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Juvline System Ordience PDF

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Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, 2000

(XXII of 2000)
To provide for protection of the rights of children involved in criminal
Whereas it is expedient to prove for protection of children involved in
criminal litigation, their rehabilitation in society, re-organization of Juvenile Courts
and matters connected therewith and incidental thereto;
AND WHEREAS the National Assembly and the Senate stand suspended
in pursuance of Proclamation of Emergency of the fourteenth day of October,
1999, and the Provisional Constitution Order No. 1 of 1999;
AND WHEREAS the President is satisfied that circumstances exist which
render it necessary to take immediate action;
NOW, THEREFORE, in pursuance of Proclamation of Emergency of the
fourteenth day of October, 1999, and Provisional Constitution Order No. 1 of
1999 as well as Order 9 of 1999, and in exercise of all powers enabling him in
that behalf, the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is pleased to make
and promulgate the following Ordinance:-
1. Short title; extent and commencement.
(1) This Ordinance may be called the Juvenile Justice System
Ordinance, 2000,
(2) It extends to the whole of Pakistan,
(3) It shall come into force at once,

2. Definitions. In this Ordinance, unless there is anything repugnant in

the subject or context...
a. “Borstal Institution” means a place where child offender may be
detained and given educational and training for their mental, moral
and psychological development;
b. “ Child” means a person who at the time of commission of an
offence has not attained the age of eighteen years;
c. “Code” means the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898(Act V of
d. “Guardian” means a parent or a person who has actual care of the
child and includes such relative who is willing to bear the
responsibility of the child;
e. “Juvenile Court” means a Court established under section 4;
f. “ Offence” means an offence punishable under any law for the time
being in force; and
g. “Probation officer” means a person appointed under the Probation
of Offenders Ordinance, 1960 (XLV of 1960), or such person as the
Provisional Government may appoint to perform the functions of
Probation Officer under this Ordinance.

3. Legal Assistance.
(1) Every child who is accused of the commission of an offence
or is a victim of an offence shall have the right of legal assistance at
the expense of the State.
(2) A legal practitioner appointed by the state for providing legal
assistance to a child accused of the commission of an offence, or
victim of an offence, shall have at least five years standing at the
4. Juvenile Courts.
(1) The Provisional Government shall, in consultation with the
chief Justice of High Court, by notification in the official Gazette,
establish one or more juvenile Courts for any local are within its
(2) The High Court may…
a. Confer powers of Juvenile courts on
i. Courts of Sessions;
ii. Judicial Magistrate of the First Class; and
b. Appoint, from amongst practicing advocates having
atleast seven years standing at the bar, Presiding officers of
Juvenile Courts with powers of a judicial Magistrate of the
First Class for the purpose of this Ordinance on such terms
and conditions as the high court may determine.
(3) The Juvenile Court shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to try
cases in which a child is accused of commission of an
(4) Subject to sub section (3) on commencement of this
ordinance, all cases pending before a Trial Court in which a
child is accused of an offence shall stand transferred to the
Juvenile Court having jurisdiction.
(5) The Juvenile shall not, merely by reason of a change in its
composition, or transfer of a case under sub-section (4), be
bound to recall or rehear any witness who has given
evidence and may act on the evidence already recorded.
(6) On taking cognizance of an offence, the Juvenile Court shall
decide the case within four months.
5. No joint trial of a child and adult person,
(1) Not withstanding anything contained in section 239 of the
Code, or any other law for the time being in force, no child shall be
charged with or tried for an offence together with an adult.
(2) F a child is charged with the commission of an offence for
which under Section 239 of the Code, or any other law for
the time being in force such child could be tried together with
an adult, the Court taking cognizance of the offence shall
direct separate trial of the child by the Juvenile Court.

6. Procedure of the Juvenile Courts. A Juvenile Court shall, unless

provided otherwise in this Ordinance, follow the procedure provided
for in the Code.
(1) A juvenile Court shall not ordinarily take up any other case on a
day when the case of a child accused in fixed for evidence on
such a day.
(2) No person shall be present at any sitting of a Juvenile Court
a. Members and officers of the Juvenile court;
b. Parties to the case before the Juvenile Court and such other
persons who are directly concerned with the proceedings
including the police officers
c. Such other persons as the Juvenile court directs to be
d. Guardian of the child.

