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published: 12 September 2016

doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2016.00195

Alicia A. Gonzalez-Zacarias, Ana Mavarez-Martinez, Carlos E. Arias-Morales,

Nicoleta Stoicea and Barbara Rogers*

Department of Anesthesiology, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH, USA

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is reported as one of the most complex chronic diseases world-
wide. In the United States, Type 2 DM (T2DM) is the seventh leading cause of morbidity
and mortality. Individuals with diabetes require lifelong personal care to reduce the
possibility of developing long-term complications. A good knowledge of diabetes risk
Edited by: factors, including obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, family history of DM, and seden-
Gaetano Santulli, tary lifestyle, play an essential role in prevention and treatment. Also, sociodemographic,
Columbia University, USA
economic, psychological, and environmental factors are directly and indirectly associated
Reviewed by:
Priyanka Agarwal,
with diabetes control and health outcomes. Our review intends to analyze the interaction
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USA between demographics, knowledge, environment, and other diabetes-related factors
Jessica Gambardella, based on an extended literature search, and to provide insight for improving glycemic
University of the Study of Salerno,
Italy control and reducing the incidence of chronic complications.
*Correspondence: Keywords: diabetes mellitus, type 2 diabetes mellitus, social factors, glucose control, glycosylated hemoglobin
Barbara Rogers

Specialty section:
This article was
submitted to Diabetes,
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is frequently reported as one of the most common chronic diseases (1).
a section of the journal According to the World Health Organization (WHO) global report on diabetes in 2016, an estima-
Frontiers in Public Health tion of 422 million people worldwide were living with the disease by 2014, representing an increase
Received: 12 July 2016
of 3.8% since 1980 (2). In the United States, Type 2 DM (T2DM) is the seventh leading cause of
Accepted: 29 August 2016 morbidity and mortality (3). Individuals with diabetes require chronic management because of
Published: 12 September 2016 the high risk for long-term complications, such as coronary artery disease, end-stage renal disease,
hypertension, stroke, retinopathy, neuropathy, and lower limb amputations (4).
Gonzalez-Zacarias AA, Mavarez- For preventive purposes, identification of diabetes risk factors is of great importance. Well-defined
Martinez A, Arias-Morales CE, diabetes risk factors include obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, family history of DM, and seden-
Stoicea N and Rogers B (2016) tary lifestyle. Equally important, but less precisely defined, are sociodemographic, psychological, and
Impact of Demographic, socioeconomic conditions, including gender, race, education, depression, and neighborhood envi-
Socioeconomic, and Psychological
ronment, presumed to be associated with diabetes control and overall health outcomes (Figure 1)
Factors on Glycemic Self-
Management in Adults with Type 2
(4). For this reason and due to the high prevalence of T2DM worldwide, the need for identifying
Diabetes Mellitus. effective medical care with an adaptable disease self-management is fundamental. Achieving an
Front. Public Health 4:195. optimum glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level demonstrates control of the disease and, therefore,
doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2016.00195 prevention of its complications (3).

Frontiers in Public Health  | 1 September 2016 | Volume 4 | Article 195

Gonzalez-Zacarias et al. Factors Impacting Glycemic Self-Management

FIGURE 1 | Social factors influencing glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.

