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European Electronic Toll Service

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The European

Electronic Toll
Service (EETS)


“This brochure comprises the text of a working document of the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport
on the interoperability of electronic road toll systems in the Union and the European Electronic Toll Service —
Guide for the application of Directive 2004/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and of
Commission Decision 2009/750/EC.”

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Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2011

ISBN 978-92-79-18637-0

© European Union, 2011

Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Cover photo courtesy of: N.V. WESTERSCHELDETUNNEL.


Efficient transport networks are essential to the competitiveness of our economies. EU internal
market success and sustainable mobility greatly rest on the availability and efficient operation
of an adequate road network.

Road transport continues to grow apace, with congestion and bottlenecks affecting an ever
growing part of the network. But road infrastructure cannot be extended forever: we need
better overall traffic management in order for it to be used to its full capacity.

Charging for road use was initially introduced to finance motorway construction and
maintenance. By also taking into account time/distance/place as well as other users and
vehicles parameters (e.g. weight, size, energy efficiency, environmental characteristics, number
of passengers), it can also be effective for reaching broader transport policy objectives such
as modification of users’ habits, internalisation of road externalities, infrastructure usage
optimisation and ecological impact limitation.

The various European electronic road toll systems introduced at local and national levels from the early 1990s onwards were,
and generally still are, non-interoperable. They oblige drivers to affix several electronic tags inside their vehicle in order to take
advantage of the various systems encountered on their itinerary. In view of the growth of international road traffic, the objective
to internalise road externalities has gained particular weight and a number of Member States actively consider introducing
extensive electronic road toll systems. The interoperability of existing and future systems must be ensured.

The European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) will ensure interoperability of tolling services on the entire European Union road 1
network. EETS will enable road users to easily pay tolls throughout the whole EU with only one subscription contract with one
service provider and a single on-board unit. By limiting cash transactions at toll stations and eliminating cumbersome procedures
for occasional users, EETS will facilitate daily operations for road users, improve traffic flow and reduce congestion.

It will also help to further extend information society towards road transport, as the EETS on-board equipment functionalities can
be used by various other added-value telematic applications and services, such as eCall, real-time traffic and travel information.
EETS will therefore contribute to further strengthening the competitiveness of the European information and communications
technologies industry in this sector, already at the international forefront.

Today’s congested roads and increasing emissions of the road sector are a clear indication that something needs to be done. The
European Electronic Toll Service is a first step that can enable the implementation of many road policy instruments.

Siim Kallas
Vice-President of the European Commission
Commissioner in charge of mobility and transport
1. This guide is intended to be a reference manual for all parties directly or indirectly concerned by Directive 2004/52/EC (1) on
the interoperability of electronic road toll systems and Decision 2009/750/EC (2) on the definition of the European Electronic
Toll Service (EETS) and its technical elements. It should be read and used as a help for the implementation of electronic
fee collection (EFC) interoperability and EETS; it does not substitute Directive 2004/52/EC or Decision 2009/750/EC. It
simply explains and clarifies some of the most important aspects related to the implementation of EFC interoperability and
EETS. This guide should help to minimise the number of applications of the safeguard clauses foreseen in Chapter V of
Decision 2009/750/EC, in particular those originating from divergent interpretations of Directive 2004/52/EC and Decision

2. For the purpose of the transposition of Directive 2004/52/EC and for the implementation of Decision 2009/750/EC, Member
States’ authorities should refer to the directive and the decision mentioned before.

3. In no circumstances can the present document be taken as substituting the content of the directive and of the decision.

4. This guide has been prepared by the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport with the assistance of a working group
comprising representatives of the Regulatory Committee set up by Directive 2004/52/EC, the European standardisation
bodies and the industry.

5. The guide is publicly available. It is not binding in the sense of legal acts adopted by the Union (3).

6. It is important to note that references and procedures contained in this guide concerning the assessment of the conformity
to specifications or the suitability for use of EETS interoperability constituents relate only to Decision 2009/750/EC. The
placing of an EETS interoperability constituent on the market requires also the fulfilment of all the relevant European Union
legislation, national legislation and regulatory provisions which are compatible with the European Union legislation and
are applied in a non-discriminatory manner.

7. The guide will be timely reviewed and updated to reflect progress and experience gained with the implementation of the
European Electronic Toll Service, as necessary.

(1) Directive 2004/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the interoperability of electronic road toll systems
in the Community (OJ L 166, 30.4.2004, pp. 124; corrected version in OJ L 200, 7.6.2004, pp. 50–56).
(2) Commission Decision 2009/750/EC of 6 October 2009 on the definition of the European Electronic Toll Service and its technical elements
(notified under document C(2009) 7547) (OJ L 268, 13.10.2009, p. 11–29).
(3) The Lisbon Treaty substitutes ‘European Union’ for ‘European Community’. The former terminology is kept where the corresponding
documents have not yet been adapted.
1.1. Scope 5
1.2. Target audience 5
1.3. Content of the guide 5
2. DIRECTIVE 2004/52/EC, DECISION 2009/750/EC AND EETS 6
2.1. Objectives and principles 6
2.2. Legislation, standards and other normative documents 6
2.2.1. Directive 2004/52/EC 6
2.2.2. Commission Decision 2009/750/EC 7
2.3. Roadmap 13
2.4. EETS general architecture 16
3.1. Introduction 23
3.2. Stakeholders 24
3.2.1. Internal entities 24
3.2.2. External systems/entities 25
3.2.3. Manufacturer-authorised representative 27
4.1. Principles 28
4.2. Responsibilities 28
4.3. Requirements 28
4.4. Procedures 29
4.4.1. Conformity to specifications 29
4.4.2. Suitability for use 29
4.5. Standards and other normative documents with EETS relevance 30
4.5.1. Published standards and other normative documents of mandatory application 31
4.5.2. Published standards and other normative documents of voluntary application 33
4.5.3. Standards and other normative documents under revision or in development 39
5.1. Principles 41
5.2. Requirements 41
5.3. EETS domain statement 42
5.3.1. Foreword 42
5.3.2. Language 42
5.3.3. Legal aspects 43
5.3.4. Content 43
5.4. Dispute settlement 45
6.1. Responsibilities 46
6.2. Toll violation and enforcement 46
6.2.1. Toll violation 46
6.2.2. Enforcement 47
6.2.3. Cross border enforcement 47
3.1. List of the sales agents of the Publications Office of the European Union 51
3.2. European legislation and documents on electronic toll systems’ interoperability and EETS 51
3.3. Harmonised standards 53
3.4. List of the bodies notified under Commission Decision 2009/750/EC 53
3.5. National EETS domains and EETS Providers registers 53
3.6. Professional association Toll Chargers 53
3.7. Professional association EETS Providers 53
9.1. Harmonised standard 64
9.2. Technical specification 65
9.3. Conformity to specifications 65
9.4. Suitability for use 65
9.5. Assessment of conformity to specifications 65
9.6. Assessment of suitability for use 65
9.7. Placing on the market 65
9.8. Placing into service 65

1.1. Scope
The objective of this guide is to help clarify certain concepts and procedures referred to in Directive 2004/52/EC on the
interoperability of electronic road toll systems and the related Commission Decision 2009/750/EC on the definition of the European
Electronic Toll Service (EETS). In particular, the guide aims to explain how EETS interoperability constituents might be assessed
with a view to meeting the essential requirements of Decision 2009/750/EC.

Directive 2004/52/EC — which entered into force on 26 June 2004 — has been transposed into national law by all the Member
States (Annex 1 lists the references to national transpositions of the directive).

Commission Decision 2009/750/EC of 6 October 2009 lays down the essential requirements which will apply to EETS for the whole
of the Union. The decision entered into force on 8 October 2009, upon its notification to the Member States.

This guide (4) should be used in conjunction with Directive 2004/52/EC, Decision 2009/750/EC and all relevant legislation. It
constitutes an aid for the correct application of the decision that should lead to the removal of obstacles and difficulties related
to the free movement of EETS and the associated on-board equipment (OBE) within the Union (5). It is not intended to contain
guidelines for designing or manufacturing EETS equipment.

1.2. Target audience

The aim of this guide is to facilitate the deployment of EETS by the Member States and the economic actors and agents concerned,
such as the Toll Chargers, EETS Providers, equipment manufacturers, maintenance service providers, trade associations, contracting
entities and the notified bodies habilitated to assess the EETS interoperability constituents’ conformity to specifications and/or
suitability for use. Users or user associations may probably also find information of interest to them. 5

1.3. Content of the guide

In order to ensure transparency, this guide intends to assist all the parties concerned by the implementation of EETS. The guide
contains, inter alia, a synthesis of all the relevant information contained in the reports produced by the expert groups (6) which
contributed to the development of Decision 2009/750/EC. In addition, the guide provides the picture at the time of its writing
of the standardisation process related to EETS, presenting a list of the existing or draft European standards and other documents
relevant to Directive 2004/52/EC and Decision 2009/750/EC, including those not explicitly referred to in the decision.

(4) This guide does not have a regulatory character; its provisions cannot prevail on those of Directive 2004/52/EC and Decision 2009/750/EC.
(5) According to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) (Council and Commission Decision 94/1/EC of 13 December 1993
(OJ L 1, 3.1.1994, p. 1)) the territories of Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway have to be considered, for the implementation of Directive
2004/52/EC, as part of the Union territory. When the terms ‘Union’, ‘Union territory’ or ‘single market’ are used in this guide, they mean the
EEA territory.
(6) See the list of expert groups and tasks attribution in Annex 3 to this guide.


2.1. Objectives and principles

Directive 2004/52/EC and related Decision 2009/750/EC aim to achieve the interoperability of all the electronic road toll systems
in the European Union in order to avoid the proliferation of incompatible systems, which may compromise both the smooth
operation of the internal market and the achievement of transport policy objectives.

The directive therefore stipulates that a European Electronic Toll Service shall be set up, which covers all the road networks and
tolled (infra)structures in the Union on which road-usage is declared electronically by means of a single on-board equipment, and
defines the allowed technological solutions for carrying out electronic toll transactions, namely 5.8 GHz microwave and satellite
positioning coupled with mobile communications. EETS will allow any road user to pay easily the tolls incurred on any road or
(infra)structure in the Union by means of a single subscription contract with an EETS Provider and a single item of on-board
equipment. Each EETS Provider shall build full coverage of EETS domains within a 24-month transition period after being registered.

The directive did not set up EETS as such, but rather provided the framework for its establishment. Commission Decision 2009/750/
EC then went on to define EETS, inter alia by setting out the essential requirements for interoperability, as well as procedural,
contractual and legal aspects relating to EETS provision. The Commission decision lays down rights and obligations on EETS
Providers, Toll Chargers and EETS Users.

2.2. Legislation, standards and other normative documents

2.2.1. Directive 2004/52/EC

With regard to the objectives, the following Articles of Directive 2004/52/EC are of a particular importance:
6 Article 1(3): Creation of EETS

‘… a European electronic toll service shall be created. This service, which is complementary to the national electronic toll services
of the Member States, shall ensure the interoperability throughout the Community, for users, of the electronic toll systems that
have already been introduced in the Member States and of those to be introduced in the future in the framework of this Directive.’

Member States are not required to replace their current electronic toll systems by EETS, nor are they prevented from bringing
into service new national or local toll systems utilising a technological solution of Article 2(1) of the directive (satellite positioning,
mobile communications and 5.8 GHz microwave). As it happens, EETS will be available alongside the national or local electronic
toll systems at conditions which should not deter potential users from subscribing to this service. In any case the toll (7) charged
by Toll Chargers to EETS Users shall not exceed the corresponding national/local toll. EETS Users can be asked for a fee by the
EETS Provider. The invoice to the EETS User should clearly separate the toll collected on behalf on the Toll Charger and the fee
to the EETS Provider. Article 2(4): Technological solutions (open on-board equipment)

‘Without prejudice to [the technological solutions listed in] paragraph 1, on-board equipment may also be suitable for other
technologies, on condition that this does not lead to an additional burden for users or create discrimination between them.
Where relevant, on-board equipment may also be linked to the vehicle’s electronic tachograph.’

(7) I.e. the charge, tax or duty levied in relation with circulating a vehicle in a toll domain.
The fact that the on-board equipment features services other than EETS and technologies other than those strictly required by
EETS shall not lead to a Toll Charger’s discrimination of the users and EETS Provider concerned. The EETS Provider has the ultimate
responsibility towards a Toll Charger that the conditions for delivering EETS are fully met, irrespective of the functionalities and
services offered by the OBE in addition to EETS. The OBE design shall ensure that the additional functionalities and services bear
no impact on the overall EETS performance and correctness. Article 3(1): EETS coverage

‘A European electronic toll service shall be set up which encompasses all the road networks in the Community on which tolls or
road-usage fees are collected electronically.’

EETS covers all the toll domains falling under the scope of Directive 2004/52/EC, i.e. all road toll systems (except for small, strictly
local toll systems for which the costs of compliance with the requirements of this directive would be disproportionate to the
benefits) requiring on-board equipment for toll declarations. Full European coverage is an essential element of EETS. As reaching
full European coverage represents a considerable effort for new EETS Providers and takes time, they are allowed a 24-month
period to fulfil this requirement (for more details see below: Section, Article 4(1) and (2): European coverage). Article 3(2): Tolling and EETS subscription

‘The European Electronic Toll Service shall be independent of the fundamental decisions taken by Member States to levy tolls on
particular types of vehicles, of the level of charges and of the purpose for which such charges are levied. It shall concern only the
method of collecting tolls or fees. The service shall allow for contracts to be concluded irrespective of the place of registration of the
vehicle, the nationality of the parties to the contract, and the zone or point on the road network in respect of which the toll is due.’
Without prejudice to European legislation, Member States take the fundamental decisions to introduce tolling and on the
technological solutions. In conformity with the single market principle of free movement of services, users are entitled to subscribe
to EETS with the service providers of their choice. However, there is no public service obligation: EETS Providers may have a user
acceptance policy, which must be non-discriminatory and should be made public.

2.2.2. Commission Decision 2009/750/EC

The Commission decision was elaborated with the assistance of the Toll Committee, composed of Member States representatives
and chaired by the Commission, in accordance with Article 5 of Directive 2004/52/EC (comitology procedure). The Toll Committee
gave a unanimous positive opinion on the Commission decision proposal at its 27 March 2009 meeting where 26 Member States
were present and one Member State was represented.

The decision sets out the general requirements necessary to achieve interoperability between the EETS Providers’ and Toll
Chargers’ equipment and procedures.

With regard to this objective, the following articles of Commission Decision 2009/750/EC establish the rights and duties of the
stakeholders in view of allowing the deployment of EETS: Rights and duties of Member States

• Article 17 and Annex V: Notified bodies

‘1. Member States shall notify to the Commission and the other Member States any bodies entitled to carry out or supervise the
procedure for the assessment of conformity to specifications or suitability for use […] indicating each body’s area of competence,
and the identification numbers [...]

2. Member States shall apply the criteria provided for in Annex V for the assessment of the bodies to be notified [...]’

For further information on the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies, on the conformity assessment modules and on
the application of certain national technical rules, see:

• Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements
for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93
(OJ L 218, 13.8.2008, pp. 30–47);

• Decision No 768/2008/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 on a common framework for the
marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC (OJ L 218, 13.8.2008, pp. 82–128);

• Regulation (EC) No 764/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 laying down procedures
relating to the application of certain national technical rules to products lawfully marketed in another Member State and
repealing Decision No 3052/95/EC (OJ L 218, 13.8.2008, pp. 21–29).

See Annex 3 to this guide for a link to the list of bodies notified in relation to the assessment of EETS interoperability constituents’
conformity to specifications and suitability for use.

• Article 19: Registers

‘1. For the purposes of the implementation of this Decision, each Member State shall keep a national electronic register of the

(a) the EETS domains within their territory, including information relating to:

— the EETS Providers having EETS contracts with the Toll Chargers active in their area of competence.


(b) the EETS Providers to whom it has granted registration […]



3. The registers shall be electronically accessible to the public.’


To foster information dissemination and enhance competition, the Commission decision requires that the publicly accessible
EETS domains registers include information relating to the EETS Providers active on each domain. For their part EETS Providers
will obviously endeavour to publicise their services to their target customers segment.

• Articles 10 and 11: Establishment of a conciliation body

‘10(1) Each Member State with at least one EETS domain shall designate or establish a Conciliation Body in order to facilitate
mediation between Toll Chargers with a toll domain located within its territory and EETS Providers which have contracts or
are in contractual negotiations with those Toll Chargers. The Conciliation Body shall especially be empowered to examine
whether the contractual conditions imposed by a Toll Charger on different EETS Providers are non-discriminatory and a fair
reflection of the costs and risks of the parties to the contract.

10(2) That Member State shall take the necessary measures to ensure that its Conciliation Body is independent in its organisation
and legal structure from the commercial interests of Toll Chargers and EETS Providers.


11(4) In order to facilitate its tasks, Member States shall empower the Conciliation Body to request relevant information from Toll
Chargers, EETS Providers and any third parties active in the provision of EETS within the Member State concerned.


To provide a faster alternative for dispute resolution to the traditional juridical procedures, Member States shall establish a body
in charge of facilitating mediation between Toll Chargers and EETS Providers within the field of EETS. These bodies shall be
empowered with the right to examine the contractual conditions between EETS Providers and Toll Chargers. It may designate a
pre-existing mediation body to carry out these functions.

