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Bioassay Systems: Quantiquik Glutamate Quick Test Strips

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BioAssay Systems L-Glutamate QQGLUT10_001.


QuantiQuik™ L-Glutamate Quick Test Strips

Catalog Number: QQGLUT10


Glutamate is an important chemical in general metabolism. Samples: For most instant soups and acidic samples we
It is also widely used as a flavor enhancer in the food strongly recommend diluting samples 21. Most soy sauces
industry. Consumption of foods containing monosodium and fish sauces will require a 210 dilution. Milk and
glutamate (MSG) have been known to cause headaches, samples that are not expected to have very high levels of
flushing, sweating, nausea, and more. Glutamate is also a glutamate should be diluted 5.
crucial mammalian neurotransmitter that is believed to be
1. Unscrew the cap of one of the Sample Development
involved in a number of neurological and psychiatric
disorders such as lateral sclerosis, autism, and
Alzheimer’s disease. 2. For samples requiring a 21 dilution, use a 20 µL
transfer pipette (a pipetteman can also be used if
BioAssay Systems’ QuantiQuik™ L-Glutamate Test Strips available), and carefully transfer 20 µL of sample to the
are based on Glutamate dehydrogenase catalyzed Sample Development Tube. For samples requiring a 5
oxidation of glutamate in which the formed NADH reduces dilution, use a 100 µL transfer pipette or pipetteman and
a chromogenic reagent. The intensity of the product color carefully transfer 100 µL of sample to the Sample
is directly proportional to the glutamate concentration in Development Tube. (To use the transfer pipette:
the sample. Squeeze top bulb of pipette and dip into sample and
release bulb to take up sample. Next, place pipette tip
into the Sample Development Tube and squeeze bulb
Product Information again to release sample. Important: remove pipette from
Catalog No: QQGLUT10 Sample Development Tube before releasing bulb.)
Number of Tests: 10 per package (other sizes available For samples requiring a 210 dilution, first make a 10
upon request). dilution using a 100 µL transfer pipette or pipetteman
and carefully transfer 100 µL of sample to a Sample
Contents: Dilution Tube (Cat. No. DT900) (alternatively, a tube
- Ten Test Strips containing 900 µL of distilled H2O can be used if
- Ten Sample Development Tubes (400 µL Development available). Replace cap, securely close the vial and
Reagent per tube) invert the vial a couple of times to mix diluted sample.
Then, use a 20 µL transfer pipette or pipetteman and
- Instruction Manual carefully transfer 20 µL of the above diluted sample to a
Shipping/Storage: The kit is shipped and stored at room Sample Development Tube.
temperature. Keep strips dry and out of direct sunlight. 3. Replace cap, securely close the vial and invert the vial a
Expiry: 6 months upon receipt. couple of times to mix.
4. Unscrew the Sample Development Tube cap and dip in
Product Accessories one of the test strips making sure to fully submerge the
Most samples require either a 5, 21, or 210 dilution. reaction pad at the end of the strip. Leave submerged
These dilutions can be performed either with a pipetteman for 5 seconds and then take out and shake a couple
if available or single use transfer pipettes can be times to remove any drops clinging to strip.
purchased separately. We offer the following: 5. Let color develop on strip for 5 minutes.
6. Compare the color of the reaction pad of the strip with
- Ten 20 µL Transfer Pipettes (for 21 and 210 the provided Glutamate Chart shown on the test strip
sample dilutions), Cat. No. TP20 bag. Multiply the Concentration on the chart by the
dilution used (i.e. 5, 21, or 210).
- Ten 100 µL Transfer Pipettes (for 5 and 210
sample dilutions), Cat. No. TP100
- Ten Sample Dilution Tubes (containing 900 µL H2O for
210 sample dilutions), Cat. No. DT900

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