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Synway Voice Board


Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


Contents .........................................................................................................................................i

Copyright Declaration ............................................................................................................xlviii

SynCTI Driver Software License Agreement ..........................................................................xlix

Revision History ............................................................................................................................l

Preface .........................................................................................................................................lii

1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming............................................................1

1.1 Board Classification (CTI Series) ......................................................................................1

1.2 Board Classification (REC Series) ....................................................................................3
1.3 SynCTI Supported CODECs.............................................................................................4
1.3.1 Transcoding Functions............................................................................................5
1.3.2 Board Supported CODECs .....................................................................................6
1.4 SynCTI Supported OS ......................................................................................................8
1.5 SynCTI Driver Architecture (CTI Series) ...........................................................................8
1.6 SynCTI Driver Architecture (REC Series) .......................................................................10
1.7 Software Tool for SynCTI ................................................................................................ 11
1.7.1 System Configuration Tool - ShCtiConfig.exe ....................................................... 11
1.7.2 Tone Analyzer Tool - ShTA.exe.............................................................................12
1.7.3 SS7 Server Configuration Program - SS7Cfg.exe ................................................12
1.7.4 SS7 Server - SS7monitor.exe...............................................................................12
1.7.5 MSU Decoder Tool - MsuDecode.exe...................................................................12
1.8 Basic Concepts ...............................................................................................................13
1.8.1 Channel (CTI Series) ............................................................................................13
1.8.2 Channel (REC Series) ..........................................................................................13
1.8.3 Logical Channel Number ......................................................................................13
1.8.4 Digital Trunk ..........................................................................................................14 Frame Synchronization over Digital Trunk ............................................................14 Clock for Digital Trunk...........................................................................................15 Digital Trunk Configuration....................................................................................15 Signaling Time Slot on Digital Trunk .....................................................................15 Digital Trunk Number ............................................................................................15 Setting Voice CODEC on B-Channel ....................................................................16
1.8.5 User Authorization Code for Board .......................................................................16
1.8.6 Change in Analog Phone Line Voltage .................................................................16
1.8.7 Ringing Current on Analog Phone Line.................................................................18
1.8.8 Flash Signal on Analog Phone Line ......................................................................19
1.8.9 Caller ID on Analog Phone Line............................................................................19
1.9 System Clock Configuration............................................................................................20

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1.10 Voice Processing ............................................................................................................21

1.10.1 Voice Playing (CTI Series)....................................................................................21 Setting Volume and Direction ............................................................................22 CTI Series .....................................................................................................22 REC Series ...................................................................................................22 Setting Termination Condition............................................................................22 Preload File Mode .............................................................................................23 Single File Mode................................................................................................24 File List Mode ....................................................................................................24 Single Buffer Mode ............................................................................................24 Buffer List Mode ................................................................................................25 Pingpong Buffer Mode.......................................................................................25 Common Termination Function..........................................................................26 Acquiring Information on Voice Playing .............................................................26
1.10.2 Voice Recording ...................................................................................................26 Setting Recording Signal Source.......................................................................26 Setting Termination Condition............................................................................26 Setting Prerecord Feature .................................................................................26 Setting Tail-Truncation Feature..........................................................................27 Setting AGC Feature .........................................................................................27 Acquiring Information on Voice Recording ........................................................28 Brief Introduction of Recording Functions .........................................................28 File Mode ......................................................................................................28 Buffer Mode...................................................................................................29 Pingpong Buffer Mode ..................................................................................29
1.10.3 DTMF Detector .....................................................................................................30 DTMF Filter .......................................................................................................31 DTMF Pulse-width Filter ....................................................................................31 WaitDtmf............................................................................................................32 Callback Programming ......................................................................................32 Dial Pulse Detection ..........................................................................................33
1.10.4 DTMF Generator (CTI Series) ..............................................................................33
1.10.5 Tone Detector .......................................................................................................34 FFT....................................................................................................................36 Noise Filter ........................................................................................................37 Call Progress Tone Detector (SHT Series Only)................................................37 Dial Tone Detector.........................................................................................39 Ringback Tone Detector ................................................................................40 Busy Tone Detector.......................................................................................40 General Features ....................................................................................40 Back-to-back Busy Tone Detection .........................................................41 User-defined Tone Detector ..........................................................................42 Fax Progress Tone Detector (CTI Series)..........................................................43 Simplified Busy Tone Detector...........................................................................43

Contents ii
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd AMD (Answering Machine Detector) .................................................................45 Enhanced Tone Detector ...................................................................................45
1.10.6 Tone Generator (CTI Series) ................................................................................47 Configuring Tone Generator ..............................................................................48 Tone Generation................................................................................................48
1.10.7 Echo Canceller (CTI Series) .................................................................................48
1.10.8 Barge-in Detector..................................................................................................49
1.10.9 TDM Capability .....................................................................................................50
1.10.10 Distributed Teleconferencing System (CTI Series) ...............................................52 Basic Concepts .................................................................................................52 Managing Conference Room.............................................................................54 Managing Conference Channel.........................................................................54 Playing Background Music to Conference Room ..............................................54 Recording Voice in Conference Room ..............................................................55
1.11 FSK Transceiver (CTI Series) .........................................................................................55
1.11.1 FSK Transmitter ....................................................................................................56
1.11.2 FSK Receiver........................................................................................................56
1.12 Fax (CTI Series)..............................................................................................................57
1.12.1 Number of Fax Channels ......................................................................................57
1.12.2 Supported Fax Rate..............................................................................................58
1.12.3 Supported Fax File Format ...................................................................................58
1.12.4 Setting Faxing Parameters ...................................................................................59
1.12.5 Acquiring Information on Faxing ...........................................................................60
1.12.6 Fax Transmission..................................................................................................60
1.12.7 Fax Reception.......................................................................................................60
1.13 On-board Audio Power Amplifier .....................................................................................61
1.14 Application Programming Based on Synway Board........................................................61
1.14.1 Setting Event Output Mode...................................................................................61 Programming Example in Event Polling Mode ..................................................62 Programming Example in Event Callback Mode ...............................................64
1.14.2 Data Structure of Output Event .............................................................................65 MESSAGE_INFO ..............................................................................................65 SSM_EVENT.....................................................................................................75 IPR_SessionInfo................................................................................................77
1.14.3 Event Filter............................................................................................................78
1.14.4 Self-defined Event ................................................................................................78
1.14.5 SynCTI Programming Guide.................................................................................78 MS VC/C++ .......................................................................................................78 VB .....................................................................................................................78 C++ BUILDER ...................................................................................................79 Delphi ................................................................................................................80 PB6.5 ................................................................................................................80 Other Programming Environments ....................................................................80 Linux..................................................................................................................80

Contents iii
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Use of Character String .....................................................................................81

1.14.6 Demo Program (CTI Series) .................................................................................81
1.14.7 Demo Program (REC Series) ...............................................................................82
1.14.8 Driver-provided Timer ...........................................................................................82
1.14.9 Driver-provided Debugging Feature......................................................................83
1.15 SHT Series (CTI Series) .................................................................................................84
1.15.1 Brief Introduction of SHT Series ...........................................................................84
1.15.2 Operation Principle of SHT Series ........................................................................84
1.15.3 Analog Trunk Channel ..........................................................................................87 Generating Flash Signal on Analog Line ...........................................................87 Detecting Polarity Reversal Signal ....................................................................87 Analog Trunk Channel State Machine ...............................................................88 Remote Pickup Detector (SHT Series Only)......................................................91 Ordinary Remote Pickup Detector.................................................................92 Enhanced Remote Pickup Detector ..............................................................94
1.15.4 Station Channel ....................................................................................................95 State Machine....................................................................................................95 Pickup/hangup Detection ..................................................................................95 Flash Signal Detection ......................................................................................96 Sending Ringing Signals to Phone ....................................................................96 Generating Polarity Reversal Signal on Phone Line..........................................96 Auto-transmission of Dial Tones upon Pickup Detected ....................................97
1.15.5 Composite Module................................................................................................97
1.15.6 Magnet Channel ...................................................................................................97 Overview ...........................................................................................................97 State Machine....................................................................................................98
1.15.7 EM Module............................................................................................................98
1.15.8 Non-module Channel............................................................................................99
1.16 SHD Series (CTI Series) .................................................................................................99
1.16.1 Brief Introduction of SHD Series ...........................................................................99
1.16.2 Operation Principle of SHD Series......................................................................100
1.16.3 Number-receiving Rule for Incoming Call ...........................................................103
1.16.4 SS7 Programming ..............................................................................................104 OPC & DPC.....................................................................................................104 Time Slot Allocation .........................................................................................104 Setting Spare Address Codes..........................................................................106 Configuration Instance for SS7 Server ............................................................106 TUP Programming and Application .................................................................107 TUP Channel State Machine .......................................................................107 Channel Blocked and Unblocked ................................................................ 114 Basic Concepts ..................................................................................... 114 Usage.................................................................................................... 114 Blocking Ways....................................................................................... 114 Function List.......................................................................................... 114

Contents iv
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Circuit Resetting.......................................................................................... 115 CALLER HOLDING Feature ....................................................................... 115 TUP Configuration....................................................................................... 115 ISUP Programming and Application ................................................................ 116 ISUP Configuration ..................................................................................... 116 ISUP Channel State Machine...................................................................... 118 ISUP Channel Serving as Tandem Exchange .............................................124 SynCTI-provided ISUP State Machine Unused ...........................................125 Advanced SS7 Programming ..........................................................................126 MTP3 Service .............................................................................................126 Client Software Programming Interface on SS7 Server ..............................126 Virtual Circuit Programming Interface on SS7 Server .................................126 SCCP Programming Interface.....................................................................127
1.16.5 ISDN Programming.............................................................................................127 Basic Concepts ...............................................................................................127 Network-side Mode and User-side Mode ....................................................127 TEI Value.....................................................................................................127 Representation of Channel Identification Information..................................127 Terminating Office Mode vs. Tandem Exchange Mode ...............................128 ISDN Number and ISDN Address ...............................................................128 ISDN Channel State Machine..........................................................................128 ISDN Configuration .........................................................................................134 Advanced ISDN Programming Interface .........................................................135
1.16.6 SS1 Programming ..............................................................................................136 Choice of Signaling Protocols..........................................................................136 Setting Call Progressing Parameters ..............................................................136 Setting Operation Mode for Channels in State Machine ..................................136 China SS1 State Machine................................................................................136 Number Hold-up Feature ............................................................................136 Connection to Dialogic SS1 Channel ..........................................................137 China SS1 State Machine ...........................................................................137 Debugging Information Output during Outgoing Call...................................142 Line Side State Machine..................................................................................143 Advanced SS1 Programming Interface ...........................................................144 SS1 Configuration ...........................................................................................145
1.16.7 Connection to Channel Bank ..............................................................................146
1.17 SHV Series (CTI Series) ...............................................................................................146
1.17.1 Brief Introduction of SHV Series .........................................................................146
1.17.2 Operation Principle of SHV Series......................................................................146
1.17.3 List of Voice-alteration Functions ........................................................................147
1.18 SHN Series (CTI Series) ...............................................................................................147
1.18.1 Brief Introduction of SHN Series .........................................................................147
1.18.2 Operation Principle of SHN-32A-CT/PCI ............................................................148
1.18.3 Operation Principle of SHN B Series ..................................................................150

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1.18.4 SIP Channel Programming .................................................................................150 Basic Concepts ...............................................................................................150 SIP Channel State Machine.............................................................................152 SIP Channel Configuration ..............................................................................156
1.18.5 Special Parameters and Structure for VoIP Resource Boards ............................157 RTP Transmit and Receive Modes for VoIP Resource Boards........................157 Special Structure for VoIP Resource Boards ...................................................157
1.19 DST Series (REC Series)..............................................................................................158
1.19.1 Brief Introduction of DST Series .........................................................................158
1.19.2 DST Series Supported PBX Models ...................................................................159
1.19.3 Operation Principle of DST Series ......................................................................159
1.19.4 DST Board Configuration....................................................................................162
1.19.5 Voice Operation on DST Series ..........................................................................163
1.19.6 Programming Guide for DST Series ...................................................................163 D-channel Signaling Messages .......................................................................163
1.20 ATP Series (REC Series) ..............................................................................................164
1.20.1 Brief Introduction of ATP Series ..........................................................................164
1.20.2 Operation Principle of ATP Series.......................................................................165
1.20.3 Analog Trunk Recording Channel State Machine ...............................................167
1.20.4 Detection of Off-hook/On-hook State ..................................................................168
1.21 DTP Series (REC Series)..............................................................................................168
1.21.1 Brief Introduction of DTP Series .........................................................................168
1.21.2 Operation Principle of DTP Series ......................................................................169
1.21.3 Concerned Terms ...............................................................................................170
1.21.4 Voice Processing on DTP Series Boards............................................................171 DTMF Detection ..............................................................................................171 Voice Recording ..............................................................................................171
1.21.5 Driver-provided State Machine............................................................................172 Universal State Machine Model for Digital Trunk Recording Channel .............172 Acquisition of Call Information .........................................................................173
1.21.6 Application and Configuration Instance for DTP Series ......................................174 System Using SS1/ISDN PRI ..........................................................................174 System Using SS7 ..........................................................................................174
1.22 SHF Series (CTI Series) ...............................................................................................176
1.22.1 Brief Introduction of SHF Series .........................................................................176
1.22.2 Operation Principle of SHF Series ......................................................................176
1.23 IPR Series (REC Series)...............................................................................................178
1.23.1 Brief Introduction of IPR Series...........................................................................178
1.23.2 System Model of IPR Series ...............................................................................178
1.23.3 SynIPAnalyzer Concerned Terms .......................................................................179
1.23.4 Channel State Machine of SynIPAnalyzer ..........................................................180
1.23.5 SynIPRecorder Concerned Terms ......................................................................180
1.23.6 Channel State Machine of SynIPRecorder .........................................................182
1.23.7 Voice Operation on IPR Series ...........................................................................183

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1.23.8 Programming Guide for IPR Series ....................................................................183 Original Signaling Messages on D-channel.....................................................183
1.23.9 Supported Protocols and Parameters for IPR Series..........................................184 Universal Macro Definition and Structure ........................................................184 Supported Protocol..........................................................................................184 Configuration Structure....................................................................................185 Configuration Structure for SIP ...................................................................185 Configuration Structure for CISCO SCCP ...................................................185 Configuration Structure for AVAYA H323 .....................................................185 Configuration Structure for SHORTEL MGCP.............................................186 Configuration Structure for H323.................................................................186 Configuration Structure for PANASONIC MGCP.........................................186 Configuration Structure for TOSHIBA MEGACO .........................................186 Configuration Structure for Siemens H323..................................................187 Configuration Structure for Alcatel...............................................................187 Configuration Structure for Mitel ................................................................187 Programming Example for VoIP Recording System based on SynIPAnalyzer and
SynIPRecorder .................................................................................................................187

2 SynCTI API Function Description.....................................................................................195

2.1 System Functions .........................................................................................................195

2.1.1 Driver Platform Initialization Functions................................................................195 SsmStartCti.........................................................................................................195 SsmStartCtiEx.....................................................................................................196 SsmCloseCti .......................................................................................................198
2.1.2 Setting Functions for API and Event Output Mode .............................................199 SsmSetLogEnable ..............................................................................................199 SsmSetLogAttribute............................................................................................200 SsmSetApiLogRange .........................................................................................201 SsmGetLogAttribute ...........................................................................................202
2.1.3 Timer Functions ..................................................................................................203 SsmStartTimer ....................................................................................................203 SsmStopTimer ....................................................................................................203 StartTimer ...........................................................................................................204 ElapseTime .........................................................................................................204
2.1.4 Functions to Get System Error Messages ..........................................................205 SsmGetLastErrCode...........................................................................................205 SsmGetLastErrMsg ............................................................................................206 SsmGetLastErrMsgA ..........................................................................................206 fBmp_GetErrMsg ................................................................................................206
2.1.5 Functions to Obtain Board Information ...............................................................207 Obtaining Installed Board Information.................................................................207 SsmGetMaxCfgBoard ...................................................................................207 SsmGetMaxUsableBoard .............................................................................207 GetTotalPciBoard ..........................................................................................208

Contents vii
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd ReloadPciBoardInfo ......................................................................................208 Obtaining Board Authorization Code...................................................................209 SsmGetAccreditId .........................................................................................209 SsmGetAccreditIdEx.....................................................................................209 Obtaining Board Model .......................................................................................210 SsmGetBoardModel......................................................................................210 GetPciBoardModel........................................................................................212 SsmGetBoardName......................................................................................215 Obtaining Board Serial Number ..........................................................................218 SsmGetPciSerialNo ......................................................................................218 GetPciBoardSerialNo....................................................................................219 Obtaining Version Information.............................................................................219 SsmGetDllVersion.........................................................................................219
2.1.6 Funtions to Obtain Channel Attributes ................................................................220 SsmGetMaxCh ...................................................................................................220 SsmGetChType ..................................................................................................221 SsmGetChHdInfo................................................................................................222 SsmGetAppChId.................................................................................................222
2.1.7 Functions to Set Channel Attributes....................................................................223 SsmSetFlag ........................................................................................................223 SsmGetFlag........................................................................................................225
2.2 Functions for Event-mode Programming ......................................................................226
2.2.1 Obtaining Events ................................................................................................226 SsmWaitForEvent ...............................................................................................226 SsmWaitForEventA.............................................................................................226 SsmGetEvent......................................................................................................227 SsmGetEventA ...................................................................................................227
2.2.2 Filtering Output Events .......................................................................................228 SsmSetEvent ......................................................................................................228
2.2.3 Getting Programming Mode................................................................................232 SsmGetEventMode.............................................................................................232
2.2.4 Outputting Application’s Self-defined Events by Driver .......................................233 SsmPutUserEvent ..............................................................................................233 SsmPutUserEventA ............................................................................................233
2.3 Call State Machine Functions........................................................................................234
2.3.1 Outgoing Call Functions (CTI Series) .................................................................234 Searching for Idle Channel .................................................................................234 SsmSearchIdleCallOutCh .............................................................................234 Starting Outgoing Call .........................................................................................235 SsmAutoDial .................................................................................................235 SsmAutoDialEx .............................................................................................236 SsmAppendPhoNum ....................................................................................239 SsmChkAutoDial...........................................................................................240 SsmGetAutoDialFailureReason ....................................................................241

Contents viii
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmSetTxCallerId .........................................................................................243 SsmGetTxCallerId.........................................................................................244 SsmSetTxOriginalCallerID ............................................................................245 SsmSetTxRedirectingNum............................................................................245 SsmSetWaitAutoDialAnswerTime ...............................................................246 SsmSetWaitAutoDialAnswerTimeEx ...........................................................247 SsmGetWaitAutoDialAnswerTime...............................................................247 SsmGetKB ..................................................................................................248 SS1 Channel Functions ......................................................................................249 SsmSetKA ....................................................................................................249 SsmSetKD ....................................................................................................250
2.3.2 Incoming Call Functions .....................................................................................251 Obtaining Calling Party Information ....................................................................251 SsmChkOpCallerId .......................................................................................251 SsmGetCallerId.............................................................................................251 SsmGetCallerIdA ..........................................................................................251 SsmGetCallerIdEx ........................................................................................251 SsmGetCallerName ......................................................................................252 SsmClearCallerId..........................................................................................253 SsmClearCallerIdEx......................................................................................253 SsmGetKA ....................................................................................................254 SsmGetKD....................................................................................................255 Obtaining Called Party Information .....................................................................255 SsmGetPhoNumStr.......................................................................................255 SsmGetPhoNumStrA ....................................................................................255 SsmGetPhoNumLen .....................................................................................255 Obtaining 1st Called Party Number Information..................................................256 SsmGet1stPhoNumLen ................................................................................256 SsmGet1stPhoNumStr..................................................................................257 SsmGet1stPhoNumStrA ...............................................................................257 Setting Parameters for Incoming Call Progress ..................................................258 SsmEnableAutoSendKB ...............................................................................258 SsmGetAutoSendKBFlag .............................................................................259 SsmSetKB ....................................................................................................259
2.3.3 Channel State Transition Events ........................................................................261 SsmGetChState ..................................................................................................261 SsmGetChStateKeepTime..................................................................................263
2.3.4 Obtaining Pending Reason .................................................................................264 SsmGetPendingReason .....................................................................................264
2.3.5 Channel Pickup Functions (CTI Series)..............................................................267 SsmPickup..........................................................................................................267 SsmPickupANX ..................................................................................................267
2.3.6 Channel Hangup Functions (CTI Series) ............................................................269 SsmHangup ........................................................................................................269

Contents ix
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmHangupEx....................................................................................................269
2.3.7 Setting Channel’s Call Direction .........................................................................270 SsmSetAutoCallDirection ...................................................................................270 SsmGetAutoCallDirection ...................................................................................271
2.3.8 Obtaining Release Reason .................................................................................272 SsmGetReleaseReason .....................................................................................272
2.3.9 TUP Channel Functions......................................................................................272 SsmSetCalleeHoldFlag.......................................................................................272 SsmGetTupFlag..................................................................................................273 SsmSetTupParameter ........................................................................................274 SsmGetTupParameter ........................................................................................274
2.3.10 ISUP Channel Functions.....................................................................................275 SsmSetISUPCAT ............................................................................................275 SsmSetIsupParameter ....................................................................................276 SsmGetIsupParameter ....................................................................................277 SsmSetIsupFlag ..............................................................................................278 SsmGetIsupFlag..............................................................................................281 SsmGetIsupUPPara ........................................................................................281 SsmSetIsupUPPara ........................................................................................282 SsmSendIsupMsg ...........................................................................................283 SsmGetRedirectionInfReason .........................................................................283 SsmGetRedirectionInfNum..............................................................................284 SsmIsHaveCpg ...............................................................................................285 SsmGetCpg.....................................................................................................285 SsmIsupGetUsr ...............................................................................................285 SsmIsupSendUsr ............................................................................................286
2.3.11 ISDN Channel Function ......................................................................................286 Setting Parameters for Setup Message...........................................................287 SsmISDNSetDialSubAddr...........................................................................287 SsmISDNSetDialSubAddrEx.......................................................................287 SsmISDNSetTxSubAddr .............................................................................287 SsmISDNSetTxSubAddrEx .........................................................................288 SsmISDNSetCallerIdPresent ......................................................................288 SsmSetIsdnParameter ................................................................................289 Obtaining Incoming Call Information ...............................................................290 Obtaining Subaddress Information ..............................................................290 SsmISDNGetSubAddr...........................................................................290 SsmISDNGetCallerSubAddr .................................................................290 Obtaining User-defined Calling Party Number ............................................291 SsmGetUserCallerId .............................................................................291 Obtaining Designated Field from SETUP Message.....................................291 SsmGetIsdnParameter..........................................................................291 Setting Hangup Reason ..................................................................................292 SsmISDNSetHangupRzn ............................................................................292

Contents x
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Other Functions...............................................................................................293 SsmISDNGetDisplayMsg ............................................................................293 SsmISDNGetTxCallerSubAddr ...................................................................293 SsmSetNumType ........................................................................................294 SsmGetNumType ........................................................................................295 SsmSetCharge............................................................................................295
2.4 Tone Generator Functions (CTI Series) ........................................................................296
2.4.1 Setting Parameters for Tone Generator ..............................................................296 SsmSetTxTonePara............................................................................................296 SsmQueryOpSendTone ......................................................................................297 SsmGetTxTonePara ...........................................................................................297
2.4.2 Sending Tones ....................................................................................................298 SsmSendTone ....................................................................................................298 SsmSendToneEx ................................................................................................298 SsmStopSendTone .............................................................................................299 SsmChkSendTone ..............................................................................................299
2.5 Tone Detector Functions ...............................................................................................300
2.5.1 Commonly Used Tone Detector Functions .........................................................300 Setting Working Status........................................................................................300 SsmStartToneAnalyze...................................................................................300 SsmCloseToneAnalyze .................................................................................300 SsmQueryOpToneAnalyze............................................................................301 Obtaining Detected Result ..................................................................................301 SsmGetToneAnalyzeResult ..........................................................................301 Clearing Detected Result....................................................................................302 SsmClearToneAnalyzeResult .......................................................................302
2.5.2 FFT Functions.....................................................................................................303 Setting Parameters .............................................................................................303 SsmSetPeakFrqDetectBW............................................................................303 Obtaining Parameters .........................................................................................303 SsmQueryOpPeakFrqDetect ........................................................................303 SsmGetPeakFrqDetectBW ...........................................................................304 Obtaining Detected Result ..................................................................................304 SsmGetPeakFrq ...........................................................................................304 SsmGetPeakFrqEnergy ................................................................................305 SsmGetOverallEnergy ..................................................................................306 SsmGetOverallEnergyAllCh..........................................................................306
2.5.3 Setting Parameters for Noise Filter.....................................................................306 SsmSetMinVocDtrEnergy ...................................................................................306 SsmGetMinVocDtrEnergy ...................................................................................307
2.5.4 Call Progress Tone Detector Functions ..............................................................308 Setting Working Status of 2nd Call Progress Tone Detector ...............................308 SsmStart2ndToneAnalyzer............................................................................308 SsmGet2ndToneAnalyzerState .....................................................................308

Contents xi
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Obtaining Result of 2nd Call Progress Tone Detector.........................................309 SsmGet2ndToneAnalyzeResult ....................................................................309 SsmClear2ndToneAnalyzeResult..................................................................310 Setting Parameters for Frequency Detector .......................................................310 SsmSetTonePara..........................................................................................310 SsmSet2ndTonePara....................................................................................310 SsmGetTonePara.......................................................................................... 311 SsmGet2ndTonePara.................................................................................... 311 Setting Parameters for Dial Tone Detector..........................................................312 SsmSetIsDialToneDtrTime ...........................................................................312 SsmSet2ndIsDialToneDtrTime .....................................................................312 SsmGetIsDialToneDtrTime ...........................................................................313 SsmGet2ndIsDialToneDtrTime .....................................................................313 Setting Parameters for Ringback Tone Detector.................................................313 SsmSetRingEchoTonePara ..........................................................................313 SsmSet2ndRingEchoTonePara ....................................................................313 SsmGetRingEchoToneTime .........................................................................314 SsmGetRingEchoTonePara..........................................................................315 SsmGet2ndRingEchoTonePara....................................................................315 Setting Parameters for Busy Tone Detector........................................................315 SsmSetBusyTonePeriodEx ...........................................................................315 SsmSetBusyTonePeriod ...............................................................................315 SsmSet2ndBusyTonePeriod .........................................................................316 SsmSetIsBusyToneDtrCnt ............................................................................317 SsmSet2ndIsBusyToneDtrCnt ......................................................................317 SsmGetBusyTonePeriodEx...........................................................................317 SsmGetBusyTonePeriod...............................................................................317 SsmGet2ndBusyTonePeriod.........................................................................317 SsmGetIsBusyToneDtrCnt ............................................................................318 SsmGet2ndIsBusyToneDtrCnt ....................................................................318 Obtaining Detected result ...................................................................................319 SsmGetBusyToneLen ...................................................................................319 SsmGet2ndBusyToneLen .............................................................................319 SsmGetBusyAMDToneCount........................................................................320 SsmGet2ndBusyAMDToneCount..................................................................320 Obtaining Result Gained by Using Back-to-Back Busy Tone Detection ..............320 SsmGetBusyToneEx .....................................................................................320
2.5.5 Fax Progress Tone Detector Functions...............................................................321 Setting Working Parameters ...............................................................................321 SsmSetVoiceFxPara .....................................................................................321 SsmGetVoiceFxPara.....................................................................................322 Obtaining Detected Result ..................................................................................322 SsmGetVocFxFlag ........................................................................................322
2.5.6 AMD Function .....................................................................................................323

Contents xii
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Obtaining and Clearing Result Gained by AMD ..................................................323 SsmGetAMDResult.......................................................................................323 SsmClearAMDResult ....................................................................................324 SsmControlAMD ...........................................................................................324
2.6 DTMF Detector Functions .............................................................................................325
2.6.1 Starting/Terminating DTMF Detector...................................................................325 SsmEnableRxDtmf .............................................................................................325
2.6.2 Setting Callback Functions .................................................................................326 SsmSetRxDtmfHandler.......................................................................................326
2.6.3 Obtaining DTMF Digits........................................................................................326 SsmClearRxDtmfBuf...........................................................................................326 SsmGetDtmfStr...................................................................................................327 SsmGetDtmfStrA ................................................................................................327 SsmGetRxDtmfLen.............................................................................................328 SsmGet1stDtmf ..................................................................................................328 SsmGet1stDtmfClr..............................................................................................328 SsmGetLastDtmf ................................................................................................329
2.6.4 Using WaitDtmf...................................................................................................329 SsmSetWaitDtmf.................................................................................................329 SsmSetWaitDtmfEx ............................................................................................329 SsmSetWaitDtmfExA ..........................................................................................329 SsmSetWaitDtmfExB ..........................................................................................329 SsmCancelWaitDtmf...........................................................................................331 SsmChkWaitDtmf................................................................................................331
2.7 DTMF Generator Functions (CTI Series) ......................................................................332
2.7.1 Setting Parameters for DTMF Generator ............................................................332 SsmSetTxDtmfPara ............................................................................................332 SsmQueryTxDtmf ...............................................................................................332 SsmGetTxDtmfPara............................................................................................333
2.7.2 Setting Working Status of DTMF Generator .......................................................333 SsmTxDtmf .........................................................................................................333 SsmStopTxDtmf..................................................................................................334 SsmChkTxDtmf...................................................................................................335
2.8 Barge-in Detector Functions .........................................................................................335
2.8.1 Setting Parameters for Barge-in Detector...........................................................335 SsmSetBargeInSens ..........................................................................................335 SsmSetIsBargeInDtrmTime ................................................................................336 SsmSetVoiceEnergyMinValue ............................................................................336 SsmSetNoSoundDtrmTime.................................................................................337 SsmGetBargeInSens ..........................................................................................338 SsmGetIsBargeInDtrmTime................................................................................338 SsmGetVoiceEnergyMinValue ............................................................................338 SsmGetNoSoundDtrmTime ................................................................................339
2.8.2 Obtaining Detected Result of Barge-in Detector .................................................339

Contents xiii
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmDetectBargeIn..............................................................................................339 SsmDetectNoSound ...........................................................................................340 SsmGetNoSoundTime ........................................................................................340
2.9 Voice Playing Functions ................................................................................................341
2.9.1 Setting Playing Data’s Destination ......................................................................341 SsmSetPlayDest.................................................................................................341
2.9.2 Setting Playing Volume.......................................................................................341 SsmSetPlayVolume ............................................................................................341 SsmSetPlayGain.................................................................................................342
2.9.3 Setting Termination Condition of Voice Playing ..................................................342 SsmSetDtmfStopPlay .........................................................................................342 SsmSetDTMFStopPlayCharSet ..........................................................................343 SsmGetDtmfStopPlayFlag ..................................................................................344 SsmGetDTMFStopPlayCharSet..........................................................................344 SsmSetBargeinStopPlay.....................................................................................345 SsmGetBargeinStopPlayFlag .............................................................................345 SsmSetHangupStopPlayFlag .............................................................................346
2.9.4 Functions for Playing in Single File Mode...........................................................346 SsmPlayFile........................................................................................................346 SsmStopPlayFile.................................................................................................348 SsmPausePlay ...................................................................................................348 SsmRestartPlay ..................................................................................................349 SsmFastFwdPlay................................................................................................349 SsmFastBwdPlay................................................................................................350 SsmSetPlayTime ................................................................................................350 SsmSetPlayPrct..................................................................................................351 SsmGetDataBytesToPlay....................................................................................351 SsmGetDataBytesPlayed ................................................................................352 SsmGetPlayedTimeEx ....................................................................................352 SsmGetPlayingFileInfo ....................................................................................353
2.9.5 Functions for Playing in File List Mode ...............................................................354 SsmClearFileList.................................................................................................354 SsmAddToFileList ...............................................................................................354 SsmPlayFileList ..................................................................................................355 SsmStopPlayFileList ...........................................................................................356
2.9.6 Functions for Playing in Single Buffer Mode .......................................................356 SsmPlayMem......................................................................................................356 SsmStopPlayMem ..............................................................................................358 SsmSetStopPlayOffset .......................................................................................358 SsmGetPlayOffset ..............................................................................................359
2.9.7 Functions for Playing in Buffer List Mode ...........................................................359 SsmAddToPlayMemList......................................................................................359 SsmClearPlayMemList .......................................................................................360 SsmPlayMemList ................................................................................................361

Contents xiv
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmStopPlayMemList.........................................................................................361
2.9.8 Preload Voice Data Playing Functions (CTI Series)............................................362 Preload Voice Information Initialization Functions...............................................362 SsmSetMaxIdxSeg .......................................................................................362 SsmGetTotalIndexSeg ..................................................................................363 SsmLoadIndexData ......................................................................................363 SsmFreeIndexData .......................................................................................364 SsmLoadChIndexData..................................................................................365 SsmFreeChIndexData ..................................................................................366 Functions for Playing Preload Voice Segments ..................................................366 SsmPlayIndexString......................................................................................366 SsmPlayIndexList .........................................................................................366 SsmStopPlayIndex........................................................................................368
2.9.9 Functions for Playing in Pingpong Buffer Mode(CTI Series)...............................368 SsmPlayMemBlock.............................................................................................368 SsmStopPlayMemBlock......................................................................................371
2.9.10 General Functions for Terminating Voice Playing ...............................................371 SsmStopPlay ...................................................................................................371
2.9.11 Obtaining Relative Information about Voice Playing ...........................................372 SsmQueryPlayFormat .....................................................................................372 SsmGetPlayType.............................................................................................372 SsmCheckPlay ................................................................................................373 SsmGetPlayedPercentage ..............................................................................374 SsmGetPlayedTime.........................................................................................374
2.10 Voice Recording Functions ...........................................................................................375
2.10.1 Setting Recording Parameters............................................................................375 Setting Signal Source and Its Volume .............................................................375 SsmSetRecVolume .....................................................................................375 SpySetRecVolume ......................................................................................375 SsmSetRecMixer ........................................................................................376 SpySetRecMixer .........................................................................................376 SsmQueryOpRecMixer ...............................................................................377 SsmGetRecMixerState................................................................................378 DTRSetMixerVolum.....................................................................................378 DTRGetMixerVolume ..................................................................................379 SsmSetRecBack .........................................................................................380 SsmSetNoModuleChBusRec ....................................................................380 Setting Termination Condition for Voice Recording .........................................381 SsmSetDTMFStopRecCharSet ...................................................................381 SsmGetDTMFStopRecCharSet ..................................................................382 SsmSetHangupStopRecFlag ......................................................................382 Setting Prerecord Feature (REC Series) .........................................................383 SsmSetPrerecord........................................................................................383 SsmGetPrerecordState ...............................................................................384

Contents xv
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Tail-truncation Feature.........................................................................385 SsmSetTruncateTail ....................................................................................385 SsmGetTruncateTailTime ............................................................................385 Setting AGC Feature .......................................................................................386 SsmSetRecAGC .........................................................................................386 SsmGetRecAGCSwitch ..............................................................................387 Setting Stereo Recording ................................................................................387 SsmSetRecStereo.......................................................................................387
2.10.2 Obtaining Recording Information ........................................................................388 SsmQueryRecFormat......................................................................................388 SsmGetRecType .............................................................................................388 SsmGetRecTime .............................................................................................389 SsmCheckRecord ...........................................................................................389
2.10.3 Functions for Recording in File Mode .................................................................390 SsmRecToFile .................................................................................................390 SsmRecToFileA...............................................................................................390 SsmRecToFileB...............................................................................................390 SsmRecToFileEx .............................................................................................390 SpyRecToFileA ................................................................................................390 SpyRecToFileB ................................................................................................390 SpyRecToFile ..................................................................................................391 SsmStopRecToFile ..........................................................................................395 SpyStopRecToFile ...........................................................................................395 SsmPauseRecToFile .......................................................................................396 SsmRestartRecToFile......................................................................................396 SsmChkRecToFile...........................................................................................397 SsmGetDataBytesToRecord............................................................................397 SsmRecStereoToFile.......................................................................................398 SsmStopRecStereoToFile................................................................................398 SsmChkStereoToFile.......................................................................................399
2.10.4 Functions for Recording in Buffer Mode .............................................................399 SsmRecToMem ...............................................................................................399 SpyRecToMem ................................................................................................399 SsmStopRecToMem........................................................................................401 SpyStopRecToMem .........................................................................................401 SsmGetRecOffset ...........................................................................................402
2.10.5 Functions for Recording in Pingpong Buffer Mode (CTI Series) .........................403 SsmRecordMemBlock.....................................................................................403 SsmStopRecordMemBlock..............................................................................405
2.11 TDM Functions..............................................................................................................406
2.11.1 Functions for Two-way Connection (CTI Series).................................................406 Establishing Two-way Connection ...................................................................406 SsmTalkWith ...............................................................................................406 SsmTalkWithEx...........................................................................................406

Contents xvi
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Disconnecting Two-way Connection................................................................407 SsmStopTalkWith ........................................................................................407
2.11.2 Functions for One-way Connection.....................................................................408 Establishing One-way Connection...................................................................408 SsmListenTo................................................................................................408 SsmListenToEx ...........................................................................................408 SsmLinkFrom ..............................................................................................408 SsmLinkFromEx..........................................................................................408 SsmLinkFromAllCh......................................................................................408 Disconnecting One-way Connection ...............................................................410 SsmStopListenTo ........................................................................................410 SsmStopLinkFrom.......................................................................................410 SsmUnLinkFromAllCh ................................................................................. 411
2.11.3 Obtaining Bus Information .................................................................................. 411 SsmGetChBusInfo........................................................................................... 411
2.11.4 Advanced Functions for Bus Operation (CTI Series) ..........................................413 Forcibly Disconnecting All Bus Connections....................................................413 SsmClearChBusLink ...................................................................................413 One-way Connection from Channel to Bus Time Slot .....................................413 SsmLinkToBus ............................................................................................413 SsmUnLinkToBus ........................................................................................414 One-way Connection from Bus Time Slot to Channel .....................................415 SsmLinkFromBus ........................................................................................415 SsmLinkFromBusEx....................................................................................415 SsmUnLinkFromBus ...................................................................................416 SsmListenToPlay.........................................................................................416 SsmUnListenToPlay ....................................................................................417
2.12 On-board Audio Power Amplifier Functions ..................................................................417
2.12.1 SsmQueryOpPowerAmp ....................................................................................417
2.12.2 SsmSetPowerAmpVlm .......................................................................................418
2.12.3 SetVolume ..........................................................................................................418
2.13 On-board Speaker Functions ........................................................................................419
2.13.1 SsmSetLine0OutTo ............................................................................................419
2.14 Echo Canceller Functions (CTI Series).........................................................................419
2.14.1 Setting Operating Status of Echo Canceller........................................................419 SsmQueryOpEchoCanceller ...........................................................................419 SsmSetEchoCanceller ....................................................................................420 SsmGetEchoCancellerState ............................................................................420
2.14.2 Setting Parameters of Echo Canceller................................................................421 SsmSetEchoCancelDelaySize ........................................................................421 SsmGetEchoCancelDelaySize ........................................................................421
2.15 Teleconferencing Functions (CTI Series) ......................................................................422
2.15.1 Initializing Conference Room ..............................................................................422 SsmCreateConfGroup.....................................................................................422

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Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmFreeConfGroup ........................................................................................423

2.15.2 Setting Conference Member’s Behavior .............................................................423 SsmJoinConfGroup .........................................................................................423 SsmExitConfGroup..........................................................................................424 SsmSetListenVlmInConf .................................................................................425 SsmSetContactInConf .....................................................................................425
2.15.3 Obtaining Conference Room Information............................................................426 SsmGetConfCfgInfo ........................................................................................426 SsmGetTotalConfGroup ..................................................................................426 SsmGetConfGrpCfgInfo ..................................................................................427 SsmGetConfGrpInfo........................................................................................427 SsmGetConfGrpId...........................................................................................428 SsmValidateGrpId ...........................................................................................428
2.15.4 Obtaining Conference Member Information ........................................................429 SsmGetConfGrpMmbrId..................................................................................429 SsmGetConfGrpMmbrInfo...............................................................................429 SsmGetConfChInfo .........................................................................................430
2.16 FSK Transceiver Functions (CTI Series).......................................................................431
2.16.1 FSK Transmitter ..................................................................................................431 SsmSetFskPara ..............................................................................................431 SsmGetFskPara ..............................................................................................431 SsmTransFskData...........................................................................................432 SsmStartSendFSK ..........................................................................................432 SsmCheckSendFsk.........................................................................................433 SsmStopSendFsk............................................................................................434
2.16.2 FSK Receiver......................................................................................................434 SsmStartRcvFSK.............................................................................................434 SsmStartRcvFSK_II.........................................................................................436 SsmStartRcvFSK_III........................................................................................437 SsmCheckRcvFSK..........................................................................................439 SsmStopRcvFSK.............................................................................................440 SsmClearRcvFSKBuf ......................................................................................440 SsmGetRcvFSK ..............................................................................................441
2.17 Voltage Detector Functions ...........................................................................................441
2.17.1 Ignoring Result of Voltage Detector ....................................................................441 SsmSetIgnoreLineVoltage ...............................................................................441 SsmGetIgnoreLineVoltage...............................................................................442
2.17.2 Setting Threshold Voltage to Detect Pickup and Hangup Behaviors ..................443 SsmSetDtrmLineVoltage .................................................................................443 SsmGetDtrmLineVoltage .................................................................................443
2.17.3 Obtaining Result of Voltage Detector..................................................................444 SsmGetLineVoltage.........................................................................................444
2.17.4 Polarity Reversal Detector Functions..................................................................444 SsmQueryOpPolarRvrs ...................................................................................444

Contents xviii
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmGetPolarRvrsCount ..................................................................................445

2.17.5 Ringing Current Detector Functions....................................................................445 SsmGetRingCount ..........................................................................................445 SsmGetCallBackRingCount ............................................................................446 SsmClearRingCount........................................................................................446 SsmGetRingFlag .............................................................................................447
2.18 Digital Trunk Functions .................................................................................................448
2.18.1 SsmGetMaxPcm.................................................................................................448
2.18.2 SsmGetPcmInfo..................................................................................................448
2.18.3 SsmGetPcmLinkStatus .......................................................................................449
2.18.4 SsmPcmTsToCh .................................................................................................451
2.18.5 SsmChToPcmTs .................................................................................................451
2.18.6 SsmSetPcmClockMode ......................................................................................452
2.18.7 SsmGetInboundLinkSet......................................................................................453
2.18.8 SsmGetCbChStatus............................................................................................453
2.18.9 SsmSetPcmPowerDown.....................................................................................454
2.19 Functions for SHT Series Boards (CTI Series) .............................................................454
2.19.1 Setting Operating Mode of Composite Module ...................................................454 SsmSetUnimoduleState ..................................................................................454
2.19.2 Functions for Analog Trunk Channel ...................................................................455 Generating Flash Signal on Analog Phone Line ..............................................455 SsmTxFlash ................................................................................................455 SsmSetTxFlashCharTime ...........................................................................456 SsmGetTxFlashCharTime...........................................................................456 SsmChkTxFlash..........................................................................................457 SsmTxFlashEx ............................................................................................457 Forced Transition of Channel State .................................................................458 SsmSetChState...........................................................................................458 Detecting Remote Pick-up during Outgoing Call .............................................459 SsmStartPickupAnalyze ..............................................................................459 SsmSetCalleeHookDetectP ........................................................................459 SsmGetPickup ............................................................................................460 Checking Pickup Status...................................................................................460 SsmCheckActualPickup ..............................................................................460 Checking Analog-trunk-to-recording Channel..................................................461 SsmGetIsAnalogToRec ...............................................................................461
2.19.3 Functions for Station Channel.............................................................................462 Sending Ringing Signals to Phone ..................................................................462 SsmStartRing ..............................................................................................462 SsmStartRingWithCIDStr ............................................................................462 fPcm_ConvertFskCID .................................................................................463 SsmStopRing ..............................................................................................463 SsmCheckSendRing ...................................................................................464 SsmSetRingPeriod......................................................................................464

Contents xix
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Auto Dial Tone Sending upon Detection of Pickup ..........................................465 SsmSetASDT ..............................................................................................465 SsmGetASDT .............................................................................................466 Detecting Flash Signal ....................................................................................466 SsmSetLocalFlashTime ..............................................................................466 SsmGetFlashCount.....................................................................................467 SsmClearFlashCount ..................................................................................467 Pickup/Hangup Detection ................................................................................468 SsmGetHookState.......................................................................................468 Generating Polarity Reversal Signals on Phone Line......................................469 SsmSetPolarState .......................................................................................469 SsmGetPolarState.......................................................................................469
2.19.4 Remote Pickup Detector Functions (SHT Series Only).......................................470 Functions for Ordinary Remote Pickup Detector .............................................470 Setting Parameters .....................................................................................470 SsmSetVoiceOnDetermineTime............................................................470 Obtaining Parameters .................................................................................471 SsmGetVoiceOnDetermineTime ...........................................................471
2.20 Advanced Programming API for SHD Series (CTI Series) ............................................471
2.20.1 Channel Blocking Control (CTI Series) ...............................................................471 Functions for Blocking Local End ....................................................................471 Blocking Single Channel .............................................................................471 SsmBlockLocalCh.................................................................................471 SsmUnblockLocalCh.............................................................................472 SsmQueryLocalChBlockState ...............................................................472 Blocking Whole Digital Trunk.......................................................................473 SsmBlockLocalPCM .............................................................................473 SsmUnblockLocalPCM .........................................................................474 SsmQueryLocalPCMBlockState............................................................474 Functions for Blocking Remote End ................................................................475 Blocking Single Channel .............................................................................475 SsmQueryOpBlockRemoteCh ..............................................................475 SsmBlockRemoteCh .............................................................................476 SsmUnblockRemoteCh.........................................................................476 SsmGetRemoteChBlockStatus .............................................................477 Blocking Whole Digital Trunk.......................................................................478 SsmBlockRemotePCM..........................................................................478 SsmUnblockRemotePCM .....................................................................479 SsmGetRemotePCMBlockStatus..........................................................480
2.20.2 SS7-MTP3 Based API ........................................................................................481 SsmSendSs7Msu............................................................................................481 SsmGetSs7Msu ..............................................................................................481 SsmGetMtp3State ...........................................................................................482 SsmGetMtp3StateEx .......................................................................................482

Contents xx
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmGetMtp2Status .........................................................................................483 SsmSendSs7MsuEx........................................................................................483 SsmGetMaxSs7link .........................................................................................484 SsmGetSs7Mtp2Msu ......................................................................................484 SsmSendSs7Mtp2Msu....................................................................................485 SsmSs7Mtp2CmdCtrl ......................................................................................486
2.20.3 Advanced Functions for ISDN.............................................................................486 SsmGetIsdnMsu..............................................................................................486 SsmSendIsdnMsu ...........................................................................................487 SsmCheckIsdnMsu .........................................................................................488 SsmISDNGetStatus.........................................................................................488 SsmGetUserInfo..............................................................................................489 SsmSetUserInfo ..............................................................................................489 SsmISDNGetProgressMsg..............................................................................490
2.20.4 Advanced Functions for China SS15 .................................................................490 Controlling ABCD Signaling Bits......................................................................490 SsmGetCAS................................................................................................490 SsmSendCAS .............................................................................................491 SsmGetSendingCAS...................................................................................492 SsmSetSendCASFlag.................................................................................492 SsmGetSendCASFlag ................................................................................493 Controlling R2 Signal Transceiver ...................................................................493 SsmSetRxR2Mode......................................................................................493 SsmGetR2 ..................................................................................................494 SsmSendR2 ................................................................................................495 SsmSendR2Ex............................................................................................495 SsmStopSendR2.........................................................................................496 SsmGetSendingR2 .....................................................................................496
2.21 Functions for SHV Series Boards (CTI Series) .............................................................497
2.21.1 SsmGetMaxVCh .................................................................................................497
2.21.2 SsmGetMaxFreeVCh..........................................................................................497
2.21.3 SsmBindVCh ......................................................................................................498
2.21.4 SsmUnBindVCh..................................................................................................499
2.21.5 SsmSetVoiceEffect .............................................................................................499
2.21.6 SsmGetVoiceEffect.............................................................................................500
2.21.7 SsmSetVoiceEffectEx .........................................................................................501
2.21.8 SsmGetVoiceEffectEx.........................................................................................502
2.22 Functions for SHN Series Boards (CTI Series) .............................................................502
2.22.1 Setting Special Programming Interfaces for SIP Channel...................................502 SsmIpGetSessionCodecType..........................................................................502 SsmIpSetForwardNum ....................................................................................503 SsmIpInitiateTransfer ......................................................................................503 SsmIpGetMessageField ..................................................................................504 SsmIpGetMessageFieldA................................................................................505

Contents xxi
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmSipMsgSetHeader ....................................................................................505 SsmSipMsgSetHeaderA..................................................................................506 SsmSipStackRegister ......................................................................................506 SsmSipBindChWithRegInfo.............................................................................507 SipUnBindChWithRegInfo ...............................................................................507 SsmSipStackUnRegister .................................................................................508 SsmSipStackRemoveRegister.........................................................................508 SsmSipGetRegInfo..........................................................................................509 SsmSipSetTxUserName .................................................................................509 SsmSetIpFlag..................................................................................................510 SsmSipGetReferStatus ................................................................................... 511 SsmSipSendRequest ...................................................................................... 511 SsmSipSendRequestA.................................................................................... 511 SsmSetHangupReason ...................................................................................512 SsmSipGetBoardRegStatus ............................................................................513 SsmSipGetChRegStatus .................................................................................513 SsmSetRcvRegisterCallBack ..........................................................................514 SsmIpGetBoardMacAddress ...........................................................................514 SsmSipRegister...............................................................................................515
2.22.2 Setting Special API functions for VoIP Resource Boards....................................516 SsmLockMediaCh ...........................................................................................516 SsmGetMediaChParam ..................................................................................517 SsmOpenMediaCh ..........................................................................................517 SsmCloseMediaCh..........................................................................................518 SsmUnlockMediaCh........................................................................................518 SsmUpdateMediaCh .......................................................................................519 SsmSipSetConnectionInforOfSDP ..................................................................519 SsmSipSetMsgFieldParameter .......................................................................520
2.22.3 Setting Special API functions for NAT Traversal .................................................520 SsmIPGetStunPublicIP....................................................................................520
2.22.4 Setting Special API functions for SHN B-type Boards.........................................521 SsmCheckBoardIcmp......................................................................................521
2.23 Functions for ATP Series Recording Boards (REC Series) ...........................................522
2.23.1 Input Gain Control of Microphone Channel.........................................................522 SsmQueryOpMicGain .....................................................................................522 SsmSetMicGain...............................................................................................522 SsmGetMicGain ..............................................................................................523
2.23.2 MF Detector Functions........................................................................................523 SsmEnableRxMF ............................................................................................523 SsmClearRxMFBuf..........................................................................................524 SsmGetMFStr..................................................................................................525
2.24 Functions for DTP Series Boards (REC Series)............................................................525
2.24.1 State Machine Programming Mode Based Functions .........................................525 Obtaining Basic Information ............................................................................525

Contents xxii
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SpyGetMaxCic ............................................................................................525 SpyChToCic ................................................................................................526 Obtaining Call Progress Information................................................................526 SpyGetState ................................................................................................526 Obtaining Call Direction...................................................................................527 SpyGetCallInCh ..........................................................................................527 SpyGetCallOutCh........................................................................................527 Obtaining Calling and Called Party Numbers ..................................................528 SpyGetCallerId ............................................................................................528 SpyGetCalleeId ...........................................................................................528 Obtaining Hangup Information.........................................................................529 SpyGetHangupInfo......................................................................................529 Obtaining Calling and Called Party Number Types .........................................529 SpyGetCallerType .......................................................................................529 SpyGetCalleeType ......................................................................................530 Obtaining Digital Trunk State ...........................................................................530 SpyGetLinkStatus .......................................................................................530 Obtaining Original Signaling Messages from SS7 Call State Machine ............531 SsmGetSs7SpyMsu ....................................................................................531 Obtaining Connection Number ........................................................................532 SpyGetConId...............................................................................................532
2.25 Functions for DST Series Recording Boards (REC Series) ..........................................532
2.25.1 SsmGetDstChSNRofUplink ................................................................................532
2.25.2 SsmGetDstChSNRofDownlink............................................................................533
2.25.3 SsmGetDstChVoltageState ................................................................................533
2.26 Functions for PCM1280E Recording Board (REC Series) ............................................534
2.26.1 SsmGetPcm32LineState ....................................................................................534
2.27 Functions for IPR Series Products (REC Series) ..........................................................535
2.27.1 Functions for SynIPRecorder..............................................................................535 SsmIPRSetRecVolume ...................................................................................535 SsmIPRSetMixerType .....................................................................................535 SsmIPRGetMixerType .....................................................................................536 SsmIPRGetRecSlaverCount ...........................................................................536 SsmIPRGetRecSlaverList ...............................................................................537 SsmIPRGetRecSlaverInfo ...............................................................................537 SsmIPRStartRecSlaver ...................................................................................538 SsmIPRCloseRecSlaver .................................................................................538 SsmIPRActiveSession.....................................................................................539 SsmIPRDeActiveSession ................................................................................540 SsmIPRActiveAndRecToFile ...........................................................................541 SsmIPRDeActiveAndStopRecToFile ...............................................................541 SsmGetUSBKeySerial.....................................................................................542 SsmIsBoardIPR...............................................................................................542 SsmIPRConnectToSlaver ................................................................................543

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Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.27.2 Functions for SynIPAnalyzer...............................................................................543 SsmIPRAddProtocol........................................................................................543 SsmIPRRmvProtocol.......................................................................................544 SsmIPRGetProtocol ........................................................................................545 SsmIPRGetStationCount .................................................................................545 SsmIPRGetStationList.....................................................................................546 SsmIPRGetStationInfo ....................................................................................546 SsmIPRGetStationInfoEx ................................................................................547 SsmIPRSendSession ......................................................................................547 SsmIPRStopSendSession ...............................................................................548 SsmIPRGetSessionInfo...................................................................................548 SsmIPRGetMonitorType..................................................................................549 SsmIPRSetMonitorType ..................................................................................549 SsmIPRAddStationToMap ...............................................................................550 SsmIPRAddStationToMapEx ...........................................................................551 SsmIPRRmvStationFromMap..........................................................................551 SsmIPRRmvStationFromMapEx .....................................................................552 SsmIPRChkForward........................................................................................553 SsmIPRGetCallInfo .........................................................................................553 SsmIPRGetMessageField ...............................................................................554
2.27.3 Structures for IPR Series ....................................................................................554 IPR_Addr.........................................................................................................554 IPR_SLAVERADDR ........................................................................................555 IPR_SessionInfo..............................................................................................555 COMPUTER_INFO .........................................................................................555 IPR_MONITOR_CFGS....................................................................................555 STATION_LIST................................................................................................555 IPR_CALL_INFO.............................................................................................556 IPR_CALL_INFOEX ........................................................................................556 StationInfoEx ...................................................................................................556
2.28 CODEC Transcoding Functions ....................................................................................557
2.28.1 fPcm_Mp3ConvertALaw .....................................................................................557
2.28.2 fPcm_Mp3ConvertULaw .....................................................................................557
2.28.3 fPcm_AdpcmToAlaw...........................................................................................558
2.28.4 fPcm_AdpcmToGsm ...........................................................................................558
2.28.5 fPcm_AdpcmToMp3............................................................................................558
2.28.6 fPcm_AlawToUlaw ..............................................................................................559
2.28.7 fPcm_UlawToAlaw ..............................................................................................559
2.28.8 fPcm_MemAdpcmToALAW.................................................................................559
2.28.9 fPcm_MemAdpcmToULAW ................................................................................560
2.28.10 fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16 .................................................................................560
2.28.11 fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16_16K.........................................................................560
2.28.12 fPcm_ALawConvertPcm8 ...................................................................................560
2.28.13 fPCM_AlawConvertGC8 .....................................................................................561

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Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.28.14 fPcm_ALawConvertMp3 .....................................................................................561

2.28.15 fPcm_ULawConvertMp3 .....................................................................................562
2.28.16 fPcm_GetDtmfAndMskFromMp3 ........................................................................562
2.28.17 fPcm_ALawToVox...............................................................................................564
2.28.18 fPcm_MemAlawToPcm8.....................................................................................564
2.28.19 fPcm_MemAlawToPcm16...................................................................................564
2.28.20 fPcm_MemAlawToPcm16_16K ..........................................................................565
2.28.21 fPcm_MemGSMToPcm16 ..................................................................................566
2.28.22 fPcm_MemGSMToPcm8 ....................................................................................566
2.28.23 fPcm_MemGSMToUlaw......................................................................................567
2.28.24 fPcm_Pcm16ConvertALaw .................................................................................568
2.28.25 fPcm_Pcm16_16KconvertALaw .........................................................................568
2.28.26 fPcm_MemPcm8ToAlaw.....................................................................................569
2.28.27 fPcm_MemAlawToUlaw ......................................................................................569
2.28.28 fPcm_MemUlawtoAlaw .......................................................................................570
2.28.29 fPcm_MemPcm16ToAlaw...................................................................................570
2.28.30 fPcm_MemPcm16_16KtoAlaw ...........................................................................571
2.28.31 fPcm_GC8Convert..............................................................................................571
2.28.32 fPcm_Vox6KTo8K...............................................................................................571
2.28.33 fPcm_Vox8KTo6K...............................................................................................572
2.28.34 fPcm_ULawConvertGSM....................................................................................572
2.28.35 fPCM_Pcm16ConvertG729A ..............................................................................573
2.28.36 fPcm_Pcm8ConvertGSM....................................................................................573
2.28.37 fPcm_GSMToMp3...............................................................................................574
2.28.38 fPcm_G729AConvert..........................................................................................575
2.28.39 fPCM_MemULawToG729A.................................................................................576
2.28.40 fPcm_MemMp3ToPcm16....................................................................................576
2.28.41 fPcm_MemG729AToPcm8..................................................................................577
2.28.42 fPcm_MemG729AToPcm16................................................................................577
2.28.43 fPcm_GetLastErrMsg .........................................................................................578
2.28.44 fPcm_Close ........................................................................................................578
2.29 Faxing Functions (CTI Series) ......................................................................................579
2.29.1 Setting Faxing Parameters .................................................................................579 SsmFaxSetChSpeed .......................................................................................579 SsmFaxSetMaxSpeed.....................................................................................579 SsmFaxSetID ..................................................................................................580
2.29.2 Transmitting Fax .................................................................................................580 SsmFaxStartSend ...........................................................................................580 SsmFaxStartSendEx .......................................................................................580 SsmFaxSendMultiFile .....................................................................................581 SsmFaxSendMultiFileEx .................................................................................581 SsmFaxAppendSend ......................................................................................583
2.29.3 Receiving Fax .....................................................................................................583 SsmFaxStartReceive .......................................................................................583

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Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.29.4 Stopping Faxing ..................................................................................................584 SsmFaxStop ....................................................................................................584
2.29.5 Obtaining Faxing Information..............................................................................585 SsmFaxGetSpeed ...........................................................................................585 SsmFaxCheckEnd...........................................................................................585 SsmFaxGetDcnTag .........................................................................................586 SsmFaxGetChStateMsg ..................................................................................586 SsmFaxGetPages ...........................................................................................587 SsmFaxGetFailReason ...................................................................................587 SsmFaxGetID..................................................................................................589 SsmFaxGetMode ............................................................................................589 SsmFaxGetAllBytes ........................................................................................590 SsmFaxGetSendBytes ....................................................................................590 SsmFaxGetRcvBytes ......................................................................................591 SsmFaxGetCodeMode ....................................................................................591
2.29.6 Relative Operations on .tif File............................................................................592 fBmp_ValidateFaxFile......................................................................................592 fBmp_SetHeaderFormat .................................................................................592 fBmp_AddTxtToTif ...........................................................................................593 fBmp_AddTxtToTif_Big....................................................................................594 fBmp_UniteTif..................................................................................................595 fBmp_CutTifHeader.........................................................................................595 fBmp_GetFileAllPage ......................................................................................596

3 SynCTI Driver Configuration.............................................................................................597

3.1 System Configuration File ShConfig.ini.........................................................................597

3.1.1 Essential Configuration Items .............................................................................597 Setting Total Number of Boards ..........................................................................597 TotalBoards ...................................................................................................597 WhoSupplySysClock.....................................................................................597 Setting Channel Number ....................................................................................598 TotalAppCh ...................................................................................................598 AppCh...........................................................................................................598 Setting Board Information ...................................................................................598 BoardModel ..................................................................................................598 BoardSerialNumber ......................................................................................598 SHD/DTP Series.................................................................................................599 Setting Board Reset Feature ........................................................................599 ResetBoardOnClose ...............................................................................599 Setting Parameters of Digital Trunk ..............................................................599 PcmNumber............................................................................................599 PcmSSx ..................................................................................................599 PcmClockMode.......................................................................................599 PcmLinkType ..........................................................................................599 IsdnAutoBuildLink ...................................................................................599

Contents xxvi
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd CRC-4.....................................................................................................599 Loopback ................................................................................................601 SpySyncAndCCS....................................................................................601 framing....................................................................................................603 coding ...................................................................................................603 syncc.....................................................................................................603 Setting Logical PCM Number........................................................................604 TotalPcm .................................................................................................604 Pcm ........................................................................................................604 2PcmIn1Line...........................................................................................605 Setting SpyPCM Number (DTP Series) ........................................................605 TotalSpyPcm ...........................................................................................605 SpyPcm...................................................................................................605 SpyT1TransE1Line .................................................................................607 Setting SpyCIC Number (DTP Series) ..........................................................607 TotalAppSpyCIC......................................................................................607 AppSpyCIC .............................................................................................607 Essential Configuration Items for SS7 (DTP Series).....................................607 TotalSpyLinkSet......................................................................................607 SpyLinkSet..............................................................................................608 TotalSpyLinkPcm....................................................................................608 SpyLinkPcm............................................................................................608 SpyCICPcm ............................................................................................608 SpySpCodeLen .......................................................................................608 SpyIsupCICPcm .....................................................................................608 Essential Configuration Items for SS7 (SHD Series) ....................................609 Setting Digital Trunk Using ISUP Protocol ..............................................609 TotalIsupPcm ....................................................................................609 IsupPcm............................................................................................609 Essential Configuration Items for ISDN (SHD Series)...................................610 Setting Operating Mode ..........................................................................610 UseISDNMode..................................................................................610 Setting Digital Trunk Using ISDN Signaling (User Side) .........................610 TotalUserLinker.................................................................................610 UserPcmLink ....................................................................................610 UserSendEstablish ...........................................................................610 UserTEIValue....................................................................................610 Setting Digital Trunk Using ISDN Signaling (Network Side).................... 611 TotalNetLinker................................................................................... 611 NetPcmLink ...................................................................................... 611 NetSendEstablish ............................................................................. 611 NetTEIValue...................................................................................... 611 Essential Configuration Items for China SS1 (SHD Series) ..........................612 ProtocolType...........................................................................................612

Contents xxvii
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SHN Series .........................................................................................................612 Common Configuration Items for SHN Series ..............................................612 LocalSipIp ...............................................................................................612 LocalSipPort ...........................................................................................613 Essential Configuration Items for SHN A Series ...........................................613 Setting Protocol Type..............................................................................613 ProtocolType.....................................................................................613 Essential Configuration Items for SIP .....................................................613 RTPRange ........................................................................................613 AudioCodecList.................................................................................613 SendDtmfType ..................................................................................614 RecvDtmfType ..................................................................................614 Essential Configuration Items for SHN B Series ...........................................614 Essential Configuration Items for SIP .....................................................614 BoardIP.............................................................................................614 SubMask...........................................................................................614 Gateway ...........................................................................................614 DNS ..................................................................................................614 AudioCodecList.................................................................................615 RTPRange ........................................................................................615 SendSipMsg .....................................................................................615 SendDtmfType ..................................................................................615 RecvDtmfType ..................................................................................616 Essential Configuration Items for DST Series (REC Series only) .......................616 PBXType.......................................................................................................616 PhoneType....................................................................................................617 DstRecRawData ...........................................................................................617 SetAnalogCtrlEnable.....................................................................................617 AnalogCtrl .....................................................................................................617 SetVoxChSelectEnable.................................................................................618 VoxChSelect .................................................................................................619 SetFilterSwitchEnable...................................................................................619 FilterSwitch ...................................................................................................619 SetVoltageReferenceEnable .......................................................................620 VoltageReference........................................................................................620 Essential Configuration Items for IPR Series (REC Series only) ........................620 Essential Configuration Items for SynIPRecorder in Master .........................620 RecMasterIP ...........................................................................................620 RecMasterPort........................................................................................620 RTPTimeOut ...........................................................................................621 Essential Configuration Items for SynIPAnalyzer..........................................621 MonitorNIC..............................................................................................621 ForwardIP ...............................................................................................621 ForwardPort ............................................................................................621

Contents xxviii
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd MonitorType ............................................................................................621 RTPTimeOut ...........................................................................................622
3.1.2 Common Configuration Items .............................................................................622 Setting Protocol for SHD/DTP Series Board .......................................................622 CardType ......................................................................................................622 Setting Events Thrown out by Driver...................................................................622 DefaultEventOutput.......................................................................................622 OvrlEnrgEventOut.........................................................................................623 Setting Depth of Internal Event Queue ...............................................................623 MaxEventPerChannel ...................................................................................623 MaxUserEventSize .......................................................................................623 Setting General Parameters for State Machine...................................................623 MaxWaitAutoDialAnswerTime.......................................................................623 RingToPending .............................................................................................624 AutoClearCallerIdBufOnHangup ...................................................................624 AutomaticAisGeneration ...............................................................................625 AutomaticRaiGereration................................................................................625 IgnoreBlockInGra ..........................................................................................625 AllowTimeoutInSpyISDN ...............................................................................626 Setting Voice CODECs on Digital Lines..............................................................626 DefaultVoiceFormat ......................................................................................626 Setting Tone Detector .........................................................................................626 Setting Start/stop of Tone Detector on Digital Voice Board ...........................626 DefaultToneCheckState ..........................................................................626 Setting Parameters of Noise Filter ................................................................627 MinimumVoiceDetermineEnergy.............................................................627 Setting Parameters of DTMF Pulse-width Filter ............................................627 ToneHighFilterPoint ................................................................................627 ToneLowFilterPoint .................................................................................627 Setting 1st Call Progress Tone Detector .......................................................627 Setting Parameters of Frequency Detector.............................................627 TonePara ..........................................................................................627 Setting Parameters of Dial Tone Detector...............................................628 IsDialToneDetermineTime.................................................................628 Setting Parameters of Echo Tone Detector.............................................628 RingEchoTonePara...........................................................................628 Setting Parameters of Busy Tone Detector .............................................628 BusyTonePeriod................................................................................628 IsBusyToneDetermineCount .............................................................628 Setting Parameters for Kewl Start...........................................................629 EnableKewlStart ...............................................................................629 KSVoltageThreshold .........................................................................629 KSKeepTime.....................................................................................629 Setting Parameters of User-defined Tone Detector ................................629

Contents xxix
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd AppointedToneAnalyzerSwitch .........................................................629 IsAppointedToneDetermineTime.......................................................630 AppointedTonePara ..........................................................................630 IsAppointedToneDetermineCount .....................................................630 Setting 2nd Call Progress Tone Detector ......................................................630 Setting Operating Status .........................................................................630 Enable2ndToneAnalyzer...................................................................630 Check2ndToneOnAutoDial ...............................................................631 Setting Parameters of Frequency Detector.............................................631 2ndTonePara ....................................................................................631 Setting Parameters of Dial Tone Detector...............................................631 2ndIsDialToneDetermineTime...........................................................631 Setting Parameters of Echo Tone Detector.............................................631 2ndRingEchoTonePara.....................................................................631 Setting Parameters of Busy Tone Detector .............................................632 2ndBusyTonePeriod..........................................................................632 2ndIsBusyToneDetermineCount .......................................................632 MaxBsTnOffTime ..............................................................................632 Setting Parameters of User-defined Tone Detector ................................632 2ndAppointedToneAnalyzerSwitch ...................................................632 2ndIsAppointedToneDetermineTime.................................................632 2ndAppointedTonePara ....................................................................633 2ndIsAppointedToneDetermineCount ...............................................633 Setting Fax Progress Tone Detector .............................................................633 VoiceFreqF1Para....................................................................................633 VoiceFreqF2Para....................................................................................633 Setting Simplified Busy Tone Detector ..........................................................634 Setting Operating Status .........................................................................634 ToneAnalyzeAtRcvFsk......................................................................634 Setting Parameters of Noise Filter ..........................................................634 TAARFDetermineEnergy ..................................................................634 Setting Way to Detect Ringback Tones .........................................................634 Setting Way to Detect Ringback Tones ...................................................634 IsEchoQuickDetect ...........................................................................634 Sets Allowance Error in Detecting Echo Tone at On State ......................635 EchoOnTolerance .............................................................................635 Setting Allowance Error in Detecting Echo Tone at Off State ..................635 EchoOffTolerance .............................................................................635 Setting CCIR Tone Detector..........................................................................635 CCIREnableDetector ..............................................................................635 Setting Answering Machine Detector ..................................................................636 EnableAMD...................................................................................................636 AMDNoSoundAfterDialTime .........................................................................636 AMDNoSoundTime .......................................................................................636

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Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd AMDTimeOut ................................................................................................637 AMDToneCount.............................................................................................637 AMDTOn .......................................................................................................637 AMDTOff .......................................................................................................637 AMDTimeA....................................................................................................637 AMDTimeB....................................................................................................638 AMDTimeC..................................................................................................638 AMDTimeD..................................................................................................638 AMDSilentEnergy........................................................................................638 Setting Enhanced Tone Detector ........................................................................638 ToneDetectorMode........................................................................................638 VoiceOffDetermineTime ................................................................................639 MaxToneDetectorItem...................................................................................639 ToneDetectorItem..........................................................................................639 Setting Tone Generator(CTI Series) ...................................................................643 DefaultSendToneFrequence .........................................................................643 DefaultSendToneVolume ..............................................................................643 Setting Teleconferencing Parameters (CTI Series) .........................................643 ClearInVoiceOnRxDtmf ...............................................................................643 ClearInVoiceOnRx450Hz ............................................................................644 ConfMaxGroup............................................................................................644 ConfDefaultMaxGroupMember ...................................................................644 ConfDefaultMaxGroupSpeaker ...................................................................644 ConfDefaultMaxGroupSpeaking..................................................................645 ConfJoinedbyEnergy...................................................................................645 ConfMaxListener .........................................................................................645 ConfDefaultMaxSilenceTime.......................................................................645 BackgroundVoicePriority ...........................................................................645 PlayVoiceIsListen ......................................................................................646 QuitDynKeepingInConf..............................................................................646 Setting Voice Playing Operation ......................................................................646 Setting Termination Condition of Voice Playing ...........................................646 DefaultDtmfStopPlay .............................................................................646 DtmfStopPlayCharSet ...........................................................................647 HangupStopPlay ...................................................................................647 DefaultBargeInStopPlay ........................................................................647 Setting Internal Playback Buffer ..................................................................648 PlayBufSize...........................................................................................648 Setting Parameters of Voice Playing in File List Mode ................................648 MaxPlayFileList .....................................................................................648 Setting Parameters of Voice Playing in Preload File Mode .........................648 MaxPlayIndexList ..................................................................................648 Setting Parameters of Voice Playing in Buffer List Mode ............................648 MaxPlayMemList...................................................................................648

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Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Parameters of Voice Playing in Single File Mode............................649 FastPlayTime ........................................................................................649 Setting Volume of Voice Playing..................................................................649 DefaultPlayVolume................................................................................649 Setting Encoding Format of Voice Playing ..................................................649 DefaultPlayFormat ................................................................................649 Setting Other Parameters of Voice Playing .................................................650 DefaultPausePlayOnRxDtmf .................................................................650 PlayFilterFlag ........................................................................................650 Setting Recording Operation ...........................................................................650 Setting Termination Condition of Voice Recording ......................................650 DtmfStopRecCharSet............................................................................650 HangupStopRec....................................................................................651 Setting Recording Signal Sources...............................................................651 DefaultRecordVolume ...........................................................................651 DefaultRecordMixerVolume ..................................................................651 Setting Tail-Truncation Feature for File Recording ......................................652 TruncateTailOnRecordToFile.................................................................652 Setting Encoding Format of Voice Recording..............................................652 DefaultRecordFormat............................................................................652 Setting Internal Recording Buffer ................................................................653 RecordBufSize ......................................................................................653 Setting WAV Format for Recording .............................................................653 RecAsWavFormat .................................................................................653 Mp3IsOnlyRead ....................................................................................653 Setting AGC Parameters.............................................................................653 AGCMAXGAIN......................................................................................653 AGCMINGAIN.......................................................................................653 AGCMAXGAINUPLINK.........................................................................653 AGCMINGAINUPLINK ..........................................................................653 AGCMAXGAINDOWNLINK ..................................................................654 AGCMINGAINDOWNLINK....................................................................654 AGCMAXLEVEL ...................................................................................654 AGCMINLEVEL ....................................................................................654 AGCMAXLEVELUPLINK ......................................................................654 AGCMINLEVELUPLINK......................................................................654 AGCMAXLEVELDOWNLINK ..............................................................655 AGCMINLEVELDOWNLINK ...............................................................655 AGCDOWNRATIO ..............................................................................655 AGCUPRATIO.....................................................................................655 AGCDOWNRATIOUPLINK .................................................................655 AGCUPRATIOUPLINK........................................................................656 AGCDOWNRATIODOWNLINK ...........................................................656 AGCUPRATIODOWNLINK .................................................................656

Contents xxxii
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd AGCKEEPTIME ..................................................................................656 OpenRecEnAndPlayEnOnIdle ............................................................656 AutoRecAgcSwitch..............................................................................657 Setting Other Parameters ...........................................................................657 RecEliDTDurTalking .............................................................................657 Setting Bit Rate for MP3 Recording ............................................................657 Mp3EncodingBitRate ............................................................................657 Setting Parameters Required for Both Recording and Playing Operations .....658 Setting Minimum Size of Pingpong Buffer Area...........................................658 RecordAndPlayUseAsIP .......................................................................658 Setting Playing Type in Pingpong Buffer Mode ...........................................658 BlockPlayType ......................................................................................658 Setting Software-based GSM Format .........................................................658 GsmCodecEnable .................................................................................658 Setting DTMF Detector....................................................................................659 Starting/Stopping DTMF Detector................................................................659 AlwaysEnableRxDtmf ...........................................................................659 RcvDtmfOnIdle......................................................................................659 Setting Buffer Size for DTMF Detector........................................................659 RxDtmfBufSize......................................................................................659 Setting Parameters of DTMF Filter..............................................................660 DualAndAllFreqEnScale........................................................................660 HighAndLowFreqEnScale .....................................................................660 DtmfEnergy ...........................................................................................660 DTMFFreqOffset ...................................................................................661 Setting Parameters of DTMF Pulse-width Filter ..........................................661 ReceiveDtmfSensitive ...........................................................................661 OmitABCD ............................................................................................662 DtrmOnDtmfHighLevel ..........................................................................662 Setting DTMF Generator (CTI Series).............................................................663 Setting Size of Transmission Buffer Area ....................................................663 TxDtmfBufSize ......................................................................................663 Setting Parameters for DTMF Generator ....................................................663 TxDtmfTimePara ...................................................................................663 DefaultTxDelayTime..............................................................................663 Setting Echo Canceller (CTI Series)................................................................663 Setting Operating Status .............................................................................663 EnableEchoCancellor ...........................................................................663 Setting Parameters .....................................................................................664 EchoCancelDelaySize ..........................................................................664 Setting Barge-in Detector (CTI Series)............................................................664 Setting Way to Start Barge-in Detector........................................................664 AlwaysDetectBargeIn............................................................................664 Setting Parameters for Barge-in Detector ...................................................665

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Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd VoiceEnergyMinValue ...........................................................................665 BargeInSensitive...................................................................................665 BargeInDtrmTime..................................................................................665 IsNoSoundDtrmTime.............................................................................665 DefaultDtmfIsSound ..............................................................................666 Setting TDM Connection .................................................................................666 InVoiceToBus ..............................................................................................666 LinkFromStopPlayAndTone.........................................................................666 DefaultSpeakVolume...................................................................................667 EnableCommonTimeSlot ............................................................................667 Setting Caller ID Detector for Analog Phone Line (SHT+ATP Series)............667 Setting Operating Mode of Caller ID Detector.............................................667 CallerIdStyle..........................................................................................667 Setting Parameters for FSK Mode ..............................................................668 CloseCallerIdOnReceived.....................................................................668 FSKCallerIdDtrmTime ...........................................................................668 FilterInvalidCID .....................................................................................668 FSKMinGate .........................................................................................669 FskNoPhase .........................................................................................669 Setting Parameters for DTMF Mode ...........................................................669 DtmfCallerIDStyleLength.......................................................................669 DtmfCallerIDInterTimeOut.....................................................................669 Setting Ringing Current Signal Detector (SHT+ATP Series) ...........................670 RingDetectFilterPara...................................................................................670 CallBackRingDetectFilterPara.....................................................................670 RingEndDtrTime..........................................................................................671 AlwaysToRingingOnRingCntX.....................................................................671 ChToRingingOnRingCnt..............................................................................672 Setting FSK Transceiver (CTI Series) .............................................................672 Setting Parameters for FSK Transceiver.....................................................672 FreqBit0 ................................................................................................672 FreqBit1 ................................................................................................672 Baudrate ...............................................................................................672 MdlAmp.................................................................................................672 Setting FSK Transceiver (CTI Series) .............................................................673 FskMarkSignal ............................................................................................673 FskFrameMode ...........................................................................................673 FskEchoCancelDelay..................................................................................673 Setting Parameters for Fax Channel ...............................................................674 MaxSpeed ...................................................................................................674 RcvDisTime.................................................................................................674 ResendForRTN ...........................................................................................674 ResetRcvForRTN........................................................................................674 KeepPageForRTN.......................................................................................675

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Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd PercentageForRTN .....................................................................................675 FaxCodeMode ............................................................................................675 FaxSendDisTime.........................................................................................675 Setting Voltage Detector..................................................................................676 Ignoring Detected Result of Voltage Detector .............................................676 IgnoreLineVoltage .................................................................................676 Setting Voltage Threshold for Ring Detection..............................................676 JudgeLineVoltage .................................................................................676 Setting Judgement on Pickup/Hangup ........................................................676 IsHangupDtrmVoltage ...........................................................................676 LineOncnt..............................................................................................677 Setting Off-line Detection ............................................................................677 OffLineSet .............................................................................................677 OffLineDetermineTime ..........................................................................677 Setting Effect of Polarity Reversal Signal ....................................................677 DisablePolarReverse ............................................................................677 Setting Threshold Voltage to Ignore Interfering Signal ................................678 PolarIgnore ...........................................................................................678 Setting Speaker of USB Recording/voice Box .................................................678 USBLine0Output .........................................................................................678 Common Configuration Item for SHT Series (CTI Series) ...............................679 Special Configuration Item for Analog Trunk Channel .................................679 Setting Analog Trunk Channel to Be Recording Channel......................679 SetAnalogChToRecCh ....................................................................679 Setting Parameters for Outgoing Call ...................................................679 MaxWaitDialToneTime ....................................................................679 Setting Flash Signal and Duration...............................................................679 DefaultTxFlashChar ..............................................................................679 DefaultTxFlashTime ..............................................................................680 Remote Pickup Detector .......................................................................680 Setting Parameters for Ordinary Remote Pickup Detector..............680 WaitAfterDialTime .....................................................................680 MaxWaitVocAfterEcho ..............................................................680 VoiceOnDetermineTime ............................................................680 EchoNoVoiceToTalking .............................................................681 Setting Parameters for Enhanced Remote Pickup Detector ...........681 RelativeEngyHookDetect ..........................................................681 HookEngyConfigMulti ...............................................................681 HookValidEngyCnt ....................................................................681 Special Configuration Item for Station Channel ...........................................682 AutoSendDialTone ................................................................................682 StopSendDialToneOnDtmf ....................................................................682 MaxLocalFlashTime ..............................................................................683 UserOnHookFilterTime .........................................................................683

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Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd UserChGenerateRingMode...................................................................684 UserSendPolar......................................................................................684 Special Configuration Item for Fax Channel................................................684 MaxFaxChannel....................................................................................684 DSP3WORKMODE...............................................................................684 Special Configuration Item for Composite Module ......................................685 UnimoduleState ....................................................................................685 Special Configuration Item for Non-module channel ...................................685 NoModuleChBusRec ............................................................................685 Magnet Channel..........................................................................................686 IsMagnetModule ...................................................................................686 Common Configuration Item for SHD Series (CTI Series) ..............................686 Setting Number-receiving Rule for Incoming Call .......................................686 DefaultRcvPhoNumLen.........................................................................686 DefaultRcvCallerID ...............................................................................686 RcvPhoNumCfgLen ..............................................................................686 MaxPhoNumRule ..................................................................................687 Rule ......................................................................................................687 MfcLenCtrlPos ......................................................................................688 MfcLengthTable.....................................................................................688 CallerIdEnTable.....................................................................................688 Setting ‘Auto-answer of Incoming Call’ Feature ..........................................689 AutoSendKB .........................................................................................689 AutoSendACM ......................................................................................689 UserSideAutoSendAck..........................................................................689 NetSideAutoSendAck ...........................................................................689 Setting Calling Party Number for Outgoing Call ..........................................690 TxCallerId..............................................................................................690 CalloutCallerId ......................................................................................690 SetSTSignal ..........................................................................................690 Setting Called Party Number for Outgoing Call ...........................................690 SetCalledSTSignal ................................................................................690 Connecting to Channel Bank ......................................................................691 UsageMode...........................................................................................691 CBProtocolType ....................................................................................692 CBChannelType....................................................................................693 CBChangeChannelType .......................................................................693 Setting Board Operating Mode....................................................................693 RunAsSpy .............................................................................................693 Advanced Setting for SS1 ...........................................................................693 Selecting Country..................................................................................693 mfcr2_Protocol................................................................................693 Setting R2 Parameters for SS1 Connection..........................................694 tonesgroupA....................................................................................694

Contents xxxvi
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd tonesgroupB....................................................................................695 Tonesendofinfo................................................................................695 Tonesanswer...................................................................................695 Tonesrepeatrequest ........................................................................695 TonesAnswerA ................................................................................696 Setting Basic Parameters for SS1 Connection......................................696 TxCas_CD ......................................................................................696 RxCASFilterTime ............................................................................696 MaxWaitMfcTime ............................................................................697 RxR2FilterTime ...............................................................................697 LSRingTimeout ...............................................................................697 Setting Operating Mode of SS1 Channel State Machine.......................697 EnableAutoCall ...............................................................................697 AutoCallInTimeSlot .........................................................................698 Setting Parameters for China SS1 State Machine ................................698 MfcKB .............................................................................................698 MaxWaitSetKBTime ........................................................................698 MaxWaitKDTime .............................................................................698 PcmSyncMask ................................................................................699 PhoNumHoldup...............................................................................699 A1ToA3pWaitTime ..........................................................................699 A3pTime..........................................................................................699 Setting Parameters in State Machine for Outgoing Call ..................700 MaxWaitOccupyAckTime ..........................................................700 MfcKD .......................................................................................700 MfcKA .......................................................................................700 MaxWaitKBTime .......................................................................700 Connecting with Dialogic SS1 Channel...........................................700 ToRingingDelayTime.................................................................700 RepeatPhoNumOn1stR2bwdIsA5 ............................................701 Setting Remote Blocked at Application’s Exit ................................701 IsBlockSS1In...........................................................................701 Outputting Debugging Information.................................................701 MfcR2ToRxCallerIdBuf ............................................................701 Setting Parameters for LineSide Protocol .............................................702 LSWaitPickupTime..........................................................................702 Ss1SendIdleState ...........................................................................702 LSTxCas .........................................................................................702 Advanced Setting for SS7 ...........................................................................703 Setting TS16 Property...........................................................................703 UseTS16AsCircuit...........................................................................703 Ss7SignalingTS ..............................................................................703 Setting Corresponding Characters for Spare Address Codes ...............704 AddressSignal.................................................................................704

Contents xxxvii
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting IP Address of SS7 Server .........................................................705 Ss7ServerIP....................................................................................705 SecondServerIP..............................................................................705 Setting IP Address of Local PC .............................................................705 LocalIP............................................................................................705 SS7 Server Outputting Data on Voice Time Slot ...................................705 LoadShp_a3AsSIU .........................................................................705 Setting SS7 Circuit for Digital Trunk ......................................................706 Ss7CircuitMap[pcm]........................................................................706 Advanced Configuration Item for TUP...................................................706 Setting Range Field in Circuit Group Message ...............................706 SendGRMRange ......................................................................706 HangupRingSendCBK ..............................................................707 Incoming Call: Customizing ACM Message ....................................707 DefaultACM ..............................................................................707 Incoming Call: Customizing GRQ Message ....................................707 ReqTypeIndicators ....................................................................707 Outgoing Call: Customizing IAI/IAM Message ................................708 ConnectReqMsg .......................................................................708 CalloutIAM_CAT .......................................................................708 CalloutIAM_MsgPntr .................................................................709 CallingIndicatorBit .....................................................................710 OriginalCalleeAddrInd...............................................................710 CallerAddrInd............................................................................ 711 Outgoing Call: Setting Way to Reply with GRQ Message ............... 711 AutoSendGSM.......................................................................... 711 Not Using SynCTI-provided TUP State Machine............................. 711 AutoHandleTup ......................................................................... 711 Outputting Debugging Information ..................................................712 DebugViewTupCallProc ............................................................712 Advanced Configuration Item for ISUP .................................................712 Incoming Call: Customizing Message Type Used by Local End to
Reply Incoming Call ...............................................................................................712 DefaultCalledPickupMsg...........................................................712 Incoming Call: Customizing Backward Call Indicator ......................712 DefaultBackwardCallInd............................................................712 Incoming Call: Customizing REL Message .....................................713 DefaultHangupRELInd ..............................................................713 DefaultCauseInd .......................................................................714 Incoming Call: Setting Other Parameters........................................715 SaveRGNTo1stPhoNumStr.......................................................715 Outgoing Call: Customizing IAM Message......................................715 DefaultNatureOfConnectionInd.................................................715 DefaultIAM_ForwardCallInd......................................................715

Contents xxxviii
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd DefaultIAM_CAT .......................................................................715 DefaultIAM_TransmissionMediumRequirment..........................715 DefaultIAM_CalleeParam .........................................................716 DefaultIAM_CallerParam ..........................................................716 DefaultIAM_OriginalCalleeParam .............................................717 DefaultIAM_RedirectingNumber ...............................................717 bSubscriberSI ...........................................................................718 SubscriberSI ...........................................................................718 bOptionalFCI ...........................................................................718 OptionalFCI.............................................................................718 Usr2UsrInfo.............................................................................719 LocationNumber......................................................................719 Outgoing Call: Setting Way to Reply with INF Message .................719 AutoSendINF ............................................................................719 Outgoing Call: Setting Maximum Waiting Time for ACM Message..720 MaxWaitACMTime ....................................................................720 Setting Maximum Waiting Time for Auto State Transferring from
Pending to Idle .......................................................................................................720 MaxWaitPendingToIdleTime .....................................................720 Replacing WaitRlc by Pending........................................................720 WaitRlcToPending.....................................................................720 Not Using SynCTI-provided ISUP State Machine..........................720 AutoHandleIsup ......................................................................720 CircuitReset ............................................................................721 Advanced Configuration Item for SCCP................................................721 AutoHandleSccp .............................................................................721 Setting Way to Output SS7 MSU.........................................................721 GetMsuOnAutoHandle ..................................................................721 Setting Way to Handle SS7 MTP2 MSU..............................................721 AppHandleMtp2Msu......................................................................721 Configuration Items for SS7 High Load System ..................................722 RefreshWatchDogInSys ................................................................722 ReplySLTAInSys............................................................................722 Advanced Setting for ISDN .........................................................................722 Setting ISDN Processing Mode.............................................................722 AutoHandleIsdn ..............................................................................722 Setting Parameters for User-side/Network-side Digital Trunk ...............723 UserCrcMode..................................................................................723 NetCrcMode....................................................................................723 UserChIdentify ................................................................................723 NetChIdentify ..................................................................................723 UserVoiceFormat ............................................................................723 NetVoiceFormat ..............................................................................723 UserRestarTime ..............................................................................724

Contents xxxix
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd NetRestarTime ................................................................................724 UserEstablishTime ..........................................................................724 NetEstablishTime ..........................................................................724 Setting Parameters for Outgoing Call ...................................................725 UserCalledNoSet ............................................................................725 NetCalledNoSet ..............................................................................725 UserCallingNoSet ...........................................................................725 NetCallingNoSet .............................................................................725 UserNumIsFull ................................................................................725 NetNumIsFull ..................................................................................726 UserChPreference ..........................................................................726 NetChPreference ............................................................................726 UserHighLayerCompatible ..............................................................726 NetHighLayerCompatible ..............................................................726 UserLowLayerCompatible .............................................................726 NetLowLayerCompatible ...............................................................727 UserDialTime ................................................................................727 NetDialTime ..................................................................................727 TransferCapability .........................................................................727 PresentNumber .............................................................................727 UserT303 ......................................................................................728 NetT303 ........................................................................................728 UserT304 ......................................................................................728 NetT304 ........................................................................................728 UserWaitAfterCallProceeding........................................................728 NetWaitAfterCallProceeding..........................................................728 UserTxCallingPartyNum................................................................729 NetTxCallingPartyNum..................................................................729 Setting Parameters for Incoming Call ...................................................729 UserSideDefaultAckTimer...............................................................729 UserSideDefaultAck........................................................................729 NetSideDefaultAckTimer.................................................................729 NetSideDefaultAck..........................................................................729 UserIsReceivePhoNum...................................................................730 NetIsReceivePhoNum.....................................................................730 UserIsSendChIdentify .....................................................................730 NetIsSendChIdentify .......................................................................730 UserT302 ........................................................................................731 NetT302 ........................................................................................731 UserT313 ......................................................................................731 ProgressExt...................................................................................731 Setting Timers .......................................................................................732 UserT305 ........................................................................................732 NetT305 ..........................................................................................732

Contents xl
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd NetT306 ..........................................................................................732 UserT308 ........................................................................................732 NetT308 ..........................................................................................732 Setting Other Parameters .....................................................................733 WaitHangupTime ............................................................................733 UserStatusReason ..........................................................................733 NetStatusReason ............................................................................733 EnAutoAlert02.................................................................................733 EnAutoAlert03.................................................................................733 GetRedirectionReason....................................................................734 Setting Way to Use DSP Chip ...................................................................734 LoadFskBin .........................................................................................734 Common Configuration Item for SHN Series (CTI Series) ..............................734 Advanced General Settings for SHN Series................................................734 EnableSIPStun......................................................................................734 SIPStunServerIP ...................................................................................734 LogLevel ...............................................................................................735 LogFile ..................................................................................................735 EventThreadNum..................................................................................735 SipCallCheckInterval.............................................................................735 SendOptionsOutCallIP ..........................................................................735 SendOptionsOutCallInterval..................................................................735 RemoteCrashCheckInterval ..................................................................735 IgnoreUserName .................................................................................735 AutoDetectRemoteRTPAddress ..........................................................735 HeartInterval........................................................................................735 UseRport .............................................................................................736 SipTransportProtocol...........................................................................737 RetransmitLost200OK .........................................................................737 RegisterTimeOutSpace .......................................................................737 EnableSetUsername ...........................................................................737 UserName ...........................................................................................737 RegPassword......................................................................................737 Domain................................................................................................737 RegRealm ...........................................................................................737 RegExpires..........................................................................................738 RegStartCh..........................................................................................738 RegEndCh...........................................................................................738 SipTotalMultiRegNum..........................................................................738 UseGroupByIp.....................................................................................739 UseSipKB............................................................................................740 SipProxyAddr ......................................................................................740 SipProxyPort .......................................................................................740 ims.......................................................................................................740

Contents xli
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SipNewRegisterMode..........................................................................740 SipBuildBusyReplaceForbidden..........................................................740 SipFindRingChFromPreRingCh ..........................................................741 SHN A Series ..............................................................................................741 Advanced Setting for SHN A Series ......................................................741 Setting RTP Traversal through NAT and SIP Server .......................741 EnableRTPStun ........................................................................741 StunServerIP.............................................................................741 Register ....................................................................................741 UserName.................................................................................741 RegPassword ...........................................................................741 Domain .....................................................................................741 RegExpires ...............................................................................741 MapIP .......................................................................................742 RegRealm.................................................................................742 SHN B Series ..............................................................................................742 Advanced Setting for SHN B Series......................................................742 Setting RTP Traversal through NAT and SIP Server .......................742 EnableRTPStun ........................................................................742 StunServerIP.............................................................................743 Register ....................................................................................743 UserName.................................................................................743 RegPassword ...........................................................................743 Domain .....................................................................................743 RegExpires ...............................................................................743 MapIP .......................................................................................743 RegRealm.................................................................................743 DscpFlag.................................................................................744 DscpValue ...............................................................................744 Setting RTP Payload.......................................................................744 SizeG711A ................................................................................744 SizeG711U................................................................................744 SizeG729 ..................................................................................744 JitterTime ..................................................................................745 Common Configuration Items for DST Series (REC Series) ...........................745 SupplyBoardClockLine................................................................................745 DEventUpdates ...........................................................................................745 Common Configuration Items for ATP Series (REC Series) ............................746 Setting Input Signal Gain ............................................................................746 MicGain.................................................................................................746 Setting Idle Channel’s Capability of Energy Detection ................................746 EnableIdleChTA ....................................................................................746 Acquiring More Recording Formats.............................................................746 DspCoder..............................................................................................746

Contents xlii
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Prerecord Feature...........................................................................747 PrerecordEnable ...................................................................................747 PrerecordMode .....................................................................................747 PrerecordInsertTime .............................................................................747 PrerecordCodec....................................................................................748 Detecting Dial Pulse....................................................................................748 EnablePulseKeyDetect .........................................................................748 Setting Maximum Duration of Flash Signal .................................................748 MaxRecChFlashFilterTime....................................................................748 Setting Guard Time for Clearing Ringing Signal Counter ............................748 RecChClearRingDelayTime ..................................................................748 Setting Soft-switch Feature .........................................................................749 BusPlayListen .......................................................................................749 Setting MF Detector ....................................................................................749 AlwaysEnableRxMF ..............................................................................749 MFDualAndAllFreqEnScale ..................................................................749 MFFreqOffset ........................................................................................749 Common Configuration Items for DTP Series (REC Series) ...........................750 Saving Monitoring Message to File .............................................................750 Setting Signaling Message Output by SS7 State Machine..........................750 bOpenSpySS7Msu ...............................................................................750 Supporting CorNet Protocol for ISDN Monitoring ........................................750 ISDNProtocolType ................................................................................750 SS1 Monitoring of E1 Networks without R2 Signaling.................................750 SpySs1NoR2 ........................................................................................750 Setting Waiting Time for Channel into Unusable State after Link Async......751 SpyWaitUnavailableTime ......................................................................751 Setting Message Decoding Method ............................................................751 UseHdlc ................................................................................................751 Supporting RBS Protocol for SS1 Monitoring..............................................751 RBSType...............................................................................................751 Common Configuration Items for IPR Series (REC Series).............................752 Advanced Universal Configuration Items for SynIPRecorder in Master ......752 RcvTimeSpan .......................................................................................752 CodecInBufferSize ................................................................................752 SlaverLogLevel .....................................................................................752 SlaverLogType......................................................................................752 RecorderMixerType ..............................................................................752 RecorderJitterBuffer ..............................................................................753 RecorderVolume ...................................................................................753 Configuration Items for SynIPAnalyzer Series IP PBX Monitoring Port.......753 SIP ........................................................................................................753 Cisco SCCP ..........................................................................................754 Avaya H323 ..........................................................................................754

Contents xliii
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Shortel MGCP.......................................................................................755 H323 .....................................................................................................755 Panasonic MGCP .................................................................................756 Toshiba MEGACO ................................................................................756 Siemens H323 ......................................................................................756 Alcatel ...................................................................................................757 Mitel.....................................................................................................757
3.1.3 Advanced Configuration Items............................................................................757 Multi-program Support ........................................................................................757 MultiCardMultiProcess ..................................................................................757 Outputting API Debugging Information ...............................................................758 ApiLogEnable ...............................................................................................758 ApiLogSetEventRange..................................................................................758 ApiLogSetChRange ......................................................................................758 ApiLogCreateMode .......................................................................................759 Mask_SsmGetNoSoundTime........................................................................759 Mask_SsmGetChStateKeepTime .................................................................759 Mask_SsmGetPlayedTime............................................................................759 Mask_SsmGetPlayedPercentage .................................................................759 Mask_SsmGetPlayOffset ..............................................................................759 Mask_SsmGetRecTime ..............................................................................760 Mask_SsmGetRecOffset.............................................................................760 Setting ISDN Connection Log .............................................................................760 IsdnLogEnable ..............................................................................................760 DecodeIsdnMsg ............................................................................................760 IsdnDebugLog ..............................................................................................761 Setting SS1 Connection Log...............................................................................761 Ss1LogEnable ..............................................................................................761 Ss1LogCreateMode ......................................................................................761 Setting SS1 Monitoring Log ................................................................................761 SpySs1LogEnable.........................................................................................761 SpySs1CreateMode ......................................................................................762 Setting SS7 Monitoring Log ................................................................................762 SpySs7LogEnable.........................................................................................762 Setting ISDN Monitoring Log ..............................................................................762 SpyIsdnLogEnable ........................................................................................762 Setting System Information Monitoring Log ........................................................763 SystemInfoLogEnable...................................................................................763 Setting Digital Call Monitoring Signaling Log ......................................................763 DSTLogEnable .............................................................................................763 DSTLogCreateMode .....................................................................................763 Setting Fax Interaction Command Log ............................................................763 FaxLogEnable .............................................................................................763 FaxLogCreateMode ....................................................................................764

Contents xliv
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Control Information for Log Creating ...................................................764 LogCreatePeriod .........................................................................................764 LogMaxKeep ...............................................................................................764 LogMaxPeriod .............................................................................................765 LogFilePath .................................................................................................766 LogOverWrite ..............................................................................................766 CreateDumpWhenCrash .............................................................................767 Setting DSP Access Mode...............................................................................767 DspAddr4 ....................................................................................................767 Setting DSP Echo Cancellation Effect .............................................................768 DspEc .........................................................................................................768
3.2 Preload Voice Configuration File ShIndex.ini (CTI Series)............................................768
3.2.1 [System] Section.................................................................................................768 MaxIndexSeg......................................................................................................768
3.2.2 [SegNo=x] Section ..............................................................................................768 FileName ............................................................................................................768 Alias....................................................................................................................769 CodecFormat ......................................................................................................769 StartOffset...........................................................................................................769 Length.................................................................................................................769
3.3 SynIPRecorder Slaver Configuration File record_slaver.ini (SynIPR only) ...................770
3.3.1 Essential Configuration Items for SynIPRecorder in Slaver ................................770 ActiveConnect.....................................................................................................770 SlaverIP ..............................................................................................................770 SlaverPort ...........................................................................................................770 MasterIP .............................................................................................................771 MasterPort ..........................................................................................................771 SlaverListenIP.....................................................................................................771 SlaverListenPort .................................................................................................771
3.3.2 Advanced Universal Configuration Items for SynIPRecorder in Slaver...............771 KeepAliveTime....................................................................................................771 RTPPortRange ...................................................................................................771

4 SS7 (CTI Series) .................................................................................................................773

4.1 Basic Concepts .............................................................................................................773

4.1.1 OPC & DPC ........................................................................................................773
4.1.2 Associated Mode & Quasi-associated Mode ......................................................773
4.1.3 Signaling Link & Signaling Link Set ....................................................................774
4.2 SS7 Application System Based on Synway Board........................................................774
4.3 SS7 Server Configuration .............................................................................................775
4.3.1 Setting Signaling Point Code ..............................................................................778 OPC....................................................................................................................778 SpCodeLen .........................................................................................................779
4.3.2 Setting IP Address ..............................................................................................779 ServerIP..............................................................................................................779

Contents xlv
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SecondServerIP..................................................................................................779 Port .....................................................................................................................779
4.3.3 Setting Operating Mode and Parameters for MTP3 Layer..................................779 ConfigMtp3AsSTP ..............................................................................................779 SendSNT ............................................................................................................779 SubServicefield...................................................................................................780
4.3.4 Setting Client Information ...................................................................................780 MaxSs7Client......................................................................................................780 IP ........................................................................................................................780
4.3.5 Setting Physical Position of Signaling Link .........................................................781 MaxSs7Pcm........................................................................................................781 Ss7PcmLink........................................................................................................781
4.3.6 Setting Signaling Link Set...................................................................................781 MaxLinkSet .........................................................................................................781 LinkSet................................................................................................................781
4.3.7 Setting DPC ........................................................................................................782 MaxDPC .............................................................................................................782 DPC ....................................................................................................................782
4.3.8 Setting DPC for User Layer Messages ...............................................................783 MaxUP_DPC ......................................................................................................783 UP_DPC .............................................................................................................783
4.3.9 Setting Route to Distribute TUP/ISUP Messages ...............................................783 UP_DPC .............................................................................................................783 CIC_PCM ...........................................................................................................783 DPC ....................................................................................................................784
4.3.10 Setting Way to Start SS7 Server.........................................................................784 ConfigAsGateway............................................................................................784
4.3.11 Setting Display Ability of SS7 Server ..................................................................785 RcvMsuListMaxItem ........................................................................................785 TxMsuListMaxItem ..........................................................................................785
4.3.12 Special Configuration Item for Windows SS7 Server..........................................785 EnDisplayL32Msu ...........................................................................................785 EnDisplayL23Msu ...........................................................................................785 ShowSNT ........................................................................................................786 ShowSNM .......................................................................................................786 AutoTranslate ..................................................................................................786 WriteToFile ......................................................................................................786 ShowDPCOPC ................................................................................................786 LogToPcap ......................................................................................................786 HeartTimeOut ..................................................................................................787
4.3.13 Special Configuration Item for Linux SS7 Server................................................787 EnDisplayL32Msu ...........................................................................................787 EnDisplayL23Msu ...........................................................................................787 ShowMSU .......................................................................................................787

Contents xlvi
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd ShowStatus .....................................................................................................787 ShowSNT ........................................................................................................787 ShowSNM .......................................................................................................788 AutoTranslate ..................................................................................................788 LogFileSize......................................................................................................788 TotalLogFiles ...................................................................................................788 LogPath ...........................................................................................................788 LogToPcap ......................................................................................................788 WriteToFile ......................................................................................................789 ShowDPCOPC ................................................................................................789
4.3.14 One Ss7Monitor Supporting Multiple Clients ......................................................789
4.4 Application and Configuration Instance for SS7 Server ................................................790
4.4.1 Single OPC/Single DPC .....................................................................................790 Single-PC-Single-Board System.........................................................................790 Single-PC-Multi-Board System ...........................................................................791 Multi-PC System .................................................................................................792 Multi-PC System with Separate SS7 Server .......................................................793
4.4.2 Single OPC/Multiple DPC ...................................................................................794
4.4.3 SS7 Application System with Multiple OPC ........................................................795
4.4.4 High-reliability Application System ......................................................................795
4.4.5 Supplying SS7 Service for Third-party Board .....................................................798
4.4.6 Application System in Quasi-associated Mode ...................................................799

Appendix 1 ISDN Release Cause Information Element ..................................................801

Appendix 2 Optional ISUP Parameters and Descriptions ..............................................804

Contents xlvii
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Copyright Declaration

This manual is provided by Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as ‘Synway’) as the

support file for the Synway board driver software ( ‘SynCTI’ ). Both the software and this manual are copyrighted

and protected by the laws of the People's Republic of China.

All rights reserved; no part of this manual may be extracted, modified, copied, reproduced or transmitted in any

form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior written permission from Synway. By using this

manual, you agree to the following Software License Agreement.

Synway reserves the right to revise this manual without prior note. Please contact Synway for the latest version of

this manual before placing an order.

Synway has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this manual but does not guarantee the absence of errors.

Moreover, Synway assumes no responsibility in obtaining permission and authorization of any third party patent,

copyright or product involved in relation to the use of this manual.

Note: Windows, Windows 2000, Windows XP and etc. mentioned in this book are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation, and Dialogic is of Intel Corporation.

Copyright Declaration xlviii

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

SynCTI Driver Software License Agreement

1. Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as ‘Synway’) owns the
copyright of ‘this software and its accessories, relative files and archives’ (hereinafter referred
to as ‘this product’). No organization, enterprise, agency or individual may use this product
without our authorization.

2. We authorize those who achieve the following two requirements to use this product for free:

A. Using this product with hardware products purchased from Synway through a legitimate
marketing channel;

B. Promising not to transmit the whole or part of this product to any third party without prior
permission from Synway.

3. Any organization, enterprise, agency or individual, except as otherwise subject to the second
article of this license agreement, must obtain the written permission from Synway before using
this product.

4. The authorized organizations, enterprises or individuals have no right to transfer the


5. The use of this product indicates that you have fully understood and accepted all terms in this

SynCTI Driver Software License Agreement xlix

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Revision History

Version Date Comments

Version 2.0 2001-12 Initial publication

Version 2003-07 Significant revision

Version 2006-12 Significant revision

Version 2007-07 Significant revision

Version 2007-08 No modification

Version 2007-10 Significant revision

Version 2007-12 Significant revision

Version 2008-04 Significant revision

Version 2008-08 Significant revision

Version 2009-01 Significant revision

Version 2009-05 Significant revision

Version 2009-07 Significant revision

Version 2009-11 Significant revision

Version 2009-12 Significant revision

Version 2010-06 Significant revision

Version 2010-08 Significant revision

Version 2010-08 Significant revision

Version 2010-10 Significant revision

Version 2010-12 Significant revision

Version 2011-01 Significant revision

Version 2011-03 Significant revision

Version 2011-04 Significant revision

Version 2011-04 Significant revision

Version 2011-07 Significant revision

Version 2011-10 Significant revision

Revision History l
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Version 2011-12 Significant revision

Version 2012-02 Significant revision

Version 2012-04 Significant revision

Version 2012-07 Significant revision

Version 2012-10 Significant revision

Version 2012-12 Significant revision

Version 2013-03 Significant revision

Version 2013-06 Significant revision

Version 2013-08 Significant revision

Version 2013-11 Significant revision

Version 2014-03 Significant revision

Note: Only major revisions to this manual itself recorded herein. For detailed information about the
documentation modification undergone with the upgrade of the SynCTI Driver Program, refer to the
corresponding version of SynCTI Upgrade Manual.

Revision History li
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


Thank you for choosing the Synway boards. SynCTI is a unified driver program for the Synway boards. This
manual, as the biggest help file for SynCTI, aims at those software engineers dedicated to API development and
application. It can also be provided as a reference book for the salesmen as well as the installation and
maintenance technicians who are using products from Synway to set up the CTI application system.

We offer the SynCTI - a unified driver program and development platform – to serve as the link between the
Synway board hardware and software. SynCTI provides a unified API interface for its various board models so that
the application system based on certain model can be easily extended to different environments.

This document consists of four chapters.

Chapter 1 introduces the fundamental knowledge about programming for voice boards, covering the structure,
classification, system set-up of the Synway boards and the SynCTI driver program, the operation procedure and
the precaution on it. Readers will get to know what the board can do and how to enable all board features via API
functions after they read through this chapter. We suggest those who are in the first use of our products to read this
chapter carefully before programming. You can surely skip over the content in no relation with your application. For
example, if your application is for processing analog phone lines, you can ignore the words about digital trunks.

Chapter 2 elaborates the SynCTI’s API functions, driver-generated events and relative data structures.

Chapter 3 describes all configuration items in detail for the SynCTI driver program and classifies them by function.
Each function has the necessary configuration items as well as the advanced ones which are generally used to
meet requirements from a few of particular environments and users.

Chapter 4 tells you how to configure and use the SS7 system.

Although Synway has scrupulously checked through this manual, but cannot guarantee the absence of errors and
omissions. We sincerely apologize for any consequent inconvenience brought to you and will be very grateful if
you kindly give your advice regarding amendments to this book.

Preface lii
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming

1.1 Board Classification (CTI Series)

The Synway boards are divided into two categories: the CTI Series and the REC Series. The former serves as one
party of a call in communication while the latter is the call-recording board mainly used for high-impedance
recording in parallel. Both drivers for the CTI Series and the REC Series are contained in SynCTI.

The CTI Series includes five subseries:

SubSeries Name Description

SHT Use modular structure and analog lines.
SHD Use digital trunks (E1/T1/J1).
SHV Voice-alteration boards
SHN VoIP boards
SHF Fax boards

Below is a detailed list of board models in each subseries:

SubSeries Bus Board Model Comments

USB Referred to as ‘USB Voice Box’ for short
SHT-120A-CT/PCI Production stopped
SHT-120A-CT/cPCI Production stopped
SHD PCI SHD-30A-CT/PCI/SS1 SS1 support
SHD-30A-CT/PCI/SS7 SS1, ISDN, SS7 support
SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS1 SS1 support
SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS7 SS1, ISDN, SS7 support
SHD-120A-CT/PCI/SS1 SS1 support
SHD-120A-CT/PCI/ISDN SS1, ISDN support
SHD-120A-CT/PCI/SS7 SS1, ISDN, SS7 support
SHD-30B-CT/PCI/SS7/FAX SS1, ISDN, SS7 support
SHD-60B-CT/PCI/SS7/FAX SS1, ISDN, SS7 support

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 1

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

SHD-30C-CT/PCI E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support

SHD-30C-CT/PCI/FAX E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-60C-CT/PCI E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-60C-CT/PCI/FAX E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-120D-CT/PCI E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-120D-CT/PCI/EC E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-120D-CT/PCI/CAS SS1 support
SHD-240D-CT/PCI E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-240D-CT/PCI/EC E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-240D-CT/PCI/CAS SS1 support
SS1 support; E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN
SS1 support; E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN
SS1 support; E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN
SS1 support; E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN
SS1 support; E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN
SS1 support; E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN
SS1 support; E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN
SS1 support; E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN
SS1 support; E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN
SS1 support; E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN
SS1 support; E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN
SS1 support; E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN
SHD-30E-CT/PCIe E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/FAX E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/EC E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-60E-CT/PCIe E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/FAX E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/EC E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-120E-CT/PCIe E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/FAX E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/EC E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/FAX E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/EC E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support
E1: SS1, ISDN, SS7 support; T1: ISDN support; 120
voice-alteration channels support
cPCI SHD-30A-CT/cPCI/SS7 SS1, ISDN, SS7 support
SHD-60A-CT/cPCI/SS7 SS1, ISDN, SS7 support
SHD-120A-CT/cPCI/SS7 SS1, ISDN, SS7 support
SHD-240A-CT/cPCI SS7 support
SHD-480A-CT/cPCI SS7 support
SHD-30B-CT/cPCI/SS7/FAX SS1, ISDN, SS7 support
SHD-60B-CT/cPCI/SS7/FAX SS1, ISDN, SS7 support
SHD-240S-CT/cPCI SS7 support

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 2

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

SHD-480S-CT/cPCI SS7 support

SHN-32A-CT/PCI SIP support
SHN-8B-CT/PCI+ SIP support
SHN-16B-CT/PCI+ SIP support
SHN-32B-CT/PCI+ SIP support
SHN-60B-CT/PCI+ SIP support
SHN-120B-CT/PCI+ SIP support
SHN-60B-CT/PCIe+ SIP support
SHN-120B-CT/PCIe+ SIP support
SHF-2D/PCI V.34, V.17, V.29, V.27ter, V.8 support
SHF-4D/PCI V.34, V.17, V.29, V.27ter, V.8 support

1.2 Board Classification (REC Series)

The Synway boards are divided into two categories: the CTI Series and the REC Series. The former serves as one
party of a call in communication while the latter is the call-recording board mainly used for high-impedance
recording in parallel. Both drivers for the CTI Series and the REC Series are contained in SynCTI.

The REC Series includes five subseries:

SubSeries Name Description

Use modular structure, applicable to high-impedance parallel recording of analog phone
lines or other analog voice signals.
Support SS1/ISDN/SS7, applicable to high-impedance parallel recording of digital trunks
simultaneously over signaling links and voice channels.
DST Applicable to high-impedance parallel recording of digital phone lines (2B+D).
Decode the fax data recorded into voice files and obtain the actual fax image, generally
SHF used as accessories for the REC Series boards. The D-type boards support a high fax
rate of 33.6k.
IPR Applicable to the recording of the phones and switches over the VoIP line

Below is a detailed list of board models in each subseries:

SubSeries Bus Board Model Comments

USB Referred to as ‘USB Recording Box’ for short
SHT-16B-CT/PCI/MP3 Hardware-based MP3 encoding support
ATP-24A/PCI+ Hardware-based GSM and G.729A encoding support
ATP-24A/PCIe+ Hardware-based GSM and G.729A encoding support
SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/MP3 Hardware-based MP3 encoding support
SHD-30A-CT/PCI/FJ With on-board high-impedance input circuit

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 3

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

SHD-60A-CT/PCI/FJ With on-board high-impedance input circuit

SHD-30B-CT/PCI/FJ With on-board high-impedance input circuit
SHD-60B-CT/PCI/FJ With on-board high-impedance input circuit
DTP-30C/PCI With on-board high-impedance input circuit
DTP-30C/PCI+ With on-board high-impedance input circuit
DTP-60C/PCI With on-board high-impedance input circuit
DTP-60C/PCI+ With on-board high-impedance input circuit
DTP-120C/PCI With on-board high-impedance input circuit
DTP-120C/PCI+ With on-board high-impedance input circuit
DTP-30C/PCIe With on-board high-impedance input circuit
DTP-30C/PCIe+ With on-board high-impedance input circuit
DTP-60C/PCIe With on-board high-impedance input circuit
DTP-60C/PCIe+ With on-board high-impedance input circuit
DTP-120C/PCIe With on-board high-impedance input circuit
DTP-120C/PCIe+ With on-board high-impedance input circuit
SHR-16DA-CT/PCI PCI-X bus support
SHR-24DA-CT/PCI PCI-X bus support
Hardware-based GSM, MP3 and G.729A encoding
Hardware-based GSM, MP3 and G.729A encoding
PCIe Hardware-based GSM, MP3 and G.729A encoding
SynIPAnalyzer USB-KEY and NTP support
SynIPRecorder USB-KEY and NTP support

1.3 SynCTI Supported CODECs

The following table displays all voice CODECs supported by the Synway boards and their characteristics.

Sampling Coding
CODEC Abbreviation bps bytes/frame bytes/sec CODEC Engine
Rate Value
Unsigned 8-bit
PCM8 8000 Hz 64 Kbps 1 8000 Host CPU 1
16-bit linear PCM PCM16 8000 Hz 128 Kbps 2 16000 Host CPU -2
A-law A-law 8000 Hz 64 Kbps 1 8000 On-board DSP 6
μ-law μ-law 8000 Hz 64 Kbps 1 8000 On-board DSP 7
IMA ADPCM IMA ADPCM 8000 Hz 32 Kbps 256 4055 On-board DSP 17
VOX VOX 8000 Hz 32 Kbps 256 4000 On-board DSP 23
On-board DSP
MP3 MP3 8000 Hz 8 Kbps 72 1000 85
Host CPU
GSM 6.10 GSM 8000 Hz 13 Kbps 65 1625 Host CPU 49
G.729A G.729A 8000 Hz 8 Kbps 10 1000 On-board DSP 131
(1) If the board is marked by ‘/MP3’ in the model, it uses on-board DSP chips as the CODEC engine; otherwise it
uses host CPU.
(2) VOX refers to the ’ADPCM’ format used by Dialogic.
(3) Due to historical reasons, the coding value 65411 which ever represented G.729A is still valid in early versions
and backward compatible. For G.729A recording in new versions, we suggest you use the coding value 131.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 4

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

1.3.1 Transcoding Functions

ShPcmHandle.dll provides a number of transcoding functions which can be used without the need to initialize the
SynCTI driver program first via the call of SsmStartCti. However, after the call of these functions, it is required to
invoke fPcm_Close to release resources. See below for details.

Functions Description
fPcm_Mp3ConvertALaw Transcodes MP3 files which are recorded by the Synway board to A-law files.
fPcm_Mp3ConvertULaw Transcodes MP3 files to μ-law files.
Transcodes IMA ADPCM files which are recorded by the Synway board to
A-law files.
fPcm_AdpcmToGsm Transcodes IMA ADPCM files to GSM 6.10 files.
fPcm_AdpcmToMp3 Transcodes IMA ADPCM files to MP3 files.
fPcm_AlawToUlaw Transcodes A-Law files recorded by the Synway board to µ-Law files.
fPcm_UlawToAlaw Transcodes µ-Law files recorded by the Synway board to A-Law files.
Transcodes the IMA ADPCM data which are recorded by the Synway board
and saved in the buffer to A-law format.
Transcodes the IMA ADPCM data which are recorded by the Synway board
and saved in the buffer to μ-law format.
fPcm_AlawConvertPcm16 Transcodes A-law files to 16-bit linear PCM format.
fPcm_ALawConvertPcm8 Transcodes A-law files to unsigned 8-bit PCM format.
fPCM_AlawConvertGC8 Transcodes A-law files to G.729A files.
fPcm_ALawConvertMp3 Transcodes A-law files to MP3 files.
fPcm_ULawConvertMp3 Transcodes µ-Law files to MP3 files.
fPcm_ALawToVox Transcodes A-Law files to vox files.
fPcm_MemAlawToPcm8 Transcodes A-law data saved in the buffer to unsigned 8-bit PCM format.
Transcodes A-law/MP3 data saved in the buffer to unsigned 16-bit PCM format.
fPcm_MemGSMToPcm16 Transcodes GSM data saved in the buffer to 16-bit PCM format.
fPcm_MemGSMToPcm8 Transcodes GSM data saved in the buffer to unsigned 8-bit PCM format.
fPcm_MemGSMToUlaw Transcodes GSM data saved in the buffer to μ-law format.
fPcm_Pcm16ConvertALaw Transcodes 16-bit linear PCM files to A-law files.
fPcm_MemPcm8ToAlaw Transcodes unsigned 8-bit PCM data saved in the buffer to A-law format.
fPcm_MemAlawToUlaw Transcodes A-Law data saved in the buffer to μ-law format.
fPcm_MemUlawtoAlaw Transcodes μ-Law data saved in the buffer to A-Law format.
fPcm_MemPcm16ToAlaw Transcodes unsigned 16-bit PCM data saved in the buffer to A-law format.
fPcm_GC8Convert Tanscodes G.729A files to other formats.
Enable the sampling rate of VOX files to convert between 6K and 8K.
fPcm_ULawConvertGSM Transcodes µ-Law files to GSM files.
fPCM_Pcm16ConvertG729A Transcodes 16-bit linear PCM files to G.729A files.
fPcm_Pcm8ConvertGSM Transcodes 8-bit PCM files to GSM files.
fPcm_GSMToMp3 Transcodes GSM files to MP3 files.
fPcm_G729AConvert Tanscodes G.729A files to other formats.
fPCM_MemULawToG729A Tanscodes μ-Law data saved in the buffer to G.729A format.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 5

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

1.3.2 Board Supported CODECs

All CODECs supported by the Synway boards in voice playback and recording operation are shown as follows:

PCM8 PCM16 A-law μ-law VOX MP3 GSM G.729A
Series Board Model ADPCM
SHT-2A/USB ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ - - √ √ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-4A/USB ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ - - √ √ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-2B/USB ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ - - √ √ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-4B/USB ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ - - √ √ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-8A/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-16A-CT/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-120A-CT/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-8B/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-8B/PCI/FAX ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-16B-CT/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT SHT-16B-CT/PCI/FAX ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ √ √ ★ -
SHT-16B-CT/PCI/MP3 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ √ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-8C/PCI/FAX ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-8C/PCI/EC ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-16C-CT/PCI/FAX ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-16C-CT/PCI/EC ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-120A-CT/cPCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-16B-CT/cPCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/FAX ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/MP3 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ √ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-16D-CT/PCIe ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD SHD-30A-CT/PCI/SS1 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-30A-CT/PCI/ISDN ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-30A-CT/PCI/SS7 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS1 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-60A-CT/PCI/ISDN ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS7 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-120A-CT/PCI/SS1 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-120A-CT/PCI/ISDN ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-120A-CT/PCI/SS7 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-30B-CT/PCI/SS7/FAX ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-60B-CT/PCI/SS7/FAX ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-30C-CT/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-30C-CT/PCI/FAX ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-60C-CT/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-60C-CT/PCI/FAX ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-120D-CT/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-120D-CT/PCI/EC ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-120D-CT/PCI/CAS ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-240D-CT/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-240D-CT/PCI/EC ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-240D-CT/PCI/CAS ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-30E-CT/PCI(SSW) ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-30E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-30E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-60E-CT/PCI(SSW) ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-60E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-60E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-120E-CT/PCI(SSW) ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 6

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

SHD-120E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-120E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-240E-CT/PCI(SSW) ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-240E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-240E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-30E-CT/PCIe ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/FAX ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/EC ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-60E-CT/PCIe ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/FAX ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/EC ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-120E-CT/PCIe ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/FAX ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/EC ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/FAX ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/EC ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/VAR ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-30A-CT/cPCI/SS7 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-60A-CT/cPCI/SS7 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-120A-CT/cPCI/SS7 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-240A-CT/cPCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ - - √ √ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-480A-CT/cPCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ - - √ √ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-30B-CT/cPCI/SS7/FAX ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-60B-CT/cPCI/SS7/FAX ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-240S-CT/cPCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ - - √ √ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-480S-CT/cPCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ - - √ √ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHN-32A-CT/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ - - ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHN-8B-CT/PCI+ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHN-16B-CT/PCI+ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHN-32B-CT/PCI+ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHN-60B-CT/PCI+ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHN-120B-CT/PCI+ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHN-60B-CT/PCIe+ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHN-120B-CT/PCIe+ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-2A/USB ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ - - √ √ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-4A/USB ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ - - √ √ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-2B/USB ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ - - √ √ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-4B/USB ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ - - √ √ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-8A/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-16A-CT/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
ATP-24A/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
ATP ATP-24A/PCI+ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ √ ★ √ ★ √
ATP-24A/PCIe ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
ATP-24A/PCIe+ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ √ ★ √ ★ √
SHT-8B/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-16B-CT/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-16B-CT/PCI/MP3 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ √ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-16B-CT/cPCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/MP3 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ √ ★ ★ ★ -
DTP SHD-30A-CT/PCI/FJ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-60A-CT/PCI/FJ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHD-30B-CT/PCI/FJ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ √ ★ √
SHD-60B-CT/PCI/FJ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ √ ★ √
DTP-30C/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 7

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

DTP-30C/PCI+ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ √ ★ √ ★ √
DTP-60C/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
DTP-60C/PCI+ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ √ ★ √ ★ √
DTP-120C/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
DTP-120C/PCI+ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ √ ★ √ ★ √
DTP-30C/PCIe ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
DTP-30C/PCIe+ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ √ ★ √ ★ √
DTP-60C/PCIe ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
DTP-60C/PCIe+ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ √ ★ √ ★ √
DTP-120C/PCIe ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
DTP-120C/PCIe+ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ √ ★ √ ★ √
SHR-16DA-CT/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ √
SHR-24DA-CT/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ √
DST-24B/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
DST-24B/PCI(SSW) ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
DST-24B/PCI+ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ √ ★ √ ★ √
DST-24B/PCI+(SSW) ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ √ ★ √ ★ √
DST-24B/PCIe ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
DST-24B/PCIe+ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ √ ★ √ ★ √
SHF-2D/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
SHF-4D/PCI ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ √ √ √ √ √ √ ☆ - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
IPR SynIPRecorder - ☆ - ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ - ☆ - - - ☆ - ☆ ☆ ☆
Legend: COD: Coder DEC: Decoder
√: Hardware-based -: Unsupported
☆: Software-based, enabled via software algorithm by the driver ★: Software-based, enabled via the external ACM program
Note: For more information about the DTP series boards, refer to the section Voice Recording.

1.4 SynCTI Supported OS

The SynCTI driver program supports two mainstream operating systems: WINDOWS and LINUX. See below for

• WINDOWS: Windows 5.0 and above versions all supported, either 32-bit or 64-bit, includes Windows
2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 server, Vista, Windows 2008 server, Win7.

• LINUX: includes CentOS, Debian, FC4, FC6, FC7, Gentoo, Red Hat A4 U4, Red Hat AS3, RH9.0, Suse,
Tribox2.0, Ubuntu

Note: The board with Compact PCI bus must run in Windows 2000 or above.

1.5 SynCTI Driver Architecture (CTI Series)

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 8

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It is the SynCTI driver architecture in Windows shown below:



ShCtiConfig.exe ShPcmHandle.dll ShInitPci.dll SS7Monitor.exe SS7Cfg.exe

ShConfig.ini ShIndex.ini ISDNUser.dll SynSip.dll H323Dll.dll SS7Server.ini


Shp_A3.dll MTP3.dll

ShdUSB.dll ShdPci.dll TcpClient.dll MmfClient.dll MmfServer.dll TcpServer.dll

ShdUSBWdm.sys ShdcPCI.sys ShdPCI.sys TCP/IP SS7 Server

USB Box PCI Board

The following table describes each component in the figure above:

Components Description
Applications User applications
Provides API functions for the application; enables conversion between
various audio formats
Provides interfaces for the application; helps users obtain basic information
about the board
Configuration file of the form where lists voice files used for memory
playback by index
ISDN message processing modules. Via interface functions, analyze and
ISDNUser.dll process the commands and data transferred from A3 according to the
ISDN protocol, and then pass the results back to A3
ShCtiConfig.exe Automatic configuration program
System configuration file which corresponds to ShCtiConfig.exe. Refer to
ShConfig.ini ShConfigAdvanced.ini under the driver installation directory for detailed
Provides API functions for the application; helps achieve all functions of the
Transfer data, states and commands between the A3 layer and the SYS
ShdUSBWdm.sys Constitute the SYS layer. Used to add or remove hardware, communicate
ShdcPCI.sys with the DSP program. These three files respectively process USB, cPCI
ShdPCI.sys and PCI interfaces
SS7Monitor.exe SS7 server
SS7Cfg.exe SS7 configuration program
SS7Server.ini Configuration file for SS7 server
SS7 server scheduling module. Enables transmission of SS7 signaling,
route control, etc
MTP3.dll Constitutes the MTP3 layer in SS7 server
MmfServer.dll Stand-alone version of SS7 server. Communicates with SS7Server.dll and

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 9

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MmfClient.dll via transmission of signaling and data

Stand-alone version of SS7 client. Communicates with MmfServer.dll and
the A3 layer via transmission of signaling and data
TcpServer.dll Network versions of SS7 server and client. Communicate with each other
TcpClient.dll via data transmission according to the TCP/IP protocol
USB Box, cPCI Board, PCI Board Voice boards respectively with USB, cPCI and PCI interfaces
SynSip.dll SIP signaling processing component
H323Dll.dll H.323 signaling adaptation layer
SynH323.dll H.323 signaling processing component

It is the SynCTI driver architecture in Linux shown below:

Applications SS7d

ShConfig.ini ShIndex.ini SS7Server.ini

ShdUSBWdm.ko ShdcPCI.ko ShdPCI.ko TCP/IP SS7 Server

USB Box PCI Board

Note: Each component in the figure above functions as same as that correspondingly represented in the driver
architecture in Windows.

1.6 SynCTI Driver Architecture (REC Series)

It is the SynCTI driver architecture in Windows shown below:

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 10

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ShPcmHandle.dll ShInitPci.dll

ShdUSB.dll ShdPci.dll

ShdUSBWdm.sys ShdcPCI.sys ShdPCI.sys

USB Box cPCI Board PCI Board

It is the SynCTI driver architecture in Linux shown below:



ShdUSBWdm.ko ShdcPCI.ko ShdPCI.ko

USB Box cPCI Board PCI Board

Note: Each component in the driver architecture for the REC Series functions as same as the corresponding one
for the CTI Series.

1.7 Software Tool for SynCTI

1.7.1 System Configuration Tool - ShCtiConfig.exe

ShCtiConfig.exe is a software tool for visual configuration of the ShConfig.INI file. It supports configuration of
common parameters for all board models from Synway. Upon the completion of driver (SynCTI) installation, what
you need to do, if you don’t want to edit the configuration file manually, is simply running ShCtiConfig.exe to set
parameters. The configuration program can automatically read information about board model, serial number, etc.
from the board firmware, calculate such basic elements as quantity of channels, provide corresponding control
buttons and write the default value of each configuration item into ShConfig.INI. If you want the driver installation

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 11

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integrated into this configuration program and the board configured with default settings at the same time, add a
command-line parameter into the program during the startup of ShCtiConfig.exe: 1 which indicates 'default
set->apply->close the configuration program' or 2 which means 'default set->confirm->close the configuration
program'. Regarding how to use these parameters, see the following example.

CreateProcess("C:\\shcti\\ShCtiConfig.exe", "1", NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, "C:\\shcti", &si, &pi);

ShCtiConfig.exe is mainly for:

¾ visual configuration of common parameters used by PCI boards.

¾ visual configuration of common parameters used by USB voice boxes.
¾ visual configuration of common parameters used by cPCI boards and handling of hot-swap management.

1.7.2 Tone Analyzer Tool - ShTA.exe

Failure in call and detection of remote hangup, etc. over analog trunks while using the SHT and ATP Series boards
always result from the mismatch in parameters between the on-board call-processing tone detector and the PBX.
While some small PBXes use different tone frequency, tone cycle from those adopted by Central Office Terminal
(COT), the tone detector on the Synway board is compliant with the COT standard. Therefore, it is essential to set
correct parameters for tone frequency, duty ratio of dial tone, ringback (echo) tone, busy tone, etc. ShTA.exe can
be used in such case to detect and analyze the call-processing tone parameters on the PBX side to obtain
accurate settings.

For detailed information about the use of ShTA.exe, refer to Tone Analyzer Tool User Manual, i.e. the file
ShTA_UserManual_en.chm (English) or ShTA_UserManual_cn.chm (Chinese) under the SynCTI driver
installation directory.

1.7.3 SS7 Server Configuration Program - SS7Cfg.exe

SS7Cfg.exe is a software tool for setting Ss7server.ini (the configuration file of the SS7 Server). For more
information about the use of SS7Cfg.exe, refer to SS7 Server Configuration Program User Manual, i.e. the file
SS7Cfg_UserManual.chm (English) or SS7Cfg_UserManual_cn.chm (Chinese) under the SynCTI driver
installation directory.

1.7.4 SS7 Server - SS7monitor.exe

Ss7Monitor.exe supports the SS7 MTP3 protocol, can distribute signaling messages and monitor the system. The
application must run the SS7 server first if it requires SS7 signaling.

1.7.5 MSU Decoder Tool - MsuDecode.exe

MsuDecode.exe is a software tool for decoding the messages (MSU) contained in the log file of the SS7 server. A
log file with the ‘.msu’ extension can be generated based on customer requirements to save necessary messages
in binary system during the runtime of Ss7Monitor.exe. This MSU Decoder Tool can translate binary messages into
the intelligible ‘.txt’ document for direct, easy reading. For detailed information about the use of MsuDecode.exe,
refer to MSU Decoder Tool User Manual, i.e. the file MsuDecode_UserManual.chm (English) or
MsuDecode_UserManual_ch.chm (Chinese) under the SynCTI driver installation directory.

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1.8 Basic Concepts

1.8.1 Channel (CTI Series)

It is an on-board physical circuit entity with the capability of completed voice processing for a call, classified as
follows according to supported interfaces and signaling.

Board Series Module / Protocol Channel Type Type Code

Analog trunk module Analog trunk channel 0
Station module Station channel 2
Recording module Recording channel 3
SHT Microphone module Recording channel 3
Magnet module Magnet channel 10
none Non-module channel 20
fax channel Fax channel 9
SS1 SS1 channel 4
ISDN (User-side) ISDN channel (User-side) 7
ISDN (Network-side) ISDN channel (Network-side) 8
SS7-TUP protocol TUP channel 6
SS7-ISUP protocol ISUP channel 11
Fax channel Fax channel 9
SHV Voice-alteration channel 14
SHN SIP SIP channel 16
Analog trunk module Analog trunk channel 0
SHF Station module Station channel 2
fax channel Fax channel 9
Note: Type code is available via the function SsmGetChType.

1.8.2 Channel (REC Series)

It is an on-board physical circuit entity with the capability of completed voice processing for a call, classified as
follows according to supported interfaces and signaling.

Board Series Module / Protocol Channel Type Type Code

Analog trunk recording
Recording module 3
ATP channel
Microphone module Microphone recording channel 3
DST Digital call recording channel 12
SS1 SS1 monitoring channel 4
ISDN ISDN monitoring channel 7 or 8
DTP SS7-TUP TUP monitoring channel 6
SS7-ISUP ISUP monitoring channel 11
DASS2 DASS2 monitoring channel 19
IPRA_CH Analyzer channel 26
IPRR_CH Recorder channel 25
Note: Type code is available via the function SsmGetChType.

1.8.3 Logical Channel Number

Each channel has two numbers in the driver: the physical number and the logical number.

Physical number (referred to as ‘BCh’ for short) indicates the channel number marked on the board, which is

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automatically allocated by the driver. Suppose N is the total number of on-board channels and M represents the
total number of fax channels, the physical channel number range is:

Board Series Physical Channel Number Range

‘/FAX’ unmarked in the model: 0~N-1
‘/FAX’ marked in the model: For voice channel, 0~N-M-1; for fax channel, N-M~N-1
SHD 0~N-1
SHV 0~N-1
SHN 0~N-1
ATP 0~N-1
CIC number: 0~N-1
Channel number: 0~N * 2 - 1
DST 0~N-1
SHF For vioce channel: 0~N-M-; for fax channel: N-M~N-1
IPR 0~N-1

Logical number is the unified number given to each channel in the application system. The configuration item
TotalAppCh is used to set the total number of channels in the system. Note that the parameter ‘ch’ used by most
functions in this driver refers to the logical number of a channel.

Each logical channel number maps a physical number, determined by the configuration item AppCh.

Note: The channel number mentioned in this manual is the logical number except as otherwise specified.

1.8.4 Digital Trunk

A trunk is a line which links user terminal devices (e.g. user PBXes, key telephone systems, call centers, etc.) to
PBX systems in the PTN (Public Telephone Network). The digital trunk serves as a digital subscriber line to the
telecommunication network, usually made up of a pair of coaxial cables or twisted pair cables from the SPC
exchange, one cable for transmission and the other for reception. If the trunk carries signals at 2.048Mbps
(referred to as ‘2M cable’ for short), the interface between it and the user terminal device is called E1 interface; if it
carries signals at 1.544Mbps, the interface is called T1 interface.

The digital trunk uses TDM technology, consisting of multiple time slots (referred to as ‘TS’ for short), each of which
transmits data at 64Kbps. An E1 trunk has 32 time slots while a T1 trunk has 24.

As to the E1 trunk, TS 0 is used for frame synchronization. Hence there are only 31 effective time slots, among
which TS 16 usually transfers signaling and multiframe synchronization information, called D-channel, and the rest
30 time slots are used for transmitting voice data, called B-channel.

In this manual, each pair of E1/T1 lines is called a digital trunk. Frame Synchronization over Digital Trunk

As TS 0 over the digital trunk usually carries frame synchronization information, it cannot be used as a voice time
slot. Both the SHD and DTP Series boards are equipped with a frame-synchronization indicator at each port of
digital trunks, tracing the frame synchronization at the link layer: Light on indicates the smooth in frame
synchronization; light off or flash hints the failure.

In the use of CAS, multiframe synchronization information is also transmitted through TS 0.

When the frame synchronization status changes over the digital trunk, the application will immediately receive the
E_CHG_PcmLinkStatus event from the driver, or it can call SsmGetPcmLinkStatus at any time to obtain the current

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state of digital trunks. Clock for Digital Trunk

Each digital trunk requires a clock for normal operation. See the section ‘System Clock Configuration’ in this
chapter for more information. Digital Trunk Configuration

Each physical digital trunk on the local end must be consistent in configuration with that from the remote PBXes to
ensure good operation.

Setting of digital trunks is based on the board and carried out in the [BoardId=x] section, involving the following
configuration items.

PcmNumber=M // Set the total number of on-board digital trunks
PcmSSx[0]=1 // Set Digital Trunk 0 on the board: select the signaling mode
PcmClockMode[0]=j // Select the operating mode of the clock
PcmLinkType[0]=k // Select the type of the physical line
……. Signaling Time Slot on Digital Trunk

The signaling time slot on the digital trunk functions variously depending on the protocol type as shown in the table

Protocol Type Signaling Time Slot

SS1 TS 16 is used for transmitting the ABCD signaling code.
ISDN PRI TS 16 is used for transmitting signaling information.
TS 16 is generally used as a signaling link. You can also make other time slots serve as
SS7 signaling links by modifying two configuration items UseTS16AsCircuit and Ss7SignalingTS.
For more information, see ‘Time Slot Allocation’ in this chapter. Digital Trunk Number

Each digital trunk has two numbers: the physical number and the logical number.

Physical PCM number refers to the on-board digital trunk number, always beginning with 0 and ending with the
total number of on-board digital trunks minus 1. Logical number is given on a unified basis to all digital trunks on
multiple boards in the same application system. At the time when the application has only one board in it, the
physical number of a digital trunk is the same as the logical.

The mapping relationship between the physical number and the logical can be designated via configuration items
TotalPcm and Pcm.

Note: The ‘PCM number’ mentioned in this manual indicates the logical digital trunk number except as
otherwise specified.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 15

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Voice CODEC on B-Channel

The configuration item DefaultVoiceFormat is used for setting the voice CODEC on the digital subscriber line.

1.8.5 User Authorization Code for Board

The Synway board is designed with an encrypted authorization code identification circuit so that no one except the
manufacturer is able to modify the code. This feature, offering the same effect as installing a dongle in the user
software, enables users to bind the application program with a particular board. By using the authorization code,
your board from Synway becomes a customized, exclusive model. Below tells some merits in the use of this code
to protect the user software.

• Simple operation: When Synway writes the authorization code applied for by users ahead of time into its
supplied product, the user software only need check the code to see if it is valid, requiring neither
algorithm for calculation nor resettings performed after each installation, unlike using the Series number
for software protection which involves complex encrypted calculation as well as a sequence of settings
based on the Series number at each installation.

• High reliability: Software protection by the Series number goes invalid once the encrypted algorithm leaks
out. By comparison, as long as you have applied for an authorization code, you are assured in technology
that no one except the manufacturer can rewrite the code, which therefore eliminates the possibility to run
your software on the voice boards from various channels other than Synway or those provided for other
customers by Synway, even if the code is open to the public.

The function SsmGetAccreditId or SsmGetAccreditIdEx can be used to obtain the user authorization code for the

1.8.6 Change in Analog Phone Line Voltage

The DC voltage on analog phone lines is -48V, provided by PBXes. Each channel on the Synway SHT/ATP Series
boards has a voltage detector for examining the operating voltage on the analog trunk. The following figure is a
typical model for phone connection.
Analog Trunk

Analog Phone A PBX Analog Phone B

If Analog Phone B performs the following operations,

(1) At the time t1, B picks up.
(2) At t2, B completes dialing; the PBX rings A up and sends ringback (echo) tones to B.
(3) At t3, A picks up; both parties start a call with each other.
(4) At t4, the call ends up; A hangs up and the PBX starts sending busy tones to B.
(5) At t5, B hangs up.
(6) At t6, B is disconnected from the PBX.
(7) At t7, B is reconnected with the PBX.

its line voltage changes as follows provided the PBX doesn't support the polarity reversal feature.

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Voltage (volt)




t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7

In the figure above,

Va: the line voltage at the time when the phone is on-hook, usually being -48V.
Vb: the line voltage at the time when the phone is off-hook, usually being around -15V for the Synway board.
Vc: the line voltage at the time when the phone line is disconnected, theoretically being 0V.
The voltage detector judges the state of lines and phones by analyzing the relationship between the actual line
voltage (assumed as Vin) and Va, Vb, Vc. The judging criterion may be described as follows.
— Off-hook: If Vc<Vin<Vb and keeps for toffhook.
— On-hook: If Vb≤Vin and keeps for tonhook.
— Off-line: If Vin≤Vc and keeps for toff.

The configuration items or functions in the SynCTI driver used for setting the above parameters are listed in the
following table.
Parameter Name Related Configuration Items or Functions
Vc Configuration item: OffLineSet
toff Configuration item: OffLineDetermineTime
Configuration item: IsHangupDtrmVoltage
Function: SsmSetDtrmLineVoltage
toffhook Configuration item: LineOncnt
tonhook Configuration item: MaxRecChFlashFilterTime

The line voltage of Analog Phone B changes as follows provided the PBX supports the polarity reversal feature.
Voltage (volt)






t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7

We can see from the above figure that in case the PBX supports the polarity reversal feature, it changes the
polarity of the line voltage at the calling party once the called party picks up or hangs up. In such way, the PBX
passes the on-hook/off-hook information to the calling party. Over analog lines, it is the most accurate way to judge
whether the called party has picked up by the polarity reversal signal of the line voltage. Remember that this
feature doesn’t work without the support of PBXes.

Both the Synway SHT and ATP Series boards are designed with voltage detectors. Every time when the line
voltage changes and the variation range goes beyond the preset value of 5V which can be set via the function call
of SsmSetEvent, the driver will send the E_CHG_LineVoltage event to the application. Also the application can

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 17

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obtain the line voltage through the function SsmGetLineVoltage.

The voltage detector can:

¾ Monitor the line connection between the local end and the PBX.

The analog trunk recording channel on the ATP Series supports the off-line detection feature. When the line
voltage gets lower than the set value of the configuration item OffLineSet and keeps for a period of time longer than
the set value of the configuration item OffLineDetermineTime, the driver will conclude that the off-line fault occurs
and transfer the channel state to ‘off-line’.

¾ Judge the pickup and hangup behaviors on the line.

The recording channel on the ATP Series determines whether the phone has picked up or hung up according to
the variation of the line voltage (absolute value) between Va and Vb.
In default, the analog recording channel judges the on-hook/off-hook phone state by the output value of the voltage
detector. However, you can let the driver ignore the result from the voltage detector by modifying settings of the
function SsmSetIgnoreLineVoltage or the configuration item IgnoreLineVoltage so as to keep the recording
channel in the off-hook state.

When using the microphone recording module, as there is no feed voltage on the line, you should set the
configuration item IgnoreLineVoltage to 1 and keep the recording channel always in the ‘off-hook’ state.

¾ Detects the polarity reversal signal.

The PBX provides the feed voltage, usually with negative polarity, for the analog line, and can pass some
information to phones by changing the voltage polarity (e.g. change -Vb to Vb).

The polarity reversal signal for the analog phone line can be used to accurately judge the called party’s pickup and
hangup behavior in cooperation with the PBX. Both the ATP Series analog trunk recording channel and the SHT
Series analog trunk channel support the polarity reversal detection. Every time when a channel detects the polarity
reversal, the driver will send the event E_CHG_PolarRvrsCount to the application. Also the application can obtain
information on polarity reversal via the function SsmGetPolarRvrsCount.

Under some circumstances, the interfering signals on the PBX or the line become so large that they will be
mistaken by the driver for the polarity reversal signals. To eliminate such error, set the configuration item
PolarIgnore to ignore large interferring signals.

When the analog trunk channel detects the polarity reversal signal, it is determined by the setting of the
configuration item DisablePolarReverse whether to transfer the channel state or not.

1.8.7 Ringing Current on Analog Phone Line

When the PBX calls the phone through an analog line, it will send the ringing current to the phone and make the
phone to ring. This current signal usually goes periodically, involving 1 sec on and 4 sec off.

Both the ATP Series analog trunk recording channel and the SHT Series analog trunk channel are designed with
the ringing current detector. The configuration item RingDetectFilterPara is used to set the minimum durations of
the ringing current respectively at on and off states. The configuration item RingEndDtrTime is used to set the
maximum durations of the ringing current at on and off states. Once the PWL of the ringing current changes, the
driver will send the E_CHG_RingFlag event to the application.

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Every time when the driver detects a complete circle of ringing current, it will send the E_CHG_RingCount event to
the application. When the count reaches the specified value N, the channel state will turn to ‘ringing’ from ‘idle’. N
can be set via the configuration item AlwaysToRingingOnRingCntX or ChToRingingOnRingCnt, its value in practice
calculated by the following ways.

(1) If not specified in the configuration item ChToRingingOnRingCnt or set via the function SsmSetFlag which takes
the parameter F_ChToRingingOnRingCnt, it is subject to the set value of the configuration item

(2) If not designated in the configuration item AlwaysToRingingOnRingCntX, it is determined by the driver and N is

Also the application can invoke the function SsmGetRingCount to obtain the count of ringing current signals.

The driver will automatically clear the count when:

the channel state transfers from ‘ringing’ to ‘idle’;

the channel state transfers from ‘ringing’ to ‘off-hook’ and keeps ‘off-hook’ for a period of time longer than the set
value of the configuration item RecChClearRingDelayTime.

Also the application can clear the count via the function call of SsmClearRingCount.

1.8.8 Flash Signal on Analog Phone Line

The flash signal is a short temporary on-hook pulse generated by a rapid clap on the hook switch of the analog
phone during a call, generally used for such operations as transferring the call to an extension with the help of the
PBX. You should do the clap as swift as possible lest the PBX mistakes the flash signal for the on-hook signal.

1.8.9 Caller ID on Analog Phone Line

The Caller ID service is a business provided with extra fee charged by corporations on telecommunications, which
usually requires an application submitted ahead of time. There are two modes for the PBX to transmit the calling
party number to the phone.

— FSK (Frequency-shift Keying) Mode: The Caller ID, i.e. the calling party number, is transmitted by the
PBX somewhen between the first ring and the second of the phone.
— DTMF (Dual-tone Multi-frequency) Mode: Most PBXes transmit the Caller ID before sending the first ring
to the phone. However, a few PBXes send somewhen between the first ring and the second.

In general, the PBX involved in the local area network provides the Caller ID in FSK mode while the small-sized
PBX in DTMF mode. Note that the application program should pick up the phone after the second ring to
ensure a complete reception of the Caller ID. When the analog trunk channel state comes into ‘ringing’ can
be set in the configuration file.

Both the Synway SHT and ATP Series boards are designed with the Caller ID detector for examining the FSK or
DTMF Caller ID. The operation principle is shown below:

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 19

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Caller Name Buffer SsmGetCallerName

FSK Receiver Caller ID Buffer SsmGetCallerIdA
Phone Line

DTMF Detector Extended Caller ID Buffer

Caller ID Detector

There are 2 buffers in the driver for each channel to save the Caller ID information: Caller ID Buffer and Extended
Caller ID Buffer. The latter holds the original data of the FSK Caller ID, including the calling party number, date,
name of the calling party, etc. The driver processes the original information as follows:

— Separates the calling party number and saves it to Caller ID Buffer;

— Separates the name of the calling party and saves it to Caller Name Buffer

The functions, events and configuration items related to the Caller ID detector are listed in the following table.

Name Description
Sets the operating mode of the Caller ID detector
(FSK/DTMF), i.e. set the switch k1 in the figure above
Configuration Set parameters for the Caller ID detector running in FSK
Item mode
DtmfCallerIDStyleLength Set parameters for the Caller ID detector running in DTMF
DtmfCallerIDInterTimeout mode
SsmSetFlag (with the parameter
Sets the operating mode of the Caller ID detector
SsmGetCallerIdEx Obtain the calling party number
SsmGetCallerName Obtains the name of the calling party
SsmClearCallerId Empty the buffer in the driver which holds the calling party
SsmClearCallerIdEx number
While the Caller ID detector is working in FSK mode, every
Event E_CHG_CIDExBuf time the driver receives a calling party number, it sends this
event to the application

1.9 System Clock Configuration

Each Synway board requires a clock for normal operation. Take the following cases into consideration when setting
the clock signal source for the application system based on the Synway board.

‹ In the case of board connection over CT Bus:

— The clock signal source solely provided by one of the boards is called Master Clock. As a result, the
board that offers the master clock is called Master Board, others called Slave Board. The signal clock
source acquired by the slave board from the master board is called Slave Clock.
— If the application system involves at least one SHD board, it is required to choose one SHD board as
the master board; if no SHD boards but the DST or DTP used in the system, you should select one
DST or DTP board as the master board.

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— If a SHD board serves as the master board, only one digital trunk on it can supply the master clock
while others must work in the Slave Clock mode.
— The clock signal from the SHD or DTP boards must keep consistent with that from PTN; otherwise it
may result in noise or high signal error rate during the call.
‹ In the case of board connection not through CT Bus, the board must be set to Master Board.
‹ In the case of connection to third-party boards over CT Bus, if the third-party board is set to Master Board, all
Synway boards should be set to Slave Board.

The master clock derives from two ways: Line-synchronization and Free-run. Line-synchronization is to pick up at
the local end the input signal from the remote PBX as the master clock, applicable to the SHD, DTP and DST
Series boards, to ensure the on-board master clock synchronous with the clock signal at the remote PBX. Free-run
is to generate the clock signal by the on-board clock oscillation circuit, applicable to the SHT and ATP Series.
When setting up a testing system by using the SHD boards and linking it to a real application system, you should
choose ‘Free-run’ for the master clock of the master board.
The SHV Series boards can’t serve as the master board, so they must work in the Slave Clock mode.

Configuration items and functions in relation to the clock signal are listed in the following table.

Name Description
WhoSupplySysClock Sets the clock mode for the board (Master Board/Slave Board)
Sets the clock mode for digital trunks on the SHD and DTP Series
Item PcmClockMode
Sets the clock mode for digital trunks on the SHD and DTP Series
Function SsmSetPcmClockMode boards. Identical in function with the configuration item

1.10 Voice Processing

1.10.1 Voice Playing (CTI Series)

There are 6 modes for voice playing as shown in the following figure.

Preload File Single File File List Buffer List Single Buffer Pingpong Buffer
Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode


File File Memory Memory

File File File
File Memory
Buffer Buffer
Queue Queue
Queue Buffer
Queue Queue Queue

Memory SynCTI

Playback Buffer


Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 21

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In the four voice playing modes – Preload File Mode, Single File Mode, File List Mode and Buffer List Mode, the
driver will first read the source data into the internal Playback Buffer after the voice-playing operation starts. The
buffer size is designated by the configuration item PlayBufSize, with a default value of 32K bytes. Setting Volume and Direction CTI Series

For detailed information about the volume and the direction to play data, refer to relative content in this chapter.

— SHD Series: See the section Operation Principle of SHD Series in this chapter.
— SHT Series: See the section Operation Principle of SHT Series in this chapter.
— SHN Series: See the section Operation Principle of SHN Series in this chapter. REC Series

For detailed information about the volume and the direction to play data, refer to relative content in this chapter.

— ATP Series: See the section Operation Principle of ATP Series in this chapter.
— DST Series: See the section Operation Principle of DST Series in this chapter.
— DTP Series: See the section Operation Principle of DTP Series in this chapter. Setting Termination Condition

After the start of voice playing, other than the occasion where the task stops naturally by itself or is terminated by
the driver through function calls, the driver will automatically end it once the channel detects some events triggered
by particular conditions, simplifying compilation of the application program. The ‘particular conditions’ mentioned
here include:

z The DTMF Detector detects DTMF digits in the incoming signals.

Related functions and configuration items are listed below.

Function Name Description Related Configuration Item

Sets whether to stop voice playing as the
DTMF Detector detects DTMF digits.
Sets the DTMF digits which stop voice
Obtains the flag which tells if voice
SsmGetDtmfStopPlayFlag playing ends as the DTMF Detector
detects DTMF digits.
Obtains the DTMF digits that stop voice

Note: In case that the DTMF detector detects DTMF in the incoming signals, if the configuration item
DefaultPausePlayOnRxDtmf is set to 1, the driver will intermit voice playing to ensure the accuracy of the DTMF
detector, and automatically resume playing when DTMF signals totally disappear.

z The Barge-in detector detects voice activities on the line.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 22

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Function Name Description Related Configuration Item

Sets whether to stop voice playing as the
SsmSetBargeinStopPlay Barge-in Detector detects voice activities DefaultBargeInStopPlay
on the line.
Obtains the flag which tells if voice
SsmGetBargeinStopPlayFlag playing ends as the Barge-in Detector
detects voice activities on the line.

z Call state machine detects remote hangup.

Function Name Description Related Configuration Item

Sets whether to stop voice playing as the
SsmSetHangupStopPlayFlag driver state machine detects remote HangupStopPlay

z The application program invokes the function that takes data off bus.

For particular information about characteristic features of some models in the SHD Series, refer to the section
Operation Principle of SHD Series in this chapter. Preload File Mode

The use of IVR and so forth requires the application program to play some voice segments, such as the speech
prompt, date, time, number, etc. To improve the running efficiency of the application system and to reduce the
times that the application visits HD, the SynCTI driver provides Preload File Mode for voice playing, whose
operation principle is: Record some commonly used voice segments, e.g. ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ……, ‘9’, ‘ten’, ‘hundred’,
‘thousand’, ‘ten thousand’, to one or multiple files and define a number and an alias for each of them ahead of time.
Then the driver will automatically preload those segments to the memory once the function for driver initialization
SsmStartCti is invoked, which offers great facility to play such successive segments as ‘125’. Playing in Preload
File Mode enables the driver to make seamless connection of voice segments and creates much more excellent
effect than playing a number of single files in sequence.

The driver supports up to 65536 preload voice segments.

You can preload voice segments by compiling the configuration file ShIndex.ini, the detailed information on which
can be found in Preload Voice Configuration File ShIndex.ini (CTI Series) in Section 3.2.

Also the application program is able to preload voice segments dynamically via function calls. See the table below
for relative functions.

z Functions for loading and unloading voice segments

Function Name Description

SsmSetMaxIdxSeg Sets the total number of preload voice segments.
SsmGetTotalIndexSeg Obtains the total number of preload voice segments.
SsmLoadIndexData Loads the specified voice segments to the memory.
SsmFreeIndexData Unloads the preload voice segments from the memory.

z Specific functions for playing preload voice segments

Function Name Description

SsmPlayIndexList Plays one or multiple specified preload voice segments in sequence.
SsmPlayIndexString Plays one or multiple specified preload voice segments in sequence.
SsmStopPlayIndex Stops playing preload voice segments.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 23

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This mode is used for playing a single voice file, including the WAV file, the MP3 file and the non-header file
(without file header, in need of extra designation of CODEC).

Related functions and configuration items are listed in the table below.

Function/Event Name Description

SsmPlayFile Starts playing a single file.
SsmStopPlayFile Stops playing a single file.
SsmPausePlay Suspends playing a single file.
SsmRestartPlay Resumes file playing which is paused by the function call of SsmPausePlay.
SsmFastFwdPlay Continues file playing after 1 sec. of fast forward.
SsmFastBwdPlay Continues file playing after 1 sec. of fast backward.
SsmSetPlayTime Continues file playing from the position specified by time.
SsmSetPlayPrct Continues file playing from the position specified by percentage.
SsmGetDataBytesToPlay Queries the amount of unplayed voice data bytes.
SsmGetDataBytesPlayed Queries the amount of played voice data bytes.
SsmGetPlayingFileInfo Obtains information on the voice file being played.
Obtains the duration of voice playing from the first byte of the file to the current
E_PROC_PlayFile An event which tells the playing progress in Single File Mode. File List Mode

In this mode, the application first consecutively submits multiple voice files with the same CODEC. Then the driver
automatically plays those files according to the submitting sequence, making seamless connection of files.

The function SsmAddToFileList is used to submit necessary files to be played to the driver. The maximum amount
of submitted files is determined by the configuration item MaxPlayFileList.

Once the application invokes the function SsmPlayFileList, the driver starts a task of playing multiple files from the
1st one. Every time when a file is completely played, the driver will send the event E_PROC_PlayFileList to the
application and go to the next file. After all files are played, the driver automatically closes all of them, terminates
the play task and launches the E_PROC_PlayEnd to the application.

Related functions and output events are shown in the table below.

Function/Event Name Description

SsmAddToFileList Submits a file to be played to the driver.
SsmPlayFileList Starts voice playing in File List Mode.
SsmClearFileList Closes and clears all voice files submitted to the driver.
SsmStopPlayFileList Stops voice playing in File List Mode.
E_PROC_PlayFileList An event thrown out by the driver when a voice file is completely played Single Buffer Mode

In this mode, the application allocates a buffer for itself, writes voice data into the buffer and then submits a play
task to the driver. The driver launches an event to the application upon completing the play of all data in the buffer
and ends the play task.

Related functions and output events are displayed in the table below.

Function/Event Name Description

SsmPlayMem Starts voice playing in Single Buffer Mode.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 24

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SsmSetStopPlayOffset Resets the position in the buffer where the play stops.
SsmStopPlayMem Stops voice playing in Single Buffer Mode.
Obtains the pointer to data being played in the driver during voice playing in
Single Buffer Mode.
E_PROC_PlayMem An event which tells the playing progress in Single Buffer Mode Buffer List Mode

In this mode, the application program submits ahead of time a group of voice data blocks respectively in multiple
buffers. Then the driver plays them consecutively according to the set sequence, making seamless connection of
voice data blocks. Note that those blocks are managed by the application itself.

Relative functions are shown below:

Function Name Description

SsmAddToPlayMemList Submits a buffer to the driver.
SsmClearPlayMemList Clears all buffers submitted to the driver.
SsmPlayMemList Starts voice playing in Buffer List Mode.
SsmStopPlayMemList Stops voice playing in Buffer List Mode. Pingpong Buffer Mode

This mode uses double buffers. Its operation principle is: Before the start of voice playing, the application prepares
one (or two) buffer full of voice data to be played, and then invokes the function SsmPlayMemBlock once (or
consecutively twice) to submit the buffer to the driver. When the driver receives the play command, it will perform
voice playing in Pingpong Buffer Mode, that is, upon a complete play of voice data in the first buffer, the driver will
automatically play those in the second and meanwhile invoke the callback function from the application to pass an
end-of-play message to the application. After that, the application will fill data into the next buffer and restart such

Compared with Single Buffer Mode, Pingpong Buffer Mode has the following characteristics.
z The minimum buffer size can be set to 192 bytes;
z Support for callback programming.

Since neither Windows nor Linux is a true real-time operating system, there is bound to be some delay in
transmitting voice data from the application buffer to the on-board voice decoder. Besides, due to the indirect
transmission of voice data, first from the application program (User Mode) to the device driver (Kernel Mode), then
from the device driver to the board, the delay in time is not invariable but changes depending on how busy the
application is. A relatively effective way to shorten the delay time is to reduce the buffer size and enhance the
priority for the application to update voice data at the same time. The driver’s thread priority is quite high, and in
this case all related source codes in the callback function can acquire the priority as high as that of the driver. From
the above we can see that the use of Pingpong Buffer Mode can minimize this kind of delay, so it is applicable to
those occasions that demand high real-time capability in voice playing.

Related functions are shown below:

Function Name Description

SsmPlayMemBlock Submits a buffer to the driver and starts voice playing in Pingpong Buffer Mode.
SsmStopPlayMemBlock Stops voice playing in Pingpong Buffer Mode.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 25

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Common Termination Function

The function SsmStopPlay can be used to stop any kind of play tasks. Acquiring Information on Voice Playing

The following functions can be called to obtain relative information about voice playing.
Function Name Description
SsmQueryPlayFormat Queries if the channel supports the specified playing format.
SsmGetPlayType Queries the mode of voice playing performed currently on the channel.
SsmCheckPlay Queries various situations during voice playing.
SsmGetPlayedPercentage Obtains the percentage of the played data to the entire.
SsmGetPlayedTime Obtains the duration of voice playing.

1.10.2 Voice Recording Setting Recording Signal Source

The recording signal source varies on the board model. Refer to the operation principle of corresponding board
Series for details. Setting Termination Condition

After the start of voice recording, other than the occasion where the task stops naturally by itself or is terminated by
the application through function calls, the driver will automatically end it once the channel detects some events
triggered by particular conditions, simplifying compilation of the application program. The ‘particular conditions’
mentioned here include:

(1) The DTMF Detector detects DTMF digits in the incoming signals.

Related functions and configuration items are listed below.

Function Name Description Related Configuration Item

Sets whether to stop voice recording as the
SsmSetDTMFStopRecCharSet DtmfStopRecCharSet
DTMF Detector detects DTMF digits.

(2) Call state machine detects remote hangup.

Related functions and configuration items are listed below.

Function Name Description Related Configuration Item

Sets whether to stop voice recording as the
SsmSetHangupStopRecFlag HangupStopRec
driver state machine detects remote hangup. Setting Prerecord Feature

Prerecord is a process that the driver starts a prerecord task according to reset parameters and stores the
recorded data in its internal buffers; thus, when the application invokes functions to record data into a file, it can
copy the recorded data in the buffer from the driver to this file before the start of normal recording. This feature
helps prevent loss of the foremost part of voice data during File Mode recording caused by delay in application
response and the like.
As to the buffer for prerecord data, the size can be set via the configuration item RecordBufSize.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 26

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Related functions and configuration items are listed below.

Function Name Description Related Configuration Item

SsmSetPrerecord Sets the prerecord feature.
SsmGetPrerecordState Obtains the prerecord settings. Setting Tail-Truncation Feature

When the application stops recording data into files, the driver will automatically truncate the last section of the
recorded voice data. This feature is applicable to some particular occasions, for example, in case the driver’s
detection of DTMF signals stops the File Mode recording and the application doesn’t like those DTMF digits shown
in the file.

This feature only supports File Mode recording and requires cooperation with the settings ‘automatic stop of voice
recording upon detection of DTMF’.

Related functions and configuration items are listed below.

Function Name Description Related Configuration Item

Sets the parameters for the tail-truncation TruncateTailOnRecordToFile
Obtains the preset parameters for the
tail-truncation feature. Setting AGC Feature

If the AGC (Automatic Gain Control) feature is enabled, the driver will automatically adjust the input signal
amplitude, increasing that of small signals and decreasing that of large signals.

The function SsmSetRecAGC is used to enable or disable the AGC feature, whose parameters can be set via the
following configuration items.

For DST-24B/PCI, DST-24B/PCI+, DST-24B/PCIe, DST-24B/PCIe+ boards, the parameters for AGC module can
be set both uplink and downlink via the following configuration items:

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 27

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z The AGC operation principle for the Synway voice board is to adjust the gain of amplifiers in AGC
circuits according to the voltage level of originally input signals so as to control the output signal
level within an expected range. By setting AGC parameters, we can provide various AGC effects to
satisfy different application environments and different users. Our AGC parameters may be divided
gain increase and decrease; second, AGCMAXLEVEL(AGCMAXLEVELUPLINK,
used to set the expected value of the AGC output voltage level; third, AGCDOWNRATIO
AGCUPRATIODOWNLINK) and AGCKEEPTIME, used to control the speed of AGC gain
z Our default AGC settings are suitable for most application environments. If you are required to reset
the parameters for AGC in particular cases, please do it under the instruction of our technicians.
z Because the driver will automatically disable the AGC feature when the channel state transfers to
S_CALL_STANDBY, although the application can still perform recording on the channel, the data
recorded afterwards are obviously not endued with the AGC feature. If the application would like to
recover the AGC feature in this case, it is necessary to set the configuration item
OpenRecEnAndPlayEnOnIdle. Acquiring Information on Voice Recording

Related functions are shown below.

Function Name Description

SsmQueryRecFormat Queries if the channel supports the specified recording format.
SsmGetRecType Queries the mode of voice recording performed currently on the channel.
SsmGetRecTime Obtains the duration of voice recording.
SsmCheckRecord Queries various situations during voice recording. Brief Introduction of Recording Functions

The driver will allocate in itself a recording buffer for each channel. The buffer size can be set via the configuration
RecordBufSize item, with a default value of 32768 bytes.

There are 3 categories of recording functions respectively for 3 recording modes: File Mode, Buffer Mode and
Pingpong Buffer Mode. File Mode

Related functions are shown below.

Function Name Description

SsmRecToFileA Start voice recording in File Mode.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 28

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SsmStopRecToFile Stops voice recording in File Mode.

SsmPauseRecToFile Suspends voice recording in File Mode.
SsmRestartRecToFile Resumes voice recording in File Mode.
SsmChkRecToFile Queries various situations during voice recording in File Mode.
SsmGetDataBytesToRecord Obtains the amount of unrecorded voice data bytes. Buffer Mode

In this mode, the application program first calls the function SsmRecToMem to submit a buffer to the driver. Then
the driver writes the recorded data into this buffer and throws out progress messages according to the set

Related functions are shown below.

Function Name Description

SsmRecToMem Starts voice recording in Buffer Mode.
SsmStopRecToMem Stops voice recording in Buffer Mode.
During voice recording in Buffer Mode, obtains the pointer to the position in
the driver buffer where the recorded data are written. Pingpong Buffer Mode

This mode uses double buffers. Its operation principle is: Before the start of voice recording, the application
prepares one (or two) recording buffer, and then invokes the function SsmRecordMemBlock once (or consecutively
twice) to submit the buffer to the driver. After the application calls SsmRecordMemBlock for the first time, the driver
will start voice recording in Pingpong Buffer Mode and write the recorded data into the buffer. When one buffer is
full, the driver will automatically shift to another and meanwhile invoke the callback function from the application to
pass an end-of-record message to the application. Via this callback function, the application can call
SsmRecordMemBlock to submit a new buffer and do subsequent processing of the recorded data.

Compared with Buffer Mode, Pingpong Buffer Mode has the following characteristics.
z The minimum buffer size can be set to 192 bytes.
z Support for the callback operation mode.

Since neither Windows nor Linux is a true real-time operating system, there is bound to be some delay in
transmitting recorded data from the board to the application buffer. Besides, as voice data need to be passed from
the device driver (Kernel Mode) to the application program (User Mode), involving the switch from Kernel Mode to
User Mode, the delay in time is not invariable but changes depending on how busy the application is. A relatively
effective way to shorten the delay time is to reduce the buffer size and enhance the priority for the application to
process voice data at the same time. The driver’s thread priority is quite high, and in this case all related source
codes in the callback function can acquire the priority as high as that of the driver. From the above we can see that
the use of Pingpong Buffer Mode can minimize this kind of delay, so it is applicable to those occasions that require
high real-time capability in voice recording.

Related functions are shown below:

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 29

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Function Name Description

Submits a buffer to the driver and starts voice recording in Pingpong Buffer
SsmStopRecordMemBlock Stops voice recording in Pingpong Buffer Mode.

1.10.3 DTMF Detector

All Synway boards provide an independent DTMF detector for each channel on them.

The following figure shows the operation principle of the DTMF detector.

WaitDTMF Buffer
Inbound 2
FFT DTMF Filter Pulse-width Filter K2
1 3

DTMF Detector


The switch K1 is controlled by the configuration item AlwaysEnableRxDtmf, the driver and the application together.
When AlwaysEnableRxDtmf is set to 1, K1 is switched on; when AlwaysEnableRxDtmf is set to 0, it is the driver
that determines the state of K1 based on channel state transition: switch on K1 as the channel turns to the talking
state; switch off K1 as the channel leaves the talking state followed by call disconnection. Also the application can
invoke the function SsmEnableRxDtmf to control the state of K1.

When a station channel stays in the idle state, the DTMF detector is disabled under the automatic control of the
driver, which however can be enabled via the configuration item RcvDtmfOnIdle.

FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) figured above indicates FFT signal processing provided to transform input voice
signals from the time domain to the frequency domain.

The DTMF filter examines the frequency of input signals to see if there are DTMF digits and outputs its judgement
by voltage level.

The pulse-width filter is used for eliminating the pulse width of DTMF signals so as to avoid the effect of interlarded
DTMF signals on the examining result. The detected DTMF digits are output via the switch K2 while being passed
to the callback function.

The switch K2 is automatically controlled by the driver to determine the outgoing route of DTMF signals. Usually
the driver puts K2 at the 1-3 position, stores the detected DTMF digits to the buffer RcvBuffer, and meanwhile
sends the event E_CHG_RcvDTMF to the application program.

RcvBuffer holds the detected DTMF, whose size can be specified via the configuration item RxDtmfBufSize. The
following functions helps access RcvBuffer.

Function Name Description

SsmClearRxDtmfBuf Empty the buffer in the driver which stores DTMF digits, i.e. the DTMF

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 30

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detector buffer.
Obtains the DTMF digits saved in the DTMF detector buffer.
SsmGetRxDtmfLen Obtains the number of DTMF digits saved in the DTMF detector buffer.
Obtains the first DTMF digit received by the DTMF detector buffer.
SsmGetLastDtmf Obtains the last DTMF digit received by the DTMF detector buffer.

When the application invokes the function SsmSetWaitDtmf to start a task of WaitDtmf, K2 will automatically switch
to the 1-2 position and the detected DTMF digits be sent to the WaitDtmf component for subsequent processing.
Note that none of the detected DTMF digits will enter RcvBuffer after the task of WaitDtmf is started, however, the
DTMF digits which already exist in RcvBuffer will be copied to the buffer. DTMF Filter

The DTMF filter examines the frequency of input signals to see if there are DTMF digits involved, and prevents the
mistaking of voice signals for DTMF.

The corresponding relationship between DTMF digits and the frequency is shown in the following table.

1209Hz 1336Hz 1477Hz 1633Hz

697Hz 1 2 3 A
770Hz 4 5 6 B
852Hz 7 8 9 C
941Hz * 0 # D

The following configuration items and functions help ensure the DTMF filter to make accurate judgements.

Configuration Item or Function Description

Sets the threshold value in percentage for the rate of DTMF in-band
energy to overall energy.
Configuration item:
The DTMF filter calculates the percentage of DTMF in-band energy to
overall energy in real time and compares it with a set threshold value. Only
if the percentage is greater than the threshold value will the DTMF filter
SsmSetFlag (with the parameter
conclude that the on-line signals are DTMF and output the judgement by
voltage level (High voltage level means detection of DTMF signals while
low level implies nondetection).
Sets the absolute value of DTMF in-band energy. Only if the DTMF in-band
DtmfEnergy energy is greater than the set value of this configuration item will the driver
confirm that those detected are DTMF signals.
Configuration item:
Sets the proportion of the high-frequency DTMF energy to the
low-frequency. Only if the proportion is greater than the set value of this
configuration item will the driver confirm that those detected are DTMF
SsmSetFlag (with the parameter
F_HighAndLowFreqEnScale) DTMF Pulse-width Filter

The figure below shows the operation principle of the DTMF pulse-width filter.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 31

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DTMF signal
Ton Toff

t0 t1 t2 t3

In the figure above, Ton and Toff represent the minimum DTMF signal durations respectively at on and off states
(voltage level). In practice, after the voltage level of the input DTMF signal transforms from low to high, only if the
signal stays at on or off state for more than Ton /Toff will the driver conclude that it is a real DTMF digit that goes
through the line, write this digit into a buffer and send the event E_CHG_RcvDTMF to the application program at
the same time.

Ton and Toff are set via the configuration item ReceiveDtmfSensitive or the function SsmSetFlag (with the
parameter F_RCVDTMFSENS).

The configuration item OmitABCD is used to determine on whether to discard the received a, b, c or d digit. If this
item is set to RESERVED, the a, b, c or d will be sent to the subsequent processing component with other digits,
otherwise be discarded.

The configuration item DtrmOnDtmfHighLevel is used to determine the time for the driver to output the DTMF digit.
In the use of the high-level output setting, the driver will immediately detect the output of DTMF digits when the
signal last at on state for more than Ton (i.e. at the time t1 in the figure above); in the use of low-level output setting,
the driver can detect the output of DTMF digits only when the signal transforms from on to off state and keeps at off
state for more than Toff (i.e. at the time t3 in the figure above). WaitDtmf

WaitDtmf is a task of receiving particular DTMF digits submitted to the driver by the application. It is started when
the application invokes the function SsmSetWaitDtmf. The DTMF digits detected afterwards by the DTMF detector
will not enter RcvBuffer but come directly into the WaitDtmf component. Then the driver determines on whether to
terminate this task according to preset conditions: it will send the event E_PROC_WaitDTMF to the application and
end this WaitDtmf task once the termination condition is satisfied.

Related functions are listed below.

Function/Event Name Description

SsmSetWaitDtmfEx Start the WaitDtmf task.
SsmCancelWaitDtmf Cancel the WaitDtmf task.
SsmChkWaitDtmf Queries the WaitDtmf task progress.
E_PROC_WaitDTMF Reports the WaitDtmf task progress. Callback Programming

The Callback component is used to process the application’s callback function. Provided the application has
configured a callback function by calling the function SsmSetRxDtmfHandler, the driver will invoke this callback
function when it detects DTMF digits.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 32

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Dial Pulse Detection

The DTMF detector for the analog trunk recording channel is able to detect the dial pulse provided the
configuration item EnablePulseKeyDetect is properly reset.

1.10.4 DTMF Generator (CTI Series)

The DTMF generator can produce standard DTMF digits on the line, including ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’,
‘*’, ‘#’, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’.

The following figure shows the operation principle of the DTMF generator.

Outbound DTMF Generator TxDtmfBuffer SsmTxDtmf



The Synway board prepares an independent DTMF generator and a TxDtmfBuffer for each channel.

The size of TxDtmfBuffer can be designated via the configuration item TxDtmfBufSize, with a default value of 50

The DTMF generator is able to create DTMF digits which in frequency and amplitude completely meet the country
criteria for DTMF dialing. Below is a typical DTMF signal produced by the DTMF generator.

DTMF signal
Ton Toff

As shown above, Ton and Toff are used to describe the waveform of a DTMF digit: Ton indicates the signal duration
at on state while Toff represents the signal duration at off state. Both of them can be set via the configuration item
TxDtmfTimePara or the function SsmSetTxDtmfPara. The function SsmGetTxDtmfPara is for obtaining the Ton and
Toff settings.

The signal amplitude A can be set via the function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_TXDTMFAMP). The default
value is 0X8976, among which the 8 higher bits set the amplitude of low frequency and the 8 lower bits set the
amplitude of high frequency. The conversion between Amplitude A and DB is Y=20*lg(X/16), among which Y is the
DB value and X is the set value. Take the default value 0X8976 for example. According to the conversion formula,
the low-frequency DB value is 18.65=20*lg(137/16) and the high-frequency DB value is 17.35=20*lg(118/16).

After the application invokes the function SsmTxDtmf, the diver will store the DTMF digits to be transmitted in
TxDtmfBuffer and start a task to transmit DTMF at the same time. Every time when the DTMF generator finishes
transmitting a digit, it will automatically take the next one out of TxDtmfBuffer for transmission. As TxDtmfBuffer
gets empty, which indicates termination of the task, the driver will send the event E_PROC_SendDTMF to the

You can use the function SsmStopTxDtmf to stop transmission at any time and the function SsmChkTxDtmf to
query the task progress.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 33

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1.10.5 Tone Detector

Each channel on the Synway board has an independent tone detector which is mainly for:

• Call progress tone detection on the analog line.

• Fax tone detection.
• Other special applications, such as tone detection on the digital trunk channel in the automatic call testing

Tip: Skip this section if your system does not involve such applications mentioned above. Otherwise, if
your system contains analog trunk channels or analog trunk recording channels, read through this
section carefully as it is quite essential to your system’s compatibility.

The figure below shows the operation principle of the tone detector and the event outputs concerned.

Î E_CHG_RingEchoToneTime
Î E_CHG_BusyTone
Î E_CHG_BusyToneEx

Inbound Voice
Simplified Busy Tone Detector
Inbound A
FFT Noise Filter K6 Call Progress Tone Detector
2nd ÎE_CHG_ToneAnalyze
DSP B K4 +
Call Progress Tone Detector

Fax Progress Tone Detector

Answering Machine Detector ÎE_CHG_AMD

Tone Detector
Î E_CHG_ToneDetector
Enhanced Tone Detector
Î E_CHG_ToneDetectorItem

The switch K1, which can be set via the function SsmStartToneAnalyze/ SsmCloseToneAnalyze, controls the
operation of the tone detector as well as the remote pickup detector. It is under an automatic control of the driver
based on channel state transition and switched on after system initialization. Refer to the section on channel state
machine for details.

K2 is automatically controlled by the DSP program: it is switched off when starting the on-channel FSK receiver,
and switched on otherwise.

K6 determines the use of the enhanced tone detector. It can be set by the configuration item ToneDetectorMode.
By default, K6 is connected with A, using the 1st and 2nd call progress tone detectors as well as the fax progress
tone detector for detection. When K6 is connected with B, the enhanced tone detector is used for detection.

The tone detector is made up of the following components.


FFT indicates FFT signal processing provided to transform input voice signals from the time domain to the
frequency domain. The processing results are sent to the subsequent component for analysis and calculation.

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Also the overall energy of on-line voice signals is calculated in this component. Since FFT calculation is
performed in DSP chips, no host resource needs to be used.

• Noise Filter

Used for eliminating noises on the line.

• Call Progress Tone Detector

It is used to examine if there are call progress tones, whether single tones or dual tones, on the line. Each tone
detector has 2 call progress tone detectors independent to each other. The switch K4, which is switched off in
default and can be set via the configuration item Enable2ndToneAnalyzer or the function
SsmStart2ndToneAnalyzer, determines whether to use the second call progress tone detector or not.

• Fax Progress Tone Detector

It is used to examine if there are single fax progress tones on the line. Each tone detector has 2 fax progress
tone detectors independent to each other. This detector becomes useless when K4 is connected to the second
call progress tone detector.

• Simplified Busy Tone Detector

When the application program starts the FSK receiver on the analog trunk channel, the on-board DSP
program will automatically switch off K2 so that the tone detector is disconnected and fails to work in a normal
state. However, some particular occasions using the SHT Series boards require the application to detect busy
tones while receiving FSK data to ensure an accurate judgement on the remote hangup behavior in time. The
simplified busy tone detector is just designed for such requirements. The application can use it simply by
switching on K1 and K3 at the time when K2 is automatically switched off by the DSP program. As this detector
only accepts the energy of incoming signals output by the Barge-in detector, it is unable to conduct sufficient
analysis over the signal frequency but has to examine the signal waveform to make sure if there are busy
tones on the line. Therefore, we name it the simplified busy tone detector.

• Enhanced Tone Detector

As a perfect substitute for call progress tone detector and fax progress tone detector, the enhanced tone
detector can detect not only the kinds of tones detected by these two detectors, but also some particular tones
(such as SIT signals).

Note: So far only a part of Synway boards listed below support the enhanced tone detector. See the table for

Board Model Enhanced Tone Detector Supported or Not

SHT-8A/PCI Supported
SHT-8B/PCI Supported
SHT-8B/PCI/FAX Supported
SHT-8C/PCI/FAX Supported
SHT-8C/PCI/EC Supported
SHT-16A-CT/PCI Supported
SHT-16B-CT/PCI Supported
SHT-16B-CT/PCI/FAX Supported
SHT-16B-CT/cPCI Supported
SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/MP3 Supported
SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/FAX Supported

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SHT-16C-CT/PCI/FAX Supported
SHT-16C-CT/PCI/EC Supported
SHT-16D-CT/PCIe Supported
SHT-4A/USB Supported
SHT-2A/USB Supported
SHT-2B/USB Supported
SHT-4B/USB Supported
SHF-2D/PCI Supported
SHF-4D/PCI Supported

• Answering Machine Detector

It is used to distinguish the answering machine from the human being that answers after remote pickup. K7 is used
to control whether the answering machine auto-run . This function also can be sets via the configuration item
EnableAMD, The default value of K7 is connected (switched on).

