 pixels and the maximum value is 500 pixels.

Note: Rich Text Editing must be enabled.

Type number

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.RICHTEXT,
label : 'Rich Text'
field.richTextHeight = 50;
//Add additional code


Property Description The width of a rich text field, in pixels.

The minimum value is 250 pixels and the maximum value is 800 pixels.

Note: Rich Text Editing must be enabled.

Type number

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1015

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.RICHTEXT,
label : 'Rich Text'
field.richTextWidth = 100;
//Add additional code


Property Description The field type. For example, text, date, currency, select, checkbox etc.

The maximum character limit for select field types is 801.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1016

var field = form.addField({

id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
var fieldtype = field.type;
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates a field group on serverWidget.createAssistant(options) objects and on
serverWidget.Form objects. A field group is a collection of fields that can be displayed in a
one or two column format. Assign a field to a field group in order to label, hide or collapse a
group of fields.

For a complete list of this object’s properties, see FieldGroup Object Members.

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var fieldgroup = form.addFieldGroup({
id : 'fieldgroupid',
label : 'Field Group'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text',
container : 'fieldgroupid'
//Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether the field group can be collapsed.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1017

If set to false , a border around the field group is displayed.

The default value is false.

Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var fieldgroup = form.addFieldGroup({
id : 'fieldgroupid',
label : 'Field Group'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text',
container : 'fieldgroupid'
fieldgroup.isBorderHidden = true;
//Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether the field group can be collapsed.

The default value is false, which means the field group displays as a static group that
cannot be opened or closed.

If set to true, the field group can be collapsed.

Only supported for fields on serverWidget.createAssistant(options) objects

Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1018


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var fieldgroup = form.addFieldGroup({
id : 'fieldgroupid',
label : 'Field Group'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text',
container : 'fieldgroupid'
fieldgroup.isCollapsible = true;
//Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether field group is collapsed or expanded.

The default value is false, which means that when the page loads, the field group will
not appear collapsed.

If set to true, the field group is collapsed.

Only supported for fields on serverWidget.createAssistant(options) objects

Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1019

var form = serverWidget.createForm({

title : 'Simple Form'
var fieldgroup = form.addFieldGroup({
id : 'fieldgroupid',
label : 'Field Group'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text',
container : 'fieldgroupid'
var collapsed = fieldgroup.isCollapsed;
//Add additional code


Property Description Indicates whether the field group is aligned.

The default value is false.

Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var fieldgroup = form.addFieldGroup({
id : 'fieldgroupid',
label : 'Field Group'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text',
container : 'fieldgroupid'
var aligned = fieldgroup.isSingleColumn;

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1020

//Add additional code


Property Description The label for the field group.

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var fieldgroup = form.addFieldGroup({
id : 'fieldgroupid',
label : 'Field Group'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_textfield',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text',
container : 'fieldgroupid'
var label = fieldgroup.label;
//Add additional code


Object Description Encapsulates a NetSuite-looking form

After you create a Form object, you can:

■ Add a variety of scriptable elements to the form including fields, links, buttons,
tabs, and sublists.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Form Object

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1021

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a button to a form.

Returns serverWidget.Button object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string optional The internal ID of the button. 2015.2

If you are adding the button to an existing page, the

internal ID must be in lowercase, contain no spaces,
and include the prefix custpage. For example, if
you add a button that appears as Update Order,
the button internal ID should be something similar
to custpage_updateorder.

options.label string required The label for this button. 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1022

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.â##functionName optional The function name to be triggered on a click event. 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'

id : 'buttonid',
label : 'Test'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a text field that lets you store credentials in NetSuite to be used when invoking
services provided by third parties. The GUID generated by this field can be reused multiple
times until the script executes again.

For example, when executing credit card transactions, merchants need to store credentials
in NetSuite that are used to communicate with Payment Gateway providers.

The credentials added with this method can be used with the N/sftp Module and the N/
https Module.

Note the following about this method:

■ Credentials associated with this field are stored in encrypted form.

■ No piece of SuiteScript holds a credential in clear text mode.
■ NetSuite reports or forms will never provide to the end user the clear text form of a
■ Any exchange of the clear text version of a credential with a third party must occur over
■ For no reason will NetSuite ever log the clear text value of a credential (for example,
errors, debug message, alerts, system notes, and so on).
■ Decryption occurs though the scripts listed in the restrictToScriptIds parameter.
These scripts can call https.createSecureString(options) to decrypt the GUID and create
a SecureString instance.

Important: The default maximum length for a credential field is 32

characters. If needed, use the Field.maxLength property to change this value.

Returns serverWidget.Field object

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1023

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string required The internal ID of the credential field. 2015.2

The internal ID must be in lowercase, contain no

spaces, and include the prefix custpage if you are
adding the field to an existing page.

options.label string required The label for the credential field. 2015.2

string | required
options.â##restrictâ##Toâ##Domains The domains that the credentials can be sent to, 2015.2
string[] such as ''. Credentials cannot be
sent to a domain that is not specified here.

This value can be a domain or a list of domains to

which the credentials can be sent.

string | required
options.â##restrictâ##Toâ##Scriptâ##Ids The IDs of the scripts that are allowed 2015.2
string[] to use this credential field. For example,

Scripts defined here can call

https.createSecureString(options) to decrypt the

boolean optional
options.â##restrictâ##Toâ##Currentâ##User Controls whether use of this credential is restricted 2015.2
true | to the same user that originally entered the
false credential.

By default, the value is false, which means that

multiple users can use the credential. For example,
multiple clerks at a store making secure calls to a
credit processor using a credential that represents
the company they work for.

If set to true, the credentials apply to a single user.

options.container string optional The internal ID of the tab or field group to add the 2016.1
credential field to. By default, the field is added to
the main section of the form.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not
a functional example. For a complete N/ui/serverWidget Module script example, see
N/ui/serverWidget Module Script Samples. For a complete script sample that uses
Form.addCredentialField, see N/https Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1024

var form = serverWidget.createForm({

title : 'Simple Form'
var credField = form.addCredentialField({
id : 'username',
label : 'Username',
restrictToDomains : '',
restrictToScriptIds : 'customscript_my_script',
restrictToCurrentUser : false,
credField.maxLength = 64;
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a field to a form.

Returns serverWidget.Field object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string required The internal ID of the field. 2015.2

The internal ID must be in lowercase, contain no

spaces, and include the prefix custpage if you are
adding the field to an existing page. For example, if
you add a field that appears as Purchase Details,
the field internal ID should be something similar
to custpage_purchasedetails or custpage_purchase_details.

options.label string required The label for this field. 2015.2

options.type string required The field type for the field. Use the 2015.2
serverWidget.FieldType enum to define the field type.

Important: Long text fields created with

SuiteScript have a character limit of 100,000.
Long text fields created with Suitebuilder
have a character limit of 1,000,000.

options.source string optional The internalId or scriptId of the source list for this 2015.2
field if it is a select (List/Record) or multi-select field.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1025

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


Important: After you create a select

or multi-select field that is sourced from
a record or list, you cannot add additional
values with Field.addSelectOption(options).
The select values are determined by the
source record or list.

Note: For radio fields only,

the source parameter must contain the
internal ID for the field. For more information
about working with radio buttons, see the
help topic Working with Radio Buttons.

options.container string optional The internal ID of the tab or field group to add the 2016.1
field to.

By default, the field is added to the main section of

the form.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_abc_text',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a group of fields to a form.

Returns serverWidget.FieldGroup object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1026


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string required An internal ID for the field group. 2015.2

options.label string required The label for this field group. 2015.2 string optional The internal ID of the tab to add the field group 2015.2
to. By default, the field group is added to the
main section of the form.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var fieldgroup = form.addFieldGroup({
id : 'fieldgroupid',
label : 'Field Group'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_text',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text',
container : 'fieldgroupid'
//Add additional code


Method Description Shows a message when users view a record or Suitelet. User event context can be used
to control whether the message is shown on records in view, create, or edit mode (not
applicable for Suitelets). See the help topic context.UserEventType.

Returns Void

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2018.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1027


The options object passed to the Form.addPageInitMessage(options) method takes a single

property; either a message.Message object, or the same options object that can be passed to the
message.create(options) method. The following tables list the parameters for the previously mentioned
object property possibilities.

Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.message message.Message required Encapsulates the message to 2018.2

be shown on the form.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.type message.Type required The message type. 2016.1

options.title string optional The message title. This value defaults to 2016.1
an empty string.

options.message string optional The content of the message. This value 2016.1
defaults to an empty string.

options.duration int optional The amount of time, in milliseconds, 2018.2

to show the message. The default
is 0, which shows the message until
Message.hide() is called.

If you specify a duration for

message.create() and,
the value from the
method call takes precedence.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code


// Options object as parameter

form.addPageInitMessage({type: message.Type.INFORMATION, message: 'Hello world!', duration: 5000});

// Message object as parameter

var messageObj = message.create({type: message.Type.INFORMATION, message: 'Hello world!', duration: 5000});
form.addPageInitMessage({message: messageObj});

// Show message when the record is in view mode

function beforeLoad(context) {
if(context.type === 'view')

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1028

//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a link to a form.

Note: You cannot choose where the page link appears.

Returns void

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.title string required The text label for the link. 2015.2

options.type string required The type of page link to add. 2015.2

Use the serverWidget.FormPageLinkType

enum to set the value.

options.url string required The URL for the link. 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
type : serverWidget.FormPageLinkType.CROSSLINK,
title : 'NetSuite',
url : ''
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1029


Method Description Adds a reset button to a form. The reset buttons allows a user to clear the entries.

Returns serverWidget.Button object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.label string optional The label used for this button. If no label is 2015.2
provided, the label defaults to Reset.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
label : 'Reset Button'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a secret key field to the form.

This key can be used in crypto modules to perform encryption or hashing.

Important: The default maximum length for a secret key field is 32

characters. If needed, use the Field.maxLength property to change this value.

Returns serverWidget.Field object

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1030

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string required The internal ID of the secret key field. 2016.1

The internal ID must be in lowercase,

contain no spaces, and include the
prefix custpage if you are adding the field
to an existing page.

string or required
options.â##restrictâ##Toâ##Scriptâ##Ids The script ID of the script that is allowed 2016.1
string[] to use this field.

options.label string required The UI label for the field. 2016.1

boolean optional
options.â##restrictâ##Toâ##Currentâ##User Controls whether use of this secret key is 2016.1
true | restricted to the same user that originally
false entered the key.

By default, the value is false, which

means that multiple users can use the

If set to true, the secret key applies to a

single user.

options.container string optional The internal ID of the tab or field group 2016.1
to add the field to. By default, the field is
added to the main section of the form.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not
a functional example. For a complete N/ui/serverWidget Module script example, see
N/ui/serverWidget Module Script Samples. For a complete script example that uses
Form.addSecretKeyField(options), see N/crypto Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
skField = form.addSecretKeyField({
id : 'password',
restrictToScriptIds : 'customscript_my_script',
restrictToCurrentUser : false,

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1031

skField.maxLength = 64;
//Add additional code


Method Description Add a sublist to a form.

Note: If the row count exceeds 25, sorting is not supported on static
sublists created using this method.

Returns A serverWidget.Sublist object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string required The internal ID name of the sublist. 2015.2

The internal ID must be in lowercase, contain no spaces,

and include the prefix custpage if you are adding
the sublist to an existing page. For example, if you
add a sublist that appears as Purchase Details, the
sublist internal ID should be something equivalent
to custpage_purchasedetails or custpage_purchase_details.

options.label string required The label for this sublist. 2015.2 string optional The tab under which to display this sublist. If empty, the 2015.2
sublist is added to the main tab.

options.type string required The sublist type. 2015.2

Use the serverWidget.SublistType enum to set the value.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1032

var form = serverWidget.createForm({

title : 'Simple Form'
var sublist = form.addSublist({
id : 'sublistid',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Inline Editor Sublist'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a submit button to a form.

Note: If the row count exceeds 25, sorting is not supported on static
sublists created using this method.

Returns serverWidget.Button object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.label string optional The label for this button. If no label is 2016.1
provided, the label defaults to “Save”.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
label : 'Submit Button'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1033

//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a subtab to a form.

Note: In order for your subtab to appear on your form, there must be at
least one object assigned to the subtab. Otherwise, the subtab will not appear.

