Marketing Services and Bank Performance: Evidence From A Developing Banking Industry
Marketing Services and Bank Performance: Evidence From A Developing Banking Industry
Marketing Services and Bank Performance: Evidence From A Developing Banking Industry
This paper evaluates the influence of marketing services on bank performance in Nigeria for a study period ranging from
January 2002 to December 2014 using descriptive and inferential analysis. Descriptive analysis shows that both the marketing
services and bank performance variables are positively skewed and leptokurtic. It also shows that the variables are not
normally distributed. The augmented Dickey Fuller unit root tests show that the series are integrated of the same order (i.e.,
I(1)). The results obtained from the regression model provide evidence in favour of positive and significant influence of
marketing services on bank performance in Nigeria. We recommend therefore that banks should utilise their marketing
resources and strategies adequately to enhance their performance and to maximise shareholders’ wealth.
Marketing Services, Banking Industry, Bank Performance, Nigeria
Received: May 17, 2016 / Accepted: June 2, 2016 / Published online: June 23, 2016
@ 2016 The Authors. Published by American Institute of Science. This Open Access article is under the CC BY license.
* Corresponding author
E-mail address: (Emenike K. O.), (Ray O.)
American Journal of Business and Society Vol. 1, No. 3, 2016, pp. 83-89 84
responsible for the laxity or slow adoption of marketing in customer services have been increased. At this point, the
Nigeria. According to them, deposit money banks in Nigeria study highlighted some of the customer services provision
had operated a seller’s market which gave rise to excess such as: Automatic Teller Machine (ATM), money transfer,
liquidity which does not encourage adoption of professional point of sales payment, on-line banking and others.
marketing in the industry. There is therefore a need to In their own study, Grigorian and Manole (2012) examined
empirically establish the significance of marketing services the determinants of commercial bank performance in
in influencing the Nigerian banking sector performance. This transition by applying Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
is very important given the huge resources committed to
model. The scope of the study was global, especially on
marketing services.
transition economics. The method adopted to estimate
The objective of this study therefore is to evaluate whether indicators of commercial bank efficiency was DEA model.
marketing services significantly influence bank performance. The study found evidence that securities and nonbank
The finding of this study is important to investors in the financial institutions development hinders the efficiency of
banking industry, board of directors and top management of banks. There was equally indication that higher securities
banking industry, banking system regulators, and researchers. market capitalization reduced revenue-based efficiency,
The board of directors and top management of banking while more developed non bank financial institutions
industry for example are interested in understanding whether constrain deposit taking. Contrary wise, the study also found
the huge financial commitment to marketing department have that more developed non bank financial institutions such as
any influence on bank performance. Such information will pension funds, insurance companies, brokerage firms etc.
help them to make adjust investment decision made in show the likelihood of producing greater demand for
marketing. The finding will help the banking system household savings, consequently reducing the amount of
regulators to make policies that will enhance protection of bank deposits available to the banks as well as transaction
depositors against misleading marketing services. This paper services rendered by the banks.
will also contribute to grow existing literature on marketing Promotion as a function of marketing was examined by
services and bank performance in Nigeria. The remainder of Aliata, Odondo, Aila, Ojera, Abougo and Odera (2012). They
the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 reviews related
carried out a study examine the influence of promotional
literature, while Section 3 presents the methodology and data.
strategies on bank performance. The major objective of the
Section 4embodies the empirical results and discussions, and
study was to examine the nature and influence of the
Section 5concludes the paper. relationship between the bank’s promotional strategies and its
performance. It also sought to determine the importance of
2. Literature Review promotional strategies in explaining the bank’s performance.
The study employed a descriptive sample survey to gather
Oke (2012) examined the impact of marketing strategies on and select data for the study. The data obtained were
bank performance in Nigeria for the period after bank analyzed using correlation analysis to ascertain the
consolidation Analysis. The research methodology employed relationship between the bank’s promotional strategies and its
in the study was Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). In using level of performance. On the other hand, regression analysis
this model, revenue and operating profit were the output was used to explain its performance. From the outcome of
variable, while advertising was the input variables. Among the study, they established a positive relationship between
other findings, the study revealed the significance of the promotional strategies and profit of the bank.
