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Retailing Review of Literature

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This chapter reviews the studies on different aspects of corporate

retailing connected directly and indirectly with the present study. In any

field of study, existing literature constitutes a base for further research.

Therefore, the review of literature is highly useful to design the study as it

indicates the research gap in the study of corporate retailing. The study of

corporate retailing has attracted the attention of many researchers and

practitioners irrespective of countries, be it developed, developing or least

developed. Therefore, studies on these experiments of such countries are

reviewed in this chapter.

Michael Etgar and Paul Shrivastava (1983)1 stated that although

inflation has abated somewhat in the United States, its specter still looms on

the horizon. Indeed, inflation is expected to remain endemic to most

advanced nations in the coming years. Perhaps no industry is as affected by

inflation as retailing. In order to cope, retailers need to understand the

changes in the behaviour of their consumers, suppliers, and competitors,

and must formulate constructive strategies to respond to these changes.

Michael Etgar and Paul Shrivastava (1983). “Retailing Strategies in Inflationary
Times”, Journal of Business Strategy, Vol.4, No.1, pp.31-39.

Doug Lincoln (1985)2 conducted an empirical study with small

retailers to address the special problems they face in making marketing

decisions. The study measured small business managers’ beliefs regarding

the difficulty in making various marketing decisions. The study also

measured the perceived importance of marketing decisions to small business

retailing success. The findings of the study provide a clear description of

existing small retailers’ problems and the assistance of various organizations

e.g. trade associations, universities and individuals to small business retailers.

Beaumont (1994)3 states that the opening of mega retailers in a

community has the potential to impact existing smaller merchants. Firstly,

there will be an effect on the retail business in terms of changes in sales

volume i.e. increasing outlets in the immediate area carrying different

product categories to the mega retail outlets, a result of increased traffic and

decline in the overall market area in outlets carrying similar categories.

Secondly, changes in the way the merchants conduct their business in terms

of competitive strategies i.e. reduction in number of employees due to a fall

off in sales in the business, changes in marketing practices, pricing, product

mix and store positioning, location of outlet and recognition of customer

service are central to survival.

Doug Lincoln (1985). “Marketing Decision Making Problems Faced by Small
Business Retailers”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol.13, No.3,
June, pp.183-197.
Beaumont, C.E (1994). How Superstore Sprawl Can Harm Communities and What
Citizens Can Do About It, Washington: National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Archer and Taylor (1994)4 argue that small retailers can survive in

the shadow of the retail giants. The levels of customer service that the mega

retailers provide can not be possible by the small traders because their small

size limits their abilities. Specifically, the mega retailers by using well

documented retailing practices such as solving customers’ problems,

treating customers with respect, connecting with customers’ emotions,

setting the fairest price and saving customers’ time, can achieve survival

and success in their businesses.

Terry Marsden, Andrew Flynn, and Michelle Harrison (1997)5 state

that corporate retailing in food provision is ascendancy in most parts of the

advanced world. It has an increasing influence on food production and

supply. Their paper examines contemporary trends in the retail sector,

relating these to changing regulatory domains in which it is both located

and attempts to shape. The emphasis is placed on the ways in which

retailing needs to create and maintain forms of regulatory, social and

political embeddedness. They state that the supply and consumption of food

is increasingly mediated through sets of retailing and state interests. This

combines and reconstructs public and private interests in new ways,

establishing the competitive spaces within which retailers operate.

Archer, J.S and Taylor, D (1994). Up Against the Wal-Marts, New York:
American Management Association.
Terry Marsden, Andrew Flynn, and Michelle Harrison (1997). “Retailing,
Regulation and Food Consumption: The Public Interest in a Privatized World?”
Agribusiness, Vol.13, No.2, March-April, pp.211-227.

Peter and Eric (1998)6 highlight that consumers are attracted to malls

because of the presence of well-known anchors department stores with

recognized names. Anchors generate mall traffic that indirectly increases

the sales of lesser known mall stores. Mall developers internalize these

externalities by offering rent subsidies to anchors and by charging rent

premiums to other mall tenants. Anchors pay a lower rent per square feet in

larger malls than in smaller malls, even though sales per square feet of

anchors are the same in the two types of malls. In contrast, the sales and

rent per square feet of other mall stores are higher in super regional malls

than in regional malls.

Shils and Taylor (1999)7 identified both social and economic effects

of mega retail chains. The social effects are the physical and social decline of

neighbourhoods as retailers fail to survive, noting profound changes in

joblessness and socialization. The most serious economic effects include

retail closures as the traditional retailers fail to compete with the consequent

loss of jobs including the employment of the owners themselves and reduced

number of employees; both are caused by the presence of mega retailers

shifting activities from various geographic traditional retail clusters.

Pashigian B.Peter and Eric, D (1998). “The Pricing of Space in Malls”, Journal
of Law and Economics, Vol.41, April, pp.42-115.
Shils, E.B and Taylor, G.W (1999). Measuring the Economic and Sociological
Impact of the Mega Retail Discount Chains on Small Enterprise in Urban,
Suburban and Rural Communities, Ph.D. Thesis Submitted to University of

Iyer Ananth and Ye Jianming (2000)8 focus on a logistics system

where inventory is held at three levels: the customers, the retail store, and the

warehouse. Retail customer segments are heterogeneous and differ in their

reservation prices for product as well as their holding costs. The manufacturer

is responsible for maintaining inventory level at the warehouse. The

manufacturer uses all available information to generate an inventory policy

that maximizes expected profit subject to the service level requirement. The

authors state that if the predictability of the sales impact of a promotion

decreases, it may be optimal for the retailer to eliminate retail promotions;

increased stockpiling tendency of customers increases retailer profits and

decreases manufacturer profits; and retail promotion information sharing can

make retail promotions change from being less profitable than no promotions

to being more profitable than no promotions for the manufacturer.

Gibson Viriginia and Barkham Richard (2001)9 in their study found that

the retail sector is characterized by diversity both in terms of the degree to which

organizations are vertically integrated and in terms of the range of modes of

retailing they engage in. This in turn led to diverse real estate portfolios. However,

regardless of this diversity, the overriding strategy was focused on supporting the

Iyer Ananth, V and Ye Jianming (2000). “Assessing the Value of Information
Sharing in a Promotional Retail Environment, Manufacturing & Service,”
Operations Management, Vol.2, No.2, p.13.
Gibson Viriginia, A and Barkham Richard (2001). “Corporate Real Estate
Management in the Retail Sector: Investigation of Current Strategy and
Structure”, Journal of Real Estate Research, Vol.22, No.1, July-October, p.107.

core activity. This study provides a snapshot of current practice. However, it

uncovers the need for a greater understanding of the diversity in practice.

Venugopal (2001)10 has discussed the studies of retail outlets that the

market research firm ORG MARG conducted in the 1990’s. This study

provides data and estimates on a number of parameters relating to Indian

retail such as number and type of outlets and growth of outlets over time

separately for urban and rural areas. In these reports good deal of

information is available about what is happening in Indian retail.

Abishek Parekh (2002)11 says that the retail boom is rapidly gaining

ground. Companies such as Pantaloon Fashions and S.Kumar’s are firming up

plans to set up hypermarkets in various locations. Hyderabad already hosts

giant, India’s first international standard hypermarket, belonging to the RPG

Group. Hypermarkets usually compete on price and a wider product range,

but they normally lack product depth and service components.

Jean Piquet (2002)12 states that with the second largest retail market

among emerging countries, next only to China, India is an attractive

destination for global retailers. However, India has been ranked only sixth in

a Global Retail Development Index. The Slovak Republic, the Hungary, the
Venugopal, P (2001). Marketing Channel Management: A Customer Centric
Approach, New Delhi: Response Books.
Abishek Parekh (2002). “Enter the Hypermarket”, Business India, April, p.100.
Jean Piquet (2002). “Potential of Retail Marketing in Emerging Countries”,
Business World, August, pp.16-17.

Russian Federation and China have been rated as more attractive than India.

Ten years ago, the top 20 global retailers had operations in 11 countries.

Today they are present in 82 countries. India is not on that list yet. However,

with once promising South America now losing their original appeal due to

market saturation and economic risk, India is a serious contender for FDI.

Nirma Sharma (2002)13 in her article titled “Cultivating a New

Taste” highlights that interest in food retailing continues to mushroom. As

of now, there are three big chains in food retailing namely, Supermarket

Chain Food World and Discount Stores, Margin Free Market, and

Subhiksha. These are the fairly established ones, which have grown to

respectable size in the markets that they operate in. For example, in

Chennai, Food World and Subhiksha are reported to have a market share of

over 20%. In Kerala, Margin Free Market has a similar share.

Pathma Ramnath (2002)14 states that there is a shift in the logistics

and supply chain models in retail market. Stores such as Odyssey are taking

a new route and shifting the balance of retail margins from the publisher,

distributors and retailer model to the point of sale model. In Odyssey by

opting for the local partner for footing all fixed costs, they reap the benefit

of the generous margins in the book business.

Nirma Sharma (2002). “Cultivating a New Taste: Modern Food Retail in India”,
Business World, April, p.18.
Pathma Ramnath (2002). “Spreading the Word”, Business India, December, p.88.

Wong and Sohal (2003)15 compared the relationship between

dimensions of service quality and customer loyalty in a retail chain

departmental store located in a city to that of a country. The results showed

that service quality is positively associated with customer loyalty, and that

the most significant predictor of customer loyalty in the city retail district is

empathy, while the most significant predictor of customer loyalty in the

country retail district is tangibles.

Helen White and Elizabeth Daniel (2004)16 state that in the wake of

some fairly spectacular “” crashes in the recent past, it is

appropriate to open debate on the success of new internet “start-ups” versus

large incumbent conventional industry players in retailing starting their own

internet activities as separate “bolt-on” businesses. The purpose of the paper

is to explore the challenges and issues faced by the large retailing

organizations in establishing competitive internet businesses.

