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Course Outline

RSM 370 H1 F
Supply Chain Management (formerly RSM311H1F)
Fall 2016
Course Meets: Wednesdays 2:00-4:00 (L0101 WO 20)

Instructor: Ming Hu. RT 410
E-Mail: Ming.Hu@Rotman.Utoronto.Ca
Course Webpage: (Blackboard for RSM370H1F)
Phone: 416-946-5207
Fax: 416-978-5433
Office Hours: By appointment, RT 410

Course Scope and Mission

Supply chains are networks of organizations that supply and transform materials, and distribute
final products to customers. This course views the supply chain from a general manager’s
perspective. Supply chain management represents a great challenge as well as a tremendous
opportunity for most firms. If designed and managed properly, supply chains are a crucial source
of competitive advantage for both manufacturing and service enterprises. There is a realization
that no company can do any better than its supply chain. This becomes even more important as
product life cycles are shrinking, product and service variety is growing and competition is

Course Objectives
 Understand how to make supply chain design and policy decisions to develop the supply
chain capabilities required to support the business strategy and improve the performance
of a firm and of an entire supply chain.
 Learn how to examine and improve the flow of materials and information through a
network of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers in order to help firms get
the right product to the right customer in the right amount and at the right time.
 Learn how to make decisions on the following fundamental supply chain performance
drivers: facilities, inventories, transportation, information, sourcing and pricing.
 Special emphasis is given to gaining an understanding of how supply chain decisions
have to account for coordination requirements within and across firms, the impact of
uncertainty, and the specific product and customer characteristics that derive from the
overall business strategy.

The course draws on a mix of lectures, case discussions and spreadsheet models. It
emphasizes the use of qualitative and quantitative analysis in making supply chain management
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Target Audience
This course is intended for students interested in general management or careers in consulting,
operations, or marketing. Understanding how supply chain management impacts business
performance is also of value for students aspiring to accounting and finance careers.

Course Prerequisites
Prerequisite: Completion of 10.0 full-course equivalents
Corequisite: RSM270H1
If you drop course RSM270H1 (the co-requisite) during the academic term, you must also drop
this course. Contact Rotman Commerce Academic Program Services for academic advising if

Course Exclusions
RSM 311H1F – Supply Chain Management

Required Readings
 “Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, & Operation,” Chopra & Meindl (C&M), 3rd
or 4th or 5th Ed.
 Cases
 Further course materials (made available on portal before/after the relevant sessions)
o Slides
o Solutions
o Excel spreadsheets for C&M examples
o Sample final exam
o Links to supplementary readings. I encourage you to bring interesting articles to my

Optional Readings
Other supply chain management textbooks that may be of interest:
 “Modeling the Supply Chain,” J. F. Shapiro
 “Designing and Managing the Supply Chain,” D. Simchi-Levi, P. Kaminsky, E. Simchi-Levi
 “Inventory Management and Production Planning and Scheduling,” E. Silver, D. F. Pyke, R.
 “Business logistics Management,” R. H. Ballou
 “Strategic Logistics Management,” D. M. Lambert and J. R. Stock
 “The Management of Business Logistics,” J. J. Coyle, E. J. Bardi and C. J. Langley
 “Logistical Management,” D. J. Bowersox, D. J. Closs, O. K. Helferich

Other business books that may be of interest:

 “Clock Speed,” C. H. Fine
 “Mass Customization,” by B. J. Pine; “Markets of One,” J. H. Gilmore and B. J. Pine
 “Towards a Better Supply Chain,” C. C. Poirier
 “Time Based Competition,” J. D. Blackburn
 “Competing Against Time,” G. Stalk, Jr. and T. H. Hout
 “Balanced Sourcing,” T. M. Laseter

Evaluation and Grades

Grades are a measure of the performance of a student in individual courses. Each student shall
be judged on the basis of how well he or she has command of the course materials.

