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This chapter goes beyond the fundamentals of Visual Basic programming and

introduces a variety of features that make it easier for you to create powerful, flexible
For example, you can load multiple projects into a single session of the programming
environment, work with Windows registry settings, or selectively compile certain
parts of your program.
Beyond the fundamentals of writing code, Visual Basic provides a variety of language
elements that enhance your code. The last three topics in this chapter discuss three of
these language elements: user-defined types, enumerated constants, and collections.
Note If you are using the Control Creation Edition of Visual Basic, some of the material
covered in this document may not be applicable. With the full editions of Visual Basic you have
the ability to create applications, ActiveX documents, and other types of components. Although
some of the terminology may relate to application specific objects such as forms, in most
cases the underlying concepts also apply to ActiveX control creation.
· Working with Resource Files
· Working with Templates
· Creating Your Own Data Types
· Using Enumerations to Work with Sets of Constants
· Using Collections as an Alternative to Arrays

Working with Resource Files

A resource file allows you to collect all of the version-specific text and bitmaps for an
application in one place. This can include constant declarations, icons, screen text,
and other material that may change between localized versions or between revisions
or specific configurations.

Adding Resources to a Project

You create a resource file using a text editor and resource compiler, such as those
provided with Microsoft Visual C++. The compiled resource file will have a .res file
name extension.
The actual file consists of a series of individual strings, bitmaps, or other items, each
of which has a unique identifier. The identifier is either a Long or a String,
depending on the type of data represented by the resource. Strings, for example, have
a Long identifier, while bitmaps have a Long or String identifier. To retrieve
resources in your code, learn the identifier for each resource. The function parameters
referring to the resources can use the Variant data type.
For More Information For more information on resource files, see "Using Resource
Files for Localization" in "International Issues."


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Note Windows resource files are specific to 16-bit or 32-bit applications. Visual Basic will
generate an error message if you try to add a 16-bit resource file to a project.
To add the resource file to your project, from the Project menu, choose the Add File
command, just as you would when adding any other file to the project. A single
project can have only one resource file; if you add a second file with a .res extension,
an error occurs.

Using Resources in Code

Visual Basic provides three functions for retrieving data from the resource file for use
in code.
Function Description
LoadResString Returns a text string.
LoadResPicture Returns a Picture object, such as a bitmap, icon, or cursor.
LoadResData Returns a Byte array. This is used for .wav files, for example.

Working with Templates

Visual Basic provides a variety of templates for creating common application
components. Rather than creating all the pieces of your application from scratch, you
can customize an existing template. You can also reuse custom components in
multiple applications by creating your own templates.
You can open an existing template by selecting its icon in the Add Object dialog box
when you create a new form, module, control, property page, or document. For
example, Visual Basic provides built-in form templates for creating an About dialog
box, Options dialog box, or splash screen.


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Figure 8.3 The Add Form dialog box

When you open a template, Visual Basic displays the object with placeholders that
you can customize. For example, to create an About dialog box, open the About
Dialog template and replace the Application Title, Version, and App Description
placeholders with information specific to your application.

Figure 8.4 The About Dialog form template

To create your own template, save the object that you want to use as a template, then
copy it to the appropriate subdirectory of the Visual Basic Template directory. For


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example, to create a custom MyForm form template, save a form named MyForm,
then copy the MyForm.frm file to the \VB\Template\Forms directory. When you select
the Add Form command from the Project menu, Visual Basic displays the MyForm
template in the Add Form dialog box, as shown in Figure 8.3.
You can disable display of templates in the Add object dialog box by selecting the
Options command on the Tools menu and clearing the Show Templates options on
the Environment tab of the Options dialog box. For example, to disable the display of
form templates, clear the Forms option in the dialog box.