Note: If you have less than two subtabs on your form, the subtab will not
appear. Instead the fields assigned to the tab will appear at the bottom of the

Returns serverWidget.Tab object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string required The internal ID name of the subtab. 2015.2

The internal ID must be in lowercase, contain no

spaces. If you are adding the subtab to an existing
page, include the prefix custpage. For example, if
you add a subtab that appears as Purchase Details,
the subtab internal ID should be something similar
to custpage_purchasedetails or custpage_purchase_details.

options.label string required The label for this subtab. 2015.2 string optional The tab under which to display this sublist. If empty, the 2015.2
sublist is added to the main tab.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1034

id : 'subtabid',
label : 'Subtab'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a tab to a form.

Note: In order for your tab to appear on your form, there must be at least
one object assigned to the tab. Otherwise, the tab will not appear.

Note: If you have less than two tabs on your form, the tab will not appear.
Instead the fields assigned to the tab will appear at the bottom of the form.

Returns serverWidget.Tab object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string required The internal ID name of the tab. 2015.2

The internal ID must be in lowercase and contain

no spaces. If you are adding the tab to an existing
page, include the prefix custpage. For example, if
you add a subtab that appears as Purchase Details,
the subtab internal ID should be something similar
to custpage_purchasedetails or custpage_purchase_details.

options.label string required The label for this tab. 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1035

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var tab = form.addTab({
id : 'tabid',
label : 'Tab'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a Button object by internal ID.

Returns serverWidget.Button object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The internal ID name of the button. 2015.2

Internal IDs must be in lowercase and

contain no spaces.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var button = form.addButton({
id : 'buttonid',
label : 'Test'
var button = form.getButton({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1036

id : 'buttonid'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a Field object by internal ID.

Returns serverWidget.Field object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The internal ID name of the field. 2015.2

Internal IDs must be in lowercase and

contain no spaces.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
id : 'custpage_text',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
var field = form.getField({
id : 'textfield'
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1037


Method Description Returns a Sublist object by internal ID.

Returns serverWidget.Sublist object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The internal ID name of the sublist. 2015.2

Internal IDs must be in lowercase and

contain no spaces.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
id : 'sublistid',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Inline Editor Sublist'
var sublist = form.getSublist({
id : 'sublistid'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a subtab by internal ID.

Returns serverWidget.Tab object

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1038

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The internal ID name of the subtab. 2015.2

Internal IDs must be in lowercase and

contain no spaces.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
id : 'subtabid',
label : 'Subtab'
var subtab = form.getSubtab({
id : 'subtabid'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a tab object from its internal ID.

Returns serverWidget.Tab object.

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1039


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The internal ID name of the tab to retrieve. 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
id : 'tabid',
label : 'Tab'
var tab = form.getTab({
id : 'tabid'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns an array that contains all the tabs in a form.

Returns serverWidget.Tab[] objects

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1040

title : 'Simple Form'

id : 'tabid',
label : 'Tab'
var tabs = form.getTabs();
//Add additional code


Method Description Inserts a field in front of another field.

Returns void

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.field serverWidget.Field required The Field object to insert. 2016.1

options.nextfield string required The internal ID name of the 2015.2

field you are inserting a field in
front of.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field1 = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_text',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1041

var field2 = form.addField({

id : 'custpage_text2',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
field : field2,
nextfield : 'textfield1'
//Add additional code


Method Description Inserts a sublist in front of another sublist.

Returns void

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.sublist serverWidget.Sublist required The Sublist object to insert. 2016.1

options.nextsublist string required The internal ID name of the 2015.2

sublist you are inserting a
sublist in front of.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var sublist1 = form.addSublist({
id : 'sublistid1',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1042

label : 'Inline Editor Sublist'

var sublist2 = form.addSublist({
id : 'sublistid2',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Inline Editor Sublist'
sublist : sublist2,
nextsublist : 'sublistid1'
//Add additional code


Method Description Inserts a subtab in front of another subtab.

Returns void

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.subtab serverWidget.Tab required The Subtab object to insert. 2016.1

options.nextsubtab string required The internal ID name of the 2015.2

subtab you are inserting a
subtab in front of.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var subtab1 = form.addSubtab({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1043

id : 'subtabid1',
label : 'Subtab'
var subtab2 = form.addSubtab({
id : 'subtabid2',
label : 'Subtab'
subtab : subtab2,
nextsubtab : 'subtabid1'
//Add additional code


Method Description Inserts a tab in front of another tab.

Returns void

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional serverWidget.Tab required The Tab object to insert. 2016.1

options.nexttab string required The internal ID name of the tab 2015.2

you are inserting a tab in front


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var tab1 = form.addTab({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1044

id : 'tabid1',
label : 'Tab'
var tab2 = form.addTab({
id : 'tabid2',
label : 'Tab'
tab: tab2,
//Add additional code


Method Description Removes a button.

This method can be used on custom buttons and certain built-in NetSuite buttons. For
more information about built-in NetSuite buttons, see the help topic Button IDs.

Returns void

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The internal ID name of the button to 2015.2

remove. See the help topic Button IDs.

The internal ID must be in lowercase and

contain no spaces.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

function beforeLoad(context) {
var yourForm = context.Form;

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1045

//Add additional code


Method Description Updates the default values of multiple fields on the form.

Returns void

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

values object[] required An object containing an array of name/value 2016.1

pairs that map field names to field values.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_text',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
textfield : 'Text Goes Here'
//Add additional code


Property The internal file ID of client script file to be used in this form.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1046

Use this property when attaching an on demand client script to a server-side script.

Note: If you deploy a client script to a form using Form.clientScriptFileId

or Form.clientScriptModulePath, using the N/log Module adds the logs to the
deployment of the parent script. The parent script can be either a beforeLoad user
event script or a SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type.

Type number

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Thrown If

PROPERTY_VALUE_CONFLICT You attempted to set this value when the Form.clientScriptModulePath

property value has already been specified. For more information, see


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
form.clientScriptFileId = 32;
//Add additional code


Property The relative path to the client script file to be used in this form.
Use this property when attaching an on demand client script to a server-side script.

Note: If you deploy a client script to a form using Form.clientScriptFileId

or Form.clientScriptModulePath, using the N/log Module adds the logs to the
deployment of the parent script. The parent script can be either a beforeLoad user
event script or a SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type.

Type string

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1047

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.2


Error Code Thrown If

PROPERTY_VALUE_CONFLICT You attempted to set this value when the Form.clientScriptFileId property value
has already been specified. For more information, see Form.clientScriptFileId.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

objForm.clientScriptModulePath = 'SuiteScripts/formBehavior.js';
//Add additional code


Property Description The title used for the form.

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var title = form.title;
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1048

Object Description Encapsulates a list.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see List Object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var list = serverWidget.createList({
title : 'Simple List'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a button to a list.

Returns serverWidget.Button object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string required The internal ID of the button. 2015.2

The internal ID must be in lowercase, contain no

spaces, and include the prefix custpage if you are

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1049

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

adding the button to an existing page. For example,
if you add a button that appears as Update Order,
the button internal ID should be something similar
to custpage_updateorder.

options.label string required The label for this button. 2015.2

options.â##functionName optional The function name to call when clicking on this 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var list = serverWidget.createList({
title : 'Simple List'
id : 'buttonId',
label : 'Test'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a column to a list.

Returns serverWidget.ListColumn object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since string required The internal ID of this column. 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1050

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

The internal ID must be in lowercase, contain
no spaces.

options.label string required The label for this column. 2015.2

options.type string required The field type for this column. 2015.2

Note: CHECKBOX field types are

not supported.

For more information about possible values,

see serverWidget.FieldType.

options.align string optional The default value is left. 2015.2

The layout justification for this column.

Possible values include center, right, left


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var list = serverWidget.createList({
title : 'Simple List'
id : 'column1',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text',
align : serverWidget.LayoutJustification.RIGHT
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a column containing Edit or Edit/View links to a Suitelet or Portlet list.

These Edit or Edit/View links appear to the left of a previously existing column.

Returns serverWidget.ListColumn object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1051


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.column object required The Edit/View column is added to the 2015.2

left of the column specified here.

options.showHrefCol boolean true optional If set to true, the URL for the link is 2015.2
| false clickable.

options.showView boolean true optional If true then an Edit/View column 2015.2

| false will be added. Otherwise only an Edit
column will be added.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var list = serverWidget.createList({
title : 'Simple List'

var columnId = portlet.addColumn({

id: 'internalId',
type: 'text',
label: 'columnLabel'

column : columnId,
showView : true
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a link to a list.

Returns void

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1052

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.title string required The text label for the link. 2015.2

options.type string required The type of page link to add. 2015.2

For more information about possible values,

see serverWidget.FormPageLinkType.

options.url string required The URL for the link. 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var list = serverWidget.createList({
title : 'Simple List'
title : 'NetSuite',
type : serverWidget.FormPageLinkType.CROSSLINK,
url : ''
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a single row to a list.

Returns serverWidget.List

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1053


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.row object required A row that consists of either a search.Result, or 2015.2

name/value pairs. Each pair should contain the
value for the corresponding Column object in the


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var list = serverWidget.createList({
title : 'Simple List'
row : { columnid1 : 'value1', columnid2 : 'value2' }
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds multiple rows to a list.

Returns serverWidget.ListColumn

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.rows object[] required An array of rows that consist of either a 2015.2

search.Result array, or an array of name/value

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1054

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

pairs. Each pair should contain the value for the
corresponding Column object in the list.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

rows : [{columnid1 : 'value1', columnid2 : 'value2'},
{columnid1 : 'value2', columnid2 : 'value3'}]
//Add additional code


Property Description The file cabinet ID of client script file to be used in this list.

Type number

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.1


Error Code Thrown If

PROPERTY_VALUE_CONFLICT You attempted to set this value when the List.clientScriptModulePath

property value has already been specified. For more information, see


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1055

var list = serverWidget.createList({

title : 'Simple List'
list.clientScriptFileId = 123;
//Add additional code


Property Description The relative path to the client script file to be used in this list.

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.2


Error Code Thrown If

PROPERTY_VALUE_CONFLICT You attempted to set this value when the List.clientScriptFileId property value has
already been specified. For more information, see List.clientScriptFileId.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

objList.clientScriptModulePath = 'SuiteScripts/listBehavior.js';
//Add additional code

Property Description Sets the display style for this list.

For more information about possible values, see serverWidget.ListStyle.

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1056

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var list = serverWidget.createList({
title : 'Simple List'
}); = serverWidget.ListStyle.REPORT;
//Add additional code


Property Description Sets the list title.

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var list = serverWidget.createList({
title : 'Simple List'
var title = list.title;
//Add additional code


Object Description Encapsulates a list column

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1057

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see ListColumn Object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var list = serverWidget.createList({
title : 'Simple List'
var listcolumn = list.addColumn({
id : 'column1',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text',
align : serverWidget.LayoutJustification.RIGHT
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a URL parameter (optionally defined per row) to the list column's URL.

Returns serverWidget.ListColumn object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.param string required The name for the parameter.

options.value string required The value for the parameter.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1058

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.dynamic boolean optional If true, then the parameter value is actually an alias that
is calculated per row.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var list = serverWidget.createList({
title : 'Simple List'
var listcolumn = list.addColumn({
id : 'column1',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.URL,
label : 'URL',
param : 'index',
value : '3'
//Add additional code


Method Description Sets the base URL for the list column.

Returns serverWidget.ListColumn

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.url string required The base URL or a column in the data source that
returns the base URL for each row

options.dynamic boolean optional If true, then the URL is actually an alias that is calculated
per row.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1059


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var list = serverWidget.createList({
title : 'Simple List'
var listcolumn = list.addColumn({
id : 'column1',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.URL,
label : 'URL',
url : ''
//Add additional code


Property Description This list column label.

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var list = serverWidget.createList({
title : 'Simple List'
var listcolumn = list.addColumn({
id : 'column1',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.URL,
label : 'URL',
var label = listcolumn.label;

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1060

//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates a sublist on a serverWidget.Form or an
serverWidget.createAssistant(options) object.

To add a sublist, use Assistant.addSublist(options) or Form.addSublist(options).

Note: This object is read-only except for instances created via the
serverWidget module using Suitelets or beforeLoad user event scripts.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see Sublist Object Members.

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var sublist = form.addSublist({
id : 'sublist',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Inline Editor Sublist'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a button to a sublist.

Returns serverWidget.Button

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1061

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string required The internal ID name of the button.

The internal ID must be in lowercase and without


options.label string required The label for the button.

options.functionName string optional The function name to be triggered on a button



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var sublist = form.addSublist({
id : 'sublist',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Inline Editor Sublist'
id : 'buttonId',
label : 'Test'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a field to a sublist.

