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Ethics Reviewer

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1. Judge A is a close friend of Governor G. On several occasions, Judge A would borrow vehicles from the
Office of the Governor to travel to his judicial station. Judge A’s actuation: (1%)
(A) violates the Canon on Propriety
(B) creates an appearance of an improper connection with the executive branch
(C) is downright unethical

2. R is a retained counsel of ABC Bank-Ermita Branch. One day, his Balikbayan compadre B, consulted
him about his unclaimed deposits with the said branch of ABC Bank, which the bank had refused to give
to him claiming that the account had become dormant. R agreed to file a case against the bank with the
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila. B lost the case, but upon the advice of R, he no longer appealed
the decision. B later discovered that R was the retained counsel of ABC Bank-Ermita Branch. Does B
have any remedy? Discuss the legal and ethical implications of the problem. (4%)

If the reglementary period for appeal has expired, B’s appeal is already lost. However, B may
invoke the constitutional provision that no one shall be deprived of his life, liberty and property
without due process of law and that the negligence of R is not binding upon him because R
committed gross ignorance of the law and he was deprived of his property without due process of
law. B may file on to the CPR which provides: Canon I – A lawyer shall uphold the constitution,
obey the laws of the land and promote respect for law and legal processes; Canon 17- A lawyer
owes fidelity to the course of his client and he shall be mindful of the trust and confidence reposed
in him; and Canon 18- A lawyer shall serve his client with competence and diligence.

3. The Code of Professional Responsibility is the code of conduct for: (1%)

(A) members of the Bench

(B) members of the Bar
(C) members of the Bench and the Bar

4. A is accused of robbery in a complaint filed by B. A sought free legal assistance from the Public
Attorney’s Office (PAO) and Atty. C was assigned to handle his case. After reviewing the facts as stated
in the complaint and as narrated by A, Atty. C is convinced that A is guilty. (4%)

(A) May Atty. C refuse to handle the defense of A and ask to be relieved? Explain fully.

Atty. C cannot refuse to handle the defense of A in accord with Canon 14 of the CPR which
provides that a lawyer shall not refuse his services to the needy and Canon I9 which provides that a
lawyer shall represent his client with zeal within the bounds of the law. Atty. C cannot afford to
withdraw his legal services to the needy and defenseless. Even if he believes that the accused is
guilty, he must provide all legal defenses as the guilt of the accused can be determined not by him
but by the court.

(B) In problem (A), if the lawyer is counsel de parte for the accused and he learns later after accepting the
case and while trial is on- going that his client was indeed the perpetrator of the crime, may the lawyer
withdraw his appearance from the case? Why or why not?

The settled rule is that the client may terminate the services of his lawyer with or without just cause.
On the other hand, the lawyer may withdraw his legal services or withdraw from the case only for
good cause as enumerated under Rule 22.01, one of which states that a lawyer may withdraw his
services when the client deliberately fails to pay the fees for the services or fails to comply with the
retainer agreement. Even if he believes that his client is guilty, he must still provide all his legal
defenses and must represent his client with zeal within the bounds of the law in accordance with
Canon 19.
5. The rendition of free legal service is a lawyer’s: (1%)

(A) moral duty

(B) social obligation
(C) legal mandate

6. Atty. D was required by Judge H of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila to show cause why he
should not be punished for contempt of court for shouting invectives at the opposing counsel and
harassing his witness. Assuming that there was sufficient cause or ground, may Judge H suspend Atty. D
from the practice of law? If Judge H finds that the actuations of Atty. D are grossly unethical and
unbecoming of a member of the bar, may Judge H disbar Atty. D instead? Explain your answer. (5%)

Judge H has the inherent power to punish Atty. D in the exercise of his Judicial functions but the
penalty should be in accord with the imposable penalty under the Civil Service Rules. It would
seem that in the absence of aggravating circumstances, the penalty of suspension against Atty. D
would be too severe. The SC has consistently considered disbarment and suspension of an attorney
as the most severe forms o disciplinary action, which should be imposed with great caution. They
should be meted out only for duly proven serious administrative changes.

A lawyer may be disbarred or suspended for misconduct, whether in his profession r private
capacity, which shows him to be wanting in moral character, honesty, probity, and good
demeanor, or unworthy to continue as an officer of the court. Even if Judge H finds that the
actuations of Atty. D are grossly unethical and unbecoming of a member of the bar, it would seem
that Atty. D should be only be suspended and not disbarred.

The profession of an attorney is acquired after long and laborious study. It is a lifetime profession.
To deprive him of such honored station in life which would result in irreparable injury must
require proof of the highest degree. Disbarment is intended to protect the courts and the public
from members of the bar who have become unfit and unworthy to be part of the esteemed and
noble profession.