The following configuration items also can influence the action of answering machine detector. Details are shows
as below.
AMDNoSoundAfterDialTime: Uses to judge the line silence time after dial tone overtime or not. If the line silence
time is over the value of AMDNoSoundAfterDialTime, events E_CHG_AMD will be throw out.(at this condition, the
value of E_CHG_AMD is 5)
AMDNoSoundTime: Uses to judge the silence time after tone or color ring detected overtime or not. If the silence
time is over the value of AMDNoSoundTime, events E_CHG_AMD will be throw out.(at this condition, the value of
E_CHG_AMD is 4)
AMDTimeOut: Uses to judge the whole AMD detecting process overtime or not. If this process is over the value of
AMDTimeOut, events E_CHG_AMD will be throw out.(at this condition, the value of E_CHG_AMD is 3)
AMDToneCount: Uses to judge if the tone detected time is overtime or not. If this time is over the value of
AMDToneCount, the event E_CHG_AMD will be thrown out (at this condition, the value of E_CHG_AMD is 1).
AMDTOn: Uses to set the lowest duration when the voice goes into the High voltage state.
AMDTOff: Uses to set the lowest duration when the voice goes into the low voltage state.
AMDTimeA: Uses to set the lowest silence duration before the phone pickup by man detected.
AMDTimeB: Uses to set the lowest duration when the phone pickup by man detected.
AMDTimeC: Uses to set the maximal duration when the phone pickup by man detected.
AMDTimeD: Uses to set the lowest silence duration after the phone pickup by man detected.
AMDSilentEnergy: Uses to set an energy value that can judge the voice is silence or not. FFT

The FFT component in the on-board DSP chips provides FFT signal processing, transforming input voice signals
from the time domain to the frequency domain and performing a FFT calculation of on-line voice signals every
16ms. The results are input to the subsequent component.

Following the FFT signal processing, the driver will send the events listed below to the application.

• E_OverallEnergy: sends the overall energy calculated by FFT to the application. The application
need not respond to this event in most cases.

• E_CHG_PeakFrq: sends the calculated frequency and in-band energy of the peak signal in the
spectrum to the application. The function SsmSetPeakFrqDetectBW is used to set the bandwidth of
the peak frequency. The application need not respond to this event in most cases. Note that this

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event is thrown out only when the peak frequency changes.

z We do not use decibel (DB) as the dimensions for the output overall energy with the purpose of
simplifying the calculation. If the application requires DB as the dimensions, the transformational
relation between the output overall energy and DB can be expressed as follows (suppose X is the
energy value obtained via API functions).
SHT Series: DB=10*lg(X/72,000,000)
SHD Series: DB=10*lg(X/33,000,000)
SHN Series: DB=10*lg(X/33,000,000)
ATP Series: DB=10*lg(X/72,000,000)
DTP Series: DB=10*lg(X/33,000,000)
DST Series: DB=10*lg(X/33,000,000)
24DA Boards: DB=10*lg(X/22,000,000,000)
z The FFT component quits working upon the start of the FSK receiver. Noise Filter

Usually there is no need to reconfigure the noise filter, for its default settings are adequate for most situations.

The following figure demonstrates the operation principle of the noise filter.

MinimumVoiceDetermineEnergy / SsmSetMinVocDtrEnergy

Noise Voice orTone

When the overall energy is less than the threshold value specified by the configuration item
MinimumVoiceDetermineEnergy (or the function SsmSetMinVocDtrEnergy), the driver will identify the signal as a
noise, otherwise as a true voice or tone. Call Progress Tone Detector (SHT Series Only)

Since the analysis made by the call progress tone detector on the analog trunk channel has a direct effect on the
call progress, it appears exceptionally important to properly use and configure the call progress tone. In general,
application systems can be divided into two categories based on different connection methods: connection to
direct line and connection to extension line.

Below is the application system that connects to the direct line (COT: Central Office Terminal).

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Analog Trunk


Application System
Connection to Direct Line

Such application system only requires the board driver to detect one kind of call progress tone.

Below is the application system that connects to the extension line.

Analog Trunk Analog Trunk

… …

Proprietary PBX COT

Application System

Connection to Extension Line

Since the proprietary PBX and the COT involved in the above situation probably differ in tone from each other, the
board driver is required to detect two kinds of call progress tone at the same time.

There are two call progress tone detectors - the 1st and the 2nd - available for various cases. Its operation principle
is shown in the figure below.

TonePara / SsmSetTonePara ToneHighFilterPoint

2ndTonePara / smSet2ndTonePara ToneLowFilterPoint
User-defined Tone Detector

Dial Tone Detector

Frequency Detector Pulse-width Filter
Echo Tone Detector

Busy Tone Detector

Call Progress Tone Detector

As illustrated above, the call progress tone detector consists of the frequency detector, the pulse-width filter, the
dial tone detector, the echo (ringback) tone detector, the busy tone detector and the user-defined tone detector.

The user-defined tone detector is only applicable to some particular instances.

The dial tone detector, the echo (ringback) tone detector, the busy tone detector and the user-defined tone detector
can work in double harness.

• Frequency Detector

The frequency detector examines the frequency of input signals to determine if there contain tones at the specified
frequency. It calculates the percentage of in-band energy of dual tones to overall energy in real time and compares
the result with a set threshold value. If the percentage is greater than the threshold value, it will conclude that the
on-line signals are tones and output the judgement by voltage level (High voltage level means detection of tones
while low level implies nondetection).

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You can use the configuration item TonePara or the function SsmSetTonePara to set the two frequency parameters
for the frequency detector in the 1st call progress tone detector, including the center frequency, the bandwidth and
the threshold value for the percentage of in-band energy.

Likewise, you can use the configuration item 2ndTonePara or the function SsmSet2ndTonePara to set the two
frequency parameters for the frequency detector in the 2nd call progress tone detector, including the center
frequency, the bandwidth and the threshold value for the percentage of in-band energy.

• Pulse-width Filter

The pulse-width filter is used to filter signals by pulse width so as to eliminate the effect of interlarded tones on
detection. In case the voltage level of the signal transforms from low to high, only if the signal stays at on state for
more than the time specified by the configuration item ToneHighFilterPoint will the driver confirm the tone’s coming
to being; In case the voltage level of the signal transforms from high to low, only if the signal stays at off state for
more than the time specified by the configuration item ToneLowFilterPoint will the driver confirm the tone’s

(1) The configuration parameters of the pulse-width filter also work on the 1st and 2nd call
progress tone detectors as well as the fax progress tone detector.
(2) On the analog trunk channel or analog trunk recording channel, the results acquired by the
dial tone detector, the echo (ringback) tone detector, the busy tone detector and the
user-defined tone detector in the 1st call progress tone detector will automatically trigger
corresponding events to change the state machine; however, whether the results obtained in
the 2nd call progress tone detector trigger corresponding events to change the state machine
or not is determined by the configuration item Check2ndToneOnAutoDial. Dial Tone Detector

Detection of dial tones is accomplished by the dial tone detector. The figure below shows the typical dial-tone

t0 t1 t2


Determination of Dial-tone: Disappearance of Dial-tone:


The tone detector will throw out the event E_CHG_ToneAnalyze (with the parameter CHKTONE_DIALTONE) once
the tone duration at on state counted by the driver reaches the threshold value Td which is set to judge the dial tone,
and send off E_CHG_ToneAnalyze (with the parameter CHKTONE_NO_RESULT) when the dial tone disappears.

For the 1st call progress tone detector, Td is specified by the configuration item IsDialToneDetermineTime or the
function SsmSetIsDialToneDtrTime; for the 2nd (if available), Td is designated by the configuration item
2ndIsDialToneDetermineTime or the function SsmSet2ndIsDialToneDtrTime.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 39

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Ringback Tone Detector

Detection of ringback tones is accomplished by the ringback tone detector. The figure below shows the typical
ringback-tone waveform.

Count=1 Count=2

Ton Toff

Î E_CHG_RingEchoToneTime Î E_CHG_RingEchoToneTime

Main parameters for the ringback tone includes Ton (duration at on state) and Toff (duration at off state). Once
detecting a signal either at on or off state lasts for a time that matches the set value, the call progress tone detector
considers the signal as a ringback tone and adds 1 to the ringback tone count. Both Ton and Toff accept the error of

For the ringback (echo) tone detector in the 1st call progress tone detector, the configuration item
RingEchoTonePara or the function SsmSetRingEchoTonePara can be used to set Ton and Toff; for that in the 2nd (if
available), the configuration item 2ndRingEchoTonePara or the function SsmSet2ndRingEchoTonePara is used.

The driver will send off the event E_CHG_RingEchoToneTime every time when the count output by the ringback
tone counter on a ringback tone detector in the 1st or 2nd call progress tone detector varies, but throw out the event
E_CHG_ToneAnalyze (with the parameter CHKTONE_ECHOTONE) only when the count turns to 1. Also the
function SsmGetRingEchoToneTime can be used to acquire the duration of ringback tones. Busy Tone Detector General Features

Detection of busy tones is accomplished by the busy tone detector. The figure below shows the typical busy-tone
Beginning of 1st busy tone Count=1 Count=2

Ton Toff Busy-tone Interval

Busy-tone Period Tma

Î E_CHG_BusyTone Î E_CHG_BusyTone

As shown in the figure above, a busy tone cycle falls into two parts: one corresponding to the signal duration at on
state (Ton) and the other to the duration at off state (Toff). Because the duty ratio of busy tones is 50%, the value of
Ton is equal to that of Toff and the driver only uses the busy tone cycle to determine if the on-line signals are busy

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tones. The acceptable error in the busy tone cycle is ±20%.

Once the signal duration at on or off state matches the set parameters of busy tones, the busy tone detector will
consider the input signals as busy tones, add 1 to the corresponding busy tone counter (i.e. ‘Count’ mentioned in
the above figure) and throw out the E_CHG_BusyTone event; when the count output by the busy tone counter
equals a specified value, it will send off the event E_CHG_ToneAnalyze (with the parameter
CHKTONE_BUSYTONE). The results from the busy tone detector also can be obtained via the following functions.

Function Name Description

Obtains the count of busy tone cycles output by the 1st call progress tone
Obtains the count of busy tone cycles output by the 2nd call progress tone
SsmGetBusyToneLen Obtains the busy tone duration output by the 1 call progress tone detector.
SsmGet2ndBusyToneLen Obtains the busy tone duration output by the 2 call progress tone detector.

Each busy tone detector is able to examine 4 groups of busy tones which differ in cycle at one time.

Configuring the busy tone detector in the 1st call progress tone detector:

• The configuration item BusyTonePeriod (or the functions SsmSetBusyTonePeriod,

SsmSetBusyTonePeriodEx) is used to set the busy tone cycle;
• The configuration item IsBusyToneDetermineCount (or the function SsmSetIsBusyToneDtrCnt) is
used to determine upon detection of which busy tone does the driver send off the
E_CHG_ToneAnalyze event.
Configuring the busy tone detector in the 2 call progress tone detector:

• The configuration item 2ndBusyTonePeriod (or the functions SsmSet2ndBusyTonePeriod,

SsmSetBusyTonePeriodEx) is used to set the busy tone cycle;
• The configuration item 2ndIsBusyToneDetermineCount (or the function
SsmSet2ndIsBusyToneDtrCnt) is used to determine upon detection of which busy tone does the
driver throw out the E_CHG_ToneAnalyze event.

In practice, the driver may mistake some signals resembling busy tones occasionally involved in voice signals as
busy tones. To solve such problem, the busy tone detector sets a guard time threshold value (marked as Tmax).
When the interval between two busy tone cycles gets longer than Tmax, the busy tone counter will automatically set
the count to 0 so as to avoid misdetection.

The configuration item MaxBsTnOffTime is used to set Tmax and is applicable to busy tone detectors in both the 1st
and 2nd call progress tone detectors. Back-to-back Busy Tone Detection

The conventional method to detect busy tones may become useless on the analog trunk channel in some
particular instances, such as in the application system based on the SHT Series boards shown below.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 41

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Subscriber A
Analog Trunk



Subscriber B
Application System

The SHT board in the application system uses two trunk channels to connect with Subscriber A and Subscriber B
respectively through PBX-A and PBX-B, which enables a two-way call between A and B via CT bus. When one
party (e.g. Subscriber A) hangs up and PBX-A sends busy tones to the board, Subscriber B will hang up too upon
hearing the busy tone and command PBX-B to deliver busy tones to the board. At that time if the on-board circuits
are not thoroughly disconnected yet, busy tones on either channel will go distorted and lose the regular waveform
under the influence of echoes. As a result, the busy tone detector fails to detect busy tones accurately and the two
channels stay occupied all the time.

To solve such problem, the busy tone detector is designed with the capability of back-to-back busy tone detection,
which requires no extra configuration. However, the result of back-to-back busy tone detection is not contained in
those output by the tone detector but supplied solely by the E_CHG_BusyToneEx event to the application program.
Also it can be acquired by using the function SsmGetBusyToneEx.

Note: Only the 1st call progress detector supports back-to-back busy tone detection. User-defined Tone Detector

The user-defined tone detector is only applicable to some particular occasions, such as when it is required to
detect some user-defined waveforms during the runtime of the dial tone detector, ringback tone detector and busy
tone detector. This detector is able to detect both continuous and periodic tones.

Configuring the user-defined tone detector in the 1st call progress tone detector:

— The configuration item AppointedToneAnalyzerSwitch is used to start or stop the detection.

— The configuration item IsAppointedToneDetermineTime is used to set the minimum duration of
continuous signals. This detector judges continuous signals in the same way as the dial tone detector.
When the tone continues for more than the time specified by this configuration item, the driver will throw
out the event E_CHG_ToneAnalyze (with the parameter CHKTONE_APPOINTEDTONE).
— The configuration items AppointedTonePara and IsAppointedToneDetermineCount are used to set the
durations of periodic signals respectively at on and off states as well as the minimum count of tone
cycles. This detector judges periodic signals in the same way as the ringback tone detector. When the
count obtained is greater than the minimum count designated by IsAppointedToneDetermineCount, the
driver will send off the event E_CHG_ToneAnalyze (with the parameter

Configuring the user-defined tone detector in the 2nd call progress tone detector:

— The configuration item 2ndAppointedToneAnalyzerSwitch is used to start or stop the detection.

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— The configuration item 2ndIsAppointedToneDetermineTime is used to set the minimum duration of

continuous signals. This detector judges continuous signals in the same way as the dial tone detector.
When the tone continues for more than the time specified by this configuration item, the driver will throw
out the event E_CHG_ToneAnalyze (with the parameter CHKTONE_APPOINTEDTONE).
— The configuration items 2ndAppointedTonePara and 2ndIsAppointedToneDetermineCount are used to
set the durations of periodic signals respectively at on and off states as well as the minimum count of
tone cycles. This detector judges periodic signals in the same way as the ringback tone detector. When
the count obtained is greater than the minimum count designated by
2ndIsAppointedToneDetermineCount, the driver will send off the event E_CHG_ToneAnalyze (with the
parameter CHKTONE_APPOINTEDTONE). Fax Progress Tone Detector (CTI Series)

There are two fax progress tone detectors respectively called the 1st fax progress tone detector and the 2nd fax
progress tone detector, which are used to detect at one time two fax progress tones at different frequency. The fax
progress tone is a single continuous tone.

The figure below shows the typical fax-progress-tone waveform.


Determination of Fax Progress Tone:

Î E_CHG_ToneAnalyze
Î E_CHG_VocFxFlag

The fax progress tone detector starts counting when it detects the signal at specified frequency. When the count
reaches the threshold value Td, the driver will throw out the events E_CHG_VocFxFlag and E_CHG_ToneAnalyze
(with the parameter CHKTONE_VOICEF1 or CHKTONE_VOICEF2) in order. Also the application can obtain the
result via the function SsmGetVocFxFlag.

The parameters of the fax progress tone detector include the center frequency, the bandwidth, the threshold value
for the percentage of in-band energy to overall energy and the minimum guard time Td. Those of the 1st fax
progress tone detector can be set via the configuration item VoiceFreqF1Para or the function SsmSetVoiceFxPara
while those of the 2nd via the configuration item VoiceFreqF2Para or the function SsmSetVoiceFxPara.

Note: The detection of fax answering tones during AutoDial on the analog trunk channel or analog trunk
recording channel usually indicates that the called party (fax machine) has picked up. Therefore, the result
obtained by the fax progress tone detector will automatically trigger the corresponding event to change
the state machine. Simplified Busy Tone Detector

Its operation principle, relative configuration items or functions, output events are all shown in the following figure.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 43

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ToneAnalyzeAtRcvFsk SsmSetBusyTonePeriod
ToneHighFilterPoint IsBusyToneDetermineCount
TAARFDetermineEnergy SsmSetIsBusyToneDtrCnt

Noise Filter Pulse-width Filter Busy Tone Detector ÎE_CHG_ToneAnalyze

Simplified Busy Tone Detector

As illustrated above, the operation of the simplified busy tone detector is controlled by the switch K3 which can be
set via the configuration item ToneAnalyzeAtRcvFsk.

The noise filter herein works in the same way as the ‘Noise Filter’ described in the previous section except that the
threshold value for judging the noise is set via the configuration item TAARFDetermineEnergy. Usually there is no
need to reconfigure the noise filter, for its default settings are adequate for most situations.

The pulse-width filter herein runs in an identical manner as the ‘Pulse-width Filter’ described in the previous section,
involving the same configuration items.

What makes the simplified busy tone detector different from the call progress detector is that it doesn’t examine the
frequency of input signals, i. e. it assumes all input signals are tones, so that it doesn’t contain the frequency

The algorithm used to examine the busy tone waveform is the same as that supported by the call progress tone
detector to examine the regular busy tone waveform. Like the busy tone detector in the 1st call progress tone
detector, this detector is able to examine 4 groups of busy tones which differ in cycle at one time and uses the
same waveform parameters, i.e.

— The configuration item BusyTonePeriod (or the functions SsmSetBusyTonePeriod,

SsmSetBusyTonePeriodEx) is used to set the busy tone cycle;
— The configuration item IsBusyToneDetermineCount (or the function SsmSetIsBusyToneDtrCnt) is used
to determine upon detection of which busy tone does the driver send off the E_CHG_ToneAnalyze

The simplified busy tone detector also has the ability to prevent misdetection of busy tones, which is enabled
similarly by setting the guard time Tmax via the configuration item MaxBsTnOffTime.

This detector outputs in an identical manner as a standard busy tone detector. Every time when a busy tone cycle
is detected, the detector will add 1 in the busy tone counter (i.e. ‘Count’ mentioned in the above figure) and throw
out the E_CHG_BusyTone event; when the count reaches a specified value, it will send off the event
E_CHG_ToneAnalyze (with the parameter CHKTONE_BUSYTONE).


z For the analog trunk channel, the E_CHG_ToneAnalyze event will be automatically triggered at
the same time to change the state machine.
z Only the SHT Series analog trunk channel is designed with the simplified busy tone detector.

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the following figure show the principle diagram, relative configuration items, functions and output event of AMD.

EnableAMD SsmGetAMDResult

Answering Machine Detector ÎE_CHG_AMD

Answering Machine Detector

Answering machine detector is controlled by K6 which also can set by configuration item EnableAMD.

The AMD distinguish the answering machine from the human being through analyzing the on-line voice. This
detector can widely uses in dialing system to improve the woke efficiency of seat telephone operator. Now, the
successful rate of distinguishing the answering machine from the human being is higher then 90%.

The result of AMD can be obtain through output the parameter of event E_CHG_AMD or via calling the function
SsmGetAMDResult to get it return value. calling the function SsmClearAMDResult can clear the detecting result of
last time.

z AMD works normal only when the Tone Detector is enabled.

z If the channel is an analog trunk channel, AMD will auto-start after dialing. If the channel is a digital
trunk channel, AMD will auto-start after the channel turns into the talking state. Enhanced Tone Detector

The operation principle of the enhanced tone detector is to divide tones into three categories for detection, i.e.
continuous tone, periodic tone and special information tone (SIT - three continuous single tones). Set with different
parameters according to various characteristics of these three kinds of tones, this detector can properly detect all
of them.
All parameters used are described as follows.
— The 1st mid-frequency F1
¾ For continuous tones, when a single tone is detected, F1 represents its frequency; when a dual tone is
detected, F1 indicates the 1st mid-frequency of the tone.
¾ For periodic tones, when a single tone is detected, F1 represents its frequency; when a dual tone is
detected, F1 indicates the 1st mid-frequency of the tone.
¾ For a special information tone (SIT), F1 represents the frequency of the 1st band.
— The 2nd mid-frequency F2
¾ For continuous tones, when a single tone is detected, F2 is equal to 0; when a dual tone is detected, F2
indicates the 2nd mid-frequency of the tone.
¾ For periodic tones, when a single tone is detected, F2 is equal to 0; when a dual tone is detected, F2
indicates the 2nd mid-frequency of the tone.
¾ For a special information tone (SIT), F2 represents the frequency of the 2nd band.
— The frequency of the 3rd band F3

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¾ Only valid for special information tones (SIT), F3 represents the frequency of the 3rd band.
— Durations T1, T2, T3
¾ For continuous tones, T1 indicates the duration at on state; T2, T3 are invalid.
¾ For periodic tones, T1 indicates the duration at on state in a period; T2 indicates the duration at off state
in a period; T3 is invalid.
¾ For a special information tone (SIT), T1, T2, T3 respectively indicate the durations of three continuous
single tones.
— The filtering point number at on and off states Con, Coff (time length at each point is 16ms)
¾ Set the time to judge the wave form (upwards or downwards). When the filtering point number gets
larger than Con, we say the wave goes into the on state; when the filtering point number is larger than
Coff, the wave is considered getting the off state.
— The frequency error threshold Ferr(Hz)
¾ Sets the accepted error of the parameters F1, F2, F3.

These three kinds of tones are illustrated as follows:

z Continuous Tone


Î E_CHG_ToneDetector
T1: F1(Hz), F2(Hz)

The dial tone and the fax tone F1/F2 belong to this kind and should be configured as continuous tones. Once the
duration at on state T1 is detected, the events E_CHG_ToneDetector and E_CHG_ToneDetectorItem will be
thrown out.
z Periodic Tone

Beginning of 1st Periodic tone Count=1 Count=2

T1 T2

Tone Periodic

T1: F1(Hz),F2(Hz) ÎE_CHG_ToneDetector Î E_CHG_ToneDetector

ÎE_CHG_ToneDetectorItem ÎE_CHG_ToneDetectorItem

The ringback tone, the howler tone and the busy tone all belong to this kind and should be configured as periodic
tones. Once a complete cycle is detected, the events E_CHG_ToneDetector and E_CHG_ToneDetectorItem will
be thrown out.

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z SIT (Special Information Tone)

Beginning of 1st SIT tone Count=1 Count=2

T1 T2 T3

SIT Tone

T1: F1(Hz)
ÎE_CHG_ToneDetector Î E_CHG_ToneDetectorItem
T2: F2(Hz)
ÎE_CHG_ToneDetectorItem ÎE_CHG_ToneDetectorItem
T3: F3(Hz)

An SIT tone consists of three continuous single tones, each of which has its own frequency. Such kind of tones
should be configured as SIT tones. Once three continuous single tones are detected, the events
E_CHG_ToneDetector and E_CHG_ToneDetectorItem will be thrown out.

Relative configuration items:

— ToneDetectorItem[n] describes all parameters, such as frequency, signal duration at off state, signal
duration at on state, etc., for the tones to be detected.
— MaxToneDetectorItem indicates how many kinds of tones will be detected by the enhanced tone
— VoiceOffDetermineTime is used to set the time of silence detection. Its value depends on the period of
the ringback tone in the common mode, usually being 1.2 times the period of the ringback tone.
However, it needs to be set manually in the enhanced mode.

The parameter dwParam of the event E_CHG_ToneDetector tells the kind of tones and the N which this kind of
tones corresponds to in ToneDetectorItem[N]. The event E_CHG_ToneDetectorItem records the period of tones,
and the 2 lower bits of dwParam indicate how many periods the tone lasts.

To be compatible with previously developed application programs, the enhanced tone detector provides the
following interfaces other than the event interfaces E_CHG_ToneDetector and E_CHG_ToneDetectorItem.
— API Interface: SsmStartToneAnalyze, SsmCloseToneAnalyze, SsmGetToneAnalyzeResult,
— Event Interface: E_CHG_ToneAnalyze

1.10.6 Tone Generator (CTI Series)

The ‘tone’ mentioned herein refers to the call progress tone at a constant frequency and a certain tempo. It uses
various tempos to imply different on-line states, for example, the remote end hangs up, the line is busy, etc. Each
channel on the Synway boards has an independent tone generator.

The parameters of the tone generator include the center frequency (either single or dual), the amplitude and the
tempo. Tones can be separated by tempo into two categories: the continuous tone and the periodic tone.

The continuous tone is the tone that keeps going at on state throughout the runtime of the tone generator. The dial
tone is of this kind with the waveform as shown below.

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Dial Tone

The periodic tone is the tone which undergoes several signal cycles, each of which involves a duration at on state
and a duration at off state. The busy tone and the ringback tone are of this kind with the typical waveform as shown

Periodic Tone
Ton Toff

T1 T2

In the figure above, T1 and T2 respectively represent the 1st and 2nd cycles while Ton and Toff indicate the signal
durations respectively at on and off states. The rate of Ton to Toff is called duty ratio: the busy tone’s duty ratio is 1:1
and the ringback tone’s is 1:4. Configuring Tone Generator

Configuration items or functions related to frequency and amplitude are displayed in the following table.

Function Name Description Related Configuration Item

Queries if the channel supports the tone
Sets frequency and amplitude of each DefaultSendToneFrequence
channel’s tone generator. DefaultSendToneVolume
Obtains frequency and amplitude of each
channel’s tone generator. Tone Generation

Functions related to the tone generator are shown in the following table.
Function Name Description
SsmSendTone Starts the tone generator.
SsmSendToneEx Starts the tone generator (allowed to set Ton and Toff in parameters).
SsmStopSendTone Stops the tone generator.
SsmChkSendTone Obtains the type of tones being sent by the tone generator.

Note: The operations listed below are forbidden once the tone generator is started (except for 120A series
• Voice playing;
• Run of the DTMF generator;
• FSK data transmission.

1.10.7 Echo Canceller (CTI Series)

The echo cancellation feature helps effectively improve the quality of voice communications and greatly enhance
the accuracy of the DTMF detector and the Barge-in detector.

The operating mode of the echo canceller can be set via the function SsmSetEchoCanceller or the configuration
item EnableEchoCancellor, with a default setting of ‘Enabled’. Note: Because the echo canceller once enabled
will change incoming signals, if FSK data reception is required to be performed on a channel, you should

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 48

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disable the echo canceller and not enable it until the reception is completed to ensure the reliability in data

You can modify the configuration item LoadFskBin to optimize the performance and the effect of the echo canceller
for the SHD Series 30/60/120-channel boards. However, it may cause those boards to lose the call recording and
FSK data receive/transmit features due to the DSP resources being exhausted.

The echo canceller afforded by the Synway board in default is adequate for most application environments. If you
are required to change the operating mode or reset the parameters of the echo canceller in some particular
instances, please do it under the instruction of our technicians. Its parameters can be set via the function
SsmSetEchoCancelDelaySize or the configuration item EchoCancelDelaySize.

1.10.8 Barge-in Detector

The Barge-in detector is used to detect voice activities on the line, often applicable to those occasions that involve
the voice-controlled recording, the automatic speech recognition (ASR), etc. As long as a channel possesses the
capability of echo cancellation, it will prevent the echoes of outgoing signals from the local end (e.g. voices
generated during voice playing) going to the Barge-in detector, which thereby brings about quite precise results for
the Barge-in detector. To know if a channel has the capability of echo cancellation, refer to relative hardware

The Barge-in detector is composed of the noise filter, the voice activity detector and the silence detector as shown
in the figure below.

Inbound Voice
Noise Filter Voice Activity Detector ÎE_SYS_Bargein

Silence Detector ÎE_SYS_NoSound

Barge in Detector

The switch K1 which is under an automatic control of the driver determines the operating mode of the Barge-in
detector and the driver control mechanism is demonstrated by the following table:

Channel Type Driver Behavior Trigger Condition

The conferencing channel to be Switch on K1 The channel enters the conference room.
scheduled Switch off K1 The channel leaves the conference room.
The TUP / ISUP channel Switch on K1 The channel state transfers to S_CALL_TALKING.
The SS1 channel Switch off K1 The channel state transfers out of S_CALL_TALKING.
The channel state transfers to
Switch on K1 S_CALL_WAIT_REMOTE_PICKUP (outgoing call) or
The ISDN channel
S_CALL_RINGING (incoming call).
Switch off K1 The channel state transfers out of S_CALL_TALKING.
Switch on K1 The channel state transfers out of S_CALL_STANDBY.
The analog trunk channel
Switch off K1 The channel state transfers to S_CALL_STANDBY.
Switch on K1 The channel state transfers to S_CALL_PICKUPED.
The station channel
Switch off K1 The channel state transfers to S_CALL_STANDBY.
Switch on K1 Detects the pickup behavior.
The analog trunk recording channel
Switch off K1 Detects the hangup behavior.

If you are using the SHD Series boards, you can have K1 switched on all the time via the configuration item
AlwaysDetectBargeIn no matter which state the channel transfers to.

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If you are using the SHN, DTP or SHV Series boards, Switch K1 can be controlled only by the configuration item
AlwaysDetectBargeIn but not by the driver.

The noise filter is used to distinguish on-line noises from real voice signals. You can use the configuration item
VoiceEnergyMinValue to set the noise threshold value, judging the incoming or outgoing signals as on-line noises if
the signal intensity stays lower than the set value; the function SsmSetBargeInSens or the configuration item
BargeInSensitive to set the sensitivity of the noise filter; and the configuration item DefaultDtmfIsSound to
determine whether to consider the DTMF digits interlarded in incoming signals as voice signals.

The voice activity detector is used to detect the on-line voice activities. The driver will throw out the
E_SYS_BargeIn event once voice activities are detected in incoming signals which continue for more than the set
value of the function SsmGetIsBargeInDtrmTime or the configuration item BargeInDtrmTime. Also the application
can obtain the result via the SsmDetectBargeIn function.

The silence detector is used to judge if the line is silent or not. The E_SYS_NoSound event is triggered when no
voice signal occurs on the line (i.e. the line keeps silent) within a period of time longer than the set value of the
function SsmSetNoSoundDtrmTime or the configuration item IsNoSoundDtrmTime. The detected result can be
obtained via the function SsmDetectNoSound and the silent duration can be acquired via the function

1.10.9 TDM Capability

The Synway boards support two TDM modes:

¾ Interchannel Exchange: The capability to exchange voice data between on-board channels. Each
Synway board has such capability.
¾ Interboard Exchange: The capability to exchange voice data between channels respectively on different
boards. All Synway boards except the SHT and ATP Series 4-channel (the ‘-USB’ model) and 8-channel
boards are equipped with such capability.

The cPCI boards use H.110 bus while the rest use H.100 bus.

The following figure demonstrates the operation principle of voice exchange by TDM.

Time Slot 0
Time Slot 1
Time Slot 2

Time Slot i

Time Slot j

Time Slot 4095


Inbound Voice
Inbound Voice Ch B
Ch A Outbound Voice
Outbound Voice

In the figure above, the two-way connection between Ch A and Ch B is performed as follows: Put incoming
voice data from Ch A to Time Slot i on TDM bus and then transmit them from Time Slot i to Ch B. In this way,
Ch B is enabled to hear the incoming call from Ch A; likewise, Ch A can hear the incoming call from Ch B as
long as incoming voice data from Ch B are put to Time Slot j on TDM bus and then transmitted from there to

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Ch A.
During system initialization, the driver will put incoming signals from each channel to a time slot on TDM bus
provided the configuration item InVoiceToBus is set to 1 (default).

Related functions often used are listed in the following table.

Exchange Operation Function Name Description

Establishing Two-way SsmTalkWith Establishes a two-way connection between 2 channels.

Establishes a two-way connection between 2 channels,
Connection SsmTalkWithEx
allowed to set the volume on the 2 channels.
Tearing off Two-way
SsmStopTalkWith Tears off the two-way connection between Ch 1 and Ch 2.
Establishes a one-way connection from the talker channel
to the listener channel.
Establishes a one-way connection from the talker channel
SsmListenToEx to the listener channel, allowing setting the volume on the
talker channel.
Establishes a one-way connection from the talker channel
SsmLinkFrom to the listener channel, permitting the listener channel to
Establishing One-way listen to multiple channels simultaneously.

Connection Establishes a one-way connection from the talker channel

to the listener channel, permitting the listener channel to
listen to multiple channels simultaneously and allowing
setting the volume on the talker channel as well.
Establishes a number of one-way connections from one
talker channel to multiple listener channels, permitting the
SsmLinkFromAllCh listener channel to listen to multiple channels
simultaneously and allowing setting the volume on the
talker channel as well.
Tears off the one-way connection established by using the
function SsmListenTo or SsmListenToEx.
Tearing off One-way Tears off the one-way connection established by using the
Connection function SsmLinkFrom or SsmLinkFromEx.
Tears off the one-way connection established by using the
function SsmLinkFromAllCh.
Tearing off all Tears off all bus connections on the channel and recovers
Connections the channel to the state upon the driver’s initialization.

Below lists the advanced TDM functions which are used to establish or tear off the one-way connection between
channels and time slots:

Exchange Operation Function Name Description

Changes the time slot which is set to receive the signals
from the onto-bus mixer.
Channel to Time Slot
Reuses the default time slot to receive the signals from the
onto-bus mixer.
Establishes the one-way connection from a time slot to the
Time Slot to Channel SsmLinkFromBus
listener channel.
Establishes the one-way connection from a time slot to the
listener channel, allowing setting the volume.

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Tears off the one-way connection from a time slot to the

listener channel

1.10.10 Distributed Teleconferencing System (CTI Series) Basic Concepts

¾ Distributed Conferencing Technology

The CTI Series boards equipped with an independent mixer on each channel support teleconferencing without the
need for extra conferencing boards. This technology, which we call Distributed Conferencing Technology, is
Synway’s patent technique. Note that the teleconferencing feature will be unsupported once the driver enables the
soft-exchange over bus, and the multi-boards teleconferencing feature is not supported with those boards
excluding the CT-Bus interface.

¾ Conference Room

A conference room consists of all channels that participate in a same conference. Each conference room has a
unique number which is either specified by the application or allocated by the driver. The total number of channels
in a conference room is allowed to range from 3 to the total number of all channels in the application system, which
can be set via the configuration item ConfDefaultMaxGroupMember or designated by the function
SsmCreateConfGroup while creating the conference room.

The total number of conference rooms can be determined via the configuration item ConfMaxGroup.

¾ Conference Room Number

Each conference room has a unique number which is called Conference Room Number and ranges from 0 to the
set value of the configuration item ConfMaxGroup minus 1.

¾ Conference Channel

The channel which joins a teleconference is called Conference Channel.

¾ Conference Channel Number

It is the logical number for each channel in the conference room, counted from 0. Note that the conference channel
number is not always the same as the channel number.

¾ Conference Scheduling Program

Since the available conference mixer sources are limited, when the number of channels speaking at one time in a
conference room containing a relatively large number of members exceeds the maximum accepted by the
conference mixer, there is bound to be some part of the on-channel voices incapable to enter the conference mixer.
The SynCTI driver contains a conference scheduling program which provides an automatic scheduling over the
conference and allows only those on-channel voice signals which meet the scheduling conditions to enter the
conference mixer.

The conference scheduling is based on the priority level of the conference channel. All conference mixers on the
board are allocated first to the channels of high priority level, and then to those of low priority.

Provided the number of schedulable mixer sources is N, the number of organizer channels is m, the number of
chairman channels is n and the number of dynamic speaker channels being speaking is k, the conference

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scheduling follows the rules below.

(1) First of all, allocate the conference mixer sources to m organizer channels. Then go to the next step if
still some mixer sources left.
(2) If n≤N-m, all the n chairman channels can obtain mixer sources; if n>N-m, the scheduling program will
arrange them by voice signal intensity (volume) in a high-to-low order and ensure the first N-m ones to
acquire mixer sources. Start the allocation in the next priority level if still some mixer sources left.
(3) If k≤N-m-n, all the k dynamic speaker channels being speaking can obtain mixer sources; if k>N-m-n,
the scheduling program will arrange them by voice signal intensity (volume) in a high-to-low order and
ensure the first N-m-n ones to acquire mixer sources. A dynamic speaker channel, after seizing a mixer,
if there is no other channel with higher priority preempting mixer sources against it, will keep occupying
the mixer.

¾ Conference Channel’s Speaking Mode

Each channel is given certain speaking rights when it enters a conference room. The SynCTI driver supports 6
speaking modes as described in the following table.
Speaking Mode Description
Can speak as well as listen to other channels. This mode is of the highest priority level.
Organizer The channel in this mode is called Organizer Channel for short. It is suggested that the
application program set only one organizer channel for each conference room.
Can speak as well as listen to other channels. This mode is of the priority lower than the
Chairman Organizer mode but higher than the Dynamic Speaker mode.
The channel in this mode is called Chairman Channel for short.
Can speak as well as listen to other channels. This mode is of the priority lower than the
Dynamic Speaker Chairman mode.
The channel in this mode is called Dynamic Speaker Channel for short.
Can listen to other channels but not speak.
Listener The channel in this mode is called Listener Channel for short, which is not involved in
conference scheduling.
Can speak, but whether it can listen to other channels is determined by the configuration
item PlayVoiceIsListen. It is usually used to play background music to a conference room.
Note: Whether a channel in this mode takes part in conference scheduling and is of
Background Music
which priority are both determined by the configuration item
The channel in this mode is called Background Music Channel for short.
Can speak but not listen to other channels.
Dynamic Speaker
The channel which serves as a dynamic speaker but cannot listen to other channels is
called Dynamic Speaker ONLY Channel for short.

¾ DTMF Clamping

When a conference participant presses keys on the phone, the on-line DTMF tones will go into the conference
mixer and be heard by other channels. The SynCTI driver supports the DTMF clamping feature which can
effectively eliminate the DTMF signals generated by keypress.

The operation principle of this feature is: The incoming signals will be immediately interrupted once the on-board
DTMF detector detects DTMF signals on the conference channel and resumed when all DTMF signals disappear.

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The configuration item ClearInVoiceOnRxDtmf or the function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter
F_ClearInVoiceOnRcvDtmf) is used to determine whether to enable the DTMF clamping feature or not.

¾ Coming Voice Blocking

In a normal situation, once a conference channel enters a conference room, the incoming voice signals on it are
allowed to go into the conference mixer and be heard by other channels only if it meets the scheduling conditions.
Invoke the function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_InVoiceToBus) or use the configuration item InVoiceToBus
if you want to temporarily forbid this channel to speak. Managing Conference Room

Below is a list of functions and configuration items related to the conference room.

Function Name Category Description

SsmCreateConfGroup Function Creates a conference room.
SsmFreeConfGroup Function Cancels a conference room.
ConfDefaultMaxGroupSpeaker Set parameters in relation to the conference room
Function Obtain relative information about the conference room.
Obtain relative information about members in the conference
SsmGetConfGrpMmbrInfo Function
SsmGetConfChInfo Managing Conference Channel

Below is a list of functions and configuration items related to the conference channel.

Function Name Category Description

SsmJoinConfGroup Function Puts a channel into the conference room.
SsmExitConfGroup Function Puts a channel out of the conference room.
Sets the voice volume in the conference room which is heard by a
SsmSetListenVlmInConf Function
channel. Playing Background Music to Conference Room

If you want to play background music and conference notice, etc. to the conference room, do it as follows:

¾ Choose a conference channel to play the voice. There are three ways available:

— Set an independent background music channel for the conference room. This method is quite
flexible, allows the application to determine the priority of each channel according to the actual
needs. However, the shortcoming is it requires an extra channel.
— Select a channel from those in the conference to be the organizer channel. It is the most ideal
solution to have an organizer channel in the conference, but you should manage by programming
to make this channel the last one to leave the conference.
— Select a chairman channel or a dynamic speaker channel if no organizer channel available in the
conference room. In this case, we suggest the chairman channel be your first choice. The

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shortcoming of this method is that the application needs to turn over the play task to another
conference channel if the playing channel leaves the conference midway due to some particular
reasons (e.g. an accidental disconnection).

¾ Invoke the function SsmSetPlayDest to switch on k1-1 illustrated in the operation principle of the
SHT/SHD/SHN Series boards. For more information, refer to the section Operation Principle of SHT
Series or Operation Principle of SHD Series or Operation Principle of SHN Series in this chapter.

¾ Invoke the playing functions. See the section Voice Playing in this chapter for more information. Recording Voice in Conference Room

If you need to record the voice played in the conference room, do it as follows:

¾ Choose a conference channel to record the voice. Although any conference channel can be used for
recording, you’d better select the one which won’t leave the conference midway to avoid the handover of
the record task between channels. Below are the suggested ways to make a choice among channels.

— Make a prior choice of the background music channel.

— Select an organizer channel.
— Select a chairman channel.
— Select a dynamic speaker channel.
— Select a listener channel or a dynamic speaker channel.

¾ Invoke the function SsmSetRecBack to switch on k6-1 and k6-2 illustrated in Operation Principle of SHD
Series or Operation Principle of SHN Series if the channel is on the SHD/SHN board and required to
record the voice and play the background music at the same time.

¾ Invoke the recording functions. See the section Voice Recording in this chapter for more information.

1.11 FSK Transceiver (CTI Series)

BFSK (Binary Frequency Shift Keying) is a digital communication technology using different carrier frequencies to
represent the digits 0 and 1 in the binary system, often adopted to transmit the calling party number, short
messages and so on through the phone line.
The BFSK data is composed of frames as illustrated below.

Data Frames Flag Code Syn Code

Bit7 Bit0
Transmit Direction

1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

Data Byte (8Bits)

Stop Bit Start Bit

A complete BFSK data stream consists of three parts: the syn code, the flag code and the data. The syn code is of
the 0/1 up-and-down waveform and the flag code is 1 at on state. In each data byte which is guided by the start bit

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0 and followed by the stop bit 1, the digit at Bit 0 is the first to be transmitted while that at Bit 7 is the last.
Note: In some protocols the flag code is called ‘synchronization end character’, and it is together with the syn code
called ‘synchronization indicator string’ which verifies the synchronization has been established.
The Synway CTI Series boards supply each channel on them with an FSK transceiver which works at the baud
rate of 1200bps in the semiduplex mode. The frequency of the digit 1 herein is 1200Hz while 0 is 2200Hz.

1.11.1 FSK Transmitter

Related functions, configuration items and events are listed in the following table.

Category Name Description

Configuration Item Set the parameters of the FSK transmitter.
SsmSetFskPara Sets the parameters of the FSK transmitter.
SsmTransFskData Converts data into the BFSK data stream.
Function SsmStartSendFSK Starts the FSK transmitter.
SsmCheckSendFsk Queries the working progress of the FSK transmitter.
SsmStopSendFsk Stops the FSK transmitter.
The event which is sent to the application when the driver
Event E_PROC_SendFSK
finishes transmitting all data.

1.11.2 FSK Receiver

It is ascertained that the FSK transceiver on the Synway board works at the baud rate of 1200bps, the frequency of
the binary digit 1 is 1200Hz while 0 is 2200Hz. All these three values are not allowed to be modified via functions or
configuration items.

FSK functions, configuration items and events are listed in the following table

Name Description
Configuration Item: Determines whether the FSK receiver will analyze the tone during
ToneAnalyzeAtRcvFsk its runtime.
Configuration Item:
Sets the way to receive data for the FSK receiver.
Configuration Item:
Sets the frame format that accepted by the FSK receiver.
Configuration Item:
FskEchoCancelDelay Sets whether to stop the echo canceller when the FSK receiver is
Function: SsmSetFlag (with the working.
parameter F_EchoCancelInFsk)
Function: SsmStartRcvFSK
Function: SsmStartRcvFSK_II Start/stop the FSK receiver.
Function: SsmStopRcvFSK
Function: SsmGetRcvFSK Obtains the FSK data;
Function: SsmCheckRcvFSK Queries the working progress of the FSK receiver.
Function: SsmClearRcvFSKBuf Clears the driver buffer of the FSK receiver.
The event which is sent to the application when the driver detects
Event: E_PROC_RcvFSK
the end of the FSK task following starting the FSK receiver.

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1.12 Fax (CTI Series)

1.12.1 Number of Fax Channels

For SHT and SHD Series boards, only the following models marked with ‘/FAX’ support fax channels. They are:
For SHF Series boards, the following models support fax channels:

The table below lists the available fax channels of the above boards.

Number of Fax Channels

Board Model 2 4 16 24 32 64

NFax NVoc NFax NVoc NFax NVoc NFax NVoc NFax NVoc NFax NVoc
SHT-8B/PCI/FAX - - 4 8 - - - - - - - -

SHT-8C/PCI/FAX - - 4 8 - - - - - - - -

SHT-16B-CT/PCI/FAX - - 4 16 - - - - - - - -

SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/FAX - - 4 16 - - - - - - - -

SHT-16C-CT/PCI/FAX - - 4 16 - - - - - - - -

SHD-30B-CT/PCI/SS7/FAX - - - - - - 24 30 - - - -

SHD-60B-CT/PCI/SS7/FAX - - - - 16 60 - - - - - -

SHD-30B-CT/cPCI/SS7/FAX - - - - - - 24 30 - - - -

SHD-60B-CT/cPCI/SS7/FAX - - - - 16 60 - - - - - -

SHD-30C-CT/PCI/FAX - - - - - - 24 30 - - - -

SHD-60C-CT/PCI/FAX - - - - 16 60 - - - - - -

SHD-30E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) - - - - - - - - 32 30 - -

SHD-60E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) - - - - - - - - - 64 60

SHD-120E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) - - - - - - - - - - 64 120

SHD-240E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) - - - - - - - - - - 64 240

SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/FAX - - - - - - - - 32 30 - -

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SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/FAX - - - - - - - - - - 64 60

SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/FAX - - - - - - - - - - 64 120

SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/FAX - - - - - - - - - - 64 240

SHF-2D/PCI 2 2 - - - - - - - - - -

SHF-4D/PCI - - 4 4 - - - - - - - -

Note: In this table, NFax is ‘the total number of fax channels’, NVoc means ‘the total number of available voice
channels’, and - implies ‘unsupported’.

1.12.2 Supported Fax Rate

4800bps 9600bps 12000bps 14400bps 33600bps
Board Model
Transmit Receive Transmit Receive Transmit Receive Transmit Receive Transmit Receive
SHT-8B/PCI/FAX √ √ √ √ √
SHT-8C/PCI/FAX √ √ √ √ √ √ √
SHT-16B-CT/PCI/FAX √ √ √ √ √
SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/FAX √ √ √ √ √
SHT-16C-CT/PCI/FAX √ √ √ √ √ √ √
SHD-30B-CT/PCI/SS7/FAX √ √ √ √ √
SHD-60B-CT/PCI/SS7/FAX √ √ √ √ √
SHD-30B-CT/cPCI/SS7/FAX √ √ √ √ √
SHD-60B-CT/cPCI/SS7/FAX √ √ √ √ √
SHD-30C-CT/PCI/FAX √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
SHD-60C-CT/PCI/ FAX √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
SHD-30E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
SHD-60E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
SHD-120E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
SHD-240E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/FAX √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/FAX √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/FAX √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/FAX √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
SHF-2D/PCI √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
SHF-4D/PCI √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

1.12.3 Supported Fax File Format

The fax channels on the Synway board support the fax protocol T.30 and T.4, and allowed transmitting MH, MR,
MMR data and Tiff files. The coding format can be set via the configuration item.

The Tiff file is the mainstream one used to store fax data, which can be widely used and is easy to read, archive
and modify. And the Tiff file supported by fax channels on the Synway board has the following properties.
9 Color: Black and white
9 Coding Format: MH, MR, MMR
9 Resolution: 204*196, 204 * 98, 200 * 200, 200 * 100
9 Page Data: 1728 pixels per line
9 Other properties. See the table below:
Tiff compression T4 capability Remarks
2 -- CCITT HM – simplified MH code
3 0 CCTIT G3 1D – MH code, without the EOL(end-of-line) flag
3 4 CCTIT G3 1D – MH code, with the EOL(end-of-line) flag
3 1 CCTIT G3 2D – MR code, without the EOL(end-of-line) flag
3 5 CCTIT G3 2D – MR code, with the EOL(end-of-line) flag

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4 -- CCITT G4 – MMR code

Note: When the Tiff compression is at the value of 3, the T4 capability is only to distinguish the MH code from the MR code, but

not to detect whether there is the EOL flag at the ending or not. In such situation, the self-adaption feature the driver has helps

to make a further confirmation of the file’s real attribute.

The operation principle for the application program to send files in any format is shown below.

Application Program (e.g. Fax Server)


*.doc, *.xls Synway

*.txt, *.bmp *.tiff Fax Board PSTN


As illustrated In the figure above, the virtual printer program is used to convert a file of any other format to a tiff file.
The analog/digital trunk channel as well as the fax channel is indispensable for a complete fax transmission or
reception as shown below.

Application Program (e.g. Fax Server)


Fax Channel PSTN Fax Machine
Trunk Channel


The fax transmission (or reception) process is divided into four distinct phases.

(1) Initiate and establish a call on the analog or digital trunk channel.
(2) Establish a two-way connection between the fax channel and the analog/digital trunk channel.
(3) Transmit (or receive) fax files.
(4) Disconnect the call.

1.12.4 Setting Faxing Parameters

Related functions which involve the faxing parameters are listed in the following table.

Function Name Description

The initial faxing rate, also the maximum rate used to send or receive fax. This rate is
applicable to all channels.
Sets the local fax identification code, usually using the local phone number or some
letters. This code will be sent to the remote fax machine during faxing.

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1.12.5 Acquiring Information on Faxing

Related parameters used in the faxing process can be obtained via the following functions.

Function Name Description & Acquired Information

Obtains the actual fax rate, whose possible values are 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144, 168,
SsmFaxGetSpeed 192, 216, 240, 264, 288, 312, 336, respectively representing 2400, 4800, 7200,
9600, 12000, 14400, 16800, 19200, 21600, 24000, 26400, 28800, 31200, 33600bps.
Obtains the real fax CODECs, whose possible values are 0, 1, 2, respectively
representing MH, MR, MMR.
Obtains the remote fax identification code, usually after the handshake phase during
Obtains the number of sent/received pages during faxing. If this function returns 0
when invoked after faxing, it indicates the current fax transmission or reception fails.
SsmFaxGetAllBytes Obtains the total number of bytes on the fax page being sent.
Obtains the number of sent bytes on the current page during fax transmission. You
SsmFaxGetSendBytes can use this function to get such number after invoking the function
Obtains the number of received bytes on the current page during fax reception. You
SsmFaxGetRcvBytes can use this function to get such number after invoking the function
SsmFaxGetChStateMsg Obtains the information about the state of the specified channel during faxing.
SsmFaxCheckEnd Obtains the fax channel state.

1.12.6 Fax Transmission

Functions related to fax transmission are listed in the following table.

Function Name Description

SsmFaxStartSend Starts transmission of a single fax file.
SsmFaxStartSendEx Starts transmission of a single fax file, can specify the start page and the end page.
SsmFaxSendMultiFile Starts transmission of multiple fax files.
SsmFaxSendMultiFileEx Starts transmission of multiple fax files, can specify the start page and the end page.
Appends a single file to send. It works only if the fax channel stays in the
fax-transmitting state.
SsmFaxCheckEnd Obtains the fax channel state.
SsmFaxSetMaxSpeed Sets the faxing rate.
Sets the local fax identification code which will be displayed on the LCD of the remote
fax machine.
SsmFaxGetID Obtains the remote fax identification code.
SsmFaxGetAllBytes Obtains the total number of bytes on the fax page being sent.
SsmFaxGetSendBytes Obtains the number of sent bytes on the current page during fax transmission.
SsmFaxGetSpeed Obtains the current faxing rate.
SsmFaxGetPages Obtains the number of sent/received pages during faxing.
SsmFaxStop Stops the current faxing compulsorily.
SsmFaxGetCodeMode Obtains the fax CODECs.

1.12.7 Fax Reception

Functions related to fax reception are listed in the following table.

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Function Name Description

SsmFaxStartReceive Starts fax reception. The received fax data will be stored in a set fax file.
SsmFaxCheckEnd Obtains the fax channel state.
SsmFaxSetMaxSpeed Sets the faxing rate.
Sets the local fax identification code which will be displayed on the LCD of the
remote fax machine.
SsmFaxGetID Obtains the remote fax identification code.
SsmFaxGetRcvBytes Obtains the number of received bytes on the current page during fax reception.
SsmFaxGetSpeed Obtains the current faxing rate.
SsmFaxGetPages Obtains the number of sent/received pages during faxing.
SsmFaxStop Stops the current faxing compulsorily.
SsmFaxGetCodeMode Obtains the fax CODECs.

1.13 On-board Audio Power Amplifier

Channel 0 on each ATP, DST or SHT Series board is equipped with the analog audio amplifier circuit and the
speaker output jack, which allows the board to connect directly with the external speaker and enables the voice to
be delivered to and played through the speaker. For detailed information about the on-board audio power amplifier,
see the operation principle of the corresponding board.

1.14 Application Programming Based on Synway Board

1.14.1 Setting Event Output Mode

The written program based on the Synway board usually consists of three parts.
• Initialization codes, including both parts for initializing the board and the driver, used only once upon
starting the application program.
• Processing codes, used to give commands to the driver and process in time the information returned via
the event from the driver so as to enable particular features on demand.
• Uninstallation codes, covering the resources needed for releasing the board and the driver, used only
once upon exiting the application program.

The SynCTI driver supports the following programming modes:

— Polling Mode: The application continuously calls the relative query functions supplied by the driver to
obtain the information on task progress. These days this mode gradually goes out of use, for the high cost
of computer resources and the low efficiency limit it to small application systems only. Therefore, this
manual does not give further description on it.
— Event Polling Mode: The application program invokes the event polling functions offered by the driver.
The application's caller thread is hung in case there is no event from the driver, and gets activated for
event processing once some events available from the driver.
— Event Callback Mode: When the driver generates some event, it invokes the callback function which the
application has been registered to process the event.
— Windows Message Mode (only applicable to Windows OS, the data structure of the output events can

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only be MESSAGE_INFO as well): The driver sends the events to the Windows message queue and
processes them through the Windows unified message queue processing mechanism. Few applications
use this mode for programming as it carries a limited number of parameters. That's why this manual does
not elaborate this mode.
See how these four programming modes work through the following figure.

Event Sources

Event Filter


Call-back Queue Polling Queue User-defined Queue Internal Valiables


Windows Message Queue

Event Callback Mode Event Polling Mode Windows Message Mode Polling Mode

Event Handler WinProc

App. Thread Timer

Event Handler Event Handler

The switch K1 is controlled by the function SsmSetEvent. Every time the SynCTI driver starts up, it works in the
polling mode. If the application need use Event Polling Mode or Event Callback Mode, the function SsmSetEvent
should be called to change the mode. Refer to the programming examples listed below for details. Programming Example in Event Polling Mode

#include <windows.h> //include the required Windows header file
#include "shpa3api.h" //include the header file required by the SynCTI driver

void main()
//initialize the SynCTI driver and the board
if ( ! SsmStartCti (……) )
{ //failed
MessageBox( "Initialize Voice card failure" );

//obtain relative information about the board and the channel

int nMaxCh = SsmGetMaxCh(); //obtain the total number of channels
for (int ch=0; ch < nMaxCh; ch ++)
int nChType = SsmGetChType (ch); //get the channel type

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//set the event output mode

EventMode.DwWorkMode = EVENT_POLLING; //use the event polling mode
SsmSetEvent(0xffff, -1, true, &EventMode);

//transaction processing
memset(&MessageInfo, 0, sizeof(PMESSAGE_INFO));
If (the application program exits) break; //codes for quitting the application program

//wait for and respond to the event thrown out by the driver
If ( SsmWaitForEvent (50, &Event) == 0 ) //wait for some event
case E_CHG_ChState: //the channel state changes
…… //transaction processing codes
case E_XXXXXX:

SsmCloseCti(); //close the driver upon exiting


In need of using the extended data structure of the output event, you may write the ‘transaction processing’ part among the above codes
following the way below.
//transaction processing
UCHAR pucBuffer[300];
memset(&SsmEvent, 0, sizeof(SSM_EVENT));
memset(pucBuffer, 0, sizeof(UCHAR)* 300);
SsmEvent.pvBuffer = (PVOID)pucBuffer;
SsmEvent.dwBufferLength = 300;
if(SsmWaitForEventA(50, &SsmEvent) == 0)
case E_CHG_ChState:
…… //do something
case E_RCV_DSTDChannel:
…… //do something
…… //do something

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 63

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#include <windows.h> //include the required Windows header file
#include "shpa3api.h" //include the header file required by the SynCTI driver
BOOL bExit = FALSE; //the variable to control whether the application program exits or not

//the callback function supplied by the application program to process the event thrown out by the driver
int CALLBACK MyCallback (WORD wEvent, int nReference, DWORD dwParam, DWORD dwUser)
case E_CHG_ChState:
…… //do something

case E_XXXXXX:
…… //do something
bExit = TRUE; //exit the application program



return 1;

//the application’s main thread

void main()
if ( ! SsmStartCti (……) ) //initialize the SynCTI driver and the board
{ //failed
MessageBox( "Initialize Voice card failure" );

int nMaxCh = SsmGetMaxCh(); //obtain the total number of channels

for (int ch=0; ch < nMaxCh; ch ++)
int nChType = SsmGetChType (ch); //get the channel type

//set the event output mode

EventMode.DwWorkMode = EVENT_CALLBACK; //event callback mode
EventMode.lpHandlerParam = MyCallback; //register the callback function
SsmSetEvent(0xffff, -1, true, &EventMode);

While(!bExit) ; //wait for the program’s end

SsmCloseCti(); //close the driver upon exiting


In need of using the extended data structure of the output event, you may write the callback functions offered by the application program
following the way below.

int CALLBACK MyCallback (PSSM_EVENT pEvent)


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case E_CHG_ChState:
…… //do something

case E_XXXXXX:
…… //do something
bExit = TRUE; //exit the application program
case E_RCV_DSTDChannel:
…… //do something
…… //do something
return 1;

Note: When the event callback mode is used for programming, it is necessary to add the keyword CALLBACK
before the callback function declaration. Otherwise the program may crash because of resource release.

1.14.2 Data Structure of Output Event

There are two data structures optional for the SynCTI driver to send off an event: MESSAGE_INFO and
SSM_EVENT. While MESSAGE_INFO contains common parameters and is applicable to the CTI and REC Series
boards, SSM_EVENT as the extension of MESSAGE_INF can offer more information about events and is mainly
used for the DST Series boards provided the SynCTI driver is of the version or above. But it is not
applicable to the Windows Message programming mode.

For example, if several boards are being used together and one of them is a DST Series board, only the
SSM_EVENT data structure works and only the event polling mode and the event callback mode are choosesable.

Note: MESSAGE_INFO is applicable to functions SsmWaitForEvent and SsmGetEvent; SSM_EVENT is suitable

for SsmWaitForEventA and SsmGetEventA. MESSAGE_INFO
The MESSAGE_INFO structure declaration is:

typedef struct _MESSAGE_INFO

WORD wEvent; //event code
int nReference; //reference value
DWORD dwParam; //output parameter

¾ wEvent
wEvent represents the event code. Generally, the events thrown out by the SynCTI driver can be classified into the
following categories.
— E_CHG_xxxx: An internal state or a counter of the driver changes;

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— E_PROC_xxxx: A task submitted by the application progresses;

— E_SYS_xxxx: The driver detects some event occurs;
— E_RCV_xxxx: The driver receives a message or an event from the remote PBX.
’xxxx’ herein above implies the event designator.

The events generated in the SynCTI driver are separated into 2 categories: common event and uncommon event.

All event codes and corresponding behaviors are elaborated in the following table.

Event Common
Macro in shpa3api.h Description
Code Event
0x0000 E_PROC_Recognize √ Voice recognition ends.
0x0001 E_CHG_ISDNStatus — ISDN: The ISDN LAPD layer changes.
SS7: A new message (MSU) is received from the SS7
0x0002 E_RCV_Ss7Msu —
SS7: The SS7 MTP3 layer changes, usually to indicate if
0x0003 E_CHG_Mtp3State —
some DPC route is usable or not.
0x0004 Reserved
Fax Channel: The driver finishes receiving or transmitting a
0x0005 E_CHG_FaxPages √
page of fax data.
Fax Channel: The driver finishes receiving or transmitting
0x0006 E_PROC_FaxEnd √
all fax data.
0x0007 E_CHG_PcmLinkStatus √ The synchronization status of the digital trunk changes.
0x0008 E_CHG_LineVoltage — The voltage on the analog phone line changes.
SS1 Channel: The ABCD signaling code from the remote
0x0009 E_RCV_CAS —
PBX changes.
SS1 Channel: The R2 signal from the remote PBX is
0x000A E_RCV_R2 —
The task of WaitDTMF is completed and submitted via the
0x000B E_PROC_WaitDTMF √ function SsmSetWaitDtmf, SsmSetWaitDtmfEx or
0x000C E_CHG_RcvDTMF √ DTMF Detector: A DTMF digit is received.
DTMF Generator: The task of transmitting DTMF started by
0x000D E_PROC_SendDTMF √
the function SsmTxDtmf is completed.
0x000E E_PROC_SendFlash √ The task of sending the flash signal is completed.
Voice Playing: The task of playing voice ends, which can be
started by one of the following functions.
— SsmPlayFile
— SsmPlayIndexString
0x000F E_PROC_PlayEnd √ — SsmPlayIndexList
— SsmPlayFileList
— SsmPlayMem
— SsmPlayMemList
— SsmPlayMemBlock
0x0010 E_PROC_PlayFile — Voice Playing: It indicates the file playing progress.
Voice Playing: The driver finishes playing a file in the file
0x0011 E_PROC_PlayFileList —
Voice Playing: It indicates the voice playing progress in
0x0012 E_PROC_PlayMem —
Single Buffer Mode.
0x0013 E_PROC_RecordEnd √ Voice Recording: The task of recording voice terminates.
0x0014 E_PROC_RecordFile — Voice Recording: It indicates the file recording progress.
Voice Recording: It indicates the memory recording
0x0015 E_PROC_RecordMem —
0x0016 E_PROC_SendFSK √ The FSK transmitter finishes sending all data.
0x0017 E_PROC_RcvFSK √ The task of RcvFSK ends.
0x0018 E_CHG_ChState √ State Machine: The channel state changes.
0x0019 E_PROC_AutoDial √ State Machine: The task of AutoDial progresses.
TUP/ISUP Channel: The operation to block the remote
0x001A E_CHG_RemoteChBlock —
channel is completed.
TUP/ISUP Channel: The operation to block the remote
0x001B E_CHG_RemotePCMBlock —
PCM is completed.
Analog Trunk Channel: The pickup command has been
0x001C E_SYS_ActualPickup —
Analog Trunk Channel/Analog Trunk Recording Channel:
0x001D E_CHG_RingFlag —
The voltage level of the ringing current changes.

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Analog Trunk Channel: The counter for signal cycles in the

0x001E E_CHG_RingCount √
ringing current detector changes.
Extended buffer area that stores the CallerID information in
0x001F E_CHG_CIDExBuf √ FSK and DTMF: The size of Extended Caller ID Buffer
0x0020 E_CHG_RxPhoNumBuf √ DTMF Detector: A new called party number is received.
Analog Trunk Channel: A polarity reversal is detected on
0x0021 E_CHG_PolarRvrsCount —
the line.
Analog Trunk Channel: The enhanced remote pickup
0x0022 E_SYS_RemotePickup —
detector detects that the called party picks up.
Station Channel or Recording Channel: A flash operation is
0x0023 E_CHG_FlashCount √
detected on the phone.
Station Channel: A pickup or hangup behavior is detected
0x0024 E_CHG_HookState √
on the phone.
0x0025 E_CHG_ToneAnalyze √ Tone Detector: The analyzed result changes.
0x0026 E_OverallEnergy — Tone Detector: The overall energy on the line changes.
Tone Detector: It indicates the overall energy. Whether this
0x0027 E_CHG_OvrlEnrgLevel √ event is output or not is determined by the configuration
item OvrlEnrgEventOut.
Tone Detector: The call progress tone detector detects the
0x0028 E_CHG_BusyTone √
change in number of busy tone cycles.
Tone Detector: The busy tone is detected by back-to-back
0x0029 E_CHG_BusyToneEx —
busy tone detection.
Tone Detector: The voltage level of single tones changes,
0x002A E_CHG_VocFxFlag √
usually for detecting the fax tone.
0x002B E_CHG_ToneValue — Tone Detector: The tone voltage level changes.
Tone Detector: The count of the ringback tone counter
0x002C E_CHG_RingEchoToneTime —
0x002D E_CHG_PeakFrq — Tone Detector: The peak frequency changes.
0x002E E_SYS_BargeIn √ Barge-in Detector: The detected result changes.
0x002F E_SYS_NoSound √ Tone Detector: The line keeps silent.
Global Timer: The timer started by the function
0x0030 E_SYS_TIMEOUT √
SsmStartTimer overflows.
0x0031 E_CHG_SpyState — DTP Series: The state of the monitoring circuit changes.
0x0032 Reserved
0x003c E_CHG_CICRxPhoNumBuf — SS7 Virtual Circuit: New called party numbers are received.
0x003d E_CHG_CICState — SS7 Virtual Circuit: The circuit state changes.
0x003e E_PROC_CICAutoDial — SS7 Virtual Circuit: The task of ShgAutoDial progresses.
0x003f E_RCV_Ss7IsupUtuinf — SS7: The USR message is received.
0x0040 E_CHG_Mtp2Status √ SS7 signaling link: The signaling link state changes.
0x0041 E_RCV_DSTDChannel √ DST Series: The D-channel event
SS7: New monitoring messages (MSU) are received from
0x0042 E_RCV_Ss7SpyMsu —
the SS7 server.
Tone Detector: The event to output the detection result in
0x0043 E_CHG_ToneDetector √
the new mode.
Tone Detector: The event to count the periods of tones in
0x0044 E_CHG_ToneDetectorItem —
the new mode.
Fax Channel: When the fax reception is successfully
0x0046 E_PROC_FaxDcnTag √ completed, judge if the remote fax machine has ever been
compelled to stop.
Tone detector, used to analyze if it is a man or an answer
0x0047 E_CHG_AMD √
machine that picks up the phone.
0x0048 E_RCV_Ss7IsupCpg — SS7: The CPG message is received.
Large-capacity Channel Bank: To monitor any change in the
0x0049 E_CHG_CbChStatus — connection state of a line between an on-board channel and
a channel bank.
SS7: A piece of MTP2 MSU message is received. (The
0x004a E_RCV_SS7Mtp2Msu √
configuration item AppHandleMtp2Msu should be set to 1)
0x0050 E_REFER_Status — SsmIpInitiateTransfer: Status after call transfer.
DTP series: The monitoring circuit receives the off-hook
0x0051 E_CHG_SpyHangupInfo —
Analog Trunk Channel: The counter for signal cycles in the
0x0052 E_CHG_CallBackRingCount √
ringback current detector changes.
0x0053 E_CHG_RcvMF — ATP series: New MF characters are received.
PCM1280E: Changes in line synchronization status and
0x0054 E_CHG_Pcm32LineState √
signal state on PCM32 channels

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0x0055 E_RCV_SPY_CAS — DTP Series: The monitoring circuit receives the CAS
0x0056 E_CHG_RingEchoToneCnt √ Analog Trunk Channel: The count of ringback tone changes
SS7: MTP2 changes or MTP2 MSU is received. (The
0x0057 E_Ss7_L2ToL3_IND √
configuration item AppHandleMtp2Msu should be set to 2)
0x0060 E_RCV_IPR_DChannel √ IPR Series: The D-channel event
0x0061 √ IPR Series: USB KEY detected
0x0062 √ IPR Series: The removal of USB KEY detected
IPR Series: Specified network card detected (Reserved.
Not used at present)
0x0064 √ IPR Series: Specified network card not detected
0x0065 √ IPR Series: Authorization Overflow
0x0066 √ IPR Series: Session started
IPR Series: Session stopped. After the driver throws out this
E_RCV_IPR_MEDIA_SESSI event, it will automatically stop transmitting RTP. Invoking
0x0067 √
ON_STOPED the function SsmIPRStopSendSession at that time will fail
E_RCV_IPR_AUX_MEDIA_S IPR Series: Auxiliary session started. This event occurs
0x0068 √
ESSION_STARTED during an extension-to-extension call.
0x0069 √ IPR Series: Session being forwarded
0x006a √ IPR Series: Session forwarding stopped
0x006b √ IPR Series: The entrance of terminal detected.
0x006c √ IPR Series: The exit of terminal detected
0x006d √ IPR Series: Recording Slaver connection detected.
0x006e √ IPR Series: Recording Slaver disconnection detected
0x006f E_IPR_SLAVER_INIT_CB √ IPR Series: Feedback on the recording Slaver initialization
IPR Series: Feedback on the requirement for the IPRR
0x0070 √ channel to enable Session receiving (for example, invoking
IPR Series: Feedback on the requirement for the IPRR
0x0071 √ channel to disable Session receiving (for example, invoking
IPR Series: Feedback on the requirement for the IPRR
0x0072 E_IPR_START_REC_CB √ channel to start recording (for example, invoking
SsmRecToFile, SsmRecToMem)
IPR Series: Feedback on the requirement for the IPRR
0x0073 E_IPR_STOP_REC_CB √ channel to stop recording (for example, invoking
SsmStopRecToFile, SsmStopRecToMem)
IPR Series: Feedback on the requirement for the IPRR
0x0074 E_IPR_PAUSE_REC_CB √ channel to pause recording (for example, invoking
IPR Series: Feedback on the requirement for the IPRR
0x0075 E_IPR_RESTART_REC_CB √ channel to restart recording (for example, invoking
IPR Series: Feedback on the requirement of starting Slaver
(for example, invoking SsmIPRStartRecSlaver)
IPR Series: Feedback on the requirement of closing Slaver
(for example, invoking SsmIPRCloseRecSlaver)
0x0078 E_IPR_RCV_DTMF √ IPR Series: In-band or RFC2833 DTMF detected
IPR Series: Feedback on the requirement for the IPRR
0x0079 √ channel to enable Session receiving and start recording (for
example, invoking SsmIPRActiveAndRecToFile)
Feedback on the requirement for the IPRR channel to
0x007a √ disable Session receiving and stop recording (for example,
invoking SsmIPRDeActiveAndStopRecToFile)
0x007b √ IPA Series: USB KEY detected
0x007c E_RCV_IPA_DONGLE_REM √ IPA Series: The removal of USB KEY detected

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0x007d E_BOARD_ICMP_CHANGE √ SHN B-type Series: The ICMP result changes
E_RCV_IPR_AUX_MEDIA_S IPR Series: Auxiliary session stopped. This event occurs
0x007e √
ESSION_STOPED during an extension-to-extension call.

¾ nReference & dwParam

The physical meanings of both parameters nReference and dwParam have relation to the value of wEvent as
shown in the table below.

Event Type nReference dwParam

The recognition result within the range below
1: Obtain the recognition result (Accept)
Logical channel
E_PROC_Recognize 2: Do not understand (Reject)
3: Do not hear properly (Failed)
4: Hear nothing (Silence)
Logical digital-trunk Unused. The function SsmISDNGetStatus can be used to
number acquire the particular output parameters.
Unused. The function SsmGetSs7Msu is used to take out
E_RCV_Ss7Msu unused
The message to show if the route from the local end to the
DPC (Destination
specified DPC supports SS7 signaling
E_CHG_Mtp3State Point Code)
1: Support;
0: Unsupport.
Logical channel
E_CHG_FaxPages The total number of pages sent or received by the driver
The detailed task (fax transmission or reception) progress
0: Task (including the handshake phase as well as the
faxing process) unfinished;
1: Task finished. The channel turns back to the ‘idle’ state.
Logical channel
E_PROC_FaxEnd 2: Error in faxing process or task terminated by the
application program via the function SsmFaxStop.
The channel turns back to the ‘idle’ state.
3: All fax data sent or received. Begins to negotiate the
disconnection with the remote end.
0: The faxing process is complete.
Logical channel 1: If the fax reception is terminated by receiving a DCN
number message, it may result from the compulsive stop of the
fax machine.
The state of the digital trunk. See description on the
Logical digital-trunk
E_CHG_PcmLinkStatus parameter pwPcmLinkStatus in the function
SsmGetPcmLinkStatus for details.
Logical channel
E_CHG_LineVoltage The voltage value (volt) on the analog phone line.
The newly received ABCD signaling code, the 4 lower bits
Logical channel being valid
number Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0: Correspond to the ABCD code
Rest bits: All set to 0
The newly received R2 signal
Logical channel 0: The R2 signal disappears.
number 1~15: The value of the forward R2 signal
1~6: The value of the backward R2 signal
The reason why the task of WaitDTMF ends
1: Time out
Logical channel 2: The designated end character received
number 3: A DTMF string of the designated length received
The function SsmChkWaitDtmf can be used to acquire
more information.
The 16 higher bits represent the total number of received
Logical channel DTMF digits while the 16 lower bits are newly received
number digits, serving a purpose similar to a continuous call of the
functions SsmGetRxDtmfLen and SsmGetLastDtmf.
=0: All DTMF digits in the buffer sent
Logical channel
E_PROC_SendDTMF =1: The transmitting task terminated by the application
Logical channel
E_PROC_SendFlash Unused
E_PROC_PlayEnd Logical channel The reason why the task of voice playing ends

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number 1: All voice data played out

2: Terminates upon receiving DTMF digits
3: Terminates upon detecting voice activities on the line.
4: Terminates upon detecting the remote client’s hangup
5: Terminated by the application program
6: The task of file playing paused
7: Terminated by bus operation
8: The task of file playing terminated by the network fault
See description on the SsmCheckPlay function for more
One of the following parameters:
— Percentage of played voice data
— Time for playing voice data
Logical channel — Total number of played bytes
number — Total number of unplayed bytes
It is the function SsmSetEvent that determines which one
above to be output, the default value being ‘time for playing
voice data’.
Logical channel The index value of the voice file being played in the file
number queue (numbered from 0)
One of the following parameters:
-1: The driver’s playing pointer goes beyond the middle
position of the buffer.
Logical channel
E_PROC_PlayMem -2: The driver’s playing pointer goes beyond the end of
the buffer and back to the top.
Other values: The address offset of the driver’s playing
pointer in the buffer (calculated by byte)
The reason why the task of voice recording ends
1: Terminated by the application program
2: Terminates upon detecting DTMF digits
3: Terminates upon detecting the remote client’s hangup
Logical channel 4: Terminates when the recorded data reach a specified
number length or the recording operation lasts for a specified time.
5: The task of file recording paused
6: Writing recorded data to files failed
7: RTP timeout
8: The RTP payload format is changed in the session,
and the new payload format is unsupported
One of the following parameters:
— Time for recording voice data
Logical channel — Total number of recorded bytes
number It is the function SsmSetEvent that determines which one
above to be output, the default value being ‘time for
recording voice data’.
One of the following parameters:
-1: The driver’s recording pointer goes beyond the middle
position of the buffer.
Logical channel
E_PROC_RecordMem -2: The driver’s recording pointer goes beyond the end of
the buffer.
Other values: The address offset of the driver’s recording
=0: The driver completes the transmission of all FSK data
Logical channel
E_PROC_SendFSK =1: The transmission task is terminated by the function
The reason why the FSK receiver stops
1: Time out, reception failed
2: The designated end byte received
3: Received FSK data reach the designated length
Logical channel
E_PROC_RcvFSK 4: Data of the specified format received
5: Interrupted by the application program via
The application can invoke the function SsmGetRcvFSK to
acquire FSK data after getting this event.
The 16 higher bits indicate the last channel state;
Logical channel The 16 lower bits represent the new channel state.
number See description on the function SsmGetChState for channel
state values and more information.

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The progress value of the AutoDial task. See description on

Logical channel
E_PROC_AutoDial the function SsmChkAutoDial for the particular meaning of
The value to show the operation progress of
blocking/unblocking the remote circuit.
0: The block caused by the local end successfully
Logical channel
E_CHG_RemoteChBlock 1: The remote end successfully blocked
2: Waiting for the block-verified signal from the remote
3: Waiting for the unblock-verified signal from the remote
The value to show the operation progress of
blocking/unblocking the remote digital trunk. The 16 lower
bits in the return value mean:
0: The block caused by the local end successfully
Logical digital-trunk
E_CHG_RemotePCMBlock 1: The remote end successfully blocked
2: Waiting for the block-verified signal from the remote
3: Waiting for the unblock-verified signal from the remote
The 16 higher bits indicate the blocking mode.
Logical channel
E_SYS_ActualPickup 0 (reserved)
The change in voltage level of the ringing current
Bit31: Ringing current voltage level flag - 1: ringing current
Logical channel
E_CHG_RingFlag available; 0: no ringing current.
Bit30~Bit0: The duration of ringing current at the last
voltage level (ms)
Logical channel
E_CHG_RingCount The number of ringing current cycles
The total number of characters in Extended Caller ID
Logical channel
E_CHG_CIDExBuf Buffer. The function call of SsmGetCallerIdEx can help
acquire the calling party number.
The total number of characters in Extended Callee ID
Logical channel
E_CHG_RxPhoNumBuf Buffer. The function call of SsmGetPhoNumStr can help
acquire the called party number.
Logical channel The value of the counter for calculating polarity reversals in
number the driver
Logical channel
E_SYS_RemotePickup 0 (reserved)
Logical channel
E_CHG_FlashCount The detected flash times
The user phone’s behavior:
Logical channel
E_CHG_HookState 0: Hang up
1: Pick up
The result of the tone detector:
The busy tone detected result of the tone detector:
16 higher bits: For a common tone detector, 16 higher bits
represent the call progress tone detector
number - 0: first group; 1: second group; 2:
the return value of 16 lower bits is 7 or 8; 3:
the return value of 16 lower bits is 4, 5 or 6.
For an enhanced tone detector, the return
value of 16 higher bits is always 0.
16 lower bits: Detected tone
Logical channel
E_CHG_ToneAnalyze 1: Dial tone detected
2: Busy tone detected
3: Ringback tone detected
4: The line keeps silent after detecting the ringback tone
5: No sound detected
6: Voice detected, used for examining if the called party
answers (picks up) or not
7: Tone at F1 frequency (which is set by the function
SsmSetVoiceFxPara) detected, used for checking how
the called party answers during audio dial
8: Tone at F2 frequency (which is set by the function

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SsmSetVoiceFxPara) detected, used for checking how

the called party answers during audio dial
9: Tone type specified by users detected
Logical channel
E_OverallEnergy The value of overall energy detected by the tone detector
Analysis result of an AMD event:
0: Man’s pickup detected
1: Tone detected
Logical channel 2: Color ring or prompt tone detected
number 3: Time out
4: Line silent after tone or prompt tone detected
5: Line silent after dial tone detected
6: Busy tone detected
The overall energy flag, the 16 lower bits being valid.
Bit15 (tone identification): 0/1 There are tones/no tones
Logical channel
E_CHG_OvrlEnrgLevel Bit14 (function call status): 0 Reserved
Bit13-0 (duration): A period of time when there are tones/no
The busy tone detected result of the tone detector:
Logical channel 16 higher bits: Tone detector number - 0: first group, 1:
number second group
16 lower bits: Number of busy tone cycles.
About the busy tone detected by tone detector using
Logical channel back-to-back busy tone detection:
number 0: The busy tone disappears
1: Busy tone detected
The type of fax tones.
Logical channel
E_CHG_VocFxFlag 1: Tone at F1 frequency detected
2: Tone at F2 frequency detected
Tone Detector: The value to show changes in the tone
voltage level
Only the 16 lower bits are in effect.
Logical channel Bit15(tone identification): 0/1 There are tones/no tones
Bit14(function call status): 0/1 Successful/failed
Bit13-0(duration): A period of time when there are tones/no
Logical channel Tone Detector: The time that a ringback tone cycle takes
number (ms)
Logical channel
E_CHG_PeakFrq Tone Detector: Peak frequency
The detected result of the Barge-in detector changes:
Logical channel
E_SYS_BargeIn 0: The line keeps silent
1: Voice detected on the line
Logical channel
E_SYS_NoSound Unused
E_SYS_TIMEOUT Timer number Unused
The 16 higher bits represent the last SpyCic state.
Logical SpyCic The 16 lower bits imply the new SpyCic state.
number See description on the function SpyGetState for SpyCic
state values and more information.
The length of the called party number
Virtual circuit The application program need invoke the function
number ShgGetPhoNumStr after getting this event to acquire the
called party number.
Virtual circuit The circuit state value
number See description on the function ShgGetChState for details.
The progress value of the ShgAutoDial task
1: DIAL_ECHOTONE = 2, ringback tones are detected after
sending the entire called party number
3: DIAL_BUSYTONE= 4, the called party is in a ‘busy’ state
Virtual circuit and the auto dial stops.
number 6: DIAL_VOICE= 7, the called party picks up and the auto
dial stops.
9: DIAL_NOANSWER= 10, nobody answers and the auto
dial fails.
10: DIAL_FAILURE= 11, the auto dial fails.

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11: DIAL_INVALID_PHONUM = 12, the number unallocated

and the auto dial stopped
The subevent code, such as DST_AUDIO_CHG,
Logical channel DST_MSG_CHG which begin with ‘DST_’. See SynCTI
number Programmer’s Manual - D-channel Event User Manual for
the meaning of each event code.
User-to-user information where the first byte means the
Logical channel
E_RCV_Ss7IsupUtuinf data length (unsigned int) and the following are data
(unsigned char[]).
The SS7 signaling link state value:
1: Out of service
2: Initial alignment
SS7 signaling link
E_CHG_Mtp2Status 3: Aligned ready
4: Aligned not ready
5: In service
6: Processor outage
Unused. The function SsmGetSs7SpyMsu is used to take
E_RCV_Ss7SpyMsu Unused
out messages.
2 lower bits: The detected tone type
2 higher bits: Item number, i.e. the number for
Logical channel
E_CHG_ToneDetector ToneDetectorItem
For more information, refer to the configuration item
2 lower bits: Count of periods
2 higher bits: Item number, i.e. the number for
Logical channel
E_CHG_ToneDetectorItem ToneDetectorItem
For more information, refer to the configuration item
Logical channel
E_RCV_Ss7IsupCpg The size of the CPG message
Logical channel 0: Line connected
number 1: Line disconnected
SS7 signaling link
E_RCV_SS7Mtp2Msu Length of the current MSU message
Logical channel
E_CHG_RingEchoToneCnt Count of ringback tones

E_Ss7_L2ToL3_IND SS7 link number SS7_MTP2_RXD_BSNT,

The parameter dwParam being MTP2_MSU_RX_IND
indicates that the MTP2 MSU message is received. Use the
event structure SSM_EVENT to obtain the content of the
The subevent code, such as DST_AUDIO_CHG,
DST_MSG_CHG which begin with ‘DST_’. See SynCTI
E_RCV_IPR_DChannel Unused
Programmer’s Manual - D-channel Event User Manual for
the meaning of each event code.
Unused Unused
Unused Unused
Overflow mode:
1: Number of
E_RCV_IPR_AUTH_OVERFL The 16 higher bits represents the number of Sessions
Sessions overflows
OW The 16 lower bits represents the number of Stations
2: Number of
Stations overflows

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Status values after call transfer. See below for details.

0: Refer is in an idle state
1: Refer is in a Trying state. That is, the subscription is
Logical channel pending
number 2: In a state of 180RingBack
3: In a state of 200ok, 3XX
4: In a state of 4XX, 5XX, 6XX failure
40: Channel is in an unused state
The 16 higher bits represent the monitored PCM number for
SpyCic that sends the disconnect message.
The 16 lower bits imply the hangup information of SpyCic.
Logical SpyCic To be exact:
number 0: Called party hangs up first
1: Calling party hangs up first
See the description on the function SpyGetHangupInfo for
more information.
Logical channel
E_CHG_CallBackRingCount The number of ringback current cycles.
The 16 higher bits represent the total number of the
Logical channel
E_CHG_RcvMF received MF characters; the 16 lower bits represent the
newly received characters.
Only the lower 16 bits are used to represent the line
synchronization status and the signal state, among which
Logical channel
E_CHG_Pcm32LineState bit0-bit7 indicate the line synchronization status and
bit8-bit15 indicate the signal state. Refer to the function
SsmGetPcm32LineState for details.
Logical channel The received ABCD signaling codes, The 4 lower bits are
number valid.
SessionId. More Session information can be obtained from
E_RCV_IPR_MEDIA_SESSIO Logical channel
pvBuffer of SSM_EVENT. pvBuffer can be transformed to
N_STARTED number
SessionId. More Session information can be obtained from
E_RCV_IPR_MEDIA_SESSIO Logical channel
pvBuffer of SSM_EVENT. pvBuffer can be transformed to
N_STOPED number
SessionId. More Session information can be obtained from
E_RCV_IPR_AUX_MEDIA_SE Logical channel
pvBuffer of SSM_EVENT. pvBuffer can be transformed to
E_RCV_IPR_MEDIA_SESSIO Logical channel
E_RCV_IPR_MEDIA_SESSIO Logical channel
Unused Unused
Unused Unused
Unused The 16 higher bits represent SlaverId
Unused The 16 higher bits represent SlaverId
The 16 higher bits represent SlaverId, and the 16 lower bits
represent the return value of Slaver. See below for the
return values: 0-successful; 1-unknown; 2-timeout;
3-message data abnormal; 4-SessionId is active; 5-this
SessionId is not found in the source busy list; 6-fail to
create a new Session; 7-fail to create a file; 8-no active
SessionId available; 9-SessionId is in the recording state;
10-SessionId is in the state of recording stop; 11-SessionId
is not in the recording state; 12-SessionId is not in the state
of recording to file; 13-SessionId is not in the state of
recording pause; 14-recorded data is too short; 15-error
occurs in initializing the WAV file header; 16-Slaver has
been assigned with resource and restarted; 17-fail to apply
for resources; 18-Slaver is not started; 19-unsupported
encoding format; 20-unsupported RTP; 21-not enough
resources available.
Logical channel same as what dwParam represents in
E_IPR_DEACTIVE_SESSION_ Logical channel same as what dwParam represents in

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Logical channel same as what dwParam represents in
Logical channel same as what dwParam represents in
Logical channel same as what dwParam represents in
Logical channel same as what dwParam represents in
Logical channel same as what dwParam represents in
Logical channel same as what dwParam represents in
The 2 higher bytes represent the corresponding SlaverId,
Logical channel the 3 byte represents the DTMF direction (0 represents
number primary; 1 represents secondary), and the 4 byte
represents the DTMF information
E_IPR_ACTIVE_AND_REC_C Logical channel same as what dwParam represents in
E_IPR_DEACTIVE_AND_STO Logical channel same as what dwParam represents in
Unused Unused
Unused Unused
ICMP result:
1: ICMP normal;
0: ICMP abnormal.
Note: The driver will throw out this event only when the
ICMP result of the board changes. See the description on
the function SsmCheckBoardIcmp for more information.
SessionId. More Session information can be obtained from
E_RCV_IPR_AUX_MEDIA_SE Logical channel
pvBuffer of SSM_EVENT. pvBuffer can be transformed to
pIPR_SessionInfo. SSM_EVENT
The SSM_EVENT structure declaration is:

typedef struct _SSM_EVENT

WORD wEventCode; //event code
int nReference; //reference value
DWORD dwParam; //output parameter

DWORD dwUser; //user parameter

DWORD dwSubReason; //subreason value
DWORD dwXtraInfo; //extended information value

PVOID pvBuffer; //pointer in the buffer which holds event information

DWORD dwBufferLength; //size of the buffer which holds event information

DWORD dwDataLength; //size of event information

DWORD dwEventFlag; //event flag

DWORD dwReserved1; //reserved parameter 1

LONGLONG llReserved2; //reserved parameter 2

Parameters involved in the structure are described as follows.

¾ wEventCode, nReference, dwParam

These three parameters have the same meaning as wEvent, nReference and dwParam in the MESSAGE_INFO

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¾ dwUser

The meaning of dwUser varies on the event output mode as shown in the table below.

Event Output Mode Meaning

In case the event is defined by users, its value equals to the value of the subsection
Event Polling Mode dwUser in the parameter pEvent when the function SsmPutUserEventA is invoked.
Otherwise it is meaningless.
Directly passes the value of dwUser in the parameter pEventSet when the function
Event Callback Mode
SsmSetEvent is invoked by the application program.

¾ dwSubReason

The parameter dwSubReason is the subreason value which gets meaningful only when the value of the parameter
wEventCode equals to that of E_RCV_DSTDChannel or E_RCV_IPR_DChannel. The meaning of dwSubReason
bears on the parameter dwParam carried in the event thrown out by the driver. For more information, see SynCTI
Programmer’s Manual - D-channel Event User Manual.

¾ dwXtraInfo

The parameter dwXtraInfo is the extended information which gets meaningful only when the value of the parameter
wEventCode equals to that of E_RCV_DSTDChannel, E_RCV_IPR_DChannel, E_RCV_IPR_STATION_ADDED
or E_RCV_IPR_STATION_REMOVED. The meaning of dwXtraInfo bears on the parameter dwParam carried in
the event thrown out by the driver. In the events E_RCV_IPR_STATION_ADDED and
E_RCV_IPR_STATION_REMOVED, the 16 higher bits represent the transfer protocol, and the 16 lower bits
represent StationId. For more information about E_RCV_DST_DChannel and E_RCV_IPRDChannel, see
D-channel Event Manual.

¾ pvBuffer, dwBufferLength, dwDataLength

The parameters pvBuffer, dwBufferLength and dwDataLength get meaningful only when the value of the parameter
wEventCode equals to that of E_RCV_DSTDChannel, E_RCV_IPR_DChannel,
E_RCV_IPR_MEDIA_SESSION_STARTED_TOO. Their meanings vary on the event output mode as shown in the
table below.

Event Output Mode Meaning

pvBuffer is the pointer to the buffer which stores event information. The application
should allocate a buffer space of not less than 300 bytes to pvBuffer and set the value of
dwBufferLength to the actual size of the allocated buffer space (byte) while calling the
function SsmWaitForEventA or SsmGetEventA. After the function SsmWaitForEventA or
Event Polling Mode
SsmGetEventA returns events, the content in pvBuffer means differently based on the
carried parameter dwParam of the event thrown out by the driver. See SynCTI
Programmer’s Manual - D-channel Event User Manual for more information.
dwDataLength is the true size of data in pvBuffer (byte).
pvBuffer is the pointer to the buffer which stores event information. After generating the
E_RCV_DSTDChannel, E_RCV_IPR_DChannel,
Event Callback
E_RCV_IPR_MEDIA_SESSION_STARTED_TOO events, the driver will automatically
allocate a buffer space for pvBuffer before invoking the callback function previously
registered by the application. In this case, the parameter dwBufferLength has no
meaning. The content in pvBuffer means differently based on the carried parameter
dwParam of the event thrown out by the driver. In the events

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E_RCV_IPR_MEDIA_SESSION_STARTED_TOO, pvBuffer stores all the information of
structure IPR_SessionInfo and can be compulsorily transformed into pIPR_SessionInfo
to acquire information more conveniently. See D-channel Event Manual for more
information about E_RCV_DST_DChannel and E_RCV_IPR_DChannel. dwDataLength
is the true size of data in pvBuffer (byte).

¾ dwEventFlag

dwEventFlag is the event flag where only Bit0 and Bit2 are in effect and other bits all reserved. See the table below
for what Bit0 and Bit2 mean.

Bit Meaning
=0: This event is created by the driver
Bit0 =1: This event is created by the application. To be exact, it is the self-defined event
submitted to the driver by the function SsmPutUserEventA.
=0: The event information is not truncated
=1: The event information is truncated
Bit2 gets meaningful only in the event polling mode. As long as one of the following two
conditions is met, it will be set to 1 by the driver.
Bit2 — The value of dwDataLength in the parameter pEventSet goes greater than 256
when the application invokes the function SsmPutUserEventA.
— The value of dwBufferLength in the parameter pEventSet when the application
invokes the function SsmWaitForEventA is less than that of dwDataLength in the
event temporarily saved to the driver before being output.

¾ dwReserved1, llReserved2

Both are reserved parameters. IPR_SessionInfo

The structure of IPR_SessionInfo is:

//session information
typedef struct IPR_SessionInfo
int nCallRef; //The call index
int nStationId; //The StationId this Session corresponds to
int nStationId2; //Another StationId this Session corresponds to
DWORD dwSessionId;
IPR_Addr PrimaryAddr; //A party’s IP address and port in this session
int nPrimaryCodec; //A party’s codec ID used in this Session
IPR_Addr SecondaryAddr; //Another party’s IP address and port in this session
int nSecondaryCodec; //Another party’s codec ID used in this Session
char szFowardingIp[32]; //The IP address from where this Session forwards RTP packages, empty if no
int nFowardingPPort; //The port to where a party in this Session forwards RTP packages, being -1 if no
int nFowardingSPort; //The port to where another party in this Session forwards RTP packages , being -1
if no forwarding
int nChId; //The channel ID this Session corresponds to

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1.14.3 Event Filter

The application program may ask the SynCTI driver to or not to throw out an event. This feature is enabled via the
function SsmSetEvent.
When the application invokes the function SsmSetEvent and uses the parameter wEvent=0xffff, whether the driver
sends out an event or not is determined by the configuration of DefaultEventOutput. See description on this
configuration item for details.

1.14.4 Self-defined Event

The application may generate events by itself during runtime, which are called self-defined events. To facilitate the
application programming, the driver allows direct transmission of self-defined events, i.e. the application program
can save its self-defined events to the event queue in the driver and process them via the function acquired
through the driver supplied event.
The functions SsmPutUserEvent and SsmPutUserEventA can be used to submit the self-defined event to the

1.14.5 SynCTI Programming Guide

This section highlights the keys to SynCTI driver programming respectively in MS VC/C++, VB, C++BUILDER,
Delphi, PB6.5 and other compilation environments under Windows, as well as in C language under Linux. MS VC/C++

The SynCTI driver provides the following files which are needed for programming in MS VC/C++:
— shpa3api.h: C/C++ header file
— shp_a3.lib: C/C++ import library file VB

In Visual Basic 6.0, all functions in the dynamic-link library SHP_A3.DLL are declared by the file Shpa3api.bas
from the driver. See Shpa3api.bas for details.
Actually the board operation in VB is also controlled via the call of shp_a3.dll. Therefore, the above description on
programming in VC is also applicable to this section. Users are strongly recommended to first read through MS VC/C++ and refer to the demo program compiled in C language while developing their application
program based on the SynCTI driver.
In VB 6.0, a DLL function can be called only after it is declared. Regarding how to declare a DLL function, refer to
the help file ‘Declare statement’ for VB.
Programmers can declare functions in VB by themselves referring to the function declaration in C language, if
some new functions in shp_a3.dll are not declared in Shpa3api.bas. For example, below is a function declared in
int WINAPI SsmPlayFile(int ch, LPSTR pszFileName, int nFormat, DWORD dwStartPos, DWORD dwLen);
Its declaration in Shpa3api.bas is:
Declare Function SsmPlayFile Lib ‘shp_a3.dll’ (ByVal ch As Long, ByVal pszFileName As String,

ByVal nFormat as Long, ByVal dwStartPos as Long,

ByVal dwLen As Long) As Long

Corresponding to 32-bit BOOL, 16-bit WORD and 32-bit DWORD in 32-bit VC environment, 32-bit Long, 16-bit

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 78

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Integer and 32-bit Long are used in VB environment. Note that each parameter and its return value should
contain the same number of bytes.
Similar to programming in C language under Win9x/NT, programming for our voice boards in VB also can be
performed by three steps:

¾ Initialization codes, including parts for initializing the driver and obtaining the total number and type of
channels, written in the function Form_load.

¾ Processing codes, written in the timer or the function Form_Activate. For detailed information, refer to
the relative demo program.

¾ Uninstallation codes, covering the components for uninstalling the driver and closing the board, written
in the function Form_Unload.


z Form_Activate is an endless-loop function. If it is used for writing processing codes, DoEvents must be
called to ensure that other programs run normally.
z The fact that VB is an interpretive programming language requires you to take precautions that while
using a DLL, the size of relative parameters must be defined before the function such as
SsmGetLastErrMsg or SsmGetDtmfDStr, where each parameter takes a string and returns data
following the function call in C language, being invoked in VB. For example:
Dim ErrStr As String * 200
SsmGetLastErrMsg( ErrStr)
z In case of programming in VB under WinNT, when the initialization and main processing codes are
respectively written in the function Form_load and the timer, the codes in timer should not be invoked
before successful call of the function SsmStartCti. See below for details. Method 1: Create a global
variable (with the default value of ‘FALSE’) and set it to ‘TRUE’ at the end of the function Form_load.
The timer will determine whether to run the main processing codes according to the value of this
variable. Method 2: Set Timer.Enable=False at the beginning of the function Form_load and
Timer.Enable=True at the end. At the same time, set Timer.Enable=False in the function Form_unload
before calling the function SsmCloseCti.
z As VB 6.0 doesn’t support multithreading, when the event callback mode is used for programming,
some of the functions (such as Right, Left, etc.) provided with VB 6.0 can’t work properly as part of
callback functions and the IDE of VB 6.0 can’t set break points in callback functions, which bring a big
trouble to debugging. Hence, we suggest using the event polling mode instead of the event callback
mode for progrmaming in VB 6.0. C++ BUILDER

The driver provides Shpa3api.h for your direct use.

Since shp_a3.lib is compiled in VC, it cannot be directly used by project files in C++BUILDER. However, you can
take an import library LIB from DLL using the software tool IMPLIB.EXE provided by C++BUILDER. See the help
file for IMPLIB.EXE to find how to use it. Here is a short example.

cd \windows\system
implib shp_a3.lib shp_a3.dll

What you need to do is copy the generated shp_a3.lib to the directory of your developed program.


z If there are two C language development systems from Borland installed in the hard disk,
IMPLIB.EXE provided by C++ BUILDER must be in use, or errors may occur at runtime.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 79

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Delphi

In Delphi, all functions in the dynamic-link library shp_a3.dll are declared by Shpa3api.pas. See Shpa3api.pas for

Just like in VB6.0, a DLL function can be called only after it is declared in Delphi. Regarding how to declare a DLL
function, refer to the help file ‘external declarations’ for Delphi. Programmers can declare functions in Delphi by
themselves referring to the function declaration in C language, if some new functions in shp_a3.dll are not declared
in Shpa3api.pas. For example, below is a function declared in Shpa3api.h:

int WINAPI SsmPlayFile(int ch, LPSTR pszFileName, int nFormat, DWORD dwStartPos, DWORD dwLen);

Its declaration in Delphi is:

function SsmPlayFile (ch: Integer; pszFileName: PCHAR; nFormat:Integer; dwStartPos:

DWORD;dwLen:DWORD ) : Integer; stdcall; external 'Shp_a3.dll'。


z The statement “stdcall; external ‘Shp_a3.dll’”must be added to the end of the declaration.
z The char* data type used in C language should be declared as pchar data type in Delphi. PB6.5

In Power Builder, all functions in the dynamic-link library shp_a3.dll are declared via the option ‘Global External
Function’ in the ‘Declare’ menu. Programmers can declare functions in PB6.5 by themselves referring to the
function declaration in C language, if some new functions in shp_a3.dll are not declared in Shpa3api.pas. For
example, below is a function declared in Shpa3api.h:

int WINAPI SsmPlayFile(int ch, LPSTR pszFileName, int nFormat, DWORD dwStartPos, DWORD dwLen);

Its declaration in Power Builder is:

Function Long SsmPlayFile (Long ch,String pszFileName,Long nFormat, UnsignedLong

dwStartPos,UnsignedLong dwLen) Library "shp_a3.dll"

Note: The parameter type used in PB6.5 is similar to that in VB. Refer to the preceding section VB. Other Programming Environments

Under 32-bit Win95/NT, a number of programming languages may be used in various ways to call functions in the
dynamic-link library SHP_A3.DLL. As there are too many programming languages and each has its own
requirements, we cannot describe all of them in this manual. Read carefully about the description on the
programming language you are using. Linux

The SynCTI driver provides the following files which are needed for programming in C/C++:

¾ shpa3api.h: C/C++ header file

¾ Shared library file

Generally, programming for our voice boards in C/C++ language under Linux are performed by three steps.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 80

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¾ Initialization codes, including parts for initializing the board and obtaining the total number and type of
channels, used only once upon starting the application program.
¾ Processing codes, used to give commands to the driver and process the event from the driver. For
detailed information, refer to the relative demo program.
¾ Uninstallation codes, covering the components for releasing the board and the driver, used only once
upon exiting the application program. Use of Character String

The use of character strings in not a few advanced languages differs from that in C language. Please follow the
norms of C language when invoking functions which include character strings.

For the output character strings, like the second parameter in SsmGetDtmfStr, the application program should
allocate storage space ahead of time. A lot of advanced languages support the automatic management of string’s
space allocation. However, when they are invoked across different language platforms, there is still a need to
allocate space manually because of the unexpected demand of the other end.

In VB6.0, strings can be used as follows:

Dim DtmfStr As String*200
SsmGetDtmfStr(Ch, DtmfStr)

In VB.Net, strings can be used as follows:

Dim DtmfStr As New String(Chr(0), 200)
SsmGetDtmfStr(Ch, DtmfStr)

In C#, strings can be used as follows:

String DtmfStr = new String((Char)0, 200);
SsmGetDtmfStr(Ch, DtmfStr);

For the input character strings, like the two parameters in SsmStartCti, no displayed space is required to be
allocated as our DLL wouldn’t modify its content. However, don’t forget to add the character '\0' at the end of strings
to comply with the standard of C language.

In, strings can be used as follows:

Dim ShConfig as String
Dim ShIndex As String
ShConfig = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\ShConfig.ini" & Chr(0)
ShIndex = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\ShIndex.ini" & Chr(0)
SsmStartCti(ShConfig, ShIndex)

1.14.6 Demo Program (CTI Series)

To help developers understand the way to use some functions and features as soon as possible, Synway provides
a large number of demo programs which are listed in the following table.

Programming Environment
Name Description Windows Linux
Call Demonstrates how to process inbound calls. √ √ - √ √ √

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 81

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Dial Demonstrates how to enable outbound calls. √ √ - √ √ √

Demonstrates how to enable teleconference, applicable to
the station channel, analog trunk channel and digital trunk
channel. See the file DemoConferenceUserManual.pdf - √ - - - -
(English) or DemoConferenceUserManual_cn.pdf
(Chinese) in the Demo folder for more information.
Demonstrates how to make the Synway board serve as a
simple fax server. Refer to the file
Fax DemoFAXUserManual.pdf (English) or √ √ √ - √ √
DemoFAXUserManual_cn.pdf (Chinese) in the Demo
folder for more information.
Demonstrates how to use the Synway board as a small
PBX. Refer to the file DemoPbxUserManual.pdf (English)
- √ √ - - -
or DemoPbxUserManual_cn.pdf (Chinese) in the Demo
PBX folder for more information.
The digital trunk board debug platform, used to debug the
application program for the digital trunk board, can work as - √ - - - -
a simple PBX.
Demonstrates how to use the Synway board in sending
FSK - √ - - - -
and receiving FSK data.
Ss7Server It is the SS7 server. - √ - - - -
Test Demonstrates the use of API functions. - √ - - - √
Multi-thread Demonstrates how to do programming for the Synway
- √ - - - -
VC board by multithreading.
Event-driven Demonstrates how to use the event thrown out by the
- √ - - - -
Demo SynCTI driver for programming.

1.14.7 Demo Program (REC Series)

To help developers understand the way to use some functions and features as soon as possible, Synway provides
a large number of demo programs which are listed in the following table.

Name Description Windows Linux
VB VC C# gcc
Demonstrates how to use the ATP Series call-recording boards to
monitor and record the analog phone line. Refer to the file
DemoATPUserManual.pdf (English) or DemoATPUserManual_cn.pdf
- √ √ √
(Chinese) for details.
Demonstrates how to use the DST Series boards to monitor and record
the digital subscriber line through high-impedance and parallel
Recorder-DST √ √ - -
connection. Refer to the file DemoDSTUserManual.pdf (English) or
DemoDSTUserManual_cn.pdf (Chinese) for details.
Demonstrates how to use the DTP Series boards to monitor and record
Recorder-DTP √ √ - -
the digital trunk (E1).
Demonstrates how to record in Pingpong Buffer Mode. - √ - -

1.14.8 Driver-provided Timer

The driver provides two kinds of timers for the application program: Global Timer and Channel Timer.

‹ Global Timer

The driver has 128 system timers in it, using the hardware interrupt signal as the timed pulse, offering greater
precision than timers provided by the operating system. The function SsmStartTimer is used to apply to the driver

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 82

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for a timer and set the parameters for it. The driver will throw out the E_SYS_TIMEOUT event every time when
the timer overflows. The function SsmStopTimer is for terminating a timer.

‹ Channel Timer

The channel timer is applicable to the polling mode. When it is started, the driver can only save the current time to
a variable but not judge if the timer overflows or not. Not until the application program calls the function
ElapseTime will the driver return the timer’s duration. Each channel has 10 timers allocated by the driver. They are
started via the function StartTimer.

1.14.9 Driver-provided Debugging Feature

The SynCTI driver has the capability of API and event debugging, usually for the application system being
developed, tested or preliminarily run. When error occurs in the API function call by the application program, or in
the event message, or in the driver, the driver will output an error message to help the developer find the cause as
soon as possible provided that the corresponding ‘debugging information output’ option is enabled.

The following configuration items are usable for debugging the application.
Configuration Item Description
ApiLogEnable Sets whether to output the API debugging information.
Sets the event range to limit the output events to be written into the
log in the use of ApiLogEnable.
Sets the channel range to limit the output events to be written into the
log in the use of ApiLogEnable.

If the application uses the polling mode, it needs to continuously invoke some query functions in the timer, which
leads to the output of a lot of function-call messages. The following configuration items may forbid some common
query functions to output messages on function calls.
Configuration Item Description
Controls whether to output the message on the function call of
Controls whether to output the message on the function call of
Controls whether to output the message on the function call of
Controls whether to output the message on the function call of
Controls whether to output the message on the function call of
Controls whether to output the message on the function call of
Controls whether to output the message on the function call of

The driver-output API debugging information can be displayed and observed with the help of the third-party
software tool Debugview.exe, which supports Windows Me, Windows 2000, Whistler Beta 1, Beta 2 and RC 1.

You can download Debugview.exe from the website free of charge and run it directly after
decompressing the ZIP file, without the need of installation.

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1.15 SHT Series (CTI Series)

1.15.1 Brief Introduction of SHT Series

The features supported by the SHT Series boards are shown in the following table.

Form Max. Conferencing Voltage Audio TDM Max Fax
Board Model Processing FSK
Factor Ports Capabilities Detector Socket Bus Resource
SHT-2A/USB USB 2 √ √ √ √ √ N/A N/A
SHT-4A/USB USB 4 √ √ √ √ √ N/A N/A
SHT-2B/USB USB 2 √ √ √ √ √ N/A N/A
SHT-4B/USB USB 4 √ √ √ √ √ N/A N/A
SHT-8A/PCI PCI 8 √ √ √ √ √ N/A N/A
SHT-8B/PCI PCI 8 √ √ √ √ √ N/A N/A
SHT-8B/PCI/FAX PCI 8 √ √ √ √ √ N/A 4
SHT-8C/PCI/FAX PCI 8 √ √ √ √ √ N/A 4
SHT-8C/PCI/EC PCI 8 √ √ √ √ √ N/A N/A
SHT-16C-CT/PCI/EC PCI 16 √ √ √ √ √ H’100 N/A
SHT-16D-CT/PCIe PCIe 16 √ √ √ √ √ H.100 N/A*
SHT-16A-CT/PCI PCI 16 √ √ √ √ √ H.100 N/A
SHT-16B-CT/PCI PCI 16 √ √ √ √ √ H.100 N/A
SHT-16B-CT/PCI/FAX PCI 16 √ √ √ √ √ H.100 4
SHT-16C-CT/PCI/FAX PCI 16 √ √ √ √ √ H.100 4
SHT-16B-CT/PCI/MP3 PCI 16 √ √ √ √ √ H.100 N/A
SHT-120A-CT/PCI PCI 120 √ √ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
SHT-16B-CT/cPCI cPCI 16 √ √ √ √ √ H.110 N/A
SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/MP3 cPCI 16 √ √ √ √ √ H.110 N/A
SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/FAX cPCI 16 √ √ √ √ √ H.110 8
SHT-120A-CT/cPCI cPCI 120 √ √ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Note: The SHT-16B-CT/PCI/FAX board and the SHT-16B-CT/PCI/MP3 board differ in the hardware structure.
However, they have the same board ID written in the firmware due to historical reasons. Hence it is
essential to set the configuration item DSP3WORKMODE to ensure that the driver can properly distinguish
these two board models.
The SHT-16D-CT/PCIe board, if inserted with an F021 module, can support 4-channel V.17 faxing.

1.15.2 Operation Principle of SHT Series

The figure below shows the operation principle of the SHT Series boards.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 84

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TDM Bus Switch

USB Box Only

K8 K1-1

A4-1 A4-6 M5
Audio Jack Channel 0 only K5-3
K1-2 K3
∑ M2

Phone Interface M1
Outbound Voice
Echo Inbound Voice
Analog Subscriber
Line Line A3 A2 K7
Interface Interface K2
Circuit Circuit ∑ M3
Trunk Module Subscriber Module
Voltage Ring Ring Hook Tone DTMF FSK Barge in FSK DTMF/Tone
Encoder Decoder
Detector Detector Control Detector Detector Detector Detector Detector Generator Generator

Host Computer Interface ( PCI / cPCI / USB )

Description of components and symbols in the figure above:

Name Description
M1 Outbound voice mixer.
The Voice Play/Fsk Transmitter switch, controlled by the driver. When the application calls the playing
function, K7 connects to the component Decoder; when it calls the function SsmStartSendFSK to start
FSK data transmission, K7 connects to the component FSK Generator. For more information about
the playing functions, refer to the Voice Playing section.
The volume adjuster for voice playing. The volume can be set via the configuration item
DefaultPlayVolume or the function SsmSetPlayVolume/SsmSetPlayGain, with the default value of 0.
The switch that controls the voice playing operation, usually keeping off under the automatic control of
the driver. Only when the application program invokes the playing function does the driver
automatically switch on K5-1 and then switch off it at the end of voice playing. For more information
about the playing functions, refer to the Voice Playing section.
The switch that controls the signal output of Tone Generator and DTMF Generator, often keeping off
under the automatic control of the driver. Only when the application program invokes the function
K5-3 SsmTxDtmf to start the DTMF generator or calls the function SsmSendTone/SsmSendToneEx to start
the tone generator does the driver automatically switch on K5-3 and then switch off it at the task
M2 Off-bus mixer.
The volume adjuster used before the off-bus signals entering M2. Use the function
A4-1 SsmSetListenVlmInConf to set the volume, with the default value of 0DB. Or use the following
… configuration item or functions to set the volume for a channel with data to be off the bus.
A4-6 — SsmTalkWithEx
— SsmListenToEx/SsmLinkFromEx/SsmLinkFromAllCh
Recording mixer
The signals output from M3 enter the Encoder component and become the recording data.
The volume adjuster used before incoming signals entering M3. The volume can be set via the
A3 function SsmSetRecVolume or the configuration item DefaultRecordVolume, with the default value of
The volume adjuster used before outgoing signals entering M3, switched on in default. The volume
A2 can be set via the function SsmSetRecMixer or the configuration item DefaultRecordMixerVolume,
with the default value of -7.
Onto-bus mixer.
M5 Mixes the playing data, the incoming signals and those output from the off-bus mixer, and puts the
mixed voice onto TDM bus. Upon board initialization, the output from M5 is transported to a time slot

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 85

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(marked as ‘ts’ for short) on TDM bus. You can use the function SsmLinkToBus to designate the ts.
The switch that controls whether the incoming signals enter the onto-bus mixer M5 or not, switched on
K3 in default. It can be set via the function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_InVoiceToBus) or the
configuration item InVoiceToBus.
The switch that controls whether the signals output from M2 go back onto TDM bus, being switched off
in default. It can be set via the function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_MixerResToBus).
The switch that controls whether the playing data enter the mixer M5 and go onto TDM bus or not,
K1-1 usually keeping off. It can be set via the function SsmSetPlayDest, used only for playing background
music to the teleconference.
The switch that shifts between the FSK detector and other detectors, usually pointing to other
detectors unless the FSK detector is started.

¾ Voice Playing

After the application invokes functions, the driver will automatically have K7 link to Decoder and switch on K5-1.
The voice data processed by A1 have two places to go:
— Entering M1 and forming the final outgoing signals with other signal sources. The outgoing signals, if on
Channel 0, will be sent to the on-board speaker output jack at the same time.
— Entering M5 under the control of K1-1 and forming the onto-bus signal sources with other signals, only
for playing background music to the teleconference.

¾ Recording Example for Various Signal Sources

A lot of special applications are available via the flexible use of the above switches for recording control and
volume adjusters. In the following examples, ch1 means Channel 1 and ch2 is just Channel 2.

— Example 1: Only record the incoming signals on ch1, using the default volume.

SsmSetRecVolume(ch1, 0); //start A3, set the volume gain to 0DB

SsmSetRecMixer(ch1, FALSE, 0); //stop A2
SsmRecToFile(ch1, ……); //start the task of file recording …

— Example 2: Record the incoming signals on ch1 (volume increased by 6DB) and the signals output from M2
(volume decreased by 3DB) at one time based on the establishement of a two-way call between
ch1 and ch2.

SsmTalkWith(ch1, ch2); //establish a two-way connection between ch1 and ch2 via TDM bus
SsmSetRecVolume(ch1, 2); //start A3, set the volume gain to 2*3DB=6DB
SsmSetRecMixer(ch1, TRUE, -1); //start A2, set the volume gain to -1*3DB=-3DB
SsmRecToFile(ch1, ……); //start the task of file recording …

— Example 3: When ch1 joins a teleconference (assuming the conference room number is n), play background
music on ch1 and record the conference through ch1. All signal sources go with normal volume,
i.e. the gain is 0.

SsmJoinConfGroup(n, ch1, ……); //ch1 joins the conference

SsmSetPlayDest(int ch, 1); //switch on K1-1, put the playing data onto bus
SsmPlayFile(ch1, ……); //start the task of voice playing on ch1, play background music
SsmSetRecVolume(ch1, 0); //start A3, set the volume gain to 0DB
SsmSetRecMixer(ch1, TRUE, 0); //start A2, set the volume gain to 0DB
SsmRecToFile(ch1, ……); //start the task of file recording …

¾ On-board Speaker Output Jack

Channel 0 on the SHT Series boards is enabled by the analog audio amplifier circuit and the spearker output jack
equipped on it to connect directly with the external speaker or headset and monitor voice signals in real time. This

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 86

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design is mainly for the following purposes.

— To transport incoming signals from any channel to the on-board speaker for play via TDM bus. This
purpose can be achieved via the function SsmListenTo or SsmListenToEx.
— To send voice files recorded by the application straight to the on-board speaker for play via the call of
playing functions. See the Voice Playing section in this chapter for details.

The AMP component in the figure above is the power amplifier for the analog audio amplifier circuit. Its gain can be
set via the function SsmSetPowerAmpVlm.

Channel 0 on the USB voice box (with ‘/USB’ marked in the model) is equipped with not only a speaker output jack
but also an on-board speaker, which enables the voice playing operation. The switch K8, providing choices for the
signals output from Channel 0 to enter the on-board speaker or the speaker jack, can be set via the function
SsmSetLine0OutTo or the configuration item USBLine0Output, with the default setting of ‘to the speaker jack’.

Note: Voices are sent onto the line as outgoing signals at the same time when transported to the on-board
speaker on Channel 0.

1.15.3 Analog Trunk Channel Generating Flash Signal on Analog Line

The flash signal is a short temporary on-hook pulse generated by a rapid clap on the hook switch of the analog
phone during a call, generally used for such operations as transferring the call to an extension with the help of the
PBX. You should do the clap as swift as possible lest the PBX mistakes the flash signal for the on-hook signal.

In the SynCTI driver, there are two ways available to generate a flash signal on the analog trunk.
¾ Invoke the function SsmTxFlash. In this way, the duration of the generated flash signal can be specified
¾ Use the parameter – the ‘!’ character - while invoking the function SsmTxDtmf. In this case, the duration
of the generated flash signal can be set via the configuration item DefaultTxFlashTime, with the default
value of 500ms. Detecting Polarity Reversal Signal

For detailed information about the polarity reversal detection, refer to the Change in Analog Phone Line Voltage
section in this chapter.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 87

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Analog Trunk Channel State Machine

Start Legend:
SsmXXX Function call by APP
SsmStartCti X Xxxxxxxx Event triggered by driver
RingOn xxxxx Ofen used channel state
Ringing Standby xxxx Channel state
RingOff xxxx? Internal module
SsmPickup X



WaitDialTone T1Out Pending

DialToneDetected X

PolarReverse X
SsmAppendPhoNum BusyTone
WaitRingBackTon Silence1
Answered RingBackTone
PolarReverse SsmHangup Kewl Start
WaitAnswer T2Out
Answered X
A PolarReverse BusyTone
SsmHangup PolarReverse


Each state identifier in the above diagram is described in the following table.

State Identifier Value Macro Definition Description

‘Idle’ state
Before the channel state transfers to ‘Idle’,
the driver:
¾ empties all buffers in DTMF Detector
¾ clears Caller ID Buffer
¾ closes DTMF Generator
¾ closes Tone Generator
¾ empties all buffers in the ringing current
detector and then starts it
¾ empties all buffers in Tone Detector and
then closes it
¾ starts (if the Caller ID detector is working
in DTMF mode) or closes (if the Caller ID
detector is working in FSK mode) the
DTMF detector.
¾ closes the polarity reversal detector (if the
polarity reversal detection is supported by
¾ sets the progress value of the AutoDial
¾ terminates the WaitDtmf task (if it has
been started)
’Pickup’ state
Before the channel state transfers to ‘Pickup’,

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 88

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the driver:
¾ empties all buffers in the tone detector
and then starts it
¾ empties all buffers in the ringing current
detector and then closes it
¾ starts the DTMF detector if the Caller ID
detector is working in FSK mode
Ringing 2 S_CALL_RINGING ’Ringing’ state
’Talking’ state. Both parties can start talking
when the channel is in such state.
Before the channel state transfers to ‘Talking’,
the driver:
¾ empties all buffers in the tone detector
Connected 3 S_CALL_TALKING
and then starts it
¾ starts the DTMF detector if the Caller ID
detector is working in FSK mode
¾ resets the counter of the ringing current
detector to 0
’Waiting for Dial Tone’ state
Before the channel state transfers to ‘Waiting
for Dial Tone’, the driver:
¾ empties all buffers in the tone detector
¾ sets the progress value of the AutoDial
’Dialing’ state
Before the channel state transfers to ‘Dialing’,
the driver:
¾ empties all buffers in the tone detector
and then closes it
¾ closes the DTMF detector
’Waiting for Ringback Tone’ state
Before the channel state transfers to ‘Waiting
for Ringback Tone’, the driver:
¾ empties all buffers in the tone detector
and then starts it
WaitRingBackTone 6 S_CALL_ANALOG_WAITDIALRESULT ¾ starts the enhanced remote pickup
detector (see the Enhanced Remote
Pickup Detector section in this chapter for
¾ starts the DTMF detector
¾ starts Remote Pickup Detector
Pending 7 S_CALL_PENDING ’Pending’ state
’Waiting for Answer’ state. The called party
can hear the ringing tone when the channel
goes into such state. If it is the station
channel that makes an outbound call through
the digital trunk at the local end, there should
be ringback tones sent to this channel.
WaitAnswer 9 S_CALL_WAIT_REMOTE_PICKUP Before the channel state transfers to ‘Waiting
for Answer’, the driver:
¾ sets the progress value of the AutoDial
task to DIAL_ECHOTONE and throw out
the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the
application program

All state values and corresponding macro definitions in the table above can be found in the file ShpA3Api.h.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 89

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The internal events automatically triggered by the driver itself are described as follows.

Name Description
This event is triggered once the driver detects ringing tones on the analog trunk. See the
Ringing Current on Analog Phone Line section in this chapter for details.
This event is triggered once the driver finds the ringing tone disappears on the analog trunk.
See the Ringing Current on Analog Phone Line section in this chapter for details.
The timer T1 overflows. T1 is set via the configuration item MaxWaitDialToneTime, with the
default value of 3sec.
After T1 overflows, the driver:
T1Out ¾ sets the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_NO_DIALTONE and sends the
E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application;
¾ sets PendingReason to ANALOGOUT_NO_DIALTONE and has the channel state
transfer to ‘Pending’.
The timer T2 overflows. T2 is set via the configuration item MaxWaitAutoDialAnswerTime,
with the default value of 25sec.
After T2 overflows, the driver:
T2Out ¾ sets the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_NOANSWER and sends the
E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application;
¾ sets PendingReason to ANALOGOUT_NOANSWER and has the channel state transfer
to ‘Pending’.
This event is triggered once the remote pickup detector outputs the E_CHG_ToneAnalyze
event (with the parameter CHKTONE_NOVOICE). Refer to the Remote Pickup Detector
section in this chapter for more information about the remote pickup detector.
The driver:
¾ sets the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_NOVOICE and sends the
E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application;
¾ sets PendingReason to ANALOGOUT_NOVOICE and has the channel state transfer to
This event is triggered once the remote pickup detector outputs the E_CHG_ToneAnalyze
event (with the parameter CHKTONE_ECHO_NOVOICE). Refer to the Remote Pickup
Detector section in this chapter for more information about the remote pickup detector.
The driver:
¾ sets the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_ECHO_NOVOICE and sends the
E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application;
¾ sets PendingReason to ANALOGOUT_ECHO_NOVOICE and has the channel state
transfer to ‘Pending’.
This event is triggered once the tone detector detects dial tones on the line. See the Tone
Detector section in this chapter for details.
This event is triggered when the driver sends out all the digits in TxDtmfBuffer (after
This event is triggered once the tone detector detects ringback tones on the line. See the
Tone Detector section in this chapter for details.
This event is triggered once the tone detector detects the following results on the line.
— CHKTONE_VOICEF1: The driver sets the progress value of the AutoDial task to
DIAL_VOICEF1 and sends the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application.
Answered — DIAL_VOICEF2: The driver sets the progress value of the AutoDial task to
DIAL_VOICEF2 and sends the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application.
— DIAL_VOICE: The driver sets the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_VOICE
and sends the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application.
This event is triggered when the voltage detector detects the polarity reversal signal on the
line and the configuration item DisablePolarReverse is set to 0.
In case a channel stays in the Dialing, WaitRingBackTone or WaitAnswer state, the driver
will set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_VOICE and send the

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 90

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E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application.

This event is triggered once the tone detector detects busy tones on the line. Refer to the
Tone Detector section in this chapter for more information.
If a channel is in the Talking state at the time when busy tones are detected, the driver will:
¾ set PendingReason to ANALOGOUT_TALKING_REMOTE_HANGUPED and has the
channel state transfer to ‘Pending’.
BusyTone If a channel is in the WaitRingBackTone or WaitAnswer state at the time when busy tones
are detected, the driver will:
¾ set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_BUSYTONE and sends the
E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application;
¾ set PendingReason to ANALOGOUT_BUSYTONE and has the channel state transfer to
This event is used to detect remote hangup. When a channel is in the Connected state, if
the voltage detector detects that the line voltage keeps the value of KSVoltageThreshold
Kewl Start (whose default value is 0) for a period of time reaching KSKeepTime (whose default value
is 256ms), the system will trigger this event and transfer the channel state to ‘Pending’. The
Kewl Start feature can be enabled by the configuration item EnableKewlStart.

The events output by the state machine are depicted in the following table.

Event Name Description

E_CHG_ChState The driver sends this event to the application when the channel state changes.
The driver sends this event to the application when the AutoDial task, which has
E_PROC_AutoDial been started by the function call of SsmAutoDial, progresses. Refer to the
preceding content for detailed information on the driver’s throwing out this event.
Note: All event declarations are listed in the file ShpA3Api.h. Remote Pickup Detector (SHT Series Only)

The remote pickup detector applies only to the analog trunk channel, used to detect with excruciating precision if
the calling party has picked up in an outgoing call.

Sometimes it is difficult to judge if the called party has picked up or not when the called party number has been
completely sent in an outgoing call on the analog trunk. At present, our boards support two ways to solve such
problem: judging by polarity reversal detection and by voice detection.

For detailed information about the polarity reversal signal, refer to the Change in Analog Phone Line Voltage
section in this chapter.

In case the remote pickup behavior is judged by voice detection, generally there are 2 different situations as stated
below after dialing.

¾ The called party picks up the phone and speaks (e.g. say ‘hello’) after hearing the rings (no matter how
long the phone rings before the pickup). In such situation, the calling channel detects the voice energy
on the line and believes the called party has picked up as long as the voice energy and duration get
greater than the preset threshold value. Note that this method goes invalid if the called party is provided
with color ring service, because the PBX will play the color ring (voice signals) as the ringback tone to
the calling party.

¾ The called party picks up the phone and keeps silent (does not speak) after hearing the rings. In such
case, there will not be ringback tones as well as any other voice signals on the line to the calling party,
which make the calling channel unable to decide if the called party has picked up. Hence the application

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 91

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program has to judge by itself.

The SynCTI driver provides an independent remote pickup detector based on voice detection for each analog
trunk channel. Its operation principle, related configuration items, functions and output events are all illustrated in
the following figure.


SsmStartPickupAnalyze HookEngyConfigMulti
SsmAutoDial HookValidEngyCnt
SsmAppendPhoNum SsmSetCalleeHookDetectP

Inbound Barge-in
Detector Enhanced Remote Pickup Detector ÎE_SYS_RemotePickup
K5 K6

K1 Call State Machine

Remote Pickup Detector

FFT Noise Filter Ordinary Remote Pickup Detector ÎE_CHG_ToneAnalyze

MinimumVoiceDetermineEnergy MaxWaitVocAfterEcho
SsmSetMinVocDtrEnergy WaitAfterDialTime

The remote pickup detector contains two different combinations: one is of Noise Filter and Ordinary Remote
Pickup Detector and the other of K5, K6 and Enhanced Remote Pickup Detector as shown in the figure above.
Both are controlled by the switch K1 which can be set via the function
SsmStartToneAnalyze/SsmCloseToneAnalyze. Note: K1 controls both the tone detector and the Barge-in
detector at one time.

The ordinary remote pickup detector receives the output from the FFT component, appropriate for ordinary
occasions. The event it throws out is E_CHG_ToneAnalyze.

The enhanced remote pickup detector uses a special algorithm to judge the pickup behavior on the analog phone
line, offering greater precision than the ordinary remote pickup detector. The event it sends off is
E_SYS_RemotePickup. Ordinary Remote Pickup Detector

The ordinary remote pickup detector detects the voice activities on the line.

The noise filter eliminates the noise on the line. Its operation principle and parameter settings are identical to those
of the noise filter mentioned in the Tone Detector section. See relative parts in the Tone Detector section for details.

When the noise filter determine that there exist voice signals on the line, the ordinary remote pickup detector won’t
agree until it is sure that the voice signal are not that specified by the 1st call progress tone detector.

The ordinary remote pickup detector outputs the E_CHG_ToneAnalyze event in one of the three situations stated

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 92

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(1) The called party picks up the phone immediately when the phone rings and then keeps silent. In such
case, there will not be ringback tones (Some flying ringback tones may appear on the line but are bound
to be filtered out because they can’t constitute an entire cycle so as not to be detected) as well as any
other voice signals on the line to the calling party as shown below.

Called Party Number

Ton Toff

Te T1

t0 t1
Î E_CHG_ToneAnalyze

In the figure above,

Ton, Toff: Indicate the signal durations respectively at on and off set by the parameters about the ringback
tone waveform.
Te: The accepted maximum error of the ringback tone cycle, Te= (Ton+Toff)*(1+20%).
T1: The threshold value for silent duration after dialing, counted from t1. The driver outputs
E_CHG_ToneAnalyze (with the parameter CHKTONE_NOVOICE) as long as the line keeps silent
longer than T1 which is designated by the configuration item WaitAfterDialTime.

(2) The called party picks up the phone after at least one entire ring and then keeps silent. In such situation,
the calling channel can detect at least one ringback tone but no voice activities as shown below.

Echo Ring Count=1 Echo Ring Count=2

Called Party Number Echo Tone

Ton Toff Ton Toff

Te T2

t0 t1
Î E_CHG_ToneAnalyze

In the figure above,

t0: Represents the time when the dialing is completed.
Ton, Toff: Indicate the signal durations respectively at on and off set by the parameters about the ringback
tone waveform.
Te: The accepted maximum error of the ringback tone cycle, Te = (Ton+Toff)*(1+20%).
T2: The threshold value for silent duration after ringback tones’ disappearing, counted from t1 (i.e. the
time when the ringback tone has surely gone). The driver outputs E_CHG_ToneAnalyze (with the
parameter CHKTONE_ECHO_NOVOICE) as long as the line keeps silent longer than T2 which is
designated by the configuration item MaxWaitVocAfterEcho.

(3) The called party picks up the phone after hearing the rings (no matter how long the phone rings before the
pickup) and immediately speaks (e.g. say ‘hello’).

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 93

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Called Party Number Ring Echo Tone Ring Echo Tone Voice


t0 t1
Î E_CHG_ToneAnalyze

In the figure above, T3 is the threshold value for judging voice signals, counted from t1 when voice signals appear.
The driver outputs E_CHG_ToneAnalyze (with the parameter CHKTONE_VOICE) as long as the voice signal lasts
longer than T3 which is designated by the configuration item VoiceOnDetermineTime or the function
SsmSetVoiceOnDetermineTime. The function SsmGetVoiceOnDetermineTime can be used to acquire the value of
T3 saved in the driver. Enhanced Remote Pickup Detector

The switch K5 is switched on after the successful system initialization. It is set by the configuration item
RelativeEngyHookDetect or the function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_RELATIVEENGYHOOKDETECT)
which also can be used to obtain the state of K5.

The switch K6 can be controlled both by the application program and the driver. It is switched off after the
successful system initialization.

K6 will be automatically switched on to enable the remote pickup detector as one of the following conditions is

¾ The application invokes the function SsmStartPickupAnalyze.

¾ The driver will send the called party number digit by digit to the remote PBX in the state of
S_CALL_ANALOG_TXPHONUM after the application calls the function SsmAutoDial to start an
outgoing call. When the called party number has been completely transmitted, the channel state will
transfer to S_CALL_ANALOG_WAITDIALRESULT after the driver automatically switches on K6.
¾ The application invokes the function SsmAppendPhoNum when a channel stays in the

K6 will be automatically switched off by the driver to disable the remote pickup detector as one of the following
conditions is satisfied.

¾ The remote pickup detector accomplishes a detection and outputs the E_SYS_RemotePickup event.
¾ The application invokes the function SsmHangup.
¾ The state machine of the analog trunk channel receives the E_CHG_BusyTone event which is thrown
out by the tone detector.

The configuration item HookEngyConfigMulti, HookValidEngyCnt or the function SsmSetCalleeHookDetectP is

used to set parameters for the enhanced remote pickup detector.

When the enhanced remote pickup detector detects the called party’s pickup behavior, it will send out the
E_SYS_RemotePickup event to the call state machine for subsequent processing. The function SsmGetPickup
can be used to obtain the result.

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1.15.4 Station Channel State Machine

SsmStartCti SsmXXX Function call by APP
Xxxxxxxx Event triggered by driver
xxxxx Ofen used channel state
Standby xxxx Channel state
xxxx? Internal module




Each state identifier in the above diagram is described in the following table.

State Identifier Value Macro Definition Description

‘Idle’ state.
When the channel state transfers to ‘Idle’, the driver will:
¾ empty all buffers in DTMF Detector
¾ close DTMF Generator and terminate the unfinished
WaitDtmf task.
close Tone Generator.
’Off-hook’ state.
When the channel state transfers to ‘Off-hook’, the driver
¾ start sending dial tones to the phone provided that the
configuration item AutoSendDialTone is set to 1.
¾ empty all buffers in DTMF Detector and then start it.
All state values and corresponding macro definitions in the table above can be found in the file ShpA3Api.h.
Note: The driver throws out the E_CHG_ChState event to the application every time when the channel state

The internal events automatically triggered the driver itself are described as follows.

Name Description
Offhook This event is triggered once the driver detects the pickup behavior.
Onhook This event is triggered once the driver detects the hangup behavior. Pickup/hangup Detection

When the phone is picked up or hung up, some dithering signals may be generated on the line. To prevent
misdetection, those signals should be filtered so as not to affect the accuracy in detecting the pickup/hangup
behavior. The configuration item UserOnHookFilterTime is used to set the minimum pickup signal duration. Only
when the driver detects the pickup signal lasts longer than the set value of this configuration item will it confirm the
pickup behavior.

The driver throws out the E_CHG_HookState event to the application every time when it confirms a pickup/hangup
behavior. Also the function SsmGetHookState can be used to obtain the off-hook/on-hook state of the station

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 95

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Flash Signal Detection

Because the station channel serves as the user circuit on analog PBXes, it has the capability of detecting flash
signals generated on the phone. Refer to the Flash Signal on Analog Phone Line section in this chapter for more
information about the flash signal.

The function SsmSetLocalFlashTime or the configuration item MaxLocalFlashTime is used to set N, the maximum
interval for judging the flash signal. The user releases the hook switch on the phone in a short period of time
(assumed as n) after pressing it. If n<N, the driver affirms what the user do is sending an flash signal, otherwise it
regards this action as the hangup behavior.

The driver provides a flash signal counter for each station channel, adding 1 to the count and throwing out the
E_CHG_FlashCount event to the application program every time when it detects a flash signal. Also the function
SsmGetFlashCount can be used to acquire the count. The driver will automatically reset the counter to 0 whenever
the channel state transfers to ‘Standby’. You can use the function SsmClearFlashCount to clear the count as well. Sending Ringing Signals to Phone

Each station channel on the Synway board is equipped with a ringing current generator for sending ringing signals
to the telephone. As viewed from the waveform, the regular ringing signal is periodic with 1sec on and 4sec off.
However, the on and off duration can be adjusted by the function SsmSetRingPeriod, and also the signal can be
set to consecutive by the configuration item UserChGenerateRingMode.

Both SsmStartRing and SsmStartRingWithCIDStr can be used to send ringing signals to the telephone.
SsmStartRing is for the analog and magnet phones; SsmStartRingWithCIDStr is only for the station channel but
can send the calling party information besides ringing signals. Because SsmStartRingWithCIDStr only accepts the
modulated FSK bit stream, so it is often used with the function fPcm_ConvertFskCID.

The driver provides a ringing signal counter for each station or magnet channel, adding 1 to the count every time
when it completes a signal transmission (at on state). Also the function SsmCheckSendRing can be used to
acquire the count.

The application program can invoke the function SsmStopRing any time to stop sending ringing signals to the
phone Generating Polarity Reversal Signal on Phone Line

For detailed information about the polarity reversal signal, refer to the Change in Analog Phone Line Voltage
section in this chapter.

Whether the station channel on the Synway board has the capability to generate the polarity reversal signal on the
analog phone line depends on if it is equipped with a B-type 1.0 series station module and if the module has the
capability to generate the polarity reversal signal (Note: Some of the B-type 1.0 series station modules don’t have
such capability).

The polarity reversal feature needs to be enabled via the configuration item UserSendPolar.
The function SsmGetPolarState is used to get the current voltage polarity on the phone line and the function
SsmSetPolarState to set the voltage polarity.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 96

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Auto-transmission of Dial Tones upon Pickup Detected

It is the configuration item AutoSendDialTone that determines if the driver, after the phone which is linked to the
station channel picks up, will automatically send dial tones to the phone. As to whether the driver automatically
stops sending dial tones upon detecting DTMF digits, it is set via the configuration item StopSendDialToneOnDtmf.

1.15.5 Composite Module

Synway offers a special kind of module to the SHT Series boards, that is, a module fitted with two put-in circuits
respectively to an analog trunk channel and a station channel. This kind of module is called the composite module.
The great advantage of this module is it enables direct connection between trunk and station which keeps call
uninterrupted during power outage. To be exact, when the power of the application system is accidentally cut off,
the analog trunk channel and the station channel linked to a same composite module connects directly to each
other. Therefore, the station channel is still able to communicate with the telephone network via the analog trunk
channel in such case.

The relationship between the analog trunk channel and the station channel on the composite module is set via the
function SsmSetUnimoduleState or the configuration item UnimoduleState.

1.15.6 Magnet Channel Overview

The channel fitted with the magnet module on the SHT Series boards is called the magnet channel for short, used
to connect with the magnet phone.
The internal structure of the magnet module is similar to that of a magnet phone whose operation principle is
illustrated below.
Electrical Generator
1 Phone Line
Transmitter Circuit Magnet Phone
Receiver Circuit

Electric Bell

As shown in the figure above, the magnet phone is composed of the transmitter circuit, the receiver circuit, the
electric bell, the electrical generator and the switches K1, K2 (Although it seems all the components are connected
by single lines, the actual thing is they are connected by double lines and form a loop with each other). When the
crank is turned, K2 automatically switches to the point 1 so as to send the ringing current to the electric bell of the
remote telephone; when K1 is pressed (equivalent to the situation that the hook switch on an ordinary telephone is
released), which makes the transmitter circuit be in connection and enabled to send out voices (The main purpose
to set K1 is to disconnect the dry battery at the time as no voices are transmitted).

The magnet module has the following features.

¾ The magnet module has only three states: ‘idle’, ‘sending rings’ and ‘ringing’, and does not support the
pickup/hangup behavior. It is the same as the station module in the rhythm of sending the ringing current,
that is, ring for 1sec and keep silent for 4sec. The ring can be properly detected even in the 4sec when
the signal goes at off state;
¾ The internal ringing current generator can generate the ringing current on the line. Its operation principle

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is identical to that of the ringing current generator on the station module for the SHT/B Series boards or
above model. On the one hand, the magnet module is not allowed to send the ringing current if the
ringing current is already available on the line; on the other hand, the magnet module will automatically
stop sending the ringing current if it detects the ringing current on the line midway in transmission;
¾ The magnet module leaves out K1 so that the receiver circuit and the transmitter circuit are always in
connection when it stays in the ‘idle’ or ‘ringing’ state.

The on-board module identification circuit cannot recognize the magnet module but mistakes it as the
analog trunk module. Hence it is essential to set the configuration item IsMagnetModule to ensure that the
driver can properly distinguish these two kinds of modules. State Machine





RingDetected RingDisappear


In the figure above,

State Identifier Value Macro Definition Description

’Idle’ state.
Standby 0 S_CALL_STANDBY The channel goes into this state after the driver’s successful
’Sending rings’ state.
In this state, the channel is sending rings to the magnet phone
SendRing 100 S_CALL_SENDRING and examining if there is ringing current on the line at the
same time. The ringing current detection can be set via the
configuration RingDetectFilterPara item.
‘Ringing’ state.
Ringing 2 S_CALL_RINGING The magnet phone is ringing and the driver checks if rings
have disappeared in this state.

1.15.7 EM Module

E&M is a universal technology involving trunk signaling over telephone switches and PBXs. EM interface is a type
of analog interface, through which information and signaling are separated. Like other kind of modules from
Synway, an EM module corresponds to two channels: one is an EM Control channel and the other is an EM Voice
The supported functions for the EM control channel include the API functions SsmPickup, SsmHangup and the

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 98

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functions SsmGetChState, SsmGetHookState for acquiring status. SsmPickup and SsmHangup are used to send
1 and 0 signals to the remote end; SsmGetHookState is used to detect the 1 or 0 signal from the remote end;
SsmGetChState is used to get the local on-hook and off-hook states which change with the local end invoking
SsmPickup and SsmHangup.
The operations on the EM Voice channel are the same as those on other voice channels.

1.15.8 Non-module Channel

The SHT Series boards use the modular structure, composed of the main board and different modules. The
on-board DSP chips can work properly even if there is no module installed so that the non-module channel also
supports voice processing. However, since no physical interface circuits for telephone lines available on the board,
voice signals can be acquired only from TDM bus. In some particular occasions when other boards with TDM bus
are required to record voices, what you need do is put the voice data via TDM bus to the non-module channel and
use the output from the Barge-in detector as the pre-requisites for recording control. Such feature can be enabled
via the configuration item NoModuleChBusRec or the function SsmSetNoModuleChBusRec. The non-module
channel has the following voice processing capabilities: recording, data exchange via TDM bus, DTMF reception
and Barge-in detection.

Note: In case there is no module installed on the main board of the SHT Series, the channel type number of 20
means it is the non-module channel.

1.16 SHD Series (CTI Series)

1.16.1 Brief Introduction of SHD Series

The features supported by the SHD Series boards are shown in the following table.

Voice SS7
Form Trunk Max. Conferencing Max Fax ISDN
Board Model Processing FSK SS1 SS7 Signaling
Factor Type Ports Capabilities Resource PRI
Capabilities Links
SHD-30A-CT/PCI/SS1 PCI 1 E1 30 √ √ √ N/A √ N/A N/A N/A
SHD-30A-CT/PCI/ISDN PCI 1 E1 30 √ √ √ N/A √ √ N/A N/A
SHD-30A-CT/PCI/SS7 PCI 1 E1 30 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 1
SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS1 PCI 2 E1 60 √ √ √ N/A √ N/A N/A N/A
SHD-60A-CT/PCI/ISDN PCI 2 E1 60 √ √ √ N/A √ √ N/A N/A
SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS7 PCI 2 E1 60 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 2
SHD-120A-CT/PCI/SS1 PCI 4 E1 120 √ √ √ N/A √ N/A N/A N/A
SHD-120A-CT/PCI/ISDN PCI 4 E1 120 √ √ √ N/A √ √ N/A N/A
SHD-120A-CT/PCI/SS7 PCI 4 E1 120 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 4
SHD-30B-CT/PCI/SS7/FAX PCI 1 E1 30 √ √ √ 24 √ √ √ 1
SHD-60B-CT/PCI/SS7/FAX PCI 2 E1 60 √ √ √ 16 √ √ √ 2
√(E1 √(E1
SHD-30C-CT/PCI PCI 1 E1/T1 30/23 √ √ √ N/A √ 1
Only) Only)
√(E1 √(E1
SHD-30C-CT/PCI/FAX PCI 1 E1/T1 30/23 √ √ √ 24 √ 1
Only) Only)
√(E1 √(E1
SHD-60C-CT/PCI PCI 2 E1/T1 60/46 √ √ √ N/A √ 2
Only) Only)
√(E1 √(E1
SHD-60C-CT/PCI/ FAX PCI 2 E1/T1 60/46 √ √ √ 16 √ 2
Only) Only)
SHD-120D-CT/PCI PCI 4 E1/T1/J1 120/92 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 4
SHD-120D-CT/PCI/EC PCI 4 E1/T1/J1 120/92 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 4

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 99

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SHD-120D-CT/PCI/CAS PCI 8 E1/T1 120/92 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ N/A

SHD-240D-CT/PCI PCI 8 E1/T1/J1 240/184 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 8
SHD-240D-CT/PCI/EC PCI 8 E1/T1/J1 240/184 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 8
SHD-240D-CT/PCI/CAS PCI 8 E1/T1 240/184 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ N/A
SHD-30E-CT/PCI(SSW) PCI(SSW) 1 E1/T1/J1 30/23 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 1
SHD-30E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) PCI(SSW) 1 E1/T1/J1 30/23 √ √ √ 32 √ √ √ 1
SHD-30E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) PCI(SSW) 1 E1/T1/J1 30/23 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 1
SHD-60E-CT/PCI(SSW) PCI(SSW) 2 E1/T1/J1 60/46 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 2
SHD-60E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) PCI(SSW) 2 E1/T1/J1 60/46 √ √ √ 64 √ √ √ 2
SHD-60E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) PCI(SSW) 2 E1/T1/J1 60/46 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 2
SHD-120E-CT/PCI(SSW) PCI(SSW) 4 E1/T1/J1 120/92 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 4
SHD-120E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) PCI(SSW) 4 E1/T1/J1 120/92 √ √ √ 64 √ √ √ 4
SHD-120E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) PCI(SSW) 4 E1/T1/J1 120/82 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 4
SHD-240E-CT/PCI(SSW) PCI(SSW) 8 E1/T1/J1 240/184 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 8
SHD-240E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) PCI(SSW) 8 E1/T1/J1 240/184 √ √ √ 64 √ √ √ 8
SHD-240E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) PCI(SSW) 8 E1/T1/J1 240/184 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 8
SHD-30E-CT/PCIe PCIe 1 E1/T1/J1 30/23 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 1
SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/FAX PCIe 1 E1/T1/J1 30/23 √ √ √ 32 √ √ √ 1
SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/EC PCIe 1 E1/T1/J1 30/23 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 1
SHD-60E-CT/PCIe PCIe 2 E1/T1/J1 60/46 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 2
SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/FAX PCIe 2 E1/T1/J1 60/46 √ √ √ 64 √ √ √ 2
SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/EC PCIe 2 E1/T1/J1 60/46 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 2
SHD-120E-CT/PCIe PCIe 4 E1/T1/J1 120/92 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 4
SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/FAX PCIe 4 E1/T1/J1 120/92 √ √ √ 64 √ √ √ 4
SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/EC PCIe 4 E1/T1/J1 120/82 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 4
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe PCIe 8 E1/T1/J1 240/184 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 8
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/FAX PCIe 8 E1/T1/J1 240/184 √ √ √ 64 √ √ √ 8
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/EC PCIe 8 E1/T1/J1 240/184 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 8
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/VAR PCIe 8 E1/T1/J1 240/184 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 8
SHD-30A-CT/cPCI/SS7 cPCI 1 E1 30 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 1
SHD-60A-CT/cPCI/SS7 cPCI 2 E1 60 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 2
SHD-120A-CT/cPCI/SS7 cPCI 4 E1 120 √ √ √ N/A √ √ √ 4
SHD-240A-CT/cPCI cPCI 8 E1 240 √ √ N/A N/A N/A √ √ 8
SHD-480A-CT/cPCI cPCI 16 E1 480 √ √ N/A N/A N/A √ √ 16
SHD-30B-CT/cPCI/SS7/FAX cPCI 1 E1 30 √ √ √ 24 √ √ √ 1
SHD-60B-CT/cPCI/SS7/FAX cPCI 2 E1 60 √ √ √ 16 √ √ √ 2
SHD-240S-CT/cPCI cPCI 8 E1 240 √ N/A N/A N/A N/A √ √ 8
SHD-480S-CT/cPCI cPCI 16 E1 480 √ N/A N/A N/A N/A √ √ 16
Note: All SHD Series boards have the capability of exchanging data via TDM bus.

1.16.2 Operation Principle of SHD Series

The figure below shows the operation principle of the SHD Series boards.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 100

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TDM Bus Switch


A4-1 A4-6 M5
K1-2 K3
∑ M2

K6-1 M1 K6-2

Outbound Voice M4
LIU Framer Echo Inbound Voice
E1/T1 AGC A1
ABCD Signaling A3 A2
SS7-MTP2 K2 K7
∑ M3

Tone DTMF FSK Barge in FSK DTMF/Tone

Encoder Decoder
Detector Detector Detector Detector Generator Generator

Host Computer Interface (PCI / cPCI)

Below is description on components and symbols related to the recording operation illustrated above:

Name Description
M1 Outbound voice mixer.
The switch that controls the signal output of Tone Generator and DTMF Generator, often being off
under the automatic control of the driver. Only when the function SsmTxDtmf or
K5-3 [1]
SsmSendTone/SsmSendToneEx is called to start the DTMF generator or the tone generator does the
driver switch on K5-3 and switch off it again after the operation concerned is complete.
M2 Off-bus mixer.
The volume adjuster which is used for off-bus signals before they are sent to M2. Use the function
A4-1 SsmSetListenVlmInConf to set the volume, with the default value of 0DB. Or use the following
… configuration item or functions to set the volume for a channel with data to be off the bus.
A4-6 — SsmTalkWithEx
— SsmListenToEx/SsmLinkFromEx/SsmLinkFromAllCh
The switch that controls output signals from the off-bus mixer, automatically controlled by the driver.
The driver will automatically switch off K5-2 when off-bus operation functions are called by the
K5-2 [1]
application program, and then switch it on again when the input to M2 is thoroughly cut off. See the
TDM Capability section in this chapter for more information.
Recording mixer.
The signals from M3 are sent to the Encoder component for recording purpose.
The volume adjuster which is used for incoming signals before they are sent to M3. The volume can
A3 be set via the function SsmSetRecVolume or the configuration item DefaultRecordVolume, with the
default value of 0DB.
The volume adjuster which is used for outgoing signals before they are sent to M3. By default, it is on.
A2 The volume can be set via the function SsmSetRecMixer or the configuration item
DefaultRecordMixerVolume, with the default value of -7.
Outbound voice mixer for recording.
M4 Mixes signals from the off-bus mixer, data being played on a channel and signals from the tone
generator/DTMF generator, and then puts them onto M3.
K6-1 Switch K6-1 controls whether to put signals form M2 into M3; Switch K6-2 controls whether to put
K6-2 voice data being played into M3. Both can be set via the function SsmSetRecBack.
Onto-bus mixer.
Mixes data being played on a channel, incoming signals and those from the off-bus mixer M2, and
M5 then puts them onto TDM bus. Upon board initialization, the output from M5 is transported to a time
slot (marked as ‘ts’ for short) on TDM bus. You can use the function SsmLinkToBus to designate the

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 101

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The switch that controls whether to put incoming signals into M5 or not. By default, it is on. It can be
K3 set via the function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_InVoiceToBus) or the configuration item
The switch that controls whether to put data being played on a channel first into M5 and then onto
K1-1 [1] TDM bus or not, usually being off. It can be set via the function SsmSetPlayDest, used only for playing
background music to a teleconference.
The switch that controls whether to put signals from M2 back onto TDM bus. By default, it is off. It can
be set via the function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_MixerResToBus).
Below is the description on components and symbols concerning the playback operation
The Voice Play/Fsk Transmitter switch, automatically controlled by the driver. When the application
calls the playing function, K7 connects to the component Decoder; when it calls the function
SsmStartSendFSK to start FSK data transmission, K7 connects to the component FSK Generator. For
more information about the playing functions, refer to the Voice Playing section.
The volume adjuster for voice playing. The volume can be set via the configuration item
DefaultPlayVolume or the function SsmSetPlayVolume/SsmSetPlayGain, with the default value of 0.
The switch that controls the voice playing operation, automatically controlled by the driver. Only when
the application program invokes the playing function does the driver automatically switch on K5-1 and
K5-1 [1]
then switch it off at the end of voice playing. For more information about the playing functions, refer to
the Voice Playing section.
The switch that shifts between the FSK detector and other detectors, usually connected to other
detectors unless the FSK detector is started.

z For some board models in SHD Series, due to the limited on-board DSP resources, only one of
K5-1, K5-2, K5-3 can be switched on when K1-1 is off. As a result, in case a channel is playing
voices (K5-1 is already on at that time) or starts the tone generator (K5-3 is already on at that
time), and the application program invokes the function for bus operation which causes K5-2 to
be off, if the configuration item LinkFromStopPlayAndTone is set to 1, the playing operation will
be stopped immediately and K5-2 will be switched on; if the configuration item
LinkFromStopPlayAndTone is set to 0, K5-2 will get on only after the playing operation ends up
in a normal way. The bus operation functions which cause K5-2 to get off include:

¾ SsmTalkWith / SsmTalkWithEx
¾ SsmListenTo / SsmListenToEx / SsmLinkFrom / SsmLinkFromEx / SsmLinkFromAllCh
¾ SsmLinkFromBus / SsmLinkFromBusEx

Involved board models are:

¾ SHD-120A-CT/cPCI/SS7

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z If K1-1 is on, K5-1 and K5-2 are allowed to be switched on at the same time but K5-3 must keep

¾ Voice Playing

After the application invokes the playing function, the driver will automatically have K7 linked to Decoder and
switch on K5-1. The voice data processed by A1 will:
— Enter M1 and form the final outgoing signals with other signal sources; or
— Enter M4 under the control of K6-2 and form the recording signal sources with other signals; or
— Enter M5 under the control of K1-1 and form the onto-bus signal sources with other signals, only for
playing background music to the teleconference.

¾ Recording Example for Various Signal Sources

A lot of special applications are available via the flexible use of the above switches for recording control and
volume adjusters. In the following examples, ch1 and ch2 respectively mean Channel 1 and Channel 2.

— Example 1: Only record the incoming signals on ch1 and use the default volume.

SsmSetRecVolume(ch1, 0); //start A3, set the volume gain to 0DB

SsmSetRecMixer(ch1, FALSE, 0); //stop A2
SsmRecToFile(ch1, ……); //start the task of file recording …

— Example 2: Record the incoming signals on ch1 (volume increased by 6DB) and the signals output from M2
(volume decreased by 3DB) at one time based on the establishement of a two-way call between
ch1 and ch2.

SsmTalkWith(ch1, ch2); //establish a two-way connection between ch1 and ch2, switch on K5-2
SsmSetRecBack(ch1,2); //switch on K6-1, switch off K6-2
SsmSetRecVolume(ch1, 2); //start A3, set the volume gain to 2*3DB=6DB
SsmSetRecMixer(ch1, TRUE, -1); //start A2, set the volume gain to -1*3DB=-3DB
SsmRecToFile(ch1, ……); //start the task of file recording …

— Example 3: When ch1 joins a teleconference (assuming the conference room number is n) as the organizer,
play background music on ch1 and record the conference (including the background music)
through ch1. All signal sources go with normal volume, i.e. the gain is set to 0.

SsmJoinConfGroup(n, ch1, ……); //ch1 joins the conference: switch on K5-2 and K3
SsmSetPlayDest(int ch, 1); //switch on K1-1
SsmSetRecBack(ch1,1); //switch on K6-1 and K6-2
SsmPlayFile(ch1, ……); //start the task of voice playing on ch1: link K7 to Decoder, switch on K5-1
SsmSetRecVolume(ch1, 0); //start A3, set the volume gain to 0DB
SsmSetRecMixer(ch1, TRUE, 0); //start A2, set the volume gain to 0DB
SsmRecToFile(ch1, ……); //start the task of file recording …

1.16.3 Number-receiving Rule for Incoming Call

Incoming calls are automatically handled via the channel state machine. What the application need do is preset the
rule to receive numbers. The number-receiving rule means the rule followed by the local end to receive Caller ID,
Callee ID and other information from the remote PBX.

As to the number-receiving rule, there are two modes available which can be set by the configuration item

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— Fixed-length Mode: The local end has only one phone number of fixed length (e.g. ‘110’). When the
driver fully receives the preset length of the called party number, the number-receiving process is
considered to be over. The configuration items DefaultRcvCallerID and RcvPhoNumCfgLen are used to
set particular rules in this mode.
— Prefix Mode: You can set several called party numbers for the application program at the local end, each
of which begins with a prefix. The configuration items MaxPhoNumRule and Rule are used to set
particular rules in this mode.

You are allowed to set independent number-receiving rules respectively for TUP channel, ISUP channel, ISDN
channel and SS1 channel.

— The rule for TUP channel is set in the [TUP] section;

— The rule for ISUP channel is set in the [ISUP] section;
— The rule for ISDN channel is set in the [ISDN] section;
— The rule for SS1 channel is set in the [SS1] section.

1.16.4 SS7 Programming OPC & DPC

Signaling Point (SP) is a node in a signaling network that originates and receives signaling messages, or transfers
signaling messages from one signaling link to another, or both. CCITT suggests the use of a signaling point code
(SPC) with a unique 14-bit format used at the international level for signaling message routing and identification of
signaling points involved, i.e. International Signaling Point Code (ISPC). See the table below for the grouping of
3bit 8bit 3bit
The format of the 24-bit binary code is used for the identification of national signaling points in China (i.e. National
Signaling Point Code (NSPC) Format in China). NSPC is grouped as follows.
8bit 8bit 8bit

The Synway SHD Series boards support both International Signaling Point Code (ISPC) Format and National
Signaling Point Code (NSPC) Format in China.
The specific signaling point code (OPC-Originating Point Code or DPC- Destination Point Code) is configured in
the file Ss7Server.ini. Time Slot Allocation

The PCM time slots on the SHD Series boards are allocated as shown in the following table.

Sync. Voice Signaling Time Slot

Board Model Time Slot Time Slot SS1 ISDN PRI SS7
SHD-30A-CT/PCI/SS1 0 1-15,17-31 16 N/A N/A
SHD-30A-CT/PCI/ISDN 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 N/A
1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
2-31 - - 1[1]
SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS1 0 1-15,17-31 16 N/A N/A
SHD-60A-CT/PCI/ISDN 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 N/A

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1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
2-31 - - 1[1]
SHD-120A-CT/PCI/SS1 0 1-15,17-31 16 N/A N/A
SHD-120A-CT/PCI/ISDN 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 N/A
SHD-120A-CT/PCI/SS7 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
2-31 - - 1[1]
1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-60B-CT/PCI/SS7/FAX 0 [1]
2-31 - - 1
0(E1) 1-15,17-31(E1) 16(E1)
SHD-30C-CT/PCI 16(E1) 16[1](E1)
N/A(T1) 0-22(T1 ISDN) 23(T1)
0(E1) 1-15,17-31(E1) 16(E1)
SHD-30C-CT/PCI/FAX 16(E1) 16[1](E1)
N/A(T1) 0-22(T1 ISDN) 23(T1)
0(E1) 1-15,17-31(E1) 16(E1)
SHD-60C-CT/PCI 16(E1) 16[1](E1)
N/A(T1) 0-22(T1 ISDN) 23(T1)
0(E1) 1-15,17-31(E1) 16(E1)
SHD-60C-CT/PCI/ FAX 16(E1) 16[1](E1)
N/A(T1) 0-22(T1 ISDN) 23(T1)
SHD-120D-CT/PCI 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-120D-CT/PCI/EC 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16
SHD-120D-CT/PCI/CAS 0 1-15,17-31 16 - -
SHD-240D-CT/PCI 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-240D-CT/PCI/EC 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-240D-CT/PCI/CAS 0 1-15,17-31 16 -
SHD-30E-CT/PCI(SSW) 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-30E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-30E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-60E-CT/PCI(SSW) 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-60E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-60E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-120E-CT/PCI(SSW) 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-120E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-120E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-240E-CT/PCI(SSW) 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-240E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-240E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-30E-CT/PCIe 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/FAX 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/EC 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-60E-CT/PCIe 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/FAX 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/EC 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-120E-CT/PCIe 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/FAX 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/EC 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/FAX 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/EC 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/VAR 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
2-31 - - 1[1]
SHD-60A-CT/cPCI/SS7 0 1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]

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2-31 - - 1[1]
1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-120A-CT/cPCI/SS7 0 [1]
2-31 - - 1
SHD-240A-CT/cPCI 0 1-15,17-31 N/A 16 16[1]
SHD-480A-CT/cPCI 0 1-15,17-31 N/A 16 16[1]
1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
2-31 - - 1[1]
1-15,17-31 16 16 16[1]
SHD-60B-CT/cPCI/SS7/FAX 0 [1]
2-31 - - 1
SHD-240S-CT/cPCI 0 1-15,17-31 N/A 16 16[1]
SHD-480S-CT/cPCI 0 1-15,17-31 N/A 16 16[1]
Note [1]: It is the configuration items UseTS16AsCircuit and Ss7SignalingTS that determine if SS7 links are
available on the digital trunk and which time slot serves as the signaling link. Setting Spare Address Codes

In TUP and ISUP calls, called party number, calling party number and other information within messages are
displayed in address code format instead of ASCII format. However, the driver adopts ASCII characters to present
CallerId and CalleeId, so it is essential to establish a rule for translating address codes into unified ASCII
characters. As shown in the table below, the configuration item AddressSignal is used to map the spare codes to
some particular characters.

Address Code Corresponding

Hexadecimal Decimal ASCII Character
0 0 ‘0’ Fixed
1 1 ‘1’ Fixed
2 2 ‘2’ Fixed
3 3 ‘3’ Fixed
4 4 ‘4’ Fixed
5 5 ‘5’ Fixed
6 6 ‘6’ Fixed
7 7 ‘7’ Fixed
8 8 ‘8’ Fixed
9 9 ‘9’ Fixed
a 10 spare Configurable via the configuration item AddressSignal
b 11 spare Configurable via the configuration item AddressSignal
c 12 spare Configurable via the configuration item AddressSignal
d 13 spare Configurable via the configuration item AddressSignal
e 14 spare Configurable via the configuration item AddressSignal
f 15 ST signal Fixed Configuration Instance for SS7 Server

Refer to Chapter 4 Application and Configuration Instance for SS7 Server in this manual for details.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 106

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd TUP Programming and Application TUP Channel State Machine

SsmStartCti SsmXXX Function call by APP
Xxxxxxxx Event triggered by driver
U Unusable xxxxx Ofen used channel state
xxxx Channel state
Error xxxx? Internal module



BlockedByApp BlockedByApp ChUsable? BlockedByPBX BlockedByPBX

Error UnblockedByApp Standby Unusable UnblockedByPBX RcvIAI
RcvIAI Error
CicReset CicReset
1 U 1 U

RcvIAI Standby SsmSearchIdleCallOutCh

SsmAutoDial Error Blocking
SsmPickup X

OffHook SsmPickup Locked

Error RcvIAI SsmHangup RcvIAI

T1Out SsmHangup
Error T1Out
U CicReset SsmAutoDial 1
Blocking CicReset
U Blocking
SsmAutoDial X

RcvPhoNum Dialing
Error RcvCLF SsmHangup CallFailure
T5-Out CicReset RcvIAI RcvACM T2Out
PhoNumOK C P
C X 1
WaitAnswer RcvCBK Pending
1 T4-Out
2 3 Answered SsmHangup
2 Error
Ringing Connected 1 2 C X
SsmPickup RcvCCL

Error CicReset SsmHangup

RcvCLF SsmHangup
U Error Release RcvRLG X

The internal events automatically triggered by the driver itself are described as follows.

Event Name Description

The driver will send this event to all channel state machines after receiving signaling from the
Mtp3Usable SS7 server so as to change the channel state from Unusable to Resetting and reset the
This event is triggered when the driver receives the circuit reset message (GRA, GRS or
RSC) following the successful reset of the circuit.

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What the driver does: If the local end blocks the remote end or is waiting for the reply after
sending the blocking message to the remote end, the driver will send the BLO message to
the remote end to keep it blocked and throw out the E_CHG_RemoteChBlock event to the
application program at the same time.
This channel is blocked by the local end (Local Blocking) or the remote end (Remote
Blocking). This event is triggered in the following two situations.
• Remote Blocking: The driver receives the group blocking message (MGB, SGB, HGB)
or the circuit blocking message (BLO) from the remote PBX.
• Local Blocking: The application invokes the function SsmBlockLocalCh or
Remote Unblocked: This event is triggered when the driver receives the MGU, HGU, SGU or
UBL message from the remote PBX.
Local Unblocked: This event is triggered after the application invokes the function
SsmUnblockLocalPCM or SsmUnblockLocalCh to unblock the local end.
The driver receives the incoming call request message (i.e. IAI or IAM) from the remote PBX.
That whether the driver accepts this request or not depends on the channel state at that
Channel State Description
BlockedByPBX When the local end is blocked, the channel does not support
BlockedByApp outgoing calls and only accept incoming calls.
The reception of the IAI/IAM message from the remote PBX during
the outgoing call indicates the ‘collision’ phenomenon occurs. As
stipulated in TUP, if the channel’s CIC represents the circuit
controlled by the local end, the local end will abandon the IAI/IAM
message and continue the outgoing call; otherwise, the local end
will quit the outgoing call and process the incoming call.
The channel is preparing to make an outgoing call but does not
send the IAI or IAM message yet. The driver will reply the incoming
call request message received at that time from the remote end.
Standby The channel accepts the incoming call.
Others The channel rejects the incoming call.
In case the driver accepts the incoming call, it will throw out the E_CHG_RxPhoNumBuf
event to the application program after saving the called party number within the IAM
message to the buffer and change the channel state to RcvPhoNum.
RcvRLG The driver receives the RLG (Release-guard signal) message from the remote PBX.
The driver receives the CLF message from the remote PBX. When this event is triggered, if
the channel stays in the state:
• RcvPhoNum or Ringing:
it indicates the remote PBX (the calling party) cancels this call during the incoming call
In case the channel stays in the Ringing state and the configuration item RingToPending
is set to 1, the driver will set PendingReason to PEND_RemoteHangupOnRinging and
transfer the channel state to Pending; otherwise, the driver will start to disconnect this
incoming call.
• S_TUP_WaitCLF (a substate of Release):
it indicates the channel receives the CLF message as expected during the call
disconnection, which ends up the disconnection process.
• Pending:
No matter what causes the channel to go into the Pending state, the reception of the
CLF message in this state will prompt the driver to automatically send the RLG message
and start disconnecting the call.
• Connected:
For the incoming call, the reception of the CLF message in the Connected state means it
is the calling party that first hangs up the phone. The driver will set PendingReason to
PEND_RemoteHangupOnTalking and then transfer the channel state to Pending.

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However, it won’t send the RLG message.

The driver receives the ACM (Address Complete Message) message from the remote PBX.
In the outgoing call progress implementation, the driver will send the IAI/IAM message to the
remote PBX when the application calls the function SsmAutoDial to start an outgoing call.
Then the remote PBX will send the ACM message to the local end as it believes all
necessary information including the Callee ID has been received.
The driver responds to this event only when the channel stays in the Dialing or
AppSetCallerID state. After receiving the ACM message, the driver will save it, set the
progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_ECHOTONE and then transfer the channel state
to WaitAnswer. The function SsmGetKB can be used to acquire the received ACM
This event is triggered when the driver receives the answering signal from the remote PBX.
During an outgoing call, when the remote PBX is sending rings to the called party, it will send
answering signals to the local end once the called party picks up the phone. The answering
signal indicates one of the following messages:
— ANU message (answering signal, no indication)
— ANC (answering signal, charge)
— ANN (answering signal, no charge)
The function SsmGetTupFlag can be used to obtain the specific content of the answering
Answered signal.
This event will lead to the channel state transition from WaitAnswer to Connected. Before
the channel goes into the new state, the driver will automatically
— start the DTMF Detector if the configuration item AlwaysEnableRxDtmf is set to 0;
— start the Barge-in Detector if the configuration item AlwaysDetectBargeIn is set to
— clear the Tone Detector and start it;
— set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_VOICE, end up the task and
throw out the event E_PROC_AutoDial to the application program.
The driver receives the CBK message from the remote PBX. When this event is triggered, if
the channel stays in the state
• Connected:
it indicates that the remote user first hangs up the phone in an outgoing call. The driver
will set PendingReason to PEND_CalleeHangupOnTalking and transfer the channel
state to Pending.
• WaitAnswer:
it indicates that the called party refuses this call and the AutoDial task ends. The driver
— set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_FAILURE and the failure
reason to ATDL_RcvCBK, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the
— set PendingReason to PEND_CalleeHangupOnWaitRemotePickUp and then
transfer the channel state to Pending.
The driver receives the CCL message from the remote PBX, which indicates that the remote
user hangs up first in an incoming call after two parties are connected.
After receiving the RcvCCL event, the driver will set PendingReason to
RcvCCL PEND_RemoteHangupOnTalking and then transfer the channel state to Pending. If the
application invokes the function SsmSetCalleeHoldFlag to enable the ‘Caller Holding’ feature
when the channel stays in the Connected state, the driver will automatically send the OPR
message to the remote PBX and keep the channel in Connected.
The timer T1 overflows. T1 is set to 60sec and will be automatically started when the
channel goes into the Locked or OffHook state.
The timer T2 overflows. T2 is set to 30sec and will be automatically started when the
channel goes into the Dialing state. After T2 overflows, the driver will
T2Out — set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_FAILURE and the failure reason to
ATDL_WaitDialAnsTimeout, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the

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— set PendingReason to PEND_AutoDialFailed and then transfer the channel state to

The timer T4 overflows. T4 is set by the configuration item MaxWaitAutoDialAnswerTime
and will be automatically started when the channel goes into the WaitAnswer state. After T4
overflows, the driver will
— set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_NOANSWER and the failure
reason to ATDL_WaitRemotePickupTimeout, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial
event to the application;
— set PendingReason to PEND_AutoDialFailed and then transfer the channel state to
The timer T5 overflows. T5 is set to 20sec and will be automatically started when the
channel goes into S_TUP_WaitPrefix or S_TUP_WaitSAM (a substate of RcvPhoNum).
After T5 overflows, the driver will automatically send the ADI (Address Incomplete) message
to the remote PBX and then change the channel state to Release.
This event will be triggered when the driver
— receives all necessary information including the called party number according to the
preset number-receiving rule;
— stops waiting for the GSM message from the remote PBX as the channel stays in
_TUP_WaitGSM (a substate of RcvPhoNum) and the timer with the preset value of
5sec overflows;
— receives the GSM message from the remote PBX when the channel stays in
_TUP_WaitGSM (a substate of RcvPhoNum).

PhoNumOK After this event is triggered, if the application enables the ‘Auto-answer of Incoming Call’
feature via the function SsmEnableAutoSendKB or the configuration item AutoSendACM,
the driver will automatically send the ACM message to the remote PBX and transfer the
channel state to Ringing. The configuration item DefaultACM is used to specify the
message indicator field which shows the called party state in the ACM message
automatically sent by the driver. The configuration item RcvPhoNumCfgLen is used to set
the method for the driver to save the called party number. The function SsmSetKB is for
setting the charge indicator in the backward call indicator field of the ACM message. If the
‘Auto-answer of Incoming Call’ feature is not enabled, the driver will set PendingReason to
PEND_WaitBckStpMsg, transfer the channel state to Suspend, and let the application
determine whether to accept this call or not.
This event is triggered when the driver detects one of the following situations.
¾ The synchronization signal through TS0 on the digital trunk where this channel stays
gets lost (e.g. line disconnected, clock configuration error and so on).
¾ The TCP/IP connection between the TUP stack and the SS7 server is broken.
¾ The signaling unusable message is received from the SS7 server.
When this event is triggered, the driver’s operation is in relation to the channel state. See
below for details.
¾ In the state Dialing, AppSetCallerID or WaitAnswer: The driver will set the progress
value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_FAILURE and the failure reason to
ATDL_PcmSyncLos or ATDL_Mtp3Unusable, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial
event to the application;
¾ In the state Dialing, AppSetCallerID, WaitAnswer, Connected or Pending: The
driver will set PendingReason to PEND_PcmSyncLos or PEND_SsxUnusable, and
then transfer the channel state to Pending.
If the call fails during the outgoing process, the driver triggers this event. The outgoing call
fails in the following situations.
¾ The driver receives the call failure message from the remote PBX. The call failure
message includes:
z The CFL message (call failed). The driver will
— set the result of the AutoDial task to DIAL_FAILURE and the failure reason to
ATDL_RcvCFL, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application;
— transfer the channel state to Pending after setting PendingReason: if the channel

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stays in the WaitAnswer state, PendingReason is set to

PEND_CalleeHangupOnWaitRemotePickUp; if the channel stays in the Dialing
state, PendingReason is set to PEND_AutoDialFailed.
z The SSB, SLB, STB (Called Subscriber Busy) message. The driver will
— set the result of the AutoDial task to DIAL_BUSYTONE and the failure reason to
ATDL_RcvSSB, ATDL_RcvSLB or ATDL_RcvSTB, and throw out the
E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application;
— set PendingReason to PEND_AutoDialFailed, and then transfer the channel state
to Pending.
z The UNN message (Callee ID unallocated). The driver will
— set the result of the AutoDial task to DIAL_INVALID_PHONUM and the failure
reason to ATDL_RcvUNN, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the
— set PendingReason to PEND_AutoDialFailed, and then transfer the channel state
to Pending.
z The SEC, CGC, NNC, LOS, SST, ACB, DPN, EUM or ADI message (other errors in
call). The driver will
— set the result of the AutoDial task to DIAL_FAILURE and the failure reason
respectively to ATDL_RcvSEC, ATDL_RcvCGC, ATDL_RcvNNC, ATDL_RcvLOS,
and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application;
— set PendingReason to PEND_AutoDialFailed, and then transfer the channel state
to Pending.
a) The CicReset event is triggered.
b) The Blocking event is triggered.
c) The Error event is triggered.

Each state identifier in the above diagram is described in the following table.

State Identifier Description

Unusable The channel is unusable.
Reseting The circuit is being reset.
Remote Blocking: When the remote PBX is stopped for maintenance, it will send the blocking
message to the local end to prevent new calls. When the channel stays in such state, the driver
will refuse the Outgoing Call instruction given by the application program and only accept and
process incoming calls.
Local Blocking: The application program can not make an outgoing call in this state. It is often
used for system maintenance. The application can block the channel via the function call of
SsmBlockLocalCh or SsmBlockLocalPCM so as to inform the driver to prevent starting the
outgoing call. Note: The channel in such state still can accept and process incoming calls.
Idle: The channel should go into this state provided it is normally reset after the successful
driver initialization. The application can invoke the function SsmAutoDial to start an outgoing
call in this state.
The driver will automatically clear the Caller ID buffer when the channel state transfers to Idle
at the end of the call, provided that the configuration item AutoClearCallerIdBufOnHangup is
set to 1.
Off-hook: The application can invoke the function SsmAutoDial to start an outgoing call in this
state. The driver will start the timer T1 when the channel goes into the OffHook state. If the
application does not call the function SsmAutoDial before T1 overflows, the driver will reset the
channel back to the idle state.
Outgoing Call Locked: The application can invoke the function SsmAutoDial to start an
outgoing call in this state. The driver will start the timer T1 when the channel goes into this
state. If the application does not call the function SsmPickup or SsmAutoDial before T1
overflows, the driver will reset the channel back to the idle state.
Pending It is the pending state.

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It is an internal state during an incoming call, including three substates: S_TUP_WaitSAM,

S_TUP_WaitPrefix and S_TUP_WaitGSM.

The driver judges the received called party number according to the preset number-receiving
rule. If the number complies with the rule, the channel will transfer to the subsequent state. For
more information about the number-receiving rule, refer to the section Number-receiving Rule
for Incoming Call in this chapter.

If the called party number involved in the IAM/IAI message from the remote PBX proves
incomplete, the channel will stay in the S_TUP_WaitSAM substate. Every time when the driver
receives the SAO or SAM message from the remote PBX, it will save the message to its
internal buffer and throw out the E_CHG_RxPhoNumBuf event to the application.

After the driver receives the complete called party number according to the number-receiving
RcvPhoNum rule, if it is required to receive the calling party information (such as Caller ID, Calling party
category, etc.) which is not yet supplied by the remote PBX, the driver will send the GRQ
message to the remote PBX and transfer the channel state to S_TUP_WaitGSM. The
configuration item ReqTypeIndicators is used to customize the Request Type Indicator field in
the GRQ message sent to the remote PBX.

If the called party number received by the channel does not conform to the number-receiving
rule, the driver will automatically send the REL message (carrying the unallocated-number
reason) and transfer the channel state to Release.

In the RcvPhoNum state, the application can

— invoke the function SsmHangup/SsmHangupEx to refuse this call. Then the driver will
send the REL message. The configuration item DefaultHangupRELInd or the function
SsmSetIsupFlag (with the parameter ISUP_REL_DENY_SetToOther) can be used to
set the reason why the call fails written in the REL message.
The local end is ringing. The application program can use the function SsmPickup to accept
the call and the function SsmHangup to refuse the call.
It is an internal state during the incoming call, including the substates
S_TUP_WaitDialAnswer and S_TUP_WaitSetCallerID.

The function call of SsmAutoDial or SsmAutoDialEx by the application will prompt the driver to
send the IAM message to the remote PBX and transfer the channel state to
S_TUP_WaitDialAnswer. In the S_TUP_WaitDialAnswer substate, if the remote PBX wants
to receive the calling party information which is not contained in the IAM/IAI message, it will
send the GRQ message to the local end. After the driver receives the GRQ message,
¾ in case the Caller ID buffer is empty during an outgoing call on the channel while the
received GRQ message shows the remote PBX is asking the local end for the calling party
Dialing number,
— the driver will automatically send the GSM message provided the configuration item
AutoSendGSM is set to 1;
— the driver will bring the channel into the S_TUP_WaitSetCallerID state to wait for
the application to set the calling party number and the like, and start a timer with the
preset value of 2sec at the same time, provided the configuration item
AutoSendGSM is set to 0. If the timer overflows before the application invokes the
function SsmSetTxCallerId, the driver will transfer the channel state back to
¾ otherwise, the driver will take the string in the Caller ID buffer as the calling party number
and send the GSM message automatically.
The channel is waiting for the called party to pick up the phone. This state is only applicable to
the outgoing call. The called party should be able to hear ringing tones in such state, and if at
the local end is the station channel that makes an outgoing call through the digital trunk
channel it should send the ringback tone to the station channel.
Both parties are connected and able to talk with each other. When the channel state transfers
to Connected, the driver will

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• start the DTMF Detector if the configuration item AlwaysEnableRxDtmf is set to 0;

• start the Barge-in Detector if the configuration item AlwaysDetectBargeIn is set to 0;
• clear the Tone Detector and start it.
Release It is the disconnection state, including the substates S_TUP_WaitCLF and S_TUP_WaitRLG.
All state values and corresponding macro definitions can be found in the file ShpA3Api.h.

Each state identifier in the state machine is declared in the header file ShpA3Api.h as follows.

State Identifier Value in ShpA3Api.h Macro Definition in ShpA3Api.h

Connected 3 S_CALL_TALKING
BlockedByPBX 10 S_CALL_RemoteBlock
BlockedByApp 20 S_CALL_LocalBlock
Reseting 70 S_TUP_WaitPcmReset
71 S_TUP_WaitSAM
RcvPhoNum 72 S_TUP_WaitGSM
74 S_TUP_WaitPrefix
75 S_TUP_WaitDialAnswer
77 S_TUP_WaitSetCallerID
73 S_TUP_WaitCLF
76 S_TUP_WaitRLG
All state values and corresponding macro definitions in the table above can be found in the file ShpA3Api.h.

In the above state machine, ChUsable is the driver’s internal component to judge the channel’s usability. It will
output values as shown in the table below.