Returns serverWidget.Field object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1062

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string required The internal ID for this field. 2015.2

The internal ID must be in lowercase and without


options.label string required The label for this field. 2015.2

options.type string required The field type. 2015.2

Use the serverWidget.FieldType enum to set this

value. The INLINEHTML and value is not supported
with this method. The MULTISELECT value is not
supported for SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelets.

Note: If you have set the type parameter

to SELECT, and you want to add custom
options to the select field, you must
set source to NULL.

options.source string optional The internalId or scriptId of the source list for this 2015.2

Use this parameter if you are adding a select (List/

Record) type of field.

Note: If you want to add custom

options on a select field, you must set
the source parameter to NULL.

Important: After you create a select

or multi-select field that is sourced from
a record or list, you cannot add additional
values with Field.addSelectOption(options).
The select values are determined by the
source record or list.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1063

var sublist = form.addSublist({

id : 'sublist',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Inline Editor Sublist'
id : 'fieldId',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.DATE,
label : 'Date'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a Mark All and an Unmark All button to a LIST type of sublist.

Returns A serverWidget.Button[] object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var sublist = form.addSublist({
id : 'sublist',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.LIST,
label : 'List Sublist'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a Refresh button to a LIST type of sublist.

Returns serverWidget.Button object

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1064

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var sublist = form.addSublist({
id : 'sublist',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.LIST,
label : 'List Sublist'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a Field object on a sublist.

Returns serverWidget.Field

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2016.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description

Optional string required The field internal ID (for example, use item as the ID for the Item
field). For more information about supported sublists, internal IDs,
and field IDs, see the SuiteScript Records Browser.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1065


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var itemField = form.getSublist({id: 'item'}).getField({id: 'item'});
//Add additional code


Method Description Gets a field value on a sublist.

Returns string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string required The internal ID of a field.

options.line number required The line number for this field.

Note: The first line number on a sublist is 0  (not



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var sublistvalue = sublist.getSublistValue({
id : 'quantity',
line: 1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1066

//Add additional code


Method Description Sets the value of a sublist field.

Returns void

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string required The internal ID name of the line item field being set.

options.line number required The line number for this field.

Note: The first line number on a sublist is 0 (not


options.value string required The value for the field being set.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var sublist = form.addSublist({
id : 'sublist',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Inline Editor Sublist'

id : 'sublist',
type: ui.FieldType.TEXT,

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1067

label: 'Text Field'


id : 'sublist',
line : 2,
value : "Text"
//Add additional code


Method Description Updates the ID of a field designated as a totalling column, which is used to calculate
and display a running total for the sublist.

Returns serverWidget.Sublist object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string required The internal ID name of the field to use as a total field.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

id : 'fieldId'
//Add additional code


Method Description Updates a field ID that is to have unique values across the rows in the sublist.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1068

Note: This method is available on inlineeditor and editor sublists only.

Returns serverWidget.Sublist object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string required The internal ID name of the field to use as a unique field.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var sublist = form.addSublist({
id : 'sublist',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Inline Editor Sublist'
id : 'fieldId',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.DATE,
label : 'Date'
id : 'fieldId'
//Add additional code


Property Description The display style for a sublist.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1069

Use the serverWidget.SublistDisplayType enum to set this value.

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var sublist = form.addSublist({
id : 'sublist',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Inline Editor Sublist'
sublist.displayType = serverWidget.SublistDisplayType.HIDDEN;
//Add additional code


Property Description The inline help text for a sublist.

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1070

title : 'Simple Form'

var sublist = form.addSublist({
id : 'sublist',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Inline Editor Sublist'
sublist.helpText = "Help Text Goes Here.";
//Add additional code


Property Description The label for this sublist.

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var sublist = form.addSublist({
id : 'sublist',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Inline Editor Sublist'
var label = sublist.label;
//Add additional code


Property Description The number of line items on a sublist.

Note: The first line number on a sublist is 0  (not 1).

Type number (read-only)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1071

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var sublist = form.addSublist({
id : 'sublist',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Inline Editor Sublist'
var numLines = sublist.lineCount;
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates a tab or subtab on a serverWidget.Form object.

You can add a new tab or subtab to a form using one of the following methods:

■ Form.addSubtab(options)
■ Form.addTab(options)
■ Form.insertSubtab(options)
■ Form.insertTab(options)

The internal ID must be in lowercase, contain no spaces, and include the

prefix custpage if you are adding the field to an existing page.

Note: In order for your tab to appear on your form, there must be at least
one object assigned to the tab. Otherwise, the tab will not appear.

Note: If you have less than two tabs on your form, the tab will not appear.
Instead the fields assigned to the tab will appear at the bottom of the form.

For a complete list of this object’s properties, see Tab Object Members.

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1072


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var tab = form.addTab({
id : 'tabid1',
label : 'Tab 1'

var tab = form.addTab({

id : 'tabid2',
label : 'Tab 2'

id : 'custpage_tabid1',
type: ui.FieldType.TEXT,
label: 'Tab 1 Field'

id : 'custpage_tabid2',
type: ui.FieldType.TEXT,
label: 'Tab 2 Field'
//Add additional code


Property Description The inline help text for a tab or subtab.

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1073

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var tab = form.addTab({
id : 'tabid',
label : 'Tab'
tab.helpText = 'Help Text Goes Here';
//Add additional code


Property Description The label for a tab or subtab.

Type string

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var tab = form.addTab({
id : 'tabid',
label : 'Tab'
var label = tab.label;
//Add additional code

Method Description Creates an assistant object.

Returns serverWidget.Assistant object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1074

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.title string required The title of the assistant. This title 2015.2
appears at the top of all assistant

options.hideNavBar boolean true optional Indicates whether to hide the 2015.2

| false navigation bar menu.

By default, set to false. The header

appears in the top-right corner on the

If set to true, the header on the

assistant is hidden from view.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
//Add additional code

Method Description Creates a form object.

Returns serverWidget.Form object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1075


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.title string required The title of the form. 2015.2

options.hideNavBar boolean true optional Indicates whether to hide the 2015.2

| false navigation bar menu.

By default, set to false. The header

appears in the top-right corner on the

If set to true, the header on the

assistant is hidden from view.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code ...

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
//Add additional code

Method Description Instantiates a standalone list.

Returns serverWidget.List object

Supported Script Types SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type

Governance None

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.title string required The title of the list. 2016.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1076

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.hideNavBar boolean true optional Indicates whether to hide the 2016.1

| false navigation bar menu.

By default, set to false. The header

appears in the top-right corner on the

If set to true, the header on the

assistant is hidden from view.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var list = serverWidget.createList({
title : 'Simple List'
//Add additional code


Enum Description Holds the string values for submit actions performed by the user. This enum is used to set
the value of the Assistant.getLastAction().

After a finish action is submitted, by default, the text “Congratulations! You have
completed the <assistant title>” appears on the finish page.

In a non-sequential process (steps are unordered), jump is used to move to the user’s last

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2



SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1077


The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example. For a
complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var assistant = serverWidget.createAssistant({
title : 'Simple Assistant'
if (assistant.getLastAction() == serverWidget.AssistantSubmitAction.CANCEL) {
//Add additional code


Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for supported field break types. This enum is
used to set the value of the breakType parameter when Field.updateBreakType(options) is

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


NONE This is the default value for field break type.

STARTCOL This value moves the field into a new column. Additionally, it disables automatic field balancing if set
on any field.

STARTROW This value places a field located outside of a field group on a new row. This value only works on
fields with a Field Layout Type set to OUTSIDE, OUTSIDEABOVE or OUTSIDEBELOW.

For more information, see serverWidget.FieldLayoutType and Field.updateLayoutType(options).

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1078


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_text',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'

layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.OUTSIDE

breakType : serverWidget.FieldBreakType.STARTROW
//Add additional code

Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for supported field display types.
This enum is used to set the value of the displayType parameter when
Field.updateDisplayType(options) is called.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Value Description of Field Type

DISABLED Prevents a user from changing the field

ENTRY The sublist field appears as a data entry input field (for a select field without a checkbox)

HIDDEN The field on the form is hidden.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1079

Value Description of Field Type

INLINE The field appears as inline text

NORMAL The field appears as a normal input field (for non-sublist fields)

READONLY The field is disabled but it is still selectable and scrollable (for textarea fields)


Important: The following code snippets show the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_text',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
displayType: serverWidget.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN
//Add additional code

Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for the supported types of field
layouts. This enum is used to set the value of the layoutType parameter when
Field.updateLayoutType(options) is called.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


STARTROW This value makes the field appear first in a horizontally aligned field group in the normal field

MIDROW This value makes the field appear in the middle of a horizontally aligned field group in the
normal field layout.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1080

ENDROW This value makes the field appear last in a horizontally aligned field group in the normal field

OUTSIDE This value makes the field appear outside (above or below based on form default) the normal
field layout area.

OUTSIDEBELOW This value makes the field appear below the normal field layout area. Using this allows you to
position a field below a field group.

OUTSIDEABOVE This value makes the field appear above the normal field layout area. Using this allows you to
position a field above a field group.

NORMAL This value makes the fields appear in its default position.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title: 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id: 'custpage_text',
type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label: 'Text'
layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.OUTSIDEBELOW
//Add additional code


Enum Description Enumeration that holds the values for supported field types. This enum is used to set the
value of the type parameter when Form.addField(options) is called.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Important: Long text fields created with SuiteScript have a character limit
of 100,000. Long text fields created with Suitebuilder have a character limit of

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1081

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2



Consider the following as you work with these field types:

■ The FILE field type is available only for Suitelets and will appear on the main tab of the Suitelet
page. FILE fields cannot be added to tabs, subtabs, sublists, or field groups and are not allowed on
existing pages.
■ The INLINEHTML field type is not supported with Sublist.addField(options).
■ The IMAGE field type is available only for fields that appear on list/staticlist sublists. You cannot
specify an IMAGE field on a form.
■ The MULTISELECT field type is not supported by SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelets.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_text',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text'
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1082


Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for supported page link types on a form. This
enum is used to set the value of the type parameter when Form.addPageLink(options) is

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Value Notes

BREADCRUMB Link appears on the top-left corner after the system bread crumbs

CROSSLINK Link appears on the top-right corner


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
type : serverWidget.FormPageLinkType.CROSSLINK,
title : 'NetSuite',
url : ''
//Add additional code


Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for supported justification layouts. This enum is
used to set the value of the align parameter when List.addColumn(options) is called.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1083

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2




Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var list = serverWidget.createList({
title : 'Simple List'
id : 'column1',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
label : 'Text',
align : serverWidget.LayoutJustification.RIGHT
//Add additional code


Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for supported list styles. This enum is used to set
the value of the property.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1084

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2




Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var list = serverWidget.createList({
title : 'Simple List'
}); = serverWidget.ListStyle.REPORT;
//Add additional code


Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for supported sublist display types. This enum is
used to set the value of the Sublist.displayType property.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2



SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1085


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form'
var sublist = form.addSublist({
id : 'sublist',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Inline Editor Sublist'
sublist.displayType = serverWidget.SublistDisplayType.HIDDEN;
//Add additional code

Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for valid sublist types. This enum is used to define
the type parameter when Form.addSublist(options) is called

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Supported Script SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet Script Type and SuiteScript 2.0 User Event Script Type
Types (beforeLoad(scriptContext))

Module N/ui/serverWidget Module

Since 2015.2


Value Description

INLINEEDITOR These types of sublists are both fully editable. The only difference between these types is their
appearance in the UI:
■ With an inline editor sublist, a new line is displayed at the bottom of the list after existing
lines. To add a line, a user working in the UI clicks inside the new line and adds a value to
each column as appropriate. Examples of this style include the Item sublist on the sales order
record and the Expense sublist on the expense report record.
■ With an editor sublist, a user in the UI adds a new line by working with fields that are
displayed above the existing sublist lines. This style is not common on standard NetSuite
record types.

LIST This type of sublist has a fixed number of lines. You can update an existing line, but you cannot
add lines to it.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/ui/serverWidget Module 1086

Value Description

Note: To make a field within a LIST type sublist editable, use

Field.updateDisplayType(options) and the enum serverWidget.FieldDisplayType to update
the field display type to ENTRY.

STATICLIST This type of sublist is read-only. It cannot be edited in the UI, and it is not available for scripting.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/ui/serverWidget Module Script

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form with Inline Editor type Sublist'
var sublist = form.addSublist({
id : 'sublist',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
label : 'Inline Editor Sublist'
//Add additional code

The following code snippet shows how to make a field within a LIST type sublist editable by updating
the fieldDisplayType to ENTRY.

