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Wbjee 2018 Physics Chemistry Solution

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WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

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WBJEE - 2018
CATEGORY - I (Q1 to Q30)
Carry 1 mark each and only one option is correct. In case of incorrect answer or any
combination of more than one answer, ¼ marks will be deducted.

1. Four resistors 100 , 200 , 300  and 400  are connected to form four sides of a square. The resistors can be
connected in any order. What is the maximum possible equivalent resistance across the diagonal of the square ?
(A) 210  (B) 240  (C) 300  (D) 250 
Ans : (D)

R2 B

Hint : R1 R4

A R3

(R1  R 2 )(R3  R 4 )
R AB  . As  Ri  const., for RAB = maximum, R1 + R2 = R3 + R4
(R1  R2  R3  R4 )
 The only possible combination is 100 + 400 = 200 + 300

 (RAB) max = 500 2 = 250 

2. What will be current through the 200  resistor in the given circuit a long time after the switch ‘K’ is made on ?
100 1F 400

200 300 2F

6V K
(A) Zero (B) 100 mA (C) 10 mA (D) 1 mA
Ans : (C)
Hint : Arms having capacitances will not conduct in steady state
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

200 400

The circuit reduces to


i   10mA
3. A point source is placed at co-ordinates (0, 1) in X-Y plane. A ray of light from the source is reflected on a plane mirror
placed along the X-axis and perpendicular to the X-Y plane. The reflected ray passes through the point (3, 3). What is
the path length of the ray from (0,1 ) to (3, 3) ?

(A) 5 (B) 13 (C) 2 3 (D) 1 2 3

Ans : (A)

(0,1) (3, 3)
Hint :

Path length = (3  0)  (3  ( 1))2  9  16  25  5

4. Two identical equiconvex lenses, each of focal length ‘f’ are placed side by side in contact with each other with a layer
of water in between them as shown in the figure. If refractive index of the material of the lenses is greater than that of
water, how the combined focal length ‘F’ is related to ‘f’ ?

f f
(A) F > f (B) F f (C) F (D) F=f
2 2
Ans : (B)

1 1 1 1 ff 
Hint : f  f  f   f , F 
eq f  2f 

f f
 F  F  and F  f
2  f / f 2
5. There is a small air bubble at the centre of a solid glass sphere of radius ‘r’ and refractive index ‘’. What will be the
apparent distance of the bubble from the centre of the sphere, when viewed from outside ?

r  1
(A) r (B) (C) r r   (D) Zero
   
Ans : (D)

Hint : As the object is at centre, all rays will fall normally on surface, hence will not deviate.

Apparent depth = Real depth

WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

6. If Young’s double slit experiment is done with white light, which of the following statements will be true ?
(A) All the bright fringes wil be coloured.
(B) All the bright fringes will be white
(C) The central fringe will be white
(D) No stable interference pattern will be visible
Ans : (C)
Hint : The central fringe will be white as x = 0 at central bright fringe which is independent of .
7. How the linear velocity ‘v’ of an electron in the Bohr orbit is related to its quantum number ‘n’ ?

1 1 1
(A) v (B) v (C) v (D) vn
n n2 n
Ans : (A)

nh nh 1
Hint : mvr = , mv.r0n2 = , v
2 2 n
8. If the half life of a radioactive nucleus is 3 days, nearly what fraction of the initial number of nuclei will decay on the 3rd
day ? (Given that 0.25  0.63 )
(A) 0.63 (B) 0.5 (C) 0.37 (D) 0.13
Ans : (D)
Hint : N   t1/ 2  3 days
2t/ t1/2

N0 N0
At t = 2 days; N1  2/3
 1/3  0.63N
2 4

N0 N  N2 (0.63  0.5)N0
At t = 3 day, N2 = , Fraction disintegrated = 1  = 0.13
2 N0 N0
9. An electron accelerated through a potential of 10,000 V from rest has a de-Broglie wave length ‘’. What should be the
accelerating potential so that the wave length is doubled ?
(A) 20,000 V (B) 40,000 V (C) 5,000 V (D) 2,500 V
Ans : (D)

Hint : As  

V 1 10000
 , or V    2500 V
V 4 4
10. In the circuit shown, inputs A and B are in states ‘1’ and ‘0’ respectively. What is the possible stable state of the
outputs ‘X’ and ‘Y’ ?


