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For the past decades, the official missionary arm of the Philippines has been sending a

number of missionaries abroad especially to the neighboring countries in Asia. One of the reasons

that influenced the increase of missionary sending was the advent of globalization. This advent is

mostly a cultural phenomenon (religion) that includes significant consequences to our beliefs

today. The article "Globalization: Its Impact to MSP in their Missions Abroad" discusses how

globalization had influenced the Mission Society of the Philippines (MSP) just like the growing

population of Fil – Missionaries around the world and the application of new expression and

methods in evangelization. This New Evangelization is a response by the Catholic Church as a

new approach for evangelizing the people in these signs of the times: the globalization.

Keywords: Globalization, MSP, Mission Abroad, New Evangelization


The understanding of globalization varies accordingly to different people with different

backgrounds. It can also be understood in its different aspects because it has many strings attached

to it. Globalization is an increasing flows and exchange of people, objects, places, money and

information across the globe. Globalization as a comprehensive term for the emergence of a global

society in which economic, political, environmental and cultural events, has profoundly

transformed human life and ways of thinking. According to Todd Johnson in his book

Globalization and Identity, one of the characteristics of globalization involves the creation of new

and the multiplication of existing social networks and activities that increasingly overcome

traditional political, economic, cultural and geographical boundaries. By this it is understood that

globalization is still an ongoing process of change with still unclear results and have become

integrated through a globe – spanning network of communication and trade.

The greatest forces of globalization were actually economic and technological. Advanced

communication and transportation allowed the bridging of cultures, and by the end of the twentieth

century, this type of technology and ability to communicate around the globe was unfathomable

just a century ago. There is a growing awareness of the fact that we are now part of a global

civilization that includes, and seems to reach, virtually every inhabitant of the planet. 1

By the aid of this technological advancement, the interaction and merging of different

cultures was made possible. It is now easy to have conversation with people of different beliefs,

practices and point of views. Cultural globalization involves the formation of shared norms and

knowledge with which people associate their individual and collective cultural identities. It brings

increasing interconnectedness among different populations and cultures.2 Focusing on cultural

globalization (e.g. religion), the spread of western culture especially by the Spaniards and

Portuguese caused somehow an early interconnectedness of many countries. The spread of

Christianity across the world contributed greatly in connecting places. During those days, the

world has already started to become a village. Christianity helped in building this “global village”

we have now.

As years passed, a number of countries from the Global South have been Christianized

including Philippines. Christianity has become a global faith and our world becomes a global

community.3 For the entire 100-year period, Christians have made up- approximately one-third of

Albert Mohler, “Globalization and the Christian Mission,” accessed November 23, 2018,
Sheriff Abbasy, “What are the effects of globalization on Culture?,” accessed November 24, 2018
Albert Mohler, “Globalization and the Christian Mission,” accessed November 23, 2018,

the world’s population.4 The Western encounter with non-Western cultures did not happen in any

wide-scale manner until the nineteenth century, the great century of empire and expansion. It took

the age of empire to bring a wide experience of a global reality to the Western consciousness. The

Spanish and Portuguese really created the world’s first truly global empire.

If a single moment symbolizes the unification of the continents, it was the creation in 1578

of the Catholic Diocese of Manila, in the Philippines. From Manila to Acapulco was the central

artery of European imperial power, as Mexican silver was traded for Asian spices. Even more

significant, the route was the world’s most important axis of missionary expansion.5 Philippines

as one of the countries influenced by the Westerners has now influenced other countries in the

global age, most likely Southeast Asia. In the early years, Philippines is one of the mission areas

of Western church planters wherein missionaries were being sent across the different isles of the

Philippines. After decades of welcoming western missionaries, Philippines now has been sending

out a growing number of missionaries itself.6 For the past decades, different congregation in the

Philippines were sending missionaries abroad including the Mission Society of the Philippines. In

those years, there is real growth in embracing the Great Commission and also in reaching out to

their neighboring countries.


