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Metrics for innovation: guidelines for

developing a customized suite of innovation

Amy Muller, Liisa Välikangas and Paul Merlyn

Amy Muller – a director at oday more than ever before, companies must exploit their innovative capabilities to
(, an
T develop new businesses if they are to successfully confront the disruptive effects of
emerging technologies, empowered customers, new market entrants, shorter
international strategic product life cycles, geopolitical instability, and market globalization. Indeed, the
management consultancy – development of innovative capabilities is the only means by which companies can sustain
focuses on strategy innovation in a competitive advantage.
the technology and consumer
goods industries. She is based In every industry, the leading companies are the innovators. Yet the cadre of innovators
in Burlingame, California. Liisa keeps changing. For example, in 1982, Tom Peters and Robert Waterman cited Amdahl,
Välikangas, managing director Texas Instruments, Eastman Kodak, and Maytag as exemplars in their business classic, In
at the Woodside Institute, Search of Excellence. Twelve years later, Built to Last by James Collins and Jerry Porras
located in Woodside, California found the elixir of success in a predominantly new cast of visionaries. Meanwhile, today’s
(lvalikangas@woodside innovators such as Wal-Mart, Southwest Airlines, eBay, and the University of Phoenix are, was formerly the themselves relative newcomers.
director of research at Strategos.
Paul Merlyn is a senior analyst, Such high turnover at the top suggests that the real problem isn’t a lack of innovation – it’s
researcher, and cofounder of the sustained innovation. Companies may seize upon a good idea that gives them an advantage
Woodside Institute (pmerlyn@ for a while, but sooner or later, they cede this advantage to a competitor who has found an even better idea. In recent years, companies have tried to address this problem by
introducing innovation programs, typically in the form of new business development
incubators. However, such programs rarely endure for more than two or three years and their
budgets are usually among the first casualties in a drive to cut costs.
Until now, innovation has been somewhat of a black art. Managers currently lack the
requisite metrics to make informed decisions about their innovation programs[1].
Admittedly, some metrics have been developed for new product development[2].
However, such metrics are very limited. Managers have only a vague sense of their
company’s overall innovativeness; they have little or no means to assess the effectiveness
and efficacy of a particular innovation program. They need tools with which to diagnose
impediments – for example, fear of cannibalization within the existing business[3] or a
corporate culture that’s excessively risk averse – to their innovation processes and to
evaluate the innovative capacity of potential acquisition targets.
This article offers managers both general principles in the development of innovation metrics
as well as sample specific metrics that they can begin to use immediately. Our
recommendations derive from our experience with Strategos, an innovation and strategy
consulting firm, and the Woodside Institute, a management research laboratory whose
purpose is to promote organizational resilience and renewal.

DOI 10.1108/10878570510572590 VOL. 33 NO. 1 2005, pp. 37-45, Q Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ISSN 1087-8572 j STRATEGY & LEADERSHIP j PAGE 37
‘‘ We have built a framework that . . . can help senior executives
assess their company’s innovativeness and hence combat the
insidious strategy decay that often afflicts a company’s
business. ’’

Given the importance of innovation as an engine of growth[4], it is surprising that many
companies don’t measure their innovativeness. Yet innovation metrics are important for at
least two reasons. First, metrics help managers make informed decisions based on
objective data, which is especially valuable given the long-term nature and risk associated
with certain innovation projects. Second, metrics affect behavior by helping align goals and
actions with the best interests of the company[5].
Among those companies that do measure their innovativeness, most use R&D and
product-development metrics only, such as annual R&D budget as a percentage of
annual sales, number of patents filed in the past year, percentage of sales from
products introduced in the past year, and number of ideas submitted by employees. A
number of academic articles address the issue of developing metrics for this kind of
Though somewhat useful, these metrics offer a limited view of a company’s innovativeness.
They don’t measure the company’s overall innovation capability. In emphasizing technology
development, they neglect business-concept innovation. And their focus on R&D and
products makes them less suitable for service companies and companies outside the
high-tech sector.
During the past year, we have built a framework for the selection of metrics that managers
can customize to track innovation success in their companies. These metrics can help senior
executives assess their company’s innovativeness and hence combat the insidious strategy
decay that often afflicts a company’s business. Strategies decay for four reasons. Over time
they get replicated – they lose their distinct-iveness and, therefore, their power to produce
above-average returns – or better strategies supplant them. Strategies also get exhausted