(A) X = ‘1’, ‘Y’ = ‘1’ (B) X = ‘1’, ‘Y’ = ‘0’ (C) X = ‘0’, ‘Y’ = 1 (D) X = ‘0’, ‘Y’ = ‘0’
Ans : (C)
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

Hint : X  AY  Y , Y  BX  1,  X = 0
11. What will be the current flowing through the 6 K resistor in the circuit shown, where the breakdown voltage of the
zener is 6 V ?
6 K

10V 4 K

2 3
(A) mA (B) 1 mA (C) 10 mA (D) mA
3 2
Ans : (B)
Hint : Since potential difference cross zener diode is 4 which is less than its breakdown voltage, therefore it does
not conduct.

i   1 mA
(6  4)  103
12. In case of a simple harmonic motion, if the velocity is plotted along the X-axis and the displacement (from the
equilibrium position) is plotted along the Y-axis, the resultant curve happens to be an ellipse with the ratio :
major axis (along X)
 20
minor axis (along Y)
What is the frequency of the simple harmonic motion ?

(A) 100 Hz (B) 20 Hz (C) 10 Hz (D) Hz
Ans : (C)
Hint :  20
 = 20 = f.2 f = 10 Hz
13. A block of mass m2 is placed on a horizontal table and another block of mass m1 is placed on top of it. An increasing
horizontal force F = t is exerted on the upper block but the lower block never moves as a result. If the co-efficient of
friction between the blocks is 1 and that between the lower block and the table is 2, then what is the maximum
possible value of 1/2 ?

m2 m2 m1 m1
(A) (B) 1 (C) (D) 1
m1 m1 m2 m2
Ans : (B)

Hint : F = t m1 1
m2 2

1 m
2 (m1 + m2) g  1 m1 g,   1 2
2 m1
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

14. In a triangle ABC, the sides AB and AC are represented by the vectors 3i  j  k and i  2j  k respectively. Calculate
the angle ABC

5 6  1 5   1 5 
(A) cos–1 11 (B) cos–1 (C)  90  cos  (D)  180  cos 
11  11   11 

Ans : (A)

Hint :
         
AB  3i  j  k , AC  i  2j  k , AB  BC  AC  BC  AC  AB = 2i  j ABC = Angle between BA and BC
  
where BA = 3i  j  k BA   AB  
 
cos1 BA BC   6 1   5   5
=   = cos–1  2 2 2  = cos–1   = cos–1  
 BA BC   3  1  1 22  12   11 5   11 
 

15. The velocity (v) of a particle (under a force F) depends on its distance (x) from the origin (with x > 0) v  . Find how
the magnitude of the force (F) on the particle depends on x

1 1 1
(A) F  3 (B) F  (C) F  (D) F x
x x2
Ans : (C)

1 K
Hint : v  v=
x x

vdv K K 3 2 K 2 1
F   x = ,F 2
dx x 2 2x 2
16. The ratio of accelerations due to gravity g1 : g2 on the surfaces of two planets is 5:2 and the ratio of their respective
average densities 1 : 2 is 2 : 1. What is the ratio of respective escape velocities v 1 : v 2 from the surface of the
planets ?
(A) 5:2 (B) 5: 2 (C) 5:2 2 (D) 25 : 4
Ans : (C)

g2 v1 25 5
Hint : v e = 2gR , v e  v2 = 8 = 2 2

17. A spherical liquid drop is placed on a horizontal plane. A small disturbance causes the volume of the drop to oscillate.
The time period of oscillation (T) of the liquid drop depends on radius (r) of the drop, density () and surface tension (s)
of the liquid. Which among the following will be a possible expression for T (where k is a dimensionless constant) ?

r  2r r 3 r 3
(A) k (B) k (C) k (D) k
s s s s2
Ans : (C)
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

Hint : T = krabsc, T = K[L]a [ML-3]b [MT–2]c , [M°L° T1] = K[M]b+c [L]a–3b [T]–2c
–2c = 1 b+c=O a – 3b = 0

c =  12 b = –c a = 3b

b = 12 a = 3/2

r 3
T = Kr3/2 1/2 s–1/2 = T = K
18. The stress along the length of a rod (with rectangular cross section) is 1% of the Young’s modulus of its material.
What is the approximate percentage of change of its volume ? (Poisson’s ratio of the material of the rod is 0.3)
(A) 3% (B) 1% (C) 0.7% (D) 0.4%
Ans : (D)

F 1 F L F / A 1
Hint :  Y,Y= A    ,
A 100  L Y 100

V  =–
= 2 r + L  L/L
V r L – r/r
0.3 =

 0.3  1 0.3
=2×    =  r r
 100  100 100

=  = 0.4%
19. What will be the approximate terminal velocity of a rain drop of diameter 1.8×10–3 m, when density of rain water  103
kgm—3 and the co-efficient of viscosity if air  1.8 × 10–5 Nsm–2 ? (Neglect buoyancy of air)
(A) 49 ms–1 (B) 98 ms–1 (C) 392 ms–1 (D) 980 ms–1
Ans : (B)