The Mission Society of the Philippines (MSP) is a Clerical Missionary Society of the

Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right for mission ad gentes, composed of Filipino missionaries in

response to a special call and mandate of the Church and was established by the Catholic Bishops’

Todd M. Johnson, “Globalization, Christian Identity and Frontier Missions,” International Journal of Frontier
Missiology 166, (2010)
Philip Jenkins, “The Future of Christianity in Asia,” accessed November 24, 2018,
World Venture, “Philippines Sending Growing Number of Missionaries,” accessed November 23, 2018,

Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) in 1965, during the commemoration of the 400 years of

Christianity in the country. These missionaries consecrate themselves with a promise of being an

active missionary living in fraternal communion and in obedience to the Moderators according to

the universal law. The MSP envisions: “The gift of faith in Christ lived and shared in love for Him,

by all, especially the peoples of Asia.” With its charism, “In love and gratitude ours is a joyful

missionary spirit flowing from deep union with Christ through Mary and in the power of the Holy

Spirit willing to spend and be spent in sharing His Gospel to all.” 7


Currently, the MSP is serving in the dioceses of 14 countries namely: Taiwan, Japan, South

Korea, Thailand, Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, the Cook Islands, the Netherlands,

USA, Tokelau, UAE and Belgium. In these different mission areas calls a different way/approach

of dealing with the people and evangelizing them, most especially because of the diversity of

culture. This includes language, ethnicity, practices and other beliefs, but that is not the main

concern of mission in the twenty – first century. Nowadays, it is on how can we communicate the

unchanging gospel of Jesus Christ in the midst of a changing world. This is one of the great

missiological questions of our day. Gone are the days when the isolated West sent missionaries to

unknown lands and people. Apart from isolated ethnic peoples in yet unreached regions, the world

has taken on more of a global character.8

In South Korea, the MSP served on the Filipino Migrants and was able to established the

Pastoral Center for Filipino Migrants, where Filipinos in distress have been temporarily sheltered,

The Statutes and Directory of the Mission Society of the Philippines, rev. ed. (2010), 3
Stephen M. Davis, “The Challenge of Missions in the Twenty-first Century,” last modified April 2008,

counseled and given opportunity to participate in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. However,

it reaches out too its service to Filipino migrants who have different faith.9 This is an openness and

welcoming those people despite of their beliefs/religions and by not labeling them as others.

In Thailand, the MSP has served for more than 45 years and it is considered as the oldest

mission area. The same with Korea the MSP has opened Mary’s Help Center around 1994 but not

as a Migrant Center rather as a refuge especially for those who are afflicted with AIDS. 10

In Netherlands and Belgium, some parishes are closing but the MSP was able to save some

of these parishes by the help of Filipino Communities there like El Shaddai, The Feast, Couples

For Christ and FAITHS (Families In The Holy Spirit). The population of Filipino parishioners are

more than the populaces there.11

These are only some cases that shows globalization having part in the field of mission.

There is a different missionary works in every mission area depending on their needs. The large

numbers of Overseas Filipino Workers can be considered as one of the reasons why Philippines

has been sending missionaries. Over the years, approximately 3 million Filipinos – many who are

Christians have left the island to pursue their jobs.12

Globalization is neither good or bad. It depends on the people being affected by this

process. One could consider it as positive if he benefits from it but if it does not, then he could say

its negative. Looking at it, considering how it influenced the mission of MSP abroad will help us

realize if it is really beneficial.

Singco Percy, “Through the Years,” Mission Society of the Philippines, January 2015, 38
Ibid., 37
Ibid., 41
World Venture, “Philippines Sending Growing Number of Missionaries,” accessed November 23, 2018,


Globalization has caused many good things on the world, this emphasis on the positive

effects of globalization especially on the greater economic success is called globaphilia. First is

by means of transportation. In the past, going to other countries would take days or weeks to be

there. Globalization answered this difficulty in traveling. Now missionaries travel by air or by

water, within hours they immediately reached their mission areas. Before in Papua New Guinea,

missionaries assigned there consumed many hours and even a day of walking just to reach the

other tribes, to bring the gospel and celebrate mass. Now, the time for walking has been lessened

due to the presence of vehicles, but there are still some places there that needs hours of walking.