Innovation: fundamental driver of wealth creation

Innovation may be particularly in vogue today. However, the most successful companies have long
since known its value. Southwest Airlines – one of the few profitable players in a beleaguered
industry – innovated by renegotiating the customer interface, offering a no-frills service in exchange
for lower fares. Wal-Mart innovated by reconfiguring its supply chain. Other companies have
succeeded by devising entirely new business concepts – for instance, eBay’s online auctions,
University of Phoenix’s degree programs for working adults, and NetJets’s fractional ownership
service to meet executives’ occasional needs for private jet travel.
In an effort to maintain a leadership position, companies that can’t innovate must buy innovation off
the shelf. For example, as the fizz went out of the carbonated drinks market in recent years,
Coca-Cola acquired Mad River Traders and PepsiCo bought South Beach Beverage Company –
both makers of alternative beverages such as bottled waters, juices, and teas laced with ginseng.
Though sometimes effective in the short term, this strategy of innovation through acquisition usually
fails because the acquiring corporation overestimates the value of synergies and underestimates
the post-merger integration difficulties. In any case, innovation by acquisition is always at enormous
cost, either in cash or stock, to the shareholders of the acquiring corporation. Shareholders see far
higher returns when companies successfully innovate organically.

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as markets become saturated, customers get bored, or optimization programs reach the
point of diminishing returns. Finally, strategies get eviscerated. Customers or suppliers
become so powerful that they can dictate much lower prices than before[7]. The only way to
combat strategy decay is to keep innovating.

Innovation framework
The framework (Figure 1) combines three views on innovation. It provides the perspective for
a suite of metrics that help assess and develop a company’s capacity for innovation:
1. Resource view. Companies must balance optimization (tactical investment in the existing
business) and innovation (strategic investment in new businesses). The resource view
addresses the allocation of resources to alter this balance. The resource inputs are
capital, labor, and time. Output is the return on investment in strategic innovation[8].
2. Capability view. The capability view assesses the extent to which the company’s
competencies, culture, and conditions support the conversion of innovation resources
(see resource view) into opportunities for business renewal. The inputs of this capability
view are the preconditions for innovation, i.e. the extent to which a company’s skills, tools,
culture, and values are adapted to innovation. For example, does the company consider
past demonstrations of innovativeness when selecting new recruits? Outputs include the
development of new skills and knowledge domains that spawn innovation as well as the
number of strategic options (i.e. opportunities to significantly advance an existing
business or invest in a new business).
3. Leadership view. The leadership view assesses the degree to which a company’s
leadership supports innovation. As such, it evaluates leaders’ involvement in innovation
activities, the establishment of formal processes to promote innovation, and
dissemination of innovation goals.
Innovation processes are an additional element of the framework. They comprise
organizational structures such as incubators, innovation markets, venture funds, and
innovation incentives. As Figure 1 suggests, innovation processes interlink the resource view
and the capability view.

Figure 1 Innovation framework

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General guidelines for selecting metrics
The list below presents some sample metrics for the resource, capability, and leadership
views in the innovation framework as well as for innovation processes:
1. Resource view:
B Inputs (capital, talent, time):

– Percentage of capital that is invested in innovation activities such as submitting and

reviewing ideas for new products and services and developing ideas through an
innovation pipeline.

– Number of entrepreneurs in the company, i.e. individuals who have previously

started a business, either within the company or before joining the company.

– Percentage of workforce time that is currently dedicated to innovation projects.

B Output (return on investment):

– Number of new products, services, and businesses launched in the past year.

– Percentage of revenue from products or services introduced in the past three years.