marketing variables in relation to bank performance. He
therefore concluded that there is a connection between The study of Ogbadu and Abdullahi (2013) evaluated the
marketing activities and bank performance. fundamental role of marketing in the Nigerian banking
sector. The aim was to determine the role of marketing in
Another study in this area was the one carried out by Nigerian banking sector. Data obtained for the study was
Ehimobowei and Ekankumo (2012) analyse customer service manually computed with the use of Analysis of Variance
strategy and commercial banks survival in the post- Model (ANOVA). This was done to ascertain the extent of
consolidation era in Nigeria. The study aimed at identifying marketing practice in Nigerian banks and to determine the
evidence of the importance of customer service strategies on role marketing places in the banking sector. Findings from
survival of commercial banks in the post consolidated period the study revealed that marketing is moderately being
in Nigeria. Data obtained for the study were analysed using practiced in Nigerian banks. They equally revealed that the
the ordinary least square model. Based on the outcome of the role of marketing in Nigerian banks is highly significant and
study, they conclude that financial institutions such as contributed immensely to the survival and competitiveness of
commercial banks have increased the extent to which new the banks. In conclusion, the study remarked that marketing
85 Emenike Kalu O. and Ray Obasi: Marketing Services Significantly Influence Bank Performance:
Evidence from a Developing Banking Industry
is pivotal to the performance of banks in Nigeria. data obtained for the study were: unit root test which tested
In another captivating study, Alao, Afuape and Diyaolu (2013) the stationarity of the data, cointegration test which tested for
the long run relationship between the dependent and the
empirically evaluated the changing trend in marketing of
independent variables and the Error Correction Model
financial services on bank performance in Nigeria using a
(ECM) which was used to investigate the speed of
sample of eight banks, four samples drawn from old generation
banks and four from the new generation banks. Relationship adjustment from the short-run to the long-run equilibrium.
between the adoption of marketing activities of the banks and From the outcome of the study, it was found that the
implication of marketing of banking service on profitability
the banks performance was obtained using spearman’s rank
of Nigerian banks is positive and significant. They conclude
correlation coefficient (r). They established from the study that
that marketing of banking services has indeed significant
there was a weak positive relationship between the variables.
The study concluded that the banks’ achievement of positive implication on profitability of Nigerian banks.
performance goals with reference to customers’ satisfaction, The investigation of Islam and Raham (2015) was on the
customer loyalty and brand equity may not be entirely as a impact of service marketing mix and their impact on bank
result of marketing services. For instance customer patronage marketing performance. The main objective of the study was
of a particular bank may be based on notion that any deposit to analyse the present position of service marketing mix
made into the bank will be secured. elements practiced by the banking sector in order to determine
Akeen (2014) equally carried out a study to examine the the relationship between service elements of marketing mix
effect of strategic marketing of financial services on with the marketing performance of the banking sector. Data for
organization performance using multinomial logistic the study was drawn from both primary and secondary data for
statistical analysis and literature review respectively. The tools
regression model. From the result of the study it was inferred
of data analysis adopted were descriptive statistics, one way
that marketing activities of the bank has a significant impact
analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regression. They
on their profitability. It also agreed that modern information
technology has improved their marketing services. The study conclude that marketing services influence the performance of
concluded that there is a significant and positive relationship the banking sector.
and their profitability.
Mobile Money Service as part of marketing services in the 3. Methodology and
bank was studied by Alala and Musiega (2014). The study Description of Data
concentrated on the Effect of mobile money services on the
performance of the banking industry. The primary objective 3.1. Description of Data
of the study was to examine the effects of mobile money The data for this study are monthly time series of bank
services on the performance of banking institutions in the marketing services variables and bank performance variables
study area. Data for the study was obtained through primary in Nigeria. While the banking system total assets proxy bank
source by questionnaire instrument. The data collected was performance; private sector savings, time and demand
analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on the deposits proxy marketing services. The rationale in selecting
finding of the study, it was concluded that the introduction of the proxies is that the key essence of embarking on marketing
mobile money services has contributed positively to the services is to increase the deposit base of the banking system.
financial performance of the banking institutions. It was also Hence it is expected that effective marketing service would
inferred that convenience and reliability of various mobile increase deposits base vice versa. Similarly, an increase in
money services has largely led to increased customer bank performance is expected directly related to increase in
satisfaction and loyalty irrespective of occasional technical bank assets. Hence bank asset is an appropriate proxy for
hitches that result to disappointment to the customers. bank performance. The data sample ranges from January
Nwankwo, Eze and Nwankwo (2014) conducted a study to 2002 to December 2014, and were obtained from Central
investigate implication of marketing of banking services on Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin for various years.
