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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 1






A Thesis Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of the
School of Business, Accountancy and Hospitality Management
Tuguegarao City
In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Degree


SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 2


Chapter 1



Having a college diploma is an achievement to be proud of by the students

and by the parents as well. But nowadays, a TESDA National Certificate can now be

considered as a diploma for those individuals who can`t afford to enroll in college.

Having a TESDA national certificate is highly beneficial. It gives quality assurance to its

graduates in terms of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values. Competencies along the

middle level skilled occupations. The certificate will cement the fact that the student has

been thoroughly assessed through a series of demonstrations, observations with oral

questioning, written test, interviews, third party reports, and work projects.

National Certificate II, is a short-term course offered by our government, with

only minimal amount of tuition fees. Wherein, an individual could learn and enhance

their knowledge and skills through the course or field they`ve chosen. It is issued when

a candidate has demonstrated competence in all units of competency that comprised a

qualification. National Certificate II performs prescribed range of functions involving

known routines and procedures. It has limited choice and complexity of functions and

has a little accountability. A national certification is given once you've successfully

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 3

demonstrated that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform the tasks.

TESDA develops competency standards for middle-level skilled workers. These are in

the form of units of competency containing descriptors for acceptable work performance.

These are packaged into qualifications corresponding to critical jobs and occupations in

the priority industry sectors. The qualifications correspond to a specific levels in the

Philippine TVET Qualifications Framework (PTQF). The competency standards and

qualifications, together with training standards and assessment arrangements comprise

the national training regulations (TR) promulgated by the TESDA Board. The TRs serve

as basis for registration and delivery of TVET programs, competency assessment and

certification and development of curricula for the specific qualification.

The tourism industry is a major contributor to the world economy as well the

hotel and restaurant industry is the combination of the institutions, supporting human

resources, financing mechanisms, information systems, organizational structures that

link institutions and resources that cater to the needs of domestic and foreign travellers.

For the Philippine tourism industry to be “competitive” in line of the ASEAN Economic

Community (AEC), it must advance its strategic planning and effectively utilize its labor

and capital. Manpower competitiveness is a necessary requirement to provide

employment the growing demand for tourism and hotel and restaurant courses.

Having a college diploma is a big advantage but having an additional certificate

like TESDA NCII is a big plus factor when it comes to applying for a job. Because

employers are looking for more knowledgeable, skilled and experienced individual/s who

can be a part and can contribute for the success of their companies. NCII can be one of

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 4

our weapon for employment. The more NCII we have, the more knowledge and skills we

acquire and opportunities to come. Certificates will enhance your employability, it refers

to your ability to gain initial employment, maintain employment, and obtain new

employment if required and having a set of skills, knowledge, understanding, and

personal attributes. Completing your studies as an investment in yourself to improve your

productivity and opportunities to work in roles that are aligned to your unique needs,

interests and values that will improve your prospects to have a more fulfilling and

rewarding career life.

This organization goal is to create a positive change to brighten the students who

haven't know the advantages of the certificate. The effect of the certificate or the training

program will provide information that will help the students to get through their training.

This paper will tackle the topic about the importance of the NCII into the career

opportunities of the BSHRM and BSTM students of Saint Paul University Philippines.

Related Literature and Studies

“TESDA is mandated to provide relevant, accessible, high quality and efficient

technical education and skills development in support of the development of high quality

Filipino middle level manpower responsive to and in accordance with the Philippine

development goals and priorities”.

In the hospitality industry, change is an accepted and necessary part of doing

business. Whether it is to stay ahead of the curve in everything from menu development

to recently enacted legislation, hospitality operators must be able to position their

business to be agile enough to remain competitive in the today's world. Hospitality

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 5

program has to provide their graduates with the tools necessary to be successful in the

ever changing world (Lyons, 2010). Dopson and Nelson (2003) have looked at industry

perspective regarding the importance of various skills and abilities necessary for success,

none has taken that information and woven it into the academic arena through

identification of a process for monitoring real time growth for students through

assessment for hospitality programs housed in accredited colleges of business. Several

researchers examined existing curriculum using data gathered from industry

professionals, faculty and students regarding the skills necessary for success in the

industry and proposed revised curriculum (Swanger, 2010). According to Zao (2011),

current look at hospitality and tourism education in China's colleges and universities,

there has been a boom in the tourism industry in China within the last ten years.

