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Budget2 FC To FRBM

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Article 280: President of India forms a Finance Commission (a quasi judicial body) every 5th
Year or earlier, with 1 chairman and four members. Eligible for re-appointment.
Recommendations are not binding on the government but usually they are not rejected.
Further self-study@ M.Laxmikanth’s Indian Polity ch.45.
14th FC: YV Reddy Recommendation Period: 1st April, 2015 to 31st March, _ _ _ _

15th FC: NK Singh Recommendation Period: 1st April, 2020 to 31st March, _ _ _ _


संघ से राज्यों तक कर का सीधा हसतांतरण
- Finance commission will recommend the vertical devolution from the ‘divisible pool’
of union taxes. (Here, CGST, Cess, Surcharge not counted.)
- 12th Rangarajan: 30.5%, 13th Vijay Kelkar: 32%, 14th Y.V. Reddy:_ _%, 15th NK
Singh: _ _ % (Homework update when report is released).


राज्यों के बीच समसतरीयकर वितरण

Finance Commission also gives formula for How to distribute that share horizontally with
individual States (Guj | Bihar | MH | TN...). 14th FC (YV Reddy)’s formula was…
14th FC horizontal distribution formula components Weight %
आबादी Population:as per Census 1971 17%

जनसाांख्ययकीय Demographic Change as per Census 2011 (To consider the 10%
migration angle.)
आय-दरू ी Income-Distance: _ _%
- Find the best State of India in per capita income (GSDP ÷ its
- Compare your state’s per capita income with them.
Accordingly, poorer states get more weight
क्षेत्र Area: more area more weight 15%

िन-आिरण Forest-Cover: more forest cover more weight because of 8%

Opportunity cost (State can’t allow industries there, else it could
have obtained some taxes)
Based on above formula, Highest to Lowest: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > Bihar > MP > WB > MH > Raj>
….. > Mizoram > Goa > Sikkim.

17.3 GRANTS FROM UNION TO STATES सांघ से राज्यों को अनद

ु ान
Apart from the tax devolution and tax distribution, the finance commission would also
suggest Union to give grant to the states (grant: NOT loan, so need not return with interest).
14th FC suggested three types of grants→

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 131

1. For All States: Grants for Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI) and Urban Local Bodies
(ULB). These grants will be subdivided into two parts: basic grant and (10-20%)
performance based grants.
2. For All States: Disaster Management Grants.
3. For 11 (कांगाल) States: Post-Devolution Revenue Deficit Grants for ~11 States.


Chairman _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Retd. IAS, Ex-Member of Parliament)

Member1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Retd. IAS, RBI Gov)

Member2 Dr. Anoop Singh, Professor

Member3 Dr. Ashok Lahiri, Bandhan Bank

(Part Time)

Member4 Prof. Ramesh Chand. He’s member of NITI Aayog & Agri Economist.
(Part Time)

Secretary Arvind Mehta (IAS)

Deadline? 15th FC has to give report by 30th October, 2019.
Validity? From 1st April, 2020 to 31st March 2025.

17.4.1 15th FC Terms of Reference (TOR: विचारार्थ विषय)?

President of India has ordered them to study and recommend following:
1. Union Taxes’ Vertical devolution to the states, and its horizontal distribution among
the states. (except cess, surcharge and CGST).
2. Union’s grant-in-aids to the states.
3. How to augment State Govts’ Consolidated funds to help their PRI/ULBs
4. Any other matters referred by the President of India such as:
✓ Use Census-2011 for your calculation.
✓ Keep in mind Union’s responsibilities for New India 2022 vision.
✓ Recommend measures for Fiscal discipline, Fiscal consolidation for the Union
and State governments. Whether union government should continue to
provide revenue deficit grants to States?
✓ How to finance the disaster management initiatives?
✓ Performance based incentives to the state governments?

17.5 15TH FC’S TOR: APPREHENSION OF THE STATES (राज्य आशांकािान क्यों है )

17.5.1 States Fear#1: New India 2022

- 15th FC is required to keep New India 2022 vision in mind (wherein Modi government
aims to double the farmers’ income, provide housing for all, achieve 175GW of
renewable energy etc.).

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 132

- 15th FC also required to keep in mind Union’s additional burden regarding defence,
internal security, infrastructure, railways, climate change, commitments towards
administration of UTs without legislature etc.
- So, TOR indirectly implying that 15th FC should give less than 42% to state
governments because union government needs more ₹ for aforementioned
activities. So, Non-BJP states are angry- “Tax evolution is our constitutional right”.

17.5.2 States fear#2: Performance based incentives (प्रदशथन आधाररत प्रोत्साहन)

15th FC will recommend performance-based incentives based on (list not exhaustive)

Why states apprehensive?

➢ Manipur can’t do as much as Maharashtra in deepening

the GST tax net, owning to the variety of economic,
geographic and political factors (frequent bandh and
State’s Efforts in expansion
of GST tax-net
➢ Secondly, Constitution provides for a separate GST
council with representatives of state governments. FC
doesn’t have state representatives.

State’s Efforts in
achieving replacement Gangetic plain states’ total fertility rate higher, so they’re
level of population growth apprehensive that Kerala & other Southern States will get
i.e. Total Fertility Rate 2.1 more money.
or lower

State’s Efforts in Southern states have been running populist schemes for
controlling the free TV, Fridge, Mixer, farmers’ debt-waiver, Idli at ₹ 1 etc.
expenditure on populist Similarly Northern states run schemes for free bicycle,
measures (लोकलुभािन mobile & laptop schemes. They fear they’ll be reviewed
उपाय). negatively, and union will get to keep more money for itself.

Electricity theft is a rampant problem in certain Gangetic

State’s Efforts in
states but their ruling parties turn blind eye because of
controlling power sector
electoral populism. Now they are apprehensive of getting
less money.

States resent that Modi’s Swatchh Bharat mission is

Behavioral changes to ‘imposed upon them’. FC devolution is their Constitutional
end open defecation. right, and not an alm (खेरात) tied to their implementation of
central schemes.

17.5.3 States fear#3: Census-2011 (जनगणना -2011)

- For horizontal distribution of taxes among states, 14th FC had used Census-1971
data. Census-1971 population was given 17% weight i.e. more populous state will get
mode funds.

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- 15th FC’s Terms of Reference (TOR) requires NK Singh to use ONLY Census-2011
data. But, Southern states have reduced their fertility rate between 1971 to 2011,
whereas Northern states could not- due to poverty, illiteracy and lack of healthcare
infrastructure. So, Southern states fear Northern states will get proportionately more
funds, if Census-2011 is used.

17.5.4 States fear#4: Debt and Grants (ऋण और अनद

ु ान)
- Article 293: States can’t borrow without consent of the Union. So, what additional
conditions should the Union impose on the states when they (states) borrow from
market / external sources? TOR even requires 15th FC to make recommendations in
this regard. States fear it’ll reduce their autonomy in raising loans from the market.
- 15th FC will also examine whether to abolish revenue deficit grants be given to the

17.6 15TH FC: CONCLUSION ननष्कषथ

✓ SDG#10 reduce inequality within and among the countries. SDG#16 requires nations to
build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. An equitable
distribution of revenue tied with performance incentives will help greatly in this regard.
Therefore, we should wait till 15th FC’s final report is released, before judging its adverse
impact on states. OR
✓ States have limited avenues for collecting direct and indirect taxes. Hence, they are more
dependent on the union devolution, and apprehensive of any reduction due to TOR.
Union finance minister and 15th FC Chairman have already tried to allay states’ fears
through letters and meetings. Picture will become clear when final report is submitted
latest by 30th October 2019. OR
✓ Economic Survey 2016-17 had observed ‘aid-curse’ in context of Redistributive
Resource transfer (RRT) i.e. over the years, Special Category States received large
amount of funds via Planning Commission and Finance Commissions yet couldn’t
perform well in poverty removal or economic growth due to lack of accountability and
poor governance. The 15th FC TOR aims to link the fund transfers with performance and
accountability parameters. While states are apprehensive, but such measures are the
bitter pills that we’ll have to swallow eventually to improve India’s human development
and economic growth.
Error in Answer Writing: Don’t digress to unsolicited suggestions & overthinking like
“Southern states should help Northern states in their family planning programs.”

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Finance Commission Planning Commission (PC) NITI Aayog
(FC) वित्त आयोग योजना आयोग ____ ____
____ ____

Constitutional body Created by executive resolution, so neither constitutional non

statutory. Both headed by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as the chairman.

1951: 1st FC setup under - 1951: PC set up and over the - 2015: Formed.
KC Neogy years designed 12 Five Year - Three Year Action Agenda
plans (12th FYP: 2012-2017) (2017-20).
- 2014: Dissolved by Modi - Seven Year Strategy
Government. Document.
- Fifteen Year Vision

- Taxes’ Vertical 1. How much money should It is not in its scope of work to
Devolution and union give to each state for decide how much money
horizontal distribution implementation of centrally should be given to each state.
among states. sponsored schemes (CSS)? That component is decided
- + any other matters 2. How much money should by the Finance Ministry.
referred by the union government give to - NITI’s primary objective is
President in TOR the five year plans of the to serve as the think tank
- Each finance state governments? of the Government of
commission arrived at To answer these Qs, PC would India,
its own methodology. use _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Helps in policy design.
E.g. 14th FC: 42% formula (designed in 8TH FYP)- - Helps in monitoring
vertical, and 5 factor based on population, per capita schemes’ implementation
formula for horizontal income, special problems etc. of through its dashboard e.g.
distribution. a state. ‘School Education Quality
Index (SEQI)’, ‘SDG India
Index’ and the ‘Digital
Transformation Index’
We will see more about planning commission and Niti Aayog in Pillar 4
17.7.1 Special category states? विशेष श्रेणी के राज्य?
- 1952: The National Development Council was set up, consisting of PM, CMs and other
representatives to approve the five year plans prepared by the Planning Commission. But
became obscure with establishment of NITI Ayog.
- 1969: 5th Finance Commission recommended giving extra funds and tax-relief to certain
disadvantaged states. Over the years, NDC added more states into the Special Category
List based on (i) hilly and difficult terrain (ii) low population density and / or sizeable share
of tribal population (iii) strategic location along borders with neighbouring countries (iv)
economic and infrastructural backwardness and (v) non-viable nature of state finances.
- Examples: 8 North Eastern states and 3 Himalayan States (JK, Uttarakhand, HP).
- Benefits of Sp.Cat. States?
✓ If Industrialists set factories in these states, they’ll be given benefit in Union Taxes.

