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Chapter 2

Transportation and
land use
Akinori Morimoto
Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University

2.1 The relationship between land use and transportation

Understanding the relationship between land use and transportation is extremely important for design-
ing a prosperous and safe transportation society.1)
Land use and transportation are Land-use planning Transportation planning
Changes in traffic demand
interdependent, similar to a chicken-and-
Urban activities Transportation activities
egg relation. Effective utilization of land (residential and industrial) (commuting, shopping)

stimulates urban activities, and roads and Changes in

Changes in
other transportation facilities are main- land use transportation services

tained so as to allow for new transporta- Urban facilities Transportation facilities

(urban (road, rail)
tion-related activity. Creating new roads Changes in mobility

or expanding existing ones increases the Figure 1. Relation between land use and traffic planning
attractiveness of the land they pass
through, promoting new urban facilities. When cities are growing slowly, it is easy for land utilization
and traffic planning to match pace. In times of rapid economic growth, however, demand for land use
accelerates and development of transportation facilities may be unable to keep up. Many cities experi-
encing a high degree of economic growth will therefore experience heavy congestion and other trans-
portation problems.
How can the best balance be maintained between land use and transportation? Japan experienced a
period of rapid motorization, a time during which it was impossible to keep up with demands for road
expansion and other transportation facility development, and therefore implemented policies to regulate
transportation demand itself. Such policies are called transportation demand management (TDM).
Examples of TDM include changing peak demand times and shifting demand to other modes of trans-
portation, thereby enabling existing roads to be utilized to the fullest extent possible.
An even more fundamental approach is promoting optimal land use. For example, when transpor-
tation facilities are poor, the floor area ratio can be kept low and then the ratio can be increased accord-
ing to the progress of transportation infrastructure development. Efforts can thus be made to achieve a
Chapter 2: Transportation and land use|23

balance. Long-term sustainability should also be considered by altering the urban structure itself. For
example, transportation demands that are concentrated in downtown areas can be dispersed to city sub-
centers and core cities, thereby relieving congestion and promoting development of a more balanced city
overall. Such efforts in Tokyo and other large cities have been implemented as the construction of multi-
polar, distributed urban structures. The Third National Capital Region Development Plan (1976), for
example, recommends a more wide-area, multipolar distribution to correct Japan’s over-concentration
on Tokyo, and the follow-up Fourth Development Plan (1986) suggests prioritizing development of
business core cities and secondary core cities with the goal of creating a more multi-zonal, multi-nuclear
urban structure.
There are differences in the emphasis placed on transportation problems such as congestion, noise,
and air pollution, depending on the region and era. Having entered the 21st century, the traffic problems
currently facing Japan, such as adapting to becoming a super-aged society and addressing global envi-
ronmental issues, reflect increasingly long-term, wide-area considerations. However, even for such new
problems, considering land use and transportation planning over time can lead to finding solutions to a
variety of transportation problems so as to meet the needs of the future.
What kind of urban structure should be aimed for, and by what method should such an urban
structure be developed? What kind of transportation facilities will be emphasized at that time? How
should the remaining localized congestion be addressed? In this section, how developed countries are
addressing such issues is examined in order to learn about four keywords necessary in urban develop-
ment for the next generation.

2.2 Compact cities

2.2.1 Why are compact cities needed?

The question of how to plan and aggregate urban areas that have expanded with the progress of motor-
ization so that they can be converted to sustainable cities is a significant problem that faces mature soci-
eties. In Japan, which has entered an era of population decline, intelligent reduction in the scale of now
unneeded urban areas (“smart shrinking”) has become an urgent task. In the Second Report of the Panel
on Infrastructure Development (2007), the following problems may arise when the structure of diffuse
cities is left unaddressed:

• Difficulty in maintaining public transportation: It is difficult to ensure demand for public trans-
portation in low-density cities.
• Problems with transportation in a super-aged society: There will be an increased number of
transportation-disadvantaged individuals who cannot operate automobiles.
• I ncreased environmental load: Excessive reliance on automobiles increases environmental load.
• Further decline of central urban areas: Promotion of suburban development causes a relative
decline in the attractiveness of urban areas within cities.