Output Value Description

Unusable The channel is unusable if the Error event keeps effective.
BlockedByApp The event Blocking keeps effective and the channel is blocked by the application program.
BlockedByPBX The Blocking event keeps effective and the channel is blocked by the remote PBX.
Standby The Error event stays invalid.
At this stage, the driver also performs the following operations.
— Clear the tone detector and automatically close it;
— Automatically stop the WaitDtmf task if it has been started by the application;
— Automatically stop the task of DTMF transmission if it has been started by the application;
— Automatically clear the buffer of the DTMF detector, and close the DTMF detector if the configuration
item AlwaysEnableRxDtmf is set to 0;
— Automatically close the Barge-in detector if the configuration item AlwaysDetectBargeIn is set to 0;
— Automatically clear the Caller ID buffer if the configuration item AutoClearCallerIdBufOnHangup is set to

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 113

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Channel Blocked and Unblocked Basic Concepts

(1) Channel Blocked
After a channel is blocked, it is forbidden to make outgoing calls but still able to accept incoming calls in a
normal way.
(2) Local Blocking
The local application program invokes functions to block a stated local channel.
(3) Remote Blocking
The remote PBX sends specific circuit/circuit group blocking messages to block a local channel/PCM. The
blocking messages sent by the remote PBX are automatically processed by the driver.
(4) Remote Blocked
The local application sends particular circuit/circuit group blocking messages to block the remote PBX. Usage

This feature is only applicable to the digital trunk channel. When the application program is required to stop the
system for maintenance, the 4 steps below must be followed to ensure nomal exit.
(1) Block all local channels to stop new outgoing calls.
(2) Block all remote channels to stop new outgoing calls.
(3) Wait for the current call progress to end up.
(4) Exit the program.
When a channel is blocked, the driver will not process new outgoing calls any more (i.e. all function calls related to
the auto outgoing call progress will fail). Blocking Ways

(1) A channel can be blocked by receiving blocking messages from the remote PBX. In TUP, the channel
may be blocked as it receives the circuit blocking message (BLO) or the circuit group blocking
message (SGB, HGB or MGB) from the remote PBX; or
(2) The application program can invoke the function SsmBlockLocalCh() to block the local channel
and/or the function SsmBlockLocalPCM() to block the local PCM. Function List

The functions used for blocking channels are listed in the following table.

Blocking Mode Function Name Output Event

Local SsmQueryLocalChBlockState
Blocked SsmBlockLocalPCM
Circuit Group
Remote Channel SsmQueryOpBlockRemoteCh
Blocked Blocked SsmBlockRemoteCh Throw out the E_CHG_RemoteChBlock event
upon reception of the acknowledgement
message (BLA or UBA) from the remote end.

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SsmGetRemoteChBlockStatus Throw out the E_CHG_RemotePCMBlock

event upon reception of the group
SsmBlockRemotePCM acknowledgement message (MBA/HBA/SBA
Circuit Group
or MUA/HUA/SUA) from the remote end.
Note: When the local driver is to block the remote end, the Range field in the circuit group blocking message it
sends to the remote PBX can be set via the configuration item SendGRMRange. Circuit Resetting

The TUP state machine will automatically send the circuit group reset message to the remote PBX and reset all
TUP channels when
— the SS7 server detects that the service supplied by the MTP3 level becomes usable again, or
— the synchronization signal of the digital trunk is resumed.

The Range field in the circuit group reset message can be set via the configuration item SendGRMRange. CALLER HOLDING Feature

During an incoming call that both parties have joined, if the calling party first hangs up the phone, the remote PBX
will send the CCL message to the local end. Upon reception of the CCL message, the driver will send back the
OPR message to the remote PBX provided the application invokes the function SsmSetCalleeHoldFlag to enable
the ‘Caller Holding’ feature. TUP Configuration

The table below shows all relative configuration items for TUP protocol.

Configuration Item Description
set the total number of on-board digital trunks as well as the
signaling type, the clock operating mode and the line type for
each digital trunk.
[BoardId=x] PcmLinkType
determine whether some of the digital trunks serve as SS7
signaling links and specify the time slot number to support the
signaling links.
TotalPcm set the total number of all digital trunks involved in the PC and
[PcmInfo] build the mapping relationship between the logical number and
the physical number of each digital trunk.
sets whether to use the call state machine supplied by the
[SS7] Ss7ServerIP
SecondServerIP set the SS7 server address and the IP address of the local PC.
MaxWaitAutoDialAnswerTime Outgoing Call: set relative parameters.

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CallingIndicatorBit Outgoing Call: customize the IAM message to be sent to the
ReqTypeIndicators remote PBX.
Incoming Call: set relative parameters.
DefaultRcvCallerID Incoming Call: set the number-receiving rule.
Incoming Call: set the message type used for refusing the
incoming call.
Note: Those written in the XXXX font are essentially configured items while those in XXXX are optionally
configured ones. ISUP Programming and Application ISUP Configuration

The table below lists all relative configuration items for the use of ISUP.

Configuration Description
Configuration Item
PcmNumber set the total number of on-board digital trunks
PcmSSx as well as the signaling type, the clock
PcmClockMode operating mode and the line type for each
[BoardId=x] PcmLinkType digital trunk.
determine whether some of the digital trunks
serve as SS7 signaling links and specify the
time slot number to support the signaling links.
TotalPcm set the total number of all digital trunks involved
in the PC and build the mapping relationship
Pcm between the logical number and the physical
number of each digital trunk.
TotalIsupPcm set the digital trunks which uses ISUP in the
IsupPcm local PC.
sets whether to use the call state machine
[SS7] supplied by the driver.
set the SS7 server address and the IP address
of the local PC.
[ISUP] MaxWaitAutoDialAnswerTime
CalloutCallerId Outgoing Call: set relative parameters.

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Outgoing Call: customize the IAM message to
be sent to the remote PBX.
Outgoing Call: sets the mode to reply to the INF
DefaultBackwardCallInd Incoming Call: set relative parameters.
Incoming Call: set the number-receiving rule.
AddressSignal sets the parameters of the ISUP state machine.
Note: Those written in the XXXX font are essentially configured items while those in XXXX are optionally
configured ones.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 117

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd ISUP Channel State Machine

SsmStartCti SsmXXX Function call by APP
Xxxxxxxx Event triggered by driver
U Unusable xxxxx Ofen used channel state
xxxx Channel state
Error xxxx? Internal module



BlockingRemote BlockingRemote ChUsable? BlockedByPBX BlockedByPBX

Standby Unusable UnblockedByPBX RcvIAM Error
U CicReset CicReset
X SsmBlockRemoteCh

RcvIAM Standby SsmSearchIdleCallOutCh

Error Blocking
SsmAutoDial SsmPickup

OffHook SsmPickup Locked

1 RcvIAM
Error SsmHangup Error
T1Out T1Out
U SsmAutoDial CicReset U CicReset 1
Blocking Blocking
X SsmAutoDial
SsmHangup Error RcvREL
T1Out CicReset
EndofRcvPhoNum U AutoDial
RcvINF / T5Out X CallFailure
RcvIAM T2Out
C SsmHangup CicReset
K1 1 Blocking
RcvACM C Error
SsmHangup P P
2 SsmHangup CallFailure
Ringing WaitAnswer Blocking
SsmPickup Error
K2 Answered

Pending RcvREL Connected RcvSUS Paused

SsmSetKB T3Out Error RcvRLC
SsmHangup SsmHangup
SsmHangup T6Out RcvREL
C SsmHangup
SsmSetIsupUPPara C
2 P
1 X
Release RcvRLC
2 U Error CicReset

The internal events automatically triggered by the driver itself are described as follows.

Event Name Description

The driver will send this event to all channel state machines after receiving signaling from
Mtp3Usable the SS7 server so as to change the channel state from Unusable to Reseting and reset
the circuit.
This event is triggered when the driver receives the circuit reset message (GRA, GRS or
CicReset RSC).
After this event is triggered, in case the channel stays in the AutoDial or WaitAnswer state

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and the outgoing call fails, the driver will throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the
application. The function SsmGetAutoDialFailureReason can be used to acquire the
specific reason why the AutoDial task fails.
This channel is blocked by the local end (Local Blocking) or the remote end (Remote
Remote Blocking: The driver receives the group blocking message (CGB) or the circuit
blocking message (BLO) from the remote PBX.
Local Unblocked: This event is triggered when the driver receives the CGU, UBL messages
from the remote PBX.
The driver receives the incoming call request message (IAM) from the remote PBX.
The driver will automatically save the newly received IAM message. The function
SsmGetIsupUPPara (with the parameter C_ISUP_IAM) can be used to acquire this
message, and SsmGetRedirectionInfReason, SsmGetKA can be used respectively to
obtain the redirection reason value and the ‘Calling Party Category’ parameter in the IAM
That whether the driver accepts this request or not depends on the channel state at that
Channel State Description
When the local end is blocked, although the channel does not
BlockedByPBX support outgoing calls, it still can accept incoming calls. Therefore,
the driver will respond to the IAM message in such case.
The reception of the IAI message from the remote PBX during the
outgoing call progress implementation indicates the ‘collision’
phenomenon occurs. As stipulated in ISUP, if the channel’s CIC
RcvIAM represents the circuit controlled by the local end, the local end will
abandon the IAI message and continue the outgoing call;
otherwise, the local end will quit the outgoing call and process the
incoming call, which indicates this outgoing call fails. At that time
the driver will throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the
application. The function SsmGetAutoDialFailureReason can be
used to acquire the specific reason why the AutoDial task fails.
The channel is preparing to make an outgoing call but does not
OffHook send the IAM message yet. The driver will respond to the incoming
Locked call request message IAM received at that time from the remote
Standby The channel accepts the incoming call.
Others The channel rejects this IAM message.
In case the driver accepts the incoming call, it will throw out the E_CHG_RxPhoNumBuf
event to the application program after saving the called party number within the IAM
message to the buffer and change the channel state to RcvPhoNum.
The driver receives all called party numbers according to the preset number-receiving rule.
EnfofRcvPhoNum For more information about the number-receiving rule, refer to the section
Number-receiving Rule for Incoming Call in this chapter.
The driver receives the INF message which contains relative information about the calling
party from the remote PBX.
The driver receives the disconnection message (REL) from the remote PBX. The function
SsmGetReleaseReason can be used to obtain the specific reason why the call gets
When this event is triggered, if the channel stays in the state
• RcvPhoNum:
it indicates the remote PBX (the calling party) cancels this call during the incoming call
• Ringing:
it indicates during the incoming call establishment, the remote PBX cancels this call
when the local end is in the Ringing state. The application can determine whether to

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interfere in the channel state transition via the control over the switch K2 which is set by
the configuration item RingToPending. If the configuration item RingToPending is set to
1, the driver will set PendingReason to PEND_RemoteHangupOnRinging and transfer
the channel state to Pending for the further processing by the application program;
otherwise, the driver will set out to disconnect this incoming call.
• Connected:
it indicates the calling party has hung up the phone. The driver will set PendingReason
to PEND_RemoteHangupOnConnected and then transfer the channel state to
The driver receives the RLC message from the remote PBX which means the
disconnection phase ends up.
The driver receives the ACM (Address Complete Message) message from the remote PBX.
In the outgoing call progress implementation, the driver will send the IAM message to the
remote PBX when the application calls the function SsmAutoDial to start an outgoing call.
Then the remote PBX will send the ACM message to the local end as it believes all
necessary information including the Callee ID has been received in order to show the idle
state of the called party. After receiving the ACM message via the function
SsmGetIsupUPPara (with the parameter C_ISUP_ACM), the driver will save it to the
internal buffer, set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_ECHOTONE and then
transfer the channel state to WaitAnswer. The function SsmGetKB can be used to acquire
the 8 lower bits of the backward call indicator field (2 bytes) in this ACM message.
The remote PBX may send the CPG (Call Progress) message following the ACM message.
The function SsmGetCpg can be used to get the CPG message.
During an outgoing call, after the remote PBX finishes receiving the called party number, it
will send ringing signals to the called party if the called party is in the idle state; or it will
send the ANM (Answer) message to the local end if the called party picks up the phone.
After receiving the ANM message, the driver will set the progress value of the AutoDial task
to DIAL_VOICE, ending up the AutoDial task, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event
to the application.
RcvSUS The driver receives the SUS (Suspend) message from the remote PBX.
RcvRES The driver receives the REC (Recover) message from the remote PBX.
If the driver receives the REL message from the remote PBX during an outgoing call, which
means the call fails, it will send the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application. The
function SsmGetAutoDialFailureReason can help to acquire the specific reason why the
AutoDial task fails.
The timer T1 overflows. T1 is set to 60sec and will be automatically started when the
channel goes into the Locked or OffHook state.
The timer T2 overflows. T2 is set to 25sec and will be automatically started when the
channel goes into S_ISUP_WaitDialAnswer (a substate of AutoDial). After T2 overflows,
T2Out which indicates this call fails, the driver will throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the
application. The function SsmGetAutoDialFailureReason can help to acquire the specific
reason why the AutoDial task fails.
The timer T3 overflows. T3 is set to 60sec and will be automatically started when the
channel goes into the Pending state.
The timer T4 overflows. T4 is set by the configuration item MaxWaitAutoDialAnswerTime
and will be automatically started when the channel goes into the WaitAnswer state. After
T4Out T4 overflows, the driver will throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application. The
function SsmGetAutoDialFailureReason can help to acquire the specific reason why the
AutoDial task fails.
The timer T5 overflows. T5 is set to 10sec and will be automatically started when the
T5Out channel goes into S_ISUP_WaitINF (a substate of RcvPhoNum). After T5 overflows, the
driver will stop waiting for the INF message from the remote PBX.
The timer T6 overflows. T6 is set to 180sec and will be automatically started when the
channel goes into the Suspend state.

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This event is triggered when the driver detects one of the following situations.
— The synchronization signal through TS0 on the digital trunk where this channel
stays gets lost (e.g. line disconnected, clock configuration error and so on).
— The TCP/IP connection between the ISUP stack and the SS7 server is broken.
Error — The signaling unusable message is received from the SS7 server.
If the channels stays in the AutoDial or WaitAnswer state when this event is triggered, the
outgoing call fails. The driver will throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application
in such case. The function SsmGetAutoDialFailureReason can help to acquire the specific
reason why the AutoDial task fails.

Each state identifier in the above diagram is described in the following table.

State Identifier Description

Unusable The channel is unusable.
Reseting The circuit is being reset.
The remote PBX is blocked.
BlockingRemote In the BlockingRemote state, the outgoing call can be started not by the remote PBX but
by the local end.
The channel is blocked by the remote PBX (Remote Blocking).
When the remote PBX is stopped for maintenance, it will send the blocking message to the
BlockedByPBX local end to prevent new calls. When the channel stays in such state, the driver will refuse
the Outgoing Call instruction given by the application program and only accept and process
incoming calls.
‘Idle’ state
The channel should go into this state provided it is normally reset after the successful driver
Standby The application can invoke the function SsmAutoDial to start an outgoing call in this state.
The driver will automatically clear the Caller ID buffer when the channel state transfers to
Idle at the end of the call, provided the configuration item AutoClearCallerIdBufOnHangup
is set to 1.
’Outgoing Call Locked’ state
The application can invoke the function SsmAutoDial to start an outgoing call in this state.
Locked The driver will start the timer T1 when the channel goes into this state. If the application
does not call the function SsmPickup or SsmAutoDial before T1 overflows, the driver will
reset the channel back to the idle state. The set value of T1 is 60sec.
’Off-hook’ state
The application can invoke the function SsmAutoDial to start an outgoing call in this state.
OffHook The driver will start the timer T1 when the channel goes into the OffHook state. If the
application does not call the function SsmAutoDial before T1 overflows, the driver will reset
the channel back to the idle state.
It is an internal state during an outgoing call, including the substates
S_ISUP_WaitDialAnswer and S_ISUP_WaitSetCallerID.
The function call of SsmAutoDial or SsmAutoDialEx by the application will prompt the driver
to send the IAM message to the remote PBX and transfer the channel state to
S_ISUP_WaitDialAnswer. In the S_ISUP_WaitDialAnswer substate, if the remote PBX
wants to receive the calling party information which is not contained in the IAM message, it
will send the INR message to the local end. After the driver receives the INR message,
AutoDial — if the Caller ID buffer is not empty during an outgoing call, the driver will put the
calling party information into the INF message and send the INF message back to the
remote PBX as well as keep the channel in the current state.
— if the Caller ID buffer is empty during an outgoing call and the configuration item
AutoSendINF is set to 1, the driver will take the calling party information set by the
configuration item CalloutCallerId or the function SsmSetTxCallerId as the parameter,
automatically reply to the INF message and keep the channel in the current state;
— if the Caller ID buffer for the outgoing call within the driver is empty and the

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configuration item AutoSendINF is set to 0, the driver will transfer the channel state to
S_ISUP_WaitSetCallerID and start the timer T3 at the same time. In the
S_ISUP_WaitSetCallerID substate, if the application invokes the function
SsmSetTxCallerId, the driver will put the preset calling party information into the INF
message and then send the INF message back to the remote PBX. If the application
does not call the function SsmSetTxCallerId before T3 overflows, the driver will take
the set value of the configuration item CalloutCallerId as the parameter, automatically
send the INF message to the remote end and transfer the channel state to
The channel is waiting for the called party to pick up the phone. This state is only applicable
to the outgoing call.
WaitAnswer The called party should be able to hear ringing tones in such state, and if at the local end is
the station channel that makes an outgoing call through the digital trunk channel it should
send the ringback tone to the station channel.
‘Pending’ state. The function SsmGetPendingReason can help get the specific reason why
the call becomes pending.
¾ If PendingReason is set to PEND_WaitBckStpMsg, it indicates the driver has completed
the incoming call progress implementation and is waiting for the application to accept or
refuse the incoming call. The application program can
— invoke the function SsmSetKB to accept or refuse the incoming call.
‹ If KB=1/6/7, the driver will send the ACM message to the remote PBX to
accept the incoming call. If the application has invoked the function
SsmSetIsupUPPara (with the parameter C_ISUP_ACM) to submit a self-built
ACM message to the driver before the function call of SsmSetKB, this ACM
message will be sent to the remote PBX; otherwise, the driver will use the ACM
message which is automatically set up. After the ACM message is transmitted,
the channel will transfer to the S_CALL_RINGING state;
‹ If KB=2/3/4/5/9, the driver will send the REL message to the remote PBX to
refuse the incoming call. The reason value carried in the REL message is
Called Subscriber Busy/Address Incomplete/Call Refused/No Answer/User
Absent. The channel sets out to disconnect the call and goes into the Release
‹ If KB=8, the driver will send the INR message to the remote PBX and transfer
the channel state back to RcvPhoNum.
— invoke in order the function SsmSetIsupUPPara (with the parameter
Pending C_ISUP_ACM) and the function SsmSendIsupMsg to accept the incoming call.
Then the channel will go into the S_CALL_RINGING state.
— invoke the function SsmHangup or SsmHangupEx to refuse the coming call. The
driver sets out to disconnect the call and transfers the channel state to Release.
See description on relative functions for more information.
— invoke the function SsmPickup to accept the incoming call. The driver will send the
CON message to the remote PBX and then transfer the channel state to
Note: if the driver receives the REL message from the remote PBX in this state, it
will automatically send the RLC message and then transfer the channel state to
¾ No matter what causes the channel to go into the Pending state, the application can
command the driver to send the REL message containing the number redirection
information to the remote PBX and prompt the channel to transfer to the Release state
via the function call of SsmSetIsupFlag (with the parameter ISUP_PhoNumREL).
¾ If PendingReason is set to:
— PEND_RemoteHangupOnTalking (the calling party is detected to first hang up the
phone during the connected incoming call);
— PEND_CalleeHangupOnTalking (the called party is detected to first hang up the
phone during the connected outgoing call);
— PEND_RemoteHangupOnRinging (the calling party cancels the incoming call when
the local end is ringing);

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the application program can call the function SsmHangup or SsmHangupEx to hang
up the phone.
It is an internal state during an incoming call progress, including the substates
S_ISUP_Suspend and S_ISUP_WaitINF.
The driver judges the received called party number according to the preset
number-receiving rule. If the number complies with the rule, the channel will transfer to the
subsequent state. For more information about the number-receiving rule, refer to the
section Number-receiving Rule for Incoming Call in this chapter.
¾ In the incoming call, the switch K1 controls the ‘Auto-answer of Incoming Call’ feature.
When the channel receives the complete called party number and other relative
— if the ‘Auto-answer of Incoming Call’ feature is enabled, the driver will automatically
send the ACM message to the remote PBX and transfer the channel state to Ringing.
The configuration item DefaultBackwardCallInd is used to set the backward call
indicator in the ACM message sent automatically by the driver while the function
SsmSetKB is used to set the charge indicator contained in the backward call indicator
field in the ACM message.
— if the ‘Auto-answer of Incoming Call’ feature is not enabled, the driver will set
PendingReason to PEND_WaitBckStpMsg, transfer the channel state to Suspend,
and let the application determine whether to accept this call or not.
The switch K1 can be set via the function SsmEnableAutoSendKB or the configuration
item AutoSendACM, being switched off by default.
¾ Every time when the driver receives the SAM message from the remote PBX, it will save
the message to its internal buffer and throw out the E_CHG_RxPhoNumBuf event to the
¾ If the called party number received by the channel does not conform to the
number-receiving rule, the driver will automatically send the REL message (carrying the
unallocated-number reason) and transfer the channel state to Release.
¾ Also the application can invoke the function SsmHangup/SsmHangupEx to refuse this
call. In default, the driver will send the REL message with the reason value after that. You
can use the configuration item DefaultHangupRELInd to set the reason value telling why
the call fails in the REL message, or the parameter
nType=ISUP_REL_DENY_SetToOther(=100) in the function SsmSetIsupFlag to change
the reason value.
‘Ringing’ state
The application program can
— invoke the function SsmPickup or SsmPickupANX to accept the call. The two
configuration items DefaultCalledPickupMsg and DefaultBackwardCallInd are used
respectively to select the type (ANM or CON) of the message to be sent by the driver
to the remote PBX and to set the backward call indicator in the ACM/COM message.
— invoke the function SsmHangup or SsmHangupEx to refuse the call
Ringing If the driver receives the REL message (i.e. the RcvRLC event in the state machine above)
from the remote PBX when the channel is in the Ringing state, it indicates the remote PBX
cancels this call. At that time, the switch K2 which is set via the configuration item
RingToPending can be used to control the channel state transition. If the configuration item
RingToPending is set to 1, the driver will set PendingReason to
PEND_RemoteHangupOnRinging and transfer the channel state to Pending for the further
processing by the application program; otherwise, the driver will set out to disconnect this
incoming call at once.
’Talking’ state. Both parties are connected and able to talk with each other.
When the channel state transfers to Connected, the driver will
— start the DTMF Detector if the configuration item AlwaysEnableRxDtmf is set to 0;
Connected — start the Barge-in Detector if the configuration item AlwaysDetectBargeIn is set to 0;
— clear the Tone Detector and start it.
The application program can
— invoke any function related to voice processing.

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— invoke the function SsmHangup or SsmHangupEx to terminate this call at any time.
If the driver receives the REL message (i.e. the RcvRLC event in the state machine above)
from the remote PBX when the channel is in the Connected state, it indicates the remote
party of the call has hung up the phone.
Paused ’Suspend’ state
’Disconnection’ state
Release When the channel is in the Release state, the driver will wait for the remote PBX to send the
RLC (Release Complete) message.

Each state identifier in the table above is declared in the file ShpA3Api.h as follows.

Declaration in ShpA3Api.h
State Identifier
Value Macro
Release 121 S_ISUP_WaitRLC
Reseting 122 S_ISUP_WaitReset
BlockingRemote 123 S_ISUP_LocallyBlocked
BlockedByPBX 124 S_ISUP_RemotelyBlocked
Paused 129 S_ISUP_Suspend
120 S_ISUP_WaitSAM
126 S_ISUP_WaitINF
125 S_ISUP_WaitDialAnswer
127 S_ISUP_WaitSetCallerID

In the above state machine, ChUsable is the driver’s internal component to judge the channel’s usability. It will
output values as shown in the table below.

Output Value Description

Unusable The channel is unusable if the Error event keeps effective.
BlockedByPBX The channel is blocked by the remote PBX.
BlockingRemote The channel keeps blocking the remote PBX.
Standby The Error event stays invalid.
Note: At this stage, the driver also performs the following operations.
• Clear the tone detector and automatically close it;
• Automatically terminate the WaitDtmf task if it has been started by the application;
• Automatically terminate the task of DTMF transmission if it has been started by the application;
• Automatically clear the buffer of the DTMF detector, and close the DTMF detector if the configuration item
AlwaysEnableRxDtmf is set to 0;
• Automatically close the Barge-in detector if the configuration item AlwaysDetectBargeIn is set to 0;
• Automatically clear the Caller ID buffer if the configuration item AutoClearCallerIdBufOnHangup is set to 1. ISUP Channel Serving as Tandem Exchange

Generally, the SHD Series boards based on ISUP protocol work as the terminating office. However, if necessary,

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you can configure the ISUP channel to serve as the tandem exchange following the way below.

Assume that the circuit number on PBX-A that corresponds to Channel m in the application is m and the
‘Auto-answer of Incoming Call’ feature is disabled for Channel m, the circuit number on PBX-B that Channel n
corresponds to is n. The following figure illustrates how the ISUP channel works as the tandem exchange to
establish a call.
PBX-A Tandem Exchange (Application Program) PBX-B

Save IAMm, SmÎ ‘Pending’
Obtain IAMm:SsmGetIsupUPPara(m,…)
Submit IAMn:SsmSetIsupUPPara(n,…)
Start outgoing call:SsmAutoDial(n,…)

Save ACMn, SnÎ ‘WaitAnswer’
Obtain ACMn:SsmGetIsupUPPara(n,…)
Submit ACMm:SsmSetIsupUPPara(m,…)
Send ACMm:SsmSendIsupMsg(m,…)

SnÎ ‘Connected’
Channel m picks up:SsmPickup(m)
SmÎ ‘Connected’
Connect voice channel:SsmTalkWith(m, n)

Both party are talking with each other


SnÎ ‘Pending’ (n first hangs up)

Channel m hangs up: SsmHangup(m)

SmÎ ‘Release’

SmÎ ‘Standby’
Channel n hangs up: SsmHangup(m) RLCn

SnÎ ‘Standby’
Disconnect voice channel:SsmStopTalkWith(m, n)

In the figure above,

Blue Words describe the driver’s internal operation;
Sm, Sn respectively indicate the state of Channel m and that of Channel n;
XXXm, XXXn respectively represent the ISUP message transmitted between the application and PBX-A, and
that between the application and PBX-B;
Yellow Words describe the application’s behavior. SynCTI-provided ISUP State Machine Unused

In some case, the application is required to handle MSU messages in ISUP protocol by itself. Such feature can be
enabled via the configuration item AutoHandleIsup. Upon reception of MSU messages from the remote end, the
driver will deliver them to the application directly so that the ISUP state machine is not used. For more information,
refer to the Advanced SS7 Programming section.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 125

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Advanced SS7 Programming MTP3 Service

The application program is allowed to process any protocol at the 4th level in SS7 via the direct use of the MTP3
interface provided by the SynCTI driver. In case the following configuration items are set to 0:

— AutoHandleTup (for TUP)

— AutoHandleIsup (for ISUP)
— AutoHandleSccp (for SCCP)

every time when the driver receives a message from the SS7 server, it will save the message not to its internal
state machine but to a buffer, and at the same time throw out the E_RCV_Ss7Msu event. When receiving
E_RCV_Ss7Msu, the application program can invoke the function SsmGetSs7Msu to take out this message for
subsequent processing. The function SsmSendSs7Msu can be used to send a message.

Every time when the route from the SS7 server to a DPC varies in state (usable or unusable), relative information
will be sent to the SynCTI driver, which prompts the driver to send the E_CHG_Mtp3State event to the application.
In an application system involving only one DPC, the function SsmGetMtp3State can be used to get information of
the route to this DPC; in the system connecting with multiple DPCs, the function SsmGetMtp3StateEx can help
acquire the usability of the route to the specified DPC. The function SsmGetMtp2Status is used to obtain the state
of the specified 64Kbps signaling link. Client Software Programming Interface on SS7 Server

The client software programming interface on the SS7 server enables those devices which are not compliant with
the SS7 protocol to be capable of handling SS7 signaling messages in cooperation with the SS7 server based on
the SHD series boards, via the connection by TCP/IP. The interface is provided in the form of dynamic link libraries,
consisting of the TCP/IP Communications component and the SS7 Signaling Processing component, facilitating
user-end development. For more information, refer to the manual Client Software Programming Interface on SS7
Server. Virtual Circuit Programming Interface on SS7 Server

The virtual circuit is the circuit which does not occupy any voice resource in the SS7 circuit switching, generally
used for the prepaid system.

The SynCTI driver can configure the virtual circuit that is not bound to some physical digital trunk by setting the
parameter i in the configuration item Pcm[k]=i to -1, and is able to bind the virtual digital trunk and the destination
signaling point code via the [ISUPRouter] section in the configuration file ss7server.ini in the SS7 server. Fore
more information about the API functions related to the virtual circuit, refer to the document SynCTI Programmer’s
Manual – Programming for Virtual Circuit on SS7 server. doc.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 126

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The SynCTI driver provides the advanced SCCP programming interface. See the description in relative documents
for details. If the application is required to support SCCP by itself, it needs to set the configuration item
AutoHandleSccp to 0 and use the MTP3 service offered by the SynCTI driver. See the MTP3 Service section in
this chapter for more information.

1.16.5 ISDN Programming Basic Concepts Network-side Mode and User-side Mode

Because the protocols for connection used at the two ends of a digital trunk may differ from each other, there are
two distinguishing definitions ‘user-side’ and ‘network-side’ used in the ISDN protocol. The User Side indicates the
user terminal, i.e. the end to connect with the ISDN PBX; the Network Side is the other end to connect with the
ISDN user terminal. In this manual, we call the digital trunk working in the User-side mode as the user-side digital
trunk, and that in the Network-side mode as the network-side digital trunk. TEI Value

TEI, i.e. Terminal Equipment Identifier, is used to identify the service access point in the point-to-point data link
connection. The subfield of TEI is allowed to stipulate 128 TEI values, thereby offering the range of 0~127, among
which 0~63 are fixed TEI values (selected by the device), indicating the TEI used by L2 to receive/transmit the I or
UI frame is unchangeable; 64~126 are dynamic TEI values, indicating the TEI used by L2 to receive/transmit the I
or UI frame is changeable (selected by the network); 127 is only applicable to the broadcast link.

The configuration items UserTEIValue and NetTEIValue are used to set the TEI values respectively for the user
side and the network side. Representation of Channel Identification Information

What tells the information about the channel used in an ISDN call is named the channel identification information
element. It is used to identify channels under the control of the signaling program and can be represented by the
following 2 ways:

— Time Slot Diagram: The channel identification information element is represented by 32 Bit (4 bytes),
corresponding to 32 time slots. If bit=1, it indicates this time slot is being used; if bit=0, it indicates this
time slot is unused. In practice, usually only one bit is set to 1 with the rest all set to 0.
— Number: The channel identification information element is represented by 8 Bits (1 byte), the highest
Bit7 with the fixed value of 1 and the other 7 bits (i.e. Bit6~Bit0) indicating the corresponding time slot

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This element contains up to 34 octets, of which the 4th bit in the 3rd octet determines its representation way. The
configuration items NetChIdentify and UserChIdentify are used to set the representation way respectively for the
network side and the user side. Terminating Office Mode vs. Tandem Exchange Mode

The telephone network is separated into two categories: Local Telephone Network and Long-distance Telephone
Network. The local telephone network is the network covering the area with the same number, composed of the
terminating office, the tandem exchange and the transmission links; the long-distance telephone network is the
network covering the areas with different numbers in communication, composed of the long-distance exchange
and the transmission links. At present, the telephone exchange is the core of the telephone network, using the
digital SPC switching technology. That is, each call is encoded by the 64Kbit/s digital signal and occupies a time
slot in the primary group, connects to different users via data switching between time slots under the control of
signaling. The telephone exchange can be classified depending on the size of the service area into the first-level
centre, the second-level centre, the third-level centre, the fourth-level centre and the fifth-level centre, i.e. C1, C2,
C3, C4 and C5, among which C1, C2, C3, C4 are long-distance tandem exchanges while C5 is the terminating
office. With the digitization of the telephone network, C1 and C2 are integrated into one level, i.e. DC1; C3 and C4
are integrated into one level, i.e. DC2. As a result, the China’s telephone network has evolved from the 5-level
network to the 3-level network, forming a network connection between a number of first-level centres.

The ISDN state machine supplied by the SynCTI driver is allowed to work not only in the Terminating Office mode
but also in the Tandem Exchange mode. It can be set via the configuration item UserIsReceivePhoNum (user-side)
or NetIsReceivePhoNum (network-side). During the incoming call processing, if the driver works in the Terminating
Office mode, it will receives the called party number and other information according to the preset
number-receiving rule; if the driver works in the Tandem Exchange mode, it will accept any incoming number
regardless of the number-receiving rule. For more information about the number-receiving rule, refer to the
section Number-receiving Rule for Incoming Call in this chapter. ISDN Number and ISDN Address

The ISDN number is different form the ISDN address according to ITU-T specifications. The ISDN number is the
number in relation to the ISDN network and the ISDN numbering scheme. It contains enough information for the
network to choose a correct route for the call. An ISDN address includes the ISDN number as well as the
appended necessary and/or optional addressing information which is not for the ISDN network to select the call
route but for users to allocate the call to appropriate terminals. ISDN Channel State Machine

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SsmStartCti Legend:
x SsmXXX Function call by APP
Xxxxxxxx Event triggered by driver
xxxxx Often used channel state
xxxx Channel state
DataLinkDisconnect DataLinkConnected
xxxx? Internal module


RcvSetup Standby SsmSearchIdleCallOutCh

SsmAutoDial SsmPickup

K1 OffHook SsmPickup Locked

2 3 T300Out Error Error

SsmHangup T300Out x
x SsmHangup
u SsmAutoDial SsmAutoDial
RcvPhoNum U

Error RcvDisconnect
T302Out Dialing
x PhoNumOK c
C SsmHangup RcvSetupAck
1 T303Out
P c RcvAlerting RcvDisconnect
2 3
RcvCallProceeding P

SsmHangup 2
1 T310Out
RcvConnect CallFailure
WaitAnswer RcvDisconnect Pending
Ringing WaitAnswerTimer
RcvDisconnect RcvConnect SsmSetKB
SsmHangup Error x Error
c c SsmHangup
x SsmPickup
C SsmHangup RcvDisconnect
U 1 2 x

WaitConnect RcvConnect Ack Connect

RcvDisconnect Error
T313Out SsmHangup
SsmHangup x


In the diagram above, the internal events automatically triggered by the driver itself are described as follows.

Event Name Description

This event is triggered when the data link level is successfully connected with the
DataLinkConnected remote PBX. The driver will throw out the E_CHG_ISDNStatus event to the application
in such case.
This event is triggered when the data link level is disconnected from the remote PBX.
The driver will throw out the E_CHG_ISDNStatus event to the application in such case.
The driver receives the SETUP (Call Setup Request) message from the remote PBX.
The driver will decide whether to accept this call or not according to the current
channel state:
— In the Standby state: to accept the call. The driver will save the called party
number and other information in the SETUP message to its internal buffer and
throw out the E_CHG_RxPhoNumBuf event to the application program. If the

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driver works in the Tandem Exchange mode, the number-receiving rule for
incoming calls will be ignored. Therefore, any number can be accepted by the
driver. In such case, the driver will directly transfer the channel state to Ringing.
The switch K1 is used to control if the call is progressed in the Tandem Exchange
mode or not. Its state can be set by the configuration item UserIsReceivePhoNum
(user-side) or NetIsReceivePhoNum (network-side). For more information, refer
to the section Terminating Office Mode vs. Tandem Exchange Mode in this
— In other states: to discard the SETUP message.
The driver receives all numbers (including both the calling party number and the called
party number) according to the preset number-receiving rule.
The driver receives the DISCONNECT message from the remote PBX.
When this event is triggered, if the channel stays in the state
— RcvPhoNum, WaitAnswer or Ringing: it indicates the remote PBX (the calling
party) cancels this call during the incoming call establishment;
— Connect: for the incoming call, the reception of the DISCONNECT message in
the Connect state indicates the remote PBX first hangs up the phone. The driver
will send the RELEASE message to the remote PBX and transfer the channel
state to Pending after setting PendingReason to PEND_ ISDN_CALLOVER;
— Dialing: it indicates the outgoing call fails. The specific reason why the call fails
can be acquired via the function SsmGetAutoDialFailureReason.
The driver receives the CONNECT ACK message from the remote PBX. If the local
RcvConnectAck end receives the CONNECT ACK message after sending the CONNECT message to
the remote PBX, it indicates the call has been connected.
The driver receives the CONNECT message from the remote PBX. If the channel stays
RcvConnect in the WaitAnswer state at that time, the driver will automatically reply to the remote
PBX by sending the CONNECT ACK message.
The driver receives the ALERTING message from the remote PBX. At that time the
called party has gone into the ringing state.
The driver receives the CALL PROCEEDING message from the remote PBX. At that
time the called party has gone into the ringing state.
The driver receives the SETUP ACK message from the remote PBX. The event has no
effect on the state transition.
The driver receives the RELEASE message from the remote PBX. It will automatically
RcvRelease respond to the remote PBX by sending the RELEASE COMPLETE message and set
out to disconnect the call.
The driver receives the RELEASE COMPLETE message from the remote PBX. If the
RcvReleaseComplete local end receives the RELEASE COMPLETE message after sending the RELEASE
message to the remote PBX, it indicates the call has been thoroughly disconnected.
The timer T300 overflows. T300 is set to 60sec, the time limit on the operation after
finding an idle channel and performing the pickup behavior on it to ensure the full use
of the channel. The time can be set via the configuration item UserDialTime (user-side)
or NetDialTime (network-side).
In an incoming call, when the driver receives the SETUP message from the remote
PBX, it will check the called party number in the message according to the preset
number-receiving rule. If the number is incomplete, the driver will transfer the channel
state to S_ISDN_IN_RCVING_NO (a substate of RcvPhoNum) and start the timer
T302. If T302 overflows, this call fails and the driver will automatically send the
RELEASE message to the remote PBX and change the channel state to Standby.
T302 can be set via the configuration item UserT302 (user-side) or NetT302
In an incoming call, when the channel goes into the Ringing state, if the application
calls the function SsmPickup to pick up the phone, the driver will automatically send
the CONNECT message to the remote PBX, transfer the channel state to
WaitConnect, and start the timer T313 at the same time. If T313 overflows, this
incoming call fails and the driver will send the DISCONNECT message to the remote

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T313 can be set via the configuration item UserT313, only for user-side.
In an outgoing call, when the local end sends out the SETUP message, the driver will
start the timer T303. If the driver does not yet receive the ALERTING, CALL
PROCEEDING, SETUP ACK or CONNECT message from the remote PBX before
T303 overflows, it will send the SETUP message once again and restart T303. If T303
overflows, this outgoing call fails and the driver will send the RELE COMP message to
the remote PBX and change the channel state to Pending.
T303 can be set via the configuration item UserT303 (user-side) or NetT303
In an outgoing call, if the remote PBX can not obtain all necessary information (such as
the called party number) from the SETUP message which has been sent by the local
end, it will transmit the SETUP ACK message to the local end. Then the local end will
wait for the application to append the called party number and start the timer T304 at
the same time after receiving the SETUP ACK message. In this case, the application
can invoke the function SsmAppendPhoNum to append the called party number. The
T304Out driver will send the INFO message to the remote PBX and restart T304 when receiving
the new number. If the driver does not yet receive the CALL PROCEEDING,
ALERTING, CONNECT or DISCONNECT message from the remote PBX before T304
overflows, this outgoing call fails and the driver will send the DISCONNECT message
to the remote PBX and transfer the channel state to Pending.
T304 can be set via the configuration item UserT304 (user-side) or NetT304
In an outgoing call, after the local end sends out the SETUP message and receive the
CALL PROCEEDING message from the remote PBX, the driver will start the timer
T310. If the driver does not yet receive the ALERTING or CONNECT message from
the remote PBX before T310 overflows, this outgoing call fails and the driver will send
the DISCONNECT message to the remote PBX and transfer the channel state to
T310 can be set via the configuration item UserWaitAfterCallProceeding (user-side) or
NetWaitAfterCallProceeding (network-side).
This event is triggered when the driver detects one of the following situations.
— The synchronization signal through TS0 on the digital trunk where this channel
stays gets lost (e.g. line disconnected, clock configuration error and so on).
— The driver receives error messages from the remote PBX.
— The data link level can not be connected with the remote PBX.
What the driver does:
— If the channel stays in Dialing or WaitAnswer state: the outgoing call fails. The
driver will set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_FAILURE, the
reason value to ATDL_PcmSyncLos, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial
event to the application.
— If the channel stays in other states: the driver will transfer the channel state to
In an outgoing call, after the local end sends out the SETUP message and receives the
ALERTING message from the remote PBX, the driver will start the timer
WaitAnswerTimer. If the driver does not yet receive the CONNECT message from the
WaitAnswerTimer remote PBX before WaitAnswerTimer overflows, it will transfer the channel state to
Pending. Note that the call is not released at this time and you are required to invoke
the function SsmHangup to release the call.
WaitAnswerTimer can be set via the configuration item MaxWaitAutoDialAnswerTime.

Each state identifier in the above diagram is described in the following table.

State Identifier Description

‘Unusable’ state.
— As long as one of the two events DatalinkDisconnect, Error keeps valid, the channel
gets unusable and outputs the ‘Unusable’ state.
— In other situations, the channel stays idle and outputs the ‘Standby’ state.
Standby ’Idle’ state

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The channel should go into this state provided the ISDN data link level is properly
connected to the remote PBX after the successful driver initialization. The application can
invoke the function SsmAutoDial to start an outgoing call in this state.
The driver will automatically clear the Caller ID buffer when the channel state transfers to
Standby at the end of the call, provided the configuration item
AutoClearCallerIdBufOnHangup is set to 1.
’Off-hook’ state
The driver will start the timer T300 when the channel goes into the OffHook state. If the
application does not call the function SsmAutoDial before T300 overflows, the driver will
reset the channel back to the idle state.
’Outgoing Call Locked’ state
When the application calls the function SsmSearchIdleCallOutCh, the driver will
Locked temporarily lock the channel specified by its return value and start the timer T300 at the
same time. If the application does not call the function SsmPickup or SsmAutoDial before
T300 overflows, the driver will reset the channel back to the idle state.
It is an internal state during the outgoing call, including the substates
the application invokes the function SsmAutoDial, the driver will:
— send the SETUP message to the remote PBX;
— start the timer T303 at the same time;
— transfer the channel state to S_ISDN_OUT_WATI_NET_RESPONSE, waiting for the
Dialing responding signals from the remote PBX;
— throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application.
The reception of the SETUP ACK message from the remote PBX in the
S_ISDN_OUT_WATI_NET_RESPONSE substate means the remote party wants the local
end to provide more information about numbers. In such case, the driver will transfer the
channel state to S_ISDN_OUT_PLS_APPEND_NO and start the timer T304 at the same
The channel is waiting for the called party to pick up the phone. The driver will start the
timer T310 when the channel goes into this state.
The function SsmGetFlag (with the parameter F_ISDNNet_WaitRemotePickup) can be
used to acquire the specific reason why the channel goes into this state.
The channel is waiting for the remote PBX to respond by sending back the CONNECT
ACK message. The driver will start the timer T313 when the channel goes into this state.
’Talking’ state. Both parties are connected and able to talk with each other.
When the channel state transfers to Connected, the driver will
— start the DTMF Detector if the configuration item AlwaysEnableRxDtmf is set to 0;
— start the Barge-in Detector if the configuration item AlwaysDetectBargeIn is set to 0;
— clear the Tone Detector and start it.
Connect The driver’s internally triggered events:
— RcvDisconnect: indicates the remote party first hangs up the call. This event is
triggered when the driver sets the hangup reason to ISDN_CALLOVER and transfers
the channel state to ‘Pending’;
— Error: The channel will go into the ‘Unusable’ state if it receives one of the Error
events in a call.
’Ringing’ state
The channel has received all called party numbers and other relative information.
’Pending’ state. The channel is waiting for further commands from the application in this
’Pending’ state, which can be ignored by the application. Without further commands, the
driver program will automatically jump to the ‘Standby’ state.
It is an internal state during the incoming call, including the substates
RcvPhoNum If the SETUP message received from the remote PBX contains all necessary information
for the local end, the driver will trigger the internal event PhoNumOK; otherwise, it will send
the SETUP ACK message to the remote PBX and transfer the channel state to

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S_ISDN_IN_CHK_CALL_IN, waiting for further number information from the remote PBX.
If receiving the INFO message from the remote PBX in the S_ISDN_IN_CHK_CALL_IN
substate, the driver will transfer the channel state to S_ISDN_IN_RCVING_NO.
If the received called party number does not comply with the number-receiving rule, the
driver will automatically send the RELEASE message to the remote PBX and transfer the
channel state to S_CALL_STANDBY.
The configuration items DefaultRcvPhoNumLen, DefaultRcvCallerID and
RcvPhoNumCfgLen or DefaultRcvPhoNumLen, MaxPhoNumRule and Rule can be used
together to set the number-receiving rule. For more information about the
number-receiving rule, refer to the section Number-receiving Rule for Incoming Call in this
Which state the channel will go into after completing the number reception depends on the
switch K2. It is K2 that determines the ALERTING message is sent by the driver itself or
the application for responding. The state of K2 can be set via the configuration item
UserSideAutoSendAck (user-side)/NetSideAutoSendAck (network side) or the function
SsmEnableAutoSendKB. If the setting of ‘driver’s automatic response’ is chosen, the driver
will transfer the channel state to SsmEnableAutoSendKB after sending the ALERTING
message to the remote PBX; otherwise, it will start a timer whose time length is specified
via the configuration item UserSideDefaultAckTimer (user-side) or
NetSideDefaultAckTimer (network-side), set PendingReason to PEND_WaitBckStpMsg
and then transfer the channel state to Pending, asking the application to decide the
acceptance of this call. If the timer overflows, the driver will automatically send the reply
message to the remote PBX according to settings of the configuration item
UserSideDefaultAck (user-side) or NetSideDefaultAck (network-side).

Each state identifier in the table above is declared in the file ShpA3Api.h as follows.

State Identifier Value in ShpA3Api.h Macro Definition in ShpA3Api.h

WaitConnect 85 S_ISDN_IN_WAIT_TALK

In the above state machine, ChUsable is the driver’s internal component to judge the channel’s usability. It will
output values as shown in the table below.

Output Value Description

The channel is unusable if one of the events Error, DataLinkDisconnect, Circuit Reset
keeps valid.
The channel goes into the idle state provided the Error event becomes invalid, the
DataLinkConnect event keeps valid and the circuit restart is successful.

Note: At this stage, the driver also performs the following operations.

• Clear the tone detector and automatically close it;

• Automatically terminate the WaitDtmf task if it has been started by the application;
• Automatically terminate the task of DTMF transmission if it has been started by the application;
• Automatically clear the buffer of the DTMF detector, and close the DTMF detector if the configuration
item AlwaysEnableRxDtmf is set to 0;

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• Automatically close the Barge-in detector if the configuration item AlwaysDetectBargeIn is set to 0;
• Automatically clear the Caller ID buffer if the configuration item AutoClearCallerIdBufOnHangup is set to

The output events of the state machine are described in the following table.

Event Name Description

E_CHG_ChState The driver sends out this event to the application when the channel state changes.
The driver throws out this event to the application when there is any progress in the
AutoDial task which is started by the function call of SsmAutoDial with the application.
Every time when the driver receives the called party information from the remote PBX
in an incoming call, it will throw out this event to the application.
This event is triggered and sent to the application when the driver receives the ‘ISDN
data link level usable’ message.
Note: Event declarations can be found in the file ShpA3Api.h. ISDN Configuration

The configuration items concerning ISDN calls are listed in the table below.

Configuration Section Configuration Item

set the total number of on-board digital trunks as well as
[BoardId=x] the signaling type, the clock operating mode and the line
type for each digital trunk.
TotalPcm set the total number of all digital trunks involved in the
PC and build the mapping relationship between the
Pcm logical number and the physical number of each digital
sets whether to use the call state machine supplied by
[ISDN] AutoHandleIsdn
the driver.
sets the ISDN mode: User-side mode or Network-side
TotalUserLinker set the total number of all digital trunks working in the
ISDN user-side mode involved in the PC and build the
UserPcmLink mapping relationship between the logical number and
the physical number of each digital trunk.
set the main parameters for the ISDN user side.
UserWaitAfterCallProceeding Outgoing Call in ISDN User-side Mode: set relative
UserTxCallingPartyNum parameters.
UserNumIsFull Outgoing Call in ISDN User-side Mode: customize the
UserChPreference SETUP message to be sent to the remote PBX.
UserSideAutoSendAck Incoming Call in ISDN User-side Mode: set relative

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UserSideDefaultAckTimer parameters.
sets the hardware-based CODEC in the ISDN user-side
TotalNetLinker set the total number of all digital trunks working in the
ISDN network-side mode involved in the PC and build
NetPcmLink the mapping relationship between the logical number
and the physical number of each digital trunk.
set the main parameters for the ISDN network side.
NetDialTime Outgoing Call in ISDN Network-side Mode: set relative
NetWaitAfterCallProceeding parameters.
NetNumIsFull Outgoing Call in ISDN Network-side Mode: customize
NetChPreference the SETUP message to be sent to the remote PBX.
NetSideDefaultAckTimer Incoming Call in ISDN Network-side Mode: set relative
NetIsReceivePhoNum parameters.
sets the hardware-based CODEC in the ISDN
Network-side mode.
Incoming Call in ISDN User-side and Network-side
Modes: set the number-receiving rule.
UserStatusReason Advanced items for the ISDN user side and network
NetStatusReason side.
set the log output in the ISDN user side and network
[DebugView] LogCreatePeriod
Note: Those written in the XXXX font are essentially configured items while those in XXXX are optionally
configured ones. Advanced ISDN Programming Interface

The SynCTI driver also provides the advanced programming interface to output the original messages at the HDLC
level. The ISDN messages are processed by the application program itself. See the table below for the
configuration items and functions related to the advanced ISDN programming interface.

Name Description
sets whether to use the advanced ISDN programming interface or
Configuration Item AutoHandleIsdn
Function SsmSendIsdnMSU sends a message

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SsmCheckIsdnMSU queries if there are some messages available.

SsmGetIsdnMSU takes out an ISDN message.

1.16.6 SS1 Programming Choice of Signaling Protocols

SynCTI supports SS1 and the Line side protocol, which can be set via the configuration item ProtocolType. To
configure the SS1 protocol, you can use the configuration item mfcr2_Protocol to select countries. Setting Call Progressing Parameters

The configuration item TxCas_CD is used to set the value of the C/D code element in the ABCD signaling code
sent by the local end to the remote end. The configuration item RxCASFilterTime is used to set the minimum
duration of the ABCD signaling send out by the remote PBX so as to eliminate the signal dithering on the line,
appropriate for the E1/T1 line of low quality.

The minimum duration of the R2 signal can be set via the configuration item RxR2FilterTime or the function
SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_RXR2FILTERTIME).

When the application program exits, the configuration item IsBlockSS1In is used to decide whether to send the
blocking command to the remote PBX, asking it not to start any new call towards the local end. Setting Operation Mode for Channels in State Machine

The configuration item EnableAutoCall helps decide if to use the call state machine provided by the SynCTI driver;
the function SsmSetAutoCallDirection or the configuration item AutoCallInTimeSlot is used to set the call direction
for a channel. For example, a channel can be set to process incoming calls only or outgoing calls only as required. China SS1 State Machine Number Hold-up Feature

The ‘Called Number Hold-up’ feature is often used by some key sectors for the purpose of eliminating the effect of
the calling party’s misdialing on the application system. For example, a 110 alarm system set up on the Synway
board will process the call only if the dialed number is ‘110’. That is, it will reject the call in detection of any other
number, such as 1101.

The ‘Called Number Hold-up’ feature as well as the way it works is controlled by the configuration item
PhoNumHoldup or the function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_RCVPHONUMHOLDUP). Relative parameters
can be set via the configuration items A1ToA3pWaitTime and A3pTime. For example, you can configure the 110
alarm system to hold up the called number in the form of 110x as follows.


Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 136

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While connecting the SS1 channel on the Synway board with the Dialogic SS1 channel to establish a call, you
need to set the configuration item ToRingingDelayTime if the Synway board is required to serve as the incoming
end. China SS1 State Machine




R SyncOK C
SyncLos SyncLos
RcvPhoNum Setup Standby ReleaseOK Release

RemoteCancel SsmSearchIdleCallOutCh SyncLos

P T2Out SsmPickup
T3Out X
Locked SsmHangup
C RemoteCancel
SyncLos SyncLos
R SsmHangup SsmPickup P

Ringing OffHook SyncLos Pending

SyncLos SsmHangup SsmAutoDial SsmSetKB SsmHangup

RemoteCancel T4Out
T1Out X
X SsmPickup SsmAppendPhoNum R
T5Out / T2Out
AutoDial RemoteCancel
Answered RcvA4 / RcvA5
SsmHangup RcvKB4 / RcvKB5

C Accepted

SsmHangup T6Out
WaitAnswer RemoteCancel

C Answered

Connected RemoteCancel

In the diagram above, the internal events automatically triggered by the driver itself are described as follows.

Event Name Description

RemoteCancel The remote PBX cancels the call.
SyncLos The synchronization signal through TS0 on the digital trunk gets lost.
SyncOK Detects the synchronization signal through TS0 on the digital trunk.
Setup Receives the incoming call request from the remote PBX.
The timer T1 overflows. T1 is started when the channel state transfers to ‘Ringing’, with the
set value of 75sec.

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The timer T2 overflows. The SS1 channel is required to wait for the response signal from
the remote PBX during the call process. T2 is used to set the maximum waiting time. The
T2 overflow indicates this interactive process fails.
T2 can be set via the configuration item MaxWaitMfcTime.
The timer T3 overflows. In an incoming call, after the local end receives the complete called
party number, the SS1 channel will send the A3 signal to the remote PBX and start T3 at the
T3Out same time, waiting for the KD signal. If T3 overflows before the remote PBX sends out the
KD signal, the incoming call progress fails.
T3 can be set via the configuration item MaxWaitKDTime.
The timer T4 overflows. In an incoming call, after the local end receives the complete called
party number, the SS1 channel will go into the ‘Pending’ state and start T4 at the same time
provided the configuration item is set to 0, which indicates the application wants to decide
by itself whether to respond to this call. If T4 overflows before the application invokes the
function SsmSetKB to reply, the driver will refuse this call.
T4 can be set via the configuration item MaxWaitSetKBTime.
The timer T5 overflows.
After the application program calls the function SsmAutoDial to start an outgoing call, the
driver will send the use request signal to the remote PBX and wait for the acknowledge
signal from it. If T5 overflows before the reception of the acknowledge signal from the
remote PBX, this call fails.
T5 can be set via the configuration item MaxWaitOccupyAckTime.
The timer T6 overflows.
After the application invokes the function SsmAutoDial to start an outgoing call, the channel
T6Out will start T6 provided the called party is idle. If T6 overflows before the called party picks up
the phone, this outgoing call fails.
T6 can be set via the configuration item MaxWaitAutoDialAnswerTime.
Receives the A4 signal (key congestion, the encounter with an unallocated number before
RcvA4 the call reaches the called party) from the remote PBX in the outgoing call progress,
indicating this call fails.
Receives the A5 signal (unallocated-number signal) in the outgoing call progress, indicating
this call fails.
Receives the KB signal of 4 (user’s busy or key congestion) from the remote PBX in the
outgoing call progress, indicating this call fails.
Receives the KB signal of 5 (the called party number unallocated) from the remote PBX in
the outgoing call progress, indicating this call fails.
The remote PBX sends the KB signal of 1 or 6 to the local end after receiving the complete
Accepted called party number in the outgoing call progress, indicating the called party is in the idle
Answered The called party accepts the call in the outgoing call progress.
ReleaseOK Finishes the disconnection from the remote PBX.

Each state identifier in the above diagram is described in the following table.

State Identifier Description

‘Idle’ state
The channel should go into this state provided it is normally reset after the successful driver
initialization. The application can invoke the function SsmAutoDial to start an outgoing call
Standby in this state.
The driver will automatically clear the Caller ID buffer when the channel state transfers to
Idle at the end of the call, provided the configuration item AutoClearCallerIdBufOnHangup
is set to 1
‘Off-hook’ state
OffHook If the SyncLos event is triggered in this state, the driver will
— set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_FAILURE and the failure reason to

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ATDL_PcmSyncLos, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application;

— set the pending reason to PEND_PcmSyncLos.
The local end is ringing. The application program can
— invoke the function SsmGetCallerId to acquire the calling party information.
— call the function SsmPickup to accept the call or the function SsmHangup to refuse the
Both parties are connected and able to talk with each other. When the channel state
transfers to Talking, the driver will
— start the DTMF Detector;
— start the Barge-in Detector;
— clear the Tone Detector and start it.
How the driver responds to the following events:
¾ The RemoteCancel Event:
Connected indicates the remote end first hangs up the phone in the call. The driver will set the
pending reason to PEND_RemoteHangupOnTalking and then transfer the channel state
to Pending;
¾ The SyncLos Event:
— The driver will set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_FAILURE and the
failure reason to ATDL_PcmSyncLos, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to
the application;
— set the pending reason to PEND_PcmSyncLos.
Waiting for further commands from the application.
How the driver responds to the following events:
¾ The T4Out Event:
The driver will automatically set the KB signal to 4 (key congestion) and resume the call
¾ The application invokes the function SsmSetKB:
The driver will set the pending reason to PEND_WaitBckStpMsg and resume the call
progress for the channel.
¾ The SyncLos Event:
— The driver will set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_FAILURE and the
failure reason to ATDL_PcmSyncLos, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to
the application;
— set the pending reason to PEND_PcmSyncLos.
¾ The application invokes the function SsmHangup:
If the pending reason is set to PEND_PcmSyncLos, the channel state will transfer to
‘Unusable’; otherwise, the channel will go into the ‘Release’ state.
The channel is waiting for the called party to pick up the phone. The called party should be
able to hear ringing tones in such state, and if at the local end is the station channel that
makes an outgoing call through the digital trunk channel, it should send the ringback tone to
the station channel.
How the driver responds to the following events:
¾ The T6Out Event:
— The driver will set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_NOANSWER and
the failure reason to ATDL_WaitRemotePickupTimeout, and throw out the
E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application;
WaitAnswer — set the pending reason to SS1OUT_NOANSWER.
¾ The SyncLos Event:
— The driver will set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_FAILURE and the
failure reason to ATDL_PcmSyncLos, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to
the application;
— set the pending reason to PEND_PcmSyncLos.
¾ The RemoteCancel Event:
— The driver will set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_FAILURE and the
failure reason to ATDL_SS1RcvCAS_HANGUP, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial
event to the application;

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— set the pending reason to SS1OUT_DIALING_BWD_HANGUP.

Unusable The channel is unusable.
Locked ’Outgoing Call Locked’ state
Release ‘Disconnection’ state
It is an internal state during the incoming call progress implementation, including several
substates. The driver judges the received called party number according to the preset
number-receiving rule. If the number complies with the rule, the channel will transfer to the
subsequent state. For more information about the number-receiving rule, refer to the
section Number-receiving Rule for Incoming Call in this chapter.
¾ In an incoming call, when the channel receives the complete called party number and
other necessary information, it is required to send the KB signal to the remote PBX.
— If the ‘Auto-answer of Incoming Call’ feature is enabled, the driver will send the value
of the configuration item MfcKB as the KB signal to the remote PBX and transfer the
channel state to Ringing;
— If the ‘Auto-answer of Incoming Call’ feature is not enabled, the driver will set
PendingReason to PEND_WaitBckStpMsg, transfer the channel state to Pending, and
let the application decide whether to accept this call or not.
The ‘Auto-answer of Incoming Call’ feature can be set via the function
SsmEnableAutoSendKB or the configuration item AutoSendKB, with the default value of
¾ Every time when the driver receives a calling party number, it will throw out the
E_CHG_RxPhoNumBuf event.
It is an internal state during the outgoing call progress implementation, including several
The parameters which can be set by the application for the outgoing call include:
¾ The KA signal (Calling Party’s Category) that should be provided by the local end for the
remote PBX, configurable via the function SsmSetKA or the configuration item MfcKA;
¾ The KD signal (Originating Service Type) that should be provided by the local end for the
remote PBX, configurable via the function SsmSetKD or the configuration item MfcKD;
¾ If the remote PBX asks the local end for the calling party number, the driver will
automatically send the local end number saved in the buffer to the remote PBX after
receiving the A6 signal and sending the KA signal. The local end number can be set via
the function SsmSetTxCallerId or the configuration item TxCallerId.
In case the outgoing call fails, the driver will process as follows according to the
internal event type.
¾ The SyncLos Event:
— The driver will set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_FAILURE and the
failure reason to ATDL_PcmSyncLos, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to
the application;
— set the pending reason to PEND_PcmSyncLos.
¾ The T5Out Event:
— The driver will set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_NO_DIALTONE
and the failure reason to ATDL_SS1WaitOccupyAckTimeout, and throw out the
E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application;
— set the pending reason to SS1OUT_NOBWDACK.
¾ The RemoteCancel Event:
— The driver will set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_FAILURE and the
failure reason to ATDL_SS1RcvCAS_HANGUP, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial
event to the application;
— set the pending reason to SS1OUT_DIALING_BWD_HANGUP.
¾ The RcvA4 Event:
— The driver will set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_BUSYTONE and
the failure reason to ATDL_SS1RcvA4, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to
the application;
— set the pending reason to SS1OUT_BWD_A4.
¾ The RcvKB4 Event:

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— The driver will set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_BUSYTONE and
the failure reason to ATDL_SS1RcvKB4, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event
to the application;
— set the pending reason to SS1OUT_BWD_KB4.
¾ The RcvA5 Event:
— The driver will set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_INVALID_PHONUM
and the failure reason to ATDL_SS1RcvA5, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial
event to the application;
— set the pending reason to SS1OUT_BWD_A5.
¾ The RcvKB5 Event:
— The driver will set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_INVALID_PHONUM
and the failure reason to ATDL_SS1RcvKB5, and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial
event to the application;
— set the pending reason to SS1OUT_BWD_KB5.
¾ The T2Out Event:
The driver will set the progress value of the AutoDial task to DIAL_FAILURE and the
failure reason to one of the following values:
‹ ATDL_SS1WaitAxTimeout
‹ ATDL_SS1WaitAxStopTimeout
‹ ATDL_SS1WaitAxTimeoutOnTxCallerId
‹ ATDL_SS1WaitAxStopTimeoutOnTxCallerId
‹ ATDL_SS1WaitKBTimeout
‹ ATDL_SS1WaitKBStopTimeout
respectively set the corresponding pending reason to:
and throw out the E_PROC_AutoDial event to the application;

Each state identifier and its corresponding value are listed in the table below.

State Identifier Value Corresponding Macro Definition in ShpA3Api.h

Connected 3 S_CALL_TALKING
Release 36 S_CALL_SS1WaitIdleCAS
RcvPhoNum -
AutoDial -

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The output events of the state machine are shown in the table below.

Event Name Description

When the channel state changes, the driver will throw out this event to the
Every time when the driver receives the called party information from the remote
PBX, it will throw out this event to the application.
When the application invokes the function SsmGetR2 to acquire the R2 message,
E_RCV_R2 the driver will throw out this event to the application if it receives a new R2 signal
value from the remote end.
When the application program calls the function SsmGetCAS to acquire the
current value of the ABCD signaling transmitted on the specified channel, the
driver will throw out this event to the application if it receives the current CAS
The driver throws out this event when it detects the Extended Caller ID Buffer
E_CHG_CIDExBuf varies. The application can call the function SsmGetCallerIdEx to obtain the
content in the buffer after receiving this event. Debugging Information Output during Outgoing Call

The configuration item MfcR2ToRxCallerIdBuf is used to control whether to save the R2 signal sent by the remote
PBX during the call into the Extended Caller ID Buffer to facilitate the observation on the entire call process. And
the function SsmGetCallerIdEx is used to take out strings form this buffer.

The configuration item Ss1LogEnable helps control whether to output the received/sent ABCD signaling codes and
R2 signals to the log file Ss1Output.log.

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 142

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Line Side State Machine

Start Legend:
SsmXXX Function call by APP
SsmStartCti Xxxxxxxx Event triggered by driver
xxxxx Ofen used channel state
Unusable xxxx Channel state



ABCDÎ00xx Standby SsmPickup


Ringing SsmPickup Connected T1Out Offhook

SsmHangup SyncLos ABCDÎ11xx SsmHangup

X SyncLos SyncLos

Pending SsmHangup S

In the diagram above, the internal events automatically triggered by the driver itself are described as follows.

Event Name Description

SyncLos The synchronization signal through TS0 on the digital trunk gets lost.
SyncOK Detects the synchronization signal through TS0 on the digital trunk.
ABCDÎ00xx The ABCD signaling code of the remote PBX changes to 00xx.
ABCDÎ01xx The ABCD signaling code of the remote PBX changes to 01xx.
ABCDÎ10xx The ABCD signaling code of the remote PBX changes to 10xx.
The driver has reset the circuit for the remote PBX, i.e. has sent the ABCD signaling code
ResetRemote indicating the idle state to the remote PBX. The specific ABCD signaling code that indicates
the idle state is determined by the configuration item Ss1SendIdleState.
The timer T1 overflows. T1 is started when the channel state transfers to ‘Off-hook’, and
can be set via the configuration item LSWaitPickup.

Each state identifier in the above diagram is described in the following table.

State Identifier Description

‘Idle’ state
The channel should go into this state provided it is normally reset after the successful driver
initialization. If the application invokes the function SsmPickup in this state, the driver will
send ABCD=11xx to the remote PBX.
’Off-hook’ state
OffHook The application can send the called party number and other information to the remote PBX.
How to send such information to the remote PBX depends on the PBX model. Query PBX

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manufacturers for details. T1 is started when the channel goes into the ‘Off-hook’ state.
The local end is ringing.
Ringing In this state, the application program can invoke the function SsmPickup to accept the call
or the function SsmHangup to refuse the call.
’Talking’ state. Both parties are connected and able to talk with each other.
Connected The driver will automatically start the DTMF detector when the channel state transfers to
’Pending’ state.
Pending Note that the driver won’t set the pending reason. Hence there is no sense for the
application to invoke the function SsmGetPendingReason.
Unusable The channel is unusable.
Reseting The circuit is being reset.

Each state identifier and its corresponding value are listed in the table below.

State Identifier Value Corresponding Macro Definition in ShpA3Api.h

Connected 3 S_CALL_TALKING
Reseting 36 S_CALL_SS1WaitIdleCAS

The output events of the state machine are shown in the table below.

Event Name Description

E_CHG_ChState When the channel state transfers, the driver will throw out this event to the application. Advanced SS1 Programming Interface

The state machine provided by the SynCTI driver is enough for most application instances. If the application likes
to perform the entire call process by itself, the low-level API functions can be used. The driver-provided state
machine can be disabled via the configuration item EnableAutoCall or the function SsmSetAutoCallDirection after
the system start-up. The driver can enable the mutual control between the SS1 stack and MFC by
transmitting/receiving CAS and R2 after it disables the SS1 state machine.

The events related to the SS1 progress control include:

z E_RCV_R2

The advanced programming interface functions related to the China SS1 progress control contain:

z SsmSendCAS
z SsmGetSendingCAS
z SsmGetCAS
z SsmSetRxR2Mode
z SsmGetR2
z SsmSendR2
z SsmSendR2Ex
z SsmStopSendR2
z SsmGetSendingR2

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z SsmEnableRxDtmf
z If the application program wants to receive DTMF digits after using the low-level progress control
functions to finish the signaling progress, it must call the function SsmEnableRxDtmf to start the
DTMF receiver and should call this function again to close the DTMF receiver at the end of the call.
z If the application is required to have the SS7 signaling cover for SS1 in a smooth way, it is not the
functions in this section but the auto call progress functions provided by the system that should be
used to control the call progress. SS1 Configuration

Below are the relative configuration items in the use of SS1.

Configuration Section Configuration Item

set the total number of on-board digital trunks as
well as the signaling type, the clock operating
mode and the line type for each digital trunk.
[BoardId=x] PcmLinkType
EnableAutoCall auto SS1 progress control
sets the input and output direction of the SS1
channel to the digital trunk
TotalPcm set the total number of all digital trunks involved in
the PC and build the mapping relationship between
Pcm the logical number and the physical number of
each digital trunk.
[SS1Config] TxCas_CD
set the parameters for SS1 CAS and R2 progress.
select the Lineside protocol type and set conditions
for the channel state transition.
selects the country for the MFC-R2 protocol and
sets the corresponding parameter.
SS1 Outgoing Call: set relative parameters
MfcKD SS1 Incoming Call: set relative parameters

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set the log output for SS1 CAS and R2.
[DebugView] set the log output for SS1 CAS and R2.
Note: Those written in the XXXX font are essentially configured items while those in XXXX are optionally
configured ones.

1.16.7 Connection to Channel Bank

All SHD Series boards can connect directly to the channel bank to set up the large-capacity station system. After
they are connected to the channel bank, the channel on them will be set to the station channel which has all
features owned by the station channel on the SHT Series boards.
The configuration item UsageMode helps decide whether the SHD Series boards are used to start a call or connect
to the channel bank.
The configuration item CBProtocolType is used to set the signaling protocol used in connecting the board to the
channel bank.
The configuration item CBChannelType is used to set the channel type after the board connects to the channel
After the SHD Series boards are connected to the channel bank, the outward features of the channel on them are
identical to those of the corresponding channel on the SHT Series boards. Therefore, both the SHD and SHT
channels in this case have the same configuration items and are configured in the same way. See description on
the SHT boards for details.

1.17 SHV Series (CTI Series)

1.17.1 Brief Introduction of SHV Series

The features supported by the SHV Series boards are shown in the following table.

Board Model Form Factor Max. Ports TDM Bus

SHV-120A-CT/PCI PCI 120 H.100
SHV-240A-CT/PCI PCI 240 H.100
SHV-240A-CT/cPCI cPCI 240 H.110

1.17.2 Operation Principle of SHV Series

The figure below shows the typical application of the SHV Series boards.

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ts i
ts j TDM Bus
ts k

Outbound Voice Inbound Voice

Ch A Voice-alteration Channel Ch B
Inbound Voice Outbound Voice

In the figure above, the two-way connection is established between ChA and ChB via TDM bus. The incoming
signals on ChB arrive at ChA through TS i and form the outgoing signals on ChA; the incoming signals on ChA
enter the voice-alteration channel through TS j for processing, and then reach ChB via TS k and form the outgoing
signal on ChB. In this way, the voice on ChB heard by ChA is the original voice while that on ChA heard by ChB is
the altered voice.

1.17.3 List of Voice-alteration Functions

The SHV Series are the resource board and must be used with the SHD or SHT Series boards. Here is a list of
functions related to voice alteration.

Function Name Description

SsmGetMaxVCh Obtains the total number of voice-alteration channels in the application
SsmGetMaxFreeVCh Obtains the total number of idle voice-alteration channels
SsmBindVCh Binds the voice channel to the voice-alteration channel.
SsmUnbindVCh Unbinds the voice channel from the voice-alteration channel.
SsmSetVoiceEffect Sets the voice alteration effect.
SsmGetVoiceEffect Obtains the voice alteration effect
SsmSetVoiceEffectEx Sets the voice alteration parameters for 240E VAR boards.
SsmGetVoiceEffectEx Obtains the voice alteration parameters for 240E VAR boards.

1.18 SHN Series (CTI Series)

1.18.1 Brief Introduction of SHN Series

The features supported by the SHN Series boards are shown in the following table.

Form Max. Voice Conferencing Voltage TDM Max Fax

Board Model Factor Ports Processing SIP H.323
Capabilities Capabilities Detector Bus Resource
SHN-32A-CT/PCI PCI 32 √ √ √ √ N/A √ N/A
SHN-8B-CT/PCI+ PCI 8 √ √ √ √ N/A √ N/A
SHN-16B-CT/PCI+ PCI 16 √ √ √ √ N/A √ N/A
SHN-32B-CT/PCI+ PCI 32 √ √ √ √ N/A √ N/A
SHN-60B-CT/PCI+ PCI 60 √ √ √ √ N/A √ N/A
SHN-120B-CT/PCI+ PCI 120 √ √ √ √ N/A √ N/A
SHN-60B-CT/PCIe+ PCIe 60 √ √ √ √ N/A √ N/A
SHN-120B-CT/PCIe+ PCIe 120 √ √ √ √ N/A √ N/A

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1.18.2 Operation Principle of SHN-32A-CT/PCI

The figure below shows the operation principle of the SHN-32A-CT/PCI board.

TDM Bus Switch

Playback to bus
A4-1 A4-6 ∑
K1 M5
K6-1 K6-2
∑ ∑
M2 M4
Outbound Voice M1 K4


Inbound Voice A2

∑ M3
Recording Playing
Incoming call format
Outgoing call format

energy energy

Recording control
calculation calculation

Playing Control
Encoder Decoder
Encoder Decoder
Recording/playing energy onto bus
Buffer Buffer Generator Detector Buffer Buffer

Host Computer Interface ( PCI/cPCI )

Below is the description on symbols in the figure above which are related to the recording operation:

Name Description
M1 Outbound voice mixer
M2 Off-bus mixer
Recording mixer
The signals from M3 is sent to the Encoder component for recording purpose.
Outbound voice mixer for recording
M4 Mixes signals from the off-bus mixer, data being played on a channel and signals from the tone
generator/DTMF generator, and then puts them into M3.
Onto-bus mixer
Mixes data being played on a channel, incoming signals and those from the off-bus mixer M2, and
then puts them onto TDM bus. Upon board initialization, the output of M5 is transported to a time slot
(marked as ‘ts’ for short) on TDM bus. You can use the function SsmLinkToBus to designate the ts.
The volume adjuster for voice playing. The volume can be set via the configuration item
DefaultPlayVolume or the function SsmSetPlayVolume/SsmSetPlayGain, with the default value of 0.
The volume adjuster which is used for outgoing signals before they are sent to M3. By default, it is on.
A2 The volume can be set via the function SsmSetRecMixer or the configuration item
DefaultRecordMixerVolume, with the default value of -7.
The volume adjuster which is used for incoming signals before they are sent to M3. The volume can
A3 be set via the function SsmSetRecVolume or the configuration item DefaultRecordVolume, with the
default value of 0.
The volume adjuster which is used for off-bus signals before they are sent to M2. The volume can be

set via the function SsmSetListenVlmInConf, with the default value of 0DB.
The switch that controls whether to put data being played on a channel first into M5 and then onto
K1-1 TDM bus or not, usually being off. It can be set via the function SsmSetPlayDest, used only for playing
background music to a teleconference.
The switch that controls whether to put signals from M2 back onto TDM bus. By default, it is off. It can
be set via the function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_MixerResToBus).
K3 The switch that controls whether to put incoming signals into M5 or not. By default, it is on. It can be

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set via the function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_InVoiceToBus) or the configuration item
K4 DTMF signals or tones cannot be sent at the same time when voices are played outbound.
K6-1 Switch K6-1 controls whether to put signals form M2 into M3; Switch K6-2 controls whether to put
K6-2 voice data being played into M3. Both can be set via the function SsmSetRecBack.

¾ Voice Playing

After the application invokes the playing function, the decoded voice data after being processed by A1 will:
— Enter M1 and form the final outgoing signals with other signal sources; or
— Enter M4 under the control of K6-2 and form the recording signal sources with other signals; or
— Enter M5 under the control of K1-1 and form the onto-bus signal sources with other signals, only for
playing background music to the teleconference.

¾ Recording Example for Various Signal Sources

A lot of special applications are available via the flexible use of the above switches for recording control and
volume adjusters. In the following examples, ch1 and ch2 respectively mean Channel 1 and Channel 2.

— Example 1: Only record the incoming signals on ch1 and use the default volume.

SsmSetRecVolume(ch1, 0); //start A3, set the volume gain to 0DB

SsmSetRecMixer(ch1, FALSE, 0); //stop A2
SsmRecToFile(ch1, ……); //start the task of file recording …

— Example 2: Record the incoming signals on ch1 (volume increased by 6DB) and the signals output from M2
(volume decreased by 3DB) at one time based on the establishement of a two-way call between
ch1 and ch2.

SsmTalkWith(ch1, ch2); //establish a two-way connection between ch1 and ch2

SsmSetRecBack(ch1,2); //switch on K6-1, switch off K6-2
SsmSetRecVolume(ch1, 2); //start A3, set the volume gain to 2*3DB=6DB
SsmSetRecMixer(ch1, TRUE, -1); //start A2, set the volume gain to -1*3DB=-3DB
SsmRecToFile(ch1, ……); //start the task of file recording …

— Example 3: When ch1 joins a teleconference (assuming the conference room number is n) as the organizer,
play background music on ch1 and record the conference (including the background music)
through ch1. All signal sources go with normal volume, i.e. the gain is set to 0.

SsmJoinConfGroup(n, ch1, ……); //ch1 joins the conference: switch on K3

SsmSetPlayDest(int ch, 1); //switch on K1-1
SsmSetRecBack(ch1,1); //switch on K6-1 and K6-2
SsmPlayFile(ch1, ……); //start the task of voice playing on ch1: switch on K4 to link left and right ends
SsmSetRecVolume(ch1, 0); //start A3, set the volume gain to 0DB
SsmSetRecMixer(ch1, TRUE, 0); //start A2, set the volume gain to 0DB
SsmRecToFile(ch1, ……); // start the task of file recording …

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1.18.3 Operation Principle of SHN B Series

Power Supply Circuit



Embedded Voice Voice Voice ... Voice
CPU CODEC1 CODEC2 Processing1 Processing4


Ciruit CPLD


1.18.4 SIP Channel Programming Basic Concepts

¾ SIP Message

There are two types of SIP message:

z Request: sent from Client to Server
z Response: sent from Server to Client
The table below lists all requests supported by the SIP channel on the Synway SHN Series boards.
Method Description
to establish a session between participants; or to modify an existing session
ACK to confirm the reception of the final response to INVITE
BYE to terminate a session
CANCEL to terminate a call before it has been answered
OPTIONS to allow a UA to query another UA or a proxy server as to its capabilities
to add, remove, and query bindings between address-of-record and one or
more contact addresses
to carry application level information along the SIP signaling path, including
out-of-band DTMF digits for the SHN Series boards
MESSAGE to send instant messages
SUBSCRIBE to request current state and state updates from a remote node
to inform subscribers of changes in state to which the subscriber has a

¾ Message Format

An SIP message consists of:

z a start-line
z one or more header fields
z an empty line indicating the end of the header fields
z an optional message-body

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The start-line, each message-header line, and the empty line must be terminated by a carriage-return line-feed
sequence (CRLF). Note that the empty line must be present even if the message-body is not.


SDP is a session description protocol for multimedia sessions (RFC2327). It specifies the way to encode
necessary information about the session. The SDP message is carried by the SIP message in a way that is
analogous to a document attachment being carried by an email message, or a web page being carried in an HTTP

An SDP package usually contains both session information and media information.

Session information includes the following:

z The owner and identifier of the session

z Time(s) the session is active
As resources necessary to participate in a session may be limited, some additional information may also be
z Information about the bandwidth to be used by the session
z Contact information for the person responsible for the session (E-Mail address, phone number, etc)
Media information includes the following:
z The type of media (video, audio, etc)
z The transport protocol (RTP/UDP/IP, H.320, etc)
z The format of the media (H.261 video, MPEG video, etc)
z Multicast address for media and transport port for media (IP multicast session)
z Remote address for media and Transport port for contact address (IP unicast session)

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 151

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SIP Channel State Machine

U evResetCh

UNUSABLE No Is SIP channel unusable? P

Yes evStunFailed SsmHangup
P1 K1
evRingOn SsmPickup

K2 SsmHangup
P evRecvCancel SsmHangup

evRecvCancel Notes:
SsmPickup SsmPickup evRedire 1. State Symbol
evStunFailed evUnauth I :IDLE state
P WaitConnected
P :PENDING state
evRingback evSessionProgress
SsmHangup SsmHangup L :LOCKED state

evAnswered evSessionProgress 2. evError Event

This event is triggered when
WaitAnswer SessionProgress 1) an asynchronous function call fails.

3. evResetCh Event
evRingback This event is triggered when
evAnswered 1) the local network state changes from
evReject evReject ‘Error’ to ‘Recovered’.
evTimeout(*1) evTimeout(*1)
4. evDisableCh Event
evAnswered The channel, staying in whichever state
P in this diagram, will turn into the
‘UNUSABLE’ state upon the reception
of this event. It is triggered when
TALKING 1) error occurs at the local network
5. evTimeout Event
This event reports the overflow of current
evError L
timers, including
1) SIP T1/T4 call timer
P I evRedire
6. evReject Event
This event indicates the reception of the
final non-2xx response to INVITE,
PENDING including 4xx, 5xx, 6xx.

7. evStunFailed
This event indicates the failure of the
SsmHangup stun traversal.

Each state identifier in the above diagram is described in the following table.

State Identifier Description

‘Unusable’ state
Unusable — The channel, staying in whichever state in the above diagram, will turn into the
‘UNUSABLE’ state upon the reception of the evDisableCh event.
’Idle’ state
The channel will go into this state just after the successful board initialization.
Standby — When the function SsmAutoDial is invoked successfully to start a call, the channel
will turn into the ‘DIALING’ state. If the function call of SsmAutoDial is failed due to
the stun traversal failure, the channel will turn into the ‘Pending’ state.

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— When the function SsmSearchIdleCallOutCh is invoked to find an idle channel, it

will turn into the ‘Locked’ state.
— When the function SsmPickup is invoked, an idle channel will be locked and turn
into the ‘Locked’ state.
— When an idle channel is available upon the reception of the event evRingOn
(indicating the channel receives an incoming call), the application determines the
channel state transition via the switch K1 which is set by the configuration item
UseSipKB. If the configuration item UseSipKB is set to 1, the channel will turn into
the state ‘Pending 1’ (waiting for APP to set the backward set-up message); if the
configuration item UseSipKB is set to 0, the channel will turn into the ‘Ringing’
state. For a channel in the ‘Pending 1’ state, when the function SsmSetKB is
invoked to accept or reject the incoming call, the application determines the
channel state transition via the switch K2 which is set by the parameter btSigKB of
the function SsmSetKB. If btSigKB=1, the channel will turn into the ‘Ringing’ state;
if btSigKB=2, the channel will turn into the ‘Pending’ state.
— When no idle channels are available upon the reception of the event evRingOn
(indicating the channel receives an incoming call), A3 will automatically send the
response code 403 and set the reason.
— When the event evDisableCh (indicating network error or usable channel
unavailable) is received, the channel will turn into the ‘Unusable’ state.
‘Waiting for Answer’ state
The channel will keep in this state until it receives responses from the remote end.
— In this state, if the evRingback event (indicating the reception of the response code
180 from the remote end) is received, the channel will turn into the ‘WaitAnswer’
— In this state, if the evSessionProgress event (indicating the reception of the 183
response from the remote end) is received, the channel will turn into the
‘SessionProgress’ state.
— If the evRedire event (indicating the reception of the response code 3xx from the
remote end) is received, SynSIP will call again on the same channel and
automatically send an ACK message to the remote.
— If the evRedire event (indicating the reception of the response code 3xx from the
remote end) is received, but the 3xx message is incomplete or the SynSIP failed to
analyze the 3xx message, the channel will turn into the ‘Pending’ state.
— If the evUnauth event (indicating the reception of the 401/407 response from the
remote end) is received, SynSIP will automatically send a call request with
authentication information to the remote.
— If the evAnswered event (indicating the reception of the 2xx response from the
remote end) is received, the channel will turn into the ‘Talking’ state and SynSIP will
automatically send an ACK message to the remote at the same time.
— If the evReject event (the call is refused by the remote end), the evError event (the
dial function is asynchronous), the evTimeout event (the timer overflows) and the
evCountUnauth event (unauthorized) are received, the channel will turn into the
‘Standby’ state and set the reason as well. At this time, SynSIP will determine
whether to send an ACK message to the remote according to the current events
(evErrAnsw and evCountUnauth).
— If the function SsmHangup is invoked to hang up the phone in this state, the
channel will turn into the ‘Standby’ state and SynSIP will automatically send a
CANCEL message to the remote at the same time.
— SynSIP will start timers when the channel goes into the ‘Dialing’ state. If the
application doesn’t change in state before the timer overflows, the driver will reset
the channel back to the idle state.
— If the event evDisableCh (indicating network error or usable channel unavailable) is
received, the channel will turn into the ‘Unusable’ state.
‘Outgoing Call Locked’ state
Locked — When the function SsmSearchIdleCallOutCh is invoked by the application, the
driver will temporarily lock the channel specified by the function’s return value

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— If the event evDisableCh (indicating network error or usable channel unavailable) is

received, the channel will turn into the ‘Unusable’ state.
‘Ringback’ state
— In this state, if the evSessionProgress event (indicating the reception of the 183
response from the remote end) is received, the channel will turn into the
‘SessionProgress’ state.
— In this state, if the evAnswered event (indicating the reception of the 2xx response
from the remote end) is received, the channel will turn into the ‘Talking’ state.
— If the evReject event (the call is refused by the remote end) and the evTimeout
WaitAnswer event (the timer overflows) are received, the channel will turn into the ‘Pending’
state and set the reason as well. At this time, SynSIP will determine whether to
send an ACK message to the remote according to the current error reason.
— If the function SsmHangup is invoked to hang up the phone in this state, the
channel will turn into the ‘Standby’ state and SynSIP will automatically send a
CANCEL message to the remote at the same time.
— If the event evDisableCh (indicating network error or usable channel unavailable) is
received, the channel will turn into the ‘Unusable’ state.
‘Session Progress’ state
— In this state, if the evRingback event (indicating the reception of the 180 response
from the remote end) is received, the channel will turn into the ‘WaitAnswer’ state.
— In this state, if the evAnswered event (indicating the reception of the 2xx response
from the remote end) is received, the channel will turn into the ‘Talking’ state.
— If the evReject event (the call is refused by the remote end) and the evTimeout
event (the timer overflows) are received, the channel will turn into the ‘Pending’
state and set the reason code as well. At this time, SynSIP will determine whether
to send an ACK message to the remote according to the current error reason.
— If the function SsmHangup is invoked to hang up the phone in this state, the
channel will turn into the ‘Standby’ state and SynSIP will automatically send a
CANCEL message to the remote at the same time.
— If the event evDisableCh (indicating network error or usable channel unavailable) is
received, the channel will turn into the ‘Unusable’ state.
‘Called Party Ringing’ state
When an idle channel is available upon the reception of an incoming call, SynSIP will
automatically react to the 180 response to lock the idle channel and turn it into this
— In this state, if users are determined to accept the current call request and invoke
the function SsmPickup successfully, the channel will turn into the ‘WaitConnected’
state and SynSIP will automatically send the 200 OK response to the remote at the
same time. If the function call of SsmPickup is failed due to the stun traversal
failure, the channel will turn into the ‘Pending’ state.
— If users choose to refuse the call and invoke the function SsmHangup, the channel
will turn into the ‘Standby’ state and SynSIP will automatically generate a 403
Forbidden response and send it to the remote at the same time.
— If the evRecvCancel event (indicating the call is cancelled by the calling party) is
received, the channel will turn into the ‘Standby’ state and SynSIP will automatically
generate a 200 OK response to the CANCEL message.
— If the evTimeout event (indicating the timer overflows) is received, the channel will
turn into the ‘Standby’ state and SynSIP will automatically generate a 400 Bad
Request response and send it to the remote at the same time.
— If the event evDisableCh (indicating network error or usable channel unavailable) is
received, the channel will turn into the ‘Unusable’ state.
Waiting for connection’ state
— If the function SsmHangup is invoked to hang up the phone in this state, the
channel will turn into the ‘Standby’ state and SynSIP will automatically send a BYE
message to the calling party at the same time.
— If the evRecvCancel event (indicating the call is cancelled by the calling party) is
received, the channel will turn into the ‘Standby’ state and SynSIP will automatically

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generate a 200 OK response to the CANCEL message.

— If the evRecvAck event (indicating the connection of the calling party) is received,
the channel will turn into the ‘Talking’ state.
— If the evRecvBye event is received, the channel will turn into the ‘Pending’ state
and SynSIP will generate a 200 OK response to the BYE message
— If the evError event and the evTimeout event (indicating the timer overflows) are
received, the channel will turn into the ‘Standby’ state.
— If the event evDisableCh (indicating network error or usable channel unavailable) is
received, the channel will turn into the ‘Unusable’ state.
‘Talking’ state
All voice channels are connected in this state.
— In this state, both calling and called parties can invoke the function SsmHangup to
hang up the phone. Then SynSIP will generate a BYE message and send it to the
remote and the channel will turn into the ‘Standby’ state at the same time.
Talking — If the evRecvBye event (indicating the phone is hung up by the remote end) is
received, the channel will turn into the ‘Pending’ state.
— If the event evDisableCh (indicating network error or usable channel unavailable) is
received, the channel will turn into the ‘Unusable’ state.
— If the evRecvRefer event (indicating the reception of the ‘refer’ message) is
received, the channel will turn into the ‘Locked’ state.
‘Pending’ state
— When the ‘Call Terminated’ state as specified by the SIP protocol is received during
the call state transition, the call cannot be connected any longer and users must
Pending release all resources allocated throughout the call process and reset the circuit.
Only via the call of SsmHangup can the channel go back to the ‘Standby’ state.
— If the event evDisableCh (indicating network error or usable channel unavailable) is
received, the channel will turn into the ‘Unusable’ state.

Each state identifier in the above diagram is described in the header file ShpA3Api.h as follows.

State Identifier Value in ShpA3Api.h Macro Definition in ShpA3Api.h


In the above state machine, the driver’s internal component for judging the channel’s usability has two values to
output as shown in the table below.

Output Value Description

The channel is unusable if one of the events evDisableCh, DataLinkDisconnect, Circuit
Reset keeps valid.
The channel goes into the idle state provided the evDisableCh event becomes invalid, the
DataLinkConnect event keeps valid and the circuit restart is successful.

Note: At this stage, the driver also performs the following operations.

• Clear and close the tone detector;

• Automatically terminate the WaitDtmf task if it has been started by the application;
• Automatically terminate the task of DTMF transmission if it has been started by the application;
• Automatically clear the buffer of the DTMF detector, and close the DTMF detector if the configuration
item AlwaysEnableRxDtmf is set to 0;
• Automatically close the Barge-in detector if the configuration item AlwaysDetectBargeIn is set to 0;

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• Automatically clear the Caller ID buffer if the configuration item AutoClearCallerIdBufOnHangup is set to
• Reset all timers in SynSIP.

The output events of the state machine are described in the following table.

Event Name Description

E_CHG_ChState The driver sends out this event to the application when the channel state changes.
The driver throws out this event to the application when there is any progress in the
AutoDial task which is started by the function call of SsmAutoDial with the application.
Note: Event declarations can be found in the file ShpA3Api.h. SIP Channel Configuration

Configuration items for using the SHN-32A-CT/PCI board with SIP protocol are listed below.

Configuration Section Configuration Item

ProtocolType Set the IP communication protocol for the VoIP board or
set the VoIP board to be a VoIP resource board;
Set the DTMF reception mode for the board.
DisplayName Set operation parameters for an SIP session. They are in
SendDtmfType sequence:
— Displayed name
AudioCodecList — DTMF transmission mod
— Adopted voice CODECs
UserName Set the parameters of the Register request. They are in
Register sequence:
Domain — Register a user name upon the start of registration, or
RegPassword set the part before @ in SIP Uri as the user name.
RegRealm — Whether to enable the registration
— Address of the registered server
— Password for registration (if necessary)
RegExpires — Alias of the SIP server
— Register a valid expiration time, with the default value
of 3600 and the minimum value of 300.
Set the intercepted address and port for the SIP protocol.
RTPRange RTP port range
LogFile Set the advanced board configuration items. They are in
LogLevel sequence:
EventThreadNum — Log file
[SIP] — Log level
HeartInterval — Size of the thread pool to capture SIP events
— Port heartbeat interval (for NAT traversal)
SipTransportProtocol Set whether SIP is used over TCP or UDP
Sets if it is necessary for the board to wait for the ACK
RetransmitLost200OK message after sending the 200OK message to establish a

Configuration items for using the SHN B Series boards with SIP protocol are listed below.

Configuration Section Configuration Item

[BoardId=x] ProtocolType Set the IP communication protocol and DTMF reception
RecvDtmfType mode used by the board.
BoardIP Set network card information for the SHN B series. They
Submask are in sequence:
Gateway — IP address of the network card (voice channels)

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— Subnet mask
DNS — Gateway address
DNS address
RTPRange Set operation parameters for an SIP session. They are in
— RTP port range
— Displayed name
AudioCodecList — DTMF transmission mode
Adopted voice CODECs
UserName Set the parameters of the Register request. They are in
Register sequence:
Domain — Register a user name upon the start of registration,
RegPassword or set the part before @ in SIP Uri as the user name.
RegRealm — Whether to enable the registration
— Address of the registered server
— Password for registration (if necessary)
RegExpires — Alias of the SIP server
Register a valid expiration time, with the default value of
3600 and the minimum value of 300.
Set the intercepted address and port for the SIP protocol.
RTPRange RTP port range
LogFile Set the advanced board configuration items. They are in
LogLevel sequence:
EventThreadNum — Log file
[SIP] — Log level
HeartInterval — Size of the thread pool to capture SIP events
Port heartbeat interval (for NAT traversal)
SipTransportProtocol Set whether SIP is used over TCP or UDP
Sets if it is necessary for the board to wait for the ACK
RetransmitLost200OK message after sending the 200OK message to establish
a call.

Note: Those written in the XXXX font are essentially configured items while those in XXXX are optionally
configured ones.

1.18.5 Special Parameters and Structure for VoIP Resource Boards RTP Transmit and Receive Modes for VoIP Resource Boards
#define IPM_SENDRECV 0x0000 // Receive and transmit
#define IPM_SENDONLY 0x0001 // Transmit only
#define IPM_RECVONLY 0x0002 // Receive only Special Structure for VoIP Resource Boards

struct MediaParam
int mode;
char localIP[50];
int localPort;
char remoteIP[50];
int remotePort;
int sendCodecType;

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int dtmfpayload;
mode: RTP transmit and receive modes, having the following three values.
IPM_SENDRECV (Receive and transmit)
IPM_SENDONLY (Transmit only)
IPM_RECVONLY (Receive only)
localIP: The local address intercepted in RTP.
localPort: The local port intercepted in RTP.
remoteIP: The remote address sent in RTP.
remotePort: The remote port sent in RTP.
SendCodecType: The codec for RTP load. 0: 711U, 8: 711A, 18: G729, 3: GSM.
dtmfpayload: DTMF digits sent in RFC2833.

1.19 DST Series (REC Series)

1.19.1 Brief Introduction of DST Series

When a digital PBX, such as Siemens HIPath, Alcatel 4200 and Alcatel 4400 Series, is connected to a digital
telephone, what goes through the line is not the analog signal but the pure digital signal. The physical line used to
connect the digital PBX and the digital telephone is called the digital subscriber line. It is made of a D-channel and
two B-channels, each channel supporting the rate of 64kbps. The D-channel is used to transmit call signaling
messages, and the two B-channels can work simultaneously transporting voice data and others, like fax data, etc.

The DST Series boards are the proprietary call-recording board used for recording the voice data on the B-channel
and the signaling data on the D-channel in the digital subscriber line. They have the high-impedance circuits for the
input lines, equip the instantly-programmable chips in the signal recording circuit, and can enable a same board to
support different PBX and digital phone models via simple settings with the application program.

So far, the DST Series boards are classified into two types : A and B.

They commonly have the following voice processing abilities:

¾ High-impedance recording of voice data on the B-channel, neither to cause any interruption on both
parties in a call nor to be detected by them;
¾ Compression and recording of voice data by using the specified voice CODEC;
¾ Automatic Gain Control (AGC) support in data recording;
¾ DTMF detection;
¾ Detection of voice activities;
¾ Detection of single or dual tones at a specific frequency;
¾ Real-time playing of recorded voice signals;
¾ TDM capability;
¾ Playback of recorded voice data.

Besides these mentioned above, the DST series B-type boards also support the following new features.

¾ Detection of line faults, including line break and errors in voltage level, signal-to-noise ratio and frame
¾ Flexible switch between voice channels B1 and B2;
¾ Board models with the suffix + support GSM, G.729A and MP3 encoding in hardware.

The D-channel signaling messages can be used to acquire the relative call information. The D-channel on the DST
Series boards has the signaling processing capabilities that include the detection of the following operations by the
digital phone as well as the changes in channel state.

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¾ Off-hook, On-hook;
¾ Dial keys;
¾ Function keys;
¾ Voice channel open/closed;
¾ LED;
¾ Content displayed on LCD.

The board models in the DST Series are shown in the table below.

Board Model Form Factor Max. Ports per Board Module Type Max. Modules per Board
DST-24B/PCI PCI 24 MOD_24DB 3 (including a module for board fixing)
DST-24B/PCI(SSW) PCI 24 MOD_24DB 3 (including a module for board fixing)
DST-24B/PCI+ PCI 24 MOD_24DB 3 (including a module for board fixing)
DST-24B/PCI+(SSW) PCI 24 MOD_24DB 3 (including a module for board fixing)
DST-24B/PCIe PCIe 24 MOD_24DB 3 (including a module for board fixing)
DST-24B/PCIe+ PCIe 24 MOD_24DB 3 (including a module for board fixing)

The module types supported by the DST Series boards are listed in the table below.

Module Type Number of channels in the case of 2-line input Number of channels in the case of 4-line input
MOD_16DA 4 2
MOD_24DA 8 4
MOD_24DB 8 4

1.19.2 DST Series Supported PBX Models

For the PBX models supported by the DST Series boards, refer to the document DST Boards Supported PBX
Models supplied separately by Synway.

1.19.3 Operation Principle of DST Series

The figure below shows the operation principle of the DST Series A-type boards.

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Application System
contector Inbound
Digital Phone


TDM Bus Switch

Inbound Outbound
Phone Voice Voice
B-Ch Decoder
interface Processor AGC AGC

A4-1 A4-2 AMP

∑ Speaker
M2 Jack
Signal Channel 0 only
LIU Decoder

D-Ch Tone Energy DTMF

Encoder Decoder
Processor Detector Detector Detector

Host Computer Interface ( PCI / USB )

Device Driver

D Channel Decoder Voice Function module

State Machine

Global Call API Low-level API Voice API

Event Filter

Callback Event Queue Poll Event Queue

Callback Thread Shp_A3.dll

Recording System Applications

Components and symbols in the figure above are described in the following table.

Name Description
M2 Off-bus mixer, used to mix outgoing signals with incoming ones.
The volume adjuster for incoming signals (by reference to the digital phone). The volume can be set
via the function DTRSetMixerVolume, with the default value of 0DB.
The volume adjuster for outgoing signals (by reference to the digital phone). The volume can be set
via the function DTRSetMixerVolume, with the default value of 0DB.
Recording volume adjuster. The volume can be set via the configuration item DefaultRecordVolume
or the function SsmSetRecVolume.
Used to put the output signals from the mixer onto bus for recording and monitoring purpose. Usually
there is no need to operate A5.

The figure below shows the operation principle of the DST Series B-type boards.

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Application System
Connector Inbound
Digital Phone



Speaker B-Ch
Processor V2 V3

€ ∑ M2

LIU Decoder V1

Phone Tone Energy DTMF

Encoder Decoder
interface Detector Detector Detector

D-Ch Recording Playback

Processor Data Buffer Data Buffer

Host Computer Interface ( PCI )

Device Driver

D Channel Decoder Voice Function module

State Machine

Global Call API Low-level API Voice API

Event Filter

Callback Event Queue Poll Event Queue

Callback Thread Shp_A3.dll

Recording System Applications

Components and symbols in the figure above are described in the following table.

Name Description
M2 Off-bus mixer, used to mix outgoing signals with incoming ones.
The volume adjuster for incoming signals (by reference to the digital phone). The volume can be set
via the function DTRSetMixerVolume, with the default value of 0DB.
The volume adjuster for outgoing signals (by reference to the digital phone). The volume can be set
via the function DTRSetMixerVolume, with the default value of 0DB.
V1 Recording volume adjuster. The volume can be set via the configuration item DefaultRecordVolume

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or the function SsmSetRecVolume.

¾ Recording Example for Various Signal Sources

A lot of special applications are available via the flexible use of the above switches for recording control and
volume adjusters.

— Example 1: Record both the incoming and the outgoing signals, using the normal volume.

DTRSetMixerVolume(ch, 0, 0, 0); //set the volume gain of A4-1 and that of A4-2 to 0DB
SsmSetRecVolume(ch, 0); //start A3, set the volume gain to 0DB
SsmRecToFile(ch, ……); //start the task of file recording …

— Example 2: Only record the incoming signals, using the default volume.

DTRSetMixerVolume(ch, 0, 3, -7); //set the volume gain of A4-1 to 3*3DB=9DB and that of A4-2 to -∞
SsmSetRecVolume(ch, -3); //start A3, set the volume gain to -3*3DB=-9DB
SsmRecToFile(ch, ……); //start the task of file recording …

¾ Data Flow Direction in Voice Playing

Only Channel 0 supports the voice playing operation. When the application program invokes the playing functions
for Channel 0, the driver will automatically put the voices to be played onto bus and then get them off bus to arrive
at the on-board audio power amplifier.

¾ On-board Speaker Output Jack

Channel 0 on each DST board is enabled by the analog audio amplifier circuit and the spearker output jack
equipped on it to connect voice signals directly with the external speaker or headset. This design is mainly for the
following purposes.
— To transport incoming signals from any channel on this board (or transport voice signals from channels on
other board via CT-BUS) to the on-board speaker for play. This purpose can be achieved via the function
SsmListenTo or SsmListenToEx.
— To send voice data recorded by the application straight to the on-board speaker for play via the call of
playing functions for Channel 0. See the Voice Playing section in this chapter for details.

The AMP component in the figure above is the power amplifier for the analog audio amplifier circuit. Its gain can be
set via the function SsmSetPowerAmpVlm.

1.19.4 DST Board Configuration

The configuration items PBXType and PhoneType are used respectively to set the PBX and the digital phone
models; the configuration item DefaultVoiceFormat is used to set the CODEC supported by the digital subscriber
The configuration item DEventUpdates is used to filtrate repeated events.
Besides, some new configuration items are added for B-type digital station tap boards. DstRecRawData is used to
set the board working mode; SetVoxChSelectEnable and VoxChSelect are used to select voice channels;
SetAnalogCtrlEnable, AnalogCtrl, SetFilterSwitchEnable, FilterSwitch, SetVoltageReferenceEnable and
VoltageReference are advanced configuration items which don’t need to be reconfigured in most situations (If it is
necessary to reconfigure them, please do under the instruction from our technicians).

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1.19.5 Voice Operation on DST Series

The DST Series boards support the following voice operations.

¾ Recording
Support voice recording in File Mode and Buffer Mode. The supported CODECs include A-Law, µ-Law, IMA
ADPCM, G.729A, etc. See the Voice Recording section in this chapter for more information.
¾ Playing
Channel 0 on each DST board supports the voice playing operation, including the play in Single File Mode
and Single Buffer Mode. The supported CODECs include A-Law, µ-Law, IMA ADPCM, G.729A, etc. See the
Voice Playing section in this chapter for more information.
¾ Real-time Monitoring
The on-board speaker output jack can help each DST board to monitor the input voice signals on any channel
in real time. The application can invoke the function SsmListenTo, SsmListenToEx, SsmLinkFrom or
SsmLinkFromEx to start the real-time monitoring, and the function SsmStopListenTo or SsmStopLinkFrom to
stop it. The function SsmSetPowerAmpVlm can be used to adjust the volume. Note that CT-BUS is required
for connecting boards if the monitored port and the speaker output jack are not on the same board.
¾ Volume Adjusting for Input Voice Signals
The function DTRSetMixerVolume can be used to set the volume for the voice signals from the PBX to the
phone or from the phone to the PBX.
¾ DTMF Detector
See the DTMF Detector section in this chapter for more information.
¾ Tone Detector
See the Tone Detector section in this chapter for more information.
¾ Barge-in Detector
In case the D-channel signaling messages are difficult to be analyzed, you can use the detected result of the
Barge-in detector (voice activities detected/silence detected) as the condition to start or stop the recording
and other operations. See the Barge-in Detector section in this chapter for more information.

1.19.6 Programming Guide for DST Series

The signaling protocol used for the D-channel has not been unified and is usually decided by the PBX or telephone
manufacturers. As a result, different manufacturers, even one manufacturer, may produce various product Series
which are quite distinct.

The driver picks up the original signaling messages on the D-channel and passes them to the application by
throwing out D-channel events. Then according to these D-channel events, the application program completes the
signaling analysis over the call process. D-channel Signaling Messages

Among the D-channel signaling messages, those sent from the PBX to the phone are called PBX messages, and
the corresponding events are PBX events; those sent from the phone to the PBX are called phone messages, and
the corresponding events are phone events. Common PBX events include:

— Ring events;
— Audio events;
— Display events;

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— LED (Light) events.

Common phone events mainly cover:

— Hook events;
— Button events.

Besides, the phone doesn’t need to report some particular operations on it to the PBX, so it won’t send any
message to the PBX in such case. Thus even if the driver acquires all original signaling messages on the
D-channel, it is probably not able to get any information about those operations on the phone, which include:

— Users operate the volume adjuster on the phone;

— The phone displays on the LCD some of the information that is independent of the PBX, such as
settings of some function buttons;
— The phone changes the voice channel state, which is unnecessary to be reported to the PBX;
— The LED on the phone varies in the state, which is unnecessary to be reported to the PBX.

For detailed information about the D-channel signaling messages, refer to DST Event Manual.

The application should set up an exclusive state machine for a particular PBX/phone model by using some or all of
the D-channel signaling messages as the condition to trigger the state transition, then properly record the relative
information during the call process and the relevant voice operations, like the start and stop of recording, according
to the changes in the channel state.

Those events which may affect the call state machine but are unavailable in the D-channel signaling messages,
such as busy tones, ringback tones on the B-channel, can be obtained via other voice processing features the
driver provides. See the Voice Processing section in this chapter for more information.

1.20 ATP Series (REC Series)

1.20.1 Brief Introduction of ATP Series

The features supported by the ATP Series boards are shown in the following table.

Form Max. Voltage CallerID DTMF Tone Energy TDM Audio

Board Model Factor Ports Detector Detector Detector Detector Detector Bus Socket
SHT-2A/USB USB 2 √ √ √ √ √ N/A √
SHT-2B/USB USB 2 √ √ √ √ √ N/A √
SHT-4A/USB USB 4 √ √ √ √ √ N/A √
SHT-4B/USB USB 4 √ √ √ √ √ N/A √
SHT-8A/PCI PCI 8 √ √ √ √ √ N/A √
SHT-8B/PCI PCI 8 √ √ √ √ √ N/A √
SHT-16A-CT/PCI PCI 16 √ √ √ √ √ H.100 √
SHT-16B-CT/PCI PCI 16 √ √ √ √ √ H.100 √
SHT-16B-CT/PCI/MP3 PCI 16 √ √ √ √ √ H.100 √
ATP-24A/PCI PCI 24 √ √ √ √ √ N/A √
ATP-24A/PCI+ PCI 24 √ √ √ √ √ N/A √
ATP-24A/PCIe PCIe 24 √ √ √ √ √ N/A √
ATP-24A/PCIe+ PCIe 24 √ √ √ √ √ N/A √
SHT-16B-CT/cPCI cPCI 16 √ √ √ √ √ H.110 √
SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/MP3 cPCI 16 √ √ √ √ √ H.110 √

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1.20.2 Operation Principle of ATP Series

The figure below shows the operation principle of the ATP Series boards.

TDM Bus Switch

USB Board Only


Audio Jack Channel 0 only

Phone Interface M1
Live Monitoring Voice

CODEC Inbound Voice

Analog Microphone
Line Line A3 A2 K5-1 K5-3
Interface Interface K2
Circuit Circuit ∑ M3
Recording Module Microphone Module
Voltage Ring Gain Tone DTMF FSK Barge in Tone
Encoder Decoder Generator
Detector Detector Control Detector Detector Detector Detector

Host Computer Interface (PCI/cPCI/USB)

Symbols related to the recording operation in the figure above are described in the following table.

Name Description
Real-time monitoring mixer. Either the off-bus voices or the voices played on channel 0 are allowed
to enter this mixer at a time.
A4-1 The volume adjuster for off-bus signals
The volume adjuster for voice playing on Channel 0. The volume can be set via the function
A1 SsmSetPlayVolume/SsmSetPlayGain or the configuration item DefaultPlayVolume, with the default
value of 0.
The switch that controls the voice playing operation, usually keeping off under the automatic control
of the driver. Only when the application program invokes the playing function on Channel 0 does the
driver automatically switch on K5-1 and then switch off it at the end of voice playing. For more
information about the playing functions, refer to the Voice Playing section.
The control switch of tone generator which is automatically controlled by the driver. It is turned off by
default. Only when the driver invokes the function SsmSendTone or SsmSendToneEx to start the
tone generator will K5-3 be turned on. After the tone generation task is finished, K5-3 will be turned
off automatically.
Recording mixer
The signals from M3 are sent to the Encoder component for recording purpose.
The volume adjuster which is used for incoming signals before they are sent to the recording mixer.
The volume can be set via the configuration item DefaultRecordVolume or the function
SsmSetRecVolume, with the default value of 0. Note: A3 will become invalid once the AGC feature is
The volume adjuster which is used for bus signals before they are sent to M3, switched on in default.
The volume can be set via the function SsmSetRecMixer or the configuration item
A2 DefaultRecordMixerVolume, with the default value of -7. This volume adjuster is only applicable to a
few particular occasions. It only supports the boards with bus in ATP Series boards. Boards like
ATP-24A/PCI are unsupported as they don’t include bus.
The switch that controls whether to put the incoming signals into the onto-bus mixer or not, switched
K3 on in default. It can be set via the function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_InVoiceToBus) or the
configuration item InVoiceToBus.
K2 The switch that shifts between the FSK detector and other detectors, usually connected to other

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detectors unless the FSK detector is started.

¾ Channel Type and Modules

The ATP Series boards (excluding ATP-24A series boards) accept two kinds of modules installed on them. They
are Analog Trunk Recording Module and Microphone Recording Module. The driver does not distinguish these two
kinds of modules and regards their corresponding channel types both as the analog recording channel. The
configuration item MicGain is used to set the gain of the input signals to the analog trunk recording channel. For
Analog Trunk Recording Module, as the voice signals come from the analog phone line, the gain should be set to
the normal value; for Microphone Recording Module, the gain should be set to 20DB.

¾ Voice Playing

Only Channel 0 supports the voice playing operation. When the application calls playing functions for Channel 0,
voice data will be sent to the on-board audio power amplifier.

¾ Voice Recording

The recording operation based on the ATP Series boards is quite easy to be performed. The only one thing
required is to control the gain of A3.

— Example 1: Record the incoming signals on Ch1, using the default volume.

SsmSetRecVolume(ch1, 0); //start A3, set the volume gain to 0DB

SsmRecToFile(ch1, ……); //start the task of file recording …

¾ On-board Speaker Output Jack

Channel 0 on each ATP board is enabled by the analog audio amplifier circuit and the speaker output jack
equipped on it to connect directly with the external speaker or headset and monitor voice signals in real time. This
design is mainly for the following purposes.
— To transport incoming signals from any channel to the on-board speaker for play via TDM bus. This
purpose can be achieved via the function SsmListenTo or SsmListenToEx.
— To send voice files recorded by the application straight to the on-board speaker for play via the call of
playing functions. See the Voice Playing section in this chapter for details.

The AMP component in the figure above is the power amplifier for the analog audio amplifier circuit. Its gain can be
set via the function SsmSetPowerAmpVlm.
Channel 0 on the USB recording box (with ‘/USB’ marked in the model) is equipped with not only a speaker output
jack but also an on-board speaker, which enables the voice playing operation. The switch K8, providing choices for
the signals output from Channel 0 to enter the on-board speaker or the speaker jack, can be set via the function
SsmSetLine0OutTo or the configuration item USBLine0Output, with the default setting of ‘to the speaker jack’.
Note: Although there is no TDM bus available on the 8-channel ATP boards, the driver provides the soft-switch
feature which also allows the transmission of voice data from one board to another (it is usually the board linked
with an external speaker) for real-time monitoring. Don’t forget to set the configuration item BusPlayListen in such

¾ Special Application of Non-module Channel

A channel on the ATP Series boards equipped with no modules can be used as the recording channel. In such
case, the Barge-in detector and the recording encoder still work in a normal way, and the off-bus operation goes
well as usual, which allow the recording of voice data from TDM bus via function calls. The Barge-in detector is

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used for voice control purpose. This special application can be set via the configuration item NoModuleChBusRec
or the function SsmSetNoModuleChBusRec.
The volume adjuster A3 should be switched off via the function SsmSetRecVolume or the configuration
item DefaultRecordVolume before the start of voice recording.

1.20.3 Analog Trunk Recording Channel State Machine



RingSignalOn OnLine
Ringing Standby OffLine
RingSignalOff OffLine

OffLine OffHook

OffHook OnHook AnalogClear


Each state identifier in the above diagram is described in the following table.

State Identifier Value Macro Definition Description

’Idle’ state. The channel goes into this state after the
successful driver initialization.
’Off-hook’ state. When the channel state transfers to
‘Off-hook’, the driver will:
OffHook 1 S_CALL_PICKUPED — clear the tone detector and then start it;
— start the DTMF detector;
— start the prerecord task if this feature has been enabled.
’Ringing’ state, indicating there comes a call. In this state,
the application can invoke the function SsmGetCallerId or
Ringing 2 S_CALL_RINGING SsmGetCallerIdEx to obtain the calling party number. See
the Caller ID on Analog Phone Line section in this chapter
for more information.
OffLine 8 S_CALL_OFFLINE ’Off-line’ state
It is the internal ‘disconnection’ state, only lasting for 8ms,
mainly used for the driver to do the following things:
— clear the tone detector and then close it;
— clear the Caller ID buffer within the driver provided the
configuration item AutoClearCallerIdBufOnHangup is
set to 1;
AnalogClear 10 — start the Caller ID detector and close the DTMF detector
if the Caller ID is received in the FSK mode; otherwise,
start the DTMF detector;
— immediately stop the prerecord operation if it is still
going on;
— clear the DTMF buffer within the driver;
— start the ringing current detector.

In the diagram above, the internal events automatically triggered by the driver itself are described as follows.

Event Description
RingSignalOn The driver detects the ringing signal. See the Ringing Current on Analog Phone Line

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section in this chapter for more information.

RingSignalOff The ringing signal disappears.
The driver detects the pickup behavior on the monitored phone. Refer to the Change in
Analog Phone Line Voltage section in this chapter for more information.
OnHook The driver detects the hangup behavior on the monitored phone.
The connection between the monitored phone and the PBX or that between the
OffLine high-impedance parallel lines and the on-board ports is broken. See the Change in
Analog Phone Line Voltage section in this chapter for more information.
OnLine The connection is recovered.

1.20.4 Detection of Off-hook/On-hook State

For detailed information about the detection of the pickup and hangup behaviors on the recording channel, see the
Change in Analog Phone Line Voltage section in this chapter.

1.21 DTP Series (REC Series)

1.21.1 Brief Introduction of DTP Series

The features supported by the DTP Series boards are shown in the following table.

Hi-Z Line Voice SS7

Form Trunk Max. TDM ISDN
Board Model Interface Processing DSS1 SS7 Signaling
Factor Type Ports Bus PRI
Circuit Capabilities Links
SHD-30A-CT/PCI/FJ PCI E1 30 √ √ H.100 √ √ √ 1
SHD-60A-CT/PCI/FJ PCI E1 60 √ √ H.100 √ √ √ 2
SHD-30B-CT/PCI/FJ PCI E1/T1 30/23 √ √ H.100 √ √ √ 1
SHD-60B-CT/PCI/FJ PCI E1/T1 60/46 √ √ H.100 √ √ √ 2
DTP-30C/PCI PCI E1/T1 30/23 √ √ H.100 √ √ √ 1
DTP-30C/PCI+ PCI E1/T1 30/23 √ √ H.100 √ √ √ 1
DTP-60C/PCI PCI E1/T1 60/46 √ √ H.100 √ √ √ 2
DTP-60C/PCI+ PCI E1/T1 60/46 √ √ H.100 √ √ √ 2
DTP-120C/PCI PCI E1/T1 120/92 √ √ H.100 √ √ √ 4
DTP-120C/PCI+ PCI E1/T1 120/92 √ √ H.100 √ √ √ 4
DTP-30C/PCIe PCIe E1/T1 30/23 √ √ H.100 √ √ √ 1
DTP-30C/PCIe+ PCIe E1/T1 30/23 √ √ H.100 √ √ √ 1
DTP-60C/PCIe PCIe E1/T1 60/46 √ √ H.100 √ √ √ 2
DTP-60C/PCIe+ PCIe E1/T1 60/46 √ √ H.100 √ √ √ 2
DTP-120C/PCIe PCIe E1/T1 120/92 √ √ H.100 √ √ √ 4
DTP-120C/PCIe+ PCIe E1/T1 120/92 √ √ H.100 √ √ √ 4

The voice processing capabilities mentioned above include:

9 DTMF Detector
9 Tone Detector
9 Barge-in Detector
9 Voice Recording
9 Voice Playing
9 TDM Capability

The line interface unit (LIU) on the DTP Series boards is enabled by the high-impedance circuit equipped on it to
connect directly with the monitored E1/T1 lines, without the need of extra devices for high-impedance parallel

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In monitoring one E1/T1 link, the onto-PCM and off-PCM signals must be recorded and processed at the same
time. Therefore, two E1/T1 LIU which only need to process input signals are essential for this process.

The information acquired through monitoring can be separated into two parts: signaling messages and voice
channel data.

1.21.2 Operation Principle of DTP Series

The figure below shows the operation principle of the DTP Series boards.

SpyPCM Connector E1/T1


TDM Bus Switch

PCM 0#
Voice of
LIU Called Party
Calling Party Channel K1 Called Party Channel K1
Voice of
LIU Calling Party



A3 A2 A3 A2

DTP Series HDLC /

∑ M3 ∑ M3

Boards SS7
Signaling Bargein DTMF Tone Bargein DTMF Tone
Encoder Encoder
Detector Detector Detector Detector Detector Detector

Host Computer Interface ( PCI )

Device Driver

Signaling Message Filter Voice Function Module



Analyzer Analyzer Analyzer Analyzer
Msg Queue

SynCTI Driver
Global Call Translator
Global Call API Low Level API Voice API

Recording System Applications

Those symbols related to the board in the figure above are described in the following table.

Name Description
Recording mixer.
The signals from M3 are sent to the Encoder component for recording purpose.
The volume adjuster which is used for incoming signals before they are sent to M3. The volume can
A3 be set via the function SsmSetRecVolume or the configuration item DefaultRecordVolume, with the
default value of 0.

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The volume adjuster which is used for outgoing signals before they are sent to M3, switched off in
A2 default. The volume can be set via the function SsmSetRecMixer or the configuration item
DefaultRecordMixerVolume, with the default value of -7.
The signaling/protocol switch. It can be set via the configuration item PcmSSx. Note that so far the
K3 driver is not yet able to pass original signaling messages directly to the application program
through Msg Queue.

The driver is capable of analyzing SS1, ISDN, SS7-TUP and SS7-ISUP signaling with the help of its internal call
state machine. The application can control and visit this state machine by using the unified API functions (i.e.
Global Call API in the figure above). This section focuses on the content concerning the Global Call API functions.

In a SS7 ISUP or TUP call, the call state machine provided by the driver can save the received original messages
to its internal buffer while processing the ISUP or TUP message, provided the configuration item
bOpenSpySS7Msu is set to 1. And the application may call the function SsmGetSs7SpyMsu to acquire the original
ISUP or TUP message from this buffer.

The operation on voice data is also quite easy. The DTP Series boards provide independent voice channels
respectively for incoming signals and outgoing signals. Each voice channel is designed with the independent
DTMF detector, tone detector, Barge-in detector, decoder and recording mixer.

1.21.3 Concerned Terms

• Physical PCM

It indicates the on-board hardware circuit which has the capability of data processing for digital trunks. Unlike that
on the SHD Series boards, the PCM on the DTP boards only processes input signals, incapable of outputting
signals. That is, the PCM on the DTP Series works in a simplex mode.

See the Digital Trunk section in this chapter for detailed information about the physical PCM.

• PCM Line to Be Monitored (referred to as ‘SpyPCM’ for short in this manual)

SpyPCM is the E1/T1 line parallelly connected through high-impedance circuits as shown in the figure above.

Because the E1/T1 line works in the full-duplex mode (one for transmission, one for reception), to record and
process the onto-SpyPCM and off-SpyPCM signals at the same time, the board requires two sets of PCM circuits
(i.e. the physical PCM) independently for processing the onto-SpyPCM signals and the off-SpyPCM signals.
These two physical digital trunks are logically combined with necessary circuits and well able to support the
recording and processing of voice signals and signaling messages on SpyPCM.

The application is required to provide the SpyPCM number (i.e. the logical SpyPCM number) while calling relative
functions. The logical SpyPCM number is numbered from 0. The binding relationship between this number and
the two physical PCM is determined by the configuration items TotalSpyPcm and SpyPcm.

When one of the two physical PCM bound to SpyPcm changes in status, the function SpyGetLinkStatus can be
used to obtain the SpyPcm state.

• Circuit in SpyPCM (referred to as ‘SpyCic’ for short in this manual)

SpyCic indicates a specific time slot (circuit) in the SpyPCM. For SS7 signaling, SpyCic is just the CIC field in the
TUP or ISUP message; for ISDN PRI and SS1 signaling, SpyCic is the time slot number in PCM.

Each SpyCic has two numbers: the physical number and the logical number. The physical SpyCic number means

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the SpyCic number in one PCM which corresponds to the time slot number in the same PCM as shown below.

Physical SpyCic Number 0~14 15~29

Corresponding Time Slot Number in PCM 1~15 17~31

The logical SpyCic number is the unified number given to each SpyCic in all PCM involved in the whole
application system, beginning with 0. All SpyCic functions provided by the driver take the logical SpyCic number
as the input parameter. The mapping relationship between the logical SpyCic number and the physical SpyCic
number is determined by the configuration items TotalAppSpyCIC and AppSpyCIC in the [AppSpyCICTable]
section in the configuration file. The function SpyGetMaxCic can be used to acquire the total number of SpyCic in
the application system.

Because one SpyPCM is bound to two physical PCM, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the logical
SpyCic number and the physical SpyCic number. Logically, one SpyCic is made up of two channels in the driver.

• Calling Party Channel & Called Party Channel

The 2 channels bound to SpyCic may serve as either the calling party or the called party in a call. In the
SynCTI-provided state machine for signaling analysis, the channel processing the voice signals from the calling
party to the called party is named the calling party channel, and that processing the signals from the called party
to the calling party is named the called party channel. What you should pay attention is the calling party channel
or the called party channel is changeable, depending mainly on the call direction. For example, a channel serves
as the calling party in a call, so this time it is the calling party channel; however, it may serve as the called party in
the next call, then it becomes the called party channel.

The functions SpyGetCallInCh and SpyGetCallOutCh are used respectively to obtain the calling party channel
number and the called party channel number for the 2 channels bound to SpyCic in this call. The function
SpyChToCic can be used to query the logical SpyCic number according to the channel number.

The SynCTI-provided state machine for signaling analysis is based on SpyCic. However, the application can
invoke relative functions for voice processing on any bound channel to acquire DTMF digits and other information
in the onto-PCM and off-PCM signals.

1.21.4 Voice Processing on DTP Series Boards DTMF Detection

When the call based on a SpyCic is established, the calling party channel number and the called party channel
number in this call can be obtained respectively via the functions SpyGetCallInCh and SpyGetCallOutCh. And
those DTMF detection functions having these two numbers contained in their parameters can be invoked to
acquire DTMF signals from both parties. For more information about the DTMF detector, refer to the DTMF
Detector section in this chapter. Voice Recording

The voice recording feature support both the file mode and the buffer mode. Relative functions and events are
listed below.

Function/Event Name Description

SpyRecToFile A function based on the circuit number, used to start the file recording task

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SpyStopRecToFile A function based on the circuit number, used to stop the file recording task
E_PROC_RecordFile The event thrown out by the driver at the end of the file recording task
SpyRecToMem A function based on the circuit number, used to start the buffer recording task
SpyStopRecToMem A function based on the circuit number, used to stop the buffer recording task
E_PROC_RecordMem The event thrown out by the driver during the buffer recording task

Relative configuration items include:

Configuration Item Description

Sets the coder loaded by an on-board DSP which gives more formats for recording
(so far support of GSM and G.729A).

There are many ways available to perform voice recording on the DTP Series boards. Assuming that a SpyCic is
made up of a calling party channel (referred to as CallingPartyCh) and a called party channel (referred to as
CalledPartyCh), the calling party’s voice (using the default volume) and the called party’s voice (using the default
volume) on this SpyCic should be recorded in a mixed way after both parties come into the call. The processing
codes for this purpose are written as follows.

SpyRecToFile(SpyCic, 2, “Voc.wav”, 7, 0, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0);

If the voice recording process should be controlled more precisely, you can use the functions based on the channel.
For example, to achieve the above purpose, but to increase the volume of the calling party’s voice by 3DB and
decrease that of the called party’s voice by 3DB, the processing codes are as follows.

int CalledPartyCh = SpyGetCallInCh(SpyCic); //obtain the calling party channel number

int CallingPartyCh= SpyGetCallOutCh (SpyCic); //obtain the called party channel number
SsmListenTo(CallingPartyCh, CalledPartyCh); //switch on the switch K1 on CalledPartyCh
SsmSetRecVolume(CalledPartyCh, 1); //start A3, set the volume gain to 1*3DB=3DB
SsmSetRecMixer(CalledPartyCh, TRUE, -1); //start A2, set the volume gain to -1*3DB=-3DB
SsmRecToFile(CalledPartyCh, “Voc.wav”,…); //start the task of file recording …

People who use G.729A or GSM for recording should pay attention that as GSM and G.729A recordings are
enabled by extra DSPs, there are limits to use of these two formats. See below for details:
1. One board can use only one of the two formats for recording. That is, it is not allowed to use different
formats for different channels. (Use of other formats like A-Law, μ-Law, etc. is not confined to such limit.)
2. You may perform independent-recording or mixed-recording of calling or called channel, but cannot do it
of both at the same time.
3. Because the available ways for bus exchange have been locked, when you use the precise volume
control mode, parameters of the function SsmListenTo must be calling and called channels for a same
CIC. Whereas, for those bus functions with volume parameters, such as SsmListenToEx, the volume
parameters will be ignored.

1.21.5 Driver-provided State Machine Universal State Machine Model for Digital Trunk Recording Channel

Below is the SynCTI-provided state machine commonly used by the DTP Series boards.

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Every time when the SpyCic state changes, the driver will throw out the E_CHG_SpyState event to the application.
The function SpyGetState can be used to obtain the current SpyCic state. Acquisition of Call Information

The functions and events used to obtain the information about the call state machine include:

Function/Event Name Description

This event is thrown out by the driver when the state machine for SS1, ISDN,
SS7 TUP or SS7 ISUP changes.
This event is thrown out by the driver when a disconnect message is
detected on the line in ISDN.
SpyGetState Obtains the SpyCic state.
SpyGetCallerId Obtains the calling party number in this call.
SpyGetCalleeId Obtains the called party number in this call.
SpyGetCallInCh Obtains the calling party channel number in this call.
SpyGetCallOutCh Obtains the called party channel number in this call.
SpyGetHangupInfo Obtains the hangup information about this call.

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1.21.6 Application and Configuration Instance for DTP Series System Using SS1/ISDN PRI

SpyPCM[0 connector E1/T1




In the figure above, SpyPCM[0] uses the SS1 protocol while SpyPCM[1] uses the ISDN protocol. This system
involves two SHD-30A-CT/PCI/FJ boards. Relative configuration items in the configuration file ShConfig.ini could
be set as follows.


PcmSSx[0]=1 //SS1
PcmSSx[1]=1 //SS1
PcmClockMode[0]=2 //slave clock
PcmClockMode[1]=2 //slave clock


PcmSSx[0]=0 //ISDN
PcmSSx[1]=0 //ISDN
PcmClockMode[0]=0 //master clock, line synchronization
PcmClockMode[1]=2 //slave clock





TotalAppSpyCIC=60 //totally 60 SpyCIC (voice channel)

AppSpyCIC[0]=SpyPcm[0],0..29 //SpyCIC[0] corresponds to Channel 0 and Channel 1, and the like…
AppSpyCIC[30]=SpyPcm[1],0..29 System Using SS7

As to the system used to monitor SS7 links, except the above configuration items necessarily set for the system
using SS1 or ISDN, the section [SS7Spy] is also required. See below for the typical application.

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(Signaling+Voice ) E1 Trunk

(V i )


Application Program

In the figure above, there are 2 digital trunks between PBX-A and PBX-B. TS16 of SpyPCM[0] serves as the
signaling link, using the SS7 TUP protocol. TS16 of SpyPCM[1] is unused while the rest all used as voice channels.
Assume SpyPCM[0] is numbered as 4 in the CIC field of the TUP message and SpyPCM[1] is numbered as 5.
Taking the TUP protocol for example, you can follow the way below to set the configuration file in the application


PcmSSx[0]=7 //SS7
PcmSSx[1]=7 //SS7
PcmSSx[2]=7 //SS7
PcmSSx[3]=7 //SS7
PcmClockMode[0]=0 //master clock, line synchronization
PcmClockMode[1]=2 //slave clock
PcmClockMode[2]=2 //slave clock
PcmClockMode[3]=2 //slave clock





TotalAppSpyCIC=60 //totally 60 SpyCIC (voice channel)

AppSpyCIC[0]=SpyPcm[0],0..29 //SpyCIC[0] corresponds to Channel 0 and Channel 1, and the like…


TotalSpyLinkSet=1 //totally 1 signaling link set

SpyLinkSet[0]=SpyPcm[0] //set the physical position of the signaling link in the link set
SpySpCodeLen=24 //Set the encoding standard for signaling points: 24bit is the National Signaling
Point Code (NSPC) format, 14bit is the International Signaling Point Code
(ISPC) format.

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1.22 SHF Series (CTI Series)

1.22.1 Brief Introduction of SHF Series

The features supported by the SHF Series boards are shown in the following table.

Form Max. Conferencing Voltage Audio TDM Max Fax
Board Model Processing FSK
Factor Ports Capabilities Detector Socket Bus Resource
SHF-2D/PCI PCI 2 √ √ √ √ √ N/A 2
SHF-4D/PCI PCI 4 √ √ √ √ √ N/A 4

1.22.2 Operation Principle of SHF Series

The figure below shows the operation principle of the SHF Series boards.

TDM Bus Switch within Board

Mother Board
Playback to Bus

V3 K4 K3

Phone Interface ∑ ∑
Outbound Voice
CODEC Echo Inbound Voice
Canceller AGC K1

V1 V2

Analog Subscriber
Line Line K2 ∑
Interface Interface
Circuit Circuit
Tone DTMF FSK Barge in DTMF/Tone FSK
Encoder Decoder
Detector Detector Detector Detector Generator Generator
Voltage Ring Ring Hook
Detector Detector Control Detector
Trunk Board Subscriber Recording Playback
Board Buffer Buffer

Host Computer Interface (PCI)

Modules and symbols in the figure above are described in the following table.
Name Description
M1 Outbound voice mixer
M2 Off-bus mixer
Recording mixer
The signals from M3 are sent to the Encoder component for recording purpose.
M5 Onto-bus mixer
The Voice Play/Fsk Transmitter switch, controlled by the driver. When the application calls the playing
function, K1 connects to the component Decoder; when it calls the function SsmStartSendFSK to start
FSK data transmission, K1 connects to the component FSK Generator. For more information about
the playing functions, refer to the Voice Playing section.
The switch that shifts between the FSK detector and other detectors, usually pointing to other
detectors unless the FSK detector is started.
The switch that controls whether the incoming signals enter the onto-bus mixer M5 or not, switched on
K3 in default. It can be set via the function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_InVoiceToBus) or the
configuration item InVoiceToBus.

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The switch that controls whether the signals output from M2 go back onto TDM bus, being switched off
in default. It can be set via the function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_MixerResToBus).
The switch that controls whether the playing data enter the mixer M5 and go onto TDM bus or not,
K5 usually keeping off. It can be set via the function SsmSetPlayDest, used only for playing background
music to the teleconference.
The volume adjuster used before incoming signals entering M3. The volume can be set via the
V1 function SsmSetRecVolume or the configuration item DefaultRecordVolume, with the default value of
The volume adjuster used before outgoing signals entering M3. The volume can be set via the
V2 function SsmSetRecMixer or the configuration item DefaultRecordMixerVolume, with the default value
of -7(off).
The volume adjuster used before the off-bus signals entering M2. The volume can be set via the
function SsmSetListenVlmInConf, with the default value of 0DB.

„ Voice Playing

After the application invokes playing functions, the driver will automatically have K1 link to Decoder. The decoded
voice data has two places to go:
— Entering M1 and forming the final outgoing signals with other signal sources.
— Entering M5 under the control of K5 and forming the onto-bus signal sources with other signals, only for
playing background music to the teleconference.

„ Recording Example for Various Signal Sources

A lot of special applications are available via the flexible use of the above switches for recording control and
volume adjusters. In the following examples, ch1 means Channel 1 and ch2 is just Channel 2.

— Example 1: Only record the incoming signals on ch1, using the default volume.

SsmSetRecVolume(ch1, 0); //start V1, set the volume gain to 0DB

SsmSetRecMixer(ch1, FALSE, 0); //stop V2
SsmRecToFile(ch1, ……); //start the task of file recording …

— Example 2: Record the incoming signals on ch1 (volume increased by 6DB) and the signals output from M2
(volume decreased by 3DB) at one time based on the establishement of a two-way call between
ch1 and ch2.

SsmTalkWith(ch1, ch2); //establish a two-way connection between ch1 and ch2 via TDM bus
SsmSetRecVolume(ch1, 2); //start V1, set the volume gain to 2*3DB=6DB
SsmSetRecMixer(ch1, TRUE, -1); //start V2, set the volume gain to -1*3DB=-3DB
SsmRecToFile(ch1, ……); //start the task of file recording …

— Example 3: When ch1 joins a teleconference (assuming the conference room number is n), play background
music on ch1 and record the conference through ch1. All signal sources go with normal volume,
i.e. the gain is 0.

SsmJoinConfGroup(n, ch1, ……); //ch1 joins the conference

SsmSetPlayDest(int ch, 1); //switch off K5, put the playing data onto bus
SsmPlayFile(ch1, ……); //start the task of voice playing on ch1, play background music
SsmSetRecVolume(ch1, 0); //start V1, set the volume gain to 0DB
SsmSetRecMixer(ch1, TRUE, 0); //start V2, set the volume gain to 0DB
SsmRecToFile(ch1, ……); //start the task of file recording …

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1.23 IPR Series (REC Series)

1.23.1 Brief Introduction of IPR Series

The IPR series products are the proprietary call-recording software used for recording the voice data and signaling
messages through the VoIP links. They use port mirroring to record the data over corresponding links on the IP
network and can enable a same board to support different PBX models and IP terminals via simple settings with
the application program.

The IPR series products include SynIPAanalyzer and SynIPRecorderSynIPAnalyzer has the following processing

z Uses port mirroring to record the voice data on the network, neither causing any interruption on both
parties of a call nor being detected by them
z Detects DTMF signaling messages
z Supports multiple PBX and phone models, as well as simultaneous monitoring to multiple ports
z Forwards the recorded RTP packages
z Supports terminal and call managements, assigning them independent IDs

SynIPRecorder has the following processing capabilities:

z Uses specified CODECs to compress and record voice data

z Sets the recording volume via functions
z Detects the RFC2833 DTMF codes
z The module is designed with two modes Master and Slave, which facilitates distributed deployment and
z Supports the receiving of RTP data in different encoding formats
z Supports multiple recording methods, including recording of incoming calls, recording of outgoing calls,
mix recording of incoming and outgoing calls

The signaling messages over D-channels can be used to acquire relative call information. The D-channel’s
signaling processing capabilities include the detection of such IP phone’s operations and state changes as follows.

z Off-hook, On-hook
z Dial keys
z Function keys
z Voice Channel open/close
z Content displayed on LCD

The notes for IPR Series are shown in the following table.

Type Installation Operation Upgrade File

USB-KEY - - Independent EXE file.
1. For operating systems with
UAC, the NTP board should
run under administrator
rights. DAT file. Use the
Reboot after 2. To avoid conflict, the other configuration tool
install devices in the same ShCtiConfig.exe to
network of the NTP board upgrade.
should not use the IP
address or

1.23.2 System Model of IPR Series

The figure below shows the system model of the IPR series products:

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IPAnalyzer.dll Record_master.dll ShdPci.dll
SIPParser.dll PTLib.dll PWLib.dll SWG729API32.dll SWGSM610API32.dll
Pcap.dll(winpcap) SynGCI.dll Hasp_windows.dll SLAVER Service
Input voice stream
npf.sys(winpcap) USB KEY Output voice stream
Control flow

Monitoring data flow

Data format transformation flow

The modules illustrated in the figure above are described in the following table:
Module Name Description
Application User application program
SHP_A3.DLL Provides API functions for applications to achieve all functions of the board
IPAnalyzer.dll Core module for signaling parsing, sole of SynIPAnalyzer
SIPParser.dll Parser module for SIP messages
PTLib.dll, PWLib.dll Parser module for H.323 messages
pcap.dll, npf.sys Data packet capturing module
Master module for SynIPRecorder, responsible for signaling passing,
receiving and parsing
Communication module, responsible for data communication at the bottom
ShdPci.dll DLL that is responsible for interaction with the hardware layer
hasp_windows.dll DLL that is responsible for interaction with the USB KEY
USB KEY For authorization management
Slaver module for SynIPRecorder, responsible for RTP receiving,
decoding, encoding, mixing and recording
SynRTP.dll RTP receiving module, used to achieve the Jitter function
SwCodecConvAPI32.dll Master module for voice data CODEC
SWG729API32.dll Module for G.729 CODEC
SWGSM610API32.dll Module for GSM CODEC

1.23.3 SynIPAnalyzer Concerned Terms

z Port Mirroring

It is a method used on a network switch to send a copy of network packets seen on one or more than one switch
port (or VLAN) to another one or more than one switch port.

z Station

It is a terminal on VoIP line, that is, a VoIP phone either in software or in hardware.

z Call

It means the entire process of a call, which starts with the dialing or sending call messages with terminals and ends
with the hang-up or sending hang-up messages with terminals. A Station may make more than one call. For
example, a mobile phone can hold several calls at the same time.

z Session

It means the establishment of a session. To be exact, it is the establishment of a voice stream. Although there may
be several Sessions in a call, they appear one after another, not existing concurrently. For example, when a call to
your mobile phone is connected, a Session is established; when a party of the call presses the HOLD key, the

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Session is stopped; then when you cancel the HOLD command to re-enter the call, it is another new Session that
is established.

z Channel

Channels on SynIPAnalyzer correspond to Sessions. When a new Session is established, the system will
automatically search for an idle channel and bind it to the Session. Meanwhile, the channel goes into the USING
state. When the Session is stopped, the system will automatically unbind the channel and the channel will go back
into the IDLE state. See the channel state machine of SynIPAnalyzer for details.

z Authorization Strategy

The authorized number of channels equals to that of monitored Stations in SynIPAnalyzer. That is, if you have
purchased a license for 30, it means 30 channels are available and can be bound to 30 available Sessions. When
all the 30 channels have been occupied, the new detected Session will send the event
authorization overflow. At that time, the number of current active Stations cannot be reflected from the number of
channels, but you can obtain it via the function SsmIPRGetStationCount. Vice verse, when the number of current
active Stations is more than 30, the event E_RCV_IPR_AUTH_OVERFLOW will be sent for reminding.

1.23.4 Channel State Machine of SynIPAnalyzer


SessionStart SessionEnd


Each state identifier in the above diagram is described in the following table:

State Identifier Description

Channel ‘IDLE’ state
— When the channel is not bound to a Session, it is in the ‘IDLE’ state
‘USING’ state
— When the channel is bound to a Session, it is in the ‘USING’ state

1.23.5 SynIPRecorder Concerned Terms

z Distributed Recording

SynIPRecorder, whose Master end and Slaver end can work in different machines and establish communications
through the TCP protocol, can adopt two distributed architectures. One is that the Master connects with multiple
Record Slavers and takes a unified management over them, making recording channel expansion easily. The other
is that multiple Masters connect to one Slaver, facilitating recording file management. See below for how they work

In this figure one Master connects with multiple Slavers.

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User Application Program

Data flow SHP_A3
Control flow

SynGCI Record_Master

SynGCI Record_Slaver

SynGCI Record_Slaver
Service Record Resources

Service Record Resources

In the following figure multiple Masters connect to one Slaver.

User Application Program User Application Program


SynGCI Record_Master SynGCI Record_Master

SynGCI Record_Slaver
Data flow
Control flow
Service Record Resources

z Record Master

Master is responsible for the dispatch and the channel authorization management over all of the Slavers. It
provides the application with API functions via SHP_A3.DLL to control the Slaver.

z Record Slaver

Running as Service on the machine, each Slaver in the initial state only has the capability of communicating with a
specific Master. Only when the function SsmIPRStartRecSlaver is called in the Master and it is assigned with
certain record resources and threads does it really go into work. At this time, the Master may call the functions
SsmIPRActiveSession and SsmRecToFile to start a Slaver for the reception and recording of corresponding RTP

z Record Resources

How many Sessions can be held in a Slaver at the same time is determined by the number of Record Resources. It

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is designated by the Master from the very beginning. Each Resource can be regarded as an independent
recording unit.

z Session

This concept to SynIPRecorder is the same as to SynIPAnalyzer. Actually, the session in SynIPRecorder is just the
Session forwarded from SynIPAnalyzer.
Authorization Strategy: SynIPRecorder authorizes by number of channels and take a unified management in the
Master. If you have purchased a license for 30, it means a Master, but not the slavers connected to the master, can
record up to 30 channels concurrently. The Master has the right to decide how to distribute these 30 channels on
the Slavers connected to it. For example, a master that connects with two Slavers - Slaver A and Slaver B can
decide to distribute 10 Record Resources to Slaver A and another 20 Record Resources to Slaver B.

1.23.6 Channel State Machine of SynIPRecorder



Slaver response

Return OK


Return OK
Slaver response

Slaver response

Return OK

USING SsmIPRDeActiveSession

Call Other SsmRecToMem
API SsmStopRecToFile
Slaver response SsmRestartRecToFile


State Identifier Description

Channel ‘UNUSABLE’ state
UNUSABLE — When not connecting with Slavers or not establishing record resources in the
Slaver, a channel is unavailable.
‘IDLE’ state
— A channel in this state is available for recording.

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COMMUNICATING — When the Master sends a request to the Slaver and is waiting for the response, a
channel is in the COMMUNICATING state
‘USING’ state
— A channel is occupied by a Session and cannot deal with any other Session.

1.23.7 Voice Operation on IPR Series

The IPR Series products support the following voice operations.

¾ Recording
The supported CODECs for recording include A-Law, µ-Law, IMA ADPCM, etc.
¾ RTP data reception
The supported RTP CODECs include A-Law, µ-Law, G.729, etc.
¾ Recording Volume Adjust for Voice Signals
The function SsmIPRSetRecVolume can be used to set the volume for the voice signals either from the PBX
to the phone or from the phone to the PBX.

1.23.8 Programming Guide for IPR Series

Without unified standard, the signaling protocols used for the D-channel are usually decided by the PBX or
telephone manufacturers. As a result, products from different manufacturers, even products in different series from
a same manufacturer, are rather distinct.

The driver picks up the original signaling messages on the D-channel and passes them to the application by
throwing out D-channel events. Then according to these D-channel events, the application program completes the
signaling analysis over the call process. Original Signaling Messages on D-channel

Among the original signaling messages on D-channel, those sent from the PBX to the phone are called PBX
messages, and the corresponding events are PBX events; those sent from the phone to the PBX are called phone
messages, and the corresponding events are phone events. Common PBX events include:

— Ring events
— Audio events
— LCD (Display) events
— LED (Light) events

Common phone events include:

— Hook events
— Button events

In addition, the phone doesn’t need to report some particular operations on it to the PBX, so it won’t send any
message to the PBX in such case. Thus even if the driver acquires all original signaling messages on the
D-channel, it is probably not able to get any information about those operations on the phone, which include:

— Users press the volume adjuster on the phone;

— The phone displays on the LCD some of the information that is independent of the PBX, such as
settings of some function buttons;
— The phone changes the voice channel state, which is unnecessary to be reported to the PBX;

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— The LED on the phone varies in the state, which is unnecessary to be reported to the PBX.

For detailed information about the D-channel signaling messages, refer to D-channel Event Manual.

The application should set up an exclusive call state machine for a particular PBX or phone model by using some
or all of the original signaling messages on the D-channel as the condition to trigger the state transition, then
properly record the relative information during the call process and the relevant voice operations, like the start and
stop of recording, according to the changes in the channel state.

Those events which may affect the call state machine but are unavailable from the D-channel original signaling
messages, such as busy tones, ringback tones on voice channels, can be obtained via other voice processing
features the driver provides.

1.23.9 Supported Protocols and Parameters for IPR Series Universal Macro Definition and Structure

#define IP_TCP 6 // TCP protocol

#define IP_UDP 17 // UDP protocol
#define IPR_MAX_NON_STATION_LIST 25 // upper limit of none-station list
#define IPR_MAX_ADDTIONAL_PTL_PORT_LIST 20 // maximum number of ports monitored simultaneously
in a protocol
number of ports monitored simultaneously in H323
ports monitored simultaneously in SIP
typedef struct
UCHAR Protocol; // transfer type (i.e., MT_TCP or MT_UDP)
USHORT Port; // port number
}IPR_MONITOR_ITEM; Supported Protocol

Protocol Type Protocol ID Macro Definition

H323 4 PTL_H323

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 184

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typedef struct
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM Transport; // main monitoring port and transfer type in SIP
ULONG ProxyIPAddress; // SIP Proxy/ALG/PBX IP Address
USHORT NonStationListCount; // amount of non-Station IP
ULONG NonStationList [IPR_MAX_NON_STATION_LIST]; // address of non-Station IP
USHORT TransportAdditionalCount; // number of additional monitoring ports in SIP
IPR_MONITOR_ITEMTransport_Additional[IPR_MAX_SIP_PTL_PORT_LIST]; // additional monitoring port
in SIP
DWORD dwSpecial; // auxiliary processing for some special PBXes. Currently, it can only be set to 1 to
support the SIP/AASP protocol.
BOOL bMixCSProtocol; // necessary when both UDP and TCP protocols are used in a call.
} IPR_SIP_CFGS; Configuration Structure for CISCO SCCP

typedef struct
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM SCCP; // monitoring port and transferring type in SCCP
}IPR_SCCP_CFGS; Configuration Structure for AVAYA H323

typedef struct
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM H225CS; // monitoring port and transfer type in AVAYA H323
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM H225RAS; //registration management port and transfer type in AVAYA H323
USHORT NonStationListCount; //count of none-Station IP
ULONG NonStationList [IPR_MAX_NON_STATION_LIST]; //address of none-Station IP
USHORT H225CSAdditionalCount; //count of additional monitoring port in AVAYA H323
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM H225CS_Additional[IPR_MAX_H323_PTL_PORT_LIST]; //additional monitoring port
in AVAYA H323
USHORT H225RASAdditionalCount; //count of additional monitoring port in AVAYA H323
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM H225RAS_Additional[IPR_MAX_H323_PTL_PORT_LIST]; //additional registration
management port in AVAYA H323

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 185

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Configuration Structure for SHORTEL MGCP

typedef struct
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM CallAgent; //agent port and transfer type in Shortel MGCP
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM Gateway; //gateway port and transfer type in Shortel MGCP
}IPR_SHORTEL_MGCP_CFGS; Configuration Structure for H323

typedef struct
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM H225CS; //monitoring port and transfer type in H323
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM H225RAS; //registration management port and transfer type in H323
USHORT NonStationListCount; //count of none-Station IP
ULONG NonStationList [IPR_MAX_NON_STATION_LIST]; //address of none-Station IP
USHORT H225CSAdditionalCount; //count of additional monitoring port in H323
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM H225CS_Additional[IPR_MAX_H323_PTL_PORT_LIST]; //additional monitoring port
in H323
USHORT H225RASAdditionalCount; //count of additional registration management port in H323
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM H225RAS_Additional[IPR_MAX_H323_PTL_PORT_LIST]; //additional registration
management port in H323
}IPR_H323_CFGS; Configuration Structure for PANASONIC MGCP

typedef struct
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM CallAgent; //agent port and transfer type in Panasonic MGCP
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM Gateway; //gateway port and transfer type in Panasonic MGCP

typedef struct
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM Megaco_H248; //port and transfer type in Toshiba MEGACO

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 186

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Configuration Structure for Siemens H323

typedef struct
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM Proprietary; // Siemens H323 Proprietary Parameters
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM H225CS; // Siemens H323 H225CS Parameters
} IPR_SIEMENS_H323_CFGS; Configuration Structure for Alcatel

typedef struct
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM Alcatel; // Alcatel Parameters
}IPR_ALCATEL_CFGS; Configuration Structure for Mitel

typedef struct
IPR_MONITOR_ITEM Mitel; // Mitel Parameters
}IPR_MITEL_CFGS; Programming Example for VoIP Recording System based on

SynIPAnalyzer and SynIPRecorder

// 1. Board Initialization and Callback Function Registration

// Step 1: Start the board and register the callback function
EventMode.dwWorkMode = EVENT_CALLBACKA; // In event callback mode
EventMode.lpHandlerParam = EventCallback; // Callback function
EventMode.dwUser = (DWORD)this;
int nIsSsmStartCtiOK = SsmStartCtiEx("ShConfig.ini", "ShIndex.ini", true, &EventMode);
if(nIsSsmStartCtiOK != 0)
AfxMessageBox(szErrMsg, MB_OK, 0);
return FALSE;
// Step 2: Obtain the total number of boards
if(SsmGetMaxUsableBoard() != SsmGetMaxCfgBoard())
AfxMessageBox(szErrMsg, MB_OK, 0);

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// Step 3: Obtain the total number of channels
nIPRChNum = 0;
nUsedIPRChNum = 0;
nIPAChNum = 0;
bUpdateSlaverDisplay = FALSE;
// Step 4: Obtain the channel type for each channel
for(int i = 0; i < MaxLine; i++)
if(SsmGetChType(i) == IPRR_CH)
else if(SsmGetChType(i) == IPRA_CH)

// 2. Callback Function Implementation

int EventCallback(PSSM_EVENT pEvent)
int i, nResult, nPtlType, nStationId;
char szEvtName[100], szIPP[50], szIPS[50], szTemp[100];
pIPR_SessionInfo pSessionInfo;

nResult = 0;
pIPRecorderDlg->bErrorOccurred = FALSE;
case E_CHG_ChState:
// Channel state in SynIPAnalyzer or SynIPRecorder changes
case E_RCV_IPR_DChannel:
// SynIPAnalyzer receives the D-channel events for IPR series
// Update relative information according to the D-channel events
if(pEvent->dwParam == DST_CISCO_SCCP_CALL_INFO)

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// CISCO’s CALL_INFO event, updating the CALL information

nPtlType = pEvent->dwXtraInfo >> 16;
nStationId = pEvent->dwXtraInfo & 0xffff;
pSCCPInfo = (PIPR_CISCO_SCCP_CALL_INFO)pEvent->pvBuffer;
// Update the CALL information
else if(pEvent->dwParam == DST_CALL_SUSPENDED || pEvent->dwParam ==
// release the call and update call information
nPtlType = pEvent->dwXtraInfo >> 16;
nStationId = pEvent->dwXtraInfo & 0xffff;
pCallInfo = (PIPR_CALL_INFO)pEvent->pvBuffer;
// SynIPAnalyzer detects the entering of a new Station
// SynIPAnalyzer detects the exit of a Station
// SynIPAnalyzer or SynIPRecorder authorization overflow
// SynIPAnalyzer detects the establishment of a new Session
// Step 1: Confirm there is a slaver or more connected, or the recording will fail.
if(nSlaverCount > 0)
// Obtain relative information about Session from the event
pSessionInfo = (pIPR_SessionInfo)pEvent->pvBuffer;

wsprintf(szIPP, "%d.%d.%d.%d", pSessionInfo->PrimaryAddr.S_un_b.s_b1,

pSessionInfo->PrimaryAddr.S_un_b.s_b3, pSessionInfo->PrimaryAddr.S_un_b.s_b4);
wsprintf(szIPS, "%d.%d.%d.%d", pSessionInfo->SecondaryAddr.S_un_b.s_b1,
pSessionInfo->SecondaryAddr.S_un_b.s_b3, pSessionInfo->SecondaryAddr.S_un_b.s_b4);

// Step 2: Find idle channels in SynIPRecorder

for(i=0; i<MaxLine; i++)
if(hannelInfo[i].nChType == IPRR_CH)

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ChannelInfo[i].nWorkState = SsmGetChState(i);
if(ChannelInfo[i].nWorkState == S_CALL_STANDBY)
bFind = TRUE;

// Step 3: Invoke the API function SsmIPRActiveSession in SynIPRecorder

// Pass the Session information to SynIPRecorder, and specify a Slaver to receive the message
// And obtain the port in Slaver which receives the Session
if(SsmIPRActiveSession(i, IPR_SlaverAddr[0].nRecSlaverID,
szIPP, pSessionInfo->PrimaryAddr.usPort,
szIPS, pSessionInfo->SecondaryAddr.usPort,
pSessionInfo->nSecondaryCodec) != 0)
nResult = -1;

//Step 4: Store the RTP transmitting port to the corresponding IPR channel for use with the function
ChannelInfo[pEvent->nReference].nFowardingPPort = pSessionInfo->nFowardingPPort;
ChannelInfo[pEvent->nReference].nFowardingSPort = pSessionInfo->nFowardingSPort;
// This event indicating the repeated detection of the event E_RCV_IPR_MEDIA_SESSION_STARTED
is not necessary to be administrated.
// SynIPAnalyzer detects the stop of a new Session
// Step1: Obtain the Session information from the event
pSessionInfo = (pIPR_SessionInfo)pEvent->pvBuffer;

// Step 2: Find the bound SynIPAnalyzer channel

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for(i=0; i<MaxLine; i++)

if(ChannelInfo[i].dwSessionId == pSessionInfo->dwSessionId
&& ChannelInfo[i].nChType == IPRA_CH)
bFind = TRUE;

// Step 3: Invoke the API function SsmIPRStopSendSession in SynIPAnalyzer

// Stop forwarding RTP message

// Step 4: Find the SynIPRecorder channel which receives the RTP message
for(i=0; i<MaxLine; i++)
if(ChannelInfo[i].dwSessionId == pSessionInfo->dwSessionId
&& ChannelInfo[i].nChType == IPRR_CH)
ChannelInfo[i].dwSessionId = 0;
ChannelInfo[i].nPtlType = -1;
ChannelInfo[i].nStationId = -1;
bFind = TRUE;

// Step 5: Invoke the API function SsmStopRecToFile in SynIPRecorder

// Inform the Slaver to stop recording
if(SsmStopRecToFile(i) != 0)
pIPRecorderDlg->bErrorOccurred = TRUE;
nResult = -1;
// Response to the initialized information of Master at the time when the Slaver is connected to the

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge on Synway Board Programming 191

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// The Slaver responds to the Master‘s function call of SsmIPRStartRecSlaver
// The Slaver responds to the Master’s function call of SsmIPRCloseRecSlaver

// The Slaver responds to the Master‘s function call of SsmIPRActiveSession
// Step 1: First check whether the call of SsmIPRActiveSession is successful in the Slaver
if(pEvent->dwParam != 0)
// If failed
//do something
break ;

// Step 2: If the function call is successful, invoke the API function SsmRecToFile in SynIPRecorder
// Inform the Slaver to start recording
if(SsmRecToFile(pEvent->nReference, szRecFilePath, 6, 0, -1, -1, 0) != 0)
nResult = -1;

//Step 3: Invoke the API function SsmIPRSendSession in SynIPAnalyzer

bFind = FALSE;
for(i=0; i<MaxLine; i++)
if(ChannelInfo[i].dwSessionId == ChannelInfo[pEvent->nReference].dwSessionId
&& ChannelInfo[i].nChType == IPRA_CH)
bFind = TRUE;

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//Send the Session to the designated IP address and port.

wsprintf(szIPP_Rec, "%d.%d.%d.%d", IPR_SlaverAddr[0].ipAddr.S_un_b.s_b1,
wsprintf(szIPS_Rec, "%d.%d.%d.%d", IPR_SlaverAddr[0].ipAddr.S_un_b.s_b1,
if(SsmIPRSendSession(i, szIPP, ChannelInfo[i].nFowardingPPort,
szIPS, ChannelInfo[i].nFowardingSPort) != 0)
nResult = -1;
// The Slaver responds to the Master for calling the function SsmIPRDeActiveSession
// The Slaver responds to the Master’s function call of SsmRecToFile or SsmRecToMem
nResult = -1;
// The Slaver responds to the Master‘s function call of SsmStopRecToFile or SsmStopRecToMem
// The Master detects the connection of a Slaver
// The Master detects the disconnection of a Slaver

// Display the event information on the graphical interface

EventDisplay(szEvtName, pEvent);

return nResult;

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2 SynCTI API Function Description

2.1 System Functions

2.1.1 Driver Platform Initialization Functions SsmStartCti

SsmStartCti is the entry function for the entire SynCti API which can be used to initialize the SynCTI driver platform
and voice boards.

int SsmStartCti(LPSTR lpSsmCfgFileName, LPSTR lpIndexCfgFileName)
Parameter Description:
The name of the configuration file (*.INI). If it’s a NULL string, under Windows operating
system, the driver will automatically use the configuration file ‘ShConfig.ini’ under the
system directory; under Linux operating system, the driver will automatically use the
configuration file ‘ShConfig.ini’ under the directory of ‘/etc/shcti/’.
The configuration file for preload voice data (*.INI). If it’s a NULL string, under Windows
operating system, the driver will automatically use the configuration file ‘ShIndex.ini’
under the system directory; under Linux operating system, the driver will automatically
use the configuration file ‘ShIndex.ini’ under the directory of ‘/etc/shcti/’.
Return Value:
-2 Initialization is failed, because the driver has been loaded
-1 Initialization is failed, the failure reason can be obtained by SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Initialization is successful
Function Description:
This function is the entry of the SynCTI driver program. After invoking this function, the following operations will be
z Initializes the voice board;
z If lpIndexCfgFileName is not NULL, loads the preload voice data into the memory from the configuration
file ‘lpIndexCfgFileName’.
z Registers and initializes the voice boards and allocates the system resources based on the basic
information such as the model and quantity of voice board, port address, and interruption number.
z Allocates system resources for voice recording and playback.
z Establishes an interrupt service routine (ISR).

z Only when this function or the function SsmStartCtiEx has been called successfully, can the other
functions in the driver platform be called (except SsmGetLastErrMsg and SsmGetLastErrCode).
z Before exiting the application program, SsmCloseCti must be called to close the driver program in order
to release the resources occupied by the driver.
z For detailed information about the configuration file, refer to Chapter 4.
z If multiple boards have been configured and only a part of them is successfully initialized, the driver also
returns 0. The application program can determine whether all the boards are initialized successfully
through the functions SsmGetMaxCfgBoard and SsmGetMaxUsableBoard.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 195

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Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Functions: SsmStartCtiEx, SsmCloseCti, SsmGetMaxCfgBoard , SsmGetMaxUsableBoard SsmStartCtiEx

SsmStartCtiEx is the entry function for the entire SynCti API which can be used to initialize the SynCTI driver
platform and voice boards. Besides the features of SsmStartCti, it can set the event output mode.


int SsmStartCtiEx(LPSTR lpSsmCfgFileName, LPSTR lpIndexCfgFileName, BOOL bEnable,

Parameter Description:
The name of the configuration file (*.INI). If it’s a NULL string, under Windows operating
system, the driver will automatically use the configuration file ‘ShConfig.ini’ under the
system directory; under Linux operating system, the driver will automatically use the
configuration file ‘ShConfig.ini’ under the directory of ‘/etc/shcti/’.
The configuration file for preload voice data (*.INI). If it’s a NULL string, under Windows
operating system, the driver will automatically use the configuration file ‘ShIndex.ini’
under the system directory; under Linux operating system, the driver will automatically
use the configuration file ‘ShIndex.ini’ under the directory of ‘/etc/shcti/’.
The control sign of the event output. If bEnable=FALSE, the driver will not output any
bEnable event; if bEnable=TRUE, whether the driver will output any event is determined by the
configuration item DefaultEventOutput.
Pointer which points to the object with the struct EVENT_SET_INFO. It’s used for setting
the event output mode. This parameter can’t be NULL; otherwise the feature of setting
event output mode is invalid and this function is absolutely the same as the function
SsmStartCti. The declaration of the struct EVENT_SET_INFO is:

typedef struct _EVENT_SET_INFO

DWORD dwWorkMode;
LPVOID lpHandlerParam;
DWORD dwOutCondition;
DWORD dwOutParamVal;
DWORD dwUser;

Below is the meaning of each parameter:

Parameter Name: dwWorkMode
Sets the event output mode of the driver. Range of value:
Value Macro in event.h Description
0 NO_EVENT The driver doesn’t output any events.
The driver works under the event polling mode.
The parameters dwOutCondition and
dwOutParamVal are valid, and the parameters
lpHandlerParam and dwUser are invalid.
The driver works under the event callback mode.
2 EVENT_CALLBACK The parameters lpHandlerParam and dwUser
are valid.
The driver works under the Windows message
mode. All the messages will be sent to the
windows message queue. This mode is invalid
under Linux operating system.
The driver works under the event polling mode.
The parameters dwOutCondition and

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 196

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dwOutParamVal are valid, the parameters

lpHandlerParam and dwUser are invalid.
The driver works under the event callback mode.
lpHandlerParam and dwUser are valid.
Parameter Name: lpHandlerParam
EVENT_MESSAGE is this parameter valid. If dwWorkMode equals to other values,
this parameter will be ignored.
lpHandlerParam is the pointer to the callback function.
— The format of lpHandlerParam is:
int CALLBACK CallBackFun(WORD wEvent, int nReference, DWORD
dwParam, DWORD dwUser);
The meanings of wEvent, nReference and dwParam are the same as the
corresponding variables declared in the struct MESSAGE_INFO.
For more details, refer to the function SsmWaitForEvent or SsmGetEvent. The
parameter dwUser is the parameter dwUser which is passed from the
application to the driver when invoking this callback function.
lpHandlerParam is the pointer to the callback function.
— The format of lpHandlerParam is:
int CALLBACK CallBackFunA(PSSM_EVENT pEvent):
pEvent which returns the event information is the pointer pointing to the object of
struct SSM_EVENT. For more details, refer to the function SsmWaitForEventA
or SsmGetEventA.
Note: When the callback function returns -1, all events are forbidden being
thrown out. To throw out the events again, you should call and reset the function
lpHandlerParam is the window handle which is used by the application to receive
the driver events.
Parameter Name: dwUser
User-defined parameter which is valid only when
equals to other values, this parameter will be ignored. The driver will save this
parameter. When the driver throws out the events, it will be directly passed to the
parameter having the same name in the callback function pointed by
Parameter Name: dwOutCondition, dwOutParamVal
dwOutCondition sets the conditions on which the events are output.
dwOutParamVal sets the types of the parameters of the output events. When the
event is thrown out, the driver will assign the data types set by dwOutParamVal to
the parameter dwParam in the struct MESSAGE_INFO or SSM_EVENT. There is no
need to set the parameters dwOutCondition and dwOutParamVal in this function
because only the default values of them will be used.
Return Value:
-2 Initialization is failed, because the driver has been loaded
-1 Initialization is failed, the failure reason can be obtained by SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Initialization is successful
Function Description:
This function is the entry of the SynCTI driver program. After invoking this function, the following operations will be
z Initializes the voice board.
z Sets the event output mode of the driver.
z If lpIndexCfgFileName is not NULL, loads the preload voice data into the memory from the configuration

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 197

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file ‘lpIndexCfgFileName’.
z Registers and initializes the voice boards and allocates the system resources based on the basic
information such as the model and quantity of voice board, port address, and interruption number.
z Allocates system resources for voice recording and playback.
z Establishes an interrupt service routine (ISR).

z Only When this function or the function SsmStartCti has been called successfully, can the other functions
in the driver platform be called (except SsmGetLastErrMsg and SsmGetLastErrCode).
z The last parameter pEventSet of this function uses the same struct as the parameter pEventSet of the
function SsmSetEvent, but they differ slightly in usage. Please refer to the corresponding descriptions.
z Before exiting the application program, SsmCloseCti must be called to close the driver program in order
to release the resources occupied by the driver.
z For detailed information about the configuration file, refer to Chapter 4.
z If multiple boards have been configured and only a part of them is successfully initialized, the driver also
returns 0. The application program can determine whether all the boards are initialized successfully
through the functions SsmGetMaxCfgBoard and SsmGetMaxUsableBoard.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Functions: SsmStartCti, SsmCloseCti, SsmGetMaxCfgBoard, SsmGetMaxUsableBoard, SsmSetEvent SsmCloseCti

Closes the SynCTI driver program.


int SsmCloseCti (void)

Parameter Description:

Return Value:
1 Successful to close the SynCTI driver program
Function Description:
Closes the SynCTI driver program.


• Before the application program exits the operating system, this function must be called.
Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStartCti

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 198

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2.1.2 Setting Functions for API and Event Output Mode SsmSetLogEnable

Sets whether to output the logs of specified types and the way to output.


int WINAPI SsmSetLogEnable(int nLogType,int nLogEnable,int nLogCreateMode)

Parameter Description:
Log type, with the value range of 0~8:
=0: ShCtiApiLog
=1: ShCtiSs1Log
=2: ShCtiIsdnLog
=3: ShCtiSpySs7Log
=4: ShCtiSpySs1Log
=5: ShCtiSpyIsdnLog
=6: ShCtiSystemInfoLog
=7: ShCtiDstLog
=8: ShCtiFaxLog
Sets whether to output logs.
When nLogType=0, nLogEnable can be of the following values:
=0: Not output logs
=1: Output API function call information to DebugView
=2: Output API function call information to the LOG file
nLogEnable =3: Output event information to the LOG file
=4: Output both API function call information and event information to the LOG file
When nLogType=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 nLogEnable can be of the following values:
=0: Not output
=1: Output to the LOG file
=2: Output to DebugView
The mode to create a log. It gets valid only when nLogEnable is set to output logs.
=0: All channel information written into a log file
=1: Each channel has an independent log file. This value gets valid only when
nLogType=0, 1, 4, 7, 8
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Sets whether to output the logs of specified types and the way to output. No matter which type of logs the driver
outputs, it will create the ShCtiLog folder and save all generated log files in this folder.
The log types described by nLogType are as follows.
Log Type Definition
ShCtiApiLog Records information about API function calls and events thrown out by the
ShCtiSs1Log Records received and sent ABCD codes and R2
ShCtiIsdnLog Records a frame of messages on the data link layer of ISDN protocol
ShCtiSpySs7Log Records a frame of messages that the driver receives
ShCtiSpySs1Log Records information about SS1 CAS and R2 that the driver receives
ShCtiSpyIsdnLog Records a frame of messages that the driver receives
ShCtiSystemInfoLog Records system information, such as the link sync, the local-end impedance,

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 199

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E1/T1, CRC-4 and other running information

ShCtiDstLog Records the digital call monitoring signaling message
ShCtiFaxLog Records the fax interaction command
The following configuration items can be used to achieve the same purpose.

Note: None

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetLogAttribute, SsmGetLogAttribute, SsmSetApiLogRange SsmSetLogAttribute

Sets the period to generate a log, the maximum number of saved latest logs, the number of cycles to stop log
output and the log output path.

int WINAPI SsmSetLogAttribute(int nLogCreatePeriod,int nLogMaxKeep,int nLogMaxPeriod,LPSTR

Parameter Description:
nLogCreatePeriod The generation period of the log (hour), with the value range of nLogCreatePeriod>0.
When the number of generated log files is greater than the set value of this parameter,
the first generated files will be deleted automatically. The value range is
nLogMaxKeep >0. If nLogMaxKeep =-1, it means there is no limit on the number to
save log files and no log files will be deleted.
When the number of log generating periods reaches the set value of this parameter,
nLogMaxPeriod the log output will be stopped automatically. The value range is nLogMaxPeriod >0. If
nLogMaxPeriod = -1, it means there is no limit on the number to generate log files.
The path to save logs. Note that it must be a path already existing, such as ‘D:\’, or the
function call will fail. If pLogFilePath is set to null, it indicates the current working path;
if pLogFilePath is set to a name, a folder with such name will be created under the
current working path.
Return Value:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 200

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-1 Call failed
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Sets the period to generate a log, the maximum number of saved latest logs, the number of cycles to stop log
output and the log output path.
Settings of this function are valid to the following logs.
Log Type Definition
ShCtiApiLog Records information about API function calls and events thrown out by the
ShCtiSs1Log Records received and sent ABCD codes and R2
ShCtiIsdnLog Records a frame of messages on the data link layer of ISDN protocol
ShCtiSpySs7Log Records a frame of messages that the driver receives
ShCtiSpySs1Log Records information about SS1 CAS and R2 that the driver receives
ShCtiSpyIsdnLog Records a frame of messages that the driver receives
ShCtiSystemInfoLog Records system information, such as the link sync, the local-end impedance,
E1/T1, CRC-4 and other running information
ShCtiDstLog Records the digital call monitoring signaling message
The following configuration items can be used to achieve the same purpose.

Note: None

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetLogEnable, SsmGetLogAttribute, SsmSetApiLogRange SsmSetApiLogRange

Sets the range of channels where events and API functions should be written into the log and the range of events
that should be recorded into the log.


int WINAPI SsmSetApiLogRange(int nChStart, int nChEnd, int nEventStart, int nEventEnd)

Parameter Description:
Indicates the start channel number for logging events and API functions. When
nChStart=-1, it means the channel range is <nChEnd.
Indicates the end channel number for logging events and API functions. When
nChEnd=-1, it means the channel range is >nChStart.
Indicates the start event number that should be written into the log. When nEventStart
=-1, it means the event range is <nEventEnd.
Indicates the end event number that should be written into the log. When
nEventEnd=-1, it means the event range is >nEventStart.
Return Value:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 201

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-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained from the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Sets the range of channels where events and API functions should be written into the log and the range of events
that should be recorded into the log on condition that ApiLogEnable is set to output logs.
The following configuration items can be used to achieve the same purpose.

Note: None

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetLogEnable, SsmSetLogAttribute, SsmGetLogAttribute SsmGetLogAttribute

Gets the period to generate a log, the maximum number of saved latest logs, the number of cycles to stop log
output and the log output path.

int WINAPI SsmGetLogAttribute(PINT pLogCreatePeriod,PINT pLogMaxKeep,PINT pLogMaxPeriod,LPSTR

Parameter Description:
The period to generate a log, calculated by hour, with the value range of
When the number of generated log files is greater than the set value of this parameter,
the first generated files will be deleted automatically. The value range is
pLogMaxKeep >0. If pLogMaxKeep =-1, it means there is no limit on the number to
save log files and no log files will be deleted.
When the number of log generating periods reaches the set value of this parameter,
pLogMaxPeriod the log output will be stopped automatically. The value range is pLogMaxPeriod >0. If
pLogMaxPeriod = -1, it means there is no limit on the number to generate log files.
The path to save logs. Note that it must be a path already existing, such as ‘D:\’, or the
function call will fail. If pLogFilePath is set to null, it indicates the current working path;
if pLogFilePath is set to a name, a folder with such name will be created under the
current working path.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Gets the period to generate a log, the maximum number of saved latest logs, the number of cycles to stop log
output and the log output path.

Note: None

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 202

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Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetLogEnable, SsmSetLogAttribute, SsmSetApiLogRange

2.1.3 Timer Functions SsmStartTimer

Is applicable to the driver for a system timer.

int SsmStartTimer(WORD wDelay, WORD wMode)

Parameter Description:
wDelay The initial value (millisecond) of the timer, range of value: 0x0008~0xffff
Sets the timer operating mode:
=0(TIMER_ONE): One-shot mode: Once the timer overflows, it stops
=1(TIMER_PERIODIC): Periodic mode: Every time when the timer overflows, the
driver program automatically reloads the initial value
wDelay until the application program calls SsmStopTimer
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 The timer application is successful and ‘SsmStartTimer’ returns the timer ID
Function Description:
The application is applicable to the driver for a system timer and sets the operating parameter of the timer. Every
time when the timer overflows, the driver throws out an event E_SYS_TIMEOUT For more details, refer to
‘Driver-provided Timer’ in Chapter 1.

z This function must be called after SsmSetEvent, otherwise the driver won’t output the event TIMEOUT.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.4.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Functions: SsmStopTimer,StartTimer

Related Events: E_SYS_TIMEOUT SsmStopTimer

Stops a Timer.

int SsmStopTimer(int nTimer)

Parameters Description:
nTimer Timer ID ,the return value of SsmStartTimer
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 203

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Stops a timer which is started by SsmStartTimer .


Related Information:
Driver version: SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStartTimer StartTimer

Starts a channel timer.


int StartTimer(int ch, WORD wClockID)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
wClockID Timer ID, range of value: 0~9
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Starts a channel timer.

After the channel timer has been started, the driver only saves the current time in a variable and doesn’t determine
whether the timer overflows. Only when the application calls the function of ElapseTime, will the driver return the
timer elapsed time.

z The timer started by StartTimer() doesn’t output any events.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: ElapseTime ElapseTime

Obtains the elapsed time since the channel timer is started.

DWORD ElapseTime(int ch, WORD ClockType)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
ClockType: Timer ID, value range: 0~9
Return Value:

Elapsed time, the value is n x 8ms, n=1, 2, 3…

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 204

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Obtains the elapsed time since the channel timer is started.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: StartTimer

2.1.4 Functions to Get System Error Messages SsmGetLastErrCode

Obtains the error code when the application is failed to call the API functions.

int SsmGetLastErrCode()

Parameter Description:


Return Value:
Below are the return values:
Return Value Macro in shpa3api.h Description
0 C_ERROR_INIT_FAILURE Initialization is failed
The API interface of the driver is not open to the
2 C_ERROR_INVALID_APPCH Invalid channel number
3 C_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_OP Unsupported operation
The function of the voice playback via memory is not
open to application
5 C_ERROR_INVALID_BUSCH Invalid logical number of the CT-Bus channel
6 C_ERROR_OP_UNOPENED The specified operation is not open to the application
7 C_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT Invalid voice CODEC format
8 C_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameters
9 C_ERROR_FILEOP_FAILURE File operation failed
10 C_ERROR_MEMORY_FAILURE Memory access failed
11 C_ERROR_RESOURCE_USEUP The related resource is exhausted
12 C_ERROR_SYSTEM System error
13 C_ERROR_IdleChNotFound No idle channel is available
14 C_ERROR_OP_FAILURE Operation failed
15 Invalid monitored CIC(Circuit Identification Code)
16 C_ERROR_FAX_NOFILE Fax file error
17 C_ERROR_VCH_INVALID_SCALE Parameter value is out of range
Function Description:

Obtains the error code when the application is failed to call the API functions.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.3.0 or above

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 205

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:SsmGetLastErrMsg SsmGetLastErrMsg

Refer to SsmGetLastErrMsgA SsmGetLastErrMsgA

Obtains the error message generated by the last failed API function call.

void SsmGetLastErrMsg(LPSTR szErrMsgBuf)
char* SsmGetLastErrMsgA(void)

Parameter Description:
The first address pointer pointing to the string which stores error messages. The
storage buffer is allocated by the application and no less than 300 bytes
Return Value:
void Nil
char* The first address pointer pointing to the string which stores error messages in the driver
Function Description:

Obtains the error message generated by the last failed API function call.

z Needs to be called immediately upon the failure of the API function call.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetLastErrCode fBmp_GetErrMsg

Obtains the error message generated by the last failed function call of Bmp.

void fBmp_GetErrMsg(char *buf)

Parameter Description:
buf Pointer pointing to the buffer area storing the error information string
Return Value: None

Function Description:
When the function call of Bmp is failed, the driver will provide the detailed error message and the error code which
can be obtained by invoking this function.


Related Information:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 206

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Driver Version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above

Header BmpApi.h
Library BmpUtil.lib
DLL BmpUtil.dll
Related Function:

2.1.5 Functions to Obtain Board Information Obtaining Installed Board Information SsmGetMaxCfgBoard

Obtains the total number of the voice boards which is set in the configuration file.

int SsmGetMaxCfgBoard()

Parameter Description: None

Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 Returns the total number of the boards
Function Description:

Obtains the total number of the voice boards which is set in the configuration file.

Note: None.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetMaxUsableBoard SsmGetMaxUsableBoard

Obtains the total number of the boards which are successfully initialized by the driver.

int SsmGetMaxUsableBoard()

Parameter Description: None

Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 Maximum usable boards number
Function Description:

Obtains the total number of the boards which are successfully initialized by the driver.

Note: None.

Related Information:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 207

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above

Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetMaxCfgBoard GetTotalPciBoard

Obtains the total number of the installed boards in the system.


int GetTotalPciBoard(int *pTotalBoards)

Parameter Description:
pTotalBoards The integer pointer storing the total number of boards
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the total number of the installed boards in the system. If this function is called successfully, the total
number of the boards will be put into pTotalBoards.

This function call can be performed without the control of Shp_a3.dll. The total number of installed boards can be
obtained directly. Because this function can be called before Shp_a3.dll is started, the configuration file of
ShConfig.ini may be modified by some application program to ensure the successful call of the function

If you install or uninstall a board after the load of Shinitpci.dll, you should invoke ReloadPciBoardInfo before
invoking this function to get the latest information.

Related Information:
Driver Version Independent of SynCTI driver
Header Shinitpci.h
Library Shinitpci.lib
DLL Shinitpci.dll
Related Functions: GetPciBoardSerialNo, GetPciBoardModel, ReloadPciBoardInfo ReloadPciBoardInfo

Rereads the board information.

int ReloadPciBoardInfo()

Parameter Description: None

Return Value:
-1 Call failed

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 208

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

0 Successful
Function Description:
Rereads the board information. Usually it is invoked only after a board is installed or uninstalled
The information about GetPciBoardSerialNo, GetPciBoardModel and GetTotalPciBoard has been initialized in
loading Shinitpci.dll.
If you install or uninstall a board after the load of Shinitpci.dll, you should invoke this function before invoking others
in Shinitpci.dll.
This function call can be performed without the control of Shp_a3.dll.