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✓ In Centrally Sponsored Schemes, Union will bear higher burden (90:10).
✓ FC & PC would assign more weightage in their formulas to give’em more funds.
- 14th FC: Previous Finance commissions would assign extra weightage & funds to
Sp.Cat states, but 14th FC stopped this practice. But, whenever elections are near,
W.Bengal, Bihar and Andhra CMs would demand Sp.Cat. status & blame Union for
- Economic survey 2016-17:आर्र्थक सिेक्षण Noted that Sp.Cat states have received lot of
funds & grant from previous FCs and PCs, and yet they have not made any tangible
progress in improving public administration or removing poverty (=” Aid Curse”: सहायता
का अभभशाप). Similar problem with States having abundant mineral resources (“Resource
Curse”: संसाधनो का अभभशाप).
- Economic Survey 2017-18: Noted that compared to Brazil, Germany and other
countries with federal polity, India’s state governments and local bodies are collecting
less amount of tax for two reasons
(1) constitution has not given them sufficient taxation powers
(2) even where constitution gave them powers like collection of Agricultural Income Tax,
Land Revenue, Property Tax- they are shy of collecting taxes for electoral politics. Hence
States/PRI/ULBs unable to deliver public services satisfactorily e.g. Public Schools, Public
Transport, Police, Drinking Water and Sanitation.


Tax Planning / Tax When person invests money in LIC/PPF/Pension funds such
Mitigation कर-ननयोजन manner that he can claim various deductions available in the
Income Tax Act. It’s neither illegal nor unethical.

Black Money (काला ____ ____

(=concealed from the tax authority.).

Parallel Economy The economy that runs on black money. (समानांतर अर्थव्यिसर्ा)

Tax Evasion When person hides income or transaction from tax authorities, and
कर अपिांचन thereby evades paying taxes. It’s illegal.

Tax Avoidance When person discloses his income and transactions to tax
कर पररहार authorities but uses legal loopholes to avoid paying taxes. E.g.
Bollywood stars who register digital media companies in Tax
Havens. It may not be illegal in every case, but still unethical.

Tax Haven Is a country that demands little taxes from foreigners and offers
कर स्िगथ legal loopholes for Tax Avoidance & opportunities for Tax Evasion.
E.g. Liechtenstein, Mauritius, Marshall Islands, Cayman Islands,
Panama, Nauru, Vanuatu etc.
These countries are geographically small, & without viable

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 136

economy. So they offer such mechanism to attract foreign investors
and foreign tourists.

Money laundering - When drug trafficking, ransom, corruption and other criminal
ू ी तरीके से प्राप्त activity generates substantial profits, the person has find ways to
spend / invest / hide the money without attracting attention.
धन को िैध बनाना / - Money laundering is the process of disguising the source of
धनशोधन करना money, as if it came from a legitimate activity, & then channelize
it into banks, share market and other financial intermediaries.

Shell firms They do not have any active business operations, and are created
Post-box with the sole objective of money laundering and tax evasion. E.g.
Letter-box companies Ms Mishail Packers and Printers Pvt Ltd. setup by Misa Bharti Yadav
to launder ₹1.2 crores (as per Enforcement Directorate).

Panama Papers (2016) German Journalists released these incriminating documents from
Paradis Papers (2017) certain law firms in tax havens & showed how notable people across
the world engaged in tax avoidance/ evasion. Bachchan &
Aishwarya also named in them.

Tax Terrorism Happens when tax authorities put undue pressure on an honest
कर आतांकिाद taxpayer to pay more taxes.
2012: Vodafone won a case against income tax department in the
supreme court related to Capital Gains Tax on purchase of Hutch
mobile company.
Afterwards, UPA government amended the income tax act with
retrospective effect and issued fresh notices against Vodafone. So,
Modi called it “UPA’s Tax Terrorism on Corporates”

TDS/TCS Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) सरोत पर कर कटौती

Tax Collection at Source (TCS) सरोत पर कर संग्रह
These are the mechanism to discourage tax evasion.

PAN Card 12 letters alphanumeric numbered assigned to all taxpayers in India

स्र्ाई खाता सांययाक by Income Tax Dept. Refer to GST Handout for more.


Enforcement FinMin → Department of Revenue → ED is a Specialized financial
Directorate (ED: प्रितथन investigation agency to enforce following laws
1. Foreign Exchange Management Act,1999 (FEMA)
ननदे शालय ) 2. Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA)

Directorate of FinMin → Department of Revenue →CBIC → DRI is an agency

Revenue Intelligence against Customs/Narcotics/Wildlife/Arms related smuggling & illegal
activities. (DRI: राजसि आसच
ू ना ननदे शालय)

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Financial Intelligence It analyses the suspected financial transactions in domestic and
unit (FIU-2004: वित्तीय crossborder levels & reports directly to the Economic Intelligence
Council (EIC) headed by the Finance Minister.
ू ना एकक)

Financial Action Task is a brainchild of G7, Combating Money laundering and terror
Force (FATF-1989: finance. HQ@Paris. India became member in 2010.
वित्तीय कारथ िाई कायथदल)

OECD (1961:आर्र्थक ____ ____ ____

HQ@Paris. Works for International cooperation in the matters of
सहयोग तर्ा विकास economy and taxation. Known for Base erosion and profit shifting
सांगठन) (BEPS) Norms. India is a member.


18.2.1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (PMLA-2002)
धनशोधन ननिारण अधधननयम
➢ 1998: UNGA declaration on Money Laundering. 2002 India enacts this law to combat
money laundering, search-seizure-arrest-penalty. Main agency? Enforcement
➢ Cases are heard @ PMLA Adjudicating Authority (न्यायननणथयन प्राधधकारी) → PMLA
Appellate Tribunal (अपीलीय प्राधधकरण).
➢ It also empowers the RBI, SEBI, IRDAI and other regulator to make norms for
Banks/NBFCs & punish the errant parties.
➢ E.g. RBI’s Know Your Customer (KYC) norms and Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
standards. Online Magazine Cobrapost conducted sting operation on ICICI Bank,
HDFC Bank and Axis Bank & RBI Imposed a heavy penalties (2013).
18.2.2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (UFIA-2015)
अज्ञात विदे शी आय तर्ा पररसंपवि अधधननयम
➢ It requires Indian residents to disclose their foreign assets (e.g. bunglow in Dubai,
Bank account in Switzerland) and income coming from foreign sources (e.g. shell
company in Cayman Island) in their income tax returns.
➢ Foreign source income will be subjected to 30% income tax. No deduction,
exemption or rebate will be given on it.
➢ Violation = Penalty + upto 10 years jail time. If a company is found violating the Act,
then every person responsible to the company shall also be liable for punishment
unless he proves that it was done without his knowledge.
➢ It also empowers the Union to enter into agreements with other countries for the tax
exchange of information.
18.2.3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (BTPA- 1988, 2016)
- बेनामी लेनदे न (ननषेध) अधधननयम: Original act in 1988 but did not achieve much results
→ amended in 2016. Main Agency? Income Tax Department.
- Benami refers to properties that buyer registers in the name of his relative, personal
staff (driver, gardner) or a non-existent/ fictitious persons to avoid tax authorities’

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attention. E.g. 2018: Misa Bharti Yadav (allegedly) bought farmhouse in the name of
her brother-in-law Nilesh Kumar.
- Cases are heard @ PMLA Tribunal → PMLA Appellate Tribunal.
- Violation = Confiscation of property + penalty + upto 10 years jail time.
MCQ. With reference to the ‘Prohibition of Benami Transactions Act’, find correct
statement(s):(Asked in UPSC-Pre-2017)
1. A property transaction is not treated as a benami transaction if the owner of the
property is not aware of the transaction.
2. Properties held benami are liable for confiscation by the Government.
3. The Act provides for three authorities for investigations but does not provide for any
appellate mechanism.
Answer Codes: (a) 1only (b) 2 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 2 and 3 only
18.2.4 Tax (Evasion) Amnesty schemes
Under such schemes, a tax-evader can declare his undisclosed income, pay the taxes and
penalty. Then, Income Tax Department will not pursue case against him. (Although Police
may still pursue case if income is related to narcotics, kidnapping, extortion etc.)
Income Declaration Offer? 45% of the undisclosed income shall be taken away by govt as
Scheme (IDS) (tax 30%+ surcharge 7.5% + penalty 7.5%).
Validity? 2016 June to Sept. ~67,000 cr black money was declared.

Pradhan Mantri - ~50% of the undisclosed income shall be taken away by Govt. as Tax
Garib Kalyan + Penalty + Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Cess.
Yojana (PMGKY) - The PM Garib Kalyan cess, and deposit will be used for schemes
Launched after
related to irrigation, housing, toilets, infrastructure, edu, health etc.
Validity? - Further, 25% of the undisclosed income shall be deposited in RBI’s
2016-Dec: ‘Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Deposit Scheme, 2016’. It’ll be a fixed
To 2017-April deposit for 4 years @ ZERO % Interest
- The scheme was not so successful, hardly ~5000 cr. declared.
18.2.5 Tax Evasion → Other Initiatives
Banking Cash A 0.1% direct tax levied on cash withdrawals from banks. Started by
Transaction Tax Chidambaram but later withdrawn (2005-09). Objective was to
(BCTT: 2005-09) encourage less-cash economy and data mining of transactions.

A proposal given by a Pune based think-tank to Baba Ramdev that

all the direct and indirect taxes of the Union and the states should
be abolished and replaced with 2% tax on banking transactions.
(Suggested) Banking
Impracticable because such experiments were tried and failed in
Transaction Tax (BTT)
Australia and other countries as people shifted to using barter
system, diamonds and gold for transaction. 2017: Govt clarified they
are not considering any such proposal.

Chairman: Retd. SC Justice MB Shah, and senior tax officials. They

SC’s SIT on Black recommended various measures against Black Money hidden in
Money 2014 India, in overseas banks, P-Notes etc. SC ordered Govt to
implement this report.

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Operation Clean Income Tax Dept. verified large bank deposits made in the aftermath
Money 2017 of demonetisation. Phase 1- Jan 2017, Phase 2 - April 2017.

Income Tax Dept. hired L&T Infotech Ltd to develop an integrated

platform for data mining & tracking tax evaders.
(Related) Project Saksham 2016: CBEC/CBIC’s project for digital
Project Insight 2017
re-engineering related to GST. It’s not a ‘drive against black
money’ but for ‘Ease of Paying Taxes’. More in GSTN handout.
(Related) Aaykar Setu: CBDT’s mobile app to pay Income Tax.