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Grade Component Individual / Group Due Dates
Full case analyses (3) 30% group Sep 28; Oct 19; Nov 2
Problem set (1)+mini case analysis (1) 10% individual Oct 12; Nov 23 or Dec 7
Final exam 50% individual TBA
Class Participation 10% individual Ongoing

Details on the workload and grade components are as follows:

Workload. This is a course that challenges you to think through and recommend important
supply chain decisions based on thorough qualitative and quantitative analysis. Supply chain
management is a topic best learnt by doing. The workload is medium and good planning will
make it very manageable and your payoff could be significant. The mix of written assignments,
case studies and final exam is designed to develop the skills and understanding you need to
gain significant supply chain management expertise.
 Expect to spend around 10 hours for each of the written full case analyses and around 5
hours for the problem set and mini case analysis. These are just guidelines – it may take
you more or less time.
 If you follow along during the quarter, preparing for the final exam should take little time.

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis. Good supply chain management is both an art and a
science. Our discussion will therefore draw on a balanced blend of qualitative and quantitative
analyses. Expect the course to require a fair amount of spreadsheet modeling and analysis.
This analysis may at times be quite involved, but it will always be performed with one of the
following objectives in mind: (1) to quantify the financial performance of supply chain decisions,
(2) to illustrate and discuss supply chain principles or practical phenomena.

Full Case Analyses (group, 30% of the grade). There are three written case analyses, expected to
be done in groups of at most 4 students. I strongly advise each group member to actively work on
every part of the assignments. Otherwise, I find that students only come to understand the part
of the course dealing with assignments they worked on, and do not learn the other parts. In your
assignments, as in your post-graduate jobs, you will be expected to also figure some things out
on your own prior to our class discussion, rather than to only apply things already covered. See
the “Guidelines for Full Case Analyses” at the end of this course outline and write your reports

Problem Set & Mini Case Analysis (individual, 10% of grade). There will be two individual
assignments, one problem set and one mini case analysis (Blockbuster or Webvan, not both; the
goal is to have roughly half the students hand in each mini case analysis, the details of the
choice procedure will be discussed in class.) Both assignments consist of answering a few
specific questions. As such they are much more narrowly defined than the full case analyses in
which the stated questions merely outline, but are not intended to exhaust, the range of your

Final Exam (individual, 50% of grade). The final exam will be comprehensive, in class and closed
book. It will consist of short, mainly conceptual, questions and one or two quantitative questions.
The main objective is for you to review and synthesize all the course concepts. It will test your
understanding of the main concepts, not your ability to memorize information. A sample exam will
be available on the web site.

Class Participation (individual, 10% of grade). Your grade will depend on your preparation of the
assignments and the quality of your contribution. There should be enough opportunities for you
to participate. To increase opportunities for effective participation, I will occasionally cold call

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students. Please leave your name card up for the entire duration of each class and keep the
same seat for the duration of the quarter. If you feel uncomfortable with being called on in class,
please let me know in advance so we can work out a solution. Generally, you should contribute
to the creation of a positive learning environment. Some key characteristics of valuable
contributions are:
 Relevance: Are your comments timely and linked to the comments of others?
 Advancement: Do your comments take the discussion farther or deeper?
 Fact-based: Have you used specific data to support the assertions that you are making?
 Logic: Is your reasoning consistent and logical?
 Originality: Do your comments merely restate the facts or do they provide new insights?

Attendance and Classroom Etiquette. You are required to attend class. In addition, please observe
the following rules. 1. Be on time and stay for the entire session. 2. Laptops are only permitted for
taking notes.

Potential Grade Disputes. All grade disputes must be submitted in writing within two weeks of an
assignment/exam being returned. I reserve the right to regrade the entire assignment/exam, and
possibly lower your grade, if I find that I overlooked a mistake.


For Written Assignments:

Please note that clear, concise, and correct writing will be considered in the evaluation of written
assignments. That is, you may lose points for writing that impedes communication: poor
organization, weak paragraph development, excessive wordiness, hard-to-follow sentence
structure, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Students who require additional support
and/or tutoring with respect to their writing skills are encouraged to visit the Academic Success
Centre ( or one of the College Writing Centres
( These centres are teaching facilities – not editing
services, where trained staff can assist students in developing their academic writing skills.
There is no charge for the instruction and support.

For Group Work:

Full Case Analysis requires students to work in teams of at most 4.

Learning to work together in teams is an important aspect of your education and preparation for
your future careers. That said, project-based teamwork is often new to students; to work well in
teams, it helps to follow a set of core expectations to best succeed at your team projects.

1. Read the document entitled, “Working in Teams: Guidelines for Rotman Commerce Students”
which is available on the RC portal under the Academic Services tab.