Related Information:
Driver Version Independent of SynCTI driver
Header Shinitpci.h
Library Shinitpci.lib
DLL Shinitpci.dll
Related Functions: GetTotalPciBoard, GetPciBoardSerialNo, GetPciBoardModel Obtaining Board Authorization Code SsmGetAccreditId

Refer to SsmGetAccreditIdEx SsmGetAccreditIdEx

Obtains the authorization code saved in the board firmware. The return values of SsmGetAccreditId() include the
board model and authorization code. SsmGetAccreditIdEx() only returns the authorization code.

int SsmGetAccreditId(int nBId)
int SsmGetAccreditIdEx(int nBId)

Parameter Description:
nBId The board ID number specified in the configuration file
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be acquired from the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 There is no authorization code on the board
Return value includes 16 bits, namely Bit15…Bit0:
SsmGetAccreditId Bit15~Bit10:Board model
Bit 9~Bit0 :Authorization code
SsmGetAccreditIdEx Returns the authorization code
Function Description:

Obtains the authorization code saved in the board firmware.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 209

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetBoardModel Obtaining Board Model SsmGetBoardModel

Obtains the board model.


int SsmGetBoardModel(int nBId)

Parameter Description:
nBId The board ID specified in the configuration file
Return Value:
If the return value is -1,the call failed (the failure reason can be obtained by function SsmGetLastErrMsg); If the
return value is not -1, below are the corresponding models:
Return Value Board Model
0x07 SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS1
0x09 SHT-16A-CT/PCI
0x0a SHT-8A/PCI
0x0b SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS7
0x0d SHD-120A-CT/PCI/SS1
0x0e SHD-120A-CT/PCI/SS7
0x14 SHT-16B-CT/cPCI
0x15 SHD-60A-CT/PCI/FJ
0x16 SHD-30A-CT/cPCI
0x17 SHD-60A-CT/cPCI
0x18 SHD-120A-CT/cPCI
0x1d SHD-30A-CT/PCI/SS1
0x1e SHD-30A-CT/PCI/SS7
0x20 SHD-30A-CT/PCI/FJ
0x24 SHT-16B-CT/PCI
0x25 SHT-16B-CT/PCI/FAX or SHT-16B-CT/PCI/MP3 [1]
0x26 SHT-8B/PCI
0x2c SHD-240A-CT/cPCI
0x2d SHD-480A-CT/cPCI
0x2f SHD-240S-CT/cPCI
0x30 SHD-480S-CT/cPCI
0x31 SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/MP3
0x32 SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/FAX or SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/MP3 [1]
0x36 SHD-60B-CT/cPCI/FAX
0x3b SHR-16DA-CT/PCI
0x43 DST-1600
0x46 SHT-2A/USB

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 210

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0x47 SHT-4A/USB
0x4b SHD-30C-CT/PCI
0x4d SHD-60C-CT/PCI
0x55 SHV-120A-CT/PCI
0x56 SHV-240A-CT/PCI
0x57 SHD-240D-CT/PCI
0x58 SHD-240D-CT/PCI/EC
0x59 SHD-120D-CT/PCI
0x5a SHD-120D-CT/PCI/EC
0x5d SHN-32A-CT/PCI
0x5f SHT-2B/USB
0x60 SHT-4B/USB
0x65 SHV-240A-CT/cPCI
0x66 SHD-30B-CT/PCI/FJ
0x67 SHD-60B-CT/PCI/FJ
0x68 ATP-24A/PCI
0x69 DST-24B/PCI
0x69 DST-24B/PCI(SSW)
0x6a SHT-16C-CT/PCI/EC
0x6b SHT-8C/PCI/EC
0x6c ATP-24A/PCI+
0x6d SHN-120B-CT/PCI+
0x6e DST-24B/PCI+
0x6e DST-24B/PCI+(SSW)
0x6f DTP-30C/PCIe
0x70 DTP-30C/PCIe+
0x71 DTP-60C/PCIe
0x72 DTP-60C/PCIe+
0x73 DTP-120C/PCIe
0x74 DTP-120C/PCIe+
0x75 SHD-30E-CT/PCIe
0x76 SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/EC
0x77 SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/FAX
0x78 SHD-60E-CT/PCIe
0x79 SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/EC
0x7a SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/FAX
0x7b SHD-120E-CT/PCIe
0x7c SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/EC
0x7d SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/FAX
0x7e SHD-240E-CT/PCIe
0x7f SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/EC
0x80 SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/FAX
0x83 SHN-60B-CT/PCI+
0x84 ATP-24A/PCIe
0x85 ATP-24A/PCIe+
0x86 SHD-120D-CT/PCI/CAS
0x87 SHD-240D-CT/PCI/CAS
0x88 SHN-32B-CT/PCI+
0x89 SHN-16B-CT/PCI+
0x8a SHN-8B-CT/PCI+
0x8b DST-24B/PCIe

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 211

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0x8c DST-24B/PCIe+
0x8e SHD-120E-CT/PCI(SSW)
0x8f SHD-120E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW)
0x91 SHD-240E-CT/PCI(SSW)
0x92 SHD-240E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW)
0x94 SHD-30E-CT/PCI(SSW)
0x97 SHD-60E-CT/PCI(SSW)
0x9b SHF-2D/PCI
0x9c SHF-4D/PCI
0x9d DTP-30C/PCI
0x9e DTP-30C/PCI+
0x9f DTP-60C/PCI
0xa0 DTP-60C/PCI+
0xa1 DTP-120C/PCI
0xa2 DTP-120C/PCI+
0xa4 SHT-16D-CT/PCIe
0xa6 PCM1280E
0xa7 SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/VAR
0xa9 SHN-60B-CT/PCIe+
0xaa SHN-120B-CT/PCIe+
0xfd SynIPRecorder
0xfe SynIPAnalyzer
Note[1]: The SHT-16B-CT/PCI/FAX board and the SHT-16B-CT/PCI/MP3 board differ in the hardware structure.
However, they have the same board ID written in the firmware due to historical reasons.The configuration
item DSP3WORKMODE is used to distinguish these two board models.

Function Description:

Obtains the board model.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetAccreditIdEx, SsmGetAccreditId GetPciBoardModel

Obtains the board model.

int GetPciBoardModel(int nBId, LPSTR lpBoardModel)

Parameter Description:
nBId The ID number of the actually installed board
lpBoardModel The model of the board with designated number, it’s denoted in the below list of strings

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 212

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Board Model & Corresponding String

Return Value Meaning
“SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS1” 60-channel PCI SS1 board
“SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS7” 60-channel PCI SS7 board
“SHD-60A-CT/PCI/ISDN” 60-channel PCI ISDN board
“SHD-120A-CT/PCI/SS1” 120-channel PCI SS1 board
“SHD-120A-CT/PCI/SS7” 120-channel PCI SS7 board
“SHD-120A-CT/PCI/ISDN” 120-channel PCI ISDN board
60-channel PCI B-type board, configurable to be a signaling board with fax
30-channel PCI B-type board, configurable to be a signaling board with fax
“SHD-30A-CT/PCI/SS1” 30-channel PCI SS1 board
“SHD-30A-CT/PCI/SS7” 30-channel PCI SS7 board
“SHD-30A-CT/PCI/ISDN” 30-channel PCI ISDN board
“SHD-30A-CT/PCI/FJ” 30-channel PCI A-type board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“SHD-60A-CT/PCI/FJ” 60-channel PCI A-type board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“SHD-30B-CT/PCI/FJ” 30-channel PCI B-type board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“SHD-60B-CT/PCI/FJ” 60-channel PCI B-type board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“SHT-16B-CT/PCI/FAX or 16-channel PCI B-type call-recording board, supporting soft faxing or MP3
SHT-16B-CT/PCI/MP3 [1]” codec.
“SHT-8B/PCI” 8-channel PCI B-type board
“SHT-8B/PCI/FAX” 8-channel PCI B-type board with soft-faxing component
“SHT-8C/PCI/FAX” 8-channel PCI C-type board with soft-faxing component
“SHT-8C/PCI/EC” 8-channel PCI C-type board
“SHT-16C-CT/PCI/EC” 16-channel PCI C-type board
“SHT-16B-CT/PCI” 16-channel PCI B-type board
“SHT-16C-CT/PCI/FAX” 16-channel PCI C-type board with soft-faxing component
“SHT-16A-CT/PCI/FAX” 16-channel PCI A-type board with soft-faxing component
“DST-1600” 16-channel PCI B-type board
“SHT-16B-CT/cPCI” 16-channel cPCI B-type board
“SHD-30A-CT/cPCI” 30-channel cPCI board, supporting SS1, ISDN and SS7
“SHD-60A-CT/cPCI” 60-channel cPCI board, supporting SS1, ISDN and SS7
“SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/MP3 or 16-channel cPCI B-type call-recording board, supporting MP3 Codec or soft
SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/FAX” faxing
“SHD-480A-CT/cPCI” 16E1 cPCI board, supporting teleconferencing
“SHD-480S-CT/cPCI” 16E1 cPCI board, not supporting teleconferencing
60-channel cPCI B-type board, configurable to be a signaling board with fax
“SHR-16DA-CT/PCI” 16-channel PCI digital station tap board
“SHR-24DA-CT/PCI” 24-channel PCI digital station tap board
“SHT-120A-CT/PCI” 120-channel PCI high-capacity analog board
“SHT-2B/USB” 2-channel B-type analog board, including USB interface
“SHT-4B/USB” 4-channel B-type analog board, including USB interface
“SHT-2A/USB” 2-channel A-type analog board, including USB interface
“SHT-4A/USB” 4 channel A-type analog board, including USB interface
“SHT-120A-CT/cPCI” 120-channel cPCI high-capacity analog board
“SHD-240D-CT/PCI” 8E1/T1 PCI digital trunk board
8E1/T1 PCI digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-120D-CT/PCI” 4E1/T1 PCI digital trunk board
4E1/T1 PCI digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-120D-CT/PCI/CAS” 4E1 PCI digital trunk board, support of SS1
“SHD-240D-CT/PCI/CAS” 8E1 PCI digital trunk board, support of SS1

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 213

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

“SHD-30C-CT/PCI” 30-channel PCI C-type board

“SHD-30C-CT/PCI/FAX” 30-channel PCI C-type board with soft-faxing component
“SHD-60C-CT/PCI” 60-channel PCI C-type board
“SHD-60C-CT/PCI/FAX” 60-channel PCI C-type board with soft-faxing component
“SHF-2D/PCI” 2-channel PCI D-type analog fax board
“SHF-4D/PCI” 4-channel PCI D-type analog fax board
“DTP-30C/PCI” 30-channel PCI board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-30C/PCI+” 30-channel PCI board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-60C/PCI” 60-channel PCI board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-60C/PCI+” 60-channel PCI board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-120C/PCI” 120-channel PCI board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-120C/PCI+” 120-channel PCI board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-30C/PCIe” 30-channel PCIe board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-30C/PCIe+” 30-channel PCIe board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-60C/PCIe” 60-channel PCIe board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-60C/PCIe+” 60-channel PCIe board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-120C/PCIe” 120-channel PCIe board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-120C/PCIe+” 120-channel PCIe board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“SHN-32A-CT/PCI” 32-channel VoIP A-type board
“SHN-8B-CT/PCI+” 8-channel VoIP B-type board
“SHN-16B-CT/PCI+” 16-channel VoIP B-type board
“SHN-32B-CT/PCI+” 32-channel VoIP B-type board
“SHN-60B-CT/PCI+” 60-channel VoIP B-type board
“SHN-120B-CT/PCI+” 120-channel VoIP B-type board
“SHN-60B-CT/PCIe+” 60-channel PCIe VoIP B-type board
“SHN-120B-CT/PCIe+” 120-channel PCIe VoIP B-type board
“ATP-24A/PCI” ATP-24A/PCI analog tap passive board
“ATP-24A/PCI+” ATP-24A/PCI+ analog tap passive board
“ATP-24A/PCIe” ATP-24A/PCIe analog tap passive board
“ATP-24A/PCIe+” ATP-24A/PCIe+ analog tap passive board
“DST-24B/PCI” 24-channel PCI B-type digital station tap board
“DST-24B/PCI(SSW)” 24-channel PCI B-type digital station tap board
“DST-24B/PCI+” 24-channel PCI B-type digital station tap board with enhanced capability
“DST-24B/PCI+(SSW)” 24-channel PCI B-type digital station tap board with enhanced capability
“DST-24B/PCIe” 24-channel PCIe B-type digital station tap board
“DST-24B/PCIe+” 24-channel PCIe B-type digital station tap board with enhanced capability
“SHD-30E-CT/PCI(SSW)” 1 E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board
“SHD-30E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW)” 1 E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board with soft-faxing component
“SHD-30E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW)” 1 E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-60E-CT/PCI(SSW)” 2 E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board
“SHD-60E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW)” 2 E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board with soft-faxing component
“SHD-60E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW)” 2 E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-120E-CT/PCI(SSW)” 4 E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board
“SHD-120E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW)” 4 E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board with soft-faxing component
“SHD-120E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW)” 4 E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-240E-CT/PCI(SSW)” 8 E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board
“SHD-240E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW)” 8 E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board with soft-faxing component
“SHD-240E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW)” 8 E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-30E-CT/PCIe” 1 E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board
“SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/FAX” 1 E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board with soft-faxing component
“SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/EC” 1 E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 214

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

“SHD-60E-CT/PCIe” 2 E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board
“SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/FAX” 2 E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board with soft-faxing component
“SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/EC” 2 E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-120E-CT/PCIe” 4 E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board
“SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/FAX” 4 E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board with soft-faxing component
“SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/EC” 4 E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-240E-CT/PCIe” 8 E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board
“SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/FAX” 8 E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board with soft-faxing component
“SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/EC” 8 E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/VAR” 8 E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board with voice alteration resources
“SHT-16D-CT/PCIe” 16-channel PCIe D-type analog voice board
“PCM1280E” 128-channel PCIe PCM32 recording board
Return Value:
0 Successful
-1 Failed
Function Description:
This function obtains the model of the board with designated ID number. If this function is successfully called, the
model will be put in lpBoardModel.


This function call can be performed without the control of Shp_a3.dll. The model of installed boards in the
operating system can be obtained directly.

If you install or uninstall a board after the load of Shinitpci.dll, you should invoke ReloadPciBoardInfo before
invoking this function to get the latest information.

Related Information:
Driver Version Independent of SynCTI driver
Header Shinitpci.h
Library Shinitpci.lib
DLL Shinitpci.dll
Related Function: GetTotalPciBoard,GetPciBoardSerialNo, ReloadPciBoardInfo SsmGetBoardName

Obtains the board model.

int SsmGetBoardName (int nBId, LPSTR lpBoardModel)

Parameter Description:

nBId The board ID specified in the configuration file

lpBoardModel The model of the board with designated number, it’s denoted in the below list of strings

Board Model & Corresponding String

Return Value Meaning
“SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS1” 60-channel PCI SS1 board
“SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS7” 60-channel PCI SS7 board

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 215

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

“SHD-60A-CT/PCI/ISDN” 60-channel PCI ISDN board

“SHD-120A-CT/PCI/SS1” 120-channel PCI SS1 board
“SHD-120A-CT/PCI/SS7” 120-channel PCI SS7 board
“SHD-120A-CT/PCI/ISDN” 120-channel PCI ISDN board
“SHD-60B-CT/PCI/FAX” 60-channel PCI B-type board, configurable to be a signaling board with fax
“SHD-30B-CT/PCI/FAX” 30-channel PCI B-type board, configurable to be a signaling board with fax
“SHD-30A-CT/PCI/SS1” 30-channel PCI SS1 board
“SHD-30A-CT/PCI/SS7” 30-channel PCI SS7 board
“SHD-30A-CT/PCI/ISDN” 30-channel PCI ISDN board
“SHD-30A-CT/PCI/FJ” 30-channel PCI A-type board, supporting high-impedance parallel
“SHD-60A-CT/PCI/FJ” 60-channel PCI A-type board, supporting high-impedance parallel
“SHD-30B-CT/PCI/FJ” 30-channel PCI B-type board, supporting high-impedance parallel
“SHD-60B-CT/PCI/FJ” 60-channel PCI B-type board, supporting high-impedance parallel
“SHT-16B-CT/PCI/FAX or 16-channel PCI B-type call-recording board, supporting soft faxing or MP3
SHT-16B-CT/PCI/MP3 [1]” codec
“SHT-8B/PCI” 8-channel PCI B-type board
“SHT-8B/PCI/FAX” 8-channel PCI B-type board with soft-faxing component
“SHT-8C/PCI/FAX” 8-channel PCI C-type board with soft-faxing component
“SHT-8C/PCI/EC” 8-channel PCI C-type board
“SHT-16C-CT/PCI/EC” 16-chennel PCI C-type board
“SHT-16B-CT/PCI” 16-channel PCI B-type board
“SHT-16C-CT/PCI/FAX” 16-channel PCI C-type board with soft-faxing component
“SHT-16A-CT/PCI/FAX” 16-channel PCI A-type board with soft-faxing component
“DST-1600” 16-channel PCI B-type board
“SHT-16B-CT/cPCI” 16-channel cPCI B-type board
“SHD-30A-CT/cPCI” 30-channel cPCI board, supporting SS1, ISDN and SS7
“SHD-60A-CT/cPCI” 60-channel cPCI board, supporting SS1, ISDN and SS7
“SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/MP3 or 16-channel cPCI B-type call-recording board, supporting MP3 codec or soft
SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/FAX” faxing
“SHD-480A-CT/cPCI” 16E1 cPCI board, supporting teleconferencing
“SHD-480S-CT/cPCI” 16E1 cPCI board, not supporting teleconferencing
“SHD-60B-CT/cPCI/FAX” 60-channel cPCI B-type board, configurable to be a signaling board with fax
“SHR-16DA-CT/PCI” 16-channel PCI digital station tap board
“SHR-24DA-CT/PCI” 24-channel PCI digital station tap board
“SHT-120A-CT/PCI” 120-channel PCI high-capacity analog board
“SHT-2B/USB” 2-channel B-type analog board, including USB interface
“SHT-4B/USB” 4-channel B-type analog board, including USB interface
“SHT-2A/USB” 2-channel A-type analog board, including USB interface
“SHT-4A/USB” 4-channel A-type analog board, including USB interface
“SHT-120A-CT/cPCI” 120-channel cPCI high-capacity analog board
“SHD-240D-CT/PCI” 8E1/T1 PCI digital trunk board
“SHD-240D-CT/PCI/EC” 8E1/T1 PCI digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-120D-CT/PCI” 4E1/T1 PCI digital trunk board
“SHD-120D-CT/PCI/EC” 4E1/T1 PCI digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-120D-CT/PCI/CAS” 4E1 PCI digital trunk board, support of SS1
“SHD-240D-CT/PCI/CAS” 8E1 PCI digital trunk board, support of SS1
“SHD-30C-CT/PCI” 30-channel PCI C-type board

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 216

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

“SHD-30C-CT/PCI/FAX” 30-channel PCI C-type board with soft-faxing component

“SHD-60C-CT/PCI” 60-channel PCI C-type board
“SHD-60C-CT/PCI/FAX” 60-channel PCI C-type board with soft-faxing component
“SHF-2D/PCI” 2-channel PCI D-type analog fax board
“SHF-4D/PCI” 4-channel PCI D-type analog fax board
“DTP-30C/PCI” 30-channel PCI board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-30C/PCI+” 30-channel PCI board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-60C/PCI” 60-channel PCI board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-60C/PCI+” 60-channel PCI board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-120C/PCI” 120-channel PCI board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-120C/PCI+” 120-channel PCI board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-30C/PCIe” 30-channel PCIe board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-30C/PCIe+” 30-channel PCIe board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-60C/PCIe” 60-channel PCIe board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-60C/PCIe+” 60-channel PCIe board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-120C/PCIe” 120-channel PCIe board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“DTP-120C/PCIe+” 120-channel PCIe board, supporting high-impedance parallel connection
“SHN-32A-CT/PCI” 32-channel VoIP A-type board
“SHN-8B-CT/PCI+” 8-channel VoIP B-type board
“SHN-16B-CT/PCI+” 16-channel VoIP B-type board
“SHN-32B-CT/PCI+” 32-channel VoIP B-type board
“SHN-60B-CT/PCI+” 60-channel VoIP B-type board
“SHN-120B-CT/PCI+” 120-channel VoIP B-type board
“SHN-60B-CT/PCIe+” 60-channel PCIe VoIP B-type board
“SHN-120B-CT/PCIe+” 120-channel PCIe VoIP B-type board
“ATP-24A/PCI” ATP-24A/PCI analog tap passive board
“ATP-24A/PCI+” ATP-24A/PCI+ analog tap passive board
“ATP-24A/PCIe” ATP-24A/PCIe analog tap passive board
“ATP-24A/PCIe+” ATP-24A/PCIe+ analog tap passive board
“DST-24B/PCI” 24-channel PCI B-type digital station tap board
“DST-24B/PCI+” 24-channel PCI B-type digital station tap board with enhanced capability
“DST-24B/PCIe” 24-channel PCIe B-type digital station tap board
“DST-24B/PCIe+” 24-channel PCIe B-type digital station tap board with enhanced capability
“SHD-30E-CT/PCI(SSW)” 1E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board
“SHD-30E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW)” 1E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board with soft-faxing component
“SHD-30E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW)” 1E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-60E-CT/PCI(SSW)” 2E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board
“SHD-60E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW)” 2E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board with soft-faxing component
“SHD-60E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW)” 2E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-120E-CT/PCI(SSW)” 4E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board
“SHD-120E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW)” 4E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board with soft-faxing component
“SHD-120E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW)” 4E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-240E-CT/PCI(SSW)” 8E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board
“SHD-240E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW)” 8E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board with soft-faxing component
“SHD-240E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) ” 8E1/T1/J1 PCI digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-30E-CT/PCIe” 1E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board
“SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/FAX” 1E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board with soft-faxing component
“SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/EC” 1E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-60E-CT/PCIe” 2E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board
“SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/FAX” 2E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board with soft-faxing component

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 217

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“SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/EC” 2E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-120E-CT/PCIe” 4E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board
“SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/FAX” 4E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board with soft-faxing component
“SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/EC” 4E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-240E-CT/PCIe” 8E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board
“SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/FAX” 8E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board with soft-faxing component
“SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/EC” 8E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board, having enhanced capability in echo
“SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/VAR” 8 E1/T1/J1 PCIe digital trunk board with voice alteration resources
“SHT-16D-CT/PCIe” 16-channel PCIe D-type analog voice board
“PCM1280E” 128-channel PCIe PCM32 recording board
“SynIPAnalyzer” SynIPAnalyzer
“SynIPRecorder” SynIPRecorder
Return Value:

0 Successful
-1 Failed

Function Description:
This function obtains the model of the board with designated ID number. If this function is successfully called, the
model will be put in lpBoardModel.

This function can achieve the same purpose as GetPciBoardModel. However, this function call is performed under
the control of Shp_a3.dll.

Related Information:
Driver Version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetAccreditIdEx, SsmGetAccreditId, SsmGetBoardModel Obtaining Board Serial Number SsmGetPciSerialNo

Obtains the board serial number.

DWORD SsmGetPciSerialNo(int nBId)

Parameter Description:
Board ID, corresponding to the value of x in the section [BoardId=x] of the configuration
Return Value:
0 Call failed, the failure reason can be acquired from the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
>0 Board serial number
Function Description:

Obtains the board serial number. The leaving factory boards have a label with serial number sticked on the back

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 218

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

side. For more information, refer to the hardware manual of voice boards.


Related Information:

Driver version SynCTI Ver.3.0 or above

Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:SsmGetAccreditIdEx, SsmGetAccreditId GetPciBoardSerialNo

Obtains the board serial number.


DWOR GetPciBoardSerialNo (int nBId, DWORD pSerialNo )

Parameter Description:
nBId The ID number of the actually installed board
pSerialNo The pointer storing the serial number of the board
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the serial number of the designated board. If it’s successfully called, the board serial number will be put
into pSerialNo.


This function call can be performed without the control of Shp_a3.dll. The serial number of the installed board in
the operating system can be obtained directly.

If you install or uninstall a board after the load of Shinitpci.dll, you should invoke ReloadPciBoardInfo before
invoking this function to get the latest information.

Related Information:
Driver Version Independent of SynCTI driver
Header Shinitpci.h
Library Shinitpci.lib
DLL Shinitpci.dll
Related Functions: GetPciBoardModel , GetTotalPciBoard, ReloadPciBoardInfo Obtaining Version Information SsmGetDllVersion

Obtains the version information of the file ‘shp_a3.dll’.

int SsmGetDllVersion(PSSM_VERSION pDLLVersion)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 219

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Parameter Description:
pDLLVersion Struct pointer storing the file version information
Return Value:
Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained from the function call of
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the version information of the file ‘shp_a3.dll’.
The structure of the returned version information is as follows:
typedef struct _VERSION
{ UCHAR ucMajor;// Major version
UCHAR ucMinor;// Minor version
USHORT usInternal;// Internal version
USHORT usBuild;// Build number
UCHAR ucRelease;// Compilation mode
UCHAR ucFeature;// Compilation environment
For example, invoke this function based on SynCTI and the following information appears:
typedef struct _VERSION
{ UCHAR ucMajor;//=5
UCHAR ucMinor;//=0
USHORT usInternal;//=3
USHORT usBuild; //=0
UCHAR ucRelease; //= blank (Reserved)
UCHAR ucFeature; //= blank (Reserved)


Related Information:
Driver Version SynCTI Ver.3.1 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Functions:

2.1.6 Funtions to Obtain Channel Attributes SsmGetMaxCh

Obtains the total channel number in the application program.


int SsmGetMaxCh(void)

Parameter Description: None

Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 Total channel number

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 220

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Obtains the total channel number in the application program


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetChType SsmGetChType

Obtains the channel type.


int SsmGetChType(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch The logical number of the channel
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Analog trunk channel
2 Station channel
3 Analog trunk recording channel
4 SS1 channel
6 TUP channel
7 ISDN channel (user side)
8 ISDN channel (network side)
9 Fax channel
10 Magnetic channel
11 ISUP channel (China SS7 signaling ISUP)
12 Digital trunk recording channel
13 Channel Bank EM channel
14 Voice-alteration channel
16 SIP channel
17 IP channel
19 DASS2 channel
20 SHT board channel without any module
21 EM Control channel
22 EM Voice channel
25 IPR channel, i.e. SynIPR recording channel
26 IPA channel, i.e. SynIPR channel for data package analysis
Function Description:
Obtains the channel type.

z To obtain more detailed information about the channel type, use this function with

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 221

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetMaxCh SsmGetChHdInfo

Obtains the ID of the board where the channel is located ,also obtains the channel’s physical number on the board.

int SsmGetChHdInfo(int ch, int * pnBId, int * pnBCh)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Returns the ID of the board where the channel is located. Its storage space is allocated
by the application program
Returns the channel’s physical number on the board. Its storage space is allocated by
the application program
Return Value:
-1 Failed. The failure reason can be acquired by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg .
0 Successful
Function Description:

Obtains the ID of the board where the channel is located ,also obtains the channel’s physical number on the board.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetAppChId SsmGetAppChId

Inquires the channel logical number based on the board ID and the channel physical number.


int SsmGetAppChId(int * ch, int nBId, int nBCh)

Parameter Description:
Returns the channel logical number. The storage space is allocated by the application
nBId The ID of the board where the channel is located
nBCh The channel physical number
Return Value:
-1 Failed. The failure reason can be acquired by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg .
0 Successful
Function Description:
Inquires the channel logical number based on the board ID and the channel physical number.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 222

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetChHdInfo

2.1.7 Functions to Set Channel Attributes SsmSetFlag

Sets the control attributes of the channel.

int SsmSetFlag(int ch, int nType, long lPara)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
nType is the parameter type, Ivalue is the parameter value.
The value range and the physical meaning of nType and Ivalue are listed in the table below:
Description lPara
Value Macro in shpa3api.h
Sets the minimum DTMF signal durations
Please refer to the
respectively at on and off states. For more
1 F_RCVDTMFSENS configuration item
information, refer to configuration item
High 8 bits and low 8 bits
Sets the magnitude of the DTMF signal generated
respectively indicate the two
2 F_TXDTMFAMP by the DTMF generator, with the default value of
frequency magnitudes of the
DTMF signal.
Sets the minimum duration for MFC R2 signal. For Range of value: 16~96 ( Must
5 F_RXR2FILTERTIME more information, refer to the configuration item be integer times of 16 ).
RxR2FilterTime. Calculated by ms.
Sets the DTMF clamping function. For more
=0: Disabled
9 F_ClearInVoiceOnRcvDtmf information, refer to the configuration item:
=1: Enabled
ClearInVoiceOnRxDtmf .
Sets whether to use the output signal of ‘off-bus
nType mixer” as the incoming signal source of ‘onto-bus
lPara mixer’. This function only supports SHT Series =0: No
10 F_MixerResToBus
( 8/16 Channels) and SHD Series voice boards. =1: Yes
For more information, refer to the switch of K1-2 in
the corresponding voice board’s principle diagram.
Sets the proportion between the high-frequency
Refer to the description of the
energy and the low-frequency energy in the DTMF
11 F_HighAndLowFreqEnScale configuration item
signal. For more information, refer to the
HighAndLowFreqEnScale .
configuration item HighAndLowFreqEnScale.
Sets the threshold percentage of the in-band
energy in the overall frequency energy in the Refer to the configuration item
12 F_DualAndAllFreqEnScale
DTMF signal. For more details, refer to the of DualAndAllFreqEnScale .
configuration item DualAndAllFreqEnScale .
Sets whether to disable the echo-canceller when
=0: Disabled
the FSK receiver is working. For more details,
13 F_EchoCancelInFsk =1: Enabled
refer to the configuration item
=0: Onto bus (default)
17 F_ClearInVoiceOnRcv450Hz Sets whether to put tones onto bus.
=1: Not onto bus
=0: No threshold value
18 FSKMinGate Sets an energy threshold value for FSK receiving.
n(n>0): The set threshold value

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 223

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Value Range (Calculated by

A-law, μ-law: 1365>n≥16
ADPCM: 2730>n≥64
Hardware-based MP3:
Sets the callback time for the function G729A: 10922>n≥20
SsmRecToFileA or SsmRecToFileB. For more VOX: 2730>n≥64
information, refer to the corresponding function Hardware-based GSM:
description. Note: This parameter goes invalid if 6553>n≥40
the software-based MP3 is used as the Software-based GSM:
recording format. 1365>n≥16
For other encoding formats,
the driver will invoke the
callback function twice
respectively at the times when
half and full buffer are played
Sets the mode for the remote PBX to send the
calling party number on the analog phone line. For =0: DTMF mode
more information, refer to the description of the =1: FSK mode
configuration item CallerIdStyle.
Determines whether to put incoming signals to the
TDM bus. That is, sets the switch K3 in the figure
=0: Disabled
21 F_InVoiceToBusA of board operation principle. For more information,
=1: Enabled
refer to the description of the configuration item
Sets whether to disable the echo canceller when
=0: Disabled
the FSK transceiver is working. For more
22 F_EchoCancelInFskA =1: Enabled
information, refer to the description of the
configuration item FskEchoCancelDelay.
Sets the parameters for the ringing current
detector. For more information, refer to the Ringing
Refer to the configuration item
23 F_ChToRingingOnRingCntA Current on Analog Phone Line section in Chapter
1 or the description of the configuration item
=0: Disabled
24 F_SetAdjustCtlA Sets whether to enable Echo Study.
=1: Enabled
Sets the control switch of the ‘Called Number
Hold-up’ feature. For more information, refer to
25 F_RCVPHONUMHOLDUPA Value Range: 0/1/2
the description of the configuration item
Sets the working status of the ‘Enhanced remote
pickup detector’ on the analog trunk channel. For
=0: Disabled
26 F_RELATIVEENGYHOOKDETECTA more information, refer to ‘Enhanced Remote
=1: Enabled
Pickup Detector’ in Chapter 1 or the
configuration item RelativeEngyHookDetect.
Sets whether to clamp DTMF digits when the =0: Disabled
monitoring board is recording. =1: Enabled
=0: Disabled
28 F_AlwaysDetectBargein Dynamically sets the switch of Bargein feature.
=1: Enabled

Return Value:
-1 Call Failed, this function is not supported
0 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained from the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
1 Successful
Function Description

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 224

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Sets the control attributes of the channel.


Related Information:
Driver Version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetFlag SsmGetFlag

Obtains the status of the functional switch on the channel.

int SsmGetFlag(int ch, int nType, long* plValue)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
nType: selects the parameter type to be set. For the value of the parameters, refer to the description
of the functions. plValue returns the parameter’s setup value.
Below are the physical meanings of nType and plValue.
Value MACRO in shpa3api.h
9 F_ClearInVoiceOnRcvDtmf For more details, refer to the function SsmSetFlag.
10 F_MixerResToBus
11 F_HighAndLowFreqEnScale
12 F_DualAndAllFreqEnScale
plValue returns the detailed reason that the driver transfers the
channel state to the state of S_CALL_WAIT_REMOTE_PICK, i.e,
the type of the message which is received from remote PBX:
15 F_ISDNNet_WaitRemotePickup — plValue=4:CALL PROCEEDING;
— plValue=5:ALERTING;
— plValue=6:CONNECT;
Note: This function requires SynCTI version or above.
17 F_ClearInVoiceOnRcv450Hz
18 F_FSKMinGate
21 F_InVoiceToBusA
Refer to the description of the function SsmSetFlag for details.
22 F_EchoCancelInFskA
23 F_ChToRingingOnRingCntA
24 F_SetAdjustCtlA

Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be acquired from the function SsmGetLastErrMsg.
0 Successful.
Function Description:
Obtains the status of the functional switch on the channel.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 225

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


Related Information:
Driver Version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetFlag

2.2 Functions for Event-mode Programming

2.2.1 Obtaining Events SsmWaitForEvent

Refer to SsmWaitForEventA. SsmWaitForEventA

Obtain the events thrown out by the Synway driver program. SsmWaitForEvent and SsmWaitForEventA are
asynchronous functions. If there are events generated, these functions will return immediately; if there are no
events generated, the caller’s thread will be blocked and these functions will not return until there are events
generated or timeout.


int SsmWaitForEvent( DWORD dwTimeOut, PMESSAGE_INFO pEvent)

int SsmWaitForEventA( DWORD dwTimeOut, PSSM_EVENT pEventEx)

Parameter Description:
Set the operating mode of the function SsmWaitForEvent(), the value range:
0: SsmWaitForEvent works under the synchronization mode, i.e, the function
will return immediately regardless of whether there are events or not. In
this mode, SsmWaitForEvent and SsmGetEvent perform a same
dwTimeOut 0xffffffff: If there are no events, the function will get suspended and not return until
there are events generated.
Others: Set the maximum waiting time, calculated by millisecond. When waiting
for events, if there are events generated, the function will return
immediately; if there are no events, the function will not return until the
waiting time exceeds the set value of dwTimeOut.
The pointer to the MESSAGE_INFO(pEvent) structure or the
pEvent SSM_EVENT(pEventEx) structure, used to return the event information, and valid
pEventEx only when the return value of the function is 0. For more information, refer to
‘MESSAGE_INFO’ or ‘SSM_EVENT’ in Chapter 1.
Return Value:
In any of the following situations:
— API interfaces are unopened;
— The event polling mode is not set as the programming mode;
— In-memory message queues are unallocated.
-1 Timeout
There are events generated and the event information is returned by pEvent or

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 226

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Obtain the events thrown out by the Synway driver program. If the event buffer of the driver is not empty,
SsmWaitForEvent or SsmWaitForEventA will return immediately; if there are no events available, the function will
wait for the events and not return until the waiting time exceeds the set value of dwTimeOut.

z The functions can be invoked successfully only when the driver is working under the event polling mode.
z When MESSAGE_INFO is used, only SsmWaitForEvent can be invoked successfully. When
SSM_EVENT is used, only SsmWaitForEventA can be invoked successfully.
z Functions SsmWaitForEvent and SsmWaitForEventA are the same except for the data structures of the
output events. SsmWaitForEventA is usually used for the D-channel event programming of the DST
Series boards.

Related Information:
SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above for SsmWaitForEvent
Driver Version
SynCTI Ver. or above for SsmWaitForEventA
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetEvent SsmGetEvent

Refer to SsmGetEventA. SsmGetEventA

Obtain the events thrown out by the Synway driver program. SsmGetEvent and SsmGetEventA are synchronous
functions which will return immediately regardless of whether there are events generated or not.

int SsmGetEvent(PMESSAGE_INFO pEvent)
int SsmGetEventA(PSSM_EVENT pEventEx)

Parameter Description:
The pointer to the MESSAGE_INFO(pEvent) structure or the
pEvent SSM_EVENT(pEventEx) structure, used to return the event information and valid
pEventEx only when the return value of the function is 0. For more information, refer to
‘MESSAGE_INFO’ or ‘SSM_EVENT’ in Chapter 1.
Return Value:
In any of the following situations:
— API interfaces are unopened;
— The event polling mode is not set as the programming mode;
— There is no event output.
There are events generated and the event information is returned by pEvent or
Function Description:

Obtain the events thrown out by the Synway driver program.

z The function can be called successfully only when the driver is working under the event polling mode.
z When MESSAGE_INFO is used, only SsmGetEvent can be called successfully. When SSM_EVENT is

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 227

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used, only SsmGetEventA can be called successfully.

z Functions SsmGetEvent and SsmGetEventA are the same except for the data structures of the output
events. SsmGetEventA is usually used for the D-channel event programming of the DST Series boards.

Related Information:
SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above for SsmGetEvent
Driver Version
SynCTI Ver. or above for SsmGetEventA
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetEvent

2.2.2 Filtering Output Events SsmSetEvent

Sets the event output mode of the driver program and permits or forbids the driver to output one particular event.

int SsmSetEvent(WORD wEvent, int nReference, BOOL bEnable, PEVENT_SET_INFO pEventSet)
Parameter Description:
Selects the event and the range of values:
0~0xfffe: Event code. For the value range of values, refer to MESSAGE_INFO in
Chapter 1. The function SsmSetEvent informs the driver program whether to
throw out a specified event or not.
wEvent 0xffff: Sets the working mode of the driver program, i.e. the event polling mode and
the event callback mode, where the parameter nReference must be -1. The
event queue depth in the driver can be set with the configuration item
MaxEventPerChannel. For more information, please refer to ‘Setting Event
Output Mode’ in Chapter 1.
The reference value of the event. If wEvent=0xffff, this parameter must be -1, used to
set the working mode for the whole driver; if wEvent≠oxffff, the physical meaning of
nReference depends on the type of wEvent as shown in the following list:
The meaning of nReference and it’s range of
The logical number of the digital trunk:
nReference=-1: Sets all the digital trunks in the system.
0≤nReference≤M-1: Sets the digital trunk designated by
E_CHG_RemotePCMBlock this parameter.
Note: M is the total number of the digital trunks in
the system.
E_RCV_Ss7Msu 0-Reserved
E_RCV_Ss7SpyMsu 0-Reserved
nReference DPC number:
E_CHG_Mtp3State nReference=-1: Sets all the DPCs in the system.
0≤nReference≤M-1: Sets the DPC designated by this
Timer ID:
E_SYS_TIMEOUT nReference=-1: Sets all the timers in the system.
0≤nReference≤M-1: Sets the timer designated by this
Logical SpyCic number:
E_CHG_SpyState nReference=-1: Sets all the SpyCics in the system.
0≤nReference≤M-1: Sets the SpyCic designated by this
Logical SpyCic number:
nReference=-1: Sets all monitored circuits in the

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0≤nReference≤M-1: Sets the monitored circuits which
are specified by this parameter.
Virtual CIC number:
E_CHG_CICState nReference=-1: Sets the virtual CIC in the system.
E_PROC_CICAutoDial 0≤nReference≤M-1: Sets the virtual CIC designated by
this parameter
Logical channel number:
nReference=-1: Sets all the channels (total is N) in the
Other Events system.
0≤nReference≤N-1: Sets the channel designated by this
The control sign of the event output. When wEvent=0xffff and nReference=-1, if
bEnable=FALSE, the driver will by default not output any event; if bEnable=TRUE, the
driver will output an default event specified by DefaultEventOutput. When wEvent≠
0xffff, the value range of bEnable is as follows:
=TRUE: Throws out wEvent;
=FALSE: Not throws out wEvent.
Pointer which points to the struct object of EVENT_SET_INFO. It’s used for setting up
the output conditions of the events. If the parameter wEvent=0xffff, this parameter can’t
be NULL. The declaration of the struct EVENT_SET_INFO is:

typedef struct _EVENT_SET_INFO

DWORD dwWorkMode;
LPVOID lpHandlerParam;
DWORD dwOutCondition;
DWORD dwOutParamVal;
DWORD dwUser;

Below is the meaning of each parameter:

Parameter Name: dwWorkMode
Sets the working mode that the driver throws out the events. Only if wEvent=0xffff, is
this parameter valid; If wEvent is other values, this parameter will be ignored. The
range of values:
Value Macro in event.h Description
0 NO_EVENT The driver doesn’t output any events.
The driver works under the event polling mode. The
parameters dwOutCondition and dwOutParamVal
are valid, the parameters lpHandlerParam and
pEventSet dwUser are invalid.
The driver works under the event callback mode.
lpHandlerParam and dwUser are valid.
The driver works under the windows message mode.
3 EVENT_MESSAGE All the messages will be sent to the windows message
The driver works under the event polling mode. The
parameters dwOutCondition and dwOutParamVal
are valid, the parameters lpHandlerParam and
dwUser are invalid.
The driver works under the event callback mode.
lpHandlerParam and dwUser are valid.
Parameter Name: lpHandlerParam
EVENT_MESSAGE, is this parameter valid.
If dwWorkMode equals to other values, this parameter will be ignored.
lpHandlerParam is the pointer to the callback function.
The format of lpHandlerParam :
int CALLBACK CallBackFun(WORD wEvent,int nReference,DWORD
dwParam,DWORD dwUser);
The meanings of wEvent, nReference and dwParam are the same as the

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 229

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corresponding variables declared in the struct MESSAGE_INFO.

For more details, refer to the function SsmWaitForEvent or SsmGetEvent. The
parameter dwUser is the parameter dwUser which is passed from the
application to the driver when invoking this callback function.
lpHandlerParam is the pointer to the callback function.
The format of lpHandlerParam:
int CALLBACK CallBackFunA(PSSM_EVENT pEvent):
pEvent which returns the event information is the pointer pointing to the struct
object SSM_EVENT.
For more details, refer to the function SsmWaitForEventA or SsmGetEventA .
Note: When the callback function returns -1, all events are forbidden being
thrown out. After that, if it is necessary to throw them out, you should call the
function SsmSetEvent to reset them first.
lpHandlerParam is the window handle which is used by the application to
receive the driver events.
Parameter Name: dwUser
User-defined parameter which is valid only when
equals to other values, this parameter will be ignored. The driver will save this
parameter. When the driver throws out events, it will be directly passed to the
parameter having the same name in the callback function pointed by
Parameter Name: dwOutCondition, dwOutParamVal
dwOutCondition sets the conditions on which the events are output.
dwOutParamVal sets the types of the parameters of the output events. When the
event is generated, the driver will assign the data types set by dwOutParamVal to
the parameter dwParam in the struct MESSAGE_INFO or SSM_EVENT.
dwOutCondition and dwOutParamVal are optional parameters. When using the
default value of dwOutCondition, you can set pEventSet=NULL. But if the
parameter wEvent is equal to one of the following values and pEventSet≠NULL, you
have to set dwOutCondition each time before you invoke SsmSetEvent; otherwise,
you shall meet unexpected consequence.
— wEvent = E_CHG_LineVoltage:
Only when the voltage change range on the analog phone line exceeds
dwOutCondition (default value can be 5), will the driver throw out the event
E_CHG_LineVoltage. dwOutParamVal is reserved but not used. When
wEvent=0xffff and nReference=-1, dwOutCondition will be automatically set to 5.
— wEvent = E_PROC_PlayFile:
dwOutCondition sets the time interval (ms) that the driver throws out the event
E_PROC_PlayFile (default value may be 1000). dwOutParamVal sets the types
of the output parameters, the optional values are:
=0: Outputs the percentage of the played part.
=1: Outputs the time that finishes the play.
=2: Outputs the total number of played bytes.
=3: Outputs the total number of not-played bytes.
When wEvent=0xffff and nReference=-1, dwOutCondition will be automatically
set to 1000 and dwOutParamVal set to 1.
— wEvent = E_PROC_PlayMem:
‹ dwOutParamVal=END_HALF_BUFFER:
When the play pointer in the driver gets across the middle position or the tail
part of the buffer, the driver throws out the event E_PROC_PlayMem.
If the play pointer points to the front part of the buffer, the output value
(dwParam) is -1; If it points to the rear part, the output value is -2.
‹ dwOutParamVal=END_BUFFER:
When the play pointer in the driver gets across the tail part of the buffer, the
driver throws out the event E_PROC_PlayMem and outputs -2.

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‹ dwOutParamVal=MEM_OFFSET:
After a certain time period of voice playback, the driver throws out the event
E_PROC_PlayMem and outputs the play pointer (i.e., the offset in the buffer)
in the driver. The time length (ms) is specified by dwOutCondition.
‹ dwOutParamVal=MEM_BYTES:
After playing a certain amount of voice-data bytes, the driver throws out the
event E_PROC_PlayMem and outputs the play pointer (i.e., the offset in the
buffer) in the driver. The amount of the bytes is specified by dwOutCondition
(default value may be 64).
When wEvent=0xffff and nReference=-1, dwOutParamVal will be automatically set
to MEM_OFFSET and dwOutCondition will be set to 64 ms.
— wEvent = E_PROC_RecordFile:
dwOutCondition is set to be the time interval (ms) that the driver throws out the
event E_PROC_RecordFile (default value may be 1000).
dwOutParamVal is set to be the types of output values, the optional values are:
=RECORD_TIME: Outputs the time (ms) spent on the finished recording;
=RECORD_BYTES: Outputs the total finished recorded bytes( bytes).
When wEvent=0xffff and nReference=-1, dwOutCondition will be automatically
set to 1000 and dwOutParamVal set to RECORD_TIME.
— wEvent = E_PROC_RecordMem:
‹ dwOutParamVal=END_HALF_BUFFER:
When the record pointer gets across the middle position or the tail part of the
recording buffer, the driver throws out the event E_PROC_RecordMem. If the
record pointer points to the front part of the buffer, the output value is -1; If the
pointer points to the rear part, the output value is -2.
‹ dwOutParamVal=END_BUFFER:
When the record pointer in the driver gets across the tail part of the buffer, the
driver throws out the event of E_PROC_RecordMem and the output value is
‹ dwOutParamVal=MEM_OFFSET:
After a certain time period of voice recording, the driver throws out the event
E_PROC_RecordMem and outputs the record pointer (i.e., the offset in the
buffer) in the driver. The time length (ms) is specified by dwOutCondition.
‹ dwOutParamVal=MEM_BYTES:
After recording a certain amount of voice-data bytes, the driver throws out the
event of E_PROC_RecordMem and outputs record pointer (i.e., the offset in
the buffer) in the driver. The bytes number is specified by dwOutCondition
(default value may be 64).
When wEvent=0xffff and nReference=-1, dwOutParamVal will be automatically
set to MEM_OFFSET and dwOutCondition will be set to 64 ms.
— wEvent = E_OverallEnergy:
When the change range of the full-frequency energy exceeds the set value of
dwOutCondition (default value may be 1000) the driver throws out the event
E_OverallEnergy. dwOutParamVal is reserved and unused. When wEvent=0xffff
and nReference=-1, dwOutCondition will be automatically set to 1000.
— wEvent = E_CHG_PeakFrq:
When the change range of the peak frequency exceeds the set value of
dwOutCondition (default value may be 100), the driver throws out the event
E_CHG_PeakFrq. dwOutParamVal is reserved and unused. When wEvent=0xffff
and nReference=-1, dwOutCondition will be automatically set to 100.
— wEvent = Other events:
Both of dwOutParamVal and dwOutParamVal are reserved and unused. They
can be set to be 0.
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 231

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If wEvent=0xffff, this function is used to set the event output mode for the driver. For more information about the
output mode supported by the SynCTI driver, refer to ‘Setting Driver Event Output Mode’ in Chapter 1.
If wEvent≠0xffff, this function is used to permit or forbid the driver to output one particular event. If there are some
output parameters, they should be set. First set the output mode for the event. Then adjust the output rule for an
undetermined event.

z After the SynCTI driver is started, it automatically works under the polling mode. If the programming is done
in the event polling or event callback mode, this function must be invoked to change the driver’s event
output mode after driver initialization.
z If wEvent=0xffff, the application can call this function only once and the parameter pEventSet can’t be NULL
otherwise the function returns failure.
z If wEvent≠0xffff, pEventSet can be NULL. If pEventSet is not NULL, its member variable dwWorkMode
must be consistent with the previous set event output mode. At present, the driver does not support different
modes to output multiple events.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.4.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmWaitForEvent, SsmWaitForEventA, SsmGetEvent, SsmGetEventA, SsmPutUserEvent,

Sample Code: Refer to ‘Programming demo for event polling mode’ or ‘Programming demo for event callback
mode’ in chapter 1.

2.2.3 Getting Programming Mode SsmGetEventMode

Obtains the programming mode.

int SsmGetEventMode(WORD wEvent, int nReference, PWORD pwEnable, PEVENT_SET_INFO pEventSet)

Parameter Description:
Event code:
wEvent Regarding the value range, refer to the section MESSAGE_INFO in Chapter 1. Note
that the value can not be 0xffff.
The reference value of the event:
nReference The physical meaning of nReference varies on the type of wEvent, just as the
parameter nReference in the function SsmSetEvent. However, its value can not be -1.
Stores the flag to control the event output. Value range:
pwEnable =TRUE: Output wEvent;
=FALSE: Not output wEvent
The point that points to the objects which have the EVENT_SET_INFO structure. It is
pEventSet used to save the event output condition set by the function SsmSetEvent. See
SsmSetEvent for the EVENT_SET_INFO structure declaration.

Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 232

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Function Description:
Obtains the driver event output mode set by the application.

z When this function is called to get the appplication’s event programming mode, an event code but 0xffff
should be assigned to the parameter wEvent .

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetEvent

2.2.4 Outputting Application’s Self-defined Events by Driver SsmPutUserEvent

Refer to SsmPutUserEventA SsmPutUserEventA

Appends the application defined events to the internal event queue of the driver.

int SsmPutUserEvent( WORD wEvent, int nReference, DWORD dwParam)
int SsmPutUserEventA(PSSM_EVENT pEvent)

Parameter Description:
User-defined event code. Note: The user-defined event code should not be the
wEvent same as the event code defined by the driver. Suggestion: Set the starting event
code value to be 0xfffe and reduce it gradually.
Event output reference. It will be transparently passed back to the application via the
internal event queue of the driver.
Event output parameter. It will be transparently passed back to the application via the
internal event queue of the driver.
Pointer pointing to the struct object SSM_EVENT. It inputs the event information to the
pEvent driver. The struct object pointed by pEvent will be transparently passed back to the
application via the internal event queue of the driver.
Return Value:
-1 Failed.
0 Successful.
Function Description:

Appends the application defined events to the internal event queue of the driver. Function SsmPutUserEvent and
SsmPutUserEventA have the same functions except for the different data structures of the event.
SsmPutUserEventA is normally used for the D-channel event programming of the DST Series board.
The driver puts the events submitted by the application in a temporary buffer in advance and appends the events to
the event output queue of the driver when the hardware interrupt occurs. The configuration item
MaxUserEventSize is used to set the depth of the temporary buffer.

z This function can only be invoked under ‘event polling’ programming mode. For more information about

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 233

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event polling mode, refer to ‘Setting Driver Event Output Mode’ in chapter 1.
z When MESSAGE_INFO is used, only the function SsmPutUserEvent can be used. When SSM_EVENT
is used, only the function SsmPutUserEventA can be used.
z If the configuration MaxUserEventSize is set to be 0, the function returns failure immediately.

Related Information:
SsmPutUserEvent requires SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above;
Driver version
SsmPutUserEventA requires SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmWaitForEvent, SsmWaitForEventA, SsmGetEvent, SsmGetEventA

2.3 Call State Machine Functions

2.3.1 Outgoing Call Functions (CTI Series) Searching for Idle Channel SsmSearchIdleCallOutCh

Searches for an idle channel in the channels which are able to make outgoing calls.


int SsmSearchIdleCallOutCh(WORD wSearchMode, DWORD dwPrecedence)

Parameter Description:
Specify the searching mode based on the bit value:
Bit Description
Whether to search among analog trunk channels.
=1: Yes; =0: No
Whether to search among SS1 channels.
=1: Yes; =0: No
Whether to search among TUP channels.
=1: Yes; =0: No
Whether to search among ISDN channels (user side).
=1: Yes; =0: No
Whether to search among ISDN channels (network side).
=1: Yes; =0: No
Whether to search among ISUP channels.
=1: Yes; =0: No
Whether to search among those TUP channels corresponding to the
Bit6 specified signaling link set.
=1: Yes; =0: No
Whether to search among those ISUP channels corresponding to the
Bit7 specified signaling link set.
=1: Yes; =0: No
Whether to search among SIP channels.
=1: Yes; =0: No
Bit9 Reserved
Bit10 Whether to search among those SS7 channels corresponding to the

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 234

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specified PCM.
=1: Yes; =0: No
Whether to search among those ISDN channels corresponding to the
Bit11 specified PCM.
=1: Yes; =0: No
Whether to specify the searching range among ISDN channels or SIP
Bit12 channels.
=1: Yes; =0: No
Bit15~Bit13 Reserved and should be set to 0.
Bit6 or Bit7 in wSearchMode (TUP or ISUP channel) set to 1: Select a signaling link set;
Bit10 or Bit11 in wSearchMode (SS7 or ISDN channel) set to 1: Select a logical PCM
Bit12 in wSearchMode set to 1: The 16 lower bits indicate the start channel and the 16
higher bits represent the end channel.
Other types of channels: Set to 0.
Return Value:
-1 Failed. The failure reason can be acquired from the function SsmGetLastErrMsg.
≥0 The channel number which has been searched out.
Function Description:
Searches for an idle channel in the channels which are able to make outgoing calls. The driver maintains an idle
channel queue.


z After this function is invoked, the channel state will remain idle for analog trunk channels, or turn into
‘outgoing call locked’ for ISDN, SS7, SS1 and SIP channels.
z To search channels in SS1, ISDN protocols, follow the time slots of E1 trunks in a 0, 1, 2, 3...31 sequence
(except TS0 and TS16);
z To search channels in SS7 protocol, follow the size of OPC and DPC configured by this E1;
z The party with a large point code controls even time slots. To search channels, follow the even time slots
in a 0, 2, 4, …, 30, 31, 29, 27, …, 1 sequence (except TS0, TS1 and TS16);
z The party with a small point code controls odd time slots. To search channels, follow the odd time slots in
a 1, 3, 5, …, 31, 30, 28, 26, …, 0 sequence (except TS0, TS1 and TS16).

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmAutoDial, SsmChkAutoDial Starting Outgoing Call SsmAutoDial

Refer to SsmAutoDialEx

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 235

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Submits the AutoDial task to the driver to start an outgoing call. This function can set the address indicator in the
calling line identification field in the TUP protocol (which can also be set by the configuration item CallerAddrInd),
and is normally used for TUP channels.

int SsmAutoDial(int ch, LPSTR szPhoNum)
int SsmAutoDialEx(int ch, LPSTR szPhoNum, WORD wParam)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The pointer pointing to the buffer storing the called party number, with a maximum
length of 50.
z Analog trunk channel: If the character in szPhoNum is neither standard DTMF
character nor a designated flash character, it will be considered as a delay
character. For more information about the flash character and delay character,
refer to the function SsmTxDtmf.
z SS1 channel, TUP/ISUP channel and ISDN channel: the valid phone number must
be digital characters between ‘0’ ~ ‘9’ and any non-digital character will be ignored
szPhoNum by the driver.
z SIP channel: [“display-name” <][sip:/sips:][user@]host[:port][>]
a) display-name: local alias, with the default setting of NULL
b) sip:/sips: : the default setting is sip:. The setting sips: means to transmit the
sip message in encryption mode
c) user: user name, with the default setting of NULL
d) host: allowed to be host name, IPv4 address or registered SIP server
domain name
e) port: with the default value of 5060
This parameter is only applicable to the TUP channel.
The 4 higher bits should be set to be 0 and the 4 lower bits (namely DCBA) are valid.
Bit(s) Meaning Value Description
00 Local subscriber number
Nature of Address 01 Spare national number
wParam Indicator 10 Valid national number
11 International number
Calling party number 0 Presentation unrestricted
presentation indicator 1 Presentation restricted
Calling party number 0 Not incomplete
incomplete indicator 1 Incomplete

Return Value:
-1 Failed. The failure reason can be acquired from the function SsmGetLastErrMsg.
0 Successful.
Function Description:

Submits the AutoDial task to the driver to start an outgoing call.

After the AutoDial task is started, the channel state machine automatically initiates an outgoing call connection. For
related information, refer to the channel state transfer introductions in this manual.

If there is any progress with the outgoing call, the driver throws out the event E_PROC_AutoDial to the application.
The application may also inquire the call progress status via the function call of SsmChkAutoDial. Because the call
progress will be represented by the channel state transfer, the application can obtain the progress status of the
AutoDial task by inquiring the channel state transfer information via the event E_CHG_ChState or the function

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 236

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¾ ISUP Channel

The driver originates an outgoing call with the IAM message. There are two methods to compose an IAM
(1) Automatically composed by the driver. Some fields of the IAM message can be customized by the following
Field Method
Nature of connection indicator Change the configuration item DefaultNatureOfConnectionInd.
Forward call indicator Change the configuration item DefaultIAM_ForwardCallInd.
Calling party category Change the configuration item DefaultIAM_CAT or invoke the function SsmSetISUPCAT.
Transmission medium requirement
[1] Change the configuration item DefaultIAM_TransmissionMediumRequirment.
The first and second 8-bit group in the field can be set by the configuration item
[2] DefaultIAM_CalleeParam or the function SsmSetIsupFlag which has the parameter
Called party number
ISUP_PhoNumParam; The follow-up 8-bit group (i.e. the phone number) can be set by the
parameter szPhoNum of the function SsmAutoDialEx.
The first and second 8-bit group in the field can be set by the configuration item
DefaultIAM_CallerParam or the function SsmSetIsupFlag which has the parameter
Calling party number ISUP_CallerParam; The follow-up 8-bit group (i.e the phone number) can be set by the
configuration item CalloutCallerId or the function SsmSetTxCallerId. The configuration item
SetSTSignal decides whether to transmit ST signal in the calling party number.
The first and second 8-bit group can be set by the configuration item
Original called party number DefaultIAM_OriginalCalleeParam; The follow-up 8-bit group (i.e. the phone number) can be
set by the function SsmSetTxOriginalCallerID.
[3] The configuration item bSubscriberSI decides whether to include this field, the configuration
User service information
item SubscriberSI sets the value of this field.
[3] The configuration item bOptionalFCI decides whether to include this item, the configuration
Optional forward call indicator
item OptionalFCI sets the value of this field.
User to user information Changes the configuration item Usr2UsrInfo or calls the function SsmSetIsupParameter.
Other optional parameters To set other parameters, call the function SsmSetIsupParameter.
Note: In the above table, ISUP_CallerParam and ISUP_ PhoNumParam are declared in the header file Shpa3api.h. denotes essential
[2] [3]
length-fixed fields, denotes essential length-unfixed fields, denotes optional fields.

(2) The application itself creates an IAM message. Before invoking this function, the application itself can create an
IAM message and submit the IAM message to the driver via the function call of SsmSetIsupUPPara. When the
driver executes this function, it automatically covers the fields of SIO, DPC, OPC, SLC, CIC and the called party

¾ TUP Channel

The TUP channel can use the IAI message or IAM message as the initial address message to originate an outgoing
call. Below are the functions and configuration items related with the IAM/IAI message:
Related Function or Configuration Item Description
Configuration item: ConnectReqMsg Decides which message to use, IAM or IAI
Configuration item: CalloutIAM_CAT Sets the Calling Party Category
Configuration item: CalloutIAM_MsgPntr Sets the field of the message indicator
IAI Function: SsmSetTxOriginalCallerID Sets the original calling party address
Configuration item: OriginalCalleeAddrInd Sets the original called party address indicator
Configuration item: CalloutCallerId
Sets the calling party number
Function: SsmSetTxCallerId
Sets the additional calling party information indicator and calling line
Configuration item: CallingIndicatorBit
identification indicator in the 8-bit group of the first indicator.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 237

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Configuration item: SetSTSignal Sets whether the calling party number parameter ends with ST signal.

Configuration item: CallerAddrInd Sets the address indicator in the calling line identification field

If, before the application calls SsmAutoDialEx , the function SsmSetTxOriginalCallerID is invoked to set the original
called party address, the driver only uses the IAI message to originate an outgoing call. The address indicator in
the original called party address field of the IAI message can be set via the configuration item

¾ ISDN Channel

For the ISDN protocol, this function will trigger the driver to use the SETUP message to originate the outgoing call.
Below are the functions and configuration items related with the SETUP message.

Related Function or Configuration Item Description
Configuration item: UserCalledNoSet,
Sets the called party number type and the numbering plan
Configuration item: UserCallingNoSet,
Sets the calling party number type and the numbering plan
Configuration item: UserNumIsFull, Sets whether to include the parameter of "Called number complete"
NetNumIsFull in SETUP message.
Configuration item: UserChIdentify,
Sets the indication method for channel identification
Configuration item: UserChPreference,
Sets whether to allow the preferential channel selection
Configuration item: CalloutCallerId Sets the calling party number (needs to be invoked before the call of
Function: SsmSetTxCallerId this function)
Configuration item: UserHighLayerCompatible, Sets whether to include the "high layer compatibility" field in the
NetHighLayerCompatible SETUP message
Configuration item: UserLowLayerCompatible, Sets whether to include the "low layer compatibility" field in the
NetLowLayerCompatible SETUP message
Sets the calling party subaddress (needs to be invoked before the
Function: SsmISDNSetTxSubAddr
call of this function)
Sets the called party subaddress (needs to be invoked before the call
Function: SsmISDNSetDialSubAddr
of this function)
Function: SsmSetTxOriginalCallerID Sets the original calling party number
Function: SsmISDNSetCallerIdPresent Sets the ‘CallerID Present’ field

¾ SS1 Channel

For SS1 channel, when the driver is executing the Autodial task, the application can partially control the outgoing
call process via some functions or configuration items.
Related Function or Configuration Item Description
Function: SsmSetKA
Sets the calling party category (i.e. KA signal)
Configuration Item: MfcKA
Function: SsmSetKD
Sets the "Service nature of the original end" (i.e. KD signal)
Configuration Item: MfcKD
Configuration Item: CalloutCallerId
Sets the calling party (original end) number.
Function: SsmSetTxCallerId

¾ IP Channel

For IP channel, this function will trigger the driver to use a message specified by the protocol to start an outbound
call. To be exact, INVITE message is used for SIP channel. Functions related to these messages are listed below.
Message Type Related Function Description

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 238

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Set the calling party number (should be invoked before the

INVITE(SIP) Function: SsmSetTxCallerId
call of this function)

The function call result can be obtained via SsmChkAutoDial. In unusual cases when the IP channel fails to dial and
the call of SsmChkAutoDial always returns 11, users can invoke SsmGetAutoDialFailureReason to get the exact
failure reason.


z This function only supports TUP, ISUP, SS1, ISDN, IP and analog trunk channels;
z TUP channel: Maximum length of dial number is 30;
z ISUP channel: Maximum length of dial number is 49;
z SS1 channel: Maximum length of dial number is 50;
z ISDN channel: Maximum length of dial number is 30;
z IP channel: Maximum length of dial number is 128.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmAppendPhoNum, SsmChkAutoDial, SsmGetChState, SsmGetPendingReason SsmAppendPhoNum

Appends the called party number to the AutoDial operation.

int SsmAppendPhoNum(int ch, LPSTR szPhoNum)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
szPhoNum Pointer which points to the buffer storing phone number strings. For analog trunk
channel, if the character in szPhoNum is neither standard DTMF character nor
specified flash character, it will be regarded as the delay character; For SS1 outbound
trunk channel, any non-number characters will be ignored by the driver.
The maximum length of dial string is 50.
Return Value:
-1 Failed. The failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg. .
0 Successful.
Function Description:
Appends the called party number to the AutoDial operation. For more detailed information, refer to the channel state
machine of each channel.

z This function only supports TUP, ISUP, SS1, ISDN and analog trunk channels;
z TUP channel: Maximum length of appended called party number is 16;
z ISUP channel: Maximum length of appended called party number is 50;
z SS1 channel: Maximum length of appended called party number is 50;
z ISDN channel: Maximum length of appended called party number is 20.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 239

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmAutoDial, SsmAutoDialEx SsmChkAutoDial

Queries the execution status of the AutoDial operation.

int SsmChkAutoDial(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:

-1: Call failed. Below are the meanings of other return values:
Macro in shpa3api.h Description
0 DIAL_STANDBY Channel is idle and not executing the AutoDial task.
1 DIAL_DIALING Sending the called party number.
— Analog Trunk Channel: After Autodial, ringback tone is
detected on the line.
— SS1 channel: During outgoing call, if the driver receives a
backward KB=1 or KB=6 signal from the remote PBX, the
channel is idle.
— ISDN channel: Indicates the driver receives the ALERTING
message from the remote PBX.
— TUP/ISUP channel: Indicates that the address complete
message (ACM) has been received from the remote PBX.
If no dialtone is detected on the line, AutoDial failed. It’s only
applicable to the analog trunk channel.
The called party is busy and Autodial failed.
4 DIAL_BUSYTONE For analogy trunk channel, it indicates that the busy tone has
been detected on the line.
After the Autodial, the line will go into silence after detecting the
5 DIAL_ECHO_NOVOICE ringback tone. Then the Autodial operation is terminated. It’s only
applicable to analog trunk channel.
After the Autodial, the line keeps silence without detecting
6 DIAL_NOVOICE ringback tones. Then the Autodial operation is terminated. It’s
only applicable to analog trunk channel.
7 DIAL_VOICE The called party picks up the call and the Autodial task is finished.
The called party picks up the call (the answer signal at F1
8 DIAL_VOICEF1 frequency detected) and the AutoDial is finished. It’s only
applicable to analog trunk channel.
The called party picks up the call (the answer signal at F2
9 DIAL_VOICEF2 frequency detected) and the AutoDial is finished. It’s only
applicable to analog trunk channel.
The called party doesn’t pick up the phone for a specified time
10 DIAL_NOANSWER interval and the Autodial fails. It is not applicable to SIP channels
on VoIP boards.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 240

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

AutoDial fails. The failure reason can be acquired by the function

The called party number is unallocated. Autodial fails. It is
12 DIAL_INVALID_PHONUM applicable to neither SIP channels on VoIP boards nor ISDN
The SIP channel on a VoIP board receives 18X messages
(except 180).
The ISDN channel receives the PROGRESS message from the
14 DIAL_ISDN_PROGRESS remote PBX. To get the details of this message, invoke the
function SsmISDNGetProgressMsg.
Function Description:
Queries the execution status of the AutoDial operation.

z This function does not support the station channel, magnet channel and recording channel.
z If the ISDN or IP channel fails to dial and this function call always returns 11, users can invoke
SsmGetAutoDialFailureReason to get the exact failure reason.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmAutoDial, SsmAutoDialEx SsmGetAutoDialFailureReason

Obtains the failure reason for the outgoing call.

int SsmGetAutoDialFailureReason(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
Macro Description
-1 -1 Failed.
0 ATDL_NULL No outbound call operation.
1 ATDL_Cancel AutoDial is cancelled by the application
Waiting for answer from called party is overtime (for TUP
2 ATDL_WaitDialAnsTimeout
protocol only)
3 ATDL_WaitRemotePickupTimeout Waiting for off-hook signal from called party is overtime
10 ATDL_Mtp3Unusable SS7signaling: Signaling is unusable.
SS7 signaling: Receives SSB message from remote
SS7 signaling: Receives SLB message from remote
13 ATDL_RcvSTB SS7 signaling: Receives STB message from remote PBX
SS7 signaling: Receives UNN message from remote
15 ATDL_RcvSEC SS7 signaling: Receives SEC message from remote

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 241

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

SS7 signaling: Receives CGC message from remote
SS7 signaling: Receives NNC message from remote
18 ATDL_RcvCFL SS7 signaling: Receives CFL message from remote PBX
SS7 signaling: Receives LOS message from remote
20 ATDL_RcvSST SS7 signaling: Receives SST message from remote PBX
SS7 signaling: Receives ACB message from remote
SS7 signaling: Receives DPN message from remote
SS7 signaling: Receives EUM message from remote
24 ATDL_RcvADI SS7 signaling: Receives ADI message from remote PBX
SS7 signaling: Receives BLO message from remote
26 ATDL_DoubleOccupy SS7 signaling: Collision is detected
SS7 signaling: Receives the circuit/group reset signal
27 ATDL_CircuitReset
from remote PBX
28 ATDL_BlockedByRemote SS7 signaling: The circuit is blocked by remote PBX
SS1 signaling: Waiting for the occupy acknowledge is
40 ATDL_SS1WaitOccupyAckTimeout
41 ATDL_SS1RcvCAS_HANGUP SS1 signaling: Receives the backward disconnect signal
42 ATDL_SS1RcvA4 SS1 signaling: Receives the A4 signal (Keys congestion)
SS1 signaling: Receives the A5 signal (Unallocated
43 ATDL_SS1RcvA5
44 ATDL_SS1RcvUndefinedAx SS1 signaling: Receives undefined backward A signal
SS1 signaling: Receives undefined A signal during the
45 ATDL_SS1RcvUndefinedAxOnTxCallerId
transmission of Caller ID
SS1 signaling: Waiting for receiving backward A group
46 ATDL_SS1WaitAxTimeout
signal is overtime
SS1 signaling: Waiting for backward A group signal to
47 ATDL_SS1WaitAxStopTimeout
be stopped is overtime
SS1 signaling: Waiting for A signal is overtime during the
48 ATDL_SS1WaitAxTimeoutOnTxCallerId
transmission of Caller ID
SS1 signaling: Waiting for backward A signal to be
49 ATDL_SS1WaitAxStopTimeoutOnTxCallerId
stopped is overtime during the transmission of Caller ID.
SS1 signaling: KB2 signal is received (subscriber ‘local
51 ATDL_SS1RcvKB3 SS1 signaling: KB3 is received (subscriber ‘toll busy’)
52 ATDL_SS1RcvKB4 SS1 signaling: KB4 is received (keys congestion)
SS1 signaling: Receives KB5 signal (unallocated
54 ATDL_SS1RcvUndefinedKB SS1 signaling: Receives undefined KB signal
55 ATDL_SS1WaitKBTimeout SS1 signaling: Receiving backward KB signal is overtime
SS1 signaling: Waiting for remote end to stop sending
56 ATDL_SS1WaitKBStopTimeout
KB signal is overtime.
60 ATDL_ISDNNETISBUS ISDN: Network busy (no use any more)
61 ATDL_ISDNEMPTYNO ISDN: Unallocated number.
SS7 signaling: Receives the illegal message from remote
65 ATDL_IllegalMessage
ISUP: Receives Release message (REL) from remote
67 ATDL_RcvCBK TUP: Receives CBK message from remote PBX

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 242

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

68 ATDL_IPInvalidPhonum IP: Invalid dialed number

69 ATDL_IPRemoteBusy IP: Remote end busy
70 ATDL_IPBeenRefused IP: Refused
71 ATDL_IPDnsFail IP: Invalid DNS
72 ATDL_IPCodecUnSupport IP: Unsupported CODEC
73 ATDL_IPOutOfResources IP: No available resources
74 ATDL_IPLocalNetworkErr IP: Local network error
75 ATDL_IPRemoteNetworkErr IP: Remote network error
4xx, 5xx,
IP: SIP status code is received from the remote end
Other reasons, n is the ISDN cause code (refer to
100+n Appendix 1 ISDN Release Cause Information Element
for details)
Other Reserved.
Function Description:
Obtains the failure reason for the outgoing call.


z So far the SynCTI driver does not support macros ATDL_IPRemoteBusy, ATDL_IPDnsFail,
ATDL_IPCodecUnSupport, ATDL_IPLocalNetworkErr and ATDL_IPRemoteNetworkErr.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmAutoDial, SsmAutoDialEx SsmSetTxCallerId

Sets the local end number (i.e. Caller ID) for an outgoing call.

int SsmSetTxCallerId(int ch, LPSTR pszTxCallerId)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
z For SIP channels, pszTxCallerId sets the ‘displayname’ part in a complete SIP URI,
with the maximum size of 50. The format of a complete SIP URI is ”displayname”
z For other channels, this parameter stores the Caller ID in ASCII string format. To be
pszTxCallerId exact, the maximum size for TUP channels is 15 characters, for ISDN channels is
20 characters and for other types of channels is 50 characters. Each character
must be a digit among ‘0’~'9', otherwise it will be ignored.
z If the parameter pszTxCallerId is set to empty string the data stored in the interior
buffer will be cleared once this function is invoked.
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 The number of the CallerIDs which have been actually sent out
Function Description:
Sets the local end number (i.e. Caller ID) for an outgoing call.
During an outgoing call, if the remote PBX requires the local end to send the Caller ID, the driver will automatically

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 243

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

transmit the characters in pszTxCallerId to the remote PBX.

z This function must be called before the function SsmAutoDial or SsmAutoDialEx is invoked. Once the
parameter value is set, it will be saved in the internal buffer area and used subsequently in the IAM
message. To cancel it, invoke this function again and set pszTxCallerId to an empty string. Then the sent
calling party number will be null.
z The configuration item TxCallerId for SS1 channel can implement the same feature. Its default setting is
an empty string.
z This function only supports SS1 channel, TUP channel, ISUP channel, ISDN channel and IP channel.
z For TUP and ISUP protocols, some PBXes require that the Caller ID sent by the calling party include ST
signal (Signal Termination), which can be set by the configuration item SetSTSignal.
z If the Caller ID has not successfully been sent due to the failure of the function call of SsmSetTxCallerId,
the function SsmAutoDial will send the Caller ID according to the definition of the configuration item
CalloutCallerId in the configuration file shconfig.ini. If the configuration item CalloutCallerId has a preset
number, this number will be sent to the called party as the Caller ID. If no number has been set, the
Caller ID will be null.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPhoNumLen, SsmAutoDial, SsmAutoDialEx SsmGetTxCallerId

Obtains the Caller ID which is set by the local end.

int SsmGetTxCallerId(int ch, LPSTR pszTxCallerId)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
z Returns the character string set by SsmSetTxCallerId for SIP channel;
z Returns the caller ID string for other channels.
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 The total character number of pszTxCallerId
Function Description:
Obtains the Caller ID which is set by the local end.


z This function only supports SS1 channel, TUP channel, ISUP channel, ISDN channel and IP channel.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 244

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetTxCallerId SsmSetTxOriginalCallerID

Sets the redirecting number or original CalleeID in the call setup message.


int SsmSetTxOriginalCallerID(int ch, BYTE* pszTxCallerId)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Pointer pointing to the string storing the original CalleeID (for ISUP or TUP protocol) or
redirecting number (for ISDN protocol). The maximum total character number is 16.
Return Value:
-1 Failed
>=0 The actual length of redirecting number/CalleeID denoted by pszTxCallerId

Function Description:
During outgoing call, sets the redirecting number (for ISDN protocol) or original CalleeID (for ISUP or TUP protocol)
in the call setup message sent to the remote PBX.


z This function must be called before the function SsmAutoDial or SsmAutoDialEx. After the driver has
finished establishing the outgoing call setup message, this buffer area will be cleared.
z For the TUP channel, if this function is called before SsmAutoDial or SsmAutoDialEx are invoked, the
driver only uses IAI message to initiate the outgoing call. This function sets the original callee address of
the original callee address field in the IAI message and the configuration item OriginalCalleeAddrInd sets
the original callee address indicator.
z This function only supports the TUP channel, ISUP channel and ISDN channel.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmAutoDial, SsmAutoDialEx SsmSetTxRedirectingNum

Sets the redirecting number in the call setup message.


int SsmSetTxRedirectingNum(int ch, BYTE* pszTxredirectingNum)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Pointer which points to the string storing the redirecting number. The maximum total
character number is 16.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 245

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 The actual length of redirecting number denoted by pszTxredirectingNum

Function Description:

Sets the redirecting number in the call setup message sent to the remote PBX during an outgoing call.

z This function must be invoked before the call of the function SsmAutoDial or SsmAutoDialEx.
z The values of the parameters once set will be saved in the interior buffer of the driver and will be used in
subsequent IAM messages.
z The parameters of this function will go invalid when the program is restarted and the configuration file is
z How to cancel: set the second parameter of this function to a null string, that is,
SsmSetTxRedirectingNum(CurCh, (LPBYTE)""). You can only cancel the number set by this function.
z For the ISUP channel, if this function is called before SsmAutoDial or SsmAutoDialEx, the driver only
uses IAM message to initiate the outgoing call. This function only sets the redirecting number in the IAM
message; other parameters like address indicator can be set by the configuration item
z This function only supports the ISUP channel now.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmAutoDial, SsmAutoDialEx SsmSetWaitAutoDialAnswerTime

Sets the maximum time waiting for the called party to pick up the call.

BOOL SsmSetWaitAutoDialAnswerTime(WORD wSeconds)

Parameter Description:
wSeconds Wait time (second)
Return Value:
FALSE Failed
TRUE Successful
Function Description:

Sets the maximum time waiting for the called party to pick up the call in an outgoing call.

z The configuration item MaxWaitAutoDialAnswerTime can implement the same feature.
z This function only supports the SS1 channel, TUP channel, ISUP channel, ISDN channel and analog
trunk channel.

Related Information:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 246

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above

Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetWaitAutoDialAnswerTime SsmSetWaitAutoDialAnswerTimeEx

Sets the maximum time waiting for the called party to pick up the call on a designated channel.


Int WINAPI SsmSetWaitAutoDialAnswerTimeEx(int ch, int nSeconds)

Parameter Description:

ch Channel number
nSeconds Wait time (second)

Return Value:

-1 Failed
0 Successful

Function Description:

Sets the maximum time waiting for the called party to pick up the call on a designated channel during an outgoing

z The parameter nSeconds must be larger than or equal to 0, otherwise the system will prompt error.
When nSeconds=0, the configuration item MaxWaitAutoDialAnswerTime or the function
SsmSetWaitAutoDialAnswerTime works; when nSeconds>0, this function
SsmSetWaitAutoDialAnswerTimeEx gets valid.
z This function supports the SS1 channel, TUP channel, ISUP channel, ISDN channel, IP channel and
analog trunk channel, but it is valid only when invoked before the function SsmAutoDial.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related function: SsmSetWaitAutoDialAnswerTime SsmGetWaitAutoDialAnswerTime

Obtains the preset maximum time waiting for the called party to pick up the call.

BOOL SsmGetWaitAutoDialAnswerTime(WORD* pwSeconds)

Parameter Description:
pwSeconds Returns the wait time (second)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 247

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Return Value:
FALSE Failed
TRUE Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the preset maximum time waiting for the called party to pick up the call during an outgoing call.

z This function only supports the SS1 channel, TUP channel, ISUP channel and ISDN channel.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetWaitAutoDialAnswerTime SsmGetKB

Obtains the called party’s state.

int SsmGetKB(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
The detailed meanings of the called party’s state is related with the channel type and
call direction:
¾ Outgoing call:
— SS1 Channel: Returns the value of the KB signal which is sent from the remote end to local end.
For detailed value and its meanings, refers to the description of function SsmSetKB.
— TUP Channel: Returns the message indicator field (it includes 8 bits) in the ACM message
received from the remote PBX. For more information, refer to TUP protocol related
≥0 documents.
— ISUP Channel: Returns the lower 8 bits of the backward call indicator field (it includes 2 bytes) in
the ACM message received from the remote PBX, for more information, refer to ISUP
protocol related documents.
— ISDN Channel: Not supported.
¾ Incoming call: Returns the parameter value of the KB signal when the application
calls the function SsmSetKB, for more information, refer to the
description of the function SsmSetKB.
Function Description:
Obtains the called party’s state.

z For outgoing call, it’s recommended to invoke this function when the channel transfers to the state of

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 248

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetKB SS1 Channel Functions SsmSetKA

Sets the ‘Calling Party Category’ signal during an outgoing call.

int SsmSetKA(int ch, BYTE btSigKA)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
KA signal, range of value: 1≤btSigKA≤10, see below for the details:
KA signal’s content (including KOA)
KA Local office of Crossbar and SPC local office (including
Code step-by-step system quasi-electronic telephone switching system)
1 Period Period Period
User table, User table, User table,
Common immediate Common immediate Common immediate
Printer, Printer,
3 Printer, immediate
immediate immediate
4 Reserved Reserved Reserved
5 Common, no charge Common, no charge Common, no charge
6 Reserved Reserved Reserved
7 Reserved Reserved Reserved
8 Reserved Priority, period Priority, period
suburb call with right
automatically, toll
9 Reserved Reserved
without right
toll suburb call without
10 Priority, no charge Priority, no charge
right automatically
13 Plan for test
14 Reserved
15 Reserved

Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

During outgoing call, sets the KA signal value (calling party category) of R2 signaling. For more information, refer to
‘China SS1 State Machine’ in Chapter 1.

z This function only supports the SS1 channel of the SHD Series board;
z This function needs to be called before the function SsmAutoDial or SsmAutoDialEx;

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 249

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

z The configuration item MfcKA can implement the same feature.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetKA SsmSetKD

During the outgoing call, sets the KD signal value.

int SsmSetKD(int ch, BYTE btSigKD)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Code value of the KD signal and its range of value is listed below:
KD Code Description
1 Toll operator semi-auto call
2 Toll auto call (phone communication or user fax, user data communication)
3 Local call (user calls semi-auto operator and international semi-auto operator)
4 Local user fax or user data communication and user with priority
5 Semi-auto callerID verification 
6 Test call

Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

During outgoing call, sets the KD signal value (transmit end service nature). For more information, refer to ‘China
SS1 State Machine’ in Chapter 1.

z This function only supports the SS1 channel of the SHD Series board;
z This function needs to be called before the function SsmAutoDial or SsmAutoDialEx;
z The configuration item MfcKD can implement the same feature.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetKD

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 250

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.3.2 Incoming Call Functions Obtaining Calling Party Information SsmChkOpCallerId

Queries whether a designated channel supports receiving the callerID information.

int SsmChkOpCallerId (int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 The designated channel doesn’t support receiving the callerID information
1 The designated channel supports receiving the callerID information
Function Description:
Queries whether a designated channel supports receiving the callerID information.

z Station channel and magnet channel doesn’t support this operation.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetCallerId SsmGetCallerId

Refer to SsmGetCallerIdEx SsmGetCallerIdA

Refer to SsmGetCallerIdEx SsmGetCallerIdEx

Obtains the callerID information of the incoming call. SsmGetCallerId and SsmGetCallerIdA obtain the callerID
information stored in the basic buffer area; SsmGetCallerIdEx obtains the callerID information stored in the
extension buffer area and it’s only applicable to analog trunk channel and analog trunk recording channel.

int SsmGetCallerId(int ch, LPSTR szCallerId)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 251

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

int SsmGetCallerIdEx(int ch, LPSTR szCallerIdEx)

char* SsmGetCallerIdA(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
String pointer pointing to the buffer storing basic callerID information. The storage
space is allocated by the application and should be no less than 255 bytes.
String pointer pointing to the buffer storing extentional callerID information. The storage
space is allocated by the application and should be no less than 255 bytes.
szCallerIdEx Note: For analog trunk channel and analog trunk recording channel, the original
data of the callerID stored in szCallerIdEx is in FSK format, for more information,
refer to ‘Caller ID on Analog Phone Line’ in Chapter 1.
Return Value:
Function Name Return Value Description
SsmGetCallerId -1 Failed
SsmGetCallerIdEx ≥0 The length of the callerID information
NULL Failed
SsmGetCallerIdA String pointer pointing to the buffer storing the basic callerID
information in the driver
Function Description:
During incoming call, obtains the callerID information stored in the internal buffer area.
For SS1 channel, if the configuration item MfcR2ToRxCallerIdBuf is set to 1, SsmGetCallerIdEx can obtain the R2
signal which is sent from the remote PBX and stored in the callerID extension information buffer of the driver. For
more information, refer to ‘China SS1 State Machine’ in Chapter 1.

¾ IP Channel

1) For a SIP channel, the CallerID obtained by this function is SIP URI (the From field in SIP message), shown in
the format: [sip:/sips:]user[@host[:port]].

z Station channel and magnet channel doesn’t support this operation.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.4.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmClearCallerId, SsmClearCallerIdEx SsmGetCallerName

Obtains the name string in the FSK caller information on the analog phone line.


int SsmGetCallerName(int ch, LPSTR pszCallerName)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Pointer which points to the buffer storing the name string. The buffer space is allocated
by the application and should be no less than 50 characters.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 252

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 Returns the total number of characters in pszCallerName
Function Description:
Obtains the name string in the FSK caller information on the analog phone line. For more information, refer to
‘Caller ID on Analog Phone Line’ in Chapter 1.

z This function only supports the SHT Series analog trunk channel and ATP Series analog recording

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetCallerId, SsmGetCallerIdA, SsmGetCallerIdEx SsmClearCallerId

Refer to SsmClearCallerIdEx SsmClearCallerIdEx

Clears the buffer area storing callerID information in the driver.

int SsmClearCallerId (int ch)
int SsmClearCallerIdEx(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Clears the buffer area storing callerID information in the driver. SsmClearCallerId clears the basic buffer area and
SsmClearCallerIdEx clears the extension buffer area.

z This function supports all but ISDN and IP channels on SHD, ATP, DTP and DST series boards and the
analog trunk channels on SHT series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 253

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Related Function: SsmGetCallerId, SsmGetCallerIdA, SsmGetCallerIdEx SsmGetKA

During incoming call, obtains the calling party category.

int SsmGetKA(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
Returns the ‘calling party category’. The detailed meanings are associated with
channel types.
— SS1 channel: If it’s an incoming call, the return value is the KA signal value. For
more information, refer to the description of function SsmSetKA. If it's an outgoing
call, the returned value represents the ‘calling party category’ which is sent from
the local end to the remote end during the call progress.
— ISUP channel: During the incoming call, the return value represents the
parameter value of ‘calling party category’ in the IAM message sent from the
remote PBX.
Return Value Description
9 National operator (for domestic use)
10 Ordinary subscriber, it’s used for toll to toll and toll to local office calls
11 Calling subscriber with priority
12 Data call (voice with data)
13 Test call
14 Payphone
15 Ordinary calling subscriber, it’s used for local office to local office calls
— TUP Channel: During incoming call, the return value represents the parameter
value of ‘calling party category’ in the IAI/IAM message sent from the remote
Function Description:
During incoming call, obtains the calling party category.

z This function only supports SS1 channel, TUP channel and ISUP channel;
z It’s recommended that the application invokes this function when the channel state is transferred to

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetKA, SsmGetCallerId, SsmGetChState

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 254

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmGetKD

During incoming call, obtains the service nature of the original end.

int SsmGetKD(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
Returns the value of the KD signal sent from the calling party. For more detailed
information, refer to the description of function SsmSetKD.
Function Description:

Obtains the KD signal value (i.e. the service nature of the initiator) from the calling party during an incoming call.

z This function only supports SS1 channels of SHD Series boards and the called party’s channels in the
SpyCic of DTP Series boards.
z It’s recommended that the application invokes this function when the channel state is transferred to

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetChState Obtaining Called Party Information SsmGetPhoNumStr

Refer to SsmGetPhoNumLen SsmGetPhoNumStrA

Refer to SsmGetPhoNumLen SsmGetPhoNumLen

During incoming call, obtains the called party’s phone number information. SsmGetPhoNumLen gets the length of
the CalleeID; SsmGetPhoNumStr and SsmGetPhoNumStrA get the detailed CalleeID.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 255

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

int SsmGetPhoNumLen(int ch)

int SsmGetPhoNumStr(int ch, LPSTR pszPhoNum)
char* SsmGetPhoNumStrA(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The pointer which points to the buffer storing the ASCII formatted CalleeID. The
storage space is allocated by the application and should be no less than 50 characters.
Return Value:
Function Name Description
SsmGetPhoNumStr -1 Failed
SsmGetPhoNumLen ≥0 The length of the CalleeID.
NULL Failed
SsmGetPhoNumStrA Returns the pointer which points to the buffer storing the CalleeID in the
Function Description:
During incoming call, the remote PBX sends the call setup message to the local end. Upon receiving the message,
the driver separates the CalleeID from the message and stores it in the buffer. This function is applicable to obtain
the CalleeID in the buffer.

¾ IP Channel

1) For a SIP channel, the CalleeID obtained by this function is SIP URI (the To field in SIP message), shown in the
format: [“displayname“] [sip:/sips:]user[@host[:port]].

z SsmGetPhoNumLen and SsmGetPhoNumStr are only applicable to incoming calls on the SS1, TUP,
ISUP, ISDN and IP channel.
z SsmGetPhoNumStrA is only applicable to incoming calls on the SS1, TUP, ISUP and ISDN channel,
inapplicable to those on the IP channel.
z The length of the calleeID buffer in the driver is 50 characters. If the length of the received CalleeID
exceeds 50, the redundant number will be discarded.
Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Event: E_CHG_RxPhoNumBuf Obtaining 1st Called Party Number Information SsmGet1stPhoNumLen

Refer to SsmGet1stPhoNumStrA

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 256

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmGet1stPhoNumStr

Refer to SsmGet1stPhoNumStrA SsmGet1stPhoNumStrA

Obtains relative information from the call setup message such as the redirecting number information for ISDN
channel, the original called party number information for TUP channel, and the original called party number/the
redirecting number information for ISUP channel. SsmGet1stPhoNumLen gets the length of the information;
SsmGet1stPhoNumStr and SsmGet1stPhoNumStrA get the information itself.

int SsmGet1stPhoNumStr(int ch, LPSTR pszPhoNum)
char *SsmGet1stPhoNumStrA(int ch)
int SsmGet1stPhoNumLen(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Pointer which points to the buffer area storing phone number strings. The storage
space is allocated by the application and should be no less than 50 characters.
Return Value:
Function Name Description
SsmGet1stPhoNumStr -1 Failed
SsmGet1stPhoNumLen ≥0 The length of the phone number string
NULL Failed
SsmGet1stPhoNumStrA Returns the pointer which points to the buffer storing the phone number
in the driver.
Function Description:
During incoming call, obtains the called number information in the call setup message.
¾ ISDN Channel
Obtains the redirecting number information from the SETUP message.
¾ TUP Channel
Obtains the original called party number information from the IAI or IAM message.
¾ ISUP Channel
Obtains the original called party number information or the redirecting number information from the IAM message.
The configuration item SaveRGNTo1stPhoNumStr determines the type of the return value:
— SaveRGNTo1stPhoNumStr is set to be 0: If there is an original called number field in the IAM message, it
returns original called party number information, otherwise, it returns NULL;
— SaveRGNTo1stPhoNumStr is set to be 1: If there is only the redirecting number field in the IAM message,
this function returns redirecting number information. If there is only the original called number field, it
returns original called number information. If there are both, it returns the information contained in the latter
field of the message. For example, if these two fields are sequenced ‘redirecting number field | original
called number’, it returns the original called number information; If they are sequenced ‘original called
number | redirecting number field’, it returns the redirecting number information.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 257

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

If it is required to obtain the redirecting number information and the original called number information separately
from the IAM message of the ISUP channel, use the function SsmGetIsupParameter.
z The length of the buffer in the driver is 50 characters. If the length of the received number exceeds 50,
the redundant number will be discarded.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetChState Setting Parameters for Incoming Call Progress SsmEnableAutoSendKB

Sets the ‘auto-receive inbound call’ feature.


int SsmEnableAutoSendKB(int ch, BOOL bEnable)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
=TRUE: Enable
=FALSE: Disable
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the ‘auto-receive inbound call’ feature.

z This function is only applicable to SHD Series boards.
z For SS1 inbound trunk channel, the parameters set by this function can also be set by the configuration
item AutoSendKB. For more information, refer to ‘China SS1 State Machine’ in Chapter 1.
z For ISUP/TUP channel, the parameters set by this function can also be set by the configuration item
AutoSendACM. For more information, refer to ‘ISUP Channel State Machine’ or ‘TUP Channel State
Machine’ in Chapter 1.
z For ISDN channel, the parameters set by this function can also be set by the configuration item
UserSideAutoSendAck (user side) or NetSideAutoSendAck (network side). For more information, refer
to ‘ISUP Channel State Machine’ in Chapter 1.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetKB, SsmGetAutoSendKBFlag

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 258

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmGetAutoSendKBFlag

Obtains the flag of the ‘auto-receive incoming call’ feature.

int SsmGetAutoSendKBFlag(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Disabled
1 Enabled
Function Description:
Obtains the flag of the ‘auto-receive incoming call’ feature.

z This function is only applicable to SHD Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmEnableAutoSendKB SsmSetKB

During incoming call, sends backward answer message to the remote PBX and sets the called party’s state.


int SsmSetKB(int ch, BYTE btSigKB)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The called party state indicator. The detailed setting is related with the channel type.
¾ SS1 channel: btSigKB indicates the backward KB signal sent to remote PBX. Below
are the KB values:
Received KD=1,2 or 6 Received KD=3 or 4
Called subscriber free
1 Called subscriber free
Circuit reset: independent control
2 Called subscriber ‘local busy’ Reserved
btSigKB 3 Called subscriber ‘toll busy’
4 Keys congestion Called subscriber busy or keys congestion
5 Unallocated CalleeID Unallocated CalleeID
Called subscriber free
6 Reserved
Circuit reset: Calling party control
¾ TUP channel: This parameter represents the TUP messages sent by the driver:
btSigKB Meanings Message Sent by the Driver
1 Called subscriber free, charge ACM
2 Called subscriber ‘local busy’ SLB

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 259

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3 Called subscriber ‘toll busy’ STB

4 Keys congestion SEC
5 Unallocated CalleeID UNN
6 Reserved
7 Called subscriber free, no ACM
8 Request callerID GRQ
(The state will be transferred to ‘waiting GSM’)
9 Switching Equipment SEC
Congestion signal
10 Circuit Group Congestion signal CGC
11 Address incomplete signal ADI
12 Call failure signal CFL
13 Line out-of-service signal LOS
14 Send special information tone SST
15 Access barred signal ACB
16 Digital path not provided signal DPN
17 Busy SSB
¾ ISUP channel: This parameter represents the ISUP messages sent by the driver:
btSigKB Meanings Driver Operation
1/6 Called subscriber free, charge Send ACM Message, accept incoming call
2 Called subscriber busy Send REL message, reject incoming call
3 Incomplete address Send REL message, reject incoming call
4 Call rejection Send REL message, reject incoming call
5 No answer Send REL message, reject incoming call
Called subscriber free, no
7 Send ACM Message, accept incoming call
Send INR message, transfer the state to
8 Request callerID
‘waiting INF’.
9 User absent Send REL message, reject incoming call.
¾ ISDN channel: This parameter represents the ISDN messages sent by the driver:
btSigKB Meanings Driver Operation
1 Called subscriber free Send ALERT message
2 Called subscriber busy Send DISCONNECT message,
reason=Called subscriber busy
4 Call rejection Send DISCONNECT message, reason=Call
5 No answer Send DISCONNECT message, reason=No
answer from Called party
Other Reserved
¾ SIP channel: This parameter represents the SIP messages sent by the driver:
btSigKB Meanings Driver Operation
1 Called subscriber free Send 180 message
2 Called subscriber busy Send 486 message, reason=Called subscriber
Other Reserved

Return Value:
-1 Failed (Note: For the ISUP channel, it returns -1 or 0 if the call is failed)
0 Successful (Note: For the ISUP channel, it returns 1 if the call is successful)
Function Description:
During an incoming call, after the driver finishes receiving such information as calleeID based on the preset
number receiving rule, if the application disables the feature ‘Auto-reception of incoming call’ via the function
SsmEnableAutoSendKB or the configuration item AutoSendACM, the channel state will be transferred to
S_CALL_PENDING and the driver will give the control right back to the application. The application then sends the
backward answer message to the remote PBX and sets the called party’s state. The application can call this
function to accept or reject the current incoming call.
For more information, refer to related part in Chapter 1 according to the channel type.
— SS1 channel: ‘China SS1 State Machine ’

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 260

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

— ISUP channel: ‘ISUP Channel State Machine’

— TUP channel: ‘TUP Channel State Machine’
— ISDN channel: ‘ISDN Channel State Machine’

z For ISUP channels, if the parameter bigSigKB is set to be 1, 6, or 7, the driver will send ACM message to
the remote PBX. The ACM message is constructed by the following method: If, before this function is
invoked, the function SsmSetIsupUPPara (with parameter C_ISUP_ACM) is called to submit a
self-constructed ACM message to the driver, this ACM message will be used; otherwise, the driver will
construct an ACM message automatically. For more information, refer to ‘ISUP Channel State Machine’ in
Chapter 1.

z For ISDN channels, SsmSetCharge can be used to set whether a call is charged or free of charge.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmEnableAutoSendKB

2.3.3 Channel State Transition Events SsmGetChState

Obtains the current state of the channel.

int SsmGetChState(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
The return value -1 indicates call failed. Below are the meanings of other values.
Value MACRO in shpa3api.h State Description
0 idle
1 S_CALL_PICKUPED off-hook
2 S_CALL_RINGING ringing
3 S_CALL_TALKING talking
4 S_CALL_ANALOG_WAITDIALTONE Analog trunk channel: outgoing call, wait for dialing tone
5 S_CALL_ANALOG_TXPHONUM Analog trunk channel: outgoing call, dialing
6 S_CALL_ANALOG_WAITDIALRESULT Analog trunk channel: outgoing call, wait for dialing result.
7 S_CALL_PENDING pending . The pending cause can be got via function SsmGetPendingReason
8 S_CALL_OFFLINE off-line
9 S_CALL_WAIT_REMOTE_PICKUP Outgoing call, wait answer, wait called subscriber pickup
10 S_CALL_ANALOG_CLEAR Analog trunk channel: internal state
11 S_CALL_UNAVAILABLE channel unusable
12 S_CALL_LOCKED outgoing call locked
19 S_CALL_RemoteBlock blocked by remote
20 S_CALL_LocalBlock blocked locally
30 S_CALL_Ss1InWaitPhoNum SS1 Channel: receive called subscriber number
31 S_CALL_Ss1InWaitFwdStop SS1 Channel: wait remote PBX to stop sending forward signal
32 S_CALL_Ss1InWaitCallerID SS1 Channel: receive Caller ID

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 261

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33 S_CALL_Ss1InWaitKD SS1 Channel: receive KD signal

34 S_CALL_Ss1InWaitKDStop SS1 Channel: wait remote PBX to stop sending KD signal
35 S_CALL_SS1_SAYIDLE SS1 Channel: send idle signal to remote PBX
36 S_CALL_SS1WaitIdleCAS SS1 Channel: wait idle signal from remote PBX
37 S_CALL_SS1PhoNumHoldup SS1 Channel: phone number hold-up
38 S_CALL_Ss1InWaitStopSendA3p SS1 Channel: wait remote PBX to stop sending A3 pulse signal
40 S_CALL_Ss1OutWaitBwdAck SS1 Channel: wait remote PBX to answer seizure confirmation signal
41 S_CALL_Ss1OutTxPhoNum SS1 Channel: send CalleeID
42 S_CALL_Ss1OutWaitAppendPhoNum SS1 Channel: wait application to append phone number
43 S_CALL_Ss1OutTxCallerID SS1 Channel: send CallerID
44 S_CALL_Ss1OutWaitKB SS1 Channel: wait KB signal from remote PBX
45 S_CALL_Ss1OutDetectA3p SS1 Channel: wait A3 pulse signal from remote PBX
50 S_FAX_ROUND FAX channel: state transition is in progress
51 S_FAX_PhaseA FAX channel: fax call setup (Phase A)
52 S_FAX_PhaseB FAX channel: handling before fax message transmission (Phase B)
53 S_FAX_SendDCS FAX channel: send DCS signal to the receiver during transmission
54 S_FAX_Train FAX channel: train before fax message transmission
55 S_FAX_PhaseC FAX channel: fax message transmitting (Phase C)
56 S_FAX_PhaseD FAX channel: handling after fax message transmission (Phase D)
57 S_FAX_NextPage FAX channel: transmit next page
58 S_FAX_AllSent FAX channel: fax message transmission is completed
59 S_FAX_PhaseE FAX channel: fax call is released (Phase E)
60 S_FAX_Reset FAX channel: reset MODEM
61 S_FAX_Init FAX channel: initialize MODEM
62 S_FAX_RcvDCS FAX channel: Receiving fax, receive DCS signal from sender
63 S_FAX_SendFTT FAX channel: Receiving fax, send FTT signal indicating training failure
FAX channel: Receiving fax, send CFR signal confirming the request is
64 S_FAX_SendCFR
FAX channel: Fax transmission. Successive fax negotiation is undergone in the
65 S_FAX_SendPPS
ECM mode.
66 S_FAX_RcvPPR FAX channel: Receive PPR signal after sending PPS signal.
67 S_FAX_RepeatECMPage FAX channel: Fax transmission. Resend fax data in the ECM mode.
FAX channel: Positive negotiation is undergone in the ECM mode after 4 times
data resending.
69 S_FAX_SendPPR FAX channel: The sender is required to resend the fax data in the ECM mode.
70 S_TUP_WaitPcmReset TUP channel: wait circuit group to reset
71 S_TUP_WaitSAM TUP channel: wait for subsequent address message of remote PBX
72 S_TUP_WaitGSM TUP channel: wait for GSM message from remote PBX
73 S_TUP_WaitCLF TUP channel: wait for disconnect message from remote PBX
74 S_TUP_WaitPrefix TUP channel: inbound office prefix
75 S_TUP_WaitDialAnswer TUP channel: wait for message from remote PBX
76 S_TUP_WaitRLG TUP channel: wait for release-guard signal from remote PBX
77 S_TUP_WaitSetCallerID TUP channel: wait for the application to set callerID
81 S_ISDN_OUT_WAIT_NET_RESPONSE ISDN channel: wait for network response
82 S_ISDN_OUT_PLS_APPEND_NO ISDN channel: wait for the application to append the number
83 S_ISDN_IN_CHK_CALL_IN ISDN channel: incoming call is detected
84 S_ISDN_IN_RCVING_NO ISDN channel: number receiving
85 S_ISDN_IN_WAIT_TALK ISDN channel: ready for talk
86 S_ISDN_OUT_WAIT_ALERT ISDN channel: wait for the alerting signal from remote end
87 S_ISDN_CALL_BEGIN ISDN channel: originate an outgoing call or detect an incoming call
88 S_ISDN_WAIT_HUANGUP ISDN channel: wait for hangup
89 S_ISDN_IN_CALL_PROCEEDING ISDN channel: call proceeding
100 S_CALL_SENDRING Magnetic channel: send ring
105 S_SPY_RCVPHONUM Monitoring channel: receive number
110 S_SPY_SS1RESET SS1 channel: reset
111 S_SPY_SS1WAITBWDACK SS1 channel: waiting for the backward acknowledgement
112 S_SPY_SS1WAITKB SS1 channel: waiting for the KB signal
120 S_ISUP_WaitSAM ISUP channel: wait for SAM message from remote PBX
121 S_ISUP_WaitRLC ISUP channel: wait for release complete signal from remote PBX

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 262

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122 S_ISUP_WaitReset ISUP channel: wait for circuit to reset

123 S_ISUP_LocallyBlocked ISUP channel: locally blocked
124 S_ISUP_RemotelyBlocked ISUP channel: remotely blocked
125 S_ISUP_WaitDialAnswer ISUP channel: wait for message from remote PBX
126 S_ISUP_WaitINF ISUP channel: wait for INF message from remote PBX
127 S_ISUP_WaitSetCallerID ISUP channel: wait for the application to set caller ID
128 S_DTRC_ACTIVE DTR channel: monitored voice channel is in active state
129 S_ISUP_Suspend ISUP channel: suspended
130 S_CALL_EM_TXPHONUM E/M channel: dial or the voice alteration resource is used
131 S_CALL_EM_WaitIdleCAS E/M channel: wait for the idle signal from remote end
132 S_CALL_VOIP_DIALING IP channel: VoIP calling party is dialing
IP channel: VoIP called party picks up the phone and waits for the channel to
enter talking state
134 S_CALL_VOIP_CHANNEL_UNUSABLE IP channel: IP channel is unusable now
135 S_CALL_DISCONECT USB is disconnected
136 S_CALL_SS1WaitFlashEnd SS1 channel: wait for the end of flash
137 S_CALL_FlashEnd SS1 channel: flash ends
139 S_CALL_SIGNAL_ERROR DTR channel: frame synchronization normal but signal incomplete
140 S_CALL_FRAME_ERROR DTR channel: frame synchronization abnormal but signal complete
150 S_CALL_VOIP_SESSION_PROCEEDING IP channel: In session, it is a state when 183 received.
151 S_CALL_VOIP_REG_ING IP channel: registering a SIP channel
152 S_CALL_VOIP_REG_FAILED IP channel: fail to register a SIP channel
153 S_CALL_VOIP_CALL_ON_HOLD IP channel: call on hold state of SIP channel
160 S_IP_MEDIA_LOCK MEDIA channel: locked
161 S_IP_MEDIA_OPEN MEDIA channel: unlocked
162 S_SPY_RBSWAITACK RBS monitoring channel: wait for answer
163 S_SPY_RBSSENDACK RBS monitoring channel: send answer
170 S_IPR_USING IPR channel: the channel is used
171 S_IPR_COMMUNICATING IPR channel: the channel is in the communicating state
172 S_ISUP_WaitCOT ISUP channel: Wait for COT message
FAX channel: Negative processing is done in the ECM mode after several
times fax resending.
301 S_FAX_RNR_RR FAX channel: The fax receiver is busy in the ECM mode.
302 S_FAX_RTN FAX channel: Fax reception, receiving denied and retraining.
303 S_FAX_NextPage_EOM FAX channel: Sending of the next page should start from Phase B, retraining
400 S_FAX_V34_PhaseV8 FAX channel: V.8 training phase in the V.34 fax mode.
other Reserved

Function Description:

Obtains the current channel state.

z In order to enhance the application’s operation efficiency, it’s recommended to use the event of
E_CHG_ChState to obtain the information of channel state changes.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetChStateKeepTime, SsmGetPendingReason SsmGetChStateKeepTime

Retrieves the duration while the channel keeps in the current state.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 263

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

long SsmGetChStateKeepTime(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 The duration (ms) while the channel keeps in the current state
Function Description:

Retrieves the duration while the channel keeps in the current state.
More information can be obtained via the flexible implementation of this function:
z When the incoming call channel stays in the state of S_CALL_RINGING, this function can be used to
retrieve the ringing tone duration.
z When the current channel stays in the state of S_CALL_TALKING, this function can be used to retrieve
the call duration.
z When the outgoing call channel stays in the state of S_CALL_WAIT_REMOTE_PICKUP, this function can
be used to retrieve the time waiting for the called subscriber to pick up the phone.

z This function does not support VoIP boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetChState

2.3.4 Obtaining Pending Reason SsmGetPendingReason

Obtains the detailed cause for the channel entering the state of S_CALL_PENDING.

int SsmGetPendingReason(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 represents a failed call, below are the meanings of other values.
Return Applicable Description
Value Channel Type
Analog trunk
0 ANALOGOUT_NO_DIALTONE Outgoing call failed: no dial tone detected
Analog trunk
1 ANALOGOUT_BUSYTONE Outgoing call failed: busy tone detected
Outgoing call: after the ringback tone is detected, the
Analog trunk
2 ANALOGOUT_ECHO_NOVOICE phone line keeps silence. The driver can’t determine
whether the called subscriber picks up the phone
Analog trunk Outgoing call: after the ringback tone is detected, the
channel called subscriber doesn’t answer within the time

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 264

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

specified in the configuration item

Analog trunk The channel in the ‘connected’ state detects that the
channel remote subscriber has hanged up.
Outgoing call: the autodial is finished and no ringback
Analog trunk tone or other voice signals have been detected. The
channel driver can’t determine whether the called subscriber has
hanged up.
Incoming call: if, after the driver has finished receiving
ISUP / TUP/ the information such as calleeID based on the preset
10 PEND_WaitBckStpMsg ISDN/ number receiving rule, the feature of ‘automatically
SS1 receive incoming call’ is disabled, the application itself
needs to decide whether to accept this call or not.
Incoming call: after the KD signal from the remote PBX
has been received, the application sets KB=5
(unallocated number) and waits for the release signal
from the calling party.
ISUP / TUP/ Incoming call: the remote end hangs up the phone while
12 PEND_RemoteHangupOnTalking
SS1 talking.
Outgoing call failed. You can invoke the function
13 PEND_AutoDialFailed SsmGetAutoDialFailureReason() to get the exact
reason why this auto dial fails.
14 PEND_SsxUnusable ISUP / TUP SS7 signaling is unavailable
15 PEND_CircuitReset ISUP / TUP The event of circuit reset occurs
ISUP / TUP The basic frame (timeslot0) synchronization signal of the
16 PEND_PcmSyncLos
SS1 digital trunk is lost.
SS1OUT_TALKING_REMOTE_HANGUPED SS1 Outgoing call: the remote end hangs up the phone while
PEND_CalleeHangupOnTalking ISUP / TUP talking.

Outgoing call failed: the called subscriber doesn’t

21 SS1OUT_NOANSWER SS1 answer the call within the time specified by the
configuration item MaxWaitAutoDialAnswerTime
Outgoing call failed: waiting for the ‘Seizure Ack’ signal
from the remote PBX is overtime
23 SS1OUT_DIALING_BWD_HANGUP SS1 Outgoing call failed: remote PBX cancels the call.
Outgoing call failed: receives the A5 signal (unallocated
number signal) from the remote PBX
Outgoing call failed: receives the KB=5 (unallocated
number signal) from the remote PBX.
Outgoing call failed: receives KB=2(Called subscriber
‘local busy’)from the remote PBX
Outgoing call failed: receives KB=3(Called subscriber
‘toll busy’) from the remote PBX
Outgoing call failed: receives A4 signal (keys
congestion) from remote PBX
Outgoing call failed: receives KB=4 signal (keys
congestion) from remote PBX
Outgoing call failed: the wait for backward group A
signals from the remote PBX is time out.
Outgoing call failed: the wait for the remote PBX to stop
sending backward group A signals is time out.
Outgoing call failed: the wait for KB signal from the
remote PBX is time out.
Outgoing call failed: the wait for the remote PBX to stop
sending KB signal is time out.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 265

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Outgoing call failed: when sending calling party number

34 SS1OUT_TIMEOUT_CALLERID_BWD_A1 SS1 to the remote PBX, the wait for backward group A signal
from the remote PBX is time out.
Outgoing call failed: when sending calling party number
to the remote PBX, the wait for the remote PBX to stop
sending backward group A signals is timeout and the
autodial fails.
Outgoing call failed: receive undefined backward group
36 SS1OUT_UNDEFINED_CALLERID_BWD_A SS1 A signal when sending calling party number to the
remote PBX,
Outgoing call failed: receive undefined backward group
A signal
38 SS1OUT_UNDEFINED_BWD_KB Outgoing call failed: receive the undefined KB signal
41 ISDN_CALLOVER ISDN The call is over and the remote end hangs up first.
Receives the ‘disconnected’ message from the remote
end and waits for the release of the local end.
43 ISDN_HANGING ISDN The local end hangs up first, being disconnecting.
44 ISDN_RELEASING ISDN Releasing the call
47 ISDN_CIRCUIT_NOT_AVAILABLE ISDN Designated circuit is unavailable
Outgoing call failed: receives the ‘disconnect‘ message
48 PEND_CalleeHangupOnWaitRemotePickUp TUP from the remote PBX while waiting for the called
subscriber to pick up.
Receive the hardware blocking message from the
49 ISUP_HardCircuitBlock ISUP
remote PBX
Timer T6 overflows. For more information about the
50 ISUP_RemoteSuspend ISUP timer T6, refer to the ‘ISUP Channel State Machine’ in
chapter 1.
Receive the blocking message from the remote
53 ISDN_CALL_REJ ISDN Call rejection
Incoming call: when the channel is in the ‘ringing’ state,
54 PEND_RemoteHangupOnRinging ISUP / TUP
the remote PBX cancels the call
No route to destination, the cause may be ‘the mobile
phone is not in the service area’
No route to the destination, the cause may be ‘the
mobile phone is power off’
57 EM_USER_BUSY E/M User busy
58 EM_CH_ERROR E/M Channel error
59 EM_LOCAL_HANGUP E/M Local end hangs up first
60 EM_LOCAL_NOANSWER E/M No answer at Local end
61 EM_REMOTE_HANGUP E/M Remote end hangs up first
62 EM_REMOTE_NOANSWER E/M No answer from remote end
When the channel is in the suspended state, the remote
63 PEND_RemoteHangupOnSuspend ISUP
end hangs up
When the channel is in the suspended state, the called
64 PEND_CalleeHangupOnSuspend ISUP
party hangs up
65 ISDN_NORMAL_UNSPEC ISDN The call is finished normally
67 ISDN_INVALID_NUMBER_FOEMAT ISDN Number format invalid

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 266

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68 ISDN_NO_CIRCUIT_AVAILABLE ISDN No circuit/channel available

69 IP_REMOTE_CRASHED SIP Remote end crashes
70 IP_REMOTE_CLOSED SIP Remote end sends the BYE or CANCEL message
71 IP_DIAL_TIMEOUT SIP Call from the VoIP board is time-out
72 IP_REMOTE_REJECTED SIP Call from the VoIP board is rejected by the remote end
Call is pending after it is successfully transferred by the
VoIP board
Call is pending after it is unsuccessfully transferred by
the VoIP board
75 IP_STUN_FAILED SIP The stun traversal fails in the call from the VoIP board
ACK message is not received after the VoIP board picks
up the call
77 IP_REDIRECT_FAIL SIP Call redirecting via the VoIP board is failed
Others Reserved

Function Description:
Obtains the detailed cause for the channel entering the state of S_CALL_PENDING.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

2.3.5 Channel Pickup Functions (CTI Series) SsmPickup

Refer to SsmPickupANX SsmPickupANX

Executes the pickup operation on the channel. SsmPickupANX not only includes all the features of SsmPickup, but
also indicates the charge information of the called party in the answer message; however, it is only applicable to
the TUP and ISUP channels.

int SsmPickup(int ch)
int SsmPickupANX(int ch, int nANX)

Parameter Description:

ch Channel Number
=0: No indication
nANX =1: Charge
=2: Free of charge

Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 267

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Executes the pickup operation on the channel.

— ISUP channel:

For ISUP channel, when the application calls this function, if the channel is in the ‘ringing’ state, based on the
settings of the configuration item DefaultCalledPickupMsg, the driver will send CON (address is complete and
pickup) or ANM (answer) message, in which the backward call indicator field can be set by the configuration item
DefaultBackwardCallInd, to the remote PBX. If the channel is in ‘idle’ or ‘blocked’ state, the driver will not send any
messages to the remote PBX.

— ISDN channel:

For the ISDN channel, when the application calls this function, if the channel is in the ‘ringing’ state, the driver will
send CONNECT message to the remote PBX and start the Timer T313 simultaneously; then it will transfer the
channel state to S_ISDN_IN_WAIT_TALK. If the channel is in the state of ‘idle’ or ‘blocked’, the driver will not send
any messages to the remote PBX.

— Analog Trunk Channel

For the incoming calls in the analog trunk channel, when the application calls this function, if the channel is in the
state of S_CALL_RINGING and the ringing current stays at on state, in order to avoid the damage to the voice
board caused by the on-line ringing current voltage, the driver will not send the pickup command to the hardware
circuit. Only when the voltage of the ringing current turns to the off state will the driver execute the pickup
command and throw out the event E_SYS_ActualPickup to the application. The function SsmCheckActualPickup
can be used to check whether the pickup command has been finished.

— IP Channel

An idle IP channel will turn into the ‘Outgoing Call Locked’ state after the call of this function. Then users can
invoke SsmHangup to send the channel back to the ‘Idle” state or invoke dial functions to call out. Invoking this
function for an IP channel which is in the ‘Ringing’ state means to accept the incoming call. When this function is
called for an IP channel in other states, it will return error.

z SsmPickup is applicable to SS1 channel, TUP channel, ISUP channel, ISDN channel, IP channel, analog
trunk channel and EM Control channel. SsmPickupANX is only applicable to TUP channel and ISUP
z For analog trunk channel, after the application calls this function, the driver will reset the ringing current
detector and also reset and start the tone detector.

Related Information:
SsmPickup requires SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Driver version
SsmPickupANX requires SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmHangup, SsmHangupEx

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 268

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2.3.6 Channel Hangup Functions (CTI Series) SsmHangup
Refer to SsmHangupEx SsmHangupEx
Sends the hangup command to the channel. SsmHangupEx can also send the information such as the cause of
hangup to the driver, but it is only applicable to ISUP channel.

int SsmHangup(int ch)
int SsmHangupEx(int ch, UCHAR ucCauseVal)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The cause of hangup release. For detailed values, refer to the description on ISUP
Return Value:
Fail to hang up the call. The failure reason can be acquired via function
0 Hangup operation succeeds.
Function Description:
Sends the hangup command to the channel. The exact driver behavior depends on the channel type.

¾ ISUP Channel

This function will trigger the driver to send REL (release) message to the remote PBX which can be used either to
reject the incoming call or to cancel the outgoing call. If the application calls SsmHangupEx, the release cause in
the REL message is determined by the parameter of ucCauseVal. If the application calls SsmHangup, the release
cause varies according to the channel state:

Channel State Release Cause in REL Message

S_CALL_PICKUPED Does not send REL message
S_ISUP_WaitINF Determined by the preset value of the configuration item
S_CALL_RINGING DefaultHangupRELInd or function SsmSetIsupFlag (with
(the hangup cause is PEND_WaitBckStpMsg)
Note: The macros used in the above table are declared in the header file shpa3api.h.

¾ TUP Channel

If the channel is in the state of S_CALL_RINGING, when this function is invoked, the application will reject the
incoming call and the driver will send the call rejection message to the remote PBX. The call rejection message
could be either CBK or CFL, which is determined by the configuration item HangupRingSendCBK.

¾ ISDN Channel

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 269

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For the ISDN channel, after invoking this function:

— If the channel is in the state of S_CALL_PENDING, the driver will send ‘RELEASE’ message to the
remote PBX.
— If the channel is in the state of S_ISDN_OUT_PLS_APPEND_NO, the current call will be hanged up.
The driver will send the ‘DISCONNECT’ message to the remote PBX and the hangup cause field will be
set to be ‘unallocated number’.
— If the channel is in the state of S_CALL_TALKING, it indicates that the local end hangs up first. The
driver will send the ‘DISCONNECT’ message to the remote PBX and the hangup cause is set to be ‘the
call is finished normally’.
— If the channel is in the state of S_CALL_RINGING, it indicates that the application rejects the current
incoming call. The driver will send the ‘DISCONNECT’ message to the remote PBX and the hangup
cause in the message is set to be ‘call rejection’.

¾ IP Channel

— If this function is called for an IP channel which stays in the ‘Outgoing Call Locked’ state, the channel
state will turn into idle;
— If this function is called for a non-idle IP channel, the IP state machine will trigger different protocol
commands according to the current state and terminate the IP session.

z The function SsmHangupEx is applicable to ISUP channel, TUP channel, ISDN channel, analog trunk
channel and SS1 channel. The VoIP channel and the EM Control channel can only use the function

z For the ISDN channel, before invoking this function, the application can set the hangup reason via the
function SsmISDNSetHangupRzn.

Related Information:
SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Driver version
SsmHangupEx: SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmPickup, SsmPickupANX

2.3.7 Setting Channel’s Call Direction SsmSetAutoCallDirection

Sets the call direction of the channel.

int SsmSetAutoCallDirection(int ch, BOOL bEnAutoCall, int nDirection)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Whether the call is processed by the driver automatically.
bEnAutoCall =TRUE: Yes;
=FALSE: No. In this case, nDirection will be ignored.
Call direction, it’s valid only when bEnAutoCall is set to be TRUE. Range of Value:
nDirection =0: Only incoming calls supported;
=1: Only outgoing calls supported;

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 270

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=2: Both outgoing and incoming calls supported (invalid to SS1).

Return Value:
-1 Failed, the failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
≥0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the call direction of the channel.


z This function only supports the SS1 and ISDN channels of SHD Series boards, and the SIP channel of
SHN Series boards.
z For the SS1 and ISDN channels of SHD Series boards, only when the channel is in the state of
S_CALL_STANDBY can this function be called. For the SIP channel of SHN Series boards, this function
can be called regardless of the channel state.
z This function has no effect on SS7 trunk channels. The call direction of SS7 channel can be set via
blocking functions if necessary. For more details, refer to the function SsmBlockLocalCh.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetChState, SsmGetAutoCallDirection SsmGetAutoCallDirection

Obtains the call direction of the channel.

int SsmGetAutoCallDirection(int ch, int* pnDirection)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Returns the call direction, it’s valid only when bEnAutoCall is set to be TRUE.
Range of value:
=0: Only incoming call supported;
=1: Only outgoing call supported;
=2: Both incoming and outgoing call supported;
=3: Runtime under ISDN or TUP.
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 In this channel, the call isn’t processed by the driver automatically.
1 In this channel, the call is processed by the driver automatically.
Function Description:
Obtains the call direction of the channel.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 271

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Related Function: SsmSetAutoCallDirection

2.3.8 Obtaining Release Reason SsmGetReleaseReason

Obtains the release cause value in the release message sent from the remote PBX.

WORD SsmGetReleaseReason(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
0 Unknown reason
The cause value in the release message, the detailed message types and meanings
are related with the channel type.
¾ ISUP channel: Returns the release cause in REL message. For detailed
information, refer to Appendix 1 ISDN Release Cause Information Element. The
commonly used values are:
0x01: unallocated number
0x10: normal disconnection
0x11: user busy
0x12: no answer
0x15: rejected
0x1c: incomplete address
0x1f: normal
0x2a: switching device congested
0x14: subscriber absent
0x16: number changed
¾ ISDN channel: Returns the ‘release cause information element’ field in the ISDN
release message. For detailed information, refer to Appendix 1 ISDN Release
Cause Information Element.
Function Description:
Obtains the release cause value in the release message sent from the remote PBX.

z Before processing the incoming call (i.e. when the driver receives a call setup message from the remote
PBX), the driver sets the release cause value to be 0.
z This function is only applicable to ISDN channel (including network side and user side) and ISUP

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

2.3.9 TUP Channel Functions SsmSetCalleeHoldFlag

Sets the ‘caller holding’ feature for the TUP channel.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 272

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int SsmSetCalleeHoldFlag(int ch, BOOL bFlag)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
=TRUE: Enable
=FALSE: Disable
Return Value:
-1 Failed. The failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Sets the ‘caller holding’ feature for the TUP channel. For more information, refer to ‘CALLER HOLDING Feature’ in
Chapter 1.

z This function is only applicable to the TUP channels of SHD Series board
z Only when the channel is in the state of S_CALL_TALKING, can this function be called.
z During the incoming call, before the driver transfers the channel to the state of S_CALL_TALKING, it
automatically disables the ‘caller holding’ feature.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 4.7 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetTupFlag
Obtains the value of the specified parameter or field in the TUP message.
int SsmGetTupFlag(int ch,int nType,DWORD *pdwParaValue)
Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Select the type of the parameter or field. Range of value:
=1(Tup_ANX): During an outgoing call, if the called subscriber accepts this call when the channel
stays in the S_CALL_WAIT_REMOTE_PICKUP state, the remote PBX will send the
Answer Signal to the local end and the driver will transfer the channel state to
S_CALL_TALKING. At this point, the detailed answer message type can be obtained
via the parameter pdwParaValue.
Return value of the parameter or field. Detailed meaning is related with nType.
pdwParaValue 0x06:ANU Message (No indication)
0x16:ANC Message (Charge)
0x26:ANN Message (No charge)

Return Value:
1 Successfully obtains the message.
-1 Failed, the failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
Function Description:

Obtains the value of the specified parameter or field in the TUP message.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 273

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z This function is only applicable to the TUP channels.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: None SsmSetTupParameter
Sets the optional parameters of the Tup message in the outgoing call channel.
int SsmSetTupParameter (int nBCh, UCHAR ucMsgTypeCode, UCHAR ucParamTypeCode, WORD wLength,
PUCHAR pucContent)
Parameter Description:
nBCh Channel Number
Message type. The range of value:
0x21: IAI message
0x11: IAM message
Other: Reserved
Parameter type. The type value is related with the ucMsgTypeCode:
ucMsgTypeCode = IAI message:
0x00: the nature of address indicator for the original called party in IAI
0x01: Sets the calling party’s category field in the IAI message
ucParamTypeCode 0x02: Sets the address indicator for the calling line identification field in the IAI
ucMsgTypeCode = IAM message:
0x01: Sets the calling party’s category field in the IAM message
Other: Reserved
wLength The length of parameter’s content
pucContent Pointer pointing to the buffer area storing the content of the parameter
Return Value:
-1 Failure in parameter setting
0 Successful
Function Description:

Sets the optional parameters of the TUP message in the outgoing call channel. This function is only effective to the
nature of address indicator for the original called party in IAI, the address indicator for the calling line identification
field in IAI and the calling party’s category field in IAI/IAM . Relative configuration item: CalloutIAM_CAT.

Related Information:
Driver Version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:None SsmGetTupParameter

Obtains a specified field from the received IAM message.

int SsmGetTupParameter (int nBCh, UCHAR ucMsgTypeCode, UCHAR ucParamTypeCode,PUCHAR pucContent,

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 274

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WORD wNumberOfBytesToWrite, LPWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten);

Parameter Description:
nBCh Channel Number
Message type. The range of value:
ucMsgTypeCode 0x11: IAM message
Other: Reserved
Parameter type. The type value is related with the ucMsgTypeCode:
ucParamTypeCode 0xE3: obtains the CIC field of the IAM message
Other: Reserved
pucContent Pointer pointing to the buffer area storing the content of the parameter
wNumberOfBytesToWrite Size of the buffer area
lpNumberOfBytesWritten Length of the actually returned data
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains a specified field from the received IAM message. At present this function only supports to obtain the CIC
field of the IAM message.

Related Information:
Driver Version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:None

2.3.10 ISUP Channel Functions SsmSetISUPCAT

Sets the calling party category in the ISUP IAM message.

int SsmSetISUPCAT(int nch, UCHAR ucCallerCAT)

Parameter Description:
nch Channel Number
ucCallerCAT Hexadecimal calling party category
Return Value: 0

Function Description:

Sets the calling party category in the ISUP IAM message. The parameters set by this function can also be set by
the configuration item DefaultIAM_CAT.

z This function should be called before calling the function SsmAutoDial or SsmAutoDialEx.

z The parameters set in this function will go invalid once the program is restarted and the configuration file
is reloaded.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 275

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetIsupParameter

Sets the optional fields in the ISUP message sent from the local end to the remote PBX.
int SsmSetIsupParameter(int ch, UCHAR ucMsuType, UCHAR ucParamType, WORD wLength, PUCHAR

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Message type. The range of value:
0x01: IAM message
0X09: ANM message
Other: Reserved
Parameter type. The type value is related to the usMsuType:
ucMsuType= IAM message: set optional fields
ucMsuType= ANM message: set other optional fields except the following one:
ucParamType — Backward call indicator
For the parameter type of each optional field, refer to Appendix 2 Optional ISUP Parameters and
ucMsuType=other: reserved
Parameter length (byte). If ucMsuType=IAM, setting wLength to 0 means that the IAM
message no longer includes the optional fields designated by ucParamType
The content of the parameter. If ucMsuType=IAM, setting pucContent to a NULL string
pucContent means to remove the optional fields designated by ucParamType from the IAM
message. You can only remove the field set by this function.
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Sets the optional fields in the ISUP message sent from the local end to the remote PBX.
z If ucMsuType is set to be the IAM message, this function should be called before invoking the function
SsmAutoDial. Once the parameter value is set, it will be saved in the internal buffer area and used in the
subsequent IAM message. For the user to user information field in the IAM message, it can also be set by
the configuration item Usr2UsrInfo.
z The parameters set in this function will go invalid once the program is restarted and the configuration file
is reloaded.
Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Related Function: SsmGetIsupParameter

Sample code:
The redirection information field is added in the IAM message. The parameter type of the redirection information
field is 0x13, which contains 2 bytes. Below is the meaning of the first 8-bit group (namely HGFEDCBA, A is the
lowest bit) of the redirection information field:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 276

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Bit Meaning Value Description

000 No redirection
001 Call reroute
010 Call reroute, presentation or restriction of all the redirection information
CBA Redirection indicator 011 In-call modification
100 In-call modification, presentation or restriction of all the redirection information
110 In-call modification, presentation or restriction of the redirection number
other reserved
D Reserved
0000 Unknown/unusable
0001 User busy
HGFE Original redirection cause 0010 No answer
0011 No condition
other reserved
Below is the meaning of the second 8-bit group (namely PONMLKJI, I is the lowest bit):
Bit Meaning Value Description
KJI Redirection counter 1~5 The redirection times of the call is expressed by a binary number between 1 and 5.
L Reserved Needs to be set 0
0000 Unknown/unusable
0001 User busy
0010 No answer
PONM Cause of redirection
0011 No condition
0110 Unavailable mobile user
other Reserved
If the redirection information is set to be call forwarding on no answer, the related sample code is below:
UCHAR IsupParamRI[2];
IsupParamRI[0] = 0x03; //set the content of the redirection information
IsupParamRI[1] = 0x21;
SsmSetIsupParameter(ch, 0x01, 0x13, 2, IsupParamRI);
SsmAutoDial(ch,…); SsmGetIsupParameter

Obtains the optional fields in the ISUP message sent from the remote PBX to the local end.
int SsmGetIsupParameter(int nBCh, UCHAR ucMsuType, UCHAR ucParamType, PUCHAR pucContent, WORD
wBufSize, LPWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten)

Parameter Description:
nBCh Channel Number
Message type. Range of value:
0x01: IAM message
0x06: ACM message
Others: reserved
z Fields of IAM message:
0xE3: Obtain the CIC field of the IAM message
0xE7: Obtain the TMR field of the IAM message
ucParamType 0xE8: Obtain the calling party subaddress of the IAM message
0xE9: Obtain the called party subaddress of the IAM message
z The type of the optional field. This value is related with ucMsuType. For more
information, refer to Appendix 2 Optional ISUP Parameters and Descriptions.
The pointer which points to the buffer area storing the content of the optional fields.
The buffer area for storage is allocated by the application and its length is
pucContent recommended to be 272.
Note: The returned information doesn’t include the code of the type (1 byte) and the
length (1byte) of the optional field.
wBufSize The length of pucContent (byte)
lpNumberOfBytesWritten The actual length (Byte) of the data which is written into pucContent by the driver.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 277

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Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the optional fields in the ISUP message sent from the remote PBX to the local end.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Related Function: SsmSetIsupParameter SsmSetIsupFlag

Sets the parameters in the ISUP user part.

int SsmSetIsupFlag(int ch, int nType, DWORD dwValue, PVOID pV)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
nType Choose the type of the parameter, below are the available values:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 278

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ISUP_PhoNumParam=2: Sets the callee parameter of the called

party number field in the IAM message,
at this point, the parameter dwValue is
the set value and the parameter pV is
ISUP_CallerParam=1: Sets the caller parameter of the calling
party number field, at this point, the
parameter dwValue is the set value and
the parameter pV is invalid.
ISUP_REL_DENY_SetToOther=100: When the application calls the function
SsmHangup and triggers the driver to
send REL message to the remote PBX,
the parameter dwValue can set the
release cause carried in the REL
message and the parameter pV is
ISUP_PhoNumREL=3: Sends the disconnection message
including the number redirection
information to the remote PBX, at this
point, the parameter pV is valid.
ISUP_IAM_TMR=4: Sets the TMR (Transmission Medium
Requirement) parameter in the IAM
message, where the parameter
dwValue is set and the parameter pV is
DefaultIAM_OriginalCalleeParam=101: The parameter of the original called
ISUP_PhoNumRELEx=5: This type is similar to PhoNumREL. It
sends the disconnection message
including the number redirection
information to the remote PBX and sets
the release cause. Now the parameter
pV is valid.
Sets the parameter value which is related with the value of nType
Value of nType Value and meaning of dwValue
ISUP_PhoNumParam Refer to the configuration item
ISUP_CallerParam Refer to the configuration item
ISUP_REL_DENY_SetToOther Refer to the configuration item
dwValue ISUP_IAM_TMR Refer to the configuration item
DefaultIAM_OriginalCalleeParam Parameter value of Original Called Party:
Spare: 0x1000
Subscriber Number: 0x1001
Unknown: 0x1002
National Number: 0x1003
International Number: 0x1004
ISUP_PhoNumREL Reserved, unused

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 279

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The meaning of pV is related with the value of nType:

¾ nType=ISUP_PhoNumREL:
pV is the pointer pointing to the struct object ISUP_RIREL, which is used to
customize the parameters in the REL message. The struct ISUP_RIREL in
Shpa3api.h is declared as below:
typedef struct tag_ISUP_RIREL{
WORD wRIPhoNumPara;
WORD wPhoNumLen;
UCHAR ucRIPhoNum[20];
The parameter meanings in the above struct are:
wRIMsg: The ‘redirection information’ field consists of the bits
wRIPhoNumPara: The ‘redirection number’ field consists of the bits
wPhoNumLen: The character number of ucRIPhoNum
ucRIPhoNum: The string of the redirection phone number.
¾ nType=ISUP_PhoNumRELEx:
pV is the pointer pointing to the struct object ISUP_RIRELEX which is used to
pV customize the parameters in the REL message. The struct ISUP_RIRELEX in
Shpa3api.h is declared as below:
typedef struct tag_ISUP_RIRELEX
UCHAR ucCauseInd;
WORD wRIPhoNumPara;
WORD wPhoNumLen;
UCHAR ucRIPhoNum[20];
The parameter meanings in the above struct are:
ucCauseInd: Release cause;
wRIMsg : The ‘redirection information’ field consists of the bits
wRIPhoNumPara: The ‘redirection number’ field consists of the bits Bit15…Bit0;
wPhoNumLen: The character number in ucRIPhoNum
ucRIPhoNum: The string of the redirection phone number.
¾ nType=other: Reserved, unused.

Note: All the constants used in the table are declared in the header file Shpa3api.h.

Return Value:
-1 Failed
1 Successful
Function Description:

Sets the parameters in the ISUP user part.

z ISUP_IAM_TMR=4 is only supported by SynCTI Ver. or above. ISUP_PhoNumRELEx=5 is only
supported by SynCTI Ver. or above.

z When nType is set to ISUP_PhoNumREL, the operation of invoking SsmSetIsupFlag on the channel ch
to set user parameters only has an effect on the current call. When nType is set to other values, the
parameters set in this function will go invalid once the program is restarted and the configuration file is

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 280

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetIsupFlag SsmGetIsupFlag

Obtains the parameters in the ISUP user part.

int SsmGetIsupFlag(int ch, int nType, DWORD *pd)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
nType Select the parameter type, for more details, refer to the function SsmSetIsupFlag.
*pd Parameter value, for more details, refer to the function SsmSetIsupFlag.
Return Value:
-1 Failed
1 Successful
Function Description:

Obtains the parameters in the ISUP user part.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetIsupFlag SsmGetIsupUPPara

Obtains the original ISUP message saved in the driver.


int SsmGetIsupUPPara(int nBCh, WORD wMsuType, LPWORD pwMsuSize, PUCHAR pucRawMsu)

Parameter Description:
nBCh Channel Number
Message Type
Macro in Message Corresponding with parameter
wMsuType shpa3api.h pucContent
0x01 C_ISUP_IAM Initial address message (IAM)
0x06 C_ISUP_ACM Address complete message (ACM)
pwMsuSize Returns the actual length (bytes) of the message.
Pointer which points the buffer area storing the ISUP message. The buffer area is
allocated by the application and its length must be greater than or equal to 281 bytes.
Return Value:
1 Successful

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 281

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

-1 Incorrect channel number

-2 Call failed, the parameter wMsuType is out of bound
Function Description:
Obtains the original ISUP message saved in the driver. For more information, refer to ‘ISUP Channel State
Machine’ in Chapter 1.


z This function only supports ISUP channel.

z The ISUP message stored in the driver will be cleared up following the hangup of the ISUP call.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetIsupUPPara SsmSetIsupUPPara

Submits a self-constructed ISUP message to the driver.


int SsmSetIsupUPPara(int nBCh, WORD wMsuType, LPWORD pwMsuSize, PUCHAR pucRawMsu)

Parameter Description:
nBCh Channel number
Message Type
Macro in The Message Corresponding to Parameter
wMsuType shpa3api.h pucContent
0x01 C_ISUP_IAM Initial address message(IAM)
0x06 C_ISUP_ACM Address complete message (ACM)
The length (bytes) of the ISUP message (including SIO field), with the maximum length
of 281 bytes
pucRawMsu Pointer which points to the initial address of the message data
Return Value:
1 Successful
-1 Incorrect channel number
-2 Failed, the parameter wMsuType is out of bound
-3 Verification failed, the message content doesn’t qualify the ISUP protocol rules
Function Description:
Submits a self-constructed ISUP message to the driver.


z This function only supports ISUP channel.

z If wMsuType is C_ISUP_IAM, this function must be called before SsmAutoDial or SsmAutoDialEx is
z If wMsuType is C_ISUP_ACM, only when the channel is in the ‘pending’ state and the cause for pending
is PEND_WaitBckStpMsg, can the ACM message submitted by the application be sent to the remote
PBX. For more information, refer to ‘ISUP Channel State Machine’ in Chapter 1.
z When the driver sends ISUP messages submitted by the application, it automatically covers the SIO,
DPC, OPC, SLC and CIC fields. If wMsuType is C_ISUP_IAM, the driver covers the corresponding

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 282

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

fields in pucRawMsu with the calleeID in SsmAutoDial or SsmAutoDialEx.

z The parameters set in this function are only valid in the current function call.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmAutoDial, SsmAutoDialEx, SsmGetIsupUPPara, SsmSendIsupMsg SsmSendIsupMsg

Sends one ISUP message to the remote PBX.

int SsmSendIsupMsg(int nBCh, WORD wMsuType)

Parameter Description:
nBCh Channel number
Message Type
Macro in
wMsuType Value Message Type
0x06 C_ISUP_ACM Address Complete Message (ACM)
Return Value:
1 Successful
-1 Incorrect channel number
-2 Failed, the parameter wMsuType is out of bound
-3 Failed in sending message
Function Description:
Sends one ISUP message to the remote PBX. The function SsmSetIsupUPPara must be called in advance so that
the ISUP message can be submitted to the driver.

z This function only supports ISUP channel.
z Only when the channel is in the S_CALL_PENDING state and the cause for pending is
PEND_WaitBckStpMsg, can this function be called.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetIsupUPPara SsmGetRedirectionInfReason

During incoming call, for ISUP channel, obtains the cause value of redirection from the received IAM message; for
ISDN channel, obtains the cause value of redirection from the received Setup message.


int SsmGetRedirectionInfReason(int ch)

Parameter Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 283

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
Cause value of redirection
0: Unknown/unavailable
1: User busy
2: No answer
3: Unconditional
4: Redirect the call when notified
5: Immediately redirect the call
6: Mobile subscriber unreachable
Function Description:
During incoming call, for ISUP channel, obtains the redirection reason from the received IAM message; for ISDN
channel, obtains the redirection reason of the information element Facility (0x1c) or Redirecting Number (0x74)
from the received Setup message. To obtain the redirection reason of which information element is determined by
the configuration item GetRedirectionReason.


Related Information:
SynCTI Ver. or above (To obtain the redirection reason of the information
Driver version
element Facility (0x1c), SynCTI Ver. or above is required)
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetIsupUPPara SsmGetRedirectionInfNum

Obtains the redirection number from an ISDN channel.

int WINAPI SsmGetRedirectionInfNum(int ch, LPSTR szRedirectNum)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
The pointer pointing to the buffer area storing the redirection number. The storage
space, allocated by the application, should be not less than 32 bytes.
Return Value:
≥0 Call successful. Returns the length of the redirection number (bytes)
-1 Call failed
Function Description:
Obtains the redirection number from an ISDN channel.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 284

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmIsHaveCpg

Refer to SsmGetCpg SsmGetCpg

SsmIsHaveCpg checks whether ACM message is followed by the CPG message. If yes, SsmGetCpg retrieves the
original CPG message stored in the driver.

int SsmIsHaveCpg(int ch)
int SsmGetCpg(int ch, char* pszContent, int* piLength)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Returns the content of the CPG message. For detailed information about the CPG
message, refer to relative documents of the ISUP protocol
piLength Returns the length of the CPG message
Return Value:
-1 Failed. The failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
SsmIsHaveCpg: no CPG message
SsmGetCpg: Successful
SsmIsHaveCpg: CPG message exists. Only when SsmIsHaveCpg returns 1 can the
function SsmGetCpg be invoked.
Function Description:
During outgoing call, after the remote PBX sends ACM message, it may continue sending the CPG message (call
progress). When the driver has received the CPG message, it saves the message in the internal buffer area. This
function checks whether the ACM message is followed by the CPG message.

z Only when the channel is in the S_CALL_WAIT_REMOTE_PICKUP state, can this function be called.
z When the following events happen, the driver automatically cleans the CPG message in the internal
— The channel is transferred to the S_CALL_STANDBY state.
— Receives the ACM message from the remote PBX.
z This function only supports the ISUP channel.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Event: E_CHG_ChState, E_RCV_Ss7IsupCpg SsmIsupGetUsr

Checks and obtains the USR message.


BOOL SsmIsupGetUsr(int *ch, PUCHAR pucData, PUCHAR ucLen)

Parameter Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 285

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

ch The pointer pointing to the number of the channel receiving messages

The buffer area storing the ‘user-to-user information’ in the received USR message,
which occupies 130 bytes
ucLen The length of pucData
Return Value:
0 Obtains new data
Other No new data has been received
Function Description:
Checks and obtains the USR message. After the execution of this function, the new message will be deleted from
the system.

Note: none.

Related Information:
Driver Version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Event: E_RCV_Ss7IsupUtuinf SsmIsupSendUsr

Sends the USR message.

BOOL SsmIsupSendUsr(int ch, PUCHAR pucData, UCHAR ucLen)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
pucData The data to be sent as the ‘user-to-user information’ in the USR message
ucLen The length of pucData, the defined valid value in the protocol is 2~130
Return Value:
1 Successful
Other Call failed
Function Description:
Sends the USR message.

Note: None.

Related Information:
Driver Version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Event:

2.3.11 ISDN Channel Function

The functions provided in this section are specially used for ISDN channel calls.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 286

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Parameters for Setup Message SsmISDNSetDialSubAddr

Refer to SsmISDNSetDialSubAddrEx SsmISDNSetDialSubAddrEx

Sets the subaddress of the called party in the SETUP message during an outgoing call.

int SsmISDNSetDialSubAddr(int ch, LPSTR lpSubAddress)
int WINAPI SsmISDNSetDialSubAddrEx(int ch, LPBYTE lpSubAddressEx, UCHAR ucSubAddressLen)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The subaddress of the called party. It's comprised with characters ‘0’~'9', and
lpSubAddress the maximum length is 20 bytes. The storage space is allocated by the
The subaddress of the called party, including the subaddress type and the
buffer area storing the subaddress messages
The total length of the subaddress type and the buffer area storing the
subaddress messages
Return Value:
0 Successful
-1 Failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg.
Function Description:
During outgoing call, sets the subaddress of the called party.

z This function must be called before SsmAutoDial is invoked.

z The parameters set in this function will go invalid once the configuration file is reloaded.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmAutoDial SsmISDNSetTxSubAddr

Refer to SsmISDNSetTxSubAddrEx

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 287

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmISDNSetTxSubAddrEx

Sets the subaddress of the calling party in the SETUP message during an outgoing call.

int SsmISDNSetTxSubAddr(int ch, LPSTR lpSubAddress)
int WINAPI SsmISDNSetTxSubAddrEx(int ch, LPBYTE lpSubAddressEx,UCHAR ucSubAddressLen)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The subaddress of the calling party, comprised with characters ‘0’~'9', and the
maximum length is 20 bytes. The storage space is allocated by the application.
The subaddress of the calling party, including the subaddress type and the
buffer area storing the subaddress messages
The total length of the subaddress type and the buffer area storing the
subaddress messages
Return Value:
0 Successful
-1 Failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg.
Function Description:

During outgoing call, sets the subaddress of the calling party in the SETUP message.

z This function must be called before SsmAutoDial is called.

z The parameters set in this function are only valid in the current function call.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmAutoDial, SsmISDNGetTxCallerSubAddr SsmISDNSetCallerIdPresent

Sets the ‘CallerID Present’ field in the signaling message.


int SsmISDNSetCallerIdPresent(int ch, UCHAR ucPresentation)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
=0: not allowed to present
ucPresentation =1: allowed to present, provided by users
=2: allowed to present, provided by network
Return Value:
0 Call successful
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg.
Function Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 288

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Sets the ‘CallerID Present’ field in the signaling message.

z The parameters set in this function will go invalid once the program is restarted and the configuration file
is reloaded to initialize the link.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Related Function: SsmSetIsdnParameter

Adds a field to the SETUP message or sends a user-defined non-SETUP message dynamically.

int WINAPI SsmSetIsdnParameter(int nBCh, UCHAR ucMsgTypeCode, UCHAR ucParamTypeCode, PUCHAR
pucContent, WORD wNumberOfBytesToWrite)

Parameter Description:
nBCh Channel Number
ucMsgTypeCode Message type, support the SETUP message (0x05) and other user-defined messages
ucParamTypeCode Field type code
pucContent Buffer storing the field content (excluding field type code and content length)
Actual length of the field content
Return Value:
0 Call successful
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg.
Function Description:
Adds a field to the SETUP message or sends a user-defined non-SETUP message dynamically.


z For the SETUP message, the parameters set in this function will go invalid once the AutoDial operation

z For other user-defined messages, this function will add a field to the message and send it at a time.

z This function can be invoked multiple times to add more than one user-defined field.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

Sample code:

//Sends a self-defined non-SETUP message: 08 02 80 01 7b 70 06 81 54 32 30 30 30

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 289

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

char msu [100]=””;

msu [0]=0x81 ;
msu [1]=0x54 ;
msu [2]=0x32 ;
msu [3]=0x30 ;
msu [4]=0x30 ;
msu [5]=0x30;

SsmSetIsdnParameter( 0, 0x7b, 0x70, msu, 6); Obtaining Incoming Call Information Obtaining Subaddress Information SsmISDNGetSubAddr
Obtains the subaddress information of the called party.

int SsmISDNGetSubAddr(int ch, LPSTR lpSubAddress)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Buffer area storing the subaddress of the called party. The storage space is allocated
by the application, and its length should be no less than 21 bytes.
Return Value:
≥0 The actual length (bytes) of the string in lpSubAddress
-1 Failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg.
Function Description:
During incoming call, the message from the remote PBX includes the subaddress information of the called party.
This function retrieves the ASCII character formatted subaddress information of the called party from the message.

Note: None

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmISDNGetCallerSubAddr SsmISDNGetCallerSubAddr
Obtains the subaddress information of the calling party.


int SsmISDNGetCallerSubAddr(int ch, LPSTR lpSubAddress)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Buffer area storing the subaddress of the calling party. The storage space is allocated
by the application and its length should be no less than 21 bytes.
Return Value:
≥0 The length of the calling party’s subaddress

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 290

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
Function Description:
During incoming call, the message from the remote PBX includes the subaddress information of the calling party.
This function retrieves the ASCII character formatted subaddress information of the calling party from the

Note: None

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmISDNGetSubAddr Obtaining User-defined Calling Party Number SsmGetUserCallerId
Obtains the user-defined calling party number.
int SsmGetUserCallerId(int ch, LPSTR szCallerId)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number:
The buffer area storing the user-defined calling party number during incoming call. The
maximum length is 21 bytes.
Return Value:
Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained via the function call of
≥0 Length of the user-defined calling party number
Function Description:
Obtains the user-defined calling party number.


Related Information:
Driver Version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: Obtaining Designated Field from SETUP Message SsmGetIsdnParameter
Obtains the content of a designated signaling unit from the SETUP message.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 291

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

int WINAPI SsmGetIsdnParameter(int nBCh, UCHAR ucMsgTypeCode, UCHAR ucParamTypeCode,UCHAR

ucParamIndex, PUCHAR pucContent, WORD wNumberOfBytesToWrite, LPWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten)

Parameter Description:
nBCh Channel Number
ucMsgTypeCode Message type, only the SETUP message (0x05) is supported now
ucParamTypeCode Code of the designated signaling unit
Serial number of the designated signaling unit. Commonly it is 0. If there are
ucParamIndex several signaling units of the same type, the serial number of the signaling unit
to be obtained is determined by this parameter
Buffer storing the content of the signaling unit (excluding signaling unit code
and content length)
Size of the buffer. It should be no less than 300 bytes
Length of the actually obtained signaling unit
Return Value:
Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function of
0 Call successful
Function Description:

Obtains the content of a designated signaling unit from the SETUP message.


Related Information:
Driver Version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: Setting Hangup Reason SsmISDNSetHangupRzn

Sets the hangup cause.

int SsmISDNSetHangupRzn(int ch, int nReason)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Hangup cause, the range of value:
0: Normal hangup
nReason 1: Subscriber busy
2: Unallocated number
3: Reject the current call
Return Value:
0 Successful
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
Function Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 292

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Sets the hangup cause.

z This function must be called before the function SsmHangup is invoked.

z The parameters set in this function will go invalid once the configuration file is reloaded.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPendingReason Other Functions SsmISDNGetDisplayMsg

Obtains the display information of the ISDN channel.

int SsmISDNGetDisplayMsg(int ch, LPSTR lpDispMsg)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
lpDispMsg The buffer area storing the display information. The maximum length is 100 bytes
Return Value:
≥0 The length of the display information
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
Function Description:
Obtains the display information of the ISDN channel. The display information is the ASCII formatted string, which is
normally sent from the network side to the user side. It may also include greetings or other supplementary

Note: None

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: None SsmISDNGetTxCallerSubAddr

Obtains the subaddress information of the calling party configured at the local end.


int SsmISDNGetTxCallerSubAddr(int ch, LPSTR lpSubAddress)

Parameter Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 293

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

ch Channel Number
The buffer area storing the subaddress information of the calling party during outgoing
call. The maximum length is 21 bytes.
Return Value:
≥0 The length of the calling party’s subaddress.
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
Function Description:

Obtains the subaddress information of the calling party configured at the local end.

z This function is only applicable to the outgoing call.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmISDNGetSubAddr SsmSetNumType

Sets the calling/called party number type for a specified channel.

int SsmSetNumType(int ch, int nNumClass, int nNumType)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Calling/called Party Number:
nNumClass 1: Calling party number
2: Called party number
Number Type:
0x00: Unknown
0x10: International number
nNumType 0x20: National number
0x30: Specified network number
0x40: Specified number or subscriber number
Others: Spare
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Sets the calling/called party number type for a specified channel.


z This function is only applicable to ISDN channels.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 294

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetNumType, NetCallingNoSet SsmGetNumType

Gets the calling/called party number type for a specified channel.


int SsmGetNumType(int ch, int nNumClass, int* pNumType)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Calling/called Party Number:
nNumClass 1: Calling party number
2: Called party number
Number Type:
0x00: Unknown
0x10: International number
pNumType 0x20: National number
0x30: Specified network number
0x40: Specified number or subscriber number
Others: Spare
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Gets the calling/called party number type for a specified channel.

z This function is only applicable to ISDN channels.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetNumType, NetCallingNoSet SsmSetCharge

Sets a call on the corresponding channel to be charged or free of charge.


int SsmSetCharge(int ch,int ChargeFlag)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
0: Free;
ChargeFlag 1: Charged;
Others: Reserved

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 295

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Sets a call on the corresponding channel to be charged or free of charge.

z This function only supports ISDN channels for some particular PBX models;

z It can be invoked in the state of ringback or talking for an outbound call;

z It can be invoked in the state of talking for an inbound call.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

2.4 Tone Generator Functions (CTI Series)

2.4.1 Setting Parameters for Tone Generator SsmSetTxTonePara

Sets the frequency and volume of the tone generated by the tone generator.

int SsmSetTxTonePara(int ch, int nFreq1, int nVolume1, int nFreq2, int nVolume2)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Sets the frequency (Hz) of the 1st tone, range of value: 300~3400, the default value:
Sets the volume of the 1 tone, range of value: -7~+6. Greater than 0 denotes volume
nVolume1 increasing, less than 0 denotes volume decreasing, -7 denotes turning off the 1st tone.
The default value is 0. The volume value multiplies 3 equals the decibel value.
Sets the frequency (Hz) of the 2 tone, range of value: 300~3400, with the default
nFreq2 value of 0 which means the tone generator does not use this frequency and only sends
the single frequency tone.
Sets the volume of the 2nd tone, range of value: -7~+6. Greater than 0 denotes volume
increasing, less than 0 denotes volume decreasing, -7 denotes turning off the 2nd tone.
The default value is -7 (the 2nd tone is not used). The volume value multiplies 3 equals
the decibel value.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the frequency and volume of the tone generated by the tone generator.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 296

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

z The configuration items DefaultSendToneFrequence and DefaultSendToneVolume can implement the

same feature. The default tone generated is a 450Hz single frequency tone.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSendTone SsmQueryOpSendTone

Checks if there is a tone generator on the channel.

int SsmQueryOpSendTone (int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 No
1 Yes
Function Description:
Checks if there is a tone generator on the channel.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetTxTonePara

Obtains the frequency and volume of the tone from the tone generator.

int SsmGetTxTonePara(int ch, int* nFreq1, int* nVolume1, int* nFreq2, int* nVolume2)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
nFreq1 Returns the frequency (Hz) of the 1st tone.
Returns the volume of the 1 tone, range of value: -7~+6. Greater than 0 denotes
nVolume1 volume increasing, less than 0 denotes volume decreasing, -7 means this frequency is
not used. The volume value multiplies 3 equals the decibel value.
nFreq2 Returns the frequency (Hz) of the 2nd tone.
Returns the volume of the 2 tone, range of value: -7~+6. Greater than 0 denotes
nVolume2 volume increasing, less than 0 denotes volume decreasing, -7 means that this
frequency is not used. The volume value multiplies 3 equals the decibel value.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 297

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the frequency and volume of the tone from the tone generator.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetTxTonePara

2.4.2 Sending Tones SsmSendTone

Refer to SsmSendToneEx SsmSendToneEx

Starts the tone generator to generate tones on the line. SsmSendTone is used to send those tones in the
driver-predefined type. SsmSendToneEx specifies the signal duration at on or off states.

int SsmSendTone(int ch, int nToneType)
int SsmSendToneEx(int ch, DWORD dwOnTime, DWORD dwOffTime)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Tone type, range of value:
0: dial tone
nToneType 1: busy tone
2: ringback tone
3: howler tone
dwOnTime Signal duration (ms) at on state. It must be integral times of 8
dwOffTime Signal duration (ms) at off state. It must be integral times of 8
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Generates single or dual frequency tones on the specified channel.

z The frequency and volume of the tone can be set via the function SsmSetTxTonePara or the
configuration items DefaultSendToneFrequence and DefaultSendToneVolume.
z Once the tone generator is started, the specified tone will be continuously presented on the line until the
application calls the function SsmStopSendTone.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 298

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStopSendTone, SsmSetTxTonePara, SsmChkSendTone SsmStopSendTone

Stops the tone generator.

int SsmStopSendTone(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Stops the tone generator.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSendTone, SsmSendToneEx SsmChkSendTone

Checks whether the tone generator is started, and obtains the type of the tone being sent.


int SsmChkSendTone(int ch, int* pnToneType)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Returns the type of the tone which is being sent on the channel:
0: dial tone
1: busy tone
pnToneType 2: ringback tone
3: howler tone
4: self-defined tone (The tone generated by SsmSendToneEx is detected)
5: no tone detected
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 The channel is not sending the tone
1 The channel is sending the tone
Function Description:
Checks whether the tone generator is started, and obtains the type of the tone being sent.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 299

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSendTone, SsmSendToneEx

2.5 Tone Detector Functions

2.5.1 Commonly Used Tone Detector Functions Setting Working Status SsmStartToneAnalyze

Starts the tone detector.

int SsmStartToneAnalyze(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Call successful
Function Description:

Starts the tone detector. For more information, refer to Tone Detector in Chapter 1.

z By default this function is only applicable to analog trunk channels, magnet channels and recording
z If required to manually start or stop the tone analysis for digital boards or VoIP boards, you should first
configure DefaultToneCheckState=1 under the section [BoardId=x] in the file ShConfig.ini, and then call
the function SsmStartToneAnalyze/SsmCloseToneAnalyze to start or stop the tone detector.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmCloseToneAnalyze, SsmStart2ndToneAnalyzer SsmCloseToneAnalyze

Stops the tone detector.

int SsmCloseToneAnalyze (int ch)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 300

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Stops the tone detector. For more information, refer to Tone Detector in Chapter 1.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStartToneAnalyze SsmQueryOpToneAnalyze

Checks whether the channel includes the tone detector.


int SsmQueryOpToneAnalyze(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 No
1 Yes, it includes the tone detector
Function Description:

Checks whether the channel includes the tone detector.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: Obtaining Detected Result SsmGetToneAnalyzeResult

Obtains the detected result of the tone detector.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 301

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

int SsmGetToneAnalyzeResult (int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed.
0 Tone analysis is in progress.
1 Dial tone is detected.
2 Busy tone is detected.
3 Ringback tone is detected.
4 After the ringback tone is detected, the line keeps silent.
5 Silence is detected.
The answer signal is detected. For analog phone lines, it usually denotes that the call is
answered (the called party picks up the phone).
The single frequency tone with F1 frequency is detected. The parameter F1, which is
set by the function SsmSetVoiceFxPara, is often used to detect the fax tone.
The single frequency tone with F2 frequency is detected. The parameter F2, which is
set by the function SsmSetVoiceFxPara, is often used to detect the fax tone.
9 The user-defined tone type is detected.
n>9 Some particular user-defined tones (e.g. SIT) are detected. For more information, see
the section ‘Enhanced Tone Detector’.
Function Description:
Obtains the detected result of the tone detector.

z By default this function is only applicable to analog trunk channels, magnet channels and recording
z For digital boards, you should do the following configurations to analyze the tones: set the configuration
item DefaultToneCheckState=1 under the section [BoardId=x] in the file ShConfg.ini.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmClearToneAnalyzeResult Clearing Detected Result SsmClearToneAnalyzeResult

Clears the detected result of the tone detector.

int SsmClearToneAnalyzeResult (int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 302

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Clears the detected result of the tone detector.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetToneAnalyzeResult

2.5.2 FFT Functions Setting Parameters SsmSetPeakFrqDetectBW

Sets the bandwidth used to detect the peak frequency in the incoming call signal.


int SsmSetPeakFrqDetectBW(int ch, WORD nPeakBW)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
nPeakBW Bandwidth (Hz) , range of value: 40~80, with the default value of 80Hz.
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Sets the bandwidth used to detect the peak frequency in the incoming call signal. For more information, refer to
Tone Detector in Chapter 1.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmQueryOpPeakFrqDetect, SsmGetPeakFrqDetectBW Obtaining Parameters SsmQueryOpPeakFrqDetect

Checks whether the channel supports the operation of detecting the peak frequency.

int SsmQueryOpPeakFrqDetect (int ch)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 303

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Not support
1 Support
Function Description:
Checks whether the channel supports the operation of detecting the peak frequency.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPeakFrqDetectBW

Obtains the bandwidth parameter used to detect the peak frequency.

int SsmGetPeakFrqDetectBW(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 The set value of the bandwidth
Function Description:

Obtains the bandwidth parameter used to detect the peak frequency.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmQueryOpPeakFrqDetect, SsmSetPeakFrqDetectBW Obtaining Detected Result SsmGetPeakFrq

Obtains the peak frequency in the incoming call signal.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 304

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

int SsmGetPeakFrq(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 The peak frequency in the incoming call signal
Function Description:

Obtains the peak frequency in the incoming call signal. For more information, refer to ‘Tone Detector’ in Chapter 1.

z The event of E_CHG_PeakFrq can implement the same feature.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmQueryOpPeakFrqDetect, SsmSetPeakFrqDetectBW SsmGetPeakFrqEnergy

Obtains the energy value of the peak frequency in the incoming call signal.

long SsmGetPeakFrqEnergy(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 The energy value of the peak frequency in the incoming call signal
Function Description:

Obtains the energy value of the peak frequency in the incoming call signal. For more information, refer to ‘Tone
Detector’ in Chapter 1.

z The event of E_CHG_PeakFrq can implement the same feature.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetPeakFrqDetectBW, SsmGetPeakFrq

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 305

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmGetOverallEnergy

Refer to SsmGetOverallEnergyAllCh SsmGetOverallEnergyAllCh

Obtains the overall energy value of the incoming call signal after FFT transformation. SsmGetOverallEnergy is only
applicable to a single channel, SsmGetOverallEnergyAllCh can simultaneously obtain the overall energy of
multiple channels.

int SsmGetOverallEnergy(int ch)
int SsmGetOverallEnergyAllCh (int nBeginCh, int nChNum, PDWORD pdwEnergyTable)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
nBeginCh Starting channel number
nChNum Channel amount
Stores the energy value of the nChNum channels starting from nBeginCh. The space is
allocated by the application
Return Value:
Function Name Return Value Description
-1 Call failed
≥0 Overall energy value
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Obtains the overall energy value of the incoming call signal after FFT transformation.

z For more information about the unit conversion of overall energy to DB (decibel), refer to the ‘FFT
component’ in ‘Tone Detector’ of Chapter 1.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPeakFrqEnergy

2.5.3 Setting Parameters for Noise Filter SsmSetMinVocDtrEnergy

Sets the threshold value for noise detection on the line.


int SsmSetMinVocDtrEnergy(int ch, DWORD dwMinVocDtrEnergy)

Parameter Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 306

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

ch Channel Number
Threshold value for noise detection, range of value: ≥700, with the default value of
For more information about the unit conversion of this parameter to DB (decibel), refer
to the ‘FFT component’ in ‘Tone Detector’ of Chapter 1.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the functionSsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Sets the threshold value for noise detection on the line. If the energy of the incoming call signal on the line is less
than the set value of dwMinVocDtrEnergy, it will be regarded as noise by the driver.

z The configuration item MinimumVoiceDetermineEnergy can implement the same feature.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetMinVocDtrEnergy SsmGetMinVocDtrEnergy

Obtains the threshold value of energy for the driver to determine whether the signal on the line is noise or voice.

int SsmGetMinVocDtrEnergy(int ch, PDWORD pdwMinVocDtrEnergy)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Returns the threshold value of energy which determines whether the signal is noise or
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the threshold value of energy for the driver to determine whether the signal on the line is noise or voice.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetMinVocDtrEnergy

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 307

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.5.4 Call Progress Tone Detector Functions Setting Working Status of 2nd Call Progress Tone Detector SsmStart2ndToneAnalyzer

Starts the 2nd call progress tone detector.

int SsmStart2ndToneAnalyzer(int ch,BOOL bEnable)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
bEnable The 2nd tone detector enabling switch. = TRUE: Start; = FALSE: Stop
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Starts the 2nd call progress tone detector.

z The configuration item Enable2ndToneAnalyzer can implement the same feature.
z When the 2nd call progress tone detector is started, it occupies the FFT analyzer which is used by the
function SsmSetVoiceFxPara, therefore the driver no longer detects the special tones designated by the
function SsmSetVoiceFxPara.
z The 2nd call progress tone detector can be started only if the 1st call progress tone detector is turned on.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGet2ndToneAnalyzerState SsmGet2ndToneAnalyzerState

Checks the working status of the 2nd call progress tone detector.

int SsmGet2ndToneAnalyzerState(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Turned off
1 Turned on
Function Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 308

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Checks the working status of the 2nd call progress tone detector.

z By default this function is only applicable to analog trunk channels, magnet channels and recording

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStart2ndToneAnalyzer Obtaining Result of 2nd Call Progress Tone Detector SsmGet2ndToneAnalyzeResult

Obtains the result of the 2nd call progress tone detector.

int SsmGet2ndToneAnalyzeResult(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Tone analysis is in progress
1 Dial tone detected
2 Busy tone detected
3 Ringback tone detected
4 The line keeps silent after the detection of ringback tone
5 Silence detected
Answer signal detected, which usually indicates for analog phone lines that the called
party answers (picks up) the call.
Detection of single tones with the frequency of F1. F1, which can be set via the function
SsmSetVoiceFxPara, is often used for detection of fax tones.
Detection of single tones with the frequency of F2. F2, which can be set via the function
SsmSetVoiceFxPara, is often used for detection of fax tones.
9 User-defined tone detected
Particular user-defined tone detected (e.g. SIT tone). For more information, refer to the
section Enhanced Tone Detector in Chapter 1.
Function Description:
Obtains the result of the 2nd call progress tone detector.

z If the result of the second tone detector is the same as that of the first tone detector, by default the driver
will regard that only one tone detector actually works.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 309

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmClear2ndToneAnalyzeResult SsmClear2ndToneAnalyzeResult

Clears the result of the 2nd call progress tone detector.


int SsmClear2ndToneAnalyzeResult(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Clears the result of the 2nd call progress tone detector.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGet2ndToneAnalyzeResult Setting Parameters for Frequency Detector SsmSetTonePara

Refer to SsmSet2ndTonePara SsmSet2ndTonePara

Sets the operating parameters of the frequency detector in the call progress tone detector. SsmSetTonePara and
SsmSet2ndTonePara are used to set the frequency parameters of the 1st and 2nd call progress tone detector

int SsmSetTonePara(int ch, WORD wF1, WORD wBw1, WORD wF2, WORD wBw2, DWORD dwMinEnrgRatio)
int SsmSet2ndTonePara(int ch, WORD wF1, WORD wBw1, WORD wF2, WORD wBw2, DWORD

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
wF1 The 1st center frequency (Hz), range of value: 300~3400
wBw1 The bandwidth (Hz) of the 1st center frequency, range of value: 40~120

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 310

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

wF2 The 2nd center frequency (Hz), range of value: 0 or 300~3400

wBw2 The bandwidth (Hz) of the 2nd center frequency, range of value: 0 or 40~120
dwMinEnrgRatio Threshold value, calculated by percentage (%), range of value: 15~80
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the operating parameters of the frequency detector in the call progress tone detector. For more information,
refer to Call Progress Tone Detector in Chapter 1.

z The configuration item TonePara can implement the same feature as the function SsmSetTonePara,
with the default value of 450Hz;
z The configuration item 2ndTonePara can implement the same feature as the function

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetTonePara, SsmGet2ndTonePara SsmGetTonePara

Refer to SsmGet2ndTonePara SsmGet2ndTonePara

Obtains the operating parameters of the frequency detector in the call progress tone detector. SsmGetTonePara
and SsmGet2ndTonePara are used to obtain the frequency parameters of the 1st and 2nd call progress tone
detector respectively.

int SsmGetTonePara(int ch, PWORD pwF1, PWORD pwBw1, PWORD pwF2, PWORD pwBw2, PDWORD
int SsmGet2ndTonePara(int ch, PWORD pwF1, PWORD pwBw1, PWORD pwF2, PWORD pwBw2, PDWORD

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
pwF1 Returns the center frequency (Hz) of the 1st tone
pwBw1 Returns the bandwidth (Hz) of the 1st tone
pwF2 Returns the center frequency (Hz) of the 2nd tone
pwBw2 Returns the bandwidth (Hz) of the 2nd tone
Returns the preset threshold percentage of the in-band energy in the overall energy for
judging the signal tones
Return Value:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 311

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the operating parameters of the frequency detector in the call progress tone detector.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetTonePara, SsmSet2ndTonePara Setting Parameters for Dial Tone Detector SsmSetIsDialToneDtrTime

Refer to SsmSet2ndIsDialToneDtrTime SsmSet2ndIsDialToneDtrTime

Sets the minimum duration of the dial tone detector. SsmSetIsDialToneDtrTime and SsmSet2ndIsDialToneDtrTime
set the 1st and 2nd call progress tone detector respectively.

int SsmSetIsDialToneDtrTime(int ch, WORD wIsDialToneDtrTime)
int SsmSet2ndIsDialToneDtrTime(int ch, WORD wIsDialToneDtrTime)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
wIsDialToneDtrTime The minimum duration (ms) of the dial tone, range of value: ≥1300ms
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the minimum duration of the Dial Tone Detector.

z The configuration item IsDialToneDetermineTime can implement the same feature as the function
z The configuration item 2ndIsDialToneDetermineTime can implement the same feature as the function

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 312

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Related Function: SsmGetIsDialToneDtrTime, SsmGet2ndIsDialToneDtrTime SsmGetIsDialToneDtrTime

Refer to SsmGet2ndIsDialToneDtrTime SsmGet2ndIsDialToneDtrTime

Obtains the minimum duration of the Dial Tone Detector. SsmGetIsDialToneDtrTime and
st nd
SsmGet2ndIsDialToneDtrTime obtain the parameters of the 1 and 2 call progress tone detector respectively.

int SsmGetIsDialToneDtrTime(int ch, PWORD pwIsDialToneDtrTime)
int SsmGet2ndIsDialToneDtrTime(int ch, PWORD pwIsDialToneDtrTime)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
pwIsDialToneDtrTime Returns the minimum duration (ms)
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the minimum duration of the Dial Tone Detector.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetIsDialToneDtrTime, SsmSet2ndIsDialToneDtrTime Setting Parameters for Ringback Tone Detector SsmSetRingEchoTonePara

Refer to SsmSet2ndRingEchoTonePara SsmSet2ndRingEchoTonePara

Sets the signal durations at on and off states for the ringback tone detector. SsmSetRingEchoTonePara is
applicable to the 1st call progress tone detector, SsmSet2ndRingEchoTonePara is applicable to applicable to the
2nd call progress tone detector.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 313

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

int SsmSetRingEchoTonePara(int ch, WORD wTon, WORD wToff)

int SsmSet2ndRingEchoTonePara(int ch, WORD wTon, WORD wToff)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
wTon The duration (ms) of the tone at on state, range of value: 500~2500
wToff The duration (ms) of the tone at off state, range of value: 1500 ~ 6000
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the signal durations respectively at on and off states for the Ringback Tone Detector.


z The parameters set by SsmSetRingEchoTonePara can also be set by the configuration item
RingEchoTonePara. Default value: The signal duration at on state is 1000ms, the signal duration at off
state is 4000ms. The parameters set by SsmSet2ndRingEchoTonePara can also be set by the
configuration item 2ndRingEchoTonePara. Default value: The signal duration at on state is 1000ms, the
signal duration at off state is 4000ms.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetRingEchoTonePara, SsmGet2ndRingEchoTonePara SsmGetRingEchoToneTime

Obtains the duration of the ringback tone.


int SsmGetRingEchoToneTime(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 Duration time (ms)
Function Description:
Obtains the duration of the ringback tone.


z This function is only applicable to the analog trunk channel.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 314

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Related Function: SsmGetRingEchoTonePara

Refer to SsmGet2ndRingEchoTonePara SsmGet2ndRingEchoTonePara

Obtains the signal durations respectively at on and off states for the ringback tone detector.
st nd
SsmGetRingEchoTonePara and SsmGet2ndRingEchoTonePara are applicable to the 1 and 2 call progress tone
detector respectively.

int SsmGetRingEchoTonePara(int ch, PWORD pwTon, PWORD pwToff)
int SsmGet2ndRingEchoTonePara(int ch, PWORD pwTon, PWORD pwToff)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
pwTon Returns the signal duration (ms) at on state
pwToff Returns the signal duration (ms) at off state
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Obtains the signal durations respectively at on and off states for the ringback tone detector.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetRingEchoTonePara, SsmSet2ndRingEchoTonePara Setting Parameters for Busy Tone Detector SsmSetBusyTonePeriodEx

Refer to SsmSet2ndBusyTonePeriod SsmSetBusyTonePeriod

Refer to SsmSet2ndBusyTonePeriod

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 315

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmSet2ndBusyTonePeriod

Sets the busy tone cycle of busy tone detector in the call progress tone detector. SsmSetBusyTonePeriod is
applicable to the 1st call progress tone detector, SsmSet2ndBusyTonePeriod is applicable to the 2nd call progress
tone detector, and SsmSetBusyTonePeriodEx is applicable to both.

int SsmSetBusyTonePeriodEx(int ch, int nCptdNo, WORD wMax, PWORD pwPeriod)
int SsmSetBusyTonePeriod(int ch, WORD wPeriod)
int SsmSet2ndBusyTonePeriod(int ch, WORD wPeriod)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
=1: Sets the 1st call progress tone detector
=2: Sets the 2nd call progress tone detector
wMax Number of different types of busy tone cycles, range of value: 1~4
The pointer storing the parameter of busy tone cycle, it’s storage space is allocated by
the application
Busy tone cycle (ms), range of value: 200~2000. This parameter can also be specified
in the configuration file, with the default value of 700ms (350ms/ON,350ms/OFF)
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the busy tone cycle of Busy Tone Detector in the Call Progress Tone Detector. SsmSetBusyTonePeriodEx is a
new version function which supports the configuration of at most 4 different busy tone cycles simultaneously. For
more information, refer to ‘Busy Tone Detector’.

z The busy tone cycle can also be set via the configuration item BusyTonePeriod or 2ndBusyTonePeriod .
z It’s recommended to use the function SsmSetBusyTonePeriodEx.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetBusyTonePeriodEx, SsmGetBusyTonePeriod, SsmGet2ndBusyTonePeriod

Sample Code:
The application needs to simultaneously detect 4 types of busy tones (with the cycles of 700ms, 800ms, 900ms
and 1000ms respectively) in the 1st call progress tone detector and only detects the busy tone with 700ms period in
the 2nd call progress tone detector, below is the implementing sample code:

WORD BusyTonePeriod[4] = {700,800,900,1000};

SsmSetBusyTonePeriodEx(ch, 1, 4, BusyTonePeriod);
SsmSet2ndBusyTonePeriod(ch, 700);

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 316

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmSetIsBusyToneDtrCnt

Refer to SsmSet2ndIsBusyToneDtrCnt SsmSet2ndIsBusyToneDtrCnt

Sets the minimum number of the busy tone cycles. SsmSetIsBusyToneDtrCnt is applicable to the 1st call progress
tone detector, SsmSet2ndIsBusyToneDtrCnt is applicable to the 2nd call progress tone detector.

int SsmSetIsBusyToneDtrCnt(int ch, WORD wIsBusyToneDtrCnt)
int SsmSet2ndIsBusyToneDtrCnt(int ch, WORD wIsBusyToneDtrCnt)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
wIsBusyToneDtrCnt The minimum number of the busy tone cycles, range of value: 1~50
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the minimum number of the busy tone cycles. For more information, refer to Busy Tone Detector.

z The configuration items IsBusyToneDetermineCount and 2ndIsBusyToneDetermineCount can implement
the same feature.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetIsBusyToneDtrCnt, SsmGet2ndIsBusyToneDtrCnt SsmGetBusyTonePeriodEx

Refer to SsmGet2ndBusyTonePeriod SsmGetBusyTonePeriod

Refer to SsmGet2ndBusyTonePeriod SsmGet2ndBusyTonePeriod

Obtains the set value judging the busy tone cycle. SsmGetBusyTonePeriod is applicable to the 1st call progress

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 317

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

tone detector, SsmGet2ndBusyTonePeriod is applicable to the 2nd call progress tone detector, and
SsmGetBusyTonePeriodEx is applicable to both.

int SsmGetBusyTonePeriodEx(int ch, int nCptdNo, PWORD pwPeriod)
int SsmGetBusyTonePeriod(int ch, PWORD pwBusyTonePeriod)
int SsmGet2ndBusyTonePeriod(int ch, PWORD pwBusyTonePeriod)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
=1: sets the 1st call progress tone detector
=2: sets the 2nd call progress tone detector
Returns the pointer of the set value of busy tone cycle (ms), the storage space is
allocated by the application, the size is 4 WORD
pwBusyTonePeriod Returns the set value of busy tone cycle (ms)
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
>0 The preset number of busy tone cycles
Function Description:
Obtains the set value judging the busy tone cycle. For more information, refer to ‘Busy Tone Detector’.


z It’s recommended to use the function SsmGetBusyTonePeriodEx.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetBusyTonePeriodEx, SsmSetBusyTonePeriod, SsmSet2ndBusyTonePeriod SsmGetIsBusyToneDtrCnt

Refer to SsmGet2ndIsBusyToneDtrCnt SsmGet2ndIsBusyToneDtrCnt

Obtains the set value of the minimum number of busy tone cycles. SsmGetIsBusyToneDtrCnt is applicable to the
1st call progress tone detector, SsmGet2ndIsBusyToneDtrCnt is applicable to the 2nd call progress tone detector.


int SsmGetIsBusyToneDtrCnt(int ch, PWORD pwIsBusyToneDtrCnt)

int SsmGet2ndIsBusyToneDtrCnt(int ch, PWORD pwIsBusyToneDtrCnt)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
pwIsBusyToneDtrCnt Returns the set value of the minimum number of busy tone cycles
Return Value:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 318

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the set value of the minimum number of busy tone cycles.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetIsBusyToneDtrCnt, SsmSet2ndIsBusyToneDtrCnt Obtaining Detected result SsmGetBusyToneLen

Refer to SsmGet2ndBusyToneLen SsmGet2ndBusyToneLen

Obtains the duration time of busy tone. SsmGetBusyToneLen is applicable to the 1st call progress tone detector,
SsmGet2ndBusyToneLen is applicable to the 2nd call progress tone detector.


int SsmGetBusyToneLen(int ch)

int SsmGet2ndBusyToneLen(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 The duration time (s) of busy tone
Function Description:
Obtains the duration time of busy tone. For more information, refer to ‘Busy Tone Detector’ in Chapter 1.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetBusyAMDToneCount

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 319

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmGetBusyAMDToneCount

Refer to SsmGet2ndBusyAMDToneCount SsmGet2ndBusyAMDToneCount

Obtains the number of busy tone cycles. SsmGetBusyAMDToneCount is applicable to the 1st call progress tone
detector, SsmGet2ndBusyAMDToneCount is applicable to the 2nd call progress tone detector.

int SsmGetBusyAMDToneCount(int ch)
int SsmGet2ndBusyAMDToneCount(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 The number of continuous busy tone cycles
Function Description:

Obtains the number of busy tone cycles.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetBusyToneLen Obtaining Result Gained by Using Back-to-Back Busy Tone Detection SsmGetBusyToneEx

Obtains the detected result of the busy tone detector which adopts the back-to-back busy tone detecting algorithm.

int SsmGetBusyToneEx(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 No busy tone detected
1 Busy tone detected
Function Description:
Obtains the detected result of the busy tone detector which adopts the back-to-back busy tone detecting algorithm.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 320

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For more information, refer to ‘Busy Tone Detector’ in Chapter 1.

z The event of E_CHG_BusyToneEx can implement the same feature.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmClearToneAnalyzeResult

2.5.5 Fax Progress Tone Detector Functions Setting Working Parameters SsmSetVoiceFxPara

Sets the operating parameters of the fax progress tone detector.


int SsmSetVoiceFxPara(int ch, WORD wSelFx, WORD wFx,WORD wFxBW, DWORD dwIsVocFxRatio, WORD

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Selects the fax progress tone detector, range of value:
wSelFx 1: sets the parameter of 1st fax progress tone detector
2: sets the parameter of 2nd fax progress tone detector
wFx Center frequency (Hz), range of value: 300~3400
wFxBW Bandwidth (Hz), range of value: 40~120
The minimum threshold percentage (%) of in-band energy in overall energy, range of
value: 15~80
The minimum duration time (ms) , range of value: 16~1024, it must be integral times of
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the operating parameters of the fax progress tone detector. For more information, refer to ‘Fax Progress Tone
Detector’ in Chapter 1.

z The configuration items VoiceFreqF1Para and VoiceFreqF2Para can implement the same feature.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetVocFxFlag, SsmGetVoiceFxPara

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 321

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmGetVoiceFxPara

Obtains the operating parameters of the fax progress tone detector.


int SsmGetVoiceFxPara(int ch, WORD wSelFx, PWORD pwFx, PWORD pwFxBW, PDWORD pdwIsVocFxRatio,
PWORD pwIsVocFxDtrTime)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Selects the fax progress tone detector, range of value:
wSelFx 1: sets the parameter of 1st fax progress tone detector
2: sets the parameter of 2nd fax progress tone detector
pwFx Returns the center frequency (Hz)
pwFxBW Returns the bandwidth (Hz)
pdwIsVocFxRatio Returns the minimum threshold percentage (%) of in-band energy in overall energy
wIsVocFxDtrTime Returns the minimum duration (ms)
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains operating parameters of the fax progress tone detector.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetVoiceFxPara Obtaining Detected Result SsmGetVocFxFlag

Obtains the detected result of the fax progress tone detector.


int SsmGetVocFxFlag(int ch, int nSelFx, BOOL bClear)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Selects the frequency of voice to be detected:
=1: selects F1; =2: selects F2
Indicates whether the driver clears the detected result after reading the designated sign
=TRUE: clear the detected result; =FALSE: not clear the detected result

Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 The single tone voice with specified frequency is not detected

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 322

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

1 The single tone voice with specified frequency is detected

Function Description:
Obtains the detected result of the fax progress tone detector. For more information, refer to ‘Fax Progress Tone

z It’s recommended to use the event of E_CHG_VocFxFlag to implement the same feature.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetVoiceFxPara

2.5.6 AMD Function Obtaining and Clearing Result Gained by AMD SsmGetAMDResult

Obtains the result detected by AMD.


int SsmGetAMDResult (int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed or AMD invalid
0 The detection task is over because the phone is picked up by man
1 Signal tone detected and the detection task continues
2 Color-ring or prompt tone detected and the detection task continues
3 The detection task is over due to timeout
The detection task is over because the line keeps silent after the detection of the
color-ring or prompt tone
The detection task is over because the line keeps silent after the detection of the dial
6 The detection task is over due to the detection of busy tone
7 The detection task is over due to the detection of fax
Function Description:

Obtains the result detected by AMD.

z It is recommended to use the event E_CHG_AMD to implement the same feature.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 323

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmClearAMDResult

Clears the detection result of AMD.

int SsmClearAMDResult (int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Clears the detection result of AMD.

z It is recommended to call this function before starting AMD.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmControlAMD

Manually turns on or turns off the AMD detector.

int WINAPI SsmControlAMD(int ch,BOOL bStart)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Indicates whether to turn on the control switch of the AMD detector.
bStart TRUE: turn on
FALSE:turn off
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Manually turns on or turns off the AMD detector.


z The channel state will also have an effect on the turnon and turnoff of AMD detector when this function
is used.