These bodies shall be independent in their organisation and legal structure from the interests of any Toll Charger or EETS Provider.
This does not prevent a part of the Member State’s administration to be dedicated to this conciliation role, even where the Member
State is assuming the Toll Charger’s role, directly or through a delegated structure, subject to the necessary independence being
guaranteed, as required by Article 10(2).

In Member States where no EETS domain exists, there is no need for a conciliation body. Rights and duties of Toll Chargers 9

• Article 5(1): Compatibility to EETS

‘1. Where an EETS domain does not comply with the technical and procedural EETS interoperability conditions set by Directive
2004/52/EC and this Decision, the responsible Toll Charger shall assess the problem with the involved stakeholders and,
if within its sphere of responsibilities, take remedial actions in view to ensure EETS interoperability of the toll system. If the
case arises, the Toll Charger shall inform the Member State in order to update the register referred to under Article 19(1)(a).’

To allow for the creation of EETS as required by Article 1(3) of Directive 2004/52/EC (see Section above), Toll Chargers whose
toll domains fall under the scope of the directive shall ensure that their systems provide sufficient interoperability conditions
for EETS to exist. Toll Chargers are responsible for taking remedial actions if an assessment of the problems with other involved
stakeholders shows that their systems do not provide sufficient interoperability conditions. These remedial actions could concern
both material and immaterial interoperability constituents (for example DSRC devices as well as software updates). Toll Chargers
may have interest in adapting their enforcement systems to EETS.

• Article 5.2: EETS domain statement

‘2. Each Toll Charger shall develop and maintain an EETS domain statement setting out the general conditions for EETS Providers
for accessing their toll domains, in accordance with Annex I.’

In order to facilitate the deployment of EETS, Toll Chargers shall publish all information necessary to prepare and ensure
interoperability between EETS Providers and Toll Chargers. This statement shall include technical specifications as well as generic
contractual terms (see Chapter 5 of this guide for further details).

• Article 5.3: Acceptance of EETS Providers; fair and non-discriminatory contractualisation

‘3. Toll Chargers shall accept on a non-discriminatory basis any EETS Provider requesting to provide EETS on the EETS domain(s)
under the Toll Charger’s responsibility.

Acceptance of an EETS Provider in a toll domain [...] may also be subject to specific contractual conditions.’

Any EETS Provider has the right to enter into contract negotiations with a Toll Charger and, if it fulfils the EETS domain statement
requirements, should obtain access to the corresponding EETS domain(s). The contractualisation process must be inspired by
principles of transparency and fair pricing, according to the decision’s preamble (7). In this respect, each Toll Charger should:

• set up consistent rules applicable to any EETS Provider;

• seek efficiency in the application of EETS;

• create conditions for a permanent dialogue with EETS Providers in order to improve processes;

• define fair remuneration rules in view of the services exchanged between the EETS Providers and the Toll Charger.

The fair and non-discriminatory conditions of contractualisation may be scrutinised by the conciliation body of the Member State
where the Toll Charger operates the toll domain. This does not prevent the parties from calling for the appropriate jurisdiction
to settle a dispute, without prejudice to national procedures. Rights and duties of EETS Providers

10 • Article 3: Requirements to be fulfilled by EETS Providers (registration)

‘EETS Providers shall seek registration in a Member State where they are established, which shall be granted if they fulfil the
following requirements:

(a) hold EN ISO 9001 certification or equivalent;

(b) demonstrate having the technical equipments and the EC declaration or certificate attesting the compliance of the
interoperability constituents as laid down in Annex IV(1) to the present Decision;

(c) demonstrate competence in the provision of electronic tolling services or in relevant domains;

(d) have appropriate financial standing;

(e) maintain a global risk management plan, which is audited at least every two years;

(f) be of good repute.’

Principles: To become an EETS Provider, a company has to be registered as such in a Member State where it is established, i.e.
a Member State where this company has been formed in accordance with the law of that Member State and has a registered
office there.

The company seeking registration as an EETS Provider can be a subsidiary, branch, agency, office or other establishment of any
other company. However the status of EETS Provider belongs strictly to the company registered as such by a Member State. The
principal place of business of the mother company(ies) can be somewhere else in the European Union. Subsidiaries, branches,
agencies, offices etc. of extra European Union mother company(ies) shall be treated in compliance with international treaties
and conventions.

Responsibility: The Member State approached by a company for registration decides to enter it in its EETS Providers register on
the basis of the requirements mentioned in Article 3 of Decision 2009/750/EC. The Member State should be able to justify its
decision to grant registration or not, and to provide relevant information at the request of interested parties. Refusal to register
a company applying for the EETS Provider status should be communicated by the Member State to the Commission and the
other Member States’ registration authorities.

Requirements: (a) An EETS Provider holding a certification other than EN ISO 9001 shall be in a position to demonstrate the
equivalence of its quality assurance certification with EN ISO 9001.

(b) No further comments.

(c) EETS provision requires to process large numbers of transactions with appropriate security mechanisms against data loss and
corruption as well as data privacy breaches. Competence and experience in EFC or in domains such as banking and insurance,
services auxiliary to financial intermediation, telecommunication operators, utility companies, operation of large information
and/or telematics systems are of relevance to EETS provision. This list of EETS relevant domains of experience is not exhaustive.

(d) Being of appropriate financial standing in relation with EETS provision relates to having available sufficient financial resources
to ensure the establishment and proper administration of a business intending to provide EETS. Member States should exchange
information with the appropriate level of detail on the criteria they have applied in assessing the financial standing of a (candidate)
EETS Provider. Without prejudice to the payment services directive (8) and any other applicable legislation (9), examples of
applicable criteria could be:

• to have an equity ratio based on the common rules of this business area and established in conformity with an international
accounting standard adopted in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 (10);
• to have a certain minimum amount of shareholders’ equity;

• to have available capital and reserves at least equal to a minimum amount multiplied by the number of vehicles which
are to carry an EETS on-board equipment for which the EETS Provider will be liable to pay the corresponding tolls. The
minimum amount should be commensurate with the average toll paid by subscribers and a reasonable coverage of
non-payment by subscribers.

(e) A global risk management plan should contain evaluation and mitigation measures of the risks relevant to the electronic toll
collection sector and especially EETS.

The management plan should identify the main risks facing the EETS business such as:

• business interruption (failure in the information processing chain …);

• cash flow/liquidity risk;

• economic slowdown;

• increasing competition;

(8) Directive 2007/64/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 November 2007 on payment services in the internal market
amending Directives 97/7/EC, 2002/65/EC, 2005/60/EC and 2006/48/EC and repealing Directive 97/5/EC (OJ L 319, 5.12.2007, pp. 1–36).
(9) E.g. Directive 2000/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 September 2000 on the taking up, pursuit of and prudential
supervision of the business of electronic money institutions (OJ L 275, 27.10.2000, pp. 39–43).
(10) Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 July 2002 on the application of international accounting
standards (OJ L 243, 11.9.2002, pp. 1–4).

• damage to reputation;

• failure to reach or maintain full EETS domains coverage;

• difficulty to reach required quality-of-service levels;

• third party liability;

• regulatory/legislative changes.

The management plan will detail the mitigation measures envisaged to face these risks.

(f) To be of good repute means not to be in any situation of exclusion defined by the Member State. Examples of situations of
exclusion could be:

• being bankrupt or wound up, having their affairs administered by the courts, having entered into an arrangement with
creditors, have suspended business activities, being the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or being in
any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;

• having been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res

• not having fulfilled the obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in
accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established;

• having been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal
organisation or any other illegal activity.
Dispute settlement: dispute settlement relative to the registration process should be sought with the relevant national jurisdiction.

• Article 4(1) and (2): European coverage

‘1. EETS Providers shall conclude EETS contracts covering all EETS domains within 24 months following their registration in
accordance with Article 19.

The EETS Provider shall maintain its coverage of all EETS domains at all times. In the event of changes to the EETS domains
or any other reason affecting full coverage, it shall re-establish full coverage within six months.

2. EETS Providers shall inform EETS Users of their EETS domains coverage and of any changes thereto.

EETS Providers shall make a yearly declaration to the Member State of registration concerning their EETS domains coverage.’

Given the complexity for a new EETS Provider to reach full European coverage of all toll domains falling under the scope of Directive
2004/52/EC and the necessity to generate revenues as soon as possible, the Commission decision allows for a 24-month period
to reach this requirement, during which time a new EETS Provider should complete its contract negotiations in view to gain
access to all the EETS domains. If an EETS Provider and a Toll Charger cannot reach an agreement, any of the parties may refer
the matter to the conciliation body responsible for the toll domain, commence proceedings before the national jurisdiction or
eventually log a complaint before the European Commission for non-application of the European legislation.

If an EETS Provider cannot attain full coverage 24 months after its registration or later re-establish full coverage within 6 months,
the Member State of registration should take any necessary decision concerning that EETS Provider and inform the Commission
thereof. The infringing service provider may be deprived from its EETS registration and the decision made public. This service
provider would no longer be able to take advantage of the rights EETS Providers have in their relations with Toll Chargers.
The right of EETS Providers to access an EETS domain is ensured by the obligation that the Toll Chargers should comply with
Article 5(3) of Decision 2009/750/EC (see Section above). Rights and duties of EETS Users

• Article 9(1): Subscription

‘1. EETS Users may subscribe to EETS through any EETS Provider, regardless of nationality, State of residence or the State in
which the vehicle is registered. When entering into a contract, EETS Users shall be duly informed about the processing of
their personal data and the rights stemming from applicable legislation on the protection of personal data.’

EETS Users may seek subscription with the EETS Provider of their choice within any Member State. The EETS Provider must pay
particular attention to inform the user about the treatment of the users’ personal data, according to the applicable legislation.

• Article 9(5): Payment responsibility’

‘5. The payment of a toll by an EETS User to its EETS Provider shall be deemed to fulfil the EETS User’s payment obligations
towards the relevant Toll Charger.’

The payment of the toll by the user to his/her EETS Provider voids any further toll payment responsibility of the user towards the
Toll Charger. The latter may not require a payment when the user can prove that he/she already paid the toll to his/her service

2.3. Roadmap 13

This section sets a high-level roadmap for the implementation of EETS. It draws on the conclusions of the Cesare IV (11) study and
information from standards organisations. As reminder, EETS Providers have 24 months to reach full European coverage after
their registration in a Member State.

It is recommended that stakeholders with similar interests develop their own European forums to discuss and promote the
problems common to their particular group. Toll Chargers are already often represented in Asecap. EETS Providers, when
they appear, may wish to develop their own European association(s). Such organisations have an important role to play in the
implementation, deployment and operation of EETS.

The availability of agreed detailed specifications and procedures, mainly for GNSS-based toll systems, is important in order to
reach a top-down development of EETS. Where necessary these specifications and procedures will be mandated by further
Commission decision(s). Common specifications and procedures will facilitate the conformity and suitability for use assessment
of EETS interoperability constituents.

The European Standards Organisations will cater for the development and maintenance of the standards relevant for electronic
fee collection and EETS.

For DSRC systems, many of the key technical specifications are already specified in standards, most notably EN 15509 which covers
the air interface for DSRC charging transactions. Other standards necessary for meeting EETS essential requirements as set by Annex
III(1.5) and ( to Decision 2009/750/EC and for profiling key performance metrics and indicators still need to be finalised.

(11) Cesare IV (common electronic fee collection system for a road tolling european service) is a project set up by Asecap (the European
Association of Toll Motorways Operators) and co-financed by the European Commission (See Section 3.2 of Annex 3 to this guide for
Internet links to the related reports).

It will be necessary to decide which architecture elements and performance standards should be made mandatory in addition to
the requirements set out in Directive 2004/52/EC and Decision 2009/750/EC, which will require further Commission decision(s). In
this respect the reliance on standards raises important issues in relation to the roadmap for achieving EETS. A strong liaison will be
created with the standardisation bodies. The development of a set of interim performance specifications and protocols with the
assistance of the Toll Committee can help to bridge the gap and meet the deadlines set by Directive 2004/52/EC for implementing
EETS. This includes in particular the security framework and the secure monitoring of electronic road toll systems. The finalisation
of prEN ISO 12855 on the information exchange between service provision and toll charging is also of particular importance.

Obviously stakeholders can proceed with putting in place those elements that are required for getting EETS in place but not
critically dependent on standards, such as the format for and content of EETS domain statements.

The Coordination Group of EETS Notified Bodies has a key role in detailing the certification process and proposing working
arrangements (recommendations for use) to the Commission and the Toll Committee.

EETS implementation and operation will mostly rely on Member States and professional stakeholders with few centralised

The contractual relations between stakeholders will probably mainly be between individual parties. They will be largely governed by
national laws, without prejudice to possible voluntary agreements within or between European bodies grouping EETS stakeholders
with similar interests.


Latest end date Activity/milestone

8 October 2009 Entry into force of Commission Decision 2009/750/EC on EETS definition

European Commission: finalisation of first version of the application guide for

April 2010
Directive 2004/52/EC and Decision 2009/750/EC

8 July 2010 EETS domains and EETS Providers registers

prCEN ISO/TS 13140-1 and -2 EFC — Conformity evaluation of on-board and

July 2010 to January 2011
roadside equipment to CEN ISO/TS 13141

prCEN ISO/TS13143-1 and -2 EFC — Conformity evaluation of on-board and

July 2010 to October 2010
roadside equipment to CEN ISO/TS12813

European Commission: start activities of EETS Notified Bodies Coordination Group.

Proposals on:
• recommendation for use;
August 2010 onwards • detailed certification process;
• working arrangements for conformity and suitability for use assessment;
• adaptation of standards, technical specifications, test procedures; 15


October 2010 Member States concerned: set up conciliation body

October 2010 Member States/Toll Chargers: format for and content of EETS domain statement

To be started during 2010 CEN: EFC security framework

To be started during 2010 CEN: charging performance metrics and examination framework

January 2011 CEN: interoperable application profile (IAP) for GNSS/CN-based EFC systems

April 2011 European Commission: mid-term review

April 2011 to August 2012 Toll Chargers: design/implementation/certification

June 2011 to August 2012 EETS Providers: design/implementation/certification

CEN: prEN ISO 12855, EFC — Information exchange between service provision and
July 2011
toll charging

October 2012 EETS available for heavier vehicles


2.4. EETS general architecture

Based on Annex II (EETS stakeholder roles and interfaces) to and Chapter II (General principles) of Decision 2009/750/EC, this
section provides a description of the technical systems and interfaces essential to the EETS interoperability scheme.

All other systems and interfaces are implemented under the responsibility of the relevant stakeholder. This allows differentiation of
the services and competition on the market. In particular, the described EETS general architecture does not propose a method for
detecting toll events. EETS Providers may implement different solutions, e.g. thick or smart clients, which provide geo-referencing
and toll calculation inside the OBE, or so-called thin clients, which only gather elementary time/position data and report them
to at least the EETS Providers’ back-office systems for further processing. Toll Chargers may require receiving complete toll
transactions in their back-offices.

The figure underneath illustrates the EETS general architecture. It identifies four entities corresponding to actual systems or groups
of systems, as well as their interfaces. The general architecture comprises only the entities mentioned in Decision 2009/750/EC
on EETS definition. It covers more detailed models, like the architecture described in the RCI study. For example the optional
proxy-element in the EETS front-end proposed in the RCI architecture can be assigned to the EETS Providers’ back-office systems.
The figure is also compliant with the stakeholder roles model of Cesare III (12).

The proposed EETS general architecture puts in evidence the main interfaces between the entities.

EETS Provider’s
back-office systems


1 3

Fixed or
Toll Charger’s
mobile roadside 4OBE
back-office systems

Two of the four main interfaces (interfaces 1 and 3) are essential to achieve interoperability between the EETS Providers’ and Toll
Chargers’ equipment. These interfaces need therefore to be standardised to achieve an efficient implementation of the EETS

1. Interface 1 carries all the interoperable data exchange between an EETS Provider’s OBE and a Toll Charger’s fixed or mobile
roadside equipment. Annex II to Decision 2009/750/EC identifies the following sub-interfaces:

(a) DSRC (dedicated short-range communication) charging transactions;

(12) See Section 3.2 of Annex 3 to this guide for Internet links to the related reports.
(b) real-time compliance checking transactions;

(c) localisation augmentation (where applicable).

These interfaces are depicted in the figure below.

2. Interface 2 caters for the data exchange between the OBE and the EETS Providers’ back-office systems. This includes the
remote configuration of the OBE with contract or vehicle parameters, sending charging data, updating the OBE with Toll
Context Data, etc. For GNSS-based toll systems, Interface 2 is implemented with mobile communications technology
(e.g. GSM/GPRS). This interface is under sole responsibility of an EETS Provider and therefore is not further covered in this

3. Interface 3 caters for the data exchange between the back-office systems of the EETS Providers and Toll Chargers. It carries
as a minimum the data exchange stipulated in Annex II(4) to Decision 2009/750/EC.

4. Interface 4 caters for data exchange between a Toll Charger’s fixed or mobile roadside equipment and back-office systems.
This includes in particular sending charging or enforcement data from RSE to back-office systems. This interface is under
sole responsibility of a Toll Charger and is therefore not further covered in this document. No application standards are
currently foreseen for this interface.

This application guide only further considers Interface 1 and Interface 3, as Interface 2 and Interface 4 are internal to an EETS
Provider or a Toll Charger and therefore not essential to EETS interoperability.