4 3 2 r 2 g 2 103  0.9  103  0.9  103  9.8

Hint :  r g  6  rv ,v= ,v=  , v = 98 m/s
3 9  9 1.8  105
20. The water equivalent of a calorimeter is 10 g and it contains 50 g of water at 15° C. Some amount of ice, initially at –
10°C is dropped in it and half of the ice melts till equilibrium is reached. What was the initial amount of ice that was
dropped (when specific heat of ice = 0.5 cal gm–1 °C–1, specific heat of water = 1.0 cal gm–1 °C–1 and latent heat of
melting of ice = 80 cal gm–1 ) ?
(A) 10 g (B) 18 g (C) 20 g (D) 30 g
Ans : (C)
Hint : 60 × 15 × 1 = m × 10 × 0.5 +  80 ,
60  15
60 × 15 = m [5+40], m =  20g
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

21. One mole of a mono-atomic ideal gas undergoes a quasi-static process, which is depicted by a straight line joining
points (V0, T0) and (2V0, 3T0) in a V-T diagram. What is the value of the heat capacity of the gas at the point
(V0, T0) ?
(A) R (B) R (C) 2R (D) 0
Ans : (C)

P dV 3R  P  Vo  3R R
Hint : Cprocess = Cv + = 2 n  2T  =   2R
n dT  o 2 2
22. For an ideal gas with initial pressure and volume Pi and Vi, respectively, a reversible isothermal expansion happens,
when its volume becomes V0. Then it is compressed to its original volume Vi by a reversible adiabatic process. If the
final pressure is Pf, then which of the following statements is true ?
Pf P
(A) Pf = Pi (B) Pf > Pi (C) Pf < P i (D)  i
V0 Vi
Ans : (B)

Hint :

Vi Vo

23. A point charge –q is carried from a point A to another point B on the axis of a charged ring of radius ‘r’ carrying a charge
4 3
+q. If the point A is at a distance r from the centre of the ring and the point B is r from the centre but on the
3 4
opposite side, what is the net work that need to be done for this ?

7 q2 1 q2 7 q2 1 q2
(A)  (B)  (C) (D)
5 4or 5 4or 5 4or 5 4or
Ans : (B)
A B 5r
A =
Hint : A 4r B B =
3r 4
3 4
 Kq Kq  4 3 Kq2  1  q 
W = –q (VB – VA) = –q      = –qKq 
 5r 5r  = = 5 4  r 

 B A    5r  o 
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

24. Consider a region in free space bounded by the surfaces of an imaginary cube having sides of length ‘a’ as shown in
the diagram. A charge +Q is placed at the centre ‘O’ of the cube. P is such a point outside the cube that the line OP
perpendicularly intersects the surface ABCD at R and also OR = RP = a/2. A charge +Q is placed at point P also.
What is the total electric flux through the five faces of the cube other than ABCD ?

a/2 a/2
a +Q R D +Q
a C

Q 5Q 10Q
(A) 0
(B) 60
(C) 6 0
(D) zero

Ans : (A)

Hint : No net flux with ABCD and net flux through entire cube = .
25. Four equal charges of value +Q are placed at any four vertices of a regular hexagon of side ‘a’. By suitably choosing
the vertices, what can be the maximum possible magnitude of electric field at the centre of the hexagon ?

Q 2Q 3Q 2Q
(A) (B) (C) (D)
40 a2 40 a2 40 a2 40 a2

Ans : (C)

Hint :
E +Q

+Q +Q


E Enet  3 E
60° 3 Kq 3q
 =
a 2
4o a2

26. A proton of mass ‘m’ moving with a speed v (<< c, velocity of light in vacuum) completes a circular orbit in time ‘T’ in
a uniform magnetic field. If the speed of the proton is increased to 2 v, what will be time needed to complete the
circular orbit ?
(A) 2T (B) T (C) (D)
2 2
Ans : (B)
Hint : Time period is independent of velocity. So new time period = T
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

27. A uniform current is flowing along the length of an infinite, straight, thin, hollow cylinder of radius ‘R’. The magnetic
field ‘B’ produced at a perpendicular distance ‘d’ from the axis of the cylinder is plotted in a graph. Which of the
following figures look like the plot ?