//Add additional code

var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title : 'Simple Form with List type Sublist'
var sublist = form.addSublist({
id : 'sublist',
type : serverWidget.SublistType.LIST,
label : 'List Type Sublist'
var internalId = sublist.addField({
id : 'id',
label : 'Internal ID',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT
internalId.updateDisplayType({displayType: serverWidget.FieldDisplayType.ENTRY});
//Add additional code

N/url Module
Use the url module to determine URL navigation paths within NetSuite and format URL strings.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/url Module 1087

■ N/url Module Members

■ N/url Module Script Samples

N/url Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method url.format(options) string Server-side scripts Converts (serializes) URL query

parameters into a string.

string Client and server- Returns a domain name for a
side scripts NetSuite account.

string Server-side scripts Returns an internal URL string to a
NetSuite record.

string Server-side scripts Returns an external or internal
URL string to a script.

string Server-side scripts Returns an internal URL for a

Enum url.HostType enum Server-side scripts An enum used to populate the

hostType parameter of the

N/url Module Script Samples

The following script samples show how to use the url module.

These samples use the require function, so that you can copy each script into the debugger and test
it, after making any necessary edits. Remember that you must use the define function in your entry
point script (the script you attach to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics
SuiteScript 2.0 Script Basics and SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

Important: Some values in these samples are placeholders. Before using these samples,
replace this values with valid ones from your NetSuite account. If you run a script with an
invalid value, the system may throw an error.

The following example retrieves the relative URL of a record. With the internal ID value used in
this example, the returned output would be /app/accounting/transactions/
id=6&e=T&compid=', followed by the NetSuite account ID.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
function(url) {
var output = url.resolveRecord({
recordType: 'salesorder',
recordId: 6,
isEditMode: true

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/url Module 1088


The following example shows how to generate an absolute URL to a specific resource.

* @NApiVersion 2.x
// This example shows how to get the absolute url of a record.
// Company context is required to run this client's script.

require(['N/url', 'N/record'],
function(url, record) {
function resolveRecordUrl() {
var scheme = 'https://';
var host = url.resolveDomain({
hostType: url.HostType.APPLICATION
var relativePath = url.resolveRecord({
recordType: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
recordId: 6,
isEditMode: true
var output = scheme + host + relativePath;

The following example shows how to get the domain for calling a RESTlet.

* @NApiVersion 2.x
function(url) {
function resolveDomainUrl() {
var sCompId = 'MSTRWLF';
var output = url.resolveDomain({
hostType: url.HostType.RESTLET,
accountId: sCompId

The following example creates a URL and then does a secure HTTPS POST request to that URL with an
empty body. The server’s response is logged.

* @NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/url', 'N/https'], function(url, https) {
var script = 'customscript1';
var deployment = 'customdeploy1';

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/url Module 1089

var parameters = "";

try {
var suiteletURL = url.resolveScript({scriptId:script, deploymentId: deployment});
var response ={url:suiteletURL, body:parameters});
catch(e) {

Method Description Creates a serialized representation of an object containing query parameters.

Use the returned value to build a URL query string.

Returns URL as a string

Supported Script Types All server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/url Module

Since 2015.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.domain string required The domain name. 2015.1

options.params Object required Additional URL parameters as 2015.1

name/value pairs.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/url Module Script Samples.

For a script that uses the following code snippet, the returned output is
fruit=grape&seedless=true&variety=Concord+Giant&PLU=4272, expressed as a string.

//Add additional code

var output = url.format({
domain: '',
params: {
fruit: 'grape',
seedless: true,
variety: 'Concord Giant',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/url Module 1090

PLU: 4272
//Add additional code

Method Description Returns a domain name for a NetSuite account.

Returns string

Supported Script Types Client and server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/url Module

Since 2017.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.hostType string required The type of domain name you want to retrieve. 2017.1
Set this value using the url.HostType enum.

options.accountId string optional The NetSuite account ID for which you want 2017.1
to retrieve data. If no account is specified, the
system returns data on the account that is
running the script.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/url Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var output = url.resolveDomain({
hostType: url.HostType.APPLICATION,
accountId: '012345'
//Add additional code

Method Description Returns the URL string to a NetSuite record.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/url Module 1091

Returns URL to a NetSuite record as a string

Supported Script Types All server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/url Module

Since 2015.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.recordType string required The type of record. For example, 2015.1


options.recordId string required The internal ID of the target record 2015.1


options.isEditMode boolean true required If set to true, returns a URL for the 2015.1
| false record in Edit mode.

If set to false, returns a URL for the

record in View mode

The default value is View.

options.params Object optional Object used to add parameters for a 2015.1

custom URL. For example, a query to a
database or to a search engine


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/url Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var output = url.resolveRecord({
recordType: 'salesorder',
recordId: 6,
isEditMode: true
//Add additional code

Method Description Returns an external or internal URL string to a script.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/url Module 1092

Returns The URL as a string

Supported Script Types All server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/url Module

Since 2015.1


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.scriptId string required The internal ID of the script. The ID 2015.1

must identify a RESTlet or a Suitelet.

options.deploymentId string required The internal ID of the deployment 2015.1


options.params Object optional The object containing name/value 2015.1

pairs to describe the query.

options.returnExternalUrl boolean true optional Indicates whether to return the 2015.1

| false external URL.

By default, the internal URL is



Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/url Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

var output = url.resolveScript({
scriptId: 'custom_script',
deploymentId: 'custom_script_deployment',
returnExternalUrl: true
//Add additional code

Method Description Returns the internal URL to a NetSuite tasklink.

Returns The URL as a string

Supported Script Types All server-side scripts

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/url Module 1093

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/url Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since

Optional string required Internal ID for the tasklink. 2015.1

Note: Each page in NetSuite has a

unique Tasklink Id associated with it for a
specific record type. You can determine
the Tasklink for a page within NetSuite by
viewing the HTML page source. Search
for a string similar to the following, where

options.params Map optional The Map object containing name/value pairs to describe 2015.1
the query.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/url Module Script Samples.

//Add additional code

u = url.resolveTaskLink('SRCH_JOB', p);
//Add additional code

Enum Description Enumeration whose string values each describe a category of domain name. This enum is
used to set the value of the hostType parameter of the url.resolveDomain(options) method.

Note: JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.0
documentation utilizes the term enumeration (or enum) to describe the following:
a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. Within this object, each key
points to a read-only string value.

Type enum

Supported Script All server-side scripts


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/url Module 1094

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/url Module

Since 2017.1


Value Description Sample Result

APPLICATION The domain for UI access.

FORM The domain for forms hosted online, usually in Suitelets.

RESTLET The domain for calling a RESTlet from an external source.

SUITETALK The domain for SuiteTalk (web services) requests.

Warning: The results returned, as shown in the sample results column, may change without
notice. Because these values can change, your scripts must dynamically discover domain
names. For more details, see the help topic Understanding Multiple Data Centers.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/url Module.

//Add additional code

var output = url.resolveDomain({
hostType: url.HostType.APPLICATION,
accountId: '012345'
//Add additional code

N/util Module
This module exposes the util Object and its members, made up primarily of methods that verify type
on objects and primitives in a SuiteScript 2.0 script.

Each type verification method (for example, util.isArray(obj)) returns a boolean value, based on
evaluation of the obj parameter.

If you need to identify a type specific to SuiteScript 2.0, use the toString() global method.

Note: The util Object can be accessed globally or by loading this module. Load the N/util
module when you want to manually access the util module members, such as for testing
purposes. For more information about global objects, see SuiteScript 2.0 Global Objects.

■ N/util Module Members

■ N/util Module Script Sample

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/util Module 1095

N/util Module Members

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method util.isArray(obj) boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if the obj parameter
false side scripts is a JavaScript and false otherwise.

util.isBoolean(obj) boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if the obj parameter
false side scripts is a Boolean and false otherwise.

util.isDate(obj) boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if the obj parameter
false side scripts is a JavaScript Date object and
false otherwise.

util.each(iterable, Object or Client and server- Iterates over each member in an

callback) Array side scripts Object or Array.

util.extend(receiver, Object Client and server- Copies the properties in a source

contributor) side scripts object to a destination object and
returns the destination object.

util.isFunction(obj) boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if the obj parameter
false side scripts is a JavaScript Function object and
false otherwise.

util.isNumber(obj) boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if the obj parameter
false side scripts is a JavaScript Number object or a
value that evaluates to a Number
object, and false otherwise.

util.isObject(obj) boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if the obj parameter
false side scripts is a strictly a JavaScript Object, and
false otherwise.

util.isRegExp(obj) boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if the obj parameter
false side scripts is a JavaScript RegExp object or a
value that evaluates to a RegExp
object, and false otherwise.

util.isString(obj) boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if the obj parameter
false side scripts is a JavaScript String object or a
value that evaluates to a String
object, and false otherwise.

util.nanoTime() number Server-side scripts Returns the amount of time

elapsed from an arbitrary fixed
point, in nanoseconds.

util.each(iterable, Object or Client and server- Iterates over each member in an

callback) Array side scripts Object or Array.

util.extend(receiver, Object Client and server- Copies the properties in a source

contributor) side scripts object to a destination object.

N/util Module Script Sample

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

require(['N/record'], function(record){

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/util Module 1096

// Create a sales order

var rec = record.create({

// Set up an object containing an item's internal id and the corresponding quantity

var itemList = {
39: 5,
38: 1

// Iterate through the object and set the key-value pairs on the record
util.each(itemList, function(quantity, itemId){ // (5, 39) and (1, 38)
// log.debug(rec) //Shows the JSON representation of the current values in a record object
var id =;

Warning: This script sample includes hard-coded values for the purpose of illustration. To run
this sample in the SuiteScript debugger, you must replace these hard-coded values with values
from records in your account. For information about debugging, see the help topic Using the
SuiteScript Debugger.

Method Description Returns true if the obj parameter is a JavaScript Array object and false otherwise.

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/util Module

Global object util Object

Since 2016.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

obj Object | Primitive Required Object for which you want to verify 2016.1
the type.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/util Module 1097


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a full script sample, see N/util Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var records = ["Sales Order", "Invoice", "Item Fulfillment"];
util.isArray(records); // returns true

var record = "Sales Order";

util.isArray(record); // returns false
//Add additional code

Method Description Returns true if the obj parameter is a boolean and false otherwise.

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/util Module

Since 2016.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

obj Object | Primitive Required Object for which you want to verify 2016.1
the type.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a full script sample, see N/util Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var flag = true;
util.isBoolean(flag); // returns true
util.Boolean(true); // returns true

util.Boolean(1); // returns false

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/util Module 1098

Method Description Returns true if the obj parameter is a JavaScript Date object and false otherwise.

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/util Module

Since 2016.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

obj Object | Primitive Required Object for which you want to verify 2016.1
the type.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a full script sample, see N/util Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var todaysDate = new Date();
util.isDate(todaysDate); // returns true
util.isDate(new Date()); // returns true

var today = "September 28, 2015";

util.isDate(today); // returns false
//Add additional code

Method Description Returns true if the obj parameter is a JavaScript Function object and false

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/util Module

Since 2016.1

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/util Module 1099


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

obj Object | Primitive Required Object for which you want to verify 2016.1
the type.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a full script sample, see N/util Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

function test() {};
var test2 = function() {};

util.isFunction(test); // returns true

util.isFunction(test2); // returns true
//Add additional code

Method Description Returns true if the obj parameter is a JavaScript Number object or primitive, and
false otherwise.

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/util Module

Since 2016.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

obj Object | Primitive Required Object for which you want to verify 2016.1
the type.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a full script sample, see N/util Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

util.isNumber(112); // returns true
util.isNumber("112"); // returns false

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/util Module 1100

util.isNumber(NaN); // returns true

var testNum = 112;

util.isNumber(testNum.valueOf()); // returns true
//Add additional code

Method Description Returns true if the obj parameter is a plain JavaScript object(new Object() or {} for
example), and false otherwise.

Use this method, for example, to verify that a variable is a JavaScript object and
not a JavaScript Function.

