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LF Activite Questions

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Questions 1 - 6 WHS and High Risk Work Licensing
Questions 7 - 23 Prepare for hazards
Questions 24 - 30 Check the forklift
Questions 31 - 43 Plan the move
Questions 44 - 61 Move the load
Questions 62 - 66 Shut down and secure the forklift
Questions 67 - 70 Calculation

1. Can I operate a forklift if I don’t have a licence? 4. Your employer might ask you to show evidence of
(A) Only if you are enrolled in a course with an RTO competency before you can do high risk work.
for the licence you need. What evidence might you need to show?
(B) Only if you are supervised by a person with the (A) Show your employer your high risk licence
same class of licence. (B) Show your employer that you are enrolled in
(C) Both (A) and (B). course and completed formal and informal
(D) You are NOT permitted to operate a forklift
truck unless you are licenced to do so. (C) Both (A) and (B).
(D) Either (A) or (B).
2. You have passed you High Risk Licence test, how
many days do you have to put in your application 5. What are your responsibilities when using a high
after receiving your certificate or Assessment risk work licence?
Summary (AS1)? (A) Follow safe operating procedures at all times
(A) 30 days (B) ensure the safety of others in the workplace
(B) 60 days (C) Both (A) and (B).
(C) 90 days (D) Either (A) or (B).
(D) 120 days
6. You can be punished (penalised) for not doing high
3. What will happen if you don’t renew your licence risk licence work safely. What might the
within 12 months of the date it expires? punishment be?
(A) You won’t be able to renew your licence (A) You may have your licence cancelled
(B) You will need to get a new licence. (B) You may have your licence suspended.
(C) You will need to do a course with an RTO then (C) You may not be able to renew your licence.
apply for a new licence. (D) All of the above.
(D) All of the above.

Forklift Forklift
Theory Theory
18 January 2017 Page 1 of 6
7. An operator must use the safest and most practical 12. What can happen if a forklift truck is refuelled
control measure or combination of control while the engine is running
measures possible. This is known as the ‘hierarchy (A) It is against the safe operating procedures
of control’.
(B) The fuel may ignite
The correct order from best choice of control to the
(C) Must not attempt this in a confined space
last choice is:
(D) Toxic gases can be harmful
(A) Elimination, Isolation, Substitution, Engineering
control measures, Administrative practices,
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 13. What must you do when working at night?
(B) Elimination, Substitution, Isolation, Engineering (A) Provide enough lighting to allow for safe
control measures, Administrative practices, operations
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (B) Ensure the forklift lights are working correctly
(C) Elimination, Substitution, Isolation, Engineering (C) Make sure that there are no other vehicle or
control measures, Personal Protective personnel operating in the area
Equipment (PPE) (D) All of the above
(D) It does not matter what order the hierarchy of
control is in. 14. Why must you be careful of ‘rear end swing’?
(A) Because the rear end of the forklift swinging
8. When is the best time to ensure your equipment is becomes unstable
safe to use? (B) Because of rapid movement the forklift might
(A) Before starting any type of work. hit people, vehicles or structures.
(B) Only after you have fitted your safety (C) Either (A) and (B)
equipment (D) Neither (A) or (B)
(C) Both (A) and (B).
(D) None of the above. 15. How should pedestrian access be restricted when
operating a forklift?
9. Why would you not use an internal combustion (A) The area should be secured to prevent access
engine in a confined space? (B) Pedestrians should wear hi-vis shirts so that
(A) Because the fumes may ignite the operator can see them
(B) People in confined spaces can be overcome by (C) Both (A) and (B)
dangerous gases (D) None of the above
(C) Because the equipment is too large to operate
in a small space 16. What can you use when you are unable to fence
(D) All of the above the area off from pedestrian access?
(A) Use witches’ hats and flashing lights
10. What type of forklift truck would you use in a (B) Use warning signs
confined space?
(C) Use other personnel to assist
(A) Internal combustion engine powered forklift
(D) All of the above
(B) All terrain forklift truck
(C) Electric (battery) powered forklift. 17. What precautions should be taken when
(D) You are not able to operate any type of forklift operating on wet or slippery surfaces?
truck in a confined space for safety reasons (A) Reduce your speed
(B) Proceed with caution
11. What specific guards are fitted to a forklift truck to
protect the operator? (C) Both (A) and (B)