2. When working in a team, Rotman Commerce students are expected to:

 Treat other members with courtesy and respect;

 Honour the ground rules established by the team;
 Contribute substantially and proportionally to the final project;
 Ensure enough familiarity with the entire contents of the group project/assignment so as
to be able to sign off on it as original work;
 Meet the project timeline as established by the team.

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3. Resolving conflicts:
Conflicts are part of the team’s process of learning how to work together. When handled well, it
can generate creativity and bring-multiple perspectives to the solution.

Student teams are expected to work through their misunderstandings as soon as they arise (and
prior to submission of the final project). When teams are unable to arrive at a solution that works
for all members, the team must meet with the Rotman Commerce Team Coach** as soon as
possible. The Coach will listen to the team and help develop options for improving the team
process. All members of the project team must commit to, and, utilize their action plans.

**For an appointment with a Rotman Commerce Team Coach, please contact Nouman Ashraf at Nouman is highly skilled at facilitating team dynamics and
collaboration. Note that the Team Coach’s s role is to provide guidance, support and advice on
team matters – not to formally evaluate or assess teamwork for academic purposes.

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Weekly Schedule

Session Topics & Required Readings Submit

1 Framework: Supply Chain Design, Planning & Operation

Sep 14 C&M 1 – 3; Seven-Eleven Japan

2 Designing the Supply Chain Network: Facility Decisions

Sep 21 C&M 4-6; Applichem (A)
C&M 5-6 (review); Bio Pharma
Supply Chain Planning Bio Pharma (group analysis)
Sep 28
C&M 8-9

4 Managing Inventories
Oct 5 Cycle Inventories: C&M 10.1-10.4.
5 Cycle Inventories: C&M 10 (finish/review)
Problem set (individual)
Oct 12 Safety Inventories: C&M 11.1-11.5
Safety Inventories: C&M 11 (finish/review); ALKO ALKO (group analysis)
Oct 19
Optimal Availability: C&M 12
Oct 26
Optimal Availability: C&M 12 (review); Sport Obermeyer
8 Sport Obermeyer
Managing Transportation
Nov 2 (group analysis)
C&M 13.1-13.4
C&M 13 (finish/review); Merloni Elettrodomestici
Sourcing and Coordination
Nov 9
Sourcing: C&M 14.1-14.6
Blockbuster (individual mini
Sourcing: C&M 14 (finish/review); Blockbuster Video analysis; choose this or
Nov 23
Coordination: C&M 17; Barilla SpA (A)
Nov 30
E-Business and the Supply Chain Webvan (individual mini
analysis; choose this or
Dec 7 C&M 4 (review); Webvan: Groceries on the Internet Blockbuster)
Final FINAL EXAM: in class, closed book (date/time TBA)

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Weekly Schedule: Details

The schedule below details the topics, readings and assignments for each week. Reading
 Read all cases before they are discussed in class, whether a submission is required or not.
 Chapters from C&M are assigned as background reading with the material being covered.
They are best reviewed after the lecture to reinforce the concepts discussed. The book also
provides technical details that may not be discussed in class.
 I recommend that you review certain examples covered using the Excel spreadsheets.

Session 1 (Sep 14): A Framework for Supply Chain Design, Planning and Operation

We will discuss supply chain management and its importance for business success. We will
discuss different views of a supply chain and raise a variety of supply chain related questions
that need to be answered by any firm. Our goal is to develop a framework within which supply
chain decisions may be analyzed and appropriate tradeoffs considered. We will define overall
performance measures for a supply chain and establish initial links to the drivers that a supply chain
designer or manager may control. We will introduce the notion and importance of tailoring the
supply chain. This will be an important concept that we will refine in the context of different drivers
throughout the course. Supply chain decisions will be divided into three categories -
strategic/design, planning, and operational.

We will illustrate the framework in the context of the Seven-Eleven Japan case.

Read: C&M Chapters 1 – 3, Seven-Eleven Japan

Prepare: Seven-Eleven Japan (questions at the end of the case)

Session 2 (Sep 21): Designing the Supply Chain Network: Facility Decisions

We will discuss relevant issues in designing the supply chain network. We will develop a framework
for facility decisions that allows for a multi-plant, multi-warehouse network to supply a large and
diverse customer base. Our objective will be to optimally structure the distribution network, taking
into account cost and customer service factors. We will continue the network design discussion by
considering various network design optimization models. In the context of the Applichem (A) case,
we will study the impact of uncertainty on network design decisions.