• Pressures on municipal fi nances: Increased maintenance costs of expanded urban areas.

Even in developing countries experiencing economic growth, inducing urban structures that are
appropriate to periods of population increase is important for avoiding problems seen in developed

2.2.2 What is a compact city?

A compact city is one in which functions Green space Green space
required for daily life are aggregated in
the city center, and one with a maintain-
able city structure that retains an appro-
priate population density while remain- Attractive inner cities
ing resident-friendly and environmentally
Public transportation Public transportation
friendly. In periods of population growth
there is a tendency for urban areas to Urban sprawl Green space expansion
encroach on green spaces, while in peri- Figure 2. Smart shrink
ods of population decline there is a ten-
dency for green space to expand into urban areas. It is hoped that this will lead to an appropriate scale
reduction of the city itself. In particular, it is important that aggregation along public transportation
lines strikes a proper balance between the use of automobiles and public transportation.

2.2.3 Proposal for network-type compact cities

Compact cities first attracted attention when they were proposed in the 1987 Brundtland Report as an
urban model for sustainable development. Such cities aim at an environment that promotes public trans-
portation and walking, and avoids over-reliance on privately owned automobiles. However, it is
extremely difficult for cities to aggregate once they have expanded, and although local governments may
establish urban planning mas-
Garden city theory (1898):
ter plans as goals, achieving United Kingdom
Neighborhoods Theory “Shining city”
such goals requires a long (1924): USA
time. Escape from low-den- New Town policy of the J. Jacobs
United Kingdom (1950s–) (1961)
sity, automobile-oriented Edge City / New Town Development
1973 Dantzig
urban structures cannot be compact city
Sustainable Community (circular cities)
achieved without further
urban planning that features
1987 U.N. Brundtland Commission Report
public transportation as its on Sustainable Development
Compact City
core. Here, we propose the
“network-type compact city,”2) Calthorpe’s TOD
Network-type compact city
based on transit-oriented
development (TOD), which is Figure 3. A genealogy of network-type compact cities
Chapter 2: Transportation and land use|25

described below.
Urban hub
A network-type compact city is one in which the
various attractive features of the city are aggregated
(compacted) in multiple areas that are connected (net- Expressway
Local traffic route
worked) by various modes of transportation, with a
focus on highly convenient public transportation. Fig- Urban hub Hub

ure 4 shows the structure of such a city. In this con-

text, the word “compact” does not necessarily mean
concentration at a single point but rather efficient
aggregation over multiple hubs. One feature of net-
Regional railway
work-type compact cities is that they have disaster
Figure 4. A network-type compact city
resilience. Ensuring redundancy through the intercon-
nection of multiple hubs of aggregation means that even if one part of the city is affected by a disaster,
resilience of the city overall is increased because other areas can flexibly participate in recovery efforts.

2.3 Transit-oriented development (TOD)

2.3.1 The pros and cons of automobile-dependent city development

In times of rapidly increasing urban population, cities suffer from shortages of residential areas, which
leads to the development of many large-scale suburbs. Railway lines are often developed in large subur-
ban cities, and further increase with the expansion of public transportation networks. Very different
from the development of regional cities, the development of suburbs is often done regardless of the con-
venience of public transportation, greatly increasing reliance on automobiles. Furthermore, commercial
development often occurs on the assumption of high automobile utilization, resulting in continued
development in areas along suburban bypass routes, spurring the decline of central urban areas.
The automobile is indeed a comfortable and convenient mode of transportation, but over-reliance
on automobiles detracts from other modes of transportation, and leads to the building of a society that
is unfriendly toward transportation-disadvantaged
residents who do not own an automobile. Learning
from this, developed countries are turning their atten-
tion toward urban planning that focuses on public