Stobart Jon and Hann Andrew (2004)17 explored the retailing

revolution in the eighteenth century with evidence from North-West England.

Amy Wong and Amrik Sohal (2003). “Assessing Customer-Salesperson
Interaction in a Retail Chain: Differences between City and Country Retail
Districts”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol.21, No.5, pp.292-304.
Helen White and Elizabeth Daniel (2004). “The Future of Online Retailing in
the UK: Learning from Experience”, Journal of Marketing Intelligence &
Planning, Vol.22, pp.10-23.
Stobart Jon and Hann Andrew (2004). “Retailing Revolution in the Eighteenth
Century? Evidence from North-West England”, Business History, Vol.46, No.2,
April, pp.171-194.

They argue that pre-modern shops were ultra specialized and offered little

variety or choice. In the early eighteenth century, Liverpool, England was

regarded as a London, England in miniature. It had many new streets and

squares, a growing range of cultural infrastructure and a wealthy corporation

both willing and able to undertake extensive improvement schemes. As a first

step towards a systematic regional analysis, tax records and population data

have been used to define the urban and retail hierarchy of the region in the

late eighteenth century, in contrast to earlier interpretations which

emphasized the transformations twisted by department stores and multiple

retailing in the second half of the nineteenth century.

Vishal P. Singh, Karsten T. Hansen, and Robert C. Blattberg

(2004)18 studied the entry of Wal-Mart Super Center into a local market.

Using a unique frequent shopper database from a supermarket, they studied

the impact of Wal-Mart's entry on household purchase behaviour. The

database records purchases for over 10000 households before and after

Wal-Mart's entry. The authors developed a model of inter-purchase time

and basket size and allowed for a structural break at the time of competitive

entry. The model was used to evaluate the impact of Wal-Mart on

household store visit frequency and basket size, while allowing for

consumer heterogeneity. They investigated the shopping characteristics of

Vishal P. Singh, Karsten T. Hansen, and Robert C. Blattberg (2004). “Impact of
Wal-Mart Super Center on a Traditional Supermarket: An Empirical Investigation”,
Working Paper, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, pp.1-53.

the consumers that are most likely to shift purchases to Wal-Mart. The

results show that the incumbent store lost 17% volume amounting to a

quarter million dollars in monthly revenue following Wal-Mart's entry.

They find that the majority of losses were due to fewer store visits with a

much smaller impact on basket sizes.

Jones Peter and Hillier David (2005)19 provide an illustrative review

of the internet campaigns waged against a number of large corporate

retailers. The paper begins with a short history of anti-corporate protest and

this is followed by a brief outline of the dominance of large corporations

within retailing. The findings reveal that in some cases internet campaigns

target the policies and behaviours of corporate retailers and in others

specific retailers are being singled out for special attention. The campaigns

address a wide range of issues including the environment and planning,

impacts within local economies and communities, workers’ rights and

working conditions and the power of retail corporations.

Brounen Dirk and Colliander Gustaf (2005)20 state that retail companies

are separated into three geographical regions and six different sub-sectors.

They measured the corporate real estate holdings using balance sheets

Jones Peter and Hillier David (2006). “Anti-Corporate Retailer Campaigns on
the Internet”, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol.34,
No.12, pp.882-889.
Brounen Dirk and Colliander Gustaf (2005). “Corporate Real Estate and Stock
Performance in the International Retail Sector”, Journal of Corporate Real Estate,
Vol.7, No.4, December, pp.287-299.

information and linked these to the risk and return characteristics of the

individual firms. Corporate real estate ownership varies greatly across sub

sectors. This variation is explained by differences in location and

customization demands of real estate. Retailers for which the micro-location of

real estate is a critical value driver tend to own more of it. In general, corporate

real estate ownership for retail companies is associated with a strong relative

performance, which contrasts markedly with the negative performance effects

found for other industrial sectors. The results show how owning real estate

instead of renting it will impact the long-run profitability of retailers.

Joel E. Collier and Carol C. Bienstock (2006)21 in their paper titled

“Measuring Service Quality in E-retailing” notice the awareness of the

customers’ perceived service quality in an online service transaction. This paper

primarily focused on the interaction of the consumers and the website while

missing the big picture that e-service quality is composed of more than website

interactivity. The aim of this article is to extend the work on e-service quality to

encompass not only website interactivity but also outcome quality and recovery

quality. A conceptual framework of e-service quality is proposed and

empirically tested that combines process, outcome, and recovery dimensions.

This paper found empirical support for the use of formative indicators and the

three dimensional approach to conceptualize e-service quality.

Joel E. Collier and Carol C. Bienstock (2006). “Measuring Service Quality in
E-retailing”, Journal of Service Research, Vol.8, No.3, pp.260-275.

Achim Spiller (2006)22 studied the impact of customer satisfaction and

enthusiasm on the economic performance of small retailers in the organic

market. The study is based on 949 customer interviews of 12 organic food

shops in Germany. The result shows that customer satisfaction is relevant key

to sales performance. The result of the regression analysis reveals that the

overall satisfaction of the customers accounts for 32 per cent of the sales per

square meter sales area. The joint analysis of customer satisfaction and shop

data confirms essential economic effects. Factor analysis identifies service

and product quality as main determinants of customer satisfaction. A

correlation analysis demonstrates that customer enthusiasm is a greater

source for recommendation of shops than customer satisfaction.

Suneel Arora and Mukesh Vyas (2006)23 examined the prevalent IT

business methods and models in the management of organized retail. As

retailers realign themselves to meet the expectations and demands of a

consumer who is more informed, has an increasing number of choices and

less time than ever, technology’s traditional role as an operational problem

solver is undergoing a seismic shift. In fact, technological innovations in all

areas of the enterprise are offering retailers unprecedented opportunities to

Achim Spiller (2006). “Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty as Success Factors in
Organic Food Retailing”, Paper Presented at the 16th Annual World Forum and
Symposium on Agribusiness, Food, Health and Nutrition, June 10-13 in Buenos
Aires, Argentina.
Suneel Arora and Mukesh Vyas (2006). “IT @ Organized Retail Management”,
Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXVI, No.1, January, pp.8-11.

shape their offerings, and indeed their entire strategic direction, to meet

customers’ needs and exceed their expectations.

Sharif Memon (2006)24 states that retailing is the single biggest

industry, recognized worldwide. Everyday we can see the nuances of

retailing coming in, to customers. The fashion preferences of consumers are

also changing with change in lifestyles. Thus, there is enough room for

organized retailers to come up with new fashion apparels. But it has been

noticed that the well-known brands are still not flexible enough to tap the

emerging fashion. Furthermore, organized retailers have also come up with

their own brands, which have several benefits as they help tap new trends;

and the profit margins on such private labels are also substantially high. In

the long-run, private labels enhance the brand equity of the established

retailers. This paper emphasizes the preference of the lifestyle stores over

the antediluvian stores that encompass the general merchandise; and the

promotion of private labels by organized retailers over the well-known

brands, and customers' attitude to such private labels.

Anu Singh Lather and Tripat Kaur (2006)25 examined the influence of

selected attributes on store patronage for doing shopping. The study concentrates

Sharif Memon (2006). “Garment Lifestyle Retailing Stores vis-à-vis Impact of
Private Labels: A Paradigm Shift”, The Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXIX,
No.11, August.
Anu Singh Lather and Tripat Kaur (2006). “It's all at the Mall: Exploring
Present Shopping Experiences”, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXVI, No.8,
August, pp.3-8.

on organized retailing, which consists of shopping malls coming up a big way in

India. The decision to patronize a particular store usually starts with a set of

attributes that shoppers consider important. Retailers then use these attributes to

make decisions regarding what store or stores can cater to their particular needs

to different age cohorts with different promotional tools. The authors state that

past retail and marketing studies have identified several shoppers-oriented store

attributes such as price, quality, variety and discounts but these studies

overlooked how the physical environment, store reputation and store location

affect retail store patronage. Keeping these facts, the researchers studied the

various characteristics of malls to elaborate the enthralling shopping

experiences. This will provide academics, mall developers and retailers a richer

understanding of various components that contribute to malls experiences, and

allow them to more effectively study and market to this segment.

Vijay Durga Prasad (2007)26 conducted a study titled “The Spread of

Organized Retailing in India: With a Special Reference to Vijayawada

City.” He states that the retail institutions play a crucial role in attracting

and satisfying target customers. The diversity and changing nature of

society has compelled retailers to change their store formats to provide a

complete shopping experience to customers. This is largely due to the

prevailing retailing system that was established with the kirana stores that

Vijay Durga Prasad, V (2007). “The Spread of Organized Retailing in India:
With a Special Reference to Vijayawada City”, Indian Journal of Marketing,
Vol.XXXVII, No.5, May, pp.3-9.

continue to meet all the requirements of the purchasers albeit without the

convenience of the shopping as provided by the retail chains. Organized

retailing is spreading and making its presence felt in different parts of the

country. The retailing industry has entered a new phase, new retail formats

built around different pricing and service strategies have evolved.

Anuradha Kalhan (2007)27 studied the impact of malls on small

shops and hawkers by choosing a sample of 82 small retail shops and

establishments and 30 hawkers within about one-kilometer radius of a mall

in Greater Mumbai. Thirty of these small retail shops were in Lower Parel

in the vicinity of a mall, 10 were near a new mall in Mumbai Central, and

the remaining 42 were located in the vicinity of two malls in the Bhandup-

Mulund area. Four malls, one each in Lower Parel and Bombay Central,

and two in Mulund were chosen on the basis of the time they have been in

operation. A questionnaire was administered to the shop owners or

operators in the absence of the owners. The study reveals the factors

causing competitive disadvantage such as cost prices, operating costs, taxes,

selling price, etc. Nearly all of them did not advertise at all. However, the

shops particularly in Parel, for example, suffered from a shortage of

manpower and capital, a result of a narrow and deteriorating working

capital base. Parel is particularly badly affected because of the loss of high

Anuradha Kalhan (2007). “Impact of Malls on Small Shops and Hawkers”,
Economic and Political Weekly, June 2, pp.2063-2066.

value customers like mill workers. As the mills closed down one after

another the shops and eating places lost their clients. The new real estate

development in the area has brought corporate offices, and with these new

classes of people whose preference patterns and needs are unfamiliar.