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/util Module

Since 2016.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

obj Object | Primitive Required Object for which you want to verify 2016.1
the type.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a full script sample, see N/util Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

util.isObject({}); // returns true
util.isObject(function() {}); // returns false
//Add additional code

Method Description Returns true if the obj parameter is a JavaScript RegExp object, and false

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/util Module 1101

Governance None

Module N/util Module

Since 2016.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

obj Object | Primitive Required Object for which you want to verify 2016.1
the type.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a full script sample, see N/util Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

util.isRegExp(/this is a regexp/); // returns true
util.isRegExp(new RegExp('this is another regexp')); // returns true
//Add additional code

Method Description Returns true if the obj parameter is a JavaScript String object or primitive, and
false otherwise

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/util Module

Since 2016.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

obj Object | Primitive Required Object for which you want to verify 2016.1
the type.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a full script sample, see N/util Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/util Module 1102

util.isString(''); // returns true

util.isString('a string'); // returns true

var myString = new String('another string');

util.isString(myString); // returns true

util.isString(null); // returns false

//Add additional code

Method Description Returns the current time (epoch) in nanoseconds.

You can use this method to measure elapsed time between two events.

Returns string

Supported Script Types Server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/util Module

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. It demonstrates how to calculate the number of nanoseconds between two
calls to util.nanoTime(). For a full script sample, see N/util Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var startTime = util.nanoTime();
var elapsedTime = util.nanoTime() - startTime;
//Add additional code

util.each(iterable, callback)
Method Description Iterates over each member in an Object or Array.

This method calls the callback function on each member of the iterable.

Returns The original collection as an Object | Array

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/util Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/util Module 1103

Since 2016.1


Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

iterable Object | Array Required The data collection to iterate on 2016.1

callback Function Required Takes the custom logic that you want to 2016.1
execute on each member of your collection
of data.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a full script sample, see N/util Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

// Iterate through the object and set the key-value pairs on the record
util.each(itemList, function(quantity, itemId){
//Add additional code

util.extend(receiver, contributor)
Method Description Method used to copy the properties in a source object to a destination object.
Returns the destination object.

You can use this method to merge two objects.

Returns The Object receiving the properties copied from the contributor

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/util Module

Since 2016.1


Important: The following code snippets shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a full script sample, see N/util Module Script Sample.

This snippet shows combining two objects without the same keys:

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/util Module 1104

var colors = {};
var firstSet = {'color1':'red',
var secondSet = {'color4':'green',

// Extends colors object with the information in firstSet

// Colors will get {'color1':'red','color2':'yellow','color3':'blue'}
util.extend(colors, firstSet);

// Extends colors object with the information in secondSet

// Colors will get
util.extend(colors, secondSet);
//Add additional code

The following snippet shows overriding two objects with a few similar keys:

//Add additional code

var colors = {};
var firstSet = {'color1':'red',
var secondSet = {'color2':'green',

// Extends colors object with the information in firstSet

// Colors will get {'color1':'red','color2':'yellow','color3':'blue'}
util.extend(colors, firstSet);

// Extends colors object with the information in secondSet and overrides the value if there are similar keys
// Colors will get {'color1':'red','color2':'green','color3':'orange','color4':'violet'}
util.extend(colors, secondSet);

var x = 0;
//Add additional code

N/workflow Module
This module loads the workflow module to initiate new workflow instances or trigger existing workflow

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/workflow Module 1105

■ N/workflow Module Members

■ N/workflow Module Script Sample

N/workflow Module Members

Member Type Name Return Supported Script Description

Type / Value Types

Method workflow.â##initiateâ##(options)
number Server-side scripts Initiates a workflow on-demand.
This method is the programmatic
equivalent of the Initiate Workflow
Action action in SuiteFlow.

Returns the internal ID (number) of

the workflow instance used to track
the workflow against the record.

number Server-side scripts Triggers a workflow on a record.
The actions and transitions of the
workflow are evaluated for the record
in the workflow instance, based on
the current state for the workflow

Returns the internal ID (number) of

the workflow instance used to track
the workflow against the record.

N/workflow Module Script Sample

The following example searches for a specific workflow deployed on the customer record and then
executes it.
This sample script uses the require function so that you can copy it into the debugger and test it.
Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the script you attach
to a script record). For additional information, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Script Basics and
SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.
For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

Important: This script sample uses placeholder values for the customer recordId and
workflowId. Before using this sample, replace these IDs with valid values from your NetSuite
account. If you run a script with an invalid value, the system may throw an error.

*@NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/workflow', 'N/search', 'N/error', 'N/record'],
function(workflow, search, error, record) {
function initiateWorkflow() {
var workflowInstanceId = workflow.initiate({
recordType: 'customer',
recordId: 24,
workflowId: 'customworkflow_myWorkFlow'
var customerRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.CUSTOMER,

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/workflow Module 1106

id: 24

Method Description Initiates a workflow on-demand. This method is the programmatic equivalent of
the Initiate Workflow Action action in SuiteFlow.

Returns the internal ID of the workflow instance used to track the workflow
against the record.

Returns number

Supported Script Types All server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types

Governance 20 usage units

Module N/workflow Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.recordType number required The record type ID of the workflow base 2015.2
record. For example, use 'customer',
'salesorder', or 'lead'. This is the Record Type
field on the Workflow Definition Page.

options.recordId string | required The internal ID of the base record 2015.2


options.workflowId string | required The internal ID (number) or script ID (string) 2015.2

number for the workflow definition. This is the ID
field on the Workflow Definition Page.

options.â##defaultValues optional The object that contains key/value pairs to 2015.2
set default values on fields specific to the

These can include fields on the Workflow

Definition Page or workflow and state
Workflow Custom Fields.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/workflow Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/workflow Module 1107

var workflowInstanceId = workflow.initiate({
recordType: 'customer',
recordId: 24,
workflowId: 'customworkflow_myWorkFlow'
//Add additional code


Method Description Triggers a workflow on a record. The actions and transitions of the workflow are
evaluated for the record in the workflow instance, based on the current state for the
workflow instance.

Returns the internal ID of the workflow instance used to track the workflow against
the record.

Returns number

Supported Script Types All server-side scripts

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types

Governance 20 usage units

Module N/workflow Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.recordType number required The record type ID of the workflow base 2015.2
record. For example, use 'customer',
'salesorder', or 'lead'. This is the Record
Type field on the Workflow Definition Page.

options.recordId string | required The internal ID of the base record 2015.2


options.workflowId string | required The internal ID (number) or script ID (string) 2015.2

number for the workflow definition. This is the ID
field on the Workflow Definition Page.

string | optional
options.â##workflowâ##Instanceâ##Id The internal ID of the workflow instance. 2015.2

options.actionId string | optional The internal ID of a button that appears on 2015.2

number the record in the workflow.

Use this parameter to trigger the workflow

as if the specified button were clicked.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/workflow Module 1108

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.stateId string | optional The internal ID (number) or script ID (string) 2015.2

number of the workflow instance.


Important: The following code snippet shows the syntax for this member. It is not a
functional example. For a complete script example, see N/workflow Module Script Sample.

//Add additional code

var workflowInstanceId = workflow.trigger({
recordType: 'salesorder',
recordId: 1234,
workflowId: 'custworkflow_name',
defaultValues: p
actionId: workflowaction25
//Add additional code

N/xml Module
Load the xml module to validate, parse, read, and modify XML documents.

■ N/xml Module Members

■ Parser Object Members
■ XPath Object Members
■ Node Object Members
■ Document Object Members
■ Element Object Members
■ Attr Object Members
■ N/xml Module Script Samples

N/xml Module Members

Member Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Type Value Type Types

Object xml.Parser Object Client and Encapsulates the functionality used by

server-side NetSuite to parse XML.

xml.XPath Object Client and Encapsulates the functionality used by

server-side NetSuite to run XPath expressions.
XPath is a standard for enumerating
paths in an XML document collection.

xml.Node Object Client and Represents a generic XML node in

server-side an XML document. A node can be a
scripts Document, Element, or Attribute.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1109

Member Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Type Value Type Types

xml.Document Object Client and Represents an entire XML document.

server-side The XML DOM presents a document
scripts as a hierarchy of node objects. Use
the methods and properties available
to the xml.Document object to
manipulate the XML document and the
nodes in the document tree.

xml.Element Object Client and Represents an element in an XML

server-side document. Elements may contain
scripts attributes, other elements, or text.
If an element contains text, the text
is represented in a text node of type

xml.Attr Object Client and Represents an attribute node of an

server-side xml.Element object.

Method xml.escape(options) string Client and Prepares a string for use in XML
server-side by escaping XML markup, such as
scripts angle brackets, quotation marks, and

void Server-side Validates an XML document against an
scripts XML Schema (XSD).

Enum xml.NodeType string (read- Client and Enumeration that holds the string
only) server-side values for the supported node types.
scripts The Node.nodeType property is
defined by one of the values in this

Parser Object Members

The following members are called on the xml.Parser object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Value Supported Script Description

Type Types

Method Parser.â##fromStringâ##(options)
xml.Document Client and server- Parses a string into a W3C
side scripts XML document object.

string Client and server- Converts (serializes) an
side scripts xml.Document object into
a string.

XPath Object Members

The following members are called on the xml.XPath object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method xml.Node[] Client and server- Selects an array of nodes

side scripts from an XML document using
an XPath expression.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1110

Node Object Members

The following members are called on the xml.Node object.

Member Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Type Value Type Types

Method Node.â##appendChildâ##(options)
xml.Node Client and server- Appends a node after the last
side scripts child node of a specific element
node. Returns the new child

xml.Node Client and server- Creates a copy of a node. Returns
side scripts the copied node.

number Client and server- Returns a number that reflects
side scripts where two nodes are located,
compared to each other.

Node.hasAttributes() boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if the current node
false side scripts has child nodes or returns false
if the current node does not have
child nodes.

Node.hasChildNodes() boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if the current node
false side scripts has any attributes. Note that
only element nodes can have

xml.Node Client and server- Inserts a new child node before
side scripts an existing child node for the
current node.

boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if the  specified
false side scripts namespace uniform resource
identifier (URI) is the default
namespace for the current node
or returns false if the specified
namespace is not the default

boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if two nodes are
false side scripts equal or returns false if two
nodes are not equal.

boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if two nodes
false side scripts reference the same object or
returns false if two nodes do
not reference the same object.

string Client and server- Returns the namespace uniform
side scripts resource identifier (URI) that
matches the specified namespace

string Client and server- Returns the namespace prefix
side scripts associated with the specified
namespace uniform resource
identifier (URI).

Node.normalize() void Client and server- Puts all text nodes underneath a
side scripts node, including attribute nodes,
into a normal form.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1111

Member Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Type Value Type Types

xml.Node Client and server- Removes the specified child node.
side scripts Returns the removed child node.

xml.Node Client and server- Replaces a specific child node
side scripts with another child node in a list of
child nodes.

Property Node.attributes Object (read-only) Client and server- Key-value pairs for all attributes
side scripts for an xml.Element node. Returns
null for all other node types.

Node.baseURI string (read-only) Client and server- Absolute base uniform resource
side scripts identifier (URI) of a node or null
if the URI cannot be determined.

Node.childNodes xml.Node[] (read- Client and server- Array of all child nodes of a node
only) side scripts or an empty array if there are no
child nodes.

Node.firstChild xml.Node (read- Client and server- First child node for a specific
only) side scripts node or null if there are no child

Node.lastChild xml.Node (read- Client and server- Last child node for a specific node
only) side scripts or null if there is no last child

Node.localName string (read-only) Client and server- The local part of the qualified
side scripts name of a node.

Node.namespaceURI string (read-only) Client and server- The namespace uniform resource
side scripts identifier (URI) of a node or null
if there is no namespace URI for
the node.

Node.nextSibling xml.Node (read- Client and server- The next node in a node list or
only) side scripts null if the current node is the
last node.

Node.nodeName string (read-only) Client and server- Name of a node, depending on

side scripts the type. For example, for a node
of type xml.Element, the name is
the name of the element.

Node.nodeType string Client and server- The type of node defined as a

side scripts value from the xml.NodeType

Node.nodeValue string Client and server- The value of a node, depending

side scripts on its type.

Node.ownerDocument xml.Document Client and server- The root element for a node as a
(read-only) side scripts xml.Document object.

Node.parentNode xml.Node (read- Client and server- The parent node of a node.
only) side scripts

Node.prefix string Client and server- The namespace prefix of the

side scripts node, or null if the node does
not have a namespace.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1112

Member Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Type Value Type Types

Node.previousSibling xml.Node (read- Client and server- The previous node in a node list
only) side scripts or null if the current node is the
first node.

Node.textContent string Client and server- The textual content of a node and
side scripts its descendants.

Document Object Members

Note: In addition to the Document object members, Document objects inherit the members
of the Node object. The methods and properties associated with a Node object can be used as
members of a Document object. For more information, see Node Object Members.