7. The court ordered Atty. Z to testify as a witness for his client in the very case he is handling, but he
refused on the ground that it would violate the rule on privileged communication. Atty. Z is guilty of:

(A) direct contempt

(B) indirect contempt
(C) violation of his duty to the court

8. C and D are law partners using the firm name C and D – Attorneys-at- Law. In an administrative case
filed against C, the Supreme Court (SC) found that C was not entitled to admission to the practice of law
in the Philippines and ordered his name stricken-off from the Roll of Attorneys. As a result, C and D
changed their firm name to Law Office of D – Attorney- at-Law, C – Counsellor, with C handling purely
counselling and office work while D is the law practitioner. Are C and D liable for contempt of court?
Explain your answer. (5%)

Counseling constitutes practice of law (Cayetano v Monsod), hence, both C and D are liable for
contempt of court for disobedience to a lawful order of the SC. To comply with the SC ruling,
their firm name must be changed to Law Office of D – Attorney-at-Law. C must be removed as

9. Judge A accepted a gift consisting of assorted canned goods and other grocery items from his compadre
whose friend has a pending case with him. He accepted the gift just so as not to embarrass his compadre.
When his compadre left his chambers, he asked his secretary to donate the gift he received to the victims
of Typhoon Yolanda.

Did the judge cross the ethical line? Explain your answer. (5%)

If the compadre asked Judge A to decide the case in favor of his friend, Judge A should not have
accepted the token gift because it may be perceived as intended to influence the judge in the
performance of his official duties. However, if Judge A does not know that the friend of his
compadre has a pending case, and his compadre never asked Judge A to decide the case in favor of
his friend, then Judge A did not cross the ethical line under the circumstances.

10. Atty. M is a partner in the law firm OMP & Associates. C, a former classmate of Atty. M engaged the
legal services of Atty. M to handle his appeal to the Court of Appeals (CA) from an adverse decision of
the Regional Trial Court (RTC) in his annulment case. After the notice to file brief was issued by the
CA, Atty. M met an accident which incapacitated him from further engaging in law practice. May Atty.
P, his partner in the law firm, file the required appeal brief for C? Explain your answer. (5%)

Atty. P may file a Notice of Appeaance and file the required appeal brief after he and C have
agreed to have an attorney-client relationship. Once the client-attorney relationship is created,
Atty. P is obligaed to perform his duty as a lawyer of C and must render his legal services with
competence and diligence and shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted to him.

11. A judge who insults counsel and shouts invectives at a litigant is guilty of: (1%)

(A) serious misconduct

(B) committing acts unbecoming of a judge
(C) manifest bias and partiality

12. A inherited a parcel of land situated in Batasan Hills which is occupied by informal settlers. He wants to
eject the occupants, but he has no financial means to pursue the ejectment case. He contracted the
services of Atty. B, who agreed to defray all the expenses of the suit on the condition that he will be paid
one-half (1?2) of the property to be recovered as his compensation.

What is this kind of attorney’s fees? Can Atty. B enforce this contract against A? What are the respective
remedies relative to the collection of attorney’s fees, if any, of A and Atty. B against each other? (5%)

This is called champertous contract which is not enforceable against A because the contract is void
for being against public policy. The contract being void and the amount being unconscionable,
Atty. B can recover attorney’s fees under quantum meruit which means much of what the lawyer
deserves to be paid as his compensation.

13. M engaged the services of Atty. D to prosecute his annulment of marriage case in the Regional Trial
Court (RTC). After a long-drawn trial, Atty. D was able to secure a favourable judgment from the court.
Unfortunately, M failed to pay in full the stipulated attorney’s fees of Atty. D. How can Atty. D collect
his fees from M? Discuss fully. (4%)

An attorney’s lien may be availed of by the lawyer to protect himself from unscrupulous clients who
unjustly refused to pay despite his financial capacity to do so. Attorney’s lien is either retaining lien or
charging lien.

A retaining lien means that the lawyer has the right to retain documents and papers that come to his
possession until his attorney’s fees are fully paid. On the other hand, the charging lien applies in
claims for money where the lawyer states on record during the proceeding of the agreement with his
client to pay certain amount of his compensation.

14. A person named and appointed by the court to defend an absentee defendant in the suit in which the
appointment is made is an: (1%)

(A) attorney-in-fact
(B) attorney ad hoc
(C) attorney de oficio

15. Will a lawyer violate the Code of Professional Responsibility if he forms a partnership with
professionals of other disciplines like doctors, engineers, architects or accountants? Explain your answer.