Gupta and Mitali Chaturvedi (2007)28 explored the business activities

involved in selling goods and services to their consumers for their personal or

household use. This paper states that retail is the largest private industry in the

world. This industry accounts for 8 per cent of the GDP in the western economies

and has generated 18 per cent return for shareholders between 1994 and 1999 as

compared to banks which generated 9 per cent return and insurance, 15.20 per

cent return. The retail sector plays a significant role in the world economy

because of the contribution it makes to the economy of the country.

Sharif Memon (2007)29 states that recent trends in retailing are

emerging steadily as an organized sector, with a variety of big business

players trying their kismets in this part and thereby expanding into retailing.

This sector appears to grip a major place in the economy of the country in

the future to come. Retailing is the final movement in the value chain of the

product that is noticeably classified to be a service. This paper elaborates

Gupta, C.P and Mitali Chaturvedi (2007). “Retailing: An Emerging Trend in
India”, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. XXXVII, No.6, June, pp.39-44.
Sharif Memon (2007). “Competitive Promotional Tools & Retailing: The Game
Where You Differentiate or Die”, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXVI,
No.7, July, pp.18-22.

the organized retail formats in India like hypermarket, supermarket,

specialty retailing stores, etc. The competitive promotional tools include

advertising, sales promotions, direct marketing, personal selling, public

relations, publicity, interactive marketing, and point of purchase marketing.

Daniel Suryadarma, Adri Poesoro and Budiyati (2007)30 measured

the impact of supermarkets on traditional markets in urban centers in

Indonesia using difference-in-difference and econometric methods as well

as qualitatively using in-depth interviews. The quantitative methods find no

significant impact on earnings and profit but a statistically significant

impact of supermarkets on the number of employees in traditional markets.

The qualitative findings suggest that the decline in traditional markets is

mostly caused by internal problems from which supermarkets benefit.

Therefore, ensuring the sustainability of traditional markets would require

an overhaul of the traditional market management system, enabling them to

compete with and survive alongside supermarkets.

Gupta and Tripat Kaur (2007)31 assessed the recent trends in the changing

scenario of distribution in India with specific reference to the growth of large

retail stores and their private labels. The study dwells deeper into the

Daniel Suryadarma, Adri Poesoro and Sri Budiyati (2007). “Impact of
Supermarkets on Traditional Markets and Retailers in Indonesia's Urban Centers”,
SMERU Research Institute, August.
Gupta, S.L and Tripat Kaur (2007). “Exploring the Trends of Retail Formats in
India: A Study of Shopping Malls”, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXVII,
No.7, July, pp.30-36.

performance of private labels and its implications to national brands in their

marketing strategy. The study addresses how factors within and outside the stores

affect store-level shopping decision. A questionnaire was designed to investigate

store patronage relative to importance and perception of selected attribute of the

stores. The data were collected from 100 retailers. Respondents were asked to

state their perception of store on the basis of various attributes. The study found

six main indicators such as price, sales personnel, quality of merchandise,

assortment of merchandise, advertising, and services and other convenience

services which retailers decide to go for specific type of retail format.

Moli P.Koshy and Suresh (2007)32 state that retail outlets are the

main source of purchase for consumers. Around 80 per cent of the customers

buy goods from retailers, while 20 per cent go to the wholesalers and

manufacturers. Textile retailing in Kerala used to be a business that earned

huge profits with less investment. Earlier customers were not bothered about

the ambience of the shop and display of goods, but now urban customer

consider these facts and retailers are forced to give importance to these, and

huge investments are needed for this. Thus, retailing has become a difficult

task, as they have to keep changing their product lines and modify products

according to the changing trends. Nowadays retail shops are trying hard for

surviving, and sustain the same turnover every year. The main problems the

Moli P.Koshy and Suresh, N (2007). “Buying Behaviour and Promotion in Textile
Retailing in Kerala”, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXVI, No.7, July, pp.37-42.

retailers face today are financial crisis, lack of investment, less margin and

competition. Due to financial crisis, the retailers are not able to invest more

into their business as the customers are going for cheaper goods.

Tamilarasan (2007)33 assessed the customer service and the retail

store service quality dimensions as prevalent in the leading stores.

Moreover, customers often look at something more than the assortment of

goods. In this context, the importance of a well-thought out customer

service strategy becomes critical. The total customer service that a customer

gets in the store can stay unique. Very often, in retail, it is not what you sell

that counts, but how you sell it does matter. Hence, this research focuses on

the customer service provided by the leading stores.

Amatul Baseer and Laxmi Prabha (2007)34 stated the problems and

prospects of Indian retailing over the last 10 years. They state that India is

currently the ninth largest retail market in the world. And the small towns

like Dehradun, Vijayawada, Lucknow and Nasik will power India up the

rankings soon. With the emergence of organized retailing in the country and

a growing convenience, retailing has emerged, as a key business, given their

wide retail presence, existing customer-base and strategically located sites.

Tamilarasan, R (2007). “A Study on Retail Store Service Quality Dimensions in
Select Retail Stores of Chennai City”, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXVII,
No.7, July, pp.43-54.
Amatul Baseer and Laxmi Prabha, G (2007). “Prospects and Problems of Indian
Retailing”, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. XXXVII, No.10, October, pp.29-33.

Even though India has well over 5 million retail outlets of all sizes and

styles, the country greatly lacks anything that can resemble a retailing

industry in the modern sense of them term.

Malliswari (2007)35 in her paper discusses the emerging trends and

strategies of the Indian retailing. Retailing in India is slowly on the rise with

changing consumer preferences and tastes and evolution of a global structure.

A gradual change in the retailing scenario is noticeable with regular shops

making way to high end market malls and stores in urban areas. The

cosmopolitan outlook projected by retail outlets with availability of almost

everything under one roof makes retail outlets a star attraction for one and all.

As income levels increase radically resulting in higher disposable income,

people continue to look for happiness in acquiring things even though with

greater vigour. Lifestyles are changing not only because of changing incomes

but also because of the mind-boggling variety of goods that are now available

for acquisition and consumption. Providing consumer satisfaction has been

replaced by providing consumer delight with marketers making indefatigable

efforts to innovate not only in products, but also in the methods of marketing.

Laxmi Prabha and Amatul Baseer (2007)36 discuss the emerging

retail trends in India. Retail is India’s largest industry, accounting for over
Malliswari, M.N (2007). “Emerging Trends and Strategies in Indian Retailing”,
Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXVII, No.11, November, pp.21-27.
Laxmi Prabha, G and Amatul Baseer (2007). “Emerging Retail Trends in
India”, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXVII, No.12, December, pp.23-27.

10 per cent of the country’s GDP and around eight per cent of the

employment. However, on account of heavy initial investment required,

breakeven is difficult to achieve and many of these players have not tasted

success so far. Retailing in India is gradually inching its way toward

becoming the next boom industry. The whole concept of shopping has

altered in terms of format and consumer buying behaviour, ushering in a

revolution in shopping in India. Modern retail has entered India as seen in

sprawling shopping centers, multi-storied malls and huge complexes offer

shopping, entertainment and food all under one roof. The Indian population

is witnessing a significant change in its demographics. A large young

working population with median age of 24 years, nuclear families in urban

areas, along with increasing working women population and emerging

opportunities in the services sector are the key growth of the organized

retail sector in India.

Rita Martenson (2007)37 studied the impact of the corporate store

image on customer satisfaction and store loyalty in grocery retailing.

Corporate store image is defined as the combined effect of how the retailer

as a brand, manufacturer brands, and store brands are perceived. The reason

for including store brands and manufacturer brands in this definition is that

the image and equity of retailer brands depends on the product brands they

Rita Martenson (2007). “Corporate Brand Image, Satisfaction and Store Loyalty: A
Study of the Store as a Brand, Store Brands and Manufacturer Brands”, International
Journal of Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol.35, No.7, pp.544-555.

carry and the equity of those product brands. Most important for customer

satisfaction is the store as a brand. Customers are satisfied when the store is

neat and pleasant and when they feel that the store understands their needs.

The growth rate for store brands in grocery retailing is twice as high as for

manufacturer brands. It is therefore important to find out how important

store brands are in a customer perspective.

Paddison Andrew and Calderwood Eric (2007)38 seek to review

dynamic forms of rural retailing, by location, that have innovated through a

mixture of actions leading to growth, adaptation, diversification and

differentiation. A rural retail typology by location is presented within

market towns, village shops and stand-alone retailing forms. First, market

towns have used growth and differentiation opportunities. Second,

innovative village shops have applied strategies that seek to counter their

structural weaknesses, harness the community and yield new revenue

streams. Third, the manner in which stand-alone retailing forms, such as

farm shops together with specialty rural retail outlets, have grown and

developed is reviewed. Reviewing dynamic forms of rural retailing allows

for a greater understanding of the operational needs for success.

Paddison Andrew and Calderwood Eric (2007). “Rural Retailing: A Sector in
Decline?” International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol.35,
No.2, pp.136-155.

Debajani Sahoo and Hari Govind Mishra (2008)39 in their paper

titled “Organized Retail in India: A Case Study of Wal-Mart” discussed the

rising incomes and changing customer preferences which have translated

into a booming retail market in India. To sustain its high growth rates,

global retail giant Wal-Mart is considering foraying into the Indian retail

market. Wal-Mart has to contend with varied environment challenges such

as government FDI regulations, strict tenant laws, complexity of taxes, and

challenges of red tape. The authors suggest that Wal-Mart should take

advantage of changing retail buying patterns and influences in the Indian

consumer and the evolution of Indian retail industry from entertainment and

convenience to wholesome shopping experience and efficiency. Moreover,

the Wal-Mart must enter with locally customized supermarkets instead of

the standard Western model to provide the right combination of goods

important to the local populace. While it does so in the Indian market, it has

to take into account the present competitors in the retail space. A better

strategy would be to partner with an existing Indian retail house for easier

entry. Besides given the largely untapped potential of the retail market in

smaller cities and towns, and given the cheap and quality goods Wal-Mart

provides across the world, it can serve this segment much better than

existing customers.