The process of globalization, furthered by easier and cheaper transport options has had a serious

impact on one’s destination, as well as their cultural backgrounds. The face of travel and its

purpose has changed entirely. While today we travel at great speed covering vast cross-country, or

cross-continent distances within hours via plane, train, or automobile, compared to the Medieval

peoples travelled far slower covering far less of a distance and none could have dreamt of the dawn

of modern transportation experienced eons after their time had ended, burgeoning during the first

industrial revolution and picking up speed during the technological revolution.13

Second is by means of communication. In the early days of mission, missionaries wrote

letter in order to communicate either to their families or to the Father Moderator and it will again

take days to receive these letters. Nowadays, only few clicks the message will be sent and received

immediately. Not just messaging is easy but also calling and even video calling. As technology

advances, the world is both getting larger and smaller. Today we are able to communicate with

Abbey Medieval Festival, “Medieval to Modern Transportation – the Industrial Revolution and Beyond,”
accessed November 27, 2018,

people across the globe at the touch of a button. While globalization, or communication between

nations beyond their borders, is an old concept, with the onset of new technology globalization is

impacting the ways we communicate and learn in fascinating ways. We are expanding our

understanding of fellowship and as we become more connected, we are deepening our cultural and

educational experiences. Take for instance a missionary in Taiwan reaching to another missionary

in UAE. These two missionaries are able to share their experiences and learned culture. This aspect

is of no small detail. The rise in the use of the internet in particular has been incredibly instrumental

in improving the ways in which we connect with one another. Because of technologies like the

internet, we have the opportunity to view diverse perspectives that were outside of our scope before.

We are able to fully connect with someone who is thousands of miles away in real time and the

effects are profound. 14

Third is the reverse flows or the boomerang effect. With a Christian tradition that goes

back almost 500 years, the Philippines has not only sent a large number of missionaries abroad,

but has also become a training center for hundreds of priests, seminarians and even nuns from all

over the world. 15 Many young people especially coming from the neighboring countries are being

sent also to the Philippines to study and become consecrated persons. In fact, though the MSP is

an all Filipino congregation, accepted guest seminarians from other countries especially those

where MSP have mission, then they stay in the formation in order to learn English language for a

year. Philippines send missionaries and as an effect, those countries send back possible students

in order to be formed and become priests or religious.

Blake Baxter, “The Impact of Globalization on Communication and Education,” accessed November 27, 2018,
Asia News, “Religious and lay Filipino missionaries in the world are Christ first witnesses,” accessed November
25, 2018,

Fourth is being open to new culture. Part of being a missionary is the openness to other

culture beside from one’s native culture. In every mission area, missionaries learned different

culture. The culture of South Korea is different form the culture of Taiwan and the same with other

countries. Openness to culture means openness to their language, practices and beliefs. To be a

missionary the very first challenge is to know their language, because not every country speaks

English as their second language. For some it is, but for others it is considered as a foreign

language. In order to communicate and have interaction with the people, the primary step is to able

to talk their language. Missionaries assigned for several years are able to speak fluently the

language of the countries they are assigned to. Globalization influences to changing cultural

patterns too. In addition, there is happening a mutual penetration of various trends in art and their

exchange. Globalization describes the acceleration of the integration of nations into the global

system. It contributes to the expansion of cultural ties between the peoples and human migration. 16

Fifth is the rise of Christianity in the Global South. Today, we still hear residual echoes of

that old sense that Christianity is the faith of the west, but that attitude is quite wrong. The Christian
story in Asia is also very old, and today seems set for a spectacular growth. It is believed that

60 percent of the estimated two billion Christians in the world live in Africa, Asia, or Latin

America. By 2050, there will be an estimated three billion Christians, 75 percent of whom will
live in what is called the "Global South." This means that that the population of Christianity

shifts demographically to the Global South. There is an estimated thirty million Christians in

Sadykova Raikhan, “The Interaction of Globalization and Culture in the Modern World,” (2nd World Conference
on Design, Arts and Education DAE-2013)
Philip Jenkins, “The Future of Christianity in Asia,” accessed November 24, 2018,
Chuck Colson, “The Rise of Christianity in the Global South,” accessed November 27, 2018,

Indonesia, another eight or nine million in Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan. Taken

together, Christians make up at least thirty percent of South Korea’s people. 19

The MSP has

contribution in the Christian growth in Asia, because MSP is specifically intended to support the

neighboring countries in Asia and the majority of mission areas of MSP is in Asia.