2.3.2 What is TOD?

TOD means urban development that is centered on
public transportation and avoids over-reliance on
automobiles. Its fundamental concepts were proposed
Figure 5. Conceptual diagram of TOD
in the 1980s by Calthorpe, but precursors to this (P. Calthorpe)3)

concept can be seen in Japan in the development of

areas around train stations, promoted by private rail-
way companies since before World War II. Such devel-
opment aimed at city planning in which commercial,
industrial, and residential functions were situated in
an area within 600 m from train stations, allowing a
walking-based lifestyle.4)
TOD is performed with an emphasis on three
important elements, called the three D’s: 5)
Figure 6. San Francisco (Fruitvale Transit Village)
Density: Maintenance of public transportation
requires ensuring a certain degree of population density. That degree will vary somewhat depend-
ing on regional characteristics, but in general planning should ensure that population density does
not go below 40 persons per hectare.
Diversity: It is important that commercial, medical, welfare, and other public functions be aggre-
gated around train stations, so that basic life activities can be performed within walking distance.
Design: Good spatial design is vital to inducing land use. Attractive spaces have an effect on how
people choose where to live.

2.3.3 Urban area aggregation through implementation of TOD

Cities are connected with other cities Railways Fixed service area
by rapid rail systems and other forms Expressway
Road usage Highways
of high-speed public transportation,
Personal vehicle TOD
and the downtown areas of those cit- Bicycle
ies are connected to their suburbs by Next-generation vehicles Existing bus

light rail transit (LRT) and bus rapid
Residential roads
transit (BRT) systems, thus providing
public transportation that is both
punctual and fast. TOD is mainly Public transport use Expressway
implemented along such public trans- LRT, BRT, DRT High-speed trains Variable service area
portation routes.6) Providing high lev-
Figure 7. Urban space design implementing TOD
els of public transportation service in
such areas over a long period of time and in a punctual manner promotes urban aggregation. In con-
trast, in suburban areas experiencing population decline, variable public transportation systems such as
demand response transit (DRT) are implemented.
Transportation-disadvantaged residents such as the elderly are encouraged to live in TOD areas,
while large families who most greatly benefit from the utility of automobiles are encouraged to raise
their children in the green-rich areas of the suburbs. Selection of residential areas according to lifestyle
thus allows for urban planning that best accommodates all generations.
Chapter 2: Transportation and land use|27

2.4 Next-generation public transportation systems

2.4.1 Reconstruction of the hierarchical nature of urban transport

In many regional areas, trends toward excessive Hierarchical nature of urban transportation
reliance on automobiles have led to cities in
which the only means of transport in and out High-speed movement Inter-city movement
Expressways High-speed trains
of the city is by automobile. This has led to sig-
nificant destruction of the traditional hierar- Highways LRT, BRT Within-city movement
Main bus routes
chical nature of urban transport, such as
Community buses
through-traffic encroaching into residential Residential roads Demand buses Inter-district
Low-speed movement movement
areas and bus companies being forced to close
routes. Development of a society that is envi- Automobiles Public
ronmentally friendly and compatible with a Figure 8. Hierarchical nature of urban transportation
super-aged society requires the urgent recon-
struction of a transportation system that does not rely on automobiles alone.
Desirable next-generation transportation systems must strike a balance between automobiles and
public transportation, through a hierarchical differentiation of transportation functions. Considering
automobile traffic, this hierarchy forms a pyramid with highways that maximize traffic functionality at
the top and highly accessible nearby residential roads at the bottom. Similarly, with regards to public
transportation the pyramid has rapid rail transit that allows high-speed movement between cities at the
top and community-level bus services that allow movement between districts at the bottom. As one
works toward the bottom of the pyramid, transportation speed decreases while flexibility of service

2.4.2 Functionality of next-generation public transportation systems

Revitalizing public transportation systems in cities in decline will require improving comfort and conve-
nience. To that end, the following functions are required:

Punctuality: The system should not be affected by traffic congestion, such as through the use of
traffic lanes dedicated to public transportation.
Comfort: Transportation should be elderly-friendly, for example, by having little vibration and
being barrier-free.
Environmentally friendly: The system should consume little energy, and minimize noise and pol-
lutant emissions.
Attractiveness: Vehicles and pick-up locations should contribute to city planning by being suited
to the landscape.