Budget 2017 → Finance Act, 2017 → if anyone accepts ₹ 2 lakh

Restrictions on Cash /> CASH in a day / in multiple transactions related to one ‘event’,
Transactions, 2017 then Income Tax Dept penalty = 100% of the cash received.
Banks, post office, government organisations are exempted.

Electoral Bonds, 2017 Ref: SEBI/Sharemarket handout & write the gist in margin.

18.3 TAXATION → TAX AVOIDANCE (कर पररहार / कर टालना)

Here, people will not hide the transaction, they’ll blatantly declare it in their balance sheets
but use legal loopholes to avoid paying taxes.
18.3.1 Angel Tax on Startup Investments (2012)
- Angel investors are the rich people who occasionally invest equity-capital in startup
companies out of hobby / timepass / profit motive. (Whereas Venture Capital
Companies do the same thing but on regular & serious basis)
- Startup Entrepreneur Sunder Yadav registers a phoney “Sunder Construction” as an
(unlisted) Public Limited Company with ₹ 10 Face Value Shares, & sells them to
Angel Investor Sadhu Yadav @a premium price of ₹ 1,000 per share.
- But, even construction sector’s (listed) public limited companies like DLF’s shares are
going around for ₹ 230, then Sundar-startup’s shares are above ‘fair market price’.
So, this is not a genuine “Angel investment” but rather a facade for laundering Sadhu
Yadav’s money from construction, corruption or extortion business.
- So, UPA/Congress’s Budget-2012 required Sunder Construction (the Startup
Company) to pay 30%Tax + Penalty on the investment they received from Angel
investor Sadhu Yadav. This is dubbed as ‘Angel Tax’.
- Norms were further tigented by Modi-regime, but then controversy that it will
discourage the growth of startup companies so norms relaxed- ‘Angel Tax will not
apply if Startup’s turnover is less than ₹ “x” crores or if startup was registered for
upto “y” years.’
18.3.2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (DTAA) & Round Tripping
दोहरा कराधान पररहार समझौता
➢ It is a tax treaty signed between two or more countries.
➢ Objective? A taxpayer resides in one country and earns income in another, then he
need not pay tax twice in two countries for the same income.
➢ e.g. India Mauritius DTAA (1982): If a Mauritius person / company buy shares in India
and sells them at profit, then he need not pay capital gains tax (CGT) in India. Only
the Mauritius government can ask CGT from him.

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➢ Loophole? India has ~10-20% CGT whereas Mauritius has ~0-3% CGT (depending
on nature of asset, how long the buyer kept asset before selling etc). So many Indian
Politicians, Businessmen and Bollywood actors would transfer the money to shell
companies in Mauritius, and then make those Mauritius shell companies to invest
back in Indian assets & avoid paying Indian CGT. This process is called Round
Tripping (राउां ड-ट्रिवपांग) i.e. money that leaves the country through various channels
and makes its way back into the country as foreign investment.
➢ Similar loophole in India Singapore DTAA.
➢ 2016: Modi government amended the treaties so that even Mauritius and Singapore
investments in India will be subjected to Indian taxes**.
18.3.3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (POEM: पीओईएम)
- Bollywood Producer “A” forms a shell company in Cayman Islands (because it has
very low corporation tax). He gives this company international movie distribution
rights for his Indian movie @₹ 10 only. Then, Cayman Island company makes ₹ 50
crore profits, but he’d not pay any taxes in India saying its a foreign company making
profits from foreign territories, so Income tax department has no jurisdiction!
- But, here the place of effective management is India, from where the Bollywood
producer would be really taking the decisions of this shell company.
- So, Budget-2015 introduced the concept of POEM. Such overseas / foreign
company will be subjected to India’s 40% Corporation tax + cess + surcharge.
18.3.4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (BEPS: बीईपीएस)
- Multinational company (MNC) “M” opens fast food outlets in India & makes ₹ 50
crores profit. By default, it should be subjected to 40% Corporation tax in India.
- But then MNC shows its Indian outlets had taken loan / raw material / patented
technology from MNC’s shell firm in Bahamas (where Corporation tax is 0-2%). So,
after deducting these operating costs, it has zero profit, so in India, it will pay only
18.5% Minimum alternative Tax (MAT), instead of 40% Corporation tax.
- Thus, when MNCs shift profit from its source country to a tax haven to avoid / reduce
paying taxes, its known as “BEPS”. OECD & G20 have made a Framework to tackle
this nuisance.
18.3.5 Transfer Pricing (हस्ताांतरण मल्
ू य)
- Transfer pricing happens whenever two subsidiary companies that are part of the
same multinational group, trade with each other.
- Suppose Coca Cola (Indian Subsidiary) buys Sosyo Company’s shares or soda
formula at ₹ 10 crores, and then sells it to Coca Cola (Cayman Islands) at ₹ 10
rupees. Then ₹ 10 is the transfer price.
- Coca Cola (Cayman Islands) further sells Sosyo’s shares / Soda-Formula to other
companies at very high price. Yet, Indian tax authorities will not get any Capital Gains
Tax (CGT) even though Coca-Cola (USA holding company) may be making profit
(Capital Gains) of billion$ from this ‘Indian Asset’ (Sosyo).
- 2001: Transfer pricing related provisions were added in the Income Tax Act. but they
were quite strict leading to ‘tax terrorism’ by IT officials who’d slap notices on every
transaction, resulting into ‘No ease’ of doing business for MNCs.

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 141

18.3.6 Authority for Advance Rulings (AAR)
- After above episode, Pepsy (India) would like to know in advance whether its transfer
price of ₹ “y” or its imported / exported item worth ₹ “z” is agreeable to tax
authorities or not? lest it suffers from notices, raids and litigations afterwards.
- For this purpose, Authority for Advance Rulings (and their Appellate bodies) have
been set up under the income tax act, Customs act and even GST Act (recall Amul
Camel Milk).
- Advance pricing agreement (APA: अधग्रम मल्
ू य ननधाथरण समझौता)= If in previous
example, Coca Coal approached AAR and an agreement was signed between
taxpayer and a tax authority that “Transfer price of ₹ y is agreeable to both of us, and
will not attract any notices / raids / litigations afterwards.”
18.3.7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(GAAR: कर पररिजथन रोधी व्यापक ननयम)
- So far in various examples we learned how Indian and foreigners avoid tax payment
in India through loopholes like DTAA, POEM, BEPS, Transfer Pricing etc.
- So, UPA/Congress Govt setup economist Parthasarathi Shome panel who suggested
General Anti Avoidance Rules (GAAR) → they were incorporated in Income Tax Act
in 2012.
- GAAR empowers Income Tax officials to send notices to both Indians and foreigners
for suspected tax avoidance. (For Tax evasion, we’ve separate laws- PMLA, UFIA,
- But critics alleged GAAR will result in tax terrorism and harassment of individuals. So
successive Budgets kept delaying the GAAR- implementation. Finally done on
Reforms to reduce Tax Terrorism / Harassment
- In the previous section we learned about the “Tax evasion”, and notable measure →
laws, ban on cash transaction of ₹ 2 lakh / >, Operation Clean Money etc. So on one
hand, income tax department has to become strict / coercive like that to fight against
Tax evasion.
- At the same time, IT dept. also needs to become more friendly towards honest
taxpayers, while reducing the scope of tax avoidance. Here notable measures are →
Organised by CBDT & CBIC for idea exchange between policy
Rajaswa Gyan
makers and senior tax officers.
2016: Modi gave them RAPID Mantra: R for Revenue, A for
2016 & 2017
Accountability, P for Probity, I for Information and D for Digitization.

This bill aimed to replace the Income Tax Act, 1961 with simpler
Direct Tax Code 2010
provisions. But, lapsed with 15th LokSabha dissolution in 2014.

Easwar Panel on To simplify the provisions of IT Act, 1961, to remove ambiguities that
Direct Taxes 2015 cause unnecessary litigations & hardships to Tax payers.

Setup by CBDT to draft New Direct Tax Legislation (Law) to replace

Arbind Modi IT Act 1961. Later Arbind modi retired & replaced by Akhilesh
Taskforce 2017 Ranjan. 2019-Feb: Panel sought 3 months extension ke report not
yet prepared.

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 142

2017: CBDT’s mobile app that helps you calculate and pay Income
____ ____
Tax, claim TDS refunds etc.
18.3.8 Global Treaties, Agreements & Indexes
Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA: कर सूचना विननमय समझौता)
➢ India has signed such agreements with multiple countries. It enables mutual sharing
of information to detect tax avoidance and tax evasion.
➢ On Indian side, CBDT is the the nodal agency for such agreements.
USA’s Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA-2010)
विदे शी खाता कर अनप
ु ालन अधधननयम
➢ USA’s FATCA Act requires foreign financial Institutions (such as Indian Banks,
Pakistani Insurance Companies, Chinese Mutual Funds etc) to report the assets held
by Americans.
➢ This helps US Tax authorities to detect tax avoidance / evasion by Americans who
are hiding income outside USA.
Global Financial Secrecy Index (िैख्विक वित्तीय गोपनीयता सूचकाांक)
➢ Prepared by London based Think Tank ‘Tax Justice Network (TJN)’.
➢ It uses 20 indicators to measure the countries on their financial secrecy,
opportunities for Tax Avoidance, BEPS etc.
➢ 2018 Ranking: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (1st), India (32),
ु ीकरण)
- Definition? Demonetization is the wholesale withdrawal of currency notes from
- RBI Act 1934: Every banknote is a legal tender. However, RBI Central Board can
recommend the Government of India to notify specific currency note(s) should no
longer be treated as legal tenders. Then FinMin → Department of Economic Affairs
makes official gazette notification.
- 1946: ₹ 500 Notes demonetized; 1978: ₹ 1000, ₹ 5000, ₹10000 Notes demonetized.
- 2016-Nov-8th: Public was ordered to deposit the (old) Mahatma Gandhi series
currency notes ₹ 500 and ₹ 1,000 (henceforth called “Specified Bank Notes (SBN)”)
into Banks and post-offices latest by 30th December 2016. And all the banks and
post offices where order to deposit such SBN into RBI.
- Specified Bank Notes (Cessation of Liabilities) Ordinance: From 31st December
2016, RBI Governor not required to honor “I promise to pay…” or exchange the SBN.
Except for NRIs, deadline little bit relaxed, with certain norms. Public prohibited from
keeping SBN, except for research or numismatics or museum- and that too in limited
amount. This ordinance became Act in 2017.
- India is not the only country in the world to do demonetisation. Sweden ( 2013),
European Union ( 2016) and even Pakistan (2015) has done it for their currency

18.4.1 Why Demonetise ₹ 500 & 1000?

- Demonetization is usually done in the aftermath of hyperinflation, war & regime-change.
- India did it to combat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 143

- We had 12.04% Cash to GDP ratio, one of the highest in the world. Currency printing &
transportation cost alone was 1.7% of GDP.
- “Soil rate” is the rate at which notes are considered to be too damaged to use and
returned to the RBI. For ₹ 500 & 1000 SBN-notes, soil rate was much lower than the
currency notes of ₹ 10 to 100. (implying that 500-1000 SBN were used more for ‘storing
black money’, rather than using in transactions.)
- So, experts made mathematical comparison of the foreign countries’ economic
development, soil rates of their foreign currency notes etc. and arrived at a figure ₹ 3
lakh crores of Indian black money is stored in SBN (=2% of GDP).
- So if SBN were demonetised, the black money holders will not return their currency
notes into banks (fearing IT-RAIDS) and thus black money will be destroyed.
- But in reality, 99.30% of the SBN were returned back into the banking system, so hardly
₹ 10,720 crore of black money was destroyed by the demonetisation of 2016.