The following members are called on the xml.Document object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Document.â##adoptNodeâ##(options)
xml.Node Client and server- Attempts to adopt a node from
side scripts another document to this document.

xml.Attr Client and server- Creates an attribute node of type
side scripts ATTRIBUTE_NODE with the optional
specified value.

xml.Attr Client and server- Creates an attribute node of type
side scripts ATTRIBUTE_NODE, with the specified
namespace value and optional
specified value.

xml.Node Client and server- Creates a CDATA section node of
side scripts type DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE
with the specified data.

xml.Node Client and server- Creates a Comment node of type
side scripts COMMENT_NODE with the specified

xml.Node Client and server- Creates a node of type

xml.Element Client and server- Creates a new node of type
side scripts ELEMENT_NODE with the specified

xml.Element Client and server- Creates a new node of type
side scripts ELEMENT_NODE with the specified
namespace URI and name.

xml.Node Client and server- Creates a new node of type
with the specified target and data.

xml.Node Client and server- Creates a new node of type
side scripts TEXT_NODE.

xml.Element Client and server- Returns the element that has an ID
side scripts attribute with the specified value as
an xml.Element object.

xml.Element[] Client and server- Returns an array of xml.Element
side scripts objects with a specific tag name, in

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1113

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types
the order in which they appear in the
XML document.

xml.Element[] Client and server- Returns an array of xml.Element
side scripts objects with a specific tag name and
namespace, in the order in which
they appear in the XML document.

xml.Node Client and server- Imports a node from another
side scripts document to this document. Creates
a new copy of the source node.

Property Document.doctype Object (read- Client and server- Returns a node of type
only) side scripts DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE that
represents the doctype of the XML

xml.Element Client and server- Root node of the XML document.
(read-only) side scripts

Document.documentURI string (read- Client and server- Location of the document or null if
only) side scripts undefined.

Document.inputEncoding string (read- Client and server- Encoding used for an XML document
only) side scripts at the time the document was

Document.xmlEncoding string (read- Client and server- Part of the XML declaration, the XML
only) side scripts encoding of the XML document.

Document.â##xmlStandaloneboolean true | Client and server- Part of the XML declaration, returns
false side scripts true if the current XML document is
standalone or returns false if it is

Document.xmlVersion string Client and server- Part of the XML declaration,

side scripts the version number of the XML

Element Object Members

Note: In addition to the Element object members, Element objects inherit the members of
the Node object. The methods and properties associated with a Node object can be used as
members of a Element object. For more information, see Node Object Members.

The following members are called on the xml.Element object.

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Method Element.â##getAttributeâ##(options)
string Client and server- Returns the value of the specified
side scripts attribute.

xml.Attr Client and server- Retrieves an attribute node by name.
side scripts

string Client and server- Returns an attribute node with the
side scripts specified namespace URI and local

xml.Attr Client and server- Returns an attribute value with the
side scripts specified namespace URI and local

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1114

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

xml.Element[] Client and server- Returns an array of descendant
side scripts xml.Element objects with a specific tag
name, in the order in which they appear
in the XML document.

xml.Element[] Client and server- Returns an array of descendant
side scripts xml.Element objects with a specific tag
name and namespace, in the order in
which they appear in the XML document.

boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if the current element has
false side scripts an attribute with the specified name
or if that attribute has a default value.
Otherwise, returns false.

boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if the current element
false side scripts has an attribute with the specified local
name and namespace or if that attribute
has a default value. Otherwise, returns

void Client and server- Removes the attribute with the specified
side scripts name.

xml.Attr Client and server- Removes the attribute specified as a
side scripts xml.Attr object.

void Client and server- Removes the attribute with the specified
side scripts namespace URI and local name.

void Client and server- Adds a new attribute with the specified
side scripts name. If an attribute with that name
is already present in the element, its
value is changed to the value specified in
method argument.

xml.Attr Client and server- Adds the specified attribute node. If an
side scripts attribute with the same name is already
present in the element, it is replaced by
the new one.

xml.Attr Client and server- Adds the specified attribute node. If an
side scripts attribute with the same local name and
namespace URI is already present in the
element, it is replaced by the new one.

void Client and server- Adds a new attribute with the specified
side scripts name and namespace URI. If an attribute
with the same name and namespace
URI is already present in the element, its
value is changed to the value specified in
method argument.

Property Element.tagName string (read- Client and server- The tag name of this xml.Element object.
only) side scripts

Attr Object Members

The following members are called on the xml.Attr object.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1115

Member Type Name Return Type / Supported Script Description

Value Type Types

Property string (read-only) Client and server- The name of an attribute.
side scripts
Attr.ownerElement xml.Element Client and server- The xml.Element object that is the
(read-only) side scripts parent of the xml.Attr object.
Attr.specified boolean true | Client and server- Returns true if the attribute value
false side scripts is set in the parsed XML document,
and false if it is a default value in
a DTD or Schema.
Attr.value string Client and server- Value of an attribute. The value
side scripts of the attribute is returned as
a string. Character and general
entity references are replaced with
their values.

N/xml Module Script Samples

These samples use the require function, so that you can copy each script into the debugger and
test it. Keep in mind that you must use the define function in your entry point script (the script you
attach to a script record). For more information, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Script Basics and
SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

For help with writing scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.0 Hello World and
SuiteScript 2.0 Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

The N/xml module sample references the following XML file, BookSample.xml:

<bookstore xmlns:b="">
<b:book category="cooking">
<b:title lang="en">Everyday Italian</b:title>
<b:author>Giada De Laurentiis</b:author>
<b:book category="children">
<b:title lang="en">Harry Potter</b:title>
<b:author>J K. Rowling</b:author>
<b:book category="web">
<b:title lang="en">XQuery Kick Start</b:title>
<b:author>James McGovern</b:author>
<b:author>Per Bothner</b:author>
<b:author>Kurt Cagle</b:author>
<b:author>James Linn</b:author>
<b:author>Vaidyanathan Nagarajan</b:author>
<b:book category="web" cover="paperback">
<b:title lang="en">Learning XML</b:title>
<b:author>Erik T. Ray</b:author>

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1116


The following Suitelet example loads an XML file from the file cabinet, iterates through the individual
book nodes, and accesses the child node values using two common methods: (through firstChild/
nextSibling/etc and through getElementsByTagName)

* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NScriptType Suitelet
require([ 'N/xml', 'N/file' ],
function(xml, file) {
return {
onRequest : function(options) {
var sentence = '';
var xmlFileContent = file.load('SuiteScripts/BookSample.xml').getContents();
var xmlDocument = xml.Parser.fromString({
text : xmlFileContent
var bookNode ={
node : xmlDocument,
xpath : '//book'

for (var i = 0; i < bookNode.length; i++) {

var title = bookNode[i].firstChild.nextSibling.textContent;
var author = bookNode[i].getElementsByTagName({
tagName : 'b:author'
sentence += 'Author: ' + author + ' wrote ' + title + '.\n';

The following output is produced from the sample code when used with the BookSample.xml

Author: Giada De Laurentiis wrote Everyday Italian.

Author: J K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter.
Author: James McGovern wrote XQuery Kick Start.
Author: Erik T. Ray wrote Learning XML.

In the following example, the XML parser parses the XML string stored in the xmlString variable.
Then, the script selects all config elements in the xmlDocument node, loops through them and logs
their content.

* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NScriptType Suitelet

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1117

require(['N/xml'], function(xml) {
var xmlString = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><config date="1465467658668" transient="false">Some content</

var xmlDocument = xml.Parser.fromString({

text : xmlString

var bookNode ={

node : xmlDocument,
xpath : '//config'

var i;
for (i = 0; i < bookNode.length; i++) {
log.debug('Config content', bookNode[i].textContent);

The following example modifies an XML file.

var bookShelf = xml.Parser.fromString(file.load('SuiteScripts/books.xml').getContents());

var newBookNode = xmlData.createElement("book");

var newTitleNode = xmlData.createElement("title");
var newTitleNodeValue = xmlData.createTextNode("");
var newAuthorNode = xmlData.createElement("author");
var newAuthorNodeValue = xmlData.createTextNode("");

var newbook = bookShelf.appendChild({

newChild : newBookNode

Object Description Encapsulates the functionality used by NetSuite to parse an XML document.

For a complete list of this object’s methods, see Parser Object Members.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1118

var parserObj = xml.Parser;
//Add additional code


Method Description Parses a String into a W3C XML document object. This API is useful if you want to navigate/
query a structured XML document more effectively using either the Document API or
NetSuite built-in XPath functions.

Note: You can also use this method to validate your XML. If you pass a
malformed string in as the options.text argument, Parser.fromString
returns an SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION error.

Returns xml.Document

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.text string Required String being converted to an xml.Document.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION The input XML string is malformed.


//Add additional code

var xmlDocument = xml.Parser.fromString({
text : xmlStringContent
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1119


Method Description Converts (serializes) an xml.Document object into a string. This API is useful, for
example, if you want to serialize and store an xml.Document in a custom field.

Returns string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.document xml.Document Required XML document being serialized.


//Add additional code

var xmlStringContent = xml.Parser.toString({
document : xmlDocument
//Add additional code

Object Description Encapsulates the functionality to run XPath expressions.

For a complete list of this object’s methods, see XPath Object Members.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var xpath = xml.XPath;
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1120

Method Description Selects an array of nodes from an XML that match an XPath expression.

Returns xml.Node[]

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.node xml.Node Required XML node being queried.

options.xpath string Required XPath expression used to query node.


//Add additional code

var bookNode ={
node : xmlDocument,
xpath : '//book'
//Add additional code

Object Description Represents a single node in an XML document tree. The XML DOM presents a
document as a hierarchy of node objects. See the xml.NodeType enum for a list of
possible node types.

You can use this object to work with a child node, or nested nodes.

NetSuite supports a subset of W3C DOM methods. For a complete list of this object’s
methods and properties, see Node Object Members.

For other code snippets that use this object, see the syntax sample that follows, as well
as Node.childNodes and N/xml Module Script Samples.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1121


//Add additional code

var bookNode ={
node : xmlDocument,
xpath : '//book'
//Add additional code


Method Description Appends a node after the last child node of a specific element node. Returns the
new child node.

Returns xml.Node

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.newChild xml.Node Required xml.Node object to append.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: An attempt was made to Node cannot be

insert a node where it is not permitted. appended.


//Add additional code

var bookShelf = xml.Parser.fromString(file.load('SuiteScripts/books.xml').getContents());

var newBookNode = xmlData.createElement("book");

var newTitleNode = xmlData.createElement("title");
var newTitleNodeValue = xmlData.createTextNode("");
var newAuthorNode = xmlData.createElement("author");
var newAuthorNodeValue = xmlData.createTextNode("");

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1122


var newbook = bookShelf.appendChild({

newChild : newBookNode
//Add additional code


Method Description Creates a copy of a node. Returns the copied node.

Returns xml.Node

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.deep boolean true | Optional Use true to clone the node, attributes, and all
false descendents. Use false to only clone the node and


//Add additional code

var copiednode = elem[0].cloneNode({
deep : true
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns a number that reflects where two nodes are located, compared to each other.
Returns one of the following numbers:

■ 1. The two nodes do not belong to the same document.

■ 2. The specified node comes before the current node.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1123

■ 4. The specified node comes after the current node.

■ 8. The specified node contains the current node.
■ 16. The current node contains the specified node.
■ 32. The specified and current nodes do not have a common container node or the two
nodes are different attributes of the same node.

Note: The return value can be a combination of the above values. For example,
a return value of 20 means the specified node is contained by the current node, a
value of 16, and the specified node follows the current node, a value of 4.

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Returns number

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.other xml.Node Required The node to compare with the current node.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION Invalid argument type, expected The options.other is of type xml.Node.

xml.Node or subclass: other


//Add additional code

var posCode = elem[0].compareDocumentPosition({
other : parentNode[0]
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns true if the current node has attributes defined, or false otherwise.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1124

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var hasAttributes = parentNode[0].hasAttributes()
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns true if the current node has child nodes or returns false if the current
node does not have child nodes.

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var hasChildren = parentNode[0].hasChildNodes()
//Add additional code


Method Description Inserts a new child node before an existing child node for the current node.

If the new child node is already in the list of children, this method removes the
new child node and inserts it again.

Returns xml.Node

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1125

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.newChild xml.Node Required The new child node to insert.

options.refChild xml.Node Required The node before which to insert the new child node.

If refChild is , the method inserts the new node at the

end of the list of children.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: An attempt was made to Node cannot be inserted.

insert a node where it is not permitted.