The most important thing is that the system draws riders away from their automobiles and pro-
vides sufficient added value to alter land use along routes.

2.4.3 LRT and BRT

Examples of public transportation systems that contain the above-mentioned functionality are next-
generation LRT and BRT systems.
In contrast to heavy rail systems that provide transportation between cities, LRT systems provide
transportation within a city. In Japan, these often take the form of next-generation tram systems. They
are characterized by having improved functionality over older tram systems, being better integrated with
other modes of transportation, and contributing to urban development by functioning as a comprehen-
sive transportation system. The first LRT system was developed in Edmonton, Canada, in 1978. Since
then, LRT systems have been introduced in 111 cities (as of 2008) throughout the world.7)
BRT systems provide large-scale, rapid transport of passengers by bus. Unlike traditional bus
routes, these systems use dedicated traffic lanes to allow frequent and punctual service, which can in
some situations improve transportation capacity through the use of articulated vehicles and allow for
smoother boarding at dedicated stops. Such systems are already in place in locations such as Ottawa
(Canada), Curitiba (Brazil), and Bogota (Columbia).
A common feature between both systems is that they are introduced not as isolated methods of
transportation, but as one facet of a sustainable mobility system suited to next-generation cities. Such
attractive public transportation systems are expected to be effective at promoting better and more aggre-
gated land use.

Figure 9. LRT in Houston Figure 10. BRT in Curitiba

2.5 Large-scale development and transportation assessment

2.5.1 Traffic problems caused by large-scale development

In recent years, intensive land use and progress of the automobile society has brought about large-scale
development not only in cities but also in their suburbs. Traffic generated by new development is
extremely heavy and has an effect over a wide area. The regions surrounding newly developed areas fre-
quently already have a considerable amount of traffic demand, resulting in road congestion in some
areas, so new developments have a high risk of further intensifying congestion, accidents, pollution, and
other transportation-related problems. So what methods are there for easing chronic traffic congestion,
Chapter 2: Transportation and land use|29

while still maintaining a balance between land use and transportation? This section describes one basic
method, traffic assessment for large-scale development.

2.5.2 What is a traffic assessment?

Traffic impact assessments, or simply traffic assessments, are a method and system for assessing in
advance the effects of development plans on transportation in order to implement traffic policy from the
perspective of harmonizing land use and transportation.
In a broad sense, traffic assessment is a macro-level approach for controlling land use patterns, den-
sity, and urban traffic master plans. In a more narrow sense, it can be applied as a micro-, district-level
approach, which in Japan has been implemented for development exceeding a certain scale by the Min-
istry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport’s “Large-scale Development District-related Traffic Planning
Manual,” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s “Large-Scale Retail Stores Location Law,”
and by public safety commissions or traffic administrators’ “prior traffic measures”. Generally speaking,
“transportation assessment” refers to the narrower definition.8)

2.5.3 Proper provision of parking lots for areas of large-scale development

When performing large-scale development, it is necessary to provide adequate parking that is commen-
surate with the traffic demand. For example, the Large-Scale Retail Stores Location Law requires that a
person who establishes large retail stores secure an adequate number of parking spaces.
The number of necessary parking spaces is determined by using an equation that takes the number
of customers, peak ratio, car ownership ratio, parking lot usage time, and other factors as parameters. It
is important to verify at the development assessment stage that an appropriate number of parking spaces
will be available.