Related Information:
Driver Version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 324

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

DLL shp_a3.dll

2.6 DTMF Detector Functions

DTMF-reception buffer area is the internal buffer area in the driver used to receive DTMF strings. Its size can be
specified in the configuration file and the default value is 200. It is necessary that the DTMF characters are read by
the application in time before the buffer area overflows. Otherwise, the driver receives a new character, the first
received DTMF character will be discarded.
For the station channel or recording channel, when the driver detects pickup or hangup, it will automatically clear
the DTMF-reception buffer area. For other types of channels, the driver will automatically clear the buffer area
upon the reception of the hangup command.
All the functions in this section don’t support magnet channels.

2.6.1 Starting/Terminating DTMF Detector SsmEnableRxDtmf
Starts or stops the DTMF detector.

int SsmEnableRxDtmf(int ch, BOOL bRun)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The control switch determining whether to start the DTMF detector
bRun TRUE: start
FALSE: stop
Return Value:
-1 Failed. The failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Starts or stops the DTMF detector.


z The driver automatically enables or disables the DTMF detector according to the channel state transition.
Only if you want to control the switch manually does this function need to be invoked. Note that in SS1
mode, only when the application controls the call process by itself can this function be invoked.
z This function is only applicable to SHD, DST and SHN series.
z The configuration item AlwaysEnableRxDtmf can implement the same feature.
z This function goes invalid once the channel state changes.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetRxDtmfHandler, SsmGetDtmfStr

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 325

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.6.2 Setting Callback Functions SsmSetRxDtmfHandler
Sets the callback function when DTMF Detector outputs DTMF signals.

int SsmSetRxDtmfHandler(int ch, RXDTMFHANDLER pfnOnRcvDtmf, PVOID pV)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The pointer of the callback function. The type of the callback function is:
RXDTMFHANDLER, it’s declared in shpa3api.h as:
typedef void (*RXDTMFHANDLER) (int ch, char cDtmf, int nDTStatus, PVOID pV);
In the above format,
ch: Channel Number;
pfnOnRcvDtmf cDtmf: DTMF character (ASCII formatted)
nDTStatus: DTMF signal type, 0 means the DTMF signal disappears, 1 means
the DTMF signal appears;
pV: The pointer of PVOID type. It’s usually used by the application to
pass its data structure to the callback function. This pointer is
directly passed to the callback function by the application
The pointer of PVOID type. The application passes the needed object or data structure
to the callback function via this parameter
Return Value:
-1 Failed. The failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the callback function when DTMF Detector outputs DTMF signals.

z Each time when DTMF detector detects a complete DTMF character, it will invoke the callback function
set by this function twice: upon the appearance and disappearance of the DTMF signal respectively. For
more information, refer to DTMF Detector in Chapter 1.
z The received DTMF character will still be put into the buffer area of the DTMF detector.
Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

2.6.3 Obtaining DTMF Digits SsmClearRxDtmfBuf
Clears the DTMF-reception buffer area in the driver.


int SsmClearRxDtmfBuf(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 326

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Return Value:
-1 Failed. The failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg.
0 Successful
Function Description:
Clears the DTMF-reception buffer area in the driver.

z When the channel is transferred to the state of standby, the driver will automatically clear the buffer area
of the DTMF detector.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetDtmfStr SsmGetDtmfStr
Refer to SsmGetDtmfStrA SsmGetDtmfStrA
Obtains the DTMF characters saved in the buffer area of the DTMF detector.

int SsmGetDtmfStr(int ch, LPSTR pszDtmf)
char* SsmGetDtmfStrA(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The pointer storing the received DTMF string, its storage space being allocated by the
Return Value:

Function Name Return Value Description

-1 Failed
≥0 The number of characters in the DTMF detector
NULL Call failed
SsmGetDtmfStrA Returns the pointer which points to the buffer area of the DTMF
Function Description:
Obtains the standard ASCII-formatted DTMF characters saved in the buffer area of the DTMF Detector.
SsmGetDtmfStr and SsmGetDtmfStrA are the same in features except for the ways of returning the buffer area of
the DTMF detector.


z When this function is invoked, the driver will not clear the buffer area of the DTMF detector.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 327

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetRxDtmfLen, SsmGet1stDtmf, SsmGet1stDtmfClr, SsmGetLastDtmf SsmGetRxDtmfLen
Obtains the number of DTMF characters saved in the buffer area of the DTMF detector.


int SsmGetRxDtmfLen(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed. The failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
≥0 The number of DTMF characters saved in the buffer area of the DTMF detector
Function Description:
Obtains the number of DTMF characters saved in the buffer area of the DTMF detector.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetDtmfStr, SsmGetDtmfStrA SsmGet1stDtmf
Refer to SsmGet1stDtmfClr SsmGet1stDtmfClr
Obtains the first received DTMF character in the buffer area of the DTMF detector.

int SsmGet1stDtmf(int ch, char* pcDtmf)
int SsmGet1stDtmfClr(int ch, char* pcDtmf)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
pcDtmf The initial address of the buffer area which stores the DTMF characters
Return Value:
-1 Failed. The failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 The buffer area of the DTMF detector is empty
1 The buffer area of the DTMF detector is not empty
Function Description:
Obtains the first received DTMF character in the buffer area of the DTMF detector. After obtaining the DTMF
character, the function SsmGet1stDtmf will leave it in the buffer area, while the function SsmGet1stDtmfClr will
clear it from the buffer.


Related Information:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 328

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above

Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetDtmfStr, SsmGetDtmfStrA SsmGetLastDtmf
Obtains the last received DTMF character in the buffer area of the DTMF detector.


int SsmGetLastDtmf(int ch, char* pcDtmf)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
pcDtmf The initial address of the buffer area storing the DTMF characters
Return Value:
-1 Failed. The failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 The buffer area of the DTMF detector is empty
1 The buffer area of the DTMF detector is not empty
Function Description:
Obtains the last received DTMF character in the buffer area of the DTMF detector.

Note: None

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Related Function: SsmGetRxDtmfLen, SsmGet1stDtmfClr, SsmGetLastDtmf, SsmGetDtmfStr, SsmGetDtmfStrA

2.6.4 Using WaitDtmf SsmSetWaitDtmf
Refer to SsmSetWaitDtmfExB SsmSetWaitDtmfEx
Refer to SsmSetWaitDtmfExB SsmSetWaitDtmfExA
Refer to SsmSetWaitDtmfExB SsmSetWaitDtmfExB
Starts the WaitDtmf task. The precision of the maximum waiting time of SsmSetWaitDtmf is 1 second, while that of
SsmSetWaitDtmfEx and SsmSetWaitDtmfExA is 1 millisecond; SsmSetWaitDtmfEx only supports one terminating
character, while SsmSetWaitDtmfExA supports multiple terminating characters. SsmSetWaitDtmfExB implements
the same feature as SsmSetWaitDtmfExA except that it supports a larger value range for the parameter

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 329

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


int SsmSetWaitDtmf(int ch, WORD wTimeOut1, WORD wMaxLen, char cEndChar, BOOL bWithEndChar)
int SsmSetWaitDtmfEx(int ch, WORD wTimeOut2, WORD wMaxLen, char cEndChar, BOOL bWithEndChar)
int SsmSetWaitDtmfExA(int ch, WORD wTimeOut2, WORD wMaxLen, char* szEndChar, BOOL bWithEndChar)
int SsmSetWaitDtmfExB(int ch, DWORD wTimeOut2, WORD wMaxLen, char* szEndChar, BOOL bWithEndChar)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
wTimeOut1 Maximum waiting time (s), with the value range of 1~524
Maximum waiting time (ms), with the value range of 0~65535 (SsmSetWaitDtmfExA) or
0~232-1 (SsmSetWaitDtmfExB)
wMaxLen The maximum length of the DTMF to be received, range of value: 1~350
Terminating character. If the driver receives this character, it will stop the task of
Terminating character set, at most 16 characters. If the driver receives any character in
the set, it will stop the task of WaitDtmf
After the WaitDtmf task is finished, this parameter determines whether the string
returned from the driver to the application includes the received terminating character:
=TRUE: include
=FALSE: not include
Return Value:
-1 Failed. The failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Submits a task of receiving specified DTMF string, i.e. the WaitDtmf task. When this task is started successfully,
the driver will check the received data already in the DTMF-reception buffer area and refuse any new received
DTMF digit to enter this buffer area. This task will not be cancelled until one of the following conditions is met:
— The terminating character specified in the parameter of cEndChar or szEndChar is received.
— The number of the received DTMF characters equals the maximum length which is set in the parameter
— The waiting time exceeds the time specified in the parameter wTimeOut1 or wTimeOut2.
When the WaitDtmf task is finished, the driver throws out the event of E_PROC_WaitDTMF to the application. The
execution result of the WaitDtmf task can be obtained by the function SsmChkWaitDtmf.
The function SsmCancelWaitDtmf can be used to cancel the WaitDtmf task.

z Each time when the driver receives one DTMF character on the designated channel, it automatically
resets and restarts the timer.
z When this function is invoked, the previously received digits in the DTMF buffer area will not be cleared.
That is, the remaining DTMF digits in the buffer area will affect this function’s execution result.
z If the WaitDtmf task is already started on a channel, the DTMF digits received afterwards will no longer be
put into the DTMF reception buffer area and the event E_CHG_RcvDTMF will not be generated during
the execution of this task.
z The end character and the end character unit are case sensitive.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 330

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmChkWaitDtmf, SsmCancelWaitDtmf SsmCancelWaitDtmf
Cancels the task of WaitDtmf.

int SsmCancelWaitDtmf(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Error occurs
0 Successful
Function Description:

Cancels the task of WaitDtmf.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetWaitDtmf, SsmSetWaitDtmfEx, SsmSetWaitDtmfExA, SsmChkWaitDtmf SsmChkWaitDtmf
Queries the execution status of the WaitDtmf task.


int SsmChkWaitDtmf(int ch, LPSTR pszDtmf)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The pointer pointing to the buffer area which stores DTMF, the storage space is
allocated by the application
Return Value:
-1 Error occurs
0 Receiving
1 The task is finished due to receiving timeout; or no WaitDtmf task on the channel.
2 The task is finished due to the reception of the designated terminating character.
3 The task is finished due to the reception of the DTMF string with designated length.
Function Description:

Queries the execution status of the WaitDtmf task.

z The event of E_PROC_WaitDTMF can implement the same feature.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 331

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Event: E_PROC_WaitDTMF

2.7 DTMF Generator Functions (CTI Series)

2.7.1 Setting Parameters for DTMF Generator SsmSetTxDtmfPara
Sets the durations of the DTMF signal generated by the DTMF Generator respectively at on and off states.


int SsmSetTxDtmfPara(int ch, WORD wOnTime, WORD wOffTime)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The duration (ms) of DTMF at on state, the range of value: ≥40, must be integral times
of 8
The duration (ms) of DTMF at off state, the range of value: ≥40, must be integral times
of 8
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the durations of the DTMF signal generated by the DTMF Generator respectively at on and off states.

z The configuration item TxDtmfTimePara can implement the same feature.

z For IP channel, this function call is valid only when DTMF signals are sent by in-band method.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetTxDtmfPara, SsmTxDtmf SsmQueryTxDtmf
Checks whether the channel includes DTMF Generator.

int SsmQueryTxDtmf(int ch, LPSTR pszReserved)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
PszReserved Reserved string pointer, it is not necessary to be used
Return Value:
-1 Failed
The designated channel doesn’t support the operation of sending the standard DTMF
1 The designated channel supports the operation of sending the standard DTMF

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 332

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:
Checks whether the channel includes DTMF Generator.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetTxDtmfPara
Obtains the duration of the DTMF signal generated by the DTMF Generator respectively at on and off states.

int SsmGetTxDtmfPara(int ch, PWORD pwOnTime, PWORD pwOffTime)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
pwOnTime Returns the duration (ms) at on state
pwOffTime Returns the duration (ms) at off state
Return Value:
-1 Failed
=0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the durations of the DTMF signal generated by the DTMF Generator respectively at on and off states.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetTxDtmfPara

2.7.2 Setting Working Status of DTMF Generator SsmTxDtmf
Transmits DTMF string in the channel’s outgoing call direction.


int SsmTxDtmf(int ch, LPSTR pszDtmf)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
z Pointer to the string, must be terminated with ‘\0’. The number of characters can't
exceed the set value in the configuration item TxDtmfBufSize. The characters can
pszDtmf be:
a) ‘0’~’9’,’*’,’#’,’A’,’B’,’C’,’D’: Standard DTMF signal;
b) ‘!’: Generates one flash on the line, only applicable to the analog trunk

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 333

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

c) Other characters: Keeps silence for a period on the line. The duration time is
set by the configuration item DefaultTxDelayTime, with the default value of
z For IP channel, the meaning of this parameter varies on DTMF transmission
modes as follows:
a) When DTMF signals are sent by in-band or RFC2833 method, only 15
standard DTMF digits ‘0’~’9’,’*’,’#’,’A’,’B’,’C’,’D’ are supported;
b) When DTMF signals are sent by out-of-band method, all characters in the
ASCII character set can be used.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Transmits DTMF string in the channel’s outgoing call direction.
The driver will start the DTMF transmission immediately after copying the characters in pszDtmf to the internal
transmission buffer area. When all the characters in the transmission buffer area have been sent out, the driver
throws out the event of E_PROC_SendDTMF to the application. The function SsmChkTxDtmf can be used to
query the transmission status, the function SsmStopTxDtmf can be used to terminate the transmission task.

z The size of the transmission buffer area of the DTMF generator can be set by the configuration item
TxDtmfBufSize and the default value is 50 characters.
z This function only supports SHT Series, SHD Series and SHN Series boards.
z For IP channel,
a) When DTMF signals are sent by out-of-band method, it is a synchronous function; otherwise it is an
asynchronous function.
b) Only when DTMF signals are sent by in-band method can the function SsmStopTxDtmf be invoked to
terminate the transmission.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmChkTxDtmf, SsmStopTxDtmf, SsmSetTxDtmfPara SsmStopTxDtmf
Stops the transmission task of the DTMF generator.

int SsmStopTxDtmf(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Stops the transmission task of the DTMF generator.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 334

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


z For IP channel, this function call is valid only when DTMF signals are sent by in-band method.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmTxDtmf SsmChkTxDtmf
Queries the transmission status of the DTMF generator.

int SsmChkTxDtmf(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Error occurs
0 The transmission of DTMF string is completed
1 The transmission of DTMF string is in progress
Function Description:
Queries the transmission status of the DTMF generator.

z The event of E_PROC_SendDTMF can implement the same feature.

z For IP channel, this function call is valid only when DTMF signals are sent by in-band method.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmTxDtmf, SsmStopTxDtmf

2.8 Barge-in Detector Functions

2.8.1 Setting Parameters for Barge-in Detector SsmSetBargeInSens
Sets the sensitivity of the Barge-in detector.

int SsmSetBargeInSens(int ch, int nSens)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
nSens Sensitivity, range of value: 0~31, more sensitive with the larger value

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 335

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the sensitivity of the Barge-in detector. For more information, refer to Barge-in Detector.

z The configuration item BargeInSensitive can implement the same feature.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetBargeInSens, SsmSetIsBargeInDtrmTime, SsmSetNoSoundDtrmTime SsmSetIsBargeInDtrmTime
Sets the minimum duration time of Barge-in.


int SsmSetIsBargeInDtrmTime(int ch, WORD wMinKeepTime)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
wMinKeepTime Minimum duration time (ms), range of value: ≥16, must be integral times of 16ms
Return Value:
-1 Not supported or parameter setting error
0 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
1 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the minimum duration time of Barge-in.
When the voice signal is detected in the incoming call and the duration time is greater than the set value of this
function, the Barge-in detector outputs the detected result of ‘BargeIn’ and throws out the event of E_SYS_BargeIn
to the application. For more information, refer to ‘Barge-in Detector’.

z The configuration item BargeInDtrmTime can implement the same feature, with the default value of

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetIsBargeInDtrmTime, SsmSetBargeInSens, SsmSetNoSoundDtrmTime SsmSetVoiceEnergyMinValue
Sets the threshold value for noise judgment.


int SsmSetVoiceEnergyMinValue(int ch, DWORD nVoiceEnergyMinValue)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 336

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The threshold value for noise judgment, range of value:
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained from the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the threshold value of Barge-in detector for noise judgment.


z The configuration item VoiceEnergyMinValue can implement the same feature, with the default value of

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetVoiceEnergyMinValue SsmSetNoSoundDtrmTime
Sets the minimum silence duration.

int SsmSetNoSoundDtrmTime(int ch, DWORD wMinKeepTime)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
wMinKeepTime Minimum duration time (ms), range of value: ≥16, must be integral times of 16ms
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained from the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the minimum silence duration.
When the voice signal disappears (i.e. the channel becomes silent) and the silence lasts for a period of time larger
than the set value of this function, the BargeIn detector outputs the detected result of ‘No Sound’ and throws out
the event of E_SYS_NoSound to the application. For more information, refer to ‘Barge in Detector’ in Chapter 1.

z The configuration item IsNoSoundDtrmTime can implement the same feature, with the defaulted value
of 5000ms.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or higher
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetIsBargeInDtrmTime, SsmSetBargeInSens, SsmGetNoSoundDtrmTime

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 337

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmGetBargeInSens
Obtains the sensitivity of the Barge-in detector.

int SsmGetBargeInSens(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
≥0 The sensitivity of the Barge In detector
Function Description:
Obtains the preset sensitivity of the Barge In detector.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or higher
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetBargeInSens SsmGetIsBargeInDtrmTime
Obtains the preset value of the minimum duration time of BargeIn.

int SsmGetIsBargeInDtrmTime(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 Minimum duration time (ms)
Function Description:

Obtains the preset value of the minimum duration time of BargeIn.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or higher
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetIsBargeInDtrmTime SsmGetVoiceEnergyMinValue
Gets the threshold value for noise judgment.


DWORD SsmGetVoiceEnergyMinValue(int ch)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 338

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Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained from the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
≥0 Successful, return the threshold value for noise judgment.
Function Description:
Gets the threshold value of Barge-in detector for noise judgment.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetVoiceEnergyMinValue SsmGetNoSoundDtrmTime
Obtains the preset value of the minimum duration time of silence.

int SsmGetNoSoundDtrmTime(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 Minimum duration time (ms)
Function Description:

Obtains the preset value of the minimum duration time of silence.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or higher
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetNoSoundDtrmTime

2.8.2 Obtaining Detected Result of Barge-in Detector SsmDetectBargeIn
Obtains the detected result of the Barge-in Detector.

int SsmDetectBargeIn(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 339

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-1 Failed
0 Barge-in is not detected
1 Barge-in is detected
Function Description:

Obtains the detected result of the Barge-in detector. For more information, refer to ‘Barge in Detector’ in Chapter 1.

z It’s recommended to use the event of E_SYS_BargeIn to get the detected result.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or higher
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmDetectNoSound SsmDetectNoSound
Obtains the detected results of the silence detector.

int SsmDetectNoSound(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 ‘No Sound’ is not detected
1 ‘No sound’ is detected
Function Description:
Obtains the detected results of the silence detector.

z It’s recommended to use the event of E_SYS_NoSound to get the detected result.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or higher
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmDetectBargeIn SsmGetNoSoundTime
Obtains the duration time of silence.

int SsmGetNoSoundTime(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 The duration time of silence (ms)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 340

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Obtains the duration time of silence. For more information, refer to ‘Barge in Detector’ in chapter 1.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or higher
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmDetectNoSound

2.9 Voice Playing Functions

2.9.1 Setting Playing Data’s Destination SsmSetPlayDest
Sets whether to send the voice playing data onto the TDM bus.

int SsmSetPlayDest(int ch, int nSelDest)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The selector switch determining whether to send the voice playing data onto the TDM
bus. For SHD and SHT series boards, this parameter controls the status of the switch
nSelDest K1-1 in both operation principle diagrams of SHD and SHT series boards. Value range:
0: Not send onto the bus (switch off);
1: Send onto the bus (switch on).
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Sets whether to send the voice playing data onto the TDM bus. For more information, refer to ‘Operation Principle
of SHD Series’ or ‘Operation Principle of SHT Series’ in Chapter 1.

z This function only supports SHT, SHD and SHN series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

2.9.2 Setting Playing Volume SsmSetPlayVolume
Refer to SsmSetPlayGain

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 341

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmSetPlayGain
Sets the voice playing volume for SHD/SHT/SHN Series boards. SsmSetPlayGain achieves more accurate control
than SsmSetPlayVolume.

int SsmSetPlayVolume(int ch, int nGain)
int SsmSetPlayGain(int ch, WORD wGainLevel)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Volume gain, range of value: -7~+6. Greater than 0 denotes volume increasing, less
nGain than 0 denotes volume decreasing, -7 denotes completely turning off the audio output;
the default value is 0. The volume value multiplies 3 equals DB value.
Volume gain expressed in hexadecimal form, lower 8 bits are valid, higher 8 bits are
reserved and needs to be set to 0. Range of value:
wGainLevel=0: completely turns off the audio output;
wGainLevel wGainLevel=1: decreases 16 times;
wGainLevel=16: gain keeps unchanged (0DB);
32≤wGainLevel≤255: divides by 16 equals the gain amplification times;
wGainLevel=255: 16 times amplification
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

The above 2 functions are used to set the gain of the volume adjustor A1 in SHD/SHT/ATP/SHN Series boards.
For more information about the volume adjustor A1, refer to Operation Principle of SHD Series or Operation
Principle of SHT Series.

z The configuration item DefaultPlayVolume can implement the same function as SsmSetPlayVolume.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

2.9.3 Setting Termination Condition of Voice Playing SsmSetDtmfStopPlay
Sets whether the voice playing needs to be terminated because of the detection of DTMF character by the DTMF


int SsmSetDtmfStopPlay(int ch, BOOL bTerminatePlaybackOnDTMF)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Enabling indicator, range of value:
TRUE: turn-on
FALSE: turn-off

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 342

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Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets whether the voice playing needs to be terminated because of the detection of DTMF character by the DTMF
In case that the parameter bTerminatePlaybackOnDTMF is set to be TRUE: while the voice is playing on the
channel, if the DTMF Detector detects the DTMF character in the incoming call signals, and the detected DTMF
character is included in the character set preset by the function SsmSetDTMFStopPlayCharSet or the configuration
item DtmfStopPlayCharSet, the driver will stop the voice playing immediately

z The configuration item DefaultDtmfStopPlay can implement the same feature; the default value of the
configuration item is turn-off.
z The indicator set by this function has effect on the loaded file to be played, single file, multiple files, single
buffer, Pingpong buffer and multiple buffers.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetDTMFStopPlayCharSet, SsmGetDtmfStopPlayFlag SsmSetDTMFStopPlayCharSet
Sets the DTMF character set which is used to terminate the voice playing.

int SsmSetDTMFStopPlayCharSet(int ch, LPSTR lpstrDtmfCharSet)

Parameter Description:

ch Channel Number
Pointer pointing to the character set which is used to terminate the voice playing. The
lpstrDtmfCharSet usable DTMF characters include: ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’, ‘*’, ‘#’, ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’,
Return Value:
Failed, the failure reason may be parameter errors or unsupported operation by the
channel. The detailed reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
Failed, the failure reason is that the command can’t be transferred to the board. The
detailed reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
1 Successful
Function Description:

Sets the DTMF character set which is used to terminate the voice playing.

z The configuration item DtmfStopPlayCharSet can implement the same feature. The default value is the
full set.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 343

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetDtmfStopPlay, SsmGetDTMFStopPlayCharSet SsmGetDtmfStopPlayFlag
Obtains the indicator which denotes whether the voice playing stops because the DTMF Detector detects the
DTMF character.

int SsmGetDtmfStopPlayFlag(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 The indicator is in the turn-off state
1 The indicator is in the turn-on state
Function Description:
Obtains the indicator which denotes whether the voice playing stops because the DTMF Detector detects the
DTMF character.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetDtmfStopPlay SsmGetDTMFStopPlayCharSet
Obtains the DTMF character set which is used to terminate the voice playing.

int SsmGetDTMFStopPlayCharSet(int ch, LPSTR lpstrDtmfCharSet)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
lpstrDtmfCharSet Returns the preset DTMF character set
Return Value:
-1 Failed, the failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
≥0 The length of the character set
Function Description:
Obtains the DTMF character set which is used to terminate the voice playing.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 344

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetDTMFStopPlayCharSet SsmSetBargeinStopPlay
Sets whether the voice playing stops because the voice activities are detected by the Barge-in Detector.


int SsmSetBargeinStopPlay(int ch, BOOL bTerminatePlaybackOnBargein)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Enabling indicator, range of value:
TRUE: Turn-on
FALSE: Turn-off
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Sets whether the voice playing stops because the voice activities are detected by the Barge-in Detector.
In the case that the parameter bTerminatePlaybackOnBargein is set to be TRUE: When the voice is playing on the
channel, if the Barge-in Detector detects voice activities in the incoming call signals, the driver terminates the voice

z The configuration item DefaultBargeInStopPlay can implement the same feature; the default value is
z The indicator set by this function has effect on the loaded file to be played, single file, multiple files, single
buffer, Pingpong buffer and multiple buffers.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetBargeinStopPlayFlag SsmGetBargeinStopPlayFlag
Obtains the indicator which denotes whether the voice playing is stops because the Barge-in Detector detects the
voice activities.

int SsmGetBargeinStopPlayFlag(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 The indicator is in turn-off state
1 The indicator is in turn-on state

Function Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 345

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Obtains the indicator which denotes whether the voice playing stops because the Barge-in Detector detects the
voice activities.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetBargeinStopPlay SsmSetHangupStopPlayFlag
Sets whether the voice playing stops because the driver detects the hangup of the remote end.


int SsmSetHangupStopPlayFlag(int ch, BOOL bHangupStopPlayFlag)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The indicator denoting whether the voice playing stops when the driver detects the
hangup of the remote end:
TRUE: turn-on
FALSE: turn-off
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Sets whether the voice playing stops because the driver detects the hangup of the remote end on Channel ch.

z The configuration item HangupStopPlay can implement the same feature; the default value is turn-off.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

2.9.4 Functions for Playing in Single File Mode SsmPlayFile
Plays a single file, starts the file playing task.

int SsmPlayFile(int ch, LPSTR pszFileName, int nFormat, DWORD dwStartPos, DWORD dwLen)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Voice file name. It could be either a standard wav file or a non-header file. If it’s a standard
pszFileName wav file, the voice encoding format is achieved from the file header, the parameter nFormat
is ignored. If it’s a non-header file, the voice encoding format is designated by nFormat.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 346

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Encoding format of the voice data, range of value and its meaning are listed below:
Value Encoding format Remarks
-2 PCM16
1 PCM8
6 A-Law
7 μ-Law
17 IMA ADPCM The board is required to have the hardware decoding
23 VOX
49 GSM
85 MP3
131 G.729A
Note: nFormat = -1 represents the default encoding format which is related to the item
DefaultRecordFormat in ShConfig.ini. For more information about whether a specific board
model supports the above encoding format and in which way it supports, refer to ‘Board
Supported CODECs’ in Chapter 1
The starting position counted from the actual voice data part in the file. For the standard
dwStartPos wav file, the starting position 0 represents the position of the first voice data byte following
the file header; For the non-header file, it’s counted from the head part of the file.
The length of the voice data (bytes) to be played. If this parameter is larger than the length
from dwStartPos to the tail part of the file, the latter is used to be the actual playing length.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Plays a single file.
After invoking this function, the driver starts playing a single file. The file playing task stops if one of the following
events happens:
— All the data in the file have been played out.
— The application invokes SsmStopPlayFile or SsmStopPlay;
— DTMF, Barge in or remote end hangup has been detected. For more information, refer to Setting
Termination Condition in chapter 1.
— For some models in the SHD series, the configuration item of LinkFromStopPlayAndTone is set to 1 and
the off-bus operation is performed on the channel. For more information, refer to ‘Operation Principle of
SHD Series’ in chapter 1.
After the file playing task is finished, the driver closes the played file and throws out the event of
E_PROC_PlayEnd to the application. The function SsmCheckPlay can also be used to enquire the status of the
file playing.
During the execution of file playing, the driver throws out the event of E_PROC_PlayFile to the application at every
time interval. The function SsmSetEvent (with the parameter E_PROC_PlayFile) sets whether to throw out this
event by the driver and the time interval of throwing out events. By default, every 1000ms the driver throws out the
event and outputs the time length of the file played.
During the execution of file playing, the application can call the below functions to pause the file playing or adjust
the file playing position.
— SsmPausePlay
— SsmFastFwdPlay
— SsmFastBwdPlay
— SsmSetPlayTime
— SsmSetPlayPrct
The following functions can be called to obtain the related information:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 347

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

— SsmGetDataBytesToPlay
— SsmGetPlayedTime
— SsmGetPlayedPercentage

z The file is opened with ‘shared read’ mode, so this function supports the feature of ‘record while play’;
z If this function is called on channel 0, for ATP/DST Series boards, the played voice is sent to the port of
the on-board speaker, but not to the line; For SHT Series boards, the played voice is sent not only to the
line but also to the port of the on-board speaker;
z Due to historical reasons, the coding value 65411 which ever represented G.729A is still valid in early
versions and backward compatible. For G.729A recording in new versions, we suggest you use the
coding value 131.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStopPlayFile, SsmStopPlay, SsmCheckPlay, SsmPausePlay, SsmRestartPlay,
SsmFastFwdPlay, SsmFastBwdPlay, SsmSetPlayTime, SsmSetPlayPrct, SsmGetDataBytesToPlay,
SsmGetPlayedTime, SsmGetPlayedPercentage SsmStopPlayFile
Stops the file playing task.

int SsmStopPlayFile(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Stops the file playing task started by the function call of SsmPlayFile.

z This function can be totally replaced by the function SsmStopPlay.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Related Function: SsmPlayFile, SsmPausePlay, SsmRestartPlay, SsmFastFwdPlay, SsmFastBwdPlay,

SsmSetPlayTime, SsmSetPlayPrct, SsmStopPlay SsmPausePlay
Pauses (suspends) the file playing.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 348

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


int SsmPausePlay(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Pauses (suspends) the file playing. When the file playing is paused, the application can only execute the below
z Invokes the function SsmStopPlayFile or SsmStopPlay to stop the file playing.
z Invokes the function SsmRestartPlay to restart the file playing.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmRestartPlay, SsmStopPlayFile, SsmStopPlay SsmRestartPlay
Restarts the file playing which is paused by the function call of SsmPausePlay.

int SsmRestartPlay(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Restarts the file playing which is paused by the function call of SsmPausePlay.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmPausePlay, SsmStopPlayFile, SsmStopPlay SsmFastFwdPlay
Skips 1 second of voice data and continues to play.

int SsmFastFwdPlay(int ch)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 349

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Starting from the current playing position, skips 1 second (configurable with the configuration item FastPlayTime)
of voice data, and then continues the single file playing.

z If the remaining voice data is less than 1 second, the driver regards that the entire voice data has been
played out and stops the current playing.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFastBwdPlay, SsmStopPlayFile, SsmStopPlay SsmFastBwdPlay
Skips back 1 second of voice data and continues to play.

int SsmFastBwdPlay(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Starting from the current playing position, skips back 1 second (configurable with the configuration item
FastPlayTime), and then continues the file playing.

z If the playing position returns to the start of the file, the file will be played from the beginning.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFastFwdPlay, SsmPausePlay, SsmStopPlayFile, SsmStopPlay SsmSetPlayTime
Jumps to a specified time position in the file and continues to play.

int SsmSetPlayTime(int ch, DWORD dwTime)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 350

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
dwTime Time (ms) based new playing position
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Jumps to the specified time position in the file and continues to play. The function SsmGetPlayingFileInfo can be
used to obtain the file information such as the duration of the file.


z If the file offset specified in the parameter dwTime exceeds the length of the voice data, the driver
regards that the entire voice data has been played out and stops the current playing.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPlayingFileInfo, SsmSetPlayPrct, SsmStopPlayFile, SsmStopPlay SsmSetPlayPrct
Jumps to the specified percentage position in the file and continues to play.


int SsmSetPlayPrct(int ch, DWORD dwPercentage)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
dwPercentage The new playing position based on the percentage of the file, range of value: 0~100
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Jumps to the position of a specified percentage in the file and continues to play. The function
SsmGetPlayingFileInfo can be used to obtain the file duration.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetPlayTime, SsmStopPlayFile, SsmStopPlay SsmGetDataBytesToPlay
Queries the length (bytes) of the voice data which has not been played.

int SsmGetDataBytesToPlay(int ch)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 351

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 The length (bytes) of the voice data which has not been played
Function Description:
Queries the length (bytes) of the voice data which has not been played.

z This function only supports the voice playing task started by the function SsmPlayFile.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetDataBytesPlayed, SsmGetPlayedTime, SsmGetPlayedPercentage SsmGetDataBytesPlayed
Queries the length of the voice data which has been played.

int SsmGetDataBytesPlayed(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 The length (bytes) of voice data which has been played
Function Description:
Queries the length of the voice data which has been played.

z This function only supports the voice playing task started by the function SsmPlayFile.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetDataBytesToPlay, SsmGetPlayedTime, SsmGetPlayedPercentage SsmGetPlayedTimeEx
Obtains the playtime starting from the 1st voice data byte to the current playing position in the file.

int SsmGetPlayedTimeEx(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 352

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
Returns the playtime (ms) starting from the 1st voice data byte to the current playing
position in the file
Function Description:
Obtains the playtime starting from the 1st voice data byte to the current playing position in the file.
For example, after starting file playing by calling the function SsmPlayFile(ch, ‘Voice.voc’, 7, 16000, ), if the driver
initiates playing from the file offset 16000 and has played 10 seconds of voice data, invoke this function and its
return value will be 10+2=12 seconds (the playing duration for 16000 bytes μ-law format voice data is 2 seconds).

z This function is only applicable to the file playing which is started by the function call of SsmPlayFile.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPlayedTime SsmGetPlayingFileInfo
Obtains the related information of the playing file.


int SsmGetPlayingFileInfo(int ch , int *pnFormat , long *pnTime)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Returns the voice encoding format of the playing file. For the code value of the voice
pnFormat CODEC format in the SynCTI driver platform, refer to SynCTI Supported CODECs in
Chapter 1
pnTime Total time length (ms) of the voice data in the file
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
After the application calls the function of SsmPlayFile, this function is used to obtain the related information of the
playing file.

z This function is only applicable to the playing task initiated by the function SsmPlayFile.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmPlayFile, SsmGetPlayedTime, SsmGetPlayedTimeEx, SsmGetPlayedPercentage

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 353

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.9.5 Functions for Playing in File List Mode SsmClearFileList
Closes and clears all the voice files submitted to the driver.

int SsmClearFileList(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Closes and clears all the voice files submitted to the driver.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmAddToFileList SsmAddToFileList
Submits a voice file to be played to the driver.

int SsmAddToFileList(int ch, LPSTR pszFileName, int nFormat, DWORD dwStartPos, DWORD dwLen)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Voice file name, it is either a standard wav file or a non-header file. If it’s a standard
wav file, the voice encoding format is achieved from the file header, the parameter
nFormat is ignored. If it’s a non-header file, the voice encoding format is designated by
Encoding format of the voice data, range of value and its meaning are listed below:
Value Encoding format Remark
-2 PCM16
1 PCM8
6 A-Law
7 μ-Law
nFormat 17 IMA ADPCM The board is required to have the hardware
decoding capability
23 VOX
85 MP3
For more information about whether a specific board model supports the above
encoding formats and in which way it supports, refer to ‘Board Supported CODECs’ in
Chapter 1
The starting position counted from the actual voice data part in the file. For the
standard wav file, the starting position 0 represents the position of the first voice data
byte following the file header; For the non-header file, it’s counted from the head part
of the file

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 354

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

The length (bytes) of the voice data to be played. If this parameter is larger than the
dwLen actual length calculated from dwStartPos, the driver regards that the file will be played
until the end
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Submits a voice file to be played to the driver. After the file is submitted, the multi-file playing task can be started by
the function call of SsmPlayFileList.

z After this function is successfully executed, the submitted file is opened with ‘shared read’ mode. The file
keeps open until the function SsmClearFileList is called to close it.
z This function can be invoked continuously to submit multiple files, but the total number can’t exceed the
value set in the configuration item MaxPlayFileList. All the files must have the same voice CODEC

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmPlayFileList, SsmStopPlay, SsmClearFileList SsmPlayFileList
Starts the multi-file playing task.


int SsmPlayFileList(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Starts the multi-file playing task. After the application calls this function, the driver starts the task of multi-file playing
and plays the first file. Each time when one file is played out, the driver throws out the event of
E_PROC_PlayFileList to the application, and then starts to play the next file.
The driver stops playing the file if one of the following events happens:
— All data in the file have been played out.
— The application calls SsmStopPlayFileList or SsmStopPlay;
— DTMF, Barge-in or remote hang-up is detected by the driver. For more information, refer to Setting
Termination Condition in chapter 1.
— For some models in the SHD series, the configuration item of LinkFromStopPlayAndTone is set to 1 and
the off-bus operation is performed on the channel. For more information, refer to ‘Operation Principle of
SHD Series’ in chapter 1.
After the file finishes playing, the driver throws out the event of E_PROC_PlayEnd to the application. The function

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 355

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

of SsmCheckPlay can also be used to query the status of the file playing.

z Before invoking this function, you can call the function SsmAddToFileList to add files to the file list if it is
z The driver won’t close the submitted file after the file playing task is terminated. In such case, you can
call the function SsmClearFileList to clear the file list.
z If this function is invoked on Channel 0, for the ATP/DST Series boards, the played voice is sent directly
to the port of the on-board speaker, but not to the line; for the SHT Series boards, the played voice is not
only sent to the line, but also to the port of the on-board speaker.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStopPlayFileList, SsmStopPlay, SsmCheckPlay, SsmAddToFileList, SsmClearFileList SsmStopPlayFileList
Stops the multi-file playing task.

int SsmStopPlayFileList(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Stops the task of multi-file playing, the task must be started by the function of SsmPlayFileList.

z This function can be completely replaced by the function of SsmStopPlay.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmPlayFileList, SsmClearFileList, SsmStopPlay

2.9.6 Functions for Playing in Single Buffer Mode SsmPlayMem
Starts the task of single-buffer playing.


int SsmPlayMem(int ch, int nFormat, LPBYTE pBuf, DWORD dwBufSize, DWORD dwStartOffset, DWORD

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 356

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Encoding format of the voice data, range of value and its meaning are listed below:
Value Encoding format Remarks
1 PCM8
6 A-Law
7 μ-Law
nFormat The board is required to have the hardware
decoding capability
-2 PCM16
85 MP3
For more information about whether a specific board model supports the above encoding
formats and in which way it supports, refer to ‘Board Supported CODECs’ in Chapter 1
pBuf The address of the buffer storing voice data
dwBufSize The size (bytes) of the buffer storing voice data; it should be no less than 768 bytes
Starting position (bytes) of voice playing (offset), it’s calculated from the initial address of
the buffer
Ending position (bytes) of voice playing (offset), it’s calculated from the initial address of
the buffer. If this parameter is less than the buffer length, when the playing pointer in the
dwStopOffset driver reaches the position designated by dwStopOffset, the current voice playing is
finished; Otherwise, the buffer is circularly played until the application calls
SsmStopPlayMem to stop the voice playing.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Starts the task of single-buffer playing.
After calling this function, the driver will start the task of single-buffer playing. Meanwhile, the driver maintains a
playing pointer (offset) with the initial value equaling to dwStartOffset, which is used to read data from the
submitted buffer. The single-buffer playing task stops if one of the following events happens:
— The value of dwStopOffset is less than the submitted buffer size and the playing pointer in the driver
reaches the ending position specified by the parameter dwStopOffset, which means the specified data
in the buffer have been played out.
— The application calls SsmStopPlayMem or SsmStopPlay;
— The driver detects DTMF, Barge in or remote hang-up. For more information, refer to ‘Setting
Termination Condition’ in Chapter 1.
— For some models in the SHD series, the configuration item of LinkFromStopPlayAndTone is set to 1 and
the off-bus operation is performed on the channel. For more information, refer to ‘Operation Principle of
SHD Series’ in chapter 1.
After the task of single-buffer playing is finished, the driver throws out the event of E_PROC_PlayEnd to the
application. The function SsmCheckPlay can also be used to query the status of single-buffer playing.
During the execution of single-buffer playing, each time when the preset condition is met, the driver outputs the
event of E_PROC_PlayMem to the application. The output conditions of the event E_PROC_PlayMem can be set
by the function SsmSetEvent to one of the three methods:
— The driver finishes the playing of a designated length of voice data
— The playing pointer in the driver gets across 1/2 part of the buffer.
— The playing pointer reaches to the terminating position of the buffer
For the settings of output conditions of the event of E_PROC_PlayMem, refer to MESSAGE_INFO in Chapter 1.
The function SsmSetStopPlayOffset can be used to reset the ending position of playing. The function

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 357

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

SsmStopPlayMem or SsmStopPlay can be used to terminate the single-buffer playing, the function
SsmGetPlayOffset can be used to obtain the playing pointer in the driver.

z If this function is invoked on the channel 0, for the ATP/DST Series boards, the played voice is sent
directly to the port of the on-board speaker, but not to the line; For the SHT Series boards, the played
voice is not only sent to the line, but also to the port of the on-board speaker.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStopPlayMem, SsmStopPlay, SsmSetStopPlayOffset, SsmGetPlayOffset, SsmSetEvent SsmStopPlayMem
Terminates the task of single-buffer playing initiated by the function SsmPlayMem.

int SsmStopPlayMem(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Terminates the task of single-buffer playing initiated by the function SsmPlayMem.

z After this function is successfully called, the driver will still throw out the event of E_PROC_PlayEnd;
z The function SsmStopPlay can implement the same features.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmPlayMem, SsmSetStopPlayOffset, SsmStopPlay SsmSetStopPlayOffset
Resets the ending position for playback in the buffer.

int SsmSetStopPlayOffset(int ch, DWORD dwStopPlayOffset)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
dwStopPlayOffset Ending offset of the buffer
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 358

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

0 Successful
Function Description:
Resets the ending position for playback in the buffer.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPlayOffset SsmGetPlayOffset
Obtains the playing pointer in the driver during the single-buffer playing.


int SsmGetPlayOffset(int ch, DWORD* pdwPlayOffset)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Returns the playing pointer in the driver, an offset (bytes) based on the initial address
of the buffer
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Obtains the playing pointer in the driver during the single-buffer playing.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetStopPlayOffset

2.9.7 Functions for Playing in Buffer List Mode SsmAddToPlayMemList
Submits a buffer to the driver.


int SsmAddToPlayMemList(LPBYTE pBuf, DWORD dwDataLen, int nFormat)

Parameter Description:
Pointer pointing to the voice data buffer. The storage space of buffer area is allocated
by the application
dwDataLen The size (byte) of the voice data buffer
Voice encoding format. Range of value:
nFormat 6:A-law

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 359

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Submits a buffer with the voice data to be played to the driver. For each submitted buffer, the driver assigns a serial
number to it. The first one is assigned with 0, and the rest may be deduced by analogy.
This function can be called multiple times continuously, but the maximum number of times cannot exceed the set
value of the configuration item MaxPlayMemList. The driver plays the buffers in the submitting sequence.

z The buffer submitted by this function is not specific to a particular channel. It can be used by all channels.
z All the buffers submitted must use the same voice encoding format.
z When the driver is executing this function, it only records the information in the buffer but does not copy
the data in the buffer to the driver itself. Therefore, the application must ensure that no channel is
executing the task of playing multiple buffers before releasing the submitted buffer.
z If the data is in ADPCM format, special attentions should be paid to the frame structure because
disordered frame data will cause noises.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmClearPlayMemList, SsmPlayMemList SsmClearPlayMemList
Clears all the buffers submitted to the driver.


int SsmClearPlayMemList()

Parameter Description: None

Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Clears all the buffers submitted to the driver.

z Ensure that no channel is executing the task of playing multiple buffers before invoking this function.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmAddToPlayMemList

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 360

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmPlayMemList
Starts voice playing in Buffer List Mode.

int SsmPlayMemList(int ch, PWORD pMemList, WORD wMemListLen)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Array pointer storing the serial number of the buffer to be played. The serial number of
pMemList the buffer must be submitted to the driver in advance by the function
SsmAddToPlayMemList .
wMemListLen Length of the array
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Starts voice playing in Buffer List Mode.

After calling this function, the driver starts the task of playing multiple buffers in order according to the sequence
designated in pMemList. The task will terminate if one of the following events happens:
— All voice data in the buffer designated by pMemList have been played out.
— The application calls SsmStopPlayMemList or SsmStopPlay.
— The driver detects DTMF, Barge in or remote hangup. For more details, refer to Setting Termination
Condition in chapter 1.
— For some models in the SHD series, the configuration item of LinkFromStopPlayAndTone is set to 1 and
the off-bus operation is performed on the channel. For more information, refer to ‘Operation Principle of
SHD Series’ in chapter 1.
After the task of playing multiple buffers is stopped, the driver throws out the event of E_PROC_PlayEnd to the
application. The function SsmCheckPlay can also be used to enquire the completion status of this task.

z If the channel does not support the hardware decoding to the encoding format designated by the function
SsmAddToPlayMemList which submits the buffers to the driver, this function will fail. Whether a channel
supports the hardware decoding to a specific encoding format is determined by the model of the board.
For more details, refer to the related information in Chapter 1.
z If this function is called on channel 0, for ATP/DST Series boards, the voice is sent to the port of the
on-board speaker, but not to the line; for SHT Series boards, the voice is sent not only to the line but also
to the port of the on-board speaker.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStopPlayMemList, SsmStopPlay, SsmCheckPlay, SsmAddToPlayMemList SsmStopPlayMemList
Stops voice playing in Buffer List Mode which is initiated by the function SsmPlayMemList.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 361

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

int SsmStopPlayMemList(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Stops voice playing in Buffer List Mode which is initiated by the function SsmPlayMemList.

z After this function is called successfully, the driver will still throw out the event of E_PROC_PlayEnd to
the application.
z This function can be completely substituted by the function SsmStopPlay.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmPlayMemList, SsmStopPlay

2.9.8 Preload Voice Data Playing Functions (CTI Series) Preload Voice Information Initialization Functions SsmSetMaxIdxSeg

Sets the amount of preload voice segments.

int SsmSetMaxIdxSeg(WORD wMaxIdxSeg)

Parameter Description:
wMaxIdxSeg The maximum number of index segments
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the amount of preloaded voice segments. The configuration item MaxIndexSeg can implement the same

z The existing preload voice segments will be unloaded once this function is called.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 362

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Related Function: SsmGetTotalIndexSeg SsmGetTotalIndexSeg

Obtains the amount of preload voice segments.

int SsmGetTotalIndexSeg ()

Parameter Description: None

Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 The amount of index segments
Function Description:

Obtains the amount of preload voice data segments.

Note: None.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetMaxIdxSeg SsmLoadIndexData

Loads the designated voice segments to the memory.

int SsmLoadIndexData(int nSegNo, LPSTR pAlias, int nCodec, LPSTR pVocFile, long lStartPos, long lLen)

Parameter Description:
The number assigned to the voice segment, range of value: 0~N. N is the preset
nSegNo amount of the voice data segments which can be obtained by the function
The alias assigned to the voice segment whose maximum length is 20 characters. The
numbers ‘0’ ~ ‘9’ cannot be used as the first character of the alias string
Encoding format of the voice data, range of value and the corresponding meanings are
listed below:
Value Encoding Format Remark
1 PCM_8
-2 PCM_16
6 A-Law
7 μ-Law
The board is required to have the
hardware decoding capability
The board is required to have the
23 VOX
hardware decoding capability
For more information about whether each specific board model supports the above
encoding format and in which way it supports, refer to ‘Board Supported CODECs’ in
chapter 1
pVocFile The file containing voice segments. It can be a standard wav file or a non-header file

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 363

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

without the file header. If it is a standard wav file, the format specified by the parameter
nCodec will be ignored. Otherwise, it will be regarded as a non-header file, and the
encoding format will be determined by the parameter nCodec
The starting position counted from the actual voice data in the file. For the standard
wav file, the starting position 0 represents the position of the first voice data byte
following the file header. For the non-header file, it’s counted from the head part of the
The length (bytes) of the voice segment.
z If this parameter is larger than the data length from the position lStartPos to the
end of the file, then the latter is adopted as the actual load length.
z If lLen=-1, then data is loaded from the position lStartPos to the end of the file.
The conversion between the byte length and time length of voice segment is
determined by the encoding format. For the related information, refer to ‘SynCTI
Supported CODECs’ in chapter 1
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Loads the voice segment data from the specified file to the memory. The encoding format of the voice segment
data is determined by the following rule:
1. If pVocFile is a standard WAV file, the parameter nCodec will be ignored.
2. If pVocFile is not a standard WAV file, it will be regarded as a non-header file and the encoding format will
be determined by the parameter nCodec.

z This function should be invoked for each preload voice segment.
z The section SegNo in the configuration file ShIndex.ini can implement the same feature.
z The application must ensure that all the preload voice segments have the same encoding format.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

SsmFreeIndexData SsmFreeIndexData

Unloads the voice segments in the memory.

int SsmFreeIndexData(int nSegNo)

Parameter Description:
nSegNo The number assigned to the voice segment
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 364

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Function Description:

Unloads the voice segments in the memory. After the segments being unloaded, the segment number (nSegNo)
can be reused for new voice segment data.

z When the driver uninstalls the function SsmCloseCti, it will automatically release all the resources
occupied by preload voice segment data, such as the memory.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmLoadIndexData SsmLoadChIndexData

Loads voice segment data from the specified file to the memory of the corresponding channel.

int WINAPI SsmLoadChIndexData(int ch, int nSegNo, LPSTR pAlias, int nCodec, LPSTR pVocFile, long lStartPos,
long lLen)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
nSegNo The number assigned to voice segment in the memory index
The alias assigned to voice segment in the memory index. The maximum length of the
alias is 20 characters
Encoding format for voice segment data, with the optional values of 6 (A-law), 7(μ-law)
and 17(IMA ADPCM)
pVocFile The file containing voice segment data
lStartPos The start position of voice segment data in the voice file (the file header excluded)
The length (bytes) of the voice segment data to be loaded. If this parameter is larger
than the data length from the position lStartPos to the end of the file, then the latter is
adopted as the actual load length. If lLen=-1, then the data is just loaded from the
position lStartPos to the end of the file
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Call successful
Function Description:

Loads voice segment data from the specified file to the memory of the corresponding channel. The encoding
format of the voice segment data is determined by the following rule:
1. If pVocFile is a standard WAV file, the parameter nCodec will be ignored.
2. If pVocFile is not a standard WAV file, it will be regarded as a non-header file and the encoding format will
be determined by the parameter nCodec.

z When the driver uninstalls the function SsmCloseCti, it will automatically release all the resources
occupied by preload voice segment data, such as the memory.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 365

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Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFreeChIndexData SsmFreeChIndexData

Unloads the voice segment data in the memory.

int WINAPI SsmFreeChIndexData(int ch, int nSegNo)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
nSegNo The number assigned to voice segment in the memory index
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Unloads the voice segment data in the memory. After the segments being unloaded, the segment number (nSegNo)
can be reused for new voice segment data.


z When the driver uninstalls the function SsmCloseCti, it will automatically release all the resources
occupied by preload voice segment data, such as the memory.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmLoadChIndexData Functions for Playing Preload Voice Segments SsmPlayIndexString

Refer to SsmPlayIndexList. SsmPlayIndexList

Plays one or multiple designated preload voice segments in sequence.


int SsmPlayIndexList(int ch, WORD wIdxListLen, PWORD pwIdxList)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 366

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int SsmPlayIndexString(int ch, LPSTR pszIdxStr)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The amount of preload voice segments to be played, range of value: 1~N-1. N is set by
the configuration item MaxPlayIndexList.
The array storing the number of the preload voice segments. The voice segments
must have the same encoding format.
The string containing the information of preload voice segments. It is used for storing
the index of the alias or number of voice segments to be played. The preload voice
segments are separated by ‘,’, and each of them can be denoted by a number or an
alias. The corresponding relationship between the number (or alias) and the voice
segment is determined by the system initialization function SsmStartCti according to
the preload voice configuration file ShIndex.ini; also it can be loaded by the function
SsmLoadIndexData and unloaded by the function SsmFreeIndexData respectively.
The amount of the preload voice segments designated in pszldxStr cannot exceed the
set value in the configuration item MaxPlayIndexList. Note: All the voice segments
designated in pszIdxStr must have the same encoding format.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Plays the preloaded voice segments designated by pwIdxList or pszIdxStr.

After calling this function, the driver will start the task of playing the preload voice segments. The task will terminate
if one of the following events happens:
— All voice data designated by pwIdxList or pszIdxStr have been played out.
— The application calls the function SsmStopPlayIndex or SsmStopPlay.
— The driver detects DTMF, Barge in or remote hangup. For more information, refer to Setting
Termination Condition in chapter 1.
— For some models in the SHD series, the configuration item of LinkFromStopPlayAndTone is set to 1 and
the off-bus operation is performed on the channel. For more information, refer to ‘Operation Principle of
SHD Series’ in chapter 1.
After the task of playing the preload voice data is stopped, the driver will throw out the event of E_PROC_PlayEnd
to the application. The function SsmCheckPlay can also be used to check the completion status of this task.
The application can invoke the function of SsmStopPlayIndex or SsmStopPlay to stop the voice playing at any

z This function only supports the channels which are designated by pwIdxList or pszIdxStr with the
hardware decoding capability. For more information, refer to the function SsmLoadIndexData.
z If this function is called on channel 0, for ATP/DST Series boards, the voice is sent to the port of the
on-board speaker, but not to the line; For SHT Series boards, the voice is sent not only to the line but
also to the port of the on-board speaker.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStopPlayIndex, SsmStopPlay, SsmCheckPlay, SsmLoadIndexData

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 367

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmStopPlayIndex

Stops playing preload voice segments.

int SsmStopPlayIndex(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Stops playing preload voice segments. After the task of playing preload voice segments is stopped, the driver will
set the cause of termination to be CHKPLAY_APPLICATION_END and throw out the event of E_PROC_PlayEnd
to the application.

z The task of voice playing should be started by the function SsmPlayIndexString or SsmPlayIndexList.
z This function can be completely substituted by the function SsmStopPlay.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmPlayIndexString, SsmPlayIndexList, SsmStopPlay

2.9.9 Functions for Playing in Pingpong Buffer Mode(CTI Series) SsmPlayMemBlock
Submits a buffer to the driver and starts voice playing in Pingpong Buffer Mode.

int SsmPlayMemBlock(int ch, int nFormat, LPBYTE pBuf, DWORD dwBufSize, PLAYMEMBLOCKHANDLER
pfnCallback, PVOID pV)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Voice encoding format. Range of value:
17:IMA ADPCM (The board is required to have the hardware decoding capability)
pBuf The pointer pointing to the voice data buffer
The size (Bytes) of the voice data buffer. The minimum value of dwBufSize is
determined by the following rules:
dwBufSize z If the configuration item RecordAndPlayUseAsIP is set 0 (default), dwBufSize
should be no less than 768 bytes.
z If RecordAndPlayUseAsIP is set 1, for A-law, μ-law, PCM8 and PCM16,

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 368

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dwBufSize should be no less than 192 bytes (recommended value: under

Windows it should be no less than 192 bytes; under Linux it should be no less than
384 bytes);
For IMA ADPCM, the size of the buffer should be no less than 768 bytes.
Pointer of callback function. Once the task of voice playing of a buffer is finished or
terminated, the driver will automatically invoke the callback function set by this
parameter. NULL means not to set the callback function. The prototype of the callback
function is declared in shpa3api.h:
typedef BOOL (*PLAYMEMBLOCKHANDLER) (int ch, int nEndReason, PUCHAR pucBuf, DWORD
dwStopOffset, PVOID pV);
in which,ch: Channel Number;
nEndReason: The reason of termination, range of value:
1: All data in the buffer have been played out;
2: The playing task is stopped because the DTMF characters are
3: The playing task is stopped because barge-in is detected.
4: The playing task is stopped because remote hangup is detected.
5: The playing task is stopped by the application.
pucBuf: The pointer pointing to the buffer where the playing task is finished.
dwStopOffset: The offset (bytes) of the driver’s playing pointer in the buffer when the playing
task is finished.
pV: The pointer passed by the application upon invoking this function.
Pointer of PVOID type. It is commonly used by the application for transmitting
pV necessary data, such as the data structure, to the callback function. This pointer is
passed to the callback function directly.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Submits a buffer to the driver and starts voice playing in Pingpong Buffer Mode. For more information about voice
playing in Pingpong Buffer Mode, refer to Pingpong Buffer Mode in Chapter 1.
When it is the first time to invoke this function, the driver will start voice playing in Pingpong Buffer Mode in the
sequence of buffer submitting. Upon a complete play of voice data in the first buffer, the driver will automatically
play those in the second buffer and meanwhile invoke the callback function from the application to pass an
end-of-play message to the application. In the callback function, the application will fill data into the next buffer and
restart such process.
The task will terminate if one of the following events happens:
— All voice data in the submitted buffer have been played out.
— The application calls the function SsmStopPlayMemBlock or SsmStopPlay.
— The driver frtects DTMF, Barge in or remote hangup. For more information, refer to Setting Termination
Condition in chapter 1.
— For some models in the SHD series, the configuration item of LinkFromStopPlayAndTone is set to 1 and
the off-bus operation is performed on the channel. For more information, refer to ‘Operation Principle of
SHD Series’ in chapter 1.

The function SsmCheckPlay can also be used to check the completion status of the task of voice playing in
Pingpong Buffer Mode.


z If the channel does not support the hardware decoding to the encoding format designated by the
parameter nFormat, this function will fail. Whether a channel supports the hardware decoding to a

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 369

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specific encoding format is determined by the model of the board. For more details, refer to the related
information in Chapter 1.
z In the callback function, the time for the application to update the voice data and execute the submitted
code should be minimized and not exceed the interruption time of the driver (8ms). Otherwise it may
cause driver error.
z The application can invoke the function SsmStopPlayMemBlock or SsmStopPlay to stop the
double-buffer voice playing, but these two functions can’t be called in the callback function.
z After the task of voice playing in Pingpong Buffer Mode is stopped, the driver will throw out the event of
E_PROC_PlayEnd to the application.
z If this function is called on Channel 0, for ATP/DST Series boards, the voice is sent to the port of the
on-board speaker, but not to the line; For SHT Series boards, the voice is sent not only to the line but
also to the port of the on-board speaker.
z It is not allowed to submit more than two buffers to the driver at the same time.
z It is not allowed to use the timer to invoke the function SsmPlayMemBlock.

Sample Code:
......//initialize and fill the buffers szPlayBuf1, szPlayBuf2
BOOL PlayStart(int nCh)
if(SsmPlayMemBlock(nCh, 6, szPlayBuf1, dwBufSize, PlayCallBack, NULL) != 0)//submit the buffer
szPlayBuf1 to the driver and start voice playing in Pingpong Buffer Mode
return FALSE;
if(SsmPlayMemBlock(nCh, 6, szPlayBuf2, dwBufSize, PlayCallBack, NULL) != 0)//submit the buffer
szPlayBuf2 to the driver
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL PlayCallBack(int ch, int nEndReason, PUCHAR pucBuf, DWORD dwStopOffset, PVOID pV)
int nResult = 0;
if(pucBuf == szPlayBuf1)
......//refill the buffer szPlayBuf1
nResult = SsmPlayMemBlock(ch, 6, szPlayBuf1, dwBufSize, PlayCallBack, pV);)//submit the buffer
szPlayBuf1 to the driver
else if(pucBuf == szPlayBuf2)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 370

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......//refill the buffer szPlayBuf2
nResult = SsmPlayMemBlock(ch, 6, szPlayBuf2, dwBufSize, PlayCallBack, pV);//submit the buffer szPlayBuf2
to the driver
return nResult;

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStopPlayMemBlock, SsmStopPlay, SsmPlayMem, SsmPlayMemList SsmStopPlayMemBlock
Stops the task of voice playing in Pingpong Buffer Mode initialized by SsmPlayMemBlock.

int SsmStopPlayMemBlock(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Stops the task of voice playing in Pingpong Buffer Mode initialized by SsmPlayMemBlock.

z This function cannot be invoked in the callback function which is set by the function SsmPlayMemBlock.
z This function can be completely substituted by the function SsmStopPlay.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmPlayMemBlock, SsmStopPlay

2.9.10 General Functions for Terminating Voice Playing SsmStopPlay
Stops voice playing in any mode.

int SsmStopPlay(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 371

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Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Stops voice playing in any mode.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:
SsmStopPlayFile, SsmStopPlayFileList, SsmStopPlayMem, SsmStopPlayMemList, SsmStopPlayIndex,

2.9.11 Obtaining Relative Information about Voice Playing SsmQueryPlayFormat
Queries if the channel supports the designated voice playing format.


int SsmQueryPlayFormat (int ch, int nFormat)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Voice playing format, for the range of value and more detailed information, refer to
SynCTI Supported CODECs in Chapter 1
Return Value:
0 Not supported
1 Supported with hardware decoding
2 Supported with software decoding
Function Description:
Queris if the channel supports the designated voice playing format.

z This function is applicable to the channels of any type.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPlayType
Queries the mode of voice playing performed currently on the channel.

int SsmGetPlayType(int ch)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 372

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Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 No voice playing
1 Playing a single file
2 Playing a single file, but the file playing is suspended by the application
3 Playing the file list
4 Playing the preload voice
5 Playing a single buffer
6 Playing the buffer list
Transmitting FSK data (Note: Transmitting FSK data will occupy the resource of voice
Using the voice-playing operation to achieve voice exchange between the channels
without CT-bus
9 Playing the Pingpong buffer
Function Description:
Queries the mode of voice playing performed currently on the channel.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmCheckPlay
Obtains the completion status of voice playing.


int SsmCheckPlay(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Voice playing in progress
Voice playing is ended: All voice data played out or no voice playing task on the
The playing task is stopped because DTMF characters are detected. For more
information, refer to Setting Termination Condition in Chapter 1.
The playing task is stopped because bargein is detected. For more information, refer to
Setting Termination Condition in Chapter 1.
The playing task is stopped because remote hangup is detected. For more information,
refer to Setting Termination Condition in Chapter 1.
5 The playing task is terminated by the application
The playing task is suspended by the function SsmPausePlay which is invoked by the
application. To start the voice playing task, invoke the function SsmPlayFile
The playing task is terminated due to the off-bus operation on the channel. For more
information, refer to Setting Termination Condition in Chapter 1
8 The playing task is terminated due to network disconnection. When the application is

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 373

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invoking the function SsmPlayFile to play voice files in other computers located in the
network, and the driver fails to read the files due to such reasons as network
disconnection, it returns this value.
Function Description:
Obtains the completion status of the voice playing.

z The voice playing task can be initialized by the following functions: SsmPlayFile, SsmPlayFileList,
SsmPlayMemList, SsmPlayIndexList, SsmPlayIndexString, SsmPlayMem, and SsmPlayMemBlock.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Functions: SsmPlayFile, SsmPlayFileList, SsmPlayMemList, SsmPlayIndexList, SsmPlayIndexString,
SsmPlayMem, SsmPlayMemBlock

Related Events: E_PROC_PlayEnd, E_PROC_PlayFile, E_PROC_PlayFileList, E_PROC_PlayMem SsmGetPlayedPercentage
Obtains the percentage of the played data to the whole.

int SsmGetPlayedPercentage(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 The percentage of the played bytes to the whole
Function Description:
Obtains the percentage of the played data to the whole.

z This function supports the voice playing task initialized by the function SsmPlayIndexList,
SsmPlayIndexString, SsmPlayFile, SsmPlayFileList, and SsmPlayMemList.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPlayedTime SsmGetPlayedTime
Obtains the duration of the current voice playing.

int SsmGetPlayedTime(int ch)

Parameter Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 374

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ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
≥0 The duration (ms) of the voice playing
Function Description:
Obtains the duration of the current voice playing.


z This function supports the voice playing tasks initialized by the function SsmPlayFile, SsmPlayFileList,
SsmPlayMemList, SsmPlayIndexList, SsmPlayIndexString, and SsmPlayMem.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPlayedPercentage, SsmGetDataBytesToPlay, SsmGetPlayedTimeEx,

2.10 Voice Recording Functions

2.10.1 Setting Recording Parameters Setting Signal Source and Its Volume SsmSetRecVolume

Refer to SpySetRecVolume. SpySetRecVolume

Sets the gain of the volume adjuster A3 for the incoming signal entering the recording mixer M3.

int SsmSetRecVolume(int ch, int nVolume)
int SpySetRecVolume(int nCic, WORD wDirection, int nVolume)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
nCic The logic number of SpyCic. For more information, refer to ‘DTP Series’ in Chapter 1
The direction of the volume adjuster, range of value:
0: Sets the calling party’s volume, used for the occasion to record the calling party only
wDirection 1: Sets the called party’s volume, used for the occasion to record the called party only
2: Sets both the calling party’s and the called party’s volume simultaneously, used for
the occasion to record the calling party or the called party.
Recording volume, range of value: -7~+6, -7 means turn-off, the other values
represents the volume gain (multiplied by 3 equals dB value) . The negative value

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 375

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means volume decreasing and the positive value means the volume increasing
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the gain of the volume adjuster A3 for the incoming signal entering the recording mixer M3. For more details
about M3 and A3, refer to the corresponding operation principles in Chapter 1.


z The configuration item DefaultRecordVolume can implement the same feature, with the default value of 0.
z The parameters set by this function are applicable to all types of recording functions except for
SynIPRecorder. To set the volume for SynIPRecorder, use the function SsmIPRSetRecVolume.

Related Information:
SsmSetRecVolume requires SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above;
Driver version
SpySetRecVolume requires SynCTI Ver. or above.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetRecMixer, SsmSetRecBack, SsmIPRSetRecVolume SsmSetRecMixer

Refer to SpySetRecMixer. SpySetRecMixer

Sets the gain of the volume adjuster A2 for other signal sources entering the recording mixer M3.


int SsmSetRecMixer(int ch, BOOL bEnRecMixer, int nMixerVolume)

int SpySetRecMixer(int nCic, BOOL bEnRecMixer, int nMixerVolume)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
nCic The logic number of SpyCic. For more information, refer to ‘DTP Series’ in Chapter 1
=FALSE: turns off the volume adjuster A2, the incoming signal of the current channel is
the only data source for recording;
=TRUE: turns on the volume adjuster A2, the data source for the recording operation
includes both the incoming signal of the current channel and other sources
The volume gain of other recording signal sources, it is valid only when the value of
bEnRecMixer is set to True. Range of value: -7~+6, in which,
nMixerVolume -7: turns off A2, equivalent to setting the value of bEnRecMixer to False.
-6~6: volume gain (multiplied by 3 equals the dB value), The negative value means
volume decreasing and the positive value means the volume increasing
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 376

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Sets the gain of the volume adjuster A2 for the other signal sources entering the recording mixer M3. For more
detailed information about M3 and A2, refer to the corresponding operation principles in Chapter 1.

z The configuration item DefaultRecordMixerVolume can implement the same features, A2 is turned off by
z The parameters set by this function are valid to the recording functions of all types.
z When the function SpySetRecMixer is used, if the current SpyCic is not recording, this function only sets
the volume of the mixer on the calling party’s channel but do not switch it on, and bEnRecMixer is invalid;
if the current SpyCic is performing a mix recording, this function sets the switch and the volume of the
mixer on the calling party’s channel, and bEnRecMixer is valid; if the current SpyCic is recording in other
modes, this function will fail.
z This function does not support DST Series boards.
z To prevent noise, the volume adjuster A2 must be switched off before the channels on two different
boards start bus exchanging and switching using the soft-switch feature.
z SsmSetRecMixer does not support ATP-24A Series boards.

Related Information:
SsmSetRecMixer requires SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above;
Driver version
SpySetRecMixer requires SynCTI Ver. or above.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetRecVolume, SsmSetRecBack, SsmGetRecMixerState, SsmQueryOpRecMixer SsmQueryOpRecMixer

Queries if the channel supports the gain set of the volume adjuster A2.

int SsmQueryOpRecMixer(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Not supported
1 Supported
Function Description:
Queries if the channel supports the gain set of the volume adjuster A2.

z This function doesn’t support DST Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 377

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DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetRecMixer SsmGetRecMixerState

Obtains the gain settings of the volume adjuster A2.


int SsmGetRecMixerState(int ch, int* pnEnRecMixer, int* pnMixerVolume)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
pnEnRecMixer The pointer storing the switching status of the recording mixer
The pointer storing the volume of the voice signal from another channel which enters
pnMixerVolume the recording mixer to join the incoming signal of the current channel. The obtained
volume multiplied by 3 equals its dB value
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the gain settings of the volume adjuster A2.
Obtains the status of the recording mixer on the specified channel. If the switching status of the recording mixer is
turned on, the parameter pnEnRecMixer is set 1, otherwise, it is set 0. The parameter pnMixerVolume is used to
return the volume of the voice signal from another channel which enters the recording mixer to join the incoming
signal of the current channel.

z The settings of the recording mixer switch are valid to both File Mode and Buffer Mode recording

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetRecMixer, SsmQueryOpRecMixer DTRSetMixerVolum

Sets the gain of the volume adjusters A4-1, A4-2 for the incoming/outgoing signal on DST Series boards.
int DTRSetMixerVolume(int ch, int nGroup, int nInboundGain, int nOutboundGain)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Chooses B channel. The digital phone operates in 2B+D mode. Because the current
driver can’t process two B channels at the same time, this parameter must be set to 0
nInboundGain The gain of the volume adjuster for incoming signals ( i.e. volume adjuster A4-1 in

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 378

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Operation Principle of DST Series in Chapter 1),

range of value: -7~+6, the negative value means volume decreasing, the positive value
means the volume increasing , -7 means turn-off, this parameter multiplied by 3 equals
dB value
The gain of the volume adjuster for outgoing signals ( i.e. volume adjuster A4-2 in
Operation Principle of DST Series in Chapter 1),
nOutboundGain range of value: -7~+6, the negative value means volume decreasing, the positive value
means the volume increasing, -7 means turn-off, this parameter multiplied by 3 equals
dB value
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Sets the gain of the volume adjusters A4-1, A4-2 for the incoming/outgoing voice signal on DST Series boards.
For more detailed information about A4-1, A4-2, refer to Operation Principle of DST Series in Chapter 1.

z This function only supports DST Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetRecVolume, DTRGetMixerVolume DTRGetMixerVolume

Obtains the gain of the volume adjusters A4-1, A4-2 for the incoming/outgoing signal on DST Series boards.
int DTRGetMixerVolume(int ch, int nGroup, int* pnInboundGain, int* pnOutboundGain)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
nGroup Chooses B channel, it must be set 0
Returns the gain of the volume adjuster for incoming signal ( i.e. volume adjuster A4-1
in Operation Principle of DST Series in Chapter 1),
range of value: -6~+6, the negative value means volume decreasing, the positive value
means the volume increasing, this parameter multiplied by 3 equals dB value
Returns the gain of the volume adjuster for outgoing signal ( i.e. volume adjuster A4-2
in Operation Principle of DST Series in Chapter 1),
range of value: -6~+6, the negative value means volume decreasing, the positive value
means the volume increasing, this parameter multiplied by 3 equals dB value
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the gain of the volume adjusters A4-1, A4-2 for the incoming/outgoing signal on DST Series boards. For
more detailed information about A4-1, A4-2, refer to Operation Principle of DST Series in Chapter 1.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 379

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z This function only supports DST Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 4.0or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: DTRSetMixerVolume SsmSetRecBack

Sets whether to take the output of the bus mixer and the voice playing data as the input signals of the recording

int SsmSetRecBack(int ch, int nSelector)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Sets the status of the switches k6-2 and k6-1, range of value:
0: k6-2 switched off, k6-1 switched off
1: k6-2 switched on, k6-1 switched on
nSelector 2: k6-2 switched off, k6-1 switched on
3: k6-2 switched on, k6-1 switched off
The default value is 1, i.e. both k6-2 and k6-1 switched on. For more information about
these two switches, refer to Operation Principle of SHD Series in Chapter 1
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets whether to take the output of the bus mixer and the voice playing data as the input signals of the recording

z This function only supports SHD and SHN Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetRecVolume, SsmSetRecMixer SsmSetNoModuleChBusRec

Uses the non-module channels of ATP Series boards as recording channels.

int SsmSetNoModuleChBusRec(int ch, int nUsedAsResourceRecCh)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 380

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Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
nUsedAsResourceRe 1: enables this feature
cCh 0: disables this feature
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Uses the non-module channels of ATP Series boards as recording channels. For more information, refer to ‘special
application of non-module channel’ in Operation Principle of ATP Series of Chapter 1.


z Before recording, invoke the function SsmSetRecVolume or set the configuration item
DefaultRecordVolume to turn off the volume adjuster of the incoming signal.
z The signal source for recording only comes from the TDM bus.
z The configuration item NoModuleChBusRec can implement the same feature.
z This function only supports ATP Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetRecVolume Setting Termination Condition for Voice Recording SsmSetDTMFStopRecCharSet

Sets whether the recording stops when the DTMF Detector detects DTMF character.


int SsmSetDTMFStopRecCharSet(int ch, LPSTR lpstrDtmfCharSet)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Pointer pointing to the ASCII-formatted DTMF character set which is used to stop the
lpstrDtmfCharSet The DTMF character set can include
‘0’, ’1’, ’2’, ’3’, ’4’, ’5’, ’6’, ’7’, ’8’, ’9’, ’*’, ’#’, ’a’, ’b’, ’c’, ’d’, it can also be set NULL to
indicate that this feature is disabled.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Sets whether the recording stops when the DTMF Detector detects DTMF character.
Provided that the parameter lpstrDtmfCharSet is not null, if the DTMF detector detects DTMF characters
designated in lpstrDtmfCharSet in the incoming signals while recording, the driver will stop the recording

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 381

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z The configuration item DtmfStopRecCharSet can implement the same feature.

z This feature supports recording in File Mode, Buffer Mode and Pingpong Buffer Mode.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetHangupStopRecFlag, SsmGetDTMFStopRecCharSet SsmGetDTMFStopRecCharSet

Queries if the recording stops when the DTMF Detector detects the DTMF character.


int SsmGetDTMFStopRecCharSet(int ch, LPSTR lpstrDtmfCharSet)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
lpstrDtmfCharSet Returns ASCII-formatted DTMF character set
Return Value:
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 This feature is disabled
>0 The number of preset characters in the DTMF character set
Function Description:
Queries if the recording stops when the DTMF Detector detects the DTMF character.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetDTMFStopRecCharSet SsmSetHangupStopRecFlag

Sets whether the recording is stops when the driver state machine detects remote end hangup.


int SsmSetHangupStopRecFlag(int ch, BOOL bHangupStopRecFlag )

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The flag denotes whether the recording stops when the driver detects remote end
hangup. Range of value:
TRUE: enable this feature
FALSE: disable this feature

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 382

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Return Value:
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets whether the recording stops when the driver state machine detects remote end hangup.

z The configuration item HangupStopRec can implement the same feature. This feature is disabled by

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetDTMFStopRecCharSet Setting Prerecord Feature (REC Series) SsmSetPrerecord

Sets the prerecord feature.

int SsmSetPrerecord(int ch, BOOL bEnable, int nMode, WORD wInsertTime, int nFormat)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
TRUE: enable the prerecord feature
bEnable FALSE: disable the prerecord feature
Note: The corresponding configuration item to this parameter is PrerecordEnable
Sets the operating mode of the prerecord feature:
0: Starts writing recording data into the buffer when the Barge-in Detector detects
barge in
1: Starts writing recording data into the buffer when the analog recording channel
detects pick-up on the line
Note: The corresponding configuration item to this parameter is PrerecordMode
Sets the time length (ms) of writing the prerecord data to into the file after the prerecord
nInsertTime feature is enabled and the File Mode recording is started.
Note: The corresponding configuration item to this parameter is PrerecordInsertTime
Sets the encoding format for recording, range of value:
1: PCM8
6: A-law
7: μ-law
17: IMA ADPCM(Note: the board needs to have hardware encoder)
49: GSM 6.10
85: MP3
Note: The corresponding configuration item to this parameter is PrerecordCodec
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 383

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Sets the prerecord feature. For more details about the prerecord feature, refer to Setting Prerecord Feature in
Chapter 1.

z This function is applicable to ATP Series boards and the analog trunk channels of SHT and SHF Series
z Prerecord feature only supports functions for File Mode recording.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.1 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPrerecordState SsmGetPrerecordState

Obtains the settings of prerecord feature.

int SsmGetPrerecordState (int ch , int* pnMode, PWORD pwInsertTime, int* pnFormat)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
pnMode Returns the operating mode of prerecord
pnInsertTime Returns the time length (ms) of writing the prerecord data into the file
pnFormat Returns the recording format for prerecord
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Disable the prerecord feature
Enable the prerecord feature. The return values of the above parameters are valid only
when this function returns 1
Function Description:
Obtains the settings of prerecord feature.


z For the meanings of related parameters, refer to the function SsmSetPrerecord;

z This function is applicable to ATP Series boards and the analog trunk channels of SHT and SHF Series
z The prerecord feature is only supported for File Mode recording functions.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.1or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetPrerecord

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 384

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Tail-truncation Feature SsmSetTruncateTail

Sets the operating parameters for tail-truncation feature.

int SsmSetTruncateTail(int ch, DWORD dwTime)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Sets the length (ms) of the recording data to be truncated.
0 means to disable this feature.
For SynCTI Ver. 3.4.x, the time length of tail-truncation is the duration of DTMF
character which stops the file recording; For Ver. 3.5 and later versions, if dwTime is
greater than duration of the DTMF character which stops the recording, the time length
of the truncated data is dwTime; Otherwise, it’s the actual duration of the DTMF
This parameter can also be set via the configuration item TruncateTailOnRecordToFile
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the parameters for tail-truncation feature. For more information about tail-truncation feature, refer to Setting
Tail-Truncation Feature in Chapter 1.
Provided the tail-truncation feature and the feature of recording termination by DTMF character are enabled, once
the DTMF detector detects a DTMF character which is in the DTMF character set designated by the function
SsmSetDTMFStopRecCharSet or the configuration item DtmfStopRecCharSet during File Mode recording, the
driver will stop the recording immediately and truncate the last section of the voice data. The length of the
truncated voice data is set by this function.


z If the file recording is terminated normally, i.e. it completes the recording of the voice data of the
designated length, the driver will not perform the tail-truncation operation;
z The tail-truncation feature only supports the functions for File Mode recording.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmRecToFile, SsmRecToFileA, SsmRecToFileB, SsmRecToFileEx, SsmGetTruncateTailTime SsmGetTruncateTailTime

Obtains the preset parameters for the tail-truncation feature.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 385

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long SsmGetTruncateTailTime(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 This feature is disabled
>0 Returns the time length (ms) of the voice data to be truncated
Function Description:
Obtains the preset parameters for the tail-truncation feature.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetTruncateTail Setting AGC Feature SsmSetRecAGC

Enables or disables the AGC feature.


int SsmSetRecAGC(int ch, int nAGCSwitch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Automatic gain control switch for recording (AGC).
For DST series B-type digital station tap boards, Bit0, Bit1 and Bit2 are valid.
Bit0=0, the AGC downlink is disabled; Bit0=1, the AGC downlink is enabled.
nAGCSwitch Bit1=0, the AGC uplink is disabled; Bit1=1, the AGC uplink is enabled.
Bit2=0, DC isolation is disabled; Bit2=1, DC isolation is enabled.
For other boards, Bit0 is valid.
Bit0=0, the AGC is disabled; Bit0=1, the AGC is enabled.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Enables or disables the AGC (Automatic Gain Control) feature. If the AGC is enabled, the driver will automatically
adjust the voice signal according to the amplitude of the input signal: increase the small signal gain and decrease
the large signal gain.

z The AGC switch is valid to recordings of all types.
z The configuration item AutoRecAgcSwitch can implement the same feature with the default value of 0.
z For SHT Series, if the AGC feature should always be enabled, besides using this function, you should set

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 386

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the configuration item OpenRecEnAndPlayEnOnIdle to 1.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetRecAGCSwitch SsmGetRecAGCSwitch

Obtains the working status of the recording AGC.

int SsmGetRecAGCSwitch(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
For DST series B-type digital station tap boards, Bit0, Bit1 and Bit2 are valid.
Bit0=0, the AGC downlink is disabled; Bit0=1, the AGC downlink is enabled.
Bit1=0, the AGC uplink is disabled; Bit1=1, the AGC uplink is enabled.
Bit2=0, DC isolation is disabled; Bit2=1, DC isolation is enabled.
For other boards, Bit0 is valid.
Bit0=0, the AGC is disabled; Bit0=1, the AGC is enabled.
Function Description:

Obtains the working status of the recording AGC module on the designated channel.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetRecAGC Setting Stereo Recording SsmSetRecStereo

Enables or disables the stereo recording.

int WINAPI SsmSetRecStereo(int ch, BOOL bRecStereo)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Switch of the stereo recording
TRUE: Enable;

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 387

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FALSE: Disable
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Enables or disables the stereo recording. If this feature is enabled, the generated recording file is a stereo audio
file; otherwise, the generated recording file is a mono audio file.


z This function is only applicable to DST series B-type boards.

z This function only supports A-law and μ-law recording formats.
Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

2.10.2 Obtaining Recording Information SsmQueryRecFormat
Queries if the channel supports the designated recording format.

int SsmQueryRecFormat (int ch, int nFormat)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
nFormat Recording format
Return Value:
0 Not supported
1 Supported with hardware encoding
2 Supported with software encoding
Function Description:
Queries if the channel supports the designated recording format.

z This function supports boards and channels of all types.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetRecType
Obtains the type of the current recording task.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 388

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int SsmGetRecType(int ch)

Parameter Description:

ch Channel Number

Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 No recording on the channel
1 Recording in File Mode
2 The File Mode recording is suspended
3 Recording in Buffer Mode
4 Rrecording in Pingpong Buffer Mode
Function Description:
Obtains the type of the current recording task.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetRecTime
Obtains the duration of the recording task.


int SsmGetRecTime(int ch)

Parameter Description:

ch Channel Number

Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 the duration (ms) of the recording task
Function Description:
Obtains the duration of the recording task.


z This function only supports recording in File Mode and Buffer Mode.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmRecToFile, SsmRecToFileA, SsmRecToFileB, SsmRecToFileEx , SsmRecToMem SsmCheckRecord
Queries the completion status of the recording task.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 389

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int SsmCheckRecord (int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Recording in process
1 Recording is terminated by the application
2 Recording is terminated upon detection of DTMF characters
3 Recording is terminated upon detection of remote hangup
4 Recording finished in a normal way
5 File Mode recording is suspended
6 File Mode recording is terminated due to the failure of writing data into file
7 RTP timeout
Function Description:
Queries the completion status of the recording task.

z This function is applicable to recording tasks initiated by any modes including SsmRecToFile,
SsmRecToFileA, SsmRecToFileB, SsmRecToFileEx, SsmRecToMem and SsmRecordMemBlock.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmRecToFile, SsmRecToFileA, SsmRecToFileB, SsmRecToFileEx, SsmRecToMem,

2.10.3 Functions for Recording in File Mode SsmRecToFile
Refer to SpyRecToFile SsmRecToFileA
Refer to SpyRecToFile SsmRecToFileB
Refer to SpyRecToFile SsmRecToFileEx
Refer to SpyRecToFile SpyRecToFileA
Refer to SpyRecToFile SpyRecToFileB
Refer to SpyRecToFile

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 390

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SpyRecToFile
Starts the recording in File Mode on a designated channel.

In addition to having all the features of the function SsmRecToFile, SsmRecToFileA and SsmRecToFileB also can
obtain the recording data stream saved in the internal buffer area of the driver via a callback function.

In addition to having all the features of the function SsmRecToile, SsmRecToFileEx also provides the capability of
using the Barge in signal to trigger the driver to write the recording data into the file.

SpyRecToFile, SpyRecToFileA and SpyRecToFileB initiate the File Mode recording task based on the circuit
number. These functions are only applicable to DTP Series boards.


int SsmRecToFile(int ch, LPSTR pszFileName, int nFormat, DWORD dwStartPos, DWORD dwBytes, DWORD
dwTime, int nMask)
int SsmRecToFileA(int ch, LPSTR pszFileName, int nFormat, DWORD dwStartPos, DWORD dwBytes, DWORD
dwTime, int nMask, LPRECTOMEM pfnCallbackA)
int SsmRecToFileB(int ch,LPSTR pszFileName,int nFormat,DWORD dwStartPos,DWORD dwBytes,DWORD
dwTime,int nMask,LPRECTOMEMB pfnCallbackB, PVOID pVoid);
int SsmRecToFileEx(int ch, LPSTR pszFileName, int nFormat, DWORD dwStartPos, DWORD dwBytes, DWORD
dwTime, int nMask, BOOL bSaveToFileOnBargin, DWORD dwRollbackTime)
int SpyRecToFileA( int nCic, WORD wDirection,LPSTR pszFileName, int nFormat, DWORD dwStartPos,
DWORD dwBytes, DWORD dwTime, int nMask , LPRECTOMEM pfnCallbackA)
int SpyRecToFileB( int nCic, WORD wDirection,LPSTR pszFileName, int nFormat, DWORD dwStartPos,
DWORD dwBytes, DWORD dwTime, int nMask,LPRECTOMEMB pfnCallbackB, PVOID pVoid )
int SpyRecToFile( int nCic, WORD wDirection, LPSTR pszFileName, int nFormat, DWORD dwStartPos, DWORD
dwBytes, DWORD dwTime, int nMask )

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The name of the file storing the voice data
If the file declared by the parameter pszFileName doesn’t exist, the driver
automatically creates a new file based on the following rules:
pszFileName — If pszFileName has a file extension of ‘.wav’, the driver will consider that the
application wants to record a standard WAV file and create a standard WAV file;
— If the file extension is not ‘.wav’, the driver will regard the file as a non-header file.
All the data in the file are voice data and the file does not have a header.
Encoding format of the voice data, range of value are listed below:
Value CODEC SsmRecToFile SsmRecToFileEx SpyRecToFile
-2 PCM16 ☆ ☆ — ☆
1 PCM8 ☆ ☆ — ☆
6 A-Law √ √ √ √
7 μ-Law √ √ √ √
17 IMA √ √ √ √
23 VOX √ √ — √
49 GSM ◇ ◇ — ◇
85 MP3 ◇ ◇ — ◇
131 G.729A √ √ — √
Legend: ☆ Using software encoder, via the driver’s encoding in software

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 391

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√ Using hardware encoder. The board is required to have its own encoder.
For more information, refer to ‘SynCTI Supported CODECs’ in Chapter 1.
★ Software encoding, via the external ACM program.
— Not supported
◇ Using hardware encoder if the board has one; otherwise, using software
encoder via the external ACM program.
The actual encoding format for recording is determined by the following rules:
If the file declared by the parameter pszFileName exists and it is a standard wav file,
the encoding format will be the one designated in its file header and nFormat will be
If the existing file is not a standard wav file, or it is a newly created file, the encoding
format is determined by nFormat.
Note: nFormat = -1 represents the default encoding format which is related to
the configuration item DefaultRecordFormat in ShConfig.ini. If the prerecord
feature is enabled, nFormat must be the same as the encoding format set in the
prerecord feature, otherwise, this function will fail.
The starting position where the driver writes the recording data into the file. If the target
file has the file header of wav, dwStartPos is counted from the first data byte of the
voice data area, and the length of the file header is not included.
— For existing files, if dwStartPos is less than or equals to the length of the voice data
in the file, the data is written into the file starting from the position designated by
this parameter; If dwStartPos is larger than the length of the voice data in the file,
the recording data is written into the file starting from the end of the file.
— For newly created files, this parameter will be ignored. If the file is a standard wav
file, the recording data is written immediately following the file header; If not, the
recording data is written into the file starting from the file header
Sets the length (bytes) of the voice data to be recorded.
Once the byte length of the recorded data exceeds the set value of this parameter, the
recording will terminate. Therefore, set this parameter with a large value (e.g. 0xffffffff)
to ensure a continuous recording.
dwBytes Whether this parameter is valid or not is determined by nMask.
Note: If frame-structured encoding format (e.g. IMA ADPCM, GSM, MP3, G.729A
etc. ) is used, and the value of dwBytes is not integral times of the frame length,
the driver will automatically adjust the value of dwBytes to be integral times of
the frame length to ensure the integrity of the frame structure
Sets the total time length (ms) of the voice data to be recorded.
If the time length of the recorded data exceeds the set value in this parameter, the
recording will terminate. Set this parameter to be an extremely large value (e.g.
0xffffffff) can enable continuous recording.
dwTime Whether this parameter is valid or not is determined by nMask.
Note: If frame-structured encoding format (e.g. IMA ADPCM, GSM, MP3, G.729A
etc. ) is used, and the value of dwTime is not integral times of the frame length,
the driver will automatically adjust the value of dwTime to be integral times of
the frame length to ensure the integrity of the frame structure
Sets the way to terminate the recording. Range of value:
nMask 0: use the parameter dwBytes as the condition to stop the recording
1: use the parameter dwTime as the condition to stop the recording
Pointer of callback function. If pfnCallbackA or pfnCallbackB is NULL, the feature of
SsmRecToFileA or SsmRecToFileB is completely the same as the feature of
SsmRecToFile, and the feature of SpyRecToFileA or SpyRecToFileB is completely the
same as the feature of SpyRecToFile. If pfnCallbackA and pfnCallbackB are not NULL,
pfnCallbackA when the recording data accumulated in the driver reaches 16384 bytes and are all
pfnCallbackB written into the file at a time, the callback function in this parameter will be called to
pass the voice data stream to the application simultaneously. The function SsmSetFlag
(with the parameter F_RECTOFILEA_CALLBACKTIME) can be used to set the time
interval of callback.
The prototype of the callback function pfnCallbackA:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 392

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

void CALLBACK RecFileCallback(int ch, LPBYTE lpData, DWORD dwDataLen);

The prototype of the callback function pfnCallbackB:
void CALLBACK RecFileCallback (int ch, LPBYTE lpData, DWORD dwDataLen, PVOID pVoid);
in the above prototypes,
ch: Channel Number
lpData: The address of the recording data buffer in the driver
dwDataLen: The length (bytes) of the recording data
pVoid: The pointer passed by the application upon invoking the function SsmRecToFileB or
Pointer of PVOID type. It is used by the application to pass the object pointer directly to
the callback function pfnCallbackB.
Whether to enable the feature of saving the recording data to the file upon the detection
of Barge in. Range of value:
TRUE: enables this feature
FALSE: disables this feature
If this parameter is set False, the parameter dwRollbackTime will be ignored. The
features of the function SsmRecToFileEx and SsmRecToFile are completely the same
The time length (ms) of the voice data to be written into the file before the generation of
the Barge-in signal, with the maximum value of 2000ms. This parameter is valid only
when the parameter bSaveToFileOnBargin is set TRUE.
Because it takes certain time for Barge-in Detector to detect Barge-in, in order to
ensure the integrity of the recorded voice data, this parameter needs to be set
appropriately. It’s recommended that this parameter should be slightly larger than the
value set by the function SsmSetIsBargeInDtrmTime or the configuration item
nCic The logical number of SpyCic. For more information, refer to ‘DTP Series’ in chapter 1
Sets the recording signal source, range of value:
0: Only record the voice of the calling party. The driver automatically invokes the
function SsmRecToFile on the calling party’s channel bounded with nCic. Hence
the related output messages will be returned on the calling party’s channel;
1: Only record the voice of the called party. The driver automatically invokes the
function SsmRecToFile on the called party’s channel bounded with nCic. Hence
the related output messages will be returned on the called party’s channel;
2: Mixedly record both the calling and called parties. The driver automatically invokes
the function SsmRecToFile on the called party’s channel bounded with nCic.
Hence the related output messages will be returned on the called party’s channel
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Starts the recording in File Mode on a designated channel.

In addition to having all the features of the function SsmRecToFile, SsmRecToFileA and SsmRecToFileB also can
open the recording data stream saved in the internal buffer area of the driver to the application via a callback
function. If the parameter pfnCallbackA (or pfnCallbackB) is NULL, the feature of the function SsmRecToFileA (or
SsmRecToFileB) is completely the same as that of the function SsmRecToFile.

In addition to having all the features of the function SpyRecToFile, SpyRecToFileA and SpyRecToFileB also can
open the recording data stream saved in the internal buffer area of the driver to the application via a callback
function. If the parameter pfnCallbackA (or pfnCallbackB) is NULL, the feature of the function SpyRecToFileA (or
SpyRecToFileB) is completely the same as that of the function SpyRecToFile.

After the function SsmRecToFileEx initiates the file recording, the driver only buffers the recording data in the
internal recording buffer area instead of writing the data into the file. Only when Barge-in Detector detects Barge-in,

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 393

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will the driver start to write the recoding data saved in the internal buffer into the file. If there is no Barge-in detected
until the current recording stops, no data will be written into the recording file.

After the application invokes the File Mode recording function, the driver will start a task of File Mode recording.
The task will terminate if one of the following events happens:
— The file recording stops in a normal way, i.e. the length of the voice data recorded by the driver reaches
the set value of dwBytes or dwTime;
— The driver fails to write the voice data into the file;
— The application calls SsmStopRecToFile;
— The driver detects DTMF or remote end hangup, for more information, refer to Setting Termination
Condition in Chapter 1.

When the file recording is terminated, the driver will automatically close the file and throws out the event
E_PROC_RecordEnd to the application. If the tail-truncation feature is enabled, the driver will automatically
truncate a section of data at the file tail. For more information about the tail-truncation feature, refer to Setting
Tail-Truncation Feature in Chapter 1.

During the execution of the File Mode recording task, the driver throws out the event of E_PROC_RecordFile to the
application every 1000ms by default. Whether to throw out the event and the condition for throwing out the event
can be set by the function SsmSetEvent (with the parameter E_PROC_RecordFile). The function
SsmChkRecToFile or SsmCheckRecord can also be used to query the completion status of the File Mode

During the execution of the File Mode recording task, the application can:
— Invoke the function SsmPauseRecToFile to pause the File Mode recording;
— Invoke the function SsmStopRecToFile to stop the File Mode recording;
— Invoke the function SsmChkRecToFile or SsmCheckRecord to query the completion status of the file
— Invoke the function SsmGetRecTime to obtain the duration of the File Mode recording;
— Invoke the function SsmGetDataBytesToRecord to obtain the unfinished byte length of the data to be

z For more information about choosing the recording signal source and setting the volume, refer to
‘Setting Recording Signal Source’ in Chapter 1;
z If the prerecord feature is enabled, the driver will first write the prerecord data saved in the internal
buffer area into the file according to the prerecord parameter settings, and then starts normal file
recording and writes the subsequent data into the file. For more information about the prerecord feature,
refer to ‘Setting Prerecord Feature’ in Chapter 1;
z If the parameter nFormat is GSM or MP3, the configuration item GsmCodecEnable must be set with a
value except 0 and the corresponding drivers of CODEC (ACM) must be installed in the Windows
z The function SpyRecToFile initiates the File Mode recording based on the circuit number and is only
applicable to DTP Series boards. The events it throws out to the application are based on the calling or
called party bound with nCic during the call progress. The function SpyGetCallInCh and
SpyGetCallOutCh are respectively used to obtain the channel numbers of the calling and called parties
of the current call. The function SpyStopRecToFile is used to stop the File Mode recording initiated by

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 394

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the function SpyRecToFile;

z Due to historical reasons, the coding value 65411 which ever represented G.729A is still valid in early
versions and backward compatible. For G.729A recording in new versions, we suggest you use the
coding value 131;
z This function is also supported in SynIPRecorder. The successful return of the function can only
demonstrate that it has sent the command of starting recording to file to the Slaver. As to whether the
command is successfully processed in the Slaver, check the value of dwParam in the event

Related Information:
SsmRecToFileB requires SynCTI Ver. or above;
Driver version SpyRecToFileA and SpyRecToFileB require SynCTI Ver. or above;
Other functions require SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStopRecToFile, SsmChkRecToFile, SsmGetRecTime, SsmPauseRecToFile,
SsmRestartRecToFile, SsmGetDataBytesToRecord, SsmSetDTMFStopRecCharSet, SsmSetHangupStopRecFlag,
SsmSetRecVolume, SsmSetRecMixer, SsmSetRecBack, SsmSetRecAGC SsmStopRecToFile
Refer to SpyStopRecToFile SpyStopRecToFile
Stops recording in File Mode.

int SsmStopRecToFile(int ch)
int SpyStopRecToFile(int nCic)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
nCic Serial number of the monitored circuit
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
The function SsmStopRecToFile terminates the file recording initiated by SsmRecToFile, SsmRecToFileA,
SsmRecToFileB or SsmRecToFileEx. The function SpyStopRecToFile stops the recording initiated by the function
call of SpyRecToFile, SpyRecToFileA or SpyRecToFileB.

z After invoking this function, the driver will also throw out the event of E_PROC_RecordEnd;

z This function is also supported in SynIPRecorder. The successful return of the function can only
demonstrate that it has sent the command of stopping recording to file to the Slaver. As to whether the
command is successfully processed in the Slaver, check the value of dwParam in the event

Related Information:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 395

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above

Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:
SsmRecToFile, SsmRecToFileA, SsmRecToFileB, SsmRecToFileEx, SsmSetDTMFStopRecCharSet,
SsmSetHangupStopRecFlag, SsmSetRecVolume, SsmSetRecMixer, SsmSetRecBack SsmPauseRecToFile
Suspends the File Mode recording.

int SsmPauseRecToFile(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Suspends the File Mode recording initiated by the function SsmRecToFile, SsmRecToFileA, SsmRecToFileB or
SsmRecToFileEx. Once the recording is suspended, it can only be restarted by the function SsmRestartRecToFile
or terminated by the function SsmStopRecToFile.

z This function only supports the recording tasks initiated by SsmRecToFile, SsmRecToFileA,
SsmRecToFileB, or SsmRecToFileEx;

z This function is also supported in SynIPRecorder. The successful return of the function can only
demonstrate that it has sent the command of pausing recording to file to the Slaver. As to whether the
command is successfully processed in the Slaver, check the value of dwParam in the event

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmRestartRecToFile, SsmStopRecToFile SsmRestartRecToFile
Restarts the suspended File Mode recording.

int SsmRestartRecToFile(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 396

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0 Successful
Function Description:
Restarts the File Mode recording suspended by the function SsmPauseRecToFile.

z This function is also supported in SynIPRecorder. The successful return of the function can only
demonstrate that it has sent the command of restarting recording to file to the Slaver. As to whether the
command is successfully processed in the Slaver, check the value of dwParam in the event

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmPauseRecToFile SsmChkRecToFile
Queries the completion status of the File Mode recording task.

int SsmChkRecToFile(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 The file recording stops normally
1 The file recording is under progress
2 The file recording is suspended
Function Description:
Queries the completion status of the File Mode recording task.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmRecToFile, SsmRecToFileA, SsmRecToFileB, SsmRecToFileEx SsmGetDataBytesToRecord
Obtains the number of unrecorded data bytes in the File Mode recording task, or obtains the number of recorded
data bytes in the Pingpong Buffer Mode recording task.

int SsmGetDataBytesToRecord(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 397

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Return Value:
-1 Call failed
Indicates the number of unrecorded data bytes in the File Mode recording task, or the
number of recorded data bytes in the Pingpong Buffer Mode recording task
Function Description:
Obtains the number of unrecorded data bytes in the File Mode recording task, or obtains the number of recorded
data bytes in the Pingpong Buffer Mode recording task.

z This function is not applicable to the GSM formatted Pingpong Buffer Mode recording task.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetRecTime SsmRecStereoToFile
Starts stereophonic recording task in File Mode.

int WINAPI SsmRecStereoToFile(LPSTR pszFileName, DWORD ch1, DWORD ch2, int nFormat)

Parameter Description:
The name of the file storing the stereophonic recording data. It must have the file
extension of ‘.wav’.
ch1 First channel
ch2 Second channel
Encoding format of the stereophonic recording data, only A-Law and μ-Law are
supported. The value 6 indicates A-Law and 7 indicates μ-Law.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Starts stereophonic recording task in File Mode.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStopRecStereoToFile, SsmChkStereoToFile SsmStopRecStereoToFile
Stops stereophonic recording task.


int WINAPI SsmStopRecStereoToFile(DWORD ch1, DWORD ch2)

Parameter Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 398

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ch1 First channel

ch2 Second channel
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Stops stereophonic recording task.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmRecStereoToFile, SsmChkStereoToFile SsmChkStereoToFile
Queries the completion status of the stereophonic recording task.


int WINAPI SsmChkStereoToFile(DWORD ch1, DWORD ch2)

Parameter Description:
ch1 First channel
ch2 Second channel
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 The stereophonic recording task stops normally
1 The stereophonic recording task is in progress
Function Description:
Queries the completion status of the stereophonic recording task.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmRecStereoToFile, SsmStopRecStereoToFile

2.10.4 Functions for Recording in Buffer Mode SsmRecToMem

Refer to SpyRecToMem. SpyRecToMem

Starts the recording in Buffer Mode.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 399

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int SsmRecToMem(int ch, int nFormat, LPBYTE pBuf, DWORD dwBufSize, DWORD dwStartOffset)
int SpyRecToMem(int nCic, WORD wDirection, int nFormat, LPBYTE pBuf, DWORD dwBufSize, DWORD

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Encoding format of the recording data. Range of value:
Value Encoding Format Remarks
1 PCM8
-2 PCM16
6 A-Law
7 μ-Law
17 IMA ADPCM The board is required to have the hardware encoding
capability or to be SynIPRecorder
nFormat 23 VOX The board is required to have the hardware encoding
49 GSM
85 MP3 The board is required to have the hardware encoding
131 G.729A The board is required to have the hardware encoding
For more information about whether a channel supports the hardware encoder, refer
to SynCTI Supported CODECs in Chapter 1
Pointer pointing to the first address of the buffer. The storage space of buffer area is
allocated by the application.
dwBufSize The size (bytes) of the recording buffer area
The offset of the starting position of recording in the recording buffer area. Range of
value: 0~dwBufSize-1
nCic The logic number of SpyCic. For more information, refer to ‘DTP Series’ in Chapter 1
Sets the recording signal source, range of value:
0: Only record the calling party. The driver automatically invokes the function
SsmRecToMem on the calling party’s channel bounded with nCic. Hence the
related output messages will be returned on the calling party’s channel;
1: Only record the called party. The driver automatically invokes the function
wDirection SsmRecToMem on the called party’s channel bounded with nCic. Hence the
related output messages will be returned on the called party’s channel;
2: Mixedly record both the calling and called parties. The driver automatically
invokes the function SsmRecToMem on the called party’s channel bounded with
nCic. The related output messages will be returned on the calling party’s
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Starts the Buffer Mode recording task. SpyRecToMem initiates the Buffer Mode recording task based on the circuit
number and it is only applicable to DTP Series boards.

After calling this function, the driver will start the task of Buffer Mode recording and writes the recording data into
pBuf starting from the offset designated by the parameter dwStartOffset. Meanwhile, the driver maintains a
recording pointer (offset) with an initial value equal to dwStartOffset, which is used to write data into the submitted
buffer area. Once the buffer is full, the driver will automatically refill the buffer from the head.

The task will terminate if one of the following events happens:

— The application calls SsmStopRecToMem;
— The driver detects DTMF or remote end hangup. For more detailed information, refer to Setting

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 400

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Termination Condition in Chapter 1.

The function SsmCheckRecord can be used to query the completion status of the Buffer Mode recording.

During the execution of the Buffer Mode recording, once the preset condition is satisfied, the driver throws out the
event of E_PROC_RecordMem to the application. The output conditions of the event E_PROC_RecordMem can
be set by the function SsmSetEvent (with the parameter E_PROC_RecordMem). Below are three optional
— The driver finishes recording the voice data with designated time length;
— The recording pointer in the driver gets across the dwBufSize /2 position of the buffer area;
— The recording pointer in the driver reaches the end of the buffer.

The function SsmStopRecToMem can be used to stop the Buffer Mode recording. The function SsmGetRecOffset
can be used to obtain the recording pointer in the driver.

z For more information about setting the volume and selecting the recording signal sources, refer to
Setting Recording Signal Source in Chapter 1.
z The function SpyRecToMem initiates the Buffer Mode recording task based on the circuit number and is
only applicable to DTP Series boards. It is a function based on the circuit number. The message it
throws out to the application during the call is based on the calling or called party’s channel that is bound
with nCic. The functions SpyGetCallInCh and SpyGetCallOutCh are used respectively to obtain the
channel numbers of the calling and called parties of the current call. The function SpyStopRecToMem is
used to terminate the Buffer Mode recording initiated by the function SpyRecToMem.
z Due to historical reasons, the coding value 65411 which ever represented G.729A is still valid in early
versions and backward compatible. For G.729A recording in new versions, we suggest you use the
coding value 131.
z This function is also supported in SynIPRecorder. The successful return of the function can only
demonstrate that it has sent the command of starting recording to memory to the Slaver. As to whether
the command is successfully processed in the Slaver, check the value of dwParam in the event

Related Information:
SsmRecToMem requires SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above;
Driver version
SpyRecToMem requires SynCTI Ver. or above.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStopRecToMem, SsmGetRecOffset, SsmSetDTMFStopRecCharSet,
SsmSetHangupStopRecFlag, SsmSetRecVolume, SsmSetRecMixer, SsmSetRecBack SsmStopRecToMem
Refer to SpyStopRecToMem. SpyStopRecToMem
Stops recording in Buffer Mode.

int SsmStopRecToMem(int ch)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 401

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int SpyStopRecToMem(int nCic)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
nCic The logic number of SpyCic. For more information, refer to ‘DTP Series’ in Chapter 1
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Stops recording in Buffer Mode. The function SpyStopRecToMem is used to terminate the Buffer Mode recording
initiated by the function SpyRecToMem.

z When the recording is terminated, the driver will throw out the event of E_PROC_RecordEnd.

z This function is also supported in SynIPRecorder. The successful return of the function can only
demonstrate that it has sent the command of stopping recording to memory to the Slaver. As to whether
the command is successfully processed in the Slaver, check the value of dwParam in the event

Related Information:
SsmStopRecToMem requires SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above;
Driver version
SpyStopRecToMem requires SynCTI Ver. or above.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmRecToMem SsmGetRecOffset
Obtains the recording pointer in the driver during Buffer Mode recording.

int SsmGetRecOffset(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
Recording pointer in the driver, its value is the offset (bytes) to the first address of the
buffer area submitted by the function SsmRecToMem
Function Description:

Obtains the recording pointer in the driver during Buffer Mode recording.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmRecToMem

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 402

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2.10.5 Functions for Recording in Pingpong Buffer Mode (CTI Series) SsmRecordMemBlock
Submits a buffer to the driver and initiates the recording in Pingpong Buffer Mode.

int SsmRecordMemBlock(int ch, int nFormat, LPBYTE pBuf, DWORD dwBufSize,

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Encoding format of the recording data. Range of value:
Value Encoding Format Remarks
1 PCM8
-2 PCM16
6 A-Law
7 μ-Law
17 IMA ADPCM The board is required to have the hardware encoding
nFormat 23 VOX The board is required to have the hardware encoding
49 GSM
85 MP3 The board is required to have the hardware encoding
131 G.729A The board is required to have the hardware encoding
For more information about whether a channel supports the hardware encoder, refer to
SynCTI Supported CODECs in Chapter 1
pBuf Pointer pointing to the recording buffer
The recording buffer size (bytes). The minimum value of dwBufSize is determined
according to the following rules:
If the configuration item RecordAndPlayUseAsIP is set 0 (default), for A-law, μ-law,
PCM8, PCM16, G729A, mp3, GC8, VOX and IMA ADPCM, dwBufSize should be no less
than 768 bytes; for GSM encoding in hardware, dwBufSize should be no less than 260
bytes; for GSM encoding in software, dwBufSize should be no less than 2080 bytes.
dwBufSize If the configuration item RecordAndPlayUseAsIP is set 1, for A-law, μ-law, PCM8 and
PCM16, dwBufSize should be no less than 192 bytes (recommended value: under
Windows operating system, it should be no less than 192 bytes; under Linux, it should be
no less than 384 bytes); for IMA ADPCM, VOX, G729A, mp3 and GC8, dwBufSize should
be no less than 768 bytes; for GSM encoding in hardware, dwBufSize should be no less
than 260 bytes; for GSM encoding in software, dwBufSize should be no less than 2080
Pointer of the callback function. Once the recording task is finished or terminated, the
driver will automatically invoke the callback function set by this parameter. NULL means
not to set the callback function. The prototype of the callback function is declared in
(int ch, int nEndReason, PUCHAR pucBuf, DWORD dwStopOffset, PVOID pVoid);
See below for details.
ch: Channel Number;
nEndReason: The cause of termination, range of value:
1: The recording is terminated by the application.
2: The recording is terminated upon detection of DTMF.
3: The recording is terminated upon detection of remote end hangup.
4: The buffer recording is completed
pucBuf: The pointer pointing to the buffer where the recording task is finished.
dwStopOffset: The offset (bytes) of the driver’s recording pointer in the buffer when the recording
task is finished. If the return value of this parameter is 0xffffffff, it is invalid.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 403

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pVoid: The pointer passed by the application upon invoking this function.
The pointer of PVOID type. It is commonly used by the application for transmitting its
pVoid data structure to the callback function. This pointer is passed to the callback function
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Submits a buffer to the driver and initiates the recording in Pingpong Buffer Mode. For more information about
recording in Pingpng Buffer Mode, refer to Pingpong Buffer Mode in Chapter 1.

The task will terminate if one of the following events happens:

— The driver has finished recording in all the submitted buffer areas;
— The application calls the function SsmStopRecordMemBlock;
— The driver detects DTMF or remote end hangup. For more information, refer to Setting Termination
Condition in Chapter 1.

The function SsmCheckRecord can be used to query the completion status of the recording in Pingpong
Buffer Mode.


z For more information about setting the volume and selecting the recording signal sources, refer to
Setting Recording Signal Source in Chapter 1.
z The application can invoke the function SsmStopRecordMemBlock at any moment to terminate the
recording in Pingpong Buffer Mode. SsmStopRecordMemBlock cannot be invoked in the callback
z In the callback function, the time for the application to execute the submitted code should be minimized
and not exceed the interruption time of the driver (8ms). Otherwise it may cause driver error.
z When the task of recording in Pingpong Buffer Mode stops, the driver will throw out the event of
E_PROC_RecordEnd to the application.
z It is not allowed to submit more than two buffers to the driver at the same time.
z It is not allowed to use the timer to invoke the function SsmRecordMemBlock.
z Due to historical reasons, the coding value 65411 which ever represented G.729A is still valid in early
versions and backward compatible. For G.729A recording in new versions, we suggest you use the
coding value 131.

Sample Code:
......//initialize the buffers szRecBuf1, szRecBuf2
BOOL RecStart(int nCh)
if(SsmRecordMemBlock(nCh, 6, szRecBuf1, dwBufSize, RecordMemBlockHandler, NULL) != 0)//submit the
buffer szRecBuf1 to the driver and start the recording in Pingpong Buffer Mode
return FALSE;

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 404

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if(SsmRecordMemBlock(nCh, 6, szRecBuf2, dwBufSize, RecordMemBlockHandler, NULL) != 0)//submit the

buffer szRecBuf2 to the driver
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL RecordMemBlockHandler(int ch, int nEndReason, PUCHAR pucBuf, DWORD dwStopOffset, PVOID
int nResult = 0;
if(pucBuf == szRecBuf1)
......//save the data in szRecBuf1
nResult = SsmRecordMemBlock(ch, 6, szRecBuf1, dwBufSize, RecordMemBlockHandler, pV);)//submit the
buffer szRecBuf1 to the driver
else if(pucBuf == szRecBuf2)
......//save the data in szRecBuf2
nResult = SsmRecordMemBlock(ch, 6, szRecBuf2, dwBufSize, RecordMemBlockHandler, pV);// submit the
buffer szRecBuf2 to the driver
return nResult;

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStopRecordMemBlock, SsmRecToMem SsmStopRecordMemBlock
Stops recording in Pingpong Buffer Mode.


int SsmStopRecordMemBlock (int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 405

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Stops recording in Pingpong Buffer Mode.

z This function cannot be invoked in the callback function which is set by the function
z When the recording is terminated, the driver throws out the event E_PROC_RecordEnd.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmRecordMemBlock

2.11 TDM Functions

2.11.1 Functions for Two-way Connection (CTI Series) Establishing Two-way Connection SsmTalkWith

Refer to SsmTalkWithEx SsmTalkWithEx

Establishes the two-way connection between two channels. The function SsmTalkWithEx is able to set the volume
on the two voice exchanging channels.

int SsmTalkWith(int ch1,int ch2)
int SsmTalkWithEx(int ch1, int nVlm1, int ch2, int nVlm2)

Parameter Description:
ch1 Channel Number1
ch2 Channel Number2
The volume of ch1, range of value: -7~+6. The negative value means volume
decreasing while the positive value means the volume increasing The default value is
This parameter multiplied by 3 equals to the dB value.
The volume of ch2, range of value: -7~+6. The negative value means volume
decreasing while the positive value means the volume increasing The default value is
This parameter multiplied by 3 equals to the dB value.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 406

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Establishes the two-way connection between the designated channels ch1 and ch2, i.e. ch1 can hear the voice
from ch2 and ch2 can also hear the voice from ch1. If the incoming call signal from ch1 or ch2 has not been put
onto the TDM bus, the driver will automatically arrange a time slot and put the incoming call signal onto this time

z This function is only applicable to SHT/SHD/SHN Series boards, the parameters nVlm1 and nVlm2 are
used to set volume adjusters A4-1…A4-6 in ‘Operation Principle of SHT Series’ or ‘Operation Principle
of SHD Series’ or ‘Operation Principle of SHN Series’ in Chapter 1. The gains of A4-1…A4-6 can also be
set by the configuration item DefaultSpeakVolume, with the default value of 0DB;
z If the model name of the board doesn’t include ‘-CT’, ch1 and ch2 must be on the same board,
otherwise, this function will fail;
z Invoke the function SsmStopTalkWith to tear down the two-way connection. Make sure that the
operations of connect and disconnect are performed correspondingly in pairs.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStopTalkWith, SsmListenTo, SsmListenToEx, SsmLinkFrom, SsmLinkFromEx Disconnecting Two-way Connection SsmStopTalkWith

Tears down the two-way connection between two channels.

int SsmStopTalkWith(int ch1,int ch2)

Parameter Description:
ch1 Listener/talker channel number
ch2 Talker/listener channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Tears down the two-way connection between ch1 and ch2.


z This function is only applicable to SHT/SHD/SHN Series boards

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmTalkWith, SsmTalkWithEx

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 407

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.11.2 Functions for One-way Connection Establishing One-way Connection SsmListenTo

Refer to SsmLinkFromAllCh SsmListenToEx

Refer to SsmLinkFromAllCh SsmLinkFrom

Refer to SsmLinkFromAllCh SsmLinkFromEx

Refer to SsmLinkFromAllCh SsmLinkFromAllCh

Establishes the one-way connection from the talker channel to the listener channel. The functions SsmListenTo
and SsmListenToEx are used to establish the one-way connection between two channels, and one channel can
listen to only one channel. The functions SsmLinkFrom and SsmLinkFromEx are used to establish the one-way
connection between two channels, and one channel can listen to multiple channels. The functions SsmListenToEx
and SsmLinkFromEx can also be used to set the volume of the one-way connection. The function
SsmLinkFromAllCh can establish the one-way connection from one talker channel to multiple listener channels at
one time.


int SsmListenTo(int nSourceCh, int nListeningCh)

int SsmListenToEx(int nSourceCh, int nVolume, int nListeningCh)
int SsmLinkFrom(int nSourceCh, int nListeningCh)
int SsmLinkFromEx(int nSourceCh, int nVolume, int nListeningCh)
int SsmLinkFromAllCh(int nSourceCh, int nVolume, int* pnListenerTable,int nListenerNum)

Parameter Description:

nSourceCh Talker channel number

Listener channel number
Note: If nListeningCh is set to be channel 0 for ATP or DST Series boards, the

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 408

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

voice of the talker will be sent to the on-board speaker port

The volume of the talker, range of value: -7~+6. The negative value means volume
decreasing while the positive value means the volume increasing The default value is
0. This parameter multiplied by 3 equals to the dB value.
nVolume is used to set the volume of the incoming signals entering the off-bus mixer
M2 on another channel from the TDM bus. The gains of A4-1…A4-6 can also be set by
the configuration item DefaultSpeakVolume, with the default value of 0DB.
The pointer pointing to the table of listener channels, the storage space is allocated by
the application. The listener channels must be stored consecutively
nListenerNum The number of listener channels in pnListenerTable

Return Value:

-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful

Function Description:

Establishes the one-way connection from the talker channel to the listener channel, i.e. nListeningCh can hear the
voice from nSourceCh , but nSourceCh is not able to hear the voice from nListeningCh.

In addition to having all the features of the function SsmListenTo, the function SsmListenToEx can also set the
volume of connection. The functions SsmListenTo and SsmListenToEx can establish the one-way connection
which enables a channel to listen to only one channel at one time. To disconnect the connection established by
these two functions, invoke the function SsmStopListenTo, and make sure that the operations of connect and
disconnect are performed correspondingly in pairs.

In addition to having all the features of the function SsmLinkFrom, the function SsmLinkFromEx can also set the
volume of connection. To disconnect the one-way connection established by the function SsmLinkFrom and
SsmLinkFromEx, invoke the function SsmStopLinkFrom, and make sure that the operations of connect and
disconnect are performed correspondingly in pairs.

SsmLinkFromAllCh can establish the one-way connection with a talker channel and multiple listener channels at
one time. The feature implemented by this function is the same as that implemented by invoking the function
SsmLinkFromEx continuously on multiple listener channels. To disconnect the connection established by the
function SsmLinkFromAllCh, invoke the function SsmUnLinkFromAllCh, and make sure the operations of connect
and disconnect are performed correspondingly in pairs.

The functions SsmLinkFrom, SsmLinkFromEx and SsmLinkFromAllCh allow one channel to listen to multiple talker
channels. The voices from the talker channels are sent to the conference mixer of the listener channel via the TDM
bus, and then the mixed voice is sent as the outgoing call signal to the listener.


z For SHT/SHD/SHN Series boards, the off-bus mixer M2 has 6 input signal sources, A4-1~A4-6. Therefore,
each channel can listen to up to 6 channels at one time, i.e. one channel can invoke the function
SsmLinkFrom or SsmLinkFromEx up to 6 times. For more information, refer to ‘Operation Principle of
SHT Series’, ‘Operation Principle of SHD Series’ or ‘Operation Principle of SHN Series’ in Chapter 1.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 409

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

DLL shp_a3.dll

Related Function: SsmStopListenTo, SsmStopLinkFrom, SsmUnLinkFromAllCh, SsmTalkWith, SsmTalkWithEx

Sample code:

This sample implements the following features:

9 Channel 0 listens to channel 5;
9 Channel 1 listens to channel 6 (the volume is increased by 6 units);
9 Channel 2 listens to channel 9, channel 10, and channel 11 at the same time;
9 Channel 3 listens to channel 9 (normal volume), channel 10 ( the volume is decreased by 1 unit), and channel
11 (the volume is increased by 2 units) at the same time;
9 The voice from channel 4 needs to be sent to channel 12, 13 and 14 (default volume) at the same time.

Code Implementation:

SsmListenTo( 5,0); // Establishes connection for the listener channel 0

SsmListenToEx( 6,6,1); // Establishes connection for the listener channel 1

SsmLinkFrom( 9,2); // Establishes connection for the listener channel 2


SsmLinkFromEx( 9, 0,3); // Establishes connection for the listener channel 3

SsmLinkFromEx(11, 2,3);

int ListenerChList[3]={12,13,14}; // Establishes the one-way connections from the talker channel 4 to the listener

channel 12,13 and 14


...... // Other operations of the application

SmStopListenTo( 5,0); // Tears down the connection for the listener channel 0

SmStopListenTo( 6,1); // Tears down the connection for the listener channel 0

SsmStopLinkFrom( 9,2); // Tears down the connection for the listener channel 1

SsmStopLinkFrom( 9,3); // Tears down the connection for the listener channel 2

SsmLinkFromAllCh(4,ListenerChList,3);// Tears down the one-way connection from channel 4 to listener channel 12, 13 and 14. Disconnecting One-way Connection SsmStopListenTo

Refer to SsmUnLinkFromAllCh SsmStopLinkFrom

Refer to SsmUnLinkFromAllCh

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 410

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmUnLinkFromAllCh

Tears down the one-way connection between the talker channel and the listener channel. The function
SsmStopListenTo is used tear down the one-way connection established by the function SsmListenTo or
SsmListenToEx. The function SsmStopLinkFrom is used to tear down the one-way connection established by
SsmLinkFrom or SsmLinkFromEx. The function SsmUnLinkFromAllCh is used to tear down the one-way
connection established by SsmLinkFromAllCh.


int SsmStopListenTo(int nSourceCh,int nListeningCh)

int SsmStopLinkFrom(int nSourceCh,int nListeningCh)
int SsmUnLinkFromAllCh (int nSourceCh, int* pnListenerTable,int nListenerNum)

Parameter Description:
nSourceCh Talker channel number
nListeningCh Listener channel number
The pointer pointing to the table of listener channels, the storage space is allocated by
the application. The listener channels must be stored consecutively
nListenerNum The number of the listener channels in the table of pnListenerTable

Return Value:

-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful

Function Description:

Tears down the one-way connection between the talker channel and the listener channel.

z The operations of establishing and disconnecting the one-way connection must be performed
correspondingly in pairs.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Related Function: SsmListenTo, SsmListenToEx, SsmLinkFrom, SsmLinkFromEx, SsmLinkFromAllCh

2.11.3 Obtaining Bus Information SsmGetChBusInfo
Obtains the relative bus information for Channel ch.

int WINAPI SsmGetChBusInfo(int ch, PBUS_OP* p)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
p Bus structure pointer

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 411

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Return Value:
-1 No channel is monitored by Channel ch
-2 This function is unsupported by Channel ch
>=0 The number of the channel monitored by Channel ch
Function Description:
Obtains the relative bus information for Channel ch.
Bus Structure
{ BOOL bEnHwOpBus; Bus switch
BOOL bEnHwOpSetLinkFromVlm; Volume control switch for bus connection
int nST; Default bit stream for bus connection
int nTs; Default time slot for bus connection
int nToBusCh; Total number of time slots used by default for bus
int nPlayST; Bit stream used by default for the recording
module to put voices onto bus
int nPlayTs; Time slot connected by default for the recording
module to put voices onto bus
int nPlayToBusCh; Total number of time slots used by default for the
recording module to put voices onto bus
int nSpeakerVlm; Volume
int nTotListener; Total number of listeners listening to the current
channel via bus connection
int *pnListenerCh; Number of the channel listening to the current
channel via bus connection
int nFromSpeaker; Speaker channel number
int nDefaultSpeakerVlm; } Volume for bus connection
This bus structure is defined by the driver itself and some of the parameters are senseless to the application layer.
Therefore users may not pay much attention to it.


z This function only supports obtaining information about the bus connection between two channels, such
as SsmListenTo, SsmLinkFrom or SsmTalkWith. It can’t help obtain information of the bus connection
among conference members.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 412

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.11.4 Advanced Functions for Bus Operation (CTI Series) Forcibly Disconnecting All Bus Connections SsmClearChBusLink

Tears down all bus connections on the channel and recovers the channel to the state upon the driver’s

int SsmClearChBusLink(int nCh)

Parameter Description:
nCh The monitoring channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Tears down all the TDM bus connections which are established on the channel nCh by invoking any of the
functions below:
¾ SsmListenTo, SsmListenToEx, SsmLinkFrom, SsmLinkFromEx, SsmLinkFromAllCh
¾ SsmTalkWith, SsmTalkWithEx
Recovers the channel to the state upon the driver’s initialization.

z If the channel has entered a conference room, its TDM bus connections will also be torn down forcibly.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: One-way Connection from Channel to Bus Time Slot SsmLinkToBus

Changes the time slot which is set to receive the signals from the onto-bus mixer.

int SsmLinkToBus(int ch, int ts)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The number of the available common time slot on the TDM bus, range of value:
N~4095, N is twice of the total amount of the channels in the system. For more
information about the number of the available common time slot, refer to ‘TDM
Capability’ in Chapter 1

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 413

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
During system initialization, the driver will put the incoming signal from Channel ch to a time slot (suppose it is ts0)
on TDM bus. This function reconnects output signals to the time slot.

Invoke the function SsmUnLinkToBus to tear down the connection.

z The time slot ts must be an unused common time slot.
z This function must be used with SsmUnLinkToBus, otherwise, it may cause garbled signals.
z This function is a bottom function which is only applicable to the situation where Synway boards are
interoperated with third party boards.
z The configuration item EnableCommonTimeSlot can be used to open all the common time slots on the
TDM bus.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmUnLinkToBus, SsmLinkFromBus, SsmLinkFromBusEx SsmUnLinkToBus

Reuses the default time slot to receive the signals from the onto-bus mixer.

int SsmUnLinkToBus(int ch, int ts)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
ts Time slot number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Tears down the one-way connection from the channel ch to the bus time slot ts, and reuses the default time slot to
receive the signals from the onto-bus mixer.


z This function must be called along with SsmLinkToBus in pairs, otherwise, it may cause garbled signals.

z This function is a bottom function which is only applicable to the situation that Synway’s boards
interoperate with 3rd party’s boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 414

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmLinkToBus One-way Connection from Bus Time Slot to Channel SsmLinkFromBus

Refer to SsmLinkFromBusEx SsmLinkFromBusEx

Establishes the one-way connection from the bus time slot to the listener channel. Apart from having all the
features of the function SsmLinkFromBus, SsmLinkFromBusEx can also set the volume.


int SsmLinkFromBus(int ts, int ch)

int SsmLinkFromBusEx(int ts, int ch, int nVolume)

Parameter Description:

ch Channel Number
ts Time slot number
The volume of the voice data on the time slot ts entering channel ch, range of value:
nVolume -6~+6, the negative value means volume decreasing, the positive value means the
volume increasing , this parameter multiplied by 3 equals dB value

Return Value:

-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful

Function Description:

Establishes the one-way connection from the bus time slot ts to the listener channel ch.


z The function SsmLinkFromBus or SsmLinkFromBusEx must be called along with SsmUnLinkFromBus in

pairs, otherwise, it may cause garbled signals.

Related Information:

Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above

Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Related Function: SsmLinkToBus, SsmUnLinkFromBus

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 415

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmUnLinkFromBus

Tears down the one-way connection from the bus time slot to the listener channel.


int SsmUnLinkFromBus(int ts, int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
ts Time slot number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Tears dwon the one-way connection from the time slot ts to the listener channel ch.

z The function SsmLinkFromBus or SsmLinkFromBusEx must be called along with SsmUnLinkFromBus in
pairs, otherwise, it may cause garbled signals.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmLinkFromBus, SsmLinkFromBusEx SsmListenToPlay

Enables a channel to monitor another recording channel.

int WINAPI SsmListenToPlay(int ch1, int vlm, int ch2)

Parameter Description:
ch1 The monitoring channel number
ch2 The monitored channel number. The channel is required to be a recording channel
vlm The volume of voices played on the monitored channel
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Enable Channel ch1 to monitor the recording channel Channel ch2.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 416

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmUnListenToPlay SsmUnListenToPlay

Stops the monitoring of a recording channel.


int WINAPI SsmUnListenToPlay(int ch1, int ch2)

Parameter Description:
ch1 The monitoring channel number
ch2 The monitored channel number, and the channel is required to be a recording channel
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Stops Channel ch1 from monitoring the recording channel Channel ch2.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmListenToPlay

2.12 On-board Audio Power Amplifier Functions

2.12.1 SsmQueryOpPowerAmp

Queries if the channel is equipped with on-board audio amplifier circuit.


int SsmQueryOpPowerAmp(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Not equipped with on-board audio amplifier circuit
1 Equipped with on-board audio amplifier circuit
Function Description:

Queries if the channel is equipped with on-board audio amplifier circuit. For detailed information about the
on-board audio power amplifier, see the operation principles of the corresponding boards.


Related Information:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 417

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above

Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetPowerAmpVlm, SetVolume

2.12.2 SsmSetPowerAmpVlm

Refer to SetVolume

2.12.3 SetVolume

Sets the gain of the on-board audio power amplifier. As SetVolume is designed for early versions, we suggest you
use the function SsmSetPowerAmpVlm instead.

void SsmSetPowerAmpVlm(int ch, int nGain)
void SetVolume(DWORD dwBoardId, DWORD nGain)

Parameter Description:
Channel Number. Note: the internal number of Channel ch on the corresponding board
must be 0, otherwise the function will fail
dwBoardId Board ID
The gain of the power amplifier, range of value: 0~7, in which:
7: 0DB
6: -6DB
5: -12DB
4: -18DB
3: -24DB
2: -30DB
1: -36DB
0: Turned off
The default value is 3(-24DB).
Return Value: None

Function Description:

Sets the gain of the on-board audio power amplifier. For detailed information about the on-board audio power
amplifier, see the operation principles of the corresponding boards.

z Only Channel 0 on ATP, SHT or DST Series boards is equipped with the on-board audio power amplifier.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmQueryOpPowerAmp

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 418

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.13 On-board Speaker Functions

2.13.1 SsmSetLine0OutTo

Enables or disables the on-board speaker of the USB recording box/ voice box.

int SsmSetLine0OutTo(BOOL bEnable)

Parameter Description:
=FALSE: sends the voice to the on-board speaker for playing;
bEnable =TRUE: sends the voice to the on-board speaker output jack, to play the voice via an
external speaker
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Enables or disables the on-board speaker of the USB recording box/voice box. For more information, refer to
‘Operation Principle of ATP Series’ or ‘Operation Principle of SHT Series’ in Chapter 1.

z This function is only applicable to ATP Series USB recording box and SHT Series USB voice box.
z The configuration item USBLine0Output can implement the same features.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetPowerAmpVlm

2.14 Echo Canceller Functions (CTI Series)

2.14.1 Setting Operating Status of Echo Canceller SsmQueryOpEchoCanceller
Queries if the channel supports echo cancellation.


int SsmQueryOpEchoCanceller(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Not supported
1 Supported
Function Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 419

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Queries if the channel supports echo cancellation.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetEchoCanceller
Sets the operating mode of the echo canceller.


int SsmSetEchoCanceller(int ch, BOOL bEnable)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
TRUE: Enable
FALSE: Disable
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Sets the operating mode of the echo canceller.

z The configuration item EnableEchoCancellor can implement the same feature. This feature is enabled
by default.
z For more information, refer to Echo Canceller in Chapter 1.
z This function only supports SHD, SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetEchoCancellerState SsmGetEchoCancellerState
Obtains the operating status of the echo canceller.


int SsmGetEchoCancellerState(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Turned off
1 Turned on

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 420

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Obtains the operating status of the echo canceller.

z This function only supports SHD Series and SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetEchoCanceller

2.14.2 Setting Parameters of Echo Canceller SsmSetEchoCancelDelaySize
Sets the filter delay coefficient of the echo canceller.


int SsmSetEchoCancelDelaySize(int ch,WORD wSize)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
wSize The filter delay coefficient, range of value: 0~31
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the filter delay coefficient of the echo canceller.


z This function only supports SHD Series and SHT Series boards;

z The configuration item EchoCancelDelaySize can implement the same features.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetEchoCancelDelaySize SsmGetEchoCancelDelaySize
Obtains the filter delay coefficient of the echo canceller.


int SsmGetEchoCancelDelaySize(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 421

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

≥0 The filter delay coefficient

Function Description:
Obtains the filter delay coefficient of the echo canceller.

z This function only supports SHD Series and SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetEchoCancelDelaySize

2.15 Teleconferencing Functions (CTI Series)

2.15.1 Initializing Conference Room SsmCreateConfGroup
Creates a conference room.

int SsmCreateConfGroup(int nMaxMember, int nMaxSpeaker, int nMaxSpeaking, int nMaxSilenceTime)

Parameter Description:
The maximum number of channels in a conference room, range of value:
-1: Use the parameter specified in the configuration item
3~N: N is the total number of channels in the application
Sets the maximum number of conference channels which have speaking rights. The
channels in the speaking modes of organizer, chairman or dynamic speaker all have
speaking rights. It’s determined by the set value of the configuration item
BackgroundVoicePriority whether the channel in the background music mode has the
speaking right. Range of value:
-1: Use the parameter designated by the configuration item
≥1: The total number of conference channels
The maximum number of speaking members allowed at a time, range of value:
-1: Use the parameter designated by the configuration item
1~6: The set value
Sets the minimum duration for the channel to keep silent. Range of value:
-1: Use the parameter designated by the configuration item
≥1: The set value (seconds)
For more information, refer to ‘Distributed Teleconferencing System’.
Note: Now this parameter is invalid. Just set it to -1.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
≥0 The ID number of the newly-created conference room
Function Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 422

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Creates a conference room.

Note: None

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFreeConfGroup, SsmJoinConfGroup, SsmGetConfGrpInfo, SsmGetConfGrpCfgInfo SsmFreeConfGroup
Cancels a conference room.


int SsmFreeConfGroup(int nGrpId)

Parameter Description:
nGrpId Conference room number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Cancels a conference room, and releases the resources it occupied.


z If there are still channels in the conference room, the driver will automatically invoke the function
SsmExitConfGroup to put them out of the conference room.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmCreateConfGroup

2.15.2 Setting Conference Member’s Behavior SsmJoinConfGroup
Puts a channel into the conference room.
int SsmJoinConfGroup(int nGrpId, int ch, WORD wJoinMode, int nMixerVolume, BOOL bCreateAlways, BOOL

Parameter Description:
nGrpId Conference room number
ch Channel Number
The speaking mode of the channel, range of value:
0: Organizer;
wJoinMode 1: Dynamic Speaker;
2: Listener;
3: Background Music;

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 423

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Whether the channel in this mode can hear the voices from other channels is
determined by the configuration item PlayVoiceIsListen. When PlayVoiceIsListen
=0, the channel can speak but not hear the voices from other channels, and it is
usually used for playing music to a conference; when PlayVoiceIsListen=1
(default), the channel can not only speak but also hear the voices from other
4: Chairman;
5: Dynamic Speaker ONLY
For more information about the speaking modes and conference scheduling, refer to
‘Distributed Teleconferencing System’
The volume of the incoming call signal on the current channel entering the off-bus
mixer M2 for other conference member, range of value: -6~+6. The positive value
nMixerVolume means volume increasing, while the negative value means volume decreasing. This
parameter multiplied by 3 equals dB value. This volume is the speaking volume of this
member heard by others in the conference.
When this function is called, if the conference room designated by the parameter
nGrpId does not exist, this parameter indicates whether to automatically create a new
bCreateAlways conference room with the conference room number nGrpId by the driver.
TRUE: yes
FALSE: no, call failed
If this channel has already joined in another conference room, this parameter indicates
whether to automatically put this channel out of that conference room by the driver
TRUE: yes
FALSE: no, call failed
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Puts a channel into the conference room.

Note: none

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmExitConfGroup, SsmSetListenVlmInConf SsmExitConfGroup
Puts a the channel out of the conference room.

int SsmExitConfGroup(int ch, BOOL bFreeGrpAlways)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Sets whether to cancel the conference room automatically by the driver if the current
channel is the only channel in it.
TRUE: Cancel;
FALSE: Not cancel
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 424

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Puts a channel out of the conference room.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmJoinConfGroup SsmSetListenVlmInConf
Sets the volume adjuster for the off-bus signals entering M2 (off-bus mixer).


int SsmSetListenVlmInConf(int ch, int nVlm)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
nVlm Volume of the off-bus signals, range of value: -7~6.
Return Value:
0 Successful
-1 Call failed
Function Description:

Sets the volume adjuster for the off-bus signals entering M2 (off-bus mixer), i.e. sets the volume adjuster
A4-1…A4-6 in ‘Operation Principle of SHT Series’, ‘Operation Principle of SHD Series’ or ‘Operation Principle of
SHN Series’ in Chapter 1. This function can only adjust the volume heard by the current channel, but not the
volume heard by other members in the conference.

Note: none

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmJoinConfGroup SsmSetContactInConf
Blocks a channel from hearing another channel in a teleconference.

int SsmSetContactInConf(int nGrpID, int chFrom, int chTo, BOOL bFlag)

Parameter Description:
nGrpID Conference room number
chFrom Number of the channel where voices come from
chTo Number of the channel where voices go to
TRUE: Channel chTo is blocked from hearing Channel chFrom in a teleconference;
FALSE: Channel chTo is required to hear Channel chFrom in a teleconference.
Return Value:
-1 This function is unsupported

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 425

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

0 Call failed
1 Successful
Function Description:
Blocks a channel from hearing another channel in a teleconference.


z A channel can be blocked to only one channel . For example, when Channel A is blocked from hearing
Channel B, it can’t be blocked from hearing Channel C unless its blocking to Channel B is disabled first.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: None

2.15.3 Obtaining Conference Room Information SsmGetConfCfgInfo
Obtains the configuration parameters of the distributed teleconferencing.

int SsmGetConfCfgInfo(PWORD pwMaxMember, PWORD pwMaxSpeaker, PWORD pwMaxSpeaking, PWORD

Parameter Description:
pwMaxMember Returns the set value of the configuration item ConfDefaultMaxGroupMember
pwMaxSpeaker Returns the set value of the configuration item ConfDefaultMaxGroupSpeaker
pwMaxSpeaking Returns the set value of the configuration item ConfDefaultMaxGroupSpeaking
pwMaxSilenceTime Returns the set value of the configuration item ConfDefaultMaxSilenceTime
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 Returns the set value of the configuration item ConfMaxGroup
Function Description:
Obtains the configuration parameters of the distributed teleconferencing.

Note: none

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetConfGrpInfo SsmGetTotalConfGroup
Obtains the actual number of the conference rooms.

int SsmGetTotalConfGroup()

Parameter Description: none

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 426

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 The actual number of the conference rooms
Function Description:
Obtains the actual number of the conference rooms.

Note: none

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetConfGrpId SsmGetConfGrpCfgInfo
Obtains the set values of the operating parameters of the conference room.

int SsmGetConfGrpCfgInfo(int nGrpId, PWORD pwMaxMember, PWORD pwMaxSpeaker, PWORD
pwMaxSpeaking, PWORD pwMaxSilenceTime)
Parameter Description:
nGrpId Conference room number
pwMaxMember Returns the total number of the conference channels
pwMaxSpeaker Returns the total number of the conference channels with speaking rights
Returns the total number of conference channels which are permitted to speak at a
pwMaxSilenceTime Sets the minimum duration (s) for the channel to keep silent.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Obtains the set values of the operating parameters of the conference room which are configured by the application
via the function SsmCreateConfGroup upon the creation of the conference room.

Note: none

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetConfCfgInfo SsmGetConfGrpInfo
Obtains the statistical information of the conference room.

int SsmGetConfGrpInfo(int nGrpId, PWORD pwTotalMember, PWORD pwTotalSpeaker, PWORD

Parameter Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 427

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nGrpId Conference room number

pwTotalMember Returns the actual number of the channels joining in the conference
Returns the actual number of the channels with speaking rights in the conference
Returns the actual number of the conference channels currently using the conference
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the statistical information of the conference room.

Note: none

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetConfCfgInfo SsmGetConfGrpId
Obtains the conference room number list for all the conference rooms.

int SsmGetConfGrpId(int* pnGrpId)

Parameter Description:
pnGrpId Returns the pointer pointing to the array containing all the conference room numbers
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Obtains the conference room number list for all the conference rooms.

Note: none

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmValidateGrpId SsmValidateGrpId
Queries if the conference room has been created.

int SsmValidateGrpId(int nGrpId)

Parameter Description:
nGrpId Conference room number

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 428

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Return Value:
1 The conference room is already created
0 Not created
Function Description:
Queries if the conference room has been created.

Note: None

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetConfGrpId

2.15.4 Obtaining Conference Member Information SsmGetConfGrpMmbrId
Obtains the channel numbers of the channels in the conference room.

int SsmGetConfGrpMmbrId(int nGrpId, int* pnMmbrId)

Parameter Description:
nGrpId Conference room number
pnMmbrId Returns the pointer pointing to the array containing the conference channel numbers
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the channel numbers of the channels in the conference room.

Note: none

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetConfGrpMmbrInfo SsmGetConfGrpMmbrInfo
Obtains the detailed information about the conference channels in the conference room.


int SsmGetConfGrpMmbrInfo(int nGrpId, int nMmbrId, int* pnAppCh, PWORD pwJoinMode, PWORD
pwIsSpeaking, PDWORD pdwSilenceTime)

Parameter Description:
nGrpId Conference room number
nMmbrId Conference channel number
pnAppCh Returns the logical number corresponding to the conference channel number

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 429

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pwJoinMode Returns the speaking mode of the conference channel

pwIsSpeaking Returns whether the conference channel is speaking
pdwSilenceTime Returns the duration (s) for the conference channel to keep silent
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the detailed information about the conference channels in the conference room according to the
conference room number and the conference channel number.

Note: none

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetConfChInfo SsmGetConfChInfo
Queries if the channel has joined in a specific conference room.


int SsmGetConfChInfo(int ch, int* pnGrpId, int* pnMmbrId, PWORD pwJoinMode, PWORD pwIsSpeaking,
PDWORD pdwSilenceTime)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
pnGrpId Returns the conference room number
pnMmbrId Returns the member ID of Channel ch in the conference room
pwJoinMode Returns the speaking mode of Channel ch in the conference room
Returns the sign indicating whether Channel ch is speaking or not. pwIsSpeaking=1:
Speaking; pwIsSpeaking=0: Not speaking.
pdwSilenceTime Returns the duration (s) of Channel ch to keep silent
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Queries if the channel has joined in a specific conference room.

Note: none

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetConfGrpMmbrInfo

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 430

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.16 FSK Transceiver Functions (CTI Series)

2.16.1 FSK Transmitter SsmSetFskPara
Sets the operating parameters of the FSK Transmitter.

int SsmSetFskPara(int nFreq0, int nFreq1, int nBaudrate, int nMdlAmp)

Parameter Description:
The carrier frequency (Hz) of bit 0, range of value: 300~3400. This parameter can also
be set by the configuration item FreqBit0. The default value is 2200Hz
The carrier frequency (Hz) of bit 1, range of value: 300~3400. This parameter can also
be set by the configuration item FreqBit1. The default value is 1200Hz
Baud rate (bps), range of value: 300~3400. This parameter can also be set by the
configuration item Baudrate. The default value is 1200bps
Modulation Amplitude, range of value: 0~255.
nMdlAmp This parameter can also be set by the configuration item MdlAmp. The default value is
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Sets the operating parameters of the FSK Transmitter.

z If Synway boards are used at the reception end, normally no extra configuration is needed. Just use the
default settings.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetFskPara SsmGetFskPara
Obtains the operating parameters of the FSK Transmitter.

int SsmGetFskPara(int *nFreqBit0, int *nFreqBit1, int *nBaudrate, int *nMdlAmp)

Parameter Description:
nFreqBit0 Returns the carrier frequency (Hz) of bit 0
nFreqBit1 Returns the carrier frequency (Hz) of bit 1
nBaudrate Returns the baud rate (bps) of the binary code stream
nMdlAmp Returns the amplitude of the modulating signal
Return Value:
-1 Call failed

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 431

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the operating parameters of the FSK Transmitter.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetFskPara SsmTransFskData
Converts the data to BFSK-formatted binary data stream.


int SsmTransFskData(unsigned char* pSrc, int nSrcLen,int nSyncLen,int nSyncOffLen,unsigned char* pStream)

Parameter Description:
pSrc Pointer pointing to the buffer area storing the data
nSrcLen The data length (bytes) in pSrc
The bit number of the syn code, normally it is integral times of 8. It can be set
according to your actual need and the recommended value is 96
The bit number of the flag code, normally its integral times of 8. It can be set according
to your actual need and the recommended value is 32
Pointer pointing to the buffer area storing the converted BFSK data stream. Its space
pStream is allocated by the application, and its size can be calculated by the following formula:
(nSyncLen + nSyncOffLen + nSrcLen×10 ) / 8 + 1
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 The actual bit number in pStream
Function Description:

Converts the data to BFSK-formatted binary data stream. For more information about the format of the BFSK data
stream, refer to ‘FSK Transceiver’ in Chapter 1.

z In some protocols the flag code is called ‘synchronization end character’, and it is together with the syn
code called ‘synchronization indicator string’ which indicates the establishment of synchronization. In this
function, we use nSyncLen to represent the syn code and nSyncOffLen to indicate the flag code.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStartSendFSK SsmStartSendFSK
Starts the FSK transmitter.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 432

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

int SsmStartSendFSK(int ch, LPSTR pStream, DWORD dwMaxBit)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The pointer pointing to the buffer area storing the BFSK data stream. For more
information, refer to ‘FSK Transceiver’ in Chapter 1
dwMaxBit The total number of valid bits in pStream, it could be of any length
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Starts the FSK transmitter.
The operating parameters of the FSK transmitter can be configured by the function SsmSetFskPara or the
configuration items FreqBit0, FreqBit1, Baudrate, and MdlAmp.
After the FSK transmitter is started, the application can invoke the function SsmStopSendFsk to stop it at anytime.
When the driver has finished transmitting all the bits in pStream, it will throw out the event E_PROC_SendFSK to
the application. The application can also invoke the function SsmCheckSendFsk to query the transmitting status of
the FSK transmitter.


z You could neither start the voice playing task nor use the DTMF generator or the tone generator before
the FSK transmitter finishes transmitting all the data.
z Before the FSK transmitter is started, in order to ensure the data integrity, the echo cancellation feature
should be disabled.
z This function can be called only after the original data has been converted to BFSK data stream via the
function call of SsmTransFskData.
z This function does not support ATP, DTP and SHN Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmCheckSendFsk, SsmStopSendFsk, SsmTransFskData

Sample code:

char Data[]=‘12345’; //The string ‘12345’ needs to be transmitted

unsigned char Stream[256]; // Stores the converted BFSK bit stream
int nMaxBit = SsmTransFskData( (unsigned char*)Data, 5,96, 32, Stream);
SsmStartSendFSK(ch, (PCHAR)Stream, nMaxBit); SsmCheckSendFsk
Queries the transmitting status of the FSK transmitter.


int SsmCheckSendFsk(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 433

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-1 Call failed
0 Finished
1 Unfinished
Function Description:

Queries the transmitting status of the FSK transmitter.

z If the application uses the event based programming mode, it’s recommended to use the event

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStartSendFSK SsmStopSendFsk
Stops the FSK transmitter.

int SsmStopSendFsk(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Stops the FSK transmitter.

z After invoking this function, the driver throws out the event E_PROC_SendFSK to the application.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStartSendFSK

2.16.2 FSK Receiver SsmStartRcvFSK
Starts the FSK receiver.

int SsmStartRcvFSK(int ch, WORD wTimeOut, WORD wMaxLen, UCHAR ucEndCode, WORD

Parameter Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 434

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

ch Channel Number
wTimeOut Timer interval (ms)
wMaxLen The maximum length (bytes) of the FSK data, range of value: 1~1024
ucEndCode The character indicating the end of the FSK data package
wEndCodeCount The minimum times that ucEndCode continuously appears, range of value: 0~10
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Starts the FSK receiver and begins to receive FSK data.

After the FSK receiver is started, the driver will start a timer and decide whether to stop receiving data based on the
following rules:
— If the end character which is set by the parameter ucEndCode is detected in the FSK data, and the
number of times it continuously appears is greater than or equal to wEndCodeCount, the driver will stop
the task and throw out the event E_PROC_RcvFSK (dwParam is set to be 2) to the application;
— If the length (total byte number) of the FSK data is larger than or equal to wMaxLen, the current task of
FSK data receiving will be stopped, and the driver will also throw out the event E_PROC_RcvFSK
(dwParam is set to be 3) to the application;
— If the BFSK signal disappears on the line, and does not reappear in 100ms, the current task of FSK data
receiving will be stopped, and the driver will throw out the event E_PROC_RcvFSK (dwParam is set to
be 1) to the application.
— If the timer overflows, the current task of FSK data receiving will be stopped, and the driver will throw out
the event E_PROC_RcvFSK (dwParam is set to be 1) to the application.

z The baud rate of the FSK receiver on Synway boards is 1200bps, the carrier frequency of bit 0 is 2200Hz,
and the carrier frequency of bit 1 is 1200Hz. Neither of them can be changed via functions or configuration

z This function does not support ATP, DTP and SHN Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetRcvFSK, SsmStopRcvFSK, SsmStartRcvFSK_II
Sample code:
SsmStartRcvFSK (0, 10000, 260, ‘#’, 1); //Starts the FSK receiver

If ( SsmWaitForEvent (64, &Event) == 0 ) //Waits the event
case E_PROC_RcvFSK: //Stops the FSK receiver
if(Event.dwParam == 2) //Completes receiving FSK data ended with end character ‘#’
unsigned char DataBuf[260];
SsmGetRcvFSK(Event.nReference, DataBuf); //Gets the data
…… //Processes the code

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 435

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

} SsmStartRcvFSK_II
Starts to receive FSK data.

int WINAPI SsmStartRcvFSK_II(int ch, WORD wTimeOut, WORD wMaxLen, PUCHAR pucMarkCodeBuf, UCHAR

Parameter Description:

ch Channel number
wTimeOut Timer interval (ms)
wMaxLen The maximum length (bytes) of the FSK data: 1~260
pucMarkCodeBuf The buffer area storing flag codes, at most 10 different flag codes can be set
The number of flag codes in pucMarkCodeBuf, range of value: 0~10. If this parameter
is set to 0, the parameter pucMarkCodeBuf will be ignored

Return Value:
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 FSK receiver is started successfully
Function Description:
Starts the FSK receiver to begin the task of FSK data receiving.
This function supports two receiving modes: Length Mode and Frame Mode. Frame Mode means the FSK data to
be transmitted has a fixed frame structure. The driver needs to align and extract the frame according to the frame
flag code; Length Mode means the driver only examines the length of the data to be received. When the length of
the received FSK data becomes larger than wmMaxLen, the task of data receiving is terminated. If
ucMarkCodeCount is larger than 0, the driver will use Frame Mode as the first choice to receive data. Otherwise, it
will use Length Mode where the parameter wMaxLen is valid.

The frame is composed of four fields: flag code, data length, data body and check byte.

Flag Code Data Length Data Body Check Byte

Flag Code: The beginning of the frame, occupying 1 byte and used for frame alignment. Its value can
be determined by the application itself;
Data Length: The length (bytes) of the data body, occupying 1 byte;
Data Body: The data to be transmitted, the maximum length can’t exceed 255 bytes;
Check Byte: It occupies 1 byte. Note that the check byte is generated by the application, so the driver
doesn’t check the data integrity.

The execution rules of the FSK data receiver:

— Starts a timer and waits for the arrival of FSK data.
— Flag Code Mode: After the arrival of FSK data, the driver searches the flag code set by the parameter
pucMarkCodeBuf in the first 10 bytes of the received data. If the flag code is found, it means the driver
has finished the frame alignment successfully. After the driver has received a frame of data, the current
task of data receiving is terminated and the driver throws out the event E_PROC_RcvFSK (dwParam is

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 436

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

set to 4) to the application. If the flag code is not found, the data receiving will turn to the length mode.
— Length Mode: When the FSK data length exceeds the set value of the parameter wMaxLen, the current
task of data receiving will be stopped and the driver will throw out the event E_PROC_RcvFSK
(dwParam is set to 3) to the application.
— If the BFSK signal disappears on the line and does not reappear within 100ms, the current task of FSK
data receiving will be stopped and the driver will throw out the event E_PROC_RcvFSK (dwParam is set
to 1 if the length of the received FSK data is less than wMaxLen, otherwise it is set to 3) to the
— If the timer overflows, the current task of FSK data receiving will be stopped and the driver will throw out
the event E_PROC_RcvFSK (dwParam is set to 1) to the application.

z The baud rate of the FSK receiver on Synway boards is 1200bps, the carrier frequency of Bit 0 is 2200Hz
and that of Bit 1 is 1200Hz. Neither of them can be changed by modifying functions or configuration items.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetRcvFSK, SsmStopRcvFSK, SsmStartRcvFSK
Sample code:
SsmStartRcvFSK_II (0, 10000, 1, ‘#’, 1); //Start FSK receiver

If ( SsmWaitForEvent (64, &Event) == 0 ) //Wait for an event to be triggered
case E_PROC_RcvFSK: //FSK receiver is terminated
if(Event.dwParam == 4) //A frame of FSK data are received
unsigned char DataBuf[260];
SsmGetRcvFSK(Event.nReference, DataBuf); //Take the data
…… //Process the data
…… //Process the failure in receiving
} SsmStartRcvFSK_III
Starts to receive FSK data.


int WINAPI SsmStartRcvFSK_III(int ch,WORD wTimeOut,WORD wMaxLen,PUCHAR pucMarkCodeBuf, UCHAR


Parameter Description:

ch Channel number
wTimeOut Timer interval (ms)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 437

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

wMaxLen The maximum length (bytes) of the FSK data, range of value: 1~1024
pucMarkCodeBuf The buffer area storing flag codes, at most 10 different flag codes can be set
The number of flag codes in pucMarkCodeBuf, range of value: 0~10. If this parameter
ucMarkCodeCount is set to 0, the parameter pucMarkCodeBuf will be ignored; if this parameter is set to 5,
the former 5 flag codes in pucMarkCodeBuf are valid.

Return Value:
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 FSK receiver is started successfully
Function Description:
Starts the FSK receiver to begin the task of FSK data receiving.
This function supports two receiving mode: Length Mode and Frame Mode. Frame Mode means the FSK data to
be transmitted has a fixed frame structure. The driver needs to align and extract the frame according to the frame
flag code; Length Mode means the driver only examines the length of the data to be received. When the length of
the received FSK data becomes larger than wmMaxLen, the task of data receiving is terminated. If
ucMarkCodeCount is larger than 0, the driver will use Frame Mode as the first choice to receive data. Otherwise, it
will use Length Mode where the parameter wMaxLen is valid for receiving.

The frame is composed of four fields: flag code, data length, data body and check byte.

Flag Code Data Length Data Body Check Byte

Flag Code: The beginning of the frame, occupying 1 byte and used for frame alignment. Its value can
be determined by the application itself;
Data Length: The length (bytes) of the data body, occupying 2 bytes;
Data Body: The data to be transmitted, the maximum length can’t exceed 1020 bytes;
Check Byte: It occupies 1 byte. Note that the check byte is generated by the application, so the driver
doesn’t check the data integrity.

The execution rules of the FSK data receiver:

— Starts a timer and waits for the arrival of FSK data.
— Flag Code Mode: After the arrival of FSK data, the driver searches the flag code set by the parameter
pucMarkCodeBuf in the first 10 bytes of the received data. If the flag code is found, it means the driver
has finished the frame alignment successfully. After the driver has received a frame of data, the current
task of data receiving is terminated and the driver throws out the event E_PROC_RcvFSK (dwParam is
set to 4) to the application. If the flag code is not found, the data receiving will turn to the length mode.
— Length Mode: When the FSK data length exceeds the set value of the parameter wMaxLen, the current
task of data receiving will be stopped and the driver will throw out the event E_PROC_RcvFSK
(dwParam is set to 3) to the application.
— If the BFSK signal disappears on the line and does not reappear within 100ms, the current task of FSK
data receiving will be stopped and the driver will throw out the event E_PROC_RcvFSK (dwParam is set
to 1 if the length of the received FSK data is less than wMaxLen, otherwise it is set to 3) to the
— If the timer overflows, the current task of FSK data receiving will be stopped and the driver will throw out
the event E_PROC_RcvFSK (dwParam is set to 1) to the application.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 438

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

z The baud rate of the FSK receiver on Synway boards is 1200bps, the carrier frequency of Bit 0 is 2200Hz
and that of Bit 1 is 1200Hz. Neither of them can be changed by modifying functions or configuration items.

z The data length occupies 2 bytes in the frame structure: the first byte indicates the length of high bits and the
second one represents the length of low bits.

For example,

sz[5] = {0xFF 0x0 0x3 0x1 0x2 0x3} is a correct FSK datum, in which

sz[0] = 0xFF is the start flag;

sz[1] = 0x0, sz[2] = 0x3 indicate the length is 3 bytes;

0x1 0x2 0x3 at the end is the data body.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetRcvFSK, SsmStopRcvFSK, SsmStartRcvFSK, SsmStartRcvFSK_II
Sample code:
SsmStartRcvFSK_III (0, 10000, 1, ‘#’, 1); //Start FSK receiver

If ( SsmWaitForEvent (64, &Event) == 0 ) //Wait for an event to be triggered
case E_PROC_RcvFSK: //FSK receiver is terminated
if(Event.dwParam == 4) //A frame of FSK data are received
unsigned char DataBuf[260];
SsmGetRcvFSK(Event.nReference, DataBuf); //Take the data
…… //Process the data
…… //Process the failure in receiving
} SsmCheckRcvFSK
Queries the receiving status of the FSK data

int SsmCheckRcvFSK(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 FSK receiver has not finished the current task of data receiving yet
1 Terminated because the timer overflows
2 Terminated due to the reception of the end character
3 Terminated due to the reception of the data with designated length

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 439

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4 Terminated due to the reception of the data with designated format

5 Terminated because the application invokes the function SsmStopRcvFSK
Function Description:
Queries the receiving status of the FSK data. The receiving task could be initiated by the function SsmStartRcvFSK
or SsmStartRcvFSK_II.


z If the application’s programming mode is based on event, it’s recommended to use the event

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Related Function: SsmGetRcvFSK SsmStopRcvFSK
Cancels the task of FSK data receiving.

int SsmStopRcvFSK(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Cancels the task of FSK data receiving. This function can cancel the data receiving task started by the function
SsmStartRcvFSK or SsmStartRcvFSK_II.

z After the driver finishes executing this function, it will throw out the event E_PROC_RcvFSK to the

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetRcvFSK, SsmCheckRcvFSK SsmClearRcvFSKBuf
Clears the FSK receiving buffer area in the driver.

int SsmClearRcvFSKBuf(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 440

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Return Value:
-1 Error occurs, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Clears the FSK receiving buffer area in the driver.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetRcvFSK SsmGetRcvFSK
Gets the FSK data stored in the buffer area in the driver.

int SsmGetRcvFSK(int ch, PUCHAR pucBuf)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Buffer area pointer, the storage space is allocated by the application, its size should be
no less than 260 bytes
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 The length (bytes) of the received FSK data (excluding the end character)
Function Description:

Gets the FSK data stored in the buffer area in the driver.

z Each time when the application calls the function SsmStartRcvFSK or starts the task of data receiving, the
driver will automatically clear the buffer area storing the FSK data in the driver.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmCheckRcvFSK, SsmClearRcvFSKBuf

2.17 Voltage Detector Functions

2.17.1 Ignoring Result of Voltage Detector SsmSetIgnoreLineVoltage
Sets whether to ignore the result of the voltage detector on analog phone lines.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 441

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int SsmSetIgnoreLineVoltage(int ch, BOOL bIgnore)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
=FALSE: not to ignore
=TRUE: ignore
Return Value:
-1 Operation failed
0 Operation is successful
Function Description:
Sets whether to ignore the result of the voltage detector on analog phone lines. If the result of the voltage detector
is ignored, the recording channel will always keep ‘off-hook’ state. For more information, refer to ‘Change in Analog
Phone Line Voltage’ in Chapter 1.

z This function is only applicable to recording channels (including analog trunk recording module and
microphone module) of ATP Series boards;
z The parameter set by this function can also be set by the configuration item IgnoreLineVoltage, with the
default value of ‘not to ignore’.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetIgnoreLineVoltage SsmGetIgnoreLineVoltage
Queries if the result of the line voltage detection of the channel is ignored.

int SsmGetIgnoreLineVoltage(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Not to ignore
1 Ignore
Function Description:
Queries if the result of the line voltage detection of the channel is ignored.


z This function is only applicable to recording channels (including analog trunk recording module and
microphone module) of ATP Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 442

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Related Function: SsmSetIgnoreLineVoltage

2.17.2 Setting Threshold Voltage to Detect Pickup and Hangup Behaviors SsmSetDtrmLineVoltage
Sets the threshold voltage to detect the pickup and hangup operations on the analog trunk recording channel.


int SsmSetDtrmLineVoltage(int ch, WORD wDtrmValtage)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
wDtrmValtage Threshold voltage (Volt), range of value:5~48
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Sets the threshold voltage to detect the pickup and hangup operations on the analog trunk recording channel.
For more details, refer to ‘Change in Analog Phone Line Voltage’ in Chapter 1.

z This function is only applicable to recording channels (including analog trunk recording module and
microphone module) of ATP Series boards.
z The parameter set by this function can also be set by the configuration item IsHangupDtrmVoltage, with
the default value of 26V.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetDtrmLineVoltage SsmGetDtrmLineVoltage
Obtains the threshold voltage detecting the pickup/hangup operations on the analog trunk recording channel.

int SsmGetDtrmLineVoltage(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
Returns the threshold voltage (Volt) used to detect the pickup/hangup operations on the
Function Description:

Obtains the threshold voltage detecting the pickup/hangup operations on the analog trunk recording channel.

z This function is only applicable to recording channels (including analog trunk recording module and

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 443

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

microphone module) of ATP Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetDtrmLineVoltage

2.17.3 Obtaining Result of Voltage Detector SsmGetLineVoltage
Obtains the line voltage.

int SsmGetLineVoltage(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 Returns the line voltage (Volt)
Function Description:
Obtains the line voltage. It can also be obtained via the event E_CHG_LineVoltage. For more details, refer to
Change in Analog Phone Line Voltage in Chapter 1.

z This function is only applicable to the recording channel of ATP Series boards and the analog trunk
channel of SHT Series boards;
z It’s normal that the voltage on the analog trunk may vary in the range of 1V-2V.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

2.17.4 Polarity Reversal Detector Functions SsmQueryOpPolarRvrs
Queries if a specific channel supports the detection of polarity reversal.


int WINAPI SsmQueryOpPolarRvrs(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 The specified channel does not support the detection of polarity reversal

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 444

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1 The specified channel supports the detection of polarity reversal

Function Description:
Queries if a specific channel supports the detection of polarity reversal. For more information, refer to ‘Change in
Analog Phone Line Voltage’ in Chapter 1.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPolarRvrsCount
Obtains the count of the detected polarity reversals on the channel after pickup.

int SsmGetPolarRvrsCount(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 The count of polarity reversals
Function Description:

Obtains the count of the detected polarity reversals on the channel after pickup. For more details, refer to ‘Change
in Analog Phone Line Voltage’ in Chapter 1.

z This function is only applicable to the channels featured with polarity reversal detection;
z The event E_CHG_PolarRvrsCount can implement the same feature.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Event:E_CHG_PolarRvrsCount

2.17.5 Ringing Current Detector Functions SsmGetRingCount
Obtains the count of the detected ringing current signals.

int SsmGetRingCount(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 445

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-1 Call failed
≥0 Count of rings
Function Description:
Obtains the count of the detected ringing current signals. For more details, refer to ‘Ringing Current on Analog
Phone Line’ in Chapter 1.


z The event E_CHG_RingCount can implement the same features. It’s recommended to use this event to
increase the portability of the application;
z This function is only applicable to the analog trunk recording channel of ATP Series boards and the
analog trunk channel of SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmClearRingCount, SsmGetChState SsmGetCallBackRingCount
Obtains the count of the detected ringback current signals.


int SsmGetCallBackRingCount(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 Count of rings
Function Description:
Obtains the count of the detected ringback current signals.


z The event E_CHG_CallBackRingCount can implement the same features. It’s recommended to use this
event to increase the portability of the application;
z This function is only applicable to the analog trunk recording channel of ATP Series boards and the
analog trunk channel of SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmClearRingCount, SsmGetChState SsmClearRingCount
Clears the count of the ringing current signals stored in the driver.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 446

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int SsmClearRingCount (int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Clears the count of the ringing current signals stored in the driver. For more details, refer to ‘Ringing Current on
Analog Phone Line’ in Chapter 1.

z This function is only applicable to the analog trunk recording channel of ATP Series boards and the
analog trunk channel of SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetRingCount SsmGetRingFlag
Obtains the flag indicating the ringing status.

int SsmGetRingFlag (int ch)

Parameter Description:

ch Channel number

Return Value:
0 Not ringing
1 Ringing
Function Description:

Obtains the flag indicating the ringing status. For more information, refer to ‘Ringing Current on Analog Phone Line’
in Chapter 1.

z This function is only applicable to the analog trunk recording channel of ATP Series boards and the
analog trunk channel of SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 447

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2.18 Digital Trunk Functions

2.18.1 SsmGetMaxPcm
Obtains the total amount of the digital trunks in the application.


int SsmGetMaxPcm()

Parameter Description:

Return Value:
-1 Call failed
The total amount of the digital trunks in the system, which is set by the configuration
item TotalPcm in the configuration section [PcmInfo]
Function Description:
Obtains the total amount of the digital trunks in the application.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPcmInfo

2.18.2 SsmGetPcmInfo
Obtains the operating parameters of the digital trunk interface unit (LIU).

int SsmGetPcmInfo(int nPcmNo, int* pnSSxMode, int* pnBoardId, int* pnBoardPcmNo, int* pnUsePcmTS16,
PDWORD pdwRcvrMode, PDWORD pdwEnableAutoCall, PDWORD pdwAutoCallDirection)

Parameter Description:
The logical number of the digital trunk, range of value: 0~N-1, N is the set value of the
nPcmNo configuration item TotalPcm in the configuration section [PcmInfo], it can be obtained
by the function SsmGetMaxPcm
pnBoardId The ID of the board on which the digital trunk is located
pnBoardPcmNo The internal number of the digital trunk on the board
Returns the signaling mode adopted by the PCM
0: ISDN(User side)
pnSSxMode 1: SS1
2: ISDN(Network side)
7: SS7
Returns whether the 16 time slot of the PCM is used as voice channel.
pnUsePcmTS16 1: Yes
0: No
Returns the operating mode of the Digital Trunk Interface Unit (LIU), it includes 32 bits,
each bit is defined as follows:
Bit1,Bit0: clock setting, range of value:
PdwRcvrMode 00: line-synchronization mode, master clock
01: Free-run mode, master clock
10: slave clock
11: reserved

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 448

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Bit2: type of connection line:

0:120Ω twisted pair cable
1: 75Ω coaxial cable
Bit3: whether the LIU needs to perform the jitter-cancellation to 16th time slot
0: not to perform the jitter-cancellation (default)
1: perform the jitter-cancellation for a duration of 14ms
Bit4: sets the Alternate Digit Inversion (ADI) feature of the voice channel
0: turned off (default)
1: turned on
Bit6,Bit5: sets the gain of the input-equalizer of LIU
00: automatically controlled by LIU (default)
01: 0 DB
10:12 DB
11: 6 DB
Bit7: reserved
Bit15~Bit8: sets the control word of LIU for jitter-cancellation
Bit31~Bit16: reserved
Returns the auto-connection control word (32 bits) of the 32 time slots. The highest bit
(bit31) corresponds to time slot 0; the lowest bit (bit0) corresponds to time slot 31. If the
bit value equals 1, auto-connection is allowed; if the bit value equals 0, auto-connection
is forbidden
Returns the auto-connection direction of the 32 time slots. Each bit corresponds to one
time slot, the highest bit (bit31) corresponds to time slot 0, and the lowest bit (bit0)
corresponds to time slot 31. If the bit value equals 0, it indicates that only incoming call
is permitted, if the bit value equals 1, only outgoing call is allowed
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the operating parameters of the digital trunk interface unit (LIU).


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPcmLinkStatus

2.18.3 SsmGetPcmLinkStatus
Obtains the synchronization status of the digital trunk.

int SsmGetPcmLinkStatus(int nPcmNo, PWORD pwPcmLinkStatus)

Parameter Description:
The logical number of the digital trunk, range of value: 0~N-1. N is the set value of the
nPcmNo configuration item TotalPcm in the section of [PcmInfo], it can be obtained by the
function SsmGetMaxPcm
Returns the synchronization status of the digital trunk. It includes 16 bits and bit 0 is
the lowest valid bit. If the bit value is equal to 0, it indicates that the synchronization
pwPcmLinkStatus status is normal; If the bit value is equal to 1:
For boards of the following models:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 449

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bit0=1: basic frame synchronization loss
bit1=1: the duration of the basic frame synchronization loss exceeds 100ms
bit2=1: multi-frame synchronization loss (SS1 only)
bit3=1: CRC multi-frame synchronization loss
bit4=1: remote alarm indication
bit5=1: signal alarm indication
bit6=1: all-ones alarm signal of time slot 16 (SS1 only)
bit7=1: signal loss
bit8=1: auxiliary alarm (SS1 only)
bit9=1: alarm signal of multi-frame asychronization (SS1 only)
Other bits: reserved, all remain 0
For boards of the following models:
DTP-120C/PCI, DTP-120C/PCI+, DTP-30C/PCIe, DTP-30C/PCIe+, DTP-60C/PCIe,
DTP-60C/PCIe+, DTP-120C/PCIe, DTP-120C/PCIe+, SHD-120D-CT/PCI,
bit0=1: basic frame synchronization loss
bit1=1: duration of the basic frame synchronization loss exceeds 100ms
bit2=1: CAS re-synchronization (SS1and E1)
bit3=1: CRC re-synchronization (E1 only)
bit4=1: remote alarm indication
bit5=1: signal alarm indication
bit6=1: all-ones alarm signal of time slot 16 (SS1 only)
bit7=1: signal loss
bit9=1: MF alarm from the remote end (SS1 and E1)
bit10=1: open circuit
bit11=1: short circuit
Other bits: reserved, all remain 0
For boards of the following models: SHD-480A-CT/cPCI, SHD-480S-CT/cPCI,
bit1=1: FAS synchronization active
bit2=1: CAS MF synchronization active
bit3=1: CRC4 MF synchronization active
bit8=1: synchronization loss
bit9=1: carrier loss
bit10=1: remote alarm
Other bits: reserved, all remain 0
For boards of the following models: SHD-30C-CT/PCI, SHD-60C-CT/PCI,
bit1=1: asynchronization time exceeds 120ms

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 450

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Other bits: reserved, all remain 0

Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the synchronization status of the digital trunk.


z For SS1, only some PBXes support multi-frame CRC check, so, it doesn’t always mean the line
synchronization fails when the CRC multi-frame synchronization loss occurs.
z For SS7, ISDN signaling, the 16th time slot is commonly used to transmit the Common Channel
Signaling (CCS), having nothing to do with multi-frame or CRC multi-frame. Therefore, it can work
normally once the synchronization status of the basic frame is normal (both bit0 and bit1 are 0). In
addition, both SS7 and ISDN signaling are digital signaling with the capability of fault tolerance. It is
allowed that the basic frame synchronization has jitters in a small range. Hence, bit0’s changing from 0
to 1 is regarded as the alarm condition when the line synchronization status is used for alarming.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPcmInfo

2.18.4 SsmPcmTsToCh
Queries the corresponding channel number according to the PCM logical number and the time slot number.

int SsmPcmTsToCh(int nLocalPcmNo, int nTs)

Parameter Description:
The logical number of the digital trunk. For more information about digital trunk, refer to
‘Basic Concepts’ in Chapter 1.
nTs Time slot number, range of value : 1~31
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 The logical number of the corresponding channel
Function Description:
Queries the corresponding channel number according to the PCM logical number and time slot number.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmChToPcmTs

2.18.5 SsmChToPcmTs
Queries the corresponding PCM logical number and time slot number according to the channel number.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 451

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int SsmChToPcmTs(int ch, int* pnLocalPcmNo, int* pnTs)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
pnLocalPcmNo The logical number of the PCM on which Channel ch is located
pnTs The number of the time slot on which Channel ch is located
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 Returns the value in the parameter pnLocalPcmNo
Function Description:
Queries the corresponding PCM logical number and time slot number according to the channel number.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmPcmTsToCh

2.18.6 SsmSetPcmClockMode
Sets the clock mode of the digital trunk.

int SsmSetPcmClockMode(int nPcmNo, int nClockMode)

Parameter Description:
The logical number of the digital trunk, range of value: 0~N-1 (N is the set value of the
configuration item TotalPcm, it can be obtained by the function call SsmGetMaxPcm)
Clock mode, range of value:
0: master clock, line-synchronization mode (the board must be the master board)
1: master clock, free-run mode (the board must be the master board)
2: slave clock
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the clock mode of the digital trunk. For more information, refer to ‘System Clock Configuration’ in Chapter 1.


z This function is only applicable to SHD, DTP Series boards;

z The configuration item PcmClockMode can implement the same features.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPcmInfo

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 452

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2.18.7 SsmGetInboundLinkSet
During incoming call, obtains the information of the link set which is used by TUP/ISUP messages from the remote


int SsmGetInboundLinkSet(int ch, LPWORD pwLinkSetNo, LPSTR pszOpc, LPSTR pszDpc)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
pwLinkSetNo Link set number
pszOpc OPC
pszDpc DPC
Return Value:
1 Successful
-1 Call failed
Function Description:
During incoming call, obtains the information of the link set which is used by TUP/ISUP messages from the remote
PBX, including the link set number, DPC and OPC.


z This function is only applicable to TUP/ISUP channels.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

2.18.8 SsmGetCbChStatus
Obtains the connection state of the large-capacity channel bank.

int WINAPI SsmGetCbChStatus(int ch, PWORD pwCBLinkStatus)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
pwCBLinkStatus Connection state of the channel bank
Return Value:
0 Call successful
-1 Call failed
Function Description:
Obtains the connection state of the large-capacity channel bank. pwCBLinkStatus=0 means the line is connected,
while pwCBLinkStatus=1 means the line is disconnected.


z This function is only applicable to detecting the connection state of large-capacity channel bank.

z The event E_CHG_CbChStatus can implement the same feature.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 453

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

Related Event: E_CHG_CbChStatus

2.18.9 SsmSetPcmPowerDown
Sets the working mode of the digital trunk.


int WINAPI SsmSetPcmPowerDown(int nPcmNo, int nPowerMode)

Parameter Description:
The logical number of the digital trunk, range of value: 0~N-1 (N is the set value of the
configuration item TotalPcm, it can be obtained by the function call of SsmGetMaxPcm)
Working mode, range of value:
nPowerMode 0: normal working mode
1: idle mode (It is similar to the state that the PCM is unconnected)
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Sets the working mode of the designated PCM. It can be set to normal working mode or idle mode.

z This function is only applicable to SHD Series D-type and E-type boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

2.19 Functions for SHT Series Boards (CTI Series)

2.19.1 Setting Operating Mode of Composite Module SsmSetUnimoduleState
Sets whether to enable the direct connection between the analog trunk channel and station channel on the
composite module.

int SsmSetUnimoduleState(int ch,int nState)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number of the analog trunk on the composite module
=0: connect the analog trunk channel directly with the station channel
nState =1: There is no connection between the analog trunk channel and the station channel,
namely they are equivalent to two independently controlled channels
Return Value:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 454

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-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets whether to enable the direct connection between the analog trunk channel and station channel on the
composite module.


z The configuration item UnimoduleState can implement the same features.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

2.19.2 Functions for Analog Trunk Channel Generating Flash Signal on Analog Phone Line SsmTxFlash

Generates a flash signal on the analog trunk channel (equivalent to a rapid clap on the hook switch).

int SsmTxFlash(int ch, WORD time)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
time Sets the duration (ms) of the flash, range of value: 32~1000, usually it’s set to 500ms
Return Value:
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Generates a flash signal on the analog trunk channel (equivalent to a rapid clap on the hook switch).
When the application finishes generating a flash signal, it throws out the event of E_PROC_SendFlash to the
application. The operating status can be obtained by the function of SsmChkTxFlash.

z This function supports the analog trunk channels on SHT Series boards and the SS1 LineSide protocol.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmChkTxFlash

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 455

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmSetTxFlashCharTime

Sets the duration of the flash signal generated on the analog trunk via the function call of SsmTxDTMF.

int SsmSetTxFlashCharTime(int ch,WORD time)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The duration (ms) of the flash signal, range of value: 32~1000, with the default value of
Return Value:
0 Successful
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
Function Description:
The function call of SsmTxDTMF with parameter of the character ‘!’ can also generate a flash signal on the analog
trunk. This function sets the duration of the flash signal generated by using the character ‘!’.

z The configuration item DefaultTxFlashTime can implement the same features, with the default value of

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetTxFlashCharTime, SsmTxDTMF SsmGetTxFlashCharTime

Obtains the duration of the flash signal generated on the analog trunk via the function call of SsmTxDTMF.

int SsmGetTxFlashCharTime(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
>0 The duration (ms) of the flash signal
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
Function Description:
Obtains the duration of the flash signal generated on the analog trunk by the function call of SsmTxDTMF.