(A) (B)

d R


(C) (D)

d d
Ans : (C)
Hint : B = 0 d<R
B  dR
28. A circular loop of radius ‘r’ of conducting wire connected with a voltage source of zero internal resistance produces a
magnetic field ‘B’ at its centre. If instead, a circular loop of radius ‘2r’, made of same material, having the same cross
section is connected to the same voltage source, what will be the magnetic field at its centre ?
(A) (B) (C) 2B (D) B
2 4
Ans : (B)

0    V V 
Hint : B  , B'  0 ,  , '  
2r 2.2r R 2R 2
   B
B'  0 
4x2r 4

29. An alternating currect is flowing through a series LCR circuit. It is found that the current reaches a value of 1 mA at
both 200 Hz and 800 Hz frequency. What is the resonance frequency of the circuit ?
(A) 600 Hz (B) 300 Hz (C) 500 Hz (D) 400 Hz
Ans : (D)

Hint : f0  f1 f 2  200 x 800  400HZ

30. An electric bulb, a capacitor, a battery and a switch are all in series in a circuit. How does the intensity of light vary
when the switch is turned on ?
(A) Continues to increase gradually.
(B) Gradually increases for some time and then becomes steady.
(C) Sharply rises initially and then gradually decreases.
(D) Gradually increases for some time and then gradually decreases.
Ans : (C)
Hint : Initially there will be no voltage drop across capacitor so intensity of bulb will rise sharply and gradually voltage
drop across capacitor will increase as a result voltage drop across bulb decreases so intensity of bulb will decreases
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

Category II (Q31 to Q 35)

Carry 2 marks each and only one option is correct. In case of incorrect answer or any
combination of more than one answer, ½ mark will be deducted.
31. A light charged particle is revolving in a circle of radius ‘r’ in electrostatic attraction of a static heavy particle with
opposite charge. How does the magnetic field ‘B’ at the centre of the circle due to the moving charge depend on ‘r’ ?

1 1 1 1
(A) B (B) B (C) B (D) B  5
r r2 3
r 2 r2
Ans : (D)

-q mv 2 KqQ mv 2
F F  2   m2r
r r r
  3
Hint : Q r 2
q 1 0 i 1
 equivalent current, i   3 , B  5
2 r 2 2r r 2

32. As shown in the figure, a rectangular loop of a conducting wire is moving away with a constant velocity ‘v’ in a
perpendicular direction from a very long straight conductor carrying a steady current ‘I’. When the breadth of the
rectangular loop is very small compared to its distance from the straight conductor, how does the e.m.f. ‘E’ induced
in the loop vary with time ‘t’ ?

1 1 1
(A) E (B) E (C) E   1n(t) (D) E
t2 t t3
Ans : (A)

E2 = vB2l
Hint :

b B2 v = constant
E1 = vB1l

WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

Eloop  E1  E2
 vl B1  B2 
  0  
 vl  0  
 2y 2(y  b) 
 b
 vl 0
2 y  y  b 
 as b   y,
Eloop  2

and as v = const , assuming the loop started from y = 0 at t = 0, y = vt at a time ‘t’

E100p 
33. A solid spherical ball and a hollow spherical ball of two different materials of densities 1 and 2 respectively have
same outer radii and same mass. What will be the ratio the moment of inertia (about an axis passing through the
centre) of the hollow sphere to that of the solid sphere ?

5 5
5   5  
2   2  3 2    2  3  2  1  3 2   1  3 
1 1  1 1 
(A)  1  (B) 1   1   (C)  1  (D) 1   2  
1  1  1   2 
   
Ans : (D)

Hint :

4 4
 m  1  R3  2  (R3  r 3 )
3 3
3 1
 r r   
 1  1     1 1 
2 R  R  2 
2  4  2  4 3 2
 2  R 3  R 2   2  r  r
Ihollow 5  3  5  3 

Isolid 2
  r 5 
 
 R3 2 R2 1   
 R  
4  

3 mR2
4  R3  2  r 5 
  1   
3 4  R  
3 
1  R 

    5 3 
 2  1  1 1  
1   2  
 
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

34. The insulated plates of a charged parallel plate capacitor (with small separation between the plates) are approaching
each other due to electrostatic attraction. Assuming no other force to be operative and no radiation taking place,
which of the following graphs approximately shows the variation with time (t) of the potential difference (V) between the
plates ?


(A) (B)
t t
0,0 0,0


(C) (D)
t t
0,0 0,0

Ans : (A)
Hint :

2F  1 2
arel = , V = Ed - E  do  2 arel t 
m  
 parabolic with downward concavity

35. The bob of a pendulum of mass ‘m’, suspended by a inextensible string of length ‘L’ as shown in the figure carries a
small charge ‘q’. An infinite horizontal plane conductor with uniform surface charge density ‘’ is placed below it. What
will be the time period of the pendulum for small amplitude oscillations ?