The purpose of this literature review is to examine current Moreover, Mondesir et al. examined the association between
understanding of the social determinants affecting diabetes care illness-related diabetes social support (IRDSS) and glycemic con-
in the United States, and to make recommendations for future trol. This cross-sectional study included 914 middle age and older
research. diabetic patients who completed a health and retirement survey.
HbA1c levels were obtained to measure good glycemic control,
considering <8.0% as normal. The prevalence of good glycemic
DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS control was 48.9% among women and 51.1% among men. Men
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease affecting 9.7 million reported higher levels of social support for following a meal
women and 10.9 million men among middle age and older adults plan and for taking care of their feet when compared to women.
in United States (5, 6). Analyzed by racial and ethnic groups, IRDSS has shown to be an important barrier for women with
the prevalence is 13.1 million non-Hispanic whites, 3.2 million poor diabetes self-management (6). In another study, Beverly
non-Hispanic blacks, 2.5 million Hispanic/Latino Americans, et al. explored the role of spousal support in diet-related diabetes
and 117,994 American Indians Natives, with the Black and management using data collected from 30 middle-aged and older
Hispanic racial groups having the highest risk of complications married couples. The authors showed that spousal control over
and mortality (5). food preparation was relevant to men diagnosed with diabetes.
Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to poor health status and has Husbands who relied on their spouses to maintain a healthful
been associated with disability, micro and macrovascular com- diet exhibited low self-control. Women diagnosed with diabetes
plications, and premature death (7). Preventing complications exhibited higher self-control despite perceived lack of support
and minimizing the risk of early mortality require modifications from their husbands. Committed spousal support was significant
of lifestyle behaviors (6, 8). This regimen involves adherence to when encouraging patients with diabetes to adopt more healthful
medication, improved diet, active lifestyle, self-monitoring blood eating patterns (10). These findings may be explained in part by
glucose level, and good communication with health-care profes- the operational definitions of social support, the variety of scales,
sionals. Glycemic control is likely to differ according to gender, and differences in the conceptualization and perception of social
ethnicity, culture, or marital status (8). support by each individual.
Similarly, Mansyur et  al. explored the extent of perceived
social support and barriers associated with self-efficacy and
Gender self-care diabetes adherence. The study recruited 248 Hispanic
Gender differences in glycemic control have been reported, men and women with uncontrolled T2DM. Participants were
although the findings have been mixed. Some studies have dem- randomized to receive a culturally targeted intervention for
onstrated that women are more likely to have better glycemic diabetes management. Compared to men, women were less likely
control compared to men, whereas other studies have shown the to receive support, faced more barriers, had less self-efficacy, and
opposite (6). For instance, in a retrospective study including 263 had lower levels of diabetes self-management leading to poor gly-
patients, Roy et al. determined metabolic and behavioral factors cemic control. This may be related to cultural and social norms,
associated with optimal glycemic control. Among all patients, such as gender role and the importance of family. For Hispanic
53.6% were males and 46.4% were females; 66.4% males were women, prioritizing relatives’ needs over their own is typically
associated with suboptimal T2DM control, reporting a mean reported (11).
HbA1c of 8.87%. On the contrary, from the total of female gen-
der, 56.9% had an optimal control with a mean HbA1c of 6.24%.
Also, male gender was associated with higher incidence of other Race and Ethnicity
comorbidities, such as congestive heart failure and peripheral Studies have demonstrated the relationship between ethnicity and
arterial disease (9). self-care behavior among T2DM individuals. In a cross-sectional