Hospitality and tourism education, especially higher education, has undergone rapid

development. In 1978 there was not a single course offered in hospitality and tourism at

any higher education institution. Today 69 institutions of higher education offer different

programs at varying levels, including two-year diplomas, three-year certificates, and

four-year Bachelor's and Master's degrees. This paper examines the development of

higher education in hospitality and tourism, outlines the problems it faces, and discusses

the possible solutions to the problems. In the article, Job Competency Expectations for

Hospitality and Tourism Employees present the findings of a central Florida study of

hospitality and tourism management practitioners. It reports the findings of practitioner

perceptions of desired knowledge, skills, and attitudes. It further demonstrates the overall

impressions of practitioners concerning levels of preparation for entry-level positions in

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 6

the industry (Teson, 2004). A study on the factors associated with hospitality students'

satisfaction with internship programs and the relationships between training, job

satisfaction, and confidence about future careers in order to provide schools and

industries with suggestions regarding course development and training during

internships. Training classes made a significant difference in satisfaction with the

supervisor and educational program. The regression analysis showed that training

satisfaction played a positive role as a predictor of participants' job satisfaction and

confidence about future careers. The effect of satisfaction with training on participants'

confidence about future careers was mediated by their satisfaction with the internship

(Wen, 2008). Competencies are identified behaviours, knowledge, skills, and abilities

that directly and positively impact the success of employees and organizations.

Competencies can be objectively measured, enhanced, and improved through coaching

and learning opportunities. Through this, interns know that competence indicates

sufficiency of knowledge and skills that enable someone to act in a wide variety of

situations (Ylagan, et. al, 2013). Learning takes place in different avenues and forms of

human existence. Formal education from academic institutions is basically the proper

venue for acquiring appropriate knowledge and skills necessary for future employment

(Laguador, 2013). Skills and competencies required by food and beverage service

management interns were assessed by surveying their Swiss hotel and restaurant

supervisors' opinions. The survey comprised 48 skills and competencies, compiled from

literature and curricular learning outcomes. Supervisors rated the importance of each

competence and then assessed their interns' performances on each item. A comparative

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 7

analysis of the data highlighted areas in which trainees exceeded the supervisors'

expectations and uncovered developmental needs. According to supervisors' ratings, the

most important competencies comprised personal qualities and inter-personal skills;

students' highest performance ratings were reflected in their positive attitudes towards

work colleagues (Fournier, 2012).

Given its mandate, TESDA envisions to be the leading partner in the development

of the Filipino workforce with world-class competence and positive work values. Its

mission on the other hand is to provide direction, policies, programs and standards

towards quality technical education and skills development. TESDA has also a quality

policy which states that, “We measure our worth by the satisfaction of the customers we


To facilitate the delivery of its mandate, TESDA defines its Core Business which

is comprised of three planks: Direction Setting, Standard Setting and Systems

Development and Support to TVET Provision.

The core business defined further TESDA’s role as authority, enabler, manager

and promoter of TVET which primarily involves ensuring sufficient provision of skilled

workers and technicians to meet international work standards as well as the needs of local

enterprises and ensuring access to technical education for the greater majority of the


NC2 or TESDA gives you a great opportunity; it allows you to enhance your

knowledge and skills. NC2 has many benefits which make it better.

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 8

Tourism – B.S. in HRM; B.S. in Travel Management; B.S. in Tourism

Three degree programs were considered as model curriculum-- Bachelor of

Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management (BSHRM) with five exit points:

Housekeeping NC I, Food and Beverage Services NC II, Commercial Cooking NC II,

Front Office NC II and Bartending NC II; Bachelor of Science in Travel Management

(BSTM) with two exit points: Commercial Cooking NC II and Travel Services NC II;

and Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (BSTM) with two exit points: Tour

Guiding NC II and Commercial Cooking NC II.

Conceptual Framework

This study focuses on the experiential learning of the students and teachers which

is designed to give students all the knowledge that they need in order to be successful in

their field specialization and shows the opportunities of the students for the trends in

globalization which will be prevalent in tomorrow’s hotel and restaurant tourism

industry. With this 21’st Century Learning, it will allow both students and teachers to

break out of their classroom walls and add personal exploration and hands-on learning to

their core curriculum and a way to reinforce and expand on concepts taught in class. They

offer students another method to learn concepts and are especially good for the many

tactile and kin aesthetic students.

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 9

Conceptual Paradigm


1. What are the

profile of the Assessment on The Importance of

participants in the Importance National

terms of: National Certificate II into

2. What will be the Certificate II into the Career

impact of those the Career Opportunities of

who will take the Opportunities of the BSHRTM

assessment? the BSHRTM student of Saint

2.1 Skills student of Saint Paul University

2.2 Knowledge Paul University Philippines

2.3 Experience Philippines

2.4 Attitude

3. What are the

benefits of undergoing

national certificate II


SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 10

5. Determining the

importance of national

certificate II

assessment to the

career opportunities.