//Add additional code

var insertednode = parentNode[0].insertBefore({
newChild : elemlist1[0],
refChild : elemlist2[0]
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns true if the  specified namespace uniform resource identifier (URI) is the default
namespace for the current node or returns false if the specified namespace is not the
default namespace.

See also Node.namespaceURI.

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1126

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.namespaceURI string Required The namespace URI to compare.


//Add additional code

var isDefault = parentNode[0].isDefaultNamespace({
namespaceURI : '*'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns true if two nodes are equal or returns false if two nodes are not equal.

The two nodes are equal if they meet the following conditions:

■ Both nodes have the same type.

■ Both nodes have the same attributes and attribute values. The order of the
attributes is not considered.
■ Both nodes have equal lists of child nodes and the child nodes appear in the same

Note: Two nodes may be equal, even if they are not the same. See

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1127


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.other xml.Node Required The node to compare with the current node.


//Add additional code

var isEqual = elem[0].isEqualNode({
other : node
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns true if two nodes reference the same object or returns false if two nodes do
not reference the same object.

If two nodes are the same, all attributes have the same values and you can use
methods on the two nodes interchangeably.

Note: Two nodes that are the same are also equal. See

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer or Firefox.

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.other xml.Node Required The node to compare with the current node.


//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1128

var isSame = elem[0].isSameNode({
other : node
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns the namespace uniform resource identifier (URI) that matches the
specified namespace prefix.

Returns null if the specified prefix does not have an associated URI.

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Returns string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.prefix string Required Namespace prefix associated with the namespace URI.


//Add additional code

var uri = parentNode[0].lookupNamespaceURI({
prefix : '*'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns the namespace prefix associated with the specified namespace uniform
resource identifier (URI).

Returns null if the specified URI does not have an associated prefix. If more than one
prefix is associated with the namespace prefix, the namespace returned by this method
depends on the module implementation.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1129

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Returns string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

 options.namespaceURI string Required Namespace URI associated the namespace prefix.


//Add additional code

var prefix = parentNode[0].lookupPrefix({
namespaceURI : '*'
//Add additional code


Method Description Puts all text nodes underneath a node, including attribute nodes, into a normal form. In
normal form, only structure (such as elements, comments, processing instructions, CDATA
sections, and entity references) separates text nodes. After normalization, there are no
adjacent or empty text nodes.

Use this method if you require a particular document tree structure and want to make
sure that the XML DOM view of a document is identical when you save and reload it.

Returns void

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1130

//Add additional code


Method Description Removes the specified child node.

Returns xml.Node

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.oldChild xml.Node Required Node to remove.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION NOT_FOUND_ERR: An attempt is made to reference Node cannot be removed.

a node in a context where it does not exist.


//Add additional code

var removednode = parentNode[0].removeChild({
oldChild : node
//Add additional code


Method Description Replaces a specific child node with another child node in a list of child nodes.

If the new child node to add already exists in the list of child nodes, the node is
first removed.

Returns xml.Node

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1131

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.newChild xml.Node Required New child node to add.

options.oldChild xml.Node Required Child node to replaced with the new node.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION NOT_FOUND_ERR: An attempt is made to reference a Child node cannot be

node in a context where it does not exist. found.

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: An attempt was made to Child node cannot be

insert a node where it is not permitted. replaced.


//Add additional code

var replacednode = parentNode.replaceChild({
newChild : elem[2],
oldChild : elem[1]
//Add additional code


Property Description Key-value pairs for all attributes for an xml.Element node. Returns null for all
other node types.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1132


//Add additional code

var attribs = elem[0].attributes;
//Add additional code


Property Description Absolute base uniform resource identifier (URI) of a node or null if the URI cannot
be determined.

For client scripts, this property always returns null.

Note: The format of this value is browser-specific.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var baseuri = parentNode[0].baseURI;
//Add additional code


Property Description Array of all child nodes of a node or an empty array if there are no child nodes.

Type xml.Node[]

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var childnodes = parentNode[0].childNodes;

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1133

//Add additional code


Property Description The first child node of a node, or null if there are no child nodes.

Type xml.Node

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var nodeValue1 = bookNode[0].firstChild.nextSibling.textContent;
//Add additional code


Property Description The last child node of a node, or null if there are no child nodes.

Type xml.Node

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var nodeValue = parentNode[0].lastChild.previousSibling.textContent;
//Add additional code


Property Description The local part of the qualified name of a node.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1134

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var localname = parentNode[0].localName;
//Add additional code


Property Description The namespace uniform resource identifier (URI) of a node or null if there is no
namespace URI for the node.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var uri = parentNode[0].namespaceURI;
//Add additional code


Property Description The next node in a node list or null if the current node is the last node.

Type xml.Node (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1135

var nodeName = parentNode[0].firstChild.nextSibling.textContent;
//Add additional code


Property Description Name of a node, depending on the type. For example, for a node of type
xml.Element, the name is the name of the element.

Note: On Chrome, this property also includes the namespace or prefix.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var nodeName = parentNode[0].firstChild.nodeName;
//Add additional code


Property Description The type of node as an enum.

For all possible values of this property, see xml.NodeType.

Type xml.NodeType

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var nodeType = parentNode[0].firstChild.nodeType;
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1136


Property Description The value of a node, depending on its type. If the value is null, setting this value
has no effect.

Type string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var nodeValue = parentNode[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
//Add additional code


Property Description The root element for a node as a xml.Document object. Use this object to create new
nodes with Document.createElement(options) or Document.createElementNS(options).

Type xml.Document

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var doc = parentNode[0].ownerDocument;
//Add additional code


Property Description The parent node of a node. All node types, except xml.Attr, xml.Document,
DocumentFragment, Entity, and Notation can have a parent node.

See xml.NodeType for possible node types.

Type xml.Node

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1137

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code ...

var nodevalue = parentNode[0].lastChild.parentNode.textContent;
//Add additional code


Property Description The namespace prefix of the node, or null if the node does not have a namespace.
If the value is null, setting it has no effect, including read-only node types.

Type string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION NAMESPACE_ERR: An attempt is made to create or Cannot edit the node

change an object in a way which is incorrect with prefix.
regard to namespaces.


//Add additional code

var namespacePrefix = parentNode[0].firstChild.prefix;
//Add additional code


Property Description The previous node in a node list or null if the current node is the first node.

Type xml.Node

Supported Script Types All script types

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1138

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var nodeValue = parentNode[0].lastChild.previousSibling.textContent;
//Add additional code


Property Description The textual content of a node and its descendants. If the value is null, then setting it
has no effect. If you set this value, any child nodes are removed and replaced by a single
text node with this string as a value.

Type string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var nodeValue = parentNode[0].firstChild.textContent;
//Add additional code

Object Description Represents an entire XML document. The XML DOM presents a document as a hierarchy
of node objects. Use the methods and properties available to the xml.Document object to
manipulate the XML document and the nodes in the document tree.

For a list of this object’s methods and properties, see Document Object Members.

An XML document object is also a node of type DOCUMENT_NODE. In addition to the

Document object members, Document objects inherit the members of the Node object.
For a complete list of these methods and properties, see Node Object Members.

Supported Script All script types


Supported Script All script types


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1139

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var xmlDocument = xml.Parser.fromString({
text : xmlFileContent
//Add additional code


Method Description Attempts to adopt a node from another document to this document.

If successful, this method changes the Node.ownerDocument property of the source

node, its children, and any attribute nodes to the current document. If the source node
has a parent node, the parent node is first removed from the child list of its own parent

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Returns xml.Node

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.source xml.Node Required Source node to add as a child into the current node


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION NOT_FOUND_ERR: An attempt is made to reference Node cannot be adopted.

a node in a context where it does not exist.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1140


//Add additional code

var adoptedNode = xmlDocument1.adoptNode({
source : sourceNode,
//Add additional code


Method Description Creates an attribute node of type ATTRIBUTE_NODE with the optional specified
value and returns the new xml.Attr object.

The localName, prefix, and namespaceURI properties of the new node are set to

Returns xml.Attr

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string Required Name of the new attribute node.

options.value string Optional Value for the attribute node. If unspecified, the value is an
empty string.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: An invalid or illegal Attribute with the spcified name

XML character is specified. or value cannot be created.


//Add additional code

var attr = xmlDocument.createAttribute({
name : 'lang',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1141

value : 'fr'
//Add additional code


Method Description Creates an attribute node of type ATTRIBUTE_NODE, with the specified namespace
value and optional specified value, and returns the new xml.Attr object.

The Node.localName, Node.prefix, and Node.namespaceURI properties of the new

node are set to null.

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Returns xml.Attr

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.namespaceURI string Required Namespace URI of the attribute to create. Value can
be null.

options.qualifiedName string Required Qualified name of the new attribute node.

options.value string Optional Value for the attribute node. If unspecified, the value
is an empty string.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: An invalid or illegal Attribute with the specified value

XML character is specified. cannot be created.


//Add additional code

var attr = xmlDocument.createAttributeNS({
namespaceURI : '*',

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1142

qualifiedName : 'lang',
value : 'fr'
//Add additional code


Method Description Creates a CDATA section node of type DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE with the
specified data and returns the new xml.Node object.

Returns xml.Node

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string Required Data for the new CDATA section node.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION Invalid argument type, expected Cannot create CDATA section node with the
string: data specified data.


//Add additional code

var newNode = xmlDocument.createCDATASection({
data : 'Limited Edition.'
//Add additional code


Method Description Creates a Comment node of type COMMENT_NODE with the specified string.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1143

Returns xml.Node

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string Required Data for the Comment node.


//Add additional code

var newNode = xmlDocument.createComment({
data : 'This is a comment.'
//Add additional code


Method Description Creates a node of type DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE and returns the new
xml.Node object.

Returns xml.Node

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var newNode = xmlDocument.createDocumentFragment();
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1144


Method Description Creates a new node of type ELEMENT_NODE with the specified name and returns
the new xml.Element node.

The Node.localName, Node.prefix, and Node.namespaceURI properties of the

new node are set to null.

Returns xml.Element

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.tagName string Required Name of the element to create.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: An invalid or illegal Element cannot be created with

XML character is specified. the specified tagName value.


//Add additional code

var elem = xmlDocument.createElement({
tagName : 'book'
//Add additional code


Method Description Creates a new node of type ELEMENT_NODE with the specified namespace URI and
name and returns the new xml.Element object.

The Node.localName, Node.prefix, and Node.namespaceURI properties of the new

node are set to null.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1145

Returns xml.Element

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.namespaceURI string Required Namespace URI of the element to create. Can be


options.qualifiedName string Required Qualified name of the element to create.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: An invalid or illegal Element with the specified

XML character is specified. namespace cannot be created.


//Add additional code

var elem = xmlDocument.createElementNS({
namespaceURI : '*',
qualifiedName : 'book'
//Add additional code


Method Description Creates a new node of type PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE with the specified
target and data and returns the new xml.Node object.

The following example shows a sample processing instruction:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Use a processing instruction node to keep processor-specific information in the text of

the XML document.

Returns xml.Node

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1146

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string Required Target part of the processing instruction. string Required Data for the processing instruction.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: An invalid or Processing instruction node cannot

illegal XML character is specified. be created with the specified target
or data.


//Add additional code

var newNode = xmlDocument.createProcessingInstruction({
target : 'xml'
data : 'version="1.0"'
//Add additional code


Method Description Creates a new text node and returns the new xml.Node object.

Returns xml.Node

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1147


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string Required Data for the text node.


//Add additional code

var newNode = xmlDocument.createTextNode({
data : 'Sample Title'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns the element that has an ID attribute with the specified value as an
xml.Element object. Returns null if no such element exists.

Returns xml.Element

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.elementId string Required Unique ID value for an element.


//Add additional code

var elem = xmlDocument.getElementById({
elementId : 'id12345'
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1148


Method Description Returns an array of xml.Element objects with a specific tag name, in the order in
which they appear in the XML document.

Returns xml.Element[]

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.tagName string Required Case-sensitive tag name of the element to match on. Use the
* wildcard to match all elements.


//Add additional code

var elem = xmlDocument.getElementsByTagName({
tagName : 'book'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns an array of xml.Element objects with a specific tag name and namespace, in
the order in which they appear in the XML document.

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Returns xml.Element[]

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1149


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.namespaceURI string Required Namespace URI to match on. Use the * wildcard to
match all namespaces.

options.localName string Required Localname property to match on. Use the * wildcard
to match all local names.


//Add additional code

var elem = xmlDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS({
namespaceURI : '*',
localName : 'book'
//Add additional code


Method Description Imports a node from another document to this document. This method creates a
new copy of the source node.

