Answer With Defenses
Answer With Defenses
Answer With Defenses
vs. CASE NUMBER: _____________
COMES NOW, [Your Name] (“Defendant”), and pursuant to [State the rule that applies]
hereby files this Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Plaintiff’s Complaint and states as follows:
[In your answer, respond to each accusation or count in the Complaint in the order presented.]
[List the reasons why you are not liable for the damages sought by the Plaintiff. Be sure to point
out flaws in Plaintiff’s complaint and look for any inconsistencies with current laws.]
First Affirmative Defense
[Beginning with facts, state the reasons you feel you have a defense to the claim. Argue
using fact and law. Do the same for other affirmative defenses.]
WHEREFORE, Defendant demands judgment against Plaintiff and requests the court
deny Plaintiff’s requested relief and award costs to Defendant of suit and such other relief the
Respectfully submitted,
I HEREBY CERTIFY that, on this ______ day of __________, 20______, a copy of the
foregoing was [State how the court and litigants were notified of the motion (i.e. U.S. Postal
service, e-mail, hand delivered, etc.)]to:
[Your Signature]
[Your Name]
[phone and or e-mail address]