The availability of specifications for the data exchange on Interface 1 and Interface 3, is necessary to ensure an efficient
implementation of these interfaces. These specifications would also be the basis for any conformity assessment, certification or
approval procedures performed by the manufacturers, notified bodies, Toll Chargers or EETS Providers.

For Interface 1 and Interface 3, standardisation activities are finalised, in progress or being started. However, most of these standards 17
are or will be so-called ‘toolboxes’ allowing various possible implementations. This means that simply referencing such ‘toolbox’
standards or family of standards is not sufficient to unequivocally define EETS. An EETS specification profile needs to be defined
based on the relevant ‘toolbox’ standards.

An EETS specification should only reference draft standards when they are stable (13). A standard finalisation process foresees
commenting and voting periods, which can take several months with eventually no significant changes on the original draft.

Interface 1 (between OBE and fixed or mobile roadside equipment)

The following figure shows the three sub-interfaces for exchanging data between OBE and a Toll Charger’s fixed or mobile
roadside equipment.

(13) Most of the referenced standards in this document have not been published.

Sub-interface 1.1
DSRC (dedicated short-range
OBE communication) charging transactions
(for DSRC-based tolling systems)

Sub-interface 1.2
Real-time compliance checking transactions
(Enforcement for DSRC- and GNSS-based tolling

1.1 1.2 1.3

Fixed or Sub-interface 1.3

mobile roadside Localisation augmentation
equipment (for GNSS-based tolling systems)

Sub-interface 1.1: Exchange of DSRC toll declaration data

18 In DSRC-based toll systems, toll declaration data are exchanged between OBE and roadside equipment (RSE). The OBE will
generally communicate to the RSE all the vehicle’s and user’s parameters necessary for further toll processing, in compliance
with the Toll Charger’s Toll Context Data.

For EETS, standard EN 15509 shall be used for this data exchange. However, even though being a profile standard, EN 15509 still
leaves open some implementation options. Two examples are the security levels and the use of security keys.

• Security levels: EN 15509 distinguishes two security levels. Level 0 foresees the service provider’s authentication for the
data sent from the OBE to the RSE. Level 1 foresees an access control of the OBE’s data by RSE, which has to demonstrate
it has the credentials to access the OBE’s data.

• EN 15509 mandates level 0 and leaves level 1 optional. It must be stressed that OBE using level 1, i.e. access control, would
expect level 1 to be implemented everywhere. Consequently OBE can implement security level 1 only if it is supported
by the RSE of all the EETS domains (14). In contrast, OBE implementing only level 0 can exchange data with any RSE as
the latter, on the basis of the EFC context mark exchanged during the VST phase, should adapt its behaviour according
to the security level supported by the OBE. Security keys: EN 15509 supports eight security keys which can be used for
authentication. For most European DSRC operators (and according to the report of Expert Group 12) these eight keys are
split into two groups: four keys for Toll Charger authentication and four keys for EETS Provider authentication. The use of
these security keys must be harmonised among EETS stakeholders.

As microwave technologies, EETS OBE will support both EN 15509 and ETSI ES 200 674-1 for this interface. Toll Chargers’ fixed and
mobile roadside equipment will support EN 15509. Within Italy, Toll Chargers’ fixed and mobile roadside equipment may support

(14) Security mechanisms have increasing operational costs in direct relation with their corresponding security level; they should be implemented
in proportion with the assessment of the fraud level EETS is likely to be confronted with. The security level to be achieved should be agreed
between Toll Chargers and EETS Providers. The highest level security mechanisms would require new procedures and equipment to manage
access credentials and authentication master keys and would introduce additional responsibilities.
instead ETSI ES 200 674-1 and its related technical reports for protocol implementation. In any case, a Toll Charger should provide
the complete detailed specifications of its DSRC RSE in order to allow for an efficient suitability for use assessment procedure.

Sub-interface 1.2: OBE compliance checking

EETS shall provide means for Toll Chargers to easily and unambiguously detect whether a vehicle circulating on their toll domain
and allegedly using EETS is actually equipped with validated and properly functioning EETS OBE providing truthful information.

• For DSRC-based toll systems, this is supported by EN 15509.

• For GNSS-based systems, Toll Chargers and EETS Providers may rely on CEN ISO/TS 12813, which allows for checking
a number of current and past OBE attributes as well as user and vehicle parameters. It supports real-time compliance
checking transactions in the sense of Annex II(3)(b) to Decision 2009/750/EC.

Sub-interface 1.3: Localisation augmentation

This sub-interface is of relevance for GNSS-based systems only. It provides for localisation augmentation information where
reception of satellite signals is difficult and the correct determination of tolled object usage can not therefore be guaranteed.
According to Annex III(2.1.3) to Decision 2009/750/EC, ‘Toll Chargers shall use the information received [from the EETS Providers
relative to the reception of satellite signals] to identify problem areas and, where necessary, provide augmentation localisation
signals, in agreement with EETS Providers.’

It must be stressed that the provision of any localisation augmentation systems may not depend on EETS Providers’ different
tolled object detection techniques. Otherwise an EETS Provider with poorly performing OBE could ask for more augmentation
support than EETS Providers with better performing OBE. Objective criteria need to be defined to determine when augmentation
signals are required for EETS Providers to provide correct charging events.
ISO 13141 has been developed for the exchange of localisation augmentation data. It provides authenticated positioning
information to the vehicle’s localisation system, which can be used to optimise the detection of a tolled object.

Interface 3 (between back-office systems)

Decision 2009/750/EC requires the following standardised back-office sub-interfaces to be implemented:

(a) exchange of toll declaration data between EETS Providers and Toll Chargers, more specifically for submission and validation
of claims for charges incurred in DSRC- or/and GNSS-based toll systems;

(b) invoicing/settlement;

(c) exchange of information in support of exception handling in DSRC- or/and GNSS-based toll systems:

(d) exchange of EETS blacklists;

(e) exchange of Trust-Objects;

(f) communication of Toll Chargers’ Toll Context Data to EETS Providers.

Toll Chargers must implement each interface, but can choose only to support either the GNSS or DSRC charging process.

These sub-interfaces are depicted in the figure below.


The set-up of these sub-interfaces may depend on the usage of DSRC- or GNSS-based tolling systems. The transferred data will
be different depending on the actual tolling context and technology.

prEN ISO 12855, currently available as a draft, describes all the mentioned interfaces.

Sub-interface 3.1
Exchange of toll declaration data

EETS Provider’s
Sub-interface 3.2
back-office systems

Sub-interface 3.3
Exception handling
(Enforcement support)

Sub-interface 3.4
Exchange of EETS blacklists
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6

Sub-interface 3.5
Toll Charger’s Exchange of Trust-Objects
back-office systems (Security keys, certificates)

Sub-interface 3.6
Sending of Toll Context Data

The described sub-interfaces would need to be implemented between each EETS Provider/Toll Charger pair. However the agreed
use of intermediate entities, like clearing houses, etc. can make the communication more efficient. The responsibility lies with
the EETS Providers and Toll Chargers.

Sub-interface 3.1: Exchange of toll declaration data

This interface is for exchanging data on the usage of tolled infrastructure (15) in compliance with the Toll Charger reporting rules
(see Sub-interface 3.6: Exchange of Toll Context Data).

(15) In standards terminology, toll relevant data produced by the OBE and to the service provider back-office systems (GNSS-based tolling) or to
the Toll Charger RSE (DSRC-based tolling) is called charge data. Charge data can be subject to further processing before being transferred
via back-office communication to the Toll Charger (GNSS) or to the service provider (DSRC). This data is called billing details. Billing details
are exchanged and confirmed berween the service provider and Toll Charger and the ultimate basis for any claim from the Toll Charger
to the service provider.
Sub-interface 3.2: Invoicing/Settlement

This interface is for sending and settling invoices between Toll Chargers and EETS Providers. They may agree on the use of prEN
ISO 12855 to implement this interface. For bookkeeping purposes, this standard foresees the exchange of financial objects.

Note that although prEN ISO 12855 supports the exchange of itemised invoices (called ‘charge data’, ‘billing details’ or ‘financial
objects’), it does not claim to support a commercial invoicing process.

Sub-interface 3.3: Exception handling (Enforcement support)

Exception handling or Enforcement support is a way in which Toll Chargers can manage enforcement. A Toll Charger and an EETS
Provider may agree on using prEN ISO 12855 for one or more of the following functions supported by this standard.

• Identification of an EETS Providers’ contract on the basis of a license plate: This could be a kind of broadcast communication
to EETS Providers supporting this service to ask whether an identified license plate belongs to a service contract of
these EETS Providers. This supports the identification of EETS Users where no OBE communication could be established.
Compliance with European and local privacy legislation shall be ensured.

• Request additional parameters for billing details: If the Toll Charger needs more information to update or justify billing
details, it can request them from the EETS Provider. This could be parameters which are not stored on the OBE or missing
information, like security authenticators.

• Request payment guarantee for an inferred object: In some cases a Toll Charger may request payment for toll events where
an enforcement action showed the usage of a specific part of the network but no billing details have been generated.

• Report CCC (compliance check communication) events to the EETS Providers: For monitoring and customer care reasons,
it can be useful to transfer these events from the Toll Charger to the EETS Provider. 21

Decision 2009/750/EC does not prescribe any of the particular functions mentioned here-above.

Sub-interface 3.4: Exchange of EETS blacklists

Since the EETS Provider is responsible for the OBE and contracts with its users, it will be the entity to manage and distribute
blacklists. Blacklists need to be exchanged for various reasons. An EETS User might no longer have a proper contract with the
EETS Provider but still be in possession of the OBE, or the EETS User’s solvency may no longer be ensured. Technical problems
could also lead to the blacklisting of EETS OBE, at the EETS Provider’s initiative or at the Toll Charger’s request, e.g. in cases where
recurrent communication problems with fixed or mobile RSE equipment occur with specific OBE.

A Toll Charger and an EETS Provider may agree to use one or more of the referencing options foreseen by prEN ISO 12855 listed

• PersonalAccountNumber;

• ContractSerialNumber;

• LicensePlateId;

• ObeId.

Alternatively, the parties may also rely on the revocation of certificates in which an EETS Provider acknowledges the use of user
account or of OBE identifier for a vehicle with a particular license plate.

Decision 2009/750/EC does not prescribe any of the particular functions mentioned here-above. In any case, an EETS Provider shall
ensure that the length of its blacklist does not exceed the limit agreed with the Toll Charger (Article 7(3) of Decision 2009/750/EC).

Sub-interface 3.5: Exchange of Trust-Objects

This sub-interface is used for exchanging Trust-Objects like certificates, keys or revocation lists. A Toll Charger and an EETS Provider
may agree to use prEN ISO 12855 for exchanging this data.

Alternatively, a Toll Charger may publish its certificates as part of its Toll Context Data and an EETS Provider may publish its
certificates as ‘service context data’.

Sub-interface 3.6: Exchange of Toll Context Data

The Toll Context Data is the data defined by the responsible Toll Charger necessary to establish the toll due for circulating a
vehicle on a particular toll domain and conclude the toll transaction.

The Toll Context Data specifies inter alia:

(a) the definition of the EETS domain, in particular its geographic extension and infrastructure subject to toll;

(b) the nature of toll and levy principles;

(c) the vehicles liable to toll;

(d) the vehicle classification parameters with their mapping into the Toll Charger’s tariff structure;

(e) toll declarations required.

A Toll Charger shall make its Toll Context Data available to the EETS Providers and communicate it to the Member State.
In essence, the Toll Context Data describes the location/extension of the toll domain and tolled objects, the tariff scheme, and
the format of toll declarations. Although also required for DSRC-based toll systems, special attention should be paid to the precise
description of the location/extension of a toll domain and/or tolled objects, which are of particular importance in GNSS-based toll
systems. Where a Toll Charger refers to an official text defining these locations but uses geographic coordinates for toll calculations,
these coordinates should be made available to EETS Providers to ensure non-discriminatory treatment.

The tariff scheme shall allow an EETS Provider to determine the correct tariff class of a vehicle and, where applicable, the toll
due based on the corresponding tariff class. The toll declarations requirements shall specify the allowed formats, including the
security provisions.

The format and the method for making available or exchanging the Toll Context Data is not specified by Decision 2009/750/EC.
A Toll Charger and an EETS Provider may agree on one or more of the options of prEN ISO 12855.

3.1. Introduction
The general context of a toll charging environment is shown in Figure 1 below, taken from draft standard prEN ISO 17573:2010 (16).
The main roles within EETS are depicted in Figure 2.

Positioning systems
Authorities Financial systems

Standardisation Toll charging Telecom systems

bodies environment

EFC equipment Vehicle sensors and

suppliers data stores

Certification bodies Environmental sensors

and other ITS systems

Figure 1: General context surrounding an electronic road toll system


Management of the toll

charging environment

Provision of the Charging of the

toll service toll

Use of the

Figure 2: Main roles in EETS

(16) prEn ISO 17573:2010—Electronic fee collection—Systems architecture for vehicle related tolling. Annex 12 to this application guide list
the sections of prEN ISO 17573:2010 referred to in this chapter.

3.2. Stakeholders
The EETS stakeholders are listed and briefly described below. prEN ISO 17573:2010 makes a distinction between entities external
to EETS, i.e. those entities intervening in the toll charging process but which are not primarily set up for that purpose (e.g. satellite
positioning systems, standardisation bodies, banks …) and entities internal to EETS, which are essentially involved in EETS

The roles or stakeholders:

• EETS environment management (EETS interoperability management in Cesare IV);

• Toll Charger;

• service provider (EETS Provider in Decision 2009/750/EC);

• EETS User.

Those listed above are identified as internal entities in prEN ISO 17573:2010.

prEN ISO 17573:2010 further identifies the following external entities or systems:

• financial systems (composed of entities such as banks, credit card companies, clearing houses …);

• telecom systems;

• positioning systems;

24 • vehicle sensors and data stores;

• environmental sensors and other ITS systems;

• manufacturers (EFC equipment suppliers);

• notified bodies (Certification bodies);

• Standardisation bodies;

• authorities (e.g. road and transport authorities, telecom authorities, financial authorities, data protection authorities);

• conciliation bodies.

The various entities/systems are covered below. To avoid duplication with prEN ISO 17573:2010, direct reference is made to the
relevant section of this draft standard wherever possible.

This guide identifies a ‘manufacturer authorised representative’ role which does not appear in prEN ISO 17573:2010.

3.2.1. Internal entities EETS interoperability management (EETS environment management in prEN ISO 17573:2010)

The EETS interoperability management role comprises the responsibilities dealing with the overall functioning of EETS. These
responsibilities cover setting the overall rules and procedures for interoperability, enforcement, identification schemes, certification
requirements, common specifications, etc. Therefore this role represents generally the regulatory role in the EETS interoperability
All these diverse responsibilities do not need to and cannot effectively be performed by a single organisation. Cesare IV and prEN
ISO 17573:2010 (Section 3.25) recognise that, instead of a unique body being in charge of the entire Interoperability Management
role, Interoperability management will be performed at European, national or local levels by a number of different actors and
authorities. Below the European level, there is a certain flexibility for actors to develop and adopt specific organisations.

The following entities play a role in EETS interoperability management:

• the Coordination Group of Notified Bodies: ref. Articles 17 and 18 of Decision 2009/750/EC and Section of this guide;

• conciliation bodies: ref. Articles 10 and 11 of Decision 2009/750/EC;

• stakeholders associations: Toll Chargers and EETS Providers should set up professional associations as forums to discuss
and agree on voluntary detailed operational rules within their sector; examples of such stakeholders collaboration exist
in numerous other sectors of activity;

• standardisation bodies: ref. Section 5.3.8 of prEN ISO 17573:2010;

• Member States: the national authorities in charge of EETS supervision are required to exchange information between
them and with the European Commission (ref. Articles 15(1) and (3) and 19(5) of and Annex VI to Decision 2009/750/EC)
or to take action in certain situations: ref. Articles 8 and 17(3) of Decision 2009/750/EC;

• The European Commission and the Toll Committee: ref. Article 15(2) et al. of Decision 2009/750/EC.

See also Section 6.5 of prEN ISO 17573:2010 for more information on EETS interoperability management. Toll Charger

Ref. Section 6.4 of prEN ISO 17573:2010. 25 EETS Provider

Ref. Section 6.2 of prEN ISO 17573:2010. EETS User

Ref. Section 6.3 of prEN ISO 17573:2010.

3.2.2. External systems/entities Financial systems

Ref. Section 5.3.1, paragraph 1 of prEN ISO 17573:2010. Telecom systems

Ref. Section 5.3.2 of prEN ISO 17573:2010. Positioning systems

In GNSS-based tolling, the role of positioning systems is to provide the positioning services required for toll calculation, i.e. to
provide signals allowing determination of the time/position of a vehicle in relation to a toll domain. Thanks to the positioning

systems, toll declarations can be made, for instance, when a vehicle enters or leaves a road user charging zone or according to the
distance travelled by that vehicle on a tolled road network. GPS and Galileo are examples of global navigation satellite systems (17).
The interactions between the EETS internal entities and positioning systems external entities can be based on implicit and/or
explicit contracts, to be negotiated between the stakeholders. Vehicle sensors and data stores

Ref. Section 5.3.4 of prEN ISO 17573:2010. Environmental sensors and other ITS systems

Ref. Section 5.3.5 of prEN ISO 17573:2010. Manufacturers (EFC equipment suppliers in prEN ISO 17573:2010)

Manufacturers, in the meaning of this guide, are the organisations responsible for designing and producing EETS interoperability
constituents and equipment covered by Directive 2004/52/EC and Decision 2009/750/EC, with a view to placing them on the
Union market directly or indirectly. As it happens, a Toll Charger and/or an EETS Provider could be involved in the design of EETS
equipment or interoperability constituents.