+++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ 

1 L
(A) 2 (B) (C) (D) 2  q 
 mq   mq  2  q 
g  g  g  

0    g   0 m 
  0    0m 

Ans : (B,C,D)
Hint : apparent weight mg = mg – q E

q q L
mg = mg –  , g = g –  m , T = 2 q
0 0
0 m
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

Category III (Q36 to Q40)

Carry 2 marks each and one or more option(s) is/are correct. If all correct answers are not marked and also
no incorrect answer is marked then score = 2 × number of correct answers marked  actual number
of correct answers. If any wrong option is marked or if any combination including a wrong option is
marked, the answer will considered wrong, but there is no negative marking for the same and
zero marks will be awarded.

36. A non-zero current passes through the galvanometer G shown in the circuit when the key ‘K’ is closed and its value
does not change when the key is opened. Then which of the following statement(s) is/are true ?

200  300 

100 


(A) The galvanometer resistance is infinite.

(B) The current through the galvanometer is 40 mA.
(C) After the key is closed, the current through the 200  resistor is same as the current through the 300 
(D) The galvanometer resistance is 150  .
Ans : (B,C,D)

Hint : 200 300

I3 300
100 100

10v 10v

10 10
IG   I3 300  G
100  G 100  G
G  1 
I3  
30  100  G 

 1  G   300  G  1
I3 + IG = 
100  G  10  30    100  G   30
    
 200
 10  
300G  300  G  1
 
 3 300  G 
 100  G  30
6000  1100G 1 1
10 =  
3 100  G 30
 900 (100 + 6) = 60000 + 1100G
 30000 = 200G
G = 150
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

10 10
 IG    40mA
100  150 250
200 300
As   I200 = I300
100 150

37. A ray of light is incident on a right angled isosceles prism parallel to its base as shown in the figure. Refractive index
of the material of the prism is 2 . Then which of the following statement (s) is/are true?


(A) The reflection at P is total internal
(B) The reflection at Q is total internal
(C) The ray emerging at R is parallel to the ray incident at S
(D) Total deviation of the ray is 150°
Ans : (A, C)

Hint : 1 sin 45° = 2 sin   = 30°

R 45°

30° 45°
 15°
15° S
Q 15°
75° 75°

incidence at P = 75° > c  TIR at P

incidence at Q = 15° < c  Partial reflection and refraction at Q
As PS is parallel to QR, emergent ray at R is parallel to incident ray at S
 Net deviation = 180°
38. The intensity of a sound appears to an observer to be periodic. Which of the following can be cause of it?
(A) The intensity of the source is periodic
(B) The source is moving towards the observer
(C) The observer is moving away from the source
(D) The source is producing a sound composed of two nearby frequencies
Ans : (A,D)
Hint : Due to difference of frequencies phenomenon of beat occures
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

39. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true? “Internal energy of an ideal gas ___”
(A) Decreases in an isothermal process (B) Remains constant in an isothermal process
(C) Increases in an isobartic process (D) Decreases in an isobaric expansion
Ans : (B)
Hint : In isothermal process
T = constant
U = n CVT
In isobaric expansion [P = constant]
V  T T increases due to expansion  increase in internal energy
40. Two positive charges Q and 4Q are placed at points A and B respectively, where B is at a distance ‘d’ units to the right
of A. The total electric potential due to these charges is minimum at P on the line through A and B. What is (are) the
distance (s) of P from A?

d d
(A) units to the right of A (B) units to the left of A
3 3

(C) units to the right of A (D) d units to the left of A
Ans : (A)

Q E=0 4Q
Hint :
x d-x

As V = min

  0 E=0

kQ k  4Q  d
 
x 2  d  x 2  x  3
CATEGORY - I (Q41 to Q70)
Carry 1 mark each and only one option is correct. In case of incorrect answer or any combination of more
than one answer, ¼ mark will be deducted

41. Cl2O7 is the anhydride of

(A) HOCl (B) HClO2 (C) HClO3 (D) HClO4
Ans : (D)
Hint : Cl2O7 + H2O 2HClO4
42. The main reason the SiCl4 is easily hydrolysed as compared to CCl4 is that
(A) Si – Cl bond is weaker than C – Cl bond (B) SiCl4 can form hydrogen bonds
(C) SiCl4 is covalent (D) Si can extend its coordination number beyond four
Ans : (D)
Hint : Si can extend coordination number as it has vacant 3d orbital
43. Silver chloride dissolves in excess of ammonium hydroxide solution. The cation present in the resulting solution is
(A) [Ag(NH3)6]+ (B) [Ag(NH3)4]+ (C) Ag+ (D) [Ag(NH3)2]+
Ans : (D)
Hint : AgCl + 2NH3(aq)  [Ag(NH3)2]+ + Cl–
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

44. The ease of hydrolysis in the compounds CH3COCl (I), CH3 – CO – O – COCH3 (II), CH3COOC2H5 (III) and CH3CONH2
(IV) is of the order
(A) I > II > III > IV (B) IV > III > II > I (C) I > II > IV > III (D) II > I > IV > III
Ans : (A)
Hint : Ease of hydrolysis is directly proportional to positive charge density on carbonyl carbon.
45. CH3 – C  C MgBr can be prepared by the reaction of
(A) CH3 – C  C – Br with MgBr2 (B) CH3 – C  CH with MgBr2
(C) CH3 – C  CH with KBr and Mg metal (D) CH3 – C  CH with CH3MgBr
Ans : (D)
Hint : CH3 – C  C – H is a terminal alkyne, which has acidic hydrogen.