Debajani Sahoo and Hari Govind Mishra (2008). “Organized Retail in India: A
Case Study of Wal-Mart”, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXVIII, No.1,
January, pp.35-43.

Ashokan and Hariharan (2008)40 made an attempt to bring out the

profile and perception of consumers’ shopping at two leading retail outlets

of Palakkad District; Spencer’s Daily and Big Bazaar. Kerala’s retail market

is dominated by Margin Free Markets, Supplyco and local kirana stores.

With the arrival of stores like Spencer’s, Big Bazaar, etc., the shopping

habits of people in Kerala are changing. The present study throws light on

that vital aspect. The study focuses on three parts, the profile of the

consumers, their preferences and the satisfaction level of the shoppers.

Harpreet Singh and Narinder Kaur (2008)41 in their paper state that

retailing is the mantra of success for the companies today and it is the

fastest growing sector in the Indian economy. Traditional markets are

making way for new formats such as departmental stores, hypermarkets,

supermarkets and specialty stores. Western-style malls have begun

appearing in metros and second-rung cities alike, introducing the Indian

consumer to an unparalleled shopping experience. Though the scope of

success is immense in retailing, all these players have to cope with the

challenges. How to drive out customers out of kirana shops, how to cope

with the intense competition for the big players and how the government

Ashokan, C and Hariharan, G (2008). “Profile and Perception of Retail
Consumers: An Empirical Study in Palakkad District”, Indian Journal of
Marketing, Vol.XXXVIII, No.2, February, pp.24-29.
Harpreet Singh and Narinder Kaur (2008). “Retailing in India: Recent Trends &
Challenges”, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXVIII, No.4, April, pp.49-55.

will protect the kirana shops - all these challenges will make retailing very

interesting and happening sector in the near future in India.

Ajith Paninchukunnath (2008)42 explains that retailing in India is in

the process of getting more organized and professional. Medium-scale retail

formats such as department stores and supermarket chains have already

made an appearance and are slowly changing the face of retailing in the

country. South India has taken lead in establishing organized retail chains in

the food and grocery category. Nilgiris, FabMall, Foodworld, Trinetra,

Subhiksha, Margin Free and Namdhari are among the leading south India

based food and grocery retailers. Margin Free was the first organized

supermarket store of Kerala in private sector. The study reveals the reasons

for the success and widespread presence of Margin Free Markets in Kerala.

Today Margin Free Markets have become the benchmark among

supermarkets with special focus on middle class customers.

Sunayna Khurana (2008)43 examined the differences between

consumers’ expectations and perceptions of service quality they received

when shopping at retail stores in Haryana. The study has two objectives: to

investigate the dimension of service quality related to the retail sector and to

Ajith Paninchukunnath (2008). “Organized Supermarkets of South India: An
Exploratory Study of the Margin Free Markets of Kerala”, Indian Journal of
Marketing, Vol.XXXVIII, No.5, May, pp.18-23.
Sunayna Khurana (2008). “Customer Expectation and Perception: A Study of
Retail Sector of Haryana State”, The ICFAI University Journal of Consumer
Behaviour, Vol.III, No.3, pp.48-58.

identify the service quality differences between the expected services and

perceived services in the retail sector of Haryana. The respondents were

selected from various cities of Haryana state. Judgmental and convenience

sampling was used to collect data from customers of different kinds of retail

outlets like provisional stores, departmental stores, supermarkets and small

vendors. 225 respondents filled in the questionnaire. 25 questionnaires were

rejected due to inadequate information provided by them. Data were

analyzed on the basis of responses provided by 200 respondents. The

findings of the study indicate greatest disparity between expectations and

perceptions for the personal attention and policy factor.

Rathnayake and Perera (2008)44 investigated the nature and extent of

customer complaining behaviour in retailing. The objective of the study is

to examine the behaviour of young retail customers in Matara District of Sri

Lanka. Survey method was used and a structured questionnaire was

employed to gather data from 80 customers. Survey results revealed that

customers make complaints mainly to obtain the restitution. Conversely, the

customers are somewhat altruistic and they prefer to make complaints to

facilitate service improvements. Mainly, it was recognized that young

customers tend more towards private actions and comparatively, men are

more aggressive. They switch the retailer, boycott the product/brand and/or

Rathnayake, C.V and Perera, H.S.C (2008). “Customer Complaining Behaviour
in Retailing: An Empirical Study among Young Retail Customers”, Indian
Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXVIII, No.8, August, pp.3-8.

spread negative word-of-mouth. Finally, the customers are somewhat

passive in taking public actions in the face of a dejected transaction. The

study highlights that the young retail customers are not “self blamers”.

Vaishali Agarwal and Sanjay Mishra (2008)45 studied the role of

retailers and indicated the causes of bullwhip effect, variables contributing

to customer satisfaction and resulting in customer attrition at the retailer’s

end in consumer durables supply chain. The findings are based on the

survey of 50 retailers dealing in CTVs, mobile phones and refrigerators in

New Delhi and Moradabad. The study deals with the initiatives and

strategies adopted by LG Electronics in enhancing their supply chain

efficiency and effectiveness. The findings of the study have some important

implications for marketers in consumer durables industry.

Perera, Buddhika and Rathnayke (2008)46 studied the application of

retail services quality scale to Sri Lankan supermarkets. Services quality

excellence has been shown to assist in both retention and expansion of the

existing customer-base. The study attempts to fill this gap by examining the

key dimensions of retail service quality across the supermarket industry as

Vaishali Agarwal and Sanjay Mishra (2008). “Role of Retailers in Reducing
Inventory and Improving Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Study of
Consumer Durables”, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXVIII, No.9,
September, pp.36-43.
Perera, H.S.C, Buddhika, S.A and Rathnayke, C.V (2008). “Application of
Retail Services Quality Scale to Sri Lankan Supermarkets: An Empirical Study”,
Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXVIII, No.10, October, pp.13-18.

well as to test the most commonly used scale to measure retail service

quality. Survey method was employed and a structured questionnaire was

administered among a sample of 300 respondents who were selected from

customers who are visiting Cargills Supermarket representing Western and

Southern provinces including all six districts, prior to them entering to the

supermarket. Cargills supermarket was selected as the research site due to

the fact that it is the only supermarket with island wide presence, having

108 supermarkets in Sri Lanka. The questionnaire was based on retail

service quality scale which incorporates five dimensions namely physical

aspects, reliability, personal interaction, problem solving and policy, most

commonly used scale in measuring services quality. It is found that among

all districts higher mean score has been recorded for reliability. When it

comes to physical aspects, southern province records a comparatively

higher mean score when compared with western province.

Ramanathan and Hari (2008)47 state that in the 1980s manufacturers’

retail chains like DCM, Gwalior Suitings, Bombay Dying, Titan, etc. started

making their manifestation in metros and small towns. The increasing

purchase power of the Indian middle class is the major reason for retail

sprint that is witnessed. The percentage of young people in the country is

increasing. It portends well for the retail business, as it is the young people

Ramanathan, V and Hari, K (2008). “Structural Changes in Indian Retail
Market: From Unorganized to Organized”, Indian Journal of Marketing,
Vol.XXXVIII, No.12, December, pp.34-40.

who buy more than the old. The organized retail market boom is expected

to bring positive outcomes in many of sectors like economic growth,

exports, education, IT industry, food processing, infrastructure, banking and

tourism management along with the greater customer satisfaction. This

paper brings clear picture of looming retail boom through the form of

organized retail format. It gives a glance of the progress of organized retail

format and its impact on Indian economy.

Srivastava (2008)48 conducted a study titled “Impact of Malls on

Small Retailers” in Delhi and Ahmedabad. He has chosen randomly

samples of 215 small retail outlets which are referred to as unorganized

with an area less than 500 sq. feet and family owned. The study indicates

that 85 per cent of the retailers reported decline in sales, however, in terms

of percentage it is only 18 per cent decline in total sales. The average

decline in Ahmedabad was 15 per cent compared to Delhi which was 20 per

cent. The study concluded that small retailers are well aware of their

competitive position and adopt adequate strategy according.

Pathak and Aditya Tripathi (2009)49 made an attempt to find out the

factors that affect the buyers’ decision among the modern retail formats, and

Srivastava, R.K (2008). “The Impact of Malls on Small Retailers”, Journal of
Business & Retail Management Research, Vol.3, No.1, October.
Pathak, S.V and Aditya Tripathi, P (2009). “Customer Shopping Behaviour
among Modern Retail Formats: A Study of Delhi & NCR”, Indian Journal of
Marketing, Vol.XXXIX, No.2, February, pp.3-12.

evaluate the comparative strength of these factors in buying decision process.

The empirical data have been collected with the help of primary as well as

secondary sources. The research was conducted to examine consumer shopping

behaviour among the modern retail formats with special reference to Delhi and

NCR. Both existing and new players are experimenting with new retail formats.

Currently two popular formats hypermarkets and supermarkets are growing at a

rapid pace. Apart from the brick-mortar formats, brick-click and click-click

formats are also increasingly functional on the Indian retail landscape.