– Share of wealth, i.e., the change in the company’s market value during the past year
divided by the change in the total industry’s market value during the same period.
2. Capability view:
B Inputs (preconditions):

– Percentage of employees for whom innovation is a key performance goal.

– Percentage of employees who have received training in innovation – for example,

instruction in estimating market potential of an idea.

– Number of innovation tools and methodologies available to employees.

B Output (renewal):

– Number of new competencies (i.e. distinctive skills and knowledge domains that
spawn innovation) measured as a simple count among a threshold proportion of

– Number of strategic options (i.e. newly created opportunities to significantly

advance an existing business).

– Number of new markets entered in past year.

3. Leadership view:
B Percentage of executives’ time spent on strategic innovation rather than day-to-day
B Percentage of managers with training in the concepts and tools of innovation.
B Number of times during the past 5, 10, and 20 years in which senior management has
redefined the company’s core business.
4. Processes:
B Number of ideas submitted by employees in the past three, six, and twelve months.
B Ratio of successful ideas to ideas submitted.
B Number of ongoing experiments and ventures.
B Average time from idea submission to commercial launch.

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‘‘ The optimal selection of metrics and the optimal value or
‘sweet spot’ of any particular metric will vary from company to
company. ’’

Metrics for the resource and capability view subdivide into inputs and outputs. Resource
view inputs measure the resources that the company is allocating to innovation. Resource
view outputs measure the company’s success at innovation. Managers need to measure
both inputs and outputs. Measurement of just resource inputs might lull the company into
believing that trying harder and continuous improvement deserve validation. Likewise,
measurement of just resource outputs doesn’t give a company a true picture of the cost of
the investment that has produced an improvement in innovativeness. The ratio of resource
outputs to resource inputs, of course, provides a measure of return on innovation investment.
The inputs in the capability view attempt to quantify the extent to which the company has
created conditions that are conducive to innovation. In this way, capability view inputs
measure the company’s culture and innovation competence, typically in terms of employee
access to innovation training, tools, and methodologies. The outputs of the capability view
measure the company’s success at providing renewal options. For example, it might
measure new competencies (i.e. distinctive skills and knowledge domains that spawn
innovation) or newly created strategic options (opportunities to significantly advance an
existing business). As with the resource view, measurement of both inputs and outputs is
necessary to monitor the extent to which capability view inputs seem to drive capability view
The optimal selection of metrics and the optimal value or ‘‘sweet spot’’ of any particular
metric will vary from company to company. Clearly, one size does not fit all. For example,
innovation for a cement producer will require different skills, resources, and competences
and will be manifest in different ways than, say, innovation for a fashion retailer. The goals or
targets of the innovation will thus vary from industry to industry. However, the generic
variables that are measured by the innovation metrics will be quite similar across most
industries. Likewise, no single metric can convey full meaning in isolation. Just as with the
analysis of a company’s financials, the analyst must look at several metrics in order to
develop a comprehensive view of the company’s innovation capability.
Moreover, managers need to be mindful of unintended consequences that can result from
over-emphasizing the importance of any one metric. For example, a metric that rewards
individuals or groups for successfully developing an innovation project can lead to
‘‘not-invented-here’’ attitudes, resulting in innovation empires whereby individuals or groups
become overly invested in the success of their project at the expense of innovation projects
elsewhere in the company[5]. With these caveats in mind, consider the following general
1. Build a comprehensive set of metrics. Include at least one metric for each of the six
elements in the framework, i.e. inputs (resource view), preconditions (capability view),
wealth (resource view), renewal (capability view), leadership, and processes. With such a
comprehensive set, you’ll be more likely to detect problems (for example, a lack of
leadership involvement or a bottleneck in the innovation process) before they become too
2. Assess existing metrics. If your company is a veteran of innovation, other managers are
probably already using innovation metrics. Assess whether these metrics suit your needs.
In the interests of standardization, seek consensus on a set of metrics with other

