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Activities - Tales From Arabian Nights

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Laura María Calle Gómez - English Thursday 8:00 - 10:00


Put the beginning of each sentence with the right ending
1 The King's wife loved another man ...
d... so the King told the executioner to cut her head off.
2 The King was lonely ...
f... so he told the Wazir to bring him a pretty girl.
3 The Wazir was happy ...
e... because he thought the king would be married again.
4 Sheherezade said she would marry the king ...
a... because she wanted to slop him killing any more girls.
5 The Wazir did not want his daughter to marry the king ...
b... because he did not want to be left alone in the world.
6 The King told the executioner to come back the next day ...
c... because he wanted to hear I he end of the story.
Choose the right words to say what this part of the story is about.
The Genie said his army (1) was beaten by King Solomon. The King made him his
(2) prisoner. The Genie begged for (3) his life. King Solomon could see how (4) sorry
he was.
Then the King told the Genie to (5) stand up. He told the Genie to (6) obey him. I
said if the genie did that they would be (7) friends. The Genie said he was the (8)
greatest genie in the world. He did not want to be (9) a servant of the King.
Then the King said some (10) magic words. The Genie got (11) smaller. The King
put him in the bottle and closed it with (12) his seal. He threw the bottle into the
(13) sea.
Put the words in each sentence in the right order to say what the story is about
1 Aladdin found the lamp and… Put it in his pocket.
2 He put some fruit in his pocket, on top of the lamp.
3 The magician wanted Aladdin… Give to him the lamp.
4 He planned to shut the door and… Leave Aladdin inside the hole.
5 Aladdin asked the magician… Fist help him to up.
6 The magician was angry, and he… Did not want to wait.
7 He threw some dust on the fire and… Said some more magic words.
8 The big stone slid back and the… Hole closed over the learth.

Use each of these words once to say what the story is about: magician, middle,
lamp, genie, rubbed, surprise, clothes, servant, old.
The magician wanted to get the (1) clothes. He put on his oldest (2) lamp, and
bought some cheap new lamps. He told people he would give them a new lamp for
their (3) old lamps. Princess Badroulbadour wanted to (4) surprise Aladdin. She
thought he would like a nice new lamp. She sent a (5) servant with Aladdin's old
lamp to the (6) magician. The magician (7) rubbed the lamp. He told the (8) genie
to take Aladdin's palace, and everyone in it, to the (9) middle of Africa.

Put the answers in the right places. In the centre of the puzzle you will see the two
words that Kassim forgot. Use these words: wonderful, treasure, gold, magic, closed,
pieces, jewels, coin, silver, cave. The first one has been done for you.
Kassim's wife showed Kassim the gold (1) coin. Later, Ali Baba told Kassim about
the thieves and the (2) cave. Kassim wanted all the (3) treasure for himself. When
Ali Baba went to the cave to get a small bag of (4) gold, Kassim followed him.
The next day Kassim went into the cave by himself. He (5) closed the door behind
him. He wanted to look at all the (6) wonderful gold and (7) silver and (8) jewels.
But when he wanted to get out, he could not remember the (9) magic words. The
robbers found him in the cave. They killed him and cut his body into small (10)
The underlined sentences are all in the wrong paragraph. Which paragraph should
they go in? Write them out in the right place.
1 A huge, ugly man came through the gales. He was bigger than an elephant. He
locked the gates and then lit a fire in the yard outside his house.
2 The giant picked up our fattest sailor. He was our cook. The giant held him over
the fire, and then ate the poor man.
3 The giant gave us food and water. He wanted us to be fat. Every evening he came
home and ate one of us for supper.
4 One night we pushed white-hot slicks into the giant's eyes. He was blind, but he
guild still hear us. We climbed up the benches, over the wall, and escaped.
The letters in these words are all mixed up. What should they be? (The first one is
Sidi Ahmad's wife never stopped (1) ganklit - talking. Sidi Ahmad loved her, but he
was always glad to get away into the (2) strofe - forest, where it was quiet and (3)
upcelafe - paceful. One morning his wife said she was going with him. She wanted
to make sure he (4) drokew - worked hard and didn't spend half the day (5)
inmegard - dreaming.
Sidi Ahmad thought of a (6) velcre - clever plan. He told his wife that there was a
wonderful (7) estaurer - treasure down in an old well in the forest. Sidi Ahmad's wife
made him let her down into the well. Then Sidi Ahmed got on his (8) yenkod -
donkey and rode away.
Later, when it was getting dark, Sidi Ahmad went back and pulled up the (9) kubect
- bucket. He thought he would hear the angry (10) ocive - voice of his wife, but he
was very (11) durripess - surprised. Instead of his wife, he pulled up an ugly-looking
(12) inege - genie.

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