18.4.2 How did 99.30% SBN returned into banking system?

If the mathematical modelling was correct, then only 80% of the SBN should have returned
back, & 20% SBN (presumed to be Black Money) should not have returned. But, Black
money owners used following tricks to deposit their SBN in bank accounts:
1. Businessmen / Politicians used their drivers, cooks, gardners, personal staff members
and relatives as Money mules. This is evident from exponential rise in the deposits in
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan bank accounts.
2. SBN were given out as “loans” to poor & as advance salaries to workers.
3. Agents who tied up with corrupt bankers who exchanged SBN without KYC verification.
4. SBN deposited in Cooperative Banks as back-dated Fixed Deposits (Because
Cooperative Banks didn’t use Core Bank Solution so it was possible to temper records)
5. Similarly, SBN deposited in banks and then shown as income from sale of (fictitious)
grain stock etc. So, IT-dept can’t demand tax on it (and most state governments not levy
tax on agricultural income due to vote bank politics).
6. SBN deposited in shell companies & shown as income from (fictitious) sale and invoices.
7. SBN donationed to trust, temples & Political Parties with backdated receipts (and those
entities are exempted from Income Tax on their income.)…. And so on

18.4.3 Even if 99.30% SBN returned, it’s not failed experiment because:
✓ Those who could not return their SBN, have lost their black money (₹ 10,720 crore)
✓ Those who used poor people are money mules- must have paid some commission to
them. So even if government did not get tax from black money, atleast poor people
✓ Further, during Operation Clean money, IT-dept issued notices to the suspicious bank
accounts where large amount of money was deposited. Such shell firms & their benami
properties are being seized.
✓ With Project Insight & Op. Clean Money: IT dept fetched ₹ 1.30 lakh crore in taxes and
penalty, attached ₹ 7000 crore worth Benami properties, ₹ 1600 crore worth foreign
assets & de-registered ~3.40 lakh shell firms. (Figures from Int-Budget-2019).
✓ The number of PAN card registration, IT returns, registrations under excise / VAT / GST
have greatly increased in the aftermath of demonetisation which proves that crooked

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 144

people have learned lesson. More than 1 crore new income tax assesses are added in
✓ Tax collection has increased from ₹ 6 lakh crores (2013) to ₹ 12 lakh crores (2018).

18.4.4 Demonetization: short term challenge, long term benefit (Eco. survey 2016-17)
Area Short term challenges long term benefits

Administrative challenges Growth in the deposits → more loans can be

on the bankers to given @cheaper interest rate, Less Cash
exchange the banned economy & associated benefits.

Real Sale of houses declined Prices & rents of houses should decline.
Estate Migrants will benefit.

Job loss in cash-intensive Less-cash economy, digitization and

sectors like diamond formalization of economy, Bizmen getting GST
polishing, farm laborer, registrations → further surveillance → forced
at large
MSME to show their employees on paper → EPFO &
ESIC benefits to worker.

Growth Slow down improvement

SELF-Study for Mains: Economic survey 2016-17 Vol1ch3, table 2 “impact of dem” .


The last three economic service have repeatedly observed that
- Democracy is a contract and taxation is the economic glue that binds government
and citizens into this contract.
- But, when ever government delivers poor quality of service in public schools,
hospital etc. → middle class and rich citizens will “EXIT” towards the private school
and hospitals → Then they also feel ‘moral right’ to evade / avoid taxes, because
they are no longer using public services. Result? hardly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are
taxpayers (23% is desirable, as per our level of development against BRICS nations.)
- Govt gets less taxes → poor fiscal capacity → poor services → vicious cycle
continues and results in decline of govt’s accountability towards citizens.

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 145

18.5.1 The reasons for low Tax: GDP in India:
➢ Lack of civic sense among people that paying taxes is their basic duty.
➢ Presence of informal sector, parallel economy, cash based economy.
➢ Low per capita income, high level of poverty.
➢ Concentration of income in the hands of few- who are greedy to engage in tax evasion &
➢ Election funding as the mother source of corruption, and therefore black money.
Politician-Builders-Mafia nexus.
➢ Due to political considerations, state governments and local bodies do not levy all the
taxes authorised by the constitution e.g. tax on agricultural income. So our (direct) tax
base is narrow. [Tax base: कराधार means the the total value of all the income, property,
etc. on which tax is charged.]
➢ Loopholes in the tax laws which encourage tax avoidance using Domestic and Offshore
➢ Direct taxes like wealth tax, gift tax and estate duty suffered from loopholes, lax
monitoring and evasion, they didn’t yield much revenue. Hence even referred as ‘paper


- American economist Arthur Laffer: if tax rates are increased above a
certain level, then tax revenue collection will fall because higher tax rates
discourage people from working (and/or engage in tax evasion and tax
Laffer Curve avoidance).
- So, tax-cuts could lead to higher tax revenue collections.
(लफ़र िक्र):
- Budget-2017: The lowest Income Tax slab was cut from 10% to 5%; The
corporation tax on small sized companies was also brought down from
30 % to 25%
- USA Budget-2017: Corporation tax cut down from 35 % to 15%

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 146

Tax buoyancy - Measures the comparative growth in tax collection against the growth in
(कर national output or national income.
- E.g. if income tax collection growth rate is 11% when GDP growth rate is
उत्प्लािकता): 10%, then its tax buoyancy is 1.1

Tax elasticity
If first income tax slab increased from 5% to 15% then in absolute terms how
(कर लधचलाता): much more IT-revenue will be generated?

18.6.1 Net Tax Revenue of the Govt (शद्

ु ध कर राजस्ि)
Sr. Budget → Revenue Receipts → Tax Receipts Expected in 2019-20

A Union’s Direct taxes, incl. cess and surcharge ~ _ _ _ _ lakh crores

B Union’s Indirect taxes incl. cess and surcharge. ~ _ _ _ _ lakh crores

- For Union: direct taxes income is >>
indirect taxes.
- But if we summed all taxes of union, state
and local bodies then indirect taxes income
>> direct taxes.

C Union territories without legislature: their direct and ~6000 crores

indirect taxes: विधानमंडल रहहत संघ राज्य क्षेर

D Gross Tax Revenue (=A+B+C) सकल कर राजसि ~26 lakh crores

E Minus the Tax devolution to States (कर हसतांतरण) (-)~8.5 lakh crores
as per GST council (for CGST) and Finance
Commission (for non-CGST taxes).

F Minus Contributions to National Disaster Response (-)~2500 crores

Fund in Home ministry*

D-E-F Net Tax Revenue of Union (शद्

ु ध कर राजसि) ~ _ _ _ _ lakh crores

*National Disaster Response Fund (राष्ट्रीय आपदा प्रनतक्रक्रया कोष) is a statutory fund under
Disaster Management Act, 2005. Previously, called National Calamity Contingency Fund

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 147

18.6.2 Revenue Shortfall (राजस्ि में कमी)
2018-19 Advance 2018-19 Revised 2019-20 Advance
Estimates Estimates in Feb- Estimates Made in
Type of Tax Tax in ₹ crores Made in Feb-2018 2019 Feb-2019
Direct-Tax Corporation Tax 621000 671000 760000
Direct-Tax Income Tax 529000 529000 620000
Direct-Tax STT 11000 11000 12800
Indirect Tax Custom Duty 112500 130038 145388
Excise on Fuel,
Indirect Tax Alcohol** 259600 259612.2 259600
Indirect Tax GST 743900 643900 761200

Gross Tax Revenue → 22.7 lakh crores 22.4 lakh crores 26 lakh crores
- 1/2/2018: Budget 2018 is presented for the next financial year starting from 1st April
2018 to 31st March 2019. So, FinMin could have only made projections /estimations
about how much taxes will be collected during 1/4/18 to 31/3/19.
- But throughout the year, based on the advance tax-collection figures & monthly GST
collection figures, FinMin will have to re-adjust the estimates.
- 1/2/2019: (Interim) Budget 2019 is presented, along with that, Govt will present
revised estimates for previous Financial Year (2018-19).
- From the table we can see that Gross Tax collection is less than expected (22.7
MINUS 22.4) = ~30,000 crores is ‘Revenue Shortfall’, mainly because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
were less than expected.

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 148

Notable sources of Non-Tax revenue (In descending order) 2019-20

✓ Interest receipts (ब्याज प्राप््तयां received on Union’s loans to states, 1.5 lakh cr.
railways, CPSE, foreign countries.) is a revenue receipt. [Had those
borrowers repaid loan-principal, then that portion is ‘Capital Receipt.]
✓ Dividends and profits received from CPSE, PSBs, RBI. [Had Union
sold its shares to a third party (disinvestment / privatization), then that
will be ‘Capital Receipt’].
Union’s income from (Dividend & Profits) >> from Interests.

Income from selling various goods & services such as railways, postal 1.2 lakh cr.
services, selling of India Yearbook-, Yojana-Kurukshetra magazines, fees that
CISF charges for giving protection to Private Airports, auction of spectrum &
mining rights, selling of commemorative coins etc.