A lawyer may join an association if his membership therein will not conflict with his interest to help in
the administration of justice. If his partnership with other professions will be in conflict with his
interest as a lawyer of forced him to violate his oath of office, then his partnership with other disciples
will violate the Code of Professional Responsibility. If the purpose of the partnership is to form a law
firm in order to practice law in the Philippines, the same will not be countenanced by the Supreme

16. A person who has been refused admission to the bar by order of the Supreme Court but nonetheless
attempts to practice law is guilty of: (1%)

(A) direct contempt

(B) indirect contempt
(C) criminal contempt

17. Judge Clint Braso is hearing a case between Mr. Timothy and Khristopher Company, a company where
his wife used to work as one of its Junior Executives for several years. Doubting the impartiality of the
Judge, Mr. Timothy filed a motion to inhibit Judge Clint Braso. Judge Clint Braso refused on the ground
that his wife has long resigned from the company. Decide. (4%)

Bias and prejudice cannot be presumed but must be proven with clear and convincing evidence, hence
Judge Braso may only inhibit under the optional disqualification rule. But the SC has admonished
judges to exercise extreme caution in resolving motions for inhibition with the end in view of assuring
the parties that they will resolve the case with impartiality and in a just and fair manner.

18. The Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) may intervene in a case involving a matter of public law or
professional concern as: (1%)

(A) friend of the court

(B) amicus par excellence
(C) amicus curiae

19. After the pre-trial of a civil case for replevin, Judge D advised B’s counsel to settle the case because
according to Judge D, his initial assessment of the case shows that B’s evidence is weak. (4%)

(A) Did Judge D commit an act of impropriety? Explain.

Judge D committed an act of impropriety. It was held that judges should refrain from making public
comments on pending cases (Geotina v Fonzales) Sec 3 of the Canon on Propriety states: Judges shall,
in their personal relations with individual members of the legal profession who practiced regularly in
their court, avoid situations which might reasonably give rise to the suspicion or appearance of favoritism
or partiality.

(B) What remedy or remedies may be taken by B’s lawyer against Judge D? Discuss fully.

B’s lawyer may file a Motion for Reconsideration or bring the matter to the attention of the Court
Administrator of the SC who might take the proper action against Judge B.

20. B hired Atty. Z to file a replevin case against C for an agreed acceptance fee of P30,000.00 which was
evidenced by a written contract. After the complaint was filed by Atty. Z, B terminated his services and
hired a new lawyer for the same amount of attorney’s fees. How much attorney’s fees is Atty. Z entitled
to? (4%)

The settled rule is that a client may terminate the services of his lawyer with or without cause. The
attorney’s fees of Atty. Z depends on several factors such as the nature of the case and the extend
of the services of the lawyer. Since there is a contract, the provisions thereof will be followed unless
the amount stated therein is unconscionable. If the amount is unconscionable, the principle of
quantum meruit shall be followed. Quantum meruit means much as what the layer deserves to be

21. Justice B of the Court of Appeals (CA) was a former Regional Trial Court (RTC) Judge. A case which
he heard as a trial judge was raffled off to him. The appellant sought his disqualification from the case
but he refused on the ground that he was not the judge who decided the case as he was already promoted
to the appellate court before he could decide the case. Was the refusal of Justice B to recuse from the
case proper? Explain your answer. (5%)

The mandatory qualification rule does not apply because the ruling under review was not rendered y
Justice B. However, under the optional disqualification rule, Justice B may inhibit himself on the
ground of delicadeza. If Justice B refused to recuse himself, he may be accused having an interest in
the case and that he was approached by the appellee in order to insure that the latter would win the
case. The optional disqualification rule is addressed to the conscience and sound discretion of Justice

22. (A) May a lawyer collect fees for services rendered to his client despite the absence of an agreement to
pay attorney’s fees?

Yes, a lawyer may collect fees for services rendered despite the absence of an agreement under the
rule on quantum meruit.

(B) In the absence of a contract for the payment of attorney’s fees, what factor/s may be considered in
fixing the amount of attorney’s fees?

In the absence of a contract, the ff factors determine quantum meruit in accordance with Rule
20.01 of the CPR: 1. Time spent, 2. Skills needed, 3. Novelty of case, 4. Contingency, 5. Customary
rate, 6. Professional standing, 7. Importance of case value, 8. Loss of other employment, 9.
Character of the employment, and 10. The value of the subject matter of the case.

23. (A) May a client hire additional counsel as collaborating counsel over and above the objection of the
original counsel?

Yes if he is ready to terminate the services of his original counsel.