Figure 8.5 The Environment tab of the Options dialog box

Creating Your Own Data Types

You can combine variables of several different types to create user-defined types
(known as structs in the C programming language). User-defined types are useful
when you want to create a single variable that records several related pieces of
You create a user-defined type with the Type statement, which must be placed in the
Declarations section of a module. User-defined types can be declared as Private or
Public with the appropriate keyword. For example:
Private Type MyDataType
1– or –
Public Type MyDataType


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For example, you could create a user-defined type that records information about a
computer system:
' Declarations (of a standard module).
Private Type SystemInfo
CPU As Variant
Memory As Long
VideoColors As Integer
Cost As Currency
PurchaseDate As Variant
End Type
Declaring Variables of a User-Defined Type
You can declare local, private module-level, or public module-level variables of the
same user-defined type:
Dim MySystem As SystemInfo, YourSystem As SystemInfo
The following table illustrates where, and with what scope, you can declare user-
defined types and their variables.
You can create a user- Variables of a user-defined
Procedure/Module defined type as... type can be declared...
Procedures Not applicable Local only
Standard modules Private or public Private or public
Form modules Private only Private only
Class modules Private only Private only
Assigning and Retrieving Values
Assigning and retrieving values from the elements of this variable is similar to
setting and getting properties:
MySystem.CPU = "486"
If MySystem.PurchaseDate > #1/1/92# Then
You can also assign one variable to another if they are both of the same user-defined
type. This assigns all the elements of one variable to the same elements in the other
YourSystem = MySystem
User-Defined Types that Contain Arrays
A user-defined type can contain an ordinary (fixed-size) array. For example:
Type SystemInfo
CPU As Variant
Memory As Long
DiskDrives(25) As String ' Fixed-size array.
VideoColors As Integer
Cost As Currency
PurchaseDate As Variant


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End Type
It can also contain a dynamic array.
Type SystemInfo
CPU As Variant
Memory As Long
DiskDrives() As String ' Dynamic array.
VideoColors As Integer
Cost As Currency
PurchaseDate As Variant
End Type
You can access the values in an array within a user-defined type in the same way that
you access the property of an object.
Dim MySystem As SystemInfo
ReDim MySystem.DiskDrives(3)
MySystem.DiskDrives(0) = "1.44 MB"
You can also declare an array of user-defined types:
Dim AllSystems(100) As SystemInfo
Follow the same rules to access the components of this data structure.
AllSystems(5).CPU = "386SX"
AllSystems(X).DiskDrives(2) = "100M SCSI"
Passing User-Defined Types to Proecedures
You can pass procedure arguments using a user-defined type.
Sub FillSystem (SomeSystem As SystemInfo)
SomeSystem.CPU = lstCPU.Text
SomeSystem.Memory = txtMemory.Text
SomeSystem.Cost = txtCost.Text
SomeSystem.PurchaseDate = Now
End Sub
Note If you want to pass a user-defined type in a form or class module, the procedure must
be private.
You can return user-defined types from functions, and you can pass a user-defined
type variable to a procedure as one of the arguments. User-defined types are always
passed by reference, so the procedure can modify the argument and return it to the
calling procedure, as illustrated in the previous example.
For More Information To read more about passing by reference, see "Passing
Arguments to Procedures" in "Programming Fundamentals."
User-Defined Types that Contain Objects
User-defined types can also contain objects.
Private Type AccountPack
frmInput as Form


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dbPayRollAccount as Database
End Type
Tip Because the Variant data type can store many different types of data, a Variant array can
be used in many situations where you might expect to use a user-defined type. A Variant array
is actually more flexible than a user-defined type, because you can change the type of data
you store in each element at any time, and you can make the array dynamic so that you can
change its size as necessary. However, a Variant array always uses more memory than an
equivalent user-defined type.
Nesting Data Structures
Nesting data structures can get as complex as you like. In fact, user-defined types can
contain other user-defined types, as shown in the following example. To make your
code more readable and easier to debug, try to keep all the code that defines user-
defined data types in one module.
Type DriveInfo
Type As String
Size As Long
End Type

Type SystemInfo
CPU As Variant
Memory As Long
DiskDrives(26) As DriveInfo
Cost As Currency
PurchaseDate As Variant
End Type

Dim AllSystems(100) As SystemInfo

AllSystems(1).DiskDrives(0).Type = "Floppy"

Using Enumerations to Work with Sets of

Enumerations provide a convenient way to work with sets of related constants and to
associate constant values with names. For example, you can declare an enumeration
for a set of integer constants associated with the days of the week, then use the names
of the days in code rather than their integer values.
You create an enumeration by declaring an enumeration type with the Enum
statement in the Declarations section of a standard module or a public class module.
Enumeration types can be declared as Private or Public with the appropriate keyword.
For example:
Private Enum MyEnum
2– or –
Public Enum MyEnum