5.1 Lack of Time

5.2 Lack of Assessor

5.3 Lack of Equipment

5.4 Lack of Trainee


Figure 1: The Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

The paradigm shows how the researcher are guided in the conducting the study. The

framework shows the input-process and output model.

The input include the profile of the respondents in term of age, gender and year level the


SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 11

The process phase includes assessment on the importance of national certificate II into

the career opportunities of the BSHRTM in Saint Paul University Philippines.

The output includes the ascertained important of national certificate II into the career

opportunities of Saint Paul University Philippines.

Statement of the Problem

The study tried to determine the importance of National Certification II into the

career opportunities of the BSHRTM students of SPUP.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. The profile of the participants in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Year Level

1.4 Competency National Certificate

2. What will be the impact of those who will take the assessment?

2.1 Skills

2.2 Knowledge

2.3 Experience

2.4 Attitude

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 12

3. What are the benefits of undergoing national certificate II


3.1 Housekeeping National Certificate II,

3.2 Food and Beverage Services National Certificate II,

3.3 Commercial Cooking National Certificate II,

3.4 Front Office National Certificate II

3.5 Bartending National Certificate II

3.6 Commercial Cooking National Certificate II

3.7 at Travel Services National Certificate II

4. What are the problem encountered during undergoing National


1.1 Lack of Time

1.2 Lack of Accessors

1.3 Lack of Trainers

1.4 Lack of Equipements

Significance of the Study

The researchers of this undertaking desire to make significant contributions to

the better improvement and further development of the on-the-job training program.

This study set insights on providing enough understanding to the following people who

may benefit from this research study:

School. It will help them in monitoring the students in the formulation of the

future modifications of strategies to be more effective in the field of studying lessons.

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 13

Students. The respondents are the center of the research because ultimately they

develop the awareness of themselves, strength and weaknesses for their career

development by continually summarizing and reflecting upon what they are learning

from home, school, and community. in totality, students are in charge of their own


Faculty. It assures that standards and qualifications are consistent to job

requirements or demands. And it also provides common understanding on standards,

qualifications and levels.

Future Researcher. This study can be a key in continuing the study on the

importance of National Certificate II in the career opportunities among HRTM students

so they may be able to gain more information.

Hospitality Industry. This may help the workers developed according to the

company’s needs, guaranteed highly skilled and productive workers and savings on

production cost through tax incentives.

Schools. Having this program it will less need for sophisticated equipment and

facilities, responsiveness to industries’ needs and to maximized use of equipment and

facilities. To have a better employment opportunities for its graduates, to enhanced

public image and have tax exemption for imported equipment.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scopes of this research are the HRTM students here in St. Paul University

Philippines of all year levels. The limitations of this research are only those students that

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 14

are currently enrolled at St. Paul University Philippines. Only those undergraduate of

HRTM students are allowed to participate in the research.

The study considered only at SPUP and the students of it. This may have an effect

and the generalizability of the study and its findings. However, its findings at least some

portion and extent of it may still hold true to other schools processing the same

characteristics or adhering to the same educational vision, mission, objectives, and

curricula of the studies of SPUP.

Definition of Terms

Frequently used terms have been defined for a better understanding

of the study. The following terms are defined technically:

AEC. (ASEAN Economic Community) a way to promote economic, political,

social and cultural cooperation across the region.

Assessment. An informal examination by experts of systems, programming,

operations and security to improve efficiency and effectiveness using industry best


Career. An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life and

with opportunities for progress.

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 15

Certificate. A document serving as evidence or as written testimony, as of status,

qualifications, privileges, or the truth of something.

College. An institution of higher learning, especially one providing a general or

liberal arts education rather than technical or professional training.

Diploma. A document given by an educational institution conferring a degree on

a person or certifying that the person has satisfactorily completed a course of study.

Experience. A particular instance of personally encountering or undergoing


Knowledge. A facts, information and skills acquired by a person through

experience or education.

On-The-Job Training (OJT). It is refers to the program conducted by the cooperating

firm, company or industry, sponsored by the school in order to exposed the students

actual training.

Opportunity .A set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.