Erol Ismail and Sari Ramazan (2009)50 discuss that retailing is a

diverse and dynamic industry offering a wide range of goods and services to

consumers. There is an increasing recognition that the corporate retail

power is the driving force for the whole of the supply chain. In order to

materialize this potential, performance in sustainability should be assessed,

and evaluating sustainability performance of an industry requires

developing a system of performance evaluation framework. This paper aims

to select appropriate indicators for future evaluation of industrial

sustainability performance for grocery retailing in terms of three

sustainability aspects namely, social, environmental and economic. To this

end, a comprehensive analysis of the existing literature was done, and

Analytic Hierarchy Process/Weighted Additive model-based table was

Erol Ismail and Sari Ramazan (2009). “Sustainability in the Turkish Retailing
Industry”, Sustainable Development, Vol.17, No.1, January-February, pp.49-67.

developed to rank the indicators for each aspect, the input for the tables was

obtained from rapidly growing grocery retailing industry in Turkey.

Sudhanshu Sekhar Kar and Sarat Kumar Sahoo (2009)51 state that the

modern Indian consumer is seeking more value in terms of improved

availability and quality of commodity, pleasant shopping environment,

financing options, trial rooms for clothing products, return and exchange

policies, competitive prices and above all a good parking facility. This has

created a rapidly growing opportunity for organized retail formats to emerge in

recent years and grow at a faster pace. Inefficiency in the traditional supply

chains offers further opportunity for the organized players to draw on this large

market even though lack of consumer culture, and low purchasing power

restricted the development of modern formats. They further state that

migration from unorganized to organized retailing is slowly and surely being

witnessed in India especially after the opening up of economy in the late 90’s.

Shaik Suraj Basha (2009)52 states that Indian retail market, which is

the fifth largest retail destination globally, according to industry estimates,

was estimated to grow from the US$ 330 billion in 2007 to US$ 427 billion

by 2010 and $637 billion by 2015. Simultaneously, modern retail which at

Sudhanshu Sekhar Kar and Sarat Kumar Sahoo (2009). “Organized Retailing in
India: Issues and Challenges”, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXIX, No.11,
November, pp.10-14.
Shaik Suraj Basha (2009). “The Economic Impact of Department Stores on
Small Vendors in Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh”, Indian Journal of
Marketing, Vol.XXXIX, No.11, November, pp.44-49.

present accounts for 4 per cent of the total market is likely to increase

inevitably; modernization of the Indian retail sector will be reflected in

rapid growth in sales of supermarkets, department stores and hypermarkets.

The reasons behind the increase of department stores are improved

shopping standards, convenient stocking/display, and shopping blend with

entertainment. It was argued that livelihood of the traditional formats of

low-cost retailing such as the local grocery shops, owner-manned general

stores, convenience stores, and handcart, pavement vendors, small scale and

rural vendors would be threatened. This paper shows to what extent it is

going to create economic impact of department stores on small vendors.

Noor Firdoos Jahan and Lalitha Ramakrishnan (2009)53 in their paper

mentioned that Indian retail industry is one of the fastest growing industries with

an annual growth of 30 per cent. It is transforming into a big corporate

multinational business with a potential to create direct employment opportunities

of 2.5 million jobs and 10 million additional jobs in support activities. The

formats are undergoing a change from convenience store to hypermarkets with

the entry of leading corporate in India like Tata, Reliance, Birla, and Pantaloon

India Private Limited and top foreign retailers like Wal-Mart and others. Today

the country has around 40 hypermarkets, but the estimate shows that India's 67

odd retail destinations can easily accommodate over 1000 hypermarkets by

Noor Firdoos Jahan and Lalitha Ramakrishnan (2009). “Exploring the Trends of
Retail Formats in India: A Study of Hypermarkets in Bangalore City”, Indian
Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXIX, No.8, August.

2010. This paper presents the results of this empirical study conducted at

Bangalore city with a sample of 265 customers of hypermarkets.

Gopal Das and Rohit Vishal Kumar (2009)54 measured the impact of

store amenities on buyers’ behaviour and convenience goods buyer in

organized retail sector in India. The paper elaborates that in the global

context of open market economies of today, the consumer has become the

king. He operates through his autonomous power and enjoys a lot of

freedom in his purchase decision. A consumer is in a position to influence

the marketer regarding size, quality and contents of the product, price, and

post sale service, among other things. As a result the markets have no

longer remained “seller markets”; it obviously turned into “buyers

markets”. In Indian retail market, there are so many players entering and the

growth rate is increasing. As more and more number of national and

international players are entering, the competition is becoming very tuff.

The result shows that the customer is attracted by store amenities.

Sumeet Gupta, Kavita Jain and Divya Jain (2009)55 examined the

customer retention strategies of the organized retailers in semi-urban markets.

Though the Indian market is very large and seems very promising, organized

Gopal Das and Rohit Vishal Kumar (2009). “Impact of Store Amenities on Buyers
Behaviour: A Study of Convenience Goods Buyer in Organized Retail Sector in
India”, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXIX, No.9, September, pp.40-49.
Sumeet Gupta, Kavita Jain and Divya Jain (2009). “Customer Retention
Strategies for Organized Retailers in Semi-Urban Markets”, Indian Journal of
Marketing, Vol.XXXIX, No.11, March.

retailers are finding it tough to be profitable while traversing the unknown

territories of India. One of the marketing strategies is to focus on retaining the

existing customers as they are five times more profitable than new ones. They

examined the factors that influence customers' intention to continue

purchasing from an organized retailer. Their paper reveals that customers’

perceived value is an important indicator of customer continuance intention,

as are the loyalty incentives provided by the store. Convenience is more

important for customers in these markets than enjoyment. The paper

concludes that organized retailers can increase customer retention by focusing

their strategies in making customer experience more valuable and convenient.

Narayana Reddy (2009)56 shows that the current economic scenario in

India is paving way for the emergence of organized retailing. Due to positive

liberal environment, significant number of Indian business houses as well as

multinational corporations are entering into the retail sector in an organized

form. The sudden spurt in organized retail leads to a lot of controversy in

terms of its impact on the existing traditional retailers. This paper analyzes the

impact of organized retail on traditional retailers on a pilot basis initially.

Madhurima Deb and Gautam Sinha (2009)57 have developed a model

of service quality and demonstrated its relevance to customer commitment,

Narayana Reddy, P (2009). “Impact of Emerging Organized Retailing on
Unorganized Retailing: Junior Marketing Executives’ Perception - A Preliminary
Study”, International Journal of Business Research, Vol.9, No.7, pp.124-131.
Madhurima Deb and Gautam Sinha (2009). “Importance of Service Quality to
Retain Retail Customers”, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXIX, No.11, March.

a promise to retain the relationship with the marketer. Correlation analysis

is employed to show the relationship between the different variables.

Confirmatory factor analysis is used to examine the factor structure, and

provide evidence of dimensionality, scale reliability and validity. A model

is developed to measure service quality which shows the relationship

between service quality and customers’ commitment to retain relationship.

The model shows the outcome of all these activities in the form of

customers' trust, satisfaction and commitment. The model finds its

relevance to the marketers as a tool to measure their performance.

Huddleston Patricia, et al. (2009)58 compared customers’ satisfaction

towards conventional grocery stores with specialty grocery stores. The paper

examines store attributes of product assortment, price, quality, and service in

order to determine which attributes have the greatest impact on store

satisfaction for each store format. The paper reveals that perception of

satisfaction was higher among specialty grocery store customers compared to

conventional grocery store customers. For both store formats, store price,

product assortment, service and quality positively influenced satisfaction.

Stepwise regression analysis indicates that each store attribute contributed

differently to store satisfaction for conventional and specialty store formats. The

Huddleston Patricia, Whipple Judith, Mattick Rachel Nye and So Jung Lee
(2009). “Customer Satisfaction in Food Retailing: Comparing Specialty and
Conventional Grocery Stores”, International Journal of Retail and Distribution
Management, Vol.37, No.1, pp.63-80.

results revealed that price, product assortment, quality, and employee service

influence store satisfaction regardless of store type. The results imply that while

specialty store shopper satisfaction characteristics are clearly delineated,

conventional store shopper characteristics are more difficult to pinpoint.

Koti Reddy and Soumya Kanti Sarkar (2009)59 carried out a research

with the primary objective to decipher to the extent possible, the intricacies

of the buying behaviour of the corporate customers in the IT hardware

market and to study the major factors affecting the same. The research was

facilitated through primary data analysis. The findings revealed a stark

disapprobation between the current market scenario and the customer

preferences. It has become evident through the study that service and

technological expertise are the major influencing factors in the IT hardware

industry. A high correlation has been observed between loyalty, service,

customization and the tenure of association.

Jogendra Kumar Nayak (2009)60 elaborates the Indian retailing from a

consumer’s perspective. In India, as well as many other countries, retailing is

often looked upon as a petty merchant activity and a low priority area on

policy circles. Organized retailing is looked upon as a consumerist luxury.

Koti Reddy, T and Soumya Kanti Sarkar (2009). “Corporate Customer Behaviour
& Indian Hardware Market: With Special Reference to HCL Infosystems Limited”,
Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.XXXIX, No.11, November.
Jogendra Kumar Nayak (2009). “Retailing in India from a Consumer’s Perspective”,
Journal of Business & Retail Management Research, Vol.4, No.1, November.

But the truth is that retail not only has an economic effect but also a social

one. The paper reveals that the amount of FDI into the retail sector is huge

and is expected to increase more. This paper describes the reasons for growth

in the organized retail sector. This paper has identified the important

variables, which affect the consumers’ mindset while choosing a retail outlet.

Goyal and Meghna Aggarwal (2009)61 examined the relative

importance of the various products purchased at organized retail outlets and

the choice of format, the consumer has when purchasing a product. They

studied the expected development of organized retail in the future, focusing

on aspects with potential effects on consumer purchasing behaviour. The

scope of this study is confined to the organized retail sector. The

respondents belong to the National Capital Region, Delhi. The researchers

collected primary data by using a convenience sampling method. The

researchers personally contacted 365 consumers, out of which only two

hundred and thirty provided appropriate responses.