Frontiers in Public Health  | 2 September 2016 | Volume 4 | Article 195

Gonzalez-Zacarias et al. Factors Impacting Glycemic Self-Management

study, Thackeray et al. showed that diabetes management signifi- proficiency. The majority of the participants were Mexican females
cantly varied among ethnic groups. The authors categorized ethnic with low educational achievement. Based on data analysis, 59% of
groups as non-Hispanic Whites, non-Hispanic Blacks, Hispanics, the participants were obese with HbA1c values above the intended
Asians, American Indians, and others. The study recruited 11,217 target cut off (<7%). Low education and diabetes knowledge were
individuals with DM. Hispanics were significantly less likely to found to be important limiting factors for achieving HbA1c <7%.
be educated on how to manage their diabetes and less motivated The study concluded that the majority of participants did not
to check their blood glucose, HbA1c, and cholesterol levels. This effectively manage their disease (17).
group was characterized by poor feet self-examination and fewer Baig et al. examined the association between English language
dilated eye exam visits. The study showed that Hispanics, Blacks, ability and glycemic control in 167 Hispanics with T2DM.
and Asians, preferred to take oral hypoglycemic medications Overall, 38% of the participants reported speaking English very
rather than subcutaneous insulin to control diabetes. Overall, well, 21% well, 26% not very well, and 14% not speaking English
white patients scheduled regular visits for dilated eye exam and at all. Patients who spoke English very well were younger com-
were found to have better glycemic control based on HbA1c and pared with all other groups. Unexpectedly, the authors found that
cholesterol levels (12). English ability had a U-shaped relationship with glycemic control.
A survey study published by Correa-de-Araujo et  al. inves- The HbA1c was higher (8.0 ± 1.9 and 8.6 ± 1.0) in Hispanics who
tigated gender differences across ethnic groups in 2,365 T2DM spoke English very well and those who did not speak English at all,
individuals. The study showed no significant difference between compared with Hispanics who spoke English well (6.0 ± 1.1) (15).
HbA1c and lipid profiles measured in both genders from all These results may be explained by acculturation to mainstream
ethnic groups. Furthermore, the rate of hospital admissions for American dietary practices by patients who speak English very
uncontrolled diabetes was 25 per 100,000 for women and 27 per well; Hispanics who speak well or not at all are more tied to their
100,000 for men. Despite those findings, the hospitalization rate habitual Latin–American diet low in fat and high in fiber with a
was found to be higher in non-Hispanic Blacks and Hispanics (5). better glycemic control. However, these findings may contradict
A retrospective study by Heidemann et al. that included 25,123 with Carbone et al. study (19) who reported that Latin–American
diabetic patients aimed to determine race as an independent risk diet is also high in fats, carbohydrates, and sugars, thus conveying
factor for controlling glycemic index after adjusting for socioeco- patients to a poor glycemic control.
nomic status (SES). The authors identified race as an independent Dietary management is difficult to achieve for the majority of
variable in diabetes control among patients with socioeconomic patients, especially female patients, considering traditional family
stability (13). meal preparation habits. Knowledge of nutrition-related cultural
Reallocating resources to improve programs for diabetes variations among different ethnic populations is essential in order
self-care will promote better access to health care for different to provide appropriate advice to prevent and treat T2DM based
racial/ethnic groups, especially for Black men and Hispanic on modification of traditional diets (20). This is especially true
women (5, 12). Self-management education programs should because Hispanic diet tends to be high in sugars and carbohy-
be tailored to lifestyles, gender, and race in order to prevent drates. By the same token, physical activity is limited mainly due
complications and decrease the incidence of premature deaths to the topographical location where these populations reside,
in T2DM individuals (5). where crime and violence is usually predominant (14, 19).

Marital Status
SOCIAL FACTORS Diabetes care regimen is influenced by marital status, as self-
management often needs the participation of a partner or spouse
Cultural Barriers to better achieve optimal glycemic control. Studies have shown
Key components of diabetes self-management education include that a partner’s participation in diabetes education programs
regular glucose monitoring, healthy nutrition, and physical activ- improves outcomes when compared to patients with no partner
ity. Unfortunately, immigrants face barriers to effective diabetes support. Results of these studies demonstrated poor glucose
control due to the predominance of low income and education control and more complications in the latter group (10, 21).
levels, language barriers, cultural beliefs, and limited social and Trief et  al. studied 78 diabetic patients on insulin therapy
medical support (14). who were married for at least 1 year. The authors demonstrated
Language barrier was identified as the most important a relationship existing between partner’s support and diabetic
factor influencing lack of patient–physician communication, outcomes, with more support corresponding to less distress in
contributing to poor diabetes knowledge, and self-manage- individuals with diabetes. This study supports the recommenda-
ment (14). In the United States, Hispanic and Asian patients tion of involving the partner to maximize quality of diabetes
reported poor glycemic control and worse health outcomes management (21).
(15–17). Due to mutual language-concordant care provided by
foreign-trained physicians, limited English proficiency became Religion
an independent factor in glycemic control data analysis among Diabetes self-management is strongly influenced by cultural and
immigrants (15, 18). spiritual beliefs. DM patients with religious beliefs have lower
Smith-Miller et  al. explored T2DM individuals’ self- depressive symptoms than those with none, possibly due to the
management among 30 Hispanic immigrants with limited English healing themes, emotional support, and practical assistance that

