A Research Project On
A Research Project On
A Research Project On
Research Project
Submitted to:
I, Tiripti Kumari Roll no-17535, MBA (Semester- IV) of the Yamuna Institute of
Engineering and technology, Yamuna Nagar hereby declare that the Research Project entitled
“Studying the impact of Training & Development on Organizational Performance in IT
Industry” (A Case study In IBM, TCS and Infosys) is an original work and data provided
in the study is authentic to the best of my knowledge.
This report has not been submitted to any this institute for the award of any this degree.
(Tiripti Kumari)
The researcher would like to take this opportunity to express his gratitude to all those
great minds and hearts that have touched this project in the path of its success.
First and foremost, I would like to express my profound gratitude and sincere
acknowledgment to Dr. B. Banerjee (Director) Finance and Operation YGI for their valuable
guidance who have been a source of perpetual inspiration to me, gently guiding and paving
my way towards a bright career, throughout my project.
The researcher would also like to express his gratitude to Mr. Bhupinder Singh
Bajaj, Assistant Professor Department of Management, Yamuna Institute Of
Engineering And Technology, Vill Gadholi, Yamuna Nagar for his kind co-operation &
valuable guidance throughout the training.
1. Introduction 1-31
7. Suggestion 62-63
9. Conclusion 66-67
Bibliography 68-71
Annexure 72-75