Whoever substantially modifies an interoperability constituent resulting in an ‘as-new’ interoperability constituent, with a view
to placing it on the Union market, is considered a manufacturer.

For the role of manufacturers/EFC equipment suppliers, see also Section 5.3.6 of prEN ISO 17573:2010.

The manufacturers bear responsibility for:

• designing and producing the EETS interoperability constituents;

• applying the procedures for the certification of the conformity to specifications and, when relevant, the suitability for use
of interoperability constituents with the requirements laid down in Directive 2004/52/EC, Decision 2009/750/EC, relevant
standards and other normative documents.

The manufacturer has sole and ultimate responsibility for the conformity of its products with any applicable specifications. It must
understand both the design and construction of its products, where required arrange for EC certification by one or more notified
bodies, and issue an ‘EC’ declaration of conformity to specifications or suitability for use in respect of all applicable provisions
and requirements of the relevant directives.

The ‘EC’ declaration of conformity to specifications or suitability for use of an interoperability constituent must precisely identify
its field of application.

The manufacturer may subcontract certain operations — for instance design or production — provided that it retains overall
control and responsibility for its product as a whole. By the same token, it may use ready-made items or components, ‘EC’ marked
or not, to produce EETS interoperability constituents without losing its status as a manufacturer.

Annex IV to Decision 2009/750/EC defines the obligations incumbent upon the manufacturer with regard to the ‘EC’ declaration
of conformity to specifications and suitability for use of an interoperability constituent.

The manufacturer may be based in the Union or elsewhere. In either case, the manufacturer may appoint an authorised
representative (see Section 3.2.3 of this guide) in the Union to act on its behalf in carrying out certain tasks required in the

(17) They can be used in association with augmentation systems like EGNOS with a view to enhancing certain performance parameters, where
applicable directives. However, a manufacturer established outside the Union is not obliged to have an authorised representative,
although this may present some advantages. Notified bodies

Bodies notified in relation to Directive 2004/52/EC and Decision 2009/750/EC are entitled to assess EETS interoperability
constituents’ technical and operational functional compliance.

As mentioned in Article 17(1) of and Annex IV to Decision 2009/750/EC, these notified bodies may intervene to assess the
conformity to specifications and/or suitability for use of EETS interoperability constituents.

The Guide to the implementation of directives based on the new approach and the global approach (18) is relevant to the activities
of notified bodies appointed in relation with the assessment of EETS interoperability constituents’ conformity to specifications
and suitability for use.

Decision 2009/750/EC requires the notified bodies to closely cooperate with a view to coordinating their activities. For this purpose,
a coordination group of the notified bodies for EETS (the NB-EETS Coordination Group) has been set up to discuss any problems
that may arise in relation to the assessment of the conformity to specifications or suitability for use of EETS interoperability
constituents, and to propose solutions to these problems. Solutions adopted according the procedure described in Article 5 of
Directive 2004/52/EC become recommendations for use. RFUs do not supersede but complement Union legislation by giving
additional support and information to the notified bodies on technical issues. Standardisation bodies

Ref. Section 5.3.8 of prEN ISO 17573:2010 and Annex 7 to this guide. Authorities 27

Ref. Section 5.3.9 of prEN ISO 17573:2010.

3.2.3. Manufacturer-authorised representative

A manufacturer may expressly appoint by written mandate any natural or legal person to act on its behalf as its authorised
representative in respect of certain of its obligations. The extent to which the authorised representative may enter into commitments
binding on the manufacturer is determined in accordance with the mandate conferred on the authorised representative by the

As an example, a manufacturer could appoint an authorised representative to request the assessment of its EETS products, sign
the ‘EC’ declaration of conformity to specifications and/or suitability for use, and hold the required documents and technical files
at the disposal of the competent authorities during the lifetime of the interoperability constituent.

The authorised representative may be addressed by the authorities of the Member States instead of the manufacturer with regard
to the latter’s obligations under Decision 2009/750/EC. The manufacturer remains responsible for actions carried out or decisions
taken on its behalf by its authorised representative(s).

Within the framework of EETS, a manufacturer’s authorised representative should be established in the Union.

Commercial representatives (such as authorised distributors or sales persons), whether or not established inside the Union, are
not to be confused with an authorised representative in the meaning of Decision 2009/750/EC.

(18) ISBN 92-828-7500-8, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000.


4.1. Principles
A distinction is made between interoperability constituents ‘conformity to specifications’ and ‘suitability for use’.

Conformity to specifications is relative to the requirements of Directive 2004/52/EC, Decision 2009/750/EC and all relevant
standards and technical specifications. OBE’s conformity to specifications can be assessed without physically accessing the Toll
Chargers’ toll domains.

Suitability for use means the ability of an interoperability constituent to achieve and maintain in-service interoperability at a
specified level of performance when integrated representatively into EETS in relation to a Toll Charger’s toll system.

Where relevant, conformity to specifications or suitability for use certificates may stipulate an expiry date. In this case recertification
should take place at the end of the certificate validity period.

4.2. Responsibilities
Conformity to specifications or suitability for use of interoperability constituents can be assessed at the initiative/request of one
or several of the concerned actors: the manufacturer, the EETS Provider and the Toll Charger. An EETS Provider or a Toll
Charger could also act as an authorised representative of the manufacturer in the framework of such assessments. In any case,
the manufacturer is likely to be involved as it has the ultimate responsibility for its product.

The manufacturer shall affix CE markings to the packaging where feasible. In compliance with Annex IV to Decision
2009/750/EC, a CE marking relative to EETS is accompanied by a declaration, which will clearly specify whether it concerns
28 conformity to specifications or suitability for use. This ‘EC’ declaration should contain all relevant information to identify the
European legislation according to which it is issued, the manufacturer or its authorised representative, the notified body if
applicable, the product, reference to relevant standards or other normative documents as appropriate, etc.

The EETS Provider is primarily concerned by the conformity to specifications with a view to fulfilling the registration requirements
and by the suitability for use of its EETS interoperability constituent integrated in the service it provides within a toll domain. The
suitability for use covers aspects such as communications, data exchange, performance and service level agreement monitoring,
security and privacy.

The Toll Charger is primarily concerned by the conformity to specifications and suitability for use relative to communications
and data exchange with EETS Providers, its Toll Context Data, performance and service level agreement monitoring, etc.

4.3. Requirements
For assessing conformity to specifications of EETS interoperability constituents (19) with the requirements set out in Directive
2004/52/EC, Decision 2009/750/EC and all relevant standards and technical specifications, the manufacturer or its authorised
representative shall choose from among the modules for conformity assessment procedures listed in Decision 768/2008/EC.

The suitability for use of interoperability constituents is assessed by operation or use of the constituents in service over a specified
operation time, integrated representatively into the EETS toll system of the Toll Charger(s) on whose domain the on-board
equipment shall circulate.

Annex 4 to this guide gives the articulation of Decision 768/2008/EC modules for conformity to specifications assessment with
the suitability for use assessment.

Annex 5 summarises the tasks incumbent upon manufacturers and notified bodies in the framework of these assessment

(19) Such as on-board equipment (including proxy functionality), roadside equipment (including localisation augmentation beacons and
enforcement devices), EETS Providers and Toll Chargers’ back-office data exchange systems.
4.4. Procedures

4.4.1. Conformity to specifications Manufacturer
Depending on the chosen module, the ‘EC’ declaration of conformity to specifications to be drawn up by the manufacturer or
its authorised representative covers the manufacturer’s self-assessment or is subject to obtaining an examination certificate from
a notified body.

Conformity to specifications shall be reassessed in case of a significant modification of the interoperability constituent or at the
expiry date, if any, of the notified body’s certificate. EETS Provider

The assessment of conformity to specifications requested or performed by an EETS Provider should cover elements and interfaces
not already covered by the tests carried out by the manufacturer or another party. This would typically include the toll context
implementation in relation with a Toll Charger’s Toll Context Data in order to verify, among others, that:

• in a DSRC context: the parameterisation of the OBE (attributes, security mechanism, personalisation/customisation, etc.)
is correct and allows enforcement;

• in a GNSS/CN context: in relation to Toll Context Data:

(1) the identification of tolled objects and the transmission of toll declarations, the handling of toll and enforcement
events, etc. are correct, and

(2) the parameterisation of the OBE is correct and allows enforcement. 29 Toll Charger

The assessment of conformity to specifications requested or performed by a Toll Charger should cover elements and interfaces
not already covered by the tests carried out by the manufacturer or another party.

This would typically include implementation of the Toll Context Data (tolling and enforcement requirements, description of
toll domains (road sections, bridges, tunnels, areas, etc.) with the relevant standards and specifications. The quality (accuracy,
correctness, timeliness, etc.) of this implementation impacts on the exactitude of the toll declarations derived from it. The Toll
Context Data definition should allow for certification and monitoring in operation.

• For DSRC-based systems, the conformity to specifications assessment shall, among others, cover EN 15509 and related

• For GNSS-based systems, where applicable, the description of the geographical extension of a toll domain shall comply
with the Inspire directive (20). CEN ISO/TS17575-3 (Application interface definition for autonomous systems — Part 3:
Context data) and prEN ISO 12855 (Information exchange between service provision and toll charging) provide for the
transmission of context data, including the description of the geographical properties of a toll domain.

4.4.2. Suitability for use

As a reminder, suitability for use tests intended to demonstrate by in-service operation that EETS interoperability constituents
conform to specifications are indeed interoperable with a Toll Charger toll system in its EETS domains. Therefore the suitability for
use assessment examines the complete EETS system in operational conditions. Where the case applies this may include proving

(20) Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information
in the European Community (Inspire) (OJ L 108, 25.4.2007, pp. 1–14).

that non-EETS-related applications or services residing on/making use of the same hardware platform do not affect correct toll
calculations. Relevant design information in that respect shall be communicated to the Toll Charger and the notified body. Where
possible the suitability for use tests shall also cover exception handling and other less usual scenario conditions (robustness).

Suitability for use assessment should pay special attention to the monitoring of performance parameters and the respect of
essential clauses of EETS service level agreements (SLAs), e.g. the correct implementation of toll contexts, security and privacy
protection levels.

A manufacturer can be involved in a suitability for use assessment procedure, as the result of its own initiative or at the request
of another party (EETS Provider, Toll Charger, notified body).

The Toll Chargers shall allow and support suitability for use tests of EETS Providers’ on-board equipment and procedures.

The suitability for use tests:

• should be agreed between the concerned parties, and

• where requested, shall be approved and surveyed by a notified body.

Before assessing the suitability for use in a live operational environment, it is advised to first perform interoperability tests in
validated EETS reference implementations of benchmark EETS domains. Such preliminary suitability for use tests would contribute:

• to minimise the risk of disturbing the operations of a live toll system, and

• to test efficiency by deploying only pre-tested, mature specimens in a live environment.

Article 5(1) of Decision 2009/750/EC applies where suitability for use tests show that an EETS domain does not comply with the
30 technical and procedural EETS interoperability conditions of Directive 2004/52/EC and of Decision 2009/750/EC.

4.5. Standards and other normative documents with EETS relevance

This part of the guide lists standards and other normative documents relevant for assessing the conformity to specifications and
suitability for use of EETS interoperability constituents.

Where the EETS European legislation specifically refer to or quote (part(s) of) European standards or other documents, compliance
with those (part(s) of) standards or documents becomes mandatory.

Only those (part(s) of) standards and documents that are strictly necessary to achieve the interoperability of the European electronic
road toll systems are specifically referred to or quoted in, and therefore mandated by, the European legislation. However, various
other standards and documents are also relevant to EETS even though they are not referred to in the legislation. Compliance
with these standards or documents remains voluntary.

The sections below list three groups of documents:

• published standards and other normative documents of mandatory application;

• published standards and other normative documents of voluntary application;

• standards and other normative documents under revision or in development and of voluntary application.

As a general reminder, products manufactured in compliance with harmonised standards (see Section 3.3.2 of Annex 3 to this
guide for a link to harmonised standards and Section 9.1 of Annex 9 for a definition) benefit from a presumption of conformity
with the essential requirements of the corresponding European legislation.

Annex 7 gives a brief description of the European standardisation context.

Annex 8 gives a common definition for the most important terms used in the context of certification.
4.5.1. Published standards and other normative documents of mandatory application

Mandatory standards
2009/750/EC Characteristics
and other normative documents
Spatial data sets and services Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for
Spatial Information in the European Community (Inspire)
(OJ L 108, 25.4.2007, pp. 1–14)
Related implementing legislation:
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1205/2008 of 3 December 2008
implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council as regards metadata
(OJ L 326, 4.12.2008, pp. 12–30)
Commission Decision 2009/442/EC of 5 June 2009
implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council as regards monitoring and reporting
(OJ L 148, 11.6.2009, pp. 18–26)

Article 4(6) Private data protection Directive 2006/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Annex III(2.2.1) Council of 15 March 2006 on the retention of data generated
or processed in connection with the provision of publicly
available electronic communications services or of public
communications networks and amending Directive 2002/58 EC.
(OJ L 105, 13.4.2006, pp. 54–63) 31

Private data protection Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals
with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free
movement of such data
(OJ L 281, 23.11.1995, pp. 31–50)

Private data protection Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and
of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of
individuals with regard to the processing of personal data
by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free
movement of such data
(OJ L 8, 12.1.2001, pp. 1–22)

Product safety Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of

the Council of 27 January 2003 on the restriction of the use
of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
(OJ L 37, 13.2.2003, pp. 19–23)

Disposal of waste reduction Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 27 January 2003 on waste electrical and electronic
equipment (WEEE)
(OJ L 37, 13.2.2003, pp. 24–38)
Joint declaration of the European Parliament, the Council and
the Commission relating to Article 9
(OJ L 37, 13.2.2003, pp. 39)

Mandatory standards
2009/750/EC Characteristics
and other normative documents
Health and safety protection Directive 1999/5/EC of the European Parliament and of
Electromagnetic compatibility the Council of 9 March 1999 on radio equipment and
telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual
recognition of their conformity
(OJ L 91, 7.4.1999, pp. 10–28)

Health and safety protection Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Electromagnetic compatibility Council of 15 December 2004 on the approximation of the laws
of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility
and repealing Directive 89/336/EEC
(OJ L 390, 31.12.2004, pp. 24–37)

Radio and telecommunications Directive 1999/5/EC of the European Parliament and of

terminal equipment the Council of 9 March 1999 on radio equipment and
telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual
recognition of their conformity
(OJ L 91, 7.4.1999, pp. 10–28)

Intelligent Transport Systems Directive 2010/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 7 July 2010 on the framework for the deployment of
Intelligent Transport Systems in the field of road transport and
32 for interfaces with other modes of transport
(OJ L 207, 6.8.2010, pp. 1–13)

UNECE Vehicle regulations ECE R-21: Uniform provisions concerning the approval of
vehicles with regard to their interior fittings

Annex III(2.1.2) Interoperable Application EN 15509:2007

Annex VI(2.1)(b) Profile for DSRC-EFC Road transport and traffic telematics — Electronic fee
collection — Interoperability application profile for DSRC

Annex III(2.1.2) Application profile for DSRC ETSI ES 200 674-1 and its related Technical Reports for protocol
Annex VI(2.1)(b) (Italy) implementation testing

Annex VI(2.1)(c) CEN ISO/TS24534

Automatic vehicle and equipment identification —
Electronic Registration Identification (ERI) for vehicles —
Part 3: Vehicle data (2008)

Annex V Accreditation of conformity EN 45000 standards

assessment bodies
4.5.2. Published standards and other normative documents of voluntary application

Voluntary standards
2009/750/EC Characteristics
or other normative documents
Security protection profile in EFC CEN ISO/TS 17574:2009
RTTT — EFC — Guidelines for security protection profiles

Application interface definition for CEN ISO/TS 17575-1

autonomous EFC EFC — Application interface definition for autonomous
systems — Part 1: Charging

Application interface definition for CEN ISO/TS1 7575-2

autonomous EFC EFC — Application interface definition for autonomous
systems — Part 2: Communication and connection to the
lower layers

Application interface definition for CEN ISO/TS 17575-3

autonomous EFC EFC — Application interface definition for autonomous
systems — Part 3: Context data

Application interface definition for CEN ISO/TS 17575-4

autonomous EFC EFC — Application interface definition for autonomous
systems — Part 4: Roaming
Compliance check communication CEN ISO/TS 12813:2009
for autonomous systems Electronic fee collection — Compliance check
communication for autonomous systems

Localisation augmentation CEN ISO/TS 13141

communication for autonomous Electronic fee collection — Localisation augmentation
systems communication

Test suite for DSRC EN 15876-1

Electronic fee collection — Conformity evaluation of on-
board unit and roadside equipment to EN 15509 —
Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes

Test suite for DSRC EN 15876-2

EFC — Conformity evaluation of on-board and roadside
equipment to EN 15509 — Part 2: Abstract test suite

Application interface definition for EN ISO 14906:2004

DSRC–EFC EFC — Application interface definition for DSRC

EFC test procedures CEN ISO/TS 14907-1:2005

EFC — Test procedures user and fixed equipment —
Part 1: Description of test procedures

Voluntary standards
2009/750/EC Characteristics
or other normative documents
EFC test procedures for DSRC-OBU CEN ISO/TS 14907-2:2005
EFC — Test Procedures user and fixed equipment — Part 2:
Conformance test for the onboard unit application interface

DSRC physical layer EN 12253:2004

Road transport and traffic telematics — Dedicated short-
range communication — Physical layer using microwave
at 5.8 GHz

DSRC data link layer EN 12795:2003

Road transport and traffic telematics — Dedicated short-
range communication (DSRC) — DSRC data link layer:
medium access and logical link control

DSRC application layer EN 12834:2003

Road transport and traffic telematics — Dedicated short-
range communication (DSRC) — DSRC application layer

DSRC RTTT application profiles EN 13372:2004

Road transport and traffic telematics (RTTT) — Dedicated
short-range communication — Profiles for RTTT
34 applications

ERM — RTT ETSI ES 200 674-1

Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Road transport
and traffic telematics (RTTT) — Dedicated short-range
communications (DSRC) — Part 1: Technical characteristics
and test methods for High data rate (HDR) data transmission
equipment operating in the 5.8 GHz Industrial, scientific and
medical (ISM) band

ERM — RTT ETSI EN 300 674

Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum
matters (ERM) — Road transport and traffic telematics
(RTTT) — Technical characteristics and test methods for
Dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) transmission
equipment (500 kbit/s / 250 kbit/s) operating in the 5.8 GHz
Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) band

ERM — RTT ETSI EN 300 674-1

ERM — RTTT — Dedicated short-range communication
(DSRC) transmission equipment (500 kbit/s / 250 kbit/s)
operating in the 5.8 GHz Industrial, scientific and medical
(ISM) band — Part 1: General characteristics and test
methods for RSU and OBU
Voluntary standards
2009/750/EC Characteristics
or other normative documents
ERM — RTT ETSI EN 300 674-2
ERM — RTTT — Dedicated short-range communication
(DSRC) transmission equipment (500 kbit/s / 250 kbit/s)
operating in the 5.8 GHz Industrial, Scientific and
Medical (ISM) band — Part 2: Harmonised EN for the RSU
under article 3.2 of the R & TTE directive — Sub-part 1:
requirements for the Road Side Unit (RSU) — Sub-part 2:
requirements for the On-Board Unit (OBU).