Grant in Aid (अनद

ु ान)/ Donations received by Union. 1000 cr.
[Had Union received ‘loan’, it’ll be ‘Capital Receipt’.]

Similar Non-tax revenue earned by UT without Legislature 2000 cr.

Sum of Above= Total Non-Tax Revenue Receipts कर-भभन्न प्राप््तयां ~2.7 lakh cr.

Total Revenue Receipts= NET Tax receipts (~17.0 lcr) + Non-Tax receipts (~2.7 lcr)= ~20lcr.
Figures are not important, but the fact that revenue budget: the tax receipts >> non-tax


बजट → राजसि भाग → राजसि व्यय: Revenue-expenditure are usually associated with
- Expenditures spent on day to day functioning of the organs of the state = salaries &
pensions, stationery, electricity bill, phone bill etc. in Executive, Judiciary, Legislature;
Various Constitutional & Statutory bodies.
- Expenditures that do not create income generating assets or permanent assets or
financial assets. So, money SPENT on loan-interests, subsidies, scholarships, grants
etc. are Revenue Expenditure.
Notable Revenue Expenditures (In descending order) 2019-20

Interest to be paid on previous loans is Revenue Expenditure. [Whereas _ _ _ _ lakh cr.

Union repays loan-principal, its ‘Capital Expenditure’]

- Grant-in-Aid (अनद
ु ान) to States & Local Bodies for Disaster 4.7 lakh cr.
Management, Panchayati Raj Development etc. as per Finance
Commission recommendations. Additionally, Govt also gives grants
to foreign countries for its soft-diplomacy.

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 149

- Grant = Amt doesn’t have to be returned with Interest. (Whereas If
Govt gave ‘loans’ to States/CPSE/Foreign Countries then it’s an
income generating financial asset = counted under Capital

Subsidies. Within them descending order _ _ _ _ lakh cr

1. Food subsidies: ₹ 1.8 lakh cr.
2. Fertilizer (Urea > Others): ₹ 75,000 cr
3. Fuel (LPG > Kerosene): ₹ 37,000 cr
4. Interest Subsidies on loans: Farmers (highest), MSME, Affordable
Housing, LIC Vay Vandana Yojana etc.: 25,000 cr.
5. Other Subsidies (Haj Subsidy etc): 12000 cr.

Defense related revenue expenditure (e.g. soldier salaries, fuel for tanks) 2 lakh cr

Pension to retired employees (In the last 3 years it has kept rising.) 1.9 lakh cr

➢ Economic services related revenue expenditure (Agriculture, energy, Fig. not imp.
transport, communication, Science technology)
➢ Social services related revenue expenditure ( health, education,
social security):
➢ Expenditure on Administrative machinery (Police, Jail, External
Affairs etc.), Elections, Parliament, Judiciary:
➢ Revenue expenditures of UT without Legislature:

Total Revenue Expenditure कुल राजसि व्यय ~25 lakh cr

Total Revenue Receipts (Tax + Non Tax Receipts) कुल राजसि प्राप््तयां ~20 lakh cr

Revenue Deficit = Revenue Receipt MINUS Expenditure. ~5 lakh cr*

*If we used precise figures instead of (~)approximation, then its ₹ 4.7lcr.

Projected GDP for 2019-20 is ₹ 210 lakh crores. So Revenue Deficit as a ____%
percentage of GDP = (4.7 lakh crore /210 lakh crore)*100. =


Tax (₹ ~26 lakh crores in Int-buget-19) Subsidies (₹ ~ _ _ lakh cr in Int-buget-19)

Tax is a compulsory contribution imposed by A subsidy is a benefit given to an individual or

State. Refusal to pay the tax is punishable. firm by the government to reduce some type
of burden. A person may refuse to accept the
subsidy, He will not be punished for it.

Tax doesn’t promise specific and direct A specific benefit is promised e.g. 6000 to
goods/services to the taxpayer. (Mukesh farmers, idlis @₹ 1 rupee in Amma Canteen
Ambani will still be subjected to potholes) (Tamilnadu).

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 150

19.1.1 Types of subsidies with selected examples
1. Given in direct cash (or bank transfer): PM KISSAN 6k, LPG Pahal ~200 per cylinder.
नगद में दी जाने िाली सब्सडी
2. Given in kind: free school bags, uniform and books to the poor children, free medicines
in public hospitals, free insurance. मफ्
ु त िसतु या सेिा के रूप में दी जाने िाली सप्ब्सडी
3. Indirect (परोक्ष) subsidies: cheap fees in government colleges, cheap kerosene, cheap
urea, cheap crop insurance premium etc. Here govt. is paying some money to an
organization so that they may provide goods/services @cheaprate to the beneficiary.
4. Regulatory (ननयामक) subsidies: e.g. if State Electricity Regulatory Commission directs
companies that electricity to farmers must NOT to be beyond ₹ “x” per unit.
5. Procurement (खरीद) subsidies: e.g. FCI purchasing at food grains from farmers at
minimum support price (MSP).
6. Interest (ब्याज) subsidies / subvention: govt pays “x%” interest agriculture,MSME,
affordable housing loans.

19.1.2 Impact of Subsidies (सख्ब्सडी का प्रभाि)

- Merit Goods (लाभदायक िसतऐ
ु ं): Healthcare, education, scientific research, LPG, solar
panels, wind mills etc. Here subsidies can increase the positive externalities. (Cheap
LPG → poors don’t use firewood → more trees & less indoor pollution.)
- But subsidies on diesel, kerosene generate negative externalities on the environment.
- Urea subsidies to industries → cheap urea to farmers → excessive consumption →
soil & water pollution, algae-blooms.
- Subsidy leakage (सप्ब्सडी ररसाि): When ghost beneficiaries (non-existent persons
propped up by corrupt officials), and ineligible people are receiving the benefits of

19.1.3 Economic Surveys on subsidy delivery

Economic survey 2014-15:
✓ We should use _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(JAM) trinity to reduce the subsidy
Economic survey 2015-16:
✓ Direct benefit transfer (DBT) can’t be a panacea in every case, because males of the
house may waste DBT-money on liquor & tobacco. So, in some cases, Biometrically
Authenticated Physical Uptake (BAPU) mechanism will be better i.e. beneficiary
goes to a grain / fertilizer shop and uses his Aadhaar & fingerprint to purchase
subsidized goods.
Economic survey 2016-17:
➢ The present subsidy delivery mechanism suffers from two errors:
○ Inclusion Error: Non-poor (=affluent people) are receiving ~40% of subsidies
○ Exclusion Error: 50% of the real poor are not getting subsidies due to

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 151

✓ So better to abolish all type of subsidies and directly deposit a specific sum of money
into beneficiary’s bank account to help him buy goods/services from open market =
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (UBI): More in Pillar#6.


Setup by Finmin → Department of Expenditure. 1st: Srinivasa Varadachariar (1946). 7th:
(Retd.) Justice _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (2014). Its recommendations became effective from 1/1/2016.
Major highlights were:
✓ New system of “Pay Matrix” instead of previous system of pay band and grade pay.
✓ In regulatory bodies salaries increased: Chairman ₹ 4.50 lakh per month, members ₹
✓ Minimum pay in Central service increased to ₹ 18k / per month (Group-D).
✓ Maximum pay: ₹ 2.25 lakh per month for Apex scale (e.g. Secretary of a Dept.), and ₹
2.50l (for Cabinet Secretary)
✓ It adopted Dr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ formula to computing wages at periodic interval
(formula tracks the changes prices of the commodities used by a common man). So,
critiques believe there will not be an 8th Pay Commission because salaries will be
updated automatically at regular interval, using this formula.
✓ It abolished various type of ‘interest free allowances’ e.g. Purchase of bicycle etc.
✓ It continued ‘interest-bearing advances’ for purchase of computer, house building
(upto ₹ 25 lakhs). [= employee can borrow money from department but he will have
to return it with interest.]
✓ Various reforms for defense and CAPF services.
✓ Made stronger rules in Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) system so
lazy officials don’t get promoted.

19.2.1 Associated terms:

- Dearness Allowance (DA: महां गाई भत्ता): It’s given by an employer to protect the
employees against rise in inflation. In government services, both working employees
and retired pensioners are given dearness allowance.
- House Rent Allowance (HRA: मकान ककराया भत्ता): Component of an individual's
salary that defines the rent allotted by the employer for employee's accommodation.
- Gratuity (ग्रेच्यट
ु ी): It’s a lump sum amount “x” given by an employer to the employee
for rendering services continuously for “y” number of years. Usually given at
retirement. Norms governed under Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
- one rank one pension (OROP): 2015- Modi govt. promised equal pension to military
personnel retiring in the same rank with the same length of service, regardless of the
date of retirement. Although, Ex-servicemen unhappy about the base year &
calculation formula.

19.3 REVENUE DEFICIT (राजस्ि घाटा: _ _ _ _ OF GDP)

When government spends more than its income in revenue account, it incurs …

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 152

- Revenue deficit = Revenue expenditure – Revenue receipts.
- Since a major part of revenue expenditure is committed expenditure (like Interest
repayment on previous loans, staff-salaries & pensions which Govt can’t ‘avoid’), so it
is quite difficult to reduce the revenue deficit.
- So, when revenue deficit increases government will be forced to borrow more money
or cut down the expenditure in the capital part (= less new schools, bridges and
hospitals). This will result in lower human development and lower economic growth
(less new bridges → less demand of steel/cements → less growth in those

19.4 EFFECTIVE REVENUE DEFICIT (प्रभािी राजस्ि घाटा: _ _ _ _ OF GDP)

- We’ve counted Grant-in-Aid to States / Local Bodies as ‘Revenue Expenditure’, but
some portion of that money may have been used by the States / Local Bodies for
building Panchayat-Bhavans, Disaster Management Training Institutes, Cranes &
Bulldozers for Disaster rescue operations etc. which are actually “Capital Assets”.
- Therefore, Budget 2011 (Chidambaram) introduced a new concept:
- Effective Revenue Deficit = Revenue Deficit (~4.7 lakh cr) MINUS Grants to various
bodies which were spent for creation of Capital Assets (2 lakh cr)
- ERD= ~2.7 lakh crores (1.3% of GDP) for 2019-20.


Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 153

बजट → पज
ूं ी भाग> प्राप््तयां: Sub-classified into two parts (Figures in Interim-Budget-2019)

Capital Debt Receipts: पज

ांू ीगत ऋण प्राख्प्तयााँ Capital Non-Debt Receipts:
गैर-ऋण पजूां ी प्राख्प्तयाां

₹ _ _ lakh cr from Internal Borrowing: ₹ 64,000 cr Loan Principal recovered (i.e.