Read: C&M Chapters 4-6, Applichem (A)

Prepare: Applichem (A)

1. Why are some plants “better” performers than others? List the factors that you feel affect
performance. How should plant performance be compared?
2. You are provided a workbook APPLICHEM.XLS to help you evaluate production and
distribution decisions. All costs are in 1000’s of US$. The data is from Exhibits 2, 4, 5 of the
case and is as follows:
Variable cost per 100,000 lb.: Calculated from Exhibit 2 using raw materials, direct labor, waste
treatment and supplies as the components. The costs are in 1000’s of $ per 100,000 lb.
Fixed cost: Remaining costs are treated as fixed costs and the fixed cost per plant is obtained
by multiplying the remaining costs by the volume produced in 1982. The costs are in 1000’s of

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Transportation costs: Obtained from Exhibit 5. The costs are in 1000’s of $ per 100,000 lb.
Import duties: Obtained from exhibit 5. The worksheet assumes that duties are charged based
on the production cost in the source country. Thus, the duties for entry into Mexico would differ
if the source plant is Frankfurt or Gary.
Demand: The demands assumed by region are
Mexico 3.0 million pounds
Canada 2.6 million pounds
Latin America 16.0 million pounds
Europe 20.0 million pounds
Asia Pacific 11.9 million pounds
U.S.A 26.4 million pounds
Exchange rates: Obtained from Exhibit 6.
Price Indices: Obtained from Exhibit 6.

All input data is contained in the worksheet APPLICHE. All cost calculations are based on
the costs given in 1982 US$. The basic assumption is that the technology at the plants has not
changed significantly in the specified six years. To evaluate variable and fixed costs for a given
year (between 1977 and 1982) simply click on the button Calculate Costs in the worksheet
APPLICHE. A dialog box will appear asking you for the year for which cost calculations are to
be made. Enter the year (say 1981) and click OK. All calculations are done automatically and
the costs in 1981 US$ are obtained. The variable and fixed costs are calculated and appear on
sheet1 along with the demand by region. These can then be used as input to any optimization
model. The adjustments to cost are as follows:

For example, the raw material cost in Mexico in 1982 was $75.05 per hundred pounds of
release-ease. This translates to 75.05*96.5 Pesos in 1982, which is equivalent to
75.05*96.5*(124.4/194.2) 1981 Pesos. This is equivalent to 75.05*(96.5/26.2)*(124.4/194.2) =
177.07 1981 US$. For this calculation to be truly valid, we are making the assumption that all
raw materials are procured locally for production.
How do you think Joe Spadaro should structure his worldwide manufacturing system?
Assume that the past is a reasonable indicator of the future in terms of exchange rates and
inflation. How would you justify your answer?
3. What impact do you think the abolition of all duties will have on your recommendations?

Session 3 (Sep 28): Designing the Supply Chain Network: Facility Decisions (cont.) ·

We will first discuss the Bio Pharma case and conclude the supply network design discussion.

Next we will turn to supply chain planning decisions. The supply chain network design decisions
define the resources available and tend to stay in place for years. On a more regular basis
(monthly or quarterly), management must make decisions regarding the near term use of these
resources. Our goal is to understand the role of planning in the success of a supply chain. We
will cover forecasting only briefly, reviewing the general principles without going into the
numerous forecasting methods (which you can read about in chapter 7 of C&M.) Our discussion
will focus on aggregate supply planning (concepts, methodologies and strategies) and the link
between supply planning and demand management actions such as promotions.

Read: C&M Chapters 5-6 (review) and 8-9, Bio Pharma Inc.
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Submit: Full case analysis (group) of Bio Pharma Inc (p. 175-177 in C&M 3rd, incl.

Session 4 (Oct 5): Economies of Scale and Cycle Inventory

Next we will turn to the management of inventory to ensure fit with stated strategic goals. Our first
goal is to understand the buildup of cycle inventory and managerial actions that can improve supply
chain performance in this respect. After briefly reviewing the basic EOQ model, we will investigate
its application and implications for multi-product, multi-location inventory management. We will then
start considering the role and value of pricing incentives in managing cycle inventories, specifically
how quantity discounts and trade promotions impact order sizes, inventory levels and cycle times.