CH3 – C  C – H + CH3MgBr  CH3C  CMg Br  CH4
46. The number of alkene (s) which can produce 2-butanol by the successive treatment of (i) B2H6 in tetrahydrofuran
solvent and (ii) alkaline H2O2 solution is
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
Ans : (B)

Hint : i) B2H6 + THF OH

ii) H2O2/OH

i) B2H6+ THF OH

cis-2-butene ii) H2O2/OH

47. Identify ‘M’ in the following sequence of reaction

NH3 Br2
C8H6Cl2O   C8H8ClNO 


O Cl
Cl C Cl
Cl Cl
(A) (B) (C) (D) C
Cl CH3

Ans : (B)

Cl Cl
Cl H2N
Br2/NaOH NH3 Cl
Hint : ( is Retrosynthetic arrow)
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

48. Methoxybenzene on treatment with HI produces

(A) Iodobenzene and methanol (B) Phenol methyl iodide
(C) Iodobenzene and methyl iodide (D) Phenol and methanol
Ans : (B)

Hint : O CH3 + HI OH + CH3 – I

Methyl iodide

O CH3 + HI O — CH3 + I–
H SN 2

OH + CH3 —I

K 2 Cr2 O7 I2 /NaOH
49. C 4H10 O 
H2 SO4
 C 4H8 O warm
 CHI3 Here, N is
(A) OH (B) (C) O (D) OH

Ans : (B)
OH K2Cr 2O 7 O I /NaOH O
Hint : + CHI 3
H2SO 4 warm – +
O Na (yellow)
50. The correct order of reactivity for the addition reaction of the following carbonyl compounds with ethylmagnesium
iodide is
H H3C H (CH3)3C
H H3C H3C (CH3)3C
(I) (II) (III) (IV)
(A) I > III > II > IV (B) IV > III > II > I (C) I > II > IV > III (D) III > II > I > IV

Ans : (A)
Hint : Reactivity of carbonyl compounds with nucleophile depends on both steric and electronic factors
Reactivity order :

C > C > C > C

H H H CH3 CH3 CH3 (CH3)3C C(CH3)3

51. If aniline is treated with conc. H2SO4 and heated at 200°C, the product is
(A) Anilinium sulphate (B) Benzenesulphonic acid
(C) m-Aminobenzenesulphonic acid (D) Sulphanilic acid
Ans : (D)

+ –
+ H2SO4 
Hint :

WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

52. Which of the following eletronic configuration is not possible ?

(A) n = 3, l = 0, m = 0 (B) n = 3, l = 1, m = –1 (C) n =2, l = 0, m = –1 (D) n = 2, l = 1, m = 0
Ans : (C)
Hint : n =2, l = 0, m =–1 is not possible
Here, l = 0 so, m should be equal to ‘0’
53. The number of unpaired electrons in Ni (atomic number = 28) are
(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 8
Ans : (B)
3d 4s
Hint : Ni : [Ar]
 No. of unpaired e–s = 2
54. Which of the following has the strongest H-bond ?
(A) O – H...S (B) S – H...O (C) F – H...F (D) F – H...O
Ans : (D)
Hint : F–H.....O hydrogen-bond strength is more than that of F–H.....F due to effective Lewis acid base interaction
55. The half life of C14 is 5760 years. For a 200 mg sample of C14, the time taken to change to 25 mg is
(A) 11520 years (B) 23040 years (C) 5760 years (D) 17280 years
Ans : (D)
n 3 n
 M   1 25 1  1  1
Hint :     200 = 2      n=3
 M0   2  8  2 2
 Time taken = 3×5760 years = 17280 years
56. Ferric ion forms a Prussian blue precipitate due to the formation of
(A) K4[Fe(CN)6] (B) K3[Fe(CN)6] (C) Fe(CNS)3 (D) Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3
Ans : (D)
Hint : Formula of Prussian blue = Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3
57. The nucleus 29 Cu accepts an orbital electron to yield,
65 64 64 65
(A) 28 Ni (B) 30 Zn (C) 28 Ni (D) 30 Zn
Ans : (C)
64 K  Capture 64
Hint : 29 Cu  28 Ni
58. How many moles of electrons will weigh one kilogram ?
1 6.023 1
(A) 6.023×1023 (B)  1031 (C)  1054 (D)  108
9.108 9.108 9.108  6.023
Ans : (D)
Hint : Mass of one mole electron = 9.11×10–31 ×6.023×1023 kg