(A) Load Backrest (D) None of the above

(B) Overhead Guard

(C) Foot Guard
(D) All of the above

Forklift Theory Assessment

18 January 2017 Page 2 of 6
18. Why must you charge batteries in a well- 25. What are you required to do if you cannot
ventilated area? read the data plate or it is missing?
(A) Because batteries give of a gas which can be (A) Remove the key from the ignition
toxic to people. (B) Report the issue
(B) Because when they are under charge they give (C) Tag the machine out of use.
off gases which may explode.
(D) All of the above
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above 26. While conducting a routine check you discover a
leak coming from the hydraulic system. What
19. Who might you need to talk to about site precautions should you take?
hazards before you start work?
(A) Remove the key from the ignition
(A) Safety officers
(B) Report the issue
(B) WHS committee members
(C) Tag the machine out of use.
(C) Other workers
(D) All of the above
(D) All of the above
27. What is meant by the term 'Rated Capacity'?
20. Why is it important to talk to others about site Please
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on this paper
hazards before commencing work?
(A) To identify specific workplace hazards
28. What is meant by the term 'Load Centre Distance'?
(B) Because every work site is unique and may
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have its own hazards different from others
(C) To ensure that any site policies and procedures 29. List ten (10) things you would check on a forklift
are followed truck prior to starting work?
(D) All of the above Do not answer
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of paper.

21. List eight (8) worksite hazards you need to 30. List at least six (6) items that you would check
consider and plan for while conducting a routine post-start check on
Do notanswer
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of paper. your forklift truck?
place your answers on the spaces provided on your Please
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enrolment form document.
31. How can you determine the weight of a load?
22. What are three (3) traffic control measures that
(A) Check any load markings
you could use to protect pedestrians or other
workers, when operating a forklift truck? (B) Confirm from any documentation such as a
consignment note
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place your answers on the spaces provided on your (C) Make a determination through calculations
enrolment form document. (D) All of the above

23. What are the minimum safe distances?

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place your answers on the spaces provided on your
enrolment form document against each of the
example voltages.

24. When are you allowed to make minor repairs

to a forklift truck?
(A) When you are competent to do the job
(B) When you have authorisation to do the job
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Either (A) or (B)

Forklift Theory Assessment

18 January 2017 Page 3 of 6
32. Where is the point of balance (fulcrum) of a forklift 38. You are required to move a load down a ramp.
truck? What direction should the load be facing?
(A) Directly underneath the centre of the forklift (A) Facing down with the forklift travelling
and load forwards
(B) Where front tyre touches the ground (B) Facing up with the forklift travelling in reverse
(C) Where the tyre furthest from the load touches (C) Either direction, so long as the load is not too
the ground heavy
(D) Halfway between the loads centre of gravity (D) All of the above
and the cabin of the forklift
39. You are required to transfer a load from a dock
33. Who should be involved in workplace into a truck. What should you use?
(A) Secure bridging plate
(A) Employers and managers
(B) Secure dock plate
(B) Safety Officer
(C) Both A or B
(C) Contractors and visitors
(D) Nothing is required
(D) All of the above
40. Why must you centralise the side-shift attachment
34. Are you legally able to carry a load on only one fork after each time it has been used?
arm of the forklift truck? (A) To prevent the forklift from tipping
(A) Yes (B) To prevent the load from falling
(B) Yes, but only if the load is evenly distributed (C) To ensure the safety of others
(C) Yes, but only if the forklift is certified to do so (D) All of the above
(D) No.
41. What is the purpose of a seat belt?
35. Why is it considered dangerous to travel with the (A) To keep you in the forklift in the event of a roll
load raised, especially while turning a corner or over
travelling with excessive speed?
(B) Because it is the law
(A) Because the load may fall
(C) Both A and B
(B) Because the forklift may tip
(D) You do not have to wear a seat belt if it is not
(C) Because it puts others at risk fitted to the forklift
(D) All of the above.
42. List at least six (6) things you should think about
36. Is all the weight behind the Point of Balance acting (other than hazards) when planning your travel
as a counter-weight to the load being lifted? path.
(A) Yes, everything behind the Point of Balance, Do not mark your answers on this paper.
exept the operator
(B) Yes, everything behind the Point of Balance, 43. List at least four (4) ways you might have
including the operator instructions communicated to you in the
(C) No, only approved weights as listed on the
data plate Do not mark your answers on this paper.
(D) No, unless you refer to the manuafacturer
44. What should you do before attempting to lift a
pallet of goods that appears to be unsafely loaded?
37. Are you allowed to add additional counterweights
to a forklift truck. (A) Report the incident to your supervisor
(A) No, not under any circumstances (B) Ensure that the pallet is secured to the forklift
truck before attempting to lift it.
(B) No, unless you are able to install it correctly
(C) Restack the pallet in order to fix the stability of
(C) Yes, but only if you refer to the manufacturer
the load
(D) Yes
(D) You are not permitted to lift a broken pallet of