ERM — RTT ETSI TS 102 486-1-1

Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Road transport and
traffic telematics (RTTT) — Test specifications for DSRC
transmission equipment — Part 1: DSRC data link layer:
Medium access and logical link control — Sub-Part 1:
Protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS)
pro forma specification

ERM — RTT ETSI TS 102 486-1-2

Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Road transport and
traffic telematics (RTTT) — Test specifications for DSRC
transmission equipment — Part 1: DSRC data link layer:
medium access and logical link control — Sub-Part 2: Test 35
suite structure and test purposes (TSS & TP)

ERM — RTT ETSI TS 102 486-1-3

Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Road transport and
traffic telematics (RTTT) — Test specifications for DSRC
transmission equipment — Part 1: DSRC data link layer:
medium access and logical link control — Sub-Part 3:
Abstract test suite (ATS) and partial PIXIT pro forma

ERM — RTT ETSI TS 102 486-2-1

Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Road transport and
traffic telematics (RTTT) — Test specifications for DSRC
transmission equipment — Part 2: DSRC application
layer — Sub-Part 1: Protocol implementation conformance
statement (PICS) pro forma specification

ERM — RTT ETSI TS 102 486-2-2

Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Road transport and
traffic telematics (RTTT) — Test specifications for DSRC
transmission equipment — Part 2: DSRC application
layer — Sub-Part 2: Test suite structure and test purposes
(TSS & TP)

ERM — RTT ETSI TS 102 486-2-3

Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Road transport and
traffic telematics (RTTT) — Test specifications for DSRC
transmission equipment — Part 2: DSRC application
layer — Sub Part 3: Abstract test suite (ATS) and partial PIXIT
pro forma

Voluntary standards
2009/750/EC Characteristics
or other normative documents
Conformance test specifications for ETSI TS 102 708-1-1
Italian DSRC system Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Road transport and
traffic telematics (RTTT) — Test specifications for High
data rate (HDR) data transmission equipment operating
in the 5.8 GHz Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM)
band — Part 1: Data Link Layer — Sub-Part 1: Protocol
implementation conformance statement (PICS) pro forma

Conformance test specifications for ETSI TS 102 708-1-2

Italian DSRC system Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Road transport and
traffic telematics (RTTT) — Test specifications for High data
rate (HDR) data transmission equipment operating in the
5.8 GHz Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) band —
Part 1: Data Link Layer — Sub-Part 2: Test suite structure and
test purposes (TSS & TP)

Conformance test specifications for ETSI TS 102 708-1-3

Italian DSRC system Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Road transport and
traffic telematics (RTTT) — Test specifications for High data
rate (HDR) data transmission equipment operating in the
36 5.8 GHz Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) band —
Part 1: Data Link Layer — Sub-Part 3: Abstract test suite
(ATS) and partial PIXIT pro forma

Conformance test specifications for ETSI TS 102 708-2-1

Italian DSRC system Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Road transport and
traffic telematics (RTTT) — Test specifications for High
data rate (HDR) data transmission equipment operating
in the 5.8 GHz Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM)
band — Part 2: Application Layer Common Application
Service Elements — Sub-Part 1: Protocol implementation
conformance statement (PICS) pro forma specification

Conformance test specifications for ETSI TS 102 708-2-2

Italian DSRC system Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Road transport and
traffic telematics (RTTT) — Test specifications for High
data rate (HDR) data transmission equipment operating
in the 5.8 GHz Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM)
band — Part 2: Application Layer Common Application
Service Elements — Sub-Part 2: Test suite structure and test
purposes (TSS & TP)
Voluntary standards
2009/750/EC Characteristics
or other normative documents
Conformance test specifications for ETSI TS 102 708-2-3
Italian DSRC system Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Road transport and
traffic telematics (RTTT) — Test specifications for High data
rate (HDR) data transmission equipment operating in the
5.8 GHz Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) band —
Part 2: Application Layer Common Application Service
Elements — Sub-Part 3: Abstract test suite (ATS) and partial
PIXIT pro forma

Data transfer models between RSE CEN ISO/TS 25110:2008

and ICC/Interface definition Electronic fee collection — Interface definition for on-board
account using integrated circuit card (ICC)

ESOP on human–machine interface Commission Recommendation 2007/78/EC of 22

December 2006 on safe and efficient in-vehicle information
and communication systems: update of the European
Statement of Principles on human machine interface
(OJ L 32, 6.2.2007, pp. 200–241)

OBE installation CEN/TR 15762:2008

Road transport and traffic telematics — Electronic fee
collection (EFC) — Ensuring the correct function of EFC 37
equipment installed behind metallised windshield

EFC relevant CEN ISO 14816:2005

Road transport and traffic telematics — Automatic vehicle
and equipment identification — Numbering and data

EFC relevant ENV 14062:2001

Identification card systems — Surface transport
applications — Electronic fee collection — Part 1: Physical
characteristics, electronic signals and transmission
protocols — Part 2: Message requirements

EFC relevant ISO/IEC 15408-1:2005

Information technology — Security techniques —
Evaluation criteria for IT security — Part 1: Introduction and
general model

EFC relevant ISO/IEC 15408-2:2005

Information technology — Security techniques —
Evaluation criteria for IT security — Part 2: Security
functional requirements

Voluntary standards
2009/750/EC Characteristics
or other normative documents
EFC relevant ISO/IEC 15408-3:2005
Information technology — Security techniques —
Evaluation criteria for IT security — Part 3: Security
assurance requirements

EFC relevant EN ISO 9000:2005

Quality management systems — Fundamentals and

Article 3(a) EETS Providers’ requirements EN ISO 9001:2008

Quality management systems — Requirements

EFC relevant EN ISO 9004:2000

Quality management systems — Guidelines for
performance improvements

ISO 17572-3:2008
Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Location referencing
for geographic databases

ETSI TR 102 893 V1.1.1

38 Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Security; Threat,
vulnerability and risk analysis (TVRA)

EN ISO 19115:2005
Geographic information — Metadata

EN ISO 19119:2006
Geographic information — Services

ETSI EN 302 665

Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Communications

NB: Directive 2004/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on measuring instruments
(OJ  L  135, 30.4.2004, pp.  1–80) applies to the devices and systems with a measuring function defined in its annexes.
Annex MI-007 to this directive gives specific requirements for taximeters; the requirements on maximum permissible
errors for certain taximeters’ performance parameters could be of interest to EETS on-board equipment.
4.5.3. Standards and other normative documents under revision or in development

Decision Standards or other normative

2009/750/EC Characteristics documents
sections under revision or in development
System architecture for EFC prEN ISO 17573
(currently under revision) Road transport and traffic telematics — Electronic fee
collection (EFC) — System architecture for vehicle-related
transport services

Information exchange between prEN ISO 12855

roles in EFC Electronic fee collection — Information exchange between
service provision and toll charging

Conceptual and logical data model prEN ISO 14825

for geographic databases Geographic Data Files — GDF5.0

Test standard for TS 17575-1 prCEN ISO/TS 16407-1

EFC — Conformity evaluation of equipment to CEN ISO/
TS 17575-1 — Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes

Test standard for TS 17575-1 prCEN ISO/TS 16407-2

EFC — Conformity evaluation of equipment to CEN ISO/
TS 17575-1 — Part 2: Abstract test suites
Test standard for TS 17575-2 prCEN TS XXXXX
EFC — Conformity evaluation of equipment to 17575-2 —
Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes (TSS & TP) —
Part 2: Abstract test suite (ATS)

Test standard for TS 17575-3 prCEN ISO/TS 16410-1

EFC — Conformity evaluation of equipment to CEN ISO/
TS17575-3 — Part 1 Test suite structure and test purpose

Test standard for TS 17575-3 prCEN ISO/TS 16410-2

EFC — Conformity evaluation of equipment to CEN ISO/
TS 17575-3 — Part 2: Abstract test suites

Test standard for TS 17575-4 prCEN TS XXXXX

EFC — Conformity evaluation of equipment to 17575-4 —
Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes (TSS & TP) —
Part 2: Abstract test suite (ATS)

Application interface definition for prEN ISO 14906

DSRC–EFC (currently under revision) EFC — Application interface definition for DSRC

EFC test procedures (currently prCEN ISO/TS 14907

under revision) EFC — Test procedures for user and fixed equipment —
Part 1: Description of test procedures — Part 2:
Conformance test for onboard unit application interface

Decision Standards or other normative

2009/750/EC Characteristics documents
sections under revision or in development
Report on urban requirements prCEN TR 16040
EFC — Requirements for urban DSRC systems

Report on personalisation and prTR XXXXX

mounting of first mount OBE EFC — Personalisation and mounting of first mount OBE

Framework for application profiles prCEN TS XXXXX

for autonomous EFC EFC — Interoperable Application Profile (IAP) for GNSS/CN-
based EFC systems

Test standard for TS 12813 prCEN ISO/TS 13143-1

EFC — Conformity evaluation of on-board and roadside
equipment to CEN ISO/TS 12813 — Part 1: Test suite
structure and test purposes (‘CCC testing part 1’)

Test standard for TS 12813 prCEN ISO/TS 13143-2

EFC — Conformity evaluation of on-board and roadside
equipment to CEN ISO/TS 12813 — Part 2: Abstract test
suite (‘CCC testing part 2’)

Test standard for TS 13141 prCEN ISO/TS 13140-1

40 EFC — Conformity evaluation of on-board and roadside
equipment to CEN ISO/TS 13141 — Part 1: Test suite
structure and test purposes (‘LAC testing part 1’)

Test standard for TS 13141 prCEN ISO/TS 13140-2

EFC — Conformity evaluation of on-board and roadside
equipment to CEN ISO/TS 13141 — Part 2: Abstract test
suite (‘LAC testing part 2’)

Report on value added services in prTR XXXXX

EFC EFC — Value added services based on EFC on-board

Report on requirements for pre- prTR XXXXX

payment systems EFC — Requirements for pre-payment systems

5.1. Principles
EETS Providers are entitled to enter into contract negotiations with each Toll Charger operating an EETS domain in order to
deliver EETS and their other services, if any.

The general principles of the European single market apply to EETS as to any other economic activity. The legal framework for the
relationship between Toll Chargers and EETS Providers is therefore fixed by the general legal environment and the requirements
of Directive 2004/52/EC and Decision 2009/750/EC.

The relationship between Toll Chargers and EETS Providers will be governed by bilateral contractual clauses. Other terms of
multilateral relationships can be defined, for instance in the framework of professional associations. Directive 2004/52/EC and
Decision 2009/750/EC lay down the rights and obligations on EETS Providers, Toll Chargers and EETS Users.

The European legislation mainly aims at ensuring fair and non-discriminatory relationships between the stakeholders. Next to
general access rules for EETS Providers to an EETS domain which are common to all service providers, specific commercial conditions
are allowed to be agreed bilaterally between the Toll Charger and an EETS Provider. Annex I(2) to Decision 2009/750/EC requires
that the conditions set by Toll Chargers are non-discriminatory. National conciliation bodies are especially empowered to examine
whether the relationships between a Toll Charger and different EETS Providers are non-discriminatory and fairly reflect the costs
and risks of the parties to the contract (21). Without prejudice to national legislation, a conciliation body generally intervenes at
the request of a Toll Charger and/or EETS Provider.

5.2. Requirements 41

EETS Providers have to be registered in a Member State where they are established. Their registration is subject to the fulfilment
of the requirements listed in Article 3 of Decision 2009/750/EC. An EETS Provider is entitled to perform the suitability for use
assessment procedure of its interoperability constituents and processes described in Section 4.4 of this guide.

Operational acceptance of an EETS Provider on an EETS domain is subject to a contract between the EETS Provider and the Toll
Charger. Certain contractual provisions relative to commercial conditions can be the object of bilateral negotiations and may
vary depending on the particular conditions of the EETS Provider. However the principle of non-discriminatory access for all
EETS Providers shall be respected, meaning that the varying contractual conditions may not lead to distortion of competition
between EETS Providers.

In order to attain interoperability of their equipment and processes, Toll Chargers and EETS Providers have to cooperate with each
other. This includes, but is not limited to, cooperation in the area of overall EETS system tests (including End-to-End tests) which
are impossible to carry out without a Toll Charger and an EETS Provider cooperating. Toll Chargers have to ensure compliance
of their EETS domains’ infrastructure and tolling processes with the conditions set out in Directive 2004/52/EC and Decision
2009/750/EC. This compliance should be assessed prior to EETS Providers’ suitability for use tests on these domains.

EETS Providers for their part are responsible for their back-office systems and EETS on-board equipment, including the proxy (see
RCI architecture), if any. They must provide support for Toll Chargers’ enforcement efforts. Furthermore an EETS Provider is required
to pay Toll Chargers the tolls related to a user account managed by that EETS Provider. This may also include the substantiated
cases of toll non-declaration due to any action/situation which prevents the determination of the correct data necessary for
the computation of the toll. The EETS Provider can lift this responsibility by declaring to the Toll Charger under agreed terms its
on-board equipments which are invalid (blacklist). The EETS Provider shall not be held liable for any further toll incurred through

(21) Based for instance on the costs borne by the Toll Charger for his local customers; the costs of the OBE; the costs of cellular communications
in GNSS-based systems; the cost of debt collection and payment risks coverage, etc.

the use of such invalidated on-board equipment. Non-repudiation mechanisms should be put in place to avoid disputes between
Toll Chargers, EETS Providers and EETS Users.

5.3. EETS domain statement

5.3.1. Foreword
An important task of a Toll Charger regarding its relationship with EETS Providers is to publish fair and non-discriminatory access
rules. Toll Chargers shall develop and maintain an EETS domain statement which describes the general conditions for EETS
Providers for accessing the EETS domain and is the basis of its contracting policy (see Article 5(2) of and Annex I to Decision
2009/750/EC, and Section of this guide).

EETS domain statements have two broad objectives:

• to provide sufficient details for an EETS Provider to be able to provide EETS while meeting the Toll Charger’s operating
rules, and

• to provide sufficient explanation to satisfy the relevant national conciliation body that the contractual conditions and
commercial arrangements being offered to EETS Providers are fair and reasonable. The conciliation body is entitled to
ask for more information.

Toll Chargers should make their EETS domain statement(s) easily available and electronically accessible to EETS Providers, for
instance by using Internet technologies.

Each Member State shall keep a register of the EETS domains within its territory, which includes information relative to the
EETS domain statements. Member States should take appropriate measures to avoid discrepancy problems between different
information sources.

In order to take into account possible EETS Providers’ specificities which may justify particular contractual conditions, the EETS
domain statement contains a section on commercial conditions between the Toll Charger and an EETS Provider, which can be
subject to bilateral negotiations.

The precise form of an EETS domain statement depends on the Member State and/or Toll Chargers. Based on the outline EETS
domain statement given in Annex I to Decision 2009/750/EC, the structure of an EETS domain statement (22) could adapt the
suggestions in this chapter.

It is in the Toll Charger’s interest to define its Toll Context Data, particularly the toll domain description in autonomous systems,
in the most precise and least ambiguous way possible, to avoid various implementations of the detection and reporting of toll
events by the various EETS Providers and ensuing possible disputes. It is advised to look also at EETS domain statements of other
Toll Chargers and Member States as a source of best practice. Use could be made of ISO prTS 17575-3 (Application Interface
Definition for autonomous systems — Part 3: Context data).