(3) At any stage during the course of the trial of a case under
this Ordinance, the Juvenile Court may, in the interest of
such child, decency or morality, direct any person to
withdraw from Court for such period as the Court may direct.
(4) Where at any stage during the course of the trial of a case,
the Juvenile Court is satisfied that the attendance of the child
is not essential for the purpose of the trial, the Juvenile court
may dispose with the attendance and proceed with the trial
of the case in absence of the child.
(5) When a child who has been brought before a Juvenile Court
and is found to be suffering from serious illness, whether
physical or mental, and requires treatment, the Court shall
send such child to a hospital or a medical institution where
treatment shall be given to the child at the expense of the
7. Determination of age… If a question arises as to whether a
person before it is child for the purposes of this Ordinance, the
Juvenile Court shall record a finding after such inquiry, which shall
include a medical report for determination of the age of the child.
8. Prohibition to public proceedings of cases.
(1) Unless the Juvenile Court specifically authorizes, the Court
proceedings shall be published in any newspapers,
magazine or journal in any form which may disclose the
name, address, school or any identification or particulars
calculated to lead directly or indirectly to the identification of
such child nor shall any picture of the child be published.
9. Probation Officer.
(1) The Probation Officer shall assist the Juvenile Court by
making a report on the child’s character, educational, social
and moral background.
(2) Subject to sub-section (2) of the report of the Probation
Officer submitted to the Juvenile court shall be treated as
(3) The Juvenile Court may, if so thinks fit, communicate the
substance of the report to the child or his guardian and,
where anyone of them disputes the contents or views
contained therein, the Juvenile court may give such child or,
as the case may be, guardian an opportunity of producing
such evidence as may be relevant to the matter stated in the
10. Arrest and bail,
(1) Where a child is arrested for commission of an offence, the
officer incharge of the police station in which the child is
detained shall, as soon as may be, inform..
a. the guardian of the child, if he can be found, of such
arrest and inform him of the time, date and name of the
Juvenile Court before which the child shall be produced;
b. the concerned Probation Officer to enable him to obtain
such information about the child and other material
circumstances which may be of assistance to the juvenile
Court for making inquiry.
(2) Where a child accused of non-bail able offence is arrested, he
shall, without any delay and in no case later than twenty-four
hours from such arrest, be produced before the Juvenile Court.
(3) Without prejudice to the provisions of the Code, a child accused
of a bail able offence shall, if already not released under Section
496 of Code, be released by the juvenile Court on bail, with or
without surety, unless it appears that there are reasonable
grounds for believing that the release of the child shall bring him
into association with any criminal or expose the child to any
danger, in which case, the child shall be placed under the
custody of a Probation officer or a suitable person or institution
dealing with the welfare of the children if parents or guardian of
the child is not present, but shall not under any circumstances
be kept in a police station or jail in such cases.
(4) The Juvenile Court shall, in a case where a child is not grantee
bail under sub-section (3), direct for tracing the guardian of such
child and where the guardian of the child is traced out, the
juvenile Court may immediately release the child on bail.
(5) Where a child under the age of fifteen years is arrested or
detained for an offence which is punishable with the
imprisonment of less than ten years, shall be treated a sif he
was accused of commission of a bailable offence.
(6) No child under the age of fifteen years shall be arrested under
any of the laws dealing with the previous detention or under the
provisions of Chapter VII of the Code.
(7) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code and except
where a Juvenile Court is of the opinion that the delay in the trial
of the accused has been occasioned by an act or omission of
the accused or any other person acting on his behalf or in
exercise of any right or privilege under any law for the time
being in force, a child who, for commission of an offence, has
been detained, shall be released on bail…
a. If, being accused of an offence punishable with death has
been detained for such offence for a continuous period
exceeding one year and whose trial for such an offence
has not concluded.
b. If, being accused of any offence punishable for
improvement for life has been detained for such an offence
for a continuous period exceeding six months and whose
trial for such offence has not concluded; or
c. Who, being accused of any offence not punishable with
death, or imprisonment for life, has been detained for such
an offence for a continuous period exceeding four months
and whose trial for such an offence has not concluded
Provided that where a child of the age of fifteen years or above is
arrested, the court may refuse to grant bail if there are reasonable grounds to
believe that such child is involved in an offence which in its option Is serious,
heinous, gruesome, brutal, sensational in character or shocking to public morality
or he is a previous convict of an offence punishable with death or imprisonment
for life.
11. Release on Probation: - Where on conclusion of an inquiry or trial, the
Juvenile Court finds that a child has committed an offence, then not withstanding
anything to the contrary contained in any law for the time being in force, the
Juvenile Court may, if it thinks fit..

(a) Direct the child offender to be released on probation for good

conduct and place such child under the case of guardian or any
suitable person executing a bond with or without surety as the court
may require, for the good behavior and wellbeing of the child for
any period not exceeding the period of imprisonment awarded to
such child:
Provided that the child released on probation be produced
before the Juvenile Court periodically on such dates and time as it
may direct.
(b) Make an order directing the child offender to be sent to a borstal
institution until he attains the age of eighteen years or for the period
of imprisonment whichever is earlier.
(c) Reduce the period of imprisonment or probation in the case where
the Court is satisfied that further imprisonment or probation shall be
12. Orders that shall not be passed with respect to a child…
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any law for the time being
in force no child shall be: -
(a) Awarded punishment of death, or ordered to labor during the time
spent in any borstal or such other institution; and
(b) Handcuffed, put in fetters or given any corporal punishment at
any time which is custody;
Provided that where there is reasonable apprehension of the escape of
the child from custody, he may be handcuffed.

13. Appeal, etc., -- (1) A child convicted on a trial by a Juvenile Court, or any
other person on his behalf, may, within thirty days from the date of such order,
prefer an appeal in accordance with the provisions of the Code.
(2) The Provisional Government or any person aggrieved by an order
or acquittal passed by a Juvenile Court, may within thirty days
prefer an appeal against such order in accordance with the
provisions of section 417 of the Code.

14. Ordinance not to derogate from other laws, The provisions of this
Ordinance shall be in addition to and not in derogation of, any other law for the
time in force.
15. Power to make rules The Provisional Government may, by
notification in the official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this
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