- From RBI, Union government would have given loans to
- From market (Banks, NBFCs) state governments, foreign countries, public
- From small savings (Post-Office sector companies etc.) so when they return
Savings Accounts, National Savings Principal amount back that is counted here.
Certificates, etc),
- From Provident Funds (EPFO, PPF)

₹ 44,000 cr External borrowing: from ₹ _ _ _ _ cr Disinvestment i.e. Union selling

foreign countries & international institutions its shares from Public Sector Undertakings
like IMF World Bank, BRICS bank etc. (PSUs) / Central Public Sector Enterprises

Bigger portion of Capital Receipts come from Smaller portion

this side
MCQ. Which of following is not a component of ‘Capital Receipts’? (IEnggS-2018)
(a) Market borrowings including special bonds
(b) External loans raised by the Central Government from abroad
(c) Receipts from taxes on property and capital transactions
(d) Provident Funds (State Provident Funds and Public Provident Fund)


Public sector enterprise = Any commercial or industrial undertaking owned and managed by
the government to maximise social welfare and uphold the public interest. They can be
Classified into three parts:
Departmental Undertakings Statutory Corporations Govt. Companies
विभागीय उपक्रम िैधाननक ननगम सरकारी कांपननया

Directly part of a ministry e.g. Created by an act of Registered under the

Postal, Railways, Ordnance Parliament or state Companies Act, Govt’s
Factories. They can be legislature. E.g.RBI Act, SBI shareholding is 51% or
created easily, no laws Act, LIC Act, FCI Act, EPFO more.Coal India ltd, GAIL,
required, no registration Act. etc, SIDBI, NABARD, SAIL, NTPC, IOCL, BHEL &
required NHB, EXIM.. various Public Sector Banks
and NBFCs which are not
statutory corporations.

High level of ministerial Middle of both sides More operational flexibility,

interference less interference by Ministers

CAG will audit directly Some of these Acts provide Companies Act requires
for internal audit & exclude these companies to produce
CAG from auditing the audited reports. CAG will
Corporation. E.g. RBI, LIC. empanel the (private) auditors

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 154

for them.

Their earning will go directly Their earning → profit → dividend goes to shareholders.
in Public Account / CFI

Answerable in RTI Act Answerable in RTI Act Answerable in RTI Act

Their employees are Not considered govt employees. Their service / discipline
considered government conditions are governed by the respective organizations’
employee- subjected to internal manuals.
service and discipline rules
framed by the government.
- Public sector Undertaking (PSU) = collective term for Centre’s + State’s + Local
Bodies’ Public Sector Enterprises.
- Significance of corporations and companies: Development of infrastructure,
affordable services, regional balance, prevent concentration of economic power in
the hands of Corporates and MNCs.
- Challenges? Political interference, lack of innovation & consumer responsiveness,
employee unions, loss making enterprises.

20.1.1 Ratna Companies

Norms decided by Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises. “Ratna Companies”
given for the flexibility in operations like hiring more professionals, acquisition of other
companies etc. without requiring government approval for every small decision.

Category Condition and examples

Miniratna ✓ made profits in the last 3 years continuously, further subdivision in Cat-I
Cat-I and & Cat-II depending on how much profit is generated.
Cat-II ✓ Examples: National Film Development Corporation ltd, Mazagaon Dock
ltd, Airports Authority of India, Mishra Dhatu Nigam ltd, NHPC ltd,
WAPCOS ltd, ONGC Videsh ltd, Rail Vikas Nigam ltd,

Navratna ✓ A Mini Ratna company fulfilling “x” conditions

✓ Other Govt companies fulfilling “y” conditions such as Manpower cost to
total cost of production etc.
✓ Examples: Power Grid Corporation of India ltd, Rashtriya Ispat Nigam
ltd, Rural Electrification Corporation ltd, Shipping Corporation of India
ltd, Oil India ltd, National Aluminium Company ltd, Neyveli Lignite
Corporation ltd, Mahanagar Telephone Nigam ltd, Hindustan
Aeronautics ltd, Container Corporation of India ltd, Bharat Electronics

Maharatna ✓ Already a Navratna Company, and fulfilling “z” conditions such as min. ₹
5000 crore profit per year in last 3 years, listed at a Stock exchange,
significant global presence etc.
✓ Very few cos here: Bharat Heavy Electricals ltd, Coal India ltd, Indian
Oil Corporation ltd, NTPC ltd, Oil & Natural Gas Corporation ltd, Steel
Authority of India ltd, Bharat Petroleum Corporation ltd,

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 155

*Above examples are taken on 1/3/19. Their status is subject to change and updation, but we
need not did not lose sleep over it unless preparing for their specific recruitment exam.

20.1.2 Government policy towards disinvestment

- Disinvestment: Reducing the government shareholding upto 51%
- Privatization: Reducing the government shareholding below 50%
- Arguments in favour: reduced government shareholding → Private investors will
enter in the board of directors → more efficiency, innovation and autonomy.
Disinvestment proceeds can be used for welfare schemes, and reducing the fiscal
- Argument Against: MNC monopolies, exploitation of worker, job loss.
Year Policy

1991’s Industrial Reduce shareholding in all Govt Companies


1998’s Vajpayee - In strategic sector (Railways, Defense, Atomic Energy)- we’ll not do
- In Non-strategic = phased disinvestment

UPA-1 (2004-09) Due to pressure from the left is parties in the coalition: No
Disinvestment from any government companies. If a government
company is sick, we will try to revive it.

UPA-2 (2009-14) - All Govt Companies can be disinvested upto 49%. Money will goto
National Investment Fund (NIF: Public Account) → used for Bank
recapitalization, metro rail, nuke energy, EXIM-NABARD-RRB etc.
- Also launched CPSE-Exchange Traded fFunds (ETF): Ref SEBI

20.1.3 Disinvestment & Privatization in the Modi Raj (2014-19)

✓ Tried three methods of Disinvestment, depending on the Company
○ CPSE-ETF, Bharat-22-ETF
○ Institutional placement Programme (IPP): offer shares only to non-retail
○ Offer for sale (OFS): offer shares to both retail and non-retail investors
✓ Modi govt shut down many sick Govt companies such as HMT watches, Hindustan
Photo Film etc.
✓ Budget-2016 renamed FinMin’s Dept of Disinvestment into Dept. of Investment &
Public Asset Management (DIPAM).
✓ Disinvestment targets last 3 budgets: ₹ 1lcr (2017: Target achieved), ₹ 80k cr
(2018: Target achieved), ₹ 90k crore (2019).
✓ Privatisation attempts in 2018: (1) Tried to sell-off 74% shareholding from AirIndia
but no investors found. (2) IDBI sold to LIC.
MCQ. Why is the Government of India disinvesting its equity in the Central Public
Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)? (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2011)
1. The Government intends to use the revenue earned from the disinvestment mainly to
pay back the external debt.

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 156

2. The Government no longer intends to retain the management control of the CPSEs.
Ans Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
बजट → पज
ूं ीगत भाग → व्यय

Capital Expenditure: पज
ांू ीगत व्यय Interim-2019 (₹ lakh cr): अन्तररम-2019

Capital assets for various schemes, ministries, 1.18 lakh crores

departments (Building, vehicles..)

Repaying of loan principal for internal debts 60 lakh crores

Repaying of loan principal for external debts 35,000 cr

Giving Loans to CPSEs, State Govt, Foreign 91,000 cr.

Govt etc.

Total Capital Expenditure 63 lakh crores

21 TYPES OF DEFICITS: घाटे के प्रकार

- If government’s income >> its expenditure it will have a surplus budget/ अधधशेष बजट
- If government’s expenditure == its income, it will be a balanced budget/ संतभु लत बजट
- If government’s expenditure >> its income, it’ll be a deficit budget/ घाटे का बजट

Deficit Formula Interim-2019 (₹ lakh cr)

Revenue Deficit Revenue expenditure – Revenue 4.70 lcr. (2.2% of GDP)

राजस्ि घाटा receipts

Effective Revenue Deficit Revenue Deficit minus Grants for 2.70 lcr. (1.3% of GDP)
प्रभािी राजस्ि घाटा creation of capital assets

Budget Deficit Budget expenditure minus Budget 00

बजट घाटा receipt

Fiscal Deficit Budget Deficit 7.00 lcr. ( _ _ _ of GDP)

राजकोषीय घाटा

Primary Deficit Fiscal Deficit minus 39000 cr. (0.2% of GDP)

प्रार्ममक घाटा

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 157

MCQ. Find Correct Statement(s) (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2017)
1. Tax revenue as a percent of GDP of India has steadily increased in the last decade.
2. Fiscal deficit as a percent of GDP of India has steadily increased in the last decade.
Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither I nor 2

21.1 FISCAL DEFICIT: राजकोषीय घाटा

- Fiscal Deficit= Budget Deficit + Borrowing. This borrowing includes borrowing at
home (such as through Small Savings Scheme, and the G-Secs subscribed by
Banks/NBFCs) + Borrowing from RBI + Borrowing from abroad.
- Alternatively, we can expand formula as Fiscal Deficit = Total expenditure – (Revenue
receipts + Non-debt capital receipts).

21.2 PRIMARY DEFICIT: प्रार्ममकघाटा

- If the government continues to borrow year after year, it leads to accumulation of
debt and the government has to pay more and more interest. These interest
payments themselves contribute to borrowing requirements next year.
- So, to get a clearer picture of how much is the government borrowing for new
programs, they look at another indicator:
- Primary Deficit = Fiscal deficit minus the interest to be paid on the previous loans.


घाटे का वििपोषण: अर्थव्यिसर्ा पे उसके नकारात्पमक पररणाम
Deficit can be financed by either taxation, borrowing or printing money.
- Taxes can’t be increased beyond a point because it may force people to evade taxes /
discourage their motivation to work. (recall Laffer Curve).

