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Tinikling Rubric

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Tinikling Performance Rubric

CRITERIA Roles & Responsibility Dancers Poles Transitions Overall Flow

Entire group worked
No part of the dance was
well together during
interrupted and
their performance; maintained a constant
4= Advanced every student In sync with partner; in sync flow; Each person utilized
performed their role; with pole workers; danced Hard, defined rhythmic All dance transitions were at least 6 different dance
Group was enthusiastic each step correctly; danced beats; poles were low and made in sync with partner steps for 4 counts each;
and appeared to have each step using counts; no wide; kept dancers safe; (entering, during and Dance was creative and
fun mistakes counted the steps finishing) was at least 2 mins
Most of the group
worked well together;
A few small interruptions
most students Slightly out of synch with that had very little effect
3= Proficient performed their role; partner in sections; slightly Beats slightly off rhythm; on the overall flow;
group could have out of sync with rhythm; poles low and wide most utilized at least 5 different
added a little more danced every step with of the dance; kept dancers 1 mistake made during one dance steps; parts of the
enthusiasm into their counts; very few safe; counted most of the of the transitions of the dance were creative. At
performance mistakes/minor mistakes dance dance least 2 mins long

Areas of the dance Several areas where Very inconsistent rhythm;

Quite a few obvious
where group did not dancers were out of sync poles were different interruptions that effected
2= Approaching work well together; with each other and /or distances and heights; the flow of the dance;
one person did not with pole rhythm; dancesr dancer safety was at risk; utilized 4 different dance
perform their role; did not or forgot to dance only 1 pole worker steps; only a couple parts
group needed more using counts; obvious counted or both counted 2 mistakes during the of the dance showed
enthusiasm mistakes off and on transitions creativity. Less than 2 mins

The high number of

mistakes and /or
Dancers spent most of the Pole workers kept making inconsistent rhythm
1= Needs Work Group was confused dance out of sync with each mistakeds that effected effected the flow of the
about roles and other and /or with the pole the rhythm and safety of routine; utilized 3 or less
responsibilities; Group rhythm; Dancers did not the dancers; neither pole different dance steps;
did not mesh well; very use counts; 4 or more worker was counting or 3 or more mistakes during Dance showed no
still, no enthusiasm obvious mistakes engaged in the dance the transitions creativity. Less than 2 mins

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