PTQF. (Philippine TVET Qualifications Framework) a quality-assured

framework meant to serve as comprehensive, nationally consistent yet flexible system

for giving recognition to the attainment of competence along the middle level

occupations.(Procedures Manual on TR Development)

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 16

Skill. The ability, coming from one’s knowledge, practice, aptitude to do

something well.

TESDA.(Technical Education and Skills Development Authority)An agency of

the Philippine government under the Department of Labor and Employment and the

Office of the Cabinet Secretary responsible for managing and supervising technical

education and skills development in the Philippines.

TR. (Training Regulation) a TESDA promulgated document that serves as

basis for which the competency-based curriculum and instructional materials and

competency assessment tools are developed. This document represents specific

qualifications. How the competencies in this qualification can be gained, assessed and

be given recognition is detailed in this promulgated document. (TESDA Board

Resolution No.2004-13 and Procedures Manual on TR Development)

Training. The process of planned programs and procedures undertaken for the

improvement of employee’s performance.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents on how this study will be conducted. The research design,

respondents/subjects of the study, instrumentation, data gathering procedure, and data

analysis is to be used in treating the data.

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 17

Research Design

The researchers choose to use descriptive method of research in order to

determine and evaluate the importance of having national certificate II. This study used

descripted research to identify the attendees of assessment if they use their knowledge

that they get during the training program to their jobs and to give knowledge to those

who haven’t take the assessment.

In descripted method, Calmorin (2015) as cited by Bagayana (2016) wrote the

study focuses on the present condition. The purpose is to find new truth, which may come

in different forms such as increase quantity of knowledge, a new generalization, or

increased insights into factors which are operating, the discovery of a new causal

relationship, a more accurate formulation of the problem to be solve and many others.

Research Participants

The respondents of this study were being 150 students who have been taken the

National Certificate II and the other 100 were the students who haven’t taken National

Certificate II in St. Paul University Philippines.


The principle data gathering instrument to be used in this study is the

questionnaire. The structure questionnaire will be utilized as the main instrument to

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 18

gather data needed for the study. The questionnaire will consist three parts namely: the

first part gather information on the profile of the respondents, the part II deals with the

respondents’ national certificate II into the career opportunities of BSHRTM in Saint Paul

University, part III deals with respondents suggestions or recommendations to improve

or maintain the national certificate II into the career opportunities of BSHRTM in Saint

Paul University Philippines. The question of the researcher is permitted to flow among

the respondents through the instrument. The retrieval of it will be undertaken personally

by the researcher of the study.

Data-Gathering Procedure

The following steps were undertaken in gathering the data. The researches asked

the permission of the Dean of the School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality

Management in order to permit them to conduct the study and float the questionnaire to

the respondents or the students.

When the permission was granted by the Dean, the questionnaire were personally

administered by the researchers to the students during their lecture period. The assistance

were given to the students to clarify some words and phrases which may cause difficulty

to the to understand or answer. All gathered questionnaire were collected, analyzed,

tallied and interprets.

Data Analysis

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 19

The data which were obtained through the questionnaires were interpreted and

analyzed using the statistical tools describe below:

1. Frequency count and percentage distribution will be used to determine the

respondent’s profile.

2. Weight mean. This will be used to determine the participants level of importance

of national certificate II into the career opportunities of BSHRTM in Saint Paul

University. To understand better the value of the weight mean, the following

arbitrary scale will be used as aa basis

Arbitrary Scale Descriptive Information

5 Excellent

4 Very Good

3 Good

2 Agree

1 Poor

3. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). This will be used to determine the significant

differences on the participants level of importance of national certification II into

the career opportunities of BSHRTM in Saint Paul University Philippines when

group according to the profile variable.

4. Frequency count, percentage and rank distribution. This will be used determined

the level of the importance of national certification II into the career opportunities

of Saint Paul University Philippines.

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 20


The Philippine Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) System, Dr.

Augusto Boboy Syjuco(Secretary and Director General, Technical Education and Skills

Development Authority /TESDA)

Philippines Case Study PQF UNESCO; February 2016

Dopson, L.R. & Nelson, A. A (2003.) Future of Hotel Education: Required program

content areas for graduates of US hospitality program beyond year 2000 - part two.

Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education" The International Journal of Theories and

Practice" Vol. 15, No. 3. pp. 11-17

Dopson,L.R. & Tas, R. F. (2004). A practical Approach to Curriculum development: A

case study. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education" The International Journal of

Theories and Practice" Vol. 16, No.1, pp. 39-46

Fleming & Eames. (2005) Student Learning in Relation to the Structure of the

Cooperative Experience. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, Vol. 6, No. 2,


Food and Beverage Services NC II Training Regulations retrieved on August 14, 2013,


Fournier, H & Ineson, EM (2010), Closing the Gap between Education and Industry:

Skills' and Competencies' Requirements for Food Service Internships in Switzerland

Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, Volume 22, Issue 4, 2010 retrieved on

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 21

December 20, 1012 from


Gursoy, D. & Swanger,N. (2004). Industry-Driven Model of Hospitality Curriculum for

Programs Housed in Accredited Colleges of Business - Part II. Journal of Hospitality &

Tourism Education "The International Journal of Theories and Practice" Vol. 17, No. 2.


Hospitality management competencies: do faculty and students concur on employability

skills? Research paper retrieved on August 14, 2013 from

Laguador, J.M. (2013). Engineering Students’ Academic and on-the-Job Training

Performance Appraisal Analysis, International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-

Management and e-Learning, 3(4): 301-305

Laguador, J.M. (2013). Developing Students’ Attitude Leading Towards a Life-Changing

Career, Educational Research International, 1(3): 28-33

Lyons, K. (2010). Room to move? The Challenges of career mobility for tourism

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Rutz, C. & Lauer- Globov, J(2005). Assessment and Innovation: One darn thing leads to

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Swanger, N. & Gursoy, D.(2010) Industry-Driven Model of Hospitality Curriculum for

Programs Housed in Accredited Colleges of Business: e- Assessment Tool(e-AT) - Part

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 22

IV. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education" The International Journal of Theories

and Practice" Vol. 22, No. 1

Teson, D. & Ricci, P. (2005). Job Competency Expectations for Hospitality and Tourism

Employees. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism. Vol 4, Issue 2. pp


Wen, Hwa Ka ( 2008) Training, Satisfaction with Internship Programs, and Confidence

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Taiwan, Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, Volume 7, Issue 4, 2008 retrieved on

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SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 23


Appendix A

letter to Dean For Approval

Letter to Participabnts

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 24

Appendix B


We are the group of graduating students from the BSHRM/TM 4th year of

SPUP. This is a survey questionnaire for the research that we are conducting regarding

the importance of NCII in the career opportunities of BSHRTM students of Saint Paul

University Philippines. Your response to this survey is very valuable. Your answer will

be appreciated and rest assumes that we will keep it confidential.

In this connection to the researcher would like to humbly ask for your precious time

and cooperation in answering this questionnaire

Direction: Kindly put a check mark () on the parentheses based on what is true to you.

I. Profile


( ) 18-21

( ) 22-25

( ) 26 and above


( ) Male

( ) Female

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 25

Year Level

( ) 3rd year

( ) 4th year

II. Impact of those who will take the assessment as Perceived by the 4th

Year and 3rd Year Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism

Management Students Bachelor of Science in Hotel Restaurant and

Tourism Management.

Direction: Kindly put a check mark ( ) and rate yourself honestly based on what you

actually do given the statement using the following scale.

5- Strongly Agree 4- Agree 3-Niether Agree/Disagree 2- Disagree 1-Strongly Disagree

Table 1. Impacts Skills of having TESDA National Certificate II

Skills 5 4 3 2 1

1. Housekeeping improve my skills

2. Front Office helps my mind to be alert

and focus

3. Acquiring bartending enhance

TABLE 2: Impacts of no

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 26

5 4 3 2 1

1. Learning Commercial Cooking motivates

me to perform well.

2. Travel agency helps me to communicate

with the client

3. Food and beverage plays a big role in my

decision making

TABLE 3: Impacts of Experience

1. Travel agency gives me the advantage to

memorize the world from different

vantage point.

2. Travel agency helps me understand

culture differences between country

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 27

III. Benefits of undergoing national certificate II assessment.

( ) Agree

( ) Disagree

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 28

Dean Participants:

Christian Greetings! The undersigned fourth (4th) year Bachelor of Science in the Hotel

and Restaurant Management (BSHRM) and Bachelor of Science in Tourism

Management (BSTM) students of the School of Business and Hospitality Management

(SBAHM) will conduct a research entitled “Research tittle” in partial fulfillment of the

requirements in Tourism and Hospitality Research Method (TUR109)

In connection to this, we would like to involve you as the research participants of this

study. Every answer that you will supply will considered vital. Rest assured that your

response will be with utmost confidentiality.



Noted By:


Research Adviser

Endorsed By: Approved By:


Associate Dean, BSHRTM


Program Dean, SBAHM

SPUP School of Business Accountancy and Hospitality Management

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