Read: C&M Chapter 10.1-10.4.

Session 5 (Oct 12): Economies of Scale and Cycle Inventory (cont.) · Uncertainty & Safety

After completing the discussion of cycle inventories we will consider how to manage safety
inventory to respond to uncertainty, which is the major obstacle to matching supply and demand in
a supply chain. Our goal is to discuss strategies that allow a supply chain to provide high availability
and variety at reasonable costs. In this session we will first briefly review and then further develop
the basic analytics of safety inventory as a basis for the ALKO assignment. We will discuss various
measures of customer service such as cycle service level and fill rate and will then derive precise
relationships between these product availability measures and safety inventory.

Read: C&M Chapters 10 (finish/review) and 11.1-11.5.

Submit: problem set (individual; posted on portal).

Session 6 (Oct 19): Uncertainty & Safety Inventory: Tailored Pooling

We will discuss the ALKO case to identify the factors that affect the location of inventories within the
distribution system. The case illustrates the inventory, transportation, and facility tradeoffs when
designing a supply chain. We will discuss various business models that rely on this ability to pool
uncertainty, including the concepts of postponement and levers for mass customization. A key
objective will be to develop an understanding of how to tailor safety and cycle inventory locations in
a network based on demand and supply characteristics.

Read: C&M Chapter 11 (finish/review), ALKO Inc.

Submit: Full case analysis (group) of ALKO Inc. (p. 341-342 in C&M, incl. questions)

Session 7 (Oct 26): Optimal Product Availability

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We will discuss how a firm determines the optimal level of product availability, particularly for short
life-cycle products in markets with significant uncertainty, and how to make these ordering
decisions in the presence of capacity constraints. This session will focus on first briefly reviewing
and then further developing the analytics of the newsvendor model as a basis for the Sport
Obermeyer assignment. Based on an understanding of the tradeoffs involved in making these
decisions, we will discuss managerial actions to improve supply chain profitability.

Read: C&M Chapter 12

Session 8 (Nov 2): Optimal Product Availability (cont.) · Managing Transportation

We will discuss how to match supply and demand in the context of the Sport Obermeyer case,
considering how to allocate speculative and reactive capacity to different products and suppliers.
This will introduce the notion of tailoring sourcing decisions based on product demand uncertainty
and supplier capabilities.

We will then turn our focus to transportation decisions. We will briefly look at the main
transportation modes and then investigate the link between transportation and inventory costs in
the design of transportation networks.

Read: C&M Chapters 12 (review) and 13.1-13.4, Sport Obermeyer

Submit: Full case analysis (group) of Sport Obermeyer. NOTE: This case is typically found to
be the most challenging one in this course. Make sure to start thinking about it early enough. Hint:
feel free to IGNORE price differences across styles throughout your quantitative analysis (you can
discuss how such price differences would change your quantitative analysis at the end of your
1. Using the sample data in Exhibit 10, make a recommendation for how many units of each style
Wally Obermeyer should order during the initial phase of production. Assume that there is no
minimum order size requirement, and that Obermeyer’s initial production commitment must be
at least 10,000 units. Assume that an initial order of 10,000 units leaves sufficient capacity for
the second order.
2. Using the sample data in Exhibit 10, make a recommendation for how many units of each style
Wally Obermeyer should order during the initial phase of production. Assume that all ten styles
in the sample problem are made in Hong Kong (a minimum commitment of 600 units per style
ordered), and that Obermeyer’s initial production commitment must be at least 10,000 units.
Ignore price differences among styles in your initial analysis. Clearly spell out the methodology
you have used to make your ordering decisions in an exhibit. Spell out the logic behind your
methodology. I am not looking for one optimal solution. My focus will be on your thinking about
how such an issue can be approached.
3. Can you come up with a quantifiable measure of risk associated with your ordering policy?
4. Repeat your analysis, now assuming that all styles are made in China. What differences (if any)
5. What operational changes would you recommend to Wally to improve performance? Clearly list
the expected benefits from each change. Please try and be very specific in terms of the
changes and benefits in response to this question.
6. How should Obermeyer management think (both short term and long term) about sourcing in
Hong Kong versus China? What sourcing policy would you recommend?