 No of moles =  108
9.11 6.023
59. Equal weights of ethane and hydrogen are mixed in an empty container at 25°C. The The fraction of total pressure
exerted by hydrogen is
(A) 1:2 (B) 1:1 (C) 1:16 (D) 15:16
Ans : (D)
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

PH2 2
Hint :   15 : 16
PT m m

2 30
60. The heat of neutralization of a strong base and a strong acid is 13:7 kcal. The heat released when 0.6 mole HCl
solution is added to 0.25 mole of NaOH is
(A) 3.425 kcal (B) 8.22 kcal (C) 11.645 kcal (D) 13.7 kcal
Ans : (A)

Hint : H+ + OH  H2O
t=0 0.6 mol 0.25 mol Heat released = 0.25 × 13.7 = 3.421 kcal

After reaction : 0.35 mol 0 0.25 mol

61. A compound formed by elements X and Y crystallizes in the cubic structure, where X atoms are at the corners of a
cube and Y atoms are at the centres of the body. The formula of the compound is
(A) XY (B) XY2 (C) X2Y3 (D) XY3
Ans : (A)

Hint : X Y

1 1
X:Y=1:1  XY
62. What amount of electricity can deposit 1 mole of Al metal at cathode when passed through molten AlCl3 ?
(A) 0.3 F (B) 1 F (C) 3 F (D) 1/3 F
Ans : (C)
Hint : Al+3 + 3e–  Al
3F 1 mol
63. Given the standard half-cell potentials (E0) of the following as
Zn = Zn2+ + 2e– E0 = +0.76 V
Fe = Fe2+ + 2e– E0 = 0.41 V
Then the standard e.m.f. of the cell with the reaction Fe2+ + Zn  Zn2+ + Fe is
(A) –0.35 V (B) +0.35 V (C) +1.17 V (D) –1.17 V
Ans : (B)
o o o
Hint : Ecell  EFe2 /Fe – E Zn2 /Zn = –0.41 – (–0.76) = +0.35 V
64. The following equilibrium constants are given :
N2 + 3N2  2NH3; K1
N2 + O2  2NO; K2

H2 + O2  H2O; K3
The equilibrium constant for the oxidation of 2 mol of NH3 to give NO is

K2 K 33 K 23 K3
(A) K1  (B) K2  (C) K2  (D) K 22 
K3 K1 K1 K1

Ans : (B)
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

1 K2K33
Hint : 2NH3 N2 + 3H2 ;  Kc 
K1 K1
N2 + O2 2NO ; K2
3H2 + O2 3H2O ; K33
5 2NO + 3H2O
2NH3 + O2

65. Which one of the following is a condensation polymer ?

(A) PVC (B) Teflon (C) Dacron (D) Polystyrene
Ans : (C)
Hint : Dacron
66. Which of the following is present in maximum amount in ‘acid rain’ ?
(A) HNO3 (B) H2SO4 (C) HCl (D) H2CO3
Ans : (B)
Hint : Higher content of oxides of sulphur (60 - 70%) in polluted air is the major contributor towards acid rain.
67. Which of the set of oxides are arranged in the proper order of basic, amphoteric, acidic ?
(A) SO2, P2O5, CO (B) BaO, Al2O3, SO2
(C) CaO, SiO, Al2O3 (D) CO2, Al2O3, CO
Ans : (B)
Hint : BaO (Basic)
Al2O3 (Amphoteric)
SO2 (Acidic)
68. Out of the following outer electronic configurations of atoms, the highest oxidation state is achieved by which one ?
(A) (n – 1)d8 ns2 (B) (n – 1)d5 ns2 (C) (n – 1)d3 ns2 (D) (n – 1)d5 ns1
Ans : (B)
Hint : Maximum oxidation state  +7
69. At room temperature, the reaction between water and fluorine produces
(A) HF and H2O2 (B) HF, O2 and F2O2 (C) F–, O2 and H+ (D) HOF and HF
Ans : (C)
Hint : H2O() + F2(g)  HF(aq.) + O2  H+(aq.) + F–(aq.) + O2
70. Which of the following is least thermally stable ?
(A) MgCO3 (B) CaCO3 (C) SrCO3 (D) BeCO3
Ans : (D)
Hint : Thermal stability order : BeCO3 < MgCO3 < CaCO3 < SrCO3
CATEGORY - II (Q71 to Q75)
Carry 2 marks each and only one option is correct. In case of incorrect answer or any combination of more
than one answer, ½ mark will be deducted.
71. P   C2H4Br2 
 Q  3