Forklift Theory Assessment

18 January 2017 Page 4 of 6
45. When are you allowed to carry passengers on a 51. Who should you talk to if you need to find out the
forklift truck? voltage of overhead power lines?
(A) Only when the forklift is designed to carry (A) Sign markings
more than one person (B) Relevant power authority
(B) Only if there is sufficient room and there is an (C) Supervisor
additional safety harness and fall arrest system
(D) Employer
(C) You are never allowed to carry a passenger in a 52. Why must you ensure that air-filled tyres are
forklift truck correctly pressurised?
(D) Only if you have been given permission from (A) To maintain stability of the forklift
your employer to do so
(B) To ensure the forklift does not tip
46. Are you permitted to raise or lower a load near or (C) To ensure the forklift is balanced
over other personnel? (D) All of the above
(A) Only when the load is secured and personnel
have taken safety precautions 53. What checks do you do on forklift tyres?
(B) Only within designated areas of the work zone. (A) Wheels and tyres securely fitted
(C) A combination of (A) and (B) (B) Right pressure
(D) No, because the load may fall and injure (C) Not worn down past limit line
people. (D) All of the above

47. When driving a forklift, if your view is obstructed, 54. Why should load movement be constantly
what would do before you move? monitored?
(A) Check pathway is clear (A) To ensure the safety to people
(B) Use warning devices (B) To ensure load stability
(C) Check blind spots (C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) All of the above (D) Non of the above

48. How can you work closer that the minimum 55. If there is an emergency, what communication
distances when working near power lines? must take place?
(A) Shutting off the power (A) Tell workmates and emergency services
(B) Insulating the power lines (B) Tell them what the emergency
(C) Obtaining an exemption from the relevant (C) Tell them where it is not safe to go
authority (D) All of the above
(D) All of the above
56. Which vehicles must you give right of way to during
49. What can be used on power lines as a warning emergency situations?
device? (A) All vehicles
(A) Insulation (B) All emergency vehicles
(B) Tiger tails (C) Only emergency vehicles responding to the
(C) Minimum safe distance emergency
(D) All of the above (D) Any vehicle responding to the emergency

50. How is the forklift affected if you pick up a load 57. What should an operator do in the event of the
which is not hard up against the heel of the fork forklift tipping over?
arms and the load centre distance is increased? (A) Remain in the forklift
(A) Increases the forklifts truck's rated capacity (B) Brace and lean away until it is safe
(B) Reduces the forklift truck's capacity only (C) Both (A) and (B)
(C) Reduces the forklift truck’s capacity and may (D) None of the above
reduce the stability.

Forklift Theory Assessment

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58. When staking loads, what three (2) things must you 67. The load to be moved is bags of cement on a pallet.
consider when stacking items on top of each other? - 63 bags on a pallet
Do not answer on separate
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on this paper. - Each bag weighs 15 kg
- The pallet weighs 35 kg
59. How can a forklift truck tip over sideways while
travelling? List at least 4 conditions. What is the combined weight of the cement bags
and pallet?
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60. How can a forklift truck tip over frontwards or
backwards while travelling? List at least 4
conditions. 68. You are required to move a load consisting of
boxes that are stacked on a pallet:
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- There are four (4) boxes per layer
61. Whilst working you accidentally come into contact - There are six (6) layers on the pallet
with an electrical source. List at least three actions, - Each box weights 25 kg
in order, which you will take to get clear and - The pallet weighs 15 kg
ensure the safety of those around you.
What is the combined weight of the cartons and
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of paper. pallet?
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of paper.
62. You are required to park your forklift truck on an calculations
inclined surface. What precautions must you take
to overcome these?
(A) Normal parking procedures
The next questions relate to the relevant diagram within
(B) Must use wheel chocks your answer sheet.
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Either (A) or (B) only 69. Diagram 1
Each of the forklift trucks displayed are rated at
63. What should you do if you notice a defect or fault 3000 kg at 600 mm load centre. Circle the letter of
with the forklift truck during your post operational the forklift truck which is overloaded?
Do not mark your answers on this paper.
(A) Remove the key from the ignition
(B) Report the issue 70. Diagram 2
(C) Tag the machine out of use. Each of the forklift trucks displayed are rated at
(D) All of the above 3500 kg at 600 mm load centre. Circle the letter of
the load which is within the capacity of the forklift
64. Are you required to remove the ignition key after truck?
the end of your shift or whenever you leave the Do not mark your answers on this paper.
(A) No
(B) Yes, to prevent unauthorised use
(C) Only when there are non-forklift operators in
the area
(D) Only when there are unauthorised personnel in
the area

65. What are the ‘normal’ parking procedures?

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66. List at least four (4) locations where you should not
park your forklift truck?
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Forklift Theory Assessment

18 January 2017 Page 6 of 6

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