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Session 9 (Nov 9): Managing Transportation (cont.) · Sourcing & Supply Chain

We will continue discussing transportation decisions, looking at the various key tradeoffs, with a
focus on transit points and cross docking in the context of Merloni Elettrodomestici.

Having discussed the logistical drivers, facilities, inventories and transportation, we will turn to
sourcing and supply chain coordination. We will first develop a framework for thinking about
sourcing decisions and then consider the fundamental question “to outsource or not to outsource?”
from a supply chain perspective. We will next focus on how different contracts and incentive plans
in the supply chain affect the behavior at different supply chain stages and overall. For example,
book publishers buy back unsold books. Movie studios have gone from charging a high up-front fee
for movies to charging a low up-front fee and sharing rental revenues. Are these good ideas or not
and why?

Read: C&M Chapters 13 (finish/review), 14.1-14.6, Merloni Elettrodomestici

Prepare: Merloni Elettrodomestici.

1. Should Merloni switch to a transit point based distribution system?
2. What are the pros and cons of this decision?

Session 10 (Nov 23): Sourcing & Supply Chain Coordination (cont.)

We will continue discussing supply chain contracts, including revenue sharing in the context of the
Blockbuster Video case, quantity flexibility contracts, and then discuss various contracting issues.
We will then discuss the various sources of value from procurement and conclude with guidelines
on how to structure a supplier portfolio.

Read: C&M Chapter 14 (finish/review), Blockbuster Video

Prepare: Blockbuster Video

1. Why is the availability of movies poor at rental stores, especially of newly released movies?
Specify the factors that contribute to this poor availability problem.
2. How should video rental stores such as Blockbuster decide the number of movie copies to
stock for newly released movies? (Indicate the factors and rules that you would use to
determine the number of copies to be stocked.)
3. A Blockbuster needs to decide how many copies of a new movie to purchase. A Blockbuster
store has constructed the following forecast of rentals for this movie.
No. of tapes Expected total
Purchased number of rentals
1 40
2 70
3 90
4 105
5 115
6 120
7 122
For example, if they purchase 3 copies, then they expect those 3 copies together to rent a
total of 90 times. Clearly, the more copies purchased, the greater the total number of rentals,
but each additional copy generates fewer incremental rentals over the previous one.
Suppose Blockbuster can purchase each copy for $70 (wholesale price) and charges $4 per

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rental. The supplier of Blockbuster incurs a cost of $10 per unit. How many copies would
Blockbuster buy? What would be Blockbuster’s expected profit? The supplier’s profit? The
Supply Chain Profit?
4. a) Would a revenue sharing strategy solve the problem of poor availability at rental stores
such as Blockbuster? Why?
b) What are the prerequisites for implementing revenue sharing idea between supplier and
c) As a supplier, what would be your potential concerns with implementing a revenue sharing
5. Suppose you are Blockbuster’s supplier and you are considering offering a revenue sharing
contract, whereby you will sell each tape at a reduced wholesale price (less than current
wholesale price of $70) but then you will also collect a certain fraction of Blockbuster’s rental
revenue. The other factors such as rental fee and Expected total number of rentals will remain
the same as given in question 3. Design a revenue sharing contract that leads to maximum
supply chain profit and win-win situation for you and Blockbuster. Clearly explain how you
have arrived at a specific value for the wholesale price and revenue sharing fraction. Avoid a
trial-and-error approach. (Your proposal must specify the wholesale price and the fraction of
revenue that you would collect from Blockbuster). For your designed contract, specify
Blockbuster’s order quantity, and Blockbuster’s, the supplier’s, and the total expected profit.

Submit: mini case analysis (individual) of Blockbuster Video (assignment posted on

portal, will consist of only a subset of questions stated above)
Note: Choice between this and the Webvan assignment (due in session 12) as determined in

Session 11 (Nov 30): Sourcing & Supply Chain Coordination (cont.)

We will continue our discussion of sourcing and supply chain coordination, focusing on the causes
and countermeasures of the bullwhip effect with the Barilla case as a backdrop, and then conclude
with a summary of possible actions to consider when aiming for improved supply chain

Read: C&M Chapter 17, Barilla SpA (A)

Prepare: Barilla SpA (A)

1. Why are orders placed by Cortese with Pedrignano much more variable than the demand faced
by Cortese? How does this affect Barilla?
2. What actions can Barilla take to rectify the situation?
3. Do you anticipate any resistance and implementation challenges?
4. What actions do you recommend to overcome these challenges?