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3. Avoid complex metrics. Ensure that the metrics are simple, meaningful, and intuitive.
They will have greatest impact if they become common currency throughout the
company, from the boardroom to the shop floor.
4. Resist the temptation to track every conceivable parameter. Select a manageable set of
metrics (no more than 8 to 10) and measure them diligently, disseminating the values as
widely as possible.
5. Include at least one or two customer-driven metrics. Measure customer-driven metrics
such as sales from new products to complement the internally focused metrics such as
the number of new competencies under development or the percentage of workforce
time dedicated to innovation projects. But avoid undue emphasis on customer-driven

Figure 2 Metrics for beginners in innovation

Figure 3 Metrics for veterans of innovation

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Figure 4 Benchmarks

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‘‘ To help promote speedy implementation, we’ve compiled, as
two examples, suites for use by beginner and veteran
companies. ’’

metrics, otherwise these metrics will stifle innovation projects with a longer-term return on
6. Reconcile metrics with existing methodologies. If your company uses a methodology
such as value-based management or the Balanced Scorecard, reconcile your innovation
metrics with that methodology. Even in the absence of such a methodology, ensure that
your metrics encourage individual behaviors that aggregate to accomplish
company-wide goals.

Specific guidelines for selecting metrics

For companies that are just beginning to develop an innovation capability, we offer the
following recommendations:
B Inputs. Focus on recruitment and training.
B Processes. Focus on creating an innovation pipeline process that attracts a large number
of ideas and systematically selects the most promising ideas for further development.
Also, concentrate on minimizing the development time of those few projects selected for
further development.
B Outputs. Focus on defining and communicating quantitative innovation targets to be
achieved within specific time frames – such as, revenues and ROI.
Innovation veterans might direct their efforts as follows:
B Inputs. Focus on incentives, team formation, staffing, and sustaining existing innovation
B Processes. Focus on increasing the size and speed of the innovation pipeline and
markets subject to budget constraints.
B Outputs. Focus on meeting innovation goals.

Metrics for beginners and veterans

Managers should compile their own suite of innovation metrics with reference to the above
guidelines. However, to help promote speedy implementation, we’ve compiled, as two
examples, suites for use by beginner and veteran companies (Figures 2 and 3, respectively;
see also Figure 4).

Future of innovation metrics

As more firms develop innovation metrics and a database that validates their relevance,
managers, analysts, and investors will eventually be able to assess a company’s innovation
capability with as much facility as they can currently assess concepts such as market share,
leverage, and economic value added.

1. See Turrell, M., ‘‘Show me the numbers: a look at innovation metrics’’, Imaginatik working paper,
2004, available at: ¼ 146

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2. For example, Cooper, R.G., Edgett, S.J. and Kleinschmidt, E.J., ‘‘Benchmarking best NPD practices
II’’, Research Technology Management, May/Jun 2004, Vol. 47 No. 3, p. 50.
3. See Christensen, C.M., The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to
Fail, Harvard Business School Press, 1997.
4. Cooper, R.G. and Kleinschmidt, E.J., ‘‘Benchmarking the firm’s critical success factors in new
product development’’, Journal of Product Innovation Management, December 1995, pp. 374-91.
5. Hauser, J.R. and Zettelmeyer, F., ‘‘Metrics to evaluate R,D&E’’, Research Technology Management,
July/August 1997, Vol. 40 No. 4, p. 32.
6. Chiesa, V., Coughlan, P. and Voss, C.A., ‘‘Development of a technical innovation audit’’, Journal of
Product and Innovation Management, March 1996, Vol. 13 No. 2, pp 105-36; Hughes, G.D. and
Chafin, D.C., ‘‘Turning new product development into a continuous learning process’’, Journal of
Product Innovation Management, March 1996, Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 89-104; Demirag, I.S., ‘‘The impact
of managers’ short-term perceptions on technology management and R&D in UK companies’’,
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, March 1996, Vol. 8 No. 1, pp. 21-32.
7. See Hamel, G. and Välikangas, L., ‘‘The quest for resilience’’, Harvard Business Review, September
8. Booz Allen Hamilton has also developed a resource-based perspective on innovation metrics, ROI

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