Sixth is the information technologies. There has always been a connection between

technology and culture. The advancement of technology is one of the major impacts of

globalization to mission. There is a quick internet access even to developing countries. The

exchange of information takes minutes and even seconds. Before listening to radio seems so

difficult but now in this modern age, there are live streaming of masses and worldwide broadcasts.

We live in an amazing era. Experts are already terming this a technological revolution, one of only

13 in history, because of the way that technology is dramatically altering human communication

and lives. This revolution is more specifically called the Information Age because so much of our

creativity and resources are focused on new means of spreading and recording information. This

Information Age has had a dramatic impact on our modern culture, from the way we do business

to the way we express ourselves. These impacts have completely transformed nations around the

world, in part because of the way that technologies make communication easier. There is no way

to know what the next major technological innovation will be, but it is pretty clear that technology

is going to be part of our global culture for quite some time. 20

Seventh is the availability of resources. There are missionaries who have been assigned in

some mission areas for too long. When they get back home, some are looking for the food they

Philip Jenkins, “The Future of Christianity in Asia,” accessed November 24, 2018,
Christopher Muscato, “How Technology Impacts Culture in the Global Age,” accessed November 27, 2018

have used to eat in their mission areas. Just like kimchi, a Korean food, because of globalization

you don’t need to go to Korea to eat kimchi because in Philippines there is already the availability

of ingredients needed to make this dish. Nowadays, you don’t need to go to that specific country

just to have that ingredient or recipe, because through globalization, goods, products and services

are almost distributed around the world. By this example we can consider it as multi-directional

flows. Multi-directional flows is a kind of flow wherein all sorts of things (e.g. people, objects,

places, information as well as the structures they encounter and create) are flowing in every

conceivable direction among many parts in the world.


On the other hand, the emphasis on the negative effects of globalization is called

globaphobia. These effects are as follows. First is the decline of Christian population in the Global

North. While 66% of all Christians lived in Europe in 1910, by 2010 only 26% lived there. The

Global North (defined as Europe and Northern America) contained over 80% of all Christians in

1910, falling to under 40% by 2010. 21 As mentioned earlier in the case in Netherlands, some MSP

missionaries there are holding 3 to 5 parishes because these countries cannot support the need for

priests. There was a decline in vocation and crisis in priesthood. There are only few populaces

there who are attending eucharistic celebration. Even some parishes are being closed by their

diocese due to secularization. Recently, many scholars around the world are noticing how the trend

of Christianity is losing its light in the West but rising as the new light in Asia, Africa, and Latin

Todd M. Johnson, “Globalization, Christian Identity and Frontier Missions,” International Journal of Frontier

Missiology 166, (2010)

America. Christianity is waning in the West because of the “advancing assault of secularism and

New Age spirituality.” 22

Today, that religious core seems to be changing. This trend is consistent in most

modernized societies. We describe this process as “secularization.” Secularization occurs when a

culture moves from being religious to nonreligious. As societies modernize, they become less

religious. This is not to be confused with “secularism,” which is an ideology. Secularization is a

very important process in our culture that we should seek to understand. 23 Through social media,

digital technology, and modernization of society, we easily go through life without thinking about

God or some higher being. Our convenient lifestyles simply do not need God. That is what is

unique about our day—we live in a world that gives the illusion that people can get on in life
without God. Before European and North American Countries are those leading countries in

terms of Christian (Catholic) population. There was time that these countries become

predominantly Catholic country. But the Catholic population explosion came to a rapid – almost a

sudden end in the late 1970’s. The church has experienced a mass apostasy quite unprecedented

in its history. Identifying the cause of the population collapse would lead to the Second Vatican

Council. But the reason of the church in imposing the Vatican II was to address the change in

traditional to a modern world, “aggiornamento” as it is called, meaning bringing the Church up

to date. This was carried out because the church has seen the world becoming modern and

globalized. According to a major survey in the 1990s, the percentage of people attending church

on an average Sunday in some European countries is a mere fraction of the total population:

The Christian Post, “Scholars Find Decline of Christianity in the West,” accessed November 27, 2018,
Timothy Massaro, “4 reasons you should care about Secularization,” accessed November 24, 2018,

England (27%), West Germany (14%), Denmark (5%), Norway (5%), Sweden, (4%) and Finland

(4%). "This decline is directly attributable to the theological liberalism of the once-powerful state

churches." 25

Second is the anti – clericalism. It is very difficult to have a mission to countries where

there is an opposition to the clergy for its real or alleged influence in political and social affairs,

for its doctrinairism, for its privileges or property, pedophilia, abuses or for any other reason. 26 A

case in Australia where a priest wearing a roman collar was walking in the street and the people

shouted at him, calling him a pedophile. The fault of other clergy has become the fault of all priests.