Frontiers in Public Health  | 3 September 2016 | Volume 4 | Article 195

Gonzalez-Zacarias et al. Factors Impacting Glycemic Self-Management

religion may provide (22, 23). Patel et  al. demonstrated on a diabetes knowledge, self-care, and quality of life. They dem-
group of 67 DM patients that fatalistic attitudes influence self- onstrated that diabetes knowledge was associated with college
management practices. Some participants attributed the onset of education and an income of >USD$20,000. Also, better diabetes
their diabetes to fatalism or being ordained by God (24). outcomes were significantly associated with higher SES, self-
efficacy, and quality of life (34).
Social Support
Interventions to improve glycemic control should not target Health Insurance
exclusively diabetic patients. Family members need to expand The accessibility for health insurance remains suboptimal despite
their knowledge of the disease for proper care of their relatives. recent changes in health care reform (35). The lack of health
Considering more than a quarter of adults aged 65 and older have insurance has been associated with poor health outcomes and
diabetes, the support of family members plays a strong role in reduced quality of life among adults who suffer from chronic
accomplishing an accurate treatment (25). A group of patients’ diseases, particularly diabetes (35, 36).
who participated in a diabetes intervention program along with Unfortunately, uninsured patients with limited financial
their families improved their diabetes knowledge. The mean resources are prone to fewer medical visits and experience diffi-
HbA1c was 8.5% at the beginning of the first session into the culty obtaining diabetes testing supplies, medications, and access
program and 7.7% at the completion of it (26). to healthy food, resulting in poor glycemic control and higher
Functional support in the form of engaging in recreational rate of hospitalizations (36, 37).
and physical activities with family and friends may be an effective The cost of diabetes self-management plays an important role
intervention strategy to promote self-care behaviors in T2DM in achieving optimal metabolic control (38). Insurance coverage
patients and weight loss (27). Thus, receiving group care is associ- for diabetes-testing supplies varies across the nation and some-
ated with higher glycemic control and reduced fatalism (28). times does not include supplies coverage. According to Bowker
et al., patients without insurance confront more difficulties get-
ECONOMIC FACTORS ting self-monitoring test strips, which results in poorer glycemic
control than those with private insurance (39).
Type 2 diabetes mellitus has been reported to be predominant A retrospective study published by Bailey et al. examined the
in developing countries when compared with developed coun- association between health insurance coverage and receipt of
tries; these differences in health outcome between nations can diabetes preventive care. The authors compared insured patients
be attributed to disparities in educational program systems and with uninsured and discontinuously insured patients. Uninsured
economic development (1, 29, 30). patients experience poorer glycemic control as a result of signifi-
The level of education and income among immigrant patients cantly lower medical care visits (40).
with diabetes may contribute to the difficulties in understand- However, a low-income and uninsured status is not always
ing and managing their disease. High cost of medications and associated with poor glycemic control. Madden et al. compared
disease-specific care supplies represents a limitation for the strategies of uninsured patients who successfully managed their
proper management of diabetes in this population. Moreover, diabetes with those who unsuccessfully controlled it. From the
the Hispanic productive patient population faces medication total of 26 participants recruited, 17 were found to have successful
adherence problems due to work commitments. diabetes control with a median HbA1c of 6.5% compared with
Previous studies have directly and indirectly linked low SES to 10.2% in the unsuccessfully managed group. The presence of a
poor health outcomes (31). The stress of the economic inequal- diabetic family member positively influenced diabetes manage-
ity can increase the risk of poor glucose control and diabetes ment because they served as an observational learning model.
complications through the inability to purchase healthy food, Patients in the successfully managed group reported having more
to participate in exercise or recreational activities, to manage family members with diabetes, visiting their health care provider
capillary glucose at home, and to access the health care system more frequently, and participating more actively in diabetes
to receive proper treatment. Also, economic distress can trigger support groups. This role model prepared patients to understand
unhealthy weight gain, smoking, and heavy alcohol consump- their condition and helped them to formulate their own self-
tion, increasing the risk of developing chronic complications management behaviors (36).
(31, 32). Poor diabetes management generates high hospitalization
costs, as shown by Fisher and Ma who studied the association
Education and Economic Status between potentially preventable hospital admissions among
Dupre et  al. studied the educational differences in glycemic T2DM patients with different health insurance. Health insur-
levels, and the factors contributing to the survival differences ance was categorized as Medicaid, Medicare, uninsured, and
in older adults with diabetes. High school or greater education private. The admission rate was 3.1 and 2.4 times higher in unin-
was associated with better glycemic control and higher survival sured and Medicaid patients when compared with Medicare
rates at follow-up when compared to those with lower education and privately insured. Uninsured and Medicaid patients may
(3, 33). not be able to optimally seek preventive care services, increas-
Similarly, Walker et  al. investigated the independent effects ing the incidence of acute complications requiring hospital
of socioeconomic and psychosocial determinants of health on admissions (37).