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By default, the first constant in an enumeration is initialized to the value 0, and
subsequent constants are initialized to the value of one more that the previous
constant. For example the following enumeration, Days, contains a constant named
Sunday with the value 0, a constant named Monday with the value 1, a constant
named Tuesday with the value of 2, and so on.
Public Enum Days
End Enum
Tip Visual Basic provides a built-in enumeration, vbDayOfWeek, containing constants for the
days of the week. To view the enumeration's predefined constants, type vbDayOfWeek in the
code window, followed by a period. Visual Basic automatically displays a list of the
enumeration's constants.
You can explicitly assign values to constants in an enumeration by using an
assignment statement. You can assign any long integer value, including negative
numbers. For example you may want constants with values less than 0 to represent
error conditions.
In the following enumeration, the constant Invalid is explicitly assigned the value –1,
and the constant Sunday is assigned the value 0. Because it is the first constant in the
enumeration, Saturday is also initialized to the value 0. Monday's value is 1 (one
more than the value of Sunday), Tuesday's value is 2, and so on.
Public Enum WorkDays
Sunday = 0
Invalid = -1
End Enum
Note Visual Basic treats constant values in an enumeration as long integers. If you assign a
floating-point value to a constant in an enumeration, Visual Basic rounds the value to the
nearest long integer.
By organizing sets of related constants in enumerations, you can use the same
constant names in different contexts. For example, you can use the same names for
the weekday constants in the Days and WorkDays enumerations.
To avoid ambiguous references when you refer to an individual constant, qualify the
constant name with its enumeration. The following code refers to the Saturday


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constants in the Days and WorkDays enumerations, displaying their different values
in the Immediate window.
Debug.Print "Days.Saturday = " & Days.Saturday
Debug.Print "WorkDays.Saturday = " & WorkDays.Saturday
You can also use the value of a constant in one enumeration when you assign the
value of a constant in a second enumeration. For example, the following declaration
for the WorkDays enumeration is equivalent to the previous declaration.
Public Enum WorkDays
Sunday = 0
Saturday = Days.Saturday - 6
Invalid = -1
End Enum
After you declare an enumeration type, you can declare a variable of that type, then
use the variable to store the values of enumeration's constants. The following code
uses a variable of the WorkDays type to store integer values associated with the
constants in the WorkDays enumeration.
Dim MyDay As WorkDays
MyDay = Saturday ' Saturday evaluates to 0.
If MyDay < Monday Then ' Monday evaluates to 1,
' so Visual Basic displays
' a message box.
MsgBox "It's the weekend. Invalid work day!"
End If
Note that when you type the second line of code in the example in the code window,
Visual Basic automatically displays the WorkDays enumeration's constants in the
Auto List Members list.


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Figure 8.7 Visual Basic automatically displays an enumeration's constants

Because the constant Sunday also evaluates to 0, Visual Basic also displays the
message box if you replace "Saturday" with "Sunday" in the second line of the
MyDay = Sunday ' Sunday also evaluates to 0.
Note Although you normally assign only enumeration constant values to a variable declared
as an enumeration type, you can assign any long integer value to the variable. Visual Basic will
not generate an error if you assign a value to the variable that isn't associated with one of the
enumeration's constants.
For More Information See "Providing Named Constants for Your Component" in
"General Principals of Component Design."

Using Collections as an Alternative to

Although collections are most often used for working with objects, you can use a
collection to work with any data type. In some circumstances, it may be more efficient
to store items in a collection rather than an array.
You may want to use a collection if you're working with a small, dynamic set of
items. The following code fragment shows how you might use a collection to save
and display a list of URL addresses.
' Module-level collection.
Public colURLHistory As New Collection

' Code for adding a specified URL address


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' to the collection.
Private Sub SaveURLHistory(URLAddress As String)
colURLHistory.Add URLAddress
End Sub

' Code for displaying the list of URL addresses

' in the Immediate window.
Private Sub PrintURLHistory()
Dim URLAddress As Variant
For Each URLAddress in colURLHistory
Debug.Print URLAddress
Next URLAddress
End Sub
For More Information For more information on using collections, see "Programming
With Your Own Objects" in "Programming with Objects." To learn more about using
arrays, see "Arrays" in "Programming Fundamentals."


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