In some countries, priests are no longer being trusted. In its more extreme manifestations, anti-

clericalism has led to violent attacks against the clergy, vandalism against religious sites, and the

seizure of church property.

Often directed against the Catholic Church and clergy, anti-clericalism goes beyond mere

secularism or the French tradition of laïcité, which advocates both the absence of religious

interference in government affairs and government interference in religious affairs. The goal of
anti-clericalism is often that religion should become a strictly private activity. Anticlericalism

varies accordingly to every country. Today, traditional militant anti-clericalism tends to be less

common. In Western democratic nations, this is largely due to states recognizing freedom of

religion and hence being disinclined to interfere in religious matters. 28

The Christian Post, “Scholars Find Decline of Christianity in the West,” accessed November 27, 2018,
Encyclopedia Brittanica, “Anticlericalism,” accessed November 28, 2018,
New World Encyclopedia, “Anti-clericalism,” accessed November 28, 2018,

Third is the lack of spirituality and religiosity due to the provision of worldly things. In

this global age, almost everything that a man needs is provided. The problem is there is a deficiency

towards one spirituality. Some are drowned by cynicism, skepticism and scientific materialism.

Many people today define themselves as ‘spiritual but not religious’, but it is not healthy to

separate spirituality and religion from one another. Glance at any media for more than a few

moments and it becomes easy to see why connecting spiritually can be so difficult in a modern

world. Televisions distract us with images of violence and scandal. Social media takes us away

from face to face connections with loved ones. 29 As modern conveniences increase, our life

becomes very comfortable. Christians are becoming Christians by name and not by deeds. The

advancement and innovation of everything caused distraction to most Christians. That is why in

this global age staying religious and spiritual is a big challenge. Most are always preoccupied by

the worldly things. Even some missionaries and consecrated persons has been living in luxury and

treasuring earthly pleasures. The fact that the world is changing, so do one’s belief, spirituality and



Inculturation is the term that Catholic leaders and theologians have used in recent decades

to denote a process of engagement between the Christian Gospel and a particular culture. The term

is intended conceptually both to safeguard the integrity of the Gospel and to encourage sensitivity

to various cultural contexts. Inculturation as a theological notion has been specifically associated

with Saint Pope John Paul II’s strategy for evangelization, including what is known as the “new

evangelization” that focuses on cultures that had traditionally been Christian but which are now

Myriam Beauchesne, “Spirituality in a Modern World,” accessed November 28, 2018,

not clearly so. 30 The Church is no stranger to globalization. In the course of pursuing that mission

for 2,000 years ago, she has time and again confronted challenges posed by transformations of

culture as well as by cultural differences. The effects of globalization upon culture thus pose a

special challenge to the Church that seeks to spread Christianity through inculturation.

Globalization undoubtedly poses formidable challenges to that never-ending task. But the

resources that the Church brings to meet those challenges are formidable as well. Some recent

developments that seem especially encouraging the transcultural catechisms: formation for a

mobile people, solidarity through subsidiarity and the dialogue with the natural and human

sciences. 31

For missionaries it is really a need to make use of inculturation in their evangelization. It

is part of the mission especially in other countries. Having a mission to other countries means

having an encounter with other cultures. You cannot bring the Gospel to other people without

knowing their culture first. The Gospel that is never changing is flexible enough to different



One of the greatest problems of our times is the loss of the sense of sacred. It is very

difficult to bring back the religion that has been rejected by many and to encourage the people

back to their belief that was now lost. Going back to the question regarding mission and

globalization, “How can we communicate the unchanging Gospel of Jesus Christ in the midst of a

changing world?” is really a big matter of discussion. Times have changed. We have more

Dennis M. Doyle, “The Concept of Inculturation in Roman Catholicism: A Theological Consideration,” accessed
November 27, 2018,
Mary Ann Glendon, “Globalization and the Church’s New Challenges,” accessed November 28, 2018,

opportunities and more resources; we are the benefactors of more past experience and research

than any previous generation. The changing face of world missions presents unique challenges.