Frontiers in Public Health  | 4 September 2016 | Volume 4 | Article 195

Gonzalez-Zacarias et al. Factors Impacting Glycemic Self-Management

PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS diabetes fatalism using DFS-12. The authors found that diabetes
fatalism was significantly associated with poor medication adher-
Psychosocial variables, including depression, fatalism, religion, ence but was not significantly correlated with diabetes knowledge.
and social support, have been recognized as strong predictors of The association between diabetes fatalism with other diabetes
diabetes management (41). factors did not change in patients diagnosed with depression.
Diabetes fatalism is more similar to a personality feature rather
Depression than a psychological symptom (48).
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic debilitating disease with physi- The influence of ethnicity on fatalism is another factor to
cal and psychological complications. Depressive symptoms are correlate with diabetes self-management behavior. Seven focus
often associated with worse diabetes control (42). Biologically, groups were conducted on 39 African-Americans with T2DM.
depression affects glycemic control via metabolically relevant Most participants perceived diabetes as an inherited disease
pathways, including alterations in neuroendocrine and glucose that they had no control over. Fatalism was associated with
metabolism. Negative mood, such as anger and sadness, results diabetes self-management and was multidimensional in this
in unsuccessful adherence to self-management recommenda- population (50). Nevertheless, Pijl et  al. studied a group of
tions (43). individuals with family history of DM. Subjects who received
Patients with known diabetes have higher prevalence of hereditary risk information perceived it as the most important
depression compared to those with unknown diabetes (44). cause of diabetes. Furthermore, they reported healthy eating
Almeida et al. demonstrated in a group of elderly men that the 3 months after receiving the information (51). Thus, this study
risk of developing depression progressively increased depending demonstrated that communicating the familial risk of develop-
on the years that the patient becomes aware of the diagnosis (45). ing diabetes can increase personal control of the disease and
Parildar et al. applied a questionnaire to a group of 110 patients reduce fatalism.
with T2DM. They found that 55.5% of the subjects were suffer-
ing from depressive symptoms. The symptoms were correlated NEIGHBORHOOD ENVIRONMENT
positively with the duration of the diagnosis, being significantly
higher among T2DM patients with an established disease when Smalls et  al. evaluated the relationship between neighborhood
compared with newly diagnosed patients. However, there was no characteristics, self-care behavior, and glycemic control through
significant correlation between HbA1c levels and depression or a questionnaire survey. This study found that self-care behaviors
coping strategies (46). and neighborhood esthetics had direct effects on glycemic con-
Receiving treatment for depression may improve glycemic trol. Social support and access to healthy foods had a direct effect
control in patients with T2DM. A group of 196 diabetic patients on self-care, and social support had an indirect effect on glycemic
with major depression were offered to receive treatment with control via self-care behavior. This study elucidated that esthetic
fluoxetine. Only 43.95% of the subjects accepted to participate. neighborhoods directly inspire individuals to improve their high
After 8  weeks, fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c levels were glucose level through nutritional selections and increased physi-
found to be significantly lower in patients who accepted to cal activity (52).
receive treatment compared to those who denied treatment Likewise, de Vries McClintock et al. examined whether neigh-
(47). Additionally, Czech et  al. demonstrated that depressive borhood social environment was associated with medication
patients with sleeping problems had significantly higher HbA1c adherence and glycemic control among T2DM individuals. The
levels (42). authors found that residents living in neighborhoods with high
social affluence and high residential stability were more likely to
have an adherent pattern. These results confirm that the neigh-
Fatalism borhood environment is an important factor for the adherence to
Diabetes fatalism is defined as “a complex psychological cycle the treatment and subsequent outcomes (53).
characterized by perceptions of despair, hopelessness, and pow- Additionally, living in a neighborhood with limited access
erlessness” (48). The 12-item Diabetes Fatalism Scale (DFS-12) to healthy food and safe places to exercise can be a significant
is a brief, easy to administer tool to measure emotional distress, barrier for diabetes self-care and poorer glycemic control (14,
religious or spirituality coping, and perceived self-efficacy. In 54). O’Donnell et al. suggested that patients living in a neighbor-
DFS-12, a higher score represents greater diabetes fatalism. hood with high social influence, high residential stability, and
To construct the validity of DFS-12, the assessment was pilot high neighborhood advantage are much less likely to experience
tested on 20 adults with diabetes, and then administered to 216 depression (55).
primary care patients with T2DM. The DFS-12 significantly Bodicoat et al. investigated the relationship between neighbor-
correlated lower mental health component scores with higher hood greenspace with T2DM individuals in a large multiethnic
HbA1c levels (49). population. The authors concluded that the increase of neighbor-
Many factors are involved to achieve an effective diabetes self- hood greenspace was associated with significantly lower levels
management. Besides disease-related knowledge, other factors of screen-detected T2DM because of more health promoting
are influencing the decision to follow self-care regimen. Walker behavior, particularly physical activity in better accessibility
et al. completed a study of 378 subjects with T2DM to examine areas (56).