5.3.2. Language
It is supposed that the EETS domain statement will usually be written in the language used in the contracts between a Toll
Charger and the EETS Providers.

A certified translation of the EETS domain statement in one or more largely used European language(s) should help to avoid
misunderstandings with non-native EETS Providers.

(22) See also Cesare IV, Deliverable D3.1 ‘Interoperability management implementation plan’, Annex 2: Outline EETS toll domain statement.
5.3.3. Legal aspects
Precautions, such as those below, should be taken so that disputes about EETS domain statements are avoided.

• The authorship of and the responsibility for an EETS domain statement should be incontestably attributable.

• Where relevant, the periods of validity of certain clauses or parameters must be unambiguous. Attention shall be paid
to avoid gaps between validity periods.

• One should be able to demonstrate that an EETS Provider had access at any point in time to the complete EETS domain

5.3.4. Content
This section proposes what an EETS domain statement should contain. Member States and/or Toll Chargers may adapt this to
their specific situation and needs. The list may change as the service develops.

1. Conditions applicable to all EETS Providers (Annex I(2)(a) to (d) to Decision 2009/750/EC)

1.1. Technical elements

1.1.1. Toll transaction policy (e.g. description of used technology and procedures)

• Toll Context Data (including references to relevant data) (Article 2(l) and Article 6 of and Annex II to
Decision 2009/750/EC)

• Authorisation parameters, such as authentication keys or other possible security measures

• Definition of the EETS domain, in particular its geographical extension and infrastructure subject
to toll. The definition should use relevant standards and, where applicable, shall comply with
the Inspire directive (23). Other possibilities are descriptions by maps, plain language, a national
surveying department, geographical boundary coordinates, broadly used digital mapping
technologies (e.g. (24).

• Nature of toll and levy principles (tax/charge, toll event (cordon, usage, etc), tariff parameters
(time/distance/place/other criteria))

• Vehicles liable to/exempt from toll

• Vehicle classification parameters (Annex VI to Decision 2009/750/EC) (number of axles, (trailer)

maximum permissible weight, suspension type, emission classes, etc.) with their correspondence
with the Toll Charger’s tariff structure

• Update procedures

• Format and content of toll declarations and toll transactions (Articles 2(m) and (p) of Decision
2009/750/EC; prEN ISO 12855); for DSRC-based systems, see also EN 15509; for GNSS-based
systems, standards are under development (see Section The trustworthiness of toll
declarations to Toll Chargers needs to be ensured.

(23) Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information
in the European Community (OJ L 108, 25.4.2007, pp. 1–14). (See Annex 3 to this guide for the link to Inspire’s portal.)
(24) To ensure EETS Providers non-discriminatory access condition, a Toll Charger should provide the same detailed data as it has available for
its own system.

• Blacklists (Article 4(6) of Decision 2009/750/EC; format and content, update frequency, lifting of
payment obligation, non-repudiation mechanisms)

1.1.2. Procedures and service level agreements (Annex I(2)(b) to Decision 2009/750/EC)

• Technical and procedural interoperability requirements, such as protocols for data exchange with an
EETS Provider, security features (e.g. public encryption key certificates)

• Deadlines and periodicity for communicating toll declaration data

• Acceptable percentage of missed or erroneous tolls and monitoring procedures; link with

• Description of enforcement policy and procedures

• Accuracy of toll declaration data and monitoring procedure (25)

• System availability ratio and monitoring procedure

• Other key performance indicators and monitoring procedure (e.g. OBE’s DSRC communication
performance (for tolling in DSRC free-flow systems, for enforcement in autonomous systems, etc.)
and operational reliability; quality of toll relevant data)

• Where applicable, modalities of augmentation signals provision

• Procedures and modalities for assessing the compatibility of the EETS Provider’s equipment (in
particular suitability for use procedures, and any other test procedure necessary to assess the proper
44 functioning of the EETS Provider’s equipment within an operational context (26))

• Any other areas of mandatory cooperation.

1.2. Economic elements

1.2.1. Fixed remuneration and charges;

1.2.2. Guarantee against EETS Provider’s default (Decision 2009/750/EC, Annex I.1): e.g. bank guarantee or
alternatives, monitoring, adaptation over time;

1.2.3. Invoicing policy [Decision 2009/750/EC, Annex I.2(c)]: e.g. invoicing periodicity, format and content,
language, value dates;

1.2.4. Payment policy [Decision 2009/750/EC, Annex I.2(d)]: e.g. due date, currency, penalties/compensation
for payment delays/anticipation, interests calculation and liquidation;

Could also be considered:

• sharing of liabilities and costs (e.g. sharing of the test procedures costs, etc.);

(25) Directive 2004/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on measuring instruments (OJ L 135, 30.4.2004,
pp. 1–80) applies to the devices and systems with a measuring function defined in its annexes. Annex MI-007 to this directive gives specific
requirements for taximeters; the requirements on maximum permissible errors for certain taximeters’ performance parameters could be
of interest for EETS on-board equipment.
(26) The Coordination Group of EETS Notified Bodies could possibly develop a proposal for a European framework for EETS interoperability
constituents suitability for use assessment.
• modalities of management of modifications asked for by any of the parties (timeframe, acceptance
procedures, costs allocations, etc.).

2. Conditions negotiable between the Toll Charger and an EETS Provider (Annex I(2)(e) to Decision 2009/750/EC)

2.1. Commercial conditions, e.g. variable remuneration and charges (elements of variability: number of customers
and/or transactions, infrastructure usage, etc.), degraded mode(s), due date, indexation, periodicity of contract
revision, condition for terminating the contract.

2.2. Service level requirements and monitoring procedures; impact on remuneration.

5.4. Dispute settlement

EETS-related disputes that may arise between a Toll Charger and an EETS Provider during their contractual negotiations or
working relationship should be brought before the conciliation body or, for any kind of dispute, before the relevant jurisdiction.



6.1. Responsibilities
European Commission

The European Commission is mainly responsible for setting and managing the overall legal framework for electronic road toll
systems interoperability and EETS. This includes bringing any changes to this framework that may prove necessary, for instance
to adapt to technical progress and standardisation developments and to ensure the efficient implementation and operation of
EETS. The direct role of the European Commission in EETS operation will mainly concern the surveillance of the EETS market at
European level.

Member States

The Member States shall put in place the national conditions enabling EETS deployment and operation.

More specifically, Member States with at least one EETS domain are required:

• to arrange, without prejudice to their legislative corpus, for the possibility of efficient conciliation procedures between
Toll Chargers under their jurisdiction and EETS Providers concerning EETS matters;

• to maintain registers of the EETS domains on their territory and of the service providers they have agreed to inscribe as
EETS Provider in compliance with Article 19 and Article 3 of Decision 2009/750/EC.

Toll Chargers
The essence of EETS is that Toll Chargers will be required to accept on their EETS domains vehicles equipped with EETS equipment
and collect the charges due by those vehicles for the use of their infrastructure through EETS Providers with whom they have to
contract if these providers fulfil their EETS domain statement.

EETS Providers

EETS Providers are required to obtain registration as such in a Member State where they are established and to validate the
suitability for use of their equipment and processes with the Toll Charger(s) responsible for a particular EETS domain.

EETS Providers shall be clear about their contracting policy towards EETS Users.

EETS Users

See Section of this guide.

6.2. Toll violation and enforcement

6.2.1. Toll violation

There is violation in case of toll non-payment or toll non-declaration due to any action/situation which prevents the determination
of the correct data necessary to the computation of the toll. Such action/situation may arise because of the non-fulfilment of
the obligations a user has according to the toll regime where he/she circulates and/or to his/her contract with a service provider
relative to the operation of the on-board equipment.
For all practical purposes, Toll Chargers will also detect as toll violations situations due by force of circumstances, e.g. sudden
and unforeseeable malfunction of the OBE. Alternative ways of payment offered by the Toll Charger, like retroactive or manual
payments, should be used to avoid that a violation possibly due by force of circumstances finally turns into enforcement cases.

6.2.2. Enforcement
The scope of enforcement covers detection, chasing and prosecution of toll violations. Enforcement would appear to operate
most effectively through national enforcement systems.

This guide considers liability questions between a Toll Charger and an EETS Provider in the case of an offending vehicle covered
by a valid EETS contract. Enforcement authorities should be able to determine whether an offending vehicle is an ‘EETS vehicle’
and therefore covered by the payment guarantee of the responsible EETS Provider (see Article 7(2) of Decision 2009/750/EC).
Annex II to Decision 2009/750/EC foresees a direct communication link between the EETS on-board equipment and the fixed or
mobile roadside enforcement equipment for real-time compliance checking transactions.

6.2.3. Cross border enforcement (27)

The considerations below show that cross-border enforcement mechanisms cannot be included in the arrangements for EETS;
to do so would go beyond the scope of Directive 2004/52/EC.

Where it has not been possible for enforcement authorities to stop a vehicle which is registered in another country and has
committed violations, whether they relate to toll violations, speeding offences or any other form of infraction, raises questions of
how sanctions are taken against those vehicles from other countries. In general, sanctions can only be exercised by identifying
the vehicle using its registration mark and identifying the keeper through the national vehicles record of its country of origin.

The extent to which it is possible to obtain this information varies between Member States. In some Member States, the national
registration authorities are relatively willing to release information; in others there are considerable legal difficulties in obtaining
such information and in particular transferring it to foreign entities, especially where those entities are in the private sector.

The matter is further complicated in the case of tolling infractions by the fact that the nature of the offence may be either civil or
criminal, depending on the national legal status of the toll. For example, where the duty to pay toll is directly based on a legal act,
as in Austria, or the charge is a tax the sanction concerns public law and where it is a toll based on private law the redress is likely
to be civil, as in Spain. This means that there may be questions of convention rights with enforcement regimes’ establishment.

The availability of cross-border enforcement is important to Toll Chargers for the implementation of free-flow systems, considering
the potential difficulties to recover the tolls due in the absence of such a mechanism. Keeping barriers (28) may then be a
Toll Charger’s preferred option in comparison to beefing up enforcement systems with e.g. additional roadside enforcement
equipment. Smaller toll domains (bridges/tunnels) might decide to implement the possibility of proceeding offences inside their
own network to avoid extra costs and/or toll evasion.

(27) See:
• Prüm Convention (Schengen III) between Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Austria;
• Council Decision 2008/615/JHA of 23 June 2008 on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and
cross-border crime (OJ L 210, 6.8.2008, pp. 1–11) and Council Decision 2008/616/JHA of 23 June 2008 on the implementation of Council
Decision 2008/615/JHA (OJ L 210, 6.8.2008, pp. 12–72); and
• Council Framework Decision 2005/214/JHA of 24 February 2005 on the application of the principle of mutual recognition of financial
penalties (OJ L76, 22.03.2005, p. 16–30).
(28) As a principle, controls performed in the field of road transport between Member States shall no longer be performed as frontier-control
but solely as part of the normal control procedures applied in a non-discriminatory manner throughout the territory of a Member State
(see Council Regulation (EEC) No 4060/89 of 21 December 1989 (OJ L 390, 30.12.1989, pp. 18–21)).


State Reference
(protocol order)

BE Legal act:
Loi du 21 décembre 2006 transposant la directive 2004/52/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil
du 29 avril 2004 concernant l’interopérabilité des systèmes de télépéage routier dans la Communauté,
p. 76063.
Wet van 21 december 2006 houdende omzetting van richtlijn 2004/52/EG van het Europees Parlement
en de Raad van 29 april 2004 betreffende de interoperabiliteit van elektronische tolheffingssystemen
voor het wegverkeer in de Gemeenschap, bl. 76063.
Moniteur Belge/Belgisch Staatsblad, Ed. 6, 29.12.2006, p. 76063.

BG Legal act: Ordinance No 1 of 4.4.2007 on the minimum safety requirements for tunnels on the roads
concurrent with the Trans-European Road Network on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and on
the requirements to electronic road toll collection on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Bulgarian Official Journal No 58, 17.7.2007.
CZ Legal act: Zákon č. 80/2006 Sb., kterým se mění zákon č. 13/1997 Sb., o pozemních komunikacích, ve
znění pozdějších předpisů, a další související zákony
Official Journal: Sbírka zákonů ČR, 15.3.2006.

DK Legal act: Bekendtgørelse nr. 725 om interoperabilitet mellem elektroniske bompengesystemer i

Official Journal: Lovtidende A 2008, 8.7.2008, Entry into force: 9.7.2008.

DE Legal act: ‘Gesetz über den Betrieb elektronischer Mautsysteme (Mautsystemgesetz)’

Bundesgesetzblatt, Teil 1 (BGB 1), 22.12.2005, p. 3692.

EE Legal act: seaduse parandus, No RT I, 7.12.2007, 63, 398.

Official Journal: Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja, No RT I, 7.12.2007, 63, 398.

IE Statutory Instruments S.I. No 757 of 2005; European Communities (Interoperability of Electronic Road
Toll Systems) Regulations, 2005
Official Journal: Iris Oifigiúl, 16.12.2005.

EL Legal act: Προεδρικό Διάταγμα, No 177

Official Journal: Efimeris Tis Kyvernisseos (FEK)(Tefchos A), No 216, 11.9.2007, pp. 4771–4773.
State Reference
(protocol order)

ES Real Decreto 94/2006, de 3 de febrero, por el que se regula la interoperabilidad de los sistemas de
telepeaje instalados en las carreteras estatales
Boletín Oficial del Estado (B.O.E), 17.2.2006, No 41/2006, pp. 6339–6342.

FR Loi No 2006-10 du 5/1/2006 relative à la sécurité et au développement des transports

Journal Officiel de la République Française (JORF), 6.1.2006, pp. 1–18.
Décret No 2006-1711 du 22 décembre 2006 relatif aux procédés technologiques à utiliser pour le
télépéage routier
Journal Officiel de la République Française (JORF), No 2006-1711, 29.12.2006, Entry into force: 30.12.2006.

IT Decreto ministeriale: Recepimento della direttiva 2004/52/CE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio
del 29 aprile 2004, relativa all’interoperabilità dei sistemi di telepedaggio stradale nella Comunità
Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, 13.3.2006, No 60.

CY Legal act: Ο περί Διαλειτουργικότητας των Συστημάτων Τηλεδιοδίων Νόμος του 2006
Cyprus Gazette, 17.2.2006, No 4069, pp. 35–36.

LV Ministru Kabineta noteikumi, No 724: Ceļu lietotāju maksājumu elektronisko iekasēšanas sistēmu
savstarpējās izmantojamības kārtība 49
Latvijas Vēstnesis, No 147, dated 14.9.2006.

LT Legal act: Įsakymas, number: 3-35/2007: Lietuvos Respublikos susisiekimo ministro 2007 m. vasario 6 d.
įsakymas Nr. 3-35 „Dėl reikalavimų elektroninėms kelių rinkliavų surinkimo sistemoms“
Valstybės žinios, No 18, 10.2.2007.

LU Règlement grand-ducal du 4 juin 2007 concernant l’interopérabilité des systèmes de télépéage routier
dans la Communauté européenne
Mémorial Luxembourgeois A, No 97, 20.6.2007, p. 1810.

HU A gazdasági és közlekedési miniszter 47/2007. (IV. 17.) GKMrendeletea hazai közutakon használható
elektronikusútdíjszedõ rendszerekrõl
Miniszteri rendelet, Magyar Közlöny, No 2007/48, pp. 3111–3112.

MT L.N. 148 of 2006 Malta Transport Authority Act (CAP. 332) Traffic Regulation Ordinance (CAP. 65) Motor
Vehicles (Interoperability of Electronic Road Tolls Systems) Regulations, 2006
The Malta Government Gazette, No 17941, dated 11.7.2006, pp. 2601–2625.

NL Regeling van 8 november 2005, nr. HDJZ/I&O/2005-2159, Hoofddirectie Juridische Zaken houdende
regels met betrekking tot de interoperabiliteit van elektronische tolheffingssystemen
Staatscourant, No 225, 8.11.2005, p. 15.
Staatsblad, No 593, 29.11.2005, pp. 1–3.

State Reference
(protocol order)

AT Bundesgesetz, mit dem das Bundesstraßen-Mautgesetz 2002, das ASFINAG-Gesetzund das ASFINAG-
Ermächtigungsgesetz 1997 geändert warden
Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich (BGBl.), I, No 26/2006, 23.2.2006.

PL Legal act: Nowelizacja; Ustawa z dnia 28 lipca 2005 r. o zmianie ustawy o drogach publicznych oraz
niektórych innych ustaw
Dziennik Ustaw, No 2005/172/1440, 9.9.2005.

PT Lei n.º 30/2007

Assembleia da RepúblicaTranspõe para a ordem jurídica interna a Directiva n.º 2004/52/CE, do
Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 29 de Abril, relativa à interoperabilidade dos sistemas
electrónicos de portagem rodoviária na Comunidade, tendo em vista a implementação do serviço
electrónico europeu de portagem.
Diaro da Republica, No 150, 6.8.2007, pp. 5030–5032.

RO Hotărâre de Guvern, number: 39; Ordonanţă privind interoperabilitatea sistemelor electronice de

tarifare pentru utilizarea infrastructurii rutiere
Monitorul Oficial al României, No 589, 27.8.2007, pp. 2–3.
SI Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o javnih cestah
Uradni list RS, No 92/2005, 18.10.2005 pp. 9394–9399.

SK Zákon č. 25/2007 Z. z. o elektronickom výbere mýta za užívanie vymedzených úsekov pozemných

komunikácií a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov
Zbierka zákonov SR, No 16, 17.1.2007.

