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Modification and Repairs - (1) A Person Shall Not Carry Out Any

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1/29/2019 AIRCRAFT RULE, 1937

About Rules Aircraft Operator Licensing Medical Statistics Aerodromes

52. Modification and repairs- (1) A person shall not carry out any
RULES modification or repair affecting safety of any aircraft in respect of
which there is a valid certificate of airworthiness unless he has been
required to do so in pursuance of these rules or unless he has obtained
AIRCRAFT RULES the prior approval of the Director-General.
(2) (a) Modifications issued by the manufacturer of an aircraft,
1994 (DEMOLITION OF aircraft component or item of equipment of that aircraft which have
BUILDINGS AND TREES ETC.) been issued a Type Certificate by the Director-General or elsewhere
may be deemed as approved modifications, unless otherwise
DANGEROUS GOODS) specified by the Director-General.

AIRCRAFT (SECURITY), (b) Repair schemes issued by the manufacturer of an aircraft, aircraft
RULES 2011
component or item of equipment of that aircraft issued with a Type
AIRCRAFT (INVESTIGATION Certificate by the Director-General or elsewhere and other repairs
OF ACCIDENTS AND carried out in accordance with standard aeronautical engineering
practice may be deemed as approved unless otherwise specified by
(3) The Director-General may give approval for repair or
INTERNATIONAL modification other than those referred to in sub rule (2), of an aircraft,
aircraft component, or item of equipment of that aircraft, where the
CIVIL AVIATION owner or operator furnishes such evidence relating to the intended
REQUIREMENTS modification or repair and its effect on the airworthiness of aircraft as
AERONAUTICAL specified by the Director-General.

(4) Modifications which have been approved by the Director-General
for one aircraft, aircraft component, item of equipment may be
GENERAL incorporated in others of the same type provided it is within the terms
AIRWORTHINESS of approval.
AIR TRANSPORT (5) (a) While an aircraft has been modified or repaired after a major
damage or major defect, the aircraft shall not be flown until an
appropriately licensed engineer or an authorised person has
certified in the manner specified by the Director-General that the
aircraft is in a fit condition to be flown for purpose of experiment or
test, as the case may be.
(b) While an aircraft component or item of equipment has to be
modified or repaired, it shall not be released until it is certified by
an appropriately licensed engineer or an authorised person as may
be specified by the Director-General.
(6) The form and manner of distribution of the certicare and its
copies referred to in the above sub-rules and preservation thereof
shall be as may be specified by the Director-General.
(7) A certificate in pursuance of the preceding sub-rules shall not
be issued unless the materials, parts, method comply with such
designs, drawings, specifications or instructions as may be issued
by the manufacturers or as may be specified or approved by the
Director-General. The method and the workmanship shall be in
accordance with standard aeronautical practice or as may be
approved by the Director-General. 1/1

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