Rakesh Singh, et al. (2009)62 highlight some issues related to agri-

retailing and suggest a framework to provide an enabling environment in

order to attract private investment in agricultural sector. Keeping in view

Goyal, B.B and Meghna Aggarwal (2009). “Organized Retailing in India: An
Empirical Study of Appropriate Formats and Expected Trends”, Global Journal of
Business Research, Vol.3, No.2, pp.77-83.  
Rakesh Singh, H.P, Singh, P.S, Badal, O.P, Singh, S, Kushwaha and Sen, C
(2009). “Problems and Prospects of Food Retailing in the State of Uttar Pradesh”,
Journal of Services Research, Vol.8, No.2, October 2008-March 2009, pp.91-99.

this, they suggest that discrimination should be avoided and a fair and

transparent practice should be followed to promote competition in the

output market. The organized retailing should be treated as only trade

diversion from unorganized sector to organized sector business. Retail

business is also expected to create huge employment opportunities in agri-

business. There is a need to develop a model so that the existing small

vendors may be inducted and their rich experience in this field may be

exploited. Employment-to-floor-area ratio in organized retail is almost

similar to that in unorganized retail. The pace of growth of agricultural and

agro-processing sector is hampered by constraints in the overall investment

climate mainly high entry and exit barriers, poor infrastructure and

uncertain policy environment. Therefore, the government should provide

suitable investment climate by removing these constraints.

Purohit and Kavita (2009)63 studied the growth of modern organized

retailing in India and the perception of traditional retailers about modern

retailing. To measure the perception of the kirana store keepers towards the

organized retailing, a questionnaire was developed on 5-point Likert scale.

The primary data were gathered by administrating a structured

questionnaire with 100 retailers of grocery, cosmetics, jewelry, and apparel

items in Jaunpur city. Only 89 questionnaires were included in the study

Purohit, H.C and Kavita (2009). “Survival Strategy for Traditional Retailers in
the Era of Modern Retailing”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.I,
No.2, June-December, pp.198-213.

and the rest were rejected due to incomplete information. The selection of

the retail outlets was based on convenience sampling. The study reveals that

more than 55 per cent of the respondents agree that modern retailing will

lead to a healthy competition in the market, while 19 per cent of the

respondents disagree and 26 per cent of the respondents are undecided. The

authors suggest that initiatives should be taken to protect the interest of the

unorganized retailers as this sector is having the employment opportunity to

the majority of the society and this is one of the areas of entrepreneurship

development in the country. The traditional retailers should make strategy

to retain their customers by providing quality goods and services and they

should also go for collaboration within the regional level; then only they

can survive in this globally competitive environment.

Mittal, Mahesh Arora and Anupama Prashar (2010)64 studied the

factors affecting shopping preferences of consumers at organized retail

stores in Punjab. The data were collected from five urban cities of Punjab

i.e. Amritsar, Patiala, Mohali, Jalandhar and Ludhiana. The methodology

adopted was a structured questionnaire and the analysis was done using

“principal component method”. The results of the study showed that there

are six major factors that consumers prefer as far as the retail stores are

concerned. These factors include availability and variety, service, ambience,

Mittal, K.C, Mahesh Arora and Anupama Prashar (2010). “An Empirical Study
on Factors Affecting Consumer Preferences of Shopping at Organized Retail
Stores in Punjab”, Rai Management Journal, Vol.7, No.2, December, pp.101-114.

discounts and price, quality of products, and promotion. The study stresses

that the knowledge on these factors is very useful to retailers and the

strategists to plan the policy and formulate strategies accordingly for

customer retention and improving loyalty towards their store.

Kamalaveni and Kalaiselvi (2010)65 assessed the buying behaviour

in respect of men’s shirts in single brand showrooms or in multi-brand

shops in Erode City. The study has been carried out to fulfill the following

objectives: to ascertain the brand of shirt most preferred by respondents; to

assess the various positive attributes of popular brands of shirts; to rank the

factors inducing the respondents to go for branded shirts; to identify the

purchase pattern related factors influencing the choice of retail outlet; and to

identify the showroom specific factors influencing the choice of retail

outlet. The primary data have been collected from respondents and

secondary data have been collected from books, magazines and websites.

200 respondents were interviewed using interview schedule. The study

concluded that all the demographic factors and purchase pattern factors do

not have significant influence on buyers’ choice of retail outlet. Showroom

specific factors do not have influence on the buying behaviour of retail

outlet except location of shops. Raymond, a leading brand, is the most

preferred brand and possesses a high degree of positive attributes. In

Kamalaveni, D and Kalaiselvi, S (2010). “Buying Decisions of Men’s Shirts:
Single Brand Show Rooms Vs. Multi Brand Retail Outlets Perspective”, Journal
of Arts Science & Commerce, Vol.I, No.1, October, pp.103-118.

ranking by customers, the quality factor occupies the first position; colour

and design, comfort and style are securing successive ranks respectively.

Mittal and Anupama Prashar (2010)66 conducted a research to study

the diversity in retail purchase behaviour; to examine the influence of place

on retail purchase behaviour; to examine the influence of demographic

factors on retail purchase behaviour; and to suggest a way out to formulate

an effective retail strategy. The respondents were chosen from different

geographic locations of Punjab viz. Chandigarh, Amritsar and Bathinda.

A sample of 90 respondents comprising people of Chandigarh, Amritsar

and Bathinda equally were chosen to give response to 21 statements in

order to find out whether any consumption scale could be formed with the

help of factor analysis. The analysis shows differences in their preferences

for RPFs like service, communication, ambience of the store and product

assortment. The ambience of the store is preferred to have more of urban

influence in Chandigarh, which is not the case in the suburb and district

town. Also the difference in lifestyles of people with different geographical

and demographic setup leads to a product assortment preference, which is

different. With huge penetration of media and knowledge to even the most

Mittal, K.C and Anupama Prashar (2010). “A Study of Diversity in Retail
Purchase Behaviour in Food and Grocery in Punjab: An Aid to Formulate Retail
Strategy”, Vision-The Journal of Business Perspective, Vol.14, No.4, October-
December, pp.255-265.

interiors of the country, people today are much aware of the variety of

brands and the new products available.

Venkatesh Prasad (2010)67 has carried out a research titled “Customer

Satisfaction towards Hypermarkets and Retail Stores: A Comparative Study”.

The respondents were presented with a well-structured questionnaire as a part

of the survey method. The survey is centered on the features of retail store

and hypermarket mostly preferred by the customers. The survey indicates

that most of the customers are satisfied with retail stores because of its

quality and availability of a wide range of products, free home delivery,

replacement on diversified products, good packing facilities, price reduction

on total purchase, friendly and helpful sales personnel, good services, etc.

Cherukuri Jayasankara Prasad and Ankisetti Ramachandra Aryasri

(2010)68 studied the association and predictability of shoppers’

demographic and geographic attributes with supermarket store choice

behaviour and examined the effect of shoppers’ demographic, geographic

and psychographic attributes on segmenting the food and grocery retail

consumers towards supermarket stores. The study is based on primary data

Venkatesh Prasad, B.G (2010). “Customer Satisfaction towards Hypermarkets
and Retail Stores: A Comparative Study”, BMA Journal of Retail & Marketing,
Vol.1, No.1, April, pp.62-70.
Cherukuri Jayasankara Prasad and Ankisetti Ramachandra Aryasri (2010).
“Shoppers’ Attributes on Supermarket Store Choice Behaviour in Food & Grocery
Retailing in India: An Empirical Analysis”, Journal of Business & Retail
Management Research, Vol.4, No.2, April.

collected from 1040 retail customers from sixty five supermarkets through

mall intercept survey method using structured and non-disguised

questionnaire in twin cities of Hyderabad and Secundrabad. The findings

revealed that shoppers’ age, monthly household income, family size,

distance traveled to store, gender, education, occupation, lifestyle factors

and shopping motives have been the significant predictors of supermarket

store choice behaviour. The findings revealed that shoppers’ attributes have

significantly affected the segmentation of food and grocery retail consumers

into hedonic, utilitarian, autonomous, conventional and socialization.

Ranjith and Rajesh Nair (2010)69 made an attempt to find out

whether retail outlets like D’Mart and Apna Bazaar differ in terms of

service quality. The data were collected from 140 shoppers in large

supermarkets namely D’Mart and Apna Bazaar in Vashi and Nerul of Navi

Mumbai. This study examined the retail service quality scale developed in

the US for applicability to the Indian retail market. It is observed from the

factor analysis that there are five factors which define service quality in the

retail outlets namely, personal interaction, appearance, reliability, problem

solving and policy. The study also finds the reliability of all the factors and

the mean service quality levels of D’Mart and Apna Bazaar.

Ranjith, P.V and Rajesh Nair (2010). “A Comparative Study of Service Quality
of D’Mart and Apna Bazaar”, The IUP Journal of Management Research, Vol.IX,
No.4, pp.7-19.

Chandan A.Chavadi and Shilpa S.Kokatnur (2010)70 carried out a

study titled “Driving Factors and Effectiveness of Sales Promotion in

Shopping Malls: A Consumer Perspective”. The study considered major

shopping malls namely, Garuda, Central and Forum in the Bangalore City.

200 questionnaires were monitored, out of which 150 usable questionnaires

were considered for the study. The sampling technique used was quota

sampling, controlled by age as the variable, in order to reflect the general

population. Mall intercept survey was conducted to get the responses.

Factor analysis and multiple discriminant analysis were used to find out the

important factors and association between different forms of sales

promotions and consumer buying behaviour respectively.