One of these is preparing missionaries for effective cross-cultural witness and church planting. 32

New Evangelization is the mission to bear witness to the Gospel of Christ with renewed

fervor and to create and use new expressions and new methods in proclaiming the Good News.

New Evangelization sustains and does not change the salvific sufficiency of the Gospel, as “Jesus

Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” 33

Philippines doesn’t need “new

evangelization”, but Philippines could be a tool for this. This “New Evangelization” is primarily

addressed to those who have drifted from the Faith and from the Church in traditionally Catholic
countries, especially in the West. Sending missionaries to these countries really need to bring

with them this new approach of evangelization. Traditional way is no longer applicable in this

global age. The challenge is different from before. But there is a task that stands in order to deeply

understand “new evangelization”. First, fostering and fulfilling the “missio ad gentes”, as a

special vocation of the Church in our country, effectively involving our laypeople, our

“Christifideles” brothers and sisters; our priests and seminarians; men and women in consecrated

life. Secondly, “bringing Good News to the poor.” Again and again, Filipino Catholics coming

together to discern priorities, have seen that the Church here must become genuinely “a Church

for and with the poor.” Thirdly, reaching out to those among us whose faith-life has been largely

eroded and even lost due to the surrounding confusion, moral relativism, doubt, agnosticism;

reaching out to those who have drifted from the Faith and the Church, and have joined other

Stephen M. Davis, “The Challenge of Missions in the Twenty-first Century,” last modified April 2008,
FilCatholic, “New Evangelization in the Philippines,” accesed November 28, 2018,
CBCP News, “CBCP Pastoral letter on the Era of New Evangelization,” accessed November 27, 2018,

religious sects. Lastly, awakening or reawakening in faith, forming and animating in Christian life

our young people and youth sector groups, in both urban and rural settings. 35


Indeed, globalization played a very vital role in the field of mission nowadays. Due to so

many strings attached to it, it has mostly affected everything, be it culturally, politically,

economically and environmentally. It has brought both positive and negative effects on the society

and on the world. As what people say, it is up to the person on how he or she sees the effects of

globalization. Speaking on its effects, it has been discussed on how globalization take part in the

missionary works of the Mission Society of the Philippines abroad. The majority of the effects is

positive, but still there are negatives effects. Looking both on globaphilia and globaphobia, one

can say how globalization has influenced mission ever since. By means of quantity, globalization

has influenced the missionary works of MSP positively but by means of quality, the negative effect

is worse. As of now, deciding whether globalization is positive or negative is not the point because

as how globalization is defined, it is still an ongoing process of change with still unclear results.

What is more important is that we are able to present the effects of globalization. Afterall,

globalization is still changing and continuing and the end result is still uncertain.

CBCP News, “CBCP Pastoral letter on the Era of New Evangelization,” accessed November 27, 2018,


Abbasy, Sheriff. 2018. August 11. Accessed November 24, 2018.
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Colson, Chuck. 2007. The Christian Post. July 19. Accessed November 27, 2018.
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Doyle, Dennis M. 2012. JSTOR. Accessed November 27, 2018.
n.d. Encyclopedia Brittanica. Accessed November 28, 2018.
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Glendon, Mary Ann. 2018. Catholic Education Resource Center. April 25. Accessed November 28, 2018.
Jenkins, Philip. 2014. Aleteia. August 21. Accessed November 24, 2018.
Johnson, Todd M. 2010. "Globalization, Christian Identity and Frontier Missions." International Journal
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Massaro, Timothy. 2017. Core Christianity. August 27. Accessed November 24, 2018.
Mohler, Albert. n.d. Table Talk Magazine. Accessed November 23, 2018.

Muscato, Christopher. 2018. Study.Com. February 4. Accessed November 27, 2018.
n.d. New World Encyclopedia. Accessed November 28, 2018.
Percy, Singco. 2015. "Through the Years." January: 37-41.
Raikhan, Sadykova. 2014. "The Interaction of Globalization and Culture in the Modern World." Procedia
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2010. The Statutes and Directory of the Mission Society of the Philippines. Makati City: Mission Society
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