20%H SO
Q 
Hg , 
 R  
2 Zn Hg/HCl
 S 

The species P, Q, R and S respectively are

(A) ethene, ethyne, ethanal, ethane (B) ethane, ethyne, ethanal, ethene
(C) ethene, ethyne, ethanal, ethanol (D) ethyne, ethane, ethene, ethanal
Ans : (A)
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

Hint : H H Br H + –
Br2 Na NH2
NH3(l) [Q]
[P] Br (E2) 2O% H2SO4
O Hg+2 


[S] [R]
Clemmensen H OH

72. The number of possible organobromine compounds, which can be obtained in the allylic bromination of 1 – butene
with N – bromosuccinimide is
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
Ans : (D)

Hint : CH3 NBS


1 Butene Free radical


Br CH3 H
* H CH2Br
(R and S) +
CH3 CH2 Br

73. A metal M (specific heat 0.16) forms a metal chloride with = 65% chlorine present in it. The formula of the metal
chloride will be
(A) MCl (B) MCl2 (C) MCl3 (D) MCl4
Ans : (B)
Hint : Using Dulong Petit’s law
At mass (approx) × sp. heat = 6.4

 At. mass(approx)   40
Let formula is MClx

x  35.5
 % by mass of Cl   100  65
40  35.5x

 x  2.09  2 Hence it is MCl2

WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

74. During a reversible adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas is found to be proportional to the cube of its absolute
temperature. The ratio for the gas is

3 7 5 9
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 3 7
Ans : (A)
Hint : P  T 3
or, P = KT3 or PT–3 = K ....... (i)
For reversible adiabatic process
 1 

 K ........ (ii)
1 
Comparing equation (i) and equation (ii)

 3
1 
or  = –3 + 3

or  

75.  X   dil. H2SO4   Y  : Colourless, suffocating gas

 Y   K 2Cr2O7  H2SO4  Green colouration of solution
Then, [X] and [Y] are

(A) SO32 ,SO2 (B) Cl–, HCl (C) S2–, H2S (D) CO32  ,CO2
Ans : (A)

Hint : SO32  dil. H2SO 4  SO2  H2O  SO42

3SO2  K 2Cr2O7  H2SO4  K 2SO4  Cr2  SO4 3  4H2O


SO2 is a colourless gas with suffocating smell.

CATEGORY - III (Q76 to Q80)

Carry 2 marks each and one or more option(s) is/are correct. If all correct answers are not marked
and also no incorrect answer is marked then score = 2 × number of correct answers marked + actual
number of correct answers. If any wrong option is marked or it any combination including a wrong
option is marked, the answer will considered wrong, but there is no negative marking for the same
and zero marks will be awarded.
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

76. The possible product (s) to be obtained from the reaction of cyclobutyl amine with HNO2 is/are

(A) (B) (C) (D) H2C CH2

Ans : (A, C)

NH2 N2
Hint :

H2O –H+
Ring + H2O –H

C C + Br2
77. The major product(s) obtained in the following reaction is/are
H C2H5


H Br H Br Br H Br H
(A) (B) (C) (D)
H Br Br H H Br Br H
C2H5 C2H5 C2H5 C2H5
Ans : (A, D)

Hint : C C + Br2
H C2H5
Br C2H5
H Br
Br Path(a) CH3 H
H H Br
C C2H5
C2H5 CH3
C Br

Path(b) C2H5 C2H5
Br H
Br Br H
WBJEE - 2018 (Answers & Hint) Physics & Chemistry

78. Which statements are correct for the peroxide ion?

(A) It has five completely filled anti-bonding molecular orbitals.
(B) It is diamagnetic
(C) It has bond order one
(D) It is isoelectronic with neon
Ans : (B, C)

Hint : O22  is the peroxide ion:

2 2 2 2 b 2 b 2 b 2 * 2 * 2
O22  :  1s
  1s*   b2s   *2s              
z x y x y

No unpaired electron implies it is diamagnetic in nature:

10  8
Bond order  1
79. Among the following the extensive variables are
(A) H (Enthalpy) (B) P (Pressure) (C) E (Internal energy) (D) V (Volume)
Ans : (A, C, D)
Hint : ‘P’ is an intensive variable
80. White phosphorus P4 has the following characteristics:
(A) 6 P – P single bonds (B) 4 P – P single bonds
(C) 4 lone pair of electrons (D) P – P – P angle of 60°
Ans : (A, C, D)

Hint : P P


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