Sunil Patel, Himanshu Barot and Keyur Darji (2010)71 made an

attempt to study the customer perception for Planet Health retail pharmacy

chain store; to study store layout and product categories compared to

conventional store; to study promotion of OTC products like medical

devices, pet range, health and diet supplements and baby care compared to

conventional store; and to study the impact of 3P membership concept to

non-member customers. 100 customers were selected based on convenience

Chandan A. Chavadi and Shilpa S.Kokatnur (2010). “Driving Factors and
Effectiveness of Sales Promotion in Shopping Malls: A Consumer Perspective,”
Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.40, No.4, April, pp.18-26.
Sunil Patel, Himanshu Barot and Keyur Darji (2010). “Study on Customer
Perception of Planet Health Retail Pharmacy Chain Store at Ahmedabad City”,
Asian Journal of Management Research, Vol.1, No.1, pp.337-347.

sampling. The primary data were collected with the help of questionnaire. It

was found that the customer perception towards Planet Health Retail Store

was on the positive side. The study suggests that the product range should

be expanded both horizontally and vertically to cater to the needs of

customers; the staff are to be adequately trained in handling customers and

customer relationship which provides an edge to Planet Health Retail Store

over other retail stores; the billing and payment system is to be optimized

for reducing waiting time. The study concludes that as far as CRM and store

ambience is concerned, they are managed properly, while the product range

should extend vertically and horizontally.

Laxmana and Shilpa (2010)72 conducted a study titled “Organized

Retail Stores: Consumers’ Perception of Shopping Benefits”. The

objectives of the study are to examine the perceived shopping benefits in

organized and unorganized stores; to analyze the impact of demographic

variables on perceived shopping benefits; and to give policy

recommendation based on the findings of the study. Empirical data were

collected through survey on shopping behaviour of consumers. The focus

was on shopping intentions rather actual shopping behaviour. Out of 400

people interviewed, 320 respondents were considered for the study. The

findings reveal that women and men differ in their shopping orientation.

Laxmana, P and Shilpa, K (2010). “Organized Retail Stores: Consumers’
Perception of Shopping Benefits”, Southern Economist, Vol.48, No.13, pp.29-32.

Time pressured working women have been targeted by organized retailers.

Shopping is also recreation for women generating positive feelings.

Piyali Ghosh, Vibhuti Tripathi and Anil Kumar (2010)73 made an

attempt to address issues related to store attributes and their relevance in the

store selection process. They have identified eleven variables based on

theory and judgment. A store intercept survey was conducted to obtain

responses of shoppers with the help of structured questionnaire. Total

sample size was 520; however, on ignoring non-response, the sample size

stood at 490. The factor analysis has yielded three factors namely,

convenience and merchandise mix, store atmospherics and services. The

study suggests that retailers may adopt cross merchandising by offering

complementary goods and services to encourage shoppers to buy more.

They should aim at infusing newer product lines frequently to improve the

turnover of the outlet by targeting the impulsive buying behaviour of

customers. Retailers may adopt different technologies to manage faster

billing and they should work on having multiple payment options like cash,

credit cards, debit cards, and so on to facilitate customers.

Sivaraman (2011)74 conducted a study to identify the various impacts

of organized retailing on unorganized retailers. The primary data were

Piyali Ghosh, Vibhuti Tripathi and Anil Kumar (2010). “Customer Expectations
of Store Attributes: A Study of Organized Retail Outlets in India”, Journal of
Retail & Leisure Property, Vol.9, pp.75-87.
Sivaraman, P (2011). “The Future of Unorganized Retailing in Kanyakumari
District”, Asian Journal of Management Research, Vol.2, No.1, pp.434-442.

collected by administering a structured questionnaire with 100 retailers and

200 customers of seven major towns of Kanyakumari district. The analysis

reveals that there was a perceived difference between organized retailers

and unorganized retailers on the attributes of store image, range of products,

brand choices, price, store ambience, credit availability, shop proximity and

complements. However, there was no perceived difference on product

freshness and customer care. This study clearly points out that the

unorganized retailers are facing stiff competition from the organized

retailers. This has reduced their sales, profit, and employment considerably.

The operational cost and consumer credit were increased certain level due

to the presence of organized retailers. The study suggests that initiatives

should be taken to protect the interest of the unorganized sector as this

sector has the employment opportunity to the majority of the society.

Dalvi and Sayali Pataskar (2011)75 in their paper stated the changes

taking place in Tier II and III cities and also the factors that facilitated retail

transformation. The advent of organized retailing into smaller cities and the

rural hinterland is a win-win situation for all the parties concerned. The

retailers benefit from increased sales and higher profit margins for their

premium brands and private labels by reaching out to the richer classes in

the non-metros. The farmers and small and medium enterprises benefit as

Dalvi, C.S and Sayali Pataskar (2011). “Organized Retailing in Smaller Cities:
The Next Move”, International Journal of Research in Commerce &
Management, Vol.2, No.10, pp.64-66.

organized retailing makes sourcing possible at their doorstep. The success

of organized retailing is also dependent on an efficient logistics system. The

paper concludes that the spread of organized retailing into Tier II and III

cities holds benefits for all the concerned stakeholders. Earlier, marketers

focused on the metros, which constituted 30% of the consumption market.

However, they are now waking up to the fact that the remaining 70 per cent

of the consumption comes from the non-metros and the rural belt. This

reiterates the fact that the might of the small cities is increasing, making

them more lucrative to organized retailers.

Sumita Dave and Shikha Sondhi (2011)76 evaluated the perception of

customers towards various in-store stimuli i.e. price, merchandise, promotion,

displays and ambience, across stores located in a cross section of the retail

market of Chhattisgarh. The study was conducted among 400 customers of

different retail outlets in Chhattisgarh. For the study, an equal number of

respondents were collected from the major four organized retail outlets namely,

Big Bazaar (Raipur), Big Bazaar (Bilaspur), 36 Mall and Vishal Mega Mart in

the two major cities of Raipur and Bilaspur in Chhattisgarh. A structured

questionnaire, using a 5-point Likert scale was administered to the respondents.

The findings reveal that all of the in-store stimuli used in the study are equally

important for the customers when making a decision to purchase from a retail

Sumita Dave and Shikha Sondhi (2011). “An Empirical Analysis of the
Determinants of Customer Conversion: A Cross Sectional Study of Organized
Retailers in Chhattisgarh”, Journal of Retail & Leisure Property, No.9, pp.465-475.

outlet. The study suggests that the promotional mix strategy, if drawn on the

basis of target market, can act as a differentiator for organized retailers, on the

basis of which retailers can attract and pursue customers.

Rekha Saraswat (2011)77 analyzed the impulse buying behaviour of

consumers in organized retailing environment especially in malls in Noida

City. The sample consisted of 200 respondents. Convenience sampling

method was adopted. The primary data were collected with the help of

personal interaction to the customers visiting retail stores in malls. The

result of the study proves that there is a pivotal relationship between college

students’ impulse buying behaviours and two types of visual merchandising

practices namely, in-store form/mannequin display and promotional

signage. This study suggests that these visual merchandising practices,

serving as stimuli that provoke a desire that ultimately motivates a

consumer to make an unplanned purchase decision upon entering the store,

significantly influence consumers’ impulse buying behaviours. This study

shows value of visual merchandising in understanding impulse buying.

Deepika Jhamb (2011)78 studied the drivers which affect the growth of

the Indian retail market. The data were collected from 50 retailers from major

cities of Punjab viz Patiala, Bathinda, Amritsar, Ludhiana and Mohali

Rekha Saraswat (2011). “Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behaviour in the
Malls Special Reference to Noida City”, Indian Journal of Commerce &
Management Studies, Vol.II, No.2, March, pp.182-189.
Deepika Jhamb (2011). “Organized Retail in India: Drivers Facilitator and SWOT
Analysis”, Asian Journal of Management Research, Vol.2, No.1, pp.264-273.

through a self-structured questionnaire. Stratified random sampling was used

in this study. The results of the study depict that infrastructure, economic

growth and changing demographics of consumers are the major drivers of

organized retail in India. The location of the retail store, management style

and adequate salaries to personnel enhance the effectiveness of retail business

and are important factors for retailers’ success. The study further reveals that

younger generation, emerging retail formats, increasing awareness and

innovation in new products are the strengths and opportunities of organized

retail in India. On the other hand, demographic changes, shrinking of

markets, high real estate cost and increasing price competition among

retailers are some of the threats and weaknesses of Indian retail industry.

Hence, there is an urgent need to overcome the threats and weaknesses and

grab the opportunities by retailers for the success of retail sector in India.

Shishma Kushwaha and Mohender Kumar Gupta (2011)79 conducted

a study titled “Customer Perception in Indian Retail Industry:

A Comparative Study of Organized and Unorganized Retail Industry.” The

objectives of the research are to study the factors influencing customer

perception; to study the customer perception from the organized retail

industry; to study customer perception from the unorganized retail industry;

Shishma Kushwaha and Mohender Kumar Gupta (2011). “Customer
Perception in Indian Retail Industry: A Comparative Study of Organized and
Unorganized Retail Industry”, The International Journal of Economics and
Business Studies, Vol.1, No.1, November, pp.61-73.

and compare the customer perception of these two sectors. By adopting

convenience sampling, the primary data were collected with the help of

structured questionnaire. A total of 300 respondents residing in Delhi were

formed for the study, out of which only 255 respondents turned beneficial

for the study. The study reveals that customers perceive the organized retail

store as much more clean than unorganized retail stores; organized retail

sector provides better variety of products to them; the organized retail

stores are more secure and staff and management of these stores are

friendlier as they are trained employees; organized retail stores are also

spacious as they provide display facility of the products; and the organized

retail stores are very far from their home place which leads to purchase of

their perishable products and day to day products from the unorganized

retail stores. They suggest that organized retail sector reaches the customer

home place for their daily and perishable products with the availability of

goods demanded by them so as to be more successful.