Frontiers in Public Health  | 5 September 2016 | Volume 4 | Article 195

Gonzalez-Zacarias et al. Factors Impacting Glycemic Self-Management

SELF-MANAGEMENT EDUCATION African-American did not show any change in HbA1c levels at
3- or 12-month follow-up (60).
Individuals diagnosed with T2DM require daily self-management,
and the performance of complex care activities (57). Currently, CONCLUSION
around 50% of the population diagnosed with DM does not
achieve the recommended target of the HbA1c level (<7.0%), While a patient’s knowledge is important, it is unlikely that this
blood pressure (<130/80  mmHg), and low-density lipoprotein alone would profoundly improve diabetes control. Due to the
cholesterol (<100  mg/dL) (58). Consequently, the American enormous public health burden of T2DM, future work should
Diabetes Association (ADA) and the American Association of describe aspects associated with meeting glycemic control recom-
Clinical Endocrinologists recognize diabetes self-management mendations using a multifaceted approach. New strategies, such
education (DSME) and diabetes self-management support as adding more diabetes educational programs to the treatment
(DSMS) as a part of the diabetes control (57, 58). DSME is the plan, increasing community physical and recreational activities,
process of facilitating the knowledge, skills and abilities for dia- providing more access to health care providers, etc., should be
betes self-care, and DSMS denotes the support for implementing implemented to reduce risk factors in order to achieve better
coping skills and behaviors needed for self-management (57). health outcomes for these patients. Understanding the interac-
A systematic review published by Chrvala et  al. compared tion between demographics, knowledge, environment, and other
the impact of receiving diabetes self-management education and diabetes-related factors may provide insight for improving glyce-
not receiving education on HbA1c levels in adults diagnosed mic control and reducing the incidence of chronic complications.
with T2DM. Patients who engaged in educational interventions
achieved reduction of the HbA1c level from −0.1 to −2.50 com- AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
pared with those who were not intervened. The authors found
that diabetes self-management education was associated with sig- All authors listed, have made substantial, direct and intellectual
nificant improvement of glycemic control (58). Self-management contribution to the work, and approved it for publication.
knowledge has a positive impact of on the reduction of HbA1c
levels and decreases the progression of the disease (59). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
These studies support that educational intervention is a
favorable strategy for better clinical outcomes. Nonetheless, The authors gratefully acknowledge students Evan Anguish
African-American’s are the second highest burden population (College of Engineering) and Andrew Eiterman (supported in
with diabetes in the United States, this model has not been exten- part by the Ohio State University College of Medicine Roessler
sively reported in this ethnic group. Tang et  al. demonstrated Research Scholarship) who collaborated with the review and
that, besides receiving a diabetes educational intervention, 106 editing of the final manuscript.

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