FI Electronic Road Toll Systems Act (No 995), 17 November 2006

SE Lag (2007:58) om elektroniska vägavgiftssystem

Svensk författningssamling (SFS), No 2007:58
Vägverkets föreskrifter (VVFS 2007:202) om tekniska krav på elektroniska vägavgiftssystem
Vägverkets författningssamling (VVFS), No VVFS 2007:202, Entry into force: 1.5.2007;
Förordning (2007:59) om elektroniska vägavgiftssystem
Svensk författningssamling (SFS), No 2007:59.

UK Statutory instrument (SI): The Road Tolling (Interoperability of Electronic Road User Charging and Road
Tolling Systems) Regulations 2007 N° 58
Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (HMSO), No 2007-58.
Gibraltar Regulations: Traffic (Interoperability of Electronic Road Toll Systems) Regulations 2006
Gibraltar Gazette, No LN.2006/152.
For further information, see:

• Annex VI to Decision 2009/750/EC, and

• EN 15509.

It is expected that development with applications such as automatic vehicle identification may lead to certain vehicle parameters
becoming available electronically in some form of secure in-vehicle storage device.

When such data is available, it might be more appropriate for EETS on-board equipment to be connected directly to these
in-vehicle devices. This would provide a higher level of assurance of the data and eliminate the need for EETS Providers to certify
and enter the data into the EETS on-board equipment.


3.1. List of the sales agents of the Publications Office of the European Union

Online services of the Publications Office of the European Union:

• EU publications

• Research and development

• EU law

• Public procurement

3.2. European legislation and documents on electronic toll systems’ interoperability and
• Directive 2004/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the interoperability of electronic
road toll systems in the Community:

• Commission Decision 2009/750/EC of 6 October 2009 on the definition of the European Electronic Toll Service and
its technical elements:

• Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for
Spatial Information in the European Community (Inspire): (Inspire website portal).

• ITS action plan: Communication from the Commission — Action plan for the deployment of intelligent transport
systems in Europe (COM(2008) 886 final):

• Directive 2010/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 July 2010 on the framework for the deployment
of Intelligent Transport Systems in the field of road transport and for interfaces with other modes of transport:

• Expert groups and studies reports (29)

Directive 2004/52/EC did not fully define EETS and left it to the Commission to decide on the detailed EETS definition with the
assistance of the Toll Committee. Long preparatory works were necessary to address the many issues. Following the adoption of
Directive 2004/52/EC, the Commission set up 12 expert groups and launched four studies to determine the conditions necessary
for EETS to work from all points of view, including technical, legal and commercial.

The expert groups’ reports cover the following topics:

1. Microwave technologies (DSRC)

52 2. Vehicle classification
3. Enforcement
4. Equipment certification
5. Satellite technologies
6. Integration of on-board units into vehicles
7. The role of financial institutions — Payment and contractual aspects
8. Final review of draft UNI (Italian) DSRC specifications
9. Specification of the EFC application based on satellite technologies
10. Recommendations on enforcement specifications and technologies
11. Definition of the EFC application based on DSRC
12. EETS security aspects

The studies cover:

13. Economic and social impact of the implementation of Directive 2004/52/EC

14. Feasibility of a European network of certification centres (ENCC)
15. Road charging interoperability (RCI): validation of EETS architecture and essential specifications by field operational tests of
prototypes in cross-border operations through German, Swiss, French, Spanish, Italian and Austrian tolling schemes
16. Cesare (common electronic fee collection system for a road tolling European service) series of studies: definition of the EETS
business model introducing the roles of Toll Chargers, EETS Providers and service users

The expert groups and studies reports can be found at:

(29) The expert groups’ studies and reports are subject to a disclaimer: These reports produced for the European Commission by external experts
and contractors represent the views of the authors. The expressed views have not been adopted or in any way approved by the European
Commission and should not be relied upon as a statement of the Commission’s views. The reports may be of interest in informing on the
thinking process having led to the EETS decision. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in these
reports, nor does it accept responsibility for any use made thereof.
3.3. Harmonised standards

3.3.1. Guidance — Drafting of harmonised standards

3.3.2. List of harmonised standards

The link provides access to the summary list of titles and references to harmonised standards in relation to the corresponding
European legislation.

The information contained in the summary list is a compilation of the references of standards that have been published in the
Official Journal of the European Union.

Although this list is updated regularly, it may not be complete and it does not have any legal validity; only publication in the
Official Journal produces legal effect.

Additional information can be found at the European standardisation organisations websites:

• CEN:

• Cenelec:


3.4. List of the bodies notified under Commission Decision 2009/750/EC

This list of notified bodies is given for information only and is valid at the date indicated on the Internet site.

Information is made available on the basis of the documentation provided by the designating authorities of the Member States.

3.5. National EETS domains and EETS Providers registers

See related documents at

3.6. Professional association Toll Chargers

Asecap (European Association of Tolled Motorways, Bridges and Tunnels)

Headquarters: 3 rue Edmond Valentin, 75007 Paris, FRANCE; tel. +33 147533700, fax +33 145558488

General Secretariat: 15 rue Guimard, 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË; tel. +32 22892620, fax +32 25146628

Internet site:

3.7. Professional association EETS Providers

At the time of writing this guide, prospective EETS Providers intended to create a professional association to be called AETIS
(Association for Electronic Tolling and Interoperable Services).

The modules are based on Decision 768/2008/EC (30).

Before it can be placed on the market, an interoperability constituent must at least be covered by an ‘EC’ declaration of conformity
to specifications. Where feasible, the interoperability constituent and/or its packaging will carry a CE marking in relation with the
‘EC’ Declaration, affixed by the manufacturer of the interoperability constituent.

In addition, the interoperability constituent and/or its packaging may carry CE markings covered by ‘EC’ declarations of suitability
for use.

An ‘EC’ declaration of conformity to specifications or suitability for use (see Annex 6 to this guide) attests to the compliance of
an interoperability constituent with the appropriate standards, normative documents, essential requirements or EETS domains.

A new ‘EC’ declaration of conformity to specifications is necessary for an interoperability constituent to be placed on the market
when it is substantially modified.

A new ‘EC’ declaration of suitability for use is also necessary when the constituent is used in a new field of application.

The entity placing the interoperability constituent on the market on the Union territory, be it the manufacturer, its authorised
representative in the Union, importer or any other person, must retain at the disposal of the competent authority the ‘EC’
declarations and, where applicable, the technical file not attached to the declarations (see Annex 6). These documents shall be
54 maintained by such entity at the disposal of the competent authorities for a period covering the lifetime of the last interoperability
constituent placed on the market. This applies for interoperability constituents manufactured in the Union as well as those
imported from a third country.

The choice of the specific modules to be applied in the assessment procedure of a given interoperability constituent’s conformity
to specifications lies with the manufacturer, which entrusts the assessment and certification procedure to a notified body of its
choice, where necessary.

For the suitability for use assessment procedure, the Module V shall be applied. Module V is always complementary to the
conformity to specifications assessment modules chosen by the manufacturer.

The figure below illustrates the EETS interoperability constituents’ conformity to specifications and suitability for use assessment

(30) Decision No 768/2008/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 on a common framework for the marketing of
products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC (OJ L 218, 13.8.2008, pp. 82–128).
EETS — Certification and monitoring process

Conformity to specifications,
(Modules A to H)
according to Decision 768/2008/EC

‘EC’ Declaration of Conformity

(EC marking)
Suitability for use,
(Module V: End-to-End tests;
System Integration Testing in
test environment; Real ‘EC’ Declaration of Suitability
Operational Testing) for Use

Operation phase
Quality system approval and
surveillance (quality audits
and quality measurement)

Structure of the modules for EETS Interoperability Constituents Assessment
Type Full quality
B examination assurance
Internal control with design
of production examination

Type Design
Examination Examination
Certificate Certificate

Conformity Product
C quality
to type D F verification

Certificate of
QAS (*) QAS (*)

EC Declaration EC Declaration EC Declaration EC Declaration EC Declaration

of Conformity of Conformity of Conformity of Conformity of Conformity

Type validation by Suitability for Use

V in service experience Certificate (*)

EC Declaration EC Declaration EC Declaration EC Declaration EC Declaration

of Suitability of Suitability of Suitability of Suitability of Suitability
for Use (*) for Use (*) for Use (*) for Use (*) for Use (*)

Documents issued by notified bodies (*) Quality system approval and surveillance
Documents issued by manufacturers

Tasks of the manufacturer

Module Tasks of the notified body
or its authorised representative

A All phases All phases

• Takes all measures necessary to ensure that • No tasks
the design and the manufacturing process
control of assures compliance of the interoperability
production constituent (IC) with the requirements
specified in Decision 2009/750/EC
• Draws up the ‘EC’ declaration of conformity
to specifications

B Design Design

• Establishes technical documentation which, • Performs an EETS-relevant design review:
as far as relevant for assessment, covers the examination of the design methods, the
examination design, manufacture and operation of the design tools and the design results
product • Performs a review of the manufacturing
• Places at the disposal of the NB one (or process
more) specimens representative of the • Carries out tests or has them carried out
production envisaged
• Issues a type-examination certificate (1) 57
• applies for the type examination by an NB

C Production Production

• Takes all measures necessary to ensure that • No tasks
manufacturing assures compliance of the IC
to type with the approved type
(only together
with B)
• draws up the ‘EC’ declaration of conformity
(with the approved type)

D Production Production

• Operates a quality system for production • Approves the quality system
and testing, approved and surveyed by an • Carries out surveillance of the quality system
assurance • Issues visit report or audit report
(only together
• Draws up the ‘EC’ declaration of conformity
(with the approved type)
with B)

F Production Production

• Applies for verification of conformity of • Verifies conformity of products
products by an NB • Issues a certificate  (1) of conformity to
(only together
• Draws up the ‘EC’ declaration of conformity specifications
to specifications (with requirements of
with B) Decision 2009/750/EC)

Tasks of the manufacturer

Module Tasks of the notified body
or its authorised representative

H Design Design

Full quality
• Operates an approved quality system for • Assesses and approves the quality system
design • Carries out surveillance of the quality system
with design
• Carries out type tests in an appropriate • Performs a design examination: examination
laboratory of the application including:
• Gives evidence to the NB that the IC meets • technical design specifications applied,
all requirements of Decision 2009/750/EC,
including the results of tests
• supporting evidence of design adequacy
with provisions of Decision 2009/750/EC
• Applies for design examination by an NB
• results of type tests performed in an
appropriate laboratory
• Issues a design examination certificate (1)

Production Production
• Operates a quality system for production • Approves the quality system
and testing, approved and surveyed by an • Carries out surveillance of the quality system
• draws up the ‘EC’ Declaration of conformity
to specifications

V In-service experience In-service experience

• Applies for type validation by in-service • Verifies the technical documentation and
58 experience by an NB the programme for validation by in-service
for use (type
• Places in service one (or more) specimens experience

by in-service
representative of the production envisaged • Approves the monitoring procedure of the

• Monitors the in-service behaviour of the IC in-service behaviour and carries out specific
by a procedure, approved and surveyed by surveillance
an NB • Assesses if the in-service behaviour meets
• Gives evidence to the NB that the IC meets the requirements of Decision 2009/750/EC
all requirements of Decision 2009/750/ • Issues a suitability for use certificate (1)
EC, including the results of in-service
• Draws up the ‘EC’ declaration of suitability
for use

(1) See Annex 6 for the necessary elements to be mentioned on the NBs’ certificates.
Type of procedure:

1 — Assessment of the conformity to specifications of interoperability constituents

2 — Assessment of the suitability for use of interoperability constituents

Necessary information to be included in the certificate/

formal document’s Type of

(Bilingual: official language of the applicant’s Member State and English) 1 2

1. Type and identification number of the certificate/formal document X X
In accordance with the modules, NBs issue certificates but also other formal documents.
In total, five types of certificates/formal documents have been identified:
Certificate/formal document type Module 59
• Type examination certificate B
• Design examination certificate H
• Quality system approval D, H
• Certificate of conformity F
• Suitability for use certificate V
The NB attributes a unique identification number to each certificate/formal document. The
reader should refer to the Coordination Group NB-EETS for details on the numbering system
for certificates and other formal documents

2. European legal base and reference of Directive 2004/52/EC transposition into the national X X
law of the NB’s Member State

3. Designation of the interoperability constituent certified X X

(type, product family, identification, version number, etc.)

4. Name and address of the manufacturer (or of its authorised representative established within X X
the Union) of the certified interoperability constituent
Place of manufacture

5. Name and address of the NB; registration number at the European Commission X X

Necessary information to be included in the certificate/

formal document’s Type of

(Bilingual: official language of the applicant’s Member State and English) 1 2

6. Statement about the assessment results X X
NB’s statement declaring the conformity of the interoperability constituent with the
appropriate requirements or formally confirming the results of its investigations. This is the
central statement in the certificate/formal document.

7. Framework of the assessment/verification

• relevant directives X X
• modules X X
• standards or other documents referred to in Decision 2009/750/EC (and therefore
mandatory), where applicable X X
• standards or other documents not referred to in Decision 2009/750/EC (and therefore
voluntary), where applicable.

8. Reference to annexes X X
In most cases, the certificate/formal document will be the first part of a larger set of
60 documents. This information aims to make all relevant documents (technical files, etc.) easily

9. Integration conditions of the certified constituent in EETS (application field, conditions of use, X X
functioning, etc.)

10 Expiry date, if applicable. X X

11. Place, date of issue and signature of the NB’s authorised signatory. X X
Necessary information to be included in the certificate/
formal document’s Type of

(Official language of the applicant’s Member State) 1 2

12. Reference of the technical file (containing documentation as defined in the modules). X X

13. List of optional requirements implemented in the IC X X

14. List of any restrictions to the approval (ICs’ area of use etc.) X X

15. Name(s), place(s) and address(es) of manufacturer(s), when it is (they are) different from the X X
name and address on the front page of the certificate/formal document

16. When necessary, X X

list of approvals and other certifications issued for the interoperability constituent(s) within
the field of certification, the relevant standard(s), the name and address of the certification
body, in the case of:
• a quality management certificate (modules D, H),
• a product certification against not mandatory standards for ICs,
restricted to those directly pertaining to this certificate/formal document.
17. When necessary, X X
name and address of inspection body(ies) and/or test centre(s), sub-contractor(s) of the NB
and action(s) sub-contracted (in particular for assessment of suitability for use)

18. For modules F, D, design/type examination, ‘EC’ certificates/reports with reference of the NB X X
involved (if not on the certificate/formal document’s front page).

19. Basis for assessment/verification (calculation results, test reports, inspection reports, design X X
examination, etc) including references to not attached documents and references to the
evaluation report.

20. For assessment based on type tests:

• type delivery date to the testing body X X
• type manufacturing conditions (if special)

21. For assessment of suitability for use by in-service experience:

• detail of the Toll Charger(s) and EETS Provider(s) operating the interoperability constituent X
for in-service experience
• inspection report for monitoring the constituent behaviour and the conditions of use
and maintenance

There are three European standardisation organisations (ESO) working in partnership:

• the CEN (European Committee for Standardisation);

• the Cenelec (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation);

• the ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute).

The CEN covers all the subjects outside the scope of Cenelec and ETSI.

The mission of the ESOs is to promote voluntary technical harmonisation in Europe, in conjunction with worldwide organisations.

With regard to the elements of electronic tolling, those are mainly treated:

• for the CEN, under Technical Committee TC 278 ‘Road Transport and Traffic Telematics’;

• for the ETSI, under Technical Committee TC ITS; and

their respective subcommittees. These committees also collaborate closely with the ISO (mainly ISO TC 204) in developing EFC
standards that may be applied globally.

A standardisation mandate (m/338) has been set up between the European Commission and the ESOs for standardisation in
62 support of Directive 2004/52/EC.

The ESOs’ process for developing standards respects the following principles.

• Openness and transparency: all interested parties can take part in the preparation of standards. This is usually achieved
through the national standards bodies.

• Consensus: whenever possible, European Standards are developed and adopted with the agreement of all the interested
parties. When necessary, adoption of the final text is obtained by weighed majority voting.

• National commitment: national members are normally obliged to eliminate any previous national standard which may
conflict with a European standard.

• Technical coherence: continuity and consistency of technical content between European standards is looked at.

• Global coherence: the ESOs take into account the activities of the European sectorial bodies and the work of international
standardisation bodies, especially the ISO.

The ESOs do not themselves publish European standards. The ratified texts are sent to the national members, which publish them
as national measures, keeping the EN catalogue entry (e.g. BS EN 71, DIN EN 71, etc.).

In addition, national standards bodies may adopt international standards, e.g. from the ISO (or IEC). In this case, the national
reference numbers also maintain the original ISO (or IEC) reference (e.g. BS ISO 13296).

The CEN or Cenelec may also adopt international standards from the ISO (or IEC). In this case, the standards published by the
national members have triple prefixes (e.g. DIN EN ISO 9000).
Common definition for the most important terms used in the framework of EETS


Suitability for use Ability of a product to achieve and maintain a specified performance during its period of use

In-service experience Validation of product requirements for suitability for use by operation or use of the product
in service, integrated representatively into the EETS system, over specified conditions and
operation time

Conformity assessment Demonstration that specified requirements relating to a product are fulfilled
(modified from CEN ISO/IEC 17000:2004, where also a process, system, person or body are

Design examination (1) (*) Assessment of the design of a product by examination of the design methods, the design
tools and the design results, taking into account, if appropriate, the results of tests and reviews
and validation by in service experience
(*) Procedure within Module H provided in Decision 768/2008/EC.
Design review (1)(**) Documented, comprehensive and systematic examination of a design to evaluate
its capability to fulfil the requirements for conformity at the completion of the design process
(**) In a general sense, modified from EN ISO 8402:1995; 3.11.