Session 12 (Dec 7): E-Business and the Supply Chain

We will discuss the impact of the Internet on the supply chain in the context of the Webvan case.
How does the Internet affect distribution network options and their economics?

Read: C&M 4 (review), Webvan: Groceries on the Internet

Prepare: Webvan: Groceries on the Internet

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1. What will it take for the Webvan business model to earn a return?
2. Who is the target market for Web ordering/home-delivery? Compare the business models of
each of the grocery services described in the case. Which elements do you think have most
appeal to the target customer? Which company has the winning model?
3. What activities does Webvan perform in the physical world and which in the digital world?
Which of these two domains has the greater potential for consumer value creation?
4. What kinds of information is Webvan able to collect on its subscriber households? How
might this information be used to serve its customers? How might it serve manufacturers?
5. Market penetration of home delivery services is quite small, even in markets like Boston
where several services have competed for a number of years. What is Webvan's break-even
penetration? How easy will it be to attain it?

Submit: mini case analysis (individual) of Webvan (assignment posted on portal, will
consist of only a subset of questions stated above)
Note: Choice between this and Blockbuster assignment (due in session 10) as determined in

Guidelines for Full Case Analyses

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The reports are graded for both content and presentation. A good paper should start with a clear
and succinct statement of recommendations (on first page) to provide the reader with a framework.
(If a lengthy description of the recommendation seems necessary, append it to the report.) The
remaining paragraphs should each present a major part of the rationale for the recommendation in
terms of the desirable and undesirable consequences of adopting it. The rationale must consider
capabilities that the supply chain under study needs to excel at, and how the current system either
provides these capabilities or fails to provide them.

Some common problems in preparing reports result from inadequate analysis. Analysis for a report
is a time consuming and intellectually challenging task. Each case has a set of questions which are
a guide to help you with the analysis. However, do not limit your analysis to narrowly answering
these questions. The objective is to evaluate a complete range of alternatives and discuss the full
consequences of your recommendation.

A good report is not a chronology of analysis, but a clearly articulated statement of

recommendations and support. Case facts need not be restated unless used to make a point. If you
recommend against certain options under consideration, provide a clear rationale for doing so. I will
assume that all alternatives and options left out of the report are not important to you. You must
clearly discuss how your recommendations aid in the development of capabilities that are important
for the supply chain under study. You should identify and explain desirable and undesirable
consequences of your recommendations. In the overall evaluation of your report I place the
greatest importance on how well you justify and explain your recommendations.

Per the honor code, an individual should sign the report only if he or she has contributed to the

Written Case Analyses: Deadlines, Submission and Format Guidelines

 Deadline: Written case analyses are due before the start of the class session for which
they are assigned. Late assignments are not acceptable - no credit will be given.
For exceptional circumstances see POLICY AND PROCEDURE.
 Submission: Submit your report in hard copy, not by email. Exception: If the entire
group is absent from class, email me your report and request confirmation.
 Format & length: About 3 to 4 pages (typed, double-spaced, max. 12pt font size), not
including appendices and exhibits. Recommendations should be summarized on 1
page. Each recommendation should be supported by a crystal clear discussion of how
it follows from your analysis.
 Exhibits: Must be neat and easy to understand. In particular, Excel spreadsheets
should be self explanatory and consistent with any references in the main text.
Structure spreadsheets so that I can easily track how the aggregate performance (e.g.,
profit) of a decision alternative follows from intermediate calculations (e.g., supply chain
actions, cost and revenue drivers.)
 Grading: I will take the perspective of a consulting client and evaluate how well your
report measures up against these 3 questions. 1) Did you ask all the relevant
questions? 2) Do your answers to these questions adequately account for the relevant
data, information and tradeoffs? 3) Do you make it crystal clear how you reach your
answers, i.e., is the link clear from data to analysis to recommendations?

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Missed Tests and Assignments (including midterm examinations)

Students who miss a test or assignment for reasons entirely beyond their control (e.g. illness)
may submit a request for special consideration. Provided that notification and documentation are
provided in a timely manner, and that the request is subsequently approved, no academic
penalty will be applied.