Note: none

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 456

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetTxFlashCharTime SsmChkTxFlash

Queries if the operation of generating a flash signal on the analog trunk has been completed.

int SsmChkTxFlash(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Error occurs
0 The operation of generating a flash signal has been completed
1 The operation of generating a flash signal is under progress
Function Description:
Queries if the operation of generating a flash signal on the analog trunk has been completed.

z Only the analog trunk channel supports the generation of a flash signal.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmTxFlash SsmTxFlashEx

Generates a flash signal on the analog trunk (equivalent to a rapid clap on the hook switch) and sets the channel
state after the flash.

int WINAPI SsmTxFlashEx(int ch, WORD time, int nChState, BOOL bIgnoreDlTn)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
The duration (ms) of the flash signal, range of value: 32~1000, with the default value
of 500.
The channel state after the flash, range of value: S_CALL_PICKUPED(1),
Sets whether to ignore the dial tone after the flash, range of value: FALSE (not to
ignore), TRUE(ignore).
Return Value:
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg.
0 Call successful

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 457

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Generates on a specified channel a flash signal (equivalent to a rapid clap on the hook switch) within the duration
set by the parameter ‘time’, and sets the channel state after the flash.

z This function only supports analog trunk channels on the SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmTxFlash, SsmChkTxFlash Forced Transition of Channel State SsmSetChState

Forces the analog trunk channel to transfer to the talking state.

int SsmSetChState (int ch, int nState)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
nState The new state of the channel, it must be set to 3
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
When the analog trunk channel accidentally enters the pending state, this function can force the analog trunk
channel to transfer to the talking state.

z This function is only applicable to the analog trunk channels of SHT Series boards. This function is used
only in some special occasions, for example, when the application finds that the channel enters the
pending state abnormally, and it wants to get the channel back to the talking state.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 458

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Detecting Remote Pick-up during Outgoing Call SsmStartPickupAnalyze

Starts the ‘Enhanced Remote Pickup Detector’.

int SsmStartPickupAnalyze(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Starts the ‘Enhanced Remote Pickup Detector’. For more information, refer to ‘Enhanced Remote Pickup Detector’
in Chapter 1.

z This function is only applicable to analog trunk channels of SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPickup SsmSetCalleeHookDetectP

Sets the operating parameters of the ‘Enhanced Remote Pickup Detector’ on the analog trunk channel.

int SsmSetCalleeHookDetectP(int ch, WORD wMulti, WORD wValidTime)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Sensitivity, for more information, refer to the description of the configuration item
Minimum duration, for more information, refer to the description of the configuration
item HookValidEngyCnt
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the operating parameters of the ‘Enhanced Remote Pickup Detector’ on the analog trunk channel. For more
information, refer to ‘Enhanced Remote Pickup Detector’ in Chapter 1.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 459

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

z This function is only applicable to the analog trunk channels of SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStartPickupAnalyze SsmGetPickup

Queries the detected result of the ‘Enhanced Remote Pickup Detector’ on the analog trunk channel.

int SsmGetPickup (int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 The called party didn’t pick up
1 The called party has picked up
Function Description:
Queries the detected result of the ‘Enhanced Remote Pickup Detector’ on the analog trunk channel. For more
information, refer to ‘Enhanced Remote Pickup Detector’ in Chapter 1.

z The same features can be implemented by the event of E_SYS_RemotePickup (recommended);

z This function is only applicable to the analog trunk channels of SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStartPickupAnalyze, SsmSetCalleeHookDetectP Checking Pickup Status SsmCheckActualPickup

Queries if the operation of pickup has been completed.


int SsmCheckActualPickup(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 460

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

-1 Failed
0 The specified channel is in the hangup state
1 The specified channel is in the pickup state
Function Description:

Queries if the operation of pickup has been completed. For more information, refer to the description of the
function SsmPickup.


z This function is only applicable to the analog trunk channels of SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmPickup Checking Analog-trunk-to-recording Channel SsmGetIsAnalogToRec

Checks whether a specific channel is a recording channel transformed from the analog trunk channel.


int WINAPI SsmGetIsAnalogToRec(int ch);

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
The specified channel is neither an analog trunk channel nor a recording channel
transformed from the analog trunk channel
The specified channel is a recording channel transformed from the analog trunk
Function Description:
Checks whether a specific channel is a recording channel transformed from the analog trunk channel. For more
information, refer to the configuration item SetAnalogChToRecCh.

z This function is only applicable to analog trunk channels of SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Configuration Item: SetAnalogChToRecCh

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 461

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.19.3 Functions for Station Channel Sending Ringing Signals to Phone SsmStartRing

Refer to SsmStartRingWithCIDStr SsmStartRingWithCIDStr

Sends ringing signals to the phone. SsmStartRing only generates the ringing signals, SsmStartRingWithCIDStr can
also send the caller ID information to the phone.

int SsmStartRing(int ch)
int SsmStartRingWithCIDStr(int ch, LPSTR pCIDBuf, DWORD dwCIDLen, DWORD dwDelayTime)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The first address of the buffer area storing the caller ID information. e.g.
dwCIDLen The number of characters of the caller ID in pCIDBuf, range of value: 1~20
The time interval (ms) calculated starting from the negative edge of the first
ringing signal to the emergence of the first FSK data on the line, range of value:
Note: The FSK caller ID is transmitted between the 1st and 2nd ringing signal
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Sends ringing signals to the phone.

The function SsmStopRing can be used to stop sending ringing signals to the phone at anytime.

z The function of SsmStartRing is applicable to both the station channel and magnet channel; the function
of SsmStartRingWithCIDStr is only applicable to the station channel;
z During the execution of the function SsmStartRingWithCIDStr, none of the voice playing functions can be

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStopRing

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 462

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd fPcm_ConvertFskCID

Converts the caller ID information to FSK audio signals which are fit for the transmission on the analog phone line.
DWORD fPcm_ConvertFskCID(LPSTR pFskStream, int nFskLen, LPSTR pszCIDNumber, LPSTR pszTime,
LPSTR pszName, int nMode)

Parameter Description:
The first address of the buffer area storing the modulated FSK bit stream and the
pFskStream output parameter. The storage space is allocated by the application and should be no
less than 500 bytes.
nFskLen The size of the buffer area (bytes) pointed by pFskStream
The first address of the buffer area storing the caller ID, the number of characters
should be in the range of 4~14
The first address of the buffer area storing the time information. Its length is 8 bytes
and the format is ‘MMDDhhmm’. MM is the month of the year; DD is the day of the
pszTime month; hh is the hour of the day; mm is the minute of the hour. e.g., ‘12041224’
denotes 12:24, 4th, December.
If pszTime is NULL, the driver will use the system time as the time information
The first address of the buffer area storing the additional information, the length is 4~14
pszName bytes, it can be null
Note: most of the phones can’t display the additional information
nMode The frame format of the FSK caller ID, 0 denotes multi-frame, 1 denotes single-frame
Return Value:
0 Call failed
>0 The total bit number after modulation
Function Description:
Converts the caller ID information to FSK audio signals which are fit for the transmission on the analog phone line.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll

Related Function: SsmStopRing

Stops sending ringing signals to magnet channels or station channels.


int SsmStopRing(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 463

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

0 Successful
Function Description:
Stops sending ringing signals to magnet channels or station channels. The operation of ringing signal transmission
can be initiated by the function SsmStartRing or SsmStartRingWithCIDStr.

z This function is only applicable to the station channels and magnet channels of SHT Series boards;
z After this function is invoked, the ringing signal counter in the driver will be cleared.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStartRing, SsmStartRingWithCIDStr SsmCheckSendRing

Obtains the operating status of the ringing current generator of station channels and magnet channels.

int SsmCheckSendRing(int ch,int * pnCnt)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
pnCnt Returns the value of the ringing signal counter in the driver
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 No ringing signal transmission on the channel
1 The channel is transmitting ringing signals
Function Description:
Obtains the operating status of the ringing current generator of station channels and magnet channels.

z This function is only applicable to the station channels and magnet channels of SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStartRing, SsmStartRingWithCIDStr SsmSetRingPeriod

Sets the durations of the ringing current generator at on and off states on station channels.

int WINAPI SsmSetRingPeriod(int ch,WORD wHigh,WORD wLow)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 464

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
wHigh The duration (ms) of the ringing signal at on state, with the minimum value of 16ms
wLow The duration (ms) of the ringing signal at off state, with the minimum value of 16ms
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Call successful
Function Description:

Sets the durations of the ringing current generator at on and off states on station channels.

z This function is applicable to the station channels of SHT Series boards and large-capacity channel

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStartRing, SsmStartRingWithCIDStr Auto Dial Tone Sending upon Detection of Pickup SsmSetASDT

Sets whether to send the dial tone automatically by the driver upon the detection of pick-up operation on the phone
connected with the station channel.

int SsmSetASDT(int ch, BOOL bEnAutoSendDialTone)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
=TRUE: Enable
=FALSE: Disable
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets whether to send the dial tone automatically by the driver upon the detection of pick-up operation on the phone
connected with the station channel.

z This function is only applicable to station channels of SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 465

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Related Function: SsmGetASDT SsmGetASDT

Obtains the flag indicating whether the driver automatically sends the dial tone upon the detection of pick-up
operation on the phone connected with the station channel.

int SsmGetASDT(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 ‘Disable’ state
1 ‘Enable’ state
Function Description:
Obtains the flag indicating whether the driver automatically sends the dial tone upon the detection of pick-up
operation on the phone connected with the station channel.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetASDT Detecting Flash Signal SsmSetLocalFlashTime

Sets the maximum duration for judging the flash signal.

int SsmSetLocalFlashTime(int nFlashTime)

Parameter Description:
nFlashTime Maximum duration (ms) of the flash signal, range of value: 32~2000
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:

Sets the maximum duration for judging the flash signal. For more information, refer to ‘Flash Signal Detection’ in
Chapter 1.

z This function is only applicable to station channels.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 466

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

z The configuration item MaxLocalFlashTime can implement the same features, with the default value of

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetFlashCount

Obtains the value of the flash signal counter in the driver on the station channel or the recording channel.

int SsmGetFlashCount(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 The value of the flash signal counter
Function Description:

Obtains the value of the flash signal counter in the driver on the station channel or the recording channel.

z This function is only applicable to station channels and recording channels;
z When the station channel enters the pickup or hangup state, the driver will automatically reset the flash
signal counter.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmClearFlashCount SsmClearFlashCount

Resets the flash signal counter on the designated station channel or recording channel.

int SsmClearFlashCount (int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 467

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Resets the flash signal counter on the designated station channel or recording channel.

z This function is only applicable to station channels and recording channels;
z When the station channel enters the pickup or hangup state, the driver will automatically reset the flash
signal counter.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetFlashCount Pickup/Hangup Detection SsmGetHookState

Obtains the on-/off-hook state of the station channel or the EM Control channel.

int SsmGetHookState(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 On-hook state
1 Off-hook state
Function Description:
Obtains the on-/off-hook state of the station channel or the EM Control channel. The same features can be
implemented by the event of E_CHG_HookState.

z This function is only applicable to station channels and EM Control channels of SHT Series boards;
z When the station channel enters the ‘off-hook’ state or ‘on-hook’ state, the driver will automatically reset
the flash signal counter.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Event: E_CHG_HookState

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 468

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Generating Polarity Reversal Signals on Phone Line SsmSetPolarState

Sets the polarity of the feed voltage of the analog phone line connected with the station channel.

int SsmSetPolarState(int ch, int nPolar)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
nPolar The polarity of the channel to be set, range of value: 0 or 1
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the polarity of the feed voltage of the analog phone line connected with the station channel. The current
voltage polarity of the channel can be obtained by the function SsmGetPolarState. For more information, refer to
‘Generating Polarity Reversal Signal on Phone Line’ in Chapter 1.


z This function is only valid when the configuration item UserSendPolar is set to 1.
z This function is only applicable to station channels of SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetPolarState

Sample Code:
int v = SsmGetPolarState(ch);
SsmSetPolarState(ch, ~v); SsmGetPolarState

Obtains the polarity of the feed voltage of the analog phone line connected with the station channel.

int SsmGetPolarState(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0,1 Returns the current polarity
Function Description:

Obtains the polarity of the feed voltage of the analog phone line connected with the station channel.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 469

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


z This function is only applicable to station channels of SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetPolarState

2.19.4 Remote Pickup Detector Functions (SHT Series Only) Functions for Ordinary Remote Pickup Detector Setting Parameters SsmSetVoiceOnDetermineTime
Sets the minimum duration of voice activities.


int SsmSetVoiceOnDetermineTime(int ch, WORD wIsVocDtrTime)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
wIsVocDtrTime Minimum duration (ms), range of value: 16~1024
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the minimum duration of voice activities. Only when there is continuous voice activity appearing on the line
and the duration of it is larger than the preset value of the parameter wIsVocDtrTime, will the driver judge that there
is real voice activity. For more information, refer to ‘Ordinary Remote Pickup Detector’ in Chapter 1.

z The configuration item VoiceOnDetermineTime can implement the same features;
z This function is only applicable to the analog trunk channels of SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetVoiceOnDetermineTime

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 470

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Obtaining Parameters SsmGetVoiceOnDetermineTime
Obtains the minimum duration of the voice activities.


int SsmGetVoiceOnDetermineTime(int ch, PWORD pwIsVocDtrTime)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
pwIsVocDtrTime Returns the minimum duration (ms)
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the minimum duration which judges whether there is voice signal on the line.

z This function is only applicable to the analog trunk channels of SHT Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetVoiceOnDetermineTime

2.20 Advanced Programming API for SHD Series (CTI Series)

2.20.1 Channel Blocking Control (CTI Series) Functions for Blocking Local End Blocking Single Channel SsmBlockLocalCh
Blocks the local channel to prohibit the TUP channel from making outgoing calls but still allow it to process
incoming calls, or to prohibit the ISDN channel from making both incoming and outgoing calls.


int SsmBlockLocalCh(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 471

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

0 Successful
Function Description:
Blocks the local channel to prohibit the TUP channel from making outgoing calls but still allow it to process
incoming calls, or to prohibit the ISDN channel from making both incoming and outgoing calls. For more
information about channel blocking, refer to ‘Channel Blocked and Unblocked’ in chapter 1.
This function is applicable to TUP and ISDN channels and has an impact on the corresponding state machine. For
more detailed description about the TUP and ISDN channel state machine, refer to TUP Channel State Machine
and ISDN Channel State Machine in Chapter 1 (The event triggered by this function is named as ‘Blocking’ in the
state machine).

z This function is only applicable to TUP and ISDN channels;
z This function can be invoked at anytime. Note that once this function is invoked, the AutoDial task will fail
if it is being executed on the TUP channel, but won’t fail if it is being executed on the ISDN channel.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmUnblockLocalCh, SsmBlockLocalPCM, SsmQueryLocalChBlockState,
SsmBlockRemoteCh, SsmBlockRemotePCM SsmUnblockLocalCh
Unblocks the local channel.

int SsmUnblockLocalCh(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
This function unblocks the local channel blocked by the function call of SsmBlockLocalCh or SsmBlockLocalPCM.

z This function is only applicable to the TUP and ISDN channels.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmBlockLocalCh, SsmUnblockLocalPCM, SsmQueryLocalChBlockState SsmQueryLocalChBlockState
Obtains the blocking status (blocked/unblocked) of the local channel.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 472

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


int SsmQueryLocalChBlockState(int ch, PDWORD pdwBlockState)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Returns the blocking status of the local channel. The bit value equals to 1 means
‘blocked’, and the bit value equals to 0 means ‘unblocked’. Below are the meanings of
each bit:
Bit 0 Blocked because the application invokes the function SsmBlockLocalCh
Bit 1 Blocked because the remote circuit blocking message BLO is received
Bit 2 Blocked because the remote circuit group blocking message SGB is
Bit 3 Blocked because the remote circuit group blocking message HGB is
Bit 4 Blocked because the remote circuit group blocking message MGB is
Bit 5 Blocked because the application invokes the function
Bit31~Bit6 Reserved
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the blocking status (blocked/unblocked) of the local channel and the exact blocking reason

z This function is only applicable to the TUP channels.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmBlockLocalCh, SsmBlockLocalPCM Blocking Whole Digital Trunk SsmBlockLocalPCM
Blocks the local circuit group (the whole digital trunk).


int SsmBlockLocalPCM(int nLocalPcmNo)

Parameter Description:
nLocalPcmNo PCM logical number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
This function blocks the whole digital trunk. After the digital trunk is blocked, all the local channels included in it are

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 473

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

forbidden to make outgoing calls but are still able to process incoming calls. Invoking this function is equivalent to
calling the function of SsmBlockLocalCh on all the channels of this PCM simultaneously. For more information,
refer to the description of the function SsmBlockLocalCh.

z This function is only applicable to the TUP channels.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmUnblockLocalPCM, SsmQueryLocalPCMBlockState, SsmBlockLocalCh SsmUnblockLocalPCM
Unblocks the whole local digital trunk.

int SsmUnblockLocalPCM(int nLocalPcmNo)

Parameter Description:
nLocalPcmNo PCM logical number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
This function unblocks the digital trunk blocked by the function call of SsmBlockLocalPCM. Invoking this function is
equivalent to calling the function of SsmUnblockLocalCh on all the channels included in the digital trunk. Therefore
for more information about this function, refer to the description of the function SsmUnblockLocalCh.

z This function is only applicable to the TUP channels.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmBlockLocalPCM, SsmQueryLocalPCMBlockState, SsmUnblockLocalCh SsmQueryLocalPCMBlockState
Obtains the local blocking state of the digital trunk.

int SsmQueryLocalPCMBlockState(int nLocalPcmNo, PDWORD pdwBlockState)

Parameter Description:
nLocalPcmNo PCM logical number
Returns the blocking state of the local channel. The bit value equals to 1 means
pdwBlockState ‘blocked’ and the bit value equals to 0 means ‘unblocked’. Below are the meanings of
the bits:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 474

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Bit1~Bit0 Reserved
Bit 2 Blocked because of the reception of the circuit group blocking
message SGB from the remote PBX.
Bit 3 Blocked because of the reception of the circuit group blocking
message HGB from the remote PBX.
Bit 4 Blocked because of the reception of the circuit group blocking
message MGB from the remote PBX.
Bit 5 Blocked because the application invokes the function
Bit31~Bit6 Reserved
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Obtains the local blocking state of the digital trunk

z This function is only applicable to the TUP channels.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmBlockLocalCh, SsmBlockLocalPCM Functions for Blocking Remote End Blocking Single Channel SsmQueryOpBlockRemoteCh
Queries if the channel supports the blocking of the remote end.

int SsmQueryOpBlockRemoteCh(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Not support
1 Support
Function Description:
Queries if the channel supports the blocking of the remote end.

z Only the TUP channel and ISUP channel support to block the remote channel.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 475

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Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmBlockRemoteCh
Blocks the remote channel.

int SsmBlockRemoteCh(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Blocks the remote channel in order to forbid the remote PBX to call the local end, but still allow the local end to send
the outgoing call towards the remote PBX. The remote channel means the circuit in the remote PBX which has the
same CIC number as in the local channel. When the remote channel enters the blocked state, its outgoing call is
forbidden, and the local channel is ensured to have no incoming call. The feature of blocking remote channel is
normally used for system maintenance.
The following message processing procedure is used for blocking the remote channel:
(1) The driver sends the circuit blocking message BLO to the remote PBX;
(2) After the remote PBX receives the BLO message, it answers with the blocking acknowledgement
message BLA;
(3) After receiving the BLA message from the remote PBX, the driver throws out the event of
E_CHG_RemoteChBlock to the application. After the above steps are completed, the remote channel
blocking is finished.
The function SsmGetRemoteChBlockStatus can be used to check whether the remote channel blocking is

z Only TUP channels and ISUP channels support the remote channel blocking.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmUnblockRemoteCh, SsmGetRemoteChBlockStatus SsmUnblockRemoteCh
Unblocks the remote channel.

int SsmUnblockRemoteCh(int ch)

Parameter Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 476

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ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Unblocks the remote channel in order to resume the capability of the remote PBX to start the call towards the local
end. The following message processing procedure is used for unblocking the remote channel:
(1) The driver sends the circuit unblocking message UBL to the remote PBX;
(2) After the remote PBX receives the UBL message, it answers with the unblocking acknowledgement
message UBA;
(3) After receiving the UBA message from the remote PBX, the driver throws out the event of
E_CHG_RemoteChBlock to the application. After the above steps are completed, the remote channel
unblocking is finished.
The function SsmGetRemoteChBlockStatus can be used to check whether the remote channel unblocking is

z Only TUP channels and ISUP channels support the remote channel unblocking.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmBlockRemoteCh, SsmGetRemoteChBlockStatus, SsmBlockRemotePCM SsmGetRemoteChBlockStatus
Queries if the channel on the remote PBX is blocked by the local end.


int SsmGetRemoteChBlockStatus(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
The channel has not been blocked by the local end, or the blocking caused by the local
end has been successfully unblocked
1 The remote end is blocked successfully
The circuit blocking message has been sent, waiting for the blocking acknowledgement
message from the remote PBX
The circuit unblocking message has been sent, waiting for the unblocking
acknowledgement message from the remote PBX
Function Description:
Queries if the channel on the remote PBX is blocked by the local end. The return value can be used to check the
executing status of the function SsmBlockRemoteCh or SsmUnblockRemoteCh.


z Only TUP channels and ISUP channels support to check the remote channel blocking status.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 477

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Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmBlockRemoteCh, SsmUnblockRemoteCh Blocking Whole Digital Trunk SsmBlockRemotePCM
Blocks the remote circuit group.

int SsmBlockRemotePCM(int nLocalPcmNo, DWORD dwBlockMode)

Parameter Description:
nLocalPcmNo PCM logical number
Choose the circuit group blocking message sent to the remote PBX. Range of value:
TUP protocol:
1: send the maintenance oriented group blocking message MGB;
2: send the hardware failure oriented group blocking message HGB;
3: send the software generated group blocking message SGB.
ISUP protocol:
0: send the maintenance oriented group blocking message CGB;
1: send the hardware failure oriented group blocking message CGB.

Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Use the circuit group blocking message to block the whole digital trunk of the remote PBX so that all the channels
included in this PCM of the remote PBX are not able to initiate outgoing calls but only to process the incoming calls.
Invoking this function call is equivalent to calling the function of SsmBlockRemoteCh on all the channels of this
PCM simultaneously.
The following message processing procedure is used for blocking the remote circuit group:
(1) According to the settings of the parameter dwBlockMode, the driver sends the specified group blocking
message towards the remote PBX;
(2) After the remote PBX receives the group blocking message, it will answer with the message of group
blocking acknowledgement (for the TUP protocol, the corresponding blocking acknowledgement
messages to the group blocking messages MGB, HGB and SGB are MBA, HBA and SBA respectively;
for the ISUP protocol, the corresponding blocking acknowledgement message to the group blocking
message CGB is CGBA);
(3) After receiving the group blocking acknowledgement message, the driver throws out the event of
E_CHG_RemotePCMBlock to the application. After the above steps are completed, the remote circuit
group blocking is finished.
The function SsmGetRemotePCMBlockStatus can be used to check whether the remote circuit group blocking

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 478

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is finished.

z This function only supports the TUP protocol and ISUP protocol;
z According to the TUP protocol and the ISUP protocol, the circuit group blocking message won’t go into
effect until it has been transmitted twice. Therefore the driver will send the circuit group blocking message
to the remote PBX twice continuously, and the application need to invoke this function only once.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmUnblockRemotePCM, SsmGetRemotePCMBlockStatus

Related Event: E_CHG_RemotePCMBlock SsmUnblockRemotePCM
Unblocks the remote circuit group.

int SsmUnblockRemotePCM(int nLocalPcmNo, DWORD dwUnblockMode)

Parameter Description:
nLocalPcmNo PCM logic number
Selects the circuit group unblocking message sent to the remote PBX. Range of value:
TUP protocol:
1: send MGU to unblock the circuit group blocked by the message of MGB;
2: send HGU to unblock the circuit group blocked by the message of HGB;
3: send SGU to unblock the circuit group blocked by the message of SGB.
ISUP protocol:
0: send the maintenance oriented circuit group unblocking message CGU;
1: send the hardware failure oriented circuit group unblocking message CGU

Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Unblock the whole digital trunk of the remote PBX so that all the channels included in this PCM of the remote PBX
are reenabled to initiate outgoing calls. Invoking this function call is equivalent to calling the function of
SsmUnBlockRemoteCh on all the channels of this digital trunk simultaneously.
The following message processing procedure is used for unblocking the remote circuit group:
(1) According to the settings of the parameter dwBlockMode, the driver sends the specified group
unblocking message towards the remote PBX;
(2) After the remote PBX receives the group unblocking message, it will answer with the message of
group unblocking acknowledgement message (for the TUP protocol, the corresponding unblocking
acknowledgement messages for the group unblocking messages to MGU, HGU and SGU are MUA,
HUA and SUA respectively; for the ISUP protocol, the corresponding unblocking acknowledgement
messages for the group blocking messages to CGU is CGUA);

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 479

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(3) After receiving the circuit group unblocking acknowledgement message, the driver throws out the
event of E_CHG_RemotePCMBlock to the application. After the above steps are completed, the
remote channel unblocking is finished.
The function SsmGetRemotePCMBlockStatus can be used to check whether the remote circuit group
unblocking is finished.

z This function only supports the TUP protocol and ISUP protocol;
z According to the TUP protocol and ISUP protocol, the circuit group unblocking message won’t go into
effect until it has been transmitted twice. Therefore the driver will send the circuit group unblocking
message to the remote PBX twice continuously, and the application need to invoke this function only

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmBlockRemotePCM, SsmGetRemotePCMBlockStatus

Related Event: E_CHG_RemotePCMBlock SsmGetRemotePCMBlockStatus
Obtains the blocking status of the circuit group.

int SsmGetRemotePCMBlockStatus(int nLocalPcmNo, DWORD dwBlockMode)

Parameter Description:
nLocalPcmNo PCM logical number
Selects the circuit group blocking type to be enquired, the range of value:
TUP protocol:
1: maintenance oriented circuit group blocking status;
2: hardware failure oriented circuit group blocking status;
3: circuit group blocking status generated by software.
ISUP protocol:
0: maintenance oriented circuit group blocking status;
1: hardware failure oriented circuit group blocking status.

Return Value:
-1 Call failed
The remote circuit group is not blocked, or the remote circuit group is unblocked
1 The remote circuit group is blocked successfully
The circuit group blocking message has been sent already, waiting for the
acknowledgement message from the remote PBX
The circuit group unblocking message has been sent already, waiting for the
acknowledgement message from the remote PBX
Function Description:
Obtains the blocking status of the circuit group. The return value can be used to check the executing status of the

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 480

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function SsmBlockRemotePCM or SsmUnblockRemotePCM.

z This function only supports the TUP protocol and ISUP protocol.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmBlockRemotePCM, SsmUnblockRemotePCM

2.20.2 SS7-MTP3 Based API SsmSendSs7Msu
Sends a message (MSU) to the remote signaling point.


int SsmSendSs7Msu(WORD wMsuLength, PUCHAR pucMsuBuf)

Parameter Description:
wMsuLength The length (bytes) of the transmitted MSU, with the maximum value of 273
Pointer pointing to the first address of the buffer storing the MSU data. The first byte of
pucMsuBuf (i.e. pucMsuBuf[0]) must be the SIO field
Return Value:
0 Successful
Failed. Below are the possible failure reasons:
— Interruption of MTP3 Service
— The system doesn’t support SS7 signaling
— The API of the system is not open yet
Function Description:

Sends a message (MSU) to the remote signaling point.

Note: none

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetSs7Msu SsmGetSs7Msu
Queries if there are MSU messages in the MSU receive buffer of the driver.

int SsmGetSs7Msu(PUCHAR* ppucMsuBuf)

Parameter Description:
Returns the pointer pointing to the first address of the buffer area in the driver storing
ppucMsuBuf MSU data. The first byte of the MSU message is SIO filed. (Note: the pointer of
ppucMsgBuf should be declared before it’s invoked, and its length can’t be specified)
Return Value:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 481

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0 The MSU receive buffer in the driver is empty.

>0 The length (bytes) of the current MSU
Failed. The failure reason may be:
-1 — The system doesn’t support SS7 signaling;
— The API of the system is not open yet
Function Description:

Queries if there are MSU messages in the MSU receive buffer of the driver. If there are, obtains the earliest
received message.
Each time when the driver receives an MSU message, it will save the message to the MSU receive buffer of the
driver, and then throw out the event of E_RCV_Ss7Msu to the application.

z The way to output SS7 MSU can be set by the configuration item GetMsuOnAutoHandle.

z When the MSU receive buffer is full, the newly received MSU messages will be discarded. Hence the
application needs to obtain and process the messages as soon as possible.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSendSs7Msu

Related Event:E_RCV_Ss7Msu SsmGetMtp3State
Refer to SsmGetMtp3StateEx SsmGetMtp3StateEx
Queries if the service between the original signaling point and the destination signaling point is enabled.

int SsmGetMtp3State()
int SsmGetMtp3StateEx(int nDpcNo)

Parameter Description:
Destination signaling point number. The relation between the number and the code of
the destination signaling point is specified in the SS7 server configuration program
Return Value:
1 The service is available
0 The service is interrupted
-1 Call failed
Function Description:
Queries if the service between the original signaling point and the destination signaling point is enabled. Only when
the service is enabled can the application invoke the function of SsmSendSs7Msu to send message to the DPC.
SsmGetMtp3StateEx supports the connection to multiple destination signaling points. SsmGetMtp3State is an old
version function, and only applicable to connecting to a single destination signaling point, which is equivalent to
calling the function SsmGetMtp3StateEx with the parameter nDpcNo set to 0.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 482

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z SS7 signaling has the auto resume feature. Therefore when the application uses this function as the alarm
source for the SS7 signaling monitoring, it should not send the alarm signal until the service interruption is
detected and keeps for some time.
z When the SS7 server detects that the link state of the destination signaling point is changed, it will save the
service state of the signaling point and throw out the event of E_CHG_Mtp3State to the driver.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetMtp2Status

Related Event: E_CHG_Mtp3State SsmGetMtp2Status
Obtains the operating status of the 64kbps signaling link in the SS7 signaling link set.

int SsmGetMtp2Status(int nLinkNum)

Parameter Description:
The number of the signaling link which is specified in the SS7 server configuration
Return Value:
0 The DSP software is uploaded but not yet started
1 Out of service
2 Initial alignment
3 Aligned ready
4 Aligned not ready
5 In service
6 Processor outage
-1 Call failed
Function Description:
This function obtains the operating status of the signaling link in SS7. The signaling link is valid only when the
return value equals to 5 (in service).


z This function returns the information of the MTP2 layer and is normally used for monitoring and

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetMtp3State, SsmGetMtp3StateEx SsmSendSs7MsuEx
Packs the message header according to the channel number (ch). The message content is configured by the

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 483

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int WINAPI SsmSendSs7MsuEx(int ch, int nNewStep, WORD wMsuLength, PUCHAR pucMsuBuf)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
nNewStep Reserved
Length of the message content, which is calculated from the message type but
excluding the message header
pucMsuBuf Length of the message
Return Value:
-1 Call failed: Wrong parameter
0 Call failed: Sending failure
1 Call successful
Function Description:

This function is used to pack the message header according to the channel number (ch). The message content is
configured by the application.

Note: None

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetMaxSs7link
Obtains the total number of configured SS7 links in the system.

int WINAPI SsmGetMaxSs7link()

Parameter Description:

Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 The total number of configured SS7 links in the system
Function Description:

Gets the total number of configured SS7 links in the system.

Note: None

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetSs7Mtp2Msu
Gets the MSU messages at MTP2 layer on a designated SS7 link.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 484

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int WINAPI SsmGetSs7Mtp2Msu(int ss7link, PUCHAR pucPara, PUCHAR* ppucMsuBuf)

Parameter Description:
ss7link SS7 link number
pucPara Reserved
Pointer pointing to the first address of the internal buffer storing the MSU
ppucMsuBuf message. The first byte of an MSU message is SIO field (Note that
ppucMsgBuf should be declared before invoking).
Return Value:
Call failed. The failure reason may be:
-1 1) The system doesn’t support SS7 signaling;
2) The API functions of the system are not opened yet.
0 The MSU receive buffer in the driver is empty.
>0 The length (bytes) of the current MSU message.
Function Description:

Queries if there are MSU messages in the MSU receive buffer in the MTP2 layer of the driver. If there are, takes
out the first received message.


z The way to handle SS7 MTP2 MSU messages can be set by the configuration item

z When the MSU receive buffer is full, the newly received MSU messages will be discarded. Hence the
application needs to obtain and process the messages as soon as possible.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSendSs7Mtp2Msu SsmSendSs7Mtp2Msu
Sends the MSU messages at MTP2 layer on a designated SS7 link.


int WINAPI SsmSendSs7Mtp2Msu(int ss7link, WORD wMsuLength, PUCHAR pucMsuBuf)

Parameter Description:
ss7link SS7 link number
wMsuLength The length (bytes) of the MSU message, with the maximum value of 273
The pointer pointing to the first address of the buffer storing MSU messages.
The first byte of an MSU message is the SIO field.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Sends the MSU messages at MTP2 layer on a designated SS7 link.

z The way to handle SS7 MTP2 MSU messages can be set by the configuration item

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 485

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Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetSs7Mtp2Msu SsmSs7Mtp2CmdCtrl
Sends the MTP2 control command on a designated SS7 link.

int WINAPI SsmSs7Mtp2CmdCtrl(int ss7link, int l3_cmd, unsigned char *param, int len)

Parameter Description:
ss7link SS7 link number
Command at the MTP3 layer
Range of value:
l3_cmd SS7_MTP2_STOP,
param Command parameter
len Length of the command parameter
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Sends the MTP2 control command on a designated SS7 link.

z The feature of sending SS7 MTP2 command can be set by the configuration item AppHandleMtp2Msu.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetSs7Mtp2Msu

2.20.3 Advanced Functions for ISDN SsmGetIsdnMsu
Takes out an ISDN message from the buffer area in the driver.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 486

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int SsmGetIsdnMsu(int nPcmId, PUCHAR pucMsuBuf)

Parameter Description:
nPcmId The logical number of the digital trunk
Returns the ISDN message. The storage space of pucMsuBuf is allocated by the
application, and its size should be no less than 256 bytes
Return Value:
0 No message in the buffer area
>0 The actual length (bytes) of the message in pucMsuBuf
-1 Call failed
Function Description:
Takes out an ISDN message from the buffer area in the driver.


z When the configuration item AutoHandleIsdn is set to 1, messages are processed by the driver; when it
is set to 0, messages are processed by the application program.

z In real practice, this function call gets valid only when the configuration item AutoHandleIsdn is set to 0.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmCheckIsdnMsu SsmSendIsdnMsu
Sends an ISDN message.

int SsmSendIsdnMsu(int nPcmId, int nMsgLen, PUCHAR pucMsuBuf)

Parameter Description:
nPcmId The logical number of the digital trunk
nMsgLen The actual length (bytes) of the message in pucMsuBuf
pucMsuBuf The buffer area for ISDN messages
Return Value:
0 Successful
-1 Call failed
Function Description:

Sends an ISDN message on TS16 of the designated digital trunk.

z When the configuration item AutoHandleIsdn is set to 1, messages are processed by the driver; when it
is set to 0, messages are processed by the application program.

z In real practice, this function call gets valid only when the configuration item AutoHandleIsdn is set to 0.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 487

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Related Function: SsmGetIsdnMsu SsmCheckIsdnMsu
Queries if there are ISDN messages in the internal buffer area of the driver.

int SsmCheckIsdnMsu(int nPcmId)

Parameter Description:
nPcmId The logical number of the digital trunk
Return Value:
-1 error
≥0 The number of ISDN messages
Function Description:
Queries if there are ISDN messages in the internal buffer area of the driver.

z When the configuration item AutoHandleIsdn is set to 1, messages are processed by the driver; when it
is set to 0, messages are processed by the application program.

z In real practice, this function call gets valid only when the configuration item AutoHandleIsdn is set to 0.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetIsdnMsu SsmISDNGetStatus
Obtains the operating status of the HDLC link in ISDN protocol.

int SsmISDNGetStatus(int nPcmNo, int *pL3Start, int *pL2DStatus, int *pL2D_L3Atom, int * pL3_L2DAtom, int

Parameter Description:
nPcmNo The logical number of the local digital trunk
Returns the information that whether L3 in ISDN protocol is started. The return value of
1 means started, 0 means not started
Returns the operating state of L2 in ISDN protocol. There are 8 states as follows:
State 1 TEI unassigned
State 2 Assign awaiting TEI
State 3 Establish awaiting TEI
State 4 TEI assigned
State 5 Awaiting establishment
State 6 Awaiting release
State 7 Multiple frame established
State 8 Timer recovery
(See Q921 for detailed information)
Returns the received original message from L2 to L3 in ISDN protocol. (See Q921 for
detailed information)
pL3_L2DAtom Returns the sent original message from L3 to L2 in ISDN protocol. (See Q921 for

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 488

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

detailed information)
pRef_ind Returns the internal indicator value in ISDN protocol (the fixed value is 0xfe)
Return Value:
0 Successful
-1 Call failed
Function Description:

Obtains the operating status of the HDLC link in ISDN protocol.

z This function is normally called in the response code of the event of E_CHG_ISDNStatus.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Related Event: E_CHG_ISDNStatus SsmGetUserInfo
Obtains the content of the User-User message unit.

int WINAPI SsmGetUserInfo( int ch, PUCHAR pUUI)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
The pointer pointing to the buffer area storing content of User-User message units. The
storage space is allocated by the application and should be no less than 131 bytes.
Return Value:
≥0 Call successful. Returns the content length of the User-User message unit.
-1 Call failed.
Function Description:
Obtains the content of the User-User message unit.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Event: SsmSetUserInfo SsmSetUserInfo

Sets the content of the User-User message unit for the SETUP message.

int WINAPI SsmSetUserInfo(int ch, PUCHAR pUUI,WORD wLen)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 489

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Pointer pointing to the buffer storing the content of the User-User message unit
(excluding message type and content length)
wLen Length of the User-User message unit
Return Value:
0 Call successful.
-1 Call failed.
Function Description:

Sets the content of the User-User message unit for the SETUP message.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Event: SsmGetUserInfo SsmISDNGetProgressMsg
Obtains the content of the PROGRESS message.

int WINAPI SsmISDNGetProgressMsg(int ch, BYTE* pbMsg)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
The pointer pointing to the buffer area storing the PROGRESS message. The storage
space, allocated by the application, should be no less than 300 bytes.
Return Value:
≥0 Call successful. Returns the length in byte of the PROGRESS message
-1 Call failed
Function Description:
Obtains the content of the PROGRESS message.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Related Function:

2.20.4 Advanced Functions for China SS15 Controlling ABCD Signaling Bits SsmGetCAS

Obtains the state of the ABCD signaling at the receiving end on the channel.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 490

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


int SsmGetCAS(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
The higher 4 bits of the return value are 0, the lower 4 bits are the received CAS
signaling bits at the local end:
bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
Function Description:
Obtains the current value of the ABCD signaling sent by the remote PBX.


z The ABCD signaling is transmitted on TS 16 of E1;

z The features of this function can also be implemented by the event of E_RCV_CAS. We recommend
you to use the event of E_RCV_CAS.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSendCAS SsmSendCAS

Sets the state of the ABCD signaling at the transmitting end on the channel.

int SsmSendCAS(int ch, BYTE btCas)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
The value of the CAS signaling to be transmitted, the higher 4 bits are 0, the lower 4
bits are the new state of the ABCD signaling bits:
bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Sets the state of the ABCD signaling at the local end.

z The ABCD signaling is transmitted on TS 16 of E1;
z If auto call connection is enabled on the channel, the call of this function will fail.

Related Information:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 491

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above

Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetSendingCAS, SsmGetCAS SsmGetSendingCAS

Obtains the state of the ABCD signaling at the transmitting end on the channel.


int SsmGetSendingCAS(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
The lowest 4 bits of the return value are the ABCD signaling bits at the transmitting end:
bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
Other bits are reserved.
Function Description:
Obtains the state of the ABCD signaling at the transmitting end on the channel.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetCAS, SsmSendCAS SsmSetSendCASFlag

Sets whether to allow the channel to send CAS signals.

int WINAPI SsmSetSendCASFlag(int ch, int nCASFlag)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
indicates whether the channel is allowed to send CAS signals.
0: not allowed 1: allowed
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
=0 Call successful
Function Description:
Sets whether to allow the channel to send CAS signals.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 492

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Note: None

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetSendCASFlag, SsmSendCAS SsmGetSendCASFlag

Obtains the flag indicating whether the channel is allowed to send CAS signals.

int WINAPI SsmGetSendCASFlag(int ch, int* pCASFlag)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
The pointer used to obtain the flag indicating whether the channel is allowed to send
CAS signals
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
=0 Call successful
Function Description:
Obtains the flag indicating whether the channel is allowed to send CAS signals.

Note: None

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetCAS, SsmSetSendCASFlag Controlling R2 Signal Transceiver SsmSetRxR2Mode

Sets the R2 signal receiver.

int SsmSetRxR2Mode(int ch, int nMode, BOOL bEnable)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The operating mode of the R2 signal receiver:
nMode =0: Receives the backward R2 signal
=1: Receives the forward R2 signal
The operating status of the R2 signal receiver:
=TRUE: Enable

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 493

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

=FALSE: Disable
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the R2 signal receiver.


z If auto call connection is enabled on the channel, the call of this function will fail.
z The R2 signal transceiver and the DTMF detector can’t work simultaneously. Hence when the R2 signal
transceiver is used, the DTMF detector must be turned off. After the MFC process, you need to invoke
the function SsmEnableRxDtmf to restart the DTMF detector.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetR2 SsmGetR2

Obtains the detected result of the R2 signal receiver.


int SsmGetR2(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 R2 signal is not detected on the line
R2 signal is detected on the line. For the forward R2 signal, the range of the return
value is: 1~15; For the backward R2 signal, the range of the return value is: 1~6
Function Description:

Obtains the detected result of the R2 signal receiver.

z If auto call connection is enabled on the channel, the call of this function will fail.
Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetRxR2Mode, SsmSendR2, SsmSendR2Ex

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 494

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmSendR2

Generates an R2 signal on the channel.

int SsmSendR2(int ch, int nMode, BYTE btR2)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The operating mode of the R2 signal generator:
nMode =0: generates the backward R2 signal;
=1: generates the forward R2 signal
The code value of the R2 signal:
btR2 z For the forward R2 signal, range of value: 1~15;
z For the backward R2 signal, range of value: 1~6
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Generates an R2 signal on the channel which continues until the application calls the function SsmStopSendR2.

z If auto call connection is enabled on the channel, the call of this function will fail.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStopSendR2, SsmGetSendingR2, SsmGetR2, SsmSendR2Ex SsmSendR2Ex

Generates an R2 signal of a specified time length on the channel.


int SsmSendR2Ex(int ch, int nMode, BYTE btR2, DWORD dwKeepTime)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The operating mode of the R2 signal generator:
nMode =0: generates the backward R2 signal;
=1: generates the forward R2 signal
The code value of the R2 signal:
btR2 z For the forward R2 signal, range of value: 1~15;
z For the backward R2 signal, range of value: 1~6
dwKeepTime The R2 signal duration, calculated by millisecond(ms)
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 495

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Generates an R2 signal of the specified time length dwKeepTime on the channel. The function SsmStopSendR2
can be called to stop the R2 signal.

z If auto call connection is enabled on the channel, the call of this function will fail.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmStopSendR2, SsmGetSendingR2,SsmGetR2,SsmSendR2 SsmStopSendR2

Stops generating an R2 signal on the channel.

int SsmStopSendR2(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Stops generating an R2 signal on the channel.

z If auto call connection is enabled on the channel, the call of this function will fail.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSendR2, SsmSendR2Ex SsmGetSendingR2

Obtains the operating mode of the R2 signal generator on the channel.

int SsmGetSendingR2(int ch, int* pnMode, BYTE* pbtR2)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Returns the operating mode of the R2 signal generator:
=0: generates the backward R2 signal;

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 496

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

=1: generates the forward R2 signal

Returns the code value of the R2 signal:
pbtR2 z For the forward R2 signal, range of value: 1~15;
z For the backward R2 signal, range of value: 1~6
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Obtains the operating mode of the R2 signal generator on the channel.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSendR2, SsmSendR2Ex

2.21 Functions for SHV Series Boards (CTI Series)

2.21.1 SsmGetMaxVCh

Obtains the total number of the voice-alteration channels in the application.

int SsmGetMaxVCh()

Parameter Description: none

Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 The total number of the voice-alteration channels
Function Description:
Obtains the total number of the voice-alteration channels in the application.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetMaxFreeVCh

2.21.2 SsmGetMaxFreeVCh

Obtains the total number of the free voice-alteration channels.

int SsmGetMaxFreeVCh()

Parameter Description: none

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 497

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 The total number of the free voice-alteration channels
Function Description:
Obtains the total number of the free voice-alteration channels.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetMaxVCh

2.21.3 SsmBindVCh

Binds the voice channel to the voice-alteration channel.

int SsmBindVCh(int iCh)

Parameter Description: none

iCh Voice channel number
Return Value:
0 Successful
-1 Call failed: iCh is out of range
-2 Call failed: iCh doesn’t support bus exchange
-3 Call failed: There is no free voice-alteration channel
-4 Call failed: iCh is already bound to a voice-alteration channel
-5 Call failed: The driver is not loaded
Function Description:
Binds the voice channel to the voice-alteration channel.
When the driver invokes this function, it will automatically allocate a free voice-alteration channel and bind it to the
vioce channel iCh. The incoming call signal on the channel iCh will first enter the voice-alteration channel and get
through the process of voice-alteration, and then be sent to the bus.

z After the driver is successfully loaded, the application can invoke this function at anytime.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmUnBindVCh, SsmSetVoiceEffect

Sample Code:

Example 1: There is two-way connection between channel 1 and channel 2, the voice from channel 1 needs to be
altered, the voice from channel 2 doesn’t need to be altered, below is the implementation code:

…… // The code used to initiate the call

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 498

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SsmBindVCh(1); // Bind channel 1 to a voice-alteration channel

SsmSetVoiceEffect(1,180); // Set the voice alteration effect
SsmTalkWith(1,2); // Establish two-way connection between channel 1 and channel 2
…… // Calling
SsmUnBindVCh(1); // The call is completed, unbind channel 1 to the voice-alteration channel
SsmStopTalkWith(1,2); // Disconnect the two-way connection

Example 2: Channel 1, channel 2 and channel 3 enter a conference room, Channel 1 and Channel 2 require the
voice alteration. Below is the implementation code:

int GroupID = SsmCreateConfGroup(…); // Create a conference room

SsmJoinConfGroup(GroupID,1,…); //Channel 1 enters the conference room
SsmJoinConfGroup(GroupID,2,…); //Channel 2 enters the conference room
SsmJoinConfGroup(GroupID,3,…); //Channel 3 enters the conference room

2.21.4 SsmUnBindVCh

Unbinds the voice channel to the voice-alteration channel.


int SsmUnBindVCh(int iCh)

Parameter Description:
iCh Voice channel number
Return Value:
0 Successful
-1 Call failed: iCh is out of range
-2 Call failed: iCh doesn’t support bus exchange
-3 Call failed: iCh isn’t bound to any voice alteration channel
-4 Call failed: the driver is not loaded yet
Function Description:
Unbinds the voice channel to the voice-alteration channel. When the voice-alteration channel is unbound, it will be
automatically reclaimed and enter the idle queue.


z If the voice channel doesn’t need voice alteration anymore, please unbind it to the voice alteration

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmBindVCh

2.21.5 SsmSetVoiceEffect

Sets the voice-alteration effect.

int SsmSetVoiceEffect(int iCh, int iValue)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 499

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Parameter Description:
iCh Voice channel number
Voice alteration effect, range of value: 70~220, 128 means the original voice
iValue (unchanged), greater than 128 means the female voice effect, less than 128 means
the male voice effect
Return Value:
0 Successful
-1 Call failed: iCh is out of range
-2 Call failed: iCh isn’t bound to any voice alteration channel
-3 Call failed: iValue is out of range
-4 Call failed: the driver is not loaded
Function Description:
Sets the voice-alteration effect.


z Only when the voice channel has been bound to a voice alteration channel, can this function be called;
z It’s difficult to describe the voice alteration effect in details, set iValue based on the actual testing effect.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmBindVCh, SsmGetVoiceEffect

2.21.6 SsmGetVoiceEffect

Obtains the voice-alteration effect.

int SsmGetVoiceEffect(int iCh)

Parameter Description:
iCh Voice channel number
Return Value:
Successful, returns the voice-alteration effect, refer to the descriptions of the function
SsmSetVoiceEffect for the detailed values
-1 Call failed: iCh is out of range
-2 Call failed: iCh is not bound to any voice-alteration channel
-3 Call failed: the driver isn’t loaded yet
Function Description:

Obtains the voice-alteration effect.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetVoiceEffect

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 500

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.21.7 SsmSetVoiceEffectEx

Sets the voice-alteration parameters for 240E VAR boards.

int WINAPI SsmSetVoiceEffectEx(int iCh, int VarType, int VarParamA, int VarParamB, int VarParamC)

Parameter Description:
iCh Voice channel number
Voice alteration type (0: No alteration; 1: Timbre alteration (including age and gender
alteration); 2: Raucity effect)
Voice alteration parameter A (For timbre alteration, range of value: 20-180, 100
VarParamA indicates no alteration; for raucity effect, range of value: 8-800, the larger value
indicates the more obvious effect)
Voice alteration parameter B (For timbre alteration, range of value: 20-180, 100
VarParamB indicates no alteration; for raucity effect, range of value (volume): 1-300, the larger
value indicates the higher volume)
Voice alteration parameter C (For timbre alteration, range of value: 20-180, 100
indicates no alteration; for raucity effect, this parameter is invalid)
Return Value:
0 Successful
-1 Call failed: iCh is out of range
-2 Call failed: iCh isn’t bound to any voice alteration channel
-3 Call failed: voice-alteration parameters are out of range
-4 Call failed: the driver is not loaded
Function Description:
Sets the voice-alteration parameters for 240E VAR boards.

z Only when the voice channel has been bound to a voice alteration channel can this function be called;
z It’s difficult to describe the voice alteration effect in details, please set the corresponding parameters
based on the actual testing effect. The voice alternation examples below are for your reference:
From young man to young woman: VarParamA= 66; VarParamB = 100; VarParamC= 82;
From young man to old woman: VarParamA= 72; VarParamB = 100; VarParamC= 88;
From young man to old man: VarParamA= 140; VarParamB = 100; VarParamC= 118;
From young man to child: VarParamA= 66; VarParamB = 100; VarParamC= 66;
From young woman to young man: VarParamA= 140; VarParamB = 100; VarParamC= 118;
From young woman to old woman: VarParamA= 120; VarParamB = 100; VarParamC= 108;
From young woman to old man: VarParamA= 180; VarParamB = 100; VarParamC= 136;
From young woman to child: VarParamA= 88; VarParamB = 100; VarParamC= 88;
Make a young man’s voice raucous: VarParamA= 405; VarParamB = 30;
Make a young woman’s voice raucous: VarParamA= 600; VarParamB = 10.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmBindVCh, SsmGetVoiceEffectEx

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 501

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.21.8 SsmGetVoiceEffectEx

Obtains the voice-alteration parameters for 240E VAR boards.

int WINAPI SsmGetVoiceEffectEx(int iCh, int* pVarType, int* pVarParamA, int* pVarParamB, int* pVarParamC)

Parameter Description:
iCh Voice channel number
pVarType Pointer storing the int variable indicating the voice-alteration type
pVarParamA Pointer storing the int variable indicating the voice-alteration parameter A
pVarParamB Pointer storing the int variable indicating the voice-alteration parameter B
pVarParamC Pointer storing the int variable indicating the voice-alteration parameter C
Return Value:
Successful, returns the voice-alteration effect, refer to the descriptions of the function
SsmSetVoiceEffectEx for the detailed values
-1 Call failed: iCh is out of range or a parameter is a null pointer
-2 Call failed: iCh is not bound to any voice-alteration channel
-3 Call failed: the driver isn’t loaded yet
Function Description:

Obtains the voice-alteration parameters for 240E VAR boards.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetVoiceEffectEx

2.22 Functions for SHN Series Boards (CTI Series)

2.22.1 Setting Special Programming Interfaces for SIP Channel SsmIpGetSessionCodecType
Obtains the CODEC actually used by a designated channel in an ongoing call.

int SsmIpGetSessionCodecType (int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
6 A-Law is used by the designated channel in the ongoing call
7 µ-Law is used by the designated channel in the ongoing call
49 GSM is used by the designated channel in the ongoing call
131 G.729A is used by the designated channel in the ongoing call
Function Description:
Obtains the CODEC actually used by a designated channel in an ongoing call.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 502

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


z This function can be invoked only when the channel stays in the ‘Talking’ state.
z This function is called SsmIpGetUsingCodecType in SynCTI and below versions.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmIpSetForwardNum
Sets a forward number for a designated channel.

int SsmIpSetForwardNum(int ch, LPSTR pszForwardNum)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Forward number. Setting pszForwardNum to a null string will cancel the previous
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Sets a forward number for a designated channel. Then any call to this channel will be forwarded unconditionally to
the number set by this function.

z If a forward number has been set for a specified channel before, it can be cancelled by invoking this
function again to set pszForwardNum to a null string.
z For the call forwarding operation over the VoIP board, it is not allowed to set the forward number to be the
same as the called party number.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmIpInitiateTransfer
Sets a transfer number for a designated channel.


int SsmIpInitiateTransfer(int ch, LPSTR pszTransferTo)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
pszTransferTo Transfer number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Call successful

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 503

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Sets a transfer number for a designated channel. Invoking this function during an ongoing call will transfer this call
to the preset number.

z This function can be invoked only when the channel stays in the ‘Talking’ state.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmIpGetMessageField
Obtains a series of field values in messages related to the call establishment of a designated channel.

int SsmIpGetMessageField(int ch, int type, LPSTR szBuffer, int *pSize)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Type Field type to be obtained
SzBuffer Buffer used to store the obtained field content
A pointer pointing to the value which indicates the size of the user-provided buffer. If
PSize this function call is successful, the value it points to is the size of valid data obtained; if
this function call is failed, the value it points to is the buffer size actually needed.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Obtains a series of field values in messages related to the call establishment of a designated channel.
The values of the parameter ‘Type’ are as follows.
Obtains the content of the ‘Contact’ field in the ‘INVITE’ or ‘REINVITE’ message. It only works for the
called party. If there are multiple ‘Contact’ fields in the message body, the value it returns will be shown in
the following format.
Contact0 \0 Contact1 \0 … Contactn \0 \0
Obtains the content of the ‘SDP’ field in the ‘INVITE’ or ‘200OK’ message from the remote end. This
parameter works for both calling and called parties. For a called party, it obtains the content of the ‘SDP’
field in the remote ‘INVITE’ message; for a calling party, it obtains the content of the ‘SDP’ field in the
remote ‘200OK’ message.

z To obtain the content of the ‘Contact’ field, this function is valid only when the channel stays in the
‘Ringing’, ‘Talking’ or ‘Pending’ state.
z To obtain the content of the ‘SDP’ field, for a called party, this function is valid only when the channel stays
in the ‘Ringing’, ‘Talking’ or ‘Pending’ state; for a calling party, this function is valid only when the channel
stays in the ‘Talking’ or ‘Pending’ state.
z Obtaining the content of the ‘SDP’ field requires SynCTI Ver. or above.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 504

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmIpGetMessageFieldA
Obtains a series of field values from those messages related to the call establishment of a designated channel.


int SsmIpGetMessageFieldA(int ch, LPSTR szType, LPSTR szBuffer, int *pSize)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
szType Field name
szBuffer Buffer used to store the obtained field content
A pointer pointing to the value which indicates the size of the user-provided buffer. If
pSize this function call is successful, the value it points to is the size of valid data obtained; if
this function call is failed, the value it points to is the buffer size actually needed.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Obtains a series of field values from those messages related to the call establishment of a designated channel.
z This function is only valid when the designated channel is in talking state.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmSipMsgSetHeader
Add a field to the INVITE message for outgoing calls through an IP channel.


int WINAPI SsmSipMsgSetHeader(char* h_Name,char* h_Value)

Parameter Description:
h_Name Field name
h_Value Field content
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Add a field to the INVITE message for outgoing calls through an IP channel.


z This function only supports adding non-critical fields.

Related Information:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 505

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above

Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmSipMsgSetHeaderA
Add a field to the INVITE message for outgoing calls through a designated IP channel.


int WINAPI SsmSipMsgSetHeaderA(int nCh, char* h_Name, char* h_Value)

Parameter Description:
nCh Channel number
h_Name Field name
h_Value Field content
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Add a field to the INVITE message for outgoing calls through a designated IP channel.


z This function only supports adding non-critical fields.

z This function can be invoked repeatedly to add multiple fields.
z To delete all fields on a designated channel, you can invoke this function with the parameters h_Name
and h_Value set to NULL.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmSipStackRegister
Sends the Register request to SIP Server from SynSIP protocol stack.


int WINAPI SsmSipStackRegister(LPCSTR szRegSrvAddr, LPCSTR szOutBoundAddr, LPCSTR szUserName,

LPCSTR szAuthUserName, LPCSTR szPasswd, LPCSTR szRealm, int nExpires)

Parameter Description:
szRegSrvAddr IP address of SIP Server
szOutBoundAddr Address of the bound SIP Server
szUserName Username registered for the corresponding board
Authentication username (valid only when the registration on SIP Server needs to be
Password registered for the corresponding board (valid only when the registration on
SIP Server needs to be authenticated)
szRealm Alias of SIP Server
nExpires Expiration of the registration
Return Value:
-1 Call failed

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 506

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

>0 Register ID
Function Description:
Sends the Register request to SIP Server from SynSIP protocol stack.

z The register ID returned after the successful call of this function should be maintained by users
themselves. This parameter is necessary for querying the register information and binding the channel
with register information.
z The channel must be unbound from register information before you invoke this function with nExpires=0
to cancel the register.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib, SynSip.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll, SynSip.dll
Related Function: SsmSipStackUnRegister, SsmSipStackRemoveRegister, SsmSipGetRegInfo SsmSipBindChWithRegInfo
Binds a designated channel with register information.

int WINAPI SsmSipBindChWithRegInfo(int nChID, int nRegID)

Parameter Description:
nChID Channel number
nRegId Register ID
Return Value:
-1 Binding failed
0 Binding successful
Function Description:
Binds a designated channel with register information.


z This function can only be invoked when the channel stays in the ‘idle’ state. Otherwise, invoking this
function will fail.
z If the channel has been already bound with register information, invoking this function will fail.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib, SynSip.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll, SynSip.dll
Related Function: SipUnBindChWithRegInfo SipUnBindChWithRegInfo
Unbinds a designated channel from register information.


int SipUnBindChWithRegInfo(int nChID, int nRegID);

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 507

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Parameter Description:
nChID Channel number
nRegID Register ID
Return Value:
-1 Cancellation failed
0 Cancellation successful
Function Description:
Unbinds a designated channel from register information.


z This function can only be invoked when the channel stays in the ‘idle’, ‘register failed’ or ‘registering’ state.
Otherwise, invoking this function will fail.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib, SynSip.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll, SynSip.dll
Related Function: SsmSipBindChWithRegInfo SsmSipStackUnRegister
Cancel the register from SynSIP protocol stack to the SIP Server.


int WINAPI SsmSipStackUnRegister(int nRegID)

Parameter Description:
nRegID Register ID
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Cancel the register from SynSIP protocol stack to the SIP Server.


z Invoking the function SsmSipStackRegister with nExpire=0 can implement the same feature as this
function. Only if the channel is unbound from register information and the register state is ‘register
successful’ can this function be invoked.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib, SynSip.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll, SynSip.dll
Related Function: SsmSipStackRegister SsmSipStackRemoveRegister
Removes the register from SynSIP protocol stack.

int WINAPI SsmSipStackRemoveRegister(int nRegID)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 508

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Parameter Description:
nRegId Register ID
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Removes the register from SynSIP protocol stack.

z Only if the channel is unbound from the register information to be removed and the register state is not
‘register successful’ can this function be invoked.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib, SynSip.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll, SynSip.dll
Related Function: SsmSipStackRegister SsmSipGetRegInfo
Queries the register information.


int WINAPI SsmSipGetRegInfo(int nRegID, RegInfo *pstRegInfo)

Parameter Description:
nRegID Register ID
pstRegInfo Pointer for register information structure
Return Value:
-1 Call failed or no corresponding register information is found
0 Call successful and the corresponding register information is obtained
Function Description:

Queries the register information.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib, SynSip.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll, SynSip.dll
Related Function: SsmSipStackRegister SsmSipSetTxUserName
Sets the local UserName for an outgoing call.


int SsmSipSetTxUserName(int ch, LPSTR pszUserName)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
pszUserName sets the ‘UserName’ part in a complete SIP URI, with the maximum size
of 50. The format of a complete SIP URI is ”displayname” <sip:user@host:port>.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 509

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Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 The size of UserName is 0, invalid
>0 Size of UserName
Function Description:
Sets the local UserName for an outgoing call in case of non registration.

You are allowed to modify the registered UserName after adding a configuration item ‘EnableSetUsername=1’ to
Section [SIP] in the configuration file.

z Usually this function is valid only in case of non registration;
z In case of registration, for SynCTI Ver. and the above versions, this function is valid after the
configuration item ‘EnableSetUsername=1’ is added to Section [SIP] in the configuration file.
z This function is valid only when it is set before starting a call.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmSetIpFlag
Sets some parameters for VoIP boards.


int SsmSetIpFlag(int ch,int Type,LPSTR pszBuffer)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Type The type to be modified
pszBuffer Modified value
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 The size of pszBuffer is 0, invalid
>0 Size of pszBuffer
Function Description:
Sets some parameters for VoIP boards.


z When this function is used to set outgoing calls with the parameter Type = 1, the IP address in the ‘from’
field of Invite message is valid only in case of non registration.
z This function is invalid if the value of Type is not equal to 1.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 510

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmSipGetReferStatus
Gets the call state of the third party after the call has been transferred.

int SsmSipGetReferStatus(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Fail to get the call state.
0 The call has not been transferred
40 The channel is in the state of ‘UNUSABLE’.
The third party which the call transferred to is in the state of ‘Trying’. That is, the
subscription is pending.
2 In the state of 180 RingBack
3 In the state of 200 OK or 3XX
4 In the state of 4XX, 5XX or 6XX which indicates the failure
Function Description:

Gets the call state of the third party when the board invokes the function SsmIpInitiateTransfer to transfer the call
to the third party.


z This function is valid only after the call has been transferred by invoking the function

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmSipSendRequest
Refer to SsmSipSendRequestA. SsmSipSendRequestA
Sends the Notify or Option message in the state of calling.

int WINAPI SsmSIPSendRequest(int ch, LPSTR SipMessageType, char
SipMessageNewHeaders[SipMessageHeadersNum][SipMessageHeadersLen], int SipMessageNewHeadersNum,
LPSTR SipMessageBody)

int WINAPI SsmSIPSendRequestA(int nCh, LPSTR pSipMessageType, char **pSipMessageNewHeaders, int

nSipMessageNewHeadersNum, LPSTR pSipMessageBody)

Parameter Description:
Channel number
Message type, i.e. Notify or Option
Content of the message header

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 511

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Number of the message headers
Message body
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:

Sends the Notify or Option message in the state of calling.


z Sending Notify message

The Notify message is composed of two parts: message header and message body. There are two
methods to store the message header in the SynSip layer. One is to store it in common fields, such as
“from”, “to” and “contact”, which are usually unnecessary to be modified and will be added automatically
when the message is sent. For example, the field “Content-Type” will be by default included in the Notify
message when it is sent. At present, this function only supports the modification of three fields
“Content-Type”, “to” and “request-uri”. The other method is to store the message header in special fields
like “P-Preferred-Identity” and “Event” which are all put in the same header field list and share one Synsip
z Sending Option message
The Option message only has the message header. The way to insert and modify header fields is the
same as that for the Notify message.

Related Information:
SynCTI Ver. or above for SsmSIPSendRequest
Driver version
SynCTI Ver. or above for SsmSIPSendRequestA
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmSetHangupReason
Sets the hangup reason for SIP channels in the Ringing state.

int WINAPI SsmSetHangupReason(int ch, int nReason)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
nReason 4xx SIP message
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the hangup reason for SIP channels in the Ringing state.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 512

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmSipGetBoardRegStatus
Queries the registration status of the board.


int SsmSipGetBoardRegStatus(int nBId, LPSTR pszRegFailInfo)

Parameter Description:
nBId The ID number of the board whose registration status is to be queried
pszRegFailInfo The information returned upon registration failure
Return Value:
-1 Registration failed or this board is not a VoIP board
≥1 Registration successful
Function Description:

Gets the registration status returned upon last Register request of the board. The parameter pszRegFailInfo
returns the failure reason of registration, and no additional information will appear in case of a successful
registration. If this parameter is set to NULL, it will not return the failure reason of registration.


z In SIP protocol, no signaling message can query the registration status in real time; therefore, this
function can only obtain the registration status returned upon last Register request.
z To improve the validity of the registration status obtained by this function, you may shorten the period of
the registration expiration. For example, if the registration expiration is 300 (s), the worst situation is that
the function gets the registration status 5 minutes ago.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmSipGetChRegStatus
Queries the registration status of the channel.

int SsmSipGetChRegStatus(int nChId, LPSTR pszRegFailInfo)

Parameter Description:
nChId The ID number of the channel whose registration status is to be required
pszRegFailInfo The information returned upon registration failure
Return Value:
-1 Registration failed or this channel is not an IP channel
≥1 Registration successful
Function Description:
Gets the registration status returned upon last Register request of the channel. The parameter pszRegFailInfo
returns the failure reason of registration, and no additional information will appear in case of a successful
registration. If this parameter is set to NULL, it will not return the failure reason of registration.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 513

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z In SIP protocol, no signaling messages can query the registration status in real time; therefore this
function can only obtain the registration status returned upon last Register request.
z To improve the validity of the registration status obtained by this function, you may shorten the period of
the registration expiration. For example, if the registration expiration is 300 (s), the worst situation is that
the function gets the registration status 5 minutes ago.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmSetRcvRegisterCallBack
Sets the callback function upon the reception of registration message.


int WINAPI SsmSetRcvRegisterCallBack(RCVREGISTER RcvRegisterCallBack)

Parameter Description:
Sets the callback function upon the reception of registration message.
Format: int WINAPI RcvRegisterCallBack(char* SipBuf, int SipSize, char* SipBufResponse); in the
above format,
SipBuf: Original data;
SipSize: Data length;

SipBufResponse: Content of the reply which is sent after receiving the registration message;

Return Value: Length of the reply which is sent after receiving the registration message.

Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the callback function upon the reception of registration message.

The parameter RcvRegisterCallBack is used to obtain the original data of the registration message and return its
response. The driver will send the content of the parameter SipBufResponse to the initiator of the registration.

z If the callback function is empty, the protocol stack will return directly and print the error log.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmIpGetBoardMacAddress
Obtains the MAC address for VoIP boards.


int SsmIpGetBoardMacAddress(int nBId, PUCHAR pucMacAddrBuff)

Parameter Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 514

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nBId The ID number of the VoIP board whose MAC address needs to be obtained
pucMacAddrBuff The buffer to store the obtained MAC address

Return Value:

-1 Call failed or this is not a B-type VoIP board

6 The length of the MAC address

Function Description:

Obtains the MAC address for the B-type VoIP boards.

The parameter pucMacAddrBuff is used to store the obtained MAC address. If this function call is successful, it will
return the length of the MAC address which is 6 bytes of unsigned char type; if this function call is failed, it will
return -1.


— The VoIP board must be B-type or above; A-type boards cannot obtain the MAC address.
— This function cannot be invoked before a successful startup of the board.

Related Information:

Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above

Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmSipRegister
Send the Register requests from SIP channels to the SIP Server.


int SsmSipRegister(int nRegMode, int nParam1, int nParam2, LPCSTR szDisplayName, LPCSTR szUserName,
LPCSTR szPasswd, LPCSTR szAuthUserName, LPCSTR szRegSrvAddr, LPCSTR szRealm, LPCSTR
szOutboundProxy, int nExpires)

Parameter Description:
nRegMode Register Mode. Range of value: nRegMode=0
nParam1 The start channel number
nParam2 The end channel number
szDisplayName Displayed name
szUserName Registration username
szPasswd Registration password
Authentication username (It is necessary only when the SIP Server requires
authentication for registration)
szRegSrvAddr Registrar IP address (proxy IP address)
szRealm Registrar alias
szOutboundProxy Outbound proxy IP address of the registration
Registry validity period. The default value is 3600s. Once it is overdue, a new
registration will be initiated.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Send the Register requests from SIP channels to the SIP Server.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 515

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z The failure of the function call indicates that either the register parameters or the channel state does not
meet the requirements which results in the SynSipStack not sending the register message. However, it
does not mean the failure of the registration.
z Invoking this function on an SIP channel in a state none of ‘IDLE’, ‘UNUSABLE’ and ‘registration failed’
will return -1.
z If the SIP channel has been registered, only the Registration update message (actually involving the
change of the parameter ‘Expires’ only) can be sent. That is,
(1) Expires=0 indicates the cancellation of the existing registration. All parameters except Expires should
keep the same as what they were when registered.
(2) Expires≠0 indicates the resending of the registration message. All parameters except Expires should
keep the same as what they were when registered.
(3) After the registration is cancelled, ‘Identity’ is updated to ‘sip:Username@IPAdress’. Also the IP
address can be used to make a call.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

2.22.2 Setting Special API functions for VoIP Resource Boards SsmLockMediaCh
Locks the media channel. If a media channel is idle, locks it and obtains available resources on the channel.

int SsmLockMediaCh(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Media channel number
Return Value:
Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function
>0 Call successful
Function Description:
If a media channel is idle, locks it and obtains available resources on the channel. Only the local RTP address and
port can be obtained.

z This channel must be idle. It will go into the state S_IP_MEDIA_LOCK (with the corresponding value of
160) after this function is called successfully. This function is only applicable to VoIP resource boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 516

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmGetMediaChParam
Obtains the media parameters. If the media channel is unlocked, obtains the current media parameters; if it is
locked, obtains the locked parameters.

int SsmGetMediaChParam(int ch, struct MediaParam *mParam)

Parameter Description:
ch Media channel number
mParam The pointer pointing to the MediaParam structure
Return Value:
Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Obtains media parameters of the specified media channel. If the media channel is locked, only the local IP address
and port can be obtained, and other parameters will remain empty or 0.
If the media channel is unlocked, obtains the following parameters: local IP address, local port, remote IP address,
remote port, codec, transmit and receive modes.
If the media channel is neither locked nor unlocked, the return value will be -1.


z This function is only applicable to VoIP resource boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmOpenMediaCh
Opens the media channel.

int SsmOpenMediaCh(int ch, struct MediaParam *mParam)

Parameter Description:
ch Media channel number
mParam The pointer pointing to the MediaParam structure
Return Value:
Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Creates an RTP Session on the specified media channel to transmit and receive voice data. Parameters include
transmit and receive modes, local RTP port and address, remote RTP port and address, load type and etc.
Meanwhile this function sets the channel state to S_IP_MEDIA_OPEN.

z This function is only applicable to VoIP resource boards.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 517

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Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmCloseMediaCh
Closes the media channel.


int SsmCloseMediaCh(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Media channel number
Return Value:
Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Closes the media channel. That is, sets the channel state to be locked.


z This function can be invoked successfully only to those opened channels. It closes a voice channel but
does not release it. This function is only applicable to VoIP resource boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmUnlockMediaCh
Releases the media channel. When the media channel is locked or open, release it and put it into the idle state.

int SsmUnlockMediaCh(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Media channel number
Return Value:
Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function
0 Call successful
Function Description:

If the media channel is not in the idle state, release the locked resources on this channel and put it into the idle
If the media channel is in the idle state, the return value will be -1.

z This function is only applicable to VoIP resource boards.

Related Information:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 518

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above

Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmUpdateMediaCh
Updates the media channel.

int SsmUpdateMediaCh (int ch, struct MediaParam *mParam)

Parameter Description:
ch Media channel number
mParam The pointer pointing to the MediaParam structure
Return Value:
Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Updates the RTP Session on the specified media channel. Parameters include transmit and receive modes, local
RTP port and address, remote RTP port and address, load type and etc.

z This function is valid only when the media channel is opened. It is only applicable to VoIP resource

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmSipSetConnectionInforOfSDP
Sets the IP address in the Connectioninformation field in the SDP message body of the Invite or 200 message for
SIP and informs the remote end to send the RTP data to this IP address. Usually, it is an IP address of the LAN
gateway (The port number is allocated by the driver automatically and does not need to be set).


int WINAPI SsmSipSetConnectionInforOfSDP(char * pConnectionInfo)

Parameter Description:
pConnectionInfo IP address in the filed ConnectionInformation
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Sets the IP address in the Connectioninformation field in the SDP message body of the Invite or 200 message for
SIP and informs the remote end to send the RTP data to this IP address. Usually, it is an IP address of the LAN
gateway (The port number is allocated by the driver automatically and does not need to be set).


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 519

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

z If the parameter pConnectionInfo is set to NULL, this function is invalid and the driver will fill in the IP
address in the ConnectionInformation field automatically.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll SsmSipSetMsgFieldParameter
Sets the content of a designated field in a SIP message.

int WINAPI SsmSipSetMsgFieldParameter(int nCh, int nMsgType, DWORD dwParam, LPCSTR h_Name,
LPCSTR h_Value)

Parameter Description:
nCh Channel number
nMsgType Message type
dwPara Reserved parameter, with the default value of 0
h_Name Field name
h_Value Field content
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Sets the content of a designated field in a SIP message.

z Currently, this function only supports setting the url of the ‘Request’, ‘From’ and ‘To’ fields in the Refer
z Each channel can invoke this function at most 10 times to modify the SIP messages.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

2.22.3 Setting Special API functions for NAT Traversal SsmIPGetStunPublicIP
Performs NAT detection to obtain the IP address and the port of the public network.

int SsmIPGetStunPublicIP(int nBid,WORD nLocalPort,int nStunServerPort,LPSTR
pstrStunServer,StunAddress4 *stunServerAdd,int flag)

Parameter Description:
nBid Board ID
nLocalPort Local port
nStunServerPort Port of Stun Server

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 520

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pstrStunServer IP address or domain name of Stun Server

stunServerAdd Returned IP address and port of public network
flag Steps of detection
Return Value:
Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function
≥0 Detected NAT type. 0: unknown; 1: no NAT; 2: ConeNat; 3: RestrictedNat; 4:
PortRestrictedNat; 5: Symmetric NAT; 6: Symmetric NAT with firewall; 7: can’t
detect over (fail to send detect message); 8: fail to detect (No reply from the stun
Function Description:
Performs NAT detection on VoIP boards or VoIP resource boards, using the Stun protocol. If flag=0, it detects the
NAT types; if flag=1, it performs the NAT detection of the IP address and the port of the public network. The former
detection costs more time.

z To perform RTP traversal on the SHN series VoIP boards, set the corresponding configuration item to
enable the RTP traversal feature and invoke this function. In the subsequent calls, the RTP stun will be
detected automatically and this function needn’t be invoked again.
z The stun traversal includes the signaling traversal and the RTP traversal which should be performed
respectively. To enable the signaling traversal, add two configuration items EnableSIPStun and
SIPStunServerIP to the SIP section; to enable the RTP traversal, add two configuration items
EnableRTPStun and StunServerIP to the BoardID section.
z If the function returns -1, 0, 1, 5, 6, 7 or 8, (i.e. fail to obtain the stun type), both the calling and called
parties of the board will prompt error.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

2.22.4 Setting Special API functions for SHN B-type Boards SsmCheckBoardIcmp
Enables or disables the ICMP feature of the build-in network interface for B-type VoIP boards.

int SsmCheckBoardIcmp(int BoardID, char *sDestAddr, BOOL bRunIcmp)

Parameter Description:
BoardID Board ID
sDestAddr Destination address
bRunIcmp ICMP feature enabling signal. bRunIcmp=1: Enable; bRunIcmp=0: Disable
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Enables or disables the ICMP feature of the build-in network interface for B-type VoIP boards.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 521

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z The driver will throw out the event E_BOARD_ICMP_CHANGE to the application once the ICMP result
(ICMP normal or ICMP abnormal) changes. The default ICMP result is abnormal.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header Shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib, Synsip.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll, Synsip.dll, M537.dll
BIN Shn537.bin

2.23 Functions for ATP Series Recording Boards (REC Series)

2.23.1 Input Gain Control of Microphone Channel SsmQueryOpMicGain
Queries if the channel supports setting the gain of the input signal.

int SsmQueryOpMicGain(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Not support
1 Support
Function Description:
Queries if the channel supports setting the gain of the input signal.

z Only analog recording channels of ATP Series boards (including analog trunk channel and microphone
recording channel) support this feature.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.1or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetMicGain SsmSetMicGain
Sets the gain of the input signal on the analog recording channel.

int SsmSetMicGain(int ch, int nMicGain)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
nGain Gain value:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 522

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

0: normal gain
1: increase 20DB
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the gain of the input signal on the analog recording channel.


z The configuration item MicGain can implement the same features.

z This function is only applicable to analog recording channels of ATP Series boards (excluding ATP-24A
series boards).

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.1or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetMicGain SsmGetMicGain
Obtains the preset gain value of the input signal on the analog recording channel.


int SsmGetMicGain(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Normal gain
1 High gain (20DB)
Function Description:

Obtains the preset gain value of the input signal on the analog recording channel.

z This function is only applicable to analog recording channels of ATP Series boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.1 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmSetMicGain

2.23.2 MF Detector Functions SsmEnableRxMF
Enables or disables the MF detector.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 523

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

int SsmEnableRxMF(int ch, BOOL bRun)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel Number
The control switch determining whether to enable the MF detector
bRun TRUE: start
FALSE: stop
Return Value:
-1 Failed. The failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
0 Successful
Function Description:
Enables or disables the MF detector.

z The MF detector is disabled by default. Only if you want to control the switch of the MF detector manually
does this function need to be invoked.
z This function is only applicable to ATP Series.
z The configuration item AlwaysEnableRxMF can implement the same feature.
z This function is always valid once it is invoked.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmClearRxMFBuf
Clears up the MF-reception buffer area in the driver.

int SsmClearRxMFBuf(int ch)

Parameter Description:

ch Channel number

Return Value:

-1 Failed. The failure reason can be acquired via the function SsmGetLastErrMsg.
0 Successful

Function Description:
Clears up the MF-reception buffer area in the driver.

z When the channel goes into the state of idle, the driver automatically clears the buffer area of the MF

Related Information:

Driver Version SynCTI Ver or above

Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 524

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

DLL shp_a3.dll

Related Function: SsmGetMFStr
Obtains the MF characters saved in the MF-reception buffer area. The characters are in ASCII.


int SsmGetMFStr(int ch, LPSTR pszMF)

Parameter Description:

ch Channel number
The pointer pointing to the buffer storing the received MF strings. The storage space is
allocated by the application

Return Value:

-1 Failed
≥0 The number of digits in the MF detector

Function Description:

Obtains the MF characters saved in the MF-reception buffer area. The characters are in ASCII.

z While executing this function, the driver will not clear the MF-reception buffer area.

Related Information:

Driver Version SynCTI Ver or above

Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Related Function:

2.24 Functions for DTP Series Boards (REC Series)

2.24.1 State Machine Programming Mode Based Functions Obtaining Basic Information SpyGetMaxCic

Obtains the total number of the monitored circuits.

int SpyGetMaxCic()

Parameter Description: none

Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 The total number of SpyCic

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 525

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Obtains the total number of the monitored circuits, i.e. the set value of the configuration item TotalAppSpyCIC in
the section [AppSpyCICTable]. For more information about SpyCic, refer to ‘DTP Series’ in Chapter 1.

z This function is only applicable to DTP Series.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SpyChToCic SpyChToCic

Searches the corresponding logical number of the SpyCic according to the channel logical number.
int SpyChToCic(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel logical number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 The logical number of the corresponding SpyCic
Function Description:
Searches the corresponding logical number of the SpyCic according to the channel logical number. For more
information about the SpyCic logical number, refer to the ‘DTP Series’ in Chapter 1.

z This function is only applicable to DTP Series.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SpyGetMaxCic Obtaining Call Progress Information SpyGetState

Obtains the current state of the SpyCic based state machine.

int SpyGetState(int nCic)

Parameter Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 526

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

nCic The number of the monitored circuit

Return Value:
Return value equals to -1 means Call failed. The meanings of the other return values are listed below:
Value MACRO in shpa3api.h State Description
Connected (talking). After the SpyCic is transferred to the state of
S_SPY_TALKING, the application can do the followings:
— Call SpyRecToFile to start recording;
— Call SpyGetCalleeId to get the callee ID;
— Call SpyGetCallerId to get the caller ID;
— Call the channel based functions, using the channel number of
the calling party or called party as the parameter, to get other
related information
11 S_CALL_UNAVAILABLE Channel unavailable
105 S_SPY_RCVPHONUM Receive callee ID
110 S_SPY_SS1RESET Circuit reset
111 S_SPY_SS1WAITBWDACK SS1: waiting for the backward acknowledgement
112 S_SPY_SS1WAITKB SS1: waiting for the KB signal
Others Reserved
Function Description:

Obtains the current state of the SpyCic based state machine.

z We suggest you use the event of E_CHG_SpyState in stead of this function;
z This function is only applicable to DTP Series.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SpyGetCalleeId, SpyGetCallerId, SpyGetCallOutCh, SpyGetCallInCh Obtaining Call Direction SpyGetCallInCh

Refer to SpyGetCallOutCh SpyGetCallOutCh

Obtains the logical number of the called party channel (SpyGetCallOutCh) or the calling party channel
(SpyGetCallInCh) in the current call.
int SpyGetCallInCh(int nCic)
int SpyGetCallOutCh(int nCic)

Parameter Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 527

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

The logical number of the SpyCic. For more information about SpyCic, refer to ‘DTP
Series’ in Chapter 1.
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
SpyGetCallInCh: returns the logical number of the calling party channel;
SpyGetCallOutCh: returns the logical number of the called party channel
Function Description:
Obtains the logical number of the called party channel (SpyGetCallOutCh) or calling party channel
(SpyGetCallInCh) in the current call. For more information about the called party’s channel, refer to ‘DTP Series’ .

z Only when the state of the SpyCic has been transferred to the state of S_SPY_RINGING or
S_SPY_TALKING, calling the function of SpyGetCallOutCh or SpyGetCallInCh can get valid information.
z This function is only applicable to DTP Series.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SpyGetCallerId, SpyGetCalleeId Obtaining Calling and Called Party Numbers SpyGetCallerId

Refer to SpyGetCalleeld SpyGetCalleeId

Obtains the calling party number (SpyGetCallerId) or the called party number (SpyGetCalleeId) in the current call.
int SpyGetCallerId(int nCic, char *pszCallingPartyNumber )
int SpyGetCalleeId(int nCic, char * pszCalledPartyNumber)

Parameter Description:
nCic The logical number of SpyCic
The pointer pointing to the buffer area storing the calling party number. The storage
space is allocated by the application, and it should be no less than 50 characters
The pointer pointing to the buffer area storing the called party number. The storage space
is allocated by the application, and it should be no less than 50 characters
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 The length of the phone number
Function Description:

After the call is established, the function of SpyGetCallerId obtains the calling party number of the current call, and
the function of SpyGetCalleeId obtains the called party number of the current call.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 528

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


z Only when the state of the SpyCic has been transferred to S_SPY_RINGING or S_SPY_TALKING,
calling the function of SpyGetCallerId or SpyGetCalleeId can get the complete information;
z This function is only applicable to DTP Series.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SpyGetCallOutCh, SpyGetCallInCh Obtaining Hangup Information SpyGetHangupInfo

Obtains the current hangup information based on SpyCic.

DWORD WINAPI SpyGetHangupInfo(int nCic)

Parameter Description:
nCic Monitored circuit number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed or no hangup information
The 16 higher bits represent the monitored PCM number of SpyCic which sends the
disconnect message.
Others The 16 lower bits imply the hangup information of SpyCic. To be exact:
0: Called party hangs up first
1: Calling party hangs up first
Function Description:
Obtains the current hangup information based on SpyCic.

z We suggest you use the event E_CHG_SpyHangupInfo instead of this function.
z This function is only applicable to ISDN monitoring for DTP Series.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SpyGetCalleeId, SpyGetCallerId, SpyGetCallOutCh, SpyGetCallInCh Obtaining Calling and Called Party Number Types SpyGetCallerType

Refer to SpyGetCalleeType

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 529

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SpyGetCalleeType

Obtains the type of the calling party number (SpyGetCallerType) or the called party number (SpyGetCalleeType) of
the current call.
int WINAPI SpyGetCallerType(int nCic)
int WINAPI SpyGetCalleeType(int nCic)

Parameter Description:
nCic The logical number of SpyCic
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 The type of calling/called party number
Function Description:
After the call is established, the function SpyGetCallerType obtains the type of the calling party number of the
current call, while the function SpyGetCalleeType obtains the type of the called party number of the current call.

z Only when the state of the SpyCic has been transferred to S_SPY_RINGING or S_SPY_TALKING, can
you call the function SpyGetCallerType or SpyGetCalleeType to get complete information;
z This function is only applicable to ISDN monitoring for DTP Series.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SpyGetCallOutCh, SpyGetCallInCh Obtaining Digital Trunk State SpyGetLinkStatus

Obtains the operating status of the monitored signaling link.

int SpyGetLinkStatus(int nSpyPcmNo,UCHAR ucFlag);

Parameter Description:
The logical number of the monitored PCM, the range of value is determined by the
configuration item of TotalSpyPcm
0: Choose the outbound digital trunk
1: Choose the inbound digital trunk
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Error (disconnected)
1 Normal (connected)
Function Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 530

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Obtains the operating status of the monitored signaling link.

z This function is only applicable to DTP Series.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 3.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: Obtaining Original Signaling Messages from SS7 Call State Machine SsmGetSs7SpyMsu

Obtains the original signaling messages synchronously output by the call state machine of SS7 signaling.

int SsmGetSs7SpyMsu (PUCHAR* ppucMsuBuf)

Parameter Description:
The pointer pointing to the buffer area storing original ISUP/TUP messages. The
storage space is allocated by the application, and it can’t be less than 273 bytes
Return Value:
0 No messages
>0 Returns the length (bytes) of the message
-1 Call failed
Function Description:
Obtains the original signaling messages synchronously output by the call state machine of SS7 signaling. The way
of taking out the messages is ‘First in, first out”, i.e. always return the earliest received message in the buffer. Every
time when the driver receives an MSU message, it will put the message into its internal buffer storing MSU
messages and then throw out the event E_RCV_Ss7SpyMsu to the application.


z Only when the configuration item bOpenSpySS7Msu is set to 1 will the driver copy the received
ISUP/TUP messages to the internal buffer area and throw out the event E_RCV_Ss7SpyMsu to the

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: none

Related Event: E_RCV_Ss7SpyMsu

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 531

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Obtaining Connection Number SpyGetConId

Obtains the connection number of the current call.

int WINAPI SpyGetConId (int nCic, char *pcCid)

Parameter Description:
nCic The logical number of SpyCic
The pointer pointing to the buffer area storing connection numbers. The storage space,
no less than 50 characters, is allocated by the application.
Return Value:
≥0 Returns the length of the number
-1 Call failed.
Function Description:
After the call is established, obtains the connection number of this call.


z If the state of SpyCic has been transferred to S_SPY_TALKING, only by invoking the function
SpyGetConId can you get the complete information.
z This function is only applicable to ISDN monitoring for DTP Series.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: none

2.25 Functions for DST Series Recording Boards (REC Series)

2.25.1 SsmGetDstChSNRofUplink

Obtains the signal-to-noise ratio of uplink signals on a specified channel of the DST board.
int SsmGetDstChSNRofUplink(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 Value of the signal-to-noise ratio
Function Description:

Obtains the signal-to-noise ratio of uplink signals on a specified channel of the DST board, to monitor the signal
quality on the line.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 532

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


z This function only supports DST Series B-type boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetDstChSNRofDownlink

2.25.2 SsmGetDstChSNRofDownlink

Obtains the signal-to-noise ratio of downlink signals on a specified channel of the DST board.
int SsmGetDstChSNRofDownlink(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
≥0 Value of the signal-to-noise ratio
Function Description:

Obtains the signal-to-noise ratio of downlink signals on a specified channel of the DST board, to monitor the signal
quality on the line.

z This function only supports DST Series B-type boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmGetDstChSNRofUplink

2.25.3 SsmGetDstChVoltageState

Obtains the signal level on a specified channel of the DST board.

int SsmGetDstChVoltageState (int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Failed
0 Normal
3 Abnormal
Function Description:
Obtains the signal level on a specified channel of the DST board.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 533

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

z This function is only supported for DST Series B-type boards.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

2.26 Functions for PCM1280E Recording Board (REC Series)

2.26.1 SsmGetPcm32LineState

Obtains the line synchronization status and the signal state.

int WINAPI SsmGetPcm32LineState(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
Only the lower 16 bits are used to represent the line synchronization status and the
signal state, among which bit0-bit7 indicate the line synchronization status and bit8-bit15
indicate the signal state. See below for details.
a) Value range for line synchronization status:
1) 0 - frame synchronization normal
2) 1 - disconnected
3) 2 - reset state
4) 3 - frame synchronization abnormal
b) Value range for signal state:
1) 0 - data normal
2) 1 - disconnected or no data
3) 2 - reset state
4) 3 - data abnormal

Function Description:
Obtains the line synchronization status and the signal state.


z This function is only supported for the PCM1280E board.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 534

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.27 Functions for IPR Series Products (REC Series)

2.27.1 Functions for SynIPRecorder SsmIPRSetRecVolume
Sets the recording volume for primary and secondary.
int SsmIPRSetRecVolume(int nChId, int nPrimaryVlm, int nSecondaryVlm)

Parameter Description:
nChId Channel number
nPrimaryVlm Recording volume for primary
nSecondaryVlm Recording volume for secondary
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 Call successful
Function Description:
Sets the recording volume for primary and secondary.

z This function only supports SynIPRecorder.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRSetMixerType
Sets the mixer type for the recording.
int SsmIPRSetMixerType(int nChId, int nFlag)

Parameter Description:
nChId Channel number
0: record the Primary only;
nFlag 1: record the Secondary only;
2: record both parties
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 Call successful
Function Description:
Sets the mixer type for the recording.

z This function only supports SynIPRecorder.

Related Information:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 535

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Driver version SynCTI Ver.

Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRGetMixerType SsmIPRGetMixerType
Obtains the channel mixer type.
int SsmIPRGetMixerType(int nChId)

Parameter Description:
nChId Channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Record the Primary only
1 Record the Secondary only
2 Record both parties
Function Description:

Obtains the channel mixer type.

z This function only supports SynIPRecorder.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRSetMixerType SsmIPRGetRecSlaverCount
Obtains the count of recording Slavers.
int SsmIPRGetRecSlaverCount(int nBId)

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful, the return value is the count of the current recording Slavers.
Function Description:
Obtains the count of recording Slavers.


z This function only supports SynIPRecorder.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 536

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRGetRecSlaverList, SsmIPRGetRecSlaverInfo SsmIPRGetRecSlaverList
Obtains the information about a specified number of recording Slavers.
int SsmIPRGetRecSlaverList(int nBId, int nRecSlaverNum, int* nReturnSlaverNum, PIPR_SLAVERADDR

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
nRecSlaverNum The number of recording Slavers required to get information
nReturnSlaverNum The number of valid Slavers obtained
As the initial address of structure array of PIPR_SLAVERADDR, pIPR_SlaverAddr is
used to return the address information of each Slaver.
Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful
Function Description:
Obtains the information about a specified number of recording Slavers.


z This function only supports SynIPRecorder.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRGetRecSlaverCount, SsmIPRGetRecSlaverInfo SsmIPRGetRecSlaverInfo
Obtains the detailed information of a certain recording Slaver.
int SsmIPRGetRecSlaverInfo(int nBId, int nRecSlaverId, BOOL *bStarted, int *nTotalResources, int
*nUsedResources, int *nThreadPairs, PCOMPUTER_INFO pcomputerinfo)

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
nRecSlaverId ID of the recording Slaver required to get information
bStarted Whether the Slaver is started, that is whether it is in the working state
nTotalResources Total number of the recording resources in the recording Slaver
nUsedResources Number of used recording resources in the recording Slaver
nThreadPairs Number of thread pairs in the recording Slaver
Pointer pointing to the structure COMPUTER_INFO, where stores the hardware
information of the machine the Slaver is in.
Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 537

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Obtains the detailed information of a certain recording Slaver.

z This function only supports SynIPRecorder.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRGetRecSlaverCount, SsmIPRGetRecSlaverList SsmIPRStartRecSlaver
Starts the recording Slaver properly to enter the working state.
int SsmIPRStartRecSlaver(int nBId, int nRecSlaverId, int* nTotalResources, int *nThreadPairs)

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
nRecSlaverId ID of the recording Slaver required to get information
nTotalResources Total number of the recording resources in the recording Slaver
nThreadPairs Number of thread pairs in the recording Slaver
Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful
Function Description:
Starts the recording Slaver properly to enter the working state.


z This function only supports SynIPRecorder;

z The successful return of the function can only demonstrate that it has sent the command Start Record
Slaver to the Slaver. As to whether the command is successfully processed in the Slaver, check the
value of dwParam in the event E_IPR_START_SLAVER_CB.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRCloseRecSlaver SsmIPRCloseRecSlaver
Closes the recording Slaver to exit the working state.
int SsmIPRCloseRecSlaver(int nBId, int nRecSlaverId)

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
nRecSlaverId ID of the recording Slaver required to be closed

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 538

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful
Function Description:
Closes the recording Slaver to exit the working state.

z This function only supports SynIPRecorder;

z The successful return of the function can only demonstrate that it has sent the command Close Record
Slaver to the Slaver. As to whether the command is successfully processed in the Slaver, check the
value of dwParam in the event E_IPR_CLOSE_SLAVER_CB.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRStartRecSlaver SsmIPRActiveSession
Activates the corresponding ports of a specified recording Slaver to receive RTP data.
int SsmIPRActiveSession(int nCh, int nRecSlaverId, DWORD dwSessionId,LPSTR szPriAddr, int nPriPort, int*
pnPriRcvPort,int nPriCodec,LPSTR szSecAddr, int nSecPort, int *pnSecRcvPort, int nSecCodec)

Parameter Description:
nChId Channel ID
nRecSlaverId Recording Slaver ID
dwSessionId SesseionID of the session that is bound to nChId
szPriAddr IP address of RTP in the primary end
nPriPort RTP port in the primary end
pnPriRcvPort The port used to receive the RTP data in the primary end
CODEC in the primary end. The supported payload values are listed below:
CODEC Payload
μ-Law 0
nPriCodec A-Law 8
G723 4
G729 18
szSecAddr IP address of RTP in the secondary end
nSecPort RTP port in the secondary end
pnSecRcvPort The port used to receive the RTP data in the secondary end
CODEC in the secondary end. The supported payload values are listed below:
CODEC Payload
μ-Law 0
nSecCodec A-Law 8
G723 4
G729 18

Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 539

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Activates the corresponding ports of a specified recording Slaver to receive RTP data.

z This function only supports SynIPRecorder;

z The successful return of the function can only demonstrate that it has sent the command ActiveSession
to the Slaver. As to whether the command is successfully processed in the Slaver, check the value of
dwParam in the event E_IPR_ACTIVE_SESSION_CB.

z The parameter dwSessionId, differentiating the recording Sessions of IPRecorder channel, does not
need to be the same as the SessionID generated by IPAnalyzer channel.

z The parameters szPriAddr and szSecAddr are not used at present, just set them to “”.

z The parameters nPriPort and nSecPort are not used at present, you can enter any valid port value (i.e.
within the range of 1~65535).

z The parameters nPriCodec and nSecCodec are the payload format supported by IPRecorder. They do
not need to be the same as the actual payload format in calls because IPRecorder supports
self-adaptive payload format.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRDeActiveSession SsmIPRDeActiveSession
Closes the Session receiving port of the corresponding recording Slaver.
int SsmIPRDeActiveSession(int nCh)

Parameter Description:
nChId Channel ID
Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful
Function Description:

Closes the Session receiving port of the corresponding recording Slaver.

z This function only supports SynIPRecorder;

z The successful return of the function can only demonstrate that it has sent the command
DeActiveSession to the Slaver. As to whether the command is successfully processed in the Slaver,
check the value of dwParam in the event E_IPR_DEACTIVE_SESSION_CB.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 540

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Related Function: SsmIPRActiveSession SsmIPRActiveAndRecToFile
Activates the corresponding ports of a specified recording Slaver to receive RTP data and starts recording.
int SsmIPRActiveAndRecToFile(int nCh, int nRecSlaverId, int dwSessionId, int nCodec, int* pnPriRcvPort, int*
pnSecRcvPort, LPCSTR pszFileName, int nFormat, DWORD dwStartPos, DWORD dwBytes, DWORD dwTime,
int nMask)

Parameter Description:
nChId Channel ID
nRecSlaverId Recording Slaver ID
dwSessionId SesseionID of the session that is bound to nChId
nCodec CODEC for incoming and outgoing calls in the Session (RTP payload). The supported
payload values are listed below:
CODEC Payload
μ-Law 0
A-Law 8
G723 4
G729 18
pnPriRcvPort The port used to receive the RTP data in the primary
pnSecRcvPort The port used to receive the RTP data in the secondary
pszFileName See the corresponding parameter in the function SsmRecToFile
nFormat See the corresponding parameter in the function SsmRecToFile
dwStartPos See the corresponding parameter in the function SsmRecToFile
dwBytes See the corresponding parameter in the function SsmRecToFile
dwTime See the corresponding parameter in the function SsmRecToFile
nMask See the corresponding parameter in the function SsmRecToFile
Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful
Function Description:
Activates the corresponding ports of a specified recording Slaver to receive RTP data and starts recording.

z This function only supports SynIPRecorder;

z The successful return of the function can only demonstrate that it has sent the command
ActiveSessionAndRecToFile to the Slaver. As to whether the command is successfully processed in the
Slaver, check the value of dwParam in the event E_IPR_ACTIVE_AND_REC_CB.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRDeActiveAndStopRecToFile SsmIPRDeActiveAndStopRecToFile
Closes the Session receiving port corresponding to the recording Slaver and stops recording.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 541

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

int SsmIPRDeActiveAndStopRecToFile (int nCh)

Parameter Description:
nChId Channel ID
Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful
Function Description:

Closes the Session receiving port corresponding to the recording Slaver and stops recording.

z This function only supports SynIPRecorder;

z The successful return of the function can only demonstrate that it has sent the command
DeActiveSessionAndStopRecToFile to the Slaver. As to whether the command is successfully
processed in the Slaver, check the value of dwParam in the event

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRActiveAndRecToFile SsmGetUSBKeySerial
Obtains the serial number of a SynIPRecorder or SynIPAnalyzer board.
DWORD WINAPI SsmGetUSBKeySerial(int nBId)

Parameter Description:
nBId Board Id
Return Value:
0xffffffff The Board Id does not correspond to a SynIPRecorder or SynIPAnalyzer board
>0 The serial number of the board
Function Description:
Obtains the serial number of a SynIPRecorder or SynIPAnalyzer board.

z This function supports SynIPRecorder and SynIPAnalyzer.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver5.3.2.0
Header Shpa3api.h
Library Shp_a3.lib
DLL Shp_a3.dll SsmIsBoardIPR
Judges whether the designated board is SynIPRecorder or SynIPAnalyzer.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 542

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


Parameter Description:
nBId Board Id
Return Value:
FALSE The board designated by nBId is neither SynIPRecorder nor SynIPAnalyzer
TRUE The board designated by nBId is either SynIPRecorder or SynIPAnalyzer
Function Description:

Judges whether the designated board is SynIPRecorder or SynIPAnalyzer.

z This function supports SynIPRecorder and SynIPAnalyzer.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver5.3.2.0
Header Shpa3api.h
Library Shp_a3.lib
DLL Shp_a3.dll SsmIPRConnectToSlaver
Connects the Master to the designated Slaver in passive connection mode.
int WINAPI SsmIPRConnectToSlaver(char* szSvrAddr, int nSvrPort)

Parameter Description:
szSvrAddr IP address of the Slaver to be connected with
nSvrPort Port of the Slaver to be connected with
Return Value:
-1 Connection failed or call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function
0 Call successful
Function Description:
Connects the Master to the designated Slaver in passive connection mode.

z This function only supports SynIPRecorder.

z For the information about setting passive connection mode, refer to the configuration item

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver5.3.2.0
Header Shpa3api.h
Library Shp_a3.lib
DLL Shp_a3.dll

2.27.2 Functions for SynIPAnalyzer SsmIPRAddProtocol
Newly supports a monitoring protocol.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 543

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

int SsmIPRAddProtocol(int nBId, int nPtlId, PIPR_MONITOR_CFGS pParams, DWORD dwLen)

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
nPtlId Protocol type ID
pParams Structure parameter PIPR_MONITOR_CFGS of the monitoring protocol
dwLen Data length of the parameter pParam
Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful
Function Description:

Newly supports the monitoring of a protocol.

typedef struct
IPR_SIP_CFGS SIP; // SIP protocol
IPR_H323_CFGS Avaya_H323; // Avaya H323 protocol
IPR_SHORTEL_MGCP_CFGS Shortel_MGCP; // Shortel MGCP protocol
IPR_H323_CFGS H323;// H323 protocol
IPR_PANASONIC_MGCP_CFGS Panasonic_MGCP;// Panasonic MGCP protocol
IPR_SIEMENS_H323_CFGS Siemens_H323; // Siemens H323 parameters
IPR_ALCATEL_CFGS ALCATEL; // Alcatel parameters
IPR_MITEL_CFGS MITEL; // Mitel parameters
For detailed information about the above parameters, refer to shpa3api.h.

z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRRmvProtocol, SsmIPRGetProtocol SsmIPRRmvProtocol
Removes the support of a monitoring protocol.
int SsmIPRRmvProtocol(int nBId, int nPtlId)

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
nPtlId Protocol type ID

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 544

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful
Function Description:
Removes the support of a monitoring protocol.

z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRAddProtocol, SsmIPRGetProtocol SsmIPRGetProtocol
Obtains the parameters of a monitoring protocol.
int SsmIPRGetProtocol(int nPtlId, PIPR_MONITOR_CFGS pParams, DWORD* dwLen)

Parameter Description:
nPtlId Protocol type ID
pParams Structure parameter PIPR_MONITOR_CFGS of the monitoring protocol
dwLen Data length of the parameter pParam
Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful
Function Description:

Obtains the parameters of a monitoring protocol.

z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRAddProtocol, SsmIPRRmvProtocol SsmIPRGetStationCount
Obtains the count of the current active Stations.
int SsmIPRGetStationCount(int nBId)

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
Return Value:
<0 Call failed

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 545

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

>=0 Call successful, the return value is the count of the current active Stations
Function Description:
Obtains the count of the current active Stations.

z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRGetStationList, SsmIPRGetStationInfo SsmIPRGetStationList
Obtains the information about a specified number of Stations.
int SsmIPRGetStationList(int nBId, int nStationNum, PSTATION_LIST pStationList)

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
nStationNum The number of Stations required to get information
pStationList Pointer pointing to PSTATION_LIST which stores the Station information
Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful
Function Description:

Obtains the information about a specified number of Stations.

z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRGetStationCount, SsmIPRGetStationInfo SsmIPRGetStationInfo
Obtains the detailed information of a certain Station.
int SsmIPRGetStationInfo(int nBId, int nStationId, int* nPtlId, int* nTransType, int* nPort, LPSTR szIP, LPSTR

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
nStationId StationId of the station required to get information
nPtlId ID of the call control protocol
nTransType Type of the transfer protocol
nPort Signaling port

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 546

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

szIP Signaling IP, set to NULL if not necessary

szMAC MAC address corresponding to the signaling IP, set to NULL if not necessary
Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful
Function Description:

Obtains the detailed information of a certain Station.

z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRGetStationCount, SsmIPRGetStationList, SsmIPRGetStationInfoEx SsmIPRGetStationInfoEx
Obtains all the information of a certain Station.
int SsmIPRGetStationInfoEx(int nBId, int nStationId, PStationInfoEx pSInfoEx)

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
nStationId Station Id of the station required to get information
pSInfoEx Station information structure
Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful
Function Description:
Obtains all the information of a certain Station.


z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer.

z The memory of pSInfoEx is required to be managed manually.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRGetStationCount, SsmIPRGetStationList, SsmIPRGetStationInfo SsmIPRSendSession
Sends a specified Session to a specified recording server.
int SsmIPRSendSession(int nChId, LPSTR szPriSlaverAddr, int nPriSlaverPort, LPSTR szSecSlaverAddr, int

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 547

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Parameter Description:
nChId Channel ID
szPriSlaverAddr IP address of the recording Slaver for receiving RTP data in the primary
nPriSlaverPort Port address of the recording Slaver for receiving RTP data in the primary
szSecSlaverAddr IP address of the recording Slaver for receiving RTP data in the secondary
nSecSlaverPort Port address of the recording Slaver for receiving RTP data in the secondary
Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful
Function Description:
Sends a specified Session to a specified recording server.


z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRStopSendSession, SsmIPRGetSessionInfo SsmIPRStopSendSession
Stops sending the Session.
int SsmIPRStopSendSession(int nChId)

Parameter Description:
nChId Channel ID
Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful
Function Description:
Stops sending the Session.


z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer.

z After the driver throws out the event E_RCV_IPR_MEDIA_SESSION_STOPED, it will automatically
stop transmitting RTP. Invoking this function at that time will fail therefore.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRSendSession, SsmIPRGetSessionInfo SsmIPRGetSessionInfo
Obtains the related information of a specified Session.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 548

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

int SsmIPRGetSessionInfo(int nChId, pIPR_SessionInfo pSInfo)

Parameter Description:
nChId Channel ID
pSInfo The obtained Session information, stored in pIPR_SessionInfo
Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful
Function Description:
Obtains the related information of a specified Session.

z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRSendSession, SsmIPRStopSendSession SsmIPRGetMonitorType
Obtains the current monitoring type (complete monitoring or monitoring based on Station).
int WINAPI SsmIPRGetMonitorType(int nBId)

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Complete monitoring
1 Monitoring based on Station
Function Description:
Obtains the current monitoring type (complete monitoring or monitoring based on Station).


z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRSetMonitorType SsmIPRSetMonitorType
Sets the monitoring type (Monitor All or Monitor By Station).
int SsmIPRSetMonitorType(int nBId, nMType)

Parameter Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 549

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

nBId Board ID
nMType Monitoring type, 0: Monitor All; 1: Monitor By Station
Return Value:
<0 Call failed
>=0 Call successful
Function Description:

Sets the monitoring type (Monitor All or Monitor By Station).

z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer.

z When this function is invoked to modify the monitoring type, the driver will delete all the session and
Station information and stop the corresponding transmission. If the original monitoring type is ‘Monitor
By Station’, the driver will clear the monitoring list too.

z To set ‘Monitor By Station’ as the original monitoring type, we suggest you do it via the configuration item
MonitorType instead of this function; or the driver may detect the session and Station before you invoke
this function and may probably waste extra time and resources to deal with the monitored session.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRGetMonitorType SsmIPRAddStationToMap
Adds the Station to be monitored to the map list.
int SsmIPRAddStationToMap(int nBId, int nStationId, LPSTR szAddr, int nPort)

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
nStationId User defined Station Id
szAddr IP address or MAC address of the Station to be monitored
nPort Port of the Station required to be monitored
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
=0 Call successful
Function Description:
Adds the Station to be monitored to the map list.

z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer. If the parameter nPort is less than 0, szAddr indicates the
MAC address of the Station to be monitored; otherwise szAddr indicates the IP address of the Station to
be monitored. If nPort is set to 0, it indicates that any port on the IP address designated by szAddr can
be monitored; if nPort is larger than 0, it indicates the port to be monitored. The format of the MAC
address is “aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff”.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 550

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRRmvStationFromMap, SsmIPRRmvStationFromMapEx, SsmIPRAddStationToMapEx SsmIPRAddStationToMapEx
Adds a Station to the monitoring list.
int SsmIPRAddStationToMapEx(int nBId, int nStationId, LPSTR szAddr, int nPort, LPSTR szName, LPVOID

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
nStationId Station Id of the Station to be added to the monitoring list
szAddr IP or MAC address of the Station to be monitored
nPort Port of the Station to be monitored
szName Username to be monitored
lpReserve Reserved
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
=0 Call successful
Function Description:

Adds a Station to the monitoring list.

z The parameters szAddr and szName cannot be set to null at the same time. When szAddr is not null,
szName will be ignored and this function is completely the same as SsmIPRAddStationToMap. When
szName is not null, it indicates the username to be monitored.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRRmvStationFromMap, SsmIPRRmvStationFromMapEx, SsmIPRAddStationToMap SsmIPRRmvStationFromMap
Removes a Station from the monitoring list.
int SsmIPRRmvStationFromMap(int nBId, LPSTR szAddr, int nPort)

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
szAddr IP address or MAC address of the Station to be removed from the monitoring list
nPort Port of the Station to be removed from the monitoring list
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
=0 Call successful
Function Description:
Removes a Station from the monitoring list.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 551

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer. If the parameter nPort is less than 0, szAddr indicates the
MAC address of the Station to be removed form the monitoring list, otherwise szAddr means the IP
address of the Station to be removed form the monitoring list. In case of removing the MAC address of
the Station from the monitoring list, the parameter nPort in this function needn’t be the same as that in
the function SsmIPRRmvStationFromMap. The format of the MAC address is “aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff”.

z This function only supports the ‘delayed’ delete mode, i.e. if the Station to be removed from the
monitoring list is still in the conversation, this function will fail. Once the conversation ends, the
designated Station will be removed automatically. If the Station is required to be removed at once, refer
to the function SsmIPRRmvStationFromMapEx.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRAddStationToMap, SsmIPRRmvStationFromMapEx SsmIPRRmvStationFromMapEx
Removes a designated Station from the monitoring list.
int SsmIPRRmvStationFromMapEx(int nBId, int nStationId,bool bDelAtOnce)

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
nStationId The ID of the Station to be removed from the monitoring list
bDelAtOnce Whether to remove the Station at once
Return Value:
<0 Call failed
=0 Call successful in the ‘delayed’ delete mode. The designated Station will be
removed after the conversation ends.
=1 Call successful
Function Description:
Removes a designated Station from the monitoring list.

z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer.

z This function supports two delete modes: the ‘delayed’ delete mode and the ‘instant’ delete mode.
Provided the Station to be removed from the monitoring list is still in the conversation, in the ‘delayed’
delete mode, it will be removed after the conversation ends; in the ‘instant’ delete mode, the monitoring
of the conversation and the transfer of RTP will be stopped immediately, and the designated Station will
be removed at once.

z The return value of 0 only appears in the ‘delayed’ delete mode.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 552

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Related Function: SsmIPRAddStationToMap, SsmIPRRmvStationFromMap SsmIPRChkForward
Checks whether the corresponding channel is forwarding the RTP data.
int SsmIPRChkFoward(int nChId)

Parameter Description:
nChId Channel number
Return Value:
0 The channel is not forwarding the RTP data
1 The channel is forwarding the RTP data
<0 Call failed
Function Description:
Checks whether the corresponding channel is forwarding the RTP data.

z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmIPRGetCallInfo
Obtains the information of a designated call.
int WINAPI SsmIPRGetCallInfo(int nBId,int nCallRef,pIPR_SIP_CALL_INFOEX pCallInfo)

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
nCallRef Index of the call required to get information
pCallInfo User provided buffer area which is used for storing the obtained call information
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
=0 Call successful
Function Description:

Obtains the information of a designated call.

z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 553

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SsmIPRGetMessageField
Obtains the message of a field in the designated call.
int WINAPI SsmIPRGetMessageField(int nBId, int nCallRef, LPSTR pStrFieldName, LPSTR pStrContentBuf, int*

Parameter Description:
nBId Board ID
nCallRef Index of the call required to get information
pStrFieldName Name of the field required to get message, such as CALL-ID
pStrContentBuf Message reception buffer
As an input parameter, pSize indicates the length of pStrContentBuf; as an output
parameter, pSize indicates the actual length of the field message
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
=0 Call successful
Function Description:
Obtains the message of a field in the designated call.

z This function only supports SynIPAnalyzer.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver.
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

2.27.3 Structures for IPR Series IPR_Addr
The structure storing the IP address and port
typedef union tagIPR_Addr
__int64 nLLaddr; // Combination of address and port

struct { unsigned char s_b1,s_b2,s_b3,s_b4; } S_un_b;
unsigned long S_addr;
};// IP address
unsigned long usPort; // Port

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 554

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd IPR_SLAVERADDR
The structure storing the address information of the Slaver
typedef struct tagIPR_SLAVERADDR
int nRecSlaverID; // SlaverID
IPR_Addr ipAddr; // IP address and port in the Slaver
For Session information, refer to IPR_SessionInfo in Chapter 1. COMPUTER_INFO
It stores the computer information.
#define MAX_NET_ADAPTERS 6 // Storage limit of the network adapter
typedef struct tagCOMPUTER_INFO
char szOSVersion[128]; // Operating system
int nCPUNO; // number of CPUs
char szCPUInfo[256]; // CPU information
ULONG ulPhysicalMemory; // Physical memory in MB (1K=1024)
ULONG ulHardDisk; // HD capacity in GB (1K=1000)
int nNetAdapterNO; // Number of network adapters
char szMAC[MAX_NET_ADAPTERS][30];// MAC address
char szIPAddr[MAX_NET_ADAPTERS][30];// IP address
char szMask[MAX_NET_ADAPTERS][30]; // Subnet mask
char szGateway[MAX_NET_ADAPTERS][30]; // Gateway
This structure is used by SsmIPRAddProtocol in SynIPAnalyzer to configure the monitoring protocol.
IPR_SCCP_CFGS CISCO; // CISCO SCCP protocol parameter
IPR_SIP_CFGS SIP; // SIP protocol parameter
A list storing the terminal information
typedef struct tagStationList
int nStationId; //Station Id
UCHAR ucCallCtrlId; // Signaling protocol ID

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 555

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Call information output with call state events
#define IPR_MAX_CALL_ID_SIZE 120 // Maximum length (bytes) of CallID
typedef struct tagIPR_CALL_INFO
ULONG CallRef ; // Call index, increasing
ULONG CallSource ; // Call direction
ULONG Cause ; // Cause
char szCallerId[IPR_MAX_CALL_ID_SIZE]; // CallerID
char szCalledId[IPR_MAX_CALL_ID_SIZE]; // CalleeID
char szReferredBy[IPR_MAX_CALL_ID_SIZE]; // Where the call is transferred from
char szReferTo[IPR_MAX_CALL_ID_SIZE]; // Where the call is transferred to
Detailed call information.
typedef struct tagIPR_CALL_INFOEX
int nCallRef; // Call index
int nStationId; // Primary StationId
int nStationId2; // Secondary StationId (i.e SIP p2p)

unsigned int ulPrimaryIP; // Primary IP

unsigned int ulSecondaryIP;// Secondary IP

unsigned short usPrimaryPort; // Primary Port, little endian

unsigned short usSecondaryPort;// Secondary Port, little endian
ULONG CallSource; // Call direction
ULONG Cause; // Reason
char szCallerId[IPR_MAX_CALL_ID_SIZE]; // CallerID
char szCalledId[IPR_MAX_CALL_ID_SIZE]; // CalledID
char szReferredBy[IPR_MAX_CALL_ID_SIZE]; // Where the call is transferred from
char szReferTo[IPR_MAX_CALL_ID_SIZE]; // Where the call is transferred to

char szSrcMAC[6]; // Primary Mac address

char szDstMAC[6]; // Secondary Mac address
The structure used by SsmIPRGetStationInfoEx in SynIPAnalyzer.
typedef struct tagStationInfoEx

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 556

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

int nStationId; //Station Id

char szCallName[IPR_MAX_CALL_ID_SIZE]; //Extension number or username
LPVOID lpReserve; //Reserved
IPR_Addr CallCtrlAddr; //Call control address + port
USHORT usSecPort; //Another control port, especially for H323
UCHAR ucCallCtrlPtl; //Call control protocol
UCHAR ucTransPtl; //Transfer protocol
UCHAR ucMacAddr[6]; //MAC address

2.28 CODEC Transcoding Functions

2.28.1 fPcm_Mp3ConvertALaw

Refer to fPcm_Mp3ConvertULaw

2.28.2 fPcm_Mp3ConvertULaw

fPcm_Mp3ConvertALaw converts IMP3 formatted files recorded by the Synway board to be A-law formatted files,
fPcm_Mp3ConvertULaw converts MP3 formatted files to be μ-law formatted files.
int fPcm_Mp3ConvertALaw (char*szSourecFile, char*szTargetFile)
int fPcm_Mp3ConvertULaw (char*szSourecFile, char*szTargetFile)

Parameter Description:
The name of the MP3-formatted source file recorded by Synway boards, it may include
the full path of the file. The file format could be either the non-header file (i.e. without
file header) or the standard wav file. It's through analyzing the source file of
szSourceFile to determine whether it has the wav file header instead of checking the
file extension name that the driver decides if the source file is standard or not. If it’s not
a standard wav file, it will be regarded as a non-header file
The target file name, it may include the full path of the file. If the target file doesn’t
exist, the driver will automatically create it; If the target file exists already, it will be
overlaid. If the extension name of the target file is wav, the converted file format is the
standard wav; otherwise, the format is plain
Return Value:
1 Successful
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function fPcm_GetLastErrMsg
Function Description:
fPcm_Mp3ConvertALaw converts the MP3 formatted file to be A-law formatted file, fPcm_Mp3ConvertULaw
converts the MP3 formatted file to be μ-law formatted file. The source file must be MP3-formatted non-header files
or standard wav files recorded by Synway boards.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before SsmStartCti is called
z When this function is called, the ACM decoding engine of MP3 will be used.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 557

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function:

2.28.3 fPcm_AdpcmToAlaw

Refer to Pcm_AdpcmToMp3

2.28.4 fPcm_AdpcmToGsm
Refer to fPcm_AdpcmToMp3

2.28.5 fPcm_AdpcmToMp3
Converts the IMA ADPCM formatted file recorded by Synway boards to be A-law formatted file (by the function of
fPcm_AdpcmToAlaw), GSM 6.10 formatted file (by the function of fPcm_AdpcmToGsm), or MP3 formatted file
int fPcm_AdpcmToAlaw(char*szSoureFile, char* szTargetFile)
int fPcm_AdpcmToGsm(char*szSoureFile,char*szTargetFile)
int fPcm_AdpcmToMp3(char*szSoureFile, char* szTargetFile)

Parameter Description:
The name of the IMA ADPCM formatted source file recorded by Synway boards, it may
include the full path of the file. The file format could be either the non-header file (i.e.
without file header) or the standard wav file. It's through analyzing the source file of
szSourceFile to determine whether it has the wav file header instead of checking the
file extension name that the driver decides if the source file is standard or not. If it’s not
a standard wav file, it will be regarded as a non-header file
The name of A-law formatted target file, it may include the full path of the file. If the
target file doesn’t exist, the driver will automatically create it; If the target file exists
already, it will be overlaid. If the extension name of the target file is wav, the converted
file format is the standard wav; otherwise, the format is plain
Return Value:
1 Successful
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function fPcm_GetLastErrMsg.
Function Description:

The function of fPcm_AdpcmToAlaw converts the IMA ADPCM formatted file recorded by Synway boards to be
A-law formatted file, the function of fPcm_AdpcmToGsm converts the IMA ADPCM formatted file to be GSM 6.10
formatted file, the function of fPcm_AdpcmToMp3 converts the IMA ADPCM formatted file to be Mp3 formatted file.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before SsmStartCti is called
z To invoke the above functions, the file macmcvt.dll must be used.
z To invoke the function fPcm_AdpcmToGsm, the ACM encoding engine of GSM must be used; to invoke
the function fPcm_AdpcmToMp3, the ACM encoding engine of MP3 must be used.

Related Information:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 558

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

fPcm_AdpcmToAlaw requires SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above;

Driver version fPcm_AdpcmToGsm requires SynCTI Ver. or above;
fPcm_AdpcmToMp3 requires SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function: fPcm_MemAdpcmToALAW, fPcm_MemAdpcmToULAW

2.28.6 fPcm_AlawToUlaw

Refer to fPcm_UlawToAlaw

2.28.7 fPcm_UlawToAlaw

Converts A-Law formatted files recorded by the Synway board to be µ-Law formatted files (fPcm_ AlawToUlaw), or
converts µ-Law formatted files to be A-Law formatted files (fPcm_ UlawToAlaw).
int WINAPI fPcm_AlawToUlaw(char*szSourceFile, char*szTargetFile)
int WINAPI fPcm_UlawToAlaw(char*szSourceFile, char*szTargetFile)

Parameter Description:
The name of the A-Law or µ-Law formatted source file recorded by Synway boards, it
may include the full path of the file. The file format could be either the non-header file
(i.e. without file header) or the standard wav file. It's through analyzing the source file
of szSourceFile to determine whether it has the wav file header instead of checking
the file extension name that the driver decides if the source file is standard or not. If it’s
not a standard wav file, it will be regarded as a non-header file.
The target file name, it may include the full path of the file. If the target file doesn’t
exist, the driver will automatically create it; If the target file exists already, it will be
overlaid. If the extension name of the target file is wav, the converted file format is the
standard wav; otherwise, the format is plain.

Return Value:

1 Call successful
-1 Call failed. The failure reason may be obtained by the function fPcm_GetLastErrMsg
Function Description:

fPcm_ AlawToUlaw converts A-Law formatted files recorded by the Synway board to be µ-Law formatted files;
fPcm_ UlawToAlaw converts µ-Law formatted files to be A-Law formatted files.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before the call of SsmStartCti.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function:

2.28.8 fPcm_MemAdpcmToALAW

Refer to fPcm_MemAdpcmToULAW

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 559

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.28.9 fPcm_MemAdpcmToULAW

Converts the IMA ADPCM formatted data which is stored in the buffer area and recorded by Synway boards to be
A-law or μ-law formatted data. The function of fPcm_MemAdpcmToALAW converts IMA ADPCM to be A-law, The
function of fPcm_MemAdpcmToULAW converts IMA ADPCM to be μ-law.
DWORD fPcm_MemAdpcmToALAW(char * pSource, DWORD dwSourceSize, char * pTarget, DWORD
DWORD fPcm_MemAdpcmToULAW(char * pSource, DWORD dwSourceSize, char * pTarget, DWORD

Parameter Description:
pSource The pointer pointing to the first address of the input buffer area
The size (bytes) of the input buffer. Because the length of the IMA ADPCM formatted
frame is 256 bytes, this parameter must be integral times of 256 bytes
The pointer pointing to the first address of the output buffer area storing the converted
data; the storage space is allocated by the application
The size of the output buffer area. Because 505 bytes data is generated after each
dwTargetSize IMA ADPCM formatted frame is converted to be A-law or μ-law formatted data, the
size of the output buffer area should be no less than dwSourceSize / 256 * 505 + 1
Return Value:
Conversion failed, the failure reason can be obtained via the function call of
>0 The byte number of the voice data after conversion
Function Description:
Converts the IMA ADPCM formatted data which is stored in the buffer area and recorded by Synway boards to be
A-law or μ-law formatted data.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before SsmStartCti is called

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function: fPcm_AdpcmToAlaw

2.28.10 fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16

Refer to fPcm_ALawConvertMp3

2.28.11 fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16_16K

Refer to fPcm_ALawConvertMp3

2.28.12 fPcm_ALawConvertPcm8

Refer to fPcm_ALawConvertMp3

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 560

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.28.13 fPCM_AlawConvertGC8

Refer to fPcm_ALawConvertMp3

2.28.14 fPcm_ALawConvertMp3

Converts the A-law formatted file to the 16-bit PCM formatted file (by fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16), the 16-bit
16KHz PCM formatted file (by fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16_16K), the 8-bit unsigned PCM formatted file (by
fPcm_ALawConvertPcm8), the G.729A formatted file (by fPCM_AlawConvertGC8), or the MP3 formatted file (by
int fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16(char*fnALaw, char* szTargetFile)
int WINAPI fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16_16K(char* fnALaw, char*szTargetFile)
int fPcm_AlawConvertPcm8(char* fnALaw, char* szTargetFile)
int fPCM_AlawConvertGC8(char * fnALaw,char*szTargetFile)
int fPcm_ALawConvertMp3(char*szSourceFile, char*szTargetFile)

Parameter Description:
The name of the A-law formatted source file, it may include the full path of the file. The
file format could be either the non-header file (i.e. without file header) or the standard
wav file. It's through analyzing the source file of szSourceFile to determine whether it
has the wav file header instead of checking the file extension name that the driver
decides if the source file is standard or not. If it’s not a standard wav file, it will be
regarded as a non-header file
The target file name, it may include the full path of the file. If the target file doesn’t
exist, the driver will automatically create it; If the target file exists already, it will be
overlaid. If the extension name of the target file is wav, the converted file format is the
standard wav; otherwise, the format is plain
Return Value:
Call of fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16, fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16_16K,
fPcm_AlawConvertPcm8 or fPcm_ALawConvertMp3 successful
0 Call of fPCM_AlawConvertGC8 successful
Call of fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16, fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16_16K,
-1 fPcm_AlawConvertPcm8, fPCM_AlawConvertGC8 or fPcm_ALawConvertMp3 failed,
the failure reason can be obtained via the function call of fPcm_GetLastErrMsg
Function Description:
fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16 converts the A-law formatted file to the 16-bit PCM formatted file;
fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16_16K converts the A-law formatted file to the 16-bit 16KHz PCM formatted file;
fPcm_ALawConvertPcm8 converts the A-law formatted file to the unsigned 8-bit PCM formatted file;
fPCM_AlawConvertGC8 converts the A-law formatted file to the G.729A formatted file; fPcm_ALawConvertMp3
converts the A-law formatted file to the MP3 formatted file provided the MP3 recording engine has been installed.


z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before SsmStartCti is called
z fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16, fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16_16K, fPcm_AlawConvertPcm8 or
fPcm_ALawConvertMp3 returns only 1 or -1.
z fPCM_AlawConvertGC8 returns only 0 or -1.
z To invoke this function, the file macmcvt.dll must be used.
z To invoke the function fPCM_AlawConvertGC8, the ACM encoding engine of G729A must be used; to

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 561

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

invoke the function fPcm_ALawConvertMp3, the ACM encoding engine of MP3 must be used.

Related Information:
fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16, fPcm_ALawConvertPcm8 require SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or
above; fPCM_AlawConvertGC8 requires SynCTI Ver. or above;
Driver version
fPcm_ALawConvertMp3 requires SynCTI Ver. or above;
fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16_16K requires SynCTI Ver. or above.
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function: fPcm_Pcm16ConvertALaw, fPcm_GC8Convert, fPcm_MemAlawToPcm8,

2.28.15 fPcm_ULawConvertMp3
Converts the µ-Law formatted file to the MP3 formatted file.
Int WINAPI fPcm_ULawConvertMp3(char*szSourceFile, char*szTargetFile)

Parameter Description:
The name of the µ-Law formatted source file which is recorded by Synway boards. It
may include the full path of the file. The file could be either a non-header file (i.e.
without file header) or a standard wav file. Instead of checking the file extension name,
the driver judges if the source file is standard or not by analyzing szSourceFile to find
whether it has the wav file header. If it’s not a standard wav file, it will be regarded as a
non-header file.
The target file name. It may include the full path of the file. If the target file doesn’t exist,
the driver will automatically create it; if the target file exists already, it will be overlaid. If
the extension name of the target file is wav, the converted file is a standard wav file;
otherwise, it will be a non-header file.
Return Value:
1 Successful
Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained via the function call of
Function Description:
Converts the µ-Law formatted file recorded by Synway boards to the MP3 formatted file.


z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before the call of SsmStartCti.
z To invoke this function, the file macmcvt.dll must be used.
z To invoke this function, the ACM encoding engine of MP3 must be used.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above.
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function: fPcm_ALawConvertMp3

2.28.16 fPcm_GetDtmfAndMskFromMp3
Parses DTMF and MSK structure information from an MP3 formatted file.
int fPcm_GetDtmfAndMskFromMp3(LPCSTR szSourceFile, char* pszDtmf, int* pcchDtmf, pMSK_INFO pMsk, int*

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 562

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


Parameter Description:
The name of the MP3 (16K) formatted source file which is recorded by Synway
boards. It may include the full path of the file. The file could be either a non-header file
(i.e. without file header) or a standard wav file. Instead of checking the file extension
name, the driver judges if the source file is standard or not by analyzing szSourceFile
to find whether it has the wav file header. If it’s not a standard wav file, it will be
regarded as a non-header file.
Pointer pointing to the first address of DTMF buffer area storing the DTMF characters
parsed from szSoureFile. It can be NULL.
Size of DTMF buffer area. If pcchDtmf is NULL, the function will not parse DTMF from
szSourceFile file. If neither pcchDtmf nor pszDtmf is NULL, the function will parse all
DTMF characters from szSourceFile file. If pcchDtmf is not NULL and pszDtmf is
NULL, the function will only get the number of DTMF characters in szSourceFile.
*pcchDtmf returns the number of DTMF characters. If *pcchDtmf is smaller than the
size of the DTMF buffer area, it indicates the exact number of DTMF characters
parsed from szSourceFile. If *pcchDtmf equals to the size of the DTMF buffer area, it
may indicate that the size of DTMF buffer area is just or not enough.
Pointer pointing to the first address of MSK buffer area storing the MSK structure
parsed from szSourceFile. It can be NULL.
Size of MSK buffer area. If pcchMSK is NULL, the function will not parse the MSK
structure from szSourceFile file. If neither pcchMSK nor pMSK is NULL, the function
will parse all MSK structures from szSourceFile file. If pcchMSK is not NULL and
pMSK is NULL, the function will only get the number of MSK structures in
pcchMsk szSourceFile.
*pcchMSK returns the number of MSK structures. If *pcchMSK is smaller than the size
of the MSK buffer area, it indicates the exact number of MSK structures parsed from
szSourceFile. If *pcchDtmf equals to the size of the MSK buffer area, it may indicate
that the size of MSK buffer area is just or not enough.
Return Value:
1 Call successful
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function fPcm_GetLastErrMsg
Function Description:
Parses DTMF and MSK structure from an MP3 formatted file.
The MSK structure is as follows:
typedef struct tagMSK_INFO
unsigned char op;
unsigned char arg;
unsigned short unitID;
unsigned char extra0;
unsigned char extra1;
unsigned char extra2;
unsigned char extra3;
BOOL bIsPacketDouble;
If bIsPacketDouble=TRUE, it indicates that the former seven variables are all parsed from the structure; if
bIsPacketDouble=FALSE, it indicates that only the variables op, arg and unitID are parsed.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before SsmStartCti.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 563

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

z To invoke this function, the ACM decoding engine of MP3 must be used.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above;
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function:

2.28.17 fPcm_ALawToVox

Converts the A-Law formatted file to the vox formatted file.

int WINAPI fPcm_ALawToVox (char *szSourceFile, char *szTargetFile)

Parameter Description:
The name of the A-Law formatted source file which is recorded by Synway boards. It
may include the full path of the file. The file could be either a non-header file (i.e.
without file header) or a standard wav file. Instead of checking the file extension name,
the driver judges if the source file is standard or not by analyzing szSourceFile to find
whether it has the wav file header. If it’s not a standard wav file, it will be regarded as a
non-header file.
The target file name. It may include the full path of the file. If the target file doesn’t
szTargetFile exist, the driver will automatically create it; if the target file exists already, it will be
Return Value:
0 Successful
Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained via the function call of
Function Description:
Converts the A-Law formatted file recorded by Synway boards to the vox formatted file.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before the call of SsmStartCti.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above.
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function:

2.28.18 fPcm_MemAlawToPcm8
Refer to fPcm_MemAlawToPcm16

2.28.19 fPcm_MemAlawToPcm16
Converts the A-law formatted data stored in the buffer area to be unsigned 8-bit PCM formatted data (by the
function fPcm_MemAlawToPcm8) or 16 bit PCM formatted data (by the function fPcm_MemAlawToPcm16).
DWORD fPcm_MemAlawToPcm8 (char*pSrcBuf,DWORD dwSrcSize,char *pDstBuf,DWORD dwDstSize8)
DWORD fPcm_MemAlawToPcm16(char* pSrcBuf,DWORD dwSrcSize,char * pDstBuf,DWORD dwDstSize16)

Parameter Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 564

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The pointer pointing to the buffer area storing source data, it stores A-law formatted
voice data
dwSrcSize The size (bytes) of pSrcBuf
The pointer pointing to the buffer area storing the converted data, the storage space is
allocated by the application
dwDstSize8 The size of pDstBuf (bytes). dwDstSize8 must be larger than or equal to dwSrcSize,
dwDstSize16 dwDstSize16 must be larger than or equal to two times of dwSrcSize
Return Value:
Conversion failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function
>0 The number of the converted bytes
Function Description:
fPcm_MemAlawToPcm8 converts the A-law format to be unsigned 8-bit PCM format, fPcm_MemAlawToPcm16
converts the A-law format to be 16 bit PCM format.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before SsmStartCti is called

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function: fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16, fPcm_ALawConvertPcm8, fPcm_MemPcm8ToAlaw

2.28.20 fPcm_MemAlawToPcm16_16K
Converts the A-law formatted data stored in the buffer area to be 16-bit 16KHz PCM formatted data.
Int WINAPI fPcm_MemAlawToPcm16_16K(char * szSource, int nSourceLen, char * szTarget, int nTargetLen)

Parameter Description:
The pointer pointing to the buffer area storing source data, it stores A-law formatted
voice data
nSourceLen The size (bytes) of szSource
The pointer pointing to the buffer area storing the converted data, the storage space is
allocated by the application
The size of szTarget (bytes). nTargetLen must be larger than or equal to four times of
Return Value:
Conversion failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function
>0 The number of the converted bytes
Function Description:
fPcm_MemAlawToPcm16_16K converts the A-law format to be the 16-bit 16KHz PCM format.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before SsmStartCti is called

Related Information:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 565

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above

Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function: fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16, fPcm_ALawConvertPcm8, fPcm_MemPcm8ToAlaw

2.28.21 fPcm_MemGSMToPcm16
Converts the GSM formatted data stored in the buffer to the 16-bit PCM formatted data.
DWORD WINAPI fPcm_MemGSMToPcm16(char *pSource, DWORD dwSourceSize, char *pTarget, DWORD

Parameter Description:
pSource The pointer that points to the input buffer area storing GSM formatted voice data
The size of the input buffer area (bytes). This parameter should be in the range of
2600≤dwSourceSize<3250 and is as suggested set to the integral times of 65.
The pointer that points to the target buffer area storing 16-bit PCM formatted voice
The size of the target buffer area. It must be greater than or equal to 10 times of
Return Value:
0 Conversion failed
>0 The number of converted bytes
Function Description:

Converts the GSM formatted file to the 16-bit PCM formatted file.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before the call of SsmStartCti.
z To invoke this function, the file macmcvt.dll must be used.
z To invoke this function, the ACM decoding engine of GSM must be used.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function: fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16, fPcm_ALawConvertPcm8, fPcm_MemPcm8ToAlaw,

2.28.22 fPcm_MemGSMToPcm8
Converts the GSM formatted data stored in the buffer to the unsigned 8-bit PCM formatted data.
DWORD WINAPI fPcm_MemGSMToPcm8(char *pSource, DWORD dwSourceSize, char *pTarget, DWORD

Parameter Description:
pSource The pointer that points to the input buffer area storing GSM formatted voice data
The size of the input buffer area (bytes). This parameter should be in the range of
2600≤dwSourceSize<3250 and is as suggested set to the integral times of 65
pTarget The pointer that points to the target buffer area storing 8 Bit PCM formatted voice data
dwTargetSize The size of the target buffer area. It must be greater than or equal to 5 times of

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 566

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Return Value:
0 Conversion failed
>0 The number of converted bytes
Function Description:
Converts the GSM formatted data stored in the buffer to the unsigned 8-bit PCM formatted data.


z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before the call of SsmStartCti.
z To invoke this function, the file macmcvt.dll must be used.
z To invoke this function, the ACM decoding engine of GSM must be used.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function: fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16, fPcm_ALawConvertPcm8, fPcm_MemPcm8ToAlaw,

2.28.23 fPcm_MemGSMToUlaw
Converts the GSM formatted data stored in the buffer to μ-law formatted data.
DWORD WINAPI fPcm_MemGSMToUlaw (char *pSource, DWORD dwSourceSize, char *pTarget, DWORD

Parameter Description:
pSource The pointer that points to the input buffer area storing GSM formatted voice data
The size of the input buffer area (bytes). This parameter should be in the range of
2600≤dwSourceSize<3250 and is as suggested set to the integral times of 65
pTarget The pointer that points to the target buffer area storing μ-law formatted voice data
The size of the target buffer area. It must be greater than or equal to 10 times of
Return Value:
0 Conversion failed
>0 The number of converted bytes
Function Description:
Converts the GSM formatted data stored in the buffer to μ-law formatted data.


z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before the call of SsmStartCti.
z To invoke this function, the file macmcvt.dll must be used.
z To invoke this function, the ACM decoding engine of GSM must be used.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function: fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16, fPcm_ALawConvertPcm8, fPcm_MemPcm8ToAlaw,

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 567

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


2.28.24 fPcm_Pcm16ConvertALaw
Converts the 16-bit PCM formatted file to be A-law formatted file.
int fPcm_Pcm16ConvertALaw (char*fnPCM16, char* szTargetFile)

Parameter Description:
The name of the 16-bit PCM formatted source file, it may include the full path of the
file. The file format could be either the non-header file (i.e. without file header) or the
standard wav file. It's through analyzing the source file to determine whether it has the
wav file header instead of checking the file extension name that the driver decides if
the source file is standard or not. If it’s not a standard wav file, it will be regarded as a
non-header file
The target file name, it may include the full path of the file. If the target file doesn’t
exist, the driver will automatically create it; If the target file exists already, it will be
overlaid. If the extension name of the target file is wav, the converted file format is the
standard wav; otherwise, the format is plain
Return Value:
1 Successful
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained via the function fPcm_GetLastErrMsg
Function Description:

Converts the 16-bit PCM formatted file to be the A-law formatted file.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before SsmStartCti is called

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function:

2.28.25 fPcm_Pcm16_16KconvertALaw
Converts the 16-bit 16KHz PCM formatted file to be A-law formatted file.
int fPcm_Pcm16_16KConvertALaw (char*fnPCM16, char* szTargetFile)

Parameter Description:
The name of the 16-bit 16KHz PCM formatted source file, it may include the full path of
the file. The file format could be either the non-header file (i.e. without file header) or
the standard wav file. The driver, by analyzing the source file to determine whether it
has the wav file header, but not by checking the file extension name, decides if the
source file is standard or not. If it’s not a standard wav file, it will be regarded as a
non-header file.
The target file name, it may include the full path of the file. If the target file doesn’t
exist, the driver will automatically create it; If the target file exists already, it will be
overlaid. If the extension name of the target file is wav, the converted file format is the
standard wav; otherwise, the format is plain.
Return Value:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 568

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

1 Successful
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained via the function fPcm_GetLastErrMsg.
Function Description:
Converts the 16-bit 16KHz PCM formatted file to be the A-law formatted file.


z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before SsmStartCti is called

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function:

2.28.26 fPcm_MemPcm8ToAlaw
Converts the unsigned 8-bit PCM formatted data stored in the buffer area to be the A-law formatted data.
int fPcm_MemPcm8ToAlaw(char * szSource, int nSourceLen, char * szTarget, int nTargetLen)

Parameter Description:
The pointer pointing to the first address of the input buffer area, it stores 8-bit PCM
formatted voice data
nSourceLen The size (bytes) of szSource
The pointer pointing to the buffer area storing the converted data, the storage space is
allocated by the application
nTargetLen The size of szTarget, must be larger than or equal to dwSrcSize
Return Value:
Conversion failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function
>0 The number of the converted bytes
Function Description:

Converts the unsigned 8-bit PCM formatted data stored in the buffer area to be the A-law formatted data.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before SsmStartCti is called

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function: fPcm_MemAlawToPcm8, fPcm_ALawConvertPcm8

2.28.27 fPcm_MemAlawToUlaw

Refer to fPcm_MemUlawtoAlaw

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 569

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.28.28 fPcm_MemUlawtoAlaw

Converts the A-law formatted data stored in the buffer area to be µ-Law formatted data (fPcm_MemAlawToUlaw),
or converts the µ-Law formatted data stored in the buffer area to be A-law formatted data (fPcm_MemUlawtoAlaw).

int WINAPI fPcm_MemAlawToUlaw(char * szSource, int nSourceLen, char * szTarget, int nTargetLen)

int WINAPI fPcm_MemUlawtoAlaw(char * szSource, int nSourceLen, char * szTarget, int nTargetLen)

Parameter Description:
The pointer pointing to the first address of the input buffer area, it stores A-Law or
µ-Law formatted voice data
nSourceLen The size (bytes) of szSource
The pointer pointing to the buffer area storing the converted data, the storage space is
allocated by the application
nTargetLen The size of szTarget, must be larger than or equal to nSourceLen

Return Value:

Conversion failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function

>0 The number of the converted bytes
Function Description:
fPcm_MemAlawToUlaw converts the A-law formatted data stored in the buffer area to be µ-Law formatted data;
fPcm_MemUlawtoAlaw converts the µ-Law formatted data stored in the buffer area to be A-law formatted data.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before the call of SsmStartCti.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function:

2.28.29 fPcm_MemPcm16ToAlaw
Converts the unsigned 16-bit PCM formatted data stored in the buffer area to be the A-law formatted data.
DWORD fPcm_MemPcm16ToAlaw(char *pSrcBuf, DWORD dwSrcSize,char *pDstBuf, DWORD dwDstSize)

Parameter Description:
The pointer pointing to the first address of the input buffer area, it stores 16-bit PCM
formatted voice data
nSourceLen The size (bytes) of nSourceLen
The pointer pointing to the buffer area storing the converted data, the storage space is
allocated by the application
nTargetLen The size of szTarget, must be larger than or equal to dwSrcSize
Return Value:
Conversion failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function
>0 The number of the converted bytes
Function Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 570

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Converts the unsigned 16-bit PCM formatted data stored in the buffer area to be the A-law formatted data.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before SsmStartCti is called

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll

Related Function: fPcm_MemAlawToPcm16, fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16

2.28.30 fPcm_MemPcm16_16KtoAlaw

Converts the unsigned 16-bit 16KHz PCM formatted data stored in the buffer area to be the A-law formatted data.
DWORD WINAPI fPcm_MemPcm16_16KToAlaw(char * pSource, DWORD dwSourceSize, char * pTarget,
DWORD dwTargetSize)

Parameter Description:
The pointer pointing to the first address of the input buffer area, it stores 16-bit PCM
formatted voice data
dwSourceSize The size (bytes) of pSource
The pointer pointing to the buffer area storing the converted data, the storage space is
allocated by the application
dwTargetSize The size of pTarget, must be larger than or equal to 1/4 of dwSourceSize
Return Value:
Conversion failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function
>0 The number of the converted bytes
Function Description:
Converts the unsigned 16-bit 16KHz PCM formatted data stored in the buffer area to be the A-law formatted data.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before SsmStartCti is called

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll

Related Function: fPcm_MemAlawToPcm16, fPcm_ALawConvertPcm16

2.28.31 fPcm_GC8Convert

Refer to fPcm_G729AConvert

2.28.32 fPcm_Vox6KTo8K
Refer to fPcm_Vox8KTo6K

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 571

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

2.28.33 fPcm_Vox8KTo6K
Implements the conversion between 6K sampling rate and 8K sampling rate of the VOX formatted voice file.
int fPcm_Vox6kTo8k(char *sz6kHzFile,char *sz8kHzFile)
int fPcm_Vox8KTo6K (char *sz8kHzFile,char *sz6kHzFile)
Parameter Description:
The voice file with the sampling rate 6kHz and Vox encoding format, without file
sz6kHzFile header. If the full path is not included, the driver will look for the file under the current
The voice file with the sampling rate 8kHz and Vox encoding format, without file
sz8kHzFile header. If the full path is not included, the driver will look for the file under the current
Return Value:
1 Successful
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained via the function fPcm_GetLastErrMsg
Function Description:

fPcm_Vox6kTo8k converts the Vox file with 6kHz sampling rate to be the Vox file with 8kHz sampling rate;
fPcm_Vox8KTo6K converts the Vox file with 8kHz sampling rate to be the Vox file with 6kHz sampling rate.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before SsmStartCti is called

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function:

2.28.34 fPcm_ULawConvertGSM
Converts the μ-Law formatted file to the GSM formatted file.
int WINAPI fPcm_ULawConvertGSM(char*szSourceFile, char*szTargetFile)

Parameter Description:
The name of the μ-Law formatted source file, allowed to include the full path of the file.
The file format could be either the non-header file or the standard wav file. The driver
szSourceFile decides whether the source file is a standard wav file or not by analyzing if it has a wav
file header, rather than by checking the file extension name. If it is not a standard wav
file, it will be regarded as a non-header file
The target file name, allowed to include the full path of the file. If the target file doesn’t
exist, the driver will automatically create it; If the target file exists already, it will be
overlaid. If the extension name of the target file is wav, the converted file is a standard
wav file; otherwise, it is a non-header file.
Return Value:
1 Call successful
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained via the function fPcm_GetLastErrMsg
Function Description:

fPcm_ULawConvertGSM is used to convert the μ-Law formatted file to the GSM formatted file.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 572

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before the call of SsmStartCti.
z To invoke this function, the file macmcvt.dll must be used.
z To invoke this function, the ACM encoding engine of GSM must be used.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll, macmcvt.dll
Related Function: fPcm_Pcm16ConvertALaw, fPcm_GC8Convert, fPcm_MemAlawToPcm8,

2.28.35 fPCM_Pcm16ConvertG729A

Converts the 16-bit PCM formatted file to the G.729A formatted file.

Int WINAPI fPCM_Pcm16ConvertG729A(char*szSoureFile, char* szTargetFile)

Parameter Description:
The name of the 16-bit PCM formatted source file which is recorded by Synway boards.
It may include the full path of the file. The file could be either a non-header file (i.e.
without file header) or a standard wav file. Instead of checking the file extension name,
the driver judges if the source file is standard or not by analyzing szSourceFile to find
whether it has the wav file header. If it’s not a standard wav file, it will be regarded as a
non-header file.
The target file name. It may include the full path of the file. If the target file doesn’t exist,
the driver will automatically create it; if the target file exists already, it will be overlaid. If
the extension name of the target file is wav, the converted file is a standard wav file;
otherwise, it will be a non-header file.
Return Value:
0 Successful
Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained via the function call of
Function Description:

Converts the 16-bit PCM formatted file recorded by Synway boards to the G.729A formatted file.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before the call of SsmStartCti.
z To invoke this function, the files macmcvt.dll and g729a.dll must be used.
z To invoke this function, the ACM encoding engine of G729A must be used.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above.
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function: fPcm_Pcm16ConvertALaw

2.28.36 fPcm_Pcm8ConvertGSM

Converts the 8-bit PCM formatted file to the GSM formatted file.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 573

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Int WINAPI fPcm_Pcm8ConvertGSM(char*szSoureFile, char* szTargetFile)

Parameter Description:
The name of the 8-bit PCM formatted source file which is recorded by Synway boards.
It may include the full path of the file. The file could be either a non-header file (i.e.
without file header) or a standard wav file. Instead of checking the file extension name,
the driver judges if the source file is standard or not by analyzing szSourceFile to find
whether it has the wav file header. If it’s not a standard wav file, it will be regarded as a
non-header file.
The target file name. It may include the full path of the file. If the target file doesn’t exist,
the driver will automatically create it; if the target file exists already, it will be overlaid. If
the extension name of the target file is wav, the converted file is a standard wav file;
otherwise, it will be a non-header file.
Return Value:
0 Successful
Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained via the function call of
Function Description:
Converts the 8-bit PCM formatted file to the GSM formatted file.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before the call of SsmStartCti.
z To invoke this function, the file macmcvt.dll must be used.
z To invoke this function, the ACM encoding engine of GSM must be used.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above.
Header ShPcm.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function:

2.28.37 fPcm_GSMToMp3

Converts the GSM formatted file to the MP3 formatted file.

Int WINAPI fPcm_GSMToMp3 (char*szSoureFile, char* szTargetFile)

Parameter Description:
The name of the GSM formatted source file which is recorded by Synway boards. It
may include the full path of the file. The file could be either a non-header file (i.e.
without file header) or a standard wav file. Instead of checking the file extension name,
the driver judges if the source file is standard or not by analyzing szSourceFile to find
whether it has the wav file header. If it’s not a standard wav file, it will be regarded as a
non-header file.
The target file name. It may include the full path of the file. If the target file doesn’t exist,
the driver will automatically create it; if the target file exists already, it will be overlaid. If
szTargetFile the extension name of the target file is wav, the converted file is a standard wav file; if
the extension name of the target file is mp3, the converted file is an mp3 file; otherwise,
it will be a non-header file.
Return Value:
1 Successful

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 574

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained via the function call of
Function Description:
Converts the GSM formatted file recorded by Synway boards to the MP3 formatted file.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before the call of SsmStartCti.
z To invoke this function, the file macmcvt.dll must be used.
z To invoke this function, the ACM decoding engine of GSM and the ACM encoding engine of MP3 must
be used.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above.
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function:

2.28.38 fPcm_G729AConvert

Converts the G.792A formatted file to a voice file of other encoding format.
Int WINAPI fPcm_G729AConvert(char*szSoureFile, char* szTargetFile, int nTargetFormat)

Parameter Description:
The name of the G.792A formatted source file, it may include the full path of the file.
The file format could be either the non-header file (i.e. without file header) or the
standard wav file. It's through analyzing the source file to determine whether it has the
wav file header instead of checking the file extension name that the driver decides if
the source file is standard or not. If it’s not a standard wav file, it will be regarded as a
non-header file
The target file name, it may include the full path of the file. If the target file doesn’t
exist, the driver will automatically create it; If the target file exists already, it will be
overlaid. If the extension name of the target file is wav, the converted file format is the
standard wav; otherwise, the format is plain
The encoding format of the target file:
nTargetFormat =10001: 16 Bit PCM
=6: A-law
Return Value:
1 Successful
-1 Call failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function fPcm_GetLastErrMsg.
Function Description:
Converts the G.792A formatted file to a voice file of other encoding format.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before SsmStartCti is called
z To invoke this function, the files macmcvt.dll and g729a.dll must be used.
z To invoke this function, the ACM decoding engine of G729A must be used.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 575

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function: fPCM_AlawConvertGC8

2.28.39 fPCM_MemULawToG729A

Converts the μ-Law data saved in the buffer to G.729A format.

Int WINAPI fPCM_MemULawToG729A (char* szSoure, int nSourceLen, char* szTarget, int nTargetLen)

Parameter Description:

szSource The pointer pointing to the buffer area that stores µ-Law formatted source data
nSourceLen The size (bytes) of szSource
The pointer pointing to the buffer area that stores the converted data, the storage
szTarget space is allocated by the application. According to the scale between the sizes of
µ-Law and G.729A format data, szTarget must be greater than nSourceLen/8.
nTargetLen The size (bytes) of data actually returned by szTarget
Return Value:
>0 The number of converted bytes
Conversion failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function
Function Description:
Converts the μ-Law data saved in the buffer to G.729A format.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before the successful call of
z To invoke this function, the files macmcvt.dll and g729a.dll must be used.
z To invoke this function, the ACM encoding engine of G729A must be used.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function:

2.28.40 fPcm_MemMp3ToPcm16
Converts the MP3 formatted data stored in the buffer area to be the 16-bit PCM formatted data.

Int WINAPI fPCM_MemMp3ToPcm16 (char* szSoure, int nSourceLen, char* szTarget, int nTargetLen)

Parameter Description:
szSoure The pointer pointing to the buffer area that stores the MP3 formatted source data
nSourceLen The size (bytes) of szSource
The pointer pointing to the buffer area that stores the converted data, the storage
space is allocated by the application. According to the scale between the size of the
MP3 data and that of the 16 Bit PCM formatted data, szTarget must be greater than
nTargetLen The actual size (bytes) of the data that are returned by szTarget

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 576

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Return Value:
>0 The number of converted bytes
Conversion failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function
Function Description:

Converts the MP3 formatted data stored in the buffer area to be the 16-bit PCM formatted data.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before SsmStartCti.
z To invoke this function, the file macmcvt.dll must be used.
z To invoke this function, the ACM decoding engine of MP3 must be used.
z You should give a complete piece of voice data but not some divided segments for conversion;
otherwise the converted data may be incomplete. That’s because the MP3 data in the buffer must be
integral times of the frame to ensure the successful call of this function.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcm.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function:

2.28.41 fPcm_MemG729AToPcm8

Refer to fPcm_MemG729AToPcm16

2.28.42 fPcm_MemG729AToPcm16
Converts the G.729A data saved in the buffer area to the PCM16 or PCM8 format.

DWORD WINAPI fPcm_MemG729AToPcm16(char *pSource, DWORD dwSourceSize, char *pTarget, DWORD
DWORD WINAPI fPcm_MemG729AToPcm8(char *pSource, DWORD dwSourceSize, char *pTarget, DWORD
Parameter Description:
pSource The pointer pointing to the buffer area that stores G.729A formatted source data
dwSourceSize The size (bytes) of pSource
The pointer pointing to the buffer area that stores the converted data, the storage
space is allocated by the application. According to the scale between the sizes of
pTarget G.729A and PCM16 (or PCM8) formatted data, pTarget must be 16 times as
dwSourceSize for the PCM16 formatted data and 8 times as dwSourceSize for the
PCM8 formatted data.
dwTargetSize The size (bytes) of data actually returned by pTarget
Return Value:
>0 The number of the converted bytes
Conversion failed. The failure reason can be obtained by the function
z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before the successful call of

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 577

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

z To invoke the above functions, the files macmcvt.dll and g729a.dll must be used.
z To invoke the function fPcm_MemG729AToPcm16 or fPcm_MemG729AToPcm8, the ACM decoding
engine of G729A must be used.
Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function:

2.28.43 fPcm_GetLastErrMsg

Obtains the call failure reason of the functions for voice encoding format conversion.
int fPcm_GetLastErrMsg(char*szMsg)

Parameter Description:
szMsg The pointer storing error messages, the storage space is allocated by the application
Return Value:
1 Successful
-1 Call failed
Function Description:

Obtains the call failure reason of the functions for voice encoding format conversion.

z Because this function is provided by ShPcmHandle.dll, it can be invoked before SsmStartCti is called

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function:

2.28.44 fPcm_Close

Releases all resources used by ShPcmHandle.dll.

void fPcm_Close()

Parameter Description: None

Return Value: None

Function Description:

Releases all resources used by ShPcmHandle.dll.

z Please make sure to call this function to release used resources after invoking any of the transcoding
functions in ShPcmHandle.dll.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 578

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Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above
Header ShPcmApi.h
Library ShPcmHandle.lib
DLL ShPcmHandle.dll
Related Function:

2.29 Faxing Functions (CTI Series)

2.29.1 Setting Faxing Parameters SsmFaxSetChSpeed
Sets the maximum rate used to send or receive fax on a designated fax channel.

int SsmFaxSetChSpeed(int ch, int speed)

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
Maximum rate (bps). Optional value: 4800bps, 9600bps, 14400bps, 33600bps; Default
value: 9600bps
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the maximum rate used to send or receive fax on a designated fax channel.

z The parameter set by this function is only effective to the designated fax channel;
z When the set rate exceeds the maximum rate supported by the board, the latter becomes the upper limit
to the fax rate.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFaxGetSpeed, SsmFaxSetMaxSpeed SsmFaxSetMaxSpeed
Sets the maximum rate used to send or receive fax.

void SsmFaxSetMaxSpeed(int speed)

Parameter Description:
Maximum rate (bps). Optional value: 4800bps, 9600bps, 14400bps, 33600bps; Default
value: 9600bps
Return Value: none

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 579

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Sets the maximum rate used to send or receive fax.

z The parameters set by this function are effective to all the fax channels;
z When the set rate exceeds the maximum rate supported by the board, the latter becomes the upper limit
to the fax rate.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFaxGetSpeed, SsmFaxSetChSpeed SsmFaxSetID
Sets the local fax identification code.

int SsmFaxSetID(int ch,char *szID)

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
Pointer pointing to the string of the ASCII formatted local fax identification code. Valid
length: less than 20 characters
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Sets the local fax identification code. The identification code could be either the local phone number or some other
ASCII formatted string. This local identification code will be sent to the remote fax machine during faxing.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFaxGetID

2.29.2 Transmitting Fax SsmFaxStartSend
Refer to SsmFaxStartSendEx SsmFaxStartSendEx
Starts the transmission of a single fax file. SsmFaxStartSend is used to transmit the entire file.
SsmFaxStartSendEx is used to transmit a range of designated pages.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 580

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

int SsmFaxStartSend(int ch,char *filename)

int SsmFaxStartSendEx(int ch, char *filename, int nStartPage, int nEndPage)

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
Name of the file in the tiff format. The file extension name could be ‘.tif’or ‘.tiff’. For
filename more information about file formats supported by fax channels, refer to Fax in Chapter
Designated starting page number of the fax file. If ‘filename’ includes N pages, the
range of value is: 1~N
Designated ending page number of the fax file. If ‘filename’ includes N pages, the
range of value is:
1~N: the number of the designated ending page;
≥N: transmit until page number N (included);
-1: transmit until the last page (i.e. the page numbered N).
Note: nEndPage must be larger than or equal to nStartPage
Return Value:
0 Successful
Call failed. The failure reason may be that the channel is not free or failure in opening
the file
Function Description:

Starts the transmission of a single fax file.

After the fax transmission is started, the driver begins to exchange the handshake message with the remote fax
machine. If the handshake is successful, the fax file will be sent to the remote fax machine.
Each time when the driver finishes the transmission of one page, it throws out the event of E_CHG_FaxPages to
the application. When the driver finishes the fax transmission, it throws out the event of E_PROC_FaxEnd to the
application. During the fax transmission, the application can call the function of SsmFaxCheckEnd to check
whether the transmission has been finished successfully, or call the function of SsmFaxStop to terminate the

z Only when the incoming or outgoing call has been established on the analog trunk channel or the digital
trunk channel, can the fax transmission be started.
z The fax channel only works in simplex mode, i.e. it can’t transmit and receive fax simultaneously.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFaxCheckEnd, SsmFaxStop, SsmFaxSendMultiFile, SsmFaxSendMultiFileEx,
SsmFaxAppendSend SsmFaxSendMultiFile
Refer to SsmFaxSendMultiFileEx SsmFaxSendMultiFileEx
Starts transmission of multiple fax files, SsmFaxSendMultiFileEx can specify the range of pages to be transmitted.


Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 581

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

int SsmFaxSendMultiFile(int ch, char * szPath, char * szFile)

int SsmFaxSendMultiFileEx(int ch, FAX_FILE_SCT *pFileNameList, int nNum)

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
The path of the fax file szFile. For example, if the fax file is stored under the directory of
FaxFile in drive C, for C/C++, szPath can be written as: ‘C:\\FaxFile\\’
List of fax file names, the file extension can be ‘.tif’ or ‘.tiff’, the adjacent file names are
separated by ‘;’ For example, there are two fax files to be transmitted, namely ‘A.tif’
and ‘B.tif’, szFile should be written as ‘A.tif;B.tif’.
Note: the fax files in szFile must have the same formats
The fax file list. The struct of FAX_FILE_SCT is declared as:
typedef struct tagFAX_FILE_SCT{
char szFileName[256]; //The file name including the full path
int nStartPage; //The start page, range of value: 1~N
int nEndPage; //=1~N: The designated end page; =-1: the last page
int nReserve1; //Reserved
pFileNameList int nReserve2; //Reserved
In the above struct, N is the total number of pages in the fax file. For example,
nStartPage=1 and nEndPage=1 means that only the first page is sent; nStart=1 and
nEndPage=2 means that the first and second pages are sent; if nStart=1 and
nEndPage=-1, the entire file is transmitted.
Note: nEndPage must be larger than or equal to nStartPage
nNum The number of the fax files
Return Value:
0 Successful
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained by the function SsmGetLastErrMsg
Function Description:
Starts transmission of multiple fax files.
After this function is called, the driver starts to exchange the handshake message with the remote fax machine,
and then transmits the files designated in szFile based on the sequence from left to right to the remote fax machine,
or sends the fax files starting from the head of the list of pFileNameList until the last file is transmitted.
Each time when the driver finishes the transmission or reception of one page, it throws out the event of
E_CHG_FaxPages to the application. When the driver finishes the fax transmission, it throws out the event of
E_PROC_FaxEnd to the application. During the transmission, the application can call the function of
SsmFaxCheckEnd to check whether the transmission has been finished successfully, or call the function of
SsmFaxStop to terminate the transmission.

z Only when the incoming or outgoing call has been established on the analog trunk channel or the digital
trunk channel, can the fax transmission be started.
z The fax channel only works in simplex mode, i.e. it can’t transmit and receive fax simultaneously.
z The punctuation symbols such as colon, pause, period, etc are illegal in the file path string. When
multiple fax files are transmitted simultaneously, it’s required that the fax files have the same format.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 582

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Related Function: SsmFaxCheckEnd, SsmFaxStop, SsmFaxStartSend, SsmFaxStartSendEx SsmFaxAppendSend
Appends a single file to send.

int SsmFaxAppendSend (int ch,char *filename)

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
Fax file name. The file name extension can be ‘.tif’ or ‘.tiff’. For more information about
the file formats supported by fax channels, refer to Fax in Chapter 1
Return Value:
0 Successful, the driver has added the designated fax file into the fax transmission pool
Call failed, the failure reason may be that the channel is free or failure occurs in
opening the file
Function Description:
Appends a single file to send. It’s applicable to the fax transmission triggered by the function call of
SsmFaxSendMultiFile, SsmFaxStartSend or SsmFaxStartSendEx.
After this function is called, the driver adds the appended fax file into the fax transmission pool. When the current
fax file has been transmitted, the fax files in the transmission pool will be sent immediately.


z This function can be called only when the fax transmission has been started.
z During the fax transmission, if the transmission is stopped by the client or the transmission failed, the
appended fax file will be discarded.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFaxStartSend, SsmFaxStartSendEx, SsmFaxSendMultiFile, SsmFaxCheckEnd,

2.29.3 Receiving Fax SsmFaxStartReceive
Starts a fax reception.

int SsmFaxStartReceive(int ch,char *pszFileName)

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
The name of the Tiff formatted file storing fax data; it must use ‘.tif’ or ‘.tiff’ as the file
extension. If the file exists already, its original content will be overwritten
Return Value:
0 Successful
Call failed, the failure reason may be that the channel is not free or failure occurs in
opening the file

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 583

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Starts a fax reception.

After this function is called, the driver starts to exchange the handshake message with the remote fax machine. If
the handshake is successful, it starts to receive the fax and stores the fax into the file designated by the parameter
Each time when the driver finishes the reception of one page, it throws out the event of E_CHG_FaxPages to the
application. When the driver finishes the reception of all the fax pages, it throws out the event of E_PROC_FaxEnd
to the application. During the fax reception, the application may call the function of SsmFaxStop to terminate the
fax reception.

z The fax channel only works in simplex mode, i.e. it can’t transmit and receive fax simultaneously.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFaxCheckEnd, SsmFaxStop

2.29.4 Stopping Faxing SsmFaxStop
Stops the current faxing compulsorily.

int SsmFaxStop(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Stops the current faxing (transmission/reception) compulsorily.
This function not only terminates the fax transmission triggered by the function call of SsmFaxSendMultiFile,
SsmFaxSendMultiFileEx, SsmFaxStartSend and SsmFaxStartSendEx but also terminates the fax reception
triggered by the function call of SsmFaxStartReceive.
After this function call has completed, the driver will throw out the event of E_PROC_FaxEnd to the application.
The execution status of this function can also be obtained via the function call of SsmFaxCheckEnd.

z This function is an asynchronous function; its execution status can be obtained via the function call of

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 584

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Related Function: SsmFaxStartSend, SsmFaxStartSendEx, SsmFaxSendMultiFile, SsmFaxSendMultiFileEx,

SsmFaxAppendSend, SsmFaxStartReceive, SsmFaxCheckEnd

2.29.5 Obtaining Faxing Information SsmFaxGetSpeed
Obtains the current fax transmission/reception rate.


int SsmFaxGetSpeed(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
Return Value:
-1 Not supported by this function
Obtains the actual fax rate, whose possible values are 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144, 168,
>0 192, 216, 240, 264, 288, 312, 336, respectively representing 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600,
12000, 14400, 16800, 19200, 21600, 24000, 26400, 28800, 31200, 33600bps
Function Description:
Obtains the current fax transmission/reception rate.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFaxSetMaxSpeed, SsmFaxSetChSpeed SsmFaxCheckEnd
Obtains the execution status of the fax transmission or reception.

int SsmFaxCheckEnd(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
Return Value:
0 Faxing has not been finished
1 Faxing finishes, and the fax channel enters the ‘idle’ state
Driver error occurs during the latest fax transmission or reception, or the faxing has
2 been terminated by the function call of the SsmFaxStop. The channel has returned to
the idle state. If this function is called again, it will return 1
Fax data transmission or reception has been completed, and the negotiation process
of disconnection is undergoing
-1 Call failed
Function Description:

Obtains the execution status of the fax transmission or reception.

z This function is applicable to both fax transmission and fax reception;

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 585

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

z If the return value is 2, the faxing has not been finished, but the fax data transmission or reception may
have been finished;
z If the application uses the event mode for programming, we suggest you use the event of
E_PROC_FaxEnd instead.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFaxStartSend, SsmFaxStartSendEx, SsmFaxSendMultiFile, SsmFaxStop,
SsmFaxSendMultiFileEx, SsmFaxStartReceive, SsmFaxAppendSend SsmFaxGetDcnTag
When the fax reception via a fax board is successfully completed, judge if the remote fax machine has ever been
compelled to stop.

int WINAPI SsmFaxGetDcnTag(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
Return Value:
-1 This function is unsupported by the channel.
0 The faxing process is complete.
If the faxing is terminated by receiving a DCN message, it may result from the
compulsive stop of the fax machine.
Function Description:
When the fax reception via a fax board is successfully completed, judge if the remote fax machine has ever been
compelled to stop.

z This function is only applicable to the fax reception.

z This function can be used to judge if the remote fax machine has ever been stopped compulsively, and it
should be invoked after SsmFaxCheckEnd returns 1.
z If the application program uses the event mode for programming, we suggest you use the event
E_PROC_FaxDcnTag instead.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFaxCheckEnd SsmFaxGetChStateMsg
Obtains the fax channel state.

int SsmFaxGetChStateMsg(int ch ,char *buf)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 586

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
Returns the string indicating the channel state. The storage space of buf must be
allocated by the application and greater than 100 characters
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the fax channel state.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFaxGetPages
Obtains the number of sent/received pages during faxing.

int SsmFaxGetPages(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
>0 The number of the finished fax pages
Function Description:
Obtains the number of sent/received pages during faxing.

z If, after the fax transmission/reception is finished, the return value of this function is 0, it means the
current fax transmission/reception failed;

z If the application uses the event mode for programming, we suggest you use the event of
E_CHG_FaxPages instead.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFaxGetFailReason
Obtains the faxing failure reason for the fax channel.

int SsmFaxGetFailReason(int ch)

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 587

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed or error information of ‘No Fax’
0 Fail to send Dis
No dcs information received (the remote end is not a fax machine or the ‘Start’
button on the fax machine is not pressed)
dis information received during the fax reception; the remote end is also
receiving the fax, which is a wrong operation of the remote end
3 No training packet detected during the fax reception
4 Always fail to pass the training during the fax
5 Fail to send FTT information
6 Fail to send cfr
7 No carrier detected
8 No subsequent frames detected after carrier reception
9 Fail to send MCF
10 Fail to send PPR
11 Fail to send CTR
12 Fail to send RTN
13 Fail to send ERR
14 Unidentifiable frames received
15 Received page data not good
16 Data unavailable
17 Data error in the pages sent by the remote end
No Dis information received by the fax sender (the remote end is not a fax
20 machine or the ‘Start’ button on the fax machine is not pressed, or the the fax
board fails to detect Dis information)
21 No response to train is received from the fax receiver
22 Fail to send fax data
23 Fail to send frames after fax transmission
No response from the fax receiver detected after the transmission of a page of
25 DSP running out of track
26 Fail to write data into file
27 Fax resending refused by the remote end
28 Faxing stopped on the application layer
29 Repeatedly fail to send RR
30 RR T5 times out
31 Disturbed at the beginning of fax reception
32 Wrong DCS
33 Wrong DIS
Connection error between fax channel and voice channel, or invoking
SsmStopTalkWith too early
Function Description:

Obtains the faxing failure reason for the fax channel.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 588

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Related Function: SsmFaxGetID
Obtains the identification code of the remote fax machine.

int SsmFaxGetID(int ch,char *myid)

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
The pointer pointing to the buffer area storing the identification code, its storage space
is allocated by the application. The length of the buffer area can’t be less than 20 bytes
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
0 Successful
Function Description:
Obtains the identification code of the remote fax machine.


z This function can only be called after the handshake has been completed; otherwise, the correct
identification code is not able to be obtained.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFaxSetID SsmFaxGetMode
Obtains the operating status and supported modes of the fax channel—transmitting or receiving, fine mode or
common mode, ECM mode or data stream mode.


int SsmFaxGetMode(int ch, int * pnDir, int *pnResMode, int * pnTransMode)

Parameter Description:
ch The number of the fax channel
Used to store transmitting or receiving indicator
pnDir =0: indicates the fax channel is receiving data
=1: indicates the fax channel is transmitting data
Used to store the fax data mode indicator
pnResMode =0: indicates the common mode
=1: indicates the fine mode
Used to store the transmitting mode indicator for the fax channel
pnTransMode =0: indicates the data stream mode
=1: indicates the ECM mode
Return Value:
-1 The fax channel does not support this operation
The fax channel is idle and necessary parameters are unavailable by this
1 Function call is successful

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 589

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Function Description:

Obtains the operating status and supported modes of the fax channel—transmitting or receiving, fine mode or
common mode, ECM mode or data stream mode.

z Only after the handshake phase is completed can this function be invoked; otherwise it is impossible to
obtain the correct indicator.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFaxGetAllBytes
During fax transmission, obtains the total number of bytes on the fax page.

int SsmFaxGetAllBytes(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 The total number of bytes on the current fax page
Function Description:

During fax transmission, obtains the total number of bytes on the fax page.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFaxGetSendBytes
Obtains the number of sent bytes on the current page during fax transmission.

int SsmFaxGetSendBytes(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 The number of sent bytes on the current page
Function Description:
Obtains the number of sent bytes on the current page during fax transmission.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 590

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFaxGetRcvBytes
Obtains the number of received bytes on the current page during fax reception.

int SsmFaxGetRcvBytes(int ch)

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
Return Value:
-1 Call failed
≥0 The number of received bytes on the current page
Function Description:

Obtains the number of received bytes on the current page during fax reception.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function: SsmFaxGetCodeMode
Obtains the fax CODEC – MH, MR, MMR.

int SsmFaxGetCodecMode(int ch, DWORD * dwReserver)

Parameter Description:
ch Fax channel number
dwReserver Reserved
Return Value:
0 MH
1 MR
Function Description:

Obtains the fax CODEC.

z This function can only be invoked after the handshake has been completed, otherwise, the correct
identification code will fail to be obtained.

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 591

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header shpa3api.h
Library shp_a3.lib
DLL shp_a3.dll
Related Function:

2.29.6 Relative Operations on .tif File fBmp_ValidateFaxFile

Judges whether the .tif file conforms to the fax format of Synway boards.


int fBmp_ValidateFaxFile(char *szFile)

Parameter Description:
szFile The string storing the fax file
Return Value:
0 Successful, fax transmission supports the .tif file
Fax transmission doesn’t support the .tif file, more detailed reason can be obtained via
the function fBmp_GetErrMsg
Failure in opening the file, more detailed reason can be obtained via the function
Function Description:
Judges whether the .tif file conforms to the fax format of Synway boards.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header BmpApi.h
Library BmpUtil.lib
DLL BmpUtil.dll
Related Function: fBmp_SetHeaderFormat

Sets the property of the page header of .tif formatted fax file.


int fBmp_SetHeaderFormat(int nRow, int nFromX, int nFromY, char szFrom, int nSubX, int nSubY, char*szSubject,
int nToX, int nToY, char*szTo, int nTimeX, int nTimeY, char*szTime)

Parameter Description:
nRow Number of rows of the page header, range of value: 1~3, with the default value of 1
nFromX Starting position of the field of From, with the default value of 5
The row where the field ‘From’ locates, range of value: 1~3, with the default value of 1,
indicating the first row
Prompting field of the field ‘From’, by default it is ‘From:’, and the maximum length is 20
nSubX Starting position of the field ‘Subject’, with the default value of 270
The row where the field ‘Subject’ locates, range of value: 1~3, with the default value of
1, indicating the first row

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 592

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Prompting field of the field ‘Subject’, by default it’s ‘Sub’, with the maximum length of 20
nToX Starting position of the field ‘To’, with the default value of 440
The row where the field ‘To’ locates, range of value: 1~3, with the default value of 1,
indicating the first row
Prompting field of the field ‘To’, by default it is ‘To:’, with the maximum length of 20
nTimeX Starting position of the field ‘Time’, with the default value of 660
The row where the field ‘Time’ locates, range of value: 1~3, with the default value of 1,
indicating the first row
szTime Prompting field of the field ‘Time’, by default it is ‘’, with the maximum length of 20 bytes
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained via the function fBmp_GetErrMsg
1 Successful
Function Description:

Sets the property of the page header generated by fBmp_AddTxtToTif.

z If ‘Subject’ needs to be put in the second row, set nRow =2, nSubY=2.
z The horizontal range is 0~864. Adjust the positions of the data fields and keep them in the range.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header BmpApi.h
Library BmpUtil.lib
DLL BmpUtil.dll
Related Function: fBmp_AddTxtToTif, fBmp_AddTxtToTif_Big, fBmp_UniteTif fBmp_AddTxtToTif

Adds a page header to the .tif file (only international encoding is supported).

int fBmp_AddTxtToTif(char szTifName, char* szFaxFrom, char*szFaxTo, char *szFaxSubbject, char * szDataTime ,
char *szTargetFile, DWORD dwReserve)

Parameter Description:
szTifName The .tif file required to add with a page header
The information about the fax transmitting end, the maximum length is 20 bytes, each
Chinese character occupies 2 bytes
The information about the fax receiving end, the maximum length is 20 bytes, each
Chinese character occupies 2 bytes
The fax subject, the maximum length is 10 bytes, each Chinese character occupies 2
szDataTime Time information, the maximum length is 20 bytes
The target tif file with page headers, if it has the same name as szTifName, the original
file will be overwritten
Invalid at present, reserved for further extension use. It should be set to 0 if it is used.
When it is set to 1, the above parameters have no limit in length
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained via the function fBmp_GetErrMsg
1 Successful
Function Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 593

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Adds a page header to the .tif file. This function adds a page header to the file szTifName and outputs the result to
szTargetFile. The page header includes 16 rows and each row has 1728 pixels. If the second bit of dwReserve is
set to 1, the higher 16 bits of it denote the page on which the page header will be added.

z If szTifName and szTargetFile are the same, the original file will be overwritten;
z The data on the top of the file from left to right are: szFaxFrom, szSubject, szFaxTo, szDataTime.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header BmpApi.h
Library BmpUtil.lib
DLL BmpUtil.dll
Related Function: fBmp_SetHeaderFormat, fBmp_AddTxtToTif_Big, fBmp_CutTifHeader fBmp_AddTxtToTif_Big

Adds a page header to the .tif file. Apart from supporting the international code, it also supports Big-5 traditional
Chinese characters code.

int fBmp_AddTxtToTif_Big(char*szTifName, char*szFaxFrom, char*szFaxTo, char*szFaxSubject, Char
*szDataTime, char *szTargetFile, DWORD dwReserve )

Parameter Description:
szTifName The .tif file required to add with a page header
The information about the fax transmitting end, the maximum length is 20 bytes, each
Chinese character occupies 2 bytes
The information about the fax receiving end, the maximum length is 20 bytes, each
Chinese character occupies 2 bytes
The fax subject, the maximum length is 10 bytes, each Chinese character occupies 2
szDataTime Time information, the maximum length is 20 bytes
The target tif file with the page header, if it has the same name as szTifName, the
original file will be overwritten
dwReserve Reserved for further needs, set it 0 when it is used
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained via the function fBmp_GetErrMsg
1 Successful
Function Description:

Adds a page header to the .tif file. It also supports Big-5 traditional Chinese characters code.

This function adds a page header to the file szTifName and outputs the result to szTargetFile. The page header
includes 16 rows and each row has1728 pixels. If the second bit of dwReserve is set to 1, the higher 16 bits of it
denote the page on which the page header will be added.


z If szTifName and szTargetFile are the same, the original file will be overwritten;
z The data on the top of the file from left to right are: szFaxFrom, szSubject, szFaxTo, szDataTime;
z The function supports the fonts supported by the operating system.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 594

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Header BmpApi.h
Library BmpUtil.lib
DLL BmpUtil.dll
Related Function: fBmp_SetHeaderFormat, fBmp_AddTxtToTif, fBmp_CutTifHeader fBmp_UniteTif

Integrates two .tif files.

int fBmp_UniteTif(char*szHeadTif, char * szSourceTif, char *szTargetTif, DWORD dwReserve)

Parameter Description:
szHeadTif The smaller .tif file added to the top of another file. It can only be a single page file
szSourceTif The .tif file to which the smaller file will be added. It can be a file with multiple pages
szTargetTif The generated .tif file
dwReserve Reserved
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason may be obtained via the function fBmp_GetErrMsg
1 Successful
Function Description:
Integrates two .tif files, i.e. adds the file szHeadTif to the file szSourecTif to create szTargetTif.

z If szSourceTif and szTargetTif are the same, the original file will be overwritten;
z If the second bit of dwReserve is set to 1, the higher 16 bits denote the page on which the page header
will be added. If this page is not specified, all the pages of the file SzSourceTif will be added with

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. 2.0 or above
Header BmpApi.h
Library BmpUtil.lib
DLL BmpUtil.dll
Related Function: fBmp_SetHeaderFormat fBmp_CutTifHeader

Cuts the file header of the .tif file.

int fBmp_CutTifHeader(char *Source, char*szTarget, int nHeight, int nPgeNo, DWORD dwReserve)

Parameter Description:
szSource The .tif source file, whose file header needs to be cut
szTarget Generated target file. If the file exists, it will overwrite the original file
nHeight The height of the part to be cut
nPageNo The designated page in the .tif file whose file header needs to be cut
dwReserve Reserved
Return Value:
-1 Call failed, the failure reason can be obtained via the function fBmp_GetErrMsg
1 Successful
Function Description:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 595

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Cuts the file header of the .tif file, i.e. cuts a set part from the top of the .tif file.

z If szSourceTif and szTargetFile are the same, the original file szSourceTif will be overwritten;
z Normally nHeight is in the range of 16~40. For a single row of the file header, its height is approximately
z nPageNo is the designated page. If it’s set to -1, the file headers of all the pages will be cut.

Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header BmpApi.h
Library BmpUtil.lib
DLL BmpUtil.dll
Related Function: fBmp_AddTxtToTif_Big, fBmp_AddTxtToTif fBmp_GetFileAllPage

Outputs the total page number of the fax file.

int fBmp_GetFileAllPage(char *filename)

Parameter Description:
filename The string storing the fax file
Return Value:
-1 Failed, the failure reason may be failure in opening the file or incorrect file format
>=0 Successful, outputs the total page number of the file
Function Description:
Outputs the total page number of the fax file of filename.


Related Information:
Driver version SynCTI Ver. or above
Header BmpApi.h
Library BmpUtil.lib
DLL BmpUtil.dll
Related Function:

Chapter 2 SynCTI API Function Description 596

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

3 SynCTI Driver Configuration

3.1 System Configuration File ShConfig.ini

When Synway boards are being used, correct and necessary configurations must be implemented on the driver in
order to make the application operate properly.

The configuration information of SynCTI driver is saved in the INI file adopting the text format. After the SynCTI
driver is successfully installed, the installation program will generate a sample configuration file namely
ShConfig.ini under the installation directory. The developers may not only straightly edit or modify the configuration
file by using text editing software, but may also be able to change the configuration by using the system
configuration tools provided by Synway.

In the configuration file, the configuration information is grouped with sections (Section); each section includes one
or multiple items (Item). The name of the section appears in a pair of square brackets, each of the continuous text
rows is a configuration item. The effective range of one section starts from the second row of the current section
and ends with one row above the next section. Each configuration item has the format of ‘x=y’, the name of the
configuration item is at the left side; the content of the configuration is at the right side.

3.1.1 Essential Configuration Items Setting Total Number of Boards TotalBoards

Configuration Item TotalBoards

Section [SystemConfig]
Format TotalBoards=N
Value Range N equals to the total number of Synway’s boards installed in the System.
Feature Sets the total number of Synway’s boards installed in the System. WhoSupplySysClock

Configuration Item WhoSupplySysClock

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format WhoSupplySysClock=n
n=-1: Set all the Synway’s boards to be slave boards;
n=N: Set all the Synway’s boards to be master boards;
Value Range 0≤n≤N-1: Set the board with logical number n to be the master board, all the rest of the
boards are slave boards.
Note: N is the set value of the configuration item TotalBoards.
Sets the master board of the Synway’s boards in the application system. For more
information, refer to ‘System Clock Configuration’.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 597

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Channel Number TotalAppCh

Configuration Item TotalAppCh

Section [AppChToBoardChTable]
Written Format TotalAppCh=M
Value Range M is the total channel number of all the boards in the System.
Description Sets the total channel number in the System. AppCh

Configuration Item AppCh

Section [AppChToBoardChTable]
Format 1:AppCh[is]=k,js…je
Format 2:AppCh[i]=k,j
In the above formulas,
i: The channel number used by the application, it normally starts with 0
Written Format is: The start channel number used by the application
k:The BoardID of the board on which a mapping needs to be created
j: The internal channel number on the board
js:The internal start channel number on the board
je:The internal end channel number on the board
Value Range
Creates the mapping between the channel number of the application and the channel
Description number on the board. Format 1 is used for batched mapping creation; format 2 is used for
one by one mapping creation. Setting Board Information BoardModel

Configuration Item BoardModel

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format BoardModel=s
s is the string denoting the board model. For the available models, refer to Board
Value Range
Description Sets the board model.
Example BoardModel=SHT-16B-CT/PCI BoardSerialNumber

Configuration Item BoardSerialNumber

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format BoardSerialNumber=N
Value Range The serial number of the board.
Description Sets the board serial number, for the detailed value, refer to the related hardware manual.
Example BoardSerialNumber=11

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 598

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SHD/DTP Series Setting Board Reset Feature ResetBoardOnClose
Configuration Item ResetBoardOnClose
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format ResetBoardOnClose =n
n=0:Not to reset;
Value Range
n=1:Reset (default).
Description Sets whether to reset the board when the board is being closed. Setting Parameters of Digital Trunk PcmNumber
Refer to CRC-4 PcmSSx
Refer to CRC-4 PcmClockMode
Refer to CRC-4 PcmLinkType
Refer to CRC-4 IsdnAutoBuildLink
Refer to CRC-4 CRC-4
Configuration Item
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format
CRC-4[i]=c //Note: Requires the version of SynCTI Ver. or above

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 599

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

M: The total number of the digital trunks on the board, it’s related with the board model, for
more information, refer to ‘SHD Series’ in Chapter 1;
i: The physical number of the digital trunk on the board, for more information, refer to related
manuals. Range of value: 0≤i≤M;
n: Choose the signaling protocol. Range of value:
n=0: ISDN protocol (User side);
n=1: SS1 signaling (SS1);
n=2: ISDN protocol (Network side);
n=3: DASS2 protocol;
n=7: SS7 signaling (SS7);
m: Set the clock mode of the current digital trunk, below are the details:
m=0: Master clock, line-synchronization ( the board must be a master board)
Value Range
m=1: Master clock, free-run (the board must be a master board)
m=2: Slave clock.
k: Choose the type of the communication cable. Range of value:
k=0:120 ohm twisted pair cable;
k=1:75 ohm coaxial cable.
b: Set whether to enable the feature of automatic link building for the ISDN signaling.
b=0: Disabled (default);
b=1: Enabled (If you enable this feature, you should set the configuration items of
UserSendEstablish and NetSendEstablish in the [ISDN] section both to 0).
c: The control switch for CRC-4 verification:
c=0: Disabled;
c=1: Enabled (default).
PcmNumber sets the total number of the digital trunks on the board;
PcmSSx sets the signaling type of the digital trunk;
PcmClockMode sets the operating mode of the clock, for more information, refer to ‘System
Clock Configuration’ in chapter 1;
PcmLinkType sets the communication type of the cable;
CRC-4 sets the CRC-4 verification feature of the digital trunk on the board.
z If the set value of PcmNumber is larger than 0, for the configuration items PcmSSx,
PcmClockMode and PcmLinkType, starting from i=0, the configuration needs to be
repeated M times, i.e. each physical digital trunk needs to be configured;
z These configuration items are only applicable to SHD/DTP Series.
It’s supposed that there are two pieces of SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS7 boards installed in the
Board 0 uses SS7 signaling, connects with 120 ohm twisted pair cable. Digital Trunk 0 on
Board 0 provides the master clock to the application using line-synchronization mode;
Board 0 uses ISDN protocol (user side), connects with 75 ohm twisted pair cable. Below are
the configuration items:


PcmSSx[0]=7 //SS7 signaling

Example PcmSSx[1]=7
PcmSSx[2]=0 //ISDN user side

PcmClockMode[0]=0 //Master clock, line-synchronization

PcmClockMode[1]=2 //Must be set as slave clock

PcmLinkType[0]=0 //120 ohm twisted pair cable

PcmLinkType[2]=1 //75 ohm coaxial cable

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 600

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Loopback
Configuration Item loopback
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format loopback[pcm]=c
pcm: The on-board physical number for corresponding digital trunk. Refer to relative
manuals for more information. Range of value: 0≤i≤M.
c: Controls the loopback feature of digital trunks:
=0x1: Transmitted data loop back from the framer to the receive end
=0x2: Transmitted data loop back from LIU transmitter to LIU receiver
Value Range
=0x4: Analog signals loop back over LIU (LOOP_ANALOG, only for D-type and
E-type boards);
=0x10: Transmitted data loop back to LIU transmitter after being decoded in LIU
receiver (LOOP_REMOTE);
=0x20: Payload data loop back to the transmitter end (LOOP_PAYLOAD).
Description Sets the loopback feature of trunks, used for diagnoses or debugging.
z This configuration item requires SynCTI Ver. or above.
z It is only applicable to SHD Series.
…… SpySyncAndCCS
Configuration Item SpySyncAndCCS
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format SpySyncAndCCS=n
n=0: Disable the sync & signaling messages acquisition mode;
Value Range n=1: Enable the sync & signaling messages acquisition mode. Don’t enable this switch in
normal operation.
This switch shall be enabled only when the line synchronization or the signaling delivery is in
an abnormal state. In such situation, set SpySyncAndCCS=1 to enable the sync& signaling
messages acquisition mode and use the test program ‘TEST.EXE’ contained in the driver to
record sync and signaling messages. That is, connect the time slots which deliver sync and
Description signaling messages to corresponding channels which previously transported voice data, and
select ‘A-law’ to start recording. To be exact, record the raw data on the time slot for
synchronization via the PCM channel 0, record the raw data on the time slot for signaling
reception via the PCM channel 1 and record the raw data on the time slot for signaling
transmission via the PCM channel 2. Record all these data to .PCM files.
z For ISDN lines, enable the feature of CRC check via the configuration items
UserCrcMode and NetCrcMode before using this feature;
z For DTP series C-type boards, if you want to record the sync messages on T1 line, set
the configuration item DefaultVoiceFormat to 6 and use A-Law to record speech files; if
you want to record the signaling messages on T1/E1 lines, set the configuration item
DefaultVoiceFormat to 7 and use μ-Law to record speech files;
z For SS1 signaling, as signaling data are transmitted via a special interface chip, the raw
data cannot be recorded;
z Make sure you use this feature under the direction of Synway technical support
engineers. Then provide the recorded files to our developers for further analysis and
z Requires the version of SynCTI or above;
z This configuration item is only applicable to some of the SHD/DTP series boards. See
below for detailed information.
Below is a list of board models that support this feature.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 601

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Acquisition of raw data Acquisition of raw data Acquisition of raw data

Board Model on the time slot for on the time slot for on the time slot for
synchronization signaling reception signaling transmission
SHD-30A-CT/PCI/SS1 √ √ ×
SHD-30A-CT/PCI/SS7 √ √ ×
SHD-30A-CT/PCI/FJ √ √ -
SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS1 √ √ ×
SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS7 √ √ ×
SHD-60A-CT/PCI/FJ √ √ -
SHD-120A-CT/PCI/SS1 √ √ ×
SHD-120A-CT/PCI/ISDN √ √ ×
SHD-120A-CT/PCI/SS7 √ √ ×
SHD-30B-CT/PCI/FJ √ √ -
SHD-60B-CT/PCI/FJ √ √ -
SHD-30C-CT/PCI √ √ ×
SHD-30C-CT/PCI/FAX √ √ ×
SHD-60C-CT/PCI √ √ ×
SHD-60C-CT/PCI/FAX √ √ ×
SHD-120D-CT/PCI √ √ √
SHD-120D-CT/PCI/EC √ √ √
SHD-240D-CT/PCI √ √ √
SHD-240D-CT/PCI/EC √ √ √
SHD-30E-CT/PCI(SSW) × √ ×
SHD-30E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) × √ ×
SHD-60E-CT/PCI(SSW) × √ ×
SHD-60E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) × √ ×
SHD-120E-CT/PCI(SSW) √ √ √
SHD-120E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) √ √ √
SHD-120E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) √ √ √
SHD-240E-CT/PCI(SSW) √ √ √
SHD-240E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) √ √ √
SHD-240E-CT/PCI/FAX(SSW) √ √ √
SHD-30E-CT/PCIe × √ ×
SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/EC × √ ×
SHD-30E-CT/PCIe/FAX × √ ×
SHD-60E-CT/PCIe × √ ×
SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/EC × √ ×
SHD-60E-CT/PCIe/FAX × √ ×
SHD-120E-CT/PCIe √ √ √

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 602

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/EC √ √ √
SHD-120E-CT/PCIe/FAX √ √ √
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe √ √ √
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/EC √ √ √
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/FAX √ √ √
SHD-240E-CT/PCIe/VAR √ √ √
DTP-30C/PCI √ √ -
DTP-30C/PCI+ √ √ -
DTP-60C/PCI √ √ -
DTP-60C/PCI+ √ √ -
DTP-120C/PCI √ √ -
DTP-120C/PCI+ √ √ -
DTP-30C/PCIe √ √ -
DTP-30C/PCIe+ √ √ -
DTP-60C/PCIe √ √ -
DTP-60C/PCIe+ √ √ -
DTP-120C/PCIe √ √ -
DTP-120C/PCIe+ √ √ -
Legend: √: Supported ×: Unsupported -: Invalid framing
Refer to syncc. coding
Refer to syncc. syncc
Configuration Item coding
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format coding[pcm]=d

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 603

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

pcm: The physical number of the digital trunk on the board. For more information, refer to
related manuals. Range of value: 0≤i≤M.
c: Set the frame format for T1 trunk:

2: ESF framing

3: D4 framing

8: SLC-96 framing

d: Set the encoding format for T1 trunk:

2: B8ZS coding

Value Range 5: AMI coding

e: Set the syncc:

In D4 Framing Mode:

0 = search for Ft pattern, then search for Fs pattern

1 = cross couple Ft and Fs pattern

In ESF Framing Mode:

0 = search for FPS pattern only

1 = search for FPS and verify with CRC-6

Description Sets the frame format and frame encoding mode for T1 trunk.
z It requires SynCTI Ver. or above;
z This configuration item is only applicable to T1 trunk. Setting Logical PCM Number TotalPcm
Refer to Pcm Pcm
Configuration Item
Section [PcmInfo]
Written Format
M: The total number of the digital trunks in the application. It must be less than or equal to
the total physical PCM number in the system;
m: The logical number of the digital trunk in the application. It must start from 0, the range
of value: 0≤m<M (M is the set value of the configuration item TotalPcm)
k: The logical number of the board. Range of value:
— 0≤k<N: N is the set value of the configuration item TotalBoards. The logical number
of the digital trunk in the application is bound with the actual physical digital
Value Range trunk.
— k=-1: The logical number of the digital trunk in the application is bound with the
virtual circuit. The binding is only applicable to SS7 TUP and ISUP
protocols, it requires the driver version to be or above. For more
information about the virtual circuit, refer to ‘Virtual Circuit Programming
Interface on SS7 Server’ in chapter 1.
j: If k≠-1, j denotes the physical number of the digital trunk, it must be the number of
physically existing PCM; If k=-1, the corresponding digital trunk of j maybe virtual.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 604

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

TotalPcm sets the total number of the digital trunks in the application;
Description Pcm establishes the mapping relation between the logical number and physical number of
the digital trunk .
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the SHD and DTP Series.
It’s supposed that there are two pieces of SHD-60A-CT/PCI/ISDN boards installed in the
system, the below configuration items illustrate how to establish the mapping relation
between the logical number and physical number of the digital trunk:
Example TotalPcm=4
Pcm[0]=0,0 //Set Digital Trunk 0 on Board 0 to be Digital Trunk 0 in the application
Pcm[1]=0,1 //Set Digital Trunk 1 on Board 0 to be Digital Trunk 1 in the application
Pcm[2]=1,0 //Set Digital Trunk 0 on Board 1 to be Digital Trunk 2 in the application
Pcm[3]=1,1 //Set Digital Trunk 1 on Board 1 to be Digital Trunk 3 in the application 2PcmIn1Line
Configuration Item 2PcmIn1Line
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format 2PcmIn1Line=m
M=0 (default): We recommend you use the outlet board RSD081 (standard 8-pin RJ48C) for
the UMCT intelligent switch, as in such situation the interfaces are arranged in the
same order as the PCM numbers. For the outlet board RSD082 (4-pin RJ48C/M), the
first jack corresponds to PCM0 and PCM4, the second corresponds to PCM1 and
PCM5, the third corresponds to PCM2 and PCM6, and the fourth corresponds to
PCM3 and PCM7.
Value Range
M=1: We recommend you use the outlet board RSD082 (4-pin RJ48C/M) for the
UMCT intelligent switch. In such situation, the first jack corresponds to PCM0 and
PCM1, the second corresponds to PCM2 and PCM3, the third corresponds to PCM4
and PCM5, and the fourth corresponds to PCM6 and PCM7. For the outlet board
RSD081 (standard 8-pin RJ48C), the 8 jacks in order correspond to PCM0, PCM2,
PCM4, PCM6, PCM1, PCM3, PCM5 and PCM7.
As on the UMCT intelligent switch the mainboard is separated from the outlet board and the
Description switch itself can not distinguish RSD081 from RSD08, this configuration item helps to make
the PCM arrangement more in accordance with the common use habit.
This configuration item is applicable to the 240-port E-type digital boards used on the UMCT
intelligent switch. Setting SpyPCM Number (DTP Series) TotalSpyPcm
Refer to SpyPcm SpyPcm
Configuration Item
Section [SpyPcm]
Written Format

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 605

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

M: The total number of digital trunks to be monitored in the application;

m: The number of SpyPcm, starts from 0, 0≤m≤M;
j,k: The logical number of the digital trunk, it’s set by the configuration item Pcm in the
Value Range section of [PcmInfo]. For more information, refer to ‘Digital Trunk’ in chapter 1.
It’s recommended to use the connecting input ports of two digital trunks on the board
which have continuous logical number to monitor one SpyPCM, hence, under most
conditions, k=j+1. Note: j and K must be located on the same board.
TotalSpyPcm sets the total number of the digital trunks in the application system to be
Description SpyPcm determines which two on-board digital trunks should be connected with circuits to
process the monitored digital trunk. That is, bind SpyPCM m to the circuits on Digital Trunk
j and Digital Trunk k.
Note This configuration item is only applicable to DTP Series
It’s supposed that only one board of SHD-60A-CT/PCI/FJ is installed in the system, the
board is used to record the 60 voice channels (30x2) and two ISDN PRI signaling channels
on the two E1 trunks (75 ohm coaxial cable). The following configuration is needed to
implement the monitoring:


PcmSSx[0]=0 //ISDN user side


PcmClockMode[0]=0 //Master clock, line-synchronization

PcmClockMode[1]=2 // It must be set to be slave clock

PcmLinkType[0]=1 //75 ohm coaxial cable




Pcm[0]=0,0 // Set Digital Trunk 0 on Board 0 to be Digital Trunk 0 in the application

Pcm[1]=0,1 // Set Digital Trunk 1 on Board 0 to be Digital Trunk 1 in the application
Pcm[2]=0,2 // Set Digital Trunk 2 on Board 0 to be Digital Trunk 2 in the application
Pcm[3]=0,3 // Set Digital Trunk 3 on Board 0 to be Digital Trunk 3 in the application



SpyPcm[0]=Pcm[0],Pcm[1] //Using PCM 0 and PCM 1 to record the information on SpyPCM 0

SpyPcm[1]= Pcm[2],Pcm[3] //Using PCM 2 and PCM 3 to record the information on SpyPCM 1



AppSpyCIC[0]=SpyPcm[0],0..29 // Set the physical position for the SpyCIC which has a logical
number in the range of 0..29
AppSpyCIC[30]=SpyPcm[1],0..29 // Set the physical position for the SpyCIC which has a logical
number in the range of 30~59

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 606

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SpyT1TransE1Line
Configuration Item SpyT1TransE1Line
Section [SpyPcm]
Written Format SpyT1TransE1Line[k]=b
k: SpyPcm number;
Value Range b=0: The monitored line is the common E1 line;
b=1: The monitored line is the line transformed by a T1-to-E1 device.
Sets whether the channels are numbered by continuous codes (E1:1-30 or T1:1-23) or
discontinuous codes (E1:1-15, 17-31).
z This configuration item is only applicable to monitoring of ISDN lines;
z This configuration item is only applicable to DTP Series. Setting SpyCIC Number (DTP Series) TotalAppSpyCIC
Refer to AppSpyCIC AppSpyCIC
Configuration Item
Section [AppSpyCICTable]
Written Format Format 1: AppSpyCIC[n]=SpyPcm[m],k
Format 2: AppSpyCIC[n]=SpyPcm[m],
N: The total number of SpyCIC;
n: The logical number of SpyCIC, numbered from 0, 0≤n<N;
m: The logical number of SpyPCM, for more information, refer to the configuration item
TotalSpyPcm or SpyPcm;
Value Range k: The circuit number on SpyPcm, 0≤k≤29. For SS7 signaling, the value of k is the CIC field
in the message of TUP or ISUP; For ISDN PRI signaling, the actual relation between the
value of k and PCM is:
ks: The starting circuit number on SpyPcm, 0≤ks≤29;
ke: The ending circuit number on SpyPcm, 0≤ke≤29
TotalAppSpyCIC sets the total number of the monitored circuits;
AppSpyCIC establishes the mapping between the logical number of the SpyCIC in the
application and one actual circuit on the SpyPCM. For more information, refer to ‘DTP
Series’ in Chapter 1
z Format 1 is used for one-by-one setting, format 2 is used for batched setting which is
Note equivalent to the continuous ke-ks+1 times of setting with format 1 starting from ks;
z This configuration item is only applicable to DTP Series
Example Refer to the example in the configuration item TotalSpyPcm Essential Configuration Items for SS7 (DTP Series) TotalSpyLinkSet
Refer to SpyIsupCICPcm

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 607

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SpyLinkSet
Refer to SpyIsupCICPcm TotalSpyLinkPcm
Refer to SpyIsupCICPcm SpyLinkPcm
Refer to SpyIsupCICPcm SpyCICPcm
Refer to SpyIsupCICPcm SpySpCodeLen
Refer to SpyIsupCICPcm SpyIsupCICPcm
Configuration Item SpyLinkPcm
Section [SS7Spy]
Configuration 1: applicable to single-link group:
Configuration 2: applicable to single-link group or multi-link group:
Written Format
Format 1: SpyLinkSet[n]=SpyPcm[x]
Format 2: SpyLinkSet[n]=SpyPcm[x]+SpyPcm[y]
Note: Format 1 is applicable to a link set which contains one signaling link only; Format 2 is
applicable to a link set which has two signaling links.
Note: Configuration 1 has a higher priority than Configuration 2.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 608

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

N: The total number of signaling link sets, 1≤N≤48, must start from n=0, continuously
configure SpyLinkSet N times;
n: The logical number of the link set, 0≤n<N;
x, y, m: The logical number of SpyPcm, 0≤x<M, 0≤y<M, 0≤m<M;
k: The digital trunk number assigned to SpyPcm by the Central Office, i.e. the value of
the PCM parameter in the CIC field of TUP or ISUP messages, it can be obtained
Value Range
from the Central office;
j: The value is either 24 or 14. It is used to set the encoding standard for signaling
points: 24bit is the National Signaling Point Code (NSPC) format, 14bit is the
International Signaling Point Code (ISPC) format.
Note: M is the set value of the configuration item TotalSpyPcm. TotalSpyLinkPcm has the
same value as TotalSpyPcm.
— TotalSpyLinkSet sets the total number of the SS7 signaling link sets;
— SpyLinkSet sets the physical position of the signaling link in the designated Link Set n;
— TotalSpyLinkPcm sets the total number of digital trunks to be monitored in the
application program;
Description — SpyLinkPcm sets the physical position of a signaling link in the specified link set;
— SpyCICPcm and SpyIsupCICPcm establish the mapping relation between the number
of the digital trunk in the CIC field of TUP or ISUP messages and the logical number of
SpyPCM in Link Set n, SpyCICPcm is only applicable to the TUP protocol,
SpyIsupCICPcm is only applicable to the ISUP protocol.
z SpyLinkSet[n].SpyCICPcm[k] is only applicable to the TUP protocol;
z SpyLinkSet[n].SpyIsupCICPcm[k] is only applicable to the ISUP protocol;
z This configuration item is only applicable to the SS7 signaling of DTP Series;
z This configuration item requires the SynCTI driver of version or above.
Example Refer to ‘Application and Configuration Instance for DTP Series’ in Chapter 1. Essential Configuration Items for SS7 (SHD Series) Setting Digital Trunk Using ISUP Protocol TotalIsupPcm
Refer to IsupPcm IsupPcm
Configuration Item
Section [SS7]
Written Format
M: The total number of digital trunks using the ISUP protocol, 0≤M<N. N is the set value of
the configuration item. If M is not 0, the configuration item IsupPcm must be set;
m: The logical number of the digital trunk using ISUP protocol, numbered from 0. Range of
Value Range
value: 0≤m<M
k: The logical number of the digital trunk in the application, range of value: 0≤k<N. The
logical number of the digital trunk is set by the configuration item TotalPcm and Pcm.
TotalIsupPcm sets the total number of the digital trunks using the ISUP protocol in the
Description application;
IsupPcm sets the digital trunk using ISUP protocol in the local PC

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 609

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

z If the ISUP protocol is not used in the system, this configuration item doesn’t need to be
Note z If TotalIsupPcm is set to be 0, the configuration item IsupPcm doesn’ t need to be set,
and the configuration item AutoHandleIsup will be ignored;
z This configuration item is only applicable to SHD Series Essential Configuration Items for ISDN (SHD Series) Setting Operating Mode UseISDNMode
Configuration Item UseISDNMode
Section [ISDN]
Written Format UseISDNMode=m
m=0: User side (default);
m=1: Network side;
m=2: User side + Network side.
Value Range
Note: Under this mode, all the digital trunks must have the same mode on one single
board, i.e. either all of them are user side mode, or all of them are network side mode,
but different boards may support different modes
Sets the operating mode when ISDN protocol is used. For more information, refer to
‘Network-side Mode and User-side Mode’ in Chapter 1 Setting Digital Trunk Using ISDN Signaling (User Side) TotalUserLinker
Refer to UserTEIValue UserPcmLink
Refer to UserTEIValue UserSendEstablish
Refer to UserTEIValue UserTEIValue
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 610

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

N: The total number of digital trunks at user side;

n: The logical number of each digital trunk at user side, numbered from 0;
k: The logical number of the digital trunk at local end. For more information, refer to the
description of the configuration item TotalPcm and Pcm;
b: Determines whether this end sends the message of automatic link building for the ISDN
signaling or not.
0: Not to send;
1: Send (default).
Value Range m: TEI value. Range of value:
0≤m≤63: Fixed TEI;
m>63: Dynamic TEI.
The default value of m is 0.
Note: the value of m must be the same as the value at the network side; otherwise the
link between the local and network side can’t be established. It’s supposed that the
TEI value is x at the network side, if 0≤x≤63, m must be equal to x; if x>63, m may be
equal to x, but it may also not be equal to x. For more information about TEI value,
refer to ‘TEI value’ in Chapter 1
TotalUserLinker sets the total number of local digital trunks which use the ISDN signaling and
operate at the user side;
Description UserPcmLink establishes the mapping relation between the number of each digital trunk at
user side and its logical number;
UserTEIValue sets the TEI value of the digital trunk at user side
z If N>0, both UserPcmLink and UserTEIValue must be set N times;
Note z This configuration item is only applicable to the mode of user side;
z Currently, it is not supported to set the TEI value to be larger than 63. Setting Digital Trunk Using ISDN Signaling (Network Side) TotalNetLinker
Refer to NetTEIValue NetPcmLink
Refer to NetTEIValue NetSendEstablish
Refer to NetTEIValue NetTEIValue
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 611

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

N: The total number of the digital trunks at network side in the system;
n: The logical number of the digital trunk at network side, numbered from 0;
k: The logical number of the digital trunk at local end. For more information, refer to the
description of the configuration item TotalPcm and Pcm;
b: Sets whether to send the message of automatic link building at the local end.
Value Range 0: Not to send (default);
1: Send.
m: TEI value. Range of value:
0≤m≤63: Fixed TEI;
m>63: Dynamic TEI.
The default value of m is 0.
TotalNetLinker sets the total number of the digital trunks at local end working in
network-side mode;
Description NetPcmLink establishes the mapping relation between each digital trunk working in
network-side mode and its logical number;
NetTEIValue sets the TEI value of each digital trunk working in network-side mode
z If N>0, both NetPcmLink and NetTEIValue must be set N times;
Note z This configuration item is only applicable to the mode of network side;
z Currently, it is not supported to set the TEI value to be larger than 63. Essential Configuration Items for China SS1 (SHD Series) ProtocolType
Configuration Item ProtocolType
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format ProtocolType=m
m=0: Use SS1 signaling (default);
m=1: Use the LineSide protocol;
Value Range m=2: Use the ASB protocol;
m=3: Use the LineSide (OPS-FX) protocol;
m=4: Use the VPS protocol.
Sets the signaling mode for the channel currently using SS1 signaling by default.
Here gives a brief explanation for the different values of ProtocolType. Customers can
configure it according to the requirements of the remote PBX.
When m = 1, 3 or 4, the CD value of the sent CAS is equal to the value of the configuration
item TxCas_CD. The channel, if it receives a CAS with the AB value of 0 in an idle state, will
turn into the ringing state. When you pick up the phone, if m=1, the AB value of the sent CAS
is 2; if m=3, the AB value of the sent CAS is 3; if m=4, the AB value of the sent CAS is 0x0f.
When m = 2, the AB value of the sent CAS is equal to the value of the configuration item
TxCas_CD. The channel, if it receives a CAS with the ABCD value of 2 in an idle state, will
turn into the ringing state. When you pick up the phone, the CD value of the sent CAS is 2. SHN Series Common Configuration Items for SHN Series LocalSipIp
Note: This configuration item is named LocalIp and can not be found in Section [SIP] for SHN B series VoIP boards
in versions below SynCTI

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 612

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Refer to LocalSipPort LocalSipPort
Note: This configuration item is named LocalPort and can not be found in Section [SIP] for SHN B series VoIP
boards in versions below SynCTI
Configuration Item
Section [SIP]
Written Format
m: Sets the network address carried by SIP signaling. m is a character string in the form of
Ipv4 address, containing less than 256 characters. The exceptional case is m=
Select a random IP address of the local host as the network address carried by SIP
Value Range
n: Sets the network intercept port carried by SIP. It is 5060 by default and provides the value
range of 1024 ~ 65536.
Description Sets the network address and port carried by SIP signaling for VoIP boards Essential Configuration Items for SHN A Series Setting Protocol Type ProtocolType
Configuration Item ProtocolType
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format ProtocolType=m
m: Sets the protocol used by this VoIP board. See below for details:
Value Range m=1: Use the SIP protocol.
m=2: Set the VoIP board to be a VoIP resource board.
ProtocolType is used to set the protocol for the VoIP board or set the VoIP board to be a
VoIP resource board. Essential Configuration Items for SIP RTPRange
Configuration Item RTPRange
Section [SIP]
Written Format RTPRange= tL, tH
tL: Minimum RTP port range (1024≤tL, with the default value of 6000);
Value Range
tH: Maximum RTP port range (tH≤65535, with the default value of 10000).
Description Sets the RTP port range for the SHN A series boards. AudioCodecList
Refer to SendDtmfType

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 613

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SendDtmfType
Configuration Item SendDtmfType
Section [BoardId=x]
AudioCodecList= p1,p2,…. pn
Written Format
p1,p2, The voice codecs list for calls, with the default value of 6,7,131. n≤10 and the
value staying ahead has a higher priority. See below for what they mean exactly:
px=6: G.711 A-Law;
px=7: G.711 µ-Law;
Value Range px=131: G.729A.
j: Sets the DTMF transmission mode. See below for details:
j=0: Use RFC2833 mode to send DTMF;
j=1: Use Signaling mode to send DTMF;
j=2: Use In-band mode to send DTMF.
Description Set the voice codecs and the DTMF transmission mode for the SHN A series boards. RecvDtmfType
Configuration Item RecvDtmfType
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format RecvDtmfType=j
j: Sets the DTMF reception mode. See below for details:
j=0: Support three modes In-band, Signaling and RFC2833 to receive DTMF;
Value Range
j=1: Support two modes Signaling and RFC2833 to receive DTMF;
j=2: Support only one mode In-band to receive DTMF.
Description Set the DTMF reception mode for the SHN A series. Essential Configuration Items for SHN B Series Essential Configuration Items for SIP BoardIP
Note: This configuration item is named LocalIp and works as the common IP used for both signaling and RTP in
versions below SynCTI
Refer to SendDtmfType SubMask
Refer to SendDtmfType Gateway
Refer to SendDtmfType DNS
Refer to SendDtmfType

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 614

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd AudioCodecList
Refer to SendDtmfType RTPRange
Refer to SendDtmfType SendSipMsg
Refer to SendDtmfType SendDtmfType
Configuration Item
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format
AudioCodecList= q1,q2,…. qn
RTPRange= tL, tH

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 615

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

m: Sets the IP address of the network card equipped on the SHN B-type board.
v: Sets the subnet mask for the SHN B-type Series. v is a character string in the form of Ipv4
address, containing less than 256 characters. By default, v=
p: Sets the gateway for the SHN B-type Series.
L: Sets the DNS address. L is a character string in the form of Ipv4 address, containing less
than 256 characters. By default, L=
q1,q2,…. qn: The voice codecs list for calls, with the default value of 6,7,131,49. n≤10 and the
value staying ahead has a higher priority. See below for what they mean exactly.
qx=6: G.711 A-Law;
qx=7: G.711 µ-Law;
qx=131: G.729A;
Value Range qx=49: GSM (Only for SHN B Series).
tL: Minimum RTP port range (1024≤tL, with the default value of 6000);
tH: Maximum RTP port range (tH≤65535, with the default value of 10000).
Please note that the RTP ports under 6000 or above 10000 may have been occupied by the
driver, therefore we suggest you use the default value of tL and tH.
n: Sets the switch for playing voices upon receiving rings to the remote end on an SIP
channel. This configuration item is valid only when n=183. Once the driver receives the invite
call, it will automatically respond 183+SDP instead of sending the 180 message. This
configuration item is invalid as long as n≠183. It is only applicable to B-type boards, not to
A-type boards.
j: Sets the DTMF transmission mode. See below for details:
j=0: Use RFC2833 mode to send DTMF;
j=1: Use Signaling mode to send DTMF;
j=2: Use In-band mode to send DTMF.
Set the network address carried by SIP signaling, the DTMF transmission mode and other
SIP operational parameters for the SHN B series. RecvDtmfType
Configuration Item RecvDtmfType
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format RecvDtmfType=j
j: Sets the DTMF reception mode. See below for details:
j=0: Support three modes In-band, Signaling and RFC2833 to receive DTMF;
Value Range
j=1: Support two modes Signaling and RFC2833 to receive DTMF;
j=2: Support only one mode In-band to receive DTMF.
Description Set the DTMF reception mode for the SHN B series. Essential Configuration Items for DST Series (REC Series only) PBXType

Configuration Item PBXType

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format PBXType=s
s: Denotes the string of the PBX model. For more information about the available models,
Value Range
refer to ‘DST Series Supported PBX Models’
Description Sets the model of the PBX connected with DST Series boards
Example PBXType=ALCATEL4300

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 616

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd PhoneType

Configuration Item PhoneType

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format PhoneType=n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16
n1~n16: The number denotes the model of the digital phone. For the available value, refer to
Value Range
‘DST Series Supported PBX Models’ in Chapter 1
Description Sets the value of the model of the digital phone connected with the DST board DstRecRawData

Configuration Item DstRecRawData

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format DstRecRawData=n
n=0 (default): Common working mode
Value Range
n=1: Raw data acquisition mode
Allows to set the raw data acquisition mode to acquire the raw wave data on the line for
analysis and troubleshooting.
Note z This configuration item is only applicable to DST series B-type boards. SetAnalogCtrlEnable

Configuration Item SetAnalogCtrlEnable

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format SetAnalogCtrlEnable=n
n=0: The configuration item AnalogCtrl goes invalid;
Value Range
n=1: The configuration item AnalogCtrl becomes valid.
Description Sets whether to enable the configuration item AnalogCtrl.
z This configuration item is only applicable to DST series B-type boards.
Note z This configuration item is not necessary to be added in most situations. If you need,
please set it under the instruction from our technicians. AnalogCtrl

Configuration Item AnalogCtrl

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format AnalogCtrl =0xabcd,0xabcd,0xabcd

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 617

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Hexadecimal data. These three data respectively correspond to three modules. Refer to the
following table for reference values of analog switches. You may adjust in real situation if
Reference Reference
Value of Value of
PBX Model PBX Model
Analog Analog
Switch Switch
Aastra Nexspan 0x6 Alcatel4200/4400 0x2
AscotelIntelligate 0x4 Aspect 0x6
AvayaDefinity-2w 0x2 AvayaDefinity-4w 0x4
AvayaIndex 0x4 AvayaMerlingMagix 0x2
AvayaMLX 0x4 Belgacom 0x2
BoschIntegral2w 0x2 BoschIntegral4w 0x4
BoschIntegral552w 0x2 BRI ISDN 0x4
BRI ISDNI1 0x4 Comdial 0x4
Eon_EQ 0x4 Ericsson ELU25/28 0x4
Ericsson ELU5 0x4 Fujitsu F9600 0x0
Value Range
Harris2B 0x4 Harris_1B_optic 0x6
Harris_1B_workstation 0x6 IAP 0x4
Intecom2-wire 0x2 Intercom4-wire 0x2
Intel-Tel 0x4 iwatsu256k 0x2
Iwatsu512k 0x2 LG_StareXCS 0x4
MirtelSx2000 0x4 NEC 0x4
nitsuko 0x2 Nortel Matra 0x6
Nortel Meridian1 0x4 Nortel Norstar 0x4
panasonic_DBS 0x0 Panasonic KX 0x2
Panasonic 7600se 0x0 PhilipsSOPHOis30002w 0x2
PhilipsSOPHOis30004w 0x4 RockwellSpectrum 0x4
SamsungDCS-828 0x4 SamsungINFOREX 0x4
Siemens Hicom 0x2 Siemens ISDT2W 0x0
Siemens Realifis DT 0x4 Siemens RolmLink 0x2
Tadran Coral 0x2 Teltronics(Harris2020) 0x6
ToshibaStrataDK/CTX 0x4
Description Sets the value for analog switches.
z This configuration item is only applicable to DST series B-type boards.
z This configuration item is only valid when SetAnalogCtrlEnable=1.
z This configuration item is not necessary to be added in most situations. Please contact
our technical support should you have any query about this configuration item. SetVoxChSelectEnable

Configuration Item SetVoxChSelectEnable

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format SetVoxChSelectEnable =n

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 618

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n=0: The configuration item VoxChSelect goes invalid;

Value Range
n=1: The configuration item VoxChSelect becomes valid.
Description Sets whether to enable the configuration item VoxChSelect.
z This configuration item is only applicable to DST series B-type boards.
Note z This configuration item is not necessary to be added in most situations. If you need,
please set it under the instruction from our technicians. VoxChSelect

Configuration Item VoxChSelect

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format VoxChSelect =0xabcd,0xabcd,0xabcd
Hexadecimal data, bits 0-15 respectively correspond to Channel 0-7. Each channel occupies
2 bits. To be exact,
Value Range 00 – B0;
01 – B1;
10 – B2.
When a DST series B-type board is used for recording, it will give the two voice channels on
each channel two different bit values (B0, B1 or B2). By designating the bit values, this
configuration item sets the voice channels to be recorded. By default, the B0 voice channels
will be recorded.
VoxChSelect=0x4924,0x0,0x5555 indicates that the voices channels to be recorded on
Example Channel 0-7 are respectively B0, B1, B2, B0, B1, B2, B0, B1, those on Channel 8-15 are all
B0, and those on Channel16-23 are all B1.
z This configuration item is only applicable to DST series B-type boards.
z This configuration item is only valid when SetVoxChSelectEnable =1.
z This configuration item is not necessary to be added in most situations. If you need,
please set it under the instruction from our technicians. SetFilterSwitchEnable

Configuration Item SetFilterSwitchEnable

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format SetFilterSwitchEnable =n
n=0: The configuration item FiiterSwitch goes invalid;
Value Range
n=1: The configuration item FiiterSwitch becomes valid.
Description Sets whether to enable the configuration item FiiterSwitch.
z This configuration item is only applicable to DST series B-type boards.
Note z This configuration item is not necessary to be added in most situations. If you need,
please set it under the instruction from our technicians. FilterSwitch

Configuration Item FilterSwitch

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format FilterSwitch =0xabcd,0xabcd,0xabcd
Hexadecimal data, varying on actual condition. These three data respectively correspond to
Value Range
three modules.
Description Sets the filter switch.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 619

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z This configuration item is only applicable to DST series B-type boards.

z This configuration item is only valid when SetFilterSwitchEnable =1.
z This configuration item is not necessary to be added in most situations. If you need,
please set it under the instruction from our technicians. SetVoltageReferenceEnable

Configuration Item SetVoltageReferenceEnable

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format SetVoltageReferenceEnable =n
n=0: The configuration item VoltageReference goes invalid;
Value Range
n=1: The configuration item VoltageReference becomes valid.
Description Sets whether to enable the configuration item VoltageReference.
z This configuration item is only applicable to DST series B-type boards.
Note z This configuration item is not necessary to be added in most situations. If you need,
please set it under the instruction from our technicians. VoltageReference

Configuration Item VoltageReference

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format VoltageReference =0xabcd,0xabcd,0xabcd
Hexadecimal data, varying on actual condition. These three data respectively correspond to
Value Range
three modules.
Description Sets initial maximum level and reference voltage amplitude.
z This configuration item is only applicable to DST series B-type boards.
z This configuration item is only valid when SetVoltageReferenceEnable =1.
z This configuration item is not necessary to be added in most situations. If you need,
please set it under the instruction from our technicians. Essential Configuration Items for IPR Series (REC Series only) Essential Configuration Items for SynIPRecorder in

Master RecMasterIP
Configuration Item RecMasterIP
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format RecMasterIP =m
m: m is a character string in the form of Ipv4 address. The default value is
Value Range
Description Host IP address of SynIPRecorder Master. RecMasterPort
Configuration Item RecMasterPort
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format RecMasterPort =m

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 620

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Value Range m: m is a number with the default value of 9888.

Description Host monitoring port of SynIPRecorder Master. RTPTimeOut
Configuration Item RTPTimeOut
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format RTPTimeOut =m
m: m is a number. When a recording channel does not detect the RTP data in a
long period of time, it is assumed that the corresponding Session to this
Value Range channel is disconnected and the recording will be stopped automatically.
When m=0, RTP timeout detection will not be performed. The default value is
15 (calculated by seconds).
Description Sets the time period for RTP timeout detection. Essential Configuration Items for SynIPAnalyzer MonitorNIC
Configuration Item MonitorNIC
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format MonitorNIC =m
m: m is a character string, representing the identification of the monitored network
Value Range
Description The monitored network card in SynIPAnalyzer. ForwardIP
Configuration Item ForwardIP
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format ForwardIP =m
m: m is a character string in the form of IPv4 address. The default value is
Value Range
Description The IP address that SynIPAnalyzer uses to forward the RTP data. ForwardPort
Configuration Item ForwardPort
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format ForwardPort =m
Value Range m: m is a number with the default value of 20000.
Description The port that SynIPAnalyzer uses to forward the RTP data. MonitorType
Configuration Item MonitorType
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format MonitorType =m
m=0: Monitor All (default);
Value Range
m=1: Monitor By Station
Description The monitoring type of SynIPAnalyzer.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 621

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z If the monitoring type is set to Monitor By Station (m=1), you need to invoke
the function SsmIPRAddStationToMap and SsmIPRRmvStationFromMap(Ex)
explicitly to control the Station. If the Station to be monitored is not added by the
function SsmIPRAddStationToMap, the driver can not monitor any phone.
z To set ‘Monitor By Station’ as the original monitoring type, we suggest you
do it via this configuration item instead of the function SsmIPRSetMonitorType; or
the driver may detect the session and Station before you invoke this function and
may probably waste extra time and resources to deal with the monitored session. RTPTimeOut
Configuration Item RTPTimeOut
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format RTPTimeOut =m
m: m is a number. When a Session does not detect the RTP data in a long period
of time, it is assumed this session is disconnected automatically. When m=0,
Value Range
RTP timeout detection will not be performed. The default value is 15
(calculated by seconds).
Description Sets the time period for RTP timeout detection.

3.1.2 Common Configuration Items Setting Protocol for SHD/DTP Series Board CardType

Configuration Item CardType

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format CardType=n
n=0: E1 interface
n=1: T1 interface
Value Range
n=2: J1 interface
The default value is 0.
This configuration item and the PcmSSx configuration item can enable the system to run
based on T1/J1 ISDN protocol. However, you need to modify the following configuration
items according to the voice CODECs used on the line.
1. DefaultVoiceFormat under Section [BoardId=x] which is used to configure the voice
CODEC for DSP reception/transmission;
2. UserVoiceFormat or NetVoiceFormat under Section [ISDN] if ISDN lines are used. Setting Events Thrown out by Driver DefaultEventOutput

Configuration Item DefaultEventOutput

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format DefaultEventOutput=m

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 622

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m=0: Not output any events

m=1: Only output commonly-used events. For more information about the commonly-used
Value Range
events, refer to the related information in Chapter 1;
m=2: Output all of the events
Description Sets the event filter of the driver. For more information, refer to ‘Event Filter’ in Chapter 1 OvrlEnrgEventOut

Configuration Item OvrlEnrgEventOut

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format OvrlEnrgEventOut=n
n=0: not output E_CHG_OvrlEnrgLevel
Value Range n=1: output E_CHG_OvrlEnrgLevel, any other value except 0 will be regarded as 1
The default value is 0.
Sets the event filter for E_CHG_OvrlEnrgLevel in the driver. To output
E_CHG_OvrlEnrgLevel, the precondition is the value of DefaultEventOutput is not 0. Setting Depth of Internal Event Queue MaxEventPerChannel

Configuration Item MaxEventPerChannel

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format MaxEventPerChannel=n
Value Range n>0, calcaulated by the total number of events, with the default value of 100
Sets the depth of the event-queue of one channel. When the application invokes the
function of SsmSetEvent using the parameter wEvent=0xffff to enable the event polling or
event callback mode, the driver will allocate memory for the event queue using the set value
of this configuration item MaxUserEventSize

Configuration Item MaxUserEventSize

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format MaxUserEventSize=n
n≥0, with the default value of 0 which means the application is forbidden to add self-defined
Value Range
event to the driver
During the time interval (8ms) of one hardware interruption, the maximum number of the
Description self-defined events that the application may add to the interval event output queue in the
driver. Setting General Parameters for State Machine MaxWaitAutoDialAnswerTime

Configuration Item MaxWaitAutoDialAnswerTime

Section [SystemConfig] / [SS1Config] / [ISUP] / [TUP] / [ISDN] / [SIP]
Written Format MaxWaitAutoDialAnswerTime=t

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 623

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t: Maximum wait time (seconds), the default value varies according to the channel type:
— Analog trunk channel: 25 seconds;
— SS1 channel: 90 seconds;
Value Range — ISUP channel: 180 seconds;
— TUP channel: 60 seconds;
— ISDN channel: 60 seconds;
— SIP channel: 60 seconds.
The maximum wait time waiting for the called party pickup after the channel state turns to
‘WaitAnswer’, during an outgoing call. For the execution process of AutoDial, refer to the
following parts of Chapter 1:
— Analog trunk channel: ‘Analog Trunk Channel State Machine’;
Description — SS1 channel: Timer T6 in China SS1 State Machine ’;
— ISUP channel: Timer T4 in ‘ISUP Channel State Machine’;
— TUP channel: Timer T4 in ‘TUP Channel State Machine’;
— ISDN channel: Timer WaitAnswerTimer in ‘ISDN Channel State Machine’;
— SIP channel: Timer evTimeout(*2) in ‘SIP Channel State Machine’.
z For the configuration of analog trunk channels, use the configuration section
[SystemConfig]; for the configuration of SS1 channels, use the configuration section
[SS1Config]; for the configuration of ISUP channels, use the configuration section
[ISUP]; for the configuration of TUP channels, use the configuration section [TUP]; for
the configuration of ISDN channels, use the configuration section [ISDN]; for the
configuration of SIP channels, use the configuration section [SIP]. RingToPending

Configuration Item RingToPending

Section [TUP] / [ISUP]
Written Format RingToPending=m
m=0: Response to the ‘disconnected’ message from the other end, start to tear down the
m=1: Not to response to the tear-down message from the other end, the channel is
Value Range transitioned to the ‘pending’ state. The reason of pending is also set to be
PEND_RemoteHangupOnRinging, so that when to tear down the connection is
determined by the application itself;
The default value is 0
During incoming call, when the local end is in the ‘ringing’ state, if the remote PBX quits
call, it sends tear-down message to the local end. When the driver receives the tear-down
Description message, this configuration item determines which next state of the channel will be
entered. For more information about this configuration item, refer to the channel state
transition in Chapter 1
z This configuration item is only applicable to TUP and ISUP channels
Note z For the configuration of TUP channels, use the configuration section [TUP], for the
configuration of ISUP channel, use the configuration section [ISUP] AutoClearCallerIdBufOnHangup

Configuration Item AutoClearCallerIdBufOnHangup

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format AutoClearCallerIdBufOnHangup=b
b=0: No
Value Range
b=1: Yes(default)

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 624

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When the call is finished, this configuration item determines whether the driver will
automatically clear the buffer area storing the calling party ID and the extended buffer area.
If it’s ISUP channel or TUP channel, the buffer area storing the called party number and 1st
called party number will also be cleared
Note This configuration item requires the driver version 2.1 or above AutomaticAisGeneration

Configuration Item AutomaticAisGeneration

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format AutomaticAisGeneration[n]=b
n: Logical PCM number, numbered from 0;
Value Range b=0: No; (default)
b=1: Yes
When the input signal is interrupted, it determines whether to enable the automatic
generation of the AIS message
z This configuration item is only applicable to 8E1/16E1 links;
z When the current configuration item for PCM 4m is configured, the
AutomaticAisGeneration for PCM 4*m+1, PCM 4*m+2 and PCM 4*m+3 will be
automatically set by the system simultaneously (m is the natural number which makes
the logical PCM index meaningful);
z This configuration item requires the driver version or above AutomaticRaiGereration

Configuration Item AutomaticRaiGereration

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format AutomaticRaiGereration =b
b=0: No; (default)
Value Range
b=1: Yes
When the input signal is lost, it determines whether to enable the automatic generation of
the RAI message
z This configuration item is only applicable to 8E1/16E1 links
z When the current configuration item for PCM 4m is configured, the
AutomaticRAIGeneration for PCM 4*m+1, PCM 4*m+2 and PCM 4*m+3 will be
automatically set by the system simultaneously (m is the natural number which makes
the logical PCM index meaningful);
z This configuration item requires the driver version or above IgnoreBlockInGra

Configuration Item IgnoreBlockInGra

Section [TUP]
Written Format IgnoreBlockInGra =b
b=0: No; (default)
Value Range
b=1: Yes
Description Whether to ignore the status indication field in GRA
Note This configuration item is only valid to the TUP connection

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 625

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd AllowTimeoutInSpyISDN

Configuration Item AllowTimeoutInSpyISDN

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format AllowTimeoutInSpyISDN=b
b=1: Reset the channel state back to S_SPY_STANDBY if time’s out after the channel keeps
in the S_SPY_RCVPHONUM state for a long time (default);
Value Range
b=0: Not to reset the channel state back to S_SPY_STANDBY if time’s out after the channel
keeps in the S_SPY_RCVPHONUM state for a long time.
Sets whether to reset the channel state back to S_SPY_STANDBY if time’s out after the
channel keeps in the S_SPY_RCVPHONUM state for a long time.
This configuration item is only applicable to the Synway DTP series boards. Forbidding the
Note use of this configuration item may cause an incomplete call so as to suspend the system in
the S_SPY_RCVPHONUM state for long time. Setting Voice CODECs on Digital Lines DefaultVoiceFormat

Configuration Item DefaultVoiceFormat

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format DefaultVoiceFormat=m
Value Range
Sets the voice data encoding format of the B-channel on digital lines (includes digital lines
connecting with DST Series boards and digital trunks connecting with SHD/DTP Series
In north America and Japan, μ-Law is adopted; In Europe and China, A-Law is adopted. The
encoding format of the B-channel voice data can be determined by referring to related
manuals of the PBX and telephone, and can also be determined by experiment
z This configuration item is only applicable to DST, SHD, DTP Series and C-type fax
z For C-type fax boards, this configuration item is used to set the format of bit stream
(A-Law or μ-Law);
z If the set value of this configuration item is not the same as the actual voice data
encoding format of the B-channel, the recorded voice data will have noises Setting Tone Detector Setting Start/stop of Tone Detector on Digital Voice Board DefaultToneCheckState
Configuration Item DefaultToneCheckState
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format DefaultToneCheckState =n
n=0: Tone detector disabled (Default);
Value Range
n=1:Tone detector enabled.
Set the switch to enable or disable the tone detector for digital boards or IP boards. When
Description n=1, whether the tone detector is enabled or not will be influenced by the channel state
transition, just like analog trunk boards.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 626

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Parameters of Noise Filter MinimumVoiceDetermineEnergy
Configuration Item MinimumVoiceDetermineEnergy
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format MinimumVoiceDetermineEnergy=e
e: e≥700, with the default value of 100000. For the conversion between the value of this
Value Range
parameter and the DB value, refer to ‘FFT’ in ‘Tone Detector’ of Chapter 1
Sets the threshold value for noise detection on the line. For more information, refer to
SsmSetMinVocDtrEnergy. Setting Parameters of DTMF Pulse-width Filter ToneHighFilterPoint
Refer to ToneLowFilterPoint ToneLowFilterPoint
Configuration Item
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format
tH: The minimum duration (ms) of the tone at on state, it must be integral times of 16ms, tH
>0, with the default value of 64ms
Value Range
tL: The minimum duration (ms) of the tone at off state, it must be integral times of 16ms, tL >0,
with the default value of 160 ms
ToneHighFilterPoint sets the minimum duration of the tone. If the incoming signal is the
same as that of the tone, but its duration is less than the set value of this parameter, the
driver will regard it as the interfering signal;
Description ToneLowFilterPoint sets the minimum duration that the tone disappears. If it’s determined
that the incoming signal is the same as that of the tone, and also the duration that this signal
disappears is larger than the set value of this parameter, the driver confirms that this signal
has disappeared. Setting 1st Call Progress Tone Detector Setting Parameters of Frequency Detector TonePara
Configuration Item TonePara
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format TonePara =f1,b1,f2,b2,r

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 627

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f1: The first center frequency (Hz), range of value: 300~3400, with the default value of 450
b1: The bandwidth (Hz) of the first center frequency, range of value: 40~120, with the default
value of 80
f2: The second center frequency (Hz), range of value: 300~3400, with the default value of 0
Value Range
b2: The bandwidth (Hz) of the second center frequency, range of value: 40~120, with the
default value of 0
r: The threshold value (%), range of value: 15~80, with the default value of 50
For more information, refer to the description of the function SsmSetTonePara
Sets the Parameters of the frequency detector in the call progress tone detector. For more
information, refer to Call Progress Tone Detector in Chapter 1 Setting Parameters of Dial Tone Detector IsDialToneDetermineTime
Configuration Item IsDialToneDetermineTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format IsDialToneDetermineTime=t
Value Range t: Minimum duration (ms), t≥1300, with the default value of 1500
Sets the parameters of the dial tone detector in the 1st call progress tone detector. For more
information, refer to SsmSetIsDialToneDtrTime Setting Parameters of Echo Tone Detector RingEchoTonePara
Configuration Item RingEchoTonePara
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format RingEchoTonePara=tH,tL
tH: The duration (ms) of the tone at on state, range of value: 300≤tH≤2500, with the default
value of 1000
Value Range
tL: The duration (ms) of the tone at off state, range of value: 800≤tL≤6000, with the default
value of 4000
Sets the durations of the tone at on and off states for the echo tone detector. For more
information, refer to the function of SsmSetRingEchoTonePara Setting Parameters of Busy Tone Detector BusyTonePeriod
Refer to IsBusyToneDetermineCount IsBusyToneDetermineCount
Configuration Item
Section [SystemConfig]
Format 1:BusyTonePeriod=p1
Format 2:BusyTonePeriod=p1,p2
Written Format Format 3:BusyTonePeriod=p1,p2,p3
Format 4:BusyTonePeriod=p1,p2,p3,p4

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 628

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p1,p2,p3,p4: Busy tone cycle (ms), range of value: 200≤pi≤2000, with the default value of
Value Range 700ms;
n: The minimum number of busy tone cycles, 1≤n≤10, with the default value of 2
Sets the parameters of the busy tone detector in the 1 Call Progress Tone Detector. For
more information, refer to Busy Tone Detector in Chapter 1;
BusyTonePeriod sets the busy tone cycles, at most 4 busy tone cycles can be set, separated
by comma. Format 1, Format 2, Format 3 and Format 4 are applicable to setting 1~4 cycles
respectively. For more information, refer to the function SsmSetBusyTonePeriodEx;
IsBusyToneDetermineCount sets the minimum number of the busy tone cycles
BusyTonePeriod=700 // Detect one type of busy tone, the cycle is 700ms
BusyTonePeriod=700,1400 // Detect two types of busy tones, the cycles are 700ms and 1400ms respectively Setting Parameters for Kewl Start EnableKewlStart
Configuration Item EnableKewlStart
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format EnableKewlStart=m
m=0: disable the Kewl Start feature (default)
Value Range
m=1: enable the Kewl Start feature
Description Sets whether to enable the Kewl Start feature to detect remote hangup. KSVoltageThreshold
Configuration Item KSVoltageThreshold
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format KSVoltageThreshold=n
The threshold voltage to detect remote hangup (V), with the default value of 0 and the
Value Range
value range of n≥0
Sets the threshold voltage for Kewl Start to detect remote hangup. For more information,
refer to Change in Analog Phone Line Voltage section in Chapter 1. KSKeepTime
Configuration Item KSKeepTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format KSKeepTime=m
Value Range Duration (ms), with the default value of 256 and the value range of 16 ~ 65535.
Sets the filter time for Kewl Start to detect remote hangup. For more information, refer to
Change in Analog Phone Line Voltage section in Chapter 1. Setting Parameters of User-defined Tone Detector AppointedToneAnalyzerSwitch
Configuration Item AppointedToneAnalyzerSwitch
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format AppointedToneAnalyzerSwitch=m
m=0: Stop the user-defined tone detector;
m=1: Start the user-defined tone detector, detect the continuous tone,
Value Range the configuration item IsAppointedToneDetermineTime is valid here;
m=2: Start the user-defined tone detector, detect the periodic tones, the configuration item
AppointedTonePara and IsAppointedToneDetermineCount are valid here

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 629

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Sets the user-defined tone detector in the 1st Call Progress Tone Detector. For more
details, refer to User-defined Tone Detector in Chapter 1 IsAppointedToneDetermineTime
Configuration Item IsAppointedToneDetermineTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format IsAppointedToneDetermineTime=t
Value Range t≥16: Minimum duration (ms), with the default value of 80
Sets the minimum duration of the user-defined continuous tone, it’s applicable to the
Description user-defined tone detector in the 1st Call Progress Tone Detector. For more information,
refer to User-defined Tone Detector in chapter 1
z Only when the configuration item AppointedToneAnalyzerSwitch is set to be 1, this
configuration item is valid;
z If the set value of this configuration item is less than the set value of
IsDialToneDetermineTime, the dial tone will not be detected correctly; If the set value
of this configuration item is larger than the set value of IsDialToneDetermineTime, the
user-defined continuous tone will not be detected correctly AppointedTonePara
Refer to IsAppointedToneDetermineCount IsAppointedToneDetermineCount
Configuration Item
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format
tH: The duration (ms) of the tone at on state, 16≤tH≤6000, with the default value of 2000
Value Range tL: The duration (ms) of the tone at off state, 16≤tL≤6000, with the default value of 2000
n: User-defined minimum number of tone cycles, 1≤n≤10, with the default value of 2
Sets parameters of the periodic tones of User-defined Tone Detector in the 1st Call Progress
Tone Detector;
Description AppointedTonePara sets the durations of the tone at on and off states;
IsAppointedToneDetermineCount sets the minimum number of the tone cycles to be
Only when the configuration item AppointedToneAnalyzerSwitch is set to be 2, this
configuration item is valid Setting 2nd Call Progress Tone Detector Setting Operating Status Enable2ndToneAnalyzer
Configuration Item Enable2ndToneAnalyzer
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format Enable2ndToneAnalyzer=b
b=1: Start 2nd Call Progress Tone Detector;
Value Range
b=0: Stop 2nd Call Progress Tone Detector
Sets the operating status of the 2nd Call Progress Tone Detector. For more information, refer
to SsmStart2ndToneAnalyzer

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 630

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Check2ndToneOnAutoDial
Configuration Item Check2ndToneOnAutoDial
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format Check2ndToneOnAutoDial=b
b=1: Yes
Value Range
b=0: No (default)
Sets whether the detected result of the 2 Call Progress Tone Detector affects the state
Description transition of the analog trunk channel. For more information, refer to ‘Call Progress Tone
Detector’ in Chapter 1 Setting Parameters of Frequency Detector 2ndTonePara
Configuration Item 2ndTonePara
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format TonePara =f1,b1,f2,b2,r
f1: The first center frequency (Hz), range of value: 300~3400, with the default value of 450
b1: The bandwidth (Hz) of the first center frequency, range of value: 40~120, with the
default value of 80
f2: The second center frequency (Hz), range of value: 300~3400, with the default value of
Value Range 0
b2: The bandwidth (Hz) of the second center frequency, range of value: 40~120, with the
default value of 0
r: The threshold value (%), range of value: 15~80, with the default value of 50
For more information, refer to the description of the function SsmSet2ndTonePara
Sets parameters of the frequency detector in the 2nd Call Progress Tone Detector, for more
information, refer to Call Progress Tone Detector in Chapter 1 Setting Parameters of Dial Tone Detector 2ndIsDialToneDetermineTime
Configuration Item 2ndIsDialToneDetermineTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format 2ndIsDialToneDetermineTime=t
Value Range t: The minimum duration (ms) of the dial tone, n≥1300, with the default value of 1500
Sets the dial tone detection parameters of the 2nd Call Progress Tone Detector. For more
information, refer to SsmSet2ndIsDialToneDtrTime Setting Parameters of Echo Tone Detector 2ndRingEchoTonePara
Configuration Item 2ndRingEchoTonePara
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format 2ndRingEchoTonePara=tH,tL
tH: The duration (ms) of the tone at on state, range of value: 300≤tH≤2500, with the default
value of 1000
Value Range
tL: The duration (ms) of the tone at off state, range of value: 800≤tL≤6000, with the default
value of 4000
Sets the durations of the tone at on and off states for the ringback tone detector in the 2nd
Call Progress Tone Detector. For more information, refer to SsmSet2ndRingEchoTonePara

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 631

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Parameters of Busy Tone Detector 2ndBusyTonePeriod
Refer to 2ndIsBusyToneDetermineCount 2ndIsBusyToneDetermineCount
Configuration Item
Section [SystemConfig]
Format 1:2ndBusyTonePeriod=p1
Format 2:2ndBusyTonePeriod=p1,p2
Written Format Format 3:2ndBusyTonePeriod=p1,p2,p3
Format 4:2ndBusyTonePeriod=p1,p2,p3,p4
p1,p2,p3,p4: Busy tone cycle (ms), range of value: 200≤pi≤2000, default value: 700ms。
Value Range
n: The minimum number of the busy tone cycles,1≤n≤10, with the default value of 2
Sets parameters of the Busy Tone Detector in the 2nd Call Progress Tone Detector
2ndBusyTonePeriod sets the busy tone cycle, at most 4 busy tone cycles can be set,
Description separated by ‘,’. Format 1, format 2, format 3 and format 4 are applicable to setting 1~4
cycles respectively . For more information, refer to SsmSetBusyTonePeriodEx;
2ndIsBusyToneDetermineCount sets the minimum number of the busy tone cycles
2ndBusyTonePeriod=700 // Detect one type of busy tone, the cycle is 700 ms
Example 2ndBusyTonePeriod=700,1400 //Detect two types of busy tones, the cycles are 700 ms
and 1400 ms respectively MaxBsTnOffTime
Configuration Item MaxBsTnOffTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format MaxBsTnOffTime=t
Value Range t (ms) ≥400, with the default value of 2000 ms
Sets the duration of the busy tone detection. For more information, refer to Busy Tone
Detector in Chapter 1
Note This configuration item also affects the 2nd Call Progress Tone Detector Setting Parameters of User-defined Tone Detector 2ndAppointedToneAnalyzerSwitch
Configuration Item 2ndAppointedToneAnalyzerSwitch
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format 2ndAppointedToneAnalyzerSwitch=m
m=0: Stop the User-defined Tone Detector;
Value Range m=1, Start the User-defined Tone Detector, detect continuous tone;
m=2: Start the User-defined Tone Detector, detect periodic tone
Sets the operating status of the User-defined Tone Detector in the 2nd Call Progress Tone
Detector. For more information, refer to User-defined Tone Detector in Chapter 1 2ndIsAppointedToneDetermineTime
Configuration Item 2ndIsAppointedToneDetermineTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format 2ndIsAppointedToneDetermineTime=t

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 632

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Value Range t (ms) ≥16: the minimum duration, with the default value of 80
Sets the minimum duration of the user-defined continuous tone, it’s applicable to the
Description User-defined Tone Detector in the 2nd Progress Tone Detector. For more information, refer
to User-defined Tone Detector in Chapter 1
z Only when the configuration item 2ndAppointedToneAnalyzerSwitch is set 1, this
configuration item is valid;
z If the set value of this configuration item is less than the set value of
Note 2ndIsDialToneDetermineTime, the dial tone will not be detected correctly; If the set
value of this configuration item is larger than the set value of
2ndIsDialToneDetermineTime, the user-defined continuous tone will not be detected
correctly 2ndAppointedTonePara
Refer to 2ndIsAppointedToneDetermineCount 2ndIsAppointedToneDetermineCount
Configuration Item
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format
tH: The duration (ms) of the tone at on state, 16≤tH≤6000, with the default value of 2000
Value Range tL: The duration (ms) of the tone at off state, 16≤tL≤6000, with the default value of 2000
n: User-defined minimum number of tone cycles, 1≤n≤10, with the default value of 2
Sets parameters of the periodic tones of User-defined Tone Detector in the 2nd Call Progress
Tone Detector;
Description 2ndAppointedTonePara sets the duration of the tone at off and on states,
2ndIsAppointedToneDetermineCount sets the minimum number of the tone cycles to be
Only when the configuration item 2ndAppointedToneAnalyzerSwitch is set to be 2, this
configuration item is valid Setting Fax Progress Tone Detector VoiceFreqF1Para
Refer to VoiceFreqF2Para VoiceFreqF2Para
Configuration Item
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format
f1,f2: Center frequency (Hz), range of value: 300~3400, the default value of f1 is 1100, the
default value of f2 is 2100;
b1,b2: Bandwidth (Hz), range of value: 40~120, with the default value of 80;
Value Range
r1,r2: The minimum threshold value (%) for the percentage of in-band energy to overall
energy, range of value: 15~80, with the default value of 50
t1,t2: The minimum duration (ms), range of value: ≥64, with the default value of 300

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 633

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Sets parameters of the fax progress tone detector. VoiceFreqF1Para sets the 1st fax
Description progress tone detector; VoiceFreqF2Para sets the 2nd fax progress tone detector.
For more information, refer to SsmSetVoiceFxPara. Setting Simplified Busy Tone Detector Setting Operating Status ToneAnalyzeAtRcvFsk
Configuration Item ToneAnalyzeAtRcvFsk
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format ToneAnalyzeAtRcvFsk=b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes
When the FSK receiver is working, whether to start the Simplified Busy Tone Detector. For
more information, refer to ‘Simplified Busy Tone Detector’ in Chapter 1
This configuration item normally is only applicable to analog trunk channels of SHT Series,
being valid when ToneDetectorMode=1. Setting Parameters of Noise Filter TAARFDetermineEnergy
Configuration Item TAARFDetermineEnergy
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format TAARFDetermineEnergy=e
e≥700, with the default value of 100000;
Value Range For the conversion between the value of this parameter and the DB value, refer to ‘FFT’ in
‘Tone Detector’ of Chapter 1.
Sets the threshold value for noise detection on the line. For more information, refer to
Simplified Busy Tone Detector in Chapter 1.
Note This configuration item is only applicable to simplified busy tone detector. Setting Way to Detect Ringback Tones Setting Way to Detect Ringback Tones IsEchoQuickDetect
Configuration Item IsEchoQuickDetect
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format IsEchoQuickDetect=b
b=0: A complete ringback tone must be detected, and the ringback tone starts to be
measured when it goes at off state (default);
Value Range b=1: Based on the allowance error set by EchoOnTolerance or EchoOffTolerance, the
ringback tone is detected. The ringback tone may start to be measured when it goes either
at on or off state.
Description Setting ringback tone detection method

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 634

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Sets Allowance Error in Detecting Echo Tone at On State EchoOnTolerance
Configuration Item EchoOnTolerance
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format EchoOnTolerance=e
Value Range 0≤e≤50, with the default value of 40
Sets the allowance error in detecting the ringback tone at on state. If the value is set to 40,
Description 40% error is allowed, i.e. for the ringback tone of 1sec on, as long as it is detected to go at
on state for 600ms, it is regarded as the ringback tone at on state
Note Works cooperatively with IsEchoQuickDetect and EchoOffTolerance Setting Allowance Error in Detecting Echo Tone at Off State EchoOffTolerance
Configuration Item EchoOffTolerance
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format EchoOffTolerance =e
Value Range 0≤e≤50, with the default value of 50
Sets the allowance error in detecting the ringback tone at off state. If the value is set to
Description 50, 50% error is allowed, i.e. for the ringback tone of 4sec off, as long as it is detected to
go at off state for 2sec, it is regarded as the ringback tone at off state
Note Works cooperatively with IsEchoQuickDetect and EchoOnTolerance Setting CCIR Tone Detector CCIREnableDetector
Configuration Item CCIREnableDetector
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format CCIREnableDetector=b
b=0: Disable the CCIR tone detector (default);
Value Range
b=1: Enable the CCIR tone detector.
Description Sets whether to enable the CCIR tone detector.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 635

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

This configuration item is only applicable to the following boards:

SHT-4B/USB Setting Answering Machine Detector EnableAMD

Configuration Item EnableAMD

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format EnableAMD =b
b=0: No;
Value Range
b=1: Yes (default).
Sets whether to turn on the answering machine detector while the tone detector is working.
For more details, refer to ‘Answering Machine Detector’ in Chapter 1. AMDNoSoundAfterDialTime

Configuration Item AMDNoSoundAfterDialTime

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format AMDNoSoundAfterDialTime=n
Value Range Default value is 15000 (ms).
Uses to judge if the line silence after dial tone lasts overtime or not. If the line silence time is
Description longer than the vaule of AMDNoSoundAfterDialTime, the event E_CHG_AMD will be
thrown out (on this condition, the value of E_CHG_AMD is 5) AMDNoSoundTime

Configuration Item AMDNoSoundTime

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format AMDNoSoundTime=n
Value Range Default value is 10000 (ms).
Uses to judge if the silence after tone or color ring lasts overtime or not. If the silence time is
Description over the vaule of AMDNoSoundTime, the event E_CHG_AMD will be thrown out (on this
condition, the value of E_CHG_AMD is 4)

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 636

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd AMDTimeOut

Configuration Item AMDTimeOut

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format AMDTimeOut =n
Value Range Default value is 70000 (ms).
Uses to judge if the whole AMD detecting process is overtime or not. If the time is over the
Description vaule of AMDTimeOut, the event E_CHG_AMD will be thrown out (on this condition, the
value of E_CHG_AMD is 3) AMDToneCount

Configuration Item AMDToneCount

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format AMDToneCount=n
Value Range 16ms per unit. Default value is 10, that is 10x16ms=160ms.
Judges if the time threshold for tone is detected. If this time is longer than the value of
Description AMDToneCount, the event E_CHG_AMD will be thrown out (on this condition, the value of

Configuration Item AMDTOn

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format AMDTOn =n
Value Range Default value is 80(ms).
Description Uses to set the shortest duration for the voice to turn into the ON state. AMDTOff

Configuration Item AMDTOff

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format AMDTOff =n
Value Range Default value is 400(ms).
Description Uses to set the shortest duration for the voice to turn into the OFF state. AMDTimeA

Configuration Item AMDTimeA

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format AMDTimeA =n
Value Range Default value is 600(ms).
Description Uses to set the shortest silence duration before the phone is picked up by a man.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 637

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd AMDTimeB

Configuration Item AMDTimeB

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format AMDTimeB =n
Value Range Default value is 80(ms).
Description Uses to set the shortest duration for the man who picked up the phone to speak. AMDTimeC

Configuration Item AMDTimeC

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format AMDTimeC =n
Value Range Default value is 1200(ms).
Description Uses to set the longest duration for the man who picked up the phone to speak. AMDTimeD

Configuration Item AMDTimeD

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format AMDTimeD =n
Value Range Default value is 1000(ms).
Description Uses to set the shortest silence duration after the phone is picked up by a man. AMDSilentEnergy

Configuration Item AMDSilentEnergy

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format AMDSilentEnergy =n
Value Range Energy value. Default value is 17000.
Description Uses to set an energy value which decides it is voice or silence. Setting Enhanced Tone Detector ToneDetectorMode

Configuration Item ToneDetectorMode

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format ToneDetectorMode =b
b=0: Use the common tone detector (default);
Value Range
b=1: Use the enhanced tone detector.
Description Selects a kind of tone detector for use.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 638

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

This configuration item is only applicable to the following boards:

SHT-4B/USB VoiceOffDetermineTime

Configuration Item VoiceOffDetermineTime

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format VoiceOffDetermineTime =n
n: Calculated by millisecond (ms), usually being 1.2 times the period of a ringback
Value Range
tone, with the default value of 5000ms.
Description Sets the time of silence detection. MaxToneDetectorItem

Configuration Item MaxToneDetectorItem

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format MaxToneDetectorItem =N
Value Range 1≦N≦20, with the default value of 5.
Description Sets there are how many kinds of tones to be detected. ToneDetectorItem

Configuration Item ToneDetectorItem

Section [SystemConfig]
ToneDetectorItem[n] =
Written Format
The number of this configuration item varies on the value of MaxToneDetectorItem N. When
the value range of n is 0~N-1, the enhanced tone detector supports 3 kinds of tones and the
value of each item is shown as follows.
Parameter Continuous Tone Periodic Tone SIT
Value Range Value Range: =1 Value Range: =2
Value Range: =0
Periodic tones, such as SIT_TONE
Continuous tones,
M busy tones, howler (consists of 3
such as dial tones and
tones and ringback continuous single
fax tones F1, F2.
tones. tones )

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 639

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Value Range:
Value Range: (>=300 Value Range: (>=300
(>=300 && <=3400)
F1(Hz) && <=3400) && <=3400)
The frequency of
The 1st mid-frequency The 1st mid-frequency
the 1st band
Value Range: (==0 || Value Range: (==0 ||
(>=300 && <=3400)) (>=300 && <=3400)) Value Range:
The 2nd mid-frequency, The 2nd mid-frequency, (>=300 && <=3400)
which is equal to 0 in which is equal to 0 in The frequency of
detection of single detection of single the 2nd band
tones. tones.
Value Range:
(>=300 && <=3400)
F3(Hz) Invalid Invalid
The frequency of
the 3rd band
Value Range: >= 16
Value Range: >= 16 Value Range: >= 16
T1(ms) Duration of the 1st
Duration at on state Duration at on state
Value Range: >= 16
Value Range: >= 16
T2(ms) Invalid Duration of the 2nd
Duration at off state
Value Range: >= 16
T3(ms) Invalid Invalid Duration of the 3rd
Value Range:
Value Range: Value Range:
(>0&&<=100) (>0&&<=100)
Filtering point
Con Filtering point number Filtering point number at
number at on state
at on state (time length on state (time length at
(time length at each
at each point is 16ms) each point is 16ms)
point is 16ms)
Value Range:
Value Range: Value Range:
(>0&&<=100) (>0&&<=100)
Filtering point
Coff Filtering point number Filtering point number at
number at off state
at off state (time length off state (time length at
(time length at each
at each point is 16ms) each point is 16ms)
point is 16ms)
Value Range: (>0 && Value Range: (>0 && Value Range: (>0
<=3400) <=3400) && <=3400)
Frequency error Frequency error Frequency error
threshold threshold threshold
Value Range:
Value Range: (>=15 Value Range: (>=15 &&
(>=15 && <=80)
&& <=80) <=80)
Threshold value for
Threshold value for the Threshold value for the
Rbw(%) the minimum
minimum percentage minimum percentage of
percentage of
of in-band energy to in-band energy to
in-band energy to
overall energy overall energy
overall energy
Value Range: (>0 && Value Range: (>0 && Value Range: (>0
<100) <100) && <100)
Accepted maximum Accepted maximum Accepted maximum
error threshold for error threshold for error threshold for
duration at on state (in duration at on or off duration at on state
percentage) state (in percentage) (in percentage)

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 640

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Value Range: 0 or 1
Way to judge a
complete period. 0
indicates the use of
threshold value to judge
the off state. Judgement
condition: Duration at off
Pend Invalid Invalid
state >= T2. 1 indicates
the use of error to judge
the off state. Judgement
Duration at off state
Value Range: (>0 &&
Throw out the event
Ccnt Invalid Invalid
upon detection of Ccnt
complete periods.
Value Range:>= 16
Clear the period count if
Tclr(ms) Invalid no complete period is Invalid
detected during the time
The type of the
The type of the event
The type of the event event which is
which is thrown out to
which is thrown out to thrown out to the
the application
Eevent the application program application program
program after tone
after tone detection. See after tone detection.
detection. See Note 1
Note 1 for details. See Note 1 for
for details.
Value Range: 0 or 1
Value Range: 0 or 1
Value Range: 0 or 1 Whether to throw
Whether to throw out
Whether to throw out out the event to the
the event to the
Sstate the event to the channel channel state
channel state machine.
state machine. 0: Not machine. 0: Not
0: Not throw out; 1:
throw out; 1: Throw out. throw out; 1: Throw
Throw out.
Value Range: 0 or 1 Value Range: 0 or 1 Value Range: 0 or 1
Whether to stop tone Whether to stop tone Whether to stop
Sstop detection once a tone detection once a tone is tone detection once
is detected. 0: Not detected. 0: Not stop; 1: a tone is detected.
stop; 1: Stop. Stop. 0: Not stop; 1: Stop.
Value Range: 0 or 1 Value Range: 0 or 1 Value Range: 0 or 1
0 indicates the tone 0 indicates the tone 0 indicates the tone
detector is working in detector is working in detector is working
We FFT analysis; 1 FFT analysis; 1 in FFT analysis; 1
indicates the tone indicates the tone indicates the tone
detector is working in detector is working in detector is working
FSK reception. FSK reception. in FSK reception.
Note 1: The driver will throw out the event E_CHG_ToneDetector upon tone detection. The
2 lower bits in the parameter dwParam of this event represent the tone type, which are
evaluated by Event in the configuration item ToneDetectorParamItem[n] in the use of the
enhanced tone detector. The value range of Event is 0~0xFFFF, while 0~9 have been defined
by the driver. See the table below for details.
Configured Corresponding Flag in Description Use Can be

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 641

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Value Driver analog used by

channel application
call state program?
Dial tone
Busy tone
Silent when
4 Y N
OICE tone
Tones at the
7 CHKTONE_VOICEF1 frequency of Y Y
F1 detected
Tones at the
8 CHKTONE_VOICEF2 frequency of Y Y
F2 detected
9 ed tone type N Y
Remained by driver N N
Unused N Y
application program, the analog channel call state machine will not work.
Below is a list of the default setting of ToneDetectorParamItem [n]. Make sure it is identical
for both common and enhanced tone detectors.
M 0 1 1 0 0
F1(Hz) 450 450 450 1100 2100
F2(Hz) 0 0 0 0 0
F3(Hz) 0 0 0 0 0
T1(ms) 1500 350 1000 250 250
T2(ms) 0 350 4000 0 0
T3(ms) 0 0 0 0 0
Con 4 4 4 4 4
Coff 10 10 10 10 10
Ferr(Hz) 30 30 30 30 30
Rbw(%) 50 50 50 50 50
Terr(%) 20 20 20 20 20
Pend 0 1 0 0 0
Cnt 0 2 1 0 0
Tclr(ms) 0 3000 6000 0 0
Eevent 1 2 3 7 8

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 642

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Sstate 1 1 1 1 1
Sstop 0 0 0 0 0
We 0 0 0 0 0
Description Sets each parameter for tone detection so as to detect all specified tones. Setting Tone Generator(CTI Series) DefaultSendToneFrequence

Refer to DefaultSendToneVolume. DefaultSendToneVolume

Configuration Item
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format
f1: The 1 frequency (Hz) of the tone, with the default value of 450;
f2: The 2nd frequency (Hz) of the tone, f2 equals to 0 means single tone, greater than 0
means dual tone. Default value is 0;
v1: The 1st volume of the tone, range of value: -7≤v1≤+6. v1=-7 means this tone is disabled;
Value Range if v1 is greater than 0, it indicates the increase in volume; if v1 is less than 0, it means the
decrease in volume. The set value multiplied by 3 equals to the DB value, with the
default value of 0;
v2: The 2nd volume of the tone, the range of value and meaning are the same as v1, with the
default value of -7
Sets the parameters of the tone generator. DefaultSendToneFrequence sets the frequency of
the tone, DefaultSendToneVolume sets the volume of the tone
DefaultSendToneFrequence=450, 600 // Using dual tone
DefaultSendToneVolume=0,0 Setting Teleconferencing Parameters (CTI Series) ClearInVoiceOnRxDtmf

Configuration Item ClearInVoiceOnRxDtmf

Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1:ClearInVoiceOnRxDtmf=n,n,n,n
Format 2:ClearInVoiceOnRxDtmf=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n
Written Format
Format 3:ClearInVoiceOnRxDtmf=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n
Format 4:ClearInVoiceOnRxDtmf=n
n=0: Disable the DTMF clamping feature (default);
Value Range
n=1: Enable the DTMF clamping feature
Whether to enable the DTMF clamping feature. For more information, refer to ‘Distributed
Teleconferencing System’ in Chapter 1

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 643

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

z Format 1 is applicable to SHT Series voice boxes and ATP Series recording boxes
adopting USB ;
z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT Series boards;
Note z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT Series boards;
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD Series boards;
z The function of SsmSetFlag (with the parameter of F_ClearInVoiceOnRcvDtmf) may
implement the same feature ClearInVoiceOnRx450Hz

Configuration Item ClearInVoiceOnRx450Hz

Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: ClearInVoiceOnRx450Hz =n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n
Written Format
Format 2: ClearInVoiceOnRx450Hz =n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n
n=0: Not onto bus (default);
Value Range
n=1: Onto bus.
Description Sets whether to put tones onto bus.
z Format 1 is applicable to 8-channel SHT Series;
z Format 2 is applicable to 16-channel SHT Series. ConfMaxGroup

Configuration Item ConfMaxGroup

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format ConfMaxGroup=n
Value Range n:n≥0 (with the default value of 64)
Description Sets the maximum number of the conference rooms that can be created ConfDefaultMaxGroupMember

Configuration Item ConfDefaultMaxGroupMember

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format ConfDefaultMaxGroupMember=n
Value Range n:n≥0 (with the default value of 64)
Sets the maximum number of the conference channels that can be put into the conference
room ConfDefaultMaxGroupSpeaker

Configuration Item ConfDefaultMaxGroupSpeaker

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format ConfDefaultMaxGroupSpeaker=n
Value Range n: The number of the conference channels, with the default value of 24
Sets the maximum number of the conference channels with speaking rights. The speaking
modes of organizer, chairman and dynamic speaker are all provided with speaking rights.
Whether the speaking mode of background music is provided with speaking right is
determined by the setting of the configuration item BackgroundVoicePriority

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 644

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd ConfDefaultMaxGroupSpeaking

Configuration Item ConfDefaultMaxGroupSpeaking

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format ConfDefaultMaxGroupSpeaking=n
Value Range n≤6, with the default value of 6
Sets the maximum number of conference channels speaking simultanously in a conference
room. ConfJoinedbyEnergy

Configuration Item ConfJoinedbyEnergy

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format ConfJoinedbyEnergy=n
n=0: Not preemptible;
Value Range
n=2: Support preemptible speaking (default)
Description Determines whether to support the preemptible speaking in the dynamic speaker mode. ConfMaxListener

Configuration Item ConfMaxListener

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format ConfMaxListener =n
Value Range n: The conference channel number, with the default value of 480
Description The maximum number of the listeners that are allowed to join the conference room ConfDefaultMaxSilenceTime

Configuration Item ConfDefaultMaxSilenceTime

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format ConfDefaultMaxSilenceTime=t
Value Range t: Duration (seconds) , with the default value of 5 seconds
Sets the minimum duration for the channel to keep silent. For more information, refer to
‘Distributed Teleconferencing System’ in Chapter 1
Note Now this configuration item has been invalid. BackgroundVoicePriority

Configuration Item BackgroundVoicePriority

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format BackgroundVoicePriority=n

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 645

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

n=1: The priority is higher than the organizer mode. It’s provided with special conference
n=2: The priority is lower than the organizer mode, but higher than the chairman mode
Value Range default value);
n=3: The priority is lower than the chairman mode, but higher than the dynamic speaker
n=4: The priority is lower than the dynamic mode
Sets the scheduling priority for the speaking mode of the channel which is used to play the
Description background music. For more information, refer to ‘Distributed Teleconferencing System’ in
Chapter 1 PlayVoiceIsListen

Configuration Item PlayVoiceIsListen

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format PlayVoiceIsListen =n
n=0: this channel can only speak (can not listen);
Value Range
n=1: this channel can speak and listen
Sets whether to enable the channel which is used to play background music to listen to the
teleconference. QuitDynKeepingInConf

Configuration Item QuitDynKeepingInConf

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format QuitDynKeepingInConf =n
n=0(default): Provided the number of people speaking at the same time in the
scheduling is n and the max number of speakers is m, if n<m, then m-n people
who do not speak this time but have the highest volume in last scheduling will still
occupy the local bus and have the speech right. Thus, other conference members
Value Range may hear slight sound which cannot cause Barge In, such as the background
n=1: Cancel the speech right of a conference member in dynamic speaking status
once the member stops speaking, to prevent the background noises being heard
by other members.
Sets whether to cancel the speech right of a conference member in dynamic
speaking status once the member stops speaking, to prevent the background
noises being heard by other members. Background noises are slight sound which
cannot cause Barge In.
z This configuration requires SynCTI Ver. or above.
z This configuration is applicable for all channels which support conferencing. Setting Voice Playing Operation Setting Termination Condition of Voice Playing DefaultDtmfStopPlay
Refer to DtmfStopPlayCharSet

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 646

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd DtmfStopPlayCharSet
Configuration Item
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1:DefaultDtmfStopPlay=b,b,b,b
Format 2:DefaultDtmfStopPlay=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Written Format
Format 3:DefaultDtmfStopPlay=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 4:DefaultDtmfStopPlay=b
b=0: No (default), DtmfStopPlayCharSet is invalid at this time;
b=1: Yes, DtmfStopPlayCharSet is valid at this time; s={0123456789*#abcd }, the
Value Range
character set containing any number of DTMF characters, the default value is a full
DefaultDtmfStopPlay sets whether the voice playing is terminated because the DTMF
Description Detector detects the DTMF character. If it is set to ‘yes’, DtmfStopPlayCharSet sets the
DTMF character set
z Format 1 is applicable to SHT Series USB voice boxes;
z Format 2 and format 3 are applicable to 8-channel and 16-channel SHT Series
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD and SHN Series.
Example DtmfStopPlayCharSet={#} // SHD Series: The voice playing is stopped once ‘#’ is
detected, other characters are not effective HangupStopPlay
Configuration Item HangupStopPlay
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1:HangupStopPlay=b,b,b,b
Format 2:HangupStopPlay=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Written Format
Format 3:HangupStopPlay=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 4:HangupStopPlay=b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes
Sets whether the voice playing is terminated because the state machine of the driver detects
remote hangup
z Format 1 is applicable to SHT Series USB voice boxes;
z Format 2 and format 3 are applicable to 8-channel and 16-channel SHT Series
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD and SHN Series. DefaultBargeInStopPlay
Configuration Item DefaultBargeInStopPlay
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1:DefaultBargeInStopPlay=b,b,b,b
Format 2:DefaultBargeInStopPlay=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Written Format
Format 3:DefaultBargeInStopPlay=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 4:DefaultBargeInStopPlay=b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes
Sets whether the voice playing is terminated because the Barge in Detector detects voice

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 647

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

z Format 1 is applicable to SHT Series USB voice boxes;

z Format 2 and format 3 are applicable to 8-channel and 16-channel SHT Series
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD Series Setting Internal Playback Buffer PlayBufSize
Configuration Item PlayBufSize
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format PlayBufSize=k
k: The length (bytes) of the playback buffer area, it must be integral times of 512, with the
Value Range
default value of 32768 bytes
Description Sets the size of the internal playback buffer area allocated by the driver for each channel Setting Parameters of Voice Playing in File List Mode MaxPlayFileList
Configuration Item MaxPlayFileList
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format MaxPlayFileList=n
Value Range 0≤n≤65535, with the default value of 256
Sets the upper limit number of the voice files that the application is allowed to submit to the
driver through the function call of SsmAddToFileList Setting Parameters of Voice Playing in Preload File Mode MaxPlayIndexList
Configuration Item MaxPlayIndexList
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format MaxPlayIndexList=n
Value Range 0≤n≤512, with the default value of 256.
Sets the upper limit number of preload voice segments allowed to be played upon one call
of SsmPlayIndexList or SsmPlayIndexString. Setting Parameters of Voice Playing in Buffer List Mode MaxPlayMemList
Configuration Item MaxPlayMemList
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format MaxPlayMemList=n
Value Range 0≤n≤65535, with the default value of 256
Sets the upper limit number of the buffer areas that the application is allowed to submit to
the driver through the function call of SsmAddToPlayMemList

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 648

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Parameters of Voice Playing in Single File Mode FastPlayTime
Configuration Item FastPlayTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format FastPlayTime=t
t denotes the step size (ms) of each operation of fast-forward or fast-backward, the with
Value Range
the default value of 1000
Description Sets the step sizes of the functions of SsmFastFwdPlay and SsmFastBwdPlay Setting Volume of Voice Playing DefaultPlayVolume
Configuration Item DefaultPlayVolume
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1:DefaultPlayVolume=v,v,v,v
Format 2:DefaultPlayVolume=v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v
Written Format
Format 3:DefaultPlayVolume=v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v
Format 4:DefaultPlayVolume=v
Value Range -7≤v≤+6, with the default value of 0
Description Sets the gain of the volume adjuster A1 of SHD/SHT Series
z Format 1 is applicable to SHT Series USB voice boxes and ATP Series USB recording
Note z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT and ATP Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT, ATP and DST Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD and DTP Series Setting Encoding Format of Voice Playing DefaultPlayFormat
Configuration Item DefaultPlayFormat
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: DefaultPlayFormat =v,v,v,v
Format 2: DefaultPlayFormat =v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v
Written Format
Format 3: DefaultPlayFormat =v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v
Format 4: DefaultPlayFormat =v
v=6, A-law (default);
Value Range v=7, μ-law;
v=17, ADPCM.
Description Sets the channel’s defaulted encoding format of voice playing
z Format 1 is applicable to SHT Series USB voice boxes and ATP Series USB recording
Note z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT and ATP Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT, ATP and DST Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD and DTP Series

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 649

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Other Parameters of Voice Playing DefaultPausePlayOnRxDtmf
Configuration Item DefaultPausePlayOnRxDtmf
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1:DefaultPausePlayOnRxDtmf=b,b,b,b
Format 2:DefaultPausePlayObRxDtmf=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Written Format Format 3:DefaultPausePlayObRxDtmf=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 4:DefaultPausePlayObRxDtmf=b
Format 5:DefaultPausePlayObRxDtmf=[0,29]:b
b=0: No;
Value Range
b=1: Yes (default)
When the DTMF Detector detects DTMF signals in the incoming call, if the voice is playing
on the channel, in order to ensure the correct operation of the DTMF Detector, the driver
needs to suspend the voice playing. The driver will automatically resume the voice playing
until the DTMF signal disappears. This configuration item sets whether to enable this feature
or not.
Normally, it’s set to be 0 for recording channels and 1 for other channels
z Format 1 is applicable to SHT and ATP Series USB voice boxes/recording boxes;
z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT and ATP Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT, ATP and ATP Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD Series
z Format 5 is applicable to the channel bank of 30 channels
z This configuration item is inapplicable to 16-channel C-type SHT series. PlayFilterFlag
Configuration Item PlayFilterFlag
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: PlayFilterFlag =b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Written Format
Format 2: PlayFilterFlag =b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
If voices are played in great volume, the DTMF detector probably fails to acquire the correct
DTMF digits sent from the remote end. In such situation, the filter should be enabled to avoid
the effect of the great volume on DTMF reception. This configuration item just determines
whether to enable the filter or not.
z This configuration item is only applicable to SHT-8C/PCI/EC, SHT-16C/PCI/EC and
SHT-16C/PCI/FAX boards;
z Format 1 is applicable to 8-channel SHT Series;
z Format 2 is applicable to 16-channel SHT Series. Setting Recording Operation Setting Termination Condition of Voice Recording DtmfStopRecCharSet
Configuration Item DtmfStopRecCharSet
Section [BoardId=x]

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 650

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Format 1:DtmfStopRecCharSet={s,s,s,s}
Format 2:DtmfStopRecCharSet={s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s}
Written Format
Format 3:DtmfStopRecCharSet={s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s}
Format 4:DtmfStopRecCharSet=s
‘s’ is the DTMF character set with the format of {***}, in which * may be any one character of
‘0123456789*#abcd’, the number of characters is set based on the actual needs. If ‘s’ is an
Value Range
empty set, this feature is disabled; If ‘s’ is not empty, this feature is enabled. Default value is
an empty set
Sets whether the recording is terminated because the DTMF Detector detects the DTMF
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice box and the ATP Series USB
recording box;
Note z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT and ATP Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT, ATP and DST Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD, DTP and SHN Series.
DtmfStopRecCharSet={0123456789*#abcd } //SHD Series: The recording stops once any
of the characters in the set is detected HangupStopRec
Configuration Item HangupStopRec
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1:HangupStopRec=b,b,b,b
Format 2:HangupStopRec=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Written Format
Format 3:HangupStopRec=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 4:HangupStopRec=b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes
Sets whether the voice recording is terminated because the state machine of the driver
detects remote hangup
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice box;
z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD and SHN Series. Setting Recording Signal Sources DefaultRecordVolume
Refer to DefaultRecordMixerVolume DefaultRecordMixerVolume
Configuration Item
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1:DefaultRecordVolume=v3,v3,v3,v3
Format 2:DefaultRecordVolume=v3,v3,v3,v3,v3,v3,v3,v3
Written Format
Format 3:DefaultRecordVolume= v3,v3,v3,v3,v3,v3,v3,v3,v3,v3,v3,v3,v3,v3,v3,v3
Format 4:DefaultRecordVolume=v3

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 651

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

v3,v2: Volume of the volume adjuster, -7≤v3≤+6,-7≤v2≤+6. -7 implies the volume adjuster is
stopped. Other values represent the volume gains (v3/v2×3 being the decibel value
Value Range (db)), those greater than 0 indicating the increase in volume and those less than 0
reflecting the decrease in volume. The default value of v3 is 0 while the default value of
v2 is -7.
Sets the gain of signals entering the recording mixer M3. DefaultRecordVolume sets the
gain of the volume adjuster A3, while DefaultRecordMixerVolume sets the gain of the
volume adjuster A2. For more information, refer to the operation principle of corresponding
boards in Chapter 1
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice box and the ATP Series USB
recording box;
z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT and ATP Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT and ATP Series (DefaultRecordVolume is also
applicable to DST Series)
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD and DTP Series
Example DefaultRecordVolume=1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 // Increase the volume by 3DB Setting Tail-Truncation Feature for File Recording TruncateTailOnRecordToFile
Configuration Item TruncateTailOnRecordToFile
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format TruncateTailOnRecordToFile=t
t=0: Disable this feature (default);
Value Range
t>0: The length (ms) of the voice data truncated from the file tail
Sets the time length for tail truncation during the file recording. For more information about
Description the file tail truncation during file recording, refer to the description of the function
Note This configuration item requires SynCTI Ver. 2.1 or above Setting Encoding Format of Voice Recording DefaultRecordFormat
Configuration Item DefaultRecordFormat
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: DefaultRecordFormat =v,v,v,v
Format 2: DefaultRecordFormat =v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v
Written Format
Format 3: DefaultRecordFormat =v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v
Format 4: DefaultRecordFormat =v
V=6, A-law (default);
Value Range V=7, μ-law;
V=17, ADPCM.
Description Sets the channel’s defaulted encoding format of voice recording.
z Format 1 is applicable to SHT Series USB voice boxes and ATP Series USB recording
Note z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT and ATP Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT, ATP and DST Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD and DTP Series

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 652

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Internal Recording Buffer RecordBufSize
Configuration Item RecordBufSize
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format RecordBufSize=k
k: The length of the buffer area, calculated by byte. It must be the multiple of 512, with the
Value Range minimum value of 4096 and the default value of 32768. When GsmCodecEnable is enabled,
the minimum value of this configuration item turns to be 16384.
Description Sets the size of the internal recording buffer area allocated by the driver for each channel Setting WAV Format for Recording RecAsWavFormat
Configuration Item RecAsWavFormat
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format RecAsWavFormat =K
K=0: Use the format of the file itself for recording, i.e. only the file with an extension name of
Value Range wav or mp3 is recorded in wav format.
K=1: All files are recorded in wav format.
Description Sets the use of wav format to record files. Mp3IsOnlyRead
Configuration Item Mp3IsOnlyRead
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format Mp3IsOnlyRead =K
K=0: The recorded MP3 file is in the common state, readable and writable;
Value Range
K=1: The recorded MP3 file is in the read-only state, read only, not writable.
Description Sets the property of the recorded MP3 files. Setting AGC Parameters AGCMAXGAIN

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 653

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd AGCMAXGAINDOWNLINK
Configuration Item
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format
Gmax: 1≤Gmax≤255, with the default value of 255. When Gmax=255, the maximum AGC gain is
24dB. This parameter is used to control the maximum gain increase of small signals.
The greater the value is, the easier the level of small signals is increased; however, the
background noise gets larger at the same time.
Value Range
Gmin: 1≤Gmin≤255, with the default value of 6. When Gmin=6, the minimum AGC gain is
-8.5dB. This parameter is used to control the maximum gain decrease of large signals.
This parameter should be equal to or greater than 16 if the AGC controller is required to
provide gain increase only.
Description Parameters to control the range of DSP gain increase and decrease
z The default setting of AGC is 16, which indicates the gain of 0dB (neither increase nor
decrease). When the output signal level is lower than the expected level, the AGC value
gets greater; otherwise it drops. The actual level gain of AGC is 20log (gain value/16) dB.
This configuration item is an advanced one. Our default AGC settings are suitable for most
application environments. If you are required to reset the parameters for AGC in particular
cases, please do it under the instruction of our technicians.
z As the special AGC configuration items for DST-24B/PCI, DST-24B/PCI+, DST-24B/PCIe,
DST-24B/PCIe+ boards, the configuration items AGCMAXGAINUPLINK,
used to set the uplink and downlink AGC parameters. AGCMAXLEVEL

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 654

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd AGCMAXLEVELDOWNLINK
Configuration Item
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format
Lmax: AGCMINLEVEL≤Lmax≤25600000, with the default value of 3200000. The maximum
output voltage level. If the actual output voltage level is greater than Lmax, the AGC
module starts reducing the gain and doesn’t stop until the minimum gain set by the
configuration item AGCMINGAIN is reached.
Value Range
Lmin: 0≤Lmin≤AGCMAXLEVEL, with the default value of 2560000. The minimum output
voltage level. If the actual output voltage level is less than Lmin and keeps for a certain
period of time, the AGC module starts increasing the gain and doesn’t stop until the
maximum gain set by the configuration item AGCMAXGAIN is reached.
Description Parameters to control the expected value of the AGC output voltage level
z AGC adjusts the gain to control the output signals within a specified range. If the output
voltage level is expected to be as stable as possible, you may set the two parameters to be
nearly equal but not completely equal; otherwise, the frequent adjustment of gain will lead
to the fluctuation of the AGC output voltage level even if the input voltage level is quite
stable. The full amplitude of the voltage level is 25600000. If the full-amplitude level is
assumed to be 0dB, the level value should be set to 10log (set value/25600000) dB, with
the default values 3200000 and 2560000 respectivley corresponding to -9dB and -10dB.
This configuration item is an advanced one. Our default settings are suitable for most
application environments. If you are required to reset this item, please do it under the
instruction of our technicians.
z As the special AGC configuration items for DST-24B/PCI, DST-24B/PCI+, DST-24B/PCIe,
DST-24B/PCIe+ boards, the configuration items AGCMAXLEVELUPLINK,
are used to set the uplink and downlink AGC parameters. AGCDOWNRATIO

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 655

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd AGCUPRATIOUPLINK
Section [BoardId=x]
Rdown: 0≤Rdown≤100, with the default value of 35. The step size of automatic gain decrease (5
denotes 5%), used to control the speed of gain decrease. Usually it should be set to a
high speed so as to avoid signal chopped distortion.
Rup: 0≤Rup≤100, with the default value of 1. The step size of automatic gain increase (5
denotes 5%), used to control the speed of gain increase. Usually it should be set to a
Value Range low speed so as to eliminate the background noise for output signals. However, if the
speed is set too low, small signals cannot be amplified in time.
t: 0≤t≤32768, with the default value of 0. Duration, each unit is 8ms. There may keep a
periodof time before the gain turns from decrease to increse. Duration=*16ms(set value).
The setting of this parameter can help eliminate the backgroud noise for voice interval, but
will delaly the gain increase of small signals. It is not necessary for gain decrease.
Description Parameters to control the speed of AGC gain decrease/increase
z The speed of gain decrease/increase set by DOWN_TIMEand UP_TIME is 20log(1/(1-set
value/100))dB/16ms. The defualt decrease speed is 3.7dB/16ms. That is, the gain can
decrease from the maximum value to 0dB in approximately 100ms. The defualt increase
speed is 0. 087dB/16ms. That is, the gain can increase from 0dB to the maximum value in
about 4 seconds. This configuration item is an advanced one. Our default settings are
Note suitable for most application environments. If you are required to reset this item, please do
it under the instruction of our technicians.
z As the special AGC configuration items for DST-24B/PCI, DST-24B/PCI+, DST-24B/PCIe,
DST-24B/PCIe+ boards, the configuration items AGCDOWNRATIOUPLINK,
are used to set the uplink and downlink AGC parameters OpenRecEnAndPlayEnOnIdle
Configuration Item OpenRecEnAndPlayEnOnIdle

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 656

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1:OpenRecEnAndPlayEnOnIdle=b,b,b,b
Written Format Format 2:OpenRecEnAndPlayEnOnIdle=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 3:OpenRecEnAndPlayEnOnIdle=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes
Sets whether to enable the AGC feature during the recording operation when the analog
trunk channel is in the idle state
z This configuration item is only applicable to SHT Series;
z This configuration item requires SynCTI Ver. or above AutoRecAgcSwitch
Configuration Item AutoRecAgcSwitch
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format AutoRecAgcSwitch=a
a=0: disabled (default);
a>0: for DST series B-type digital station tap boards, Bit0, Bit1, Bit2 and Bit3 of a are valid:
Bit0=0, the AGC downlink is disabled; Bit0=1, the AGC downlink is enabled;
Value Range Bit1=0, the AGC uplink is disabled; Bit1=1, the AGC uplink is enabled;
Bit2=0, DC-isolated is disabled; Bit2=1, DC-isolated is enabled.
For other boards, Bit0 is valid.
Bit0=0, the AGC is disabled; Bit0=1, the AGC is enabled.
Description Sets whether to automatically enable the AGC feature when the channel is being recorded.
z This configuration item requires SynCTI Ver5.3.1.1 or above.
z For SHT Series, if the AGC feature should always be enabled, besides using this
configuration item you should set the configuration item OpenRecEnAndPlayEnOnIdle to
1. Setting Other Parameters RecEliDTDurTalking
Configuration Item RecEliDTDurTalking
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format RecEliDTDurTalking =b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Description Determines whether to clamp DTMF digits from the call during the recording process.
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the SHT-16C/PCI/EC board. Setting Bit Rate for MP3 Recording Mp3EncodingBitRate
Configuration Item Mp3EncodingBitRate
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format Mp3EncodingBitRate=b
b=1: MP3 recording at the bit rate of 8Kbps(default);
Value Range b=2: MP3 recording at the bit rate of 16Kbps;
b=3: MP3 recording at the bit rate of 32Kbps.
Description Sets the bit rate for MP3 recording.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 657

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Parameters Required for Both Recording and Playing

Operations Setting Minimum Size of Pingpong Buffer Area RecordAndPlayUseAsIP
Configuration Item RecordAndPlayUseAsIP
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format RecordAndPlayUseAsIP=b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes
Sets whether the recording/playing operation supports the mini-buffer. For more
information, refer to SsmPlayMemBlock and SsmRecordMemBlock Setting Playing Type in Pingpong Buffer Mode BlockPlayType
Configuration Item BlockPlayType
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format BlockPlayType=b
b=0: Starvation Mode (default);
Value Range
b=1: Non-starvation Mode
Sets whether to select Starvation Mode for voice playing in the Pingpong Buffer Mode.
Starvation Mode: The driver will invoke the callback function repeatedly according to the
Description timer until the internal buffer of the driver is filled full with the data submitted by the
application. Non-starvation Mode: The driver will not invoke the callback function until the
data submitted by the application are all played out. Setting Software-based GSM Format GsmCodecEnable
Configuration Item GsmCodecEnable
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format GsmCodecEnable=b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes
It decides whether the driver will automatically load macmcvt.dll which is the ACM
component provided by the SynCTI driver for audio encoding and decoding. This
component enables software-based GSM/Mp3 encoding/decoding and G.729A decoding. If
Description the application needs to implement the GSM, Mp3 or G.729A formatted recording/playing
on Synway boards which don’t have corresponding hardware encoders/decoders, the
SynCTI driver can acquire the capability of software encoding and decoding by configuring
this item to load the external ACM program.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 658

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

z If b is set to be 1, it must be ensured that the corresponding audio encoder/decoder

(ACM) has been installed in the Windows system;
z This configuration item is only applicable to the Windows operating system. In the Linux
operating system, only hardware-based GSM, MP3 and G.729A encodings are
supported. For detailed information about the setting of the hardware-based encoding,
refer to the configuration item DspCoder;
z When BusPlayListen=0, GsmCodecEnable=0 will be invalid and the driver will load the
record/playback software engine to support the monitoring in compressed format. Setting DTMF Detector Starting/Stopping DTMF Detector AlwaysEnableRxDtmf
Configuration Item AlwaysEnableRxDtmf
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format AlwaysEnableRxDtmf=m
m=0: The operating status of the DTMF Detector is always automatically controlled by the
driver according to the channel state transition status. When the channel enters the
‘Talking’ state, it is started automatically; When the channel exits the ‘Talking’ state, it
Value Range
is stopped automatically. But the application can control the DTMF Detector by the
function SsmEnableRxDtmf.
m=1: DTMF Detector is always started
Description Sets the operating status of the DTMF Detector
Note This configuration item is applicable to SHD and DTP Series. RcvDtmfOnIdle
Configuration Item RcvDtmfOnIdle
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1:RcvDtmfOnIdle=b,b,b,b
Format 2:RcvDtmfOnIdle=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Written Format
Format 3:RcvDtmfOnIdle=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 4:RcvDtmfOnIdle=[0,29]:b
b=0: Stop the DTMF Detector (default)
Value Range
b=1: Start the DTMF Detector
Description When the station channel is in the ‘Idle’ state, sets the operating status of DTMF Detector
z This configuration item only supports the station channel;
z Format 1 is only applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes;
Note z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to the 30-channel channel bank. Setting Buffer Size for DTMF Detector RxDtmfBufSize
Configuration Item RxDtmfBufSize
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format RxDtmfBufSize=k
Value Range k: The size (bytes) of the buffer area, with the default value of 200
Description Sets the size of the buffer area for the DTMF Detector

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 659

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Parameters of DTMF Filter DualAndAllFreqEnScale
Configuration Item DualAndAllFreqEnScale
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1:DualAndAllFreqEnScale=n,n,n,n
Format 2:DualAndAllFreqEnScale=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n
Written Format
Format 3:DualAndAllFreqEnScale=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n
Format 4:DualAndAllFreqEnScale=m
0≤n (%) ≤58, with the default value of 32;
Value Range
0≤m(%) ≤58, with the default value of 32
Sets the threshold value in percentage for the rate of DTMF in-band energy to overall
energy. For more information about this configuration item, refer to DTMF Filter
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes and the ATP Series USB
recording boxes;
z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT Series and ATP Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT, ATP and DST Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD and DTP Series. However, the following board models
require SynCTI Ver. or above:
— SHD-240A-CT/cPCI
— SHD-240S-CT/cPCI
— SHD-480A-CT/cPCI
— SHD-480S-CT/cPCI
z The function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter of F_DualAndAllFreqEnScale) may
implement the same features;
z Set this configuration item to 15 especially for 8B, 16B, 8C, 16C series boards tp receive
abcd. HighAndLowFreqEnScale
Configuration Item HighAndLowFreqEnScale
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1:HighAndLowFreqEnScale=n,n,n,n
Format 2:HighAndLowFreqEnScale=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n
Written Format
Format 3:HighAndLowFreqEnScale=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n
Format 4:HighAndLowFreqEnScale=m
0≤n (%) ≤100, with the default value of 10
Value Range
0≤m (%) ≤100, with the default value of 20
Sets the proportion of the high-frequency DTMF energy to the low-frequency in the DTMF
Description signals. Only if the proportion is greater than the set value of this configuration item will the
driver confirm that those detected are DTMF signals.
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes and the ATP Series USB
recording boxes;
z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT and ATP Series;
Note z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT, ATP and DST Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD and DTP Series
z The same purpose can be achieved by the function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter
F_HighAndLowFreqEnScale). DtmfEnergy
Configuration Item DtmfEnergy
Section [BoardId=x]

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 660

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Format 1:DtmfEnergy=n,n,n,n
Format 2:DtmfEnergy=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n
Written Format
Format 3:DtmfEnergy=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n
Format 4:DtmfEnergy=m
n≥0, with the default value of 0. For more information, refer to the configuration item
Value Range
Sets the absolute value of DTMF in-band energy. Only if the DTMF in-band energy is
Description greater than the set value of this configuration item will the driver confirm that those
detected are DTMF signals.
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes and the ATP Series USB
recording boxes;
Note z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT and ATP Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT, ATP and DST Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD and DTP Series DTMFFreqOffset
Configuration Item DTMFFreqOffset
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: DTMFFreqOffset=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n
Written Format Format 2: DTMFFreqOffset=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n
Format 3: DTMFFreqOffset=m
SHT Series: 0≤n≤100, calculated by %, with the default value of 16
Value Range
ATP Series: 0≤m≤30, calculated by %, with the default value of 15
Sets the maximum offset error of the DTMF signal (offset error = (detected
frequency – standard frequency)*1024 / detected frequency).
z Format 1 is applicable to 8-channel SHT Series;
Note z Format 2 is applicable to 16-channel SHT Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to ATP Series Setting Parameters of DTMF Pulse-width Filter ReceiveDtmfSensitive
Configuration Item ReceiveDtmfSensitive
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format ReceiveDtmfSensitive=n
n is comprised of 8 bits (namely Bit7…Bit0), below is the meaning of each bit:
Bit3~Bit0: The minimum duration of the DTMF signal at on state. Range of value is 1~6,
the unit is 16ms, with the default value of 3;
Bit7~Bit4: The minimum duration of the DTMF signal at off state. Range of value is 0~6,
the unit is 16ms, with the default value of 0;
Note: If the value of Bit7~Bit4 is 0, the minimum duration of DTMF signal at off state is
determined by the minimum duration at on state. If the minimum duration of the DTMF
Value Range
signal at on state is less than 3, the value of the minimum duration of the DTMF signal at
off state is 1; otherwise, the value of the minimum duration of the DTMF signal at off state
is 2.
n is represented by hexadecimal number, e.g. ReceiveDtmfSensitive=0x43. This formula
means that the minimum durations of the DTMF signals at on and off states are 48ms and
64ms respectively. ReceiveDtmfSensitive=0x03: the minimum durations of the DTMF
signal at on and off states are 48ms and 32ms respectively.
The minimum durations of the DTMF signal at on and off states. For more information,
refer to DTMF Pulse-width Filter in Chapter 1

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 661

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

It is applicable to SHD, SHT, ATP and DTP Series. However, the following board models
among the SHD Series require SynCTI Ver. or above:
— SHD-240A-CT/cPCI
— SHD-240S-CT/cPCI
— SHD-480A-CT/cPCI
Configuration Item OmitABCD
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1:OmitABCD=b,b,b,b
Format 2:OmitABCD=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Written Format
Format 3:OmitABCD=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 4:OmitABCD=b
b=0: discard;
Value Range b=1: Not to discard
Default value is 0
Sets whether to discard the characters of ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, and ‘d’ received by the DTMF
Description Detector. For more information about this configuration item, refer to DTMF Pulse-width
Filter in Chapter 1
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes and the ATP Series USB
recording boxes;
z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT and ATP Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT, ATP and DST Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD, DTP and SHN Series
z When you enable the reception of abcd codes, the value of DualAndAllFreqEnScale is
by default adjusted to 15. If the reception fails, you may need to lower the value and
try again.
z For SHN Series boards, this configuration item is only valid for DTMF detection using
the In-band mode, but not applicable for that using the RFC2833 or Signaling mode. DtrmOnDtmfHighLevel
Configuration Item DtrmOnDtmfHighLevel
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1:DtrmOnDtmfHighLevel=n,n,n,n
Format 2:DtrmOnDtmfHighLevel=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n
Written Format
Format 3:DtrmOnDtmfHighLevel=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n
Format 4:DtrmOnDtmfHighLevel=n
n=0: Only when the duration of the DTMF signals at off state exceeds the minimum
duration designated by the configuration item ReceiveDtmfSensitive will the driver output
the DTMF characters;
Value Range n=1: When the duration of the DTMF signals at on state exceeds the minimum duration
designated by the configuration item ReceiveDtmfSensitive will the driver output the
DTMF characters immediately;
Default value is 0
Sets the timing of outputting the DTMF characters. For more information about this
configuration item, refer to DTMF Pulse-width Filter in Chapter 1
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes and the ATP Series USB
recording boxes;
Note z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT and ATP Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT, ATP and DST Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD and DTP Series

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 662

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting DTMF Generator (CTI Series) Setting Size of Transmission Buffer Area TxDtmfBufSize
Configuration Item TxDtmfBufSize
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format TxDtmfBufSize=n
Value Range n≥1, Default value is 50 characters
Description Sets the size of the transmission buffer area for the DTMF generator Setting Parameters for DTMF Generator TxDtmfTimePara
Configuration Item TxDtmfTimePara
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1:TxDtmfTimePara={tH,tL},{tH,tL},{tH,tL},{tH,tL}
Format 2:TxDtmfTimePara={tH,tL},{tH,tL},{tH,tL},{tH,tL},{tH,tL},{tH,tL},{tH,tL},{tH,tL}
Written Format Format 3:TxDtmfTimePara={tH,tL},{tH,tL},{tH,tL},{tH,tL},{tH,tL},{tH,tL},{tH,tL},{tH,tL},
Format 4:TxDtmfTimePara={tH,tL}
tH≥40: The duration (ms) of the DTMF signal at on state, it must be integral times of 8ms,
with the default value of 80
Value Range
tL ≥40: The duration (ms) of the DTMF signal at off state, it must be integral times of 8ms,
with the default value of 80
Sets the durations (ms) of DTMF signals generated by the DTMF Generator respectively
at off and on states. For more information, refer to DTMF Generator in Chapter 1
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes;
z Format 2 and Format 3 are applicable to 8-channel and 16-channel SHT Series
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD Series DefaultTxDelayTime
Configuration Item DefaultTxDelayTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format DefaultTxDelayTime=n
Value Range n: The duration (ms) of silence, with the default value of 2000
Sets the delay time of the DTMF characters when being transmitted.
For more information, refer to SsmTxDtmf Setting Echo Canceller (CTI Series) Setting Operating Status EnableEchoCancellor
Configuration Item EnableEchoCancellor

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 663

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1:EnableEchoCancellor=b,b,b,b
Format 2:EbableEchoCancellor=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Written Format
Format 3:EnableEchoCancellor=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 4:EnableEchoCancellor=b
b=0:Disable the echo canceller
Value Range
b=1:Enable the echo canceller (default)
Sets the operating status of the echo canceller. For more information, refer to Echo
Canceller In Chapter 1
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes and the ATP Series USB
recording boxes;
Note z Format 2 is applicable to the 8-channel SHT Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to the 16-channel SHT Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD Series Setting Parameters EchoCancelDelaySize
Configuration Item EchoCancelDelaySize
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format EchoCancelDelaySize=k
k:the coefficient of the filter delay. Both the value range and the default value are
determined by the configuration item LoadFskBin:
Value Range
LoadFskBin=0:0≤k≤7, default value:6;
LoadFskBin>0:0≤k≤31, default value:12
Description Sets the coefficient of the filter delay of the echo canceller
Note This configuration item is only applicable to SHD and SHT Series USB voice boxes Setting Barge-in Detector (CTI Series) Setting Way to Start Barge-in Detector AlwaysDetectBargeIn
Configuration Item AlwaysDetectBargeIn
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format AlwaysDetectBargeIn=b
b=0: Under the automatic control of the driver. When the channel goes into the
S_CALL_TALKING state and join the conference as a dynamic speaker, the driver will
automatically start the Barge-in detector; when the channel goes out of the
Value Range S_CALL_TALKING state or any dynamic speaker channel leaves the conference
room, the driver will automatically stop the Barge-in detector;
b=1: Always being started.
The default value is 0.
Description Sets the way to start the Barge-in Detector.
This configuration item is applicable to SHD, SHN, DTP and SHV Series. For DTP and SHV
series boards, AlwaysDetectBargeIn=0 means the Barge in detector is thoroughly disabled
and the driver will no longer control the detector automatically. To find more information, refer
to ‘Barge in Detector’ in Chapter 1.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 664

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Parameters for Barge-in Detector VoiceEnergyMinValue
Configuration Item VoiceEnergyMinValue
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format VoiceEnergyMinValue=k
Value Range k: The threshold value for noise detection, with the default value of 100,000.
Description Sets the threshold value to judge noises for the Barge-in detector. BargeInSensitive
Configuration Item BargeInSensitive
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: BargeInSensitive=k,k,k,k
Format 2: BargeInSensitive=k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k
Written Format
Format 3: BargeInSensitive=k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k
Format 4: BargeInSensitive=k
0≤k≤31, with the default value of 6. The greater the value is, the more sensitive the detector
Value Range
Description Sets the sensitivity of the Barge-in detector.
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes and the ATP Series USB
recording boxes;
z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT and ATP Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT and DST Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to SHV, SHD, SHN and DTP Series;
z See the function SsmSetBargeInSens for details. BargeInDtrmTime
Configuration Item BargeInDtrmTime
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: BargeInDtrmTime=k,k,k,k
Format 2: BargeInDtrmTime=k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k
Written Format
Format 3: BargeInDtrmTime=k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k
Format 4: BargeInDtrmTime=k
k≥16 and must be the multiple of 16, calculated by millisecond (ms), with the default value of
Value Range
Description Sets the minimum signal duration for the Barge-in detector.
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes and the ATP Series USB
recording boxes;
z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT and DST Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD and DTP Series;
z See the function SsmSetIsBargeInDtrmTime for details. IsNoSoundDtrmTime
Configuration Item IsNoSoundDtrmTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format IsNoSoundDtrmTime=k
The minimum duration for the line to keep silence, calculated by millisecond (ms). k≥16 and
Value Range
must be the multiple of 16, with the default value of 5000ms.
Sets the minimum duration for the line to keep silence. See the function
SsmSetNoSoundDtrmTime for details.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 665

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Example IsNoSoundDtrmTime= 5000 DefaultDtmfIsSound
Configuration Item DefaultDtmfIsSound
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: DefaultDtmfIsSound=b,b,b,b
Format 2: DefaultDtmfIsSound=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Written Format
Format 3: DefaultDtmfIsSound=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 4: DefaultDtmfIsSound=b
b=0: No;
Value Range
b=1: Yes (default).
Description Sets whether to regard the DTMF signal in the incoming call as the voice signal.
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes and the ATP Series USB
recording boxes;
z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT and ATP Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT and DST Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD and DTP Series;
z This configuration item requires SynCTI Ver. or above. Setting TDM Connection InVoiceToBus

Configuration Item InVoiceToBus

Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: InVoiceToBus=b,b,b,b
Format 2: InVoiceToBus=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Written Format
Format 3: InVoiceToBus=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 4: InVoiceToBus=b
b=0: No;
Value Range
b=1: Yes (default).
Determines whether to connect incoming signals to the TDM bus upon the system
Description initialization. The function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_InVoiceToBus) can be used
for the same purpose.
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes and the ATP Series USB
recording boxes;
z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT and 8-channel ATP Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT and 16-channel DST Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD, DTP and 24-channel DST Series;
z This configuration item requires SynCTI Ver. 4.0 or above. LinkFromStopPlayAndTone

Configuration Item LinkFromStopPlayAndTone

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format LinkFromStopPlayAndTone=b
b=1: Immediately terminates the task of voice playing or the task performed by the tone
generator (default);
Value Range
b=0: Waits for the task of voice playing to go into an end and then executes the off-bus
Description See the Operation Principle of SHD Series section in Chapter 1 for details.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 666

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

z This configuration item is only applicable to the 30/60/120-channel SHD Series;

z It requires SynCTI Ver. or above.
z If the configuration item UsageMode is set to 1, this configuration item is invalid and uses
the default value. DefaultSpeakVolume

Configuration Item DefaultSpeakVolume

Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: DefaultSpeakVolume=k,k,k,k
Format 2: DefaultSpeakVolume=k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k
Written Format
Format 3: DefaultSpeakVolume=k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k
Format 4: DefaultSpeakVolume=k
-7≤k≤6, k×3 equals the decibel value (db), with the default value of 0. If k is greater than 0,
Value Range
the volume is increased; if it is less than 0, the volume is decreased.
Sets the volume of this channel’s voice signals before they pass the TDM bus and go down
Description to the off-bus mixer M2 of another channel. See sections about the board operation principle
in Chapter 1 for details.
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes and the ATP Series USB
recording boxes;
Note z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel SHT and ATP Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel SHT, ATP and DST Series.
z Format 4 is applicable to SHD and SHN series. EnableCommonTimeSlot

Configuration Item EnableCommonTimeSlot

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format EnableCommonTimeSlot=b
b=0: Not open (default);
Value Range
b=1: Open all the time slots on the TDM bus.
Description Opens all the common time slots on the TDM bus
z This configuration item is only applicable to the situation where Synway boards are
Note interoperated with third party boards;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. or above versions. Setting Caller ID Detector for Analog Phone Line (SHT+ATP Series) Setting Operating Mode of Caller ID Detector CallerIdStyle
Configuration Item CallerIdStyle
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: CallerIdStyle=m,m
Format 2: CallerIdStyle=m,m,m,m
Written Format
Format 3: CallerIdStyle=m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m
Format 4: CallerIdStyle=m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 667

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

m=0: DTMF Mode. The configuration items DtmfCallerIDStyleLength and

DtmfCallerIDInterTimeout are effective.
Value Range m=1: FSK Mode. The configuration items CloseCallerIdOnReceived and
FSKCallerIdDtrmTime are effective.
The default value is 1.
Sets the mode for the remote PBX to send the calling party number on the analog phone
line. Refer to the Caller ID on Analog Phone Line section in Chapter 1 for details.
z This configuration item is only applicable to the analog trunk channel on the SHT Series
z Format 1 and Format 2 are respectively applicable to 2-/4-channel USB voice boxes and
USB recording boxes; Format 3 is applicable to 8-channel boards; Format 4 is applicable
to 16-channel boards;
z The same purpose can be achieved via the function call of SsmSetFlag (with the
parameter F_CALLERIDTYPE);
z It is invalid to the recording channel on ATP-24A series boards. Setting Parameters for FSK Mode CloseCallerIdOnReceived
Configuration Item CloseCallerIdOnReceived
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format CloseCallerIdOnReceived=b
b=0: Enabled;
Value Range
b=1: Disabled (default).
This configuration item is set to determine whether the Caller ID detector will be
automatically disabled by the driver after it receives the complete calling party number in the
FSK mode. Refer to the Caller ID on Analog Phone Line section in Chapter 1 for more
Note This configuration item is only applicable to SHT and ATP Series. FSKCallerIdDtrmTime
Configuration Item FSKCallerIdDtrmTime
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: FSKCallerIdDtrmTime=k,k
Format 2: FSKCallerIdDtrmTime=k,k,k,k
Written Format
Format 3: FSKCallerIdDtrmTime=k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k
Format 4: FSKCallerIdDtrmTime=k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k
k: The time to judge the completion, calculated by millisecond (ms),100≤k≤500, with the
Value Range
default value of 500ms.
When the Caller ID detector is started in the FSK mode, since there is no clear symbol to tell
the completion in transmitting the FSK calling party number, the driver has to depend on the
Description relativity between time and data to judge the completion of the process. That is, if the
received Caller ID character keeps unchanged in length for the period of time set by this
parameter, the driver will consider the signal transmission of the FSK Caller ID to be ended.
z This configuration item is only applicable to the analog trunk channel on the SHT Series
boards and the recording channel on the ATP Series boards;
Note z Format 1 and Format 2 are respectively applicable to 2-/4-channel USB voice boxes and
USB recording boxes; Format 3 is applicable to 8-channel boards; Format 4 is applicable
to 16-channel boards; FilterInvalidCID
Configuration Item FilterInvalidCID

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 668

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: FilterInvalidCID=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Written Format
Format 2: FilterInvalidCID=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
b=0: No;
Value Range
b=1: Yes (default).
Sets whether to enable the ‘Filter Out Wrong FSK Caller ID’ feature. The FSK calling party
number received by the driver may be incorrect:
Description — The number is a false one formed by echoes in the sound, not sent by the remote PBX;
— The number is exactly sent by the remote PBX, but becomes incomplete because of
signals being damaged by disturbance or other elements during the transmission.
z Format 1 and Format 2 are respectively applicable to 8-channel and 16-channel
Note SHT/ATP Series;
z This configuration item requires SynCTI Ver. or above. FSKMinGate
Configuration Item FSKMinGate
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: FSKMinGate =b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 2: FSKMinGate =b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Written Format
Format 3: FSKMinGate =b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 4: FSKMinGate =b
b=n (n>0): The energy threshold value;
Value Range b=150: The default value (SHT/ATP Series);
b=60: The default value (SHD Series).
Description Sets the energy threshold value for FSK reception.
z Format 1, Format 2 and Format 3 are respectively applicable to 8-channel, 16-channel
and 24-channel SHT/ATP Series.
Note z Format 4 is applicable to SHD Series.
z This configuration item requires SynCTI Ver. or above; however, Format 4
requires SynCTI Ver. or above. FskNoPhase
Configuration Item FskNoPhase
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format FskNoPhase=m
m=0: The syn code of the 0/1 up-and-down waveform followed by the flag code composed of
Value Range all 1s (default);
m=1: The syn code of 0804 followed by the flag code composed of all 1s.
Description Sets the format of the syn code in the FSK calling party number.
This configuration item is only applicable to the analog trunk channel on the SHT Series
boards and the recording channel on the ATP Series boards. Setting Parameters for DTMF Mode DtmfCallerIDStyleLength
Refer to DtmfCallerIDInterTimeOut DtmfCallerIDInterTimeOut
Configuration Item

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 669

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format
n: The minimum number of DTMF digits, 1≤n≤29, with the default value of 1.
Value Range
t: The time interval, calculated by millisecond (ms), t≥300, with the default value of 500.
When the Caller ID detector works in the DTMF mode, if the number of DTMF digits received
by the driver is less than or equal to n, all received digits will be abandoned; if the time
interval between the receptions of two DTMF digits is greater than t, all digits previously
received will be abandoned.
z DtmfCallerIDInterTimeOut requires SynCTI Ver. or above;
z This configuration item is only applicable to the SHT and ATP Series boards. Setting Ringing Current Signal Detector (SHT+ATP Series) RingDetectFilterPara

Configuration Item RingDetectFilterPara

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format RingDetectFilterPara=tH, tL
tH: The minimum duration of signals at on state. tH≥1 and is calculated by the multiple of 8ms,
with the default value of 6 (i.e. 48ms). Only if the signal stays at on state for tH or longer
than tH will the driver confirm the detection of a ringing current signal. The greater tH is, the
Value Range less sensitive the ringing current detector is.
tL: The minimum duration of signals at off state. tL≥1 and is calculated by the multiple of 8ms,
with the default value of 40 (i.e. 320ms). Only if the signal stays at off state for tL or longer
than tL will the driver confirm the disappearance of ringing current signals.
Sets the filter paramters for the ringing current detector, that is, the parameters used to detect
rings on the analog trunk channel and the magnet channel. The driver takes a sample of
ringing signals on the analog trunk channel and the magnet channel every 8 ms. A ringing
signal is regarded gone when the count of signals at off state goes equal to or greater than
the value for judging signals at off state (the 2nd parameter); a ringing signal is confirmed
detected when the count of signals at on state goes equal to or greater than the value for
judging signals at on state (the 1st parameter). Increasing the value for judging signals at on
state will lead to the decrease in the ringing detection’s sensitivity; vice versa.
This configuration item is only applicable to the analog trunk channel and the magnet
Note channel on the SHT Series boards as well as the analog recording channel on the ATP
Series boards. CallBackRingDetectFilterPara

Configuration Item CallBackRingDetectFilterPara

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format CallBackRingDetectFilterPara=tH, tL
tH: The maximum duration of signals at on state. tH≥1 and is calculated by the multiple of 8ms,
with the default value of 25 (i.e. 200ms).
Value Range
tL: The maximum duration of signals at off state. tL≥1 and is calculated by the multiple of 8ms,
with the default value of 40 (i.e. 320ms).

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 670

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Sets the filter parameters for the ringback current detector, that is the parameters used to
detect rings on the analog trunk channel and the magnet channel. The driver takes a sample
of ringing signals on the analog trunk channel and the magnet channel every 8ms. A signal,
when the count of it at on and off states is consistent with the setting of RingDetectFilterPara,
with the duration at on state less than tH and the duration at off state less than tL, is judged as
a ringback signal. This feature can be used to distinguish two different ringing signals. At the
same time, the driver will throw out the events E_CHG_RingCount and
This configuration item is applicable to the analog trunk channel and the magnet channel on
SHT series boards as well as the analog recording channel on ATP series boards. RingEndDtrTime

Configuration Item RingEndDtrTime

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format RingEndDtrTime=k
k>0: The maximum waiting time (ms) for the ringing current signal to be terminated. If the
Value Range ringing current does not terminate within the maximum waiting time, it will be recounted from
0. The default value of k is 6000(ms).
This configuration item is used to set the maximum durations of the ringing current at the off
state which is ‘tL+RingEndDtrTime’. ’tL’ is the minimum duration at the off state, which can be
obtained via the configuration item RingDetectFilterPara. The ringing current can be detected
only when the condition ‘tL ≦ duration at the off state ≦ tL+RingEndDtrTime’ is satisfied.
When the period of a ringing current signal lasts too long, the value of k should be increased
to prevent the lost of any ringing current signal.
This configuration item is only applicable to the analog trunk channel and the magnet
Note channel on the SHT Series boards as well as the analog recording channel on the ATP
Series boards. AlwaysToRingingOnRingCntX

Configuration Item AlwaysToRingingOnRingCntX

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format AlwaysToRingingOnRingCntX=k
k=0: The channel state transfers to ‘Ringing’ when the driver detects two (the Caller ID
detector is set to work in the DTMF or FSK mode) complete ringing current signals;
Value Range k≥1: No matter the Caller ID detector is working in which mode, the channel state will transfer
to ‘Ringing’ once the driver detects k complete ringing current signals.
The default value is 0.
Sets the parameters for the ringing current detector. Refer to the Ringing Current on Analog
Phone Line section in Chapter 1 for more information.
z This configuration item may be covered by the configuration item ChToRingingOnRingCnt.
Refer to the Ringing Current on Analog Phone Line section in Chapter 1 for more
Note z The parameters set by this configuration item can also be configured by the function
SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_ChToRingingOnRingCnt);
z This configuration item is only applicable to the analog trunk channel on the SHT Series

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 671

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd ChToRingingOnRingCnt

Configuration Item ChToRingingOnRingCnt

Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: ChToRingingOnRingCnt=n,n,n,n
Written Format Format 2: ChToRingingOnRingCnt=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n
Format 3: ChToRingingOnRingCnt=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n
n=0: The channel state transfers to ‘Ringing’ when the driver detects two (the Caller ID
detector is set to work in the DTMF or FSK mode) complete ringing current signals;
Value Range n≥1: No matter the Caller ID detector is working in which mode, the channel state will transfer
to ‘Ringing’ once the driver detects n complete ringing current signals.
The default value is 0.
Sets the parameters for the ringing current detector. Refer to the Ringing Current on Analog
Phone Line section in Chapter 1 for more information.
z This configuration item is only applicable to the analog trunk channel on the SHT Series
z If this configuration item is specified for certain channel and n>0, the parameters of the
configuration item AlwaysToRingingOnRingCntX for this channel will be covered. Refer to
the Ringing Current on Analog Phone Line section in Chapter 1 for more information.
z The parameters set by this configuration item can also be configured by the function
SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_ChToRingingOnRingCnt);
z Format 1 is applicable to USB voice boxes with analog trunk;
z Format 2 is applicable to 8-channel analog trunk boards;
z Format 3 is applicable to 16-channel analog trunk boards. Setting FSK Transceiver (CTI Series) Setting Parameters for FSK Transceiver FreqBit0
Refer to MdlAmp FreqBit1
Refer to MdlAmp Baudrate
Refer to MdlAmp MdlAmp
Configuration Item
Section [FskConfig]
Written Format

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 672

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

f0: The carrier frequency of Bit 0 (Hz), 300≤f0≤3400, with the default value of 2200Hz.
f1: The carrier frequency of Bit 1 (Hz), 300≤f1≤3400, with the default value of 1200Hz.
Value Range
k: The baud rate (bps), 300≤k≤2400, with the default value of 1200bps.
a: The signal amplitude, 0≤n≤255, with the default value of 128.
FreqBit0 and FreqBit1 are respectively used to set the carrier frequency of Bit 0 and Bit 1;
Baudrate sets the baud rate while MdlAmp configures the modulating-signal amplitude.
Regarding the FSK Transceiver, see the FSK Transceiver section in Chapter 1 for more
information. Setting FSK Transceiver (CTI Series) FskMarkSignal

Configuration Item FskMarkSignal

Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: FskMarkSignal=m0,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7
Written Format Format 2: FskMarkSignal=m0,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7,m8,m9,m10,m11,m12,m13,m14,m15
Format 3: FskMarkSignal=m
m, mi: The number of digits in the identification code (The subscript i represents the physical
channel number).
Value Range
=0: The identification code is composed of twelve 1s;
=1: The identification code is composed of eight 1s.
Description Sets the format of the identification code in the FSK data stream.
z Format 1, Format 2 are respectively applicable to 8-channel and 16-channel SHT
Note Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to the SHD Series boards. FskFrameMode

Configuration Item FskFrameMode

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format FskFrameMode=m
m=0: Use the format ‘flag code+data frame’;
Value Range m=1: Use the format ‘Sync code+flag code+data frame’ (default).
For more information, refer to Section FSK Transceiver in Chapter 1.
Description Sets the frame format mode that accepted by the FSK receiver.
Note z This configuration item is applicable to all SHT Series and SHD Series boards. FskEchoCancelDelay

Configuration Item FskEchoCancelDelay

Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: FskEchoCancelDelay=b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10,b11,b12,b13,b14,b15
Written Format
Format 2: FskEchoCancelDelay=b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7
bi=0: Disable;
Value Range bi=1: Enable (default).
Note: The subscript i represents the physical channel number
Description Sets whether to disable the echo canceller when the FSK transceiver is working.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 673

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z Format1, Format2 are respectively applicable to 8-channel and 16-channel SHT Series;
z When the FSK transceiver is enabled on the channel, if this configuration item is set to
1, the echo canceller will be disabled compulsorily; otherwise, the status of the echo
Note canceller is determined by the configuration item EnableEchoCancellor;
z This configuration item requires SynCTI Ver4.5.6.2 or above;
z The same purpose can be achieved by the function SsmSetFlag (with the parameter
F_EchoCancelInFsk). Setting Parameters for Fax Channel MaxSpeed

Configuration Item MaxSpeed

Section [Fax]
Written Format MaxSpeed=k
k: The faxing rate (bps). It can be set to 4800, 9600, 14400 or 33600. The default value is
Value Range
Description Sets the maximum faxing rate used in receiving or transmitting faxes. RcvDisTime

Configuration Item RcvDisTime

Section [Fax]
Written Format RcvDisTime=n
Value Range 0≤n≤10, with the default value of 4.
This configuration item is used to set the times to repeat the Dis detection in case the Dis
Description signal is undetected or invalid during the faxing process. It is supported by SynCTI Ver.
Note This configuration item requires SynCTI Ver. or above. ResendForRTN

Configuration Item ResendForRTN

Section [Fax]
Written Format ResendForRTN=k
k: 0 not resend the page data upon the reception of an RTN message (default);
Value Range
k:1 resend the page data upon the reception of an RTN message.
Description Sets whether to resend the page data upon the reception of an RTN message. ResetRcvForRTN

Configuration Item ResetRcvForRTN

Section [Fax]
Written Format ResetRcvForRTN =k
k: 0 send an RTN message upon the reception of pages with incomplete and/or incorrect
fax data (default);
Value Range
k: 1 hang up the phone directly instead of sending an RTN message upon the reception of
pages with incomplete and/or incorrect fax data.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 674

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Determines whether to send an RTN message or hang up the phone immediately upon the
reception of pages with incomplete and/or incorrect fax data. KeepPageForRTN

Configuration Item KeepPageForRTN

Section [Fax]
Written Format KeepPageForRTN =k
k: 0 not keep the received pages with incomplete and/or incorrect fax data;
Value Range
k: 1 keep the received pages with incomplete and/or incorrect fax data (default).
Description Dedermines whether to keep the received pages with incomplete and/or incorrect fax data. PercentageForRTN

Configuration Item PercentageForRTN

Section [Fax]
Written Format PercentageForRTN =n
Value Range 0≤n≤100, with the default value of 30.
If the percentage received is greater than the value of this configuration item, the page is
Description considered to be with incomplete and/or incorrect fax data; otherwise, it is regarded as the
one reaching the standard. FaxCodeMode

Configuration Item FaxCodeMode

Section [Fax]
Written Format FaxCodeMode =k
k=0: at or below MH (default);
Value Range k=1: at or below MR;
k=2: at or below MMR.
Description Sets the upper limit of the fax CODECs. FaxSendDisTime

Configuration Item FaxSendDisTime

Section [Fax]
Written Format FaxSendDisTime =n
Value Range 3000≤n≤6000, calculated by millisecond (ms), with the default value of 6000.
Description Sets the time interval for DIS command retransmission.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 675

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Voltage Detector Ignoring Detected Result of Voltage Detector IgnoreLineVoltage
Configuration Item IgnoreLineVoltage
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: IgnoreLineVoltage=b,b,b,b
Format 2: IgnoreLineVoltage=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Written Format
Format 3: IgnoreLineVoltage=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 4: IgnoreLineVoltage=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Sets whether to ignore the on-line voltage detected result. Refer to the Change in Analog
Phone Line Voltage section in Chapter 1 for details.
z This configuration item is only applicable to the recording channel on the ATP Series
boards (including the analog recording module and the microphone module);
z Format 1 is applicable to the ATP Series USB recording boxes;
z Format 2 is applicable to the 8-channel ATP Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to the 16-channel ATP Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to the 24-channel ATP Series.
Related Function SsmSetIgnoreLineVoltage Setting Voltage Threshold for Ring Detection JudgeLineVoltage
Configuration Item JudgeLineVoltage
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format JudgeLineVoltage=k
0<k<256: The difference between the current line voltage in ringing state and that of 8ms
Value Range
before, calculated by 0.5Volt (0.5V), with the default value of 7V (15*0.5V).
Description Set the voltage threshold value for different rings on the analog line.
z This configuration item is only applicable to the recording channel on the ATP/SHT Series
boards (including the analog recording module and the trunk module). Setting Judgement on Pickup/Hangup IsHangupDtrmVoltage
Configuration Item IsHangupDtrmVoltage
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: IsHangupDtrmVoltage=k,k,k,k
Written Format Format 2: IsHangupDtrmVoltage=k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k
Format 3: IsHangupDtrmVoltage=k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k
Value Range k: The judging voltage (V), with the default value of 26V.
Set the voltage used to judge the pickup/hangup behavior of the recording channel on the
Description ATP Series boards. Refer to the Change in Analog Phone Line Voltage section in Chapter 1
for details.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 676

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z This configuration item is only applicable to the recording channel on the ATP Series
boards (including the analog recording module and the microphone module);
Note z Format 1 is applicable to the ATP Series USB recording boxes;
z Format 2 is applicable to the 8-channel ATP Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to the 16-channel ATP Series.
Related Function SsmSetDtrmLineVoltage LineOncnt
Configuration Item LineOncnt
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format LineOncnt=t
t: The minimum value is one time, 1≤t≤65536, each time equals to 8ms; the default value is
Value Range
25 times (i.e. 200ms).
Only if the line voltage meets the set voltage for judging the pickup behavior and lasts for the
minimum duration specified by this configuration item will the driver confirm the pickup
behavior on the line. Refer to the Change in Analog Phone Line Voltage section in Chapter 1
for more information.
z This configuration item is only applicable to the recording channel on the ATP or SHT
Note Series boards;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. or above. Setting Off-line Detection OffLineSet
Configuration Item OffLineSet
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format OffLineSet=k
k: The threshold voltage value (V), which is two times the actual voltage value. The default
Value Range
value is 5, which corresponds to the actual voltage of 2.5V.
Sets the threshold voltage value for judging the disconnection of the analog phone line. Refer
to the Change in Analog Phone Line Voltage section in Chapter 1 for details.
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the analog trunk recording channel. OffLineDetermineTime
Configuration Item OffLineDetermineTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format OffLineDetermineTime=t
Value Range t: The minimum duration, calculated by millisecond (ms), with the default value of 200.
Sets the minimum duration for judging the disconnection of the analog phone line. Refer to
the Change in Analog Phone Line Voltage section in Chapter 1 for details.
This configuration item is only applicable to the recording channel on the ATP Series boards
and the analog trunk channel on the SHT Series boards. Setting Effect of Polarity Reversal Signal DisablePolarReverse
Configuration Item DisablePolarReverse
Section [BoardId=x]

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 677

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Format 1: DisablePolarReverse=b,b,b,b
Format 2: DisablePolarReverse=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Written Format
Format 3: DisablePolarReverse=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 4: DisablePolarReverse= [0,29]:b
b=0: Affect (default);
Value Range
b=1: Not affect
Sets whether the polarity reversal signal affects the channel state transition. Refer to the
Change in Analog Phone Line Voltage section in Chapter 1 for details.
z This configuration item is only applicable to the analog trunk channel on the SHT Series
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB recording boxes;
z Format 2 is applicable to the 8-channel SHT Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to the 16-channel SHT Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to the 30-channel channel bank. Setting Threshold Voltage to Ignore Interfering Signal PolarIgnore
Configuration Item PolarIgnore
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format PolarIgnore =b
Value Range b>=0, with the default value of 0.
Sets a threshold voltage to ignore interfering signals on a line lest they are mistaken by the
driver for polarity reversal signals. To be exact, when PolarIgnore=b, all signals with voltage
values less than or equal to b will be ignored, that is, not be regarded as polarity reversal
signals. Refer to the Change in Analog Phone Line Voltage section in Chapter 1 for details.
This configuration item is applicable to analog trunk channels on the SHT Series boards and
analog recording channels on the ATP Series boards. Setting Speaker of USB Recording/voice Box USBLine0Output

Configuration Item USBLine0Output

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format USBLine0Output=m
m=0: Send the voice to the on-board speaker for play;
Value Range
m=1: Send the voice to the external speaker for play via the on-board speaker output jack
Enable or disable the on-board speaker in the USB recording/voice box. See the Operation
Description Principle of ATP Series or Operation Principle of SHT Series section in Chapter 1 for more
z This configuration item is only applicable to the ATP Series USB recording boxes and the
Note SHT Series USB voice boxes;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. or above.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 678

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Common Configuration Item for SHT Series (CTI Series) Special Configuration Item for Analog Trunk Channel Setting Analog Trunk Channel to Be Recording Channel SetAnalogChToRecCh
Configuration Item SetAnalogChToRecCh
Section [Boardid=x]
Format 1: SetAnalogChToRecCh =b,b,b,b
Written Format Format 2: SetAnalogChToRecCh =b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 3: SetAnalogChToRecCh =b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
b=1: Channel open, working as a recording channel;
Value Range
b=0: Channel closed (default), this configuration item being invalid.
Description Mandatorily sets the analog trunk channel to be a recording channel
z This configuration item is only effective to SynCTI or above versions;
z This configuration item is only applicable to the analog trunk channel, including SHT
Series boards with analog trunk modules (except D-type boards) and USB voice boxes;
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes;
z Format 2 is applicable to the 8-channel SHT Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to the 16-channel SHT Series. Setting Parameters for Outgoing Call MaxWaitDialToneTime
Configuration Item MaxWaitDialToneTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format MaxWaitDialToneTime=t
t: The maximum waiting time, calculated by millisecond (ms), 0≤t≤30, with the default value
Value Range
of 3ms.
Sets the maximum time to wait for the dial tone.
The driver should detect the dial tone first after the application invokes the function
SsmAutoDial to start the AutoDial task. If the dial tone can not be detected within the time
specified by this configuration item, the AutoDial task fails.
See the Analog Trunk Channel State Machine section in Chapter 1 for more information
about the AutoDial task.
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the analog trunk channel. Setting Flash Signal and Duration DefaultTxFlashChar
Configuration Item DefaultTxFlashChar
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format DefaultTxFlashChar =s
s: The character used to represent the flash, with the default value of ‘!’, not allowed to be
Value Range
standard DTMF digits or ‘?’.
Sets the character to represent the flash. A flash signal will be sent upon this character being
put into the function SsmTxDtmf.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 679

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd DefaultTxFlashTime
Configuration Item DefaultTxFlashTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format DefaultTxFlashTime=t
Value Range 32≤t≤1000, calculated by millisecond (ms), with the default value of 500.
Sets the duration of the flash signal generated on the analog trunk via the function call of
Description SsmTxDtmf where the character ‘!’ is used as a parameter. Refer to the Generating Flash
Signal on Analog Line section in Chapter 1 for more information. Remote Pickup Detector Setting Parameters for Ordinary Remote Pickup Detector WaitAfterDialTime
Configuration Item WaitAfterDialTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format WaitAfterDialTime=t
t: The maximum waiting time, calculated by millisecond (ms), 16≤t≤60000, with the default
Value Range
value of 18000.
After the function SsmAutoDial is invoked on the analog trunk channel, the driver will throw
out the E_CHG_ToneAnalyze event (with the parameter CHKTONE_NOVOICE) if it neither
detects ringback tones on the line following the transmission of the complete called party
number to the remote PBX, nor detects voice activities within the time specified by this
configuration item. See the Ordinary Remote Pickup Detector section in Chapter 1 for more
This configuration item is applicable to the analog trunk channel on the SHT Series boards.
Note Besides, this configuration item can implement the similar feature for SHD Series Boards and
IP boards when DefaultToneCheckState is set to 1. MaxWaitVocAfterEcho
Configuration Item MaxWaitVocAfterEcho
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format MaxWaitVocAfterEcho=t
Value Range t: The maximum waiting time, calculated by second (s), with the default value of 10.
After the function SsmAutoDial is invoked on the analog trunk channel, the driver will throw
out the E_CHG_ToneAnalyze event (with the parameter CHKTONE_ECHO_NOVOICE) if it
detects ringback tones on the line following the transmission of the complete called party
number to the remote PBX, but does not detect any voice activity within the time specified by
this configuration item. See the Ordinary Remote Pickup Detector section in Chapter 1 for
more information.
This configuration item is only applicable to the analog trunk channel on the SHT Series
boards. VoiceOnDetermineTime
Configuration Item VoiceOnDetermineTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format VoiceOnDetermineTime=t
16≤t≤1024 and must be the multiple of 16, calculated by millisecond (ms), with the default
Value Range
value of 96ms.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 680

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Sets the minimum duration of voice activities. Only if continuous voice activities occur on the
line and last for a period of time longer than the preset value of this configuration item will the
driver confirm there are real voice activities available on the line. See the Ordinary Remote
Pickup Detector section in Chapter 1 for more information.
This configuration item is applicable to the analog trunk channel on the SHT Series boards.
Note Besides, this configuration item can implement the similar feature for SHD Series Boards and
IP boards when DefaultToneCheckState is set to 1. EchoNoVoiceToTalking
Configuration Item EchoNoVoiceToTalking
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format EchoNoVoiceToTalking=N
N=0: Disabled (default);
Value Range
N=1: Enabled.
When the pickup pulse on the line following ringback tones is very small or approaching zero,
the event ‘no voice after ringback’ will be thrown out. Setting this configuration at the time the
Description event ‘no voice after ringback’ is generated can make the channel go into the talking state
automatically. It is applicable to some particular occasions. For more information, see the
Ordinary Remote Pickup Detector section in Chapter 1.
This configuration item is only applicable to the analog trunk channel on the SHT Series
boards. Setting Parameters for Enhanced Remote Pickup Detector RelativeEngyHookDetect
Configuration Item RelativeEngyHookDetect
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format RelativeEngyHookDetect=b
b=0: Disable
Value Range
b=1: Enable (default)
Sets the operating mode of the enhanced remote pickup detector on the analog trunk
Description channel. Refer to the Enhanced Remote Pickup Detector section in Chapter 1 for more
z This configuration item is only applicable to the analog trunk channel on the SHT Series
boards and requires SynCTI Ver. or above;
z The same purpose can be achieved via the function call of SsmSetFlag (with the
parameter F_RELATIVEENGYHOOKDETECT). HookEngyConfigMulti
Refer to HookValidEngyCnt HookValidEngyCnt
Configuration Item
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 681

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k: The sensitivity, 2≤k≤65535, with the default value of 6. The greater the value is, the less
sensitive, which means the increased miss detection rate and the decreased false
detection rate.
Value Range
t: The minimum duration, 32≤t≤65535, calculated by millisecond (ms), which has to be the
multiple of 16, with the default value of 48ms. The greater the value is, the less sensitive,
which means the increased miss detection rate and the decreased false detection rate.
Sets the parameters for the enhanced remote pickup detector on the analog trunk channel.
HookEngyConfigMulti sets the sensitivity of the pickup detection while HookValidEngyCnt
configures the minimum duration to eliminate the interference of the signal dithering on the
Description detected result. Only when the driver detects an instantaneous pickup behavior which lasts
for a time equal to or longer than t will it conclude there is a real pickup behavior performed
on the line.
Refer to the Enhanced Remote Pickup Detector section in Chapter 1 for more information.
z This configuration item is only applicable to the analog trunk channel on the SHT Series
Note boards, being valid only when the configuration item RelativeEngyHookDetect is set to 1;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. or above. Special Configuration Item for Station Channel AutoSendDialTone
Configuration Item AutoSendDialTone
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: AutoSendDialTone=b,b,b,b
Format 2: AutoSendDialTone=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Written Format
Format 3: AutoSendDialTone=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 4: AutoSendDialTone=[S1,E1]:b+…+ [Sm,Em]:b
b=1: Enable;
b=0: Disable (default).
S1: The start channel number, with the default value of 0.
Value Range
E1: The end channel number, the default value being the total number of on-board channels.
m: The number of parameter fields, being equal to or greater than 1 but not exceeding the
total number of on-board channels.
Sets whether the dial tone is automatically sent by the driver upon detecting the pickup
behavior of the phone connected to the station channel.
z This configuration item is only applicable to the station channel, including the SHT Series
boards equipped with the station module and the SHD Series boards connected to the
channel bank;
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes;
z Format 2 is applicable to the 8-channel SHT Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to the 16-channel SHT Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to the SHD Series boards connected to the channel bank. See the
Connection to Channel Bank section in Chapter 1 for more information.
When the SHD-30A-CT/PCI/SS1 board is connected to the channel bank, you can follow the
configuration below to enable this feature for the first 15 on-board channels and disable this
feature for the last 15 channels.
If this feature is enabled for all 30 on-board channels, you can configure as follows.
AutoSendDialTone=[0, 29]:1 StopSendDialToneOnDtmf
Configuration Item StopSendDialToneOnDtmf
Section [BoardId=x]

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 682

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Format 1: StopSendDialToneOnDtmf=b,b,b,b
Format 2: StopSendDialToneOnDtmf=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Written Format
Format 3: StopSendDialToneOnDtmf=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 4: StopSendDialToneOnDtmf =[S1,E1]:b+…+ [Sm,Em]:b
b=1: Enable (default);
b=0: Disable.
S1: The start channel number, with the default value of 0.
Value Range
E1: The end channel number, the default value being the total number of on-board channels.
m: The number of parameter fields, being equal to or greater than 1 but not exceeding the
total number of on-board channels.
This configuration item is used to set whether to enable the feature of ‘auto-stop of dial tone
Description transmission by driver’ upon the driver’s detection of DTMF digits in sending tones to the
z This configuration item is only applicable to the station channel, including the SHT Series
boards equipped with the station module and the SHD Series boards connected to the
channel bank;
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice box;
Note z Format 2 is applicable to the SHT Series 8-channel boards;
z Format 3 is applicable to the SHT Series 16-channel boards;
z Format 4 is applicable to the SHD Series boards connected to the channel bank. Refer to
the Connection to Channel Bank section in Chapter 1 for more information. See the
example given in the configuration item AutoSendDialTone for reference. MaxLocalFlashTime
Configuration Item MaxLocalFlashTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format MaxLocalFlashTime=t
Value Range 32≤t≤2000, calculated by millisecond (ms), with the default value of 700.
Description Sets the maximum duration for judging the flash signal.
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the station channel. UserOnHookFilterTime
Configuration Item UserOnHookFilterTime
Section [BoardID=x]
Format 1: UserOnHookFilterTime=t,t,t,t
Format 2: UserOnHookFilterTime=t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t
Written Format
Format 3: UserOnHookFilterTime=t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t
Format 4: UserOnHookFilterTime =[S1,E1]:t+…+ [Sm,Em]:t
t: The minimum duration of the pickup signal, calculated by millisecond (ms), which has to be
the multiple of 16. The less the value is, the more sensitive. The default value is 64ms.
S1: The start channel number, with the default value of 0.
Value Range
E1: The end channel number, the default value being the total number of on-board channels.
m: The number of parameter fields, being equal to or greater than 1 but not exceeding the
total number of on-board channels.
Description Sets the minimum duration of the pickup signal.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 683

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z This configuration item is only applicable to the station channel, including the SHT Series
boards equipped with the station module and the SHD Series boards connected to the
channel bank;
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes;
z Format 2 is applicable to the 8-channel SHT Series;
Note z Format 3 is applicable to the 16-channel SHT Series;
z Format 4 is applicable to the SHD Series boards connected to the channel bank. Refer to
the Connection to Channel Bank section in Chapter 1 for more information. See the
example given in the configuration item AutoSendDialTone for reference.
z Usually there is no need to reconfigure this item as its default value is adequate for most
application instances. UserChGenerateRingMode
Configuration Item UserChGenerateRingMode
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format UserChGenerateRingMode=m
m=0: 1sec on and 4sec off (default);
Value Range
m=1: Always at on state until the application sends the stop command.
Description Sets the way how the station channel or the magnet channel generates the ringing signal. UserSendPolar
Configuration Item UserSendPolar
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: UserSendPolar=b,b,b,b
Written Format Format 2: UserSendPolar=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 3: UserSendPolar=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Sets whether the station channel has the capability of generating the polarity reversal signal.
Description Refer to the ‘Generating Polarity Reversal Signal on Phone Line’ section in Chapter 1 for
more information.
z This configuration item is only applicable to the station channel on the SHT Series boards;
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes;
z Format 2 is applicable to the 8-channel SHT Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to the 16-channel SHT Series. Special Configuration Item for Fax Channel MaxFaxChannel
Configuration Item MaxFaxChannel
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format MaxFaxChannel=n
Both the range of value and the default value depend on the board model. See the Setting
Value Range
Number of Fax Channels section in Chapter 1 for more information.
Description Sets the total number of fax channels. DSP3WORKMODE
Configuration Item DSP3WORKMODE
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format DSP3WORKMODE=n

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 684

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n=1: For SHT-16B-CT/PCI/FAX, enable this board to have faxing capability (default);
n=2: For SHT-16B-CT/PCI/FAX, enable this board to support GSM recording in hardware;
Value Range
n=3: For SHT-16B-CT/PCI/MP3 and SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/MP3, enable them to support MP3
recording in hardware.
For the SHT-16B-CT/PCI/FAX board, this configuration item is used to enable the capability
of faxing or GSM recording in hardware; for the SHT-16B-CT/PCI/MP3 and
Description SHT-16B-CT/cPCI/MP3 boards, this configuration item is used to enable the capability of
MP3 recording in hardware. See the Brief Introduction of SHT Series section in Chapter 1 for
more information.
The board model of SHT-16B-CT/PCI/MP3 displayed by configuration tools is
Note SHT-16B-CT/PCI/FAX. Therefore, don’t forget to configure DSP3WORDMODE=3 when you
are using the SHT-16B-CT/PCI/MP3 board. Special Configuration Item for Composite Module UnimoduleState
Configuration Item UnimoduleState
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: UnimoduleState=b,b,b,b
Written Format Format 2: UnimoduleState=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 3: UnimoduleState=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
b=0: Yes;
Value Range
b=1: No(default).
Sets whether to connect the analog trunk channel on the composite module directly to the
station channel.
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes;
Note z Format 2 is applicable to the 8-channel SHT Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to the 16-channel SHT Series. Special Configuration Item for Non-module channel NoModuleChBusRec
Configuration Item NoModuleChBusRec
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: NoModuleChBusRec=b,b,b,b
Written Format Format 2: NoModuleChBusRec=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 3: NoModuleChBusRec=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
b=0: Disable (default);
Value Range
b=1: Enable.
Sets whether to input the voice signals (not the incoming signals) which come from the bus
Description to the Barge-in Detector. See the Non-module Channel section in Chapter 1 for more
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes;
Note z Format 2 is applicable to the 8-channel SHT Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to the 16-channel SHT Series.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 685

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Magnet Channel IsMagnetModule
Configuration Item IsMagnetModule
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: IsMagnetModule=b,b,b,b
Written Format Format 2: IsMagnetModule=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 3: IsMagnetModule=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
b=0: Analog trunk module (default);
Value Range
b=1: Magnet Module
Designates whether the module fixed on the SHT Series board is the analog trunk module or
the magnet module. If it is the analog trunk module, this configuration item should be set to
0; if it is the magnet module, this configuration item should be set to 1. See the Magnet
Channel section in Chapter 1 for more information.
z Format 1 is applicable to the SHT Series USB voice boxes;
Note z Format 2 is applicable to the 8-channel SHT Series;
z Format 3 is applicable to the 16-channel SHT Series. Common Configuration Item for SHD Series (CTI Series) Setting Number-receiving Rule for Incoming Call DefaultRcvPhoNumLen
Refer to RcvPhoNumCfgLen DefaultRcvCallerID
Refer to RcvPhoNumCfgLen RcvPhoNumCfgLen
Configuration Item DefaultRcvCallerID
Section [TUP] / [ISUP] / [ISDN] / [SS1Config]
Written Format DefaultRcvCallerID=m

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 686

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n: The way to receive the number.

n=0: Prefix Mode. The configuration items MaxPhoNumRule and Rule are used to set
particular rules in this mode.
1≤n≤40: Fixed-length Mode. n is the length of the called party number. Receiving all the
n digits of the called party number in the incoming call puts the local end’s
number reception into an end. At this time, the configuration items
DefaultRcvCallerID and RcvPhoNumCfgLen are valid.
Value Range The default value of n is 0.
m: Determines whether it is necessary to receive the calling party number
m=0: Not necessary (default);
m=1: Necessary.
b: The way to save the called party number.
b=0: Save all the received digits of the called party number (default);
b=1: Only save some digits first received. The number of digits to be saved is specified
by DefaultRcvPhoNumLen. The remaining digits received are all discarded.
DefaultRcvPhoNumLen sets the way to receive the number in an incoming call.
DefaultRcvCallerID determines whether it is necessary to receive the calling party number.
Description This configuration item does not support ISDN protocol.
RcvPhoNumCfgLen sets the way for the driver to save the received called party number to
its internal buffer.
z The configuration item DefaultRcvCallerID becomes valid only when the configuration
item DefaultRcvPhoNumLen is set to Fixed-length Mode.
z RcvPhoNumCfgLen is only applicable to the TUP channel;
z This configuration item is only applicable to TUP, ISUP, ISDN, SS1 channels;
z The SS1 channel uses the configuration section [SS1Config];
Note z The ISUP channel uses the configuration section [ISUP];
z The TUP channel uses the configuration section [TUP];
z The ISDN channel uses the configuration section [ISDN]. For the ISDN channel, the
number receiving rule set by this configuration item will be ignored if the driver works in
the Tandem Exchange mode. Refer to the Terminating Office Mode vs. Tandem
Exchange Mode section in Chapter 1 for more information. MaxPhoNumRule
Refer to Rule Rule
Configuration Item
Section [TUP] / [ISUP] / [ISDN] / [SS1Config]
Format 1: Rule[i]="a…x",n,f,y,z
Written Format
Format 2: Rule[i]="a…x",n,f,y
Format 3: Rule[i]="a…x",n,f

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 687

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N: The times to set the number receiving rule. This configuration item is not required to be
set if the set value of DefaultRcvPhoNumLen is greater than 0; otherwise, N must be set
greater than 0 and the configuration item Rule should be set for N times, beginning with
i=0. The default value of N is 0.
I : The rule number, numbered from 0, 0 ≤ i < N
‘a…x’: The string of the prefix, such as ‘114’, ‘127’, etc.
n: The set length for receiving the prefix string. n must be greater than or equal to the actual
length of the prefix string. Except for SS1 and ISDN channels, this parameter gets valid
only when y is set to 0.
f: Determines whether it is necessary to receive the calling party number
=1: Necessary;
Value Range =0: Not necessary.
y: Determines whether the length of the phone number is fixed.
=1: Not fixed. The parameters n and z are invalid. The driver will ask the
application to control the number receiving process upon reception of the
office number. After receiving the complete call number, the application can
invoke the function SsmSetKB to refuse or accept the incoming call, and then
asks the driver to control the process again.
=0: Fixed (default). The parameters n and z are valid.
z: The way to save the called party number.
z=0: Save all the received digits of the called party number (default);
z=1: Only save some digits first received. The number of digits to be saved is
determined by n. The remaining digits received are all discarded.
MaxPhoNumRule is used to specify the times to set the number receiving rule;
Rule is used to set details of the number receiving rule. Format 1 is only applicable to the
TUP channel; Format 2 is only applicable to TUP and ISUP channels; Format 3 is applicable
to SS1 and ISDN channels.
z This configuration item becomes valid only when DefaultRcvPhoNumLen is set to Prefix
z This configuration item is only applicable to TUP, ISUP, ISDN, SS1 channels;
z The SS1 channel uses the configuration section [SS1Config];
z The ISUP channel uses the configuration section [ISUP];
z The TUP channel uses the configuration section [TUP];
z The ISDN channel uses the configuration section [ISDN]. For the ISDN channel, the
number receiving rule set by this configuration item will be ignored if the driver works in
the Tandem Exchange mode. Refer to the Terminating Office Mode vs. Tandem Exchange
Mode section in Chapter 1 for more information. MfcLenCtrlPos
Refer to CallerIdEnTable MfcLengthTable
Refer to CallerIdEnTable CallerIdEnTable
Configuration Item MfcLengthTable
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format MfcLengthTable=m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 688

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n: The length control bit taken as the index for receiving the called party number, n≥1;
m: The length of the called party number to be received;
Value Range b: Determines whether it is necessary to receive the calling party number
=1: Necessary;
=0: Not necessary.
MfcLenCtrlPos sets the length control bit for receiving the called party number on the trunk
MfcLengthTable sets the index of the length control bit for MFC number receiving on the
trunk channel;
Description CallerIdEnTable sets the table controlling whether to enable the trunk channel to receive the
calling party number or not. The digit at the position MfcLenCtrlPos in the called party
number can be taken as the index for searching the corresponding length in the length
control table MfcLengthTable; also it can be taken as the index to check if the corresponding
calling party number should be received in CallerIdEnTable.
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the SS1 channel. Setting ‘Auto-answer of Incoming Call’ Feature AutoSendKB
Refer to NetSideAutoSendAck AutoSendACM
Refer to NetSideAutoSendAck UserSideAutoSendAck
Refer to NetSideAutoSendAck NetSideAutoSendAck
Configuration Item
Section [SS1Config] / [TUP] / [ISUP] / [ISDN]
AutoSendKB=b //use [SS1Config]
AutoSendACM=b //use [TUP] or [ISUP]
Written Format
UserSideAutoSendAck=b //use [ISDN]
NetSideAutoSendAck=b //use [ISDN]
b=0: No;
Value Range
b=1: Yes (default).
Sets whether to enable the ‘Auto-answer of Incoming Call’ feature or not.
AutoSendKB is used to set the SS1 channel. Refer to the China SS1 State Machine
section in Chapter 1 for more information. AutoSendACM is used to set ISUP and TUP
channels. Refer to the ISUP Channel State Machine or TUP Channel State Machine section
in Chapter 1 for more information. UserSideAutoSendAck is used to set the ISDN channel
(user-side) while NetSideAutoSendAck is used to set the ISDN channel (network-side).
Refer to the ISDN Channel State Machine section in Chapter 1 for more information about
the k2 switch.
Note The same purpose can be achieved via the function call of SsmEnableAutoSendKB.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 689

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Calling Party Number for Outgoing Call TxCallerId
Refer to CalloutCallerId CalloutCallerId
Configuration Item
Section [SS1Config] / [TUP] / [ISUP] / [ISDN]
Format 1: TxCallerId=s
Format 2: TxCallerId[m]=s
Written Format
Format 1: CalloutCallerId=s
Format 2: CalloutCallerId[m]=s
s: The ASCII string storing the calling party number. The number of the characters is up to 20
for the ISDN channel, up to 15 for the TUP channel, and up to 50 for other channels. s
has to be made up of the digits ’0’~’9’. Other types of characters will be ignored. It being
empty indicates the calling party number will not be sent to the remote PBX in the
Value Range
outgoing call.
m: The logical number of the digital truck in the application. It starts from 0, the range of
value: 0≤m<M (M is the set value of the configuration item TotalPcm).
The default value is empty.
Sets the phone number of the local end, i.e. the calling party number, in the outgoing call.
TxCallerId is used to set the SS1 channel (using Section [SS1Config]); CalloutCallerId is
Description used to set the ISUP channel (using Section [ISUP]), the TUP channel (using Section [TUP])
and the ISDN channel (using Section [ISDN]). Format 1 is used to set the global channels;
Format 2 is used to set the channel with a specific PCM number.
z Some PBXes using TUP and ISUP protocols requires the calling party number string sent
by the calling party to contain the ST signal. The configuration item SetSTSignal can be
used for this purpose.
z If Format 1 and Format 2 exist at the same time, Format 2 has the priority. SetSTSignal
Configuration Item SetSTSignal
Section [TUP] / [ISUP]
Written Format SetSTSignal=b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Sets whether the calling party number string sent by the local end to the remote PBX
contains the ST signal in the outgoing call.
This configuration item is only applicable to TUP and ISUP channels, the ISUP channel
using the configuration section [ISUP] while the TUP channel using [TUP]. Setting Called Party Number for Outgoing Call SetCalledSTSignal
Configuration Item SetSTSignal
Section [TUP] / [ISUP]
Written Format SetCalledSTSignal=b

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 690

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b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Sets whether the called party number string sent by the local end to the remote PBX
contains the ST signal in the outgoing call.
This configuration item is only applicable to TUP and ISUP channels, the ISUP channel
using the configuration section [ISUP] while the TUP channel using [TUP]. Connecting to Channel Bank UsageMode
Configuration Item UsageMode
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format UsageMode=b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Sets whether to connect the SHD Series boards to the channel bank. See the Connection to
Channel Bank section in Chapter 1 for details.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 691

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This configuration item is only applicable to the following board models in the SHD Series.
9 SHD-120A-CT/cPCI
Note 9 SHD-60E-CT/PCIe
9 SHD-120E-CT/PCIe
9 SHD-240E-CT/PCIe
9 SHD-240E-CT/PCI/EC(SSW) CBProtocolType
Configuration Item CBProtocolType
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format CBProtocolType=m
m=0: CCS;
Value Range
m=1: CAS (default).
Description Sets the signaling mode used in connecting the SHD Series boards to the channel bank.
This configuration item becomes valid only when the configuration item UsageMode is set to

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 692

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd CBChannelType
Configuration Item CBChannelType
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format CBChannelType=m
m=0: Not use this channel;
Value Range m=1: Station channel (default);
m=2: E/M channel.
Description Sets the channel type used in connecting the SHD Series boards to the channel bank.
This configuration item becomes valid only when the configuration item UsageMode is set to
1. CBChangeChannelType
Configuration Item CBChangeChannelType
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format CBChangeChannelType=m
m=0: Do not use this feature (default);
Value Range
m=1: Compulsively set the channel type to station channel when its initialization is failed.
Generally, the large-capacity channel banks connect with each other through the optical-fiber
circuit. When the channel type used in connecting the SHD Series boards to the channel
bank is -1 upon initialization, you can use this configuration item to set it to station channel
This configuration item becomes valid only when the configuration item UsageMode is set to
1. Setting Board Operating Mode RunAsSpy
Configuration Item RunAsSpy
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format RunAsSpy =b
b=0: Normal mode (default);
Value Range
b=1: Monitoring mode.
Description Sets the operating mode for the SHD Series boards.
z This configuration item is invalid to the signaling-monitoring board as it always works in the
Note monitoring mode;
z This configuration item is only applicable to A-type and C-type digital boards. Advanced Setting for SS1 Selecting Country mfcr2_Protocol
Configuration Item mfcr2_Protocol
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format mfcr2_Protocol=s

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 693

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s is a string which is described below.