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 158

- High deficit → Government borrows more money → @Maturity of G-Sec, it will have to
return the principal and interest to the lenders. At that time, Govt may greatly increase
taxes on people to arrange that amount. So, Economist David Ricardo argued that during
high deficits, people save more, because they become precautious about future hike in
taxes. It’s called “Ricardian equivalence: ररकार्डथयन तल्
ु यता” [& if people begin to spend
less and save more, then companies will face unsold inventories, creating new set of
- If government borrows more money from households & financial intermediaries (LIC,
EPFO, Banks via SLR), then that much less money will be available for loans to private
corporate borrowers. = “ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : हासकारी प्रभाि” on the private borrowers=
harms factory expansion and job creation.
- If Government forces SBI, LIC, EPFO to buy its G-sec using public deposits and thereby
depriving households of the optimal return (Had the same money been invested in the
corporate sector) = “ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the households: घरों/ कुटुम्बों का
वित्तीय दमन”.
- High level of fiscal deficit → International credit rating Agencies will reduce the
sovereign rating → investors will demand more interest from government for buying new
G-Sec→ G-sec remains unsold → RBI forced to buy it (and print more money to give to
Govt) → it’s called “ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : मद्र
ु ीकृत घाटा”. It can result in hyperinflation
and reduce the purchasing power of currency (if there is not sufficient increase in the
supply of onion, tomatoes & goods in the market.) e.g. Germany, after Treaty of
Versailles (1919).

21.4 FISCAL CONSOLIDATION / PRUDENCE: राजकोषीय एकत्रीकरण / वििेक

It involves reduction in government expenditure to control its Fiscal Deficit. Such as
1. Reducing the scope of leakages by targeted delivery of schemes and subsidies
through direct benefit transfer (DBT) through JanDha- Aadha- Mobile (JAM) trinity.
2. Reducing the quantum of subsidies: e.g.
a. Deregulation of Petrol prices (2010), Diesel Prices (2013).
b. 2016: Oil Ministry began to block LPG-Pahal subsidies to persons with annual
taxable income of ₹ 10 lakh />
c. 2017: Oil Ministry asked oil companies to keep raising prices of subsidised
kerosene by 25 paise every fortnight until the subsidy is eliminated.
3. Shutting down loss making PSU. E.g. Hindustan Photo Films, HMT Bearings, HMT
Chinar Watches, Tungbhadra Steel, Hindustan Cable & HMT Watches (2014).
4. Privatization of loss making PSU/PSBs e.g. 2018- IDBI2LIC, 2018- Tried to sell off Air
India, but unable to find any buyer.
5. Austerity Measures:भमतव्यनयता के उपाय e.g. 2018- W.Bengal govt issued directives to
its departments banning flower bouquets and mementoes in public functions,
banning officials meetings at private hotels, frequent installation of AC, car purchases,
office renovations etc. & restricting the number of foreign tours by Ministers / IAS
etc., More use of video-conferencing instead of personal tours.

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 159

MCQ. There has been a persistent deficit budget year after year. What can be done by
by the government to reduce the deficit? (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2015)
1) Reducing revenue expenditure 2) Introducing new welfare schemes
3) Rationalizing subsidies 4) Expanding industries
Answer Codes: (a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

MCQ. In India, the price of petroleum products has been deregulated mainly to (UPSC-
(a) reduce the burden of subsidies given to the oil companies
(b) discourage the exploration of oil reserves in the country
(c) discourage the demand for private vehicles
(d) curb the use of black money in the economy

21.5 FISCAL STIMULUS (राजस्ि प्रोत्साहन पेकेज)

- When government reduces taxes and/or increases public procurement (सरकारी खरीद)
to boost the demand & growth in economy, it’s called “Fiscal Stimulus”.
- Post-subprime crisis in USA, Manmohan Govt. announced Fiscal Stimulus (2008)
such as (1) Cut in the Excise duty & Custom Duty on exports (2) Businessman where
given additional depreciation benefits in Income Tax & Corporation Tax, if they
purchased new commercial vehicles. (3) Hiked the MSP procurement prices for
- However, the economic surveys observed that such Fiscal Stimulus create new set of
problems by increasing the fiscal deficit in the subsequent years.
MCQ. Which one of the following statements appropriately describes the “fiscal
stimulus”? (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2011)
(a) It is a massive investment by the Government in manufacturing sector to ensure the
supply of goods to meet the demand surge caused by rapid economic growth
(b) It is an intense affirmative action of the Government to boost economic activity in the
(c) It is Government’s intensive action on financial institutions to ensure disbursement of
loans to agriculture and allied sectors to promote greater food production and contain food
(d) It is an extreme affirmative action by the Government to pursue its policy of financial,

21.6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 2003 (FRBM)

राजकोषीय उिरदानयत्पि और बजट प्रबंधन अधधननयम, 2003
Originally it required Union and States to control their deficits with following targets:.
- By 2008: Reduce Fiscal Deficit to 3% of GDP (for Union) and 3% of GSDP (for
- By 2008: Eliminate Revenue deficit (=make it 0%) of their respective GDP or GSDP.
While some of the state governments were able to do it, but successive union government
struggled to meet these targets so they kept amending the act to extend the deadlines and
targets. E.g. Amendment 2012: No need to have 0% Revenue deficit. Instead it required 0%

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 160

Effective Revenue Deficit by 2015. These deadlines were extended even further in
subsequent Finance Bills.

21.6.1 FRBM Review Panel under _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (2016-17); समीक्षा पैनल

- Budget-2016: Jaitley felt FRBM Act targets were too rigid and did not allow any room
for the government to address any crisis e.g. farm loan waivers during drought period
or unemployment allowance during global financial crisis are not possible if
government strictly wants to control fiscal deficit at 3% of GDP.
- So, he constituted a panel under NK Singh (former IAS, 15th FC chairman) to review
the FRBM act. RBI Governor Urjit R. Patel & CEA Arvind Subramanian were also in
the committee.

21.6.2 FRBM Panel’s Notable recommendations: उल्लेखनीय मसफाररशें?

- Replace the existing FRBM act with a new act, with an ‘ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ’ i.e.
During a war, drought or economic crisis, the government should be temporarily
allowed to cross breach targets.
- Set Up an independent Fiscal Council for monitoring.
- Adopt following fiscal road map for the union from 2017 to 2023 gradually reduce
Union Debt to GDP (to less than 40%), Fiscal Deficit (to 2.5%) and Revenue Deficit (to
So, citing NK Singh report (as an excuse), Budget 2018 amended the FRBM targets →

Indicator (Actual) (Actual) (TARGET) (TARGET)

as % of GDP 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2024-25

Fiscal Deficit 3.4% 3.4% ____% 3.0%

Primary Deficit 0.2% 0.2% ____% 0.0%

Revenue Deficit & ERD These targets are abandoned in FRBM

Union Debt: GDP In 2017, it’s ~46.5%, Gradually reduce it ____%

to →

General (=Union+State) Gradually reduce to → ____%

Debt to GDP:
FRBM Act requires the union government to present 3 documents along with the budget:
1. Fiscal Policy Strategy Statement (राजकोषीय नीनत कायथनीनत वििरण): To explain how Govt.
is controlling the deficits, and whether there is going to be any deviation from the target.
2. Macroeconomic Framework Statement (व्यापक आर्र्थक ढााँचा वििरण): to show economic
data - GDP, growth rate, import-exports, and government’s receipts and expenditure etc.
3. Medium-term Fiscal Policy Statement (मध्यम अिर्ध की राजकोषीय नीनत वििरण): for next
3 year projections

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 161

(Concept) Fiscal Slippage: If government has targeted to keep the fiscal deficit within 3.4%
percent of GDP, but if it crosses that limit, it’s called ‘Fiscal Slippage’.
MCQ. According FRBM Act, the Government is under obligation to present three
statements before the parliament along with the Annual Budget. Which one of the
following is not one of them? [UPSC-CDS-2008-I]
(a) Macroeconomic Framework Statement
(b) Fiscal Policy Strategy Statement
(c) Medium-term Fiscal Policy Statement
(d) Statement showing Short term Fiscal Policy

21.6.3 Public Debt Management Agency (PDMA): सािथजननक ऋण प्रबांधन एजेंसी

- RBI decides on the repo rate and also undertakes open market operation for buying and
selling of G-sec. Most of the G-sec are purchased by public sector banks, insurance and
pension funds. As Banking-regulator, the Reserve Bank is able to nudge PSBs to
subscribe to G-sec. So, this creates a ‘conflict of interest’ for RBI in its role as Banking
regulator vs Public Debt manager.
- Budget-2015 proposed creating an independence Public Debt Management Agency
(PDMA) to takeover these functions of RBI. But later plan was put on a back burner due
to RBI’s objections.
- 2019: NITI Aayog Vice Chairman Rajiv Kumar again reiterated the need to setup PDMA.

22 TYPES OF BUDGET: बजट के प्रकार

22.1 REVENUE VERSUS CAPITAL BUDGET: राजस्ि बनाम पांज

ू ीगत बजट
Revenue budget: राजस्ि बजट Capital Budget पज
ांू ीगत बजट

It is associated with the income and associated with the income and expenditure
expenditure that are of temporary in nature that are of long term nature and/or results into
(1 year or less), and/or do not result into creation of permanent / capital /financial

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 162

creation of permanent / capital / physical / assets, such as land, buildings, machinery,
financial assets. equipment, shares, bonds, G-sec.

Taxation, revenue from selling goods and Borrowings, disinvestment, and expenditure
services, interest payment on previous loans, on assets creation.
salaries, pension, subsidies and other non-
developmental expenditure
MCQ. Which of the following is/are included in the capital budget of the Government of
India? (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2016)
1. Expenditure on acquisition of assets like roads, buildings, machinery, etc,
2. Loans received from foreign governments
3. Loans and advances granted to the States and Union Territories
Ans Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3

22.2 GENERAL BUDGET VERSUS RAILWAY BUDGET (आम बजट बनाम रे लिे बजट)
- 1920-21: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Committee recommends separate Railway Budget. This practice
continued even after Independence, first the railway minister would present the Railway
budget in parliament, and after a few days finance minister will present General Budget.
- NITI Aayog’s Bibek Debroy committee recommends its abolition because 1) No
constitutional requirement 2) During coalition governments, Rail budget was used for
populism, cheap fares which eroded the profitability of Railways. 3) during the British
time, railway revenue used to be quite large compared to other sources of revenue, but
after independence, Railway revenue is quite small compared to overall General budget-
So it does not deserve a special presentation.
- Therefore, Modi govt merged Railway budget merged with General budget from 2017.