Rituparna Basu and Kalyan Sengupta (2011)80 studied the attitude of

Indian customers towards single brand and multi-brand retail formats. The

study aims to scrutinize such format preferences across different

demographic segments of urban India to serve as a foundation for future

Rituparna Basu and Kalyan Sengupta (2011). “Customer Perception of Single
Brand and Multi-brand Retail Formats: An Empirical Evidence in India”,
Conference Proceedings, 8th AIMS International Conference on Management,
Organized by the Indus Business Academy, Greater Noida, pp.143-149.

research. The questionnaire was administered on 4 Indian metros namely,

Kolkata, Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai. A convenience sample of adult

respondents covering varied socio-economic classes and cultural groups

were considered. 150 respondents were tried out. All the questionnaires

were scrutinized and those with incomplete responses were deleted,

resulting in a sample size of 126. The study reveals that although organized

retail is a relatively new concept in the country, a clear cut perception has

been established into the minds of the shoppers in urban India. This has

been consistently reflected in the behaviours of such shoppers.

Sudha Vemaraju (2011)81 made an attempt to understand the concept

of relationship marketing and its application to the Indian retail stores; to

understand customers’ perceptions and evaluate the key retail attributes and

their effect on relationship marketing; to identify and evaluate the changing

waves, opportunities and challenges in Indian retailing in the 21st century;

and to develop relational marketing strategies for effective management of

Indian retailing. To attain these objectives, a survey of 150 respondents had

been carried out in Hyderabad using convenience sampling method. Five

variables were identified under product attributes and 12 variables were

identified under store and retail attributes on the basis of review of related

Sudha Vemaraju (2011). “Changing Waves in Indian Retailing: Impact of
Customers Perception and CRM on Indian Retailing in the Changing Business
Scenario”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol.1, No.8,
December, pp.535-551.

studies in order to identify important factors that affect customers’

perception in choosing a particular store. The analysis revealed that

originality of the product was given highest preference and Indian

customers are more price sensitive and quality conscious. The findings

indicate that customers are more inclined to the retail store that offer better

customer services, promotional offers and discounts. Location and customer

relationship management are other important factors identified by the

customers because they want to reduce the time, energy and psychic costs

involved in shopping from a retail store.

Satendra Bhardwaj, Rajeev Sharma and Jyoti Agarwal (2011)82

studied the perception of the customers about shopping malls and suggested

ways to improve its market share in sales through customer perception

about private labels. The study is exploratory in nature based on survey

method. 50 respondents were selected by using non-probability sampling

technique. The malls studied for this study are Great Value Shopping Mall

in Aligarh and Highway Plaza Mall in Mathura. The findings of the study

reveal that only successful outlets are eating outs and recreation centres in

the malls; apparel stores have maximum female customers; brands and

trends attract people towards malls; parking is the major problem on

Satendra Bhardwaj, Rajeev Sharma and Jyoti Agarwal (2011). “Perception of
Consumers towards Shopping Mall: A Case Study with Reference to Aligarh and
Mathura City”, VSRD International Journal of Business & Management
Research, Vol.1, No.5, pp.322-334.

weekends; and customers like a variety of products ranging from clothes,

food items, electronic goods, etc. The study suggests that the malls should

convert their customers into publicity agents and develop an incentive for

them to tell associates and friends about the value of their products or

services. The study also suggests that the Big Bazaar can improve their

understanding of the role and capabilities of advertising to improve

customer relation and enhance loyalty. This understanding should in turn

results in a more effective and efficient advertising campaign.

Gagandeep Shmarma, Mandeep Mahendru and Sanjeet Singh

(2011)83 conducted a study to check the effect of opening of the organized

retail stores on the unorganized retail, farmers and consumers in Punjab.

The data were collected with the help of questionnaire from retailers as well

as customers. The study reveals that the Punjab retail sector is changing

now. Many retail investors open their retail stores and run successfully and

some other big players are ready to invest in the retail sector in Punjab and

the future of organized retail is quite good in big cities but in the cities

cognized retail is not successful to gain moment.

Gagandeep Shmarma, Mandeep Mahendru and Sanjeet Singh (2011). “Impact
of Organized Retail on the Economy of Punjab,” Global Journal of Management
and Business Research, Vol.11, No.2.

Krishna Mohan Sharma, Dubey and Pandey (2011)84 conducted a

study titled “Customer Perception of Store Brands vs. National Brand in

Select Area of Maharashtra”. The main objective of the study is to know the

perception of consumers for the private labels. By using convenience

sampling, 140 respondents were selected. The sample was selected from the

Pune city. A structured questionnaire was used to administer a consumer

survey. 194 questionnaires were distributed while only 140 complete

questionnaires were received. The results of the study reveal that urban

shoppers are much aware of private label in comparisons to rural shoppers.

57% shoppers were used to buy private label. During selection of private

label 52.14% shoppers give due importance to store image, 19.28% give

preference to price while 12.85% shoppers considers all the aspects. The

study concluded that store image is the key factor during purchase of any

private label brand. The study concluded that customers are well aware with

private label specially those who are residing in urban area and prefer to

buy due to price difference and same quality.

Shahid Akhter and Iftekhar Equbal (2012)85 in their paper made an

attempt to explore the various strategies, trends and opportunities in

Krishna Mohan Sharma, Dubey, D.R and Pandey, B.D (2011). “Customer
Perception of Store Brands Vs. National Brand in Select Area of Maharashtra”,
Journal of Engineering, Science and Management Education, Vol.4, pp.59-65.
Shahid Akhter and Iftekhar Equbal (2012). “Organized Retailing in India:
Challenges and Opportunities”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research, Vol.2, No.1, January, pp.281-291.

retailing; to study the growth of retail sector in India; to study the major and

emerging formats of retailing; and to study the recent trends in Indian retail

industry and its challenges and opportunities. The paper provides detailed

information about the growth of retailing industry in India and examines the

growing awareness and brand consciousness among people across different

socio-economic classes and how the urban and semi-urban retail markets

are witnessing significant growth. This paper highlights the challenges

faced by the industry in near future and concludes with the impact of the

entry of global players into the Indian retailing industry.

Manju Malik (2012)86 determined the perception of service quality of

organized retail stores and their satisfaction among 500 respondents from

organized retail outlets selected from Haryana. The study investigated the

differences between the dimensions of service quality of organized retail

stores and demographic variables, and the relationship between service

quality of retail stores and the customer satisfaction as dependent variables.

Across the sub-dimensions of service quality of organized retail stores, the

respondents' level of satisfaction in terms of product aspect, price aspect,

physical aspect, promotional scheme, personnel interaction, and after sales

services was good. There was a significant difference between the price

aspect and gender and age of the respondents. In terms of dimensions of

Manju Malik (2012). “A Study on Customers’ Satisfaction towards Service
Quality of Organized Retail Stores in Haryana”, Indian Journal of Marketing,
Vol.42, No.2, February.

service quality of organized retail outlets, significant differences were noticed

between physical aspect, promotional scheme, personnel interaction and after

sales services, when respondents were grouped by age and annual income.

Jaskaran Singh Dhillon, Madhur Joshi and Ramita Verma (2012)87

studied finer strategic perspective for the retail sector in India. The main

objectives of the research are to study the various strategies, trends and

opportunities in retailing; to study the growth of retail sector in India; to

study the major and emerging formats of retailing; to study the recent trends

in Indian retail industry and its challenges and opportunities. The study is

based on different literature and analysis of organized retail market. The

study suggests that by following some of the strategies, it can rise

tremendously and can reach every nook and corner. This study concludes

with the likely impact of the entry of global players into the Indian retailing

industry. The study highlights the challenges faced by the industry in near


John William and Prabakar (2012)88 made an attempt to understand

the factors influencing the shoppers buying at the organized retailers; to

study customer perceptions on organized retailers; to study the promotional

Jaskaran Singh Dhillon, Madhur Joshi and Ramita Verma (2012). “Emergence
of Retailing Sector in India: Challenges and Opportunities”, International Journal
of Management and Business Studies, Vol.2, No.4, October-December, pp.41-45.
John William, A and Prabakar, S (2012). “A Study on Customer Perception on
Retail Service Quality in Select Organized Retail Stores in Coimbatore City”,
International Journal of Retail Management and Research, Vol.2, No.3, pp.1-10.

activities taken by the organized retailers; to provide suggestions to improve

the services provided by the organized retailers. The primary data were

collected using a structured questionnaire and the consumers who visited

the organized retail shop. The survey is carried out in the organized retail

outlets in Coimbatore and a sample of 20 each from five retail outlets and

totally of 100 respondents from the population selected randomly. The

study reveals the perception of service quality influenced by the various

natures with various customers even some of the general factors like

personal interaction. Physical aspects are the dimensions on the customer

perception which remains constant and common to all customers on a

majority basis. So the retail outlets have to frame their own strategies in

order to attract the customers on a longer basis

Meenakshi Choudhary (2013)89 made an attempt to study the growth

of the retail sector in India with special study on the recently commissioned

mall at Tier II city, Bhopal; to know the consumers’ sensitivity on the kind

of shopping; to know the behaviour of customers on mall culture of Bhopal;

to find out the adaptability of mall culture in our Tier II city; and to analyze

the consumer behaviour in the city of Bhopal. The data were collected from

primary as well as secondary sources. The primary data were collected by

means of a questionnaire from 200 respondents. The findings of the study

Meenakshi Choudhary (2013). “Study on Growth of Retail Market in India with
Special Reference to Broadening of Mall Culture in Tier II City”, International
Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Vol.3, No.3, March, pp.1-10.

reveal that when customers’ expectations are greater than their perceptions

of the delivered service, they are dissatisfied and feel the quality of the

retailer service is poor.

The above reviews show that most of the studies on retail industry

have been carried out in developed, developing and least developed

countries. These studies have not covered the entire practices of the corporate

retailing. Selection of limited samples and lack of studying the relationship

between demographic variables of the customers towards corporate retailing

are the limitations of these studies. No study has been undertaken so far to

analyze the perception of customers towards corporate retailing taking into

aspects such as motivating factors to prefer corporate retailers, satisfaction of

the consumers towards corporate retailing, perception of the consumers

towards the operations of the corporate retailers and impact of corporate

retailing on consumers and small traders in a particular study. Hence, a

careful study is essential in this regard. With this background, the present

study is an attempt to fill in the research gap in these areas.

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