the profitability of Nigerian banks using First Bank Plc as a
3.2. Methodology
case study. The aim was to determine the implication of
marketing of banking services on profitability of Nigerian To empirically evaluate whether marketing services have
banks. The model adopted was multiple regression where the significant influence on bank profitability, we apply
profit was the dependent variable, while size of deposit, loan descriptive analysis and regression analysis. This involved
and advances and e-banking formed the independent numeric data (numbers) which do not require making general
variables of the model. Varioustools adopted for testing the statement. It is appropriate for presenting information in a
American Journal of Business and Society Vol. 1, No. 3, 2016, pp. 83-89 86
convenient usable and understandable form (Panneerselvam, performance. If for example the slope coefficients are
2013). Our descriptive analysis involve plotting of time negative and significant, it would imply that the marketing
series graph and computation of mean, standard deviation, services have negative influence on deposit money bank
skewness, kurtosis, and Jarque-Bera statistic for the level and performance. Conversely, positive slope coefficients would
return series of marketing services and bank performance imply positive influence of marketing services on bank
variables. While the mean presents information on the performance.
average of the marketing services and bank performance
level and return series, the standard deviation shows the level
of variation of the series from their average. The skewness
4. Empirical Findings and
and the kurtosis provide insight into their symmetric and Discussions
distributional patterns.
4.1. Graphic Presentation
The regression analysis, on the other hand, was conducted
Figure 1 presents a graph of the level data for the marketing
using multiple regression model. This model is considered
services and bank performance series in Nigeria for the
appropriate where functional relationship between two or
period under study. As we can see from Figure 1, the private
more variables is suspected (Sekaran and Bougie, 2014). The
sector saving series is has upward trending movement with
outcome of the dependent variable depends on the behaviour
fluctuations but the private sector time deposits exhibit more
of the independent variable. The model for multiple
fluctuation than the saving deposit though the series has a
regression is specified in accordance with Lucey (1994) and
relatively stable movement before the first quarter of 2006. A
Osuala (2009) thus:
major noticeable spike in all the series is seen in the first
∆BPt = f(∆PSDt, ∆PTDt, ∆PDDt) (1) quarter of 2006, which occurred as a result of the 2005
banking consolidation. Notice also that the private sector
∆BPt = β0 + β1∆PSDt + β2∆PTDt + β3∆PDDt + µt (2)
time deposits series show a very significant downward spike
Where, ∆BPt, which is the dependent variable, is return series at the last quarter of 2011. This is associated the shock to the
of bank performance at time t, β0 to β3 are the coefficients of Nigerian banking sector as a result of the global financial
marketing services, β0 is Y intercept, ∆PSDt, ∆PTDt and crisis which lead to nationalization of three banks. Another
∆PDDt are proxy for marketing services which include: major noticeable feature of the Figure 1 is that all the series
savings, time and demand deposits and µt is the error term. exhibit signs of non-stationarity, as they do not appear to be
The sign of the slope coefficients will determine that nature mean reverting.
and significance of influence of marketing services on bank
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Figure 1. Graph of Level of Marketing Service and Bank Performance Series in Nigeria January 2002 to December 2014.
The time series graph of the returns series of the marketing services and bank performance in Nigeria are presented in Figure 2.
A visual inspection of the Figure that the returns series show signs of returning to their mean suggesting that they are
stationary. The only significant spikes are observed in the first quarter of 2006, after bank consolidation.
87 Emenike Kalu O. and Ray Obasi: Marketing Services Significantly Influence Bank Performance:
Evidence from a Developing Banking Industry
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Figure 2. Graph of Returns of Marketing Service and Bank Performance Series in Nigeria January 2002 to December 2014.
4.2. Descriptive Statistics sector savings deposit, private sector time deposit and private
sector demand deposit respectively. These suggest that return
Table 1 shows the results of descriptive statistics for
distribution of all the series are peaked. Jarque-Bera estimates
marketing services and bank performance level and return
indicate that all the series are normally distributed.
series respectively. The average private sector savings
deposit, private sector time deposit and private sector Table 1. Descriptive Statistics.
demand deposit, which are proxy of marketing services, for
the study period are approximately N1.1 trillion, N1.8 Mean Skewness Kutorsis J-B. Stat.