In such cases, students must notify Rotman Commerce on the date of the missed test (or due
date in the case of course work) and submit supporting documentation (e.g. Verification of
Student Illness or Injury form) to the Rotman Commerce Program Office within 48 hours of the
originally scheduled test or due date. Students who do not provide Rotman Commerce or the
instructor with appropriate or sufficient supporting documentation will be given a grade of 0
(zero) for the missed test or course deliverable.

Note that the physician’s report must establish that the patient was examined and
diagnosed at the time of illness, not after the fact. Rotman Commerce will not accept a
statement that merely confirms a report of illness made by the student and documented
by the physician.

Late Assignments
Students who, for reasons beyond their control, are unable to submit an assignment by its
deadline must obtain approval from the instructor for an extension. Supporting documentation
will be required as per the policy on missed tests and assignments.

Accessibility Needs
The University of Toronto is committed to accessibility. If you require accommodations for a
disability, or have any accessibility concerns about the course, the classroom or course
materials, please contact Accessibility Services as soon as possible: or

Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity is a fundamental value essential to the pursuit of learning and scholarships at
the University of Toronto. Participating honestly, respectively, responsibly, and fairly in this
academic community ensures that the UofT degree that you earn will continue to be valued and
respected as a true signifier of a student's individual work and academic achievement. As a
result, the University treats cases of academic misconduct very seriously.

The University of Toronto’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters outlines the behaviours that
constitute academic misconduct, the process for addressing academic offences, and the
penalties that may be imposed. You are expected to be familiar with the contents of this
document. Potential offences include, but are not limited to:

In papers and assignments:

 Using someone else's ideas or words without appropriate acknowledgement.
 Submitting your own work in more than one course without the permission of the
 Making up sources or facts.

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 Obtaining or providing unauthorized assistance on any assignment (this includes
collaborating with others on assignments that are supposed to be completed

On test and exams:

 Using or possessing any unauthorized aid, including a cell phone.
 Looking at someone else's answers
 Misrepresenting your identity.
 Submitting an altered test for re-grading.

 Falsifying institutional documents or grades.
 Falsifying or altering any documentation required by the University, including (but not
limited to), medical notes.

All suspected cases of academic dishonesty will be investigated by the following procedures
outlined in the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. If you have any question about what is
or is not permitted in the course, please do not hesitate to contact the course instructor. If you
have any questions about appropriate research and citation methods, you are expected to seek
out additional information from the instructor or other UofT resources such as College Writing
Centres or the Academic Success Centre.

At times, the course instructor may decide to communicate important course information by
email. As such, all UofT students are required to have a valid UTmail+ email address. You are
responsible for ensuring that your UTmail+ email address is set up AND properly entered on the
ROSI system. For more information please visit

Forwarding your email to a Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo or other type of email account is
not advisable. In some cases, messages from addresses sent to Hotmail, Gmail or
Yahoo accounts are filtered as junk mail, which means that important messages from your
course instructor may end up in your spam or junk mail folder.

Blackboard and the Course Page

The online course page for this course is accessed through Blackboard. To access the course
page, go to the UofT Portal login at and log in using your UTORid and
password. Once you have logged in, look for the My Courses module where you’ll find the link to
all your course websites. If you don’t see the course listed here but you are properly registered
for the course in ROSI, wait 48 hours. If the course does not appear, go to the Information
Commons Help Desk in Robarts Library, 1st floor, for help, or explore the Portal Information and
Help at and review the Frequently
Asked Questions.

Recording Lectures
Lectures and course materials prepared by the instructor are considered by the University to be
an instructor’s intellectual property covered by the Canadian Copyright Act. Students wishing to
record a lecture or other course material in any way are required to ask the instructor’s explicit
permission, and may not do so unless permission is granted (note: students who have been
previously granted permission to record lectures as an accommodation for a disability are, of
course, excepted). This includes tape recording, filming, photographing PowerPoint slides,
Blackboard materials, etc.

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If permission is granted by the instructor (or via Accessibility Services), it is intended for the
individual student’s own study purposes and does not include permission to “publish” them in
anyway. It is absolutely forbidden for a student to publish an instructor’s notes to a website or
sell them in any other form without formal permission.

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