Design examination Document certifying the ability of the design of a product such that the product will meet the
certificate requirements

Review of manufacturing Documented, comprehensive and systematic examination of the manufacturing process
process (1) devised for manufacturing a product, to evaluate its contribution to product conformity,
carried out at the completion of the design process

Type examination (1) Assessment of a product type to its conformity and where applicable suitability for use by
design review, review of the manufacturing process, type tests and in-service experience
(if specified)
(Procedure within Module B also provided in Decision 768/2008/EC)

Type examination Document certifying the conformity and suitability for use of a product type

Sampling (1) Selection of one or more specimens out of a whole lot (e.g. on a statistical base) to ensure that
the specimens represent the whole

Testing (1) Determination of one or more characteristics of an object of conformity assessment,

according to a procedure
(CEN ISO/IEC 17000:2004; 4.2)


Inspection (1) Examination of a product design, product, process or installation and determination of

its conformity with specific requirements or, on the basis of professional judgement, with
general requirements.
(CEN ISO/IEC 17000:2004; 4.3)

Evaluation report A report on the results of a systematic examination of the extent to which a product fulfils
specific requirements.

Verification (1) Assessment of the product’s conformity to specified technical requirements, performed step
by step during the product development phase by specified tests or alternative methods.

Validation (1) Confirmation, by examination and provision of objective evidence, that the particular
requirements for a specific intended use are fulfilled.
(ISO 8402:1994; 2.18)

Surveillance of product Constant or frequent monitoring and verification of product conformity, to ensure that
conformity (1) specified requirements are being fulfilled
(Modified from ISO 8402:1994; 4.7, which concerns quality surveillance and is not restricted to

Certification (1) Third-party issue of a statement, based on a decision following review, that fulfiment of
64 specified requirements related to a product has been demonstrated.
(Modified from CEN ISO/IEC 17000:2004; 5.5., where processes, systems or persons are also

(1) Actions within the conformity assessment procedure.


9.1. Harmonised standard

A standard which has been:

• mandated by the Commission under a new approach (or new approach-type) European legislation; and

• developed by the European standards organisations (CEN, Cenelec, ETSI) in accordance with the general internal rules
of these organisations.

Harmonised standards are deemed to exist when the European standards organisations formally present to the Commission the
(part(s) of) standards helping to fulfil some essential requirements of the European legislation, in conformity with a mandate of
the European Commission.

Harmonised standards are considered to carry a broad consensus.

The reference numbers of ‘harmonised’ standards are published in the Official Journal of the European Union (Series C). ‘Harmonised’
standards are then transposed by Member States at national level.

9.2. Technical specification

A technical specification can be:

• a technical normative requirement which can be defined among others by reference to a European standard, a European
technical approval or a common technical specification;

• a type of standard being developed in CEN or ISO.

Unless otherwise stated, in this application guide the first of these meanings is intended when the term ‘technical specification’
is used.

9.3. Conformity to specifications

In the context of EETS, fulfilment by a product of requirements specified in Directive 2004/52/EC, Decision 2009/750/EC or in
relevant standards, technical specifications and normative documents compiled by the EETS Coordination Group of Notified
Bodies and deemed relevant by the Toll Committee.

9.4. Suitability for use

Ability of an interoperability constituent to achieve and maintain a specified performance during its period of use when in service,
integrated representatively into EETS in relation with a Toll Charger’s system.

9.5. Assessment of conformity to specifications
Any activity concerned with determining directly or indirectly that specified requirements are fulfilled.

9.6. Assessment of suitability for use

Any activity concerned with determining directly or indirectly the in-service interoperability of an interoperability constituent.

9.7. Placing on the market

The process by which an interoperability constituent is made available within the European Union, with a view to distribution
or use within the Union.

9.8. Placing into service

The process by which an interoperability constituent is put into use in its designed state.

CEN European Committee for Standardisation
CEN #number# CEN standard project: item of work in a standard programme, intended to lead to a new, amended
or revised standard. (NB: Contrary to CEN and Cenelec, ETSI directly allocates a standard number to a
Cenelec European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation
CLC #number# Cenelec standard project: item of work in a standard programme, intended to lead to a new, amended
or revised standard. (NB: Contrary to CEN and Cenelec, ETSI directly allocates a standard number to a
CN Cellular Network
DSRC Dedicated Short-Range Communications
EC European Community
ECE Economic Commission for Europe (see UNECE)
EEA European Economic Area
EEC European Economic Community
EETS European Electronic Toll Service
EFC Electronic Fee Collection
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EN European standard
66 ENV European pre-standard (This is an older form of standard in CEN that is being phased out.
It will normally be replaced with a TS-type standard.)
ES ETSI Standard (a type of standard document)
ESO European Standardisation Organisations (CEN, Cenelec and ETSI)
ETS European Telecommunications Standard
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
EU European Union
FAT Factory Acceptance Tests
GDF Geographic Data File
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
HD Harmonisation Document
HMI Human–Machine Interface
IC Interoperability Constituent
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
JPC Joint Programming Committee of CEN/Cenelec/ETSI
JWG Joint Working Group (in standardisation)
KPI Key Performance Indicator
MMI Man–Machine Interface
MS Member State
NB Notified Body
OBE On-Board Equipment
OBU On-Board Unit
OJ Official Journal of the European Union
prEN Draft European Standard
prTS Draft Technical Specification (a type of standard document)
QAS Quality Assurance System
RAMS Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety
RCI Road Charging Interoperability
RFU Recommendation For Use
RSE Roadside Equipment
SAT Site Acceptance Tests
SC Standard Committee
SLA Service Level Agreement
TC Technical Committee
TR Technical Report (a tentative form of standard)
TS Technical Specifications (a type of standard document)
UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
VST Vehicle Service Table
WG Working Group (in CEN or ISO)
WP Working Party


It is essential that all EETS stakeholders in the Union share a common understanding and application of the content and
requirements of Directive 2004/52/EC and Decision 2009/750/EC.

Even though this guide provides guidance in implementing EETS, stakeholders will probably still have questions, which remain

• Bodies notified under Decision 2009/750/EC may refer to their Co-ordination Group NB-EETS for any questions they may
have regarding the assessment procedures in relation with the implementation of EETS (see Section 4.8).

Each question and its draft answer will be sent to the European Commission and the Toll Committee by the Coordination Group

The European Commission shall give its opinion on the draft answer, where necessary in accordance with the procedure defined
in Article 5(2) of Directive 2004/52/EC. In all cases, the Toll Committee and the Coordination Group NB-EETS will be kept informed
of the procedure and the European Commission’s opinion.

• All stakeholders, including the notified bodies, may refer their questions directly to the European Commission (31).

Where appropriate the questions together with the answers will be made publicly available on the websites of the European
Commission and/or of the Coordination Group NB-EETS.

(31) European Commission, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË.


3 Terms and definitions

3.2.5 toll systems environment management

Controlling enterprise object for the toll systems environment.

NOTE The toll systems environment management may encompass several distinct entities, e.g. a political/legislative one, a
regulatory one, private associations, standardization authorities, and so on.

5 The EFC community: roles and objectives

68 5.3.1 Financial systems, e.g. banks, credit cards companies and clearing houses
The role of a financial system is to provide the financial services requested by a toll charging environment. The services will
mainly be transfer of money between entities in the toll charging environment, including users. It is important to note that the
toll charging environment roles handle charging data while the financial system handles payment information (‘money’). The
interactions between the toll charging environment and the financial system are based on explicit and implicit contracts between
the objects in the toll charging environment and the objects in the financial system.

5.3.2 Telecom systems

The role of the telecom systems is to provide telecom services requested by a toll charging environment. Examples of such
services could be cable network for transfer of data between the operators of the toll charging environment and air-interface
network for transfer of data between the toll charging equipment and the On-Board Equipment. The interactions between the
toll charging environment and the telecom system are based on explicit and implicit contracts between the objects in the toll
charging environment and the objects in the telecom system.

5.3.4 Vehicle sensors and data stores

A toll charging environment may use information from vehicle sensors and data stores integrated in the vehicle where the
main purposes of the sensor or data store are not related to EFC. The information is retrieved from the sensors and data stores
and used for the toll calculation. Examples of such sensors and data stores are GNSS sensors (e.g. in devices used for navigation,
fleet management), tachograph, trailer sensor, suspension sensors, axle in use sensors and vehicle related information stored in
a secure application module (SAM). The data stores could be either in the vehicle or elsewhere, e.g. a computer installed within
the toll domain.

(32) The listed sections are excerpts from a draft standard and are for information only. They may be subject to change as the prEN ISO 17573
text develops.
5.3.5 Environmental sensors and other ITS systems
A toll charging environment may use data from environmental sensors, e.g. pollution measurements, for the toll calculation.
Also data from other ITS systems, e.g. traffic management system (TMS), may be used for toll calculation. A dynamic road pricing
scheme may for instance use both the pollution measurements from environmental sensors and the data on traffic flows and
speeds from a TMS for the dynamic toll calculation.

5.3.6 EFC equipment suppliers

The role of the EFC equipment suppliers is to provide EFC equipment to a toll charging environment, e.g. On-Board Equipment
and Roadside Equipment. The interactions between the EFC equipment suppliers and the toll charging environment are based
on contracts between the different objects in the toll charging environment and the EFC equipment suppliers. The main role of
the toll charging environment will be to provide system requirements while the main role of the EFC equipment suppliers will
be to provide EFC equipment with EFC functionality in accordance with the requirements.

5.3.8 Standardisation bodies

The role of the standardisation bodies is to provide EFC standards and other standards or specifications relevant for toll charging
environments. There are interactions with a toll charging environment concerning EFC standards to be used for toll charging
environment requirements as well as input from toll charging environment to the standardisation bodies, e.g. by toll charging
operators taking part in the preparation of EFC standards.

5.3.9 Authorities
The role of the authorities is to define the framework in which a toll charging environment shall operate. The framework is
defined by policies constituting of laws and regulations, mandates, constraints and requirements. Different authorities define 69
different policies:

— Road and Transport Authorities, e.g. a Department of Transport, may define policies related to the type of and availability,
reliability and quality of the transport service subject to a toll. The authorities may also, in cooperation with the financial
authorities, define policies for tariffing principles to be used in a toll charging environment. The authorities may also, in
cooperation with the financial authorities, define the policies that govern the configuration of the EFC enterprise objects
and assignment of roles to enterprise objects as well as the environment contracts that govern the system. An example
here would be that the authorities define the policy which is the basis for the contract between an operator taking the role
of issuing EFC contracts and the operators taking the toll charging roles.

— Telecom authorities, may define policies for the use of telecom systems, e.g. frequencies in air-interface communication

— Financial authorities may define policies for a toll charging environment and the financial environment it shall operate, e.g.
whether the toll is a tax or a fee. They may also define policies for the use of certain types of payment means, e.g. electronic
purses, and the split of roles between the toll charging environment and the financial systems.

— Data protection authorities may define policies for the security and privacy in a toll charging environment.

— Certification authorities may issue public key certificates.

The interactions with the authorities also cover access to information kept by the authorities, e.g. National Vehicle Registers.


6 Roles in a toll charging environment

6.2 Role related to the provision of the toll service

The role related to the provision of the toll service is responsible of providing the basic artefacts, mechanisms, organisation
structures, and information transfer tools needed to run an EFC system.

Responsibilities related to this role include:

— Providing basic provision, including:

— providing the OBE;

— guaranteeing that the entity performing the charging of the toll role will be paid for it;

— providing the payment means to the user or accepting an existing one;

— collecting the money from the signer of the EFC contract;

— managing the customer relationships related to the use of the toll service concerning information, claims, questions
and answers, error handling and any contractual or financial matters;

— implementing and adhering to the security and privacy policies for the toll systems;

— monitoring the actual operational quality relative to agreed SLA’s.

— Acting as a contract agent, including:

— offering contractual relations according to defined conditions to interested users and concluding contractual

— providing and managing the EFC contract including the service rights for the toll service user.

— Providing toll declaration, including:

— making sure that the OBE is reporting in a secure way information needed for the toll charging

— Providing EFC context data, including:

— providing context data originated elsewhere (e.g. by a Toll Charger) in a way that they can be installed in the OBE.

— Customising the OBE, including:

— customising the OBE in a secure way.

— Maintaining the OBE, including:

— maintaining the functionality of the OBE.

6.3 Role related to the use of the toll service
In this International Standard a transport service is related to the use of or the presence of a vehicle in a toll domain. The toll
domain may encompass a road network, a specific section of a road (e.g. a bridge, a tunnel or a ferry connection) or a specific
area offering a service (e.g. a parking lot or access to a protected area in a city). It could also be any service related to the use of
a vehicle in the transport system, e.g. a petrol station enabling the driver to buy petrol by means of EFC.

A role is thus identified that covers all aspects of using the toll system and, if applicable, of the transport service. Implementations
of toll systems in various domains identify actors in this role that are commonly referred to as, e.g., driver, user or customer.

This role covers the following responsibilities:

— Driving the vehicle subject to toll including:

— using the OBE as a tool to fulfil his obligations;

— interacting with the OBE, e.g. declaring the vehicle characteristics for the vehicle subject to toll or receiving messages
and acting on the messages from the OBE;

— behaving according to the rules of a specific toll system, e.g. recognising a signal or a road sign.

— Owning or operating a vehicle, including:

— adhere to the toll regime for a toll domain;

— signing a contract with a Toll Service Provider’;

— signing a contract with the issuer of the EFC contract becoming responsible for compliance to the rules related to 71
the use of the toll service;

— acquiring OBE;

— installing and eventually de-installing the OBE in the vehicle;

— terminating the contractual relation to the Toll Service Provider;

— receiving the claim, e.g. by means of an invoice, for a service that has been used and a toll to be paid;

— paying the toll included in the claim;

— storing and protecting the contractual data and eventually the payment means, e.g. an electronic purse, needed for
the toll charging and communicating the data to other actors having roles related to issuing or toll charging. This
role is always bound to the OBE;

— Contacting the CRM of the service provider in order to clarify uncertainties about issues covered by his contractual

6.4 Role related to the charging of the toll

The role related to the charging of the toll covers all actors who define the toll regime, operate the toll system and may provide
transport services. The role includes the related charging infrastructures and who defines the toll and operates the toll system.
Enforcement operators are also playing this role.

The role related to the toll charging includes the following responsibilities:

— Basic Charging, including:

— providing, if applicable, the transport service, e.g. access to a road network, a parking lot or a ferry connection;

— defining the charging principles for the service offered, e.g. the tariffing principles for a tolled road or zone.

— Calculating Toll, including:

— possibly communicating to the user the result of the charging process;

— communicating in a secure way with actors having roles related to the issuing of the EFC contract, payment means
and OBE.

— Originating EFC context data, including:

— informing the driver of the vehicle about the EFC availability and the toll charging principles, e.g. through signs and
messages either directly or via the OBE.

— Communicating with passing vehicles, including, whenever applicable and according to the technology chosen in the
72 given toll domain:

— providing, if applicable, to autonomous systems geographical details of the charge objects in the toll domain, as well
as providing positioning information. This process is also known as Localisation Augmentation;

— detecting a vehicle subject to a toll;

— collecting the characteristics of a vehicle enabling a correct classification of the vehicle used for a toll calculation. The
information collected can either be read from the OBE, measured (both used for toll calculation or verification of data
read from the OBE) or collected from a central database or vehicle register (offline toll calculation);

— communicating in a secure way with the OBE exchanging information needed for the toll charging;

— accepting the service rights stored in the OBE, i.e. the medium carrying the contractual data;

— collecting the information enabling the operator of the toll domain to identify the receiver of a claim for a transport
service provided, e.g. by license plate recognition. The role enables toll collection without OBE installed in the vehicle.

— Operating enforcement, including:

— detecting, recording and handling exceptions (including fraud) whenever a vehicle passes through a toll domain.
Compliance check of autonomous systems is included in this responsibility;

— handling enforcement cases while protecting the privacy of the actors having taken the role as driver;

— implementing and adhering to the security and privacy policies for the toll charging environments.
6.5 Role related to the management of a toll charging environment
There is also a need for an overall management of a toll charging environment defining and organising the policy that enables
the daily operation of the toll charging equipment involving several different actors. A specific role is identified to manage a toll
charging environment, i.e. defining and maintaining a set of rules that, taken together, defines the policy of a given regime or
of the overall toll charging environment.

The responsibilities of this role include:

— Setting rules, including:

— Defining the supported security and privacy policies for the EFC system, acting as security authority that defines the
security interaction policy among the different security domains;

— Define and maintain ID-schemes and, if necessary, support the issuing of IDs ensuring unique registration codes for
organisations and components and unique identifiers or rules for generating unique identifiers for the EFC applications
and messages.

— Certifying EFC constituents, including:

— Defining the certification requirements for actors involved and equipment used in the EFC system.

— Handling disputes, including:

— Defining the operational procedures among the operators;

— Managing dispute among operators.

European Commission

The European Electronic Toll Service (EETS)


Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

2011 — 73 pp. — 21 x 29,7 cm

ISBN 978-92-79-18637-0

ISBN 978-92-79-18637-0

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