(B) If the client insists, may the original counsel withdraw from the case, and how?
If the client insists, the original counsel may withdraw from the case because the client may
terminate the services of his counsel with or without cause while the lawyer may withdraw from
the case only for good cause

24. (A) May an attorney talk to his witnesses before and during the trial? Explain.

An attorney may talk to his witnesses before the trial but not during the trial because he is not
allowed to coach his witnesses during the trial.

(B) In case of postponement of the trial, whose decision should prevail – the client or his attorney?

In case of postponement of the trial, the decision of his lawyer shall prevail in accordance with his
duty as an officer of the court. However, if the postponement of the trial will cause further delay in
the proceedings in violation of prevailing circulars of the SC, the client may insist that his lawyer
should respectfully inform the court about the circular of the SC.

Explain the governing rule. (4%)

25. Judge A has an illicit relationship with B, his Branch Clerk of Court. C, the wife of Judge A, discovered
the illicit affair and consulted a lawyer to vindicate her violated marital rights. If you were that lawyer,
what would you advice C, and if she agrees and asks you to proceed to take action, what is the legal
procedure that you should follow? Discuss fully. (4%)

if I were the lawyer, I would advise C that what is important is to preserve the sanctity of
marriage, hence, I would first talk with Judge A and convince him to end his illicit relationship
with B. If Judge A is hard headed and refused to mend his ways, I would write the Court
Administrator of the SC so that the appropriate action may be taken by the SC to protect the
image of the judiciary and to preserve and maintain the sanctity of marriage.

26. (A) If an attorney has been granted by his client full authority to enter into an amicable settlement with
the other party, may the client later on refuse to honor the amicable settlement forged by his attorney?

I don't know why the lawyer has to forge the signature of his client when he was given full
authority to enter into an amicable settlement. Of course the client has the right not to honor the
amicable settlement forged by his lawyer if the same is prejudicial to him.

(B) In such instance as in (A) above, can the lawyer withdraw from the case and collect in full his
contracted attorney’s fees? Why or why not?

The lawyer can withdraw from the case for good cause under Rule 22.01 of the CPR such as when
the client deliberately fails to pay the fees for the servces of fails to comply with the retainer
agreement. In such a case, the lawyer may collect his contracted attorney’s fees in full.

27. Atty. C was hired by D to file an action against E for recovery of possession of real property. In their
contract of service, they stipulated that D cannot compromise the case without the consent of Atty. C.
After trial and unknown to Atty. C, D entered into a compromise with E. Atty. C withdrew from the case
and collected from D: (1%)

(A) his attorney’s fees under their contract

(B) his attorney’s fees based on quantum meruit
(C) nothing by way of attorney’s fees

28. Atty. Forma is a member of the Philippine Bar. He went to New York City, took the New York State Bar,
and passed the same. He then practiced in New York City. One of his American clients filed a case for
disbarment against him for pocketing the money which was entrusted to him as payment for the filing
fee and other incidental expenses of his damage suit. Atty. Forma was later disbarred for dishonesty.

Disheartened, Atty. Forma came back to the Philippines and practiced as a lawyer. Will his disbarment in
New York be used against him for purposes of disbarment proceedings here in the Philippines? (4%)

If he is a duly licensed to the Supreme Court, he may practice but he would have to comply with a
certain requirement like the MCLE requirement that us every three years. He must be able to
comply with 36 credit hours of legal education activities. He must also actively pay his IBP dues. He
must pay his PTR because if he does not comply with those requirement, his motion shall not be
honored by the court.

29. If a lawyer volunteers his free legal service to a poor client, (1%)

(A) a lawyer-client relationship is established between them

(B) he is bound to serve his poor client with the same degree of competence, fidelity, and diligence as
his paying client
(C) he is not justified to neglect the cause of his client for the client’s inability to defray the costs of court

30. (A) Can a lawyer who lacks the number of units required by the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education
(MCLE) Board continue to practice his profession? NO

(B) May a lawyer be held liable for damages by his client for the lawyer’s failure to file the necessary
pleadings to prosecute the client’s case and as a result of which the client suffered damages? YES

(C) Can a lawyer still practice his profession despite having arrears in his Integrated Bar of the
Philippines (IBP) dues? NO

This is related to the requirements for the practice of law. A practicing lawyer should provide his
MCLE requirement, payment of IBP dues.

There are several qualifications which rule that the client can file action for damages for failure of
the lawyer to file for the court proceedings such as an inquiry memoranda. See to it that the
lawyer files an inquiry that the case will be dismissed at the appellate court and so the client will
suffer damages

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