If the deep parameter is set to true, it imports all children of the specified node.
If set to false, it imports only the node itself.

Method returns the imported xml.Node object.

Returns xml.Node

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description


options.importedNode xml.Node Required Node from another XML document to import.

options.deep boolean true Required Use true to import the node, its attributes, and all
| false descendents. Use false to only import the node
and its attributes.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1150

Parameter Type Required / Description


Important: This parameter is not

supported on Internet Explorer.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: The implementation does not Node cannot be imported.

support the requested type of object or operation.


var importedNode = xmlDocument1.importNode({
importedNode : foreignNode,
deep : true


Property Description The doctype of the XML document.

Important: This property is not supported on Internet


Type xml.Element (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var doctype = xmlDocument.doctype;
//Add additional code


Property Description Root node of the XML document.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1151

Use this property to directly access the xml.Element object that represents the
root node of an XML document.

Type xml.Element (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var root = xmlDocument.documentElement;
//Add additional code


Property Description Location of the document or null if undefined.

Type string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var documentURI = xmlDocument.documentURI;
//Add additional code


Property Description Encoding used for an XML document at the time the document was parsed.

When parsing an XML document with the following declaration, the inputEncoding
property is UTF-8:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

Important: The value of this property is browser-specific.

Type string (read-only)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1152

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var encoding = xmlDocument.inputEncoding;
//Add additional code


Property Description Part of the XML declaration, the XML encoding of the XML document.

In the following declaration, the xmlEncoding property is UTF-8:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

Important: This property is not supported on Internet Explorer or


Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var encoding = xmlDocument.xmlEncoding;
//Add additional code


Property Description Part of the XML declaration, returns true if the current XML document is
standalone or returns false if it is not.

In the following declaration, the xmlStandalone property is true:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1153

Important: This property is not supported on Internet Explorer or


Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var isStandalone = xmlDocument.xmlStandalone;
//Add additional code


Property Description Part of the XML declaration, the version number of the XML document.

In the following declaration, the xmlVersion property is 1.0:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

Important: This property is not supported on Internet Explorer or


Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION The implementation does not support the Cannot edit the XML version for the
requested type of object or operation. document.


//Add additional code

var version = xmlDocument.xmlVersion;

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1154

//Add additional code

Object Description Represents an element in an XML document. Elements may contain attributes, other
elements, or text. If an element contains text, the text is represented in a text node of type

For example, the following element year contains a text node with the value of 2015:


For a list of this object’s methods and properties, see Element Object Members

An XML element object is also a node of type ELEMENT_NODE. In addition to the Element
object members, Element objects inherit the members of the Node object. For a complete
list of these methods and properties, see Node Object Members.

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var elem = parentNode[0].getElementsByTagName({tagName : 'title'});
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns the value of the specified attribute.

Returns xml.Attr

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string Required Name of the attribute for which to return the value.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1155


//Add additional code

var attr = elem[0].getAttribute({
name : 'lang'
//Add additional code


Method Description Retrieves an attribute node by name.

Important: This method is not supported on Internet


Returns xml.Attr

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string Required The name of the attribute to return.


//Add additional code

var attr = elem[0].getAttributeNode({
name : 'lang'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns an attribute node with the specified namespace URI and local name.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1156

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Returns string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.namespaceURI string Required Namespace URI of the attribute to return. Value can
be null.

options.localName string Required Local name of the attribute to return.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION Invalid argument type, expected Attribute node with the specified namespace
string: namespaceURI cannot be retrieved.


//Add additional code

var attr = elem[0].getAttributeNodeNS({
namespaceURI : '*'
localName : 'lang'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns an attribute value with the specified namespace URI and local name.

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Returns string

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1157

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.namespaceURI string Required Namespace URI of the attribute to return. Value can
be null.

options.localName string Required Local name of the attribute to return.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION Invalid argument type, expected Attribute with the specified namespace
string: namespaceURI cannot be retrieved.


//Add additional code

var attr = elem[0].getAttributeNS({
namespaceURI : '*'
localName : 'lang'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns an array of descendant xml.Element objects with a specific tag name, in
the order in which they appear in the XML document.

Returns xml.Element[]

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1158


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.tagName string Required Case-sensitive tag name of the element to match on. Use the
* wildcard to match all elements.


//Add additional code

var elem = parentNode[0].getElementsByTagName({tagName : 'title'});
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns an array of descendant xml.Element objects with a specific tag name and
namespace, in the order in which they appear in the XML document.

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Returns xml.Element[]

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.namespaceURI string Required Namespace URI to match on. Use the * wildcard to
match all namespaces.

options.localName string Required Localname property to match on. Use the * wildcard
to match all local names.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION Invalid argument type, expected Elements with the specified namespace
string: namespaceURI cannot be retrieved.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1159


//Add additional code

var elem = parentNode[0].getElementsByTagNameNS({
namespaceURI : '*',
localName : 'lang'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns true if the current element has an attribute with the specified name or if
that attribute has a default value. Otherwise, returns false.

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string Required Name of the attribute to match on.


//Add additional code

var attrExists = elem[0].hasAttribute({
name : 'lang'
//Add additional code


Method Description Returns true if the current element has an attribute with the specified local name
and namespace or if that attribute has a default value. Otherwise, returns false.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1160

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Returns boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.namespaceURI string Required Namespace URI of the attribute to match on.

options.localName string Required Local name of the attribute to match on.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION Invalid argument type, expected The method is called with an illegal
string: namespaceURI namespace value.


//Add additional code

var attrExists = elem[0].hasAttributeNS({
namespaceURI : '*',
localName : 'lang'
//Add additional code


Method Description Removes the attribute with the specified name.

Returns void

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1161

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string Required Name of the attribute to remove.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION Invalid argument type, expected Attribute with the specified name cannot be
string: name removed.


//Add additional code

name : 'lang'
//Add additional code


Method Description Removes the attribute specified as a xml.Attr object.

Returns xml.Attr

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.oldAttr xml.Attr Required xml.Attr object to remove.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1162


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION NOT_FOUND_ERR: An attempt is made to Attribute node cannot be

reference a node in a context where it does not removed.


//Add additional code

var removedAttr = elem[0].removeAttributeNode({
oldAttr : attr
//Add additional code


Method Description Removes the attribute with the specified namespace URI and local name.

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Returns void

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.namespaceURI string Required Namespace URI of the attribute node to remove.

options.localName string Required Local name of the attribute node to remove.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION Invalid argument type, expected Attribute with the specified namespace
string: namespaceURI cannot be removed.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1163


//Add additional code

namespaceURI : '*',
localName : 'lang'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a new attribute with the specified name. If an attribute with that name is
already present in the element, its value is changed to the value specified in method

If an attribute with the specified name already exists, the value of the attribute is
changed to the value of the value parameter.

Returns void

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description string Required Name of the attribute to add.

options.value string Required Value of the attribute to add.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: An invalid or illegal XML Value for the attribute cannot
character is specified. be set.


//Add additional code


SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1164

name : 'lang',
value : 'fr'
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds the specified attribute node. If an attribute with the same name is already present
in the element, it is replaced by the new one.

If an attribute with the same nodeName property already exists, it is replaced with the
object in the newAttr parameter. If the attribute node replaces an existing attribute
node, the method returns the new xml.Attr object.

Returns xml.Attr

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.newAttr xml.Attr Required New xml.Attr object to add to the xml.Element object.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: An attempt is made to add Attribute node cannot be

an attribute that is already in use elsewhere. added.


//Add additional code

newAttr : attr
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1165


Method Description Adds the specified attribute node. If an attribute with the same local name and
namespace URI is already present in the element, it is replaced by the new one.

If an attribute with the same namespaceURI and localName property already exist, it
is replaced with the object in the newAttr parameter. If the attribute node replaces an
existing attribute node, the method returns the new xml.Attr object.

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Returns xml.Attr

Supported Script All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.newAttr xml.Attr Required New xml.Attr object to add to the xml.Element object.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: An attempt is made to add Attribute node cannot be

an attribute that is already in use elsewhere. added.


//Add additional code

newAttr : attr
//Add additional code


Method Description Adds a new attribute with the specified name and namespace URI. If an attribute with
the same name and namespace URI is already present in the element, its value is
changed to the value specified in method argument.

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1166

If an attribute with the specified name already exists, the value of the attribute is
changed to the value of the value parameter. If the attribute node replaces an existing
attribute node, the method returns the new xml.Attr object.

Important: This method is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Returns void

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description

options.namespaceURI string Required Namespace URI of the attribute node to add.

options.qualifiedName string Required Fully qualified attribute name to add.

options.value string Required String value of the attribute to add.


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: An invalid or illegal Attribute node with the specified

XML character is specified. value cannot be added.


//Add additional code

namespaceURI : '*',
qualifiedName : 'lang',
value : 'fr'
//Add additional code


Property Description The tag name of this xml.Element object.

Type string (read-only)

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1167

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var tagName = elem[0].tagName; \\ returns 'title'.
//Add additional code

Object Description Represents an attribute node of an xml.Element object.

For a complete list of this object’s properties, see Attr Object Members.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var attr = elem[0].getAttributeNode({
name : 'lang'

//Add additional code

Property Description The name of an attribute.

This property is a qualified name if the Node.localName property for the parent
xml.Element object is null.

Type string (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1168

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var attrName =; \\ returns 'lang'.
//Add additional code


Property Description xml.Element object that is the parent of the xml.Attr object. Value is null if the
attribute is not used by an element.

Important: This property is not supported on Internet Explorer.

Type xml.Element (read-only)

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

var attrElement = attr.ownerElement; \\ returns the title element.
//Add additional code


Property Description Returns true if the attribute value is set in the parsed XML document, and false
if it is a default value in a DTD or Schema.

Type boolean true | false

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1169

var attrSpecified = attr.specified;
//Add additional code


Property Description Value of an attribute. The value of the attribute is returned as a string.

Character and general entity references are replaced with their values. For example, a
character reference such as &#160; or an entity reference such as &#nbsp; is replaced
with a non-breaking space.

Note: If you set this value, it creates a text node with the unparsed contents of
the string, for example, any characters that an XML processor would recognize as
markup are instead treated as literal text.

Type string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Error Code Message Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION Invalid argument type, expected Cannot set the attribute value with the specified
string: value value.


//Add additional code

var attrValue = attr.value;
//Add additional code

Method Description Prepares a string for use in XML by escaping XML markup, such as angle brackets,
quotation marks, and ampersands.

Returns string

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1170

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Optional Description Since

options.xmlText string Required String being escaped. 2015.2


//Add additional code

var xmlEscapedDocument = xml.escape({
xmlText : xmlFileContent
//Add additional code

Method Description Validates an XML document against an XML Schema (XSD).

Important: This method only validates XML Schema (XSD); validation of

other XML schema languages is not supported.

The XML document must be passed as an xml.Document object. The location of the
source XML Document does not matter; the validation is performed with the Document
object stored in memory. The XSD must be stored in the File Cabinet.

Returns void

Supported Script All server-side script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Governance None

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2


Note: The options parameter is a JavaScript object.

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.xml xml.Document Required The xml.Document object to validate. 2015.2

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1171

Parameter Type Required / Description Since


options.xsdFilePathOrId number | string Required The file ID or path to the XSD in the 2015.2
File Cabinet to validate the XML
document against.

number | string Optional The folder ID or path to a folder in the 2015.2
File Cabinet containing additional XSD
schemas which are imported by the
parent XSD.


Error Code Thrown If

SSS_XML_DOES_NOT_CONFORM_TO_SCHEMA The provided XML is invalid for the provided schema.

SSS_INVALID_XML_SCHEMA_OR_DEPENDENCY Schema is an incorrectly structured XSD or the dependent

schema cannot be found.


//Add additional code

xml : xmlDocument,
xsdFilePathOrId : 'SuiteScripts/schema_parent.xsd',
importFolderPathOrId : 'SuiteScripts/'
//Add additional code

Enum Description Enumeration that holds the string values for the supported node types. The
Node.nodeType property is defined by one of the values in this enum.

Use this enum to determine the type of a node in an XML document.

Note: Enum values are constants and therefore read-only.

Supported Script Types All script types

For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.0 Script Types.

Module N/xml Module

Since 2015.2




SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

N/xml Module 1172




//Add additional code

var DocType = xmlDocument.nodeType; \\ returns DOCUMENT_NODE
//Add additional code

SuiteScript 2.0 API Reference

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