A: Number of daily customers by store floor space (persons/1000 m2)

X = S: Store floor space (1000 m2) B: Peak ratio (%)
D C: Car ownership ratio (%) D: Average number of car passengers (persons)
E: Average parking time coefficient

2.5.4 Traffic simulations for large-scale development

It is extremely important in traffic assessment to grasp traffic conditions quantitatively and in detail.
Innovations in information technology since the
1990s have resulted in dramatic improvements to
computer processing capabilities, allowing
detailed, second-scale reproduction of traffic
conditions and visual representations as anima-
tions, including signal controls, traffic lane con-
struction, and other aspects. As result, many traf-
fic simulators have been developed and
practically implemented both in Japan (tiss-NET, Figure 11. Traffic simulation screen

AVENUE, TRAFFICSS, VISITOK, etc.) Table 1. Conditions of the traffic simulations in Tochigi Prefecture
and overseas (NETSIM, Pramics, Relation between lot shape and traffic
Peak arriving vehicles
WATSim, etc.). No risk of congestion Risk of congestion
200–600 vehicles (100
Developing traffic simulations vehicles per direction)
Not needed
requires substantial time and effort, so 600 or more vehicles Needed
application conditions need to be pub-
licly documented. Consideration of traffic simulations from early stages allows those wishing to open
stores to apply them to site selection. Table 1 shows the implementation conditions for a traffic simula-
tion performed in Tochigi prefecture.
From these results, merchants, road managers, and traffic control personnel can consider the effects
of congestion reduction policies before the establishment of large-scale stores. Note that there are many
significant effects of large-scale development, and in situations where mitigation measures are difficult
through transportation facility development, reconsideration of site selection for large-scale develop-
ment may become necessary.9)

1) Sugiyama, Masahiro, Sotaro Kunihisa, Mitsuyuki Asano, and Hirohito Kuse, eds. 2003. Asu no toshi kotsu seisaku [The
Future of Urban Transport Policy]. Seibundo Publishing. (in Japanese)
2) Morimoto, A. 2012. “A preliminary proposal for urban and transportation planning in response to the Great East Japan
Earthquake.” IATSS Research Vol. 36, No. 1: 20–23.
3) Calthorpe, Peter. 1993. The Next American Metropolis: Ecology, Community, and the American Dream. Princeton Architec-
tural Press.
4) Transit Cooperative Research Program. 2004. TCRP Report 102, Transit-Oriented Development in the United States: Experi-
ences, Challenges, and Prospects. Transportation Research Board.
5) Developing Around Transit: Strategies and Solutions That Work. ULI (the Urban Land Institute). 2004.
6) Hayashi, Yoshitsugu, Kenji Doi, Hirokazu Kato, and International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences, eds. 2009. Toshi
no kuoritei sutokku: Tochi riyo, ryokuchi, kotsu no togo senryaku [Quality Stock of Cities: Integrated strategy of land use,
green space and transportation]. Kajima Institute Publishing. (in Japanese)
7) “Special Supplement: Challenges and Visions for Implementing Light Rail Transit in Japan.” IATSS Review Vol. 34, No. 2.
2009. (in Japanese)
8) Kotsu asesumento ni kansuru chosa hokoku sho [Investigation Research Report on Transportation Assessment]. International
Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences. March 2001. (in Japanese)
9) Seki, Tatsuya, and Akinori Morimoto. 2010. “Daikibokaihatsu ni okeru kotsu asesumento no seiri to kongo no tenbo” [A
Review of Traffic Impact Assessment in Japan]. Journal of JSCE(D) Vol. 66, No. 2: 255–268. (in Japanese)

Recommended Reading
1) Randall, Thomas, ed. 2003. Sustainable Urban Design: An Environmental Approach. Spon Press.
2) Jenks, Mike, Elizabeth Burton, and Katie Williams, eds. 1996. The Compact City: A Sustainable Urban Form? Taylor &
3) Site Impact Traffic Assessment: Problems and Solutions, Proceedings of the Conference, Chicago. The American Society of Civil
Engineering. 1992.
4) Transportation Impact Analyses for Site Development. Institute of Transportation Engineers. 2006.

Practical application projects for reference

A land utilization framework and transportation system for declining population: 132–135
Urban development from parking lots considering inner-city parking density: 140–143

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