trillion, and N2.4 trillion respectively. On the other hand, Level Series
show that the mean return for bank assets (proxy for bank BA 12581854.38 8008951.66 .082 -1.487 14.546
PSD 1084384.19 752126.28 .507 -1.157 15.381
performance), private sector savings deposit, private sector PTD 1760403.03 1157966.79 -.010 -1.621 17.086
time deposit and private sector demand deposit for the study PDD 2381390.96 1416632.30 -.110 -1.587 16.684
period are 1.58%, 1.60%, 1.67%, and 1.44% respectively. Return Series
DBA .0158 .07177 1.096 39.930 10328.357
These imply that private sector time deposit has the highest DPSD .0160 .08626 .380 35.450 8120.090
rate of change whereas the private sector demand deposit has DPTD .0167 .11180 .128 15.275 1507.269
the lowest. The standard deviation shows that the private DPDD .0144 .08444 .586 10.253 687.847
sector time deposit equally has the highest variability from Note: DBA, DPSD, DPTD and DPDD are the return series of bank
the average, while bank profitability has the lowest. These performance, private sector savings, time and demand deposits.
critical values (-3.439) at 5% significance level. These results profitability of Nigerian banks is positive and significant.
imply that the bank performance, private sector savings
Table 3. Results of the Influence of Marketing of Bank Services on Bank
deposit, private sector time deposit and private sector
demand deposit series are integrated of order one; i.e. they
require first differencing to be become stationary. Variable Coefficients t-statistics p-value
Constant (α) 0.0024 0.9147 0.3617
Table 2. Unit Root Test Result. ∆PSD 0.5268 13.3911 0.0000
∆PTD 0.0950 3.8145 0.0001
5% 5% ∆PDD 0.2354 5.9084 0.0000
Computed t Computed t
Critical t Critical t
R2 = 0.79, F(3,151) = 198.11 [0.000], DW= 2.018
Log-level Series Return Series
BA -3.4394 -1.1217 DBA -3.4394 -17.5075** Note: The variables are as defined in Table 1.
PSD -3.4395 -2.2933 DPSD -3.4396 -13.3512**
PTD -3.4392 -1.9089 DPTD -3.4394 -14.1717**
PDD -3.4394 -0.9392 DPDD -3.4394 -16.1970** 5. Conclusion and
Note: ** indicate significance at the 1% level. Recommendation
4.4. Regression Results The objective of this study is to answer the question: does
This sub-section reports the results of the regression model marketing services significantly influence bank performance in
estimated to examine the influence of marketing of bank a developing economy such as Nigeria. We employ both
services on bank performance in Nigeria, which will answer preliminary and econometric analyses. The preliminary
the question raised in this study. To answer the question, we analyses were conducted using descriptive statistic and unit
examine the behaviour of slope coefficients of the regression root test, whereas the econometric method adopted was the
of bank performance on marketing services variables which regression analysis. The estimates from the descriptive
include private sector savings deposit, private sector time analysis show that both the marketing services and bank
deposit and private sector demand deposit. Thus, if the slope performance variables have positive returns, positive skewness
coefficients are negative and statistically different from zero, and leptokurtic. In addition, they are not normally distributed
we shall conclude that marketing of bank services impacts at 5% significance level. The ADF unit root tests show that the
negatively on bank performance, vice versa. The summary of marketing services and bank performance series are integrated
the OLS regression results is presented in Table 3 below. of order one (i.e., I(1)). They require first differencing to
become stationary. The results from the regression model
From Table 3, notice that the slope coefficients for the private provide evidence in favour of positive and significant
sector savings deposit (0.526), private sector time deposit influence of marketing services on bank performance in
(0.095) and private sector demand deposit (0.235) are Nigeria at the 5% significance level. We therefore conclude,
positive and significant at the 5% level of significance. This with 95% confidence, that marketing services has significantly
result provides evidence to support positive influence of positive influence on bank performance in Nigeria. Deposit
marketing services on bank performance since the calculated money banks must therefore focus on practical implementation
t-statistics (13.176), (3.38), and (5.90) private sector saving of marketing services in production and sales of their services.
deposits, private sector saving deposits, and private sector To do this efficiently, it is essential that the deposit money
saving deposits respectively, which are proxies for marketing banks utilise their marketing resources and strategies
of bank services, are greater than the critical t-statistic at 5% adequately to enhance performance and growth.
significance level (1.960). Similarly, the p-values (0.000),
(0.000), and (0.000) private sector saving deposits, private
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