Value Supported Country/Protocol
Value Range in INDIA
itu ITU
The default value of s is cn.
Description Sets the country to use SS1.
This configuration item becomes valid only if the configuration item ProtocolType is set to 0;
This configuration item is also applicable to the SS1 channel for DTP series. Setting R2 Parameters for SS1 Connection

When the value of mfcr2_Protocol is not cn (CHINA), the following configuraiton items can be used to set the R2
parameters for SS1 connection as the expansion of the SS1 MFC-R2 protocol variant. tonesgroupA
Configuration Item tonesgroupA
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format tonesgroupA=k
k: Composed of 16 bits. Each hexade (4 bits) of the parameter contains one request. Low to
high hexade:
1. Send next DID (bit0-3).
Value Range
2. Send Group I category (bit4-7).
3. Send next ANI (bit8-11).
4. Send Group II tone (and switch to group B tone reception) (bit12-15).
Sets backward Group A tones. The driver uses them to send requests to the calling party
during the compelled sequence.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 694

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Note This configuration item is only applicable to the SS1 channel on the SHD Series boards.
If the MFC-R2 protocol defines that A1 sends next DID, A5 sends Group I category, A5 sends
Example next ANI, A3 sends Group II tone (and switch to group B tone reception), it should be set
tonesgroupA=0x3551. tonesgroupB
Configuration Item tonesgroupB
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format tonesgroupB=k
k: Composed of 16 bits. Each hexade (4 bits) of the parameter contains one Group B
indication. Low to high hexade:
1. Indicate congestion (bit0-3).
Value Range
2. Indicate unallocated number (bit4-7).
3. Indicate busy (bit8-11).
4. Indicate line out of order (bit12-15).
Sets some backward Group B tones. The driver uses them to send the final indication of the
compelled sequence to the calling party.
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the SS1 channel on the SHD Series boards. Tonesendofinfo
Configuration Item Tonesendofinfo
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format tonesendofinfo=k
k: Composed of 16 bits. Every 4 bits constitute a hexade. Low to high hexade:
1. End of DID (bit0-3). In some countries, a tone that signals the end of the DID digits
does not exist. In this case, the first hexade will be 0.
2. Spare (bit4-7).
Value Range
3. End of ANI - caller ID available (bit8-11).
4. End of ANI - called ID restricted (bit12-15). In most countries, there is no distinction for
MFC-R2 between restricted and non-restricted caller ID. In this case, the fourth hexade
is 0.
Description Sets forward tones that indicate the end or the non-availability of certain types of information.
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the SS1 channel on the SHD Series boards. Tonesanswer
Configuration Item Tonesanswer
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format tonesanswer=k
k: Composed of 16 bits. Each hexade (4 bits) of the parameter contains one distinct type of
acceptance indication. Low to high hexade:
1. Call accepted in Group B - charge.
Value Range
2. Call accepted in Group B – free call.
3. Call accepted in Group A.
4. Spare.
Description Sets backward tones indicating acceptance of the call.
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the SS1 channel on the SHD Series boards. Tonesrepeatrequest
Configuration Item Tonesrepeatrequest
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format tonesrepeatrequest=k

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 695

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k: Composed of 16 bits. Every 4 bits constitute a hexade. Consider the DID that the
outbound side played last to be DID n. Low to high hexade:
1. Repeat DID n-1
Value Range
2. Repeat DID n-2
3. Repeat DID n-3
4. Repeat all DIDs (restart dialing)
Sets backward Group A tones the inbound side plays to request a digit repetition from the
outbound side.
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the SS1 channel on the SHD Series boards. TonesAnswerA
Configuration Item TonesAnswerA
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format TonesAnswerA=k
k: Composed of 16 bits. Every 4 bits constitute a hexade. Low to high hexade:
1. Group A network busy.
Value Range 2. Undefined number in Group A.
3. Particular tones in Group B.
4. xxx in Group II.
Description Sets some R2 signaling parameters.
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the SS1 channel on the SHD Series boards. Setting Basic Parameters for SS1 Connection TxCas_CD
Configuration Item TxCas_CD
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format TxCas_CD=k
k: The high 6 bits should be set to 0, being reserved; the low 2 bits are C/D signaling code.
Value Range Bit1: Signaling Code C, with the default value of 1;
Bit0: Signaling Code D, with the default value of 1.
Description Sets the value of CD in the ABCD signaling codes sent by the local end to the remote PBX.
This configuration item is only applicable to the SS1 channel on the SHD Series boards,
being valid only if the configuration item ProtocolType is set to 1,2,3 or 4. RxCASFilterTime
Configuration Item RxCASFilterTime
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format RxCASFilterTime=t
t: The minimum duration of ABCD signaling codes sent out by the remote PBX, calculated by
Value Range
millisecond (ms), which has to be the multiple of 8, with the default value of 0.
Sets the minimum duration of ABCD signaling codes sent out by the remote PBX. Only when
the on-line ABCD signaling codes vary and the new value keeps for more then the time
specified by this configuration item will the driver confirm the change of ABCD codes.
Otherwise, the driver will believe there are undesired dithering signals on the line.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 696

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z This configuration item is only applicable to the SS1 channel on the SHD Series boards;
z It is used for those E1/T1 lines providing a relative low quality of signals. The severe
signal dithering is likely to cause the misdetection of the remote pickup by the driver. This
configuration item just helps set a minimum duration to eliminate the possibility of signal
Note dithering. Note: The set value of this configuration item being too great may bring in some
side effect. That is, in case the called party sends the ‘Called party first hangs up’
signaling (i.e. Ab/Bb=1/1) immediately following the ‘Called party answers’ signaling (i.e.
Ab/Bb=0/1), the ‘Called party answers’ signaling is probably filtered out by the filter as
dithering signals. MaxWaitMfcTime
Configuration Item MaxWaitMfcTime
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format MaxWaitMfcTime=t
Value Range t: The maximum waiting time, calculated by second, with the default value of 10sec.
Sets the timer T2 for the SS1 state machine.
Refer to the China SS1 State Machine section in Chapter 1 for more information.
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the SS1 channel on the SHD Series boards. RxR2FilterTime
Configuration Item RxR2FilterTime
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format RxR2FilterTime=t
t: The minimum duration of the R2 signal, calculated by millisecond (ms), which has to be the
Value Range
multiple of 16, with the default value of 16. The range of value is 16~96.
Description Sets the minimum duration of the MFC R2 signal.
z This configuration item is only applicable to the SS1 channel on the SHD Series
z The same purpose can be achieved by the function call of SsmSetFlag (with the
parameter F_RXR2FILTERTIME). LSRingTimeout
Configuration Item LSRingTimeout
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format LSRingTimeout =t
t: Calculated by millisecond (ms). Range of value is 1000~20000, with the default value of
Value Range
Sets the overtime for being in the ‘Ringing’ state. If a channel which is in the ‘Ringing’ state
Description doesn’t receive any connection message within the overtime, it will go into the ‘Waiting for
release’ state.
z This configuration item is only applicable to the SS1 channel on the SHD Series
Note boards;
z This configuration item is valid only under the ‘LineSide(ProtocolType=1)’ mode. Setting Operating Mode of SS1 Channel State Machine EnableAutoCall
Configuration Item EnableAutoCall
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format EnableAutoCall[n]=b

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 697

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n: The internal digital trunk number on the board, 0 ≤ n ≤ M-1 (M is the total number of
on-board digital trunks);
Value Range b: Determines whether to use the state machine provided by the SynCTI driver.
b=1: Yes (default);
b=0: No.
Description Sets the operating mode of the SS1 channel state machine.
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the SS1 channel on the SHD Series boards. AutoCallInTimeSlot
Configuration Item AutoCallInTimeSlot
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format AutoCallInTimeSlot[n]=i,k
n: The internal digital trunk number on the board, 0 ≤ n ≤ M-1 (M is the total number of
on-board digital trunks);
Value Range
i: The initial time slot set for the incoming call.
k: The number of channels (time slots) set for the incoming call.
Sets k time slots from TS i on PCM n to process incoming calls and others to process
outgoing calls.
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the SS1 channel on the SHD Series boards. Setting Parameters for China SS1 State Machine MfcKB
Configuration Item MfcKB
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format MfcKB=k
1≤k≤6. The default value varies on the configuration item mfcr2 Protocol: 1 for Saudi Arabia,
Mexico, China, Thailand and Brazil; 5 for Kuwait, 6 for other countries. When k is set to the
Value Range default value, it indicates the called party is free and receives the incoming call. For the
physical meanings of the value of KB, refer to the function SsmSetKB and the SS1 protocol
of relevant countries.
Sets the value of the KB signal sent to the remote PBX by the SS1 channel upon automatic
Description reception of an incoming call.
Refer to the China SS1 State Machine section in Chapter 1 for more information.
This configuration item becomes valid only when the configuration item AutoSendKB is set
to 1. MaxWaitSetKBTime
Configuration Item MaxWaitSetKBTime
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format MaxWaitSetKBTime=t
Value Range t: The maximum waiting time, calculated by second, with the default value of 3sec.
Sets the maximum time to wait for the application to configure the KB signal.
Sets the maximum waiting time in the SS1 channel state machine for the application to
respond to this incoming call request (i.e. the timer T4). Refer to the China SS1 State
Machine section in Chapter 1 for more information. MaxWaitKDTime
Configuration Item MaxWaitKDTime
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format MaxWaitKDTime=t
Value Range t: The maximum waiting time, calculated by second, with the default value of 60sec.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 698

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Sets in the SS1 channel state machine the maximum time to wait for the remote PBX to send
Description the KD signal (i.e. the timer T3). Refer to the China SS1 State Machine section in Chapter 1
for more information. PcmSyncMask
Configuration Item PcmSyncMask
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format PcmSyncMask=x
Value Range x: The mask code for line synchronization value. It is 0x206 by default.
Sets whether to shield the sync status of a PCM link on the E1 trunk. When PcmSyncMask is
Description set to 0x0206, it indicates all sync statuses of a PCM link except those represented by bit1,
bit2 and bit9 will be ignored. Refer to SsmGetPcmLinkStatus for more information. PhoNumHoldup
Refer to A3pTime A1ToA3pWaitTime
Refer to A3pTime A3pTime
Configuration Item A1ToA3pWaitTime
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format A1ToA3pWaitTime=twait
m: The switch to control the ‘Called Number Hold-up’ feature. Its value and the
corresponding meaning are shown in the table below.
m Description
0 Disable the ‘Called Number Hold-up’ feature.
The ‘Called Number Hold-up’ feature is enabled, allowing the holdup of 1 digit of the called
party number. When the driver receives the last digit of the called party number according
to the preset number receiving rule, it will send the A1 but not A3 signal to the remote PBX
and keep waiting for the subsequent digit.
— If the driver receives the subsequent digit within twait, it will save this digit into the
Callee ID buffer and finish the reception of the called party number. At that time, the
driver will resume the A3 signal transmission in interworking mode to the remote
PBX and the normal progress;
— If the driver does not receive the subsequent digit within twait, it will send the A3
Value Range signal in the form of pulse to the remote PBX and resume the normal progress.
The ‘Called Number Hold-up’ feature is enabled, allowing the holdup of several digits of
the called party number. When the driver receives the last digit of the called party number
according to the preset number receiving rule, it will continue to send the A1 and keep
2 waiting for the subsequent digit. If the driver receives the subsequent digit within twait, it
will save this digit into the Callee ID buffer and repeat the process described above. Only
if the driver does not receive the subsequent digit within twait, it will send the A3 signal in
the form of pulse to the remote PBX and resume the normal progress.
The default value of m is 0.
twait: The maximum waiting time, calculated by second, with the default value of 1000, being
valid when m>0;
tkeep: The pulse width, calculated by second, with the default value of 150, being valid when

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 699

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Sets the ‘Called Number Hold-up’ feature. PhoNumHoldup is used to set the control switch
Description of this feature; A1ToA3pWaitTime is to set the threshold value of the time to wait for the
subsequent digit; A3pTime is to set the pulse width of the A3 signal.
The purpose achieved by PhoNumHoldup also can be realized via the function call of
SsmSetFlag (with the parameter F_RCVPHONUMHOLDUP). Setting Parameters in State Machine for Outgoing Call MaxWaitOccupyAckTime
Configuration Item MaxWaitOccupyAckTime
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format MaxWaitOccupyAckTime=t
Value Range t≥1, calculated by second, with the default value of 60.
Sets the value of the timer T5.
Refer to the China SS1 State Machine section in Chapter 1 for more information. MfcKD
Configuration Item MfcKD
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format MfcKD=k
1≤k≤6, with the default value of 3 (local call). See description on the function SsmSetKD for
Value Range
more information about the KD signal.
Description Sets the originating service type, i.e. KD, for the outgoing call. MfcKA
Configuration Item MfcKA
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format MfcKA=k
1≤k≤10, with the default value of 1 (ordinary/regular). See description on the function
Value Range
SsmSetKA for more information about the KA signal.
Description Sets the KA signal (called party’s category at the local end) sent in an outgoing call. MaxWaitKBTime
Configuration Item MaxWaitKBTime
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format MaxWaitKBTime=t
Value Range t: The maximum waiting time, calculated by second, with the default value of 60sec;
Description Sets the maximum time to wait for the KB signal from the remote PBX. Connecting with Dialogic SS1 Channel ToRingingDelayTime
Configuration Item ToRingingDelayTime
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format ToRingingDelayTime=t
Value Range t: The delay time, calculated by second, with the default value of 0.
Sets the delay time. Upon the connection of a Synway board and a Dialogic board through
the SS1 channel, if the SS1 channel on the Synway board serves as the incoming end, a
period of waiting time is required before the channel goes into the ‘Ringing’ state following
the reception of the complete called party number.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 700

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This configuration item is only used in connecting the Synway SHD boards with the Dialogic
boards. RepeatPhoNumOn1stR2bwdIsA5
Configuration Item RepeatPhoNumOn1stR2bwdIsA5
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format RepeatPhoNumOn1stR2bwdIsA5=m
m=0: The driver sets the pending reason value to be SS1OUT_BWD_A5 and transfers the
channel state to S_CALL_PENDING;
m=1: If the local end receives the A5 signal from the remote end only after sending the 1st
Value Range digit of the called party number, it will send the 1st digit again; otherwise, the driver will
set the pending reason value to be SS1OUT_BWD_A5 and transfers the channel state
The default value is 1.
This configuration item is used to select the driver’s subsequent behavior after the reception
of the A5 signal (unallocated-number signal) from the remote end in an outgoing call.
This configuration item is only used in connecting the Synway SHD boards with the Dialogic
boards. Setting Remote Blocked at Application’s Exit IsBlockSS1In
Configuration Item IsBlockSS1In
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format IsBlockSS1In=b
b=1: Send (default);
Value Range
b=0: Not send.
This configuration item is used to set whether the driver will automatically sent the blocking
Description command to the remote PBX in order to inform it not to start a call towards the local end
again at the time the application program exits.
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the SS1 channel on the SHD Series boards. Outputting Debugging Information MfcR2ToRxCallerIdBuf
Configuration Item MfcR2ToRxCallerIdBuf
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format MfcR2ToRxCallerIdBuf=b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Sets whether to save the R2 signal sent by the remote PBX in the outgoing call to the
Extended Caller ID buffer so as to facilitate the observation on the call process. If this
feature is enabled, the driver will put the calling party number into the RxCallerIdExBuf
Description buffer and throw out the E_CHG_CIDExBuf event to the application every time when the R2
signal sent by the remote PBX varies, including the appearance and disappearance of the
R2 signal.
The function SsmGetCallerIdEx is used to take out the strings stored in this buffer.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 701

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Parameters for LineSide Protocol LSWaitPickupTime
Configuration Item LSWaitPickupTime
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format LSWaitPickupTime=t
16≤t≤10000, calculated by millisecond (ms), which has to be the multiple of 8, with the
Value Range default value of 96. If the set value is out of the range of value, the driver will automatically
modify it to 96ms.
Sets the timer T1 in the LineSide state machine. Refer to the Line Side State Machine
section in Chapter 1 for more information.
This configuration item is not applicable to SS1, being valid only when the configuration item
ProtocolType is set to 1, 2, 3 or 4. Ss1SendIdleState
Configuration Item Ss1SendIdleState
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format Ss1SendIdleState=m
When the configuration item protocolType is set to 1 or 3:
m=0: Use CAS 00xx;
m=1: Use CAS 01xx (especially for Alcatel PBXes).
Value Range When the configuration item protocolType is set to 2:
m=0: Use CAS 00xx;
m=1: Use CAS 01xx;
m=2: Use CAS CD01 (CD is the set value of the configuration item TxCas_CD)
Description Sets the ABCD signaling codes used in sending the idle indicator to the remote PBX.
This configuration item is applicable to the SS1 channel using the LineSide protocol and the
Note channel using the ASB protocol, being valid only when the configuration item ProtocolType
is set to 1, 2 or 3. LSTxCas
Configuration Item LSTxCas
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format LSTxCas=0xabcd
=0: This configuration item is invalid;
=Other values: each number indicates the ab value of the sent CAS in one state. Below are
the meanings of the bits from low to high:
Value Range d (ab value of the sent CAS in idle state);
c (ab value of the sent CAS in pickup state);
b (ab value of the sent CAS upon the start of flash signal);
a (ab value of the sent CAS at the end of flash signal).
Sets the ab value of the sent CAS in four states: idle, pickup, the start of flash signal and the
end of flash signal.
This configuration item is applicable to the SS1 channel using the LineSide protocol, being
valid only when the configuration item ProtocolType is set to 1 or 3.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 702

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Advanced Setting for SS7 Setting TS16 Property UseTS16AsCircuit
Refer to Ss7SignalingTS Ss7SignalingTS
Configuration Item
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 703

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n: The physical digital trunk number, with the value range of 0~M-1. M is the set value of the
configuration item PcmNumber.
b: Determines whether this digital trunk contains SS7 signaling links.
b=0: Yes (default). The configuration item Ss7SignalingTS determines the specific time
slot to provide signaling links;
b=1: No. The time slot specified by the configuration item Ss7SignalingTS can serve as
neither the signaling link nor the voice path.
k: The time slot number, with the default value of 16.
1) For the driver versions below SynCTI, k has the fixed value of 16.
2) For the driver versions equal to or above SynCTI and below SynCTI, the value of k depends on the board model.
If the board model is one of the followings,
— SHD-240A-CT/cPCI
— SHD-240S-CT/cPCI
— SHD-480A-CT/cPCI
— SHD-480S-CT/cPCI
k must be set to 16.
If the board model is one of others in SHD Series, k can be set to 1 or 16.
3) For SynCTI or above, if the board model is one of the followings,
— SHD-240A-CT/cPCI
— SHD-240S-CT/cPCI
Value Range — SHD-480A-CT/cPCI
— SHD-480S-CT/cPCI
k must be set ≥0 and ≤32. When k is equal to 0 or 32, all time slots from TS1 to
TS31 on this digital trunk are used as voice paths; other values except 0 and 32
indicate the particular signaling time slot number.
If the board model is one of the followings,
— All E-type digital trunk boards
k must be set >0 and <33. To be exact,
In E1 mode, k=32 indicates all the 31 time slots on this PCM are used to deliver
voice data. For SHD-60B-CT/PCI/FJ, k=32 indicates all the 31 time slots on the
monitored PCM are used to deliver voice data, and this feature is only supported
for E1 and SS7. (Note: While using SS1 or ISDN, k is set to 16 by default and
cannot be modified.)
In T1/J1 mode, 1≤k≤25. k=25 indicates all of the 24 time slots on this PCM are
used to deliver voice data. (Note: While using SS1, k is set to 25 by default; while
using ISDN, k is set to 24 by default. Both cannot be modified.)
If the board model is one of others in SHD Series, k can be set to 1 or 16.
Description UseTS16AsCircuit is used to set whether this digital trunk contains SS7 signaling links.
z It is an advanced configuration item, only applicable to the SS7 signaling;
Note z If the value of the configuration item PcmNumber is greater than 1, this configuration item
should be set for each digital trunk. Setting Corresponding Characters for Spare Address Codes AddressSignal
Configuration Item AddressSignal
Section [TUP] / [ISUP]
Written Format AddressSignal[n]=c

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 704

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n: The spare address code in the TUP/ISUP message, 10≤n≤14.

Value Range c: The character corresponding to n, not allowed to be any one of ’0’~’9’. If c includes more
than one character, what n corresponds to is the first character of c.
Sets the corresponding character for each spare address code.
Description See the Setting Corresponding Characters for Spare Address Codes section in Chapter 1
for more information.
z This configuration item is only applicable to the TUP/ISUP channel.
z The ISUP channel uses the configuration section [ISUP] while the TUP channel uses
z Example: AddressSignal[11]=b. Setting IP Address of SS7 Server Ss7ServerIP
Refer to SecondServerIP SecondServerIP
Configuration Item
Section [SS7]
Written Format
a.b.c.d: The address of the SS7 server, with the default value of (indicating there
Value Range is only one SS7 server available, running with the application program on the local
Description Sets the address of the SS7 server.
If both the SS7 server and the application program are running on the local PC, these two
configuration items are not necessarily set; if the system contains two SS7 server,
Ss7ServerIP and SecondServerIP are respectively used to set the IP address of the master
server and that of the slave server.
Example Ss7ServerIP= Setting IP Address of Local PC LocalIP
Configuration Item LocalIP
Section [SS7]
Written Format LocalIP=a.b.c.d
a.b.c.d: The address of the local PC, with the default value of (indicating both the
Value Range
SS7 server and the application program are running on the local PC).
Description Sets the IP address of the SS7 server or the gateway.
Example LocalIP= SS7 Server Outputting Data on Voice Time Slot LoadShp_a3AsSIU
Configuration Item LoadShp_a3AsSIU
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format LoadShp_a3AsSIU=b

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 705

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b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Sets whether the SS7 server outputs the data on voice time slots. When the SS7 server is
used not to run any service system but to provide SS7 service, it only process the data on
signaling time slots of the digital trunk but not those on voice time slots. If the digital trunk
that connects to the SS7 server has voice time slots on it besides the signaling links, the
Description SS7 server is required to exchange the data from a voice time slot to another and then
output the data from there. Such an operation is based on the two-way connection between
all voice time slots of the digital trunk with the physical number of 0 and the corresponding
voice time slots of the digital trunk with the physical number of 1. Refer to the Supplying
SS7 Service for Third-party Board section in Chapter 4 for more information.
Note It is only applicable to the SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS7 board. Setting SS7 Circuit for Digital Trunk Ss7CircuitMap[pcm]
Configuration Item Ss7CircuitMap[pcm]
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format Ss7CircuitMap[pcm]=b
pcm: The physical number of the digital trunk on the board. For more information, refer to
related manuals. Range of value: 0≤pcm≤31;
b: composed of 32 bits, with the default value of 0xFFFFFFFF. The values of bit0-bit31
Value Range
respectively indicate whether TS0-TS31 for a particular PCM are used as SS7 circuits:
0=not used as SS7 ciruit; 1=used as SS7 circuit. In an E1 system, TS0 and the time slot for
processing SS7 signaling will be ignored.
Sets the corresponding relationship between SS7 circuits and time slots for a particular
PCM. The time slot which is set to ‘not used as SS7 circuit’ will not be reset by the driver
and the inbound call from the other end to this time slot will be blocked. Meanwhile, the
corresponding channel will turn to the ‘unused’ state.
Example Ss7CircuitMap[0]= 0xFFFFFFFF Advanced Configuration Item for TUP Setting Range Field in Circuit Group Message SendGRMRange
Configuration Item SendGRMRange
Section [TUP]
Written Format SendGRMRange=m
m=0: Use all-0 field. That is, the time slot number in the CIC field of the circuit group
message is 1 and the Range field is 0, indicating this circuit group message covers all
time slots TS1~31;
m=1: Use not all-0 field. The range of time slots covered by the circuit group message
depends on the configuration item Ss7SignalingTS. Assuming the set value of
Value Range Ss7SignalingTS is N:
— If N=1, the time slot number in the CIC field of the circuit group message is 2 and
the Range field is 29;
— If N=16, the circuit group message will be divided into 2 messages: the time slot
number in the CIC field of one message is 1 and the Range field is 14; the time
slot number in the CIC field of the other message is 17 and the Range field is 14.
This configuration item is used to set the range of time slots covered by the circuit group
message when the local driver sends the message to the remote PBX.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 706

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This configuration item will affect all circuit group messages, including the circuit group
reset message and the circuit group blocking/unblocking message. HangupRingSendCBK
Configuration Item HangupRingSendCBK
Section [TUP]
Written Format HangupRingSendCBK=m
m=0: Send the CFL message (default);
Value Range
m=1: Send the CBK message.
When the channel stays in the S_CALL_RINGING state, the function call of SsmHangup or
SsmHangupEx by the application will prompt the driver to send the call rejection message
to the remote PBX. The call rejection message can be CBK or CFL. It is this configuration
item that determines which one is used exactly.
Note It requires SynCTI Ver. or above. Incoming Call: Customizing ACM Message DefaultACM
Configuration Item DefaultACM
Section [TUP]
Written Format DefaultACM=0xab
ab:8-bit data, represented by hexadecimal digits. The 8 bits are arranged from high to low
Bit Implication Value Description
HG Spare
Signaling Channel 0 Any channel
Indicator 1 All are SS7 channels
0 Call non-forwarding
E Call Forwarding Indicator
1 Call forwarding
Value Range Incoming Echo 0 Incoming half-echo suppressor not included
Suppression Indicator 1 Incoming half-echo suppressor included
0 Not instructed
C Subscriber Free Indicator
1 The subscriber is free.
00 Address complete signal
Address Complete Signal 01 Address complete signal, charge
Type Indicator 10 Address complete signal, no charge
11 Address complete signal, payphone
The default value is 0x05.
In the incoming call, the local end is required to send the ACM message to the remote PBX
after receiving the complete called party number and other information. This ACM message
Description should contain the message indicator field to indicate the user’s status which is set via this
configuration item. Refer to the TUP Channel State Machine section in Chapter 1 for more
Example DefaultACM=0x05 Incoming Call: Customizing GRQ Message ReqTypeIndicators
Configuration Item ReqTypeIndicators
Section [TUP]
Written Format ReqTypeIndicators=0xk

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 707

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k: 8-bit data, represented by hexadecimal digits. The 8 bits are arranged from high to low as
Bit Implication Value Description
HG Spare
Echo Suppressor Request 0 Not requested
F Indicator (also is applicable Requested
to the echo canceller)
0 Not requested
E Request Holding Indicator
1 Requested
Value Range
Malicious Call Identification 0 Not encountered
Indicator 1 Encountered
Original Called Party’s 0 Not requested
Address Indicator 1 Requested
Calling Line Identification 0 Not requested
Indicator 1 Requested
Calling Party’s Category 0 Not requested
Indicator 1 Requested
The default value is 0x03.
Description Sets the request type indicator in the GRQ message.
Example ReqTypeIndicators=0x03 Outgoing Call: Customizing IAI/IAM Message ConnectReqMsg
Configuration Item ConnectReqMsg
Section [TUP]
Written Format ConnectReqMsg=m
m=0: Automatically selected by the driver. If the driver’s internal outgoing Caller ID buffer
(configurable via the function SsmSetTxCallerId or the configuration item
TxCallerId) or original Callee ID buffer (configurable via the function
SsmSetTxOriginalCallerID) is not empty, use the IAI message; otherwise, use the
Value Range
IAM message.
m=1: Use the IAM message.
m=2: Use the IAI message.
The default value is 0.
This configuration item is to set the initial address message type used by the local end to
start an outgoing call. CalloutIAM_CAT
Configuration Item CalloutIAM_CAT
Section [TUP]
Written Format CalloutIAM_CAT=0xk

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 708

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k: 8-bit data, represented by hexadecimal digits. The 8 bits are arranged from high to low
Low bits: HGFEDCBA
Bit Implication Value Description
HG Spare 00
Unknown, used in international semi-automatic
Operator, language French, used in international
semi-automatic working
Operator, language English, used in international
semi-automatic working
Operator, language German, used in international
semi-automatic working
Operator, language Russian, used in international
semi-automatic working
Operator, language Spanish, used in international
semi-automatic working
A particular language selected by mutual agreement
000110 (Chinese), used in international semi-automatic
A particular language selected by mutual agreement,
used in international semi-automatic working
A particular language selected by mutual agreement
001000 (Japanese), used in international semi-automatic
Value Range working
Calling 001001 National operator (presentation allowed)
FEDCBA Party’s Ordinary subscriber, used in
Category 001010 international-to-long-distance, international-to-local
Subscriber with priority, used in
001011 international-to-long-distance, international-to-local,
local-to-local network
001100 Data call
001101 Test call
001110 001110~001111 Spare
010000 Ordinary, free, used in local-to-international network
Ordinary, regular, used in local-to-international
Ordinary, subscriber list, instant, used in
local-to-international network
Ordinary, printer, instant, used in local-to-international
With priority, free, used in local-to-international
With priority, regular, used in local-to-international
010110 Spare
010111 Spare
011000 Ordinary subscriber, used in local-to-local network
011001 011001~111111 Spare
The default value is 0x18。
Description Sets the calling party’s category field in the IAI/IAM message.
Example CalloutIAM_CAT=0x18 CalloutIAM_MsgPntr
Configuration Item CalloutIAM_MsgPntr
Section [TUP]
Written Format CalloutIAM_MsgPntr=0xabcd

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 709

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abcd: 16-bit data, represented by hexadecimal digits, the low 12 bits being valid. Bit11~Bit0
are written as LKJIHGFEDCBA, each of which is described below.
Bit Implication Value Description
Incoming International Call 0 Not incoming international call
Indicator 1 Incoming international call
Outgoing echo suppressor not
Outgoing Echo Suppressor 0
G included
1 Outgoing echo suppressor included
00 Continuity check not required
Continuity check required on this
FE Continuity Check Indicator
Continuity check performed on a
previous circuit
11 Spare
00 No satellite circuit in the connection
Value Range
satellite circuit available in the
DC Nature of Circuit Indicator 01
Others Spare
00 Local subscriber number
01 Spare
BA Nature of Address Indicator
10 Valid national number
11 International number
L Spare
0 Any channel
K Signaling Channel Indicator
1 All are SS7 channels
All Digital Channel Required 0 Ordinary call
Indicator 1 All digital channels required
0 Call transfer required
I Call Transfer Indicator
1 Call transfer not required
The default value is 0x0000。
Description Sets the message indicator field in the IAI/IAM message.
Example CalloutIAM_MsgPntr=0x0000 CallingIndicatorBit
Configuration Item CallingIndicatorBit
Section [TUP]
Written Format CallingIndicatorBit=n
n=0x10: Use Bit E;
Value Range
n=0x04: Use Bit C (default)
There is a first indicator (octet) in the IAI message, Bit7~Bit0 being written as HGFEDCBA,
among which Bit C is the calling party information indicator, Bit E is the calling line
Description identification indicator. In case the IAI message contains the calling party number, some
PBXes requires the use of Bit E, some requires the use of Bit C. Which one is exactly used
can be set via this configuration item depending on the remote PBX’s requirement.
Example CallingIndicatorBit=0x10 OriginalCalleeAddrInd
Section [TUP]
Written Format OriginalCalleeAddrInd=0xn

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 710

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n: 8-bit data, represented by hexadecimal digits, the low 4 bits being valid. Bit3~Bit0 are
written as DCBA, each of which is described below.
Bit Implication Value Description
DC Spare 00
Value Range 00 Local subscriber number
01 Spare national number
BA Nature of Address Indicator
10 Valid national number
11 International number
The default value is 0x02.
Description Sets the address indicator in the original called party address field of the IAI message.
Example OriginalCalleeAddrInd=0x02 CallerAddrInd
Configuration Item CallerAddrInd
Section [TUP]
Written Format CallerAddrInd =0xn
n: Address indicator, 8-bit and hexadecimal, the low 4 bits being valid. Bit3~Bit0 are written
as DCBA, each of which is described below.
Bit Implication Value Description
Calling party number 0 Not incomplete
incomplete indicator 1 Incomplete
Calling party number 0 Presentation unrestricted
Value Range C
presentation indicator 1 Presentation restricted
00 Local subscriber number
01 Spare national number
BA Nature of address indicator
10 Valid national number
11 International number
The default value is 0x02.
Description Sets the address indicator in the calling line identification field in the IAI message.
Example CallerAddrInd =0x02
Note z This configuration item requires SynCTI Ver. or above. Outgoing Call: Setting Way to Reply with GRQ Message AutoSendGSM
Configuration Item AutoSendGSM
Section [TUP]
Written Format AutoSendGSM=m
m=0: Taken over by the application. The outgoing call is resumed after the channel state
transfers to ‘Pending’ and the application program invoke the function SsmSetTxCallerId to
Value Range
set the calling party number.
m=1: Automatically replied by the driver (default).
In the outgoing call, once the GRQ message is received from the remote PBX, this
configuration item is used to determine whether this message is automatically replied by
the driver via sending the GSM message. See the TUP Channel State Machine section in
Chapter 1 for more information. Not Using SynCTI-provided TUP State Machine AutoHandleTup
Configuration Item AutoHandleTup
Section [SS7]
Written Format AutoHandleTup=b

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 711

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b=0: No;
Value Range
b=1: Yes (default).
Description Sets whether to use the TUP state machine provided by the SynCTI driver or not. Outputting Debugging Information DebugViewTupCallProc
Configuration Item DebugViewTupCallProc
Section [SS7]
Written Format DebugViewTupCallProc=b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Sets whether to output the debugging information of the TUP state machine to the software
tool DebugView. If Yes, DebugView is required to run first.
Enabling the TUP debugging feature will reduce the system running efficiency. Hence this
feature is only used for debugging. Advanced Configuration Item for ISUP Incoming Call: Customizing Message Type Used by Local End to

Reply Incoming Call DefaultCalledPickupMsg
Configuration Item DefaultCalledPickupMsg
Section [ISUP]
Written Format DefaultCalledPickupMsg=k
k=0x09: Use the ANM message (response);
Value Range k=0x07: Use the CON message (address complete and phone picked up)
The default value is 0x09.
This configuration item is used to set the type of the message sent to the remote PBX
Description when the ISUP channel stays in the ‘Ringing’ state and the application invokes the function
SsmPickup or SsmPickupANX.
Note It requires SynCTI Ver. or above.
Example DefaultCalledPickupMsg=0x09 Incoming Call: Customizing Backward Call Indicator DefaultBackwardCallInd
Configuration Item DefaultBackwardCallInd
Section [ISUP]
Written Format DefaultBackwardCallInd=k

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 712

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

k: The parameter value of the backward call indicator field, including 2 bytes. The bits
arranged from high (Bit15) to low (Bit0) are written as PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA, each of
which is described below.
Bit Implication Value and Description
00: No indication
01: No charge
BA Charge Indicator
10: Charge
11: Spare
00: No indication
Called Party’s Status 01: Subscriber free
Indicator 10: Connect when free
11: Spare
00: No indication
Called Party’s Category 01: Ordinary subscriber
Indicator 10: payphone
11: Spare
00: No end-to-end method available (only
link-by-link method available)
End-to-end Method
HG 01: Pass-along method available
Indicator (Note)
10: SCCP method available
Value Range 11: Pass-along and SCCP methods available
Interworking Indicator 0: No interworking encountered
(Note) 1: Interworking encountered
End-to-end Information 0: No end-to-end information available
Indicator (Note) 1: End-to-end information available
ISDN User Part Indicator 0: ISDN user part not used all the way
(Note) 1: ISDN user part used all the way
0: Holding not requested
L Holding Indicator
1: Holding requested
0: Terminating access non-ISDN
M ISDN Access Indicator
1: Terminating access ISDN
Echo Control Device 0: Incoming half-echo control device not included
Indicator 1: Incoming half-echo control device included
00: No indication
01: Connectionless method available
SCCP Method Indicator
PO 10: Connection oriented method available
11: Connectionless and connection oriented
methods available
NOTE: Bits G-K and O-P constitute the protocol control indicator.
The default value is 0x1416.
Description Sets the backward call indicator field in the ACM and CON messages.
Note It requires SynCTI Ver. or above.
Example DefaultBackwardCallInd=0x1416 Incoming Call: Customizing REL Message DefaultHangupRELInd
Configuration Item DefaultHangupRELInd
Section [ISUP]
Written Format DefaultHangupRELInd=0xk

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 713

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The values and corresponding meanings of k are listed in the table below.
Value Macro in shpa3api.h Description
0x01 C_ISUP_REL_UNN Number unallocated
0x10 C_ISUP_REL_NORMAL_REL Normal release
0x11 C_ISUP_REL_BUSY User busy
Value Range 0x12 C_ISUP_REL_NOREPLY No answer
0x15 C_ISUP_REL_DENY Refused
0x1c C_ISUP_REL_LACKADDR Address incomplete
0x2a C_ISUP_REL_BLOCK Exchange device blocked
The default value is 0x15 (C_ISUP_REL_DENY).
This configuration item is used to set the release cause value carried by the REL message
Description when a call comes into the channel but has not yet been picked up, and the driver is
prompted by the function call of SsmHangup to send the REL message to the remote PBX.
z If the set value is out of the range shown above, the driver will automatically adjust the
Note value to 0x15;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. or above.
Example DefaultHangupRELInd=0x15 DefaultCauseInd
Configuration Item DefaultCauseInd
Section [ISUP]
Written Format DefaultCauseInd=n
n: 16-bit data, represented by hexadecimal digits. Each bit in it is described below.
Low-bit Byte: HGFEDCBA
Bit Implication Value Description
Information continues in the next octet
Extension 0
H (octet suggested)
1 Last octet
00 ITU-T standard code
GF Coding Standard
Others Reserved
E Spare 0 Should be set to 0
0000 User (U)
0001 Local private network (LPN)
0010 Local public network (LN)
0011 Transfer network (TN)
0100 Remote public network (RLN)
DCBA Location 0101 Remote private network (RPN)
Value Range
0111 Internet(INTL)
1010 Network formed by points except two
connected ones on the SS7 public network
Others Spare
High-bit Byte: HGFEDCBA
Bit Implication Value Description
H 1 Last octet
0000000 Q.931
0000011 X.21
GFEDCB 0000100 X.25
A 0000101 Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN),
Others Reserved
Sets the coding standard, location and recommendation parameters for the cause
indicator field. The recommendation parameter is optional: if not selected, the extension
octet of the low 8 bits must be set to 1 and the value of the high 8 bits will be ignored by the
driver; If selected, the extension octet of the low 8 bits must be set to 0.
Example DefaultCauseInd=0x0000

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 714

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Incoming Call: Setting Other Parameters SaveRGNTo1stPhoNumStr
Configuration Item SaveRGNTo1stPhoNumStr
Section [ISUP]
Written Format SaveRGNTo1stPhoNumStr=b
b=0: No;
Value Range
b=1: Yes (default).
Sets whether the functions SsmGet1stPhoNumStr and SsmGet1stPhoNumStrA only return
Description the original called party number information in the IAM message. See description on those
two functions for more information.
z This configuration item is only applicable to the ISUP channel;
z It requires SynCTI Ver or above. Outgoing Call: Customizing IAM Message DefaultNatureOfConnectionInd
Configuration Item DefaultNatureOfConnectionInd
Section [ISUP]
Written Format DefaultNatureOfConnectionInd=0xk
k: The nature of connection indicator, represented by hexadecimal digits, with the default
value of 0x00. Regarding the specific value, see Appendix 2 Optional ISUP Parameters
Value Range
and Descriptions. Usually it is provided by the remote PBX according to the particular
Description Sets the nature of connection indicator in the IAM message.
Example DefaultNatureOfConnectionInd=0x00 DefaultIAM_ForwardCallInd
Configuration Item DefaultIAM_ForwardCallInd
Section [ISUP]
Written Format DefaultIAM_ForwardCallInd=0xk
k: The forward call indicator, represented by hexadecimal digits, with the default value of
0x0040. Regarding the specific value, see Appendix 2 Optional ISUP Parameters and
Value Range
Descriptions. Usually it is provided by the remote PBX according to the particular
Description Sets the forward call indicator in the IAM message.
Example DefaultIAM_ForwardCallInd=0x0040 DefaultIAM_CAT
Configuration Item DefaultIAM_CAT
Section [ISUP]
Written Format DefaultIAM_CAT=0xk
k: The calling party’s category indicator, with the default value of 0x0a. Regarding the
Value Range specific value, see Appendix 2 Optional ISUP Parameters and Descriptions. Usually it
is provided by the remote PBX according to the particular configuration.
Description Sets the calling party’s category indicator in the IAM message.
Example DefaultIAM_CAT=0x0a DefaultIAM_TransmissionMediumRequirment
Configuration Item DefaultIAM_TransmissionMediumRequirment

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 715

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Section [ISUP]
Format 1: DefaultIAM_TransmissionMediumRequirment=0xk
Written Format
Format 2: DefaultIAM_TransmissionMediumRequirment[N]=0xk
k: The transmission medium requirement parameter, represented by hexadecimal digits,
with the default value of 0x02. Regarding the specific value, see Appendix 2 Optional
ISUP Parameters and Descriptions. Usually it is provided by the remote PBX according
Value Range to the particular configuration.
N: The PCM number for the link it lies on. If the whole system uses the same transmission
medium, use Format 1; if links in the system use different transmission medium, use
Format 2, remaining Format 1 and setting k to 0xff.
Description Sets the transmission medium requirement parameter in the IAM message.
Note Don’t forget to remain Format 1 and set k to 0xff whiling using Format 2.
Format 1:
Format 2:
DefaultIAM_TransmissionMediumRequirment=0xff; must set
DefaultIAM_TransmissionMediumRequirment[0]=0x02; use 0x02 for PCM 0,1
DefaultIAM_TransmissionMediumRequirment[2]=0x04; use 0x04 for PCM 2,3
DefaultIAM_TransmissionMediumRequirment[3]=0x04 DefaultIAM_CalleeParam
Configuration Item DefaultIAM_CalleeParam
Section [ISUP]
Written Format DefaultIAM_CalleeParam=0xk
k: 16-bit data, represented by hexadecimal digits. Each bit in it is described below.
Low-bit Byte: HGFEDCBA
Bit Implication Value Description
0 Even number of address signals
H Odd/even Indicator
1 Odd number of address signals
0000001 Subscriber number
GFEDCB Nature of Address 0000011 National number
A Indicator 0000100 International number
Others Spare
High-bit Byte: HGFEDCBA
Bit Implication Value Description
Value Range 0 Routing to internal network number allowed
Internal Network
H Routing to internal network number not
Number Indicator 1
ISDN (Telephony) numbering plan
(Recommendations E.164, E.163)
Data numbering plan(Recommendation
Numbering Plan 011
GFE X.164)
Telex numbering plan (Recommendation
Others Spare
DCBA Spare
The default value is 0x1003.
Description Sets the called party number parameter field in the IAM message.
Example DefaultIAM_CalleeParam=0x1003 DefaultIAM_CallerParam
Configuration Item DefaultIAM_CallerParam
Section [ISUP]
Written Format DefaultIAM_CallerParam=0xk

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 716

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

k:16-bit data, represented by hexadecimal digits. Each bit in it is described below.

Low-bit Byte: HGFEDCBA
Bit Implication Value Description
0 Even number of address signals
H Odd/even Indicator
1 Odd number of address signals
0000001 Subscriber number
GFEDCB Nature of Address 0000011 National number
A Indicator 0000100 International number
Others Spare
High-bit Byte: HGFEDCBA
Bit Implication Value Description
Number Incomplete 0 Complete
Indicator 1 Incomplete
ISDN (Telephony) numbering plan
(Recommendations E.164, E.163)
Value Range Data numbering plan(Recommendation
Numbering Plan 011
GFE X.164)
Telex numbering plan (Recommendation
Others Spare
00 Presentation allowed
Address Presentation 01 Presentation restricted
Restricted Indicator 10 Address not available
Others Spare
00 User provided, not verified (national use)
01 User reserved, verified and passed
BA Screening Indicator User provided, verified and not passed
10 (national use)
11 Network provided
The default value is 0x1001.
Description Sets the calling party number parameter field in the IAM message.
Example DefaultIAM_CallerParam=0x1001 DefaultIAM_OriginalCalleeParam
Configuration Item DefaultIAM_OriginalCalleeParam
Section [ISUP]
Written Format DefaultIAM_OriginalCalleeParam=0xk
k:16-bit data, represented by hexadecimal digits, with the default value of 0x1001.
Value Range Regarding the specific value, see Appendix 2 Optional ISUP Parameters and
Sets the first two bytes of the original called party number in the IAM message, including
the nature of address indicator, numbering plan indicator and address presentation
Description restricted indicator. Regarding the specific value, see Appendix 2 Optional ISUP
Parameters and Descriptions. Usually it is provided by the remote PBX according to the
particular configuration.
Example DefaultIAM_OriginalCalleeParam=0x1001 DefaultIAM_RedirectingNumber
Configuration Item DefaultIAM_RedirectingNumber
Section [ISUP]
Written Format DefaultIAM_RedirectingNumber=0xk
k:16-bit data, represented by hexadecimal digits, with the default value of 0x1001.
Value Range Regarding the specific value, see Appendix 2 Optional ISUP Parameters and

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 717

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Sets the first two bytes of the redirecting number in the IAM message, including the nature
of address indicator, numbering plan indicator and address presentation restricted
Description indicator. Regarding the specific value, see Appendix 2 Optional ISUP Parameters and
Descriptions. Usually it is provided by the remote PBX according to the particular
Example DefaultIAM_RedirectingNumber=0x1001 bSubscriberSI
Refer to SubscriberSI SubscriberSI
Configuration Item
Section [ISUP]
Written Format
SubscriberSI=0xk1, 0xk2,…0xki,…, 0xk11
k: =0: Not include (default);
=1: Include. The specific value of the user server information parameter is set in the
configuration item SubscriberSI.
ki: The user service information parameter, represented by hexadecimal digits, with the
Value Range
default value of 0x80,0x90,0xa3. It is applicable to Huawei PBXes. Up to 11 ki are
allowed to be configured. Regarding the specific value, see Appendix 2 Optional ISUP
Parameters and Descriptions. Usually it is provided by the remote PBX according to
the particular configuration.
bSubscriberSI is used to set whether the IAM message contains the user service
SubscriberSI is used to set the content of the user service information, being valid only if
bSubscriberSI is set to 1.
SubscriberSI=0x80,0x90,0xa3 bOptionalFCI
Refer to OptionalFCI OptionalFCI
Configuration Item
Section [ISUP]
Written Format

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 718

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

b: =0: Not include (default);

=1: Include.
k: 8-bit data, represented by hexadecimal digits. The bits arranged from high to low are
written as HGFEDCBA, each of which is described below.
Bit Implication Value Description
Connected Line Identity 0 Not requested
Request Indicator 1 Requested
GFED Spare
0 No additional information will be sent
Simple Segmentation
Value Range C 1 Additional information will be sent in a
segmentation message
00 Non-CUG call
01 Spare
Closed User Group Call 10 Closed user group call, outgoing access
Indicator allowed
11 Closed user group call, outgoing access
not allowed
The default value is 0. If necessary, it is usually provided by the remote PBX according
to the particular configuration
bOptionalFCI is used to set whether the IAM message contains the optional forward call
indicator. If this indicator is contained, its value is specified by the configuration item
OptionalFCI is used to set the specific value of the optional forward call indicator.
OptionalFCI=0x01 Usr2UsrInfo
Configuration Item Usr2UsrInfo
Section [ISUP]
Written Format Usr2UsrInfo=s1,s2,…,si,…,sN
si: A character represented by hexadecimal digits. The value is unallocated in default, i.e.
Value Range
this field is not included. Up to 131 si are allowed to be configured.
Sets the user-to-user information field in the IAM message. The same purpose can be
achieved via the function SsmSetIsupParameter.
Example Usr2UsrInfo=a0,31,6c LocationNumber
Configuration Item LocationNumber
Section [ISUP]
Written Format LocationNumber =s1,s2,…,si,…,sN
si: A character represented by hexadecimal digits. The value is unallocated in default, i.e.
Value Range
this field is not included. Up to 50 si are allowed to be configured.
Sets the LocationNumber information field in the IAM message. The same purpose can be
achieved via the function SsmSetIsupParameter.
Example LocationNumber=0x04,0x13,0x19,0x89,0x45,0x90,0x09,0x20 Outgoing Call: Setting Way to Reply with INF Message AutoSendINF
Configuration Item AutoSendINF
Section [ISUP]
Written Format AutoSendINF=m

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 719

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m=0: Taken over by the application;

Value Range
m=1: Automatically replied by the driver (default).
In the outgoing call, once the INR message is received from the remote PBX, this
configuration item is used to determine whether this message is automatically replied by
the driver via sending the INF message. See the ISUP Channel State Machine section in
Chapter 1 for details. Outgoing Call: Setting Maximum Waiting Time for ACM Message MaxWaitACMTime
Configuration Item MaxWaitACMTime
Section [ISUP]
Written Format MaxWaitACMTime=n
n≥0: Maximum time to wait for the remote end to return the ACM message, calculated by s,
Value Range
with the default value of 25.
Sets the maximum time to wait for the remote end to return the ACM message in an
outgoing call. Setting Maximum Waiting Time for Auto State Transferring from
Pending to Idle MaxWaitPendingToIdleTime
Configuration Item MaxWaitPendingToIdleTime
Section [ISUP]
Written Format MaxWaitPendingToIdleTime=n
n≥0: Maximum time to wait for the driver in the Pending state to automatically transfer to
Value Range
the Idle state, calculated by s, with the default value of 60.
Sets the maximum time to wait for the driver in the Pending state to automatically transfer
to the Idle state. Replacing WaitRlc by Pending WaitRlcToPending
Configuration Item WaitRlcToPending
Section [ISUP]
Written Format WaitRlcToPending=n
n=0: The driver uses the WaitRlc state (default);
Value Range
n=1: The driver uses the Pending state instead of the WaitRlc state.
Description Sets whether the driver uses the Pending state to replace the WaitRlc state. Not Using SynCTI-provided ISUP State Machine AutoHandleIsup
Configuration Item AutoHandleIsup
Section [SS7]
Written Format AutoHandleIsup=b
b=0: No;
Value Range
b=1: Yes (default).
Description Sets whether to use the ISUP state machine provided by the SynCTI driver or not.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 720

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd CircuitReset
Configuration Item CircuitReset
Section [ISUP]
Written Format CircuitReset=m
m=0: After the SS7 service is enabled, the circuit goes into an idle state without sending a
circuit reset message.
Value Range
m=1: After the SS7 service is enabled, the circuit sends a circuit reset message and goes
into an idle state (default value). It is a boolean configuration item, not applicable to TUP.
Description Determines if the circuit goes into an idle state or is reset after the ISUP service is enabled. Advanced Configuration Item for SCCP AutoHandleSccp
Configuration Item AutoHandleSccp
Section [SS7]
Written Format AutoHandleSccp=b
b=0: No;
Value Range
b=1: Yes (default).
Description Sets if the SCCP message is processed by the SynCTI driver.
Note It requires SynCTI Ver. or above. Setting Way to Output SS7 MSU GetMsuOnAutoHandle
Configuration Item GetMsuOnAutoHandle
Section [SS7]
Written Format GetMsuOnAutoHandle=b
b=0: Not to output the original SS7 MSU in auto call connection which uses the driver’s
state machine to process user-level protocols (default);
Value Range
b=1: Allowed to obtain the original SS7 MSU in auto call connection which uses the
driver’s state machine to process user-level protocols.
Sets the way to output SS7 MSU. SS7 MSU。When the driver’s state machine is not used
to process user-level protocols, i.e. when the auto call connection is disabled, the driver
Description outputs the original SS7 MSU; when the driver’s state machine is used to process
user-level protocols, i.e. when the auto call connection is enabled, the driver’s output of
SS7 MSU is determined by the configuration item GetMsuOnAutoHandle.
It requires SynCTI Ver. or above. All driver versions published before Ver.
only support the operation based on GetMsuOnAutoHandle=0. Setting Way to Handle SS7 MTP2 MSU AppHandleMtp2Msu
Configuration Item AppHandleMtp2Msu
Section [SS7]
Written Format AppHandleMtp2Msu=b
b=0: SS7 MTP2 MSU handled by the driver (default);
b=1: SS7 MTP2 MSU handled by the application program;
Value Range
b=2: Both SS7 MTP2 MSU and SS7 MTP2 link command and status handled by the
application program.
Description Sets the way to handle SS7 MTP2 MSU.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 721

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

This configuration item requires SynCTI Ver. or above. All driver versions published
Note before Ver. only support the operation based on AppHandleMtp2Msu=0. The
configuration AppHandleMtp2Msu=2 requires SynCTI Ver. or above. Configuration Items for SS7 High Load System RefreshWatchDogInSys
Configuration Item RefreshWatchDogInSys
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format RefreshWatchDogInSys=b
b=0: Refresh the watchdog by the upper layer of the driver (default);
Value Range
b=1: Refresh the watchdog by the SYS layer.
Description Sets the way to refresh the watchdog.
This configuration item requires SynCTI Ver. or above. If the local end processor
Note failure always occurs in SS7 system, we recommend you to set this configuration item to
1. ReplySLTAInSys
Configuration Item ReplySLTAInSys
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format ReplySLTAInSys=b
b=0: Reply the SLTA message by the upper layer of the driver (default);
Value Range
b=1: Reply the SLTA message by the SYS layer.
Description Sets the way to reply the SLTA message.
This configuration item requires SynCTI Ver. or above, and it only supports the
Note SHD Series D-type and E-type boards. If the SS7 signaling link on the remote PBX often
disconnects in SS7 system, we recommend you to set this configuration item to 1. Advanced Setting for ISDN Setting ISDN Processing Mode AutoHandleIsdn
Configuration Item AutoHandleIsdn
Section [ISDN]
Written Format AutoHandleIsdn=b
b=0: No;
Value Range
b=1: Yes (default).
Sets whether ISDN messages are processed by the driver-provided ISDN state machine.
Description Refer to the Advanced ISDN Programming Interface section in Chapter 1 for more
It is an advanced configuration item, only required to be set when the application wants to
process ISDN message by itself.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 722

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Parameters for User-side/Network-side Digital Trunk UserCrcMode
Refer to NetCrcMode NetCrcMode
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
n: The user-side (UserCrcMode) or network-side (NetCrcMode) digital trunk number
b: The switch to control the CRC check
Value Range
b=0: Disable;
b=1: Enable.
Sets whether to enable the feature of CRC check for the digital trunk. UserCrcMode is
applicable to the user side while NetCrcMode to the network side.
z It is an advanced configuration item;
z If the set value of the configuration item TotalUserLinker (assumed as N) is greater
Note than 0, UserCrcMode should be configured for N times; if the set value of the
configuration item TotalNetLinker (assumed as N) is greater than 0, NetCrcMode
should be configured for N times. UserChIdentify
Refer to NetChIdentify NetChIdentify
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
n: The user-side (UserChIdentify) or network-side (NetChIdentify) digital trunk number
k: The way to represent the channel identification message
k=0x11: In the form of Time Slot Diagram;
Value Range
k=0x10: In the form of Number (default).
Note: The default value of k varies on the version of the SynCTI driver: if the driver
used is below Ver., the default value of k is 0x11; otherwise, it is 0x10.
Sets the way to represent channel identification messages on the digital trunk.
UserChIdentify is applicable to the user side while NetChIdentify to the network side. See
the Representation of Channel Identification Message section in Chapter 1 for more
information. UserVoiceFormat
Refer to NetVoiceFormat NetVoiceFormat
Configuration Item

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 723

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Section [ISDN]
Written Format
n: The user-side (UserVoiceFormat) or network-side (NetVoiceFormat) digital trunk
Value Range k: The voice CODEC,
k=6: A-law (default);
k=7: μ-law.
Sets the voice CODEC used on the digital trunk.
UserVoiceFormat is applicable to the user side while NetVoiceFormat to the network side. UserRestarTime
Refer to NetRestarTime NetRestarTime
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
Value Range 100≤t≤120, calculated by second, with the default value of 100.
Sets the time for the local end to respond to the link restart command from the remote
end, i.e. from the moment the local link receives the link restart command from the remote
end until it is successfully restarted. If the link fails to be restarted within the time specified
by this configuration item, all channels on relative digital trunks enter into the ‘Unusable’
state (i.e. S_CALL_UNAVAILABLE).
UserRestarTime is applicable to the user side while NetRestarTime to the network side.
z It is an advanced configuration item, not required to be set in most cases.
z It is applicable to all digital trunks in the system. UserEstablishTime
Refer to NetEstablishTime NetEstablishTime
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
Value Range 5≤t≤10, calculated by second, with the default value of 5.
Sets the interval for the driver to establish links between the local and remote ends. If the
driver fails to establish links within the time specified by this configuration item, it will
Description automatically start another attempt.
UserEstablishTime is applicable to the user side while NetEstablishTime to the network
z It is an advanced configuration item, not required to be set in most cases.
z It is applicable to all user-side and network-side digital trunks in the system.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 724

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Parameters for Outgoing Call UserCalledNoSet
Refer to NetCallingNoSet NetCalledNoSet
Refer to NetCallingNoSet UserCallingNoSet
Refer to NetCallingNoSet NetCallingNoSet
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
n: The user-side (UserCalledNoSet, UserCallingNoSet) or network-side (NetCalledNoSet,
NetCallingNoSet) digital trunk number
k: The type of number (TON) and numbering scheme, represented by hexadecimal digits.
k=0xa1: National Number (default);
k=0x91: International Number;
k=0xc1: Subscriber Number;
k=0xb1: Specified Number;
Value Range
k=0x81: Unknown.
g: The type of number (TON) and numbering scheme, represented by hexadecimal digits.
g=0x21: National Number (default);
g=0x11: International Number;
g=0x41: Subscriber Number;
g=0x31: Specified Number;
g=0x01: Unknown.
Sets the type of number (TON) and numbering scheme for the calling and called party
numbers in the SETUP message during the outgoing call.
UserCalledNoSet, NetCalledNoSet are used to set called party numbers respectively for
the user side and the network side;
UserCallingNoSet, NetCallingNoSet are used to set calling party numbers respectively for
the user side and the network side.
z It is an advanced configuration item;
z If the set value of the configuration item TotalUserLinker (assumed as N) is greater
Note than 0, UserCalledNoSet and UserCallingNoSet should be configured for N times; if
the set value of the configuration item TotalNetLinker (assumed as N) is greater than
0, NetCalledNoSet and NetCallingNoSet should be configured for N times. UserNumIsFull
Refer to NetNumIsFull

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 725

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd NetNumIsFull
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Sets whether the ‘Called Number Complete’ parameter is included in the SETUP message
Description during the outgoing call.
UserNumIsFull is applicable to the user side while NetNumIsFull to the network side.
Note It is an advanced configuration item. UserChPreference
Refer to NetChPreference NetChPreference
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Sets whether to allow the preferential channel selection.
Description UserChPreference is applicable to the user side while NetChPreference to the network
Note It is an advanced configuration item. UserHighLayerCompatible
Refer to NetHighLayerCompatible NetHighLayerCompatible
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
b=0: No;
Value Range
b=1: Yes (default).
Sets whether the ‘High Layer Compatibility’ field is included in the SETUP message.
Description UserHighLayerCompatible is applicable to the user side while NetHighLayerCompatible to
the network side.
Note It is an advanced configuration item. UserLowLayerCompatible
Refer to NetLowLayerCompatible

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 726

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd NetLowLayerCompatible
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
b=0: No;
Value Range
b=1: Yes (default).
Sets whether the ‘Low Layer Compatibility’ field is included in the SETUP message.
Description UserLowLayerCompatible is applicable to the user side while NetLowLayerCompatible to
the network side.
Note It is an advanced configuration item. UserDialTime
Refer to NetDialTime NetDialTime
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
Value Range t: The waiting time, calculated by second, with the default value of 60sec
After the application calls the function SsmPickup or SsmSearchIdleCallOutCh on an
ISDN channel, the driver will start a timer. If the application does not start an outgoing call
before the timer overflows, the driver will reset the channel back to the idle state and then
Description transfer it to the S_CALL_STANDBY state. This configuration item is used to set the value
of this timer. See the ISDN Channel State Machine section in Chapter 1 for more
UserDialTime is applicable to the user side while NetDialTime to the network side.
Note It is an advanced configuration item. TransferCapability
Configuration Item TransferCapability
Section [ISDN]
Written Format TransferCapability=n
=0: Voice (default)
Value Range
=1: 3.1k audio
Description Sets the ‘Transfer Capability’ filed in the signaling message
Note It is an advanced configuration item. PresentNumber
Configuration Item PresentNumber
Section [ISDN]
Written Format PresentNumber =n
=0: not allowed to show number
Value Range
=1: allowed to show number (default)
Sets the field that determines if it is allowed to show the calling party number in the
signaling message.
Note It is an advanced configuration item.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 727

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd UserT303
Refer to NetT303 NetT303
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
t: The length of time for the timer T303, calculated by second, with the default value of
Value Range
Sets the timer T303. UserT303 is applicable to the user side while NetT303 to the network
side. See the ISUP Channel State Machine section in Chapter 1 for more information. UserT304
Refer to NetT304 NetT304
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
t: The length of time for the timer T304, calculated by second, with the default value of
Value Range
Sets the timer T304. UserT304 is applicable to the user side while NetT304 to the network
side. See the ISUP Channel State Machine section in Chapter 1 for more information. UserWaitAfterCallProceeding
Configuration Item UserWaitAfterCallProceeding
Section [ISDN]
Written Format UserWaitAfterCallProceeding=n
Value Range n: The waiting time, with the default value of 15s.
Sets the maximum time that the local end waits for the remote end to send back the
acknowledgement message in an outgoing call. If the local end doesn’t receive the
acknowledgement message from the remote end before timeout, it will actively disconnect
the call.
Note It is an advanced configuration item only used for user-side outgoing calls. NetWaitAfterCallProceeding
Configuration Item NetWaitAfterCallProceeding
Section [ISDN]
Written Format NetWaitAfterCallProceeding =n
Value Range n: The waiting time, with the default value of 20s.
Sets the maximum time that the local end waits for the remote end to send back the
acknowledgement message in an outgoing call. If the local end doesn’t receive the
acknowledgement message from the remote end before timeout, it will actively disconnect
the call.
Note It is an advanced configuration item only used for network-side outgoing calls.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 728

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd UserTxCallingPartyNum
Configuration Item UserTxCallingPartyNum
Section [ISDN]
Written Format UserTxCallingPartyNum = b
b=0: Not to send the 6c unit (i.e. the calling party number) in the ISDN User Setup
message for an outgoing call;
Value Range
b=1: Send the 6c unit (i.e. the calling party number) in the ISDN User Setup message for
an outgoing call (default).
Sets whether to send the 6c unit (i.e. the calling party number) in the ISDN User Setup
message for an outgoing call. NetTxCallingPartyNum
Configuration Item NetTxCallingPartyNum
Section [ISDN]
Written Format NetTxCallingPartyNum = b
b=0: Not to send the 6c unit (i.e. the calling party number) in the ISDN Net Setup message
for an outgoing call;
Value Range
b=1: Send the 6c unit (i.e. the calling party number) in the ISDN Net Setup message for an
outgoing call (default).
Sets whether to send the 6c unit (i.e. the calling party number) in the ISDN Net Setup
message for an outgoing call. Setting Parameters for Incoming Call UserSideDefaultAckTimer
Refer to NetSideDefaultAck UserSideDefaultAck
Refer to NetSideDefaultAck NetSideDefaultAckTimer
Refer to NetSideDefaultAck NetSideDefaultAck
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 729

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

t: The set value of the timer, calculated by second, t<120, with the default value of 20.
k: The driver’s behavior after the timer overflows. Its values and corresponding meanings
are shown in the table below.
K Meaning Driver’s Behavior
1 Called party idle Send the ALERTING message
Send the DISCONNECT message.
Value Range 2 Called party busy
Reason=Called party busy
Send the DISCONNECT message.
4 Call refused
Reason=Call refused
Send the DISCONNECT message.
5 No answer
Reason=Called party no answer
Others Spare
The default value of k is 1.
After the driver receives the complete number in an incoming call, this configuration item is
used to set whether the reply message is automatically sent by the driver. Refer to the
Description ISUP Channel State Machine section in Chapter 1 for more information.
UserSideDefaultAckTimer, UserSideDefaultAck are applicable to the user side while
NetSideDefaultAckTimer, NetSideDefaultAck to the network side.
Note It is an advanced configuration item. UserIsReceivePhoNum
Refer to NetIsReceivePhoNum NetIsReceivePhoNum
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
b=0: Tandem Exchange Mode;
Value Range
b=1: Terminating Office Mode (default).
— Sets the driver operating mode during an incoming call. For more information, refer
to the section Terminating Office Mode vs. Tandem Exchange Mode in Chapter 1.
UserIsReceivePhoNum is applicable to the user side while NetIsReceivePhoNum to the
network side.
z Usually this configuration item is set to 0 provided the remote PBX is Alcatel or AVAYA;
z The configuration item UserTieStationMode supported by earlier versions of our driver
has the same function but is only applicable to the user side. Hence it can be replaced
by UserIsReceivePhoNum. UserIsSendChIdentify
Refer to NetIsSendChIdentify NetIsSendChIdentify
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
b=0: No;
Value Range
b=1: Yes (default).

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 730

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Sets whether the channel identification message is included in the corresponding reply
message (such as CALL PROCEEDING, ALERT, etc.) after the local end receives the
Description SETUP message from the remote PBX during an incoming call.
UserIsSendChIdentify is applicable to the user side while NetIsSendChIdentify to the
network side. UserT302
Refer to NetT302 NetT302
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
t: The length of time for the timer T302, calculated by second, with the default value of
Value Range
Sets the timer T302. UserT302 is applicable to the user side while NetT302 to the network
side. See the ISUP Channel State Machine section in Chapter 1 for more information. UserT313
Configuration Item UserT313
Section [ISDN]
Written Format UserT313=t
t: The length of time for the timer T313, calculated by second, with the default value of
Value Range
Sets the timer T313. See the ISUP Channel State Machine section in Chapter 1 for more
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the user side. ProgressExt
Configuration Item ProgressExt
Section [ISDN]
Written Format ProgressExt=n
n: Progress indicator, with the default value of 0 that implies no progress indicator is
The value of n is represented by 8 bits. Each bit means as follows.
Bit7, Bit 6=00----ITU-T coding standard
Bit4~ Bit1=
Value Range 0000----User (U)
0001----Local private network (LPN)
0010----Local public network (LN)
0011----Transfer network (TN)
0100----Remote public network (RLN)
0101----Remote private network (RPN)
1010----Network formed by points except two connected on the SS7 public
network (BI)
In an incoming call, if the ALERT or SETUP message is sent by the local end when the
value of ProgressExt is not 0, it will contain the progress indicator.
Note It is an advanced configuration item, only applicable to incoming calls.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 731

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Timers UserT305
Refer to NetT306 NetT305
Refer to NetT306 NetT306
Configuration Item NetT305
Section [ISDN]
Written Format NetT305=t
Value Range t: The length of time for the timer, calculated by second, with the default value of 30 sec.
Sets the timers T305 and T306. UserT305 is applicable to the user side while NetT305
and NetT306 to the network side.
— To the user side, the driver will start T305 after the local end sends the
DISCONNECT message to the remote PBX, and automatically stop it after the local
end receives the RELEASE or DISCONNECT message from the remote PBX.
Description — To the network side, after the local end sends the DISCONNECT message to the
remote PBX, the driver will start T306 if the DISCONNECT message contains the
progress indicator field and the value of this field is equal to 8, or start T305
otherwise. After the local end receives the RELEASE or DISCONNECT message
from the remote PBX, the driver will automatically stop T305 or T306.
Once T305 or T306 overflows, the driver will send the RELEASE message. UserT308
Refer to NetT308 NetT308
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
Value Range t: The length of time for the timer, calculated by second, with the default value of 4 sec.
Sets the timer T308. UserT308 is applicable to the user side while NetT308 to the network
The driver will start T308 after the local end sends the RELEASE message to the remote
PBX, and automatically stop it after the local end receives the RELEASE or RELEASE
COMPLETE message from the remote PBX. If T308 overflows, the driver will resend the
RELEASE message.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 732

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting Other Parameters WaitHangupTime
Configuration Item WaitHangupTime
Section [ISDN]
Written Format WaitHangupTime=b
Value Range 20<b<10000, calculated by millisecond (ms), with the default value of 1600.
Description Sets the ISDN pending time.
Note It is an advanced configuration item. UserStatusReason
Refer to NetStatusReason NetStatusReason
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
m=1: 3-byte Format (default);
Value Range
m=0: 2-byte Format
When the local end receives the STATUS ENQUIRY message (for status query) from the
remote PBX, the driver will automatically reply by sending the STATUS message. This
configuration item specifies the reason field in the STATUS message to use the 2-byte or
3-byte format. Using which format should be determined according to the parameter
setting for the remote PBX. UserStatusReason is applicable to the user side while
NetStatusReason to the network side.
z It is an advanced configuration item;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. or above. EnAutoAlert02
Refer to EnAutoAlert03 EnAutoAlert03
Configuration Item
Section [ISDN]
Written Format
m=0: This feature disabled (default);
Value Range
m=1: This feature enabled.
If EnAutoAlert02=1, it indicates the 02 (CALL PROCEEDING) message is received. In
such situation, if the progress indicator turns to be 8 or 1, the system will go into the state

Description of auto alert.

If EnAutoAlert03=1, it indicates the 03 (PROGRESS) message is received. In such
situation, if the progress indicator turns to be 8 or 1, the system will go into the state of
auto alert.
z It is an advanced configuration item;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. or above.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 733

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd GetRedirectionReason
Configuration Item GetRedirectionReason
Section [ISDN]
Written Format GetRedirectionReason=m
m=0: Obtains the redirection reason of the information element Facility (0x1c) (default);
Value Range m=1: Obtains the redirection reason of the information element Redirecting Number
If GetRedirectionReason=1, it indicates that the function SsmGetRedirectionInfReason
obtains the redirection reason of the information element 0x74.
If GetRedirectionReason=0, it indicates that the function SsmGetRedirectionInfReason
obtains the redirection reason of the information element 0x1c.
z It is an advanced configuration item;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. or above. Setting Way to Use DSP Chip LoadFskBin
Configuration Item LoadFskBin
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format LoadFskBin=m
m=0: Enhanced Echo Canceller Mode. In this mode, the voice channel is unable to record
voices and receive or send FSK data. The DSP resources standing idle are used
to enhance the effect of the echo canceller;
m=1: Normal Running Mode (default);
m=2: TS16 Recording Mode. The driver will directly pass the original signaling data from
TS16 to the application by recording. When m=1, each on-board DSP chip
Value Range processes data from 15 voice time slots. Therefore, two DSP chips are needed to
process data from the 30 time slots on each digital trunk, one for TS1~TS15 and the
other for TS17~TS31. When m=2, the DSP chip previously used to process data from
TS17~TS31 will turn to process those from TS16~TS30, and the voice data from TS31
will be abandoned. Note: In such case, the physical channel number 15
corresponds not to TS17, but to TS16. And the same change also happens to the
other channels.
Description Selects the operating mode for DSP chips on the SHD Series boards.
It is an advanced configuration item, only applicable to the 30/60/120-channel SHD Series
A-type boards. Common Configuration Item for SHN Series (CTI Series) Advanced General Settings for SHN Series EnableSIPStun
Refer to HeartInterval SIPStunServerIP
Refer to HeartInterval

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 734

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd LogLevel
Refer to HeartInterval LogFile
Refer to HeartInterval EventThreadNum
Refer to HeartInterval SipCallCheckInterval
Refer to HeartInterval SendOptionsOutCallIP
Refer to HeartInterval SendOptionsOutCallInterval
Refer to HeartInterval RemoteCrashCheckInterval
Refer to HeartInterval IgnoreUserName
Refer to HeartInterval AutoDetectRemoteRTPAddress
Refer to HeartInterval HeartInterval
Note: This configuration item is named UdpHeartTime in versions below SynCTI
Configuration Item
Section [SIP]

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 735

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Written Format
p: p=0, disable the Stun feature in SIP; p=1, enable the Stun feature in SIP.
y: The IP address of the Stun server in SIP.
m: Sets the output log level. See below for details.
m=1: SEGMENT, serious error (default);
m=2 : FATAL, error in protocol message;
m=3: ERROR, logic error;
m=4: WARNING, logic warning;
m=5: INFO1, logic information
m=6: INFO2, SIP message information;
m=7: INFO3, RTP message information;
m=8: INFO4, original SIP message.
s: Sets the output log file, containing less than 256 characters.
j: Sets the size of the thread pool used to get SIP protocol events. The value range is 0<j<6
and the default value is 3.
n: Sets the interval between checks of the remote end’s abnormal hangup, in second. n=0:
Not use this feature.
Value Range k: Automatically sends the destination IP address of the signaling message options in case
of non registration.
q: Sends the time interval of the signaling message options, in second. q=0: Disable this
i: Sets the time interval (calculated by s) to detect the abnormal hangup of the remote end by
RTP. i=0 means this feature is disabled. Note: This feature is valid only when n=0.
I: Sets whether to enable the feature of ignoring user name. I=0: disable (default); I=1:
enable. When a SIP channel which serves as the incoming end sends the register request
to the server, if this feature is enabled, the driver will search for idle channels only
according to the domain name within the signaling message, ignoring the judgment on
user name.
z: Sets whether to enable the remote RTP address self-adaptive feature. z=0: Disable
(default); z=1, Enable. This feature is used to update the RTP reception address or port in
the signaling message sent by the remote end when it does not comply with the actual
state. Therefore, it can increase the self-adaptive capability of RTP transmission.
x: Sets the heartbeat time for the UDP port. The value range is 0≤x≤1000 (ms) and the
default value is x=0 (disable the heartbeat).
Description Sets other parameters.
Note This item is valid only when the configuration item ProtocolType is set to 1. UseRport
Configuration Item UseRport
Section [SIP]
Written Format UseRport=z
z=1: The Invite message includes the rport field (default);
Value Range
z=0: The Invite message does not include the rport field.
Description Sets whether the Invite message includes the rport field.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 736

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SipTransportProtocol
Configuration Item SipTransportProtocol
Section [SIP]
Written Format SipTransportProtocol =z
z=1, SIP is used over TCP;
Value Range
z=0, SIP is used over UDP (default).
Description Sets whether SIP is used over TCP or UDP RetransmitLost200OK
Configuration Item RetransmitLost200OK
Section [SIP]
Written Format RetransmitLost200OK=z
z=1: It is not necessary for the board to wait for the ACK message after sending the
200OK message;
Value Range
z=0: It is necessary for the board to wait for the ACK message after sending the 200OK
message (default).
Sets if it is necessary for the board to wait for the ACK message after sending the 200OK
message to establish a call. RegisterTimeOutSpace
Configuration Item RegisterTimeOutSpace
Section [SIP]
Written Format RegisterTimeOutSpace=q
Value Range q: time interval, q>0, calculated by s and the default value is 10.
Description Time interval between different register messages.
Here the time interval exactly means the time from the register timeout to the auto
generation of a new register message. EnableSetUsername
Configuration Item EnableSetUsername
Section [SIP]
Written Format EnableSetUsername=n
n=1: Username can be modified after registration;
Value Range
n=0: Username cannot be modified after registration (default).
Description Sets whether the username can be modified after registration for SHN Series boards.
This configuration item is only applicable to some special SIP servers, and does not work
on common servers. UserName
Refer to SipTotalMultiRegNum RegPassword
Refer to SipTotalMultiRegNum Domain
Refer to SipTotalMultiRegNum RegRealm
Refer to SipTotalMultiRegNum

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 737

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd RegExpires
Refer to SipTotalMultiRegNum RegStartCh
Refer to SipTotalMultiRegNum RegEndCh
Refer to SipTotalMultiRegNum SipTotalMultiRegNum
Configuration Item
Section [SIP]
Written Format
m: Number for the multi-channel operation. It must start from 0, range of value: 0≤m≤n(n
is the set value of the configuration item SipTotalMultiRegNum)
s: Username, a string containing up to 50 characters.
When m≠0, s indicates the registered username; when m=0, s indicates the content of
the username field in SIP URI.
j: Registered user password.
It is valid only when m≠0, indicating the registered user password.
x: Registered server.
It is valid only when m≠0, indicating the registered server address in the format of
Value Range
q: Registration expire for the multi-channel operation. It indicates how often the board
refreshes the registration information to the registered server, with the default value of
3600s and the minimum value of 10s.
r: Alias of the SIP server.
o: Starting channel number of the multi-channel operation.
e: Ending channel number of the multi-channel operation. The multi-channel registration is
equal to the single channel registration when o=e.
n: Times for performing the multi-channel operation.
Using the configuration items to perform the multi-channel registration for n times is
equivalent to invoking the function SsmSipMultiChRegister for n times.
This configuration item is valid only when the set value of the configuration item
SipTotalMultiRegNum is greater than 0.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 738

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Suppose that there is an SHN-60B-CT/PCI+ board installed in the system, the channels
that need to be registered are channels 0~19 (registered to under the
username of 1001), channels 20~39 (registered to under the
username of 1002) and channels 40~59 (registered to under the
username of 1001)
[SIP] // in the SIP field
SipTotalMultiRegNum = 3 //indicates the times for performing the multi-channel operation.
//The following three groups of configuration items are parameters respectively for three
multi-channel registrations. For detailed information on each configuration item, you can
refer to the configuration item of board registration.
//Configuration items for the first multi-channel registration
RegStartCh[0]=0 //The starting channel number of the first multi-channel operation. This
channel number is decided over the whole program.
RegEndCh[0]=19 //The ending channel number of the first multi-channel operation. This
channel number is decided over the whole program.
//Configuration items for the second multi-channel registration
//Configuration items for the third multi-channel registration
RegEndCh[2]=59 UseGroupByIp
Configuration Item UseGroupByIp
Section [SIP]
Written Format UseGroupByIp=z
z=1: Enable SIP Trunk feature;
Value Range
z=0: Disable SIP Trunk feature (default).

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 739

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When the SIP trunk feature is enabled and the channel is bound to the IP address by
invoking the multi-channel or single channel registration function, the board which serves
as the called party can search for the channel using the IP address of the calling party
server. UseSipKB
Configuration Item UseSipKB
Section [SIP]
Written Format UseSipKB=z
z=1: The 180 message is automatically replied by the application;
Value Range
z=0: The 180 message is automatically replied by the driver (default).
Description Sets whether the 180 message is replied by the driver or the application.
If this configuration item is set to 1, the channel will enter the Pending state after receiving
the INVITE message. SipProxyAddr
Configuration Item SipProxyAddr
Section [SIP]
Written Format SipProxyAddr=z
z=a.b.c.d: SIP proxy server address, with the default value of which means not to
Value Range
use the SIP proxy server.
Description Sets the SIP proxy server address. SipProxyPort
Configuration Item SipProxyPort
Section [SIP]
Written Format SipProxyPort=n
Value Range 0≤n≤65535: SIP proxy server port, with the default value of 5060.
Description Sets the SIP proxy server port. ims
Configuration Item ims
Section [SIP]
Written Format ims=b
b=0: The remote SIP server does not use the ims network (default);
Value Range
b=1: The remote SIP server uses the ims network.
Confirm whether the remote SIP server uses the ims network. If it does, this configuration
item should be set to 1, otherwise the local IP board will fail to register to the ims network. SipNewRegisterMode
Configuration Item SipNewRegisterMode
Section [SIP]
Written Format SipNewRegisterMode=b
b=0: Binds the channel with register information (default);
Value Range
b=1: Unbinds the channel from register information.
Description Sets whether to bind the channel with register information. SipBuildBusyReplaceForbidden
Configuration Item SipBuildBusyReplaceForbidden
Section [SIP]

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 740

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Written Format SipBuildBusyReplaceForbidden=b

b=0: Adopts 403 or 415 message (default);
Value Range
b=1: Uses 486 message to replace 403 or 415 message.
Description Sets whether to adopt the 486 message to replace the 403 or 415 message. SipFindRingChFromPreRingCh
Configuration Item SipFindRingChFromPreRingCh
Section [SIP]
Written Format SipFindRingChFromPreRingCh=b
b=0: Searches for an idle channel for ringing in the ascending order of the channel
number, starting from Ch0 (default);
Value Range
b=1: Provided the previous ringing channel is Ch(N). Searches for an idle channel for
ringing in the ascending order of the channel number, starting from Ch(N+1).
Description Sets whether to search for an idle channel for ringing from Ch(N+1). SHN A Series Advanced Setting for SHN A Series Setting RTP Traversal through NAT and SIP Server EnableRTPStun
Refer to RegRealm StunServerIP
Refer to RegRealm Register
Refer to RegRealm UserName
Refer to RegRealm RegPassword
Refer to RegRealm Domain
Refer to RegRealm RegExpires
Refer to RegRealm

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 741

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd MapIP
Refer to RegRealm RegRealm
Configuration Item RegPassword
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format RegPassword=j
y: Sets whether to enable the Stun detection in RTP.
p: The IP address of the Stun server in RTP.
m: Indicates whether to enable registration.
m=0: Disable registration;
m≠0: Enable registration.
s: User name, containing up to 50 characters.
When m≠0, s indicates the registered user name; when m=0, s indicates the content of
the ‘username’ field in SIP URI.
Value Range j: Registered user password
It is valid only when m≠0.
x: Registered server
It is valid and indicates the registered server address in the format of host[:port] only
when m≠0.
q: Period of registration validity, indicating how often the board refreshes the registration
information to the registered server.
k: Mapped IP address of the board.
r: Alias of the SIP server.
Description Sets the SIP server.
Note This item is valid only when the configuration item ProtocolType is set to 1. SHN B Series Advanced Setting for SHN B Series Setting RTP Traversal through NAT and SIP Server EnableRTPStun
Refer to RegRealm

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 742

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd StunServerIP
Refer to RegRealm Register
Refer to RegRealm UserName
Refer to RegRealm RegPassword
Refer to RegRealm Domain
Refer to RegRealm RegExpires
Refer to RegRealm MapIP
Refer to RegRealm RegRealm
Configuration Item RegPassword
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format RegPassword=j

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 743

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

y: Sets whether to enable the Stun detection in RTP.

p: The IP address of the Stun server in RTP.
m: Indicates whether to enable registration.
m=0: Disable registration;
m≠0: Enable registration.
s: User name, containing up to 50 characters.
When m≠0, s indicates the registered user name; when m=0, s indicates the content of
the ‘username’ field in SIP URI.
Value Range j: Registered user password
It is valid only when m≠0.
x: Registered server
It is valid and indicates the registered server address in the format of host[:port] only
when m≠0.
q: Period of registration validity, indicating how often the board refreshes the registration
information to the registered server.
k: Mapped IP address of the board.
r: Alias of the SIP server.
Description Sets the SIP server.
Note This item is valid only when the configuration item ProtocolType is set to 1. DscpFlag
Refer to DscpValue DscpValue
Configuration Item
Section [SIP]
Written Format
p: Sets whether the RTP data package sent by SHN Series B-type board includes
the Dscp value.
p=1: Yes;
Value Range
p=0: No (default).
m: The Dscp value of the data package, 0≤m≤63, with the default value of 0. Larger
m value indicates higher priority.
Description Sets the Dscp value to enhance the data package’s priority in network transmission. Setting RTP Payload SizeG711A
Refer to SizeG729 SizeG711U
Refer to SizeG729 SizeG729
Configuration Item SizeG711U
Section [BoardId=x]

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 744

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Written Format SizeG711U=n
m=20 or m=30
Value Range n=20 or n=30
x=20 or x=30
Sets the RTP payload in millisecond. Meanwhile adjusts the voice processing capability of
the board. That is, sets how soon to take an RTP packet and how big it is.
z The value must be 20 or 30. If it is filled in with other number or none, the system will
Note regard it as 20ms by default.
z These configuration items are applicable only to SHN-B boards. JitterTime
Configuration Item JitterTime
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format JitterTime=x, y
Value Range 40≤x≤800, 160≤y≤1200, calculated by ms, with the default value of x=160, y=400.
Sets the size of RTP JitterBuffer. The parameters x and y indicate the minimum and
Description maximum buffer times respectively. If the reception rate of the RTP packet becomes
greater than y or smaller than x, the voice quality may drop.
z This configuration item does not need to be modified unless for special requirements.
Otherwise, the voice quality may drop. Common Configuration Items for DST Series (REC Series) SupplyBoardClockLine

Configuration Item SupplyBoardClockLine

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format SupplyBoardClockLine=n
Value Range n: Board number, numbered from 0
Sets the phone line which offers the reference clock. If this configuration item is not set or
set with an illegal value, the board will automatically choose the reference clock.
Note It is an advanced configuration item which is only applicable to the DST Series boards. DEventUpdates

Configuration Item DEventUpdates

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format DEventUpdates=n
n=0: Filtrate events (default);
Value Range
n=1: Not to filtrate events.
Works as a switch to control the event filtration, helping the board to filtrate repeated
events once it is enabled.
Note z This configuration item is only applicable to the DST Series boards.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 745

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Common Configuration Items for ATP Series (REC Series) Setting Input Signal Gain MicGain
Configuration Item MicGain
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: MicGain=g,g,g,g
Written Format Format 2: MicGain=g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g
Format 3: MicGain=g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g
g=0: Normal volume
Value Range
g=1: Increased volume
Sets the gain of input signals on the analog recording channel. If the voice signal comes
Description from the analog phone line, the gain should be set to 0DB (g=0); if it comes from the
moving coil microphone, the gain should be set to 20DB (g=1).
z Format 1 is applicable to the ATP Series USB recording box;
z Format 2 is applicable to the 8-channel ATP Series boards;
z Format 3 is applicable to the 16-channel ATP Series boards;
z This configuration item is not applicable to ATP-24A series boards. Setting Idle Channel’s Capability of Energy Detection EnableIdleChTA
Configuration Item EnableIdleChTA
Section [BoardId=x]
Format 1: EnableIdleChTA =b,b,b,b
Written Format Format 2: EnableIdleChTA =b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
Format 3: EnableIdleChTA =b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
b=0: Disable this capability (default);
Value Range
b=1: Enable this capability
Sets whether the analog recording channel can detect the energy and receive DTMF
digits when it is in an idle state.
z Format 1 is applicable to the ATP Series USB recording box;
Note z Format 2 is applicable to the 8-channel ATP Series boards;
z Format 3 is applicable to the 16-channel ATP Series boards. Acquiring More Recording Formats DspCoder
Configuration Item DspCoder
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format DspCoder=n
N=131: Load G.729A coder;
N=49: Load GSM coder;
Value Range
N=85: Load MP3 8kbps coder;
N=86: Load MP3 16kbps coder.
Description Sets the coder loaded by an on-board DSP which gives more formats for recording.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 746

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

z It is an advanced configuration item which is only applicable to the following boards

(in bracket list the corresponding codecs supported):
DTP-30C/PCI+ (G.729A,GSM,MP3 8kbps,MP3 16kbps)
DTP-60C/PCI+ (G.729A,GSM,MP3 8kbps,MP3 16kbps)
DTP-120C/PCI+ (G.729A,GSM,MP3 8kbps,MP3 16kbps)
DTP-30C/PCIe+ (G.729A,GSM,MP3 8kbps,MP3 16kbps)
DTP-60C/PCIe+ (G.729A,GSM,MP3 8kbps,MP3 16kbps)
DTP-120C/PCIe+ (G.729A,GSM,MP3 8kbps,MP3 16kbps)
ATP-24A-PCI+ (G.729A,GSM,MP3 8kbps,MP3 16kbps)
ATP-24A-PCIe+ (G.729A,GSM,MP3 8kbps,MP3 16kbps)
DST-24B/PCI+ (G.729A,GSM,MP3 8kbps,MP3 16kbps)
DST-24B/PCI+(SSW) (G.729A,GSM,MP3 8kbps,MP3 16kbps)
DST-24B/PCIe+ (G.729A,GSM,MP3 8kbps,MP3 16kbps)
z It requires SynCTI Ver. or above. Setting Prerecord Feature PrerecordEnable
Configuration Item PrerecordEnable
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format PrerecordEnable=b
b=0: Disable this feature (default);
Value Range
b=1: Enable this feature
Description Enables or disables the prerecord feature.
z This function is applicable to ATP Series boards and the analog trunk channels of SHT
Note and SHF Series boards;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. 2.1 or above. PrerecordMode
Configuration Item PrerecordMode
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format PrerecordMode=m
m=0: Start to write the recording data into the internal buffer when the Barge-in detector
detects voice activities;
Value Range m=1: Start to write the recording data into the internal buffer when the analog recording
channel detects the pickup behavior on the line.
The default value is 0.
Description Sets the specific way to do prerecording.
z This function is applicable to ATP Series boards and the analog trunk channels of SHT
Note and SHF Series boards;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. 2.1 or above. PrerecordInsertTime
Configuration Item PrerecordInsertTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format PrerecordInsertTime=t
0<t<n, calculated by millisecond (ms), with the default value of 500. The maximum n is
Value Range
decided by RecordBufSize. n= RecordBufSize/16.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 747

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

When the application starts the task of file recording after the prerecord feature is
Description enabled, this parameter is used to specify the length of time to write the prerecording data
into the file.
z This function is applicable to ATP Series boards and the analog trunk channels of SHT
Note and SHF Series boards;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. 2.1 or above. PrerecordCodec
Configuration Item PrerecordCodec
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format PrerecordCodec=m
m=1: PCM8;
m=6: A-law (default);
m=7: μ-law;
Value Range
m=17: IMA ADPCM (only for boards having a hardware encoder);
m=49: GSM 6.10;
m=85: MP3.
Description Sets the prerecording CODEC.
z This function is applicable to ATP Series boards and the analog trunk channels of
Note SHT and SHF Series boards;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. 2.1 or above. Detecting Dial Pulse EnablePulseKeyDetect
Configuration Item EnablePulseKeyDetect
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format EnablePulseKeyDetect=b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Description Sets whether it is necessary to detect the dial pulse.
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the analog trunk recording channel. Setting Maximum Duration of Flash Signal MaxRecChFlashFilterTime
Configuration Item MaxRecChFlashFilterTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format MaxRecChFlashFilterTime=t
Value Range t: time duration, calculated by millisecond (ms), with the default value of 200ms
Sets the filter time for a recording channel to judge flash signals. Refer to the Change in
Analog Phone Line Voltage section in Chapter 1 for more information. Setting Guard Time for Clearing Ringing Signal Counter RecChClearRingDelayTime
Configuration Item RecChClearRingDelayTime

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 748

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format RecChClearRingDelayTime=t
Value Range t≥0, calculated by second, with the default value of 0
Sets the guard time for clearing the ringing signal counter after the recording channel
detects ringing signals and picks up the call. Setting Soft-switch Feature BusPlayListen
Configuration Item BusPlayListen
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format BusPlayListen=b
b=0: Disable data exchange via CT-Bus (i.e. enable the soft-switch feature);
Value Range
b=1: Enable data exchange via CT-Bus (default).
Sets whether the driver will enable data exchange via CT-Bus. This item is invalid to
boards without CT-bus, such as the ATP series, and in such case, the soft-switch feature
will instead be enabled automatically. Refer to the Operation Principle of ATP Series
section in Chapter 1 for more information.
z When BusPlayListen=0, GsmCodecEnable=0 will be invalid and the driver will load the
record/playback software engine to support the monitoring in compressed format. Setting MF Detector AlwaysEnableRxMF
Configuration Item AlwaysEnableRxMF
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format AlwaysEnableRxMF=b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Description Sets the operating mode of the MF detector
Note This configuration item is only applicable to 24-channel ATP Series. MFDualAndAllFreqEnScale
Configuration Item MFDualAndAllFreqEnScale
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format HighAndLowFreqEnScale=m
Value Range 0≦m(%)≦100, with the default value of 32
Description Sets the threshold value in percentage for the rate of MF in-band energy to overall energy
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the ATP series. MFFreqOffset
Configuration Item MFFreqOffset
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format MFFreqOffset=m
Value Range 0≦m(%)≦30, with the default value of 15
Sets the maximum offset error of the MF signal (offset error = (detected frequency –
standard frequency)*1024 / detected frequency).
Note This configuration item is only applicable to the ATP series.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 749

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Common Configuration Items for DTP Series (REC Series) Saving Monitoring Message to File

Refer to Setting SS1 Monitoring Log, Setting SS7 Monitoring Log, Setting ISDN Monitoring
Log, Setting Control Information for Log Creating. Setting Signaling Message Output by SS7 State Machine bOpenSpySS7Msu
Configuration Item bOpenSpySS7Msu
Section [SS7Spy]
Written Format bOpenSpySS7Msu=b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Sets whether the ISUP/TUP call state machine provided by the SynCTI driver will output
Description original ISUP/TUP messages to the application while processing them. See the section
Operation Principle of DTP Series in Chapter 1 for more information.
z This configuration item is only applicable to the DTP Series boards based on SS7
Note protocol;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. or above. Supporting CorNet Protocol for ISDN Monitoring ISDNProtocolType
Configuration Item ISDNProtocolType
Section [SpyPcm]
Written Format ISDNProtocolType=b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Sets whether to support the CorNet protocol for ISDN monitoring (this protocol is similar
to ISDN Q.931).
z This configuration item is only applicable to those DTP Series boards using ISDN
Note signaling;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. or above. SS1 Monitoring of E1 Networks without R2 Signaling SpySs1NoR2
Configuration Item SpySs1NoR2
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format SpySs1NoR2=b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 750

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Sets whether to support the SS1 monitoring of E1 networks without R2 signaling (DTMF
transmission mode).
z This configuration item is only applicable to the DTP Series boards using E1 SS1
Note signaling;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. or above. Setting Waiting Time for Channel into Unusable State

after Link Async SpyWaitUnavailableTime
Configuration Item SpyWaitUnavailableTime
Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format SpyWaitUnavailableTime=t
Value Range Calculated by millisecond, with the default value of 1280.
If the link keeps asynchronous longer than the set value in this configuration, all digital
trunk channels involved will go into the unusable state (i.e. S_CALL_UNAVAILABLE).
z This configuration item is only applicable to the DTP Series boards;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. or above. Setting Message Decoding Method UseHdlc
Configuration Item UseHdlc
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format UseHdlc=b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Sets whether to use the HDLC method to decode messages for the DTP Series C-type
boards. The default method is DSP decoding.
z This configuration item is only applicable to the DTP Series C-type boards;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. or above. Supporting RBS Protocol for SS1 Monitoring RBSType
Configuration Item RBSType
Section [SS1Config]
Written Format RBSType=b
b=0: Not use RBS protocol (default);
b=1: Use E&M WINK;
Value Range
b=2: Use E&M;
b=3: Use E&M 2.
Description Sets which kind of RBS protocol is supported in SS1 monitoring of T1 networks.
z This configuration item is only applicable to the DTP Series boards supporting SS1
Note monitoring of T1 trunk;
z It requires SynCTI Ver. or above.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 751

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Common Configuration Items for IPR Series (REC Series) Advanced Universal Configuration Items for

SynIPRecorder in Master RcvTimeSpan
Configuration Item RcvTimeSpan
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format RcvTimeSpan =m
Value Range m: m is a number with the default value of 20.
Working period of receiving threads. It indicates how often the RTP data is
received in the Slaver end. CodecInBufferSize
Configuration Item CodecInBufferSize
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format CodecInBufferSize =m
Value Range m: m is a number with the default value of 4096.
Description Size of the buffer temporarily storing the data that needs to be decoded (in byte) SlaverLogLevel
Configuration Item SlaverLogLevel
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format SlaverLogLevel =m
m = 0: system-level failure;
m = 1: common failure;
m = 2: warning (default);
Value Range m = 3: common information;
m = 4: detailed information including call stack;
m = 5: most detailed information including content of transmitted/received data;
m = 6: debugging information.
Description Log level in the Slaver end. SlaverLogType
Configuration Item SlaverLogType
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format SlaverLogType =m
m = 0: console output;
m = 1: DbgView output in the Slaver end;
Value Range
m = 2: log output in the Slaver end;
m = 3: forward back to the Master end (default).
Description Log output type in the Slaver end. RecorderMixerType
Configuration Item RecorderMixerType
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format RecorderMixerType =m

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 752

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

m = 0: record the Primary only;

Value Range m = 1: record the Secondary only;
m = 2: record both parties (default).
Sets the mixer mode during the recording. It is applicable to all of the
SynIPRecorder channels. RecorderJitterBuffer
Configuration Item RecorderJitterBuffer
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format RecorderJitterBuffer =m,n
m: m is a number with the default value of 1280. It indicates the minimum Jitter
delay time.
Value Range
n: n is a number with the default value of 3200. It indicates the maximum Jitter
delay time.
Values corresponding to the configuration items in JitterBuffer which are
separated by the punctuation ‘.’. x indicates the minimum Jitter delay time while y
indicates the maximum Jitter delay time in byte (i.e. the number of sampling
points) RecorderVolume
Configuration Item RecorderVolume
Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format RecorderVolume =m,n
m: m is a number with the default value of 0. it indicates the primary volume with
the value range of [-7,+6].
Value Range
n: n is a number with the default value of 0. it indicates the secondary volume with
the value range of [-7,+6].
Description Sets the recording volume. Configuration Items for SynIPAnalyzer Series IP PBX

Monitoring Port SIP
Configuration item
Section [IPRSIP]
MonitorPortNo =m
MonitorPort[x] = p
MonitorPortType[x] = t
ProxyIPAddress = i
Written Format
NonStationAddressNo = n
NonStationAddress[y] = j
Special = k
MixCSProtocol = q

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 753

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

m: number of monitoring ports. The default value is 0 which means SIP

monitoring is disabled, and the upper limit is 20.
x: indicates which configuration item it is. Range of value: 0~19.
p: the monitoring port, with the default value of 5060.
t: the type of the monitoring port (0: UDP, 1: TCP), with the default value of 0.
i: a character string in the form of IPv4 address. It indicates the proxy address of
SIP, with the default value of
n: number of non-Station addresses, with the default value of 0 and the upper
Value Range limit of 20. These non-Station addresses won’t be identified as Station.
y: indicates which configuration item it is. Range of value: 0~19.
j: non-Station IP address in the form of IPv4 address.
k: For some special PBXes where both SIP protocol and proprietary protocol are
used, auxiliary signaling processing is needed. Currently this configuration item
can only be set to 1 to support the SIP/AASP protocol.
q: If the call establish process and the call release process use different
transport protocols (e.g. the former uses TCP and the latter uses UDP), this
configuration item should be set to 1.
Description SIP monitoring. Cisco SCCP

Configuration Item
Section [IPRSCCP]
MonitorPort = p
Written Format
MonitorPortType = t
p: the monitoring port. The default value is 0 which indicates SCCP monitoring is
Value Range disabled. If SCCP monitoring is enabled, the commonly used port is 2000.
t: the type of the monitoring port (0: UDP, 1: TCP), with the default value of 1.
Description SCCP monitoring. Avaya H323

Configuration Item
Section [IPRAvayaH323]
H225CSPortNo =m
H225CSPort[x] = p
H225CSPortType[x] = t
H225RASPortNo =n
Written Format
H225RASPort[x] = q
H225RASPortType[x] = u
NonStationAddressNo = o
NonStationAddress[y] = j

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 754

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

m: number of monitoring ports. The default value is 0 which means Avaya H323
monitoring is disabled, and the upper limit is 20.
x: indicates which configuration item it is. Range of value: 0~19.
p: the CS port, with the default value of 1720
q: the RAS port. The configuration of this port is optional. If it is not used by the
PBX, this item should be set to 0.
Value Range
t: the type of the monitoring port (0: UDP, 1: TCP), with the default value of 1.
u: the type of the monitoring port (0: UDP, 1: TCP), with the default value of 0.
o: number of non-Station addresses, with the default value of 0 and the upper
limit of 20. These non-Station addresses won’t be identified as Station.
y: indicates which configuration item it is. Range of value: 0~19.
j: non-Station IP address in the form of IPv4 address.
Description Avaya H323 monitoring. Shortel MGCP

Configuration Item
Section [IPRShortelMGCP]
CallAgentPort = p
CallAgentPortType = t
Written Format
p: port of the CallAgent. The default value is 0, which means Shortel MGCP
monitoring is disabled. If Shortel MGCP monitoring is enabled, the commonly
used port is 2727.
Value Range q: port of the Gateway. The default value is 0, which means Shortel MGCP
monitoring is disabled. If Shortel MGCP monitoring is enabled, the commonly
used port is 2427.
t, u: the type of the monitoring port (0: UDP, 1: TCP), with the default value of 0.
Description Shortel MGCP monitoring. H323
Configuration Item
Section [IPRH323]
H225CSPortNo =m
H225CSPort[x] = p
H225CSPortType[x] = t
H225RASPortNo =n
Written Format
H225RASPort[x] = q
H225RASPortType[x] = u
NonStationAddressNo = o
NonStationAddress[y] = j

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 755

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

m: number of monitoring ports. The default value is 0 which means H323

monitoring is disabled, and the upper limit is 20.
x: indicates which configuration item it is. Range of value: 0~19.
p: the CS port, with the default value of 1720
q: the RAS port. The configuration of this port is optional. If it is not used by the
PBX, this item should be set to 0.
Value Range t: the type of the monitoring port (0: UDP, 1: TCP), with the default value of 1.
u: the type of the monitoring port (0: UDP, 1: TCP), with the default value of 0.
o: number of non-Station addresses, with the default value of 0 and the upper
limit of 20. These non-Station addresses won’t be identified as Station.
y: indicates which configuration item it is. Range of value: 0~19.
j: non-Station IP address in the form of IPv4 address.
Description H323 monitoring. Panasonic MGCP

Configuration Item
Section [IPRPanasonicMGCP]
Written Format
p: Port of the CallAgent. The default value is 0, which means Panasonic MGCP
monitoring is disabled. When Panasonic MGCP monitoring is enabled, the
commonly used port is 2727.
Value Range q: Port of the Gateway. The default value is 0, which means Panasonic MGCP
monitoring is disabled. When Panasonic MGCP monitoring is enabled, the
commonly used port is 2427.
t, u: the type of the monitoring port (0: UDP, 1: TCP), with the default value of 0.
Description Panasonic MGCP monitoring. Toshiba MEGACO

Configuration Item
Section [IPRToshibaMEGACO]
Written Format
p: Monitoring port. The default value is 0, which means Toshiba MEGACO
monitoring is disabled. When Toshiba MEGACO monitoring is enabled, the
Value Range commonly used port is 2944.
t: The type of the monitoring port (0: UDP, 1: TCP), with the default value of 1.
Description Toshiba MEGACO monitoring. Siemens H323

Configuration Item
Section [IPRSiemensH323]

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 756

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

H225CSPort = p
H225CSPortType = t
Written Format
ProprietaryPort = q
ProprietaryPortType = u
p: CS port. The default value is 1720.
q: Port for Siemens PBX proprietary protocol messages. The default value is
Value Range 4060.
t, u: The type of the monitoring port (0: UDP, 1: TCP), with the default value of 1.
Description Siemens H323 monitoring. Alcatel
Configuration Item
Written Format
p: Monitoring port. The default value is 0, which means Alcatel monitoring is
Value Range disabled. When Alcatel monitoring is enabled, the commonly used port is 32640.
t: The type of the monitoring port (0: UDP, 1: TCP), with the default value of 0.
Description Alcatel monitoring. Mitel
Configuration Item
Section [IPRMITEL]
Written Format
p: Monitoring port. The default value is 0, which means Mitel monitoring is
Value Range disabled. When Mitel monitoring is enabled, the commonly used port is 6800.
t: The type of the monitoring port (0: UDP, 1: TCP), with the default value of 1.
Description Mitel monitoring.

3.1.3 Advanced Configuration Items Multi-program Support MultiCardMultiProcess

Configuration Item MultiCardMultiProcess

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format MultiCardMultiProcess=b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes
Sets whether the SynCTI driver supports more than one application program running at
the same time.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 757

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Outputting API Debugging Information ApiLogEnable

Configuration Item ApiLogEnable

Section [DebugView]
Written Format ApiLogEnable =b
b = 1: Output API function calls information to DebugView;
b = 2: Output API function calls information to the LOG file;
b = 3: Output events information to the LOG file;
Value Range
b = 4: Output both API function calls and events information to the LOG file;
b = 5: Output both API function calls and events information to the DebugView file;
b<1 or b>5 (default): Not output information.
Sets whether to output API function calls information or not. If the driver is allowed to
output API function calls information, it will output such information as the name, the
Description parameter of each API function invoked by the application as well as the result of the
function call, in the form of strings.
See the Driver-provided Debugging Feature section in Chapter 1 for more information.
z Since this feature is enabled at the expense of the host CPU cost, usually it is only
Note used in debugging application programs. Disable this feature once the application
system is put into formal running. ApiLogSetEventRange

Configuration Item ApiLogSetEventRange

Section [DebugView]
Written Format ApiLogSetEventRange =n..m
n: The start number of events to be written into LOG. n=-1(default) indicates all events
with the number <=m should be output;
Value Range
m: The end number of events to be written into LOG. m=-1(default) indicates all events
with the number >=n should be output.
Sets the event range for logging. Each output event with the number between n and m
Description (including n and m) will be written into the LOG file. If both n and m are equal to -1, it
means all output events should be written into the LOG file.
This configuration item becomes effective only when ApiLogEnable is set to output to
LOG. ApiLogSetChRange

Configuration Item ApiLogSetChRange

Section [DebugView]
Written Format ApiLogSetChRange =n..m
n: The start channel number for logging API function calls and output events.
n=-1(default) indicates the channel range is <=m.
Value Range
m: The end channel number for logging API function calls and output events.
m=-1(default) indicates the channel range is >=n.
Sets the range of channels where API function calls and output events should be written
into the log. All API function calls and output events on the channel whose number is
Description between n and m (including n and m) will be written into the LOG file. If both n and m are
equal to -1, it means API function calls and output events on all channels should be
written into the LOG file.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 758

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

This configuration item becomes effective only when ApiLogEnable is set to output to
LOG. ApiLogCreateMode

Configuration Item ApiLogCreateMode

Section [DebugView]
Written Format ApiLogCreateMode =n
n=0: All channel information written into a log file (default)
Value Range
n=1: Each channel has an independent log file.
Description Sets the way to create logs for API functions and events.
1. This configuration item becomes effective only when ApiLogEnable is set to output
to LOG.
2. The log file name is constituted by the following rule:
1) If ApiLogCreateMode=0, the name of the output log file will be “Log type
(ShCtiApi)+ year+ month+ date+ time”, e.g. ShCtiApi_2012041915.log.
2) If ApiLogCreateMode=1, the name of the output log file will be “Log type
(ShCtiApi)+ channel number + year+ month+ date+ time”, e.g
ShCtiApi_Ch0015_2012041916.log. Mask_SsmGetNoSoundTime

Refer to Mask_SsmGetRecOffset Mask_SsmGetChStateKeepTime

Refer to Mask_SsmGetRecOffset Mask_SsmGetPlayedTime

Refer to Mask_SsmGetRecOffset Mask_SsmGetPlayedPercentage

Refer to Mask_SsmGetRecOffset Mask_SsmGetPlayOffset

Refer to Mask_SsmGetRecOffset

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 759

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Mask_SsmGetRecTime

Refer to Mask_SsmGetRecOffset Mask_SsmGetRecOffset

Configuration Item Mask_SsmGetPlayedPercentage
Section [DebugView]
Written Format Mask_SsmGetPlayedPercebtage=b
b=0: Not output (default);
Value Range
b=1: Output
Sets whether the driver will output debugging information of some query API functions or
not. In the name of this configuration item, the string following ‘Mask_’ is just the function
See the Driver-provided Debugging Feature section in Chapter 1 for more information.
This configuration item becomes effective only when the ‘Debugging Information Output’
feature is enabled via the configuration item EnableDebugAPI. Setting ISDN Connection Log IsdnLogEnable

Configuration Item IsdnLogEnable

Section [DebugView]
Written Format IsdnLogEnable =n
=0: Not output (default);
=1: Output to the LOG file;
Value Range
=2: Output to DebugView;
=3: Output to the PCAP file.
Description Sets whether to record a frame of messages on the data link layer of ISDN protocol. DecodeIsdnMsg

Configuration Item DecodeIsdnMsg

Section [DebugView]
Written Format DecodeIsdnMsg=b

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 760

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Sets whether to decode ISDN messages before outputting ISDN debugging messages.
Description The original ISDN messages use binary system, not easy to read. The decoded ISDN
messages are in text format, easy to read, applicable to both network and user sides. IsdnDebugLog

Configuration Item IsdnDebugLog

Section [ISDN]
Written Format IsdnDebugLog=b
b=0: No (default);
Value Range
b=1: Yes.
Sets whether to output ISDN debugging information on condition that IsdnLogEnable is
Description enabled so that developers can monitor the running results. If IsdnLogEnable is disabled,
no information will be output. Setting SS1 Connection Log Ss1LogEnable

Configuration Item Ss1LogEnable

Section [DebugView]
Written Format Ss1LogEnable=n
=0: Not output (default);
Value Range =1: Output to the LOG file;
=2: Output to DebugView.
Description Sets whether to output received and sent ABCD codes and R2 to the log file. Ss1LogCreateMode

Configuration Item Ss1LogCreateMode

Section [DebugView]
Written Format Ss1LogCreateMode=b
b=0: All channel information written into a log file (default);
Value Range
b=1: Each channel has an independent log file.
Description Sets the way to create logs for SS1 connection.
This configuration item becomes effective only when Ss1LogEnable is set to output to
LOG. Setting SS1 Monitoring Log SpySs1LogEnable

Configuration Item SpySs1LogEnable

Section [DebugView]
Written Format SpySs1LogEnable=n

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 761

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=0: Not output (default);

Value Range =1: Output to the LOG file;
=2: Output to DebugView.
Sets whether to output information about SS1 CAS and R2 that the driver receives to the
log file. SpySs1CreateMode

Configuration Item SpySs1CreateMode

Section [DebugView]
Written Format SpySs1CreateMode=b
b=0: All channel information written into a log file (default);
Value Range
b=1: Each channel has an independent log file.
Description Sets the way to create logs for SS1 monitoring.
This configuration item becomes effective only when SypSs1LogEnable is set to output
to LOG. Setting SS7 Monitoring Log SpySs7LogEnable

Configuration Item SpySs7LogEnable

Section [DebugView]
Written Format SpySs7LogEnable=n
=0: Not output (default);
=1: Output to the LOG file;
Value Range
=2: Output to DebugView;
=3: Output to the PCAP file.
Sets whether to output the SS7-related information that the driver receives to the LOG
file. Setting ISDN Monitoring Log SpyIsdnLogEnable

Configuration Item SpyIsdnLogEnable

Section [DebugView]
Written Format SpyIsdnLogEnable=n
=0: Not output (default);
=1: Output to the LOG file;
Value Range
=2: Output to DebugView;
=3: Output to the PCAP file.
Sets whether to output the ISDN signaling messages the driver receives (including
Description DASS2 messages) to the LOG file. (Note: Unless otherwise noted, the ISDN signaling in
this document indicates Euro-ISDN which does not include DASS2.)

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 762

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd Setting System Information Monitoring Log SystemInfoLogEnable

Configuration Item SystemInfoLogEnable

Section [DebugView]
Written Format SystemInfoLogEnable =n
=0: Not output;
Value Range =1: Output to the LOG file (default);
=2: Output to DebugView.
Sets whether to record the information about the link sync, the local-end impedance,
E1/T1, CRC-4 and other running information.
This is a system operation log which keeps writing and gets out of the control of the
configuration item LogMaxPeriod. Setting Digital Call Monitoring Signaling Log DSTLogEnable

Configuration Item DSTLogEnable

Section [DebugView]
Written Format DSTLogEnable=n
=0: Not output (Default);
Value Range =1: Output to the LOG file;
=2: Output to DebugView.
Sets whether to output the digital call concerned signaling messages received by the
driver to the log file. DSTLogCreateMode

Configuration Item DSTLogCreateMode

Section [DebugView]
Written Format DSTLogCreateMode=b
b=0: All channel information written into a log file (default);
Value Range
b=1: Each channel has an independent log file.
Description Sets the way to create logs for digital call monitoring of signaling messages.
This configuration item is valid only when DSTLogEnable is set to 1 (Output to the LOG
file). Setting Fax Interaction Command Log FaxLogEnable

Configuration Item FaxLogEnable

Section [DebugView]
Written Format FaxLogEnable=n

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 763

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=0: Not output log(Default);

Value Range =1: Output to the LOG file;
=2: Output to DebugView.
Sets whether to send the fax interaction commands received by the upper layer of the
driver to the log file. FaxLogCreateMode

Configuration Item FaxLogCreateMode

Section [DebugView]
Written Format FaxLogCreateMode=b
b=0: All channel information written into a log file (default);
Value Range
b=1: Each channel has an independent log file.
Description Sets the way to create logs for fax interaction commands.
This configuration item is valid only when FaxLogEnable is set to 1 (Output to the LOG
file). Setting Control Information for Log Creating LogCreatePeriod

Configuration Item LogCreatePeriod

Section [DebugView]
Written Format LogCreatePeriod=n
Value Range n>0, calculated by hour, with the default value of 24 hours.
Description Sets the period to create a log.
This configuration item is valid only to the following logs.
Log Type Definition
ShCtiApiLog Records information about API function calls and events thrown
out by the driver.
ShCtiSs1Log Records received and sent ABCD codes and R2
ShCtiIsdnLog Records a frame of messages on the data link layer of ISDN
Note ShCtiSpySs7Log Records a frame of messages that the driver receives
ShCtiSpySs1Log Records information about SS1 CAS and R2 that the driver
ShCtiSpyIsdnLog Records a frame of messages that the driver receives
ShCtiSystemInfo Records system information, such as the link sync, the
Log local-end impedance, E1/T1, CRC-4 and other running
ShCtiDstLog Records the digital call monitoring signaling message LogMaxKeep

Configuration Item LogMaxKeep

Section [DebugView]

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 764

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Written Format LogMaxKeep=n

Value Range n>0 or n=-1. The default setting is n=7.
When the number of generated log files is greater than the set value of this parameter, the
Description first generated files will be deleted automatically. If n=-1, it means there is no limit on the
number to save log files and no log files will be deleted.
1. To achieve the purpose of this configuration item, the application cannot be restarted
after the log output feature is enabled.
2. This configuration item is valid only to the following logs.
Log Type Definition
ShCtiApiLog Records information about API function calls and events thrown
out by the driver.
ShCtiSs1Log Records received and sent ABCD codes and R2
ShCtiIsdnLog Records a frame of messages on the data link layer of ISDN
ShCtiSpySs7Log Records a frame of messages that the driver receives
ShCtiSpySs1Log Records information about SS1 CAS and R2 that the driver
ShCtiSpyIsdnLog Records a frame of messages that the driver receives
ShCtiSystemInfo Records system information, such as the link sync, the local-end
Log impedance, E1/T1, CRC-4 and other running information
ShCtiDstLog Records the digital call monitoring signaling message LogMaxPeriod

Configuration Item LogMaxPeriod

Section [DebugView]
Written Format LogMaxPeriod=n
Value Range n>0 or n=-1. The default setting is n=30.
When the number of log generating periods reaches the set value of this parameter, the
Description log output will be stopped automatically. If n= -1, it means there is no limit on the number
to generate log files.
1. To achieve the purpose of this configuration item, the application cannot be restarted
after the log output feature is enabled.
2. This configuration item is valid only to the following logs.
Log Type Definition
ShCtiApiLog Records information about API function calls and events
thrown out by the driver.
ShCtiSs1Log Records received and sent ABCD codes and R2
ShCtiIsdnLog Records a frame of messages on the data link layer of ISDN
ShCtiSpySs7Log Records a frame of messages that the driver receives
ShCtiSpySs1Log Records information about SS1 CAS and R2 that the driver
ShCtiSpyIsdnLog Records a frame of messages that the driver receives
ShCtiDstLog Records the digital call monitoring signaling message

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 765

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd LogFilePath

Configuration Item LogFilePath

Section [DebugView]
Written Format LogFilePath=S
S is the path to save the log file. The default setting is the working directory of the current
Value Range
The path to save logs. Note that it must be a path already existing, such as ‘D:\’, or the
function call will fail. If it is set to null, the log will be saved to the current working path; if it
is set to a name, a folder with such name will be created under the current working path to
save the log.
This configuration item is valid only to the following logs.
Log Type Definition
ShCtiApiLog Records information about API function calls and events
thrown out by the driver.
ShCtiSs1Log Records received and sent ABCD codes and R2
ShCtiIsdnLog Records a frame of messages on the data link layer of ISDN
Note ShCtiSpySs7Log Records a frame of messages that the driver receives
ShCtiSpySs1Log Records information about SS1 CAS and R2 that the driver
ShCtiSpyIsdnLog Records a frame of messages that the driver receives
ShCtiSystemInfo Records system information, such as the link sync, the
Log local-end impedance, E1/T1, CRC-4 and other running
ShCtiDstLog Records the digital call monitoring signaling message LogOverWrite

Configuration Item LogOverWrite

Section [DebugView]
Written Format LogOverWrite=n
n=0: The old content of the log will not be overridden but be appended with new content
Value Range upon application restart (default);
n=1: The old content of the log will be overridden upon application restart.
Description Sets whether to override the old content of the log upon application restart.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 766

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This configuration item is valid only to the following logs.

Log Type Definition
ShCtiApiLog Records information about API function calls and events
thrown out by the driver.
ShCtiSs1Log Records received and sent ABCD codes and R2
ShCtiIsdnLog Records a frame of messages on the data link layer of ISDN
Note ShCtiSpySs7Log Records a frame of messages that the driver receives
ShCtiSpySs1Log Records information about SS1 CAS and R2 that the driver
ShCtiSpyIsdnLog Records a frame of messages that the driver receives
ShCtiSystemInfo Records system information, such as the link sync, the
Log local-end impedance, E1/T1, CRC-4 and other running
ShCtiDstLog Records the digital call monitoring signaling message CreateDumpWhenCrash

Configuration Item CreateDumpWhenCrash

Section [SystemConfig]
Written Format CreateDumpWhenCrash=n
n=0: Not to create a dump file when the driver crashes;
Value Range
n=1: Create a dump file when the driver crashes (default).
Sets whether to enable the feature of creating a dump file when the driver crashes.
If the driver crashed in Windows, a dump file named
‘Crash-yyyymmdd(date)-hhmmss(time).dmp’ would be generated under the current
directory of the application. At the VC platform, the dump file would be output when either
Description the application or the driver runs illegal; at other platforms in Windows, the dump file
would be output only when the driver runs illegal. This feature is unsupported in Windows
2000 and below.
If the driver crashed in Linux, a file named ‘core.PID’ (PID: Process Identifier) would be
generated under the current directory of the application. Setting DSP Access Mode DspAddr4

Configuration Item DspAddr4

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format DspAddr4=n
n=0: DSP addressing is based on 2-byte access (default);
Value Range
n=1: DSP addressing is based on 4-byte access.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 767

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Sets whether to enable the feature of addressing DSP based on 4-byte access. For
some machines models such as IBM X3650 M3 and Advantech 610L, addressing DSP
based on 2-byte access is not supported and can cause blue screen. To solve such
problem, this configuration item should be set to 1. Setting DSP Echo Cancellation Effect DspEc

Configuration Item DspEc

Section [BoardId=x]
Written Format DspEc=n
n=0: Disables the EC (Echo Cancellation) feature for DSP (Default);
Value Range n≠0: Enables the EC feature for DSP. The value of n indicates the echo cancellation
Sets whether to enable the EC feature for DSP and set the echo cancellation effect. This
configuration item should be properly set according to actual situation. Below are the
detailed instructions:
Description 1. Set DspEc=0 and record the incoming voice on the Digital board.
2. Select a short segment of steady echo from the recorded file and use cooledit to
analyze the extremum of the echo. Provided the extremum is val,
Note This configuration item is only valid to the SHD EC board.

3.2 Preload Voice Configuration File ShIndex.ini (CTI Series)

3.2.1 [System] Section MaxIndexSeg
Configuration Item MaxIndexSeg
Section [System]
Written Format MaxIndexSeg=n
0≤n≤65535, with the default value of 0. (Note: The value of ‘n×the total number of
Value Range channels×306’ must be less than the physical memory, otherwise the initialization would
Description Sets the total number of preload voice segments on a single channel.
Note MaxIndexSeg determines the number of [SegNo=x] sections.

3.2.2 [SegNo=x] Section

It is used to set the file information of each voice segment used for memory playback by index. x is the segment
number. More than one [SegNo=x] section should be configured if there are many voice segments available. FileName
Configuration Item FileName
Section [SegNo=x]
Written Format FileName=s

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 768

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s is the name of the file which contains voice segments, being either the standard wav file or
the non-header file. If it is the standard wav file, the format specified by the configuration
item CodecFormat will be ignored; otherwise, it is regarded as the non-header file, using the
Value Range
CODEC designated by the configuration item CodecFormat.
If the full path is not specified, the driver will search for this file under the current directory of
the application.
Description Sets the voice file name.
Example FileName=d0.wav Alias
Configuration Item Alias
Section [SegNo=x]
Written Format Alias=s
s is an alias with the length not exceeding 20 characters. It does not accept the digits ‘0’ ~
Value Range ‘9’ as the initial character. The value being null indicates no alias is specified.
The default value is null.
Description Allocates aliases to voice segments.
Example Alias=D0 CodecFormat
Configuration Item CodecFormat
Section [SegNo=x]
Written Format CodecFormat=n
n=6: A-Law (default);
Value Range n=7: µ-Law;
n=17: IMA ADPCM。
Description Sets the voice CODEC.
Note All preload voice segments should have the same CODEC. StartOffset
Configuration Item StartOffset
Section [SegNo=x]
Written Format StartOffset=n
n: The start position offset of the voice segment in the file, calculated by byte, with the
Value Range
default value of 0. While using ADPCM format, it should be set to the multiple of 256.
Sets the position among voice data in the file where the voice segment is counted from. In
the standard wav file, the value being 0, the segment is counted from the first data byte
following the file header; in the non-header file, the segment is counted from the top of the
file. Length
Configuration Item Length
Section [SegNo=x]
Written Format Length=n
Value Range n: The length of the voice segment, calculated by byte, with the default value of -1.
Sets the data length of this voice segment. The conversion ratio between the data length
Description and the time length varies on the CODEC. See the SynCTI Supported CODECs section in
Chapter 1 for details.
z If this parameter is set greater than the length of data from the configuration item
StartOffset to the end of the file, the length of the voice segment actually loaded is just
Note the value of StartOffset;
z Length being set to -1 indicates the loaded voice segment fills the space from
lStartPos to the end of the file.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 769

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3.3 SynIPRecorder Slaver Configuration File record_slaver.ini

(SynIPR only)

Select ‘Full’ or ‘Special’ installation mode to well install the SynCTI driver. Then the installation program will
generate a configuration file named record_slaver.ini under the installation directory, which is used to store the
configuration items for the Slaver of SynIPRecorder. The developers can edit or modify this configuration file by
using text editing software.

This configuration file is divided into sections. Each section contains one or several items. The name of the section
lies within a pair of square brackets and each line of text following the section name is a configuration item. The
effective range of a section starts from the second row of the current section and ends with the row above the next
section. All configuration items in this file are written in the format of ‘x=y’: on the left side of the sign ‘=’ is the name
of the configuration item while on the right side is the content.

3.3.1 Essential Configuration Items for SynIPRecorder in Slaver ActiveConnect
Configuration Item ActiveConnect
Section [SlaverConfig]
Written Format ActiveConnect=m
m: m is a number indicating the connection mode of Slaver, with the default value
of 1. Range of value:
m=0: Passive connection mode. In this mode, the Slaver will not connect the
Master actively, and multiple Slavers can be connected with one Master. The
configurations SlaverListenIP and SlaverListenPort are valid while the
Value Range
configurations SlaverIp, SlaverPort, MasterIp and MasterPort are invalid.
m=1: Active connection mode. In this mode the Slaver will connect the Master
actively but the Master cannot connect the Slaver. The configurations
SlaverIp, SlaverPort, MasterIp and MasterPort are valid while the
configuration items SlaverListenIP and SlaverListenPort are invalid.
Description Sets the connection mode of the Slaver. SlaverIP
Configuration Item SlaverIP
Section [SlaverConfig]
Written Format SlaverIP =m
m: m is a character string in the form of IPv4 address. The default value is
Value Range
Description IP address in the Slaver end. SlaverPort
Configuration Item SlaverPort
Section [SlaverConfig]
Written Format SlaverPort =m
Value Range m: m is a number with the default value of 9885.
Description Port in the Slaver end.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 770

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Configuration Item MasterIP
Section [SlaverConfig]
Written Format MasterIP =m
m: m is a character string in the form of IPv4 address. The default value is
Value Range
Description Host IP address of SynIPRecorder Master MasterPort
Configuration Item MasterPort
Section [SlaverConfig]
Written Format MasterPort =m
Value Range m: m is a number with the default value of 9888.
Description Host monitoring port of SynIPRecorder Master. SlaverListenIP
Configuration Item SlaverListenIP
Section [SlaverConfig]
Written Format SlaverListenIP =m
m: m is a character string in the form of IPv4 address. The default value is
Value Range
Description The monitoring IP address of the Slaver in passive connection mode. SlaverListenPort
Configuration Item SlaverListenPort
Section [SlaverConfig]
Written Format SlaverListenPort=m
Value Range m: m is a number with the default value of 9887.
Description Monitoring port of the Slaver in passive connection mode.

3.3.2 Advanced Universal Configuration Items for SynIPRecorder in Slaver KeepAliveTime
Configuration Item KeepAliveTime
Section [SlaverConfig]
Written Format KeepAliveTime =m
Value Range m: m is a number with the default value of 30.
Alive time of the Slaver end and the Master end in second. It indicates how often
the Slaver communicates with the Master to keep the connection automatically.
Description When disconnection is detected, the Slaver will automatically try to link the
Master in every m seconds. When m=0, the Slaver will not try to link the Master
automatically in case of disconnection. RTPPortRange
Configuration Item RTPPortRange
Section [SlaverConfig]
Written Format RTPPortRange =m,n

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 771

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m: m is a number with the default value of 6000. it indicates the starting port for
receiving RTP data.
Value Range
n: n is a number with the default value of 10000. it indicates the ending port for
receiving RTP data.
Description Port range for RTP data reception.

Chapter 3 ShCTI Driver Configuration 772

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4 SS7 (CTI Series)

4.1 Basic Concepts

4.1.1 OPC & DPC

Signaling Point (SP) is a node in a signaling network that either originates and receives signaling messages, or
transfers signaling messages from one signaling link to another, or both. The signaling point that originates
messages is called Originating Point Code (OPC), set in the configuration item OPC; the signaling point that
receives messages is called Destination Point Code (DPC). Both OPC and DPC are configured in the file
Ss7Server.ini for the SS7 server.

There exist two encoding formats for signaling points: International Signaling Point Code (ISPC) Format and
National Signaling Point Code (NSPC) Format in China. As to the international signaling point code, CCITT
suggests using the14-bit format. See below for the grouping of the ISPC bits.
3bit 8bit 3bit

The national signaling point code in China uses the 24-bit format, grouped as follows.

8bit 8bit 8bit


The Synway SHD Series boards support both International Signaling Point Code (ISPC) Format and National
Signaling Point Code (NSPC) Format in China, configurable via the configuration item SpCodeLen.

4.1.2 Associated Mode & Quasi-associated Mode

Directly connecting the signaling links between two signaling points to transmit the inbetween signaling messages
is called Associated Mode.

Connecting two or more than two signaling links serially via one or more than one signaling transport points to
transmit signaling messages, provided the path of signaling messages through the signaling network is
predetermined and fixed within a certain period of time, is called Quasi-associated Mode.

These two concepts are vividly illustrated below.

SP SP SP SP Legend:
Signaling Relationship
Signaling Link Set


(a) Associated Mode (b) Quasi-associated Mode

The SynCTI driver supports both the associated mode and the quasi-associated mode, which can be set via the
configuration items MaxDPC/DPC and MaxUP_DPC/UP_DPC. See the SS7 Server Configuration section in this
chapter for more information.

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 773

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4.1.3 Signaling Link & Signaling Link Set

The link used to transmit signaling messages between two signaling points is called Signaling Link; a group of links
used to connect two signaling points directly constitute a signaling link set.

The SynCTI driver supports up to 48 signaling link sets, configurable via the configuration items MaxLinkSet and
LinkSet. Each signaling link set supports up to 16 64kbps signaling links, which can be set via the configuration
items MaxSs7Pcm and Ss7PcmLink. While 16 signaling links are included in a signaling link set, they will work in a
load sharing mode.

The SS7 server is allowed to connect with up to 48 signaling points or signaling transport points.

4.2 SS7 Application System Based on Synway Board

The SynCTI driver assigns the SS7 service to the application by the SS7 server. The application program serves
as the Client program, without limitation on the quantity and physical environment. It is acceptable that one or more
application programs run in one or more computers, or run with the SS7 server in a same computer.

The SS7 server supports the connectivity of the local signaling point with other signaling points, providing the
signaling service for the digital trunks which are compliant with China SS7 protocol. The relationship among the
signaling link, the signaling link set, DPC/OPC and the signaling route is shown in the figure below.


Signaling Link Set

Signaling Point 1(DPC)

Signaling Link

SS7 Server
Signaling Link Set

Signaling Point 2(DPC)

Features of this SS7 server:

¾ A digital trunk can transmit both signaling messages and voice information simultanously. Usually TS16
is used to transport signaling messages while other 30 time slots (TS 1~15 and TS 17~31) to transmit
voice information.

¾ Each signaling link set contains up to 16 64kbps signaling links which work in the load sharing mode.
The load management is automatically performed by the server itself.

¾ The local signaling point is allowed to connect with up to 48 SP or STP. In direction connection, however,
only 1 signaling link set (i.e. 1 signaling route) can be used between the local point and the other
signaling points.

¾ Uses the C/S setup which is available via the distributed signaling link/client connectivity supported by
the TCP/IP protocol. Network cards are not necessary for a single computer system (the server and the
on-board signaling links are involved in a same computer).

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 774

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¾ If the SS7 server has physical signaling links in it, it will automatically load the SynCTI driver for the SHD
Series boards upon the start. Note: In such case, the voice time slots on the digital trunk cannot be
used as voice paths.

The SS7 server includes the following files.

Ss7Server.ini Configuration file for the SS7 server
Ss7Monitor.exe Main program of the SS7 server
Ss7Server.dll The scheduling component for SS7 signaling
Mtp3.dll The MTP3 component in the SS7 server
TcpServer.dll SS7 Server-to-Client Communication Component 1
MmfServer.dll SS7 Server-to-Client Communication Component 2

4.3 SS7 Server Configuration

The executive program of the SS7 server is Ss7Monitor.exe, and the configuration file it uses is Ss7server.ini.

Run Ss7Monitor.exe and the following interface appears:

① ②

④ ⑤ ⑥

⑦ ⑧

There are seven status bars and a button selection area in the interface.
1. ①②: Receive/transmit message list
This program displays the received and sent messages respectively in the above windows ① and ②. However,
what kind of messages shall be displayed are determined by which options are selected in the button selection
area ⑧:
z Display sent message: Display the message sent to the remote end only if ticked.
z Display received message: Display the message received from the remote end only if ticked.
z Display SNT message: Display the SNT message when ticked
z Display SNM message: Display the SNM message when ticked

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 775

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z Auto translate: Automatically translate the received/sent message when ticked; otherwise display the
received/sent data originally in the hexadecimal format.
z Write-to-file: Output the displayed message to the file with the name ‘msu_rcv + number’ or ‘msu_send +
number’ only if ticked.
z Display DPC and OPC: Display DPC and OPC only if ticked
When “Auto translate” is ticked, all receive/transmit messages are usually in the following format:
Time Total number Signaling link number# SIO Content
For the TUP message, SIO is just ‘TUP’ (0x84), followed by the message content. It is usually in the following
Title code CIC=PCM:TS Message body
2. ③: Linkset/signaling link information
This window shows the information about signaling links and link sets.
z Linkset: Linkset number, from Section [LinkSetInfo] in the configuration file Ss7Server.ini.
z Linkset state: Working state of linkset, including ‘Service On’ and ‘Service Interrupt’. A signaling linkset will
go into the state ‘Service On’ as long as a link in it is at the state of ‘Service On’.
z Link@physical position: Signaling link number and its physical position. For example, ‘0 @ IP[0]:PCM[0]’
means the physical position of Link 0 in this gateway is the E1 with the local PCM numbered 0 on Client 0.
This example comes from the configuration file Ss7Server.ini, Section [Ss7PcmLinkInfo].
z Network: Whether the signaling link is registered to the program, including two states ‘Connected’ and
‘Disconnected’ (or no display). The signaling link can be used normally only in the state of ‘Connected’.
z Sync: Basic frame Synchronization (Timeslot 0), including two states ‘Synchronous’ and ‘Asynchronous’.
The signaling link can be used only in the state of ‘Synchronous’.
z State time: A time period since the last time the signaling link enters into the state of ‘Service On’.
z Position: How many times of positioning that occurs on the signaling link after the program starts.
z Send MSU: Total number of messages sent on the signaling link after the program starts.
z Receive MSU: Total number of messages received on the signaling link after the program starts.
z Switchover MSU: Total number of messages switched over on the signaling link after the program starts.
3. ④: Client Information
This window displays the client IP address and the connection state which are from the configuration file
Ss7Server.ini, Section [Ss7ClientInfo].
z Client: Client number
z IP address: IP address of the client
z Network: Whether the client has been successfully connected to the program
4. ⑤: DPC Information
This window displays the DPC information configured by the program which is from the configuration file
Ss7Server.ini, Section [DPCInfo].
z DPC#: DPC number which starts from 0
z DPC code: Destination point code, allocated by the central office
z DPC state: Indicates whether the route to this signaling point is available, involving two states ‘Service
On’ and ‘Service Interrupt’. The message can be sent to the DPC only when the
route to the signaling point is at the state of ‘Service On’. The DPC will turn into the
state of ‘Service On’ as long as one of the linksets reaching the DPC is at the state
of ‘Service On’.
z DPC route table: Route to the DPC, i.e. linkset number.

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 776

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5. ⑥: Link information
This status bar displays the detailed information on the state of all signaling links, usually used for searching the
cause for service interrupt on a signaling link.
LINK Link Failure Processor Forward
Link States Communication
NUMBE Causes Failures Sequence spare spare
0-6 Server Service
R (interrupt) 0-3 Number
0: uploaded 0: normal 0: normal 0: service is
but not unavailable
1: service 1: BSNR 1: the local 1: service is
interrupt illegal end available
2: initial 2: FIBR 2: the
positioning illegal remote
3: 3: T2 timeout 3: both
positioned/ ends
ready processor
4: 4: T6
positioned/ timeout, the
not ready remote end
5: service on 5: L3 sends
a command
to stop
6: processor 6: signaling
failure error rate too
7: during the
course of
fail to enter a
8: Timer 1
9: positioned

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 777

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and ready,
receive the
signal of the
remote end
but not
receive the
signal of the
remote end
11: in the
state of
Service On,
receive the
signal of the
remote end
12: in a
receive the
signal of the
remote end
6. ⑦: Run log
This log records all MTP3 commands and all error information that pops up during the operation.
This status bar displays the log records generated after the program starts.

4.3.1 Setting Signaling Point Code OPC
Configuration Item OPC
Section [Ss7SystemConfig]
Written Format OPC=a.b.c
A: Main area code, represented by decimal digits;
Value Range B: Subarea code, represented by decimal digits;
C: Point code, represented by decimal digits.
Sets the signaling point code for the SS7 server which is usually allocated by the central
Note It is an essentially configured item
Example OPC=1.2.13

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 778

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd SpCodeLen
Configuration Item SpCodeLen
Section [Ss7SystemConfig]
Written Format SpCodeLen=n
n: Signaling point code format
Value Range n=24 (default): Uses National Signaling Point Code Format in China
n=14: Uses International Signaling Point Code Format
Description Sets the signaling point code format.
Note Users in China don't need to configure this item.

4.3.2 Setting IP Address ServerIP

Refer to SecondServerIP SecondServerIP
Configuration Item SecondServerIP
Section [Ss7SystemConfig]
Written Format SecondServerIP=a.b.c.d。
Value Range a.b.c.d: IP address. The default value of ServerIP is
Sets the IP address of the SS7 server: ServerIP is used to set the IP address for the SS7
server itself while SecondServerIP is used to set the IP address for the back-up server.
There is no need to set SecondServerIP if only one server is used. In case
SecondServerIP is configured, the SS7 server must be started in the warm back-up mode. Port
Configuration Item Port
Section [Ss7SystemConfig]
Written Format Port=n
Value Range n: Port number, with the default value of 5150.
Description Sets the monitoring port number of the SS7 sever.
Note There is no need to configure this item if only one server is used.

4.3.3 Setting Operating Mode and Parameters for MTP3 Layer ConfigMtp3AsSTP
Configuration Item ConfigMtp3AsSTP
Section [Ss7SystemConfig]
Written Format ConfigMtp3AsSTP=m
m=0: Signaling point (default). The driver will check whether the DPC of a signaling link set
Value Range conforms to its OPC at the MTP3 layer.
m=1: Signaling transport point. The driver will not examine the DPC at the MTP3 layer.
Description Sets the operating mode of MTP3 in the SS7 server. SendSNT
Configuration Item SendSNT
Section [Ss7SystemConfig]
Written Format SendSNT=n

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 779

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

n=0: not send (default)

Value Range
n=1: send
Sets parameters for MTP3: whether to regularly send Signaling Link Test Message (SLTM)
to the remote PBX. SubServicefield
Configuration Item SubServicefield
Section [Ss7SystemConfig]
Written Format SubServicefield=0xn
n: The subservice code, represented by hexadecimal digits, the 4 lower bits being valid
(Bit3~Bit0 are respectively marked as DCBA):
DC: Network Indicator
00: International Network
Value Range 01:Spare International Network
10: National Network
11: Spare National Network
BA: Spare.
The default value of n is 8.
Description sets the SS7 subservice code.
Example SubServicefield=0x8

4.3.4 Setting Client Information MaxSs7Client

Refer to IP IP
Configuration Item
Section [Ss7ClientInfo]
Written Format
M: The total number of client computers that use SS7 servers, with the default value of 0.
The maximum value of M is 10. If M>0, the configuration item IP must be displayed for
Value Range M times.
M: The logical client number, numbered from 0, 0≤m<M.
a.b.c.d: The IP address of Client m.
MaxSs7Client is used to set the total number of client computers that use SS7 signaling,
Description while IP is used to set the IP address of each client computer point by point. This
configuration item can be set to 1 in a single computer system.
If the SS7 server is running with the client in a same computer:


If 2 client computers are connected to the SS7 server:



Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 780

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4.3.5 Setting Physical Position of Signaling Link MaxSs7Pcm

Refer to Ss7PcmLink Ss7PcmLink
Configuration Item
Section [Ss7PcmLinkInfo]
Written Format
M: The total number of signaling links. The SS7 server supports up to 48 signaling link sets,
each of which supports up to 16 signaling links. Therefore, the range of M is 0<M≤768;
m: The logical signaling link number in the server (numbered from 0), 0≤m<M;
Value Range n: The logical number for the client computer which is connected to Signaling Link m. This
logical number is defined in the configuration item IP;
k: The logical number on the client computer for Signaling Link m in the SS7 server. k can
be set via the configuration items TotalPcm and Pcm in the file ShConfig.ini.
MaxSs7Pcm is used to set the total number of 64kbps signaling links, while Ss7PcmLink is
to set the physical position on the client computer of a signaling link in the SS7 server.
On the assumption that the application system contains one SS7 server, two client
computers and two signaling links in total, if the 1st link is physically located at the 1st client
computer, with the local number of 0, the 2nd link is at the 2nd client computer, with the local
number of 3, relative configuration items are set as follows.




If both the two signaling links are at the 1st client computer and their local numbers are
respectively 0 and 1, the set values of MaxSs7Pcm and Ss7PcmLink shall be:


4.3.6 Setting Signaling Link Set MaxLinkSet

Refer to LinkSet LinkSet
Configuration Item
Section [LinkSetInfo]

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 781

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Format 1: LinkSet[n]=Ss7PcmLink[i] (only one signaling link involved in the link set)
Format 2: LinkSet[n]=Ss7PcmLink[i]+ … +Ss7PcmLink[j] (two or more than two signaling
Written Format links involved in the link set)
Format 3: LinkSet[n]=Ss7PcmLink[i],a.b.c (only one signaling link involved in the link set)
Format 4: LinkSet[n]=Ss7PcmLink[i]+ … +Ss7PcmLink[j],a.b.c (two or more than two
signaling links involved in the link set)
N: The total number of signaling link sets in the server, 1≤N≤48. N determines how many
LinkSet the driver will read;
n: The logical serial number of the signaling link set, numbered from 0, 0≤n<N;
Value Range i, ,j: The logical number in the sever for those signaling links involved in Signaling Link Set
n, specified in the configuration item Ss7PcmLink. Each link set includes up to 16
signaling links;
a.b.c: The OPC allocated to Signaling Link Set n.
MaxLinkSet is used to set the total number of signaling link sets connected to the local
server; LinkSet is to configure which signaling links compose the link set.
z Format 1 and Format 3 are used for the situation when only one signaling link is
involved in the link set; Format 2 and Format 4 are used for the situation when there
are two or more than two signaling links in the link set;
z Format 3 and Format 4 are applicable to the situation that involves different OPCs;
z The OPC of the signaling link set is preferentially specified by the configuration item
LinkSet[n]. If not designated in LinkSet, it is set by the configuration item OPC.
Example LinkSet[0]=Ss7PcmLink[1],1.1.1
LinkSet[1]=Ss7PcmLink[2]+ Ss7PcmLink[0],1.1.2

4.3.7 Setting DPC MaxDPC

Refer to DPC DPC
Configuration Item
Section [DPCInfo]
Written Format
N: The total number of DPC, 0≤N≤48;
n: The logical DPC number, numbered from 0, 0≤n<N;
x.y.z: The signaling point code for DPC n (represented by decimal digits): x - Main Area, y -
Value Range
Subarea. z is the signaling point code allocated by the central office.
k: The logical number of the signaling link set which connects the SS7 server with DPC n.
This number is specified in the configuration items MaxLinkSet and LinkSet.
MaxDPC is used to set the total number of DPC (SP or STP) connected to the SS7 server;
DPC is to set the signaling point code and the route information for the DPC.
z If N≥1, DPC must be configured for N times, numbered from n=0.
Note z This configuration item is only applicable to the associated mode which you can set
via the configuration items MaxUP_DPC and UP_DPC.
Example DPC[0]=1.1.8,LinkSet[0]

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 782

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4.3.8 Setting DPC for User Layer Messages MaxUP_DPC

Refer to UP_DPC UP_DPC
Configuration Item
Section [UP_DPCInfo]
Format 1: UP_DPC[n]=x.y.z,LinkSet[i]
Written Format
Format 2: UP_DPC[n]= x.y.z,LinkSet[i]+LinkSet[j]
Format 3: UP_DPC[n]= x.y.z,LinkSet[i]+LinkSet[j],m
N: The number of UP_DPC, 0≤N≤48;
n: The logical UP_DPC number, numbered from 0, 0≤n<N;
x.y.z: The signaling point code for UP_DPC n (represented by decimal digits): x - Main Area,
y - Subarea. z is the signaling point code allocated by the central office.
i,j: The logical number of the signaling link set which connects the SS7 server with
UP_DPC n. This number is specified in the configuration items MaxLinkSet and
Value Range LinkSet.
m: In case there are 2 signaling link sets between the SS7 server and UP_DPC n, m is
to specify the way how the server uses Link Set i and Link Set j.
m=0: The load sharing mode (default, and in such case, Format 2 and Format 3
makes no difference for your use)
m=1: Signaling Link Set i serves as the normal route while Signaling Link Set j works
as the alternate route.
MaxUP_DPC is used to set the total number of SP which connect to the SS7 server via
Description STP. Its value determines how many UP_DPC[n] the driver will read. UP_DPC is used to
set the signaling point code and the route information for SP n.
z If N≥1, UP_DPC must be configured for N times, numbered from n=0.
z This configuration item is applicable to the associated mode, the quasi-associated
mode, and the hybrid use of these two modes.
z If this item is used in the associated mode, it should comply to the parameters of
configuration items MaxDPC and DPC. That is, UP_DPC and its corresponding DPC
should point to a same SP.
z The format used to set UP_DPC is determined by the total number of signaling link
sets between the SS7 server and UP_DPC n.
— Only 1 link set: use Format 1
— 2 link sets available: use Format 2 or Format 3
Example UP_DPC[0]=1.2.8,LinkSet[0]

4.3.9 Setting Route to Distribute TUP/ISUP Messages UP_DPC

Refer to DPC CIC_PCM

Refer to DPC

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 783

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Configuration Item CIC_PCM
Section [TUPRouter] / [ISUPRouter]
Format 1: UP_DPC[i],CIC_PCM[p]=IP[j],LocalPCM[k] //used for TUP/ISUP protocol
Written Format
Format 2: DPC[i],CIC_PCM[p]=IP[j],LocalPCM[k] // used for TUP/ISUP protocol
i: The logical DPC/UP_DPC number. Format 1 specifies the use of UP_DPC, in which case
the value of the configuration item MaxUP_DPC must be set greater than 0. It is used in
the associated mode or quasi-associated mode. Format 2 specifies the use of DPC, in
which case the configuration item MaxUP_DPC may either be set to 0 or not be set. It is
only applicable to the associated mode.
Value Range p: The digital trunk number in the CIC field, and the value is obtained by dividing the initial
CIC number from the central office by 32, not necessarily numbered from 0.
j: The logical number for the client computer’s IP address. See description on configuration
items MaxSs7Client and IP for more information.
k: The logical digital trunk number on the client computer. See description on configuration
items TotalPcm and Pcm for more information.
UP_DPC, CIC_PCM are used to set the route to distribute TUP/ISUP messages.
How the SS7 server distributes TUP/ISUP Messages is described as follows.
— Every time when the SS7 server receives a TUP/ISUP message from UP_DPC / DPC
i, it will acquire the digital trunk number p from the CIC field. If the matched route can
be found for this TUP/ISUP message according to the route set by the configuration
items UP_DPC, CIC_PCM, the server will change the digital trunk number p to k in
the CIC field and forward this TUP message to Client j; otherwise, this TUP/ISUP
message will be discarded.
— Every time when the SS7 server receives a TUP/ISUP message from Client j, it will
acquire the digital trunk number k from the CIC field. If the matched route can be
found for this TUP/ISUP message according to the route set by the configuration
items UP_DPC, CIC_PCM, the server will change the digital trunk number k to p in
the CIC field and forward this TUP message to UP_DPC / DPC i; otherwise, the
server will discard the TUP/ISUP message.
z The TUP protocol uses the [TUPRouter] section while the ISUP protocol uses the
[ISUPRouter] section;
z If the [UP_DPCInfo] section is not set or MaxUP_DPC=0, what shall be used is DPC,
CIC_PCM: DPC[i],CIC_PCM[p]=IP[j],LocalPCM[k];
z If the client uses the TUP/ISUP protocol provided by the driver, this configuration item
must be set;
z This configuration item shall be used to set all digital trunks allocated by the central
office one by one.
Example DPC[0]:CIC_PCM[0]=IP[0],LocalPCM[0]

4.3.10 Setting Way to Start SS7 Server ConfigAsGateway
Configuration Item ConfigAsGateway
Section [Monitor]
Written Format ConfigAsGateway=n
n=0: no (default)
Value Range
n=1: yes

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 784

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Determines whether to load the SynCTI driver at the start of the SS7 server. If no Synway
boards are installed in the server, this configuration item shall be set to 0; if the SHD Series
boards are installed for signaling links, this item must be set to 1, and in such case the SS7
server will automatically load the SynCTI driver when it is started.
Description When loading the SynCTI driver, the SS7 server uses two configuration files named
ShConfig.ini and ShIndex.ini. The server will search both files under the current directory,
and then under the SynCTI driver installation directory. If they are not found, the server will
fail to start and return error information. Refer to Chapter 4 for the configuration of
ShConfig.ini and ShIndex.ini.
If this configuration item is set to 1, other application programs (if available) running in the
server are not allowed to load the SynCTI driver.

4.3.11 Setting Display Ability of SS7 Server RcvMsuListMaxItem

Refer to TxMsuListMaxItem. TxMsuListMaxItem
Configuration Item
Section [Monitor]
RcvMsuListMaxItem=n //used for messages from the client to the server
Written Format
TxMsuListMaxItem=m //used for messages from the SP/STP to the server
n,m: The maximum number of the messages allowed to be displayed, with the default
Value Range
value of 50.
The SS7 server can display the messages from the SP/STP or the client on the screen. The
configuration item is used to set the maximum number of the messages allowed to be
TxMsuListMaxItem is used to set the maximum number for the messages from the client to
the server while RcvMsuListMaxItem is to set the maximum number for the messages from
the SP/STP to the server.

4.3.12 Special Configuration Item for Windows SS7 Server EnDisplayL32Msu
Configuration Item EnDisplayL32Msu
Section [Monitor]
Written Format EnDisplayL32Msu=n
n=0: disable (default)
Value Range
n=1: enable
Description Display sent message. EnDisplayL23Msu
Configuration Item EnDisplayL23Msu
Section [Monitor]
Written Format EnDisplayL23Msu=n
n=0: disable (default)
Value Range
n=1: enable
Description Display received message.

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 785

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd ShowSNT
Configuration Item ShowSNT
Section [Monitor]
Written Format ShowSNT=n
n=0: disable
Value Range
n=1: enable (default)
Description Display SNT message. ShowSNM
Configuration Item ShowSNM
Section [Monitor]
Written Format ShowSNM=n
n=0: disable
Value Range
n=1: enable(default)
Description Display SNM message. AutoTranslate
Configuration Item AutoTranslate
Section [Monitor]
Written Format AutoTranslate=n
n=0: disable (default)
Value Range
n=1: enable
Description Enables the auto translate feature. WriteToFile
Configuration Item WriteToFile
Section [Monitor]
Written Format WriteToFile=n
n=0: disable (default)
Value Range
n=1: enable
Description Write the displayed message to file. ShowDPCOPC
Configuration Item ShowDPCOPC
Section [Monitor]
Written Format ShowDPCOPC=n
n=0: disable (default)
Value Range
n=1: enable
Description Display DPC and OPC. LogToPcap
Configuration Item LogToPcap
Section [Monitor]
Written Format LogToPcap=n
n=0: disable (default)
Value Range
n=1: enable
Sets whether to output the PCAP file which is converted from the MSU file while outputting a
log file.

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 786

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd HeartTimeOut
Configuration Item HeartTimeOut
Section [Ss7SystemConfig]
Written Format HeartTimeOut=n
Value Range n>0, calculated by s, with the default value of 60.
Sets the heartbeat timeout value for the connection of the PC client and the server under
Description Windows operating system. In case the application system is busy, this parameter should be
set to a value as large as possible to avoid the active disconnection.

4.3.13 Special Configuration Item for Linux SS7 Server EnDisplayL32Msu
Configuration Item EnDisplayL32Msu
Section [Monitor]
Written Format EnDisplayL32Msu=n
n=0: disable
Value Range
n=1: enable (default)
Description Display sent message. EnDisplayL23Msu
Configuration Item EnDisplayL23Msu
Section [Monitor]
Written Format EnDisplayL23Msu=n
n=0: disable
Value Range
n=1: enable (default)
Description Display received message. ShowMSU
Configuration Item ShowMSU
Section [Monitor]
Written Format ShowMSU=n
n=0: disable (default)
Value Range
n=1: enable
Description Records the MSU messages to msu.0.log. ShowStatus
Configuration Item ShowStatus
Section [Monitor]
Written Format ShowStatus=n
n=0: disable (default)
Value Range
n=1: enable
Description Records the Link messages to Ss7RunInfo.0.log. ShowSNT
Configuration Item ShowSNT
Section [Monitor]
Written Format ShowSNT=n
n=0: disable (default)
Value Range
n=1: enable
Description Enables the SNT recording feature.

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 787

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd ShowSNM
Configuration Item ShowSNM
Section [Monitor]
Written Format ShowSNM=n
n=0: disable (default)
Value Range
n=1: enable
Description Enables the SNM recording feature. AutoTranslate
Configuration Item AutoTranslate
Section [Monitor]
Written Format AutoTranslate=n
n=0: disable (default)
Value Range
n=1: enable
Description Enables the MSU translation feature. LogFileSize
Configuration Item LogFileSize
Section [Monitor]
Written Format LogFileSize=n
Value Range n>0 and n is an integer; the default value is 5
Sets the size of msu.x.log, calculated by M. If the file size is larger than the set value of this
Description configuration item, the message will be sent to the next file. The total number of files is
determined by the configuration item TotalLogFiles. TotalLogFiles
Configuration Item TotalLogFiles
Section [Monitor]
Written Format TotalLogFiles=n
Value Range n>0 and n is an integer; the default value is 1
Sets the maximum number (n+1) of msu.x.log files. When the number of files exceeds the
set value of this configuration item, the earliest file will be overwritten. LogPath
Configuration Item LogPath
Section [Monitor]
Written Format LogPath=S
S indicates the saving path of the log file. It should be less than 256 characters and its
Value Range
default value is /var/log/ss7log.
Description Sets the saving path of msu log, pcap log and Ss7RunInfo log. It must be an existing path. LogToPcap
Configuration Item LogToPcap
Section [Monitor]
Written Format LogToPcap=n
n=0: disable (default)
Value Range
n=1: enable
Description Records the msu message to PCAP file.

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 788

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd WriteToFile
Configuration Item WriteToFile
Section [Monitor]
Written Format WriteToFile=n
n=0: disable
Value Range
n=1: enable (default)
Description Write the displayed message to msu file. ShowDPCOPC
Configuration Item ShowDPCOPC
Section [Monitor]
Written Format ShowDPCOPC=n
n=0: disable (default)
Value Range
n=1: enable
Description Display DPC and OPC.

4.3.14 One Ss7Monitor Supporting Multiple Clients

For a digital board using SS7(TUP/ISUP), both the Test program (client application) and the Ss7Monitor program
should be started. Ss7Monitor.exe is responsible for data transmission at MTP1-3 the bottom layer of SS7. At
present, a signal machine supports only one Ss7Monitor program but more than one Test program (client
application) to be started. Using the configuration item MultiCardMultiProcess, you can set to determine whether
the SynCTI driver supports multiprocessing with multi boards or not. If you set MultiCardMultiProcess to 1, more
than one Test program (client application) is allowed to run in the machine.
See the specific example below for details:
Suppose there were two SHD-120D-CT/PCI boards inserted in a machine and the configuration item
MultiCardMultiProcess was set to 1. Then three files would be generated, including two independent shconfig.ini
files and one ss7server.ini file. First configure the self-loop ISUP call as usual. Then modify some configuration
files as follows:
ss7server.ini before modification:
IP[0] =
IP[1] =
ss7server.ini after modification:
IP[0] =
IP[1] =

One shconfig.ini before modification:

Ss7ServerIP =
LocalIP =
After modification:

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 789

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Ss7ServerIP =
LocalIP =

The other shconfig.ini before modification:

Ss7ServerIP =
LocalIP =
After modification:
Ss7ServerIP =
LocalIP =

Modify and save the above configurations. Then start ss7monitor.exe and two Test programs.

4.4 Application and Configuration Instance for SS7 Server

4.4.1 Single OPC/Single DPC Single-PC-Single-Board System

The figure below shows the smallest system composed of a computer and one SHD Series board installed on it.


AppXXX.exe ShD Signal

(Sh Voice
ti.i XX0A/SS7

SS7 Application System OPC=4.5.6

Take the TUP protocol for example. Provided the board used is SHD-60A-CT/SS7/PCI, if as shown above, on the
1st digital trunk, TS16 serves as the signaling link while other 30 time slots work as voice paths, on the 2nd digital
trunk, all unused times slots except TS 16 serve as voice paths, the system is configured as follows:

Ss7Server.ini ShConfig.ini
[Ss7SystemConfig] [SS7]

OPC=1.2.3 Ss7ServerIP= //the IP address of the SS7 server

ServerIP= LocalIP= //the IP address of the local PC

[Ss7ClientInfo] [PcmInfo]

MaxSs7Client=1 TotalPcm=2
IP[0]= Pcm[0]=0,0
Ss7PcmLink[0]=IP[0],LocalPCM[0] ……
PcmSSx[0]=7 //SS7

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 790

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LinkSet[0]=Ss7PcmLink[0] PcmClockMode[0]=0 //master clock, line synchronization

Ss7SignalingTS[0]=16 //TS16 used as the signaling time slot
[DPCInfo] UseTS16AsCircuit[0]=0

MaxDPC=1 PcmSSx[1]=7 //SS7

DPC[0]=4.5.6,LinkSet[0] PcmClockMode[1]=2 //slave clock
Ss7SignalingTS[1]=16 //TS16 used as the signaling time slot
DPC[0]:CIC_PCM[1]=IP[0],LocalPCM[1] Single-PC-Multi-Board System

(Ss7Server.ini) ShD-XX0A/SS7

Application System
OPC=1.2.3 …
Take the TUP protocol for example. Assuming that the system contains 4 E1/T1 links (established via 2 boards)
and 1 16-channel station board: as to both the 1st and the 2nd boards, the 1st PCM is the link to transport both
signaling and voices while the 2nd PCM serves as the pure voice path, it is configured as follows.

Ss7Server.ini ShConfig.ini
[Ss7SystemConfig] [SS7]

OPC=1.2.3 Ss7ServerIP=
ServerIP= LocalIP=

[Ss7ClientInfo] [PcmInfo]

MaxSs7Client=1 TotalPcm=4
IP[0]= Pcm[0]=0,0
MaxSs7Pcm=2 Pcm[3]=1,1
PcmClockMode[0]=0 //master clock, line synchronization
MaxDPC=1 PcmClockMode[1]=2 //slave clock
DPC[0]:CIC_PCM[0]=IP[0],LocalPCM[0] PcmNumber=2
PcmClockMode[0]=2 //slave clock
PcmClockMode[1]=2 //slave clock

[BoardId=2] //configure SHT-16B-CT/PCI


Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 791

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(ShCti.ini) E1/T1 Signaling+Voice


Device1: SS7 Server+Application Program Voice



Device 2: Application Program


Assume that the system contains 2 devices: the SS7 sever and the application program running at one time in
Device 1; Device 2 serving as the Client of Device 1. Device 1 covers 2 digital trunks: on the 1st digital trunk, TS16
serves as the signaling link while other 30 time slots work as voice paths; on the 2nd digital trunk, all unused times
slots except TS16 serve as voice paths. Device 2 also contains 2 digital trunks, with all of the 30×2 time slots
serving as voice paths. Taking the TUP protocol for example, such a system is configured as follows.

¾ Device 1: Configuration Files for SS7 Sever and Application Program

Ss7Server.ini ShConfig.ini
[Ss7SystemConfig] [SS7]

OPC=1.2.3 Ss7ServerIP= //the IP address of the SS7 server

ServerIP= LocalIP= //the IP address of the local PC










Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 792

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¾ Device 2: Configuration File for Application Program (ShConfig.ini)


Ss7ServerIP= //the IP address of the SS7 server

LocalIP= //the IP address of the local PC
…… Multi-PC System with Separate SS7 Server

For high system reliability, we suggest the use of a computer as the separate SS7 server and the run of application
programs on other one or more computers as shown below.


E1/T1 Signaling


SS7 Server
Voice 5
(ShCti.ini) 8

Application System

In the figure above, Device 1 only processes signaling, which requires not only the SS7 server but also the SynCTI
driver loaded for the board only supporting signaling links, while the application system serves as the client.
Assuming that the separate SS7 server has 2 digital trunks, with only TS16 being in use, and Device 2 covers 4
digital trunks, consecutively numbered as 5, 6, 7, 8 by the central office in the TUP protocol, the system is
configured as follows.

¾ SS7 Server Configuration Files

Ss7Server.ini ShConfig.ini
[Ss7SystemConfig] [SS7]

OPC=1.2.3 Ss7ServerIP= //the IP address of the SS7 server

ServerIP= //the IP address of the SS7 server LocalIP= //the IP address of the client





LinkSet[0]=Ss7PcmLink[0]+ Ss7PcmLink[1]

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 793

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ConfigAsGateway=1 //need to load the SynCTI driver

¾ Configuration File for Application System (ShConfig.ini)


Ss7ServerIP= //the IP address of the SS7 server

LocalIP= //the IP address of the local PC

4.4.2 Single OPC/Multiple DPC

OPC=1.2.3 E1/T1
(Ss7Server.ini) ShD-XX0A/SS7
Signaling+Voice PBX-A
ShD-XX0A/SS7 DPC=4.5.6

SS7 Application System (AppXXX.exe) PBX-B


Assume that the application system involves two SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS7 boards, each of which has the time slots
TS 1~15,17~31 on its 2 digital trunks serving as voice paths, TS16 on the 1st digital trunk being the signaling link,
and TS16 on the 2nd digital trunk being unused. These 2 boards are respectively connected to 2 PBXes with
different DPC. Taking the TUP protocol for example, such a system is configured as follows.

Ss7Server.ini ShConfig.ini
[Ss7SystemConfig] ……

OPC=1.2.3 [PcmInfo]
ServerIP= TotalPcm=4
[Ss7ClientInfo] Pcm[0]=0,0
IP[0]= //the IP address of the client
MaxLinkSet=2 PcmClockMode[0]=0 //master clock, line synchronization
LinkSet[0]=Ss7PcmLink[0] PcmClockMode[1]=2 //slave clock
DPC[1]=7.8.9,LinkSet[1] PcmSSx[0]=7

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 794

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

PcmClockMode[0]=2 //slave clock

PcmClockMode[1]=2 //slave clock

4.4.3 SS7 Application System with Multiple OPC

OPC=1.2.3 E1/T1
Ss7Monitor.exe Signaling+Voice
(Ss7Server.ini) ShD-XX0A/SS7
ShD-XX0A/SS7 Voice
OPC=4.5.6 DPC=7.8.9
SS7 Application System (AppXXX.exe)

Assume that the application system involves two SHD-60A-CT/PCI/SS7 boards. The 1st PCM serves as the link for
both signaling and voices (TS16 is the signaling time slot) while the 2nd PCM works as the pure voice path. These
two PCM correspond to a same OPC. Likewise, the 3rd PCM serves as the link for both signaling and voices (TS16
is the signaling time slot) while the 4th PCM works as the pure voice path. These two PCMs correspond to another
OPC. Taking the TUP protocol for example, such a system is configured as follows.

Ss7Server.ini ShConfig.ini
[Ss7SystemConfig] ……

OPC=1.2.3 [PcmInfo]
ServerIP= TotalPcm=4
[Ss7ClientInfo] Pcm[0]=0,0
MaxLinkSet=2 PcmClockMode[0]=0 //master clock, line synchronization
LinkSet[0]=Ss7PcmLink[0],1.2.3 PcmClockMode[1]=2 //slave clock
DPC[1]=7.8.9,LinkSet[1] PcmSSx[0]=7
PcmClockMode[0]=2 //slave clock
DPC[0]:CIC_PCM[0]=IP[0],LocalPCM[0] PcmClockMode[1]=2 //slave clock

4.4.4 High-reliability Application System

The SS7 server developed by Synway supports the warm back-up mode, bringing the carrier-class reliability to the
application system. The figure below illustrates a typical high-reliability application system.

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 795

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Ss7Monitor.exe E1/T1 (Signaling)



Master SS7 Server (S1)

IP= OPC=1.2.3

Ss7Monitor.exe E1/T1 (Signaling)


Slave SS7 Server (S2)

E1/T1 (Voice)
(ShConfig.ini) ShD-XX0A/SS7

Voice Processing System


As shown in the figure above, two SS7 servers, each of which has an SHD board installed in it and only uses the
signaling time slot on the digital trunk (i.e. does not process voice data), run at one time and share the same point
code (OPC=1.2.3), providing signaling services to the voice processing system. One serves as the Master server
while the other as the Slave server. Once something wrong happens to the master server, the slave server will
automatically take over all signaling services from it.

The rules below shall be followed to run the master and slave servers.

1. Use the first-started SS7 server as the master server and the other as the slave server.
2. While both servers are running well, the slave server will automatically become the master server if the
master server fails, and will be the slave server again once the original master server recovers into a
normal use.
3. It is allowed to switch manually between the master and slave servers while both servers are running.

The voice processing system consist of one or more computers and the SHD boards installed on them, and
acquires signaling services from the server via the local area network (LAN). Therefore, it does not rely on the
client computer to run the SS7 server.

¾ Master SS7 server (referred to as S1 for short) Configuration Files (including Ss7Server.ini and ShConfig.ini)

Ss7Server.ini ShConfig.ini
ServerIP=201.123.123. 1 //the IP address of S1
SecondServerIP= //the IP address of S2
…… [BoardId=0]
MaxSs7Client=3 PcmSSx[0]=7
IP[0]= //signaling link processing program PcmClockMode[0]=0 //master clock, line synchronization
IP[1]= //signaling link processing program
IP[2]= //the IP address of the client
Ss7ServerIP= //the IP address of S1
SecondServerIP= ///the IP address of S2
MaxSs7Pcm=2 LocalIP= //the IP address of the local PC

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 796

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd



LinkSet[0]=Ss7PcmLink[0]+ Ss7PcmLink[1]



[TUPRouter] //not to be configured in no use of the

TUP protocol


[ISUPRouter] //not to be configured in no use of the

ISUP protocol



ConfigAsGateway=1 //need to load the SynCTI driver


¾ Slave SS7 Server (referred to as S2 for short) Configuration Files (including Ss7Server.ini and ShConfig.ini)

Ss7Server.ini ShConfig.ini
ServerIP= //the IP address of S2
SecondServerIP= //the IP address of S1
…… [BoardId=0]

[Ss7ClientInfo] ……
IP[0]= //signaling link processing program
PcmClockMode[0]=0 //master clock, line synchronization
IP[1]= //signaling link processing program
IP[2]= //the IP address of the client [SS7]

[Ss7PcmLinkInfo] Ss7ServerIP= //the IP address of S1

SecondServerIP= //the IP address of S2
LocalIP= //the IP address of the local PC


LinkSet[0]=Ss7PcmLink[0]+ Ss7PcmLink[1]



[TUPRouter] //not to be configured in no use of the

TUP protocol


[ISUPRouter] //not to be configured in no use of the

ISUP protocol


Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 797

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd


ConfigAsGateway=1 //need to load the SynCTI driver


¾ Client Configuration File (ShConfig.ini)





PcmClockMode[0]=0 //master clock, line synchronization
PcmClockMode[1]=2 //slave clock


Ss7ServerIP= //the IP address of S1

SecondServerIP= //the IP address of S2
LocalIP= //the IP address of the local PC

4.4.5 Supplying SS7 Service for Third-party Board



(ShConfig.ini) E1/T1(Signaling)


SS7 Server

E1/T1(Voice) PBX
3rd Party Board DPC=4.5.6

Service Processing System


In the figure above, the SS7 server uses a Synway board to process signaling and the service processing system
controls the third-party board. In this way, the signaling messages are acquired from the SS7 server via the TCP/IP
protocol. Assuming that the digital trunks connected to the SS7 server have voice time slots, the data on those time
slots can be exchanged to another digital trunk interface so as to reach the application system with the help of the
Synway board’s TDM capability which is enabled via the configuration item LoadShp_a3AsSIU, as illustrated
above by dotted lines. Taking the TUP protocol for example, such a system is configured as follows.

¾ SS7 Server Configuration Files (Ss7Server.ini and ShConfig.ini)

Ss7Server.ini ShConfig.ini
[Ss7SystemConfig] ……

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 798

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

LoadShp_a3AsSIU=1 //specify the time slot to output voice data
MaxSs7Client=2 ……
IP[0]= [PcmInfo]
[Ss7PcmLinkInfo] Pcm[0]=0,0
MaxSs7Pcm=1 [BoardId=0]
[LinkSetInfo] PcmSSx[0]=7
MaxLinkSet=1 PcmClockMode[0]=0 //master clock, line synchronization

ConfigAsGateway=1 //need to load the SynCTI driver

¾ UserNo7.ini (the configuration file for the application program based on the third-party board which is using
the client of the SS7 server SDK)






Ss7ServerIP= //the IP address of the SS7 server

LocalIP= //the IP address of the local PC

4.4.6 Application System in Quasi-associated Mode

Legend: SP=4.5.6

Ss7Monitor.exe LinkSet[0]

(ShConfig.ini) ShD-XX0A/SS7 PBX
STP=1.3.3 SP=4.6.6

Voice Processing System ShD-XX0A/SS7

As shown in the figure above, assume that the application system is composed of two SHD-120A/SS7 boards, with
the 1st one only processing the signaling on the 4 digital trunks (the logical PCM numbers are respectively 0, 1, 2, 3,
and TS16 on each trunk is the signaling time slot) and the 2nd one processing the voice data on the 4 digital trunks.

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 799

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Taking the TUP protocol for example, such a system is configured as follows.

Ss7Server.ini ShConfig.ini
ServerIP= TotalPcm=8
MaxSs7Client=1 Pcm[2]=0,2
IP[0]= Pcm[3]=0,3
MaxSs7Pcm=4 Pcm[6]=1,2
Ss7PcmLink[0]=IP[0],LocalPCM[0] Pcm[7]=1,3
Ss7PcmLink[3]=IP[0],LocalPCM[3] PcmNumber=4
MaxLinkSet=2 PcmSSx[2]=7
LinkSet[0]=Ss7PcmLink[0]+ Ss7PcmLink[1] PcmClockMode[0]=0 //master clock, line synchronization
LinkSet[1]=Ss7PcmLink[2]+ Ss7PcmLink[3] PcmClockMode[1]=2 //slave clock
PcmClockMode[2]=2 //slave clock
[DPCInfo] PcmClockMode[3]=2 //slave clock
Ss7SignalingTS[0]=16 //TS16 used as the signaling time slot
Ss7SignalingTS[1]=16 //TS16 used as the signaling time slot
[UP_DPCInfo] Ss7SignalingTS[2]=16 //TS16 used as the signaling time slot
MaxUP_DPC=2 Ss7SignalingTS[3]=16 //TS16 used as the signaling time slot
UP_DPC[0]=4.5.6,LinkSet[0]+LinkSet[1] //load sharing UseTS16AsCircuit[3]=0
UP_DPC[1]=4.6.6,LinkSet[1]+LinkSet[0],1 //Signaling ……
Link Set 1 serves as the normal route while Signaling Link
Set 0 as the alternate route. [BoardId=1]

[TUPRouter] PcmNumber=4
PcmClockMode[0]=2 //slave clock
…… PcmClockMode[1]=2 //slave clock
PcmClockMode[2]=2 //slave clock
PcmClockMode[3]=2 //slave clock

Chapter 4 SS7 (CTI Series) 800

Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Appendix 1 ISDN Release Cause Information Element

Return Value Cause Application

1 Unallocated (unassigned) number DSS1, ISUP
2 No route to specified transit network DSS1, ISUP
3 No route to destination DSS1, ISUP
4 Send special information tone ISUP
5 Misdialled trunk prefix ISUP
6 Channel unacceptable DSS1, ISUP
Call awarded and being delivered in an
established channel
8 Preemption DSS1, ISUP
9 Preemption-circuit reserved for reuse ISUP
16 Normal call clearing DSS1, ISUP
17 User busy DSS1, ISUP
18 No user responding DSS1, ISUP
19 No answer from user (user alerted) DSS1, ISUP
20 Subscriber absent DSS1, ISUP
21 Call rejected DSS1, ISUP
22 Number changed DSS1, ISUP
26 Non-selected user clearing DSS1, ISUP
27 Destination out of order DSS1, ISUP
28 Invalid number format (address incomplete) DSS1, ISUP
29 Facility rejected DSS1, ISUP
30 Response to STATUS ENQUIRY DSS1
31 Normal, unspecified DSS1, ISUP
34 No circuit/channel available DSS1, ISUP
38 Network out of order DSS1, ISUP
Permanent frame mode connection out of
39 DSS1
40 Permanent frame mode connection operational DSS1
41 Temporary failure DSS1, ISUP
42 Switching equipment congestion DSS1, ISUP
43 Access information discarded DSS1, ISUP
44 Requested circuit/channel not available DSS1, ISUP
46 Precedence call blocked DSS1, ISUP
47 Resource unavailable, unspecified DSS1, ISUP
49 Quality of service unavailable DSS1
50 Requested facility not subscribed DSS1, ISUP
53 Outgoing calls barred within CUG DSS1, ISUP

Appendix 801
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

55 Incoming calls barred within CUG DSS1, ISUP

57 Bearer capability not authorized DSS1, ISUP
58 Bearer capability not presently available DSS1, ISUP
Inconsistency in designated outgoing access
information and subscriber class
63 Service or option not available, unspecified DSS1, ISUP
65 Bearer capability not implemented DSS1, ISUP
66 Channel type not implemented DSS1
69 Requested facility not implemented DSS1, ISUP
Only restricted digital information bearer
capability is available
79 Service or option not implemented, unspecified DSS1, ISUP
81 Invalid call reference value DSS1
82 Identified channel does not exist DSS1
A suspended call exists, but this call identity
83 DSS1
does not
84 Call identity in use DSS1
85 No call suspended DSS1
Call having the requested call identity has been
86 DSS1
87 User not member of CUG DSS1, ISUP
88 Incompatible destination DSS1, ISUP
90 Non-existent CUG DSS1, ISUP
91 Invalid transit network selection DSS1, ISUP
95 Invalid message, unspecified DSS1, ISUP
96 Mandatory information element is missing DSS1
97 Message type non-existent or not implemented DSS1, ISUP
Message not compatible with call state or
98 DSS1
message type non-existent or not implemented
Information element/parameter non-existent or
not implemented
100 Invalid information element contents DSS1
101 Message not compatible with call state DSS1
102 Recovery on timer expiry DSS1, ISUP
Parameter non-existent or not implemented,
103 ISUP
Message with unrecognized parameter,
110 ISUP
111 Protocol error, unspecified DSS1, ISUP
127 Interworking, unspecified DSS1, ISUP
128 T303 time out Synway Define

Appendix 802
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

129 T304 time out Synway Define

130 T310 time out Synway Define

131 T308 time out again Synway Define

132 Network busy Synway Define

133 Circuit restarted Synway Define

134 Temporary fault Synway Define

135 Data link failure Synway Define

136 Connection after pickup failed Synway Define

137 Pickup time out Synway Define

Appendix 803
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Appendix 2 Optional ISUP Parameters and Descriptions

Parameter Name Code Description

Called Party Number 0x04 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 Odd/Even Nature of Address Indicator
2 INN Indicator Numbering Plan Spare
3 2 Address Signal 1st Address Signal
… …
n Filler (If necessary) nth Address Signal
1) Odd/Even Indicator
0: Even number of address signals
1: Odd number of address signals
2) Nature of Address Indicator
0000001: Subscriber number
0000011: National number
0000100: International number
3) Internal Network Number Indicator (INN Indicator)
0: Routing to internal network number allowed
1: Routing to internal network number not allowed
4) Numbering Plan Indicator
001: ISDN (Telephony) numbering plan (Recommendations E.164, E.163)
011: Data numbering plan (Recommendation X.164)
100: Telex numbering plan (Recommendation F.164)
5) Address Signal
From the third byte begins the called party number.
6) Filler
In case of an odd number of address signals, the filler code 0000 is inserted
after the last address signal.

Appendix 804
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Calling Party Number 0x0a 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

1 Odd/Even Nature of Address Indicator
2 Number Numbering Plan Presentation Screening
Incomplete Indicator Indicator indicator
nd st
3 2 Address Signal 1 Address Signal
… …
n Filler (If necessary) nth Address Signal
1) Odd/Even Indicator
0: Even number of address signals
1: Odd number of address signals
2) Nature of Address Indicator
0000001: Subscriber number
0000011: National number
0000100: International number
3) Number Incomplete Indicator (NI)
0: Complete
1: Incomplete
4) Numbering Plan Indicator
001: ISDN (Telephony) numbering plan (Recommendations E.164, E.163)
011: Data numbering plan (Recommendation X.164)
100: Telex numbering plan (Recommendation F.164)
5) Address Presentation Restricted Indicator
00: Presentation allowed
01: Presentation restricted
10: Address not available
6) Screening Indicator
00: User provided, not verified
01: User provided, verified and passed
10: User provided, verified but not passed
11: Network provided
7) Address Signal
From the third byte begins the calling party number.
8) Filler
In case of an odd number of address signals, the filler code 0000 is inserted
after the last address signal.

Appendix 805
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Backward Call Indicators 0x11 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

(BCI) 1 H G F E D C B A
2 P O N M L K J I
1) BA represents Charge Indicator
00: No indication
01: No Charge
10: Charge
2) DC represents Called Party’s Status Indicator
00: No Indication
01: Subscriber free
10: Connect when free
3) FE represents Called Party’s Category Indicator
00: No Indication
01: Ordinary subscriber
10: Payphone
4) HG represents End-to-end Method Indicator
00: No end-to-end method available (only link-by-link method available)
01: Pass-along method available
10: SCCP method available
11: Pass-along and SCCP methods available
5) I represents Interworking Indicator
0: No interworking encountered
1: Interworking encountered
6) J represents End-to-end Information Indicator
0: No end-to-end information available
1: End-to-end information available
7) K represents ISDN User Part Indicator
0: ISDN user part not used all the way
1: ISDN user part used all the way
8) L represents Holding Indicator
0: Holding not requested
1: Holding requested
9) M represents ISDN Access Indicator
0: Terminating access non-ISDN
1: Terminating access ISDN
10) N represents Echo Control Device Indicator
0: Incoming half-echo control device not included
1: Incoming half-echo control device included
11) PO represents SCCP Method Indicator
00: No indication
01: Connectionless method available
10: Connection oriented method available
11: Connectionless and connection oriented methods available

Appendix 806
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Call Diversion 0x36 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Information 1 H G F E D C B A

1) CBA represents Notification Subscription Options.

000: Unknown
001: Presentation not allowed
010: Presentation allowed with redirection number
011: Presentation allowed without redirection number
2) GFED represents Redirecting Reason
0000: Unknown
0001: User busy
0010: No reply
0011: Unconditional
0100: Deflection during alerting
0101: Deflection immediate response
0110: Mobile subscriber not reachable
Calling Party’s Category 0x09 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
(CAT) 1 Calling Party’s Category

00001001: National operator (for domestic use)

00001010: Ordinary calling subscriber, used for toll to toll or toll to local
office calls
00001011: Calling subscriber with priority
00001100: Data call (voice band data)
00001101: Test call
00001111: Payphone
11111000: Ordinary calling subscriber, used for local office to local office
Cause Indicators 0x12 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 Extension Coding Spare Location
Indicator Standard
2 Extension Cause Value
… Diagnostic(s) (if any)
1) Extension Indicator
0: Octet continues through the next octet
1: Last octet
2) Coding Standard
00: CCITT standard coding
01: ISO/IEC standard
10: National standard
11: Standard specific to identified location
3) Location

Appendix 807
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

0000: User
0001: Private network serving the local user
0010: Public network serving the local user
0011: Transit network
0100: Public network serving the remote user
0101: Private network serving the remote user
0111: International network
1010: Network beyond interworking point
4) Cause Value (Partial)
000 0001: Unallocated number
000 0010: No route to specified transit network
000 0011: No route to destination
000 0100: Send special information tone
000 0101: Misdialed trunk prefix
001 0000: Normal call clearing
001 0001: User busy
001 0010: No user responding
001 0011: No answer from user
001 0101: Call rejected
001 0110: Number changed
001 1011: Destination out of order
001 1100: Invalid number format
001 1101: Facility rejected
001 1111: Normal
010 0010: No circuit available
010 0110: Network out of order
010 1001: Temporary Failure
010 1010: Switching equipment congestion
010 1100: Requested circuit not available
010 1111: Resource unavailable
101 1000: Incompatible destination

Appendix 808
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Echo Control Information 0x37 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

1 H G F E D C B A
1) BA represents Outgoing Half-echo Control Device Information Indicator
00: No information
01: Outgoing half-echo control device not included
10: Outgoing half-echo control device included
2) DC represents Incoming Half-echo Control Device Information Indicator
00: No information
01: Incoming half-echo control device not included
10: Incoming half-echo control device included
3) FE represents Outgoing Half-echo Control Device Request Indicator
00: No information
01: Outgoing half-echo control device activation request
10: Outgoing half-echo control device deactivation request
4) HG represents Incoming Half-echo Control Device Request Indicator
00: No information
01: Incoming half-echo control device activation request
10: Incoming half-echo control device deactivation request

Appendix 809
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Forward Call Indicators 0x07 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

1 H G F E D C B A
2 P O N M L K J I
1) A represents National/International Call Indicator
0: Call to be treated as a national call
1: Call to be treated as an international call
2) CB represents End-to end Method Indicator
00: No end-to end method available
01: Pass-along method available
10: SCCP method available
11: Pass-along and SCCP methods available
3) D represents Interworking Indicator
0: No interworking encountered
1: Interworking encountered
4) E represents End-to-end Information Indicator
0: No end-to-end information available
1: End-to-end information available
5) F represents ISDN User Part Indicator
0: ISDN user part not used all the way
1: ISDN user part used all the way
6) HG represents ISDN User Part Preference Indicator
00: ISDN user part preferred all the way
01: ISDN user part not required all the way
10: ISDN user part required all the way
7) I represents ISDN Access Indicator
0: Originating access non-ISDN
1: Originating access ISDN
8) KJ represents SCCP Method Indicator
00: No indication
01: Connectionless method available
10: Connection oriented method available
11: Connectionless and connection oriented methods available

Appendix 810
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Generic Notification 0x2c 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Indicator 1 Extension Notification Indicator
1) Extension Indicator
0: Information continues in the next octet
1: Last octet
2) Notification Indicator
0000000: User suspended
0000001: User resumed
0000010: Bearer service change
0000100: Call completion delay
1000010: Conference established
1000011: Conference disconnected
1000100: Other party added
1000101: Isolated
1000110: Reattached
1001000: Other part isolated
1001001: Other part split
1001011: Conference floating
1100000: Call is a waiting call
1101000: Diversion activated
1101001: Call transfer, alerting
1101010: Call transfer, active
1111001: Remote hold
1111010: Remote retrieval
1111011: Call is diverting

Appendix 811
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Location Number 0x3f 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

1 Odd/Even Nature of Address Indicator
2 INN/NI Numbering Plan Presentation Screening
Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator
nd st
3 2 Address Signal 1 Address Signal
… …
n Filler (If necessary) nth Address Signal
1) Odd/Even Indicator
0: Even number of address signals
1: Odd number of address signals
2) Nature of Address Indicator
0000011: National number
0000100: International number
3) Internal Network Number Indicator (INN)
0: Routing to internal number allowed
1: Routing to internal number not allowed
4) Numbering Plan Indicator
001: ISDN numbering plan (Recommendation E.164)
011: Data numbering plan (Recommendation X.121)
100: Telex numbering plan (Recommendation F.69)
101: Private numbering plan
5) Presentation Indicator
00: Presentation allowed
01: Presentation restricted
10: Address not available
6) Screening Indicator
01: User provided, verified and passed
11: Network provided
7) Address Signal
From the third byte begins the location number.
8) Filler
In case of an odd number of address signals, the filler code 0000 is inserted
after the last address signal.

Appendix 812
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Nature of Connection 0x06 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Indicators 1 H G F E D C B A
1) BA represents Satellite Indicator
00: No satellite circuit in the connection
01: One satellite circuit in the connection
10: Two satellite circuits in the connection
2) DC represents Continuity Check Indicator
00: Continuity check not required
01: Continuity check required on this circuit
10: Continuity check performed on a previous circuit
3) E represents Echo Control Device Indicator
0: Outgoing half-echo control device not included
1: Outgoing half-echo control device included

Optional Backward Call 0x29 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Indicators 1 H G F E D C B A
1) A represents In-band Information Indicator
0: No indication
1: In-band information or appropriate pattern is now available
2) B represents Call Diversion May Occur Indicator
0: No indication
1: Call diversion may occur
3) C represents Simple Segmentation Indicator
0: No additional information will be sent
1: Additional information will be sent in a segmentation message
4) D represents MLPP User Indicator
0: No indication
1: MLPP user

Optional Forward Call 0x08 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Indicators 1 H G F E D C B A
1) BA represents Closed User Group Call Indicator
00: Non-CUG call
10: Closed user group call, outgoing access allowed
11: Closed user group call, outgoing access not allowed
2) C represents Simple Segmentation Indicator
0: No additional information will be sent
1: Additional information will be sent in a segmentation message
3) H represents Connected Line Identity Request Indicator
0: Not Requested
1: Requested

Appendix 813
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Transit Network 0x23 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Selection 1 Odd/Even Type of Network Network Identification
Identification Plan
… Network Identification
1) Odd/Even Indicator
0: Even number of digits
1: Odd number of digits
2) Type of Network Identification
000: CCITT-standardized identification
010: National network identification
3) Network Identification Plan (For CCITT-standardized identification)
0000: Unknown
0011: Public data network identification code
0110: Public land mobile network identification
Transmission Medium 0x02 00000000: Speech
Requirement 00000001: Spare
00000010: 64 kb/s unrestricted
00000011: 3.1KHZ audio
00000100: Alternative: speech (service 2)/ 64kbit/s unrestricted (service 1)
00000101: Alternative: 64kbit/s unrestricted (service 1)/ speech (service 2)
00000110: 64kb/s preferred
00000111: 2*64kb/s unrestricted
00001000: 384 kb/s unrestricted
00001001: Spare
00001010: 1920 kb/s unrestricted
Access Transport 0x03
Call History Information 0x2d
Circuit Group 0x15
Supervision Message
Circuit State Indicator 0x26
Closed User Group 0x1a
Interlock Code
Connected Number 0x21
Continuity Indicators 0x10
End of Optional 0x00
Event Information 0x24
Facility Indicator 0x18
Generic Digits 0xc1
Generic Number 0xc0
Information Indicators 0x0f

Appendix 814
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Information Request 0x0e

MCID Request Indicators 0x3b
MCID Response 0x3c
Message Compatibility 0x38
Network Specific Facility 0x2f
Original Called Number 0x28
Original ISC Point Code 0x2b
Parameter Compatibility 0x39
Propagation Delay 0x31
Range and Status 0x16
Redirecting Number 0x0b
Redirection Information 0x13
Redirection Number 0x0c
Redirection Number 0x40
Subsequent Number 0x05
Suspend/Resume 0x22
Signaling Point Code 0x1e
Transmission Medium 0x35
User Service Information 0x1d
User Teleservice 0x34
User-to-user Indicators 0x2a
User-to-user Information 0x20
Charge Information 0xfe
Note: For more information, refer to ITU-T Q.763, Signaling System No.7- ISDN User Part Formats and

Below are two typical scenarios of ISUP signaling connection

1. The called party is idle when you are calling.

Appendix 815
Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd

Branch A Branch or Tandem Exchange B

The called party is idle



Ringback Tone


The caller first hangs up. REL


The callee first hangs up. REL


2. The called party is busy when you are calling.

Branch A Branch or Tandem Exchange B

The called party is busy.


REL(The cause value is user busy, etc.)


Appendix 816

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