योजना बनाम गैर योजना व्यय बजट: is a method of classifying the expenditure side

Plan (expenditure) budget; Non-Plan (Expenditure) Budget

- Central Plans (the Five-Year Plans) - Expenditure related to general,

- Central assistance for State Five Year economic and social services of the
Plans. government; Interest payments,
- It is further subdivided into revenue defence services, subsidies, salaries
expenditure (e.g. teachers salary and pensions.
under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan) and - It is also further subdivided into
capital expenditure (e.g. new school revenue expenditure (e.g. soldier
buildings to be constructed under salaries) and capital expenditure (e.g.
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan) Building new aircraft carrier).
Since Budget-2017, Modi govt stopped the practice of displaying the plan and non plan
expenditure separately because (1) No such constitutional requirement (2) Government had
dissolved the planning commission in 2014-15 (3) 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17) was ending
in 2017 anyways.

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 163

It is the process / strategy with which the budget is created.
Traditional / पारं पररक / लाइन-आइटम बजट: Simply calculating the income and expenditure
Line-item without measuring the underlying benefit or performance
Budgeting - Allot ₹ 10,000/- to buy a New bed in government hospital
- Allot ₹ 50,000 to buy a new computer in government department

Performance calculating the income and expenditure tied with underlying benefit or
budgeting performance
प्रदशथन बजट - Allot ₹ 50,000 to buy a new computer with target that it should result
in 30% the faster clearance of RTI-applications compared to pen and
paper based office system.
Such budgeting helps measuring everything in terms of cost:benefit,

Zero based - In a traditional budgeting, the approach is “automatic and

budgeting incremental, “last year we allotted ₹ 50,000 crore to educational
शन् schemes, so this year we should allot 55,000 crores, lest the
ू य आधाररत
opposition parties create controversy.”.
बजट - Whereas in Zero based Budgeting the budget is viewed as a fresh
exercise from zero base. So, each department has to justify its
budget demands to finance ministry. E.g. if last year ₹ 50,000 crores
given to education schemes but still 60% of class 5 kids cannot read
class 2 books, then we’ll delete / modify that scheme.

____ - In a traditional budgeting, once a scheme is launched it runs

Budgeting perpetually, even after regime change e.g. MNREGA, Mid-day Meal.
सय - In a zero based budgeting, schemes are reviewed every year and
ू ाथस्त/
then they may get discontinued or continued (with or without
समयसीमा का modifications).
बजट - In Sunset Budgeting, scheme are announced with deadline. e.g.
MEITY to give MDR subsidy for a period of two years starting from
1/1/2018. Thus, this scheme will self destruct after deadline just like
the sun will set after the sunset time.

____ It is not a separate budget but rather within the general budget, FinMin will
____ put a separate expenditure document showing women specific schemes,
लैंर्गक बजट targets, and commitments- in two parts:
✓ Part A = Women Specific Schemes, i.e. which have 100% allocation
meant for women. E.g. Minority Affairs Ministry’s “Nai Roshni”
scheme for Leadership Development of Minority Women,
✓ Part B = Pro Women Schemes, i.e. where at least 30% allocation is
meant for women. E.g. HRD Ministry → Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
✓ Practice started from Budget-2005.


From 70s, Govt required individual ministries to earmark funds for SC/ST within their overall
funds, under the titles:

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 164

A. “Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan (SCSP: अनस
ु र्ू चत जानत उप-योजना)” → Social Justice
Ministry monitors via
B. “Tribal Sub plan (TSP: आट्रदिासी उप योजना)” → Tribal Affairs Ministry monitors via which is not a fancy name so we need not memorize unlike e-utthaan.


योजनाओं के भलए उत्पपादन पररणाम ढााँचा

Started from Budget-2017 onwards, the FinMin uploads a document showing outlay output
and outcomes for each ministry and department. These are monitored by NITI Ayog. e.g.
Ministry & Scheme Outlay Output (Deliverables) Outcome

MEITY → Pradhan ₹ 400 Give computer training Increased number of

Mantri Gramin Digital crores to 5 crore persons in digitally literate persons
Saksharta Abhiyan rural area in rural areas

22.7 LAPSABLE FUNDS & MARCH RUSH: व्यपगत ननर्ध और माचथ व्यस्तता
- Appropriation act allows the government to spend funds from consolidated fund of
India for a period of one year (ending in 31st March).
- If any allotted funds remain unutilised, then by the ‘ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ’, they must be
returned (& government will have to again seek Parliament approval for the next
financial year using next appropriation bill).
- So, in March, there is rush among the Government organisations to spend money (in
a haphazard / reckless manner) lest they’ve to return it back.
- 2017-18: Finance ministry issued directive that in “In the fourth quarter (Jan to
March) and in the March-Month, Govt organizations shall not spend more than “x%”
& “y%” of funds”. This helps controlling the March Rush.

22.8 NON LAPSABLE FUNDS & NO RUSH: बबनव्यपगत ननधी

- The money in such fund will not lapse on 31st March, so it can be used in future
without getting another approval from parliament. e.g. Department of economic
affairs → _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ → women safety related projects.
- Criticism? because the fund is non lapsable, Departments become very lax in
utilising it. Budget 2013 started Nirbhaya fund in the aftermath of Dec-2012 Gangrape
@Delhi. The successive budgets kept adding ₹ into it. By 2018: ~3000 crore but not
even 50% utilized for any women safety activities.
- 2018: Defence ministry demands “ non lapsable defence modernization fund”, but
Finance ministry rejected the proposal for similar same reason. ( money will remain

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 165

22.9 CASH VS ACCRUAL BUDGETING: नगदी बनाम उपचय बजट
If Railways transported cargo of Jindal Steel in January, & raised ₹ 5 lakh invoice but Jindal
actually paid money in February. Then, Railways account book can be prepared in 2 ways:
Income Cash based accounting Accrual-based accounting
नकद आधाररत लेखा उपचय आधाररत लेखा

January ₹0 ₹ 5 lakhs (it’s deemed as ‘earned’ even though

it’s not ‘paid’ right now)

February ₹ 5 lakhs (i.e. when cash ₹0

actually received / spent).

So? Since colonial times, Govt. - 12th FC suggest to use this method, for
preparing accounts and better estimation of income and
budget in this manner. expenditure. HOW? #BcomNOTIMP.
- From 2019 Railways planning to adopt
this. So, TheHindu columnists
suggesting that all depts shd adopt

22.10 TYPES OF SCHEMES/ योजनाओां के प्रकार

- UPA/Congress Raj: hundreds of centrally sponsored schemes (CSS) with overlapping
objectives and duplication of efforts.
- 2015-16: NITI Ayog forms Shivraj Singh Chouhan Panel for rationalization CSS →
cabinet approved report → reduced, merged & restructured. Ultimate outcome is →
Central Sector Schemes Centrally Sponsored Schemes
केंद्रीय क्षेत्र की योजनाएां केद्रीय प्रायोख्जत योजनाएां

_ _ _ _ funded by Union Not 100% funded by union. States have to bear some cost.

Examples: Further subtypes:

Urea Subsidy, MDR 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (अनत महत्िपण ू थ योजनाऐां):
Subsidy, Jan Aushadhi a. Only 6 schemes: MNREGA, NSoAP, Umbrella
Scheme, BharatNET, schemes for SC,ST,Minorities & other vulnerable
Pradhan Mantri Gramin groups. For these schemes, UPA-era funding pattern
Digital Saksharta Abhiyan will continue.
(PMGDISHA) etc. b. Those schemes deal with social protection and social
inclusion are given first priority in the funding for
National Development Agenda
2. _ _ _ _ Scheme ( महत्िपण ू थ योजनाऐां): e.g. PM Gram Sadak,
PM Awas, Swachh Bharat, AMRUT & Smart cities etc. Here
funding pattern could be 50:50, 60:40, 70:30, 75:25, 80:20 or
90:10 depending on a particular scheme and depending on
whether it’s a general / special cat. state.

Int-Budget-2019: ₹8.60lcr Interim Budget 2019 allotted ₹ 3.27 lakh crores here.

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 166

- ** In 2016, the third category of Centrally Sponsored Schemes was “Optional
Schemes” viz. 1) Border Area Development Programme 2) Shyama Prasad
Mukherjee Rurban Mission with funding pattern (50:50 | 80:20), But over the years
they are shifted in the schemes.
- For any union territory without legislature: 100% funding by Union for any scheme in
any category. We will look at the schemes’ features in the respective pillars.

22.10.1 Mock Questions for UPSC Mains GSM3 (250 words each)
1. What are the terms of reference of the 15th finance commission? Why are some state
governments apprehensive about them? १५िें वििीय आयोग के विचारार्थ विषय क्या है ? कुछ
राज्य इस विषयमें आशंकािान क्यों है ?
2. “The constitution of GST Council has reduced the role of Finance Commission as the
balancing wheel of fiscal federalism in India.” Do you agree? Justify your stand. "जीएसटी
पररषद के गठन ने विि आयोग की भारत में राजकोषीय संघिाद के संतल
ु न में भभू मका को कम कर हदया
है ।" क्या आप सहमत हैं? अपने तकथ को उधचत ठहराएं।
3. (Asked in GSM3-2018) Comment on the important changes introduced in respect of the
Long-term Capital Gains Tax (LCGT) and Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT) in the Union
Budget for 2018-2019. केंद्रीय बजट 2018-2019 के दीघथकाभलक पज
ूं ीगत कर (एलसीजीटी) और
लाभांश वितरण कर (डीडीटी) के संबध
ं में पेश क्रकए गए महत्पिपण
ू थ पररितथनों पर हट्पणी करें ।
4. (Asked in GSM3-2016) Discuss the requirements and status of gender budgeting in the
Indian context? भारतीय संदभथ में भलंग बजट की आिश्यकताएं और प्सर्नत चचाथ कीप्जए.
5. (Asked in GSM3-2013) What are the reasons for introduction of Fiscal responsibility and
Budget Management (FRBM) act, 2003? Discuss critically its salient features and their
effectiveness. राजकोषीय उिरदानयत्पि और बजट प्रबंधन (FRBM) अधधननयम, 2003 को लागु करने
का क्या कारण है ? इसकी प्रमख
ु विशेषताओं और उनकी प्रभािशीलता पर गंभीर रूप से चचाथ करें .
6. (Asked in GSM3-2013) Money laundering poses a serious threat to country’s economic
sovereignty. What steps are required to be taken to control this menace? मनी लॉप्न्रंग दे श
की आधर्थक संप्रभत
ु ा के भलए एक गंभीर खतरा है । इस खतरे को ननयंत्ररत करने के भलए क्या कदम उठाए
जाने की आिश्यकता है ?

Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2: Budget: FC to FRBM - Page 167

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